#it would explain that being the only yellow in soras outfit
holleighgram · 10 months
Have a cute little KH theory:
Sora regularly gets hand-me-downs from Riku. Riku had a growth spurt just before KH1 and his favorite yellow shoes were too small, but they were also too big for Sora. Sora, defiantly wore then everyday, despite not fitting.
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violetstar-writes · 4 years
No one:
My brain: The Toon Force is a special ability that classic cartoon characters have in which they are able to break the laws of reality as they see fit. This includes being immortal, traveling to other dimensions with ease, splitting entire continents in half, manifesting random black holes and hopping into them as a mode of teleportation, enduring impossible amounts of damage such as getting shot multiple times, flattened, or blown up, and having fluctuating spurts of intelligence or stupitidy. Their infinite power is somewhat restricted to whether or not the gag is funny to them and if the writer chooses to make the gag cause them actual harm. Mickey, Donald, and Goofy fall into this category of being able to use the Toon Force, since they are classic cartoon characters that have been around for a long time. In Kingdom Hearts, their toon-like abilites have been partially nerfed since they are capable of dying under certain circumstances (as we saw in Kingdom Hearts 3) but can still withstand lots of damage (like when Goofy was hit in the head by a giant boulder and the fact that Donald and Goofy only faint during fights and Sora actually dies). This could also be due to the fact that the Kingdom Hearts universe is far more "serious" than their original Disney universe, so the toon force does not always work in a universe with no sense of humor. Is it possible, however, that the essence of the Toon Force began to rub off on Sora and Riku? Despite not being actual toons? Look at humans like Eddie Valiant and Stanley Ipcus, for example. When Eddie entered Toontown, he was able to fall off of a 50-story building and hit the ground without a scratch. Stanley Ipcus, on the other hand, put on a mask that gave him all the abilities of a toon since the mask would conform to whatever the user likes (which for Stanley was cartoons!). He was able to swallow a bomb and shrug it off after it detonated inside of his stomach. Even Micheal Jordan, when he was in the world of the Looney Tunes, was able to stretch his arm across an entire basketball court to land the ball inside of a hoop. Since the universe of Kingdom Hearts is merged with Disney worlds, it is possible that Sora and Riku have done something similar. Note that the first time Sora met Donald and Goofy (along with Mickey) was technically during Birth By Sleep, when his heart was merged with Ventus's to heal it. Once he is 14, his clothes reflect that first bit of exposure. His red overall-jumpsuit and giant yellow shoes are a direct nod to Mickey Mouse's original outfit with red pants and yellow shoes. Since Sora is constantly exposed to toons, Sora gains more and more abilities that are physically impossible for normal humans. This includes: surviving getting hit/crushed by buildings and giant monsters with minor to nonexistent injuries, running up walls and buildings instead of climbing or sticking to them (which defies the laws of gravity), jumping to impossible heights for a human, gliding through the air with no form of wings or propulsion, dashing several feet across a field as a form of dodging, floating in midair and controlling floating keyblades with his mind (only during master form/final form), retaining a bit of his will after losing his body to darkness, retaining his physical form after ending up in a state of limbo, and summoning Disney characters/attractions out of thin air. Riku is capable of performing most of these abilities as well (excluding summons and keyblade forms), and guess who Riku spends the most time with aside from Sora and Kairi? Mickey Mouse. With continued overexposure to the toons, Sora and Riku could become unstoppable. This could explain why Kairi is much weaker and not capable of performing most of these feats, despite training with another keyblade wielder (Lea) under a keyblade master (Yen Sid). It could ALSO explain why Aqua was able to last so long in the Realm of Darkness, since she was the only other character who spent a considerable amount of time around Mickey. And to all of you saying "well that's just anime logic, not cartoon logic. Anime characters can take a hit too", I say nay! Let me have this hot take
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shayclov391 · 4 years
Twisted Hearts Chapter 1
Ok so here is twisted hearts, the story of where Sora found himself at Twisted Wonderland 
hope you all enjoy, fair warning
this chapter is long 
‘This feels…familiar…’ he thought as he felt himself drifting into an endless abyss, he opened his eyes as he finally felt the ground; he slowly got up as nothingness surrounds him.
“Ah…my dearly beloved”
Sora looks around, searching for the voice. Yet found no one. ‘Another dream?’ he says out loud and starts to walk on the darkness, this feels familiar for Sora but at the same time, it’s also unfamiliar to him.
“A lovely and noble flower of evil”
“Truly, you are the most beautiful of them all”
Sora starts to walk into the darkness to hopefully find something, anything. Soon, he hears horses carrying a carriage, he looks around and sees something in the distance coming his way, he starts to run towards it. As he was getting close, all the sudden heartless start to appear between him and what he can see is a carriage.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall...”
“Who is the most...”
Sora did not listen to the voice as the heartless start to get near him; he summons his key blade, the kingdom key, and starts to fight off the heartless. Striking and slashing the heartless while dodging the heartless from coming at him.
After finishing off the heartless, he noticed something one on the ground at the last heartless he has defeated, hi pick it up in curious, it looks like a pen with a chain that looks like it could be attached to his keyblade, curious, he attaches the chain to his keyblade, the keyblade glows and disappear which made Sora surprised. He tries to summon it his keyblade but nothing happens, which confused Sora, and before he can think about it. The carriage finally arrives in front of him.
A black carriage carrying an ornate circular mirror with glass a deep emerald color, and skeletal horses at the front skeletal horse, it nearly looks like it’s a carriage that goes to a funeral. Sora disperses his keyblade and looks at the carriage warily as its doors open; he looks inside to sees nobody in it, only a mirror. Cautiously, he steps into the carriage.
“Those who are guided by the dark mirror”
“As long as your heart desires, take the hand that appears in the mirror”
As soon as the voice says it, he noticed a strange eerie light coming from the mirror the carriage had, and a hand appeared before him from the mirror. Sora stares at the hand, he could hear his heart beating fast. He slowly takes it.
“For me. For them. For you. We are all running out of time! No matter what, never let go of my hand.”
All of the sudden, the hand-pulled him through the mirror. He starts to lose consciousness, and darkness takes over his vision.
Sora could hear something banging on something else, he opens his eyes to see that he is somewhere dark, he outstretches one of his arms, only to be met with a wood surface, he starts to feel around and realized, that he is in a box.
He then hears a voice on the other side “Crap, people are coming... Gotta get a uniform while… grrrr! The lid is too heavy!” followed by a rattle from the outside, he goes to knock on the wood.
“Hey, is someone there? Can you get me out?” he attempts to yell, but it seems that the box is too thick, that it can’t be heard from the inside. He thought about using his key blade but, the keyblade would be too big in the tight space that he is in.
“Grrr..It’s no use, time for my secret technique!” Sora then felt the box heating up, he leans to the surface of the box and then it starts to open, making Sora fall off
Sora falls to the ground, he groans and looks up to see a grey-furred animal that looks like either a cat or a raccoon, but the creature has blue flames coming out of his ears, it sort of reminds him of Hades from the underworld.
He seems surprised seeing Sora wide awake “Why are you awake? You’re supposed to be asleep!” the cat…raccoon? Creature says.
“A cat?” he wonders out loud, the cat thing? Looks annoyed “Who are you calling a cat! I am the great Lord Grim, y’know!? Treat me with respect, you pitiful human!” Sora tilted his head in confusion as Grim got on all fours “Enough chit-chat! Gimme those clothes! Or else I’ll roast you!”
Sora looks at his clothes, surprised to see that he is not in his regular attire, but in a black robe with gold and purples trim and pattern “Where did I get this?” he checks out his clothes.
“Hey! Don’t ignore me! Fgggnnnnaaaa!” Grim starts to run at Sora, and jumps to pounce on Sora, but Sora side steps, making Grim jump into the casket behind Sora.
“Gyahh!” The demon-cat-raccoon exclaimed when it face-planted to the cushioned casket.
“Sorry” Sora says, but then he starts running away from the room, as he runs, he looks around over where he is ‘am I in another world, that means I can find a way back to Destiny Island’ he thought as he runs through the rather gloomy hallway.
He soon finds himself in a library, where he sees some books are flying “Where am I?” he wonders and soon see a fireball head to his way, but he dodges last second and looks to see that the cat-raccoon animal headed to him.
“Hehehe…you think you can get away from me, you dumb human” Sora looks at Grim and frowns “You again, the cat-raccoon?” he still has no idea what Grim is as he stomps in frustration “How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not a cat or a raccoon, I’m the great and powerful Grim, now gimme those clothes”
“I’m not gonna give it to you, and you're being rude” Sora says, crossing his arms while narrowing his eyes at Grim as the cat smirks “Then it’s time for me to roast you,” the blue flames on his ears begin to grow.
He inhaled and aimed his fire at Sora, but he quickly dodges it and gets into a battle stance but have not summoned his keyblade yet.
“Stop it, you’re gonna burn the place down” he says, but Grim smirks “Then give me your clothes now” he got on all four and jump to pouch Sora again.
And then out of nowhere, there was a sound of a cracked whip. “Eh?! That hurts! What’s this cord?!” Grim cried out, trying to break free from the restraint.
“It’s not a mere cord! It’s the whip of love!” A voice corrected Grim from the shadows. Sora eases his posture and looks behind him to see a silhouette figure that came closer to them.
Sora can see the man up close. He was wearing a top hat that had a little mirror on it; he is also wearing a suit and a cape, on his side has three mirrors and chains of keys, half of the man’s face is covered behind the black mask, but Sora could see the glowing yellow eyes beneath the mask.
“Aah, I finally found you! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” He sighed, disappointment written across his face. Sora looks at the man in confusion “Umm…I’m sorry?”
The man sighs and crosses his arm, still holding firm to the ‘whip of love’ and look at Grim “Also, having a familiar that you haven’t tamed is against the school rules!” this made Sora and Grim look at each other “He is not-“
“I’m nobodies’ familiar!” Grim looks at the headmaster while continue to struggle “Let me go!”
The man brushes off Grim’s comment “Yes, yes, every rebellious familiar always says that.” He raised his hand which has a golden claw on each finger, he made a zipping gesture “Now, please be quiet and let us have a converse in peace.”
“hhmmpp” Grim’s mouth magically zipped as the man turns to Sora, who just looks confused “However, it is unheard of for a student to be able to open their door by themselves” he looks at Sora with a small frown. “Hold on, I was in there until he opened it by force” Sora says, explaining himself “I see, so the familiar is to blame” The man looks at Grim “Well then, If you brought him here, then it is your responsibility to look after him.”
Sora and Grim look at each other again “But he's not-“
“Ah that’s right. Come, come now the entrance ceremony started long ago! Let us not be later than we already are!” the man says cutting Sora off and ushers the boy leaving the library carrying the still tied up Grim who continues to struggle.
Sora is very confused, where is he? Why is he here? And why did is his outfit change? The last thing he remembers is that he was fighting Yozora in some sort of tower, and then, after defeating Yozora, he finds himself back at final world, but after that it all went blank. He looks to the man in front of him.
“uhh, sir?” Sora called out earning the man’s attention “Where are we exactly?”
The man stops and looks at Sora in surprise “What’s this? Are you still dazed?” he placed a golden claw on his chin. “It appears the teleportation magic has left you disoriented; that is a common side effect; let me give you a brief explanation as we make our way to the ceremony, for I am so gracious!”
Sora tilted his head in confusion as the headmaster continued,
“This is Night Raven College!” he motioned to the school around them. “Magicians that are blessed with a unique aptitude for magic gather from all over the world, here at the most prestigious magical academy in Twisted Wonderland.” He turned back to Sora. “And I’m the headmaster, appointed to take care of this academy by the board chairman, Dire Crowley.” He turned back and continued the way to the ceremony. “Only those magicians seen as worthy by the Dark Mirror can attend this school, chosen ones use the gate and are summoned here from around the world…an Ebony carriage carrying a gate should have gone to meet you as well.”
Now that he mentions it, Sora did remember about something about a carriage in his dream. ‘Or maybe…it wasn’t a dream’ he thought as the Headmaster ushered Sora again; “Come now, we have an entrance ceremony to get to.”
