#it’s this specific instance that really grates me
fellhellion · 5 months
Granted, I’m only just past Ann’s awakening in my replay so there’s a decent chance for me to change my mind but man. Ryuji ogling Ann’s costume feels so much worse tonal dissonance to me than Junpei and Yosuke’s casual misogyny because it comes straight off the heels of him raging at Kamoshida being the catalyst for Shiho’s attempted suicide and Ann’s own violent rejection of Kamoshida’s predation upon herself.
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thewingedwolf · 2 years
had a book club with my friends and i had a criticism of the book that the main character is biracial and she slots into a lot of tropes i see a lot - they’re always disconnected from the “of color” part of their heritage, always strained with the grandparents bc they don’t connect culturally except they’re almost always close with the white part of their family, always part white in general, always have a shitty friend who gives you that “i don’t see you as x” thing and i just wish mixed characters can be allowed to tell another story besides this one but all my friends were sort of blank faced like they had no idea what i was talking about like i felt insane aksksj i’m definitely very critical of YA bc i cannot ~relate to it anymore but it was A Moment
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maibeenot · 1 month
Last one about TUA season 4, for now.
(I talked about this in the tags of one of my RBs before but I wanted to elaborate)
I don't like how they keep trying to make Five a badass.
I find it especially frustrating as doing this constantly, bogs down any form of character development we could've had from Five.
For whatever reason, the writers seem to be allergic to acknowledging Five's biggest character flaw, his arrogance. Five always has to be right. He always has to be capable of everything and never needs any help. Despite the fact that Diego also has a very similar flaw (and is punished for it consistently), Five's seems to go completely untouched.
(A part of me thinks that the reason why they punish Diego so much more is because he comes off as the hot-headed impulsive one. While that's true, it certainly doesn't negate Five's ability to make mistakes or be incompetent)
Instead, they keep trying to invent a new flaw for Five in that; he is obsessed with the apocalypse. In reality, he's not obsessed with the apocalypse. He's obsessed with keeping his family safe. It just so happens that their most immediate threat (in his eyes) tends to be the apocalypse. (I really don't understand what they're trying to get at with this, especially considering the fact that he already has an extremely apparent flaw)
While this isn't an issue I take with season 4 specifically, it has definitely amplified this issue like crazy. Five's arrogance is vaguely addressed by his siblings in season 1, but it never seems to get him in trouble? Or at least he doesn't seem to have learned from it (except for the time-travelling thing from when he was 13, and when he bled out also in season 1)
Season 1 (and 2) handled it the best out of the four. Five never seems to ask for or accept help unless backed into a corner (telling Viktor about the apocalypse, asking Klaus to help him get the prosthetic eye). Or if he is literally incoherent or unconscious (him passing out from blood loss, him being drunk and telling Diego and Luther about what's happening).
And outside of that, Five's arrogance still had brutal consequences within this season (him not noticing Viktor's declining mental state because he was so sure about the apocalypse (but this was partially because this man tunnel-visions like crazy)).
(there are probably more instances of this with s1 & 2, i just can't think of them off the top of my head so tag them if you'd like)
Season 4 is extra mean with this. From the 'Five getting to work for the CIA at 19' to 'Five randomly figuring out what's causing the end of the world with a bunch of other Five's' while he was off moping.
And when he does make mistakes, it's not because he's actually not capable of everything and anything.
Noooo, Ben really really sneakily stole the marigold and spiked the sake. Five couldn't have possibly noticed. (and none of the other siblings for that matter)
Noooo, it's because Luther is actually super smart in figuring out that Five's boss is a Keeper (no shade to Luther btw, I like him. They just don't treat this moment as Five being a complete dumbass).
Oh no! Five (and Lila) can't figure out a way back from the metro! Never mind, another Five managed it.
Five being a homewrecker? That's him being an asshole, not incompetent so it doesn't count (lighthearted).
Five's arrogance one of his defining flaws, yet it's not really challenged. The fact that he gets away with a lot of bullshit is simply because he can! When he doesn't face failure, he doesn't find growth. He doesn't learn to stop being self-destructive just because he thinks he can do anything. He doesn't learn to reach out.
This stunt in growth is obviously not only present in Five but also everyone else. I just find his to be particularly grating since he's my favorite.
Feel free to add your thoughts to this, not just about Five's fucked up character growth but everyone else's too!
(I'll make long a ass post/video essay going into detail about all of them one of these days)
I'd love to read them :)
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historicalbeauties · 4 months
Amy Appelhans Gubser could see the Farallon Islands from her house on clear days, and would always joke with her husband that she could swim there.
5 years ago, the nurse and grandmother who lives in Pacifica started to work on this crazy idea. Gubser sought out open-water swimming mentors for guidance and even got resources through the Marathon Swimming Federation, yet things never lined up until this year.
On May 11, in 17 hours, 3 minutes, she finally made her vision come true and completed the 29.6-mile swim from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Farallon Islands.
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Gubser has been around the ocean since she was 10 years old. She became an ocean lifeguard in high school and college, and also swam at the University of Michigan, yet after graduation didn’t get back into the water for 24 years.
When Gubser finally did return, she was doing more open-water swimming, for instance, swims across Lake Tahoe and Monterey Bay. The woman would always see the Farallon Islands from her house and would dream about one day swimming there.
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The outbound route to the Farallon Islands is known for going against the currents, and only 5 people had previously completed the trek in the inbound direction, from the Farallons to the Golden Gate. According to the Marathon Swimmers Foundation, Gubser is the only one to complete that specific route without a wetsuit. Before her, two men successfully completed the swim in 2014, and there were also 3 recorded failures between 2012 and 2015.
The location is also known for white sharks. “The elephant in the room is white sharks, and they were in the back of my mind at all times during the swim. We didn’t take the shark thing lightly – I had a savvy crew that kept watch for them from a boat and kayak. They were ready to jump into the water to help me if I needed, but we had no shark sightings the whole time,” said Gubser. Fortunately, during the journey, she encountered several seals yet no sharks.
Another obstacle was the water temperature. She had trained to swim in cold water, but the water got as cold as 46 degrees Fahrenheit that day and it was something the woman didn’t expect and wasn’t ready for. A wetsuit probably would have helped here, but no matter the warmth and added buoyancy, she wasn’t wearing it.
“Wetsuits are a great piece of equipment, especially for people that are starting out in open water. But I follow the Marathon Swim Federation rules and the open water swim world rules that, for the last 150 years, have been the same. Which is a swimsuit, a cap, some form of goggles, earplugs and a nose clip,” explained Gubser. “When you wear a wetsuit your skin rubs against the material, and the last thing that I really wanted was for my skin to bleed near a shark island.”
The 55-year-old grandmother of two with a third on the way was very happy about her accomplishment when, no matter all the challenges, including intense fog in the Pacific Ocean all along the way, she finally reached the Farallon Islands at around 8:30 p.m. that night.
“For 17 hours, I had no idea where I was, what was going on. I had a thought bubble around me that only allowed us to see 100 meters in any direction. I went into a meditative state. There were some 30-minute time intervals that passed very quickly. Others seemed like they were 300 hours,” she explained.
“My whole family is so relieved, because I have been talking about this thing for five years, and my husband will be the first to tell you he’s just grateful it’s done,” shared Gubser. “I hope this story inspires somebody to not be challenged by a number [like] their age or their weight. I mean, all of my body got me across that. That’s pretty impressive.”
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yoitsjay · 3 months
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Hands On (MDNI 18+)
Pairings: Tech x Fem!reader
Summary: Tech can't keep his eyes off you, so you decide he needs to give you some private demonstrations of why.
Warnings: unprotected sex (p in v), rough ish smut, porn with a loose plot, Tech jealousy, cream pie, pussay eating, squirting.
Word count: 3,176
You had a special affinity for ships, and metal parts which was rare for the Jedi, but even though you were a good fighter, you typically busied yourself underneath a ship’s console amidst the wiring. It wasn't hidden that the jedi thought you were… strange, but you didn’t really care what they thought, you just fixed ships and even modified them.
You had been fighting with the 501st since you first became a jedi knight, but the council had decided that three jedi for one battalion was too much, so they placed you with a different squad.
That’s how you ended up with Clone Force 99, your newfound family who were oh so grateful for your mechanical skills, repairs on the marauder went ten times faster with you on board, and you created some pretty special bonds with each of the men on board.
You and Tech have an especially unique bond, both very smart when it comes to useless information on subjects the other bad batchers didn’t need to know. But you and Tech often had some very thoughtful conversations about which jedi was more likely to trip in battle, or about mechanical parts on ships and speeders.
You ended up becoming a permanent part of their unit after a year, and because of that connection you had between the 501st and the bad batch, it opened up some teamwork opportunities. Like today for instance.
Captain Rex had commed you, and requested your presence specifically on the planet of Aeos Prime which was under attack by separatists, and had requested aid from the republic. But the separatists apparently had a new cannon that could disable ships and speeders, and so they needed you to come fix the speeders and teach some of the clones what to do in case it happened again.
So that brought you to now, helping Tech pilot the MArauder as it was shot down from the sky by one of those cannons. “It's gonna be a bumpy landing!” You called out to the boys behind you as you and tech pulled the steering controls upward to try and glide over the water to reach the island that the 501st was beached on.
The Marauder shook violently, but with a press of a button and pull of a lever you momentarily restored power and tech was able to somewhat land the ship before power was lost again. But you were on ground and that's all that mattered.
You stood up, grabbing your large tool box as you grinned at Tech. “I’m going to go help the regs if you wanna start getting the ship back online.” You suggested, and when he nodded you walked off the ship, jumping off the ramp since the ship was at an angle and the ramp was more up than it was down.
A couple clones were already waiting, clones you recognized as Kix and Jesse. “Hey boys! called for a pick me up?” You joked as you reached them, letting out a happy squeal when Jesse ruffled your hair which was currently down instead of up in a braid or ponytail.
Tech noticed the way you immediately got comfortable with the other clones, and something sparked inside his chest, foreign and uncomfortable… He sighed, and turned away as he pried off a panel on the outside of the panel, and got to work like you suggested.
Soon you were with the majority of the 501st and they all greeted you with hugs and smiles. Anakin and Ahsoka were there as well and waved quickly before going over whatever plans they needed. Jesse and Kix lead you to a group of speeders, and to fives who is trying his best to rewire one of the speeders but is failing miserably. “Your wires are too messy, and you're touching the wrong colours together.” your voice carried out, and Fives sat up immediately to greet you, only for him to smash his head into the bottom of the speeder.
He grunted, but sat up regardless, grinning at you. “Hey, it's my favorite jedi!” He exclaimed, standing up to pull you into a tight hug which you happily reciprocated, pulling away to fix your glasses with a grin.
When you worked alongside the 501st fives always flirted with you, and it was cute but you know it would never go past flirting, as much as he tried you always turned him down. “Hey fives, Rex said you needed my help, so i'll show you how to rewire the speeders and then you can do it on your own!” You explained happily, setting your toolbox down as you knelt down, Fives following your lead.
You started instructing fives, and a few shiny clones on how to rewire the speeders, and once you fixed one, fives booted it up, and it worked, revving into action with no issue. “Ta da!” You exclaimed and made your way to another speeder that a shiny seemed to be struggling with. And with some gentle instruction he managed to get his speeder started too.
Fives whistled in appreciation, standing by your side as he flashed you a grin, and you knew what that meant. “No fives, I'm not getting drinks at 79’s with you.” You huffed, rolling your eyes and adjusting your glasses as he huffed. “No fun… but uh listen- i could use some more help on this speeder, i don't think i did it correctly.” He spoke, a sly tone lacing his words.
You raised an eyebrow but followed him regardless. By now the heat of the sun had started affecting you so you unzipped the top part of your coveralls, and wrapped the arms around your waist which left you in your spaghetti strap tank top, and you were already sweating through that too.
regardless you worked through the heat, showing fives how to rewire the speeder again for the upteenth time. In the meantime, Tech had almost finished with the ship, his brothers were off talking with Rex and Anakin so he decided to take a small break to go find you.
