#it's a great hobby bc you never run out of things to work on
mrtheinsatiable · 1 year
Starting to realize I've been unnecessarily resistant to a lot of ideas because I was just looking at them from an angle I didn't like
The idea of a "purpose driven life" is one of those things. The whole "I was Created for a Purpose" thing didn't vibe with me and also kind of pissed me off and that was pretty much the only context I had for the idea for a long time. And even the more secular version where I create my own purpose didn't work either because I've never felt like I had any particular calling or thing I Have to Do. It also feels dehumanizing to think of it that way, to a certain extent, to have a specific purpose or use like a tool or an object.
But actually a purpose driven life doesn't have to mean Having a Purpose it can just be "doing things on purpose." Life becomes a lot easier and also more fulfilling when you act with intent instead of just letting yourself loose in the day. It's hard to get your shit together when you're winging every second. A sense of purpose doesn't actually need to be deeper than that, I think, to positively influence your life
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thatbitchery · 9 months
& remember the first sign of a loser loser loser loser is hating school. Yall should've unfollowed me 2023 this year I'm laying it on you as is.
If you're not in some sort of murder level clas enroll right now. & it has to be so hard it feels like a death sentence
Ladies any form of "escape the matrix" and "you don't need school" & whatever school hating content out there is level down programming meant to keep you stuck and weak. School is the closest imitation to real life you get so dropping a class because it's too hard is your sign to tie yourself to your moms basement and never leave because you sure as heaven not making it in corporate, business, friendships, relationships, and, God Forbid, parenting. You Manifest a future as a stone because that's the most you can do with that mentality. Dropping out because you have anxiety is another great sign to move to the Amazon and cosplay a sloth because if you think there are human interactions in the adult world that won't make you feel anxious ahhh baby my baby. You got it so wrong, baby. If you can't focus in a 30 minute lesson just take your dream board & burn it up burn it upp and try your hand at being a house fly you'll have better luck. If you drop a class because you don't like the teacher stay as far away from romantic relationships and friendships and , especially, corporate & entrepreneurship because girly don't we have news for ya. Can't manage your time? And you want to be a CEO? Are you kidding?
School is the closest imitation to real life you get & the better you are at it the better you are at life, the harder your school life is the better your real life will be. & I mean take biochem engineering & aeronautical engineering first year college, get your ass run over by it BUT learn to sit still, to power through, teamwork, study techniques, etc so no one cares about your A [fun fact most A students don't make it] but did you power through it? K then junior year do the thing you actually like.
Not liking school for whatever reason is loser mentality if you couldn't make it past test drive what makes you think you'll make it on the highway. Back in high-school when I told my grandma I'm giving up on my scholarship because I'm getting bullied and tortured and ostracized her response wasn't a hug it was a slipper grandma of color style because do you think that won't happen in your adulthood? You think you run from a problem and it goes away? Go back in and make it tf. Notice how I'm not focused on what grade you get? My friend works at firm (one of the top of the country) that don't employ people with a history of As , it's not about academic excellence, can you get to cheer practise at 6 am and be in class by 7? What makes you think you can be a mom then? "Independent" can you schedule yourself? Manage classes, sports, hobbies, a part-time job, home chores , friendships, and free time? WHAT DO YOU THINK ADULTHOOD IS ABOUT? what makes you think running from that in school (where you have guidance & forced community) will keep you safe? Out here you're all alone sis. And now the government protects you like a treasure that ID days 18 and its up to you to protect yourself. If you can not sit still in a 30 minutes class you don't like what makes you think you're cut out for corporate? Yall ain't never left your moms house and it shows, no one that has been in the real world has that level of delulu.
Pick the damn calculus class & power from an E to a C- so when you're running your business & you meet hard things you dislike you have muscle memory to power through it & bc your business is something you like it's easier. Go to school with the girls that dislike you & find a way out of that so when your mom in law or officemates are being flaky you know what to do, you don't run. Sit through that class with that one homphobic sexist bigoted teacher so when you land a job at your dream firm you don't resign in six days and sabotage shit because you're delulu enough to think your little tantrum matters.
School , especially boarding school, is the closest imitation to real life you get. Power through it, take advantage of the resources & always chase the hardships now that you have people charged with guiding you so you're not 25 unmotivated with no accomplishment despite your A's , barely functional adult feeling like a loser because you let tiktok & escape the matrix bojo creators lie to you. Do you want to be one of those 35 year olds heavy on magical thinking because you didn't learn what your parents literally paid for you to learn under the guise of 'self care'. Don't be dumb dumb.
Success spills over
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leverage-ot3 · 6 months
okay I’ve seen a lot of posts about sterling just being crowley and. guys. the implications just hear me out 😭😭😭
bending lore slightly here BUT let’s say crowley’s body was once inhabited by a human and crowley is possessing the body (maybe he kills the initial inhabitant bc he doesn’t care)
but he still has the guy’s memories. he doesn’t bother keeping up appearances with his ‘ex wife’ because he is too busy building up his hell empire. BUT for some reason he can’t quite identify, he still feels something towards his ‘daughter’. he lets the divorce happen and doesn’t feel the need (or desire) to fight for custody, but he can never quite forget her, to cast her out of his mind for good
some hijinks ensue with the leverage team. it’s mostly because even a grind culture demon wants some off time every once in a while, and for him the insurance investigator stuff is more of a hobby. interacting with the leverage crew is very low stakes for him, and honestly, quite amusing. they aren’t on his level power-wise, but that ford character gives him the mental exercise he hasn’t experienced in, well, he can’t even remember
he can feel their frustration and anger when they learn he has become employed by interpol and feeds off it. it’s great, and relaxing in a way he is never able to achieve while conducting hell-related business
one year he gets wind that olivia is in a really bad situation associated with his ‘ex wife’s’ new husband. he’s selling vital hardware to terrorists, and while that might actually be the kind of chaos he would normally support or be entertained by as the king of hell, something feels wrong about letting olivia stay anywhere near that man
he calls upon the body’s adversaries. he wouldn’t admit it, even under duress, BUT he feels slightly fond of them. nate for the three dimensional chess they play, sophie for her ability to charm and disguise, parker for her chaos and slightly unsettling nature (it’s the autism swag and being bad with human interaction but he doesn’t know that lol), hardison for his unapologetic intelligence and eliot for his hardened violent past and take-no-shit persona (he’s fun to tease)
they perform exactly as he expected, right into his carefully crafted plan. and then olivia is under his care and things get more complicated. he keeps her FAR, FAR away from anything related to the supernatural (heh). no one can find out about her, ESPECIALLY not those imbecile hunter brothers (if for nothing else than the embarrassment in revealing he has a weak spot)
not sure how to work it into this post but I also want to add that somewhere along the way he develops feelings for nate and sophie. the frame up job is near and dear to my heart and you can’t convince me that isn’t fighting as flirting behavior. his interpol persona is more of a side hustle so to speak, but he finds it fun (relaxing, even) to fill that role. there aren’t any obligations of other demons, bothersome hunters, or anything like that. nate and sophie are low stakes, except, they aren’t, really. they make him feel things he can’t ever really remember feeling. his heart beats fast when sophie sat in his lap and cradled his face, his hands sweat when nate gives him that certain smug look. he’s exasperated by the way they can run circles around him like no one else has ever before. they annoy him and get under his skin in a way no one else can and it’s infuriating. but also not, at the same time. maybe he likes it
and then the long goodbye job happens
hear me out and suspend your belief here for a second, because I can’t remember if crowley supernaturally knows when ppl die/are dead or not.
