#it might be like a first come first serve kind of arrangement who knows
svt-luna · 14 days
ᡴꪫ ⋆ GAME CATERERS X SVT ࣪ ! ˓ ౨ৎ ࣪˖ ─── episode 2-1.
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Game Caterers x SEVENTEEN
synopsis: Episode 2-1! After failing to eat because of the character quiz, the members of SEVENTEEN are given a chance to win prizes from PD Na’s ‘Super’ Store, they just have to answer more quizzes… and eat lemons (?)
hope this makes you guys smile even a little bit after the announcement of Jeonghan’s official enlistment date 🤍 everything will be fine, he’ll be back in no time!!!
╰౨ৎ fan reactions ╰ ౨ৎ game caterers masterlist
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[added captions are in brackets] ᡣ𐭩
bold dialogues are spoken in english ᡣ𐭩
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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden light over the open field where the members of SEVENTEEN were taking their break. Some of them had retreated to the cool shade inside the green room, while others preferred to stretch their legs outside, taking in the fresh air. The quiet hum of conversation and the occasional burst of laughter filled the atmosphere, a stark contrast to the intense competition and energy of their earlier activities.
Near the basketball court, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Jeonghan, Luna, Mingaho, and S.Coups strolled leisurely, the rhythmic bounce of a basketball punctuating their casual banter. Mingyu dribbled the ball skillfully, tossing it back and forth with Jeonghan, while the rest watched with amused smiles, occasionally chiming in with playful remarks.
[SEVENTEEN is taking a break]
Not far away, Vernon, Joshua, and Hoshi lingered near PD Na and his team, who were busy setting up a new challenge. Their curious eyes followed every movement as the staff arranged a variety of items— a table, shelves filled with prizes of all kinds, from snacks and toys to more substantial rewards like food packages. The three members exchanged intrigued glances, trying to guess what the upcoming game might involve.
[Wild SEVENTEEN wanders around]
PD Na, the writers, and the rest of the production crew were focused on the task at hand, setting up the elaborate display. The scene was bustling with activity, yet there was an undercurrent of anticipation in the air, as if everyone, from the staff to the members, knew that something exciting was about to unfold.
[CARAT's enemies are doing something suspicious]
Suddenly, the familiar crackle of a megaphone broke through the quiet hum of the surroundings. From his place behind the makeshift prize table, PD Na’s voice rang out, amplified and clear. “SEVENTEEN, do you hear me?”
“Yes!” Vernon, Hoshi, and Joshua, who were already lingering near the table, replied in unison, their voices carrying across the field.
“The store is open for ten minutes. If you need anything, run and get what you need,” PD Na announced with a mischievous grin, knowing the chaos he was about to unleash.
“Yes!” the trio echoed once more, their excitement palpable.
On the other side of the field, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Minghao, S.Coups, Luna, and Jeonghan, who had been slowly making their way towards the action, exchanged knowing glances. The pace of their steps quickened as they anticipated what was coming next.
“It’s first come, first serve,” PD Na added, the challenge now fully set.
The second those words left his mouth, Hoshi, Vernon, and Joshua, who had been hovering near the front, bolted forward, pushing their way to the prize table with a newfound urgency— Vernon placing first, Hoshi placing second, while Joshua was third.
[Somehow they placed 1st and 2nd and 3rd]
Their sudden sprint caught the attention of Dokyeom, who finally made his appearance on the field, his eyes widening as he realized what was happening before placing himself behind Joshua. Meanwhile, Mingyu remained calm, his tall frame allowing him to maintain a leisurely stride as he continued typing on his phone. The benefits of being the tallest in the group meant that he could easily cover the distance in just a few strides.
Behind him, Luna, ever the playful one, decided to take matters into her own hands. With a burst of energy, she jogged up behind Wonwoo, who was just ahead of her, and leaped onto his back. Wonwoo, more than accustomed to her antics, didn’t miss a beat. He grabbed onto her legs, securing her as he broke into a run, his laughter mixing with hers.
“What?” S.Coups asked, already running.
“First come, first server.” PD Na repeated.
Jeonghan and Minghao, not ones to be left behind, also picked up their pace, running toward the prize table, determined to snag the best items before the others. All the while, Mingyu remained unhurried, his attention split between his phone and the scene unfolding before him. His relaxed demeanor was a stark contrast to the frantic energy of the others before he placed himself behind Minghao.
[11 people arrived in no time]
One by one, the rest of the group started trickling in, each one more eager than the last to see what was happening. Seungkwan, who had just emerged from the green room, immediately sensed the buzz in the air. His eyes widened in excitement and slight panic as he hurriedly jogged over to the gathering crowd. "What's going on? Carbo Buldak? What?" he asked, his voice laced with urgency as he tried to get the inside scoop while still catching up.
[All 14 including Dino are here]
Dino, right on Seungkwan’s heels, placed himself at the very end of the line. As he surveyed the lineup in front of him, he asked, “Am I last?”
“I think so,” Seungkwan confirmed, his tone resigned yet still full of curiosity about what awaited them.
['Super' Store opens]
The members have now lined up in front of PD Na’s table in this order: Vernon, Hoshi, Joshua, Dokyeom, Jun, Wonwoo, Luna, S.Coups, Jeonghan, Minghao, Mingyu, Woozi, Seungkwan, and Dino. The line stretched across the field, each member craning their neck to get a better look at what was in store for them.
In front of them, PD Na stood behind a table labeled ‘Super Store,’ his expression one of playful authority. On the table sat a large container filled with folded papers, clearly the key to whatever missions they would face. Next to it, a bowl filled with slices of lemons gleamed ominously in the sunlight. Beside the table were shelves packed with various prizes, ranging from snacks and food to more luxurious appliances and toys, all meticulously arranged to entice the members.
[Starting with general items from the department store]
“We prepared various stuff. If you don’t need anything, you can go rest. If there’s anything you want, pick one mission and succeed in it,” PD Na explained, his voice carrying over the members’ heads as they all leaned in, listening intently.
The members at the back of the line peeked out from their positions, trying to catch a glimpse of the setup. A collective “Ooooh” of excitement rippled through the group as they began to understand the challenge before them.
“Vernon, what would you like?” PD Na asked, starting with the member at the front of the line.
“The luxury tea set,” Vernon answered, gesturing toward the pristine set displayed on the shelf.
“That’s three stars. That’s the price. If you fail, it’s three pieces of lemon,” PD Na explained, finally revealing the purpose of the lemon slices, which had been a source of mystery and apprehension among the members.
[If they fail the mission, they need to pay]
[Have as many lemons as the # of stars on the item you chose]
As realization dawned, the group reacted with a mix of dread and amusement. “It’s one piece of lemon for each star,” Hoshi explained to those at the back of the line, his voice carrying a slight hint of amusement.
[Items in various prices are available]
“But I can’t eat any lemons,” S.Coups groaned, already imagining the sour torture that might await him.
“I can eat lemons no problem,” Jun chimed in confidently, a smirk playing on his lips.
“I love lemons,” Luna declared from her spot behind Wonwoo. She had finally dismounted from his back, now standing on her own two feet but still surrounded by her best friends. S.Coups, who was directly behind her, casually wrapped his arms around her neck, leaning in close, his face right next to hers.
“That’s right. What makes you like it? I can’t— just thinking about it makes my mouth water,” S.Coups confessed, his voice low and close to Luna’s ear.
“It tastes clean,” Luna deadpanned, her tone serious despite the oddity of her statement.
S.Coups burst into laughter, unable to contain himself. “What are you talking about?”
“Like air fresheners… you know… clean?” Luna giggled as she tried to explain, her logic making perfect sense in her head even if it sounded absurd out loud.
S.Coups, still laughing, nudged the side of her face with his forehead, his amusement clear. “Have you tasted air fresheners?” he asked, genuinely concerned.
“No. But the smell… it’s clean and lemony,” Luna insisted, bringing her hands up to gesture as she spoke, her eyes wide with sincerity.
[Effects of not eating lunch]
S.Coups just shook his head, still chuckling. “Alright,” he said, letting it go but clearly entertained by the entire exchange.
As the excitement around the ‘Super’ Store grew, PD Na addressed the gathered members with a broad grin, “Is there anything you want?”
“Yes!” they chorused, voices overlapping in eagerness as the members in the back shifted to the sides, trying to get a closer look at the prizes. Their collective enthusiasm was palpable, each member already eyeing what they might want to claim.
“Joshua, what do you want?” PD Na asked, directing his attention to Joshua, who stood near the front of the line.
“I want the Dyson hair dryer,” Joshua responded confidently, his eyes gleaming at the prospect of getting his hands on such a coveted item.
Before Joshua’s words had fully settled, both Luna and Seungkwan exclaimed in unison, “That’s mine!”
“I was eyeing it too,” Hoshi added, his tone a mix of playful rivalry and genuine desire.
PD Na, sensing the brewing competition, chuckled and added fuel to the fire. “You might want the same item. The person who takes it first gets to keep it.”
“It’s first come, first serve,” Dokyeom reiterated, the rules sinking in as Luna pouted, her chances of snagging the hair dryer seemingly dwindling with every second. She knew that with her position in the middle of the line, one of the members at the front would likely snatch it up before she had a chance.
“What do you want?” Minghao asked him, his curiosity piqued by Mingyu’s interest.
“The golf club,” Mingyu said without hesitation, his eyes locking onto the sleek set displayed prominently.
“I’m taking it,” Wonwoo interjected, a hint of challenge in his voice.
“Aigo,” Luna teased Mingyu, giggling to herself. The playful exchange between the members was as much a part of the game as the prizes themselves. She couldn’t resist poking fun at Mingyu, her laughter light and infectious.
Mingyu turned to give her a look— a mix of mock annoyance and amusement that only deepened her giggles. She playfully avoided eye contact, her gaze darting around the field as if suddenly interested in anything but him. The act was enough to draw laughter from Wonwoo, who pointed at Luna, enjoying the little moment as much as S.Coups and Jeonghan, who were both chuckling along.
Woozi, ever the practical one, casually stepped away from his spot in the line and settled into one of the chairs set up to the side. He crossed his arms and leaned back, a small smirk playing on his lips as he observed the lively scene before him. “I should watch first,” he said, his voice calm and unhurried.
PD Na, noticing Woozi’s retreat, called out with a hint of curiosity, “Woozi, are you giving up?”
Woozi shook his head, still relaxed in his seat. “I’m not materialistic. I’m going to watch first,” he explained with a nonchalant wave of his hand, signaling that he was content to sit back and let the others scramble.
“You want to watch first and join later?” PD Na pressed, intrigued by Woozi’s strategy.
“Yes,” Woozi confirmed, giving a slight nod. The way he said it, so matter-of-factly, drew a few chuckles from the staff nearby.
As Woozi declared his lack of materialism, the rest of the members were anything but. They were all busy eyeing the prizes, their heads bent together as they muttered among themselves, assessing their options and plotting their next moves.
[Some members are more materialistic than others]
PD Na turned his attention to Dino, who was at the end of the line, seemingly less intense in his desire for a prize. “Dino, do you want the razors?” PD Na asked a playful edge in his voice.
Dino glanced at the razor set and then back at PD Na, a confident grin spreading across his face. “I think no one’s going to take it. That’s mine for sure,” he said, the certainty in his tone making the others laugh.
“How many blades?” Seungkwan asked, his curiosity getting the better of him as he moved over to inspect the razors, Dino following close behind. “This is bad. It’s three blades,” Seungkwan reported with mock seriousness, his brow furrowing as he considered the implications.
“Then he won’t take it,” Jeonghan teased from his spot in line, a knowing smile on his face.
“He uses five blades or more,” Seungkwan added the mock concern in his voice causing another wave of laughter to ripple through the group.
“He’ll choose the alcohol instead. Watch.” Luna said, brushing the hair that was flying on her face because of the wind.
“Then I’ll take Chamisul,” Dino decided with a shrug, his choice of alcohol over razors eliciting even more laughter from his members.
[He's firm]
“See?” Luna said.
[And she’s right]
“All he needs is alcohol and a razor,” Wonwoo quipped, shaking his head in amusement at Dino’s simple yet perfectly logical desires.
[Dino's going through adolescence]
As the members continued to debate and joke about their prize choices, Minghao took a deep breath, his eyes sweeping over the clear blue sky. “It’s nice weather. This is what you call a gift,” he commented, his voice reflective as he enjoyed the cool breeze that had settled over the field.
Jeonghan, hearing Minghao’s philosophical take on the situation, scoffed out a laugh, finding the whole moment— filled with both lighthearted banter and genuine appreciation— hilarious and somehow quintessentially very on-brand.
[‘Super' Store's first customer is Vernon]
Vernon, who stood first in line, stared at the array of folded papers on the table in front of him. Among the mostly white slips, a lone pink paper caught his eye. His curiosity piqued, and with a small furrow in his brow, he asked, “There’s only one pink. Is that a special mission?”
PD Na leaned over the table, arms crossed, his face betraying nothing. “You never know,” he said cryptically, “You have to see it for yourself.”
S.Coups, standing further back in the line, craned his neck to peek over Vernon’s shoulder, instantly egging him on. “Vernon, choose pink!” His encouragement sparked a ripple effect, and soon the other members joined in, playfully urging Vernon to take the mysterious pink slip.
Luna, however, scrunched her nose in doubt. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she muttered, her tone wary but still lighthearted.
Vernon’s lips twitched into a curious smile. “I’m curious,” he admitted, his hand hovering above the papers for a moment before decisively picking the pink one. He handed it over to PD Na with a mix of excitement and apprehension.
[He picks the one and only pink mission]
PD Na unfolded the paper slowly, teasing out the suspense, before revealing its contents. He raised an eyebrow and announced, “Vernon’s special item... it's a dud.”
Vernon’s eyes widened in shock as PD Na showed him the slip, confirming his misfortune. The nearest members— Hoshi and Joshua— burst into laughter at his defeat, their teasing louder than the rest.
“That was so obvious,” PD Na teased, shaking his head. “Go to the end of the line.”
Vernon, still processing what had just happened, walked to the back of the line in disbelief. “What did you do?” Jeonghan asked with a chuckle, watching Vernon as he passed.
[He didn't do anything]
“It’s just a dud,” Vernon answered, his voice dazed as he fell into place at the end of the line.
“Told you,” Luna muttered, leaning against Wonwoo and absentmindedly tapping his back like a drum, her smug expression barely contained.
Next up was Hoshi. With a determined gleam in his eye, he confidently selected his mission paper and breezed through the quiz, securing his prize— the coveted Dyson hair dryer. His victory crushed both Luna and Seungkwan’s chances, the two of them deflating in mock despair.
“But that’s mine!” Seungkwan groaned, his eyes following the sleek dryer as it moved out of reach.
Joshua, however, fared just as well as Hoshi. He nailed his mission with ease and chose a box of alcohol as his prize, earning cheers from the others.
[Joshua who also lost the Dyson, purchases a box of Chamisul to get rid of the bitter taste in his mouth]
Next up was Dokyeom, whose usual sunny disposition remained intact as he picked his mission. To everyone’s delight, he passed with flying colors and beamed as he reached for his chosen prize— a bunny plushie from ‘Earth Arcade’.
[Next customer is Jun]
As Jun approached the table, he confidently selected his prize— bathroom slippers— without a second thought.
PD Na, looking somewhat surprised, commented, "I mean, this isn’t what I expected at all." He chuckled, realizing that three members had successfully claimed prizes consecutively.
Jun, unbothered, shrugged. "I'm not good at games," he admitted, though his face showed determination.
PD Na unfolded the mission paper and asked, "Do you think you can do this?"
“What?” Jun blinked, unsure of what the task was until PD Na revealed the slip, reading aloud, "Lift the soccer ball more than ten times."
Immediately, the reactions from the members came flooding in. Wonwoo burst out laughing, while Jeonghan exclaimed, "Wow," and Luna, with a laugh of her own, said, "It’s too windy."
And she wasn’t wrong. The wind had picked up considerably, making their hair whip around wildly. Jun’s hoodie flapped in the breeze as S.Coups, standing behind Luna, found himself getting a faceful of her hair. Chuckling, he gently patted her hair down, trying to tame it.
"He can never do it." Woozi declared from his seat, shaking his head.
“You’re guaranteed to get a lemon,” Dokyeom teased, while Woozi added, "You can bet all the prizes."
Jun’s expression shifted into something more comical as he started practicing different movements. “What do I do?” he asked aloud, testing whether to use his knee or foot to lift the ball. His exaggerated movements had the group in stitches.
"He’s really bad with a ball," Dokyeom commented, half-laughing, half-groaning.
[Do all you can to kick it 10 times]
"As long as you don’t use your hands," Mingyu explained, grinning, as Jun gingerly picked up the soccer ball. But instead of following through with the proper kick-up technique, Jun placed the ball on his hoodie and began bouncing it like it was a trampoline.
[What are you doing?]
“That’s not going to work,” PD Na remarked, grinning.
[You got the wrong place]
“This isn’t ‘Going Seventeen’,” Jeonghan chuckled knowing that they had more freedom to cheat in any way they desired in their own show.
[Translation: That's what they do on 'Going Seventeen’]
Wonwoo joined in, laughing. "If this were ‘Going Seventeen’, we would have done that."
“Try it like this. Believe in yourself.” Seungkwan chimed from the side.
“It’s okay even if you can’t do it.” Jeonghan said.
“Fighting!” Luna said.
[The world thinks SEVENTEEN is athletic]
[But that's not true]
Jun finally readied himself, positioning the ball correctly. The members watched closely, all eyes on him as they began counting aloud, “1…”
But before anyone could even get to two, the ball rolled off Jun’s foot, falling to the ground immediately. The group exploded into laughter as Vernon clapped enthusiastically from the back.
[Failed just as expected]
“You’re terrible,” Mingyu teased, unable to hide his grin.
Jun, laughing at his own failure, shrugged and walked over to the other side where PD Na stood waiting with the inevitable lemons. “You like lemons.” S.Coups teased, still amused.
[The 1st customer to eat the lemon]
Jun laughed as he accepted his fate, preparing to eat the lemons as he sat down next to Woozi as the game went on.
[Next is Wonwoo]
Wonwoo stepped up next, his eyes set on the shelf. “I want the golf club,” he said firmly.
[The big spender]
PD Na looked intrigued and gestured towards it. “Why don’t you try it out first?”
Wonwoo smiled but clarified, “It’s not for me. My dad just started playing golf.”
As he made his way toward the golf club and lifted it, Luna let out a soft, “Cute.”
“He’s a good son,” S.Coups added, watching with an approving smile.
[He plans to give it to his father if he succeeds]
Mingyu examined the club from a distance and nodded, “It’s a nice club.”
“My dad started playing,” Wonwoo repeated proudly, clearly thinking of giving it to him.
PD Na then asked, “Anyone else here play golf?”
Immediately, S.Coups and Mingyu raised their hands, while Luna playfully pointed at Jeonghan, who had his hands tucked in his pockets behind her. Wonwoo and Minghao also gestured to the three, highlighting their golfing experience.
PD Na, noticing the others, chuckled and told Wonwoo. “People in the back are glaring at you.”
Mingyu, always quick to tease, grinned, “Have four pieces of lemon.”
Before Wonwoo could respond, Luna shot back at Mingyu, grinning, “Leave him alone. Buy your own golf club.”
Mingyu pouted at her remark, while the others— Jeonghan, S.Coups, Wonwoo, and even PD Na— laughed, amused at Luna’s quick wit.
Wonwoo, having eyed the prizes with a steely determination, finally turned his attention to the folded papers. With a steady hand, he picked one and handed it over to PD Na, who unfurled it with a sly smile.
[Will he get to be a good son?]
"It's the Forehead Quiz," PD Na announced, holding up the slip for everyone to see.
Immediately, Mingyu perked up with curiosity. "Is it new?" he asked.
"It's new," PD Na confirmed, glancing around at the group. "You’ll have to identify your members by just their foreheads. Guess whose it is."
The members let out a collective sound of surprise and amusement. "I might have a chance," S.Coups said, cracking a grin.
Luna, always ready with a playful quip, peeked over Wonwoo’s shoulder, her chin barely resting on him. "It’ll be easy if you get me," she teased, her laughter bubbling up.
[Only female member]
Wonwoo chuckled softly, "That's true."
But Luna wasn't done. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she whispered to him, "I don’t think he’ll give you me, though. That’d be too easy."
Despite her playful demeanor, Wonwoo seemed uncertain. "I'm not great at remembering appearances," he admitted with a shrug.
Beside PD Na, one of the writers began preparing four slices of lemon into a cup, just in case Wonwoo failed. Jeonghan couldn’t resist laughing at the sight. "There are four already," he teased, his voice light with amusement.
"Alright," PD Na interjected, ready to start the game. "Guess who it is among your members."
Wonwoo steeled himself for the challenge as PD Na reached beneath the table to reveal the first picture.
"Don’t tell him." PD Na warned the rest of the members, who were now gathered around Wonwoo, their eyes wide with curiosity.
“No one's going to tell him.” S.Coups declared, a grin pulling at his lips. "We all want the golf club."
As S.Coups said this, Jeonghan silently gestured toward Luna, who was still close to Wonwoo, her proximity implying she could easily help him out. She didn’t care about the golf club, after all.
[Spotted their target]
Before Luna could take advantage of the moment, S.Coups gently wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her toward him with a soft tug. She shot him a look, just about to protest, but Jeonghan was quicker. He covered her mouth with his hand, stifling any attempt she might make to give Wonwoo the answer. Luna turned her head and glared playfully at the notorious game cheater, knowing she'd been defeated this time. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she accepted her fate, her gaze bouncing between Jeonghan and S.Coups.
[Cheaters vs. Cheaters]
PD Na finally held up the photo, which is a close-up of a forehead. "1, 2, 3," he counted down counted down.
[Handsome forehead]
"Mingyu," Wonwoo answered immediately, without a moment of hesitation.
They all went silent for a split second, the shock palpable. Even Mingyu blinked in surprise, “Wow. That’s me.” he said in disbelief.
Luna, still holding Jeonghan’s hand to her mouth, managed to pull it down but continued to grip it, eyes still on the photo. "He’s right," she confirmed, her voice laced with disbelief. She turned toward Wonwoo, impressed. "You got it."
PD Na’s voice rang through the air as he announced, "Correct!" The simple word echoed, followed by a brief pause before the group erupted. Wonwoo, not one for wild celebrations, still raised both his hands in victory, grinning broadly as he said, “Yay!” His subtle but satisfied response only made the situation more amusing, while the rest of the group marveled at his surprising success.
Dokyeom joined in with his usual animated energy, gesturing toward the photo. "That looks like S.Coups," he said, still convinced it wasn't Mingyu’s forehead after all.
Jeonghan, always keen on stirring the pot, quickly backed up Dokyeom’s observation. "I thought that was S.Coups too."
But Luna shook her head, determined as ever. "No. It's totally Mingyu," she argued, standing her ground.
[Seventeen can recognize each other just from seeing the forehead]
As Wonwoo stood there processing his correct guess, he offered an explanation, voice calm but amused. "I thought that was either S.Coups or Mingyu."
"I thought it was S.Coups from the eyebrows," Jeonghan added, his usual sharp tone now laced with a hint of curiosity.
PD Na, still processing the unexpected turn of events, pulled out the full picture for the final reveal. He unfolded it slowly, drawing out the suspense before finally showing the entire face, confirming that it was, indeed, Mingyu.
Wonwoo, still stunned by his successful guess, clapped his hands together. "Wow. How did I get it?" he asked, half-joking but genuinely shocked by his good fortune.
Jeonghan and Luna, standing nearby, simultaneously congratulated him, both saying, “Congratulations!” in unison. Their shared response, so perfectly timed, made them laugh, as it often happened between the two of them.
Without wasting another second, Wonwoo made his way toward the prize table. His eyes lit up with satisfaction as he reached for the golf club— the very item he’d had his sights set on from the start. The moment his hand wrapped around the handle, Mingyu couldn’t resist adding his own brand of commentary.
[Wonwoo wins the golf club]
“He’s handsome. He’s good-looking,” Mingyu said, his tone dripping with playful self-praise as he pointed to the photo of his forehead. His compliments earned a hearty laugh from PD Na, who shook his head at the shamelessness of it all.
As the rest of the members watched Wonwoo stand there with the golf club, Mingyu’s teasing voice cut through the murmurs of amusement. "That's not durable enough for your father," he said, feigning concern but with a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
The moment Mingyu said it, Jeonghan and S.Coups immediately jumped in with synchronized agreement. “He can’t play with that,” they both chimed in, gesturing toward Wonwoo and the club. Their antics were met with laughter, their playful gestures signaling for Wonwoo to put the club back.
Luna, standing to the side, shook her head at their constant teasing, chuckling softly. "Ya, you guys are something else," she said, voice light with amusement, a smile tugging at her lips.
[Sympathetic bunny]
In his usual calm and unbothered manner, Wonwoo merely shrugged, offering an innocent response. “I’ll let him decide,” he said, his genuine tone making the group laugh again.
[He really cares about his father]
Wonwoo, seemingly unaffected by all the teasing, made his way toward the winners’ area and took a seat next to Woozi, who glanced at the golf club before offering some advice. "If your father doesn’t like it, sell it to them," Woozi said, a mischievous glint in his eye as he gestured toward Jeonghan, Mingyu, and S.Coups.
A thoughtful expression crossed Wonwoo’s face before he nodded. “That’s a good idea,” he agreed.
[The next customer is bunny no. 1]
It was finally Luna’s turn, and she stepped forward with a determined look, her eyes sweeping over the prizes on display. Almost immediately, her gaze landed on the three boxes of Lego sets displayed in all their intricate glory. Her eyes twinkled with excitement; it was no secret to her members that she had an obsession with Legos, and one particular set caught her eye. She pointed toward the box she wanted, the Disney Castle, its grandeur sparking an obvious desire.
“I want the Lego— the Disney Castle,” Luna declared, her voice brimming with a mix of excitement and longing.
[Another big spender]
From behind S.Coups, Jeonghan leaned forward, an amused grin spreading across his face as he took in her choice. “You don’t have that one yet,” he acknowledged, his teasing tone light but sincere, watching her with a knowing smile.
Luna hummed in confirmation, giving him a small nod as she swirled her hand around the bucket of folded papers. Her fingers danced over each one before she selected a slip, pulling it out with anticipation. Handing it to PD Na, she awaited her fate. PD Na opened the slip, quickly scanning the words before turning to Luna, mock sympathy playing across his features. “Aigoo, can you do this?” he asked, his tone laced with exaggerated concern.
Luna blinked, confusion knitting her brows together. “What?” she asked, slightly wary.
“Times table,” PD Na announced, holding up the paper for everyone to see. The words seemed to hang in the air, and Luna’s jaw dropped slightly as she stared at it, the realization dawning on her.
The members around her exploded in various reactions— some shocked, others cheering her on. S.Coups and Dokyeom laughed while Wonwoo nodded in encouragement. Hoshi could barely contain his amusement, clapping his hands as he rocked back and forth.
“You can do it,” Jeonghan encouraged from his spot, his voice soft but supportive.
Luna raised an eyebrow in disbelief, shaking her head slightly as she deadpanned, “Wow. They got fun little quizzes and games, and once it got to me, it’s math all of a sudden.” Her tone was dry and unimpressed, her sarcastic remark making the entire group laugh heartily, even PD Na couldn’t hide his chuckle.
[She hates math the absolute most]
“You can do it. You’re good at math,” Wonwoo commented from his seat, offering his usual calm reassurance.
PD Na smiled at her before picking up a card from the writer beside him. “Alright. I’ll give you a question, and you must answer within three seconds,” he explained, his voice taking on the serious tone of a quizmaster.
“Are you ready?” he asked, locking eyes with her.
“Yes,” Luna said, taking a deep breath, her face focused as she prepared herself.
PD Na barely glanced at the card before he announced, “17 x 17.”
The moment the words left his mouth, Luna answered confidently, “289,” without hesitation, her voice cutting through the silence like a sharp knife.
A stunned silence followed, everyone too shocked to react immediately. Even PD Na looked momentarily taken aback before finally finding his voice. “Correct!” he exclaimed, raising his hand to applaud her quick thinking.
[She is somehow good at the thing she hates]
The members erupted into cheers, all in amazement at her swift and accurate answer. Their reactions were a mixture of awe and admiration, as compliments echoed through the group.
“She’s smart!” S.Coups exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Wow, she’s amazing,” Hoshi added, his voice filled with respect as he clapped excitedly.
Jeonghan, standing close by, decided to make it official. “Clap!” he announced dramatically, waving his hand toward the others as if commanding them to celebrate her victory properly. The entire group burst into a round of enthusiastic applause, their hands coming together in a loud, appreciative chorus.
Luna’s face lit up with a smile, her confidence shining through as she skipped her way over to the prize table. Her eyes locked on the box of Lego she had chosen earlier— the Disney Castle. She pulled it toward her, wrapping her arms around it in a tight hug, grinning widely as the excitement bubbled up inside her.
[Wins a prize on her first try]
“Yay!” she cheered, her voice sweet and triumphant as she made her way toward the right side of the area, where the winners were sitting and watching with their prizes. The massive box was almost comically large against her petite frame, but Luna didn’t seem to mind one bit. She had gotten exactly what she wanted, and the smile on her face told everyone that this small victory was enough to make her day.
After Luna had made her triumphant skip back to her seat with her coveted Lego set, the focus shifted to the next contestant— S.Coups. His eyes scanned over the prizes, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as he sized up the options. After a moment of deliberation, he made his choice, eyes locking onto one of the more understated prizes.
"I’ll take the golf balls," S.Coups declared, pointing at the sleek box on display.
Jeonghan, who was still watching the proceedings closely, commented with an appreciative nod. “I like how they have all our logos on them,” he said, inspecting the design from a distance. His tone had that casual admiration that often came when something caught his eye.
[There are logos from every album]
S.Coups grinned, clearly satisfied with his choice. “I can’t use them anyway,” he admitted with a laugh, glancing over his shoulder at the other members. “I’m going to put them on display at home.”
PD Na, who had been rifling through his question cards, interrupted their banter with a slightly ominous tone. “It’s another 4-star question,” he said, emphasizing the difficulty level, making a few members wince in sympathy.
S.Coups shifted nervously, rubbing his hands together. “I can’t eat lemons, what do I do?” he muttered, half to himself.
Without missing a beat, Mingyu chimed in from his spot in line, “Just eat the lemons,” his teasing tone prompting light laughter from the members.
PD Na unfolded the paper that S.Coups had handed him and, with an enthusiastic flourish, announced, “It’s the Capital Quiz!”
The disbelief on S.Coups’ face was immediate and palpable. “Oh, I don’t know anything,” he said, his voice tinged with panic.
“You’re out,” Mingyu teased, peeking out from his spot with a mischievous grin.
Woozi joined in, shaking his head. “He can never get it,” he said with confidence.
“He can never do it,” Joshua added, his eyes gleaming with playful anticipation.
Dokyeom, laughing from beside Luna, added his own cheeky input, “Enjoy the lemon.”
PD Na, looking like he was thoroughly enjoying himself, turned to the rest of the group. “Do you all know each other's weaknesses?” he asked, clearly already knowing the answer.
“Oh, of course,” they replied in unison, nodding with mock solemnity.
PD Na chuckled, then turned back to S.Coups with a pitying look. “I’ll make it easy for you,” he said, his voice full of exaggerated empathy as he readied the question. “What’s the capital city of Indonesia?”
Without thinking, S.Coups blurted out, “Kuala Lumpur.”
There was a beat of silence before Jeonghan, standing behind him, gently shoved him in disbelief. “Jakarta!” he scolded, his voice brimming with disappointment.
Mingyu shook his head, equally exasperated. “You’ve been there so many times before. We had a concert tour there!” he added his tone a mix of amusement and disappointment.
From where she sat, Luna, her head leaning comfortably on Dokyeom’s shoulder, chimed in, her voice laced with dry amusement, “He gave him an easy one.” Dokyeom, unable to contain his laughter, doubled over, his whole body shaking with mirth.
“Jakartan CARATs are going to cry,” Dokyeom said, shaking his head at S.Coups.
Hoshi, who had been thinking aloud, turned to the others. “Wasn’t Jakarta the last stop for ‘Be The Sun’?” he asked, glancing at Wonwoo, who nodded in confirmation.
“Indonesian CARATs…” Seungkwan trailed off before being cut off by Mingyu.
Mingyu nudged S.Coups in the arm, pointing toward the camera. “You need to apologize.”
With a resigned sigh, S.Coups turned toward the camera, looking genuinely remorseful. “Dear Jakartan CARATs, I’m sorry,” he said with a small wave of his hand.
As he headed over to the seats with his cup of lemons, S.Coups muttered under his breath, “Gosh, I can’t eat any lemon,” already dreading the sourness. He picked one up hesitantly, eyeing it as if it were his mortal enemy, and finally bit into it. The reaction was immediate. His face scrunched up in distaste, and he flinched at the overwhelming sourness. “I’m crying,” he exclaimed, his voice filled with exaggerated misery.
Watching him struggle, Luna’s expression softened. She extended her hand toward him, offering a bit of comfort. “We’ll share it,” she said with a gentle smile.
S.Coups looked at her in disbelief. “Really?” he asked, his voice tinged with hope.
Luna simply nodded, still holding out her hand. With no hesitation, S.Coups handed her one of the lemon slices from his cup. “Give me two,” she said with a grin. “You can have the last two.”
[Bunny no. 1 hates math but loves lemons]
He handed her another slice, chuckling despite himself. “I love you,” he said in mock sincerity, clearly grateful for the gesture.
Luna chuckled as well, easily biting into the lemon without flinching. “Love you too,” she muttered, her attention already drifting back to the game as she continued to watch the rest of the members with amusement.
With S.Coups recovering from the tart aftermath of the lemons, it was Jeonghan’s turn next. He stepped forward, surveying the prizes, his sharp gaze settling on the golf ball set that had been catching the attention of many. "I'll try the golf ball set," he said decisively, pointing toward it.
PD Na looked up with a hint of curiosity. "The golf balls?" he asked, seeking confirmation.
"Yes," Jeonghan responded with a nod. But as he prepared to commit to his choice, a flicker of longing crossed his face as remembered the Dyson, a prize he had been eyeing earlier. His usual mischievous glint returned as he swept his long hair back with a practiced flick of his hand. "Gosh, Dyson. I'm so jealous," he mused aloud, almost wistfully.
This moment of honesty didn’t escape Mingyu, who, ever the opportunist, saw it as his chance for some playful negotiation. "Can I steal Dyson for eight pieces of lemon?" he asked PD Na with a grin, making the entire group laugh, including PD Na.
[What a brilliant idea]
While everyone enjoyed Mingyu’s antics, his attention was suddenly drawn elsewhere. Turning toward the left, Mingyu’s eyes lit up, and with genuine awe in his voice, he commented, "Wow, you two look so cool." His words immediately piqued the curiosity of the others, and one by one, the members shifted their gaze in the same direction. Their playful exclamations of amazement followed as they saw both Luna and Hoshi seated comfortably on the clean, trimmed grass. With their prizes neatly arranged in front of them, the two were a picture of relaxation and quiet contentment, watching the proceedings from a distance.
