mio-nika · 2 months
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Part 1
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pikkart · 3 months
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more sketch things from insomnia sessions
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lunastars21 · 1 year
What happens when you're dead broke and owe a cat woman a favor?
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You are Forced into her Clothing Brand shenanigans!!!! :D
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queenerdloser · 2 years
i reread all of lotr and i’ve been rewatching the movies and i’m extremely curious about the choice to take out every single instance of frodo being brave. like. they had him scramble away from the troll instead of stabbing it in the foot like he does in the books. had him scramble away from the ringwraiths on the hilltop when he actually stabs them. i haven’t gotten to that part yet, but i feel like they probably also took away his steady confrontation with shelob where he basically stares her down. 
like their commitment to being true to the books is so strong - they lift so much of the dialogue directly from them! - that it baffles me they’d actively choose to take out all the moments where frodo shows his steel. did they just want to make him more vulnerable and more relatable? esp. since in the books, while the ring does make him tired, depressed, and sick, we don’t actually see that many moments of gollum-like behavior, whereas in the towers frodo’s already obsessing over it and snapping at sam (which i can’t actually recall a single instance of him doing in the books, aside from when sam offers to share bearing the ring with him in rotk). 
it’s not that i don’t think movie!frodo is interesting as a hero (i do!) but when people complain about frodo being entirely passive as a hero, it’s because they only got the movie version of him - in the books, he’s not at all passive! he’s not a fighter like merry or pippin (or even sam) but he does take direct action against the people trying to hurt him, he does stand up for himself, and he does show immense courage in the face of darkness and fighting. and idk, i feel like movie!frodo loses something but not having as clearly displayed that internal dignity that book!frodo has. 
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pipskippy · 1 year
beast infodump i like them a lot
#BEAST tag#the story so far basically flax & nina are a part of this experiment to create bioweapons & its something about the weapon (in this case#bear) has to have high compatibility to the subject (in this case NINA which is the name of the project specific to her and stands for#nuclear interface neurologic audioweapon or something you get it. anyways before all that nina & flax undergo surgery to test & connect them#to a creature or whatever and nina wakes up ~1 year before flax successfully binded to bear#flax (protagonist) eventually wakes up to find the lab abandoned and all the scientists/doctors are gone and his surgery is unfinished#nina doesn’t remember what happened & since she and bear are kind of unstable (dangerous new weapon etc) flax suspects maybe bear did some#thing (he doesn’t trust bear and is freaked out by her. welll understandably) but ninas like noo she is my bestie and they can talk#telepathically which is how nina controls bear but anyways flax had an interest in mechanical and electrical engineering etc so he tries to#keep bear in working order but well it’s so complicated for an 11 year old and theres no one to show him how so he just has to scrounge toge#ther based on whats left behind. anyways it’s like a mystery thriller & they are trying to find out what happened and flax is trying to keep#nina safe and ninas like ^_^)/ with her deadly beast. who is also like ʕ•=ᴥ=•ʔ/ but cant rly express it well#also bear/nina’s weapon is attacking using sound waves like. sends a fucking distortion beam at you. nina is deaf so shes unaffected#ill have to figure something out for flax maybe he will find some noise canceling headphones or something. but yeah communication btwn the#three is fun because the siblings communicate via sign and nina to bear communication is through a wireless link and then bear to flax#communication is like mostly not existent at least at first and flax csnt be sure how accurate nina’s relaying is bc he’s also like halfway#skeptical that this bear can even talk since nina is 8 and all. flax to bear communication flax just yells at it. lol.#pip speaks#my ocs#btw if it was a thing like a game or an short or comic or something id call it BEAST all caps but im calling it beast because#well theres no need to yell </3#btw its set in nevada zero escape reference ✌️
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this-should-do · 2 years
dang actuslly hold on, hold on, i didnt realize this the first time i played black mesa, but in xen theres a whole ass cave full of hev zombies and all the headcrabs they killed before they were overtaken and a bunch of them are just eating the remains of un zombified hev users
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earthtooz · 1 year
in which: blade finds out you're injured and can't contain his anger.
warnings: gn!reader x protective!blade, fluff, mentions of blood and injuries, 'who did this to you?' trope with blade LOL, slight manhandling, did i mention that he's protective?
a/n: blade debut, omg? this sucks btw but this was inspired by this comic that i saw the other day :> it just reminded me that the 'who did this to you' trope existed and i went YES and took my own spin onto it so, i hope you enjoy!
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the smell of antiseptic wafts heavily through the air, bandages sit tightly rolled beside you, and you hiss at the sting of the antibacterial ointment slathered over the open wound on your arm. 
it hurts. 
blinking the tears away and gritting your teeth to bear with the pain, you reach for the unused roll, clumsily unravelling them with shaking hands and a blurring vision.
“oi.” a raspy voice from behind catches you off guard and you turn around from where you’ve seated yourself in the corner of the medical wing, having helped yourself to a supply of ointment and bandages. 
a familiar swordsman and fellow coworker towers above you, glowering at you through the streaks of his bangs. maybe if you weren’t on the verge of fainting, you’d have the energy to fear him.
“oh, it’s just you,” you mutter, “can i help you?”
his eyes glance you up and down, as if scanning you for any indication of misadventure. feeling uneasy under the intensity of his gaze, you return to trying to rip the bandages with bare hands since you had not brought scissors or even a blade with you in your haste. 
feeling the blood from your wound drip down your arm and onto the floor beneath you, you cringe, hurrying up so you don’t make a mess. this whole patching-yourself-up-thing should have been easy, but without something sharp and half your strength evaporated after a gruesome mission, it was much harder than usual. 
the growing frustration you were feeling was not offering much aid either, and with blade practically towering over you, you try not to let your fluctuating anger overwhelm you. 
aeons, it was as if you were sent on this mission with elio praying for your downfall. you’re lucky that you managed to get out with only a scratch on your arm and a missing weapon. it’s going to be hard finding a replacement for it, but when you just looked death in the face, you can’t say you have much to complain about that a weapon was the only thing you lost. 
suddenly, two hands sneak underneath your arms to lift you up, breaking your train of thought with a tight, unforgiving grip as you’re effortlessly placed onto a hospital bed right beside you. meeting the ruby eyes of the swordsman, your breath lodges uncomfortably in your throat, and you have to rip your gaze away from him; the intensity would paralyse you otherwise. 
“where are you hurt?” he asks, sounding more like a demand than a question. 
“i can do it myself,” you grumble. blade takes the bandage out of your hands, holding back your wrist that instinctively reached out to grab it back. the glare he shoots you from the corner of his eye placates any complaint you have.
“show me.”
reluctantly, you present your injured arm. he mutters a very quick and quiet ‘stay here’ before stalking off. a faucet is turned on, water begins running from a nearby sink, and blade returns with a wet cloth. 
grabbing your wounded arm, he cleans around the area, rubbing the blood that has trickled down your arm as well. he’s scarily gentle with you, attentive to your every wince and hiss, halting momentarily every time you let a noise slip. 
he makes quick work of patching you up, flawless and effortless in his technique. makes sense, you suppose, since he is covered in these. 
you wonder how many times he’s had to do this on himself. a small part of your heart aches thinking about it.