so nate is in interpol custody and the interviewer is obviously out of her depth. (most people are, when it comes to nathan ford.) he walks in and pours the man a drink, but he’s fuming. somewhere along the way he came to care about the team. hell and suffering is literally in his (official) job description, but he can admit (only to himself) that he admires what they do. it’s not for him, not anything close to where his passions and interests lie, but he respects their drive and purpose. he is also aware enough to acknowledge that they are a family, a group of misfits that never belonged quite anywhere except to each other.
and nate fucking blew it up, ruined it, because his vice is being so obsessed with the end game that he is apparently willing to let his team, his family, the people that anchor him to reality, die because the ends supposedly justify the means.
not this time. not to sterling crowley
he is enraged. he can admit within the confines of his mind that he cares for nate, for sophie, even for the other three (though nate and sophie have somehow made it a hierarchy where they are more important to him. which he will dissect later in private. maybe.)
nate let them die, he let sophie die, and for what? the black book? hell below, crowley would have made things easier somehow, if he knew that this was where nate’s sights had lied. he would have prevented this somehow. he wants to have prevented this. he doesn’t want any of them dead and is too afraid to check and verify because that would make it real. the idea of sophie (or any of them) somehow making it to hell instead of heaven would probably break something in him he might not be able to reapir fully.
he yells at nate- he’s angry. hellfire burning in his heart because everything is ruined. the deaths aside (however hard it is to set them aside in his mind), nate will not recover from this, not ever. this will be the start of the end, he is sure. a miserable, guilt-ridden existence where he drinks himself to death and nothing will save him. it plays out in crowley’s mind in a thousand different ways that are beyond painful to conceptualize, even in theory.
the story starts to unravel and there is a game afoot. a solemn, miserable, infuriating game because the con is still in session because parker is alive and in the building- which sets another fire alight in his chest. ‘parker even know you got hardison killed?’ he rages for her grief when she finds out. he knows it will double when she finds out eliot has perished, too, because he isn’t fucking blind.
but nate is a brilliant man, lest he forget too quickly. they are all alive, and somehow still the entire crew slips through his fingers. he’s not even angry (he never would have been- he doesn’t actually try too hard to catch them. it’s about the game, not the consequences). he lets them keep the black book because he’s fucking exhausted and honestly, they more than earned it.
‘now we’re even. tell sophie to drive carefully’. they will never be even, not really. crowley would never admit or agree that being human is the superior state of being, but that have made him feel human in a way he doesn’t actually mind. they keep him on his toes and match him in a way unique to them, they remind him that there are other things than the realm of hell. not necessarily bigger than hell, but maybe just as important in a different sense.
watching the van drive away, something inside him settles. when he walked into the interrogation room that day he thought this was the beginning of the end. it’s not the end at all, not an end to anything. it’s a continuation of their story. maybe, he thinks, a beginning to a new era in it
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ryelleart · 2 months
Can we have more headcanons between both brothers usagi and yuichi?
And there interactions with leo along with the whple hamato clan🥰
Oh wow, thank you for asking! I haven’t had anyone really expressing interest in this little idea of mine like this; it makes me so happy 🥰
I’ve actually been thinking about the brothers a little more since I shared their designs, and here’s what else I came up with:
Usagi is autistic and Yuichi has ADHD bc I tend to project onto my characters
When they were kids, the brothers would do almost everything together despite their age gap
Usagi doesn’t have any allergies, while Yuichi has a laundry list of allergies (if you threw a dart at a list of every allergy, odds are he has whatever it landed on)
Usagi is a perfectionist with a fear of failure (is that redundant?)
Usagi is 4 years older than Yuichi, and he abuses his older brother privilege all the time (it used to be for silly, petty things like claiming first dibs for something or bossing his brother around, but now it’s more along the lines of “I’m responsible for you, so stop arguing with me and do what I say”)
Usagi became more serious and reserved than he used to be with his new role as his brother’s guardian, which affected his relationship with Yuichi
Yuichi hates when people lie to him (which includes keeping secrets)
Usagi is overprotective of his brother and will do absolutely anything to keep him safe
They don’t regularly hang out anymore, but Usagi still tries to do stuff with Yuichi from time to time
They customized their hoodies themselves (it was one of Usagi’s early attempts to bond with his brother after losing their parents)
One of Yuichi’s favorite hobbies is messing with his brother, from pranks to meaningless debates where he intentionally argues for an objectively wrong stance bc watching Usagi get heated over trying to convince Yuichi he’s wrong is funny
When he’s not busy working or taking care of his brother, Usagi likes to read about ancient history (he’s also into fan fiction and conspiracy theories, but he’ll never admit that out loud)
I won’t get too much into it here, but Usagi struggles to provide for Yuichi after losing a job, so he eventually becomes a bounty hunter with Gen as a last-ditch effort to make money
He doesn’t tell Yuichi about this
He does tell Leo, partly bc he trusts him to keep Yuichi from finding out, but mostly bc Leo was his first official bounty so keeping it a secret from him would be pointless
Speaking of Leo, he and Usagi don’t actually hang out after he convinces the bounty hunters not to take him in, yet they somehow keep running into each other in the Hidden City
Usagi initially finds Leo irritating, while Leo thinks Usagi is rude; they change their tune once they decide to hang out for real and get to know each other
They complement each other pretty well; Leo gets Usagi to open up and have fun, and Usagi acts as Leo’s confidante for things that he can’t really bring himself to share with his family
Although he acts more serious than Leo, Usagi’s not above being pulled into his shenanigans
Yuichi is pretty similar to Leo personality-wise, so ofc they get along great
They also get along with the rest of Leo’s family once they meet; Yuichi obviously favors Leo the most, but Mikey is a close second, and Usagi is closest to April (they can swap stories about all the jobs they’ve had!)
I’m torn about which direction to take Yuichi’s relationship with Donnie; I like the idea that they’re just so diametrically opposed and they get on each others nerves all the time, but I also like the idea of them actually being pretty close (mayhaps Donnie sees his beloved twin in this kid and develops a soft spot for him?)
I feel like Raph would absolutely adore the brothers once he gets to know them, though I feel like his relationship with Usagi would be a bit complicated; he’s initially a bit overprotective of Leo for reasons I won’t mention here, but he ends up really liking/relating to Usagi, so doesn’t stay that way for long… that is, until a certain point in Usagi’s relationship with Leo 👀
Usagi and Leo ofc catch feelings for each other over time, but Leo’s bad history with dating (again, I won’t get into it here) kinda keeps him from acting on anything
They do, however, tell each other how they feel anyway, so even though they’re not together yet, they know they’re into each other
Ok I’m gonna stop here bc I think I might’ve gonna a bit overboard lol. Besides, that’s all I can share without getting into angst territory 😉
As for stuff like comics, I genuinely have no idea how far I’m gonna take this; will I wanna turn this into an ongoing comic? Will I stick to making some sketches here and there? Idk! Ig we’ll see
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gaffney · 4 months
USER GAFFNEY MAY WE GET HALLWAY / 9-LINE HCS FOR PRIDE MONTHS? doesn’t even have to be headcanons, just anything you want to say about them.
