#it's been like that except there's been no reassurance of 'i'll feel better & back to normal in a few days'
byanyan · 5 months
got a brand new weighted blanket today so i'm taking it for a test drive rn to soothe my anxiety as i finally crack my laptop open for the first time since sunday
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sweetimpurity · 11 days
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Sometimes I have ideas for fics but not enough will-power to write the whole thing out all the way. This is one condensed haha ⬇️
not proofread 🥴
You're out to dinner with your bf Miguel. It's been such a nice night and you've been together so long. You think tonight is the night. He's gonna propose. His job as Spiderman does take him away from you a lot of the time. You tend to spend a lot of time missing him. Wishing he'd make more time for you. Make you his priority. That's the only doubt you'd have when it comes to spending your life with the man but other than that, you know you want it.
He took you for a walk on the beach, then to your favorite restaurant to end the night. You've just ordered your food when his comm watch get's a notification. A red alert emergency. Green Goblin in downtown Manhattan tearing up half a city block and blowing things up. Scaring civilians, injuring many.
"Babe... I'm so sorry... I think I have to go." He says, a growing sense of dread washing over him. And then he looks up to see that look of disappointment in your eyes. The heartbreak.
"You... are you sure, really?" Your voice breaks his heart. He sighs, looking down at the alerts coming in from Lyla. One after the other.
"I'm so sorry... I promise I'll be back as soon as I can..." He says, getting up from the table and kneeling in front of you, taking your hands into his. It breaks your heart even more watching him do that. Seeing him kneel. Except he's not proposing, he's leaving.
"You'll be my number one babe... when I get back I promise..." He says. But the words just make you feel so empty. "I promise... I love you. Wait up for me." He says, letting your hands go and stepping back. Sending an alert to Lyla that he's on the case and he's coming. "I love you babe..." He says again, stepping back and watching you. Wanting to hear you say it back. But you don't. You just watch him go. Heartbroken. Feeling so small, so unimportant. Unwanted.
He eventually has to just let it go and turn to leave. Passing by some people in the restaurant and leaving the restaurant. Trying his best to just keep going. To get this done and then he can be with you. But this has become a pattern as of late.
He gets outside the restaurant, getting to an alleyway and scaling the building, climbing to the top and pressing on the pod to make his suit expand and cover his body. Nanotech glowing up to his jawline and eventually closing over his face in fire red and dark blue.
He swings off to tend to the issue. To stop whatever's going on. Save the city. Again.
You wait for him for an hour. Sitting there like an idiot. Like a fool. Before deciding you deserve better than this. You ask the waiter to pack up the food and pay the bill. Three years you've been with this man. And this sort of thing just happens?
You grab your stuff, getting up to leave. Figuring you'll just go home and eat that ice cream in the freezer. Maybe call your mom or your best friend and get some reassurance or cry. Passing by people leaving the restaurant, you leave the building, walking down the sidewalk a few yards before-
"Baby!" He calls. The familiar sounds of a portal opening accompanying his voice. You look over and there's Miguel walking up to you from the alleyway next to the restaurant. Oh. You think. Here he is? "Hey-"
"You have to come with me. Right now baby. The anomaly, it's worse than we thought. We have to go, this dimension is gonna go!" He explains frantically, his voice slightly muffled by the mask you recognize so well on his face. He comes over, instantly taking both of your hands in his. The cool feeling of his suit on your warm skin. Really? You have to leave now? He said this sort of thing could happen at some point. But the chance was rare because he's always do everything he could before letting the dimension collapse. He's been gone for an hour and now the dimension is suddenly collapsing?
But if he says so, then you'd trust him. "Come on baby. We'll be safe you just have to come with me." He starts walking backwards towards the portal, holding onto your hands. It's not your first time going through a portal with him. It's a weird sort of tingly feeling.
"Okay okay" You nod, shocked by this sudden turn of events; walking with him and looking back on the world you know. The dimension you've lived in all your life. The place you've both shared a life in too. But if he'll be with you then everything should be fine.
He leads you through the portal, his big hand on the small of your back as he helps you through to the other side. The portal closing with a flash of glitching light. The alleyway falls silent. Not a sound.
An hour passes. The restaurant closes, everyone goes home. Your boyfriend swings back to the restaurant. Feeling like such a dick for leaving you like that. Leaving you when he too knew that this was supposed to be a special night. He gets to the restaurant. Finding it closed. "Damn it." He sighs. Pacing back and forth. "Lyla, is y/n back at the apartment?" He says. Walking down the sidewalk a bit.
"I can't track her phone right now. She either lost signal or turned the tracker off herself." She says.
"Damn it." He huffs again. Sighing and staring out at the street. His brow furrowing at what's before him. It's the car. His car. The one you both took to the restaurant tonight. Why is it still here if you're not?
"Lyla. What was her last recorded location?" He asks, staring at the car parked on the street. His mind flooded with possibilities. "Right here. Literally right where you're standing." She says, looking over the data.
He looks around. This doesn't make sense. "Track her again." He says.
"I can't-"
"Try again! Try something else! Street cameras! Surveillance footage! Something!" He yells in frustration and anger. Scowling and look around. Lyla sighs, pulling up the footage from the cameras on this street after hacking into their systems. Scrubbing through the footage.
"Let me see." He demands, looking at the holographic screen as Lyla displays it. There you are, leaving the restaurant. He winces, watching you leaving the place in defeat. Knowing this is his fault. But then he watches you stop, looking down the alleyway next to the restaurant. A flash of glitching light and then it looks like you're talking to someone.
You're definitely talking to someone. He check the time on the footage. It was about an hour ago. An hour ago you started talking to someone in the alley and then-
"What is she doing?" He mumbles, eyes widening when he sees you join hands with someone. The person that's taking up all your attention. "Zoom in Lyla." He demands.
The footage isn't super clear, it never is on these cheap street cameras. But he can see it. When the figure turns around, leading you down the alleyway. It's him. Himself? He can see the red and blue marking of his own suit. He's watching a video of himself leading you down an alleyway into what he can only assume is a portal. A portal to lord knows where. With a version of himself that's pretending to be the one you' know.
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I Work Too Hard, Can You Fuckin' Pay Me?
Part 2 - Y/N moved to escape some of thier looming troubles from Westview, to the place that their best friend said would make a difference. New job, new digs, will Y/N make a change for the better, or leave another city with their tail between thier legs?
TW: Smut, Intersex reader
Word Count: 3.1K
Read Pt. 1 HERE
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Blue Jeans and Leather, Never Looked That Hot Before
Natasha grinned and took your hand, leading you through the maze of the club. The back was dimly lit, the music muffled by the walls. She pushed open a door that led into a hallway lined with more doors, each with a red velvet curtain. You followed her into one of the smaller, more intimate dance rooms. The walls were lined with plush red fabric, and the floor was sticky with the residue of spilled drinks. A dancer twirled around the pole in the center of the room, her eyes meeting yours briefly before she went back to her routine.
"These are our party rooms, for smaller groups who want thier own show." Natasha gestured to the doors as you passed, the muffled sounds of laughter and music seeping through. The walls were painted a deep, sultry red, and the floor was sticky from the countless drinks that had been spilled over the years. You couldn't help but feel a bit like a fish out of water, but Natasha's confidence was reassuring.
The VIP room was a stark contrast to the rest of the club—spacious, clean, and lit with soft, warm lights that cast a glow over the velvet couches and chrome fixtures. A dancer was already there, stretching out her legs as she awaited her next client. She gave you a seductive smile, but Natasha waved her off. "You're with me," she said, before turning to you with a wink. "I'll show you what Foxwood's nightlife is all about." She swayed over to the music control, quickly selecting a song before making her way back to the center stage.
Her hips began to sway as the music grew louder, the bass thumping in time with your racing heart. Natasha moved closer, her movements fluid and mesmerizing. She danced around you, her hands tracing the air, inviting you into her world of sensuality and abandon. The familiar beat of the song slowly faded away as you allowed yourself to fall entranced in the way Natasha moved in front of you.
Her eyes locked onto yours, holding you captive as she twirled around the pole, her body a masterpiece of strength and grace. Her smile grew more enticing with every pass, her touch feather-light as she brushed against your arms, leaving trails of heat in her wake. You felt your body respond, your pulse quickening as she leaned in, her breath hot against your ear. "Do you like it, Y/N?" she whispered, her voice husky with desire.
The dance grew more intimate, Natasha's hips grinding against yours as she moved to the rhythm of the music. You couldn't help but get lost in the moment, the whispers of the past echoing in your mind. Your hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer as she wrapped her legs around you, the dance turning into something more. Your heart hammered in your chest, the beat of the music mimicking the pulse of your desire. The whispers grew louder, the memories of late nights and fleeting glances mixing with the scent of Natasha's perfume. You were pulled from your reverie as her sultry voice echoed in your ear. You could feel a low growl leaving your lips at the combination of your current frustration and the taunting of the woman before you.
"The club has a strict no-touching policy, Y/N." Natasha whispered as she straddled your lap, her hands roaming up your chest, her eyes locked onto yours, challenging you to break it. "But for you, I think we can make an exception."
Her hips began to gyrate to the music, each movement more sensual than the last. You felt your body respond, your hands itching to follow the curves of her body, to trace the lines of her muscles as they flexed with every move. The whispers grew louder, urging you to indulge in the moment. You leaned back into the velvet couch, Natasha's dance a siren's call that you were powerless to resist. Her hands slid up to your neck, playing with the ends of your hair as she leaned in, her breath hot against your skin. The world outside of the VIP room faded away, leaving only the two of you in a haze of desire and need.
"I think we need to call it a night, Y/N. Piet is probably 'busy', and we have unfinished business to attend to." Natasha whispered, her breath warm and tantalizing against your neck.
The music grew louder, the lights dimmer, as Natasha's dance grew more intimate. Her hands slipped under your shirt, her nails lightly scratching against your skin as she ground against you. Your eyes were locked onto hers, the intensity of the moment making it hard to breathe. She gasped as you shifted forward, pulling her into your chest.
Her movements grew bolder, her body pressing into yours as the whispers grew louder, egging you on. You felt your hands slide up her thighs, her skin hot and smooth beneath your touch. "Let's go then, Natasha."
Her eyes lit up at your response, a wicked smile playing on her lips as she stood, taking your hand in hers. "Let's go," she murmured, leading you out of the VIP room, and stopping in her dressing room to grab her jacket before leading you through the club. You could feel the multitudes of eyes on you as she weaved you through the now bustling floor before the cool night air hit you as she pulled you out front.
You followed her to a sleek black car parked in the back, the engine purring softly. She leaned against the hood, her legs crossed at the ankles. "So, where do you want to go?" she asked, her smile never faltering.
"Mine, I'll lead the way," you smirked, pulling her into you and pressing your lips to hers, feeling the electricity pass between the two of you. She giggled against your mouth before pulling away, the cool evening air a stark contrast to the heat of the club. You climbed onto your bike, the engine rumbling to life as Natasha slid into the drivers seat of her car.
The ride through Foxwood was exhilarating, the wind in your hair and the thrum of the bike's engine beneath you. You led Natasha to the outskirts of town, where your new home waited. The house loomed in the distance, the porch light casting a warm glow that seemed to beckon you home. The night was alive with the sounds of crickets and distant music, a stark contrast to the chaos of the club.
Pulling into the driveway, you killed the engine and swung your leg over the bike, the silence of the night wrapping around you like a blanket. Natasha parked her car and joined you, her heels clicking against the concrete as she walked closer.
"Your place is..." she trailed off, taking in the quaint exterior of your new home. "Charming," she finished, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Mmmm, let me show you how charming it is," your voice was laced with innuendo, your intentions not well hidden. You grabbed Natasha's hand and led her up the porch steps, the old wooden boards creaking under your combined weight. The door swung open, revealing the warmly lit living room with your unpacked boxes scattered around. It was a stark contrast to the sultry club you just left, but somehow it made the situation feel even more intimate.
