#it’s very annoying to me. sure he’s the main character and the hero but really. be for real
I’m really missing fluff for my ship. Like just cute moments with no drama. Honestly I just need more fics where he’s swooning over my queen. I’m not fond of messy situations despite writing some. Sure sometimes the story is intriguing and there’s so many emotions, but it’s mostly frustrating and I hate it. My fav has been through so much already, I just want the rest of her life to go smoothly, just let her live and be happy. No stress or worries, I want her to freely love and be loved in return
Addition that’s not really related but I didn’t want to make a new post:
I’m gonna be alone for a few days and I’m hoping I’ll be productive but man, times like this I really hate that I’m so extroverted. I’m feeling blue and I want to cry, but nothing’s really wrong. I just don’t well on my own. I tend to spiral and get too into my head. I really thought I would be free from a sad bitch summer vibe this time *sigh
Update: I did not work on CoAi week but I did look over the June prompts again and got my sister to laugh so I think that’s a win. It’s so dumb, I’m so dumb, but you know what? It’s my birth month so I’m gonna do whatever I want (I say as if I don’t strictly write self indulgent fics)
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mister-mickey · 20 days
Okay okay so this is exposing me as probably the cringiest person ever maybe but‼️ descendants au!
Okay so for anyone who doesn’t know the basic premise of descendants, all the characters are the kids (aka, descendants) of (Disney) fairytale characters, both villains and heroes. The descendants movies mostly focus on the villain kids and their redemption, and that’s what the trilogy is basically about (ignore the new movie, it sucks, don’t even bother watching it)
Okay so, Darry, soda, and ponyboy are the sons of Gaston because I think it’s silly. Darry is strong like Gaston, soda is good with the ladies, and Ponyboy is the biggest disappointment ever.
He likes to READ like a FREAK so Gaston hates his stupid little child. Gaston isn’t too fond of Darry either because although Darry is big and strong, he sucks with the ladies, and is also intelligent and dislikes his dad.
Soda might be Gaston’s fave, but even he isn’t perfect because he’s skinny and not tough. So they all have severe daddy issues lol
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After that we have Dallas who is technically the main character because he steals Mal’s spot as maleficents child. (He’s a fairy haha so funny)
He’s like a little demon and we love/hate him. He does magic and all that. He hates his mom because… she sucks but he also lowkey wants her approval because she is the most powerful person on the isle. He has almost the same relationship with her as Mal does in the movies, so there isn’t a whole lot to change
I gave him horns because I felt like mal should have had horns
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Next is Johnny! His mom is mother Gothel because none of the main parents seemed to fit him. They have a complicated relationship because that lady is crazy but she’s also really good at pretending that she loves him
Poor guy is so conflicted 24/7. He’s got long hair because mother Gothel has somehow gotten it into her head that he will eventually become magical.
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And then there is twobit!!!! His dad is Jafar which I’m pretty sure was @crazability idea
This was mostly because he seemed very similar to jay in the movies, but also because like… it just works. We like it
He’s goofier than jay is because he’s twobit but I think he plays a similar role
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Then Steve!!! Steve is Cruella DeVil’s son. He is very smart obviously because he’s Steve but since Cruella owns the only car then he is ofc the car guy
Steve is the same except he is deathly scared of dogs because of his mom lol. He HATES her she is absolutely off her rocker
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Now after them is the auradon kids!! These are obviously the socs because like, come on
They get tiny doodles because I got lazy.
Paul is the son of belle and the beats! He is the future king of auradon and that power goes to his blond curly head. He is also hopelessly in love with the person he keeps seeing in his dreams (if you’ve read the descendants books you know, but if you haven’t, I’ll explain later in the plot section)
Cherry is Ariel’s daughter! She’s a mermaid obviously and I’m assuming she’s melodys younger sister. We made her Ariel’s kid because she’s a redhead lol. Cherry is super chill until she meets annoying Dallas. She’s currently dating Bob
Marcia is fairy godmothers child and she takes Jane’s role in the original movies. She’s kind of insecure (though not AS insecure) and it does affect the way she behaves
Bob is literally just chad charming if his name was Bob. Also if chad was violent. Bob is Cinderella and Prince Charming’s son. He’s very eugh I guess
Randy is the son of aurora and whatever her husbands name is. He dislikes Dallas because of that but I’ll expand on that further down
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20-25 years previous, the villains were resurrected and sent to the isle of the lost. This was as a punishment becuase apparently death was not punishment enough. Obviously the villains have kids and the heroes have kids, but the villains kids grow up in an incredibly violent and poverty stricken environment. Cruelty is not just encouraged, but necessary for survival. Nobody cares about these kids so they often raise themselves
Well, the good guys elect a king to rule over all the lands (auradon) and they pick the beast from beauty and the beast. Whatever. Well now Paul is about to be king (despite his father being alive and fine. Stupid descendants lore)
Paul has been having dreams about blue eyes for months. He doesn’t remember anything else. It’s haunting him and he’s been searching for the person with blue eye for so long. He eventually figured that the person may be on the isle, so his first decree as a soon to be king is for some of the kids to be taken off of the isle.
So Darry, pony, soda, Dallas, Johnny, Steve, and twobit get picked. They are carted in a limousine and taken to auradon. Now, these guys have an EVIL plan thanks to Dally’s mom
The plot is basically the same after this except dally is the one doing the magic, but Darry is the one with the romance plot.
Basically, dally thinks Paul’s is gross and he refuses to seduce him. They all draw straws and darry loses. Dally makes the love potion, darry gets Paul to eat it, and then darry has to deal with Paul being head over heels for him. Eventually Darry falls in love back (which is super scary for him) which makes him not want to take over auradon.
Dally is conflicted because he wants to take over auradon to show his mom that he’s powerful but he’s quickly realizing that she will never care. He feels stupid for ever wanting her approval and sticks with the people that he KNOWS will always love him (the gang)
Now, they all get their arcs where they realize that they like living in auradon and they like being happy and not on the defensive 24/7.
Steve gets the dog arc where he realizes that his mom lied to him to keep him under her thumb
Twobit flirts with girls and tells jokes like he does on the isle, but in auradon people act likes he’s special for being witty. They want to be his friend. They actually try to get to know him and it makes him realize that his humor was a sort of defense tactic. He realizes that he doesn’t want to be funny just as a defense. He likes to make people smile. (Also room for marbit where he jokes with her and makes her feel good and she is a little less insecure but still insecure because insecurity doesn’t just go away after one conversation)
Johnny cuts his hair! It was an accident and he felt so nervous he almost passed out, thinking about how mad his mom would be. But then the teachers helped him even it out and make it look okay, and made sure he was okay. He felt free and happy that he was given a choice. He realizes that he wants the space to make choices
Soda is used to feeling dumb. He doesn’t like to read or do much of that stuff. He leaves it to darry and pony. It’s never been an issue for him, until the teachers started caring. It was awkward for him having all his teachers offer extra lessons because he struggled so much. It was weird having adults CARE about his issues. He starts to hate his dad a lot more
Pony is clear cut tbh. He likes to read, he hates fighting, and gangs, and wars, and everything else that the villains DO want. He meets belle and they become besties. He was on the auradon side since the beginning tbh. He felt very validated swapping his stories about his dad with her.
But! Trouble still happens when Marcia tries to make herself “better” and accidentally opens the barrier. Maleficent comes, causes trouble, and dally defeats her with the power of friendship
Darry realizes that the spell on Paul wore off ages ago and that Paul really does like him, boom! Happily ever after!
For now. Descendants two will include the Shepards 😈 and other characters if anyone has ideas on how to make that work
Also forgive me if this is confusing my phone is super laggy and I’m having trouble actually typing
Also! @batidochokolat wrote a few cute little snippets a while back of this au and I’m still crazy about it
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dekusleftsock · 4 months
Hey, so you said in your tags about how katsuki is a freak in his own way, could you please expand on this idea a little and when it comes to Izuku?
I actually made a post about this very concept semi recently but that post also didn’t really have organization lmao
The main reason I’ve always thought Katsuki as “a freak” as I dub him is for the very foundations of his personality. I think the main reason why no one in the western fandom looks at him and sees him for his (kinda) socially inept aspects is because of a combination between cultural differences and the nuances that hero society throws into Japan specifically.
It’s well known that Horikoshi’s story/world is heavily influenced by American super hero comics. Superman, Spider-Man, Harley, Poison Ivy, Bat-man, Captain America, ant man, etc. are all very obvious influences throughout the story, with characters like Allmight often feeling like a combination of Superman and Captain America.
The reason I bring this up is because the very aspects of these super hero comics is kind of in direct contradiction with Japanese society, especially as those heroics within the world affect the society around them.
