#it’s technically Peter/El
thesymphonytrue · 4 months
Hi hello!!!
“Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you.”
This line has SUCH Elle energy!! Whatever ship u want but it would be so cool if she said it
I immediately thought of El with this line, too!!! So yes....she says it!
"Oh honey, I'd never be jealous of you."
Elizabeth turned over in bed, surprised to find a cold, empty spot where Peter usually slept. Sighing, she propped herself up and checked the time: 3:00 am. Furrowing her dark brows, she pulled back the covers and tiptoed down the hallway to the top of the stairs. Peering into the living room, she saw Peter.
He was sitting on the couch, hair still messy from their evening romp hours ago, clad in a white t-shirt and boxers. One hand loosely held his phone to his ear, while the other rubbed his eyebrows wearily. But on his lips, on those wonderful lips that devoured Elizabeth almost daily, was a tiny smile, a sparkle of amusement and infatuation.
Neal Caffrey, Elizabeth thought.
This was the third night in a row that Neal Caffrey had called Peter and while Elizabeth didn’t so much mind Peter being all-consumed by his job, post-midnight phone calls were…
In Elizabeth’s mind, Neal was a brilliant mind who had fallen into the wrong crowd (criminals) and latched onto Peter’s stability, whilst also out-smarting him on almost every turn.
And Peter fucking loved it.
When Peter Burke was challenged, Peter Burke thrived. Elizabeth smiled to herself; she knew this on an emotional, intellectual, and sexual level about her partner. Peter was meticulous about learning everything about his pursuit, making him an excellent FBI Agent, but even better in bed.
She smiled coily to herself and decided tonight would be the night she intervened. She couldn’t have a criminal stealing her husband away, could she? Well aware that she was still in lingerie from earlier (a lovely lacy black thing that left absolutely nothing up to the imagination), Elizabeth fluffed her hair, squared her shoulders, and pranced down the stairs like a runway model.
Peter was mid-chuckle when he spotted her, cheeks flushing and eyes widening at the sight of her soft curves. She walked over to him like a lioness stalking her prey and plucked the phone from his hands.
“Hello, Neal Caffrey,” she said cooly into the phone.
She could practically feel him grinning on the other end.
“Is this the famous Mrs. Burke? I was convinced Peter was lying about having a wife. How do you put up with him, he’s insufferably stubborn,” Neal rattled off as if he and Elizabeth were the best of friends.
Elizabeth couldn’t help but feel a smile tickle her lips as she stole a glance at Peter, whose mouth was propped open in despair and eyes wild with panic.
“Well, you’re right about that,” she said, proceeding to straddle Peter and play with his hair while keeping Neal on the line.
“So why are you up at this hour?” Neal chirped, “Are you jealous?”
Elizabeth chuckled, low and sultry, leaning in and kissing Peter’s neck, to which Peter suppressed a groan and motioned for her to hang up the phone immediately.
“Oh honey, I could never be jealous of you,” she said, speaking to Neal, but looking directly into Peter’s honey-brown eyes, whose pupils were now fully dilated.
“Have Peter shown you my picture?” Neal asked, audibly smirking.
Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, realizing she didn’t know anything about this man other than his name and criminal habits.
“No, he hasn’t,” her gaze flicked to Peter, who was still clueless as to the nature of their conversation. She caressed Peter’s cheek, “But looks don’t matter to Peter,” her eyes twinkled as she widened her legs on Peter and pressed herself closer to him, “Peter loves smart—”
“Well isn’t he lucky that he’s got both in you, Elizabeth,” Neal cut her off, as if he knew exactly what she was trying to do.
“Hang up the phone!” Peter mouthed desperately.
Elizabeth’s eyebrow arched in pleasure at hearing this as she surveyed Peter, practically panting after her.
“Thank you for the compliment, Neal,” Elizabeth purred simultaneously into Peter’s ear and the phone, “Now say goodnight to Peter and let him come back to bed with his wife.”
Neal let out a bright laugh at this, one that even Peter could hear through the phone. Peter turned beet red and promptly snatched the phone back from Elizabeth and gripped her waist, gently pushing her off of him and setting her down next to him as he stood.
“Peter! I didn’t know that you had such an active—-“
“Shut it, Caffrey! Goodnight!” Peter barked, clicking the phone off, Neal’s laughter still echoing in Elizabeth and Peter’s mind.
Elizabeth stood and snaked a hand around Peter’s chest from behind, pressing her breasts into his back. She felt him tighten in response and she rested a hand over his fast beating heart.
She glanced down at the coffee table, Neal Caffrey’s file open. A photograph was pinned to the edge of the file.
Slightly blurry due to Neal being in motion, it was a picture of a dark haired man with brilliant blue eyes, chiseled jawline, and wild smile. He was handsome enough to make any woman–or man–swoon.
“Now that you’re all hot and bothered,” she whispered in Peter’s ear, “should we go to bed or take the couch? Or has Neal put a damper on things?”
Peter turned to face her, his hands tracing the curves of her waist, cupping her supple—and practically bare—ass and kissed her passionately on the lips.
“Couch will do,” he said gruffly, lowering her to the sofa.
Elizabeth sighed and smiled as wrapped her legs around him and pulled him on top of her, satisfied with how Peter's 3 am call had ended. She wondered how long this Neal Caffrey would invade their lives. No, Elizabeth was not jealous, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t take advantage of the perks this handsome criminal’s pursuit of Peter provided.
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edgepunk · 1 year
it would be such a power move if insomniac made Peter bi, like made him explicitly attracted to both men and women
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edledamianfan · 4 months
What if jon and damian got lost in space just like jon did
But they weren't captured or anythign they're literally just lost at space with no way back. They were just thrown into some dimension
At first Jon was alright but then he started to panic after a few days. Damian too, is anxiety by the situation
No one knows they were missing
Well maybe they knew but they just couldn't find them. Even the space cops couldn't. They were just yeha gone for a period of time. Maybe somrthing like the age up jon idk but i prefer it was technically like 1 year to 4 years ratio rather than 1 month to 6 years ratio 💀
So fast foward into the future its just them in a ship in a guardian of the galaxy kinda adventure trying to find themselves back to their planet.
Damian is just peter-quilling, playing musics to calm himself down, got some weird ass pets and cool alien gadgets he tinkers around and use on his fights. He's on edge 100% of the time because of what could happen to them, follows a schedule so that he doesn't slacks of but he's getting tired.
Then Jon is just there, agitated and overstimulated by the entire thing but he tries to cheer himself up. Always smiles and everything but internally its not okay. His eyes are just as wide as a traumatized soldier. He's a lot more controlling in a way becuase he doesn't wanna lose anyone but he never lost his kindness and hope for others.
