#it was easy and im glad im finally done with it
allmyandroids · 5 months
𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺 - 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴
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angel-eyes05 · 1 year
to leave the warmest bed i've ever known
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pairing: spiderwoman!reader x miguel o’hara 
summary: after miguel’s fight with miles, you confront him in his office
warnings: this whole thing is basically one big argument there’s SO much angst, implied suicide attempt, HUGE ATSV SPOILERS DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS MOVIE, im projecting a little in some parts of this ngl (i cried writing a certain section of this, you'll know it when you read it lmao), mentions and descriptions of blood, gore, and death
word count:  4.1k
notes: i watched the movie yesterday…and miguel is on my mind. but i remember reading this namor x reader fanfic after i watched wakanda forever of a similar idea to this and i loved it so this is HEAVILY inspired by that fic, but just make it miguel. i would link it but ngl that was so long ago and i dont remember the author. if i end up finding it again ill put it here. also, just pretend miguel has been doing this whole spider society thing for a couple of years at least, it just needs to work like that for this ik its probably not canon but just roll with it lmao. and yes the title is a taylor swift lyric im so glad you noticed (im so sorry she's in my brain rn with the eras tour)
The anger boiled up inside your chest as you stormed your way across the lobby. Hundreds of different Spider-Man variants were scattered across the area, some more injured than the others. It sickened you sometimes. How he had so many people under his grasp and just decided to throw some of them at the walls sometimes, not caring how hard they hit the floor because they were all just ammo to him. How despite his denials of it, that’s probably what your role was to him as well. Nothing more than a bullet in his massive machine gun.
You normally tried not to think about it, how his determination towards his goal sometimes meant lack of care for others. But this time he had just gone too far. You always had a soft spot for Miles, watching closely on him whenever Miguel would let you go though scanners of all the different variants. You admired his struggle, but eventual success to taking up the previous Peter’s mantle, and always hated how Miguel talked about him. You knew there was no way Miles could’ve asked for any of this. For the pressures and struggles of being a Spider-Man, for everything causing such a strained relationship with his parents, for the death of his uncle, and for what will be the eventual death of his father. You definitely didn’t.
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Ok lets do this one last time. Eh, whatever, there’s probably gonna be 50 other introductions after this one so it doesn’t really matter.
Being Earth-837’s Spider-Man has never been easy. Especially since you were bit when you were only 13 (another reason you sympathized with Miles and Gwen). Your life had followed the order of canon events to a perfect T, your older brother killed in a fight with a robber only two months after you were bit. You tried to overcome the burden of your powers by trying to live as normal of a teenage life as possible, but it was mostly in vain, having to give up multiple friendships and relationships in fear of those you love getting hurt. This was only elevated when your boyfriend Peter was murdered in the crossfire of an encounter with Doc Ock. You didn’t understand. You couldn’t. What you had done to deserve all of this. All you did was just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You wonder sometimes what would happen if someone was in the same place you were when you got bit. If someone else went to the closed down area of that museum and ran into that spider. That stupid spider that ruined your life. Those thoughts slowly started to disappear for a bit. For a few years things were easy. Things seemed like they were finally going in your favor.
You were 25 when it happened. The last canon event. Ever since you were a little girl you hated your mother’s job. Losing nights of sleep over if she would come home or not. She always did though. She was good at her job. Too good though. Good enough to get promoted to police captain, which for who you were, was basically sealing her fate. She saved so many people that day. You were too busy fighting Venom to notice how much collateral damage you were causing in the process. Your mother’s job was to evacuate all the citizens away from the fight. She died shielding a child from incoming debris. A noble way to go. But god was it gruesome. You found her after the fight was over, two metal poles impaling her. One through her stomach and one straight through her face, pools of blood growing bigger below her as she was left there, all the paramedics busy trying to save the heavily injured. You froze when you finally recognized her, unable to at first due to how mutilated her face was from the pole. Suddenly, you were transported back to being a six year old, falling asleep outside the door to your mother’s bedroom so you would know exactly when she would come home. Purposefully falling asleep in her arms so that she couldn’t go anywhere.
When you used the key she had given you to get into her apartment that night, and you slept in her room, desperate to intake anything left of her before she was fully gone. You doused yourself in her perfume so it still felt like she was standing right behind you. You had always loved her smell. The smell of vanilla, curl product, and fancy perfume. They were attached to memories you had of her. Trying on her heels when you were a kid to try and be fancy like her. Smelling her hair in the morning before school to comfort you before she left for work. Despite all of this bringing you comfort, all it really did was cause further denial in your heart. That one day you were gonna hear the keys clacking in the keyhole to your apartment one more time. That’s all you really wanted. You would give everything up in a heartbeat just to hear her police scanner go off one last time. But it wasn’t going to. And it was your fault. Deep down you knew it was. You should’ve done a better job controlling the debris. You had always been a messy fighter, but you didn’t know it was going to mean anything until it was too late. 
How you got up to the top of that building is still a blur to you to this day. But next thing you know, you were looking at the New York City skyline from the very top of the Empire State Building. And at the very edge too. You heard some sounds behind you, but you just decided it was the wind howling from how high up you were. You were just so tired. Everything and everyone you loved was cursed all because of you. And with your mother as the most recent victim, you decided you finally had enough. You took a deep breath, eyes overflowed with water, as you set your foot forward.
Your plummet was interrupted by a sudden contact you felt to your forearm. Shock filled your body as you turned around to look at what had stopped your attempt. The blue hand was massive, nearly wrapping back around onto itself as it held onto you for dear life. You finally looked up at face that the hand belonged to. The mask that covered the massive figure was a strange one. Blue with strange red silhouettes for the eyes. It kind of reminded you of…your own costume? That couldn’t be though there was no way. This must be the afterlife or something. You already jumped and that's why you didn’t remember your way up to the top. This was some kind of creature trying to stop you from jumping down to hell below. His breaths were heavy and loud, almost like he was desperate to stop you. This convinced you that this was real, which caused you to try to escape from his grip. He was stronger than you, and was putting up a huge fight. You were slick though. Once you were out of his hand, you closed your eyes and quickly made your jump. Everything flashed before your eyes. Your brother, Peter, your mom. You were hoping to see them soon. This was very quickly interrupted again when you suddenly stopped falling. Something had attached itself to your stomach. You opened your eyes. A web? This web was much different than yours though. It was glowing a bright, neon orange.
The man was holding onto the end of it tightly with both hands. His mask then disappeared to show his face. His was long, matching how big the rest of his body was, defined cheek bones sticking out. Brown wavy hair slicked back with a few loose strands flying out in the wind. The look of desperation on his face stook out most of all. Why did he care so much? He didn’t know you, and you definitely didn’t know him. “Let me pull you up. Please,” he said to you between shaky pants. You stared at him for a bit before nodding. He slowly pulled you up with the string of his web, each move more careful than the last. As soon as your feet were planted safely back on the roof of the building, he wrapped you up in his massive arms. You appreciated the gesture, but you didn’t return it, still very confused about why he was so concerned. He was so big around your body though, you couldn’t help but feel a little comforted, feeling his still shaky breaths against the hairs of your neck. Soon after, he clicked on some buttons on his neon orange watch and led you into a portal.
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The rest is history. You’re grateful he found you that day. It allowed you to meet so many people, Peter B., Jess, Gwen, Hobie, Ben, Pavitr, Margo. They all related to you and you felt like you could share things with them that you couldn’t do with anyone else. You had grown especially close to Peter and Jess, both of them having been in the game for a long time, just like you. They both knew how you felt, having lost so much and growing so tired after so many years. Peter even named you as Mayday’s godmother when she was born, a gesture that caused you to nearly kill him with your hug. Miguel though was different. He wasn’t nearly as social as the rest of your friends, but you found yourself having much more intimate moments with him (in more ways then one). You eventually found out why Miguel was so concerned for you the day you met. He had taken interest in your abilities early into looking for variants for his little “project”, but refrained from roping you into something so dangerous while you were still in your teens.
Once you were old enough though, he started paying more and more attention, hoping to catch you in a fight and recruit you then. But he was always pulled away with more important duties to attend to. That was until he witnessed your canon event. He had seen it happen so many times before through his scanners. It was going to happen. It had to in order for your universe to not collapse in on itself. But for some reason, yours hurt more than the rest to him. Especially how you coped with it. Seeing you wrap yourself up in her blankets and clothes broke his heart. He knew where this would lead to. That’s why he was there that day. To save you. He had to, or he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. You got your own watch immediately, along with your own room in the Spider Society headquarters. He stayed close with you for the first month of you being a member of the team. When he wasn’t out on missions, he was with you. You didn’t really know what to label you two as, but whatever was going on, you liked it. And he did too.
That is until Miles came into the picture. Once Miles was bit, all hell broke loose for Miguel. He was always in some alternate dimension catching some Spider-Man villain who got out and rangled them back over here, falling back over to you more beat up and bruised than the last time. You couldn’t imagine how much stress he was under, the fate of the entire multiverse up to him. You had some ways of helping him relieve his stress, but you wish you could convince him that he wasn’t alone in this. But nothing ever got through to him. He had become distant, aloof even. You tried bringing it up to Jess every so often, but she would just brush it off.
“That’s how he’s always been.” Not to you he hasn’t. This week has been hell though. With Spot making it over to Miles, Miguel had been going into rages all week. You had put up with it for now, but that was all about to stop. Watching how harsh he was being on Miles, throwing so many Spider-Men at an innocent boy, risking all of their lives in the process. Disregarding everything Gwen and Peter were feeling and then throwing Gwen back into her broken world with nothing. He had gone too far. No one else was going to stand up to him about it, so you knew it had to be you. Maybe he would listen, maybe he wouldn’t. It didn’t really matter. He just needed to hear it.
“It’s not worth it you know.” The voice snapped you out of your thoughts, stopping you in your tracks. “You know how stubborn he gets over these things,” said Jess, trying to convince you to save your breath. “I don’t care. I have to at least try,” you responded, monotonically. “I just don’t understand how you can follow him so blindly and not see what he’s doing is wrong.” “Because he isn’t wrong. I don’t know about you, but I’m not just gonna stand by and let some kid’s stupid decisions destroy another Earth,” Jess argued. “He’s just trying to save his dad, I can’t understand how that makes him such a bad person,” you said, finally turning around to face her, shocked when she was closer to you than expected.
“You know exactly why. Don’t be so naive, y/n,” she shot back. “You can’t stop me,” you said staring straight into her. She shrugged. “Then I can’t help you.” She began to walk away. You did to, until you heard her say. “You don’t know how much he cares for you.” You turned around to face her again, but her back was still to you, her head tilted ever so slightly to look at you. “If you really do care for the kid, watch what you say to Miguel right now. Cause you might just give him the final push he needs to do what needs to be done.” You didn’t give her a response, and just simply kept walking. You felt Jess’ eyes on your back as you entered the elevator to get up to Miguel’s office.
The elevator ride up felt longer than it should’ve, as you tried to gather all of your thoughts and emotions together so even if he didn’t listen, your words would still stick with him in some way. You didn’t necessarily want to hurt him (though your fists were telling you otherwise), but you did want him to be aware of what he’s done. Once the doors finally opened, all of that work flew out the window as rage took over your body again, seeing Miguel up there looking at the scanners. The fact that he looked just as normal as he always does made you furious. It’s like nothing happened.
“You know, I could hear you coming in from the lobby,” he said, almost stopping you in your tracks. You hated when he did that. Claiming that he knew what your every move was going to be. Like you were under his control or something. “Yeah, well then you must’ve heard me talking to Jess, which means you know exactly what this is about,” you shot back, stopping to where you could see him perched up there. “Why don’t you just save me the conversation about morality and just come up here and kick my ass already. It’ll save both of us time,” he said, not even taking his eyes off the scanners to look down at you. This only added to your fury. “That’s not what I’m here for Miguel, so don’t you dare try to twist my words here. What you did to that kid was fucked up and you know it.” “Oh yeah, then why didn’t you try to do anything to stop me?” he questioned.
“Because I’m not stupid Miguel. I’m not gonna try to take down hundreds of Spider-Men at once.” “Oh, cause you’re so much better than that?” This wasn’t like him at all. That gentle, kind, and caring Miguel you once knew was gone, taken over by some sort of personal vendetta he had against Miles. “Listen, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but this all needs to stop before it gets taken too far. You’re getting into a fight you can’t win. That kid’s strong and so are his allies. And if you go any further into this, I won’t be here to help you.” He stayed still and only turned his head to look at you. “And what makes you think that you’re so important to my plan that it’ll fall apart if you leave? Have you really become that pretentious?”
Your body froze. Have I really? No no no, that’s exactly what he wants. If you begin to doubt yourself now, you’ll stay and nothing will change. You knew you were right. He was trying to crumble you down, but you wouldn’t let that happen. “And you really think that one kid is going to ruin something that you’ve been working for for years? How insecure you’ve become.” “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, turning back away from you. You did the same, wiping off your face in anger. “I hate it when you do tha-,” you said as you turned back around, but were cut off to find Miguel standing there right in front of you. He was close. Too close to your liking, although in any other circumstance you would’ve found this attractive.
He tilted his head up, but his eyes were down staring daggers into yours. You hated how much he tried to make himself seem more superior to you. “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he repeated, this time slower as if you were a child. “He’s just a kid Miguel,” you said in a low, quiet voice. “An anomaly. And a dangerous one at that.” “God Miguel, all he wants to do is protect his dad, do you know how insane you sound right now?” you said letting out a slight laugh when you finished. You backed away from him a little. “He doesn’t know how much damage he’ll do with this. Saving his father will only prolong the inevitable. His world will be gone within hours if he does this. All I’m trying to do is make him understand,” he tried to explain. “By trying to kill him.” “You always have to exaggerate the situation,” he said palming his face. “But that’s essentially what you’re trying to do isn’t it? Why not snuff out the problem entirely by taking him out!”
He signed and began to walk away while you were talking, bringing up your anger even more. “Yeah, use all the power you’ve accumulated over the years and just take out the small problem! Except this isn’t just a fly on the wall Miguel. This is a child! An innocent boy who didn’t ask for any of this to happen to him, just like how we didn’t. I get it, I’m sorry that this job is stressful, I really am. But that gives you zero right to act the way you are!” You were screaming at him at this point. You didn’t want to. You didn’t want your emotions to get the best of you. But he was being too stubborn. This was the only way you thought you could get to him. You might not have wanted to, but you needed to hurt him now. It was the only way.
“You can’t be so power blind that you refused to accept the fact that there could be a way around Captain Davis’ death. You said we saved Earth’s before, I’m sure we could do it again.” Your anger only kept rising when he kept walking away and didn’t respond. “This is a personal thing isn’t it?” you asked calmly. You knew it was working now when he stopped walking. “Yeah, it it. You won’t let Miles get his happy ending. Because why should he be pardoned of his burden while the rest of us have suffered so much. While you’ve suffered so much.” The answer to your question was confirmed when Miguel stayed silent. “Just because you didn’t get the life you wanted Miguel, doesn’t mean you have the right to stop other people from getting theirs.”
You knew you overstepped the line when Miguel turned around and started walking towards you, fury burning in his crimson eyes. “Yeah, so what! What if that is what this is all about! You should know better than anyone how much this job takes away from you!” he screamed at you, backing you up into a wall. “Why should he get to be let off so easily, while people like you and me have to suffer so much? Don’t try to turn me into the villain here when I know you’re thinking the exact same thing, y/n.” He wasn’t entirely wrong. You had wondered it at some points. “I won’t let you turn this onto me Miguel, this is about you,” you fired back. “Oh no, you’re not getting off that easily. I know you’re thinking it. And you’re right. Why should Miles get let off so easily when you’ve lost so much.” He held your hands in his, trying to connect to you. “And you have mi vida. You’ve had so much taken from you and it’s unfair. Why should he only have lost one person when you’ve had three taken from you. Your brother, Peter, your moth-.”
He was cut off by your hand striking against his face in a harsh blow. “If you’re smart, and I know you are, you’ll keep those three out of them. I won’t let you drag their names through the dirt for something as stupid as this.” You both stood there for a while, both of your eyes looking towards the ground, hoping it would open up to swallow you both as an escape from this god awful conversation. You never wanted it to come to this. In all honesty, you cared for Miguel. You might’ve even loved him, if you were even capable of doing such a thing. You hoped he felt the same way about you, but in a job like this, he always had at least one wall up around you. It just wasn’t worth it anymore. You were too tired to keep trying for something that was most likely going to fall apart in the end. 