[Jealous] [The winners are laid back]
"It's awesome," Hoshi chimed in playfully, squinting up at the sun before dramatically lifting his head toward the sky. The way he soaked in the sun made Luna burst out laughing, her head tipping back as she joined in on the silliness.
[Joshua joins them with Chamisul]
Not to be left out of the peaceful scene, Joshua strolled over, the box of alcohol he had won still in hand. Without a word, he placed the box down, using it as an impromptu seat as he settled beside them. Hoshi, embracing the lazy atmosphere, laid his head on top of the Dyson he had proudly won.
Luna, ever playful, followed suit, lying down as well, but in her own style. With a teasing smile, she positioned herself so her head rested on Hoshi's stomach, closing her eyes for added comfort. The group marveled at how serene the three of them looked.
“I’ve never won anything like this before,” Joshua admitted, his tone light but with a hint of amazement as he glanced at the prizes.
“Me too,” Luna and Hoshi echoed in unison, their voices harmonizing as they basked in the feeling of victory.
"Dyson is nice," Hoshi added, his voice laced with satisfaction.
As the playful banter from Hoshi, Luna, and Joshua echoed softly in the background, Jeonghan stood up from his spot, walking confidently toward the table. His eyes scanned the bucket of folded paper slips for a moment, and with a swift motion, he plucked one from the pile.
With the slip in hand, he approached PD Na and handed it over, his casual demeanor only adding to the anticipation. PD Na opened the paper, a mischievous smile creeping onto his face before he made the announcement. "It's Commercial Relay," he declared, raising an eyebrow.
Jeonghan’s eyes widened in disbelief. "Commercial Relay?" he repeated, more to himself, his tone shocked and uncertain.
From the back, Seungkwan, ever the playful commentator, called out with no hesitation, “He can never do it!” His words sent ripples of laughter through the group.
Luna, still lying comfortably across Hoshi’s stomach, her fingers lazily tracing shapes in the air, tilted her head up just slightly and chimed in. “That’s your major, Han,” she reminded him with a small smile.
Seungkwan suddenly turned towards Luna, a look of realization dawning on his face as he pointed at her dramatically. "He majored in commercial production," he exclaimed as if he had just remembered something important, the excitement of his discovery clear in his voice.
PD Na, who had been caught off guard by this little revelation, turned to Jeonghan with a questioning look. "Is that your major?" he asked, eyes narrowing slightly in curiosity.
Jeonghan, ever the smooth talker, nodded. “I majored in commercial production," he confirmed, though a mischievous smirk soon followed. "But I don’t watch TV, so…” he trailed off with a chuckle, shrugging nonchalantly.
There was a brief pause, the group hanging on PD Na’s next words as he prepared the cue card, clearly enjoying this back-and-forth. “Alright, finish the phrase," PD Na instructed, ready to test Jeonghan’s knowledge. "'Everyone…'"
Without missing a beat, Jeonghan threw his arms up in mock enthusiasm and shouted brightly, “‘Hello!’” His exaggerated confidence and the completely wrong answer sent the entire group into fits of laughter.
From the back, Seungkwan let out an exaggerated groan, “What?” he scolded playfully, his disappointment palpable as the rest of them continued to laugh.
PD Na grinned widely, shaking his head. “Wrong!” he declared with glee, enjoying the light-hearted atmosphere.
S.Coups, still reeling from the effects of eating a lemon was the first to chime in. “Isn’t it ‘Watch out for cold’?” he guessed, his brows furrowed in thought.
Seungkwan, ever the knowledgeable one, shook his head confidently. “It’s ‘Hope you become rich,’” he stated, clearly pleased with himself for knowing the correct answer.
[Only Seungkwan got it]
Jeonghan, still chuckling at his own mistake, looked around at the members, completely unbothered by his blunder. "Is it not ‘Hello’?" he asked with a laugh, repeating his cheerful action one more time for emphasis.
[Jeonghan's too polite] [Take your lemon]
As PD Na handed Jeonghan his inevitable cup of lemons, Luna, still lounging on Hoshi, couldn’t help but comment. “You’re cute,” she said with a small smile, watching him with an affectionate glint in her eye.
In response, Jeonghan sent her a quick, playful wink before moving to sit down beside Woozi and S.Coups, the cup of lemons in hand. Looking over at S.Coups, Jeonghan leaned in and asked with curiosity, “S.Coups, did you finish yours?” referring to the dreaded lemons.
S.Coups, still struggling with the remnants of his own lemon punishment, looked up at Jeonghan and sighed dramatically. “I had one so far,” he admitted, though his expression turned fond as he added, “Jiyeonie ate two of mine.”
[He had 1 out of 4]
The atmosphere on the trimmed grass was light and relaxed as Luna, Joshua, and Hoshi continued to bask in their small victories. They had comfortably claimed a corner, their winnings neatly arranged in front of them, the warm sunlight gently enveloping them. A staff member, watching their contentment, approached the group and encouraged them, “You should try again.”
Joshua, ever the considerate one, glanced back at the line where several members stood empty-handed and replied, “A lot of them still have nothing.”
Jeonghan, having joined the others, turned to PD Na, his brow furrowed. "Do I have to finish this before I try again?" he asked, holding up his cup of lemons.
PD Na nodded with a grin. “If you finish it, you can try again,” he confirmed, clearly enjoying the challenge.
Luna, who had been casually watching from the grass, perked up. “Can we try again?” she asked one of the nearby staff members, and after a nod of approval, she smiled.
“Then I should try again,” Joshua said, stretching as he stood up. He glanced at Luna and Hoshi, who were still seated comfortably. “Do you want to go for it again?”
Without a word, both Luna and Hoshi stood in unison, a silent agreement passing between them as they walked back to the line, joining the other members still waiting their turn.
[They never said no]
Jeonghan, watching them, caught Hoshi’s eye. “Hoshi,” he called, holding up his cup, “can you help me with one?” He was referring to his lemons, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Sure,” Hoshi gladly accepted, popping one of the sour fruits into his mouth with ease.
[Sharing the penalty]
With Hoshi’s help, Jeonghan managed to finish his punishment. Relieved, he dusted off his hands and quickly moved to join the back of the line, positioning himself behind Luna as they waited for another chance to win a prize. The breeze carried with it a sense of ease, the mood growing softer with the afternoon sun.
Without a word, Jeonghan slowly reached out, his arms wrapping around Luna’s waist from behind, the soft material of his cardigan brushing against her. Instinctively, Luna leaned back into him, her hands rising to gently caress the fluffy sleeves of his sweater. The fabric felt comforting beneath her fingertips as she absentmindedly stroked the texture.
Jeonghan, playfully ducking his head down, nestled his face into the crook of her neck. His breath tickled her skin, causing Luna to smile faintly, her hand lifting to rake gently through his long, flowing hair. Their connection, quiet and intimate, went unnoticed by most — but for the cameras, it was a different story.
To the casual observer, and likely the cameras capturing the moment, it appeared to be nothing more than a sweet back hug shared between friends. Their long hair, tousled by the wind, cascaded around them, providing a veil of privacy. But hidden beneath that curtain of hair, Jeonghan was stealing quiet kisses on the sensitive skin of Luna’s neck, his lips brushing softly against her in a secret exchange only the two were aware of. The world around them seemed to pause, the rest of the members laughing and chatting while they remained in their quiet little world, waiting patiently for their turn again in the game, unaware of the silent intensity brewing between them.
[Next is Mingyu]
As the next round started, it was finally Mingyu’s turn to face the challenge. His face lit up with anticipation as PD Na drew out his mission slip and announced, “It’s a quiz on common sense.” Immediately, a wave of playful mockery erupted from the other members.
“He’s out! Wrong!” Seungkwan teased from behind, causing the others to chuckle.
“He’s out!” S.Coups added in mock seriousness, shaking his head as if Mingyu had already failed before the question had even been asked.
PD Na, recalling a past ‘HYBE’ special where Mingyu had been notoriously unlucky, laughed at the thought. “Yes, that’s right,” Seungkwan confirmed with a mischievous grin.
Mingyu nodded knowingly. “I went around four times in front of twenty to thirty ‘HYBE’ artists.”
[Taking his lemon in advance]
Seeing the mounting pressure, PD Na decided to give him a bit of a break. “Alright, I’ll give you an easy one. It’s a sample question,” he said, his tone lightening. The other members grew quiet as they waited for the question. “Name three symbols of ‘HYBE’.”
Mingyu answered confidently, “BTS, SEVENTEEN…” but before he could finish, PD Na interrupted.
“Wrong!” PD Na declared, cutting through Mingyu’s sentence.
Mingyu, accepting his fate with grace, simply shrugged and moved to the back of the line, his cup of lemons clutched in one hand.
“You should’ve said Bang Sihyuk and Han Sungsu,” Woozi commented with a knowing look, referring to the key figures who were instrumental in the creation of ‘HYBE’.
Jeonghan, now thoroughly confused, leaned over as Mingyu reached the back. “Why is it wrong?” he asked with a slight frown.
Seungkwan, ever the expert in clarifications, stepped in. “He probably meant what ‘HYBE’ stands for,” he said, watching Mingyu’s expression shift from understanding to exasperation.
Jeonghan’s eyes widened in surprise. “Is there a meaning?” he asked, shocked at the thought.
Mingyu scratched the back of his head and tried to remember. “It’s like… encounter, exchange, and music or something.”
S.Coups chimed in, sounding uncertain. “The exchange of music or something.”
The group fell silent for a moment, digesting the idea, when Hoshi, curious as ever, turned to Jeonghan. “What are three symbols of ‘HYBE’?”
“I don’t know,” Jeonghan replied, his brow furrowed in thought as he shook his head.
Luna, who had been listening quietly from beside Jeonghan, added her own guess, “Isn’t it ‘We believe in music’ or something?”
PD Na, smiling at the members’ collective confusion, finally revealed the correct answer. “It’s connection, expansion, and relationships,” he said with authority.
A wave of realization swept over the group, as they all nodded, murmuring in agreement. “Ahhh…” the members said, drawing out their reaction in unison as they finally understood.
“Keep that in mind,” PD Na advised them with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement at their struggle.
Seungkwan, ever the comedian, turned to Mingyu with a playful grin. “We connected, expanded, and established a relationship,” he quipped, making the others burst into laughter as Mingyu shook his head, trying to hold back a smile.
[It's okay. Producer Na doesn't know the symbol of Full moon]
It was Seungkwan's turn, and he stepped up with the usual dramatic flair. His sharp eyes darted toward the prizes, particularly the $100 Shinsegae gift certificate, still unclaimed by anyone. He pointed at it with conviction, voice brimming with incredulity. “I don’t get why no one’s taking the $100 Shinsegae gift certificate. That’s the real deal.”
PD Na, who was already chuckling at Seungkwan’s enthusiasm, couldn't help but agree. “Yes, that’s the good stuff,” he said, smiling widely at Seungkwan's sensible yet overlooked choice.
Seungkwan, confident in his choice of prize, reached for the next slip of paper and handed it over to PD Na.
“A dud,” Jeonghan teased from the back, his arms still wrapped comfortably around Luna, who giggled as she swayed side to side with him. The relaxed and affectionate sway of their bodies mirrored the playful mood around them.
“A dud!” Dokyeom joined in, laughing as well, causing Seungkwan to shake his head, trying to stave off their playful taunts.
“No way, stop lying,” Seungkwan said, disbelief written across his face. His voice carried a mix of denial and slight nervousness, the anticipation of his result catching up with him.
PD Na smiled and flipped the paper over for Seungkwan to see, announcing, “It’s the sample bar exam question.”
Luna, always quick to hear, burst into laughter, her voice ringing clearly across the group. “It might as well be a dud!” she quipped, her words sending a ripple of laughter through the members.
Seungkwan stared at the paper in disbelief, still processing the difficulty of his challenge. Jeonghan, leaning more into Luna’s back, shook his head sympathetically. “That’s so hard,” he muttered, genuinely surprised.
“I got the easy one,” Hoshi chimed in with a grin, proud of his earlier luck.
“You have good luck, you get easy questions,” Luna nodded in agreement, her eyes still twinkling with amusement at Seungkwan’s misfortune.
“The lemons are ready,” Jun added, his comment aimed at reminding Seungkwan of the inevitable punishment awaiting him.
“Just eat it,” Woozi said dryly, gesturing toward the waiting cup of lemons, clearly enjoying the banter.
Accepting his fate, Seungkwan picked up the lemons and gave in with a sigh. “I’ll go as I eat it,” he said, already popping the first piece into his mouth as he braced himself for the inevitable failure. His exaggerated grimace as the sourness hit made the others laugh even harder.
PD Na, holding back his own laughter, decided to move on with the question. “Try listening,” he instructed, as he began reading aloud from the card. “The purpose of this law is to protect the stability of housing. It applies to the lease of all or part of residential buildings.”
S.Coups, trying to be helpful, added, “The answer is right there,” though his tone carried a note of userstanding.
PD Na continued, “It is also applied when the house on lease is used for a purpose other than residence. What is the name of this law? It’s eight syllables. The answer was in the question.”
Seungkwan, caught off guard by the complexity of the question, groaned. “The national lease… Geez,” he managed to say before trailing off in defeat. He slumped to the back of the line, his groan prompting another round of laughter from the members.
[Walking away]
“Wrong,” PD Na said, his tone light and teasing.
Mingyu, ever curious, asked, “What’s the answer?”
“Housing Lease Protection Act,” PD Na revealed, the answer clearly difficult for everyone.
[Next is Dino]
It was Dino’s turn, and he stepped up, eyes scanning the prize table for a moment before settling on what he wanted. “I’ll go for the razor,” he announced confidently, pointing at the shiny grooming kit on display.
[The perfect prize for him]
His choice earned a hearty laugh from PD Na, clearly amused by the practicality. “A good choice,” PD Na said, still smiling.
“I’m going to accept it,” Dino said with determination as PD Na opened the slip of paper he had chosen.
“It’s Word Relay,” PD Na announced, explaining the task to Dino. To help warm him up, he gave a sample question. “Name five dishes in a Chinese restaurant in five seconds.”
Dino barely hesitated before rattling off his list. “Black bean sauce noodles, spicy seafood noodles, sweet and sour pork, warm noodles, black bean sauce rice.”
“That's how you play,” PD Na said, impressed by how quickly Dino responded.
[That's what he should to do win the prize]
Seungkwan, however, had a nostalgic glint in his eye. “Your grandma used to run a Chinese restaurant,” he said.
Dino smiled, preparing himself for the challenge ahead. “Yeah, I lived in my grandma’s Chinese restaurant for eight years,” he confirmed, the pride in his voice evident.
PD Na moved things forward. “Alright, here we go. Name five celebrities with a four-syllable stage name.”
Dino's expression turned serious as he focused, searching his mind for answers. “S.Coups…” he started, but as he tried to think of the next name, his words trailed off.
From behind him, Jeonghan tried to help, shouting, “Huening Kai,” as a suggestion. Luna quickly followed with another, “Kang Daniel,” But Dino, too locked in his thoughts, didn’t register any of the assistance.
Time ran out, and PD Na’s voice came in swiftly. “Wrong!” he declared with a playful grin as the buzzer sounded. Dino let out a groan of defeat as he realized how close he had come.
“Oh, I’m good at this,” Seungkwan whined from the side, clearly disappointed he hadn’t gotten a shot at the challenge.
PD Na, trying to console Dino, said, “You know a lot of colleagues,” referring to the many names that Dino could have potentially listed. Still accepting his fate, Dino was handed his cup of lemons, and without hesitation, he began eating them, his face scrunching up in reaction to the sourness.
Wonwoo stepped up again, this time still holding the golf club he had won earlier, determined to secure another prize. He turned towards the staff, his calm voice cutting through the playful chatter. “I’ll try the golf ball set for my father.”
Laughter erupted from the other members. Mingyu, standing at the back, groaned in mock irritation. “Why are you muddying the water?”
“Ya! Leave him alone,” Luna chuckled as she scolded him gently, her eyes glinting with amusement.
“You’re such a good son,” Hoshi chimed in.
Mingyu, still grumbling, rolled his eyes. “You’re muddying the water. I bet your father has golf balls already.”
“No, he just started recently,” Wonwoo said, his expression earnest, despite the teasing around him.
“He wants to get it for his dad. Don’t be so mean,” Dino added, scolding Mingyu with a mouthful of lemons, which sent another wave of laughter through the group.
[The youngest points out the brutal fact]
“He’s right,” Minghao whispered to Mingyu, who looked utterly defeated by now.
Jeonghan, always ready to pile on, gave Mingyu a teasing smile. “Don’t be so materialistic.”
Luna giggled as she pointed at Mingyu’s pout, clearly entertained by the teasing.
[His shoulders are getting smaller]
Shaking his head with a small smile, Wonwoo picked up a paper and handed it to PD Na. The director glanced at the paper, grinning. “If you take the golf balls too, you’ll be a real good son.”
“Right! A real good son,” Dokyeom agreed enthusiastically from the back, which sent everyone laughing again.
PD Na cleared his throat and read aloud. “Commercial Relay.”
Seungkwan groaned dramatically. “Oh, that’s what I wanted! How did I get the bar exam? That’s ridiculous! I can’t believe I picked the bar exam.”
“I’m not good at this,” Wonwoo said quietly, already anticipating the difficulty ahead.
“You'll get it. I’m not going easy on you; you picked this yourself,” PD Na warned playfully.
“It’s easy,” Woozi commented dryly, ever the pragmatist.
With that, PD Na gave the line Wonwoo needed to complete. “‘The soup is...’”
“‘Awesome,’” Wonwoo answered without a moment’s hesitation.
“You got it!” PD Na confirmed, his voice filled with surprise and approval as the members collectively gasped and exclaimed in amazement.
[He becomes a good son]
Wonwoo, never one to be overly dramatic, raised his arms in mock victory. “Dad, enjoy golf,” he said, smiling softly.
[He wins the prize and the good son title]
“He’s so lucky,” Minghao added, shaking his head in disbelief.
“He got an easy one,” Luna observed as she fidgeted with her hair, trying to pull a strand off her lips that had stuck to her lip gloss. Jeonghan, ever-attentive, nodded and hummed, carefully reaching over to move the errant strand away for her. Luna smiled in appreciation as they both returned their attention to the game.
“Right? Mine was hard,” Jeonghan pouted slightly, playing along.
PD Na, not missing a beat, pointed toward Mingyu and commented, “Petty people in the back tried to stop him from being a good son.”
Mingyu, playing along, looked around dramatically, pretending not to understand who the comment was directed toward, causing everyone to burst into laughter.
[In the back?]
It was Dokyeom’s turn, and he stepped up confidently, ready to take his shot at winning another prize. The excitement among the group built up again as he chose a paper from the pile and handed it over to PD Na. The atmosphere felt charged with anticipation, everyone curious to see what challenges lay ahead.
PD Na unfolded the slip of paper, glanced at it with a slight smile, and revealed, “Neologism Quiz.”
“He’s good at neologisms,” Wonwoo commented from the side, arms crossed as if he were making a serious observation.
Mingyu, always curious, leaned forward. “Dokyeom, what did you pick for the prize?”
Dokyeom grinned, “The bulk snacks.”
[He carefully chose the 1-star prize]
Mingyu shook his head with a chuckle. “That’s so like you.”
PD Na asked with a teasing smile, “You know what a neologism is, right?”
S.Coups jumped in, throwing out an example with a mischievous smile, “‘OYONW.’”
“What’s that?” Woozi asked, his brow furrowing.
Without missing a beat, Wonwoo replied, “‘On your own, neatly and witty.’”
[Here's the question]
“Here’s your question. What does ‘QCA’ mean?” PD Na asked.
“‘QCA’?” Dokyeom repeated, his expression immediately showing confusion. His eyes darted from one member to another as if hoping someone would throw out a clue.
“1, 2, 3,” PD Na counted down.
Dokyeom stood there, his brow furrowed, but it was clear from his silence that he had no idea.
“Think about it,” PD Na encouraged him with a grin.
PD Na repeated his countdown, “1, 2, 3.”
Dokyeom’s lips quirked as he repeated again, “‘QCA’?” Still stumped. “‘Quick leave,’” he guessed with a laugh, clearly just throwing something out there.
PD Na, amused by the attempt, gestured toward the exit, playfully signaling Dokyeom to leave since his answer was wrong.
[Yes, leave]
The group exploded into laughter as Dokyeom, ever the entertainer, dramatically threw his arms up and strutted off, accepting his defeat with a massive smile.
[Bye, DK] [Going home after work is fun]
“Leave quickly with your lemon,” PD Na said, barely containing his laughter.
Dokyeom turned back to grab his cup of lemons, joining in on the joke, his smile never fading. As he started eating, PD Na revealed the correct answer, “‘Quick change in attitude’.”
A chorus of understanding went through the group as they all went, “Ahhh,” the moment of clarity sinking in.
It was Joshua’s turn now, stepping up confidently to the table as the members around him buzzed with commentary. He had already won one prize earlier but clearly had his eyes set on another.
“I’ll go for the Korean beef combo,” Joshua told PD Na with a calm, collected voice as if picking the juiciest prize out of a grocery store aisle.
[Since I have soju, let me get Korean beef]
“I didn’t know there was Korean beef,” Hoshi said, eyes widening in surprise, causing a ripple of laughter to spread among the members.
PD Na opened the slip Joshua had chosen and smiled. “SEVENTEEN Quiz.”
“That’s harder,” Mingyu immediately commented from his place in the line.
Jeonghan threw in his two cents, “I can never answer anything like this.”
“He’ll never get it. He’s guaranteed to miss it,” Woozi added, his sharp tone laced with a playful smirk, which made Wonwoo chuckle beside him.
Seungkwan, always vocal, let out a soft whine. “That’s exactly what I need!”
PD Na turned to Joshua with a small grin. “You need to answer this.”
Joshua, ever the gentleman, nodded with assurance. “Of course.”
[If he gets it wrong,things will get awkward with SEVENTEEN]
“A lot of CARATs are watching this. I believe SEVENTEEN has a very strong bond,” PD Na remarked, the atmosphere thickening with both anticipation and tension.
“Eyy, PD-nim, stop pressuring Shua!” Luna’s voice suddenly piped up from the back. Her petite frame peeked out from behind the tall figures of the other members in front of her, her head popping out to the side, making PD Na and the other members laugh at her playful intrusion.
“I guess it’s a really hard question,” Vernon chuckled, shaking his head.
“To bring him down all at once,” Mingyu joked with a grin.
“No, I think two-thirds of you can get it. So, if you can’t answer it, you’ll feel so bad,” PD Na teased, sparking more laughter from the members.
Joshua, his smile unwavering, waited patiently as PD Na finally revealed the question.
“DK, who just left quickly, placed 2nd in ‘King of Mask Singer’. What was the name of DK’s mask?” PD Na asked.
“Oh, that’s hard,” Jun gasped, his eyes going wide.
“He wouldn’t know,” Minghao added, shaking his head with a slight laugh.
Luna and Jeonghan spoke up at the same time, confidently saying in unison, “That’s easy.”
[There are people who know]
“‘Baby Goblin’?” Joshua said, squinting slightly as he guessed, unsure of his answer.
“What?” PD Na asked, a little thrown off by the answer.
“‘Goblin’?” Joshua repeated, as if trying to double-check if he was close.
“Oh, he got it!” Dokyeom gasped from the side, surprised but excited by Joshua’s guess.
[Did he really get it?] [The production crew is stirred]
Luna, ever the helpful soul, leaned forward slightly, “There’s more before that, Shua.”
Joshua raised his eyebrows at her, turning slightly in her direction as she nodded encouragingly, urging him to keep going.
“That’s right, there’s more,” Seungkwan added, jumping on board to help.
“There are six more syllables before ‘Baby Goblin’,” PD Na confirmed, heightening the pressure.
“Six syllables?” Joshua asked, now clearly confused, as the rest of the members also expressed their surprise and confusion.
PD Na began the countdown again. “Here we go. 1,2,3.”
Joshua, with no real hope left, blurted out, “‘Fly Black Tea Baby Goblin’. Oh, I don’t know,” throwing his hands up in defeat as he reached for his cup of lemons, resigned to his fate.
“Isn’t it ‘Give Me Gold’?” Seungkwan asked, glancing around as if testing his own memory.
“‘Give Me Gold Baby Goblin’,” PD Na confirmed, revealing the correct answer.
“I still got ‘Baby Goblin,’” Joshua said with a sheepish smile, clearly proud of the small part he did remember.
“You got that part,” Dokyeom agreed, nodding his head in appreciation of Joshua’s effort.
“Did someone tell him? Did he get it on his own?” Seungkwan asked, looking suspiciously between the members.
“He answered it on his own,” Dokyeom confirmed.
“Thank you, Joshua,” Dokyeom said sincerely, grateful that Joshua had at least remembered part of his ‘King of Mask Singer’ persona.
PD Na smiled and turned to the writers. “Remove two lemons. I could count that as an answer.”
[2 lemons are removing for answering half]
“No,” Jeonghan quickly interjected, shaking his hand at PD Na with a teasing glint in his eyes.
“Hang on.” Mingyu moved forward with a mischievous smile, peering into Joshua’s cup. “Two more,” he declared, deliberately adding back the two lemons that had just been removed.
[Their friendship is so durable] [SEVENTEEN takes care of each other so much]
PD Na stared at Mingyu in surprise as one of the writers laughed in the background at Mingyu’s antics.
“Right. Have more. It’s still a game. We should play fair,” Jeonghan said, backing up Mingyu with a nod, making Luna scoff out a laugh at their pettiness.
“You guys are something else,” Luna muttered with amusement, only to be poked in the waist by Jeonghan, who was still holding onto her from behind.
“I got ‘Baby Goblin’ to be honest,” Joshua said, trying to plead his case one last time.
“I think that counts, but your colleagues…” PD Na trailed off, gesturing toward the other members who were adamant about their lemon rule.
“Ya, don’t be obnoxious. Hurry up and leave,” Jeonghan said, slowly pushing Joshua toward the chairs, urging him to start eating his lemons as the rest of the members began to agree with the playful shove.
[Starting with the general leader everyone agrees very fast]
Luna, still laughing, couldn’t get over how competitive and petty they were all being.
“I still appreciate that you tried,” Joshua told PD Na before he sat down, defeated but still in good spirits, Luna watched him carefully, her smile softening into something a little more sympathetic.
“Josh,” she called softly, her English accent slipping out naturally as he called out his name.
Joshua turned to her, his eyes meeting hers with curiosity. Luna, still smiling, nodded toward him and reached out her hand, subtly gesturing for him to hand over a lemon. She then held up two fingers, signaling that she wanted two lemons, clearly offering to halve his punishment with him.
Joshua chuckled, grateful for her support, and passed her two lemons with a quiet “Thank you.”
[The lemon-eating bunny healper]
Before Luna could even take a bite, Mingyu reached over, attempting to snatch the lemons back out of her hand. “Let him eat all of it,” he teased, a playful smirk spreading across his face.
Luna, quick on her feet, turned her body, positioning herself so that she was now facing Jeonghan’s chest, who was still holding her. She hid the lemons between them and shot Mingyu a defiant look. “Why? What’s it to you if I help him? I like lemons,” she said confidently, popping one of the lemon slices into her mouth without hesitation.
Mingyu, seeing that he had lost, pouted in defeat while Jeonghan watched the whole scene unfold, clearly amused by Luna’s antics and Mingyu’s failed attempt to intervene.
[The next customer is holding a Dyson]
Hoshi stood at the front, cradling his newly won Dyson box with pride. His grin was wide as he examined the selection of prizes again, eyes gleaming with anticipation. Despite already having a fantastic win under his belt, Hoshi was not yet satisfied.
“I’ll go for something big. The Korean beef combo,” he declared confidently, handing PD Na his chosen slip of paper.
[Taking a big risk again]
As PD Na opened the paper, a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Rock, paper, scissors,” he read aloud, barely holding back a chuckle.
[Producer Na isn't good at rock-paper-scissors]
“Your luck is insane today,” Luna remarked from behind him, her voice filled with both admiration and disbelief.
[Hoshi is lucky]
“You have a high chance of winning,” Jeonghan added with a knowing grin.
Hoshi, unable to contain his excitement, started jumping up and down, fists clenched in victory even before the game had started. “Let’s go!” he shouted, pumping himself up.
“I’m not good at rock-paper-scissors,” PD Na confessed with a slight chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck in faux nervousness.
[Mr. Game isn't confident]
PD Na, standing with a hand on his hip, took a deep breath. “Alright… Rock, paper, scissors!”
Hoshi, still buzzing with excitement, threw out his hand with scissors. PD Na, true to his earlier statement, fumbled with his decision and threw paper. A chorus of cheers exploded from SEVENTEEN, the members clapping and shouting with excitement as they rushed toward Hoshi to congratulate him. His scissors had cut right through PD Na’s paper, securing his victory.
“There’s a flow!” Dokyeom announced with pride, as if he’d coached Hoshi through the whole thing.
S.Coups, never one to miss a chance to stir the pot, called out, “Let’s take everything.”
“Take only the expensive stuff,” Dino added with a laugh as they all watched Hoshi eagerly walk over to grab the prized box of Korean beef.
As Hoshi held the box up like a trophy, Mingyu’s voice cut through the celebrations. “Isn’t it just one bag? Does he get to take everything?” he asked, a teasing grin creeping onto his face.
Jeonghan, ever the troublemaker, leaned in toward PD Na and whispered conspiratorially, “Let’s say it’s one bag per game.” His eyes twinkled with mischief, not wanting Hoshi to make off with the entire prize. He glanced at Luna, who elbowed him playfully, shaking her head in disagreement. “One bag per game,” Jeonghan repeated, trying to sound serious as he covered his smile.
Mingyu, fully backing Jeonghan’s plan, nodded in agreement. “Come on, Yung Suk. One bag at a time. It’s $50 per bag!” he said, emphasizing the value with a laugh.
PD Na, sensing the tension and the joke behind it, decided to address the group. “SEVENTEEN goes by the majority. Will it be one bag at a time or the whole thing?” He looked around, letting the group decide.
“Isn’t it one bag at a time?” Seungkwan chimed in, siding with Jeonghan and Mingyu.
Jeonghan, always the smooth talker, clapped a hand on Hoshi’s shoulder. “You can only take one bag,” he said with a grin like it was the most reasonable thing in the world.
Hoshi, his earlier victory still fresh, blinked in confusion. “I can only take one?”
Seungkwan, already at his side, began inspecting each bag as if making sure there wasn’t a trick. “You can only take one of them,” he confirmed.
[This is SEVENTEEN's teamwork]
S.Coups stepped forward, adding to the chaos. “Yeah, you can only take one of them. Which part do you want?” he asked, gesturing toward the different cuts of meat.
“What is wrong with you guys?” Joshua groaned, laughing as the pettiness of the situation finally dawned on him.
Hoshi, finally catching on to the teasing, held his ground. “It’s clearly a combo,” he argued, unwilling to back down after his win.
“No, you can only take one of them,” S.Coups pointed out again, his expression deadpan as if this was a serious rule.
“You look so petty,” Woozi remarked from the sidelines, shaking his head as the group burst into laughter.
Hoshi, feeling defeated but still in good spirits, sighed dramatically. “Fine, since got the Dyson,” he said, pretending to surrender as he started to return the Korean beef.
Before he could fully commit to giving it up, both Jeonghan and Vernon jumped in, their attitudes flipping in an instant. “No, take them all!” they said almost in unison, surprising Hoshi with their sudden change of heart.
Hoshi froze mid-step, his eyes wide as he turned back to look at them. “What?”
“S.Coups, don’t be so cheap and divide that by parts,” Jeonghan scolded, acting as though the entire argument hadn’t been his idea in the first place.
“That was you!” Joshua pointed out, unable to hold back his laughter.
[That was you 7 seconds ago]
Jeonghan, realizing he had been caught, laughed along with the others. “Take them all,” he insisted as if he was doing Hoshi a favor now.
PD Na, watching the whole scene unfold with amusement, couldn’t help but add, “Jeonghan gets to look nice.”
“Hoshi must be flustered,” Jeongan said.
[Bunny no. 1 is next once again]
Luna stood at the front again, having already won her first prize earlier, feeling the excitement bubbling within her. Her gaze was fixated on the two remaining Lego sets, her eyes drifting over the vibrant box of the Harry Potter Lego. Before she could make her decision, a familiar voice murmured close to her ear, just loud enough for only her to hear.
"Ferrari Lego, please." Jeonghan’s words came as a soft suggestion, and Luna felt his presence right next to her, his voice carrying a weight she couldn’t resist.
Without hesitation, Luna turned to PD Na, a small smile tugging at her lips. “I’ll go for the Ferrari Lego,” she said confidently, knowing Jeonghan wanted it and was more than willing to win it for him.
[Bunny no. 1 cannot resist bunny no. 2]
Jeonghan, satisfied with her choice, tapped her waist gently three times— a silent yet intimate gesture. Luna’s smile grew wider; she knew what those three taps meant, only the two of them did. The gesture was subtle enough not to draw attention, but to her, it spoke volumes.
“You’re a big spender as well,” PD Na remarked as Luna confidently chose a slip of paper, handing it to him with a grin.
[Big spenders have all won]
He opened the paper and read it out loud, “Word relay.”
Luna nodded, focusing. “Okay,” she said, her expression determined as she prepared herself for whatever challenge lay ahead.
“Name five countries that start with the letter ‘M’ in five seconds,” PD Na announced, watching her closely.
Without missing a beat, Luna lifted her hand to count on her fingers. “Mexico, Monaco, Malaysia, Malta, Moldova,” she rattled off quickly, the words rolling effortlessly off her tongue.
[Big spenders tend to win twice in a row]
“You got it!” PD Na confirmed, sounding impressed as the rest of the members fell silent, staring at her in awe.
Jeonghan’s hand shot up for a high-five, which Luna enthusiastically met. “Good job!” he praised, his smile wide and genuine.
“Yay!” Luna exclaimed as she skipped forward, her excitement clear as she grabbed the Ferrari Lego set. She hugged the box to her chest, the satisfaction of her win radiating through her, then returned to pick up the Disney Lego set she had won earlier.
A chorus of amazement filled the room, the members voicing their disbelief at how quickly and smoothly she had won. “Wow!” “How did she know all that?” “Why is she so fast?”
“You see how Yoon Jeonghan is not complaining like earlier,” Hoshi pointed out with a knowing look, gesturing toward Jeonghan, who stood smugly.
[Tiger Hoshi noticed something]
This shifted everyone’s attention to Jeonghan, who simply smirked. “It’s because he knows he’s getting that Lego set later,” Hoshi added, his teasing tone making the group erupt into laughter.
“You’re right!” Mingyu agreed, pointing at Hoshi as if to back up the claim.
“I thought she was gonna pick the Harry Potter Lego,” Dokyeom added, surprised at Luna’s decision.
“Since when were you interested in cars?” Woozi asked Luna with a raised brow, making her laugh even harder.
[They know each other so well]
Before Luna could answer, Mingyu held up his hands, motioning for everyone to listen. “Wait, did you hear what he said to Jiyeonie earlier before she chose?” Mingyu asked, pointing at both Jeonghan and Luna, his mischievous grin betraying the secret.
“What? What?” S.Coups leaned in, eager to hear.
“‘Ferrari Lego, please’,” Mingyu mimicked Jeonghan’s earlier whisper, earning a round of laughter from everyone as they playfully scolded the two.