“—Now then, are the entrance ceremonies and dorm sorting finished?” Riddle says looking at the last first year that has been sorted to a dorm. He stood among the other dorm Perfects as the first years got sorted to their dorm. They’ve already made their introduction of themselves and their dorm.
Riddle looked at Azul who nod and lower the papers that the headmaster is holding “yes, I believe so”
Riddle nods and looks at the new Heartslabyul dorm student “Listen up, new students. I make the rules in Heartlabyul. Anyone who breaks them will lose their heads—do keep that in mind.” He said sternly.
Leona, the Savanaclaw Perfect yawned. “This boring ceremony is finally done.” He placed a hand on his hip as he looked at the first-years. “Let’s get back to the dorm. Savanaclaw, follow me” he said.
“To all the new students, I would like to congratulate you on your enrollment here! I hope each and every one  of you're able to live a fulfilling school life!” Azul says as he took a step forward. He might seem smiling. He folded his arms over his chest. “As the dorm leader of Octavinelle, I will support you as best as I can!”
Vil, the dorm Perfect of Pomefiore look at the others “By the way, where’s the Headmaster? He flew off in the middle of the ceremony”
Azul was about to answer but got cut off by Idia, the Perfect of Ignihyde,  he speaks through his floating tablet “He abandoned his duties…”
Kalim, the Perfect of Scarabia dorm looks curious “maybe he had a stomachache and has to go to the bathroom?” He suggested. But as soon as he says that, the door burst open, revealing the Headmaster.
“Not at all,” the Headmaster says, followed by a student that the dorm Perfects see has a very spiky brown hair. “Oh, he’s here” Riddle says and looks at the boy. The headmaster made his way to the mirror with the boy who looks around the room in curiosity.
“I can’t believe you all, we are missing one new student so I went to find him” the Headmaster says as Sora looks at him ‘wait, student? I’m in a school?’ he thought as the Headmaster turned to him.
“Now, you’re the only one who we have yet to assign to the dormitory. I shall watch over the raccoon, step in front of the dark mirror” he says gesturing the mirror which holds a tight grip to Grim who still trying to break free from the ‘lash of love.’
“Hhmmmpp” Grim muffled as Sora took a step towards the mirror that has a face.
“State thy name” the dark mirror says.
“my name is Sora” he replies, “Sora…the shape of thy soul is…” the mirror says before going  silent for a moment until it finally says:
“I do not know”
“Come again?” The Headmaster says, looking surprised
“Forsooth, I feel a strong wavelength of magic power from thee. The magic that is both ancient but not. The magic that does has been forgotten and no longer exists from this world. Howbeit, thou art’s soul is not eligible for any dormitory.” The dark mirror explained.
Sora could hear many students whispering and muttering about him as The Headmaster looked at the mirror in disbelief “magic that does not exist within this world? How could this possibly have happened?” he wondered; this gave Grim a chance to finally be freed by the lash.
“Then I’ll take their place, I’m even more powerful than some ancient magic, check this out” Grim start to prepare his fire magic “Everyone get down!” Riddle says as Grim start to set things on fire. The fire even hit Kalim’s butt “AH, HOT, HOT, MY BUTT IS ON FIRE” he screams, tries to put the fire out.
Sora quickly make his moves, he uses his hand to use to cast Watera on Kalim and onto the fire to put it out before turning to Grim, “hey stop that!” he says as he uses Stopra on Grim, making the raccoon-cat freeze with a time on his head for around 10 seconds counting down, “he’s frozen in time...” one of the students says, looking amazed.
“only for a few seconds, hurry!” Sora says as Riddle took out his magic pen “off with your head” he raised his magic pen and placed a heart-shaped collar on Grim as the timer reach zero.
“—fgnah Gaaah! What’s this?!” Grim tries to take the collar off, but to no avail.
“Rules number 23 of the Queen of Hearts: You must not bring cats into areas of festivities.” Riddle huffed and crossed his arms looking at Grim. “As you are a cat, trespassing here is a serious rule violation. We will have you leave immediately.”
“I’m not a cat! A cat can’t burn things like-” Sora is getting ready his water spell but pauses seeing Grim fail to start his fire spell. “W—What?! My fire… it won’t work!!”
Riddle just smirk as he put his magic pen away “Until I remove that collar, you won’t be able to use your magic. It will get removed once you’re thrown out of the school.”
“wow, as wonderful as ever, all magic was sealed by your unique magic, Riddle” Azul says praising Riddle “I want it…no I wouldn’t want that cast on me” his tone change midway.
“You must do something; he is your familiar!” The Headmaster glaring at Sora as he groans, “I’ve been trying to tell you, he is not my familiar”
“eh, he’s not” The Headmaster looks surprised but then clear his throat “*ahem* if that is the case, then would someone take it out of the school. We won’t turn you into a stew. For I am so gracious” one of the teacher nods and grabs Grim to take him out.
“Gyaaahhh! Lemme go! I’m definitely, definitely—! Going to become a great mage!” Grim says before the door closes on him, shutting out his complaints.
“Now I kinda feel bad for him,” Sora says feeling a bit guilty “don’t be, with your help, we have stopped the beast from making more damage to the school,” Azul says looking at Sora politely, ‘a magic that able to stop time, what powerful magic he has’ he thought.
“Well…I guess your right” Sora says still looking at the door. “Now that is out of the way, after a whole lot of unexpected events, I shall bring this entrance ceremony to a close. Dorm leader, please show the new students to their respective dormitory”
“Hm? Now that I think about it, I don’t see the Dorm leader of Disomnia, Mister Draconia, around at all” The Headmaster says, looking around for the missing dorm leader. Sora heard many people mutter as the dorm leaders seem to discuss how they forgot to invite Malleus Draconia to the ceremony. ‘Seems like he is very popular’ He thought as one student came up to take the Disonmia first years, and with that, the students, and the dorm leaders left, leaving only Sora and The Headmaster.
The Headmaster cleared his throat “now then, um…I’m sorry, what is your last name?” Sora look at Crowley and scratch his hair “I don’t have a last name, but it’s fine to just call me Sora” The Headmaster nods “very well then Sora, as for the term on where you shall stay, I’m sure I can figure something out”
“Uumm… actually Headmaster, I think there has been a mistake, I just really wanted to head back home,” Sora says earning a surprised look from the Headmaster “A-are you certain? The Ebony Carriage has never once made a mistake, you are in a very prestigious school where many students can learn very powerful magic, not taking it would be a waste”
Sora nodded firmly “I’m sure of it, I have made my friends worried about me far too much, and while being in this school sounds exciting, I want to go home and get back to my friends”
Crowley looks conflicted, the boy is carrying ancient magic that is unheard of, with him and Mister Draconia in Night Raven College, it would give a very huge benefit for the school. However, by the look of this young man, he seems to be very determined to go, with a heavy sigh he nods “Very well then, The Dark Mirror will promptly send you back home.”
He guides Sora to the platform in front of the Dark Mirror again. Once the boy stood there, Crowley stood behind him, hand still on his shoulder. “Now, visualize your home very clearly…”
Sora closed his eyes and visualized his home, the beach, the Island, where his friends are waiting for him. The mask in the mirror appeared once again from the green smoke. “Now, Dark Mirror! Guide this child back to the place they belong to!”
The Headmaster cleared his throat in embarrassment. “One more time. Dark Mirror! Guide this-”
“It is nowhere,” The mirror says.
“What?” Crowley drops his hand from Sora’s shoulder as he opens his eyes, he looks a bit worried.
“Nowhere in this world does this one belong. There is nothing.” The Mirror says. Sora sighs, he can’t say that he is not surprised, but he figures that it won’t be that easy. He has disappeared because he used too much of his magic and went past the limit, he figured that getting home would be a challenge.
“Oh my, for all the years that I have been The Headmaster. This is the first time anything like this has happened. I’m not sure what to do...” He looks at Sora “where do you come from?”
“I’m from Destiny Island,” Sora says looking at him “Destiny Island, hmm, I never heard of an  Island by that name before” Sora sighs, “it’s alright, I guess I have to search my way back, I’m sorry for the inconvenience,” he says.
“hold on a second,” Crowley says “there is no way I’m letting a child go on his own, as an educator, throwing out a penniless youth who has no contact with their guardians would just break my heart. Since I am so kind!”
Sora look at him confused “umm ok?” Crowley then says in a bit of a cheery tone “how about you stay in the school for the time being. In the meantime, I will search for anything about your Island”
Sora looked at Crowley surprised. “Really?” The Headmaster nodded, “but of course. Ahh, how kind I am~! Aren’t I such an exemplary educator~?”
‘And as a bonus,  I get to have this student in my school, ah, how lucky I am’ he thought gleefully.
Sora looks at him a bit weird but he smiles, “thank you, I appreciate it” then he looks at The Headmaster curiously “But where can I stay?” Crowley smiles “No need to worry. I know a place where you can stay. It’s a little old, but a tasteful building.”
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chemicalmagecraft · 4 years
The Gamer Hero, Deku Chapter 30
A/N: I initially forgot that the HP-related stat in The Gamer was VIT and not CON when I first started writing this chapter because I had DnD on the brain. How embarrassing would it have been if I hadn't caught that?
I looked at my newest text boxes as Aizawa-sensei talked.
Through repeated meditation, your VIT has increased by one!
By raising VIT above 100, two random skills have been created!
The skill 'Healing Grace' has been created through VIT rising above 100 and having a healing skill with a level of 95 or higher!
The skill 'Immovable Object' has been created through VIT rising above 100!
The skill 'Purity of Body' has been created through VIT rising above 100!
Through repeated meditation, your STR has increased by one!
I'd actually got them on the way to school so I could go to my work study, which was pretty lucky. My VIT had been pretty close to the hundred-point benchmark after that ridiculous +15 to all stats, so naturally I'd had my Mantra set to level it up for the past few days. And now that I had the skills, I'd probably be trying to get my STR up. It wasn't as high as VIT was, but it still wasn't that far off so I'd set Mantra to level it unless I was Meditating, when I would switch Mantra to something else and use Meditation for STR. Mantra's benefits had improved slightly as it leveled up, so it might even happen within the month!
I closed the text boxes after I was done reading what the skills did. Purity of Body was the standard improved version of the previous benchmark's skill, nothing much to comment on there other than the fact that it probably synergized well with Damage Reduction because it improved my HP. Immovable Object was... I suppose it was good and I could definitely find uses for it, but it looked a little unwieldy, too... It was a powerful barrier spell, but the barrier got a lot of its strength from being rooted, completely immobile. Even after turning the skill off the barrier would take a few moments to dissolve, leaving me immobile unless I could brute force my way through it... which I could probably do if I wanted, but not without using up more MP. At the very least I was already halfway through puzzling out how to use Item Enchantment to combine it with Imaginary Architect, which would give it a lot more versatility (though I doubted I'd get much EXP if at all for it if I only used an enchantment derived from it...). The barrier would be immobile even in midair, though it thankfully made me immobile relative to Earth and not truly immobile so I wouldn't fly off every time I used it.
I noticed, though, that it reminded me of Illusion Barrier in a way. I couldn't tell too well without actually using the skill, but it felt like it drew on the same underlying dimensional... thing... that Illusion Barrier tapped into, though in a different manner. Instead of creating another layer of reality using its fabric, it seemed like the barrier would gain extra stability by being rooted to it. Though maybe 'rooted' might not have been the right word for it...
The best skill, though, was Healing Grace. In addition to increasing the rate at which my HP naturally regenerated, it also enhanced the effects of any skill I had that was even remotely related to healing. That was amazing, especially with how my current objective (even if I hadn't gotten a quest for it) was to heal Iida's brother. And that wasn't all Healing Grace enhanced. Regeneration, Meditation, and Mantra also healed for more now, though it seemed that Super Regeneration, being a Quirk and not a skill, didn't have the same benefits. It didn't seem to do anything for the MP regeneration effects on Meditate and Mantra, and while I couldn't check it as easily I assumed the same could be said for the rate at which it trained my stats. Not that I cared that much, it was already good. And that wasn't even mentioning its active effect, which let me sacrifice HP to further increase how effective my healing skills were at healing others. HP that it caused me to regenerate at an increased rate. I would have to be careful with it, but just skimming a bit off the top of my very large HP bar to improve my healing and level up Healing Grace faster seemed like a good idea.
