#it's still redish but...less
autism-corner · 9 months
idk if my new hair colour actually looks good or if its just because i washed my hair :/
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yuristarz · 6 months
Hello! Welcome to the first real chapter of Krampuslauf. I know i just posted the prolouge a bit ago, but I'm so excited about this concept right now that I just had to continue writing. I hope you guys like this one!
(English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes)
A nice Christmas getaway, this is what this should've been. An out from your regular stressful life, but things quickly turn from sweet to sour after a certain someone or something invites himself into your life.
A König x fem!reader fanfic inspired by the folktales of Krampus
Disclaimer: he talks about hurting reader but not in detail!!!
This is an 18+ story, so minors please dni!
The bathwater is luke warm when you get out, the wine glass is empty and you're well relaxed. After taking one of the fluffy towels you wrap it tightly around yourself and go towards the sink it's time to get ready for bed. Your luggage can wait, you'll have time for that tomorrow.
Reaching the master bedroom after quickly pulling your pajamas out of your suitcase you smile to yourself. This bedroom is a massive upgrade from yours back home. A king-sized bed a great view and even a fireplace. Yeah you can definitely manage with this place.
Falling into the bed felt like falling on a cloud, soft, warm, and fuzzy. The amounts of blankets and pillows comforting to the touch. Immediately the exhaustion sets in, the jetlag and the long drive finally catching up. After getting comfortable you quickly fall into a dream-less sleep.
You made it almost pitifully easy for him to stalk you. Leaving your curtains open like this, like you want someone to watch you be so vulnerable. His masked head tilts as he focuses on you. Leaning against the windowsill, his eyes glowed an ominous redish blue through the two holes at the front.
After a while of watching you a thought made its way to his head, he could just break in right now...do horrible things to you, unspeakable even. Make sure after he's done with you, people will fear him again. No, not tonight it's too early he tels himself. he'll let you live a bit longer.. let you settle in.
And when the time is right, he'll make you wish you had stayed wherever you came from...
The morning sun makes you squint your eyes as you slowly rise from the bed and stretch. You look around the room again, and your gaze stops by the window. Weird... yesterday an even coat of snow covered the windowsill. You were sure of it, maybe it was a bird or squirrel or it was always like that. Probably nothing to worry about.
After getting up and making your way downstairs you rummage through the cupboards and fridge. There isn't much to eat, mostly dry stuff and a few cans of fruit and onw with stew. You'd definitely have to drive to the small village at the bottom of the mountain to get some more things to eat.
After a quick meal consisting of crackers and some marmalade, you take your suitcases and drag them up the stairs to your bedroom. Opening the big doors to the wardrobe you start to stuff your clothes in it, making sure to put together an outfit together on the way. Now done with stuffing the wardrobe, you push your empty luggage under the bed and get changed.
You walk down the stairs once more and put your winter boots on by the door. As much as you'd love to just stay holed up here in the mountains for the next 14 days you still need food, so that meant driving down the snowie roads and getting enough food as to not make another trip down.
He watches silently as you walk out of the cabin and get in your car and start the motor. Good. That would give him some time to think about the best way to go about this.
Hi! Thanks for reading chapter 1 of Krampuslauf! It's a bit short but I think as the story continues they'll get longer. I hope you guys liked it. Constructive criticism is always appreciated <3
Since you wanted to get tagged :) @kneelingshadowsalome
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nakitengoku · 4 months
oc interview: 💙Vex💙
Shoutout to @mail-me-a-snail for tagging me in this post and also egging me along with getting into Cyberpunk 2077 and subsequently creating Vex 💫
(I don't have a single good photo of Vex so you instead get the Compilation of sillies I've drawn, many featuring Snail's Vance!)
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💙 Name?
"Name's Vex, but call me anything you like."
💙 Nickname?
"Some people used to call me V, but that was a while ago."
He used to be called Ghost when he was younger, being able to slip into the background unnoticed at any moment, but he later grew out of that. When he eventually adopted the name V, it was less of a nickname and more of a stage name. It's mostly forgotten now, but some hardcore fans will still recognize and call him V.
💙 Gender?
"Prettyboy 💖"
💙 Star sign?
"Oh, I used to be really into these! If I remember right, My sun and moon are both Libra. Missy could probably tell you more about what that means though."
I decided to take one out of Max's book and use the first time i drew him as his birthday, which if we're going by the absolute first concept, was September 26, 2022. He's changed a Lot since then. Also, reading up on libras with Vex in mind is just 💥
💙 Height?
He's actually 5'7 and a half.
💙 Orientation?
"Anyone able and willing. Why, you interested?"
If he cared enough about labels, it'd probably be pansexual. But by the end of the day, he doesn't really care what he gets called. As long as he gets what he wants out of it, anything's fine.
💙 Nationality/Ethnicity?
💙Favorite Fruit?
"Oh man, okay so I've only had it once at an after party forever ago, but it was this round, redish purple thing. When I bit into it, it was a little tart at first, but the inside was such a sweet taste that I was in heaven. By the time I finished and threw the pit away, there were no more left and I nearly cried. I haven't seen it since and I can't remember the name but man. Best organic thing I've ever tasted."
If you give this man a plum, he'd kill someone for you. Which isn't a lot given that that's his job, but still. He'd do it without expecting to be paid in money.
💙 Favorite season?
"Fall, for sure. While I was in Atlanta, they had these parks with trees that would change their colours to these gorgeous shades of reds and oranges. God, kinda makes me wish I could grow something like that here."
I don't actually know the plant life in Nevada or how much the temperature differentiates between the seasons in Night City, but I imagine that what shrubbery they do have there have leaves that are always green or simply non-existent. Vex saw a plant change colour outside of blooming and immediately fell in love with it.
💙 Favorite flower?
"Officially, Lilacs. But between you and me, I'm very partial to forget-me-nots."
He used to be gifted Lilacs all the time during his first career by Jonathan, his producer, but Vex always found himself enjoying the little forget-me-nots that acted as accent flowers than the actual lilacs themselves.
💙 Coffee, tea or Hot chocolate?
"Hot chocolate. Although, I will drink coffee in a pinch."
This man has the biggest sweet tooth. The amount of sugar he puts in his coffee before he chugs it down for the caffeine should be illegal. [I cannot judge bc I am the same way <3]
💙 Average hours of sleep?
