#it was a question related to religion
a-fuked-up-mess · 5 months
why do i feel so much like an asshole when i want to or when im googling something so bloody wrong and controversial that i just don't even want to do that anymore?! BUT i need it. for the story. that im writing. and it sucks, because i need that information but it feels SO wrong to even think about asking such question T_T
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theangrypomeranian · 2 months
"you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me" feels like something an ex Christian would say to someone who didn't grow up in any kind of religion
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Oh man I looked at the notes on that evolution & Christianity poll (a mistake, clearly), like, how can so many people be so fkin stupid. Yes thats mean of me to say but. Y'all are really out here being strict biblical literalists?? Not even most of the early christian theologians & church fathers were strict biblical literalists?? There is no historical basis to being an extreme literalist abt the bible?? Presumably you received SOME sort of education and can read and think critically?? You can't ALL have been raised in an information restrictive cult??
99% of the time im ready to throw hands with Catholicism because oh boy we have beef and I hate it here, but at least we're not Like That TM.
Oh Fr Georges Lemaître, father of the Big Bang Theory, we're really in it now.
#not to dunk on my Protestant friends ily#but like. protestantism is one hell of a drug. holy shit#like do i think ultimately what you believe about the evolution is the end of the world. no#BUT it indicates underlying literalist thinking which leads to problems that ACTUALLY affevt everyday life#and also just. deliberate ignorance. conspiracy theory thinking#not to b like. one thing leads to another. but these r definitely related patterns of thinking#and as much as im like. I fuckin hate catholics#its current western catholics that i rlly hate#theres at least a long history of intellectual freedom and science#yes at times obvs limited and repressed. but at least its not yknow. literalism. i would fuckin die#are yall really out here thinking abt literal adam and eve and creation in 7 days. really. REALLY?#altho. i went to hs with a young earth creationist who thot dinos and humans existed at the same time#so why. am i not surprised anymore#anyway yeah individual catholics are largely insane and i will fistfight trads#but at least like. INSTITUTIONALLY. we're allowed space to think and question#doctrinally thats allowed. even if trads refuse it in practice#ho ho holy shit yall#deadass did not think there was a significant amount of biblical literalists and creationists on TUMBLR of all places#both atheists and trads who think religion and science are fundamentally opposed.#think again. u r all. dummies. i am too tired to be polite abt it#im tired of ppl with no thinking skills <-its elections here today im extra full of rage#mrk saunders can catch my hands ALSO#i saw someone say that theres no basis to interpret the bible as allegorical#as if everytime Jesus said a parable ans the apostles took it literally#he had to sit them down and be like#boys. i love u. stop being stupid. its an allegory for the people.#WHAT THE FUCK IS A PARABLE IF NOT AN ALLEGORICAL INSTRUCTIVE STORY#genuinely. maybe i am naive. but deadass thot the adam and steve crowd thing was a joke. not a genuine argument against the gays#or at the very least a rare opinion blown out of proportion#ARE YALL OK IN PROTESTANT MAJORITY AREAS???????
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defendglobe · 1 year
you know what i wanna know? did sisko live a normal human lifespan and then just die or did he like fully ascend to godhood with the prophets at the end of his life?
because if its the latter than it's technically possible that sisko and michael burnham could meet.
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foolsocracy · 11 months
I love hearing your thoughts relating judaism to Noir Peter, it's really cool!!!
!!! Thank you so much!! I’m actually super relieved to know that. I’m glad u like it :,,]
Jewish Peter isn’t an uncommon headcanon at all but I still get cold feet about posting about it in decent depth. I feel like a lot of religious discussion can make some people wary, but I find religion really fascinating and a great way to apply further context to things, so I like to post about it anyway lol. And I figured someone might like it as much as I do, so here we are!!
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crimeronan · 1 year
life hack: if a random guy on youtube gets pissed at you in the comments section because you talked factually about a topic with which you're familiar, just reply that you're sorry but you don't debate with hysterical handwringers who are too emotional to accept cold hard facts. this will solve nothing but neither would an actual debate. and this will FEEL a-maz-ing.
