#it just gives me joy
shay-creates · 9 months
Apparently, my decision to be silly and make fanart of someone's writing (because I genuinely enjoy the story the person is writing and I was struck with inspiration upon reading a particular scene) has benevolent and wildly unforeseen consequences.
I apparently gained a bit of control of the canon because said writer really loved the art and decided what I drew/draw is canon.
2. Writer put said artwork into the document of his story right below the scene, so now it's IN the story where people who read the story will see it (with a link to me)
3. He sent the artwork to all his friends and people he knows because he was so excited
Wholesome interaction and I watched him do all that in real time, good stuff. However...there are two more consequences I was notified of today...nearly a full week after I gave the artwork.
Seeing the artwork caused his friends to become interested in reading and hearing about his story, which means more people are reading what he's writing and giving him critique on the story (which he actively asks for).
Apparently, upon seeing the art, his writer friends got a sudden second wind to pick back up writing they'd abandoned for a few months. Because, I quote, "seeing that someone enjoyed {his} writing enough to take the time to make art of it gave them the motivation that maybe THEY can write something that will inspire someone to also create something." I have accidentally caused a writing frenzy among his writer friends and my silly idea to make art for someone has had a butterfly effect for people who I don't even know.
Uhh...I'm pretty sure there's a moral here but I am tired and have a great deal of emotions about this.
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ragsy · 10 months
big big big fan of found family relationships with shithead sibling dynamics
sure, yeah, they had no one in the world until they found each other, and they will fight tooth and nail for each other's safety, but they will also eat the last of the other's cereal and put the box back in the cabinet or tell the other's significant other every embarrassing story about them or greet each other by means of full body tackle and chokehold
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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The indescribable tension between an overworked and underpaid smut writer, and his biggest fan hater.
(for @frummpets)
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solroskajan · 25 days
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mintypsii · 10 months
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yk adorable group hug and luffy moment aside, did zoro just kick the ground . after he was hugged . is this show even real
sorry but the way nami went 🤨🏳️‍🌈 TWICE
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bisexualbuckleyy · 11 months
ben cutting charlie off while he’s talking by kissing him vs nick always wanting to hear what charlie has to say
ben pretending like he doesn’t know charlie in the halls vs nick constantly saying charlie is his best friend and wanting to hang out with him
ben saying “you know i’m sorry about ignoring you” and “if you’ve finished sulking yet” when he upsets charlie vs nick profusely apologizing when he’s done something wrong and reiterating to charlie how much he cares about him
ben calling charlie desperate and saying he didn’t even like him vs nick constantly complimenting charlie and saying that he loves liking him
ben wanting to keep them a secret because he was ashamed of himself and charlie vs nick only wanting to keep them a secret while he was still figuring out his sexuality and still telling the people closest to them when he was comfortable with it
ben not even wanting to admit that they were boyfriends vs nick loudly and gleefully declaring that they were boyfriends
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wildtornado-o · 11 months
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Doodles :)
I think the Graham de Vanilys should have some cats and ferrets, Félix seems like a ferret liker <3 The doodles on the last image are old ones i never got aroun to posting, mostly consisting of the aged up designs i have 4 feligami
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shepscapades · 7 months
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [PART 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7]
Finally! Part 3 is here!! yippee!!! As a refresher, this takes place at the beginning of season 9, when Doc and Xisuma try to boot Etho back up after he shuts down pre-Season 8 Finale, set to the vibes of Joywave’s Destruction from DBHC Etho’s playlist! Ouguguh I’ve been looking forward to posting this part so much; it has some of my favorite shots so far… something about the grey-fade of Doc going into shock, something about the last two pages with xisuma and doc’s expressions… idk!! i really loved working on these :] Hope you’re enjoying the horrific, horrific ride!! =w=
As a partially insignificant but Special-To-Me note: Xisuma has always referred to dbhc doc as “Docm”— this is actually the first time X ever calls him “Doc.”
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pallanophblargh · 2 months
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The annual ballpoint pallanoph in celebration of clinging to this rocky sphere for one more year (despite appearances) was delayed by a few days. Oops! I’m not dead, just growing older.
Art is still hard, but this runs on autopilot sometimes. And sometimes, that’s enough.
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sunnibits · 8 months
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decided to join in on @quezify’s eggtober again this year as a little art warmup and I actually ended up really enjoying it!! it’s obviously way outside of my usual comfort zone so I’m very happy that I was able to create an end result that I’m proud of :)
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diisccvery · 2 years
I should rewatch ducktales 2k17. I miss the Duckies
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stardink · 1 month
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"Loop. The tax benefits if we get bonded. Think about it, Loop pleASE-"
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violetrains · 7 months
i love you tinker bell i love you silvermist i love you rosetta i love you iridessa i love you fawn i love you vidia i love you clank and bobble i love you terrence i love you queen clarion i love you fairy mary i love you pixie hollow i love you neverland i love you pixie dust i love you lost things i love you cute little fairy dresses made of flower petals and leaves i love you pompoms on tinker bell's shoes i love you music box with the ballerina that belongs to wendy darling i love you nature magic powers i love you tinkerfairy inventions i love you animal companions i love you fairy humor i love you fairy lore i love you tinker bell soundtrack i love you credits at the end with the cute illustrations i love you disney fairies movies i love you tales of pixie hollow books i love you tinker bell franchise
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pinazee · 11 months
I only have praise for how they’re writing Jim Kirk in SNW. Though perhaps I’m biased because i love this character.
Admittedly, at first, I didn’t like the guy. I thought Wesley was a terrible casting choice. he didn’t have the passion that Shatner and Pine gave him, and frankly just didn’t have the look for me.
But Wesleys Kirk is pulling out that soft, kind hearted nerd that we all know Kirk is.
In La’Ans AR, he listens to Sera despite her being “unhinged,” he smoothly steps forward to put himself between Sera and La’An and sacrifices himself to save the timeline- to save Sam.
Then the real Kirk, despite getting decked, thinks first of Uhura and doesnt want her to have to explain the hallucinations. He doesn’t write Uhura off either like Chapel and Spock did , he believes her. And then inserts himself into the problem because, as La’An said, hes “the type of person who cant walk past a stranger in need”. and then sticks around to make sure she is okay.
So yeah, maybe Wesley isn’t who would come to my mind initially for Kirk, but i love his interpretation of him. His Kirk cares deeply for others and thats the Kirk i know and love. Im looking forward to how they develop his relationship with Spock.
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christyyeee · 2 years
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His girls have had bad days, but it’s okay, he’s there. (Post reveal domestic bliss)
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galedekarios · 10 months
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Meeting Tara
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