'We talking Mean, Median or Mode?"
It varies so much that the actual average ends up being about 6, but um. Do not be fooled into thinking he's actually sleeping 6 hours every night. Think more along the lines of several all-nighters followed by crashing super hard for a day or two.
💙 Dog or cat person?
"Oh, a cat person. I'm just not home enough for a dog."
💙 Dream trip?
"I saw a pamplet once of Crater Lake in Oregon. It was something about the ten deadliest lakes in the world or something, but I'm just into how Blue it is. If I could, I'd visit the rest of those lakes too, but. Eh, I doubt it."
💙 Favorite Fictional Character?
"Hmm, it's a toss up between a side from this really long and old comic from the 2010's and the protagonist from a just as long manga from the 2000's. I think their names were Kanya and Ruffy? It's been 15 years though so don't quote me on that."
It's Kanaya from homestuck and Luffy from One Piece. He likes Kanaya because of her fashion sense and her dealing with the responsibility of her entire species on her shoulders. And he likes Luffy for his optimism and stubbornness. At one point, he imagined finding friends like Luffy did, being surrounded by so much devotion. The reasoning has since faded and he just barely remembers much about them now.
💙 Number of Blankets you sleep with?
"Eight. I like the weight and warmth."
His AC bill is through the fucking roof but he refuses to take a single blanket off, instead insisting on just making the rest of the room freezing. Giving him a weighted blanket wouldn't fix it, but he'd probably go down to five instead of eight.
💙 Random fact?
"When i was really little, my mom used to take me to a church. Don't think it exists any more, but I remember the Stain glass windows, how the light shone through and fell onto her. In normal lighting, I remember her looking pale a sickly, but once a week, with a statue of a half-god watching over us, my mother glowed. She was gorgeous.
"Anyway, I stopped going after she died. For a while it was because I never remembered what day it was, but later it was because I realized I only ever went to see my mom glow."
Thank you for tagging me, Max! This was much longer than what i thought when i was getting into it but I'm still glad I did it.
I can't think of anyone specific who'd want to do this, so if you see this and want to give it a try, please do and tag me! I'd love to see your little blorbos :)
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igotanidea · 1 year
Endless glorious purpose.
I'm back guys! Setting my mind on request that was send before. This one is for @emarich7 saying: For some reason I think Loki and Dream would be friends...like Dream would truly know Loki from his dreams and Loki would understand Dream and what he went through while caged up.
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Set in the post-TVA and post-restoring Dreaming time.
Apart from one redish light pulsating somewhere In the distance the room was dark. It was hard to say whether the place was big or small or where exactly it was situated, but during his time as a god of mischief Loki has seen a lot of different tricks and shenanigans, most of them caused by him so this… this was nothing that would scare him. Black haired man grinned in his signature facial expression and with all the dignity he could gather took a few steps forward.
“Show yourself!” he exclaimed “whoever you are, I know you are here. Acting like a coward, afraid to reveal your face.”
“Loki of Asgard” cold voice sounded in front of the god “such bold words of you.”
“I am a god.”
“And yet, you are in my realm with no real power here.” Dark clothed figure, which could soon be recognized as a man with chiseled black hair come into the view eyeing the other one carefully but also with dark expression.
“ And who may you be to say so?” Loki scoffed watching the newly arrived man with the mix of curiosity and condescending “who dare to stand against me?”
“I am Dream of the Endless. King of Dreams. Ruler of the nightmare realm.”
“Oh, Lord Morphues than” Loki grinned but the smile did not reach his eyes which stayed cold
“I presume you’ve heard about me.”
“Asgardian’s stories. I remember them vaguely.” Loki raised his head and his horny helmet and green robes appeared in the place of the plain ones making him look more royal and dignified “But if you’re here what does it mean?”
“So conceited yet so unbright”  Morphues spoke coldly facing Loki’s grimace. Before the Asgardian said anything more Dream Lord added “you are dreaming. You are a paradox. You should not even be here. You…. Died.”
“That was another timeline. Before I jumped  the version of myself from the past here.” The god waived his hand casually
“You did what?”
“Who’s unbright now, Dream Lord?”
“Watch your tongue, God of Mischief. You are still in my domain.”
“Seems like somewhere I could fit right in.”
“ Someone said that to me before and it did not end well for him.”
“Oh yes, one of your nightmares. What was his name? Corinthian, I suppose?”
“How do you know that.”
“You see, Dream Lord, you have your tricks and mind games and I have mine. So really there’s no way for you to intimidate me.”
“Is that so?”
“Oh, I’m sure. You want to bet on that?”
“I do not…. Bet. Albeit I made an exception for my sister.”
“Nice family relationship, huh? My sister tried to kill me and my brother and as a result blew up my home planet.”
“That’s unfortunate.”
“Interesting choice of words, Dream King.  But … yes, it was quite unfortunate indeed”
“My other sibiling tried to annihilate me too. Desire.”
“Oh? Can’t imagine why” Loki mocked “you are truly a delight to be around.”
Both men were still eyeing each other but the previous tension was now a bit less noticeable as they discovered some similarities between them.
“No. I hurt a lot of people and beings that were close to me. Like my Raven.”
“A raven? How wonderful. I had an alligator version of myself, once. A real predatory animal.”
“You can’t possibly imagine how predatory this bird can me. I used it my challenge in hell.”
“Yes.” Morphues’ eyes went a bit blurry at the memory “Snake-devouring, talons ripping….. Except Matthew, he’s more…. domesticated.”  
“Who’s Matthew” Loki frowned “nevermind. I don’t even know why I keep this banter with you.”
“Because whether you like it or not we are alike.”
“Oh! Oh, oh,oh!” Loki gave a short, mocking laugh “you are nothing like me. I have been through too much to even start this comparison.”
“You lost your mother, your brother and you life….” Morpheus trailed
“Stop it!”
“you did not succeed in fulfilling your so-called glorious purpose….”
“I’m warning you Dream Lord…..” the god’s face reddened slightly
“And now, from what I now you are trapped in some agency called……”
“Right. TVA.”
“I still don’t know how does that make us similar.”
