#it’s a rant i fear
chocmarss · 30 days
While the Attack of the Clones novelisation isn’t a literature masterpiece, I think it still got the message across on how the Jedi had no say whatsover when it came to the creation of the clone army. Everyone’s all, “The Jedi shouldn’t have used the clones for their battles! They should’ve just left them alone!”
First of all, they already had little power as it is in the decisions they make. They give advice to the Senate on the best course of action that doesn’t jump into literal war, but of course that’s ignored. Suddenly, the Chancellor has emergency powers that grows outrageous the longer the war goes on, and then the army they’re using keeps getting produced faster because the Senate thought it’d be a great idea to have more. The Jedi didn’t even know a clone army was ordered under their name until less than 24 hours before. Yoda is already so reluctant about fighting for the Republic because it diverts from what they believe in as peacekeepers, that they don’t interfere with something so monstrous, and suddenly they’re literally puppets to the Republic that being a Jedi = Republic worker at most times. The Republic was the one who gave the go for the clone army to released, not the Jedi.
If they don’t help this war, everyone will keep getting on the Jedi’s asses and hold over their heads on how they’re peacekeepers, they’re supposed to protect the people, and aren’t they supposed to help protect the Republic too? The army will make this easier bro, trust me -> literally the Republic Senate as they salivate over new business opportunities and get richer every month for producing weapons.
Despite all of that, of course the Jedi will help them. It’ll be wrong not to, especial seeing a lot of people getting hurt, and that’s just what decent people are.
But then the war literally kills thousands of Jedi on top of their men, the Force constantly feels like as if someone’s stuffed cotton into their ears after letting it be doused in acid, and then people hate them and are accusing them in causing destruction along with their clones as if they had any choice in the first place. Do you, or do you not want them to help you, bros?
And THEN, their whole culture gets annihilated overnight by one of their own, and it’s still THEIR fault they got killed off in the first place? It fucking sucks bro. Anakin Skywalker may have been whispered sweet nothings into his ear by Palpatine’s sinister little lies, but as the character itself, Anakin isn’t SETTLED. He has a hard time following the Jedi code, but he also WANTS the things that will somehow give him power, and he thinks that includes on being a Jedi, despite breaking the main code, while also having to keep his wife all to himself. “I want more.” Yeah he fucking does, he’s a selfish bastard that way, and I’ve always thought people overlook that part of his characterisation with, “Mace and the Jedi are so mean to him, that’s why Anakin fell into the dark side >:(“
??????? Are you hearing yourselves. Did we watch the same movies. You’ve been fooled by Anakin’s unreliable narrative, my loves!! It’s a ruse!! Wake up!!
TLDR; the Jedi are forced to be the Republic’s little soldiers, and it doesn’t help that Sidious fooled them all into believing that he was a nice old man with his “I love democracy.” talks when he’s been quietly amassing things for his own personal gain. The Jedi are victims as much as the clones are, and people have been fooled into believing Anakin’s POV of hating the Jedi because the movies are from his POV anyway.
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steddiealltheway · 3 months
Something that is canon in my mind that I forget to tell people:
The reason why Steve can’t get bitches in his Scoops Ahoy era is because there’s a rumor going around that he’s gay (probably because someone caught him hooking up with Eddie)
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serysem · 2 months
Do you ever feel like you're so damn deep into your hyperfixations and want to talk and rant about it all, but at the same time you're too shy and embarrassed to actually DO THAT and then you're just
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all because you think you're super cringe and annoying?
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thief-of-eggs · 4 months
Thinking about Zuko practicing hairstyles on Katara (for both his own benefit, and later to try on Sokka)
Thinking about them slowly but surely bonding through these little shared moments. Talking about their childhoods, their families, their memories.
Thinking about Zuko still asking to do her hair, even well after he’s mastered every style. Thinking about Katara coming to Zuko when she wants her hair done, thinking about her making excuses because she wants the peace that comes with sitting in front of him, closing her eyes as a touch so similar to her mother’s weaves through her hair.
Thinking about Zuko finding the sister he lost in those moments with her. Everything he wished he and Azula could be, he finds in Sokka’s younger sister.
