#it's hard to follow up with sth as as good
wherela · 1 year
they should invent a friend for me who doesn't randomly stop talking to me for no reason
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goldsbitch · 3 months
I'm not sure if your requests are open but what about the whole fire situation at McLaren, Lando can't find the reader and he's freaking out and he cares more about finding her than putting shoes on - obv she's be OK and just stand there with oscar or sth 😭
-omg I love this request! added a bit here and there, so hope you'll like it...thank you!!
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Rick was a 23 year old McLaren assistant who, by sheer luck, managed to land a job with the racing team. This being his first season and immediately being thrown into following the team on the road. It was an exciting life, but a little fast and hard to follow in the beginning. He was just trying to blend it and feel out what is it that is actually required from him.
It was few hours after the fire was put down and if he knew one thing it was that corporate is expecting a quick short report asap, before the long report from health and safety people follows. He'd been sitting there, in Pirelli hospitality, stressed out as if his life depended on this - and honestly, it probably did a little bit. It was quite baffling to him why was it that the team elected him to be in charge or reports to corporate. On a normal day, it was fairly easy - reporting minor injuries, heatstrokes and collecting reports from the mechanics and resending them. And now, he was to do a full on fire report? He hasn't even seen one before!
He tried to ignore his inner panic and put together few pages of text, trying to tune into the confusing language corporate sometimes required. The part he dreaded the most was "describing how the drivers were evacuated" part of the form.
Oscar Piastri (driver 81) had not been at the premise when the fire was detected, therefore there was no need to evacuate him.
Lando Norris (driver 4) had been running around like a panic filled duck making the evacuation way more difficult for everyone.
Nope, this was not even an option, no matter how much would Rick like to send this out and watch the world burn, again.
Lando Norris (driver 4) was in his driver room when the evacuation started, definitely not blasting his music into unhealthy levels and certainly did not miss the first warning because of it.
Lando Norris (driver 4) used his unique ability to be as extra as possible at any given moment that we can thank him for creating yet another viral moment, the image of him, standing outside the mobile hospitality building with no shoes, gaining a permanent place on the internet.
This was going to be a difficult decision for poor Rick.
Lando was excited about the Barcelona race, this being only the second time he was on pole. And all of that happening on the weekend he and his new girlfriend decided to make their relationship official, hard launch around the paddock.
But he also understood he needed his alone time to get prepared and Y/N supported that completely, not wanting him to babysit her constantly.
He was full on enjoying his pre-race ritual. Chilling on his couch and blasting music loudly and proudly, flicking his toes to the rhythm of the latest bops and getting lost in his strategy, going over the plan they had for that race.
All was good and well - until the smoke coming from the stairs started to spread, together along with panic.
"Lando!" a voice said while barging unapologetically through his door. "We need to evacuate!"
He nearly had a heart attack and fell of the sofa, as he did not expect anything to happen on that nice Sunday morning.
"What?" he said, putting his music on mute and only now hearing the general mayhem happening outside his door, dark milky smoke rolling in.
"We need to evacuate you!" his assistant said once again, rushing to him and getting him up.
"Lando!" said another voice that marched in with the same intention. "How come you're still here, we need to move out!"
"What the fuck is happening outside?" confused Lando asked, not really used to people storming into his room right before the race. His eyes flashed between the two assistants, both out of breath because they were probably not used to running.
"Em, fire...down at the staircase, so we gotta go that way," one of them said, gesturing somewhere towards his left.
"Wait, so near the canteen?" Lando asked. Shit, that was where he left Y/N. Oh god. Both of them nodded, trying to gesture him to move outside, which he did not.
"Has anyone seen my girlfriend?" he continued with the questions firmly.
"Um, Y/N?" one of the assistants asked, not expecting this question.
"Yes, who else?" Lando responded impatiently, panic growing in.
"I don't know, I never want to assume anything..."started rambling the one who marched in first.
Lando couldn't help but roll his eyes, where we all the competent people when he needed them? Once again, these two were gesturing him to start evacuating.
"I need to call her first," he said, taking his phone out and dialing her number. It was a very bizarre scenery to watch, the three of them just standing there while everyone was rushing around.
One, two, three, four very long dials. Two pairs of eyes shooting arrows at Lando, who stood firmly, hoping she'll pick up. Nothing. Was that actual panic he was starting to feel?
"Ok, I gotta go check out the canteen and find her, you two can go and tell everyone I'm ok," he said and brushed past them and went to the hallway.
He overhead someone trying to give orders, but based on the scene ahead of him, people rushing back and forth without clear direction, nobody seemed to pay that much attention. "Please, make your orderly exit, follow the signs, this is not a drill, this is not a drill. Breathe through your nose."
The driver was making his way through flocks of people going the other direction while the smoke and acrid smell grew on intensity that even Lando, with his cough and blocked nose, could actually smell it. He managed to avoid everyone, leaving the two poor assistants who came to search for him behind, until he bumped into another rushing person most likely giving him a black eye.
"Ouch! Lando! Everyone is looking for you, we gotta evacuate," stated the another new member of the team, who Lando vaguely recalled as Rick, while he held his puffing eye. And finally, fire alarm started to produce its signature deafening sound.
"Sorry! Sorry!" he apologized loudly, not wanting to cause more trouble, which was failing quite miserably. "I know, you're all looking for me, but is anyone looking for Y/N?" Lando asked, his priorities being very clear.
Rick was slightly confused, trying to recall if she had already evacuated or not.
"Did you see her going outside?" Lando demanded answers from anyone present and poor Rick was on the frontline.
"I don't know, I was over there-" he pointed to a room, where Y/N would definitely not be - the men's room.
"Fuckin' shit," Lando cursed and left Rick standing and marched over to where the smoke was coming from, trying to remember to breathe through his nose.
It was the first time she visited him in the paddock, which was already stressful enough, as he imagined. This was his home, he knew every corner and secret this place held - but she didn't! And also - he was Lando Norris, people would go out and search for him, but it was his job to make sure that his girlfriend is ok. And he was doing a very shit job at that, at least in his mind. Actual firefighters started to appear at the scene and finally the evacuation started to resemble orderly departure, rather than an obscure rave. He finally arrived near to the canteen when he got stopped by one of the firemen.
"Sir, you have to leave now, the other way!" he ordered, not interested in anyone's bullshit.
"I know, I just gotta check my girlfriend is not there, nobody is looking for her-"
"We are looking for everyone and you are making our job harder, please evacuate and let us work."
Lando was starting to understand that his actions might be creating more chaos than good, so he nodded and turned around, only to see the entourage of three assistant walking towards him, trying to get through the firefighters.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going," he shouted and gestured them to turn around, which they only did once they saw his actually going the right way and following evacuation orders.
The strange quartet finally rolled outside, three of them finally being able to relax as they got the driver out, while he was on the verge of losing it. Frantically started looking around, losing his cool again. Only once he stepped outside to the hot Spanish June afternoon, he noticed he wasn't wearing any shoes, the asphalt giving him a lot of information about the potential track temperature. Hot.
He didn't care. He had to find her, otherwise he was going back in and this time nobody would stop him.
Not her, not her, not her - wait, that was her! Standing safely far away from curious crowd that observed the scene and chatting it out, was Y/N and Oscar. Safe and sound, maybe a little too relaxed given the situation. Lando rushed to her, almost tripping over his own feet.
"Hey...I called you," he said, his own athleticism saving him from being unable to breathe.
She smiled when she saw him, like she always did. Innocent eyes and lush lips creating and angel-like picture. "Oh, did you? Sorry, I couldn't hear, there was so much noise everywhere," she said and gave him a little peck on his cheek before turning her attention to the McLaren building.
Lando was trying to look cool, not saying anything and tried to process his own reaction, maybe potentially overreaction - something, he'd never admit.
"We are recreating the scene from The Office," Oscar said, as if there weren't people around them running in panic. Lando just stared at him and his girlfriend, both standing in pure calmness and doing what could only be described as "vibing it out".
"I'm sorry?" he replied, not yet tuned into their wave-lenght.
"We were playing Desert Island while everyone was evacuating themselves," Oscar explained to Lando. Y/N laughed, but decided to change the topic when she saw how clueless her boyfriend looked.
"Never thought I'd date a millennial," she said out of the blue.
Lando was once again not comprehending, still coming down from his shock. "What?"
She giggled. "Look at your socks man. So low one would think it's 2014 again."
"Good year," Oscar said, sounding like he was 80 years old.
Only then Lando looked down now to truly fathom that he forgot to put his shoes on. He had to chuckle. He was used to adrenaline highs and lows, but apparently not as much as he though so.
"You ok?" Y/N asked, starting to become concerned when Lando did not follow up on their joke. She examined him and noticed the drops of stress sweat, his uneven breathing and eyes wide as the sun.
There was not much of a hesitation before he uttered the next sentence.
"I love you," he stated, no regrets or uncertainty. This was the first time either of them said this sentence. They were sort of tip toying around for few weeks now, but both of them feared it would freak the other one out. Not anymore, Lando had to get it out at that moment and nothing would stop him.
Now it was Y/N who was completely taken back, not expecting that. Funny how a fire did nothing to her reactions and this had her nearly melting. Melting with shock. No, it did not make sense to her either.
Lando was standing there, not expecting or demanding a reaction from her. He was coming to terms with his own realization, and stood there as proudly as someone who's not wearing any shoes can.
"Yes, it is true. I love you. You don't have to say anything, but I am more than sure now."
She bit her lower lip, unable to contain herself. "No, I want to say something. I love you too, more every day. So much it's getting scary."
Lando smiled, ear to ear, the events of the day passing him by. This was what mattered.
"This is so cool," Lando replied and went to kiss her on the cheek.
"Cool? That's your reaction?" she gasped, astonished and slightly amused.
"Yes, exactly that," he smiled once again, smitten over the moon.
The three of them stood there, Y/N and Lando watching each other, Oscar trying not to listen at first and observing the fire situation with new found interest. But it was nearly impossible.
"This is all very cute, but if you don't stop and leave this for when you're alone, I'm going to personally throw myself into the fire," he stated, teasing the fuck out of Lando.
"Have fun burning, mate!" Lando replied immediately and pulled Y/N into an unhinged hug.
Y/N never felt better in someone's embrace. "I love someone who's not even wearing shoes outside," she proclaimed after a moment. "Thank god mom's not here."
Lando Norris (driver 4) obeyed the evacuation procedure, followed directions and cooperated at full capacity. Due to the nature of the situation, the team decided to pull Lando out of the premise as quickly as possible, which resulted in him evacuating barefoot. No injury detected.
After several drafts, this was what Rick decided to go with, while icing his black eye.
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shu-porang-porang · 7 months
First Love / Late Spring
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Your first time with Minho (I wrote the whole thing just to picture that last paragraph!)
Pairs: Lee Minho (Lee Know) / fem!reader
Theme: fluff, explicit
Warnings: smut, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex (do not try at home!!), fluffff, not proofread, 18+ NO MINORS
Word count: 2 k
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It’s only your fourth date and you’re nervous around him. He’s not exactly easy to approach, he’s guards are up, he talks politely as if you’re a coworker, and he doesn’t initiate nor seem comfortable with any type of intimacy. If he hadn’t asked for another date, you would’ve thought he wants to have nothing to do with you. But the fact that he wanted to see you again assures you that he’s interested and is doing his best, so you decide to be more understanding and give him time to open up. That’s how you ended up having a movie date with him at your place. You realized he tends to stiffen up way more when in public, probably he’s afraid of rumors and whatnot, so you offered to just stay in, order some takeouts and watch a movie, which he gleefully accepted.  
It's indeed a chill date. Although you’re both kinda awkward, you manage to ignore the awkwardness and enjoy your meal and the movie. Not much is said during the movie, just a few comments on the characters and hard-to-grasp story line, yet these few exchanges reveal more of his true personality and make you wanna kiss his beautiful brain.
You started the movie sitting apart, neither of you confident enough to invite the other for hugs and cuddles, but towards the end, you summoned all the courage in you to reach for his hand, place it in your lap and mindlessly play with it. You see the tiniest smile in the corner of your eye that encourages you to keep going. Oh how bad you wanna bring it to your lips and kiss those gorgeous veins but you control yourself. You have no idea how the movie ended; you were too lost in holding his hand to follow the rest of the story.
He untangles his fingers from yours to fish for his phone in his pocket and checks the time.
“Oh it’s quite late, I better get going.”
Really? Was that it? Has he never heard of Netflix and Chill? Was he really here to just watch a stupid movie? You try your best to hide the disappointment but your expressions always give you away easily, you’re not the type to act. You try to think of sth to convince him to stay for a bit more, but there’s really no excuse that wouldn’t make you seem so desperate. Now that your brain cogs are running fast you realize the constant tapping of the rain that your ears had tuned out, so you give it a shot.
“You didn’t drive your car here, right? And I think it’s quite a heavy shower from the sound of it, you can stay till it’s over?”
“It’s alright, I can just get a cab or sth…” he says but he doesn’t seem so persistent. Maybe it’s just your desperation fooling you, but you sense he might not hate the idea of staying a bit longer.
“Anyways, I don’t mind, you can stay. I’ll prepare some tea!” You mentally face palm! TEA? Is that the best you could do to convince him to stay?
“Tea sounds perfect!” Turns out that was good enough!!
“Alright then!” You say a bit too excited, then get up to hurry with making the tea coz you don’t know how long the unpredictable spring shower is gonna last. 
To your surprise, your little tea party gives way to talking about everything and nothing for hours, the rain long forgotten. It’s like in a night, you got 10 years’ worth of information about him. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say you put a spell on him with that tea! He opened up to you more than he’d like to admit, so did you. You’re both private people but something just clicked tonight. You feel much closer to him now and hope he feels the same.
When you both finally fall silent and seem to have run out of stories for the night, you bring your hand up to his cheek, caressing it gently with your thumb. “Let’s go to bed, you had a busy day, need to get some rest.”
He leans in to your touch, holding your hand and turning his head to kiss your palm. “If we go to bed, resting is the last thing I wanna do.” It brings a shy smile to your lips, he’s suddenly bold and it makes your heart flutter. You get up and lead the way to your bedroom.
Once in the bedroom, his hand cups your face to bring it close for the sweetest kiss. His lips lock on yours and he takes a deep breath inhaling your scent before kissing you. He slowly pushes you back till the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed. He lays you down on it gently, never disconnecting his lips. Each kiss is planted with utmost care, as if you’d break under his touch if he’s not careful. It’s sweet and at the same time annoying. You want him to devour you, to act bolder, to do what he really wants to do. You pull the hair at his nape and tilt your head to deepen the kiss. Thankfully, he gets the hint and his kisses get sloppier and more aggressive as he enters his tongue in your mouth. His hand roams over your clothed body, yanking at the fabric of your dress, you’re too distracted by his tongue and teeth assaulting your mouth that you don’t realize he wants it gone.
He breaks the kiss to ask: “Can I take it off?” to which you manage to answer: “Yes please” while panting.
He helps you out of your dress, lying there in your lacy underwear you feel exposed under his intense gaze, his eyes darker than usual and hooded with lust. The blush that creeps up to your cheeks is visible even in the dim lights of the room. After taking in the sight of your somewhat naked body for a few long seconds, he lowers his body back onto yours while removing his shirt. He kisses a trail from the column of your neck down to your chest. He reaches a hand back to unclasp your bra and you shuffle out of it, giving him access to your soft breasts. He covers them in playful kisses before taking a hardened nipple in his mouth sucking gently which draws a yelp from you and your hips jerk into his involuntarily. Your reaction encourages him to suck harder and his fingers take care of the other nipple, twisting and pinching the sensitive nub to demolition. He’s quite satisfied with your little whimpers here and there; he hums in approval which reverberates through your entire body.
You open your legs wider to fit him in between. As he adjusts himself between your thighs, he slides down, leaving butterfly kisses on his way to your panties. His face is only millimeters away from your throbbing core, he can feel the heat radiating from it. He looks up at you, silently asking if he can proceed. You hastily nod, how could you say no to those gorgeous feline eyes? He flashes you a little smirk before dipping his nose to your covered core and taking a whiff with his eyes closed, as if he’s taking in the scent of a flower bouquet. You’re embarrassed and turned on at the same time. Finally, he removes your panties and discards it somewhere on the floor, and without hesitation darts his tongue out to lick a fat stripe from your hole to your clit. You feel your orgasm building up as he keeps alternating between lapping at your entrance and sucking on your clit. Your grip on his hair gets tighter and your thighs close around his head. To bring you to completion, he inserts two fingers in so he can dedicate his mouth to your clit. Soon after you cum moaning his name, like how you imagined you would. He helps you ride your orgasm and kisses your inner thighs as you’re coming down from it, trying to catch your breath.
He crawls up and moves the strands of hair away from your face so he can kiss you and give you a taste of yourself. “You taste so good; you should try it.” he says before closing his lips on yours and shoving his tongue in, you suck on it, tasting the remnants of your arousal.
