#it wont come off unless i cut it
jdsmineralwater · 5 months
"no jewellery unless its part of a costume"
okay ms have fun cutting the bracelets off of my arm
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guideaus · 1 year
tristamp makes me think abt trigun, which i guess is good, but also every ep absolutely feels like fanfiction by middle school writers, and feels baffling, like theyre able to pick out topics like what counts as human or themes of religion (kind of), but not really in a legit way. then i think each ep there'll literally be one interesting thing that also happened to by my critique of the manga, but then it does the opposite of what i'd think to do so im again like ?? there's nothing that's been overly offensively bad (though elendira comes close), but each ep im just like... hm. hmmmm
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brainlessrot · 1 year
Can I request a head-canon about the housewardens with an reader that bites people out of love?
I do that a love (it's automatic by this point) and the reactions are so funny loll
(also if this goes against the character count you can remove whoever you want! I just got kinda confused if I'm allowed to ask about the housewardens or just 5 characters)
HIII!! i just re-read the character limit on my request rules and i realized how confusing it may be, so i changed it, and yes!! i do "character bundles" (groups that kinda go together, like first years, housewardens... ) up to 7!! so ill do all of them, thank you for requesting <3!!!!
floyd version!!
vicehousewardens + silver (tba!)
Contents ;; Biting as an act of love, sfw but kind of suggestive, specially on leonas (sorry grandpa's senile) , gn!reader, your teeth leave marks, not beta read!
Characters ;; Housewardens, Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim, Vil, Idia, Malleus
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Riddle ;;
Yelps, screams, howls
may collar you out of instinct sorry :'(
overall he himself is not really happy with it but will let it pass if you explain that you do it out of love
(he will blush and after that he stops complaining and letting it happen)
once he is kinda used to it hell just groan and softly push the palm of his hand against your head to make you let go
if your teeth leave marks he WILL keep you collared and not allow you to come near him until the mark dissappears
will wipe off the saliva off bc he thinks its kinda unsanitary
If you bite him sneakily (like how a cat may nuzzle your hand before trying to maim you) he will feel lowkey betrayed, but generally wont tell you off unless it actually hurt him
You held his hand, pulling it up to press it up against your cheek, looking into his eyes as your lips left a quick kiss on his palm, his own face flushing a rich red. Your lips pulled at the corners in a smile he knew too well, but he wasn't quick enough to retract his arm from your hold before your teeth sunk into his hand. It was a soft bite, not too hard. He sighed, pulling his hand away and looking at you with a dissapointed-- but flustered-- face.
continues under cut.
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Leona ;;
WILL bite back
it is either a threat, a promise, or a show of love, only he knows, and seven, he will not tell you
if you nibble gently on him he will ask you if that's all youve got and bite down on your shoulder so hard you're sure he tried to eat you alive (he didn't even put enough pressure to leave a bruise, but it sure did feel like it)
sorry but you have no chance of out-biting him, the moment you bit him for the first time you opened a door that could never be closed
whenever you are in bitting distance you HAVE to keep an eye out for his maw and any suspicious movement bc he WILL lounge and bite you whenever he can
the consequences of your own choices
if you leave marks he... he will be flaunting them, cheeky bastard, and be prepared, for what comes, goes, and you may find yourself some sharp canines indented on your skin
His arm was around your shoulder, his forearm near to your face. He wasn't paying attention to anything in particular, dozing off but still awake, eyes threatening to close the sooner he gets close to falling asleep. You lean into his arm, thinking for a few second before deciding that, since he was not aware of his surroundings, this was your time to bite him without him biting back. And so you did, gently biting on the exposed skin of his arm. You heard a chuckle, warm breath tickling your cheek as sharp teeth bit into it. "Did you think I would not reciprocate, herbivore?"
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Azul ;;
hes both hard and soft when you bite into him??? like octopuses dont have bones and are squishy but that also means he is pure muscle.... so when you bite him he is soft but then he involuntarily flexes and now it feels like youre biting brick
he is generally very easy to fluster because hes not very used to affection (not coming from his mother or step-father)
depending on where you bite he will yelp or giggle bc he is quite ticklish
doesn't hate it but doesn't necessarily love it either, just understands that that is how you show your love for him (and appreciates it) but would rather you don't do it in public or he WILL die.
if your teeth leave marks hes going to die, crawling back into his tiny octopot and not leaving until the teeth-shaped bruise dissappears
You leaned against his body, eyes roaming around his desk as he filed some documents. Not that you were paying attention to what he was writting, instead resting your chin on his shoulder and looking at him from the corner of your eye. You opened your mouth slightly, moving slowly to not alert him of your plans. With your mouth closing on his shoulder, he yelped, his pen rolling out of his hand and clanking against the floor. He looked frantically at you, eyes wide and face flushed.
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Kalim ;;
giggly as hell ‼️
if you clamp down on him a little harder than your regular nibbling he will literally bust out laughing he is EXTREMELY ticklish
may also nibble gently you back, but is hesitant to bite too hard, he doesn't want to hurt you :((
please PLEASE dont leave marks on him jamil will literally have a panic attack, dont do it for his own sanity
his favorite place to bite you back is your cheek, he loves grabbing it with his teeth and pulling softly, the way you laugh when he does so leaves butterflies on his stomach
Your hands held his as he excitedly spoke, telling you all about what he did for the day. It was a nice, domestic activitie. He would tell you about how his day went and you'd listen, every once in a while quipping in with a word or two, or a funny sentence in response. As he finalized his story, you raised his hands, leaving a kiss against his knuckles, before gently bitting the side of his hand, he giggled, gently pulling your own and doing the same as you did.
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Vil ;;
sorry but he does NOT appreciate it all
he might.... buy you a chewtoy
do NOT dare put your "slobby maw" (his words not mine) near him, his clothes or any of his things
if he ever gives you permission to bite him and you accidentally leave teeth marks on him he is filing a restraining order against you (/hj)
REFUSES to leave his room until the mark disappears, that is an unbefitting appearance for Vil Schoenheit
however if you mainly just nibble softly he may (AND ONLY MAY) let you chew on his arm (where it will definetly be hidden under his long sleeves) but please do not bite him without asking because he will have a breakdown
he doesn't care about your reasoning behind biting him, he goes "i refuse☝️"
He saw you fussing around, clenching your jaw and pressing your lips together. Feeling the way he viewed you from the corners of his eyes, you tried to stay still as to not be make it obvious that you were trying to contain your urges of sinking your teeth into the soft and tender flesh of his, since you knew he wasn't rather fond of it. His own lips were pursed as he turned to face you, quickly pushing his arm out and pulling the long sleeves of his clothes back, presenting his arm to you.
"Do not bite hard."
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"WHAT THE FU-" he is falling on his ass crawling on the floor and wriggling like a worm
at least give him a warning before you try to kill him mate
his first instinct is to bite back but he has to restrain himself because he knows how sharp his teeth are (and he may know from personal experience that using those to bite you dont fare well, ortho had to clean up your arm while idia was sobbing and begging for forgiveness last time he did)
he doesn't really mind after you tell him your reasoning but PLEAAASEEE give him a heads up before you even come close to him
his skin is super thin and sensible so he bruises easily please do be careful bc any mark will make him faint (and will give him another excuse to not go outside)
You asked him what he was playing, putting your arms around his shoulders as you leaned, looking at the small screen of his hand held console, some unknown game playing on it. The only thing that came out of his mouth was a mumble, his eyes trained on the device intently. You saw the way his mouth opened and closed a couple of times, no sound coming out, before he leaned against your arm, his sharp teeth scraping against your arm. A giggle escaped your mouth as you leaned forward, biting gently on his shoulder as a response.
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"child of man why are you trying to eat me"
please give him a break he doesn't understand what you are doing or why you are doing it
if you explain to him that some humans do that as an act of love he has the smuggest look on his face as he tries to cover his mouth so that you dont see his lil smile
goes "i see..." with the silliest grin EVER
lets you bite him whenever you want and ENCOURAGES you to do so
is hesitant to bite you back (even if you ask him) bc he thinks human skin is too brittle for his fae teeth
bites you so gently you think he just kissed your arm
if you leave marks be prepared to be hunted down by sebek
(and interrogated by lilia)
idk why but now i kinda wanna chew on his horns...
The both of you sat outside, the night breeze making you huddle closer to his body, warmth emanating from him. He looked at you out of the corner of his eye, before extending his arm and pointing towards a small light in the sky, a star. His lips moved as he spoke, telling you it's name and to which constellation it belonged to. Your cheek brushed against his arm, your impulse winning against your better judgement as your head turned to the side, your teeth biting into him. He chuckled, looking you with fondness in his eyes, already accostumed to your weird human activities.
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lowkeyremi · 9 months
such a random thought but like...
U college!eren and his friends are playing truth or dare (cuz everything happens during truth or dare) and some bitch is jealous bc eren is feeling you and not her. So she's like "I dare you to have sex w someone rn" cuz last time u said truth and they asked u who ur best fuck was and u said no one cuz like u never got past making out
and u start stressing tf OUT cuz aint no way u fucking anyone there. but eren's goofy ass is like "come on let's go fuck" and ur just wide eyed staring at that mf cuz huh???
said bitch is getting mad like "cmon eren someone else should do it, u dont have to pity her"
bro's like "i want to" so he drags u away to his place n is like "we dont gotta fuck, i was just helping u out. wanna fill condoms w lotion?"
uhhhhh "why?"
"proof, armin aint gon believe us if i just give em my word." so u n eren spend the next hour making it look like yall fucked. im talking messed up his sheets, filled condoms, three for good measure. you did end up making out w him cuz like you need realistic hickeys, make up aint gon cut it also he's hot who wouldn't wanna kiss him
he wet his hair to make it look like he showered and changed his clothes.
"take off ur bra"
"what the hell, no"
"it'll be more believable if u "accidentally" left ur bra at my place cuz my dick is so good"
"ur full of shit, u just wanna keep it"
"can i?"
"its one of my cute ones so i'll come back for it, turn around so i can take it off" he turns around, he can hear u shifting around so he takes a lil peek only to see ur back he's lowkey upset cuz he wanted to get a look at those tiddies
eren brings u back to where t or d is going on, n honestly the bitch is mad that eren "fucked" u
yall just acted like it was normal and nothing happened. when u were getting ready to leave armin pulled u aside and said, "ik u guys didnt fuck but ill keep ur little secret."
"how'd u know??" did eren say something
"if u actually had sex w him im sure u wouldn't have come back, eren tends to leave people fucked out."
"why do u know that?"
"threesomes are a thing" he smirks
"i'll keep ur secret if u n eren promise me a threesome, i wouldn't wanna pass up on someone as pretty as you."
you gush a lil bit, "maybe, i wont fuck unless im comfortable."