Damian probably uses a laser gun but he found a lightsaber on the way so now he's just using that one lol. He hoards a lot of weapon, big and small, that could probably blow up a planet. Jon just bashes things up, i mean he's a kryptonian he can fly unlike Dame who needs a lot of equipment sadly. Their suits are also cyberpunk-ish, different parts and upgrades here and there. Damian still wears a robin symbol on the front and there is this bat symbol on his back across his shoulders. Jon also wears the house of El symbol on the front like his dad did. The suits lean on the more pratical ssid so its a bit dull.
Him and Damian ironically ends up saving planets and stuff. Both are definitely homesick but they always find stuff to cheers each other up. Going into places malls and everything. Fight space crimes errg. Just chilling together in the spaceship, comforting themselves. Entertaining themselves by dancing to music, solving crimes, or figure out different games and study on cultures of a planet together.
And then they get back to their world as a grown ass man (no theyre probably like 18 21) and they definitely look like different person, even their combat styles are different but they still do have their main qualities.
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hyperfixationstation1 · 8 months
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Saw Les Mis on West End Yesterday!!!
(Ignore how few people are in the photo. It was a full house I was just really early)
Starting with this I loved!!
- Stewart Clarke as Javert was perfect. He was perfectly austere and desperate, and he had such a powerful baritone voice that left so many in the audience dumbfounded during “Stars.” His suicide was staged in kinda a goofy way (but I’ll be honest it’s… always a little goofy)
- Though I don’t love how the musical treats the Thenardiers, both Emily Olive Boyd and Luke Kempner did a great job and were very funny.
- The ensemble killed it. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
- The costumes were a lot more period accurate than I expected. Adored the wedding costumes and the period accurate hair.
- I actually really liked Djavan van de Fliert as Enjolras. He plays him very young and very enthusiastic, leaning a lot into the boyish aspect. I was surprised to find I liked it quite a bit.
- Enjoltaire could not keep their hands off each other like damn get a room
— also those two were PARENTING Gavorche
Things I didn’t mind at all!
- Harry Lake stepped in for Marius last night. I’m usually harsher to Marius than any other character. But he was boyish and I was like “yeah okay goofy man 🙄” and he did genuinely play him like a clueless boy trying his best, which was very endearing. And he and Amena El-Kindy were amazing in A Little Fall of Rain.
- Amena El-Kindy as Eponine was very good technically. And I liked it, but I prefer more depressed and resigned Eponines and it was very desperate and frantic, which isn’t wrong, just not what I prefer.
- Tom Hext as Grantaire. He did great! but again he played his part in Drink With Me as more angry than depressed, which I didn’t prefer.
Things I didn’t like (but knew I wasn’t gonna like):
- Lovely Ladies.
- No Azelma and they don’t acknowledge Eponine and Gavorche as siblings.
- Patron Minette as Thenardier’s Gang. Also why was Babet better dressed than Montparnasse? (Did like that Montparnasse was played to acknowledge or care about Eponine in a throwaway line. That was nice.)
- Love Brujon. I don’t know why he has there though.
- Could not keep track of Les Amis.
- How the musical treats Cosette as helpless when she’s perfectly capable. Lulu Mae Pears did a great job but like… I can’t stand that.
Things I didn’t like (and expected to like)
- I didn’t like Peter Jöback as Jean Valjean. I’m sorry I don’t really know how to explain it, I just didn’t.
- I was expecting a moving set. THANK YOU TO THE TECH, but there was no spinning barricade 😔.
Anyway, I overall had a lot of fun seeing it!!! And met some of the crew after and it was cool!
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thehollowprince · 4 months
I've been on a bit of a Star Trek kick lately, and I've come up with a crew for a Federation ship using Teen Wolf characters and what species I would have them be.
Scott McCall - captain - Kwejian
Derek Hale - first officer - Romulan
Allison Argeant - security chief - human
Stiles Stilinski - chief engineer - human
Lydia Martin - science officer - Ocampa
Danny Mahealani - ops officer - human
Vernon Boyd - comms officer - Xahean
Isaac Lahey - tactical officer - Bajoran
Kira Yukimura - navigator - Trill
Malia Tate - helm officer - Romulan
Alan Deaton - chief medical officer - El-Aurian
Matin Morrell - counselor - El-Aurian
I have no idea what kind of story I'd write for this, but I had fun coming up with what position each character would have on a Federation ship and what species to make certain members (everyone who was a shapeshifter on TW was automatically an alien).
The easiest to assign were Deaton and Morrell, including them being El-Aurian like Guinan. An Immortal race of "listeners"? Sounds like those two.
Scott I struggled with until I remembered the character of Book from Discovery and the Kwejian, who have empathic abilities, which fed right into Scott's compassion. Of course, since I made him Kwejian, this would have to take place in the 32nd century or later - I'm thinking a century after Discovery.
Lydia I made an Ocampa from Voyager, because of their untapped psychic abilities, but because I'm placing this at a later century, I'm saying they've evolved psst the 9 year life span.
Isaac I went with Bajoran because of Kira Nerys and her more upfront approach on Deep Space 9, and it just made me think of him. Plus, picture Isaac with the Bajoran earring.
I chose for Derek to be a Romulan because of how secretive the Hale family was, relying on sabotage and subterfuge. I'm actually picturing that Peter was the original captain of the ship before he was overthrown in a mutiny because of his "un-Federation like conduct" with Derek as acting captain until he stepped down, realizing he wasn't leadership material, thus mirroring how on TW he usurped Peter as Alpha before giving it up and Scott sort of rising in his place.
I also think it would be cool to have Scott and Derek on the bridge in their red shirts to match their Alpha eyes.
Same with Malia, since she's technically a Hale, I made her a Romulan, specifically a former adept of the Qowat Milat, thus explaining her upfront and blunt demeanor. Though she never actually became a full sister of the Order, and instead joined Star Fleet.
I originally had Kira in mind to be a nun for the Qowat Milat, because of her sword skills, but then I thought a little more about it and made her a Trill, specifically a host for a symbiot. So, in one of her symbiot's other lives, it was trained by the Qowat Milat, thus giving a credible excuse for her martial prowess.
And Boyd... Boyd was the hardest for me. I wanted to include him because of how dirty his character was done on Teen Wolf, but because his character was hardly used, I didn't have much to base this on. In the end, I went with Xahean, because they're an obscure and barely used species from Discovery and then Picard, who have fangs and claws (similar to his werewolf form on TW) and the ability to turn partially invisible.
As for the humans, given how StarFleet is mostly human, I left them the way they were and just used their attributes from the show to influence their positions on the ship. Allison wanting to protect those who can't protect themselves? Security. Stiles being able to hold his jeep together with duct tape? Engineering. Danny, the hacker? Operations.
Like I said above, I still have no idea what story I would write with this, but I had fun getting here.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
10 books!! :•)
ty 4 the tag @otrtbs (+ @serethereal i'm just doing it on this blog) <3 here r 10 books 2 get 2 know me
1. a history of glitter and blood, by hannah moskowitz
favorite book of. all time probably. first read this when i was like 16 i think and since then i've reread it about once a year. keep waiting for it to like...hit me less hard but every time i read it i am still v much moved in the same sort of way that i was the first time!!
