#it’s 1am and I don’t know why I’m still awake
questwithambition · 8 months
I hope you have a gorgeous day that brings you a wish! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh my gosh this is such a wonderful ask to receive!!! I’m sending all the love and hugs right back 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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natashaslesbian · 2 months
Red Hair, Green Eyes
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Summary: Ever since joining the avengers the entire team has noticed your resemblance to Natasha. You admire her but there’s just one problem, all she does is ignore you.
Word Count: 1.4K
Parings: (Natasha x Teen!Reader)
Warnings/Content: Crying / Some Self Hatred / Hydra Mentions / Lil Bit Of Natasha’s Past
It was no secret you were Natasha’s biggest fan, ever since you’d joined the avengers you’d followed the widow around like a little shadow. You sat close by when she was training and sparing with her friends and watched her closely when she prepared her guns and weapons. You were the youngest avenger on the team, being only 10 when the team found you at a hydra base and 13 when you first went out on the field. You weren’t allowed on all the missions with the adults, just the data collection and stealth ones.
You weren’t particularly close to anyone at the tower, they all looked out for you and made sure you had everything you needed but they weren’t really your friends. And despite your admiration for Natasha, the redhead had never spoken a word to you. She ignored you at the best of times and usually just pretended you weren’t there. You thought you were being sly, but she was a spy, she knew when you were hiding around a corner or watching her from a distance, but still she pushed you out of her mind.
To most of the team, it seemed you had settled in well with the avengers but they didn’t know how you truly felt. You had been conditioned to keep your emotions at bay and that’s why once again, you were smothered under your duvet, crying. You knew if these superheroes found out how weak you were they would kick you off the team, and you didn’t have anywhere to go so you stayed strong. But the lonely nights and dark thoughts always caught up with you eventually.
Natasha had just finished her late night training session, something she had started recently to avoid you lurking in the shadows, when she was headed back to her bedroom. Her room was at the end of the hall meaning she had to pass every avengers bedroom on the journey to hers. She paused briefly at the fourth bedroom, a small shuffle catching her attention from behind the door, your door. It had just gone 1am, far too late in Natasha’s opinion for you to be awake. She continued her route down the hall before a loud thud came from your bedroom.
The redhead had a temper, a short fuse that followed her around. Some of the team were due to leave for a mission at 7am and you were disturbing their peace, Natasha decided she was going to give you a piece of her mind. The widow trudged back to your door and slammed her fist against the wood “make another sound and I’ll keep you up for the next 7 nights” she angrily hushed through the door. Her anger rose when she all she got in response was silence “an apology would be nice” Natasha shrugged.
Deciding that you had got her message, Natasha turned around to head for bed. But a loud sob from behind the door stoped her in her tracks. The agent stepped forward and rested her head against your bedroom door, the sounds coming from inside breaking her heart. Natasha recalled the countless nights she herself had locked her door and cried into her pillow, asking the world why it had been so cruel to her. Suddenly, Natasha felt guilty for the way she had treated you and with a deep breath gently opened your door.
You froze in place when your bedroom door suddenly opened, you thought the voice behind it had left. You prayed the uninvited visitor would turn around and leave, not noticing you in the dark underneath your blankets. Little did you know, the world’s stealthiest spy was hovering in your doorway. “Y/n?” She quietly asked. You whipped your head around at the sound of her voice “Na-Natasha?” You asked with a small wobble in your voice. “I’m sorry!” You cried “I didn’t mean to be loud I’m so sorry please don’t hurt me” you begged.
Natasha’s heart sank at your words “y/n I would never hurt you, no one here will hurt you” she said as she took small steps towards you. You shrunk into yourself as she got close to the bed “can I sit?” She softly asked, you nodded your head yes. “Do you wanna talk about what’s got you upset?” Natasha asked. “Why?” You whispered quietly “well sometimes it can help to talk to someone” the redhead said. “Why would you want to talk to me?” You asked as you quickly wiped away a falling tear.
Natasha shuffled closer to you, devastated when you flinched in reaction “because I care about you, I don’t want to see you upset” she said. Your brows furrowed as you listened to her words “you don’t care about me” you said “you never talk to me and all you do is ignore me” you mumbled “you hate me”. Natasha’s breath got stuck in her throat hearing what you had said “I don’t hate you” she said. The redhead wished she could go back and change the way she had treated you, she never meant to hurt you.
“Y/n” she said, causing you to look up at her again “I’m so sorry I made you feel that way, I was just trying to keep you safe” Natasha said. “What?” You asked “you’re just a kid y/n, this life, you deserve to be a child not a weapon. I thought that if I pushed you away, you’d give up and you wouldn’t want to be like me” Natasha frowned. “You don’t want me to be like you?” You said disappointed. “I’m a killer” the widow whispered “I’m nothing more than a spy, I won’t let this team turn you into another weapon” she said.
“You think I want to be like you as an avenger?” You shyly asked. “I’ve seen you following me y/n, watching me when I train, you’re so young this shouldn’t be your priority right now” Natasha softly said, feeling awfully small. “That’s not why I watch you” you whispered. Natasha’s head shot up “what?” She asked. You pulled your knees up to your chest, nervous she would be angry at you when you told her the real reason as to why you took such a liking to her.
“I want to be like you when I grow up” you said “not as an avenger but as a person. You’re kind and funny, dedicated to what you do and you’re a good friend” you quietly said. “Y/n, I-“ Natasha stuttered over her words, no one had ever praised her for her personality, not even Clint. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable I would’ve talked to you but I just assumed you didn’t like me because I’m so messed up” you said as you began to cry again.
Natasha shuffled closer to you and reached for your hand, delighted when you didn’t flinch away. “You’re not messed up y/n” she said “thank you for what you said, it was really nice to hear. Look the truth is, I was ignoring you to keep you safe and I’m sorry about that but also, well, when I look at you, I see myself, and it’s not just because of the hair” she laughed. When you first came to the tower, your resemblance to the widow was a hot topic. You had matching long curly red hair and a pair of striking green eyes.
“Not only do you look like me y/n but the way you grew up, it reminds me of my past. When everyone started calling you my shadow I couldn’t shake the image of myself watching me, thinking how disappointed she would be in me” Natasha said as a tear began to escape her eye. “I’m sorry, I never thought about that. But I don’t think she would be disappointed in you” you kindly smiled. “You don’t have to say that y/n” Natasha said. “But it’s true, I don’t think badly of you I like being your shadow I like being a little you” you said.
Natasha sat up straight as she took a deep breath “I’ve treated you so unfairly y/n, can you forgive me? Can we start again?” She said. “I forgive you” you smiled warmly. The red head leaned forward to brush your matching locks behind your ears “my little shadow, things are gonna be different from now on. If you need anything I want you to come to me, I want to be the person you can lean on” Natasha said. “I’d like that” you said as you shuffled closer to her. You awkwardly leaned towards the widow, hoping she would be okay with your movements. Natasha wrapped her arms around you and held you tightly, smiling wildly although you couldn’t see. “Now you tell me what’s got you upset and I’ll fix it okay, I’ve got you now” Natasha said.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @nevaeh-daughterofvalcarol / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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huskersbooze · 6 months
Part 3 to Who's In Control?
Better Than This
Alastor x Reader
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3(here!) |
Summary : After the fight and spending time apart, you and Alastor finally come to realise your mutual feelings for one another, but before that, a more important matter needs to be discussed.. will Alastor finally tell the truth?
Warnings : This is where we go off track and not all of this is canon, swearing/cuss words, Angel jokes about sex(?)
Pairings : Alastor x F!Reader (M!Reader here)
Additional Tags : Lore, world building kinda, angst, fluff, Alastor learns to talk about feelings
Ib : Better Than This by Set It Off
Word count : 1.4k
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Wide awake on the couch, you stare up at the ceiling of the hotel.
“I’m closing for the night, kid. You gonna be alright?” Husk asks from the bar.
“I’ll manage. Goodnight, Husk.”
“Night, kid.” He heads towards the staircase, but just before leaving for good, he turns to face you one last time. “Take care. And don’t stay up too late.”
“Mhm. You too.”
After a while, it was quiet. Just an empty hotel with the dim hallway lights and nothing else.
You weren’t really sure why you were here. You could’ve gone back to your room after Husk left, or before, for that matter. Maybe your heart just has desires you couldn’t avoid.
“Shit, stop thinking about him! C’mon, brain! Stop it, now.” You aggressively started to blink, trying to find anything else to distract your mind, but everything seemed to be tied to his existence.
There was no denying you missed him.
“What the hell is happening.. I’m supposed to be mad and angry, not missing him..” You sigh.
Poor Alastor, though.. Maybe I should hear him out? No. Fuck, no! He lied to you! No way.
You groan and cover your eyes with the back of your hand. There was this uneasy churn in your stomach.
Am I.. am I in love with Alastor?
“Alastor, you can’t keep this up forever. You need to fix this.” Rosie sighs, walking Alastor back to the Hotel. 
“What use is there, dear, Rosie?” Alastor’s voice is audibly tired-out, though his smile still etched high and proud. “I was so close.”
“You need to tell the poor thing and let her fend for herself.”
“She wouldn’t listen.”
“Alastor, please. This is no longer about your silly little crush.” Rosie stops in her tracks, catching sight of the Hotel a few streets away. “It’s about her soul.”
“Crush?” Alastor asks, oblivious.
“A crush, someone you have feelings for and want to be with.”
“Ridiculous, Rosie. I don’t do.. Feelings.” It pains him to utter such word.
“Whatever ya’ say. Just.. think about what I said, alright?”
Alastor nods, parting ways with Rosie.
Feelings..? Did he have feelings? Feelings for you?
The door creeks, making you turn your head.
Who would be here this late at night? Was it a guest? No, why would a guest come in at 1am?
But then who would it be..?
You got off the couch and eyed the corner which led to the main entrance. A threat, perhaps.
You simply stayed put, saw a glimpse of a shadow, pounced and tackled whatever had made itself welcome in the hotel until the two of you tumbled onto the ground.
Prepared for the worst, you were surprised to hear.. Radio static?
“Alastor..?” You ask.
The Demon looks up at you, his neck wrapped tightly around your hand.
“Oh shit! Sorry, I thought you were an intruder.” You immediately let go and backed up, sitting cross-legged on the floor.
“Whatever gave you that idea, my dear?” He questions, sitting on the floor opposite of you.
“It's 1am.”
Alastor tilts his head.
“I wouldn't expect you to be out at 1am.”
“You know I don't sleep, dear.” He says, wincing at the fact he's repeated this multiple times in the past.
“Doesn’t mean you’d be out at 1am.” You mutter.
“Valid point.” He says, the tension in the air starting to grow thick.
“So.. uh.” You trail, “Why exactly are you out at 1am, exactly?”
“Ah, just simply visiting Rosie is all.”
“Oh, I see.”
Alastor looks away, his gaze glued to the hotel floors.
“And you, darling?”
“Why aren’t you asleep?”
“Oh. I was helping Husk with the bar.” You tell him, which, ultimately, was a lie. Husk was doing all the work while you were drinking away your feelings. But you weren’t about to admit that to Alastor.
“Yes, I see. How nice.”
“Yep.” Damn, this was so awkward.
You got up from the floor, turning your back, “Well, uh.. Goodnight, then.. Alastor.”
“Goodnight, my dear.”
You start hesitantly walking towards the staircase leading to the staff rooms, feeling Alastor watching your back as you left.
You stop in your tracks. Actually, no, you freeze. Though you made it evident you had no intention in facing him.
“We need to talk.”
“There’s nothing to talk about, Alastor.”
“You don’t understand, dear. I fear I may regret keeping this from you any sooner in the future.”
“Uh huh..?”
“You’re aware of overlords, I assume?”
“Yes, but what does tha-” Before you could continue, you catch sight of Husk by the top of the stairs.
“Hey, you said you’d sleep, kid-” He tries to joke, but realises you’re not alone. “Oh. Hey, boss.”
“Husker.” He acknowledges. 
“Uh.. am I interruptin’ something?”
“Well, actually-”
“No, of course not.” Alastor cuts you off, passing by and giving you a small pat on the head.
God you missed those.
“We’ll discuss this another time, darling. You need your rest.” Alastor gives the small of your back a little push forward, urging you to go to bed. “I hope to see you tomorrow morning?”
“Y-Yeah.. Sure.” You reply, stepping forward, already missing the contact from Alastor’s hand. “Goodnight.”
“Indeed. Sleep well, my dear.”
You reach the top of the steps and Husk accompanies you back to your room, leaving Alastor still in the lobby by himself.
He returns to his broadcasting studios, a gut feeling in his chest telling him to just be honest with you about the contract. He hums a tune as he returns back.
He’ll fix this. He has to.
“Good morning, Al.” You reached the table where everyone was gathered, and was somewhat pleased to find Alastor already sitting in his normal seat.
“How was sleep, my dear?”
“Good. Did you have your daily dose of venison yet?”
“Not quite. You don’t seem to have your breakfast either.”
“Gotta have my priorities.” You shrug. “Shall we discuss this somewhere else?”
You leave alongside Alastor, and the rest of the crew can only stare at each other in shock.
“Did I miss something?” Charlie is first to speak up.
Husk smiles, Sir pentious shrugs, Vaggie asks the same thing.
“Who thinks they’re fuckin’?”
“Joking, jeez!”
“You wanted to say something?” You take a seat on the floor next to Alastor’s chair.
“By all means, you’re welcome to sit on the chair.”
“I’m good. Your broadcasting panel scares me. You sit.”
“If you insist.” He takes a seat, ruffling your hair. “You’re familiar with overlords, correct?”
“Have you ever heard of Azrael?”
“The Legend of the Dark Arts Overlord?”
“I’ve heard of it, yes.”
“Well, dear, he’s not a legend. He was the most powerful overlord of us all.”
You weren’t sure what reaction to be giving so you nodded along, waiting for him to continue.
“7 years ago, us overlords were experimenting with power and magic. Azrael formed an experiment, inheriting part of his magic to a human.” He says, meanwhile you still had no idea what this had to do with you.
“This human would be protected, and would only die when Azrael himself gets killed, thus sending the experiment to hell, whether they deserved it or not. 7 years ago, some of us overlords had ‘matters’ to attend to and Azrael had died in the process during the last 2 years.” Alastor proceeds to drop multiple history facts on you at 9 in the morning.
“2 years ago,” He states. “The human was sent to hell with locked up dark magic they weren’t aware of. The overlords are now gambling for this soul as whoever owns the soul owns the power and magic, but on one condition.”
“One condition?”
“Yes, my dear. You see, to own the soul is one thing, but to own the magic.. The soul has to be killed.”
“That’s terrible! And complete bullshit.”
“Exactly, darling. And I own this very soul.” He sighs. “As long as I can own her soul for long enough and find a backdoor, her soul won’t be gambled any longer by the current overlords. But you see, dear, I’m on a time limit here.”
“Is there anything I can do to help? Who’s soul is it?” You desperately question, completely forgetting you were supposed to be still mad at Alastor.
Alastor sighs, looking at you with compassionate eyes as a hand comes to cup your cheek.“2 years ago, this soul entered hell. 2 years ago, another soul that entered hell.. was you.”