You were by the speeders still, but as Tech approached he noticed Fives extremely close to you, his hand resting on the small of your back as you instructed him, that focused look that Tech loved sprawled across your face, sweat dripping down your brow. He saw you adjust your glasses again, and then wipe the sweat off your face.
As he got closer, he heard Fives follow your instruction to the letter, and then grin at you with a mischievous look in his eyes when he asked what was next. Tech then stepped forward, the flash of his armor catching your attention. You moved away from fives, and Tech noticed the frown on his lips when you moved to Tech.
“Hey honey, are you done with the ship already?” You asked, but Tech should his head. “No, I am doing what you advised and I am taking a designated pause in my work.” He replied, almost melting when he heard the giggle that left your lips, and the sweat that dripped down past them. “Cool, maybe you can tell fives that he doesn't need my help and that he can start teaching the shinies what to do.” You joked, nudging Fives with your hand.
“Hm, if she says your work is adequate then i believe her, best let her fix the rest of the vessels.” Tech stated, tapping on his datapad before hearing fives scoff. “I mean I could totally get something wrong in the wiring, it's best if Y/n just shows me one more time, right?” Fives asked you.
You huffed, and opened your mouth to speak, only for Tech to speak up before you could. “Do you even know how to take what you’ve learned and apply it to your work, reg? At least I know what a regulator is on an A9-51 spacecraft.” Tech snarked, and you turned to look at him with slightly widened eyes. an A9-51 was your favorite type of ship and how he knew that caught you off guard since you never told anyone.
He could have guessed… but that’s such an intricate ship to guess… It kind of made your heart flutter, knowing that he knew about such intricate work…
You snapped back to the conversation when fives finished replying with something snarky, mentioning something about a repulser core which had nothing to do with spaceships or speeders. You scrunched up your nose slightly, crossing your arms over your chest as they bickered back and forth about ship parts and weapon parts before you finally spoke up.
“Okay boys settle down, there's only one of me.” You joked and gently placed your hand on Tech’s shoulder, biting down on your bottom lip as you thought of what to say before turning to look at Fives. “You’ve got the speeder's fives, you don’t need my help.” you stated, looking at Tech. “I could use your help though.” You added, your eyes meeting his for a moment.
God you felt dirty looking at Tech this way, seeing the sweat drip down his face and neck before disappearing under his armor.. you wanted to see what was underneath that armor…
you exhaled, and glanced back at the bigger ships before you flagged over a shiny trooper. “start on rewiring the ships, here's a little guide for you to follow.” You explained, handing the trooper a hastily scribbled post it note on what wires to touch together and what not to touch. It was simple, nothing crazy. But once the trooper walked away you basically curled your fingers around the top part of Tech’s chestplate, and started dragging him behind you as you headed to the Marauder.
“Are you okay Y/n?” Tech asked as you climbed on board before you closed the ramp and marauder doors, leading him to the empty cockpit. “Tech, I think you need to demonstrate how to undo the bundle of wires in the Extrapolator core.” You whined out, his eyes widening as it clicked in his mind what exactly you meant. He gulped, and made sure the cockpit doors were locked as he removed parts of his armor.
“I can definitely give you a much needed demonstration, darling.” Tech nearly purred, eyes widening as you pulled off your coveralls, leaving you in tight black workout shorts and your tank top. He hastily ridded himself of the rest of his armor just as you started pulling off the last thin layer of clothes.
“Oh my-” Tech choked out once your tank top was removed, and a perfect perky set of tits popped out from underneath as he quickly realized you were wearing no bra. “kriff-” Tech cursed, gawking at your lavish thighs, and muscular shoulders. You were not thin, or tiny like a lot of the women in brothels or bars that tried to flirt with his brothers, no you were full, and strong and that's another thing he fell in love with.
You approached him, now completely naked in front of him. He felt your fingers yank at the hem of his blacks, and he aided you in pulling them off, his skin tingling everywhere you touched him, starting from his shoulders and down to his chest, before traveling even lower now.
A gasp suddenly fell from your lips as you felt Tech’s fingers make contact with your clit, your legs trembled but Tech was quick to swoop you up and place you down on the center console. He lowered himself on his knees in front of you, sliding his hands up and down your thighs as he started placing small kisses closer and closer to your dripping cunt.
“I have done much research on this subject.” he kissed a different part of your inner thighs with every word he spoke, a gasp leaving your lips as his nose just barely brushed against your clit. “I hypothesize that you will enjoy this experience, and I will make you- what women call- squirt.” He spoke bluntly, but said nothing else as he moved in and wrapped his lips around your clit.
Whatever you were going to say was cut off by the sensation, and you automatically closed your thighs around his head for a moment, grinding into his face before he managed to pry your thighs open, and get a better angle. “Fuck- Tech-” You whined out, sliding one of your hands to his hair as he glanced up at you.
Another moan fell from your lips as his ungloved fingers started circling your entrance, gathering up your fluids on his fingers before he gently slid one finger inside you, a sharp gasp leaving your lips as you tensed up. “Wait-” You choked out, and tech paused, pulling his head back as he looked up at you, panting slightly.
He removed his finger, and you whined but said nothing, looking almost embarrassed. “Darling? what’s the matter?” He asked, gently squeezing your thighs. “I- im…” You trailed off, biting down on your lower lip before blurting it out. “I’m a virgin… so be gentle please.” You muttered to him. Buttech looked unphased.
“Do not worry Cyar’ika, I'll take care of you.” He muttered, placing a kiss to your thigh which helped relax you. Your eyes fluttered closed for a moment, only to shoot open when tech’s mouth attached to your pussy again, and his finger gently slid back inside, unmoving for a couple seconds before he started pumping it in and out, stretching you before he added in a second finger.
A louder moan left your lips now, and you tried to cover your mouth but Tech’s spare hand had reached out and grabbed your wrist, silently encouraging you to be as vocal as you wanted.
He continued to flick his tongue over your clit and suck at your folds while pumping his fingers inside you, and you could feel something start to wind up in your lower belly, your moans becoming desperate whimpers as you tighten your grip on his hair. “Please-” You choked out, but you didn’t even know what you were begging for.
Tech seemed to get the idea however, as his fingers curled up and brushed against your g-spot, a shrill moan mixed in with a soft scream leaving your lips as you came. But you didn’t just cum, Tech had made you squirt like he said he would, and you got it all over his face.
You gawked at him, your juices dripping down his face and his chest as he pulled back to admire you, allowing his thumb to brush against your clit which made you jolt in surprise, still recovering from the first orgasm.
Tech somehow managed to find a clean cloth which he used to wipe off his goggles and face, tossing it to the side as he stared at you hungrily, pulling down the bottom half of his blacks followed by his briefs. Your eyes widened as you looked at his cock, he was thick, not long but not short either, and the tip was flushed bright pink with a bit of pre-cum leaking from it.
You licked your lips, nodding to him. “Yes- Fuck me Tech.” You begged softly, spreading your legs a bit wider, hearing him grunt in response as he walked towards you, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. His hands traveled around your body, one hand reaching between you, squeezing one of your breasts while the other rested on your waist for only a moment before he reached down to guide his cock to your entrance.
You felt the tip press against you and a soft whimper was felt against Tech’s lips, he pulled back slightly, and started trailing his kisses down your cheek and to your jaw and neck, where he started sucking marks into your skin. “Relax Cyare… I've got you.” Tech muttered into your skin, and every so slowly he pushed himself into you, reveling in the soft gasps and moans that fell from your lips as you muttered soft praises to him until he had bottomed out inside of you.
You both stayed like that for a moment, just relaxing in each other's arms until you gave him the go ahead. “Fuck me Tech, make me yours.” You whispered, feeling him pull out, only to thrust back in, catching you off guard.
“You were mine the moment your clothes were off Mesh’la” He grunted, and continued thrusting into you, gripping your thighs and your breasts before his lips landed back on yours, swallowing all the moans that tumbled from your mouth.
Your hands were on Tech’s back, scratching up a storm on his skin, digging your nails into him every time his tip nudged against your cervix or your g-spot. You were starting to get close again, and you assumed Tech was too, with the way his thrusts were progressively getting harder and sloppier.
Tech groaned against your breasts, lifting his head up so he could admire the expressions on your face. “Tell me to pull out-” He grunted, but you simply shook your head. “Protection?” He asked, and again you shook your head, before whispering. “Cum inside me honey.” You whimpered, feeling him pause for a moment.
You were out to say something, until Tech had lifted you off the console and pressed you against the cold metal door of the Marauder instead and just pounded into you, your moans filling the room until a pleasured scream broke through as he came inside you, his hot cum filling you at the same time your orgasm had barreled through you.
You held each other for a long few minutes before tech gently set you on one of the chairs and pulled out, watching as his cum leaked from your sopping wet cunt, which fluttered now that it was exposed to the cold air. Tech grunted, and grabbed that cloth from earlier, pressing a kiss to your temple as he gently cleaned the juices and cum from the both of you.
After a few more minutes the both of you were back in your under clothes, and tech had moved you so you were sitting on his lap in the pilot's chair. You rested your head in the crook of his neck, letting your eyes stay closed as he held you. “Did you… enjoy it?” Tech asked, catching your attention. You grinned, cupping his cheek in your hand.
“You made me cum twice Tech, of course i enjoyed it.” You giggled, pressing a kiss to his lips, and then to his nose. “We should shower.. and probably get back to work.” You muttered, and slowly stood up. Tech’s hands stayed on your hips for a moment as your legs wobbled, but you quickly gained your balance and gathered your clothes, opening the cockpit door so you could head to the fresher.
You turned back to Tech, smiling coyly. “Coming?” You asked, and Tech gulped.
Yeah you wouldn’t be leaving the Marauder anytime soon.
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cafejulii · 2 months
Truly one of the most amazing things I have come to discover during the reemergence of my hunter x hunter hyperfixation is the entirety of Leokuraudio. The events/punchlines that occur in them are so baffling to me in the best way possible.
For instance, what on earth do you mean that the creators of hxh 1999 decided to make a spin-off audio series that begins by introducing Leorio as an old man, and his grandson? The grandson finds a discarded set of audio tapes. When he confronts Leorio about what they are, he is hit by a massive wave of nostalgia, and tells his grandchild about how they were a podcast series he made back in the day while traveling the world, with, in his own words, his "very best friend" (Kurapika). They then begin to listen to the tapes, which is how we get the whole story.
What on earth do you mean there is an episode where Kurapika goes in a time machine to met Grandpa Leorio? Only, after he is done and decides to return back to the present, the machine is malfunctions and standing before him is Leorio as a toddler. He repeatedly begins to insist that Kurapika is a woman to which Kurapika is so annoyed by that he ends up yelling at a literal child. (By the way, Toddler Leorio still has the voice of a fully grown man as he continues to insult Kurapika.)
What on earth do you mean that are multiple episodes revolving around a robot that Leorio had built to perfectly resemble Kurapika? He had attempted to use it for cleaning and to take care of him while he was sick, only, Kurapika-robo starts to malfunction at the very mention of a spider's web and begins to repeatedly scream "chain" as it pelts Leorio with an actual chain. (Gon and Killua are even aware of the robot's existence while Kurapika himself remains oblivious of the whole charade until one of the very last episodes, where he walks in, shocked to find his mechanical evil twin. Leorio's only reaction to being caught is to exclaim "Ah the real one!!")
Speaking of Leorio, what on earth do you mean these audios consist of episodes of Leorio falling off Heaven's Arena, Leorio almost dying in an avalanche, Leorio getting lost in space....? (In short, Leorio goes through a lot but he has plot armor and Kurapika's assistance so it’s ok.)
And speaking of Kurapika, what on earth do you mean Leokuraudio has one of the most stoic characters within the entire series actually end up giving in to his phenomenal sense of humor? They really had him interrupting Leorio just to scream "that was ball!" in response to his attempted english pronunciations. There are so many more instances in which he does sassy shit like this too.
What on earth do you mean that each episode has unique, overly dramatic introduction for both Kurapika and Leorio? (There was one that specifically introduced Kurapika as the "sort of guy that when dressed as a woman gets hit on by other guys" and Leorio as "the sort of guy that when dressed as a woman gets arrested.")