2. the last unicorn, by peter s. beagle
feel like this story is like. integral 2 me as a person. first encountered it in the form of the 1982 movie as a child + then discovered it was a book in high school. there are differences between the two of course but the central themes are the same + i do think the ending like. permanently altered my brain as a child such that it has shaped my worldview ever since
3. the archive of alternate endings, by lindsey drager
newest addition 2 the list!! just read this book like a month ago and it was so good that it now has a place of honor on my favorites list <3 made me full-body sob but is like. so exactly perfect for me as a book that it felt like it was written 4 me
4. animorphs, by k.a. applegate
surprisingly not a childhood series 4 me bc i watched one episode of the tv show they made in the 90s + it scared me so much that i never touched the books. however i read the entire series in college and. it is now one of my favorite works of literature ever.
5. gormenghast, by mervyn peake
this book means a lot 2 me personally bc it's like. tied 2 my dad 4 me <3 he's a big reader but our tastes only have a small overlap, so it's not super often that we'll both love the same book. but when i was in high school i was looking for something 2 read + he pulled gormenghast off his bookshelf + was like try this nobody's ever heard of it bc peake is not well-known but it's like. sprawling dark fantasy. + it ended up being one of the most beautiful + unique stories i have ever read <3
6. you too can have a body like mine, by alexandra kleeman
a favorite satire <3 love kleeman's writing style + the sort of weird suburbia-horror of this story
7. the man who laughs, by victor hugo
generally speaking i am not a big ~classics~ person however. my final year of hs this was the book i chose for my like big final english paper + it's like. the first book i really had 2 study on a deeper level + i loved all the twisting symbolism + the tragedy of it all
8. six of crows, by leigh bardugo
technically this is 2 books bc i'm thinking of the entire duology but. yeah <3 fave like. fun fantasy story 2 reread when i want a book that makes me feel like i'm watching a movie while i read it. also love love love all the characters <3
9. this is how you lose the time war, by max gladstone and amal el-mohtar
first time i read this book i felt like my brain was melting!!! so short but the exact kind of story that i love; sort of scrambled poetic writing style + weird dark fantasy + sci-fi elements
10. no future: queer theory and the death drive, by lee edelman
i actually. do not recommend this book as it is so dry + dense and an absolute slog 2 read. however it makes the list bc encountering lee edelman's writing abt reproductive futurity + the death drive was like. top 10 life-altering moments that fundamentally changed the way i think in college. so!!!
no-pressure tags: @steelycunt @dykefever @pomegranate-pill @suspendedinbush @mayescapade :•)
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aemiron-main · 1 year
The Evil One, Ghostbusters, Edward and Peter
So, there’s two Edwards from Ghostbusters that i want to talk about today- Edward Zeddemore and Edward Kirilian.
Edward Zeddemore is Winston’s father. We’ll come back to him later.
Edward Kirilian was a colleague of Spengler, but the two of them had a falling out after Edward’s research became more and more dangerous- Edward believed that he could capture and control weak spirits and force them to do his bidding.
After the conflict between Edward and Spengler, Edward isolated himself and lost his mind while working on his project. Even though his project succeeded, he’d basically gone insane.
He called his invention the “Collar of Obedience,” which has me staring DIRECTLY at Brenner’s literal obedience collars in ST:
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The collar allowed Edward to kidnap and control ghosts and force them to work to open a portal to the Netherworld for him- a place that’s EXTREMELY similar to the UD in ST.
And to top it all off, Edward Kirilian’s title was literally “The Evil One.” It’s definitely giving me Henry vs Edward vibes/more than one 001 vibes.
However, I don’t actually think Edward Creel is evil/was born evil- I think the “evil,” aspect of this comes in to play regarding the idea of one of the Brenners merging themselves with Edward, and “the Evil One,” connecting to one of the Brenners technically being 001 after merging with Edward/001.
Especially considering all of Edward Kirilians’s parallels to Brenner. Things like what I mentioned earlier about the shock collar, and Edward being an unethical scientist like Brenner, and Edward kidnapping weak ghosts for his experiments the same way Brenner kidnapped children, and Edward forcing the ghosts to open a gate to the Netherworld vs Brenner trying to get lab kids like El to activate their powers/open a gate.
Hell, Edward Kirilian even LOOKS like Brenner:
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Also, Stav @heroesbyler pointed out to me that there’s the whole Mike-Lucas “can’t have two Venkmans” conflict and she mentioned how how that could tie to Henry vs Edward and timeline stuff and two versions of people:
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Which made me remember a very important detail about Venkman- his full name is Dr. Peter Venkman:
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And not only do we have all of the Peters in ST (such as Peter Owens, Peter Bingham, and the Peter from the lab) but when we look at Fringe, we also have Peter Bishop, who has connections/parallels to Edward/001 in ST, and who only has one version of himself that exists/there isn’t two Peters, because the other Peter from the other timeline died (and keeping in mind that Fringe is a confirmed source of inspo for ST).
And we also have the two doctors/the two Brenners- Dr Richard Brenner vs Dr Martin Brenner.
So, in ST we have the idea that there can’t be two Venkmans- aka, there can’t be two doctors named Peter. There’s something here regarding the timeline weirdness and Richard vs Martin/the two doctors, I just need to think more.
And also, jumping back to the Lucas-Mike ghostbusters conflict briefly, Winston is the other character that’s mentioned as part of that conflict, and Lucas suggests that Mike should be Winston:
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Which is especially interesting because as mentioned earlier, Winston’s dad is named Edward- and Mike’s dad is named Ted, a diminutive form of Edward.
It’s also interesting to me that Lucas says that “no one” wants to be Winston- no one wants to be the guy who has a father named Edward…. Vs Edward Kirilian being so paralleled to Brenner… WHATS GOING ON HERE??
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And Mike also asks “what’s wrong with Winston?”:
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Versus Mike asking “What’s wrong with Nana?” and all of the Creeler stuff and Creeler timeline stuff:
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And Henward saying that something was “wrong” with him:
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Anyway! I’m insane as always! There’s Something Here
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ckerouac · 1 year
Of course, all three books I had reserved at the library came in on the same day, messing up my highly technical reading list plan of ‘read the one that comes in first, first’.
So… who wants to help me decide what to read first?