“Do you think you can keep going?” he whispers against your lips.
“I sure can.” you reply, closing the gap to kiss his swollen lips again.
He sits back up and you watch him with anticipation. You felt his bulge multiple times tonight, but still have no idea what’s coming for you. He’s fast to unbuckle his belt and rid himself of his pants and boxers. His erection, hard and proud, slaps against his stomach. You certainly did not expect this. It scares you a bit, even though he worked you up well you’re afraid you might need more preparation to fit it in. His hand wraps around it pumping a few times and smearing precum on the tip before hovering back over you, he slides it between your folds to cover it in your juices. You wrap your arms around him and bring him closer for a kiss, no matter what, you can’t get enough of those soft lips. You feel his tip poking your entrance and your mouth falls slack once it finally enters you. Your grip around him tightens and breath is knocked out of your lungs as the stretch overwhelms you.
“Are you okay baby? should we stop?” he asks once he notices how tensed you got.
“No… just… a second” you don’t want it to end there, you want him, all of him.
He peppers kisses all over your face while waiting for you to adjust, telling you how perfect you are and how well you’re doing in between the kisses. It melts your heart how gentle he is. You ask him to move and he sinks a bit deeper, and deeper, and deeper until there’s no more room for him to go, yet he manages to rearrange your insides and bottoms out. He stays still for a while, brows furrowed, eyes screwed shut, enjoying the warm hug of your velvety walls around him, then he starts with slow thrusts, testing the waters. Soon the room is filled with lewd sounds of skin slapping and moans. He shakes the bed with each thrust, you hold onto him for dear life, years of dance practice and workout have given him unmatched strength, his precision is remarkable as well. You’re about to fall apart for the second time tonight.
“Min…. cumming..”
“Cum for me…. Don’t forget to… say my name…”
And you do so as your walls flutter and cream around his cock. He keeps pounding into you chasing his own release, your insides are on fire. Finally, the forceful thrusts turn into ruts, his teeth dig into your shoulder as he comes. He bullies his cock into you milking it dry while riding his high, and you hear your name in between the groans leaving his agape mouth. He pulls out and drops next to you. you feel your mixed juices gushing out, soaking the sheets.
He props up on his elbow, his other hand caressing your cheek. “I hope I wasn’t too harsh. You did so well baby.” he says and then leans in to kiss your forehead.
“No, it was great… thank you.” you cup his face and give him a sweet lingering kiss.
You need to get up and clean up, but something about this moment is so pure you don’t wanna disturb it. So, instead, you hug his head, pressing it to your chest. He wraps his arms around you and snuggles closer, leaving no gap between the two of you. You grab a blanket you can reach and cover your sticky bodies.
 You watch the sky grow lighter as your fingers play with his soft locks. Your slightly ajar window lets in the scent of rain mixed with something flowery, it’s jasmine you decide. Birds are chirping but his steady breathing is a far better melody to your ears. The cool breeze and his warmth are the perfect combination that eventually put you to sleep.
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forbebeandjam · 4 months
hi, can you pls make smutty fluffy fic with stalker bada x reader where like reader is regular customer of bada’s cafe or sth and bada gets obsessed day by day then stalked reader without knowing reader has a crush on her. Then they ended up together!! thanks in advance!xoxo<3
The Perfect Stalker | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | 21+
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Summary: you met a beautiful barista who turned out to be your stalker.
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: fingering, stalking, thigh riding MDNI
Readers discretion is advised!!
A/N: might be a bit rushed but I think you will like it. Love you!!
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"Welcome in. What can I get for you today?" Bada said as a customer walked through the door.
Working at that coffee shop was part of her usual routine. She used to dread every time she had to clock in since dealing with customers wasn't really something she wanted to do every day.
"I'll have a latte with three pumps of vanilla and a splash of heavy cream and make it a decaf with oat milk," The woman said.
"Sure thing. Would you like that hot or iced?" Bada said but the woman wasn't paying her any mind as she looked at her phone.
"Ma'am?" Bada asked once more.
"Uh, no iced. I'm here every day, you should know this. The name is Yujin. Keep the change," the woman tossed the money on the counter and walked off.
Bada took a deep breath. She clutched the money and threw it into the register.
"I swear I can't do this any longer," Bada said to her coworker.
"Those dance classes won't pay themselves, Bada," He replied with a smile. She rolled her eyes and turned to the bar to begin making a drink.
The cafe was very empty. Rush hour was over and Bada began to clean the counters when she heard the door open.
"Hi, welcome in," She said and looked up to greet the person but she froze.
You stood before her with a warm smile. Dressed in ripped jeans with a white crop top and sneakers, your hair was up in a claw clip and a few strands were loose at the front you walked into the register.
Bada was mesmerized by you. She was frozen in her spot and just looked at you as you looked at the menu above her.
"How good is your lemon pie? I heard good things about it but I'm not really into lemon flavors," you said diverting your sight to her.
she swallowed hard and didn't answer until the guy next to her nudged her shoulder.
"Oh, um... sorry. I am not a fan of it but you could try our chocolate and strawberry pastry. It's balanced so it isn't too sweet," she replied not daring to look at you.
"Oh, I'll have that and a regular black coffee," You said as you handed the car to her. She nervously reached out and took the card from your hands exposing her wave tattoo at you.
"That's a beautiful tattoo, miss. What's your name?" You asked wanting to know more about the gorgeous girl before your eyes.
"I'm Bada. Lee Bada," she said still looking down.
"Oh, hence the tattoo. I love it. Your eyes are pretty too," you said with a giggle making her look up at you.
"Ha, made you look," You said and she finally smiled.
"Here is your card back," she said and you took the card in your hands.
"Y/N, do you want to go to the beach this summer or should we go to the countryside?" A male voice said as he walked up to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you saw Bada's face turn sour.
"I'm busy, Min. Can you wait for me out there?" You said as you pushed him off you.
"I was going to say... I really like your tattoo. That wave is so cute," you smiled and she blushed.
"Bada... make that drink," her coworker said making her turn and almost slip. You giggled at her clumsy actions finding it cute how flustered she became around you.
So for the next couple of days, you would show up to buy a coffee and just sit in the lobby to watch her work. What you didn't know was that over the course of the days, Bada would leave work and follow you around.
She followed every step you took from a distance all the way to your home. She would sit at a bench in front of your house and she would watch who walked in and out.
Her blood would boil every time she saw Min walk out of your house late at night. She wanted to rip his head off and then present it to you as a trophy for your love.
A few weeks passed by and you had caught Bada following you. You knew you were head over heels for the girl, but you didn't know she also felt the same way. Why else would she be following you, right?
"Min, grandma needs you to go to take care of her for a few days. Mom has to travel to her new job. Please?" You asked your brother on the phone as you waited to order.
Bada popped from under the counter and smiled at you.
"What can I get for you?" She said.
"I'll take a regular iced coffee. Black," you said.
"Are you at that coffee shop again? Are you there to see your girlfriend, the barista, Bada?" He said and you thanked the seven seas you didn't have him on speakerphone.
"You know what? Mom should've given you up for adoption when we were born. Having a fraternal twin sucks. Go take care of grandma, Min before I rip your hair out," you said into the phone and hung up immediately.
"Here is that coffee for you," Bada said as she placed your drink on the counter. You looked at the cup and noticed that it wasn't a regular glass cup and it was in a plastic cup.
"Oh, what happened to your glass cups?" You asked.
"Nothing. We still have them but I just thought that you might have something to do after and you wouldn't want to be late," she said not looking at you.
"Um... are you kicking me out?" You said while grabbing the cold drink.
"No! Oh my gosh... I mean... I'm sorry," she said as she picked up the mess she made while panicking over your words.
"I'm kidding. I do have to go to the gym and I'm always late so, thank you for the drink. I'll see you later," you said flashing her a wink.
She melted. Everything about you made her go crazy. She knew following you around was probably wrong but she couldn't help it.
So you went to the gym and then headed home. You looked back once when you heard footsteps. Then you felt a presence behind you but there was no one. You knew Bada was probably hiding behind a wall or a bush but decided to ignore it and simply giggle while you walked.
When you reached the door to your house, you carefully unlocked it and stopped. You turned back and looked around when you saw a pair of shoes behind a bush.
"So, are you going to keep following me around like that?" You asked but she didn't move.
"Bada, I know you're right there. Come on out," you said once more and her shoes slowly moved.
"Do you want to come in?" You asked and she fiddled with her fingers walking slowly towards you.
You huffed and walked to her holding her wrist and pulling her into your house. You asked her to sit on the couch and offered her a cup of chamomile tea when you saw how tense she looked.
"So, why have you been following me from afar?" You asked.
"I'm sorry. I know it's creepy and you have a boyfriend so I don't want any problems. You're really pretty and I wanted to be close to you but I can't bring myself to talk to you," she said quickly.
"Whoa! Why do you think I have a boyfriend?" You asked.
"The boy that comes and leaves your house. Isn't that your boyfriend?" She said.
"Ew! Gross. That is my twin brother. Fraternal twins, so we look nothing alike. Bada, you know how much I've been meaning to flirt with you but you never look at me? It was honestly driving me insane..." you said taking a sip of your wine glass.
"Wait... what?" she said and tilted her head like a curious puppy making your heart flutter.
"What? You're a cute, and very attractive dancer. Though when you dance, you are extremely hot... but I have been watching you as well. I am attracted to you, Bada. In every possible way," You drank the last of your wine and put the glass down walking towards her.
You saw how she flinched back and you furrowed your brows at her reaction. Sure, you were being too direct and you didn't know how Bada would react but you need to know if she wanted you like you wanted her.
"Is that not why you followed me around the neighborhood? I caught you in the bus, the gym, the grocery store, and the alleyway. For Pete's sake, Bada. You sat in front of my house for hours. If not, then what was the reason?" you asked waiting for an answer as you sat closer to her.
You saw how nervous she was getting and decided to back off.
"Sorry. You know what? I can be too much at times so just ignore me. I'll call you an Uber to take you home," You said but as you were about to get up you felt her grip on your wrist.
You turned and met with the most gorgeous eyes looking up at you ever so innocently but hungry for one thing. You.
"No, let me talk. I have been dying to talk to you because I... well, I've never dated or been with a woman before but you're so pretty and I was just drawn to you. Please don't let me leave. I'll regret it if I do," Bada said almost pleading.
Your heart softened at the sight of the tall girl looking up at you but there was something more.
"What do you want from me, Bada?" You asked and she pulled you making you fall on top of her. You ended up in her lap and her hands went around your waist.
"I want you. In every possible way," Bada responded and you immediately clashed your lips with hers hungry for a kiss. She bit your bottom lip and her hands moved up and down your shirt.
Soft groans escaped her lips when you began to move down her neck. Her grip on your waist tightened and you could feel her nails dig into your skin when you used your hand to squeeze one of her clothed breasts.
"Y/N~" she moaned and you smiled.
"I'll give you what you need," you said. You moved your leg so you could straddle her.
Your hand was already sliding into her pants and her legs parted willingly allowing you full access to her now-wet cunt. You inserted a finger inside of her with no warning causing her to yell out.
"Fuck... you're so wet for me, huh?" Y/N said as she pumped slowly in and out of the girl. She was already a moaning mess. You didn't stop your moments and you sped up by the minute searching for her spot. 
"I- I never thought- I would end up in this- AH! Please, don't... stop..." she said between moans. 
"Wouldnt think of it, Bada," you said curling your finger inside of her making her yell out in pleasure. You found it. You kept pressing down on it as your thumb rubbed her overstimulated clit. 
You had already came just from watching her and riding her thigh but you didn't care about yourself. You were in ecstasy just from being able to touch Bada. You had been longin in desire of her in every single way.  
With one last stroke and her body already shaking, she came on your hand and you brought it to her lips for her to taste herself shoving your finger deep down her throat making her moan even more. 
After a few seconds, you both finally came to your senses.
"Holy shit, how are you so good?" Bada asked and you giggled without saying another word. 
You stood up and took her to your room where you both got cleaned up and in bed. 
"You know... you could've just talked to me," you said as you looked at Bada. 
"No... I couldn't have," she said and you sat up. 
"Why not?" You questioned
"When you walked in the shop... you were so surreal. You were just so perfect and I am too shy for my own good," Bada replied. 
"You're so cute. Come here," You said pulling her into your chest and stroking her hair.
"I'm here for you now,"
Thank you for reading 🩵
151 notes · View notes
alonetimelover · 1 year
pairing: Harry Styles x equestrian!reader
fc: Jessica Springsteen
summary: in which harry needed to learn how to ride a horse for his daylight music video
a/n: thank you to the anon that requested equestrian!reader
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache and 42 101 others
view all 4 201 comments
harrysmoustache STOP whatever you're doing, just STOP
harrysmylife King is back
harryshoee this is for daylight, i'm telling you!
⤷ stylesbabie didn't he film sth with james?
⤷ harryshoee i think it was only for the show and not the original music video. at least I hope so!!!
harrybestie phoebe is that you?
harryno1fan he has a strange mind...
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liked by harryupdates and 24 301 others
yourinstagram Olympics are no more for us, so Don Juan joined a circus!
view all 1 301 comments
hArrysbtch ill recognise that bitch anywhere!!!!
harryshoee ariana what are you doing here?????
harryupdates 👀
user49 hello, why are "Olympics no more"?
⤷ yourinstagram hiii! jumping has been removed from Olympics because of an incident that happened during one of the competitions.
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liked by hArrysbtch, stylesbabie and 33 201 others
harrysupdates HARRY FOLLOWED YN YSN ON IG AND TWITTER! he liked all of her photos and commented on the last 10!
view all 4 201 comments
harryupdates YN YSN is equestrian that won silver medal at the 2020 Olympics! she also is rumoured to be involved in harry's daylight music video!!
hArrysbtch nah, that bitch is gone!
harrysmoustache he's taken?!
harrysmylife maaaaan, he in love
stylesbabie oh she so posted a picture of harry on her ig then
harryshoee we're the same. I've done the same to her profile. I love her too
liked by harryupdates, hArrysbtch and 67 208 others
view all 10 401 comments
harryupdates what is going on?????
hArrysbtch what if he drops ot during the final show????
harryshoee im losing my shit rn
stylesbabie im seeing him in Rome, he better played it in the background!!!!
harrysmoustache screaming crying throwing up
harrysfan82 I died dead
harrysfan03 i lost the idgaf war....
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liked by yourinstagram, harryshoee and 58 401 others
harryupdates DAYLIGHT MV 19th JULY 5PM UK
view all 6 402 others
harryupdates guess what? im not sleeping again tonight!
hArrysbtch excuse me, i have heart problems
harrysmoustache yellow bird supremacy!!!!!
yourinstagram 🏇🏻🏇🏻🏇🏻
⤷ hArrysbtch what you mean???????
⤷ harrysmylife yn, tell me you're involved!
⤷ yourinstagram 🤫
harrysmylife he's in his taylor era
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liked by harryupdates, yourinstagram and 8 301 031 others
harrystyles DAYLIGHT MV just for you, H xx yourinstagram
view all 491 301 comments
yourinstagram Don Juan looks magnificent!
⤷ harrystyles what about me?
⤷ yourinstagram we still need to work on your posture
⤷ harrystyles yes, ma'am
⤷ hArrysbtch WTF, he knows how to comment?????
harryupdates that's your best video to date
harrysmylife he can ride??? what can't he do??
annetwist Proud ❤️
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liked by hArrysbtch and 49 302 others
harryupdates "She was the first choice from the moment the idea popped in my head. I couldn't be happier about it. She's the best." HARRY ON WORKING WITH YN IN DAYLIGHT MUSIC VIDEO BTS
view all 5 302 comments
hArrysbtch he in love
harrysmoustache HE BLUSHED SO HARD!!!!!
harryshoee the clips of the laughing together??????
harrysmylife and and and the way he looks at her
harrysfan94 but the clip when yn's doing all the jumping and all??? she's sooo good. couldn't harry just have her starring in the mv?
⤷ yourinstagram yeah, harrystyles?
⤷ harrystyles there is this version...
⤷ hArrysbtch WHAT
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liked by harrystyles, stylesbabie and 492 301 others
yourinstagram THE Don Juan and some indie singer on their first lesson
view all 49 302 comments
harrystyles the star 🐎
harryupdates the shade???
stylesbabie uhhh, they so together
harryshoee do you give lessons to ordinary people?
⤷ yourinstagram during the summer when there's no competition I'm holding a camp. you can enrol with the link in my bio!
⤷ user92 be careful, it's expensive as hell!
⤷ yourinstagram well, we do not take any money from our pupils. we ask for food or money (however much you want) donation! hope that helps, x
harrysmoustache oh, I'm so in love with them
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liked by harrysmoustache and 49 301 others
view all 7 492 others
hArrysbtch oh so we know what he's going to do during the break
harrysmylife 😭that's😭so😭sweet😭
stylesbabie he looks so cute in his little outfit
harrysmyman unholy thought, unholy
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liked by harrystyles, hArrysbtch and 830 201 others
yourinstagram ❤️❤️❤️
view all 49 201 comments
harrystyles congratulations, darling.
commemt liked by yourinstagram and 68 302 others
harryupdates the support
hArrysbtch we haven't heard from him in months
⤷ harrysmoustache and we've got a prize today for waiting patiently
stylesbabie everyone say: THANK YOU, YN
harrysmylife and everything started because this man has a mind strange enough to start a circus...