Heroes are this curve ball thrown into a society that teaches its citizens to be polite, complicit, and quiet. That’s not to say that this is necessarily a “wrong” way to have a society, but I think it’s with this context that Katsuki’s character (and therefore the intentions behind it) become clearer.
Heroes are bright, loud, and powerful. But long before Katsuki was a hero he already was these things; how does that affect his social life? How do the people around him treat him in the context that he is both not a hero nor having of a quirk? If heroes are the “exceptions” to the society around them, and Katsuki is not yet an exception, then he is an outcast, right?
It’s this context that I feel most people forget. Katsuki understands the people around him, he’s very observant and nosy, but he also just doesn’t care. He is unabashedly himself at all times. Those jokes Aizawa made about keeping him out of the spotlight showcase this perfectly, Japanese society expects a certain standard for the social context around him—which he actively ignores.
It’s a very ironic aspect to his character given that most people admire and/or envy him. It puts a whole new light on izuku saying that he was the one “actually in his life”, that Izuku may have admired him before his quirk for simply being himself. Not to mention how it makes sense that he would believe izuku was looking down on him for admiring him before his quirk, because Katsuki was bullied! I think that’s an often overlooked detail given that he only became “acceptable” to most kids around him when he gained his quirk. The memory this is showcased in is entirely Izuku’s pov, which is heavily biased in the sense that he admired Katsuki. Getting jumped by kids two years older than you though is so weird, and I can’t help but wonder if the perspective might’ve changed were it in Katsuki’s pov.
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To me, the idea that Izuku’s memories of Katsuki being this social god come from blind childlike envy and admiration, especially as the contextual things happening (Katsuki is a REALLY big hero fan, he’s rude, he doesn’t remember people’s names, actively terrible at making friends at UA for a good couple weeks, getting bullied to even a minimal extent) in comparison to the words being told. You are told by Izuku that Katsuki is amazing, brilliant, talented, energetic, crass, and in reality (especially when they enter UA), to most people Katsuki is annoying, loud, mean, a little intimidating, and not nearly as cool as he thinks he is. His friends spend the entirety of the beginning of their first year actively making fun of him for thinking he’s tough shit when he so obviously isn’t.
And I think the biggest most important part to this “Katsuki is a bit of a social outcast” discussion, is that the villains thought he was like them! They thought he would hurt people because he screamed “die” and didn’t like winning when he felt he didn’t earn it.
The only reason Katsuki is not as much of an outcast as, say, Izuku, is simply because he won the lottery. He earned that extra point. He caught that curve ball to Japanese society and honed it into something greater.
And, see, Izuku can’t really know/comprehend that Katsuki would be, I don’t know, unpopular to any extent (shown in the beginning of the series when he’s freaking out on the bus that HES being complimented and Katsuki is being insulted), because to him Katsuki always acted like a hero. And in a way, he does! But it’s in the way that hero society throws that curve ball, contradictory to social norms, and of course it makes sense why they still happened at all; the past was dangerous! It was life changing! Disparity and violence and death, desperation fueled this huge monumental change. And what is izuku “I don’t know how to make people like me” Midoriya going to do when this kid, Bakugou Katsuki, acts like one of the heroes on TV? He’s not gonna call the Geneva convention and ask why the hell this child isn’t acting like a normal citizen—he’ll admire him to such a visceral degree because it’s almost like he was born a hero.
I like the concept that, because heroes and villain are cut from the same cloth, relatively similar in concept and strength and past hurts in their history, that this also affects how they are socially. You are outcasted by society: you want to oppose societal norms to live freely as yourself and others as theirselves, you want to make sure everyone can smile at the end of the day because sometimes you or your parents couldn’t, you want to be the best because someone told you that you couldn’t, you want to be just like the hero on your TV, who inspired the hero in your life.
Also you need to be at least a little bit of a freak to be listening in on people’s business all the time because it involves your childhood friend/rival to literally any degree. Like bro what is wrong with you come HERE BBG LET ME PICK YOUR BRAIN APART PIECE BY PIECE
More side note: idfk where I got the Geneva convention thing. I was just thinking about how mha has genuinely had violations against the Geneva convention
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
hi your short story is giving me absolute brainworms it’s DAMN good. I don’t have anything of real note to add so I’ll just ask: is there anything you really want to say about the story but haven’t yet (like trivia or whatnot)?
(938 Seconds Per Second)
Probably that I'd very nearly abandoned it!
The idea started from an article I was reading about time dilation - the gist of it being "okay but what's to stop you from accelerating infinitely? Up to and past the speed of light?" and the conclusion was kind of "you sort of can... from YOUR frame, from YOUR perception of time, potentially. but from a resting frame, you will appear to only ever approach the speed of light." So even if you could perceive yourself traveling 100 light years in a month... to every resting body, 100 years have passed.
So I was like cool! Fucked up potential! I really liked the concept of "you can notice your mistake after 5 minutes and already be 100 years too late to fix it."
I toyed with a few ideas and ended up gravitating towards "what if one shipmate intentionally leaves another shipmate behind... and by the time this is discovered days later, the left-behind shipmate is long dead." I also settled on "what if your shipmate sucked so bad that he causes you to snap and leave him behind"
So I started writing with that as the core idea. Main character Mendoza has the Worst Coworker in the World Universe, and he snaps and leaves Carson behind on a planet.
...But then I was a little lost. I was struggling with the substance. The "what makes this interesting" and the "what ties this all together." Sure I could just write Carson being an ass for 3,000 words and then... Mendoza leaves him behind the end?
I was even struggling with the first draft because part of me was like "what's even enjoyable about reading about a completely insufferable person...?" Even Mendoza himself is no peach. Maybe the whole concept was just unpalatable. I kinda just... ditched it where it was.
Then I came back to it this weekend and decided to kind of rethink it, fresh. And the absolute biggest difference between the early stumbling draft and what I ended up with was Sampson. He actually solved so much. (He existed in the early draft, but not importantly.) He introduced the character stakes and the tying thread to the story I was missing.
Now it wasn't just Carson annoying Mendoza. Once Sampson's tome enters the story, the stakes change. Mendoza is now in the middle of Carson actively destroying the thing Sampson is even alive for. Mendoza is now in a position of actively needing to make choices--he could intervene and try to save Sampson's tome. He could tattle. He could do anything--but he doesn't. Because "not letting Carson win" is the single most important thing. Mendoza doesn't need to be any kind of hero. He chooses not to be.
And now the reader is captive to this conflict, privy to everything Mendoza knows, and does not act on, as Sampson unravels in the background.
And now we have a thread that leads to Carson and Mendoza ending up on-planet together. Carson isn't out there for shits and giggles, he's out there because the plot point about Sampson's tome led to this. Now Carson knows about the cargo, and now he's offering Mendoza the chance to not just be passive witness, but be accomplice to Sampson's destruction.
And it's enticing. It's unimaginable wealth, and it's getting off the shitty ship, and it's never seeing Carson again. Mendoza has the chance to stick to his every-man-for-himself ideals and go along with Carson. And it's interesting to explore Carson's reasoning for why they deserve this! They're the ones who sacrificed 300 years for this journey! Don't they deserve this over some fucker who wasn't even born when this mission started?
And then it reaches one pivotal moment--Carson's gleeful declaration that Sampson will totally kill himself once he discovers what they've stolen. Because now there are consequences to this action. If Mendoza follows through with this, it's with the knowledge that he's gotten Sampson killed. (And maybe he shouldn't care. Maybe it doesn't matter. As he's asserted this whole time.)
Mendoza doesn't do it. He pulls up the ladder after Carson.
He doesn't let Carson win.
And then the ending... the ending where Sampson very much was witness to Mendoza following Carson out of the ship. If Sampson were every-man-for-himself, he could just comply and tell Major Kensington what he saw. Mendoza knew Carson was outside the ship. Mendoza came back. Carson didn't. The ship took off. Sampson knows this all.
But, Sampson has an idea of what, may, have happened. He knows he accidentally revealed too much to Carson. He knows Carson stole the tome which contains information about the cargo. Sampson, maybe, knows what decision Mendoza made.
So Sampson lies to Kensington. Sampson will swear on his life he never saw Mendoza that evening. No one will ever know.
And just!!! It was delightful to find the piece that ties the WHOLE story through. It's not just "your coworker sucks and you booted him to live out 40 years on a planet for your next 2 weeks". It's character-driven now. It's about choices and consequences and the fucked up implications that the time-dilation travel throws in.
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 4 months
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.batcrow feat. the owl.
or a situation, which is stuck somewhere between existential threat an’ scuffle between barn animals.