“Ya! Bae Jiyeon! Yoon Jeonghan!” Seungkwan called out, pretending to scold Luna, though his grin gave him away.
“Those two are really shameless,” S.Coups said.
[Bunnies got caught]
Luna, still laughing, didn’t deny anything, while Jeonghan stood next in line, smirking at the whole situation, his confidence unwavering.
[Not denying]
“Why are you even in line? You won already,” Mingyu teased, playfully pushing Jeonghan toward Luna’s prize knowing it was already his.
Jeonghan gave Mingyu a lazy smirk, clearly amused by the teasing. His long hair fell gracefully over his face as he casually combed it back with one hand, exuding a calm confidence. "What about it?" he retorted, his voice smooth and laid-back, "What's it to you?"
The subtle cockiness in his tone, paired with his effortless gesture, made the rest of the members chuckle, knowing all too well that this was classic Jeonghan — cool, unbothered, and always one step ahead when it came to witty comebacks.
Vernon stood in front of the table, tapping his fingers lightly on its surface as he glanced over at the remaining prizes. "I'll go for the tea set," he announced, his tone casual, as he handed PD Na the slip of paper he had chosen.
"The tea set?" PD Na repeated, gesturing to Minghao. "The8 just checked it."
"I didn't know there was tea," Minghao remarked, looking at the set with slight curiosity.
Vernon smiled. "I was eyeing it from the start."
"This isn’t easy," PD Na said, as he read what was written on the slip.
Vernon raised an eyebrow and leaned forward to glance at the note. "Look at the pictures and arrange them by order," he read aloud, shrugging. "How can that be hard?"
Without a word, PD Na reached behind him and pulled out a stack of papers, careful to keep them hidden from Vernon's view. "You should be able to get it," he said with a grin that hinted at the challenge ahead.
[Genre: Arrange Jeonghan's pictures by order]
[Arrange 4 pictures in order] [They're all from different periods] [Remember he never ages]
Luna, sitting with Jeonghan on the chairs, caught sight of the pictures and immediately started laughing. "That’s hard," she commented, as she and Jeonghan moved closer to the table to get a better look.
“You should be able to get it.” PD Na told Vernon.
The rest of the members began to murmur and exclaim in unison. "Ahhh…" they said, their curiosity piqued as PD Na revealed the challenge.
"Arrange it by order," PD Na instructed, laying out four pictures of Jeonghan from different eras of their career.
Vernon blinked, staring at the photos in slight confusion. "What is this?" he muttered under his breath, clearly thrown off by the task.
Seungkwan let out a whine as he hovered near the table. "I’m so good at this! That’s my field of expertise!" His voice was a mix of genuine annoyance and playful boasting.
Dino, Jun, and Hoshi immediately mimicked Seungkwan’s tone, their exaggerated impressions sending the members into a fit of laughter. Seungkwan joined in the laughter but remained adamant. "I’m good at it!" he repeated.
Vernon began carefully arranging the photos on the table, the rest of the members crowding around him to observe. His brow furrowed as he tried to differentiate between the images.
[He carefully arranges the pictures]
"They’re all the same," Luna chuckled, glancing at Jeonghan, whose face remained consistently youthful in all the pictures.
Even Jeonghan joined in, shaking his head. "Even I can’t do it," he said, a chuckle escaping as he leaned closer to get a better look at the photos. PD Na began counting down the seconds, adding more pressure.
"They all look just the same," S.Coups added, echoing the sentiment as Vernon rearranged them for what felt like the hundredth time.
Jeonghan erupted into laughter. "He has no idea," he teased, making the rest of the group chuckle again.
Vernon glanced at the photos, his confusion evident. "I mean, don’t they all look the same? It looks like you from the other day," he said as he pointed at Jeonghan.
[Just different hair style]
"Focus on the hair color, Vernon," Luna suggested gently from behind, offering a helpful tip as she moved closer.
"Are you done?" PD Na asked, glancing at the clock to remind him that time was running out.
Vernon sighed and turned back to the pictures. "Do I get a chance to change it?" he asked, hoping for a lifeline.
"You have one last chance," PD Na confirmed, watching him intently.
Mingyu, ever the playful instigator, leaned in close to Vernon, whispering like a devil on his shoulder, "Don’t change it. Don’t. There’s a reason why he’s telling you to change it."
Vernon considered his words, a smirk playing on his lips. "Is it a high degree of mind game?" he mused before turning back to the photos. After a moment of contemplation, he made his final decision. "I’ll go with this."
Luna giggled as she moved closer to Jeonghan again, back-hugging him as her chin rested on his shoulder. She peeked over, knowing Vernon had made a mistake. "Aigo…"
"Vernon, should I say you're firm?" PD Na began, smiling as he prepared to reveal the result. "Here’s the answer."
He pointed to the first picture. "Number one is correct."
A brief moment of triumph spread across Vernon’s face until PD Na moved on to the rest of the photos.
"Here’s number two," PD Na said, shifting to the second photo, "here comes number four… and number three is last."
Luna, still perched behind Jeonghan, grinned. "You only got one right."
Vernon sighed, pointing at the first picture. "That’s ‘Don’t Wanna Cry.’"
[They recognize it by his hair] [’Don't Wanna Cry', May 2017]
Mingyu pointed at the second picture, laughing. "That’s ‘CLAP.’"
"Is it?" Jeonghan asked, equally puzzled by his own face.
"Isn’t that ‘THANKS’?" Vernon added, still trying to make sense of it all.
"I had pink hair for ‘CLAP,’" Jeonghan interjected, trying to sort through the visual timeline of his hairstyles.
PD Na chuckled at Jeonghan’s confusion, "I’m sorry, but aren’t these your pictures?"
Jeonghan couldn’t help but laugh along. "I can’t tell either. This is so hard."
"That was so hard," Seungkwan chimed in, shaking his head in disbelief. "It’s hard because you never age," He added as he turned to Jeonghan, teasing him. "You’re always so consistent."
"They were all the same," Vernon grumbled playfully as he accepted his defeat and began to eat his lemons.
Mingyu, still determined to claim victory after his earlier failure, stood with a renewed sense of purpose. His competitive spirit was palpable as he approached PD Na, his brows furrowed with focus. "I'll try for golf balls," he declared, handing over the slip of paper he had chosen. "I’d rather pick the Character Quiz." He pouted, half-joking, trying to mask his nervousness.
[Mingyu returns for golf balls]
PD Na unfolded the paper and glanced at what was written. "SEVENTEEN Quiz," he read out loud, grinning. "This won’t be easy."
Mingyu straightened, ready for the challenge, though the uncertainty was clear in his eyes.
PD Na looked him squarely in the face before delivering the question. "When’s S.Coups' birthday?"
Mingyu’s face lit up with surprise, not expecting such a simple query. "August 8," he answered without hesitation, his voice laced with disbelief at the ease of the question.
"Ya, that’s too easy," Luna piped up from her seat, shaking her head with a laugh.
PD Na chuckled, equally shocked at how simple it had been. "You got it. Good job," he congratulated Mingyu, though his tone revealed how anticlimactic the moment felt.
"We all know each other’s birthdays," Seungkwan chimed in, turning to PD Na with an almost proud expression.
"I know their birthdays," Mingyu said, his chest puffed out in confidence as he absorbed the victory.
PD Na raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Do you remember each other's birthdays?" he asked, his voice rising with playful skepticism.
A chorus of "Yes" and "Of course" echoed across the room as the members responded in unison, their voices overlapping with laughter and confidence.
"Really?" PD Na pressed, still amused by how naturally they remembered.
Luna giggled at the disbelief in his tone. "Why is that so shocking?"
"It was so easy. I was like, ‘August 8?’" Mingyu repeated, still bewildered that the question had been such a breeze.
Joshua leaned forward from his chair, nodding thoughtfully. "We get very disappointed if we don’t remember it."
Luna nodded in agreement, her tone softer as she added, "We’ve known each other for years. It’d be weird if we didn’t know."
Mingyu, still basking in his small victory, broke into a playful tune. "The golf balls," he sang lightly as he approached the table to collect his prize, a wide grin stretching across his face.
PD Na shook his head with a laugh, clearly amused by the whole interaction. "I worked with Hyo Jung for twenty years, but I don’t know her birthday," he admitted, pointing at the other producer standing beside him.
The members roared with laughter, the room filling with their amusement. Joshua’s sharp wit cut through the noise as he teasingly remarked, "She’s disappointed."
PD Na shook his head again, this time with a mock sigh. "You don’t know my birthday either," he told Hyo Jung, his nod full of playful accusation.
"She can’t complain," S.Coups chimed in.
It was finally Minghao's turn, and he eyed the prize he had wanted from the start— the delicate tea set that sat neatly on the prize table. With a small, determined smile, he turned to PD Na. "I want the tea set," he said, his voice clear but calm. He handed over the slip of paper with his mission written on it, fully prepared for whatever challenge lay ahead.
"Word Relay," PD Na announced, holding up the paper for Minghao to see. A ripple of laughter went through the group as Minghao tilted his head in confusion.
"How can a word have a relay?" Minghao asked, his innocent question making the other members burst into laughter.
PD Na chuckled, shaking his head lightly. "Here’s what you’re going to do," he began, speaking slowly for clarity. "You know body parts, right?"
"Yes," Minghao nodded.
"Okay. What’s this?" PD Na pointed at his own ear.
"Ear," Minghao answered confidently.
"Right. Now, just like an ear, say five one-syllable body parts," PD Na explained, giving him the mission.
Without missing a beat, Minghao slowly fired off his answers. "Liver, ear, mouth, nose, eye. Wahh!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms up in victory as he walked back to his place, grinning as the others clapped and cheered for him.
"Good job! Good job, Hao!" Luna shouted, standing from her seat and clapping with a huge smile on her face, as though she were a proud parent.
But Seungkwan, ever the perfectionist, raised an eyebrow. "Does the liver count?" he asked, glancing around.
"Of course it does," Luna quickly answered.
"Of course. It’s still in your body," Minghao added matter-of-factly, his innocent tone causing more laughter to erupt among the group.
"It counts. It’s a body part," PD Na confirmed with a grin, amused by the dynamic.
Minghao turned to Seungkwan with a playful, slightly confused look. "Isn’t a liver part of your body? You don’t know how to play this," he said, his genuine innocence adding to his adorable charm.
"That wasn’t so easy," PD Na acknowledged, giving Minghao a nod of approval.
But Minghao, beaming with pride, hugged his newly won tea set close to his chest. "It works if you try," he said, giggling softly at his own success.
"You did it," PD Na said, smiling at the satisfaction on Minghao’s face.
"Thank you," Minghao replied, still holding onto his prize.
"You love tea. This is great," Dino clapped for him, happy to see Minghao with a prize that fit him so perfectly.
Minghao chuckled as he moved back into line, admiring his prize closely. "This is really pretty," he said softly, almost to himself.
"Yes, it’s pretty," Mingyu agreed, leaning over to get a closer look at the tea set.
Meanwhile, Luna, who had returned to her seat next to Jeonghan, covered her mouth with her hand, giggling at the scene in front of her. She glanced at Jeonghan, her eyes sparkling with joy.
"Why?" Jeonghan asked, smiling warmly at her.
"Minghao is so cute," Luna pouted dramatically, placing both hands over her chest as though it pained her how adorable Minghao was. Her exaggerated reaction made Jeonghan chuckle softly at her.
It was Dino’s turn once more, and determination flashed in his eyes. He had his sights set on one thing: the razor set.
"I'll try for razors again," Dino said confidently as he stepped forward.
[The regular customer who's only after the razors]
From the back of the line, Wonwoo couldn’t help but giggle. "Dino wants the razor set," he teased.
"I've got to get it," Dino muttered to himself, clenching his fists in focus as he handed the slip of paper he’d chosen over to PD Na.
[I'll get it this time]
PD Na unfolded the paper, and before he could even fold it back, Mingyu, standing in the middle of the line, caught sight of what was written. He burst into laughter, clapping his hands.
"But it’s so windy!" Mingyu exclaimed, his voice betraying the mischief in his mind.
"Did you see it, Mingyu?" PD Na asked, amused by Mingyu’s sudden outburst.
Mingyu laughed harder, doubling over and falling onto the ground in exaggerated glee. "You can read others’ misfortune very fast," PD Na commented, shaking his head while the rest of the group looked on in confusion.
"What was it?" Dino asked, his brow furrowed, feeling a sense of impending doom.
"This is going to be so much fun!" Mingyu said, clapping excitedly.
Finally, PD Na revealed the mission, "Light the match at once."
[Oh, poor Dino]
The group erupted into laughter. With how windy it was— hair flying everywhere, whether long or short— it was near impossible.
"Oh no," Luna chuckled, shaking her head sympathetically at Dino.
"That’s impossible," Dokyeom chimed in.
"Light the match in five seconds upon receiving it," PD Na repeated, sending the group into further hysterics.
Dino, rolling up the sleeves of his hoodie, prepared for the challenge. "Wait," he said, trying to mentally brace himself.
"And after lighting it, the match has to stay lit for 3 seconds," PD Na added, causing another burst of laughter. PD Na placed a box of matches in front of Dino, his face barely holding back a smile. "Go," he instructed.
Quickly, Dino grabbed the box of matches, his fingers fumbling slightly as adrenaline coursed through him. The rest of the members abandoned their seats and positions in the line, crowding around Dino as if this were a grand spectacle. PD Na began the countdown as everyone tried to offer their help.
"Block the wind with your body," Mingyu suggested, leaning in.
"Like that, hunch over like that," Luna said from the side, her voice filled with encouragement as Dino bent over, shielding his hands from the relentless wind.
"Go easy. No need to use your strength," Jeonghan advised, his calm voice contrasting with the chaos around him.
[With other members' help and advice]
Dino struck the match, his hands working quickly— but as soon as it lit, the flame flickered and died almost instantly.
[Snap] [Gone]
The group exploded into laughter. "Why did you die, buddy?" Dino whined dramatically to the match, his shoulders slumping in defeat.
"It went off right away!" Dokyeom said, shaking his head in sympathy. "That’s horrible."
[It died] [In 0.01 seconds]
PD Na chuckled at Dino's failed attempt, "You didn’t ask for something big. All you wanted was razors."
"How many lemons has he eaten now?" S.Coups asked, pointing at Dino with a grin, knowing that Dino had already consumed six sour lemons in his quest for the razors.
[6 lemons while trying to get razors]
"Dino the lemon," Hoshi teased, flashing a mischievous smile.
"Dino the lemon," Joshua echoed, chuckling along with the rest of the group, as Dino sat there eating his lemons, half-amused, half-frustrated at his misfortune.
It was Jun’s turn once again, his eyes gleamed with determination. "I want the Harry Potter Lego," he declared confidently, handing the paper to PD Na.
[He chose the last Lego]
PD Na opened the slip of paper and squinted slightly as he read the challenge aloud. "This will be tough... Make me laugh in ten seconds," he said, trying to hold back a smile. The group erupted in laughter once more.
"Think out of the box, Jun!" Luna called out encouragingly, while Jeonghan gently dragged her by the wrist as they moved to the back of the line together, trying their luck once more.
"Who knows? You might be able to do it," Woozi said, adding his support, although his smirk suggested he wasn’t sure if Jun could pull it off.
PD Na slowly began counting down from ten. "Ten... nine..."
[The countdown begins]
Jun blinked, suddenly realizing the countdown had started. "Has it started?" he asked, eyes widening in a mild panic.
[He doesn't know what to do]
"Seven... six..."
Jun thought for a moment, staring at PD Na, his mind racing. Desperation crept in, and as the seconds ticked away, he quickly scrunched up his face into the goofiest expression he could think of.
[He first tries to frown his face] [Ta-da]
However, PD Na remained stone-faced, not even a hint of a smile crossing his features.
[He's too handsome to be funny]
"Five... four..." The tension built as Jun began to sweat.
"Hurry!" Minghao shouted from the back, egging Jun on.
With only three seconds left, Jun’s mind went blank, but then, an idea struck him. "What about tickling?" he said out loud. Before anyone could stop him, Jun lunged forward and started tickling PD Na’s sides.
[As soon as he started tickling, Producer Na laughed]
The suddenness of it caught PD Na completely off guard. His composure crumbled instantly as laughter burst from him, his face twisting in both amusement and shock. He hadn't expected this tactic at all. PD Na laughed, but his surprised smile didn’t fade. He stared at Jun, still reeling from the unexpected assault of tickles.
Jun celebrated wildly, jumping up and down as the members cheered him on.
"You’re a genius!" Dokyeom clapped Jun on the back, clearly impressed.
[In a way that no one expected]
"I’ve never thought about that!" PD Na said, still recovering. He shook his head in disbelief. "But you did it," he added, a begrudging smile on his face.
With a victorious grin, Jun bounded toward the prize table and grabbed the last Harry Potter Lego set, a bounce in his step as if he’d just conquered the world.
"I would’ve never thought about tickling," Joshua said, shaking his head in amusement as he watched Jun cradle the box like a trophy.
It was S.Coups' turn next, and with a calm, confident stride, he handed the paper he had chosen over to PD Na.
“S.Coups, born on August 8,” PD Na teased, playfully emphasizing the detail, causing a few chuckles among the members.
S.Coups pointed directly at the gift certificate, eyeing it like a prized possession. “I want the gift certificate,” he said decisively.
From the sidelines, Seungkwan let out a mock whine, his voice rising comically. “That’s mine!” Seungkwan exclaimed, earning amused glances from the other members.
PD Na mirrored Seungkwan’s whining tone, further adding to the playful tension in the room. “What’s going on?” PD Na asked dramatically before focusing back on the paper. He laughed as he noticed yet another easy mission. “Okay, SEVENTEEN Quiz,” he announced.
“The social media manager,” Wonwoo teased, referencing S.Coups’ well-known position as the unofficial information hub of the group.
“Most informative,” Dokyeom added with a knowing smirk, poking fun at the ease of the quiz missions.
PD Na glanced at the remaining papers in the bowl. “So many people have picked SEVENTEEN Quiz. There are only easy ones left now.” He paused for effect before reading the question aloud. “How do you spell PLEDIS?”
S.Coups didn’t hesitate for even a second. “P, L, E, D, I, S,” he answered with a slight grin as if the question was too simple for his level.
“You got it,” PD Na confirmed with a slight nod of acknowledgment.
Without missing a beat, S.Coups moved away from the line, making a beeline for the gift certificate. His fellow members couldn’t help but react.
“That’s too easy,” Luna commented with a soft laugh, shaking her head.
“That’s so easy,” Vernon echoed, equally amused by the simplicity of the question.
It was Dokyeom’s turn once again, and he stepped forward confidently to grab a paper from the bucket. As he did so, he tried to spell PLEDIS aloud, “P, L, E, I, D, S,” nodding to himself, completely unaware of his mistake.
PD Na, noticing the error, quickly grabbed the bucket out of Dokyeom’s reach, chuckling, “What did you just say?”
Dokyeom blinked in surprise and then burst into laughter, realizing his mistake. “Can I just pick one?” he asked, still giggling at his blunder.
[He must be from a different agency]
“People get confused sometimes!” Dokyeom defended, still laughing as he finally pulled a paper from the bucket and handed it to PD Na. “I’ll try for the bulk snack,” he said with a hopeful grin.
PD Na opened the paper, reading the mission aloud, “Object Quiz.” He turned around and reached for a picture, revealing it to Dokyeom, who stared at it, completely baffled. The image was of some random object, but Dokyeom looked at it with wide eyes, clearly at a loss for words.
“Beating?” Dokyeom said, blurting out nonsense in an attempt to answer, but PD Na shook his head, “Wrong.”
Dokyeom let out a defeated sigh and grabbed his cup of lemons, moving back to the seating area to eat as the members chuckled at his answer.
“What even is that?” S.Coups asked, puzzled, as Dokyeom sat down.
[The good son appears again]
Next in line was Wonwoo, who still clutched the golf club and golf balls he had won earlier. He eyed the sack of dog food sitting on the prize table, clearly planning to win it for his father. “My dad has a dog,” he commented casually, a determined glint in his eye.
“Is that your theme? Being a good son?” PD Na teased as Wonwoo handed him the paper he had picked.
[Golf club for his father] [Golf balls for his father]
PD Na read the next quiz question aloud, “What’s Newton’s full name?”
Wonwoo froze, completely at a loss for the answer. The silence hung in the air as PD Na started his countdown, but Wonwoo didn’t say a word.
“Jimmy Newton,” Dokyeom muttered from his seat, trying to be helpful but only making things worse, as S.Coups and Woozi doubled over in laughter.
“Isaac Newton,” Luna and Vernon said in unison from the back, their voices overlapping as they both got the answer right.
“You two got it,” PD Na acknowledged with a nod, though it wasn’t their question.
Wonwoo shrugged as he left the line, missing out on the dog food, but his poker face never faltered, earning a few more chuckles from the group as the game continued.
[The real rich appears] [Korean beef combo] [Dyson]
Hoshi stepped forward once again, a box of Dyson appliances in one hand and a Korean beef set tucked under his arm, looking rather content with his winnings so far. PD Na, noticing Hoshi's abundance of prizes, pointed at him with a grin and then at Wonwoo, who was standing to the side with only his golf club and golf balls. "I’m sorry, but he’s not that rich,” PD Na said, gesturing to Wonwoo, making everyone burst into laughter.
Hoshi nodded, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he pulled another paper from the bucket and handed it to PD Na.
PD Na opened it and read aloud, “Old abbreviation quiz.”
“Old abbreviations?” Vernon repeated, his brow furrowing as he glanced at Hoshi, who looked equally confused.
“Yes,” PD Na warned as he consulted his cue cards. “What does ‘WWKSB’ mean?”
Hoshi blinked, completely lost.
"What?" Luna murmured from her place in the middle of the line, eyebrows knitted in confusion.
"’Why don't we...?’" Hoshi started, but he trailed off, unable to think of the rest of the phrase. He looked desperate for inspiration, but before he could come up with anything, PD Na’s countdown ended.
"Wrong!" PD Na declared, shaking his head.
"Isn’t it ‘Why don’t we kiss since we’re bored’?” S.Coups chimed in casually, earning shocked looks from a few members.
“Really?” Hoshi turned to S.Coups, disbelief written all over his face.
PD Na laughed and nodded. “Yes— ‘Why don’t we kiss since we’re bored?’”
Luna stood in line, her arms crossed over her chest, her face calm and unreadable as she processed the answer. But beside her, Jeonghan turned to her the instant PD Na gave the answer, his eyes glinting with mischief and knowing. His gaze seemed to imply a teasing suggestion as if he were echoing what the answer had just revealed.
Luna could feel the weight of Jeonghan’s stare on her face, the amusement radiating off him, but she kept her face forward, refusing to give him the reaction he was clearly baiting for— especially with cameras rolling. Yet, the intensity of his stare was relentless, and despite her composure, she knew he wouldn’t let up.
After a few more moments, still feeling the intensity of his gaze and the smirk undoubtedly playing on his lips, Luna subtly shifted her eyes upward, locking her gaze with his without turning her head. She raised her eyebrow ever so slightly, silently challenging him. Jeonghan’s lazy smirk only widened, his long black hair framing his face as he stared at her, utterly entertained. His tongue flicked over his lips briefly, making her grin at his persistence before she turned her attention back in front, letting the moment dissolve without a word exchanged between them.
“‘WWKSB?’” Vernon echoed, nodding as if learning something entirely new about the past.
“I guess people were more open-minded back in the day,” Hoshi deadpanned, his expression comically serious. PD Na and the rest of the crew couldn’t contain their laughter.
Hoshi, unbothered, moved away from the line with a resigned shrug, grabbing his cup of lemons as he prepared to take a seat. “Why would you kiss when you’re bored?”
Seungkwan, who had been quietly processing the absurdity of it all, mimicked the abbreviation. “WWKSB?” he said in a teasing tone, nudging Dino.
“Why don’t you stop?” Dino responded with the same tone, and the two dissolved into laughter.
Vernon stepped up for his third attempt, visibly more determined but equally unsure, having yet to claim any prizes so far. His eyes darted to the bucket of papers, scanning for any that could give him an advantage, but luck was hard to read.
[3rd visit] [Vernon still hasn't won anything yet]
He drew a slip and handed it to PD Na, who glanced at it and read aloud, “Proverb Relay.”
At that, Vernon let out a visible groan and physically cringed. “Proverbs... ah,” he mumbled, already anticipating his failure.
“That’s what I’m good at,” Wonwoo chimed in confidently from his seat at the side.
“You have to answer immediately,” PD Na instructed, putting Vernon on the spot with a serious tone, giving him no time to overthink. “‘One man sows—?’”
Vernon’s brows furrowed in concentration, but then, in a total shot in the dark, he answered, “‘The fox reaps’?”
“Wrong,” PD Na declared with a smirk, much to the amusement of the others.
“What is it?” Vernon asked, confused but chuckling at his wild guess.
“It’s ‘One man sows, another man reaps,’” PD Na clarified.
Next in line was Mingyu, stepping forward for another chance at redemption. Mingyu grabbed his paper and, with a quick glance at PD Na, handed it over. Woozi, seeing Mingyu’s confident stance, teased from the back, “Mingyu won’t get it.”
Mingyu turned slightly, not one to let the joke go unnoticed. “Why would you say that? I still got one prize!” he defended as he showed off his golf balls.
Unbothered, PD Na read the paper. “It’s a Logo Quiz.”
“That’s easy,” Minghao called out from behind, encouraging Mingyu with his usual calm tone.
PD Na pulled out a picture, held it up in front of Mingyu, and immediately started counting down. “One, two, three—?”
Without hesitating, Mingyu blurted, “Simyang!”
“That’s Korea Music Copyright Association,” Woozi said, his sharp eyes always catching such details.
“That’s right— Korea Music Copyright Association,” PD Na confirmed, a satisfied nod directed at Woozi.
“I got it,” Woozi said, proud of his keen observation
[It was so easy for the producer]
“Woozi is the only one who got it right,” PD Na added for emphasis, as the rest of the group chuckled.
“He’s basically a permanent employee,” S.Coups added, pointing at Woozi like he’d already earned a spot in the association’s hierarchy.
“I even have their app,” Woozi boasted, laughing as PD Na handed him the photo again, testing him.
“Woozi, what’s this?” PD Na asked, showing the picture once more.
“Korea Music Copyright Association,” Woozi replied effortlessly, proving his point again.
[Woozi has the copyright for 147 songs]
“This is crazy... It’s so embarrassing,” Mingyu muttered as he moved to grab his cup of lemons.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” PD Na said with a comforting grin. “Just have some lemons.”
“You’re right,” Mingyu conceded, playfully surrendering as he left the line, still shaking his head in disbelief.
Minghao stepped up for his next attempt, eyes glancing at the bucket of papers before settling on one. He plucked it out with ease and handed it to PD Na, his expression calm and collected as always. "I want the slippers," he stated, pointing at the prize he had his sights set on.
Jeonghan, standing to the side, chimed in, “You might have a lot of guests at home,” teasing Minghao in his usual soft-spoken but playful tone.
PD Na opened the slip and read aloud, “It’s a Korean movie title.”
Jun, who stood nearby, gave his teammate a reassuring nod. “That could be easy. You’ve watched a lot of movies,” he said, trying to encourage Minghao, though everyone knew this wasn’t going to be as simple as it seemed.
PD Na raised his eyebrows at Minghao and announced, “You have five seconds.”
Minghao’s expression shifted into one of mild disbelief. “Five seconds? That’s too short,” he said, then added with a clever smirk, “I’m The8. Give me eight seconds.”
The group burst into laughter at his quick-witted response. “That makes sense,” Luna quipped, joining in on the joke.
PD Na chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re the one who said eye, nose, mouth, and liver earlier. I’ll give you seven seconds.”
With that, PD Na showed the card with the initials ‘DTL’ on it. “It’s a Korean movie,” PD Na said, starting to count down.
Minghao’s brow furrowed as he stared at the letters on the card, trying to piece together the title. His focus was intense, but the seconds ticked away too quickly. 
“That’s so easy!” Seungkwan whined from the back, watching with eager anticipation.
“What is it?” Jeonghan and Luna muttered to each other, both squinting at the letters, equally stumped.
But before Minghao could answer his time ran out, PD Na announced, “Wrong!”
Immediately, Minghao turned to Seungkwan, pretending to be offended. “I got it wrong because of you!” he playfully scolded, causing a ripple of laughter to echo through the group.
Seungkwan pouted, “You couldn’t get it anyway. It’s ‘Decision to Leave’.”
The members collectively groaned in realization, a chorus of “Ahhh” filling the air as they pieced it together.
As the challenge drew closer to its end, PD Na glanced at the remaining members still standing in line and announced, "I'll be closing soon. Only those who haven't won anything should line up."
With that, Luna and the other members who had already won prizes took their seats off to the side. Some settled on chairs while others sat cross-legged on the ground, all watching the final contestants. Jeonghan, Vernon, Seungkwan, and Dino were the last ones standing in line.
[Next customer is Jeonghan]
[Rummage] [What's he doing?]
Jeonghan, a known game cheater from their ‘Going Seventeen’ antics, was already up to his usual tricks. He rummaged through the remaining papers, eyes squinting as he tried to read the questions through the faint marker lines that had bled through the back of the paper.
"You can’t go through the questions," one of the writers said, eyeing Jeonghan suspiciously.
Jeonghan simply chuckled, casually continuing his sneaky mission. PD Na, watching from a distance, stared at Jeonghan in confusion. “I’m sorry, but you can’t go through them,” PD Na repeated, a bit more firmly this time.
Feigning innocence, Jeonghan smiled and chose his prize. “I’ll go for the glove— I’ll mix them,” he said, before pretending to mix the papers up. However, his fingers were already gripping onto one specific paper, clearly hoping for an easier question.
“I’m sorry, but you held onto it when you shook them up,” PD Na pointed out, calling Jeonghan out on his cheeky tactics. The observation earned PD Na a laugh from Jeonghan, who finally picked a different paper and handed it over.
“It’s Four-character Idiom Relay,” PD Na announced, causing a wave of groans and laughter from the group as Jeonghan’s face fell into a look of mock defeat.
“You can do it,” Luna encouraged, clapping lightly from the side, followed by several other voices.
“We should make a new idiom for today,” Mingyu joked from the sidelines.
"You got this," Jun said, backing Jeonghan with playful confidence.
With a sigh, Jeonghan straightened up. “No pain, no gain,” he declared confidently.
PD Na blinked, confused. “I haven’t started yet,” he said, which sent the group into a fit of laughter. 
“You have to say it right away,” PD Na reminded him before reading the first part of the idiom. “Ome?”
“Ga-3,” Jeonghan answered without hesitation, a cheeky grin on his face.
The room erupted into loud laughter as PD Na announced, “Wrong!”
[Omega-3: fatty acid needed for normal growth and health]
"It’s omebulmang," Seungkwan chimed in through his own laughter, shaking his head at Jeonghan’s hilariously absurd answer.
Luna toppled over, leaning on Dokyeom as she laughed uncontrollably. "That was amazing," she wheezed, tears forming in the corners of her eyes from laughing so hard.
“That was a good one,” Joshua agreed, nodding approvingly at Jeonghan’s absurd creativity.
[Nice wrong answer]
From the side, Dokyeom couldn’t help but add, “From now on, it’s Omega-3.”
“I’m jealous that he was funny,” Seungkwan pouted, still giggling at the chaos.
“Omega-3 was brilliant,” Dokyeom repeated, shaking his head in amusement as Jeonghan, grinning, stepped back to rejoin the group after his bold attempt.
It was Dino's turn, and the determined maknae stepped up confidently. "I'll take the razors again," he said, handing PD Na the paper he had chosen. 
PD Na glanced at the paper, then looked up with a sly smile. "It's Proverb Relay."
Instantly, the members reacted. “He’s out,” S.Coups said, shaking his head with a knowing smile. 
“Aigo, I’ll just buy you razors, Dino-ah,” Luna chuckled, amused at Dino’s previous failed attempts. 
“I’m good at it,” Dino told her, his face filled with mock determination.
[No, you're not]
"Ah, really?" Luna asked, her concerned tone causing S.Coups to laugh and point at her for having such little faith in Dino. "Alright"
“Make it funny, Dino,” Mingyu teased, leaning back with a smirk. 
“He’s guaranteed to be out,” Dokyeom chimed in, causing Dino to sigh dramatically.
“I told you. Everyone except for noona makes me negative and hopeless,” Dino said, feigning offense, causing laughter to ripple through the group.
[Proving that it's true]
“In the back, he said ‘One man sows, and walls have ears,’” Wonwoo joked, causing PD Na to clap and laugh at Dino’s famously incorrect previous answers.
“You should at least be funny,” Joshua encouraged, chuckling at Dino’s struggle.
“You’re a funny kid,” Mingyu added, his teasing tone light-hearted.
“If you play seriously, you’ll be funny,” Woozi assured him.
[No one expects him to get it]
“I hope you get it,” Seungkwan said encouragingly, standing behind Dino.
“I will get it,” Dino said firmly, taking a deep breath. He looked determined, ready to prove them all wrong.
“Here we go,” PD Na said, holding up the paper. He paused for dramatic effect before reading the first part of the proverb. “‘Bamboo basket...’”
Without missing a beat, Dino confidently responded, “‘Is a shame.’”
PD Na blinked before declaring, “Wrong!”
The group burst into laughter. Dino clutched his sides, joining the members as they doubled over at his very wrong, but hilarious answer.
“‘It can’t carry water,’” S.Coups said between laughs, finally giving the correct answer.
“It is a shame, though,” Woozi said, still chuckling, as PD Na handed Dino his cup of lemons once again.
[It's also a shame] [Having 9 lemons for the razor]
Dino sighed dramatically as he received the lemons, but he couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of his answer. 
It was Seungkwan’s turn next. He approached the table with determined strides, picking up a paper and handing it over to PD Na. “I’ll go for the bulk snack,” he said confidently.
PD Na opened the paper, and a smirk crossed his face as he announced, “Seungkwan, it’s the Common Sense Quiz.”
Seungkwan’s face lit up with joy, his excitement palpable. 
“You think you’re smart, huh?” Mingyu teased from the side.
“You look smart, but you’re not smart,” Dokyeom added with a playful grin.
Joshua joined in, asking innocently, “Does he look smart?”
“Do you have no intention to root for me?” Seungkwan asked, his voice dripping with mock hurt. The room filled with laughter as the members teased him further.
“Wooo! Boo Seungkwan!” Luna cheered softly from the side, breaking the silence. The sweetness of her voice made everyone laugh even harder.
“Thanks, noona,” Seungkwan said, grateful for at least one supporter.
“Seungkwan, let’s start,” PD Na said, pulling everyone back into focus. “Here’s the question: We have names for like-minded people. What do you call people who want to be financially independent so that they can retire soon?”
As PD Na started counting down, Seungkwan’s face scrunched up in thought. “Elf,” Jeonghan whispered mischievously to him.
“Hot,” Joshua murmured under his breath, causing even more distraction.
Seungkwan, getting flustered, shouted, “Get me something hot!” as if it would save him from the pressure. He glanced around in desperation before realizinghe wasn't making any sense.
“Wrong,” PD Na said, shaking his head.