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oatbugs · 2 months
last night i got home kind of tipsy and very much in tears and my mother told me the force you exert to keep someone in your life is proportional to the force with which they will leave your life. if you have to fight tooth and claw to keep them, their leaving will be just as hard, just as harsh, and just as definite.
#she said it like a law. its just momentum.#also she told me to get a therapist and start archery ASAP bc i need to get it together#and also she said even granting that this person u were in love w was So Special . as in hot motorcycle-riding iranian masc lesbian in ldn#they arent the only one on earth and that once i start my proper adult life outside of studies etc etc i will probably no longer live in th#UK. she said most non straight iranians u would like have left the country anyway . where do you think they went? theyre out there#and also she asked me to imagine how many hot gay iranians there may be in italy or amsterdam or smth and i was like ok points 😭 maybe#ur right. anyway i was having a feeling of dread bc crying into the arms of ur strict asian mother while buzzed usually results in#death chaos destruction etc in the next few days but actually i think maybe she has genuinely changed as a person and the fear is#unwarranted#anyway i need to eat breakfast and study w the date person i met yesterday#they are so nice ??? genuinely so so sweet i dont feel attracted to them at all omg i genuinely think i have a thing for hot evil ppl 😭#but we could b besties . theyre a lot more romantic than the ex situationship person too like generally . ugh they should be perfect but#alas it appears i am shallow as fuck or potentially a lesbian actually#OH THEY MIGHT ALSO BE POTENTIALLY A LESBIAN BTW#i think i just tend to not date cis ppl entirely by accident#....feel free to rb if u want btw sorry for the rant
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fujii-draws · 7 months
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cycle-hit · 2 months
to see a milgram character as a "good person" or "bad person" is a failure of media literacy for milgram. the entire lesson of the milgram project is that thinking in such black and whites, to deem someone as "good - innocent/forgiven" and "bad - guilty/guilty" only causes damage. the prisoners voted forgiven are not helped. the prisoners voted guilty aren't either. the lesson is that such a mindset will never help you- that it will harm whatever youre touching with it.
we cannot stop this, either- we have to keep choosing one or the other, because an abstained vote is impossible. we just have to keep choosing to shock them, over and over, no matter how much they beg us to stop because there is no other choice. you as an individual can refuse to vote, but someone else will always choose to. it is better to put in a vote, in that scenario, than to have it be uncounted entirely.
stop shoving characters in such black and white boxes. this is a story about nuance. they are not only "good", they are not only "bad". acknowledge that they are both. acknowledge that these characters are deeper than that. this is, quite literally, the "look deeper" media, you're supposed to be analysing. you're supposed to be theorising and looking at evidence under a microscope.
you're supposed to be acknowledging nuance, because anything could be true and anything could be incorrect. even a theory you prize could be completely wrong, or a theory you hate could be completely right. theorising about a character is not to "excuse" their actions or make them more "sympathetic", but rather to explain their actions. to flesh them out.
plus, as a bit of rant, you've all gotta stop dismissing people's theories completely just because you believe your own is oh-so above it. acknowledge a theory's evidence, acknowledge a theory's points, acknowledge why it could and could not be true. don't become obsessed with the black and white "I Choose To Only See The Worst Of This Character And Nothing Else Because That's My Preference!!! I'm Just Critical!!!" or "I Choose To Only See The Good Of This Character And Nothing Else Because That's My Preference!!! I'm A Moral Paragon!!!". jesus fucking christ.
i sincerely hope this doesnt make you believe that i think im above this same mindset either- i'm very much not. i can be guilty of it as well. but the important thing about analysing media is the ability to acknowledge every possibility, every point of view, anything that's possible. to discard any bias you may have in order to figure out what's going on in a clear and succinct manner that is closest to the truth. please remember this!
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quillthrillswriting · 1 month
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i honestly feel like this scene & aangs actions in this episode as a whole is a really good representation of the idea that in healthy relationships, you shouldn't just blindly support everything that your partner does.
for starters, aang is shown to be supportive of katara facing her mothers killer. he tells her as much!