———/ TBC. /———
Taglist : @musicalsundrop @for-hearthand-home @saeran-g @smoky000 @otherthoughtsofbu @letmebeagreekstatueyoumotherfuck @hudiexiaoying @prettyboychoso @thonethatflies620 @imaptiencepersistonthinstring @speaker15 @zq13 @starr11111 @fokrilove @aloraaaxcrystalzx @simps-for-to-many-people @siriuslyobsessedwithfiction @ohdarlingohdeer @sophiasrant @soyobi-wankenobi @karolinda007-blog @alastorsgirl48 @memymay @perrynina @john-kramer-0807 @preciousbabypeter @sugxryratz @polytheatrix @maksdust @96jnie @spirit-of-the-hollow @chirimeimei @itsukiestia @sky2lar @centuriantalevevo @cryptidabduction911 @bubblsteaa @sirens-and-moonflowers @readergirlstuff @capri-sun00 @simpingsohard @manicjk @wen01203 @hellkaisersangel @kitty-kei @spookieroz @bontensbabygirl @sakuraluna2468 @hunnybee11626 @chanty-loves-turtles @the-sharpened-pencil
If you want to be on this fics taglist leave a comment! Please specify you want to be tagged or else I won't tag blogs that ask for another part cuz it doesn't seem polite- Thanks in advance <3
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h0nology · 10 months
Falling For You
Miles finally takes you swinging with him
warnings: fluff, reader puts herself in danger (once), talk of family issues, not proofread
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it was around 1am when your phone woke you up out your sleep, you were about to ignore it, figuring it wasn’t anything important until it dinged again. and again.
it was your best friend, miles.
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you quickly hopped out of bed, knowing that if you didn’t you would’ve fallen back asleep. you wipe the sleep from your eyes, yawning as you unlocked the window and then plopped back down on your bed.
part of you wondered why miles was coming over so late. he’s never came over this late, let alone ask you to unlock your window. the other part of you was nervous, not too far into your friendship you had developed a big crush on miles. you tried to deny it at first, push it to the side and try to forget about it. but your feelings for him were too strong, and everytime you guys hung out it just got stronger.
you knew having a crush on your best friend wouldn’t end well, it never did. the second he finds out you like him, the friendship is awkward and pretty much over.
you were snapped out your thoughts when you saw his figure outside your window, quietly opening the window and falling into your room.
“hey, i’m sorry if i woke you up.” his voice was groggy, “can i crash here tonight?”
“yeah, is everything okay?” you asked.
he had a sullen look on his face, somewhat slouching over as he stood there.
“it’s a long story that i’ll tell in the morning. i just want to shower and sleep.”
“okay, that’s fair. let me grab you a towel and wash cloth.”
he enters the bathroom as you crept out to the hallway closet, quietly opening and closing the door trying not to wake up your household. you made your way back in your room, entering the now stuffy bathroom and placing down the towel.
“here!” you throw the washcloth into the shower, “thank you.” he slightly chuckles as you walk out the bathroom and shut the door.
you plopped down on your bed, pulling the covers over your body. you wanted to stay up and wait for miles to come out the bathroom but your eyes grew heavy as soon as your head hit the pillow. and next thing you know, you were drifting into your slumber.
when you woke up you weren’t expecting for miles to be right next to you, giving you no room to roll over and stretch. he was even under the same blanket as you, the blanket barely covering him since you’re known to hog the blanket.
“good afternoon.” miles yawns next to you, eyes still closed.
“how’d you know i was awake?” you raise a brow, “must be the spidey senses.” he shrugs, chuckling soon after.
“ok shutup.” you laugh, getting out the bed and walking towards your bathroom.
wow. so that happened. first sleepover with your best friend/crush. you were so ready to tell the group chat about this.
once you started brushing your teeth, miles joined you in the bathroom. washing his face and brushing his teeth with the extra toothbrush you had. once you two finished, you both made your way towards your living room. the house was empty so miles decided to turn on some music, his random ass playlist blaring through your speaker.
“so you gonna tell me why you showed up to my house past midnight?” you plopped down on your couch, “before you start interrogating me, can we at least eat?” he plops down next to you.
“i’ll order us something, there’s nothing in there.” you grabbed your phone, “now get to talking.”
“you didn’t even ask me what i wanted!”
“pasta! you always get pasta!” you say, you don’t understand his obsession.
“okay but which kind?” he raised his brow at you, a smirk creeping up on his face.
he’s stalling.
“talk, miles.” you look at him.
the smirk disappears from his face as he lets out a sigh, “my parents have been having some issues lately, so i just felt comfortable coming here instead of going home, plus i just knew that it would be peaceful here, with you of course.”
you didn’t know what you were expecting to hear, but it wasn’t that. that wasn’t really like his parents, they rarely argued with each other—well, at least you thought.
“i’m glad you feel comfortable here…” you slightly smile, “are you okay?”
“yeah. i just feel like i’m stuck in the middle of it. i just want to see my parents get along again, you know?“ he shook his head, for a second it looked like he was about to cry.
“miles? don’t cry.” you scooted closer to him, bringing him in your embrace, “i’m sure they’ll work out whatever it is they have going on.”
“you’re right, it’s not even my situation.” he pinched in between his eyes, “well, they are your parents so it’s okay to be emotional about it…” you tell him.
“i guess you’re right...” he sighs, sitting up.
“i’m always right.” you joke as the sound of the doorbell went off, “foods here!”
you pick the food up from the doormat and place the bag on the table, miles immediately opening it and taking out his pasta. you sat at the table with him and started eating your burrito, the both of you sitting in silence as you devoured your food.
“so…. i have a question.” you trailed off, you’ve always wanted to ask him this but for some reason was too nervous to.
“and you can say no if you want!” you assured him, “alright well that depends n what it is.” he laughs, “just ask it already." he was growing impatient.
“can you take me swinging with you?” you blurted out, “and by take me i mean i clutch onto you as you swing across the city…”
"you being for real right now?" he looks at you, “why?”
he was amused by your request, he wasn’t at all expecting for you to ask him that.
“i just wanna see how it feels.” you shrug, your cheeks hot as ever.
“uh…okay, yeah i’ll take you.” he shrugs, “really?” your face lit up.
“yeah.” he chuckles, finishing up his pasta, “let me change into my suit real quick.” he gets up from the table and disappears down the hall.
the suit. you remember the first time you saw him in it. you couldn’t believe your eyes but you also couldn’t help but admire how good he looked in it.
while he changed you grabbed a jacket out the closet and threw on your shoes, waiting for him to come down. once he did it only took you two a couple minutes to make it to the roof of your building.
“you sure you wanna do this?” miles looks at you as he steps onto the ledge.
“positive.” you smile up at him.
he smiled back, pulling you up on the ledge with him. he wrapped his arm around your waist as your arms wrapped around his neck, and without a warning you two were free falling. you couldn’t even process what he was doing, one minute you were swinging up, then going down again. your face was buried in his neck, you were too scared to even look at anything.
“hey! you wanted to do this, the least you can do is actually look!” miles yells over the wind, “i promise i wont let anything happen to you. you’ll never hit the ground when i’m around.”
his words somewhat reassured you, peeking your eye open as he swung around a building.
“one, that was corny.” you yell, “two, you really wouldn’t let me fall?”
“of course not.”
you two continued to swing, you had eventually opened both of your eyes, taking in the scenery around you. after a while he began to speed up slightly, the wind blowing against your hair harder now. you almost felt like falling a few times, but miles kept a firm grip onto you, never letting you slip once.
when you saw that you two were approaching the brooklyn bridge you had two thoughts. one, how did we get here so fast and the second probably wasn’t the best idea but you wanted to test out a theory, was miles really going to keep his word? you didn’t even give it a second thought, as soon as you two swung on the side of the bridge your grip on miles loosened and in a matter of seconds you were free falling.
miles looks back sharply at you when he feels your weight suddenly disappear.
"hey, hey, hey!" you could hear the panic in his voice.
okay maybe this was a bad idea.
please catch me. please catch me. please catch me.
you don’t know how he did it, but he had reached you right before you hit the water.
"mami what in the world is wrong with you?! ¿eres estúpido?! what if i didn't catch you?" he spoke quickly as he held you tight in his arms once again, continuing to swing, “you promised you’d never let me fall.” you breathe out.
"that was under the assumption that you would never jump out of my grasp! you’re crazy!" he continued to scold you like you were a child.
okay yeah that was stupid, but a little fun…
“never do that again.”
“i’m sorry.” you chuckled, “and your laughing.” he sighs, you didn’t even have to see his face to know he was rolling his eyes.
you two swung around for a bit longer, before stopping for a break after a while. he landed on top of a building, where you had a perfect view of the sunset. you two sat on the ledge of the building, feet dangling as you looked at the city in front of you.
“that was…” miles started, “fun.” you finished his sentence.
“yeah, it was.” he chuckles, “better with you by my side.”
your cheeks heated up at his comment. you couldn’t even bring yourself to reply, just sitting there with a slight smile on your face. was this the right time to tell him? to just get it over with and see what he says?
“i’m glad to have shared it with you.” you finally spoke, “well what other spider-man do you know that you can do that with?” he joked.
all you could do was playfully roll your eyes at him.
“i’m kidding!” he laughs, pulling you into his side, so your head was now resting on his shoulder and his arm was wrapped around you, rubbing your arm.
now was the moment, if you were reading the signs right.
“miles, i-i have something i wanna tell you.”
okay that was the easier part, but now you have to tell him.
“what’s up?”
you took a deep breath, it’s now or never. what’s the worst that can happen? he says he doesn’t feel the same way and you jump off the building? (not really yall ssksksk) he stops rubbing your arm, pulling out of the embrace to look at your face.
“what is it?” he was starting to sound worried.
“i like you, miles.” you blurted out. that wasn’t as smooth as you wanted it to be but it had to do.
miles goes silent as he hears those words come out of your mouth. he doesn’t even know what to say, he just stares at you in shock.
"you do?" was all he said, the smile grew on his face, almost making it look goofy.
“uh yeah, that’s what i just said.” you say.
the boy was flabbergasted. so many emotions ran through him at the moment…shock, excitement and happiness. your sentence just completely changed his world.
"i...i like you too..." he was a bit overwhelmed but was trying to play it cool, “i've been in denial about my feelings for so long, but...i can't lie to myself anymore."
your heart was in your stomach.
“oh. wow, i wasn’t expecting this.” you chuckled nervously, “yeah, me either.” he says.
“so….” you trailed off.
“does this make us a couple now?” he looks at you.
when you envisioned someone asking you out you never would’ve thought it’d be your best friend while you two sat on the ledge of building.
“i guess it does…”
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sweetprfct · 6 months
Midnight smoking with Joe, fluffy stuff, lingering touches sharing cigarettes.
Midnight Company
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Joe couldn't sleep because there was something he couldn't stop thinking about, and you just came home from a failed attempt of meeting someone at the pub because you couldn't seem to be so interested in anyone at all. However, you both knew there was a reason why you both couldn't keep your minds clear.
Author's Note: This request has been sitting in my inbox, and I have been wanting to do it. So, here you go! :)
Wordcount: 2K
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“Ah, I see you’re still awake.” 
You entered the flat just a little right after midnight and found Joe sitting on the sofa. The living room lights were turned off and the only thing illuminating the room was the television. He was watching an episode of Succession, and you knew then that he couldn’t sleep. Being flatmates with Joe for the last two years had made you learn the little things he did whenever something was bothering him. Smoking at the balcony at 1am because he couldn’t seem to figure out what he needed to do for the character he was playing. Sitting on the sofa and watching one of the episodes of the show he was currently watching meant he couldn’t sleep for some reason. 
Joe let out a soft groan, throwing his head back on the sofa and rubbing his tired eyes.
“Couldn’t sleep.” He muttered. 
You kicked off your shoes and walked towards him in the living room and flopped yourself down next to him on the sofa. You reached over to grab a handful of popcorn from the bowl that was sitting on his lap.
“Hey!” Joe grabbed your wrist. “Make your own.”
“Don’t be so selfish.” You teased him, pulling your wrist away from his grip before putting the handful of popcorn in your mouth.
Joe chuckled softly and shook his head as he grabbed a piece of popcorn and threw it at you. 
“See, now you’re just wasting food.” You rolled your eyes before reaching over to grab more. 
Joe threw his head back on the sofa and let out a sigh. You couldn’t help but chuckle softly as you focused your attention on the television. There was a comfortable silence between the both of you for a moment. 
“How was your night?” Joe finally asked. 
You shrugged, “It was okay.”
“I’m surprised you came home this early or that you came home at all.”
You side eyed him for a moment before shrugging again and stuffing your face with a handful of popcorn. He knew that you went out tonight with your friends, but you were also hoping that you would meet someone at the pub tonight. 
“Men are assholes.” You murmured. 
Joe couldn’t help but let out a laugh and moved himself a little closer to you and said, “Not all of them.”
You threw your head back on the sofa and turned your head to face him. His chocolate button eyes were sparkling as he gave you a playful smile. Joe was always like that. Even if you two had made an agreement that nothing would happen between the two of you, you still felt your heart beat out of your chest every time those eyes stared into yours. You both had one night of mistake—at least that was what you two had agreed on— and promised each other it wasn’t going to happen again. 
It was the beginning of the year last year, and you both got too drunk during New Year’s Eve, and you both didn’t even remember much of what happened. Again, that was what you told yourself at least. You didn’t know if Joe was lying too, or he truly didn’t remember it. You, however, remembered that night crystal clear, but you didn’t want anything weird between the two of you, so you told him that you didn’t remember anything. Since that night, you two agreed that you both just got too drunk and got carried away since both of you were single. 
That was all. 
But that didn’t mean that you couldn’t stop thinking about it. That didn’t mean that you were okay with it because you had told yourself many times to move on from it because Joe didn’t feel the same. However, you always found yourself pushing other men that you would meet at the pub because they weren’t like him. They weren’t Joe. 
God, you were pathetic. 
You needed to let go of these unrequited feelings. 
“Hmm…” You hummed softly, giving him a soft smile. “Oh, yeah? And is that one of them, you?”
Joe shrugged and just stared at you with a smile tugging on his lips. You let out a belly laugh as you stared at the ceiling. Letting your head rest on the sofa was making your head spin from the alcohol you had drank tonight, and you were sure Joe also had some considering the amount of beer bottles that were sitting on the coffee table. 
“Wanna go for a smoke?” Joe got up from the sofa, reaching his hand towards you. 
“Yeah, sure.” You took his hand in yours and followed him out the balcony. 
Lighting the cigarette, you leaned against the metal railing and stared at the starry night sky. It was quiet, and the streets were empty. It was almost so peaceful and unreal. 
“So, how come you haven’t met anyone that interested you?” Joe asked.
You didn’t know if you wanted him to press this subject because honestly at your state right now, you didn’t know if you could just stay cool and tell him some lame excuse as to why you weren’t so interested in anyone other than him. 
After letting out a puff of smoke, you shrugged again. “Like I said, men are assholes.”
Joe laughed, shaking his head. “Even I don't believe that. It has been months. You’re telling me they’re all assholes?”
You tilted your head, brows furrowing. “Why do you care so much? Is this what happens when you can’t sleep? You just get into everyone’s business?”