“I …..” Morpheus stuttered but upon Loki’s gaze gathered himself “your effort, however futile are…. Interesting. I… may have had some struggles myself, feeling like ….. nothing at some point. Observing you was …. Uplifting. “
“Uplifling?” Loki hissed “Watching?! Do you think I’m your toy to play with?! I AM A GOD YOU….”
“Enough, Asgardian. I came to bring you relief in your sleeping hours.”
“I don’t need any help from you!”
“And yet, I am not asking. I am giving you a gift and you shall accept it.”
“Over my dead body!”
“Seems to me like we would be seeing each other more often now, God of Mischief. After all, it was my sister who pointed me towards you.”
“Oh, here we go again with the family drama.” Loki rolled his eyes “It’s like bantering with Thor…. Back… in the days” his voice broke a little
“My sister” Dream emphasized the word “Death. Mentioned something about you being lonely…”
“What now?! You sure you're not talking about yourself? If the stories are true you spend over a cantury locked up in some amateur, fumbler, self-appointed magus. How was that?"
Morphues said no word but his eyes turned a bit glassy.
"Don't you dare, Asgardian."
"I'll tell you how it felt - helpless, raging inside, planing your revenge on everyone responsible for the situation, pathetic...."
"You are forgetting yourself."
"Nah, I'm speakign from experience. When I first arrived at TVA they locked me away and kept inprisoned, so .... been there, done that. Whatever" he shook head getting rid of the memories. "What did your lovely sister ask you for? Perhaps I can try to change her mind?"
“Coming into contact with you. She sensed this … familiarization may enrich as both. “
“I cannot possibly imagine that.”
“Then we agree  on something, Asgard God. However, I will visit you again. As for now, this dream is over”.
Loki opened his eyes and found himself on the desert in the middle of nowhere in time and space, Sylvie sitting nearby.
“You were talking in your sleep.” She spat
“Really? What was I saying?”
“Something about God of Dreams?” she tilted her head frowning at her companion “oh, did you make friend during your little slumber? That is just adorable….”.
First it was the attitude of Morpheus and now mocking tone of the woman and Loki just couldn’t take it anymore.
“He is not my friend!!”
“Too bad, Death was right. Both you and her brother are in desperate need of one….”
She turned her head away, chuckling slightly leaving Loki with hundred of questions. Death came to contact with Sylvie? What the hell was all of this about?!
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
wait… Swapped Twins!Peach still has scars around her gem… did she have surgery done on her in this au too?
Yup! Still had surgery, but it was less because of an evil organization and moreso because she was evolved far too fast before she met Jigglypuff!
Because of that her gem was too small and was actively causing her pain, so Jigglyouff goes to a Professor who then takes the Amoharos to a Nurse Joy where they preform an emergency surgery. Because Amoharos's STILL need their head gem, they instead replace it with another redish looking Gem (Unbeknownst to them it contained an Amphoros-nite) it was the one that Peach latched onto so Puff demanded they use that one.
Bow they are surgery buddies! Especially since Puff has a Mega Stone embedded in her chest.
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almoststedytimetravel · 8 months
Ranking awakening pairs based solely on the hair colour they give the child
Lon'qu/Donnel/Kellem: Basic black hair, hard to wrong. Looks good but nothing special. B tier
Henry/Robin(Default): Am I delusional if I say this is the closest Inigo can get to having pink hair. Perhaps but I still think the low lights in his hair look pink so... S tier.
Frederick: Dark brown looks pretty good on him, nothing special though. B tier.
Ricken/Gregor: The redish orange colour they give isn't bad but it's not great either. C tier.
Libra/Vaike: Blond hair looks pretty good on Inigo. It's a nice soft colour. Though I will say Libra's blond looks a little softer than Vaike's. A tier.
Gaias: There's only on character who looks good with Gaias' bright Orange hair and Inigo is not one of them. However he doesn't look like total ass due to blue and orange being complimentary colours, though the shades to really match. C tier.
Chrom: The fact that Chrom's blue is just a little off from the blue of Inigo's clothes makes me a little infuriated. But it being a darker shade of the same blue makes it a little less infuriating. B tier.
Stahl: Not bad but the green undertones of his hair do bring it down a little bit when compared to Frederick. C tier.
Virion: Same problem with Chrom but worse. It's closer to the shades of his clothing but because it's so close but just a little bit off it makes me more mad! F tier, Virion is not allowed near Olivia.
Robin (But I gave him pink hair in the character creator): S+ tier. Do I really need elaborate, pink hair Inigo my beloved.
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@thealmightyemprex @goodanswerfoxmonster @amalthea9 @angelixgutz @bixiebeet @spengnitzed @ireneead @amalthea9 @tacticalcinnamonroll @stantzed
So, in my everyday life I have a pretty basic taste when it comes to clothing (basically, being clean and confortable I wear it).
That sayed, I find costume design on film and TV to be a very interesting way of telling a story and identifying a character's personality and social dynamics.
One iconic example of clothing that extablishes character are the Ghostbusters uniforms: they extablish the team's unity toward a common goal (fighting ghosts to win money and for science) and that they aren't above making their hands (and other body parts) dirty to reach sayed common goal.
But since the movie started a franchise of multiple universes, the uniforms didn't need to look always the same, and their design constantly evolved depending on the needs of the medium presenting the new universe, while keeping a sense of stylistic and thematic cohesion.
Possibly every person has their ranking of wich model for the uniforms they prefer, and tonight I will present my personal ranking.
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The original movie's model of the uniforms that went on to appear in the presentation pilot for the Real Ghostbusters cartoon, the videogame and the comics, and wich usually people think of and cosplay as when they hear Ghostbusters. I am not into light beige/kaqui, specially because it easily becomes dirty, and overall is not a good color to transmit personality, but for a storytelling standpoint it works to extablish that the Ghostbusters business is something new and they can't spend in luxurious clothes because their technology already demands a lot of money, so they will have to go with a cheap and weak beige fabric for practical reasons.
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Presenting the first attempt of experimenting with color coding to make the characters more distinct from one another, this costume design is a transition from something more basic to an insertion of color, with Ray remaining in a light beige tone, Peter wearing a darker, almost orange brown tone with greenish blue colar, Winston wearing a light shade of blue with redish pink colar and Egon wearing a medium shade of blue (turned green in some Marvel and NOW published comics) with a light pink collar. Probably still too sober color tones for my taste, but still very memorable.