Okay maybe I was overhyping Healing Grace just a little, but it looked pretty good. Plus the fact that it modified Mantra meant that it was passively gaining EXP with Mantra, even if it was only a little.
"Remember, you're not allowed to wear your hero costumes in public without express permission from a hero you're studying under," Aizawa reminded us. We were waiting for our transportation at a train station, and Aizawa-sensei was using it as an opportunity to give us some reminders. "And make sure you keep track of them, don't just leave them lying around." He glared at me. "Speaking of... Midoriya, you're the only person here without a costume case. Where is it?"
"I have it in my inventory, sir," I told him. "I figured that since I would only be allowed to take it out when I'm allowed to use my Quirk anyway, I might as well make it easier on myself."
"I suppose that's fine, then. And everyone, remember to mind your manners. Now go, your transportation should be here soon."
"Yes, sir!" everyone said before we went our separate ways. I noticed Iida walking away alone, so I walked towards him.
"Iida!" I said. He stopped. Kacchan and Uraraka walked up behind me. "Just remember," I said. "If you ever feel overwhelmed, you can talk to me."
"Me too!" Uraraka added.
"Again, I'm probably not the best person to talk to, but I'll totally listen if you want," Kacchan said.
I smiled. "We're friends, okay?"
He slowly turned around. "Of course." With that, he resumed walking to his train. I followed him. "What are you doing, Midoriya?" he asked.
"Sorry, I think my train is this way too."
He glared at me. "Did you plan this?"
I raised my hands in defense. "I swear I didn't! My train is just this way."
"I suppose so."
"Good luck on your work study, though," I said. "And be safe."
He nodded. "You too, Midoriya."
I stared at the little map that Yagi-sensei had given me, comparing it with my minimap as I walked down the street. "So this Gran Torino guy even made Yagi-sensei nervous... I wonder what he's like."
"I can't say what he's like now, but when I knew him he was nice, though very... severe," Shimura told me.
"So like Yagi-sensei's version of Aizawa-sensei?" I asked.
She made a noise a bit like a verbal shrug. "Kind of, but not exactly."
"Well I can't wait to see him."
"Speaking of, why did you choose to go here?" Honenuki asked me. "You have us, so it's not like you really need his instruction on how to properly use One For All. No offense to him, of course."
I shrugged. "Yagi-sensei said that he was heavily DEX-based, and I've been meaning to work on my mobility anyway. Plus I didn't want to just brush him off, if he knows about One For All and All For One." I paused. "Hang on, were they just the two halves of that saying? Why did I not notice that before?"
"That was the last time my brother and I agreed, actually," Ichigo explained. "A few years after he forced Power Stockpile on me, we had a confrontation. He had continued to use his Quirk, called Power Theft then, for his own selfish gain, while I had just found out I could give my Quirk to someone else." He chuckled wryly. "We actually used One For All and All For One as a bit of a shared catchphrase when we were kids, so we agreed to split it in half, as it were."
"That's... kinda poetic, actually. Thank you for telling me." I stopped, seeing that I was in the right place. I looked up from the note. "Huh. This... is the right place, right?"
The place was... this might sound bad, but it looked a little run-down. Yagi-sensei mentioned that this Torino guy had come out of retirement to teach me, so it was probably just that the building was old. The doors looked fine, though, so I hoped that it was just that the outside that was worse for wear. I knocked on the door, waiting to be let in.
A few minutes passed, so I knocked again. And again I was met with silence. "Excuse me," I said loudly. "I'm here for an internship?" There was definitely someone there on my minimap. I asked my elementals, and they told me the person was just... laying there, covered in ketchup and sausage links. "I'm coming in, excuse me!" I decided, then opened the unlocked door. If I didn't know the old man was alive and the things under him were ketchup and sausages, I probably would've thought he was dead. It didn't help that the lights were off and there was a shattered plate on the floor.
Get Off My Lawn
LV 92
Torino Sorahiko
Though I was pretty sure the dead didn't have titles. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked.
His head shot up. "I'm alive!" he shouted.
"Yeah, do you need help cleaning up? You appear to be covered in ketchup." I didn't want to assume it was a test or prank, in case he actually did slip while carrying a plate of ketchup-covered sausages. "If you'll allow it, I have water magic and can summon paper towels with my Quirk."
"Oh, thank you, young man!" He got up shakily, leaning heavily on his cane. He was definitely wearing a hero outfit, regardless of his current state. I didn't think anyone would wear a yellow cape and a domino mask casually, at least. "Who are you?"
I pulled some paper towels out of my inventory. "I'm Midoriya Izuku, from Yuuei. I'm here for a work study?"
He took the paper towels and started wiping himself off. "Oh. Who are you?"
"Midoriya Izuku."
He smiled at me. "Toshinori?"
That was Yagi-sensei's name, so I guess he knew I had One For All, at least... "Um, any help, guys?" I asked the past bearers.
"Maybe try reading his mind?" Hikiishi suggested. "You can do that, right?"
"Sora, why?" Shimura sighed.
"Where's your costume?" the old man asked once he finished wiping himself off. His bearing had shifted, and he looked a lot more serious. He wasn't shaking anymore. "Put that on and fire One For All off at me."
I opened my inventory and dragged the costume case over to my equipment screen. Just like I'd hoped, it autoequipped my costume for me, and it even put on a little button that looked like it would let me autodequip my costume and pack it back up for me (hopefully returning my original clothes with it). I'd have to check if it actually did that, but it was cool nonetheless. My hero costume appeared on my body with a rush of air. I stretched, checking the changes to the outfit. It looked mostly the same, but I could already feel that it was easier to move around in than my old costume.
"How'd you do that?" Torino asked.
"Did you get any information about my Quirk?" I asked him.
"It's called The Gamer and it gives you powers like a video game character, specifically an RPG."
I nodded. "I have an inventory power, which is what I used to get those paper towels for you. It also has an equipment menu, and I just equipped my hero costume."
"That makes sense, I suppose." He got into a fighting stance. "Now hit me with your best shot. One For All only."
"Um... Can I do something first? If I throw a blast of One For All, it'll probably cause property damage."
"What is it?"
"I have a spell that... It's a little hard to explain but basically I can use it to let us do as destructive training we want without worrying about property damage, by basically putting us in a temporary pocket dimension."
He nodded. "Do that, then."
I placed my hand on his shoulder and dragged us both into an Illusion Barrier. Then I turned around and punched at the door. "LIMIT BREAK!" I shouted as the blastwave wrecked most of that wall, as well as the street and the building on the other side. "I am very glad I used Illusion Barrier," I said as I shook off my hand. It didn't hurt too bad, but after using One For All at 100% it was a little tingly.
"Well there's your problem, kid," Torino said. "Well, I can see another thing that you should be mindful of, too, but you've got one main problem. I know a bit about video games, you know. Watched a few YouTube videos on some RPGs when I decided to take you on, too. Plus I watched your performance in the sports festival as well. You're thinking about One For All like a limited resource or a super meter to draw on when you need a big attack, but that ain't just what it is. Think about how Toshinori uses One For All, I'm sure you've seen him use it before."
I nodded and put some ideas about what he meant in the text chat for the past bearers to give their thoughts on. "I think I get what you're suggesting."
"Good." To my surprise he jumped around the rest of the room, zooming between the floor, three remaining walls, and even ceiling. He landed on a nearby table, breaking it, and grinned at me. "You wanna put it into practice?" He pulled out a stopwatch. "You have three minutes to land a single hit on me, using only One For All. Starting now." He clicked it and started jumping around again. He was using his Quirk, Jet, which let him shoot powerful jets of air from the bottoms of his feet. He darted in for a punch, and I dodged backwards, tapping into One For All. Really, it was so obvious that I would've hit myself if I had time. It was basically what I did for Elemental Aura already, just using One For All instead of elemental magic. I felt a feeling like lightning running all over my body as I jumped. I sailed clear out the hole that was the broken fourth wall, still keeping my eyes on him.
He bounced a few more times before shooting straight at me. I stood my ground, concentrating more One For All in my arm. When he was close enough that I was hoping he couldn't dodge the attack, I punched in his direction. It was a textbook Texas Smash, sending a powerful shockwave in Gran Torino's direction, but he managed to dodge to the side with his Quirk. He shot at me again, but I dodged out of the way first. "I see what you did," he noted. "You saw me bouncing around the room with blinding speed and decided to get me out in the open, where maybe I'd be a bit slower." He grinned. "Changing the environment to your advantage or your opponent's disadvantage. Good. Just remember that it might not always work. After all, you're the one on a time-"
I didn't let him finish that, trying to blindside him by charging at him while he was still monologuing. He still managed to shoot upwards before I hit him, but I had anticipated that and used Weird Flex (that might have been cheating slightly, but it was less of a magical or Quirk-related skill and more of a literal skill that just happened to get enhanced by The Gamer, like Sword Mastery) to pivot so that I could push off the ground with my hands. The ground cracked with the force that I used pushing off of it, and I shot into Gran Torino foot-first. He grunted, stunned, and I punched off the air a few times to get on the opposite side of him so I could catch him before we hit the ground.
Your level has increased by one!
I was already pretty close to a level up before that fight, so even though it wasn't much of a fight the EXP was still enough to level me up.
"Sorry if that was a little too hard," I said when we landed, then pulled out my Quirk healer license. "I can heal you, if you're hurt."
He grunted, got up, and rubbed his stomach. "Thanks, kid." He chuckled. "You really showed a lot of promise there, kid," he said as I healed him. "It only took me a little prodding to correct how you use your Quirk."
I smiled. "Yeah, and we didn't even touch on my other Quirks."
He raised his eyebrow. "'Other Quirks?' Plural?"
"Sorry, did Yagi-sensei not mention that?" I asked. I raised my hand, switching Skeletal in. Oof, my costume wasn't looking too good after that giant blast... I was already going to use Mending after my demonstration, but still... I tensed my arm, activating Skeletal. White armor calcified along my hand and forearm, forming something like a gauntlet that destroyed the remains of that sleeve and glove. "The Gamer evolved the ability to copy Quirks during the sports festival. I got the Quirks of the past bearers, as well as a few others, as quest rewards from a quest related to the sports festival." I deactivated Skeletal, causing the bone armor to retract back into my skin, and fixed my costume with Mending.
"Well, practice with those new Quirks of yours for now." His demeanor lightened. "I'm gonna go get us some food!" He walked away.
"Um... Let's go inside first so I can drop the Illusion Barrier first?" I suggested. "I don't think I'm allowed to just drop us out of a pocket dimension in the middle of the street."
He looked at the carnage we'd made, then around at the lack of people on the street, and chuckled. "That sounds about right. No use scaring the civilians." We walked back inside. "Who are you, again?"
I broke the barrier. "Midoriya. Should I just practice with my Quirks and magic until you're back?"
"Sure. But who are you, though?"
I sighed. "Just go, please."
"Goodbye, Toshinori!" He said with a smile as he walked out the door.
"Goodbye," I said. The second the door closed I activated another Illusion Barrier, leaving my elementals on the other side so I would know when he came back. I'd recently gotten a new setting for Illusion Barrier, but I decided against using it quite yet and just made another skeleton barrier. "Practice with my Quirks. Got it." I activated One For All again, getting that electrical feeling again. It reminded me of using Lightning Aura, actually. Which made sense, given how close what I was doing was to Elemental Aura.
That gave me an idea, but first...
I jumped, putting all of my strength into it. I immediately regretted that, as using One For All's full power to jump seemed like it was slightly overkill seeing how high I flew. Luckily I had I Burn on, so I'd absorbed all the energy from how hard I hit the ceiling, an impact hard enough that I lost some HP from it even with my Physical Endurance and Damage Reduction. And then I absorbed the negligible amount of energy I got from punching through a cloud a moment later. Speaking of which, I looked at the building...s I just destroyed from the giant hole in the cloud I was above. It was so far away that even with Hawkeye I could just barely see the largest chunks. I didn't actually expect it to work, so I was pleasantly surprised when I felt them when I reached out with Singularity. "The range it has is ridiculous, if it can do that," I muttered. I yanked, pulling those chunks upwards. "It doesn't even feel like I'm straining it..." I did notice my regeneration dropping a few points as I pulled the chunks up to me, but it was amazing how much power I got out of Singularity.