“thank you,” you whisper when he’s done, gratitude silently swirling inside you. grabbing the bandages and cloth, you slide off onto your feet. “i’ll put these away.” 
stepping in front of you, his body intercepts your path and you’re pressed against the bed, frozen under him. there’s an indescribable look of fury in his eyes, his red eyes seeming even angrier than usual. 
“what happened?” he asks.
you have hold yourself up, suddenly weak in the knees. “just a typical mission, it’s nothing you should worry about.”
the fellow stellaron hunter does not look satisfied with your response. “what do you mean ‘nothing you should worry about’? who did this to you?” he asks, punctuating each word with a dark expression. 
“blade- please, can we not talk about this right now?” you mutter, “i’m tired and i just want to sleep.”
he narrows his eyes. “who. hurt. you?”
“why? what can you do about it now?”
“kill them.”
you scoff. “yeah, right.”
blade wedges a leg between yours, hindering your escape even further by leaning himself closer to you. “i’m serious.”
“so am i. if you’re thinking about hunting them down, then please, don’t bother. let it go.” you mutter.
“but you got hurt.” 
“i get hurt all the time.”
his brows scrunch together, a small indication of the dangerous protectiveness growing within him. you interrupt his train of thoughts, placing a brave hand on his chest; right over his heart. ‘i’m fine. you don’t need to worry about me.”
“i’m not worried,” he grumbles lowly. 
“oh. i see.”
he grabs your hand and takes it away from his chest, holding you gently. “i’m angry that you got hurt.”
you’re speechless, blinking at the swordsman who raises your hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of it. it feels like a promise- not that you know what said promise is, but with that look in his eyes, you know it’s not a peaceful one. 
“so why don’t you tell me the truth? who did this to you?”
the answer slips past your lips before you can help it and when the words are spilled, a creeping guilt invades you. whatever he’s planning, you know that bloodshed will follow.
“see, that wasn’t so hard.”
in a blink of an eye, blade is gone, taking the intense pressure with him. he left so quickly that you wonder if he was ever here to begin with. the lingering brush of his lips is the only indication that he was not a figment of your half-aware conscious.  
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© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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meanbossart · 3 months
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Oh boy, VaM is kind of a trial and error experience LOL I couldn't really show you how to use the interface and stuff without a whole video or something, but it's not THAT difficult to get a hang of if you just give yourself a day or two to play around, not to mention the number of tutorials you find out there. Luckily, if you only want to use it as a reference software that makes the process far easier (to this day I have no idea how to animate on that thing, since that's not what I use it for)
As for how I use it, it's pretty self explanatory - if there's a complicated pose I want to draw but I'm either having trouble with it, or just want to double-check angles/anatomy, I will use it as a resource! I use for most of my "proper" pieces (y'know, the nicer looking ones) and every once in a while for my silly comics if I'm having trouble with a pose.
Lets use this drawing for example (the character on top of DU drow belongs to @namespara )
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I don't draw a lot of mud-wrestling (shocking, I know) but I had an idea of the kind of pose I wanted them to be in. So the very first thing I did was make a rough sketch of what I was envisioning:
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I often do a rough sketch first, even If I know I'm going to be pulling the program up because A) It's less tedious than adjusting the models over and over again until I pick a pose and B) because sometimes I'll decide I don't need the reference, after all, and so that's 30 minutes I'll have spared myself of playing around on the software.
Now, this is a pretty complicated pose! It's in a weird angle and the bodies are making contact in ways I'm not used to depicting, so I did choose to whip out VaM for this one. I went into the program and after some messing around, I flopped my little dolls together like this:
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Now something really cool about VaM is that you can completely customize your models, and if you have the patience, I would definitely encourage you to do so! Obviously, you don't have to make picture perfect replicas of every single character you have, but as you can see here I have made a DU drow "decoy" to help me better understand some of his features when I draw him: he has a strong brow, a short nose, a square jawline - these are all going to look a very specific way from certain angles, and I might not always be sure of how to draw it right! So it's useful to have models that bear SOME semblance to the character so you can better understand how different viewpoints will affect their bone structure and mass.
Also thank fucking god for the elf-ear slider. Figuring out how to draw those shits from certain angles was a huge pain in the ass when I started drawing DnD races.
So, with the reference in hand, I go over the sketch again:
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Now you may notice that I don't stick to the reference 100%. There's three reasons for this:
posing on VaM is tedious as hell. You can get something incredibly natural looking and picture-perfect to reference from if you wish, but it's going to take you hours to do. So, for the most part I just slap guys together until the results are "close enough" and use that.
In my opinion, you should always aim to ENHANCE your reference material, not replicate it exactly!
While VaM is a PRETTY DANG GOOD source of anatomical reference, it isn't perfect, I often supplement it with further reference from real life resources or make tweaks based on my own knowledge where I catch it falling short (and, antithetical to what I just said, I sometimes fuck the anatomy up further on purpose if I think it looks better that way LOL it's all jazz baby).
Then lines, color, yada yada. I don't have a tutorial on that and I don't think I could make one, because my process is chaotic as hell, but I do at times use Virt-a-mate as loose reference for lighting too when coloring - waaaaayyyy less so however, because that process is even more tedious and I feel like I often get better results by just winging it. It is a feature of the program though, and I'm sure it would be helpful for someone who has a difficult time visualizing lights and shadows. I only started using this program a few months ago, so I happened to already have a pretty good understanding of that kind of thing and just don't personally feel like I get much out of that particular mechanic.
Here's a few other examples of pieces that I made reference for (WARNING: Suggestive)
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Now, for the question many of you may want to ask:
"Can I trace this junk?"
And to that, I say: Buddy, you can do whatever the hell you want with the reference material you created.
If your goal is to learn and improve your art, and to recreate realistic proportions and anatomy from memory, tracing won't help you.
Developing your own style, your muscle memory, and personal technique will all be hindered by choosing to trace instead of drawing from observation, so I would encourage against it. Hell - even when tracing is employed as a technique, it's usually by high-skill realism & concept artists who are looking to either cut some corners, save time, or just double-check their own proportions in order to improve further - if you try tracing as a beginner, you will most definitely find the result to still look stiff and "off".
So trust me, there is so much more to be gained from drawing from observation. Make note of tangents, compare proportions, use all the elements of the picture to dictate where and how things should go - it will be a far more rewarding experience.
Hopefully this has been helpful! VaM is a really cheap program (you get it on the guys' patreon for I think 8 dollars, just google it!) and it's definitely been worth my money as an artist since I found it. Learning to use it can be a little intimidating at first glance, but as I said above you only really need a day plus one or two tutorials to get a hang of the interface.
A fair warning though, IT IS A SOFTWARE MADE FOR VIRTUAL SEX/ADULT ANIMATION So when looking it up expect to see a some spicy content.