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This japanese arcade game (with a video you can watch of a review made by canadian Youtuber Phelous) comitted the truly heinous crime of erasing Winston. Having vent now, the positive comment I can give is that I love this lighter colorfull uniforms, taking influence of the color coding from the Real Ghostbusters while also making it more bright and less sober. The yellow fits well with Ray's jolly personality, passionate and hedonistic Peter fits well with orange and the scientific minded Egon looks great in blue (tough I think green would fit better with his excentricity and his love for micology and the practical Winston would be more fitting for this dark shade of blue).
And my number one Ghostbusters uniform model is...
01° GHOSTBUSTERS 2 (1989)
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There are two isolated things in this sequel that were more interesting than in the first movie: a well extablished treat with the main villain Vigo the Carpathian, and the new dark gray uniforms.
Focusing now on analising the clothes, these dark gray uniforms can help the team to camouflage in dark enviroments if they want to surprise a ghost, feel more resisting to tearing and ectoplasm dirty, and fits better with what the Ghostbusters do: they don't control any pests like cockroaches or rats, they control monsters that are born from darkness, so these dark uniforms represent that they are scientists dealing with beings out of gothic scenarios.
Plus, when you combine then with a pair of shades, they become a memorable image just like a cocktail black dress:
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And that is why the dark gray uniforms are my favorite work costumes for the Ghostbusters team.
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eldrick-the-writer · 7 months
"A New World"
A JRWI Prime Defenders and Riptide crossover, takes place before the heart transplant arc and after the riptide pirates get out of the black sea. May contain spoilers for PD and Riptide. Also I have no clue what happened to Alphonse and the ship so Alphonse is still their robot pilot. ALSO OLLIE IS STILL A MEMBER CAUSE I MISS HIM.
2,274 words :3
1/? chapters
A teenage boy in a field, a flower field. Laying on his back, he looks up at the clouds. They seemed off, the sky seemed more red than usual. Was the sun setting? The young boy sat up and looked towards the horizon. Nope, no rising or setting sun, however there was something on the horizon.
Two silhouettes. Two teenage boys. He recognized them.
"Yo! Vyn, Will! Over here!" The young boy shouted over to the silhouettes, now moving their way through the flower field.
"Hey Dakota," One of the boys, William, shouted out happily hopping over a log. The other boy, Vyncent, smiled. Dakota smiled along. As the boys made it up to where Dakota had been sitting, he spoke out, "How would you guys like to go on an adventure?"
"Depends, what do you mean by 'adventure,'" William asked skeptically. They had all fallen victim to Dakota's weird adventures far too many times.
"Less of an adventure, more of a mystery! Somethings up.. quite literally," Dakota glanced up at the now redish pink sky. William glanced up as well.
"That.." William began, "That's odd, it isn't usually that color and it's very vibrant." Now that William mentioned it, the others realized it was more vibrant. It was brighter and more intense. And Dakoat, who has come here often, knew this wasn't normal for this place.
"Yeah I don't think that's good.." Vyncant began but just as he spoke, a loud crack came from above. As they were all glancing up they saw a large slice in the sky. They stood there for a second, only a second, until the slice grew. And grew, and grew. No, it wasn't growing. It was getting closer.
"Yeah nope we gotta go!" William screamed and grabbed the other two by their wrists. But before they could run, the slice had developed them and their vision went dark.
But only a few seconds later they could see again. Fully conscious.. and screaming. They felt as if they were falling, and they were.
"Guys, what the fuck was that?!" Vyncent screamed.
"We can talk about that when we aren't falling!" William said as he began to float. He stared down. "You guys are good, it's just water!"
"Will. I can't swim!" Dakota screamed up towards the floating ghost man. And as he said that they all (minus Will ofc) hit the water. Vyncent immediately swam up while Dakota started sinking.
"Shit!" Vyncent mumbled to himself as he swam back down and grabbed Dakota out of the water. While Vyncent was grabbing their friend William made a ghostly rowboat for them all to row to land.
"Got him!" Vyncent said as he resurfaced, dragging himself and Dakota on the boat. Once they both got on William started rowing.
"Woah. Water," Dakota mumbled, coughing out some water.
"You good man?" Vyncent questioned.
"I.. I guess?" Dakota said, though it appeared more as a question to himself than a full answer. Vyn nodded and began to row with William.
They rowed, and rowed, and rowed, in silence. It had started to get dark.
"Vyncent stop for a second," William spoke, breaking the long lasting silence. Vyncent stopped, but the rowboat didn't.
"I just remembered I can move it with my ghost powers, whoops!" William smiled.
Just as he started moving the boat with his ghost powers, now moving noticeably faster, William saw something. It seemed like a ship, a pirate ship?
"What?" William whispered to himself, confused. Pirates aren't real.. right? Yet again they did just enter a weird rift thing and get transported to.. somewhere.
"What was that wiwi?" Dakota said, sitting up from his previously awkward position on the small boat.
"Nothing just wondering about that," Willian nonchalauntly said to the, now very close, pirate ship. Dakota saw it and immediately stood up struggling to hold back the large ship from crashing into their small one.
"Warn me sooner next time! Can you float the rowboat up to the deck of this ship?" Dakota asked, a little tired. William nodded and began moving the small boat up the front of the larger ship.
They got up to the ship and got on top. William dispelled the rowboat after they all got on and they began to hear a loud voice, a loud.. southern, and oddly robotic, voice.
"Captains, there are some people on the ship," said the voice coming from the wheel of the ship.
"What the fuck is going on I was trying to go to bed," said a scruffly old man as he walked out of a door. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, spotting the 3 teens, "I am not dealing with more young people on this ship."
"We're adults," Vyncent said.
"I'm not, I'm a minor," Dakota replied, very proudly. The old guy walked back into a different door.
"Guys I think these are pirates, and they may or may not murder us," William said, for some reason very scared, even though he can't die.
"Wiwi. We are superheroes. We can kick some pirates ass if they try to hurt us," Dakota looked at William and smiled proudly, placing his hand on his hips.