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glimblshanks · 1 month
It's so difficult, because I genuinely do want to understand what the whole deal with Christianity is, but Christians are so apposed to any line of questioning about their belief system (in a way that no other religion is) that if you say anything they don't like they shut down and accuse you of being a sinner.
And it's like bro, I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm trying to understand why this religion is even appealing to you. How do you manage to get so many converts when you're not even willing to answer basic questions about your theology?
Everyone I've found who's actually willing to discuss Christian theology with me is an ex-Christian which is super unhelpful, because ex-Christians are people who have deconstructed Christian belief and come to the conclusion that it doesn't work for them. They're always very cynical about the whole situation. That's not what I'm looking for.
I want to talk to someone who's still into it. I want to understand what actually draws people to this religion ( I do not want to be trauma dumped at - I don't know what aspect of Christian belief confuses y'all into thinking that trauma dumping is an appropriate substitute for theological discussion, but it absolutely isn't).
Like you would really think for one of the most popular religions in the world finding answers to this stuff would be easier. Why can't you guys just talk about your beliefs?
#Christianity#religion#like I just don't understand#if the basic conceit of the religion is that God sent his only son down to Earth so that he could relate to and better understand humans#then I have a lot of questions#because a) if he's a all knowing god why does he need help understanding humans anyway?#b) if you're taking the Bible literally. Why would he then require Jesus to be celibate and die at 30?#like aren't sex and aging and relationships all parts of the human experience that god would want to know about?#and c) if you're taking the Bible metaphorically. The meaning of this story seems to be#that the divine will never truly relate to or understand you. That you are infact so different from the divine#that if an aspect of god came down from the heavens to interact with the people#your sins and the sins of your community as a whole would kill that divinity before it could live out a full human life#which is a genuinely interesting concept! like I would read a novel with that plot#but I don't understand why that's appealing from a faith perspective#is the appeal the act of forgiveness afterwards?#like the divine are so fundamentally different from us that we would kill them but they would forgive us for that difference anyway#why is difference something that must be forgiven rather than accepted?#like do you see why I'm confused by this stuff?#anyways#posting to this blog because a surprising number of Christians follow me here#maybe one of y'all can help me understand
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redheadbigshoes · 6 months
I will never understand following a religion (or at least religious leaders) who base their beliefs on fear.
I genuinely cannot understand people having idk how so many rituals and a bunch of other things they do in their daily life because of fear of something that happens after they die.
It makes so much more sense actually enjoying your days alive and doing something good with your life and maybe helping others than worry about something that might happen after you die, something you can’t even be sure of.
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ilovetobiko · 8 months
attention all catholic aesthetic loving homosexuals; gay sex may become canon in the religion. here's what that even means:
I have a notes document of everything I learned in regard to homosexuality in Catholic school, and according to it, here's everything that my religion teachers tried to put in my head:
GAY SEX is not sin
GAY SEX is a way to 'cheat' sex before marriage without sin
GAY SEX has 0 emotional implications (and cannot)
GAY RELATIONSHIPS only have sexual implication
GAY PEOPLE are not born like that, they have sexual curiosity
GAY PEOPLE who claim to be gay as kids have been corrupted
BI PEOPLE can be forgiven by marrying the opposite sex, but they must 'leave homosexuality behind'
This means, if the Catholic Church starts blessing gay marriage, all gay, pre-marital sex will officially be sinful. Have fun. Thank you.
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villainessbian · 11 months
wait, bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah are gendered terms?
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vampyre-kin · 1 year
I low key kind of wish I'd been raised more religiously? Like I have such a weird fucking relationship with Christianity but at the same time I only have comparatively mild religious trauma, I only consistently went to church for about two years and the most my mom ever asked me to do was pray during hard time. I guess I just wish I had something more significant to connect all these feelings to. This weird guilt, the even weirder yearning to be more involved. Idk. It's all just weird and I don't like it.