(it’s one of those underdeveloped, raw-ish concepts that i indulge in just for funzies. it all started very simply. i was thinking about what kind of person might make bruce jealous. the topic was kinda challenging, considering that bruce in the comics *at least in the ones, i read* or even btas is rarely express this emotion if at all. in fact, at one point, he literally said to the woman, who he supposedly was in love with, that she should stay with the other man, who also liked her, bc he needed her more *he got disfigured an' such* an’ she was like ‘wtf is wrong with you. to paw me to the other man like that’, clearly outraged. but bruce didn’t seem to fully grasp what her issue was lol.
still, what if he somehow got jealous of another man, when it comes to crane, anyways? and who that man could possibly be? my first thought was superman, bc bruce generally can be kinda petty, when it comes to him. but clark is such a puppy-like character. he wouldn’t have been mean about it, or even be someone who could potentially like jon in such a manner. at worst, bruce might have got annoyed at crane *not clark*, if he said smth about superman’s strong arms in front of him. some jealousy there, but not quite what i was looking for, when pondering on that set up.
an' then, i recalled the owlman! i only know the version of him from the cartoon, an’ honestly after seeing glimpses of what they do with him in comics, i’d say this is the only owlman for me. from the crisis on 2 earths ‘toon. gotta admire a character, who is SO nihilistic an’ SO sure in his own worldview, that he literally does nothing an’ dies, just bc it doesn’t matter to him. he even smiles a bit, if i remember correctly. kinda both chillin’ an’ sad. the owlman had an ego, but he also just kinda….wanted everything to die an’ that’s it. he is what might have happened, if bruce went full blown doctor strangelove, after his parents death. which is funny, bc owlman isn’t bruce wayne at all, but he is the one who ‘takes’ his place in his own universe. i don’t remember if it was ever revealed in the cartoon, who the owlman was or if they left it ambiguous. i'm pretty sure, that they made him bruce’s brother in the comics, specifically. but i might be wrong, bc there was a few owlman in batman's ran, i think...?
either way, this version here is devoid of backstory. the main thing for him is that there was never a bruce wayne in his universe, an’ coincidently enough, no jonathan crane, either. as result, owlman knows nothing about scarecrow. he had analogs of other batman’s rogue gallery, who were either heroes or anti-heroes, but he never had professor of fear of his own. an' that’s part of the reason why he gets slightly curious about him. at the begining, it's very casual on his part. i guess, he might have wondered why it's those two *jon an' bruce* specifically, who never existed in his reality. everybody else, clearly did. so he looks a bit closer into it, still mostly for the sport. only to find out about strange relationships that crane has with the bat.
the owlman is an isolated kind of character. he doesn’t care for his own teammates. nor he's able to reciprocate their affection. i mean, he didn’t really react to the villain version of wonder woman kissing him. he was surprised, sure, but not hurrying to return the gesture or even seemingly knowing what to do about this situation. which led me to believe, that at least in the frames of that toon’s worldbuilding, he had no alt alfred or robin or anyone, who he was close with. kinda an opposite of batman, who does to a degree surrenders himself with people, even if he keeps them at *emotional* distance, more often than not. but the point is, that bruce still wants a connections an’ not devoid of hope to see the things sorta/kinda working up. in comparison, owlman is as nihilistic as a person can get, so it makes zero sense for him to have close ties with anyone. or even see it smth that he needs. but i imagine that witnessing how batman acts with his enemies, jon esp, be a very confusing experience for him. like, why pity such a person? why even show some small signs of kinship with him? an' what’s so different about this one, if anything at all? 
so after some more pondering, he approaches crane just to see for himself, if he is worth all that effort *sympathy* or not. an’ hey, scarecrow is kinda fun. reactive an’ jerky, an’ surprisingly aggressive for such a coward. owlman's usual enemies are the good guys. they're heroic an' noble. but jonathan isn’t that. not even close. his worldview is bitter an' twisted. whatever wrongs were done to him, didn't mold him into a hero like with any other owlman's enemy. the scarecrow is a villain to the boot an' it's...new. his use of fear is interesting too. none of his enemies had this gimmick. this makes the owlman wanna play around with him for a bit longer. or owlman experience unknown emotions for the first time in years an’ kinda not fully certain what to do about it, other than indulge in it. his end goal still the same. it won’t change for/or bc of anything, but he can have a small distraction, before the curtains call. it's not everyday, when he can find a person, who is kinda interesting to him, even if bc of pure novelity that he can hang out with a man, who had never existed in his own timeline.
then, he learns about the scarecrow’s life. how it went downhill or rather, how it was sorta doomed from the start almost. an’ oh. here it is. that’s what batman feels too, isn't it? that silver of kinship. the owlman never had this before. an’ it’s not a bad feeling, either. he was never able to relate to the others. it’s like ‘everything sucks so much. everything just sucks forever’ an’ he has found someone who understands the meaning of this sentiment, an' not just being an emo about life. at least, the owl would assume that jon understand it in the exact same way he does *but jon doesn’t lol* 
meanwhile, bruce is concerned. owlman is a very bad, bad kind of man to have around crane for many different reasons. one of which is that it doesn't sound like a hard thing to convince someone like crane, that destroying everything is the only 'right' way to go about things. jonathan's life is generally was an' still is awful, so why not end it all, but with a huge, literal bang?
it’s like a nihilistic doom an’ gloomy buddy club. sounds hella corky, but in reality, it’s dark stuff, actually. jon be beyond depressed in this case. him getting all buddy-buddy with people, who are more unhinged an’ dangerous than him isn’t a new thing. but in this case, it’s like an extra salt on batman’s open wound. the bat himself states in comics at least twice, how crane is one of those villains, who don’t just stay the same, but who progressively gets more an’ more insane an’ deranged each time he breaks out of arkham. him hanging out with the person, whose worldview is basically ‘it would have been so much better, if we all were dead’ an' who literally an' genunily means this, isn’t smth that is good for jonathan's *already declined* mental health. esp if owlman is also rather problematic in other ways too. not to meantion, that him dragging crane along is also kinda personal. in this way, he might be showing bruce, that no matter how much he wants his rogues to change or how much good will he shows them, they're all just human, therefore they're all hopeless an' bad. bc all humas are bad in owlman's understanding. it's like 'aw, you want to believe that this one isn't a lost cause? what if i will make him help me to murder everybody? still think he worthy of your delusions?' owlman might have an end goal, but he's also arrogant an' petty too.
on main, i have two rough-ish concepts for their uhhh, trio shippy thing. in PG-ish version, it’s just that owlman influencing jon in an awful ways, an’ since he kinda/sorta resembles batman, crane subconsciously rely on him, bc he's somewhat familiar. besides, the owl hints that his own life was bad too, an’ it’s like finally someone gets on the same level of despair as crane does. an' also, maybe...this what could have been, if the bat was a villain too. they could have been on the same team. so in a way, it's kinda more of jonathan playing into this weird fantasy of himself an' bad batman, than him fully understanding the real level of 'oof' that owlman tries to acomplish with 'the plan'.
*funny enough tho, where it really counts, jon isn’t like owlman. he, for one isn’t someone who would just give up. after every fail an’ each kick an’ shove, he still gets up. the thing about jonathan is that he wouldn’t just lie down an’ die no matter how much pain an' humilation an' despair, he felt. an’ he also wouldn’t *in the end* commit to the idea of murdering countless people just bc his life sucked. even if, it doesn’t mean, that he won’t go through motions an’ nearly, truly consider going along with it. he isn’t alright in the head, an’ his negative emotions tend to get the best of him. still, i feel like most versions of jonathan would in the end, decide that no, it's not what he wants or ready to take responsibility for.*
it all would resolve in comic book fashion, where jon would help the bat in the end, an’ not that other man, who had his allure an’ had almost seduced crane into doing one last evil act any human being in existence could have ever done. still, there always be longing on scarecrow’s part for this odd, wrong ‘batman’, even if he sticks with his own, regardless. 
*an’ yeah, the bat is kinda jealous throughout all of this lol. the world can be hanging by a thread, but no one said, that he cannot be a tad possessive, while he’s saving it *an’ crane* too. owlman will have fun with this knowledge, while it will go completely over jonathan’s head. mister ‘i can pin-point everyone’s fear from one conversation’ would have a really hard time understanding that batman’s beef with the owl not strictly hero vs villain thing*
then, in more mature version, it's kinda the same-ish plot, but owlman prob would do way more messed up things, which might put crane into a position, where he’s afraid to not comply, but also not actually willing to do it. an’ naturally, there bruce won’t be jealous, more so angry. really struggling with idea, if he should let just this one man *or an owl, whichever rings more true* die. an’ then, if this is a reflection of him, what kind of person, he really is. so it’s more of moral dilemma an’ a character study of a nihilistic sociopath, who just might have wanted to have a lil chew-toy, as he prepares his biggest scheme.
anyways, it’s not like an otp3 or anything. i’m a very bond/pair oriented fella. so when i’m dabbing into 3 way dynamics, it usually has more situational/reactive undertones. but i won't deny, that it’s fun to think about 'what if' or even about some situation in the void, where the bat an’ the owl double teame the crow. which in any plot-included or a somewhat coherent narrative just wouldn’t have happened bc of how all 3 of them function / react to things. it just not in their character to do it this...randomly. but if i will ever make a superhero pwp ficlet collection, i might try to do smth with this idea.)