"Yeah because a bunch of kids can defeat a crew of like 7 people who have fought the Navy and won multiple times," a scruffy brunette man walked out. He looked around Vyncent's age (I think Vyn is like 20?), maybe a bit older. He had a cup of coffee in his hand in a wooden mug.
"Yeah I bet I could beat you!" Dakota yelled out proudly.
"You wanna fucking go kid?" The disheveled guy said, snarkly.
"Dakota, let's not. We don't know if he's gonna kill us yet," William said as he put his arm in front of Dakota, as if to protect him, though he didn't need it.
"Yeah, sure. Now, what the fuck are you doing on my ship?" The man asked angrily. William looked around at the two other teen boys.
"Well," William paused, "I don't fully know where we are, but I don't think we are on Prime anymore. So I am assuming that we got transported here from another planet."
The scruffy man raised an eyebrow, "Another planet? Yeah you expect me to believe that?" William sighed.
"Lemme just," William pulled out his phone and turned it on, "Do you have these?" The man's eyes grew wide.
He swiftly walked over and snatched the phone out of William's hands, "Hey!"
"What is this thing?" He began pressing buttons and accidentally calling Lightspeed.
"Hello? William? Did you need something?" Lightspeed spoke through the phone.
"Ah!" The man quickly handed the phone back, "Why is it doing that?Who did you trap in that box?"
"On second sir," William walked to the edge of the ship and jumped into the air, floating up until he was out of ears reach. "Sorry Lightspeed, long story short, we might have been transported to another world and there may be pirates and I don't know how we got here or how to get back."
"Okay.. Are you hurt?" Lightspeed asked, sounding slightly agitated.
"No, well, not yet," William replied.
"Good, I'm gonna try and contact some heroes to come find you and get you home safely, don't die… again," Lightspeed said as she hung up the phone. William sighed as he stayed in the air for a moment.
(Back on the ground)
"So. Mind explaining why you are on my ship?" The man said, sitting down on the deck and gesturing for the others to as well.
"Well," Dakota began as he also sat, Vyncent following shortly after, "We are from another world, or dimension, or something, I don't know."
"I guess I kind of have to believe you after that weird box with a soul," the man said, setting his mug down beside him.
"A phone," Vyncent said, "It's new..newish to me too."
"Aren't you from this 'world' that they are talking about?" the man asked as he stared at Vyncent.
"Yes and no, I'm from another planet then them, we have been there before together," Vyncent said, surprisingly calmly for the situation at hand, I mean, he's been transported to a different world many times but this one seemed.. more like home.
"Oh yeah! With the lich right?" Dakota glanced towards Vyncent.
"Yeah," Vyncent said as he looked down, "Still really wanted to kill that thing.."
"Why didn't you?" the man said, getting obviously more uncomfortable.
"The hero force, we aren't allowed to kill people, that's what villains do," Vyncent looked up at the man. The man was sitting very stiffly.
"Are.. are you like.. how would this be in your terms.. Do you have a Navy and are you a part of it?" the man asked.
"I mean yeah we have oceans so I'm hoping there's a Navy, but no, we aren't in it," William said as he flew back down.
"What are all of your names?" the man asked.
"Well I'm William, this is Dakota, and this is Vyncent," William said pointing to each respective person. "And you? What's your and your crew's names?"
"I'm Chip," the man began, getting less stiff, "On the ship we have my co-captains Jay and Gillion, Ollie, Drey, Finn, Earl, Gryffin, Alphonse, Igneous, and Queen."
"That's a lot of people for a small ship," William said.
"No shit. You think we of all people would know that?" Chip said, laughing slightly, "Now how old are you?"
"I'm 17, these two are adults," Dakota looked at the others.
"I'm 18," William said.
"I'm like 20 I think," Vyncent said, scratching the back of his head.
"I'm 19," Chip stood up and turned away, "Alphonse make sure these three dont run away, I'm gonna go get Jay and Gill to handle this."
"Alright Captain," the large robot, now known to be Alphonse, said while stopping the ship and getting off the wheel. The robot got to the three and stood directly behind them. In a few minutes Chip along with 3 others, presumably Jay and Gill along with another.
Of course Chip was leading but behind him was a lady. She had fiery orange hair and had comfortable sleep clothes on. She seemed very tired, as she also had a cup of coffee as Chip did. Behind her was a tealish blue man. He seemed more energetic and excited to be out here, even at such a late hour. He has flowing green hair and he seemed to be very.. moist? Behind him was a young kid. The kid seemed about 12 and had braided brown hair. He was in sailor pajamas and seemed to be very sleepy.
"These are the kids?" the woman asked, grabbing the small kid's hand. The kid slightly hid behind her while they all walked towards us.
"Yup, Alphonse you can continue steering," the disheveled boy said and the robot walked back up and began piloting the ship again.
"So, you kids," the blue man spoke out, "my friend here, Chip, told me about why you are here."
"Why is Tide here? Why do you sound like Tide?" Vyncent asked the man, crossing his arms.
"I am not Tide, though he sounds like a very moist man, I am Gillion Tidestrider! Champion of the Undersea, Hero of the Deep!" the fish man named Gillion yelled out as he placed his hands on his hips.
"Gillion, stop screaming, it's too late for this. Anyways, Im Jay, Jay Ferin," the lady named Jay grumbled out as she took a sip of her drink.
"Did you bring us here? And do you know how to get us back to our world?" William said, mainly looking at Jay, the seemingly competent one.
"How the fuck would we know? We haven't experienced shit from other worlds," Chip said.
"Chip," Jay said as she looked to Chip sternly, then back to the kids compassionately, "We have no clue how you got here, I wish I could help but.." she paused as she said that, seeming to remember something, then looked back at the other three pirates, "Guys do you think Ensa could help?"
"Jay! That's a great idea! She did the teleportation thing in the.. the black sea.." Gillion said, his voice going low and a bit quiet at his own mention of the black sea, "She could probably do it again right?"
"Didn't that only work if you have a machine in both places though?" Chip said.
"If she sends us the information we might be able to text it to someone so they can build it," William said, "Wait shit you don't have phones.. Uhm tell us it so we can text it to.. Alastyr maybe?" He looked over to Dakota and he nodded.
"What's a phone? And what's a text? Like words?" Jay said.
