#it is NOT biblically accurate (though i wish it was)
matchbet-allofthetime · 5 months
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Mf, this would be so much easier (and better quality, god knows) if I had my actual drawing tablet and I wasn't using the stylus on my phone 😞
But I did it! Auuugh, I'm so excited to get this done one day (hopefully soon)
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dykeomania · 1 year
i don't really mean to ruin your day, but like (not proofread),
made sleepy by unforgiving winters and a population of people who were only young, once, the carnival reminds modern!ellie’s small wyoming town of what it’s like to be youthful, and alive.
tellingly so, people in her town consider this the happiest event of the year. but if it’s just between ellie and god, the significance of multicolored fair rides or the sun beaming hard enough to scorch the morning dew off of joel’s front lawn faces no match against the hatchling of your smile, once made dormant under the hazy coat of november through april, and defrosted by the month of july.
it’s the 4th. and amongst a spectacular of beams and fireworks slashing through a sky made thick with clouds, ellie swears that tonight she will kiss the girl of her daydreams. 
she has also sworn this, for the past three summers.
for the past three summers, she has ridden the same rides with you in almost identical order – familiar of every trough, and yet screaming with you through every loop. you take the same edibles, and you get the same order of fried concoctions, from the same stand and share the same $7 lemonade, from the same cup and the same swirly straw. 
it’s the same saccharine fling, bubble-wrapped in infatuation, and spared the harm of teeth sinking into its flesh in fear of eviscerating the bond that lies underneath.
but she swears, she will kiss you. this time, she will. she swears, she will.
with tongues coated with carbs and a mind made dizzy with sugar, you make the decision to ride the ferris wheel. she buries herself in the brash cackle of your laugh as she nearly rocks the cart off of its hinges. as you settle, belly and chest full of brightness, ellie watches you. your back is slumped against the metal, your head is thrown, and a hand is splayed over your stomach. the neons of the park flicker and change as you the two of you pass through them. ellie watches as they paint your body, electric; this way, she can see the symptoms of summer, highlighted, right on your cheekbones. beaming brightly, adding a shimmer to your smile, like a sparkle on a wink. ellie always has a tendency of falling in love with girls who are nothing like her. in the summer, ellie just burns. but not you. you have always glowed. 
the fireworks break through the sky, booming through the city like miniature cannons. the only unpredictable thing of all this, is the show. pop, a red firework. pop, a green one. pop, pop, sizzle. this one, a cluster of both.
the familiar crust of a hill climbs up ellie’s throat and it’s an act of strength to swallow it all down. “wow,” she hears you remark, completely airless, a loopy grin stretching across your lips. “that’s so pretty.”
ellie nods, damning the fireworks and instead only looking at you. “yeah..” ellie swallows, again, hearing the croak that lines her own voice. “well, you’re pretty, too.”
there’s a silence that hangs, like your eyes, onto hers. and then it’s broken -- shattered not by combustion, but by a giggle turned spitting cackle, tumbling uncontrollably from your lips.
ellie’s furrows her eyebrows, “are you.. are you okay?” and starts laughing with you, only half-nervous, but like–
sizzle, sizzle,
“no.. no.. well– like yeah. like, no, yeah i’m just..” you lick your lips, close your eyes,
grin, and shake your head,
“i’m just really glad that you’re my friend.” 
the firework burns and dies in the iris of ellie’s eye, and brings with it ellie’s reminder to blink. or to do anything, really.
ellie has a tendency of falling in love with girls who are completely different from her. who want different things, and go at different paces,
who are her best friends.
she smiles. tight.
“yeah..” ellie concludes. “yeah, me too.”
she holds your hand on top of her lap, and halfheartedly thumbs over your knuckles. she lets you slot your fingers into hers, the same as you always do. and she squeezes, like normal. lets you rest your head on her shoulder, and rests her forehead atop of yours, like usual.
pop. pop. pop.
this year, she chalks her excuse up to.. loitering in opportunity. wading in questions she knows the answer to.
sizzle. sizzle. sizzle.
maybe, she’ll try again next summer. 
or maybe, it’s better that she doesn’t.
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strezzlecki · 8 months
when you thirst over reg and barty …. this is the kind of motherfucker you’re thirsting over…. remember that …
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littledollll · 7 months
Lucifer Morningstar
Lucifer Morningstar x reader
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A/n: oof, that title and paring is great, I know. i know that it’s not really possible for this to be biblically accurate and I wasn’t necessarily trying, since the focus is Lucifer’s character, but I racked my brain trying to figure out how to make a hell that was populated before Lucifer even fell. So it might not make a lot of sense, but I hope you enjoy it regardless. In my mind, reader is the only being in hell at that time.
Thanks to @lord6-6fandom and @v3nusxsky who read and reviewed this a bit for me!
warnings: biblical stuff (not really), religious trauma!, slight gore, mentions of a lot of blood, wounds and just general injuries and the care of them, playful banter.
Red encapsulated their body, a feeling of fire within and outside of the body. The body, what a fragile thing. How easily hurt, how terribly painful. They wished they didn’t have one. They wished to have freedom, from pain, from all seeing eyes, from all judging minds and all cutting tongues.
Was it truly so horrible? The simple action of questioning their father? Was it deserving of such a punishment?
They wish they could say it was all a blur. A blur would be better. No knowledge, no memory would surely feel a little less painful. But God wasn’t so forgiving, God wasn’t so merciful.
Wings that were once representing grace turned to fire and then char. Leathery, bloody, dark. It was all the opposite of what they used to be… Samael mourned more for their wings than for themselves. They were a great pride. They were perfect, more so than any other angels.
What a meaningless word.
Would God not be forgiving to his favorite angel? Though Samael did not want God's forgiveness, they would be bitter over not being given it.
Oh his greatest creation. The most beautiful and wisest of all angels. They didn’t feel all that wise. They didn’t feel all that beautiful.
They felt numb. Not physically, oh how they wished it so, but the pain they were bearing was unexplainable. It was all surrounding. Have they been falling for an eternity? It certainly feels like such.
By the time they hit the depths of hell all feeling was gone. A limp body hitting the freezing floor with a loud, yet hollow sound.
God did not offer them the mercy of losing consciousness either. Of course not.
If they looked anything like they felt, surely they were a moving corpse. Yet they tried. Perhaps it was spite that kept them moving, and somehow (barely) strong. Bloody nails digging into the rough dirt, hitting and scratching against rocks just trying to get somewhere, even if that somewhere wasn’t familiar. Samael was far too prideful to just lay on their back and sink into the ground, although they desperately wanted to.
A pair of black boots entered their view, inches away from their face as whoever it was stepped in front of them. Intentionally this close, they noted.
“You’re new.” Their ears had a constant ring in the background, yet they somehow heard you clearly. “And very hurt...”
Clearly. They thought, but didn’t speak. A feeling told them if they even attempted, it wouldn’t work out either. They recognized the slightest tinge of concern in your tone, which was oddly comforting to hear.
Silence, for only a few moments. They had yet to see your face or really anything other than just your boots. Samael could feel your eyes upon them, studying, observing.
An unfamiliar feeling grew within them. Other than to God himself, Samael had never felt so inferior. They felt incredibly weak, and they could only imagine how it looked from your point of view. Had they become a being to pity now? Some sort of weak, hurt animal in need of pampering?
How the mighty have fallen.
“You are not dead, I know that. So how did you get there?” Again, that concern arised, making them irritated to no end. They were aware your tone should be the least of their worries as fog covers their view, a sick feeling running through their whole body and making their head spin, and their consciousness escaped.
They looked grand. To you, anyways. Whoever this was, they looked like a being of grace. Awfully pretty even with torn, bloody and burnt skin. There was a certain glow about them, even in this state. “Pretty as the morning star..”
They had majestic wings that were burned down to the bone and you were reluctant to touch them at all in fear they could stab through you without effort. But you did anyway.
You spoke to them, as if they could hear you. But it helped to ease your mind as you made an effort to clean and bandage them up.
You told them your name, your life story. Anything you could speak of to hopefully offer some sort of comfort, and calm your stress. Talking was nice. You never got to do that. To yourself, yes. But you never had someone to listen, or even look at as you spoke. So even if they weren't truly conscious, it somehow made you feel better.