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pedal-writes · 8 months
Lloyd garmadon hcs (romantic & reg hcs)
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A/N: This is first post on here 😭 I’m super into ninjago right now so I might as well write abt it. And Lloyd is super pookie bear 🫶
-When you guys first start dating, Lloyd is a bit distant and awkward since A. He’s never been in a legitimate relationship before and B. He has insane trauma from Harumi.
-But over time, he’ll start to warm up to you and he falls so hard.
-Loves to read comics with you, it’s such a guilty pleasure (and he’s a big nerd.)
-When he’s with you, he’s always holding your hand or resting his hand on your lower back. He’s pretty protective for a lot of reasons lol.
-Very prone to venting to you.
-Every once in awhile, he takes you out in ninjago city for a date on a rooftop of a building. It’s not the best place for a date but he’s not much of a romantic 🤷‍♀️
-Always takes care of you when you’re sick. He makes soup and tea for you, and sits by your side, holding your hand while talking about whatever.
-He’s such a cuddle bug!! He loves laying on your chest while you tangle your fingers in his hair. And vice versa.
-Loves to kiss you on your face, esp your cheek and your nose. Seeing your face get all blushy after he surprises you with a kiss really makes him happy.
-Feels a little self conscious around you about certain things, like his dad or his oni form since they’re kind of touchy subjects. But a little reassurance from you will help his self esteem a ton.
-he likes it when you braid his hair or play with it in any way,
-if you’re up to it, lloyd loves training with you. Even if he always manages to beat your ass accidentally 😭
-When you two are together, Kai will do EVERYTHING in his willpower to embarrass Lloyd for funsies.
-One time, he totally showed you a picture of when Lloyd was little and that atrocious bowl cut. Let’s just say Kai was locked out of the monastery for a good 3 days 😁
-He would most definitely call you nicknames like “baby” or a shorter version of your full name
-He try’s keeps it simple bc he doesn’t want to be like one of those cringy “pookie bear” couples lmao
-Misako and Wu would definitely love you immediately after Lloyd introduces you (more so misako), no questions asked.
-(based on a rewrite of crystalized I’m writing soon 🫶) Garmadon though? It depends. If you get to know him a bit better, then he’ll probably warm up to you. He’s just a bit weary because of the whole harumi thing.
-Kinda same with the Ninja honestly, but they’ll warm up to you super quick when they see how you treat lloyd and how happy you make him. They just want the best for him is all.
-Lloyd really values his hair, like a ton. He takes super good care of it. And I really like to think after the events of crystalized, he started to actually grow his hair out.
-And by the time of dragons rising, his hair is all the way down to his lower back (he puts it in a low ponytail most of the time for combat reasons.)
-He’s both Japanese and Chinese!
-demiromantic/sexual and omnisexual!!
-Looked up to Nya as a mother figure when he was little, and still does. He loves misako but resents her deep down.
-Has a little stubble in DR, kinda canon but whatevs.
-Has a pretty good singing voice, but only really does it in private.
-Outside of his Gi, the clothes he usually wears is just a jacket, a t-shirt and jeans 😭 he has like 15 jackets in his closet (he’s just like me fr)
-Has scars like all over his body, and some on his face from like the millions of battles he’s been in.
-He’s a little chubby, but has pretty muscular arms (🤭)
-Lloyd has like small non-human features that nod to the fact that he’s half oni and dragon.
-Like pointy ears, sharp teeth, and slitted pupils.
-Sometimes when he’s in his feels, probably around crystalized, he feels as if he wants to abandon his role as the green ninja and live a simpler life. Anakin skywalker core tbh.
-Still has an adoration for candy.
-Every once in awhile, he still heads to Ninjago Doomsday Comix to buy a new issue of a comic he likes.
-He would probably enjoy music like Radiohead. He’s THE boy loser ever.
A/N: I can’t think of much else but I hope you guys enjoyed these!! I’ll write at my own pace for a little bit and then I’ll open requests. I gotta make a carrd sometime soon lmfao 😭
( @weirdotaku1000 these are the hcs I was working on!!)
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mingtinysworld · 7 days
Hiiii!!!!!! Could you please do something with the ateez members reacting to you being able to rap?? Like you memorized lose yourself by Eminem as a kid and they see you slay it at karaoke? Love your work!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰
A/n: Hi!! Love this idea hahaha. So glad ateez isn’t actually listening to me rap, cuz I would just humiliate myself lol. I tried to make this as non repetitive as possible, I hope you like it! (Also i literally don’t know anything about rap music so bear with me.)
Ateez OT8 reaction to you rapping
You, Seonghwa, Yeosang and Hongjoong decided to go to karaoke and sing your hearts outs. After 3 shots and 6 songs later, Mackelmore's "Can't hold us" comes on. You stand up abruptly, ready for your moment to shine. You snatch the microphone away from Yeosang and start spitting fire. You're so in the zone that you don't notice Hongjoong's eyes comically bugging out of his head. He blinks slowly and a big smile comes onto his face. Once you're done with the song, Hongjoong spins you around to face him.
"Holy shit babe, we gotta get you in that studio asap."
"I bet you can't do my verse in bouncy."
Seonghwa challenged you, therefore you had to prove him wrong. You crack your neck, your knuckles and your back dramatically, and flip your hair against his face. He laughs at your antics and sits back to enjoy the show. You absolutely devour his verse, and turn around to give him a smug raise of your eyebrow. "How was that huh?" Seonghwa is stunned and just starts slow clapping for you while you curtsy.
Yunho jumps up and down in excitement as you get ready to blow him away. He requested you to do "Lose yourself" by Eminem, and while you're confident in your skills, you worry about Yunho's reaction. You take a deep breath and do the whole song with so much swagger and confidence that Yunho can't keep his happy whoops and cheers in. He turns into your personal hype man and claps with pride once you finish being a rap goddess.
“Again again again!!!”
"Baby i've never heard you rap before, pleaseeeee please rap for me." Yeosang has been begging you to rap for ages now. Whether it's for making fun of you or to genuinely appreciate your skills, you agree anyways. You pick one of your favorites, "Rap god" by Eminem. As soon as you start, Yeosang's mouth drops open. He makes eye contact with the other guys and just stares at your jumping form in awe. After you're done he picks you up with one arm and holds you like a trophy.
"Presenting to you, the rapper of this generation."
You requested “Not like us” by Kendrick Lamar and you were so prepared. San had never heard you rap before, so he sat down and observed you in interest. Through the first verse, San is already thoroughly impressed. You’re so into the music you don’t look at him until you’re done. You turn around and see that he’s got tears in eyes. “San are you crying?!”
“Sorry babe, my girlfriend is just so talented I couldn’t hold it in.”
You choose his verse in “To the beat” for karaoke, excited to show Mingi. You grab Seonghwa for moral support and you both jump up and down with excitement while spitting bars. Meanwhile, Mingi grabs one of the rings on his own finger and goes down on one knee right behind you. When you’re done and turn around, you yelp in surprise. “Mingi oh my god what are you doing?”
“You thought you could rap like that and not become my wife??”