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however, we see that when it comes down to it, katara doesn't actually want to kill this man. katara, in her heart and soul, despite all the anger and fury she harbours toward the fire nation, is emotionally mature enough, when she's in a healthy state, to realize that more killing and bloodshed will not undo what has been done. aang sees this & recognizes that her grief will not be removed by doing this, the same way that he knows for himself that even if the fire lord killed all of his people, killing him isn't worth the damage it would do to his values.
i genuinely do believe that he isn't trying to be controlling, or restrict her healing. rather, he's trying to make sure she understands the gravity of the situation, the toll that literal murder will take on someone. he, as a loving and supportive friend, sees his friend on the path to doing something that will ultimately be self-destructive, and is trying to prevent her from making an awful mistake.
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i mean, lets think about katara's character as we know her. yes, she is known for her temper and can tend to do and say rash things. but whats important to note is that she herself often feels regretful of these actions. she apologizes when she lashes out, she herself feels that she goes too far.
do we really, truly believe that killing this man would have made her happy? would have avenged her mother?
becoming a killer at only the age of 14 is undoubtedly incredibly traumatizing. i feel like a lot of times i see discourse about this episode, we seem to forget that. she is a child. this is literal murder. this isn't the same as a partner saying that they don't want you to wear revealing clothing outside, or expressing weird amounts of jealousy about you maintaining friendships with the opposite sex.
so yes, if you want to boil it down, aang is expressing that he is against katara doing something. but that something is killing, and i don't see how he could be a manipulative or controlling partner for simply vocalizing that murder is not the solution to katara's grief.
he recognizes that killing this man will only tear her up inside, bring her down to the level of someone who kills others, who gives in to self-destructive impulses.
him doing this shows that he does understand her needs- he supports her going to face her mother's killer, but makes it clear that extreme violence is not what will help her heal.
his support of katara is not blind, and she is better for it. their relationship is better for it.
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sorrelpaws · 10 months
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no offense but i genuinely fear that their potential dynamic will go severely underutilized
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waywardstation · 19 days
Obviously there's a lot of content of Ingo remembering bits and pieces of stuff in Hisui, and usually it's happy or cathartic and a bit sad, but I think it'd be funny if Ingo remembered something he just absolutely, violently HATED. Like something happens that sparks him into remembering something he and Emmet argued about and could never agree on, or like some stupid gimmicky battle strategy he loathed like FEAR Rattata, and he just goes on a long winded rant half to himself about it
I have scraps of another fic sitting around from when I had torn apart a WIP by taking segments and cramming them into I’m Glad You’re Here. But it was originally somewhere close to this concept — Ingo remembering something he REALLY doesn’t like. I could fix that up into its own thing! Because you’re right, it’s mostly always been either sad or cathartic, and when it has been something he’s not fond of, it’s more of a minor annoyance than anything. I think something that would get him ranting with how much he hates it would be really funny.
Also, this ask made me look up what FEAR rattata was, and wow lol this is incredible.
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YEAH if you try and bring tactics similar to this into the Battle Subway, Ingo and Emmet WILL talk about you after work. And it would be insane enough for Ingo to pick up ranting about it again if he’d ever remember it in Hisui.
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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boy he's rly mobbin all over the place
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
hi, first off i really love your art. the h/c and warmth really hit me where i live and your illustration style is fantastic. lately i've been obsessed with the post where an unwell milek thinks geralt will leave him behind. was that an ingrained insecurity, assuming his super-witcher dad wouldn't have time for a sickly human kid?
[MASTERPOST] - Ahh, thank you for the ask! Yes, this scene.. I actually saw this a bit differently! It's not about Milek fearing Geralt will leave him behind, he actually wants him to. They need to find his Pa!! I think he often feels like a burden; Jaskier knows this, but Geralt isn't aware of this yet. Milek just wants to pull his weight, especially with Jaskier. A little sneak peak to their struggles regarding this:
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Meanwhile Jaskier continues to struggle with his omega status.