Our options include:
Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas
As the daughter of a rancher in 1840s Mexico, Nena knows a thing or two about monsters--her home has long been threatened by tensions with Anglo settlers from the north. But something more sinister lurks near the ranch at night, something that drains men of their blood and leaves them for dead. Something that once attacked Nena nine years ago. Believing Nena dead, Néstor has been on the run from his grief ever since, moving from ranch to ranch working as a vaquero. But no amount of drink can dispel the night terrors of sharp teeth; no woman can erase his childhood sweetheart from his mind. When the United States attacks Mexico in 1846, the two are brought abruptly together on the road to war: Nena as a curandera, a healer striving to prove her worth to her father so that he does not marry her off to a stranger, and Néstor as a member of the auxiliary cavalry of ranchers and vaqueros. But the shock of their reunion--and Nena's rage at Néstor for seemingly abandoning her long ago--is quickly overshadowed by the appearance of a nightmare made flesh. And unless Nena and Néstor work through their past and face the future together, neither will survive to see the dawn…
The Gospel According to the New World by Maryse Condé
One Easter Sunday, Madame Ballandra puts her hands together and exclaims: "A miracle!" Baby Pascal is stikingly beautiful, brown in complexion, with gray-green eyes like the sea. But where does he come from? Is he really the child of God? So goes the rumor, and many signs throughout his life will cause this theory to gain ground. From journey to journey and from one community to another, Pascal sets off in search of his origins, trying to understand the meaning of his mission. Will he be able to change the fate of humanity? And what will the New World Gospel reveal?
The Last Ranger by Peter Heller
Ren is a park ranger, tasked with duties both mundane and thrilling: breaking up fights at campgrounds, saving tourists from moose attacks, and attempting to broker an uneasy peace between the wealthy vacationers who tromp around with cameras and the locals who want to carve out a meaningful living amid this western landscape. When Ren discovers his friend Hilly, a biologist and wolf expert, nearly dead in the steel jaws of a wolf trap, he hopes it's just an accident, but the small red ribbon tied to the stake makes him fairly certain that it wasn't. But what begins as an investigation into the background of a local poacher soon opens into something far murkier: A shattered windshield, a series of red ribbons tied to traps, the discovery of a frightening conspiracy, and a story of heroism gone awry.
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fruitdragon · 2 years
So I haven't slept properly in the past 3 days. Have had way too much coffee today and I'm currently eating a box of alcoholic chocolates.
I have many ideas for fanfiction right now.
Idea 1: White Collar x DC. Fucking A/B/O universe. Tim is Neal, he is an Omega. His scent blockers make it appear as if he is a Beta. One day Jason in full Red Hood gear, come storming into the building smelling like an Omega nesting mother. In this universe Jason basically adopted Tim the minute he saw him. Everyone is freaking out. "Neal" stands slowly and reaches for his neck to remove his scent patches. His scent calms Jay down and and while the office is still confused they slip away. Nesting heat I would like some ABO without it being sexual.
Idea 2: White Collar x Disney descendants. Yeah I know. So the core for managed to sort of universe hop/dimension travel, it was one of Carlos's inventions and they can go back and forth. And Carlos ends up becoming Neal. In this universe Mal and Evie are Hades kids, Maleficent and Cruella had Carlos together (expand how you wish) and Jay is desperately in love with Carlos. One day Mal visits the office, to check if Neal is ready for "family weekend" Peter Burke is an ass, and is very demanding of what family weekend is because "Neal doesn't have any family, I would know." Mal tears down a bunch of assumptions. Like "why don't you have any records of him before he's 18?" (Dimension hopping but they don't say that) "What's his actual eye color not just the contacts?" (Chocolate brown) "Do you know he has to dye his hair to keep it looking like that?" (In universe the black and white hair is natural) "What's the name of his first boyfriend?"(Harry Hook, but he's with Jay now) "Do you know how many siblings he technically has" (Mal is a half sibling and Evie is her half siblings, other family? Is Oscar his younger brother in this universe.) "At what age did he try chocolate for the first time? No at what age did any of us have actual food for the first time?" (14 for Carlos, 15 for Mal, Evie was 16- I HC Evie as the oldest) "what were his mother's charges in her first arrest her second arrest and her third arrest?" (First arrest animal abuse, kidnapping, property theft. Second arrest conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, arson, and animal cruelty. 3rd arrest child abuse, animal cruelty, assault, sexual abuse of a minor, and second degree attempted murder of said minor). Diana and Jones are actually great. "So you wear the hat too?" (If you make this world have at least minimal amounts of magic it becomes even more fun, when abilities could be revealed)
Alt: Jay comes in and most the same information gets out but in a wildly different way
Idea 3: alternate universe where all of Batman's kids turned into villains of some sort. Dick Grayson as Renegade, Jason Todd as Red X or Red Hood, Tim Drake as jester after being Joker Jr, Damian is still a prince of the League of Assassin's, Cassandra is still Orphan only she's a terrifyingly silent assassin, Stephanie as spoiler becomes a better version of The Riddler as Clue. There are still found family vibes maybe the rest of Young Justice is also villainous of some sort. That universe comes in contact with a semi-normal DC universe, it's very disconcerting. Everyone is confused Renegade almost stabs someone, Jester is giggling hysterically, and whenever anyone asks about Batman they all flinch. In their Universe, Batman is a terrible dad (F-), in the semi-normal one he gets a solid B+
Idea 4: Danny Phantom x DC Universe. Bruce Wayne is a clone of Danny Phantom and he knows it. Danny can't really properly raise him since he is not really got a human life anymore and Bruce is still half human, but he still sticks around like the weird uncle figure or whatnot until the Waynes are killed. After that he kind of becomes more of a father figure along with Alfred who is definitely Clockwork in this universe. Yes that means that Damian Wayne is technically an Eldritch abomination of some sort. The rest of the surviving clones kind of act like aunts and uncles to the rest of Bruce's kids and it's great. Yes this is a trans Danny and trans Bruce universe because I stan (also I'm Trans and really appreciate it). Yes that means that Damian technically does have to be cloned unless Talia has a dick or Ra's al Ghul is the father. Maybe that means that all of Bruce's kids gradually become more Eldritch due to Eco- contamination. Jason is one of the most outfits because he died and came back, Bruce is more supportive in this universe, Danny is crying hysterically like I'm a grandfather of many Eldritch children. In universe that means as soon as Kon-El is revealed and Superman reacts badly, Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne have a very public falling out. Also Conner is adopted into the family because why not.