A playful smile tugged on your lips and Joe took a step forward towards you. His eyes studied you for a moment, and it only made your knees weak. You didn’t know what he was doing, but it definitely was making your insides turn. 
“I just care.” Joe murmured. “There’s no way a man would let you go that easily even if you refused them.”
“Well, they’re all assholes and cowards then.” You inhaled your cigarette one more time before finally putting it out. 
You chuckled softly and stared at the night sky for a moment. You didn’t have to look for you to realize that Joe was just staring at you. You didn’t want to turn and face him. You were too scared. You may have drank tonight, and your head was spinning, but you knew you were close to stepping over the line. 
“Well, what about you? Since you’re so interested in my personal life, how come you haven’t gone out there either? I’m sure all the girls are all over you since you’re so famous now.”
Joe laughed and said, “None interests me either.”
His answer sort of made your heart skip a beat. You were being way too vulnerable. At this point, you were telling yourself that you were being delusional for hoping that maybe Joe hasn’t dated anyone because maybe he felt the same. Walking back inside the flat, you grabbed yourself a bottle of beer, which probably wasn’t such a good idea and flopped yourself back on the sofa. 
“Hm… I guess I’m not the only picky one here.” You teased him, taking a sip of your beer. 
“Okay, so why are you so picky? What are you looking for in a guy?” Joe settled himself next to you on the sofa. 
You glanced up at the ceiling as you thought about his question. However, there wasn’t anything that was popping up in your mind because you already knew the answer. But you had to make some kind of excuse, right?
“I don’t know. Someone that doesn’t bore me to death.” You laughed. “What about you?”
Joe shrugged. “Not sure, honestly. I haven’t thought about that.”
You raised your brow at him. You may be lying to him, but he definitely wasn’t a good liar when it came to his excuses. 
“You’re such a liar!” You laughed, taking a piece of popcorn and throwing it at him. 
“Me? You’re the one who couldn’t answer my question too.” Joe laughed.
You grabbed more popcorn as you flicked more towards him, making his jaw drop in shock. Laughters echoed in the living room as Joe tried to defend himself, but you were at this point just making a mess in the living room.
“Okay, that’s enough.” Joe laughed, trying to use the throw pillow as a shield. 
He then grabbed you by the wrists gently as you stared into each other’s eyes. You felt your heart beating so fast that it was roaring in your ears. You stared at Joe’s chest that was also heaving as he moved closer to you. You felt the air between the two of you shift, and you knew that you were about to cross the line. 
“Joe…” You whispered as he gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face. 
“Am I part of your asshole list?” He asked, and you immediately shook your head so fast that your mind was spinning for a moment. 
“Never.” You replied, voice so low. 
You could feel your hands tremble as your eyes stared at Joe’s lips. His fingers slowly grazed your cheek before letting his thumb traced the outline of your lips. It sparked something inside of you, and you couldn’t explain what it was. All you knew was that the alcohol was running through your veins, and Joe being this close to you was electrifying every bone of your body. 
“Good.” Joe murmured. “Because you were right. I am a liar.”
You bit your bottom lip as you held in your smile. 
“Oh?” You raised your brow at him, your eyes suddenly staring down at both of your hands. “How so?”
You played with his fingers that were on your lap. You couldn’t bear to look at him. You knew if you did, you wouldn’t know what to do. 
“Because you’re the only one that I can’t stop thinking about.” Joe admitted. 
The surprised look on your eyes immediately caught his. You had too much alcohol, but you knew you weren’t dreaming, right? Joe actually told you that. 
“W…What?” Your voice stuttered. 
Joe softly brushed his thumb on your cheek, his face inches from yours. You could feel his trembling breath as he grazed his nose against yours. Closing your eyes, you could feel the oxygen leave your lungs. Your heart couldn’t fit in your chest anymore, and you kept telling yourself that this was a dream. That you would wake up, and Joe wouldn’t be here anymore. 
Was the alcohol getting in your head right now? How many drinks did you have tonight? 
“Maybe I’m… I’m a liar too.” You whispered. 
“I know.” Joe grinned before pressing his lips against yours. 
A small gasp escaped your lips, and your body was paralyzed for a moment. You didn’t know what to do, but as soon as you felt his soft lips move with yours, you couldn’t help but slide your fingers through his hair and pull him close. It felt like a dream, but you knew it was real. Joe’s hands found your hips as he held on to them and pulled you on his lap. A soft hum escaped your lips as you hovered over Joe, tugging on his hair slightly. 
“Joe…” You whispered, pulling away from the kiss breathlessly. “Are you sure about this?”
“A hundred percent.” Joe kissed you hungrily and desperately as he gently laid you on the sofa, his lips finding your neck. 
Stars exploded at the back of your eyes as you felt Joe’s lips against your skin. Every kiss he left was making your skin on fire, and you never knew you wanted this so bad until now. Pulling away, Joe stared down at you for a moment and smiled. His fingers brushing a strand of hair away from your forehead. 
“Are you sure you won’t regret this like last time?” You asked.
“Darling, I never regretted it the first time.” Joe grinned before getting up from the sofa.
Taking you in his arms, you let out a squeal as he carried you down the hall and into his bedroom. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you kissed him again. Kicking the door closed behind him, Joe gently laid you down on his bed. 
Staring into his chocolate button eyes, you knew you weren't going to regret it either because you never did in the first place. This time, you wouldn’t lie about how you felt too because this was everything.
All of this was everything.
The End.
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @browneyes8288 @bylermaxmayfield @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles
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cffeelia · 18 days
discography | chapt. 1
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I NEED U — k. seokjin
in which bangtan writes their music about you, all 7 chasing you until someone steals your heart.
chapter summary: the group is preparing to launch the first part of their next musical project; the most beautiful moment in life, pt. 1. however, seokjin is dedicated to making one of the songs about you, hoping you’ll understand him and be his once again.
no warnings this chapter !! kind of an angsty vibe but dw girl the smut is coming.
previous chapter here (this is the first chapter stupid)
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“hyung? no way, look namjoon he’s sleeping at the desk.”
hoseok and namjoon opened to door to seokjins dorm to find him asleep at his desk, pen discarded onto the floor and drool falling down onto his notebook. it was 1am, it’s not unusual for the guys to be up this late, especially with a comeback on the horizon, but seokjin wasn’t the type to stress himself out as much as the others about lyrics and song production.
“holy shit, he’s really going through it with this girl.” namjoon read over the lyrics he was writing:
“i need you girl,
why do i need you even though i know i’m going to get hurt?
you’re beautiful, too cold.
i need you girl.
just say you wanna breakup instead, that would be better
girl, say it wasn’t love
i don’t have that kind of courage
give me one last percent
so that i won’t go back anymore”
just by skimming the bridge, namjoon knew they had to do something with this.
two nights later, jimin held a piece of paper with that same bridge on it. he belted the final verse for the sixteenth time before looking back to namjoon from the recording booth window.
“better now?”
“that’s what i’m telling you jimin, you needed more emotion. it’s perfect.”
feeling relieved, he immediately dropped his headphones, walking straight from the booth to the studio door.
“goodnight hyung, don’t overwork yourself again.”
namjoon hummed in reply, knowing that’s exactly what he was planning to do.
jimin bumped into his oldest member while taking the elevator up to his dorm. it’s still unusual for jin to be up this late, he knew what was on his mind.
in the unusually silent elevator, jimin spoke up quietly.
“are you okay?”
seokjin turned to look jimin in the eyes, nodding rapidly before resuming his thoughts.
he wasn’t in any way, how could you leave him like this? did he even have a reason to be so fucking pissed?
his mind ran wild, not even paying attention to jimins conversation while he pictured you in all your glory.
your deep eyes that lead straight to your once our soul, everything about you, it was all his. why aren’t you in his dorm again? oh, right.
he shook his head as to not think of you anymore, you who was hundreds of miles away, fast asleep in a college dorm room.
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if only he knew you weren’t. if only he knew you were still thinking of him, of the two of you. if this was any normal night, you would’ve been wide awake, head on seokjin’s chest while he cracked jokes like it wasn’t 1 in the morning. he would lay your hair flat with his palm, pressing an occasional kiss into your freshly shampooed hair. you’d feel the vibrations of his voice softly lulling you to sleep. he would talk your ear off, only closing his eyes once he propped himself slightly up to see you sound asleep, your face so beautiful and relaxed.
it’s not like you wanted to end things off, if you could choose, you would’ve married seokjin, but that’s not how things work. you’d met him working as a manager for his group in their late trainee and early debut days.
the boys were all sweethearts, but something about seokjin was special. the way he wrapped a blanket around you when you fell asleep managing late night rehearsals, or always started the coffee machine for you in the staff rooms before music bank performances, he was just too nice. the two of you got closer, eventually forming a weird type of relation-situationship. in the mornings, jin wake up early to make breakfast for you at your place. he would try his hardest to cuddle you into your mattress and convince you to just stay in bed with him all day, spoiling you with kisses everywhere, but you eventually would have to help him get ready, and be out of your apartment by 5am. you were expected to be at the bighit building at 6:30am, and wake the boys up as soon as you clocked in, so as long as nobody snitched that you were sleeping with jin, you’d be fine.
but company relationships are taboo, and shortly after bangtan released their third album, skool luv affair, a coworker knocked on your door to be met by jin, messy hair, sweat sticking it to his forehead. it took one look at his swollen lips, and lack of a shirt to connect the dots. you begged her not to report you, and she didn’t, she reported your lover. you had the chance to give up your spot as manager to her in exchange for her silence, but would be met with backlash from seokjin if you did.
some sacrifices have to be made, and you had to break things off with seokjin only a week after resigning from your position.
small fights happened between you two before about the fact that jin was risking his career to be with you, too many times now had someone interrupted you during your elevator make out sessions.
never anything too serious, but the last one is what ended your relationship.
“so what you’re just gonna be unemployed because you want to? what’s the truth ____, you know you can tell me!” he screamed.
“why does it even matter, seokjin? it’s not like it’s any of your business!”
this argument in particular started when you brought up going back to college and getting a degree since you quit your job as bts’ manager. jin playfully disagreed, asking you to stay with him, but something in you wasn’t having it. why couldn’t you just live your own life without his questions?
“can’t i ever do something that I want to without you breathing down my neck about it?”
“well fuck, then im sorry i don’t want my girlfriend abandoning me after i’ve sacrificed my own god damn career for her.” he said sarcastically, “like come on, can’t you ever do something for me?”
this was your final straw. you inhaled, trying to find the urge not to sock him in his handsome ass face.
“kim seokjin i am not your girlfriend” you warned.
“then will you be?”
“after all of this shit, no. not if i’m gonna have you fucking controlling me all this time. matter of fact, i’m going back to college, get out of my apartment.”
“no you’re not.” seokjin immediately went after you as you went to slam your bedroom door in his face. he barely got through the crack before you almost slammed it on him.
“____, can we please talk about this. i’m sorry, you don’t have to be my girlfriend just don’t make sudden decisions like this.”
“there’s nothing sudden about this seokjin! what am i supposed to do, work at a gas station so you can just come over and eat my food and fuck me?” tears threatened to fall from your eyes, it’s like your mouth was betraying you. you didn’t want to leave jin, you didn’t want to leave anyone. not bighit, not bangtan, and especially not your once shared apartment.
“i’m not saying that, just please, think about it. i love you babe.”
“don’t babe me! i’m never gonna make a living and get out of this damn city if i don’t get a valid education! i can’t just be a fucking manager for the rest of my life. i have ambitions too you know.” you spat back
“____.” jin called your name with so much love. so much every nerve and muscle in your body tensed as your resisted the urge to grab him and cry into his arms.
“jin, go away.” you pushed him out of your room, leaving him to sit against the other side, listening to you as you sobbed silently, only breaking the silence ever now and then to sniffle.
he silently let his tears fall from the other side of your door, after thirty minutes your apartment door slammed, but not before your bedroom door opened, you wanted to kiss him at least one more time. it was too late, you opened your lips to be met with a harsh gust of wind from your apartment door slamming shut.
the sound of the heavy door closing broke you, breaking out into full on sobs.
two days later, you pulled yourself together and let your thoughts rot in your empty apartment. for the first time in those two days, you left your apartment and drove all the way to your childhood town, an hour away in busan.
you ignored all of your emotions, putting your nervous system on airplane mode as you pulled into the cafe parking lot.
after ordering a small pastry and drink, you opened your laptop and started searching for universities.
you settled on one in daegu, daegu arts university.
you’ve always been fascinated by theatre, but never had the opportunity to pursue your dreams, as your family never considered it a legitimate career. you’ve not heard from your parents or brother in almost a year now, once they found out you were lying about attending college in seoul.
maybe that’s why you never gave jin any closure, it just runs in your blood.
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months pass, and before you know it. you’re moving into your dorm room on campus, hanging out posters of your favorite tv shows and artists. part of you wants to show jin, but you know it’s too late to turn back now. so instead, you opened your laptop and got to work making new friends in an online chat room.
things were going great, you’d met another theatre major who also had a passion for music. before long, you all were trading you favorite artists left and right.
0_0: haiii!! i’m sullyoon , theatre major. super into idol groups, looking for new friends to rehearse with!
c0nversequeen: sullyoon!! nice to meet you, i’m ____. not so much into idol groups, but definelty into theatre. would love to rehearse and trade music artists with you <3
you bit the inside of your cheeks as the person typed back a response. before long, the awkwardness had faded.
conversation went from her favorite cafes in daegu, to newer idol groups she was loving.
c0nversequeen: i’ve heard great things about twice! i’m interested in western music tho. used to be into idols a ton… i managed one a year ago x_x
0_0: no way!!!!?! i don’t think you’re allowed to disclose who, but i’ll get it out of you one day! i’ve heard of britney spears before and beyoncé but i’m still more of an idol fan. recently i’ve taken a liking to a boy group, we should check out a cafe and stream some of their newer music!
a hangout already? campus life was going great. this was a refreshing new start for you and you were loving it.
sullyoon invited two of her friends. jisung, an art major, and ophelia, a music major. the friends seemed to be really into the boy group that sullyoon mentioned, the four of you were heading to a music store before the cafe to buy new cds.
you put the group onto your favorite paramore songs, jisung actually bought their latest cd. however, everton but you bought another group’s cd:
Bangtan Sonyeondan: The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 1.
the hangout went smoothly, you got your new friend’s numbers and went home content at about 6pm. as soon as you got back to your dorm, you opened your laptop to search up bts’ latest album. ‘you’re just checking on old friends’ you told yourself, knowing what your intention was. you opened apple music and clicked on the only track you remembered because of its english lyrics: “i need u”.
it wasn’t long before the dots clicked, and by the end of the song, the credits gave it all away.
“Lyrics: RM, Suga, j-hope, Jin, PD “Hitman” bang”
you closed your laptop, your jaw shot to the floor as you tried to make sense of what you just heard.
jin wrote a fucking song about you? there’s no way. you tried to sleep it off, but had the worst and most pleasant nightmare of your life, being woken to the sound of jin’s angelic voice as you read a text “omg! bts on tour… we’re going to seoul!”
you were saved by your own alarm for the first time in your life, wiping sweat from your hairline as you reached to your phone to silence the alarm.
you had no time to go back to sleep, and for the first time that semester, you didn’t rush out of the door. instead, you left earlier, heading to the dorms across campus.
you pounded lightly on sullyoon’s door to find her surprisingly attentive.