talking about them is like my favorite hobby so i love this ask. i'm gonna start with hallway and then write up another for 9line later
alright so you know how there’s this stereotypical family dynamic on tv that’s always like kids: mom can we go get ice cream mom: no you’ll ruin your appetite kids: dad, mom said we can go get ice cream dad (without bothering to double check): ok let’s go get ice cream mom (holding dinner): literally what the fuck
that’s jesse & charlie with the ducks. they’re team dads where the kids only listen to charlie when jesse’s not there lmaooo. at least until that part in d3 where charlie has a meltdown and the ducks are like wtf and file for emancipation…
BUT fulton & julie are always team charlie. guy & portman are always team jesse. russ, kenny & connie switch sides based on who knows how to bribe them better. averman plays both sides bc he's always trying to start something. adam tells charlie “of course i’m on your side” and then turns around and tells jesse the exact same thing while charlie’s still standing there going wtf. dwayne actually takes both sides which never makes any sense
jesse’s never called charlie spazway because he thinks it’s a stupid nickname (and being the king of GOOD nicknames, he’s totally right) and also because he’s been picking charlie’s butt back up whenever he trips since kindergarten so he knows that it bothers charlie more than he lets on. also, i wanna point out how in the novelization jesse never doubts charlie’s ability to take the last shot and even says “you’re our man” so all of the above is actually canon bc jesse believes in charlie’s capabilities as a player 
also in the novelization jesse is the only other duck who also executes a triple deke so i like to hc that he practiced them with charlie 😌
they look for each other first!! d2 being a great example—when charlie is asked to round up the ducks, the person he starts with is jesse. when jesse doesn’t want to start the flying v because he’s still pissed with bombay, he looks charlie’s way because he doesn’t know what to do. and then there’s a couple of background scenes where you can see them look @ each other whenever something happens like they want validation. it’s cute
no one on the team talks about it but everyone knows jesse has a soft spot for charlie. this is also canon because in d2 there's that montage where everyone's paired off while adam's got his arm in a sling, right. it's hard to see but off to the side there's jesse, charlie & an unknown (who i assume is averman because everyone else is accounted for) as the only kids working as a trio (probably bc adam's out of the running and luis is trying to learn how to stop). anyway you can see jesse yank at the hockey stick that's connected to averman, causing averman to fall flat on his face, but is just letting charlie skate around peacefully lmao. it's true jesse hall plays favorites
also bombay pairs them off for drills so they can bother each other instead of bothering him this is 100% true
their families are close and charlie & casey spend a lot of christmases with the halls. jesse’s dad thinks charlie is literally the best kid in the world (he is) bc charlie’s always polite and considerate and helps jesse with his homework. casey thinks jesse is literally the best kid in the world (he is) because jesse’s kinda polite and considerate and helps charlie with his homework. at least until jesse's dad and casey get called into the principal's office because apparently they've just been copying each other's notes and playing video games
also for two people who are pretty emotional and combative, i think it’s pretty telling how they’ve never gotten mad at each other despite having conflicting views. jesse doesn’t pile on top of charlie to try and make him feel bad (like peter/karp do) despite being one of the first people to walk out on bombay. charlie doesn’t try and stop jesse from taking a stand against adam despite wanting to put the past behind them by accepting him into the team. like, even when they don’t agree with each other’s takes, they respect each other and i think that’s huge 
anyway you know how you’ve got that one person who can basically read you like an open book (even after you haven’t seen them for a while) because they grew up with you and have been there for the weirdest shit? that’s charlie & jesse. like, fulton would be the best man at charlie’s wedding, but jesse’s the one who’d know charlie wouldn’t want a wedding in march because that’s when his grandpa got stung by a bee and died bc of an allergy or whatever. yes, charlie’s absentee dad is anthony bridgerton, you heard it here first
jesse isn’t a fan of pda unless he’s the one to initiate (which he does!!! sometimes!!!), but he never says anything when charlie blatantly disregards this and goes full-on clingy panda anyway. when confronted by this by the other ducks who totally think this is unfair, he acts like he has no idea what anyone’s talking about 
charlie literally stopped talking to jesse for the entirety of d3 because he was still upset about him moving or rejecting the scholarship or whatever the reason is that he's not there, which is why the ducks never bring jesse up because i simply reject the canon where everyone ignores that he ever existed. when they make up, the team barely sees charlie for weeks bc he's holed up in jesse's room
SPEAKING OF. i’ve talked alot about charlie’s personality transplant but i think the problem with him taking center stage in d3 is that every conflict that spawned didn’t seem like it’d be a conflict d1/d2 charlie would have, except for his resistance to change (aka bombay/his father figure leaving). bc he was never the ducks’ ringleader. and not to dunk on his skills bc i am a nhl player charlie conway truther, but canonically he was never a great player either (to the point where it seems like in d2 he already made a full switch to assistant coach). he also never held a grudge against ‘cake-eaters/preppies’ – that’s all jesse. the writers were clearly aware of it and i think that’s partly why the movie’s a little jarring at times, because they had to “level up” charlie and pretend that person was always him (and i think this is also the reason why jesse was cut from the movie altogether). he even starts wearing pinky rings like jesse!!! anyway, all this to say that i think the writers are cowards, but i really do headcanon that charlie’s simply trying to emulate jesse in d3 because he (at first) doesn’t know how to lead the ducks without jesse there to take charge and also he misses him 😔  
lastly some random stuff i basically always refer to in my fic: charlie always steals jesse's shit. jesse likes charlie's curly hair. they know how to read each other's body language but suck at actual verbal communication. i also think the idea of jesse hitting on linda because charlie never introduced them bc REASONS is hilarious, as per my latest fic. and that's it for now!!! stan hallway besties and boyfriends
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softxsuki · 9 months
Starting January 1, 2024 I will be deleting all my WIPs. Any request that is currently in my inbox will be deleted.
I thought about this long and hard and it’s something I’ve been thinking of doing for a while now; it started with me slowly deleting a few that didn’t inspire me, but now I think I just need a fresh start
And I just thought I’d remind everyone that my requests are now suggestions. So if you request something there is no guarantee that I will be able to write it for you
I’d like to start writing things that truly inspire me and maybe even sprinkle in a few writing with my own ideas
Ik writing in here is a hobby for a lot of other writers, but it’s my ultimate goal to one day have my own book published. This blog is just practice for me to write and honestly it became my safe place that I created after my aunt passed away, and I feel like I’m slowly losing that
With all that said, I’ll be leaving my wips up until the end of the year if you can’t remember what you requested, you can try and resend it in to see if ill be able to write that for you or not
Starting next year my urgent requests will be limited. I’ll have 3 urgent request spots open each month. Once they fill up, that’s it for the month
I’ve had so many events that had to be pushed back for months because I keep receiving endless urgent requests at a time. I know some of you really need it for comfort but other are just abusing them to get their requests written faster and this is the only solution I can come up with
If I’ve already written a requests regarding your topic, I’ll probably respond to your request with links to posts I’ve already written regarding that topic. I’ve written about suicide, self harm, depression, etc SO many times and I’m starting to run out of unique ideas. And it’s honestly not super great for my mental health to write stuff like that so often.
However if you urgently need a request about a topic like that, that I’ve written about already (so long as you’re requesting it for a character I haven’t used that topic for yet) and you can give me an idea that helps me out then I’ll do it. Bc I know these are issues that a lot of ppl struggle with and I don’t want to just ban those kinds of requests at all
Also please give me a short reason as to why this request is urgent. If I don’t think your request is urgent, I won’t be writing it. I’d like to save these spots for ppl who realllllly really need it and could be helped with this. And ofc any urgent requests that make me uncomfortable or topics that I know nothing about and don’t want to offend anyone with accidentally, I also won’t be writing.