You didn't bother with the lights, instead letting the soft glow from the street lamps outside filter through the windows. You led Natasha through the house, the heat between you growing with every step. She giggled as you playfully tugged her closer, your hands roaming over her body. In the bedroom, you pushed her against the wall, her breath hitching as you claimed her mouth again.
Her jacket fell to the floor, revealing the matching lingerie beneath. She was a vision of temptation, and you couldn't resist the urge to explore every inch of her. Your hands slipped over the smooth fabric, tracing the lines of her body as if you were memorizing them. You could feel the whispers of the past trying to pull you under, but Natasha's soft moans kept you anchored in the present.
You broke the kiss, your eyes scanning the room for the perfect spot. The bed was made, but the chaos of the unpacked boxes had created a cozy, intimate space. You backed Natasha towards the bed, her legs hitting the edge as you pushed her down, the mattress bouncing slightly under her weight. She looked up at you, her eyes half-lidded with desire, as you lifted the black tee shirt off your body, letting it fall to the floor.
Natasha groaned at the sight of you in front of her. Her eyes roved over your chiseled torso, a hint of surprise in her gaze at the sight of your well-defined abs. You leaned down, your mouth hovering over hers as your hands slid up to unhook her bra. She arched her back, allowing you to remove it, her breasts spilling out into your eager hands. "Off," she commanded, snapping the band of your sports bra against your skin.
You complied, the material sliding down your arms and falling to the floor. The coolness of the room hit your bare skin, making your nipples peak with anticipation. Natasha's eyes raked over you, her teeth grazing her bottom lip as she took in the sight of your bare chest.
With a seductive smile, Natasha reached for the button of your jeans, her movements slow and deliberate. You pushed her backward, her auburn hair fanning out behind her on the dark satin bedding. You leaned down, capturing her lips in a messy, sloppy kiss. The nagging voices in your head grew quieter as Natasha's hands roamed over your body, pulling you closer. You felt her nails dig into your back as you kissed down her neck, her breath coming in short gasps.
The bedroom was a cocoon of shadows and soft light, the outside world forgotten. The scent of her perfume mingled with the musk of arousal, filling the air with a heady potency that made your head spin. You slid your hands up Natasha's body, feeling her curves and her soft skin under your fingertips. Her breath hitched as your thumb brushed over her nipple, her hand reaching to pull your head closer to her chest.
Her legs parted as you kissed along her collarbone, feeling the heat between her thighs as she ground against you. Your cock was definitely hard, straining against the fabric of your pants, demanding release. You slid your hand down her body, cupping her pussy through her dress. She moaned, pushing into your touch. "Take them off," she whispered, her voice husky with need. Your eyes shut at the sound of her voice, a sharp inhale escaping your lips as your fingers rubbed her clit through the fabric of her lace lingerie.
You slid your hand under the band of her underwear, feeling the wetness that had soaked through. She gasped, her hips rising to meet your hand. You felt her hand on your own pants, her fingers deftly working the button and zipper. Your cock sprang free, and she reached down to wrap her hand around it, stroking it lightly. You whimpered at the contact, your tip was deep red angry, and leaking with your heightened arousal.
Natasha's hands worked you over, her mouth finding your neck and leaving a trail of kisses and love bites. You couldn't think of anything but the way she felt, the way she tasted. You didn't want to be the playboy anymore, but in this moment, with Natasha, you didn't feel like you had a choice. Her body was a work of art, and you couldn't help but stare, your mouth watering at the sight.
"I want you," she murmured, her breath hot against your ear. She sat up, her hand still wrapped around your cock as she pushed you onto the bed. You watched as she stood, her hands slipping down to remove her lace panties that barely contained her. You reached out, hooking your fingers in the band and pulling them down, her pussy glistening in the soft light.
Natasha straddled you, her wetness coating your abs as she positioned herself over your erection. She took a moment to admire the look on your face, the mix of desire and surprise. With a sly smile, she reached down and guided you to her entrance, the anticipation almost unbearable. You could feel her warmth, the slickness of her arousal coating the tip of your cock. She took a deep breath before sliding down, inch by agonizing inch, until she was fully seated.
"Oh god," she moaned, her head falling back as she began to move up and down, her tightness enveloping you, the sound of her wetness filling the room. Your eyes rolled back in your head, the sensation overwhelming. The whispers of the past were gone, replaced by the here and now, the feeling of Natasha's warm, wet pussy wrapped around your cock. You gripped the bed sheets, the fabric rough against your palms as you watched her ride you, her breasts bouncing with every movement. Her movements were tauntingly seductive, effectively teasing but you couldn't handle much more.
Your hands gripped her waist firmly, flipping the two of you over, a sharp gasp leaving her as you kept yourself enveloped inside of her warmth, the force of tossing her to the bed pushing your length furth inside her. "You feel so good," you murmured, your eyes locked onto hers as you began to thrust. Her nails dug into your back, her legs wrapping around your waist as she urged you deeper, her moans growing louder with every stroke. You shifted her legs, wrapping one around your waist and the other onto your shoulder, driving deeper into her as her eyes rolled back.
Her walls tightened around you, her breathing erratic. "Harder," she panted, her hips rising to meet your every thrust. You obliged, your movements growing more intense, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the room. You watched as Natasha's breasts bounced with every motion, the sight making you even harder. You reached up to play with one of her nipples, rolling it between your thumb and forefinger as she arched her back, her eyes closing in pleasure. Feeling her tightening around you, she was getting closer and closer to her climax. You leaned down, capturing her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss as you picked up the pace, your hips slapping against hers in a punishing rhythm. Her nails raked down your back, leaving a trail of fire that only served to spur you on.
You felt Natasha's body begin to tremble, her moans turning into whimpers as she neared the edge. You reached down, your thumb finding her clit and applying the perfect amount of pressure. Her eyes snapped open, her gaze locking onto yours as she came, her body convulsing around you. The feeling was too much, and you followed her over the edge, your release hot and intense, filling her up as you groaned into her neck. For a moment, you stayed there, your bodies tangled together, your hearts racing in sync.
"Fuck, Y/N," she panted as she let out a slight chuckle.
"Well, yeah, that's kinda what we just did," you quipped as you rolled over onto your back, resting next to the redhead's sweat-covered body.
Natasha giggled, leaning over to kiss your cheek. "I mean, really fuck." She sighed, her breath hot and her eyes sparkling. "That was... intense."
You couldn't help but smile, your chest heaving with exertion. "It was," you agreed, running a hand through your hair. The room was still, save for the sound of your breathing slowing to normal.
Natasha leaned up on her elbow, her eyes searching yours. "You know, I didn't expect this," she admitted, a hint of something else lurking in her tone. You propped yourself up on your side, looking over her nude body before quirking your eyebrow her way.
"What's that?" you asked, your voice still thick with desire as you traced your thumb over Natasha's collarbone, feeling the rapid beat of her pulse beneath your fingertip.
"I usually don't hook up like this," Natasha confessed, a hint of shyness peeking through her seductive facade. "But with you, it just feels... right." Her cheeks flushed a soft pink, which you found surprisingly endearing on the usually confident woman.
You chuckled, stroking her hair away from her face. "I wish I could say the same," you admitted. "But I've had a few... encounters." The words felt foreign, but with Natasha, you felt a strange need to be honest.
You couldn't help but notice a slight drop in her expression before her eyes flashed back up to yours. "I'm not looking for anything serious right now, Natasha. I want that to be clear." you sat up, turning yourself to look out the window of your room. "I just left a fucked situation, moved here so I could start fresh. I don't want to drag someone through me finding myself again."
Natasha propped herself up on an elbow, the sheet pooling around her waist. "That's fair," she said, her voice quiet. "But can we just... enjoy this for what it is?" She looked hopeful, her eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation. "When we need each other, we're just, here?"
You nodded, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "Yeah, I think I can do that. No feelings, right?" You turned back to her, a genuine smile spreading across your face. She nodded her head yes, biting her lip in the process. You leaned in and kissed her again, feeling the passion between you flare up once more. Her hands began to roam your body, her nails tracing light patterns across your chest.
You pulled Natasha closer, feeling her soft breasts press against your skin. You rolled her onto her back, your cock still hard and ready for more. You kissed your way down her body, her breath hitching as your mouth found her neck, your teeth grazing her sensitive skin. You continued downward, pausing to suck on her nipples, making her moan with pleasure. Your hand found its way between her legs, your fingers slipping through her wetness as you teased her clit. This was going to be a long night. 
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floppnopikka · 19 days
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He would call you nicknames like 'sweet cheeks' 'sugar pie' 'honey crackers' 'hot stuff'
When you ever feel like you're in your lowest moments this man doesn't know what to do to comfort you BUT he will try his very best to cheer you up. In the Book of Bill, his life has been in his lowest moments and there was no one to comfort him except for his mom, Jimmy Snakes (probably) and Stanford. Taking you to dinner (his treat ofc but only because he hates seeing you all depressed) go fishing and getting a free souvenir from his Mystery Shack.
This man is STRONG, never doubt his strength, he can punch, kick, and punch again. All his fats are his muscles so if you ever have anything heavy to carry just let him do it or if you got a sprained ankle because of your clumsiness, expect this man to insult you first before carrying you like you weigh nothing, ok he might struggle BUT JUST FOR A LITTLE BIT.
Needs constant reassurance, this man has always been looked down and stepped on in his whole life only for himself to stand up again without anyone's help. If you happen to get in a relationship with him, he will ask and look at you for support and words for him to keep going. He can get a bit dependent on you but not always, he knows how to stand up for himself after decades of insults from others and your praise may seem skeptical for him but knew better than to trust your words.
This man cannot read without his glasses, if you see him without his glasses and he's trying to read something on his news paper or watching TV, you can see him squinting his eyes in a verge of closing them.
If someone harasses you or talks bad about you, this man will definitely talk shit to someone and punch them so hard they will end up in the hospital.
He's prideful and won't back down to any teasing you call him (in a playful manner) but when it's serious moments, he'll have a hard time expressing his feelings because it always turns to anger or walking out but when he does something wrong, it'll take him a few minutes to apologize because he was never one to apologize or people would just ignore his apology.
Stanley isn't a fan of those cheesy romantic things like, giving flowers, chocolates, writing poems and stuff like that. Unless it's valentine's day or your birthday, he'll ask Mabel and Dipper for help on how to greet you, set you up with him. Just because he's not that type of man doesn't mean he's not showing his love and affection for you.
When you're not around, he would fr brag you to anyone 'Have you seen Y/N? well, bad luck for you buddy, you literally missed a sight for sore eyes. Which happens to be my significant other!' and then he would laugh at the child or 'Look here buddy, Y/N is someone who's very passionate on anything they do, I mean look at them! don't you feel the raging flames of passion they're putting there?' he pointed the direction where you stood and then it's just you arguing with a karen in the grocery store while he grins lazily as he sips his soda 'Yup, very passionate'
When you two got into an argument and didn't end well, he would stay up all night thinking about it, tossing and turning on the bed with a groan. He will apologize but it's messy because he doesn't know how or it's too hard for him to do say it. "Look, I made a mistake and I... I know what I did was wrong and I just wanna say..." long pause "...m'sorry..." in the most quiet yet audible apology you'll ever hear but if that didn't budge you he'll try even more "Ok! ok! I really... am! I'm sorry, ok? what I did to you was wrong, I'll give you space if you need it and... I'm sorry, again, really" but you can't stay mad at him for long so you forgive him in an instant.
Overall, a patient and understanding partner is what he needs perhaps someone who has the same ego as him would be fun, an adventurous partner would be his cup of coffee since he is the most wanted criminal in America, you two would be partners in crime >:)
A/N: hope y'all like it, might be ooc of Stanley Pines
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shinidamachu · 3 months
inuyasha, kagome and jealousy: why their feelings were justified
disclaimer: I'm aware there's a debate about whether or not inukag was officially, canonically dating during the series and that the answers tend to change according to the source material embasing them (manga or anime), but despite using manga panels to write this, I did it purely out of practicality and have no intentions of opening this particular can of worms right now. The point I'll be trying to make for @inukag-week's bickering prompt is that their feelings were valid regardless.