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communistkenobi · 2 years
the religion chapter in auth personality is kind of a flop
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noxtivagus · 1 year
hmmm. oh my god my mind is a mess i rlly can't write what i want to rn but i will just Dump
#🌙.vents#YEAH HONESTLY OKAY one reason why fiction comforts me so much is. it teach me so much n let me live through so much more#these characters i. relating to them n seeing parts of myself in them is just. yk rlly comforting bcs i'm. very not social irl.#i get anxious. n typically i find that.. most ppl in like my class or my school or wtvr. yk everyone is interesting n has depth but#i find them. a bit too simple for me. ah.. yeah uhm. sorry remove the 'a bit' it's. by far. so.#hermes rlly. to me bcs he's like. different. felt alone for it. but.. he's intelligent he's valued n. theres a lot of ways to look at it bu#yh then he stands up n does smth for himself for once n he makes mistakes n then after that he sort of just gives up on that part of himsel#'internalizes the lies' THAT PART HURT SO MUCH OKAY. but.. yk fitting in n being 'normal' or wtvr gives a lot of ppl more comfort#but for me it hurts yes but i'd much rather face life for what it is. who i am who i really am. fuck if it's lonely for me#smth from the 1975 w matty on religion? sorry as well i'm.. really not religious. i respect it but please. i'm really not religious.#it would.. be easier yeah if we did believe in some divine being right? believing that there is salvation. that. there's.. yeah#i really just can't bring myself to believe in that. on religion i rmb rn even when i was younger like in lower school even i rlly thought#abt logic behind it. i questioned n wondered why people believed in religion. i really as. very curious abt stuff n life n all that#n growing up i've never really let the outside world influence me too much. no i pride myself in really staying true to myself.#so last year hurt sm bcs i really felt like i was restraining myself too much. i can't exactly pinpoint it rn okay i'm emotional rn but#i rlly felt like my freedom to be myself was stuck somewhere. n then stuff n 'talking too much' so tumblr became yh for me bcs#i don't want to isolate myself but i just.. can't do some things bcs of anxiety? or wtvr there's a lot n then there's also. uh#i still do crave vulnerability n belonging but how do i say this#it's really important to me that. i realize i open up more to ppl that also are able to open up as well. ppl who are like me.#like apollo n online friends n i love my irls too n i hate this bcs yh fine maybe i'm a bit of a ppl pleaser but it's more in a way that#i don't want to be misunderstood. i don't want to hurt anyone. so irl i generally tend to.. hide or restrain myself#take note of 'generally'. but i won't touch on that right now. i think i've been misunderstood before so that's why im sensitive to this#bcs. still having that love n care can coexist with still knowing myself n what works better for me bcs it's so crazy actually how w#several ppl i met last year esp the ones i only know online i cld open up to them more easily bcs they Too can do that n it just#feels so lonely irl i'm just dumping rn it's like nearly 1 am n i'll probably delete this tmrrw bcs i think i'm a bit frustrated right now#not that it's anyone's fault. i'm just. confused right now w myself but i don't mean anything bad by all this okay#i want to just. write. a fictional story rn to calm myself. doing things for myself surely isn't selfish. being myself isn't selfish right?#i can be kind to myself right now too. like other times before. so i will be kind. yes i will be.#there's sm in my head i rlly wish i cld write them all but such is the limit of being human. not too bad tho bcs i have stuff to do#i'll get that done rq n then i'll let myself rest though. until i sleep i'll let myself be at peace n rest c:
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4trackcassette · 2 years
ok sorry for being a hater yesterday. I started reading some Ursula k le Guin essays and i have positive emotions again. i love her.
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williamkergroach55 · 10 months
The Unspoken prominence of Western Civilization
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In an ever-evolving world, where the boundaries between cultures blur and global connectivity shapes our narrative, it's crucial to reflect on the profound impact that Western Civilization has had on our collective human journey. "The Western Civilization" by William Kergroach stands as a testament to the enduring influence of the Western culture, offering a profound exploration of its contributions to the global tapestry.