Seungkwan whined, “What’s the answer?”
“It’s fire,” PD Na explained.
"Fire? He's right, then," Luna said, playfully backing up Seungkwan.
"Right! You got it. It’s fire!" S.Coups chimed in, causing the whole group to laugh at the funny coincidence between Seungkwan’s ‘hot’ and the actual answer.
[Fire= hot]
“It is hot trotter,” Wonwoo added, making everyone burst into laughter again as they exclaimed at the revelation.
“Hot!” Seungkwan yelled, turning to PD Na in one last attempt to argue his case, shocking the PD enough that he stood up from his seat.
[Producer Na is shocked]
“We love Korean. Hot!” Seungkwan continued dramatically, trying to convince PD Na with his antics.
“That just gave me goosebumps,” PD Na said, his voice full of amusement.
“Is it hot?” Seungkwan asked, looking to the rest of the members who eagerly backed Seungkwan up. Everyone began chiming in at once, urging PD Na to accept Seungkwan’s creative answer.
[Will it count as an answer?] [In times like this, all 14 people team up]
“But ‘fire’ here means like firing someone,” PD Na tried to explain, still bewildered by how the situation had spiraled into chaos.
“It’s the same spelling,” Mingyu pointed out, looking to Luna for confirmation who nodded.
Finally, PD Na gave in with a laugh. “You got it,” he said, waving his hand.
[Approved] [He won the bulk snack]
Seungkwan let out an excited shout of victory, rushing to grab the massive bags of bulk snacks. He held them up triumphantly, his face lit up with satisfaction. “Thank you. This will go perfectly with alcohol,” Seungkwan said, clutching his prize with pride.
[Jeonghan is the last customer of the day]
As Jeonghan stepped forward for his final turn, the last customer left to close out the segment, he carefully picked a paper and handed it over to PD Na with a smirk, fully aware that this was his last chance to win something for himself. The atmosphere was light, with the members watching in anticipation of what trick or witty response Jeonghan might pull.
PD Na opened the folded slip of paper, scanned it briefly, and then raised his voice with a hint of amusement, “It’s a dud.”
[Neat finish]
The members burst into laughter, clapping in delight at the anticlimactic ending, while Jeonghan raised his hands in mock celebration, chuckling along with them. “Of course, it started and ended with a dud,” Luna quipped, smiling warmly at Jeonghan’s playful shrug. 
['Super' Store ends]
The segment ended with applause from everyone, and the group clapped, bowing to the staff and offering their thanks for the fun experience. They gathered their prizes, preparing to head back to the green room for a well-deserved break before the next segment began. 
[The customers seem happy]
As they moved around, PD Na approached Jeonghan with a small, familiar item in hand— a baseball that had been one of the prizes. "This is for you," PD Na said, handing over the ball as Jeonghan smiled, tucking it under his arm.
[It may be closed, but there are prizes for people who were funny]
Around them, the members had started spreading out— some still lingering in the open field, tearing into Seungkwan’s bulk snack bags and laughing, while others drifted toward the break area. 
[It’s closed. Please leave.]
[Post-credits scene]
[Here's what happened during the break]
Jeonghan and Luna were the first to arrive in the green room, their footsteps quiet as they entered the familiar space. The air was cool, a stark contrast to the warmth of the field outside.
[Jeonghan and Luna are the first people here to take a rest]
Without saying a word, Jeonghan lowered himself to the floor and sat with his legs out elongated in front of him, his back resting against the wall. Luna, without hesitation, settled down beside him, placing her head on his lap as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Both pulled out their phones, enjoying the peaceful silence that enveloped them. The room, for a moment, was theirs alone.
[Low battery mode]
“You two got here so fast,” Wonwoo’s voice broke the quiet as he strolled in a few minutes later, raising an eyebrow at their relaxed posture. Luna smiled up from Jeonghan’s lap, but neither moved, the easy comfort between them tangible.
Slowly, the rest of the members began trickling in. Mingyu, entering with his usual boundless energy, spotted Luna’s legs stretched out comfortably on the floor. Without warning, he scooped up her legs in one fluid motion, sat down beside her, and gently placed her legs back down on his lap. Luna chuckled but didn’t resist, knowing that this was typical of Mingyu.
“Why is there chroma key?” Mingyu asked, glancing around at the green walls that framed the room.
“I guess we’re doing something here later,” Dokyeom chimed in, scanning the room with a curious look.
“There are cameras everywhere,” S.Coups observed, noticing the subtle placements of hidden cameras tucked into various corners.
“You’re right,” Wonwoo said with a nod. “The unseen hide-and-seek. It’s gotta be something like that.”
[This is just Producer Na's habit]
Luna closed her phone and grinned. “Doesn’t this remind you guys of something?” The members glanced at her, waiting for the punchline. Her grin widened. “Melona Prison.”
The room erupted into laughter. The memory of their trainee days hit everyone at once— Melona Prison, the room where they spent countless hours training, named for the bright green walls and the never-ending surveillance cameras. It was their prison, their home, and the source of both fond and difficult memories.
“Ah, it really does feel like that place,” Mingyu agreed, chuckling as he absentmindedly ran his fingers on Luna’s legs.
Seungkwan, ever the playful one, suddenly tossed a blanket over Jeonghan, Luna, and Mingyu, covering them in a soft cocoon.
“Seungkwan, why are you suddenly being so nice and got us a blanket?” Jeonghan asked, his eyes narrowing in mock suspicion.
S.Coups, ever the leader with a teasing smile, cut in, “It’s because there are cameras.”
Seungkwan huffed. “What are you talking about? I’m always nice.”
The members settled into casual conversation, the easy flow of banter filling the room. Jeonghan, leaning back lazily, turned to the group and mused, “Not eating is the best way to prevent aging.”
“Really?” Dokyeom asked, his tone genuinely curious.
Jeonghan nodded sagely. “Yes.”
Luna looked up at him from his lap, her brow furrowing. “What nonsense is that?” she asked, half-joking, but her concern for him was clear in her voice.
With a soft sigh, Luna sat up and leaned her back against the wall, positioning herself between Jeonghan and Mingyu. The blanket remained draped over her, warm and cozy, as two pairs of hands— Jeonghan’s and Mingyu’s— rested lightly on her thigh, their touch gentle and absentminded.
[When they're talking about detoxing, the snack arrives]
A staff member entered, placing a bowl of snacks on the table next to them. Hoshi eyed the bowl, perking up. “Snack?”
Jeonghan, however, shook his head and gestured toward the snacks. “That’s all toxic.”
Luna shot him a sharp glare, not liking how casually he was talking about not eating. Her silent disapproval was palpable, and Jeonghan, noticing her expression, immediately leaned over, pressing his face against her shoulder in a small gesture of apology. He placed a quick, soft kiss on her shoulder as if that would make her relent. 
Just then, another staff member entered the room, balancing a tray of iced Americanos. As she moved toward the table, her grip faltered, and the tray slipped. The cups tumbled over, and coffee spilled across the floor, eliciting gasps of shock from the members. They all stood up in an instant, rushing over to help her.
“Are you okay?” Luna asked, concern etched on her face as she crouched down to assist.
Jeonghan, however, had other thoughts. “Is this a prank?” he asked, his eyes scanning the room suspiciously.
“Ya!” Luna scolded him, elbowing him lightly. “Don’t be ridiculous. Are you hurt?” she asked again, her attention back on the staff member.
“Are you okay?” Jeonghan finally asked.
“Is this a test? To see if we’ll help?” Dokyeom chimed in, a curious look on his face.
[They watched too much YouTube]
“Are you okay?” Hoshi asked the staff as he helped clean the floor, throwing away the coffee cups. 
The members all pitched in, cleaning up the mess without a second thought. Dokyeom moved the tray out of the room, shaking his head as he glanced back at Jeonghan, chuckling. “You think this is a prank? You’re unbelievable.”
Wonwoo chuckled softly, finding the whole situation amusing. “We all thought it was a prank right away.”
“It’s because there are cameras in the room,” Luna pointed out, gathering the blanketson the floor.
“Jeonghan, you’re unbelievable,” Hoshi echoed, still chuckling.
“S.Coups keeps cleaning.” Seungkwan pointed out.
“I know. Why are you working so hard?” Dokyeom asked.
S.Coups, ever diligent, kept wiping the floor, working harder than anyone else. “I was the first to get up.” he announced.
[That's what it takes to be the leader of SEVENTEEN]
As the room settled back into calm after the brief commotion, the members exchanged glances and laughs. The day had been chaotic, but this was just a brief pause before the next round of madness. With their energy recharged, they prepared for whatever the next segment had in store.
[This is what SEVENTEEN does on their break]
[To be continued in Clip 2-2]
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kanmom51 · 3 months
I actually have a crazy theory...
I have already sent this ask as the response to someone else’s thoughts, but then I thought about it and I REALLY wanted to know your opinion about this.
I think Jikook by the beginning of last year didn't know they were enlisting together.
I think they obviously knew about buddy system but didn't actually think they would need to use it. Because it's not really done by idols, and also they both could've gone to safer and easier stations, where they could have more freedom.
BUT THEN Jimin started working intensely on his album and JK started acting out (like having drunken lives), and it became VERY CLEAR that they would not be able to do 18 months apart.
I mean do you remember, that at this time JK said himself that he was not working on anything. And I think the plan was for Jimin to go first (just like a lot of us thought he would) and for JK to have more time for promo alone, when others are gone (I’m pretty sure that HYBE definitely wanted for JK to have big solo debut apart from other members).
But then like I said the drunken lives happened and realization hit, that they have to apply for buddy system, that 18 months apart would be BAD for both of them.
And that's when HYBE (or whoever) made specific demands from JK. Like if he wanted to leave by the end of the year (and he had to for buddy system to work) he HAS TO do the album, and because there was no time to write it from scratch they got all the English songs. Also his schedule was extremely packed and difficult.
So I think that the travel show was something Jikook specifically done for themselves because JK's schedule was so insane that if not for that excuse they would not be able to hang out freely before the enlistment. (By the way am I the only one who thinks that we are getting the travel show only next year? And waiting for it now is kinda crazy?)
But again it's just my theory, mostly because HYBE doesn't feel (to me) like the company who would just let their artists do whatever they want. To me they are waaay more pragmatic than that, and if they decided to allow their stars to enlist together (something that isn't really done in idol culture), than they would make sure to get something in return. They worked JK very hard, and I think he took it because he had a specific goal (more like a person) in mind that he was willing to work for.
So, although we might be on the same wave with some of your thoughts, I don't fully agree with you.
I agree that they didn't know they would be enlisting together way back at the start of 2023.
I think that way back then they were still struggling with the realization that they will have to be enlisting. All the way back to the end of 2022, basically up to around the Busan concert, which was October 2022, they still held hope that some kind of arrangement could and would be found to allow for them not to enlist or to serve a shorter term. It was quite a conundrum for them, something I think most of them struggled with (and I say most because I do think that at least one of them did genuinely want to enlist) - on the one hand this is a life changing pretty scary thing (terrifying even - we saw how sad, and I will even say broken, JM was having to shave off his hair, and that was only a small part of it) they would have to do (joining the army is not a walk in the park, no pun intended), not to mention being in their prime, in the height of their success, having to part with the life they are accustomed to (professionally and personally), not being something they would necessarily want to do. And on the other hand you have that sense of commitment to the country and to their fellow Koreans, that have to face that same compulsory enlistment, adding the knowledge that not taking that path of enlistment could also come at a price. Like us, they knew that there were those that indeed believed they should be given an exemption, but at the same time many Koreans would have frowned upon it, and it's them that have to live among their people. Also, enlisting like any other SK young man would allow them more freedom in the future when it comes to voicing their opinions, as they had, like all others who had served their country fulfilling their duties. Criticisms of anything within a society you live in is easier to swallow when the person voicing said opinion is part of that society and enjoys not only the rights bestowed on those who live there, but has also fulfilled all required duties as well.
Long story short, end of 2022 the decision to enlist became a reality and Jin enlisting hit them all VERY hard. At that point I don't think they had a plan of enlistment just yet, although we do know from RM, for instance, that he was supposed to enlist with Hobi but ended up pushing back as he was busy working on his album and preferred not to lose the momentum.
And btw, hearing this from RM also teaches us that JM was never going to enlist so early on. And here I think our ways part when it comes to the continuation of your theory, because I do believe that JM's plan had ALWAYS been to stick around for JK's solo debut, whenever that would be. And I'll get back to it in a few...
JK was struggling start of 2023. What we got to see, starting with his lives in Feb 2023, him deleting his IG, was him pulling himself out of the pit he was in. Taking initiative and deleting his IG (which I will once again say was a big old F U to the company) and reaching out to us with his lives was JK becoming more active in getting better.
*Side note: I'm using the term getting better meaning pulling yourself out of a bad place you are in mentally (one that effects you physically as well).
Idk if starting the lives was a conscious decision on his part towards getting better, but I do believe that starting them was a key part in it.
Talking to us, sharing things with us, setting (at least trying to set) boundaries with his fans what is and is not acceptable on his part as an idol when it comes to fan behavior and interactions with him, doing it all in the most JK way, intelligently and respectfully.
JM was busy all the way from end of July 2023 through to the release of Face and until the end of his promotions. It's not that they weren't seeing each other or spending time together during this time. It's not that JM wasn't there for JK, as much as he could in the moment. It's very important to state this. But JK was struggling with everything. It's the hiatus, Jin's enlistment, their looming enlistment (the unknown of what will be with the two of them - separation for such a long time is something that both of them would find extremely hard to handle for so many reasons), the lack of direction, the lack of a structured timetable (JK is neuro divergent - there is zero doubt in my mind - if it's asd or adhd or a combination of the two, which in my mind is the most likely of them all). He was kind of lost and his anchor, JM, was not available in the way that he needed. Not JM's fault. Not JK's fault. It just was what it was, and JK was a little lost. It's natural for something like this to happen. I spoke about it quite a bit in my posts about his lives at the time. We saw RM was kind of lost for a while there too. The trick is to pick yourself up and pull yourself out of it (with help of others if necessary), and JK did, and JM was ecstatic to see him doing it. Those comments of his during JK's lives (we are talking about the lives during Feb-Mar 2023) were testimony to that.
Once again I can't seem to reign myself in and keep on point, lol.
So, where was I? Oh yes, they didn't know what will happen, but at the same time JM was not planning on enlisting earlier that year. Understand this: JM enlisting earlier would, to them, mean them being apart for not 18 months, but for 18 months plus. Plus the time between JM's enlistment and JK's enlistment. And plus the time from JM's discharge to JK's discharge. Even without JK's situation this was not something that they would want or agree on. Not to mention JK not only wanting JM around for his solo debut, but NEEDING him around for it. And it's not about being by his side 24/7, which he wasn't and he couldn't be. It's about being accessible. Being there to support him if he needed. Whenever he needed it. Being able to be with him for his first solo performance (this brings me close to another ask I received and am working on regarding JK's FIRST big solo performance). All this has to be within the limits of their glass closet (glass getting a little murky for their own liking since the end of 2021 all the way to the end of 2023), and the limits set by the powers of be (some of which JK very defiantly crossed). So yeah, JM was going to wait for JK's solo debut before enlisting.
As for enlisting together. That was something that was being assessed and in the works for several months. Something obviously kept quiet for good reason.
Was there a give and take with the company when it came to JK and the album? 100%. There were things he wanted, there were things they wanted, there were frogs that it being a first solo album he knew he would have to swallow.
Were some of these concessions given to allow the two more freedom, like allowing the 'travel show'? I do believe they were. Perhaps also prices paid (with Golden) for demands agreed upon in their new contracts. I can definitely see that happening.
The push for a full length album could be one of those, for example. JK was talking about a mini album even as late as mid July, and then it turned into a full length album. Could it have been the company pressuring him into it? Yes it could, as in the company wanting this. But JK is not one to cave in just because the company wants. So very possibly we had a bit of give and take going on here, and some of it most definitley would have had to do with allowances made for the two of them.
But at the same time I don't think it had anything to do with the joint enlistment. Not only don't I think that the company would have a say in it, legally or morally, but this wouldn't be something that either of them would stand for. So, in case I didn't make myself clear here, I will say it again - the company didn't use the possibility of joint enlistment as a tool to get something extra out of JK.
You talk about Hybe not being a company that will allow their artists to do as they wish. BTS belong to Big Hit, which is a subsidiary of Hybe. But Hybe would not have existed if not for BTS. BTS made BH what it is today and Hybe was built on their coat tails. And BTS, the members, they have enjoyed many freedoms within their company over the years. Not full freedom though. And Jikook, well they were allowed to be (while in other companies this was not allowed, couples forced apart or forced out). And not only were they allowed to be, but towards the end of 2020 there was movement towards normalizing their relationship, ear suck, hickey and all.
But then came Hybe and Hybe going public, and I knew the day that was announced that even though the members will get a huge payout this move will cost them freedoms they already had, because now there were shareholders and share prices to worry about, and when your band is the main bread winner for that company, well, as I mentioned, there is a price to pay. And they have been paying that price. The two of them for the 2 years prior to their enlistment. As long as they were under their old contracts they were bound by them. Which is why I feel like there will be changes coming when they are done with their MS and well into their new contracts. This will be freedom regarding their art (I think we can already see part of that with RM's new album) but also regarding their personal lives, in a sense of what they can or cannot show if they choose to. JK telling us he's human, telling us he loves us but he deserves to be happy, or even more needs to be happy to be able to create and perform and make us happy (you need to be especially dense if you don't understand that this also includes being in a relationship with another person, who may or may not be a member of his own band). This includes setting boundaries with their fans - yes they love them and feel indebted to them, but at the same time they need to stay in their own lane (I do think JK has been too nice at times setting these boundaries, while others like RM, Yoongi and Tae - a couple of times - were way blunter).
Once again, Hybe wouldn't have the right to 'allow' or 'disallow' them to enlist together. This would have been their decision and theirs alone. Hybe could talk about timing and what they would like to happen before or after, but not if it can or will happen. Hybe could like or dislike it, support it or not, but they would have no power over it. The military alone would have a say if to allow it or not, and at the end of the day we know how that one ended.
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I also want to touch on another point.
Their choice to enlist together.
I've seen talk about Jikookers using the term NEED when it comes to the two of them - needing to be with one another to get through their military service, and I wanted to put in my two cents on this.
The way I think of it is that when people use the term need in that case it's not about saying that if they weren't allowed to enlist together they wouldn't have survived it. No. That isn't it. Not in my opinion, in any case.
These two young men are strong physically and mentally, and they would get through whatever was thrown their way (wouldn't be easy, I tell you that, but they would get through it). Chances are that if they wouldn't have gone down the path of enlisting together they could have landed a cushier placement, band perhaps, like NJ, who knows. But definitley the choice to do this together had a price tag to it, and their letters from Festa tell us as much as well (even though they obviously sugar coat it for us, but the sentiments are clear - it's hard).
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So, they chose this. They knew this was going to be hard. A harder, more difficult, placement if they were to go down this path. And yet this was their choice!!
And here comes that NEED into play.
Yes, I do think that they needed this. They needed each other. They needed to not be separated for 18 months not knowing if and how often they could get to see each other or be together (maybe, if allowed, once in 3 months, and only if their units allowed the time off at the same time). They needed that person that they trusted and KNEW that would stand by their side, that would support them, be their rock, catch them when they fall, be by their side in their time of need, just like they always have been.
They are each other's PERSON. The one that would ALWAYS be there through good and bad.
They both put it down in words:
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And JK
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Shock, awe... I must be one of those delusional Jikookers that believe JK's lyrics were not describing his relationship with us, the fans. Another song written for the one person they love, yet given as a gift to Army.
And in his very subtle but intelligent way, he told us that himself:
"Even when I was working on the song, I really wanted to release it as a fan song".
Just like JM did, eh?
Would it be too hard to just say : "I wrote this song for my fans"? He chose not to, didn't he? Once again we have choices here.
I digress.
You could replace NEED with WANT, if you will. Same same in this case, imo. Seeing how hard they fought to find their way to this exact point.
The first, the only idols to ever do this!!
Bottom line:
To me, using the term NEED in this context is not about them not being able to make it otherwise, but more about a choice made to have that person they feel closest to, the person that has since forever been their emotional anchor, the person that lifted them up when they fell, the person that stood by them, cared for them, supported them when they were struggling. The person that KNEW them to the core and would be there by their side to get through this together with.
Each other.
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Lord Husband (Chapter 2)
AN: Thank you to everyone for all the love for chapter 1. I really wasn't expecting everyone to like it so much!
word count: 1,334 words
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You break your fast with the Queen every morning, but today, you are hesitant to go. For the past few days she has been trying to convince you to set up another meeting with Lord Stark. You show no interest in such an arrangement but you know it is no use avoiding your mother.
You have your handmaiden help you dress for the day in an eye-catching, sapphire gown. It’s low-cut but not in a way that wouldn’t be considered respectable. You may set many trends in fashion with being the only daughter of the Queen but you are still a princess after all. You have your hair done up elaborately and forgo donning your neck with jewels because you enjoy making the courtiers stare. You like tempting the men who will never be your suitors the most. Making your way to your mother’s solar, your gaze falls on a serving boy for perhaps a moment too long. He blushes. You think that you may call on him specially to serve your tea tonight; just because you won’t marry him, doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy him. Ser Erryk holds the door open for you when you get to the Queen’s chambers but an issue arises when you notice her guest.
“Lord Stark.” You attempt to put a smile on your face when you notice your betrothed dining with your mother. It comes out more like a grimace.
“Oh darling, I thought you would much rather break your fast with your betrothed today.” Rhaenyra smiles sweetly but you can see the pointed look in her gaze. She knows how desperately you’ve been trying to avoid Cregan Stark. “I’ll have my meal with the Dowager Queen.”
“Of course, mother. Thank you for the kind gesture.” You say through gritted teeth.
She exits the room, leaving you with only Cregan and a cupbearer. You stand, unmoving, near the door. He stands where he had risen from his chair in light of your presence. He awkwardly waits for you to take your seat so he may also be seated again. You make no signs of moving.
“Perhaps you would like to grant your feet a moment's rest, princess?” He gestures to the chair next to him.
You glare at him. “I do not need to be prompted by you in order to seat myself.” You decide to settle down in the chair across from him instead of the one he invited you to.
“Of course.” Lord Stark tries his best to not roll his eyes at you. “I was pleased when her Grace requested another meeting be set up between the two of us.”
“Were you?” You look at him, amused. You can’t imagine that the man still wishes to court you after your first encounter.
“I am pleased to have any chance to spend more time with my betrothed. Especially when she is as fair as you are, princess.” He says, turning up the charm all the way. “Might I also say that your dress looks absolutely ravishing on you.”
“I know it does. That’s why I selected it.” You say with a roll of your pretty doe eyes.
“A wise selection it was.” Cregan comments, somehow managing to stay courteous.
You fill your plate, taking your pick from the vast variety of fruits and you grab a single lemon tart at the end.
“Do you enjoy lemon tarts?” He says, attempting to keep the conversation flowing.
“No.” You say sarcastically before taking a bite.
“I take it that you still don’t care for conversation?” He speaks, his tone betraying him by revealing a hint of his annoyance.
“Not with any of the men that vied for my hand.” You answer shortly.
“I did not vie for your hand. The Queen gave it to me.” He seems almost offended by your words. You’re sure that a man like him has never had to compete for a woman before.
“Oh good. I’m glad to know that I am not a prize to be won but a gift to be given. What relief that brings me.” He cringes at your words.
“I did not say that and you know it isn’t what I meant.” He says firmly, his patience starting to grow thin.
“I’m sure it isn’t.” You say passively. As if the conversation isn’t worth your time.
“Princess, please help me understand why you seem to despise me so.” Your betrothed is clearly spiteful from the fact that he has been saddled with a woman that has next to no interest in him.
“I don’t despise you, Lord Stark.”
“Then tell me why you act as if marrying me is the worst fate the gods could have bestowed upon you.”
“I value my freedom, my lord.” You say simply.
“I do not intend to keep you prisoner.” He says, like it is the most obvious thing in the world.
He doesn’t understand. They never understand that being kept prisoner doesn’t always mean being held in a cell. Being free isn’t defined by your arms lacking physical shackles.
“I can see that this betrothal is not what you want but unity between the Starks and the Targaryens is what the realm needs.” He adds.
“I know what is good for the realm. My mother is Queen.” You say defensively.
He pauses for a moment and takes a bite of the pastry on his plate, washing it down with a sip of Arbour Red wine. He is clearly thinking about his words, wondering what to say that would upset you the least. “Of course, princess. So you evidently agree that your mother’s wishes, as Queen, must be followed?” You’re not really sure where he is going with this, if he has a point or is just trying to figure something out for his own benefit.
“Do you think I would be sitting here if that wasn’t the case?” you say condescendingly. 
Another pause from your betrothed. It seems that Lord Stark is considering his options. He then gives you a tight smile. “My house is very honour bound. You will have your freedom through Winterfell and I will never hurt a hair on your head, nor let anyone else bring harm to you. You may bring as many of your ladies in waiting as you would like and I will not bother you often if you don’t wish for it.” He lays it out straight for you, the benefits of having him as a husband. At this point, all he wants is for you to not be so bitter towards him.
You stare at him for a moment. You do seem to be a little enticed by the amount of control he is inclined to grant you. You consider being agreeable by simply giving him a nod of your head but that anger still tugs at the back of your mind. The fact that you will be wed to this man with or without your approval makes you sick. “I don’t require your protection. I have a dragon.” He sighs and looks almost disappointed.
“I offer you more than protection.” He says, firm in his beliefs that he would make a fine husband to you.
“Clearly because I get to bring my Ladies in waiting with me to the North. Hurrah.” You say with a straight face. “What shall you offer for me and me alone? Something that isn’t just for the progression of the realm?” You ask inquisitively.
“Well… I would like to make you happy.” He says carefully and you hope he doesn’t catch how you let your face soften for just a moment.
You have no idea how to respond to that. The sentiment seems so intrinsic and shallow and yet… you don’t believe that you’ve heard the words fall from a single suitor's mouth until him. 
“Oh.” The filler word falls stupidly from your mouth. The conversation does not continue on from there. You just pick up your lemon tart and eat with him in silence
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cactus-cuddler · 2 months
Chapter 3: 𝐀 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Word count: 1,8 k
Summary: you and Bucky works together, you as bartender and Bucky as bodyguard. You spend a lot of time together and now you know better
Warnings: man
Tag list: @mcira @robynanthonystark @sofiaavarga13
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ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇᴅ <3
You and Bucky have been working together at the same bar for a few weeks now. Since he started, you feel safer and sense a growing chemistry between you two. He comes to the bar regularly during your shifts, and when it's empty, you chat and get to know each other better. However, you can tell there's something he's not sharing with you.
You're opening the door to prepare the bar for the day when the man who occupies your thoughts appears behind you.
“Good morning, Y/N,” he says, and you wave back with a smile.
You enter and clean the floor, arrange the tables, and flip the sign to “open" together. Bucky takes his usual spot at the counter while you dry the remaining glasses.
“You should ask for a raise for all the work you do,” you say, chuckling. He helps you open in the morning, serves when it's too busy in the afternoon, and at night, he does his job as the bar’s bodyguard.
"I wouldn't call it work since I get to spend time with a pretty girl," he replies, making you blush and giggle, thinking he's joking. But he’s never been more serious. Your heartbeat speeds up, and he smiles at your reaction.
"You're cute when you do that," he says, probably deciding to make you faint, and he would have succeeded if an old lady hadn't entered the bar with her little dog. While you serve the lady, he sips the orange juice you prepared for him, watching you work. He finds you incredible. Even though you don't like the job, you're always sweet and nice to the customers, even though most don't deserve your kindness. He considers himself among those who don't deserve it.
The first day he entered the bar was by chance. He was intent on drinking away his memories, forgetting his name for a few hours of peace. But you stopped him, convincing him with your smile. No one had given him such a beautiful, bright smile in years, so he decided to stay. As you moved, he noticed the men's eyes trying to see beyond what was allowed, and he feared they might hurt you. He decided to protect you, hoping to feel like a better person. Your kindness touched his heart with extreme delicacy, and he hopes you never change.
"What are you thinking about?" you ask, seeing him distracted, snapping him out of his thoughts.
"Nothing," he replies. "I'll see you this evening. I have to go now, okay?" he adds, and you greet him with one of your smiles—the same one that bewitched him that day.
Today, you have to cover Megan's shift. She has an important appointment, and you'll be working alone this evening. Staying inside the bar all day makes you nervous, but it's not the first time, and now Bucky is here, even though he's gone for now but will be back later.
You've been waiting a long time for him to ask you out on one of your days off, but that moment never comes. There are many times when he seems intent on asking you out but then says, "No, nothing. I'm sorry," and returns to his silence. You asked Megan for advice, but all she could say was, "If he doesn't ask you out, stop talking to him. Don't waste your time chasing someone who doesn't take you right away." You can't understand why; you can tell there's something between you. You see it in the way he looks at you, how he protects you, and the few smiles he offers. Since becoming the bodyguard, he accompanies you home every day, but since that first time, he has never come in again. He makes sure you get inside and then leaves you alone in your apartment with your screaming neighbors.
The rest of the day passes calmly. There aren't many customers, so you find time to continue reading your book and eat something since you missed your lunch break. Bucky shows up just before his night shift starts. He’s dressed as always for his job: a tight black t-shirt and sweatpants, but he has a bouquet of flowers in his hands. When he walks towards you, you smile at him in surprise.
“Here,” he says, almost rudely, to hide his embarrassment. He's not convinced that bringing you flowers was a good idea; it was his friend Sam Wilson who convinced him.
"Thank you," you reply and approach him to kiss him on the cheek.
"You're welcome," he says and walks stiffly towards the door without turning to look at you. You smell the bouquet and smile like a child at his gesture.
“Oh, I forgot,” he says, turning around and pulling a chocolate bar out of his pocket—your favorite chocolate bar. You think you might die.
"Since Megan isn't here and it was her turn to bring the chocolate, I thought it would be nice to get it for you," he says in a hoarse, cold voice, as if he wasn't saying the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you. You don't hold back and decide to hug him, your arms around his neck. He doesn't know how to react but gently places his hands on your back, letting you hold him. As soon as you break away, there is an awkward moment, and you say goodbye and return to your work after dividing the chocolate. You with a smile on your lips and him with slightly red cheeks. 'I should follow Sam's advice more often,' he thinks as he positions himself at the entrance. He tries to keep a serious expression that can induce fear, but he just doesn't have it. Your sweet scent is imprinted on his clothes, and your arms around his neck are well anchored in his memory.
You put the flowers in a vase at the counter. You’ll take them home later, but the night is long, and you don't want them to get ruined. Little by little, the bar fills with the usual men looking for Megan, but it’s just you, and you have to do your best to satisfy your customers. You take all the orders and gradually start serving.
"Hey, little doll, can you give me your number?" a man at the counter asks. You smile warmly and ignore his question, asking if he wants something to drink.
“I would like to drink you,” he whispers, winking. Your smile fades, and you look for a way to make him stop.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not on the menu. What do you need?" you insist. The man reaches his hand toward your face, but you push it away.
“A whore dressed like you shouldn't be resisting so much,” he says, grabbing your wrist tightly. A tear slides down your face. Seeing that no one is trying to help you makes you feel worse, but luckily, Bucky is there. He approaches you and pushes the man away. His gaze is full of hatred, and his hand presses firmly on the man's neck.
"Don't you dare talk like that to a nice, kind girl like her," he warns. The man struggles and frees himself from Bucky's grip, coughing, Bucky's grip having taken his breath away.
"I get it, you want to fuck her. Have fun," he says, punching Bucky in the face. But Bucky has no intention of holding back and takes the man out of the bar.
"I won't call you motherfucker because, for that poor woman, it must be a heavy insult to have a son like you," Bucky says to the man. The cold night air gently caresses the bouncer's hair as he waits for a response. Rather than use his hands for this job, he decided to rely on his sharp tongue.
"Come on, man, you're exaggerating. I wouldn't have done anything more to her than she would want. I know people like her..." he doesn't let him finish the sentence before his good intentions evaporate in the air, and he punches him back, making him fall to the ground.
"You don't know anything about her," he says finally. He goes back inside under everyone's gaze.
You are crying in the kitchen, trying to wash away his touch and words. He comes looking for you, and when he sees you in that state, he hugs you, and you hold onto him.
“Nothing happened, everything is fine,” he whispers. Seeing how that man could insult you in front of everyone without anyone doing anything makes you feel bad. You can't help but think, "What if Bucky hadn't been there?" Bad intentions usually approached Megan; she is the one with more character between the two of you, and she knows how to defend herself better.
You sob in Bucky's arms. Until then, you kept all the unsolicited comments, insults, and everything else inside, casting everything away. Now you just feel like crap. You hate your body being so on display, and you hate everyone who wants to have fun with you.
“Let's get back to work and finish this shift, okay?” Bucky asks, taking your face in his large hands. His warm right hand dries your tears, and his cold left hand tries to ease your pain.
"I'll stay next to you," he whispers, giving you a tender kiss on the tip of your nose. A simple gesture but one that contains all the affection that Bucky has for you.
You go back inside the bar, and some girls approach you to apologize for not having done anything. They didn't think his advances would bother you. Your smile lights up your face again, and you appear grateful for their attention. While you prepare the drinks, Bucky is behind you; while you serve them, he is next to you; and while you are closing the place, cleaning and everything, he is still there with you. As soon as you're done, you go behind the counter, and he's sitting in the place he sat the first time you saw each other, which continues to be his permanent place.
"Can I place an order?" he asks softly as you take the flowers back.
"Of course! Tell me everything," you answer softly.
"Can I ask you on a date?" he asks, his voice soft yet hopeful. You've never been happier. You accept without thinking twice and as you pick up your bag to leave, he tells you he'll pick you up on Saturday. He knows that's your day off.
He walks you home as always, but this time, you ask him to come in so you can treat the wounds from the punch. Your delicate touch on his skin makes every feeling of pain disappear. As soon as his wounds are treated, he leaves, but not before planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Goodnight pretty girl," he tells you later.
You think you might be falling in love with this man.
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Thanks for reading! If there is something you want to tell me about it feel free to tell me. I would also like what you think and how you would like it to continue <3
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Series' masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
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sp4ceboo · 24 days
beneath a crimson sky masterlist | ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5
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pairing: stray kids ot8 x afab!reader
genre: apocalypse au, dystopian, dark, adventure, action, thriller, fighting, eventual smut, romance
a/n: lil update for yall before i start getting busy
chapter warnings: somewhat vividly described gore, possible lazy editing on my part
chapter word count: 3.2k
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Over the next week with them, you find that the boys’ unwarranted kindness makes it easier to fit yourself into the rhythm that all their hearts beat too, despite the odds.
Each morning you wake up to heat radiating either side of you, indicators of Minho’s back inches behind you and the length of Chan’s thigh pressed against yours through the double layer of your blankets. Jeongin is always the first to wake, and Hyunjin the last - no more late night tears occur with him. You wonder if Minho or Seungmin or even Chan have told him not to be alone with you, just in case.