“PLEASE PLEASE DO HUMBLE PLEASE.” Wooyoung begs you to do “humble” by Kendrick Lamar and you can’t help but accept it. As the first word comes out of your mouth, Wooyoung loses it. He screams and runs to the hallway yelling “THATS MY GIRLFRIEND EVERYONE.” While you just laugh and continue rapping. (Oh to have Wooyoung be your hypeman bf)
“Ok Jongho, I’m gonna rap for you now hehe. Get ready.” Get ready he does indeed. He sits back comfortably and watches intently as you put on “Matz” by Seonghwa and Hongjoong. You get to the really fast part of Hongjoong’s verse and Jongho can’t help the surprise that goes through him. He never knew that you could rap like this. He watches you get so immersed in the song and can’t help falling in love with you even more. When you’re done he motions you to go over to him. He pats his thigh once and you obey, settling across his lap.
“You are full of so many talents my baby.”
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nopanamaman · 3 months
question: is the thing about names gonna be a thing? Like, the thing explaining how Sanya is also Sasha, Sashok, Alexandra…
no stress if not! I was just curious, lol, it’s not really something needed
Oh the name variations are explained in the downloadable English version of the comic on /itch.io! I forgot to include this page in the TAPAS release...
Cringe moment!
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So it's not something that has any bearing on the plot, moreso a way to characterise everyone based on how they refer to each other!
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beamiesbuddies · 2 months
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Part 2: A Dream of an Autumn Garden
A few more photos of Mr. Morpheus, continuing from my post here!
As I said on the other photoset, I'm very happy & proud of him! I'm happy I decided to take my time to get him just how I wanted & edit the photos I took nicely. I hope you all love him too. Sweet dreams~
I have included a bunch of Cool Facts about how I made him under the cut if you are so inclined!
Started: Late Jan 2022 / Finished: Dec 30 2022
Approx work hours- 273 hours (worked on average every 3rd day out of 274 days; averaged 3h/session)
Times I remade something because I messed it up/wasn't happy with it: Hands- 2; Feet- 2; Head- 2.5; Body- 1; Clothes: 3
Pattern: trial, error & determination
Height: 3ft tall
stretch jersey knit (body)
polyfill (stuffing)
brushed out acrylic yarn (hair)
star sapphire x2 (eyes)
pipe cleaner (hand armature)
wooden dowels/18 gauge wire (elbow/arm skeleton that keeps snapping I may add)
acrylic paint/pastels (shading & details)
acrylic thread (body sculpting & upper eyelashes)
stretch velvet/velvet burnout, cotton (clothes)
Fun facts:
his look was inspired by his overall appearance in the comics; I particularily like the depictions done by Jill Thompson, Mike Dringenberg & Marc Hempel!
his arms and legs are jointed in the same way as many teddy bears are: you use a washer, nut & bolt to butt-up the limb against the body internally and it gives the limbs full rotation. First time I have tried the method and it's definitely something I'll try again!
I had no idea how I was going to do the inset eyes, but I was determined to have them as some sort of stone. I had to redo his first head completely because I cut too far in! Eventually I got it to work by creating a "backcushion" with clay for the stones, and then closed and sculpted the eyelids overtop to secure them in.
You can't see in most of my photos but his eyes are star sapphire: when light hits them correctly, it causes a ✨to appear just like his eyes in the comics~!
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making his hand & feet were a challenge, especially thinking about where to put the needle through to sculpt tendons, nails, etc (and also deciding how detailed to get without looking strange). I think I learned a lot tho and I'm very proud of the hands
my favorite sculpted parts are the collar bone/chest, the right hand & the nose~
because the skin is white, he gets very dirty with his black clothes, so I had to line all of them in white. He also has to soak in bleach once in a while to maintain his complexion (LOL)
A signature somehwere on his person xD
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Thank you all again for your nice tags & comments so far on my work. If you guys would like for me to share some behind the scenes photos of this photoshoot, or WIP photos of me making him, let me know and if there's enough interest maybe I'll make a post down the road!
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
Just how true do you think the sentiment of “bruce was still a child who didnt get to grow up/move on until he met dick”?
Very true! Actually-Alfred straight up says it-true!
This scene is when Dick was accepted by Batman to become robin.
I was actually going to use this for another Dick and Alfred post but let me just drop it here that Dick cares about Alfred so much!!
Like this boy is the sweetest, most caring person ever. He asks the butler if it's okay for him to become robin-who does that?! Who would think of doing that?! He's the most considerate, softest baby ever! The tiny, nervous, shy smile on his face in the second panel <33333
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Here's the answer: "And while he most certainly became a man...I don't think he ever became an adult."
But Alfred says it twice!
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"But Alfred always used to say Bruce would have self-destructed if he hadn't met me and learned some responsibility."
My other post about Bruce and Dick has a lot of images that talk about this idea too
That's why I love Bruce and Dick's relationship so much. They are so codependent on each other. While Bruce saved Dick (not from being angry. He wasn't an angry robin, istg.), Bruce also would have died without Dick.
Before Bruce met Dick, he was on a one way track to his own ending. He was reckless, didn't take precautions, and was on the verge of being consumed by the darkness of which he was fighting.
At this time, a boy came along that shined light down upon him (literally because of the circus stage lights lol) and he was taken by him instantly.
With a new partner-a child-by his side Bruce was forced to take precautions, learn how to operate as a human being, and was just happy to have someone who bright and cheerful. He used Dick as an emotional crutch from losing his mind.
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"Still, the addition of Dick Grayson into the Master's crusade has made a difference in him."
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"I do believe I saw him smile. There have even been occasions in the pantry when I could just discern the muffled sounds of laughter echoing up from the dreadful cavern beneath the manor."
There are so many occasions where Alfred talks about how extraordinarily important Dick is to Bruce.
Dick raised Bruce.
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To borrow a lyric line that explains this:
"Take a broken man right in my hands And then put back all his parts"
Dick's "i can fix him" issues which are a massive part of his relationship with Deathstroke come from acting as a child parent to Bruce.
But the greatest part?
He still is.
Again and again and again. Dick is the only person Bruce relies on. He never tells anyone his secrets or worries unless that person is Dick. And often he bears the brunt of the work by his family. Both Tim and Jason have gotten angry at him for taking Bruce's side or supporting Bruce but the thing is, he's the only one who can next to Alfred. Tim has accused and praised him of being too much like Batman sometimes but when you raise a kid (adult-sized) I think you're bound to forgive them while also admonishing them for their mistakes.
They also use Dick as the unofficial spokesperson to talk to Bruce
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"Hey. Tim told me about Zur. Are you alright?"
Side note: Tim tried talking to Bruce earlier but Bruce kept ignoring his concerns.
For each robin, Dick acts as the emotional go between Bruce and them.
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Jason's sad face :'(
That moment meant so much to him
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Another reason why Dick and Tim are so close is because Dick acted like the parent during Tim's robin era. It wasn't until recent comics that they had Bruce actually even caring about Tim.
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Also Dick and Damian father and son moment <33
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Dick the fixer upper. Always fixing everyone's family issues. With each other or with Bruce.
