#it may not sound as menacing when i tell the story
elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
You don’t get to just ominously bring up snapping rats and then go “long story”
I must know now-
So basically, to try and sum up a long story, the first time I had ever actually played D&D (I had played similar TTRP but not the real deal), the DM I had was chaotic as all hell.
Not that I can say much, my character was an air genasi bard who owned her own restaurant and was named Panee Panini (or something like that)
And doing our campaign, I think maybe even just one or two sessions in, our characters were plagued by this snapping noise but all of our checks would fail. So we're being tortured by this snapping, unable to figure out where it was coming from. Until someone finally rolled a nat20 and all that occurred was these rats came out of hiding and said, "we're the snapping rats".
I'm still haunted by it until this day but I do actually pay homage to them in my fantasy story haha
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pucksandpower · 4 months
Blow Out the Candles
Charles Leclerc x birthday girl!Reader
Summary: the many ways that you and Charles celebrate your birthday throughout the years
Warnings: vague depictions of childbirth and labor
It’s my birthday today so this is my gift to you 🫶
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You let out a long sigh as you lean back against the cold concrete wall of the holding cell. This is not exactly how you pictured spending your birthday weekend.
The heavy steel door clangs shut behind you, the sound echoing in the cramped space. Looking around, you take in the sparse furnishings — a bench along one wall, a grimy leaking sink in the corner, and a single window so dirty that it barely lets in any light.
You hear voices and footsteps approaching. Keys jangle and the door swings open again. A police officer steps aside and another person stumbles into the cell.
He looks to be about your age or a little older, with messy brown hair and a bewildered expression. The officer mumbles something about “sorting this out shortly” before slamming the door closed once more.
The new arrival blinks in confusion before noticing you sitting on the bench. “Oh! Sorry, I didn’t see you there,” he says with an accent you can’t quite place. French, maybe? He runs a hand through his tousled hair sheepishly.
You give a wry smile. “Don’t worry about it. I take it you’re joining me for the complimentary holding cell experience?”
He chuckles, leaning back against the wall across from you. “Yeah, something like that. I’m Charles.”
“Y/N,” you reply. “Nice to meet you, cellmate.”
Charles grins, and you can’t help but notice how his nose crinkles up when he smiles. It’s kind of adorable. “The pleasure is mine,” he says gallantly, giving a theatrical little bow that makes you laugh.
“So Charles, what terrible crime did you commit to land yourself in this lovely establishment?” You ask with mock seriousness.
He smirks. “Would you believe me if I said jaywalking?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Seriously?”
“Seriously,” he confirms. “I was trying to get to the bakery before they sold out of croissants. I may have darted across the street … outside of the crosswalk.” He shakes his head ruefully. “The things I do for pastries.”
You have to laugh. “A real menace to society, you are.”
He grins again. “What about you? Don’t tell me you’re in for armed robbery or something.”
“Me? No way,” you scoff. “I was taking the metro downtown and I may have … accidentally used an expired metro card. The transit cops dragged me off at the next stop. I tried to explain it was an honest mistake but they weren’t having it.”
“Ah, a hardened criminal!” Charles exclaims in mock horror, eyes twinkling with amusement.
“Clearly. Us lawbreakers need to stick together,” you joke.
You both erupt into laughter, the sound ringing brightly in the dreary holding cell.
As your laughter subsides, Charles regards you curiously. “So do you make a habit of riding the metro with expired cards, Y/N?”
You make a face. “No, I just grabbed the wrong card in my wallet this morning. I was rushing to get downtown and didn’t even think to check.”
“Why were you in such a hurry?”
You hesitate. The real reason seems kind of silly now that you’re stuck in a jail cell. “It’s my birthday today,” you explain with a self-conscious shrug. “I was meeting some friends for brunch downtown to celebrate. Guess I’m going to be late for that.”
“It’s your birthday?” Charles’ eyes widen. “Well, happy birthday!”
You crack a smile. “Thanks.”
“I’m sorry you got stuck in here for your birthday,” he says sympathetically. “That really sucks.”
You give another shrug. “Honestly, this will make for a pretty funny story later. Not exactly how I wanted to spend today, but what can you do?”
Charles nods thoughtfully. A moment later his face lights up. “I know what we can do! Since we’re stuck in this lovely cell, we should have our own little birthday celebration. I can sing for you!”
You raise your eyebrows, surprised but charmed by the offer. “Really? You don’t have to do that.”
“It’s your birthday, of course I do!” He insists.
Clearing his throat theatrically, he launches into an enthusiastic, if not exactly tuneful, rendition of “Happy Birthday.”
His voice echoes off the concrete walls as he gesticulates dramatically, getting really into it by the second verse. You can’t help giggling as he puts his whole heart into hitting the high notes.
By the time he finishes with a flourish, you’re both laughing again.
“That was amazing, thank you,” you tell him, still chuckling.
He gives an exaggerated bow. “My pleasure, birthday girl. Sorry I don’t have a cake to go with the song.”
You grin. “That’s okay. 10 out of 10 performance.”
Charles smiles, looking adorably pleased with himself.
You regard him thoughtfully. “You know, you really didn’t have to do that. Singing for a total stranger in a holding cell.”
He shrugs. “I wanted to. You seemed like you could use a pick-me-up.”
“Well, it worked. I definitely feel better.” You study him for a moment. “You’re pretty strange, Charles.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he laughs.
You shake your head amusedly. You have to admit, you’re really enjoying his company. For someone you just met under bizarre circumstances, he’s remarkably easy to talk to.
Charles checks his watch. “I hope they let us out of here soon. Those croissants are calling my name.”
“And I’ve got mimosas waiting for me,” you add.
As if on cue, footsteps sound outside. You both look up expectantly as keys rattle in the lock.
The door swings open and the officer from before steps in. “Alright you two, come with me. We got it all sorted out, you’re free to go.”
You share a relieved look with Charles as you both follow the officer out. After a quick stop to collect your belongings, you step outside into the sunshine.
Charles turns to you with a smile. “Well, it was very nice to meet you, Y/N. Happy birthday again!”
“Thanks, Charles.” You smile warmly at your strange but lovely cellmate. “This turned out to be a pretty memorable birthday after all.”
He looks pleased. “I’m glad I could help make it special. Enjoy the rest of your day!”
With a little wave he heads off down the street, presumably in search of those croissants. You watch him go, struck by an impulse.
“Charles, wait up!” You call out, jogging to catch up with him.
He turns, looking at you curiously.
“I just wanted to say thanks again for making a crappy situation fun,” you tell him sincerely. “And, if you want, you’re welcome to come join me and my friends for brunch.”
His eyes light up in surprise. “Really?”
You nod. “It’s the least I can do after you serenaded me in jail,” you joke. “Plus, I’m sure the restaurant will have croissants.”
Charles smiles broadly. “Well in that case, I would love to.”
“Great!” You beam, linking your arm through his. “Let’s get out of here.”
You sink back into the plush leather seat, gazing out the jet’s window at the twinkling stars dotting the endless expanse of sky. This is definitely a step up from last year’s jail cell birthday celebration.
“Champagne, ma’am?”
You smile up at the flight attendant as she offers you a crystal flute. “Yes please!”
Charles grins at you from across the cabin. “And please keep it coming, my girlfriend deserves to be spoiled on her birthday.”
You still get butterflies every time he calls you his girlfriend. This past year with Charles has been amazing. After that fateful day, he easily slotted himself into your life. What started as an impromptu brunch turned into real dates, which turned into a real relationship. You’ve never clicked with someone so quickly or felt so comfortable so soon.
Now here you are, celebrating your birthday at 11,000 meters aboard a private jet chartered from one of Ferrari’s sponsors. You had balked at the extravagance at first, but Charles insisted. “It’s your special day, we have to do something incredible!”
You take a sip of crisp champagne, the bubbles tickling your nose. “So where exactly are we headed?”
Charles has kept your destination a surprise. “You’ll see soon, birthday girl,” he says with a wink.
You pretend to pout. “Fine, keep your secrets.”
He just laughs. “Trust me, it’s going to be an amazing trip.”
You don’t doubt it. Charles has a knack for making every day feel special and fun. Even just being cooped up in this plane with him feels like an adventure.
As the flight continues, you enjoy a decadent five course dinner complete with even more champagne and chocolate-dipped strawberries. Charles keeps you laughing with silly stories and jokes. By the time you finish eating you have to stifle a yawn behind your hand.
“Someone’s getting sleepy,” Charles teases.
“It’s been a long exciting day!” You say through another yawn.
Charles grins and hits the call button. A flight attendant appears instantly. “Yes sir?”
“I think it’s time to get the birthday girl to bed,” Charles says.
The attendant nods and pulls back a partition, revealing a plush bedroom suite.
Your eyes widen in delighted surprise. “Wha … we can sleep in an actual bed on the plane?”
“Only the best for you,” Charles says, planting a kiss on your forehead.
You happily snuggle under the covers in the sumptuous bed, sighing contentedly. “Okay, this is an amazing birthday present.”
Charles chuckles, sliding in beside you and pulling you close. “The fun is only beginning, mon cœur.”
Within minutes you’re sound asleep curled up in his arms.
Sometime later you stir slowly awake, momentarily confused. The bedroom is dark and Charles is shaking your shoulder gently.
“Wake up, chérie. It’s almost midnight!” He says excitedly.
You rub your eyes and peer blearily at the clock. 11:58 pm. “Why, what happens at midnight?”
“Your birthday starts again!”
You look at him blankly, still not fully awake.
He grins. “We just crossed into a new time zone. Which means ...” He pauses for dramatic effect. “I get to be the first to wish you happy birthday again!”
As it clicks you start laughing. Only Charles would come up with something so adorable. You watch the clock count down the last seconds to midnight as he bounces giddily on the bed.
“Happy birthday!” Charles exclaims right on cue, tackling you in a hug.
You hug him back, still laughing. “You’re crazy, but thank you.”
He beams down at you. “I have so much planned, it’s going to take more than one time zone to celebrate properly.”
Over the next few hours, you dip in and out of sleep as Charles wakes you at each new midnight. Every time he sings and wishes you happy birthday again with infectious enthusiasm. By the fifth round you’re both delirious and silly from lack of sleep, belting out drunk duets of “Happy Birthday” and collapsing into giggles.
Finally he lets you sleep through until morning. When you emerge from the bedroom, blinking in the bright daylight, you gasp. Out the window is an ocean of clouds and in the distance, a tiny island just coming into view.
You turn to Charles with wide eyes. “Are we … is that ...”
He grins and wraps his arms around you. “Welcome to St. Barts! I wanted your birthday to be paradise.”
“Every day with you is paradise.” You kiss him soundly. “Thank you, this is the most magical birthday I could’ve imagined.”
Charles trails his fingers over your cheek. “You deserve magic every single day. I’m just doing my part to make sure you get it.”
You stir awake to soft kisses trailing down your neck. Opening your eyes, you find Charles gazing down at you, his brown hair endearingly rumpled.
“Happy birthday, mon ange,” he whispers before capturing your lips in a sweet kiss.
You hum contentedly, running your fingers through his messy locks. “Mmm, now this is a nice way to wake up.”
Charles gives you his signature crinkly-nosed grin. “I have so much planned for your special day.”
Your heart flutters happily. After two amazing years with Charles, the connection between the two of you feels more intense than ever. You can’t wait to celebrate.
But his smile turns apologetic. “Well, so much planned for after the car launch.”
You nod in understanding. Charles has commitments. And today the new Scuderia Ferrari car is being unveiled in a highly anticipated event.
Charles kisses your pouting lip. “I’m so sorry, ma belle. I wish I could get out of it but-”
“Shh, it’s okay,” you assure him, silencing his worries with a kiss. “I know how important the launch is for the team. I’ll just miss you today.”
“I’ll miss you too. But I promise, as soon as it’s over I’m all yours.”
You spend a blissful morning lazing in bed, laughing over crepes Charles attempts to make for your birthday breakfast. Flour ends up more on him than in the pan, but you happily eat the lumpy results.
Too soon it’s time for Charles to leave for the launch. At the door he pulls you into his arms. “I love you. This evening will be perfect, I swear.”
You smile up at him. “Love you too. Go show off that new car.”
After one more lingering kiss he’s off. You distract yourself by meeting local friends for birthday lunch. But your mind keeps drifting to Charles. You hope the event is going well for him.
By mid afternoon you’re back in Charles’ Maranello apartment, curled up on the couch watching silly movies. You’ve just bitten into a slice of birthday cake when your phone rings.
It’s Charles FaceTiming you, his handsome face filling the screen. “Hi, mon amour!”
You grin at your adorable fiancé. “Hey you! How’s the launch going?”
“It’s good!” His eyes drop to your plate. “Are you eating cake without me?” He gasps in mock outrage.
You giggle. “Only a tiny cheat slice. Don’t worry, there’s plenty left for when you’re home.”
Voices sound faintly behind Charles and he glances over his shoulder. “Ah, the program is starting again soon. I just wanted to see your beautiful face.”
You blow him a kiss. “Knock ‘em dead, baby.”
“I love you!” He says before the call ends.
Snuggling back into the couch, you focus on the movie again. But a notification keeps pinging on your phone. You glance over to see texts flooding in from Charles.
Can you watch the livestream?
The link is all over social media
It’s starting again soon 😘
You go on Instagram and click the link curiously. The livestream shows an auditorium packed with press, Ferrari team members, fans, and VIPs. Cameras flash as Charles takes the stage along with his teammate and team principal. They talk about the new car but you mostly just stare lovingly at Charles’ dimples on the big screen.
After the speeches, they unveil the sleek new car. Your heart swells with pride for Charles. But you can’t wait for all the events and obligations to be over. You miss him.
The hosts invite Charles to say a few words. He steps up to the microphone, smiling. “Thank you all for being here today. I’m so excited to get behind the wheel of this beautiful SF-26 ...”
He continues talking passionately about the team and the season ahead. But then his eyes flick to the camera broadcasting the feed. “Oh, I also have a very special announcement.”
You sit up, intrigued. Charles winks at the camera. “As some of you may know, today is my wonderful girlfriend Y/N’s birthday.”
Your eyes widen. You have no idea what he’s doing but it makes your heart flutter.
“So to celebrate this amazing woman, I thought we could all join together to wish her a very happy birthday.”
Charles starts singing “Happy Birthday,” looking straight at the camera with so much love. The crowd joins in, the whole auditorium singing to you. You stare in overwhelmed wonder as Charles blows you a kiss.
When the song ends, the audience claps wildly. Charles grins. “I hope you enjoyed your serenade, mon cœur. I can’t wait to celebrate you properly tonight. Happy birthday, I love you!”
The livestream switches off and you sit staring at your phone in shock. Trust Charles to orchestrate something so thoughtful and adorable. Only he could turn a huge unrelated event into a birthday present.
A few hours later, the front door finally bursts open. Charles rushes in and sweeps you into his arms.
“Surprise!” He laughs, spinning you in a circle.
You hug him tightly. “Charles, that was the sweetest thing ever!”
He beams. “I wanted you to feel special today even though I couldn’t be with you. Did you like it?”
“Like it? I loved it!” You punctuate each word with a smacking kiss.
Charles looks immensely pleased. “Good, because the celebrations are just beginning. Now, I believe I was promised cake?”
You spend the evening feeding each other cake and laughing over champagne. Charles serenades you again, because one impromptu singalong just wasn’t enough for him.
As you sway together, slow dancing in the kitchen, you whisper, “Best birthday ever.”
Charles smiles and pulls you closer. “We’ll make every birthday together your best one yet. I love you, Y/N. So much.”
Your heart swells with joy. No matter where life takes you both, with Charles every birthday is celebrated to the fullest.
A salty ocean breeze ruffles your hair as you gaze out over the glittering turquoise water. The sun is sinking low, painting the sky in dazzling pinks and oranges.
You sigh contentedly, snuggling back against Charles’ chest. His arms tighten around you as you sway together on the yacht’s deck.
“Happy birthday, mon ange,” he murmurs, dropping a kiss to your shoulder.
You tilt your head back to smile up at him. “I know I say this every year, but this is the best birthday ever.”
Charles grins, his nose crinkling adorably. “Well you deserve the perfect birthday getaway.”
You hum in agreement, perfectly relaxed and blissful here in his arms. Charles always plans the most romantic adventures for your birthdays. But after three amazing years together, just being with your favorite person is celebration enough.
As the sun continues to set you chat and trade soft kisses. The conversation lulls eventually into comfortable silence.
Charles shifts behind you. “Y/N, can you turn around? There’s something I want to ask you.”
You swivel in his arms to face him, curious at his suddenly serious tone. But a radiant smile lights up his face.
Slowly, Charles sinks down to one knee before you. Your breath catches as he takes your hands in his.
“Mon amour, these past three years with you have been the happiest of my life. You are my best friend, my heart, my home. I want to laugh with you, explore the world with you, and grow old with you.” His eyes shine with emotion as he gazes up at you.
“So Y/N, will you make me the luckiest man alive by marrying me?”
Joyful tears fill your eyes. “Yes! Of course I’ll marry you!”
Charles’ face splits into the most delighted grin. He moves to stand but wobbles slightly, the boat swaying beneath the two of you.
You reach out to steady him. “Careful!”
“Sorry, just excited,” he laughs breathlessly. With exaggerated care he pulls a ring box from his pocket and opens it to reveal a dazzling diamond ring.
Your smile widens impossibly further. The sunset lights the gems ablaze from within.
Charles takes your left hand gingerly, his own hands trembling. “I hope you lik-”
But his unsteady fingers fumble and the ring slips from his grasp. You both gasp, hands shooting out too late to catch it. The diamonds glint once in the dying sunlight before plopping into the blue water.
“No!” Charles cries in horror. In a flash he’s scrambling to rip off his shoes and shirt. Before you can react, he’s diving in after the lost ring.
“Charles!” You rush to the railing, scanning the rippling surface for him. Bubbles appear where he dove down. The seconds stretch nerve-wrackingly until finally he surfaces, gasping for breath. In his clutched fist, the ring gleams triumphantly.
Relief crashes over you as Charles swims to the ladder. He clambers back aboard the boat, soaked and panting but grinning ear to ear.
“I got it!” He crows, holding up the retrieved ring.
A delighted laugh bursts from you. Only Charles would dive headfirst off a yacht to save an engagement ring. You throw your arms around his dripping shoulders, not caring that you’re getting drenched too.
“My hero,” you kiss him soundly.
Charles wraps you in a soggy hug. “Couldn’t let this ring get away when I still have a very important question to ask you … again.”
He sinks down once more to his knee, water pooling around him. With his hair plastered to his forehead and clothes soaked through, he looks adorably bedraggled but still so breathtakingly handsome.
Grasping your hand again, he asks earnestly, “Y/N, will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?”
“Yes!” You don’t think you’ve ever smiled so wide. “Yes, Charles, yes!”
Charles whoops triumphantly, surging up to kiss you passionately. This time his hands are steady as he finally successfully slips the ring onto your finger.
Admiring the shimmering diamonds you joke, “This ring might need a free cleaning after that swim.”
Charles laughs, pulling you close again. “I’ll get you a new one if you want. Anything for my future wife.”
The word sends a thrill through you. You cup Charles’ face in your hands. “This is the only ring I’ll ever want. Because it’s from you.”
His eyes soften. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” You lean in for another searing kiss as the last light fades behind the horizon.
When you finally draw back Charles wrinkles his nose. “As romantic as this is, I should probably get into some dry clothes.”
You laugh, plucking at his soaked shirt. “Good call. Then we can continue this celebration in proper style!”
Charles grins and sweeps you up into his arms. “I like the way you think, Future Madame Leclerc.”
“One more push, you’re almost there!”
You squeeze Charles’ hand with all your might, face scrunched in exertion, as you bear down to bring your baby into the world.
This is not exactly how you envisioned spending your birthday this year. But as you give one final push and hear your daughter’s first cries, you know this is already the best birthday of your life.
“She’s here! You did amazing, mon amour!” Charles says through joyful tears, kissing your sweat-damp forehead.
The doctor holds up the squalling, wriggling newborn. “Congratulations, it’s a girl!”
Charles cuts the umbilical cord with shaky hands before the nurses whisk your daughter away to be cleaned and checked. He turns back to you, eyes shining. “I’m so proud of you, Y/N. She’s perfect.”
You beam tiredly back at him. The child you created together, your little family, is finally here. After long months of waiting, your birthday wish has come true.
Soon the nurse returns, swaddling your baby girl in a soft pink blanket. “Say hello to your daughter,” she says gently, placing the tiny bundle in your arms.
