#it’s so uncomfortable and bad to see the community as a whole called that n it’s esp bad during pride month <3 mwah ily guys
neiptune · 2 years
aot boys x reacting to a dream where you die
a/n: inspired by @meowzfordayz and her wonderful hcs! got a bit carried away lol these are too long but i hope you enjoy anyway :)
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eren secretly freaks tf out but is too embarrassed to admit it. you wake up to the pressure of his hands not so subtly traveling across different parts of your belly and hips, the coolness of his fingertips on your bare skin making you shiver. “eren? what're you doing?” you ask, confused, your own hands closing around his wrists to delicately move them away. but he resists your push, his fingers stubbornly finding their way to the familiar albeit faded scar residing right above your hip bone. “sorry. didn't mean to wake you” his voice cracks, which is enough to prompt you to sit up. “tell me what's wrong” you take one of his hands and squeeze twice, your secret way to communicate that everything's fine. eren's big eyes search for signs of distress or pain in yours but all he finds is genuine concern and grogginess. he relaxes and weakly squeezes your hand right back. “bad dream. it's stupid, let's just go back to sleep” but of course you see right through his fake composure and pull him in for a hug, gently hushing the trembling exhale that tickles your neck as his arms close around you. “you're okay” he whispers to himself and you hum in confirmation, nodding against his shoulder. “i am. the only thing truly hurting me is your snoring”. he huffs at that, covertly thankful you're still there to give him a reason to roll his eyes
lol armin will not be there when you wake up in the middle of the night, senses alert bc of the unusually cold, empty spot next to you. he doesn't reply when you call him so you're forced to get up and explore the whole floor, bathroom to study, until you hear some muffled sniffling coming from downstairs and you rush to the living room, heart in your throat. “armin??? are you okay? what happened??” he's curled into himself on the couch but as he hears your voice he lifts his head, heavy groan crawling up from his throat because what the fuck, why are you awake? he hates hates hates the idea of you seeing him like this for the nth time, always so stupid and helpless now with tear stained cheeks too for something that's not even real. “nothing” his defensive tone startles you and he regrets it immediately, sigh heavy as he tiredly rubs his temples, a sign of surrender and vulnerability that draws you in until you're sitting next to him, warm hand closing on his knee. “what if i brew some tea? we still have some cookies left” you speak gently and his gaze softens, guilt already bubbling in the pit of his stomach. “it's 2am” “and?” “you have to work tomorrow” “and??”. so he ends up brewing the tea instead and you simply won't talk about what happened until the next morning, after a fair amount of the night before was spent sharing homemade peanut butter cookies with armin taking your hand to press gentle kisses to your wrist from time to time <3
oh my god jean 100% feels too stupid to mention it or letting a dumb dream upset him once he's awake and can physically see you and touch you as you're making breakfast together, he's also too proud to admit how horrible it felt to see your body get so rigid, your skin too cold, eyes void of their usual light. so he doesn't mention it. but you can tell something is off: he's more attentive than usual (when has he ever pushed you away from the toaster bc you might bet burned?) he's extremely touchy-feely (more than usual lol it's fine for him to have his arms wrapped around you as you're rinsing a fork but not letting go? not even allowing you to turn off the stove, at the expense of his precious eggs, now at risk of charring??) so of course your spider senses detect that something isn't quite right and you interrogate him over breakfast, just as he casually plays with your fingers and quite uncomfortably tries to eat with his left hand. “what d'you mean i'm being weird? that how you accept my unconditional love?” he has you rolling your eyes a number of times before he shrugs with a “had a nightmare last night, no biggie” “did something happen to me?” “yeah, no need to take the piss, i know it's dumb”. a fond smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you shrug as well. “wasn't gonna take the piss. if something happened to you in one of my dreams, i'd probably freak out” “oh thank god” jean forces you up from your chair in a split second and pulls you in the tightest hug in recorded history lol
well connie will definitely blurt it out and attempt to downplay it at the same time lmao don't even get me started you'll wake up and he'd be in the kitchen making coffee greeting you with something like “g'morning! btw i dreamed you died last night hahaha isn't that so stupid??? you were dead dead, like R.I.P you, right in my arms” and you're standing there like 🤨🤨🤨 “i'm glad you thought that was funny?” “so funny, i even cried a little when i woke up haha you were sleeping right next to me and i was tearing up like a dumbass omg did i mention how still you were???” his emotional responses are all sorts of fucked up tbh. connie doesn't always know how to react to things and unexpected situations and complicated feelings bc he's so used to being the cheerful comic relief but somewhere underneath all the sunshine he carries around there's actual fear. connie is actually scared, all the time. of the ocean, of loneliness, of losing those who are dear to him, of being too much and not nearly enough at the same time. he has his own ways of dealing with fear and they're not always ideal. so you delicately take the clutched phone from his hands and peck his lips once, twice, each kiss lasting longer than the former until he takes your face in his hands and just keeps it there, forehead resting on yours. “i'm here. and you're a stupid idiot for calling yourself a dumbass”. he chuckles at that, which makes you smile. “promise you'll stay alive long enough to call me a stupid idiot a million more times?” “yes, if you wash the dishes”
i mean of course levi is mad. lol. at himself, bc he was not able to protect you in his dream and at you bc where tf are you??? he's petrified sitting up in (a very much empty) bed, mentally gives himself 3 seconds before he allows irrational panic to kick in but thank fuck you flush the toilet 1,5 seconds later, wash your hands and come back to your shared bedroom to find the grumpy man you're in love with glaring daggers your way, scowl so deep you hesitate by the door, silently wondering what you did wrong. were you being so tossy and turny you woke him up? did you take more than your share of blankets? did you accidentally punch him in the face? (it has happened and he was surprisingly nice about it lol). “i'm sorry” you blurt out, cautious as you climb onto your bed again, slipping your legs underneath the covers. “what are you apologizing for?” his voice sounds weird, which freaks you out even more. “not sure” you tilt your head “but you look mad”. levi huffs, features softening. “was it sleep kicking? or did i fart? you know edamame gives me real bad gas—” “you did not fart” he runs a hand through his hair, simultaneously exhausted and biting back an incredulous smile. “you died” he blurts it out but saying it out loud sucks so badly that he clenches his fists and you don't really know how to react. “i couldn't do shit about it. you just died. t'was horrible and i know it's not your fault and it was just a dream but...” “i'm sorry i died” your soft reply interrupts his babbling and prompts another snort. “stop apologizing” “what can i do, then?”. levi inspects your features attentively and takes your hand underneath the covers, intertwining his fingers with yours. “promise you won't do it again” he goes along with your silliness and you smile, nose rubbing against his, barely audible whisper of a “promise” before kissing him
porco will never and i mean never tell you what's up lmao his dumbass would rather die than admit a dream has had the power to affect him at all. he's a grown up™ and rational™ enough to discern reality from fantasy and guess what?? his current reality = you roaming around the house to cook, do the laundry, jokingly mock his housework skills as he vacuums rooms missing entire spots and breaks yet another glass in the sink (“stfu the sponge was too damn soapy it slipped” ) but honestly? porco doesn't even notice how much he stares the day after his nightmare. not just in the morning, he literally can't cast his eyes away from you for the entire day. he's 12 so as soon as you mention it he gets defensive lol like you'll be on the couch with your legs on his lap as he watches something on his laptop, you're reading a book and you'll say something along the lines of “ya know you've been staring a lot today” and he'll automatically reply “yeah?? cuz you're ugly” which only confirms your hunch. “don't be an ass, why were you staring??” “just told you?” “porco” “that's my name, don't wear it out” he's so infuriating honestly but eventually your persistence does wear him down enough to elicit one true response: “because i wanted to make sure you're actually here”. you tilt your head, confused frown that makes him bite back a smile. “what does that even mean?? where else would i be? are you high?” “high on you, babe” lmao yeah he won't tell you how horrible and scary and wrong it was to see your body get so still and your eyes suddenly unwilling to open and your hands not squeezing his back no matter how much he screamed and called for you and cursed and cried. why would he? porco can discern reality from fantasy. as you jokingly poke his side with your sock-clad foot and laugh as he grabs it to nibble at your ankle, he's grateful af for his reality :)
reiner instantly wakes you up lol he's too shaken to think straight and can't handle the pounding of his heart nor the cold sweat coating his forehead tbh. you freak out as well bc he looks like shit so you think he's not feeling well -> it's 30 entire seconds of back and forth (“are you okay?” “are you okay??” “why are you shaking???” “why are you sweating????”) until you can sense his stress is about to grow into a full on anxiety attack and you take his giant, cold, clammy hands in yours, squeezing hard enough to ground him. “baby, breathe with me. i'm right here, okay? just like that. deep and slow”. it doesn't matter that he squeezes back hard enough to hurt you. “you're doing great! wanna count with me?”. he closes his eyes and you both count to ten out loud, three times before he looks at you again and the crude fear that was in his gaze is long gone, leaving space to relief and slight embarrassment. “don't apologize” you cut him off right as his lips part “are you okay? can you wait for me? i'll go grab some water and—” he interrupts you right back by slotting his mouth to yours, with a kiss so feverish your brain shortcircuits. deaf to your protests, he will keep murmuring nonsense against your lips, an endless progression of i'm sorry, you're fine, i'm sorry, i love you, thank god, i love you so much. when you're allowed to catch your breath at last he presses one last kiss to your forehead and you're finally able to connect the dots. much like armin, he doesn't enjoy being so weak and emotional so often around you, but he also knows you feel strongly about him being so hard on himself. you won't have it. so reiner silently accepts and is oh so grateful for each sweet reassuring word you whisper to the shell of his ear, knowing all too well that nightmares have nothing on your i'm here and i'm never leaving and i know i'm safe with you
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digitaldiarystuff · 9 months
Old Habits Die Hard
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summary: you and jude have been best friends all throughout middle and high school and often had this running joke of pretending to be a couple to get out of uncomfortable situations or just to laugh about it. But ever since he went to germany and you started university in Madrid, things have slowed down. What happens when he signs for Real Madrid and your paths cross again?
pairing: Jude Bellingham x Y/N
genre: slight angst(maybe not)/ mostly fluff
You started your day as any other, getting up and ready and heading to your first class of the day. It’s been like this for two years now, you left Birmingham to study communications in Madrid and started living there. It wasn’t bad, you had friends and your family visited regularly but if you had the chance to bring something back from your old life it would be Jude Bellingham.
You guys were best friends all your younger years, your families were close and so were you. Even though your lives were different, this didn’t let it affect you and lived your lives as besties. You knew the line between friendship and more was blurred on several occasions where you had to pretend to be together at a party or on the streets and felt uncomfortable. At first it started out as just that, a protective shield Jude had for you but after a few times it became more often and you did it as a joke. Holding hands and holding each other close, fooling the world but the only people fooled were you two. You had feelings for each other but didn’t see it until it’s too late and you had to move across europe being far away. He moved to Dortmund and you got in a school in Madrid.
That was it until he signed for Real Madrid this summer and you heard it over the news, you tried keeping in touch but it was hard and your schedules didn’t allow you, daily facetimes soon turned into montly texts but now that he’s here, you wondered if he’d reach out. You could also do it but you decided to wait to see if he’d do it. He didn’t.
“Earth to Y/N.” Val said as she waved her hand in front of your face.
“What?” you asked not realizing you were thinking about Jude again.
“Do you want to go to the game with us?” she asked motioning between her and her boyfriend, Marco.
“What game?”
“Madrid against getafe of course.” she laughed but when you didn’t join her face became serious.
“What’s going on baby?” she asked.
“Nothing, of course I’ll go” you said even though your face looked white. You had gone to games with your friends before but this was different, you were going to see Jude for the first time in years.
At home you fixed your jersey you got last year with Vini’s name on it and looked at yourself. Your hands were slightly shaky and you thought about texting Jude but decided against it. It was a match day and you didn’t know how he’d react. Also, you didn’t want to see him, you repeatedly said to yourself, he didn’t call you.
The stadium was halfway full when you entered. Found your seats with Val and Marco anxiously waiting but this didn’t stop you from taking a photo and posting it on your story. After 10 more minutes your phone lit up and you didn’t expect to see the name Jobe Bellingham on it.
“Are you at the game🤩” he asked on insta.
“Yes, are you?” You missed Jobe, spending this much time with Jude meaning you were around him always, practically growing up together.
You quickly sent a few texts back and forth and he insisted on getting you into the family section to sit with their mom. You declined politely, nervous about the whole thing, saying you were with friends but Jobe didn’t listen and got you your seats before the game even started. You hugged them while explaining your friends how you know the family and Val whispered “You’ve got some explaining to do once we get out of here.” You just shot her a look and sat down. You started catching up with Jobe and Denise.
“Did Jude not book you seats in this section?” Denise asked shocked about your seating decision before meeting them.
“Actually, he doesn’t know I’m here.” you politely smiled not knowing how much Jude has told them about your falling out.
Jobe gave his mom a look which means he knew.
“Oh honey, you should’ve just told him. You know he has a thick head.” she laughed and you just felt comfortable around them.
The match started and it was a great one, with a goal from Jude on the 95th minute winning Real the game and the whole stadium stood up cheering, you included.
After everyone started clearing out the stadium Val looked at you.
“We need to go, are you coming or”
“Oh she’s with us don’t worry” Jobe said over you and you couldn’t even protest. You hugged them goodbye and started getting up thinking you were all leaving.
“You should wait at the tunnel.” Jobe said into your ear
“Jobe, look I don’t even know”
“Of course you do, you’re just too stubborn to admit it. Now go.” he said with a stern look and it wasn’t very effective but you still stood up and made your way to the tunnel shaking from excitement. What if he didn’t want to see you?
“Are you lost?” someone said behind you and you realized from the shirt he was a Getafe player. He was smiling genuinely.
“No I’m actually” you started but was cut off immediately.
“Oh hey baby, are you ready to go?” you looked up at the voice and saw Jude standing between you and the other player looking at you smiling. He looked like he just got out of the shower with a towel in his hand. His arm slipped around your waist and squeezed it lightly to get you to react.
“Oh yes love, I’m all set. Great game by the way.” you said to Jude and smiled noticing the Getafe player was already gone.
You looked up at Jude and he was giving you a mischievous smile.
“I guess old habits do really die hard.” you laughed and said as his hand went to grab yours and interlocked his fingers with yours smiling widely.
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uh hi. got some few followers because that LSN post. some points of housekeeping:
this blog rare contained little space where actually safe when wider autism & disability community very hostile to people like me. n whenever people follow me because of posts not about severe disability / level 2&3 HrSN nonverbal autism, some new people don’t know what going on & sometimes do stuff that make this space feel unsafe. you’re more than welcome to stay as long as you follow housekeeping & have general respect
1. not written by me but read this
& do search in blog for intellectual disability too
2. use stuff like autism levels & nonverbal & impairment & deficit language & severe autism & severe disability & visible autism here to describe self & have friends who also use them. while not use for self, also have friend who been called low functioning & also call themself that. you not have to like all that for yourself but don’t police what we call self don’t tell me “um actually this is ableist… but of course you call yourself whatever!” uh. we know. basically if you uncomfortable to even see these language my blog not for you.
eventually will have actual post about this instead of respond to someone rude who blocked me after this n so blocked back… but for now this will do (probably used to have one but too tired find right now)
3. 99% time post about above topic. n blog center people with those experiences & decenter LSN level 1 mild whatever language use. reflect on your experience n who you are n your privileges n your advantages bc we all have some yea even me
4. because do experience stuff post about they not just words… no empathy, can’t mask, have very bad theory of mind, often don’t understand other people exist not to mention have different thoughts feelings knowledge experience than me. am bitter a lot, mad a lot, angry a lot. think in extremes, n immediate write what think, immediate post what write. can be angry aggressive without realize n even if do realize, can’t really do anything about it. basically have level 2/3 autism have big communication struggle have big cognitive struggle & act like it
5. don’t tell me you relate to what am saying unless am know you. keep have problem of people think they experience same thing am talking about but actually turn out very different whole other world n am wish can be like them. sorry to people am not familiar with who genuinely understand n relate but please understand need this
6. am just one random nonverbal person with level 2/3 autism & higher support needs & severe disability online. human. so make mistakes. n have bad takes like anyone. don’t treat me as write universal truth never wrong
7. oh something important. no “going nonverbal” “nonverbal episode” “sometimes nonverbal” etc
should update all this on pinned
tone sound annoyed pissed off because kind of am… but not because of this so not at any of you all not personal
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softstraykidshours · 2 years
skz putting their jacket on your lap
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pairing: ot8 stray kids x gn!reader
genre: fluff, headcanon
length: 760
warnings: slight mention of social anxiety, general uncomfortableness
a/n: this is a request from a lovely anon, thanks for the cute cute cute idea, bestie!