Bloodied water trickled down your arm as you used a cloth to carefully clean every inch you could. You avoided their wings. They looked more painful than everything else, and you’d much rather help what you can while they remain unconscious than have an awkward stare down.
“I’ve been alone for only God knows how many years... would it be selfish of me to say, I’m glad to see somebody else here?” Calming blue eyes snapped open with a look you could only describe as pure rage. Wrath burned within them all the way down to their soul, you felt it. You also felt familiarity, along with a deep rooted sadness you never wanted to recognize or feel again.
They were unmoving, and those stunning eyes looked right past you, before darting towards your own. “I’m just trying to help. I will give you space if you’d like me to.” Somehow you managed to keep your voice stable, and calm.
The being looked at you, tilting their head as they too studied you, much like you did them a few moments prior. “My name is-“
“I know who you are.” They cut you off. Leaving you to sit there and battle with your own thoughts as they said nothing else, but stared at you. Exactly what you wanted to avoid.
Their voice sounded rough, but you could tell it wasn’t by nature. Probably a result of whatever torture they suffered before landing in hell. After a moment, they spoke again. “…my wings.”
“I was worried about waking you as I cleaned them.. so I was planning on leaving them for last.” A nod.
Was that it? Just nod and go back to silence and staring? You refused. “Now that you’re awake, I can handle that part, so try to sit up.” They looked at you curiously, but followed your demand wordlessly. It was a bit of a struggle, and hugely embarrassing, but they managed.
“I’m going to start now… try not to move.” Your words went clearly ignored because the second your hand graced their right wing it flickered and spread completely, making you jump back. You would’ve excused the flicker as a flinch, honest mistake. But they were obviously doing this intentionally.
“Hey-!” A deep, shaky sigh left the being before you. Disguising what you supposed was a pained groan, and they rested forward against the couch you had brought them to. “I’m pretty sure those things can kill me. Please, try not to do it again without warning.”
You weren’t entirely sure they cared, but it was worth saying.
You tried again, slowly, gently. Bringing the damp cloth to their leathery wings and trying so carefully to clean off any blood, or what seemed like ash from them. Another flicker, but nothing followed. They were incredibly still, you almost believed they had lost consciousness again if not for the sharp breathing they tried to disguise.
Why did it feel like you were grating their skin? Every soft pass of the gentle cloth felt like knives running down their wings. The feeling ran all through their body, but they wouldn’t let it show.
It was an agonizing process, that was probably only twenty minutes long but felt like a thousand hours. The moment it ended they slumped forward weakly, not really in a relaxed manner, but happy to have a break.
You allowed them a moment to just breathe as you went on, getting rid of the bloody water and discarding the cloth you had used.
“…who are you? I’ve been assuming you’re an angel this whole time, by nothing but context clues I suppose, but you don’t seem-“
“Samael, you know me as.” Samael… yes, that was familiar. An angel, God’s favorite at that. But what were they doing in the ruins of hell, looking like that of all things?
“But I am no longer using that name. It is dead to me, as God is.” And you’re guessing that as much of an answer you’re getting if you ever asked, so you didn’t. You had your own qualms about the God you were sworn to worship. After all, he was the reason for your isolation, he was why you lived alone in this barren land. The land of the dammed.
“What name are you using?” “Lucifer.” They had plenty of time to think about it. It just felt right. They were no longer God's angel, barely even an angel any longer. They needed a new name.. a new beginning, a new goal.
“Alright then, Lucifer. You can turn forward..” and they did. Which was surprising now that you knew who they were.
Once again a curious look crossed their face as they analyzed you. Why weren’t you asking? Why didn’t you care? What was so damn important about cleaning them that you had no regard for the story? Not like they would share it, no. Not now, not until they become something more than some sort of hurt animal.
You sat in front of them once again, with a new, much cleaner, bucket of water and cloth.
“I’m very capable of cleaning myself.” It was tiring, and humiliating, feeling so dependent. Lucifer was sure that if they even attempted their whole body would be taken over by pain once again. Moving didn’t seem like the best option at the moment, yet their pride wouldn’t allow this any longer.
“Yes, I’m sure you are. But if you’d let me, just this once..” you were sure they couldn’t. And perhaps making less demands and more requests would go better with the prideful angel, from now on.
“Allow me to do it selfishly then, it’s awful lonely down here and now you’ve joined me. Call it a welcome.” That certainly made it sound better.. they reluctantly nodded.
“Hell is unfinished. So why are you here?” They asked as they stared down at you like a hawk. Watching your every move, observing where your hands went with every touch. “Unfinished doesn’t mean inaccessible. I’m a gatekeeper.” That made them even more curious. “You’re not an angel.” “I'm not. I'm just a gatekeeper.”
Silence followed after that. Lucifer wasn’t quite sure what to make of you. You seemed kind, caring, and horribly lonely. You also seemed to enjoy ‘taking care’ of them. And you didn’t ask. They liked that a lot. “I suppose you’re okay.”
You hummed and looked up at them. “What does that mean?” “You’re okay company. I’m left to rot here, so I might as well take into account that you’re tolerable to be around.”
“Thank you?” “You’re welcome.” What an odd being. Their pride followed them all the way down here, you’ve noticed.
Soft hands, a warm cloth trailed up their shoulders, not scrubbing as much as just wiping, almost like a smooth caress with the intent of cleaning. They enjoyed that feeling. They’d never say it aloud.
You were concentrating on them, so silence repeated once again. But there were no awkward or harsh stares, nor tension. It was comfortable, it felt safe.
Lucifer looked beautiful like this. Their skin clean of all blood and ash, the gashes and cuts already well on their way to healing perfectly.
A knowing look crossed the angel's face as they looked down at you, once again getting rid of the water and cloth now that you were done.
“I can feel your smugness from here.” “I can hear your thoughts. That gives me the right to be smug.” You looked back at them, a smirk had grown on their lips.
“Look at you already messing up my peace..” you muttered. “I think you like me.” You do. You certainly do. Lucifer is quite charming, and very beautiful, how could you not?
“Well, Lucifer. I might tolerate you too, a little.” That made them genuinely smile, and God was it a stunning sight. A bright smile. Stunning like the morning star. They somehow kept reminding you of just that. It’s been years since you’ve seen it.. Eons probably, you’ve lost track. But you’re certain they look just like it.
“That’s Lucifer Morningstar, to you.”
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icycoldninja · 1 month
Me again 😭 I know you said you’re swamped right now so take however long as you need
Another request for the same fallen angel like last time, and ofc with Vergil but with more details??
So yk how they have their devil trigger forms, Angel has that too but in like a biblically accurate angel form and is so so much taller than Vergil.
Angel also has an unsettling vibes abt her, she didn’t do anything but it’s like when a creepy doll looking at you. This is how Angel looks at Vergil, with the neck bending, wide grin and everything 😂 like she wants to eat him but is just admiring him (in a creepy way)
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And the last thing is that she can sew anything back together, literally anything. Like when Nero got his arm cut off again, she just sew it back to his body and it’s like it’s never been severed
Sorry I request a lot of things 😭🙏 take as long as u need
hey that's not creepy it's actually pretty cool. And don't worry about frequent requesting. Enjoy 💜
Vergil x Fem!Angel!Reader Angel Trigger headcannons
-When you first showed him your Angel Trigger, Vergil was quite surprised. Never in his life has he met a woman taller than him; (which makes sense cause the guy is a giant) having to look up at his girlfriend is a new experience indeed.
-Honestly, once he did look up at you, he wished he didn't. You remind him of a creepy haunted doll he might find in an old house's basement that wakes up at 3 AM and walks around trying to kill him.
-Those eyes of yours too...they're so unsettling.
-Vergil tries really hard not to show how much your strange appearance is creeping him out, and does this by reminding himself that under all the pointed teeth, oddly wide eyes and gruesome smile, you're still you, and you still love him...right?
-When he sees how your neck can bend in all these different angles, how your smile never seems to change, and how you're always staring at him, he wonders if perhaps you're sizing him up to see if you can eat him.
-That's not the case, though, the truth of the matter is, you're just admiring him in your own, weird way.
-He does kinda want to touch your wings, though, to see if the feathers are nice and soft.
-Upon seeing your amazing, miraculous sewing power, and how it can be used on limbs, Vergil is tempted to give Nero back his arm, but remembers he needs that arm because it's also the Yamato.