I turned off Singularity as I dropped below the cloud headfirst, switching to grabbing the chunks that had just flown past me and into the clouds with Blackwhip. I made a barrier enchanted with Immovable Object above my feet and braced on it to stop the building chunks. I strained at their momentum for a second, then jumped with half the power I had used before once the pull from the chunks abated. As I hurtled downwards I looked around the town I was above. I saw a few important landmarks: a tower, a square with a fountain, an important-looking building that could've been town hall, and the train station I'd arrived at. I double-checked that I was still in the Illusion Barrier, because this would be really bad otherwise...
I raised the amount of One For All I was using and swung my hands, trying to hit the four targets with the building pieces I was carrying with Blackwhip. My aim was a little off, but considering the fact that I was throwing around giant chunks of rubble I was fine with the result. Plus, they had all ended up crushing some skeletons that had spawned. I'd read in an article of tips for heroes Yagi-sensei had shared in one of his classes that in general a hero should try to not throw stuff at people if they can avoid it because they can typically hit harder than whatever they can pick up and it lowers property damage in general, so while that was fun I wasn't planning on making a habit of throwing buildings at people.
I let myself fall after that. I'd lost some of my momentum when I'd thrown the buildings, but I was still coming in fast. I could probably just use Float to stop falling, but I decided to try to tank the landing instead. It'd be great for I Burn, for one. I switched in Skeletal, giving myself some extra armor over the areas that I'd be landing on, and used Earth Aura to provide some shock absorption. I landed in a textbook three-point landing in the middle of a throng of skeletons, triggering an OFA-overpowered Earth Burst as I did that basically caused a miniature earthquake.
"Ow," I said despite the fact that it only took off a small bit of health that I gained back almost immediately. "Deadpool was right, those are hard on the knees..." I got up, turning Skeletal off and Mending my shredded costume again. I was standing in the middle of a crater with giant cracks radiating from it. I noticed dust pouring into one of the cracks. "Hello," I said as the skeletal samurai spawned. "It's nice to see you again." I could've probably just flicked it to death with One For All, but I decided against that.
The skeleton charged and swung at me, but I blocked it with Skeletal armor. I trapped the sword as I glanced off my armor by forming spikes of bone around it, then switched in Magnetize without switching Skeletal, Copy, or I Burn out. I could feel that the efficiency dropped when I used Magnetize on the sword, but not as much as the last time I tried it. After Magnetizing the sword, I slapped the skeleton's armor, giving it a dose of Magnetize too, and pressed the sword to it. I snickered when the skeleton tried futilely to pry the sword off of its armor, even though Magnetize wasn't as strong as it could've been.
It glared at me, despite not having any eyebrows. I somehow got the message that it wanted me to take our fight seriously.
"Okay, sorry." I put the palm of my hand up to its chest. "I'll take this seriously now." I switched out Magnetize and Copy for Explosion. I had an idea I wanted to test, so I created a hole in the bone armor on my palm for Explosion to work. I gave my hand a bit more One For All than the rest of my body and triggered a blast. I was forced to take a step back from the recoil as an explosion like a shaped charge blasted a hole through the skeleton's armor. It was armor-piercing, sure, but just like when I tried chopping bits off of the other skeletal samurai it only shaved off some HP.
"I guess sometimes finesse just doesn't compare to brute force," I muttered. True, I could've taken it down with hits like that, but it would take way longer than just encasing it in ice with Half-Cold Half-Hot and throwing it into a building with Blackwhip, which I did. This time the skeleton didn't drop anything, which hopefully wasn't because I encased it in ice before killing it.
I got a message from my elementals that Gran Torino came back, so I went back to his house in about a second using Sonic Embodiment. I placed myself about where I thought the floor was before I turned it into a crater, then dropped my Illusion Barrier. Thankfully, dropping out of Illusion Barrier in a position where something was there in the real world didn't do damage to anything and just caused the two objects to move if possible until they weren't inside each other, so even though my aim was off and my feet were clipping through the floor I just shot up until I was standing.
"Ah!" Gran Torino, who was carrying some grocery bags, shouted when I appeared out of nowhere. "...Who are you, again?"
"Sorry for startling you, Torino-sensei," I said. "I decided to train in my Illusion Barrier, which was a good call because the first thing I did wrecked this building."
"That's nice, whoever you are." He yawned. "I'm tired. I think I'm gonna go to bed after I put these away."
"Oh, I thought you'd want to spar some more..." I said.
He handed me a bag full of packages of frozen taiyaki. "That's nice, kid. Wanna help me put away the groceries?"
"...Did you only buy taiyaki?" I asked. Observe told me the other grocery bags only had taiyaki in them, too... It was a good thing The Gamer meant I didn't need to eat, I guess...
"Don't be silly, Toshinori!" he said with a goofy grin, then produced a lollipop. "I got this for you, young man!"
I took the lollipop. "Thanks, I guess..." I put it in my mouth. It was green apple, not my favorite flavor but at the same time it wasn't my least favorite flavor. He probably picked it because of my hair... I checked the fridge when I put the taiyaki in the freezer. He had a wide variety of food, a lot of it healthy but also a lot of sweets, too. I guess he just really felt like getting taiyaki. I felt his gaze on me while I checked the fridge. Maybe he was testing me by showing fake signs that he was senile?
"Good night," I told him when we were done putting the taiyaki in the freezer. "I think I'll train a bit more before I turn in for the night. I'll try not to stay up too late, though." That was kind of a lie, but one could argue that because The Gamer made it so I didn't have to sleep I technically couldn't stay up to late...
"Good night, Toshinori," he said with a grin.
A/N: So yeah Midoriya already has experience enhancing his entire body at once with magical energies, so I figured we could skip the whole "I'm a taiyaki" bit and get straight to the Full Cowl with only some light scolding to jumpstart him.
Elemental list: Midoriya: Halitus, Dune, Rayne, Blaise, Juniper, Mifuyu, Raimon, Iggy, Sonia, and Claude Bakugou: Pyra and Leaf Tokoyami: Corvo Uraraka: Nebula and Ion Hagakure: Lucy Tsu: Bubbles Aizawa: Charlie and Cassiopeia All Might: Seth O'Scope
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magiciaa · 5 years
Welcome to Magicia chapter 8: A Losing Battle
((I’ve been having a bit of art block recently, but at least I’m finally on the chapter I’ve been waiting to write for a while))
“Alright, Lu, we’re going to have to figure out a disguise for you” Kat shuffled through her closet “since you don’t exactly look like a magical girl”
“Is this really necessary?” Lu asked
“Yup, ah, found it, try this on” Kat took a purple and black outfit from her closet and handing it to Lu before leaving the room
Lu looked at himself in the mirror, and he immediately hated it. Although, the outfit fit him almost perfectly, except for the sleeves on the jacket being slightly too long
“Thanks, I hate it.” Lu slammed open the door
“Looks great, now let’s go, the others are waiting for us” Kat transformed and grabbed Lu by the wrist and dragged him out the door “see you losers later, we’re going to go defeat the mafia”
“Just don’t die” Cleo didn’t look up from her book “that would be inconvenient to explain to your teachers”
“Have fun” Zapp shouted out the door
Ace sprinted out the door towards the park, with Lu and King following not far behind. When they arrived, there were so many magical girls walking around that it was hard to find her friends.
“Hey! Ace! Lu! Over here!” Fern yelled, startling several nearby magical girls
“Sup, dudes, you guys ready?” Ace asked
“Ready as we’re going to be” Nightmare got up and brushed some dirt off her dress “hope this plan works”
A short, orange and yellow magical girl with white cat ears stepped onstage and adjusted the microphone before speaking in the fakest customer service voice ever “Welcome to the MG348 audition, please line up at the stairs if you think you have what it takes to join us”
The magical girls all stopped chatting amongst themselves and lined up, Lu and Nightmare nervously joining them. The rest of the group sat in the audience a couple rows behind four magical girls, a wolf dressed all in black, some kind of elf dressed in blue with a large pink bow in her hair, a bug with white hair in a long green cloak, and a cat wearing a lot of pink and rainbows.
“We just wait for the audition to be over, and then we follow them back to the base” Doc whispered, sitting down on the bleachers with the rest of the group
“You, fish, state your name and power, and give an example of your performance” Bronze commanded
A blue fish magical girl stepped onstage and spoke extremely quietly into the microphone “Aquamarine, water manipulation”
One of MG348’s songs played on the speakers, and Aquamarine perfectly mimicked Bronze’s dance from the performances
“Impressive, Next!” Bronze shouted.
Aquamarine sat down in the audience next to Doc as the audition continued “There’s something suspicious about Bronze, I just have to figure out what it is” she whispered to herself
“I happen to know what’s up with her” Doc whispered “MG348 isn’t what it seems to be, do you want to join us in taking them down?”
Aquamarine nodded and scribbled something in a notepad. It read “I’m in. I’m not the biggest fan of talking, so I hope this is fine”
Doc nodded and gave Aquamarine a thumbs up “welcome to the Idiot Squad, name not final”
Lu was next in line, he was unreasonably nervous, considering that he didn’t even want to be there. King was floating around Lu’s shoulders, causing a couple magical girls to stare
“alright, bat, your turn” Bronze commanded
Lu stepped up to the microphone “Lu, shadow manipulation” and began to sing some anime song that Ace showed him a couple days back, which was the only thing he could think to do on the spot
“Unorthodox song choice, but not terrible. Next!” Bronze announced, as Nightmare stepped onstage and Lu joined the rest of the Idiot Squad in the audience.
Nightmare stood in front of the microphone “Nightmare Wonderland, sleep arrows and stopping time” and began to sing and dance to the cutesiest j-pop song that you would never expect someone like her knowing
Bronze stood there shocked for a second before continuing “unexpected, I like it. Next!”
Nightmare sat down with the rest of the idiot squad to watch the rest of the performances. The magical girl in the green cape kept turning around to look at the Idiot Squad in between watching the performances.
The sun was beginning to set, as the last magical girl completed her performance. Bronze stepped up to the microphone to announce who was going to join the idol group. She announced a long list of names, but towards the end of the list, announced that Lu, Aquamarine and Nightmare were selected to join the idol group.
“If you have been selected, please follow me” Bronze announced, summoning a glowing wand and holding it in the air while she walked off of the stage.
A crowd of magical girls excitedly followed behind Bronze, with Lu, Nightmare and Aquamarine near the back. The Idiot Squad followed stealthily behind, mostly by hiding in bushes and on top of trees and buildings, until Bronze stopped in front of the large abandoned school building across the street from the park, and on the same street as Ace’s house.
“You’re telling me that we could’ve just busted into the old school building” Ace whisper-shouted to Doc.
“Never mind that, look” Doc replied.
Bronze went inside the building, and the crowd of magical girls followed.
“Perfect” Doc whispered to herself and ran toward the door with the Idiot Squad not far behind.
Doc kicked down the doors, sending one flying and hitting Bronze in the face mid-sentence “Bronze” she pointed dramatically
“Kitten,” Bronze grinned madly “let’s show these newbies what we’re really about, kill them”
“Aye Aye, Nya~” the cat magical girl unsheathed her claws and charged towards the Idiot Squad
“NO!” Nightmare yelled, instantly appearing in front of Kitten “You’re not hurting Sprinkles”
“Mewve out of the way before I murder you too nya~” Kitten’s voice instantly changed “ugh, I can’t stand doing that neko girl voice, it just pisses me off to no end, now scram before I slice you into little pieces”
“I don’t care if you have to kill me, but just don’t hurt Sprinkles” Nightmare declared
Kitten thrust her paw forward, impaling Nightmare in the chest, and shattering the black gem on her bow. Nightmare went limp and fell to the ground, black blood spreading onto the floor
“You BITCH” Sprinkles cried, running to Nightmare’s side as her body dissolved into gray sparkles “Lynn… she’s dead… no… she can’t be…” Sprinkles grabbed the shards of Nightmare’s transformation device off of the ground
“So what, she got in my way, and you’re next” Kitten was inspecting her paw, stained black from Nightmare’s blood
“I’m not going down that easily” Sprinkles dried her tears and summoned her axe, dashing behind Sprinkles and snapping her neck with the handle, knocking her out “she’s not dead, I just bought us some time while she regenerates”
“GUARDS!” Bronze screamed.