You gaze down at your daughter, tears of joy and wonder sliding down your cheeks. Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes — she’s absolute perfection.
“Hello Juliette,” you whisper. “Happy birthday, my beautiful girl.”
Charles perches gingerly on the edge of the bed, staring at you both like you hung the moon and stars. He reaches out a tentative finger to stroke Juliette’s downy head.
“She’s so small,” he marvels. “And so perfect. I can’t believe we made this little human.”
His voice cracks on the last word. Your tough Formula 1 driver melts into a puddle of emotion in the presence of his daughter.
You glance up at Charles, your husband, your soulmate, and now the father of your child. The utter love and joy shining from his eyes in this moment eclipses every birthday and every milestone you’ve shared before.
“I used to think so many birthdays were the best day of my life,” you say softly. “But now … this is it. The real best day.”
Charles smiles through his tears and leans in to kiss you tenderly. “This is just the start of so many best days together.”
You both gaze back down at the baby nestled between you. Juliette blinks up at you tiredly and the sight of her green eyes looking back at you takes your breath away.
Charles lets out an awed little laugh. “She has my eyes.”
He holds out a hand and Juliette instinctively grasps his finger. Charles completely melts.
“Hello, ma petite princesse,” he coos. “I’m your papa. And I’m going to love you forever.”
Juliette seems to study his face intently before giving a big yawn that makes you both chuckle. Your heart feels fit to burst watching Charles bond instantly with your daughter.
The next hours pass in a blissful blur of feeding, diaper changes, and stealing each moment possible to just gaze at the miracle you’ve created. You almost forget it’s even your birthday until Charles speaks up.
“You know, I had something else planned to celebrate today but Juliette decided she simply couldn’t wait,” he laughs.
You just smile. “This is the greatest gift I could have asked for.”
He leans down to brush a feather-light kiss to Juliette’s forehead, then yours.
“I guess we’ll just have to plan an extra special party when you’re both home,” he says with a smile. “Our little princess deserves the biggest birthday bash for entering the world on such a special day.”
You grin up at him. “I have a feeling her daddy will go all out.”
“Only the best for my girls.” Charles winks.
Juliette stirs in your arms, letting out the tiniest of baby sighs that melts you both instantly.
As Juliette drifts to sleep cradled between you, her little fingers curled around yours, you know this birthday marks the start of your greatest adventure yet and many more amazing birthdays still to come.
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hyunjilicious · 9 months
in human form [bang chan × f!reader]
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A/n: this is very, very self indulgent. I always try to make my fics reader inclusive, but since I poured my soul out in this, it's not 100% a self insert. It's not OC either, but some aspects of Y/n past are mentioned - mental health and relationship with her parents. I hope you'll still enjoy it! 🥺
Summary: fresh out of a toxic relationship, you realise your best friend Chan might not be just that, your best friend. Angst (and fluffy and extremely cheesy) best friends to lovers trope. 8.5k (hit me)
Warnings: y/n's ex was toxic, so was her father, mentions of alcoholism (as the source of some of the issues), anxiety, insecurities, past traumatic experiences (not detailed). It's not as sad as I may have made it sound, Chan's a sweetheart and there for you from beginning to end ❤️
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For the first time that night, when you felt a hand against your back, you relaxed. "Do you want me to drive you home?" Chan asked, leaning into your side so you could hear him over the loud music at the club.
Aside from the hand that still rested between your shoulder blades, he kept his distance. 
"No, it's fine, thanks" you shook your head but then smiled in appreciation. "I'll take a cab, you don't have to leave"
"Do you want to talk to me?" 
Another offer he didn't have to make - another one you desperately wanted to accept but felt like an asshole doing so.
"I'm annoyed. I don't want to start this right now. We can talk another time"
"I'm here for you" he reminded you, "Please, just let me take you home."
"You don't feel like dancing anymore?"
Chan shook his head. He never felt like dancing in the first place, only came so that he could spend some time with you, but unfortunately the night didn't go as planned. 
"I don't want to ruin your night"
"You're not ruining my night, Y/n" Chan said sternly, "I want to go home too"
"Then why didn't you leave earlier?"
That, he couldn't answer. He knew why, but he couldn't really tell you that the pain you've been struggling to hide has been obvious to him from the very beginning. Instead, he hid his worry behind little acts of kindness, reassuring words and unconditional support, without expecting anything in return. Much like he did now.
"Felt like a party pooper, but you're my ticket out of here. So? Should we go?"
You were unsatisfied with his answer, felt guilty for the way things were going, but you weren't about to make him ask again. "Ok, let's go"
His face lit up hearing your words, it felt like a win which he hoped would be the end of the story, considering that the last time he thought this nightmare was over, this night happened. So, determined to not allow the universe to mess with you again, Chan took a step to the side and motioned for you to lead the way towards the exit. 
And you would've done just that had an overwhelming sense of pain and warmth not washed over you, and instead of moving, you just went in for a hug. Despite being taken aback, Chan wrapped his arms around you instantly, repeatedly kissing the top of your head during the few seconds you spent pressed against one another. 
"Thanks" you mumbled, wiping away a stray tear that fell down your cheek as you pulled away. 
"You don't need to thank-" he began saying but before he could finish the sentence, you felt another hand against your back, one that sent chills down your spine. 
As if burned by the touch, you jumped away and didn't even bother looking at the person before you grabbed Chan's hand and tried to pull him away. 
"Hey, where the fuck do you think you're going?" the menacing tone of your exboyfriend called over the loud music. Even though he wasn't drunk enough to have trouble articulating his sentences, you could still hear the alcohol induced hostility in his tone. 
And as if raising his voice at you wasn't enough, in the blink of an eye he also went to grab you, but even though you were fast enough to step out of his reach, so was Chan as he grabbed the man's wrist and pushed himself between the two of you. 
"Hey, hey, hey! Step back" Chan commanded, not one single hint of uncertainty in his tone. 
"Why?" your ex boyfriend sneered, "Need her?"
Even though a vein was about to burst on his forehead, Chan fought to keep his composure. "Let's not make a scene, ok? Y/n's going home and you're going back to the party. Let's just leave it at that"
"How about this?" he slapped his hands together, "How about you stop sticking your nose in my business and let me have a talk with her?"
"We really don't have anything to talk about, ok?" you tried, but he wasn't having it. 
"Just because we broke up doesn't mean you can go whore around. At least wait a while before you hop on someone else's dick. Or wait! You've done it before, haven't you?" he turned to Chan. "You already fucked her, didn't you? You're the reason she broke up with me?"
"Man, you have no idea what you're saying" Chan rolled his eyes, "But why don't we have this talk another time, huh? This is really not the time and place"
"I agree. So why don't you just step away so I can talk to Y/n?"
"Talk to her?" Chan laughed, "Mate, don't even look at her"
That angered him - you saw it in his eyes and it terrified you. That look of his whenever he had enough to drink so that common sense didn't have a place in his behavior anymore, when limits stopped meaning anything and only his words mattered. 
Under different circumstances, you'd have said this wasn't something you'd ever do, but you felt afraid - viscerally, down to your bones scared, and without thinking, you jumped behind Chan. And while on high alert as he was, even though he might have not seen you, he felt you, the way your hands gripped his shirt and it brought a storm inside his mind. He didn't know what he wanted to do first, break that man's teeth or comfort you, but his adrenaline had kicked in and all that he could focus on was keeping his calm.
"Listen, I've got nothing against you, man. It's her that I need-" and his sentence was cut short by a very calm Seungmin, who with his drink in his hand and the straw between his lips, stepped in between your ex boyfriend and Chan.
"The group's over there" Seungmin addressed the man - fully facing him, and pointed in the direction you just came from, "Why are you all the way over here?"
"Yeah" Felix, who you hadn't noticed until now, nodded along, "We were thinking about going to a different club but we couldn't find you"
They stepped closer to one another, forming a wall between you, Chan and your ex, and bombarded him with questions, pointing in all directions and speaking loudly one over the other. 
There had been maybe one or two attempts from your ex to push past them, but before he managed to escape their pestering, Chan had already grabbed your hand and ushered you towards the exit. 
"Hey, are you ok? What are you doing?" he desperately asked as soon as you stepped on the sidewalk. Seeing you with your nose buried into your phone was the last thing he expected.
"I'm texting Felix and Seungmin" you sniffled, "I hope he didn't start a fight"
"They got this, Y/n, it's ok" Chan said and then tried to get you to move. "Let's go to the car, ok?"
After wiping one more tear from your cheek and pressing the send button on the text you just wrote, you nodded and followed him, "Yeah, ok"
Despite the hurricane of thoughts inside your mind, for most of the drive, you were silent - wanting to say so many things but at the same time, fearing what it would feel like if you yourself were to hear those things being spoken out loud, let alone Chan. 
After your phone buzzed with a new notification, you turned to him, "They got him an uber. He's on his way home"
"Good" Chan nodded and drummed his thumb against the steering wheel. "Fuck him"
"Yeah.. fuck him"
"Are you ok?"
At this hour of the night, the roads were empty enough to allow Chan to steal glances and turn to you, but still you were grateful he was driving - he couldn't fix you with his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine"
"Fine as in fine or fine as in fine?"
You really didn't want to do it, but his question made you giggle. "What? I really am ok, I'm just annoyed"
He looked at you for another second, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"About what? Complain to you about how big of an asshole he was and about how stupid I am? Where's that gonna get me?"
"First of all, you're not stupid. At all, Y/n. You know that"
"My actions and decisions over the past few months would beg to differ, Chan." you sighed, "It's not his fault he was a piece of shit boyfriend to me, it's my fault I stayed in that relationship for as long as I did"
Too many words, some even a bit aggressive and thoughtless, almost rushed past his lips, but he managed to compose himself with a shake of his head and a deep breath. "I really don't want to be that person, Y/n, but you know traumatic experiences don't necessarily involve heavy and obvious shit. You've never been through something like this before, how were you supposed to know what the right thing to do was? You really did your best with what you had"
"Stop. You're making it sound like I'm some sort of victim or something. There's no trauma. He was never violent, never raised his hand at me or anything, it's not that serious"
"A person doesn't have to be physically violent in order to be abusive"
"He wasn't abusive. Just… toxic. It wasn't that big of a deal"
"If it wasn't that big of a deal, why are you so upset with yourself for being, as you say, stupid about it?"
Ah fuck, a red light. It wasn't like the intersection was that busy anyway, and it got you very close to offering to pay the fine only so that he'd keep driving. But his eyes were already on you, ready to pierce right into your soul the second you met them. 
"What do you want me to say?" you looked down at the bag in your lap. "I don't see where you're going with this"
"I want you to stop being angry at yourself. To stop blaming yourself. To realize you were not the problem. That's all I want"
"If that's really the right way to look at things, it's gonna take me a long fucking while" you chuckled bitterly, tone full of spite and anger. 
But still, Chan's voice was as calm and sweet as ever. "And I'll be here for you until then. And after. Ok?"
You really had no right to be this cold to him. "Look at you being so wise and selfless. Try telling me again that I'm not just a stupid girl who needs looking after"
"Y/n, if the roles were reversed, would you think I was stupid? Would you defend the person that repeatedly hurt me?"
"I'm not defending him"
"That's exactly what you're doing by putting all the blame on your own shoulders. I'm not saying you should crucify him, although I would, all I'm saying is that you shouldn't carry this weight. If he refuses to own up to his shit and try to do better, that's on him, but you shouldn't be the one to take responsibility for this just because he won't do it"
Although the things he was saying made sense from the very beginning, it was getting harder and harder for you to keep up with the conversation. A short period of silence followed where you didn't know what to say, but your ticket out of this tensioned position came at the perfect time.
"Light's green" you said and pointed to the traffic lights after seeing Chan make no effort to start the car.
He blinked for a second, looked in the rear view mirror and then turned to you again, "There's no one behind, it's fine"
"Chan! Drive"
"Y/n, look at me"
There was a very strong reason you avoided his stare during this whole car ride, and it was getting harder and harder to manage your emotions. "I can't"
"Why?" his voice broke a little "It's just me, Y/n, it's ok"
You squeezed your eyes shut and threw your head back, "Please, I don't want to start crying right now, just start the car. Just drive"
And he did. He wordlessly followed your request and drove in silence for as long as he could, but when he reached the intersection next to your neighborhood and had to stop at another red light, he couldn't help himself. "Y/n, do you want to be alone right now?"
"I don't want to continue that conversation" 
"It's not what I asked," Chan softly said. "I won't bug you, I promise. But I'm here if you just… don't want to be alone at home"
"Are you sure it's ok?"
"Of course, I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't"
"You totally would've" you weakly laughed, "You always put other people first."
He didn't know how to tell you that it was you who he was putting first - not other people. Sure, he cared about his friends, but he wasn't doing this because he was a caring person, he was doing this because he cared about you. And on top of that, he hoped that this night he was about to spend with you would be the first one on a long, maybe endless, list of things he planned on doing in order to make sure that you finally realized that, even if you hadn't seen it before, to some, to him, you really did come first. 
After that, Chan offered to go to the drive through two blocks away for some food, but the laziness prevailed. You wanted to get home faster and weren't about to let him go by himself, so as he searched for a parking spot behind your building, you tapped in the order on your phone and placed it before entering your apartment.
While the atmosphere was still somewhat tense, you two managed to enjoy the food and down two liters of tea without any upsetting topic being brought up. 
By the time you decided to head to bed, it was already half past 4. And if Chan had to insist on taking the couch, you also insisted on making it as cozy for him as possible, bringing him 3 different blankets, 4 pillows and an army of stuffed animals to keep him company. 
But while fatigue had already crept up your spine and made your eyelids feel heavy, sleep only circled around you and refused to settle. It was your buzzing mind and hurricane of thoughts that kept the sleep at a safe distance, and it was just a matter of time until you had to get out of bed.
This was why you insisted he took your room, so that now, when you wanted to go into the kitchen, you wouldn't have to walk past him. But since there was nothing to be done about it now, you settled for tiptoeing your way to the sink, filling up a glass of water and downing it in the blink of an eye.
Truth be told, you wanted another tea, but the sound of the boiling water would for sure wake Chan up. Maybe a pudding would do, you thought to yourself as you licked the lid before throwing it into the trash. It was good, your favorite - no surprise since you were the one who bought it, but it didn't do much. Chips? Nah, and even if you wanted some, you forgot to get a new bag anyway. Then.. fruit? But after tea and pudding? Also a no. 
It was getting annoying - nothing to keep you busy so you wouldn't have to return to your room. The one obvious option that was left made you cringe. You wouldn't do that, he had been so nice to you all night, it would be very shitty of you to disturb his sleep. Or maybe… he had been so sweet to you all night, he definitely wouldn't mind being sweet a bit more, right?
So without giving yourself the chance to change your mind, you took off towards the couch, your eyes fixed on his sleeping - or not, frame. The way he raised his arm, along with the blanket, almost startled you.
"Come here" he chuckled, before even looking at you.
"Did I wake you?"
"Nope, I wasn't sleeping" he said and then waved his arm in the air, "Come on"
Your first instinct was again to ask if he was sure about it, but you brushed it off and climbed in beside him, cuddling against his chest as he wrapped his arm around your frame, covering you with the blanket all the way up to your cheeks.
"Thank you" you said, all your muscles relaxing under the warmth of his body pressed to yours. "I'm sorry I was mean to you earlier"
"You weren't mean to me" he shook his head. As a small but strong reassuring gesture, his fingers made their way to the back of your neck and lost themselves in your hair. He lightly scratched your scalp as he spoke. "The conversation wasn't pleasant so you just weren't as bubbly as usual, that's normal. You weren't mean to me, Y/n, don't worry"
"I really wasn't the nicest though"
"You don't have to be the nicest with everyone all the time"
"Not with everyone, with you. You have the biggest heart in the world, I don't ever want to upset it"
"That's ok" Chan hummed, kissing the top of your head, "She understands, you didn't upset her."
"Your heart is a she?" you giggled.
He wasn't going to say that his heart was a she because you were his whole heart - that would've been cheesy, but it was late and the love of his life was wrapped around him, so he didn't judge himself for it, just brushed the thought aside. "I don't know why I said she," he lightly chuckled, "It felt right, I guess?"
Without saying anything, you cuddled closer so that you could press your ear against the left side of his chest. He felt calm around you, but his heart drummed against your cheek and it made you feel closer to him and safer than ever, "Thank you"
"Anything for you" Chan hummed, allowing the both of you to finally relax enough to be able to fall asleep. 
The next morning came and went, neither of you showing any signs of planning to wake up any time soon. A little bit past noon however, maybe around 1pm, Chan started stirring in his sleep. When he opened his eyes and checked his phone, the urge to just say fuck it and remain in your soft embrace almost won. But he had another thing on his mind, probably the only thing in the world that could've ever gotten him to leave that couch. 
For a split second he thought it would be rude to rummage through your kitchen so he stopped dead in his tracks and looked at his shoes by the front door. He could go out and buy the ingredients he needed to make breakfast, but what if you heard the door and woke up, that would ruin the surprise. Plus, in the past, he'd been given free access to absolutely everything in your apartment, why would this morning be any different. 
"Jesus, why am I like this, calm down, it's just an omelet" Chan said to himself as he opened your fridge and got to work.
Shortly after, you woke up too. Disappointment hit him a bit when he realized he couldn't surprise you with food anymore, but one thing he didn't know he needed in his life was a cooking session with you. There were so many little things he didn't know about you, so many things that he was so ready to love - the ridiculous amount of kitchen towels you used, the fact that you washed your hands a hundred times while cooking because who wants to touch the cheese with tomato juice on their fingers, the fact that there was a picture of a random dog you thought was cute on one of your cupboard doors and so on. He didn't have to try hard to find something to make him giddy inside, not when he was so close to this genuine, unbothered and honest version of you.
Once the food was done, you both took your seats across from one another at the table, and the topic of discussion you had just started swiftly melted away in favor of comfortable silence and the occasional utensil clatter.
"Hey, um, can I ask you something?" you questioned as you toyed with a piece of bread on your plate. "And please don't be afraid to humble me in case I'm reaching"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Am I the reason you haven't even looked at any type of alcohol whenever we went out during the past few months?"
Even though he wasn't facing you, instead staring down at his food, you still saw his eyes widen in.. embarrassment maybe? "I um… I hoped you wouldn't notice"
His reaction only made you soften further, a very strange warm feeling spreading from the middle of your chest. "You didn't have to do that, Chan"
"I know I didn't" he nodded and only looked at you for a split second before repeating himself, eyes fixed on his plate. "I know I didn't, you didn't even ask me to, but I wanted you to have that"
He still wasn't meeting your eyes. "You said you didn't feel safe if everyone around you was drunk, and that's totally understandable, especially since our friend group is mostly guys. And like I know, I know none of them would ever do anything to make you feel uncomfortable or anything, but still… I know you asked your ex not to drink too much when you went out together, but he never listened. I saw he never listened and I saw the look in your eyes, so I don't know… I did the next best-" he stopped to shake his head, "I did what I could"
"Channie" you pleaded, extending your hand across the table for him to take, but he didn't. However, he looked up, met your eyes and continued speaking. 
"Like it's not even that big of a fucking deal
you know? We all have needs, we all deserve someone to listen to us and to care for us, what does he do? Partners are supposed to make each other feel safe and heard and him… fuck him! Fuck him for treating you like that. Fuck him for disrespecting you. Fuck him for making you, you out of all people, a literal angel we're all blessed to have in our lives, look into my eyes and tell me you think you're stupid. Fuck him for getting into your head and making you think all those awful things-"
That was it. You couldn't bear it anymore. You dropped everything you had in your hands and rushed around the table to him, all but tackling him off the chair with the way you threw yourself against him. It was the best way you could come up with to help him calm down, to show him that you were there, and you were ok, and that everything was fine. 
"Hey, Chan, it's ok" you cooed, brushing his hair, "It's ok, can you look at me?"
He did. "I'm sorry I got carried away" he shook his head, "I just… I hate him"
"I know…"
"You deserve someone better. I wish you never met him. And what's worse, what's keeping me up at night, is that I don't even know the full story. What I know is from what I've seen, I don't even want to think-"
"Then don't"
That hit him hard. "God, Y/n.. no.. I'm so sorry, I-"
"It's ok" you smiled and pushed some curly strands of hair off his forehead, "It's all over now, it's all in the past"
"Y/n" Chan shook his head and stood up to face you properly, wrapping his fingers around your wrists. "You know I'm always here, right? Whatever happens, or happened or might happen, I'll always be here for you. You have me, always. Ok?"