Changbin, you find, is a little more serious on the exterior than he was when he was a child, though you’re not sure if it’s from being forced to survive or general maturing or even the time he’s spent serving in the army - he was lucky to be on leave when the Pestilence came. One thing you deem as odd is that he seems a little less vigilant of you than you’d expect him to be, but then again, nothing is exactly as you expect it to be. His eyes still hold no recognition for you. Somehow it makes the kindness in them harder to stomach.
You manage to avoid inciting Minho’s protective wrath, garner a few spare smiles from the still wary Jeongin, and crack Jisung’s shell enough to talk briefly about his music production. Best of all, you earn Felix’s friendship. His smiles feel like a trail of crumbs leading you closer and closer to a place where you might have the chance of belonging.
You’re eager to earn their trust, not only because it would give you someone to trust in return, but also because you’re beginning to realise just how close you were to driving yourself crazy when you were on your own. You want to prove you’re useful, if not to them, to yourself.
You want to know that there’s a reason, other than luck, for you to have survived thus far.
So when the opportunity presents itself, you seize it. Changbin is surveying his neat arrangement of cans and bottles in the corner, his lips moving silently as he calculates how much longer they’ll last, when he announces it: you need to go on a supply run. Chan offers to come first, you next, causing Felix to perk up and volunteer too, which leads to Seungmin saying he’ll join as well before a narrow eyed Minho can.
Now, you stand just outside the lab, all your masks pulled up over your faces. You’ve got an empty rucksack over your shoulder and the knife that Minho handed to you, along with a threatening look, stowed safely in your pocket. Absently, you fiddle with the rucksack’s straps, craning your neck to look up at the disturbing, crimson sky.
“We could clear out the convenience store I met you guys at,” you suggest when Changbin doesn’t immediately lead you in a particular direction. “Unless you had anywhere else in mind,” you add hastily.
“The petrol that leaked will all be used up,” Chan points out. “We won’t have that safety measure.”
“It’s close, though,” Seungmin replies, agreeing with you, to your surprise. “We won’t be long.”
“Changbin?” Felix asks.
He shrugs. “I’m the only one who hasn’t been there. You tell me.”
All four of you look over at Chan, who makes a face and gestures for you to lead the way. It doesn’t take long for you to get to the petrol station, just like the first time. You still have to skirt your way around the dead body twenty metres from the lab, you still have to turn the corner round the Korean BBQ shop.
As you do, your eyes widen, because the place looks almost unrecognisable. The electronic sign that would have displayed the petrol prices has been almost fully melted from the fire, which must have caught one of the other pumps so suddenly it exploded - the whole shop front is blackened, the glass blown in. Ironically, it looks like something from a zombie movie.
“Guess I need to be sent to jail for arson,” you mutter.
“Wait, you did this?” Changbin asks.
Felix huffs. “I told you I wasn’t exaggerating.”
You feel heat rising up your neck and shove open the door, careful as you step over the shards of glass littered all over the scorched linoleum floor. There’s several small scuff marks on the floor, too small to be human footprints. Idly, you wonder if any of the feral dogs have learnt to open tin cans as well as survive without their owners.
Cold wind gusts in through the broken door, whistling between the high shelves and ruffling Chan’s hair. Involuntarily, you shiver. It’s strange to see a place that you’d visited so many times reduced to this state: food on the lower shelves has been knocked down, plastic bags ripped open, the contents half eaten and rotting, no doubt the doing of wild animals. A crow flaps by and settles on one of the registers, eyeing you and snapping a beak stained with a type of red you don’t want to think about.
“Grab whatever you can,” Chan instructs once he’s stepped in after Seungmin. “Changbin and I will get the water.”
You nod, wincing as glass crunches beneath your shoes and following Felix and Seungmin deeper into the store, the latter peeling off after a while to pile some tinned vegetables into his bag, the former turning to talk to you.
“Shall we try in the back?” He asks. “When I came through here to look for an exit, it looked like they had a lot of food in storage.”
“Sure,” you answer, pushing open the already ajar door, squinting against the darkness within.
You make it several steps in before the stench hits you. There’s no doubt that something or someone has died in here; the smell of rotting flesh hits you like a punch in the face, and you clap a hand over your face while beside you, Felix retches. The next thing you notice is the trail of blood, as if a body was dragged in here from somewhere else in the store, and your heart plunges.
How could you be so stupid? How could you be so distracted by the burns and glass on the floor and gathering food that you didn’t see the streaks of dried blood, rusty on the ground beneath your feet?
Then comes a jingle, and you catch a quick flash of silver: light, reflected off something fixed to a shadow on the floor, and as your eyes begin to adjust, you realise with a jolt what it is. A metal tag, dangling from what must have once been a lovely blue collar that is now stained almost black with dirt and what you’re beginning to realise is blood. A lot of fucking blood.
The shadow attached to the collar growls.
Felix makes a choked sound, and the wind howls in and pushes the door open more, further illuminating the room and revealing what exactly the dog was feeding on - one of the store workers, long dead from what must have been the illness. The blood staining its muzzle is nothing like the old smears on the floor, not brown but the startling red of the sky.
You curse under your breath as several more growls sound, more dogs appearing from behind the storeroom shelves. The two of you won’t stand a chance fighting against them. These are the dogs that survived without their owners, who probably weren’t even trained properly, who would definitely prefer fresh, still warm meat to the rotting human they dragged into their new home.
Backing away, you fumble for the knife in your pocket. The first dog growls, and you can see the muscles in its haunches bunching, as it prepares to launch itself at you. You are completely and utterly screwed.
Adrenaline rockets through you. A stupid, entirely unhelpful thought shoots through your head: this is what your ancestors felt like before they tamed the wolf. Though not exactly - the one difference is that these dogs are not wild and they don’t have the instincts of a wolf to capably hunt for themselves, which means they’re hungry and you’re food.
Lurching to the side, you scrabble for anything on the shelf to your right, knocking over half the cans with a huge clatter, and launch the first thing your fingers come in contact with at the dog, just the second before it leaps.
The can of cat food glances off its shoulder but hits hard enough that your throat thankfully doesn’t get torn out.
Whirling around, as fast as you can in the seconds remaining before the dog recovers and attacks again, you grab Felix by the arm and shunt him as hard as you can towards the door. He stumbles, cursing, but makes it through and you sprint for the door too.
Felix’s eyes widen. You turn just in time, almost overbalancing in your haste, blindly stabbing out with your knife.
Fortunately, your blade hits home, and you narrowly miss probably losing a leg.
Less fortunately, your calf gets shredded into ribbons.
Agony tears through you, almost brings you to your knees, but your momentum sends you forward, out of the storeroom. Swearing colourfully, Felix catches you and kicks the door shut behind you, and it shakes with the impact of what must be the other dogs hurling themselves against it.
Seungmin hurtles around the corner, closely followed by Changbin and Chan. You grit your teeth, your eyes watery, fighting back the scream that builds in your throat, knowing your nails are biting into Felix’s arms and hurting him but unable to stop yourself. Changbin takes one look at the blood streaming down your leg and strides over, easing you out of Felix’s hold and hooking an arm around your waist so he can keep you upright.
“We need to get out of here,” you gasp. “I don’t know if the door will hold.”
“What happened?” Seungmin demands.
“She saved my life,” Felix replies. “I’ll explain later. Let’s go.”
You attempt to take a step forward, still clutching Changbin’s arm for support, and realise that it’s not such a great idea at all when spots fizzle to life right before your eyes, pain shooting through your leg as if someone’s replaced your shin bone with a hot poker. A stifled sound rips itself from you as you straighten, trying to fight back the wave of nausea that fills you when you glance down.
Blood runs down your legs and collects in your shoe, soaking your sock. The wound is messy, all torn flesh mixed in with shredded cloth, and you can see the puncture marks from the dog’s teeth, neat circles that tear away in long gashes. You sag against Changbin.
“I’ll carry you.” He phrases it like a suggestion, but you get the feeling he’d do it even if you refused.
Mutely, you nod. You’re half certain you’ve gone into shock.
He picks you up with ease, careful not to jostle you as he holds you with one arm under your legs and the other at your back. You tip your head to rest against his shoulder, trying to focus on the firm feel of his chest against your side in a failing attempt to ignore the blaring, insistent pain in your leg.
The brisk pace that Seungmin sets as he walks ahead with Chan while Felix explains means that to keep up, Changbin can’t hold you steady enough to completely avoid jarring your leg; you can’t remember when, but he’s tied a tourniquet for you from his shirt sleeve, tight enough that pulses rather than an onslaught of pain come throbbing down your leg with each step he takes. The distance from the store to the lab stretches far longer than it was on the way there.
“I’ve decided to become a cat person,” Changbin mutters. “Even though I’m allergic.”
You manage a strained laugh, knowing he’s trying to distract you. You already know he’s allergic. When he came over to your house after school, he’d always insist on petting your cat, even when his eyes and nose streamed.
Changbin laughs too, but it’s nothing like his real laugh, just a hollow sound that might have somewhat put you at ease if you didn’t know he was faking it. He twists sideways so he doesn’t bash your feet against the door frame into the lab. Sweat begins to bead on your forehead.
Looking worried, Felix’s face appears beside you, and he pulls off his mask, grabbing your hand tightly and squeezing it, unable to hide the concern roiling in his eyes despite the wavering smile he gives you. His face has paled a little, making his freckles stand out starkly, like brown constellations across a honey sky. They fade as your eyes go blurry.
“I’m sorry I didn’t move sooner,” he says, gnawing at his lip. “If you hadn’t had to push me out the door, you might have gotten out before the dog jumped.”
You force your eyes to focus on him. Over his shoulder, there’s a commotion as Seungmin and Chan enter the lab, no doubt relaying the story. “It’s okay, Felix. I froze up too. Seeing the body… it was awful.”
“Yeah. Yeah it was,” he nods. “Thank you.”
Hyunjin rushes over, his face draining of colour when he sees you. “Oh, shit.”
The others crowd around too, before Changbin orders them away and helps you sit down. Wordless, Minho kneels beside you, a muscle in his jaw feathering as he cuts away the rest of your ruined trouser leg, peeling off the scraps of blood soaked fabric from where they stick to your skin with laser focus. You think you glimpse a hint of concern in his eyes, but the pain has made you dizzy.
Everyone else steers clear, though Felix and Hyunjin send you worried looks, and Chan talks in a low voice with Seungmin and Jeongin. You get the impression that an injury as serious as yours has happened before, and they know to leave Minho alone as he works to clean your leg and bandage it, keeping Changbin’s tourniquet in place.
He doesn’t speak, either to put you at ease or to tell you how bad it is, so you take it as a good sign. Hiding your face in the crook of your elbow, you lie back and grit your teeth. You don’t want to look at your calf. You don’t want to know the damage.
Eventually, he sits back on his heels and cleans his hands on one of the less soiled wet wipes he must have been using to sanitise your calf. Getting up without a word, he turns and searches the rucksacks until he finds what he’s looking for, taking out a few pill packets and popping out two from each before returning to your side and holding them out to you with a freshly opened bottle of water.
“Painkillers,” he informs you. “Probably enough to knock you out for a bit, once they kick in. And antibiotics, since dog bites get infected a lot. Hopefully they’ll work if it transmitted the Pestilence, too.”
He watches you choke them down.
You don’t point out that if antibiotics worked on Pestilence, a lot more people would be alive right now.
Minho bundles up a spare blanket and eases it under your leg, his voice curt. “Keep it elevated. Try not to move too much.”
You blink as he walks off. He doesn’t really have anywhere to walk off to, so he just inserts himself between Jisung and Jeongin, who are sorting through the supplies he, Chan and Changbin managed to grab before you all left, his jaw still clenched.
Chan sits down beside you, a dark expression on his face as he takes in Minho’s handiwork, fiddling with his masks before he stills his hands, shoves the masks into his pocket, and gives you a hard look. You get the feeling that you’re about to be reprimanded, and you don’t really like the idea, but you can’t exactly get up and evade him.
“What you did was stupid.”
Yup, there it is.
“But it was also brave,” he adds, surprising you.
“There’s a fine line between brave and stupid,” you reply dryly.
He huffs a laugh. “That’s true, but I just wanted to thank you. It’s a pretty big deal to get bitten by a dog for some guys you didn’t know a week ago.”
You look at him. Belatedly, you realised that this - Chan saying that he values what you did - is him extending the olive branch. Before, you could tell he was still unsure about you, but there’s a certainty that sparkles in his eyes now, a confidence that fills you with a burst of hope that catches you off guard with its suddenness. There’s a chance that you might have caught the disease and that you might spread it to the others if you have, but he’s willing to take that risk because you are someone he wants to keep around, someone he knows he can trust with his life and with his friends’ lives.
You can feel the painkillers beginning to work, your eyelids drooping and the acute pain of the dog bite being washed away by numbness, but they don’t hold back the startling rush of clarity that clears your head: you didn’t hesitate this time, and you won’t hesitate the next.
“I’d do it again,” you tell Chan, so softly he has to lean forward to hear.
A strange look passes over his face. He gets up but pauses for a moment. “Let’s hope you won’t have to.”
You close your eyes so you don’t have to see him walk away. Your head is fuzzy, and you can no longer feel the sharpness in your calf - it’s turned into a dull ache, weak enough that you could forget it’s there. You don’t want to forget it’s there.
There’s a shuffling sound beside you and you crack your eyes open again. Felix is there, looking like an angel with his blonde hair and freckles and sweet, worried face. Reaching forward, he takes your hand again but says nothing, and you cling to him, suddenly irrationally afraid that they’re going to leave you while you’re sleeping. You try to focus on his face in an attempt to fend off the tidal waves of fatigue crashing over you.
“Felix,” you whisper. “What if I get the disease?”
He squeezes your hand, hard enough for you to wince, but you don’t let go, needing to hear what he says before you give in to sleep.
“You won’t,” he says.
It sounds more like a plea than a promise.
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taglist: @estella-novella@0bticeo@lixies-favorite-cookie@smashleywow@realrintaro @extremechaoswarning @4l17h4 @hyunjinsjeans @insufferablyunbearable @lovemepie67 @needsumcomfypillowstosleep @loumin908 (let me know if you want to be added)
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Got shocked.
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Quick summary: Before he knows why, Rust is fixating on you.
Warnings: Not much except it does get literally sick here kind of; sexism and really gross remarks; kind of workplace harassment; Rust being unsettling.
Word count: 3.6K
A/N: Erm this is not the second part to the Idler Wheel but I just thought I’d write this because whyyy not! It was kind of written quickly so if there are weird grammar mistakes just ignore them lmao 😭😭 might come back and edit when it’s not past midnight if you know what im saying. Anyhoo it’s September now?
The brain-rotting contents of his colleagues’ pass-time conversations was an unfortunate byproduct of Rust’s refusal to pay mind to his own thoughts. He needed it, he thought sometimes, though he’d rather not have had need for anything: it served as a focal point for his attentions, which, otherwise, might be directed inward at himself for too long.
He didn’t pay much attention to the exacts of it all. Bar last night, dick jokes, some wild sexual exploit from their twenties: once Rust had heard it once, he did not need to hear it again. Even before they spoke, Rust had had most of them figured out. He only had to watch them, his first day at the office. Still, initially, he let them tell their shit to him and believe like maybe they could be friends, like, maybe, Rust was one of them, too, that he was entertained by their boring fucking carousel of stories. Fucking arrogant. Plagued by the crack and froth of some dry ash-type taste, Rust would swallow it down. Just the first time, though. Not the second, and not any time after that.
No, he did not care for the details. More like, it was the tone of their voices that he could plaster his resentment on. Proud, girthy, spread over too much ground, self-important. For the most part, if he had to talk to one of them, more dogs than anything else, his throat would feel too full—his mouth, too. It was what it was: force-feeding. Why anyone in their right mind would pretend to enjoy it, Rust had no idea. Everything down here displeased him, but no less so than it had in other places. Everywhere he went, Rust came with himself, though he’d tried to sever that unwelcome tie a long time ago. If he was lucky enough, some floating sensation would find him, and Rust would get to leave the conversation for some worthy train of thought. Finally, he would get to pry apart a crime scene - in his head, he did not have to use gloves: he could play it like a tape, a thousand times, a thousand different ways.
Hear them now. Rust’s lip begged to curl, which was odd. It was then, coming to terms with the sensation of his instinct, its physical demands, that he understood that something was strange about this conversation.
Slow, crawling, his eyes made their way to Marty, who had scooted his chair over to Rust’s desk. With steely eyes, he took note of how his partner’s elbow was flopped over his paperwork, how his body was sprawled open wide so unnecessarily.
Rust removed a pen wedged under Marty’s forearm. He didn’t even shift.
With the aim of cleansing his mouth of that bitter swell, he took a mouthful of cold coffee, and another, and another. When he was alone, Rust took one sugar, but, here, it wasn’t enough. Shit, it was never enough to neutralise that foul taste. Sometimes, it grew so strong that Rust would take a little longer on his smoke breaks, making his way through one, two, maybe three cigarettes. Yeah, that usually quenched it. But it was no use inside - no, he needed an open sky above him, to let all the fumes out, like smoke from a smouldering kitchen. Something about four walls and a ceiling: how many men like them had sat there, sweat there, jawed there, pissed there, before them? It just made him sick, made his head spin.
There was no need to turn to know how the rest of them were arranged. So predictable. So deeply interwoven into their psyches: the strong belief that they deserved the space that they took up, and, shit, they took up a lot. Fighting for dominance of the conversation, pushing, shoving, overlapping, each trying to mark out a platform for themselves. He wouldn’t, and it unsettled them, just as they could never comprehend anything else that wasn’t like them.
Gradual-like, Rust let his mind melt back to the specifics of the conversation, the messy, brutal abstraction of their voices condensing into words and phrases, like ink-blots soaking back up into the brushes from which they were dispelled. It didn’t take long listening for him to understand that you had drawn the interest of the hoard.
Johansson would’ve said something—if he were here. The more Rust listened—to them inching closer to what they really wanted to say, hopping around the hot topic of women and their ways on them—the fatter his tongue felt, sitting big and swollen in his mouth like it shouldn’t have been there, like he ought to have cut it out by now.
With his spectre hands, he reached into his pocket, slipped a cigarette between his lips, lit it with one flick of his lighter. That click was enough to make his mouth water, most days, although not now. Breath scraped painfully through his throat, like sandpaper.
You were distinct from them - that was a fact. When he’d been thrown into the department, he found it odd that more remarks weren’t made to your face about most things: your capability, your temperament, your looks. More often, it’d be behind your back, huddled over in the office kitchen, passed around like a note in a fuckin’ middle school classroom. He figured it was because you were smarter than them, and they knew it. At least you were only a woman, they told themselves. They couldn’t beat you up, but they could do whatever they wanted to you in their heads. They could talk about how they’d pin you down if they ever got the chance.
That last comment only happened once. At least, only once when Rust was around. He’d ended up in the captain’s office, his fingers still twitching with the way that that pulse had begged and struggled for release.
His body ached with the effort to keep himself from shaking - the tremor in his fingers would not be eased by the deep, punishing drag of smoke into his lungs, nor would the dirt clouding his brain be cleansed and sanitised by the sting, the burn of the breath he held close to him, until it hurt his chest. No, he needed the sky—but he didn’t want to leave you either.
Rust’s head swung under a bout of nausea, which hit him like the impact of falling in a dream. Briefly, he closed his eyes, taking another drag, swallowing down the husk of it. It only made it all worse.
Punch him, he thought desperately, like maybe you could be telepathic, like maybe he was as well. Who?—he didn’t know. Any of them, all of them. It was all the same.
When Marty let out a bellow of a laugh, full and selfish and fucking stupid, Rust had to look at the photograph of the dead girl in front of him again to steady himself.
Delusion did not seduce Rust. Relying on what he knew to be true, he figured that you must’ve known what you were doing. You had worn your hair down today, not in a bun as was your usual - it hadn’t taken long for Bishop, this morning, to tug on a strand of your hair, like it was just waiting to be done, like bait on a hook. If he hadn’t done it, someone else would’ve. He was inclined to simply because you dared to exist in his presence. Even then, Rust’s throat had tightened, like this. So, even though his back was defiantly turned to the hoard, Rust knew—he knew—that, when you grunted softly, it was because it had happened again. Rust closed his eyes and willed that you would hit whoever did that.
People already knew the decision they were going to make, always, in some part of their minds, so Rust didn’t see the point in attempting to console or consult anyone about anything. If it was detrimental to a case, then he would explain this to Marty, calmly point out or even correct his mistake, but, on the most part, that was the extent of his reasoning. If his partner was in a bar, flushed and loose, and flirting with the twenty-one year-old bar-keep, he wouldn’t intervene. He hadn’t. Marty dug his own grave, and Rust let him. To do otherwise would be to overestimate the sensibilities of the other and to inconvenience himself. Fuck that. People didn’t want to be changed and Rust certainly had no interest in trying to. It was a losing game, a dumb one at that. Waste of time, waste of space. Rust knew better than to take up space - he would keep what he could close to his chest; otherwise, it was dead weight that needed losing sooner rather than later.
Everyone was begging to tell, to be fucking heard. It was a naïve, selfish way to look at the world: to assume that every other human put on Earth was someone to unload onto, to purify yourself with. Rust stared hard at the twenty-four year-old woman in the photo, sprawled over her bed, that long gash down her belly, like gutting a pig. He thought of how satisfied that the killer must’ve felt, to be able to finally share his urges with someone, to get to sit, placated, with their shoulders finally light.
He looked over the coroner’s report again, despite already knowing every statement on there, trying to fill your silence—which scratched over his eyes, the front of his brain, like claws—with the lull, the truth, of the case.
They were talking to you, now.
“Let’s get you down to the bar, buck,” somebody said to you, and he was pretty sure it was Geraci, oily, slick, fat. The skin over the back of Rust’s neck, thin, had crawled.
The boys liked to call you that—buck—like you hadn’t run the same track as them, jumped the same hurdles as them. You’d transferred from Brooklyn. Same shitshow, different department. They could tell, some of them said. City girl, high up on her horse. Not really, though. Your nature threw some people off at first, he speculated - you were not cold or brash, which he sort of thought maybe you ought to be, but, somehow, decidedly kind. Not gentle. There was a difference.
You were smart, and this was why you were not choking Geraci out right now. Did you want to? Rust could not get it out of his mind. He wanted to turn and look at you—not now, just some time—and figure it out. He had an outline, like the edge pieces of a puzzle all joined up. That was always a good start. Still, he didn’t appreciate it: the effort. It made you interesting, which was inconvenient. The people who worked here were not difficult to understand - their innermost desires were eager to be released, Pandora’s box, bursting at the very seams of their mouths, and, shit, Rust let it happen. It played out that way most times with the monsters he sat across from in the box: he would listen unflinchingly, and that was attractive to a lot of people, apparently. Someone who would not shy away. Maybe that was where Rust was misstepping with you. It wasn’t like him to be glad for things, but he was when it came to the orientation of your desks: your back was to his, and he did not have to look at you, and he was glad for it. He could not pin down why.
His knuckles were glowing, he was sure of it: if he looked down at them, Rust could’ve seen that illumination, his violence emanating from within, daring to break the skin like splitting, old leather. He could smell the embers already. Maybe that was you, though, or something else.
The heat bubbled up through his nausea. No, it was him - he would be up in flames soon, some sight to behold. His eyes pulsed against the thin skin of his eyelids, so he ruled out the option of closing them.
He flexed his hands slowly, passing feeling all along his weary tendons, before he continued typing, though the letters spun and jumped out at him like bugs in long-grass. Crickets in his ears, deafening. Was almost like he could understand them, some language he knew to respond to as a child, now long left behind. He was not alone, as much as he wanted to be.
When you spoke, Rust’s shoulders tensed, like a cramp. “I got business tonight,” you drawled, ever-polite, even sweet. That raw, thick, sugary taste oozed over his tongue, clogged his throat - Rust almost gagged.
Bishop’s voice emerged from the clatter: “What business you got on a Friday night? You got better plans?”
Fuck if you did, fuck if you didn’t.
A shrill whine speared through Rust’s head then, like a fissure in the Earth’s crust, his brain a liquid, churning beneath. He fought the urge to touch his own face, make sure everything was in its right place. He knew it would be, so he didn’t move. Sensation did not indicate reality. If it did, then Rust would have had to have discovered a whole other world a long time ago. He sat still, a statue, for several heartbeats. Then, he resumed his typing. A suspect’s alibi. He did not kill her.
“You don’t gotta spend a dime with us. We’ll take care of ye,” Howard added, and the hoard hummed and chuckled their agreement, a sick tilt to all of it. Rust wished his desk were anywhere else - he rarely wished for anything.
Conviction was not an area in which you lacked. You were a quiet, formidable force. Nobody at the precinct admired the way you worked the way it ought to have been. Not enough people gave enough fucks when you conducted interviews. Once, he had seen it. He had wanted to find Marty, and Marty was with Johansson, and Johansson had been on one side of the mirror, the other side behind which you were smiling warmly at a woman who had not long ago eaten about two thirds of her boyfriend, holding her hand. She had been twice your age at least, but you were the two-headed mother there, walking that fine line. For a moment, Rust had thought to himself that you would’ve worked him, wrung him out, if he was the one across from you. Not just a thought: a realisation. It unsettled him whenever he thought about it too long. What had confused him was your distinct lack of calculation. At least, he perceived it that way. Was it instinct that let you master that certain slope of your shoulders? No amount of practice could let him fabricate it to the same standard. Or maybe you had really felt it: sympathy.
But no. Once it was done, you’d exited, and your attention was searing. Rust had left before you had time to notice him.
Stoicism: you had mastered it, and Rust itched to know you, to understand how. How was the vein in your neck not throbbing like it would burst? How were your hands not fists, white-knuckled?
And you spoke through a smile, of all things: “That’s nice, but I can’t.”
“C’mon, buck, what kinda business you got that’s so important?”
Once again, Rust scoured over the coroner’s report, flit between the list of observable marks and wounds, correlating them with the visual aid of the photograph of the entire corpse. Total ten lacerations, eight of which had been on her stomach. Other two, on her face: slicing into each of her cheeks, those soft parts.
If he did this, Rust did not have to read into your answer, which was what his mind immediately raced towards, a bullet train, blindly searching in the darkness for some semblance of you. “My own,” you replied, and it did not mean anything to him because he was doing this.
Rust body itched to leap up and lay someone out, right then and there. His fist yearned for it, for the contact. For however often Rust felt like his body was not his, he had rarely considered the possibility that it might be in charge. People did what they would with him - his job was merely to take it. There was a strange sort of peace in that type of compartmentalisation, the kind where he could simply leave what apparently made up his person. If he was away from himself, he wouldn’t have to face whatever he was doing. An education in the dissociative state, an underutilised tool. He’d even had a course on it, he was sure. It was part of the reason he could keep his pulse so low, retreating so far into this meat shell that not even his blood flowed too close to the surface. But he felt it now, thrumming in his neck, a riptide. Taking his pulse now would do nothing to save it. The muscles there were stiff, flexing oddly under the strain of choking back on the natural instinct that, it appeared, was his. It tasted like vomit. Maybe that was real, though.
You were not some lamb that needed a shepherd. Fuck, he could never be one, not any version of him: he’d only be leading a thing to rot and ruin, and the parasite would get them, too. No, Rust wasn’t the shepherd. Never the shepherd. Rust was critical and cold. He might’ve been the wolf.
Ten lacerations. Raped.
The laughter of the hoard circled his head again, again, again. Someone must’ve picked at your hair - you grunted.
Abruptly, Rust stood up, like he got shocked because the room was on two different circuits. His spine like some iron rod, so unnaturally straight, his body so unnaturally tense, so unlike himself, he momentarily drew the attention of the other detectives all clustered together in the bullpen. If he didn’t know better, he’d have thought they knew, that he was fighting for the wheel, that he was battling back the grey that had begun to vignette his vision. Why was he suddenly so tall? Not even that. Alive. He could hear it: life rushing, roaring, in his ears, crackling like a wildfire. Rust’s body, that strange entity, was momentarily reborn as something else, whose neck was never bowed, whose shoulders never rounded, who conducted itself like it was powerful. Maybe it was.
Marty eyed him like he had grown another fuckin’ head.
Despite the dissipating attention, murmurs to the side, you were still looking at him, too, with your eyes so hard, almost black, like two cherry pits. Rust was piloting, and he would not look away. No. He would look on, as he always did. No matter the electricity burn of your attention, which he preferred to avoid - the energy was coursing through him, bright, his veins fried and blackening. Beneath the surface, his being spasmed and seized. But he knew that you were no different than anything, so he looked.
If he didn’t, he would hit someone. That could be taken the wrong way.
Geraci’s hand was braced on your desk, just next to you, his fat, greasy palm covering some paragraph that you had no doubt been trying to read. Rust’s hands twitched, but he had managed to bring himself inward, had relaxed most of his body thus far, and he would not fuck himself over by letting fists form now.
So, Rust stared at you, cool, unrelenting.
He was surprised by the distance of his own voice when he asked you if you could come over to the files room just a minute and give your opinion on something for him. It was like his own mouth was at the end of a long, stretching tunnel, his words far away from him. He crushed his cigarette into the closest ashtray, annihilating it.
He tasted pennies there, in his mouth. Perhaps he had been biting his tongue. Perhaps it was just the look on your face.
Okay, you said, quiet-like, before you rose, prying yourself away from your desk. As you stepped past him, Rust let himself look at Geraci. People dug their own graves, but that did not cancel out Rust’s thirst to kill. That kind of justice lies in the bones.
Most likely, he just needed to sleep. It was coming up on four days, nearly, without, which did not aid in the dizziness that threatened the stability of Rust’s every step as he slowly turned to follow behind you.
In the files room, you were waiting for him, staring up at the flickering halogen bulb that illuminated this section, the chain still swinging from when you had just pulled it.
Rust stared at your back, far away from himself, almost stumbling back when he closed the door, sealing the two of you off from the real world. His anger flung about like a whirlpool behind his eyes, thrashing and throbbing. If he had mind to say something to you—which he did not—he wouldn’t have been able to anyways. Saliva pooled in his mouth, pushing under his tongue. He cleared his throat, delaying a gag.
When you began to turn to look at him, Rust almost begged out loud that you wouldn’t, his heartbeat thrumming in his throat, almost daring him to start panting for air like a dog. The assault of the light from the halogen bulb was invisible to you, so it could not be real. No, you were looking at him now. With his hand still gripping the handle like it could save him, like he could escape it, you, he almost closed his eyes, cringed away. But what was he?—some child? He could not. Sensation was not necessarily reality, and he was not sick, and you were not of concern to him. Still, he turned slightly, his body angled toward the door at which he still stood, refusing to step any closer. He couldn’t close his eyes—you could get the wrong idea—so, instead, he opted for the linoleum floor, careful to avoid your feet.
Fuck, he could feel your relief washing over him like a warm wave. It almost knocked him clear off his feet, and it left his knees weak, threatening to buckle. Once, he had gone out west, to the coast, with Sophia and Claire. Nothing like where he grew up: out there, in that endless cold, his pa used to warn against any and all large bodies of water, ice. Even when you thought the surface beneath you was safe, it could give out, and you’d fall through into waters you didn’t know could be so deep.
Rust had reason enough to believe that this might’ve been worse.
There was salt spray in his mouth, now. Your ebb and flow churned in his stomach like the beat of a drum, reverberating through his flesh, which he was suddenly very aware of.
You’d figured it out: he didn’t need your help. He didn’t need to be in here either.
Something tangible rolled around on his tongue as your eyes scanned over him, a meticulous, slow rake. It grit between his teeth, like a grain of sand or a seed or something. Rust swallowed it and then fought a proceeding dry heave, smothered by a bright feeling in his throat that only flared up when he heard your breath hitch, too.
You were polite to spare him, to stare at your hands. Wordless, you left him to go busy yourself with nothing in the back of the files room, melting into the shadows, concealing yourself behind a shelving unit.
Even though he couldn’t see you, though, your sweetness still flooded Rust’s mouth, inescapable. He knew you were there, thinking, maybe about him.
He almost wished he had done nothing.
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lavendermunson · 1 year
enchanted | knight!eddie munson x princess!reader
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summary Eddie never saw you again after that night, you both were ten years old and sitting in a piano, just a couple of kids enjoying each others company but since you were a princess with an arranged marriage, you got trapped in a castle. You never saw Eddie again but he did, getting close to your windows to watch you, you grew to be the most beautiful he has ever seen. A re-encounter might change the world, even put upside down two different kingdoms.
tags +18, afab!reader, perv!eddie, mentions of jason craver sorry, best friends to lovers kind of relationship, masturbation reader and eddie, mentions of food in a nsfw way, set in some fairytale, mention of low self-steem. one use of y/n just one i swear it’s you won’t even remember it. i tried to be as inclusive as possible so i didn’t mention anything about the reader’s, no skin color, no hair color, no body type, if i missed something tell me! i want everyone to read this and picture themselves as a princess, although i did used she/her pronouns and the reader was born in autumn. mentions of death eddie’s mom
a/n i pictured a lot of princess from disney and also toon inspiration from bridgerton, it’s the first time i write something so long so forgive me for any mistakes. if you want me to keep writing this story don’t forget to mention it :)
wc 2.4k… i surprised myself
moodboard | next chapter
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A few years ago two kingdoms decided to unite, building a wall to protect them both and agreeing on sharing everything. With this agreement also came the rule of “arrange the marriage of their second born children at the age of 20” The two of them being born in the same year made it easier for it to be more under control, thanks to their older siblings being already married or out of town.
Prince Jason, from the Craver family, was born in the light of the summer, and with it came his whole personality. He isn’t much of a charming young man, his soft hair shines under every light, even the fire, what’s supposed to be aggressive and dangerous. The boy used it in his favor, lighting his room every time he got a new girl on his bed from one of his famous parties.
From the second kingdom, Princess Y/N from the Willow family was born in autumn, just in time when the trees start to let go of their orange-colored leaves. She was a quiet girl, always surrounded by books, avoiding parties, and helping her mom grow all kinds of flowers. She’s never had a boyfriend, and always tried to keep herself busy until the day of her wedding, which she named “the end of her life”.
She didn’t like Jason, at family dinners, he always had a girl in his arms, he wasn’t polite and he was irresponsible. Didn’t have what it took to be a good prince, let aside the new king. The princess was about to turn 20, in three weeks exactly, she was scared of her future because she had too much more to learn, to see, to experience.
At the start of the cold winter, Eddie was born, the same year as the prince and the princess, his friends always joked about that “If you were born into the Craver family, you would’ve married the princess” he always laughed about that, knowing that only happened in his dreams, one time, after a private Christmas dinner with the Royalty, when his uncle Wayne became the Willow king’s right hand. Eddie was being trained by his uncle, in sword fights, first aid, horse riding, everything to serve as a knight to the Willow kingdom and to keep him close, but the long-haired boy hated it, he wanted to play guitar, play piano, conquer every instrument in existence, he loved music thanks to his mom who unfortunately died when he was a little boy.
Eddie had an innocent crush since that dinner, he was 10 the same as you, and you showed him the piano and started playing with it.
“You should come here and take classes with me, I'm pretty sure you’re going to be better than me. You have talent, Eds” You said.
“She said I can take classes with her, Wayne.” little Eddie begged his uncle to let him go “Pleaaase”
“No way son, you have to start training,” the older man said, with a frown on his face.