And lastly with urgent requests, a thanks would be great. I’ve written like 10 urgent requests in the last few months and I’ve only heard back from one of them. It’s discouraging to write something for someone that they labeled urgent and then never hear a word from them again. No thank you, no feedback, nothing. A quick thanks would mean the world to me and encourage me to continue writing urgent requests for you guys. Pls and thank you
Which leads me to my next point
I come in here and write for FREE. I take requests for FREE. all of this is for free. And all I ask for in return is kindness
If you request something and I write it for you, a thanks would be wonderful
Maybe even some feedback. I’m open to constructive criticism as well, so long as you’re nice about it !
Out of all the writing I’ve posted, I’ve probably o my heard back from like 10% of you, which just makes me want to delete my account and not even both honestly.
I don’t even care about the likes or reblogs, my writing could get one like, but just hearing some feed back or even a thank you, especially from the person who requested it would make the world of a difference.
Even if you popped into my ask box to remain an anon, that works too!
This is a huge part of the reason why writing on here has started to feel so draining for me. I want to love writing again and I know this is something I can’t force ppl to do, but I gotta let it out
And lastly, when requesting, please don’t demand. “I want a drabble” I don’t write for people who demand. A please or “could you please” is perfect. Simple and easy to do
I’m not sure how to go about doing this or even if I should do this
But I think most of my anons have disappeared or maybe just don’t interact with me anymore?
Perhaps we can do an anon role call? Where you just send me your emoji in my ask box just so I know you’re still around and if some emoji anons that I have listed don’t respond, then I’ll delete them?
Or should I just leave it as it is?
Idk so let me know if you have any suggestions regarding that
I love you guys a lot and appreciate so many of you, especially my regulars. I know some of you are shy and stay as ghost readers. I still appreciate you all 💗 but these are just some changes I’d like to make for my happiness and mental well being honestly 😭. I think I need a fresh start and just some more boundaries bc I feel like I’m stagnant RN and getting nowhere with the things I’d like to do.
SO these changes will begin January 1, 2024.
My wips will be wiped clean, starting over, so if you’ve recently requested something and want to try and resend it in to see if I’ll write it, give it a shot.
I hope I’m not coming across as rude or anything, im used to putting other ppl first and I tend to lose myself in the process so I just feel like this is something I really need to do. Im sorry if anyone is disappointed by this, but hopefully you’ll stick around to see any other new exciting events and writings I put out :)
Love you guys always 💗
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nebulanewts · 1 year
So to the surprise of absolutely no one,here are my first impressions of each Fly With You!! solo song on the new Nijigasaki album :] (listen I’ve been waiting for this for SO LONG like…how many times have I referenced wondering when Nijigasaki’s 5th / 6th album to come out??)
🎀 “Walking Dream” : 7/10 - Ok,so the song itself is super pretty,it feels like I’m sitting on a cloud with the light + dreamy feeling it has,but here’s the thing…I read somewhere that the English lyrics were “interesting” and as someone who isn’t a big fan of yandere Ayumu memes I really didn’t want to believe it…but MAN did they run with it in this song,like she is way more aggressive this time like here’s some examples: “I want you to be trapped in me forever” “Who are you looking at? Don’t do that” “The private account you have, the secret hobbies you have - As long as it’s about you I know everything” - Like hello? Hi? Is it just me reading too far into this or what?? Because it looks to me like this was done on purpose 👀 idk it’s started to grow on me more now that I’ve heard the whole song,it’s not like my FAVORITE Ayumu song but it’s very pretty and I like it even if the lyrics are a little questionable cndjdj
👑 “Senobi Shittate” : 8 or 9/10 - Not gonna lie,I don’t think the preview did this song justice bc I wasn’t sure about it at first BUT the full song is definitely better,I like that they’ve been giving Kasumi more “mature” sounding songs bc while the cutesy idol sound works for her too,this sort of slower dramatic guitar song also fits her image a lot too :0c idk it’s a nice balance,we have songs for bubbly cutesy number one idol Kasumin and songs for the less confident shyer Nakasu Kasumi it’s a nice balance ^^ one of my favorites so far
💧 “Koakuma LOVE ♡” : 10/10 - Ok so my first impression of the preview still stands now because…um…HUH???? This does not sound anything like any other Shizuku song we’ve heard - it’s very fluffy and cute,she’s using onomatopoeia like “kyururin” and “doki doki”,she even talk-raps at some points…wait a minute…this isn’t a Shizuku song at all,this is a Kasumi song! It’s like Mia sent these two the wrong songs on accident,but they didn’t notice and went with it anyway chdjdj but I love it,it’s still one of my favorite songs on this album for the sheer silliness alone it’s fantastic,tbh she never makes a bad solo song in my opinion
👠 “My Shadow” : 10/10 - KARIN! NEVER! MISSES!! I’m just so happy that she finally has a jazzy funky song,it’s a sound I’ve always wanted her to try and now that she has one it’s AMAZING! It really suits her,one of my favorite things about Karin is that she never does the same concept / sound twice like there’s something for everyone and I love it,I love this song it MIGHT be my one of my favorites on the album and my favorite Karin solo it’s SO good
👏 “Request for U” : 7/10 - Well…I like that they slowed it down this time for Ai,plus the funkier trumpet sound is nice idk how to describe it’s not BAD,like it wouldn’t be an instant skip for me but I’m not going out of my way to listen to it ykwim?? For me I like her other solos a lot better,but it’s a good listen regardless
🐏 “Cooking with Love” : 12/10 - YEP! This one is my favorite,I knew it would be just from the preview but this did not disappoint like we know Kanata can do EDM bc of Butterfly - but they took it to another *level* with this song,it’s so sweet and sugary but then the DROP??? The drop near the end blew my mind,like I definitely didn’t see that coming that at all,it was amazing I love this song so much omg - to think Kanata would be the second Nijigaku member to have a kawaii bass-ish song along w/ Rina is a little bit of a surprise,but definitely a welcome one ^^
🎙️ “Cherry Bomb” : 9/10 - First of all,Hayamaru is a SPECTACULAR Setsuna like she captures the feeling of the character while also doing her own thing if that makes sense I think this is a great debut song for her,usually I’m pretty 50/50 on Setsuna’s songs but this one is really good :0c I love the drums and how high energy it is,it’s definitely up there on my favorite songs on the album and favorite solos of hers
🍞 “Koisuru Sunflower” : 8/10 - …ok so I mean this in the nicest way possible,but this song kinda sounds like the Coconut Mall theme in Mario Kart not fully but a little bit ok cndjdj anyways smth I like about Emma’s solos is they always have this warm comfy feel like they’re just hugs in song form - this one feels like I’m chilling on the beach,watching the sunset w/ a fun little drink in hand and it’s really nice :] not much else to say,I just like this song a lot which isn’t surprising because all of Emma’s solos are pretty good
🛜 “Watashi wa Magnet” : 6/10 - Well…this may be the first Rina solo that isn’t immediately one of my favorites,it’s kind of like Ai’s where it’s not bad but I’m not gonna seek it out ykwim?? It’s a cute song but not really my style,it’s a little slower than I expected it to sound ig
🔖 “Koufukuron” : 5/10 - Y’know,I was REALLY hoping that they just previewed the wrong part of the song but…why would you give this girl outfits with names like “Royal Skeleton” and “Undead Celeb” if you’re going to give her a generic pop ballad?? It’s not like. The worst song it’s fine but it’s definitely my least favorite Shioriko solo 😔 which makes me sad because I love her so much…maybe it’ll grow on me but for right now it’s my least favorite solo on this album like again it’s not horrible but I’m a little disappointed because imo her outfit choices built it up to be something it isn’t ykwim??? Maybe that’ll change but for now it’s kinda meh imo :/
🎩 “Lemonade” : 7/10 - So we’ve gone from a Taylor Swift song in 2006 to Avril Lavigne song to Avril Lavigne b-side and now we’ve circled back to a b-side on a Disney pop star’s album,honestly I’m loving Mia’s song journey chdjdj but this is probably my favorite out of the slower songs,it’s just cute and boppy Mia has one of my favorite voices in Nijigaku + I think she can pull off a lot of different concepts w/ this being no exception - not much else to say,it’s just a nice song (and I’m glad that they’ve dialed it back w/ the weird lyrics for her…for a second there she always got the slightly suspicious lyrics but this time it’s decent)
🪽 “5201314 (I Love You Forever)” : 10/10 - WHOA!!!! Lanzhu bringing in the HEAT after all of the slower songs before her,oh my g o d this song is amazing :0 I like that she speaks Chinese more,I like that it sounds like video game BGM,this might have topped Ye Mingzhu for me when it comes to Lanzhu solos like…that intro alone slapped me in the face but in the best way possible WOW this song is awesome,as expected of the queen herself to end this set of solos with a bang
🌈 “Fly with You!!” : 9/10 - Usually Nijigaku’s group songs aren’t really my thing,but this one is nice :] it makes me think of like…Hirogaru Precure for some reason even tho I haven’t seen a single episode of any Pretty Cure series cjdjdj it’s a little orchestral but also a good cheer up song idk what it is,but it’s probably one of my fave group songs now
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
your writing is so so good do u have any tips? hope u have a great day! ^^
i’ve never been asked this before! i had to think about it!