The tall wolf magical girl in all black came to Bronze’s side “what do you need, boss”
“Treble Wolf, kill the spider and her troublesome friends” Bronze commanded
“As you wish” Treble bowed slightly and summoned a battle axe fashioned after an electric guitar before charging forward
Ace blocked the strike with her scythe, but Treble’s axe was too strong and snapped the scythe in half, dissolving it into red sparkles
Lu wandered to the elevator at the back of the room, and went to the basement. When he arrived, the atmosphere was far different than what was upstairs, the metal walls were rusted, and there were stains of magical girl blood splattered everywhere.
“Is someone there?” a timid voice rang out among the empty room “can you help me?”
“Who’s there” Lu answered “this place is seriously creepy”
“Go to the door on the left of the main room” the voice instructed
“Alright, what do you need help with- JESUS PE- FUCK” Lu phased through the door and got a sight of a ton of magical girl corpses, with a half corrupted ghost floating above them
“Welcome to the Rainbow Room, help me get out of here, and I’ll help you” the ghost said “I’m Reaper, by the way, even though we’ve met before, I never actually introduced myself”
“Lu” Lu replied “you can get these off?”
“yup” Reaper removed the power limiters off of Lu’s wrists “there you go, sorry about that, by the way, you scared me”
Lu grabbed Reaper’s hand and pulled her back through the wall “now watch this, King! Now!”
Lu changed into a giant monster, a Soul Beast known as The Prince, and went onto all fours. “get… on…” the Soul Beast struggled to speak
Reaper got on, and held on tightly as The Prince flew through the ceiling and landed in the main room.
Ace was clutching her right eye, which was bleeding profusely as Doc fought Treble Wolf
Doc was trying to dodge Treble’s attacks, although the tank of goo on her back was almost empty, she continued shooting. Doc narrowly avoided a swing from Treble’s axe, but when she tried to attack, her guns just clicked, she was out of ammo. She switched to her melee weapons, two Wolverine-like claws on each hand, originally designed as lightning rods, but makes a good emergency weapon if needed.
Treble Wolf swung downward with her axe, and Doc raised her left arm to block it with her claws, but she overextended her arm, and Treble’s axe went straight through. Neon green blood was spilling everywhere, and Treble Wolf was completely unfazed, so she couldn’t use Sora’s trick from the night before. Suddenly, Televii jumped in to restrain Treble wolf, with his arms wrapped several times around her neck and Sora pointing a gun at her
“You’re not hurting anyone anymore” Sora threatened “these are kids. they don’t deserve to be killed by the likes of you”
“I didn’t think I’d have to do this, but firefly, get rid of them” Bronze yelled to the green caped magical girl
“No.” the magical girl grabbed Bronze by the neck with giant thorny plant arms “I don’t think I will, and the name is Sock”
“Well you’re all so annoying, I might as well get you out of my hair forever!” Bronze cackled crazily and summoned her wand “ERASE!”
“RUN!” Doc shouted “QUICKLY!”
Sock threw Bronze aside, Televii headbutted Treble Wolf and knocked her out, and the Idiot Squad plus Sock ran for the door, slamming it behind them
“Wait- we forgot PJ!” Doc remembered what they were originally there for
The Prince busted through the wall, carrying Reaper and a red chef magical girl on his back
“Doc?” the red magical girl jumped off of The Prince and tackle-hugged Doc
“PJ!” Doc hugged PJ to the best of her ability
“My lab! Now!” Sora announced, pointing in the direction of her house
The Idiot Squad ran to Sora’s lab and immediately collapsed inside.
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putschki1969 · 5 years
VOICE Tour Tokyo ~ Quick live report Part 1
Hello everyone!
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I have landed savely in Japan and last night I had the pleasure of attending Wakana’s Tokyo live. The last two days have been crazy as hell so I haven’t posted anything, sorry about that. I haven’t slept in what feels like forever so I am not sure how much sense I will be making but I wanna write a little report before all my memories fade away. After the Fukuoka live I might write another more detailed report but for now I wanna share my initial thoughts on the Tokyo concert. This is part 1 since I need to get to bed asap. Part 2 will follow at some point tomorrow.
Without further ado, let’s get to it 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
I met up with two friends at the venue around 11 am. That’s super early considering the merchandise sale wasn’t scheduled to start until 16:00. No one was there except for us. And literally, no one did arrive until much later (maybe 15:00 or so...). Anyways, it happened to be our lucky day. Since we had arrived so early, we got to meet Wakana. Can you believe it? Yup, we met her!! Still completely in shock. It all happened so quickly and at first I didn’t even register it was her. Shame on me. My friends were also star-struck. It was quite the awkward moment actually.  We ran into her while she was taking some pictures of the venue. She had just finished and headed back inside when she walked past our little group. She greeted us and thanked us for coming. I don’t even know how to describe it but she was so freaking cute. I was dying, I didn’t know what to do. She was heading up the stairs - jumping like a little bunny actually - all the while waving at us. We waved back like our lives depended on it, Out of respect we kept our distance of course, we declared our undying love for her, wished her lots of luck and showed her our little “Wakana/若奈” sign which has been handed down from fan to fan all across the country. Wakana seemed quite excited when she saw it. Here’s a picture of a bunch of us later in the day.
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Now it has become my duty to bring it to Fukuoka. I am really nervous about that. Anyways, here’s Wa-chan being cute in her little striped dress. I am so freaking glad we decided to turn up early. Best decision ever. Didn’t win the backstage tour but this was still a special moment. So happy!
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Once it was time to buy the live goods, I decided to get the pamphlet, the tote bag, a t-shirt, the Kinmokusei towel, the thermos bottle, the keyholder and the shark-sake set. I also got a bunch of little presents and snacks from some of the Kala-fans I met. A fellow fan was kind enough to give me one of the clearfiles he got during the Toki Wo Koeru Yoru ni release event. So happy about that. I will be buying the single and album at the upcoming Fukuoka live to get those freaking posters. I need those posters in my life XD
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Now let’s get to the live. Some general thoughts before I focus on each song (which will follow in part 2). I had a seat in the middle of the second row (!!) so Wakana was pretty much right in front of me. Waaaahhh! So lucky! These days I feel like they are giving out really good tickets to fan club members. That was never the case back in the Kalafina days. The venue was mostly filled up except for the top floor. I have mentioned it before but I will say it again, there were a ton of cameras and Wakana cofirmed during the live that we would get a release soon. So everyone, celebrate!! Our first Wakana home video release! BANZAI!! And what a great release it will be. Overall it was an amazing concert, a must-watch for every Wakana fan. Not a lot of action, for the most part Wakana was swaying gently on stage, once in a while she would walk from side to side and flap her skirt. There was a bit of action during Hard Rain, Kaze ni Naritai and Kimi Dake no Stage. The only time fans stood up was during Musunde Hiraku and even then a majority (myself included) remained seated. Just like her album, the concert was quite understated which is not a bad thing in my opinion but many of you might not like that.
Wakana did great, she was in good shape as far as I could tell, she didn’t struggle on the high notes (in fact, she sounded PERFECT during some of these high notes), she didn’t seem out of breath and she only started sweating a bit towards the end. Her microphone settings were a little off though, her voice was VERY loud at times. I guess it had to be that way because the band was super loud too. During certain songs it was more obvious than during others. The beginning of the concert (Yakusoku no Yoake) was particularly loud - bordering on too loud if you ask me but it got a lot better as the live continued. Bear in mind though that I was suffering from a lack of sleep at that point so I might have been a little too sensitive. At any rate, loudness is nothing that can’t be fixed with a bit of studio magic.
Since there were so many cameras Wakana was super nervous. I wanted to go up on stage and hug her. She struggled quite a bit during the MCs, there were some awkward pauses where she didn’t know what to say but hey, no one minded. Everyone was just like, “awwww, so cute!!” I wonder if they will keep all the MCs on the DVD/BD...? I hope they will, they made the live so much more intimate and real.
As for outfits, Wakana was wearing three different dresses. All of them screamed ”WAKANA” to me, undoubtedly they were chosen by her, they all looked like she would wear them on her off-days as well. Long, loose, crazy designs. Most people will probably dislike them because they were a little out there and not exactly flattering but hey, to each their own. Personally, I loved all three of them and I know Wakana feels comfy in dresses like that so that makes me super happy.
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The first one was salmon coloured/orange-y, it had a very loose cut and looked extra-comfy. It stopped around her ankles and she was wearing flat roman-style sandals. I think it’s the first time we are seeing her wear flats on stage. I am happy Wakana focuses more on comfort these days. As a result, her presence on stage feels different too. I don’t know how to explain it but her presence feels more “natural” I guess. The skirt had a fancy design with many colourful layers and whenever she walked around on stage she would flap that skirt like nobody’s business. It looked really pretty and colourful. At its base it was a shiny yellow and then it had all these different colours layered on top of it. The second dress had a very flattering cut compared to the first one and it showed off her collarbones (which is always nice). Some people might be thrown off by the many different patterns but I think it looked quite cool XD. The last dress is the one from her album cover-shoot. Super lovely. The sleeves were slightly altered though. The dress doesn’t have long sleeves anymore. She wore some hair-accessories that looked a lot like the ones from Kalafina’s 10th Anniversary Live encore, the vibe was similar, I think they might have actually re-used those accessories. Anyways, she looked like an angel (which was quite fitting for Hikari Furu I think).
Setlist (Hanamizuki and oblivious were not part of the original setlist) My personal highlights were: Hard Rain, Kioku no Hito, Kaze ni Naritai, Hotaru, Jidai, Mizu no Akashi, Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni, Kinmokusei, Hikari Furu, Ai no Hana, Ato Hitotsu. Yakusoku no Yoake was a little too loud for my taste but in general the performance was amazing and I guess it belongs in my little fave-line-up. The song was changed slightly for the live performance so that made it even better.
01.約束の夜明け | Yakusoku no Yoake 02.流れ星 | Nagareboshi MC 03.瑠璃色の空 | Ruriiro no Sora 04.Hard Rain MC 05.記憶の人 | Kioku no Hito 06.時の音 | Toki no Ne MC 07.風になりたい | Kaze ni Naritai ❇Cover (original by THE BOOM) 08.ホタル | Hotaru ❇Cover (original by Spitz) MC 09.時代 | Jidai ❇Cover (orignal by Miyuki Nakajima) 10.水の証 | Mizu no Akashi ~ Mizu no Akashi inst (dress change) 11.翼 | Tsubasa 12.君だけのステージ | Kimi Dake no Stage MC(band introduction) 13.むすんでひらく | Musunde Hiraku MC (Satoshi Takebe joins Wakana on stage) 14. ハナミズキ | Hanamizuki ❇Cover (original by Yō Hitoto) 15. oblivious MC 16.僕の心の時計 | Boku no Kokoro no Tokei 17.時を越える夜に | Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni MC 18.金木犀 | Kinmokusei
~EN ~ 19.ひかりふる | Hikari Furu MC 20.愛の花 | Ai no Hana MC 21.あとひとつ | Ato Hitotsu
Part 2 will follow soon.
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Turn me to Gold
Summary: Kairi had never liked yellow... and when her time training and in the Keyblade War is surrounded by that color, she thinks that maybe that somehow had something to do with her failures there. But her failures don't have to stay that way, right? Maybe she can finally succeed in finding Sora! Friendships. Kairi-centric. Character story. During Kingdom Hearts III. Leading into KHIV.
Kairi had watched this show once, where a student—in his first wrestling match—had essentially won a tournament by accident... And the person he'd won against had then demanded he go up against him again. And when the winner hadn't accepted the rematch, the loser kept getting up in his face and calling him "yellow": "yellow, yellow, yellow", to be exact. And for the life of her... ever since she'd come to train with Merlin, Kairi couldn't get the memory of this show out of her head.
She was just so concerned that she was going to completely fail in the Keyblade War, and her loved ones would only remember how far she’d fallen when all was said and done. And that was why—as beautiful as this green space Merlin had provided them to train in was—Kairi couldn't help but to blanch, when she saw dandelions all around her and even stepped on a few of them by accident. Gods, did she hope she didn't somehow just suck their yellowness into herself by doing so... And Lea (who Kairi still wasn’t sure how she felt about yet) must have noticed her discomfort when she did this:
Because cocking his head to the side and looking at her rather uncertainly, he asked: "Are you okay, Kairi?" And Kairi was quick to nod and try and reassure her companion that she was. ...But she had her own doubts on the subject. And maybe it was because of that—and not so much being affected by yellow—that Kairi felt that she couldn’t get her body to move the way she wanted it to during training that day.