535 notes · View notes
fairysluna · 10 months
INVISIBLE STRING | Chapter 4: you must like me for me.
New Girl!AU — A disastrous break up led you to them; three guys living in a huge apartment and in need of a new roommate who helped with the way too expensive rent.
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PAIRING - Modern!Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader.
SUMMARY - the unexpected presence of Aegon in your room brings the so desired moment of him finally seeing you as a friend. However, you were never good at giving advice and it all ends in a big mess.
TW/TAGS - cursing, body dysmorphia, mentions of blood, insecurities, this might be considered as a slight chubby!aegon, make out session, mentions of nudity, slow burn, friends to lovers, things get heated but nothing happens. If something is missing pls let me know!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE - hi everyone, do you remember this fic? lmao. i know it's been MONTHS since i posted sth for this story, but well, i finally got the inspiration to write this, so this came out. I promise to be fully dedicated to this fic bc it's time i finish this already and bc im excited for it!! now im on vacations so i guess I'll have more time so... thank you if you waited for this fic, and thank you for reading!!🤍
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ english is not my first language.
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When you finally entered the loft your right hand was holding three files filled with tests for you to grade while the other one was carrying your bag and the keys of your home. You quickly scanned the living room to see if someone was there in order to greet them, but it was empty and messy as usual; leftovers of pizza and a half empty bottle of Coke soda in the center table. “It must've been Aegon”, you thought.
With a sigh you walked towards your room, worrying not to drop anything from your hands and thanking the gods as you saw the door slightly open. You kicked it, accidentally hard enough to make it smack against the wall behind it, and as soon as you looked inside the room, your eyes widened in surprise and all the things that were held by your trembling arms fell around the floor.
Aegon was standing in the middle of your room, shirtless and in the middle of flexing his muscles right in front of your mirror. He noticed your presence immediately, and he ran towards his shirt that was laying on your bed and covered his naked chest with a wild expression remarkably printed on his now red face.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, breathlessly.
"This is my room!" you quickly replied, ignoring the thousands of papers that were now scattered on the floor.
"Weren't you supposed to arrive at six? It's four pm!" Aegon rapidly put his shirt back on.
"We- they let us go home earlier because it's the school's anniversary- what are you doing here?" you spoke, stammering and interrupting yourself. You were still a bit taken aback with this whole situation.
There was a slight moment of doubt in Aegon's mind that was quite evident for your observant eye; he looked away from you as his arms crossed in front of his chest to cover himself even when he was no longer exposing himself. You arched your eyebrow, silently insisting on an answer or some kind of explanation; two days ago you could have sworn he did not like you, but now seeing him standing in your room in such a condition made you overthink everything.
However, before you could think about questioning his lack of words, Aegon sighed loud enough for you to hear the embarrassment and resignation, and soon a mumble followed.
"You have a mirror," he replied.
His response did nothing but confused you even more. A frown appeared on your face, one small gesture that Aegon might have misinterpreted as an angered one if he hadn't known you enough.
"A mirror?" Aegon nodded.
"You're the only one who has one in the bedroom, and-"
"What about the bathroom?" You interrupted out of pure curiosity. "And Aemond has one too."
"Jace has been taking a shit for hours and Aemond forbade me to enter his room since what happened the last time." You were about to open your mouth to ask about it, but he was faster. "Don't ask," he warned you, and you pressed your lips together, remaining silent. "Listen, just forget this. I'm gonna leave right now, and we'll pretend this never happened. Okay?"
He started to walk towards you in order to cross the doorframe behind you. He passed right next to you, and for some unknown reason, your body decided to act before your mind could even process what was going on. Before you even noticed, your hand was wrapped around Aegon's wrist in a grip that was surprisingly strong. Aegon froze right in the spot and the first thing he did was to watch your hand, to then lift his face and lay his deep, lavender eyes on you.
Your jaw clenched, unsure of what to do since everything seemed to be happening strangely fast. The situation was confusing, and it made you act out of instinct leaving you standing there beside him, with just a few seconds left to say something before it turned into something awkward and weird.
Aegon, who would naturally and instinctively reject other people's touch, did not even attempt to push you away from him; he just waited until you removed your hand from his wrist. His reaction was quickly excused by his own mind, thinking that it was only because you took him by surprise.
"Uh…" you muttered, still trying to process what to say, "if- if there's something troubling you, you can tell me, you know? Maybe it's something I can help with."
He just shrugged, trying to make it seem unimportant.
"Not really," he said, leaving the room afterwards without saying another word.
You sighed, resigned to only be seen as his roommate and not as a friend. You tried not to think about it while you kneeled down to pick up the files and papers that fell from your hands when you entered your room, because you did not want it to let it bother you.
But, when you managed to put all your things on your desk, you turned around and saw Aegon standing in the doorway with arms crossed and a defeated look on his face, which had a slight pinkish tone that you would have found adorable in another situation.
"Actually, yes," he started, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him, as if he was scared of someone else listening to the conversation. "I kinda need help with something… I- uh, well, you are a girl so you probably know about this stuff, so…"
It was a difficult task for you to hide the emotion that lightened up your face after hearing his words, finally seeing the perfect opportunity to bond with the guy that has been avoiding you for weeks.
"Of course," you replied, trying not to speak too fast. "I can help you with anything."
"Alright." He nodded, looking down at the floor as he seemed to be putting some order to his words before they left his mouth. "So, the girl you saw the other day, the girl in the bar, remember?"
"I knew you liked her!"
"Well, I just want to bang her, but that's one way to put it," Aegon shrugged after his explanation, while you pressed your lips. "The thing is that, I think she's super hot and gorgeous, and way out of my league, and-"
"Oh, Aegon, you are handsome too!" You interrupted, and he quickly started to look impatient.
"Yeah, but that's not the point," he said, exasperated. "The thing is, the last time that I had sex, the girl I was fucking- uh… well, she said something about my body that really took me off."
"What did she say?" You curiously asked.
"She kinda made fun of it," he replied quickly, as if he was embarrassed.
Your eyes softened immediately after, and your first instinct was to touch him to give him support; however, halfway there you remembered he did not like those gestures, so your hand ended up in the air and seconds later you put it back. Aegon's breath was caught in his throat as he saw how your hand was so close to his skin.
"I'm sorry, Aegon."
"And now I can't get naked in front of this hot girl, even when I really want to!" He cleared his throat, and his tone suddenly changed, now being more angered rather than sad. "I just want to get laid, but I can't! This chick cursed me or something."
"You're not cursed," you said, trying to comfort him somehow. "Listen, you need to work on your self confidence, and-"
"And how do I do that?"
"Do what?"
"How can I work on my self confidence?"
You frowned, "I don't- I'm not sure how-"
"Oh come on!" He raised his voice with exasperation. "You're a teacher! Aren't you supposed to give guidance to your students?"
"Well, my students don't usually ask for sexual advice from their teacher so…"
"You need to help me, please," he pleaded, and you could clearly see the despair in his eyes begging you to say something useful.
You knew you could not fuck this up, not when it was probably the only chance you could have to bond with him after days trying to make him look at you as a friend. Inside of your mind you tried to remember anything that could work in this situation, all those psychology seminars you attended during your college days were coming back to your mind as you thought of an answer.
"Well, you can… try to stand naked in front of a mirror, maybe after you shower, and see the qualities of your body that you like the most."
“Would that work?”
“It might.”
“You sure?”
“Uh… Yes.”
He stood there, silently looking at the floor as he nodded. He muttered something that sounded like a ‘thanks’, and then he slowly turned around. He was visibly embarrassed, he was feeling too vulnerable to look at your face after opening up to you. Of course you immediately noticed, and, as you tried to ignore it, you found some words that you thought he might need to hear.
"Aegon," you called him, and he froze with one foot out of the room and the other inside. He turned around to look at you over his shoulder, and you sighed, "just remember that every person has his own concept of beauty, and only because someone didn't appreciate yours, it doesn't mean other girls won't… We are all beautiful under the right pair of eyes."
He clenched his jaw, gave you a small –almost unnoticeable– nod, and he left. You stood there for a few more seconds before you returned your attention to what you were supposed to be doing. The papers that now were on your desk, were waiting for you to grade them. Just the mere thought of reading through them made you sigh with exhaustion.
It was going to be a long day.
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A knock on your door got you distracted enough for you to stop doing your task. The pen dropped from your hand as you turned around to find Jace with a soft smile on his face. You smiled back at him.
“Hey,” you greeted him.
“Are you too busy?” He asked, “I've brought some Chinese food to eat for dinner.”
“Let me finish revising these papers and I'll be there in a minute,” you said as he nodded.
He was about to leave, but then he returned. “Oh, I almost forgot,” he started, “the bathroom lock is broken, so you need to knock before you get in, just in case we're inside.”
“Are you guys gonna buy a new one?”
“Yes. Aemond will go tomorrow after work, we'll divide the costs afterwards,” he explained.
“Oh, alright.”
“Now, hurry or the food will get cold,” he said, and then left the room leaving the door open.
You managed to finish the paper a few minutes later, and then you went to the bathroom to wash your hands before going to eat with the rest. You did what you were told, and you knocked on the door. You waited a couple of seconds, making sure no one would reply from inside before you finally opened the door.
As soon as you opened it, you saw Aegon standing in front of the mirror and staring at himself. Naked.
“Oh, Gods!” you yelped. Your eyes involuntarily taking a quick look over him.
“What the fuck?!” he screamed, covering his nudity with both of his hands and wildly blushing.
“Oh gods, I'm so sorry-”
“Get out!”
You acted so quickly that your legs tumbled against each other on your way out. The loud sound of the door closing behind your back echoed in the empty hall as you covered your mouth with your hand, a nervous giggle escaped from your lips before you could even try to hold it back. Your eyes were wide open, and your mind tried to process what you had just seen; Aegon fully naked.
Aemond and Jace soon appeared in the hall as they heard the screaming and the door slam. You looked at them with your breathing fast and sharp, staring at them as if you've seen a ghost. Their curiosity peaked.
“What happened?” Aemond asked, visibly worried.
“Uh- I…”
“Are you okay?” he asked again, and you started to feel a bit overwhelmed.
“I just- I need to- uh… wait for me a bit, I'll- I'll be back in a minute.”
The heat on your cheeks was impossible to ignore as you locked yourself in your room, completely ignoring their questions; you were panicking. You felt dumb, and you closed your eyes frustrated knowing that you screwed it up. You invaded his space and now he will, inevitably, put some distance with you. Now you just wanted to bury your face in the pillow out of embarrassment. How were you supposed to talk to him now that you saw him in all his glory?
And, oh gods, there was glory.
You were ashamed of what just happened; or maybe you just felt embarrassed because you couldn't help but blush at the memory of his body.
The pillow between your hands went straight to your face, muffling the groan that you let go as you fell onto your bed. Gods, you were fucked.
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That very same early morning, after finishing their shift, Aegon was supposed to make his first move on the girl who had been in his mind. It was already closing time, the bar was empty at 5am and there was only him and Ceryse. She would occasionally glance at him hoping he would notice that she wore her tightest shirt for him. However, Aegon was busy trying to cheer himself up, trying to forget about that stupid chuckle of yours that still echoed in his mind, haunting him like a fucking ghost.
He had heard you, and –of course– his insecurities made him think the worst.
He was so nervous. It was almost embarrassing how sweaty his palms were; the situation was out of his control and he hated it. He was barely able to focus on his task, absentmindedly cleaning a glass with a cloth as he tried so hard to ignore her presence just to not feel so anxious. His shaky hands failed, and his plan to go unnoticed was unsuccessful; the glass slipped from his fingers and broke into pieces on the floor.
Ceryse widened her eyes and she immediately went to help him, which only made things worse for him. In a desperate attempt to keep her away, he kneeled on the floor and started to pick the glasses with his bare hands, causing small cuts all over his fingers as he did. Low curses and soft moans left his lips as the pinching pain appeared, and Ceryse —as lovely as always— tried to stop him by grabbing his hands and forcing him to stand up.
“You fool,” she mumbled, looking at the bleeding cuts on his fingertips. “You hurted yourself.”
“It's not a big deal-”
“Let me get the emergency kit, don't do anything,” she went to the manager’s office and came back in about a minute later with a red and white box in her hands. Aegon was breathing heavily. He had never felt so insecure.
With the help of a forceps, she started to remove the tiny pieces of glass from his fingers. Aegon would hold his breath, not being able to control his heartbeat when he had her so close to him; he was able to smell her perfume and see her cleavage. He knew he had to be excited, he knew he had all the reasons to enjoy that moment, but you and your stupid giggle refused to leave his mind.
“There,” she murmured as she finished. “Nice and clean.”
Aegon looked at his fingers and noticed how small drops of blood were forming in the tiny cuts. Ceryse took a small tissue and gently tapped on the wounds, cleaning them. Aegon had his lips slightly parted, stiff as a rock as he was almost scared to move. He cursed again, and she softly smiled at him as she finished.
“There you go,” she said, “clean and healed.”
“Uh… Thanks,” Aegon replied, giving her an awkward smile.
She remained silent for a bit, looking at him up and down through her long, blonde lashes. She was visibly flirting with him, but he seemed to be ignoring her. Ceryse had been waiting long enough for him to make the first move, so she now took advantage of their situation; both of them completely alone in the closed bar, about to finish their night shift. She wasn't going to let this opportunity go.
“Are you done playing that game?” She asked. Aegon frown.
“I've noticed the way you look at me, Aegon…” she murmured. His breathing was caught on his throat when she started to slowly unbutton her blouse. “I want to let you know that… I've been wanting the same thing for a long time.”
“What- I- uh… what?”
She giggled, and it was the sexiest sound he had ever heard, yet it wasn't enough to suppress your goddamn laugh. A small ‘fuck’ escaped his lips before he could hold it back, and her hands were pressed on his thighs as she leaned towards him. Aegon hummed, cheeks burning red as he felt so exposed all of the sudden.
“We're alone now,” she murmured, brushing her lips against his jaw. “We can do it right here, right now…”
“I don't know if- If it's a good idea…”
She looked shocked.
“Is Aegon Targaryen rejecting an adventure?” she teased him. “Who are you?”
“There's cameras.”
“I turned them off when I went to the office.”
“What if someone walks in?”
“That would only make things spicier.”
“What if it's Nick,” he said, referring to their manager.
“He won't come until 10am.”
He ran out of excuses. The eagerness was visible in her eyes as she bit her lip.
“I'm done waiting, Aegon…” she murmured.
She silenced him with a kiss, and he widened his eyes. He was unable to concentrate on whatever was happening at that moment. His heart was racing, his breathing suddenly ragged, and his hands still shaking as he tried to hold her waist.
Aegon tried to focus and enjoy this. He closed his eyes and followed the kiss, but things got a bit more complicated when she daringly grabbed one of his hands and put them in her rear. Somehow, he felt uncomfortable, so instead of giving her a squeeze, he moved his hands to her hips.
Fuck, he wanted to run and hide.
When her hands attempted to go under his shirt, he squirmed away from her touch, still managing to keep his lips pressed against hers. She giggled, thinking he was just playing hard to get, but as she repeated the action, the outcome was the same.
“Come on, baby,” she murmured against his lips, starting to feel the awkwardness of the situation.
“Just- wait… Ceryse, wait.”
“Don't be shy now…” she said, biting his lip. Aegon hissed.
“I need you to wait- shit,” he said as he squirmed away from her touch once again.
She leaned back, taking a few steps backwards before she looked at him. Her hands immediately went to her chest, to cover the skin that was exposed thanks to her unbuttoned blouse. Her cheeks lit up like fire as she realized how uncomfortable Aegon was.
“Shit…” she murmured, feeling deeply ashamed. “I thought- I thought you liked me. I'm sorry…”
“I do, I swear, I- Ceryse!”
“I'm so sorry, Aegon.”
“No, Ceryse, wait-”
She turned around and left, picking her bag from the counter and leaving the bar in a hurry. Aegon stood there, frozen in his place, his purple eyes filled with confusion to what had just happened, and once the realization hit him like a truck, he brushed his hands against his face and sighed.
“For fuck’s sake.”
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Back in the apartment, you were sitting drinking your morning coffee before going to school. You were staring at the news on the TV before you heard the front door slamming close. You jumped in your place, looking confused until Aegon appeared in your sight; your cheeks immediately getting warm as the image of his nudity came back to your mind. However, the expression on his face made you forget about all the embarrassment, and you worried instantly. You hurried to stand up from the kitchen table and go towards him, he groaned as soon as he noticed you were getting closer.