Since that day, you never saw Eddie again, but he did, when he gets a little too close to the kingdom and stares at your living room window where you read, every day, at 5 pm. He watches you bite your bottom lip when you flip the pages gently, your fingers rub the words as you furrow your eyebrows, he realizes he is head over heels for you.
It was a Sunday, the air was cold and the clouds were getting in the way of the sun making its light a little bit dim. Eddie grabbed a horse and some grapes, to keep him company while he watched you read, it wasn’t weird, right? He wasn't doing anything wrong, just an innocent act of… spying. His uncle stopped him after hearing the loud steps of the horse.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m going for a ride, just to clear my head”
“No, you get back here young man” The voice of his uncle was louder, firmer, Eddie whined at the old man with a frustrated look on his face “Did you forget tomorrow you start working for real? We have to get you ready”
“Ready? I’m ready Wayne I just need a little time to myself”
“Nonsense, get back here you have to clean your armor”
They both get back in the little house, Eddie sighed as his uncle showed him the new armor.
“But it’s clean!” Eddie whined again, Wayne eyed his nephew annoyed, and tossed a cloth into the young boy’s chest.
“It’s not, it has to shine,” he said, Eddie sighed again, defeated. “C’mon”
Eddie stayed home that day, the first day he skipped his little spying routine, and thank god he did because what happened that day at 5 pm would’ve broken his heart.
“Just one kiss, please?” Jason said to you, getting the book out of your hands and throwing it aside.
“You are drunk at 5 pm? What is wrong with you?”
“Nothing! Just kiss me” he leaned in closer to your face, fingers touching your jaw “We are getting married, don’t you remember?”
“I do, I think about it every day and it makes me so sick, now I have a migraine because of your little tantrum” You push him away, and with all the strength in your body, gravity played a little turn and betrayed you, making you fall on top of him on the floor.
“Are we going to practice?” Jason had a grin on his face, his hands tightening on your waist. You get up quickly at the feeling of his touch, fixing up your dress you leave the room, not after scoffing at him and his absurd behavior.
On Monday, the kingdoms were throwing a celebration in honor of King Craven’s 60th birthday. Everyone in town was celebrating, having a big party for themselves with the excuse of their least-favorite King. The servants were getting the party started, Queen Craven decided to go with a ball instead of a casual dinner, where people from other towns would come to see the castle and have fun with beautiful gowns and expensive jewelry.
After Eddie met with the Willow king and queen, his new job was taking care of their little princess. He was excited about it but also nervous. He’s getting a chance to spend time with you, to watch you for a few more minutes than usual. It was a new sensation for him, some kind of anxiety mixed with enthusiasm, walking around with a heavy metal armor over his body relaxed him a bit, it was making pressure on his chest so his heart wouldn’t burst out, the only ‘bad’ thing was he didn’t have to wear a helmet, he was afraid his grin was too big on his face and decided to look for an empty room to make a little dance of celebration.
Finally one of the doors opens, and thanks to his bad luck he finds your room. You are currently in a large undergarment, looking at yourself in the mirror and making a disgusted face. You didn’t have a corset on because you hated them, but something was off with your self-esteem that day.
“Sorry, sorry i-” he said, stunned to speak at the sight of the beautiful princess. He also dreamed of seeing your body, it was better than his imagination would have pictured. The parts of your naked skin were glowing, he closed his fist trying to keep himself on edge, the desire of touching you, feeling your soft skin with his fingertips, and placing kisses all over you made Eddie turn around quickly, closing his eyes in an attempt to memorize what he just saw.
“Wait! Don’t go!” you said, getting in your dress as quickly as possible as he touched the door handle “Can you tie up my dress? It’s pretty difficult for me since i can’t reach”
Eddie opened his eyes wider, trying to ease his breathing and slowly coming up to you ‘Your wish is my command’ he said to himself.
He nods in your direction and gets closer, you move your hair to one side so Eddie can tie up the dress easier, and with his big fingers, he takes the laces of the dress tightening up a little, and makes a secure knot on your back.
“Please make sure you add a bow, i-it looks better that way” You peek your head over your shoulder for a second, he nods again and tries to make a proper bow, but it turned out nicely than he thought.
He rests his hands on your waist, looking at your reflection in the mirror, you keep checking if the dress looks good and trying to fix some parts of it that look loose. You didn’t mind Eddie’s touch, you knew who he was and what he was doing here (kind of). You were happy inside, you always wanted Eddie as a friend since that night when you were kids, and now you can keep him close, even better, speak to him and get to know him.
“Thank you, Eddie,” you say, getting out of your pool of thoughts.
“You remember me?” he asks, eyebrows crinkled on his face, and you giggle looking at his surprised face.
“How could I forget such a pretty face?” Eddie flushes instantaneously.
“Me? You are the one who looks speechless” you blush, the little flirt game making your heart flutter.
“You think so? I believe this dress has something wrong, do you?”
Eddie takes his time to reply, looking at your reflection again he keeps looking for the mistake you were searching for earlier, but he seems to miss it. He gets brave enough to trace your waist and torso with his fingers, going up from your back and resting his hands on your exposed shoulders, rubbing them delicately. You shiver at his touch, something that you have never felt before, your tummy starts to feel funny and your breath hitches, the boy behind you is quick to notice your little squirm, he laughs at it and gently takes his hands off you, you miss his touch already.
“I don’t think so, it looks… you look really good” he says, giving you a look of reassurance. He misses your skin too, it’s been just a couple of seconds since his fingers ignited with your warm skin and now his hands are too cold for his liking. You turn around in a quick twist, locking eyes with him.
“So… you work here now,” you ask him, getting lost in his chocolate eyes.
“Yes, from now on”
“What do you have to do?” His cheeks feel warm being close to you, now he hates the armor that protects his chest from the warmth of your body.
“I have to take care of you, actually” You are quick to notice he is trying to hide a big smile “Your mom kept talking about your little trips to the outside and she wants someone to protect you”
“You think I need protection?” you cross your arms in front of your chest, Eddie brings his attention to your little act trying to look tough and he gets lost in your cleavage for a minute.
“N-no, I’m sure you are fine” he shakes his head and finds your eyes again “Since you’ve been back without a scratch i know you got everything under control, i mean… she only wants to keep me close to you so she can relax” he curses at himself for feeling so nervous all of a sudden, the fact that he didn’t know about your trips to the woods outside the kingdoms makes his blood boil, he kept tabs on you every day, all day, how did he miss this?
“I’m pretty sure she thinks there are monsters out there” you laugh, covering your mouth with your hand “i only go out to read, sometimes i need to clear my head and be somewhere new, you know?” He nods, he understands perfectly, that’s what he said to his uncle just yesterday.
“Yes, but now I'll be doing my job and watching you” ‘like i used to’ he thinks to himself.
“Alright, i don’t mind you doing your job” You roll your eyes and turn around “I have to keep getting ready, can you wait outside?”
“Yes, of course” he leans his head to the front and you giggle at his movements “I’ll leave you to it”you giggle at his movements “I’ll leave you to it”
“I’ll take a lot of time, you can just go get some food and I’ll find you in the kitchen”
“If you need something i’ll be there, i have to take you to the Craven kingdom in an hour”
“Perfect, i’ll find you there” he leaves your room after listening to your words, you look at him with a soft smile before he closes the door and you run to the bathroom to clear your head.
You quickly realize you miss his touch on your body, the pool on your panties confirms it. You lift your dress and sit on the edge of the bathroom, reaching for your pussy and rubbing your clit over your clothes with your fingers, closing your eyes, and trying to focus on him. His masculine scent comes back to you, remembering his fingers touching you and the way he looked so good in that armor, you made sure to remember he had been working out to get the job. Your imagination takes you far beyond, it was almost as you were listening to his moans, but no, it can be, he is in the kitchen at this moment. Maybe he is eating a tiny cookie with his big hands, crust getting all over his mouth, maybe he is eating a cupcake while he gets frosting over his fingers and he sucks them clean, eating the bottom part while licking at his sugary lips.
But you were wrong, he wasn’t in the kitchen, he came back a couple of seconds after you went into the bathroom. He wanted to ask you something before you had to be in a public space, surrounded by people he didn’t like. But you weren’t there, he got worried for a second until his ears started ringing, recognizing your voice through the bathroom door and your shaky moans. His cock got hard just hearing you breathe in and out with a fast rhythm, he quickly got his hand under his pants and started to rub his dick, moaning at your pretty noises not noticing you could hear him, he managed to run to a bathroom close to your room to release his cum and wash his hands after. You did the same in your bathroom, quickly cleaning your cum so it doesn’t drip onto your clothes.
If that’s how both of you get after seeing each other for less than an hour, it would be worse when you have to be together day and night.
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sorry i ended up like this :) if you want more i’ll be happy to write it, leave some ideas of what should happen next i’ll be reading you ♡ feedback is appreciated! don't forget to REBLOG TO SUPPORT THE AUTHOR!
tags: @stephanie-nicks76 ty for commenting luv. join my taglist in the form or comment here
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isawritesshit · 10 months
Okay, so now that I have your attention, remember how I said I was gonna continue my Gojo series over the weekend?
(Btw, if you want, prologue and first chapter are up on that story so you can go read it and then come back to harrass me about not continuing it for forever because I have writer's block)
Well... I may or may not have come up with another Gojo series...
It's kinda an AU of the series I have already started. Basically, our lovely and sexy reader is actually a daughter of the Kamo Clan leader and had been betrothed to Gojo from a young age (yes, this is gonna be one of those arranged marriage things). Reader is basically trained to become the perfect wife for him, essentially mental abuse and being told her whole life that the best way to serve her family was to become an object for him.
So, when Reader goes home with Gojo after their wedding, she expects him to basically be what she was trained for him to be (demanding, a bitch, etc.). However, what Reader doesn't know, is that Gojo has been in love with Reader since he first saw her when they were children, and basically, he teaches the reader to love herself. Plus, there's going to be plot involved.
I'm gonna put what I have for the prologue under the cut. Tell me if y'all wanna see more of this because I low-key just might write it anyways :)
cw: obv themes of force/arranged marriage, hints of mental abuse, mentions of sex, but overall mostly fluffy.
People would say that if there was one thing that Gojo Satoru was not, it would be committed. Not in all ways, however. Satoru was very committed to his sorcery, to the protection of ordinary people and the balance of the their world and the jujutsu one. It was relationships that he struggled with. Yes, he had always had an authority problem, both growing up and even now, so his relationships with jujutsu elders and other clan leaders were never good to begin with, especially when he became a clan leader himself and took up the title as “The World’s Strongest Sorcerer”. However, his friends? Sure he cared deeply for them, but he could never show them that, lest he risk the possibility of them getting hurt for that same reason. Lovers? Absolutely not. They would last a week at best, hence why his friends would say he had commitment issues. 
But not many people knew that Gojo was betrothed to be married, and if there was one thing that he could say that he was committed to, it was that. 
And not just because he knew that the responsibility of upholding the Gojo Clan’s honor and survival was on his shoulders, but also for a reason no one could have predicted. 
The first time Satoru had seen his future bride, they were both young, too young to understand why each of their parents were sitting across from one another, why the most important members of the Kamo clan were staring him down when he was barely five years old. But then his parents asked to see you, and that’s when everything changed. 
You were brought into the room by a caregiver and left in between the two families like you were some kind of meal. A veil-like mask covered the front of your face from the nose down. Your wide eyes looked about. First at your caregiver, who stepped out of the room with a bow, then to your parents, who didn’t even look back at you, then to his parents, and then, finally, to him, the only other child in the room. 
Gojo Satoru didn’t know it at the time, but it was at that moment that he had fallen in love with you. That same day, it was agreed upon that the two of you would wed when he was 25 and shortly after you turned 24. That seemed like such a long time, but… Satoru decided that maybe he would try to get to know you when he saw you next. 
Unfortunately, that wasn’t possible. Both of your families kept each of you on a tight leash, and neither were inclined to meet with one another just because the Gojo heir wanted to see his bride. They were rival clans after all, with a long history of vendettas and alliances. 
However, just because Satoru saw you once didn’t mean he stopped thinking of you. Even as a pre-teen, he sounded your name in his head, sometimes aloud when he was alone. Kamo (Y/N). It was one of the few things he knew about you, other than what your eyes looked like. He knew that those eyes had likely changed over the years since the first time he saw you, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t think about them. About you. 
There were a few other things Satoru knew about you. You were the only daughter of Arao Kamo, the Kamo Clan head. Not only that, you were the youngest child and had three older brothers, all of whom he had never met before. He would take in what his parents would tell him about you, though it wasn’t much. Only that you had a different cursed technique from the blood manipulation that ran strong in the Kamo line, and that you were naturally beautiful for your age. 
But Satoru wanted to know more. He wanted to know what your interests were and if they were similar to his. He wanted to know more about your cursed technique and what kind of training you had received. He knew that you would receive some kinds of etiquette and liberal arts education, as was normal for daughters of the clans to do, but did you like any of those things? What foods do you like? How have you grown? 
What did the rest of your face look like? That was the question that replayed constantly in his head after Satoru was notified that him and his parents were to meet with you again to make some further updates to the arrangement. Maybe this would be his chance for him to finally speak with you, to get to know you. 
But it was just the same as before, only this time, the both of you were 13. There was no caregiver to bring you in, and no other Kamo representatives other than your mother and father, whom you sat beside. 
Satoru remembered staring at you the whole time, taking you in. His parents didn’t lie. You were beautiful and he hadn’t even seen all of you, and you also carried yourself maturely for a young girl. Your eyes had changed, of course, more grown but still just as wide and lively as he remembered. Your face was no longer obscured by a mask, and instead, you held a delicate fan that matched the kimono you wore, covering your face as you listened intently while your parents spoke, but never speaking yourself. 
You never once looked in his direction.
The meeting concluded before he knew it had begun. His parents had needed confirmation of your fertility, since they were to be among the first to be notified when you started your cycle. However, in an offer that was a bit unexpected, your father had requested that the marriage date be moved up five years, to which his parents agreed. That part made Satoru ecstatic. Instead of waiting 12 years, he now would only have to wait seven. 
And with that, you bowed and departed behind your parents, swift and silent. Satoru tried not to look like he was running as he tried to catch another glimpse at you when his parents excused him, but when he peered out the nearest window that overlooked the front lawn where you had arrived, you were already gone. 
And so, Satoru would go another seven years. Another seven years of thinking of you, dreaming of you, wondering what you looked like behind your fan and cosmetics. He had hoped to see you enrolled in the same class as him at Jujutsu Tech, though he knew for a fact that you most likely would not be. Your parents, more so your father, he realized, protected and sheltered you more than ever after that second meeting. He had expected you not to show up to that first day of school, but when that first day was over and you actually didn’t, a small part of his heart still sank. 
Satoru did take some females to bed during the next seven years you spent apart, mostly out of curiosity as to what sex felt like, but also by persuasion of his friends. However, his friends would get confused as to why he would never allow those girls to stay the next morning, or why he would insist on wearing a condom even when they gave him permission to finish inside. He would give the excuse (thought it really was the truth) that he actually wasn’t that interested, or that he also wanted to protect against STDs (the latter was a great insult that had women storming out on him, to his relief). In reality, he wanted his first real time, his first enjoyable time, to be with you. Even if he was allowed to take on any amounts of lovers he wanted both in marriage and out of it, he felt guilty knowing that you had to save yourself for him. So, in a way, he was saving himself for you too. 
As the years came closer and closer, he began to think of you more, trying to subtly gather more information on you, to little avail. He knew that this pining and longing could be considered childish, but he didn’t care. Was it wrong to want to come to love, to already be in love, with the person he was to spend the rest of his life and create a family with? Satoru certainly didn’t think so. However, that didn’t mean he was without restraint. After his parents had passed and the mantle of the Gojo Clan leader was given to him, he didn’t try or demand to see you. After all, the two of you could still be considered strangers. Hell that is what you were, he had to remind himself. He figured it would be best to keep you with your family and not disturb your current life, especially since you would be seeing your family less once you came to live with him (but also because he didn’t want you to see him as some obsessed maniac). He decided he would be patient and wait, which would make your first real meeting with him all the more sweeter. 
Those seven years passed by too fast, he realized as he stood in the center of a magnificent shrine in what could have been the most spectacular and slightly uncomfortable outfit he had ever worn. Your family surrounded him on almost all sides as they awaited your arrival at sunset. Your parents and brothers sat off to one side of the room, and he could feel their eyes on him the entire hour that he stood there. After what seemed like an eternity, your headpiece peaked slowly over the hill as you ascended the path to the shrine. He held his breath. 
He noticed your eyes again first. 
They were downcast, melancholy, almost near lifeless. Not the lively pools of color he remembered and saw so often in his dreams. Your blank expression was such a contrast to the splendor of your being. Indeed, he thought that he was being pledged to a goddess, with the way your updone hair and headpiece played in the golden sunlight, the way the whites, golds, and reds of your wedding kimono and wraps made you look like a princess, and the way your face, your whole face, looked like it was extracted from a star. To put simply, you were the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. 
Finally, you found your place beside him, your hands clasped in the folds of your long sleeves. It took you standing this close to realize how much smaller you were than him, though he immediately recognized how your face and demeanor had shaped into womanhood since he last saw you. He would catch glimpses of you when he could throughout the ceremony, taking in more of the newest features that you had laid out for him. His heart was beating rapidly, hoping that you would look back at him at least once. 
But you never did, even when you presented one another with ceremonial wine or when you took his arm to leave the shrine for the reception dinner that was filled to the brim with Kamo Clan members and other officials. As soon as you both entered that reception, your fan was over your face. You didn’t say a word to him the whole time, so he never said anything to you. 
A cold sweat had laid itself over Satoru as you said goodbye to your family members. It wasn’t the type of goodbye that he would expect a family to give to their only daughter. There was no affection, no emotion shown, as if leaving your family was merely another ceremony. And then you turned back to him, eyes still looking down of course, and got into his car without a word. 
Satoru could tell that something was wrong and off about you. Sure, you had carried yourself gracefully throughout the entire evening. Every movement you had made between walking and eating and sitting was done to absolute perfection. Maybe it was those monotone movements that were his first sign. No, it wasn’t that. It had to be your eyes. Why were they always so emotionless? Why did you never look up at him? What had happened to you since the last time he saw you?
At least your fan wasn’t up. That he could be thankful for. Satoru sighed. He couldn’t help but feel like the happiest day of his life, the one where he finally got to be with the girl he had loved for 15 years, was the saddest day of your own. He wanted to ask about it so bad, now that he had you alone, but he didn’t. He would just look at you ever so often as you watched the scenery pass by through the car window. Maybe this was your way of taking everything in, and he didn't want to disrupt that. He trusted that you would talk when you were ready.
He waited for you to say something, but you remained silent as the car stopped and he walked you up the stairs to the front door of his home estate. Your new home. In a perfect world, in what he had imagined previously, you would have been smiling and excited as he picked you up to walk you through the doorway. In that world, you would have hugged and kissed him as he twirled you around and around in your own private celebration. The door closing behind him brought him back to reality. You stood in the center of his grand foyer, taking in dark polished wood and rich splendor of your new dwelling place. The space was only illuminated by shaded lamps and a dim glass chandelier. A new couch, your couch, was against one wall, one of the many of your belongings that had been moved in a week ago. Satoru decided to sit on that couch while you stood in the center of the room, looking down, not moving. 
He couldn’t take this anymore. It was like you treated the floor as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. As if he, your new husband, wasn’t sitting ten feet away from you. He even considered the possibility of you being deaf or mute for a moment. No, he didn’t know what to do, other than speak to you. But what to say? Are you feeling okay? Are you happy? Sad? Were your clothes uncomfortable? How come you didn’t speak or look at him? At anyone? Was it something you were afraid of? Were you afraid of…
That had to be it. 
“Are you afraid of me?”
(please lmk what you guys think)
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eliteseven · 5 months
Not the same anon but I would also love jealous Shadowheart HCs. A one shot would be amazing if you can but no pressure!
Jealous Shadowheart HC's, by Popular Demand (3 ppl).
I've long said this, but Shadowheart doesn't do jealousy. I think she's never had to. She grew up in the cloister- we know she mentioned having secret trysts or flings or w/e, but no serious relationships. She thought she was training to be a weapon, really. So...relationships- monogamy- I don't know if it ever crossed her mind? Probably not her scene.
Also, while I love her confidence, "I know I'm beautiful, but it's nice of you to say" etc. I think she's accustomed to suitors bending over backwards for her, but a lot of the time it was superficial- none of them knew her, it was purely physical.
All this to say: she's never had the inclination of being possessive of anyone, until...Tav.
Tav comes along with her stupidly tender touches and that look she gives Shadowheart, like she's the most resplendent being she's ever met. Shadowheart realizes she wants that all to herself forever. But Tav loves everything about her- her temper, her less than composed moments. For the first time in her life, Shadowheart's in love 💕
Shadowheart isn't oblivious- Tav is beautiful, she's going to get her fair share of attention. Tav's a people person, and she has a background in nobility- which meant a lot of schmoozing and cajoling. She has a way of enticing people- but unlike Shadowheart, she's never really weaponized it. She isn't really aware of how she draws people in (which pisses Shart off lol)
Most of the time, Shadowheart is content to let it happen. But for those lingering gazes on Tav? The way the barmaid touches her arm when she leans over suggestively to serve her? Nah Shadowheart is not standing for it! She will tilt Tav's chin and kiss her senseless in front of the entire tavern. If there are bedrooms (or perhaps even a hidden corner) Shadowheart is making use of them immediately.
Maybe it's a little residual Sharran domme energy in her, but Shadowheart expresses her discontent in the bedroom by marking Tav up. The camp pretends not to notice Tav's neck the next morning. (Tav fully encourages this behavior 😅)
The one subject that riles Shadowheart up every time: Tav's past in Cormyr. I won't mince words- Tav was a noble, pent up in her estate with stuffy rules, dying to live, bound for an arranged marriage she wanted no part of.... When Tav gets to Cormyr, she has a time. 👀 She might not be as experienced as Shadowheart, but she's certainly picked up a thing or ten in the near decade she was there.
If Tav has a "close friend" from her past in Cormyr that she references fondly every once in a while, whew...Shadowheart can't help but imagine who might have had her Tav wrapped around their finger.
Now, IF Shadowheart were to ever meet this friend, say she made it to the cottage for some ungodly reason:
Shart would obviously try to play it cool (She's too proud to admit she's jealous outright). Instead, she's draping herself across Tav, sitting on her lap, stealing kisses. She's generally very kind hearted now, but idk I can see her reverting back to her old ways for a bit. She’s definitely making some of those famous biting comments.
Tav tries to defuse it and keep her even keeled but sometimes it's so hard bc Shadowheart is pettyyyyy 😭💀
Tav: So, why don't we swap stories? Do you remember-
Shart: Yes, Tav, do you remember the night we bathed in the pools outside the House of the Moon and you spread my-
Tav: -Anyway, have you met Buttons?!
(I will try my best on the one shot but I have so many WIP's at the moment so maybe we can work it in elsewhere?)
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
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Pairing : FWB!Bangchan x F!Reader TW : suggestive content ; not actual smut though ; lots of cussing ; fighting ; angst with no happy ending ; Word Count : 4.3k Request : can i request a fic ? it can be any skz member you think best fits but i was thinking Chan… being fwb w him & when you go out together & run into old friends or family & they ask who he is you introduce him as just a friend but he gets upset because he thought you two were dating? 😬 if you’re able to can you make it extra angsty ? ☺️ A/N : Of course I can make it extra angsty! I've been thinking about this fic and how I'd write it for a good bit, and now I've finally got it! I hope this is angsty enough!! Thank you anonny for the request!!
Friends… They were essential in most people's lives. Friends were always there for you when you needed them, whether it was for a good time or a shoulder to cry on. Friends were important, and everyone loved having them. There were so many different kinds of friends too, and they all, in a way, served the same purpose. Friends were there to make you feel needed, wanted, they made you feel important when it seemed like no one else would. 
A… Beneficial friend was no different. When you needed something, that friend would be right there to give you exactly what you needed, and in a way, those kinds of friends were the best. There were no strings attached to that kind of friendship, and in most cases, you didn’t even have to hang out together. It was an easy going type of friendship that was simply there for both of your satisfaction. There was no requirement to text or call everyday, no obligation to actually spend any significant amount of time together. One might say that it was the easiest kind of relationship. 
A… Beneficial friend was no different. When you needed something, that friend would be right there to give you exactly what you needed, and in a way, those kinds of friends were the best. There were no strings attached to that kind of friendship, and in most cases, you didn’t even have to hang out together. It was an easy going type of friendship that was simply there for both of your satisfaction. There was no requirement to text or call everyday, no obligation to actually spend any significant amount of time together. One might say that it was the easiest kind of relationship. 
The friendship with Chan had started off how most of these types of arrangements would. You met online, and neither of you actually wanted a serious relationship. There was no time for that kind of commitment in either of your lives, but you both were needy and touch starved, it was a match made in heaven one might say, except the match was made solely for sinful purposes. 
Now, he was old fashioned about it, which is kind of silly to say considering nothing about what the two of you would be looked at as old fashioned in any way, shape or form. He wanted to get to know you first, and while it seemed like an unnecessary extra hurdle to go through just to get him in your bed or vice versa, you humored him. The conversation only lasted about 30 minutes, maybe an hour before he had you pinned down on the couch, which was exactly what you had wanted, but he had learned a little bit about you, and in the few moments that you were able to actually pay attention to what he was saying instead of how absolutely sexy he was, you had learned a bit about him too. 
Things had gone on like that for a good while, maybe a month or two. He’d come over and you’d both pretend to be interested in what the other had to say, but it only lasted so long before your hands were on one another and you’d both end up sweaty and tangled together. Most of the time you didn’t even make it to your room, your desperateness causing you to get what you needed wherever and whenever you could, whether that was on the living room couch, the floor, sometimes even the kitchen counter. You didn’t even care, and it seemed like he didn’t either. 
After those few months, he started bringing over snacks and drinks, and honestly, you didn’t really mind. You were parched, and so hungry after what the two of you did, that sometimes you didn’t even bother getting off of him before reaching over to grab something to snack on or one of the many water bottles to get a sip of before starting round 3 or 4. 
You did get comfortable around him, it was hard not to since he was over your apartment at least 3 times a week. Still, he was just a friend. Of course, that didn’t mean that the two of you didn’t watch movies together, and sometimes you’d eat dinner together, hell, you’d even cuddle up with him to watch movies or tv shows. It was still just a friend thing though, because at the end-or the beginning- of any of those things, it always started with the sex, and that was the main… the only reason you were still seeing him. He gave you what you wanted whenever you wanted it, and you gave him what he wanted. It was the most perfect, non stressful agreement and you absolutely loved it. 
“Chan…” You mumbled tiredly, shifting out from underneath his arm that had been heavily draped over your chest. He stirred slightly, but his arm only wrapped around you, trapping you beside him and against the mattress. “Chan!” You whispered out his name forcefully, trying to wake him up just enough to be free of his hold. 
“Sleeping.” He responded, not even partially pulled from his slumber to respond, yawning softly before turning his head away from you. He was always like this the morning after, it was annoyingly cute, but right now you were hungry, your mouth was dry, and instead of being annoyingly cute, it was flat out annoying. 
The muscles that you had gripped onto so tightly when he was rocking his hips into you last night were now so constricting, and you couldn’t seem to move them off of you even an inch. “Dammit, Chan.” You groaned, straining once more to get out from under his hold, and somehow, by the grace of whatever was out there, you got out, letting out a loud huff as you finally stood from the bed. 
“Rude.” He grumbled, finally lifting his head from the pillow, but his smile let you know that he was teasing, his eyes squinted to try to block out the light that was shining in through the window behind you. “Where ya goin’?” He asked, pushing himself up to reveal that he was still shirtless, his muscles contracting as he lifted himself onto his knees on the bed. 
“Hungry, gonna make breakfast.” You responded, trying not to look at him too long, knowing it would just lead into another round that your legs just wouldn’t be able to handle this early in the morning. You were exhausted still, but you were hungry, so hungry. 
A sheepish look spread across his face as he watched you get dressed, and he let out a soft sigh. “About that…” He started, and you looked up from the pants that you were grabbing off the floor to stare at him, waiting for him to tell you about just what he looked so guilty about. “I got hungry in the middle of the night and I ate the rest of your cereal… I thought that we could just go to the store together and get something when we woke up.” 
There were a lot of problems with what he had just told you. First off, he had eaten your cereal, which wasn’t such a big deal, but you knew that if you had to go out to get more you wouldn’t want it once you got back home. The second problem, the biggest problem, was the fact that he wanted to go out to the store… with you. That was a big no no, no one had ever seen the two of you together, and you wanted to keep it that way. It wasn’t because you were embarrassed of him, not in the slightest, but if you ran into someone that you knew, they’d ask about him and you didn’t want to get into that kind of conversation. 
But, alas, you didn’t want to pay for the cereal, especially not after he had been the one who finished it off. “Alright… just get ready fast, I’m hungry and it’s your fault.” He shot you a smug smile that you quickly looked away from, rolling your eyes as you walked out of the bedroom. 
You heard the rustling of jeans being pulled on and the soft grunt as he stretched, a sound that had become all too familiar to your ears after he had spent so many nights. “Okay, I’m ready! What are you waiting for? Let’s go!” He exclaimed, walking past you to grab his shoes and pull them on. He was so fucking annoying sometimes, and it took everything in you not to smack him for it. “You say you’re hungry but you’re taking forever!” 
You narrowed your eyes at him as you slipped your feet into your shoes and grabbed your purse off the hook. “Such an ass.” You muttered as you moved past him to open the door, his arm shooting up over your head to hold it open as you walked through. “And you’re paying. I actually think I want the works for breakfast, ya know, bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes. Everything.” 
Of course, you were being a smartass. You knew that if you actually wanted all of that, you’d have to help make it and you weren’t up for that much work this early in the morning. 
He smiled to you, nodding his head in agreement. “We’ll get the works then. I cook a mean brekky.” His lopsided grin, the way his eyes squinted up whenever he smiled. He truly could have any girl he wanted, yet here he was, quite alright with being simply fuck buddies with you. You counted yourself lucky, because you truly did enjoy those nights with him and how he made you feel. 
“Y/N!?” The voice called out to you as you walked down the aisle towards the eggs. The store hadn’t been packed, and that’s the only reason you had chosen this particular store. You didn’t want to be seen with him, and you were sure he didn’t want to be seen with you by anyone that knew either of you personally.
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, the voice was so familiar and how could it not be? It was your best friend's voice, and usually you’d whip around to gush about how coincidental it was that you’d run into each other here at this hour. Instead, you started walking faster, pushing the cart ahead of you and almost crashing into someone that was coming around the corner. “I think someone is calling for you.” Chan mused, and you glared up at him, your tongue pressing against the inside of your cheek as you shook your head at him. 
“Yeah? No shit…” You muttered rather harshly, but quickly changed your expression as you turned around to see your friend rushing over to you. “Hey!” You put it on thick, pretending to be excited to see her, but you saw her eyes glance at Bangchan and then back at you, the corner of her lips pulling up. 
“Who’s this? You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend!” Now she was gushing, practically eyefucking him as she continued to look him over. This was exactly why you didn’t want to be out in public with him. Not because your friend was looking at him like she wanted to jump his bones right now, for that, you could care less, he wasn’t yours to get jealous over anyway. No, it was because of the immediate assumption, the conclusions that people would jump to. 
“I didn’t tell you I had a boyfriend because I don’t have a boyfriend.” You retorted, trying to keep up your playfully enthusiastic tone. “He’s just my friend. I ran out of cereal and he’s the only one who has a car, so I asked him to take me to the store.” A white lie never hurt anyone, and it wasn’t even that big of a lie in the first place. You had run out of cereal, and he did have a car that he could drive you to the store in, and you had asked him to take you. So actually, it wasn’t a lie at all. 
Chan didn’t say anything, and that was a good thing. You didn’t want him slipping up and telling your friend what was really going on. Not that you thought she’d judge you for it, she had friendships like this multiple times. It’s just that, while she was open to spilling the beans of her business to you so carelessly, you were far more reserved about what was going on in your private life, especially what went on in your bedroom. 
“I really have to get done my shopping though, I’ll catch up with you some other time.” You said, hoping that she’d take the very obvious hint that you were just trying to get in and out of there, and thankfully, she did. She waved a quick goodbye to you and Chan before walking away and you let out a small sigh of relief, ready to continue on with your little shopping trip, but then he started walking away too. “Hey, where are you going? You said you’d get the stuff for breakfast!” You called after him, leaving the cart in the middle of the aisle to follow him when he didn’t turn around. 
“I’ll wait in the car.” He said flatly, there was no sign of him joking or teasing right now, he sounded so serious. What the fuck was his problem? “Just get your stuff and I’ll drop you back off at your apartment.” He didn’t wait for your response, walking through an empty checkout lane quickly to get to the exit and walk out of the store. 
You could continue your shopping, hoping that whatever had crawled up his ass in the short span of the two minutes that your friend had stopped the both of you, would crawl right back out while he was waiting for you. You didn’t want to though, especially since you had left your purse in his car, under the assumption that he was going to pay for the groceries anyway. You had no choice but to follow him out. 
What had happened though? He seemed fine earlier, nothing had even changed. “Hey!” You called out once more when you walked out of the store, seeing that he hadn’t even made it through the parking lot to his car yet. “Chan!” You called out again when he didn’t even acknowledge your calling, but he kept his back facing you. It didn’t hurt, it was just agitating. He was being a real asshole right now, and he didn’t even have the common courtesy to tell you why. 
It was so embarrassing, sprinting across the parking lot to get to the car at the same time that he did. You never chased after people, it just wasn’t something that you did. If someone didn’t want to be around you, you didn’t care, if someone didn’t want to talk to you, well that was better since you didn’t actually like talking to people either. “What?” He snapped when you stood between him and the driver's door, and it took you back a little. Why the hell was he so mad at you? 
“The fuck you mean ‘what’? What the hell is your problem?” You huffed out, slightly breathless from your trek across the lot. He was putting you through some extra work and that pissed you off. He scoffed, turning away from you, and your skin was crawling with agitation. Why was he like this? “If you wanna be a little bitch, fine. But don’t take it out on me, especially since I don’t know what your fucking problem is.” 
His hands flew up in the air before landing on the roof of the car on either side of your head. It was crazy how, even though things were heated and definitely not in any way sexual at all, being pinned against the car by him between his very muscular arms, had you feeling all types of ways. “No… No you know what the problem is, you just don’t want to fucking face it. And if anyone is a bitch, it’s you.” Your mouth dropped open and your eyes widened, not used to him talking to you like that ever. Shit, even if you had asked for him to speak to you like that in the bedroom, he would refuse. It just wasn’t like him. 
You shook your head, shoving him back, finally snapping back to the reality that was in front of you. “Maybe if you fucking told me what was the problem I’d actually know. Instead you want to act like a dick in the parking lot. Go off though, I’ll wait in the car for your little conniption fit to be over and then maybe you’ll be ready to talk to an actual fucking adult.” You snapped back, storming around the front of the car to climb in, slamming the door shut once you were seated. The ride would be awkward as hell, that you were already well aware of, but you didn’t care. You needed to get home. 