... The next time Kairi had thoughts about yellow—though this didn't come until much later, because she'd been doing good to banish it from her mind—was when she surprisingly ran into Sora one night at the Mysterious Tower. Kairi was getting ahead of herself, she knew… but she'd come to ask Master Yen Sid if she could take the Mark of Mastery in the near future: perhaps it would give her something to strive for even moreso, and then she could excel at training that way.
And if Sora and Riku had taken it, after having all their skills stripped and having to learn them again in the Dream Worlds, maybe it wasn't too out of the question that the Wizard might want to do the same for her.
Kairi thought to herself that since Merlin’s plans didn’t seem to be working for her, perhaps Master Yen Sid would want to try this sooner rather than later? It was when Kairi was having these ideas, and trying to make her way to the former Keyblade Master's study, that she literally ran into Sora... Who was shockingly rummaging through the Sorcerer’s pantry for cookies? …Once the two friends calmed down from being "attacked by someone" at ten 'o clock in the evening, and then got over how dumbfounded they were to be seeing each other before their meeting in the Keyblade Graveyard (something neither had thought would happen), Sora was quick to explain his side of the story. "Sorry, Kairi. We ran out of food in the gummi ship, if ya can believe it. So, I thought I'd borrow some food from Master Yen Sid here, for Donald, Goofy, and myself. But I didn't know it was so late here! Hehe." Sora said the last bit, as he scratched his head nervously and grinned at her.
And to that, Kairi could only laugh—enamored with Sora as she always was—as she assured him: “It’s fine, Sora. If anyone should apologize, it's me. I actually had some idea of the time... and I was still coming to ask the Great Wizard about me taking the Mark of Mastery exam." And it was when Kairi said that, that she became aware of what sort of cookies Sora was holding in his hands and could only gawk at them.
They were mostly harmless, really—though Kairi had always thought that the frosting on these sugar cookies had almost seemed cemented on—but she couldn't get over the ghastly color of them. ...It wasn't even that she disliked them in particular—she admired these treats greatly… And it was perhaps in having had too many of them before her adventure last year, that she'd been unable to fit through the bars of her prison… Before Kairi’s mini freak-out, Sora had started to ask Kairi something about the Mark of Mastery--she'd heard him begin to utter the words—but he seemed to quickly change his mind when he saw the look she was now giving the dessert. "You never were big on yellow," Sora muttered to himself—now hiding the sugary items behind his back, which Kairi was thankful for. "…Which is maybe a bit weird, since you're a princess of light. But who am I to judge?" Kairi—not wanting to hint at just how much she'd perhaps lost her mind, or to keep Sora from his duties any longer—gave the boy a quick hug, and told him if there was any reason she disliked yellow... it was because they marked the stars she'd always have to lose him and Riku behind... But she'd selflessly do so, anyway. And the two of them bid each other the sad farewell they’d known they’d have to for the time being, but did so with grace.
… Sora was busy talking to Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Ventus, Aqua, and Lea in the back of the gummi ship, so that was why he wasn't piloting it for once. At first, they thought they could just ask Donald to do it… but apparently there was a reason Sora had taken over flying from him. So Riku manning the helm, it was. And Kairi had come to see him, so he wouldn't get lonely. "Question, Riku." the redhead said, as she leaned her arm over his shoulder and peered into her dear friend's face. "…Does the gummi ship look yellow to you?" Riku shrugged, before he turned his attention to manning the controls again. "Ish? But it looks more cream or white to me. Why do you ask, Kairi? …Aside from the fact that you've never liked yellow." The princess thought strongly of saying nothing... she didn't want to decrease morale, after all, or jinx anything… or put bad thoughts into anyone's head. But... "It's just-" she began before she could stop herself, fiddling with her necklace as she did so... "I didn't have as much luck with my training as I would have hoped. And, yeah: paranoid and superstitious or not... I think it has something to do with yellow. That color... doesn't like me, ever since that man with those eyes kidnapped me as a child. And bad things seem to happen whenever I run into it." Except for with people like Naminé, she of course wanted to add. But herhair was more white, anyway. But before Kairi could voice that, Riku was already appraising her. "...Kairi, is this partly because you suddenly thought your charm wouldn't be enough to protect all of us... So, you decided to move up to a paopu for Sora and yourself, but now feel uncertain about that?"
The truth? Kairi hadn’t consciously thought of that. But now that Riku had put it into her head, she couldn’t deny that it was a possibility she did feel this way.
At the moment, she was just about to give Riku the lucky charm that Sora had recently returned to her… but Riku stopped her, with his fingers over her own.
“Kairi… I think you know better than anyone—my now girly-girl friend—why too much thought shouldn’t be put into colors being cursed, or whatever. Surely Kingdom Hearts and the worlds gave them to us for a reason’.”
And she couldn’t argue with that, Kairi acknowledged inwardly with a smile.
So, telling herself to just entertain the bored Riku, like she’d meant to do since coming over here, Kairi couldn’t help asking proudly: “So… what is this I hear about you wanting to save my Other, too?”
In the end, things at the Keyblade War did not go well for Kairi… and she knew that that was putting it mildly.
Sora was now dead… because she’d been unable to defend herself, been murdered--and he had paid the ultimate price to bring her back.
And while it was so very foolish to be thinking about this now—because maybe her distracted thoughts during the Keyblade War were what had led to her doing so badly—she couldn’t help thinking it had been yellow’s fault.
And she found herself telling Donald and Goofy that now, as they quietly came to sit beside her—one on either side—on the dock.
“You know… I never understood why Sora didn’t wear bright colors himself,” Kairi explained—making sure to look at the court magician and captain of the royal guard in equal turn, even though she didn’t feel quite up to it at the moment. “…After his first journey, I mean. Sora shone brighter than anyone else did, so why…?! I didn’t get it. “But now I wonder if it’s because he subconsciously knew what had happened with Roxas, even then, and that… that guilt reacted to the Three Good Fairies striking him with their magic, and turned his outfit black. Because how could someone who stole the existence of another for themselves wear white… or something close to it, like yellow?”
“Kairi!” Donald quacked somewhat angrily, Kairi could tell. Perhaps thinking, in her grief, that she was now blaming Sora.
And Goofy frowned, as if thinking the same exact thing.
But Kairi swiftly let them know that that wasn’t the case:
“Don’t misunderstand. I don’t blame Sora for the Roxas situation, or anything like it… It just happened without him knowing it… He had no control over it, it’s true, but when he learned of it… he made certain to set it right.
“And maybe… maybe I’ll be the same way, if you’ll help me: I’ll take a page out of Sora’s book—and wear black myself: the way I should have after what I did to Naminé—but I’m going to look for him the way he always looked for me… and all will be right again.”
Kairi could tell that Donald and Goofy wanted to argue her belief of colors, the way that everyone else had.
But she was glad that they both—so in-tune with each other—breathed a sigh at the same time, and seemed to think better of it.
And both the dog and duck took one of her hands into their own Keyblade-wielding ones.
The new trio—for the time being—watched the gummi ship that the King had gone to get for them coming their way.
And it was when they could hear the sounds of the engines, that Goofy chose to speak: “The color yellow isn’t all bad, Kairi: Why, isn’t that the shade of the pendant Master Aqua enchanted for you, that first brought you to Sora? Push all the other versions of it away now, if ya must… But focus on that and your bond, and you’re sure to find him!”
And as those words reached her, Kairi realized she’d heard something like them before: when she’d been in Sora’s heart.
That special boy had been fretting that he would never find her or the King… and pondering how Donald and Goofy remained so cheerful and didn’t worry.
But then Goofy had promised Sora that they would find what they were looking for, if they just believed in themselves: Something they’d just learned about in Neverland before that, even.
And hearing this was exactly the kind of medicine Kairi needed for her wound.
So Kairi let Goofy and them know this—as they were teleported into the gummi ship together: now headed somewhere with a dark castle.
Kairi’s words sounded warmer—like a just-baked pie—than they had in a long time, and perhaps that was the answer to everything.
“Thank you… Donald… Goofy.”
Together, they looked towards the horizon.
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neni-has-ascended · 7 years
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More concepts for my Kingdom Hearts Fanfic, “Gemini”
So, remember those concepts of younger versions of Aqua, Terra and an actual casual outfit for Vanitas which I uploaded a while ago, explaining that it’s meant to represent how the characters appear in my fanfic, Gemini?
Well, the fanfic has progressed, and I’m now squarely within the time-frame of when BbS is supposed to take place in canon, so I felt an update was in order.
For those not in the know yet, Gemini is an Alternate Timeline story (my favorite kind of Fanfic to write), in which Vanitas betrays Xehanort straight after being created by him, which results in him being captured and restrained with magic by Eraqus immediately after. The entire story is about Vanitas, forced to pretend to be human, living alongside the BbS trio, and how the events of the game play out differently as a result of that. It’s heavily based on the expanded characterization of Vanitas presented in franchise scenario writer Tomoko Kanemaki’s novels. 
So, after having a few months to mull over the initial Human!Vanitas design I did, I decided to tweak it a little, also adding the shoulder pad for the Keyblade armor (because by the current chapter in the fic, he does have one) and generally basing the design more on KH2 Sora (the first design was based on KH1 Sora, to reflect he’s younger, same as Aqua and Terra in that older post). I also actually decided to draw Void Gear this time around (last time I just kinda bullshitted it...), removing the “Eyes of the Master” from it, since by eliminating his connection to Xehanort, I’ve made it unlikely that his Keyblade would have those on them in my Timeline. 
He also gets a Wayfinder, and if you wonder how that’d ever happen, well, read the fic. :-3c I know most people give Vanitas a pure-red Wayfinder when they draw or make one, but I thought that looked too similar to Terra’s Wayfinder (which I somehow always perceive as red-orange, as opposed to yellow-orange, for some reason...), so I made it predominantly purple instead.
Due to shenanigans in the story, Aqua also has a slightly different hair style than in canon, but aside from that, everyone else looks pretty much the same as their canonical selves, hence why I only colored Vanitas and Aqua. Sure, I could technically just have drawn these two and stopped then, but it didn’t feel right. I felt I at least had to *try* and make it a group shot, more or less.
BTW, I am now officially sick of drawing armor-pieces, I never want to draw one ever again until next month. 
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digiandromeda · 7 years
Yuri’s Hanakotoba: Drabble 2 - Yuri’s Violet
(A/N: I’ve been working on a few Drabbles about post-canon Yuri and decided to post one! The first drabble is almost done but i finished this one first so... tah-dah?”)
“Yuri?… is that you?”
Yuri turned around and looked at Asuka. She was wearing the standard Obelisk blue female uniform and her blond hair was being ruffled in the light ocean breeze. Her hazel stared at Yuri in shock, as did the light green eyes of Sora and the dark gray eyes of Edo, who stood on either side of her.
“Of course it is me.” Yuri raised one of his short but thick pink eyebrows and put his arms akimbo. He leaned forward a little and smirked one of his mischievous smiles. “Do I look like someone else?”
“No, you don’t!” Asuka exclaimed.
“But you should!” Edo added.
“You’re just screwing around with us, aren't you?” Sora crossed his arms and gave the pink and violet haired boy a flat look.
“Eh?” Came the unison confusion from the two older teens.
“You’re using the Vision Bracelet, right?” Sora stated more then asked.
“Correct~!” Yuri sang as he smiled and clapped his hands. “As expected of the mighty Shiun’in~!”
“Don’t patronize me.” the shorter teen grumbled. “You know full well Yuya told me about it.”
“Of course I know.” Yuri’s smile dropped for a moment before he smiled again and looked at Edo and Asuka. “But they did not and I could not resist seeing the looks on their faces.”
“You’re hor-” Sora stopped himself, then tried again. “You’re a troll, you know that? An absolute troll.”
“Yep!” Yuri cheerfully agreed.
“Wait!” Edo stepped forward. “What in the world is going?’ he asked a bit exhausted.