"Yeah, mhm" you nodded, teary eyes looking directly into his, "I know"
"You can always come to me, talk to me, anything, ok?"
"Always" you nodded again and allowed him to bring you into a hug. 
"And I just wanna say that I know it's just a matter of time until you find someone who will make you happy the way you deserve, but until then, let me be the one to do that"
"Make me happy?" you beamed, looking up at him, "You already make me happy"
"Ok, but like-" Chan chuckled, dimples out and all  "Really happy"
"Really happy? What does that mean?"
"It means we've been so busy with work and life, we haven't hung out as much as we used to. We could start doing that again, and even as just your best friend, I know I can treat you so much better"
You probably should've taken him more seriously, "Like the Shawn Mendes song?"
Chan cringed for a second - not at the song, but at the fact that only now did he realize how cheesy he had been. "Yeah.. like the Shawn Mendes song"
"Can you learn it? And then sing it for me?"
"I, uh… yes, I guess I can"
"No, scratch that, I want a better song. I want a serenade"
"You want me to serenade you?" Chan laughed, most likely thinking you were joking.
"Yes. With a guitar and all!"
"Obviously with a guitar. What kind of a dumbass serenades someone without a guitar?"
"I don't know" you shrugged, "Some people use portable speakers and stuff"
Eyes rolled the back of his head, he pretended to shake off the distaste. "And they say romance is dead"
"But romance isn't dead, so you'll use your guitar"
His tone turned sassy and sarcastic, his hip popping to the side. "Ok, guitar. Noted. Anything else you want? Strawberries dipped in chocolate? Roses?"
"Um.. yes!? To both"
For a second he looked surprised but then jumped back into the game. "I'm writing these down, I'm not kidding" he warned, taking his phone off the table and opening the notes app. 
"Good" you moved closer to look at his screen, "And, urgh, I don't know if I want you to wear a suit and tie or a leather jacket"
"Please don't make me wear a suit," he begged.
"Ok, suit and tie. Write it down"
"Write it down" he mocked you while he did as told. "Anything else?"
"Ok, candles, noted"
"And bring Berry"
"Ok, Berry.." he typed. While you had a few more ideas as to how to keep this charade going, Chan was on a different page. "I'm aware that this is just a joke, but you know I'd actually love to do all of these for you, right?"
"I know" you confessed, your attitude swiftly changing as you melted under his sweet and caring gaze. "I actually do know you'd do this, and a lot more for me. But you really don't have to, not like this, not just because it's something that I'd like but haven't gotten in the past. Maybe someday, under a different context, but please, don't feel responsible for this right now"
"I don't" he wholeheartedly shook his head. "I don't feel responsible for this, and I'm not gonna do it. But if you do wake up one morning and feel like it, just let me know, ok?"
"Yes, ok" you giggled and wrapped your arms around his waist. "Thank you"
With his arm around your shoulders, he pressed his lips to your forehead. "Anything for you"
5 weeks later
The dishes were done, the trash had been taken out, your kitchen was spotless and so was your living room. And while never in your life had you ever allowed any of your guests to help you tidy up after a party, tonight had been different. Chan lingered around after everyone else had left and cheerfully helped you clean up the place, despite the clock having already struck 4. 
A small part of you still felt bad for keeping him around at that hour, but a bigger part of you was happy to still have him around.
You didn't mind being alone, but you wanted him around. That was why once you were finally done making your apartment look decent again, the second Chan dared look in the direction of where his jacket and shoes were, you instantly spoke up. 
"Ah, Channie! You're not that tired, are you?"
"Nuh-uh, no. Not really" he lied through his teeth. His eyes were half closed, his shoulders slumped and even standing up felt like a tedious task. But just like you, he didn't want to leave either. "Why?"
"I-um-" you struggled to come up with something, "Could you maybe take a look at my laptop? It's been acting funny"
Just as bad of a liar as he was. But he found it funny and didn't even hesitate before agreeing. 
He sat on the couch and waited for you to bring your laptop, which you placed on the coffee table in front of him. "What's wrong with it?" he questioned, unable to hide his knowing smile.
"I don't know" you grinned too but in pure amusement with your antics, "It's acting… funny"
"Really? Let's see"
And just so as luck had it, the laptop was working perfectly fine. "How did you do that?" you pretended to gasp. "You fixed it!"
"I did?" he chuckled, "Magic hands, I guess"
"Yeah… probably. But I think you should stay for a bit. What if it stops working again?"
"We wouldn't want that, would we?" he hummed and then you noticed his eyes slip to the clock at the corner of the screen. 4:43am. It snapped you out of it in an instant, what the hell were you doing?
"Actually, I don't think I'm gonna use it tonight anyway. If it starts acting up again tomorrow, I'll call you. You can go, Channie. Thanks anyway"
"Can I stay anyway?" he asked and your heart nearly dropped. "Hang out for a bit?"
"Aren't you tired?"
"I am but.. I don't want to leave"
"Ok" you softly said and then fought to look anywhere but directly into his eyes. "There's some ice tea left, would you like some?"
"Mhm, sure"
Part of you expected him to refuse your offer, but you were glad he didn't. It was what most of you had to drink that night, an ice tea - soju combo you found online that turned out to be even better than expected, and now, the last remaining cups of it were on the coffee table as you settled back on the couch next to Chan. 
He sipped his drink in silence, a telltale sign that something was on his mind. It was obvious he was hesitant. "Just say it" you giggled, "There's something on your mind"
"I was just… I wanted to ask, but I don't know if I should"
You knew what he meant, or at least thought you did. "Ask me"
"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to"
"You haven't said anything" you reminded him, "I don't know if I want to talk about it or not"
"Chan…" you rolled your eyes in the exact same way that he did, which made him playfully nudge your shoulder. 
"Are you ok with me drinking right now?" 
"Yes! Of course! I thought you drank earlier too”
“I did, I did… I just wanted to make sure”
“It’s fine, Chris, don’t worry” you smiled and leaned into his side for a second. “I offered you the drink. And even if I hadn’t, I told you, you don’t have to stay away from alcohol at all times just because of me”
“I know…” he said, his eyes instantly falling down to his hands. “I just don’t know the whole story and I don’t want to do something by mistake and make you feel uncomfortable”
“Channie… stop, no, don’t go there. I don’t want you to feel like walking on eggshells around me. I promise I’ll tell you if there’s ever anything, but you could never make me feel uncomfortable”
“I don’t want to push you if you don’t feel like talking about it but I’ve been dying to ask” he softly said and all you did was blink as a sign for him to continue. “When or like, how did this all start?”
“Um..” you took a deep breath. You knew it would come up, that he’d eventually gather the courage to ask, and you dreaded the fact that you let things get so far before telling him. “It’s not really that big of a deal, I think I make it seem like a way more serious thing than it actually is”
“You can still tell me, you know I always want to listen to you"
“I know” you smiled and met his calm eyes. He was patient, gathered into a ball on the couch, waiting for you to speak. He wasn’t going to pressure you or dismiss your feelings, he looked at you with adoration in his eyes, all the patience in the world, all just for you. “I.. I don’t feel comfortable around drunk people because I feel like they’re unpredictable. And unfiltered, I guess. It’s wrong of me to assume, but I can’t help but fear that everyone is going to act like that when they get drunk. And I’m always afraid that in case they say or do something that bothers me, they won’t listen when I try to talk to them, that they’d keep doing their thing no matter what I say. That was why I wanted my ex boyfriend to stay relatively sober when we went out together, so that I’d have someone to turn to in case I felt overwhelmed. Funny-” you chuckled bitterly, “He was the only one who acted like that whenever there was alcohol around. Everyone else is just more giggly and prone to start dancing out of nowhere”
“I’m very sorry he never listened to you, Y/n”
“That’s ok, it’s all in the past now. I like to think that if I ever find myself in a similar situation again, I’ll at least know to get out faster. I promised myself I’d never allow a person like this in my life, but I did, and that made me feel really bad about myself. So, baby steps, I guess”
“Why did you promise yourself that before?”
You sighed. “It was my dad. He used to drink a lot back when I was younger, always looking to start fights and all that. He’s the reason for a lot of my anxieties, but blaming him is not gonna get me anywhere. I’m just trying to do my own thing”
“And you’re doing a really good job, Y/n” Chan said. 
“You think so?” you giggled, the weight of the topic making you more inclined to show your emotions, no matter how much you’d have liked to keep a strong front.
“I really do” he nodded, “And I love to see it”
“You know it’s thanks to you, right?”
“It’s not thanks to me, Y/n” Chan rolled his eyes and opened his arms for you. “Come here”
After setting your drink down, you crawled closer and cuddled into his chest, your head tucked right under his chin. “It is, because you gave me everything and never expected anything in return. I barely felt comfortable enough to be myself when I was alone, but you made me feel safe enough to realize that maybe there’s nothing wrong with me, that I can accept myself and that maybe other people will accept me too. And at the same time, I realized that I don’t really care what other people see in me or not, because you see me and you like me just the way I am, and that’s a big deal to me.”
When you stopped speaking, you couldn’t see him. You had your cheek pressed against his chest and even though you were able to feel his heart rate quicken, you didn’t think much of it. But when he failed to answer, you quickly turned your head to look at him. His glossy eyes met yours, bottom lip popping out as he struggled to keep himself from letting out more than he considered appropriate.
“I just really, really love you, Channie” you said past the heavy lump that was building in the back of your throat. “And going back to what you asked me earlier, no, you could never make me feel uncomfortable. Not that it matters much, but the last time I saw you drunk, you spent one whole hour reading the truth or dare cards and laughed your heart out by yourself and then you went to sleep. But even so, I think I’m past the point where it’s about what you say or what you do, it’s just… you. I love you” you said again and squeezed him in your hold, arms tightening around his frame until your joints hurt. It made him chuckle and his head fell forward, along with a little, stray tear that landed on your shoulder.
“I love you, Y/n” he tried to whisper, as a pathetic attempt to hide the way his voice trembled. But you heard it, you felt it, and in return, only smiled as you looked up at him.
"You're my person"
"I'll be whatever you want me to be, so then I'll take it, I'll be your person" 
"No, you don't get it" you laughed and cuddled back into the cushions so you could face him as you gathered your knees to your chest. "You are my person. I always considered my roommate to be my best friend, and I always thought my partner should be my half. But it's still always been you, the one person I run to and the one person I always want to talk to. I guess that never sat right with me." as you spoke, your tone got progressively lighter, until a giggle escaped, "I guess I need you out of my life so I can move on"
"Hey!" Chan's face suddenly got serious. He nudged your knee, fixed you with his stare and pointed a finger in your face. "Don't say that"
But you did, you said it, and were ready to say it again. It was a dumb thought, you knew that, but still, you couldn't shake it. It had been in the back of your mind for too long, popping up at the most inopportune moments, but this wasn't one of those. Now you were being honest, getting stuff off of your chest, and if there was a moment to say this out loud, it was now. 
"I'm serious" you leaned your temple against your closed fist and looked down, "I don't want this to sound like a 'reject me so I can move on' type of thing, but I do look for you in other people. And I know I'm not gonna find you there, but I still get disappointed when I don't" 
"But why not me? Why look for me in other people when I'm right here?" 
"Don't say that" you cuddled closer into yourself. "I thought about it, of course I did. And I wanted to make a move, more than once, but we wouldn't work. This isn't right"
While he looked hurt by your words, there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes - in the way he looked at you, as if he was one step away from having it all and was determined to fight for it. "Why do you think that?"
"I already feel like a leech, but it's one thing when you're just my friend. I don't think we'd have a very healthy attachment. You pieced me back together, and I love that - for myself. But it wouldn't be fair to you. You shouldn't have to constantly do that for your partner. At least not when they can't do the same for you"
"Y/n" he said in a serious tone, his eyes fixed on yours. "You can't possibly believe that"
"It's true, though"
"No, it's not. Just because you've been through a difficult time and I've been here for you, doesn't mean you haven't been there for me too!"
"Yeah, but I haven't done anything any of your other friends wouldn't have."
"Well then" he began speaking and struggled to hide his grin. "Why did you do all of those things for me if you knew I had others who could do them?"
"Why?" you frowned. "Why!? Because I wanted to. Because I wanted to be-" but then it hit you. "Oh shut up!" you exclaimed and stood up from the couch, your feet involuntarily leading you towards the kitchen. "I'm not having this conversation with you!"
"Y/n! Come back here!" Chan laughed out loud and jumped to follow you, all a giggle as he caught up with you. He placed his chin on your shoulder and wrapped his arms around you from behind, his chuckles even more uncontrollable now that he had seen the flustered look on your face. "You're my person too!"
"Chan, stop it" you giggled and hid your face behind your palms.
"Who let's me sleep over because they know that if I'm alone I'll spend the entire night working? Who's the first one that gets to hear my songs? Who do I call crying when I miss home? Is it you?" he chuckled, "Is it? The way you come over every single time I tell you I miss my family. Remember that one time you had some work to do, but you still came over and we haven't talked for hours because you were busy, but just the fact that you were there, with me, put me back on my feet? Y/n, look at me"
You shook your head, overwhelmed and completely confused by the hurricane of emotions swirling around your chest. 
"You're my home, you dumb ass" he kissed the side of your head. "It's funny to me that you didn't know"
Itchy on the inside and too fired up to stay still, you wiggled your way out of his hold and turned to face him. "How was I supposed to know?" you threw your arms up in frustration, eyes glossy as you giggled your way through the sentence, "You never told me, you idiot"
"Was it really that effortless for you? To be everything I ever needed?"
"Oh, shut up!" you scoffed, the tears now threatening to spill down your cheeks. Again, you tried to hide from him, but Chan wasn't having it.
"Come here" he hugged you again, "I love you"
"Leave me alone" you cried, face hidden in the crook of his neck. 
It might have looked like he found it amusing, but he too was overwhelmed. His little chuckles were nothing else other than a sign of all the admiration and awe he felt inside when he looked at you, of the warmth around his heart as you clung to his hoodie like your life depended on it. 
But eventually you pulled away. "Ok, I'm done. I love you" you wiped your tears and turned to leave, "But I'm also done with this conversation"
"Hey, hey, hey!" Chan exclaimed, not missing a beat before caging you in between his arms and the counter behind you. "All these years I thought my feelings were one sided, today I find out they aren't, that you feel the same way, but then you tell me you don't want to do anything about it?"
"Y/n!" he laughed in despair, "Come on. Give me one good reason we shouldn't be together. Just one"
"I- I don't have one. I'm just scared"
"Of what?" Chan asked softly, "It's just me. You know me"
"I don't know" you lied. "It's scary. You make it scary"
"I make it scary?" he gasped. 
"What if I fuck up?"
"What if I fuck up?"
You scoffed. "Yeah, right"
"Love, at this point, you're just being delusional. I have no idea what's going on inside that head of yours, but I'd love to find out. Tomorrow. Now it's the buttcrack of morning, I've been dying to kiss you for god knows how long and you're just standing here, spewing nonsense as if you're not the most amazing person I've ever met."
"I'm sorry" you looked down.
Chan tiled your chin back up so you'd look at him, "Don't be sorry, just trust me"
"I trust you" 
"Then, can I kiss you?"
And a little nod was enough. And no matter how nervous you might have been, his hold, like so many times before, drained the worries right out of your mind. And the awkwardness - ever present whenever you kissed someone for the first time, especially someone you cared about, barely managed to make its presence felt. Because at the end of the day, nothing was new. You may have never kissed him before, but the intimacy was familiar. You knew his touch, how he felt, how gentle he was and how much he cared. Only now, you got to experience that through a kiss shared in your kitchen, while the sun was rising, after you opened your heart for him and he still craved you as much as ever. 
And while in a way it felt cathartic - the release of so much pent up emotion, it was still frustrating. You couldn't get as close as you wanted no matter how hard you pressed yourself against him, and you couldn't get enough of his taste despite going at it until dizziness took over. 
It was hard to pull away for air when the kiss itself felt like breathing. 
The sun was already up and at the top of the sky by the time you opened your eyes. You had probably gotten around 5 or 6 hours of sleep when something stirred you awake. 
Excited to wake up for the first time in ages, you didn't care what interrupted your sleep, you just stretched over to the other side of the bed, and frowned when you found it empty. 
But then there it was again, the sound that woke you up. The neighbors, you thought, climbing out of bed. 
The reasonable thing to do was head to the bathroom, fix your hair a little, maybe brush your teeth, but there was something else on your mind and you went to look for it. 
"Chan?" you stopped dead in your tracks in the middle of the hallway, one hand rubbing your squinted eyes. "What are you-"
"Ah, fuck" he looked up at you, like a child caught red-handed. He didn't move, just sat there in his spot on his knees by the door, unable to come up with a way to word an explanation. He hoped you'd understand it yourself.
It took you a second but the details started coming one by one - the suit, the tie, the guitar against the wall. There were rose petals on the floor. And under Chan's arm - the source of the sounds that woke you up - Berry fidgeting and yelping, desperately trying to wiggle his way out Chan's grip and over to you. 
"Chan, what is this?" you scrunched your face at the itchiness in your nose and furiously blinked at the way your eyes suddenly started stinging. 
"You, uh… weren't supposed to wake up yet"
"Chan, what the fuck is this"
Wordlessly, he put Berry down and stood up. 
The dog sprinted at you, tail wagging as his little paws clawed at your legs. All you could do was pick him up and squeeze him to your chest, sinking your nose in his soft fur as a way to ignore everything else. 
"You don't like it," Chan simply said. It probably should have been a question, but the insecurity inside his chest made it sound like a statement. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
"Don't like it?" you mumbled, walking towards him as Berry still worked on greeting you with some well deserved and hungry licks all over your chin, cheek and jaw. "Chan, I-"
"I also got candles," he pointed to the kitchen table, "And strawberries. And there's chocolate too"
You walked over and spotted the bowl, full of chocolate dipping cream, covered with a plastic wrap. "Did you make this!?"
"No, no… I would've- I really wanted to, but there wasn't time. I asked Felix"
"You asked Felix?"
He responded with a shameful nod but then jumped to clarify. "I didn't tell him what I needed it for, I- I said it was just for fruit in general. I didn't want to tell anyone anything until I talked to you first, especially because I was a little bit pushy last night, so if you want me to leave, I'll leave-"
"Leave!? Pushy? No, you weren't pushy, stop it"
He breathed out relieved. "Ok, good, because I could barely sleep last night, I- I felt like I forced you to kiss me and I felt so bad, but you were already asleep and I didn't know-"
"Oh my god, no" you shook your head and launched yourself at him, a tight hug with Berry squeezed in the middle. "You didn't pressure me to do anything, relax"
And while the embrace felt good and homey for you, Chan didn't mirror your emtions. He was still on edge, only half of his grand plan having played out yet. "There's still the song, I promised I'd serenade you"
"You learned a song for me" you melted, "What song?"
"You haven't heard it before"
"I haven't?"
"No, because I wrote it. It's about you. For you. I wrote it when you first joked about all of this, I wrote it all that night, and I've been dying to play it for you ever since then, but now I'm so nervous, I think-" he tugged at the collar of his shirt, "I think I'll combust"
While in awe with everything happening, you weren't quite happy. "But I don't like this, Chan. You put so much effort into this and I haven't even washed my face. Can you give me a second? So I don't look like-" you gestured up and down your body, "this"
"You know… I feel like I've been so cheesy and over the top this morning, that I don't think one more cliche is going to make that big of a difference."
As you switched Berry from one side to the other due to your arms growing tired, you raised one eyebrow in confusion.
With nothing but admiration in his eyes, Chan smiled, "You have never looked more beautiful to me"
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Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!!! 🥺 feedback makes my day so I'd love to hear what you thought!!! ❤️❤️
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wolfjackle-creates · 8 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 17
Damn, how did this get to a part 17????
Here's the promised WIP Wednesday (on a Thursday)!
I had a lot of fun writing this part. The words just flowed so easily.
If you didn't notice, I now have the first arc posted on AO3. It covers the first three parts I've shared here along with some extras that I never did.
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Part 1, Previous
Word Count: 1.9k
By the time morning had rolled around, Tim had also signed them up for a 7:30 AM and a 6 PM TV interview. Hopefully they could do enough damage control to mitigate the worst of Walker’s bad PR, whatever that turned out to be.
Tim nudged everyone awake at 5 AM. Conner and Cassie got up the easiest.
“Morning, Rob,” Conner said through a yawn. “Time to prepare for our interview?”