“need something?” she piped up
“yea. i need to tell you about the group i managed.”
after school that day, you opened up to someone about you and jin for the first time ever. about how you felt attached to bts somehow, how you always ended up involved with them in someway. the cd’s, daegu being yoongi’s hometown, seokjin’s song about you, it’s like a sign from the universe.
you almost cried from all of sullyoon’s support, but her advice was what you pondered the entire night before bed.
“you should call him! i’m sure he misses you, what’s the worst that could happen, ____. it’s barely been a year and he clearly loves you and thinks of you still.”
next chapter here
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euno11a · 8 months
Can I have a Jungkook or Namjoon mafia x Fém Reader having smut for the first time please 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 hopefully I’m not annoying. You are bothering you if I am I’m so sorry.
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Ofc you’re not bothering me😊 this is my first time writing something like this so I hope you enjoy it!!
Warnings: Fingering, praise, big dick jungkook, dom! Jungkook, sub! Reader, honestly just him being a big sweetheart💕
18+ ONLY
It was another lonely night. Jungkook was working late as per usual, and it felt like you hadn’t seen him in forever. You knew what getting into a relationship with him would be like, lonely nights, hiding from society, your once normal life now full of violence. You sat on the couch in your living room, of course you felt grateful for everything he’d done for you! He gave you a place to live (with him), protection, anything you could’ve asked for. But it was all made of money. The penthouse, the clothes, the jewelry, everything. You couldn’t help but crave some sort of affection. Not something he would buy, you wanted him.
The night progressed slowly, still no sight of him. It was almost 1am and you started to get worried about his possible whereabouts. What if he was injured? What if he got caught? What if he was…dead? The thoughts got shut out of your mind as you heard the front door to your shared penthouse open and close. The heavy footsteps came closer to where you had been sitting in your living room. Jungkook. You stared at the man in front of you, he seemed different…blood was splattered on his once white button down shirt, a cut or two on his fists, he looked exhausted. He stopped in his tracks as he saw you sitting on the black, leather couch, still not in bed.
“Baby, why’re you still up?” He asked, coming closer to you, wiping the blood onto his pants. “You should be in bed, it’s late.”
You couldn’t help but move away from his touch. It wasn’t that you were scared, you wanted his touch…but it didn’t feel right. He’d been neglectful of you for so long, that now his touch felt foreign. “It’s pretty damn hard to go to bed when I have no clue where you are. I was worried about you. I called, texted, but I got nothing. I was scared you were injured! Or dead! You can’t just show up without talking to me for days and expect everything to be perfect!”
Jungkook stood there in shock, you’d been worried about him? You knew he could take care of himself, so why worry? “You know me. I’m fine, just a few little cuts. Nothing to worry about, baby.”
He went to go give you a kiss, but you swerved again. That just added to his confusion. You stood up, pushing past him, mumbling about heading to bed. Leaving Jungkook standing still in the living room. He walked into the bedroom a few minutes later, you were already in bed, pjs on and ready to sleep.
“I’m gonna go shower, care to join?” He asked, trying to lighten the mood. It’s not like he hadn’t seen you naked before, like that one time he “accidentally” walked in on you changing, oh, and the same for when you showered! But he had to brush his teeth…dumb reasoning. But you just shook your head and turned onto your side. Jungkook let out a small sigh, walking away into the bathroom. When he finished showering, he walked out, back into your shared bedroom. A towel wrapped around his neck, catching the drips of stray water from his hair. You were still awake, surprisingly, on your phone flipping through social media. He crawled into bed beside you, trying to wrap his arm around your waist, but you shuffled away. This only confused him more.
“Baby? Why won’t you let me touch you?” Jungkook asked as he sat up and looked towards you.
“I just don’t feel like being touched right now. That’s all.” You were a bad liar, you both knew it. You felt strong arms being wrapped around you, positioning you now in his lap. You felt blush rise to your cheeks, feeling his semi-hard dick under you. You felt as if you couldn’t concentrate, you weren’t a virgin by any means, but it was the first time you’d felt him.
“Don’t lie to me, baby. Tell me what’s wrong.” He held your hips and gently made them move over his hard-on. This made you whine a little bit, feeling yourself become wet from just a little friction.
“N-nothing, I promise…” He guided your hips again, a little rougher this time.
“What’s on your mind, pretty girl?” Jungkook asked once more, voice becoming deeper and slightly more stern.
You couldn’t help but whine again, the feeling was something you hadn’t felt before. None of your boyfriends before had made you this wet from just some small actions. “You…you’ve been busy. Like, so busy that you never have time for me anymore. I have to fall asleep without you, wake up without you, constantly worry that you’re dead somewhere…I miss you. But you don’t seem to miss me.”
Jungkook loosened his grip on you hips a little, his brown eyes staring into yours. “ Why didn’t you talk to me sooner, baby? Of course I miss you, I’ve just been busy with work. I…I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I know you’re busy…just forget I said anything, please.” You tried to get out of his lap, but he flipped you onto your back, caging you in with his arms and legs on either side of your body. “Wha-?”
“Let me show you how sorry I am. Please.” He asked softly as he kissed your neck gently, his hand trailing down lower and lower.
You let out a soft gasp as you felt his warm hands slip into your pj pants, into your panties and the place you wanted him most. He gently began to rub your clit, small circular motions, looking at your face to make sure that he wasn’t overstepping any boundaries. Once he saw that you had no intention of stopping him, he lost the hesitation and became more confident with his actions. His fingers rubbing your pussy, feeling how wet you were getting by the moment, his lips attached to your neck as he sucked love marks into your soft skin. You couldn’t help but moan as you were overwhelmed with all of these sudden feelings.
“That feel good, baby? Want me to speed up?” He asked in a low and sultry voice as he gave you a teasing smirk.
You could only muster a nod, grinding your hips to meet his fingers as they touched you. He chuckled, shaking his head and kissing your jaw, “I need words, baby. Be my good girl and tell me what you want.”
“Y-your f-fingers…please…” you begged, not being able to hold back your moans. He smiled against your skin, removing his hand from your pants. You whined at the loss of contact.
“It’s okay, pretty girl, I’m just gonna undress you, okay?” His fingers played with the hem of your shirt, you gave him the go ahead and he pulled your shirt over your head. He stopped for a moment, mouth slightly ajar, admiring the beauty he had in front of him. “You’re so gorgeous…all my girl. My baby.” His tone sounded possessive.
You whimpered as he finished undressing you, throwing your clothes somewhere into the room. He took your legs and placed them on either sides of his thighs, spreading you out, putting your pussy on display for him. You could see a light blush on his face, caressing your thighs, looking at how beautiful you were. How you were his. He leaned down and kissed your lips. His soft lips met yours, making you feel like heaven. His fingers gently pushed into you, allowing you to adjust to his fingers. He slowly pumped his fingers in and out of you, making you a moaning and begging mess.
“Cum for me, baby girl. Let go.” He ordered, fingering you fast, hitting your g-spot every time. Using his thumb to rub your clit, he pumps his fingers into you at a merciless pace, making you cum. Jungkook helps you ride out your high, quickly sliding out of his own pants. He grabs your hips, guiding you back over his now completely hard dick. Grabbing his cock, he slides it up and down your slit, coating it in your juices. He pushes his tip in, slowly sinking himself fully into your pussy. You moan loudly at the sudden feeling of being filled to the brim with his cock. He leans back onto the bed, pulling you with him, he grabs a handful of your ass and fucks himself up into you. The feeling being so new to you, had you screaming out his name, begging for more. You could hear his groans and grunts, only making you wetter and wetter.
“You like that, don’t you? Tell me, baby, do you like having my cock in your tight pussy? Like being fucked so good?” He asked as he kept rutting into you, not slowing down for a moment.
“Mmhmmm….f-feels so g-good…love your cock…” you whimpered out, wrapping your arms around his neck, moaning into his shoulder. After a few more thrusts, it had you both reaching your end.
“Be a good girl and cum with me…” He grunted, trying to reach the tip of his climax, fucking you faster and harder. You nodded your head, he lowered his hand to rub quickly at your clit, making sure you felt as much pleasure as you could.
“Can’t…gonna cum…!” You moaned out, feeling your walls clench around him.
“Cum for me, baby.” Jungkook moaned as he fucked you faster, making you both reach your climax. After riding it out, he carefully slid out of you, going to get a warm cloth to clean you up.
That was what you needed. Not jewelry, clothes or a new house. You needed him. His love. His affection. “I’m sorry for being so neglectful, baby. I’ve been so busy with work I-”
You cut him off with a soft kiss to his lips, caressing his face with your hands. “There’s no need to apologize, Kook. I understand, truly, but I just need you. That’s it. You’re all I’d ever need.”
“Well that’s good, because you’re never getting rid of me.”
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shawnsturns · 10 months
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I sit on the bed in the guest room across from Shawn's room and his friends rooms down the corridor at 1am, watching TikTok on my phone. I have so much horny shit on my for you page of Shawn right now and not gonna lie it turns me kinda on.
I watch another 10 minutes and have enough of it. There are so many edits. I’m so horny now. I can’t help it. I don’t want to masturbate though I just wanna hear this sounds from a boy right now. And there I am, standing in front of Shawn’s door. I don‘t know why I’m even here. We’re only friends but I never was this horny in my life. I knock on the door, hoping he’s awake. I only here a „yeah?“ and open the door.
He watches up from his phone, into my eyes. He sits on the edge of the bed, phone in his hand and purple LED‘s on. I just stand in the door, looking at him.
„What do you want at 1am?“ he chuckled slightly. I go over to him, so I’m standing right in front of his face. He looks up at me, confused. „What are you-“ „stay still.“ I cut him off and go on my knees unbutton his pants. „doing..“ he ends his sentence after he realises what I’m going to do and slightly spreads his legs for me. Before he could say something, I shove his pants down and his boxers follow. Honestly his dick is bigger than I thought. He’s half-hard now, so I go up to his face, looking him in the eyes. With wide eyes he looks at me, still don’t know why I’m doing this. „I-uhm-“ he doesn’t know what he should say. I go to his neck, sucking on him.
He lets out a quiet gasp, turning me on a little more. I go to his earlobe, licking and sucking on it too. He slightly whimpers at that, cuts it off by clearing his throat. ‚okay, that’s what he likes’ I thought. I give his earlobe one last suck, then going down to his dick again, what is fully hard now.
I give it a small lick, making him gasp louder. Without warning, I take his whole length in my mouth, making him moan. „Fuck y/n..“ i go up again, putting my tongue in his slit. He whimpers and tugs his hand in my hair. I go down again, and he tightens the grip on my hair, making me groan slightly. I give him a few more sucks, hands on his thighs. He is moaning louder now, giving me the hint he’s close. „F-fu-uck, please. You’re so good at this” he tried not to let out a whimper during the sentence. He’s so close now, pre-cum already all over my tongue.
I swallow it, making my throat tighten, and he groans at that. He moves his hips up, trying to put more of him in my mouth even if I already have his whole length in my throat. “Fuck! I’m gonna-“ he cuts himself off. I go off of his dick “you gonna what? Tell me.” He looks down at me. He looks so good in this angle oh god. “I-I can’t.“ he has a red face, embarrassed to say it. I stroke him with my hand slowly, making him throw his head back and whimper. „You’re not gonna cum until you say it.“
„Shit. I- I’m gonna - cum. I’m gonna cum for you.“ he finally says. „good boy.” I tell him before I put my mouth around him again. He moans a little louder that he should at this. His roommates are at home but I think he doesn’t care at all right now. He moaned a few more times, god I can hear this sounds all the time. “mmmhh that feels good..” “I’m gonna cum.. oh my god” he gasps. I go down again, and he shoots his load in my mouth, making me moan because of his taste. Oh, the flavour of him tastes so fucking good. He whines moans and gasps when he comes. I love his sounds. I slowly go off of his dick, making him whine one more time. I stand up and go to his face. Without warning I smash my lips into his. He’s shocked at first but then kisses me back.
I put my tongue in when he slightly opens his mouth. He moans when I put my tongue deeper in his mouth. I moan back, then break the kiss. He then opens his eyes and looks at me a little embarrassed. „Like the taste of you?“ I smirk at him and he nods slightly. „I'm gonna go back to my room, good night“ I say and smile at him. „Goodnight“ he said and smiled back. I go out of his room, back into the guest room. God, how I loved the sounds he made. We’re still friends and I don‘t know what will happen in the morning, if it will be embarrassing, but I don’t care right now. We will see.
this is so bad my apologies honestly i cannot write fanfics
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gabriellerudessa · 4 months
Compass (Norm Maclean x OC) - VI
“Depending on our pace and how the places are, it should be a week of travel, maybe just a little more. I’m pretty sure there’s a faster path, but I don’t know it, so I prefer to veer on what I can bet it’s safer.”
“If it improves our chances of arriving alive…” Norm shrugged, and Marigold chuckled.
“Damn righty, Norm-boy.”
AO3 | Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV | Part XV | Part XVI | Part XVII | Part XVIII | Part XIX | Part XX | Part XXI (Smut) | Part XXII | Part XXIII | Part XXIV | Part XXV | Part XXVI (Smut) | Part XXVII | Part XXVIII | Part XXIX | Part XXX | Part XXXI | Part XXXII | Part XXXIII |
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Words: 3.731
Warning: ... Talk about Vault 33 practices regarding sex, I guess? lol
Marigold had woken him around 1am. She was already bleary-eyed, touching Norm’s cheek with a finger and mumbling a “fuck, you’re freezing”.
It ended with her putting her arm around his shoulders, pulling him close to her before Norm could say anything, and then promptly falling asleep with her head leaning back against the wall, deep breaths and light snores.
Norm had blinked at that, a single “what?” as his brain was still kick-starting. He tried taking her arm away, but the limb locked and refused to move as he touched it. In the end, he just sighed and accepted the situation. At least he got warm fast that way.
He kept his ears attentive, the hours slowly ticking by, the wind howling all around. Occasionally he looked at his Pip-Boy, remembering the rarely used functionalities – Geiger count, the tracker…The map, that he had relegated to oblivion with how sure Marigold guided the path.
In retrospect, maybe he should keep the Geiger on…
A different sound attracted his attention, and he raised his head. Again, a type of… Huffing and breathing, closer.
“Marigold.” He whispered, poking her in the waist – those were muscles, indeed…
She jerked awake, a hand covering his mouth almost by instinct. They both made silence, hearing the huffing and breathing, for long seconds… Then she relaxed, the hand retreating with a sigh.
“What’s that?” Norm whispered, the sound still close.
“Radstags, a herd from what I’m hearing… Wants to see?”
Norm thought for a second.
Marigold unfolded from the corner, crouching towards one of the broken windows, a hand carrying the hunting rifle and the other pulling his arm. She stopped with just her head above the windowsill, and Norm did the same. Wordlessly, she handed him the scope dangling from her neck, and he used it to look at the back of the house.
Besides the green tint to it all, the animals looked like stags, all right… But as Marigold had said, two headed and two extra legs that didn’t touch the ground. And… Maybe a little bigger than the pictures he had seen? That was hard to judge.