“What is going on is this.” Yuri said as he lifted up his right arm and pointed to a thin but wide red bracelet that had ‘Joeri’ written in glowing pink-purple letters. “This is a Real Slide Vision Bracelet or Vision Bracelet for short. The Professor made it for us and the girls.” he tapped his name and a small blue screen popped up with a list of names and words. Edo could see in big bold letters the names, ‘Ute’, ‘Hugo’, and ‘Joeri’, as well as the English word ‘Off’. There were some smaller words he couldn’t make out at the bottom but he could see Yuri’s name was glowing.
Yuri tapped the ‘Off’ command and a small golden glow covered his body before breaking up into small particles and instead of Yuri standing there, it was Yuya; Yuya’s green and red hair, his orange shirt and new green pants, and for once his was wearing his school jacket properly.
“Wait...” Asuka covered her mouth in excitement. “Are you saying that the Yuri we just saw was..?” she began.
“Yes.” Yuri’s pink eyes stared at them from Yuya’s body as he confirmed her suspicions. “What you saw was Solid Vision. The Professor designed these bracelets so that Yugo, Yuto, and I could look like ourselves when we are in control.” Yuri tapped the (now blank) bracelet and flicked the name ‘Hugo’. Golden partials of light appeared around Yuya’s body before quickly cleaning to him, covering his body in golden light for a few seconds. The light quickly faded to reveal the Blue and yellow haired Yugo, wearing a loosed green shirt and gray baggy shorts. The only thing that didn’t change was Yuri’s pink eyes, Yuya’s belt, roller boots, and pendent.
“That’s amazing!” Asuka clapped her hands together. “You all must be so exited!”
“Indeed, they are.” Yuri gave an exasperated sideways gaze to someone only he could see before sighing. “Yugo wants me to show you something...” he drowned. He tapped the glowing blue ‘Hugo’ on the bracelet and then one of the smaller words at the bottom of the menu. The screen switched to one filled with small images of various different outfits. Yuri fiddled with the screen a bit before returning to the main menu and selecting his name.
The glowing lights quickly appeared and disappeared, revealing Yuri’s body again but this time instead of the simple t-shirt and jeans he had been wearing before, he now wore a long sleeved button up purple dress shirt with light blue dress pants. Once again, Yuya’s belt, roller boots, and pendent remained unchanged.
“He pre-programed different outfits into it!” Asuka exclaimed her eyes sparkling. “Yuzu and the girls must love that!”
“They do...” Yuri frowned. “As do my other selves… They spent almost an entire day going through all the options...” his face only got more grumpy and comical as he hunched his shoulders a little. “No, Yugo, I don’t care...”
“That’s amazing and everything but that’s...” Edo hesitated. “That’s not why you called us here is it?”
Suddenly the grumpy look on Yuri’s face disappeared and a look of uncertainty flashed across it, only to be quickly replaced by one of nervous conviction.
“No… It is not...” Yuri licked his lips nervously before balling his hands into fits and taking a deep breath. He placed his arms to his sides, his hands trembling, and bowed deeply towards the other three. “I… I apologize for all I have done… I know what I have done is unforgivable and I do not expect you to forgive me but… please believe me when I say I am sorry...”
“Huh?” an almost silent sound of confusion escaped the trio as their brains tried to process what just happened. A moment of silence stretched on for a bit before their brains finally registered what just happened.
“Wait… WHAT?!” three simultaneous exclamations of extreme disbelief and confusion escaped the Fusion duelists.
“Yuri’s apologizing?!” Sora took a step back in wide eyed shock. “The… the world isn’t ending, is it?!”
“Yuri, are you okay!?” Asuka, eyes also bulging in shock, gripped the boys shoulder and stood him up, shacking him a little. “You’re not sick are?! Do you guys have a fever?!”
“I’m must be dreaming…” Edo pinched his cheek. “Ouch! Not dream… which means this is reality… Yuri is...” Edo’s brain promptly shut down and Yuri could practically see the words ‘DOSE NOT COMPUTE’ flashing in the former commanders wide eyes.
Yuri felt a vain throbbing in anger on his forehead. He threw his hands up, knocking Asuka’s hands off of him and leveled them with an exasperated glare.
“How rude! Here I am, for the first time in my life, trying to be sincere and you all just! Just!  ARG!” he puffed out his cheeks in a pout, crossed his arms, and turned on his heels, giving his back to Yuya’s Fusion friends.
“Ah, sorry Yuri.” Asuka gently placed her hand on Yuri’s shoulder turning him to face them. “Of all the things we were expecting, it wasn’t an apology...”
“Yeah,” Sora scratched his head in mild confusion, “I never thought I’d see the powerful and unbeatable Yuri bow his head.” Edo nodded in agreement.
“I can’t believe you came all the way to Academia to apologize...” Edo placed one hand on his hip and gestured with his other.
“It was not just to apologize...” Yuri averted his gaze. “It...” He hesitated, then moved Asuka’s hand off his shoulder.
“It?” Asuka repeated in an urging fashion but Yuri remained quiet. “Yuri?”
“I know that, Yuya.” Yuri mumbled to his unseen counterpart. “I know that...” He bit his lip as he seemed to listen to something. “Right… you make it sound so simple...”
“What did Yuya say?” Edo asked, giving Yuri an opportunity to continue the conversation.
“He said… I should explain first...” Yuri looked completely uncomfortable, like he would rather be anywhere else but in front of them.
“Explain what?” Sora asked.
“...Myself.” He looked at them, uncertain and hesitant. “The truth is… I… actually do not think… friendship is as… repugnant as I made it out to be...”
Asuka and Sora looked shocked for a moment then quickly shared a glance with each other.
“Are you telling us the truth?” Sora asked cautiously. “You’re not trying to trick us again, are you?”
Yuri gave him a small but amused smile.
“Do you really think the other three would let me?”
“No, of course not but… we want to hear you confirm it for us...” Asuka replied.
Yuri sighed and placed his hands akimbo again but this time his body had a tired slouch to it.
“I am telling you the truth.” he bit his lip again. “I promise you everything I say is the truth… if I tell a lie Yuya will immediately retake control.” Yuri’s right hand gave a thumbs up before returning to his hip as he spoke the last part. “… Like that...”
The other three all exchanged looks before Sora and Edo gave Asuka a nod.
“Alright, then.” she looked Yuri in the eye. “We’ll listen. Please continue.”
“I told you about my past before, correct?” Yuri began. Asuka and Sora nodded but Edo shook his head. “Well,” Yuri took a deep breath as he continued, “I guess I should start over from the beginning again then. Yuya, was the first person to ever beat me… so, as a child everyone was afraid of me… no one liked dueling me… no one wanted to be my friend. Then, the Professor gave me a job… I wanted to please him, to make him proud. I wanted him to praise me and he did… but...” he trailed off.
“But?” Asuka urged. Yuri broke eye contact again and looked at the sky, making it difficult for the other three to see his face.
“But… he did not mean it. Eventually, I realized that his praises were empty… that he did not like me ether… the man I looked up to… did not…” he trailed off for a moment before taking a deep breath and returned his gaze to Asuka. “He hated me and no matter what I did, I would never earn his love or genuine praise… so… I gave up. I gave up on friendships and bonding with others. I had my duel monsters and that was enough...”
“Yuri...” Asuka breathed.
“Please do not pity me...” Yuri whispered.
“We’re not.” Sora replied. “We sympathize. Sympathy and pity are two very different things.”
“Please continue.” Edo said calmly. Yuri nodded and thought for a moment, trying to figure out how to word what he wanted to say.
“Since the Professor kept Serena as far away from me as he could, there was nothing to stop Zarc from waking and influencing me… and I believe when I gave up is when his influence began.” Yuri placed his hands behind his back and looked at his feet. “It was small. It was always small, like a misty whisper that was always in my ear. It was a whisper I never realized was there until it was gone...”
“Until Zarc’s evil was purified from you.” Sora added.
“Indeed...” Yuri acknowledged him but didn’t look up. “But it was small… until the Professor sent me to captor Ruri… once I began to travel between the dimensions and meet, and duel, my other selfs… his influence grew. With every duel, with every synchronization, it grew and grew until…” he hesitated again, unsure how to explain things.
Asuka, Sora, and Edo waited patiently for Yuri to continue. The formerly undefeated duelist was silent for a moment before he continued.
“Unlike the others, I never realized something was wrong… I knew something strange was going on but… by the time we had our duel… I was more Zarc then Yuri...” Yuri gripped his hands tightly and let his eyes wonder to Asuka.
“So, at the end there, that whole thing about carding everyone was Zarc?” Asuka asked, hopefully.
“...” Yuri averted his eyes, his normal confidence and mischief nowhere to be seen. “I… do not know...”
“...What do you mean?” hesitantly Sora asked.
“I am a part of Zarc… I am Zarc.” Yuri looked at them, his eyes tired and looking for older then what he was. “Zarc’s wants and desires are ingrained into my very soul… what he wants, I want… even if I do not want it… I still want it...”
“...like your final duel with Yuya?” Edo offered.
“Yes.” Yuri looked down again. “Even though Yuya knew it was wrong, even though he know what would happen if he gave up, even though he did not want to become Zarc… even though he tried his hardest to resist… in actuality, the very desire to become one, to become whole was something that always existed inside of him and it was something he wanted and craved for more than anything else in the world…
It was the same for all of us...That is why… If Zarc could not become whole and deliver his ‘audience’ what they wanted as himself, then he would do it as me...” Yuri shuffled his right foot a bit as he went silent.
“Yuri...” Asuka said softly. “I don’t know what to say...”
“...” Yuri didn’t look up, instead he looked at the ocean. “That is all I wanted to explain...”
“If that’s what you wanted to explain,” Edo began.
“Then what’s your second reason for visiting us?” Sora finished.
“The... second reason was...” Yuri began but stopped, eyes quickly sifting between Asuka and the ocean.  “It...w-was..” He began to stutter, as if the words were dying in his throat. His hidden hands trembled and a small blush formed across his cheeks and ears. “w-was tooo... ssssee if y-your... offer... for f-f-f-frienndssship... was s-still... open....”
For the second time that day, the three Fusion duelists stared at the boy in utter disbelief and shock, their eyes comically wide.
“Sora...I think we’re dreaming...” Asuka whispered.
“Me too…” Sora whispered back and they both reached over to the others arm and pinched it.
“That hurt.” they said in unison.
“...” Yuri’s lips trembled, unspoken words held back as silence stretched on. Yuri averted his gaze and began to wring his fingers. After what felt like an eternity, he closed his eyes expecting the worse.
“Yuri.” Asuka’s gentle voice pierced his unease and caused him to look at her.
Her hand was stretched towards him, waiting for him to return her handshake, her offer of friendship. Her face was lit with happiness as she smiled at Yuri.
Yuri stared at her hand in bafflement and disbelief. His eyes shifted to the side for a moment as if listening to someone, then, slowly, he reached his hand out towards hers. His hand trembled and twitched and hovered just in reach of hers as he hesitated for a moment.
Taking a shaky breath he held her hand.
“Thank you, Tenjōin-san...” Yuri’s voice was uncharacteristically small and quiet but relief could be heard in it.
“No,” Asuka shook her head and tightened her grip as she placed her other hand on his, “Since we’re friends you have to call me that.” She smiled innocently.
“Th-that?” Yuri questioned.
“You know, Thaaaat~!” she sang as poor Yuri looked incredibly confused for a moment. Then he realized what she wanted and his entire body blushed bright red and Sora could practically see steam coming from his head.
“Ahhhh...” Yuri attempted, the tried again when his voice died. “A-Aaaas-ssssuk-kaaaa...” Yuri paused for a moment, then quickly added, “San.” at the end.
“Pfft! Hahaha!” Asuka tried to hold back a laugh. “It’s a start!”
“Yeah.” Sora agreed as he pulled out a round pink lollipop from his breast pocket. “Baby steps, Asuka. Don’t overload his systems from the beginning.” Sora popped the lollipop into his mouth, then reached over and placed his hand on Yuri’s and Asuka’s.
“To late,” Edo smiled. “I think he’s over heating already.” He also placed his hand over the others, and together all three shook Yuri’s hand as the boys eyes spun.