“You’re still going after him aren’t you?” you asked, finally breaking the silence. Miguel looked back up at you. “You can’t ask me not to. You know better than anyone why this is so important to me.” He moved his hand up to cup your cheek and kissed your forehead gently. You let it sit there for a minute out of habit before pushing it off your face. “And you must know why I can’t stay anymore then.” His shoulders dropped. “Whatever this thing between us is. It’s over. I can’t stay beside someone who can’t see what he’s doing is wrong.” Miguel’s dropped hand turned into a fist of anger. “Fine,” he spat in your face. “I don’t need someone like you in my way. You’re just a liability to this anyways.” He began to walk away from you back to his scanners. “Just don’t come crying back over to me when your little plan doesn’t work out, cause I won’t help you.” He used his webs to pull himself back up to the platform to keep looking for Miles. You stood there for a second, gathering yourself.
Five years. Out the door just like that. It bewildered you how easily a bond like you two had could be broken all because of one teenager. You began to make your way for the door before you said. “When this is all over…don’t try to find me.” He didn’t respond. Once the elevator doors opened, you rushed inside, desperate to get away from him. So many thoughts rushed through your head as the doors closed and you sunk down back to the lobby to leave. You didn’t have much of a plan. This could end up being a horrible idea. Your gut told you it was the right thing to do though. And that was enough for you. You walked out of the headquarters lobby with a new heart and a new mind, ready to take action for your new plan.
First though, you had to find Gwen.
a/n: god that took longer than it should've. dw dw i'll do a part 2 if enough people ask for one. im not 100% sure how im gonna do a part 2 cause yk....idk how beyond the spiderverse is gonna go so tbh, we're just gonna make it go the way i want lmao. thanks for reading, ik this was kind of a long one lmao
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kaelaheartsyou · 5 months
Dont Get Caught
paige bueckers x (female) reader
down bad reader + even more down bad paige
pure smut (sorry in advance) mdni !!!
use of bad language
kinda public sex
i watched from the stands as my girlfriend scored the game winning 3 pointer. it was an extremely close game. she immediately locks eyes with me before smiling and running to her teammates and celebrating together. she was definitely getting it tonight.
i made my way from my seat to the sidelines where i congratulated everyone on the team making sure to give azzi and molly a hug. by now the whole team knew me and paige were dating, considering we’ve been together for almost 7 months, it was kind of hard to hide. but imagine how hard it is to keep it from the media. with reporter after reporter trying to get a chance to talk to all the girls, i couldn’t just go up to her and kiss her without someone taking a picture. i didn’t mind the media knowing and i know she didn’t either, but to be fair we did agree to wait.
i just sat down in a chair on the sidelines scrolling through tiktok liking pretty much every post that had to do with paige in some way. she was still getting interviewed while the rest of the girls had already made their way out of the locker room.
as she finished up, she finally walked into the locker room, clearly not noticing i was right behind her. i managed to get past anyone trying to take pictures as i walked in after her. i dont know how she was so oblivious to my presence.
“hi baby, you played so good” i said while smiling, still behind her.
“holy shit” she said practically jumping as she turned around to look at me. “how did you get in here without anyone noticing” she laughed
“they were all focused on azzi, just wanted to congratulate you” i beamed happily
“well thank you, im so glad you were able to come i know how behind you are on school shit”
she walked towards me wrapping her arms around my waist. i instinctively put mine around her neck. the eye contact we held could make anyone fold, and i was trying so hard not to. i wanted her to kiss me first, i don’t give in that easy even when it comes to paige fucking bueckers.
after what literally felt like hours she finally kissed me, my hands going straight to her hair that was still in a ponytail. i pulled off the hair tie making her groan into my mouth at the feeling of relief.
she lightly tapped my thigh to signal for me to jump. and of course i did because id do anything for this girl. she lifted me up making me wrap my legs around her waist. still not breaking the kiss, paige carried me to the counter where the sinks were and set me down before pulling at my shirt for me to remove it.
“paige not here we’re gonna get caught.” i mumbled before pulling away
“cmon baby everyone already grabbed their stuff out of here, no ones coming back.” she reassured me with her infamous smirk
i reluctantly nodded my head accepting the fact that if we get caught its on her. i pulled of my shirt and watched her immediately unclip my bra. she stared at me for a minute before speaking, “you’re so fucking beautiful im so damn lucky.”
i blushed, usually i was the one praising her and giving her compliments. must be the post-win feeling getting to her. nonetheless i appreciated her words even though they made me practically melt.
we reconnected our lips, her hand playing with my nipple sent a wave of ecstasy through my entire body. she pulled away again this time to remove my sweatpants, leaving them at my ankles because deep down i think she knew there was a good chance someone might walk in. she marveled at how soaked my red laced underwear was and i felt my self sheepishly covering my face. her hands were quick to pull mine away.
“this wet for me hm? and i haven’t even done anything yet.” she smirked again and pulled down my underwear. i was now fully exposed and she still had her uniform on.
“paige come on take it off.” i said motioning to her uniform and feeling quite embarrassed knowing i was the only one with out a single piece of clothing on.
she complied without a complaint and stripped down to her sports bra and boxers. i see her like this almost every night and it still amazes me how gorgeous she is. running my hand down her toned stomach i start spewing out compliment after compliment before she starts kissing my neck, making me shut up and throw my head back.
her hand thats not on my waist is touching everywhere but wear i need her. im sitting at the edge of the counter at this point, our bodies are flushed together skin to skin.
“please p.. i need you” i murmured quietly when her kisses started getting lower and lower. i just know that there were going to be bruises from where she was sucking in the morning.
“yeah? where do you need me baby use your words.” she said softly against my skin making me shiver. her long fingers finally touching my clit as she moved her fingers at an agonizingly slow pace. “here?”
“mhm- oh shit.. paige please just fuck me already ” i stuttered through my sentence and she laughed
“you want my mouth or my fingers ma?” she said as she made eye contact with me. the nickname repeated in my head, usually i wouldn’t let any girl call me that but it just felt so different when my girlfriend said it.
i debated between the two when i finally settled on an answer and said “both” she just laughed and told me to let her know if it gets to be too much. always so full of herself..
she sat in front of me on her knees spreading my legs apart. she didn’t even break the eye contact before her tongue started circling my clit.
“fuck p, you always know how to make me feel good.” i moaned leaning my head back on to the wall behind me.
i could feel her fucking smirking.
that just encouraged her to move her tongue faster and harder against my clit. she quickly got me to my climax and i grabbed at the back of her head pulling her closer and letting out a string of curses and moans to signal that i was close. she didn’t slow down though, she continued until i begged her to stop when the pleasure got so intense. she pulled away and stood up and kissed me, making me taste myself on her mouth.
“you did so good baby, can you do one more for me?” she cooed against my mouth and i quickly nodded my head, desperate to feel her again.
she brought to fingers to my mouth urging me to suck, to which i complied. her eyes were glued to my mouth as i took her fingers into my mouth. when she pulled them out she brought them right back to my entrance.
“oh fuck.” i moaned at the feeling of her fingers moving in me, immediately hitting my g-spot. she knew my body so well.
my moans encouraged her to speed up “can you take another one?” she challenged and i was so incoherent from the pleasure i could only mumble an “mhm” and nod my head while gripping at her shoulder.
she added another finger and i knew i couldn’t last much longer. my legs started shaking and my hand flew to my mouth to cover any screams that threatened to slip. she immediately tore my hand away.
“no i wanna hear you and know exactly how i make you feel.” she said cockily with a smirk plastered on her face. using her free hand she grabbed my leg and put it over her shoulder, increasing how deep her fingers went in me. i couldn’t take it any longer and i came all over her fingers. she slowed down her pace and removed her fingers before praising me for how good i did for her.
she put her clothes back on because there wasn’t enough time for me to make her “feel good.” i tried to jump down from the counter but i immediately felt my knees buckle from beneath me, luckily page grabbed my arms. she helped me put my shirt and sweatpants back on.
“hey paige?! have you seen my water bottle?” kk said as we heard to door to the locker room open. i quickly fixed my hair to look more presentable and paige walked around the corner and over to kk.
“yeah its out by the bench on the sidelines.” paige replied quickly ushering her out.
“oh um okay.. thanks?” kk didnt further question paiges weird behavior and instead walked away.
paige came back over to me and i put my shoes on before giving her a kiss. not a sexual one, i was just so proud of her.
“we could’ve gotten caught p, we gotta be more careful.” i said jokingly as we left the locker room, being careful to avoid any cameras.
“yeah that could’ve been really bad.. good thing you finish fast.” she said the last part as a whisper and that shut me up immediately. yeah she was gonna get it the second we get back to our apartment.
author speaks- guys im nervous this is my first post. constructive criticism is welcome!!
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sugarish · 3 months
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re; collections of the past .
  an    event    by    @sugarish
you  wake  up  from  your  deep  slumber.  vision  still  hazy,  you  look  around,  only  to  realise  you  don' t  know  where  you  are,  nor  who  you  are.
jolting  up  from  the  tree  stump  you  had  slept  on,  you  stood  up  on  your  unsteady  feet.  you  slowly  walk  to  the  nearest  cottage,  occasionally  stumbling  over  your  limps.  opening  the  door,  an  elderly  woman  greets  you  softly  . . .
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you  must' ve  had  an  undisturbed  rest,  young  one. i saw you peacefully snoozing under the giant oak tree outside. children who visit my cottage normally come here because they' ve lost their memory ; i' m assuming you did too ? no worries, my child, i will be sure you regain your memories.
➵   name  is  edith,  and  i  will  accompany  you  in  regaining  the  nostalgia  you  wish  to  reminisce.
difficult to read ? here' s an easy 2 read ver. !
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      ⁰¹      how    to    join .
if  you  could  me  a  favour,  please  round  up  2 - 3  children  around  my  cottage  with  your  preferred  account  so  they  too  can  reminisce  on  the  memories.
enter  my  library  ( @edi7h )  and  choose  from  the  selection  of  books  below.  wait  patiently,  and  i  will  open  it  for  you  and  your  nostalgia  will  be  revealed  for  you.
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volume i  ;  euphoria volume ii ; melancholy
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volume iii  ;  passion volume iv ; wrath
with  your  memory  at  your  very  finger  tips,  it  would  be  a  waste  to  keep  it  in  your  head,  would  it  not ?  bring  your  memory  to  life  by  creating a moodboard that resembles your memory.
be  sure  to  tag  @sugarish  the  spectator  in the comments or post and  use  the  tag  #re; collections  so  she  can  review  your  precious  past.
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      ⁰²      guidelines    &    tips .
each  and  every  memory  is  unique  --  make  sure  you  do  not  copy  another  participant' s  moodboard  fully.
you  will  get  more  points  for  being  creative  and  adding  gifs,  locs,  custom  pics,  etc.
your  memory  will  start  to  fade  after  a  month  from  now  on ;  please  have  your  moodboard  created  and  posted  before  the  5th  of  august.
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      ⁰³      awards    of    blossoming .
1st ;  wreath  of  honour,  50  reblogs  for  3  moodboards,  3  custom  moodboards,  1  custom  layout,  3  sets  of  dividers  (3-5  in  each  set)
2nd ;  shoutout,  50  reblogs  for  2  moodboards,  2  custom  moodboards,  2  sets  of  dividers  (3-5  in  each  set)
3rd ;  shoutout,  50  reblogs  for  1  moodboard,  2 custom  moodboards,  1  set  of  dividers  (3-5  in  each  set)
honourable  mentions ;  shoutout,  50  reblogs  for  1  moodboard,  1  custom  moodboard
reblogs  will  be  done  on  @2sugarie.
moodboards,  shoutouts,  and dividers  will  be  posted  on  @sugarish.
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guys its not meant to be this difficult. i accidentally posted this event TWICE. and DELETED IT because i thought i posted it. but finally its here i hope all of you enjoy this event !!! i was meant to post this event for my 500 fllws but then i remembered i was going overseas so now we have like 650 fllws woo hoo !!!!!!!!!!!! this was so exhausting oh my gosh so im just glad that its over and done with. this is only my 2nd event and i think it looks so much nicer than the 1st and i will make sure my future events continue to improve :3
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  to those who were deemed interested . . .
( ignore if you' re not interested, i chose people who were interested + a few moots who are active -- i don' t want to add too many 😭 )
@realstraykds @heavenurl @y-vna @jenfaery @brcwni
@fairytopea @soulari @cwpoem @jazzitos @poemale
@hyunjinsvoir @meloodi @huachei @sleepd4rling @yonkiibums
@i-mmaculatus @hyetart @yuzchaes @winterfea @jicito
@yeonzzens @eyuulas @lov2ra @dojeoies @chaey2k
@gigittamic @lil-liaa @jaes1lvr @obrigados @iluvrei
222 notes · View notes
luvyeni · 7 months
❛LOVING THE COMMONER❜ ( k. sunoo )
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— authors note. i did it, i finally did another sunoo smut
p. prince!sunoo x commoner!reader w. 2.9k+
— 𖦹 warnings. modern royal au, bully!sunoo but he softens up, angst (gasps luvyeni😱), unprotected sex, fingering, public sex (?)
— 𖦹 ( after seeing you break down sunoo realized he officially crossed the line ) !
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The day they intergraded the royal kids and the common kids at the school was an interesting day to say the least — sunoo was a young prince; 8 or 9.
All he could remember was his parents, the king and the queen were not happy ‘why do we have to do this, they aren’t like us’ ‘because we have to show that we are with the times, the outside world thinks we haven’t progressed at all.’ And now at 18, sunoo could say that no, they haven’t progressed at all.
The school was intergraded so the common kids were free to go to a good school and get a good education — but that didn’t mean the royal kids made it easy for them.
Sunoo specifically made it harder for you— he hated you, and he made sure to tell you everyday when he cornered you in the hall; students and teachers walking past— I mean who’s gonna check the king’s son, the future king; besides you were just a commoner, in his eyes you should be glad he's even acknowledging you.
You didn’t want to go to the intergraded school — your mom a seamstress for the queen and your dad working as the cook at the castle, you kind of had no choice but to go, seeing the boy every single day— where he and his friends would subject you to their bullying, making fun of your dresses that were old and worn, or your hair that was sometimes messy from your morning chores at your house.
Sunoo specifically would always talk about how your whole family worked for his— “I don’t know why you’re trying to get a good education, we all know where you’ll end, cleaning my chambers when I become king.” Is what he would always tell you, laughing along with his friends as you picked your falling books off the ground.
“You could poison him.” Kyujin said, taking a bite of the food provided to you by the school. “I mean your dad is the cook.” You stared at her. “yeah, i’ll poison the future king and have my whole family killed.” She shrugged; “just trying to help.” You shook your head, standing up holding your full tray in your hands, not bothering to eat. “just eat your food, im gonna go to the study and get some work done.” You said, stood up with her face food. “wait i’ll come with you, for support.”
“hurry then.” You said, turning on your heel not knowing someone was behind you— not knowing he was behind you. “yn watch–” it was too late, you had crashed into the person, dropping the food all over you, the person in front of you; the tray hitting the floor. “what the fuck.”
You recognized the voice, cursing under your breath. “sun-sunoo im so sorry.” You always kept your eyes on the floor when talking to him— scared of what would happen if you looked at him in the eyes. “i-i wasn’t p-paying attention, it’s my fault.” Ready for one of his berating comments that would make the entire canteen laugh at you— but it never came.
Sunoo watched you smile and talk to your friend, laughing when she told a joke, your nose crinkling up, your smile bright— that’s what he hated, how happy and free you were, how you could always be so happy, despite your living situation, despite he and his friends torment— how he wish he could be like you, not having to please everyone— he wished you could talk to him how you talked to the teachers and other students— no he wanted you to like him how he liked you but hid it from everyone. “She’s leaving.” He sighed getting up, not even wanting to bother you today, but people expected it— and had to give the people what they wanted.