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remi's note: i wanna write this but i also dont lmaooo, this been on my mind for a little bit. dead ass how fun would it be to make evidence w eren, i feel like you'd be helping mess up the sheets and he'd throw a pillow at u and its not soft either he full on fucking body slammed u with a pillow
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marlenesluv · 6 months
Lovers to Strangers to Friends. (CL)
summary: Y/n and Charles have been an iconic paddock couple since 2019, everyone loves them, but what happens when a rumor spreads that Y/n is cheating? (ends in friendship, dw)
note: pls note that this smau does not end with y/n being with charles or any driver, it’s only angst lol
fc: greta gabriella kazaren
warnings: angst, cussing
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
F1 Drama Blog @f1dramaa1 • 2hrs ago
This morning, we have some big F1 Wag need to cover for you guys. Let’s do some background for new fans here: Y/n Y/l/n and Charles Leclerc have been dating since 2019, that’s 4 years! Fans love them, they love how they bring out the best in each other and how Y/n always goes to races and is so kind with the fans! But we have bad news….
Last night, Y/n was seen in New York with none other than Jacob Elordi. We might have glossed over this, but she missed the Monaco Grand Prix to be with Jacob?? And, she wasn’t wearing the iconic necklace that Charles got her, one that she has said, “I will never take this off!”
Let’s not even get into how Y/n didn’t go to the last two Leclerc dinners…. things are suspicious, possibly cheating?
Comments have been turned off for respect of privacy for Charles! Please refrain from gossiping unless you know facts!
*comments have been disabled*
“Charles, you have got be joking?!” you said, following Charles out of his bedroom and to the living room as he had all of your bags packed when you got back to his house from New York.
“I’m not joking, Y/n. Get out. I cant do this.” he shook his head, your eyes filling with tears.
You knew that going to see Jacob last minute wasn’t the best idea, but you were there in order to plan a surprise for Charles, running into Jacob at the store was truly random. You weren’t a cheater either, in your last relationships, actually, you were the one being cheated on.
“You’re breaking up with me because of what Twitter says? This is ridiculous, Cha-“
“You don’t get to tell me what’s ridiculous. I mean, it makes sense! The random phone calls that you wont tell me who they are with? Leaving Monaco to go to New York randomly, also not telling me why. The last two family dinners?” Charles was mad, beyond mad, but he really didn’t need to be.
“The dinners? Oh, fuck you. You knows why I missed those. You seriously think that I can just call off work whenever you want me to? My work is unpredictable, I work late sometimes, I have clients that need things when they text or call, that’s how I get paid!”
“I could just pay for you-“
“No. No, no, no. You know this has been my dream job since I was little. Its not even about the money, it’s about me doing something I love. And you can’t support that. I have supported you during every race, Charles. I have always cancelled my plans to go to your races, yet you never even visit me at work! You wanna talk about our ‘issues’? Okay, here’s one: Why don’t you let me ever explain something before you get mad. Or, the fact that you think the world revolves around you? Or-“ he cut you off with a scoff.
You stared at him and grabbed your bags, “Fine, you want to just throw four years away over a fucking rumor, cool with me. Should have seen this coming.” You slammed his door and cried down the elevator to your car. This sucked, but at least you had a clean conscious since you did nothing wrong.
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liked by: isahernaez, lilymhe, and 527,043 others
y/n.user: moved in with my bsf this week! spain is beautiful ❤️‍🔥🇪🇸
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isahernaez: 🇪🇸❤️‍🔥
*liked by creator*
fpforcha: oh good, the cheater left
↳ f1fp8: right, cause we know for a fact that she did?
f1wags: aw :( even if she is now considered an ex wag, i will still love her posts. hope her and isa have fun
carmenmmundt: stunninggg!!! so happy you’re with isa, you guys will have sm fun
francisca.cgomes: pretty girls!!
user3: hate to see them broken up, but she is glowing
lewishamilton: have fun in spain!! 🇪🇸
↳ y/n.user: thank you lewis!
brocedes4: lewis picked his side of this divorce fr
f1gal9: i love how i came with carlos and charles, but i’m staying with isa and y/n
exwagsf1page: soo, do i start posting y/n now…
*liked by creator*
charles’ instagram story:
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seen by: arthur_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 1,262,023 others
your instagram story:
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seen by: charles_leclerc, kellypiquet, and 587,017 others
text messages with charles:
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liked by: lailahasanovic, logansargeant, and 538,119 others
tagged: isahernaez and aricason
y/n.user: protecting my peace with my girls, puzzles, and wine 🎀
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user2: awe, we all love you sm!! so glad you spoke out about the rumors
isahernaez: best trio of the decade
↳ aricason: century
↳ y/n.user: that ever existed
*liked by isahernaez and aricason*
logansargeant: miss doing puzzles together, glad you’re doing well in spain!
↳ y/n.user: come to spain!! i miss you and the puzzles
lsediits: logan + y/n still being friends is iconic
user6: ex wags are the bestttt, they slay (so do current ones dgmw)
f1fp81: angellllllll
lilymhe: miss you, pretty
↳ y/n.user: i miss you too!
user3: red wine >
y/nfp1: charles really dropped the ball with y/n
“Isa! Oh my god, you spilt the marinara-“ you laughed, gripping the island as Isa stared at the floor where she had just dropped the dish that was holding said marinara.
As Isa ran to the counter to grab paper towel, you took a picture of the pile of red sauce, still laughing as Isa ripped some paper towel off the roll.
Living with Isa was a blessing in disguise. The breakup was difficult, yes, and you’re sure it sucked for Charles as well, but now you were happier than you ever were.
You loved Charles, really, you did, but his constant lack of enthusiasm and support for your job was horrible. Being there for him all the time was never a question, sure, it was draining trying to make flights right after work, but you wanted to be there for him. But he was never there for you.
Moving in with Isa made you realize, fully, how much more you deserve. When you explained, in full detail, about how Charles’ behavior and the breakup, she was fuming. Cussing in spanish as she stomped around the house.
“Don’t laugh at me!” Isa said, as she continued to laugh and wipe up her mess, you joined her to clean as well.
“Sorry sorry. Be careful of the glass. I’ll grab the broom.” you got up, jogging over to the cleaning closet and grabbed the broom and pan, going back and cleaning up the glass.
Living with Isa was also messy, and chaotic, but you really wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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liked by: arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl, and 1,104,824 others
charles_leclerc: 📸
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f1wags: hmph 😒
cl16: photographer charles!
arthur_leclerc: ❤️
user7: okk…..
y/nsfp7: missing him and y/n together, but she’s better off
lorenzotl: photographer, pianist, and f1 driver
*liked by charles_leclerc*
ferrarifriends: love these pictures!
user3: ferrari men 🤝 being the biggest red flags 🚩
exwagsf1: miss y/n in these photos, but she seems happier, idkk
boomvroom11: these pictures are so cool!!!
joris_trouche: hes the photo man
*liked by charles_leclerc*
text messages with charles:
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F1 News Article on Google:
Good Morning, Formula 1 Fans! Today, we have some coverage on Ex-Wag, Y/n Y/l/n, and F1 Driver, Charles Leclerc. If you are not interested in the Wag+Driver world, I would skip this article. Now, let’s debrief!
Charles and Y/n broke up about two months ago, both of them posted on their Instagram stories. Now, they still follow each other on Instagram, Twitter, and Tik Tok, so we know they have public ally remained friendly.
Yesterday, multiple fans have spotted and taken pictures of the broken up couple hanging out with Isa Hernáez, ex of Carlos Sainz, and Joris Trouche, friends with Charles and Y/n.
They were seen getting coffee at a local Madrid Cafe, then some shopping, and all seen getting in Charles’ Ferrari, Y/n in the passenger with Charles driving, Isa and Joris in the back.
We do not think this means the two will get back together, but seeing them as friends makes us all very happy, I’m sure.
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liked by: charles_leclerc, joris_trouche, and 612,024 others
tagged: isahernaez, charles_leclerc, joris_trouche
y/n.user: double date night (me+isa and joris+cha)
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f1wags: isa and y/n=power couple (deadass)
charles_leclerc: had so much fun!!
↳ joris_trouche: i did too!!
↳ isahernaez: cutest couple ever the two of you!
↳ charles_leclerc: 😒
↳ y/n.user: so true, isa!!!
user3: this actually healed my heart :’)
ferraripics7: loveeee thissssss
dr3edits: i thought they broke up!?
↳ f1wags: they did!! they are friends tho!
↳ dr3edits: ohh ok ty!
lilymhe: cutest
↳ y/n.user: you are
user8: logan rn: 🧍
↳ f1fans: her and logan hung out a few weeks ago and did a live stream on insta LOL
y/nfp123: ICONNNNN
user1: so glad they are friends now!!
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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vixialuvs · 4 months
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୨୧. pairing - yang jungwon x reader
୨୧. CW - angst to fluff. hurt/comfort, yelling, established relationship, non!idol jungwon, you go to the same uni and live tg, suggestive at the end
୨୧. summary - you and jungwon get into an argument, and he accidentally raises his voice and yells at you, causing you to start crying.
୨୧. a/n - this is lwk really bad guys i’m sorry…
december 20 was supposed to be just a normal day for you and your boyfriend of 3 years, jungwon. it was just another day of you overworking yourself at home, while he’s out with his friends. you don’t even check the time, too busy trying to understand punnett squares to care. the sun slowly disappears, leaving you to turn on a lamp so you can see the papers infront of you. your phone gets a call, but it is on do not disturb, so you wont see it.
two hours later, now one am, the entire dormitory silent, and here you are, still working. you are running on five cups of coffee and two oreos, but are starving and so tired. suddenly the door to your dorm opens, you can hear it through the thin walls but don’t get up because you already know its jungwon. you feel too dizzy to even move, just returning to your work. he comes into your shared bedroom, looking upset and worried.
“y/n? i was calling you. why didn’t you pick u—” he pauses in his sentence when he sees you hunched over your desk, taking notes on some stupid biology video. “y/n. we talked about this, okay? you can’t keep doing this, its so frustrating.. please. im worried about you. have you even eaten?” he says, his voice involuntarily getting stern.
you look up at him, letting out a soft sigh as your tired eyes meet his annoyed ones. “i’ve eaten a couple oreos. i’m fine, won. just.. go to bed okay?” you mutter, not wanting to argue with him. he isnt having it and snatches your pen out of your hand, earning an immediate “hey!” from you. he glares at you, actually getting mad you are doing this to yourself. “y/n a couple oreos isnt good enough. you need to be eating more then that. i’m not going to bed unless your coming with me.” he sounds pissed.. it makes you slightly nervous but you stand your ground.
you get up and off your chair, now standing infront of him as you cross your arms over your chest. “give me my damn pen.” you say defiantly, beginning to also get defensive but keeping your voice at a normal level. jungwon, however, is not as patient as you. his voice gets a bit higher, just ever so slightly. “no. your going to bed. now. i’m tired of this bullshit.” he protests, gripping your pen.
