#it's the angst I live for okay?!
walkedlegacy · 4 months
thinking about those moments where the team is racing against the clock to get someone from the 118 out of somewhere, or getting them to the hospital before they lose them. this is what's been on my mind lately.
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feelo-fick · 2 months
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miscellaneous au doodles + a VERY self indulgent song lyric comic :D
+ extra evil comic below the cut :
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"chil!" "don't look at me like that..."
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irresia · 5 months
when i tell you im OBSESSED
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papertowness · 4 months
admittedly one of my favorite things about house ( that also drives me up a wall ) is that something Really Big happens and then the next episode they like loosely mention it like wow wasn’t it crazy that that happened . anyway haha
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in an "Emily ends up in hell too somehow" AU, and things have been busy since THAT happened-
but Charlie finds time to looks over one day like "wow i feel like I've only ever seen your wings folded up these days... oh! you haven't been flying much lately! you know you can whenever you want to don't worry about me- i'd LOVE to watch you and Vaggie get some good swoop swoops in!"
Vaggie's like "babe i can just carry you. you can come for the swoop swoops too"
naturally Charlie is just "!!!" excited bc getting wing uppies from her dad is one thing, but the idea of going for a fly with the two angels who are happier down in hell (with HER) than they were up in heaven is just so "!!!!!!!!!!" she cannot WAIT
Emily has the most nervous, guilty smile on while listening to this.
Vaggie notices, asks what's up, and Emily (also bad at lying out right) (also good at not saying things) quietly admits that
she can't fly anymore
there's a silence so quiet they can all HEAR IT when one of Emily's feathers detaches and falls softly to the hotel floor
Emily goes on: it's not a big deal compared to what else they're all dealing with- (Charlie's horrified face says otherwise) -but every day Emily's been here down in hell her wings have worked less and less and now she can't even glide with them- which is fine! most people in hell get on fine without wings, right? It's, one of the big differences between here and heaven, and- well Vaggie was fine without flying for years, so really-
-but it's not fine to Charlie it's not fine it's not fine- she's not fine with this, she's not OKAY with the idea that being in hell has to HURT every angel in her life somehow- she's not okay with being so busy Emily didn't even feel like she could even MENTION THIS-
Vaggie is grabbing their hands and reminding them both to breathe okay? Hold on, slow down, let's check what we're up against here before we all go rushing into any guilt or blame or whatever
(vaggie is already happy to blame heaven for whatever this is and maybe scream up at that damn distant light from rooftop until she blows her voice out, but she can't do that while Emily's smile is still frozen determinedly in place and Charlie is shaking like a leaf, so-)
So it's let's all sit down and, brushing Emily's hair over her shoulder while Charlie clings to her hands and, it's Vaggie quietly asking her fellow angel is she can unfold her wings
the stiff, ginger way Emily slowly spreads all six of them giving lie to that brightly brittle smile
the words that slip out now, as Vaggie's hands gently run through dulled feathers and the bases of Charlie's horns press into feathery bangs as Charlie leans in and Emily slumps, wings limp in Vaggie's steadying hold
(the difference between wings just being gone, taken- and coming back- but always working and whole while Vaggie had them, and this, this gradual failure like a wind dying down, a light fading out, the wrongness of wings that felt heavy and air that passed over them like nothing, not catching and holding or lifting but just feeling hollow, an emptiness pressing her down- trapping her- only she didn't feel trapped she didn't she didn't this was the right choice to make and she made it-)
(Sera up in heaven, hesitating hesitating, all hosts of heaven's divine armies and powers at her command and her little sister down in hell, playing hostage with herself for the lives of sinners-)
(it was all Emily could do and she was GLAD to do it, but)
(maybe creation thinks she wrong for it- fine, let her be wrong like Vaggie was wrong like Charlie could NEVER be wrong- maybe there's a price and a pence for a seraphim who strays too far from heaven's light- even Lucifer hadn't LEFT. even Lucifer had just been caged...)
the black marks on Charlie's cheeks look like tear tracks as she listens, and Emily can't look at them as she wipes them all away. she can't look and still keep smiling
Behind them, Vaggie sighs.
and it's a stiffening in the shoulders at hearing her own name because Vaggie is pragmatic and practical and a realist and she wants things to work as best they can so she faces the flaws in them head on- hopeful words and songs dredged up only when Charlie and now also Emily needs them- but even then she doesn't pretend hell is all rainbows or heaven is full of mercy, and whatever she says next Emily maybe doesn't want to hear and maybe has been holding her breath for without knowing it, desperate to at least know and breathe out-
"Your wings," Vaggie says, running a hand over the tip of one "Do you know how to preen them?"