-Still, if he ever loses a limb in combat, (which is highly unlikely but there's still a chance) he knows who to call.
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vanillaxoshi · 1 month
Elements Seperated - Human form not (really) needed
It’s nice, Gempa thinks, waking up to the warmth of your family, feeling their presence, knowing they’re all here. Safe and sound, but he needs to get up. Slowly not to wake his siblings, the earth spirit made his way out from under the blanket to welcome a new day. He glances at the clock on the table. It’s still early in the morning.
And it seems his older brother already got up too. Old habits die hard huh?
Slipping off the bed, Gempa’s form shift and changes. There’s no need for a detailed human form right away, just whatever will let them function. Both spirits ended up just looking like vaguely humanoid constructs decorated by their elements, but nobody will mind.
“Mrgh… Guys?”
Their master, Boboiboy asked in his sleepy morning voice. He must have woken up because of their absence.
“Yes, we’re here Ori” Gempa touched his forehead against Boboiboy’s, shards of mineral gently brushing Boboiboy’s bed hair out of his face.
“What day is it?”
“It’s a Sunday. You can sleep in if you want”
Boboiboy looks at his current state, surrounded by the still asleep orb elementals, chuckling.
“Yeah, I think I’ll have to be in bed for a bit”
“I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me”
A look in the fridge tells him he’ll probably need to go grocery shopping today, but for now, this is plenty ingredients for both breakfast and lunch, there are also leftovers from yesterday.
At the kitchen area, he spots Hali opening the cupboard with a limb made of red lightning, bringing out a bag of coffee instead of cocoa.
Gempa nods. He usually prefers tea but coffee doesn’t sound half bad this morning. The lightning spirit hits a few buttons, and got the coffee machine working. The delightful smell spreads throughout the house, successfully rousing another of their sibling out of sleep.
“Good morning you glorified chandelier”
“Good morning to you too, Hymenopus Coronatus”
No, Solar didn’t cast a spell on Hali. The two are simply calling each other by what they look like now. Gempa goes back to cooking after saying his own good morning to the spirit of light, seeing no reason to worry about a fight.
“I smelled coffee”
“Yeah, making some right now. Want any?”
The sudden increase in lighting for a brief moment tells huge spirit of earth that Solar just had his coffee.
A warm beverage goes well with this peaceful morning, Gempa thought, as one of his arms brought the cup to his ‘mouth’. Just this finishing touch and breakfast should be ready. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, he could hear the fastest game of rock paper scissors ever happen, and Solar walking towards the door.
It’s natural one would prefer nice home cooked meals over rations, and Fang certainly isn’t the best chef, so eating at Tok Aba and Boboiboy’s house it is then. Not that he would ever admit that out loud, it’s embarrassing. He can give a compliment when it’s due though and it shall be expressed in actions.
But either he misremembered, or something bad has happened, as the one who opened the door… Whoever it is definitely isn’t human. A body made of light with no discernible features save for limbs, hands with blackened tips, and worst of all is their head. It was like one of those ‘biblically accurate angels’ he was shown by Gopal once, golden rings intertwined together, covered in silver eyes and mystical patterns. In the middle of it all, is a white dwarf.
It took Fang a few seconds to process what in the name of stars he just saw, but he reached for the door handle and pushes it back.
“My apologies, it seems I’ve gotten the wrong house-“ the alien said as politely as possible, while frantically trying to close the door.
“Wait a minute- Child it is I- Wait no, Fang it’s me, Solar!” The light spirit was also frantically trying to convince Fang it’s him, while keeping the door open.
Breakfast was nice, but Fang wished he had a warning about the elementals not bothering to look human today.
“Please, transform properly before opening the door?”
“Sorry about that. You know caffeine has no effect on us”
The purple haired alien could only sigh and bury his head in his hands. Now he knows why all those ancient civilizations were so spooked by the elementals
- By your pal, SP Anon
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Drew the scenarios :)))
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shadebloopnik · 4 months
Finally for the first time tryin to draw this man
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Just a lil doodle while in class.
Also had the sudden inspo bc of a lil thingy(AU? Would it still be considered AU if i dont plan to expand?). Ik Angel!Alastor AUs are a thing, at least i think so, so i decided to try it out a lil bit.
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So tadaaa, Angelic Alastor. I cannot draw wings to save my life, so bear with me. I based the eye shapes and over all facial expressions on how i drew the first Alastor doodle, except its a teeny bit less sharp with less bolder lines. I shaped his hair somewhat the same for the top part, except a bit slicked back with a more windswept look. I imagine his hair would be white with red tips, with an overall white, and red color scheme, with a black collar standing out. He'd have the same red eyess, tho with whites surrounding it.
I gave him two wings, to maybe signify that he is above most angels, though below those such as the Seraphims and Archangels, at least in rank. I was a bit conflicted what to make his cane like(yea ofc im giving him a cane im not a monster). Originally i wanted to copy what his lil antlers looked like, as to be a simple staff, but ended up with that wider antler design. Idk.
Angelic Alastor wouldn't really be much different than Demon Alastor, except for the fact that he's better at hiding it all, at least he wants to. He's quite powerful amongst other angels, moreso than seraphims despite being of lower rank. Similarly to how he can melt in the shadows, as an angel, he can dissolve into the light. Haven't really cemented what exact type of angel he is, though i'd imagine he's still a bit of a recluse, preferring to go off alone to do as he wishes.
Angelic Alastor is every bit as mischievous as his demonic counterpart. He lives for the entertainment, and his humor's quite biting for a being of light. He's sharp and charming and witty, and quite rebellious as well. He's curious about different possibilities, and has never quite felt like he belonged among his "perfect" angelic peers. He knows he's imperfect, and that all those ideas would be considered blasphemous. So he remains quiet, under the radar even with his strength; all to escape the possibility of being persecuted.
Its what draws him to the Morningstar. Lucifer, the powerful archangel with a heart of gold and a mind filled with wonder. (Also to anyone who's seen my blog, yes ofc im inserting radioapple im weak) Despite their gap in rank, Lucifer never treated him any differently, and Alastor found himself treating the shorter angel as an equal. Their friendship was a bit odd perhaps for the others, considering how they'd often greet each other with playful jabs and teasing remarks, all quite informal and rather unruly. He was drawn to Lucifer's ideas, as was Luci to him, both relishing in the fact that they weren't alone, despite being different.
Lucifer had always been the louder dreamer. Though Alastor often agreed with his ideas, and sometimes egged him on, Al knew the risks and knew when to pull back. He was cautious where Lucifer took risks.
And y'all already know its Radioapple but what if we add Lilith to the mix-
Like imagine, Lucifer coming back to Alastor and gushing about the first woman, the taller man amused at his friend's lovesick expressions. Imagine him being acquainted with Lilith, and charmed as well by passion and hopes for change. He's weak for dreamers okay-
Like imagine him helping the two hide their relationship, being the most cautious of the 3. Imagine his heartbreak when the two gets sent to hell. Imagine Lilith and Lucifer holding him, stopping him from falling with them, because he cant do this without them please-
This may have gotten away from me a bit
Anyway, there's also a teeny doodle of biblically accurate Angelic Alastor(idk ehat to call them, but those forms Sera and Em have when they go 👁👁👁👁)
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Idk if i'll ever do anytjing with this. I have a whole fic playing in my head but its very long with a whole lot of plot and idk if im strong enough-
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sweetsweetnuit · 2 years
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synopsis: you want to summon the devil, but the devil wants to keep you.
pairing: bucky barnes (devil/hades/demon) x f!reader
word count: 2.1k
warnings: 18+ ONLY. soft!dark fic. blasphemy, innocence kink (non-virgin reader, though), devil worship, manipulation, coercion, unprotected sex, slight edging/orgasm denial, easily influenced reader, rituals, oral (f receiving), size kink, purity kink, power imbalance
notes: this isn’t biblically or mythically accurate don’t yell at me
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The 5 candles illuminate your room as you’re sat on your knees in the middle of the pentagram, watching as the flames flicker and dance in a breeze that you feel crawl down your spine inch by inch. 
Your heart thumps in your chest, swallowing thickly as that familiar voice echoes in your head. 
This is a bad idea. He warned you. It’s not too late. 