“Aegon, are you alright?” You asked, but there was no answer.
He walked past you, going to the kitchen and ignoring you completely. Of course that your preoccupation did not let you notice such a gesture.
“Hey, is there something you want to talk about?” You insisted, trying to look over his shoulder. “I know what happened might be a little embarrassing for you, but I just want you to know that I barely saw anything!”
Aegon ignored you again.
“Aegon, come on,” you said. “I can help you with anything-”
“Can you?” He interrupted you as he finally turned around and acknowledged your presence. “Because last time you helped me, you cause me another fucking trauma!”
Your eyes widened in surprise.
“What do you mean?”
He sighed, closing his eyes while he debated inside his mind whether to tell you what had just happened or just keep it to himself. But you were annoyingly insistent, and he just wanted to be alone all day.
He always wanted to be alone when things went wrong.
“You fucked me up even more!” he exclaimed, making you lean back and your lower lip trembled, feeling awful. “I couldn't fuck Ceryse because your stupid laugh was replaying in my mind over and over again,” he confessed. “Like a fucking reminder that my body sucks!”
“Aegon, I didn't-”
“You fucking laughed at me!”
“I didn't laugh at you, Aegon!” you raised your voice, matching his tone. “I was nervous, it was an awkward situation. I saw you naked! Of course I would get nervous!”
Aegon went silent, pressing his lips in a thin line as his eyebrows furrowed. You took a step closer, but he took a step back. You sighed defeated, knowing that all the progress you have made to become his friend had easily vanished in a matter of seconds.
“Look,” you said. “I'm sorry, Aegon. I never meant to make you feel bad.”
He scoffed.
“Yeah, as if a simple apology would fix it,” he said, pettily.
You both stayed in silence for a few seconds, your lips pressed in a thin line as you tried to come up with a solution to your problem. It was certain that you did not have too many options, and Aegon was not giving signs of having an idea to fix it either. That is why you panicked, and your hands went to the hem of your shirt and started to lift it up.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” he asked, scandalized.
“I'm getting naked so we can call it even,” you explained, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
“I don't want to see you naked! What is wrong with you?”
“Well, then what do you want me to do? I can't get inside your brain and take my laugh out of it.”
“I certainly don't want to see you naked!” he said.
“Alright, I'm sorry, okay?!” you quickly said, looking at his eyes. “I'm sorry that I laughed, and I'm sorry it made you feel bad.”
“That doesn't-”
“Shut up,” you interrupted him. “You are not ugly, you're hot. There, I said it! You have a handsome face and a hot body, and even though you're so grumpy sometimes, your face compensates for it. You know why? Because you are handsome, you idiot.”
“I wish I could go with that girl and beat her fucking ass for what she did to you. I wish!” His eyes widened, he was slightly flustered. “She didn't know what she had. You're a good catch, Aegon, and if you don't start to believe it for yourself then no one will.”
You left the room in an overly dramatic walk, leaving Aegon behind with his eyes wide open and his cheeks red. His breathing, somehow, was fast and unsteady. His blood was running quickly down his body as he cleared his throat and turned around to worry about his breakfast. Yet, your words had left a feeling in his gut which felt quite nice.
Aemond suddenly walked out of his room and stopped when he saw Aegon standing in the middle of the open kitchen, staring at the unbaked bacon in the pan. He was weirded out by his brother's strange attitude.
“What's wrong with you?” Aemond asked.
Aegon woke up from his trance and shook his head.
He didn't sound too convincing.
“We made a pact, Aegon,” he reminded him, going towards the coffee machine and pouring some of it on a cup. “You are not allowed to sleep with her.” he whispered those last words just to make sure you wouldn't hear it.
“What are you talking about?” he scoffed.
“Just a reminder,” Aemond shrugged, sipping his coffee while Aegon finally turned on the stove.
“Shut up.”
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It was 6pm when you arrived back in the apartment after a long day at school. You were dragging your feet through the hall and towards your room, noticing that neither Aemond or Jace had arrived yet, and Aegon was probably in his room. It had been a long day, and the only thing that you craved was a nice and warm shower before going to bed. It was a need.
After your discussion with Aegon in the morning and the tiny bug in your chest that was making you feel guilty all day, you needed some time to relax, to stand beneath the warm water and let it wash away all the stress of your body. So that's what you did.
You took off your clothes the moment you stepped into the bathroom, then quickly got in the shower, feeling the warmth wrapping your body. Your shoulders immediately relaxed and you saw all your troubles vanished in that instant, you let yourself sigh.
Your mind went blank and all you could feel was the warmth and comfort the water produced. It was lovely, it made you forget about all the issues and troubles.
When you finished, you stood there for a bit longer, enjoying the last moments of peace before you would cross your path with Aegon's.
What you did not expect was that, at the very moment that you opened the shower curtain, Aegon opened the door.
And he looked at you.
You screamed as your hands went to cover yourself as much as you could. Aegon's mouth dropped as he stared longer than he should have, his pale cheeks turning red as he swallowed hard.
“Aegon!” you yelled his name.
Only then he seemed to react, because he immediately muttered a small ‘sorry’ and then he closed the door. You immediately took the towel from the hanger and you covered yourself, breathing fast. You almost slipped in your way out of the shower, silly movements as you were still trying to take in what had happened.
That goddamn door lock.
Then, in the middle of the silence, you heard him speak.
“Well, I guess we’re even now, aren't we?” he joked on the other side of the door.
“Shut up!” you said, between nervous laughs.
He laughed it off too, and that sound made you smile wider as your cheeks got warm.
It was true though; now you can finally call it even.
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the-milk-monarch · 10 months
hello hello! I really like your writing! can I request a Mal x autistic reader but all good if not. Have a nice day/night!
☣︎ omg yes I wanted to write sth similar but I felt like it'd be too self-serving lmao I hope you don't mind I added Mike in there as well
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Summary: Mal pretends to be Mike but Reader picks up on it. After the reveal, Reader has to spent a cold night out with Mal as a challenge + dating headcanons.
☢︎ | Total Drama | 6k words | gender-neutral reader ♡ | Mal | Mike ⚠ | Mal being an ass, reader having a meltdown
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Ever since you joined the Total Drama show, you knew you had to get an ally if you were to win.
Your social skills weren't the best, but you had your good problem solving skills to make up for that. At least you hoped so.
You were a little anxious while interacting with other contestants, hoping they wouldn't notice your a bit different approach to conversations.
But there was one boy who didn't seem to mind your awkwardness. On the contrary, he was a bit awkward as well, which filled you with adoration.
Mike was always so kind and respectful you never felt anxious around him, even with your quirky way of speaking.
Or the fact that you avoided eye contact while you spoke.
And when you cringed at yourself whenever you tripped on the flat ground, he didn't think of you any less, he was just worried whether you hurt yourself or not.
You could say you caught a small crush on Mike because of how comfortable you felt with him, but you knew he was interested in Zoey.
Although you were unsure about some small gestures received from him. "Was he just nice or is it his interest?" played in your head, although your mind told you to assume the worst and not hype yourself up.
That didn't stop you from simping from afar though.
What you loved the most about Mike was his willingness to listen to you ramble about your special interest.
You were really worried about being annoying around other people, knowing you might get a bit too excited the stuff you like and it'd be "inappropriate".
But Mike seemed to be into it, asking follow up questions and overall being engaged with you talking.
Your trust towards Mike was put to a test once you got a bit too overwhelmed in the middle of a challenge.
This particular day you seemed to have extra clumsy coordination which pissed you off a little, as it was important for you to win this time, given how strict the criteria for losing were this time.
"God, I have enough-" You desperately and a bit irritated announced while trying to tie a knot.
The challenge Chris McLean decided to do today was a scout obstacle course. Each person had to partner up with someone and do some scout activities, which included tying knots into various shapes shown on the picture.
The rope fell out of your hands for the 5th time while you were almost done with it and it made you forcibly exhale in irritation.
Mike had just finished his part of the activity and he noticed you had some troubles.
"Um, what is it?" He asked carefully, looking at your closed off body language.
"My hands don't listen to me and I can't tie these damn knots-" You tried not to make a scene, hating how much a simple, stupid task made you upset.
Your breathing got slightly heavier as you tried to suppress your rising emotions. You knew you had the right to express it, but not now. Not in front of Mike.
You took a step back from the ropes laying on the ground helplessly and given up, wanting to get some space from the irritating item.
Mike had noticed your change of attitude and immediately sensed you were losing it a bit.
"Hey, it's fine- I'll do your part." He suggested quickly, hoping to give some reassurance. "I-it's just ropes, right? We can still win!"
You felt a bit silly but you had no power to complete the task. You meekly nodded.
You stood there, just looking at his hard work until he finished.
"Okay, let's go!" Mike announced as he was done with your both parts.
At the end of the day, you and Mike managed to avoid elimination and after the challenge ended, you had some alone time to yourself.
Once you had a chance to be alone for a second, you quickly escaped the large crowd of people, wanting to get some space after such tiring situation.
You were chilling on a bench until you noticed a familiar face appearing on your radar.
Mike had managed to find you.
You quickly changed your way of cross legged sitting on a bench due to fear of being perceived as weird, even though you knew Mike probably wouldn't bat an eye on that.
You politely smiled as he approached you.
"Hey, there you are-" Mike reciprocated your smile a bit nervously.
"I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I noticed you kind of- disappeared from the rest earlier, did something happen? Are you alright?" He asked with worry on his face which made you soften your expression. Did he really care about your wellbeing so much he came after you?
"No, no, you're not disturbing-" You said, halfly honest. You wanted some time alone for yourself, but you couldn't say you didn't appreciate him coming here.
He came up to the bench you were sitting on and sat beside you, keeping a respectful distance.
You didn't even notice when you started slightly bouncing your leg as you spoke.
To a keen eye (or even not so) it was clear that even though your face was calm, you had some bottled stress inside.
Mike was mindful enough to notice it, so he proceeded carefully.
"So- you're fine, just wanted to- chill out alone for a second?" Mike gently asked, looking at your face, even though your eyes avoided his.
"Yeah. You know, people overwhelm me a bit sometimes-" You admitted a bit bluntly.
"Oh, yeah, it's fine, I get what you mean-" He assured you with a smile. But then his smile faltered a little in worry.
"Wait, since you wanted to be alone, aren't I a bother?" He asked again, ready to stop bugging you in case it wasn't welcomed.
You softly smiled at his politeness.
"No, I said you're not a bother. I don't mind you being here, and- I like that you came here, actually." You admitted with a bit awkward and coy smile. You weren't used to speaking your mind freely like that, in case something came out wrong, but you concluded your response was acceptable.
Mike grinned bashfully as he remembered your previous words.
"Right, right, sorry heh." He scratched his neck as he showed a toothy grin.
"So..." He started after a few seconds.
"Tell me if I'm crossing any boundaries here, but I felt like there was some shift from you since that, um, knot situation." He carefully said. "...Are you- mad at me? Did I do something?"
You cringed internally at yourself.
"Oh, eh- no-" You quickly chimed in. "No, I'm sorry if I came off that way-"
"I just got a bit overwhelmed because I'm so clumsy- But I'm alright now." You assured him with a half smile while your leg continued to bounce. Until you noticed the movement and promptly stopped.
Mike had noticed all of your quirks but never commented on them.
"Hey, it's alright- I didn't mind helping you." He gave you a warm and a calm smile.
You waited a bit before thinking about saying something.
"I- I dunno if you know what a 'meltdown' is...?" You carefully started. You never explicitly stated you're autistic, nor you wanted people to treat you like a child whenever they found out, but you trusted Mike wouldn't do that.
Mike blinked once before tilting his head slightly.
"A meltdown... Uh..." He looked at the ground, trying to think about it.
You explained before he could say anything else, saving him from an awkward silence.
"It's an autism thing, I just kinda shut off for a moment there. I know it's not really useful in a competition." You bluntly admitted, waiting for his reaction.
Mike then seemed to get the idea "Oh, right! Yeah, yeah I know what is it." He nodded to emphasize.
"You- You don't have to worry about that! I know how it is to get overwhelmed sometimes-" He chuckled nervously.
"Just so you know, it doesn't change anything." He showed yet another reassuring smile which made the corners of your lips move up as well. "I'll help you whenever you need it!"
"...Thanks." You hoped the shine in your bashful eyes didn't expose your feelings too much.
After several days on the island, you noticed something changed. Mike seemed off to you.
Others didn't seem to notice, but your eyes caught some discrepancies in the way Mike acted.
His whole demeanor changed in an uncanny way.
You were used to being very chatty around him due to his always reciprocative stance, but recently Mike started to seem annoyed.
Worries flared up immediately once you noticed he might get bored of your ramblings, so you decided to ask him about it.
"Hey, uh, Mike? Can I ask you a question?" You tried to casually introduce the topic.
"Hm? Yeah, sure. Go on." He answered with fake investment in his voice, smiling.
"Am I talking too much? You can tell me to stop if you got bored or something-" You awkwardly informed him, hoping you weren't a bother after all, waiting for the confirmation.
He stopped for a moment, showing an unsure but cheery smile.
"Oh, no, no- Of course I love listening to you- But I'm just a bit tired today, so maybe you could tone it down a little today?" He tried to be as gentle as ever while shutting you up.
He wasn't very disrespectful but it kind of hurt you. Even though you knew he had the full right to politely ask you to stop, you thought he enjoyed the discussions with you.
You tried once again a few times, but all you were met with was subtly seeping annoyance from his responses.
"Oh my, that's interesting- But tell me, do you have anything else to talk about?" He asked while smiling and pretending to be invested.
"Uh- yeah. If you want I can-"
"Cool. Then talk about something else." He abruptly cut you off.
So with time you slowly shut up with the ramblings, which Mike seemed to be happy about.
You couldn't believe he just changed like that, as if it wasn't him. But you also felt like you had any right to force him into listening to you.
The changes in his behavior didn't stop at that, as you also noticed some remarks coming his way, which you had trouble deciding whether it was sarcasm or not.
He also seemed to get a bit more demanding, not being as keen to help you with things now.
You didn't take Mike's kindness for granted of course, but you knew something changed.
You had a bad feeling.
Your logical thinking made you come up with theories on what happened.
You knew about Mike's D.I.D. and wondered if it was maybe someone else. But you also knew Mike's alters well enough to know it wasn't any of the ones you were acquainted with.
Only thing that stopped you from outright asking him about it was your common decency. It would be rude to just assume.
So you decided to test something.
You once again started your favorite topic, one that Mike had a lot of questions and discussion about while he still acted like himself.
"Hey, Mike, I recently thought about that one tv show we talked about recently and I forgot to tell you some trivia. Wanna listen to the facts about [character] or [character2]?" You asked with halfly casual tone, wanting to check his reaction. You mentioned Mike's favorite action movie, so you believed he would reply with some enthusiast about it.
"Wow- um- Yeah, [character2] sounds good." He responded with pretended interest but you caught some annoyance from him, "per usual".
"...I thought you didn't like [character2]?" You asked a tricky question. The character in question was his favorite one. At least Mike's favorite. You purposefully asked an untrue question.
"Eh- I mean- Hate-listening is a thing, right?" He tried to get out of the hole he fell in due to not listening previously to you. His attempts at trying to be casual were obvious to you now.
You stopped for a moment to look him briefly in the eyes.
"Actually, you mentioned [character2] being your favorite." You tilted your head and raised your brow a bit accusatory.
He looked to the side, as if caught in a lie, but still tried to save face.
"Well tastes change, don't they?" He crossed his arms in a bit of annoyance because of you poking holes in his story.
"That's really rude of you." He furrowed his brows in slight irritation as his patience was running out.
That was it, you knew Mike wouldnt' just tell you that! Or, at least you hoped you were right about it.
You took a leap of faith as you also crossed your arms in a defensive state, staring at him.
"You're not Mike are you?" You asked bluntly.
He got a bit surprised at your boldness.
"What?" He chuckled a bit patronizingly, as if you said something stupid. "Of course I'm Mike. Why do you say that?"
"Well- I didn't wanna assume, but looking at your behavior recently I noticed you got a lot less enthusiastic about spending time with me. So obviously something's up." You concluded, still sticking to your belief. You hoped you weren't wrong.
"God you have to overthink everything, do you?" His tone changed to a slightly deeper one.
You noticed him gracefully swish his hair in a way which made his bangs cover his eye.
"Are you usually this annoying? How did Mike even managed to deal with you?" He expressed his thoughts freely now while you were under his judging eye.
Your eyes widened a little - you were right, it wasn't Mike.
"Wow, okay- Who are you then?" You asked now without any restriction.
"I'm Mal." He responded with arrogance.
"And if you tell anyone I'm not that nerdy freak, you're done." He added with an undertone of threat.
"Hey, what's with that hostility?" You tilted your head and asked a bit bluntly but still remaining polite.
"I am simply direct. I don't have the time or patience to deal with any of your foolish questions." Mal's cold and serious persona was quite intimidating, but you managed to stay calm.