“Yep. We’ll be going in uniform since this is an interview for the Young Justice.”
“Great,” said Cassie. “We’ll be ready.”
Tim went to Danny next. “Hey, Danny.” The boy didn’t move, so Tim shook his shoulder slightly.
“Wha…?” Danny blinked his eyes open. “Wha’s goin on?”
“Me and the others are going to our interviews. We’ll be back in a few hours, kay?”
Danny just blinked at him and Tim laughed fondly.
“I’ll leave a note.”
Tim skipped breakfast on their way out, though Bart offered him some breakfast bars.
“It’s too late to be up,” Tim yawned.
Conner laughed as he hugged Tim and wrapped him in his TTK. They rose several feet into the air. “You should not have pulled that all-nighter.”
“How else was I supposed to be awake in time?”
Tim could feel the way Conner shook his head. “Just tell me where to go. I’ll get us there.”
Tim pointed to an area in town. “It’s over that way.”
Bart grinned. “I’ll meet you three there!”
“We won’t be long,” said Cassie.
With the benefit of flying, they were at the radio station within fifteen minutes. Sometimes being friends with metas made life so much easier.
As soon as they entered, a team of people greeted them.
“You were actually serious!” exclaimed a tall, white man. “Thought for sure it was a joke when I got your email last night. I’m Steve and I’ll be your interviewer this morning.”
Tim shook his hand. “Good morning, Steve. Robin at your service, and these are Superboy, Wonder Girl, and Impulse.”
Then they had to be introduced to all the producers, sound engineers, and assistants. If it hadn’t been for his parents’ gala training, Tim was certain he would’ve forgotten all the names instantly.
The employees knew how to do their jobs, however, and despite everyone wanting to meet the heroes, in less than twenty minutes, they were set up in the recording studio.
“So,” said Steve. “I just want to make sure I get this right. You, Robin, have been friends with Phantom for a while now and wanted to tell our listeners the truth about him. That he’s actually a hero and not a menace.”
“That’s right, Steve. I knew him before… Well, he’s a ghost. You know what before implies. He was there for me when I first became Robin. Now I want to be there for him when he’s dealing with similar struggles.”
“That’s not what any of the experts believe.”
Conner snorted. “The so-called experts in this town want to completely destroy any and all ghosts. Don’t think they’re unbiased.”
Bart nodded. “Yeah. We may not have known Phantom as long as Robin, here. But he’s a good guy. Helped us out when we got stranded here.”
“Stranded, eh? Mind if I ask you more about that on air?”
Tim laughed. “You can ask whatever you like. But I can’t guarantee we’ll answer everything. Secret missions and all that, you understand.”
Steve sighed theatrically. “It was worth a shot. Now, we’ll be going live in about five minutes and we’ll have three segments of eight minutes separated by two minute ad breaks. For a total of thirty minutes in the studio. Anything in particular you want me to ask?”
Tim pulled a sheet of paper out of his utility belt. “I wrote some down, if you don’t mind. They should be engaging and broad enough to please your audience and personal curiosity.”
“I won’t ask only from this list, you understand,” said Steve as he took it.
“Of course not. The first three are ones I do request that you ask, however. Beyond those, they’re just suggestions.”
Steve skimmed the list and nodded. “I can work with this.”
Beyond the window, the sound technician made a signal.
“All right, everyone. That’s the one minute mark. Let me introduce you before you say anything, capiche?”
Tim gave a thumbs up and the others added their assent.
The “on air” light turned on and Steve spoke in a voice much more performative than the one he’d been using. “Good Morning, Amity Park! This is Steve Boyce here to help you bring in the day. How are you early birds doing? Have I got a treat for you today! So last night I got absolutely no sleep because at nine thirty, shortly after our newly implemented curfew, I got a surprise email. From no other than the heroes who helped us out the other night when we were attacked! That’s right! The one and only Robin from Gotham emailed my and asked to come on my small, local show. So he and the Teen Titans are here with me. Let’s give them a warm Amity welcome, what do you say?”
Cassie laughed. “Thanks for that introduction, Steve. I’m Wonder Girl and I’d like to clarify one point. The former Teen Titans have kept the name Titans even if they’re no longer Teens. So we’ve decided to go by a new name.”
Bart nodded. “Yep. We’re the Young Justice now.”
Steve laughed. “Looks like I’ve already put my foot in it. Let me correct myself, let’s give the Young Justice a warm Amity welcome.”
Tim put on the happy gala voice his parents had drilled into him. “Not at all! It’s a new change and we’ve never really operated out here before. Even back home in San Francisco or Gotham we get called the Teen Titans more often than not. We’re just on a crusade to get the name change to stick.”
“Well I’m sure all of my listeners will be sure to get it right going forward. Now, let’s get down to business. We’re all thrilled that you were around to help us out the other night, but what brought you to Amity to begin with? Mayor Montez has publicly stated he never even had a chance to reach out for help before you were on the scene.”
“That was all Robin’s doing,” said Conner. “He’s friends with Phantom, you know.”
“Yep,” agreed Tim. “We were in the area when our transport broke down. Impulse figured out where we were and I knew of Amity due to my friendship with Phantom. Since we weren’t on a time limit, we decided to pop into town for a visit. Imagine our surprise when our very first evening here, we experienced a ghost invasion!”
Cassie laughed. “Oh, come on, Rob. With our lives, it really wasn’t that surprising.”
“Yeah,” said Bart. “We’ve totally had weirder things happen to us.”
Steve leaned forward and pitched his tone lower as if conspiring with them. “Well, I’ll definitely be asking for some of the details on what those might’ve been later. But first, I have to ask. Robin, how did you meet Phantom? He’s that ghost in the black-and-white jumpsuit, right? As far as I know, he’s only ever been seen in Amity. And you’ve certainly never been here before.”
Tim took a breath, this was the moment. “Yep, that’s him. And, well, it may be strange, but I knew him before he was ever Phantom.”
“Before he was Phantom? Do you mean…” Steve let his voice trail off.
Tim let out a low sigh and closed his eyes. He really had to sell this. “Yeah.” He made sure his voice was rough. “Yeah. I knew him before he died. He was one of my best friends growing up and we’ve known each other for years.”
Conner put a hand on his shoulder. “Rob…”
When even Steve needed a second to figure out how to reply, Tim figured he did a good enough job. “So you know him when he was alive,” Steve said. “Who was he? Where did he live?”
“I’m afraid I can’t answer that,” said Tim. “He was young when he died and his family don’t need people harassing them. They’ve been through a lot. And I know Phantom’s reputation isn’t the best.”
Steve let out another put-upon sigh. “And there you go being reasonable when all I want is the hot gossip. Fine, no questions about who Phantom was. I’m sure you were thrilled when you found out he came back as a ghost, though.”
Tim laughed and was glad Steve was able to change the mood of the interview so quickly without him doing anything. “Oh absolutely. I near about had a heart attack when he called me up out of the blue to say he was a ghost now! This was my first opportunity to visit him since, you know.”
Conner nudged him. “So he brought us along for the ride.”
Steve hummed. “So for the rest of you, this is your first time meeting Phantom?”
“Yep,” said Bart. “I like him. He’s cool.”
“So, Impulse, you think he’s trying to help us. Because it seems like whenever he shows up, things get broken and we have to spend days or weeks and tens of thousands on repairs.”
“Robin knows more about it than I do,” said Bart, “but I guess what let Phantom cross back over to Earth is allowing other ghosts to cross back over. Phantom just wants to spend more time with his living family and friends. The others ghosts…”
“They want more than that,” finished Tim. “Phantom’s explained it to me a bit. They all have something driving them that can only be fulfilled on Earth. And they don’t care what they have to do to satisfy that drive. So Phantom steps in to try and prevent them from causing too much damage or hurting anyone. Then he forces them back to the dimension they come from.”
“In fact,” added Cassie. “We spent all night talking with Phantom and we got his side of the story on several of his fights since he first came to Amity. We’ve written it all up and submitted them to the local paper, so look in the OpEds over the next few days if you want to know the truth.”
“Oh, well now you’ve definitely got me intrigued! I think I will. Anything you'd be willing to share with us now?”
“Do you remember how a month or two ago, a giant robot was seen in Amity?” asked Tim.
“Not something I’m likely to forget!”
Tim laughed. “I’m sure! Well, what you don’t know is that he crossed over to Earth from the Ghost Zone about three or four days before you ever saw him. Phantom kept him from gaining a physical body for days before Technus was able to get past him.”
“Really? So you’re saying that without Phantom, we would’ve been dealing with that robot for a lot longer?”
Steve asked several more questions about Phantom. Some serious: How does he plan to decrease property damage going forward? We’re coaching him on how to move a fight and deescalate conflict. And some light hearted: So I heard he’s a dog person? Oh, absolutely. A ghost dog adopted him a few weeks ago.
Then the questions turned more personal as he moved on from Phantom and asked about their lives and exploits. And before they knew it, the interview was over.
“Thanks for reaching out,” Steve said as soon as they left the recording studio. “You are by far the biggest guests I’ve ever had on.”
“Thanks for agreeing to have us on so last minute,” said Tim.
“How could I possibly say no?”
Hope you enjoyed the interview! I probably won't go into detail for the TV one since it'd just be rehashing the same information.
I no longer do tag lists, but I do have a Subscription Post if you want to be notified of updates.
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midwestmade29 · 6 months
Welp, make sure you’re seated for this one! I’m back to my smutty ways and let me tell ya, it feels good 😏 It’s been awhile since I’ve written something this spicy! Mr. Cage has that effect on me though 🫠
@madhatterbri @1dluver13xx
If you are not 18+ years old, PLEASE KEEP SCROLLING. Do not interact with this story.
Due to the explicit nature, this story is NSFW or minors.
Some topics/theme(s) of this story may not be suitable and/or triggering for some readers. Read at your own discretion.
Possessive male, foul language, intimidation, sexual dirty talk, and unprotected sex are a few things happening in the story.
May require a cold shower after reading
Word count: 1,929
Christian Cage knows no bounds when it comes to showing the world what’s his…
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Christian was stuck in line at the front desk, waiting to check into the hotel. You stood in the lounge area not too far away with your suitcases, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. You didn’t even notice that someone had walked up to you until they cleared their throat, pulling your gaze away from your screen and onto them. “Hey beautiful, how are you? Name’s Alex. What’s yours?” he asked over confidently. “I’m fine, but I’m going to stop you right there and let you know that I’m not interested.” You stated firmly. “Aw, come on beautiful! Don’t be like that. Let me show you a good time, show you off and spoil you like a princess should be.” He continued. You rolled your eyes at his audacity, but that didn’t faze him. “I said I’m not interested. My boyfriend will be back any minute, so I suggest you move on to someone else before he gets here.” The douchebag didn’t heed your warning, only laughed mockingly. “Now princess, why would I give two shits about your boyfriend?” he asked at the completely wrong time because Christian walked up and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close. “Because I’m Christian fucking Cage. That’s why.”
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The douchebag’s eyes grew to the size of silver dollars at Christian’s threatening tone. He raised his hands up in surrender and walked away as quickly as he could. It was no secret that Christian’s 6’1 toned frame was intimidating, but the scowl he often wore on his face and the “don’t fuck with me” aura that surrounded him made him come across even more menacing. Power and arrogance oozed from every pore of this man, especially when someone tried to mess with his girl. Christian drew your body closer and nuzzled his face up against yours. His beard was bristly against your soft skin, but you loved the way it felt as it skimmed over your cheek. He placed his lips right next to your ear and growled “That stupid fucker is lucky there are other people around or else I would’ve knocked all his teeth out and given them to Danhausen for Christmas.” You knew he was serious about knocking the guy’s teeth out, but the part about Danhausen made you to giggle, ultimately allowing Christian to relax a little at the sound of it. He kissed you fiercely for everyone around to see, publicly claiming you as his.
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When the two of you came up for air, Christian grabbed your hand and walked you both in the direction of the front desk. “What are we doing? I thought you already checked in?” you asked. “I did, but I need to change something about our room arrangement.” He replied with a wicked gleam in his eye. Once the front desk agent greeted Christian, he really played up to them with his charm and cunningness in order to get exactly what he was wanting. “I am needing to change rooms. Do you see that gentleman sitting at the bar? I’d like a room directly next to his. I know this isn’t a normal request, but I really need it to transpire.” The agent looked at Christian uncertainly, clearly conflicted about what to do. “Yes, that is Mr. Thompson. He’s a frequent guest here. Are you an acquaintance of his?” they inquired. “I guess you could say that.” Christian shrugged. “I’m willing to pay for any inconvenience this causes the hotel or occupants already in the room. Money is not an issue. If there are guests staying there, upgrade them to something better and put it on my bill.” Your jaw dropped and so many thoughts were running through your mind. You had no idea why Christian had the sudden urge to change rooms, but with the vindictive look on his face, you knew he was up to no good.
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The front desk agent eventually gave in to Christian’s charisma and agreed to do the room swap. He assured them that there was no ill intent behind his reasonings, just made up a random story about how they both work for the same company and that it would be easier to conduct their business with adjacent rooms. The guests who were in the room next to Alex’s were more than happy to vacate it when they were offered a suite on a different floor and 2 free massages at the hotel spa. Christian didn’t even question how much the new arrangements were costing him, he just slid his credit card across the counter. “Thank you, Mr. Cage. Here are your new room keys. You’re now on the 16th floor and you’ll take those elevators down the hall on the right. Enjoy your new room, and if there’s anything else you require, please don’t hesitate to reach out!” the agent said pleasantly. Christian nodded and held your hand once again as the two of you pulled your suitcases to the elevator and rode it up to your floor. “What the hell was that all about? Why would you want our room to be next to that creep?” you asked perplexed. “I can only imagine how much that suite the other guests were upgraded to cost you. Not to mention the massages!” Christian pressed the key card on the reader and opened the door once the light turned green. “Every penny spent will be worth it once that fucker hears you screaming my name all night as I pound your pussy into the mattress.”
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It thrilled you seeing Christian jealous and possessive like this. It made you feel desired and like you’re a fucking goddess! The longer you thought about Christian’s scheme, the more everything else became cloudy. You had a one-track mind now that was focused solely on your primal craving for Christian. Your body flushed a beautiful shade of pink as you felt your arousal blossom, lust surging through every fiber of your being. Your heart hammered against your chest as Christian walked over to you. “You like it, don’t you?” he asked in an insinuating tone. His fingers toyed with a strand of your hair as he waited for your answer. You took the bait and asked, “What do I like?” Christian smiled at you as he pressed forward, causing you to back up until your legs brushed against the mattress. In one swift move, he wrapped his arm around your waist and slowly laid you down on the bed, his body now hovering above yours. In a controlled tone, Christian answered, “You like the thought of that asshole hearing us fuck. You like the idea of me buried deep inside of you, claiming your sweetness as mine. I’m going to make him regret ever laying eyes on what’s mine.” As soon as the words left Christian’s lips, someone opened and closed the door to the room beside yours. He sat back on his heels, sliding his jacket down his toned arms while smiling devilishly. “It seems like Mr. Thompson has a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time today.”
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Christian pulled his turtleneck over his head, revealing his delicious, sculpted abdomen. His hands moved to his belt buckle, undoing it painstakingly slow as you watched from beneath him. You eyed him hungrily as if you hadn’t eaten in days and he was the only thing to satisfy your cravings. As he stood, his pants fell to the floor and his boxer briefs followed suit, allowing his hard length to spring free. He removed your pants swiftly as you shimmied free from them and took notice of how wet your panties were after he slid them down your legs next. You couldn’t help but chuckle when Christian wrapped his hands around your calves and pulled so your bottom half was resting at the edge of the bed. When he separated your legs and stood in between them, you were more than ready to feel his body weight on yours and to take every inch of him inside of you. Once your shirt and bra were removed and tossed aside, Christian’s hard length brushed up against your sweetness making your muscles tighten like a coil that was desperate to come undone. “Mmm, you’re so wet for me. I’m going to make you feel so good baby.” He whispered against the valley of your collar bone. Christian nipped the delicate skin around your neck, kissing it immediately after to soothe the pinch. “Maybe I should bite harder and leave a mark. There would be no denying that you’re mine then.”
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“Christian…” you purred against his lips before he kissed you, silencing any other words you wanted to say. When he reached between the two of you and grabbed hold of his length, he lined the tip up with your entrance and thrusted himself inside. He slid in and out with ease from your feverish arousal. “Fuck, you’re so tight baby. You stretch and fit around me so perfectly.” He groaned, savoring every sensation as your walls gripped and pulled him. Your body surged with want and need, aching for more. “Faster Christian! I want you to fuck me harder. Please!” you begged. Without hesitation, Christian picked up his pace, practically slamming himself into you. “Yes, Christian! Just like that!” you demanded. “Say it again baby. Scream my name for everyone to hear. Let them know how good you feel.” Christian growled through gritted teeth. “Oh shit, Christian!” you moaned. He kept up his pace fervently, each thrust bringing you one step closer to your sweet release. Your hands were tangled in the crisp white sheets as you grasped them and pulled, your eyes starting to skewer shut as pure ecstasy overcame you. “Cum for me baby. Let yourself go. I can feel your walls clenching around me” Christian encouraged.
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You reached your fever pitch at Christian’s last words, your release imminent. “Fuck! Ah, Christian!” you cried out as you succumbed to him. Your body trembled as you came undone, every hair standing on end as the pleasure coursed through you. Christian’s release followed after yours, his breathing ragged as he came inside of you. You felt every drop seep into you the more his length pulsated against your walls. No words were able to be spoken yet as the two of you continued to come down from your high. Your bodies stayed connected until Christian found the strength to remove himself from you. As he pulled himself out, his warm seed began spilling from you, coating your thighs and your slit. Christian stood up on shaky legs, placing his hands on your knees for balance as he admired his handiwork that glistened all over your skin. You started to laugh at the thought of how horrified your neighbor must be now that he knows who is staying next door. Christian had turned his head to the side, listening for any reaction from the poor bastard that hit on his girl. Right on cue, a voice came through the space between your rooms, and you could hear Alex cursing before placing a phone call to the front desk. You could hear him angrily demand a new room, citing that his neighbors are animals and are causing a disturbance. You and Christian looked at each other and smiled, pleased with the commotion you caused.
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“I think Mr. Thompson learned a valuable lesson today.” Christian stated. “Oh, yeah? And what lesson is that?” you asked. “What’s mine is mine.” He replied as he made his way between your legs once again.
(…hehehehehehehe is all I have left to say about this story 😈)
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circle-with-me · 4 months
‘tis the damn season - part 5
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Pairing: Will Ramos x OFC (Gen/Viv/Vivvy)
Content Warning/Tags: 18+ MDNI!!! nightmares, psychological abuse, verbal abuse, implications of physical abuse, menacing/threatening behavior, toxic relationship with parent (father), mentions of death, mentions of car wrecks, mentions of alcoholism, panic attacks, unprotected vaginal sex, creampie.
First part of this may be rough for some but after that is pure FLUFF I swear! Tooth rotting. They’re adorable, I love them so much.
Word Count: 3k
tag list: @concretenoah @deathblacksmoke @sitkowski @bngurngheart @malice-ov-mercy @witchyweeb34 @lyschko666 @cookiesupplier @lilrubles @meekahy @lacktoesandtoddlerants @sammyjoeee @collective-heartbreak @agravemisstake @catharsis-in-darkness @0fth34byss
There is a nightmare scene that can be pretty rough for some and I want to make sure everyone is prepared. You do not have to read that part to know that is going on with the rest of the story so I have divided it up so you can scroll through it. The scene is in italics. Once you reach the snowflake divider you’ve made it to the rest of the story. Love you guys and thanks as always for reading my thing ♥️
thank you to @deathblacksmoke and @concretenoah for being the best beta readers/listening to me go on about this fic incessantly. They’re my biggest helpers and supporters and I wouldn’t know what to do without them 🤍
warning divider by @cafekitsune, snowflake divider by @saradika-graphics, t. swift lyrics dividers by yours truly
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“Genevieve! Get down here NOW!” 
She stiffens at her father’s booming voice calling for her downstairs. Even with her door closed it sounded as if he was right next to her. Gen sits at the edge of her bed, dreading what would happen next. He would become angrier the longer she made him wait but fear kept her frozen.
“GENEVIEVE!” The voice boomed again. “Don’t make me come up there!”
She whimpers at the threat, knowing if she doesn’t get up immediately he’ll make good on it. Wiping the tears from her cheeks she gets up and opens her door, padding down the hallway to the staircase.