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aerkame · 7 months
LMK Mute Reader insert (short)Drabble
Arrrggh, I know I should be asleep rn, but this idea was bugging me, so here you go!
Lately I've gotten much better at ASL, my friend and I have been learning it on and off for months but it really got me thinking, what if an Isekai reader was mute? So much to unpack, and Lego people probably don't have ASL or any way of using their hands to communicate. Worse, there probably would not be or ever be any mute Lego people because of design issues. If so, we just never see it. It presents quite the challenge for anyone entering their world. I can see this MAYBE working out well if the reader ended up in Journey to The West or any other movie/media that does not involve having plastic, yellow, macaroni for hands. Fandom: Lego Monkie Kid Summary: (This is just a drabble to get my idea out because it's buggin' me) Reader wakes up one day in Lego Monkie Kid and struggles to process the lack of human hands.
Sometimes you wish you could scream. This was one of those times.
In front of you stood what was supposed to be a fictional boy in a fictional world; but, having been just ran into by the excited hero made you realize this was all too real to be a dream. Things were clear, you could get hurt, you could smell, you could breathe, and most importantly, you were very self-aware. All evidence points to this being real. And you wanted to scream.
Getting up to dust your clothes off, you watched as what you recognized to be MK also get up. This was so uncanny.
Seeing the gears turn in his head, you watched as MK realized what happened before he came running up to you. "OHMYGOSHIAMSOSORRYABOUTTHAT-" He was frantically bowing over and over, not paying attention as you tried several times to raise your 'hand' to sign to him. You realized you needed his attention but he just kept rambling...and rambling...and more apologies came out until you finally grabbed his shoulder, gave it a squeeze, and made a small smile. Looking up, Mk made a nervous smile back "Are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you with my staff!" He was practically eyeing you up down your body, most likely looking for injur- Wait. You got hit by his what now?
You flinched upon realizing what actually happened, ignoring MK's worried questions and prodding. You weren't ran into, well, you were, but you also got a good whack from the staff as well. So why didn't you feel anything?
"Uhhm...hello? I didn't hit you in the head did I?" You felt a hand gently tap your shoulder, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Looking over, you quickly began moving your hands, making odd gestures, trying to explain you were alright. MK looked confused, you looked annoyed once you realized the issue.
These hands, they weren't like yours, you can't communicate with them like you would back home.
A huff left your mouth as MK nudged closer to get a better look, he probably thought you were crazy now.
"I don't know what you're doing, but I'm sure you'll feel better with a bowl of noodles and quick check over?" The sentence came out as more of a question, MK clearly wasn't aware of the issue going on but he was too sweet to leave you here it seems.
It was a hard choice as weird as it sounds. On one hand, you could meet the main cast, but on the other, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. But...you need help and you feel overwhelmed. You doubt you'd feel comfortable being with other characters.
You gave MK a quick nod after thinking it through. Not even a split second passed before you were stuffed in the back of a noodle truck with MK hopping into the driver's seat, eyes sparkling "Perfect! I'm sure you'll love Pigsy's noodles!" Starting up the engine, MK sped off, not giving you a chance to buckle in.
Off in the distance, a bird watched the truck speed away from the crater left behind from one of MK's 'attack'. Imprints of your shoes were embedded into the stone due the force behind the staff. What a concerning sight...
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cosmerelists · 10 months
Support Groups that are Needed in the Cosmere
[Spoilers throughout!]
Sure, Kaladin has invented therapy, but where are the highly specific, timeline-blind, Cosmere-spanning support groups that our heroes desperately need? Support groups like...
1. "My Parental Figure Tried to Murder Me and all I Got was this Stupid Trauma."
Vin: You grow up thinking your mom tried to kill you, but it turns out she was just spiking you to be controlled for an evil god. Vin: Not better. Charlie: Oh man, that's horrible! My dad just sent me to an evil sorceress he thought would kill me because I was just that embarrassing to him. Wax: My uncle, who raised me, tried to blow me up with my own butler! And that was just, like, the first murder attempt. Shallan (sweating): I really thought there'd be more "and I killed them back" by now.
2. "Kin-Killers Club Support Group"
Wax: Kin-Killer's...Club? Shallan: I thinks someone thought the alliteration would be jolly before realizing that this group probably shouldn't be. Raboniel: Some would claim that "kin-killing" must be specifically a blood relative, like a daughter, rather than a spouse. Dalinar: ...should I go? Wax: No, no, I think wives definitely count as family! Vin: How do we feel about in-laws? Father-in-law? Brother-in-law? Shallan: Hey, it's all trauma. Kaladin: What if you didn't kill your brother exactly but you feel like it's definitely your fault and the guilt eats you alive? Wax: Yeah, nixing the jolly alliteration was definitely a good idea.
3. "I Did Not Enjoy Being Enslaved"
Kaladin: I think, for me, the worst part was that by the time I had fallen that low, I kinda felt like I deserved it. For not protecting people. Kaladin: I think that's why I kept my slave brands for so long. Rlain: I never thought I deserved it. None of my people did. Crow: Hey, why is this group's name in the past tense? Some of us are STILL enslaved to the big stupid dragon, you know!
4. "Dead Brother Gang"
Kaladin: Uh, Shallan? Is it awkward to have me here? Shallan: Eh, it's okay. Narratively, I got over you killing my brother really quickly! Shallan: Sorry he killed, like, all of your friends. Kaladin: I think that's trauma for a different support group. Shallan: Ha ha yeah! I've been to so many it's hard to keep track. Jasnah: If the two of you are finished, perhaps the rest of us could also talk about our deceased brothers now? Llarimar: Uh, is it okay if our brother died but then later came back to life? His death was still, like, very sad. Marsh: Of course. Even brothers who don't remain dead can be grieved. Marsh: ...Sometimes they manage to annoy you more.
5. "Horses Suck So Much--Why Doesn't Anyone Else See It?"
Kaladin: ... Vin: ... Kaladin: Vin: ... Kaladin: I really thought we'd get more people. Vin: Me too!
6. "Killed Off For Another Character's Development"
Evi: I know my death gave my husband such a powerful backstory but...it would have been nice to be in the main narrative. Vin's mom: Hey, at least you got a name. Parlin: It sucks, but it must be nice that you were grieved, at least! Parlin: People are like, why was Parlin even a character? Kelsier: (sighs) Yeah, our deaths may help the main character grow...but at what cost? Evi (low voice): Are we sure he qualifies?
7. "I Really Thought That Guy Was Cool and then He Almost Murdered Me and I Felt Kind of Stupid"
Vivenna: Turns out you CAN'T trust mercenaries, even if they seem jolly. Shallan: Some men who bring you jam and bread are...bad. Siri: Even nerds can be evil. Hrathen: Sometimes the crazed, violence-prone, deeply unstable underling you think you can control for your own purposes turns out to be crazy, violent, unstable, and murderous. Vivenna: ... Shallan: ... Siri: ... Hrathen: What?
7. "Wronged By Hoid"
Kelsier: Ugh, that jerk. Punched me in the face. Sigzil: Abandoned me in the Bridge Crew. Not to mention that I have to run forever now, thanks to him. Jasnah: "Wronged" is perhaps strong, but I will say that he is not the ideal boyfriend. Riina: That son-of-bitch kicked me off of a perfectly fine planet! Amarem: He was quite rude to me, once. Or many times. Hoid: It's all so true. I get myself into SO much trouble sometimes. Hoid: Is there any greater victim of Hoid...than Hoid himself? Kelsier: YOU CAN'T BE HERE
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otakween · 3 months
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Digital Monster X-evolution
If those janky Digimon World cutscenes were a whole movie, it'd be this. To be fair, I think outdated CGI has a lot more charm than a lot of the higher quality but soulless stuff they put out nowadays. Plot-wise it was nothing special, we've seen this plot a zillion times by now. They just injected it with some new gimmicks. I did find the main character charming enough. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing another attempt at an all-CGI movie as long as that didn't become the new default (slippery slope lol).