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Inuyasha and Kagome get criticized a lot for the jealousy they feel of each other.
People seem to think that Kagome is not entitled to that sentiment because she chose to stay by his side knowing what it entailed and, more often than not, was the one telling him to go see Kikyo, so it's not fair of her to resent him when he actually does.
On the other hand, they claim that precisely because Inuyasha goes to see Kikyo, it's hypocritical of him to get mad at the fact that Koga is constantly showing just how much romantically invested he is on Kagome, as he has no ground to stand on.
Their feelings, however, are completely justified and no other scene proves that better than this manga interaction Sunrise mercilessly cut out:
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Inuyasha is once again jealous of Kagome and Koga's proximity and he lets his frustrations out in no uncertain terms, but then Kagome makes a good point: what righ has he to be upset about it when he is also close to Kikyo? It's exactly why he gets flak in the first place. And his answer to that question is very interesting:
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She may think Inuyasha is diverting, but he's really not. That's the briliance of this exchange: they are both right and they are both wrong on their assumptions.
Of course that, from Kagome's perspective, Koga putting his arms around her is not that big of a deal. They have no history whatsoever and she made it clear since day one that she wasn't interested. If he still wants to shoot his shot, it's all she can do to lay a friend and ally down gently.
Plus, it doesn't hurt that Koga's interest on her is such an ego boost...
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Or that it turns the tables on Inuyasha to make him feel insecure and worried for a change.
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Or that, in a twisted way, it actually reassures her of the feelings he tries so hard to be nonchalant about.
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It might be a little petty of her, but how any of that even compares to Inuyasha kissing Kikyo? To Inuyasha meeting her alone even though she did terrible things to the two of them? To everyone constantly talking about how he still has feelings for her?
Surely he must know, after everything they've been through, that it can't compare, that he is the one Kagome is in love with. And since he does know, how dare he ever doubt her?
And of course that, from Inuyasha's point of view, Koga putting his arms around her is a huge deal. She complains about how every time he sees Kikyo they "float off into their own little world" but the truth is that except for the kiss she laid on him and the goodbye one they shared when she passed away for good — none of which had romantic conotations —, his interactions with Kikyo were pretty sterile, especially if juxtaposed with Kagome's interactions with Koga.
Kikyo is dead and isn't romantically interested in Inuyasha, nor is he romantically interested in her, but Koga certainly is into Kagome. Just because it isn't reciprocal yet, doesn't mean it hasn't potential to be.
Koga is the one regularly inserting himself into her personal space and she lets him, even though he did terrible things to the two of them. And so how can he be sure she doesn't like it? And how exactly is that different from the dynamic they share? Was she, after all, just being nice with him too and nothing more?
Surely she must know, after everything they've been through, that he only leaves because he has a duty to fulfil, but that he will always come back to her, that she is the one whose shoulders he puts his arm around. And since she does know, how dare she ever doubt him?
It's a classic case of miscommunication, but one that actually makes total sense, because they're just two teenagers navigating through extremely complex feelings in the worst possible circumstances.
They don't have the bigger picture the audience has and even if they did, their judgement would still be clouded by their jealousy, which keeps they stuck into their own perspectives.
And what makes even hard for them to get over these feelings is that they don't come from a place of ownership at all, but rather from a place of insecurity.
That's why Koga and Kikyo make up for such formidable rivals for Inuyasha and Kagome: it's not about the competition — the audience knows there isn't really one —, it's about the insecurities they bring out of the pairing, because they were carefully designed to do just that.
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From the very beginning Kagome was being compared to Kikyo for being her reincarnation. She starts the story already having to measure up to her in power and once Kikyo actually enters the scene, Kagome is also taken aback by her beauty and elegance, but more than that: she feels like she can't compete because Kikyo "died for Inuyasha." One day he might return the favor.
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For his part, Inuyasha has Koga to deal with. A good looking, uncomplicated man who has taken a like to Kagome and has absolutely nothing holding him back from pursuing her, while he has nothing to offer but a difficult past, an unstable present and an uncertain future. One day she could grow tired of it all and realize that Koga could give her everything he couldn't and leave for good.
In conclusion, all that jealousy is rooted in insecurities and in the fear of losing each other, which are completely understandable and absolutely valid .
The differece, I think, is that the narrative lets Inuyasha express his feelings of jealousy directly towards Koga, from insults to actual physical fights, without grand repercutions, while Kagome is never allowed allowed a similar outlet
But that's a topic for another day.
Special thanks to @kitramune for helping me with the panels.
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stevenssacrab · 7 months
Do You Hate Me?
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚✧ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*
Summary: Loki mistakes your nervousness around him for hatred, will Loki find out the reason behind apprehension, or how you really feel about him?
Rating: 17+ slight angst
Warnings: Mention of alcohol
Word Count: 1.4k
a/n: Apologies for going MIA, I got sick AGAIN but it was even worse the 2nd time around, feeling much better, hope y'all enjoy some Loki fluff
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚✧ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*
"I'm just putting in my earrings; I'll be right there!" you answer back, getting one last look in; your hair is pinned back with two strands framing the side of your face perfectly, the back flowing down a bit past your shoulder blades, with rhinestones weaved into the strands for that ethereal look, you're wearing an elegant a-line silhouette sage green dress with pink and green flowers embroidered through the expanse of the dress, it hangs off the shoulders with corset detailing in the torso, the sweetheart neckline showing off your collar bones beautifully, the puffy sleeves hiding your delicate arms, tea length, displaying your beige block heels perfectly, every detail of your outfit is elevating an overall polished chic aura you could feel radiating off you from miles away.
"You look perfect. Don't worry, let's move," Wanda calls out, grabbing your arm and dragging you to the elevator, "Isn't it kind of expected to be late to your own party?" you retorted, crossing your arms defiantly.
"Yes, but over an hour late is just rude. Didn't I raise you better?" Wanda responded calmly, fixing her hair in the elevator's mirrored wall, "Yeah, I know, I know," you replied, running your hands over the dress, smoothing out any wrinkles; you've been to tons of parties; that's not what's making you anxious, Thor promised you he'd bring Loki, or at least attempt to, just the thought of the tall, mysterious man makes your palms sweat, working as a biochemist under Bruce's watch was amazing, working with the brightest minds, on the edge of multiple scientific discoveries but for you what made it all worth it was the people you got to meet, you've met some of the world's bravest people, some avengers some not, after getting to know them, they're just like everyone else, they have their ups and downs, close friends, family, but one avenger captured your attention as soon as he walked into the room, it was hard to miss the standard Loki holds himself to, always remaining composed under stress, but he's charm, that's what's really got you in his grasps, he'd win over anyone with ease.
"We're here," Wanda said excitedly, patting your shoulder assuringly, "He'll be here, don't worry," you press your lips together into a thin line and step off the elevator; you suddenly feel a strong arm wrap around your shoulders.
"Hello, Lady Y/N," Thor slurs out, giving you a tight hug; you laugh; he's a couple of drinks in; you look around the room, but Thor cuts you off. "He's not here yet," he says sullenly, giving your shoulders a reassuring squeeze; "Come, Lady Natasha has been looking for you," he grabs your hand and pulls.
"You're here!" Natasha excitedly squeals, wrapping her arms tightly around you, "So, where is the lucky fellow?" she teases, gently nudging you with her elbow; she was the first person you told about your feelings for Loki, but she already knew before you even said anything, according to her you can't hide your emotions well, seems like everyone knows how you feel about Loki except for himself, you still don't know if it's for the better or not.
"He's not here yet," you say sadly, but quickly smile; it is your birthday after all; you're not going to let one person determine if you have a good time or not; with your mood having shifted, you motion the bartender over, "three vodka shots please," you asked politely, you've decided, Loki or not, it's going to be a good night.
You walk out of the bathroom, water bottle in hand, open it, and gulp it down, "Not drinking on your big day?" you hear that delectable English accent, and you already know who it is before you've even turned around.
"No, just taking a break," you laugh nervously, shifting your weight. Loki steps closer slowly; you watch him carefully with doe eyes; he grabs your wrist, gasping at the contact, he pulls you into a warm hug; you sigh contentedly and bury your face in his neck, inhaling his scent, a delicious musk, Loki pulls away after what feels like only a second. Loki glides his hand down your arm, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps; he captures your hand and lightly kisses it. "Happy Birthday, Lady Y/N," he says smoothly; you giggle giddily, your cheeks heating up quickly.
"Thank you," you say shyly, gently pressing your cool hands to your warm cheeks, "have you been here long?" you ask, tucking the pieces of hair behind your ear, "No, I just got here,” he says coolly, still holding your hand, he gently runs his thumb across your knuckles, you’re trying your best to remain composed, but every fiber of your being is firing off right now.
“Are you alright, dear?” He brings his hand to your hot cheeks. “Y/N, you’re burning up; let’s step outside for a minute,” not waiting for your response, he whisked you away, not that you’d be able to respond; you were still processing how perfectly his hand fit in yours, to your relief you feel the cool air hit your warm face, you breathe a sigh of relief, you didn’t realize how much you needed this, Loki leads you away from the music and chattering, to a calm and quiet place, with a view of the city.
“This is much better,” he uttered; he turned to you, taking in your dress, how perfectly it fits you, the sage green complimenting your complexion magnificently, “you look beautiful,” he spoke just barely above a whisper, almost as if he didn’t want you to hear it, your heart skips a beat, this unfathomably gorgeous soul called you beautiful.
“Th-thank you,” you respond, eyes looking at the floor; you know if you meet his eyes, you may explode, “you know this has to be the longest conversation we’ve had; you always seem in a hurry to get away from me,” he admits, laughing nervously, playing with his fingers “did I do something wrong?” He asks, his hurt eyes searching yours for answers; you hadn’t even thought about how your behavior has been affecting him; you’ve been so worried he’d find out your feelings that you’ve cut every conversation short, kept your answer one-worded, all to protect yourself, to protect the scared little girl who’s afraid of rejection. Most of all, to protect your heart from the inevitable disappointment, your heart breaks a little; you had no intention to hurt Loki, to make him think you don’t like him, or worse, hate him.
“No, you didn’t do anything I-“You stop yourself before you can say it; you don’t know if you can go past this point.
“Then what is it? I keep racking my brain, wondering if I’ve done something to upset you or make you hate me, but nothing, please, just tell me why,” he said sorrowfully, inching closer to you.
“Loki, I don’t hate you, I just-“ you uttered, “I just don’t know how to act around you; you are so kind and compassionate, and I just didn’t want you to find out how I feel about you,” you babbled out, “ and I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but I couldn’t live with myself if you thought I hated you, and I understand if you don’t wanna talk to me anymore, I just needed to tell you because I-“ Loki cuts you off with a tender kiss, his hands caressing either side of your face, you melt into his touch, your lips moving in perfect rhythm with each other, you wrap your arms around his neck and bury your hands in his hair, playing with the long silk strands, you don’t want this moment to end, he sighs into the kiss, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you flush against his body, you pull away to breathe, Loki rests his head against yours, and you both stay there, listening to each others breathing, playing with each other's fingers.
“I could never hate you, Loki,” you confess; Loki chuckles lightly, interlocking your hands together, “you know I always wondered why you always seemed so nervous around me,” he smirks playfully, “shut up, I wasn’t that nervous,” you laughed, playfully smacking his arm, “no? I seem to recall you tripping over yourself in your hurry to get away from me," Loki snickered; you doubled forward in a fit of laughter.
"Okay, maybe I was a little bit nervous," you smiled broadly, "Maybe just a little," Loki teased, pulling you in front of him and hugging you from behind; you sighed and leaned against him, both of you swaying in the cool breeze, relishing in the feeling of bliss that buzzes throughout yours and Loki's body, it's been a pretty good birthday party.