He stood outside of the car for a couple more seconds, maybe even a whole minute, you weren’t exactly counting, but once he got in you could feel the anger radiating off of him. “Anything else you want to use me for?” He muttered humorlessly once he was inside, shoving his key into the ignition. 
His words threw you for a loop, and while you had so much to say to him, so many questions, it wouldn’t be wise to speak those questions while he was driving. He was clearly upset, and while your mind was slowly but surely piecing together the puzzle, you wanted to hear from him what was really going on. 
Thankfully you were wearing your seatbelt, because as soon as he got out front of your apartment, he slammed on the brakes, the sudden jolt sending you forward in your seat, the belt training against your chest, you were mere inches away from the dashboard. “You’re such a fucking asshole.” You seethed, quickly unhooking the belt and pushing open the door. 
“You’re not gonna invite me inside? Or do you only do that when you think I’ll give you my dick?” He retorted cockily, and it was like everything turned red, the anger inside of you reaching its boiling point. 
You were already out of the car, you could have just slammed the door shut and walked up to your apartment and left him out there to sort through his own shit, but something inside of you told you to keep it going, and maybe it was the excitement of what might come at the end of the argument. “That was the fucking agreement, Chan!” You shouted back to him, leaning into the car so that he could hear you, so you could see him. “And you didn’t seem to have a problem with it when it first started!” 
His hands slammed down on the steering wheel as he let out a disgruntled groan, and then his head snapped in your direction. “Close the fucking door!” He shouted, and you couldn’t help but scream, backing up and slamming the door as you stepped up on the curb. It was frustrating, he was so fucking frustrating. Why did you even continue to humor him and his ridiculous antics? You wouldn’t… Not when he was acting this way. He was making you out to be some sort of fucking villain. 
You didn’t bother to watch him drive off, whatever he was doing now was his own business. That’s how it always was, how it was set up to be. Whatever he did outside of your apartment was his own thing, whatever the two of you did when you weren’t together was none of each other's business. “Stupid fucking… fuck!” You sighed loudly, stomping up the stairs to your apartment. The way he was acting, it was out of line. You had never seen him like this before, and even though you knew that you shouldn’t want it, a part of you did want him to come chasing after you, to continue the argument in your apartment when it would end just the way you wanted it to. 
“I wasn’t finished!” He called out, the sound of his steps racing up the stairs had your heart racing as your key hung out of the lock in your front door. “I guess that’s what you do best though. Once you’re done with me you can act like I don’t even exist anymore. I’m nothing but a friend to you.” The anger was there, it was definitely still there, but there was something else too. A pain that could be heard, his words were laced with it. 
You twisted the key harshly, throwing open the door, about to storm into your apartment, but he took it upon himself to walk in ahead of you, only furthering your annoyance with him. “I already fucking told you!” You shouted once you were inside, slamming the door behind you before turning to look at him as he stood in the middle of the entryway. “This was the agreement! No commitment, no strings, nothing! That’s how it’s supposed to fucking be!” 
His hand slammed against the wall, his head falling back as he stared up at the ceiling. You saw his adams apple bob, his swallowing was so loud. “I don’t… I don’t want it to be like this anymore…” He said, no more shouting, no more anger, it was nothing but the pain that had completely taken over. You were stunned, and if you had known that this is what he wanted it to turn into, you would have called it off before it had even started. 
“That’s ridiculous, Christopher.” You muttered, and his face scrunched up at the sound of his name, a name that you never used with him before. It was strictly off limits, but you were using it, you were just as serious as he was now. 
“Is it?” He quizzed, looking at you out of the corner of his eye. “I just thought that that’s the way it would end up. I mean… I’ve been spending the night here almost every fucking night. We have movie nights, date nights… We don’t even fuck that much anymore. I just come over and you seem so happy to see me… I just thought…” 
You shook your head, immediately regretting the decision that your past self had made to agree to those kinds of nights, those kinds of moments that had obviously given him the wrong impression. “I like spending time with you… But I didn’t want a boyfriend. I’m not ready for that, I don’t have the time…” 
His palm came down against the wall once more, his entire body swiveling to face you. “Bullshit!” He shouted it loudly, the anger back, and it was coming at you full force this time. “You don’t have time for a boyfriend, but you’re available every fucking day and night as long as you get to fuck me, right?! That’s bull and you know it!” 
Your jaw was set as you felt the tears coming on, you didn’t want them to fall because he’d assume, like he clearly does all the time, that they mean you feel bad, when they were nothing more than tears of anger from being yelled at like this. “Fine! I have a whole lot of fucking time on my hands. But what if… What if I just don’t want to date you? I don’t want to date anyone! I just wanted to have sex and hang out with you! Why is that so bad?!” 
He scoffed, his hands running through his hair before letting them fall down his face. “Because your selfish wants fucking hurt people, Y/N.” He said flatly, shaking his head at you. “What if I wanted something more? What if I love you? What if waking up beside you every morning is the happiest I’ve ever been, and falling asleep next to you gives me the best sleep of my life? What if I’m in love with everything about you and I don’t want to let that go? Huh?” 
You took a deep breath, it was shaky, and he was right. You were selfish, you wanted something that would clearly end up hurting him, and part of that agreement that you so carelessly had thrown in his face, was that it would end once he or you found someone. He had found someone, but sadly, that someone was you. “I’m sorry…” You mumbled, unable to even look him in the eyes now. Of course you felt guilty, you weren’t a sociopath, you had sympathy. “I just… Can’t be what you want me to be… I can’t be that for you…” 
“But you already are!” He was pleading now, his words holding in them an urgency that had your heart breaking, not for you, but for him. He just wasn’t getting it. “What difference would it make if you were my girlfriend? We’d just do the same thing that we’ve been doing. Nothing would change!” 
Your head shook quickly. He didn’t understand, and you didn’t expect him to. “It would make a big difference…” You sighed, chewing nervously on your bottom lip. “I’m sorry. I just… I can’t… I’m sorry.” 
He nodded his head slowly, his breaths shaky and his eyes glossed over. “Fine…” He muttered, walking towards your door. “Just, don’t text or call… Please. Can you at least do that for me? It’ll make it easier to get over you if I could just pretend like you don’t exist anymore.” 
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skyphloxx · 4 months
ok so um. here is a scenario ive had in the drafts for literally over a month and forgot to post. maybe with a second part idk?
i've been thinking way too damn much about clegan and johns dog coded ass and his feelings around body markings. like, hickeys and bites and bruises etc. bear with me this post got really long lmfao.
fuckin. ok. so in a scenario where john and gale are fucking on the side pretty early on after their arrival at thorpe abbots.
everyone knows bucky is a slut, right? bucky can show up with hickeys and bites and red marks and nobody will question it. he might get jeers or crooked grins, they’ll laugh and say he must’ve slept with every girl on base and half the women in london by now, but it’s expected.
buck, though? everyone knows buck’s got a girl. and maybe he wouldn’t be the first guy to say as much and then fold after months of being away from home. but everybody who knows him knows that buck cleven isn’t like that. and anyway, it would be a little odd considering how consistently he turns down any woman who makes a pass.
you see where i'm going here right.
gale can bite the fuck out of john and leave him with bruises purpling from his neck all the way down to his thighs. when they’re alone together it’s the only time he gets to loosen that iron grip he has on himself, be anything less than carefully composed and controlled. outside gale is the fearless leader, who will sometimes joke and rib but has no vices, no faults. with john he is a hungry, wanting thing, all hands and mouth and teeth.
bucky loves it at first. being desired so much kinda drives him wild, knowing that gale wants him so bad, that there’s so much heat simmering under that cool surface. but there’s also something about the act of leaving marks on him that feels like gale’s staking a claim. that bucky allowing himself to be bitten is showing allegiance, or acquiescence, or maybe ownership. something of gale is left there, written across his skin, even if nobody else knows it. the marks say that gale can do what he wants with john’s body, that john is his. he’s painted his name across john’s neck and chest.
bucky doesn’t object to this feeling. like, at all. on its own, that part is amazing. the problem is he can’t do it back to gale. buck is so paranoid about being found out, and the communal living of the barracks adds extra complications. and john understands his fears, of course he does, he knows damn well what happens to men who get blue tickets, and he’ll respect anything that’ll help buck feel safer about what they’ve been doing. he’s pretty sure he’d do anything to keep buck coming back, he needs him that badly.
he fucking hates that he has to be so careful. he wants nothing more than to give it right back to buck, to bite the same kind of lurid purple bruises across his skin. he thinks all too often of how buck would react, his shiver at the scrape of john's teeth on sensitive skin and the low breathy noises he'd make. hates that he can't have that. but mostly he hates how he can't stake any claim over gale he way he feels that gale has over him. if buck can do what he wants with john's body, if his bites mean that john is his, then the inverse must also be true: bucky can't do the same, and gale is not his. he has no claim to stake.
which makes sense, really. as far as claims go, someone's already beat him to gale. that's the whole reason the no-markings rule was established.*
it ends up serving as a little reminder to bucky: that the arrangement he and gale have worked out to keep each other sane during all this? it's temporary. when the war ends buck will be going back to build a home and share a bed with someone, and that someone won't be john. he can't forget that however much gale seems to want him in the moment, he's committed elsewhere. john is a way for him to distract himself from everything else going on around them. he thinks sometimes gale does it as much to distract john as himself. taking pity on him or something. he knows buck still loves marge more than anything. he uses her letters like a lifeline, sniffs her perfume off the paper like it might send him back to her if he works hard enough at it.
someone with a better sense of self-preservation than bucky might try to break it off, disengage, try to soften the blow when it inevitably comes, but.
the marks also remind him that he is gale's. has been. is. will be. for as long as gale will have him. bucky needs him in a way that he doesn't bother to deny to himself anymore. his chest feels heavy with it when they’re together. he knows they're on borrowed time, but that just means john's going to borrow as much of it as he can. avoiding leaving bruises or not using his teeth is nothing, really, he would do so much less (or so much more) if gale asked him, any number of humiliating, desperate things to keep gale wanting to touch him, fuck him. it's fucking pathetic, how much he needs that. john's own stupid hurt feelings are nothing, compared to how much he'd endure for it.
so of course he never brings this whole dilemma up to buck as something that bothers him. he would not dare risk throwing a wrench in their arrangement, which is perfectly functional as it is. they've made it this far via mostly unspoken agreements, mutual willingness to not talk about it more than they need to. john will not even entertain the possibility of breaking that or scaring gale off or somehow ruining what they have. he is already so well versed at suffering in silence, and really this trade off isn't bad. he used to fucking dream of this, the taste of gale's mouth or the feel of their skin pressed together. he can stand being reminded it's temporary. he can stand knowing he's pathetic.
(bucky is a lying liar to himself. he is full of resentment and frustration. he will pretend he's not full of resentment about this for as long as it's physically possible to. gale knows something is up with him but won't say anything too specific about it for the same reason john won't - they don't talk about it if they can avoid it. that's the whole point of unspoken agreements.)
*bucky has not considered that gale would be similarly paranoid even if he was not openly in a relationship and loyal to it (loyal in heavy air quotes lmfao) if not even worse, just because gale cleven is a high-strung freak underneath all the calm collected shit.
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lilareviewsbooks · 1 year
Queer Normal-World in SFF Books
Here are five books where being queer is the norm, aka there is no homophobia or transphobia at all! Not all these books are fluffy though -- most of them have heavy conflicts and a bunch of shit going down, but at least no one has a problem with anyone being gay!
These are my favorite kind of books and I have so, so many recommendations, so let me know if you ever want more of these :) And I can also absolutely do only fluffy queer books, too!
The Genesis of Misery, by Neon Yang
Mx. Yang's books are perfect for this type of prompt. The Genesis of Misery is their most recent, and the premise is absolutely killer. It follows Misery Nomaki (she/they), who is haunted by an apparition of an angel. While she is convinced she is mentally ill like her mother, and that her visions are a symptom, people around her seem more and more certain that she is actually some sort of messiah. 
I have my issues with The Genesis of Misery, but it’s a very creative sci-fi that’s worth the read. It includes mecha, interesting depictions of religion, which permeates the entire story, and, of course, excellent queer rep. We have characters who use neo-pronouns, a polyamory situationship and most characters are queer. Not to mention, it’s written by a queer and non-binary author, which is always a plus. It’s part of an on-going series, though, so be prepared to wait a little while for the sequel! 
Plus, The Locked Tomb fans might be interested to know that there’s a very cavalier-necromancer dynamic in this, and that Rebecca Roanhorse (who wrote Black Sun) described it as Joan of Arc meets Gideon The Ninth. 
Yep. You wanna read it, don’t you?
(Also, if for some reason you’re like: “gee, I really wish there was a black-and-white silent movie with a killer score that touched on these same themes”, then you should probably watch The Passion of Joan of Arc (Carl Theodor Dreyer, 1928). It’s not explicitly gay, but it is queer in my heart. And it rocks.)
The Locked Tomb Series, starting with Gideon The Ninth, by Tasmyn Muir
Since I mentioned it, I guess I might as well include The Locked Tomb in here! This is a Tumblr favorite, and with good reason, because The Locked Tomb fucking rocks. It’s hard to pitch it to someone without ruining the whole point of the series, but the first book follows a necromancer, Harrowhark and her sworn swords-woman, her cavalier, the butch-as-hell Gideon, as they’re summoned to the First House to compete to become Lyctors, the companions of God. 
Yeah, I know that’s a lot, and, to be honest, it’s probably not gonna make much sense to you at many points throughout the story, but that’s the point of The Locked Tomb - everything is confusing, and it’s about sapphics in space! 
The thing about this series is they’re the most unique books you’ll ever read. Every volume has a different approach to telling its story. There’s so many mysteries and it’s almost impossible to understand all the intricacies without sitting down and doing some work. The magic system is also the wonkiest, coolest thing - it involves eating people, sometimes, y’know. And, I promise, you’ll love every single second of it. Especially because there’s absolutely no homophobia or transphobia in any of it, and almost every character is queer as fuck - especially after the second book, when gender starts getting a little funky!
Winter’s Orbit, by Everina Maxwell
I love this book so much, and so know that it comes highly, highly recommended! I have a whole five star review on it you can check out here. (Do check trigger warnings, though! You should always, but especially for this one. I didn’t and they really got me!). 
Winter’s Orbit features my absolutely favorite trope - queer arranged marriage. (Nothing better - those three words and you know it’s gonna be a queer normal world, have some politics and probably be really fucking sweet.) This one is probably one of only ones out of this list where the romance is very predominant and serves as an important B plot. It’s also a standalone, but has a companion book in the same universe, called Ocean’s Echo, which rocks, too!
This one follows Jainan, a recent widower who is rushed into an arranged marriage with Prince Kiem in order to keep the alliance between their homelands intact. Together, they must navigate court intrigue I’m trying my best not to spoil and investigate Jainan’s ex-husband’s death, which might not have been an accident, after all...
In this sci-fi fantasy world, being queer is completely normal, and their system when it comes to gender is absolutely fascinating. People will wear little gender signifiers, like a wodden token for female, for instance, so that others know how to refer to them. It’s super cool to see these kind of things incorporated into the world-building, and it’s something you really only get when queer authors are behind the helm.
(Also, this was originally written online, and it was actually picked up and traditionally published! Which is so cool! Queer fics becoming traditionally published books is so rare, it’s so nice to see it actually happen!)
The Teixcalaan Series, starting with A Memory Called Empire, by Arkady Martine
This is another one of my favorites! I read it last year and it blew me away - so much so that I’ve been itching to re-read it ever since I finished the second book.
The Teixcalaan Series is a political sci-fi duology focusing on the themes of language, empire and cultural domination through imperialism. It’s amazing, and I wrote about it in a full-length review, here, if you wanna take a look! 
It follows Mahit Dzamare, from the tiny Lsel Station, who becomes the ambassador to the huge Teixcalaan Empire, whose culture she’s been in love with for ages. The problem? Something happened to the Lsel ambassador, and the Empire’s control over the Station has been growing ever bigger. To make matters worse, Mahit’s imago machine - the cerebral implant full of her predecessors memories and experiences - doesn’t seem to be working properly, leaving her with a ghost of her predecessor inside of her head...
With all the problems the Teixcalaan Empire has, it’s not homophobic or transphobic, which is a plus for us gays who want to read in peace. Mahit has a charged relationship with her cultural liason, Three Seagrass (yes, that’s her name; yes, there’s an in-world explanation; no, I won’t tell you what it is, you’ll have to read it and find out), not to mention all the hijinks she finds out her predecessor was up to. And none of it needs to be justified or explained at all - people are just gay, and that’s fine!
On A Sunbeam, by Tillie Walden
This graphic novel has a stunning art style, and, listen closely sapphics, absolutely no men at all. Yep. Literally there’s only women and non-binary people in this comic! 
And guess what? It’s available to read for free, here. Thank you, Ms. Walden!
Here, romance is also an important plot point. On A Sunbeam follows Mia, who starts working for a crew of repair-people who rebuild broken down structures. In another timeline, we flashback to her experiences at her boarding school, and to her relationship with a new student.
What’s most unique about On A Sunbeam - apart from the fact that there are no men at all - is it’s unique version of outer space. It’s almost historical, with huge sprawling marble structures decaying, surronded by trees. The ships are shaped like huge fish. You can feel the whimsy in your bones from the colors and the art style that Ms. Walden uses, here.
This standalone is definitely worth a read. And if you like it, you should definitely check out the rest of Ms. Walden’s work - it’s all as beautiful as this is, if not more. Her The End of Summer was one of my favorite reads, last year.
That’s all I’ve got, guys, but lemme know if you want more of these - I have so many, I can definitely recommend you more! Drop me an ask if you have specifications, too - I’m always happy to do some digging :)
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mobblespsycho100 · 4 months
tell me about your oc i need to absorb all the knowledge
WAUGAHH yayy yay thank u okay so
Surja Maharaja (not his real name. btw. he named himself "Sun Great King" rough translation lmaoo) is a wandering merchant (*cough* scammer *cough*) who is currently in Melini because he's heard that the rising golden kingdom is full of economic opportunities,,, has a low unemployment rate, and is generally very prosperous and ruled by a passionate king who loves food... and how Melini is mysteriously protected from monsters coming into the border ...
And he decides to research everything he can about the court and introduces himself to the King Of Melini™ as a foreign dignitary from a port city south of the eastern continent (sooo around the eastern archipelago i guess?? map for reference...)
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Anyway, he proposes a diplomatic arrangement where the port city's government would help with export of marine goods as well as open up restaurant chains !!! that serve monster food, so . monster food golden opportunity high long term investment business!!! and Laios is ecstatic !
Kabru is not. Lmao. Kabru is instantly suspicious of this "charismatic" "mysterious" "foreign dignitary" that just strolled into the castle ... but he's gotta confirm his suspicions first . So he decides to not tell Laios that he distrusts this guy and decided to uhhh stalk him a bit
anyway Laios lets Surja stay in the castle because like yay alliances diplomacy !! yayy monster food !!! (like ... Laios cant rlly eat monster anymore but ... spreading monster cuisine to other continents??? spreading the joy of food??? hes all in baby!!!) and Surja quickly befriends basically everyone or at least everyone whos currently there (like senshi is visiting but chilchuck is like sometimes there sometimes not cuz like lol he got a shop to run!!!) and Izutsumi is currently there too. Anyway. yea Surja's rlly friendly n stuff ^_^ and it only makes Kabru even more suspicious as to what exactly this guy is hiding
Anyway, more under the cut cuz it might get wayyy too longv amdhskhdjs
Kabru decides the best course of action is to interrogate Surja directly after a few days (maybe the 6th day ? Surja stay in the castle? but Kabru's been watching him and asking the royal guards to keep an eye on him too) ok anyway Kabru invites him to his office (idk if he has one of those but like . whatever. his work quarters .) (they're like on a break btw . ig . so laios is like chilling and not sitting on the throne rn hes just taking a walk with falin and marcille or smth) right anyway Kabru mr. Nice Guy Kabru is like "ok we need to discuss something ... "dignitary"" and Surja is like ooo-kay?
Btw i havent mentioned but even b4 this , Surja kind of has a crush on Kabru already (hes infatuated... hes obsessed... down bad down horrendous and he hasnt even talked with Kabru all that much) so hes like the nervouser (lol. silly) hehe haha... anyway
Kabru tells him to state his true intentions with the king. Surja goes, "huh? what do you mean Sir? I'm just here to propose a trade alliance and business vent--"
Kabru goes, "cut the pleasantries. I've investigated you over the course of these few days and I've sent a letter to the magistrate of the city you claim to represent, and they don't even have you listed as a citizen in their records."
Surja (sweating)
Kabru continues with a simple yet genuine threat, "you do know lying to the king is an offense punishable by death, right?"
Suddenly what Surja thought was going to be a lil diplomatic discussion regarding how the proposal he's drafting up going is ... an interrogation. An uncomfortable confessional where Kabru holds the reins and is playing 5d chess mind games. And Surja takes it as a challenge... and tries to defend himself with the classic diversion of, "I don't know what you're talking about!! Why would I lie about such a thing!!! You must be mistaken!! ahahaha aha
Kabru who is unimpressed by the sweaty conman's terrible lying skills starts pushing more on the subject. "How could you lie to the king? what are your plans? I think I know your scheme is to steal from us and our kingdom's treasury, but what else are you hiding? Are you a wanted criminal? A stowaway? " and Surja slams the desk a bit . like "OKAY! OKAY ! I! I did runaway but I've been travelling for ages!!! and I just thought this place sounded amazing !!! this kingdom is a rising one and yet it's already found its foundation and already has a powerful magical defense!!! "
and then Kabru goes... as a test (he doesn't actually believe it) , he asks . if Surja isn't actually human. Maybe he's a monster, a shapeshifter of sorts... a walking corpse perhaps? One that's trying to take refuge in Melini and doesn't even realize that it isn't a real human being... just a monster wearing human skin.
And Surja has a mental breakdown (yay here's the toxic in the toxic yaoii!!!)
Surja on the defensive and Kabru on the offensive, Surja decides to try and bite the bullet and confess that yes hes been lying, yes hes kind of a scammer vagabond, yes okay yes . and then he tries to get some sympathy by spilling his tragic backstory and it catches Kabru off guard
Kabru just wanted to exile or imprison or execute this guy who could have ill intent (and is obviously lying abt a lpt of things) . but when Surja revealed that hes kind of like..
okay. lemme paste this thing I typed . Surjas #traumatic backstory
Just imagine ghis is Surja telling everything to Kabru . so quotation marks . yea this is him Speaking
In the beginning, there was a land shrouded in darkness. And then, there came light.
Where I'm from, what you all called the "dungeon" was the corpse of a dead god, the land we stood upon as well. The dungeon was a temple in my people's eyes... And what you call the "Demon", well. He was our Light. The god that my people worshipped. It's... pathetic, isn't it? We didn't know. We... we couldn't have known.
When I was born... I. I was loved, I think. However I... was never a child. My older brother, he. he had this ailment. He couldn't speak, and he acted like he was possessed by a spirit of sorts, at least, that was my mother's theory. I always thought that he was just different.
I was their light, in a way. I could speak, smile, in an eloquent way as other humans do. They loved me, they did. But I was a sickly child... my brother, physically stronger, mentally weaker, and I? I was their light. The saviour of their reputation.
And that's why... as I grew up I realized that . The ones who took care of me, only saw me as a chalice. And whenever I did something that was... not... in line with their perception of me, they saw a monster.
It was so easy. Claim that I was possessed, sacrifice me, the brighter one, to their god, and their beloved children could be cured of their respective ... deformities.
Ha... well. That's what happened. The demon could grant any wish right? My mo- ... my.... caretaker. Took me to the dungeon one day and said, "Let my child have her dreams come true... in return, give us your blessing of wealth and prosperity! Bring us honor, bring us glory..."
That's why... I'm like this now. I guess I'm a half-beast (you lot call that beast-man here?), a monster (I was always a monster. I think.) I... You're right. I'm not human. I'm just... a walking corpse... a shell of a man...
Now all I have left is my desire for money... and my elder brother... I haven't seen him for ... 15 years now.
so yea he had an awful time . and was effected negatively by a dungeon. Kabru stops. hesitates a bit. Shares a bit about himself and Utaya . to ease Surja from the mental breakdown (it works and Surja bounces back quickly. Surja age reveals that hes not even 20 yet (Surja is 18-19) and that makes Kabru feels like a bully a bit n he feels a bit bad n tried to like apologize and stuff even tho this conman is conmanning (hes not lying abt his age!! just hiding a lot of stuff still!!!) ) ANYWAYYYY like they part ways from tha office (also at some point in the middle a guard came in to try and ask smth from Kabru and the guard nervously asks "is like smth goin on here rn?" and Kabrus like "no its fine" while Surjas like "yea smth goin on rn" anyway the guard just wanted to ask for some instruction so Kabrus just like oh ok just ask Marcille its fine and guy goes on his way)
anyway yeah Kabrus like kinda stressed lookin so Surja goes "hey do u need like some stress relief" n boldly goes up to him anddddd gives him a shoulder massage (Surja flexing his 4 years pro masseur skills) and Kabrus like oh . ojh. uh . okay (is conflicted and doesnt fully trust this man but is now a bit more relaxed and less tense and stuff. unclenched his jaw and shit lolll)
anyway they part ways after this but this is just the beginning of insane toxic co worker yaoi because like uhhh lil bit of a timeskip but Surja becomes like the treasurer... or like secretary assistant in Melini or like . tha economy guy consultanter yippeeee #working in melini
also Surja's a catboy i havent mentioned that yet
kinda hit it off with Izutsumi and Senshi cuz of it yah
A LOT OF THIS IS SELF INDULGENT AND WISH FULFILLMENT BUT I THINK. POST CANON OC . IS FUN . also Labru is canon in this AU theyre basically like married . its set a year after the like last chap of dungeon meshi btw so Kabrus 23 Laios 26 (almost 27 not november yet basically) . etc etc. ANYWHO this is super long already but ty for indulging me and asking abt my oc yaaaay :333 this is a toxic yaoi tragicomedy. this guy is like if Mickbell and Izutsumi got mixed into soup . and was obsessed with Kabrus whole thing 😭😭 its so funny to me theyre funny (doomed by the narrative toxic codependent workplace yaoi)
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cafeinthemoon · 2 years
King - Chapter I
Chapter 1
Wordcount 3,4k
Title The Abyss
Fandom Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Pairing Poseidon x reader
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 🖤
Warnings: Arranged marriage, one mention of suicide (only in this chapter), mentions of prejudice (from non humans against reader), mentions of entering an oceanic abyss / oceanic darkness / sea creatures (might trigger thalassophobia), mentions and references to liminal spaces (might trigger claustrophobia)
Tagging ? (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: This is a story that has been in my drafts for so long and, after leaving it aside because of the other projects, I finally managed to post the first chapter! I'm so happy with it! It's been an incredible experience to work on it even when it's just beginning, because I can already see it as a complete story. I'm taking the opportunity to discuss complex, sometimes dark themes through it that I haven't included in my latest works, so as I've done before, any necessary warnings will be present in the notes. Also this is my first time writing for Poseidon, so wish me luck XD
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“The very thing you're best at is the thing that hurts the most”
(Florence and the Machine, King)
Remember, child, you are a girl, and that will determine how you will be seen for the rest of your life. This will drag you into the most violent storms, and the best thing you can do for yourself is to learn how to navigate these waters. My role as your mother is to help you in this.
The first thing you need to know is that most of the problems a woman will face in life will be caused by men, and the reason is simple: men just cannot accept the fact that we have a life to live that is not made by them or for them. This works for mortals and also for gods.
Heaven forbid you from forgetting this, but if you do – for the storms might come with the darkest nights – I pray you can remember it.
If you knew you were meant to go through this, you would have taken your last moments of freedom to pray for Thanatos-sama to come for you. But the idea occurred to you when it was too late, and now you had no choice but to follow the path before you – leaving your land and your common life behind to become a subject of a far less merciful deity.
As the only daughter of a merchant whose wife passed away, leaving all the responsibilities concerning your education and the house’s subjects on his back, you were expecting to follow the family’s tradition in the financial field. By the lessons you’ve received from your father since you were a child, all your thoughts and expectations were connected to it, and nothing suggested that there was a different plan concerning your future underway...
That was why you were shocked when, one evening, after coming back home, your father announced that you were now a part of a divine, marital contract.
It happened that, in your era, the gods and goddesses still kept the tradition of marrying other deities as their official pair and, at the same time, adding secondary spouses from humanity and other races to their families. Those arranged marriages served to countless goals, from superfluous things such as pleasure and diversion to greater ones, like fathering heroes of all imaginable kinds.
Of course, the spouses’ families received appropriate rewards when the contracts were sealed with powerful, honorable deities, such as riches, a privileged life of priesthood or even superhuman abilities, but there were stories about treacherous gods who enjoyed inflicting pain to their chosen ones, and nothing but despair was reserved to their relatives. Despite all of the uncomfortable implications, this was still a desirable fate and a reason for festivities among many families.
From your part, you had at least two reasons to consider it a disgrace: first, you already had your dreams settled and weren’t willing to give up on them so easily; second, the chosen god in your case was none other than Poseidon, the Guardian of the Seas, who had a primary union with the goddess Amphitrite and whose fame was based, not only on the fierce control he maintained over his domain, but also on the unusually frequent acquisition of secondary wives.
In his case, the reason for the marriages was the production of resilient, capable heirs who would serve in his army, one of the greatest even among the gods. Poseidon’s wives used to be from many races, most of them folks connected to the sea, and according to what was whispered among your people, he had little to no love for humans, having spent an incalculable time without interacting with them, even less choosing some of their females for himself. Considering this, the reason why you were selected for this god – and why the whole thing was so sudden – was a mystery since the start.
And you weren’t in the mood for mysteries.
The carriage sent to take you to Poseidon’s domains was driven by two servants, which seats were only visible when you looked from the outside, but the speed and the rhythm of the vehicle moving through the cold waters was such that you started to imagine it following the designed path on its own, like a large, wild animal from the depths of the ocean, while you were its latest meal.
You weren’t alone in it: besides the two conductors, there were at least thirty young women surrounding you, sitting on the large lines of golden seats. Most of them were quiet, their noble heritage evidenced from their apparel to their mannerisms, on their beautiful traits the solemnity of someone whose only preoccupation was to fulfill the task they were prepared for; the others, with no connections to royalty and only selected due to the desirable qualities they carried, were less serious, not hiding their awe with everything they were seeing: now, you were passing by the most superficial layers of the oceanic territories, where the most known forms of life used to stay, and the carriage’s windows were large enough to allow you to observe the fishes, whales, dolphins and other creatures crossing the vehicle’s path; you were enchanted with them too, but you felt you’d enjoy them more if you weren’t there under obligation. There were still some girls with conspicuous clothes that put them apart as daughters of priests, who appreciated the beauties of their Lord’s world with the deep respect expected from them.
It didn’t take long for you to memorize every face and realize you were the only representative of humanity among those girls – a fact that didn’t help you to create a good impression among them. Some of the girls didn’t hide their surprise (and their discontentment) with your presence since you took your seat with them, while others chose to ignore you. You tried to ignore them as well: it wasn’t that being seen as inferior didn’t hurt, but you could be more offended if you haven’t too much to occupy your thoughts already, which included the crescent discomfort of being surrounded by water, and the sensation that everything was becoming darker as the minutes passed.
While you looked through the window, you understood where this feeling came from.
Of course. We’re descending to the deeper parts of the ocean.
Descending, and being taken away from the men’s lands. Away from the sunlight.
And away from freedom.
You were trying to suppress this very thought in order to not breakdown among the strangers, when someone let out a little scream, and other voices joined it with exclamations of fear and anxiety. When you understood what was going on, the entire carriage was drowning in a cold, profound darkness, and a deep roar rumbled in your ears. For a moment, none of you spoke, and though you couldn’t see each other, you knew that no one dared make a move toward the windows or anything else. When the roar ceased, the darkness softened a bit, and it was possible to see that the carriage was following a spiral path, a twirl that would certainly lead you to an abyss.
You weren’t immune to the horror of seeing yourself pulled down to the unknown, and combining it with the loneliness of not having another human with you was too much to bear. With your eyes closed and your hands crossed on your lap, you didn’t even know if you were praying for your survival or to come back home.
When you opened your eyes again, you saw that only the first of these desires came true, but that didn’t make you happier: the twirl was left behind and the carriage slowed its pace, but the absence of sunlight persisted, and now there was no sign that it would come back. Instead of it, a colder, bluish ray flashed out from somewhere ahead, becoming larger and larger until it swallowed everything around; at the same time, the water became shallow and clear, and at the first signs of solid ground – or the closest thing to it – the carriage finally stopped.
You arrived at the Lord of the Seas’ palace.
Though you couldn’t see any clear borders above you or at your sides, you had this sensation that Poseidon’s house and all its surroundings were confined inside a spherical space, a sort of force field that stood against the violence of the ocean tides thanks to its god’s powers. Well, confined wasn’t the best word to describe it; the domain expanded to places outside your sight and comprehension, but it was possible to imagine how they work on those distant spaces judging by what you saw near you: just like it happened at a beach, the solid ground slowly blended with the waters, until it disappeared, leaving only the waves at sight; but, unlike a beach, where this change occurs in a horizontal sense, there it happened above the horizon’s line, almost like a wall but slightly rounded, perhaps the reason why you thought of a sphere.
As one could easily suppose, all the matter that formed the ground at those peculiar coasts was white sand, brighter than the beaches of the human lands due to the light descending from somewhere above and touching each spot, filling them with life. As much as you admired the beauty of the landscape, you couldn’t help feeling exposed by that light.
All of this you observed after leaving the carriage, as you walked a bridge of white stone that crossed those fields of sand and led to the castle itself. With the light, you had also the chance to observe the girls with more attention… and because of this, their reactions now seemed even more unsettling.
As you followed the path to the building’s entry, a servant who greeted you after the carriage’s arrival walked ahead of you, holding a scroll and giving some explanations about the things you were seeing. While they spoke, you saw that some of the girls who showed a composed behavior were now crying; even among the noble ones, a nervousness was shared through anxious looks at their sides and at each other; the poor ones, sent by their families in order to help them survive and never having any word in this, were the most desperate, barely hiding their fear.
The priestesses, you thought, were the ones who were handling all of this at their best, and for a moment you considered following their example despite having no love for their deity… until that happened.
The servant was describing the edges of the domains, when a girl of purplish, scaly skin and dressed in priestly garment asked them about the entries and exits.
– Entries and exits? – the servant stopped and turned directly to the question’s author – You just passed by them. Why are you asking about this now?
The girl hesitated.
– The spot where the carriage left you is the only possible entry and exit for you, mortal people – the servant clarified – Of course, there are other passages to outsides, if that is what you are referring to, but these ones are only known and usable to Poseidon-sama, Amphitrite-sama and the few ones allowed by them. Us, servants, and all of you, do not need them. There is no reason for you to worry about this.
You weren’t close enough to the girl to see her face after hearing this, but it wasn’t hard to imagine it, for a wave of silent uneasiness spread among the girls around her, reaching even yourself.
– So… – another girl, a noble from the same species as the first, spoke – Apart from that one, there is no way out for us?
The servant turned to her and replied in a serious, somewhat annoyed tone, as someone who needs to explain something obvious.