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chan almost immediately notices that you’re feeling uncomfortable either because of your body language or because as he reads the room, he just knows it's a situation that makes you uncomfortable or nervous. he will ask you if you want his jacket, but even if you say no, he will still put it on your lap, because he knows you want it but you feel like it would inconvenience him. he would much rather be cold than have you be uncomfortable, so he'll put his coat in your lap regardless of whether you tell him you want it or not.
both of you are big on body language as a form of communication in your relationship, so he can tell instantly that you're starting to feel uncomfortable. he silently puts his jacket on your lap without you even needing to ask him to, and if you bring it up, he's going to deny that he did it in the first place, because he doesn't want to call attention to anything. "jacket? what jacket?"
bless his heart, changbin only sees the best in people in every situation, so he is horrible at picking up signs that you're uncomfortable. you end up having to just ask him for his coat, and the second you do, he feels horrible for not noticing, because he knows how much you hate asking him for things like that. he beats himself up that he let it go unnoticed for so long that you had to get to that point. he spends the rest of the night bombarding you with questions to make sure you're okay. "do you need food? water? do you want to leave? what can I do?" you spend the rest of the night reassuring him that it's not a big deal and that you appreciate that he's there with you.
hyunjin will always bring a second coat with him if he thinks there is a possibility of you getting uncomfortable or cold or needing it for any reason. he's not about to take off his designer coat mid event and ruin his whole look, but he also wants you to be comfortable, so he'll bring a second jacket of his so you're both covered. he also will always make sure whatever jacket he brings for you still goes with your outfit, so he'll double check what you're wearing before leaving, so he can bring the perfect one.
this man literally panics the moment he realizes you're uncomfortable, because he doesn't have a jacket with him to cover you. he basically sprints to the car to see if he has anything, but if he can't find something, he is scrambling around the event venue and asking staff if they have an extra cloth napkin or tablecloth, literally anything. watching him run around is so entertaining that you almost instantly forget that you were uncomfortable in the first place. after that incident, he always keeps a blanket in his car just in case.
anytime you're wearing a skirt or dress, felix proactively packs a second jacket. he doesn't want to make a big deal out of it and embarrass you though, so if you ask him why he has two coats, he'll say something about the venue always being cold or how he's been running a little colder recently, so he wanted to bring two jackets for himself. felix is a notoriously bad liar, so you know he's fibbing when he says this, but you appreciate his kind gesture nevertheless.
if seungmin doesn't have a coat with him when you're feeling uncomfortable, he will immediately excuse himself to the bathroom. turns out, he ends up secretly stealing one from coat check and bringing it back to put in your lap (don't worry, he returns it by the end of the night). when you question him about it since you don't remember him even owning a coat like that, he will deny everything and just say he found it in the back of his car and that he's never worn it around you before. he wants you to be comfortable even if it means using a strangers jacket in a pinch.
the first time you get uncomfortable and ask jeongin for his jacket, he is so confused. a series of vague questions and answers ensues until you eventually have to spell the whole thing out for him. once he understands, he immediately tucks his jacket on your lap, and from that point forward, if you start to feel uncomfortable at all, he is right there ready with his jacket, but oh boy, that first time was rough.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 6 months
this girl one time wanted to have sex with me and when i asked to use a condom she laughed it off and said it wasnt cool, and began to chip away at my boundary until i gave her what she wanted. she kept trying to get me to do things and i would say no, and she would continue asking anyway. in bed she said something like “you said you would” and that legitimately scared me, because it seemed like she was just blatantly lying to my face, or just forgot. then she called herself a succubus (A DEMON) and my gut screamed at me to be careful around her. sorry this may be TMI, but im anon so whatever, she said i could nut in her, which is the complete opposite of my original boundary. she was so sweet otherwise and communicated really good. except for when i texted her my concerns about being manipulated. she just became really defensive. im really happy im not “under her spell” anymore. i dont know what she was trying to do, but she could have hurt me really bad
its not tmi, its ok, you know me :p <3.. im sorry your boundaries were disrespected :( ill put my answer under read more cus its probly gona be long , this message had me contemplating some things..
IMO : sex is so tricky its been a struggle my whole life to understand how i feel about it & where my boundaries lie + allowing myself to express them so i understand the struggle u present here altho it's a different perspective.. some people use sex as a vehicle to gain power over others, by way of luring their partner into a state of vulnerability, i dont think that's something demonic necessarily i think it's usually more surface level than that. however
you do see a huge rise in the amount of ppl kind of, trying to personify the succubus nowadays? ppl have always wanted to be sexy but it's like different than the way ppl wanted to be sexy when i was younger. it got rly mainstream to have kind of a demon aesthetic if that makes sense? when i was younger this stuff was reserved for the relentlessly bullied & punished Goth and Emo kids.
but ok when i worked at spencers gifts in 2021/22 they had all these shirts of anime succubus girls getting choked and in bondage n shit, and these shirts were their best sellers they were outselling most the band tees and franchises like naruto.. and im telling youuu it was like, the youngest girls always buying these shirts, it made me so uncomfortable!! sometimes i would walk away and get my coworker to ring them up cus i was like nah im not selling a child that shit...but it really made me think like wow if i was in 7th grade and wore this shit to school it wou;dve been like wearing a giant KICK MY ASS!!!! target on my back but it's like, a popular thing rn.
and im not saying the bullying should return ofc, not the point. but it lead me down the string of thought wondering why this stuff is being pushed into the mainstream so heavily. sex sells i guess $$$ but yeah i think right now it's especially common to refer to yourself as a succubus if you're trying to feel a sense of power as a woman. because as a woman there are very few ways to gain power other than using sex. and many people want power! but i dont think most of them are demonic. just lost..
still its good u followed ur instinct to stay away from that girl because it is really cruel to manipulate someone in a moment where they've trusted you enough to be close to them like that.
yeah i think its rly rare for someone to be in some true demonic possession shit but i feel there can be dark things that linger *around* people who have weak spiritual armor and sort of, feast off their energy & create misfortunes around the person that generate bad energy for it to feed off of. but i dont think they have too much control over your actions like i would imagine for someone who's truly possessed. i feel a lot of ppl have these sort of ambient malignant attachments especially if they keep a lot of dark imagery & symbols around thinking it's just an aesthetic.
thas just my thoughts....really bored tonite so im typing a lot.... i love sex i think it can be so beautiful and restoring, it helps me feel so much happier in life to have good sex regularly i dont think sex or sexiness is evil. i just think its easy for ppl w bad intentions to turn it into this whole twisted ass mind game when it shld rly b so simple and natural and a loving connection that sets u free......be safe out there anon be discerning! protect you heart..<3
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nottsangel · 11 months
I don’t get why people hate on people who don’t deserve it Elaine has done horrible things and pretending like she hasn’t is insane to me not only is she racist said the n word plus played Nazi vs Jew beer pong shes also made cutting her wrists jokes she’s been exposed on all social media accounts expect maybe ig actually no ig as well for being racist Pinterest showed her liking slut shaming photos and pro life photos on her she would comment on fics about jj and get mad when people would say they were uncomfortable both her and Rudy block and unadd comments about her being racist on ask.fm account she was exposed for being a bully she still acts like a mean girl also I really don’t care but what people think videos of her and Rudy that have come out looks like she’s pulling him and if you think that man doesn’t look drained asf now it’s not about thinking they have a chance with him at all cause they know they don’t it’s about how her actions effect people and all the people defending her saying treating her like a normal human we are normal people get called out all the time proof is all over social media also the whole Madison and Elaine thing that happened Elaine posted the your confused I’m fucking confused on ig then deleted it after people saw it and posted a pic pretending she was in nc then someone did the thing where you can see what day it was taken and it was taken weeks ago and Odessa is a Zionist so if these two girls are people you willing support that says more about you then then the “pick me girls” who are actually just calling them out on what they’ve done no one thinks they have a chance with any of those guys plus proof of how horrible they are is all over the internet
gonna reply under the cut. bear with me.
you obviously did not get my point. i was talking about the girls thinking they know rudy and drew and everything about their lives and think they have a say in who they date or not, acting like they’re their mothers and taking it way too far with invading their privacy.
yes, i completely agree with calling people out when they do horrible things. but acting like you’re in their inner circle saying that they’re a bad influence or ‘draining him’ like please. he is not a baby, he is a grown man. if there was something bothering him in the relationship, i’m sure he would communicate that with her like a mature person, and that’s not up to anyone else, especially not outsiders they don’t even know. i genuinely do not understand why people base their entire relationship off some videos and pics. like how do you even think that is a real representation of them
what i also don’t understand is why people are so obsessed with them. if they’ve done bad things, fine call them out and hold them accountable, but be for real, aren’t there bigger problems in your life? it just baffles me that the people saying they hate them are also the ones following them and keeping track of them 24/7 like how does that work. that’s just an obsession. move on with your life. they’re not gonna break up because some random person on the internet told them to
and please, you’ve got to admit that there are plenty of girls hating on elaine and odessa just out of jealousy. we can all see it.
also, i am not defending their actions, at all. i didn’t even know about them, actually. why? because i have better things to do than obsess over every single part of rudy and drew’s life.
all in all, there’s a difference between holding someone accountable and hating and obsessing over them. besides, drew’s and rudy’s private lives is just a line you shouldn’t cross, in my opinion. like i said, they’re actors doing their job. that does not mean their private lives are any of your business.
edit: also i dont know why you think i support them. my whole point is, why are people so obsessed with their lives. i never said i supported them or their actions, because i simply don’t care.
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hospitalterrorizer · 3 months
tuesday - wednesday
the birthday went ok until it didn't.
my gf's brother is a paranoid baby who thinks everybody is making fun of him always and stuff. just a miserable life he leads, can't deal with anything, can't take anything that he could spin into being a slight against him or even people who communicate differently. and it's also not our fault that he says outrageous things that are funny, even, he is a funny person, and it doesn't have to be, and it often isn't, that he is the joke. he is problematic and semi-awful, and he'll look at me and talk about how he'd actually be okay with having a trans gf if he never had to see the dick and i can hear that and say whatever, you know, but it's funny that i make you think that, it's funny to see that as a kind of being sincere, and i don't even hate you for it even though a lot of people rightfully might! and it's not even about this, because it doesn't bother me that much, it's just an example of his whole thing, you know. un-woke and crazy and lonely and stuff. what made him go off at my gf and our friend and me by extension was his paranoia that they and i were all doing all this stuff behind his back, and i don't even know what that would be. like honestly, he called us gaslighters, said all of our personalities were smoke and mirrors, that kind of shit. i don't get it! i'm only ever myself, or, i'm condemned to be myself, this is all there is, there's no trickery, i just think lots of things are funny and maybe it's bad that i default to laughter but i do and i try to be nice to people and stuff. he's an asshole though, condescending constantly, telling me about how i have no way to know america's awful because i've only lived in vegas, how he knows the spirit of the land, how great the east coast is. like sorry i was too poor to move anywhere else my entire fucking life!!! and then we went to a bar downtown and sat in uncomfortable silence after he blew up at us in the parking lot, and i had to mediate, to try and express that if my gf can't figure out why he's losing his shit, why he thinks we aren't nice, even though we're there listening to him, spending time with him, talking to him, doing what he wants, but i guess that put him in the bad mood in the first place, cuz he didn't want to do the cafe thing, so we went somewhere else! the problem was solved, but the fact my gf suggested something instead of letting him pick, which he coulda done she just suggested something to him, like, gosh. what an ass hole.
so there was that. seeing our friend was lovely though, the one who lives here, mo, that kinda thing is always nice, i'm glad he was here to deal with it too, i suppose, if it were just my gf and i, we really would have just shut down probably, or made things a little worse. other people help us be more regular maybe. idk.
or, idk. well adjusted?
anyway, b4 i go work out, here's some pix of me, the sun's coming up and i haven't even worked out yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
, :
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my phone cam was like smudged... whoops,
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#deaddeaddemon'sswag #wow #wow
is my #wow #whoa thing ironic? am i insincere for that, i think it's like, kawaii and stuff and funny too.., it entertains me, so like, is that fake, what does sincerity even mean when the only sincere thing to someone is talking about how bad life is and how you hate everyone on earth.
n e wayzzz, i need to sleep soon, i haven't got to work on the cover art. i need to remind myself, i want to put a thylacine somewhere on it, maybe like, damaged or something, it just feels like kinda of cool. idk, they always captured me as a kid, an uncanny animal, haunted feeling cuzza the extinction and stuff. the cryptid angle too, i guess how they got put out there online, as creepy long dead ancient things, or creepy because of the long dead and ancient. it's weird how old always =s creepy, i suppose i can understand, old buildings, at least, centers of rot, things we don't want to see living there, weird how dwellings fit us and pests, and other kinds of animals tend to not want to be in these things.
here's some funny photos from the psp camera also:
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it handles dark lighting in a really fascinating way to me, super harsh, makes things look like outerspace, noisy as hell too, obv.
i also took a long vid with it today, it seems like i can record a long time with it if i'd like, which gives me some fun ideas. i won't post the vid here, it's by gf's brother blasting carseat headrest in mo's car, just too much. it's out there to find though, or i guess unlisted on yt. i may cannibalize the vid for pieces cuz i like how it looks, all the lights downtown, the sad ugliness of it.
for the cover, i also need to draw some kind of corpse-thing, it seems like a right way to fill some of the space that i'm troubling myself over, just like, fucked up flesh, basically, a pile, or like, maybe think of globsters? to bring it around to cryptids... that's a good idea yea... globster beside tuberose.
listening to this, right now:
a classic, to me, love the weirdo riffs on this, love how it's about a man being so pathetic and self pitying, 'he claims he's the victim', the amount of venom directed at that attitude, it's something that feels really interesting/smart, real autocritique. if not smart, the kind of obvious thing that ought to be surfaced because it's never surfaced enough i think.
i have to sleep now, so
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bewoken · 11 months
tdlr: my white family doesn’t understand race, racism, and it’s nuances and they make it my problem.
so, as a black person that has lived with the white side of my family my whole life, i can say that it is exhausting. i lived my whole life with a ‘color blind’ family who still said racial slurs and made race jokes but it was never about black people so it ok to them.
that’s a big reason as to why i never said anything when people at school would say racist things to me. i thought it was normal because of the things my white family said about asian or latino people or anyone who wasn’t white.
i never got that talk about how basically the whole world is going to hate me because of my skin and my hair so i didn’t know what racism was until someone called me a co*n in middle school. so i went home and looked up what it meant and i saw that it was a slur. a racial slur said to me because i’m black.
i was 12-13 when i first realized people said things to me at school or gave me looks in public, not because of normal bullying or whatever, but because i was black.
and now that i’m older and lost all my friends because i wouldn’t let them say the n-word and have learned more about racism and discrimination and that them uncomfortable.
my white family doesn’t understand. they don’t get that i can’t just pretend racism doesn’t exist. they don’t get why i tell them off for saying something racist or why i stopped being friends with certain people. because for them, it’s just politics. they can forget politics at the door because so much of it isn’t going to affect them. their lives aren’t being debated every other day live poc and queer people’s are.
they don’t talk about certain things infront of me anymore because they know i’ll disagree. it’s all small talk and surface level conversations and that’s how it’s going to be.
there was a time when i was guilted into apologizing to my one grandma for something she did to me. she made me uncomfortable by shoving her hand into my hair while my back was turned and i was sitting in the floor but i had to apologize to her. she got upset that i told her to not touch my hair without asking me first and i did say because im black.
i used to let people do whatever they wanted when i was in school because i didn’t want to be seen as the angry black girl that can’t take a joke. but now i’m proudly that angry black person who can’t take a joke because those weren’t jokes. it was you doing something to make your friends laugh and i was the butt of it. im not letting people touch me without my permission anymore but apparently that was too much for her to handle.
even my 14 year old white cousin tried to her why i didn’t want her touching my hair but grams cried to her about it anyways. and she wouldn’t look me in the eyes for the rest of the day.
then she want crying to my aunt, who i live with and she came down hard on me, guilting me into apologizing.
i apologized but i really just told her that i’m sorry she felt that way but i set a boundary and i hoped she could respect that. she never replied back to that message but she’s great at making people feel bad for her.
there was also the time that i wanted to go see wakanda forever with my black brother, just us so we could get a little bit of some black culture in our majority white community and my aunt flipped. not at me, but to my brother. she told him that it was racist and that i can’t want to be apart of their lives and not want to share my culture with them. but she had no problem with us going to see sm: no way home without anyone else.
we had a talk after that, about why i wanted to see the movie with just my brother but she didn’t get it. she kept trying to tell me that we keep all of the racial differences out of the house and whatever, but off course she has the privilege to say that. she isn’t the one going on social media and seeing people that look like her getting beat and raped and killed just for looking like her.
it’s so hard trying to explain these things to people who will never understand. especially those who don’t want to understand.
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blackberryjam · 2 years
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a-regular-ol-pill · 2 years
hey heyy i just found ur blog and i already love it! i was wondering if you could make an aamon x reader x gusion nsfw oneshot? (f! reader please)
thank you so so much<33
"Tell us, tell us that you want it."
Mobile Legends; Bang Bang
Pairing; Aamon, You | Gusion, You | Aamon, You, Gusion
!! NSFW 18+ !!
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Requested? Yes.
Small note for requester; I'm glad you found my blog and love it! In this one, the reader will be having... a hard time adjusting much. If you get what I'm saying. ;)
Want to request? Click here.
Word Count; N/A
Second Person Perspective.
Pronouns used for reader; 'She', 'Her', etc...
"Working as an armorer has some traits. Getting a lot of praise, and gold, working with higher-up's that offer you enough benefits. Making the two Paxley brothers love you— wait, what?"
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Making firm armor for the Paxley brothers has always been a weekly routine. Show up at the shop, greet them, small chat, and sometimes stay over for dinner if you feel worthy enough to dine with them. Most of the time, you do end up eating at the same table with the Paxley's, seeing as your fine work of weapons and armour helped increase the chances of victory in battle.
The common thing about the weekly routine in the Paxley's, was that— you were offered the invite from the eldest brother. Aamon, who was; Currently the one that runs everything in the House Paxley. You weren't sure who informed him about your craftsmanship, but you were damn grateful for them. You earned a lot of gold, and was able to feed your siblings from then on.
One question you needed an answer to was; 'Why are they treating you like you're family?' —Hell, the routine was the most loved you've ever felt, outside of whenever you hung around with your siblings. Though, the feeling of love was different with your siblings, and different with the Paxley's. Different in a way that you can't explain. It was more prominent with the two elder brothers. Aamon, and Gusion.
The way they looked at you— the way they thanked you for everything that you did.. It always left a funny feeling in your stomach. When they look at each other after you felt that feeling, it made the feeling worse. They were communicating telepathically— with you having no way to figure out what they were thinking.
Hell— Even when you weren't looking, you could feel them staring holes into whatever part of your body they're looking at. After a few more incidents that you felt uncomfortable, you decided to skip week when they requested you. Instead— you decided to test your limit, and take care of your little sibling while working in an armory shop.
Bad idea. You barely remembered how things escelated, but now— You and your sibling are covered in thick layers of charcoal dust from when you were transferring it to the furnace. A few passer-by's took a glance, and immediately rushed your sister out to look for a water source. Having been affiliated with those passer-by's before— you let them walk your sibling and decided to clean up the place before the shop owner came back.
"I do not want to be yelled at.. again." You said to no one in particular, grabbing a bucket and rushing to the water hose that was imbeded into the ground. Your fingers and hands made quick work in filling up the bucket, and you ran back to the shop. Little do you know, a certain brother was watching you— On his way to call his brother so they could possibly pry answers for you.