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suw4 · 5 months
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Terushima Yuji from Haikyuu!!
an/tw: that one training camp arc in s2 except johzenji was apart of it too;just for the plot. in need of angst, request some angst kskwkwjsdjj
requested on wattpad
Masterlist | Haikyuu!! Masterlist
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"Oh my," Shirofuku, the reddish brown-haired Fukurodani manager, muttered. Clutching the big empty plate close to her chest. "Look at how he handles that knife," Suzumeda, the second manager added. The managers stood by the counter in the kitchen as they watched Johzenji's male manager sliced up the watermelon. He noticed the two and smiled softly at them, still handling the fruit. "Oh, are the plates ready? I'm finishing up soon. Give me a moment," he gently informed them, to which they nodded. Walking closer to where he stood, observing him.
The other Johzenji manager then walked into the kitchen. Wondering where her second year was. "Oh! [Name]-kun! There you are. I've been looking for you. Wow, where did these watermelons come from?" Misaki pondered. "The parents from Shinzen High gave us a few. They offered to cut them, but I volunteered instead. I didn’t want to trouble them," [Name] replied as he cut the last slice. After that, he asked the Fukurodani girls to plate them nicely. "Hey, [N/n]-kun. Don't you think you're helping us a lot already? You should take a break. We managers, need a break too, y'know?" his senior mumbled warily. Though, he only shook his head. "No, I'm fine. I'm actually trying to get away from the crowd a little,"
"Oh? Is it too much for you?" she tilted her head. The other managers listening in curiosity. "Not particularly. How do I put it?" he trailed off as he helped the girls to put the last piece onto the third plate. "Homesick? I don't know the exact term, but I can't really adjust here," he admitted embarrassingly, clearing his throat as the said symptom was acting up. Facing away from the others to wash his hands and the kitchen tools. "Is that foolish?" he continued. "Nope! It's a valid reason. There were a few players admitting to us about that before, it’s common," Suzumeda assured him, Shirofuku nodding as to agree with her. Chomping down a slice of watermelon. "If you're feeling unwell, you can always rely on us!" she beamed.
[Name] thanked the girls for the reassurance. They grinned and bid a short farewell before going out to the gymnasium to give out the fruits. Misaki then took the last plate and glanced over to the two who had walked out. She then heard the [h/c] haired sighed heavily. "[Name]-kun. Would you like me to call him over to check on you? I'm sure you'll feel better," she peeped closer to the male. Patting his back. "Nah. It's alright. I'll manage," he answered. The other exhaled. "Okay then. Don't overwork yourself!" she warned him before catching up with the other managers.
The three girls announced happily to the volleyball players about the fruits. Cheers erupted amongst the boys. Practice matches came to a stop, and everyone went outside to taste the heavenly juices of the watermelon. Freshly replenishing their thirst and hunger. Yuji then walked up to his manager, taking one slice for himself. "Hana-san. Where's [N/n]?" he asked, curious about the [h/c] head. "Oh. Hm... He's in the kitchen washing the bottles. You should go see him," she told him. This perked the wing spiker. "Why? Is he okay? Is he sick???" he blurted out, worried. Before Misaki could answer, he was already on the way to the kitchen. He wanted to see [Name] right away.
"[N/N]!!!!!!!!!!" Yuji yelled, rushing towards the kitchen area. Slamming the door open and jumping onto the male. Almost losing his balance. Luckily, he was able to react quickly. Dropping the bottles into the sink and caught him. "Yu?? Why are you here? Ow!" The volleyball player slapped a hand on [Name]'s forehead. "Do you feel good?!" he asked, close to yelling. "What?? Yeah, I am. Did Hana-senpai say something to you?" he felt the blond slipping from his grip, so he hopped to adjust the position. Supporting Yuji's weight under his butt. Letting the player sit comfortably on his arms. "Are you sick!?" The blond continued with his questions. [Name] stared at him for a few seconds and laughed. "Calm down, baby. I'm fine. I'm just a little nauseous. But overall, I'm doing okay," he grinned, kissing his boyfriend. Yuji huffed, getting off the [h/c] head while the said male carefully put him down. "What's wrong, huh? Did ya eat something funny?"
"No. I think I'm just homesick," [Name] shrugged. Yuji clicked his tongue and placed his hands onto his hips. "That's because you've been inside for too long!" he exclaimed. Sounding too confident with his statement. He then took his boyfriend's hand and pulled him out of the kitchen, and out of the building. "Wait, I have to do the--"
"Nope! You're coming with me!"
Yuji led his lover to the same hill that Karasuno did their running punishment. He was dragging the male forward. Bouncing about as he was excited being outside with the love of his life. He stopped at the top with [Name] following up behind. The volleyball player took a deep breath of the fresh air. Feeling refresh as ever. "You smell that, babe? Smells like paradise!"
"Smells like an average afternoon to me,"
"Don't be such a killjoy, [N/n]!" the blond groaned, snapping his head towards him. Earning a chuckle from him. Yuji then sat down on the green land. Tugging the other down. [Name] followed suit and sat beside him. Then the cold breeze brushes along their skin. Yuji shivered lightly, causing his boyfriend to glance over. He watched him lean back with his hands in the grass to support his weight. His blond locs flowing gracefully along with the wind. The smile that was plastered on his face made him unconsciously smile. It was honestly goofy.
Sensing the eyes on him, Yuji turn to look at its owner. The smile had turned into a toothy one. Making the [h/c] head smile further. Suddenly, he didn't feel nauseous anymore. "You're so cute, Yu. And annoyingly hot," he complimented. Yuji hummed cheekily. "Of course I am! I am the Terushima Yuji. The one and only,"
"Yeah..." [Name] uttered quietly. His loving gaze still fixated on his boyfriend. The blond raised his brows as he observed the manager's expression. He smirked. "You're so in love with me that you can't help it don't you? You want to kiss me so bad," he teased, sticking out his pierced tongue. [Name] scoffed and smirked. Leaning closer and placing his lips onto the other. It was short and sweet. Nothing more. As he parted from the kiss, he saw the baffled look on Yuji's face--which soon turned into disappointment. "That's it?!" he gaped. [Name] let out a laugh. "What? you can tease me, but I can't tease you, sweetheart?"
"Aw, c'mon, [N/n]!" Yuji whined as he shook his boyfriend. The two began to banter about. Pushing each other and laughing around like they were the only ones in the whole wide world. Once the chaos had finally calm down, Misaki came walking by to inform Yuji that practice has started. The male groaned in annoyance. He wanted to spend more time with his lover. So instead of separating, he forced the boy to watch him play. In that way, he could play at his top performance; he says. Instantly, he stood up and pulled the taller up. Dragging him once more, straight into the gym. Misaki watched them and sighed while shaking her head. "He looks better now... I'm glad," she mumbled to herself. Mentally thanking Johzenji's team captain.
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starrluvs · 11 months
can you please… facesitting but with raiden and kung lao? i’m begginf
cw: afab reader, oral (fem receiving), facesitting, established relationship (raiden), rivals or fwb (kung lao), raiden being a sweetheart, kung lao being a cocky mf
wc: 709
a/n: my first anon request eeee tysm <3 !! i've never considered writing for kung lao or raiden before, but this was fun to write! maybe i'll be open to write about more mk men apart from the lin kuei trio... also, requests/asks are open, so come talk to me or send some asks!
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raiden was a sweet man. he was kind, hardworking, humble and open to new opportunities and challenges. so when you told him that you wanted to try sitting on his face, he agreed, telling you that he’d do his best. 
lucky for you, his best was more than enough. raiden was underneath you, listening to all the moans that left your lips while he slowly ran his tongue deep inside your slick walls. the tingling feeling made your toes curl as you whimpered out his name,
the champion hums against your pussy, making you shiver from the jolt of vibrations lingering through your core. you look down at raiden, and the sight of him so willingly smothering himself into you made your cheeks rise in temperature. his eyebrows were knitted close together and his eyes were closed as he was solely focused on bringing you pleasure.
as if he could feel your stare, raiden opens his shining brown eyes and stops what he’s doing for just a quick moment. he was able to see your hair become fizzed and quite messy, but he only let out a small chuckle before asking you if he was doing a good job and if you were feeling good.
his humbleness showing out once again made you smile and reassure him that he was doing an amazing job. upon hearing your answer, raiden wastes no time diving back in, except this time he held onto your waist gently.
you squeal as you feel him flick your clit and leave soft kisses on it before delving his tongue back into your heat. you whimper at the feeling of his wet muscle entering you again and place your smaller hands over his bigger ones that were still planted on your hips.
with your back arched and eyes screwed shut, you continued to yelp and squeal in pleasure. he knew you couldn’t see him, but just the view of his beloved on top of him like this was something to remember forever. 
he’d definitely have to do this more often with you.
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unlike raiden, kung lao wasn’t necessarily the most humble man in all the realms. imagine the big game he would talk just to get between your legs– so much speeches about how he would be able to please you better than any of your past sexual partners– even have you cumming for him multiple times… and he wasn't completely wrong about it either.
you had already reached your first orgasm, but kung lao had no intentions of stopping his ministrations on your pussy. his lips suctioned around your overstimulated clit, causing you to try and squirm away from him. your previous orgasm still had you in a daze, and you were sure the monk’s ego had already been stroked at how poorly you were handling yourself above him.
much to your liking, kung lao lets you hover above his face, leaving you out of reach from his mouth. he watches you catch your breath and takes the opportunity to open his mouth and tease you, telling you that he ‘told you so’.
you couldn’t stand it… you couldn't stand that he was right. you couldn't stand his cocky smile that showed off his dimples– but maybe seeing him soaked like this with your juices wasn’t all that bad. with a quick dismissal of his comments, you feel your body come down from its high and sit back down on his face.
this time, his hands fly up to grip your thighs, kneading your soft flesh and urging you to keep grinding on his tongue that was licking up every last drop of your sweet juices. panting and feeling short of breath, you cup the back of his head for support to sit up and compose yourself.
you were able to feel kung lao’s smug grin against your pussy. he knew that he had already won you over with just his tongue. and with the way the motion of your hips started speeding up– practically using his face and tongue for yet another release– confirmed that he officially had you lost in pleasure and he loved it.
you were never gonna hear the end of this once you two were done here.
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ladykailitha · 9 months
Batshit Soulmates: in Medias Res
As promised, the soulmate AU you've all been waiting for. I don't have a set schedule for this. I'll post chapters as they come. That said, I do have a backlog of chapters to put out on the regular.
Summary: Steve's never met his soulmate. Even though everyone else in his life has. Most of them are even bonded. Literal teenagers got their soulmates before Steve. He tries not to take it personally. He tries really hard not to take it personally when he finds out it's Eddie Munson when he has a bottle at his throat. He tries even harder not to take personally when everything that could go wrong, does.
*throws chapter at you and runs*
“I just think we should wait,” Steve huffed for what felt like the millionth time. “Give our allies more time to get to Hawkins.”
“But the longer we wait,” Nancy growled back, “the likelihood of Vecna finding someone we don’t know to haunt and kill goes up.”
“Except we know who his next victim is!” Steve yelled back. “You! And excuse me for thinking that using you as bait would be better than a fifteen year old girl!”
“Steve!” Max hissed. “What the hell?!”
Steve looked down at his feet and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked up at Nancy and dared her to tell him he was wrong.
But Nancy was stubborn. “The batteries on her Walkman are going to die sooner, rather than later. I know this whole thing sucks, but the longer we put it off the sooner Vecna could wipe out the whole town.”
Steve looked around the room for support and got none. He sighed. No one was on his side in this. But he could feel it. If they waited just five more minutes. But it was five minutes he wasn’t going to get.
He looked down at his feet again as Nancy started listing off who would go where. His head shot up when Dustin and Eddie were told to be the distraction.
“What?” he said. “No. Eddie is my soulmate.”
Robin put her hand his shoulder. “I know, but we can’t leave Dustin alone and you need to come with Nancy and me to kill Vecna.”
Steve’s face shuttered. So the choice was to go with the girls and protect them or go with Eddie and Dustin and protect them, leaving the girls to battle Vecna by themselves?
No, no, no, no.
He had to protect everyone. Why couldn’t he protect everyone?
It was killing him.
“Just go!” Eddie said. “You know you’re going to be needed when it comes to killing this bastard. They’re going to need your strength.”