Also the scene of Martha Wayne thanking Dick
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There's a comic panel where Bruce says "Dick is the glue that holds the family together."
Dick is literally the light of his life. Without him Bruce would've lost it. It was the perfect combination of Dick's cheerful personality, strong ethics, and tragic backstory that caused Bruce to take him in and it was these same traits that helped him grow. Because Dick's distinguishable trait is that he humanizes people. And Dick humanized and raised Bruce.
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kalims · 1 year
˖ ִֶָ here we have the stereotype love interests for every love story.
characters. ace, azul, leona, malleus, idia
content. gender neutral reader, kinda cafe au for idia
cw. mention of.. embryo eggs 😁 it's just malleus being vague about it and us mistaking LOL
note. mc does not like cats at first for the sake of plot :)
thank you for 5K <3 mwa
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ace trappola | the resident 'bad boy' troublemaker that everybody dislikes (oh well. those are the ones usually misunderstood anyways)
though severely lacking in the physical quantities of your resident bad boy, (leather jacket, too much gel used for a horrendous slicked back hairstyle, cold demeanor, and the same motorcycle that seems to be present in every variant) you can say that although he fits in the category pretty well the title didn't really suit him.
every professor on campus despises ace trappola and his 'unfunny' pranks (of which they claim so.) you had bear witness to one of them so when he ran out of a classroom and locked eyes with you. you knew you should have ran away in turn because he shoved you in the way of a furious crewel and has the audacity to laugh as he escaped.
(crewel, AKA the scariest professor on campus so you definitely peed your pants a little when you heard the grunt he emitted when you collided into his probably hundred dollar fur coat—and wow, who knew he hid such a broad frame?)
but still. you sulked in misery at the silent room. even though you had told him several times that you, were indeed not an accomplice to that insane red head's crimes crewel did not let you off without a punishment. "had you not been in my way I would have captured that little puppy," he had said.
I didn't know. you cried comical tears at your horrible timing. wrong place in the wrong time. being a new student is hard around this place.
only then was the sky freed from your vengeful glare when a body falls into the room just after the door opens—then closes.
a new object of your hate. you suppose, far more deserving than the sky.
"this freaking sucks," ace trappola had to audacity to complain when you were the one he dragged to his stupid scheme. the moment he saw you heartedly glaring him down from your seat is when he released another groan. great, the person who he sacrificed for the better cause.
yeah that's right this is your fault, you watch him through accusing eyes as he stands up and starts circling the room. carelessly touching the several expensive looking items around the room with no regards; which honestly gave you a heart attack but either you give up the intimidating act or assert your dominance?
easy choice.
finally you scowl, albeit a bit softer than the previous face you adorned. "what in the hell are you doing?" ace looks back at you with a casual grin—the kind of grin that would lead into nowhere good but you and your stupid self engrossed in too much stories (in your opinion but you'd probably pick up another book later on,) paused to register the fleeting sense of attraction.
my teenager hormones always at the wrong time. you deadpan.
ace leans over the counter and gives the window a little push. smiling when the window creaks open with age and the wind brushes over his face. (ooo rhyme.)
you watch him. too entranced for your liking.
"are you coming or not?"
you sputter. "uh, excuse me?"
this time ace looks like he's having fun. (did you miss that kind of face everytime he was in trouble just cause of the adrenaline?) "have you ever left detention without permission?"
the second you took his hand and let him guide you down the third floor was definitely the time you knew you were in trouble.
azul ashengrotto | that one sophisticated, cunning character that's in the 'out of your league' circle (except this one immediately falls over for you)
' to mx.lastname '
' professor crewel has assigned me to foresee your school activities for the period whereas you still are behind his classes. though we haven't met officially I know you. my name is azul ashengrotto. (yes, the scholar. which is why the professor had me tutor the lowest in class) I hope we can come to an understanding during our time together. in the library we will meet after school hours. '
signed.. azul ashengrotto in some fancy font you'd spend forever perfecting.
well you had no idea people in your time that still uses letters as a form or communication still exists. you do see a simple text far more convenient that this thing but whatever he wants you suppose..
should you be happy, sad, or offended by this?
happy because azul ashengrotto is the best, out of the best. and there's no doubt that there's gonna be results when he's the one that's going to be tutoring you. sad because you literally need a tutor—actually it's just happy and offended.
offended because he called you the lowest of the lowest, using it to boost his little ego? you've seen the guy, never met him but that's a little.. strange. you won't jump to conclusions because that's what idiots do.
unfortunately you are an idiot so.
although azul is definitely popular kid material for some odd reason everyone seems to avoid him like the plague when he's around these two.. what's their names again? leech siblings? it isn't any better when he's alone though. you conclude it's just the natural air around him that makes it so hard to approach.
despite the offense you had taken what he said was merely the truth. you were at the bottom of the class right now. (you're just annoyed he never considered the possibility of getting better) plus can't he cut you some slack? it's not like moving to a different school in an entirely different place magically made you knowledgeable about the history of this place.
monday flies by faster than you anticipated and you find yourself standing across the infamous top 1.
azul casts you an easy smile. "how about we get to know each other first? despite us working together.." he pauses. "—quite closely. I'd like to get to know you first." suspiciously, you sit down without much argument. and it's scary because it's like he left no room for it.
he sure has a way with words. you muse. no wonder why he's the best you eventually thought.
you spent a hefty amount of time just conversing with each other. hell, everyone was freaking wrong! there's nothing bad about this dude he's just the normal, rich looking smartie. (attractive, you'd add but you figured he didn't take compliments well when he went silent after you had gave him a positive comment.) <- one that was honestly more like flirting if you'd look back but you refuse to let the embarrassment consume you.
(come on honestly! who even says; "I like your mole, it makes you look very pretty." as a compliment and not assume it was you attempting to rizz up the smartie?)
no one had ever complimented that part of him.
honestly it felt like less tutoring and more like a date because if there's anything you learned it's that azul was pretty.
.. uhm.. pretty smart.. yeah..
there was zero history you learned about NRC but rather the history of azul. his family restaurant and explaining his two friends when you had brought them up. the whole time you were both just all smiley, a little shy but time eased the tension out and you both had conversations you'd never thought you'd have with a stranger.
that day when you said your pleasant goodbyes and turned turned leave azul had offered to atleast walk you home. to which you replied in an easy joke; "sorry I don't let people I meet once take me home."
his eyes glinted. "oh? I had assumed we were well acquainted by now." azul ashengrotto gives you an award winning smile. "my apologies then. have a save trip home."
for once you almost regretted not saying yes from his words alone.
I take it back maybe there is something bad with him? you think back at your old assumption awkwardly.
you end up finding another letter stuck on your door. somehow it feels like the contents inside were vastly different from the first.
' dear mx.lastname '
' I enjoyed our time together yesterday. I apologize for taking up all the time without studying but it's like I could not stop talking with you. ' is he flirting with you right now?
' though our official study sessions will start tomorrow. if you ever find the spare time I'd like continue our conversation elsewhere. '
' of course wherever you think is fit will do nicely with me :) '
sincerely, azul ashengrotto.