“This is more what I was expecting regarding radiation.” Three had antlers, and he assumed to be males. He couldn’t count the females, every time moving and appearing and disappearing.
“Look down there.” Marigold whispered, a finger turning his chin and making him swallow just before he saw what she was pointing: the younger ones, smaller looking and one headed but with a weird protrusion close to it. “The second head starts growing usually two or three months after birth, at least around these parts. Brahmin, another two headed animal, are born with the two heads. If the second head doesn’t grow, there is a tendency for the herd to abandon it.”
“One headed radstags are sweeter and easier to sneak-by.”
“A liability to the group.”
“Pretty much.”
They watched the herd some more, in silence, and while the males occasionally looked towards the house, they didn’t approach, and slowly the animals ambled away.
“Do you know this path and region?” Norm asked in the middle of the following morning, after noticing Marigold’s slower pace.
She grimaced.
“Won’t lie, not as well as I would’ve liked. I went there and back just three times, every time with Catarina and always with something like a year between each travel. I know the general lay of the land and some landmarks to watch for, but it’s far from how well I know my hunting routes.”
Norm nodded at the expected answer, fiddling with his Pip-Boy and opening the map, squinting at it.
“I told in the ranch that my Pip-Boy has a map of the region, remember? Don’t know how well it will work with two hundred years of delay, but…”
“It’s better than nothing. Let’s find a shade and take a look at it.
“We are here.” Norm pointed at the Vault-Boy’s face, and Marigold nodded.
“And we came from here… I know this formation, it’s portrayed the same way on our physical map. It’s close to Filly.” Norm immediately added a marker to the formation, naming it as “Filly”.
With that, Marigold was able to more easily identify everything else they had on their own map, marking the ranch, the entrances to both Vault 32 and 33, and some noteworthy ruins and neighbors. Norm found it curious that they hadn’t ever stumbled into an entrance to Vault 31; either it didn’t have one leading to the surface, or it was well hidden.
“All righty. That’s everything from there. Now here…” She frowned at the Pip-Boy, nibbling on her lower lip, and Norm had to force his eyes back to the map. “The Observatory is around here in the mountains, but I don’t have the precise coordinates. Even then, Catarina’s cabin is some hours away from it.”
“No worry.” He added the place more as a guiding point, and Marigold observed some more, tapping a finger against her chin then pointing the map with the other hand.
“I know that ideally we have to circle around this region, it has a lot of radiation.” Norm marked the place with a radiation sign. “From what Catarina told me, there’s a Bounty Hunter Agency around this place. I would prefer to avoid them, and while it is off the path, it’s good to know where it’s if we need to do some type of detour.” Norm nodded, a danger sign for the place.
“This here… Looks like some type of river?” He pointed, and she slowly nodded with a squint.
“It is, but it’s not pre-war. Catarina pointed it to me once, there’s ruined buildings inside it.” What exactly was running inside his Pip-Boy that it kept the map updated? “Can’t remember the exact name, and we didn’t get too close. Catarina said it’s not radioactive and that there’s mainly bloatflies around it, but also that there’s a mutated animal in the water. Gulper, she called. It’s intelligent and radioactive but doesn’t usually leave the water.”
Norm marked the place.
“We will use the Pip-Boys Geiger count if we get close to it so we can fill the canteens and avoid the water overall.” Marigold nodded at that.
“If we do, I fill the canteens and you stay back.” Norm rolled his eyes but agreed.
“Any other place you know?”
“Just here. A lot of tall ruins, pretty dense. My experience says to circle and avoid anything like it.”
“Too many places for dangers to hide?”
“Pretty much. Sometimes I don’t have alternatives, but I like to avoid going inside if I can. Too fucking easy to be surrounded and get jumped by raiders, slavers or whatever else.”
Norm nodded and added a marker to the place, then they took a last look at the map, Marigold tracing a path on the screen.
“Depending on our pace and how the places are, it should be a week of travel, maybe just a little more. I’m pretty sure there’s a faster path, but I don’t know it, so I prefer to veer on what I can bet it’s safer.”
“If it improves our chances of arriving alive…” Norm shrugged, and Marigold chuckled.
“Damn righty, Norm-boy.”
They decided on a path that skirted around the denser ruins, sticking to the desert when possible, where Marigold was able to see anything approaching from a good distance away, avoiding any place that made his Geiger count too happy, and eventually passing by that river-place. It would take them steadily and slowly east and north.
“If I see something easy to hunt and cook, I’ll take the shot.” She said when they stopped for lunch and Norm finished the first of his three boxes of Fancy Lads Snack Cakes. “Keep the box, it’s good for storage.”
“Stretch out our suppliers?”
“Yeah. No way to stop and preserve something big like a Radstag, but a bunch of smaller thing can be done for one, maybe two meals.”
They kept eating in silence for a time, Norm reading more of Goose’s notes, trying to stick the descriptions to memory. If he found any of the plants, he would take them, not matter their use. He just needed a place to store them…
He threw all the cakes into a single box. There. One for the papers, another for any plant found. And there was still the coat’s pockets.
“Where are you keeping the knife?” Marigold asked just after that, and Norm grimaced.
“In the bag.” He knew it wasn’t ideal, too hard to access, but the suit had no pockets and the ones from the coat where either too deep or too shallow.
She grimaced right back.
“Lefty or righty?” she was already fumbling with her backpack.
“Right-handed.” Marigold nodded at that, a leather belt and medicine tin can in hands.
“Take off your right boot.” She opened the tin can, a small sewing kit inside. The needles were thick, white and dull; they looked made of bone.
Norm did it, half of his mind determined to make a kit of his own. He doubted his clothes would be intact forever.
“Cute socks.” She teased and Norm rolled his eyes, as she got closer and fitted the belt around his shin. “The knife.” Norm fumbled with his bag and landed it in her expecting hand, noticing how deft her movements were as she notched the sheathed knife between the end of the suit and belt.
“Too tight?”
“Relax the leg.”
He did, and kept following her instructions as she cut and sew the leather, needles and scissors and thick twine held between pursed lips, fingers not fumbling once.
In the end, the sheath was kept to the outside of his shin, sewn to the belt and to the extra leather cut from it. Snug, extra holes so he could tighten the buckle if needed, the other strip of leather keeping the knife immobile as he moved his leg and foot.
Norm put on his boot again. The knife’s handle didn’t stick outside the boot, and it was fitted well enough that it wasn’t uncomfortable.
“It’s usually better if we do this to the inside of the boot, but yours is of too good quality to mess like this. Now you need to practice taking it out and putting it back without hurting yourself.”
He gave a “what” look. Marigold just raised a critical eyebrow.
The rest of the day had been pretty uneventful… When Marigold didn’t spring an order for him to take out the knife. Without predictability, nothing, just “knife… All righty, put it back”, every time with that critical eye.
“Damn it why are we still at this?” Norm was unable to hold in the grumble after he had lost count of how many times he had done it. He was done with all the crouching down and up.
Marigold grinned, the extra trouble, scars distorting in her face.
He had an inkling that she was just expecting that. And that he was, indeed, in trouble.
“Norm-boy, it needs to become second-nature to you. Like this.”
Then the hunting rifle was against her shoulder, her eye looking down the iron sights towards a pile of rubble and tall dried grass.
A shot and another one, the sound of buzzing wings as she reloaded the gun – deft movements, taking ammo from the bag-belt without taking her eyes from the horizon, and two more shots.
No more buzzing wings. Reloaded again. Rifle at ready, instead of hanging from her shoulder.
As Marigold walked ahead, towards the direction of her shots, Norm dry-swallowed. It all had been fast, barely a thought spared, so unlike the Vault competitions. Second-nature, as she had said.
She raised one giant insect he didn’t recognize, another, another… Four in total. Not a single shot wasted.
“Dinner and breakfast! Let’s find a place we can light a fire tonight!”
Norm blinked, dry-swallowed again, casually making sure the coat was more closed before following Marigold.
Her posture, her unwavering aim, the focus as Marigold looked down the sights, her sheer lack of worry as she reloaded, unfazed by the buzzing wings. Sure in her abilities. Not needing to think, just doing it. If he factored in the fact that she had noticed the animals before they had even started to fly, amidst rubble and grass…
Damn it.
That had been the hottest thing he had seen in his life.
Norm hadn’t made any more comment or complaint when she sprung the “take the knife” order after her demonstration. When they stopped for the night, he was better-ish at it, and actually kept the knife in hand as he helped her verify the one-floor house. It was mostly empty and there were no dangers, but he found an intact pair of binoculars hanging inside a closet, handing it to her with a shrug – “You’re taller and knows what to watch for”.
She almost hugged him in thanks, but managed to just tap his shoulder, her smile big. Her old pair had broken in a scuffle with a bunch of raiders some months prior and she was still trying to save enough caps for another.
The house had all external walls, and all the windows in the living room had wood blinds – not intact, but enough to keep light from escaping – and it was easy enough to barricade the door and cover the hole in the lower part of it with a broken shelf. Marigold went by the neighboring houses, collecting old pieces of wood, and Norm had made a decent job of following her instructions of using broken concrete to create a circle in the middle of the room when she returned.
It didn’t take long for her to light the fire and prepare the bloatflies for cooking inside the exoskeleton. She just lamented the lack of prickly pears and other ingredients to make it shine as it could.
Marigold could clearly see Norm trying to not grimace at the giant insects, but there was a slight pull besides his mouth and frown between his eyebrows. As she turned the bloatflies, she saw him take the box were he had stored Goose’s notes, eyes purposefully away from the fire. But not reading yet.
And there was this nagging curiosity since last night…
“Hey Norm-boy.”
“You said something last night that got me curious. I wanted to ask about. If you prefer to read, however, just say and I’ll shut up.”
Norm stopped, and she noticed his finger tapping the box, then he shrugged and lowered it down.
“Go ahead. I’ve asked a lot myself.”
“You said your sister was supposed to marry someone from Vault 32. An exchange each three years. My parents’ thing is something that pretty much doesn’t happen down there, and same-sex couple also a big no, so like… How does it all work down there, relationships and so on? I mean, the way you talked, it sounded like a lot of bureaucracy.” She couldn’t keep the disdain away from the “bureaucracy”.
Norm laughed at her last words.
“Oh, you’re right. That’s the best way I’ve ever seen it put. A bunch of bureaucracy.” He shook his head, elbows at his knees. “So, first you need to be aware that the population isn’t like, reaaaally big. And after 200 years, we are all just… Closely related.”
“Fuck. You mean like, everyone is a cousin on some degree and so on?”
“Yes. That was the point of the three Vaults, so we could exchange people with certain regularity and avoid the worst effects of a population so closely related to each other.”
“Oh, Goose told me once… Helps maintain genetic variability, righty?”
Norm nodded and grinned, the before of the marriage a good memory.
“I said to Lucy that Vault 32 could be bad at keeping it and her husband could be a cannibal or covered in tumors.”
Marigold laughed at that.
“As younger siblings must do. Nothing beats the fun of teasing the older ones for shit like this. Moose practiced serenading for a month before asking Stacy’s hand. He sounded like a cat being tortured. It was a nightmare. So now every time it’s close to their anniversary, we imitate him in front of him and ask Stacy how that worked.”
“What’s her answer?”
“Something absolutely crass about their private life that effectively put us in our place. Never let her sweet face deceive you, Stacy has a foul mind regarding sex.”
His laugh fumbled into an embarrassed cough.
“Noted. Anyway, despite this, because of the whole ‘repopulate the surface’, sexual education is very through in the Vault and casual sex and experimentation are encouraged, as long as you don’t marry or have kids with closer relatives.”
“Wait… You mean casual sex with your cousins, no matter the degree?!”
“Yep. Chet, the one Lucy was caught with? Our cousin, and quite a close one at that.”
“Ew! Sorry, Norm-boy, but… Ew!” Marigold ignored his chuckle at her reaction, turning the bloatflies in the fire and feeling the horrified shiver go through her back. She had cousins that lived away, and the thought of actually having any of her sexual escapades with them was outright gross.
“I don’t judge your reaction. I did experiment some, but there was only so many people not that closely related to me and not already in a relationship. And the way they talked, it seemed more like a chore.” He grimaced. “Never quite understood how Lucy was able to do it so easily.”
“She must be a bit like Regina.” Some juice was starting to break the exoskeleton and drip on the fire. Bloatflies almost done. That’s it, think about bloatflies and not about cousins doing things, Marigold.
“How so?”
“She sees, she likes, she pounces. If not for Goose’s teas, Lily would have a lot of unplanned siblings. Actually” she gave a cheeky grin towards him “you’re lucky you’re not her type. You wouldn’t know what hit you.”
That made him blush, another embarrassed cough following.
Fucking adorable. Fucking fun to tease too, now that she had the time – no amount of worrying and whatever would make them arrive faster – and none of her family teasing her for it.
“So…”  He looked around, fiddling with his hands. “Moose is married, Catarina is married, Regina has lots of casual sex, you mentioned an Ed guy that has two wives… Mika?”
“Making moon eyes at a caravan guard. Ma wants to have the two of them married by next year.”
“Guadalupe is… Determined.”
“No one in sight all these years. I asked her once, and her exact words were ‘he has to be really dumb’.”
“That seems counter-productive…”
“Righty?! Never understood that!”
She started to mess with her backpack, finding her bowl and fork… And an extra set of both? Who the hell had sneaked those in? For fuck’s sake, why her family was like that?
“And you? I mean, you seem to be single and unlike Goose and Regina doesn’t have kids. Not big on casual or something like it?”
Marigold raised her head, grinning at him and raising an eyebrow. That was almost too easy.
“Quite au contraire, Norm-Boy.” She was methodical in how she served one bowl. “But unlike Regina I enjoy the chase just as much as the finish line.” Marigold winked, and Norm froze, the color in his cheeks intense, and handed him the bowl and fork. “Dinner’s ready.”
Marigold kept her voice purposefully soft, watching as he took the things almost automatically.
As she served her own bowl, his reaction made her think that no matter how much Norm had experimented with casual sex and so on, no one in the Vault had actually took the time to seduce him, which was a fucking shame. He was cute, handsome, respectful and clearly fucking smart. The type of man that deserved to be swept off his feet in her books.
Oh well. They had enough time for some casual fun now. Fuck, she hated to admit it, but her family had been right in their fucking teasing. Was she that predictable?
As long as both of them didn’t discover any of their sisters were dead. That would dampen any mood.
Also better pray nothing happened that made her open the can of worms of “sex for survival” before they went their separate ways. It rarely ended well when it came up with people whose presence she actually enjoyed, and with him being a Vaultie, Marigold preferred not to take any chances.
Norm still felt out of the loop as he faced the bowl with a bloatfly in it. The talk had veered on slightly weird and uncomfortable at certain points, but nothing he hadn’t had to deal before in the Vault – there they actually managed to make it way more uncomfortable.
But the end of it? What the actual hell?
He had caught some heated looks from her before, sure, but… Was that her actually flirting? Most people in the Vault were so straightforward when they wanted something that he actually found flirting… Strange. Unexpected. And after earlier, when she had shot the four insects?
Norm had a sudden revelation that he was in trouble.
“Norm-boy?” He raised his head and blinked at her.
Normal now, no extra trouble cheeky grin or wink or whatever. Just… A fork touching the bloatfly.