a biggie take your time finding your style- as you can see on my masterlist i have a looot of shit on there from years of writing fanfic and experimenting. getting out of my comfort zone can be kinda hard for me personally, but with writing it was so worth it bc you can really see a metamorphosis there of when i was writing just to write and when i was writing with a drive.
don’t be afraid to ignore the rules of grammar. run on sentences are beautiful. i’ve found that especially so when the plot is driven by someone’s stream of consciousness as though they’re narrating it. thoughts are messy, they’re long and sometimes awkward and there’s no such thing as grammar in your mind !! of course spelling and punctuation are important and i’d recommend editing tho (idk her 😳) but get creative with it!!
thesaurus.com is my bestie 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 i often find myself using a lot of the same words and i don’t want to bore readers with repetitiveness! and also it’s just an easy way to expand my vocabulary too. (in person i stammer and have the reach of a fourth grader lmfao so i always want my writing to be concise and make the reader feel exactly what i want them to with my language)
also something i’ve started doing recently !! when i’m away from my wip and daydream about it, i write it down right away! in my notes app or on sticky notes or even my hand hehe. sure if it’s a significant enough plot point i’ll probably remember… but there’s no time like the present!! i want A to look at B a little differently in that one quick scene? i want to make them eat something different for foreshadowing? little details like that can be huge in your writing !! something a reader might gloss over but then realize later it was all a part of a greater scheme?? yes. so take note of those thoughts and daydreams you have !! even if you don’t end up adding it to your work, it’s better than having a profound, fic changing idea that you forget before you get the chance to write it!
this one is simple but a biggie- think about what you would want to read. i’ve been trying to keep this in mind as of late, especially when writing longer pieces where i want to make y’all suffer. find new ways to build the tension in your plot. give us different points of view, give us an untrustworthy narrator that thinks they’ve got it all figured out. throw in extra conflict. fanfiction is the melting pot of whatever the fuck you want !! so go stupid go crazy and make it something you love, and you should be good to go!! not to be cheesy but as long as you love it then you’re solid. doing something you love over and over will naturally lead you through growth and finding your style. don’t be wrapped up in notes right away (yes it can be a bit of an issue on this app- but none of has have control over how people enjoy your work- so you might as well focus on enjoying it for yourself) because as long as you’re doing something you’re passionate about and sharing it with us, more people will soon flock to enjoy it with you <3
lastly i just enjoy making mini playlists for whatever i��m currently working on. they don’t have to correlate completely with your plot. sometimes the sound of a beat is good enough for me to throw it on. if it gets me excited and planning out scenes i haven’t gotten to yet then it’s good enough for me!! i will listen to the same song on repeat in the name of ✨vibes✨ even if the words themselves have nothing to do with the plot i’m writing. that’s probably lazy basic advice but it works well for me and i love listening to music so !!
i hope this helps, and i wish you all kinds of luck as you explore this hobby for yourself !! it can be so freeing to get lost in your own work, and tbh sometimes i feel a little cringe about writing fanfiction but… i just adore it. it’s my favorite thing to do and when i think like that i stomp it down bc i’m proud of my work! i’m proud of how far i’ve come and i’m eager to see what i can push myself towards next!!!
happy writing, happy reading, and if you ever need more help i’m happy to do the best i can for ya! this goes for anyone, please always feel free to reach out even if you just want to talk brainrot. making friends thru this hobby is amazing bc like-interests are 💞🩷
xoxo ~ jordie
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shytastemakerthing · 2 years
can i have a romantic twst match up, im an esfj, pisces, i use any prns, im not smart nor am i physically well(as in athletic well) I’m more into arts such as literature, music, drawing, etc, im easy to get along with ambivert, has a lot of hobbies i can keep up with, i usually keep things to myself solely bc i dont wanna bother ppl that much, i rarely ask for help cause i want to feel independent, procrastinates a lot, average grades, i dont put effort on things that i deem as pointless only doing decently at it, im always seem to be on my imagination solely bc i have a lot of ideas in mind i just dont have any motivation to do any of em! and may or may develop some bad habits due to obsession! (i hope this is good enough!)
A/N: Thank you so much for your request, I hope that you like it! I'm sorry this took a little longer to get out, I've had recital practice for the last week and a half and tonight is opening night!😊😊
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I match you with.......
Ruggie Bucchi
• Now, there are a number of reasons as to why I chose this beloved hyena man and I will try to touch base on most of then here so bare with me here😊.
• For starters, he wouldn't want you to keep anything to yourself, no matter what it was. Bottling things in and never trying to seek for help can only make things worse in the long run. Ruggie is so used to helping others and doing work (looking at you Leona), that he WILL want to help you any way that he can.
• That being said, if you truly do not wish to talk about it, he will not force you nor will he use his unique magic against you to tell him what is wrong. What he WILL do, is take you back to his room in Savanaclaw, and he dies have a habit of letting you wear his clothes, and he (if there is no work to be done), will lay down with you. If he does have to work, then he will still take tou there, but makes sure you have food and water, and anything else that may help before he leaves. He will be sending you messages throughout the day, though, just so you know he's thinking about you.
• For him to leave you in such a place as his room, shows that he trusts you a great amount, something that doesn't come easily to him. You're very important to him.
• He gets the feeling on being independent. After all, he had to learn from a very young age to take care of himself and then to take care of others. While you are fiercely independent, he makes it very well known that you can ALWAYS go to him if you need anything. He is there. Perhaps he will even bring you a meal so you don't have to travel where you are to get something. Another way he shows how much he loves you, he shares his food with you. If you know his background, you know just how important that is for him.
• He admires you talent and ability for art, especially your drawings. Though, the first thing on his mind was that you can easily do commissions and make some money from them. A lot of things his mind goes to is circled around money, again, with his background, it makes sense. But if you draw anything for this hyena, it's become his most prized possession and no amount of money can be given to him for it to be given up.