"Chip over here already saw it, it's a technological box and shit, I'm not giving mine to you cause I already had to call Lightspeed earlier because of someone." He said, glaring over to Chip at the last part, Chip held his hands up in defense. Jay stood up.
"I'm gonna go ask Ensa, and you," Jay said as she pointed to William, "come with me, you seem like the smartest, also you have the phone.."
"Okay.." William said, standing and following.
"Chip and Gill, and I guess you two, please don't kill each other and don't burn the ship please," Jay said as she walked to the captain's quarters, William following after.
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hearts4golbach · 7 months
Light Shower. (Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader.)
part 15
"and all my anger, sadness, regret disappeared, it's madness. I'm not used to all this water, love, it's true."
on a windy, late summer afternoon, I sat with my favorite people eating breakfast for dinner. the sun was beginning to set, illuminating a golden light across the table. I looked towards sal, admiring the gold reflections off the hard plastic of his prosthetic. Larry sat with his arm wrapped around ash, a light blush on her pale face. She kept glancing down into her lap shyly, which wasn't like ash at all. Todds ginger curls seemed to shine as neil kept glancing at him
with a loving look in his eyes. Observing was what I was amazing at. i could tell by Ashs posture that Larry was new territory, and I was extremely impatient waiting for the announcement that they were finally together. Meanwhile, Larry seemed confident, careless almost,
which is to be expected from him. I looked to Sal once more, observing the way he listened to Larry rant, the way his head slightly nodded on occasion, his mask shitting every time he made a comment. It felt like I was looking at everything in slow motion. It was like I was watching a video, not really here.
sal looked to me and slightly squinted. "y/n?"
"Yeah, sorry." I snapped out of my trance.
"Larry asked what you wanted so he could order." He said frankly.
I shook my head gently, "Sorry, uh, (your drink) and (your order). Thanks, lar."
he quirkily shot me a thumbs up and advanced towards the front.
sal moved his bright blue hair out of his face. It cascaded down his shoulders. "You okay?"
truthfully, I wasn't. but was that really surprising. My fathers arrogant words constantly floated around my mind. I worried I wasn't enough for sal. I knew I didn't deserve him.
"I'm good." I gave him a weak smile.
He looked at me suspiciously, "Okay, are you ready for school? it starts in less thin a week. "
"Not really." I laughed. "Who actually wants school?"
He shrugged. Larry galloped back to our table, carrying all of our drinks. "Monsieur Larry." he smirked.
"Why are you talking in 3rd person?" I asked, rubbing my temples.
"Larry loves talking in 3rd person. It makes him sound stupid."
"did my parents give you the laced weed on accident? Told muttered to himself.
larrys eyes looked like saucers, specifically redish pink saucers. "What?!"
"What? I didn't say anything." todd brushed him off, turning towards the window.
larry's jaw might as well have been on the checkered floor. "anyway," Ash cleared her throat. "guys, larry is my boyfriend."
"Wow. so surprising we totally couldn't tell." i replied sarcastically.
"okay, well I really thought you guys were oblivious." she rolled her eyes.
"im happy for you two." Sal grabbed his drink, "took you two long enough."
"I know!" Ash game larry a death stare.
He rolled his eyes before sitting near to her once more. "that's the past."
"anyway," Todd cleared his throat, preventing this annoying conversation from continuing.
I took sals hand under the table. he looked back at me, his eyes squinted. I
smiled back at him.
we are our breakfast for dinner as we chatted about our expectations got when school starts.
sals goal was to keep his grades up to at least am A, which were extremely high. but, I believed he could manage.
larry said he wasnt going to be high at school as often, which i did not believe.
Ash wanted to keep her locker and
schedule organized this year. she claimed she seriously struggled with organizational issues.
Of course, Told had no goals since he was already a nerd and the perfect student. Neil had already graduated.
me and larry ran into the store with our fake I'D 's, scoring alcohol, per usual. We decided to try something new, deciding to get fruit punch flavored wine instead of our usual beer.
larry and I had gotten to know the usual lady that works there. A petite woman, maybe 4"11'. She didn't know much english, yet she still enjoyed
talking to us. Her thick accent was foreign, one I had never heard before. Or, maybe I just couldn't put up finger on. I felt guilty for taking immense advantage of her, but what's so wrong with wanting to drink. Besides, we were only slightly underage.
we happily made our way back to ashs car, carrying the stereotypical brown paper bag.
"Truly, I don't understand how you guys do that without freaking the fuck out." sal raised his hand to his forehead.
"my heart was about to fill out of my ass the first time larry took me with him." I cringed, still being able to feel the pit of anxiety in my stomach.
"you shouldve seen her face!" larry cackled as ash turned into the street the Addison appartments were on. "she looked like she had just shit her pants!"
"Wow, great description, larry.." I muttered.
he treehouse was dimly lit by the moon and a shitty flashlight. The room around me spun, i
smiled to myself. I was laid comfortably in Sal's lap, his hands combing through my hair gently.
"and then she got hit by a big ass truck." Ash exclaimed.
"that did not happen." I muttered sleepily.
"no, it is! I saw myself." Larry smirked, nudging her gently before wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
"You guys are so cringe. I wanna gag." I rolled my eyes, taking another drink from my cup.
"I know you aren't talking! look at you and sal!" ash argued.
"Well at least todd and neil arent cringe. top 10 cringiest couples in here are you and Larry, me and sal, todd and neil. that means you guys are the worst." I slurred.
"Whatever, dude." Larry shook his head. "anyway,"
I closed my eyes and shut out Larry's voice. By the time it was, I was exhausted and drunk. For me. they fit together like a puzzle and I was about to pass out in sals lap. The way he comfortingby brushed through
my hair and the sound of the end of summer crickets chirping outside wasn't helping either. I let myself drift off to the faint sounds of Todd and sal arguing over which gearboy game was better.
Sals pov:
y/ns breathing slowed as I started arguing with Told. He refused to believe that (game 1) was better than (game 2). The right answer
was obvious, but whatever. I slightly learned over to look at her. her eyes were shut and her face was relaxed. I slightly smiled to myself, brushing the stray hairs that fell in her face away.
"earth to sal!" Ash sang, snapping her fingers.
"huh?" I muttered, snapping my gaze away from y/n.