"Okay- I'm direct too, but I don't have to threat you while at it." You pointed out calmly.
"I'm not threatening you. I'm simply telling you what will happen if you reveal my true self to anyone else." Mal's words echoed a threat without any hesitation.
You sighed, sensing some mixed messages from him. "Alright- Uh, so- Why don't you want me to tell others you're not Mike?"
"It's not your business." Mal's face displayed no change in expression, still remaining as firm and strict as ever.
You waited a bit before shrugging. "...Fair enough."
Mal stared at you, showing no reaction whatsoever. "Anything else?"
"Uh- Since you're obviously not Mike, why don't we start again?" You tried to make something out of this unusual situation.
Mal raised his brow skeptically, trying to sense your intentions with that question.
"And what do you mean by that?" Mal's demeanor stayed unchanged, keeping a sharp and indifferent look on his face.
"Like- I know nothing about you, but- I'm opened to still hold an alliance, you know?" You shrugged, hoping he'll agree.
"I'm not looking for any kind of alliance with you." Mal's words sounded harsh and blunt. He never cared for any relationships, especially with people he doesn't even know.
"Okay, harsh." You bluntly put it, a bit awkward he wasn't keen on it. "But- uh, why not?"
"Because there will never be any mutual benefits here." Mal's statement was short and concise, showing no further interest in their current conversation.
"Uh- How so?" You continued.
"You have nothing worthwhile to offer me. No one else has anything worthwhile to offer me either. It's why I'm alone." Mal's words sounded as cold and harsh as ever, as if you weren't even there.
"…Isn't it a bit lonely?" You didn't wanna push the matter further, but without Mike or anyone else in an alliance, you felt lonely yourself. That's why you tried to save the situation you had before.
Mal stayed silent for a bit. "Lonely? Yes. Do I care? No." Mal's face showed no visible change of expression, staying as cold as ever.
"It doesn't matter to me if I'm alone. I can survive on my own, I don't need any friends. I never have and never will."
Your face showed a bit of concern as well as mixed emotions.
It was hard to get to him, but you still had some hopes.
"Well- I'm not saying you need them, but- since I already know you're not Mike, why can't we be at least on a positive terms?" You tried your best to seem an appealing friend.
Mal stayed silent for a bit, considering your words. He remained indifferent and unamused, but your words at least reached his ears.
"You don't even know me, yet you want to be on positive terms with me… Are you that desperate?" He looked at you patronizingly amused.
"I'm trying to be nice here." You bluntly said, a bit discouraged by his unwillingness to cooperate.
"Nice, you say? Do you even know what 'nice' means? To my knowledge, 'nice' is something you do to manipulate people and get their trust. I'm not interested in those kinds of games." Mal's words were cold and sharp, as if challenging you to answer him.
You stood there a bit dumbfounded at his definition of "nice". "No- And I'm sorry you had this experience if that's what you think it means. But I hold no malice towards you, really."
"Well you're either lying, or you're just a fool. I haven't decided yet." Mal didn't make an effort to hold back his words, just letting them slip with his usual bluntness.
You rolled your eyes slightly, but you were determined to change his mind. "Look, I know you have no reason to trust me, like me, or even believe me, but- let's say it makes us even then? We get to be in an alliance, and I don't tell your secret?" You didn't like blackmail, but you had to save yourself somehow.
"…Let's say your offer interests me… What would be your goal of this alliance?" Mal's demeanor changed slightly, becoming noticeably more analytical and entertaining the possibility at least slightly.
"Well- First off, a buddy is always nice to have on the competition, second reason- I like Mike. And you're a part of Mike So- I also wanna be friends with you. And- I hope that's reasonable?" You put it in a honest way.
Mal chuckled out loud before looking at you entertained and looking as if he was about to burst your bubble. "But I'm no Mike. If you think I'm gonna act like him then you're mistaken."
"No, I don't." You quickly disregarded his words. "That's why I suggested a fresh start."
You waited a bit before elaborating more. "Yes, I know that probably sounds stupid, but I'll be blunt. I just wanna make a friend and stay in the game. And I suck at social interactions." You knew how desperate you probably were to him, given his indifferent approach to you, but you had no other idea what to do.
Mal was clearly entertained by your responses. He couldn't help but chuckle at their naivety and the sheer persistence of being his 'friend' or something similar. "…You're one odd individual. I must say."
Mal stood silently for a moment, pondering the possibilities for an alliance between you two. He sighed before responding. "…Very well" Mal's face looked serious now, having a proposition in store.
"Should you fail to respect my boundaries, or try to manipulate me in any way… you're dead meat." Mal's tone of voice changed a bit too, now sounding as if he weren't joking anymore.
"And I also want you to not interfere with any of my plans. Understood? I can tolerate working with you for the time being, but only for the sake of mutual benefits." Mal's words were harsh and intimidating, but there seemed to be a slight tinge of… skepticism.
That was a good thing, you thought, because at least he was considering your request.
You nodded.
[Mal at the confessional]
"I can't decide whether they're planning something I didn't give them credit for, or are they that stupid to think I'm really gonna be in a real alliance with them." Mal chuckled to the camera. "Probably the latter." He added with a smug smirk. "That naive pawn… it's too easy to manipulate them. All that talk about "friendship…" nonsense." He obnoxiously mocked your words with a hand gesture as his look held entertainment. "As if that mattered to me… or anyone." Mal thought to himself out loud. "No one ever mattered to me, and they never will. People are merely tools in my eyes, and I will use them to get what I want..." His expression seemed to stay serious and pondering for a moment before the video cut off.
You had very mixed feelings about the situation.
You were very well aware Mal probably didn't respect you and only agreed to it for his benefit, you weren't stupid.
But you also had some hopes he would come around with time.
Your relationship proceeding further was very rocky, as Mal didn't really treat you with kindness, which you kind of expected, but weren't happy about.
Still, he didn't try to vote you off, and for the time being it worked.
You were a bit lost about what to do, but the days on the island didn't let you have a break to think about things, and the challenges proceeded as usual.
Today's challenge was a camp-out one. People in the team had to partner up with someone and then spend a night outside, in the forest.
"Easy enough", you thought, but you noticed some eye-roll from Mal.
Obviously you and Mal ended up being partners, due to the "mutual" alliance you had.
Once the teams had chose their respective campsites and you were alone, Mal swooshed his hair so it fell on his eye once again without a comment, seemingly more comfortable with this hairstyle instead of Mike's usual standing hair.
"So- How about this place?" You pointed out to a simple area that didn't have a lot of pinecones on the ground, offering a softer ground to set a tent on.
"Whatever, can be." He briefly acknowledged your words without any further interest.
You were a bit tired of his apathetic demeanor but you let it slide.
You placed your backpack on the ground, preparing to take out the necessary equipment.
Mal sat on some available tree root, expecting you to do all the work.
It took you some time but you were determined to set out the tent properly, even under Mal's judging eye.
To no avail. Without an instruction, it wasn't your strong suit to just "wing it".
Mal raised his brow unamusedly while crossing his arms.
"God that's pathetic." He commented without any hesitance.
"Okay then, you do it." You crossed your arms as well, now looking at him.
You heard a "tch-" from him. "Really? You're that helpless?" He smirked.
"It would appear so." You just bluntly admitted, gaining some surprise from Mal, which quickly disappeared after a moment.
"Weak." He murmured to himself, making sure you also heard him. He walked up to the tent, setting it up without much resistance.
You plopped down on the tree trunk Mal was previously sitting on, watching him work.
After he was done you didn't want to be useless, so you got up with an idea of gathering some wood. What's a camp without a camp-fire, eh?
Mal saw you leave but didn't comment anything, choosing to go sit in the tent he just set up.
You were really trying to be nice and respectful to Mal, but he was slowly draining your willingness to do it.
As you were collecting random twigs from the ground you were thinking about him though.
No one was mean without a reason, and given Mike's situation, he probably went through lots of stuff to get to his current behavior, which made you feel sympathetic towards him.
You came back to your little campout, noticing Mal lazily sitting inside the tent, holding a knife in his one hand that was carving the wood he held in the other. You wondered where did he get it from?
"I brought wood." You announced, letting the twigs fall onto the floor.
"Congrats, you made yourself useful." He commented briefly, but mostly ignoring you.
It was a start at least.
Soon enough the air became colder, forcing you to make a fire.
You gathered some rocks and formed them along with several pieces of wood, trying to set the fire with 2 rocks, as you had to do with Mike on scout-type challenge, until Mal took out a match with unamused expression and started the fire.
You blinked as you saw the fire appear, then looked at Mal. "How did you get a match?"
"I stole it." He replied carelessly without a hint of shame.
"...Okay, that works." You only managed to say.
You both got near the source of warmth in a careful distance away from each other, you sitting on the tree trunk nearby, him sitting in the tent.
The challenge was going pretty smoothly, until it began to pour.
The rain quickly took out your fire, making Mal groan in irritation.
As you felt the droplets of water on your clothes, you quickly went into the tent where Mal was taking most of the space, but he reluctantly moved to the corner once he saw you coming.
You stayed silent as you observed the aggressive change of the weather, with Mal not making a peep either, only keeping his outward display of annoyance towards the rain visible.
It was getting dark and cold, with the weather having no plans of going back to the sunny afternoon it previously was.
Mal backed out into the tent, sitting quietly and looking outside with an upset expression on his face.
There was a long, awkward silence that got to you internally, but you didn't want to risk annoying Mal with bringing up "annoying" topics to talk about, as you had no other ideas.
You came to the show with quite a thick jacket with a hood on, so the cold didn't bother you that much, but you observed Mal pressing his bent knees to his stomach in attempt to keep warm.
There was no sign of struggle from his side though, as he made a good job of sitting still, acting like it wasn't bothering him, with the exception of subtle trembles of his body once in a while.
It was obvious he felt cold with only a short-sleeved shirt to keep him warm.
"Are you cold?" You asked hesitantly, even though you knew the answer.
He shot you a death glare. "I'm fine."
You waited a second, looking at him briefly and thinking about your options. You decided to press further.
"You have short sleeves though." You pointed out, looking at his face getting agitated.
"So fucking what? My fault this moron can't dress properly?" He barked at you with hostility, as if you were pointing out his misfortune.
"No." You responded a bit taken aback by his tone, but you remained calm.
"But- We can share." You made your intentions clear as you took off the jacket, handing it to him.
He looked at you with skeptic and confused eyes as if you had some hidden intentions behind that move, but he accepted the gift without any comment.
You noticed his grumpy expression soften slightly but still keeping that distrustful glare, avoiding your eye as he put the jacket around his back.
You judged his reaction as a positive one though.
After a moment you scooted closer to him, touching his side with yours, to which he raised his eyebrow at your "audacity".
"What are you doing?" He muttered, looking at your movements with mixed feelings.
"You're not the only one cold here. I'm also freezing." You explained a bit lightheartedly, hoping to ease the thick tension between you two.
Mal only briefly looked at you and let out a "hmph" noise as an acknowledgement as he looked away from you, yet he didn't move away, letting you stay in this position.
You sighed contently for the first time in a few days now.
You watched the rain fall in silence, but at least it wasn't as overwhelming now.
Finally the exhaustion caught up to you both as a product of several hours of walking and doing stuff.
Mal let out the first yawn and so you asked him whether he wants to go to sleep.
He shrugged, still keeping his indifferent behavior but accepted. "Sure, whatever."
You both moved to the far away corners of the tent and layed down, feeling the fabric of the tent soften the hard ground halfly. Chris didn't pack you any sleeping bags, that would be too easy.
All you had was your jacket as a make-shift blanket.
You noticed Mal laying on his side, in a way that wouldn't make him face you.
You offered him a part of the jacket but his ego didn't let him accept this time.
"I'm fine. I don't need it." He harshly turned down your offer.
You sighed. "Fine."
Mal remained stubborn, even though the cold was biting his ass, he managed to fall asleep.
You however couldn't, due to the uncomfortable place of sleeping.
You laid on your back for a few seconds, staring at the ceiling of the tent, before deciding to take a look at Mal.
His breathing let you notice he was asleep, although his shaky body was visibly cold.
You didn't have the heart to let him freeze, so you very carefully moved near him, putting a part of the jacket on him to cover him up.
You pressed your back very slightly against him, craving some additional warmth from his body that would benefit you boths
Fortunately he didn't wake up.
You managed to fall asleep after some time as well.
Mal woke up after several hours, thoroughly confused about the state of his being, as he expected to wake up cold, but he was quite- cozy.
His expression changed as soon as he noticed you very close to him.
He cringed at your proximity, with your front facing him in a blissful state of sleep, hair over your eyes as if in rom-com movie.
He was about to forcefully shake you off him, but he decided against it for some reason.
Perhaps it was his self-preservation finally speaking, instead of ego getting in his way of survival. Your position was both comfy and warm, after all.
He only turned to lay on his back, letting out a heavy sigh, furrowing his eyebrows slightly as it was now his turn to look above without any particular reason, just to think over the situation.
As soon as you started to wake up, he immediately backed off, putting the whole jacket on you.
"Finally you're awake." He said as if it was a big bother.
You softly rubbed your eyes, yawn escaping your lips as you done so.
"When did you wake up?" You asked with a bit of haze still.
"Doesn't matter." He sharply shut down your question, although his tone was just slightly different than his usual bitterness.
After you both past the challenge timer of staying and ready to leave the place, you noticed Mal taking down the tent, without you having to ask him for it. Huh.
[Mal at the confessional]
Mal stared at the camera with crossed arms for a longer moment, having an ambiguous expression on his face. After some time he finally decided to open his mouth. "God, they're so helpless. They can't even set up a damn tent." His scornful tone made it obvious he was making fun of you. "How would they even make it so far without me?" He once again made it clear to the recording device that he was needed for your victory. Yet another few seconds passed by before his thought was said out loud, this time his face turning less arrogant and more figuring out what he's gonna say. "...They're so naive." He reiterated once more, as if to reassure himself what to think. "But- Maybe with my help I'll be able to use them to my advantage." He finally found the correct direction of his further words. "I'll make sure no one gets between me and Y/N getting a chance at winning the money." "Of course, just for me to forcefully take the victory away from them, later." He said confidently, but he felt the need for a clarification on that last part. He lingered in the confessional for a moment more, before getting to his final words, looking straight at the camera. "And if anyone plans to interfere with that, they're gonna go down."
Of course if you and Mal become a thing, he'll be more keen about tolerating your quirks and listening to you ramble about your hyperfixations.
He won't be as invested in them, but he'll treat you in a way he'd treat a cat enjoying it's favorite toy - "You do your thing sweetie. It's stupid but adorable to look at."
Once he gets used to your true thoughts and trust you, he'd also think your honesty is refreshing.
He thinks neurotypicals play too many complicated emotional games.
He can also play them as a form of manipulation, but if it comes to trusting each other he appreciates you always being blunt when it comes to what you think.
It's obvious Mal most probably has ASPD and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, so he's not a stranger to people not liking his attitude and way of thinking.
He might be a bit too harsh on you at first, not used to having someone caring about him (or vice versa) but with time he'll learn to not go as hard on you.
Like with your 'special needs', not tolerating some textures and foods, your obsession about only on topic at a time, or stimming, which might be distracting to him.
He might panic a bit inside once you have a meltdown first time around him though, not knowing how to act around you in that state, as only thing he knows it's hostility, so don't expect him to be much help.
He might listen to your requests how should he act later on, though.
He will also be more straightforward around you when he notices your "denseness".
"Do you- want my jacket again?" You asked, looking at Mal. "No, let me freeze to death." He remarked sarcastically, expecting you to pass him the jacket again, but you just blinked, unsure if he wanted it or not after your previous similar encounter with him being reluctant to accept it. He looked at you a second more, now elaborating a bit annoyed. "Yes, I want it."
Even more so after Mal became less insecure about showing his interest in you.
"Aren't you cold?" He asked, looking at you expectantly with a hint of tease in his voice, obviously wanting you to come closer to him so you'd need him as a source of warmth. "Kinda-" You responded casually, yet still did nothing. Mal waited a moment before finally sighing and pulling you closer to him in a smooth manner, making you a bit surprised. "That means come here." He reiterated slightly more greedy about your presence. That amount of possessiveness made you a bit stunned, but in a kind of positive way. He wasn't negative towards you anymore, after all. "Do I really have to spell out everything for you?" He asked halfly serious. "Well- apparently." You admitted a bit embarrassed at your lack of clue. He rolled his eyes, pulling you closer. "Okay then. You're mine now."
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 9 months
I just come up with a great idea and I like it so much smh 😭
Can you do a yandere Atsushi and yandere Dazai (separately) with a reader who really have low self-esteem? It's so low to the point that even if you call them a b-word, degrading them and they would go "Oh thank you so much for wasting your time on taking care of sth like me!" with a happy face.
Surprisingly, the reader also know about that and used it to their advantage, would even victimized themselves just to get what they want.