• Ruggie is an active boy. Between all the running around on his numerous jobs, back home, P.E, running errands for Leona. The boy has great cardio. Knowing your own athletic state, he at least tries to help you out. Nothing to severe, maybe going on a walk with him to Sam's shop. Something simple, easy, but still exercise. He greatly cares about your health.
• He is a great motivator! Yes, you may not want to write that paper, do that assignment, or any other task, but he is there with you through the whole thing. He is not above bribery either. Kinda like, if you can finish this assignment then I'll find a way to get you that art kit you really like, or, say you're working on a task, as soon as we are done, I promise that we can cuddle in bed for the rest of the day. We won't have to do anything at all. He just wants to see you do your best. He comes from a place where no one js really given that opportunity. He was lucky enough to make it to NRC. He's going to make sure both of you pass cone hell or high water.
• Gifts are not the most common with him, the man is on a tight budget, especially especially he sends things back to his hometown as well. Though, if he wss out and about and happened to see a book or any form of literature on a discounted price, he will spare a few madols and get it for you. Seeing the smile on your face makes it all worth it in the end.
• Overall, he is one of your biggest supporters. He wants to see you thrive and do your best while also embracing the hobbies that you have. The hyena is smitten with you regardless. He just wants to see you happy, and to him, just seeing your smile is payment enough for him.
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itsagrimm · 1 year
thank you @tattycoram for the tag
1. Are you named after someone?
Yes, I hold several names. My deadname is from Doctor Zhivago bc my grandparents really liked one of the russian characters in the old 1965 movie and lobbied for it. My middle names are from my great-grandparents as is our family tradition. And my now used enby name is after a story I wrote when I was 16. My dad read it and pointed out I accidentally wrote myself into the character so I became Grimm ever since.
2. When was the last time you cried?
idk. maybe a few weeks ago?
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I would never.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their mental health issues. 🥰
6. What's your eye colour?
7. Scary movies or good endings?
8. Any special talents?
I have a really good memory.
9. Where were you born?
Berlin, Germany.
10. What are your hobbies?
writing (obviously), photography, hiking and camping, gardening, climbing. I am a really outdoorsy person so everything that makes me move around in my environment gives me pleasure. Also, I read a lot and enjoy learning about linguistics and languages. And I listen to metal without listening to right wing bullshit, which feels like a full time research job.
11. Do you have any pets?
12. What sports do you play/ have played?
I did Karate for 10 years. Now I just go on runs and do climbing. I'm trying to do body weight training and stretching at home but that's currently more in the aspirational realm. Also I bike a lot bc it's a cheap way to get around here.
13. How tall are you?
180 cm. / 5"9
14. Favourite subject in school?
Political Science. Who could have guessed that I ended up in Law School.
15. Dream job?
honestly? No job at all. I love my studies and I love working. But the reality of a job in the capitalist sense gives me a deep dread which I refuse to hide for the comfort of others at this point.
No pressure tags: @heumilch @queenquazar @eloquentmoon @mandalorian-general @musigrusi @johnnytavish @sandinthemachine @f3liz33 @boingboingboom
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coral-melon · 10 months
Ohh could i get an obey me matchup if u have time? :D
Appearance: i’m afab, tall but skinny like a noodle, still have curves tho. i have light brown hair and dull blue eyes i’m pale af and have a slightly larger than average number of moles. i have had purple under-eyes since i was 12 they are never going away
Personality: professionally i’m doing well but every other area of my life is in shambles lmfao. still live with my parents can’t drive depressed as hell and barely any relationship experience💀i hate responsibility but i’m still responsible because i hate letting people down. i make a conscious effort to always meet deadlines and show up to meetings on time and it bothers me when other people don’t. but still i’m pretty lenient with others and give them the benefit of the doubt. i am fairly whimsical and quite unbothered by everything. not afraid to push boundaries and attempt things no one has done before, when ppl tell me my goals sound unrealistic it just motivates me more
Strengths/weaknesses: good at drawing and school, graduated college with a 4.0 gpa and a bunch of honors and stuff, and i am the creator of several viral posts and quizzes. good at taking advantage of opportunities that come my way. and i can see humor in everything i love to laugh. i’m kinda irony poisoned and struggle with sincerity, but i’m also an open book i don’t rly have anything to hide. i always talk pretty casually with people no matter who they are but i get away with it cuz i’m smart and good at my job or something. i may come across as impulsive but i do think through everything i do and say, i’m just a fast thinker. i’ve been told i’m too trusting but i haven’t been hurt yet sooo idc ^_^
Likes/dislikes: i am fan of any kind of creative hobby. i like being in nature and interacting with animals but i’m also a pwetty pwincess who hates getting dirty. i hate doing chores and paying for stuff too 💅🏻 i avoid drama and conflict like the plague, though i enjoy it as a spectator. and i hate office jobs, specifically because i work very efficiently then have to pretend to be productive for my dumbass boss when i finish everything early. i love to hang out with people even if it’s something boring like running errands. for some reason people think i don’t like hugs or texting but i do :( i constantly crave novelty i love new experiences
Other: when i really like someone i’ll take an interest in their interests and memorize every little thing i learn about them to the point where i gotta play dumb sometimes so i don’t sound overly invested. we would probably have to have a strong friendship as a foundation cuz u gotta be patient with my repressed ass. i don’t have a lot of preferences for dates so i’d be happy doing whatever they want, i’m v indecisive so it would be good for both of us if they like taking the lead
- 🦝
Hello -🦝! Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself, it a pleasure to meet you! ^^
This felt really fun for me bc I already had a few silly hc in mind for you, so I hope you enjoy!
I match you with…~
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꩜ Never a dull moment when your around him.
꩜ The two of you are a funny duo, to say the least. If it were possible, it would be like you taking care of a leash kid.
꩜ Not to worry, with this jackass over by your side, he will make you forget about your depression with his bullshit and shenanigans! That’s right, The Great Mammon himself! >;D👍✨ ((plz don’t take this too seriously..))
꩜ When it comes to you, he might as well not have any experience either. When others look at you, sometimes they think you’re the one who knows the ropes even if that’s not the case at all.
꩜ He’s supposed to keep an eye on you, but the fact of the matter is that it got twisted real quick and you ended up responsible for him instead. You keep him in check when it comes to his studies and duties he must finish. Oh what’s that? Sike! Even if you didn’t want to, he’ll beg you to help him out before Lucifer catches a whiff that he failed a test for the 1738929th time.
꩜ You’re motivated to want to improve yourself, so why would t you want the same for those you care about? No matter how hopeless someone is, surely there’s always a way!
꩜ Doesn’t matter how much he tries to hide something he did wrong though, Lucifer knows way before he himself does. So you’ll often see him upside down hanging from a ceiling. He temps you first before resorting to begging you to help him out again.
“Are ya takin’ me seriously, human?!”
— “Pfft- Yea yea of course!👌” nah, not really
꩜ As time passes by though, he starts catching your drift slowly without being told what to do. Simply wanting to get your attention and praise is enough to have him determined to want to do better. So in a way, both of you help each other out to get yourselves organized; May it be your actions or mental state. Thriving forward because of it.
꩜ He appreciates you never me giving up on him, thinking about it makes him soft and weak.. He’ll never admit it though! Not the Great Mammon himself! Not in a million years! Pretty obvious tho..
꩜ He, too, is an open book; not on purpose though. He tries to hide it but ultimately just reveals even more.
꩜ But It’s funny watching you two play dumb with each other when it comes to the other’s interests. He is just as invested in what you like — or perhaps even more — like you are with his.