"what do you think about starting a club when school starts?" she pondered.
"Uh, about what?" a stuttered.
"great question," Larry took a swig.
"I-I don't know it, like, just came to me like I'm seeing the future." She responded with wide eyes.
I leaned back against the wall. I was
planning on waking y/n up soon and taking her home.
"Is she okay? Todd mentioned flicking his eyes down to her, then back up to me.
"uh, yeah. She just fell asleep. She seemed out of it today." I shrugged."I'm going to take her home soon and try to find out whats on her mind."
"Okay, Sally Face." Larry said, genuine concern soaked his voice.
Ash began word vomiting all of her club ideas. I gently nudged y/ns shoulder. she rubbed her eyes with a frown and looked up at me. "hm?"
"wanna go home? you fell asleep." y/n sat up and stretched. "I can stay the night, too."
"I don't want to keep you from the group, sal." she muttered.
"you won't be. I can see them whenever, anyway." I gave her a sweet smile from under my prosthetic. Truthfully, I wasn't tired. i
just wanted to stay with her, even if it did mean leaving the group early. Although, I didn't mind very much.
"alright." She gave me a groggy smile before standing and stretching. "We'll see you guys whenever.."
"bye, you two." Ash smiled as larry shot me wink.
I snorted and climbed out of the
after y/n. "good morning, babe. "
"it's literally pitch black. What morning are you talking about?" She replied sarcastically.
"You know what I meant." i
retaliated with a smile. I wasn't going to talk to her tonight, but I was still paranoid.
we eventually made it back to her apartment. y/n crashed down into her bed with a sigh. I laid next to her and she pulled me in, holding me tight.
the blonde boy next to me smiled sadly.
"remember when we tried to run a club?" sal asked, his mature voice a noticeable difference from highschool.
"nobody fuckin came!" an adult larry laughed, his wheeze giggles a clear sign of the teen smoking.
"highschool was rough." the blonde commented. "I still feel terrible about everything."
"don't feel guilty." sal smiled from under is prosthetic. "the past is the past."
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runner5anna · 2 years
Every version of 5 because I can
With @ummmmandy ‘s picrew 😩🤌
Minor illusions to spoilers :)
Also here is the playlist I made for her :
Runner 5 - Johanna Rose Taylor
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The OG. My baby. My blorbo. The Sgrungliest of Sgrungly.
A bit of a grump who is extremely nurodivergant.
A big nerd who just wants to be loved. Obsessed with dnd and nerd culture in general.
Big Sam simp even though she’s got one less emotion than a rock.
She looses her glasses in the crash meaning that she can’t see shit and hates bright lights, so she wears sunglasses everywhere. All the time.
Never speaks. Ever. Mostly communicates via sign language. Mostly because she’s just anxious.
This is my main version of 5 who does get with Sam. They have 3 children in total. :)
Tag: 5anna
Dr Taylor - Alice lives AU
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Johanna never wanted to be a runner. Not really. She’s not got much coordination and she doesn’t know her lefts and rights.
Maxine offers for Johanna to work in the hospital, and Anna takes it. She aims to become a Paediatrician.
Still has one less emotion than a rock, but is physically less Sgrungly.
Doesn’t manage to crush her glasses in the crash this time. So she’s generally less migraine ridden.
Tinted glasses for Irlens syndrome. Hers are redish pink 😌 (part red, part yellow, part pink. Mostly red.)
Generally she runs once a week just to keep in the exercise. Runner 42 (she chose the number herself)
Speaks slightly more simply because she has to. It’s for gentle communication. But she’s still pretty good at sign. She teaches a lot of the small children in Abel to use it to help their communication.
Is still extremely self sacrificial and still somehow alive. God will not let Anna die.
Walker - Fredrick Taylor
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Johanna’s cousin. Family stick together. But…they could not be more different.
They are an extrovert (TM) the most extrovert of extrovert.
Also nurodivergant.
Never shuts up. But they’re hyper aware of that so…they usually don’t speak to make sure that they don’t talk all the time. Once they’re comfortable they never stop.
Extremely tall. Didn’t inherit the shortie genes.
Vintage fashion icon. Lover of purple. Lover of makeup.
Gay. Gay gay gay. Stanton wife.
Has a dog named Sunny. He’s a black Newfoundland.
Takes over as runner 5 when Johanna is busy or doesn’t want to leave her kids - like in s8 and 9.
Has fibromyalgia as a result as what happened at the end of the walk.
They foster a lot of children after the walk with their wife, Stanton.
They live on a nice estate in the Scottish country side with horses.
Ex animal handler in the military and secret service. Used those skills to survive the apocalypse as travelers before settling down in Abel during S7.
Anyway those are my blorbos have a nice day :) here is my 5am playlist if your interested.
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kyreebeauty · 2 months
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Extras under
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This is a new ref, I wanted to give them a new outfit and figured it was about time I created a new one
it's a simple drawing so the colors can be easily seen, all flats
I changed colors and such trying to lean less into purple colors and now more into redish one, pretty much all the colors should be different, I didn't mention nearly everything about them but it's a good start
her jacket and axe aren't shown here, possibly other stuff
Here is what is written down in the post
" Right eye is always shaded/ blocked, Left eye is usually an orange color but the color is also dependent on other factors" As you can see I draw it flipped from what I say, I always will, everyone should.
"Wings, opt. These wings are very rarely used, The white glowy ones are the best bet, this character doesn't really have physical wings as why these are rarely used, it cool to think they could form actual wings though"
"colors Gloves are optional, usually only wears socks but does have boots, or just any type of shoe works pants are based off old ones ( old ones may still be used with new colors) the triangle piece of hair glitches under certain circumstances"
0 notes
owoinator-owo · 2 years
Hello! I am still trying to work on reposting my other things, but my motivation is kinda not working with me right now. (I am trying to fix up all my past posts, as how I set them up before bothered me.)