“You break and open the exoskeleton, just like this.”
She pressed the tip of the fork right down the middle; it sunk a bit, steam wafting off from the break in the exoskeleton, and then in a practiced movement used the fork to lift a side, exposing white-ish cooked meat.
Effectively pulling his mind from the gutter, thank God.
Norm looked at his own bowl, sighed, and did his best to do as she had shown. He stared at the meat above the fork, Marigold eating with clear gusto in his peripherals.
Not as bland as the ant, and without the slight sugary aftertaste. It was just… Something weirdly grassy? Not as greasy too. Not practically melting, more of a weird mushy texture. Somehow more bearable, but not by much.
He should’ve asked Goose if he could take some of the leaves, flowers and fruits with him.
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atmosghoul · 1 year
Thinking about insomniatic Aether but it’s because his quintessence abilities means he can pick up other ghouls and siblings emotions and we’ll this happened at 1am enjoy.
Aether spends an hour and a half tossing and turning before he realises the restlessness keeping him awake is not coming from him or his pack but from a sibling of sin all the way across the abbey.
He reluctantly gets up and goes to track down the source. He follows the trail. It feels like a thread barely there but pulling him strongly.
He comes to a door and realises he doesn’t know who this door belongs to. He makes it a point to try and learn most of the siblings names and where they sleep in case of nights like this but he finds himself blank.
He sighs and glamours himself before he knocks gently, realising this might be a new initiate. He hears a gasp followed by muffle scuffling before the door is cracked open just a sliver.
A meek face peaks through and Aether can smell their fear spike. He offers a gentle smile and a soft wave of his hand.
“Uh hi,” he says barely above a whisper. “Sorry to bother you I just thought you might could use some help,” he gives a pause allowing them to reply but continues when they stay silent, still only able to see a portion of their face through the sliver of the door.
“I’m Aether. I’m one of Papa’s ghouls,”
More silence, but the door opens just a sliver more and they readjust their position so their full face is peeking through. Large green eyes slightly sunken due to exhaustion and possibly crying, shaggy brown hair in messy waves that fall in their eyes. Aether can see the tension already start to relax but there’s still fear there.
“Did they tell you about us ghouls?”
They take a moment but nod. Aether smiles wider and waits for any word from them but gets nothing but a face of fear attempting to be hidden.
“Can I come in? I usually offer the new siblings a bit of a welcome wagon but I wasn’t aware we had one. When did you arrive?”
They open the door wider and leave it open as they turn and walk towards their desk to grab something but don’t answer.
Aether notices the room seems more lived in than a new sibling’s should. Furniture moved out of its default arrangement, wall decor clearly having been there a while.
The sibling turns around holding a notepad with two words written on it.
Not new
Aether stares in confusion at the paper being held in front of him, wondering why they weren’t speaking “Oh I’m sorry I’ve never seen you around before. How long have you-“
He stops as the sibling turns around placing the notepad on the desk and writing something else before gently pushing it towards Aether again.
Face me when you talk
Suddenly it clicks and Aether feels like an idiot. He remembers hearing about a new initiate but never got the chance to meet them and in the fuss of going on tour he’d forgotten to introduce himself when they got back. A week ago.
He turns to the sibling and tries to recall the handful of lessons he’d taken years ago. Bored on the road during his first tour discovering humans had created a whole way of communicating with their hands.
His sign language skills are admittedly pedestrian but he gives his best effort.
I. Sorry. Not. Realise. My name A-E-T-H-E-R. Want. Help. You. Bad sleep.
The sibling smiles at the effort. They sign back a bit fast for Aether’s comprehension especially so sleep deprived as he is but he picks up the important bits.
They introduced themself as Rian and Aether has to ask them to spell it again because he thought they’d spelled Rain.
After a few times of Aether struggling Rian explains that they can read lips well enough and promises to sign slower so Aether can keep up.
Aether explains about his quintessence magic and what brought him to their room so late and Rian apologises before explaining that they’d been having trouble adjusting to life in the abbey. Being the only deaf sibling was difficult. The rest of the clergy were nice enough but trying to make friends was difficult and it had been weighing on them.
They chat through most of the night and Rian agrees to help Aether with his signing before they say their goodnights.
As Aether is headed towards the door he turns back to Rian and taps their shoulder.
You want help sleep? He signs.
Rian looks at him puzzled. Aether laughs and explains, speaking this time, that he can use his quintessence to help ease them to sleep before he leaves.
Rian agrees and Aether goes about explaining how it works before instructing Rian to lie in bed and get comfy.
Neither of them realised how often an occurrence nights like this would be.
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greenlikethesea · 1 year
WIP word search
thanks @riality-check for the tag! my words are: decide, peace, follow, door, and proud
door, from an untitled fair ithilien WIP, about the relationship between Mike, El, and Will:
“You keep changing the goal posts, Will!” Mike shouts. There’s a thump on Will’s wall by the living room, no doubt a boot hurled as a warning from Mr. Rakowski next door. It’s a stark reminder that it is, indeed, a quarter to eight in the morning on a fucking Saturday. 
“I have no idea what you mean by that.”
“I do something, you’re angry. I don’t do something, you’re still angry. Which is it? I can’t guess how you feel! I can’t –”
“Read my mind,” Will finishes. “Yeah, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out, Mike.”
peace, from an epistolary WIP set in fair ithilien verse, primarily consisting of emails between Dustin and Max:
SUBJECT: Re: Two photos, one question
Claire is the absolute coolest. I’m pretty sure I’m in love with her, which is frightening and not something I want to touch now that I’ve written it out, so don’t ask for elaboration. The only annoying thing about her is that she works nights right now, so coordinating plans with her can be tricky. But that means I can write this email to you in peace, and that also means that she’ll be wide awake when you see Accordion Man next month, thankfully without me.
follow, from an upcoming installment of the jargyle:
“Why don’t you fucking do it?” Will yelps, with that awful, sniveling tone that has crept in from years of embodying what Eddie has snidely called New York Will in their conversations whenever he’s come up. 
“I have been doing the laundry,” El says, with that jagged staccato leftover from her youth that still graces her vocal delivery every so often. “You have done nothing.”
“Oh sure, caring for our mother is doing nothing,” Will bites back.
“You do not care. You are an asshole.” Another crash, followed by a yell from Will – something expensive that belonged to him, no doubt.
proud, from a fair ithilien installment set during the one and only friendsgiving megan and steve host:
“Yeah, I thought so too,” Megan says. She sounds proud of herself. She should be, Eddie guesses, which is maybe a weird thought to have. He doesn’t know. “I’d really like it if you were there, Eddie. Steve would, too. It’s okay if you can’t come, but I really hope you can.”
It’s the earnestness of that statement that makes something in Eddie’s heart clench. 
“I’ll be there,” Eddie says. 
“Oh, that’s great, Eddie, thank you,” Megan says, immediately joyous. “Well, I should go, but it was really nice talking to you.”
decide, from a fair ithilien installment about drag:
With the way Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up, Steve knows it was the right thing to say. “You’ve worn a dress?”
“It was a King Steve classic,” Steve says, waving it off like he hasn’t just exposed part of his soul. “Brought it out at parties sometimes.”
“I went to a few parties at Chez Harrington and I think I would remember that,” Eddie says. His tone is…unreadable. Too steady, almost. Like he can’t decide how to approach this conversation.
Steve shrugs again, starts sorting through stuff again just to give his hands something to do. “Only happened when shit got really wild. Like, 1am shitfaced exclusive. Mom was never home, so I knew which dresses of hers I wouldn’t stretch out. ”
“No kidding,” Eddie says.
no pressure tags!: @sparklyslug, @the-barn-rat, @geddyqueer, and @r-o-s-e-f-i-r-e! your words are chance, hot, press, smirk, and lose.
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asmutwriter · 2 years
Welcome to the Freak Show (Part 22)
Eddie x Reader
From beginning / Previous / Next / Master List  
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WARNINGS: Season 4 spoilers, swearing, hickeys, making out, implied sex, blood (cuts herself by accident), blood tasting, anxiety
-  This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
You wake up. Looking over to see Eddie and Laura curled up together. You quietly get up. Going and grabbing your work clothes. You turn away from the couple, changing as quietly as you can. Turning back round you go over and grab a bowl of cereal. Laura coughs slightly. You smile and wave at her. She waves back. Standing up and grabbing her shirt and jeans. You politely look away as she also gets ready for work. You both have a silent bond over your breakfast. Somehow you have a great conversation considering neither of you say a word. But you do a lot of hand gestures and improvised sign language. A voice breaks the silence “Are my two favourite girls having a conversation without me?”
“You’re awake”
“Hey baby”
“Hey” he stretches, making his speak slightly slurred. He sits up. Grabbing his shirt from the floor and placing it on. “Ready for work?” you both nod. Heading to the car. You get in the back. Going to work you get in. Going and starting serving customers. 
A few hours pass. Eddie walks over to you during your lunch break. “Hey. I’m going to Laura’s tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow morning if that’s ok?” you nod “Again I’ll drop you off home first” you smile at him 
“Such a gentlemen. Now you go get your... you know. Fun time” he laughs.
After work he drops you off at home. Waving goodbye to them both you go over to the phone in your house. Dialling in the number “Hey this is Phil”
“Hey umm this is Elizabeth. I was wondering if Dan was there”
“One sec” you hear him yelling out. 
“Hey Elizabeth”
“Hey. I was wondering what you were doing this evening?”
“I was going to stay home and drink with the guys. Why?” you chuckle slightly
“My plans for tonight changed and I’m free. I was wondering if you’d want to meet but I get your busy with the boys”
“No. No no no. Shit. We can meet” you hear whispering on the other end. “So the guys have said that if you’d like you can come over. Phil says he has a beer spare for you” you chuckle
“Don’t mind me crashing your boys evening?”
“No. I mean it’s me, Phil, other Dan, Olivia and Emma. They’re my roommates”
“Oh cool. Still ok me crashing your evening?”
“Of course!” you chuckle “I’ll pick you up. Give me 20 minutes”
It’s been four hours. You got picked up and were now on your 2nd beer of the night. All of Dan’s roommates are lovely. You get on well with Emma. Both chatting and drinking. But they all end up saying goodnight when it get to 1am. Leaving you and Dan in the living room. He sits next to you. Taking a sip of his beer. You turn to face him, arm leaning on the back of the sofa “Thanks for letting me crash your night” he chuckles
“It’s ok. I’m glad you had a good time” you nod. He rests a hand on your thigh. Squeezing it slightly. You smile, leaning forward and kissing him quickly. Going back in for a more long and heated kiss. He smiles, placing both hands on your hips as you make out. You both pull away for air. Before you can regain it he leans and kisses your neck. Sucking harshly onto it you let out a small moan. He smiles. Continuing to lick and suck on your neck. He pulls away, running his finger over your now bruising skin. You tilt you head, fluttering your eyes shut. “So beautiful” you smile at the compliment. Feeling him kiss you again. His hand goes to your side “Do you want to come up to my room...?” you nod. Maybe a bit too enthusiastically. He chuckles. Kissing you quickly before standing up and pulling you up with him.
The next morning you wake up to him next to you. His eyes shut as he’s sleeping. You reach down and grab your shirt. Placing it over your body. As well as your trousers. He turns to face you “Your leaving?” he mumbles. You lie back down
“No. I was just getting dressed” he smiles, his hand going and tracing the hem of your shirt
“Think you should stay naked” you chuckle. 
“I do need to go though” you smile at him. Kissing him quickly before standing up. He leans and grabs his trousers and shirt
“I’ll give you a ride” you nod and smile at him. Going to his car you drive back to yours. “I’ll give you a ring, yeah?” you nod
“I’d like that” you smile at him. Getting out of the car and going over to your house. You wave goodbye to him before opening the door. You grab a towel, heading over to the showers. You get back and see that within the 20 minute shower you had Eddie got home as your car is parked next to your house. You go inside. “Hey” you smile at him.
“Oh hey. Nice shower?” you nod, your towel wrapped around your hair. He furrows his brows “Did you have someone over?”
“No. Why?”
“You have a hickey” he points to the mark on your neck. You feel your cheeks redden as you cover it with your hand “I assume you didn’t do it yourself”
“Shit...” he laughs “A couple of days ago I met this guy called Dan. Went round his and drunk with him and his roommates last night” he nods slowly.
“You going to meet him again?”
“Yeah but I’m waiting for him to ring me this time. Don’t want to seem desperate” he chuckles but nods. “When are you next seeing Laura?”
“This weekend” he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. You raise an eyebrow at him
“Ok what is it?”
“So this weekend is our 4 month anniversary. We are going to go away for the weekend together... Leaving early Friday and coming back late Sunday” you nod slightly. “Will you be ok?”
“Yeah. Yeah of course” he nods. You smile slightly at him as you remove the towel from your hair, hanging it up on a peg to let it dry “You’ll have a really good time. Just try not to miss me to much” he laughs, wrapping you up in a hug “Ew physical affection” you mock him as you also hug him. He rests his cheek on the top of your head. He takes your face with his hands, kissing your forehead “Where are you going for it?”
“Somewhere along the coast. Going to have a beach holiday” he grins at you “hopefully see some sharks”
“Please don’t get eaten by a shark”
“But that’s my plan. Have an amazing time away, then get bitten by a shark. Then come back here with shark powers”
“Shark powers?”
“Yeah! I don’t know what they’d be but I image breathing underwater. That’d be cool” you laugh
“Just make sure it isn’t a hammer head shark. You’ll be coming back here with a wonky head otherwise”
“Like this?” he pulls a funny face causing you to laugh more “Are you mocking my face?” you nod, covering your mouth as you laugh. He makes his face go back to normal. “So childish” he jokes at you, you lightly hit his shoulder. “Ooh be careful. Strong woman like you could break a small boy like me in half with those muscles”
“Ahh yes because I am very muscly” he nods, grinning at you. “So I’ve had a song in my head and I’m not saying I blame you but you did show the film to me”
“Oh god what is it?”
“’How do you solve a problem like Maria? Doodaleedo’” you laugh at his outbreak of singing. 
“It’s a great song and a great film!”
“I mean... It’s a good song and good film, great might be pushing it”
“You love it really” he rolls his eyes but smiles at you.
A couple of days pass. It’s the Thursday before Eddie leaves for the weekend. You’re both sat on your bed watching a film. You’re plates from dinner discarded on the floor and you’re cutting the ends off of strawberries. One for you, one for him. You get so distracted and engrossed in the film you don’t pay much attention to what you’re doing. Until you feel a sharp pain “Shit” you gasp out. Accidently cutting your thumb. You instinctively place it in your mouth to try and sooth the pain. He glances over at you as you pull it from your mouth. A small line of blood appears. 
“You ok?” his voice trails off as he notices the redness
“Yeah I’m just being an idiot” he nods. His eyes watching your thumb. “Are you-?” before you can say anything else he very slowly takes your hand. He brings yours thumb to his mouth, placing it onto his tongue. Letting out a sinful moan as he tastes the metallic fluid. You don’t say anything. You can’t. Your body is suddenly met with an overwhelming amount of joy as he sucks on your thumb. You shut your eyes and let out a small moan. You other hand wanting to hold onto something it finds his knee. Gripping onto it. He stops after a few minutes. Releasing your thumb with a popping noise. He kisses the palm of your hand. You open your eyes and look at him.