What on earth do you mean that the entire comedic punchline of the "moody" audios is that they are essentially just clean parodies sensual/erotic audios from the 90’s? (described as "echi echi" by the two of them). Hearing the both of them say “soooo moody” to one another over and over again in the most suggestive voice ever was just....an experience to say the least. I truly cannot fathom how Togashi allowed these audios to air, yet, I am so grateful he did.
But it's also just mainly so fun to watch Kurapika and Leorio not be in a constant crisis and just have strings of conversation that are genuinely very sweet at times. I could go on and on, but for the sake of the length of this post, in conclusion, everything about Leokuraudio is just so utterly surreal yet so insanely hilarious. I couldn’t recommend it more.
@nanacriedpower this one is for u
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courtforshort15 · 2 years
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Fever Dream
Pairing: Matt Murdock x GN Reader
Word Count: 3,100
Summary: You feel like utter death. Good thing you have a boyfriend whose mother-hen tendencies mean he’s the best at taking care of you.
Trigger warnings: None. Just my self-indulgent imagination of Matt taking care of me while I’m sick.
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The sneeze you let out at seven in the morning is almost embarrassingly loud.
It wracks your entire body, the force of it causing you to jerk in your bed, and you barely have time to cover your nose with a tissue. Cringing, you blow your nose before tossing the tissue into the trashcan you’ve moved next to your bed, no longer having the energy to get up and walk each individual one over. 
The feeling of sick came on so unexpectedly and savagely that you didn’t have time to make a grocery trip to grab any medicine, and you were currently stuck using almost-expired Benadryl for the congestion and a nearly empty bottle of ibuprofen for your headache and sore throat. 
Seriously, you were mostly fine last night. Maybe a little stuffy, but nothing close to this. 
With a loud groan, you call your boss on her cell phone to let her know that you won’t be in today, and the raspy tone in your voice paired with the sound of a stuffy nose was enough for her to tell you to take the rest of the week off. 
“No, really, please don’t come in,” she tells you, and you can practically feel the way she’s shuddering on the other side of the line. You’ve worked with her long enough to know she’s a major germaphobe, and she’d rather miss a soft deadline by a day or two than have you anywhere near her. You’re not above using that to your advantage, and have done so in the past, especially in instances when you need an excuse to stay with Matt when he’s recovering from a night that’s rougher than usual. 
“I am willing to bribe you to make sure you stay home. I will send you all the soup you need if you just stay away.”
“You got it boss lady,” you somehow manage to croak out, cringing at both the pain and the way you sound. “I’ll see you Monday.” With a sigh, you hang up with her, grateful for a large balance of PTO, and fully planning on taking her up on the soup once you have an appetite. She’ll splurge on good stuff, too.
Matt is next. Instead of calling him, you send him a quick text, knowing he’s likely already at the courthouse for the morning, and you’re unwilling to interrupt him at work. He’s less likely to check a message than take a phone call, for obvious reasons, so it's easier to escape the laser focus of his concern for just a few extra hours. Typing out the message, you let him know you’re not feeling well and unable to meet him for lunch, as you usually do on Wednesdays. Knowing him, he’ll call you the second he’s on recess, and will likely end up swinging by this evening anyway.
With a loud exhale that causes your throat to burn and offers an abrupt coughing fit, you lay back down against the pillows, and pass out.
You wake up to the sound of someone pounding on your door, and it startles you enough that you nearly roll out of bed. 
It takes you a few moments to get your bearings, grimacing at the way your body feels worse than when you’d fallen asleep, and you mentally curse the person interrupting your rest. It’s probably your obnoxious landlord who finds random excuses to check-in on you, much to your annoyance and Matt’s suspicion, but the man is harmless, guilty of nothing other than using far too much cologne to cover up the stale smell of body odor and of cigarettes. 
You’d roll your eyes if the idea of the simple motion didn’t sound so painful. 
If you weren’t already certain about having been knocked on your ass by the flu, specifically, there’s no doubt in your mind now. A throbbing headache. A throat that feels like it was being torn apart with glass. Congestion. It was all there, and all you want to do is pass out until you feel better.
The pounding on the door continues, combined with an extremely muffled voice, and deciding your body is too sore and too sick to get up, you roll back over in bed, burying your face under a pillow to drown out the noise. Another coughing fit hits you unexpectedly, and your body spasms with the force of your lungs revolting against you. When you’re done, you vaguely pick up on the silence when the pounding abruptly stops, and you sigh, grateful for the quiet once more.
Neil has given up, it seems, but you’re still bitter that your sleep has been interrupted, and the idea of sending the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen to rattle his fire escape at 1am has never felt so appealing.
You’re just about to drift off into sleep again when, not even five minutes later, the sound of your window being opened from the outside shatters the blessed silence once more.
Guess that answers the question of who had been pounding on your door. You mentally apologize to Neil.
“Sweetheart?” His voice is quiet as he steps into your room, and you don’t need eyes to know the way he’s probably wrinkling his nose at the smell of sickness that’s wafting inside the cramped space. His sense of smell is so sensitive, and you definitely don’t envy him for it. You can only imagine how your sweat-damp skin smells, or the mouth that had only experienced half of the recommended amount of teeth brushing this morning, too weak to remain standing for long.
Nose wrinkling, you cringe on his behalf.
You feel him settle on the edge of your bed behind you, hand immediately reaching out to rub your back, and your body can’t help but instinctively arch into his touch, despite the fact that you feel like death. He trails his fingers up to the back of your neck, the touch soothing and offering comfort in a way only he can. His skin on yours is the most natural feeling in the world. 
“Not feeling well, sweetheart?”
You shake your head miserably, a full body shiver shaking you all the way down to your toes, before coughing into your pillow, too sick to bother covering your mouth and trusting the pillowcase to stop the spray.
Matt’s hand gently pulls you over with a light hand on your shoulder until you’re laying on your back, and he makes sure to adjust the blankets around you so that no warmth seeps out from underneath the covers. Your eyes remain tightly shut, unwilling to subject yourself to the bright light of your bedroom. Your head is pounding, borderline migraine material, and even the thought of sunshine makes it throb. “Just a cold?”
Shaking your head again, you open your mouth to answer. “I think it’s the flu.” Your voice is barely more than a whisper, your throat too sore to get much else out. He makes a sympathetic noise in the back of his throat. If there’s anyone who understands the feeling of your entire body being sore and in pain, it’s him.
The man, even while he runs himself ragged, hardly ever gets sick. He averages four hours of sleep a night, ends his evenings with grazes and cuts that are likely full of all the various types of bacteria known to man, drinks way less water than he should, and he still remains relatively healthy.
Maybe it’s a good thing, though, you think wryly. He’d either be the worst case of man-flu you’ve ever seen, or he would end up in a ditch somewhere, out patrolling while delirious with a fever. Your man is a hot mess on a good day, and you can’t imagine adding sickness to the foray.
You feel him lay his hand softly on your forehead, and you shudder at how cold it feels in comparison to your warm skin. Your fever must have returned with a vengeance, and you acknowledge it with a barely restrained groan. 
“You feel pretty warm,” he tells you, his voice quiet and one of concern. You appreciate that he’s using a gentle tone that is kind on your ears, not wanting to add anything loud and overwhelming less it makes the headache worse. “Have you taken anything?”
“Ibuprofen when I woke up.” Finally opening your eyes, you blearily watch as he frowns, red lips tilted down at the corners. His hand is still on your forehead, but he moves it to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.
“When did you wake up?”
“Seven, I think.”
He sighs, moving his hand so that it rests on your cheek. “Sweetheart, that was almost six hours ago. Have you been asleep this whole time?”
“I think so,” you whisper, watching as he shrugs his suit jacket off. He tosses it on the chair that’s in the corner of the room, face still tilted towards yours. You always seem to be his sole focus when he’s around you, and it never fails to make your heart stutter. “I fell asleep after I texted you.”
Matt leans over to place his glasses on your bedside table before he returns back to you, his face one of confusion, and his eyes looking more hazel than normal in the sunlight as they roam blindly over your form. “You didn’t text me.”
Your own eyes briefly flutter close again, even as hard as you try to keep them open. You reach up and pull his hand away from your face so that you can lace your fingers with his. His hand squeezes yours gently. “Yeah I did. I told you I wasn’t going to make lunch today.”
“I didn’t get a text from you,” he reiterates with a calm shake of his head. “I’ve been calling you for the past hour when you didn’t show up.”
“But I–” Eyes opening again, you move to sit up, but he pushes you gently back down. Your neck and shoulders immediately relax back into your pillow with a sigh. “Can you hand me my phone?”
Matt grabs your phone from where it had apparently been resting by your knee and places it into your outstretched hand without a word. His hand goes back to your cheek so that can resume rubbing his thumb over your cheekbone, and it takes great effort to not fall back to sleep and close your eyes again. Fingers weak with sickness, you press in your fingerprint to unlock your phone, noticing immediately the several calls, texts and voicemails, most of them from him but a few from Karen, too. You grimace at the obvious display of his concern, knowing the level of anxiety that had likely popped up when you didn't answer any of the calls.
No wonder he had been pounding on your door. 
You open up your chat with him, wincing when you see what had happened. “I never hit send,” you tell him with a whisper, throat still rebelling against the words forcing themselves out of your throat. “I’m sorry, Matt. I really did mean to text you. I was pretty out of it.”
He leans down and presses a kiss into your forehead. His stubble briefly rasps against your skin, and you can’t help but want to lean into it, even while the texture feels scratchy on skin that seems to be more sensitive than usual. “It’s alright, sweetheart. I’m just glad you’re okay.”
You snort softly, unable to help yourself. “If you call feeling like I’m dying okay, then sure. I’m okay.”
Matt makes another sympathetic sound in the back of his throat, hand still softly rubbing your cheek. You shift in your bed, trying to burrow yourself further into the covers. He pulls the blankets tighter around you, helping them settle up around your neck. “I’m going to grab Tylenol to help bring your fever down.”
You cringe, and Matt’s brow furrows, indicating he’s caught onto the brief twitch of your face. “I don’t have any.”
“You don’t have any Tylenol?”
You cough again, this time covering your mouth to avoid coughing in his face. He doesn’t shift away from you as you do, just continues to keep his face near yours so that you don’t have to strain your voice to speak to him. “No,” you manage to rasp out when you’re done. “I’m out.”
He groans suddenly. “I depleted your stash last week, didn’t I?”
The same memory that had apparently hit him hits you a second later, the image of him holding a bloody rag to his shoulder that had taken a heavy hit flitting through your head briefly. You’d given him the last two tablets in the bottle as his lips twisted into a wry grin, promising to buy you a new bottle. You’d asked him to promise to avoid getting hit so frequently instead, the grin on your face just as dry and fond.  “I– yeah, I think so.”
“I’m sorry, love. I meant to grab more for you.”
You twist your head to cover another cough. “It’s fine, I forgot about grabbing some, too.”
“Do you have Ibuprofen?” he asks as he runs a hand through his hair, still looking somewhat frustrated at himself as he shifts slightly on your bed.
“Not much, but yeah,” you say with a wince. “That bottle’s almost empty, too.”
“How about any cold medicine? Decongestants? Something for your cough?”
“No,” you reply with another grimace. To his credit, he doesn’t twist his face into the disbelief he’s surely feeling, both at himself and at you. His eye twitches, though.
“How are you out of that, too?”
“Judgmental, much?” you ask with a grin that’s far too humorous for the situation and the way everything seems to hurt, including the muscles in your face. “I wasn’t exactly planning to get this sick.”
“You should have–”
“Don’t be such a hypocrite, Matthew.”
He sighs, hand darting up to run a quick hand down his face, attempting to hide a smile that relays a level of exasperation. “What do you have, then?”
“Just Benadryl…that’s almost expired.”
Matt lets loose another loud exhale and slowly lifts his head to face the ceiling as if sarcastically thanking the universe for letting him fall for someone who seems to be so bad at taking care of themselves. You’d laugh if it wouldn’t lead to a loud coughing fit. 
Pot. Kettle.
“Okay, I’m going to call Karen to see if she can bring some stuff by.”