Looking down at your trembling body— he felt a pang at his heart— he did this to you, he instilled this fear into your heart, trying to impress people who he didn’t give a fuck about. He listened to his friends shout curse words at you with disgusted— how could he ever say those things to you, and you just took it, he felt so horrible. “That’s enough.” Hushed voices fell, leaving the canteen silent once again. “Yah.” You were ready for whatever he was gonna give you.
He grabbed your wrist, you felt it tightening. “come.” He dragged you away, leaving everyone with the suspense and your heart thumping out of your chest in fear, unaware on what he was gonna do to you— you two were never alone, his friends always behind him, so it frightened you even more.
He pulled you into the empty art room, closing the door. He turned stepping to you, you took a step back. “im sorry your highness.” Your upper lip trembled. “I don’t have any money to replace it, but my mom is a good cleaner as you know.” You pleaded. “please I didn’t mean any harm.” dropping to your knees, he took a step back, watching as you burst into tears. “please just don’t hurt me.”
He didn’t know what to do; he’s seen you cry, but this was new; you were having a full break down. “stop.” He said, but you didn’t hear him, your cries too loud. “I said stop!” he shouted, you bit your lip trying hold back the noise. “please stand up.” He said. “please.”
You heard his soft voice— something you’ve never heard before, slowly getting up from your kneeling position, standing in front of him, eyes glued to the floor. “look at me.” He said, you didn’t out of fear. “I said look at me.” He grabbed your cheeks, lifting your head, forcing you to look at him, you whimpered at the sudden force. “stop crying.”
“I’m not gonna hurt you.” He said. “I promise I won’t hurt you.” Before you could even react, you felt his arms wrap around your body, your eyes widened, body still nonreactive as you listened to his heart beat, surprisingly that calmed you down, your sobs, turning to sniffles— then you were silent, pushing him away. “what are you doing?”
He didn’t know what to say; he couldn’t explain why he hugged you, so he stood there silent. “please if this I just to tease me, just get it over with, I have to get to cook classes.” You said, voice barely a whisper. “I already said im not gonna hurt you.”
He took his handkerchief out his pocket— reaching his hands out. “it’s not a lot, but it’s all I have.” He said. “clean yourself up before you go to class.” He took your hand placing the fabric in your hand, you were so confused right now— what was his game. “wh-what about you?” you still were worried about him, even after all he did. “im going home, I don’t feel good anyway.” You normally wouldn’t think about it, he often left just because he could— who was gonna stop the prince from leaving?
He didn’t say anything else, walking to the door, turning back. “I wont bother you anymore.” He said, before walking out leaving you alone in the class.
That was the last time you seen the prince— he just stopped coming back to school, leaving people wondering what happened in that classroom that day. Many suspected you told on him, which didn’t help your case at all— you almost had to leave school due to the constant bullying from the other students who thought you ran the prince away— yeah it didn’t make sense to you either, but who was gonna think rationally when there’s someone to pick on.
You asked your parents did they see the prince when they went to work, but they just said he was sick and didn’t leave his chambers, so you left it like that, washing his handkerchief, keeping in your skirt pocket, just in case he’d come back to school.
“it’s been three months.” You were being cornered by one of the popular maidens in the school. “he still hasn’t returned.” She pushed you up against the locker. “he-he’s probably just sick.” You said, felling the lock dig into your back. “he’s fine, now I have to go.” You tried to walk away, only to be pushed to the floor, scrapping your elbow, making the arm of your dress tear. “if he was fine, he’d be here no?” she said. “and why are you so secretive about what happened in that room?”
Your silence made them angry, but you yourself couldn’t explain what happened. “answer me you bitch.” Her hand flew up, colliding with your cheek. “what happened in the class?” You looked for help— but was met with nothing but the looks of people who were also waiting for answer. “it’s none of your business.”
You heard him, the voice that you thought about for three months for some mysterious reason. “I was sick.” He said, the girl immediately exchanged her death glare with a soft and submissive one. “can I not be sick?”
She and her friends scrambled. “o-of course your majesty, but were just worried she did something— what could she do? Make me sick.” he looked at you. “stand up.” You don’t know why, but you did what he said, standing up. “apologize.” He said, her eyes widened. “sunoo, she’s a commoner.” He saw you frowning out the corner of his eyes, anger boiling within him. “so, she’s not like us, does that mean treat her like that?” everyone was shocked, this wasn’t the sunoo they knew, stepping to the guy, his eyes low. “now apologize.”
She turned to you. “im sorry.” She said, you could tell she wasn’t sincere, but you were so desperate to get out of there, you shook your head. “now go.” He said, and haul tailed out of there, whispering under their breaths. “everyone go to class, now.” He said, everyone immediately obeying, scurrying along to their schedules. “you stay.” He pointed to you— stopping you in your steps. “come with me.”
Those words felt so familiar, as you followed behind him, until you reached the infirmary. “your highness.” The nurse let you both in. “her arm is bleeding, fix it.” She nodded, ordering you to roll up your sleeve, cleaning up the blood, putting a bandage over it. “keep replacing the bandage until it heals.” She said. “good now leave us.” He said, she bowed, leaving you both. “are you okay?”
You nodded, silently. “that’s good.” He let out a sigh. “oh.” You said softly, reaching into your pocket, pulling out the handkerchief, handing it to him. “i-i w-washed it for you.” He looked down at the fabric, most people probably would’ve threw it away; or kept it as a keepsake from the prince. “I got all the stains out too.” He watched you smile proudly to yourself, smiling to himself. “thanks.”
“Are you okay, being sick for three months must’ve been hard.” He wasn’t really sick— he was embarrassed with himself, after seeing you break down like that, he went home and really thought about what he was doing, he felt like he could only show himself when he was ready to accept what he did and apologize to you. “im sorry.”
You were surprised; he stood in front of you head low, how yours normally was, eyes to the floor, apologizing. “im so sorry, i am such a horrible person, it took me too long to realize it, and I didn’t know until that day in the classroom.” He said. “seeing you break down because of me like that, made me realize how much of a horrible person I am.”
You stood there, letting him ramble. “please forgive me.” You were silent, sighing. “why did you do it?” he looked at you? “what did I do to you that made you treat me like that?” you wanted an answer, why did he treat you like that. “because I was jealous.” He said. “jealous?” you said. “you’re the future king, you said it yourself the only thing im destined for is cleaning your floors, so why would you be jealous of me?” he was silent. “answer me.”
“because you’re you.” He said. “you can be who you want , never having to be someone you’re not to impress people, — you’re nice to everyone and I wanted you to be like that with me, I wanted you to like me the way I like you, and I was afraid because I liked you so much and I was too worried about what people would think.” He confessed, spilling his guts on the floor.
You didn’t know what to say, it was a lot to take in, so you tried to run to the door. “wait.” He grabbed your hand, pulling you back. “please let me go.” You said. “what’s wrong, did I say something wrong.” He said. “yes, yes you did, please let me go.” You tried to pull away , but he was stronger. “what was it?” he said. “everything, you aren’t supposed to like me, all those maidens out there, im sure one of them would like for you to like them, go do that.”
“but I don’t want them to— yn please stop trying to run out the door.” He said. “you hate me that bad?” he said. “I never hated you, it was you who tormented me for years, now you stand in front of me, saying you only did it because you were jealous and liked me.” You said angrily, probably the most angry he’s ever seen you. “you didn’t even bother to ask me if I liked you back or not, because you were too worried about other people would think about the prince liking a common girl.”
You were going on and on— and he couldn’t help it anymore, grabbed the sides of your face, smashing his lips against yours— you grabbed his shoulders, pushing him away. “you’re a bad person kim sunoo.” You said. “I know.” He pulled you into another kiss, a much softer one, since this time you allowed him to kiss you. “im sorry.” He said, breathless, pushing you against the medical table. “im such a bad prince.” He said pushing your legs open, slotting himself in-between.
You shouldn’t let him do this, the way he treated you was unacceptable— but as his hands crept up your skirt, lifting it past your thighs, all your sensibility flew out the window. “sunoo.” You sighed as his fingers rubbed your soft clothed folds. “sun-sunoo.” He said nothing, pulling your undergarments to the side, sliding one of his long slender fingers into your dripping cunt. “fuck, you’re so wet.” He groaned, his forehead pressed against yours. “so warm.”
He slid another finger inside, scissoring you open, curling his fingers up inside you. “fuck sunoo.” You moaned out as his fingers repeatedly hit that spot over and over, making you see stars. “sunoo, im gonna cum.” You threw your head back, you looked so pretty, grinding your pussy down on his fingers, desperate trying to reach your peak. “fuck cum, please cum on my hand, I need to see you cum.” He encouraged. “cum for your prince.” He hit the right spot, that had you cumming all over his hand with a squeak. “fuck.”
You heard the shuffling of his belt of his expensive pants— they felt to his ankles, his hard cock jumping, the perfect size, not to big, not to small, his tip red and dripping with pre-cum— his cock was pretty and ready to fill you up. “ready?” you nodded, his held his cock in his hand, giving himself a few strokes, before pressing it against your hole, both of you letting out a moan of pleasure as he stretched you out perfectly. “fuck so tight.”
“please.” You moaned, as he sunk his cock further into you. “please fuck me, your highness.” that name coming out your mouth like that made his cock twitch. “fuck call me that again.” He groaned, as you repeated it over. “please harder.”
Knowing the nurse would come back, he wasn’t gonna waste time, wrapping your legs around him, fucking into you at a faster. “fuck sunoo!” you yelled, forgetting all about the outside. “we gotta keep it down -fuck- people can still hear your pretty moans from the outside.” He pressed his lips against yours, swallowing all your moans, your cunt clenching tightening around him— he wasn’t gonna last long.
“fuck im gonna cum.” He pulled away, lips swollen. “m-me too.” You moaned. “oh fuck!” he cursed, pulling out stroking himself as he came all over your pussy, bringing his fingers to your clit to finish you off. “sunoo fuck!” you gasped, cumming. “fuck I’m sorry.” He said. “I got too overwhelmed, next time I promise to let you finish first.”
He quickly searched for something to clean you, gently wiping the cum from your cunt and inner thigh. “next time?” you said, he hummed, smiling, something you’ve never seen him to you, it was nice. “but first im gonna get on your good side for good, by apologizing until you really forgive me, then im gonna court you.” He explained. “and what about the people, your dad the king?” you said thinking realistically.
He kissed your lips, pulling your skirt down, helping you to your feet. “he’ll deal with it or he’ll have to look for a new king to rule.”
“and those people out there don’t matter, now that im gonna do what I want for now on.”
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408 notes · View notes
doomsday ◦ h.j
—Sometimes doomsday wasn't the crumbling of a city; doomsday was an apocalypse of the mind
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@anon im so glad you requested this bc I literally loved writing it so much like it fr had my creative juices FLOWING so feel free to request anytime babes
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Paring ◦ Han x reader
Words ◦ 5231
Genre ◦ Hurt and comfort, ngl this angsty asf
Warnings ◦ han is a dick at the beginning but he is redeemed, panic attacks, language (like fr so many fucks in this its wild), talk about wasting your life, anxiety, fear, han is such a cunt at first its insane, not edited, uhhh I think that's it.
A/N ◦ This one is chaotic asf so if you don't like my chaotic writing this is definitely where you might wanna click off 💀ALSO IF YOU LIKED THIS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME like it literally doesn't have to be much you can just be like it was pretty cool
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Sometimes it felt like Han gave away the numbers of the clock like dollar bills, bartering off a life that only ever seemed to be rushing away like a river roaring down the rocks too fast. He scoops little moments out from the shimmering rapids, but time still trickles between his fingers; the hours melting together like wax dripping down the spindly hands, its bony fingers-
r e a c h i n g
out to him, pulling him into a pool at the bottom of his feet, a pool of glittering, glowing memories.
Is this all life is?
Never sleeping
Never eating
Is the praise worth it?
Those hopeless nights, endless days, tired eyes, and a mind made of mush—was it all worth it?
Was any of it worth it?
The roar of the crowds drowning out the sound of the seconds-
ticking away, the shuffle of the sand seeping into the bottom of the hourglass—he taps the crystal dome, wondering how much of it is left—wondering when it all will stop.
When he can stop.
Han was a fizzing bottle of soda—shook for too long—today was hard; every day before a comeback is: producing, singing, dancing, learning, watching, waiting-
Checking off boxes on a list that never ended, so when he finally walks into the door of your shared apartment, a room he feels like he hasn't seen in weeks, he doesn't really notice you anxiously sitting on the couch, your knees bouncing on the floor mindlessly-
on the linoleum, something so simple shouldn't set him off, sure, but the sound was so familiar—so scary—it vibrated in his head, booming in his brain seconds-
ticking away
your feet
snapping on the ground.
He comes home to get away from the world rushing out from under him, so why were you sitting there being so fucking-
“Hannie!” You beam, sprinting over to throw your arms around his neck, breathing his scent in. It feels like centuries since you've seen him last. You vibrate with nervous, excited energy, practically bouncing up and down; but the thing was, right now he didn't want to be touched.
He didn't want to be held
He didn't want to have to talk
He didn't want to have to remember he had a life outside of the bubble that was his work. It felt like he was tending to gardens he didn't know how to grow. Your relationship had already sprouted; the seed planted a while ago, but even though the delicate stages of its development had passed, that didn't mean that it still didn't have to be cared for, and right now, he didn't care about anything. 
It was selfish, sure, but when you've spent your whole life giving parts of yourself away, selfishness seems so easy, at least while you still have small slivers of your soul left. 
He grates his teeth, everything seeming so wholly overwhelming, the walls encapsulating him in an unbreakable hourglass. He was so stressed, so tired, so done, so trapped. His breath stutters when you squeeze him tighter, nuzzling your nose against his shirt, staring up at him expectantly, eyes shimmering. 
"I haven't hugged you in forever I missed your face" you giggle voice like clouds of cotton candy but not quite sweet enough to dull the sour feeling settling in his stomach
He knows that love should never feel this hard, but right now everything he did felt hard, and the way you stare at him so longingly like you're going to combust if he doesn't perform, put on a fake smile, and act like everything is okay makes him feel like a fizzing bottle of soda with a lid screwed on too tight, and when you grip him tighter, trying to push an answer out of him
He flips his lid. 
"Holy shit, y/n, do you have to be so bombarding?" He snaps, pushing your arms away from him, almost looking disgusted. Your smile slips, staring at him in shock, still not really registering what he said. 
He doesn't know what feels worse—the way your features tremble with hurt or the way he knows he doesn't care. 
"I'm tired; I just want to go to bed, okay, and you are immediately rushing me; every day as soon as I get through the door, it's exhausting."
"You can't be serious," you whisper, genuinely believing what you said. He couldn't be serious. There was no way in hell he really believed that, but it didn't matter if he believed it or not; it all still hurt the same.
He wishes he could overlook the flames that flare in your eyes, consuming the stars that always seemed to shimmer.
What did he just do?
He sighs, collapsing onto the couch, digging the palms of his hands into his drooping eyes. He was so scared; the fear loosing his lips and everybody knows words of fear are the greatest lies. 
"Yes, I'm serious. Do you know how much work you are? I work all day, work, work, work, work everybody needs me always wanting, always needing something, something, fucking something," he growls, smacking his hands against his thighs, thrown into an unexplainable rage. "And as soon as I get home, you need me too; everybody is so fucking needy." The next words he says feel like an earthquake erupted in your soul, splitting your heart in two. 
"Your so fuckin' needy."
You flutter your eyelashes shut, pushing back emotions that boil in your brain. There are so many feelings fighting for the light, but instead of screaming, crying, or lashing out, you take a deep breath and fold your arms, calmly asking 
"Then why don't you just break up with me then?" There is nothing more terrifying than a woman whose fire rages behind a veil of ice, but when he looks up, watching the flames wrap around your posture, wisping around every edge of your bones, and even with the ashes of the love you once had for him fluttering in the wind, he still opens his big, fat, fucking mouth. 
"Or maybe I should have just never asked you out in the first place." No sooner did he spit the sentence out, did he want to shove it right back in his mouth. Your shoulders droop, eyes filling with an almost impossible amount of pain.