“Fuck... Fuck!” he looks at you. His hand going to his mouth, in shock of what he just did. “I am so sorry... I-I don’t know why I did that” your brain still feeling hazy, to filled with euphoria to process what happened. You shake your head, moving your eyes to look at him. He brings his hand up to your face, gently stroking the bone underneath your eye. You move into his hand, looking down at your thumb.
“Its...” you hold your hand up, showing him the now healed skin. 
“What the fuck...” he mutters to himself. You furrow your eyebrows. Grabbing the knife you very gently push it into your finger tip. Wincing at the pain as you break the skin. You hold your hand up to him
“Only if you’re comfortable with it” he doesn’t need telling twice to wrap his lips around your digit. Your hand gripping onto the knife to try and hold back a moan as you feel his tongue go over your sore finger. He pulls away, both of you looking at your hand in awe as the wound has disappeared. He keeps a hold of your hand. Gently brushing over where the wound was before he meets your eyes
“What... What happened?”
“I don’t know... You have superpowers I guess?”
“But how” he looks at your hand, confused. His eyes lighting up as he places his hand over his scar on his neck. “The upside down... fuck”
“Elaborate please?”
“I think” he runs a hand through his hair “I think when I came back. When I got bitten. I think I got some... powers. Healing others wounds must be it”
“What? Like a vampire?”
“Yeah... I guess like a vampire”
“Do you think you can turn into a bat and all that shit? Or is that too cliché” he shrugs
“I have noticed that my senses are better. I can walk over to the showers at night with no light” you nod. Leaning over you turn off the light in your room. Throwing a blanket over the TV to eliminate all light. Thankfully it had gotten dark outside so the room soon became very dark. 
“Experiment” you lift your hands up “How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Four. Three on your left, one on your right”
“Nine. Four on your left, five on your right”
“Touch my hands” you hold your hand above your head, the other placing behind your body. With no hesitation he grabs both of your hands. Bringing them to the front. “Holy shit” you lean over and turn the lights back on. “What other things do vampires do?”
“Umm shapeshifting?”
“Turn into a bat then” he laughs before he scrunches his eyes. Clenching his fists together and holding his breath before he shakes his head. “What about telepathy? Tell me what I’m thinking”
“Oh wow my friend has superhuman powers” you laugh but shake your head
“I mean technically yes but also no. What word am I thinking of?” he leans forward slightly. His eyes locked with yours. 
“Lord... no! Yes! No! Cord. Something ‘ord’” you nod
“Fuck really?” he smiles as you nod “Shit. Shit I’m a vampire”
“You can still go outside and you’ve survived without needing to taste human blood so that’s good. You may not be a vampire as sorts. More like a necro creature. There are several kinds of undead creatures, vampire is just one of them”
“Did you really just get ‘necro from your daily vocabulary?”
“Yeah, and?”
“God you’re a nerd” you rolls your eyes
“Hypocrite” he chuckles, lying down on the bed
“I should sleep though. I may be an undead, sorry, a necro. But I still need my beauty sleep” he shouts his eyes and pulls the blanket up near him “Goodnight” you chuckle, leaning over and turning the TV off before the light. Then lying next to him
He leaves early the next morning. Saying goodbye to you before Laura picks him up. Thankfully you had shifts over the next couple of days so the absence of him wouldn’t be as noticeable then if you had to stay at home. You knew Eddie was staying at Laura’s on Sunday night, going in for work on Monday and coming back to yours Monday night. Monday morning came about, you got ready for work. Had a quick shower, breakfast and then headed off. You smile at Laura when you bump into her at work. “How was your weekend?” she looks at you, eyes you up and down and then walks off. You furrow your brows but before you can go and question her you hear a familiar voice in your ear
“Boo” he speaks. You turn around, Eddie smiling at you as you hug each other
“How was your weekend?”
“Oh it was amazing. We drank, ate, and swam. It was luxurious” you smile. Him telling you about it as you serve customers. “I hope you don’t mind if Laura comes back and stay the night tonight? Her parents are a bit pissed with her at the moment”
“They didn’t know we were going away this weekend and only found out yesterday”
“Oh. Yeah, of course she can stay. She’s always welcome” he smiles at you. Nudging you slightly before going and taking a tables order. 
After work you all go back to yours. Watching a film together before you make yourself comfy on your sofa. The couple staying on the bed. You all settle down. Falling asleep you suddenly get woken up by Laura. “Liz. Liz help” you come to, her eyes filled with panic. “He’s done this before but normally wakes up when I shake him. He’s really deep in this dream though and he seems... scared” you look over. Eddie curled up, eyes furrowed and a soft whimper leaving his scared frame. You sit up, going over and kneeling down by the bed. Gently placing your hand over his, squeezing it softly
“Eddie. Eddie it’s ok. You’re ok” one hand goes and starts to stroke his hair. Softly speaking to him as a way to bring him back to reality. He jumps awake, sitting up and looking at you as he moves away from your touch. Fear in his eyes as they scan yours “It’s me. It’s just me” you hold a hand out to him “you’re safe. I promise” he takes your hand in his. Pulling you up onto the bed and hugging you tightly. Hiding his face in the crook of your neck as he grips your hand. Your free arm going round him and hugging him tightly “I’ve got you” you stay like this for about 15 minutes. Hearing his breath get steadier. 
“Thank you...” you hear him whisper. You squeeze his hand, gently stroking his hair. You motion for Laura to come and sit next to you as you go to leave. He grabs your shirt, eyes looking into yours “No... No. Stay” you nod, moving over slightly so Eddie is in the middle of you and Laura. Squishing you against the wall. The whole time he grips onto your hand, facing you as he keeps scanning your face. A hand comes onto his arm as he lies on his side, a free hand coming and resting on top of his girlfriends. 
“We’ve got you” he half smiles at you. Bringing your hand up as he gently brushes his lips against the back of it. Shutting his eyes and letting sleep take over once again. You don’t sleep for the rest of the night, watching over him to help him if he has another nightmare. 
@karma2223 @fknemily @sammararaven​​ @munson-fixation
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starzzsys · 10 months
We haven’t posted in a while it’s almost 1AM and I’m bored so
Ramble maybe vent ahead? Idk I’m on sleepy brain
A genuine thing I wonder is why we still follow our need to keep ourselves awake at night even if we don’t need to anymore? Like yeah it’s good to be awake in case if anyway wakes up and needs anything or to check on our mom or to check on if the door and windows are locked, ect ect. But the main reason we did this doesn’t happen anymore? So why keep doing this to ourselves. Why not just sleep, why can’t we be normal and sleep our problems away like everyone else? It’s not that we aren’t tired, we are. It’s not that we can’t sleep, most of the time we can. Not all the time, but most. We choose to stay awake until we can not keep our eyes open any longer, we choose to stay awake like this every night we can until we look sickly and dead. Even if we have to feel our eyes slowly open cause they stick when we blink, we’ll still stay awake. The idea of sleeping is just so distressing, I don’t really understand what happened to us to cause us to be so upset by sleeping but we’d rather look very ill and feel very ill then sleep.
If we are ever sleeping by someone/in the same room as them and we stay awake then we will follow their sleeping patterns so we always know what’s happening. We know if they’re panicked and we know if they’re waking up.
Even as I’m following asleep writing this I still don’t feel like I should sleep, I’m going to though because there isn’t anything else for me to do
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druggeddraccus · 2 years
mmm i took a nap from like 2-4pm today woke up for some hours (in the hopes i would stay awake after dinner). ate dinner. watched a movie with my mom and dad. got on the couch and fell sleep after a couple hours. like i was like forcing myself to stay awake.
so i went to bed at like 11pm and i’ve just been wide fucking awake reading. like i started to drift off around 1am i think but then i woke myself up and have just kept reading. and then when i stop i still just can’t get my brain off so i just go back to reading lol
i’m not like overly concerned cause i’m working the next three nights so i’m gonna be up all night those nights lol it’s just annoying. and i know part of why i have this problem is that i don’t want to miss out on hours i’m home and not having to work
i also had to buy two new freaking tires yesterday like i knew i would ugh
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vamossainz55 · 2 years
Moonlight Chapter 2 || Carlos Sainz x Reader
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A/N: Hey guys!! I hope everybody's doing well. I told myself that I would have the next chapter up for next week but my brain is literally going a mile a minute so I decided to finish up the second chapter already (it is almost 1am lmao). Idek if anybody is reading this but I might have some mistakes here and there but please feel free to let me know!! All constructive criticism is appreciated. This chapter is also a bit rushed but I feel like I want to do some building + context before throwing it all in but I am hoping to get more Carlos into the next chapter <3. Thank you so much and I literally love you if you are still reading until here.
ANYWAYS im done xoxoxo.
link to chapter 1 / all chapters / my masterlist
Chapter 2 (4k words)
You don’t sleep at all that night, your mind is spinning and a part of you knows that all the drinks you had were finally catching up to you. Your eyes scan the ceiling, deciding to focus on the small dent you had accidentally left there in hopes to get your mind to still. You couldn’t believe what you had read. McLaren? Out of all teams? A part of you even wants to laugh, because of course this would happen to you. 
You pick up your phone again, read over the email again, and again, and again. How were the words not changing? How were you supposed to join a team knowing Carlos was going to be there? What were you going to do?
A weird mix of emotions settle in your chest. Happiness, excitement, nervousness, pride, and even anger- and maybe a little sadness. You had dreamt about this opportunity for as long as you could remember. Why were you so worried about so many things?
There was one main question drumming in your head, what would happen if you took it? 
You ponder at that thought for what feels like hours, but soon enough your eyes begin to grow heavy. As worried as you were, your body was beginning to shut down, begging to finally get some rest. 
Right before you drift off to sleep you think to yourself still, 
What am I going to do?
The next day you wake up with the sleep still sticking to your eyes. You had managed to get some sleep, but you didn’t feel like you had gotten enough rest. Your eyes were heavy and your body was sore from the night before. You try your best to settle yourself back to sleep but the moment you close your eyes your mind decides otherwise. 
Thoughts of an orange team flood your brain along with a certain driver, but before you can start thinking too much a knock on the door rips your attention away. 
“Y/n? I’m coming in,” Your roommate announces. You let out a loud groan, telling her to go away, but before you can even finish your sentence you hear your door open and feel a strong weight on your bed. Soon enough you’re being crushed, your roommate’s body sprawled over yours. 
“Oh come on- fuck off, get off of me,” you whine as you hear Jane laugh and shift a bit to lay beside you instead. Being awake for so long helps you notice the soft pressure in the center of your head that slowly begins to spread. Yeah, you were definitely hungover. 
“You smell gross,”Jane says, soon getting inside the covers with you. She feels warm and you can’t help but scoot closer. “You never wanna go out and party with me but you do with Laura,” She says playfully. “But you had fun? Laura told me a guy came home with you.”
And fuck- right. You had forgotten about Bastien. “A guy? Yeah yeah, he dropped me off last night. He asked me out on a date.” You tell her, and you can feel a slight swoop in your stomach still. “I’m actually excited?” You’re a bit nervous at the thought of it. It was rare for you to get excited about these things- let alone to say it outloud. 
Jane grins. “You’re excited for a date? Am I hearing you right?” She asks and you can already feel your cheeks heating up so you try your best to look away and come off as casual. 
“He’s really cute and nice. But he told me he’s just here visiting a friend and looking for jobs so it might not even go anywhere.” You say with a shrug. You wondered if it was weird or not but you felt that it was a bit reassuring to not know where it was going to go, like there weren’t many expectations going into it. If he wasn’t going to be around anyways it would be fine if it didn’t work out. 
Jane’s asking when the date is and she is quite surprised by your answer, “The date’s tonight,” You say before explaining, “but we didn’t agree on the time. Should I text him and ask?” 
The look Jane gives you almost makes you laugh. “No, are you crazy?” She exclaims and you wince at how loud she is being, suddenly remembering about the headache that is spreading through your head.
“Wait for him to text you, and if he doesn’t then his loss you know?,” She says, getting off the bed. You think for a second, and yeah, maybe she is right. You could wait and see if he would show up or not. 
“Where are you going?” You ask, peering over the sheets to look at her. As much as you needed it you did not want time by yourself to think about things. 
“Oh I’m coming back, I’m just getting you some painkillers and water,” she says matter of factly and you return her kindness with a smile. 
“Love you!” You say as you watch her head out of the door. 
Bastien does end up texting back, and you both go out to dinner that night. It’s nice, the conversation is casual and you both realize it wasn’t just the alcohol talking the night before. You’re a bit too smitten for your liking but you try your best to ignore it. 
He offers to drive you home but by the way he holds the lower of your back you both know it isn’t just for a drive. It’s thrilling really, to sneak someone upstairs again- begging them to be quiet to not wake up your roommate (because of course you wouldn’t hear the end of it). But you both get away with it, and waking up next to someone the next day makes it even more worth it. 
It wasn’t really supposed to become a thing but it does. Bastien had told you over your date that he was only around for the next two weeks. Mainly a mix of hanging out and catching up with friends along with job interviews and looking over other opportunities. You prep yourself for disappointment, tell yourself that it is a one and done, but that’s far from what ends up happening. 
You see him almost every day, he would either drop by with lunch, dinner, or even a coffee to just squeeze some extra time with you. You would let him sneak into yours at night and he would often pick you up to give Laura a break and stay at his. It’s like you were floating on cloud 9. He meets your friends and you meet some of his. Everything is new, fresh, and exciting. 
So much happens that you don’t even realize you’re in your own little bubble. 
But every bubble is bound to burst. 
It happens to you a whole week after you take Bastien to the airport (with the promise of keeping in touch and seeing eachother soon). Your mind is still preoccupied with him- you both were still texting practically every day- and if you knew any better you were practically dating. But were you really? 
Sure you were practically attached to the hip the whole time you were here, and sure he was texting you good morning, good night, and everything else between the day. But were you really dating? 
There were so many questions still that you had completely forgotten about your upcoming semester. The internship. Your mind suddenly springs. You were sitting at the table with Laura and a few other people in your major when Theo mentions how he had just accepted the offer he had gotten over a week ago. You had completely forgotten about your own offer and it had been over 3 weeks since you had gotten your email. 
“Shit- shit, no way.” You murmur to yourself as you open your phone. Most of the table is distracted in their own conversation but you can feel Laura and one or two other pairs of eyes scanning over you in interest as you scroll through your phone. How could you be so stupid and forget about it? You read through your emails quickly, scrolling through and looking for the email that had sent you the offer. 
You finally see the latest email that you had gotten from them. Your heart sinks as your phone loads, already dreading what the email would say. 
It finally loads and you take a deep breath before reading. 
F1 Talent Program Offer: 3 days to Deadline. | Received: 2d ago 
One day left to decide. You let out a nervous laugh as you run your hand through your hair, letting out a shaky breath. Could you even make a choice within a day? 
“What are you looking at?” Laura huffs, leaning next to you to read over your shoulder. She practically lets out a gasp before looking at you, eyes wide. “Y/n! Oh my god. You did it!” She says and before you know it you feel two arms wrapped around you and squeezing you tight and knocking the air out of you. 