Although the plot of this film was really simple they managed to add some convoluted lore anyways...because Digimon. Just when I was thinking "that was confusing" I saw that this wiki has a 900 page long (not really lol) explanation/play-by-play. Maybe I'll read it when it's not my bed time: https://wikimon.net/Digital_Monster_X-evolution
Of course they had to open the movie with Leomon dying (really?) Why is that a thing? I've never felt emotional seeing any Leomon die tbh lol
I think Dorumon and his digivolutions have really strong designs. His rookie form kinda looks like a furry version of Monodramon. I've been playing Digimon RPG (the MMO) and just by chance ended up with him as my partner (I actually thought I was getting Impmon lol). Fate!
Not a lot of levity here, the script took itself very seriously and the characters spent most of the film just being existential and talking about the meaning of life. Kinda heavy for a silly little monster battle film.
Legit got a little emotional when Dorumon was being bullied, but it's really easy to feel sad for a furry little creature
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The CGI actually held up better than I thought it would for the most part, the mecha digimon especially looked awesome. The only "AH! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" moment was Andromon -shudder-
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(Of course, Andromon is ugly in any form, but this is definitely his worst).
Weird seeing Omegamon vs. WarGreymon. I was also surprised to see Magnamon in the Royal Knights. He just seems more beast-like to me than the other knights.
Tokomon was one of those "is it cute or is it annoying?" baby characters. I'm leaning more towards cute, but there were moments where I was like "alright, that's enough of him" loi
Dorugamon kinda reminded me of Toothless. I wanna pet his big nose :3c
They just couldn't resist, they had to call something in this franchise "Yggradsil" didn't they
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(They also used other Norse names, the same ones used in Ah! My Goddess).
The funky X-forms of digimon were fun, very angular. It reminds me of the newer Pokemon games how they keep adding new gimmicky forms. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of these. I guess in a way, this is a more realistic "evolution" since it has to do with the digimon reacting to their environment by developing antibodies.
I saw people complaining that Frontier only had two Royal Knights, well I guess they made up for it a bit here. Are they always gonna be working for the villain side? I wanna see a series where they're the heroes!
It was neat seeing Silphymon again. I get excited when 02 characters show up cuz it's kind of the underdog season in my mind.
The villain digimon (aside from the royal knights) weren't very well explained they just kinda showed up, caused havoc, then went away. The only reason why I have a name for any of them is cuz I read the wiki. I guess it would be hard to naturally fit in all the names...
The name "Alphamon" was kind of an eyeroll. They're running out of epic names lol. (Also, it just makes me think of alpha bros nowadays). The design is nice tho, it's got the black w/ gold highlights thing that I liked in Frontier.
Lots of badass cape shots in this (see my final screenshot above)
At the end of the movie the digital world was destroyed and then restored (Frontier much?) It wasn't really clear what that meant for the digimon. Did they all just resurrect via digiegg? Were they recreated exactly as they were before the world's destruction? -shrug-
Pretty sad that this movie never got any love in the states. I wonder if there's a fandub out there somewhere.
Apparently Digimon World 4 is related to this movie so I'll be playing that next!
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woodsfae · 6 months
B5 S03e15 Interludes and Examinations  previous episode - table of contents 
I don't think we've heard from Ivanova's personal diary before....it's totally possible that I'm forgetting one, but still! Exciting! Hearing a personal entry isn't common on B5 iirc. I will never turn down a peek into Susan Ivanova's head. 
And it's factual, bad news. The shadows have been attacking openly for ten days, randomly, all over the place. And there's an older guy looking suspicious on B5! The younger guy he's talking to I thought was Morden The Asshole at first, but that was just my moderate faceblindness tricking me, I think. 
Ooooo I am excited for the return of Adira! I'm tired, very very tired, of sad genocide Londo. Let's get some character arc in here, and I liked Adira. 
Wait no it is Mordan! Ah! That asshole! 
There's a new alien species reaching out for aid that Sheridan isn't giving much inspiration or help to. Well, I typed too soon: he has contacts and negotiations in his toolkit of resources. 
"I'm not questioning you, I'm saying you're flat wrong!"
is a great line. 
Dr Franklin is definitely still on the sims, but Garibaldi should have been yelled at. The security chief has no place tyring to talk to the emergency room doctors trying to save a patient's life. Get out of there Michael Garibaldi. No room for cops in the operating room, scoot. 
Morden: make your government start more wars or else Londo: I have stared death in the face and said "meh"
Garibaldi: I think you should do less legal speed and sleep more. Dr Franklin: I'm going to do more legal speed and sleep less, actually. 
Delenn and Sheridan's interaction made me laugh. And perhaps it foretells of the return of Kosh to the main storyline? 
This Garibaldi/Sheridan foreplay is getting intense. Garibaldi is staging a full-on intervention on the legal level. The hamfisted AA commerical is a little dull for me but could be way more annoying, as far as a storyline goes. 
Morden the asshole is continuing to be an asshole, charming the caterer slash personal shopped Vir was meeting with on Londo's behalf. 
lmao dr franklin. staring into the cold abyss of realizing you really really like coke. 
So Sheridan slash humans see an angelic, glowing figure when they see Kosh. Which doesn't explain why the original doctor from the pilot movie was so affected by a glimpse. Me, I'd be more "huh, glowing kinda looks like an angel...the universe is weird. Stitch him up!"
"You said you wanted to teach me to fight legends? Well you're a legend too." 
LEGENDARY. So legendary that's Sheridan's going to have to fight himself. 
"You do not understand. But you will."
Yeah I wouldn't like to hear that after making a bargain with an inexplicable and incomprehensible higher being. 
I'm too high to follow this space battle at all so it's great to hear Ivanova report that the Vorlons engaged the Shadows and were winning. 
o.O they brought back Adira just long enough to have her killed before she arrived! Morden, you asshole. 
Well, Lord whatshisface of Centaur who Londo half-poisoned. But Morden, ultimately, I'm sure. 
Bye Adira, sorry you got fridged. 
Sheridan's bargain with Kosh paid off, and now he will be alone and without Kosh's help when he goes to die on Z'ha'dum. 
Which is almost as ominous as Sheridan's dream vision. Seeing Kosh, Shadows appearing and disappearing, and then his father-bit-actually-Kosh apologizing for not believing him and ...dying? Seems like if Kosh could see this coming, then he could also arrange for some like, shielding, or some other Vorlon tech for protection. But it is about time for the stakes to be raised and the mentor figure to be killed off in this hero's quest, I suppose! 
The Vorlons think it's a bad idea to announce that Kosh slash a Vorlon? has died. So they're going to send a new Vorlon to replace him?? new character alert! I look forward to meeting Kosh-notKosh-Kosh. 
Londo still buying Morden's shit! Londo's revenge arc is, I glumly foresee, going to include more war crimes, and continue to be sad.  
Hmmm. I didn't expect Dr Franklin to resign! I'll be interested in finding out what he gets up to while he tries to do less speed. 
But not in the next!
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enixamyram · 17 days
Had a friend sleep round and we decided to binge watch Blood of Zeus. Here are my thoughts:
Overall, it was good. The animation was a little weird at times (it was like realistic animation but with a touch of comedy movement thrown in every now and then that just didn't fit or their lips moved a little too stiffly when speaking) but it still had some great designs for the characters and creatures.
The story itself was a bit of hit and miss. I liked the general plot and most of the little character moments that happened in between but felt Heron was a pretty boring and unnecessary main character. I feel like we could have done the whole story with one of Zeus' canon sons being the lead (either a god or demi god, it could have worked either way). I also realized that a lot of the things I really didn't enjoy from the show was usually the Hollywood-Cliches/Tropes that were added on. Things clearly done to hype the drama but that either weren't needed or didn't fit with the characters. And I'm not sure if it's because I've read a lot of the Greek Myths and I'm mixing it with these characters but I often found myself siding more with the bad guys than the supposed heroes. Like yeah, Hera's totally psycho but at the same time, good for her telling Zeus to go eff himself!
Speaking of characters: Ares. Let me start by saying I don't actually mind changing up the stories and interpreting the characters in different ways. I think it makes it interesting and different. But it has to be for a good enough reason like a serious plot point or important character development. Ares, in this, is not only totally out of character (he's the one of the few God who was against any form of sexual assault) but he's annoyingly pointless. I literally described him to my friend as an "annoying bully jock" and then saw someone else on here also described him as a "typical jock". Throughout the show, he isn't there to do anything but be an asshole and give the "bastards" a hard time so we can see just how much better they are in comparrison. Again, I don't mind changing things up but it feels very much like people still just think: Ares=God of War, war=fighting, fighting=bad, bad=evil. That's such a juvenile thought process but it's all anyone ever does for him in media. (And you know what, on another moaning note. I hated Ares outfit. Not necessarily the outfit but certainly the color. Puting him in all black because, again, black=bad, just looked awful to me. It sucked and it's the one things in the show that really got on my nerves throughout.)
I will watch season 3 when it comes out, but I don't think it's a show I'll be eager to rewatch anytime soon.