Gen stands at the top of the stairs and peers over in an attempt to catch a glimpse of him. She hears noises from the kitchen, shuffling around followed by shattering glass and a string of curses. He’s drunk, but what else is new? 
“God dammit Genevieve, you don’t fucking li-” She jumps as his large frame stampedes out of the kitchen and to the bottom of the stairs. He halts when he sees her, the fury in his eyes turning to annoyance. He grips the railing, taking a step up. 
“Mija, why did I get a call from school today telling me you’ve been skipping class?”
Gen feels her heart start to race. 
“Daddy, I-I..” She stammers, tears welling up in her eyes. “I only skipped class once so I could..”
He slams his fist against the railing and Gen freezes in place, wrapping her arms around herself for comfort. 
“Don’t lie to me, bitch.” He spits.
“I’m not lying to you, daddy! I promise. It was just one time! I wanted..”
He takes another step up.
“What the fuck is so important that you had to skip class for, huh?”
Gen whimpers, she knew he’d be furious to find out the truth but if she lied it would be ten times worse. She doesn’t even look up when she speaks.
“Tomorrow is Will’s birthday and I wanted to get him something special. He likes manga and the only place that sells it around here closes early. So, I left before the last period started so I could get there on time.” 
“You skipped school to buy that stupid boy a comic book?” Gabriel sneers, narrowing his eyes at his daughter. 
“Daddy, he’s not..”
“And whose fucking money did you buy that with?” 
“Mine.” She sniffles. “Mrs. Hart has been having some trouble getting around so she asked me to help her with some housework. I told her not to but she insisted on paying me.” 
He barks a laugh but there’s no humor behind it. In fact, it’s so cold it makes Gen’s skin crawl. 
“Always taking advantage of people. What would your mother think of you?” Gen winces. He loves to use her mother against her. “I bet you went over to the neighbors begging for money. Just like when you cry to Will about how terrible I treat you.”
Gabriel ascends the step once more, taking two steps this time. 
“Maybe I wouldn’t drink all the time or be so ‘terrible’ if I had a better daughter. Did you think of that? I lost my wife and I get to look at her spitting image every single day. You will never be half the woman she was… It should have been you that died in that wreck.”
If he had said that a year ago, his statement would have devastated her. She reasons that in some way it probably still does, but her bitterness and hatred for the man she calls her father usurps that feeling. 
Gen looks in his eyes— eyes that have been lifeless and cold for years. She knew the risks, the consequences, the days of recovery ahead of her but she didn’t care. If he was going to sink that low then so was she.
“No, daddy. You can blame your drinking on me if you want to but you had a problem long before mom died. If you weren't such a drunk that wreck never would have happened. It should have been you that died.”
Gabriel’s lips curl in anger, a snarl coming from his chest. “You little fucking bitch!” He bounds up the stairs towards her, reaching out to grab her and—
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Gen’s eyes fly open and she pants looking around the room. Her vision is so blurry she can barely see anything and it doesn’t help her racing heart. She lays her head back against the pillow, trying to slow her breathing. 
“It was just a bad dream. It’s over. Breathe.” She whispers to herself. After a few minutes, she opens her eyes, her vision much clearer. She feels something shift slightly next to her and she looks over.
Beside her, as far away from her as he possibly could be, was Will. His brown eyes stare at her like she’s a wounded puppy and he wants to rescue her. From day one, he was always her protector, but he had witnessed enough nightmares to know he needed to stay away until the coast was clear.
Gen smiles meekly at him, body still trembling and tears falling freely. She stretches her arm out towards him. He was so far away from her that her fingertips barely brush his chest. 
A strangled “baby” is all she can get out but that’s good enough for Will. He envelops her in his arms, pulling her into his chest, softly kissing her face. She sobs into his arms while he rubs her back, soothing her with sweet words. 
“I’m here, baby. I’ve got you.” He whispers. 
Will doesn’t need her to tell him what happened. The whines and cries in her sleep were enough. He remembers all of the sleepless nights for both of them, navigating through the nightmares and trauma plaguing her. Will thinks about the years of nightmares she has had with no one to comfort her like he is now and his heart aches.
Gen clutches onto him, burying herself deeper into his chest, gasping sobs wracking her body. Will holds her tightly, knowing it always gets worse before it gets better. He gently strokes her hair, crooning a song he’s done his best to forget in her ear.
“I look back to the one and only summertime
When my girl was the envy of every friend of mine
She slept safely in my arms
We were so young and invincible”
Will feels her shuddered breaths calm a little. The grip she has on him relaxes, her hands still shaking but lightly rubbing at his sides. He takes that as a hint to keep going.
“Closed lips
She was never one to kiss and tell
Those trips in the summer never went so well
Young love was such dumb love
Call it what you want
It was still enough”
Gen’s body continues to calm as he sings. He stops singing and hums as he takes a peek at her. He notices she’s not crying anymore and wipes the remaining tears from her face. She cracks an eye open and sniffles, hugging him even closer and nuzzling into his neck whining for him to continue. He smiles softly. There’s my girl. He thinks.
“And it's still out of my reach
And you're still
All of the things that I want in my life
How could I ask you to leave me?”
And we were just kids in love
The summer was full of mistakes
We wouldn't learn from
The first kiss stole the breath from my lips
Why did the last one tear us apart?”
His singing becomes quieter as he processes the lyrics. They were fifteen when they first heard this song. It came out the summer they started dating and it seemed perfect at the time. Will heard it first and declared it “their song” immediately. Gen had complained at first that the song was too sad but Will told her to focus on the sweet parts. He reassured her the sad verses would never apply to them.  
Fourteen years later the realization that they not only do apply to them but almost mirror their situation perfectly was almost too much for Will to bear. 
“We're falling down
Can we pick up the pieces?
We're at an all-time low
How do we get it back?
We're falling down”
The last few words come out a cracked and broken mess as tears stream down his face. He attempts to hide his pain from Gen but she hears it and can feel his heart pounding. She looks up at him, tears of her own returning, but the look in her eyes is no longer panic. Instead, it’s heartbreak, empathy, and longing. 
Gen smiles at him, adjusting herself so that she can wrap her arms around his neck. She kisses him gently. It’s so gentle that he can barely feel it and he wants more but doesn’t want to rush her. 
They lay together, wrapped in each other’s arms for a while, their lips meeting with little intention besides soothing the other person. Will’s hands roam her back and sides, staying in neutral areas until she’s ready. 
 When Gen deepens the kiss, he lets her have control. He can feel that she needs more by the way she pulls at his neck and rubs herself against him. He smiles into the kiss and plays with the frayed ends of her shirt.
“Is this okay?” He breathes, rubbing his fingers only barely under the hem.
She nods and he slides his hand under her shirt, his thumb brushing her ribcage just under her breasts. She lifts her leg over his hip and pulls him in closer, moaning as she feels how hard he is against her. Will cups her breast in his hand while he grinds into her slowly, swallowing every moan she gives him.
“Turn around for me.” Will requests and she obliges, rotating in the opposite direction and making a point to place her ass right up against his crotch as she settles down. Will chuckles and grabs her hips, grinding into her hard. Gen giggles back at him, gasping softly. 
“Are you ready for me, baby? Need you.” He says slipping a hand in her panties and running a finger through her slit. He curses at how wet she is and quickly shoves his boxers down, hiking her leg over his. He pushes her panties to the side and slips inside of her.
Will slides his other arm underneath her and wraps it around her chest, pressing his body as close to hers as he can get. He presses kiss after kiss on her face and neck, slowly dragging his cock in and out of her. 
Gen reaches back to card her fingers through his curls, bringing their lips together. She whimpers against his mouth, begging him to go faster. Will increases his movements, the sound of her stuttered moans already forming a knot in his stomach.
“Touch yourself for me, Vivvy… please” Will pants into her neck. “Need to.. fuck, want you to finish with me.” 
Gen snakes her hand down her stomach, circling her clit with the pads of her fingers. Will watches her from over her shoulder, squeezing her hip so hard  he’ll be shocked if he doesn’t leave a mark. 
“Will.” Gen cries, moving her hips to meet his thrusts. With every new thrust inside of her he can feel her getting closer. The muscles in her belly are tensing and her legs are beginning to shake. Will watches as she practically bounces on his cock chasing her release.
“I’m here, baby. Let go for me. I’ve got you.” He coos, feeling his own climax coming on quickly. 
Gen stills in front of him, crying out his name, shaking and moaning. Will pulls her so close he can barely breath and continues thrusting until he spills deep inside of her. 
For some time, neither of them move or say a word. Will curls around her, still holding her tightly while Gen places featherlight kisses to his fingers. Both actions, while truly sincere, have hidden meanings. 
One of them is trying to keep the other as close as possible in fear of them retreating. While the other is remembering for the first time in years what it’s like to experience a safe place in the form of a person.
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Gen feels the bed dip beside her and a warm hand runs up her arm. She makes a contented sound but keeps her eyes shut. Will removes his hand and replaces it with his lips, kissing up to her shoulder. 
“Time to get up, sleepy head.” He hums. 
Gen pulls the covers over her head groaning and he laughs, fighting to get them off of her. 
“Viv, It’s almost 2:30. We’ve been sleeping all day!”
The vice grip Gen has on the comforter stays as Will hears her grumbling something underneath them.
“What’s that?” He says, tilting his head and putting his ear to the blanket. “I can’t hear you, you’re gonna have to whine louder!”
A hand reaches out of the comforter and pinches Will’s side and he yelps. A satisfied snicker comes from below the fabric barrier as her hand retreats but he’s quick to grab it.
Gen squeals as he rips the comforter off of her and grabs her other hand, pinning them above her head. He watches her as she giggles uncontrollably; She’s trying, but not really to remove herself from his grasp. He kisses her face repeatedly and he lets her remove her hands so she can wrap her arms around him. 
“We need to get up, Vivvy.” Will says between pecks. 
“Whyyyy?” Gen drags out, giving him her best pout.
“Well, for one.. we haven’t eaten all day which is just not acceptable. Especially for a lazy day. And two…” He stands up and walks over to the window and peeks through the blinds. “It’s snowing.”
Gen sits up on her elbows, a baffled expression on her face. 
Will rolls his eyes. 
“And.. If I recall correctly someone used to love playing in the snow. At least before she turned into a big grump.” He teases.
Gen’s eyes light up and she scrambles to the window. She looks out as Will holds the blinds open for her, noticing how much it snowed overnight. Gen estimated there were probably five to six inches outside. It was perfect for a fun day in the snow.
“Can we go outside now?” She asks, buzzing with excitement.
“Food first. Snow after.” He replies.
After they eat, Gen practically runs to get dressed, stealing clean clothes from Will’s dresser to layer with. Seeing her in his clothes, the way his sweatpants cling to her hips and accentuate her curves makes him short of breath. 
He considers the option of pulling them off of her and bending her over the dresser she was standing at but he knew not to mess with a woman and her snow plans. Even if sex was involved. Besides, there was always afterwards.
Will decides it’s best to distract himself so he walks into the living room to finish getting ready. Gen follows him shortly after, grabbing her boots and putting them on.
Will zips up his puffer jacket and turns around, watching as Gen puts on her pathetic excuse for a coat. He stands and watches her for a moment, an amused expression on his face. When she looks up, she sees him and grins.
“You spend a few years in L.A. and forget how to dress for the weather here.” Will snickers as he gets up and assesses her outfit. He shakes his head and tuts at her. “Unacceptable.” Gen sticks her tongue out and Will laughs as he walks to his closet.
He brings her his extra puffer and beanie, placing the hat on her head and letting her put the jacket on herself. 
“At least you brought a scarf, you monster.” He teases, fixing it around her neck. “Can’t have my girl freezing out there.”
Gen feels her cheeks flush, surprised at how quickly she accepts it. Was there a point in fighting it though? She was his girl. That had never changed, no matter how long she tried to combat it. In the back of her mind, she’s reminded this is temporary, but she stubbornly pushes it away. For once, she’s going to let herself have what she wants. 
Will zips the jacket up for her, adjusting the scarf and making sure she was nice and snug. “That’s much better.” He says as he leans in and kisses her nose. He wraps his arms around her waist and rubs his nose against hers, grinning as she giggles uncontrollably.
“Ready to go, baby?”
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Gen peers around the corner of the tree she’s hiding around. Will stands a few feet away, his back facing her. She sneaks around the tree, as quietly as the crunch of the snow would allow and runs toward him, throwing the snowball in her hand at him and hitting his back. 
“There you are!” Will yells, running after her. He gathers up snow, throwing it back at her while he chases her. Shrieks of laughter permeate the cold winter air as they sprint around like little kids. Will finally catches up to her and grabs her, pulling her down on top of him.
Gen pulls down the scarf around his face, covering his face with kisses, focusing specifically on his cold red nose. She doesn’t miss the quiet giggles he lets out between each peck. His arms squeeze her tightly against him and despite the 20° temperature, she feels warmer than ever.
Will removes his arms from her suddenly and she sulks. He beams at her, spreading his arms and legs out in the snow, attempting to move them in a sweeping motion. 
“It’s very hard to make a snow angel when you’re on top of me.” 
Gen scoffs and rolls off of him, landing on her back next to him. 
“That’s the first time you’ve ever complained about me being on top of you before.”
“First and only time, Vivvy.” He winks. “Now, are you gonna make one with me or is mine gonna sit here out in the snow all by itself?”
Gen and Will make their snow angels, and Will hops up to help her off the ground. They stand in front of them to assess their handiwork.
“Looks good to me. What do you think, babe?” He asks, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
“Perfect.” Gen responds, nuzzling into his chest. “Absolutely perfect.”
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poisonedapples · 5 months
So I’ve rewatched episode 5 of Hazbin Hotel like 10 times now, and I REALLY want to talk about Alastor in this episode since it seemed like it was an Alastor-focused episode disguised as a Charlie one.
First thing, the most popular theory is that Alastor is under contract with Lilith. Which I fully agree with. I also saw this one post about how Alastor might be under contract with someone else, but struck a deal with Lilith that she’d be able to set him free if he did some things for Lilith. Which I kinda hope is true instead because I like the complexity of that a lot more (especially since the only two people who could possibly put Alastor under contract is Lilith and Eve, and I’d love to see them both in this story). But either way, Alastor is 100% at the Hazbin Hotel under Lilith's orders.
And it was REALLY weird to see Alastor suddenly care about the hotel and about Charlie. Because he’s NEVER acted like that before, and it seemed like he was just doing it to piss Lucifer off. But why? Lucifer had no idea who Alastor was. Any beef that they had before that musical number was so one-sided it’s laughable. So here’s my theory: Alastor needs to be deemed as useful to Charlie in order to get whatever he wants from him and Lilith’s deal. And Lucifer, as the only one there that is stronger than him, was an active threat to his usefulness.
Alastor’s job in the hotel is to take care of it. He makes sure the place doesn’t fall into disrepair, and he does anything that Charlie asks him to in order to maintain it. And he ONLY does this because Charlie asks him to. You get a few hints that Alastor is only pretending to care in his conversation with Mimzy:
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“You deliberately brought danger to this place. I can’t have that here.”
Look at his face when he says he “can’t have that here”. He’s kicking Mimzy out because he HAS to, not because he wants to. He’s clearly upset he has to say it in the first place, and Mimzy says later that Alastor loves taking care of her. Considering the way they interact and the way Alastor brushes off Husker’s concerns about Mimzy causing trouble, it seems like he actually does. Him and Mimzy are close, and he’s powerful, so cleaning up her messes is just a minor inconvenience for him that’s typically worth it. But here? Alastor can’t afford danger to come here. Because he has a job at the hotel, and he needs to stay on Charlie’s good side. He HAS to be useful to her, not a menace. And that means pushing away the friends he cares about.
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Husk is also very well aware of this. That’s why he warned Alastor in the first place. Considering the things Husk said in this scene, wherever Alastor has been for the last 7 years, he took Husk with him. First because Husk knows that Alastor is also “on a leash”, but also just because of the way he said another thing in this scene:
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“I mean, you’ve been gone a while. And it’s not like anybody knows why.”
To me, this sounds like Husk does know. Especially since it seems like Alastor uses Husk the most out of all the souls he controls, since Husk is so useful as an ex-overlord. Which is why he tries to warn Alastor about Mimzy. He knows the detail of whatever deal Alastor has, and he knows Mimzy could mess everything up. If she was just an annoyance, I doubt Husk would go out of his way to tell the boss he clearly hates to get rid of her. But if Alastor fails, then Husk is probably at risk too, as a soul under his control. So it’s in Husk’s best interest to keep Alastor afloat as much as he can (especially since Alastor is clearly not as nice to his souls as people may hope, since he left Husk shaking with just a threat. So if Alastor gets into trouble, I wouldn’t be surprised if Husk might face a consequence for “not warning him”).
So, Alastor has to be useful to Charlie. Whatever he does, he has to do his best to stay on her good side. His whole soul is probably dependent on Charlie eventually giving a report to Lilith about how helpful Alastor was. But also, Lilith probably hates Lucifer. I’ve never heard of a divorced couple that doesn’t completely hate each other, and considering Lilith literally took Charlie away from her dad, Lilith probably doesn’t want Lucifer in the picture for whatever reason. So, if Alastor NEEDS to be on Charlie’s good side with this hotel, but then it gets back to Lilith that LUCIFER of all people came back and helped more than Alastor did? He’d be fucked. Say goodbye to whatever hope Alastor had for this deal, because his soul’s getting destroyed and permanently erased with those odds.
And we know Alastor doesn’t do well with people hurting his pride. Considering his face when Carmilla insulted him, Alastor wants to be all powerful and feared by everyone. So if Lucifer came into the hotel and started doing BETTER than him in his one-day stay than Alastor had in five months? Alastor CAN’T have that.
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He knows this the second he sees Lucifer. Maybe Lilith warned Alastor about him, or he knows immediately that Lucifer is a threat to his image. Either way, Alastor is immediately in defense mode. And he starts IMMEDIATELY trying to get onto Charlie’s side. Because he NEEDS Charlie to think he’s better than Lucifer, and he needs Lucifer out of there ASAP.
And thus, hence the most confusing moments in this whole episode:
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He immediately starts complimenting Charlie, reminding her of how much he’s done for her. Saying he’s proud to fulfill her “bizarre requests” (while also sneakily insulting her in a way that she won’t notice).
And Charlie is desperate for someone’s approval on this project she cares so much about, so she takes the bait. She also probably has developed a soft spot for Alastor after all this time, so she’s happy she’s finally getting her love returned.
The only upper hand that Lucifer has over Charlie’s good word is the fact that he’s her dad, and Charlie is ALSO desperate to have her father back. So what’s the quickest way to not only piss Lucifer off, but remind Charlie of how much he’s done for her and keep himself on her good side?
Well first, reminding her of his constant loyalty:
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“Who has been here since day one? Who’s been faithful as a nun?”
Second, saying they’re “like family” and has been more of a dad to her in these five months than Lucifer has ever been:
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“You’re like the child that I wish that I had. I care for you just like a daughter I spawned.”
And third, implying that he’s more useful to her than Lucifer could ever be because he’s “the easier help”:
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“It’s smart to choose the path of least resistance.”
There’s multiple other moments in this song alone where Alastor tries to up himself over Lucifer, typically by using the “found family” argument to say him and Charlie are closer and that Lucifer “is a dud”. Alastor’s been around long enough to know how to manipulate Charlie’s feelings, and he’s using that to his full advantage to make sure Lucifer doesn’t get in his way with an ally he desperately needs.
It’s all pure manipulation. Alastor may have a soft side that we see with Mimzy, but the Hazbin Hotel is just a means to an end for him. And once Lucifer and Charlie make up, we don’t really see Alastor again. Which makes me wonder how he was feeling after Lucifer was able to get Charlie a meeting with Heaven, something Alastor would never be able to do.
I honestly can’t wait to see how Alastor acts in later episodes. With the extermination coming up, and the reveal of him being under another contract, I feel like we’re going to get more snippets of Alastor’s true motivations, mixed with how Alastor acts towards the souls that HE’S in charge of. Reminding us once again that Alastor may have been human, but he’s still one fucked up dude who has well earned his place in Hell.
This is gonna be a wild next two episodes.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 6 months
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Series Masterlist
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Pairing: barista!Mike (Hellraiser) x reader (you)
Summary: Mike has a gift for you.
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI!!! fingering, (unprotected) p-in-v showersex. And cat shenanigans, Mike behaving inappropriately around boobs... That kind of stuff.