#jaskier#the witcher#geraskier lovechild#julian alfred pankratz#omegaverse#there are various things happening here! a. Milek never really had to fear that Jaskier would leave him he knows he never ever would#b. Jaskier said again and again that he'll always care for him and loves him and that he doesn't have to pull any weight at all#c. Jaskier actually became the parent that just wants his kid to be educated and study and learn#(maybe because he knows Milek won't be able to do hard labour but also because he knows what Milek really wants to do)#(filed under: things I haven't drawn yet but they had their big fallout because of oxenfurt and university - things to come in the future)#d. Milek has watched Jaskier working his ass off in various jobs that he didn't like#(and he thinks that prostitution is the worst but only because they didn't properly talk about it before)#e. Jaskier is struggling with how he is percieved - which I think was never that much on his mind when he was travelling with Geralt#being a carefree bard and giving everyone the middlefinger who had some wrong ideas about what he could do and what not#but this is definitely an AU in which he doesn't have a good relationship with his father and he can still hear him say he'll become#'an unbonded omega with a bastard child working on the streets' and I think sometimes it gets to him#(because Jaskier is king of hating his parents ever being right about him)#that Jaskier kind of wants to spare Milek and quietly hopes we won't become an omega - even if he feels bad about it - shall become plot#(one dayyyy)#anyway that was a very long rant about Mileks complex relationship with him feeling like a burden
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loomingtwilight · 6 months
i love neuvifuri’s dynamic and relationship. like. imo they are the epitome of “we are inseparable, we are in love in every way, we are soulmates not by birth or due to fate binding us inexplicably but because we spent those 500 years being the one constant in each others lives and weve come to know each other the best, but we are simultaneously strangers. we never truly knew each other during all that time.“
and neuvillette knew for so long furina was keeping a secret from him and it pained him to force that secret into the light, but he knew he had to in order to save fontaine, and despite that he still wanted to do it as gently as possible. to make the trial the last resort if the travelers conversation didnt work. after the final events of the archon quest, he let furina go wherever she wished, he (if im remembering correctly) gave her a nice house and enough funds to do as she pleased and live comfortably. he used his new authority over hydro to give her a vision made specifically for her, the very first vision he has given out. he has made it as clear as day that she is welcome to talk to him, to ask to have tea, to ask him for whatever or simply just to talk.
neuvillette using those actions to say “i hope you let me know who you truly are, and allow me to stay in your life for as long as you wish, but i love you so i will not force you.”
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lesbiamano · 22 days
the way i can see either enki, ragnvaldr, or cahara taking up the role of girl's parent/guardian EXCEPT d'arce,,, like ive tried but i feel like throughout the entire dungeon crawling experience she is too out of it to like be a proper parent figure to the girl. not to say she wouldnt take her in if she found her and protect her, i feel like she would, because its funny seeing her take in le'garde's child without knowing it. but either way she'd be too stuck in her own head and her want to reach le'garde as soon as possible/revive him that she wouldnt be able to give her the proper parental love im sure girl yearns for.
ragnvaldr used to have a child, he probably sees his kid in her, and he takes her in not just as some child he found that hed take care of until they got out or until she died, hed see her as HIS child and would truly care about protecting her and not letting anything come her way. she'd feel like a way to make up for the fact that he could not protect his own child and im sure that one day when he realizes shes the child of the man who ruined his life and family, it'll be extra painful.
for cahara, hes already expecting a child on the way, and so whats one more child to pick up and take home too? enough of cahara dying in the dungeon after girl ascends to godhood, he gets his treasure and gets out of there with her. he can give her and his newborn child the best life he possibly could, and i feel like hed definitely raise her as his own child, so his newborn gets an older sister. shes part of his family now!
for enki, hed begrudgingly take her along with him on his path to enlightenment. at first hes not really fond of her, but eventually, realizes he cant just let her go after he gets what he wants! i mean, gods, thats a waste of an assistant, right? as much as he hates admitting it, hes found some sort of fulfillment and contentment in teaching her spells and seeing her do them decently as she follows him around, and nosramus definitely wouldnt let him just sacrifice her or something. so he keeps her. and shes his child now, even though he only says shes his assistant/student.