Of course, you were blissfully unaware, having been able to enjoy the cleaning because of the soft sponge and firm duster that was provided in the back closet. Half-way through cleaning the whole shop, a small thud on the entrance made you glance up from your hunched over position— You were confused when you saw nothing but a small reflection from the mirror that faced the anvil.
After the long pause, you were suddenly aware of how uncomfortable the dust felt on your skin. Grabbing the; now empty bucket. You were about to rush out to wash off the dust, until you were pushed back. The pain in your face made you reach up to rub it, while you heard footsteps. "Oh, what happened to you?" You froze at the sound. Why was Gusion here? Were you gonna get in trouble for refusing his brother's request?
Well. All your stress went away when your hands were pulled back from your face. Your self conciousness rising after you felt a hand on your nose.
"Are you alright? I didn't mean to hurt your beautiful face." Aamon leaned close to your face, unaware that you could feel his hot breath fan over your face. "We should help her clean up, Gusion."
You tensed up, clean you up? Why would the formal Aamon use words like that?! Unless of course— he purposely did that. Which wasn't far from the truth. Aamon knew what he wanted from you, but unfortunately for you— You don't. After awhile of Aamon helping you relax your face, you heard a soft thud— and water splashing near your dust covered boots.
"Careful! It'll be a waste of water." Aamon scolded his brother's ignorance for the water. Which Gusion laughed at, for no apparent reason. "Come on, open your eyes, we're not mad you weren't in the house." Gusion's light-hearted voice eased you to do as he said. Eyes meeting with the one and only— Duke Paxley.
"You're not..?" You asked, shivering at the feeling of cold water running down your back. Suddenly, you were well aware that Gusion was behind you— probably judging you because of your slouched posture. You hoped not.
"Of course we aren't, you know. Aamon literally watches you while you take care of your siblings— Like a creep." Gusion laughed, lightening the stress to your tense body. This was something you admired about them— Aamon eases your feelings, while Gusion eases your body. They were like polar opposites that get along so well.
"Don't tell it like that, I do watch her. But only because I'm interested in how she handles kids." Aamon argued, one hand leaving your face to hand you a cup, and push the bucket of water near you. That's when you realized that he wasn't sure if you were comfortable in him cleaning you up. Even though he was the one that suggested it.
You grabbed water with the cup and used it to wet your hair. Gusion pulled back a little, waiting for the water to stop befor resuming to clean up your back— Aamon just watched, eyes travelling to wherever, like when he did back at the house. "Mhm, as if you aren't thinking about living a life with her, have kids, even." You choked on your spit at what Gusion said.
You even looked up at Aamon for confirmation— and the look on his face confimed what Gusion said. "Seriously..?! You're joking right?" You asked, desperate for a refusal, but only a laugh escaped from Gusion's lips. A part of you hoped that it was true, but another was afraid— Really afraid. They were nobles for lord's sake! They'd be looked down on if you dare try to have an ounce of romatic relationship with them.
"Won't you be shamed on? Why would you admire me? An armorer for the whole palace!" You argued, brows furrowing together once you saw a disappointed look in Aamon's face— Which was terrifying, he rarely ever show his emotions. And this? Him making that kind of face? It was usually a sign that he'll punish someone.
And that someone, was you. "Clean up first, love. We'll show you how much you're worth." Love. Oh fuck— You're absolutely gonna ruin their reputation if things escalate. Probably ruin your family's reputation as well..
Your mind being all over the place became the reason as to why you were confused as to why you were suddenly on the dinner table at the Paxley's house. A towel wrapper around your— still slightly dusted outfit. The revealing skin was now free from the uncomfortable feeling, but only the revealing ones. "When did we get here?" You asked, Aamon walking you to upstairs— you had suspicions as to what he and Gusion was planning, and you hoped they really don't do it.
"By my powers of course. I'm the best at being swift after all." Gusion proudly stated, walking forward and admiring your water dripping face. It made your face heat up— especially after your eyes locked together. It was impossible not to look away, knowing fully well that if you try to move— Aamon will be quick to hold you down.
There's the same tension that made you feel something in your stomach. Even worse now that you can't get away from them. Suddenly, an excuse popped up in your head— just before all three of you could enter the room infront of you. You spoke up, in a panicked voice; "My sibling, they're with a family friend of mine. I need to pick them up and bring them home!"
You needed something. Something to stop them from ruining their family's reputation. "I already sent Eren to pick them up. No need to worry." Aamon reassured, your attempt at stalling— ultimately failing as the door was opened by Gusion. Who, by then; Already figured out how stressed you were, and nothing could comfort you. Unless they both prove to you how much you're worth.
You kept trying to subtly move away from Aamon's hold, though— it was a useless effort to do so, considering that both of them figured everything out by now. Your insecurity could be fixed, and it will be fixed after this day. "Relax, you're safe with us." Aamon whispered. Your eyes scanned around the room, and after realizing who's room it was— Your heart stopped.
"Are we really gonna do this in your room? The maids keep cleaning this, it'll be a shame if they clean up everything that happened after this." Gusion asked, visibly annoyed because of the maids cleaning up... whatever happens later. "You should know that I request the maids to not clean my room. I have more privacy than you. Young man."
Gusion huffed at his brother's answer, opening the door to the bathroom— You assumed. Then was corrected after you saw the formal bath in the side. Along with a curtain and a sink. It all looked clean, and untouched. You don't deserve to be there, let alone wash yourself clean from your dust..
Aamon and Gusion shared a look as the older helped you to step inside the already prepared warm bath. "Are you sure Eren picked my sibling up? No one informed me!" You asked again, knowing already that it would be a lost cause. They had a mission to achieve, and they had no plan to stop theirself for achieving it.
"'Course he did, my sweet big brother talks about you all the time." Gusion turned away and ran out the room, avoiding his brother's scolding after he left. Your heart started to beat from your chest, endless thoughts circling your mind. It seemed like they had feelings for you. Aamon could have liked you more, but Gusion might be steering away his focus on him to Aamon to.. possibly hide his feelings.
Hesitantly, you took the towel away to wash your dusted outfit. Forgetting that the eldest brother was there with you. Until you felt a hand tug on your shirt. "Oh! I'm- I'm so sorry, I forgot-!" You exclaimed, about to put the towel back on, until he pulled your back to his chest. Free hand reaching up to run his slim fingers through your locks. "Don't be ashamed."
The soft gravel tone in his voice next to your ear made you move away subconsciously. But god damn, it sounded so hot.. "How can I not be? I don't deserve to even step inside your room. Let alone, your bathroom." Your question made him chuckle, a hand coming down to rub your stomach, in a way you felt so comfortable.
"Lets take your clothes off, you don't deserve to be dressed in such filthy clothes." His offer made your heart stop, your knees suddenly buckling when his hand grazes your cheek. His touch was alluring you to submit to him. His hands moved to your neck, down to your button up shirt, he unbuttoned it slowly, one by one, until he reached the very bottom. "Aamon.."
Something about you saying his voice triggered something in his chest. In a second— your clothing was stripped from your body, and the next. You were bent over the tub, slim fingers teasing you through your underwear. Your head hung low, stiffling the noises that was threatening to come out from your mouth.
Aamon admired the way your back arched, his curious side becoming more visible while he became more bolder with his actions. His nails grazed the tip of your nub, making you cry out from the sudden stimulation. The sound you made, he wanted more of it. More of your whines, more of your small begs— he wanted more of it.
Without realizing it, Aamon set you down on the sink and pulled off your underwear. Eyes shining, like he was looking at desert after seeing your damp pussy. "Aamon- I beg of you-." You gasp out, head tilting back whilst his tongue made contact with your outer lips. The taste made him feel so intoxicated— made him need more of your taste.
He figured, the best way to do that— was to continue stimulating your poor, untouched core. His head dipped down to taste more of you, nose rubbing againts your clit as he lapped his tongue over your pussy. Your stomach churned, and snapped at his every action. It made you feel so good.
Little do you know; Gusion just came back from drinking some water downstairs. Listening in on your pretty little whines, his brother was making you feel good. Aamon had already unraveled your outer lips to taste you even more. Your legs shaking from the continuous stimulation from his tongue— Oh how left out Gusion felt when you cried out after Aamon slipped his tongue inside you.
He was the one that convinced his brother to finally make a move on you— He deserves to be part of the fun! Hell, he was sure that he was the one that developed feelings for you first. So, without shame, he went inside and basked in the view. You with your eyes closed shut, thighs clamping around his brother's head— eating you out to the point where your legs had already given out.
The sight was absolutely gorgeous. If only he could blackmail his brother.
"He's eating you out so good, right?" Gusion asked, a smirk rising up from his face upon seeing you tense up, and your face redden from embarrassment. Though, the embarrassing feeling was one you couldn't feel. You were on the brink of your orgasm— crying out even louder when two digits slipped into your wet pussy. Adding to the pleasure that Aamon's tongue was already providing you with.
"Are you gonna cum? Cum all over the eldest Paxley brother's face? Do you think you deserve to do that?" He asked, stepping over to you and grabbing hold of your hair. You cried out again, thighs clenching as you tried to stop your inevitable orgasm. Although, doing that just made Aamon desperate, licking up and trying to suck the cum out of you. "N-no! I-I don't deserve to!" You choked out, hands flying to tug on Aamon's hair. Begging him to stop.
But, it only took Gusion's lips sucking on your neck to make you cum. Crying out, and eyes closing shut from the pleasurable guilt you felt as Aamon rode out your orgasm. "You taste so divine." Aamon groaned out, lapping over your pussy one more time, before standing up and glancing at his brother. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cum." You muttered, tearing up as you moved your hands to cover your face.
"What did you say to her?" Aamon asked, eyes narrowing at Gusion, who raised his hand in defence. "I just asked if she deserves to cum on your face. Promise!" The younger said, amused when Aamon started to pepper you with soft kisses on your neck. The act of affection soothed you— But it wasn't enough, Gusion's words really stung. Though, you didn't deserve to be guilty.
"Don't listen to my brother, you deserve to cum, since I was the one that made you do that." Aamon whispered, hand reaching up to cup your face. With how soft his hands felt, you forgot the words that Gusion— rudely said to you earlier. "Come on Aamon-ey, I deserve a bit of recognition from bringing you two together." Gusion spoke up. A teasing smirk; Still visible on his face.
"I'm not about to make you ruin her innocence." Aamon argued, holding you close as him and his brother argued. "Ohh come on~, just this once. Please? For your little brother?" Gusion whined, earning a sigh from his older brother. "I... I'm okay with him joining." You spoke up, to hopefully ease the visible headache that Aamon was feeling.
That settled it— without wasting a second, the two of them brought you to the bed. Aamon under, with you sitting on his lap. And Gusion situated behind you. "You prepped her, you go first. But I won't promise that I won't enter her after you do." Gusion peppered soft kisses onto your bare back, admiring how soft your body felt when he squeezed his palm on it. Upon closing your eyes, you heard the shuffling of clothes, and felt hands looping under your thigh to hoist it up.
"You look so stunning." Aamon whispered, stroking his huge cock and lining the tip of his cock below your hole. You held your breath, biting your lip while Gusion lowered you onto his brother's cock. The pain you felt was more pain than your first open wound. It felt like an eternity of your walls— clenching around Aamon's cock until you reached his pelvis.
Hell, Aamon could barely hold up in ruttig up into you when your walls were clenching so tight around him. It was nothing he had felt before, and neither did you feel something like that. You felt full— Figuratively and Literally. "So tight.." Aamon groaned, squeezing down on your hips as you leaned down. Desperate to feel comfort from his warmth.
Though— what you did only allowed him access to your soft and tender stomach. He started caressing it, admiring you like a beauty in the newspapers. Your tight felt warm for him. His eyes rolling back after feeling your panting breath. "That's it... you're taking me so well." He whispered to you, nearly moaning out when your hips shifted. Clenching around him once more.
"You both look so fucked out.." Gusion grinned, holding his bare cock out and rubbing it againts the back of your hole. You shivered at the feeling and clutched onto Aamon's shoulder. "Let me just... squeeze right in.." With every word, Gusion eased himself into your already occupied hole. You and Aamon cried out, the tight sensation becoming too much for Aamon, and the stretch making you feel like you're being ripped apart.
Aamon noticed your struggle, hand reaching down to rub your clit in soft circles. Helping you lube up his brother's cock with your slick. "Too... much." You choked out. Tears filling your eyes and falling down onto Aamon's chest. His eyes grew soft at that, pulling your face close to his and kissing you. Gusion also helped to ease your pain, massaging your back and pressing soft kisses to it.
You felt warm at their touch, and eventually adjusted well enough until you could shift and not feel uncomfortable from it. "There, feeling better?" They asked you. To which you replied with a nod. Aamon pressed even more kisses to your face, with Gusion following up with soft kisses on your spine. Gusion was getting impatient, and tried a small thrust. A small whimper leaving your lips at the action.
He tried another, and groaned when you clenched around them both. Aamon watched your face contort into a desperate one, he tried his own thrust. A louder moan coming from you while doing so. "You have her spot, I'm only an addition." Gusion chuckled, watching as his brother try to hold back a groan at the feeling of your tight walls.
"You're so good to us.." Aamon whispered, slowly rolling his hips up into you, increasing your moans of pleasure, and turning you into a whimpering mess. With his movement, and Gusion's thrusts— It made you feel amazing. And, while Gusion just groaned and continued to apply pleasure from himself, Aamon rutted up into you, trying to hit that spot repeatedly as he could.
"You deserve this, everything we're giving you." He added, rubbing his thumb over your clit, you moaned. Closing your eyes shut as you felt your orgasm creep up to you. It seems that they wanted to reach that with you as well— Gusion's thrusts started to become uneven, and faster, chasing his own. While Aamon started rutting into you, humping your tight walls and kissing you.
All it took was for his finger, and both of them to moan your name to make you cum— It was the best feeling you've ever felt, and you lost yourself in the feeling. Falling into a subspace as they reached their peak inside of you.
You don't remember what happened after that. All you know, was that they spoiled you, and basked you in the comfort, and love you deserve. <3
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I hope you enjoyed reading this, as much as I enjoyed writing it! Take care of yourself. <3
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chiefdirector · 2 years
Jack Gibson A-Z headcanons
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A – Anger (What was their first fight about? Any big or recurring arguments?)
I think the first fight would be a misunderstanding because of poor communication. Maybe someone got a day wrong and stood the other up. It would be over something stupid which you would both laugh about after.
B – Best (What would they say is the other’s best trait?)
Jack would love your ability to persevere through hard times. He sees fire, destruction and death almost daily. Having a ray of hope throughout that would be a god send to him.
C – Camera (How do they document their relationships? Who likes to take pictures? Or videos?)
Jack has a photo album tucked away in his shirt drawer. He likes to occasionally stash away a photo of you and him. He is so used to good things not lasting in his life that if he can keep a little piece of you tucked away, he feels like he won't lose you forever.
D – Dates (What are their dates like?)
I think that jack would plan simply dates. He works long hours, and it is very draining for him sometimes, so a simple, stay-at-home date is his favourite. More often than not, you'll start to stream a movie and end up falling asleep on top of each other.
E – Early (What was the first month of dating like?)
It was awkward, especially if you knew his dating history. It's an adjustment for him; Jack works long hours and is used to fending for himself and not someone else. He works in a team everyday but he hasn't been working in a partnership in a while.
F – Friends (How is their relationship with each other’s group of friends?)
Oh you being on good terms with the station is essential to him. They’re his family and I don’t think he’d want to be with someone that doesn’t get along with his people
G – Gifts (Do they like giving each other gifts? What kind?)
I think Jack gives small gifts. Your favourite packet of sweets when you’ve had a bad day, or he had brought you new knives because your old ones were a little dull. Small things.
H – Hugs (All things involving hugs)
I think Jack’s hugs would be some of the best. He’d just wrap you up in his arms, and it would feel like the whole world slipped away from the two of you. Would recommended.
I – Inside Jokes (Do they have any?)
Hundreds. You pick fun at each other all the times with these jokes. It’s gotten to a point that most people can’t follow your conversations because of these jokes.
J – Jealousy (Who gets jealous easier? How do they show their jealousy?)
I don’t think he’d get jealous often. He might ask who someone is or intervene if you look uncomfortable but he trusts you. Or he tries to. He is human and he gets jealous on occasion.
K – Kiss (How do they kiss? Who usually initiates?)
His kisses are soft and passionate. You are one of the most important things to him and he wants to appreciate you in any way he can.
L – Love (How do they first say those three words?)
They slip out accidentally when you two were cuddling in bed. He said it without realising but he had had the sentiment for a while.
M – Movies (What kinds of movies do they watch together? Is it a regular Netflix ritual?)
Anything and everything. Although Star Wars is a big hit.
N – Nicknames (Things they call each other)
If you’re shorter than him, expect a short joke as a nickname. Other than that I see him calling his partner the usuals: babe, sweetheart, doll etc.
O – One (Tell us about the moment they realised they were with the one.)
The moment he realised you were the one was when you had first learnt about his childhood and you placed you hand on his. The small act of comfort made his world. It was only years later when he thought back to the moment did he realise how much he fell in love with you that day.
P – Pizza (What is their favorite food to eat together?)
Anything he can get his hands on. Bonus points if it’s homemade. He works crazy hours and a homemade dinner is one of the best things to recuperate with
Q – Quit (Do they break up? Almost break up? What happened?)
If you cheated, or lied to him about something serious I think he would end it.
R – Rainy Days (How do they comfort each other on dark days?)
If he is off shift he will cuddle and lounge around with you until the bad mood passes. If he is working he will call/text when he has a moment to make sure you’re okay. He may also order a food delivery to be sent to you in his absence.
S – Soft (Something one of them did that turned the other into absolute mush)
Wearing his clothes turns this man into putty.
T – Texting (Do they text each other a lot? What do they usually talk about over the phone?)
Texting is a constant. Is quick and easy for him to shoot you a text during his hectic shifts.
U – Unique (Tell us about some of their odd habits that surprised one another.)
He would like to teach you sign language but would 100% start with swears. I also think he would be good at cutting hair.
V – Vanity (Something they’re proud of in themselves and their partner)
He’s proud of how far he has come and how much he has achieved in his life. He would be proud of his partner no matter what, he would be constantly impressed.