“Oh, you like -insert hobby-? Ha, lame!” *Proceeds to look up everything there is to know about it*
꩜ Lovely to know you like to hang out, cuz best believe this guy is stuck to you like glue. He might try to come up with an excuse as to why he just barged into your room or sent you some random message, but it’s all bs. He just wants to be with you even if there’s no reason. He just really enjoys your company.
꩜ On days he gets paid, He’ll say he’s feeling generous and willing to spoil indulge you a bit. You better be grateful to the Great Mammon! Whenever you go shopping, he’ll keep an eye out for anything you might glance at, even if it was just for a brief moment.
꩜ And even if it’s rare coming from you, he’ll immediately sense if there’s greed coming from you. So he’ll buy you whatever it is that you want so badly! *cough* you just glanced at it.. *cough*
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I hope I was able to make you smile
Take care -🦝!✨
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agreenseil · 1 year
Fic Idea:
reincarnation cycle with a pair (or group, but pairs sounds easier to organize), but instead of dramatic tragedy until the Canon life, they're just being besties and picking up hobbies that carry on to the next life
for example, zosan (not in any chronological order):
rivalry on sight (obviously)
sanji learns to cook because he met zoro in an alley eating a yellow thing that definitely shouldn't be fuzzy like that
zoro's the feral bodyguard bc while pretty boi Sanji can hold his own, should he have to???
crap, I cant think of anything else. this all came from that one YT short about past lives but it wasn't fancy or dramatic cycles
they're just hanging out in a yard, harassing chickens and squirrels
sanji keeps his knives hidden away after the doctor tried to use them to "treat" zoro's dying via plague (yoinked scene from the Short)
is that dramatic? yes, but it kinda suits them lol
also example, nami and usopp:
disaster lesbian nami, disaster bi usopp
usopp talking bout a girl he met and rejected and nami asks why and lists all the good things and usopp's like, "why don't you date her then??" and nami's like "wait, I can do that?" bc historical whatevers and usopp's like, "yeah." and nami's like "okay, bet" and then usopp regrets it bc nami cant stop waxing poetic about her partners but also he doesnt regret it bc bestie happy = you happy
and then he finds a hot guy with great muscles and oh, how the turns have tabled
also art buddies
be gay, do crime. nami does the thieving thing with usopp sometimes
isnt it nice to have someone so resourceful?
Also I think Robin should be in one too but idk who with.
Mayhaps Brook. I rlly liked that one fic where Robin dreams of Brook's ship while on the run and Brook sometimes gets this kid on his ghost ship and he cant tell if he's hallucinating and they do the friendship
Robin and Brook at a fair, robin stops to listen to his street performance after they reached for the same book at one of the stands
they don't even know each others names yet but they had a nicer day after meeting each other
in the next life, Robin listens to violin and piano music while she reads, though she can never find the same jaunty tune
brook performs in all the book related events he can find, tailors his style into something fun, but chill enough not to distract you from your book
maybe in canon he visits ohara to perform accompanying music? 👀✨ and robin finds her friend sooner
franky and chopper:
franky, who makes himself into a type of monster
and chopper, who didnt want to be a monster, but learns to accept it
idk how this will work, actually, I just think they complement each other
forgive me, I know nothing about jinbei ;w; I welcome your thoughts about him
and luffy seems to be someone who would be in all of their lives, but he's so bright I think that would make a big impact in their lives
oh! what if he is always there but hinted in the background details because he's not in the pairing
and then he gets his pov scenes where it ties all those hints together and does the fluff and his crew realizes that he had always been there and ahhhh I'm very happy and definitely not going to be writing this anytime soon.
anyone who wants to adopt this idea is free to do so :] pls call me over when you do so I can read it ✨
or if it already exists and you have the link 👀
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theharddeck · 2 years
What sports did the dagger squad play during hs/college?
oh my gosh another great one!! okay so i set this in high school bc i was a three-sport kid and i have no context for collegiate athletics beyond attending football games
so the obvious one is Nat and lacrosse, right? she's been team captain since sophomore year, she is absolutely ferocious on the field, and each year, she takes the insecure freshman under her wing and makes them a personalized workout plan to make sure they're as strong as they can be. she picks out the uniform designs in colors that flatter everyone on the team, she's coordinating snack schedules with team moms, and on the bus home from away games she's quietly doing her homework in the back row
Bob is a swimmer is this because i'm a swimmer so it's what i pick shhhh no. it's a compete-with-yourself sport, it's one where the goal is to best your own time, not physically restrain someone else. to me, bob is also built like a swimmer, like he's more sleek/lean than bulky, and it's never a worry about his glasses bc it's a no contact sport. he has no idea half the girl's team is in love with him, always deck changing near him, or asking him to be their lap counter during the distance events.
Adjacently, Javy did water polo is this because i also did water polo and was in love with a man who looked like Greg who played on the boys' team shhhh also no, obviously . if you've been around water polo boys, you know--they are pretty, they are built, they are a little messy, they are a little stupid. i say this with love. they're kind guys, they're guys who know how stupidly attractive they are, and have you seen the man's hands?? built for polo, and that is all i will say for staying G-rated.
in the same way Javy has a water polo vibe, Bradley has a volleyball vibe. It's a chill sport, it's also custom made for hot, tall, men, and I think he'd fall into it and be accidentally good at it. I think he'd allso be extra conscious of Carole's fear of contact sports, so he'd stay away from football and soccer and basketball. I can see him always having a volleyball in his backseat, and when he's at the beach, it always comes out to rally back and forth with a couple of guys.
I think Mickey did everything, he genuinely loves being on a team. Football in the fall, wrestling in the spring, lacrosse in the spring, I think he's annoyingly good at anything. he has a good awareness of where everything and everyone is, he has great reactions, but it's his attitude that everyone really appreciates, like he's always positive and encouraging and he's a solid team member. side note, i'm pretty sure mickey was homecoming king, and it absolutely blindsided him because he just thought everyone had as many friends as he did.
Reuben is track and field, all the way. he does basketball when it's in season, because he's tall and the coach literally begged him, but he loves distance running. he loves that it's just you in your head, that it's mental after a point, that it's just your body and a track, and that you're competing with yourself. he could've gone to college for it; got a couple good scholarships, but he wanted to keep it as a hobby on the side, and focused on the academy anyways.
this is a curveball, but i really see Jake as not doing sports? like the man is a perfectionist--he's not about to be the one who fumbles and costs the team a goal (or worse: be benched during the pivotal play??) i see him in middle school trying out for things, realizing he could do any of the things but probably not be The Best, and deciding to focus on school. so he's a nerd, but he studies at home/plays it off like he's not trying, and gets really into working out bc he likes how it makes him look. so he's probably at the gym with the football guys before school, working out with them, but he doesn't play on a team or anything
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tagged by the wonderful @sarah-crewe!!
1. are you named after anyone? nope. my parents just liked the name :-)
2. when was the last time you cried? as prone as i am to being blue i don’t really cry all that often. mostly at touching books, movies, or tv. so i think the last time was last month when my sister had to put her puppy to sleep because he had a really rare, aggressive cancer. she just loved on him so much and made his exceptionally short time on earth full of comfort and happiness.