“I don't–”
He's shaking his head before you even finish your objection. “Sweetheart, you’re so congested you can’t breathe out of your nose, and you've got a 101 degree fever. You need to take something," he tells you, and you know there’s no arguing against this man once he’s set his mind to something.
“How would you know my fever is that high?” Matt gives you the flattest look you’ve ever seen. “Okay, stupid question.”
“Just close your eyes,” he says, leaning down to kiss your forehead again. “I’m going to bring you a glass of water and some Ibuprofen, and call Karen to see if she can bring anything over.”
You nod miserably, energy suddenly draining and turning you back into a whimpering mess. He leaves the room, kicking his shoes off in the process, and you pick up your phone again once he’s out of sight, a wince twitching on your face at the notification of thirty emails that have popped up in your inbox. You open the app, scrolling down through the messages with a sigh.
“You better not be checking your email right now,” Matt’s voice calls out to you from the kitchen suddenly, and you almost drop your phone onto your face in surprise.
He knows you too well.
“I’m not,” you say as loudly as you can, which is still minimal, but you know he can hear you regardless, so you’re not too concerned. You roll over to place your phone back onto your bedside table with a loud sigh, wrist and arm feeling entirely too weak as it reaches out.
“Liar," is all he responds with, before his voice quiets down again. There’s a brief moment of silence before you pick up on the soft murmur of his voice, no doubt on the phone with Karen. The sound of your cabinet being opened and the faucet being turned on hits your ears, and you sigh at the domesticity of it all. Things of yours have been slowly migrating to his apartment in preparation of the move that’s happening in a month’s time, but there’s just something about him knowing your apartment like the back of his hand and feeling comfortable in a space that’s been solely yours for the past two years.
A few minutes later, he’s walking back into your bedroom, a glass of water in one hand, your dwindling bottle of painkillers in the other, mouth turned up in a soft, soothing smile. He helps you sit up, his arm gently snaking around your shoulders to support you, and encourages you to drink the water and toss back the pills as lips ghost across your forehead.
Even swallowing something cold makes your throat burn on the way down, and you groan in pain. 
He helps you lay back down, easing you backwards and holding your weight so that you don’t just flop back onto the pillows. He pulls his arm out from underneath you and reaches out to set the glass onto your night table as he moves to stand up. You close your eyes again against the light of your room, and you hear the subtle sound of a belt being unbuckled and fabric hitting the chair in the corner. 
Matt lifts up the covers and slides in beside you, his bare skin pressing up against yours as he nudges you onto your side so that he can cradle you from behind. Despite the brief chill, he quickly becomes a furnace pressed against you, and you can’t help the quiet moan that sneaks past chapped lips at the heat you hadn’t known you’d been needing.
“You’ll get sick,” you protest weakly as you settle into his chest, almost immediately soothed by the feeling of his arm wrapping around your waist.
“Don’t worry about me,” he whispers into your ear before leaning over you to kiss your cheek, settling back down behind you when he’s done, the warmth of his kiss still lingering. “Just go back to sleep, sweetheart. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Despite the sickness ravaging your body, or maybe because of it, you slip back into an easy sleep, the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest behind you settling you the way it always does. Your head is pounding, your whole body aches, and you can’t breathe through your nose, but everything feels better when he’s holding you.
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
No one stopped me but myself, but I'm back to ranking all the Super Mario Galaxies
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Sorry this took so long! Mix of some busy weeks and some low energy. These are long posts! Takes a lot of time to write them.
Hello, everyone! Today we're approaching the top of the mountain. The very best galaxies these games have to offer... at least to me. I know I've stated this a lot but like, opinions are totally subjective, and what appeals to me may not appeal to you and vice versa! But these ones appeal to me and quite a lot.
By the next entry, we will have covered all of the galaxies there are, which is pretty exciting. You can expect it on some Sunday, but given how the last few weeks have gone, I won't make any promises about the specifics of when. And if this is the first time you're seeing one of these posts and want to catch up, I've got you covered. Here's part one, part two, part three, and part four.
With that out of the way, I think we're about good to go! Let's start covering some of the best these games have to offer!
20. Grandmaster Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: S
Grandmaster Galaxy should be grateful we're not ranking the galaxies in the order you play them, or else it'd be dead last.
If I'm not mistaken, Super Mario Galaxy 2 was the first game to feature a very long, very difficult gauntlet as a "final test" of sorts, and here it is! This is another of those things that has basically become a series staple of Mario games at this point, with similar levels existing in 3D Land, 3D World, and Odyssey, and given they've latched onto this concept so much, it's probably not controversial to say that the first instance of this probably did something right.
And it did! The Grandmaster Galaxy throws a number of different obstacles at you, from a segment where all you have to get around is those Yoshi Tongue Flower Things, to a segment with electrical mazes, to a segment where you have to dodge Ring Beamers around flip-swap panels and disappearing platforms, to a segment with some tricky pull star timing. I would go ahead and say the segment with the flipswitches and Sentry Beams is on the easy side, but that's towards the start, so it's probably fine.
The first run of the galaxy is challenging, but also feels a bit like a "practice run," giving you room to acquaint yourself with each step of the galaxy before the Perfect Run, where you have to do the whole thing in one go with only one health. This is the time where I admit: I've only ever beaten the Perfect Run with help from a Co-Star Luma. Is that cheating? I dunno. I never promised I was great at video games! Only good enough to 100% most of the game and beat the Grandmaster Galaxy non-perfect run, and still do the Perfect Run with a little help. ...That counts for something, right?
Either way, I think Grandmaster provides more than an adequate challenge, making it succeed as both a test of skill, and as a finale for the rest of the game to build up to.
19. Matter Splatter Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: S
If you exclude boss missions, I'd say Matter Splatter Galaxy is probably the best one-off galaxy in the first game. Actually, the Garden in general is a really good dome. This is the first of its galaxies I'm covering on this list! (As long as you don't look at the Hungry Luma standing outside. I question how much Snow Cap Galaxy single-handedly weighs down this dome if you're willing to include it.)
I've kinda ragged on a lot of the smaller-scale galaxies in the first game, and while the small scale is maybe part of the reason I've been more dismissive of them, as a whole, I think what hurts them more for me is that I rarely find their gimmicks all that unique or interesting. If a gimmicky one-off galaxy has a good enough gimmick? Then yeah, I'll love it to bits! And Matter Splatter Galaxy has that "good enough gimmick".
I touched on this one a bit when talking about Sweet Mystery Galaxy, what with how both make use of the "what you can see is all that's there" concept, but as a whole, I think Matter Splatter does it a bit better, due to the lack of player control. It adds an element where you have to consider when you want to approach, and makes for some fun improvisation when your timing is off. You lose out on some of that improvisation when the location of the ground is something you have more control over, you know?
But what truly escalates Matter Splatter to me is how much variety they get out of its gimmick. For the first half of the galaxy, droplets of matter will "light up" the ground you can walk on, with the ground gradually fading until another drop hits the same spot. It's a fun test of pattern recognition and timing, and it comes with both 2D and 3D segments for a bit of added variety! As a whole, I'd say I generally prefer this half of the galaxy since it feels a bit more distinctive, but it's not like this galaxy suddenly becomes weak in the back half.
The back half switches things up, focusing on large, moving "spotlights" you have to keep yourself in, changing to a bit of an autoscroller, where you have to swiftly adjust to whatever obstacles are coming up ahead, now testing your reflexes and improvisational skills a bit more. Once again, we get both 2D and 3D segments for added variety, and the mix of the galaxy's unique gimmick and autoscrolling format allows for some really fun misdirection in this part. It's a fun switch-up that doesn't depart dramatically from what makes this galaxy so great. All of this comes together to make a one-off gimmick galaxy that feels like it truly gets the most out of a unique concept.
Before I move on, though, I want to talk about the Spring Mushroom. The Spring Mushroom is a weird power-up. It's pretty infamous, and like, for good reason. It's difficult to control, it feels kinda jank to use at times, and most people find it more frustrating than fun and like. I'm not even gonna say I disagree with that sentiment! And yet somehow, against all odds, every galaxy that prominently features the Spring Mushroom has ended up scoring really highly for me. Are these galaxies just great in spite of featuring the Spring Mushroom? Is the Spring Mushroom's jank secretly a good thing? Or is there just something wrong with me? The answer is probably a mix of all three.
18. Bowser's Galaxy Generator
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: S
Oh hey, it's the finale of the main Super Mario Galaxy 2 campaign! These big finale boss missions are always great, and while I think Galaxy 2's doesn't quite stack up to the first game's, I'd still say that I'd consider it a worthy successor. It still absolutely succeeds as one last grand mission to close out the main game.
Like any good boss galaxy, I love Bowser's Galaxy Generator for its length and sense of variety. Possibly even more so than the Galaxy Reactor from the first game, the Galaxy Generator seems to try testing your knowledge on everything you know, featuring most of the game's brand-new power-ups, save for the Rock Mushroom and Bulb Berry. I think this idea of focusing on the game's new content was the right call, since it helps it feel a bit more like a finale to Super Mario Galaxy 2, specifically.
The level is also adequately challenging! I find the Yoshi segments towards the end to be the toughest, with the Dash Pepper segment being tight enough that even the smallest mistakes can be punishing, while the Snake Block section afterwards requiring some pretty tight reflexes to dodge the Magmarrghs.
With that out of the way, while the level is solidly challenging, I do think the final boss fight is a bit on the easy side. Both the asteroids and Bowser are big enough that landing the hits isn't too much of a challenge, even in the second phase. Heck, arguably less so in the second phase, when replaying this level, I always think of that phase of the fight as being sort of a freebie.
But I also wouldn't say it's a bad fight -- it does a good job escalating the game's previous Bowser encounters, and ground pounding asteroids into a massive Bowser while hurtling through space definitely has a sense of grandeur that I really appreciate. Maybe it could've been a little more difficult or a little longer, but it's certainly memorable, and still very fun, so the fact it's not as difficult as it arguably should be doesn't bother me that much, and doesn't hamper the Galaxy Generator from its S-tier position.
17. Flip-Out Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: S
I find it a little weird that this is the penultimate galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy 2, you know? Between the boss rush and ultimate challenge levels, you have this weird one-off gimmick level that introduces a variant of a gimmick seen back in World 1, just with an added twist. I guess they wanted the final Hungry Luma galaxy to be a parallel to the first one? I'm not really sure. None of this matters of course, because Flip-Out Galaxy is fan-flipping-tastic!
Yeah, I know that doesn't hit as hard as a real F-bomb, but we try to keep the blog at least somewhat family-friendly, you know? And also the pun!
Anyway, as you may remember, I love Flip-Swap Galaxy quite a bit. Top-notch weird gimmick galaxy, always a joy to play. So I think it goes to say that I love this more difficult spin on its gimmick just as much, if not even more, if the rating hasn't spoken for itself already. Flip-Out Galaxy shifts the focus from the red and blue Flip-Swap panels to red and blue walls that pop in and out when you spin. And of course, that means it's time to perform some Wicked Wall Jumps! This is what that weird short mission in Honeybloom Galaxy has been training you for!
Since this is the penultimate galaxy in the game, it's a pretty tricky one, since a poorly-timed spin can take out not just the walls you're jumping on, but the floor underneath as well, and you'll have to spin a lot when alternating between red and blue walls! Timing will also prove important, not just for exiting a wall jump and spinning to give yourself solid ground to stand on, but also for a segment where you have to keep wall jumping until the spikes underneath you recede, which becomes especially difficult when you throw in the Cosmic Clones...
On that note, I love the decision to use specifically the Cosmic Clone mission for the second Green Star here, and putting it towards the end, too. Makes grabbing it a bit trickier, which is nice for a galaxy this late in the game! Flip-Out does pretty much everything I'd want it to -- it brings back a great old gimmick, changes it up in a way that feels unique, and uses it to craft a fun, albeit challenging late-game mission. My only knock against it? It being so late in the game means you have to play a lot to get there, and they crowd so many of the game's worst galaxies before it, just to rub salt in the wound. But hey, if it's for a galaxy this good, it may as well be worth it.