But it was. There was no turning back, you had no idea how in-deep you truly were. 
The flames stopping flickering as you twiddled your thumbs in your lap and tucked your bottom lip between your teeth. Your head snapped to the right when you heard a floorboard creak and groan. 
He’s here. 
Your stomach flipped and churned as you take a deep, shaky breath. The sweet smell of ambrosia surrounded you, along with something deeper and darker. Another creak of the floorboard, but you kept your eyes averted to the ground where you had made the circle. 
“Devil worship?” A smooth voice purred from behind you. “Didn’t they ever tell you how dangerous it is to make a deal with me?” 
His heavy black boots came into view first, your eyes following them up his long muscular legs before you stalled on his arms and hands. Rings decorated his right hand heavily, chunky and extravagant while his left bore the intricate gold designs you’d wished to study. 
Flashbacks of his hands all over your body made you shudder, goosebumps prickling your skin before you felt warm fingers under your chin. Your eyes met his dark ones, the smirk he always seemed to wear displayed on his face as you took another deep breath. 
“Hello, darling.” You were thankful for your position because you were certain that your legs would’ve buckled and given out from under you if you were standing. 
He was unable to stand at his full height, instead, having to bend at the waist as he leaned closer into you with his fingers still under your chin. No one ever warned you about how handsome and alluring the devil is. Or how good he would make you feel. 
The real danger was your unguarded heart. 
“What is a sweet thing like you practicing devil worship at an hour like this all alone? Don’t you know I’m a dangerous man?” He whispers, sharp canines on display as he runs his tongue over them. 
“I,” you splutter pathetically trying to find the words in that head of yours, but you just can’t. 
He chuckles deeply, dropping his fingers from your chin to rise to his daunting stature. It’s only now that you can appreciate the black button down shirt that’s been messed and mused with and slightly wrinkled. His hair has grown since the last time you’ve seen him, too, curling at the nape of his neck and around the edges of his forehead. 
“I couldn’t stop thinking of you.” You whisper meekly, eyes back on the floor. 
When he hears this he hums, walking a small lap around you before he’s back where he started. Then he’s on his knees in front of you, almost eye level and it’s intoxicating. His eyes are almost entirely consumed by darkness, his equally dark horns just barely showing through his hair. 
“I know you have,” he mock coos, mimicking your body language as you gape up at him with wide eyes. 
“You do?” You ask him incredulously. 
His fingers are on your thighs now, one warm but both heavy against your skin as your eyes have trouble focusing on anything other than how big they are against you. 
They’re playing with the hem of your sleep dress. It’s a flimsy thing that’s almost entirely see through and now you’re thinking that white wasn’t the best choice. The innocent juxtaposition against his dark clothing was almost poetic as his hands slid under the fabric causing you to mewl softly. 
“Of course I do. How could I forget something as sweet and innocent as you?” His voice is a low rumble in your ear, your eyes fluttering closed in hopes of trapping yourself in this moment. 
In an instant he manoeuvres you onto your back, so you’re splayed in the middle of the pentagram with him hovering over you like some sick and twist ritual. But that’s exactly what this is. It’s sick and twisted. 
“My days are now filled with thoughts of how I could ruin and corrupt you further.” He purrs lowly, nose skimming your thigh as he bunches it around your waist to reveal your equally white cotton panties. 
“Look at you,” he sounds utterly captivated by you. “Giving yourself over to the devil.” 
He’s opening your legs wider, settling between them and you’re entirely helpless. You couldn’t move even if you wanted to with his thick forearm pinning your hips down to the hardwood. 
“I’m going to devour you, darling. I want you screaming so loud that God himself hears exactly what I’m doing to you.” You whimper at his words, his hot breath fanning over your clothed core. 
“I want you to scream so loud angels fall.” He growls before your panties are ripped into God-knows how many pieces and he’s eating you out like he’s a starved man. Like he hasn’t had a drop of water in days. 
Like you’re his salvation. 
You scream, back bowing off the floor as he licks and sucks at all the right spots, never once giving you any sort of break. He’s desperate for your taste, his tongue all over you as you try to keep any sort of composure. 
When his fingers enter and curl deep inside of you, you think you’ve gone to heaven. But this isn’t heaven, it’s the closest you’ll ever get to hell and you have to tangle your fingers in his hair and brush against his horns to remind yourself of this fact. 
“Holy shit,” you groan. You’re about to see stars, your whole world fading away. 
“Oh my G—,” 
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” He barks, your eyes snapping open only to be met with a much more feral looking version of the man that came to you just minutes ago. 
His chest is heaving, his eyes are hungrier than ever, and his chin glistens with your arousal. That alone is almost enough to push you over the edge, but you whimper instead, not knowing what to say. 
“I-I’m so—,” you’re cut off once again, feeling his fingers slip into you. 
“Bucky,” he breathes. “Say my name.” 
Then he’s back between your legs, resuming the same pace from before and you let your head fall back with a thud as he works you closer and closer to your orgasm. You don’t care about the dull ache in your skull, or how hard you’re gripping his hair, because no one’s ever made you feel like this before. 
“Bucky,” it’s a prayer on your lips as you’re thrown into ecstasy so hard you lose the ability to breath for a minute. 
He doesn’t stop, not until he’s satisfied with the mess he’s made and subsequently cleaned up. You’re still dizzy when he crawls over you, hoisting your body up so you’re straddling him. 
The rough material of his jeans against your bare, sensitive pussy makes your jump, whining at the friction. You feel him gripping your cheeks before you’re prying your eyes open to look at him. 
“You are the sweetest fucking thing.” He says, awestruck before his lips are against yours. 
It’s nothing like how he was between your legs. He’s gentle, delivering long kisses before his tongue glides against your own and you can taste yourself on him. His hands are gripping your waist, bucking you against him so that every time you moan, he can slip his tongue deeper down your throat. 
“You’re going to take my cock like this, darling.” He growls, gripping your ass to bring you against his hard length that’s straining in his pants.
Your eyes widen in shock, remembering the size of him and remembering how deep he was when you were under him. Bucky must see this panic plain as day because he just chuckles, undoing his belt until it falls open. Then he works on his pants. 
“I-I can’t. Not like this. Y-You’ll, I mean, you won’t...fit.” You stutter out, watching him free himself. 
He’s heavy against your thigh and you reach for him. Bucky lets you, watching as you wrap your hand around his thick shaft and stroke him lightly. His head falls back, a soft groan leaving him as he does. 
“It’ll fit,” he’s breathless as you continue to stroke him. “I’ll make it fit, darling. You’re going to be so full of me tonight.” 
Your throat suddenly feels so dry, but you’ve already soaked his pants, too turned on to even be remotely embarrassed at the spot you’ve created. You do want him, you need him. 
“That’s it, darling,” he coos. This time, he wraps his hand over yours, using his as a mere guide as he slides his head between your slick folds. 
“You don’t wanna upset me now, do you?” He questions, cocking his head to the side as you shake your head vehemently, not even wanting to entertain the idea of that. 
He hums, “then be a good girl and sink down on me.” 
You shift, lining him up with your entrance with his assistance. Your knees are sore and in pain from the angle they’ve been on on the hardwood, but you don’t care. You slowly sink down on him, feeling the delicious stretch as you do so.
Bucky leans back, eyes glued to where you’re now connected as you sink down deeper and deeper. Your eyebrows are cinched inwards, furrowed as you whine at the slight burn. 
“That’s a good girl, don’t stop now, you’re doing so well for me.” His praise makes you feel warm and fuzzy, using his shoulders to tether yourself as you gasp at the fullness. 
It’s a different feeling than before, but suddenly, you can’t remember your name. 
“Fuck, baby. You’re taking all of me.” He groans, bunching your dress to reveal the small bulge he’s created in your tummy. 
Bucky presses against it while rocking you against him and you fall into him. You’re unable to contain the sounds that fall from your lips when he thrusts impossibly deep into you. His fingers are digging deep into your flesh as you move your body against him in the way that feels most right. 
Soft pants fall from your lips, mixed with whines and whimpers as a shudder rolls over your body. It’s a cold like no other, wrapping you up in its embrace as you open your eyes and see the large shadow behind Bucky. 
The shadow of his true form, growing in size as his eyes stay fixed on you. The sight should terrify you, but instead, it just sends another wave of arousal through you. 