“jungwon come on, stop it. i’m almost done.. just-” you start, but he cuts you off. he really doesn’t mean to and doesn’t want to hurt you but raises his voice significantly. “no! stop it! just COME TO BED! i’m sick and tired of your shit, y/n! i already fucking told you! just stop this! god!” he shouts, but pauses and feels the instant regret once he sees you tense up and start to visibly tremble. he takes a step toward you and you take a step back.
“y/n, sweetheart, please baby.. i didn’t mean to yell.. i’m so sorry.. what are you doing..?” his voice is quiet now and his eyes are filled with fear as he watches you grab a pillow and a blanket from the closet and leave the room. he follows you like a scared puppy and his eyes go wide once he sees you setting up camp on the couch. he slumps against the wall and sighs quietly, deciding to try and give you space.
that night he lays restless in your bed, laying on the side you should be on, but you are passed out on the couch. he needs you in his arms, unable to even sleep without you, so he gives up trying to leave you alone and makes his way to the living room where you lie, asleep. he kneels down at your side and gently lifts you into his arms, bridal style, careful to not wake you. he brings you back into the bedroom and lays you on the bed, crawling in beside you. he immediately turns your sleeping body over and buries his face in your neck, his arms wrapping tight around you as he almost instantly drifts off.
in the morning, you are the first to wake, noticing you aren’t on the couch anymore, and instead in your bed, jungwon completely sprawled on top of you. he’s hugging you with an iron grip, as if you’ll leave if he loosens up. you sigh, remembering the events of last night, your head falling back on the pillow. your hand comes up to caress his hair, waiting until he stirs so the two of you can talk. eventually, he does, burying his head further into your neck and mumbling your name, his lips ghosting across your sensitive skin. you tilt his chin up to look at his face, which looks stressed and you can tell he was crying last night while he held you, dried tears on his cheeks.
“i’m so sorry my baby. i didn’t mean to yell at you. i’m just so worried about you and i want you to take care of yourself. i don’t think you understand how much i love you, sweetheart. i love you more then i love myself. i’d seriously take a bullet for you. please forgive me, y/n. i’ll make it up to you honey, i swear.” he says quietly, his voice laced with sleep, as he lays his head on your chest and caresses your neck. you let out the smallest sigh and kiss his head.
“you know i can’t stay mad at you ever, won. i forgive you. i’m sorry for always being a pain in your ass, always worrying you and being stubborn when you try to help me. i’ll be better, okay? i pinky promise.” you softly intertwine your pinkies and kiss it, giving him the tiniest smile. he sits up on you and leans down to kiss your lips, with a sudden fervor. it makes you whine with need, the way his touch feels so apologetic as he gently parts your thighs, nestling himself between them as he kisses down your stomach.
“let me make it up to you, yeah?” he murmurs, looking up at you with a knowing smirk, lust prevalent in his gaze.
@vixialuvs . don’t steal my work !
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luvrbug · 2 years
When they have a crush on you
«─────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ───────────»
▸ Characters; Law, Kidd, Luffy
▸ Warnings; GN reader
▸ a/n; my first OP work !!!! im still trying to grasp how to write for them but !!! i hope you all enjoy :] (psst- requests are open!)
«─────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ───────────»
-> LAW
▸ Law refuses to show any emotional vulnerability. So when he realizes that YOU are the one making his emotions go absolutely haywire- its not a good scene.
▸ He cares about you so much. He doesnt form attachments easily, so when he does prepare for him to never let go.
▸ He starts to avoid you. Like, you cannot find him on the polar tang type of avoiding. He's afraid to put you in serious danger, he's wanted by the world covernment, has billions of beri on his head- he couldn't stand to put you in more danger.
▸ Law SAYS he is perfectly content with holding these feelings in until he dies. He is lying. At some point his frustration comes to a head and he just , corners you in the sub after not speaking to you for THREE WEEKS and word vomits all his emotions out while looking like a tomato.
▸ If you accept law is . surprisingly elated. This commitment doesn't feel heavy or scary like he imagined. He's not the biggest fan of PDA but he ABSOLUTELY links pinkies with you when walking around. (bepo, shaichi, and penguin are yall's biggest fans ever. they SO hide in the bushes during the first date and get discovered 😭)
▸ If you reject law .. he'll retreat back into his shell. He was open with you, and now he probably wont be. ever again. Really awkward interactions ensue.
▸ He's so oblivious to his own emotions !!!!!! He's so mean to you all the time but he's killing anyone who lays a hand on you. He feels nauseous and feverish and embarrassed whenever he's around you but he's anxious and jittery when you're NOT around!
▸ He gets sooo jealous too. you could be like, sitting next to someone and he'll be breaking a tankard in his fist 😭.
▸ HE TRIES SO HARD TO IMPRESS YOU!!! He's smashing someone's face in extra flashily when you look his way. Carrying super heavy objects when youre in his vicinity. showing you all his latest inventions. He's almost like a really aggressive, abrasive puppy waiting on you to praise him.
▸ He probably blurts out all of his feelings when you sit just a little too close after one too many beers. He's raging at you for "making my head all spinny" and "making me feel like im gonna vomit glitter" while Heat and Wire are cackling in the background. Killer has his head in his hands while Kidd continues his drunken rant.
▸ If you somehow manage to wrangle him back to the ship and accept his confession, you will have a clingy, kissy kidd to deal with. He will not let you go. Your post-confession gift is a cranky, hungover kidd.
▸ If you reject him ... Kidd practically explodes. Not at you, but everyone who pisses him off is getting chewed out 10x as bad. He's hurt, and he needs time to tend his wounds. Your friendship will never be the same, but he won't make your life a living hell.
▸ Luffy is straightforward, honest, and determined. If he likes you, he'll say it loud and clear. He doesn't exactly know the line between romantic and platonic feelings, so it'll take someone like robin or sanji to clear that up for him.
▸ He is also very physically affectionate. Where you go, luffy goes. You have to practically beg to go to the bathroom alone. Skinny, Tall, Short, Chubby; luffy loves it all! He gomu-gomu no cuddles you constantly.
▸ He doesn't really get jealous. He trusts you! And he knows youre great, so obviously everyone would want to spend time with you! Just make sure he's in your top priorities.
▸ Luffy's confession is in everything he does. He never steals from your plate unless he's given permission, always makes sure you get the best cuts of meat / best quality veggies. He may just suddenly hold you and kiss you if hes in the mood. Luffy is probably on the aro/ace spectrum, so your relationship may be on the platonic spectrum some days + the romantic spectrum some days.
▸ If you turn down all of Luffy's advances, hes naturally a little let down. He won't stop caring about you, but he'll attempt (key word; attempt) to give you space and not be so affectionate. (how could you possibly turn this boy down >:[)
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yourstingrey · 2 months
do you think you could write a luke x y/n friends to lovers based on too sweet by hozier? Maybe have it be a little angsty like someone tells him he’s not good enough and so he distances himself. I really love your writing and feel like you would write it beautifully.
Too Sweet Pt.1
Thank you so much for this request I loved this idea its so cutie im so sorry it took so long for me to make but hopefully Ive done it justice this one is a bit short but I kinda reallyyyyy wanted to put it into separate parts (which i swear wont take as long but it will be longer cus i gotta get that juicy angst in better!!!)
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That's all I felt as I was training, That's all I ever feel when I train with Luke. Not because he’s insanely hot himself but he has to put his all into everything even if I ask for practice with sparing. I'm crouched down a bit less like a fighter's stance as Luke has already got me winded but I try to hold up my tough gaze as he stands in front of me mirroring my stance except he's not tired at all it looks like he has even lifted a finger but this is our third go and unsurprisingly he's won every time so far. “Y/N/N are you sure you don't wanna give up? I'm not sure I can watch your face get all sad when you lose again.” He’s smirking as he talks and for a second he puts his hand on his chest to fain sadness about me. In that split second, I take the opportunity to try to tackle him to the ground. 
He lets out a surprised Oof before he hits the ground I try to grab his hands to pin them down “I'm not so sure Luke I think you be pulling your sore loser face” Of course I didn't learn from Luke as my talking got me too distracted as Luke flips us over and now he's pinning me down into the dirt. He simply smirks and does a little tilt of his head pretty much signaling id lost. He stood before holding out his hand for me to get up which I gladly took from him. “Luke, I asked for practice. I thought you were going to go a little easy… I'm gonna have to sleep early or I'm gonna be so sore.”  Discomfort on my face as I brush the dirt off my shorts and shirt “About that…” Luke says with a certain tone I've learned means ‘I'm gonna try really hard to convince you to do something you're really not gonna wanna do’ “Oh god what is it, Luke…?” A mischievous look spread across his face “Apollo kids are having a small lake party tonight and I was thinking I could take you” I let out a taut laugh before squinting my eyes playfully at him “Weren't you already out partying last night! Chris was telling me all about it!” I watched his face flush a bit as he stood there watching me talk before stammering his words “Wait- when did you see Chris today I wasn't with you??” I narrow my eyes at him a bit “This morning I went on a walk and I ran into him yknow you're not denying it soooo i'm right you did go out…?”
He gets up from leaning against a pillar to come put his arm around my shoulders and start walking out of the arena “Well yes.. But! I wasn't hanging out with my best friend so that's why I'm telling you that you gotta come out this time!” 
“Luke you're always out so much lately don't you think YOU especially should rest, oh so great swordsman!” I clasp my hands to my chest whilst looking up through my lashes at him. He lets out something between a laugh and a scoff “You know that I do this all the time you're the one who always stays cooped inside her cabin almost all day usually!” Our steps absentmindedly got slower as we approached my cabin “I don't know Luke… I promised I was going to hang out with my siblings tomorrow and if I party with you I might forget or sleep in'' He opened his mouth to rebuttal me but I quickly cut him off “And andddd! You know I don't like to drink. I'm too nervous about being caught!” 
We finally got to my cabin but I stood outside because I knew Luke wouldn't be satisfied unless I let him try to convince me one last time. “For one, You see your siblings every day you live with them. Plus I know some of your siblings are coming tonight anyway!” I go to open my mouth ready to shut him down already but before I had the chance Luke swiftly made sure to playfully cover my mouth with his hand before tsking at me and putting his finger to his lips shushing me “Ahem as I was saying YN, I'll be with you the whole time you can rely on me the whole time, just go this once for me and if you hate it I'll never force you to come again!” 