"Hello Superboy, my code name is Batman. I am the clone of a hero known as Phantom. Would you like to come with me? I have several brothers and sisters you could meet." Robin pipes up in the Background
"Does this mean we're getting a cousin B? I'm totally feeling the Aster." All Robins are with Bruce at the same time
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Maybe I'm just out of my mind.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51405565 by iamgoku The aftermath of Ultron and Sokovia had left a lot on Tony's plate to deal with and he was just hoping to find a few moments of peace. However after an accident at Kamar Taj results in Wanda being de-aged to sixteen years old, Tony finds himself dealing with an emotionally needy and traumatized teenager who despite all odds, latches onto him of all people. With none of her adult memories, plenty of guilt and powers she has no idea how to control or desire to have Wanda winds up his responsibility as Tony's desires for some peace seem less likely by the minute. ~ Team Iron Man Read the Tags! Words: 4617, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), X-Men (Movieverse), Supergirl (TV 2015), Arrow (TV 2012), Titans (TV 2018), Daredevil (TV), Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Bruce Wayne, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Logan (X-Men), Ororo Munroe, Clark Kent, Kara Danvers, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Vision (Marvel), Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r (DCU), Darcy Lewis, Peter Parker, Lena Luthor, Matt Murdock, James "Bucky" Barnes, Alex Danvers Relationships: Wanda Maximoff & Tony Stark, Tony Stark & Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff & Peter Parker, Darcy Lewis & Wanda Maximoff, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Additional Tags: Civil War Team Iron Man, Not Steve Rogers Friendly, Technically Not Wanda Maximoff Friendly, Physically De-Aged Wanda Maximoff, Memory Loss, Wanda Maximoff Redemption, Parental Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Bruce Wayne and Tony are old friends, Mutant Wanda Maximoff, Jewish Wanda Maximoff, Romani Wanda Maximoff, Holocaust Survivor Erik Lehnsherr, Hydra (Marvel), Female Peter Parker, Tony Stark is Darcy Lewis's Parent, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Age Regression/De-Aging, Post-Movie: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Wanda Maximoff Needs a Hug, Protective Tony Stark, Grant Gustin is The Flash here, Just feel the need to tag that, Warnings May Change read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51405565
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aragarna · 1 year
🌿how does creating make you feel?
Powerful! LOL no but seriously, when I first writing fanfictions, it really felt like I discovered a magic power. The power to visit my favorite universe at will. Writing means I can stay with the characters after the cameras stopped rolling. I can stay with them a little longer. Hold their hands, a little longer. And of course, I can fix things, I can imagine the future, I can imagine all the happy reunions, the happy-ever-after, the kids growing up. The AUs, the craziest crossovers.
And writing, the act itself of thinking a sentence and typing it down, it feels like a shot of endorphine. It makes me all fuzzy inside as I'm spending time with my beloved characters, just as if I was watching the show.
For some reason, it's a bit different with art. When I'm making art/manips, of course, working on a subject or with a model that I appreciate staring at is always a bonus, but generally, making art, for me, feels more like craft, manual work. Probably because (for me, who can't actually draw) it's more about mastering Photoshop tools than anything and finding the best starting material, so it feels more technical. There's a whole process, that is actually longer than the creative part of coming up with the ideas and the design. But it is also a relaxing activity in its own right, and there's a real satisfaction in looking at the finish product on my screen.
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
The FEELS. Angsty or fluffy (ideally angsty then fluffy!). So I guess it's the characters, and giving them challenges to overcome. Plots (or more accurately, settings), are just a way to set that up. Even if I come up with a plot idea first - like say, what if I was writing a WC/Forever crossover - then I'd try to figure out what would make it "fun". Someone has to become immortal. There's potential for angst there. Peter's been shot, dying. Neal's desperate. Neither of them know it's gonna be fine. Oh all the usual angst. You're my best friend, take care of El, etc... And he *really dies*. But disappears. MORE ANGST and confusion and dispair! But, then, twist! Peter walks back naked and wet, embarrassed and furious. Confused and cold. Comfort, happiness, fluff, and of course, LOLz. Gotta have Diana and Jones making fun of Peter. Or, depending on my mood, I can go a more fluffy way right away. In a world where Forever and WC coexist, Mozzie and Abe *got* to know each other. They'd totally be friends. Henry would have a lot less patience for Mozzie's excentricities. BUT Mozzie would totally figure out Henry's secret. So from there I just set up a meeting. Mozzie forge fake papers, Henry would need new papers every 10 years or so.
See, it all writes itself! (it just needs a lot of rework cause I'm stuck with plot, cause clearly plots aren't my favorite parts!)
Character interactions and feelings, I think that's the main thing for me.
Though I also have to note that all those different aspects are important in the final product. I do care about grammar. I do care about finding the correct phrase, or a coherent plot/setting. And I also very very much care about keeping characters in-character.
Wow that got longer than expected! I guess those were good questions! Or maybe I'm just procrastinating LOL Thanks for the ask <3
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marirah · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @vellaphoria for tagging me!
20 Questions for Fic Writers
How many works do you have on AO3?
oof okay it's a lot. i have two accounts, and one of them is over 10 years old so....
metukah (est 2013): 185
marirah (est 2022): 85
for a total of 270 works... oof
What’s your total A03 word count?
metukah: 407,889
marirah: 133,069
total: 540,958
What fandoms do you write for?
DC these days. I started in the one direction fandom, played around with Percy Jackson, the MCU, and Star Trek
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Protected - T Sladick. After another blowout fight with Bruce, Dick offers to let his little brothers move in with him. And the mystery boyfriend they've never heard of before. (3.5k)
Daily Planet: Live From Gotham - G Superbat. Clark has an old crush on Batman and a new crush on Bruce Wayne. Lois is merciless. (3.5k)
Red - E JayTim. Jason doesn't know who this Red is or why he's in Dick's apartment, but it doesn't matter in the end. (6k)
Unread - G Jason & Dick. Jason finally caves to the kid's demands that he clear out his inbox. As it turns out, Dick has been writing to him for years. (1.5k)
Loud - G DickTim. Tim finds a little bird in his Nest and takes him home. (1k)
Introducing Us - G batfam gen, side StephCass. The Justice League doesn’t know how many bats there are, or where Batman is keeping them all. (1.9k)
Field Trip - G Peter Parker & the Avengers. Peter Parker and his classmates take a trip to Stark Industries. He only spends about half of it wanting to melt into the floor. (3.2k)
I'm (Not) a Mess - G JayRoy. Roy Harper is Neal Caffrey. He's not letting that get in the way of his relationship with his daughter. (4.7k)
Ninjas as a Catalyst - G Birdflash. Peter doesn't like to remind people of how good an investigator he is, but he can definitely connect the dots. (4k)
Double Take - G Birdflash. Several years after Neal Caffrey disappears, Peter and Elizabeth are visiting El’s cousin Wally, who is engaged to Dick Grayson. Who used to be Neal Caffrey. (1.2k)
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i'm not really that angsty a writer i think? i thought letter (dicktim, SPYRAL) had an angsty ending but i checked, and... it doesn't really lmao
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i mostly write happy endings, but my favorite one technically isn't up yet. i'm just really happy with how my joint year of the otp/year of jason and slade series is going.
Do you get hate on your fic?
luckily, i don't really!
Do you write smut?
absolutely (see above lmao)
Do you write crossovers?
i've written a lot of white collar x dc, and i've been playing with dc x marvel x percy jackson recently
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
Have you ever had a fic translated?
i had someone ask once but i don't think anything ever came of it
Have you ever co-written a fic?
i had a co-written series once
What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
right now it's 1000% dicktim! (send me a message to join an 18+ dicktim server!)