“What’s going on, what happened?” You hear one of your classmates ask. Laura chimes in before you can, and you can hear the pride in her voice as she announces it. 
“She got accepted for the engineering talent program for F1!” She says proudly and you force a smile onto your lips as you can hear everyone gasp. Soon the table is congratulating you and you thank everyone quite sheepishly. As much as you wanted to get mad at Laura you could tell how happy she was for you.
You try your best to smile it off, not wanting to seem ungrateful for the opportunity  but you can tell Laura knows something is off. You feel a grip on your shoulder before you realise Laura is pulling you step aside for a bit. You stumble a bit to follow her and go to ask if everything is okay but Laura beats you to it.  
“So? What’s wrong? You should be exhilarated about this- bragging left and right.” Laura says, already crossing her arms across her chest. Four years of friendship and you are still amazed with how well she can read you. 
“I am happy, I am.” You try your best to say convincingly but the look Laura gives you says enough. “No- seriously I am. I can’t believe I got it. You know how hard I worked for this?” You say, and its true. All the hard work you had put in the past years was for this moment. The sleepless nights before an exam, the being away from family to be able to study at the best school, missing out on parties to be able to get enough sleep for class, even the endless nights crying when everything became too much. It was all for this moment. 
“But?” Laura asks, and she can tell that you are thinking too much. You tend to do that thing where your nose twitches slightly, whenever your brain begins to eat itself from the inside out and let the worries settle in. 
“I got accepted into McLaren.” You tell her quietly because it's embarrassing to say it outloud. Embarrassing to admit to yourself how much Carlos still had a hold of you. 
Her brows furrow slightly and she gives you a shrug. “So?” 
You frown at her. Although she was not into racing you were pretty sure you had kept her updated with where Carlos would be going within the upcoming season. “I told you. Carlos is going to join McLaren. What if I have to see him? Talk to him? Work with him?” You say, this time even more quietly but just because you can feel your other friends trying to snoop and look over to you both. 
“Again, so?” Laura asks, and this time she shakes her head and takes your hands into hers. “Y/n, look at me.” She says, squeezing your hands gently. “You’ve been dreaming about this since before I met you.” Her voice is soft yet firm, and somehow you feel your chest begin to swell. “Do not let someone from the past scare you away from your future. You have to take this opportunity y/n.”
You stare at her for a bit, letting out a shaky breath. Your heart is beating in your ears because she is right. You have been dreaming about this for ages. You pull her into a tight hug, tucking your face into her shoulder. 
“Thank you.” You say, already feeling part of the weight on your shoulders slowly lifting. You slowly pull away, smiling at her from ear to ear. “Come over to mine? I need to send in my acceptance.” 
Accepting the offer was less dreadful than you thought, taking into account that you weren’t starting the internship after your graduation. But time flew by faster than you thought it would. 
The months between accepting the offer and starting at McLaren were eventful. Looking back, you had too many exams, too much stress, and simply too much to do. You were grateful though that you got to enjoy some of the last months with your friends before you all headed to do different things. Not only were you able to finish all your academic requirements but you had finally decided to pay more attention to your personal life too. 
You finally caught up and partied with the girls, had more days out with them, and just enjoyed your time without worrying too much about your next lecture, class, or exam. It was relaxing to finally be able to let go a bit and have fun. Not only that- but Bastien came to visit often too. Before you even realized everybody already knew that the both of you were dating, but by the time you found out you didn’t really mind either. You both worried about the distance considering your internship and how he was still traveling around looking for a job whilst freelancing- but you both figured with a little faith you could make it work.
Even graduation passed by like a breeze. Your parents and your sister flew in and soon enough you were already packing your things into boxes and luggages. Half of your things were being shipped back home as you could not take them around with you so you were definitely forced to pack light. 
And that’s how you ended up there. Staring at the McLaren headquarters, nervously fixing one of the bracelets on your wrist as you waited outside. You had been one of the first few to arrive, but to be fair you had arrived a bit earlier than the agreed time. You couldn’t help but look around, the office was bigger than you thought, along with the large lake adorning the side of the building, it looked amazing and you were trying your best to keep yourself composed without taking photos of everything. You had seen the McLaren headquarters a lot through photos and videos- but this was the first time you were anywhere near it- let alone about to step in. As you looked around more people seemed to trickle in. The others seemed to also be amazed by the site, scanning over the whole area. Even the surroundings were nice and peaceful, vast greenery covering the whole area and more. Soon you heard the automatic doors open alongside a pair of footsteps. 
“Hi, welcome! I’m Andrea. Sorry for the wait.” A woman said, waving at you all. She was wearing a McLaren polo shirt along with black slacks. “Come in, I’ll take you to one of our presentation rooms and we can kick off with some introductions. We’ll have our basic induction and onboarding before handing you off to your own departments and managers.” She announced, eyes meeting yours quickly as she also smiled and looked at everyone else. You can’t help but have a voice in the back of your head telling you to keep an eye out for a certain spanish man. You were absolutely dreading bumping into him. 
The ceilings seem even taller from the inside, and the glass walls allow natural light to fill the building. You look around as you follow Andrea, appreciating the clean and modern design the building had adopted. “Here, come in.” Andrea says, soon opening the door to a medium sized auditorium with a powerpoint slide already splayed on the screen. 
The onboarding goes by smoothly and you all introduce yourselves one by one. You’re a bit nervous since you introduce yourself first, but you get through it quickly before others follow up with their own introduction. After going through almost half of the room you soon learn there are three other interns from other departments also joining and you relax a bit knowing you were all in a similar situation. A bit after the introductions you all go through some general knowledge about McLaren, learning about the values and the mission of the company. After a few more fun facts you’re all sent off with your own managers who are waiting outside at the door. 
“Y/n?” A man asked, stepping closer to you. You turn and smile once you see a tall man with short black hair. 
“Hi yes, that’s me. It’s nice to meet you.” You say with a smile, putting your hand out for a handshake. He takes this moment to introduce himself. 
“Hi, perfect! My name is Tom. Welcome to the team.” He says before pulling his hand away. He nods slightly towards the direction you both are supposed to go to before explaining the day’s run down. “We’ll take these first few weeks for you to look over the systems we use, learn more about them, and get familiar with them. We can analyze past data and see how you interpret it compared to our previous interpretations.” You nodded along as you followed him, already getting excited as he also told you more about the team. 
“We will also have an event later tonight with everyone, just a few welcoming drinks. You don’t have to show up but it would be nice and good for you to socialize with everyone too.” Tom smiles as he opens the door to one of the rooms. Something from the corner of your eyes captures your attention but once you look over it's gone. You look back ahead of you and take a deep breath before stepping in. 
You’re barely there for a full working day and your brain is fried. Numbers were printed into the inner corners of your brain and you had learned so much that you weren’t sure if you had enough space to store it all. Despite your exhaustion and the overload of information you were buzzing. You could already feel your fingers twitching, ready to get your hands on something and to help out. They had explained to you that the first few weeks were a bit hands-off, focusing on getting you settled in and learning mostly the theory behind it all but you felt like you couldn’t wait. So much was happening around you and you wanted to do something more. 
“I think we have our welcoming drinks in a bit. How about we head out there and you can meet some people from the other departments?” Tom offers and you thank him, already following him with a few other newcomers that had joined the team too. You had made friends with a woman who had recently joined too, Cara, as you both were one of the few women within the engineering team, so you stuck to her side as you all trickled into the room. 
“I think I’m going to nib a few snacks.” You say, already nodding at Cara, so you both decide to walk together to the table with several snacks. You grab a small plate and a few of the snacks, waiting for Cara to grab something for herself too. Once you’re back to Tom and the others you set your plate on the table, “I grabbed a bit extra, just in case anybody wanted a bite too.” You smile. Tom seems to look over the plate, already ready to fish a sandwich off your plate when you see two figures coming over, and one seems a bit too familiar. You tense a little and instantly grow quiet, already looking away before even making sure if you had seen the right thing or not. 
“Tom! Hey, how are you?” Zak says, grinning as he pats Tom on the back. You’re torn between looking over or keeping your eyes away, but as soon you hear the other person’s voice you screw your eyes shut, already feeling your heartbeat race. 
“Hello Tom, Zak told me we had new people starting. Decided to drop by since we’re gonna be working together a lot no?” And you don’t even need to look over to know who’s voice it is. You can’t tell if there’s a knot in your throat or the food is coming back up because you start to feel a bit sick. Your legs twitch to get up, but your brain is screaming not to run. Not in front of your new manager, and even worse the CEO of your company. 
You quietly look over, already feeling your palms get clammy. Zak and Carlos look so focused on Tom that you realize they had barely looked over to the rest of the group, but Tom decides to change this. “Yeah- yeah. Everyone here’s new. Wanted to get them to mingle a bit.” He says, soon turning to you all. Zak and Carlos look towards you all, smiling. A part of you wonders if he doesn’t recognize you but you notice the moment that he does. 
He freezes a bit and blinks, eyes locked on yours and you quickly look away, breaking eye contact. Tom and Zak don’t even notice, not until Cara approaches Carlos, who barely reacts as he shakes her hand. As Carlos is, he quickly recovers and composes himself, apologizing before introducing himself. 
“So this is Cara, she is our new Junior Aero Engineer, she worked quite a bit in the W League and in the F2 series,” Tom says. Carlos manages to make some eye contact but you can feel his eyes shift from her to you but you try not to look back at him. After three more introductions Tom shifts the attention to you. 
You force yourself to look this time and you bite the inside of your cheek to remain calm. You can see Carlos is about to say something, but he struggles to find the words. His eyes are a bit all over the place, and his nose is twitching the way it does whenever he’s nervous. The tension is suddenly visible in the group and all eyes are on you both. 
“Do you know each other?” Zak asks, deciding to be the one to break the silence. 
“Actually,” Carlos starts. 
“No- no we don’t.” You casually laugh, and what? You were meant to stay quiet. But what were you supposed to do? Let Carlos tell not only Tom, but also Zak, and the rest of the team that you used to what, date? A part of you realizes, maybe he was going to say friends. But it was too late now. “My name is y/n. Nice to meet you” You say, and you can tell Carlos’ demeanor instantly changes. His back straightens and he quickly plasters on the tight lipped smile you used to hate. “I’m,” You stutter a bit when he holds your hand to shake it,  “I’m the new Engineer Intern.” and you can tell he’s upset. His eyes are cold as he locks eyes with you again. This time you can’t look away. 
“Carlos.” He says shortly. It pierces through you like a knife. “Nice to meet you.” 
“Nice to meet you too,” You murmur. 
You feel a pool of instant regret settling in your stomach as he turns his back towards you and goes to greet the other new starters. 
What had you gotten yourself into?
Link to chapter 3
Taglist: @luvrboygaslys-interacts @mossafiato
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f10werfae · 3 years
My Smart Girl☁️
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Pairing= Professor! Tom Hiddleston x Student! Reader
*Tom is 31, the reader is 23*
Word count= 953
Summary: Y/n is losing motivation, but Tom won’t let that slide, never
Requests are open!
Likes, Re-blogs and Comments are appreciated♥️
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(Y/n’s P.O.V)
My head was absolutely aching, I was sitting on some cushions on the floor, currently in the middle of creating notes from a lecture I had attended earlier on in the day. It’s now 1am.
My eyes were dropping, the only thing living in my head was the idea of a nice warm bed. Sometimes I did question why on Earth I studied English Literature at university.
But how can I regret that, when it has led me to meeting the love of my life.
Tom Hiddleston
No he was not another student, he was and is my current professor. Usually when I tell people this, they tend to question the age gap but it’s honestly not that bad, it’s a good 8 years.
It all started when he came in one day to substitute our professor who was off quarantining, and a day slowly changed to months to 2 years.
How could I not fall in love with him? He’s drop dead gorgeous, intelligent and a gentleman. Tom may as well have come out of a romance book himself with the way he is.
Our families are incredibly supportive, however I didn’t exactly want to tell people in my class because next thing you know it’s all about favouritism when it isn’t. Sure sometimes he winks at me in class secretly or touches my hand when he is giving out papers, but that’s about it.
Anyways, trying to construct notes after a long day is not exactly the easiest thing, my motivation is at an all time low and all I want is my boyfriend.
“Love? Why are you still up?” I heard a groggy voice say coming out of the bedroom switching the living room lights on.
“I’m doing work for YOUR class i’ll have you know” I said cheekily putting my cheek to my page, looking at him blankly.
“This is why I said, you should make your notes in class, you can’t be overworking yourself like this darling” Tom said crouching down to my level combing his hands through my hair.
“Yeah yeah, I know, the English language is just so hard babe” I said feeling myself dropping off to sleep little by little.
“Y/n your first language is literally English, it’s not the end of the world”
“Shut up Tom, you’re not helping your poor girlfriend whatsoever” I said now with my face in the page.
I heard no reply and instead felt the cushion sitting behind my back being pulled away and being replaced with Tom?
I now sat between his legs as his arms encircled my waist, his head laying on my shoulder as he overlooked my work, his breathing fanning my neck only lulling me more into a deep trance.
“Okay love, I know it’s hard to find motivation especially during a global pandemic. No, I don’t know what you’re going through, but I want to help you. I know i’m supposed to treat you like every other student, but I can’t just sit here and watch you drown yourself in work constantly. So i’m going to cuddle you while helping you annotate your notes okay? Then we are going to bed in half an hour, work done or not. Your health is important to me, never mind the work due for me.”
“Tom are you sure you’re not from a book, because how on Earth did I find someone like you” I said slightly more awake leaning back against his chest, with him nuzzling his face into my neck and hair as he took my hands and placed a pen in them.
“Less talking, more writing babe”
“Ok Ok i’m going”
[10 minutes later]
“Can I stop now? I can’t be bothered anymore babe” I said tilting my head slightly to the side so I could see him in my peripheral vision.
“Nope. How about this, each time you write a sentence i’ll give you kiss? Is that sufficient”
“YES, yes that is very much sufficient” I said picking my pen back up and continuing to now annotate a play, with Tom occasionally giving me pointers and tips.
[20 Minutes Later]
“Ok i’m done, I-I think” I say my head going fuzzy, only wanting sleep and cuddles.
“Well done, i’m so proud of my smart girl, I knew you could do it” Tom said looking at me, both of our lips clearly swollen from the amount of kisses he gave me while I was writing. Guess writing all those sentences was pretty worth it.
Tom’s hands reached over and closed my laptop and notebook, he stood up first then proceeded to crouch down and pick me up. One arm under my legs and one under my back, my arms wrapped around his neck with my head directly listening to his calming heartbeat.
Next thing I know, I was placed onto our bed, the fluffy blanket drowning me in comfort.
“Alright don’t get too comfy without me beautiful, I don’t want to miss out on my cuddles”
“Mhm” I hummed half asleep, only feeling Tom’s hands come from behind and pull me back flush against his bare chest. His chin on the top of my head as he spooned me, his left arm rubbing up and down my arm, he always knew how to get me to sleep. He continued to place soft tiny kisses on my nape, so light you could hardly feel them but the love was clearly there.
“I love you so much Y/n, i’ll always be here for you”
“I love you too Tommy” I said reaching my hand back and running my hand through his hair once. Before retreating back into his chest, my safe space.
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