And I'll add here: If anyone has any book/movie/TV show recs about Greek God's and Mythology, please recommend. I am still very much addicted to that subject right now.
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thefcguy · 2 months
Thomas Astruc Newest Interview:
Thomas Astruc and Zag recently had an interview which they talked about things from season 6 specials and so on…
I am not 100% sure how official they are, so, don’t take this 100% seriously.
Spoilers below:
1- Vesperia isn’t forgotten by the writters.
They said that she hasn’t appeared in any posters yet because her model isn’t complete, and that she is important, and that the team does care about her…
(Wow, the team cares about Zoe/Vesperia? The girl that they added in season 4 and threw under the bus the moment they got rid of Queen Bee? The girl that didn’t even get a Kitty Noir transformation? The girl whose plot in Representation about getting a girlfriend that I forgot the name was deleted due to the runtime? Keep telling your lies, Astruc… keep telling your lies…).
(No, I don’t agree with the hate she gets. I like Zoe. But Astruc saying he cares about her, even after all he did is a bit… annoying to me).
2- The Japan Special is the next one:
They haven’t confirmed anything, but, since Zag said that Lady Tiger will be very important, cause she will be their first hero with cancer, and that we will meet her very soon, it’s very clear that this teasing indicates Japan special is next. And Rio Special is forgotten once again (wow, as a Brazillian, “thanks”, Thomas).
(I am also worried about how they will handle cancer, considering they didn’t even make what Rose’s sickness clear).
3- Samg won’t be returning:
Yeah, that’s it. Their lost work is the London Special. The artstyle will change, and they will try to keep the animating on France only due to the leaks.
4- Season 6 will be filled with hints that the audience will look with new eyes on Season 7:
They said that, once we start seeing season 7, out view on season 6 will change completely, and that these hints will be bombastic.
(right, they are “very good” with foreshadowing. And by “foreshadowing” I mean either blatant teasing for future events, or retcons).
5- They are considering a Live Action for Miraculous… again:
They said they still need to rethink and see if their budget can handle it… I hope not, it would be probably really bad with bad CGI.
6- Other Magical Creatures:
They said that there probably are other magical creatures besides kwamis and renlings out there.
(wow, we barely know 10% of the kwamis that exist, and they want to create more magical creature. I will just say I hate when people create more and more elements before flashing out their older ones. It’s lazy, it leaves many questions open and, summing up, just not nice).
7- The reason why Lila has become a villain and wants the miraculi was already revealed:
They said that they have already left enough hints to why Lila has become the new Hawk Moth, it’s just that we, the audience, didn’t pay enough attention to it.
(I wonder this time what will be the retcon. Lila is as old as Master Fu and is a rebel from the Order of Guardians? She is Manon from the future? Either way, I doubt it will be convincing. Except if it is that she is an orphan that wants her parents back).
8- Thomas Astruc already created many miraculous AUs:
Yeah, even the show’s own creator likes to make AUs about it. His favorite one is where Ladybug is similar to Sailor Moon and she leads her own super hero team. In this AU, there is also no romance.
(I wonder if any of his AUs are better than the canon he writes).
9- The Melody Movie I back on production I guess:
Zag explained about the movie synopsis, which is about a girl needing to learn how to trust herself with the power of music (yes, it’s pretty generic), and the main character will be voiced by Katy Perry.
10- Chloe will be back:
And no, she won’t be getting a redemption. Astruc said that they try to write their characters on a logical way, so that they are consistent. And, no matter how hard they try, they found no way of Chloe regretting her actions and be like “Oh, Marinette, I was so mean to you!”, so, it doesn’t matter what he wants, it’s Chloe’s fault she doesn’t want to get better…
(I am not even a Chloe stan and this angers me beyond relief. First, they try to write their characters with consistence. WHEN? ‘Kagami’s friendship with Lila, Felix’s redemption, the whole amok plot, anything related to Lila on season 5, the fact they changed why Marinette broke up with Luka, the concept of the bee’ are anything but consistent. And say that Chloe can’t get a redemption? There are many ways for a character to get a redemption. Amity and Hunter from Owl House, Peridot and Lapis from SU, Sasha from Amphibia, and Zuko from Avatar all got a redemption. If you guys don’t want to give her a redemption, fine, but don’t try this whole “she can’t”, she is a character! And you guys are writing her!)
(Also, bringing Chloe back? I though you guys were trying to break the formula with the season 5’s wish, not go back to it).
11- The Story will change:
Not because of a reboot or anything, they just want to make it more serious and gradual.
(No comments here).
12- The Team has ideas for how 12 series of miraculous would be like:
They know for sure the 6, 7, 8 and 9 arc, and are also still unsure of what to do with the opening.
(12 seasons… when shows like Steven Universe gets 5, the Owl House gets 3, and many others get only 1).
13- Andre will get a redemption arc:
Thomas said that, unlike Chloe, he clearly wants to change, and the scene in Collution was a big character point for him. They also want to, someway, somehow, tell about his and Gabriel’s backstory someday.
14- Fun Facts:
The Supreme (the bad guy from Shadybug’s universe), will make a comeback at the series; Zoe’s crush at Marinette was due to love at first sight at the bakery (I think this is cute); the writers love Rolland because he was inspired by Thomas grandfather (and Simplifier is their favorite episode due to this fact); Akumatized!Marinette is a possibility; the writing for season 6 is at is peak, and a better version of season 5 (wonder which criminal boy will be redeemed and which girl won’t get the same treatment and be sent to live with her abusive parent).
15- The whole story we saw until now is only 5% of all he showed Zag when he pitched the show:
You heard that right, miraculous has still 95% of stories to give to us.
(I know that Superheroes usually have many arcs and stories they face, but that’s mostly because they are usually on comic format. I am not sure if it’s worth telling so many stories in a cartoon series).
Now, I leave to my miraculous mutuals @natedogx15 @nerd-chocolate and @artzychic27
to share their opinions. They might even change my mind for season 6.
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robotlesbianjavert · 8 months
10 fav things about spinner + 10 fav things about shigaraki
this is like asking me to describe my favourite things about the gentle warmth of the sun on my skin on a cloudless day at a beautiful lake that is good and fun to swim in. how can i put words to how perfect something like that is.
gay little hench fella. most important character trait always.
the bravado and bluster he gets introduced with being a cover for his deep-seated insecurities and internal struggles...
...his claims of high-minded idealism and lofty goals when his true wants are so simple (HOMOSEXUAL LOVE) (and to matter in some way i guess.) (mostly love. though.)
i know he is an annoying backseat gamer. i have said this before but it's so charming to me.
how surprisingly well his character development elevates the Themes & Motifs around how important human connections are for the ostracized. and he doesn't have to be annoying about it.
the charming little touches of characterization. him shrieking GRAND THEFT AUTO as a battle cry in 160, when he has to move his headband tail out of his eyes when trying to deliver a speech to toga. they make him feel so that much more real.
he's so poetic. he should be a writer. that warped, crumbling horizon...i'd never seen anything prettier GOD i know he was writing angsty poetry.
as someone who usually prefers secondary/side character to the mains, he is like. such a great example of a side character done right. he's like commentary on the nature of being a side character (monoma is another example of this in the manga), of the interplay between dehumanization/discrimination (Shoji Arc DNI) and crime, of connection with others and how they inspire us pushing us, etc etc etc. lots of the fun themes.
he is so sincere. so crazy sincere, once you have his love, he is so sincere. and so determined. he has the soul of the troubled outsider type of shonen hero who has to become stronger through the strength of his bonds. but also the energy of that shonen hero's love interest. all trapped in the body of a secondary character. he is so amazing.
when his face is drawn so small and cute and squishy like you can eat it :3
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the reason i read bnha in the first place was because i stumbled upon the leaks of chapter 222 with the tortured flashes of shigaraki's past when i was discourse diving for fun. and then looking at that chapter in full, the way that shigaraki delivered what he remembered of his backstory, the Insane Tragedy of it all. well how could i not love him.
when he wants to murder highschool students. who wouldn't!
i love his physicality, the way his body language is portrayed - like he's generally pretty loose and slumped (especially early on), but he's also very purposeful? it's something that i think horikoshi generally excels with in art, but shigaraki just takes the cake.
for that matter his whole character design is perfection. early on with all the hands was such a unique and creepy look that tied in beautifully to his backstory and also Themes & Motifs. and even when he loses most of the hands, his face is so <3 with all the eyebags and scratches and wrinkles. he's also the character whose appearance has changed the most, in a way that goes hand in hand with his character development.
when he gets pissed off when he first starts trying to recruit people so he goes to the mall. to angst publicly. he wore a hoodie <3
he's a character that's really easy to reduce down to his victimhood and trauma - and lots of people sure do that! - and his victimhood and trauma are essential parts of his character, but even with the dumbass possession arc shigaraki never loses sight of who he is and what he wants, even beyond AFO's influence. it's also really easy to make him Just a villain, a straightforward villain who cares for nothing and no one. but he does care about things, he cares about the league! he does it all.
much like spinner and in fact more than spinner, he has The Most shonen hero energy despite being thee villain. and he's so cool about it. he even gets a love interest.
petty misanthropic bitch but as soon as you know you're place he's chill. this is how shigaraki/resdestro is real.
chapter 379. everything about it but also how he called nagant a flip-flopping screw up. i'm ignoring how he said the same about my friend gentle criminal.
his smile :)
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i feel like both these lists do not do enough to really encapsulate why i love them. but one must try.