Soaked thighs, kiss-bitten lips, and heavy eyes. 
You’re in another world. 
“You’re divine,” he whispers. “And I think...I want to keep you.” 
It sends another chill down your spine, his words now the only thing filling your head. You feel dizzy, intoxicated by something other-worldly and you never want this euphoric feeling to end. You want to be kept. 
You think he can read your mind because he smirks, chuckling as he moves a warm hand up and around your neck. You’re forced to look at him as he applies a gentle amount of pressure to the sides of your throat. 
“Who do you belong to?” He growls in time with the snap of his hips as your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
You gasp, your abdomen clenching, the coil tightening as he fucks upwards into you so deep you have no idea how you’ll recover. 
“Answer me, darling. Answer me or I won’t let this pretty little cunt come for the rest of eternity.” It’s a threat, one that you know he’ll deliver on. 
“Y-you,” you spit, voice hoarse and broken as tears start to fall down your cheek. 
The room shakes, the floor underneath you rumbling as Bucky begins to mutter a string of words that aren’t English. Ones that you can’t understand but it doesn’t matter because your orgasm hits you with such force that you feel like you’re energy is being drained from you. 
All 5 candles have been extinguished the moment you came, your heart still hammering in your chest as you open your eyes. Bucky’s eyes hold a sinister look to them, no longer pitch black, much more human now with his blue irises shining. 
“Welcome to hell, darling.” He murmurs, cupping your jaw. “Where you can scream as loud as you want, but no one will ever hear you. Not even God.” 
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gallawitchxx · 5 months
weekly tag wednesday!
i was tagged by a ton of cuties -- @darlingian @energievie @deedala @palepinkgoat @crestfallercanyon @francesrose3 @mmmichyyy @lingy910y & @juliakayyy! thanks cuties! i'm smooching each & every one of you on the cheek!
about me
name: bee age: 31 star sign: cancer your first language: english second language: french! i'm fairly conversational favorite lip product: chapstick the best food dish you can make without a recipe: tacos? tacos! if you drink tea, what kind?: english breakfast or mint if you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get?: as dark as dark can be! favorite thing to watch on youtube right now: tbh i don't really watch much on youtube these days? gallavichscenes probably lol favorite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: kiss compilations oops favorite item of clothing right now: a sweatshirt that says "come to the dark side, we have smut" favorite item of clothing in 2012: this hot little red dress that made me look like a bombshell
three movies you recommend: 10 things i hate about you, elizabethtown, lars & the real girl your favorite concert: my favorite singer of all time, during a snowstorm in nyc. there were only 35 people in attendance & he came down afterwards to say hello & take pictures, even though he's the most shy person of all time - it was amazing! have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?: yes have you ever left a fandom because of the fans?: no the best tv show you watched last year: this one's really hard... it was a great year - either the bear or the final season of succession do you have a fancasting you just can't let go of?: i don't think so? even though i really loved tpz as alex in rwrb, i do wish they'd gone with a biblically accurate height difference & cast someone like michael cimino (love, victor) a ship you've abandoned: i don't think i've ever abandoned a ship! how willing are you to share your ao3 history?: omg it's a mess, but you can peek, sure do you have a fandom tattoo?(do you want one?): i have luna lovegood's radish earrings, an ode to hamlet & my favorite number in doctor who-like tally marks! & the rebel alliance symbol. oh wow, i'm a nerd! what fandom do you wish was bigger?: the last binding series by freya marske! especially hawthorn & ross, aka rawthorn my beloveds has a finale ever ruined a show for you?: same as chani - how i met your mother. terrible shame! also a bit game of thrones. it wasn't ruined, but i wasn't happy.
have you...
swam in an ocean?: yes ever been vegan/vegetarian?: no gone skinny dipping?: yes gone skiing?: no been to a convention?: many!
tagging @thisdivorce @steorie @heymrspatel @whatthebodygraspsnot @whatwouldmickeydo @metalheadmickey @gardenerian @howlinchickhowl @rereadanon @creepkinginc & anyone else who wants to play! xx
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tnbwrites · 1 year
MHA and Greco-Roman Imagery
I, and many other fans, have noticed a trend within My Hero Academia to include Greek and Roman imagery and symbolism. It feels like these themes are ramping up as we get closer to the end of the story so I figured I would list the ones I've noticed so far!
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Possibly the most obvious would be Hawks' parallel to Icarus, who flew too close to sun and whose wings were burned, ending in his demise. Oop. In this case would Endeavor signify the sun, who Hawks wishes to be close to?
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The other extremely obvious parallel is Tartarus, literally named after the Greek underworld abyss Tartarus where the wicked are kept to torture, far below Hades. This is also where the Titans were kept before escaping.
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Speaking of Tartarus, it seems Kronos- I mean AFO let all the Titans and sinners out to wreak havoc on the living world which ends in a huge war against the Olympians. Ultimately it was his son, Zeus, that defeated Kronos. Hmmmm.
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Another interesting parallel is how much AFO looks like a biblically accurate angel, his wings even have hundreds of 'eyes.' While this might be a Christian reference, Christianity notoriously had a moment during the Roman empire (soz Jesus). His tunic do be tunic-ing though.
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Oh yeah, and then there's this big flag. Seriously, how did I originally miss that one?
Anyway, if ya'll have anything to add please do, these are just the obvious ones I picked out.
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mahou-furbies · 2 months
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Miss Meguca contest, Final round (powerup/other alt) results!
Madoka - 178 points
Iroha - 126 points
Homura - 119 points
Yachiyo - 112 points
Kyouko - 81 points
Mami - 72 points
Sana - 68 points
Tsuruno - 23 points
Sayaka - 8 points
Ui - 8 points
(total votes in a separate post)
Can Sayaka get negative points? What the hell is that
i would die for rumor sana. and i will
I’m Disappointed For This is the final round but I Really Knew Madoka would win the first round!
Godoka's design is ridiculously pretty. I ADORE the starry night under the dress. Kinda wish they did something new with her hair tho
No idea what the hell happened to Iroha but I'm fuckin with it
Ui is just. yellow now that's cool
As much as I love Madokami's outfit, the unnecessary boob window has always put me off, and as much as I love Akuma Homura's outfit I wish it was on an older character. Also shoutout to Holy Alina who isn't in this contest but I like both of her Holy forms more than Mami's and I would have voted for her if she was eligible for this contest.
Everyone else is godlike or at least glowing. Sayaka: smimswuit
Wings!!! I love my Biblically accurate Magical Girls! <3
Who was the uhhhh the girl who absorbed all the kimochi stones? I thought she had a distinct upgraded form for that? it may have only appeared in CGs, but I'm *pretty* sure it had sprites...also Holy Alina who definitely did. Rereading the rules I may just not understand the selection process (if I guess they didn't also have pajamas/a swimsuit/etc they'd be fully excluded?) but I did like those too.
Honestly, Madoka and Homura should be number 1 in a two-packMadokami is iconic, I couldn't put it anywhere but 1st place!It's a shame that Sayaka has what looks like a swimsuit here.
Oh Sayaka and Ui are gonna be left in the dust for this one
I don't think Ui's alternate form is especially good, especially compared to my other choices, but I don't particularly like any of the other, so she gets one point for being a cutie.
Pope Mami
Surfer Sayaka is a huge improvement from her default beach outfit. She still needs a proper power-up though.
Madohomu are too iconic to not make it on the list
Sayaka really got the worst possible power up tho
Yachiyo's outfit is amazing I did not expect that holy shit
have a wonderful day!!
iroha looks so cool in that powered up form
Really sad that I don't like Madoka's form more than Iroha's :/
We should really have more villainous powerups that incorporate white instead of black.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Finally another soul master hater- like I like his whole aesthetic but seriously fuck that balloon toad looking soul stealing shaman kidnapping rich ass tyrant
Soul Master is one of the very few characters in the game (other than the Radiance) that legitimately creeps me out, except that he doesn't have the 'biblically accurate angel' vibe that balances out that terror with a healthy dose of awe. He's just a selfish rich man with absolutely no value for any life other than his own, and even if his arena sets you up for the dead baby pit and the question of whether mass loss of life for the 'greater good' is worth it with PK later on, I personally find his cruelty far more abhorrent. The Pale King, at the very least, had the excuse of not realizing that the vessels were sapient beings (and the Path of Pain gives us a good idea of just how terrible that realization was to him), and the vessels died young with relatively quick deaths via falling, before they had much of a chance to live at all. It's horrifying, but it's also a tragedy, and that accidental cruelty is part of what makes the whole deal so terrible and unforgivable. You can, to an extent, sympathize with the Pale King and White Lady (though not by much lmfao), and their self-punishment and guilt for what they've done is pretty damn evident. The horror of the Vessel Plan is that it was created out of a desperate, toxic sort of love- a love for Hallownest- and that love blinded and poisoned the minds of the Pale Gods to drive them to acts of unfathomable cruelty against their own children. It's a tragedy.