... definitely different
leona kingscholar | the brooder that just looks done with everything 99% of the time but will end up having a soft spot for the main lead
coughs maybe leona is the bad boy in this case?
everyone knows leona 'I hate everyone' kingscholar. be it from the missing seat in their class or the clump of brown and yellow passed out in the botanical garden. in your case it was the latter. (you being too engrossed gawking at your phone you literally tripped on something and ungracefully landed on the floor)
you just went through the seven stages of pain cause pardon your language but holy fucking shit you feel like you just broke your jaw.
question is who the hell would carelessly leave something on the floor for an unfortunate soul to trip over? (which is you.) the pain stinging your jaw as an awful reminder of your oblivious nature to your surroundings was already depressing but there lays your phone in the literal lake swimming around pretending it's a fish.
"I hope you got some good explanation as to why you ruined my sleep." a deep voice says, nearly making you shit your pants. you turn and stare fearfully at the dead, annoyed face the newcomer gives you. though the rest of his arms are hidden by the shirt you can tell he wouldn't have much problem pushing you in the lake so you can join your phone.
"listen i—" you wince at the jolt of pain accompanied by your words. you learn quickly that perhaps this isn't the time to speak at all. though the man who is way too mad over an accident doesn't seem to care.
he raises his brow and huffs. "what? do I need to take a tooth for you to talk?" yeah asshole like causing me more pain is gonna make the words come out of my mouth.
you slump. as much as you'd like to defend yourself right now, you honestly have more problems to think about. like how your phone just drowned or how you're gonna have to make a trip to the infirmary.
you do the most rational thing you can do.
you make a series of incoherent sounds, point at your phone in the lake and run a marathon once this fool actually looks over to the end of your finger. sucker. you think smugly.
(should leona exert the energy to catch you right now?) I'll get that one next time. he grunts and lays down, facing towards the sun. leona recalls the name on their ID. (name) lastname)
3-A. he closes his eyes.
in your assigned classroom you sit. your friend grimaces. "what the hell happened to you?" he gestures to the obvious bandage under your chin ending over your head. if the ice pack you held your jaw doesn't give him the confirmation that it's broken then you don't know what does.
you sigh. missing the times where you could reply to this idiot.
the class atmosphere is just like any other you've encountered. surprisingly bright and chatty. all forms of sounds immediately halted once the door creaked open and crewel strutted in. he doesn't cast all of you a glance but you can see the approval when you all fall silent.
"hunt. name all the herbology we studied yesterday." you and your friend both exchange looks of relief. I'm so glad I didn't get picked.
not that you can recite it anyways. your friend snickers. thought they didn't speak you both reached a point in your friendship where you could understand through eye contact. you're so lucky.
be for real I'm literally in so much pain. you roll your eyes
as hunt enthusiastically does so you could hear a faint noise from the door. though in favor of continuing your 'conversation' with your friend you both ignore it.
only then when your friend pauses and gawks behind you do you stop.
"kingscholar. I'm suprised you decided to grace us with your presence." who the hell is kingscholar? a clear thump resounds behind you.
wow almost like if someone sat behind you but that's impossible because the guy behind you is always running his mouth and annoying you in every way possible.
AKA the seat was occupied and dude was already sitting there before you arrived. and if he was really your seatmate for what? months? you'd know that he does not get up at all.
"what the h—" speaking of there he is. why does he sound scared though? you wonder.
you turned and if you could make a sound, (to be more specific a scream of horror right now you would. loud and full of terror) holy fucking shit is that the guy you literally used the oldest trick in the book and ditched?
you aren't even given the opportunity to mask your expression.
malleus draconia | typically mysterious stranger that everyone goes insane over
the one you'll meet 'by chance'. actually the first few times you did meet was a complete coincidence but the following was just malleus knowing where you are and when. hence... he just is there..
in conclusion this dorm was really shitty. you sulk, placing a hand to support your body so you could lean but the quality of it had other plans.
you stare blankly at the piece that just broke off in your hand.
but you suppose you ought to be grateful. you sigh, throwing the piece aside. it's not everyday you get given a home for free. problem is the food though, I don't wanna starve.
let's see. very dusty bed or very dusty couch to retire in? you hum in contemplation. even the grass sounds better. you'd sleep outside if you could but the variety of insects just...
it's has it's charm though. though you'd prefer it with less dust. atleast it's not haunted!
something creaks near you.
you would have screamed very, very loudly if the emerald eyes figure didn't place a finger to his mouth and you consider this.. random person to be very intimidating and it actually scared you to obedience and silence.
he raises a brow at your shell-shocked look. "w-who the fuck are you?!" you croak out.
at your words he seemed quite surprised like HE WASNT THE ONE ON YOUR TECHNICAL FRONT DOOR. "oh? it seems like you don't know me," he chuckles, as though pleased. no shit sherlock you don't know me either you grumble.
he smirks. "I'll leave that up to you to find out then," this bitch.
ever since that you always seem to encounter than random guy everywhere. what surprised you more is the fact that he actually goes to the school you go to, which you admit was a stupid thought cause he was on school grounds when you met him and this school doesn't let random people in.
even with the godly amount of times you both meet he.just.wont.tell.you.his.name. annoying the hell out of you because you can't keep calling him tsunotaro when his green haired dog came close to biting your leg off when you did.
even though you don't ask him to he always seems to be trailing after you wherever you go but you can't really tell since, he scarily does not make a single sound when he's following you. (which is strange because it's always silent when he's there, even in the crowded halls.) it's like someone just flipped a switch!
"isn't this a party? even the music stopped," you frowned.
tsunotaro casts a look at your confused face and shrugs with a smirk. "hm. I wonder why indeed,
he always seems to appear at the most convenient of times. he's honestly saved you many times from a pile of medical bills for accidents which is a relief and an anomaly in itself because that's just.. eerily mysterious.
if a person was involved it's like your luck is always there because you never see them again.
somehow you befriended some short dude who calls himself lilia and likes bats. you assume he knows your friend because he's always dancing thin circles around you practically flaunting his knowledge of your friends true name.
said lilia is the one that assures you that 'nothing came to harm to that person. I heard they're merely on vacation' which is strange cause you never mentioned them being hurt at all.
for a single day you left your usual spot with them in favor of sitting with your friends during lunch and the thunder storm that week was so bad that you had to just pray that the old wooden boards would be able to withstand the water and shelter you.
you watch a piece of your roof fly off into the unkown. "the weather forecast literally said it was gonna be sunny all day," you deadpan.
once his dog had almost came close to saying his name which was a pain because HE SHOT HIM ONE LOOK AND THE BOY IMMEDIATELY SHUT UP. you were literally shaking said dog trying to get his name out of curiosity and anticipation so when you look at tsunotaro with a glare of playful annoyance he actually droops and looks lost
that by the way. is only a fraction of weird stuff that happened after you 'met' malleus. met as in met once then meeting each other so often that you had just allowed him to follow you around and befriend you.
cause. can you blame yourself? he's very adorable in his own right even if your friends insist that he's literally terrifying. <- you deny it to defend tsunotaro cause he's the purest being on the planet! you say as your friends shiver at the figure behind you wearing an ominous smile.
they run away as you trail off. "hey you—! ugh.. what a bunch of assholes," you fume. who even runs off in the middle of a conversation? you wonder in your mind. did they dislike your friend so much that they'd run away? but you don't get it! you've been telling them how good your friend is and how wrong they are.
you scratch your head.
a voice clears their throat behind you as you blink then perk up.
when you turn tsunotaro is there in all his glory. dorned in the most simple school clothing yet looking so elegant, don't forget his pitch perfect posture. wow.. it's almost like he's a regal royal haha.. but that can't be right haha..
he looks.. upset.
you frown. "what's with the face?"
he tilts his head. "what face? I've always had my face since I was an egg,"
what. you blank. one thing about your friend was that he had weird.. vocabulary, you've heard it plenty of times but it doesn't make new ones less surprising to hear. as in embryo eggs? you grimace. again, weird.
you choose to ignore his response.
