#it’s probably just me though-
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obsob · 3 years
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oh potatus et molassus etc etc
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toffeebeantable · 2 years
The owl house crew really went "this boy will keep his menacing cool first impression for one episode"
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First entrance: Shoots out of water in a giant kickass fist after Eda says Luz could have gotten killed
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Quotes: "That can still be arranged" while mask is literally steaming
Then the rest are:
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Casually whistles the freaking show's theme on an errand run
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Gets his ass rocketed away like team rocket
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Accidentally falls off a rock ledge directly in front of the people he was spying on
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Gets recognized by his annoying voice and then runs away only to get clowned on
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Gets his sock stolen by some beast after failing to socialize with people his age then tries to run away from a 14 year old girl (I mean that's fair though in this context)
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Gets his ass dragged down to the ground anyway and is literally bound up in vines terrified of middle schoolers (ok mostly the first one tho)
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Walks out of the shadows intimidatingly (in his mind) in the most ugliest raggedy-assed lookin outfit ever and accidentally reveals his trash-pile home
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Tries to look cool like the friends coming along was their idea but gets called the fuck out
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marciaillust · 2 years
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long evenings and a break 
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crowberri · 2 years
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[Pokemon] Its Mermay which means Submas but Merfolks
They run a submarine station probably
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dreamingpartone · 2 years
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one late afternoon ☀
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bad-comic-art · 2 years
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if I flip the canvas.... no one will know!
Batman: Urban Legends #14 (2022)
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sun-moon-stars-jedi · 3 years
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anghraine · 2 years
I was revising and thinking about some of Anakin/Vader’s scenes with Tarkin in ANH, and I think there’s an interesting detail in there with regard to them and the Death Star.
When Tarkin threatens to destroy Alderaan, Leia appears to give up the Rebellion’s base, and Tarkin says:
“You see, Lord Vader, she can be reasonable.”
That’s a kind of weird remark, if you think about it. It might just be an empty rhetorical flourish, of course, but to me, it sounds more like a gloating “I told you so.” If that’s the case, it implies a separate conversation about holding Alderaan over Leia’s head, in which they disagreed.
Later, when it turns out that Leia lied, Tarkin is shocked!! and outraged!!! and Vader twists the knife by saying:
“I told you she would never consciously betray the Rebellion.”
Speaking of I-told-you-sos.
So they definitely seem to have disagreed about this. It’s not like Vader is on the side of the angels here; he ruthlessly works to recover the plans, stands by while the Death Star kills millions of people, and defends it in battle. At the same time, when you consider his earlier open contempt for what he terms “this technological terror,” it is intriguing that he finds reasons to voice opposition.
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asmo-ds · 2 years
But just imagine:
Being scared of ppl seeing you cry so whenever you start crying Lucifer/Mammon/Asmo/Beel will wrap their wings to hide you away from the world and let you cry
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strangersinwinter · 2 years
Snape knowing unsupported flight being revealed then dismissed in such a nonchalant way is hilarious to me like oh yeah Snape can fly without a broom, btw it's an extremely rare, unprecedented skill previously thought to be impossible and only ever used by one other person, the Dark Lord himself, but anyway-
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welcometogrouchland · 3 years
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[image ID: a series of semi-realistic portraits of tma characters. Jon is a thin south Asian man with brown skin, pock mark scars on his face/neck, a scar on his throat, slightly curly hair that reaches his shoulders, and facial hair. There's a ring of green in his dark eyes, and he wears a blue-grey jacket over a green t-shirt with a cat on it. Martin is a fat Latino man with medium tan skin, a square face, and curly dark brown hair. He wears glasses and a brown hoodie over a blue sweater. Sasha is a black woman with brown skin, dark brown textured hair in a half up style, with glasses wearing a pink-grey sweater over a yellow shirt with a flower pattern. Tim is a Malaysian man with brown skin, a square face, pockmark scars, a large nose and black hair wearing a yellow striped shirt. Melanie is a Chinese woman with rounded-square face, tan skin, acne scars and black hair died blonde at ends/fringe. She wears black eye shadow and lipstick, along with a blue-black sheer dress. Georgie is a black woman with brown skin, dimples and freckles, and dark red locs in a ponytail with gold hair jewelry. She wears a blue cloth hairtie, a blue shirt and a dark brown jacket. Daisy is a white woman with dark red eyes, a sharp face, pronounced canines and black hair in a braid. She's wearing a police uniform. Basira is an Arab woman with brown skin, curly black hair, a straight nose and almond-shaped eyes. She wears a green turtleneck under a black jacket. Each character has their name written next to them as well as who they were modelled after (Dev Patel for Jon, Harvey Guillen for Martin, Shiv for Sasha, Henry Golding for Tim, Linda Louise Duan for Melanie, and tiktok users tomatotheif, whipjack and Sammybee for Georgie, daisy and Basira respectively). They also have a piece of iconography drawn behind them: an eye for Jon, a foggy lighthouse for Martin, theatre masks and eyes for Sasha, a theatre mask and an explosion for Tim, knives for Melanie, a skull for Georgie, fangs and flowers for daisy, and a target and eyes for Basira. End ID]
Hi! Went off the shits this weekend and ended up drawing semi-realistic portraits of tma characters! I don't do this often outside of school, so uh. Enjoy, I guess! (Also big thanks to @annabelle--cane for suggesting the Georgie, daisy and Basira cosplayers to me)
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warrior-kitty · 2 years
In fact while I’m here logged onto my desktop, anyone wanna see my attempt at drawing Heartless Sora? 