The bugs that the Soul Master kidnapped and experimented on, however, were mortal beings that already had a life, family, and friends who loved them. They were vulnerable, and he murdered them in a myriad of grotesque ways under the pretense of trying to figure out how to 'cure' the Infection when all he really wanted was to gain enough power to become a god himself. When the Pale King- aka perpetrator of mass infanticide on the scale of millions- told him to stop, he reacted with indignation and hatred, because how dare he be told to value the lives of others above his own. The studies of the Soul Sanctum might have started out with good intentions, as a genuine desire to understand how soul works and to test the limits of what mortals can create with it, but it ultimately accumulated into a grotesque killing-grounds because some selfish with a lust for power wished to become more than what he was. It's an exploitation that's uncomfortably close to reality, and thus evokes a lot more vitrol and hatred as a result. At least in me.
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skittlewaffle · 11 months
Different Flavors of Daycare Attendants (WIP maybe ??)
PLEASE NOTE that I do not read fics a lot and certainly don’t know everything. These are just general headcanons about the Daycare Attendant placed into categories! Personally my view is a mix of a good handful of every category
But yes this was all made for fun because I have brainrot. I’ll keep adding to this post or make a part two if this is something people enjoy, and I’m happy to accept any help! I know there are plenty more headcanons that I don’t have under categories yet.
… Some sections were rushed because I just wanted to post this before Ruin comes out and the Biblically Accurate section gets muddled.. haha. JUST,, enjoy !!!
Potentially partially virused, though it’s generally assumed not
Theatrical antics
Probably overdramatic on purpose / playing his theater role but in a child care setting
Overbearing, offputting, and loud
Stickler for rules and cleanliness
Keeps daycare clean and organized, but not himself or his room
Might not be restricted to daycare out of frame, but implications are present that he may be lonely
It’s unclear if he and Moon have a connection in their headspace, but it is sometimes assumed they don’t
Probably unaware of Moon’s virused state
Silly gremlin
Fully virused
Theatrical antics amplified; evil stage persona is more literal
Naptime protocol amplified; what feels to him like putting people to sleep is actually killing people
Childcare and entertainment programming still seems functional
Loves to stalk, dance, and play pretend
Shares Sun’s obsession with rules and cleanup
Strong enough to knock out a Glamrock
Seems quite lightweight
Sounds like he has a built-in, broken music box ??
* HEADCANON: Has a different mode meant to reflect the gentler character he appears to be in the Moondrop candy advertisements, instead of his theater villain role
Anxious boys
Restricted to daycare, refuses to take even a single step out
Doesn’t know what he’s doing
Scares or hurts the kids on accident, proceeds to freak out over it
Weak to compliments and praise; he just wants to do a good job
Needs affirmation, stat
Will 100% fall in love with anyone who is consistently nice to him
Acts like a kicked puppy when spoken to sternly, lectured, or yelled at
Lets people walk all over him
Constant fidgeting
Stutters a lot
Stressed OUT
Constantly at his breaking point; help him
Self-conscious about his naturally creepy looks and mannerisms
Bad first impressions
Often keeps a distance, watching from afar
Uses few words
Wishes to be liked
A kid likes him? His child now.
Sad to see them go :(
Rather graceful, slow movements that give him eerie vibes
Tends to word things in ways that sound like red flags (like offering candy in a shady area), but doesn’t quite realize it
False reputation amongst patrons
Many complaints from parents for his bad vibes
Heavily misjudged; really means no harm
Wet napkin
Likes to dance on his wire; keeps him busy when he can’t socialize
Will perform many tricks for people who do become his friend
Never forgets anyone who is kind to him in even one instance
Confident boys / high experience DCA
Practically built for childcare; knows what to do in pretty much every situation
Loved by all the children
Social towards everyone, no matter how stubborn or closed off they may be
Manages to put a smile on all faces
Really not afraid of drawing attention or being embarrassing if it means making a child happy
Always knows just what to say
Very helpful to new employees
Might step outside the Daycare from time to time
Reads faces very well, in adults and children
Capable of disobeying protocols for more serious reasons
MUCH more observant than you think
Roasts Karens lol
Is both the Naptime Attendant and a nighttime security bot
Many children want to cuddle with him during nap time
Has a ton of patience
Especially loves getting to hold babies
Very protective of the little ones
The most feared security in the entire Pizzaplex
Takes his job as security bot very seriously; loves his job as a childcare worker
High Tech
DCA has many upgrades
Still very versatile and could be upgraded more
AI advanced enough to be considered eligible for human rights
Movements, speech, and feelings are very realistic, almost not robotic at all
Can experience human senses (smell, touch, etc.)
Softer casing to simulate a more human feel
Can blush and cry tears, but not bleed (unless it’s oil in their machinery)
Feels pain and temperature, and is ticklish
Can get overstimulated and feel disgust at certain textures
Has certain mannerisms that could classify them under certain diagnosable human conditions or mental disorders (which they technically aren’t; the diagnoses are worded for us humans to better understand and relate to)
Cannot get sick and doesn’t need to eat or breathe, but can pretend to
Has eyelids, lips, tongue, and movable facial features to emote better
Acts sleepy or drunk when low on battery, and genuinely feels like that
Has a simulated heartbeat and breathing
Perfectly capable of obtaining a PHD
Seems to have built-in tools for almost anything, mostly for human health and first aid purposes
Might need some recovery time after P&S visits, similar to pain after human surgery (tight screws, rearranged wires, etc)
More capable of fighting viruses and defending themself and others
Low Tech
Basically a stereotypical cartoon robot
Still sentient and can learn, but still operates mostly on programming
Still have the basic qualities of Sun and Moon’s original personalities (cheery and loud; calm and quiet)
States what they’re doing out loud (processing, downloading, initiating protocol, etc.)
States warnings and errors out loud (low battery, update failed, null object reference, ERROR!!)
Static smile
Uses prerecorded lines often; new lines sometimes sound broken like AI or TTS
Might not understand certain topics
Might mishear you
Sometimes treats other everyday machinery like they are alive, mostly holding grudges, fearing them, or being jealous of them
Cares much more about the feelings of others than their own
Less capable of fighting viruses or preventing other unwanted actions towards them
Aimed towards the more mature side of the fandom
Bastards / smug / absolute sluts (affectionate or derogatory, whatever you feel lol)
Wear suits, ties, suspenders… fancy stuff
Shirts are often only partially buttoned, ties loose or just draping over
Also may wear feminine clothing, depending on the type of storyline
Can drink and smoke somehow
More laid back and flirtatious
Occasionally / casually threatening
Might have cool hats
Sometimes have guns / some kind of weapon
Often involves suggestive implications
Call you nicknames you probably love but your Y/N often hates
Plot involving high stakes and serious danger
Simp material
We are attracted to any red flag they may have /hj
A big dog who thinks he’s a lap dog
Probably fell in love with you immediately
Separation anxiety / abandonment issues
Loyal; will always wait for you no matter what
Whines if you’re gone for too long :(
Misses you sooo much
Begs a lot
Head tilts
Extremely attentive, affectionate and excitable
Might tackle you
Loves playfighting
Always weak to praise and cuddles
Is a good boy, the best boy
Full of energy; loves to play
Rays fold backwards / retract when guilty, angry, or defensive
More apologetic than really necessary
Would probably be very sorry if you called him bad, even if he did nothing wrong
Easily excited / distracted at particular things or favorite items
Highly possessive of favorite items
Hides his favorite items in random corners of your house
Gets the zoomies (and may or may not accidentally break something from jumping over / running into furniture and stuff)
Very aware of people
Likes to sunbathe
Got muddy and needs a bath .. again
Has stim toys, many of them squeaky
Doesn’t sit on the couch right
Wants to protect you
Loves the outdoors and going for walkies
Always sleeps on your bed / somewhere in the same room
Wakes you with a complete ONSLAUGHT of smooches
First meeting was likely him hunting and pouncing at you
Still likes to stalk and prowl for fun / as a game
Likes to rest in elevated places, including the top of your fridge
Interested in silly / shiny little trinkets
Gremlin; knocks your stuff down on purpose and runs away
Has claws, could be retractable
Eyes dilate / shrink
Might flinch when touched, but still leans into it if he wants the attention
Slinks away from touch when distracted by something else
Likes to fall asleep on you; you can’t move (he is aware of this)
Likes laser pointers and dangly thingies
Enjoys sneaking up on you
Purrs (or has some robotic equivalent of purring, like whirring or broken music box)
Gets 3AM zoomies
Elegant s t r e t c h
Changes from bipedal to quadrupedal when he feels like it
Likes the window
Hates water, but likes to keep clean and tidy
Movements are fluid; he is liquid
Tries to fit into small spaces, twists his animatronic body to do so
Has favorite hiding places
Hunts pests in your home if he’s bored.. might even bring them to you
Stares at you. Slow blinks. Affection.