He lowered his hand from his mouth to reveal my lips in an exaggerated frown. He let out a loud laugh before huffing out what sounded like ‘Oh c'mon now’ but it fell on deaf ears as his fingers went to my sides to get me to let out a laugh (well more than just one) I laughed so hard at his relentless tickles hunching myself onto him before we heard the laughs of my sibling behind and Luke turned back into a stoic statue practically I let my laughter die awkwardly as he separated from me. Rocking back and forth on my heels I look back at him “Well okay I guess I'll think about it… but this isn't a yes okay!!” He let out a small chuckle before slowly starting to walk backwards “I’ll see you later tonight” he flipped around completely to start walking away I let out a small laugh turning away to walk to my cabin door before something dawned on me, I flip around and yell back out to him “Wait Luke how will I know where to go!!” He turns back to me putting his hands behind his head with a sort of arrogant smirk on his face 
“Don't worry about it, I am a messenger aren't I?” 
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kichikichiko · 17 days
Hi! Can you write the demon brothers with little sister reader? The reader is the 8th of the family. It must be so cute since all the brothers will care so much for their only little sister.
Our little Angel in Hell
This is so cute wtf 😭 Sorry for being so late anon Ive been busy with stuff and only got the motivation do write it now! Hope you enjoy ❤️ Synopsis: HC of the 7 demon brothers with their only sister after Lilith (who's younger than them all) Pairing: PLATONIC OLDER BROTHER! Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Satan, Beelzebub and Belphegor & lil sister! reader Note: Nicknames (Dove : lucy | Goldie: Mammon | Shellfish: Levi | Angel: Asmo | Rose: Satan | Hamster: Beel | Moonshine : Belphie ) CW: I PUT A LIL CAMEO OF MY OBEY ME OC "Kojika" (Asmodeus' part only) IN HERE FOR FUNSIES BUT SHE DOES NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT TO THE STORY AT ALL 🤠 Platonic siblinghood, fluff, hc, not proofread, nothing else!! 𖤣.𖥧.𖡼.⚘
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Your brothers love you DEARLY. At this rate, "Love" is already an understatement. They would do anything for you and spoil you rotten. You want plushies? Food? Books? Make up? A sacrifical human for a ritual (/j) they'd to it all for YOU.
After losing Lilith, not only did you take it hard but they did as well. Not wanting to lose their only remaining sister, they've become more over protective.
♤ As the eldest sibling and the head of the family, it is to no surprise that he holds the most composure out of the brothers.
♤ Around his other brothers he appears as "harsh" (but they all know he just cares for them) but around you, he doesnt even try to look stern. Everytime he looks at you his gaze softens and he smiles slightly
♤ "Mammon I'm taking away your credit card privellages" Lucifer sighs while taking away Mammon's credit card for the 5th time this month.
"Give it back Lucifer! An auction for this awesome gold car figure is coming out TOMORROW I NEED IT!" The white hair demon groaned.
You walked into the scene with a smile "Hi Lucy, is it okay if I get this thing on sale tomorrow? Ive been waiting for it to come out for a while now."
Lucifer's frowned expression turned soft in an instant and he gave you a nod "of course, just don't spend too much."
"OH FUCK YOU LUCIFER" Mammon screamed.
♤ If hypothetically he doesnt allow you to get something, instead of giving you a glare, he pats your head and shakes his head a little "Sorry Dove, but not today. We can get it another time okay?"
◇ Mammon is the greediest among his 7 siblings. He is the embodiment of the deadly sin, greed anyways.
◇ He HATES sharing and he doesnt hide that, but with you? He is more lenient.
◇ Don't get me wrong, he hesitates and tells you no sometimes, but other times if not most times, he is more willing to give you something or lend you something, albeit with his snarky/ stuck up personality 😭.
◇ youve been staring at a certain display case everytime you and Mammon pass by, and the yellowed eye demon couldnt help but notice it.
◇ At first he wanted to ignore it, but seeing at your longing/ awed gaze he folded.
◇ "Oi Goldie, you want that?" He pointed to the item on the display case, his hand on his hip trying to act tough and unbothered.
"Uhm.. yes but I don't have any mo-"
Mammon cut you off and walks into the store. "C'mon let's go get it."
♧ Levi loves games, he's always cooped up in his room and rarely comes out.
♧ When he plays a multiplayer game, everyone knows how competitive this demon can get
♧ So to spare themselves from the death glares and the not so PG 13 name calling, they avoid playing him... well unless they truly wanna pick a fight with him.
♧ When you play games with him though, he's a completely different person.
♧ He's patient and kind when teaching you the basics
♧ During your first few games, he'd allow himself to take the loss
♧ He wont admit it, but he loves to see the way your eyes shine and how youre mpre determined
♧ This way, you'll play the game longer and spend more time with Levi
Your eyes shine and you smiled widely "YAY I WON! Beat that Levi! I just started the game and I won against you on. The. First. Try!"
Levi rolled his eyes and smirked "Don't get too cocky Shellfish, I might just beat your ass in the next round"
"Bring it on big bro" You grinned, holding the controller tightly.
♡ He's aware you've lost the only female influence in your life (Lilith)
♡ you being surrounded by so many masculine energy worries Asmo
♡ Not wanting you to lose your feminine side, he decided to take on the role of being your main "female influence" in your life.
♡ He is the perfect man for the job
♡ He will take you out for shopping, to the salon, kareoke, photo booths, manicures and pedicures, spas. You name it he'll do it
♡ He's even be the one you go to for sex ed/ advice bc.. well come on
♡ If youre into none of that that's fine too, he'll be your irl diary and listen to whatever you have to say... even hot boiling tea you cant keep to yourself😁
♡ "Asmo!! Are you free?" You opened the door to his room with a smile
Your brother looks at you through his mirror as he was doing his skincare "Yes sort of. Why?"
Your smile turned into a grin as you closed the door behind him and jumped onto his bed "I've got delicious tea"
Seeing your hands on your cheeks and your facial expression made Asmodeus return the grin "Oh yeah? Is it piping hot tea?" Finally facing you as he asked
"Piping.HOT!" You responded unable to contain your excitement "Miss Kojika was finally caught going out with Simeon"
"No way you better not be kidding Angel. Wasn't she just complaining about not liking Angels before?"
"Yeah but you see the way her cheeks turn pink at the MENTION of the Angel Simeon" you made sure to remind him.
♡ The conversation went on for hours, and both you and your brother are happy to have someone to talk to like this.
□ Somewhat simillar to his older brother Levi. He gets impatient and is angry quite often, especially at the mention of Lucifer.
□ His way of escape is through his love of cats OR his abode, his sanctuary: his personal library.
□ During the times he disappears, it's a sign that he does not want to be bothered by anyone. And the only one who can bother him is you.
□ He wont exactly call it "bothering" when it comes to you, because he knows you have good intentions and only want to help him.
□ Especially if he just came out of Lucifers office after a heated argument
□ You were in the kitchen when you heard the door to Lucifer's office being slammed shut, followed along with heavy footsteps stomping away. You knew instantly that it was Satan's footstep.
Without wasting another second, you finished up the dishes and went straight to the hallway leading to his abode.
"Satan?" You knocked. "It's me, (name)"
After a few seconds, you heard a muffled "come in" and you twisted the door knob open. "I heard you walking out of Lucifer's office before."
Both you and Satan knows that he didnt "walk out" but you both decided to not correct it.
"Just another fight" he answered quickly while reading a book. "Same as always."
Slowly walking towards him, you took a seat beside him and smiled softly "Dont listen to him. You know he can make no sense sometimes... most of the times" you shruged. "Besides Im here for you. Whaddya say we do something fun?"
Satan's stern face turned soft, and when he made eye contact with you, he smiled "Sure. Thank you, Little Rose."
□ You've got his back, and he's got yours.
♤ the hungriest brother. He just never stops eating.
♤ Whenever anyone catches Beel, he's always got something in his hands to munch on.
♤ And sometimes he's not willing to share his food.
♤ Whenever you ask though he's willing to give you a bite or 2. Hell maybe even give you the whole darn thing if he sees you TRULY enjoying the food.
♤ "Wow you seem to REALLY like the snack more than I do, Hamster..." he'd joke, mouth still full.
♤ Whenever youre feeling hungry he'd take the time out of his day to cook you (and him) some food.
♤ When he's feeling experimental and want to try a new recepie, he'd call you down to try his food and if you like it he smiles earnestly.
♤ Nothing makes Beel more happy (other than food) than seeing you enjoy his cooking.
♤ Even if you ask for it or not, he starts cooking for you more often. It's his love language and you dont seem to mind it. Cooking is a tedious job indeed and you appreciate your brother's efforts to keep your tummy full and happy.
♤ VICE VERSA! You love to bake and cook for your brothers.
♤ If you dont have the talent for either, Beel will be the first gobble up your food and give you a big thumbs up in approval. While the rest of your brothers have a hard time even swallowing the first bite
♤ Beel appreciates your effort and doesnt want you to become disheartened.
♤ But next time he'll supervise you in the kitchen and give you some tips and tricks
♧ You and Belphie are both the younger siblings (Beel as well but hes regarded as older than Belphie)
♧ And Youngest tend to stick together!
♧ You like having sleepovers, even though its a little bit of a silly ideas because you already live in the same estate as your brothers.
♧ Theyre usually busy so whenever you want this specific want of yours to be endulged you always go to Belphie.
♧ and he never says no to sleeping.
♧ With Belphie you both like to build tent fords together and watch movies together while eating popcord (that you both made sure Beel does not see nor smell because he'll pounce on the both of you before you have the chance to walk out of the kitchen)
♧ Other times you both would go online to buy matching onsies for your sleepover
♧ You both do this so often you end up having a closet full of matching onsies together.
♧ Sleeping with Belphie is indeed very relaxing. And Belphie likes having you around especially
♧ Usually the avatar of sloth put on a pair of Pyjamas and goes to sleep instantly, however with you around, he'll make the effort to put on essential oils, ambiance (if you'd like) and night lights 🤍🤍
♧ "Wow Belphie you put a lot of effort for the sleepover today!" You smiled looking at his room in awe
Belphie smiled and yawned "Of course, anything for you Moonshine. I want you to be as comfortable as possible."
♧ Safe to say you both will sleep in to the point your other brothers will have to drag you both out of bed to start the day
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saturnxlust · 2 months
HEYYY :P ik its been awhile my bad😔
Injured!Proxys+ben x Doctor! Reader
Tim Wright/ Masky
So this man is closed off, all of the proxys are😞
But hes not a idiot, he knows when his body has had enough and when he needs help
The only way you’d be able to help him is if its a severe wound or if your close with him
Im talking at least 2+ years of either dating or being friends..
Lucky you if you’ve made it this long!
Now actually helping him is difficult
Hes stubborn and doesnt like to admit hes in pain so when you stitch his sorry ass up or disinfect it, he winces but swears hes fine
Hes not fine
He also complains the entire time about how he could do it himself
Knowing full well he couldnt he just likes to be a pain in the ass
Brian Thomas/hoodie
Hes more lenient, he’ll let you help him even though we all know this man could do it himself
It wouldnt be good but as long as he isnt bleeding out he doesnt really care
Although hes the more lenient one hes still closed off and it takes atleast a year or more to be able to help him
The first time you actually clean up a wound he falls deeper in love
Its not covered in dried blood or anything!