W – Wedding (Will they get married?)
Jack would want to marry but would have his reservations. He is used to being left behind and abandoned. He would wait to propose in fears that he would be rejected.
X – X (Something they hate about the other)
He would hate disorganisation. Messiness isn’t as bad but losing paperwork and important documents would infuriate him when it came time to use them.
Y – Youtube (What are they like online? Do they post about their relationship constantly?)
He has an Instagram which he occasionally updates but I think he usually stalks your accounts and likes/comments on the pictures you post of the two of you.
Z – Zoo (Are they into animals? Do they want pets? What kind?)
I don’t think he’d get a animal by choice. But if he found an injuries stray he would quickly decide to take it to a vet and then if the stray stuck around, I can see him bringing it into his family
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turtle-go-brrrr · 3 years
The boys with an asexual s/o
A/N: I saw some nasty opinions earlier tonight so I'm popping these bad boys out! Enjoy!!
Well, you're in luck! I've got some strong ace vibes from him.
I don't think he's sex repulsed, like if his lover wanted to sleep with him, he'd be more than happy to try, but it's not really a priority for him.
Actually, he wants to come out to you, but he's... afraid of your reaction.
He's scared you won't believe him, he scared you'll take it personally or think it's because he's not attracted to you.
Because the thing is he find you incredibly attractive, and he loves you very much!
He just doesn't feel sexual attraction.
And he doesn't want it to confuse you, so he kind of... avoids the subject. Doesn't bring it up at all. Ever.
So when you come out as asexual to him, he lets out a huge sigh of relief.
He smiles, he laughs, and he gives you a really big hug. He nuzzles close to your neck and tells you how relieved he is because guess what!! He's ace too!!
He's more emotional than he cares to admit, and he feels so honored that you trust him enough to tell him something so personal.
He's a lot more comfortable with you and a lot more willing to open up now. He want you to know he trusts you as much as you do.
He's a very, very horny guy.
Physical affection is his go-to when expressing what he feels for you because he's terrible with words.
Also he's really attracted to you, so that doesn't help.
When you sit him down, he goes into "oh-god-what-did-I-do-wrong" mode.
You have to tell him pretty quickly that he's not in trouble, or else he's gonna be too far into his own head to completely register what you're telling him.
But when he does?
He's kind if lost. He doesn't really understand at first, but he listens because he can see that it's a big deal for you.
He doesn't know how to react at first. You take a lot of time explaining to him that sex and romance are two separate things for you, and that sex isn’t really on the table for now. Or maybe ever. And you take even more time making sure he understands that you’re attracted to him and that it’s not because you don’t love him or anything.
But it’s a lot to take in, so he just hugs you, tells you he loves you, and tells you if you ever want to try it anyway, he’s down. But he would never, ever, force you to do anything, or make you feel guilty for any of it.
He then calls April in a hurry and beg her to help him figure out what the hell he’s feeling. He meets her at her appartment and she’s already done her reaserch for him.
They spend the whole night not just looking at articles, but also looking up the ace community on different platforms to hear about it from them instead of bothering you with it.
A few days after, he meets you again and tells you that while some stuff still confuses him, he’s ready to learn and loves you all the same.
All in all, as long as you let him know you love him and don’t shy away from kisses and hugs, he’ll put on his big boy pants and take care of his urges.
Also, he needs to know your boundaries, just to be sure he doesn’t cross a line or makes you uncomfortable. But that’s a discussion for later. Right now is reassurance and lovin' time.
Also a fairly horny dude. But he’s a lot better at hiding it.
And he’s really observant too. He can see you’re kind of... avoiding the subject of sex, but he doesn’t push it. He figures you’ll initiate when you’re ready.
He’s really surprised when you come out. Like, didn’t see it coming at all, and that’s what surprised him most, actually.
And he kind of forgets that you’re coming out to him. And that it's a big deal. And when he sees you fidgeting and looking everywhere except at him, he knows he's kind of fucking up big time.
So he gets his head out of his ass and asks what, in as much details as you can tell him, are your boundaries about anything relating to sex.
Like, are you okay with making out? Are you sex repulsed? Sex favorable? Neutral? Are dirty jokes or suggestive comments okay with you?
And that's a pretty big relief for you, because he seems to know what he's talking about. And he's reacting in a pretty positive light, so your fears of rejection are calmed down quite a bit.
And he can see it in the way your jaw unclench, your shoulders relaxes, and the big sigh you're letting out.
He takes your hand in his and tells you that if you ever have something to say, even if he doesn't understand right away, you guys are a team and he loves you, so he's willing to listen and figure it out with you. Because you're worth the uncomfortable discussion.
He also tells you that if one day you're curious about what sex feels like, he'd be more than willing to explore this feelings with you, but that it's your call to make.
He loves you and wants you to feel safe with him. Also if he gets urges he can just make his own toys anyway, so it's not that big of a deal.
Besides, the time you're not spending having sex, you're spending it working on taking over the world different project together, so bonding time is well spent!
Unpopular opinion but I don't think sex is that important to him.
Yes, he can't get enough of physical contacts like hugs and kisses and soft caresses, and yes, he's a huge flirt, but that doesn't mean he's a total horn dog all the time.
When you take his hand in yours and tell him you've got soemthing important to tell him, he's kind of worried at first (who wouldn't be).
You tell him about your asexuality, you tell him you love him, and you look so damn nervous it breaks his heart.
It breaks his heart so much that he zones out and don't listen to the rest of what you have to say.
Like, for example, when you asked him if not having sex bothered him. And instead of answering like he should, he just looked at you with those big sad eyes, because you were scared of telling him something. Maybe your past lovers reacted badly, and that's why you were scared. That makes him so fucking sad.
So, obviously, you freak the fuck out when he doesn't answer and looks like he's gonna start crying.
He hugs you super close but super softly, and he tells you he's sorry you were so scared to tell him, and that he loves you and accepts you for who you are.
After all, when he got with you, that's what he signed up for. And he's glad he did!!
It's a very emotional night, the two of you are tucked under his covers talking about it and how it's gonna affect your relationship, and giving reassuring cuddles and kisses to each other.
The morning after he already came up with ace puns, so be prepared. And he scoured the internet for other ace jokes, because that's how he shows inclusivity.
Will definitely ask you about the stuff he doesn't understand, but over all as long as you're willing to love him and stay close, he's not too worried.
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ah0rmone · 3 years
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dazai osamu x fem! reader
warnings: nsfw, minors, dni! dubcon if you squint because the reader finds dazai annoying but attractive, non-consensual touching (at first), enemies/rivals to fuck buddies I guess?, fingering, vaginal penetration.
there are literally two self-defence techniques from here and here
"Why it has to be you?" you grumbled looking at the person who stood in front of you.
"Oh, who else would you like to see as your teacher? Kunikida-kun who's doing everything according to instructions, even fighting? Ranpo-kun who won't lift a finger unless it's a murder case? Or Tanizaki-kun who's always followed by Naomi-chan?"
The obnoxious man in front of you was called Osamu Dazai and, to be fair, you'd actually prefer any other agency member over him. Sure, he definitely had combat experience and, probably, wasn't that bad at teaching, given that Atsushi was still following him. But something about him was off and you didn't like it. Nor that you had any choice, Dazai was there for a reason and that reason was Fukuzawa's order.
"Whatever," you sighed. "Can we get to it already?"
Today was the day when you were supposed to learn some self-defence techniques. Your ability wasn't really of a combat type, so you never participated in fights but it didn't mean that you had a zero possibility of running into problems. It was your own request to be taught how to protect yourself.
However, you didn't feel quite confident at all. You genuinely hated conflicts and tended to avoid people, so all of this was a somewhat essential but still itchy experience. Your sporty shorts and a skintight top wasn't helping the situation either. Especially, since a person with who you were going to get quite close physically was a rather attractive young man. You and Dazai weren't that close, just colleagues who barely communicated. For you he was just as attractive as he was annoying - you wouldn't mind having a fling with him but nothing more. Maybe it was the way he carried himself: overly cheerful, loud and noisy. Or maybe it was the things he was hiding: his true mischievous, manipulative personality.
Taking a deep breath you reminded yourself that it was your idea, something that your survival depended on and that you just had to get over it.
"Usually you're not the one who fights, y/n-chan. So what are we doing here?" Dazai asked, a teasing smile on his lips.
His eyes were gleaming with a vicious sparkle. Your power imbalance was uncomfortable to you. You shrugged, the feeling that he was a big cat and you were his meal strongly sat in your guts.
"I'm here to learn how to defend myself. Like some easy techniques. I'm not very strong, keep it in mind," you reminded with a well-controlled flat voice but some notes of irritation would have been apparent even to the densest person.
Osamu didn't answer, instead, he let his fake smile turn into a smirk. For a moment the room fell into silence and you could swear that your heart was beating too loud. Both of you just stared at each other for some seconds until the smile returned on Dazai's lips and the man joyfully clapped.
"Okay, gotcha! First of all," he took a step closer. "The most important thing in fighting is a stable stance. Stand like this," he put the left leg forward and motioned you to follow him.
Hesitantly you mirrored his stance, the feeling of embarrassment washing over you. It wasn't even the physical activity that you hated but the way Dazai was gazing at you. Predatory eyes were gliding over your skin like he was analysing your tiniest movements. Like he was about to pounce.
Just as you anticipated, once you've finished copying him, Osamu clicked his tongue and stood up.
"No, y/n-chan, you're doing it wrong."
You were about to argue but Dazai was already behind you. Suddenly painfully aware of the warmth of his body you tried to move from him but he was quick to put a hand on your hip.
"Let me help you," his hot breath ran over the shell of your ear making you flinch a little.
While you were contemplating whether you should allow him to be that close, Dazai had already brushed his palm down your leg. Now he was standing next to you, your bodies touching.
"There," he encouraged, moving your leg a little further by the back of your knee. His other hand was still placed on your hip and such a position was taking away any personal space you had before.
"Thanks," you muttered, feeling the light smell of his cologne.
"Now you're standing rather steady, aren't you?" he beamed with his hand still on your leg.
"Ah, yeah," you muttered, grabbing him by the wrist and pushing it off yourself then taking a step back. "Guess, we can move to the actual stuff now."
"Y/n-chan!" Dazai exclaimed. "The stance is very important, I didn't show it for fun!"
You saw the man's lips curl into a pout but either than that he didn't display any sign of irritation by you pushing him away. Keeping that in mind you decided that even though he might not have any ill intentions you should stay on guard.
Something dropped behind the door and as you inverted your gaze to the sound you felt your hair being grabbed.
"What," you didn't even have the chance to end the question instantly being pushed to the wall.
Your colleague's right hand was holding firmly your hair, the other one gripping your waist. You tried to push back, but to no avail - his whole body was pushing you to the wall.
"Dazai," you growled.
"Too bad, y/n-chan," he cooed. "How can you protect yourself when you have such a short attention span? Look at you - one move and you're helpless."
The sting of resentment piercing through your heart encouraged you to grumble through the teeth:
"I told you I'm weak."
"And stupid apparently," he gibbed.
"Listen," you tried to free yourself but instead just shook your hips clumsily. "If you came here just to insult me, let's end it, I'll ask Fukuzawa-san to send someone else," voice full with venom, you wanted to be as far from Dazai as possible but instead felt with dread as your hips bucked into his. You jolted forward fighting for the tiniest bit of space.
If Dazai noticed, he didn't show it as there was no reaction whatsoever. However, your little touch wasn't the only thing he ignored:
"Let me instead show you how to deflect it," he proposed, paying no heed to your words.
He backed up and you got a chance to glance at him with unhidden irritation. He met your gaze with a cheesy smile like he wasn't a person degrading you a couple of seconds ago. However, giving it a little bit more thought you exhaled and nodded. After all, you should've picked up something from this lesson, not just the revelation that Dazai was a total dick and you wouldn't want him to be near you ever again.
You moved from the wall and this time he gripped your hair slowly.
"What you want to do now is to grab my hand by both of yours, then stand back to the stance I showed you earlier, turn underneath the arm, so that you twist it and when the person lets go, just bolt. Got it?"
You hummed in acknowledgement. Perhaps it wasn't that difficult. Perhaps, at the end of the day, the lesson would be fruitful.
"Try it then," he prompted and then tugged at your hair lightly.
Following his instructions, you grabbed his hand and as you were about to go underneath his arm, he spun you. His arm was firmly holding your throat.
"No, y/n-chan, I've told you your stance was wrong," he whined. "Let me show you again."
"What just happened?" you asked confusedly but he already was spreading your legs.
Osamu didn't answer, too busy putting you in the right stance. And you tried your best to concentrate on how your legs were placed instead of his fingers brushing over your ass a couple of times, once getting a little bit too close to your clothed vagina.
"Just like this," he said and his hand slid up from your knee to your waist getting under the top a little.
From your point of view, the skinship was completely irrelevant but you decided to keep your sharky comments to yourself. For now, you were going to follow his instructions and maybe you could avoid the conflict.
Maybe not.
This time around when you were trying to deflect his arm, once again he outpowered you. You cursed as he said with disappointment in his voice (you were pretty sure it was the fake one, he was enjoying it, that bastard):
"You're too slow, y/n-chan. Do you think attackers would just stand there and watch as you crawl your way out of their grip as a turtle in slow-mo?"
"Dazai, I'd appreciate it if you-"
"Again," he cut you harshly, puppeting you around like you were nothing but a doll.
His attitude towards you was so demoralizing you were fighting the urge to end it here and there. Losing all the motivation and looking exhausted, you tried to go through the motion again but Dazai wasn't having it.
"Hm, y/n-chan, kinda feels like you're not trying hard enough. Should I give you a motivation boost?" he exclaimed cheerfully but before you could say that he should go fuck himself he had already pushed you to the wall. Again.
You were expecting harsh words pouring from his mouth, but instead, it was the kisses as he roughly pulled your hair baring your neck for him. The hot tongue travelled from your shoulder to the globe of your ear, prompting you to jolt. Once again you attempted to push him away but could barely move. His left hand was pinning your wrist and his right one was painfully tagging at your hair, cranking your head to the side.
"Dazai," you wanted to let him know that you understood his intentions but he needed to stop when a not so gentle bite quickly shut you up.
He was licking and nipping leaving hickeys at your poor neck. You were squirming and whirling under his touch not giving up yet, so he thrust his hips into yours. There was no way you could keep any sounds in, so a whiny moan escaped your lips. You felt Dazai stopping, a satisfied smirk on his lips, then without saying a word, he continued torturing your sensitive neck. Two things were clear to you: a strong lust was taking over your body which meant that you were slowly losing yourself and that Dazai had just started playing with you, there were more to come.
Dazai. Dazai! Realising who was the man behind you, you tried to gain back control. Osamu was just being a bully, whywere you letting him see you in such a state? He certainly didn't deserve nor your moans, nor your hips grinding his.
You were thinking this but it took everything in you to not just give in to his touch. While you were having an internal battle, Dazai pulled away with a loud pop.
"Five what?" you mewled weakly.
"There are five hickeys on your neck," Dazai murmured. "You look so good, all red and moaning. When you can't even do anything. You've been definitely enjoying it, sure you still want to continue learning self-defence techniques?"
You widened your eyes at his words.
"Excuse me?!" you exploded. "What the hell are you implying?!"
With all force, you shoved him in the side with an elbow. Dazai hissed and even though the attack was fairly weak he let go.
"I mean, no kink-shaming," he put hands in the air surrendering.
"What's your problem?!"
It was hard for you to overcome your desire of slapping him but no way in hell you were staying in one room with him for another second. You bolted but Dazai was quicker, catching your hand.
"Where're you going? For a moment there I thought you didn't agree and wanted to continue," he quipped. "Come on, that was just one technique."
"Dazai, let me go," you growled yanking your hand free. "I've had enough of you today, I'm leaving."
You had already turned to leave when he pulled you to the ground. You snorted in frustration, your legs fiercely kicking but the lack of strategy played against you and there you were - trapped under him. Osamu was sitting between your legs with his arms pinning yours to the ground.
You felt unbearably hot and weak, your cunt throbbing against his groin. His face was hanging right above yours, so close you could feel his breath. Unintentionally your eyes focused on his lips then you looked up. Only now you noticed how lustful his gaze was. He clearly was a winner today and he was about to enjoy his prize. As you licked your lips, your recognised your mistake - now your eagerness was more than obvious.
"I'm just parched," you faltered but it sounded pathetic even to you.
"I'm sure you are," Osamu whispered, sitting back. "One more technique and I'll let you go." His fingers gripped your thighs.
Since his weight was off you now, you felt kind of cold. Not knowing where to place your arms, you were about to put them next to your sides when Dazai commanded you to keep them still.
That position was too sexy for your liking - arms are placed next to your head, legs spread. All of it without his control felt like you were offering yourself to him. Like you were submitting. The man was clearly savouring it because his gaze was so intense, in the end, you even had to avert yours.
Dazai clearly didn't like it, tapping your left thigh:
"Look at me, y/n-chan, how else are you supposed to learn?"
You slowly turned back, embarrassed as your eyes darted all over him until they abruptly stopped at his crotch. There was a visible boner in his pants. When Osamu followed your gaze and loudly chuckled you felt your cheeks grow hot and desire growing stronger.
"Concentrate, y/n-chan," Dazai said amusingly but the only thing you could concentrate on was the wetness between your legs. You feared it might start to be visible through your shorts.
"Look, if someone got you into this position," Osamu continued like both of you didn't want the same thing and that thing was to fuck. "You have to keep your arms straight and put them on your shoulders, like this," he gently took your hands and placed them as he instructed. "Then you should put your leg on my hip," he tried to do it for you once again but your leg was wobbly. All the strength you had was wasted on keeping your arms straight.
Dazai sighed theatrically but he couldn't keep a vicious sparkle in his eyes.
"Y/n-chan," he whinged. "You're such a bad student. Weak. Stupid," his fingers were slowly stroking your thigh. "Having a short attention span. Don't you think that you should have concentrated on learning some stuff instead of thinking about my cock?" With this question his arm groped your ass, pulling you closer.