If you like this fic, please let me know 🥰 and reblog so that others may see it too! <3
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@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @mayloma @ellethespaceunicorn @summersong69 @livisss @ylva-syverson @sweetandgentlecreature
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“Babe, can you grab some eh… Yes, Nyx, you can— Jesus Christ! Babe… Cats. Snacks. Please!” You look over the counter into the living room, where Mike is laying on the couch, covered in — and being screamed at by — his cats. The only one sitting next to him, rather than on top of him, is Sy. Your favorite orange menace is glaring at you, impatiently awaiting your return to the couch.
Nyx leaps off the couch and onto the counter as soon as she hears the drawer that holds her precious treats, Nova lazily taking her place on Mike’s chest. Little Mikey — who is still called that even though the name isn’t exactly apt anymore, because he’s grown so much that he no longer fits in the pockets of Mike’s hoodies, much to his dismay — pokes his head out of Mike’s sweater.
“What is he doing?” you ask, barely able to contain your laughter.
“Being a pain in my ass, as per usual,” Mike sighs. “But the cutest fucking pain in my ass I’ve ever seen, so it’s okay.” Your friends still don’t understand how you were able to make peace with the fact that Mike will never look at you the way he looks at his cats. The simple reason is that you know you’ll never look at Mike the way you look at your cats. You mean… his cats. Right?
Sy jumps you as soon as you sit down, Nyx and little Mikey follow soon after.
“Ow, Mikey, that’s my boob!” There’s honestly no saying which Mikey that remark is aimed at: it could easily have been both of them.
“He takes after me,” Mike says lovingly while he manages to grab a handful of tit while pretending to stroke Little Mikey.
“Hey, Mikey, that’s… Yeah, he does take after you,” you sigh as you try to feed all four cats an equal amount of treats. Mike eventually helps you by pulling Sy and little Mikey away before they can make a play for the last few treats. They’re Nova’s, end of story.
“I don’t like how they walk all over my sweet little baby,” you coo while giving her the head pats she so desperately meows for.
“Oh, yeah,” Mike laughs, “I’ve been meaning to tell you she’s got you fooled, babe.”
“What?” You turn to him — or rather; try to, because Sy lets out a dark meow that sounds more like a growl when he feels you’ve shifted too much.
“Yeah,” he said with a grin, “she’s being a pouty little baby around you, but she can take these fuckers in her sleep. They don’t mess with her when you’re not here.”
You turn to Nova, who is lying on her back in your lap, looking up at you with the biggest, most innocent-looking blue eyes imaginable. It’s obvious: whatever shenanigans are going on here, she hasn’t done anything. Mike laughs when you tell him that.
“Uhuh,” he says, “sure, Sweetcheeks. It’s okay, though! I spoil her too. Look at that little face!” He gently touches her nose with the tip of a finger, and she rewards him for his attention with a gentle, yet very loud purr.
“And how about this little face?” You chuckle under your breath as you gently move Nova off your lap and into Mike’s — Sy just bolts at some point — and nestle into Mike’s side, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
“Not nearly as cute,” Mike says, but you don’t agree.
“How about you come with me and I’ll show you exactly how cute I think your face is?” you tease. Mike squirms when your cold hand worms its way into his sweater. “Fucking ow, Mikey!” Ten tiny claws have found their way into your hand — apparently the space inside of Mike’s sweater may now only be occupied by (parts of) Mike, little or otherwise.
“Serves you and those icicles you call hands right,” Mike says as he shivers dramatically.
“Well, maybe there’s a way to get me nice and warmed up,” you mutter with your lips pressed against his neck. “Come take a shower with me?”
“But I’m comfortable right here on this couch, with my cats,” Mike moans. You forgive him immediately; it’s not like you’ve never declined some naked quality time with just Mike because you were just too content with Nova purring in your ear.
Luckily for you, Mike has a weakness… “The shower will have significantly more naked boobs than the couch,” you try.
It works — of course it works! Mike is on his feet in seconds, leaving a very offended Nova on the couch, meowing loudly in protest.
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“The f-" Mike exclaims as he takes a break from kissing your neck to look at your feet, where something furry brushed past your legs. “Of course.”
It’s Nyx, now soaking wet, of course, and meowing like her life depends on it.
“You did this, dumbass,” Mike grumbles as he picks her up. “Fuckin' wrong kind of wet pussy, dammit.” You barely manage to fight back a chuckle, and Mike blows you a quick kiss when he notices you heard what he said, before taking Nyx out of the shower cabin and wrapping a towel around her.
“Did you forget to close the door?” you ask curiously. He never does – he knows this is the result of that
“Nope,” he sighs, “but I’ve been suspecting for a while that this little monster can open doors. Guess I have my proof now.”
“Is she gonna be okay?” you ask. Nyx didn't sound like she enjoyed being wet much – although she seems to prefer it to being dried off, which she's fighting very actively.
“Yes, she's just being dramatic,” Mike snorts as he finishes towel-drying her. “Besides, this was entirely her fault. Yeah, you. You don't have to go everywhere I go, little weirdo.” She clearly doesn't agree with him.
After tossing the now semi-dry cat into the hallway and locking the door behind him – but not before checking if any of the others have snuck into the bedroom without him noticing – he joins you in the shower again.
“Where were we?” he says, making you laugh as he grabs a handful of boob.
“Right about there,” you chuckle.
Ever since Mike moved out of his parents' house and into his apartment, quickies in the shower practically all the private time you get together – and you both greedily make the most of what little time you get. Nova and little Mikey go absolutely nuts if you don't let them into the room even when – no, especially when – you’re getting it on, and Sy and Nyx are just obnoxiously loud at all times, no matter where you put them.
To add to the insanity, little Mikey has developed a habit of attacking feet. It's easy to guess why that isn't especially conducive to a romantic environment.
Then again, even limited to the shower – or those sporadic moments you decided it was worth wrangling four cats and listening to their complaints through the bedroom door – you have plenty of fun together. Besides, waking up with a snuggly Nova in your arms and Mike behind you with his arms tightly wrapped around you is just about the best feeling in the world.
Second to that feeling, is the exact thing Mike is doing to you right now; gently sucking on your neck while furiously pumping two fingers into you. He’s really gotten good at that.
“Fuck, Mikey, don’t stop,” you mutter. The remark is redundant at this point; he’s got you.
“Yes, victory!” Mike says with a big grin on his face that you kinda, maybe want to slap off, because he’s being impossible. “Now turn around so I can fuck you.”
It’s not an order of any kind, it’s a very directly phrased request born of sheer impatience, as evidenced by the fact that Mike unceremoniously grabs your hips and attempts to turn you around as he speaks.
“Bedroom?” you try, knowing you don’t want to wait, either. It’s that silly voice inside your brain that still tells you you’re a lady (you’re not) and you have to keep a sense of decorum (you don’t) to keep Mike from thinking you’re a slut (he already knows that, and he loves you for it!)
“Nope,” he replies. “Want you. Now.”
Oh. When he puts it like that… You finally give in to his greedy hands, allowing him to turn you to face the wall. When he pushes into you, you clench your fists and let out a loud moan.
“Fuck, I’ll never get enough of you,” Mike groans, pressing his lips to the back of your neck. It’s interesting how he seems to speak your thoughts so often — not that you would go as far as saying the two of you are totally in sync, or anything. God knows that’s impossible with Mikey, who isn’t even in sync with himself. But he’s yours, and you love him, and you can’t help but hope that you’ll indeed never get enough of each other.
He’s patient today, keeping the rhythm of his thrusts slow and steady. That alone would drive you nuts, but it’s the soft kisses to your shoulder and neck that really do you in, and soon you’re begging him for more — faster, harder… anything.
He chuckles. “Let me enjoy this,” he moans into your ear before teasingly nipping at your earlobe, his breath already revealing that he won’t be enjoying this for much longer, anyway. So you concede, your moans echoing off the tiled walls as he keeps his movements slow, deliberate and torturously gentle.
It’s the pressure of his fingers on your breast that eventually betrays him, letting you know he’s struggling — that he’s close, but not quite willing to have this be over yet. He wants to give you more, he always does, but he’s fighting something he can’t hold off forever.
Unsurprisingly, the grunt he lets out when he cums sounds more than a little disappointed, and you grab his arms, wrapping them tightly around you, keeping him as close as humanly possible for a while. You lean your cheek against the cool tiles of the wall, sighing deeply while Mike’s lips explore your neck.
“That was good,” you mutter, making him chuckle.
“That was short,” he replies. Who cares?
“It was great,” you repeat, not prepared to take any of his bullshit.
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“Hey Sweetcheeks,” Mike says softly, and you let out a frustrated grunt.
“Five more minutes,” you mumble. There’s no such thing as five more minutes, especially now that the cats know you’re awake.
“I brought you coffee and breakfast.” Mike presses a soft kiss to your forehead, and — as per usual — Nova impatiently headbutts him out of the way. For the first fifteen minutes after waking up, you’re hers. Mike should know that by now.
The breakfast Mike brought you is an avocado and fried egg bagel, which means that eating it is not without risk — especially in bed. Nyx has this annoying obsession with eggs, which she immediately showcases by trying to steal it off your breakfast.
Luckily, Mike quickly provides the cats with their own breakfast, which means you get to eat in peace for a change.
You’re just finishing the last bite when they sprint into the room and jump on the bed. Now, all you have to do is wait for Mike to show up, too, and you can start your favorite part of the weekend; cuddling with Mike and your fur babies until someone can come up with a good reason to get out of bed. Last week it was well past noon when you finally decided you’d spent enough time under the covers. Not that moving to the couch had changed much about your activities. It had only added ‘watching TV’ to the mix — a Christmas movie, and you hadn’t even had to beg Mike to watch it with you; he’d volunteered.
Sy gets comfortable in your lap, while Nova climbs up to stick her face in yours. Nyx curls up next to you, waiting for Mike. That leaves little Mikey, but he’s nowhere to be seen. Odd…
“Baby,” you call to Mike, who you hear rummaging around in the kitchen, “where’s little Mikey?”
“Right here,” Mike says a little while later, when he comes back into the bedroom with his fluffy namesake in his arms.
Mike drops the cat on your stomach, and as soon as you pet him, you notice he’s wearing something around his neck. The cats don’t wear collars, which prompts you to investigate further.
Quickly, you find it’s not a collar; it’s a ribbon, with a note attached to it.
Dear mom, We miss you when you’re away, Always screaming, keeping dad awake. So for his sanity and his sake, Here’s something we would like you to take.
“You wrote me a poem?” you say with a smile before even really looking at what you’re holding in your hands.
Mike shakes his head. “They wrote you the poem, I promise.”
His tone is so serious that you can’t help but burst into laughter. “God, you’re such a dork, I love you!” You can’t help but notice that there’s something different about him this morning. He’s nervous. Fidgety — more than usual, at least. As if this is something way bigger than you realize at the moment.
It’s then that you realize you haven’t even taken a look at what he’s giving you, but as soon as you do…
In the palm of your hand, there’s a key — a house key, to be precise.
“We don’t want you to leave anymore,” Mike whispers as he pulls you firmly against him, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“You’re giving me a key to your place?” you stammer. Somehow, you get the feeling your voice is barely audible over the sound of your heart.
“I mean,” Mike mutters even more nervously than before, “I’m… I’m actually hoping I’m giving you a key to our place.”
With tears in your eyes, you turn your head to look at him. Mike’s hopeful (but terrified) baby blues stare back at you. “You want me to move in?”
“You can think about it… Or, if you’re not ready, that’s—” You raise a hand to get him to shut up, and when that doesn’t work, you kiss him square on the mouth. Hard.
“Yes, Mike. A thousand times yes.”
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howlingday · 1 year
Pokémon Au The class in a area heavy in ghost types
Blake: The fact I can't tell if they are here or not is so much worse, you see any Jauaaaaaaa
Jaune (unaware he's surrounded by hundreds of red glowing with a big smile): What was that didn't hear you Bla
Glynda: Ms Belladonna was catatonic for hour and may never be able to look and mister Arc for a while
"Be careful wandering through the forever fall this time of year." Professor Goodwitch explained. "Many Ghost-Types tend to migrate to this area during the autumn and winter months."
"What kind of Ghost-Types?" Ruby asked.
"Well, I can't say for certain, since it seems almost every possible Ghost-Type arrives for some unknown reason."
"Is it a mating season thing?" Yang asked. "A bunch of guys and ghouls getting freaky?"
As the class groaned, Jaune explained. "I doubt it. Ghost-Types aren't that interested in mating. If I remember right, they can go for years or even decades without breeding. You have to light some incense to get them interested."
"Ooh, incense." Yang waggled her brow. "Sounds like a Ghastly." The class groaned again.
Blake, however, was the only one who didn't. When she learned there was a Ghost-Type outbreak, she tried to come up with every excuse possible not to attend. And yes, she even used the, "I'm dead" excuse, but nothing worked.
As she made her way into the Forever Fall, she pleaded quietly to her Nincada in her pouch. "Please be a Ninjask. Please be a Ninjask."
Blake always... well, not hated, but she grew up greatly uncomfortable with Ghost-Types. She remembered reading horror stories as a girl of a terrifying Ghost-Dragon who would abduct innocent children for wandering too far from home.
"You okay, Blake?" Ruby asked.
"Y-Yeah, sure." Blake lied. "W-Why?"
"Well, your knuckles are kinda white."
"Ghooooostly whiiiiiiite~." Yang added.
"Yang, stop!"
"I'm fine." Blake sighed. "I'm just... not used to Ghost-Types."
"Did you have any back home?" Ruby asked.
"Yeah, but they only came out for the festivals. I was usually at home by the time they came around." She shivered. "The fact they can sneak up on you, and grab you, and-" Blake froze as she felt a cold pressure drag and wash along her backside. She turned slowly to find a menacing grin and sharp talons greet her with flaming red eyes.
"NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Blake screamed as she fell backwards and huddled close to Yang. A head popped out from behind the Haunter.
"Everything okay, Blake?" Jaune asked. "I was following this Haunter and he led me right to you. I guess he likes you, huh?"
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camilaxmartin · 3 months
i’ve decided to share my art for the first time like publicly😵‍💫😵‍💫 and i’m hella nervous about it but i wanted to share my oc from hazbin with you as i plan on drawing her more and more:)
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meet the one and only, caroline - the music demon:)
here’s some facts about her and her backstory if you’re curious: (i’ll probably be updating it when i think of something more)
♪| caroline is alastor’s sister (while on earth as well) (can you tell i love this man???)
♪| (it’s only my own au so don’t come at me please, but i imagine alastor’s dad to be white while his mother had darker skin and as alastor was born darker caroline was originally white, as i am in reality:)
♪| she’s the demon of vinyls and music because of her adoration to it while being alive!
♪| but beside her adoration, it’s also connected with how abusive their father was. (i saw this one day on tiktok and couldn’t let go of it) when she was alive their dad used to always take out his anger on her or their mother, so one day when he got really pissed off and heard caroline’s gramophone playing in her room, he just stormed in, snatched the needle out of the machine and literally cut her body with it (it’s shown in her demon form on which i’m still working)
♪| i also headcanon that their father was the first person alastor ever killed so let’s just say this whole thing messed up caroline’s psyche even more than it was already
♪| her hyena’s features are caused by the way she died which was being fully torn apart by them. (there’s a story about it as well including her ‘friends’ but i’m too tired to write it now😭)
♪| another small story about it - that when she was still alive her ‘friends’ used to bully her for her laugh so because of that, after death, every time she laughs she sounds like a hyena - it’s a sort of punishment while being in hell i think!
♪| anyway! she gained the status of being an overlord when alastor disappeared for seven years and she kind of took his place as his sister and just someone other overlords and sinners knew anyway.
♪| but the story of getting sinners to sell their souls to her is a bit different, she didn’t just steal them from her brother of course. so first when she arrived in hell and reunited with her brother (alastor died a bit before her) and learned about the ability of possessing another’s’ souls she immediately started to wonder what she can do to gain them. at first it was silly games, gambling and stuff like that but the more time passed, she started learning about spells and potions (as she loved them on earth as well) and started to drug the other sinners to sold her their souls (she’s outrageous i know) (i can also add that many sinners sold their souls to her for spending the night with her, but as soon as they signed the contract she’d just leave them hanging and threaten them with second death if they won’t leave her alone)
♪| she’s obviously friends with rosie, the three of them being a literal menace to the hell-society
♪| she got really close with carmilla when alastor disappeared for that seven years and i’m planning on expanding this part a bit more so you can be waiting:)
♪| opposite to alastor she’s very up with trends which also leaded her to being something like friends with velvette.
♪| when they first met, vox told velvette to wrap caroline around her finger so he could get closer to alastor and she did. after many many angst, both of them confessed their feelings in a fight >:] and from then on, began actually dating. (i will expand the angst part but im too tired right now lol)
♪| she lives in the hotel as well, not fully believing she could be redeemed but hoping deep in her heart that it’s possible cause even though she doesn’t think she deserves it and struggles with self-image and self-acceptance, she secretly wants to get better -
♪| - despite being a murder and cannibal even while living. (i may expand this one too but no promises here!)
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youkeepmehigh · 1 year
Team 141 finally meets Mrs. Riley, she loves Simon with her heart but her mind tells a different story. Sorry this isn’t very long! The blue is your thoughts the pink is your heart. WARNING: THIS CONTAINS MENTIONS OF ABUSE
Mrs. Riley
Chapter One
Damsel In Distress
You were currently in a fucking helicopter, for the government or whatever to be specific. You knew stuff like this was gonna happen when you married Simon but damn no warning or anything? They told you he was critically wounded and wanted to see you, even though they said he was fine you were still really scared for him.
Once you got to the facility he was at a nurse greeted you. “ Mrs. Riley? ” She said looking around the lounge, you stood up walking over to her. The sound of your heels filling the room. “ Your this way, your husband is pretty weak right now so he may or may not be sleeping. ” She said looking over her board. “ He was shot three times, broke a few ribs but he’ll recover. ” She said looking over at you.
Three times? Christ who the fuck did he piss off?
“ That’s great. ” You said giving her a small smile. “ Here he is, I’ve heard that his friends are coming in soon to check on him as well, try not stress him out it won’t be good while his body is still trying to heal. ” She said opening the door for you, you nodded your head walking in. You turned hearing the door close behind you.
“ Y/n? ” Simon said, he sounded so weak it made you feel really bad for him. “ Oh Simon, are you okay? ” You asked going up to his bed grabbing his hand, you put your hand up to his face rubbing his cheek. It felt wrong seeing him without his mask, he seemed so…vulnerable. “ I’m fine, I’m just glad your here. ” He said giving you a reassuring smile, you felt his fingers playing with your wedding ring. You smiled back giving him a kiss on his forehead.
After a few minutes you were greeted to a knock at the door. “ Come in. ” You said looking over at the door when it opened you saw a man with a mohawk was at the door. “ Morning, I’m John, I work with Ghost. ” He said walking in the room closing the door behind him, he walked up to you holding his hand out to shake yours. “ I’m Y/n, his wife. ” You said shaking his hand. “ Wife? I didn’t know he had a wife. ” John said with a surprised look on his face, he pulled up a chair next to you wanting to know more about you. “ Well you learn something new everyday huh? ” You said giving him a friendly smile. “ I guess so, how long have you been married? ” He asked looking over a Simons face almost zoning out looking at it. “ About three years now. ” You said holding your hand out showing him the ring, he gently took your hand pulling your hand up to his face to examine the ring. “ He’s a lucky man. ” He said kissing the back of your hand. Now there was nothing wrong with a little friendly flirting but you were married you couldn’t do that stuff, right?
“ Well aren’t you a charmer. ” You said taking your hand back from him. He let out a small chuckle then remembering something. “ I do take pride in my appearances, but really he must treat you right, I don’t blame him for trying to keep you to himself. ”
Two months ago
“ Hey, did you touch my stuff? ” Simon asked walking up to you, he looked so menacing you felt your nerves tensing up. “ I was just- ” You tried explaining yourself but he cut you off. “ I don’t care what you were doing it’s a yes or no question. ” He said in a firm tone making you flinch.
You would kill to get out of this situation…maybe even out of this relationship.
You would kill for him.
“ Yes… ” You said feeling your eyes water, you knew what was coming.
You’ve never felt so vulnerable in your entire life.
You wanted to be dominated.
“ How many times do I have to tell you to not touch my shit?! You act like a child, just so fucking ignorant! ” He yelled starting to lose his temper, you hated when he got like this.
Broken glass on the floor, and a broken heart next to it.
Was it wrong his anger excited you?