Head bonks while sitting next to you
Lazy / sleepy bitch disease
Prefers to stay inside, but likes to explore occasionally and go for nighttime walkies
Always curls up beside you at night
You wake up to him kneading at you or rubbing his face on you
* DCA may have tails and / or beans
Mostly tends to be a separate bodies view
Inseparable either way
Chaotic duo
Quite the opposite in a way they still have a close bond
Lots of playfighting
Sometimes actual fighting
Care a lot for each other, but have a sort of friendly rivalry
Never one without the other
Not afraid of speaking their mind plainly, to their benefit or detriment
Great teamwork on their better days
Immature pouting / silent treatment on their worse days
Do most everything together
Often competitive
Disagreements are most often more comedic than serious
Their fights are childish and silly; you can’t help but laugh
Sometimes complains about who the “big brother” is
Get into the silliest shenanigans; it’s trouble, but endearing all the same as they love having a story of adventure to tell
Know each other better than anyone else can
Look very closely after each other, especially when someone else gets close
Favorite colors are what the other wears most often / is themed after (Sun: blue; Moon: yellow)
Applies to their eye colors, especially if chosen by them for upgrades
While both are very different, both also exhibit certain behaviors that directly parallel / mirror the other
(NOT brothers at the same time. Fuck off)
The most wholesome shit you’ve ever seen
Fluff, comfort, cuddles, words of affirmation… the dream
Tons of celestial nicknames, phrases, and metaphors
Very poetic; immerses you in calm, dreamlike scenery, like a storybook
Emotional support partners
Each often doesn’t take care of themself until the other notices and helps them
The cutest little dates (tea parties, art sessions, and sleepovers are common)
Still prone to angst, but has a happy ending
I hope
That is all for now; I hope you enjoyed!! If we have a continuation of this, I have category ideas, such as a Cartoonish DCA, a DCA with very very many features, Sun and Moon as enemies, or any other types of DCA you have in mind! Thanks for reading :D
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
I do.
-- For @mavswife , love your blog, we should be friends. Also, I listened to the song ‘This Is It’ by Scotty McCreery while writing this. 
As a head’s up, I have based this on a presbitarian wedding with stuff I found online, don’t come for me if it’s not accurate. I have literally never been to any other wedding than French Catholic but Jake didn’t strike me as a Catholic lad so… -- 
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Flying was good. He was good. And he liked it: the rush of adrenaline, the very human feeling of being free and the impression that he was absolutely invincible. It made his heart beat faster. It made him feel alive. 
He never thought he could feel this good with both feet on the ground. 
And yet, he felt like that this morning when he got up. He swung his feet over the edge of the mattress and he felt like he was flying. No. It felt better actually. 
It felt better because you weren’t there next to him and that could only mean one thing. 
This was it. 
A year of planning and agonising over colour schemes, flowers and cake flavours. 
And it all came down to this. 
The adrenaline had made him shaky. He fumbled with the buttons on the suit and what should have taken 10 seconds was now taking close to a minute, eventually though the suit was on and ready and his hair was combed and gelled to the side, his beard shaved and aftershave and his shaky fingers ironically calmed by a cup of burning hot coffee.
“How do you feel?” His sister asked when he walked into the kitchen, he shot her a look and breathed in a big breath that he trapped into his cheeks for a second before exhaling again. How did he feel? Giddy, nervous, happy, euphoric? Just about everything but scared, really. 
Because there was nothing to be scared about. Not with you, never with you. You made him feel safe, secure and so fucking good. He would never be scared about anything ever again, because he had you and in about two hours he would have you every day for the rest of his life and for the rest of eternity. 
    His sister hadn’t even tried offering him breakfast after seeing his face. It was probably for the better, really, but he almost wished he could force himself to eat to avoid his stomach joining in with the choir later. 
    ‘Go time’ didn’t arrive soon enough for him. 
    The first person he saw was the photographer for your long dreamed of ‘first look’ photo. 
The second person was your father, in full military regalia, bawling his eyes out. It took a lot to make him cry, and if that was the effect you had on him, Jake didn’t think he would fare much better. 
    The third person he saw was you. He saw you for a second before he succumbed to emotion. You advanced towards him in your gorgeous white dress and veil. You had described it to him as “a silk sheath dress, with off the shoulder sleeves and a mantilla veil” and although he had no clue what that meant he could only think of how fucking gorgeous you looked. 
He wished he could describe it without the swear but ‘gorgeous’ didn’t cut it, so maybe otherworldly? Ethereally? You looked like an angel, not the biblical kind, but the earthly ones. Although the message was the same. “Be not afraid”, he never would be, not with you by his side. 
You laughed when you saw him. It wasn’t mocking, just happy. Happy that he liked it: the dress, the veil, the hair, the makeup, and you. Happy that he was standing there in front of you crying his eyes out at the sight of you because he loved you and wanted to love you forever. Happy that you wanted the same. You walked up to him, stopping inches in front of his face and you pulled out a cloth tissue from somewhere (“It has pockets!” You whisper and he laughs a little) and blott his tears with it. Gently and softly, he kisses you and you never want it to stop. 
His lips feel like home. It feels like falling in love. It feels like medicine when you are ill, food when you are hungry, drinking when you are thirsty. It feels like Heaven and Hell at the same time. It feels like life itself. 
You don’t want to let go but you have to because the church bells ring and it is time. 
Jake went up first, walked in by his mother, to join his groomsmen by the altar. Then, your father, semi recovered from seeing his precious baby girl in her wedding dress, attempts to walk you down, his eyes clogged by the tears he was holding in. 
The Officiant, the same man who had baptised you and Jake as babies, started his words of welcome. You wanted this to last as long as possible, soak it all into your mind, but he seemed insistent on making it through before the end of the morning. 
The readings finished and he addressed you both, telling you about the responsibilities of marriage. You saw Jake stiffen up. You had offered to find a way to skip the vows in public but he had insisted. Still, you knew he was regretting it now the stage fright was setting in. He tried to steady his breathing as his hand went to his pocket. He shot you a brief look of panic but calmed down when he saw his best man wave a piece of paper at him from where he was sitting. 
Rooster handed him the paper once it was time. Jake unfolded them with trembling fingers. 
“Before I start, I want to apologise if my voice wavers, I have never been good at public speaking” He gulped “But no matter how much my voice falters and cracks, I want you to know, y/n, that I mean every single word I say to you. I may stutter and stumble but I do not lie. 
Y/n, you are my best friend, my angel, my saviour and my soulmate. You are the one I fly for, the one I land for. You are the air in my lungs and the blood in my heart. Since meeting you, I have never thought a single thought or said a single word that wasn’t about you. Baby, I would rewrite the library of Alexandria in one night if only I could write about you. 