but for d'arce, as much as i WANT to give her a happy ending where she gets out of the dungeon and live her life with her three weed smoking girlfriends, i feel like that just wouldnt happen. and even if she does care for the girl and keep her safe, its not the maternal sort of way that the girl probably desperately seeks, even if not specifically from d'arce, but from anyone. d'arce cannot stop and think that perhaps it would be better if she and the girl turned around and left the dungeon when she finally gets to le'garde and sees his corpse lying there. no. she absolutely loses her mind. she has to get le'garde back, he had so much left to do and she trusted that he knew what he was doing. and besides, shes never been one for the children. with the work she does as a knight, be it a knight of rondon or a knight with le'garde's group, settling and finding a partner and even having kids felt like a distant reality. even with le'garde, hes always been out of reach for her and she knew that she couldnt have something like this. she's committed to this. because if she does back out, where would she go? she abandoned the knights of rondon and her family for the sake of the knights of the midnight sun and for the sake of le'garde. she cant go back home. she cant give girl the life she deserves outside the dungeon. she digs le'garde out of his grave and lies in it for the sake of everything she chose to leave the life she knew for.
tldr. d'arce i will not allow you to have a happy ending
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jakejeffreyperalta · 1 year
whenever i talk about why i hate booktok and the way it has popularized these short trend cycles and started promoting books (badly written books) with these milked out specific tropes, one argument i always hear is to let people enjoy what they want without being a snob. the thing is, if someone geniuenly wants to read a book to pass time, i don't care. but when i see people reading classics and very good modern literature and put those books on the same level as a colleen hoover book... that's the issue. the issue is not about people who read low quality books because they have time to kill. it's about people who read the low quality books and promote them like they're not, only just feeding more into capitalism. i really can't dictate what people read and why they read it, but the fact that there are so many people reading books because they're popular and not because they geniuenly want to read is really concerning to me. "but once this blows over all of these people will stop reading books!" BUT THEY'RE READING THEM RIGHT NOW. THATS THE ISSUE. they're reading these books right now and that's why colleen hoover has sold more books than the fucking BIBLE. the fact that you see these people hyping up badly written books with repetitive storylines and three dimensional characters (who are mostly white and cishet) and trying to pass them off as "modern classics"... it just gives me the ick. i do not care about someone who picked up a random colleen hoover book because they had 2 hours to kill and wanted to do something that will give them a sense of accomplishment. but i do care about a HUGE chunk of the internet reading and promoting colleen hoover despite knowing the fact that these books are problematic, and continuing to act like they had an impact on society when they did not. im NOT being a book elitist or a snob when im saying this but some books are not only extremely problematic and harmful, but they're just not GOOD BOOKS, and people should opt to read literally anything else. reading is literally always a hobby, whether you're reading a colleen hoover book or a jane austen book, and like it or not, reading is something that will ALWAYS leave an impact on you. yes, people should be allowed to consume whatever media they want, but how much can they be allowed to consume before it starts to hurt people?
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daftpatience · 4 months
one thing I have learned about being poor is that you cannot for a moment stop thinking about it
#theres no peace#every little thing reminds me we are poor#seeing friends having electricity wifi heat food gas. it all costs money. and bills and fees and charges happen all the damn time#im constantly worried that i am measing up somehow or im not keeping track of my finances properly#the person handling our disability assistance application keeps coming back with question after question about my job#and i have so much doubt and fear that ive made some mistake in my answers that will disqualify us from support#and theres this sick backwards stupid thing where applying for and being on disability support is discouraging me from trying to make money#because the more i make the less likely we'll get support but i need to make money to live#its just fucked. and once we're on support i have to make monthly reports of my income so ill feel like im explaining myself all the fuckin#time#cus the system isnt built in a way that makes sense for self employed ppl who have business expenses to account for#sorry for the ranting i cant sleep#truly truly i think poverty is making me a worse persin#more anxious more resentful more jealous more miserable more spiteful#i have so little and there is so little i can do to help it#i want things in a more desparate and even childish way than i used to eant things#spend a lot more time fantasizing about magically having expendable income#not to mention the constant exponential guilt that comes from asking for help or recieving help. its guilt i need to unlearn but i feel it
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