Hes amazed at how gentle you were and found it cute if you were concerned about him
It gets to the point where he would make small bruises or cuts just to have you put a little bandaid on his finger or put pain cream on his bruise
He would totally make you kiss the bandages after, no matter how big or small😭
He has dinosaur bandaids and unicorn bandaids.
Toby Rogers
Oh boy buckle up
So he cant feel pain
Good luck☺️
He doesnt know hes hurt and most likely you wont either
If you somehow get him to wash his fuckass sweatshirt and seem to see a wound, he too, would be confused and surprised
He would find how concerned you were funny and laugh as you clean him up
If you yelled at him while he laughed he’d tell you to relax and that hes fine
Hes not fine
Like brian he would make small cuts and or bruises to have you patch him up
Back tracking a little, it would take a few months but not because hes closed off
He trusts you completely to not hurt him physically
It was just getting to see him without his sweatshirt on that was difficult
He keeps that thing on all the time no way your getting a peak at his scrawny ass unless you rip that sweatshirt off him or if you get…spicy.. with him..
Eyeless Jack
Good luck
He went to medical school
This man knows what hes doing
But like the others finds it funny that you want to help him
He doesnt need it but honestly
Hes too smart to get too badly injured, if he does it’s because he went awhile wothout eating and became reckless
I think that if he were to go more then a fee weeks without eating he would get reckless with how he got the kidneys
He wouldnt leave the victims alive and leave them in their bed naked with incisions on their stomach
When that happens he usually comes home with a bruise or scratches from the victims fighting back,
If you’ve gotten to the point that you know about that and accept it, not only will you be helping clean him up
You’d help clean his clothes up
Hes a clean guy dont get me wrong but after eating i think he would just need to sleep
And if your like me theres no way that 7’ tall demon is getting in my bed soaked in blood and possible guts ☺️
Jeffery Hodek
God i wish you luck if your with this man
He will let his wounds get infected for fun and he will enjoy it when you get upset (COUGH COUGH MOUTH CUTS COUGH)
He honestly couldnt care less and again, finds it amusing when you yell at him
Lets be honest his story is written awful so im gonna tweak it a litte
He did not get bleached, there was a explosion and some of his hair burnt off, it has since grown back a little but the burn scars are still there
So if you want to help him clean his mouth he’ll complain and tease you and taunt you but he’ll let you do it
..if you even want to after all that.😒
Benjamin Lawman
So he can’t actually get hurt…i mean unless hes like a zombie but he isnt, this guys a ghost
So i mean, unless he has some power to be human magically theres really nothing that can hurt him
Even you..
But you should find a way to hurt him, whether it be physical or emotional causr hes a jackass
And will make fun of you just to see you cry😒
Either bring up something from his past(he might get a little angry at that🥰) or threaten to throw him into a lake
You can’t actually throw him but..he..doesnt need to know that😇
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livingdeadmlm · 3 months
Back from the dead
OKAY SO…Werewolf Arthur Morgan x reader ??
Probably just fluff and maybe an overprotective Arthur?
Welcome back!!
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He keeps his ears tucked away in his hat, he dosen’t want it too clear when he’s trying to hear what people are talking about around him
He comes back to the camp and tries his hardest to keep his tail from wagging like crazy when he finally catches a small smell of you throughout the camp leading back to your tent.
However he is always exposed when you peek around a corner and hear his name sung out to him, it does get some giggles from the women in the camp and the kids when big ol Arthur's stoic face and tail are going 100 miles a minute
Heading into town he makes sure to be half a step behind so he can make sure no one sneaks up on either of you and maybe take your or his wallets and run off.
He makes plenty sure that when talking to folk they don’t attempt to scam you out of any of your money
When taking jobs he tends to consider his safety more now yet still finds himself in the middle of the woods talking to strangers he’s never seen before.
He wont get jealous if people come up to talk to you but when its at the bar, and the other person is getting much to close his ears are pinned back under his hat
You don’t entertain the attention much but the other person tends to pick up on Arthur’s no longer wagging tail and the tension that could be cut with a knife
He’s never had to get loud unless someone grabs at you then he dives in and holds back no bite or punch
You’ve specially sown his pants in order to fit his tail through them, before he would just rip a line in the hem and fit is tail in it.
If you find a hat that accompanies his big wolf ears it exposes just how often he gets confused but plays it off like nothing
As a wolf I think he’d have a much bigger appetite and gets a little embarrassed when he’s downed his whole meal when you’ve just started eating
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thomase1 · 3 months
Two broken make a whole; chater 6
Series masterlist Main masterlist
Yup, back again.
Please be aware, this is the first smut i have ever written (yes its been in my drafts that long) and one can only do so much to save a catastrophe. :,) The foreplay is way too detailed for my taste, but somehow i just couldnt cut it. Lots of kissing omg, this rlly is kinda mid, sorry.
Warnings: Smut, masturbation, fingering, ¿loss of virginity?, probably some corruption, awkwardness, fluff, worried reader, tender Loki, big time jump
Wordcount:~4.300 of pure filth and brainless fluff (oops)
Or in other words: that escalated quickly
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Its now been a little over 6 months the gods have been living here. While you enjoy Thor being here and notice Loki settle in as well, one thing becomes clearer with each passing day.
Loki is your kryptonite. You have never felt such a strong attraction to anybody. His constant flirting and teasing do not make it any easier.
Its like hes been pestering you on purpose after that unfortunate mission months ago. Everywhere you went, he just casually appeared or was already there. Hell, even the helipad wasnt safe.
And the cocky demeanour and ambiguous statements really have been takeing down your walls one brick at a time. Its quite embaressing how quickly one god can wreck the walls youve built up for as long as you can remember.
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So now youre here, late at nigh, lying in bed after an eventful, tiring, day. But of course, you couldnt sleep.
You didn't mean to, but you thought of Loki. You've never had relations with somebody before, at least not that you remember of, which is problematic at your age and with your stress level.
Maybe thats why your body is reacting so ferociously to Loki. The thought of him is makeing you all tingly, you cant help but sigh in pent up sexual frustration.
You are engrossed in finding relief and relaxation, which doesn't always work for you. Actually never, yeah, you've never managed to climax before. Or maybe you just expected more of a feeling? You are not quite sure. But it defently isnt satisfying your need.
You concentrate on your movements, in your imagination you see Loki in front of you. You've seen him shirtless a few times, which worsened your interest even further. Damn why must he be a hot villain too.
Well, he is an ally now, yes, but he is still Loki Laufeyson.
You keep concentrating, attempting to avoid thining of him, trying to picture hot actors or just anybody but him.
Suddenly your dark room brightens with a green shimmer.
Loki appears and you quickly hide under your covers.
"I know you're awake Y/N," the intruder says. You don't answer and pretend to be asleep.
"I heard your rapid breathing as I passed your door. I know what I'm interrupting." he teases in a singsong voice.
Damn how embarrassing, your breath catches in your throat.
"Oh, don't be embarrassed. Unless you were thinking about me Y/N, of course that would be a rather peculiar situation, huh?" he purrs provocatively, his voice getting even closers.
He can read minds, you know that, but you didn't think he could do it without even seeing the person.
"Oh, so you're not even denying it. Interesting. There's quite a bit I can do that you don't know about, kitten.", he continues.
Goosebumps form all over you, leaving you to shiver under the covers. He's right next to your bed.
"So Y/N, are you in need of assistance?", you can hear the smirk in his voice.
You try to think of nothing which is near impossible when consciously trying. Especially in the middle of getting yourself off.
"I heard your thoughts before, about you finding it hard to get a high. I just want to help you."
"How long were you listenig you little shit?!", you snap, throwing the blanket off your face huffing.
"Long enough to know how desperate you are."
"Cant you just leave and forget about this, please?", you mumble ashamed.
"But where is the fun in that? Come on now, its a win for both of us. Promise I wont tell.", he sits down at the edge of your bed.
Should you just accept? As soon as that thought crosses your mind, you get nervous. Cheeks burning, hands sweaty and heart racing.
"Do you fancy me that much, getting nervous like this?", he asks grinning.
You dont know if you should punch him or fuck him right now. He is so infuriating.
"I dont fancy you! Its just my hormones going crazy ok? Dont flatter yourself!", you hiss. Why must he torture you like this?
"Yea sure it is.", he says sarcastically.
You dont respond.
"Oh come on Y/N, do you really think you can finally reach your high this time? Just take it as a favor."
He sounds so sincere all of a sudden, what the hell? Well, god of mischief and lies, aint he?
"A favor? Dont act like you dont just want an easy girl for a night, but i am anything but easy.", you scoff bitterly. If there is one thing your job taught you, its to be suspicious of everything and everyone.
He sighs, "No, I dont think of you as easy. I admit I havent engaged in sexual activities for quite some time either, but what of it? It would stay between us, we would both profit from it."
He really sounds thruthful and his tone is kind of... tender? And for a moment the though of just accepting the offer crosses your mind again. It sounds simple enough, but you just dont know if you can trust him.
"Listen, I am entirely truthful right now. What would I gain by bragging about having sex with you? I am no school boy seeking validation Y/N. I believe here on Midgard you say, 'A gentleman doesnt tell.'."
"Will you please stay out of my thoughts?!"
"I can do that.", he smirks.
It actually makes sense though, he isnt friends with the others, why would he tell them? "Ok Loki, just promise me again, this stays between the two of us.", you awkwardly reach out your hand to him, attempting to seal the deal by a handshake.
He, however, grabs your hand and places a gentle kiss on your knuckles, "I promise. I know the past has not been kind to you either, I wish no harm to you.".
This gesture throws you off completely, you are not used to such tender affection. Your worry about trusting him eases a bit, a smile crosses your lips.
But now when you think about it, what if only he gets a profit out of it? When you cant get it yourself, what makes him so sure he will? You already expect a response from the god, but it seems he is keeping his word.
"On another note, what makes you so sure you can even help me with my *you gulp* struggle?", you ask with shaky voice.
He gives a deep chuckle, "Because I've gained some experiece in over a thousand years of living. So, shall we start?".
"Uhh, yea I guess.", as those words leave your lips, he gently sinks his lips onto yours.
You are surprised for a second, but return the kiss after a few moments. Its been some time since you kissed or made out, but you get into it pretty quickly. He leans forwart to you, one hand on your cheek. The kiss is deep with passion, his tongue asking permission to explore. You grant him entrance and he begins his route of discovery.
You grab the back of his neck, pulling him down so he is closer to you. He nibbles at your bottom lip and you cant keep a gasp from escaping you. Your tongues start to dance with each other, fighting for dominance. As you break apart for air her stops for a moment.
You hear him takeing off his shoes and crawl into your bed, now hovering over you. You cant help but giggle, seeing his determined expression lit by only the little light to your right.