The earth crumbles, the walls of your shared home collapsing around you, rubble lost in all the memories that flicker away like embers floating from the burning configuration that was your relationship. It was ironic how the world worked; it took years to build up the love you felt and only a single sentence to wash it all away. You never thought you would see armageddon, but when those letters left his lips, you quickly realized sometimes doomsday wasn't the crumbling of a city; doomsday was an apocalypse of the mind. 
"Okay," you croak, hot tears streaming down your face; a wobbly smile pulls at your lips almost out of habit, facial muscles forced out of memory. 
You have never once imagined yourself drowning under so many words left unsaid, sinking in the waves of tears you fought back, and as you trudged up the stairs, sinking into your bed, you wondered when you would hear the begrudging footsteps—the hesitant knocks. Wondered when you'd hear his soft apology—a voice racked with guilt—but your fantasy never came.
All you heard was the clicking of the clock behind you, counting down the hours where he disappointed you again and again
You don't know what got to you first—the peirce of realization that he didn't regret the bitter insults that left his lips so easily or when you saw the calendar that peaked from the corner of your closet-
5 days
5 days left unmarked
5 days left blank
5 days until you celebrated your 3 year anniversary
Han Jisung would never know you were counting down the days
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Han should have runned after you, and in perspective, after a good night's sleep and a nice warm meal, he has never felt so completely stupid for not, but after you trudged up the stairs with a pained smile and glassy eyes, he was so starkly shocked he had said something so disgustingly distasteful his feet stuck to the ground, and finally, after hours of staring at the pool of time bubbling by his shoes, he drifted into a restless sleep. 
It was as though his terror tainted him, making the glassy parts of his heart dirty, and when he took the edge off, it was like a harsh wipe away at all the murk, revealing his jarring reflection in the pearly mirror.
He was such a jerk
He whimpers, running anxious fingers through his hair. He has no viable excuse, no good reason why he treated you so poorly—for someone so obsessed with time, he should know that you can't get your life back—can't turn the hands of the clock 
Push rewind
Hit replay
For what value would life be if you could just start it all over again? The impossibility made all the precious moments sweeter, but like every good thing, it made memories like these all the more foul.
You didn't deserve that
He didn't deserve you
and as you slink down the stairs, eyes red-rimmed and puffy. He can't stop that booming voice biting at the back of his brain.
How long will it take you before you realize that too?
You flick your gaze to him, burning with loathing cloaked behind layers of indifference. It floors him—those subtle signs of hatred that swim in the back of your eyelids, hidden in small twitches of your features, your almost tangibly cut off, throwing up your walls, shutting him out in more ways than one.
He had always worried about the gardens he was growing; flowers that sprung around him rapidly, fighting to figure out which one to water first, and all while your petals wilted and your roots curled up-
You waited
You watched as he bled himself dry. He shutters, everything bursting before his eyes—the love you once had for him flickering like the last flashes of a dying star. You're a million miles away, dancing on the craters of the moon, fluttering around the twinkling rings of Saturn. He folds himself deeper into the couch, almost hoping it will swallow him whole—pull him into the burning inferno beneath—even hell would be cooler than the fire that was your gaze.  Han Jisung never thought he'd see the day when the galaxy would collapse, but staring at you, flaring your final goodbyes, he realizes that doomsday was closer than he thought. 
"Baby," he whispers, his voice heavy with guilt, how easy it is to start a fire when you don't care about putting it out, but now that the wisps of flame consume you, he wishes he had never given you the kindling. 
You don't look at him as you walk around the kitchen, pouring a bowl of cereal. He stands up hesitantly, anguish feeling like an iron rod through his chest. He creeps into the kitchen, stepping lightly into the room like it's laced with landmines. 
"Please." His voice cracks—splits right down the middle, a perfect reflection of the cleave that was his soul. "I'm so sorry."
You place the cereal back in the cabinet and open the fridge to retrieve the milk.
The silence is deafening.
The all too familiar-
of time trickling away rings in his ears
How much more of it does he have left?
How much more of this silence can he take?
You ignore him, strolling right past his trembling frame, racked with regret. It pulsates off his in palpable waves. You're so nonchalant so careless. He almost wants you to turn around and smack him, throw that stupid bowl of cereal in his face. Instead, you jog up the stairs, slamming the door behind you.
Is that the only door you shut?
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Han had always thought of the apocalypse as an idea only found in novels, tucked away behind the pages of a book, hidden in the comfortable corner of science fiction, because that's all it was, right— fiction? But as your dead eyes scrape his figure up and down, he realizes that Doomsday wasn't really fiction at all. Just like the world wasn't always a place, sometimes the world was a person, and right now his world was ravaged by a deadly disease, an illness that only infected the soul, an illness only transferred through the careless bitter words found in the English language. Fire was nature's greatest purifier, and sure, the walls of the home he lived in weren't warped with flames of your fury, but the home he had made in your heart was 
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It's been 3 days
3 days since he's felt the touch of another human. 
3 days since he made the biggest mistake of his lifetime.
3 days since he dropped a devasting bomb on your relationship, and the shrapnel was finally hitting him; curled pieces of cold metal lodged somewhere in between the folds of his soul. 
3 brutal bone-crushing days of pure ear-splitting silence—It was almost scientifically impossible, just how quiet you were. It was an art really, every brush of anguish accurately painted on—every ignored apology, every piercing glare, every single star that flickered out in your eyes. You were strategic, meticulous, you were plain vicious-
and you had every right to be.
You were fully justified in your actions, and yet he felt like he was still teetering over the edge of madness. The thought of losing you like a noose snaking around his neck, choking him in an unadulterated form of terror 
He has been stricken by anxiety his whole life, but the thought of a world without you filled him with an inexplicable amount of fear—the kind that burrows in your bones, decaying in your soul—the kind of terror that your still stuck digging from your skin for centuries to come—the kind of fear that makes you simply
His hands shake as he pushes the door open, feeling like he's walking into an open war. The pages of a dystopia form walls around him, caging him inside a bombarding capsule of storming English. 
The harsh contrast of the hurricane in his mind and the indifference in your eyes sends him reeling. You were lying on the couch, mindlessly flipping through the channels, not sparing him a glance.
You were so beautiful so breathtaking, but for once, he wasn't admiring your beauty.
He was
Oh, fuck, he was freaking out. 
He had finally caved under the pressure of always having to perform a false, flimsy smile, wobbling on his lips, pretending to be okay as he watched the life drain out of your eyes; the passion seeping from his songs.
He loved making music, but what is art without chaos?
What is beauty without love?
What is the world without you?
He always had to be perfect; he always had to be put together. He was always running on all cylinders, always hanging on by a fraying straining thread, and finally, it snapped. 
The earth is
t i l t i n g,
flipping around,
turning upside down, and
i n s i d e o u t.
Guilt rips through his chest, yanking out harsh bouts of oxygen from his constricting lungs. 
He can't breathe
He can't breathe
He can't breathe
He can't fucking
He was going to die-
He was going to collapse into himself, busting into a flaring supernova. 
He was going to be his own demise-
Forming his own doomsday-
He has never thought of himself as an author, but before he could stop his mouth from moving, he was already caged between the sentences of his own personal apocalypse, living a waking nightmare.
He created a story with his stupidity, and now he has to pay the price. 
He was the end of your relationship-
what has he done?
He can't b r e a t h e
"Y-Y/n I can't," he choked on his words, watching the walls wash away like watercolor dripping down the page. 
He can't lose you
He can't lose you
He can't lose you
He's going to die
He stumbles into the living room, tripping over his feet, his breath staggering in his throat. He catches himself on the arm of the couch, digging his nails into the soft leather, gripping it like it was his tether, keeping him from floating into space—burning up in the atmosphere, his body bouncing around the icy rocks. 
"Fuck," he gasps, squeezing his eyes shut and clawing at his chest, almost as if he scratches his skin hard enough, he can finally pull out the hourglass that keeps ticking his time away. His heart pounded wildly, almost begging to be free from the confines of his ribcage. The fact that it was still beating was beyond him. 
His heart only beats for you.
His heart will only ever beat for you.
How was he alive when you were drifting away? moon dust dancing in your lungs, would you become a ruler of the skies, while he was still stood still? 
"Han," your voice sounds like cotton candy kisses and honey dribbles. He never thought he would ever be so happy to hear somebody so alarmed, but right now that was the only thing keeping him from shattering. 
You jump up from the couch, your face pulled in concern. 
He doesn't deserve it
Doesn't deserve it
Doesn't deserve it
He's drowning in a pool of his self-inflicted sorrows. He's sinking, and the only thing that could save him was you. 
How do you save a man who won't take your hand?
"N-No, im okay," he barley pushes the words out, weaving between the thick lump that's forming in his throat. 
It was a lie
Everything was a lie
That's all he was
a liar
"Han," your voice is warm and inviting, sucking him in, wrapping around him like a blanket in the cold, a bowl of soup to a sick stomach. You healed him even when he was the one who created the wound. You pull him in, taking his trembling frame into your arms. Gentle fingers thread through his hair as soft lullabied wispers float through the air.
He feels so safe
So secure-
So loved-
He never thought he would feel the tenderness of your touch again, so when your comforting arms squeeze him right off the edge of destruction, 
c o l l a p s e s
crumbling into a million sobbing, sniveling pieces before you, he sinks to the ground, dragging you along with him. 
He always brought you down-
Always took you with him-
He was a disease-
An infection-
He was your armageddon
He sags against your body, limply moving like a rag doll. You let him curl into your chest, holding him like pieces of pierced punctuation. 
You guys were a shattered semicolon inverted and upside down. 
There was so much he wanted to say—so many apologies, so many explanations, so many different synonyms for sorry—but you didn't need them; you never needed them; you needed him, and there was nothing he could ever say that would change that. 
You hum, rubbing soothing circles on his back. You were always the perfect metaphor, a marveling form of pristine poetry. Your touch was like fleeting promises on the skin, the delicate tickle of a blooming flower, the comfortable heat of a burning star. You weren't just his world; you were his universe.
He pulls you closer to him, clinging like a desperate dying animal, nuzzling his face in your neck. 
"I'm so sorry, baby, I'm so fucking sorry!" He blubbers the sentences onto your skin, as though the deeper he burrows into your body, the faster they can travel to your heart. 
"Han," you lull, a small smile grazing your face, physically having to claw him off of you. He does begrudgingly, a minuscule whimper tumbling out of his throat from the lack of contact; he doesn't meet your eyes. He can't—not when the clock still ticks your time away, not when he's still not fully sure that you're willing to turn the hands back. 
He's devastated, his eyes red and puffy with tears that cascade down his cheeks, shining in the overhead light. 
"Please don't leave me." He sniffles, rubbing his nose against the fabric of his shirt, bottom lip trembling. "I don't want our time to run out. All my time is running out. Everything is running out. I can't, I-" he stutters, tripping over letters that latch onto his teeth like cactuses digging into his lips. 
You furrow your brows, tilting your head in sympathetic confusion. "What do you mean, baby?"
He screws his eyes shut, his hands shaking almost aggressively on his thighs. Why did he say anything? How does he explain something like that? He tries to form the words on his tongue, but they stick to the roof of his mouth like glue. Speaking it into the universe makes it so much more real, so much more raw, because now it isn't a metaphor, a fictional little whisper that fucks with his mind. 
The earth quivers in its orbit as he opens his mouth-
Was he really going to admit this?
Was he even ready to admit this?
"It feels like my life is running out," he stammers, the words tasting so sour on his tongue. "My life is so stressful; everybody always needs something from me, and sometimes it feels like I'm dishing out so many slivers of my soul that I don't even have any of it left." He lets out a shaky breath, attempting to get his heart rate somewhere that resembles normal. 
"I'm always up, always working, always doing something, and it's scary to think while I'm wasting my life working so hard doing something I don't really love." He aggressively wipes the tear that drops down his cheek with the palm of his hand. "It's so scary wondering if I'm ever making the right decisions." 
He feels so small under your gaze.
"A-And the other day was so hard," he cries, fresh waves of tears blurring his vision as he reminisces on the events. 
"Everybody was yelling at me, always needing something demanding so fucking much; they were playing puppet, forcing my hands in a way they didn't want to move; everybody was so just so needy-"
"And so was I," you whisper, filled with guilt. It breaks him. Your so understanding, so loving, so forgiving, so perfect. 
How did he even get you?
His heart wrenches as he dives into your arms-
"No, no, no, no," he shouts, shaking his head against your shirt. "No, love, you didn't do anything wrong; it was me. Me and my shitty mood—it was all my fault. I blew up at you. You were trying to be the amazing, loving girlfriend you are, and what I said was solely because of my fear. The exhaustion and anger didn't exactly help either"
"But there are no more buts," he pulls away, catching your eyes burning with sincerity. "There is no excuse for the way I treated you; there is no justification, just explanation."
You smile, tilting your head in adoration. You would be lying if you didn't say you were relieved, because you were.  You thought he believed the words he said—what feels like forever ago—that you were the annoying, needy girlfriend that only ever bugged him, but he didn't believe what he said. No, he was just a ticking time bomb waiting to blow—a ball of stressed and nervous energy channeled into the wrong source. 
"It's okay, Hannie, really, we're okay"
He was a supernova—a burning, bursting flame of bright, beautiful colors 
Han had once thought that the stars in your eyes had flickered away, but now he knows even the most enchanting things have to die before they can transform. 
He loves you.
He has loved you for 2 years and 363 days.
He will love you until the world goes up in flames. 
He will love you until the planet bleeds with the wounds of armageddon. 
"Does this mean we can still celebrate our 3-year anniversary?" He asks sheepishly, looking up at you through fluttering eyelashes. You perk up, visibly brightening. 
"You remembered!"
"I never forgot." he smiles, eyes shimmering with hope.
"I've been counting down the days," you grin.
"So have I," but he hasn't been counting down the days until you celebrate 3 beautiful years on this planet together. No, he's been counting down the days until his body slips into the grave, but as he presses his ear to your heart, it feels like the steady beats were a swelling symphony orchestrated just for him. He sighs contently, nuzzling deeper into your chest. The terrifying tick of the clock faded away, drowned out by the song of your soul whispering sweet promises into his ear. Sure, the fear still tickled the back of his brain, but instead of worrying that time was trickling away, he pulls you closer because with you, there was never a wasted moment. 
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©CookieCreates (posted: July, 9th 2024) All rights reserved. Do not translate, copy, or claim my works as yours! I only post on this platform so if any of my works are elsewhere, report and notify me immediately
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starlight-eclipsed · 2 years
Rockets Pointed Up at the Stars (Pt 1/2)
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Inspired by this braindead rejected soulmates au post by @im-totally-not-an-alien-2. More art at the end!
Part II
Tim slumped down on the edge of an apartment building, leaning his weight against the rooftop’s fence. The alleyways below were deserted, criminals retreating to get a couple hours of sleep before sunrise. A perfect setting to catch a breather before ending his patrol for the night.
The Red Robin suit still felt wrong on him. He thought waiting a week to get accustomed to it would help, but he might have made a mistake when he tried to adjust it to be as close to his Robin uniform as possible without it being obvious. He’d have to remember to alter it further the next time he got the chance, to see if wearing something entirely different would finally make him stop checking the shadows for Bruce. Patrolling Gotham alone felt too much like admitting he was really gone.
Just as he was about to move on, the rooftop access door slammed open.
Tim nearly jumped out of his skin as he whirled around, ready to either apologize, attack, or flee, when he met familiar glowing green eyes.
Subconsciously, he let himself breathe easy as he took in the other’s appearance.
Phantom was an anomaly at the best of times. A phantom thief by definition, the criminal had simply appeared one day to cause chaos—lingering only to taunt his pursuers as he made a daring escape with whatever priceless treasure of the month. His motives were unknown, as was virtually anything about him besides his calling card (a green sticky note with nothing but ‘BOO’ written in permanent black marker), appearance, and a meta ability to phase through objects.
Of course, one couldn’t be a phantom thief without a detective rival (or so the thief in question claimed). For some reason, Phantom had outright declared not Batman, but Robin for the role. Tim couldn’t count how many sleepless nights were spent chasing after him, face red from a mixture of exertion and embarrassment. Because it wasn’t enough for the admittedly good-looking criminal roughly his age to run circles around him. No, the jerk had to go out of his way to flirt with him the whole time.
