#it would be delusional
mio-nika · 2 months
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Part 1
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hesbianyaoi · 6 months
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thank goodness for bsd wan and the existence of teacher dazai. where would i be without you
based on a real-life conversation that happened with me and my students when i was a kindergarten teacher. very small children are some of the most ruthless and funny people i've ever met. it's an absolutely lawless land in the classroom (they were very sweet though!)
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soranker · 4 months
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tomorrow :)
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chrxnicdaydream · 2 months
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Chuuya definitely saw Dazai fall out of his cell.
Trust me, I’m Harukawa’s pen
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visenyaism · 2 months
the thing about rhaenyra and those kids is that women exercising basic sexual autonomy is the bedrock of any just and equitable society. AND also scamming is funny. how could you not applaud her velaryon disinformation campaign
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meowpupp · 4 months
link to the og masterlist
price is one of the more subtle ones. always looking out for you, always caring. he brings you coffee on late nights and sets up a little desk in his office for you. he always keeps you close, making sure you're comfortable.
price is touchy, but only enough to be slightly questionable. a hand on your shoulder that drifts up to the back of your neck, all while he praises you for being such a hard worker. he deliberately makes his voice lower and growly, loving the shivers that run through your body. he teases you in ways that arent entirely obvious, toying with you like a cat with its prey.
and those especially late nights? when the two of you are all alone, well into the 'ams'? he can't resist being a little bolder. standing behind you, squeezing your hips, your waist, your thighs.
he pulls your ass back against him, giving into his most perverted urges. all while nosing your neck, breath brushing the back of your neck as he speaks, “so pretty... tell me sweetheart, know how fucking lucky he is?"
it's the little whine you make, all too flustered by the musky, masculine scent of his cologne, feeling too overwhelmed to respond. your little shaky voice makes the tent in his pants harder and harder, pressing firmly into against you.
price can't help himself, finally giving in, his hand sliding down your tummy, slipping into your pants. his other arm wraps around your waist, corded muscle keeping you pinned flat. you can feel each ridge and bump of his muscle behind you, how easily he could bend you over the desk, take whatever he wants.
he doesn't touch you fully, not yet, just grazing his fingers over the band of your panties. his touch is torturous, slowly descending down, fingers light and teasing as they press over your swollen clit. “tell me… does he make you this wet? this desperate?” he laughs, condescending and breathy, "can he even make you cum doll?"
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asukachii · 7 months
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In the summer-like colors running down my cheeks
The words that curse you are stuck in the back of my throat
"Will we meet again?"
[black and white version]
(I don’t like putting watermarks so, PLEASE, if you want to post these gifs somewhere GIVE CREDITS! Also, don’t use them in edits/videos. Thanks~)
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acecrow · 9 months
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And then Chuuya fell on his head
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lgbtiba · 9 months
(Mumbling to myself in the corner of a psych ward) they'll be cringefail wives i know it
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8This doesn't even make sense but hear me out
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carpp · 4 months
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more emilute sketches
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faesdreaming · 1 year
Yandere Miguel O’Hara Headcanons
a/n: there are two routes platonic and romantic, which will be bolded and colour-coded like this, please forgive my spanish i am breaking out my high school spanish classes.
tw: yandere themes, possessive, obsessive, and controlling behaviour, potential spoilers, suggestive themes (romantic route), captivity, canonical inaccuracies, implied neglect (platonic route)
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•Becoming the hero Arachnid wasn’t something you ever planned on happening. You were just going about your regular, every day life when a radioactive spider bit you. The spider that bit you gave you amazing powers that you utilized to become the amazing, the one and only friendly neighbourhood Arachnid! Then, you were suddenly pulled into another dimension that was almost exactly like yours and discovered that you weren’t the only one of well you after all.
•You, alongside other spider-themed heroes, joined forces against Kingpin in order to return to your home dimensions. However, that wasn’t your last adventure with the multiverse. Your next encounter would occur a few months after your first misadventure. Having finished fighting the Green Goblin, you were ready to end the night there. Then, a portal similar to the one that brought you to Miles’ dimension opened up. Out came a tall, well-muscled Spider-Man and a Spider-Woman
•They introduced themselves as Miguel O’Hara and Jessica Drew and informed of the Spider society they’d formed. You were offered membership by them. Well, by Jessica. Miguel was staying silent. You don’t know why, but you felt as though he was watching you. He was, of course, he was right in front of you, but this felt eerie. Your senses were telling you something was wrong but Jessica was so nice and you really were excited and honoured to be given such an opportunity. So, you take it.
Romantic Route:
•Miguel stared at you intently. He’d been watching you for a while now, observing. You resemblance was uncanny— you looked exactly like his spouse. Not his spouse exactly, but the one the other had. You looked like the partner that Miguel had grown to love alongside his daughter. A variant of them. Although he was initially against you joining, it would be easier to watch you— look out for you if you joined the lobby.