– No. Precisely because you do not need a way out – they then spoke to all of you – You are property of Poseidon-sama. This is your right place now. Nothing that happens outside this domain is of your concern anymore.
The first girl, the priestess, mumbled something in a nervous tone, bringing the servant’s attention to her again.
– As far as I can see, you are a priestess from the Northern Waters, girl – they frowned – Your anxiety is incomprehensible to me. Isn’t your love for Poseidon-sama enough to make you accept this?
The girl stepped back, moving away from the servant and the others. She didn’t speak anything else. She had her hair braided in an intrincate hairstyle, but it didn’t stand like this for too long: she started to scream as her hands pulled the wavy, violet strands from her head.
It was everything too fast even to follow with your eyes. Before the servant or any of the girls could do or say anything, the girl jumped above the bridge’s parapet and fell upon the white sand, running across it to reach the edges of water. Her voice diminished as she approached the blue borders where the ocean’s roar was dominant, and soon her body crossed it, disappearing from everyone’s sight.
A terrifying silence fell upon the girls, and no one dared react. The servant, who also watched the scene without a word – perhaps because their eyes became used after seeing this very thing repeating for centuries – raised the scroll on their hand, searched for something in it, then used a quill to draw a line on the paper. They rolled it a last, then ordered you to follow them.
You passed under the dome-shaped doors of the entry and were led through a corridor with at least a hundred meters wide, with a black and white checkered floor and extremely high columns of white, polished marble.
By the end of this corridor, the servant who has been with you since the start stopped before a second one, nodded and left without a word.
This new servant was a tall individual with oleaginous skin and fins as ears, a water creature with a slight resemblance with an elderly man that came from his combed hair and formal attire, with a white jabot around his neck.
This man spoke to you in a stern, composed tone, and you soon discovered that he himself was a god.
– Greetings, all of you women chosen by our Lord. My name is Proteus, Lord of Rivers and vassal of Poseidon-sama. While you are yet to become his wives, I am in charge of your basic needs.
All of you nodded in respect. Proteus seemed to approve this.
– It is good to see that you were well prepared. This will make our work easier. Now, I shall give you the necessary instructions for your first day while I lead you to your lodges.
The man then ordered you to follow him through an endless sequence of smaller corridors. No one complained, of course, but a growing impatience was sensed among some of the girls, especially the nobles. You, on your part, were convinced that Proteus took the longer way just to have enough time to explain the rules and to evaluate each of you.
One of the most important things he told you was about the system of the marriages in Poseidon’s domain: the weddings used to occur in annual seasons, in a sequence of one wedding a day; the girls were sent to lodges where they were separated by their species, and after the waiting period, they were led to the ceremonies according to this, that is, when all the girls from a certain species became wives, a second species was chosen, and the process was repeated until all the girls were married… and pregnant.
– Because you are still not bearing children, you have relative freedom of coming and going during the waiting period – Proteus was saying – You are not obligated to stay in your rooms all day; you are supposed to become familiar with your new home and will have activities to occupy your time and prepare you to the ceremonies. However, there is a limited number of places where you are allowed to go, and soon you will understand the reasons for this.
While he was still speaking, a sudden quake reached your spot, forcing some of you to kneel and some to hold on the columns. It didn’t last longer than a few seconds, but it was enough to shake the moods of everyone. Proteus, the only one who didn’t lose his balance, frowned, more because his speech was interrupted than because of the quake itself.
A girl who was standing up with the help of another from her kind gasped.
– What was that, Protheus-sama?
The god stared at her with a curious glimmer in his eyes, as someone who had the opportunity to prove a point.
– This is one of the reasons I just referred to. This is just Poseidon-sama's occasional bad mood. It is nothing for you to worry about. It happens many times during a week, so you will have no problems in getting used to it.
That time, you were near the girl who spoke and could observe her expression, and through it were sure that she would take a long time to adapt to such thing.
This is the god we will have to belong to, then. This is the man I’ll have to endure.
No one spoke after this, and Proteus, supposing that his statement was accepted and processed by all of you, was ready to follow his way to the lodges, but a new interruption kept his feet on the floor.
An interruption caused by you, who, ignoring your lonely position as a human, took a step ahead and made your voice heard.
– Protheus-sama.
Not only the god, but all the girls turned to you, some of them surprised with your courage, others outraged by your audacity. Proteus, on his part, didn’t hide some discontentment once he saw you.
– If my eyes are not deceived, you are a human being. The one I’ve heard about. Y/n s/n, am I right?
You swallowed. A demonstration of disdain was expected, of course, but being identified by name and finding out you were the subject of a conversation even before your arrival was beyond imagination.
The situation, however, didn’t make you forget your good manners.
– You are right, Proteus-sama – you nodded – I am y/n from the … region.
Yes, the man wasn’t cheering with the fact that you were human, but having received no instructions to treat you differently because of this, he continued the conversation with no more surprises.
– So, what is it that you want to ask?
You stepped ahead.
– What kind of things... use to displease Poseidon-sama?
You noticed a subtle raise of his eyebrow at this question, as if Poseidon’s vassal was wondering why a mortal girl should be asking about something so personal abouts a god she was yet to meet.
– If we are meant to be his wives – you continued – This information might be essential.
Proteus sighed, but didn’t refuse a reply.
– Many things can displease him, child. There is no way to figure out when or how it will happen, and trying to guess it would be arrogant of you. The least you can expect is to avoid an increase in his wrath.
The man turned his back on you and nothing more was said about this.
After a few corridors, you reached the lodges at last. Proteus indicated the correct rooms according to the girls’ kind, so that as you went through the corridor, the group grew thin, until there was no one left but you.
Proteus stopped at the Human door’s room and you imitated him, the sound of your footsteps echoing on the hallway for a moment until the silence took over it.
A conversation happened before the door was opened for you.
– As you already noticed, humans are not a usual element in these landscapes – he started – I will not sweeten the truth for you: your life here will not be easy. So, take my advice and do not do anything that stands out of your purpose. That is, assuming that you know why you are here.
It was hard for to not let out a hint of sarcasm when you heard that, but standing before a god, you did your best in this sense.
– If I’m being honest with you, my Lord, I don’t know. This is something that only the man who sent me here can answer.
Proteus’ expression didn’t change when he replied to this.
– Whoever this man is, or whatever he is doing now, he is out of reach for both of us. If you need to find your purpose in my Lord’s domain, you will have to do it by yourself – his hand, covered in a white glove, reached for the knob and turned it – And you can start right now.
Chapter 2
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miniscule-meow · 10 months
Charlie and Felix Remastered: First Impressions
Rewriting some stuff to break myself out of this writing slump.
Wordcount: 4.6K
The original version of their story can be found Here. Read it while it still exists, or don't.
The first few days of classes were arduous to say the least. The campus is sprawling, the historical buildings are arranged to make quite the labyrinth. She's gotten lost on more than one occasion. She curses herself under her breath looking at the wrinkled campus map in her hands, knowing she should have paid more attention during her orientation tour. By the time she located Grant Hall, the Introduction to World History seminar was well underway.
Luckily for her pride, the professor barely spared her a nod as she shuffled in, taking the nearest empty seat in the back.
“Hi,” she whispers to the boy who is now unfortunate enough to be sharing his table with her. “I’m Charlotte,” she adds when he doesn’t respond. She pulls out the textbook and her notebook, though she’s unsure if she’ll need either on the first day of this class. Typically, the first day of any class is spent reviewing the syllabus, expectations and late work policies. The boy next to her still doesn’t respond. She glances over to him. His red flannel shirtsleeves are pushed up to his elbows, and he rolls his pencil between his fingers. Aside from the small movement, he is rigid beside her, strands of his dark hair fall carelessly into his eyes, but he doesn’t bother pushing them aside. He just sits, eyes trained straight ahead. Everything about him radiates don’t talk to me. “Um. Your piercing is really cool,” she whispers, her eyes drawn to his silver septum piercing.  She’s always been a believer in the idea that a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet. So often, it’s just that people are just afraid of being the one to make the first move. Charlotte isn't afraid of anything, she keeps a confident smile on her face.
The boy blinks as he takes in a long, slow breath. He takes his time exhaling before finally opening his eyes again. Without any hurry, he slides a glance in her direction, his pale green eyes are wholly unamused when they meet hers. Her smile wavers slightly as a jolt goes down her spine. The weight of his gaze consumes her. His eyes churn with some kind of mysterious ire that she can’t place. All she knows is it feels almost dangerous when he looks her up and down. Assessing her. Sizing her up. She might have unwittingly just poked a bear.
A smarter person would apologize, or just look away. Instead, Charlotte meets his gaze, her smile challenging him. But for all of her social butterfly bravado, her fingers twist the drawstrings of her jacket, revealing her discomfort. He watches her fidget under his scrutiny, his eyebrow quirking slightly, like he’s sensed her weakness, or smelled her fear. Like he’s made his judgement of her, and she’s come up short. He turns away from her, leaving her cheeks burning with the embarrassment of rejection.
The lecture ekes by, second by second. She tries to ignore her desk mate as readily as he ignored her, but his cold shoulder only succeeded in making her more curious.
She ran into him again later that day, in one of the smaller lunch halls on campus. The air is permeated with a thick smell of french fries and other cafeteria fare. The years of serving as a dining hall have probably permanently perfumed the building with the smell of grease. She wouldn't be surprised if someone told her the smell leaked out of the walls at this point. She finds him sequestered away at a small table in the corner, reading a book while he eats.
“Hello,” she approaches cheerily, hoping that the tension from him earlier was just because he didn’t want to get in trouble for talking during class. Though, he doesn't strike her as a stickler for the rules. The only response she gets is him turning a page in his book. “I was in your class this morning,” she slides into the seat across from him. “Charlotte, in case you forgot," she adds. "I didn’t catch your name earlier.”
His eyes slip over the top of his book, burning through her with that same spark of danger as before. If he’s surprised to see her again, it doesn’t show on his face. Instead, his brow knits together and his eyes narrow ever so slightly as he searches her face. His general irritation has blossomed into a deep suspicion. He doesn’t need to say anything for her to get the message. Why are you here?
“Charlotte! Hey Charlotte,” a voice calls out to her, “come sit with us!” She turns to find a familiar blonde waving her over. Sammie, 'with an ie', the name comes to her mind after a second. They had met at orientation when they hit it off after they were paired together in the campus tour group. Admittedly, their conversation is one of the reasons why she’s been having a hard time finding her way to all her classes, she recalls with a smile. When she looks back at the boy, who still refuses to just tell her his name, his gaze has already returned to his book, like he’s expected her to have already left.
“Do you want to join us?” She asks, knowing the answer before the words leave her.
“No,” he scoffs without looking up again. It’s the first thing she’s gotten him to say to her. She decides to count that as a victory, just to spite him.
When she turns to leave him be, she catches a few lingering glances from other tables, students not caring to pretend they weren’t watching that go down. Her cheeks burn rejection once more. The feeling is unfortunately starting to become familiar to her.
“Ohmygosh! I can’t believe you just tried to sit with him,” Sammie whispers conspiratorially once she’s seated across from her. “Don’t you know who that is?”
“I mean, I have a class with him but—”
“That’s Felix.” She says his name like it’s supposed to mean something to her. Charlotte just shrugs, confused. “Oh. You haven’t heard.” She leans in closer, lowering her voice. “Listen. Everyone’s been talking about him. Apparently, he’s like some kind of monster. He transferred from Lynwell to try an hide his dark past or something. But someone who goes here had a brother, or a cousin, or I dunno, maybe knows someone who went to school with him and like. He’s a scary dude.” Sammie looks at her, her eyes wide with warning, as if anything she just said made any sense at all. Charlotte steals another glance at him from over her shoulder. He’s just sitting there, reading his book.
“Okay?” She turns back to Sammie “I mean, Sure, he’s got a standoffish vibe. But calling him a monster? That seems a bit harsh.”
“No, I mean like literally, a textbook monster. Like, Scott, I think it was Scott, he said that he heard that Felix can like, turn into this like… I dunno, werewolf or something.” Sammy shudders, “It’s freaky right? Anyway, he’s been more than just standoffish. Everyone is like, afraid for their safety. I don’t know how he managed to transfer here with the record he has,” She frowns.
Charlotte’s brow furrows, trying to take all this in. It sounds like a lot of exaggerated hearsay. How could anyone really believe that. So, the guy is anti-social. It doesn’t make him a werewolf. “Right,” she says instead. “Well, thanks for letting me know.”
Charlotte goes about her own business from there. She sits at the table they shared in their history lecture class hoping to sit with him again, and maybe make a little more progress on getting a conversation started between the two of them. But he comes in later than her. When he sees her at the table, he gives her no more than a single icy stare before sitting at his own empty table across the room.
It’s a few days later when she sees him in between classes in the courtyard. There are two other guys with him. She doesn’t recognize them, and at first, she feels a pit of jealousy in her stomach. So, he does have friends. What’s so wrong with her that he’s snubbed her so many times? Then she sees one of the guys turn and give him a hard shove, and she realizes with a start that they are very much not friends. A smarter person would have turned and walked the other way, or maybe they would have hung back and watched like some of the other students in the courtyard. But continuing with her track record of not being that smarter person, Charlotte rushes forwards.
“You think you’re so tough,” the one that shoved him jeers with a fierce smirk. He has dark, short, cropped hair and is taller than his cohort.
“Come on wolf-boy. You’ve got the whole school talking about you anyway. Lets give ‘em something real to talk about. Or what, is the big bad wolf too chicken?” The second one sneers, he's shorter with ash blonde hair. Obviously he thinks himself to be so very clever for coming up with that little line.
“Step off," she shoves herself in the middle of them. "Stop acting like a bunch of stupid high schoolers, and just leave him alone”
“Oh, look here. Wolf-boy’s got himself a girlfriend,” the first boy laughs cruelly. On one hand, she’s succeeded in diffusing the situation between the bullies and Felix. But now, she’s placed herself right in front of the firing line.
“Listen babe, one night with me and you’ll forget all about this loser,” the clever one gives her a wink and tweaks her chin with his thumb. Charlotte slaps his hand away, her gut twisting with dread. That’s all she has time to do before a hand grabs her shoulder. Felix pulls her back, roughly shoving her behind him. She stumbles to regain her balance, and when she looks up again, punches are already being thrown.
She takes a stagger step back as they tussle. The passive onlookers have become an active crowd around the scene. Everything is a blur of bodies, elbows, fists, voices. Until suddenly, Felix shoves himself out of the circle and just takes off running. The bullies don’t pursue him, they shout insults after him and laugh over their victory. Charlotte runs after Felix before the bullies can turn their attention back to her.
He had absconded into the woods by the school. He got quite the head start, but as she’s moving through the forest, she can see the leaves and bushes ahead swaying, recently disturbed. Her lungs burn by the time the path opens up into a clearing, Felix stands in the center of it, gasping for breath himself. He whirls around as she bursts out into the open after him.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He turns on her viciously, his eyes hold an all-devouring malice.
“Gah, hold on. I had to run like a mile to get here,” she huffs between breaths.
“No one made you follow me,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “Do you always put yourself in the middle of fist fights, or is that just something new you wanted to try out today?”
“Those guys were jerks. I don't know, I was worried and I didn’t want you to get hurt,” she says a defensive air rooting in her words.
“Oh, how noble of you,” he says sarcastically. “Why should you care? At this point I honestly don’t know if you know this, but we are not friends,” he paces the clearing with a shake of his head.
“I don’t think that you need to be someone’s friend to not want them to get beaten up,” her words sound so small in her ears, and she finds herself fidgeting with the drawstrings on her jacket again.
With a frustrated huff he rakes a hand through his hair, pushing the dark strands away from his face. They fall back again when he removes his hand. “Sure, fine. Whatever. Why are you here now?”
“I just,” she hesitates, her reason feeling incredibly lame now. “I wanted to make sure that you’re alright?” She tears her eyes away from Felix, not wanting to catch the cruel glint in his eyes. She looks down at her shoes instead. She waits for him to tell her again that she shouldn’t be worried for him, they aren’t friends, that he doesn’t even like her.
He barks a laugh, it’s a sound that is more made of frustration than any kind of amusement. “Oh, yeah,” he scoffs, “I’m doing great. There, mission accomplished. You can go now.” She brings her gaze back to his face, his eyes flash with that familiar danger, it seems to be mounting by the second now. He’s clearly not doing great. His cheek is bleeding, and his eye is probably going to bruise. He waves a hand flippantly her way, dismissing her.
Her embarrassment and dejection are quickly shoved aside by something new. A fierce rage ignites inside her, bubbling out in her words. “Why are you so determined to be such a pompous ass?!” His brow flicks up at her outburst.
“That’s just how I am. Sorry it doesn’t match whatever you imagined me to be like in your daydreams,” that suspicious glint returns to his gaze as he regards her.
“Is it really so hard for you to believe that someone might just genuinely want to be friends with you?”
“Yes,” he responds simply, “It is actually. There is nothing keeping me from believe that you aren’t just here chasing all the rumors.” He takes on a mocking tone, “oh he’s a monster? No, I bet he’s just sad and misunderstood. He’s broken and I can fix him with the power of friendship.” Felix sneers with another roll of his eyes.
“You are so delusional,” she shakes her head, balling her hands into fists by her side. “I don’t think you need to be fixed. I just wanted—”
Before she can finish that thought, he’s crossed the clearing in just a few long strides. Her words die on her tongue as his hands clamp down over her shoulders. It very suddenly occurs to her that they are completely alone out here. Maybe following him out to the woods was a worse idea than she had originally thought.
“You are impossible,” he grumbles, his voice low. He simply looms over her, he’s so close and so tall that she needs to look up for a chance to see his scowling face above her. Her body tenses as she looks at him, fear fluttering in her chest. The sense of danger is tangible now, and it causes her mind to spin, reevaluating all of the bad choices she made to bring herself here.
But something isn’t right. She didn’t think he was this tall. Mostly, she’s just seen him sitting, but she thought they were more equally matched in height . Obviously, she couldn’t have been more wrong because he’s standing over her now, and he’s easily two heads taller than her. Standing at 5’8”, she isn’t a short girl. So, for him to be this much taller than her, he would need to be nearly 7 feet tall. She certainly would have noticed that about him before now, right? The strangeness of this revelation twists in her gut. He’s trembling fiercely, but whether that’s from anger, adrenaline, or exhaustion, she can’t say.
“I’m sure there is someone out there that would love to tell you their whole life story,” his voice takes on a saccharine tone, it’s patronizing, and she clamps her jaw shut to keep herself from firing off a sharp retort. His tone is dropped as quickly as it was adopted, “But it’s just not going to be me.” He turns her around and ushers her to the tree line, “This has been a lovely chat and all, but I really need you to leave. Right now.” She stumbles to a stop at the edge of the clearing and casts a curious glance over her shoulder. What's with the sudden urgency?
“Can you stop being so fucking stubborn, and just go?” The trembling in his hands has evolved to a full body tremor. There is a new desperation in his voice.
“I like being stubborn,” she says slowly, antagonizing. She leans against a tree, in no hurry to leave. She knows it’s another bad decision, but she’s made so many at this point, what’s the harm in one more. Besides, she can’t help but feel a little vindictive.
A guttural sound escapes Felix’s throat. He glares down at her, a sheen of sweat beading on his forehead like he’s somehow undergoing a lot of physical effort. She doesn’t know if she should be curious or concerned, but she finds herself plagued with both feelings.
“Fine,” he relents angrily, “Give me your phone and- actually, just everything you have on you.” He holds out a shaking hand, a sort of dread-laced resolve is spread across his face.
“What? I’m not gonna just—”
“Please.” He spits the word out like it’s almost foreign to him, like it’s his last resort. “I’ll give it back to you. But it you want to stay I need—” he sucks in a gasp, his tremors are growing violent now, wracking his body, his muscles twitching.
“Alright! Alright, fine! Here,” She tosses her phone into her backpack and hands the whole thing over to him. He snatches it close to his chest and takes several steps back into the clearing. “Are you alright?” Concern breaks through her frustration . “What’s going on?”
“You’re going to want to stay back there.” It’s all the warning she gets before everything explodes.
The movement is so quick, he becomes a blur. She watches with a mix of awe and horror as he transforms right before her eyes. All of the rumors she’s heard about him flood back to her in an instant. The word werewolf springs to the forefront of her mind. For a split second her mind races trying to remember the current phase of the moon. But it’s midday, that shouldn’t matter. No. this is different.
He remains human, in physical composition at least.He doesn’t grow fangs, or claws, or sprout fur everywhere. It’s his size that changes. In the blink of an eye, he’s stretched up to taller than the surrounding trees. The sudden movement disturbs all of the nearby birds from their perches, sending a small flock to the sky. How tall is he? 60 feet? 80? All she knows is that from his perspective she wouldn’t be much more than doll sized. Her jaw goes slack as she looks up at him.
This is impossible.
Scientifically, biologically, physically, rationally, impossible.
Then he moves. His impossible form moves. The earth shakes in response to him, and it jars her from her thoughts.  He lowers himself down slowly, his eyes trained on her. She feels the oppressive weight of his gaze smothering her, and she refuses to meet his eyes. Instead, she takes in the rest of him, and there is so much to see. Her backpack is pinched in between his thumb and forefinger, he drops it into his shirt pocket for safe keeping. His shirt pocket. His clothes grew in size with him, transmutating from a regular garment into what must be miles of fabric. Impossible. He settles back against the rocky bluff that makes up the far edge of the clearing. His pale green eyes scan over her now, comparatively, miniscule form. His brow quirks up as he observes her.
“There,” he says finally, his voice a low, displeased whisper. It feels very intentional, like he knows how much louder he is at this size, and he’s choosing to be quiet. “You got a front row seat to the breakdown. How are you enjoying the show.”
“I- You’re. Felix you… you’re…” All her words are lost. she’s trying to rationalize what she’s seeing. She's trying to make any of it make sense to her.
“I know. Big surprise, the rumors are true. I’m a freak. I'm a monster. Go ahead and run. I’ll drop your things off at the lost and found for you. Go on. Off you get.” His tone is devoid of emotion, like he's simply stating facts. He shifts, dislodging a spray of rocks from the cliff behind him, he brushes them off his shoulder like he’s brushing away dust instead of boulders. When he looks back he seems surprised that she’s still there. “Aren’t you going to run?” All she can do is shake her head in response. “Aren’t you scared?” His eyes narrow, studying her as he leans forward ever so slightly.
“Of you?” She scoffs, having found her voice again, “please.” She lifts her chin, crossing her arms confidently over her chest. Or at least, she hopes it appears confident.
“Wow. You’re a horrible liar,” he regards her, as unamused as ever.
A sly grin spreads across her face, “am I?” A smarter person would have- no, we’ve already established Charlotte is anything but that smarter person. Instead of making any kind of rational decision she foolheartedly presses forward. Though she’s yet to bring her eyes to his, though her bones feel as though they’re made of gelatine, she forces one shaky step forward. Then another. She feels like she can’t help it, something about him makes her feel particularly vindictive. It bolsters her confidence and tosses her caution to the wind.
In one movement Felix leans forward, his hand smashes into the ground next to her, crunching a fallen log beneath his palm. The vibrations are enough to topple her from her feet. His other hand comes to rest heavily next to her other side. His forearms form thick pillars beside her. His fingers are as wide as tree trunks, they dig into the earth, rooting himself there around her.  From her back on the forest floor, she finally meets his eyes. His face fills her sky, his brow is quirked in a nonplussed challenge to her.
He’s calling her bluff.
“It’s not too late to run,” he offers coolly. His eyes flicking to the edge of the trees, then back down to her. It’s more than just a suggestion.
“Why would I,” she says, finally catching her breath. “This is the first time you’ve said more than one word to me since I’ve known you.”
“You’re ridiculous. You’re absolutely ridiculous,” his face contorts into an incredulous expression above her. He pushes himself away, dusts his hands off, and settles against the rock wall once again.
She pushes herself to her feet, pulling a leaf out of her brown waves of hair and nodding to herself. Felix always carries himself with that cocky, dangerous confidence, and now she can see why. He isn’t just posturing, he certainly has the bite to match his bark. But for how much she seems to get under his skin, he hasn’t made a single move to truly lash out against her. Not when they were the same size, and not now that he’s gigantic. It might be her own hubris talking, but she doesn't believe he'll hurt her. If that was his plan, why hasn't he done it yet.
She takes this knowledge and runs with it. Or at least, she takes a few more cautious steps towards him.
“Okay. Hey, alright. Alright. You are close enough, thanks.” As she approaches, his shoulders tense, he presses himself further back into the cliffside, almost as if he’s afraid of her. “I- look, if you aren’t going to leave, I’d really rather you pretend that you have an ounce of self-preservation and at least stay over there. Some kind of safe distance away.”
An olive branch. A compromise. She can work with that.
She nods and takes a seat on a large boulder towards the center of the clearing. She finds him grimacing at the ground. She follows his gaze to the splintered remains of the felled tree that he smashed. Evidence of the destruction he’s capable of.
“Happy now? You win. What makes you so insistent on befriending the local resident monster anyway?” His voice holds that same irritated grit, but then he adds, “That’s trademarked by the way. I’ve gotta protect the brand, you know.”  When she looks up at him, there’s almost a playful glimmer in his eye. Half of his mouth pulls into a gentle smirk. She lets go of a nervous laugh, relaxing a little bit. “Why didn’t you run?” There’s a new level to his tone. Something much more earnest than anything she’s heard from him before.
“Easy. I really don’t think you’re a monster.”
“Bullshit. Everyone thinks I’m a monster.” He mirrors her phrasing, his gaze hardens once more.
“Well don’t listen to them, it’s obviously not true.”
“What do you mean? You’re here, experiencing the monstrosity first-hand and you- you’re just—” he cuts himself off with a huff, waiting for her to explain herself.
“This,” she gestures to him, “ability? Whatever you have, it’s doesn’t make you a monster.”
“No? Well, it’s certainly not a fan favorite,” He glowers.
“I think it’s cool,” she offers quietly. His eyes snap to her again. He regards her for a heavy moment.
“I don’t want to be cool. I want to be normal.”
“They say normal doesn’t really exist,” she shrugs.
“You’re joking. There’s a big difference between being a little quirky and awkward at parties and this,” he says with a waving a hand to himself.
“So, you have a superpower. I’m sorry that you’ve been cursed with being too interesting.”
“You don’t know anything about what kind of curse this is,” a low rage burns at the edges of his words. She gets a jolt telling her to tread carefully here. It’s true, she doesn’t know what he’s gone through, what he’s seen, what chaos his ability has wrought in his life.
“I’m sorry. You’re right. I really don’t know anything about you. I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“You’re fine,” his words are clipped. An awkward tension threatens to hang between them before Felix breaks the silent pause. “It doesn’t feel like a superpower. It’s more like whatever power the villain would get.”
“What are you talking about? Think about all the cats you could save from trees. That’s like a classic good guy move right there.”  Felix draws in a slow breath, his eyes blinking closed. Oh, she’s really done it now. She knew this was dangerous territory for conversation, and she went barreling forwards like she always does. She’s about to backtrack and apologize again when he starts laughing. Not the cruel bitter laugh of frustration she’s heard from him before, but a real laugh. Amusement sparks in his eyes when he looks down at her.
“You make no sense to me,” he says with a shake of his head.
“Well, that’s a shame, because I’ve obviously got you all figured out,” she teases.
“Whatever,” he huffs. “Alright. I think I can shift back now. Give me a second.” He fishes her backpack out of his pocket, holding it in the palm of his hand as he stands to his full height. She feels her throat go dry as his rising form casts a shadow over her. He stands so tall she doesn’t even try to catch a glimpse of his face from her current vantage point. Then, slower than his initial transformation, he shrinks back down to his regular height. His clothing shrinks with him, but her backpack remains unbothered by the shift. It seems to grow in his hands as he shrinks from a giant to a regular person again.
“Tada,” he says lamely, holding her bag out to her. He shoves his hands in his pockets once she takes it. Assessing his new form she can see that they are about the same height. Without another word he turns from her and starts walking back to the campus.
“Why did you need my stuff?” She asks after several minutes of following after him quietly.
“I couldn’t have you taking any pictures of me like that,” his answer is simple, but it twists her heart to hear it.
“Oh. I really wouldn’t have—”
“It’s not a risk I can afford to take. That’s all,” he interrupts.
"I won't tell anyone, just so you know."
"I don't care what you do. It doesn't matter either way. It would just be another story on the ever growing rumor mill."
"Well I care. And I won't. You're one of the most frustrating people I've ever met, but I like you. Your secret is safe with me," she pledges.
"Thanks, I guess?" he says dryly after a moment. "Well Charlotte," they've reached the campus once more. "I’ll see you in class and stuff.”
"You can call me Charlie. That’s what my friends call me.”
“I’ve literally never heard anyone call you that,” He says with a raised brow.
“I literally don’t have any friends here,” she replies with a shrug.
“You’re ridiculous,” he says to her for maybe the fourth time now. But this time, he rolls his eyes and struggles to contain a smile.
“Well yeah. You’re horribly normal, so one of us has to be the weird one,” She grins deviously, and he shoves her gently with his shoulder. With that, they part ways.
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tanoraqui · 2 years
I COMPLETELY FORGOT A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF CROWNLESS (the Young Aragorn show that lives in my, and apparently many of your, hearts): Each season opens with the framing device of middle-aged Sam Gamgee sitting by the fire in Bag End, telling his kids stories about the King. If you don’t have a (historical inaccuracy-excusing) narrative frame in a Middle Earth story, wtf are you even doing?
Also, the theme song in my mind is "All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter" by Clamavi de Profundis, but I'm open to some other group doing their own arrangement of the poem.
so, key elements of season 3 (s1 and 2 here):
A couple times in s2, including notably in the season finale?, Rohirrim were involved…so at the very end of that season, King Thengel invited Aragorn to come serve in his court/armed forces. That’s right, it’s time for UNMITIGATED HORSE GIRL!ARAGORN HOURS!
(confession: I could be persuaded to combine s2 and s3, with some elements of s3 going into s4)
(and clarification: Aragorn isn't deliberately using a false name, but he's also not presenting himself as anything more than a random northern Dúnedain ranger, son of nobody in particular.)
The show starts to shift in this season: in addition to/in place of some monster of the week episodes, we get political drama of the week, and more ongoing plotlines. Also, I realized it’s as much ‘location of the week’ as ‘monster of the week’—that continues, centered around Rohan (which means we’ll retread some locations from s2)
First trip to Minas Tirith, on some diplomatic excursion!
fun canon LotR info: Thengel, Theoden's father, was a total Gondor stan - he lived there from his teens until he had to come home to take up the crown, he married a woman from Lossarnach, as King of Rohan he spoke Sindarin and Westernesse and not Rohirric...
so I'm gonna say that teenage Theoden is kind of resentful of that? He was born in Lossarnach, came to Rohan at age 5...but Rohan is his home and he loves it, and he wonders if his father is too enamored of Gondor to be the best king of Rohan. He's skeptical of Thengel recruiting this random Ranger to be a captain of the Riders. On the flip side, Aragorn is SO COOL, and superb with horses. and Theoden wants to be him when he grows up. It's hard, being a teenager and a prince, with 4 sisters. It's hard and nobody understands
Sauruman is there for an episode, being genuinely helpful but his vibes are faintly rancid. He's about to start building up Isengard as an armed power. If the season finale involves something like a proper battle again, he might pitch in.
Halbarad and Dúnawen might actually stay in Ithilien? Or they come along to Rohan but they just join the Riders without getting involved in court stuff at all. Aragorn is going to start doing more things on his own. They presumably have their own B/C-plot character arcs btw, I just don't know what
Roddis definitely stayed behind in Ithilien/Gondor. New in the cast, however, not from quite the start but maybe like ep7/22, or the midseason onward? Is a perfectly normal human woman with dark hair and grey eyes...
Arwen. It's Arwen.
Aragorn: Why are you here? Arwen: I am the daughter of Elrond Half-Elven. My grandparents include the Evening Star, White-Winged Elwing, and Galadriel, student of Melian who on separate occasions told both Fëanor and Eonwë to fuck off. Everyone who met her agrees that I look just like my great-great-grandmother Lúthien Tinúviel. The distant echo of the Doom of the Exiles runs in my veins, as do the Songs of Lúthien and the Light of a Silmaril. I know the weight of Fate when it settles on my shoulders like a mantle, as it did when you called me 'Tinúviel' beneath Imladris's twilit trees—but the Choice of the Peredhel remains mine and mine alone. So I have come, Elessar, Isildur's heir, to see if I actually like you. Arwen: Curiosity. Aragorn: [vividly remembering how in s1 his mom said, "She's way out of your league" and Elrond said, "You won't get married until you're king." (Aragorn: "...married to your daughter?" Elrond: "To anyone. Period.")] Aragorn: Cool. Curiosity is cool. I'm gonna be so normal about this.
(Spoilers: he was not entirely normal about this.)
(Spoilers: they super do like each other, though)
Idk what the backup rangers are doing overall, but I do want Aragorn and Dúnawen to still have some sort of romantic Thing in s2, maybe off and on again, as Aragorn thought Arwen wasn't interested and was trying not to just be moping about it... Then Arwen arrives and Aragorn is So Conflicted for like 1 episode, before Dúnawen comes to him like, "Aragorn, I love you as a friend and comrade-in-arms and I love you as my chieftain and king-to-be, and I could probably love you as a wife if we really tried...but you clearly have not just a crush but some sort of Destiny thing with Lady Arwen, so I'm going to go back to Ithilien for a bit, maybe get drunk and laid with a handsome barmaid, and get over you. While I'm gone, you should try, like, talking to her."
A thing that Aragorn and Arwen...do bond over, but more it's there to demonstrate their compatibility to the audience, is: ...So, we (the writers/producers) don't have the rights to The Silmarillion, right, just The Lord of the Rings and its Appendices, and The Hobbit. These do periodically namedrop people, however, with dashes of elaboration mostly in the Appendices...and Aragorn is established from the start to be a bit of a history nerd, because that's what happens when you're raised by Elrond...so periodically, Aragorn and his friends will be in a Situation and Aragorn will whisper, like, "This is just like when [Fëanor/Túrin/Tar-Minastir/etc...]—" and Halbarad or Dúnawen hisses, "Does that actually help us right now?" and Aragorn will say, "Sure!" and start doing something that Silmarillion nerds can recognize is inspired by whatever the person in question did in a similar situation (note: sometimes Aragorn deliberately does the opposite of what the historical figure did, and it works much better.) The writers very carefully do not explicitly reference anything not explicitly in the permitted texts. If they need/get to elaborate on a historical figure, they'll toe a careful line of Silmarillion canon and blatantly made-up things.
That happened more in s1, when the show needed to make good with the old fans, but also in s2. Aragorn remains the only one referencing this stuff. Then in s3, he and Arwen are...let's say captured by bandits, and Arwen murmurs in his ear, "I have an idea. You know in the Lay of Lúthien..." Aragorn's eyes widen. "Beren and Lúthien or Beren and Finrod?" Arwen: "Finrod." Aragorn nods, and they proceed to bullshit their way out of being captive with flawless teamwork and yes-and-ing (and maybe fight a wolf on their way out, just to be thorough).
No idea what this season finale is. Like I said, you could probably weave parts of most of this season into s2 and s4? But that would ruin the "a different significant geographical area every season" thing we've got going on.
[s4 here!]
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