He gripped your hips and you let out a moan. Now you weren't trying to hold back. You were already a loser, might as well enjoy it. Being a tease he was, Dazai wasn't ready to give you everything right then and there but you were having none of it. You hooked your legs around his waist and pulled him closer by his collarbone. Osamu certainly wasn't ready for such a force so he confusingly complied.
"Call me stupid one more time and I'm leaving," you warned him, a confident smirk playing on your lips.
Dazai's face quickly changed from surprised to a perverse one. He dropped down on you, pinning you with his whole body and slammed his hips into yours. As you moaned he caressed your face, lovingly brushing your hair, and then whispered:
"I'm gonna break you, pretty doll."
With one swift motion, he put your wrists in one hand pinning it above your head, his tongue running over your lips then dragging you into a deep kiss. As you two were hungrily kissing each other you felt his fingers crawling under your waistband. You jolted, an instinct of placing your hand over his acting up but he was still holding you firmly. He ran one finger over your cunt but you were already shaking, silently begging for more.
"Dazai," you moaned desperately asking him to get down to business.
"You're so wet, y/n-chan," he licked your earlobe making you writhe. "I wish I teased you a little bit more," he started to kiss your jaw getting lower and lower. "I said that I'd break you but it seems you're already at your limit," he chortled, helping you to take your top and bra off.
"You look so beautiful," he murmured once you were almost fully naked in front of him.
Suddenly his gaze turned soft and you felt even more aroused than you before. Gladly the man wasn't planning on wasting any time as he started to lick, nip and bite one of your nipples, playing with his fingers with another. Moaning lewdly and rutting your hips you put your hand into his hair, curling soft strands in your fingers.
When he finished playing with your tits, he wanted to go further down, to place kisses on your lower stomach, but you decided to get back at him. Placing your straight hands on his shoulders, you put a leg on his thigh just as he instructed and squirmed out of his grip.
"You talk about me but look at yourself," you shoved a knee between his thighs, pushing it at his boner. "You were hard even before I started to feel something else besides irritation."
Now it was Osamu whose breath hitched. You were savouring your little win when he looked back at you with a dangerous grin. That was when you realised you fucked up. He quickly grabbed your leg and turned you over on the stomach. Laying down on you, he harshly seized your hair and hissed:
"A+ for learning the technique, but your attitude towards you teacher," he took off your shorts with pants nearly ripping them. "Needs some correction."
That was when the sound of a loud slap broke the silence of the room. You jolted, a gasp leaving your lips. You tried to crawl from him but his grip on your hair was strong.
"Come on, y/n-chan, it was just one slap. Don't you think you deserve it?" The hand that hit you was stroking your bruised ass cheek.
"It fucking hurt," you spit.
"Was it?" Dazai chuckled. "Say that you're sorry."
"For what?" you raged but another hit was your answer.
"Dazai, stop," you sobbed.
"Wrong," he retorted slapping your ass again. "Plus, if you don't like it why are you leaking so much?"
You embarrassingly bit a lip at his remark.
"A little bit of masochistic, are you?" Dazai noted. "Well, if you insist, I can keep on going."
You knew that both of you were barely holding it, so you decided to submit. Just this once.
"I'm sorry!" You squealed after another hit.
"Good girl," Osamu placed a soft kiss on your back still not letting go of your hair. "Now it's time for a treat."
And with that, he finally pushed the first finger into you. Since you were so wet there was a little pool under you, Dazai successfully pushed another finger shortly after. You quivered and jerked your hips begging him to move. This time around your colleague decided not to tease you.
As his fingers were pumping in and out of you, you were trying to push your head down to steady yourself but Dazai didn't let go. You were completely at his will.
"'m close," you mewled, your eyes rolling back.
Dazai hummed in acknowledgement and withdrew his hand. You groaned offendedly but heard the sound of a condom wrapper being ripped and then felt something else rubbing at your entrance.
Finally, Osamu positioned himself behind you and pushed inside, your pussy stretching obediently. The fullness made you gasp pervertedly. As he started moving your mind went completely blank. The only thing that existed for you at that moment was Dazai and his cock inside of you. He let go of your hair, one hand now was holding your hips and another one was giving attention to your clit.
You had no idea how he was still holding on but once your sensitive bud got stimulated you quickly come undone.
"Once more," Dazai panted while moving and playing with your clit simultaneously.
Even though you were tired, you had actually felt desire growing again. Osamu was just way too good for you to resist. You thought that the only thing he was chasing was his high, but he didn't cum until you orgasmed again denying himself every time he got too close. That's why when you cummed for the second time you did it toghether.
He rolled off you, but you couldn't move even a finger, for a moment you've gone completely numb. Your chest was going up and down with heavy breaths, your heart was racing. None of you spoke because you didn't know what to talk about. Especially, since you, personally, felt way too embarrassed to admit that you had just cummed two times because of an annoying Dazai Osamu.
"Looks like we ended in time!" Dazai chirped after some time and you looked at the clock realising that you spent here one hour. Just like it was promised.
"Wish I had actually learned something though," you remarked lazily, trying to pull on your shorts back. You just had to make it to the shower room and then wear your casual clothes. However, your pants were completely ruined.
"Well, if you think that you need another one, just let me know," you looked back at Dazai and his smirk told you that he wasn't meaning the self-defence lessons. You felt your cheeks grow hot again.
"Yeah, sure," you muttered, awkwardly leaving the training room.
From now on you intended on avoiding Dazai whenever it's possible.
Little did you know he had other plans.
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ahdraftingco · 2 years
Chapter Seven: Always | Series: What Color Am I?
Pairing: The Mandalorian x Reader
Series Masterlist: Click Here!
AO3 Crosspost: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39771066
Rating: Explicit, readers are advised to read the warnings below before proceeding.
Series Warnings (in no particular order):  Porn With Plot, Lust at First Sight, Jealousy, Possessive Behavior, Loss of Virginity, Rough Sex, BDSM, Daddy/Caretaker Kink, Oral Sex, Fingerfucking, Play Fighting, Age Gap, Praise Kink, Biting, Spanking, Body Worship, Mentions of Masturbation, Multiple Orgasms, Squirting, Voice Kink, Size Difference, References to Depression, Loneliness, Homesickness, Alcohol Usage
Word Count: 10.8k+
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A/N: French is obviously not a Star Wars language but I'm spoiling myself by being called mon coeur so sorry not sorry for the events of this chapter ~
Din knew the entire plan would go to shit the moment you walked through the casino doors and he heard someone call out your name. You whip your head towards the sound of the voice, clearly familiar with the man that's coming straight at you with the biggest smile on his smugly handsome face. Fuck, Din's pissed. Not because the man is undoubtedly attractive, but because everyone in the casino is staring at the two of you, drawing unneeded attention.
That, and the way the man addresses you. "Mon coeur! What is my heart doing out here in Canto Bight dressed like she's ready to steal more hearts?"
"Monsieur, I knew that was you! I'd recognize that light blue hue anywhere." You put your arms out fondly and he immediately picks you up, hugging you tightly. How many of these fucking people are you going to hug like that over the next few days? Din tries not to react aloud, since you can hear him in your earpiece.
"As you should, mademoiselle. I live for you, after all." He gives you a quick peck on the lips. So casually and you let him without hesitation, like he has done this before many times. "Now, follow me. We must catch up over a drink or two. They've got your favorite mulled cider here, nice and warm, just for you."
"Really?" You grin almost too happily at the sound of that.
"Of course. I own the casino after all. How could I not stock your favorites?" He puts his arm around your shoulder and walks you over towards the bar.
Din is fucked. There's no way he can communicate with you while you're preoccupied. Plus, did this man just say he owns the casino? If you were his friend, wouldn't you have known–
"So you really achieved your dream, Monsieur." You give him such an affectionate squeeze of the hand on your shoulder. "You always said you wanted a casino in Canto Bight and now here you are. The rumors were true then."
Ah, you're lying. You're pretending you're here because you wanted to check in on an old friend. Smart, except now this guy probably thinks you're in love with him as much as he is clearly in love with you. You couldn't see it, but Din saw it all too well, the way Monsieur was stealing glances at you the moment you both sat down at a small, secluded booth next to each other. Don't people normally sit across from each other? Fuck, this is bad. Monsieur's all over you and Din can't do shit about it and you're too oblivious to notice how much Monsieur is showing you his heart on his sleeve. His very, very expensive sleeve. His whole demeanor screams wealthy fuck and it makes Din uncomfortable that you know such a person who probably has his own illicit affairs that are much deadlier than Cher having you smuggle some fabrics for her.
Din quietly whispers so Monsieur can't hear him and notice the earpiece, "ask about the auction. He has to have put it on if it's at his casino."
You nod your head, as if you're acknowledging you've heard Din and he lets out a sigh of relief. He's so fucking nervous about all of this. He hasn't felt this worked up since he had to track down the kid and now those bad feelings are rushing through him again. He feels tense and he doesn't like it one bit.
Din is worried that you might not be able to make it out of this casino as cleanly as he hoped.
It's been a while since you've seen Monsieur. The last time was when you ran into him while you were on Daiyu. He took you out for drinks and told you all about how he was working towards purchasing a casino. You never thought he would actually be able to do it so quickly, but he must've built enough credits over the years.
He was quite the wealthy merchant after all…
You know the moment Din figures out that Monsieur is the same sweet guy that smuggled you out of Serenno, he's going to go fucking ballistic. As much as you wouldn't mind being in the forefront of a jealous fit that will most likely end in very hot and possessive sex, you know Din is stressed out of his mind about the kid already. Adding in how much he's probably feeling just from the closeness you and Monsieur share, you can't let it get worse.
So, you decide to blow up the plan altogether and tell Monsieur, "I need your help."
"What is it, mon coeur?" He sounds worried and you're sure he looks genuinely like it too to Din watching.
You feign a depressed face. You feel terrible manipulating Monsieur like this but he has to know about the auction, which means he can help you get the kid out without Din having to steal him. So, you have to bank on Monsieur's love for you to get the kid back safely, without any casualties.
"I hate it when you're sad. Did you come here because you missed me?" Monsieur reaches out and you feel his cold hand caress your cheek. "I should've found a way to leave you a message about the casino. You're always welcome here. No one can hurt you here. You're safe."
You sniffle slightly and then touch his hand on your face, holding it in yours as you say in a strained voice, "I may be safe but–"
You choke back a sob, pulling your hand away to cover your mouth. You hope you're being convincing enough and Din confirms it in your ear, "you're doing great, he looks concerned."
Din must've figured out by now that the plan has changed and that you want this to be over without any harm done to anyone. Knowing that Din trusts your judgment, you press on, confessing to Monsieur, "I know about the auction you're holding tonight."
"Oh." Monsieur doesn't seem surprised but he's more so reacting as if he didn't want you to know. Like he was protecting you from the underbelly of crime he has to participate in. "I'm sorry, mon coeur. I never wanted you to find out the things I've had to do to survive in this world."
"That's okay." You reassure him that you will always respect him. "I don't care that you're hosting these kinds of auctions, even if it hurts a little…but that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that a friend of mine, a child, is being held for auction and I need to save him. I can't let him be sold, please."
"I had no idea. I just provide the venue." He sounds uneasy over the prospect of a kid being locked up on his property. "I can take you to where they're holding the items. If that child is there, then he's all yours. I'll take responsibility and pay his dues for you."
"Monsieur, I have enough credits to–"
"No, mon coeur." He pulls you in to kiss you on the forehead. "You need not worry about credits with me. I would give up anything if it meant keeping you happy. Just promise me you'll stay a little longer after I help you. I want to show you the restaurant and its curated menu. You'll love it."
You smile at him. "Of course I will. You know what I like."
"Indeed. Have you enjoyed all my recommendations?" He nudges you, referring to all the spots he has told you about around the galaxy.
You are about to answer him but then a voice rings in your ear, "this is the fucking merchant from Serenno, isn't it?"
"Yes." You nervously answer both men with one word.
"You are not having dinner with this fucking guy." Din's stern voice is firm about it, overwhelmingly demanding. "Tell him you can't."
You bite your lip, not knowing what to do. Monsieur is doing you a favor and he deserves to at least catch up with an old friend. Din should understand…he trusts you, right? But, you need to talk to him about this, to clarify.
"Monsieur, would you escort me to the restroom before we head to the auction?" You get up then, trying to push the plan along.
"There's a private one close by. I'll take you there." He leads the way, keeping his hand securely in yours.
You wonder what you and Monsieur look like, walking through his casino like this. You have always been curious why he never settled down. He was young, only a few years older than you. You were sure he was handsome too. Cher told you that he was when you showed him her boutique. He’s one of her regular customers now and he always treats her well. He would treat any of your friends well because they’re your friends. He’s sweet like that, to you.
Could he really be waiting out for you? You don't see why he would, but love doesn't always have to make sense, does it?
It has become increasingly clear to Din that Monsieur is better than him in every way possible. His wealth could protect you better than any blaster. The Empire wouldn't dare to touch you, especially not when Monsieur probably funnels money for them through the casino as tribute. They wouldn't want to lose a consistent source of income over a piece of tech. It would be cheaper to fund research to recreate it than mess with you and risk Monsieur pulling profits.
Plus, Monsieur is obviously charming. He can walk confidently through a room and people turn their eyes not out of curiosity or fear but out of sheer awe. The two of you are walking hand in hand through his casino like you both are some kind of power couple and Din fucking hates it. He hates it so much because he knows this could be a life worth living for you. You deserve to be pampered and to be shown off. You could live so peacefully here, with everything you’d ever need. Monsieur even knows all your favorite foods, your favorite drinks, your favorite fucking everything. Why? Because Monsieur cared enough to ask you because he's in love with you. It wasn't like Din didn't want to get closer to you but…there's something holding him back.
The fear is there again, lurking, eating away at him. He is afraid that the more he learns about you, the closer he gets to falling in love with you. Then, he really wouldn't be able to let you go. Feelings can fade over time and he is certain that yours will. You like him now because he's helping you and he looks after you and makes you feel good but you don't need him. You never needed him. You can easily find someone else and get the exact same thing that he gives you from them, like if you stayed here with Monsieur. You'll figure that out soon enough and then you'll go. He'll hold onto you while he can but he has no right to stop you if you want to go. You would want him to fight for you but he knows that can change too. There is a possibility in the future that you won't want him to fight for you anymore. You only want him to fight for you right now. You only want him right now. How long will that feeling last?
For Din, it feels like it'll never go away. If you left him, you would've already stained his soul, his memory, his heart. How could he ever forget you? The first girl to ever make him feel something. The only girl he ever wanted to get to know.
Now, you’re holding hands with a guy that's clearly better than him and he doesn't know what the fuck to do. He shouldn't have told you not to go to dinner with Monsieur. It sounded petty and it made him feel weak. He hates feeling this way. So powerless, so helpless. So…controlling. He doesn't own you. You can do whatever you want to. He may want you to be his but you are allowed to make whatever decisions you want. He can't hold you back, even if a desperate part of him wants to.
That's why, when you're alone in the restroom, Din breaks the silence first, saying, "it's fine if you want to have dinner with him."
"What?" You're verbally shocked at his words.
"I thought it through. No point in extra conflict. Do whatever you want." He doesn't like how curt he's being but it's the only way he can talk right now to suppress the fury building uncontrollably inside of him.
"Then I don't want you to watch." You tell him and he nearly punches the floor of the roof. Yes, he has been idling on the roof of the casino, waiting to slip in, but now he's just fucking sitting here, waiting for you to get the kid back, frustrated and close to going awol.
"Why?" He holds back any reflection of anger by not saying more than that one word.
"Why would you want to watch me eat dinner?" You're puzzled that you have to respond.
Din wants to say that he wants to make sure Monsieur doesn't try anything but again, that's not in his control. It isn't in his control what you do with Monsieur either. He couldn't even stop you from letting Monsieur kiss you earlier. What right does he have here?
"Fine. Keep the earpiece in so I can track you in case, but you can remove the camera whenever." Din speaks as flatly and professionally as he can.
That facade goes to shit the moment you ask, "are you alright? I don't have to go to dinner with him."
"Doesn't matter what you do. Just get the kid." His voice comes out rather harsh and he curses internally for his inability to keep his head level.
"Doesn't matter what I do." You repeat his words back to him. "Is that true?"
"Yes." He lets out in a huff.
"You really don't care at all what I do with another man?" He knows you don't mean to fucking press him like this but it feels like he's going to explode.
"I don't give a fuck what you do with someone else, just get the fucking kid back." The rage finally bubbles over and it takes all his willpower not to scream that. He instead says it in a low, furious tone.
"I will get the kid, since that's all that matters to you. I'll meet you back at the Crest with the kid when I'm done here. I'm ending the comms now. Don't open the line back up." That's the last thing you tell him before you cut the camera feed and the line goes completely silent.
You don't know if you should be furious or just plain confused right now. I don't give a fuck what you do with someone else. Does Din really mean that? Would he truly not care even just a little if Monsieur made a move on you? It sounded like Din cared when he wanted you not to go to dinner with Monsieur but then he doubled back and said it was okay…
It sounds to you like he cares more about getting the kid back over anything, which is understandable. It was his kid after all and you're just…you're nothing to him, really. His girl. That's what he tells you but at this very moment, it doesn't feel like those words mean anything. Maybe he is only fond of you when you both are having sex. Is that it? You're only his girl if you're fucking him? Is that all your worth to him?
You don't want to believe these thoughts that are bombarding your mind right now. You're spiraling. It's not true, none of these intrusive thoughts are. He wants to take care of you. He wants to look after you. He cares. He has to care…
Why doesn't it feel like it right now though? You feel awful all of a sudden. Who's at fault here? Are you both having another fight? Is this even a fight or just some strange miscommunication?
You're taking too long in the restroom. You need to get the kid before the auction starts so you head back the way you came and Monsieur is waiting patiently for you. He puts his hand out and you grab it, letting him lead you down a flight of stairs and through a hallway until he taps a key card against a door and it unlocks with a beep.
"Well, this is going to be an interesting auction." Monsieur says when he sees the splotches of colors in front of you, which you can only assume are a variety of different creatures being held in cages. "When I approved an auction of exotic goods, I didn't think they'd be alive. Do you know what the child you're looking for looks like?"
"He's about this small," you gesture with your hands, "and green with big ears and eyes. I don't know what kind of green but I know he's some shade of it."