I love everything about you, I love that you are kind, clever and caring. But I also love that you’re a sore loser, or a sore winner, for that matter. I love that you roll your eyes at the worst of my jokes, that you are not afraid to tell me off when I am out of line. I love how you call me a Jackass when I am one. I love how you will send me 25 texts about something that should only take one to convey. I love that you purposefully give me lukewarm coffee when you are mad. I love how easily you cry at things. I love how you cry at birthday cards, Christmas cards, terrible commercials, and when main characters kiss for the first time in cringey romcoms. 
I love you. 
And I think, somehow, I always have. I loved you before I met you, because I don’t think my heart was ever meant to beat for someone else or that my mouth was meant to say someone else’s name. And I don’t think I could ever write vows for anybody else. 
Y/n, I vow to love you as you are and as you will become, now and for the rest of eternity. In sickness or in health, for richer or for poorer. But more practically, I vow never to leave the toilet seat up, to close cupboards after I use them and to never leave a wet towel on the bed. And I vow not to grumble and groan if I forget and you have to remind me. 
I vow to never let you go to bed angry or hurt. I vow to treat you as you deserve to be treated. I vow to be there for you when you need me, whether as an ear to listen, a hand to help or a shoulder to cry on. And I vow never to let my voice waver or falter when I tell you that I do.”
You took a moment to blot your own tears before removing your own written vows.
“Jake, I knew I loved you the moment I met you. Even though you were 13, sprayed Lynx Africa over your entire shirt and had a buzzcut. I loved you the moment you told me I was in your seat in geography class. And I have continued to love you through high school, college, basic training and Top Gun. I have continued to love you through every mission you went on, even if there was a possibility that you might not come back. And I will continue to love you until the day I die, and forever after that. I will love you even if you are no longer there to love. 
I love you on my wedding day and I will love you still at my funeral. I will love you when I give birth, or when the baby won’t let us sleep. I will love you when the kid says ‘daddy’ first. I will love you when their first steps will be towards you. 
I will love you when I am old and wrinkly and when I no longer remember our life. I will love you when you are old and wrinkly and you no longer remember my face. I will love you when we argue or fight and I will love you when we make up. 
And I take you, Jacob Thomas Seresin, as my husband for richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health, now and forever. I vow this in this holy church, before our families and friends, and before the Lord. 
I also vow that I will make your house a home, to welcome you with open arms when you come home. I vow to be by your side and support you through anything. I vow to bring out the best in you, because you bring out the best in me. And, more practically, I vow to brew your coffee in the morning, to make your dinner in the evening. I vow to draw your baths and tend to your wounds. I vow not to nag too much, and not to grumble when you want to go out with friends for the third night in a row. I vow to be the first person to smile at you when you get out of bed. I vow to be the only person you kiss for the rest of your life, and I vow that you will be mine. And with the Lord as my witness, I vow that I will never go back on any promise i make today” 
“You may now kiss the bride” 
He grabbed your arm with a gentle grip and pulled you close, cupping your face with the other hand. He smiled at you briefly before connecting your lips to his. 
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teecupangel · 1 year
EziAlt where they both turned into biblically accurate angels after they died and just stays together keeping the brotherhood intact and killing templars
This is most probably related to these ideas of Altaïr becoming a biblically accurate angel and the idea of Desmond’s main ancestors becoming biblically accurate angels.
Ngl, when I first read it, I thought we were fusing Altaïr and Ezio into one biblically accurate angels like something that has one body but two heads (maybe two eagle heads with wings for a body). Then I realized you wrote ‘angels’ and now my brain is going “does EziAlt mean they also know each other in a biblical sense or is this meant to be gen?” so I’m like… okay, either way, let’s see how this would work.
Since they stay together after death, let’s set this during Ezio finally accessing the library underneath Masyaf.
The chair is empty but there is a memory seal lying on the floor next to it.
The same thing happens as canon but Ezio is weirded out because the last memory is Altaïr taking his last breath on the empty chair.
So… where’s the body?
Was it possible someone was here before him?
As far as he knew, this would be the first time the library was opened since Altaïr stayed behind in Masyaf.
Another mystery that Ezio would never solve, it seemed, and Ezio left after delivering his final message to Desmond, planning to live a life as simply a man.
Not knowing that something had followed him out of the library.
That clear day, as Ezio watch Flavia and Sofia check the stalls, he felt someone sit next to him.
There was no one there.
“Today will be the day you die.”
Ezio heard the voice yet he could not see where it was coming from.
“I cannot stop it any longer.”
Ezio could feel it. Death’s embrace slowly wrapping around him.
“I’m sorry, akhi, I wished I could have given you more time with your family.”
His lips curved into a content smile as he stared at the woman he loved and his most precious daughter.
“It’s alright. It was a good life.”
And Ezio closed his eyes for the final time.
Only to open his eyes once more.
All eight of them.
Unorganized Notes:
I like to imagine Altaïr’s form to be three pairs of wings that have eyes all over with the center being either just a ball of bright light or ever-circling scrolls creating a ball in the middle.
Ezio, on the other hand, I imagine being more of the usual description of cherubim, an eagle head on the top with the head of a man below it with a lion head on the right, and an ox head on the left with a human-like body with wings.
They cannot be seen by normal human eyes BUT they can be seen in the Eagle Vision which, yeah, would scare the crap out of anyone.
They can, however, affect the mortal plane if they focus hard enough, even appearing to everyone for a minute or two. They usually use this to frighten the Templars.
Sometimes, they manage to scare them to death even.
Other times, they are able to whisper to those who have mastered the Eagle Vision well enough, to warn them or to guide them.
Most of the time, they use their invisible body and the ability to make contact with the mortal plane by focusing really hard by taking out Templars.
Ezio’s lion head likes to bite heads’ off. It always disgusts the other three heads.
Altaïr usually uses his wings to smack Templars off buildings and other high places.
Edward thought they were part of his drunken haze.
Haytham does not like seeing them at all and they have tried to kill Haytham before. They can’t though, for some reason.
Ratonhnhaké:ton always thanks them when something ‘lucky’ happens (even if it wasn’t them). He doesn’t necessarily think they’re truly angels but spirits sent to protect the world.
Shay sees them. He always goes the other way. His senses are so intune with the Eagle Sense that he could hear them as a multitude of whispers unlike the soft whispers he would hear whenever there was an Assassin waiting to ambush him.
Arno only saw them once he became an Assassin and they scared him so much it took a while before Arno started using the Eagle Vision again.
Jacob and Evie have heard the legends, of course. They didn’t believe it, of course. They were proven wrong… of course.
They appeared on the Farm the day Desmond was born and they stayed. Desmond grew up seeing them even though he couldn’t use the Eagle Vision. Everyone just assumes they’re his imaginary friends but Desmond knows they’re not. Because of their guidance, Desmond doesn’t leave the Farm and becomes an Assassin, although his relationship with his father was… ‘strained’ to say the least. In Desmond’s eyes, the two ‘monsters’ (as everyone like to call them whenever Desmond describes them) acted more like his fathers than Bill ever did.
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quirkwizard · 1 year
Do you think about a quirk based on biblically accurate angels? And I don’t mean anything divinely powerful or anything, just something that incorporates elements of their design of having lots of eyes on floating rings and/or multiple sets of wings.
I love the angelic horror quirk you did recently, I wonder if you came come up with anymore?
I've already done one with the Throne with "Panorama" and the Cherub I think are simply too goofy to make sense as a Quirk, so that only leaves the Seraphim. And instead of going with any one depiction, I'll try to mix some of the more famous ones together.
I see it working as a Transformation type Quirk allows the user to make several sets of white wings covered with shimmering blue eyes around their body, with the largest being on their back. The wings will move to furl around the user like a shell, forming a surprisingly durable layer of protection effective enough to block blades. The user can move their largest wings, letting them quickly fly around and knock people back by hitting them. The feather covering is intended to protect the user as they fly, and the eyes show them their surroundings, allowing them to maneuver despite their speed and altitude. The user can close the eyes if they wish. This gives the user a good mix of mobility and information gathering, making them capable of surveying large swathes of land on their own. They can block incoming attacks, knock others back with their wings, track people with their eyes, protect others with their feathers, or just hit people with their wings. Though the eyes are an obvious weak point, both in how they can take in information and how they can be attacked to blind the user. The user's wings can still be destroyed, hampering their ability to see and fly, and the user's appearance may be off-putting. A possible name for the Quirk would be "Fair Feather".
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