Steve let out a whine that had been caught in his throat. “You’re telling me to leave you...” He didn’t understand.
Eddie pressed his fingers into his eye. “It’s not because–it’s not what you think. Honest. This is just proper strategy and you know it. Dustin and I aren’t going to be doing anything but drawing the attention of the demobats away from you and the girls.”
Steve let out another noise of distress. He knew Eddie was right. He did. It just hurt that in the five days since meeting his soulmate, they had spent a total of less than a day together. And most of that was spent getting ready for this.
“All right,” he finally agreed.
Everyone let out a sigh of relief and that made Steve’s heart hurt. They weren’t counting on him to make the right decision. They weren’t counting on him to do the smart thing. Even Eddie had sighed in relief.
Steve shut down. Maybe his mother had been right. Maybe soulmates weren’t everything they cracked up to be. Maybe it was good he was find this out now, before he got too attached.
He gave his little speech and made them promise not to be heroes.
Eddie looked down at the ground and then back up at Steve’s retreating back. He closed his eyes and opened them slowly.
“Hey, Steve?” he called out.
Steve turned around, trying to keep the hope out of his eyes.
“Make him pay.”
Steve nodded and turned back around, his heart shattering in his chest. He was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Hoping for a declaration of love. Hoping that Eddie felt something for him. But despite Eddie’s reassurances that he no longer thought that Steve was douchebag, he still couldn’t get over the fact that he had been fated to be his soulmate.
He felt the ice creep up his chest to nestle around his heart. All his life he hoped that his soulmate would be the one that’d love him unconditionally when no one else could. But he guessed that was only for children’s fairy tales.
Steve had barely taken two steps when he heard the sound of running feet and then he was being spun around. He was suddenly face to face with Eddie and he couldn’t breathe. Eddie gently took his face in his hands and kissed him on the lips.
Steve had melted. That is the only explanation for how gooey his insides had become. Eddie pulled back.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he panted. “Be safe. Come back to me, okay, Stevie?”
Steve rested his head against Eddie’s. “You, too. I can’t lose you now. Please.”
“Okay, baby,” Eddie whispered. “Okay.”
Steve watched as his soulmate ran back to Dustin, his heart just as heavy, but now whole.
Robin tapped his shoulder. “Come on, Steve. Vecna needs to die so you can be together without having to always look over your shoulder.”
He closed his eyes and nodded. Nancy took his hand and gave it a squeeze. He let her lead him away from the best boy he had ever known to kill the person who was responsible for all the turmoil in their lives.
Eddie looked up at the rope ladder in dismay. All around him he could hear the sounds of the demobats clawing their way through the vents. If he climbed the rope, they would break through the gate and Dustin would be a sitting duck.
They would both die.
“Get Steve on the walkie-talkie!” Eddie yelled. “Tell him the bats are about to break through this gate and I’m leading them away from you.”
“Eddie!” Dustin yelled. “Don’t!”
Eddie took a deep breath and cut the rope ladder.
“No!” Dustin yelled.
“Get Steve!” Eddie yelled over his shoulder as he strapped his makeshift spear and shield to back. He zipped up his jacket, knowing full well that armor was no good if it didn’t cover the bits that needed protecting. He took the bandanna off his hair and tied around his face.
God he hated this place.
He grabbed one of the bikes and hopped on. He just needed to give Steve, Nancy and Robin enough time to kill Vecna so that Dustin was safe.
That’s all he needed. Just two minutes.
Behind him he could hear the screech of the bats turn from the trailer to chase him. After all even a moving target out in the open is better than a sitting target in a tin can.
Eddie wasn’t sure how long he could outrun them. He wasn’t exactly in peak physical condition but he had to try.
It took him a bit to realize that subconsciously he hadn’t been running from Dustin, but to Steve. And just how fucked up was that. Which of course was when the front tire hit a small hole in the ground and he went tumbling, rolling in the dirt. His shield and spear prevented him from getting up and he thought for sure that this was the end.
But suddenly he was being righted and yanked to his feet.
“Eddie!” Steve called over the screeching of the bats.
“Steve!” Eddie called back. “Are the girls okay?”
Steve nodded. “I left Robin with the Malatov cocktails and Nancy with her shot gun. They’re kicking his ass.”
Eddie pursed his lips and nodded back. “Dustin is safe. Or as safe as I can make that kid.”
Steve closed his eyes. “He said you told him the bats were breaking in though the vents.”
Eddie nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t want them to get to him or out into Hawkins, lynch mob aside, so I lead them away.”
Steve gave him a hug. “Well then, let’s keep their attention on us, shall we?”
“Bring it on!” Eddie yelled, pulling off his shield and spear.
Steve stood at his back, ax in one hand, nail bat in the other. He twirled them both, warming up his wrists as he stared up the sky that was now thick with bats.
And even though they had only fought together once before, they moved as one, anticipating each other’s movements and covering each other’s backs.
Steve hit a bat so hard its guts rained down upon them, spraying them with black goo. Eddie in turn protected them with his shield putting it in front of him as the bats slammed into it full force.
He could feel his feet sliding back, but Steve was there and he leaned backward, putting all his weight against Eddie to brace him up.
Eddie had been on the verge of giving up, tears streaming down his face as he fought against impossible odds. But Steve was there. And he remembered that every impossible thing he had ever thought in his life had be come possible in this one man. And he was damned if he wasn’t going to survive this too.
“I love you,” Steve whispered.
Eddie closed his eyes and whispered back. “I love you, too, Stevie.”
The bats soon realized that they couldn’t get through Eddie and turned, swirling in the sky and Eddie could feel it before it happened. They were going to attack Steve.
He pushed Steve to the ground and lifted his shield above their heads. “I’m sorry.”
“Me, too,” Steve replied.
And then all the bats dived at once.
Yeah...don't expect a quick resolution to that. Just know, I'm a sucker for happy endings. ;)
Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
hiii, i've been thinking for Fluffy Friday - Hobie walking gn!reader to their bus stop after a concert and giving them his jacket
like it's late, and they're both tired from all the jumping in the pit and he's making sure they won't freeze on their way home. just Hobie being both punk and a gentleman <3
hope you're having a good day!!
Thank you for requesting! Hope you like it ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, love struck Hobie, FLUFF
It's fluffy Friday!
You're freezing your ass off waiting for the bus, you try to hide it from Hobie though; slyly rubbing your arms, trying to get rid of the goosebumps. You absolutely regret not bringing a thicker jacket with you. Your tired body doesn't help, legs tired from jumping up and down, cursing the government for taking out benches on bus stops.
Hobie stops mid sentence, too engrossed in the conversation, he just noticed how your lips slightly quiver in the cold, arms crossed on your chest, trying to act nonchalant.
"—You want my jacket?" Hobie's already taking off his leather jacket.
"No, you'll get cold" you try to stop him, hands on the leather, pushing it back towards him.
"I run warm, love. You need it more" He says softly as he drapes it over your shoulder, helping you put your arms inside the jacket. You don't protest more, savoring the warmth provided. Already giddy when you realize you smell like him now. "Better?" Hobie rubs your arms, adding extra warmth.
"Yeah, better. Thank you" you sigh into his touch, smile soft, eyes staring at him with so much fondness, you take his breath away. A lopsided smile appears on his lips, he's sure you're doing it on purpose just to see him all flustered.
He lets you win, chuckling as he hides his face on the crook of your neck, using the excuse that he's hugging you goodbye. You embrace him back, warming him up instantly.
"You're cold already" You whisper it to him like a secret, kneading the tired muscles on his back.
The bus arrives, saving Hobie from your horrid (affectionate) acts. The doors hisses open, you reluctantly let him go, Hobie holds you at arms length, cupping your face in his hand, admiring how the fluorescent lights from the bus highlights your face. He etches the memory deep inside his mind, memorizing how clouds puff out of your slightly parted lips, eyebrows relaxed, doe eyes gazing at him with longing.
You're not the only one who has that expression. Hobie mirrors yours, except for the content smile on his lips. The bus honks, ruining the moment.
"I've gotta go" you don't want to leave though, but your eyes are already protesting, lids growing heavy every minute.
Hobie scans the bus for any creeps that might cause you trouble. He finds none, only you and the bus driver will be inside.
"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" He asks with concern, it is really late for you to travel alone.
You slowly walk towards the bus, fingers laced with Hobie's. "You live on the other side of town" laughing, finally letting him go. You feel cold already. "I'll call you when I get home, okay?" Trying to reassure him.
"Yeah," he nods, watching you get on the bus. "Drive safely, mate" Hobie addresses the driver. The driver wordlessly gives him a nod.
Sitting down on the plastic seats, you watch as Hobie gets smaller and smaller as the bus drives away. Laying your head on the window, you smile at how much you had fun today, especially spending it with Hobie. Giddily wrapping his leather jacket closer to your torso. You've been dating him for a couple of months now, and you're loving every second of it. You probably look like a maniac to the bus driver, all smiley and giggling at nothing.
Distracted, your face almost hits the seat in front of you when the bus suddenly lurches to a stop. You look out of the window in confusion.
"Sorry 'bout that" Hobie's familiar voice talks to the driver. Are you that tired that you're suddenly hearing his voice? Or do you just fancy him that much?
Peeking down the aisle, sure enough you see Hobie sauntering over to you, a goofy smile on his face.
Your mouth agape, you fumble with your words. "What–how? You're–"
"I ran" He doesn't look like he ran to catch up with the bus, a running bus mind you. How in the world?–
Hobie gestures for the seat next to you, without warning, the bus suddenly moves again, you reach for his arms so he doesn't get thrown about. Guiding him down the seat, he gives you an appreciative smile.
"What are you doing here?" You ask, voice lowering so you don't anger the driver with the noise.
"I don't know, actually" he looked serious when he said those words.
You laugh from the belly, head thumping on his chest. He laughs a few seconds after you, finding your giggling contagious. His hands on the back of your neck, you feel how cold his palms are. "Oh I think I know" you say with a smirk, a hint of shyness peeking in.
"I'm not trying to sleep over at your place–"
"And here I thought you wanted me to make you a cup of tea" you warm his cold arms. "So this isn't a ruse to stay the night?"
"I think i just wanted to make sure you got home" he clears his throat, trying to sound nonchalant.
"All these spikes and you're actually a softie, huh?" You fix his windblown eyebrow. "How are you gonna get home now?"
"That's for me to figure out later" Hobie tilts his head, leaning to your touch.
"Okay," you lay your head on his shoulder. "Thank you for staying with me" holding his cold hand, you place a chaste kiss on his cheek.
"It's nothin'" He loops his arm over your shoulder. Cheek right next to your temple, Hobie practically melts. Comfortable in your arms, you feel the same, resting your eyes, squeezing his hand lightly.
You mentally scoff at the idea of letting Hobie walk in the dark especially in this temperature. You're already planning what tea to brew for him when you get home.
Thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it ❤️
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callofdudes · 1 year
Once again gracing the feed, cause the people deserve it so so much. Being best friends with Alejandro and Rudy headcanon please !!!
Thank you for gracing us with your presence @itsscromp 😌 always a pleasure to have you.
Being best friends with Alejandro & Rudy
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Alejandro is generally a very touchy person. And if not touchy then very verbally aggressive in his affection. You are no exception to this. He's always right there, loud and proud of you. Encouraging you.
Rodolfo is much quieter. He keeps his hands to himself and gives you reassuring nods or occasional encouragement.
The two are like day and night and it was hard to get used to both of them each. But they complimented each other nicely.
Starting with Rudy, at first his mute expressions set you off a little. You were unnerved slightly as first by his silent, watching eyes. Always on you, always watching and yet you were unable to read him. You admit you might have been a tad scared of him at first.
Until he started to speak, loosening up around Alejandro when you were all together and it finally gave you the opportunity to crack into him and understand him some more.
Slowly Rudy became a little more expressive around you. His training always kicks in and sometimes he forgets to smile, or it's strained when he tries. But you know he means well and slowly that smile loosens and feels natural around you.
You make him smile.