Monsieur walks you through the room of caged creatures until a familiar blob of lime green pops into your vision. You point towards it and he goes, "that child does seem to fit your description."
You both get closer to him and you wave at the blob, saying, "hi, little shuura. Remember me?"
"Shuura? Like that fruit we had on Naboo?" Monsieur chuckles as he unlocks the cage with a tap of his keycard. "A very fitting name."
Immediately, you feel the kid jump into your arms the moment you kneel down, whining a bit, probably because it took you and Din so long to get him back. "I've got you, don't worry. You're safe now."
"You must be hungry, little shuura," you can hear Monsieur say to him as he pats the kid on the head. "Let's go grab you both a bite to eat. We'll go to my private suite, just in case the auctioneers are wandering the casino. Wouldn't want them to notice an auction item is missing."
You nod, holding the kid firmly in your arms as Monsieur puts his arm around your shoulder, guiding that way since your hands are occupied. Now that the kid is safe, all you have to do is have a nice dinner and try to forget all about the weird thoughts invading your mind.
That should be easy, once you have some tasty food and a few drinks to keep you occupied…
A part of Din debates if he should do this but he decides that since you can't see it, there's no reason not to, so he sets the photograph that Cher took of you on the dashboard behind the steering wheel of the Crest. That way, he can always see your photo whenever he's piloting. It's selfish. He knows he shouldn't, but he wants to. He wants to have that reminder of you. Fuck, he misses you so much right now and he hates that you told him to cut the fucking comms so he has no idea what you're doing with Monsieur or if you even have the kid.
You have to have the kid. You care about the kid too so there's no way you wouldn't have gotten him and you would have for sure commed if you couldn't get a hold of the kid. Din just has to put faith in you. If only he could say the same for Monsieur. There's this darkness brewing inside of him. The jealousy is chipping away at every fiber of his being. He told you he doesn't care what you do with Monsieur but that's literally the furthest thing from the truth. He should have never said that but he got all worked up and the words spilled out of his mouth and he regretted it instantly.
Din will apologize to you once you're back. He needs to work on not getting so caught up in his emotions. It's difficult for him because he normally doesn't feel this much. When it comes to you, he feels too many different things compounded together that it's overwhelming at times. It's not necessarily a bad thing but it is testing the lengths of his mental willpower. He has to start regaining control over his emotions and stop them from bubbling over whenever something tips him off.
It's tough though, especially when your voice comes through the comms in his helmet all slurred and out of breath. It sounds…like you're drunk. "Funny Mandalorian man, can you open the ramp, please?"
Before he can even register his own movements, Din has already rushed down the ladder to hit the button, letting the ramp open up to a very intoxicated you carrying the kid who is sleeping in your arms.
"This little booger is so heavy after he eats." You hiccup a little as you speak, laughing at the sound you made. "Oh, was that me? I thought that was the kid. Whoops!"
Din quickly grabs the kid out of your hands as you stumble slightly, your heels definitely not helping you right now. Once the kid is securely in his arms, Din turns to you and asks, "are you drunk right now?"
"Hmmmm." You make a long thinking sound before answering, "maybe? Don't know, can't remember. Just remember the drinks tasted good then Monsieur drove me here and now here I am!"
You giggle before hiccuping again. Oh, you are so fucking drunk out of your mind. Din has to put the kid in his crib, keeping him away from what will surely be a disaster in the making. Then, when Din gets back to the ramp, you're sitting on it, taking sharp inhales of the cold night air, your heels long gone somewhere.
"I lost my shoes." You say coupled with another hiccup. "Do you see where they went?"
No, he doesn't actually. You must've kicked them off the side of the lot. There's no getting them now. Hopefully Cher wasn't expecting you to return them…
"Let's get inside the Crest." He tries to convince you to come in but you protest.
"Don't want to." You pout at him. "It's stuffy in there."
"You can't stay out here all night." He doesn't even know why he's arguing with you. You won't remember any of this in the morning.
"You can't make me go inside!" You say like you're some child. Then, you suddenly get up from the ramp and start sprinting away. And you're fast, especially without your heels holding you back.
Oh fuck, not a drunk blind girl on the loose.
Din immediately chases after you before you can get yourself hurt somehow. Once you're in reach, he snatches you up and throws you over his shoulder. You try to wriggle out of his hold but you're too drunk to struggle effectively so you simply shout, "put me down!"
"Stop being a fucking brat." He doesn't want to get annoyed right now but you're being unreasonable, squirming so much.
"What are you going to do if I don't stop, huh? Spank me?" You insinuate as he closes the ramp to the Crest.
"I just might, annoying girl." He won't right now, obviously, but he'll consider it once you've sobered up.
"Ohhhh, such a scary Mandalorian." You make fun of him and he groans, carrying you up to the cockpit.
You're soon thrown onto the co-pilot seat as Din kneels in front of you, trying to get your dress off so he can put you into more comfortable clothes.
"Are you undressing me?" Your words slur as you say that and then you smile to yourself. "You know you can just ask if you want to fuck."
"We are not doing anything right now, other than getting you ready to sleep off however many drinks you had tonight." Din manages to pull your dress off without too much interference from you, along with the pins in your hair, leaving you in just your underwear.
Then, he grabs your bag, pulling out your old visor to swap back to and a pajama set for you to wear. He has to wrestle you to get your clothes on but once they're on, you at least don't have the audacity to take them off after he put all the hard work into getting them on you. From there, he buckles you into the co-pilot seat so that you don't fucking move away from his sight somehow. You tug helplessly against the straps, trying your hardest to worm your way out of them.
"Why am I being restrained? Is this some weird sex thing that I should prepare myself for?" You are really something else when you're drunk, saying whatever shit comes to your mind. Though, it is quite the idea, strapping you into the seat, holding you there while he goes down on you. Now that is another thought to save in his mind for later.
"Like I said before, we are not doing anything, drunk girl." Din states outright. "You need to sleep."
"Sleeping is boring." You whine, pulling on the straps holding you against the seat securely. "What if I want to fuck?"
"Doesn't matter what you want. I'm not fucking you when you’re like this." He lets out a sigh, not really knowing why he's still entertaining this conversation with you. As much as he would like to see how wild you can be, he would rather you show him that side of yourself while you're actively present and aware. He doesn't want you to wake up from a drunk daze, regretting everything.
"Will you at least hold me?" You ask with your arms out. "I miss cuddling with you."
Fuck, why do you have to be so cute right now?
"Fine." He gives in to that request. He'll keep his armor on and you probably will fall asleep soon after. "Let me put the ship on course first and then I'll hold you."
"Yay," you hum happily, smiling to yourself.
What a silly girl, he thinks to himself before he charts the way to the next bounty he has, putting the ship in auto-pilot. When the ship is steady once more, Din comes back over to you and unbuckles your seatbelt. You put your arms back out and he lets you wrap them around him before picking you up and turning you both so that he can sit down where you just were and he places you on his lap. You curl up against him, inhaling deeply.
"You always smell nice." You confess to him shyly. "Like I'm napping on a grassy hill in the middle of the day, very comforting."
"That's descriptive." He brushes your hair through his fingertips, holding you tenderly against his chest as he does.
"Mhmm." You nod against him, getting cozier by the second. "I wish I could always sleep like this. I like being close to you."
"Do you mean that?" He asks impulsively, even though he knows he can't trust your answer while you're drunk.
"I really, really do. I like you a lot." You mumble into his chestplate. "Sometimes a little too much."
"How so?" Again, he shouldn't ask but he wants to see what you'd say.
"I don't want to like you too much. You might think I'm too needy for your affection and stop caring about me…" You clutch onto him, shaking your head against him. "I don't like it when I have these kinds of thoughts."
"Is that why you drank so much tonight?" He wonders if you were trying to drown this feeling away.
"I was thinking too much, worrying too much, wanting too much, needed to forget, needed to…" You're getting tired all of a sudden as you ramble, "…stop feeling so much. It's a lot."
"I know what you mean." He's feeling the exact same way.
"Scary." You just say that and it really does sum everything up. It is scary, feeling all these emotions, trying to make sense of them, hoping he feels the same way you do.
"There's no need to be scared." He comforts you, rubbing your back as he speaks, "you will never be too much for me. I'll always care about you, my pretty girl."
"Promise?" You put your pinky out for him like you did all those nights ago at that inn.
"I promise." He wraps your pinky in his. "Now rest up. You can stay on my lap as long as you want."
"What if I never want to leave?" You mutter out a joke as your eyes close. Sleep is slowly consuming you bit by bit…
That's probably why you don't hear Din answer you in a gentle voice, "you never have to."
The hangover you wake up to is nasty. Like, actually so fucking horrible. Though, that might also be because you didn't expect to wake up in a cot and proceeded to roll over the side of it, dropping your body onto the hard metal floor.
"Ow." You groan in pain, grabbing your now bruised side. Where are you and why is it so dark in here? You touch your visor and the blackout mode is on. That sure explains it.
"You could've said something if you wanted to get out of bed." Din's voice fills your senses. You hear him shift and there's a metallic squeak as he does, like a bolt needs to be oiled.
Wait…are you… "Are we in the Crest right now?"
"Yeah." He answers and you hear him put a hand out in front of you. "You slept through the bed installation."
You take his hand and he lifts you up, pulling you onto his lap. When your hands settle onto his shoulders, it becomes starkly obvious that he's not wearing anything except pants. "Isn't it unsafe to be undressed?"
"Still got my blaster." He taps somewhere on the wall, which means it's hanging up close enough to reach. "Plus, the Crest is safe when the ramp is closed."
"I've got a terrible headache." You lay your head into the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around him. "I'm sorry, I must have been a handful last night, all drunk like that."
"Do you remember anything?" Din asks you and you try to recall the events of last night.
After that weird conversation with Din in the restroom, you just had to distract yourself and Monsieur had the best alcoholic mulled cider you've ever drank. It was so delicious and paired so well with all the food, which the kid enjoyed very much after days of eating whatever the auctioneers threw in his cage. You and Monsieur caught up over drinks and you're almost certain that while you were tipsy, you told him you fucked a Mandalorian and he laughed like it was the funniest joke he has ever heard. Well, if only he knew you were being completely serious. After that, you drank a bit more and then asked Monsieur if he'd take you back to Cher's boutique. You told him you were staying there, which wasn't technically a lie, and he had a driver send you off. That's all you really remember. You're surprised you managed to get back to the Crest…
"Very hazy." You reply, your head slowly starting to throb as you wake up more. "I got the kid, had dinner, got a ride back here and that’s all I can really recall."
"Mm." Din makes that sound of acknowledgement and now you're curious how you acted while you were drunk.
"Was it really bad?" You don't know if you want to hear the answer but the question slips out anyways.
"Somehow, you managed to lose your shoes. Then, you tried to run away because you didn't want to go inside." He explains, making you feel so embarrassed. "I caught you pretty quick though."
"Only because I was drunk." You nudge his nose with yours. "I made it easy for you."
"Sure." He says back sarcastically like you would, making you laugh. Laughing makes your head throb more though and you wince at the pain. "Lay back down. I'll get you some water."
You nod, letting Din help you back onto the cot. It's surprisingly cozy for a bed that slides out of the wall. You'll just have to remember not to roll off next time and it'll stay cozy.
"Here." You hear Din waving a canister of water in front of your face so you grab it, sitting up slightly to drink it. "Good girl. Drink as much as you can then scoot over."
You don't chug too much of it, since you don't want to puke, but you drink enough and hand it back before rolling over to lean up against the metal wall. That gives Din enough room to lay back down next to you and he pulls the covers back over the two of you. You want to cuddle up next to him but there's something holding you back, like you’re unsure if he wants you to.
"Is this okay?" You reach out, touching his cheek with your hand. "Us being this close?"
"I thought you liked it when we're close." Din pulls you in with his strong arms, settling you up against his chest.
"I do…but you don't have to force yourself." Your nerves are all heightened for some reason. It must be the hangover.
"I want to lay with you like this." He presses a kiss against the top of your head.
"Are we…okay then?" You bury your face in his chest when you say that, feeling so anxious and awkward. "I'm sorry I cut the comms yesterday. I shouldn't have done that."
"I'm sorry for making you want to cut them in the first place." He rubs your back as he says, "I'll work on being less short with you. I didn't like anything I said to you over the comms."
"So you didn't mean it, right?" You don't know where this moment of insecurity is coming from but you choose to be open about it. "I don't like it when you say you don't care what I do. It's okay to care, even if you have no control over it."
"Of course I care about you." He moves you off his chest for a moment, tilting your head up with his hand to look at you. "I care about you so much that I'm afraid I'm smothering you. I don't want you to feel…trapped with me."
"Who says you aren't the one trapped with me?" You joke and he groans in response, making you chuckle like you always do. "Technically, it is my fault you're stuck with me. I did make you chase me after all."
"But you're the one who chose to stay after I caught you, pretty little mouse." Din sounds a bit nervous. He's trying his best to hide it but you can tell.
So, you reassure him, "I'll always choose to stay until you kick me out."
"What if that never happens?" He leans in, letting you feel his breath against your lips.
"Then, I guess I'll never leave." You meet his lips then, kissing him like you've wanted to this whole time.
You wrap your arms around his neck, lacing your fingers into his hair as you both kiss passionately. It almost distracts you from your nasty hangover with how nice it feels to be this close with him again.
"You taste like alcohol." He tells you when your lips part. "Naughty girl. You're never drinking without me again. Someone has to control your intake."
"Mmm," you brush your nose against his, sliding your hand down his body, "I wouldn't mind getting told what to do by my Mandalorian."
"Don't test me." He snatches your hand before it slides a little too far. "I'm not letting you do anything until you're well-rested."
You pout. "You're no fun. All rest, no play."
"I'm not the one pretending not to have a hangover right now." He calls you out and it makes you pout more.
"It doesn't hurt all that bad." You lean up again, brushing your lips against his. "Are you really going to make me wait? We had sleepy sex yesterday, can't we do it again?"
"You're being annoying." Despite saying that, he doesn't move away from you so you know you're definitely reeling him in with your desire.
"What's annoying about wanting you?" You pose the question and he huffs in response.
"What's annoying is how much I want you." Din shifts on top of you the moment he says that. "How am I supposed to let you rest when all I want to do is break in this new bed?"
"Rest later." You slide your hands back down to his pants, unbuttoning them for him. "We have to make sure this bed suits our needs."
"Fuck, you're too tempting." His voice is filled with a kind of frustration you enjoy hearing a bit too much.
"I can be even more tempting." You kick your pants and underwear off before pushing Din onto his back, straddling his lap. Then, you pull down his pants just enough so you can touch him over his underwear. "Someone's hard."
"You better hurry up with whatever you want to do or I'm flipping you back and fucking you right away." His threats always sound too fun to resist.
"Now you're tempting me." You smirk, pulling his cock out of his underwear. "But I've been wanting to do this since last night."
"I thought you couldn't remember anything from last night." He lets out with a low growl as you run your hand along his length.
You shift your body until you can use his cock to tease your clit a bit, rubbing it with the tip. It feels different when you're the one using him to play with yourself. He must be enjoying it too. Between small moans, you manage to say, "is it bad that all I remember is wanting you to fuck me while I was strapped into the seat in the cockpit?"
"I know what we're doing next then." He grabs your hips, pulling you until you feel him press right up against your entrance. "Now ride my cock, pretty girl. Don't make me wait any longer."
"Are all Mandalorians this impatient?" You joke and you instantly regret it because he slams you right down onto him, filling you up all of a sudden. "Din!"
"Did that answer your question?" He lifts your hips off a bit before pulling you back down onto him. He's hitting too deep, too quickly. You're going to lose it if this pace keeps up. The hangover is making you feel extra sensitive so this feels way too good.
"You have to have patience or I'm not going to last much longer." You admit honestly as his cock throbs inside of you.
"Then let me take over so I can be impatient and make you come already." His hands grip your hips tighter and you have to make a choice or he'll make it for you.
"I want to stay on top." You decide that's the best answer to give him.
"That's fine with me, as long as I'm in control." He sounds so sultry and it's making your head spin more than your hangover. "Be a good girl and kiss me."
You nod, leaning over, laying on top of him. You feel his breath against your lips and you ask, "should I take off my shirt?"
"You know my answer." He says and you pull your shift off so you can feel his bare chest against yours. "Smart girl."
"Just fuck me already." You tell him before crashing your lips against his, wanting to kiss him as he lifts your hips for you before slamming you down onto him. You moan against his lips every time he does that because he keeps hitting that spot that is dragging you closer to the edge. Then, right as you're about to come, Din smacks your ass hard and you tighten up around him, your orgasm hitting you even harder than that. You have to lay your forehead against his, unable to kiss him anymore because you're practically gasping for air as a wave of intense pleasure shoots through you. You're seeing stars among the darkness and your head is throbbing, though you think that's probably the hangover.
"Was that okay?" He asks, gently rubbing your lower back as you try to regain your composure. "Was it too much? We can stop here."
"It was great, so great." You give him a small kiss to reassure him. "I just need a second to recover."
"Take all the time you need, beautiful girl." He goes back to massaging your back, running his hands up and down your spine, helping you relax a bit. "Did it feel good?"
You nod. "A little too good. I'm in a bit of a daze."
"Let's switch then." He pulls you off him and helps you lay on your back again. You whine a little from the sudden emptiness, which makes him chuckle. "You miss me already?"
"Always." You say with a soft smile.
"Always." He repeats like he wants to make sure it's real.
There's a moment of silence that's filled with some kind of contemplation. Then, Din leans down to kiss you but this kiss is different than before. It's slow, the way his lips are laying on top of yours, memorizing how they feel pressed together. You let out a light gasp on his lips as he slides his cock back inside of you just as slowly, letting you feel every inch of him. Your hands reach up to touch him and his hands do the same, exploring your every curve while you find all of his.
This is a whole new kind of feeling. It's passionate but it isn't full of lust. It is focused on each other, on feeling one another, on wanting nothing more than to be connected in some way. Whether it's your skin on his skin, your lips on his lips, your hips on his hips, nothing else matters besides being together. It's a quiet kind of passion, unlike anything you've felt before.