16. Cosmic Cove Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: S
I know a handful of people have been disappointed by the low rankings I gave to a lot of these games' water galaxies, so consider this an apology. Well, an apology of some sort, it's not like I decided to move up Cosmic Cove a bunch because people were upset that I didn't like some of the water galaxies. It just happens that I felt a lot of them suffered from having weak missions, hampered a bit by somewhat janky underwater controls. Give me a water galaxy that mitigates both these problems, and I'm sure to fall in love with it. "Underwater" is like, a pretty notable part of My Brand! There's a reason I've put three water galaxies on today's list, everyone!
Case in point: Cosmic Cove Galaxy! Cosmic Cove Galaxy is just gorgeous. I'd say that it's aesthetically one of the strongest galaxies in Super Mario Galaxy 2, which definitely counts for something! I mean, have you heard its music? The harps and pianos create such a relaxing atmosphere, and it sort of reminds me of the music in the next entry on our list...
But let's not get ahead of ourselves! Cosmic Cove isn't surviving on looks alone, because it's a pretty fun galaxy to play as well! I think they hit a really nice balance here, where the underwater sections have a somewhat linear path to take, so it doesn't feel like you're wrestling with those Janky Water Controls, but if you decide to go off the beaten path, there's a good bit more to see than you'd expect, which is nice, given this is a very pretty galaxy and one I enjoy spending time to take in! Obviously there's less to do once you've frozen the water, but having a big open plain to skate around on is also pretty fun. And while we're talking about ice skating, the Hungry Luma star is probably the second best bunny chase in the Galaxy games.
And let's not forget the second main mission, either! The underwater sidescroller is really neat, especially when they start having blocks of water floating in space, and even moving on their own. I think this is another of those concepts they brought back in Super Mario 3D World, if I'm not mistaken! It's such a memorable part of the galaxy, that I sorta forget there's that planet with the Spin Drill and the Micro Mecha-Bowsers and the Fizzlits at the end, but that planet is fine too.
Cosmic Cove manages to do a seamless job blending aesthetics and gameplay to create one of the series' most memorable galaxies. And it introduces us to Snoodles and Fizzlits! Those are like, maybe two of my favorite enemies. Bonus points for that!
15. Space Junk Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: S
Can I be honest? Space Junk Galaxy is one of those galaxies that mostly made it this high for the vibes, above all else. Don't get me wrong, I like Space Junk Galaxy a lot. I think all the missions here are fun, if I was rating it on gameplay alone I'd probably still rank it highly. Space Junk on its own is a solid A-tier galaxy, but I think this is one of those galaxies where the atmosphere brings it up a tier higher for me.
While most of the galaxies in these games focus on the grandeur and excitement of exploring the cosmos, Space Junk Galaxy takes a more melancholic approach to the setting, the idea that outer space is mostly, well, space. Space Junk Galaxy isn't really focused on having big, exciting setpieces. Space Junk Galaxy is about everything inbetween, from lost spaceships, to small asteroids, to well... miscellaneous space junk. And I think it works in its favor!
I could make the same argument that I made against Gusty Garden Galaxy, that Space Junk Galaxy feels like it was cobbled together from miscellaneous bits and bobs of larger levels that were getting too big, but in this case, I think that's the point. To the extent that something trying to be a cohesive level design in a 3D platformer can at least, Space Junk does a really good job capturing that feeling of emptiness, in the best possible way. The first mission here, which largely consists of Mario floating through space via a trail of Pull Stars, may not be the most exciting mission, but it has such a specific atmosphere that I can't help but say it may very well be one of my favorites across both games.
Admittedly, this is the part of this review where I have to concede that Space Junk's biggest strength is probably also one of its biggest weaknesses, that a galaxy so focused on all the emptiness and in-betweens of space struggles to find enough content to fill out six missions. The second mission basically has none of the atmosphere, instead being a weird Airship mission with a boss fight at the end, and then the third mission has another boss fight, because what else are you gonna do here? Don't get me wrong, these are still fun missions, but I think they end up working against the general atmosphere and tone that this galaxy sets up in the first mission. I think this is one that would benefit from the sequel's smaller-scale galaxies, with two "main" missions, and a comet or secret star or something.
Still, this is a galaxy that is fun from start to finish, and when it goes for being atmospheric, it nails it. I mean, have you heard the music here? This has easily gotta be a top 5 song across both games for me, I love it so much. While I think having fewer, more focused missions could've benefited it a little, Space Junk Galaxy will always leave such an impression on me that I can't help but feel like it's one of the standouts from these games.
14. Cloudy Court Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: S
I've mentioned before how a few of the galaxies in Galaxy 2 feel like they're meant to be "sequels" to galaxies from the first game, and Cloudy Court is no exception, feeling like a bit of a follow-up to Gusty Garden Galaxy. I mean, you have the grand orchestral score, you have the "garden in the sky" theming, you have lots of segments where you're riding on wind currents, even the Japanese name, "Cloud Garden Galaxy" ends up harkening back to the first game's "Wind Garden Galaxy". I think there's a reason they showed this one off a lot in the game's earliest trailers.
That being said, while it does feel a bit like an attempt to capitalize on Gusty Garden's success, in many ways to me it also feels like a refinement of Gusty Garden, taking some of the concepts that worked there and expanding on them a bit to make something that, to me at least, feels more interesting and cohesive. In my review of Gusty Garden, I characterized it a bit as a galaxy largely carried by its music, that otherwise felt like it could've been thrown together from leftover assets from galaxies that had gotten too large. Cloudy Court manages to avoid that feeling pretty easily, it was pretty clearly built from the ground up, and given how much it changed from the initial trailer to the final release, it seems like one they spent a lot of time on trying to get just right.
And in that regard, I think they largely succeeded! Cloudy Court manages to hit on the familiar elements we love about Gusty Garden, but also manages to hold strong on its own, with a number of distinct and memorable segments. I don't know why the drum trampolines are here, but I'm not complaining, it's fun to have them! And the combination of the wind currents and the Cloud Flower makes for some very memorable platforming challenges. And some fun secrets, as well! Obviously as a Galaxy 2 entry it's gonna be a bit more linear by default, but even then they manage to hide a lot of 1-Ups here, adding a little extra reward for going off the course, which you know I always appreciate.
While a lot of "sequel" galaxies end up falling flat to me when they struggle to live up to what came before, Cloudy Court is one of the rare exceptions that not only lives up to its predecessor, but in my opinion, surpasses it. I feel like we think of Gusty Garden as a better galaxy than it truly is, but Cloudy Court simply is that good, which to me, makes it a contender for one of the series' very best.
13. Boo Moon Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: S
Man, it's hard to go wrong with ghosts. Nice for an appropriately spooky galaxy to end up at #13, huh? Maybe that was a little deliberate on my part, but it's not like I don't think Boo Moon Galaxy deserves it.
Boo Moon Galaxy is so, so stylish I think. I feel like Super Mario Galaxy 2 goes for a bit of a "storybook" aesthetic, so why not have a galaxy that leans into that a bit? Stuff like the dark maze at the beginning, poison swamp folding up at a 90 degree angle to match the snake blocks, the crescent-moon see-saw planet, and the haunted house pop-up book at the end are all such distinctive visuals with a bit of that Storybook Feel to me, and end up making for a galaxy that manages to provide a very fun twist on an already fun theme.
Not to mention that this is also a decently tricky galaxy! I gotta be grateful for those musical notes that spawn the three 1-Ups during the Snake Block section, because I've fallen into that poison swamp more than a couple times, especially when going for the secret star, and even more so when going for that one Green Star. The second mission, which I believe is the sole appearance of the Boo Mushroom in Galaxy 2, also involves some precise timing as you weave your way through Octoboos, particularly towards the end.
I'm a sucker for a good ghost galaxy, so this one was probably gonna get high marks no matter what, but with a stylish and distinctive aesthetic, that's enough to bring it up to a top-tier with a fittingly spooky number. Happy Halloween, everyone!
I mean, it's September. That's basically Halloween.
12. Tall Trunk Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: S
Really, shoutout to World 3 of Galaxy 2 just giving you a choice between two absolute bangers right off the bat. I think Tall Trunk ends up just barely winning out against Cloudy Court for me, but the two are really close in quality, and no matter which I'm in the mood for, I know I'm in for a great time.
Like Puzzle Plank, this is another galaxy that brings such a high level of unfiltered joy whenever I reach it in a playthrough. Maybe there's something about these big galaxies made of wood, I dunno. Probably also has something to do with the music. Yeah, I know this one just borrows the music from Yoshi Star Galaxy, but I always associate it with Tall Trunk first and foremost. Unlike Puzzle Plank however, I think Tall Trunk feels a bit more fully realized -- I never really feel underwhelmed playing through Tall Trunk, which let it climb a good bit higher on my tier list.
Tall Trunk is a galaxy not only with a great aesthetic, but two very fun and very distinct missions! The first mission is a showcase of the Blimp Fruit, and I love how it gets used in so many different ways, from climbing a tree, to searching for Star Chips around a cylindrical planet (Super Mario Galaxy 2 has a lot of those, huh?), to making your way through a long spiral to grab the Power Star. Then there's the slide, which weeeeeee wheeeeeeeeeee yippeeeeeeeeeee wahoooooo!
It's fun.
This galaxy also has to get bonus points for being the home of the Whittles, arguably the best Galaxy NPCs. Don't get me wrong, the Gearmos offer close competition, but the Whittles are just too adorable. Also, the Tall Trunk Galaxy is a sacred site to the Whittles, giving us one of few glimpses into Religion in the Mario Universe.
I think I have to agree with the Whittles when it comes to this galaxy: "Treetop. Good." Truer words have never been spoken.
11. Flipsville Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: S
Oh hey, I've talked about this one before! I mean, clearly I have to enjoy this one a good bit to give it its own post with some in-depth analysis, though I hate to say, I still have yet to figure out who's selectively breeding Pupdozers, why they'd be doing it, or if that has even happened at all. Sorry. I know you're disappointed in me. Maybe I'll have the answer next time I talk about Flipsville.
I did sort of go over my opinions in that post, though more of it was dedicated to talking about the galaxy itself, so I probably don't have to fear repeating myself too too much. To reiterate: I think this one is great! The gimmick of the grates that reverse the gravity of the galaxy is really really neat, and this galaxy uses it in some interesting ways, particularly during the autoscroller where you have to flip at the right time to avoid running Mario into spikes. (That being said, my favorite usage still gotta be that one Green Star that you can only reach by taking a leap of faith from underneath.)
Also shoutout to the Pupdozers as an enemy design that takes advantage of this gimmick! I'm pretty sure they're only in this galaxy, so I may as well talk about them here. I also have to shoutout this galaxy's distinctive aesthetic, "weird 1950s suburban house" is not really a level theme you see in video games often, and it gives this galaxy more than just a unique gameplay gimmick. I really dig it.
Speaking of digging, I do remain a little iffy on how the second mission shifts focus to the Spin Drill, I feel parts of it end up feeling pretty similar to the Spin-Dig Galaxy, but the gimmick of flipping between the two sides of the planets remains in tact, and the final room with the gravity walls that switch in time with the music where you have to use the drill to grab Silver Stars or Purple Coins is really cool, so I can't complain about it too much. I mean, it's not like it makes this galaxy any less fun, y'know?
Flipsville Galaxy will always stand out to me as one of the most distinctive galaxies in the sequel, both in its theming and in its gameplay, and for that I will always consider it a personal favorite!
10. Slimy Spring Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: S
Slimy Spring Galaxy is one of the most atmospheric galaxies... well, I was gonna say in Super Mario Galaxy 2, but it's really one of the most atmospheric galaxies in general. I'd say that as a whole, the first game typically wins out on atmosphere, but there's a few places where the sequel really shines, and more than any other, I think Slimy Spring showcases that.
Slimy Spring Galaxy is so, so very claustrophobic. You're given a green shell, and from there, it's a long, linear swim through a narrow underwater cave. Besides the very start, there's hardly any coins or air bubbles to refill your air meter, so you have to rely on what little air you do have to make your way to the end. And believe me when I say that these tunnels are designed to be just long enough to run you to the very end of your air meter. You only really get a brief breather in the middle, and with limited air, mistakes made in this galaxy can be especially punishing.