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have trouble finishing anything longer than a oneshot, they just rot in my scrivener files forever
What’s your writing strengths?
does fluff count? i like my fluff
What’s your writing weaknesses?
keeping up with things longer than 1k. also i tend to burn myself out
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'd feel more comfortable with it if i spoke the language. but i have been known to use pet names from other languages sometimes, namely Hebrew
First fandom you wrote for?
the first thing i ever wrote (in middle school) was technically percy jackson self insert. i just wanted to be friends with percy and annabeth. i still want to be friends with percy and annabeth
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
oh man. pretty much everything i write, i write for myself, so all of my works have been my favorites at one point. right now, i'm really happy with Negative and Aperature, which are a series with reverse Robins dicktim.
I tag @klarion-the-witch-boy , @the-alice-of-hearts , @ginbenci, and @bittercape
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spooky-fm · 1 year
Phantom Thief
Ao3. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8.
Part 4. Neal Caffrey … glows??
There is a moment of silence in which Peter swears he can hear his own heartbeat.
Neal takes a deep breath, clearly audible through the crack between the door and its frame and answers in that tiny nervous voice that he used earlier.
"Just. It's, it's a lot. And weird. But I promise I'm fine, and I'm going to explain everything, ok?"
Peter frowns in worry and takes a couple of steps back to give the conman some space to come out on his own.
"That's right, Neal, we promised not to freak out or jump to conclusions. Considering the last thirty minutes, I am pretty sure the explanation is going to be even more insane than your usual escapades. But we promised to hear it, all of it, remember?"
Jones makes a sound of agreement, and Diana puts her hand on her hips — one of her nervous tells.
"Your turn to rip our band-aid off, Neal," she calls out. "Whatever happened to your pretty face, I'm sure we can deal with it."
"Still technically my band-aid," Neal laughs quietly, and slowly opens the door, and oh, he really wasn't kidding about weird.
It's Neal, cannot be anyone else with that familiar shape of the nose and the cut of the eyes, the same jaw and same body type. The stance and the set of shoulders, even the clothes are all still so very Neal, but the rest...
Neal's normally blue eyes have been replaced with almost neon green, his hair is bleached white, his ears are longer and a little pointy, and his skin is several shades darker than before, in addition to being tinted green and glowing.
Neal's wide eyes dart nervously between their faces, and Peter is pretty sure that all three of them look completely gobsmacked. He feels a bit dizzy and tries to remember if he took a breath recently, but the glowing freckles on Neal's cheeks (are those constellations?) distract him from that train of thought.
As the silence stretches uncomfortably long, Neal gets more agitated, panic rising in his eyes, face closing off, conman smile automatically sliding onto his face to reveal sharp teeth (fangs, Peter thinks), shoulders deliberately loose, as if he is ready to spring into motion. Ready to run, Peter realizes, and the thought jolts his brain back to reality. He takes several shaky breaths, tries not to squirm under Neal's sudden laser focus on him, and tries to come up with something to say that won't spook Neal. He would usually channel El in situations like this one, with varying degrees of success, but for some reason his inner El is absent, and he gets inner Neal instead, of all people.
"Neal," he manages hoarsely. Hook. Neal tenses up even more, and Peter clears his throat before continuing. "Are you alright?" Line. Neal looks a little confused by the question, and opens his mouth, probably to repeat his earlier reassurance, but Peter keeps going. "It's just, you are looking a bit green around the gills." And sinker.
Three gaping faces whip towards him, and, yes, maybe the situation is serious, and maybe the joke is terrible, but the sheer confusion on their faces is so incredibly funny that Peter cannot help the grin that stretches his lips. It seems like the right course of action anyway, when Neal laughs — a little hysterically, but that is honestly understandable — and the tension bleeds out of his frame.
The sound breaks whatever spell kept them frozen in place and the two agents next to him finally close their mouths and shake themselves, adjusting their expectations of reality. Diana mutters a quiet holy shit, and Jones snorts a little helplessly in agreement. Peter smiles properly at that, certain that they will get the chance to get that explanation from Neal and that he will have time to freak out about whatever it is that the main headache of his life (now of green-eyed variety) wants to shatter about his notions of reality.
The smile dims when Neal's slightly hysterical laughter keeps going for far too long to be normal, and slides off his face completely when the laughter transforms into big gulping sobs that wrack his whole frame. He must have been quite a bit more nervous about them finding out about whatever it is that they are looking at. Or maybe he wasn't as unaffected by the kidnapping as he tried to pretend.
Peter slowly approaches Neal, making sure to stay within his line of sight and, carefully broadcasting his movements, puts a hand on his shoulder, hopefully grounding the man in reality. Neal leans into the touch, instead of shying away from it, so Peter must be doing something right.
"S-sorry," Neal whispers between heaving breaths, swiping angrily at his eyes and cheeks. Peter notes with some detached amusement that his fingernails are long and sharp, evoking an image of claws, instead of the usual immaculate manicure.
"You don't need to apologize, Caffrey," Diana says behind him. "You did nothing wrong. It's okay to be upset or overwhelmed."
Peter vaguely recalls Diana telling him about a psychology class Christie is taking to diversify her skills.
"She's right, you know," Jones adds his two cents. "We are pretty beat ourselves, and we are not the ones who were kidnapped and forced to reveal whatever this whole thing is. I'm still not sure what happened, exactly, but it's pretty clear you are freaked out about it, so it must be a big deal to you. Just let it all out." 
Peter remembers how proud he is of his team. He also remembers that he is in charge and needs to lead by example, which in this case involves providing comfort. If only it wasn't his one true weakness. He thinks frantically about what to do and finally locates his inner El.
"Neal," he asks gently, careful not to slip into his 'victim voice'. "Can I give you a hug?" There. It's not asking if he needs it, not even if he wants the hug — Peter is pretty sure that's the closest path to rejection of any comfort. But by phrasing it like a request for Peter's, not for Neal's sake, he is most likely to get an affirmative answer. Plus, Neal is used to agreeing with Peter but would have no problem saying 'no' if he truly is uncomfortable with the idea. Although, considering the way he is leaning into the hand on his shoulder, physical touch is probably not unwelcome right now. 
Neal gives a small nod, and Peter slowly closes the short distance and gathers him into a firm hug, making sure to keep it tight, but not constricting. Neal practically melts into him, and Peter gives himself a metaphorical pat on the back. 
Then he gives a real one to Neal and keeps gently rubbing up and down his upper back, his other hand bracing Neal's head on his shoulder. His hair is soft, softer than it is when Neal is — when Neal is not green-eyed and glowing (holy shit, his CI glows. what the fuck). He feels cold to the touch, and Peter remembers his earlier comment about not being sure whether the room was colder than normal. God, that feels like a lifetime ago, even though it has barely been an hour. 
Neal stops crying when Peter gets to thinking about explaining the situation to El, and stops trembling some time around when Peter is starting to consider lunch and dinner options. The conman is still slumped bonelessly against him, but his breathing has gone back to the rate that doesn't sound worrying to Peter, and he feels solid and steady under his hands. Still not warm, but considering the lack of shivering, Peter is tentatively labeling that as normal until further information is provided. For all of Peter's paternal feelings towards the conman, Neal is an adult, who does know how to take care of himself. Has, in fact, been doing that for decades, mostly on his own. The thought makes something uncomfortable clench in his chest again, and he squeezes Neal a little tighter, making the other man huff into Peter's shoulder in tired amusement.