Whenever going on beach outings Alejandro would much rather stay on the beach by the food and drinks. While Rodolfo is always in the water. He loves to surf and when you wanted to learn he immediately perked up in a way you hadn't seen before.
He is skilled on his board, and the first time you heard him really laugh was after attempting a trick and falling like a ragdoll into the wave.
Despite the laughter he was still very concerned for you but still.
You loved to play videogames with Rudy. Even if he had way more experience with videogames, and he'd been playing them longer. It was always fun.
And they both could make the most amazing food. Rudy always has a music playlist he puts on when him and Alejandro are cooking. Often Alejandro trying to push Rudy out of the way and get you out of the kitchen so he can cook for you two.
"Y/n- get out of my kitchen, estoy tratando de hacer que la comida, Te voy a dar una bofetada con esta espátula si no salir!" I'm trying to make you food, I'll slap you with this spatula if you don't get out! (Apologies if the translation is wrong.)
"Ok ok, I'm sorry oh mighty cooking one." You back out of the kitchen, chuckling. You know he doesn't mean any harm, he's just passionate.
"Rudy! Smash bros, with me while cooking king is doing his thing."
Rudy chuckles, leaving his speaker in the kitchen. "Fine, but don't expect to win."
"I will too win!!"
"No you won't."
"Yes... yes I will!"
"Not a chance."
"Rudy stop that!"
He chuckles and sits down, taking his controller.
He did in fact beat you. No surprise though.
Ale loves to cook for you both. He loved to cook for everyone but other than affection and words of affirmation, food is his love language. He absolutely loves showering you in delicious pounds of food. Making sure You're well fed every single time.
Both of them get pretty touch starved. Along with being proactive, they too are in the group of soldiers who happen to get carried away in their work far too often.
It has happened a few times where you've had to drag them away from their desks or get them out of the sun and make them take a break. Or they'll get so exhausted on their own they'll drag themselves to come find you.
Whenever Rudy gets to the point of needing emergency cuddles you better be prepared to never move from that spot again.
Rudy slipped into your office, noticing you were particularly busy. He could work around that. Instead of trying to grab your attention he pushed the chair back slightly. Getting down on his knees and leaning forward to wrap his arms around your waist, forehead on your knees. He closes his eyes, relaxing.
You smile softly, noticing his attempt to not disturb you. You run your hand over his scalp and through his hair. "Hey Rudy."
He hums in reply, not moving.
"I'm almost done and then we can go somewhere more comfy ok?"
Rudy hums again, nodding a little.
Ale in the same sense. But he's at least cuddly in a way that if you need to get up for the bathroom or vice versa then he will let you go. Rudy won't. So better be prepared.
They both care for you and incredible amount as well. Ale was always joyful around you but when you get hurt or kidnapped or anything he's afraid. Confidence going down and nerves working up as he scrambles to do everything he can. He manages to keep it together with Rudy until they get in and find you.
Rescuing you they finally can hug you tightly and hug you in absolute relief.
Rudy unlocked the door, opening it and rushing in, Ale following. Their eyes immediately locked onto your body at the back of the room tied to a chair.
"Querido Señor gracias - y/n!! ¡Estás bien!" Dear Lord thank you- y/n!! You are ok!
Alejandro rushes up to you, kneeling down. He tilted your head, cursing when he saw your wounds. Rudy came over and cut the ropes, gently bringing your arms down.
"There, just relax, we've got you."
"Rudy... Al..." you whispered, looking at them with droopy eyes, filling with relief.
"We're here y/n, we came as soon as we got word. We're getting you home ok?"
They are incredibly respectful when if you introduce them to your family. They trust you and invite you into their family that they invite you down to celebrate holidays with them like Day of the Dead and Christmas. Really any holiday, or special occasion they make sure you get an invitation, whether you can go or not.
"So... you set these up for loved ones??" Al nodded, showing you the ofrenda that they had made for you. "And for you, for anyone you know."
You reach in your jacket and pull out the photo you keep there over your heart, smiling seeing it. Walking over and putting the photo up. "I miss you..." you whisper, seeing the photo surrounded by the flowers and gently flickering candles.
Rudy and Al also having their photos set up of family and fallen close friends.
You were glad you were invited to join in this special celebration with them. It made you feel special and a part of them family in a new way.
Alejandro is very open about his background. Telling you how he grew up, about his family, crazy and funny stories growing up working hard in the military. He always gets a laugh out of you.
Rudy is a little more hush hush about it. While Alejandro doesn't tell you things about Rudy he knows Rudy wouldn't appreciate, it just makes him more of a mystery.
Alejandro teaches you self defense and loves to spar with you all the time. Intense training, casual, he loves it all.
Rudy teaches you how to use a giant police taser.
Rudy has many taser, all shapes and sizes, he teaches you to use them all.
"Are you sure this will actually work on the field??"
Rudy nods. "Of course it will. Just turn it on and-" The taser crackles as he jabs it. "Get them where it hurts. Stomach or below really does the trick."
"Rodolfo!" Alejandro chides him from across the room. Rudy just nods to you. "He knows I'm right."
It's a chaotic, loving relationship you have with them. They do everything to make you smile, happy, comfortable, and they are amazing role models of respect. (most of the time 🤭)
Let's be honest they were the rowdy ones when they were in the military in the younger years and nothing has changed. They aren't called Los Vaqueros for nothing y'know.
So they do become incredibly rowdy. Smart men but you are a little stunned when they are put in a room together they go dumb. They do some wild shit together and often end up dragging you into their antics.
Yes, yes Rudy plays pranks and no one is safe. But instead of pranks he calls them solutions. He rigged air horns in the barracks when the recruits felt like getting up slightly later so 5:30 on the dot they go off in every room. He always can hear it from far away and it's a joy.
He did it to you once. You were pissed at him but this time he managed a smile, playing it off like nothing and inviting you on his morning run around base before it started to really warm up.
Hiking buddies.
Like you can hike with all of them but these guys are the hiking guys. They both have a very good grasp on the nature around them, Alejandro knowing more about the wildlife when Rudy is way into all the plants, fungi, and what not.
Not only is it a beautiful hike in nature but it's also pretty nice to learn some stuff along the way.
Both of them tell dad jokes. It's a rule, they just do. Rudy started doing it a lot more when he realized Ghost also has dad jokes for you and then Al picked up on it and now you're aren't safe from anyone.
Dad jokes everywhere. Rudy's are a little more morbid and along Ghost's lines but Al just had really shitty ones that make you smile.
And there is probably so so so much more that I'm missing right now but I hope this suffices for now. Go out into the world and take a Vaquero with you.
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sidekick-hero · 8 months
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(steddie | explicit | wc: 2.1k | tags: getting together, fluff, love confessions, Steve takes care of Eddie | @steddielovemonth Love is the heartbeat I can feel when I hug him | AO3)
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The first time Steve feels Eddie's heartbeat, it's barely there. It's so faint that for an endless, terrifying moment, Steve thinks he's lost him.
That he's too late.
His fingers are on Eddie's neck, and there is so much blood that they keep slipping as he keeps searching for the reassuring thump-thump-thump of a pulse. Next to him, Dustin is sobbing and babbling, begging Steve to help Eddie, to save him. It brings tears to Steve's own eyes, the pain in Dustin's voice too much for him to bear. He shouldn't have left them alone, he should have come back sooner, he should have been better.
When he can't find what he's looking for, Steve presses his ear to Eddie's chest, desperate for some sign that he's not too late, that he hasn't failed his friends. That he hasn't let Eddie down.
Steve wants to cry with relief when he feels it, barely perceptible, but there. Eddie's heartbeat is pounding in his veins, pumping blood to wounds that need to be tended to right away.
"Come on, man, you're going to be okay. Just stay with me, Eddie. I got ya, you'll be as good as new, I promise," Steve swears not only to Eddie, but to Dustin as well. Even to himself, because he wants to believe it, too. Has to believe it.
Brown eyes, glassy with pain and blood loss, slowly open and blink up at him. "Steve?"
"Yeah, it's me. The guy who told you not to be cute, not to be a hero, but of course you didn't listen, did you?"
Inexplicably, Eddie grins at his words and Steve sees a deep gash in his cheek.
"You think I'm cute," Eddie says, sounding pleased even though it's obvious how much talking hurts him. It's easy to agree with him in this moment, anything to make Eddie happy and stop him from arguing.
"So cute, I'm going to sweep you off your feet now, Eddie." And with that, he scoops Eddie up in his arms, wincing at the way he whimpers in pain. "You gotta hang in there, yeah?"
Steve stumbles toward the trailer, wondering how he's going to get Eddie through the portal, almost missing when Eddie says quietly, "I'll try.”
They make it to the hospital, just barely. The doctors whisk Eddie away before Steve can check his heartbeat again, and he can't get his mind to stop its panicked mantra of too late, too late, too late. It's like his mind refuses to believe they made it without any tangible proof.
So later, when Eddie is out of surgery but still not allowed visitors, Steve sneaks into his room when no one is looking. Eddie's uncle is not there yet, and the room is eerily quiet except for the steady beeping of the heart monitor.
It should be enough to reassure Steve that Eddie is, if not okay, at least alive.
But he isn't.
It's only with his ear pressed to Eddie's chest and hearing the rhythmic and steady beating of his heart that Steve is finally able to take a breath and let the tension seep out of his exhausted body. All he wants right now is to crawl onto the bed and let the sound lull him to sleep.
They almost lost Eddie. Steve almost lost Eddie.
It is with a mixture of surprise and confusion that he realizes just how much the thought hurts.
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The next time Steve feels Eddie's heartbeat, it's not through his chest, but through the pulse in his veins.
This thing between them was so new and exciting, and Steve really had no idea what he was doing. Only that since that moment in the Upside Down when he had first pressed his ear to Eddie's chest and felt the faint beating of his heart against his cheek, something had changed.
Not even in a monumental way. It wasn't something Steve could have put his finger on at first.
But something had changed.
There was a new awareness of Eddie in Steve's mind, a space carved out just for the other boy. Like a beacon sending out signals, Steve always knew where Eddie was in a room and what he was doing.
And then there was this current that ran between them. Every time their bodies so much as brushed against each other, Steve could feel it. Sparks of electricity and heat coursing through his veins.
It was both heady and intense, making Steve wonder when he would reach his breaking point, unable to take it anymore, and finally act on it.
In the end, it was Eddie who snapped, kissing Steve with lips that tasted of cheap beer and the grilled cheese sandwiches Steve had made for them. But Steve returned it eagerly, licking happily into Eddie's mouth while his hands had cupped Eddie's face, holding him as if he were precious.
One thing led to another, and soon Steve had Eddie spread out on his sheets, the scars on his body like wildflowers blooming in the aftermath of life's wildfires. Each mark a testament to the battles he fought and the strength that ran through him like roots anchoring a majestic tree. Because he survived, he fought to stay with them, and only because of his strength is Steve allowed to hold him now.
That's why he made sure to caress each and every scar with his hands and mouth, baring his own heart in the process.
When his lubed finger first entered Eddie's body, Steve was as overwhelmed as Eddie, both men needing to catch their breath as their hearts thundered in their chests. At first Steve thought it was his own heart beating so hard he could feel his pulse in his finger. But then he realized it was Eddie's wild heart beating against Steve's finger inside him in a loving embrace.
Steve never knew that he would ever feel someone else's heart so intimately. That he would be able to feel it's rhythm from inside another's body, as if he was holding Eddie's heart in his own hands.
And when he finally sank into him, Steve lay still for a plethora of eternities, reveling in the sensation of Eddie's heartbeat welcoming him home.
Even though Steve wouldn't be able to say those words aloud for another two months, he knew that what they had done that day was love.
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The day Steve finally finds the words to say how he feels about him, he can feel Eddie's heart saying it right back to Steve's palm on his chest.
They've been dating for two months now, and though they have to be careful in a way Steve has never had to be before, he wouldn't trade it for the world. Not if it meant falling asleep in Eddie's arms and waking up to the sight of his boyfriend's nose scrunched up adorably as his wild curls tickle it where they don't spill across the pillow they share.