I love the way Slimy Spring Galaxy puts you in this distinct state of mind. Watching your air slowly run out while making your way through a dark, seemingly unending tunnel can be a bit nerve-wracking, but obviously the game's not gonna present you with a galaxy that's impossible to beat. You just have to trust that the game's gonna take you where you need to go, and try to avoid letting any obstacles this galaxy throws at you trip you up. Admittedly, I still see my fight-or-flight reflex kick in when I reach the Gringills.
Slimy Spring Galaxy is one I've really only grown to appreciate more and more with time. It's not really one of the game's most "fun" galaxies by any stretch of the imagination, but it doesn't really feel like it's trying to be -- the rest of the galaxies exist to be fun, so what does it matter if Slimy Spring Galaxy tries to do something else? Slimy Spring Galaxy is pretty much unrivaled in its atmosphere, and for that, it has easily become one of my favorites.
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I really love the sunset at the end of Slimy Spring. It sort of feels like the game saying that even in the most uncertain of times, everything's gonna turn out alright at the end. I feel like I'm being a bit wax poetic here, but I dunno. I think Slimy Spring Galaxy just does that to a person.
9. Honeyhive Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: S
So remember how earlier I said this was a top 10 Galaxy? Well how many of you guessed it'd show up at #9? Congratulations if you did! I'm sorry I don't have anything to award you, besides I guess my review of Honeyhive Galaxy, but even people who didn't guess correctly are getting that... Sorry.
Whatever. Honeyhive is great! I mean, you've seen me talk about it when talking about every other bee galaxy. This is the honey-gold standard all other bee galaxies strive for, and few can achieve...
What makes Honeyhive so great to me is its sense of scale. It arguably has the largest starting planet across both games, with lots of little nooks and crannies that all get utilized throughout its many missions. I get the feeling you wouldn't even need to add more to this galaxy to give it a full set of missions, but Honeyhive Galaxy is here to spoil us anyway, because it's Honeyhive Galaxy, and it's great. It does a very nice job making each mission feel familiar, yet distinctive, which I really appreciate.
I also think it does a really good job showing off the Bee Mushroom, with lots of high ground that becomes much more accessible with it, plenty of water to show off its main weakness, lots of flower and cloud platforms you can only access with it, and honey walls to climb up. Not only do you get to spend time among the bees, but you get to join them. Become one with the hive.
Oh, and have I mentioned that the main missions here are all super great too? The first mission is the big showcase for the Bee Mushroom I mentioned above, but the second has some fun platforming through a wooden obstacle course, and the boss fight against Big Bad Bugaboom is always a blast that makes some great usage of the Bee Mushroom. The Purple Coin and Luigi missions are sorta whatever to me, though I appreciate the Cosmic Mario race and the weird shortcuts you can take in it, I think it's nifty.
Really, I think the thing holding back Honeyhive from an even higher spot for me, and this is pretty unfair, is the fact that it's so early in the game, that the novelty of it all has kinda worn off for me. It's hard to get excited about Honeyhive when it's a place you have to go to early in the game, you know? But again, that's a small gripe that ultimately changes nothing about just how good this galaxy is. It's sweet as honey!
8. Deep Dark Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: S
Deep Dark Galaxy is one of those galaxies that always kinda surprises me when I play through the first game. It's one of those galaxies I never really think about all that often, and I'm rarely that excited when I get there, but then I play through it and go "wait a second, this one rules!"
I'm wondering if it's because it's in the Garden, where it has to deal with some serious competition. Being "that water galaxy with the dreary atmosphere in the way of Dreadnought and Melty Molten" isn't exactly the most flattering look, but at the very least it makes for a galaxy that always manages to surpass my expectations. Hopefully, putting this one at #8 will make me stop forgetting how good it is once and for all.
Still, I don't think counting the dreary atmosphere of this galaxy against it is really fair, because that's kinda what it's going for -- it's literally called "Dungeon Cave Galaxy" in Japanese. And you know what? For a Dungeon Cave, I love how silly they still let this Galaxy be! Stuff like the weird inflatable duplicate of the Gateway Planet, the weird floating circus platform, and that planet where you have to ground pound tennis balls into a watermelon to make it grow are such odd things to put in a galaxy like this, but I think they all end up working in its favor. The added surrealism makes this place so much more memorable.
And man oh man, I know I've talked a few times about how I love galaxies that let you goof off and do whatever, and I think no galaxy does that better than Deep Dark. I swear, in my latest playthrough of Galaxy, I spent more time in the spawn beach area than I did playing the rest of the mission. For an area that looks to have so little going on, there's lots of hidden goodies to look for, and shooting yourself out of the cannon at the Gateway and Octoguy planets is so, so fun.
While I'm sort of lukewarm on the mission where you swim through Guppy's eight rings, everything else in this galaxy I think is super fun, from the Kamella rematch on the pirate ship, to the aforementioned weird watermelon planet, to even the untimed Purple Coin mission! Usually those untimed exploration-based Purple Coin missions are never my cup of tea, but in this case, I think the combination of a smaller area to explore, better utilization of the underwater areas, and no places to fall off makes it feel a lot less grueling to me.
Deep Dark Galaxy is a great galaxy that always surpasses my expectations, and for that I think it deserves a spot in my top 10.
7. Freezeflame Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: S
Freezeflame Galaxy is so cool. And also so hot. That's kind of its whole gimmick. I feel like I made the same joke with Shiverburn Galaxy. Whatever. Freezeflame Galaxy's missions consist of an excellent ice level, a pretty good fire level, and a combination of the two, to make a galaxy that is as varied as it is fun. I will come forwards and say I like the Freeze part of this galaxy a bit more than the Flame part, but again, both are good.
I love the feeling of verticality you get from the ice sections. I love that upwards climb with all the varied obstacles and Ice Flower platforming, followed by a pretty fun boss fight against Baron Brrr. And then you can climb the other side of the mountain too, with its own varied obstacles and platforming challenges! Let's just say this one's good for my inner West Virginian mountaineer, okay? And then you have a Purple Coin mission that makes you climb both sides, which might be a bit much, but I'm glad they were being thorough.
But while the peak of the mountain may be the peak of the mountain here, it's not like the fire mission isn't doing any heavy lifting here, either. It's no Melty Molten, sure, but the Fire Flower gets used for some pretty fun timing puzzles, and I appreciate the use of the Galaxy games' gravity shenanigans halfway through. Really, most of my gripes with this section come from how the Fire Flower is handled in these games. The fact you need to spin to activate it, combined with how it stops you in your tracks when you throw a fireball just doesn't feel very good at all, especially when you throw in the timer. But that's not really this specific galaxy's fault, is it?
Gripes about the Fire Flower aside, I'm happy to say this galaxy's two great tastes taste great together as well! I'm a little bummed it takes until this galaxy's third mission to put the fire and ice together, but when they do, they use it very well, making for fun segments where you switch between the two, followed by a memorable segment where you use the Ice Flower to skate across lava. And on that note, I really enjoy the Cosmic Mario race here. Lots of places where I decide to take a risky shortcut, and it doesn't pay off and I fall in a Black Hole. Classic.
The Freeze and the Flame aren't perfectly balanced, from the levels to the Flowers featured within (no seriously. where was the Ice Flower in Galaxy 2), but both are very enjoyable, and the combination of both in one galaxy makes for a very memorable location. Not surprised at all they decided to revisit this idea in Galaxy 2.
6. Chompworks Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: S
Look, I can spend all day talking about the gorgeous atmosphere of Cosmic Cove or Slimy Spring, or the exciting challenges of Grandmaster or Flip-Out, but when you ask me what my favorite galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy 2 is, I'll probably say it's Chompworks, because I'm only human, and I love Funny Chain Chomp Factory Galaxy. This is literally a place where Mario enemies are made! How can I resist?! There's Star Bits arranged like Chomps in the sky and everything!
I just love everything about Chompworks, from the music, to the theming, to the gameplay itself. It's one of those very unique galaxies that always stands out in my head, and if you know me, that can only be a good thing! I really appreciate the light timing puzzles they incorporate into this galaxy, the balance of needing so set everything up just right so the Chomps can reach their goal, but also not get too close because as you may realize: getting hit by a huge ball of steel rolling at you, even at slow speeds, hurts a lot.
I really like the active role this galaxy gives you in Chomp Production, how even when the Chomps start rolling, you'll need to make some adjustments to its path if you don't want it to crash early. Like, this galaxy has one of the rare inclusions of Flip-Swap panels outside of Flip-Swap Galaxy, just for the purpose of crafting a puzzle that can use them, and I appreciate that! If anything, I feel like there's room to elaborate on this mechanic even further, but I'm not gonna pretend that this galaxy isn't doing more than enough already. I think the Cosmic Clone comet is a fun enough shake-up, since you're gonna need to stay in one place a lot for some of the challenges.
You know, this factory doesn't seem very efficient. All their assembly lines are weird obstacle courses that need manual intervention, and most of the Chomps get destroyed at the end anyway. The Gearmos always chastise you for your poor efficiency, but maybe they wouldn't need Mario if they just built a more efficient factory. You see Gearmos? This is why you're only the second best Mario Galaxy NPC species. If nothing else, feel grateful your horribly-designed factory is a really, really well-designed Video Game Level.
Circling back to what I said about the Spring Mushroom earlier, same sentiment applies here. Not a great power-up on its own, but when I reach the mission that uses it here, I never see myself going "Ugh, the Spring Mushroom?", probably because the level is designed with it in mind, and the trickier control scheme is kinda the point. That being said, if you really don't want to use the Spring Mushroom, know that there's a fun optional challenge in trying to beat the level without it! As far as I'm aware, it's possible, and I know I've had my share of fun backflipping over Chomps in the past.
Is Chompworks Galaxy the best galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy 2? Maybe not, but since when has this list been about objective quality? I don't want to pretend I'm presenting anything other than my personal opinion here. Chompworks Galaxy appeals to my autism brain in some incredibly specific ways, and with a mix of that and its unique theming and design sensibilities, managed to end up at the top of Galaxy 2 for me. Sorry you couldn't make the top 5!
Speaking of the top five, I think they're all worthy of their own post, as I've hinted to a couple times at this point. It probably shouldn't be too hard to figure out which ones they are via process of elimination, though I do find it fascinating that after Galaxy 2 generally performed better, all the top 5 are from the first game. Again, Galaxy 2 is a remarkably consistent game that clusters around A-tier, while Galaxy 1 has some higher highs and lower lows.
The finale for this series should be ready next week, or the week after, or the week after that, or the week after that. I'm not really sure anymore. There's a Splatfest again next week, so I'll probably want to tune into that (Go Team Frye!) but I also have fewer galaxies to cover in general, so it might not take along as this one. Then again, I probably have more to say about my favorites... Either way, thank you for reading the series up to this point! Nothing matters more to me than knowing that people will listen to my ramblings about 10-to-15 year old Videos Games.
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amysubmits · 1 year
Dominant Power
A week or two ago I asked @cynicaldom for a spanking. He told me “good girl” and said some stuff about how it was so good of me to ask for what I needed/wanted.
Praise or positive feedback isn’t a rarity here, but I suppose I have a natural tendency to try to dismiss or downplay things in my head. There was something in the way that he expressed himself in this particular instance that has made the conversation really stick with me...I think I could just so easily see that he was proud of me so I couldn’t dismiss it.  
Yesterday we worked on a soft limit and got really far. It’s something that I’ve always hoped to accomplish in kink, but at times, I wasn’t sure if I’d get there...but I have a couple of times now. And it feels really good (psychologically and physically, haha). 
I think these two things are connecting in my mind because early on, I think that deep down, I thought my greatest accomplishments in submission would be kinks. I thought succeeding physically would make me feel the most successful as a submissive. I am proud of the kink accomplishment, don’t get me wrong. It isn’t quite as deep, though. 