You expect a cocky comment but instead your lips meet again. The kiss now just as determined as Lokis expression. It sends a warm feeling through your stomach, down to your core.
You lay your hands on his shoulders, traveling down his firm muscular arms. His hands start to wander too, from your back, over your ribs down to your waist where they stay with a firm grip.
You suck at his bottom lip and he takes a surprised breath. You smile into the kiss which leads him to lay his hands on your bare bottom and give it a hard squeeze. You let out a small yelp of surprise. He gives you a low chuckle and trails his lips off yours, down your cheek to your ear.
His hand moving up to steady himself again, the other one stroking a strand of hair from the path of his lips, he kisses behind your ear and starts nibbling at your earlobe, feeling his warm breath. You are overwhelmed with these new sensations.
Your hands travel to his chest, down his sturdy stomach, sixpack apparent to the touch. Then you wander further to the hem of his shirt, under it and up his torso again. His skin is soft. As he is assaulting your neck, he stops, "Like what youre feeling?", voice full with pride.
"Not bad, I must admit.", you giggle to which he only smirks and takes off his shirt.
Instantly your eyes wander down his bare chest and stomach. Wow. Pure eyecandy. He goes back to kissing your ear, but now the other one. The way he lets you feel him up so extensively while only gently kissing you, it feels like he wants to show you he is no threat to you. Maybe you are just imagining that, but it does make you more comfortable with the god.
As he does just that, you feel around his sides to his broad back and shoulders. And for the first time, a man above you with strong muscles does not make you panic. No, its hot. It feels strangely safe. He starts to trail down your neck, pulling down your shirt collar to reach your collarbone. You let out a tiny moan, you didnt know you were so sensitive in that spot.
You can feel your middle getting, shamefully, damp.
Lokis hand reaches the bottom of your shirt, starting to pull it up a bit. You grab his hands, stopping his movement. "What is it?", he asks hoarsly.
You swallow, "I- I was just getting a bit nervous, sorry.", you say shy.
You have quite a lot of insecurities lurking under the fabric of your shirt, accompanied by many scars, ugly reminders of past battles. While you feel more comfortable with him not harming you, letting him see all of you is still terrifying.
"Dont apologize, I'm glad you told me about it but I am without my shirt too, its only fair!", he grins.
"But then I'm completely naked!", you protest. Honestly, you are just afraid he is going to say sometehing hurtful.
"I do apologize for breaking my word but I was curious. Come on dear, I am sure you look beautiful. You can trust me.", he says so sweet, you think honey may start to drip from his lips. You blush at the sweet remark.
"Ok, just dont tell me if I prove you wrong.", you say, removing your hands from his.
"Oh nonsense my dear, even I wouldnt stoop so low. Especially when it isnt true, you are stunning.", Loki says waiting for you to trust him it seems.
You smile softly at his words, cupping his face and kissing him, leaving him gasping for air. He deepens the kiss again as you feel him slowly pulling your shirt back up.
Bare before him, you can feel his eyes before you even see them and your heart begins to race. You feel so exposed and vulnerable under his gaze, starting to move your arm to cover yourself. "Gorgeous. Ravishing, as I told you darling.", he coos.
He starts feeling up your stomach, to your ribs, settling on your breasts. Your stomach explodes with butterflies as relief washes over you.
As you start feeling around his wall of torso again he starts kissing your collar bones and boobs. You play with his hair, you always wanted to, it just looks so nice and it is as soft as it looks, smelling like lilac and mint.
You start to fondle with his scalp and can feel his shoulders relaxing. He definitely likes that. He showers your whole body with kisses and is slowly moving south, his long hair tickling you down his path. You keep massaging his head as you grip his shoulder with your free hand.
To say it pretty clearly, you are horny as fuck right now.
He is trailing down your hip, slowly moving your covers away as he is kissing down your thigh, takeing his sweet time which is, quite frankly, driving you insane. In the best way possible. As he kisses more and more to the middle of your thighs, you cant help but grip his hair firmly and letting out a small moan.
You feel your sex getting hot and twitchy. His hands are moving towars your middle and you feel a finger sliding over your lips. "So wet for me kitten, you want me to make you feel good now?", he purrs from between your thighs.
You feel his breath fanning agains your skin giving you goosebumps all over. "Yes, oh god yes.", you plead, urgency obvious.
"Say please.", he taunts, finger still stracing up and down.
"Please Loki. Please.", you plead with even more urgency.
And then finally he does; tongue caressing your most sensitive spot, hands pushing your legs apart. Your grasping at his hair harder again as you cant hold back a moan. It feels incredible. You claw into the sheets but keep your other hand in his hair, frankly, you have no control over it right now.
You let out a breath of surprise as he sinks a finger into you and starts moving it, makeing you whine in pleasure. He reaches a spot which feels so good, its unlike anything you felt before. And you think he knows that you feel good, keeping his movement exactly on that sweet spot of yours. Its sending waves of pleasure up my stomach. You move your hips feeling so good, arching your back off the bed as he takes a second finger.
"You taste exquisite.", he purrs as he gets some air into him.
Just as you think of an answer to that, he starts again. He sucks at your bundle of nerves, pushing you to arch your back again. Your whole body feels hot with lust.
You just wish you could touch him too right now, this feels a bit selfish letting him pamper you like this while he gets next to nothing. Arent you surpossed to give him something in return? And then he stops all of a sudden which you comment with a sad face. "Stop overthinking dear, just enjoy it. I will take care of you first, I'll have my fun soon enough.", he assures you, obviously having listened to your thoughts again.
He shifts and kisses you gently. You can taste yourself which somehow turns you on even more. He starts moving his fingers, thumb now rubbing your clit. The kiss gets heated as you lay your arms around his neck, pulling him close. He moves his fingers faster and faster as you claw at his back out of pure arousal.
He sits up, moves his lips from yours and uses his second hand to stroke your clit now. You let out a moan, you think you are nearing a climax.
He moves faster and faster as you cant hold back little croaked mewls. He watches your face like his life depends on it, feeling Lokis clothed cock press into your thigh which turns you on even more.
You swear you are so near an orgasm, you no longer hold control over your body, hips pressing into your helpers hands looking for further friction. Your crys of arousal growing more and more, Loki starts cooing sweet encouragements at you.
"Thats it dear. Dont hold back."
"Come on kitten, come undone for me."
"Dont resist it. Let it all out darling."
Those sinful words spoken so sweetly tumble you over the edge. "Oh g-od, Loki, I think I'm gonna com-e", you say with a sharp cry.
"Thats it Darling, come for me. Give into it.", he supports.
Just like that you reach your high. You claw at the sheets, head jolting back as your body arches into his hand. "There it is. Beautiful.", you hear Loki from a distance.
You feel your whole body shiver. While still in the process of climaxing, Loki keeps moving his fingers inside of you. Your hips are moving on their own, rubbing against his hand. You feel your body quake as you hold onto him and he pulls you closer into a sloppy kiss.
Just as you relax and lean back, body done twitching, he pulls his fingers out of you. You lay down catching your breath and he lays down next to you. He snakes his arm under your back, pulling you into his chest. His hand hovers over you back, softly raking against it.
"Held my word, didnt I?", he whispers into your ear sending shivers down your spine again.
"You certenly did.", you mumble into his chest on which you are drawing circles with your fingertips.
He lays a hand on your cheek and lets it stay there. You close your eyes and enjoying a kind of relaxation and peace youve never felt before.
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"Would you like us to go further today?", he asks while stroking your head.
"You know what, yes, I trust you.", you say turning to him with a smile.
He shifts so he can meet your lips. Its not a passionate kiss, it feels more... loving? No, that can't be it. You cant describe it but it makes your heart flutter for a moment.
"I just remembered, I dont have a condom and I dont have one in my room either.", he says, surpising you of beeing so responsible in his excitement.
Said excitement beeing very noticable, urgendly pressing into your side. The question of how he even knows about eartly forms of contraception is a question for another time, you think to yourself.
"Oh, its alright, I'm on the pill.", you say, which surprises him apparently.
"Why are you on the pill when you dont have a partner?", he asks suspicious.
"Ive gotten it because of my acne and symptoms of my period.", you explain kind of hurt he is so suspicious of you.
"Very well then.", he says and gets up.
You sit up too, blanket clutched over your chest. "You think its gonna hurt?", you ask the question every girl has.
"What do you mean? I wont hurt you dear.", he says dubfounded.
"Oh, so you didnt hear that part. Well-", you stop, so embarassed you wish to vanish from earth.
"Are you trying to tell me you actually never slept with someone?", he asks soft but also curious.
"It just never- got to that. At least not to my knowledge, if you remeber the mystery about my name.", you mumble bashful.
"Right, sorry darling, that is fine.", he says softly, "I dont think it will hurt, at least not badly since you already had the pleasure.".
You smile dumbly, your mind racing back to other, filthier, thoughts. Hot breath makeing your mind foggy as tongues collide once again. He pulls you closer, so close you feel his cock nudge up at your stomach. You wander down to his waistband, wanting to feel him.
He smirks and snaps his fingers, suddenly naked in front of your very eyes. Well, you cant exactly see but defently feel his excitement. Your hands basically wander on their own, touching his hips and sliding to his sex, leaving him gasping as you stroke him once.
He lays his head on your shoulder and lets his fingers meet you most sensitive spot again, giving him a appreciative moan. You keep your fingers around his throbbing cock, pleasing him as you like. He lets out a tiny moan which makes you quite proud of yourself.
You sink your head back into your shoulders, enjoying his skilled touch. You quicken your movement, makeing him stop for a second to catch himself, it appears like. That may be because you are not stopping with the teasing. You enjoy seeing him off his high horse. His tense face is a nice sight as well. "Y/N- should we takes this further now?", he groans.
"What do you think we are working towards?", you taunt with a giggle.
He looks into your eyes a little more seriously, "I am asking your consent, kitten-".
You only mouth an "oh". You stop your motions, makeing him relax against you slightly.
"Am I right to take that as a yes?"
You nod, biting your lip.
"Oh my sweet, you dont even know how crazy you drive me. I will make you write in extacy.", he whispers against your shoulder, pressing himself against you. You barely hold back an audible gasp, instead sinking your hands down his back, "And you dont even know what kinds of sensations you bring me.".
"Oh I think I do." He slides down your sloulder, feeling him spreading sloppy kisses all over your cleavage, you grip his hair thightly as he moves his hips to meet yours. You feel him throbbing against your wetness.
"Ready darling?", he asks attentively, lightly pressing against you.
"I think so.", you say anxiously.
He leans forwart and gives you a chaste kiss, swallowing your lips as he sinks into you slowly. The kiss breaks from the vulgar sounds now echoing off the walls. You grimace a bit because it does feel a bit weird, but after a few seconds you get used to the feeling. He stays still for you to adjust, his jaw flexing in concentration.
That jaw... Oh lord that jaw.