You never want it to end because it feels good for a completely different reason. Neither you or Din express feelings with words well and even when you try to, it's hard to believe. You both are so scared of losing each other that it's hard to admit the feelings that are brewing inside without that lingering fear. But right now, you can speak without words. Your bodies are talking for you, showing each other the depths of your affection towards one another.
Sometimes, you don't need words. Sometimes, you just know everything you need to know without a single word being said. And in this moment, you know one thing is certain.
You never want to be apart from him. There is not a scenario that could keep you from him anymore. You're tired of running on your own, of being alone, of fending for yourself. You want to be looked after, to have someone watching your back, to sleep next to him every night you can.
As these thoughts build inside of you, so does the tension from his slow thrusts, filling you up in a way that will surely make you erupt. You cling onto him with your arms, your breaths getting more erratic as the time passes and his are the same.
You find the words you're meant to say in this moment, "I don't need my eyes anymore. I just need you, Din."
You hear Din swallow, like he had words he wanted to say but held them back. It takes him a moment, but he finds his own words to say back, "I have never needed anyone like I need you, my lovely girl. Come with me right now and always."
A part of you knows he's talking about the orgasm that's building inside the both of you simultaneously, but it also sounds like he's inviting you to journey alongside him. You move your hands back into his hair, pulling him in to kiss you because you can’t imagine being apart from him right now. When your orgasm finally consumes you, his spills into you, the warmth filling you up in ways you'll crave forever. You both breathe out sighs of pleasure against each other's lips before kissing again.
Somewhere in between, Din lays you both on your sides, but your lips never part, nor do your bodies. He keeps himself inside of you for as long as he can and you don’t mind it at all while you both aimlessly kiss one another. There's nothing better than this.
Being together is a comfort like no other.
It takes a bit of convincing but Din manages to get you to close your eyes to sleep off your hangover some more. You really are an annoying girl sometimes, making it so difficult for him to look after you when you can seduce him so easily. Not like he's complaining, but it would be nice if you listened to him more and didn't tempt him so much.
You rest peacefully in his arms. He can feel you breathe against him. Soft, sleepy breaths that are just as addictive as anything else. He loves being with you when you’re at peace like this because it makes him feel tranquil as well. It's as if, for just a moment, the universe has come to a standstill.
In a quiet, almost impossible to hear whisper, Din lets out into the air, "if you want to see what color I am, I'd let you."
His words linger there and he expects it to stay that way. But, it doesn't. Instead, the air is filled with your gentle words. "I don't need to see what color you are, Din. No matter what it is, I already know what it will mean to me."
He wants to ask what his color would mean to you but he stops himself. Maybe it’s too soon for him to know. Maybe he's just too scared of the answer because it might make him realize how much he's already fallen for you if you admit how much you've fallen for him.
So, he elects to press a kiss against your forehead, saying, "then we'll wait until I find your eyes. When I do, it won't matter what color I am anymore. You'll get to see all of me, something no one else has ever seen before. Every part of me, in all my color, I'll give to you, my girl."
"All your color, all for me." You smile against his neck, snuggling in closer. "My Mandalorian."
"It was meant for you." He speaks with such fondness. "To think, the only person that I want to see all of me is a blind girl who gets on my nerves."
You laugh, your smile getting even bigger. "Don't act like you don't like it."
"I like you, annoying girl." He confesses unknowingly before quickly covering it up by saying, "now, go back to sleep before I have to leave again."
You don't seem to register the weight of his words in your sleepiness because you choose to reply to the latter bit, "how long will you be gone this time?"
"Not long." He makes that promise. "I won't keep you waiting."
"Mmm, maybe you should. I remember you made quite the intriguing promise for when you're late." You're referring to when he said he'd make you come for every minute he goes over his time chasing you next.
"You're never going to sleep if you keep having naughty thoughts." Din's words make you laugh even louder than before.
"Sometimes I think you only want me to sleep so you don't have to admit that you want to fuck me again." You jab at him a little and he rolls his eyes at you even though you can't see it.
"You really are quite the brat." He hopes his irritation comes through his tone but you're smiling a bit too much. You like annoying him, just to see his reactions. "Why do I get the feeling you want me to teach you a lesson?"
You bite your lip, trying to hide your excitement. "What if I do?"
"Then, there's no better punishment than not giving you what you want." Din gets up from the bed then and you gasp at his actions.
"You're actually going to leave me alone?" You're genuinely shocked.
"You wanted me to teach you a lesson." He starts getting dressed, throwing on a shirt. "What's a better lesson than this?"
You frown at him. "You're no fun."
"And you need to rest up so you can watch the kid while I'm gone. He'll be up soon." Din slides the door of the sleeping nook open to check and the kid is still sleeping soundly so he shuts it again.
"Wait, are you leaving for the bounty now?" You didn't realize that's what he meant. "I don't want you to go yet."
"Should've thought of that before you acted like a little brat." He smiles to himself. It's his turn to have a bit of fun with you. "Are you regretting it now?"
"Yes." You answer fairly quickly. "Please don't go. I promise I'll go back to sleep, just stay here with me, Din."
"Are you going to listen to me next time I tell you to do something?" He asks and you bite the inside of your cheek in response. "It doesn't look like you will."
"How am I supposed to promise something like that?" You say back like it's the most difficult thing in the universe for you to do. "I like being defiant."
"I know and it's annoying." He sighs at how sad you seem. "I'm doing this for your own good."
"Doesn't feel like it." You frown more. "You're not joking, are you?"
"Not at all." Though, he could be a little more lenient with you if he wants to be.
"When will you be back?" You sit up then, hanging your legs off the edge of the bed. You're visibly nervous and he makes him worried.
"A few days, a week at most." Even he doesn't like his response…
"I don't want you to leave like this." You walk over to where you think he is, reaching out towards him. You manage to feel his shirt so you wrap your arms around him, hugging him. "I'll behave, so please stay until you truly have to go."
How can he leave you when you’re like this? Din gently pats your head as he hugs you back. Then, after thinking it over for a bit, he breathes out, "what if you came with me?"
"What?" You tilt your head up at him. "What did you just say?"
"I can drop the kid off with Peli and you can come with me." He can feel the uneasiness growing inside of him but he can't help wanting you there beside him.
"Are you sure?" You've already made up your mind but you're letting him back out if he wants to.
"If you promise me you will listen to me no matter what, then yes." He tells you sternly. "I'm not going to take you if you're going to be a brat and make things harder for me."
"I promise." You vow, crossing your heart. "I won't get in your way. I'll do exactly as you say."
"Good girl." He presses a kiss on the top of your head. "Now, go get some more rest. I'll be back after I change course."
You nod and find your way back to bed, pulling the covers over yourself and relaxing once again. Din climbs into the cockpit and immediately goes to punch in Peli's coordinates. He looks over at the photo of you on his dashboard and he impulsively smiles at how cute you look in it. That's his girl.
There's no way he's letting you out of his sight from now on.
When Din comes back, you immediately shuffle to lay on his chest with his arm wrapped under your neck, keeping you next to him. His hand lazily draws circles against your back and you don’t want to go back to sleep. You just like laying with him too much but you promised him that you’d listen to him so you close your eyes and try to rest.
Your mind is awake though, thinking about going bounty hunting with a Mandalorian. You've never hunted a bounty before, at least not for an actual living being. You've done some smuggling work and helped people look for valuables, but you've never chased someone before. It'll be a brand new experience and you can't help being a bit nervous about it.
"I know you aren't sleeping." Din catches you red-handed.
"I'm sorry." You feel bad because he's probably disappointed in you.
"Your heart is beating quickly. Are you scared about going with me? You don't have to." Oh, he's not mad. He's concerned.
"No, it's not that. I just want to make sure I'm not holding you back." You admit, chewing on your lip a bit. "I don't know how much help I'll be."
"Where we're going, you won't have to worry about that. I'm helping with some bandit troubles and it would be nice to have an extra hand taking them down." Wait, is he saying…
"You want me to help you fight?" You're stunned at what he's implying.
"Didn't Luxor teach you how to fight all this week? I'll have to run a few practice rounds with you beforehand but I trust that you can do it." He genuinely trusts you with this. That's…wow. That's really something else entirely.
"How am I supposed to sleep now? I'm too happy." You cling onto his shirt, smiling way too much. "I'll make you proud, Din."
"I know you will, strong girl." His voice is like sugar, so deathly sweet right now. "You always make me proud."
"Stop being so nice." You pinch him because you can’t believe he's real. "You're going to make me regret behaving."
"Are you saying you want to be bad right now?" He's trying to be sly but you know he wants you as much as you want him.
"Desperately." You say back. "I can't get enough of you."
"You're going to regret fighting while you're sore." His words contrast his actions as he gets back on top of you, stirring so much anticipation inside of you.
"It'll make me stronger in the long run." You wrap your legs around his hips, pulling him in, feeling how hard he is against you through the fabric of his pants.
"Fuck, you need to stop doing this." He curses as you grind up against him.
"You're the one who got on top of me, Din." You point out and he groans in frustration.
"It's because I can't get enough of you either." He then gets off the bed and back onto his feet. You're a bit confused until he drags your legs to the edge before undoing his pants again. "Do you remember the first night we spent together at that inn?"
"Yeah." You think back and he's holding your legs around him the exact same way, except this time, you can feel his cock right up against you.
"I've wanted to fuck you just like that since then." He leans forward a bit, adjusting himself to line up with your entrance. "Can I?"
"Please do." You can't stand waiting when he's right there.
"That's my girl." He tells you as he slips into you, filling you back up again. It hits differently from this angle with you slightly off the bed like this. "Now, keep your legs around me."
You nod, holding him against you as he starts to move, thrusting his cock inside of you at a steady pace. His hands slide up your body, cupping your breasts. You whimper when he swipes his thumbs over both of your nipples at the same time. Every time you make even the slightest of sounds, Din gives them a light pinch in response, like he's trying to coax more of your moans out of you. It's too much, all the sensations piling on top of each other. But, he doesn't stop there.
"Wait," you call out to him as his hand sneaks down between your legs, "I'll come too quickly if you do that too."
"Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?" Din opts not to listen to your plea and his fingers go to play with your clit. "You can come as much as you want as quickly as you want to. Don't hold back."
It's hard to hold back when he's fucking you faster than before, driving you closer to your orgasm with each thrust. You grip the sheets, trying to steady yourself, but you end up unraveling anyways as the pleasure shoots through you. You quickly go to cover your mouth so you don't moan too loudly and wake the kid because then this would all end and you cannot let that happen. Every sound you make in response to him fucking you through your orgasm is muffled into your hand. He's giving you no room to breathe, teasing your clit relentlessly. You can hear how wet you've gotten with every stroke of his cock.
"I love when you come. You get so tight and perfect around me. Be a good girl and come a few more times for me." He really shouldn't be allowed to talk during times like this because it's all too dizzying, hearing how happy he is with you going crazy beneath him.
You wouldn't be able to stop even if you tried. Your orgasms continually ramp up in intensity the longer he presses on. He knows exactly the angle he needs to thrust up into you to hit that spot that makes you just completely gush out from how good it feels. Somehow, in your daze, you have the most insane thought. You want more. If this is going to be the last time you and Din fuck for a while, you better make it count.
"Let me flip over." You tell him and he stops to listen to you speak. "I want you to do it like you did earlier."
Din sounds intrigued by your proposition. "You mean, when I slapped your ass as you came?"
"Yes, please." You breathe out, not even caring how desperate you sound.
He doesn't have to say another word. He just pulls out of you and waits for you to flip over. You hold onto the bed with your hands as you plant your feet on the metal floor of the Crest. Once you're in position and facing away from him, Din slams into you again, filling you up without warning. You can't even muster up a comment because it just feels too good. Your legs want to give out but you fight through it. You can't let this end.
"Tell me when you're close." His voice is low and commanding so you quickly nod in response since you can't seem to find any words to say. His hands hold onto your hips firmly to help him control his pace better. From this angle, every thrust he delivers is impactful and you have to bite the sheets to keep yourself from being too loud. Everything he does is exactly what your body needs to build that tension that is begging to be released inside of you.
When you're right at the edge, you let out with a whimper, "I'm close."
He heeds the warning and continues to pound into you until you're about to come. Then, he sends a smack right against your ass, making you cry out at the sudden strike. An orgasm explodes through you at that moment and your whole body shakes in response. He doesn't stop there though, not like last time. He keeps fucking you through the orgasm and it's rough and builds you to your next one all too quickly.
There's no need to say anything anymore. Din just knows when to time the perfect smack of your ass, making each orgasm more powerful than the last. You love the way it feels, the anticipation followed up by the intensity of the actual action that ripples into your orgasm. You're coming so hard now that tears are flowing down your eyes uncontrollably, your body unable to comprehend the constant pleasure shooting you.
"Do you think you can hold on for a bit longer?" Din must know you're getting close to fainting from everything that's happening.
"Yes." You say with a nod as well in case your response was muffled in your jagged breaths.
"Good girl. I'm close now too. Let's come together, okay?" He waits for you to nod again. Then, once you do, he slips his hand between your legs, rubbing your clit. You can't breathe anymore. All the air in your lungs is being used to moan and breathe out his name as he increases his pace, pounding into you even more fiercely than before.
You hear him say your name so beautifully in his low grunt as he finishes inside of you. With those last few thrusts and his fingers playing your clit, your orgasm flows through you and you fight the urge to collapse from exhaustion but you're on the brink of it. You feel Din slide out of you and you take that as your cue to finally roll over to lay back on the bed, letting your legs hang at the edge. You need a moment for your heart recover from being fucked out of your mind.
"Is my girl ready to try the new refresher yet or should I give you a minute?" His words make you sit up so quickly and he lets out a soft chuckle that is music to your ears at your movement.
"I missed that installation in my drunken sleep too?" You can't even believe it. You wish you knew where it was but you'll just have to explore the Crest and memorize the layout again sometime later.
"You did. It's small, but we'll both fit if you don't mind being right up against me." Din takes your hand then guides you somewhere, opening a sliding door.
It smells freshly built with such a clean, metallic scent. He helps you step over the threshold into the refresher and shuts the door. It is a mildly tight squeeze but it just gives you an excuse to lean against his chest and hear his rhythmic heartbeat.
Cold water comes pouring over the both of you momentarily and you like it. You're definitely in need of a cold shower after setting your body ablaze with all those orgasms. Din helps you find the soap and you both wash up without saying a word. It's very therapeutic, the comfortable silence you and him can have at times.
When you're out of the refresher, he hands you a towel for you to use to dry off before walking out of the room. He comes back with a change of clothes for you and says, "we'll get you some sturdier clothes in Mos Espa."
"Is that where we're going?" You ask him as you get dressed.
"Yes. A friend of mine lives there." His words surprise you with how casual they are. You assumed Din had friends but you never thought you were going to meet any of them.
"It's nice that you want to help your friend." You praise him and you wonder if he liked that you did.
"He would do the same for me if I asked." He tries to brush off his own kindness, which brings a small smile to your lips. Din is obviously much nicer than he's willing to admit and you love that about him. He's so sweet in his own brash kind of way.
"Then, we better deal with those bandits." You pat him on the back before leaving to go up to the cockpit. You want to sift through your things and check if you'll need any supplies if you're going to be fighting.
Although you try your hardest not to fight often, you have been enlisted to help on a few jobs that have indirectly involved dealing with pesky people, so there are some things you're sure you will need to get before you can help Din. Luckily, you're certain you can find everything you need in Mos Espa.
Including a few new friends.
A/N: Please don't @ me but I legit just finished watching Book of Boba Fett yesterday (yes, I'm a fake Mandalorian fan who watched Obi Wan Kenobi before Book of Boba Fett, don't ask me why I elected to wait this long for Din Djarin content) so for those who haven't seen it, don't worry! I won't be spoiling any of it in the subsequent chapters (complete canon-divergence from the events that happen in the show) but now you know who we'll be meeting next, very exciting!! ♡
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dootdootwriting · 3 years
The whole alphabet for Thoma. (Gn reader)
PLEASE dont overwork yourself though. You dont have to do it all if youre tired or something. Thank you and congrats!
600+ writing event
ty for ur request anon!! also you're funny. overwork myself? how could i possibly do that when i'm already avoiding all of my schoolwork? entire alphabet for thoma coming right up! (under the cut for length)
fluff alphabet with thoma; gn reader; no warnings apply
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A-Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
- thoma enjoys pretty much any type of shared activities with you, but ultimately his favorite kind is any that involves food. he'll go on tours of inazuma city with you to find the best places to get ice cream, or he'll buy a whole bunch of food and see what kind of dishes you can make together! nine times out of ten it ends up being really weird and a little gross, but it's fun and he loves spending time with you.
B-Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
- he admires your ambition, your humor, and your own personal flair. he loves the person you are, and almost everything that goes into that, but he specifically loves the unique little traits that make you you.
C-Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
- his first instinct is to give you a big hug or rub your back, but only if he knows you're okay with it and that it would actually help. his first goal is to make sure you're okay, and then his second goal is to cheer you up: with bad jokes and kisses, usually
D-Dreams (how do they picture the future with their s/o?)
- thoma isn't super picky with how you two end up in the future, as long as you're together and happy. he wants to grow old with you, ideally, though however you do that will decide itself.
E-Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?)
- thoma is used to taking the lead in your relationship, but he's not necessarily more dominant or anything - he's just excited to be with you and wants to make sure you're just as happy as he is. your relationship is pretty balanced!
F-Fun (what do they do for fun with their s/o? what's their idea of a fun day out?)
- he loves loves loves going out on walks, especially in the city, and just finding random things that seem fun to do. there are a bunch of people playing cornhole over there, how about you guys join in for a game? they're selling a new kind of hotpot at that restaurant, better give it a try!
G-Gratitude (how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
- he's definitely aware of everything you do for him, and he's also very grateful that you're with him. he makes sure to let you know that every day.
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
- i think the only time thoma would ever keep something from you on purpose is if it would be somehow dangerous for you to know. other than that, he likes to make sure you're aware of everything you need to be. he likes his privacy like anyone else, but he also values communication.
I-Inspiration (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
- being with you hasn't necessarily changed him (aside from the fact that you two are almost always seen together now) but it's definitely improved his mood a lot, not that it was ever really bad. he also likes to show off more now that you're around...