They would be very caring towards Atsushi and manipulate (bribe, promise, not breaking his mind even more) him into doing what they want without question asked (not like he would anyway) but with Dazai, they would like to see how pathetic he is for wanting their affection, knowing they are the only one could make him gets on his knees and begs that he would be a good pet for them.
Yea, the reader can be a low self-esteem person but also can be a meanie if they want to, but only to their yanderes tho (especially those who that are hard to break like Dazai, Mori, Ranpo,... With those who are easy to break, they would just manipulate them and giving loves)
I want to see this type of reader sometimes but there aren't many, you're my last hope for my fantasy! 😭
This is my first time requesting this so I'm so nervous omg 💀
Oh and, you can call me Ry.
𝙰:𝚗- 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚁𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚏 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚞 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜.
𝙴𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝.
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎: 𝚍𝚊𝚣𝚊𝚒, 𝙰𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚔𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚊.
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚐𝚊𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚈/𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚖.
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𝘋𝘢𝘻𝘢𝘪 𝘖𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘶.
The only reason how even does Dazai find you appealing is a question itself. Don't get him wrong he love you a lot but.
Your low self esteems and often shyness and couldn't even take a single insult make him wonder why he choose to be with you.
You are indeed a kind women who listen to him and indeed you were there with him when he quit Port Mafia.
He met you during his stay in underground.
Perhaps fate.
But he is still cautious of his words approaching you was an attempt.
A very hard attempt.
As you often be surrounded by people.
But one time he realise his mistake when he got angry at you.
As you mistakenly tied his bandages in wrong shape.
He won't be mad at you for silly reason but he was as his mood was already ruin by the people.
Your eyes were watery as you gaze to the ground avoiding to stare at him.
"I guess you are... Right I am a failure.. A b*tch" you muttered walking away with drag feet.
As much as he was angry he doesn't want you to leave him.
Your the only company he tolerates and somehow you care for him. Maybe you care for the others too.
He was the one who used two years of his and yours to lurred you to follow him.
Yes you are indeed a professional at finding and erasing people records. And no it wasn't your ability but purely skill.
I guess that's also a reason he feel connected to you.
He pampered you with hugs which you never ask but you comply so that you can get what you want.
He buy things for you... Well Kunikida money was at stake too.
He buy the new bag you often shyly mentions.
He knew somehow you want him to comply on your wishes which is why he call you.
"A cheeky chipmunk with greed like an elephant"
You negatively took it.
Yet he didn't bother to console you and only said it was the truth.
Somehow with his sarcasm you eventually somehow got used to it somehow.
But... He is seriously protective of you. Especially as you do not have an ability he prefer you to be on sideline.
He does get jealous when Ranpo and you talk to each other more.
Both of you were a sweet fan
And Ranpo fondness towards you for having no ability but pure skill make him praise you.
Dazai is the one drag you away from Ranpo who often get confused of why yet Yosano mention jealousy which Ranpo was more confused.
Dazai will make sure you spend less time with the others and only focus on him in exchange of your sly demands on things.
He cannot make you leave him right? Of course if you does so... He will make sure the same imply to you that... You only rely on him and only him.
𝘕𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘫𝘪𝘮𝘢 𝘈𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪.
At first he really admired you from afar.
You the lady who eventually gave him a bread when he was starving on the outside world.
Your gently smile and kindness make him fall for you as he met you again during the Agency time.
You recognise him, oh how happy he was.
He blindly ignore you trying to get information from him about the agency.
He smile at you making you annoyed but you were patient to fulfil your mission and the thought to end him often linger onto you.
As money problem is the reason why you even work for the other group.
But when they insulted you for been weakass and couldn't take out a single useful info about agency. Unaware Atsushi stalk you so that you will be safe that day.
But his anger boil when he saw you cry.
"Repeat it! You are a whore who cannot do anything! Right"
"...I am a who-" before you uttered that word right in your eyes in split seconds the senior of yours was cut to half.
There stay a full transformed tiger as you fall on your kness afraid.
Yet the tiger ate those people as the whole group was eaten only some blood splattered on the floor most were droplets of blood.
"D-dont kill me, I-I am just a-"
"Y/n" said the tiger as your eyes widen when it detransformed back to a human.
You feel yourself vomiting out as you realise Atsushi ate away your colleagues those who pay you.
The blood beside his lips make you back away in fear.
Before you beg for his mercy he hugged you dearly.
Then it click to your mind and you happily agreed to be with him as you would rather prefer a home then leave in streets pretending to be a noble women who is kind and give bread to others but eventually you are starving more then them
A grave mistake on your part even if he gave it all to you as much as he could.
You never able to leave his sight ever again.
𝘒𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘢 𝘋����𝘱𝘱𝘰.
He couldn't even uttered a word to you. You often lose your cool.
You were a teacher like him, a substitute teacher whereas he teaches math you teaches English.
Your self esteem was so low that you came crying when the kids eventually throw papers at you and make fun of you.
He was the one who scared them all for you.
Now that he thinks about he misses you a lot.
But that thought vanish when he saw you out in a park.
People were shock as the guy slapped you across your face.
As tears fall from your eyes as you gripped your bag tightly.
"What a moron can't even bear a single slap" said the other women as the guy cooed at his women while you were a victim of embarrassment.
"What's going on?" Asked Kunikida who approach the scene as The other women point a finger on you.
"She was begging my boyfriend to be hers! Even if she knew I was his girlfriend"
As people muttered how disgusting you were to eyed another man as Kunikida let out a sighed and slapped the women like how the man slapped you.
Your eyes widen as you finally look up to see Kunikida and the man anger.
"How dare you hurt my girlfriend!?"
"These lady here is the side women who stole y/n the victim here boyfriend more likely they both used her. She was a good friend of this women who seduced the boyfriend a vile women"
"I'm not! What proofed-"
Kunikida simply played a voice recorder where they mention about the money you gave to your boyfriend for his business.
Kind you were only to help your boyfriend.
He eventually arrest them both for manipulating you and taking your money.
People gasped in shock as they eventually start pointing the other two for such audacity to victimised a victim as the fault.
Kunikida approach you with the money.
"Here... You alright y/n?"
"Y-yeah thank you..." You said as you gently smile a bit.
He was worried as you were in questioning term how he knows about you and the whole affair thing.
And when did he record it. (Thanks to Katai).
He have been looking out for you some weeks now.
"Thanks again... Umm..."
He was disappointed by your confused face.
"Kunikida Doppo"
"Ah! The colleague!"
"Y-yeah" he muttered as he blush away by your happy smiled.
He couldn't help but feel happy to meet you again.
All this time he realise you were indeed an ideal match for him.
But sometimes he is concern of your low self-esteem as you often kick out of job because of that.
"Live in with me then"
"I know it is not idealistic but... I want you to live with me I will take care of money as you can work at my apartment that way no worries for money and rent as you can repay-"
You hugged him happily in joy. Oh how glad you were to bring it up.
Kunikida couldn't help but be flustered.
But you knew you couldn't get what you want on things of sort after all... Kunikida will and make you an ideal women of his.
Despite you trying to refuse but somehow you knew... Instead of you manipulating him he is the one gaslight you intot submission.
People assume you both as green flag perhaps you were but... The saying goes two red flags make it green.
A:n- that is all good day/night to all!
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uriwoos2 · 3 months
Baking with Leehan??? Like that would be the best thing everrrr
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another baking w bonedo thought 😞 I'm actually so soft and devastated w the cute scenarios that pop up in my head at these reqs PLEASE. but ok ok baking w leehanie ! <3
so firstly, I think the idea to bake together would come about really randomly! like when you're hanging out w him casually, watching a movie or eating together or sth, you'd mention how much you love chocolate brownies and he'd be like, then let's bake them U ´ᴥ` U ! <3 baby really is ready to do everything as long as it makes you happy :(
I think in leehan's case, he'd be the one following your instructions, simply bcuz he trusts you to do the hard stuff, but he'll help out too of course!! albeit a bit confused and tinsy bit clumsily but he'll be super careful not to make a mess :'( <3
he'll go extra quiet while concentrating and you would not want to disturb him while he's being so serious abt it but at the same time, I can imagine the irresistible adorable little pout he'd make. he's just so cute, I can't :(( </3
so because of that, right as he's done with his task you'd tickle his sides and u'll get to see that pretty pretty toothy smile of his ( っc ) along with the cutest giggles ever! but beware of his revenge! cuz he'll tickle u twice as much, AND pick u up to spin you around at the same time ૮ / / / ⍝ა I might actually just faint... he's the cutest <3
he'll also (not so) sneakily put some of the batter on ur nose and act all innocent afterwards. like... mister! there's no one else in the room, who else could be to blame !! <3 and then he'll just chuckle and peck the tip of your nose, after gently cleaning the batter off ૮ ˊ͈ . ˋ͈ ა
you best believe tho that he'll be at his fish tank the moment u put the tray in the oven to bake. he'll be looking at his fishies to pass the time, and you'd ask him to tell u abt them and then will listen to him cutely rant abt his babies in the softest voice filled with so much adoration <3 <3
he'd be the one taking the brownies out the oven once they're done of course! since he doesn't want u to touch it while it's hot. :(
and then you realize that you don't have any ice cream to put on the brownies, and your frustration would show on ur face. the second he finds out what ur displeased about he'll be running off to sort it out :(( </3 it has to be perfect, he wants you to enjoy the treat to the max!! ♡ˎˊ˗
and as you guys sit down to have the brownies, (that surprisingly came out so good!) his plate would be long forgotten as he'd just be staring at you with heart eyes the whole time, just watching you eat. he'd just tell you he loves to see you eating well :( :( :(
would definitely offer to bake w you again, seeing how much fun you had the last time.. like you'd be out on a date and he'll just drag u into the supermarket to get the ingredients on your way home. he'll just announce that you're baking cookies tonight all enthusiastically (ˊ•͈ ꇴ •͈ˋ) loveliest baby boy just loves to see you happy, and will give u all the sweetest treats in the world ! ♡
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ladymarycrawley · 2 years
You're mine and mine only - Trent Alexander-Arnold
Request: Hi could you write a Trent Smut where he gets jealous of his teammates and fucks y/n hard to let her know who she belongs to, sth like angry sex
Warning: smut with some foul language, kinda long (I’m more of a fluffy sex girl but I tried my best 💗)
Tag list: @masonxomount​ @chelsealover​
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Trent was kind of a jealous boyfriend, not in a toxic way but let's say he didn't like when someone got way too close to you than what he thought was acceptable. Especially when this someone was one of his teammates.
That someone was Mason Mount who was there exchanging some funny jokes with you, therefore making you laugh. It looked like you were really enjoying his company and Trent was fuming, his stare fixed on you in a frown.
"That was good, wasn't it, Trent?" Jordan asked his younger teammate, carrying on with whatever they were talking about.
"Mhh yeah" He lost the focus and therefore the interest in keeping up with that conversation as he was busy glaring at his national teammate.
"What's up mate?" Marcus asked him, seeing as he stopped listening to them and tried to follow where his stare was falling on and having a little laugh when he realised what was happening. 
"Ohh someone's getting jealous" He mocked him, Jordan and Jude doing the same soon after.
"Shut up" Trent was getting quite nervous and that was such a funny sight for the other players who were with him.
"Come on dude, that's okay, they're just talking"
"Uhh she just touched his arm!" Jude squealed, earning a glare from Jordan that silently admonished him.
"They're having a nice chat, that's all"
Trent stopped talking and turned to his friends with a fake smile "If you'll excuse me I have to go now"
"Don't be silly, Trent" Jordan tried to talk some sense into him but with no success at all.
The Liverpool player got up and got closer to you, who were standing a few metres away from him.
He was a quite introverted guy so in your relationship the closest thing to pda people could see was him holding your hand at best so when in that moment you felt him hugging you from behind, his hands placed on your hips and his lips kissing your jaw you couldn't help but blurt your eyes out.
"What are you doing?" Your tone was quite sursprised.
"Mason was just showing me pics of his nieces, they're adorable!"
The Chelsea player was embarrassed and clearly in distress, scratching the back of his head as Trent succeded in making him feel like he was thridwheeling.
 "I think we should go now" Trent whispered in your ear. He pressed his body closer to yours making you gasp when you felt his hard bulge.
"It was nice talking to you Y/N, see you"
"Bye…Trent, what's wrong with you?? I was just talking!" You protested, aware that your boyfriend was just acting out of jealousy. 
"You were all giggly and all over him"
"What? Oh God Trent…grow up"
When you tried to sneak away from him he pulled you by your wrist, forcing you to look at him.
"Not that fast, princess"
"What do you want?"
He got closer to your ear once again, his voice coming out as the sexiest whisper ever that sent goosebumps all over your skin.
"You've been a naughty girl and I'm not happy with that…take that gorgeous bum of yours out of here, someone needs a lesson"
You gasped, knowing it was good for you to shut up and follow his instructions. 
When he guided you out of the venue by your hips, Jude shouted "Go easy on her!"
You couldn't see him but he smirked and mouthed in response "I won't"
The ride back home was pure hell as you stood there in your seat in silence, fiddling with your fingers as Trent kept his eyes on the road, a smirk that didn't cease to leave his lips.
When you stopped at the traffic lights, he looked at you out of the corner of his eyes, already savouring his sweetest revenge on you. He moved his hand away from the steering wheel to slowly push it towards your thighs and between them, smiling knowingly as his sudden gesture made you squirm a little and got you kind of wet already.
"This pussy is already waiting for me, good"
You sighed, hoping the light would turn green soon for you to go home and having him all to yourself.
As soon as you arrived home, he slammed you against the wall near the front door, blocking your arms above your head. His grip was so tight his knuckles turned slightly white as his lips moved voraciously over yours: he had been waiting for that moment all night, to please himself and give you a lesson for your demeanour that he deemed to be disrespectful.
His free hand shifted along your thigh to grab it and put it around his hip.
Trent was a really good lover, not because he was your boyfriend but because he objectively was, knowing full well your weak spots and how to make the most of them.
“Can’t wait to fuck you so hard you forget his name” He slurred in your ear, licking your upper lip before trapping it between his lips again and again.
You couldn’t wait for it either, you loved it when he was rough with you…the thought of what you were about to do made you moan against his lips, your legs suddenly weak not able to keep you upright.
He noticed your legs giving away and shifted his right hand, still busy holding your hands up against the wall, down to circle your waist, in order to support you.
You hopped in his arms, arms and legs tangled around his athletic body that was effortlessly holding you up. 
Gladly your hands were now free to run through his hair, along his shoulders and you loved feeling him that close to you. The scent of his perfume so strong it made you feel high, high with love and lust for that man.
“Take me to bed” You purred behind his ear.
Were you asking for him to punish you? That was what Trent was hoping for.
He slapped your arse making you hiss loudly.
“Such a good girl for me” Trent smirked, eager to make you his, as he let you back on your feet.
You bit your bottom lip and took his hand in yours, guiding him to your bedroom, you knowing the way to it way too well you could have gone there with your eyes closed.
As you entered the room, he pushed you on the bed, ordering you to lie down and stay still.
“Get naked”
Trent stood there, at the edge of the bed, enjoying you taking the dress you chose for that night’s event off. He stopped your undressing when the only thing left on your body were your knickers.
You were there, nearly naked only for his eyes only to see it and he was about to make you his like never before. That image made his dick twitch inside his boxers in excitement.
His fingers started to trace a light trail from your groin down to your calf taking then one leg to place it on his shoulder, doing that with the left one as well.
Your man always looked breathtaking but when he was between your thighs you swore he turned into a beautiful angel, an angel who was about to give you hell.
“It’s a pity I have to rip these off”
A thing you would usually do at him saying that was whine, getting frustrated everytime he thought it was a good idea to force you to buy a new lingerie set every week. But not that time: you were so caught in the moment you didn’t have the strength to complain, he could have ripped your entire closet as far as you cared.
The lack of moans from your part made him look at you a bit longer, waiting for you to whine to him.
God, you were perfect to him, completely abosrbed you were there just waiting for him to treat the way he wanted.
“You look so hot right now” His body hovered over yours, your faces dangerously close “ I love the way you look when you want me to fuck you” 
You were already a moaning mess, doing it right into his mouth as he kissed you, your lips engaged in a sensual fight for dominance you gladly let him win.
The Scouser bit on your love handles before taking that tiny piece of clothing that was your underwear off your body.
"This pussy is all yours" 
"All mine, is it?" He huskily asked you, lust filling him to the brim and controlling his every gesture, from his voice to his eyes that got darker, blinded by the hunger and jealousy he had been feeling since the moment he saw you giggling with Mason earlier on.
"Yes daddy" 
That nickname made his eyes go wider: it was the first time you were calling him that and he did like it.
You were a rather shy person, in bed included, so watching you being that uninhibited made himself feral and he liked that new side of you, a lot.
"What did you just call me?" That literally drove him crazy, taking him to tighten his hand around your jaw to express his dominance over you.
"Mmm…daddy"  The strangled moan that his rethorical question elicited from you, was so full of desire it made him shiver.