3. do you have kids? thankfully no i would be a terrible parent lol i am not even a good pet parent. i have no maternal instinct and i am way too protective of my alone time. i will someday be a very good auntie bc i think kids are so smart and great and fun to be around, but i like that i can give them back to their parents when i need a break and and i like that i’m not the one responsible for making sure they don’t turn out to be jerks
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? when i’m feeling spicy yah
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? i tend to lipread since subtitles aren’t an option IRL, so the first thing is usually someone’s smile! like. noticing what people think is funny or how they look when they’re laughing. what shape their smile is, is it  : ] or  : ) or  : D or : > or : } or : | or  : B or : [] or : Ì (that one is a dimple)
6. what’s your eye color? brownish greenish ish ish
7. scary movies or happy endings? scary movies with happy/hopeful endings!
8. any special talents? i can make a water droplet noise with my mouth a la cameron from ferris bueller’s day off https://youtu.be/-HCW8PrmrCo?t=54
9. where were you born? dirty jersey baybeeeeee born n raised
10. what are your hobbies? sewing (mostly making my own patterns for little crappy toys for my friends), owning books, taking personality tests and quizzes and analyzing myself based on my results, making little paper crafts, doodlin, playing pathfinder, and lately cooking
11. have you any pets? i am stepmother to my gf’s two cats Honey & Cooper, or as I call them Big Lady & The Boy
12. what sport do you play/have played? i have tried every sport under the sun as a child, but was nerfed by the universe with pretty bad asthma so nothing ever stuck. i was a great kicker in soccer, but couldn’t keep up with the running. i loved horseback riding but got pneumonia and developed an allergy to them. i loved softball, but again with the running. tennis, martial arts, ballet... you name it, i tried it. except for hockey, that was never popular enough where i grew up to have a girls league team but i always loved watching
13. how tall are you? 5'3/4″ but my license says 5′1″ and i’m stickin’ to it pal
14. favorite subject in school? you all thought i was gonna say physics or math but it was actually english!! i loved all of the assigned reading in hs, and the not assigned reading that my teacher recommended to me outside of class, and spent most of my time with my nose in a book from age 4 (when i learned to read) until 22 when i got a grown up job. i’ve been reading stephen king since i was like, 12 lol.  in college i had a really engaging professor who fostered my love of writing. also tied for a very close second are physics and math lol gottem
15. dream job? this is a hard question because i was very fortunate and got my “dream job” out of college but realized quickly that i was not built for the environment that type of work requires or the people it attracts. my job now is technically the same function but at a very different company that is a much better fit for my personality and my values. so i have two new dream jobs (which honestly were always kind of there as pipe dreams). i would love to teach high school physics or be a writer. i am surrounded by a lot of creative people who encourage me to write which is lovely but i know i am not cut out for the instability of the entertainment industry lol nor do i think i’m talented or hardworking enough to make it there. one day i would like to make an indie horror film tho. also i second @sarah-crewe​‘s desire for a four day work week
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lcnelyday · 1 year
i am so mad right now. my mother, who i have a strained relationship with to begin with, but i am putting in most of the work to fix things, is coming down. my great grandpa passed last week, and my grandma and mom always talked about going on a roadtrip once my grandma didn't have her dad to care for anymore. so they have been travelling alberta and bc for the last few days and today they are coming to my city. i am babysitting my cousins (second cousins) and they keep asking when she is coming, if she is coming to the house, if they will get to see her and my grandma and they are so excited. so i told her that, and that they have been asking every day this week. and she says, "well, they don't really want to see us. it'll just be five seconds and they will be bored with us." and i was like like, "oh, no i don't think so, they are really excited." and she changes the subject. like. have you ever considered, that they reason they run off right away is because you 1. never listen to what things they are excited to talk to you about? 2. act like all their interests are too modern or impossible to understand (like how they watch youtube as a hobby) 3. are never interested in them because you are too focused on seeing the adults? like, these kids love you and miss you and want to see you and you brush them off and act like they don't actually care. do you think this makes me want to let you see my kids one day? when i have them? so i can watch you ignore them, play off their interests as dumb and childish (when note: they are fucking children?). anyway. on another note. i said my brother (not her kid, my half brother) and his wife and i are trying to find a sitter to watch the barbie movie when it comes out. and she is like, why? what's the draw? like. bitch. what the fuck do you think the draw is? it's a movie about an icon that has been around since 1959? like i played with barbies all growing up, i watched all the barbie movies? and so i was like, well, it's kind of a cultural moment right now, what with the cast, the design, the music, the director, oppenheimer and like, it's a huge moment in film culture this movie coming out. and she is like, ok, but like why do you want to go watch a barbie movie? like. bitch, my question is why the fuck do we still have a relationship? she gets mad that my disabled ass can't have her stay at my house when she comes to town, but like, even if i could, why the fuck would i?
anyway. back to drafts as i try not to worry about how many fucking days she is in town for this time.
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kulliare · 1 year
tagged by @pretty-thief, thank you
1. Were you named after anyone?
no, my real name is based off how easy it would've been for my grandma to say, who doesn't speak english. my parents kind of failed on that basis haha (there are 2 pronunciations of my name and i prefer one rather than the other!) but my name's alright
2. When was the last time you cried?
december 2022/january 2023 was my big cry era but i probably shed like one tear after that over something like film / tv / animal video that was too cute etc
3. Do you have kids?
no. i don't think i'll ever want to but idk what me 10 years down the road will say lol
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
...yes, kind of accidentally? i think i just use it for emphasis rather than like the ~sarcasm is my only language~ type. irl my voice and tone is very blunt/firm/dry so a lot of people think i'm being sarcastic when i'm serious/just talking etc!!! and i have no control over it!!!
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
i played badminton as a kid. i did ultimate before i realized that would be too much running and now i do spikeball, which is excellent for people who hate sports. but i seriously do love spikeball because as someone who doesn't really Sport it's not too hard (minimal amount of running, focus on hand eye coordination and reflexes) so it's accessible to people who aren't athletic (me)
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
i don't know. vibes? if i think i would like them? i'm wary of people at first so it's probably vibes. ngl i'm the type to be very self focused so i'm usually just focused on introducing myself and getting them into the Group so they don't feel uncomfortable
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings 24/7/365 i can't do depressed shit man
9. Any special talents?
i mean there is probably something but i don't have an icebreaker answer to this i'm sorry
10. Where were you born?
this is like a security question man i can't answer this one. i am canadian is the most i'll offer.
11. What are your hobbies?
drawing / posting on tumblr.com about carmy / spikeball / video games are probably my main 4 right now. i keep thinking about getting more hobbies but i go out for spikeball a lot and it's eating up my life lol
12. Do you have any pets?
no! i desperately want a cat though. a russian blue is probably like the ideal cat for me but i don't have my own place and it's doubtful i'll get one anytime soon! i'm also open to other hypoallergenic cats but i don't know how much better they'll be in comp to a russian blue bc i met one before and my allergies weren't as bad-- unrelated but i am seeing a cat today everyone plz cheer for me. i really hope that cat likes me but i will respect his personal space bc apparently he's shy
13. How tall are you?
like 5'0-5'2... i'm never sure haha!! wish i was taller
14. Favorite subject in school?
english!!! to my great detriment!!! but i loved her then and i would never take that back from my hs self
15. Dream job?
rotting! but not really because i would probably get stressed. uhm. i'm at the point where i don't know what i would want. i strangely feel like editing for a tv show/film would work very well for me because i hate drafting stories out but i love refining shit that's already there and i imagine being able to edit stuff has a similar feel. if i was good at it i would write for a tv show or whatever but writing for fiction is incredibly difficult for me and i'm aware that i'm not the best at it
tagging @halfagod @scoundrels-in-love @bartonbones @haydenchrlstensen @egirlgarak @sweetmilkbread
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