When he would lash out there was a fifty percent chance that you would end up getting hurt, you wouldn’t dare try and hurt him it was obvious he was ten times stronger than you, what was the point?
When this happened you just wished he’d come save you.
You couldn’t help but wonder is this what love is supposed to be like? Of course it is…right?
“ Don’t let it happen again. ” He said grabbing you by your throat making you come closer to him, you grabbed his arm trying to get him off of you.
Just one more time.
Love me harder.
“ Do you understand? ” He asked watching you try so desperately to get out of his grasp. You nodded your head hoping he’d just leave you alone, he let you go throwing on the ground. You gasped when you could finally get air to your lungs, you started crying as you heard the front door slam shut.
You wanted Ghost to save you.
You picked yourself up sniffing as a walked to the bathroom, you walked in looking in the mirror you lifted your head up seeing the bruising left on your neck.
Just this last time.
I want more.
You put your hand on your stomach tears rolling down your face, you didn’t want to bring a baby into this world, not with Simon around. Or maybe you just didn’t like the thought of having another one of him.
Love me harder.
You needed Ghost to save you.
Love me more.
Just one problem.
I love you, love me back.
Simon is Ghost.
Just something I thought of out of the blue, sorry it’s short, if you want me to do some different cod characters just comment them!
Part 2?
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hackerqueen · 1 year
World where we don't collide
Short story about MC's therapy after 5 years since Hannah was found
words: 1600
warnings: probably none, maybe a bit mean MC
A shaky breath left my mouth as I opened the door that led to a place I hated with all my heart. But I still went there. Warmth enveloped my body, which was numb from being outside for so long. It was the end of November, and the weather this year was extremely hostile. I walked down the long corridor to see the secretary, who, as usual, was piled high with papers she was tiredly trying to sort through.
I coughed softly, gaining her attention. At first, clearly frightened, she looked up, and when she recognized me, her lips slightly stretched into a small smile.
– Hello, MC. I haven't seen you here in so long that I started to miss that beautiful face. – she said with obvious amusement, which made me lighten up a bit as well
– Yes, it's been a while since my last visit. I replied, playing with the sleeve of my black coat. – Is she free yet?
The woman nodded and went back to her papers. I sighed softly and headed towards the office that had been haunting me for months.
I knocked to make sure it was empty except for the doctor, and when I heard a soft 'come in', I went inside. The white walls matched the gold accessories nicely. Everything about it was exactly as I remembered, and I hadn't been there for the past two months. My gaze moved over every square millimeter of the room, consistently avoiding the silhouette of the therapist, who was sitting in one of the armchairs as usual.
– MC. Nice to see you. – she greeted, and I nodded to her, in the meantime taking off and hanging my coat on the hanger. – Please, take a sit.
I took the seat across from her, crossing my legs. I wanted to start a conversation, but I didn't know how.
– You stopped therapy. – she said, to which I nodded bitterly. – May I know what was the reason for that?I sighed, biting my lip nervously.
– I knew where our conversations were headed, and I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want to talk about him. – I replied without looking into her eyes. I didn't like making eye contact with anyone. The eyes were windows to people's souls, which I always found very distracting.
– Then why did you come back?
– I got a letter. I do not know what to do with it. – I said as she gave me a questioning look. I finally looked up at her and handed her the paper I had in my hand. As she read it, I stared at her face, which so painfully reminded me of Lilly's face. She was a woman with short blonde hair and sea blue eyes. They could be soothing and calm like the sound of waves, or stormy and menacing like a storm in the middle of a deep ocean. She finally looked at me, and I saw just a hint of that anger in her eyes.
– Hannah and Thomas getting married? – she asked the obvious question, because the card I gave her was an invitation I got two days ago. - How do you feel with it?
I snorted a little mockingly, but my reaction didn't put her off at all.
– I don't feel much. It's none of my business anymore. – I looked at the vase of flowers on the table between us
– I can tell when you're lying, you know? Why did you come to me if you don't want to tell me the truth and let me help you? – she asked me a sharp question that made my jaw clench
– I think I feel angry. – I said, playing with my fingers – No. Anger is empty. Two days ago, when I first read that stupid invitation, I wanted to rip her into little pieces. Fury seized me, my whole body burned. I still wonder how could they? Next week is the fifth anniversary of finding Hannah, the fifth anniversary of Richy's death, and the fifth anniversary of his death.. – I blurted out, breathing shallowly, my nails digging into the palm of my hand – Jake's death. And suddenly they're going to throw a huge wedding party, enjoying themselves and having fun like nothing ever happened? And they have the audacity to invite me there after all they've done to me?
– Next week is the fifth anniversary of the mine events. Don't torture your thoughts. Pour them out, don't fight them. – she said in a quiet and calm voice, completely ignoring my outburst of anger at Hannah
I closed my eyes heavily, letting out a breath full of frustration, fatigue and reluctance. We've been rolling this topic over and over again for eight months. I was tired of analyzing and wondering if I could have done something to change the course of events. If I had gone to meet the Man Without The Face, would everything have turned out completely differently?
– I feel the same as two, three or four years ago. I feel betrayed by Richy, yet his death still affects me. I would like to talk to him, find out and understand him. God, I wish he'd shot himself in the head instead of setting himself on fire and blowing up the entire mine. – I said taking a deep breath
– You're furious because you lost Jake because of Richy. You blame him. It's normal.
– You shouldn't be so understanding. I think I need someone to blame so I don't blame myself for the death of .. – his name still hurt – for Jake's death. The problem is that...
– The body was never found.
I nodded, swallowing. For eight months of therapy, I'd been trying to put a wall between my thoughts about the black-haired hacker. I accepted that he died. It was driving me crazy to wonder if he had managed to escape the mine after all, only to be caught by the FBI. Literally. I knew he was dead. He never contacted me again, leaving me with the bittersweet taste of his last three words.
– You never told me about him. You mentioned him only at our first meeting, when you were nothing more than a wreck of a human. – she said, and I understood her unspoken request to tell about him
Uncontrollably, my mind began to flood with memories of our conversations that I had so strongly resisted. I remembered the sweet smiles he used to send me, how we analyzed things together and how good team we were. I remember him confessing that I was fascinating to him. He could text me things that made my heart beat faster and my breath quicken. He cared for me and defended me when the group attacked me with their vote. At some point, he was my everything.
– I can see that he must have been someone special, that you flew away like that. – she said, a small smirk playing at the corners of her lips
I bit my lip to hold back my smile.
– And he was. He really was. Of the whole group, he was the only one worth trusting.
– Why do you think so? You told me about Jessy. You told me about all of them and the friendship you made.
I bit the inside of my cheek, feeling extremely uncomfortable.
– I haven't spoken to any of them in almost five years. Hannah at Richy's funeral gave me enough reasons to disassociate myself from them.
– The group had no influence on what the traumatized Hannah accused you of. – she cut into my sentence
– But no one interrupted her. Nobody took my side or Jake's side. – I answered a little harsher than I had planned. – She made me mud, blaming me for Richy's and Jake's death. From taking Jake away from her. And then no one dared say a word to her. Dan and Thomas were happy as if nothing had happened. They didn't give a shit what happened to Jake! They didn't care at all but that fucking Hannah had been found, completely forgetting who had helped find her! Jake had dropped everything for her, and his death hadn't affected them at all.
– How did Lilly react? It was her brother, after all.
– She apologized to me for Hannah after everything. She put it down to her trauma, but you know what? I didn't give a shit at all then. Lilly was the only one who tried to keep in touch with me.
– But you cut them off after returning from Duskwood. How did you do that? How did you manage to cut yourself off from an important part of your life back then?
I bit my lip as I thought about my answer. My eyes became slightly misted from not blinking for a long time.
– I started to imagine a world where we don't collide. A world where Hannah hadn't sent those stupid few numbers to her stupid boyfriend who thought it was someone else's number. A world where I wouldn't reply to them at all. And most of all, I imagined life in a world where I wouldn't fall in love with this wanted hacker. – I gasped as I felt my pulse quicken
The therapist looked at me with satisfaction in her eyes, because I finally opened up to her. I got carried away by my emotions.
– What are you going to do with this invitation?
I swallowed hard, feeling my nails almost pierce the center of my palm. It was supposed to help me, but it only unleashed a storm inside my mind.
– I'll burn them.
The therapist smiled slightly, knowing full well that it wasn't true.
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wifeglor · 8 months
21 for BIG MELKOR if there’s anything we are yet to know…
love you for this one for real. OK, since you said you meant the DVD commentary question, here are some additional thoughts (bite thy wings and let thee crawl, Melkor/Maglor)
First, I really just want to share all the passages from Lay of Leithian that I'd copied into my notes doc (beyond the bit I included and took the title from), because. Big Melkor canon...
Then Morgoth came. For the last time     in those great wars he dared to climb      from subterranean throne profound,      the rumour of his feet a sound      of rumbling earthquake underground.     (25) Black-armoured, towering, iron-crowned      he issued forth; his mighty shield      a vast unblazoned sable field      with shadow like a thundercloud;      and o'er the gleaming king it bowed
Heard ye not then of that pretty fay, of Lúthien? Her body is fair, very light and fair. (210) Morgoth would possess her in his lair. Boldog he sent, but Boldog was slain: strange ye were not in Bolgod's train.
Fierce is your chief, his frown is grim. Little Lúthien… what troubles him? (215) Why laughs he not to think of his lord crushing a maiden in his hoard, that foul should be what once was clean, that dark should be where light has been?
Whom do ye serve, Light or Mirk? (220) Who is the maker of mightiest work? Who is the king of earthly kings, the greatest giver of gold and rings? Who is the master of the wide earth? Who despoiled them of their mirth, (225) the vain Valar? Repeat your vows, Orcs of Bauglir! Do not bend your brows. Death to light, to law, to love; cursed be moon and stars above; may darkness everlasting old (230) that waits outside in surges cold drown Manwë, Varda and the sun; may all is hatred be begun and all in evil ended be in the moaning of the endless Sea!' (235)
Into the vast and echoing gloom more dread than many-tunnelled tomb in labyrinthine pyramid where everlasting death is hid, down awful corridors that wind (5) down to a menace dark enshrined; down to the mountain's roots profound, devoured, tormented, bored and ground by seething vermin spawned of stone; down to the depths they went alone. (10)
Slow-wheeling o'er his iron crown, reluctantly, shivering and small, (95) Beren there saw the shadow fall, and droop before the hideous throne, a weak and trembling thing, alone. And as thereon great Morgoth bent his darkling gaze, he shuddering went, (100) belly to earth, the cold sweat dank upon his fell, and crawling shrank beneath the darkness of that seat, beneath the shadow of those feet.
Yet welcome, welcome to my hall! I have a use for every thrall.
A pretty toy for idle hour. In slothful gardens many a flower (190) like thee the amorous gods are used honey-sweet to kiss, and cast then bruised, their fragrance loosing, under feet. But here we seldom find such sweet amid our labours long and hard, (195) from godlike idleness debarred. And who would not taste the honey-sweet lying to lips, or crush with feet the soft cool tissue of pale flowers, easing like gods the dragging hours?
Then flaring suddenly they fell, down, down upon the floors of hell. The dark and mighty head was bowed; (275) like mountain-top beneath a cloud the shoulders foundered, the vast form crashed, as in overwhelming storm huge cliffs in ruin slide and fall; and prone lay Morgoth in his hall. (280) His crown there rolled upon the ground, a wheel of thunder; then all sound died, and a silence grew as deep as were the heart of Earth asleep.
Like did I even have to write this fic?? Tolkien wrote it first...
This is most of what I have to say that I haven't said before, aside from that I love to see people in the tags of @aquaregiaart's beautiful art losing their minds in the exact same way I did when I first saw an earlier version of it and felt possessed by a demon with the urge to tell some more of that story!! 😌
One other thing on my mind when writing beyond horny was Melkor's voice, I guess. I really wanted his lines to "sound" resonant as though they came from a position of power, and "read aloud" well, and I tried to pay attention to that when I was editing, taking out some of the hedging and other words I had in there as options at first (at least one "I think" got cut at that stage... Just picture me like staring at 2 very similar options like it's the dress meme, muttering to myself "Would Melkor say this? I don't fucking know..."). I haven't spend a ton of time thinking of Melkor as a character (I've only written him a little bit before, in the backdrop of Finrod/Sauron AU) and I really wanted him to come across as scary and brutal/unflinching but also keep some sort of undertone suggesting that At One Point, he was or could be a seducer figure as well. Also, revisiting these Lay of Leithian portions with him was inspiring in terms of writing & keeping in some of his dialogue in the fic, because he DOES have a villainous glee in Lay of Leithian, a bitter, proud sort of "positioning" against the Valar, and he likes to hear himself talk. After reading that, I felt a lot more empowered to write him talking some more!! Thank you so much for your Big Melkor support all through working on this, it makes my heart grow to Big Melkor sizes ❤️❤️❤️
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anxso · 7 months
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@ygoc-week Day 7 - AU
Clear Skies is a story that involves multiple timelines and a version of Z-ONE trapped, trying to find a solution to a time loop. This VERY mucH revolves around Rain and Kalin.
One timeline we get to see is a brief snapshot of an attempt where Z-ONE defeats Roman and is able to restore Rain’s memory prior to her awakening in the Satellite, so during the Team Satisfaction era she’s instead a murderer-menace.
Yet stilllll ends up in a relationship anyway and is facing a firing squad for the things she and Kalin have done. He sets off an explosion, and they manage to escape.
It gets cut off there in the main story BUT I honestly was so enamored with this timeline that I wrote out how they ended up warming up to each other. This one-shot is prettttty long, almost 4k words! but I’m happy I get to share it for OC Week! I originally wrote this for the Angstober prompt “Crimes of Passion” because oh, doesn’t that fit them perfectly?
WARNINGS FOR THIS ONE-SHOT: alcohol use, gun violence, a drinking game that gets. hot n heavy. implied/offscreen nsfw (nothing that would be an E rating on AO3, don’t worry~!)
full fic under the cut :3c
Soft beeps filled the hospital room. Kalin Kessler had fallen asleep on his knees, his hand in Rain Orichalcum’s; she lay comatose on the bed. Z-ONE appeared in the visitation seats in a green flash wearing a blank expression.
“Again. Again,” Z-ONE whispered. “How many times have I been here?”
A swirl of violet flames birthed the figure of a Dark Signer, Ccapac Apu wearing Rain’s skin. Its black robes lined with blue drank in the noonday sunshine. Its drawn hood casted shadows over its dark eyes, but its grin was free and bright. “If it isn’t the worthless machine back again! What are we at now? Should I be celebrating three thousand?”
“When you are snuffed out,” Z-ONE said, “those taunts will vanish with you along with all the anguish you have woven into the universe.”
“Little old me?” It feigned surprise. “But I was happy to eat up one timeline! Here you are creating ever more for me to feast. Tell me, rusty bucket of bolts, do you ever consider how those timelines end up? Ever had one stick in the old brain?”
“What? No. It doesn’t… matter.”
“Oh, but it does. A tree fallen in the forest may go unheard by humanity yet makes sound enough to scatter the birds, and a timeline abandoned by your sorry self continues to spiral until ending up in my wondrous arms. Or are you a depressed solipsist?”
Z-ONE stared. “I go on. It is what I do.”
“The weight of it all must eat you up.” The wicked god hovered over Z-ONE, spittle flying with its words. “The decisions you’ve made and the sheer agony they’ve resulted in. I know you lie to me. They’re lodged in your brain as much as I continue to experience them—every timeline continuing on, every light for me to consume! You should try godhood sometime, but oh, no machine could process it. You would fall to pieces. I suppose it wouldn’t matter, since you’re already a heap of junk!”
Z-ONE’s fists balled. “I am no god. Nor am I a machine. The probability exists. I merely have to find its branch. Your days have been numbered from the start. As for the other branches…”
Z-ONE stood. “A god such as you exists simultaneously on every timeline, and so you will be eradicated everywhere; everywhen.”
“Eradicated!” The wicked god laughed and slapped its knee. “Funny! You aaare funny. You don’t like to talk about them, but I have my favorites! Timelines you’ve screwed up, that is.”
“I’m done talking.” Z-ONE’s bracelet shone emerald. “I defy your ending.”
The wicked god rolled its eyes. “Whatever, whatever, see you next time around.” It cleaned beneath its grimy fingernails and studied Kalin and Rain.
Its smile curled up.
One thousand three hundred and seventy-seven.
Z-ONE tampered with the game of gods by defeating Roman Godwin, possessed by Earthbound Immortal Uru. Uru had snatched Rain Orichalcum’s memories. She was left as a complacent girl with childlike naïvete. A chance run-in with Kalin Kessler netted her an opportunity to join Team Satisfaction and survive in the post-fallout wasteland known as the Satellite, an island used as garbage disposal for the nearby New Domino City.
The Rain Orichalcum who had her memories returned before any such meeting took place, before growing close to humans who showed her kindness and empathy, was a very different person indeed.
Smog intermingled with the gray clouds blanketing the overcast sky. Kalin Kessler strolled the grimy Satellite streets whistling a tune. He kicked a can as he went and periodically glanced up at the rooftops. He passed a pair of stray dogs fighting over a scrap of rotten food and tossed them a fresh granola bar. 
The hairs on the back of his neck lifted. Wind swept through the streets, carrying litter and brushing the collar of his Team Satisfaction vest against his cheek. He spun on his heel, his focus locked on the rooftop of the building behind him.
A pale woman with long, black hair and blue eyes glared down at him. Her legs dangled over the building's edge. Kalin said, "Heyo, it's just the girl I'm looking for!"
She thinned her eyes.
"Oh, how I enjoy our long and eventful conversations. You know, they've started calling you the shadow. I don't think it fits so much. What about something more creative, like, Raven!"
She rolled her eyes. 
"Not your name, then." He sighed and made a show of slumping sadly. "One of these days, I'll find it out! Eh, I have a more, uh, pressing priority today. You got a hard number on how many Securities you've killed?"
Her head tilted, expression unchanging. She held up both hands and lifted one finger, two fingers, all the way to ten. Then she curled her fingers and shrugged. 
"So many you don't know?" 
She confirmed with a nod. 
"See! That's a problem for us. You, too. They're hiking up their numbers in the Satellite and making it worse for every one of us. It goes pretty counter to what I'm trying to do around here, which is to stay on the low to keep Security out of our hair. S'long as we got a nice, united Satellite, Security's the only fuckheads. Make sense?"
She stared.
"Come on. There's gotta be something I can do to convince you to leave them alone. Anything you want? I'll find it. Anything you wanna do to me? Hell, murder me instead for all I care. The rest of my team can take it from there."
"Your logic is flawed," she said, and he jumped. Words! From her mouth! "Every human is a fuckhead."
He couldn't help it; he laughed. "Ah, you got me there! Hey, you duel? How about a bet?"
"I'll take a bet," she said, "but we'll play my game."
"What game's that?"
She smiled in a very unpleasant way. "Drinking. You pass out first, and you never acknowledge my existence again. I pass out first, and you get your wish. I'll leave the guys in gray alone."
Very many a thought raced through Kalin's mind. If this was her game, she was surely better prepared than him. On the other hand, he had biology on his side considering his size over her. "You got yourself a deal."
She dropped onto the street before him, her boots stirring dust. Her loose-fitting black shirt, one arm missing the fabric, swayed with her stride. He followed her without word and with a wide berth. He'd heard enough stories to know even a perceived slight could end his life.
Yet there he went, following the Satellite's infamous murderer to who-knows-where. If he survived, Yusei and Crow would kill him. Jack would shoot him one of his more judgmental looks.
Perhaps he should rethink this.
Nahh. It was for the good of them all, so he had to. Plus, free drinks. They might end up being straight up poison, buuut-
"Here," she said.
Gray waves splashed up the high, craggy shoreline. Across the inlet, New Domino City caught rays of sunshine. The smog in this part of the Satellite, so close to the factories, blocked out the sun. She stood inside a control building connected to a now-defunct hydropower plant. The steel dam still stood, and trash floated on the disgusting green water behind it. 
Kalin followed her inside. She wound down a steel staircase. Their clanging footsteps echoed, testaments to how deep the plant stretched. She stopped three stories down. The emergency generators kept on the lights, and select rations lay scattered on the many control panels. In the corner lay a sleeping bag, an unlit lantern, and scattered bottles. 
She struck a match and lit the lantern. He studied the place. A few cockroach corpses rested here and there but nothing serious. He said, "Must stay pretty warm way down here in the winter."