•After your acceptance, Miguel tasked Jessica with guiding you around the lobby. He didn’t trust anyone else and he couldn’t bare to do it himself. He couldn’t handle himself around you. It wasn’t just your appearance that was uncanny, it was everything. You mannerisms, habits, likes, interests, everything. How Miguel yearned for you. Yearned to feel your touch, your kiss. Yearned for the happiness he once knew.
•But that would break the canon, wouldn’t it? The memories of his world, his family fading from existence because he broke the canon. He couldn’t let that happen again. So, he behaved coldly towards you. But as Miguel continued to watch you and interact with you, he started to doubt. You were a variant of his partner, but your dimension didn’t have a variant of Miguel O’Hara. Perhaps, he rationalized, this was canon. Your fates were meant to be intertwined. He needed you and you needed him. That was canon.
•Miguel strikes when you least expect. Spends weeks carefully planning. He stalks you, memorizes your routine to a point. He assigns you a mission, not overly-difficult but not easy. Something to tire you out. With your senses dulled and the weariness from the fight left you susceptible to his attack. Quickly, stealthily and by surprise, he subdued you. His sharp fangs biting into the tender skin of your neck, paralyzing you.
•When you come to, you find yourself in an unfamiliar room. Yet there are familiar objects lying around; trinkets and photos that had disappeared. Your spidey-senses were going off the rails and that’s when he came.
•He tells you you’re here for your safety and for the safety of your dimension. Swears you’re meant to be with him, that it’s canon. Warns you of the consequences if you break the canon. You stare at him, intaking his audacity. Then, you shriek at him. Call him out on his absolute bull. Miguel sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. He ignores your screeching and leaves. Obviously, you’re still in shock. You’ll come around.
•Almost a month later, lo and behold, you still haven’t come around to being pliant with your captor. Miguel is a man of many things, but patience is not one. He is so very tired, having to deal with Lyla’s teasing and the other Spider’s bullshit. Is it too much to ask to come home to his loving spouse? Just like he used to.
•Apparently, it is. Seeing as you aren’t his spouse, but someone he locked up, you scream at him. Unholy screeches whenever you see him. Today, Miguel’s had enough. Large hands wrap around you and slam you against the headboard of the bed you’re chained too.
“Enough.” He hisses. “¡Mierda! I won’t hear it. ¿Me entienden? You stay here. If the safety of the multiverse won’t convince then maybe the safety of your aunt will.”
•The moment the vague threat passes over you freeze entirely. You’ve lost almost everyone, everyone but her. Carefully, you suck in air. Large tears brim at the edges of your eyes. as you look Miguel directly in the eyes. His eyes, dark and dangerous, bore back into yours.
“Please Miguel,” you whisper. “I’ll stay. I’m sorry. Don’t hurt her.”
•Miguel softens at your submission. However, he still doesn’t trust you. He pulls himself off you and stalks out, leaving you laying on the bed, dazed. From that day forewords, you become more compliant. You listen to Miguel and don’t fight him. Miguel knows that he can’t keep you locked away forever. People were asking questions. With your ‘good’ behaviour, you’ll be granted more privileges. More freedom, if that’s what you can call it. You’ll never truly be free, trapped under Miguel’s watchful eyes. But you’re able to go into the lobby again. To talk with people, even if you do so bearing Miguel’s marks. You know you can’t escape him, not when he could take away the little you had left, not when he would hunt you down through every universe. For now, you know you can’t escape Miguel’s grip.
Platonic Route:
•When Miguel saw you for the first time, he felt the world stop around him. It was as though there was nobody else but you and him. You, who was the only variant of his dead child that wasn’t truly his. He watched as you swung around, mocking villains and making clever quips. Miguel’s heart ached for you, for himself, for his dead daughter and child. As he watched you, memories of holding his child as they died because of him resurface. Once more, does Miguel feel the bitter sting of grief and loss.
•Oh, how Miguel desires to hold you, to cradle you close and never let go. But he can’t, he won’t. You’re not his child. You’re not the child he failed to protect. No, you’re a child he can protect. Thus, his decision to allow you to join the spider-society, if only to watch over you and protect you. Your family clearly isn’t doing a good job at it. Miguel spends more time than necessary looking after you. Not that he meant to, of course. You were just so vulnerable. You needed guidance. You may have been s superhero but you were also a child.
•Under Miguel’s guidance you thrive. He teaches you proper fighting techniques, improves your web-shooters and other tech you have and acts as the father figure you need. His teaching method is firm yet gentle. Miguel remains stern, however, everyone notices how soft he is with you. Life is good in the lobby. To be honest, sometimes you consider staying forever. Or more accurately, Miguel implies you should.
•Yes, he was originally not going to interfere. But it was you who made the decision to stay, so obviously that meant something. And Miguel wouldn’t lie, whenever you returned to your Earth to fulfill your duties as Arachnid, he could barely think he was so worried. Every villain encounter, every scrape and bruise is another chance to fail to protect his child. Miguel gets more desperate over time. Your time in the lobby is almost exclusively spent with him. Every mission is with him, every meal is with him, almost every moment is spent by Miguel’s side. And honestly? You’re starting to get s little sick of it.