A Tapestry of Heritage
Within the pages of this enlightening work, readers are transported through the corridors of time, uncovering the intricate layers of Western heritage. Kergroach artfully narrates the story of how Western thought, values, and innovations have left an indelible mark on the world's stage. From the profound insights of philosophy to the masterpieces of art, and the leaps of innovation that have reshaped societies, every chapter serves as a testament to the interconnectedness of cultures and the universal relevance of Western contributions.
Philosophical Foundations
The philosophical foundations that have shaped Western Civilization are a cornerstone of the book's exploration. Kergroach delves into how Western thinkers have grappled with questions of existence, morality, and the very essence of being. These philosophical undercurrents, firmly rooted in Western thought, have transcended time and continue to influence global conversations on ethics, governance, and the human experience.
Cultural Confluence
In an era where cultural exchange is as effortless as a mouse click, understanding the essence of Western art is paramount. Kergroach guides readers on a journey through the artistic expressions that have not only captivated Western audiences but have also bridged cultural gaps across the globe. Be it the timeless words of literature, the evocative chords of music, or the visual narratives painted by artists, these creations serve as an eloquent reminder of the shared human experience.
Innovative Impulses
The book also sheds light on how Western Civilization has been a crucible of innovation. From the Age of Discoveries that expanded horizons to the technological revolutions that have reshaped our world, Kergroach demonstrates that Western ingenuity has been a driving force in shaping the course of human progress. These innovations transcend borders, catalyzing intercultural exchanges and pushing humanity forward collectively.
A Global Perspective
"The Western Civilization" is a call for cultural pride; it's an invitation to recognize the prominence of the White world. As the world grows smaller and more connected, understanding the influence of Western culture fosters legitimate pride. Kergroach's exploration ignites a spark of curiosity, urging us to look beyond the surface and appreciate our roots and our ancestors masterpieces.
The Western Civilization has shaped the world civilization. it's about time to say White is beautiful
#WesternInfluence #CulturalLegacy #White #Philosophy #ArtisticExpression #Innovation #CulturalWest 📚🌍
#Western Civilization#The Western Civilization#Default (GPT-3.5)#User#Rédige un article sérieux et universitaire en anglais sur le livre “The Western Civilization”#by William Kergroach. Ajoute des#à la fin de l'article. L'ambition du livre est de rappeler aux Occidentaux et au monde l'importance de la civilisation occidentale pour l'h#plunge into the heart of the key moments in history that have forged our modern society. Explore the twists and turns of philosophy and int#and discover how they have shaped our understanding of the world.#From the great discoveries to the Renaissance periods#follow the evolution of mankind through the ages#and observe the technological revolutions that have turned our way of life upside down. Immerse yourself in the influence of Western arts a#Explore the Western way of life#from food to relationships#and question the evolution of our ethical values over the centuries. Immerse yourself in the history of the Western World states#from the stories of European religions to Europe's golden cultural periods.#Decipher the complex chronology of political dominance#explore the influence of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants and plunge into the era of the American Empire's domination of Europe. Dive into#explore the great achievements of European civilization and question the impact of technological advances on our daily lives.#From economics to cultural and political relations#from demographics to ecology#from the shadows of corrupt leaders to the challenges of the Patriot Act and large-scale surveillance#“Western Civilization” plunges into the depths of our society.#Discover the vibrant panorama of Western literature#from Slavic literatures to North American#Australian#New Zealand and Scandinavian creations. Explore the chords and dissonances of classical music#folk#rock 'n' roll and rock. Explore the architectural streets of the West#from the automobile to fashion
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swupwise · 1 year
Everytime I'm forced to write something that requires research from the bible I feel like I release some of the seal I've placed on the Church Kid in me. Its slowly breaking free.
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