"It doesnt hurt. I dont know if thats good or bad.", you whisper against his lips.
The question you had for years starts to resurface. Scenes that picture your own personal horror movie start to plague your imagination.
"Dont overthink it too much sweetheart, just enjoy the moment.", he soothes.
You exhale, calming your mind down from the scary szenarios almost takeing over. You are here, you are safe, nothing you dont want will happen.
"Are you alright?", he watches you and cups your cheek. He looks concerned. You lean into his touch, finding comfort in his caring demeanour.
"I think I am.", you whisper, looking at him, his eyes.
"Is it ok if we continue then? Excuse my blunt choice of words but it is rather difficult to withhold me fucking you into this matress right now.", he says calm, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
Insatiable bastard. You shut him up with a kiss, figuring that counts as an answer. He smirks and starts lightly thrusting his hips. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer.
Gradually, his speed increases and now, every time he reaches that one spot deep within you, you get pushed up the mattrass a bit more. By now you are pressed against the headboard. "Where do you think your going?", he asks, gripping your hips and yanking you down to him again with one firm pull, "I'm not done with you yet.".
You whine as he pounds into you ruthlessly, bis tip barely off that spot before he crashes into it again. Your toes curl and your fingers grip a fist full of his hair as he cups the back of your head, pressing you into his chest.
The room is filled with the sounds of sex.
You feel yourself nearing a climax, heatwaves coursing through your body. "I- think I'm... cl- close-", you croak hoarsly.
"Me too darling.", he growls.
You pull him down by grabbing his neck, wanting more of him. You press yourself into him as much as you can, earning a low groan as reward.
"Come for me Y/N! Say my name as you come for me!", he commands, thumb harshky stroking your clit.
You scratch at his back...nearing... nearing... "I'm gonna co-", you whimper.
Your back arches and your body errupts into a shudder as every muscle of your body goes rigid. Only croaked crys of pleasure are able to leave your throat.
"S-ay my name Y/N, gods let me h-ear yo-u-", he groans, about to climax too.
"Lok-i, oh g-od, fuck.", you let out with a cry as him still trusting into you prolongues your high. With a low, beast like, growl he thrust into you hard one last time, feeling him spill into you.
He pulls out and falls next to you. The thick smell of sweat in the air is somehow really comforting to you. You nestle against his chest and he sneaks an arm around you. You come down from what you just did together, his quickened heartbeat just under your ear.
About to fall asleep on him, he suddenly moves and sits up. "What are you doing?", you ask, kind of sad the cuddles ended so soon.
"I saw you were falling asleep so I figured I'd leave now and let you rest.", he explains softly.
You hate to admit it, but something inside you doesnt want to be alone right now.
"Could you maybe stay? If not an inconvenience of course.", you ask shy.
"Of course dear.", he says with an understanding nod, smiling warmly. Loki slips back into bed, taking you into his arms once more. You pull the covers over you two and soon drift off to sleep.
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Everything: @slytherclaw1227 @their-love
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weskerssunglasses · 2 months
Hello! Not so long ago I came across your blog and to be honest, it helped me a lot!! Your Resident Evil headcannons are just something, really. And so I came to you again for a little help....do you know that feeling when you're sick, your legs can't hold you, your head is cracking like an eggshell and you have chills like you're at the North Pole and hell at the same time, but you literally NEED to work, be active and other adult stuff? So this is literally my trouble. Could you please write something about Wesker while working in an Umbrella and f!reader who is very ill but still works day and night? I know your Wesker is not so romantically cloying, but I still wonder what you think about this :) Thank you in advance!
Rating: E for Everyone, SFW
TWs/CWs: N/A
Summary: On occasion, Wesker will care for you... in his own way.
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He wouldn't stop you from doing absolutely necessary tasks, but if you were seriously ill, he'd stop you from going to work... without admitting it was him
"Wesker, my car won't start!", "What the hell? Who slashed my fucking tires?", "I cant find my keys!", "My laptop wont turn on? I cant even work from home like this!" Cut to Wesker going "Oh no... I wonder how that happened. I guess you must have to rest for the day then."
Also, I do think that he would be a little more watchful when you're ill, because a small part of him worries you caught one of the several biohazards he handles daily. He knows his body would brush it off, but he's not so sure about yours
Honestly, the first time you stay at his place instead of him coming to yours is probably when you're very sick around him for the first time. He would rather die than admit it, but he can't sleep unless he can monitor you to make sure he didn't bring anything home to you
Of course, though, when he pitches you staying at his place until you recover, he does it in the most condescending way possible. "Well, my home is cleaner, has healthier food," etc, etc
He still expects you to pick up after yourself when you're at his place, though, and isn't exactly eager to cook/run errands for you. He'll do it if you're sick enough/you ask enough, but it's begrudgingly (I actually hc he's a fantastic cook. You're in for a treat!)
Overall, he's still kind of... ah, himself... but it's probably when he shows the closest thing to genuine concern for your wellbeing
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itsmebytch001 · 9 months
New! Dad Aaron Davis...Baby Steps
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As a baby/ toddler Aaron would play you music to calm you down, you became so clingy as a baby you would grip onto his shirt for dear life when he tried to put you down, so much so he ended up getting a baby harness so he could walk around with you on him and still use his arms, and sure he thought it looked a bit stupid, but he thought strollers were to big and bulky, but when he was and about in the streets he was always so cautious of people walking or bumping into him, when it was cold he would make sure you were wrapped up snugly and would zip up his jacket to cover you in up until your head so you could see your sourundings, and so people were less likely to walk into him.
He would dress you up in little bows n shit, and would always turn to Rio for help when he felt lost, for exsample...
Aaron: Rio help the baby is rolling around in circles help Rio: That's good Aaron it means she's learning Aaron: She wont STOP!
When he wanted to work out he would put those wrist weights on your hands so you couldn't move because he was scared you'd fall off something.
Felt very left out of the single, or new parent community, when he went too play groups Mom's etheir assumed your Mom was dead, or that Aaron was 'letting her have a day off' and when they asked him, even though he didn't think it was anyone's buisness he would tell them she was dead, and once they heard that women would almost swoon for such a sob story.
REFUSES for you to be an Ipad baby, fully smacked one out of your hand when some other kid's Mom handed you one, would force you to entertain yourself with doll's...and you weren't mad that just meant you got more dolls.
As a baby you despised Uncle Jeff, you would scram and cry and whack him with your tiny hands until he handed you to your Dad or Rio, she would assure him it was nothing personal but Jeff just thought you hated him.
Once you got older, Aaron was not well liked by other parents once you entered middle school, Aaron played A LOT of rap music round the house and you obviously picked up some words that other parents would not like, on the way to school in the car he was playing...
First off, fuck your bitch and the clique you claim Westside when we ride, come equipped with game You claim to be a player, but I fucked your wife...
And while you and Aaron went along with the lyrics he pulled up outside your school and placed a hand on your shoulder.
Aaron: "Don't be repeating ay of this at school yeah?"
Y/n: "Sure Dad"
*Later that day after Diaspro tried to put gum in your hair*
Y/n: "DIASPRO! You goldie locks bugged eyed bitch, built like a fucking mars bar, you put gum in my hair I'll cut all yours OFF"
*Silent room of shock*
If it weren't for you Aaron would not be a closeted Barb, he would NEVER listen to Nicki with anyone else in the house unless it was you or Miles, and whenever she came out the a new album you two would have a small listening party.
(Art above is not mine)
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ghost1yv · 3 months
the brothers confessing to mc but they dont like them back because they like another brother „or just somebody else in general„ —angst, gn!reader
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his pride doesn't let him show how sad he really was
he accepts that love doesn't always go the way that you want it to go
but for a few days he'll drink his sorrows away
he's more closed off around mc again
so soon enough you guys will be just be friends, still not that close
it'll hurt everytime he sees you with the one you like
but again, he has no resentment towards you even if you guys arent close anymore
absolutely heartbroken
he'll be locked up in his room for a few days
hates seeing you with the person you like
he imagines how your relationship would be like if you had liked him back
but after he gets over it, which will take a while— you guys will be pretty close again
you might not do everything you guys used to do but its basically back to normal and he still cares about you, a lot
oh lord
hes not surprised really— he expected this to happen but still he thought he couldve had a chance
you thought he didnt come out of his room much before? well know he really doesnt unless absolutely needed
you guys will probably never go back to being as close as you were before
he doesn't hate you though, but he can't handle seeing you with the person that you liked instead of him
you can be friends with him again after a bit, but you guys are not close anymore
he handled it pretty well— infront of you at least
he doesn't come out of his room often also
seems to get into more and more arguments
but after he gets over it, you guys can become pretty close friends if you both want to
unless.. the one who you liked instead of him was lucifer
he'll avoid you two quite often
gasp! how could you not like him?
honestly heartbroken for a bit
he doesnt take care of himself as much during that time
but after he gets over it, he'll be his usual self
he will cut back on the flirting with you though
unless your comfortable with jokingly flirting eith him
you two can definitely becomr bestfriends
will even be your wingman for the one you like! even if it hurts
hes sad about it
he surprisingly wont eat as much for a little „very little..„ bit
but hes probably the most understanding brother so he'll understand
you guys wont be as close as you were befire
but its pretty much the same
kinda hurts him seeing you with the one you like
but like i said he understands
overall hes mature about it and you guys can very much be good friends
he acts like he doesn't care but you can tell the conversations being more awkward and how he avoids you more
but.. hes not that surprised— afterall he did kill you
though after a bit you guys can become close friends again
and please still be his nap buddy
doesn't care too much about seeing you with who you like, even teases you about it
unless its diavolo or lucifer, doesnt understand how you prefer them over him
you guys are more unlikely to become close friends with him if it is either one of them
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Mishaps and Apologies
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Summary: Jake wants to apologise but You wont give him a chance to speak until...
Word count: 2.4k
warnings/Tags: Jake being Jake. for the sake of this fic, there has been a change that is different to the movie. please roll with it. ANGST, ANGTY, DID I MENTION THE ANGST?
A/n: Here is your early new years gift! I speed wrote this chapter between 12am and 4 am, and well I'm gonna sleep after posting it. This chapter is a mess. BUT we only have a few more to go! 
Previous part | masterlist | Next part
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“Good morning, the Uranium enrichment plant that is your target will be operational earlier than expected. Raw uranium will be delivered to the plant in ten days time. As a result, your mission has been moved up, one week.”
Fucking great. One phrase that was bouncing off the walls of all the aviators gathered in the room. Sure, the mission is difficult but so far none of them have even cleared the valley simulation to move on to the next step, much less complete the training by next week. 
You leaned forward in your chair as Admiral Bates continued his announcement and took his leave as Mav came on. The noise from jets landing and taking off made it harder for you to hear him. You wanted to fly this mission no matter what. Nothing was going to get in your way of it. 