He hadn’t even thought about how Phantom would react to there being a new Robin. But looking at him now, a small part of Tim couldn’t help but feel selfishly glad. From what he could see of the furious expression on his shadowed face and glowing eyes, it wasn’t hard to see that Phantom was taking the change about as well as Tim was.
“I leave for two weeks, and suddenly there’s a new Batman and Robin?! What the fuck, Detective—you’d think to at least have the decency to tell a guy, but nooo, I had to find out through goddamn Victor Fries!”
Tim blinked, “Didn’t Mr. Freeze retire after someone brought his wife back?”
Phantom paused his fury, shrugging a bit. “Nora keeps track of everything happening in Gotham in case something her husband did to save her comes back to bite them.”
“Anyway! It took me going after Victor to ask why there was a new Robin for me to hear that the actual Batman was dead, Gotham went berserk for a while as every other guy tried to take up the position, and somewhere along the lines you got the grand idea to add ‘red’ to your name! Which makes no sense, since you practically lived for that mantle and I would’ve bet that you’d take it past the grave if given the chance.”
Tim winced. As per usual, Phantom’s words hit home in more ways than intended.
The thief stopped short, the glowing of his eyes intensifying as he looked over Tim’s new identity. Tim didn’t move as soundless footsteps strode forward, not even pausing as Phantom phased through the chain link fence to sit a couple feet away from him.
He could count on one hand the number of times Phantom had done this. One second they’d be exchanging insults, and then suddenly the criminal would stop and stare, feeling like he was gazing into the depths of Tim’s very soul. Each time, he called off their chase, insisting that Tim take a break and talk to someone about whatever was troubling him. It was uncanny how he could somehow tell when Tim’s negative feelings were overwhelming his rational thought—Batman himself would use Phantom encounters to measure Tim’s wellbeing at times.
Looking back, it was odd how Phantom would insert himself into every aspect of Robin’s life, but back off the second he sensed something was wrong. He’d call attention to whenever Tim was particularly anxious, once even physically dragging Bruce over to ‘talk to your son when he’s sad’, but never offer any comfort himself. But here they were, Phantom obviously seeing something Tim could never hope to conceal, with no Bruce nearby to summon and make things better.
Tim’s throat clogged at the reminder of yet another little thing Bruce might never get to do again. He couldn’t be dead, not with how many times Tim checked the body and struggled to recognize the man who’d become like a father to him. 
“...I…I know we’re not exactly friends, Detective. But if you need to get something off your chest, I swear to never use it against you.” Phantom fidgeted with his cloak. From this close a distance, Tim could see the faint glimmer of sparkling purple constellations embroidered on the inside. For some reason, the sight of the soft fabric never failed to calm his nerves.
(It reminded him of a time long ago, when he held a gel ink pen and asked a mystery person to quit whatever they were doing that left his arms covered in star charts that didn’t match anything in the Earth’s night sky.)
He didn’t dare force himself to speak, for fear he might break this tentative peace. Thankfully, Phantom seemed to be taking initiative that night.
“...did you know that I used to be a teen hero?”
Tim’s head jerked upright, meeting Phantom’s eyes. It was impossible to tell exactly what expression he was making behind the mask, but he got a sense of bitter nostalgia. “You never talk about your past.”
A scoff, “Yeah, ‘cause it’s depressing as fuck. Not exactly the sort of thing you can talk about causally.”
He chewed his lip, thinking. “Your suit…minus the cloak, it looks reminiscent of a uniform.”
Phantom fiddled with a cylinder hooked on his belt. It was the only piece of tech visible on his person, a modified soup thermos that somehow served as a near infinite item storage. Impressive, if not odd.
“Yeah, the cloak is more of a blanket than anything else. I added it on when I got tired of looking at the same clothes I used to save my hometown in. It…I didn’t become a hero for fame. It was more trouble than it was worth, honestly. You guys nowadays have so much better support systems than when I was in the business. Makes me wonder if…” he trailed off.
“...why’d you stop?” Tim asked gently, more than willing to throw himself into this new mystery now that he knew it was there.
“It was too much. Everyone wanted me gone, even the people I was protecting. I was hated for my powers, for not always being on the scene when I was needed, for not ending fights faster and for the property damage my villains caused. I didn’t live in a place with metahuman protection laws. The few people that knew my secret identity got tired of superhero life and ditched the first chance they got.” He sighed, “I was hurting, and was desperate for a way out.”
Tim frowned, “So you moved to Gotham and started stealing?”
Phantom snorted. “Nah, I was fucked up for a while after I ran away. It’s funny, one of my rogues was the first to track me down and drag me to a hospital to get my injuries checked. Like a dozen of them got together for an intervention, I thought I was finally losing my grip on reality. I spent a couple months recovering, then took one of them up on a suggestion to try causing trouble for a change. Not anything super bad, but…”
“...enough to feel more in control?” Tim suggested. It wasn’t uncommon for people in bad situations to commit minor crimes, both for the adrenaline and the power rush. Tim himself had once poured his whole soul into tracking and photographing Gotham’s nighttime birds. A hobby that was more than a bit cringe-worthy in hindsight, and definitely creepy considering how much effort he put into stalking his idols. Honestly his young age was the only reason he didn’t get put on a watchlist when he revealed himself to Bruce. That, and the whole I-know-your-secret-identity thing.
“Oof. Yeah, that’s a way to put it. Being hated hurt less when that’s what I was aiming for, y’know?”
Tim tilted his head. “I never hated you.”
A derisive laugh, “Uh-huh. And you loved being led on goose chases when there were more important ways to spend your time.”
“I’m serious.” Tim shifted so that he was better facing Phantom. He didn’t know why, but couldn’t stand the thought of Phantom leaving tonight convinced he was universally hated. “You only make a scene on quiet nights, and you always slowed down for me whenever I had to stop and intervene on some other crime. And you only target the private collections of rich people. Not anyone whose life would be ruined by something getting stolen. You even go out of your way to make sure the guards on duty don’t get in trouble, even when it puts you in a strategically worse position. And…”
He hesitated. Bruce wouldn’t approve…but then again, there was that weird relationship he had with Selina.
“And it was fun. To chase you. It was challenging and frustrating, but your appearance meant that there was nothing else to worry about that night. We could just run regular patrols.”
Oracle was the one to make the connection. Tim didn’t know where along the lines it became an accepted fact, only that Bruce was more comfortable about Robin patrolling alone when Phantom was making a move. A miracle considering what happened to the last one.
Phantom blinked, frowning a bit before his eyes went wide, a shaky smile forming on his lips. “Thanks…it was fun for me too. Kinda the whole reason I kept setting up scenes for Robin to find.”
Tim laughed. The sound startled both of them—he didn’t remember the last time he genuinely smiled like this. It had to be sometime before Bruce was gone, at least.
“So…” Phantom hopped down on the railing of a balcony below, balancing precariously in the way that only he could. He looked up at Tim with an easygoing smile that did little to hide the concern underneath. “As your self-proclaimed favorite rogue, wanna tell me what’s up with the sudden change?”
He shifted a bit, grin fading. “Well…Batman died. He was facing Darkseid and got hit. After the chaos died down, Nightwing took up the mantle and made Batman’s son the new Robin, to help him grieve or something.”
“I don’t know where to start with that.” Phantom adjusted his hood, briefly revealing tan skin underneath. “You sound like you didn’t have a say in it. Wasn’t Robin yours?”
Something bitter worked its way up through Tim’s chest. “It was a borrowed title anyway. I only took it up to help Batman, so it makes sense that I was dismissed—”
“—after huh?”
Phantom strode up to him, poking a finger at his knee. “You love being Robin. You don’t have to justify losing your identity. It could’ve been taken in the name of world peace for all I care, that doesn’t make it any less shitty. You just lost someone super important to you, and your connection to them was taken because someone thought your grief was less important. I don’t care who the current one is, you are just as much Batman’s son.”
Tim couldn’t help the small sob that escaped. Or when it doubled, and tears started burning at his eyes. He rubbed at them in an attempt to stop them before they could make his mask go hot and sticky, but was startled out of it by a soft weight being thrown over him. He looked up to see Phantom leaning over him, securing the hood of his cloak over Tim’s own head.
“You looked like you needed some comfort. It’s weighted.” Phantom shrugged.
“...thanks.” Tim pulled it closer, more than happy to latch onto yet another new focus. “How do you move so easily in this? It feels like I’m being hugged by gravity.”
Phantom chuckled, and it was at that moment Tim suddenly realized the other was floating in the air over him. Since when has he been able to fly?
“I use intangibility a lot, but it’s not my only power. It felt like overkill to use more than that in my heists. So I didn’t.”
Tim groaned, “You were going easy on me this whole time?”
“Oh, definitely not. I’m sure you’ve noticed, but intangibility is arguably the most pain in the ass thing to counter. I’m being annoying on purpose.”
Phantom grinned, and Tim couldn’t help but analyze the full sight of him. Everything from his teeth to his ears was pointed, a sharp contrast to the wispy white hair that flowed smoothly in a nonexistent breeze. The most attention grabbing was a glowing green mark resembling a gash across his chest, roughly in the place where a hero would wear their logo. The sight of it made Tim’s own chest ache.
“I don’t think Batman is dead.” He said suddenly.
“What makes you say that?” Phantom asked, reclining on empty air. 
It wasn’t denial, not calling him insane or lost in grief. For the first time since his fight with Dick, Tim felt as though he could breathe again. “I know it sounds crazy, there’s no proof—”
“Woah woah woah,” Phantom reached forward, gently pulling Tim’s hands away from where he had started pulling at his hair. “Slow down. Walk me through your thought process.”
“It just…it doesn’t feel right. Not that I can’t believe it if he died, but this specifically doesn’t feel right. I’d feel it if Br-Batman was dead…there was a whole cloning facility where Batman’s body was found.”
That seemed to spark interest in Phantom’s eyes. “You think the body was a clone?”
“Why would someone as powerful and precise as Darkseid drop everything and kill someone he was in the process of cloning? Why was he even trying to clone Batman specifically? We’re missing something, and I think Darkseid is using everyone’s grief to cover his plan.”
Phantom propped his chin on his hand, deep in thought. “Darkseid…I’ve heard that name before. Does he have something to do with time or space?”
Tim practically sagged in relief. “He can travel freely through both, and has a host of other abilities that give Superman a run for his money.”
He snapped his fingers, “Ah, that Darkseid! Yeah, if he wanted Bats dead there wouldn’t be a body left. I’d bet my collection he’s lost in time somewhere.”
“Thank you!” Tim gestured wildly, “You’re officially the first person to hear me out. Like, is it really so hard to believe?”
“No probs, Detect-o. It’s not the weirdest thing I’ve heard, by far.”
“Exactly,” Tim huffed, leaning back and sighing. “Now I just have to convince the Justice League so they can go back in time and grab him.”
“Why not just get him yourself?”
Tim glanced over to where Phantom hung in the sky. “Unless you’re also hiding time powers in there, we kinda need the League to get to him. Plus I don’t even know when in time he is.”
“Lucky for you, I know a guy,” Phantom grinned. “The Master of Time messaged me this mornin’, something about stopping Batman from breaking the time space continuum. It’s why I’m back in Gotham so soon.”
“You…know the Master of Time.”
“Yep!” He popped the p.
“And they messaged you.”
Phantom hummed, “You can imagine how it went when I tried to confront Batman a couple hours ago. The new Robin’s a menace, if I was any slower you’d have to deal with a Phantom shish kebab.”
Tim winced. It was never fun to be on the wrong end of Damian’s katana. Still, he focused back on the insanity at hand. “So you’re saying you can just go back and rescue Batman right now?”
“Now that I know what’s happening, yeah. Clocky probably already has a portal ready for me. Batman will be back before you can say ‘Gotham’!”
It was inconceivable. To think, the living nightmare of the past weeks would be over, just like that. His brain was screaming at him that this was some sort of cruel setup, that there was no way Phantom was telling the truth. There had to be a catch somewhere, some kind of punchline in the sick comedy that was the life of Tim Drake.
But his heart, the part of him that just wanted his dad back won out.
“What’s stopping you? You’re not usually one to wait for a window of opportunity.”
Phantom rubbed the back of his neck. “No, but I distinctly remember waiting for a certain vigilante. I was wondering if…you’d like to come with?”
Tim’s jaw dropped. “You’re inviting me, a vigilante who has attempted to arrest you dozens of times…to travel back in time to save Batman, another vigilante who has tried to put you under arrest.”
“Emphasis on tried,” Phantom joked, before turning serious. “I mean it—it’s your family. Besides, it could be fun. You come with me on a time heist, instead of sitting back here worrying your pretty head off with all the ways things could go wrong. And you get to tell everyone else ‘I told ya so’ when you save Batman on your own.”
He tried to work his mind through what Phantom was offering. To be able to fix things, maybe not go back to the way they used to be (Damian might actually kill him if he ever wore Robin again) but to have Bruce back. It wasn’t even a question.
No matter how smart Tim was, how he tried to plan things in advance the way Bruce did, he never stopped being the lonely kid who would sneak out at night to shadow his heroes. When Phantom reached out to offer a hand, Tim didn’t hesitate.
“You’re wrong, though.”
Phantom blinked, firmly gripping Tim’s hand without hurting him. “About what?”
“I wouldn’t be saving Batman on my own. We’d be doing it together.”
A fanged grin matched his own, blinding him to the swirling green portal that formed around them. Before Tim could so much as wonder if he maybe should’ve messaged someone about what he was setting off to do, they were already gone.
— - —
This was supposed to be a oneshot, but it got a bit long so I decided to split it up.
I really love this au, but I noticed that everyone has a tendency to hone in on the angst so much that the characters behind it get a bit lost in the process. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I wanted to try my hand at writing the misunderstandings without making either of them at fault.
(Insert rant about how the whole point of soulmates is that this person is a match for you, so even if you fundamentally are not good for each other you still get where the other person is coming from. There's so much more angst potential in not being able to hate someone no matter what they do to hurt you, but I digress.)
But yeah, let the boys heal and be happy! Also this is the closest I've gotten to actually writing romance and that's not saying much XD
Here's the design I drew for Phantom Thief!Danny. Feel free to drop an ask, I'd love to ramble more about this :D
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"𝑰𝒍𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏" - Osferth x Reader (Modern AU)
A/N: This takes place in the modern world! // divider @kithsune
Summary: You work at the local grocery store and often see Osferth who you've slowly developed a crush on. One night you see him in the place you never wanted him to.
Tw: None! (this time...😏😈)
Word Count: 3.2k
• Final Chapter →
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For as long as you could remember you wanted more. More than the life you had, more money in your pocket, just...more. You weren't as lucky as most girls and didn't have even a quarter of the life they lived. You hated this town, it was as if it was still stuck in the past never advancing forward with the rest of the world.
Your dad died from a heart attack. Unknown to you and your family he had hidden money troubles. Ones that came knocking at your door once he died and demanded that you pay what he owed.
Your mother was already stretching herself thin with 3 jobs. Your siblings did odd jobs where they could while in school. At first, you did too but then your mother asked you to drop out and take on more. You were in your last semester of high school. You tried to argue but in the end, felt guilty so you did as she asked and left school.
Your town was a decent drive out from the city so there weren't many jobs to get around here. You were lucky when your friend's dad who owns the supermarket offered you a job. It was pretty easy you spent most of your time cashing people out and occasionally stocking the shelves.
Within your first week of working, you noticed a regular customer. You recognized him, he had graduated a 2 years before you but ended up staying in town and working in his uncle's auto repair store.
"Ello'?" You blinked quickly and looked in front of you. There he stood a basket in hand looking at you confused.
"So sorry. I was lost in thought." You take the basket and begin scanning his items. Feeling your cheeks flush from embarrassment.
"Ts alright. I do it all the time." He has a nervous smile on his face. That was something you noticed too. He was always so nervous and sweaty.
"How's your uncle doing?" You try to make small conversation while bagging his items.
"You mean how's your car doing?" He smirks at you. "My uncle's doing well. Your car is too, should be done tomorrow." A neighbor of yours had offered to give you their old car and since they owed your dad a favour before he passed he agreed to fix it up for you.