I wanted there to be at least something here for people to see, so I decided to post a Oc I have been working on. I am currently working on its colors, and have a few different design attempts I can post here. The only design aspect I have set in stone are the black parts. (The hands, feet, chest, etc. This doesn't include the eyes though.) These are connected to the characters story, and long story short are just stained black. Well enough talking, I'll just get to the point. :)
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Which one do you like the most, and why? :3 Also, if you have any recommendations for this dude's design, I am more than happy to hear them. Good day/night to whoever is reading this. :)
P.S. If you wanna see these characters exactly as usually I do, turn on the eye comfort thing on your electronic, it gives everything a more orange or redish tint. I usually have this on for the most part, because it makes looking at the screen strain my eyes less.
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Alycia Debnam-Carey for the muse thing?
Do you mean this one:
send me a FC and i’ll make up a character on the spot.
If not, sorry. Please feel free to send this again with more detail on which thing you mean to refresh my terrible memory.
And speaking of terrible memory, I have to admit that the name did not ring any bells until I did a google image search, and once I did, my first instinct was, of course, just to go with Lexa (or a Lexa derivative ) because how good was she in that role. Then I dug a little deeper and found out she was also in the Walking dead (or one of them, anyways. Zombies aren't really my thing, but I think the original series has spun off as many spin-offs as undead), and despite knowing nothing about her character there, it was enough to send me leaning yet again towards the warrior/bad-ass spectrum of characters.
And while I've never felt I was particularly good at writing those types of characters (it's one of the reasons I took as long as I did to add Santana to my roster, both here and elsewhere), there is certainly no doubt that she would fit that role admirably.
But, since the point of this prompt is to create a character, and I feel an abundance of need to 'prove' my creative chops right now, I continued to scroll through the search results (oh what a hardship on my first day back) until I found this picture:
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Which for reasons I can't quite pin down gave me very strong Wanda Maximoff vibes. And yes, I know, The Scarlet Witch is hardly a departure from Badass, Post-Apocalyptic Warrior-Queen/Zombie Slayer. But these particular vibes are more early Episodes of WandaVision than, well, any other part of Wanda's timeline. So more Domestic vibes than Uber-Powerful Witch, with a touch of 'retired' super-hero (a la Elastigirl in the first Incredibles movie).
Regardless, the above photo had me leaning less towards Wanda or Elastigirl, and more towards a more general MCU-ish verse. Black Widow (Scarlett or Florence) ish, with maybe a dash of Aunt May and/or Laura Barton; someone with the skillset and experience to hold their own in a fight (and then some), but who's given up the life to focus on family (by blood or marriage, or just someone they've taken in after a mission gone wrong).
But still, that was more a hodge-podge of existing characters than something wholly new, so I kept scrolling. And then I came across this image:
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Which, again, for reasons I can't quite pin down gave me some serious 'Model' vibes. But rather than start me off down a separate path of inspiration, this path turned back to the first. After all, what better cover for a would-be spy/secret agent than one where world travel was a given, where showing up at gatherings of the rich and powerful wouldn't raise any eyebrows, etc.
So giving in to what the Universe was clearly trying to tell me, I present to you Alexis Dawes:
FC:  Alycia Debnam-Carey
AGE:  28-32
ORIENTATION:  Straight (-ish? I'm getting strong straight vibes, but not strong enough to completely rule out the possibility of pan/bi)
HAIR COLOUR:  Brown/Redish-Brown
TATTOO:  TBD (I'm leaning towards none, but I could see a few small, discrete ones here and there [and possibly to hide scars from past missions])
FULL NAME:  Alexis Claire Dawes
NICKNAME:  Alex, Lexi, Lexa (because I couldn't resist), AC,
BIRTHDAY:  Jan 20th ()
PRONOUNS:  She/Her/Hers
GENDER:  Cis-Female
HOMETOWN:  TBD (While I think she definitely worked for an American intelligence service, I don't think she was born stateside... leaning towards somewhere in Australia)
CURRENT LOCATION:  TBD (Somewhere sub-urban, but close to a major city. leaning towards eastern seaboard, USA, but part of me is saying west coast.)
OCCUPATION:  ('Retired' secret agent continuing her civilian cover of international Model)
SOCIAL CLASS:  (I think she presents as Upper Middle Class/Lower Upper Class, but probably has enough stashed away in various accounts/safe houses/etc to put her comfortably in the lower to mid Upper Class)
LANGUAGES:  English, French, probably Russian and Mandarin at the very least. (and probably enough to get by passably in most of Western Europe)
MOTHER:  Carla Dawes (née Mitchell)
FATHER:  James Dawes
CHILDREN: (One kid, not sure of the nature of the familial connection, but fairly young, 3-8 [tops] and probably closer to 5)
TRAITS:  (TBD: I think I've exhausted my creativity for the day. Will try to update these soon)
FLAWS:  (See above)
ALLERGIES:  (See above -- though in this case I am leaning towards none)
SIGN:  (See above)
HOGWARTS HOUSE:  (See above)
LIKES: (See above)
DISLIKES: (See above)
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hwanwooyoung · 3 years
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[210316] Leave The Door Open (cover) :: Yeosang
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black-silystya · 7 years
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ko11ok · 2 years
I have a feeling I’m going to be taking notes during each episode because we learn so MUCHHH
I have very little in terms of theories when it comes to the ascended, I just think we know so little about them and the general world right now that theorizing about it will make more sense later. I remember very little about alice, but she’s here so there’s that!
HOWEVER. I have BIG thoughts about the legacy cast.
Tibby is most likely the driver, the there was a section in the narration that sounded TOO MUCH like tibby
a lot is fucked right now. i want to see tibby’s card GIVE IT TO ME. we know so little
I think mallory and tibby might have switched places, and tibby erased the radar’s minds. he clearly knows more than he should.
I solidly do think that tibby is the driver. I don’t think he’s ALWAYS been the driver, but I think he became the driver at some point. 
We know so little about what happened after the events of season two, it’ll be interesting to see what exactly happened
I’m a little less sure that mallory’s alive? But I think he ABSOLUTELY has something to do with the black rock
The black rock seems like it might be a central figure this season, esp with it rotating in front of the players
I’m SO happy marcus is a central figure this season! I always wanted to know what happened to his! I hope he’s still drinking yoohoos and isn’t too insane
I think that skye might be dead. If you look at Ven’s card “death” there is a woman in a suit she stands on top of with redish hair and a ponytail. i could be very wrong tho.
did tibby become a broker? did mickey bring him back? WHY WAS HE KILLING HER? HEH?????
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