He licked his lips, moving his hand down your neck, through your breast ending that imaginary line when his fingers came in contact with your pussy. That touch only was enough to make you shake since you were already aroused enough.
“You know this belongs to daddy, mh?”
“Yes…” Your eyes were closed, both because of the unbearable passion and because you knew that if your gaze met his you wouldn’t have survived much longer. He was irresistible to say the least.
“And you’re so wet for daddy” He smirked, pleased with the effect he was having on you.
His fingers spread your entrance open , as if to admire it, knowing he was the only one who could see you like that.
You pushed your hips up in a silent invitation for him to eat you out and it didn’t go unnoticed to the Scouser.
“My slut’s needy, mh?”
“I need you so bad” You moaned, trying to reach for his arm.
“Ha ha, you have to be good and patient” He warned you, the amused note in voice making you kind of nervous. He really wanted to make you pay for what you did, daring to share a joke with one of his teammates, and he wanted you to remember that night for a long time.
“Oh poor baby…you should have thought about the consequences of your actions” He breathed on your lips before licking them.
Trent’s mouth started tracing a passionate trail along your panting body, stopping when he arrived at your thighs’ height.
He breathed kisses on your inner thighs, without actually touching your skin leaving just some licks here and there. That felt like the most painful torture at that moment and the only way you could release the tension was pulling his hair and the sheets you were laying on but you couldn’t sinceyour hands were tied to the headboard. You just had to resist and that was part of the punishment.
Trent closed his eyes and brought his tongue closer to where you needed him the most, starting to play with your clit open mouthed.
Your pants and moans got louder and louder and he was enjoying it so much he sped it up, moving his tongue faster while keeping his eyes open on you because he didn’t dare to miss that show for the world, aching for him rather desperately.
For his own taste you were moving a bit too much so he kept you in place by circling his hands around your thighs; you had to suffer in the end. And you liked it way too much.
The perfect rhythm of his tongue was sending you into overdrive, he could make you feel so good anytime you were sure it was like his secret skill.
He alternated his tongue work with some good clit sucking that made you roll your eyes back in utter pleasure, your pussy clenching around him. When he noticed you were getting wetter, he knew you were ready to take it to the next level so he started rubbing his thumb against your clit in slow, circular motions making you gasp and waiting for his next move to happen.
He then released his grasp around your thighs and let you move your right leg in order to place it over his shoulder, knowing that angle would have lead you to the edge.
Then he glided his middle finger in you, waiting for your reaction and when he saw you gasping he pushed his finger a bit further to slowly move in and out, increasing his speed as his thumb was still applying the perfect pressure over your mound.
He pushed faster and faster, adding a finger in you as his moves got frantic. You were literally screaming his name until you squirted all over him. That was exactly how he wanted to see you: defenceless and completely under his control. 
You have been so good you deserved a kiss and that's what he did, moving upwards to meet your lips, as his index and middle fingers were still stroking your labia, making your whole body shudder when his plumpy lips came to leave your mouth to wrap them around your hard nipples. His tongue lapped around the left one, right and left before sucking on it. Then he did the same with the right one.
You were sure you were in heaven because everything around you disappeared and he was out of this world, taking you to places you could have never seen without him. 
Trent wrapped his hands around your ankles so as to spread your legs as wide as he could before kneeling in front of you. He untied your hands, squeezing them in a reassuring motion before taking his place back between your legs.
"Be a good girl now" You nodded.
"You can fuck me whenever you want" The only thing you wanted was for him to fuck you with all the passion and lust he had piled up in him.
He slapped his hard cock against your pussy a few times, making you shiver asking for him to put it inside you instead of just being a tease: you had enough of all that teasing you ran your hand down his legs to push his dick inside of you yourself. 
"I want all of it, give me all of it"
Trent smirked, squeezing his fingers around your wrist to stop you.
"I have to do it, princess"
His teasing went on: he let his tip only inside of you. He was aware of the pain he was inflicting you but he wasn't sorry in the slightest, you deserved each and every bit of it. Next time you would have thought twice about acting all charming with Mason.
"Don't tease"
"Don't tell me what to do" He groaned, his hand grabbing your face tighter. His thumb grazed your parted lips, you immediately taking it in your mouth to start sucking on it.
He placed his arms at either side of your head, propped on his forearms.
"Such a good girl"
You smirked as he brushed his nose against yours, in what was the only innocent sweet gesture of the night.
The Liverpool player looked down at your bodies for a moment, to savour the instant when his member entered your pussy in such a perfect way, eliciting a loud gasp from you.
"Yes" You moaned satisfied as he was finally filling you with his lenght, arching your back and grabbing the sheets tighter. 
"If you behave I'll let you ride me later" He muttered before you could even form an answer as he started pounding into you mercilessly. 
His weight was pressing over your body perfectly, loving the feeling of his broad muscles bobbing over you, even more so when you clenched your hands around his arms or ran your fingers over his shoulder blades. That man was a living tease, making you feel the happiest even when he wanted to "punish" you.
Each thrust took you closer to ecstasy, he could do it like no one. 
Both your moans came out as muffled sounds due to the messy kisses you were giving each other.
"Oh yes, right there" You tugged at the dreadlocks at the nape of his neck, praising him as he pushed deeper inside of you reaching your G spot.
Your nails were leaving scratches all over his back as he was filling you so well.
"Who's fucking you this good, mhh?"
"You daddy"
Trent's pushes became fierce, wanting every part of your body to feel him, to fill you perfectly.
“T, I’m close” You breathed out as you felt your second orgasm building up inside of your walls.
“Cum baby” He grunted, pushing even further into you. “Cum for me”
You moaned in his ear, pushing your hips up to meet his own movements. Trent was close too, grunting when he felt you clenching around him.
"Yeah cum inside daddy please, cum inside me" You begged him rather desperately as he was taking you over the edge with his deep thrusts. 
You came first, your juices coating his member as he gave some more pushes into you to reach his own orgasm too.
As he released his load into you, satisfied moans left both your mouths before collapsing on the mattress.
“Fuck…that was amazing” You were trying to catch your breath as you were still panting due to the heavy sex session you just had.
Trent came down from his own high, and down from your body, to lay next to you, a smirk painted on his lips.
The movement of his chest raising and falling as he was trying to catch his breath was an entrancing sight to you.
You placed your leg over his and leaned over his body, your lips started leaving kisses against his abdomen, his collarbones and his neck, in a sweet yet seductive way.
He groaned, actually pleased with your attention, opening his eyes when he felt your weight lift to get on top of him.
“You were amazing”
“Yeah, I know” He smirked cockily, earning a playful smack on his shoulder from you “I know a trick or two to please my woman and remind her who she belongs to”
That line made you blush as you buried your head in his neck.
“Stop being so cocky”
“You were pretty good too” He giggled, squeezing your buttcheeks as you were busy leaving kisses down his neck.
“I still have to ride you…you promised”
Trent grunted and tried to hide his face in the crook of your neck as you kept covering him in kisses.
“Don’t be naughty, or I’ll have to tie you again”
You giggled as you let your hand graze his cheek in a soft way before moving your lips to kiss his other cheek.
“Next time I’ll fuck you in front of the entire team"
"Does it mean I can have a threesome?"
"Nope!" He grabbed your face tightly in order to force you to look at him, right in his eyes.
"You're mine and mine only, okay?"
"Oh sorry…I tend to forget it" You smirked mischievously, straddling him.
He was yours too in the end so marking him with some love bites would have been good...he had horny girls looking at him or sliding in his dms all the time after all. You attached your lips to his neck again, biting on his skin.
Trent moaned, his hands roaming over your back only stopping to squeeze your butt. 
"Let me remind you of it then" 
That night was far from being over and you wouldn't want it any other way.
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xdjville · 8 months
wayv as not-so-common romance tropes - hendery
description: on a thursday afternoon you get assigned to a patient who's undeniably very good looking, but, as it turns out, not that good at skateboarding
pairing: patient!hendery x gn!nurse!reader
cw: descriptions of being hospitalised (nothing too serious) and needles (iv), one curse word at the end
word count: ~1,660
author's note: the second part is out!! enjoy hendery being down bad (i promise not everyone in this series will be a complete loser). just a psa to anyone that knows sth about nursing - i don't, so even though i tried to do some research i have no idea if this is accurate, forgive me if it's not (i've also never been to the er with a physical injury so i really don't know what it looks like) 🙏
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"room two-o-six, an accident on a skateboard,"
thursday, a quarter past two in the afternoon, about an hour and a half into your shift. you had already made a round around the unit to check up on some of the patients and went through a chunk of paperwork that was starting to pile up on your desk, when you got called in to take care of a newly arrived patient.
"wong guanheng. male, twenty four years old, crashed while doing tricks," the head nurse explained briefly, pushing up her thin framed glasses as she looked on the paper in her hands. "probably just a sprained ankle and some nasty bruises, he should be out by the end of the day." after adding some final details, she finished, sending a quick glance and an encouraging smile your way before twirling around unceremoniously to continue her own duties.
you followed suit, making your way to the nearby room two-o-six. you scanned the inside as you entered in an attempt to find the man you were supposed to take care of, which turned out to be an easier task than you had expected. among all of the patients who were placed in that room, there was only one person around your age, and only one person with their hair in the color of bubblegum. it was probably safe to assume you had found your target.
wong guanheng, as the head nurse told you, was sitting on his bed with one leg - the injured one, you guessed - stretched out, bedsheets folded and placed underneath for support. he was leaning back on the elevated backrest, eyes focused on whatever he was watching on his phone that he propped against his healthy leg, bent in the knee.
although you wouldn't dare to admit it out loud, it was hard to look past the fact that he was a very attractive person. in fact, he was so attractive that, for the first time since your rookie days, you felt your insides tighten and tie themselves into a knot from nervousness. but you were nothing if not a professional - you reminded yourself of the mantra you said every time something made you feel the opposite way, as you cleared your throat and approached the patient.
the said man looked up from his phone when you were a few feet away from him, and as cliché as it might sound, he swore that for the next few, very long seconds, everything was happening in slow motion. you began by introducing yourself as friendly as you could - something you did to every patient to make their experience of being in the hospital at least a bit more comfortable. silence fell between the two of you as guanheng tried to overcome the sudden dryness in his throat, before finally murmuring a barely audible "hi", and shutting off the phone in his hands that he just realised was still playing the video he had been watching.
you smiled politely in response and proceeded to ask a few basic questions to get a hold of his current state. his answers to each of them were short and quiet, they gave you all the information you needed to move on, but nothing above that. although you had to fill in some blanks yourself because of his mumbling, you managed to grasp that he fell from a ramp in a skatepark and was in mild pain (he said it didn't hurt, but you noticed the way he winced while trying to reposition himself on the bed).
guanheng's eyes followed your every move as you made your way to the iv stand next to him to prepare some painkillers. "must have been a tough one, huh?" you spoke up again in an attempt to ease his tension a bit as you opened the packaged needles and drug bottles. he didn't respond, appearing slightly puzzled, so you continued. "that skateboard trick you were doing. must have been a tough one to get you here."
his mouth formed into an 'o' shape, before quickly transforming into a thin line as he looked down to his hands in embarrassment.
"yeah, i tried... i was learning a new one," he stumbled on his words, trying to come up with something - preferably a full sentence this time - that wouldn't make him seem pathetic.
"i'm usually really good at this..."
if guanheng didn't feel stupid before, then after your chuckle and the disbelieving glance you sent his way, he certainly would.
done with the preparations, you informed him that you were going to insert the iv with painkillers, to which he didn't protest, fully aware that nothing sensible would come out of his mouth at that moment. and although that saved him some embarrassment, he knew you noticed the way he flinched at your touch when you took his hand to sanitise the area.
with that thought, he lowered his head to hide behind his bright colored bangs, face stained deep red from the nose to the tips of his ears. the warmth on his skin was so intense and overbearing that he didn't even feel the needle piercing through the skin of his palm, nor did he acknowledge the fact that it had been a good minute since you finished, and you were staring at him, amused.
"press that button if you need anything," you finally said, partially because you wanted to give him a break and let him actually rest, and partially because you knew you had to go on to your next errands. "you shouldn't walk untill you get a brace, so if you need to go somewhere just let me know."
having said that, you turned around on your heel, leaving guanheng in shambles, alone with his flushed face and rambling thoughts.
he was hopeless.
almost the whole day passed just like that. you met him another few times, either because he had called (though the first time it took him an hour of contemplating the pros and cons of going to the bathroom on his own and risking making his injury worse), or because you had to take him to the examination room to run some tests. every time, you would try to intiate a casual conversation, and at first he would reply with single words or nods of his head.
you caught on what was happening rather quickly - you weren't that oblivious. you saw him talk to the doctors without stuttering or his face turning all red, so you knew he felt the same clasp in his stomach at the sight of you that he made you experience. but in your head, it just didn't seem right to ask a patient out. and even though you were glad someone like him had interest in you, your ego getting a boost from seeing him getting shy at anything you say, you couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of anxiety that, although you thought the probability was small, your instincts might turn out to be completely wrong. you would simply never recover from the shame if any of the other nurses, let alone the head nurse, found out.
but as he seemed to get a bit more relaxed after a few times you came to check up on him, his scarce responses slowly turned into whole sences, untill he would not only engage in the conversations, but even start them.
"just so you know, i lied," he said one time, turning his head as much as he could to look at you as you pushed his temporary wheelchair from behind. you answered by shooting him a questioning glance and waited for him to clarify, "about the skateboarding thing, i'm not that good at it."
you giggled, stopping the mobility aid near the door to the doctor's office you had been heading to. you turned to face him, arms crossed at your chest, smile never leaving your face.
"yeah, i figured."
near nine thirty in the evening, guanheng was finally being discharged. all his tests came out good, the head nurse's prediction about a sprained ankle being correct. he had a brace put on, so he was standing on his own in front of you in the hallway as you were handing him the documents and intructions for a fast recovery.
"that's all, i hope you get well soon." you said, butterflies erupting in your stomach once again because of how close you were. you didn't let the small smile on your face disappear when you cursed them out in your head. the man thanked you, nodding his head as he briefly scanned the papers. you found yourself in silence - just like during your first meeting earlier that day, albeit nearly not as awkward. his eyes flickered between the prescriptions and your face before he sighed,
"it might be a weird thing to ask but..." he breathed out while his fingers played with the corner of the plastic sleeve that you had put the documents in, "would you mind giving me your number? you... you seem really nice and, like, i know it's technically your job and uh- wait, there's no, like, policy against it, is there?"
your couldn't stop your smile from growing even bigger as he hurried and stumbled on his words, his ears gaining the familiar, dark shade, that you had already seen several times that day.
fuck being professional, you thought, reaching for the pen you kept in the pocket of your uniform while looking around to see if anyone was paying attention, before taking the papers back into your hands. you quickly scribbled your phone number onto the backside of the top sheet, and passed them to him once again.
"nope, not that i know about."
and with that, guanheng left the hospital while clutching the records to his chest, grateful that he never got himself to practice skateboarding more often.
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emwritesfootball · 1 year
Formalwear | Kylian Mbappé
hey em! hope you’re well 💕could you pls write sth with my baby mbappe 😍 his gf runs her own enterprise and everyday she’s dressed formally and it turns him on so much. one day she shows up to his house in the middle of the night wearing a trench coat and nothing underneath 😈 and she’s really assertive and dominates him in bed for the night and he loves it. can you make it super duper smutty if poss 🥺
Warnings: a lil femdom, nipple play, cunnilingus, blowjob, light mention of edging
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You walked out of the bedroom ready for the day, tilting your head to one side to put in your earrings. Kylian was already at the table eating breakfast, his eyes lighting up when he saw you. 
“Good morning,” he said, giving you a quick kiss. “Busy day?”
“Yeah. Got an earlier-than-usual meeting followed by a presentation and then a very important meeting with a potential investor.” You were almost breathless recounting your upcoming day, excited for the challenges ahead.
“You’re going to look very sexy during that presentation. I wish I could be there.”
You shot him a grin, rolling your eyes as you poured yourself a cup of coffee to go. “Don’t worry - I'll give you the play-by-play later, as long as you return the favour.”
“Are you coming back here tonight?” Kylian asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.
“I wish,” you sighed, shaking your head. “I’ve gotta head home and make sure spiders haven’t completely overrun the place. You leave tomorrow for an away match anyway, right?”
“Oui, Le Classique against Marseille. I should be back by Sunday.”
You gave him one last kiss that held promise of things to come later. “I’ll see you then. Au revoir, Kyky.”
You watched Le Classique from your house, cheering on Kylian every time he got close to scoring a goal until he finally did. An idea sparked as you thought of ways to congratulate him when he got home.
Sunday evening, you stood in front of your wardrobe, surveying your options. Kylian was infatuated with all of your formalwear - pencil skirts, blouses, and of course, the lingerie you wore underneath them. 
You took your time getting ready, showering before assembling your clothing and putting it on. Each piece was meticulously selected along with your perfume and jewelry. You slid on your favourite pair of heels and slipped your trench coat on for the finishing touch before walking out the door.