"Well, im glad they're both doing good." You place the bagged items on the counter. "Ten fifty." He hands you the money and you put it in the register. "Well...have a good day..." You glance at the name tag on his jumper. "Osferth." He immediately blushes.
"And you too..." You offer your name and he smiles. "That's a beautiful name...come round tomorrow for your car." He waves goodbye and pushes on the door that doesn't open before pushing open the right one and quickly walking out of the store.
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The next day after your shift you walked over to the mechanic shop and awkwardly stood at the garage entrance looking around.
You spot Osferth walking back into the garage carrying something.
God, he looks so good...
He has the typical mechanic jumper but has it tied around his waist leaving his body on full display. What you can only assume is a mix oil and sweat stains on his white undershirt as well as his fingers and arms.
You walk over to where he is as he places the box in front of another mechanic who catches a glimpse of you and gives Osferth a look as you get closer. He turns around and smiles as he sees you. Osferth wipes his hands with a rag.
"Hey." He stops in front of you and all you can smell is a faint scent of his cologne and oil.
"Hi." You can feel your face heating up slightly and you fight the smile that wants to shine on your face.
"Your car's over here." He leads you over to the other side of the shop. The car looked way better than it did before. The paint job made it look almost brand new. "Wanna do a test drive?"
You look over at him and nod excitedly. He opens the door for you and hands you the keys before going around to the passenger side. He fixes his jumper so he's wearing it properly and doesn't dirty your car before getting in.
The test drive is quiet and a bit awkward but you can't help but smile the entire time. Although your mom will probably put more pressure and tasks on you since you'll be able to drive, this car still gives you freedom.
You pull back into the parking lot of the shop and Osferth gets out so he can get you the paperwork. When you sign them you can feel him staring at you and even see him open his mouth a few times as if he is going to say something but nothing comes out.
"Everything all good?" He takes a deep breath and just stares at you blinking slowly. "Osferth?"
"Yeah! Um... you're good to go...bye." He turns and walks back into the shop looking back a couple times while muttering to himself.
"Ok then..."
You stopped to get groceries on the way home and even drove by the park. The feeling of finally not having to take the bus anymore was overwhelming. For so long it felt as though nothing in your life was getting better, but for some reason this car made you feel as though a change was coming, and life could get better.
You carry the groceries inside the house and close the door with your foot.
'Leo? Noah?" You stand and wait by the door to hear any response. "LEO! NOAH!" You then hear the sounds of footsteps coming downstairs.
"Geez you don't have to yell." Noah walks over and grabs one of the bags.
"Yeah yeah. Pack these away I have to get ready for work." You hand the other bags to Leo and take off your shoes. "Is mom home?"
"Nope. She picked up another shift." You hear a bag open and peek around to see Noah already eating a bag of chips.
"Hey no! Those are for school." You walk over and grab the chips. "If you're hungry mom made spaghetti while you guys were at school." You put the chips away and head upstairs to your room. The only good thing about all of this was you had your own space since you were older while they had to share.
You take out your phone and scroll on social media for a while. You see videos and photos of girls from your school planning for prom and university. It saddens you a bit, to see your once friends now moving on with their life while you would be stuck here.
You wipe an escaped tear and fling your phone on your bed. As you stare at the ceiling there's a knock on the door.
"Come in." You sit up and see Noah walk in holding the bag of chips. "What is it?"
He closes the door behind him.
"When are you going to tell mom?" He gives you a look and you already know what he's talking about.
"Im not going to Noah." You stand up take the chips from him and sit back down on your bed eating a few.
"You can't keep doing this? Can't you get a normal second job?" He wipes his powdery fingers on one of the tapestries on your walls thinking you didn't notice.
"Listen. You swore you wouldn't bring this up." Noah walks over and sits next to you on the bed.
"I know...but it's not fair. You shouldn't have to do this for money?" You wrap your arm around his shoulders and bring him in. "Maybe Leo and I can get a job? That way you can quit." You chuckle.
"You two? A job? You can barely remember to clean your room." You give him a kiss on his temple. "It's fine Noah. By the end of summer, we can pay off Dad's loans. Then I'll quit. I promise."
Noah wraps his arms around you hugging you tightly.
"You guys are gross." You look up to see Leo by the door eating from a different bag of chips.
Fucking vultures I swear
"What did I say about the chips?!" You grab a pillow and fling it at him.
Leo picks up the pillow and tries to throw it at you but you use Noah as a shield. Noah grabs the pillow and hits you with it and Leo joins in both of them hitting you with pillows laughing.
Interrupting the moment your phone alarm goes off.
"Ok! Ok! You guys win! You can eat the chips!" They both stop and begin laughing at you. "Yeah yeah laugh it up."
You grab your phone and turn off the alarm.
"Ok, I have to get ready for work. Go do your homework." Noah and Leo get up and walk over to the door. Leo is going on about something from class thinking Noah is listening.
When you look up you see Noah looking at you with a sad expression. You give him a half smile knowing he's only worried.
"It's fine. Go." He closes the door behind him leaving you all alone in your room.
You walk over to your closet and pull out the suitcase in the corner.
"Alright...what heels should we wear today?"
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(2 weeks later)
This is Stupid. This is Stupid. This is Stupid.
Osferth is pacing outside the grocery store unable to stand still as his brain tries to talk him out of doing this.
He's holding a gift bag, occasionally glancing back inside the bag and towards the store.
Just go in and hand it to her. Simple!
He looks through the window again and can see her smiling at a customer while cashing out their stuff.
Idiot! You should have asked her out when you gave her the car.
A couple looks at him like he's crazy as they walk inside the grocery store and glance back at the boy who hasn't stopped walking in circles.
"Osferth?" He stops and looks at the door. He sees you standing there looking at him. "You ok? My manager said there was a crazy person outside and I'm hoping she wasn't talking about you." You have a smile on your face that goes straight to his pants.
"I got this for you." He blurts out and holds the gift bag in your direction.
You walk over and take the gift bag. He watches as you smile at the different gifts inside. He wasn't sure what to get you but ultimately decided that you'd like some stuff for your new car.
So he got you a new keychain, some car fresheners, a steering wheel cover in your favourite colour and a fuzzy heart to hang on your mirror.
"Osferth..this is so sweet. Thank you." You walk over and give him a hug that he wasn't expecting. It feels good to him to have his arms wrapped around you. He's sad when you try to break the hug.
Now is your chance!
He lets you lean back but keeps his arms around your waist.
"I was wondering..." He watches your face as he searches for the words. "It's my birthday this Saturday my friends are hosting a party. I was wondering if you'd come." He speaks quickly, and you almost struggle to understand what he's saying. "That's only if you'd like to come! I mean you don't have to! But if you did I would-"
"Osferth." You cover his mouth. "I'd love to go to your bir-."
"I don't want you to come as a friend though!" He shocks himself with how he cut you off. "I like you. Like...really like you. I have for a while. I wanted to ask you out a while ago but...I was too scared."
You listen to him while fighting a smile off your face.
"So I'd like you to come but...as my date..." He waits and watches for a response. His eyes widen as you lean up towards him and kiss him on his cheek.
"Yes. I'd love to be your date." Osferth picked you up and spun you excitedly while kissing your cheek.
The moment was ruined by your manager coming out to tell you to get back to work. You said a quick goodbye and went inside and back to your register. As you look out the window you see Osferth celebrating before leaving.
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Osferth POV - (Friday Night 12am)
I finish getting dressed before heading downstairs.
"Finally, took ya long enough." Finan heavily pats me on the back while Sihtric and Uhtred walk over. "You ready kid?"
"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" They all look at each other with a mischievous smile.
"Absolutely not." Uhtred grabs his jacket before opening the door. "That would ruin the surprise. Come on."
The four of us head out to the car. They blindfold me before we get in.
"Don't worry you're gonna have fun. If not...we will." Sihtric pinches my cheek and I blindly swat his hand away.
A couple minutes later the car is stopped and they unbuckle me.
"Im gonna fall!" Uhtred and Sihtric hold my arms while leading me. I can hear music and instantly assume it's a club. "Are we at a club?"
"Something like that," Finan says. "Alright. Unblind him, boys."
The blind comes off and I blink a couple times to clear my vision. I look up at the building and see the neon sign.
"Viva?" I read the sign.
Where have I heard that before?
My eyes widen as I realize where we are and I turn to run but im quickly grabbed by Uhtred.
"Don't be boring kid! It's only a strip club!" Finan helps to drag me towards the door.
"NO! Im not going in there!"
When you mix someone like me, who has only had sex twice in their life, with a room full of quarter-dressed ladies. You tend to have a reaction that people will notice considering it will look like there is something in your pants.
"This is a bad idea!" They all laugh as they finally push me through the doors.
"I think it's a great one." Sihtric wraps his arm around me. "Oh come on kid. It won't be that bad. If you don't like it after an hour you can go sit in the car."
"Don't you mean we will leave if I don't like it?" They all look at each other.
"No, I was correct the first time." They all show their ID before walking in fully.
Osferth eyes widen as he gets a view of the stage. A red-haired girl is up there dancing and he can't help but stare and for some reason, he feels wrong for doing so. He quickly looks to the floor.
"You're meant to look, kid! Don't be such a prude!" Uhtred smacks the back of my head.
We take a seat at a table. Girls come by and take orders for drinks.
"Im not being a prude, I just..." I stop and stare at the girl walking on stage for a moment. My eyes are fixated on her as I blink a couple times.
"What is it, kid?" They all look where I am. "Oh. You like that one?"
It's her...
I watch as she dances. I hide my face but not my view. Every now and then im not sure if it really is here but then I see that smile. I look around and see all the men looking at her and my heart breaks.
When her set finishes I turn back to the boys and stare into my drink for a while. They don't say anything but I can feel their gazes on me.
"I'll be right back." I walk over to the bar. "Excuse me?" The girl walks over and smiles. "Who was the girl that just performed?"
"She goes by Candy."
"Is there a way I could talk to her?" The girl smiles already being able to tell that I've probably never been at a strip club before. She reaches for a clipboard and looks at it.
"Actually she'll be leaving now. That was her last set. Sorry. But she works again next week on Thursday." I nod my head and walk back over to the table.
"What is it?" Finan leans over.
"I knew her. That girl..."
"Oh..." he takes a sip from his drink. "You should go talk to her."
"I can't. She's finished her shift. Probably getting ready to leave right now." I reach for the shot they poured me earlier and down it despite the burn.
"Look. Don't ask how I know this but..." Finan leans in closer. "Around the back, red door. Thats where they leave." I look over at him and he nods.
I quickly get up and head out the door not caring to get a stamp from the bouncer.
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"Your set was so good!" one of the girls came by and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I told you you'd become more confident quickly."
"I was so nerouvs to try that trick you taught me." She smiles before walking away.
You count the cash you made today before wrapping a rubber band around it and putting it in your purse.
$823...not bad for a Friday.
You zip up your jacket and finish cleaning up your station before heading for the door.
"Bye girls!" the girls in the room yell bye back before you walk out. You step outside and begin walking towards your car.
"Wait." You stop in your tracks once you hear his voice. Your breathing quickens as panic is evident on your face. "Turn around."
You slowly turn around and see him leaning against the wall.
"O-..Osferth? Wh...what are you doing here?" He walks over to you.
"Why do you work here?" His tone is harsh.
"I don't see why thats any of your business." You're immediately defensive. How can you not be?
You didn't want to work here either. But this was a fast way to make back the money your father owed. You remember when Noah found out. He had gone into your room without permission and found a card sitting on your desk for the club. Curious, he went online and searched up the name and found out through Google what it was and what the job meant.
You remember how upset he was when he asked you. Although he doesn't fully understand what it is you do he knew enough that it wasn't something he wanted you doing.
"Why do you work here?" He repeats his question.
"It's not by choice. It's by need. I need the money." You begin walking over to your car feeling mortified. He had seen you dancing half-naked on the stage. The boy you had liked for so long just saw you stripping!
"Stop." You walk faster. "Stop!" You run to your car and get in closing and locking the doors behind you. He comes up to your door and tries to open it. "Get out of the car. Please!"
You fumble with the keys as you try to get it in the ignition.
"Please open the door. Don't go." He continues to try and open the door.
You finally start the car and Osferth backs up as you drive away. Wiping the tears from your face.
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A/N: This was supposed to be a Valentine's special that I never finished in time. But I wanted to get it done so I could focus on my Mitchell Estates series!
The next one should be out next week!
Please let me know what you think and if you wish to be on my Ewan Mitchell Taglist!
Gen Taglist: @thought--bubble, @valeskafics
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awoogayanderes · 1 year
➪ request : “hi’ Can i request taking care of Dazai, Jouno and Tecchou when they’re drunk (I imagine drunk dazai like when he ate the poisonous mushrooms)” - anonymous
➪ other notes : i’ve been getting so many tecchou requests lately, and im glad they did him justice in the anime to look so gorgeous, anyways this was really fun writing, i also wrote this at like 3 am, so i’m sorry if it’s shitty
➪ warnings : dazai being a suicidal bastard, alcohol obv
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Osamu Dazai :
- dazai drinks often, that’s no surprise to anyone, but he doesn’t actually get drunk
- but when he does, prepare to even carry this man home with him whining of course
- even when dazai is drunk, he does have some control over himself but as every drunk person, they lose that control once it’s tipped over with another shot of alcohol
- i think he acts a little less extreme than when he ate poisonous mushrooms, mainly because well, they’re very different things
- once you come and get him, he stares up at you with doe eyes, giggling to himself as his cheeks puffen up
- it takes a lot of convincing to let you take care of him, and throughout that he makes a lot of double suicide remarks
- “ahh i’ll let you take me home if you promise to commit suicide with me,” he confidently says as you stare at him with narrow eyes
- once you finally get him home, you lay him on your bed, sighing as you try to take his work clothes off into something more comfortable
- of course, this comes with a suggestive remark of his, still not having sobered up
- even before you’re done changing him, he passes out, loud snores filling the silent air
- surprisingly dazai remembers everything from the previous night, will he admit it? no
- though he’s thankful he has you to take care of him when vulnerable, even if he’s being difficult with you, he’s glad to have you
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Saigiku Jouno :
- it’s so rare to see jouno drunk, and if he ever is, it’s in the confinement of your home
- i can’t see any occasion where jouno would actually drink, i think he even looks down upon it but who am i to say
- i think jouno becomes more snarkier but at the same time more softer, depending on what’s happening
- at first jouno acts the same, you almost don’t realize he’s been drinking until you hear him hiccuping with his cheeks tinted red
- his tone seems softer even with his strong remarks, was it condescending, was it loving? who knows, he doesn’t even know
- he insists that he doesn’t need your help even though he almost trips over air twice
- “i can handle myself, don’t you worry your pretty little head over it,” he says to you despite you basically holding him up
- maybe he makes a few remarks on how desperate you are for him, nothing new that he hasn’t said to you before
- i don’t think he’d be able to fall asleep, mainly because he doesn’t want to be unconscious and intoxicated, deeming it not very safe
- so this leads to both of you talking, even if he doesn’t know what the hell he’s saying
- the next day, he’ll tease you for being so worried about him, even though he appreciates the little things you do
- he never thought he’d reach that level of comfort and trust with someone, luckily you filled that spot, and that’s something he can’t complain about
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Tecchou Suehiro :
- i don’t think this man drinks at all, not because he hates it but because he doesn’t really see a reason for it
- and because of this, he gets extremely drunk extremely easy, and boy oh boy
- he’d cling to you almost immediately when he sees you, even if you’re at a formal party, he won’t hesitate to lean his body on you
- i don’t think he’ll even realize he’s drunk at all, only wanting to seek you for some reason
- it’s not often that tecchou is publicly affectionate so you almost automatically assume there’s something wrong
- only to see your droopy eyed boyfriend clinging to you as if his life depended on it ( in his eyes it did )
- he questions you when you start to help him, curiosity invading his blurry mind as you try to sober him up slowly
- “oy what are you doing? is something wrong?” he asks confusedly as he sips the water you gave him, savoring it dearly
- he’d only be able to sleep if you’re next to him, putting his body weight on you as his head droops over
- hope you can stay like that for a good while, or else he’d wake up cranky and annoyed that you aren’t next to him
- the next day he’ll be so shocked when you tell him about his experience, not remembering a single thing that had happened, only the headache that ensued afterwards
- it’s a miracle to him that you can tolerate him for so long all the time, even doing it when he doesn’t even know what’s happening, he feels calm and relieved when he’s with you
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instant-delusions · 8 months
OH MY GOSH are you a rafayel lover too 😭 i swear, i love him so much! and im happy that l&ds comnunity is growing here that a new ff of raffy is posted everyday when i refresh the tags! im glad u seem enthusiastic to accept requests 😔 my raffy brainrot is so bad i need my fix!
can i request? we know rafayel has some sort of "abandonment issues" and we know where it stems from and how it manifests (where he says mc can do what they want as long as they come back to him or let him know what they're doing 😭) and imagine that mc GENUINELY forgets bc she's tired from all the work as a hunter, and when she meets raffy again, he's quiet and she's trying to prod a word out of him but he won't budge cuz he's hurt 😭 and u can go on from there! aargh i love hurt/comfort so much.
happy valentines!! (in advance) 😔🎊🎂
YES rafa is my babygirl. my muse. my glubglubglub. my everything. HE'S SUPER RELATABLE TOO ??? HELP my abandonment issues are literally the same, I'm almost offended 😭😭💔 tysm for the request & happy early valentinesss 💓💓💓
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ʟᴏ$ᴇʀ=ʟ♡ᴠᴇʀ !
rafayel x reader
cw: burn-out like symptoms, wounds/blood, arguing, cursing, hurt & comfort
𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧𓇼
6:00 a.m., you skimmed over rafayel's last message and told yourself to reply later - of course, as fate does, a super strong wanderer appeared which occupied you for an excruciating, multiple hour long fight. it was night when you returned home, stripping off your uniform and throwing your gun on the kitchen counter. You barely made it to bed, soaking your sheets in a bit of blood before completely passing out.
it was noon when you woke up again and evening when you were done with your report and bandaging your wound. finally, you were able to check your phone, and it doomed on you. rafayel's message stayed unreplied. you scrolled down his other three texts.
𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
11am rafa: are u ok?
12am rafa: (y/n), can I come over?
1pm: are u serious? not this again.
𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
you furrowed your eyebrows in regret, but exhaled painfully right after. your wound opened again.
you were forced on another, quicker mission that night, but it still left you exhausted, your former wound nagging at you still. once again you came home late, passed out, and woke up around noon. opening your phone, there were no new messages.
quickly, you pressed the call button and were shocked to find the artist wasn't picking up.
𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧𓇼
5:00 pm y/n: hey, sry rafayel. work has been a lot lately.
5:01 pm y/n: I'm rlly sorry
𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧𓇼
wincing, you sat down, your heart beating anxiously for some reason. 'what if this is it? I broke his promise. there's no reason for him to stay. it's fair, but I need him around. because...'
because you like him. it's selfish, you want him around although you barely fill his needs. suddenly, a very familiar dark cloud forms in your stomach and you feel depressed. deeming another relationship ruined by your work, you open social media to drown out the silence.
several hours passed until a knock at your door ripped you out your daze. quickly, you got up and open it. "rafayel." you say, his name coming out almost like a sigh of relief before you could register it. he was dressed in his white shirt, and white pants adorned with an intricate silver belt - he looked put together as always. you, on the other hand, were in an oversized tee, messy hair and deep eyebags with chapped lips. "hi." he simply greeted, making his way into your apartment.
you followed him, breathing anxiously at his unreadable aura. "listen, rafayel - I'm sorry, I wanted to reply and text you but.."
"you forgot." he replied, crossing his arms. there was a look of hurt and disappointment in his face. "it's not that simple." you argued, breathing in to continue, but he emotionally cut you off. "it is, though. (y/n), if you'd like me enough, a simple task like keeping me updated would be easy."
"rafayel. I like you, I like you a lot but..." you breathed in deeply, the harshness of his words getting to you enough to make your eyes teary. defeated, you sat down on your couch, burying your face in your hands. "these past days have been a lot, I could barely take care of myself and most of the time I was either fighting, passed out or tending to my wounds..." you trailed off weakly - due to your eyes being covered, you couldn't see rafayel's eyebrows raising in shock at your reaction, his arms slowly sinking.
"I swear if I'd have a normal life, I'd text you regularly, but it's not." slowly, you raise your head to meet his eyes - yours were puffy and red, tears streamed down your face. rafayel stayed silent, waiting for you to continue.
"it'd be selfish of me to wish for you to stick by me while i don't fulfill your needs, i know i'm not a good...friend. I try to do my best, rafa. you mean a lot to me, but i understand if you want to leave. you deserve someone better."
at this point, tears were streaming down your face freely, and soft sobs escaped your throat. rafayel lowered his gaze, afraid he'd sink to his knees and beg for forgiveness instead. after a while, he sat next to you, slowly intertwining his fingers with yours and brushing his thumb across your hand as he watched your body move with your sobs. "(Y/N), there is not a single part of you that is selfish."
gently, he holds your cheek and makes you look at him. his hand remains there as he continues talking.
"rather, it is me who is selfish. i crave your attention and validation, and feel hurt if i don't receive it. i'm sorry for being petty, i should've come over sooner. and..."
rafayel moves his hand to wipe away your tears and softly kisses your forehead, he smiles as he hears you breathe out softly.
"i could never bring it over my heart to part from you."
you gaze into his rich, magenta eyes and feel your heartstrings pull towards him. it's as if there were a bridge between your chests. closing your eyes, you feel your love for him blooming in the valleys of your bloodstream and bubbling out of your skin, and it weirdly feels as old as millenia, as if you'd known this love all your life, and all the lives you lived before.
"i'm glad." you smiled wobbly, "i feel the same." with a sigh, you leaned your head on his shoulder and let your body relax.
"i dunno how to feel about you calling us 'friends', though."
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luminouslywriting · 3 months
Bob headcannon Faking being a man in the easy company then getting discoverd ,and maybe make slightly romantic
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Hi hon! This one was super fun :) im steadily working through the requests but I’ve got a huge pile of them haha! Feel free to keep sending me requests though! I love them! More under the cut, cut for length, some light spice and mentions of the female body included, some are platonic and some are not:
Dick Winters:
-Listen, this man clocks it straightaway. He’s practically the leader of Easy Company in Toccoa and he just KNOWS 😂
-That being said, he’s also not gonna confront you about it unless problems arise or you being a woman becomes prevalent. He will, however, keep a closer eye on you and watch your back more. -Becomes your friend genuinely in the hopes that you’ll trust him enough to ask for help when you need it. -The least likely to make a move on you the entire time….but also the one who hides the fact that he has feelings so that you won’t get discovered. -And when you finally actually tell him and he’s not surprised?? He’s just glad that you have someone to talk to and that he can be there for you during all of this. -Probably comes to find you after the war and tells you how he feels
Lewis Nixon:
-Also knows since Toccoa. He’s the intelligence officer and he’s out here side-eying you from day one 👀
-Which means he’s not hovering but he definitely pays attention when you’re mentioned and keeps an eye on whatever you’re up to
-Probably offers you a drink at least once and that’s when information is shared and he’s just like, “yeah?? Tell me something I don’t know lol.” -Also offers to share a foxhole with you and makes sure that you don’t freeze to death. Is actually very soft on you. -Confides in you about his marriage problems and you tell him all about your life back home and what was going on. -Honestly?? It’s giving friends to lovers vibes later down the road. You two would reconnect after some years and fall in love.
Ronald Speirs:
-Finds out on D-Day when you two end up near one another and is not even in the slightest surprised. Because of course you’re here and not back home and suddenly everything makes much more sense. -But because he’s not in Easy, he’s not about to say anything. He does do his best to talk with you when the opportunity presents itself. -Probably actually worries about you during Bastogne and is relieved to be transferred over to Easy so that he can better keep an eye on you/protect you. -You two have a sweet conversation at the church and he promises that he’ll do his best to protect you and keep you from harm. -Honestly, he’s more impressed than anything else and has mad respect for you and what you’re doing. -Won’t admit any feelings until the end of the war though.
Buck Compton:
-Finds out by accident…..in a foxhole….during Bastogne
-It’s a whole mess honestly. There you are just trying to get some things done and he walks in on you and is just 🤯 shooketh tbh
-Treats you like a lady when it’s just the two of you and asks if you’ll share the foxhole so that he can better protect your decency/honor haha. -You two become good friends and he’s real worried about you but then he ends up going to the field hospital after Bill and Joe get hit. -So you write him faithfully the entire rest of the war and you help him get through a lot of his trauma and figure out his feelings. -He has a soft spot for you forever.
Carwood Lipton:
-You know that scene where he gets injured and it’s a whole panic because he’s worried he’s lost a certain appendage? Now imagine that in reverse. -The minute he realizes that you are not, in fact, a man, he’s speechless, befuddled, panicked, and in slight shock
-GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!? This poor man has a whole internal panic about it because clearly you need to talk with him and figure some things out. -He really wants to tell Winters about the entire thing but you convince him that it won’t happen again and that you’ve got this
-Big brother Lipton activated; he’s out here being a total helicopter parent and concerned af about your life decisions
-From this point on, you basically have someone at your side 24/7 and who literally adores you in the most platonic way.
Joe Liebgott:
-He accidentally finds out when he sneaks into the showers in Toccoa and finds you there (cue the Spider-Man meme haha)
-Immediately panics and closes his eyes and is just freaking out because why the hell is there a girl here??? -Wants to tell people but is actually very good at keeping the secret. Probably becomes a Lowkey guard-dog in order to better watch your back. The last thing anyone needs is the wrong sorta person finding out that you’re not a man. -Besties who slay with humor….and who have each other’s backs. -Is always willing to share food and blankets and supplies with you. He’s very sweet on you. -Absolutely wants to be with you after the war is over.
Donald Malarkey:
-Again, total accident that he finds out?? He goes to collect laundry after D-Day and finds you with some stained red clothing that you’re trying to clean. It’s an oof moment. -At first, the girl math is not mathing and he’s confused. -But he has sisters and automatically becomes a safe place for you to go to and someone who you can rely on or talk to. -He’s a great foxhole partner and someone easy to talk to. He wants to hear about why you wanted to be a paratrooper and is a great help with helping you act like a guy. -Relies on you a ton during Bastogne and afterwards….appreciates your support and values your friendship. -And yes, he has a tiny crush on you haha.
Eugene Roe:
-Figured it out pretty quickly, a la menstrual cycle 👀 but also isn’t getting paid enough to confront you about it?? -So if you come to him and talk to him about the issues, then you two will be good friends. He drinks respect women juice in plenty so there’s no problems there. -The bestie vibes are immaculate and he simply adores you. You might be the person to get him to talk most. -He’s always the one who patches you up or helps you with what you need. And when you offer to share your foxhole with him, he’s a little bit of a blushing mess. -Has had a crush on you for most of the time he’s known you and does have a few small pet names in French. -You two probably start a secret relationship and are engaged before you even get back to the states. And yes, everyone is baffled haha.
Bill Guarnere:
-Super in love from day 1 he found out you were a girl? A girl who can handle herself and keep up with the men? Now that’s impressive. -Also found out by accident and it’s because he saw the blood in your sheets and was *le gasp*
-Is very good at keeping the secret and tries to push you to keep going and encourages you to accomplish the things that are hard. -He’s a great support system and an even better guard dog haha. -Is super respectful and doesn’t make a single move on you….so babe, you gotta kiss him first in that snowy foxhole. -Write to him after he gets injured….you may just come out of the war with a husband haha.
Joe Toye:
-Finds out accidentally when trying to help you with an injury and immediately just feels guilty for being mean to you lol
-Honestly? This man will never breathe a word of your secret. He’s a great alibi for feminine issues and will back you up with whatever lies you need haha. -Is very sweet on you but also treats you like one of the guys?? He’s a weird mix of trying to help you feel like yourself and your alter-ego
-Always offers to share or help you with whatever you need
-Probably shares a foxhole with you and tried to keep spirits up in any way he can. -Fully intends to marry you if the both of you make it through the war.
George Luz:
-Cannot keep the secret for the life of him….or do you thought?? -He finds out accidentally once you guys get to Hagenau and you sneak out to the showers way later than everyone else 👀
-He’s the pikachu meme truly….just shocked and doesn’t know how to treat you then?? He’s going to need a learning curve to figure out how this works. -Is honestly a ride or die bestie for you at this point and wants to hear ALL the tea about how and why you did it. -Falls in love with you super easily and asks if you’ll write him when you get home
-Surprises you once you’re home and asks you out on a date :)
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partyanimal167 · 8 months
A Win-Win Situation- Rayleigh x F!Reader
I had to drop a bag at the mechanic two days ago, and to literally keep myself from not crying, I was coming up with a fic idea to make the situation sexier and not depressing 😅 This popped up, and I was just like, 'At least I can finally write for Rayleigh.' I also told my friend, and he supported doing what you needed to do because damn do autoshops scare me.
CW: modern au, black fem reader, age gap, very light dubcon, smut, praise kink, daddy kink, MDNI
You only expected to get the tires rotated. So when the man started talking about parts and labor costs, you were ready for the earth to swallow you up whole.
You were confident about a lot of things. You could do most adulting tasks like clean, organize your bills, plan a trip, etc. But cars...weren't your area of expertise. But you managed for awhile, so you didn't worry too much! You watched videos and knew that there were things you needed to get done to maintain the vehicle.
So you went to get your tires rotated. Easy. Nothing to worry about....until, the guy pointed out that your check engine light was on. He must have seen the way you stiffened and tried to keep your expression calm.
The man gave you a sweet, flirty smile and waved his hand. "Don't worry too much, sweetheart. I'm actually a bit packed today, but an old friend owns a shop on the next street over. He should be able to check it out. Shouldn't cost you much either."
You bit your lip nervously as you rocked a little. "Really?"
"Of course! Tell 'im Shanks sent you. He'll take really good care of you."
You shyly stepped out of your car in front of the older shop where a radio played throwbacks and a fan blew strongly.
You walked quietly through the open garage door where a person stood under a lifted car with a welder's mask on. "Uh, excuse me" you raised your voice a little since you weren't sure if they'd be able to hear.
The body looked up at you before stepping from under the car and turning to take off the welding hood.
You weren't ready for the kind, sweet older man to beam at you. His glasses were somehow spotless despite the hood. After he wiped his hands on a rag, he pulled his long, gray hair out of its ponytail. "Hi dear, how can I help you today?"
You fidgeted with your hands a little. "Huh, I was just trying to get my tires rotated, but my check engine light is on. The guy, Shanks, said I should come see you." you explained.
The man nodded. "Ah the boy. Yes of course I can help you." he wiped his hairline and sipped his water. "Shame you're out here in this heat. That boyfriend of yours shouldn't be having you out running car errands either."
Your cheeks warmed up, and you scratched one nervously. "I don't have a boyfriend." you softly corrected.
The man handed you a water bottle. "Well that can be fixed--easily." he chuckled. Before you could ask what he met, he held out his hand, and you gave him his keys. "I'm Rayleigh by the way." You nodded and with your own. "Beautiful, what a pleasure."
You stepped to the side as the man drove your car in and took out a little gadget to hook up to your car. You watched a bit confused as he pressed some buttons and frowned at the screen.
The sun continued to beam down, so you were glad you were wearing your short shorts and cropped hoodie, but you weren't expecting to be out alone with just you and the older man. The other shop had a lot of people coming in and out. You wiped your brow and chugged some of your water as you eyed the older man. You didn't feel too nervous though. Rayleigh seemed nice. He was all gentle smiles and had a calm demeanor. Plus, he looked good for his age. You bet he was a real lady killer in his day.
"I'm going to be honest, love. I think one of your catalytic converter is shot. We're going to need to replace it." the man sighed as he closed the door and looked over to you.
You blinked twice. "That's the expensive part, right?"
The man chuckled at your wording and nodded. "I'm afraid so. But don't worry. I won't charge you an arm and a leg." he assured you. You rocked the on your heels a little as you nibbled a little on your lip. "That's what Shanks said..."
"Let's get you out this heat." you entered a small office and sat at the desk. Rayleigh handed you another water bottle before taking off his denim jacket. You nearly choked. This man is jacked. He had on a white tee, but you weren't expecting the way his muscles filled it in. "You okay there?"