Diana, not one for the touchy-feely displays in public, clears her throat and reminds them that the grace window which the marshalls allow them is probably not going to last for too long, especially since the office tracked Neal's location for them. Neal stiffens a little at that and gently extricates himself from Peter, who lets him go, but keeps a steadying hand on the younger man's back when he notices how shaky his legs seem to be. Neal rubs his face and shoots him a smile that has equal measures of gratitude and embarrassment. It also contains 70% more fangs than Peter is used to. 
"So," the conman says quietly, "I guess I should explain, right?" He has a bit of a lisp, on account of the fangs (fangs) in his mouth, that catch awkwardly on his lips. 
Peter looks over his team. Neal is smiling wryly and fidgeting with his cufflinks. He no longer looks like he is about to run for the hills, but some of the nervous shadows still lurk behind his (green, what the fuck) eyes. Diana seems to have collected herself, smiling her usual confident smile. Her eyes sparkle with curiosity, but she looks steady. Jones's eyes are still a bit wild around the edges, uncertainty visible in his stance. He has his hands tucked firmly in his pockets, but that's probably because, unlike Diana, he likes to get his comfort from touch and would have happily joined the hug if he had permission or an invitation. 
They don't look like they are about to explode. No impending crisis. Aside from the marshals and the anklet situation. Damn.
Peter makes an executive decision.
"First of all, where is the man who took you?"
Neal suddenly looks shifty. 
"He isn't, isn't a threat anymore, I have him, uh, captured. Oh, that sounds worse than it is. Ancients, how do I, what do I even say. Okay, right. Um, Peter, I promise I'll explain everything, but he is not a problem right now. Um. He is also too dangerous to be arrested by hu-, by the police. Please trust me on this." 
Neal is asking to trust him on many things already, so what's one more. Even if it's completely incomprehensible and possibly illegal. Peter makes another executive decision.
"Is there anything that we need to know right this second?" he asks Neal. 
The conman frowns thoughtfully and shakes his head slowly. 
"I don't think so," he mutters. "We should maybe collect the Fruitloop's things, it's really not a good idea to have them fall into the wrong hands. I can grab his stuff, while you uh..." he trails off.
Fruitloop. Sure, why not. Is that his nickname for Masters or is it someone else with an equally insane story attached. At any rate, it's a problem for future-Peter.
"While I call the marshals and inform them that I will be taking you to my place to recover from a kidnapping from one of your old enemies. I will then call Hughes and repeat the plan, explaining that I will be sending Jones and Berrigan to gather intel about the kidnapper, who seems to have taken off in an unknown direction."
Neal's mouth falls open a bit, and he swallows heavily before nodding sharply. "Technically," he smiles a little, a bit of his usual mirth returning to his eyes, "not a single word of that is a lie."
Peter returns the smile. He is fine with twisting the truth a little to protect Neal, but it's nice to know that he doesn't have to outright lie to his boss. He gives Neal's shoulder one last pat and takes out his phone to call Hughes. The marshals will be next. While the call connects he watches Neal carefully, ready to step in if he stumbles or gets shocked by the weird space tech energy. 
It seems that Jones has a similar plan, as he sticks close to Neal's side and watches him intently. He also produces a water bottle from somewhere and makes sure that the conman drinks at least half of it in small sips. Diana glances at them, looks around the hallway, pokes her head into the room that held Neal, and disappears down the corridor. She returns with a metal shopping cart that was apparently just there for some unknown reason, and Neal practically beams when he sees it. His freckles glow brighter when he smiles. What the hell. 
While Peter does some fast-talking with Hughes, Neal himself dismantles the futuristic (maybe actually possibly alien) tech with surprising efficiency. Soon, everything that distinguished this part of the building from the rest is packed neatly into the cart, and the three of them go on a hunt through the rest of the floor to make sure nothing remains behind. 
Peter has often wondered in the past what he would do in one of those hypothetical situations that can never actually happen. Like finding out magic is real or meeting an alien on Earth. When he arranges for a junior agent to drop off the replacement tracker at his house and assures Hughes that they do not need more people on the case of Neal's kidnapping, Peter discovers that the answer in the latter case is 'hide the possible alien from the government with the help of two other FBI agents'. He wonders for a moment if that means he just committed treason, and promptly stops caring about that question when he comes over to the rest of his team, where Diana is struggling with the busted front wheel on the cart full of possibly-alien tech, and Jones is carefully arranging his scarf over Neal's head to cover the most visibly strange features. 
AN: Peter just wants to get through the day. Unfortunately, the universe confronts him with moral dilemmas and ethical questions left and right. What would you do if your friend-slash-prisoner and sometimes pseudo-son turned out to (maybe) be an alien?
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elvisabutler · 2 years
i'm doing both the comfort movie thing and the 8 shows thing in one go because a lot of you tagged me but i've been a bit busy or too tired to brain what i'm saying.
so top ten comfort movies, thank you to @thatbanditqueen, @austinstyles, @ab4eva, @lindszeppelin, @headfullofpresley and @powerofelvis ( saints preserve me i think i got all of y'all )
Cinderella ( 1997 ) ( i know the technical title is much longer but we all know which one i'm talking about )
Elvis ( 2022 )
Clue ( 1985 )
The Princess and the Frog
Star Trek ( 2009 )
Star Trek Generations ( no you will not get me to explain this or why i almost put nemesis on here. )
Fight Club
Gone With the Wind ( i wished i would marry a rhett butler type and it was the first big book i read by myself and my mommy and i used to watch it together a lot on videotape )
tagging anyone who has not done this because i think everyone got tagged.
8 shows to get to know me? thank you for tags from @steph-speaks, @powerofelvis, @breadsquash
White Collar ( i used to write peter/el/neal, i respect the opinion of everyone who thinks he's their son vs they're all basically married, it's just not mine )
Sons of Anarchy
West Wing
Santa Clarita Diet
Doctor Who
Star Trek Voyager
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Gossip Girl ( the original one, not the new HBO one. )
tagging @blurredcolour, @ab4eva, @butlersxbirdy and anyone else who hasn't done this one.
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magicmattie · 2 years
Sledgehammer (1986)
music video for Peter Gabriel
directed by Stephen Johnson
animated by Peter Lord, Nick Park, Richard Goleszowski, the Brothers Quay
This music video isn't the only animated one made for Peter Gabriel, but it may be the most famous and memorable. It features a plethora of stop-motion techniques, all set up around Peter Gabriel himself who becomes a puppet in the hands of the animators. There is no use of green screen or computer editing, only trick photography and stopmotion.