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honestly, the “Sora turns himself into a heartless after releasing Kairi’s heart from his at the end of KH1 and remains a heartless up until Roxas rejoins him in KH2″ is one of my favorite canon divergent aus. It has so much potential for the different fun ways the plot of the series could branch off into. 
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“Come home with me”
“It’s you”
“It’s me”
Redraw of one of the first TMA pieces I’ve ever posted. Please click for better quality. Please. Tumblr took my details with her in the divorce.
[ID: digital painting of Jon and Martin during the last scene of mag 159. They are facing each other, noses almost touching. Jon is smiling gently at Martin and tilting his chin up to look at him. In the foreground their hands are touching, almost intertwined and Martin’s other hand is resting on the small of Jon’s back. Martin is nearly swallowed by fog with his only his hands and face visible where he is touching Jon. His skin is partially transparent and he cries foggy tears. Jon and Martin are lit by warm morning light and behind them a dawn sky is visible as the fog disperses.
Jon is a thin British-Indian man with dark scarred skin and long graying hair tangled by the wind. He is wearing a pink jumper. Martin is a fat Mexican-Polish man with lighter skin and freckles. He has dark curly hair that has partially turned white. End ID]
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bogkeep · 2 years
i feel like i've had the "kids can handle dark topics in stories" conversation on three separate occasions in the past month, what's up with that??? my impression of children's/young teen literature is that it's always been SURPRISINGLY DARK and that it FUCKING SLAPS.
like yeah, my trump card is that i can answer almost every "but what about [HEAVY TOPIC]" with "Animorphs did that actually," which makes animorphs sound super edgy, but the thing is... it didn't feel edgy? it felt like a substantial adventure with drama, tension, goofs, stakes, and a vibrant cast of characters. it was one of the first book series i ever read, so there was nothing that tipped me off that This Series Is So Dark And Gruesome - and i think it's because it wasn't, comparatively. one of my other early reads was Deltora Quest, and like, what school library didn't have Goosebumps? i never got my hands on warrior cats, but like, that series is just one installation in a WHOLE GENRE - the silverwing trilogy, wings of fire, guardians of ga'hoole... groups of animals dealing with war and exile and battle and grief and ridiculously tragic backstories and whatever was going on in these series, ripe for self-insert characters and scenarios for play pretend during lunch break. even the HTTYD books, which are completely different from the movies - they look childish, especially with the illustrated charcoal drawings - hiccup gets captured as a slave at some point, and there's a dragon rebellion that seeks to eradicate all of humanity. it has a lot of goofy moments and some incredibly over-the-top villains, but it doesn't flinch from how gruesome it gets, either.
i think kids genuinely love this stuff!!! not all kids, sure, but i definitely did!!! like!!! have you SEEN the edgy OCs kids and teens will make? the finely crafted horrific backstories? you know how small kids have traditionally played with barbies, right, with beheadings and torture and shakespearean plots? how a lot of kids and teens sought out creepypastas???
i absolutely think it's much easier for BOOKS to go into dark topics than visual media, and i think that's why a lot of people don't realize how much is happening below the surface. we live in a post gravity falls world now, so cartoons for teens are finally allowed to be a little more twisted and "wow i can't believe they went there," but ALSO... from what i can remember from being a Child, the most scarring and horrifying moments in stories for kids were not the existential concept of "oh no you're ten years old and bad guys want to kill you!" but stuff like, the groke from the moomins cartoon, old puppet shows, moments that were viscerally horrifying without being gory in any way...
maybe you don't understand all the Complexities of Heavy Topics when you're nine. but some things will stick with you, and as you grow older and gain more context and knowledge about the world around you, i think those moments can become very valuable. i haven't read animorphs for almost two decades and so much of it has stayed with me. maybe i saw princess mononoke a bit earlier than i "should have," but to this day it's still one of my favourite movies of all time, and my understanding of it grows every time i rewatch it. i don't think it's possible for every story to handle every topic perfectly or even well, but it might still be worthwhile to have engaged with it. i mean, that's the Discourse, isn't it, stories tell you stuff and we can't control what other people take from it.
anyway yeah kids crave blood and carnage and we should give it to them sometimes
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ruporas · 3 years
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keiji & shin dynamic throughout yttd 💛💚
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