You cleared your throat and met a mischievous look. Hopefully, he didn't notice your stares. You nodded. He grinned as he typed away at his computer. "So I need to order the part, but I think including labor we're looking at this amount." he filled out an invoice and circled the total. Rayleigh watched as your body went rigid and he sighed. "I'm sorry sweetheart. I wish it could be less. I-,"
"Oh no, it's fine! You have a business to run of course," you gave a little nervous smile. Rayleigh gave you a once over before that innocent smile was back.
"Come here, princess."
You whipped your head up. "Excuse me?"
Rayleigh pushed away from the desk a little and patted a spot in front of him. "Come sit."
You stood and walked around the desk and sat. You gasped as your hand was taken and a soft kiss was placed on it. "You can't go giving an old man ideas especially with the way you're looking at me." you gasped in response. "We can do a little trade. What do you say? Let's see how many rounds you can last, and I'll make some adjustments." You were surprised by the challenge, but it excited you all the same. The old man seemed experienced. Plus, there was no way he was going to out last you either. It was an easy win-win.
"Fuck daddy, daddy!" your legs were shaking as the man continued to pump his fingers inside as you sat in his lap. You gripped tightly on his shoulders as you bounced up and down.
Rayleigh grinned meanly at you. "What's wrong, dear? It's only been two so far. I'm trying to be nice here. Can't you give me some more?" The man went back to licking and sucking on your nipples as you moaned and sobbed. Your walls started clenching on his fingers once more and you whined as he put more pressure on your clit with the heel of his palm. "Ah there we go. Good girl, I knew you could do it." He sucked a hickey right below your ear. "You flatter this old man with how you sound. Is it good?"
"Yes!" you groaned as you tipped over that mountain again.
It took you a couple moments to catch your breath, and when you were present again, you realized you were on the desk looking up at the man who didn't even have a hair out of place. That sweet smile was there, but with the three orgasms he just gave you, it was so deceiving. Your face was burning, and you let your eyes trail down to see his member out and proud. It was girthy and hard. You could see the veins that ran down and the streams of precum that had been leaking. You whimpered.
"I wanna suck it, daddy." your eyes glossed over, and your cheeks were shiny with tears.
The man groaned at the sight. He'd have to thank Shanks for sending you over. He shook his head. "Ah ah, no sweetheart. You can do that next time. This is your reward for being so good for me, princess." He lifted your hood and spread some of juices around. "Deep breath now," and he sunk in.
You cried out deliriously. He filled you so well and stretched you more than you expected even with prep. You hooked your legs around his waist and pulled him even closer. Rayleigh chuckled before pushing in further. "Fuck, you feel so good, love. Such a naughty girl just for carrying around this good pussy, shit." the man huffed as he started up a slow but strong rhythm.
Skin slapped against another loudly, and you were drowning it. It was too much yet not enough at the same time. Rayleigh grunted deliciously near your ear and cooed about how pretty you were, how good you felt, how he wanted to keep you around and fill you up. You clenched around him more and more, and he sped up. "I'll give it to you, baby. Good girl wants to get pumped full?"
"Yes, yes! Please, let me- uh uh, let me have it please." You cried out. You moaned as you were kissed deeply and felt your tongues twirled around. "Fuck, fuck! I'm gonna cum, daddy. I'm gonna cum. Fuck, yes!" Your orgasm hit you hard; you saw pure white in your eyes as you crashed and rode that wave into pleasure.
"So good. So good! I'll give it to you princess. Just take it," Rayleigh continued on and huffed loudly, glasses finally falling off. He gripped the back of your thighs as he finished and milked himself.
The two of stay silent for a moment before you squeaked as you felt fingers stuff you full. "Can't waste a drop." Rayleigh winked.
You looked at him completely stunned.
This was certainly not how you thought the day would go...
*rereads and blushes* God damn....
I hope I did justice to my mans Rayleigh! I'm just gonna indulge in this fantasy to pretend that I didnt have to drop cash on this damn car...
Thanks for reading!
Part Two
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milktian · 3 months
I think despite everything I still really like the dlc. it's amazing, the music and the boss fights are gorgeous and I'm going to keep cycling through the soundtrack. I'm also just glad there's more elden ring content out with new weapons and npcs.
also messmer and his lore are super interesting and is definitely not what I expected. I won't go super into detail as to avoid spoilers but he truly is just a guy.
I think a part of my disappointment is partially cause i had so many like ideas of what could be in the dlc that, realistically, it wouldn't have held up and I'd always be just a bit underwhelmed regardless. like that's completely on me for setting my expectations so high.
however (spoilers)
miquella's whole Deal feels incredibly rushed, and kind of contradicts the base game? this isn't even like a 'I have a theory I like and this game doesn't match' like no it just straight up is illogical. there are posts that talk about this better so I'll leave it to them.
another thing is, looking back, all the promotional material suggested that miquella would be guiding us and that messmer would be the final boss. but that wasn't what happened. it feels like something changed in-between the trailer and the dlc release? I don't know if that's me misunderstanding the trailer but??
I think I would've preferred a dlc where we sided with miquella and had him guide us almost like melina, in order to free the lands of shadow from the eternal war that messmer has brought (on marika's orders it seems).
also I feel like the best thing they could have done with miquella is keep him kind. I am definitely leaning towards the theory that miquella was misguided in his attempts but was genuinely good natured (I reblogged a post a little bit ago that explains this idea which is the one I'm leaning more towards) but that doesn't change the fact that it feels like they retconned alot of miquella's previously established character details.
everything about the lore in the dlc feels cheap and frustrating and the 'easy' path for this character, which is honestly boring. I wish there was better writing for miquella, radahn, mohg, and malenia (who, as well as the rest of the haligtree, just got completely shafted). it's frustrating.
I'm also coming at this from a "Don't know shit about berserk" perspective as well so the argument that 'this actually makes so much sense because miquella is based off of griffith'.
like ok? elden ring isn't berserk. I don't want to be another franchise. I want it to exist outside of its influences. sure references are fine but if you know jack shit about them, then it makes for a lackluster experience.
this'll probably be the last time I make a ranty post about the dlc. I do still really enjoy the game, but I think im gonna treat Elden Ring Miquella and Shadow of the Erdtree Miquella as completely seperate, because it really feels like they are.
(also radahn was totally just there for fanservice cause it makes literally no sense that miquella would choose radahn to be his consort like???? they have very little connection in the base game. I feel like they just wanted radahn cause he's such a popular character)
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the-anime-enthusiast · 3 months
#3 Shoto Todoroki
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Bro does not care 😭🙏 I personally believe that romance is very hard for him to understand and emerse himself in, so whenever he finally meets someone nice he barely pays attention to the physical ✋😌
Besides that I still gotta provide some grounds of his attraction so to start I think he likes slim women, not like super skinny, he's okay with some chub but he prefers athleticism (I blame his dad), someone who looks like they run cross country 🫡
LEGS LEGS LEGS you got long legs? Folded. 8 different ways. 🫡 He likes em bigger, skinny, muscle, bro does not care, he just likes them 🙂‍↔️ Finds himself laying next to you at night rubbing them, not even in a sexual way, just like giving massages and touching them 🧍‍♀️
Long hair 😉 He prefers someone with natural color, just any natural color honestly, BUT AN ABSOLUTE SUCKER FOR LONG STRAIGHT BLACK HAIR ‼️(momo cough cough) He's a very traditional man and finds beauty in traditional women 🤧
Small boobs ✋😌 He's never been a sexual person but loves em, something easy to grab 🌚
If you dress like a mom or a teacher he's puddy 🧍‍♀️ I believe he has a hard time expressing his feelings and understanding his own thoughts so this, he just kinda rolls with 😭 You got a thin maxi skirt, cardigan, SOME GLASSES? He's done for. K.O.‼️
Features don't matter a lot for him buuutt HE LOVES BEAUTY MARKS‼️ Like a lil mole on the face like Marilyn Monroe, he's checked out. His fav random feature he likes 🌞
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Smart women 🙇‍♀️ Loves a big brain and someone who can just as logical as he is, seeing things for what they are on face surface 🙂‍↕️
motherly women 😭 He doesn't get it either but if you cook and clean for him ✋ Play with his hair til he falls asleep in your arms ✋ KISS HIS FOREHEAD ✋ He's a pile of puddy for you to play with bro 😭 He loves it 😌
SWEET AND GENTLE WHO DONT UNDERSTAND THEIR OWN STRENGTH‼️ He loves to give reassurance to the people he loves and ABSOLUTELY LOVES giving compliments, making you feel good about yourself, so when you often doubt yourself he kinda likes it 😭 Gives him an excuse to constantly tell you how great your doing and when you accept his compliments with warmth and love he practically dies 🫶
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Had a crush on Kiyoko from HAIKYUU 🧍‍♀️ Watched it when he was like 12 and that was the first time he ever had a lil crush on somebody 🤭
LOVED watching the Geisha as a kid, always admired them so much, thought they were the most beautiful women he's ever seen too ❤️
BOARD GAMES‼️ Loves playing some board games with his s/o 🤩 Loves to play Mahjong, complex card games, even some of the new stuff like cards against humanity, but only when someone there to help him understand what's so funny about the game 😭🫶
Making tea and sweets are fav past time for him and his girl, Indulging her in her baking fantasies 😚 (stealing his dad's credit card information and buying her all the expensive supplies she needs) 🌝🎂
TRADITIONAL CLOTHING ‼️ GETS THIS BOY GOOOOIIIINNNGGGG ‼️ He loves it so so much, in an innocent way even, something about it lights the fire in his soul 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
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THATS THE POST ‼️‼️Again, I've never been a huge fan of SHOTO but trust me ✋ I get it so HERES SOME HEAD CANNONS FOR YALL ‼️ Hope you enjoyed, I've always loved the idea that he's OBSESSED. with traditionalist things so writing about it was SO MUCH FUN ‼️
the Geisha thing is my fav ☺️ Just little SHOTO watching them go down the street with his mom, awestruck by their beauty 😭🫶🫶
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sgrplmjnxxx · 10 months
Hey fren, is there a possibility you could show us how you draw Fort Max’s big ass head? I struggle with the little overhang in the front - loveofbots
Waaa! Hello there! Im glad you asked and Im willingly here to help you with that!
Although,Im not a really an expert for tutorials. So please bear with me with some grammatical errors qwq
long post ahead!
Okay,so here it is: I. Angles and shapes
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First off,you need to determine his head angle. I used some angles from the existing pics of Fort Max from MTMTE for this owo When you do,try to make a basic shape. In other words,draw a box. So when you draw a box,it should be look like 3D-ish like my illustration above. Fortress Maximus has a very Square-shaped individual and his head shape could vary in some angles and may inconsistent. (my brain is not brainging atm)
II. Drawing For drawing,now I picked the 3/4 angle because it's easy,lol.
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I started sketching his head with a circle first and then proceed to add the box shape. The top of his head is not completely flat,but more like curved. But it won't be neccessary later on,I think? (It's just my liking when sketching tho qwq). Then you see a shaded part so it looks like 3D-ish,and I added a jawline and neck.
Next,drawing his face and neck. It didn't go the way the base looks like,but you could overlap on some areas if you needed to (such as chin,jawline,forehead,etc..). Btw,you can use the lasso tool and transform tool to adjust the angle for you liking.
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Then,you draw a slightly elevated angular square for his brim.(similar to this lego piece,lmao). Also,you can add his side thingy-stuff (ii have no idea what are those called). I preferrably draw those things angular,but you can draw it straight up a rectangle and more easier.
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Then add that little thing in the middle like most every cybertronian have. Again,repeat the same "Slightly elevated angular square" but its now a triangle-rectangle hybrid.
Also,try to make it look like buried within the brim. (It still depends on you if you want it on top or look pushed down)
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I erased some of his forehead and jawline. And Ta-Da! This looks cursed af,but we're getting there! Final step is to add his antlers or horns.
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I finally added his horns/antlers! his horns/antlers could vary in shapes too! some examples seen on the lower right,but ive seen more than that!
keep in mind that to flip/mirror the canvas if you drawing those so you can be aware if it looks weird
Add that smol half square between his helm and antlers
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and we're almost done! added some details too You can also add those "shadows" on his eyes,like in the idw comics. Max eyes looks a bit small and weird,but it can be fix by erasing some parts to make his eyes looks better.
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I made some few minor adjustments for my liking.
I hope you find this tutorial helpful,this is my first ever tutorial i made. It may not be 100% percent accurate,but you get some ideas. Also,I really appreaciate that you asked me for this and it makes me very happy!
Also some bonus side profiles sketch i made last week or so:
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Fort max,Inferno and Red alert
my brain is not entirely functioning since i woke up middle of the night and,decided to make a tutorial instead of staring in the darkness qwq
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
hey babes!!! i just want to say that i love your law fics! and i stumbled across the soulmate law fic and you talked how law is so kaz brekker coded 🥹 glad im not the only one!! i would love to see more law in kaz moments just like the scene when kaz treated inej in the bathroom (im not sure if you've done this trope before but i love the tension between kanej) 🤣
GOD BLESS YOU you know what i'm talking abt they're so similar yet different but OUGH YES i had to find my copy and reread the chapter so i could get a good read again hhhfnd
[Heads up!: some good ol' pining, mention of injuries, pre-dressrosa/post punk hazard]
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The door to the bathroom is open, shiny tile and bright lighting ㅡ and you, making neat strips of clean cloth for bandaging. Law doesn't knock to announce his presence, knows he doesn't have to. Though you don't look up, you're aware of him.
"There are two doctors on this ship," he intones, "you could have had one of us patch you up."
Snip. Another strip of bandage. "Both of you are injured. I hardly think it fair to ask you to do more while you heal."
"I think you're still bleeding." Law nods to the bright red that blossoms through the bandage that you have wound around your upper arm, approaching. "I can help."
You secure yourself further against the basin, watching him. In the reflection, he catches a peek of the tattoo stamped over the topmost knot of your spine ㅡ he looks away.
"I'm sorry."
You don't ask him what he's apologizing for ㅡ there are a thousand things he could be apologizing for, a thousand that he should.
Apologies don't come easy for a man like him.
"Were you the one who shot me?" He doesn't like the way you stare at him, Law realizes. Too analytical, too much like you're pulling him apart meticulously, piece by piece. He wonders ㅡ if you reach in far enough to pull the dark, wild thing of his heart out, would you be afraid of him?
"No. Butㅡ"
"Then you have nothing to apologize for." His teeth grit, jaw aching with the force of it. You make it sound as though the world deals in absolutes, measured evenly and doled out in the same way.
It doesn't, he knows that. If the world were fair, he may still not have his family, but he'd still have Cora.
"You shouldn't have come with me." He still hasn't moved towards you, evaluating you like a cornered animal despite the relaxed set of your shoulders, the loose curl of your hands for balance on the basin.
"I pledged my loyalty to you, not to a ship crew without their captain."
Law wonders if you've ever lied in your life. You meet his gaze, and his eyes narrow. He should demand you leave ㅡ find some way to get ahold of Bepo and the others, make you leave.
(He needs you to stay.)
He finally slots himself in the space between your knees, takes hold of your arm with one hand, the scissors you'd been using with the other.
Despite the blood seeping through, the wind of bandage is neat, efficient ㅡ you've watched him do it so many times.
Bare skin, marred only for the clean, punched hole that oozes fresh blood. If it hurts, you don't show it.
He holds his hand out without looking at you, soft cloth against his fingers that he dabs your wound with.
"What's your intention in Dressrosa?"
Blood seeps into the cloth. "This should be stitched."
He doesn't need to look up to know you're staring at him. He can feel your gaze, fights the urge to look at you. "It's fine."
He winds white bandage around it, lost in the soft loop around your arm as he finally answers your question. "To bring down Doflamingo."
Scissors gleam in the lighting overhead. Your eyes, dark moon pupils haloed by color ㅡ dismantling him, piece by piece. "What are you really after?"
The scissors clatter into the basin as his hands meet the mirror on either side of your head. This close, he could kiss you. Let his hands wander, touch, selfishly covet the way he so badly wants to. But he doesn't.
(His hands are bloodstained, and yours are not.)
His eyes lock with yours, his fingers curling. "The means to an end."
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