"you look sad," you clarify.
ah. very observant. he thinks. tsunotaro hums in contemplation. "you seemed upset with me earlier, naturally I got upset since you were. I just.. don't want our.. friendship—" his face shifts a little at the mention of friendship. "—to change after you know who I truly am,"
aw. your eyes soften. "tsunotaro.. I won't judge you it's alright, to be honest I don't really know anyone here and even if I did know you I would always find you and befriend you," you say firmly as his green eyes seems to be sparkling as he takes in your words.
it's settled then.
a calm period of silence crosses over the two of you. perhaps it's the relief knowing that he had finally expressed his reasoning. it's not that often you both talk in an emotional degree like this seeing as tsunotaro doesn't seem to have anything he kept from you.
even if he did you reckon he'd tell you pretty quickly.
"malleus.. draconia,"
"excuse me?" you blink.
he looks at your eyes deeply. searching them inch to inch making sure he takes in every feature of your face. he looks at you so seriously that it honestly makes your heart skip a little beat. "it is.. my name, you can call me what you'd like—" as though a curtain is being drawn right before your eyes. "—please do not let this change anything," he makes sure to add.
but there is no frightened yell over his name or the fearful eyes latched on his figure during everything he does.
but the welcoming warmth that the cold is too unlucky to not have.
there is only the eyes that is so blissfully ignorant. because beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you look at him like he's.. someone and no one at the same time.
malleus is not sure if he's happy that you are so unknownst to the perspective of others. they have a point, everything he's tied to demands intimidation. so even if you don't understand the significance of his name you take in every one of his imperfections and accept him wholly.
malleus would cut out not even a piece of his heart but just hand it to you on a silver platter cause that's you already have. though not his eyes, arms, or legs it's him. his heart is his whole and you have it.
your eyes crinkle. "how about mal?"
idia shroud | introvert cat lover, stranger danger aka hitoshi shinso 2.0 but more shy
that guy by the cat cafe is pretty weird.
besides the blue bundle on his head—that you refuse to call hair because hair has strands and by the blue, wavy flames framing his head there's obviously none on his head right now.
maybe that's what had gotten you stealing glances from across another table despite the research paper draft on your laptop that hasn't been changed for the past five minutes. you like to tell yourself that the only reason you're staring is because he's.. peculiar.
yeah nothing else!
since last month, where you started claiming a particular spot in the cat cafe. (not a normal one because you have something similar on your bucket list that includes getting buried by cats) you've never not seen flame boy over there in the cafe.
judging by his usual spot in the far corner where he thinks no one sees him this guy does not have a life but fuck that cause so do you.
life update: that bucket list goal is not gonna get achieved anytime soon cause you can't help but grimace away from the cats. you don't blame yourself cause since you got chased by a cat and proceeded to get beat up by it you steered clear from them.
and you can't literally dislike cats forever cause they're like.. a very common animal to see in the world and your delusional mind thinks that this silly little opinion will get you killed.
spoiler alert! it did not get you killed but it did get you working in the cafe temporarily since you literally forgot your wallet, therefore you can't pay for what you just ate. (which they would've let you off cause you're practically a regular now but somehow you narrowly avoiding a kitten made you bump into a vase) so.. yeah.. temporarily.. for a week atleast cause the vase was pretty costly and you're lucky theh let you off without a fee.
but labor instead sighs.
your temporary manager points to a table.
okay so maybe this will prove a little useful. you just want to get to know this dude for.. blackmail purposes.. nothing else.
"hi um—strawberry shortcake for idia?" you place the order in the counter carefully. raising your voice a pitch to let it reach the farthest table. you already knew that the flame boy is gonna come get it since it's hid order but you still hide your suprise when he does.
neither does he. in his very pretty, yellow eyes flashes recognition but it vanishes as he lowers his eyes. as though, nervous. "that's for me," he says quietly. bowing his head and muttering a quick thank you. before you know it he's already gone back to his abode full of kittens leaving you a little flabbergasted at his voice.
so idia was his name. what a pretty name.
the next day idia orders the same thing and with explicit permission you ask the temporary manager if they'd let you deliver it to his table personally (you lowkey felt bad for using their menory to convince them but you're on a mission here!)
"hi," you greet with a small smile. the boy avoids your eyes and instead focuses on the cup of coffee jelly beside his plate of shortcake. "uh—here's your order. I hope you don't mind, idia right?" he nods mutely as you slide the two dishes to him. little force so it won't slide off completely.
"I didn't order that—" he glances at your chest quickly, scanning your borrowed uniform for a sign of a name tag. you smile. "(name),"
"—(name)," he repeats slowly. internally panicking in his mine cause one. he knows you! somehow you're now working in the cafe and two, was this a game master ploy to assassinate him?
you glance at the coffee jelly. "it's complementary," complementary your ass you bought that with your own cash but he doesn't need to know that.
at some point you rushed through the paper to apply for the cafe part-time job just because you had enjoyed the time you served under idia. cause it gave you all the well I've to communicate with him since both of you are way. too awkward to do it normally.
it was a grueling two weeks of you waiting to get accepted and for once you felt accomplished when you received an email. wanna know the first thing you did? go straight to idia's table a few minutes after he arrives and slide him a coffee jelly.
a contrast to his wary expression his face visibly relaxes—and even brightens at your face. (beautiful, beautiful face.) "I'm back," you huff proudly, hugging your own clipboard to your chest and pointing at your personal name tag. "welcome back loser," idia snickers.
during the time you were giving him orders before you had managed to sneak a couple of words for conversation and boy did you learn a lot. to be honest those conversations was the reason you squeezed enough time in your schedule for this job. at some point you're convinced idia enjoyed it as much as you did because he even shyly asked if you played any games and had twstcord.
suprise suprise. idia was a freaking nerd and had.. weird humorous words. (in a joking, good way,) ever since you both exchanged info it was basically never sleeping in favor of talking 25/8. you like to say you were both exceptionally close and reached a peak in your relationship.
did you mention that idia had taught you the way of the cat?