Kylian was about to go to bed when he heard a knock at the door. He opened the door, his smile growing wide as he saw you on the other side. “I thought you couldn’t stop by tonight?” He said, leaning in for a kiss that you didn’t grant him.
“Thought better of it,” you replied, stepping inside and reaching for the buttons on your trench coat. “And after the way you played, I figured you deserved a little treat.”
Kylian’s eyes lit up. “What kind of treat, chérie?”
“Sit down and I’ll show you.”
Kylian did as you said, spreading his legs so you could see the growing bulge in his sweats. “Don’t,” you ordered when he reached for his cock, smirking when he immediately pulled away. “Good boy.”
Kylian’s eyes were locked on yours as you sauntered over to him, undoing one button at a time on the trench coat. His tongue poked out to wet his lips as you bared your cleavage. “Nothing on underneath?” He asked in French, switching to his native language.
“Nothing,” you confirmed, getting to the last button and shimmying the trench coat off your shoulders and let it fall to the floor. You let Kylian drink you in, knowing how good you looked naked in just heels and thigh-highs. 
Kylian swallowed hard. “I’ve been fantasizing about this.”
“I know.”
“Can I touch you?” He looked up at you, waiting for confirmation. When you gave it, Kylian reached for your breasts, running his thumbs over the hard peaks of your nipples.
“I think that’s enough,” you said, right as Kylian was about to put his mouth on your nipples. “Get on your knees.”
Kylian dropped to his knees, moaning as he did so. You propped one leg on the sofa so that your pussy was open to him. Taking his chin in your hand, you led him between your legs until his mouth latched onto your clit. You let out a moan as he licked and sucked at your dripping cunt, his fingers dipping into your hips for leverage. 
“Don’t stop, Kylian!” You whimpered, gripping the back of his head to hold him in place while you rode his face as you came. The orgasm rocked you and you were grateful you had him to hold onto as you composed yourself. Kylian looked up at you and you leaned down to give him a kiss, tasting yourself on his lips.
You walked toward the bedroom, Kylian at your heels. He laid down on the bed and you took pleasure in getting to undress him, freeing his cock and taking his length in your mouth until he was a whimpering mess, begging to cum, but you didn’t let him. 
“Patience, Kyky,” you chided, mounting him so you could ride him. “You’ll get to cum when I say so.”
You let Kylian give you two more orgasms before you let him cum, Kylian babbling his thanks as he came inside you.
“You’re going to spend the night, yes?” He asked, cuddling into you.
“You’ve still got my suit hanging in your closet, right?”
“Of course.”
You fell asleep in his arms, both of you wishing you didn’t have to get up for work in the morning.
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gyll-yee-haw · 9 months
ok but imagine jake has been away filming for so long and one time when you talk through the phone late at night you tell him you miss him sm and along the lines you say sth like „i can’t even come without you anymore” and he goes insane on dirty talk just to be at your doorstep the next day i-
I edited a bit and decided to give y'all an early Christmas presents, love you <3
Warnings: masturbation, phone sex, mentions of a reader who struggles to cum, very desperate reader, tiny mentions of being tied up and a lil dom!Jake.
You and Jake had been together long enough for you to get used to all his travels and how busy he got at work. But you still didn't.
He was now away for almost three months. You were losing your mind.
It was another one of those nights when you walked into your bedroom and sighed sadly before going to bed. Jake wasn't there to hold you. To talk to you with his sweet and relaxing voice while you rested your head on his chest and fell asleep.
That must be why sleeping was so hard. Why you kept tossing and turning and sighing frustratedly. You were angry. Sad. Exhausted. You gave up and decided to call him. You hated to bother him and you didn't want him to feel guilty for working so hard. But taking to him was usually the only thing that made you feel better on nights like that.
"Hi, love." He greeted you happily.
"Hey… oh god, it's so good to hear your voice." You told him, feeling a little better already.
"It's great to hear yours too." He chuckled. "So, how was your day?"
The two of you spent a few minutes telling each other stories that happened since the last time you talked. It was amazing, he warmed your heart and made you laugh a lot.
But at some point, the atmosphere got a little sad again.
"I just wish you were here with me." He told you. "Everytime I go out I see something and think 'I bet y/n would love this'… would be a lot more fun if you were here."
"Yeah, I think about you all day too." You said. "And then I curse you for being so fucking hot."
"What do you mean, honey?" He laughed.
"I'm desperate." You admited. "I'm so used to you fucking me so good. And now I can't even cum without you anymore."
There was a little moment of silence on the phone.
"Wait…" He finally said. "Are you telling me you didn't cum at all these last months?"
When Jake traveled for only a few days, you always made a deal to not masturbate, cause when you saw each other again, it would be awesome. But since he would be away for months, you agreed it would be okay, in case you needed to.
"No, all I do is disappoint myself." You shrugged.
"We need to fix that, baby…" He suggested. "Come on, do you want my help? I'm here now... listen to my voice and do what I say, okay, princess?"
Something about that drastic change on the tone of the conversation gave your stomach butterflies.
"Okay... what... what should I do?" You asked.
"Okay, listen to me." He instructed you. "You're gonna lay on your back. Take your panties off. Flex your knees like I was on top of you and you were wrapping them around my waist... like you could feel me deep inside you, remember that feeling?"
Your heart was racing. You really hoped that would work, cause he was getting you worked up now.
You followed every step of his plan, and told him: "Done".
"Good girl. Now spit on your fingers and start touching your pussy until you're wet enough."
You brought your fingers to your mouth, then guided them to your folds, trying to recreate the path Jake's tongue usually follwed. But it still felt like you were touching any other part of your skin. It wasn't like that with Jake. Whenever he just LOOKED at your pussy he already had you bucking your hips.
"Baby?" He called after you were silent for too long.
"It's boring." You told him.
"Use your imagination, honey." He chuckled. "If I was there, what would you like me to do to you?"
"Anything you wanted. Absolutely anything at all."
"Oh yeah?" You could hear the smirk on his voice. "I think I would like to tie your hands above your head and rub the tip of my cock on your clit until you were crying. Then I would shove it inside you at once, and fuck you mercilessly, make you look like a dumb little slut, absolutely speechless, but so fucking beautiful with her eyes rolled back, screaming my name…"
"Fuck." Now you were wet. And even more desperate than before. There wasn't a single cell on your body that didn't crave his touch. "You're making it worse…"
"Oh my God, baby…" He ignored your negativity. "You can't imagine how fucking hard I am for you now."
"Let me see!!!" You begged. "Let's FaceTime instead."
"No, keep touching yourself." He said firmly.
"Please, I can't do it…" You insisted.
"I am helping you, angel. You have to learn how to take care of yourself when I'm not home." He explained.
"What about a video? Or just a photo?"
"Don't be a little brat just because I'm not there to slap you. I can simply turn my phone off and go to sleep, leave you on your own. Is that what you want?"
"No, sorry, sir…"
"Good. Now touch your clit, baby… just I do, you know how you like it."
You closed your eyes and tried to picture the things he said before. You lead two fingers to your clit and started rubbing it slowly. At first, it still felt like nothing. But when you hit just the right spot, your back arched and you moaned.
"Yes, good girl… feel good, huh?" He reacted to your moans.
"Yes, Jakey… fuck…"
You kept rubbing that very specific spot and moaning just to let Jake know you were feeling good. Still wasn't as good as it was when he did it with his big fingers, but at least you were feeling something.
"You sound so beautiful right now, angel. Wish I was there to taste you. That's why I don't wanna FaceTime you, honey. Do you think I'm not dying to see that pretty pussy? Of course I am, but it hurts that I can't put my mouth on it. Lick it real good until your legs are shaking around my head. I miss it so much, fuck…"
His words alone were driving you crazy, but it was the sound of him stroking his cock that made your pussy clench around nothing.
"Talk to me, pretty girl. I'm stroking my cock, thinking of you too." He asked sweetly.
"Fuck... need you… what if I can't do it?"
"You can do it, baby. Don't you feel good right now? Rub it harder, baby."
"Hhmm... I need to cum so bad…" You grew more desperate as time passed and you couldn't even imagine how terrible it would be to not be able to do it that night.
"You will, angel. Looks like I'm gonna have to give you a lesson about patience when I come back." He threatened you, and you would do anything to have those lessons now.
The waves kept coming and going. Just when you thought were going to cum, you got all excited but it went away. You were so fucking wet that your fingers slipped through your folds and you missed the spot several times, making you sigh frustratedly. Jake knew it usually didn't take you that long, and he was getting close himself, just picturing you laying there desperate, soaked, legs in the air, rubbing your pussy so hard while you thought about him.
"I can't do it, I can't." You cried out.
"Please, babygirl." He was the one begging now. "Please cum for me, be a good girl for me, I can't hold it much longer…"
You closed your eyes and imagined he was sitting right beside you, ready to shoot his load on your belly and your breasts. It was a pretty realistic fantasy, cause you could hear his moans through the phone, indicating he was really close.
That was it. Suddenly, another one of those waved came. This one was so strong, and just wasn't going away like the others did.
"OH FUCK!" You moaned loud and excitedly. "I'm coming right now, oh my God, right… now... fuuuuck…"
"Yes, babygirl, do it…" He said, feeling his own orgasm building. "Don't stop, oh fuck…"
Fucking finally. It had been so long. Your back arched and all your muscles flexed and you moaned during every second of it. When your body relaxed, you weren't capable of doing anything, not even thinking.
"Baby, talk to me, fuck." Jake called for the third time, but you didn't even hear the first ones.
"I did it." You told him, all smiley. "I'm in heaven, I swear. Fuck... I needed this, so bad..."
"Proud of you, babygirl." He chuckled. "But you should have told me this so much earlier."
"I definitely should." You agreed. "Do you think we can do this again someday?"
"Not a chance." He sighed frustratedly. "I swear I'm getting on the first plane tomorrow. My baby needs me and it breaks my heart to not be there for her..."
After all, you knew that both of you could touch yourselves all you wanted, even together like you just did, but nothing would compare to the real thing.
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wachtelspinat · 5 months
Hey, I just came across your post about how you’ve been feeling a disconnect from you and your art and about how you feel a mix of guilt for drawing the same fanart for so long….i just want you to know how nice it felt to see someone I have admired for so long going through the exact same thing I am. I have never played Overwatch or anything, but I’ve been following you for years….your art has always been such a source of inspiration. So I’m really sorry you’ve been feeling this way…..but I’m in a very similar boat…so please don’t feel like you are alone. I’ve been drawing Homestuck garbage for years and I also feel that mix of “it’s fine because it makes me happy” but also “you should be doing more”…..it’s not a fun cycle to constantly be battling with in your brain. But being an adult sucks ass, it has honestly felt like a process having to adjust to not having a sense of community like we did in the earlier days of tumblr or whatever else. But please know that your art has meant so much to me and everybody else and that you are not alone in your feelings ❤️ sorry this was massively cheesy….just wanted to give a virtual internet hug lol Also being a part of a “dead” fandom is always very lonely….i feel you on that so hard my guy lol
hey thanks so much for reaching out, it means a lot. i'm sorry to hear that you are in a similar pickle tho...
to give an update on that particular feeling and situation over here, i've been drawing more again, the pace just got adjusted, and i've kind of made my peace with this. doing a deep dive into older fandom bits also brought some sense back into my head... i actively reconnected with the things that made me love my blorbos in the first place again. which feels great. there is some lonliness to this because as current news about the game and fandom tendencies go still make me feel alienated. but i'd rather take this and do my own thing with the few people who also remember the good times than giving up on my boys or trying to bend myself into a different shape and draw sth that i actually don't want to for the sake of staying relevant.
it all actually boils down to "do what you want, draw what you want, write what you want, share if you want". because at the end of the day i make myself happy by just indulging into envisioning them and drawing unspoken interactions and their faces a hundered times from the same angle <3
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jennyandvastraflint · 7 months
I love Ncuti and how bold and bubbly he is and his take on the show is, but can we also please talk about how if Jodie talked about the character and show how he has (the slutty outfit comments etc) she'd be fcking eviscerated? Similarly, I love Chris and how he had firm ideas for his role but doesn't care for the show in general its just a job, but I always think about how he's treated as a fandom king despite that and defended for it whereas Jodie has continually been shat on for not being obsessed with the show (when she demonstrably has more knowledge of it than he does). Or how every other actor is allowed to both have an original take on the character and reference other Dr's in their portrayal but Jodie is simultaneously lambasted as "just copying" others and "not acting like the Dr". LIKE. The double standards are awful and there is no way she can win. If she rocked up tomorrow knowing in depth about, say, the 3rd Dr people would say she's pretending to look legit or too little too late or sth (like how she likes 10, and people mock her for having a normie fave like he isn't the most popular nu Who Dr).
Literally this, anon. I think it boils down to the double standard women are met with in fandom spaces of SciFi for instance that are generally seen as male-dominated. This of course doesn't just affect women but also queer people (mostly non-men) and non-white people. There truly is no winning; either you're seen as someone who knows nothing and is a fake fan, or as a try hard and know it all. Genuinely people for instance ADORE Matt Smith despite him (to my knowledge) also not having known that much about it. And let's not forget Peter is also a super fan and he was in the beginning received badly too, simply for not being the young(ish) white cishet man most dominantly seen as a show's protagonist. And Jodie is a GIRL DOCTOR! HOW DARE!??? What I particularly enjoy is the way she went out of her way to always clearly state in her outfit, acting, and at conventions and in interviews, that her Doctor isn't "the female one" but just "the Doctor" and that her Doctor is for anyone. And then RTD is all "WE CAN'T PUT DAVID TENNANT INTO GIIIIRL CLOTHES!!!" when Jodie's outfit is literally androgynous af, and DT has literally worn women's clothes for multiple other things. For instance Good Omens. Much Ado About Nothing. Etc.
Yeah anyway... The way this fandom will hound you as soon as you uh. Exist as a person they perceive as female, is... certainly something, and the reason I stay well clear of fandom at large.
I think having smaller corners of fandom you interact with is the best way to engage with media anyway. I feel quite at home screaming into a room of like 7 other people about the Paternoster Gang, and I have a wonderful friend group around 13s era.
Perhaps I'll pick up the show again at some undefined point when RTD leaves or something. But he first and foremost is the reason I just CANNOT. Plus obviously his "RTD can do no wrong" cult following who apparently had so little to do that they commented how terrible 13 is on every single* post during her era...
Quite frankly, the Extended Universe offers more than enough, and hey, unlike RTD, they don't treat sapphic characters as practically non-existent :)
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lasirenatarot · 1 year
Could you do a reading on Lewis Hamilton. There were rumours about him & Shakira (which I highly doubt) ...
Ohhh, this one will be long bc I want to find out about the Shakira stuff👀
Lewis Hamilton:
Question 1: What is going on in his life currently?
Cards: justice; knight of wands; 2of wands; 4 of swords; page of swords; judgement
He’s thinking about 2 equally good options he has to choose from, that probably is about work.
He may be having a hard time leaving the past and past successes behind, hard time getting used to the fact things are not the same anymore. (Probably work again) Things may be out of his control and he needs the trust the Universe, or God or whatever u’d like to call it that he will get what he deserves even if it’s not the same thing he tought he wanted. He needs to keep it 100% real with himself and decide what he does not need anymore in his life, he may be thinking it’s better to follow a new career path idk? Im not saying he will, but I am getting that he is definitely considering it.
He might be quite petty and more cut throat with his words these days and not have a filter on what he says to ppl, he needs to be more careful with that for his own good tho. He seems quite energetic and ready for new adventures, travel etc while at the same time resting, healing and thinking things thru. He may go on a holiday retreat or sth to clear his mind.
Question 2: What is going on in his love life currently?
Cards: 9 of pentacles; 9 of swords; 5 of swords; 6 of wands; 2 of swords
Lololol it’s funny that it’s getting shown in the cards, basically his very well-off financial situation is helping him enjoy his life to the fullest currently; his main/base needs are fulfilled (yk what😂); he is having a lot of options to choose from;
Someone ( a fling possibly) is not having the best interest when it comes to him, may be using him for attention, trying to taint his reputation. He might win this “argument” against this person and get away without losing anything, but it might feel somewhat demoralising for him.;
He may be currently realising his past mistakes when it comes to love; he probably has some anxiety/worries around the topic of relationships (commitment issues?). He probably needs to find balance between his love life&professional life.
To finish the reading i pulled few oracle cards:
What is the dynamic between Lewis and Shakira?
- Nothing we have not already suspected honestly😂
From his side I feel it’s just random meetings, more like business/friendship, nothing serious. She seems like is more open to dating him (although I doubt she actually likes him fully), starting sth with him in order to find solace, move on from her ex.
Idk, to me it looks like they both are using each other (and they both fully realise that); briefly, strictly business, good PR, nothing serious from both sides. If something IS going on tho, again, nothing serious, probably hooking up, although I don’t see it in the cards..🤷🏼‍♀️ /posted on july 27, 2023/
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