However, there is one person that may get in the way. Jake Seresin. You had been going above and beyond to avoid him today, after the ‘talk’ yesterday, you didn't want to face him again unless you had victory of being on the team. 
“We have one week left to focus on Phase Two. It’s the most difficult stage of the mission. A pop-up strike with a steep dive, requiring nothing less than two consecutive miracles.” Maverick spoke, pacing back and forth on the little step in front of them. The screen lit up showing a U shaped valley with the uranium plant at the center of it, surrounded by two tall mountains. The Gs on the way out will be significant, you thought as you listened to Mav.
“Two pairs of F-18s will fly in a welded wing formation. Teamwork. Precise coordination of their aircraft is essential to both mission success and your survival.” He warned. 
“As you know, the plant rests between two mountains. On final approach, you’ll invert directly into a steep dive. This allows you to maintain the lowest possible altitude and the only possible attack angle.” It made sense. Somehow, the first part of the approach up till now made sense in your head and hopefully was do-able. Until he explained further about the Coffin Corner…
“Egress is a steep high-G climb out to avoid hitting this mountain-
“A steep climb at that speed, you’re pulling at least eight G’s.” Jake cuts in.
“Nine, minimum.” 
“The stress limit of the F-18’s airframe is 7.5.” It's Rooster who pipes up this time. Challenging Mav. While they have had a rocky relationship thus far, Rooster is managing to retort back to Mav during each exercise.  
While Maverick goes further into the exercise and the rest of the mission, there isn't one moment where your foot hasn't stopped shaking. Yes, there was nervousness in the air about flying this mission, but more so about who was gonna be flying it. 
“Sir, is this even achievable?” Phoenix questions, almost as if she read the minds of the pilots in the room, who were thinking the same thing.
“The answer to that will come down to the pilot in the box.”
Well shit. This is not gonna go well. 
For this exercise, Mav had paired you and Phoenix, along with Coyote. While Phoenix usually has Bob as her backseater, Mav has paired you up with her.
You didn't think much of it, at least it wasn't with anyone else, it was Phoenix.
Exiting the room, to move to their assigned teams and places, you felt his stare. He had tried catching up with your fast pace when you were out on your morning run at the beach. Even when you had came to the base early to clear your head, he was there. But you didn't give him a second of your time. Managing to slip away every time he came too close. 
Now, as you moves through the halls and narrow corridors of the naval base, he is hot on your heels. Calling after you as you increase your pace; taking one swift turn after another, trying to shake him off but he is relentless until you take one last turn and comes face to face with the door that leads outside to your respective planes. Before he could catch up, you had already exited, leaving the door swinging wide open and close. 
Jake closes his eyes, breathing out a deep sigh and turns around to make his way to the lounge where he had to be with the rest of the pilots while you, Phoenix and Coyote were up in the air. He made his way to sit next to the radio, which was situated right next to where Rooster sat. Wanting to avoid any questioning from the man, he sat himself down at a safe distance, giving him a nod to acknowledge his presence before carefully listening through the radio for your voice.
“Talk to me, Athena!”
“We are 12 seconds late on target. We gotta move, Phoenix!” You spoke in a panicked voice, eyes blown out wide. you needed to hurry up. Testing the target lens again, making sure it was working well before they reached the target point. 
As Phoenix mumbled slight curses under her breath, Coyote agreed; “Copy. Try to stay with me.”
Your eyes scanned the radar in front of you, noticing a small aircraft making its way towards them. You let out a sound of bewilderment as you heard Mav over the radio. 
“Wait, who's that?”
“Blue team, you've been spotted. I’m a bandit on course to intercept. What are you gonna do?” he announced himself, as you examined his location. He may be able to catch up with them if they keep this speed. They had to make a move.
“He’s 20 miles left, ten o’clock. 700 knots closure.” You informed Phoenix and Coyote. 
“Your call, what do you want to do?” Coyote proposes. 
“Continue, we’re close. Stay on target.” Phoenix ordered before you could have a say. You wanted to buy in and tell them that it wouldn't be a good idea to stay on course without dealing with Mav or increasing their speed further.
“Phoenix, he’s swinging around to the North! Maybe we should-”
Before you could finish the pop up point closed in. Making Phoenix shout; “be ready on that laser, Thena.”
“Copy, I’m on it.” you sat back in your seat, focusing on the situation in front of you as your hand closed around the laser joystick. Testing the Laser focus, the plane shot straight up before rotating on its back. Blood rushed to your head as you gripped the stick tighter. Closing your eyes and trying to regain focus. 
“Talk to me, Thena. Where’s Mav?” you heard Coyote through the helmet, eyes opening as you analyzed Mav’s location. 
“He’s uhh five miles out. He’s coming in fast!” You shouted and immediately regretted doing so. your head throbbed by all the noise around you- regardless of the thick earmuffs headphones that were sitting snug on your head.
The planes rotated back into their normal positions, moving at the same speed that you knew was too slow but chose not to speak of just yet. 
“Where’s my laser, Thia?” Coyote questioned the younger woman. Gathering any strength you had left, shaking your head. Narrowing your eyes on the target screen in front as the laser moved uncontrollably. 
“Shit. Deadeye! Deadeye! It’s no good if I can't get a lock. I’m sorry.” You repeated into the mic. 
“We’re out of time. I’m dropping blind.” He panted before dropping the bombs and hoping that it would hit. But it missed just by a meter as they flew by.
“Damn it. That's a miss!” He exclaimed before the planes straightened out again for Coffin Corner. You could feel your lungs compress; skin and flight suit starting to dig into your ribs. 
The oxygen mask you had on felt too much to breathe into. Your breathing became ragged. Vision blurring out, regardless of the aviator glasses you had on, similar to Bob’s. Tunnel vision was not uncommon during this but your version of it was always the worst.
Many aviators experience a blurred circle and darkness around that point when under an immense high G pressure. But for you, it was a fully darkened vision with spots of lights like it was farther away than it was meant to be. You felt your hearing starting to give out just as a familiar, piercing ringing took over your ears. 
“Maverick’s got a missile lock on us.” You spoke through a blind sight. You knew the tone, so it didn't take a flying genius to know that they were dead. Breathing out a sigh of relief and disappointment, she heard Phoenix over the comms.
“Shit, we’re dead.” She steered the jet around, leveling out.  Making their way back to the ship before you noticed that Coyote was still leveled up in Coffin Corner. That wasn't right. 
“Coyote? Do you copy?” You heard yourself shouting into the comms before Mav repeated the words. Becoming more and more concerned about your best friend. you noticed his plane started to drop, rotating its way towards the ground at a high speed. Something clicked into your mind. He must be in G-LOC.
“Mav, I think he is in G-LOC, I repeat, Coyote is in G-LOC. He’s gonna burn in.” You swiftly informed the older man. Silently praying for his safety as you closed your eyes. 
“Damnit! I’m going after him.” 
You watched in shock as Mav tried to get a missile lock on him, hoping it would snap him out of it. You called after him over the comms over and over again. Trusting him not to die on you. It was getting harder for you to breathe now. You couldn't lose him. He was gonna fly this mission with you. He’d promised. Your eyes were tightly shut as Mav finally got the missile lock. You needed to hear him. To know that he was okay. But you couldn't do it with your eyes open. Otherwise you were sure you would end up throwing up in the oxygen mask.
“I'm okay. I’m good.” Javy repeated as you breathed out a sigh of relief. Not noticing the small tears that blurred your vision. 
“You ever do that again, Coyote, I will personally kill you.” You threatened in fake annoyance. Happy that he was safe. Hearing him laugh but before he could retort something, you saw something smack the jet’s canopy and get caught in the back engine. Which set off a bunch of alarms and warnings at the screen in front of you. The left engine was on fire.
“Bird strike! Bird strike!” Phoenix announced, panicked.
“Phoenix, the left engine is on fire!” 
“Climbing.” She shot the jet up in the air, turning away from the bird strike as she turned off the left engine. Throttling back while Y/n noticed another warning pop up.
“The right engine is out! It's still spinning.” This was not good.
“Copy, trying to restart it. Throttling up.” Phoenix spoke as she faintly heard Mav warn her about something being on fire. But before you could ask him to repeat, the plane started spinning out of control.
you were on fire. Red lights flashing wherever you looked.
“Hydraulic failure! I repeat we are on fire.” This was not the time to panic. You had to think. THINK, THINK, THINK!
“We’re going in, Phoenix! We’re going in!” Shouts, warnings and toned ringing was all you heard. you could faintly make out Mav over the comms as Phoenix repeated his words. 
Reaching to pull the ejection tab that rested upright between your legs. Having a steady grip before you pulled, waiting for the seat to take off. Nothing.. 
“Mav, my ejection seat isn't working!” You called urgently, pulling harder on the duct tape wrapped rope. 
“Athena, pull harder, you gotta pull harder. Come on, you're gonna crash!” He encouraged. The urgency in his voice was evident as you heard Coyote.
“Y/n focus on my voice. Come on, you gotta pull harder.” taking a quick breath, gathering any strength that you had left and pulled as if your life depended on it. Immediately, you felt yourself shoot off into the air, the bottom of the seat lit on fire. You closed your eyes, not wanting to see the plane crash as a sharp sting took over your skull, smashing with a force you had only imagined. Before all you heard was silence.
Jake heard the entire situation. He‘d already played and replayed it in his head over a million times. Pacing in the empty radio room, where only he and Rooster sat. Rooster was weirdly calm. Jake didn't know why but he didn't want to ask either. She is gonna be okay, She’s strong. she’ll pull through. He had been repeating those words in his head like a mantra. He felt helpless. all he wanted to do at this moment was be with you, apologize to you. Hell, he’d go and personally ask the Striker team and Torch to take you back in. 
Mav entered the room, a solemn expression on his face which Hangman thought could bring both good or bad news. Mav looked towards the two men. As he and Jake met eyes, he didn't see a pilot, or a son or someone who was concerned for a friend. He saw a man that was on the brink of losing someone he loves dearly. Tears were gathered in his eyes that he had refused to let go. Rooster wasn't any better, yet he didn't hold the same, intense love that Mav knew Jake held for you.
“They’ll keep Phoenix in the hospital overnight for observation. But, there is something you should know. There was a problem with Athena's ejection seat which caused her to pull out much later than she had intended to. It caused some problems, she sustained a few injuries to the back of her head.” 
No, no this could not be happening right now. Jake felt like all the air in his lungs was suddenly being pushed out. His head was dizzy as he managed to grab onto the nearest table to steady himself. 
“Wha-? What did the doctors say? Is she gonna be okay, Maverick?” The words spewed out of his mouth like a waterfall. One after the other, it didn't make sense. 
“She is in surgery right now.” That was all it took for him to storm out the room in a hurry. Exiting the base as he grabbed a few of his things from his locker before sprinting to his car. He managed to break every single traffic light and speed limit just to get to the hospital.
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