And honestly? I think if CD wasn’t passionate about encouraging me to use my voice and advocate for my needs in our relationship, and/or if he prioritized kink notably more...I think I would experience it that way, too. I think I only manage to “allow myself” to feel proud of advocating for my needs because I see that he genuinely wants me to speak up so I can help him take care of me. I’m able to find pride in myself because I feel it genuinely occurring in him, first. 
I hope that I’d protect myself by not submitting to someone who prioritized kinks and didn’t prioritize taking care of me...but when I think back to when we first started D/s, I’m not sure if I would have, if I’m really, really honest. 
He had already hung the moon in my life by that time...so if he had taken the power of being my Dominant and used it selfishly...I think I probably would have done my best to go along with that. I get why subs can end up in ugly situations when the person they love and respect uses their dominance in selfish ways. 
There can be a lot more power wrapped up in D/s relationships than what you specifically agree to submit to. When a sub has love and respect for their dom, it’s easy for their doms priorities and values to have a big impact on the sub. If something naturally makes the dom proud, or if a dom doesn’t care about something a sub does, that’s likely going to impact the sub regardless of whether you’ve specifically agreed to that being part of your D/s or not. 
Anyway. I mostly got lucky, but I’m really grateful that I have a Dom who has values that I believe in and prioritize me because I don’t have to choose between taking care of myself and submitting. They’re one and the same. 
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jq37 · 2 months
truly the only person who Gets my paladin aelwyn vision. also i am sooo ;-; about your post on her moving back to mordred.... baby girl u r so loved.......
sorry for the late reply I've been traveling for the past month basically
yesssssssssssssssss this is like my favorite topic.
Abjuration is like, the most paladin-adjacent school of wizardry there is! In this season, we even see her taking a piece of magic that in-universe is basically only used by bad guys and turning it into loving protection. We got so much Aelwyn content this season and I am so so grateful for it but if all we'd gotten was that it would have emotionally wrecked me in and of itself.
Considering being a paladin mainly is about devotion, not necessarily following a specific god, I can so see her becoming a paladin initially by accident as well. Like, just being so frustrated with her lack of heals as a wizard in a situation and so-so-so wanting to do something about it and then suddenly, boom healing. Everyone's like, whoa was that some kind of weird, wizard healing? Nope, Lay on Hands. Welcome to multiclassing by the power of just giving too much of a damn.
And haha, the Mordred post is prob my fave FH post I've made this season and the kicker is that it was only supposed to be a couple of sentences long tops. But as I wrote it it turned into this whole exploration of her arc this season because I am obsessed with it. She was just playing out an entirely different story adjacent to the main story and there's such clear growth not just between seasons but across this season. She starts with the season with an aloof "enjoy the nemesis ward" and ends with an open declaration of affection and deep love in public with ice cream all over her face. Like what a 180. Like, the love was always there--from the start it was always there--but the way it's expressed is so different. You really get the sense that, of the two, Adaine is actually the more aggro sibling by nature and Aelwyn's aggro-ness is more nurture than nature because, besides the fact that a lot of what she was doing was a shield to keep n her parents' good side, she doesn't even fight back against Adaine's teasing very much--she mainly takes it good naturedly (submitting to Tasha's for instance).
At this point I'm just rambling but yeah I am an inaugural member of the Aelwyn Abernnat fan club and I'm so happy that Siobhan decided to pull Aelwyn in so much this season, even if it wasn't plot critical.
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im borderline animalistic where the 40s scenes are concerned and i have a lot of feelings about them that deserve a thorough run down now that we've had more delicious🍲 content🍲 and im in full fledged soup mode
ive talked about a lot of these different bits in different posts but i feel it's a good point to pull them altogether and build on them now that we've had more content, so yeah a lot of this will just be me repeating myself
major kudos, thanks, and my eternal soul goes to @theeminentlyimpractical (prev @lalie-go), im convinced someone visited them in the night and bestowed them the true gift of prophecy that in this instance has been the equivalent of pouring kerosene over the dumpster fire that is my brain rn,,,,,, and they're much smarter and more observant than me and that needs celebrating
so ive always been intrigued by the juxtaposition of the 1941 church scene and then the 1967 bentley scene from my very first watch of s1 because their tones are so polar opposite to each other.
you have the church scene (specifically the aftermath) which is so tender and revelatory and hesitant, but like in the same way that a baby bird takes flight for the first time. and it's almost voyeuristic in that you literally see the moment where aziraphale realises that he's in love with crowley. that moment is so deeply personal and vulnerable that it's almost painful to watch through the metaphorical keyhole.
it's a huge development moment for many reasons, but for me specifically bc i think aziraphale is somewhat convinced that he's the only one in on this giddy little secret, so he's a bit flirty and heart-eyed at crowley, but whole-pussy convinced that it's just a cutesy lil secret and he's really subtle and crowley won't cotton on.
then we have the bentley scene in '67, and it's so bloody cold, and awkward, and stilted, and almost hurts to watch - it's voyeuristic in a very different, bare way, in that we see aziraphale so closed off from crowley, but unable to help himself in getting involved because if he doesn't, crowley could end up getting seriously hurt, or wind up dead. and that's unthinkable, so aziraphale placates crowley with the holy water (because crowley will just simply get it another way), and controls the situation that way.
in fact, the whole scene is about aziraphale being in control - of the conversation, of the tension, of the entire emotion of the scene - and is in such contrast to the church scene where we see aziraphale as close to out-of-control as we've seen him so far, at least at that point chronologically. crowley attempts to weedle aziraphale into engaging with him, and aziraphale somewhat releases a little, mollifies him with the offer of a picnic or a dinner at the ritz...
and crowley latches onto this, onto this small chance that aziraphale is giving him, almost like he's trying to comfort aziraphale by offering, or trying to make amends for something. but aziraphale is back in control, never having really lost it, and closes off any opportunity of moving forward. he's regretful, we can see that on his face, but he needs to make space for himself, give himself room to breathe - like he's been suffocating.
now we come to what happens between these two points. i thought that something happened during the Dinner of '41, but now im not so sure. this is because it transpires that we have entirely separate scenes in the 40s era apart from the church and the dinner. but starting with the Dinner of '41, we see that aziraphale is coy, and employs his signature look-look-away mannerism which honestly i think is his biggest tell when it comes to crowley.
crowley is so chilled and relaxed in that scene - leaning back at this candlelit dinner, seemingly in his element, as if his inner monologue is just willing him to Be Cool™. im almost wondering if he's observed this candlelit dinner, and how aziraphale's acting, and is interpreting it as aziraphale just being grateful for saving him and his books, and wanting to make up after the holy water argument, no way does it mean anything more than that. but let's face it, crowley has been besotted for literal millennia and will take anything he can get, any scraps aziraphale cares to throw him.
and now that we know there's further 40s content in the form of the windmill theatre, and aziraphale's magic act. there's a few things to remark on that set the scene (once again the vast majority of which stems from lalie so all apollo memes are to be flung their way thanks)
we know that aziraphale performs a magic show at the windmill theatre, and is accompanied backstage by a well dress older woman and vaudeville/burlesque-style dancers
that woman is played by dame siân phillips, and neil alluded that georgia tennant was in discussions for a role which she ultimately turned down as she didn't feel she was the right fit for someone with that amount of historical importance - which points very firmly to this being the same role, and that role being laura henderson (owner of the windmill)
on a similar historical note, the windmill's theatre manager was vivian van damm (advice: read up on him, he was a genius as concerns finding loopholes in indecency laws at the time), who was VP of the London magician's club, and "held charity shows at the Windmill Theatre"
we know that on the set, along with aziraphale being in his magician's outfit and crowley in his 40s outfit, there were extras dressed up in period-appropriate military uniforms
the opening sequenece shows a bus with "Wings for Victory" on the side. WfV Weeks were campaign weeks in the UK during ww2, starting in march 1943, where each county (US translation in case it gets confused: counties in the UK are almost like states in the US) was essentially set with a target to raise money for the war effort (specifically RAF i think?) and would have competitions with each other to raise the most.
so i feel at this point it can be reliably surmised that WfV was running, a couple of years after the Dinner of '41, and aziraphale (probably having fallen in love with magic after coming across this magician's club of van damm's), get roped into doing a WfV performance at the Windmill.
where is crowley in this, you ask? well he could very well have just seen aziraphale advertised as an act, or if they're still on good speaking terms aziraphale may have simply told him. i feel though that is almost an unspoken hobby of aziraphale's, judging by the crowley s1 reaction to aziraphale liking magic, and ordinarily crowley wouldn't be caught dead discorporated going to a magic show.
now a couple of years previous, we hear glozier say to crowley, "anthony j. crowley! your fame precedes you". but why? why is crowley famous? it doesn't strike me as quite right that crowley is a secret agent or anything, however much a bond nerd he is. but it is the kind of area where i could imagine crowley gets caught up in... so what if he has a job in the heart of soho as (and stick with me here)... a bouncer?! think about it - working hands-on in a sordid, seedy theatre (at least that's how he would spin it to hq) but gets to be outright fiendish to any patrons getting a little too frisky? i think it's PERFECT but whatever-
in any case, i feel like this would just be one of those brilliant coincidences where aziraphale and crowley have an it's always sunny moment, a hilarious double take at each other in the theatre, but aziraphale is quickly whisked off to get ready and get on stage, but not a moment before my boy absolutely bricks it as he's about to go on (this screenshot seriously sends me each time it's so funny). i truly believe that a lot of dutch courage was drunk and a lot of miracles were employed that night haha
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so fast forward post performance, and we get this utterly adorable shit being cutesy in his dressing room, congratulating himself on a job well done, spinning around in his lil feather boa, adrenaline (or whatever the angelic equivalent is) pumping, heart racing, just being a complete diva. its aziraphale's world and we're just living in it:
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and then crowley comes in, still completely bemused as to what he's just witnessed, and maybe not expecting to encounter an incandescent, bubbling, and probably bladdered af angel spinning around in a fluffy feather boa dancing his approximation of the can-can. aziraphale whirls around, "CROWLEY!!! DID YOU SEE ME?! 💃", and starts blathering about how it all went and how it was so nerve wracking but once he got in the swing of it it was perfect and amazing and oh crowley did you see it, did you see me-
all the while getting crowley (who btw feels like he's just stepped into the twilight zone and not quite sure what to do with himself) totally covered in feathers and, and-
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now idk if i feel like anything zesty happening between the two of them would be hugely out of character. and it probably is, and ive probably just provided the fodder material for about a thousand fics, but look if im right in this, im never shutting up about it as long as i fucking live-
what if then aziraphale in his alcohol-fuelled joy just leaps at crowley? huge smothering hug, feather boa and all, and is just essentially vibrating with the happiness and pride and whimsy? and he does that coquettish look-look-away thing that he does? and crowley - oh, crowley my baby boy - knows he should probably slam that pause button because this angel is utterly soused and definitely is not thinking straight... but just wants to soak up how happy and flirty aziraphale is right now? yum up another scrap tossed in his direction, but potentially misreads it all a little bit wrong, and try to take the next step? and aziraphale-
aziraphale very quickly sobers up, entirely miracle-less, and just gets the tiniest bit (see: fucking horrendously) spooked? WOAH this is a bit beyond where i wanted to go? no crowley, we can't do this? i can't do this? im still an angel and im not ready for this?
and someone walks in - it's not aziraphale's dressing room after all. we know from the opening sequence that there's a box in the theatre (which i think is just the artistic depiction of the dressing room scene, not an actual box), from which we see a figure lurking behind aziraphale just as they pull away...
im fully aware that this is completely theoretical and equally improbable but huns my purpose on this site is to provide unhinged commentary as content gets released and ill be DAMNED if anyone says I don't deliver ✨
is this what happens? that there's a very hurried, guilty shuffle away from each other, a very deliberate effort on aziraphale's part not to look at crowley, and a hasty and frightened exit from aziraphale just as crowley is about to apologise? he only just got his angel back after the holy water tantrum, and he's already pushed him away again, by going too fast?