•Not that you were complaining. You’re so grateful for the opportunities Miguel gave you, but he’s so overbearing. Maybe it’s normal, you rationalize, you’re family isn’t very close. Besides, you’ve seen Peter B. Parker with Mayday. Even Miguel isn’t that clingy. Your senses are blaring danger and to get away, but your yearning for love and affection suppress them. You continue to push down your instincts until you can’t. Until you decide to listen to your doubts— only to prove them wrong, of course. However, just your luck, your instincts are proven correct. You discover a goddamn tracker implanted in your arm.
•Finally, everything clicks. Everything Miguel does? Not normal! Just creepy, especially this. Thus, you decide to leave. You dig out your tracker and stitch the wound back up. You leave the tracker where you know Miguel will find it and leave, discarding your portal bracelet. You return to your Earth for the final time, intent on never leaving again.
•When Miguel returns to find your tracker and no trace of you, he goes ballistic. You left, he can’t protect you. You’ll get hurt, you’ll die. Miguel can’t risk losing you. He travels to your Earth in search of you. There, he tracks you down to find you losing badly against the Green Goblin. You’re clutch your ribs, bruised and bloody. The moment he sees you like this, Miguel enters a blazing fury. He attacks the Goblin viciously, pounding him until a sickening crunch is heard and the Goblin’s neck snaps. You collapse, from your injuries and the shock of witnessing Miguel kill the Goblin.
•Your chest seizes, hyperventilating. You can hear your heart beat racing as Miguel turns to you. He watches you panic and slowly paces towards you. You attempt to scoot away, but you can barely move. Miguel’s mask is off. You can see his eyes being filled with the same eerie softness as the day you met. Carefully, he leans down and large hands grasp onto you. You struggle as best you can, squirming despite the pain.
“¡Ay! Cariño.” He admonishes gently. “Be still, you’ll hurt yourself.”
•Regardless of his orders, you continue to squirm. Sighing, Miguel extended his fangs and bit down on your neck. Paralyzed, you fall limp in his arms. Carefully, he maneuvers you so to not hurt you. He cradles you to his chest as he inspects you over.
“We’ll get you checked out when we go to your new room. ¿Estàts bien?”
•Unable to do anything, you lay helpless in Miguel’s arms as he takes you to your new fancy prison cell— or room as he calls it. From there, you’ll be safe. Somewhere only Miguel knows, a place he can be certain he can protect you. Yes, you’ll stay locked away in your gilded cage, guarded by Miguel. Safe from the world, from every threat but him.
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nerdpoe · 10 months
Danny needs help. Danny needs the Ancient of Justice.
Only one small problem; there isn't one.
Or at least, there isn't one yet.
The previous Ancient of Justice had been Pariah Dark, and after seeing so many injustices he had gone mad, and sought to fix the Infinite Realms through force.
But Clockwork assures Danny that there's an Ancient of Justice in the works, he's just still mortal at the moment.
Danny...really can't wait for the guy to die to ask for assistance. The Demons only deal in absolutes, and he needs someone like the Ancient of Justice on his side to help him with the weird double speak they insist on using.
Otherwise, they'll bamboozle him into more territory and displace more ghosts.
So he hunts the not-an-Ancient yet down.
Which is how Batman finds himself being stared down by a teenager with vividly glowing green eyes.
"Listen up, you're gonna be a God when you die and I need you to cash in those God Powers early; demons are getting uppity and they keep talking circles. I need you to make them listen."
The kid has black hair, is too skinny, his clothes are scuffed and dirty, and is clearly living in a vivid fantasy to escape from his harsh reality of being homeless.
The eyes speak of a clear Lazarus Contamination, and the stance speaks of someone who is trained to fight.
So he asks the only thing he can think to.
"...Are you hungry?"
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apparently-artless · 3 months
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BIRTHDAY APPRECIATION POST || 03.20 Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen Character: Itadori Yuuji Song Lyrics: This is Me by Keala Settle and The Greatest Showman Ensemble
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juniemunie · 5 months
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If we're not giving up, don't give up wherever you are.
That's a promise.
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piratingsoup · 8 months
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Talk it through
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bluecounter · 11 months
i love that noah has a matching mirage jacket now but after multiple rewatches, i just noticed that noah and mirage are just mirrors of how they first met each other
so in their first scene together, noah is seen wearing a colour block windbreaker while mirage is in his classic blue and silver striped paint
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but in their last scene together, it seems that their colours have swapped. noah is wearing a blue and grey striped windbreaker while mirage is essentially a colour blocked car
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kinda indicating that they have build such a strong connection together that they’re starting to reflect each other subconsciously, which is a sign of comfort and emotional intimacy when bringing it into the context of a romantic relationship
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