J-Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
- thoma gets jealous relatively easily but is also not one to step in unless it's a situation in which you seem uncomfortable. he trusts you wholeheartedly, which sometimes means he has to keep himself from getting overly worried.
K-Kisses (are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?).
- he's a very good kisser. thoma's kisses are playful and sweet, or alternatively full of reassurance and love. your first kiss was a little rushed and he was a little nervous (not that he'd ever admit that) but he knew it was the right time.
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
- confesses accidentally while watching you do something that's actually pretty normal. you tap him on the shoulder and ask where he wants to go for lunch and he just kinda stares at you and then says "man i love you" and you're like. what. but he plays it off like he TOTALLY MEANT to say that and definitely didn't slip up.
M-Mornings (what's it like waking up with them? do they sleep late or wake up before the sun rises?)
- lazy lazy lazy. thoma knows he has to go to work but why would he do that when you're next to him all curled up into him? he can't just abandon you like that! fortunately the kamisatos are very forgiving, so when he shows up late they don't give him an earful.
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?)
- babe/baby, sunshine, and occasionally sweetheart but usually just to tease you
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
- when thoma first realizes he's in love with you it hits him like a truck and he has to sit down for a second to process it. after that he hangs around you a lot more often, and it's pretty obvious to anyone watching that he's in love.
P-PDA (how are they with PDA? is it fun to them or are they more reserved with their affection?)
- thoma's comfortable with pda and likes to tease you with it sometimes, unless you're someone who absolutely hates it, in which case he'll settle with handholding. otherwise, he'll give you random light kisses on the cheek or will grab you and pull you into him at random points throughout the day.
Q-Quirk (some random thing they do when they're with you for no reason in particular)
- his nose scrunches when he's trying not to laugh at you, which makes you laugh at him, which makes him laugh at you. congratulations! you have achieved pile of laughter.
R-Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
- thoma is very romantic and also values friendship with his partner as well. he's sort of a mix between cliché and creative - while he will definitely take you out for a fancy dinner and lend you his jacket, he will also take you out to the lake and push you in or make a date out of who can spot the most dogs on a day out.
S-Support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals do they believe in them?)
- one hundred percent he believes in you and will do his best to help you achieve any goals you have. ok thats the end of this headcanon i have nothing else to say GHCCN
T-Thrill (do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship or do they prefer certain routine?)
- thoma loves trying new things! he doesn't need things to change constantly (and also that might be very tiring for him) but he does like to switch things up a little.
U-Understanding (how good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
- forgot to change it from "good" to "well." WHOOPS. anyway
- thoma is very empathetic, so he's quick to understand how you're feeling, though it'll take him a little longer to understand why it is you're feeling like that. once you explain to him, he knows just what to do, whether it be celebrate with you on a big win or comfort you or give you some space.
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
- it's SO important to him. having you in his life is one of the most important things to him. he's also been with the kamisatos for a really long time though, so thoma will need a little bit to sort out where his priorities are. rest assured that you're definitely up there.
W-Wild card (a random fluff headcanon?)
- thoma really likes the feeling of you running your fingers through his hair. bonus points if you wash it for him (he'll return the favor)
X-XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
- if you're ever available for affection, thoma will take advantage of it. he loves being close to you and generally just the feeling of loving and being loved in return, especially when that incorporates physical affection. listen he just really likes being kissed.
Y- Yearning (how will they cope when they are missing their partner?)
- when you're gone thoma will surround himself with things that remind him of you. he'll also occasionally call your name or say things to you absentmindedly before remembering you're not there at present. poor guy... he'll be very happy once you're home.
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
- it depends on the lengths. the worst case scenario for thoma would be if he somehow had to choose between you and his work - that would terrify him, even though there's no way it would ever happen. other than that, since you're way up on his priority list, there's not much that he wouldn't do for you.
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bbangsoonie · 3 years
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member: jaehyun (hyunjae) genre: fluff (requested) word count: 3,120 synopsis: jaehyun has always been your rival. so when he bets that he could make you fall for him, you can’t back down and say no. but when you’re too confident, you let your guard done.
backdoor: a term used in league of legends; when you secretly attack the enemy’s nexus while they’re focused elsewhere. this is done by sneaking into the enemy base and taking them by surprise
Lee Jaehyun was the cockiest and most annoying person you had ever met. You would think that growing up as childhood “friends” would make you two close. After all, your parents were best friends with his parents.
But no, you and Jaehyun had been rivals ever since you were both enrolled into a tennis club as young children. You always had the upper hand until he suddenly hit puberty and became a lot more physically fit than you. Once he started beating you in nearly every match, he became your #1 enemy.
He had always been super competitive and made everything into a contest. Who could run to the car faster? Who could receive a higher score on the exam? Who could make the other lose their temper first?
With high school came his sudden increase in popularity. It inflamed his ego to the max, which irked you to no end.
Every Valentine’s Day, he would brag about all the gifts and confessions he received. And every White Day, he would compare the numbers to yours.
He was loved by the girls for being a casanova and admired by the guys for his athleticism and gaming skills.
You, on the other hand, could not comprehend why the entire school was infatuated with him. You had your eyes on someone else. Kim Sunwoo. He had caught your attention since the first day of freshman year. Now, as a senior, you were about to graduate without ever making a move.
You were too shy to approach him. You couldn’t even find a common interest to naturally bring up and talk about. All he ever did was make music and play League of Legends.
So you found Jacob during lunch and practically begged him to teach you how to play the game.
“Please please please?” you whined.
“It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s that I can’t,” Jacob said apologetically. “I have basketball practice every day. Besides, I haven’t played in almost half a year. I’m rusty.”
“I just need you to teach me the basics!”
“I’m sorry, Y/n.”
Sighing, you gave up and slumped in your seat. You poked at the food in front of you with a pout.
“Did I just hear the Y/n ask Jacob to teach her how to play League?” Jaehyun suddenly popped out of nowhere.
“Fuck off,” you rolled your eyes at him as you set your chopsticks down.
“You know, I’m the highest ranked player in our school,” he said smugly. You wanted nothing but to wipe that look off his face.
You ignored him and took a sip of your water. Jacob awkwardly glanced between you and Jaehyun as he tightly held onto his spoon. He could sense another argument coming.
“I can teach you if you want,” Jaehyun offered.
“I don’t want,” you coldly rejected.
“Of course you don’t,” he scoffed. “You’re too afraid to spend time with me because you might realize that you actually like me.”
“Oh please. There are a few things in this world that will never change. The sun rising from the east, the sun setting in the west, and my hatred for you,” you said.
“Well if you hate me that much, then let’s make a bet out of it. The first one to fall for the other’s seducing loses,” he smirked.
Still stuck in the middle, Jacob shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
“You don’t have to accept the challenge if you’re not confident,” Jaehyun shrugged, making you narrow your eyes at him.
A list of pros and cons was being made in your head as you contemplated the crazy suggestion. The logical part of your mind wanted nothing to do with him. You knew that stooping down to his level was childish. You had much better things to do than go along with his bet.
The competitive part of you, however, couldn’t bear to back down. You would have to deal with him flaunting over you and calling you a coward if you didn’t agree to this.
So you disregarded all rationale and crossed your arms with a curt “deal”.
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The walk to school the next day was full of complaints as you whined about falling for Jaehyun’s trick and Kevin chided you for it.
“I don’t know why you thought it would be a good idea,” Kevin tsk-ed. “He makes your blood boil within seconds. How are you going to hold back from tearing him apart? Never mind flirt with him.”
“I’m already regretting it,” you groaned.
“Speaking of the devil,” Jacob coughed, nudging you.
You looked up to see Jaehyun waiting by the school gates. He was holding a bouquet of flowers and every girl who passed by whispered to their friend about it. To everyone’s shock, he walked up to you and handed you the flowers.
“So it starts now?” you stared at the roses. “You call this seducing?”
“I call this romantic,” he grinned.
Rolling your eyes, you handed Kevin the bouquet and walked away. He awkwardly chased after you as Jacob offered Jaehyun a pat on the shoulder.
“She doesn’t like roses. She thinks they’re cliché,” he said before leaving.
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When the dismissal bell rang, Jaehyun was waiting for you outside of your classroom. Hushed whispers erupted again as your classmates tried to figure out why he was being so affectionate to you. It was no secret that you two never got along.
After gathering your belongings, you grabbed your backpack and left without sparing him another glance. Unfazed, he easily caught up to you and slung his arm around your shoulder.
“What? Are you wavering already?” he teased.
“Not a chance,” you scoffed.
“As a part of the bet, I can teach you how to play League. That’s what you wanted anyway. Think of it as killing two birds with one stone.”
You ignored all the incredulous looks you received with Jaehyun by your side as you left the school grounds. You didn’t realize that you weren’t headed home until you stopped in front of a PC Room. Puzzled, you stared at the building in front of you.
“I promised that I’d teach you. Our first lesson starts today,” he said as he dragged you inside.
Your brain was bombarded with a whole new world. You struggled to keep up as he rambled on about bots and gold. He was showing you a demonstration by playing a round but your inability to multitask made it difficult to understand what was going on on the screen.
“My main is Jace and I usually go jungle,” he explained and you pretended to understand by nodding. At your silence, he eyed your expression and chuckled.
“So is Sunwoo the reason why you’re suddenly interested in League?” he asked, catching you off guard.
“How did you know?” you gaped.
“You thought I wouldn’t notice your little crush on him?” he raised a brow.
You were taken aback to say the least. You didn’t think he paid much attention to you other than when he was bored and wanted to mess around.
“Anyway, he usually goes mid as Zed,” he shrugged. “To be honest, the best way for you to bond with him through the game is for him to play ADC and for you to be support.”
“As if I know what all that means,” you frowned.
At that moment, his character died and the screen went gray. You snickered, earning a light flick on your forehead.
“ADC stands for attack damage carry. It’s the champion who usually does the most attacking. They go in the bottom lane with whoever’s playing support. Supports are supposed to aid and heal the ADC. So you would follow and communicate with them.”
“Sounds complicated,” your nose wrinkled in distaste.
“Sounds fun,” he corrected before turning back to the computer.
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The next day, Jaehyun surprised you with a small potted plant in front of the gates.
“Since you don’t like roses, I got you a succulent instead,” he said proudly.
Next to you, Kevin giggled and Jacob let out a soft “aww”. Slightly touched yet also slightly embarrassed, you took it from him in a hurry and stormed off.
“You’re slowly getting there,” Jacob laughed as Kevin shot him a thumbs up.
Smiling, Jaehyun watched as they ran to catch up with you. He heard you yell at them after what was probably a teasing remark. You then began to chase Kevin, who ran away shrieking.
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After two weeks of spending hours at the PC Room after school, you were starting to get a hang of the game. You found Teemo, who you insisted was a dog (he’s actually a rodent), and gushed over how cute he is.
Jaehyun made fun of your champion choice and shook his head as he explained that Teemo was the most hated character.
“Why? He’s adorable!” you defended. “And I love the little eggs he plants.”
“For the nth time, those are mushrooms! Not eggs,” he exclaimed. “And that’s exactly why everyone hates him. He’s so annoying.”
“You’re annoying,” you shot back.
“Well, Teemo’s not an option right now,” he pointed out.
He was teaching you how to play Howling Abyss that day. And playing ARAM meant your champion would be randomly given.
“Oh! The cute cat is available,” you excitedly clicked.
“That’s Yuumi and that’s actually not a bad choice,” he nodded in approval. “You just have to attach onto me and heal me.”
You hated to admit that you had grown closer with Jaehyun. Only a couple of weeks had passed by since the bet and you didn’t completely despise him anymore.
He gifted you something small each morning, whether it was a plant or piece of bread. He was always waiting for you at the gates. Dating rumors were already circulating the school but you hadn’t forgotten about the bet. You were determined to win it.
Which was why you began to wake up earlier to put on makeup and even complimented him during games. It was easy to make him smile. All you needed to do was throw a lame joke in here and there and he would burst out in laughter.
It was almost suspiciously easy. He was too willing to respond to your advances and never put up a wall.
But that didn’t mean he didn’t get on your nerves. His antics still bothered you to no end.
On the way home, he insisted on feeding you ice cream instead of having you hold it yourself. Except he kept pulling the spoon back when you opened your mouth to eat it.
The first time, you gave him a dirty look. The second time, you punched his arm. The third time, you gave him the finger and walked off after a “fuck you”.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” he laughed.
Once again, you were reminded of how immature he was.
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“So has there been any progress?” Kevin asked.
It was gym period and all the students were running around in the field. Jacob was playing volleyball with Jaehyun while you and Kevin were sitting on the sidelines.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged.
“It would be the best enemies-to-lovers trope if you two actually end up dating like this,” he commented.
“Never,” you snorted in disbelief.
You had seen Jaehyun ever since he was a snotty little kid. Even back then, he was a mischievous brat. There was no way you could ever see him as anything but that.
The teacher blew his whistle, signaling the end of gym class. You got up, dusted your pants, and skipped down the steps. Unfortunately, you landed wrong and felt a sharp pain in your ankle as you fell down.
After Kevin shouted your name, Jaehyun turned his head to see you on the ground. Without thinking twice, he ran towards you and asked if you were okay. When you couldn’t reply, he put you on his back with Kevin’s help and sprinted to the nurse’s office.
Your heart was beating fast but you couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason why. Was it because of the pain? Or all the attention you were receiving from your classmates?
By the time you reached the office, your ankle was throbbing and swelling up. The nurse was nowhere to be seen so Jaehyun retrieved an ice pack himself and wrapped a towel around it before applying it.
You were sitting on a cot while he was bent down to tend to your wound. His forehead was wrinkled with worry and you stared at him. This was the first time he had ever treated you with such gentleness.
“I don’t think you broke anything but it’s definitely gonna hurt for at least a week,” he winced in vicarious pain.
You suddenly didn’t know how to act around him. You weren’t used to receiving sympathy from him.
“Uh that’s okay,” you coughed to cover up the awkwardness. You’d rather have him make fun of you for being clumsy. But instead, he seemed genuinely concerned for you.
“You should’ve been more careful,” he scolded.
There was something about the way he looked at you. His eyes were no longer playful but you couldn’t figure out what emotions hid behind those eyes.
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Those eyes. His eyes clouded your mind. For some reason, you couldn’t get it out of your head.
You found yourself avoiding him as you struggled to organize your thoughts. Or rather, your feelings.
Wanting to distract yourself, you decided to finally talk to Sunwoo. Surely, spending time with him would help you forget about Jaehyun.
So you mustered up the courage to ask him out on a date. To your surprise, he happily agreed and suggested that you watch a movie together. There was a new romcom film that came out and that he had been wanting to watch.
The date wasn’t as awkward as you thought it would be. Sunwoo’s goofiness offset any nervousness and it was fun to be around him. But yet, it also wasn’t as heart fluttering as you thought it would be.
Perhaps you had idealized him too much in your imagination. Your romantic feelings for him dissipated and you saw him as a good friend. Luckily, he felt the same.
However, word about your date had already spread by the time you got to school on Monday. It had reached Jaehyun’s ears and his expression hardened when he saw you laughing with Sunwoo at lunch.
He knew what the ugly feeling in his stomach was. And he wasn’t happy about it. So he reacted in the only way he knew. By clinging to your side and pestering you.
He spent the whole day messing up your hair and being sarcastic. Eventually, you finally snapped and told him to piss off.
“I’ll consider it if you can beat me in tennis today,” he said.
You crossed your arms, wondering what was going on in his head. You hadn’t been able to defeat him since middle school.
“If you can get a single ball past me, I’ll leave you alone,” he proposed. With a huff, you reluctantly agreed. It would be faster to just get it over with.
That was how you two ended up at a tennis court after school. He never went easy on you but he was going especially hard that day. He gave you no breaks and flung the ball back at you with what felt like all his strength. Ball after ball flew past you as he grabbed another one to start again.
“What the hell, Lee Jaehyun?” you yelled across the court. “Why the fuck are you so aggressive today?”
“Are you giving up?” he taunted while bouncing the ball.
“Oh hell no,” you grumbled as you got in position.
Another half an hour passed by with him beating you again and again. You were drenched in sweat and starting to feel sore. But you refused to give him the pleasure of watching you admit defeat.
So you kept going until the ball accidentally hit your shoulder. The amount of force he put into that backhand made you yelp in pain as you dropped the racket.
Startled, Jaehyun ran over to make sure you were okay.
“You just can’t bear to see me win once, can you?” you glared as you shoved his hand away. “You turn everything into a competition and act like you’re superior over me.”
“I-I didn’t mean to do that,” his brows furrowed in guilt.
“Didn’t mean to do what? Make my childhood a living hell by ruining my favorite sport? Use my crush on Sunwoo to trick me into another stupid bet? Confuse me into thinking that you might actually not hate me?”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Then why are you so clingy?”
“Because I like you!”
His words brought upon silence. The tension in the air was thick as you both stared at each other.
“You’re so dense,” he sighed. “I wanted your attention, okay? But back then, I was a kid and didn’t know how to stay by your side without annoying the hell out of you. And then I didn’t know how to transition out of that.”
He fidgeted with a loose string on his shirt and took a deep breath before continuing.
“This stupid bet was supposed to change our relationship. I was supposed to show you that I’m not as bad as you think I am. That I’m a guy too. That I’ve been in love with you for a whole decade now.”
To say you were surprised would be a massive understatement. All your life, you had been sure that Jaehyun’s purpose in life was to irritate you. So when your heart began to skip around him, you cursed yourself for giving into the hormones that made you see him in a different light. You never thought that the feelings would be reciprocated.
“You don’t feel the same way? At all?” he carefully asked.
Your mouth opened but no words came out. You couldn’t find the right words to answer his question.
“You’re not saying no,” the corners of his lips curved up.
He took a step closer to you and held your cheeks. You felt your heart race at the proximity and froze.
“For confirmation?” his lips ghosted over yours. You barely managed to nod slightly before he closed the gap between you two.
As cheesy as it sounded, you felt sparks fly the moment you had your first kiss. By the time he pulled away, you felt your cheeks heat up.
“So I guess that means I won the bet before it even began,” you joked, making him laugh.
“Yes, yes you did,” he smiled as he hugged you.
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