(SIGH EDIT: so i guess the above paragraph does happen but it's got me wondering if the people that interrupt them are glozier and harmony fresh off the national express coach from hell? idk it still kinda fits? tentative but plausible (lmao this sums up my approach to gomens speculation, tentative but plausible))
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fallingtowers · 2 months
so i'm watching dollhouse currently, and watching a non-buffyverse whedon joint has got me thinking about the phenomenon of whedonspeak. it's fascinating to me, because there have been plenty of moments in dollhouse where a character has said something patently whedonesque and i've been like :/ ahh yeah i see why people can't stand this style of writing. but on btvs, where the dialogue is generally a lot more heightened than on dollhouse, it really doesn't bother me at all (outside of a handful of really egregious examples).
the big reason for this, i think, and the one i always bring up when i'm defending the dialogue on btvs, is that on btvs it always felt like a tool of characterization. at first blush it may seem like e.g. buffy and willow have very similar voices, but the truth is it's all stylized, but in different ways. and btvs is so good at characterization (a lot better, i would argue, than dollhouse) that by the end of the show you know the characters' voices so well that you can clock it instantly when a line isn't 100% in character. it helps, i think, that btvs is patient zero for this kind of dialogue -- it became an established style of the show, but it wasn't yet an established style of writing in general (note that before it was known as whedonspeak, it used to be called "buffyspeak"). it works well because it's tailored to the tonal sensibilities of btvs, whereas if you just slap it onto any old story it's bound to feel incongruous and grating.
(also, as a sidenote, by and large, btvs knew exactly when to drop the banter. that's another thing -- these days whedonspeak as a concept is so bound up in people's minds [and with good reason!] with that particular brand of annoying mcu-ass ironic storytelling that has to mock itself at every turn for fear of coming across as self-serious. but btvs is a very heartfelt work of art! it [not always, but often] takes the emotions of its characters seriously! when buffy comes home and finds her mom dead on the couch, she doesn't go "well that just happened." you hit a certain threshold of dramatic weight and the whedonspeak falls away.)
there's another reason it's become so pervasive, though, i think, and it's one i kind of sympathize with. it's got to do with the demands of television as a medium. i think modern tv and film is the form of storytelling that has the biggest gulf between Showing and Telling. like, in a novel or a comic or whatever, you can just use narration to shed light on a character's thoughts or plans or whatever, but on screen you don't have that luxury, and these days voiceovers and flashbacks and stuff are generally regarded as being kind of graceless. so you've got Showing, which always runs the risk of being too vague and confusing, and you've got Telling -- and dialogue is really your only method of Telling -- which comes with a whole host of potential pitfalls. it might feel too on-the-nose, or too stiff and contrived. or it might commit the cardinal sin of 21st century entertainment: being Boring.
that's the thing, right. screenwriters are always trying to figure out how to do good exposition. one instance of dialogue i found grating on dollhouse is a scene where echo is dreaming, and the audience needs to be told she understands she's dreaming. so what do you do? in writing, you'd just describe her moment of realization, but on tv you can't do that. so instead, they have echo go, "oookay... i think we can all agree this isn't real." which like, if we view it as an attempt to content with the limitations of the medium, it makes sense! she's alone, so she has no reason to say "this is a dream," so we solve that problem by having her make a little joke to herself. but in practice, it just kind of falls flat.
in conclusion, the art of writing dialogue is one thing and the art of writing exposition is another, and neither is at all easy, and in screenwriting specifically they often dovetail in a particularly torturous way. we're still gonna be trying to figure this out when the sun burns out probably. i certainly don't have an answer. i do have a piece of advice though: watch buffy the vampire slayer. it's really good, and the dialogue is only a little annoying
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fruit-sy · 1 year
One of my favorite headcanons is that the trailblazer can hear the sound of the universe through the stelleron inside them, but especially the sounds of stellerons.
For example I like to think that when they were looking at where the roots of the tree in the loufu when we play as Dan Heng ,they specifically looked that way because they heard the stelleron that revived it.
I just think that they sometimes look into space for hours without moving, the astral express crew is concerned but seeing as this isn't harmful they haven't really done anything other than reminding them to eat maybe.
Because there's quite a bit of instances where they can actually hear stellarons!
Here's some more food for thought, I am always endlessly intrigued by the Nildis dialogue in SimUni
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If you fail the event, it will always say "the stellaron will fulfill any wish of yours". To me, it sorta links the idea that when you're down in the dumps, the stellaron may seem more alluring.
Jarilo VI's stellaron also had a similar idea, where it persuaded Cocolia into working together with it when she was desperate.
Also, in the trailblazer's story, it mentions an "indistinct voice, sorrowful tender persuasion, deceptive goading"
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The trailblazer started out in nonexistance, before being brought conscious for the first time by a stellaron. I say the voice belongs to a stellaron and not Kafka because the words "persuasion, deceptive, goading" are traits of what we know of stellarons so far
To add to your hc, while it isn't too harmful, I wonder how the trailblazer feels about the voices. Is it grating to hear the deceptive voices? The promises? Is it alluring? While there are a lot of Luofu natives who are near the stellaron, does it have more of an effect on them because they themselves harbor a stellaron?
So many interesting things to think about with this headcanon hehe
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milksockets · 1 year
i recently had a very heartwarming exchange… about a typo.
to start at the beginning, at some point during my first couple of weeks at this job, i stopped by my supervisor’s office to mention that i’m very good at spotting typos if that’s something that would ever come in handy. i was referring both to the blizzard of daily emails as well as the information system program we use for documentation. he laughed and said he appreciated it, but also that a lot of people - including himself - are writing emails and whatnot all day and don’t necessarily have the time or ability to catch such errors. i remember thinking “yeah, that’s something i hadn’t really considered” and went on my merry way. note: his office door was open during the exchange because the discussion was not super private or confidential so why the fuck wouldn’t it be.
so the next day, i am summoned into his office, with the door closed this time. turns out some lurking busybody cunt with nothing better to do was hovering around and overheard the conversation, and decided to report it to both him and the supervisor above him that it was inappropriate and “who is this nurse who just started here talking about typos.”
i was flabbergasted at the time, but since then, it’s become apparent just how many things of that nature happen in offices (or mine at least; i’ve never worked in one before). when it comes specifically to pointing out a panoply of constant typos, i am not doing so in a manner that translates to “you’re a fucking idiot and i want to make you feel bad about it.” i guess i foolishly thought people might be open to hearing about ways they could improve their writing to avoid miscommunication.
there have been other instances of this ilk, namely that this woman moved into the office with a door next to me (the rest is an open plan type deal) and never has her door closed, whether she’s screaming into her phone, having an irl meeting, or blasting a podcast. like go figure, that’s sort of distracting and wearing headphones is not a solution because then i can’t hear if someone is trying to get my attention (or sneaking up behind me while i’m online shopping). it soon became very apparent that simply asking this lady to close her fucking door because other people do work here - but in nicer words - had the potential to cause a dramatic upheaval in office politics. i also had said that i would hope anyone in the office with a similar issue with me or my team would feel comfortable simply bringing it up for resolution.
it’s insane to me that these instances of direct communication about practical matters affecting other people are almost taboo and that i’ve been considered “inappropriate” on several occasions for relaying such remarks. also don’t say you value feedback if you actually don’t. let’s not play pretend here.
anyway, yesterday i passed a piece of street art that said “fight facism” and the artist tagged their IG handle so i just messaged them to say i thought they might like to know it’s misspelled. they were so fucking grateful, and said they’re glad someone pointed it out so nicely so they can fix it for the next batch. truly the antidote to the fragile, wretched office bullshit and evidence that i am doing god’s work.
so the moral of this story is that i need to find a way to get paid for finding typos. i mean, i spot them in just about every published book i read, too. and, friends, there is a solution: me.
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circular-bircular · 6 months
Why do you use parts language? I’m not trying to be mean but it feels really weird to see someone call themselves less than a person. Like I’m watching someone hurt themselves. I want to understand more.
I really love puzzles. I have a 1000 piece puzzle of the night sky that I’m going to be doing soon (hopefully). It’s pretty difficult; a lot of the pieces look the same. But if I look closely, I can see the very, very minute differences. And of course, some are very different — a big bright star versus a black inky sky.
I like to put puzzles together. I like the relaxation that I feel from finding the way to make it form something more — something bigger than it was before. It can be frustrating at times, yes, and I sometimes need to step away from the puzzle and leave the pieces to rest, but in time, I’ll always return and work on finding those connections again.
My goal is to one day put all of those pieces together to form a bigger picture. But I’m not like those people who glue it down or frame the completed puzzle on the wall; I usually take a picture of completed puzzles. I don’t personally want to take those pieces and fuse them together; I just choose to appreciate how those pieces can fit together.
I’m mostly grateful this is a new puzzle. I know there’s no pieces missing. There’s nothing more heartbreaking to me when I am almost done a puzzle and discover that a piece is missing. That’s because the pieces are just as important as the big picture; each one holds so much value, and without those pieces, the picture just isn’t complete.
I don’t understand how anyone could look at those pieces and deem any of them less important.
… does that make sense?
I know that was esoteric, and I want to leave that post at just that, but I’m also autistic and understand how extended metaphors can sometimes muddy the waters.
Firstly; your system isn’t mine. I’ve found great healing from using parts language, but if it discomforts you so much, it might be a good idea to just block that terminology on tumblr! What works for me might not work for you.
Secondly; I’m not less than a person simply due to being a part. I’m just as valuable — maybe even more so, in my eyes — than a single person. My value as a part doesn’t dip in any way simply because I am a part. I’m still just as worthy of respect, love, and joy as any other person out there.
Thirdly; I also use it/its pronouns at times, and I’ve found people are uncomfortable with that for similar reasons. I use them because I have a large disconnect from myself, and (particularly while online), I feel more like an object than a person. That is very, very particularly a dissociative thing, and is SPECIFICALLY dehumanizing myself — but it’s also not hurting me. It’s something that brings me gender euphoria (again, just in specific instances) and grounds me to reality. And that really circles into point 4:
It’s not hurting me. I am so, so happy to have parts language. If you’re curious, I use the tag “#parts language my beloved” a lot for posts about why parts language works for me. It’s helped so much. And that’s why I use it; it helps me.
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yamayuandadu · 8 months
hi! bit of a random question, but how do you view hecatia's and junko's relationship? I've seen a lot of different takes over the years (some completely domestic, basically-married ones, versions where the border between their friendship and something else is more blurry, etc) and I'm always curious about other people's preferences for them specifically since it's a pretty popular ship
Thank you for the ask! I don’t really get to talk about shipping on this blog too often even though I do enjoy it so I'm grateful for the opportunity. My preferred take of junheca is honestly just to take Hecatia’s LoLK bio at face value and expand upon that. In other words, the core of this relationship - and what makes it fun to me - is that Hecatia thinks Junko’s grudge is the coolest thing in the world and thus goes along with her schemes. The bio essentially makes it sound like work as a tag team: Junko has the ideas and Hecatia has the means. It’s simple, but it’s a setup which has a lot of potential. I see it as an abstract fascination which gradually turns into love on Hecatia’s end. I actually don’t have quite as clear of an image of the relationship’s development on Junko’s side. Perhaps it could be interesting if she didn’t quite realize what sort of feelings she is developing but simultaneously kept pushing her scheme further and further into a direction which requires more direct involvement from Hecatia. In any case, Hecatia’s bio highlights it didn’t take them much time to realize they work well together so I like to think it was love at first sight in some capacity even though it was combined with other feelings. Many of my other preferences regarding junheca basically just extend what can be gathered from Hecatia’s bio to other spheres of activity. I generally think Hecatia is more affectionate, for instance.
I don’t mind domestic portrayals, but I do admit that for me the appeal comes in part from the way they are both involved in the plot of LoLK so that’s not my absolute favorite. Granted, coming up with scenarios where they are working on some sort of plan together is much more troublesome, so it’s not surprising that’s not exactly a common fanwork premise.
As far as I can tell, highlighting Hecatia’s fascination with Junko’s endeavors is pretty rare in fanworks. It’s not uncommon for people to portray her as concerned over Junko’s grudge or outright trying to dissuade her from it - I will admit I’m not a huge fan of that and do not fully grasp where it came from. Not from the game, that’s for sure; and what few reappearances Junko and Hecatia got since do not really point into that direction either.
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