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
Hi, I'm new to this fandom and saw about your stand against Jiang Cheng and I'm genuinely curious, could I ask you why do you hate the character so much? I'm genuinely curious.
Hello! Welcome to the MDZS fandom! It’s a really interesting place to be.
I do think you are perhaps misunderstanding my fight, and it’s understandable, there’s a lot of history behind it. But I don’t actually hate Jiang Cheng the book character at all.
He’s a fantastic antagonist, one who has enough happen to him that he’s understandable without justifying his actions. His anger and bitterness make him incredibly active, which can help move the plot along well, and the fact that he is also Wei Wuxian’s personal antagonist makes him very fun and relevant as you need the antagonists that can make a character hurt personally for stories of this type.
As his general character archetype, I think he’s done really well. I quite enjoy him in the context he is supposed to be seen as, the younger person who grew up with the hero who instead of attempting to better himself, tore down those around him in an attempt to put everyone on the same level.
My problem (and my fight) is that the character of Jiang Cheng in Modaozushi is not the Jiang Cheng that is in the fanfics and the art and the meta and discussions.
The Jiang Cheng that you see in fanfics and metas that isn’t under the Not JC Friendly on Ao3 or #canon jiang cheng tag on tumblr is one that is no longer an antagonist or in character, but someone else entirely. Someone who no longer slots into the world of MDZS as if he were actually the person they posit him to be, the events that he is responsible for would have never happened. Quite simply they take the character I enjoy, erase all of his actual traits and then show up to scream at me for writing him wrong, or lying about the book, or not knowing how to read.
Or they are gleefully celebrating classism and homophobia with him. I can’t tell you how many posts I’ve seen that are basically “he’s right to be homophobic because Wangxian are annoying and he should hate them for that”. In a danmei fandom. About the lead couple. I already have dealt with more than enough homophobia in my daily life, why do I have to deal with it in a fandom for a novel in which the leads are a happily married queer couple?
I have been in this fandom for a year and a half. I tag my posts appropriately. When I was requested to not put character hate in the main tag (and novel quotes qualified as character hate), I did as they asked and invented my own tag. Sure it’s a little snarky, but it’s also an easy one to block and allows others like myself who enjoy the character as he is in the book to find my stuff. On ao3, I’ve written a few fics that use him in it as he is in the book and tagged it not for JC fans as they requested.
Do you know what I got?
I have anon hate for using my tag, the very tag I created in response to their request. On my fics that use him, I have people showing up to cry that he’s out of character and I can’t write. When I did all that I could do to try and enjoy a character as he is in canon and as they continually say is what they want. “You don’t have to like him, just tag your stuff so we don’t have to see it.”
I do stand against his stans. I have blocked many of them and gotten in arguments with many others. You are new to this fandom so you wouldn’t have seen this, but a year ago one of them wrote a fanfic about Lan Wangji murdering Wei Wuxian because they were mad about the very existence of the not for jc fans tag, and tagged it with romance and fluff tags so that fans of wangxian would click on it and read a horrible, deliberately hurtful fic and gleefully celebrated it on Twitter.
Why should I not stand against them? They have bullied so many people out of this fandom for not writing Jiang Cheng in the way they want. That is not okay. This is a massive fandom in places where it is very easy to filter and tag, and they try to bully and chase us out of the whole fandom because we don’t like their made up version of a character, or the fact that they are homophobic and shitty to the leads and to me and my friends and my followers.
Welcome to Modaozushi fandom, new reader. It’s a very volatile place with a long history. This is my section of it. And that is why I tag with canon jiang cheng and do not take any shit from people who have umbrage with that.
Thanks for the ask, I hope you have a really great day and at least consider my words even if you don’t agree with them. I suspect if you do, we will never have a problem with each other.
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welkinsky · 2 years
Welcoming Them Back Home (Kakashi, Adult Bakugou & Gojo)
A/N: This request was made by one of the only friend of mine on tumblr @seikohatake ! Thank you so much! You always come up with such cute ideas :3 You guys are welcome to suggest any other character if you want too <3 I'd be more than happy to write about others too.
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It was around when Kakashi was hokage and would rarely come back home on time but regardless you'd wait for him, you loved having dinner with him no matter how late he is.
Since you get off early from work as compared to him you always had the dinner duty and he makes breakfasts even if you suggest otherwise because he needs his rest too. But it is his way of showing his love and affection for you.
So it gives you so much pleasure just preparing dinner for him knowing that he will be all tired and would come home to someone waiting for him and hot food. Given his past, this was your main priority ever since you both came together.
Doesn't matter how late he is you'd always wait for him to have dinner. It actually aches your heart thinking that he'll be having dinner alone when you're away on a mission.
As he enters you rush to greet him with a hug and a kiss and as he sees the dinner you are rewarded another kiss with a, "Oh honey you're spoiling me." and a masked smile. Which he takes off to kiss you again of course.
And as you both have dinner you can see in his eyes how grateful he is to have this and to have YOU. A person who cares so much about him and someone to come home to.
Katsuki (Grown Up Katsuki)
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This is very often for you to get a text that he is stuck with some hero work or has to take someone else's patrol that day so he won't make it to dinner.
In the starting days when you two started living together, he'd force you to have your dinner on time and not wait for him. He loves the sentiment, don't get him wrong but he doesn't want you to have a bad schedule and develop bad eating habits.
It's his job so he cannot really do much about it but you can so, he calls you, again and again, to make sure that you've had your dinner and not waiting for him.
But you still want to talk to him at the end of the day so you wait for him to come back and help him serve his dinner and you two talk as he has his dinner. But not before he makes sure that you've had yours.
He used to shout at anyone who'd talk while having their food but ever since he started hero work and opened his agency this is the only time in the day you get to have a proper talk together and he gets to rant about how annoying and stupid everyone is. Although unlike before he'd stop himself and say, "Well, they're not stupid just annoyingly a bit too emotional. I can deal with that."
When he'd forget to call or text letting you know that he'll be late and comes back home to find you passed out in bed while waiting for him. He won't wake you up if you've had your dinner but if you haven't then it is dinner in bed as you two talk and he does the dishes regardless of how much you insist on doing that.
He'd ask you to go to bed as he quickly does the dishes and if you try to come out of the bedroom he won't let you but that doesn't stop you two from talking because even still you two talk through the walls if your kitchen and bedroom is close enough.
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We all know Gojo is way too spontaneous so whenever you're coming back home you never know if you'll enter in an empty home or you'll be served a freshly made matcha as you do.
He can't cook for his life but he still wants to give you the feeling that he made dinner for you so he orders the food and arranges it in the dishes like he made it himself. Well, it is the sentiment that counts right?
And if you're the one making dinner then he'll try to come back home as soon as he can. A. Because he wants to help you out in making the dinner B. Because he doesn't want you to feel like you're doing too much or he's not grateful for it all.
He's still getting used to this so he takes his time to realize that this is not a huge deal and you make him dinner because you want to.
And he sometimes (most of the time) makes a huge mess too while helping you. So you ask him to leave the kitchen but Gojo being Gojo stands at the door and talks from there if you have a kitchen table then slowly ends up sitting there and talking as you make the dinner.
For both of you, the quality time that you two spend together is very important and valuable. You guys could be doing anything from cleaning the house to grocery shopping, but as long as you two are together and able to talk, both of you don't mind.
If he ever comes late and you're fast asleep then the first thing he makes sure of is whether you have had your dinner or not and if not then he'll order something and wake you up and have the dinner in bed as he feeds you most of the time with dim lights so that you don't wake up completely and will be able to sleep again.
Let me know if you have any other character suggestion for this!
Thanks For Reading and for the ask!
If you liked it you can check out the masterlist too!
A-Z Headcanon
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readreactrant · 6 months
Thanks for answering my ask. I love reading your answer. You have no idea, how happy and excited I feel when you said, "It's okay to ask again because I love talking about my fav ships".
Because I have been blocked by someone, and before they block me they said that 'I asked too much and it's annoying.' I was like, 'If you mind, please just say that and I will stop asking for sure, I thought you don't mind', but they still block me...