"what if they tear my eyes off?" you worry as idia forcefully gets you to lay on the grass with a small grunt. he deadpans at your words. "chill out. I'm a level 99 cat whisperer I got this," as you said. weird humor and words. still. it's reassuring enough.
then he just stands up to scoop up the cats he can find and pours them on you. giving you a heart attack everytime one leaves and he just yanks them back. you realize—"this.. this is heaven, I'm in heaven," you breathe out.
idia looks at you then pauses. oddly looking like the same the first time you've seen him. he grows quiet. ".. y-yeah,"
"BTW where's the complimentary jelly?"
"there's none today. I'm freaking broke,"
"WDYM.. that has nothing to do with it cause it's complementary,"
(idia thinks the person in the cat cafe is weird.
in a good way he supposes.) but who is he to judge when said person just.. turned into someone he'd consider a player two?
note. umm just pretend that we get a broken jaw like that because it's for the sake of the plot LOL
send help it's like almost 1 in the morning and I just wrote for the whole period of midnight
not proofread
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chaoticallyfluffy · 2 months
Ok I’ve only read one comic that had Mister Mind in it so bear with me but I feel like he would totally swear. He’s just a little worm so full of hatred how could he not? And I fully believe that Captain Marvel never ever swears, only saying things like holy moly or oh gosh.
So imagine Mister Mind takes over Captain Marvel and infiltrates the watchtower to get information for some reason and he’s SO proud of his Captain Marvel impression. He just acts like a goof and everyone is fooled. And then he breaks something because he’s not used to containing super strength and he swears under his breath but it’s just a tiny mistake, it’ll be fine. Superman hears it with his super hearing and is instantly like “that is not Captain Marvel.” And they do whatever they need to do to get rid of Mister Mind. Spray Captain Marvel in the face with bug spray or something idk. He has poison resistance they’re sure he’ll be fine. Mister Mind has no idea how his master plan failed and every time he takes over Captain Marvel he ends up being caught because he can’t contain his cursing.
Semi believable? Ok good.
And now imagine Billy had a rough day and is just so sick of everything rn, teenage angst and all that, and if one more thing goes wrong he is going to blow up the moon. Transforming and gaining the Stamina of Atlas helps him get a little bit more patience but when he accidentally makes a mistake it’s understandable if he mumbles a little swear word. He’s a teenage boy, what do you expect? Not the entire team turning on you and assuming you're mind controlled, that’s for sure. Now he has to convince his team of 3 years that he is, in fact, Captain Marvel, and yes he knows what a swear word is and how to say it. He ends up inhaling enough bug spray to kill an elephant before they begrudgingly let him go.
Do with this what you will, I probably won’t write a fanfic about this because I have way too many ideas but if anyone wants it maybe I will lol.
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animeomegas · 3 months
Ideal Valentines Day - Omega! Aizawa, Mic, Toshinori, Dabi
A/N: For the anon who asked <3 I wasn't vibing with Shiggy today, so I left him off. I feel like these all ended up being home dates, but I think being a hero or villain makes those easier lol. There are hints of n-sfw, but it's non-descriptive and very tame.
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Actions speak louder than words for Aizawa, and I think his preferred love language for receiving affection is Acts of Service.
He has no need for material items, and that goes doubly for anything covered in hearts. I don't think he's a massive fan of chocolate. And flowers are just another thing that he has to sort out and try to keep alive as long as he can. No, he much prefers practical care on Valentine's day.
He wants you to pick him up from UA after work so he doesn't have to drive, a warm cup of his favourite coffee, far sweeter than his image would suggest, ready for him.
He wants to go straight home of course. When he walks through the door, he would love to see the house sparkling clean and tidy. It lifts a burden off him that he didn't even know was there.
There's no fancy outfits with him. He wants to immediately get changed into the comfiest clothes he has, and he would love if you did the same.
Dinner should 100% be his favourite takeaway, eaten on the couch, of course.
I don't know why, but I don't get the vibe that Aizawa is that interested in sex on Valentines Day. I think he'd prefer the intimacy to come from a shared bath or a massage.
And ideally the night ends early, so he can face tomorrow well rested, for once in his life.
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Hizashi loves cheesy romance, he lives for cheesy romance! He eats, sleeps, and breathes it!
I think receiving gifts is something he loves, so get him a pink teddy bear, get him a comically oversized chocolate bar, get him a sappy card filled with cheesy love poems (bonus if you write them yourself.) He loves it all.
He also wants to be at home, because he's worried about people recognising him and interrupting the date.
He would love, love, love if he came home to a trail of rose petals to follow, he's always wanted to do that!
I think he'd enjoy cooking dinner together, just making a mess, playing around, listening to music.
Please pull him to dance with you, he will melt.
Once the food is eaten and the mess left for tomorrow, I think he'd want to do some sort of activity. A board game, a video game, painting together, anything! He's having fun as long as he's with you.
And then... well he's certainly not going to complain if one of your gifts to him was lingerie or a new 'toy'. And it would be rude to not try them out 😏
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His idea of romance is old school. He developed his taste mostly from films, rather than experience, after all.
He wants roses so badly. He can't decide if it's more romantic to get a dozen roses, or just one, so he'll let you decide.
I think something private would be more meaningful to him because he's spent his life in the spotlight.
He wants you to meet him at the door with a rose/bouquet of roses, and then lead him into the living room of your home, where you've laid out a fancy dinner.
He wants the fancy dinner table to be set to the nines, he wants candles, champagne, and some food that he can eat. He wants classical music playing in the background.
And then he wants you to pull out his chair for him and wine and dine him until he's completely smitten, not that that's hard.
He doesn't mind if you order the food, but he'd prefer if you either made it by hand, or had it ordered from a special place as opposed to just off a food delivery app. He wants everything to feel special.
The best way to finish the night after dinner is with a movie. One of his favourite films, probably a ridiculous American action film or terrible romcom.
He needs some good old fashioned cuddling at the same time of course.
And because he's getting old, he wants to spend the final moments of the day tucked up in bed, talking about feelings and the future, and all the fuzzy things you're both looking forward to in your relationship.
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Dabi is softer than he will admit, which means Valentines Day with him involved tricking him into feeling loved.
You can't do things that are too typical, because he'll get spooked. If he comes home and sees heart shaped balloons or dozens of roses, he will flee the scene.
Luckily, he is utterly weak for pizza, so if he comes home and you've ordered his favourite pizza and got a video game/film set up, he can't resist.
"This isn't some weird Valentine's shit, is it?"
"It's just pizza, Dabi, but if you don't want any, I'll eat it all."
"What? In your dreams, knothead."
Once you've lulled him in with pizza and games, you can start putting the moves on him.
He's almost always down for sex, so that part is easy. The hard part is stopping him from escalating it into something rougher, and keeping it gentle.
He gets frustrated at first that you're being too soft on him, and it's at this point that you start lavishing him in praise and body worship. His frustration turns into bashfulness and Dabi gets kind of shy.
Let him know how much you love him.
And then, right when you're both about to drift off, wish him a Happy Valentine's Day.
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