The main technique in use here is pixilation, a term coined by either Norman Mclaren or Grant Munro to describe animation where a live human being is manipulated frame by frame, much like a puppet would be. Peter Gabriel spends most of this video lying down on a multiplane set, with objects animated on glass surfaces above and below him. Careful study of the videoclip reveals many interesting tricks that have been used to create special effects since the dawn of cinema- such as darkened backgrounds that conceal rigs and supports, or double exposure. Sometimes, technical 'errors' reveal the set up-for example, in the banana shot, a shadow on Gabriel's face exposes the use of forced perspective.
The animators who lent their efforts to this work created an eclectic combination of mixed media, but two shots in particular showcase their famous aesthetics.
The bumper cars show their teeth in the trademark Aardman grins:
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while the curious wooden cabinet and wandering tools are recognisable as the work of the Brothers Quay:
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There are many references to works of art in this videoclip, but my favourite is this scene towards the end, which could easily be seen as coincidence rather than homage, if one didn't expect Aardman&Quay to know their animation history:
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The furniture crowding around Peter Gabriel in this shot is definitely intended as a nod to the culminating scene of the 1908 film 'El Hotel Electrico' by Segundo de Chomón:
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themculibrary · 10 months
Fics with Two-Word Titles Masterlist 2
part one
Antique Explosion (ao3) - emma98 darcy/steve T, 3k
Summary: Bucky Barnes doesn't have a lot to laugh about. But Darcy noticed that whenever she inappropriately flirted or talked about Steve Rogers, Bucky had a little chuckle.
So she'll take one for the team and sexually harass Captain America in order to get the Winter Soldier to smile. Someone has to do it.
(Darcy flirts relentlessly and poorly with Steve until he breaks).
Balancing Instincts (ao3) - Xennie_B steve/tony T, 7k
Summary: A/B/O fic: When Steve gets hit with a weapon and its effects cause his dynamic to change, Tony is unsure how their relationship is going to continue.
Dearly Beloved (ao3) - Hollyspacey darcy/steve E, 21k
Summary: Darcy has 99 problems, and her first assignment for SHIELD is, like, 98 of them.
As if going back home to deal with all of the people who made her childhood miserable wasn't bad enough, she's also stuck in holy matrimony with a surly supersoldier who can't even deal with her under normal circumstances.
deep dive (ao3) - Deisderium steve/bucky E, 16k
Summary: In which single dad Bucky Barnes has a crush on his daughter’s dive team coach and thirsts awkwardly. That’s it, that’s the fic.
Desert Glass (ao3) - nicasio_silang howard/maria M, 4k
Summary: Her father still isn't home. Her mother is dead, but Maria has her scarlet red lipstick, and her dark, clever eyes. She's made herself a ham and cucumber sandwich; she lies on her bed and takes small bites upside-down, the fission book splayed open across her stomach. She considers the life of the spy Howard thinks she is.
Dialling Tones (ao3) - Run_Ravager_Run T, 11k
Summary: Gamora is making calls in the middle of the night, Rocket is building dangerous contraptions at the breakfast table, Drax is a terrible cook, and Peter suspects his newfound family is rupturing at the seams.
Do-Over (ao3) - gottalovev steve/tony T, 14k
Summary: Steve woke up six months ago into a future that leaves him indifferent. There is work, and not much else. His current mission is a basic search and rescue operation to retrieve an American who was kidnapped by a terrorist group ten days ago. He won’t let the fact that the hostage is Howard’s son be a distraction.
Grease-stained (ao3) - nekare pepper/tony T, 4k
Summary: This is what being Iron Man is.
Kissin’ Dynamite (ao3) - crime_fighting_spiderling pepper/tony, mj/peter G, 27k
Summary: Where Peter and his class go on a field trip to Stark Tower.
Mandatory Fun (ao3) - Neverever steve/tony T, 6k
Summary: Steve loses a bet to Tony and has to go to Las Vegas for a fun-filled vacation. Or it was fun until people started thinking that they were married.
Moonlight Serenade (ao3) - emma98 darcy/steve M, 3k
Summary: The moon is still hanging high in the sky after the Avengers beat Thanos back, and the humidity is probably just as high as that moon.
Darcy’s SWEAT is sweating, but she’s wandering in the woods anyway, when she happens upon a moonlit pond, a couple of naked people, and the perverted opportunity of a lifetime.
Moving Home (ao3) - loves_buckybarnes layla el-faouly/steven/marc E, 38k
Summary: Layla is missing living in Cairo so she asks Steven and Marc if they want to move to Cairo, her father left her the house in her name, the house she grew up in, so they decide to go visit and see if they want to live there.
No Regrets (ao3) - Heather pepper/tony M, 4k
Summary: She receives fifty text messages in under seven minutes when the bombs go off in Vienna.
Five thousand miles apart, not currently speaking, and not technically more involved than as company owner and CEO, and Pepper's still the first point of contact people think of when the world wants to know, Is Tony Stark okay?
Paris, 1956 (ao3) - Wikiaddicted723 (orphan_account) bucky/natasha E, 5k
Summary: The Algerian War spills over the streets of Paris, and the KGB's best assets have been sent to pour fuel into the fire. Posing as the ideal married couple--young, beautiful, and nauseatingly in love--the Black Widow and the Winter Soldier must prevent the Algerian Peace Envoy from ending the conflict.
Unknown and overlooked in a foreign country, away from the ever-looming threat of their handlers, they take a moment. Resume their affair.
Perfect Body (ao3) - IronShield steve/tony E, 12k
Summary: Steve Rogers is struggling with his sexual desires, he doesn't know if he should share them with anyone. One day, out of curiosity he reads some SteveXTony fanfiction and Tony wonders if the fanfic matches up the the real deal. The first chapter sets it up, chapter 2 and on will contain all the smut!
Under Stars (ao3) - vulcanscully steve/tony T, 14k
Summary: Commander Tony Stark, just kicked off the USS Expedition for mutiny, finds comfort in an ensign wandering the halls of the USS Quinjeti at 0400 hours. Southern comfort, no less.
Unusual Weather (ao3) - novembersmith steve/bucky E, 8k
Summary: Bucky’s been at the Avengers Tower for three weeks before he finally gives in to Steve’s gentle coaxing and Stark’s cheerful waving of fistfuls of circuits, and lets them scan the arm.
It doesn’t go well.
Urgent Care (ao3) - Jo (jmathieson) clint/phil E, 45k
Summary: When a gorgeous young paramedic named Clint Barton walks into Dr. Phil Coulson's ER, both of their lives get a lot more complicated.
wild creature/s (ao3) - anomalocaris M, 13k
Summary: “You got no idea, buddy,” Bucky said; laughed rueful and short. “I’m a goddamned animal. They ought ‘a put me down.”
“Are you,” said the man.
Winter Undone (ao3) - DCAngst steve/bucky T, 74k
Summary: What if, after the Endgame battle, Dr. Strange used the time stone to save Tony and undo 80 years of Hydra for Bucky? In other words, 1945 Bucky ends up in 2023 and has to come to terms with…a lot.
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