Steve hasn't said them yet, those three words he's only said to one other person, but he tells Eddie every day in his own way. A million little things, from lingering touches to meals prepared to comfortable silences shared.
He tells Eddie he loves him every day when he puts his head on Eddie's chest to feel his heart beat in that steady, rhythmic way that says he's alive. That there is a future, not an almost, but a maybe. A hopefully.
Eddie always lets him, holding still when Steve pushes him down and climbs on top of him so he can lie comfortably and listen to his favorite sound inside Eddie's body. If Vecna were still alive, which fortunately he isn't, Eddie's heartbeat would be the song that could save Steve.
As they lay there, Eddie kept tapping his own rhythm on Steve's back. It's always the same, a song Steve doesn't recognize but has come to love as much as anything else about this impossible man beneath him.
On this particular day, Steve has just finished folding laundry when the doorbell rings. He drops the sweater he's been holding and goes to the door, wondering who it could be. Robin was on a trip with her parents and the kids had school. He and Eddie would see each other tonight at the trailer, have a quick and early dinner before Wayne had to go to work, and he and Eddie would spend the rest of the evening satisfying the ever-present hunger for each other.
When he opens his front door, he's surprised to see Eddie standing there, but one look at his face is enough to tell Steve that something is wrong. He quickly pulls Eddie inside and closes the door before wrapping his boyfriend in his arms.
"What happened, baby?" He asks in a soft voice, feeling Eddie tremble in response. Steve knows that Eddie had a job interview today, down at the new record store, and he was so excited about it. The owner, Stuart, was new in town, so he didn't know who Eddie was or what people thought about him. It was the fresh start Eddie so desperately needed in a town that never quite let him forget that in their eyes he's still a murderer and a freak.
A growing pit in Steve's stomach tells him that some people had been forthcoming enough to tell Stuart all about Eddie before today's interview.
"Was it the interview? Did Stuart not hire you?"
Eddie shakes his head silently, and Steve thinks it's as much an answer to his question as it is Eddie asking not to have to talk about it. Steve understands. When things get too much, too overwhelming, Eddie goes silent. It takes time for him to find his voice, and Steve has learned to give him that time.
He begins to rock him gently, humming a song to himself as he holds Eddie in his arms.
Steve doesn't know how much time passes before Eddie finally lifts his head from where it was buried in Steve's neck to look at him.
"Cyndi Lauper, really?" Eddie teases, and even though it still sounds a bit weak, Steve takes it as a win.
Still rocking gently, Steve puts his hand on Eddie's chest just above his heart.
"What can I say, it makes me think of you." And Steve begins to sing, his voice soft as his eyes never leave Eddie's.
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
Oh, I realize
It's hard to take courage, in a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you can make you feel so small
But I see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
And because he can't let Eddie have the slightest doubt about what Steve is trying to tell him, he says it again: "That's why I love you, Eddie."
Under his palm, Eddie's heart is still beating strong and sure, faster than usual, and Steve wonders if that means he's excited or scared by Steve's words.
The look in his eyes tells Steve it's the former.
Eddie's hand settles over Steve's on Eddie's chest and he begins to tap it gently in a rhythm that Steve has become familiar with.
Tap tap pause long tap, short tap, long tap, short tap, short tap, short tap, long tap, long tap pause long tap, short tap, long tap, long tap, short tap, short tap, long tap, short tap, long tap, long tap.
"That's how my heart would beat for you if it could, Stevie, spelling the same thing over and over again."
And he repeats the rhythm again, as if it meant something. Spelling the same thing...
"Is that... Eddie, is that Morse code?"
"I keep telling you, you're a lot smarter than you think you are, sweetheart. Want to know what it says?"
Steve thinks he knows, but he wants to hear Eddie say it, so he nods.
"I," Eddie says and taps Steve's hand twice on his chest.
"Love," he adds and follows with a series of taps, long, short, long, short, short, short, long, long.
"You," he finishes and Steve's smile widens with each tap of his hand. Long, short, long, long, short, short, long, short, long, long.
Eddie has been tapping those words against his skin since the first time they made love.
"You've been telling me that all along," he marvels, his voice full of wonder and love.
Eddie finally kisses him, painfully tender. "My heart has been trying to tell you ever since you started listening to it."
And Steve thinks maybe Eddie is right, it just took him a little while to understand its language.
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lunamochii · 2 months
a/n ; hello guys! I just keep on disappearing on this platform geez😭 anyways here's angst/fluff akaashi! There's also a suna one coming up, requested by a reader!
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cw; angst/fluff, pls expect spelling and grammatical errors, x f!reader.
likes, reblogs with tags and feedbacks are highly recommended!
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"Let's go on a date. My treat."
Excited is not the right word for what you are feeling right now, Akaashi seldom ask you out on a date ever since you started dating 4 months ago. His busy and you know it that you don't bother asking for small things. Being able to see him whenever they have a practice match is enough for him.
"That's a wide smile you got there, boyfriend things?"
You laugh at the remark of your friend and nodded
"Yeah, Akaashi ask me out on a date!"
She rolled her eyes and sat on your desk
"And what? He will text you that he got caught up from practice and is unable to come?"
"It was one time, okay?"
"Yeah, right."
You poke her side making her jump down from your desk and glare at you, she's ticklish on the side and totally hates it when you poke her. You shoo'd her away since the class is about to start but your friend's word lingers around and you did your best to forget it.
You're standing at the front of your school building, lifting your wrist to have a look at your wrist and saw it's already 5:30 but you can wait for a little bit more. Though the sky is looking rather dark. Grabbing your phone from your bag to text Akaashi where he is
You; Akaashi, where are you? I'm waiting for you infront of the school building.
A minute passed and you receive his reply
Akaashi; I'm so sorry, love. Coach wants us to stay a little bit longer. Let's set the date on the other day.
You can feel something deep inside but you just sigh and type out your reply
You; Sure! See you then.
After hitting the send you didn't bothet looking at his reply and went straight home. You lay on your bed starring at the wall then remembered the words of your friend, you curled up into a ball and reassured yourself that this won't sway your relationship with him.
"____! I'm sorry for yesterday. Today, let's hang out?"
Akaashi spotted you at the cafeteria and excuse himself from the people his with
"Okay, I'll wait at the front."
You smiled and squeeze his hands before letting go and catching up with your friends. Afternoon came and you are back standing at the front of your building. This time, the sky was ruthless and it's raining cats and dogs. Your phone dings and you take a look who's it from
Akaashi; Hey, love. Don't wait for me because coach wants us to study some new moves and strategies. I'm so sorry :(
The grip you have on your phone is tight and there's this grueling feeling bubbling up inside you.
You; Sure, no problem.
Akaashi on the other hand knows that his being a complete jerk but he just can't leave his responsibilities too on his club. Not with the nationals around the corner. He already notes that after the national, he won't leave your side.
The next day Akaashi got the news that they don't have any practices today so he plan the date you guys will be having after school except you didn't show up. He went to your classroom only to be greeted by a harsh tone from your friend
"Are you a sadist? She's way too good for you, Akaashi. Be direct and tell her that you want to breakup."
And Akaashi didn't like one bit the words that came out from your friend's mouth
"Where is she?"
"Who knows? Though, I sure hope he finds someone better than you."
After school Akaashi went to your house right away but the one who answered the door is your father who looked a bit disappointed
"Is.. Is she home?"
He stuttered, fiddling with his hands then he heard your father sigh
"She's in the living room. Keiji, I like you for my daughter. Two days, she's been crying silently for two days. It hurts me to see her cry so please... take good care of her."
He felt his breath get stuck on his throat and all he could do is nod
"I'll leave you two alone."
Your father tap his shoulder and left the door open for him, Akaashi put his shoes on the side and slowly walk towards the living room. He cleared his throat to get your attention and you barely look at him
"What? Are you here to tell me to hang out with you then left me hanging?"
Your words cut deep and he hang his head low then he notice you standing up and stood infront of him.
"Tell me, Keiji. Did you date me because you took pity of me that day or you agreed because you really do like me?"
"What kind of question is that?"
"Answer me!"
He lift his head and saw your tears threatening to drop
"Ofcouse it's because I like you! I love you more than anything!"
You exhaled and held his hand, whenever he starts to get nervous Akaashi will fiddle with his hands. You bring it close to your lips and kiss his hands on the knuckles
"If you have said that you pity me then I'd have let you go."
The action just now made his heart race that he lost control of his own body and crash his lips to yours. His gym bag dropping at the floor, strong arms wrap around you. Akaashi decides to just forget everything and just decides to pour all of his unsaid thoughts and words on this kiss his sharing with you
"I can't breath- Kei-"
"Shh, let me make it up to you."
You should be irritated on what he just said but seeing his ears red and how his barely having any control to himself, you know it's best to let him. He sat down on the couch and he pat his lap, you sat down and he wrap one arm around your waist and rest hid other hand at the back of your head and resumes the kiss
After some long minutes of making out, Akaashi pulled away and rest his head at the crook of your neck.
"If you would have let me go, I won't let you. I will get down on my knees and beg for you to love me back." He said softly
He laughs and press a sweet kiss on your neck, you two cuddled on the couch. He told you that their coach is letting them rest for the whole week so they'll have enough energy during nationals.
"I'm sorry for treating you poorly. I won't ever do it again, mark my word. If I ever did it, again, let your dad beat me up."
There's a strange bond that your boyfriend and your dad shared and it all started when you introduced him to your dad.
"Akaashi? You were calling me Keiji moments ago."
"It slip off my tongue, Akaashi"
"Keiji. Call me Keiji.'
He pout his lips and you just laugh at him, he rest his palm on your tummy and began showering your face with kisses
"Stop- hahahaha stop it!"
"I won't."
His hands move at your neck and began tickling you there, his the only one who knows that you're ticklish on that spot
"Aahhh!! Stop! Fine, fine! Keiji pleaseeee!!"
"That's more like it, good girl."
He kiss your forehead before letting your head rest on his shoulders
"Your dad told me that you've been crying for two days... am such a jerk."
"It's okay now. I knew we would get through it anyways."
You look at him and he smiles softly at you, Akaashi leans forward to catch your lips and once again you two shared a passionate kiss that the both of you didn't notice the door opening, your dad returning.
"I did say to take care of her but aren't you guys too fast?"
You shot up from his lap and Akaashi stood awkwardly at your side
"To be young again~ just make sure I won't hear you guys on my room~"
"We won't be doing anything!"
Your dad just wave at the both of you and went upstairs, you let out a sigh and grab the bag of Akaashi and turn around only to find him fidgeting and hiding something..
"I- It was involuntary!"
Your eyes drop down to where his hands and you burst out laughing
"Stop laughing, baby! Fuck- can I use your bathroom?"
"Sure but don't you want my help?"
"No thanks! Love you though!
He hurriedly run past by you and left you laughing at him.
There was a doubt in your heart when you ask him that question but Akaashi prove to you how much he loves you. Actions do speak louder than words.
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skyward-floored · 3 months
I am here to very politely beg for a wip or something of Lost 👉👈
I'll do you one better, here's this short thing that I might add to further at some point from after Zelda frees him :)
Link was silent nearly the entire ride to the castle, his hands faintly trembling where they were wrapped around Zelda's waist. She'd guided them there herself when he'd been hesitant to hold on, and he hadn't let go since, his head eventually falling to rest on her shoulder.
Zelda wasn't completely sure he was awake or not by the time the castle came into view, but he kept his head lowered as they rode across the drawbridge, the dusky grey quiet of early morning broken only by Epona's hoofbeats.
Zelda was rather glad it was so early-- nobody except a few servants and maybe Impa would be awake yet, which meant Link's arrival would stay quiet. Goddesses knew he wouldn't be able to handle a crowd right now, no less herself.
She honestly didn't know how she would have dealt with it on top of everything else.
Link’s head finally raised from her shoulder, and Zelda watched as his father limped frantically into the courtyard, faster than she'd seen him move in a long time. He must have been watching our approach.
She tugged Epona to a stop and began to help Link dismount, but his feet had barely touched the ground before his father was pulling him into his arms, clutching at him so desperately Link nearly fell over.