“What now?” Yuri asked, unsure of what friends actually did together.
“Now?” Sora asked with a wide grin.
“Now,” Edo started with a smile.
“We,” Asuka continued as she beamed.
“DUEL~!” They exclaimed happily in unison and proceeded to drag Yuri away, to take him somewhere with more room, so they could duel, play, have fun, and goof off.
And for the first time in his life, Yuri smiled a pure, true, and happy, smile.
- - -
The Professor turned off the screen and covered his eyes with his hand. A frown carved itself onto his face and a single tear fell from his eye.
“I’m sorry, Yuri… I am so sorry...”
(A/N: one quick note i want to make is, in Japanese, Yuri has an extremely polite way of talking and i tried to carry it over into English, so if his way of talking seems weird... that’s why.
also, if you’re wondering why Yuri calling her by her first name is a big deal, it’s because it’s proof that they are now close friends. more specifically, it has to do with the way Honorifics work.)
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artzystarlight · 7 years
Bright Sky: Book 1: The Brightest Sky: Chapter 2
My newest book series! ^w^ ~Bright Sky is a book series of a team of eight students powered with magic in the magical world of Magicalia in Magicalia Capital Academy. The newest member and the one who started this all is Clarice Mizu, a typical teenage girl with more behind her than she knows of. She has transferred schools, meeting her team of friends. After meeting Sora Wayde, Blossom Cath, Jack Blizzard, Cole MacKenzy, Drake Energie, Mae Aria and Amber Blaze, her life takes a turn for both the best and the worse as they all go on multiple adventures with each other, which will soon turn into serious situations that revolve around each person, especially Clarice.~ I am extremely proud of this book series, and more is to come! ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Chapter 2: Meet The Teams
“Well I’m guessing the two of you met already…” A girl with dark raven purple hair in a ponytail commented as she fixed her black circular glasses. Clarice had to take note on who everyone was, so she looked at each person’s outfit. The girl had a violet colored mini cardigan with a lavender colored shirt underneath. She also wore forest green cotton and polyester shorts and pale orchid colored flats.
“You were the girl who SLAPPED me when I helped you!” The boy stared down at Clarice, Clarice being a few inches shorter than he was.
“And YOU were the boy who CRASHED into me playing basketball and who didn’t even respond when I said thank you! I know you heard me damnit!” Clarice stared up at him, not giving a damn if she was shorter.
“Hey, are you new?” A girl with messy and ruffled bangs of her short copper hair covering her forehead questioned as her jade eyes stared at Clarice. She wore a red flannel shirt that had one short sleeve and the other part of the other shoulder was sleeveless. Underneath the flannel, she had a neon red undershirt along with lavender jogging shorts and pale blue sneakers with fat white laces.
“Yeah, I am.”
The laugh came from a tall guy with navy blue hair in a ponytail and onyx eyes. He wore a stone gray polo shirt, long snowy white slacks and formal black shoes.
“The first day of school and already you are crashing into a new student. Geez you really are a dumbass, huh Sora?”
The boy with red hair turned toward the taller guy when he heard the sound of his name. As he realized who it was, he became enraged.
“Goddamnit! I forgot I’m going to be in a team with the school heartthrob version of Elsa…except way more lame than Elsa.”
Later on, both their faces got up near each other and they stared at each other, obviously disliking each other’s presence.
“Oh shut up you little shit! You know you have to shut your damn mouth before everyone catches your stupidity!”
“Of course I talk stupid like this, you little red haired bastard. How else would you understand what I say?!”
Everyone turned to a boy who was shorter than all of them on the team. He had dark skin, tree bark colored hair and moon colored eyes. He wore a tangerine colored sleeveless shirt with a turtleneck-like collar. He had pale khaki shorts and white shoes that looked like a silver mixed shade of white instead of how the color white normally looks. One unique thing about him was he had fingerless gloves that were the same color of his shirt.
“Cole’s right. Guys can we please not fight? We just got together as a team and we are already arguing…” A quiet and gentle yet crystal clear voice came from the shortest girl of the team. She had tan skin, sunny blonde hair that was wavy yet separated into thick strands and sea foam green eyes. She wore a ruffled magenta long sleeve shirt and had a medium length cream colored skirt with pale pink ballet flats. She wore a silver pendant necklace and a light and pale blue headband with white polka dots.
“Well you guys probably hang out together already. The only one who actually just got together with you guys is me since you all know each other so well. I’m new so…” Clarice explained in her normal voice, but was actually extremely nervous. She was always shy and quiet at first around people, so she wasn’t used to acting her normal self until she got comfortable around them.
“Nah. We don’t hang out, we just know each other. We see each other and will talk from time to time, but I wouldn’t consider us close.” A tall pale skinned boy with messy orange hair and had eyes that were almost pitch black. He wore a thick golden yellow long sleeved sweater that had a turtleneck-like collar as well. He had black wool pants and black sneakers that were easy to slip on anytime.
“So I’m guessing we introduce ourselves,” The girl with the copper messy bangs stood up and had a very ecstatic and energetic tone in her voice. “I’m Amber Blaze!” Amber stuck her tongue out in a silly fashion as her hand glowed an immense heat that later bursted into a flame. “And I love to draw, bake, play guitar and trumpet, make crafts, write stories, draw art and I can control fire! If I can describe myself in a few words, I am energetic, random, silly, hyper, but I am also easily angered and I can easily get stressed… ”
“Ok let’s try to not burn anything, Amber.” The girl with dark Raven purple hair patted the energetic Amber on her head, leaving her with a cute and blank pout. “My name is Mae Aria. I am known to be kind of-Ok very introverted and I prefer being around a small group of people. I love writing stories and drawing as well. I also enjoy reading books, I am in a few anime and cartoon fandoms, and I enjoy making AMVS and edits based off those fandoms. I would describe myself as a sisterly figure to people, mature, smart, quiet, lowkey sassy, strict to the point where I act mean, but yet I can also be kind at times. Oh I almost forgot,” Mae flicked her wrist in a circle until two figures formed in the both of her palms. Soon enough the figures formed two shining purple guns. “I have weapon magic, but I chose to mainly focus on gun summoning.”
“You forgot that you are also very tough and scary, Mae. You are probably the devil herself except more heartless.” Jack added until Mae stared at him and pulled a trigger, a shining purple sphere nearly hitting him and slicing part of his ponytail off as it exploded into a small purple cloud. He looked away as sweat droplets began to trickle down his forehead.
“Scary…” Clarice thought to herself as she stared at Mae as Mae just went back to reading her book as if nothing happened.
“Anyway…My name would be Drake Energie. I like watching action movies and tv shows, playing video games, watching cartoons, and playing football. I think of myself as an extremely extroverted, insane and hilarious class clown. I get in trouble constantly and goof off a lot but it all pays off in the end for me.” Drake grinned mischievously as he used his hands to summon a small chunk of the floor, but dropped it back into its place, showing his abilities to control the earth and ground around him.
“No it doesn’t! You get detention almost every frickin’ day!” Cole commented in complete awe as he wore a completely shocked expression.
“How about you go next then, Mr. I Get In Trouble Cause I Can’t Control My Damn Mouth? You know I get in detention cause I see you there with me as well!”
“Shut up Jackass…Uhm. My name is Cole MacKenzy and I have electricity magic. Such as shown here,” Cole flicked a small electric bolt off his fingertip and struck Drake with it, pushing Drake off his chair as an aftershock went through his body. Clarice began chuckling in shock as everyone stared giving their own certain reactions. “Yeah, anyway. I enjoy video games such as shooting games or games that require violence, watching shows such as live action shows and action movies and obstacle course shows, making origami, breaking stuff, bacon and basically anything that is fun yet gets me into trouble…I guess I’m a badass and rebellious troublemaker who gives zero shits about what the teachers say.” Cole silently said those last few words, knowing Drake would poke at him for saying that.
“I heard that.”
“Stay on the fucking floor Drake.”
“My name is Jack Blizzard. And if you call me Jack Frost I will fucking kill you. I am known to be very neutral or emotionless but I am cool, calm, suave, confident, cocky and chill. But I can actually get easily aggressive and I am lowkey a dick. I can control ice and snow, which explains my calm and cool demeanor. I prefer doing whatever the hell these guys will drag me into.” Jack explained, his eyes closed as he was tossing an ice shard in the palm of his hand.
“He’s scary too…Just like Mae…Hey I wonder if they would make a nice couple?” Clarice couldn’t restrict her shipping fangirl side as she stared at Mae and Jack who looked so chill and annoyed at the same time.
“My name is Blossom Cath but you guys can call me Blossom. I can control Light and Wind Flowing magic. I am known as a very kind, polite and caring student who always gets good grades and despite my height, I am actually like a mother figure to a lot of people at this school! I enjoy making my own crafts and accessories, fashion and activities to do with nature. I also enjoy baking some sweets! Maybe I can make some brownies for you, Clarice.” Blossom smiled at Clarice as a small blush crawled to her cheeks of pure shyness.
“I know how these girls are like. She is a perfect example of a cinnamon roll…” Clarice flashed a smile back as a voice interrupted.
“Ok I’m going to introduce myself…and hopefully you won’t slap me midway my description,” Sora made a certain expression gesture towards Clarice as she stared back in an annoyed pout. “My name is Sora Wayde and I can describe myself as a balanced person when it comes to personalities. I am seen to be calm, mature, cocky and have a normal demeanor like Jack Frost over here, but I am mainly extroverted, talkative, friendly, outgoing, fiesty, aggressive and passionate when it comes to emotions.”
“Hey, isn’t Sora Japanese for ‘Sky’?” Clarice’s eyes gleamed with interest as a smile slowly grew on her cheeks.
“Yeah it is…I was surprised you knew that since nobody knew what my name meant except me. My name relates to my powers, which is the ability to control the weather OF the sky, so I’m not copying Blossom’s powers.”
“Well then…I have a new nickname for you from now on! I’m calling you Sky from time to time!”
“Oh please don’t,” Sora stared at Clarice in the same annoyed pout she wore earlier as Clarice responded with a confident and playful smirk with her tongue shyly sticking out. “You’re turn now.”
Clarice flashed a confident and comfortable smile after she got to know everyone and easily described herself with ease.
“My name is Clarice Mizu and I am a new student, obviously! I used to control water before I transferred and they took my power orb away from my body system. I am known to be very shy and quiet when you first meet me, but once I get comfortable around you I am actually very friendly, silly, loyal, bubbly, energetic, fiesty, sarcastic, boyish, outgoing, and easygoing! I am also a fangirl, shipper, and member of multiple fandoms. However, I consider myself an ambivert since I can hang out with friends and hang out with myself. I like playing video games, reading manga and comic books, watching cartoons and tv shows and anime, writing stories and drawing art, listening and singing to music, and playing sports especially basketball. However, I didn’t enjoy basketball when SOMEONE crashed into me.” Clarice explained, lowkey throwing shade at one of her new teammates.
“Still holding onto that, huh.”
“Still holding onto me slapping you, huh?”
Sora pouted again and Clarice stuck her tongue out again, except this time she had a huge, positive and confident smile. She never quickly gotten comfortable around a group of people before…or quickly felt welcome.
“Okay Clarice, here. Time to get your powers.” Mae handed Clarice a box full of little orbs that had element and certain symbols that represented what powers they had. Clarice was ready to go grab the blue one with a water symbol and swallow it until she felt a hand knock it out of her reach. It was Sora’s.
“What the hell was that for Sky?!” Clarice asked annoyed until Sora pushed her cheek to his left direction.
A seemed to be new student who just popped a magic orb into his mouth began choking. Sounds of hacking and coughs filled the room as the body collapsed, the orb rolling out of his mouth. Soon enough, the orb seemed to absorb a mist coming from the person’s mouth and it gave off a mist that seemed to spread. A bunch of people caught in the mist collapsed as well. Whatever that orb was giving off, it was contagious and spreading fast.
“Jack-ass!” Mae yelled, signaling Jack to use his powers as Jack stared at her in anger.
Jack made a thin ice shield surrounding his team as Clarice witnessed everyone falling to the ground surrounding their shield.
“Wha-What’s going on?” Blossom asked scared until Clarice instantly realized the events happening in its domino effect.
Those magic orbs got poisoned, and it’s poisoning everyone else as well.
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