So, if you don't mind, can I ask, what do you think are Gojo and Yuuji’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
If you want to answer the questions above with Drarry, Ereri or MikaYuu's dynamics, I don't mind....
Thanks if you want to answer @readreactrant and sorry for my long ask.
hihi dnana, super sorry I took so so long to get to this one in particular, I got backed up with work and school haha. And I'm so sorry to hear that, they definitely blew it out of proportion and that's kind of a bit immature on their part. Rest assured I love getting asks and hearing opinions, they fuel my yaoi passion (✷‿✷)
I'd love to answer for the other ships but I think I've only got energy for Goyuu rn lol. And damn am I gonna have to rack my smut filled brain for this one. I've never really been taken by any of the jjk characters cuz on the first watch, to me it was just like any other shonen. Reading a lot of what the fandom had to say over the last few years has definitely changed my opinion.
Gojo and Yuuji were definitely the first two characters that stuck out to me most in the series, (mostly bc of that almost kiss but oh well (✿ ♡‿♡). They both definitely oozed main character energy and I never completely saw Gojo as just the 'super powerful sensei' there always felt like there was more to him and when story began to focus a bit more on him I wasn't totally surprised.
Overall he's a commanding presence, and enigma in his own right and I admire how much he cares for his students. I wouldn't call him a perfectionist because of he was many of the adult characters and megumi wouldn't have so much of a issue with his attitude. But his definitely to be the strongest definitely stems from some deep drive to be what the jujutsu society needs him to be. And that I think is one of the sadness things about him.
Which is kind of where Yuuji kind of comes in. Like any regular person after watching jjk 0, I couldn't help but look for parallels between Yuuji and Geto. Not purely because of their connections to Gojo but because of their personalities which are quite similar. But where Geto's WAS a quiet kind of optimism and support Yuuji is more open, more rooted in the world around him. I'm not particularly fond of happy-go-lucky toxic positivity protagonists but there's about Yuuji that doesn't quite reach those extremes. He's kindness and slight hero complex is what leads him to assume the weight of the world his shoulders but the very admirable thing about him is that he doesn't break, no matter how weak he is in the face of it all because, undeniably, unlike other protagonists, you can't trust plot armour to work for him. All you know is that Gege doesn't want him happy.
What draws me to them as one of the best ships in the show tho, aside from the yummy teacher/student dynamic, is how cute the look together. Sue me but there's something inherently attractive about their color pallette and height difference. They're so funny and goofy together and Yuuji's ability to match other's energy and brighten the atmosphere is definitely something Gojo deserves to have around more frequently. Similarly I think Gojo's experience with Geto can help him reach out to Yuuji in times the younger male needs to understand not everyone can be saved. There's also this personal thing of mine where I view them as, Yuuji admires Gojo's strength, Gojo sees Yuuji's potential as someone to stand with him at the top (not like Yuuji gonna be topping in any other aspects of ya know what I mean).
All in all, it just makes me so happy seeing the two of them together, there's a lot of potential their dynamic and personalities leave up to exploration. Being teacher and student I also think there'll be a lot of nuance to their relationship if they did fall in love.
Thanks for coming this far, I'll probably edit this later but my brain feels so fried right now but really wanted to answer this ask cuz I've been lazing around trying to find an answer to "Why DO I like goyuu". The truth is tho, you don't need a reason to want to see two characters together.
BUT a ship is always nicer when their personalities and height difference go great together, I don't make the rules ¯\(◉‿◉)/¯
Thanks for the ask dnana and I'll hope I'll be able to do the other ships some other time but I hope my answer satisfied you ( ◜‿◝ )♡
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indominusavenger · 8 months
I'm gonna come out and say it; No Way Home sucked. Sure, it had some good moments but in my opinion, it does not live up to the first two instalments of the trilogy. I liked the first part of the movie but as soon as I knew where the second part was going, I fell off that train pretty quickly.
Not only did it make MCU Spidey end up with the same tale as his two predecessors but it also undoes Peter's entire establishment in Marvel's overall franchise. What was the point of the last four movies putting him on the roster with Earth's MIGHTIEST Heroes if you were just going to take all that away and make it like he exists in a completely separate world from them? What was the point of the three cameos we had from RDJ, Samuel L. Jackson, and Benedict Cumberbatch in their iconic roles to show that interconnected universe as with every other MCU movie, only for that to be stripped away at the very last second? Might as well have been another one of Sony's solo ventures at making a series after TASM but it's not and that's why I HATE the uncertainty of Peter Parker's future in the MCU. However, given the current failing reality of the MCU with every new movie that comes out, I can already confirm it's nothing good. In fact, it probably would be best if progress stops altogether before Marvel really is stuck in the dust and just a part of a magnificent past with no legacy to carry on. (This is a side note but that is still a big issue for me anyways that I may expand upon later in another post. In the meantime, go watch all the video essays on YouTube, I'm sure you'll find many good ones.)
He had a unique story that fit into the overarching plot of the MCU and the premise he had was different from the previous Spideys which is what was so interesting about his character development. This Peter Parker had friends that weren't introduced before, or at least, they were more developed than in other series; he had a superhero as a mentor, not a scientist turned villain due to unfortunate circumstances; he had a guy in the chair who wasn't after him or turned villain because his father was one, he had two crushes that were friends, he was part of clubs and acted more teenage-like than the last two. He interacts with other heroes, joins the Avengers, fights THE villain, perishes, comes back, loses his mentor, and is still expected to keep on going.
For crying out loud, he was asked if he was going to be the next Iron Man but he knew he wasn't which is what Far From Home set out to show us. And to all those who called him Iron Man Jr. in Homecoming, I hope you know that you make no sense and I think Marvel did a wonderful job making him stand apart. He was a kid admiring one of his role models and now that he actually had a connection to him, of course he was going to want to be like his mentor but even Tony recognized that he wanted him to be more, not like him. This shows Iron Man himself had great respect for the young hero.
Now, moving onto No Way Home, two main things that annoy the heck out of me; Peter being forgotten (obviously) and Aunt May dying. I'll start with Aunt May's death. To be honest, it was a completely unnecessary death and it actually doesn't make sense for the purpose it had in the movie. The punchline "With great power comes great responsibility." loses its premise as soon as you recall Civil War's intro to Peter in the first place. Uncle Ben had already died, Peter was Spider-Man at this point, and remember what Peter told Tony when they met, why the older hero related to him so much? "When you can do the things that I can, but you don't... and then the bad things happen... they happen because of you." So he already learned that lesson on responsibility and by the time we get to No Way Home, this kid had learned lessons also involving the universe at large. Why are we rehashing Uncle Ben's offscreen death with Aunt May if Marvel literally stated that was overdone? Make that make sense. But oh, it was to make something big and dramatic happen in the movie because we needed to mOve aLoNg. Peter lost his parents, his uncle, and mentor; can you come up with something new other than parental figure losses? Why do TASM Peter and OG Peter still have their Aunt Mays and even if it was just a deleted scene, technically TASM Peter's dad? Huh, then what do you say there? Why did MCU Peter Parker have to lose ALL his parental figures?
Finally, the thing that probably broke most of us; Peter being wiped from everyone's memory. As I stated earlier, his entire existence within the MCU just vanishes, like that, in seconds. So......... what was the point of his existence up till now in the MCU? What was the point of his specific development and growth if he was just going to get forgotten? Why was he meticulously introduced at the height of the Avengers' conflict and then constantly involved with some other MCU hero/important character if he was going to be removed from that? If the Avengers were never a big deal, why make him a part of that at all and why were we still bringing them up at the climax of the film? For those who bring up the argument that he's supposed to be a solitary hero, well that was the worst way to have introduced him then, right? But Marvel chose that route, not any other. Which is why that decision still makes no sense to me. You put him in a world where he wasn't the only superhero and he was going to interact with other heroes which none of the other Spider-Men had and that already put him in a unique position. Why give him a background that was going to get swiped?
Imagine that, making five blockbuster films that gave him a firm standing in the MCU at the peak of Phase 3 and then in his sixth film, his last standalone which is supposed to be his most shining moment, he gets the rug pulled out from underneath him to give him a blank slate? You might as well have thrown every script out from 2015 to 2019 including him before they were ever written or considered. It's the equivalent of undoing everything you just worked on in a school project that's worth 40% of your final grade. Think about that for a second. Marvel just undid 6 years of work and investment in a single character for them to go back to the beginning. Why didn't you just do that then from the start? You could have had more classic Spidey a long time ago by that train of thought (which I really didn't want because we already saw that twice and this Spidey was something fresh).
Anyways, thanks for reading. This is 2 years worth of disappointment and frustration put on the page.
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