“Oh thank the goddesses, Link,” he breathed, voice breaking. “My boy, my baby boy...”
“I’m alright,” Link tried to reassure, voice barely a whisper. His voice broke as well though, and Zelda could see tears on his cheeks. “I’m alright father, I’m...”
He exhaled shakily, and Lucas held him tighter, quietly shushing him. Zelda couldn't help but feel a soft pang of longing as she watched Link's father hold him, not saying anything futher for several moments. He finally murmured something into Link's hair, then kissed his forehead, pulling back and holding his son's face with a hand.
“You’re hurt,” he said worriedly, and Link gave him a sort-of shrug.
“It’s nothing life-threatening,” Zelda offered gently, well aware she was intruding on the two. “Not... anymore. He could use some rest, though."
Lucas looked at her, taking in her dirtied clothing, tear tracks on her cheeks, blood and dirt encrusted on her skirts. Zelda tried to straighten her slumping posture, but she knew he saw right through her.
"Both of you should rest," he said softly, still holding Link. "I know me and Impa both would like to know what happened, but that can wait."
Zelda nodded, not really up to arguing. "Link can sleep upstairs in one of the guest rooms. It's... probably best we keep his arrival quiet for now. Is that okay, Link?"
He nodded silently, and Zelda took his hand in hers, giving it a squeze. He returned it, and Lucas let out a sigh that seemed rather weary to Zelda.
"I'll escort you up, then. Can you walk, Link?"
"Yes," Link whispered, and Lucas gave him a worried look, though he didn't argue.
And neither Link nor Zelda let go of the other's hand as they slowly walked inside.
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taximaximus · 14 days
Safe Haven Headcanons
Ft. Mostly Newt, some Thomas and Minho
TW: panic attacks, nausea, blood (all mentioned/never in depth)
(I'm sorry if any are similar to other posts!!)
- I imagine that all the Maze people (Gladers and group B) had amazing immune systems because they've been living/traveling in unsafe and dirty conditions for a hell of a long time, ie they built a tolerance. But after getting the Flare, Newt's is weakened for years. He gets sick more than most
- Which sucks bc sickness makes him nervous. Constantly checking his skin and arms, feeling the need to throw up even if he's not actually nauseous, and panic attacks at worst
- He tries to isolate himself because he knows how any illness sets Thomas on edge (and everyone else to some extent but not as much as Thomas). But Thomas will be damned if he ever leaves Newt's side until he's better
- In any cases of Newt being extremely ill, Thomas will offer his blood as "medicine" (because that's how he cured Newt of the Flare, why shouldn't it work with anything else?)
- Newt's limp is more likely to act up when sick since his immune system is focused on, yknow, combating the actual sickness
- In recovery, Newt spends a lot of time by the sea. He finds the little things comforting (fresh air, salty spray on his skin, occasional sea creatures, rhythmic waves) and it all reassures him that he's alive
- Thomas often joins him. Newt sits on the beach while Thomas looks for seashells and brings back any he finds. They continue this even after Newt recovers, basically becoming a weekly thing
- Newt, Thomas, and Minho fall quickly into the subconscious habit of checking each other's pulses. Thomas, to make sure his friends are staying with him. Newt, to make sure he's alive. Minho, to make sure everything's real
- In general, the ivy trio engages in more casual touches for the same reasons as above. But the one who does it the most is Newt (with Thomas)
- Thomas and Newt need to sleep by each other. They realized this quickly when Thomas was finally allowed to leave the medical tent after his gunshot wound healed and he immediately had a panic attack once night set in
- Minho sleeps close by before they all get their own houses/living areas. Always closer to the entrance, so if anything bad happens, he's the first to bear the damage in hopes Thomas and Newt can get away
- Minho gets into whittling. At first just to provide everyone with weapons, then because he actually enjoys it because it's something other than running that keeps him busy
- He eventually whittles Newt a cane and Thomas a holder for the pendant he got from Chuck
- Newt writes. A lot. Journals his thoughts, writes reminders for everyone (mainly Thomas), records plans and any important events in the Safe Haven
- Thomas and Minho go on early morning runs around the beach. Sometimes they invite Newt, and they slow down to the blonde's pace
- Thomas and Minho also explore the Safe Haven. They're the first to report any animals, unsafe areas, new food, more wood or vines. Basically Runners 2.0 except this time it's more voluntary
- Newt stays near the Safe Haven as much as possible and works on the gardens. When he gets his own place with Thomas, he creates one of his own (and bans Thomas from ever touching it)
- Despite his gardening skills, Newt is not a good cook. Awful actually. Thomas is more likely to make something edible
I'll cut it off there but I'll eventually post more bc I need to get these all out of my head
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sunnyie-eve · 7 months
1 | Triplets
Series: Unexpected
Paring: (Matt Sturniolo x OFC Brock!) (Chris Sturniolo x OFC Brock!)
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: none
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Sam and Colby were now mostly known for their ghost hunting videos on YouTube. At times Colby would bring his younger sister, Dani, along since she was so interested into it. Like for this trip to Austin Texas to investigate the Driskill Hotel, she was tagging along with him and Sam.
"Dani, you seem very excited for this video." Sam says as they wait for the Sturniolo Triplets to show up.
"Do I?" She smiles a bit since she was excited to see Nick in person.
Her and Nick have been friends online for the past like two years and never have gotten the chance to meet up yet. So for this collab between them and the triples were their first time getting to see each other in person.
"Yes, you do. You excited to be here or you get to meet the triplets?" Sam gives her a look as Colby was busy.
"Sam, seriously?" She laughs.
"I'm playing with you." He gives her a hug.
After a while the Triples show up and everyone handshakes except Dani and Nick giving each other a hug. They all chat for a bit before starting to film.
"What's up guys it's Sam and Colby." Colby starts.
"Today we have..." Sam starts.
"Me!" Dani hops into frame.
"Yep, my sister." Colby smiles.
"But is it just me?" Dani says with a smile as well tilting her head.
"We have some very special guests today too. You have literally been asking us every single month to collab with theses people. The Sturniolo Triples!" Colby interduces them.
"Are you excited?" Dani asks them so they all agree, " Gonna be a good night."
"I hope to find triple ghost tonight." Chris says making everyone laugh.
"Scared at all or nervous?" Colby asks them, "Or just excited?"
"I'm scared." Chris answers honestly.
"Let's not front. I'm terrified." Nick says for himself.
"It's gonna be fine, Nick." She gives him a reassuring smile.
Dani was the type of person everyone felt safe and comfortable around, even if they knew each other, hardly did, or not at all.
"Better be,"
"I don't even go on rollercoasters. I don't do anything scary." Chris lets the other three know.
"Tonight will be a rollercoaster of emotions." Dani says causing him to laugh with her.
"I wanna do the Estes Method." Nick changes the topic.
"I remember you telling me that." Dani nods her head.
"You two have talked before this?" Matt asks looking at the two.
"We're friends. Benn talking to her for a year or more now. She's like one of my best friends. But this is our first time meeting face to face." Nick explains to his brothers.
"I had no idea." Colby looks at Dani.
She just looks at him knowing what he was thinking, "You've never asked."
"Our secret friendship is gone." Nick laughs.
"I can't believe this..." Matt says surprised. He thought Nick would have told him he was friends with Colby's younger sister.
"Who knew Nick could be so secretive? And not tell us." Chris adds.
"It's not that big of a secret." Nick rolls his eyes.
"Okay, what's your guys believably scale on this stuff?" Colby changes the subject back to the video.
"I'm like at a 9.5 honestly." Chris shocks Sam and Colby.
"I'm a 10 but I have no reason to be at a ten. Like nothing has happened to me to be like at a ten. But I'm at a ten." Nick says his.
"I'd say eight." Matt keeps his short before they walk around.
"Nick, loves guys with facial hair." Chris jokes as they al walk over to the big painting.
"Stop speaking forever." Nick points at him.
"He's not wrong, you do." Dani adds.
"So do you." Nick gives her a look.
"Hey, it depends if they can pull it off or not. If no, I'll shave it myself. And it works the same around. Some people with facial hair look weird with a clean face. Like grow it back, please." Dani goes on a little rant.
"Okay, now the whole world know how you feel. Also I need like a copy of this in my room." Nick talks about the painting and frame.
"Excuse me?" Colby asks looking at the camera causing everyone to laugh.
"The frame and everything. The frame is very ornate." Nick pleads his case.
"Whatever you say." Matt laughs.
"The frame id very ornate." Chris mocks Nick.
"It's a pretty frame." Dani says to have Nick's back.
"She gets it." Nick high-fives Dani.
"You two are going to kill me." Colby shakes his head at the two.
"Good." Dani pats his back making his eyes widen.
"This guy is gonna haunt us in our sleep." Sam tells the group as they all just stare at the painting.
"I can't wait to meet big Daddy D." Chris says.
"I wonder if he's just is like always around his picture frame, like he loves just being here." Nick keeps his eyes on the painting.
"So a ghost who loves looking at himself?" Dani looks away from it and Chris cracks up.
"Oh, I love the carpeted stairs." Nick says as the make their way up to the second floor.
"I hate them actually." Matt adds, "I feel like I'm gonna fall when I walk on carpet."
Dani was shocked by hearing him say that, "Like in general or only on the stairs?" She asks him.
"In general,"
"Huh, you're odd." She can't help but laugh at him.
"Dani, don't expect anything normal from Matt." Chris speaks up so Matt tells him to shut up.
The second floor only felt weird to Dani since it was so open, "They need to put more furniture up here."
"That's what I was thinking." Chris agrees with her.
"Any of you guys know how to play the piano?" Matt asks seeing one in the middle the the room.
"Do you?" Sam asks him.
"Dani knows one song. I'm jealous of her." Nick walks over to see if it's open for her to play.
"Wait, you can play the piano?" Colby asks not knowing that about her.
"As Nick said, one song."
"What song do you know?" Matt asks her.
"Fly me to the moon,"
"It's closed. I probably shouldn't open it." Nick gets upset, "I wanted to hear Dani play."
"Honestly, I'm happy. I'd be too nervous to play in front of you guys and a camera." She walks away from it.
"I'd love to walk into another room later and then just hear the piano playing." Chris touches the piano.
"Yes!" Dani agrees, loving the idea.
"That'd be fun."
"You two are crazy." Nick looks at them as they smile wanting it to happen badly, "Since knowing Dani, I never thought she'd get along with either Matt or Chris." He adds.
"Why?" Colby asks curious since he was protective of her.
"Just her vibes,"
"I never thought that..." Dani looks over at Matt and Chris. They both seemed funny and great from just their videos.
"Maybe just Matt." Chris decides to mess around with him.
"What?! What's wrong with me?" He asks him.
"Obviously something to them." Sam laughs.
"There's nothing wrong with him." Dani shakes her head with a little grin.
"You'll take that back getting to know him." Chris laughs while Matt glares at his brother.
"Topic change," Colby speaks up again, "Who's do you think is the most scared?"
"Yeah, who's scaredy-cat?" Dani asks.
Both Matt and Nick point at Chris and he points at himself agreeing as well, "At least you aren't embarrassed to admit it." Dani tells him before Nick explains they hate horror stuff.
He goes on to say he saw his first horror movie because he had to in a film studies class in school. That they've never done a haunted house ever, the three of them. And Matt adds that they bailed on an escape room because it was too scary.
"Why are you doing this?" Colby asks them.
"Welcome to the channel guys." Sam smiles.
"I'm surprised that we're present right now." Nick laughs, "But we're gonna do it."
"Yeah, it's gonna be awesome. There's only 90 ghosts that roam here every second." Colby tells the camera.
"I'm excited to meet them all." Nick says excitedly.
"I got like the cold sweats." Matt pays his pits, "I'm freezing but I'm sweating."
"You guys could easily do like a deodorant brand deal." Chris says fake putting in deodorant.
"People would literally buy it. No doubt." Dani leans on Colby's back wrapping her arms around him, "Make more money to spend on me to go on trips." She smiles so he pushes her away playfully.
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