She yanked down a large switch on the wall, and the humming overhead lights shut off. Screens and buttons provided minimal bright blue lighting. Most came from her lantern, a buttery orange glow. "Do you feel colder now?"
"Huh? Not really."
"The electricity here keeps the heat going," she said. "Since I don't need it, well. There it goes."
He kept a straight face, but it wasn't the greatest news to hear. They hadn't reached the snowy part of the year but the chill was enough to wake him up in the middle of the night. He'd worn only his typical red t-shirt, jeans, vest, and boots. His socks had more holes than he could count, so the cold found his feet first. "Not many places still get heat. How'd you find this?"
"I'm not here for small talk." She picked up two glass bottles of clear liquid and dropped into a rotating chair. I took the one beside her. The pair of tall bottles rested between various knobs and dials, and the lantern sat on the floor between us. The upward casting of shadows darkened her eyes and the hollows of his cheeks. She said, "Truth or dare's the game. If you pick truth, you drink."
The thought of what she might dare him to do skyrocketed his pulse. He said, "You should drink first. Y'know, so I'm sure you're not poisoning me."
She rolled her eyes and took a deep swig. "Guess I'm truth first."
"Your name!" he said. Uh. Surely there were better options, and yet.
"Rain," she answered. "Rain Orichalcum."
"Wow," he whispered. "Rain…"
"Don't- say it like that."
"Like what?"
She shook her head. "Your turn. Pick."
"Truth." He smelled the bottle. Fuck was it strong. He took a swig and coughed. Stuff almost came back up as vomit but he hit his fist against his chest and kept it down. The strength of it flooded his sinuses and lingered there. "Ugh, what the hell?"
She was laughing. He was too stunned to speak. She swiftly recovered her composure and swiped the bottle from him. "All the other stuff isn't strong enough."
"So you drink fucking rubbing alcohol?"
His brows shot up, and he studied the stuff with renewed interest. It'd hit him within seconds and he felt the urge to laugh even though nothing had happened. He rubbed his mouth and said, "Uh, your question?"
"What are you trying to do to this island? Conquer it?"
He blinked. "Kind of. I don't know. That doesn't sound like the right word. We're trying to, like- unite! Thaaat's the word. Yeah, so, right now it's split into a whole bunch of territories run by different gangs. They make life hell for anyone who's not in their gang, and lots of times, members of the gangs act like slaves to whoever the gang leader is. We're not like that. We wanna take them down and let everybody be free. We can make the Satellite as good a place to live as the City that way."
"Why do you believe that?" she said.
"Ha! I'm not drunk enough to fall for that. You gotta ask me next time."
"Fine." She drank. "Truth."
"Why do you keep killing people?"
She squinted and cleaned out her ear with a pinkie. "Do fuckheads deserve the lives they've been given if they use it only to abuse others? Take these other gangs, for example. Clearly you have a case of an individual with power who abuses it and takes advantage of those beneath the leader. Why should they continue to exist?"
He snorted. "Yeah, okay, they suck. Why does that mean you get to kill 'em? Like, why do you get to decide that?"
"I answered my question."
"Ugggh. How many in are we?"
"You've had two shots," she said. 
"What? No. I'm gonna fall out of the fucking chair! Whatever. I'll take a dare!"
Rain struck a match. A single strip of smoke rose up between them. "Your tongue. Five seconds."
"What the fuck?"
She arched an eyebrow. Psycho. Kalin opened his mouth. The heat started at the tip and slowly moved back inside his mouth, her fingers touching his lips. "One. Two. Three."
He shut his eyes tight against the searing pain. He smelled something burning. She dragged out her vowels: "Fooour…"
He clamped down his teeth, snatching the match and smothering it with his tongue. Her fingers came away wet, and she gaped at them. He grinned with the blackened match as his toothpick. "Five!"
She scowled and took a swig. "Truth."
"So boring!" A corner of his mouth quirked up. "How many shots does it take to get you to pass out?"
"To be determined."
He threw up his hands. The fact it didn't throw off his center of gravity was a good sign insofar. "Lemme ask a real one since you can't answer that. It's only fair." She nodded, so he said, "Why d'you hate people so much?"
A corner of her lip jumped with her snarl. "Because of what they did to me."
Hangups, eh. He considered the bottle. "Meh, do your worst. Dare again."
She giggled. He about fell into the floor hearing it. He deeefinitely had the lead. She said, "Really?"
"Yeah, really! What's the torture gonna be this time?"
She leveled an even stare at him. "Take off your shirt."
He busted out a laugh. Her expression didn't change. He said, "Oh, so I've caught the shadow's eye, huh?"
The chair spun behind Rain as she shot to her feet and gripped a fistful of his shirt. He grinned and held up his empty hands. She dropped him and sniffed. "I hope you freeze to death."
"Mhmm, that's it." He was too far gone to fear her snarl. He tossed off his vest and peeled off his shirt, stretching to leave his broad shoulders. She sat with the chair backwards, her chin resting on its cushioned back. The bottle dangled from her fingers. She kept her eyes locked with his. The cold raised bumps on his skin but the thundering pump of his blood kept him plenty warm. He smiled, saying, "I can tell you're trying sooo hard to keep your eyes up there."
Her expression soured. She downed three massive gulps, finishing the bottle, and tossed it aside. "Truth."
"Do I get three?"
"I'll ssstab you," she said. 
Her blinks were getting uneven, too. That with the slurring meant very good things for him. He nabbed the next bottle. "Are you really gonna follow through on our bet?"
She let her arms dangle over the chair, and her cheek pressed against the chair. "Mmm. I would still defend myshelf."
The lantern flickered yet the light was bright in his eyes–electric. "Myshelf?" 
"Shut up. You take three. You slowed down too fast for it to be fun."
He swallowed a trio of the nasty stuff. He stumbled and had to find his chair with a probing hand. "That answer works for me. I get a truth now, right?"
"Yeah." She stood up and swayed. A firm hand on the chair kept her upright. "What the hell is with your interest in me? You're always talking to me and wanted my name and- you've heard about me. You know what I've done."
There was a tremble to her that could've come from any number of things. Kalin chalked it up to the alcohol. "Suuure. I've got connections. I know the witnesses. Funny thing about all the stories is how all those kills were for the purpose of protecting a victim. Crazy stuff! There's always someone who was in danger and got away."
"That's not true," she hissed.
"Okay, take your sip and lemme ask you for the truth."
She grit her teeth and growled. "Dare."
"I get mine now? Finally!" He crossed his arms over the back of his chair. "Shirt off."
"Come on. You can't act that way when you made me do it."
Her inhale was sharp. Her focus rolled down his bare arms and abdomen. Her frown was a tight little thing as she threw off her black shirt. Loose gauze bound her chest. The lantern light caught on the light hairs surrounding her navel and trailing up her flat stomach to the white wrappings, the topmost loop of which was juuust open enough-
"Stop," she snapped.
"Yeah, yeah. The hell do I do? I think if I have another sip I'll, like, die." 
There was also the curve of her hips, how the lantern's flicker played its soft and warm light over her skin disappearing into her waistband-
"Dare," he managed.
"I dare you to claw out your own fucking eyes."
He blinked and stared at his hands. "Shit."
Rain doubled over laughing. She stumbled, hit the floor, and lay on her back still busting a gut. He started in with her. She said, "Dumbass."
"How'd you know the nickname my friends gave me?"
They broke down into a new fit. 
"I dare you to drink more," she said.
"Huh? That's gotta be against the rules!"
"Fuck your rules."
"Can't argue with that," he said, and he drank. He couldn't taste it anymore. Probably he was dying or something, but what a way to go. "Your turn."
She pushed up off the floor. "Dare."
The lantern was low and sputtering. He leaned into the dark and said, "Touch me."
Her eyes widened, the reflected spot of orange like a sunburst sky. He laughed and ran his hand through his hair. "No, that was stupid, I-"
But she was approaching him, cautious like a feral animal attracted to proffered food. He stood stock still. She studied him from his ice-blue locks long enough to fall in his face to his warm hazel eyes to his bare chest. Her fingertip pressed onto his sternum and traveled down, tracing the outline of his abs, leaving a hot touch in every trench. He realized he was hearing her breaths, loud and echoing, and he was holding his own without meaning to. She pressed her hand to his stomach, and he gasped, the incredible warmth of her enticing a shiver throughout all of him.
"You know," she whispered, her fingertips glancing up his chest to land on his shoulder, "I think it's your turn."
He could only remain upright and breathe.
"Kalin?" she said.
A shaky exhale left him. He laughed a little, and she squeezed his shoulder. "This is the greatest day of my life."
"You said my name," he murmured, staring up at the ceiling. "And I've never heard it said better."
She clicked her tongue and turned away. "I can tell I'm drunk because that one kind of worked."
His arm looped around her waist. "How much?"
She shook him off, and he stepped back. She said, "Drink or don't. I'm still gonna win."
He took a swig. His vision went blurry for a few seconds but he managed to blink it away. "Ask away."
She met his eyes and said, "What do you want to do to me?"
His brows lifted and he had absolutely zero control over his stare landing on her chest, on the gauze-wrapped curves swelling and retreating with the rhythm of her breaths. She inched closer to him, licked her lips, and said, "Dare."
He pinched the end of the gauze above her cleavage and waited, the question in his eyes. Her fingers curled around his wrist and the smallest part of him, the still sober bit, expected his bones to snap. But she guided his hand to unwind the binding and free her bare skin. The white strips fell and curled around her feet. He stared at her and she at him, their exhales long and intermingling, the world silent outside the thrumming beats of their hearts.
She snuffed out the light with her bare fingertips and pressed her body to his. She kissed him and he tasted like bonfire smoke. He couldn't think beyond the need to be consumed by her heat like the damn match, left a burnt and useless nothing, and he didn't care. Her dark hair was silk through his fingers and he had to hold her ever closer. They fell onto the sleeping bag. The glow of the LED screens turned her eyes electric blue, and he grasped her face to brush his thumbs beneath them. She kissed him again and her fingers found his waistband. 
It's dark outside–a seemingly abrupt state but one that occurred gradually, the sunset a fleeting and dying beauty to behold.
"We can't keep running forever. What do we do?" Kalin slammed his fist into the alley wall, and his knuckles bled. The pouring rain filled the open wounds. "I don't know what the fuck to do!"
Rain sat slumped on the opposite side. The white roots of her hair showed on the crown of her head. The drizzle dripped down her face like stray tears. Blood mixed in the liquid from the cut on her cheek, the graze of a bullet. "The clothes factory?"
"Fucking Security knows about it, and about your power plant. The hideout, too. Shit. That explosion got you away from the firing squad but brought more of those fuckers out of the woodworks. Where do we go?"
"If I turn myself in-"
"Don't give me that shit. We go down, we go down together."
"I wouldn't be anybody without you!" she said. "You have to keep going, even if I-"
He took her hand between his. "You're everything, whether I'm there or not. Let's get going. Hard to hear with the rain, so we gotta stay on the move."
They climbed the rooftops. Flashlights attached to assault rifles cut through the storm. Shouts rang out but the downpour drowned them. Rain and Kalin ran from building to building, offering minimal exposure. Bullets fired. Glass shattered by them. They hit the deck and scrambled outside the back exit.
A horde of Securities awaited them. A pair filtered in from behind and jabbed them forward with their barrels. Rain followed Kalin's lead by holding up her empty hands. The Securities surrounding them were all poised and ready to fire their uncountable weapons. 
A voice crackled over their comms. The Security wearing a scarf clicked his radio, saying, "Roger."
All fronts fired at once. Rain screamed but the bullets whizzed past her and tore Kalin apart. The onslaught ceased. She dove to his side and gathered him in her arms but he was gone, gone. She roared and threw out her deck, touching every card. An army of monsters filled the sky. Dragons blasted Securities and blades stabbed clean through bulletproof vests. A panicked Security fired wildly, automatic weapon churning out bullet after bullet. Several Securities fell yet the attack of the enraged monsters did not end.
Scarlet blossomed from Rain's chest. She collapsed in a splash of water. The endless gray sky brought her back to that day so long ago it felt like decades past rather than months.
How love slows time.
Her breaths weakened, and her heartbeat slowed.
It doesn't have to end like this.
Violet blazed from both Rain and Kalin's forearms. The mark of the Giant glowed, and fuchsia flames ate away at their bodies until nothing remained.
(reminder I’m just a writer, artist credit in alt text!)
OC week has been so great!!! I’ve loved seeing and reading about all your blorbos <3 (and I’m in a few nice OC spaces if anyone wants in/ to add on discord, anx)
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mochiwrites · 1 year
Life series Grian is cruel because everyone in the life series is cruel. There’s killings and betrayals and thefts. Everyone in the life series is kind, including Grian. There’s jokes and alliances and trades.
(also I feel like I should preface that like. I'm not claiming to be c!grian expert and my own interpretation may not even be fully accurate to his character??? aka if anything seems out of character I am Sorry fjgfhgf)
ANYWAYS -- right so when I say the word “cruel” I’m talking about it in an,,,, emotional sense??? like, he doesn't go out of his way to target people and bully them emotionally, I guess??? he isn't cruel with their emotions???? I have no idea if that makes any sense. I'm not gonna go out my way and claim that grian is a "perfect uwu innocent boy" because he's not. no one in the life series is (and that's not even grian's character outside of traffic LMAO). the entire purpose of the game is to be the last man standing, and that means killing. that means betrayal.
but there is a fine line between being cruel to survive and being a villain.
and traffic!grian is not a villain.
traffic!grian is kind, and loyal. he feels guilt for his actions. grian plays to survive, but if you have his loyalty, you have it for the entire game.
I've seen so many people look at grian's actions in the previous session (where he laughs off joel's death and joins up with pearl and bigb) and say that grian was evil for it. but let's actually look at what grian was doing leading up to joel's death, shall we?
he didn't look for other teammates until he was certain that joel wasn't going to survive. they had already lost jimmy, so he knew he was going to be alone. he offered joel an hour. he kept telling joel to take his life so joel could survive just a little longer. he straight up tells pearl and bigb that he has to go check on joel, that he has to say goodbye or else he was going to regret not getting the chance. everything grian did in that final episode was to keep jimmy and joel alive for as long as possible. and when he finally lost joel? there was silence. he stood there and stared. "I didn't even see it." he sounded so remorseful as he said it.
did he laugh off their deaths? yes. but come on people! grian's entire character is downplaying his emotions! he laughs things off and hides his emotions! he gave us, the viewers, plenty of clues to his true feelings! he has to say goodbye to joel or he'll regret it. he makes graves for jimmy and joel. he was more than willing to give them some of his time to keep them alive. he laughs off their deaths but that's just a wall he's putting up between himself and everyone else. when looking at traffic!grian, you can't just look at his words. you need to look at his actions as well.
he makes a joke about keeping joel alive but you need to look deeper than that. you need to look at the "I couldn't do anything more to help him." that's hidden in there. with grian you need to read between the lines!
and if you STILL think that traffic!grian is a villain, don't worry, I have more examples.
let's take a look at the most obvious depiction of grian's tragic character.
third life.
whether you ship them or view them as friends, grian's story with scar is still a tragedy! he spends the entire series following scar around because of his debt, and ends up sticking around after his debt is cleared because he wants to see scar win. he wants to help scar still. he's chaotic and a menace and full of bloodlust, but that doesn't make him a villain. he's playing the game. the same game that everyone else is playing.
look at the final scene of the third life finale. grian wanted to win with scar. he wanted them to win together. they planned to die together. and then the cactus ring happens and grian wins. look me dead in the eyes as grian says "Oh I don't feel so good." before jumping to his death and tell me that grian is a villain. that's one of the cases where grian's guilt is the most clear.
let's also not forget all of the deals he makes in every series? the promises he tries to keep? returning scar's things to him in last life even though he didn't have to? giving skizz a totem? setting an ender porter with him so if skizz needs him he can come help? because he wanted skizz to stay alive for as long as possible?
grian is kind. and he cares about people. neither of these things are the qualities of a villain!
he's playing in a death game, just like everyone else, and he's playing to survive. of course he's going to betray certain people (not his allies though. never his allies), he's going to steal and kill. he's going to laugh as he pulls off a successful kill because yes he may not be a villain but he's chaotic and bloodthirsty just like everyone else.
grian is not cruel because he laughed off jimmy and joel's deaths. he is not evil because he joined pearl and bigb after he lost the bad boys.
this is just a personal frustration but too many people in this fandom are quick to jump on calling grian a villain in the traffic series when every other character is doing the same thing as he is. but yet no one else gets called evil for it??? some people are so quick to make grian out to be an asshole when he's not. can he act like an ass? yes, absolutely. but that doesn't make one. I've seen some absolutely wild characterizations on grian, and some of them are just.... Yikes
some people are so quick to make grian out to be the bad guy that they don't consider the actions that lead up to that moment.
THAT BEING ASIDE.... tldr, grian isn't a villain, he's playing in a death game and the aim is to survive. he's a loyal teammate and is more than willing to fight for his allies. please stop calling him a villain thank you
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bunny300 · 1 year
I want a villain or a bad guy or maybe a whumper (whatever you decide), I want that character to be well known by whatever group of people.
He’s a big name and everyone knows of him. I want this villain to be big and bad and menacing
And I just picture a scene where our big bad villain sits down at a bar and orders. What do you think he orders?
“Do bars even have apple juice?”, you may ask and here I will tell you:
They’d have to be dead not to have heard the rumors.
No one has ever seen him hold or drink an alcoholic beverage. In meetings or parties or any social event where alcohol is available he always only gets apple juice.
If a business wants to be a business, wants protection or maybe just less bad things happening to them, they’d have apple juice on hand. Better yet if it’s the specific brand of apple juice. Better better yet if its one of those well known brands and not some high end fancy apple juice.
I want stories where our villain, maybe when he was first rising to the top, would get harassed for ordering or drinking apple juice, and I just imagine him not being violent and since no one ever sees him retaliate, they all think him soft.
That is until they hear about people getting fired from jobs or going out of business or getting in a car accident. Really anything your mind can conjure. Maybe someone fell into debt or got super drunk and cheated on his partner and proof of doing so was swiftly shown to the partner. Maybe someone got their kids taken away.
I imagine that depending on the situation and how they treated and acted towards him determines the level of disparity he causes towards that person and their family. No one has physical proof that he caused it. Many have looked and found no connection linking him to the “bad luck” going around and some are skeptical that it’s all a coincidence, that is until the people investigating start having “bad luck” and maybe even the openly skeptical too.
It eventually get around that if villain shows up anywhere, a restaurant, meeting, bar, wherever, they must have apple juice for him. And they remember not to act any different, no one dares taunt him, throws alcohol on him, actually serves him alcohol or alcohol in the apple juice, or any other childish thing someone could do, not after they recall now the first few were treated.
Villain knew he had to send a message. He was new after all. Up and coming. Not known to many. Not feared. Not respected. He let himself be known. And responding with (more than slight) overkill the first few bad ones, people knew of him. He was feared. Some respected him.
No one would question his choices.
It’s also great that you could have scenes where people that look up to villain order apple juice when they are out and about.
There are so many things.
I would love for someone knew in town to come. I imagine this is our whumpee or love interest, (since the other one is villain in this post, this character will be civilian) and they don’t know this person and he overhears him ordering apple juice (let’s say at a bar) and civilian says, “really man, apple juice?”
And the bar becomes silent.
Civilian doesn’t quite notice it fall silent because he’s hyper focused and is already saying, “orange juice is way better! I LOVE ORANGE JUICE. Hey bar tender! Do you have orange juice!?”
I imagine a chaotic, neurodivergent, adhd riddled civilian getting SOOO bummed the bar doesn’t have orange juice and responds with something like, “FINE. I suppose the gods win this round! I’ll have some apple juice.”
And when he’s waiting for his apple juice he notices how loud the tapping of his fingers and his humming sounds, and that’s when he realized just how silent it was around him and he looked up.
This can happen two ways:
Either everyone is looking at him or looking away.
Everyone could be watching him, gawking at what in the heck just happened. Some are perhaps worried, unknowing if this will get the young man in trouble since what he said was so frantic and all over the place. Or they can be looking away. Sort of the ‘don’t make eye contact’ kind of mentality. Maybe afraid that if he sees them they’ll have “bad luck” despite having stayed out of it.
But oh man, just imagine all of this. And villains reaction! GAH it all makes me giddy
I also want it where a lot of businesses, maybe at a dinner meeting or something, when dealing with villain, will only order apple juice and not alcohol as a sign of respect. Cracks me up really
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