Emily blinks.
(she has a lot of eyes to blink with, so it takes moment)
"...preen... them?"
she says the word like she's never used it before- and she HAS, actually, just not- never in a sentence about wings, specifically
Vaggie tugs gently at one wing, tickles the back of Emily's neck with pulled free feather- one of the long ones- as Emily turns to stare at her and Charlie leans in further to crane around goggle at those six seraphim wings
"Preening." Vaggie has a small smile on, a little dry, mostly soft. "It's not really a thing up in Heaven, right? We- the Exorcists only did it right after Extermination day, to get ride of the blood and stuff, settle all the feather's that flying round in Hell had ruffled."
"ONCE a year?" Charlie, sounding a little stuffy, but mostly now just shocked. "We clean yours twice a DAY or else you start getting twitchy about it! Dad spends half of every EVENING fixing his!"
Emily sitting up between them, heart thumping- "Wing cleaning? I didn't, is that normal?"
"Down here it is." A shrug, Vaggie's own wings spilling down her back in example. "Hell doesn't play nice with an angel's wings."
"So- so mine, are they-"
"They're fine. A mess sure- but yeah, they're fine."
There's so many feathers on the floor just from Vaggie's light and tender touches of inspection and Emily still can't get the lump out of her throat-
Emily letting go of Charlie to pick up one of those lost feathers, and NOW her hand is shaking.
"Are you sure? They, it's like they're falling apart..."
"Molting!" Charlie scoops up some feathers too, hugs them to her chest and flops over backwards, bonelessly. "You're just molting... unholy FUCK."
Charlie pressing the feathers to her face to muffle something that might be a scream or a laugh.
Vaggie patting her hell princess girlfriend's lashing tail- "I freaked out about molting the first time too, remember babe?" - "I THOUGHT THAT WAS BECAUSE OF ONLY JUST HAVING GOTTEN THE WINGS BACK AND TRIGGERED TRAUMA AND- UGGHGHGHGHG!" - Vaggie chuckling, smiling as Emily runs a finger tip over the frayed edges of her own lost feather, scooting in and draping herself and her own wings over the other angel as the shakes get bigger, as Emily finally lets out a slow, shivering breath
a small whisper, into the side of Vaggie's hair, bending under the weight and snugged in Vaggie's arms circling secure around her waist "I'll be able to fly again? Once this, the molting is over?"
"You'll fly," a squeeze and the first tears squeezing out in answer, "We're gonna have to start preening all of them too-"
"Which we WILL have time for!"
Charlie swinging upright, eyes blazing, arms scooping both angels close.
"I don't care if the damn hotel catches on fire AGAIN- wing care first, catch up on everything else LATER!"
it's around now Emily tries to giggle and maybe lets out a sob instead. Charlie kisses her damn bangs, Vaggie nuzzles her wet cheek
"We'll imp some of my flight feathers to yours for now, okay? Get you in the air again tonight, get the wind in your feathers, at least just a little. You'll feel better after a bit of swoop swoop time."
"I- Imping...?"
"Pull off mine, stick 'em on you."
"Wha- but what about- you?"
"I'm due for a molt anyway, don't worry. A few days more without flying is nothing after three years-"
(Charlie, chiming in lovingly and KNOWINGLY)
(Vagige's eye roll and full bodied sighhhhh making Emily giggle for real this time) "Fiiiiinee sweetie, I meant that I'll be happier seeing her in the air again, more than I would being up there myself right now. Happy?"
(Charlie smug, Charlie melting, Charlie smooching Vaggie's bangs too) "Very. VERY happy~"
"Me too."
(Emily grinning to herself inside her snuggle chaggie sandwich of hugs) "You two sure know how to make Hell a happy place, don't you?"
"Charlie has a whole song about it." Vaggie points out, and it's all three of them shaking together, laughing, after all the dramatic and permanent pains they've faced- here's ONE that turns out to be simple, something fixed with a slight change in schedule plus a few freely given feathers
and isn't that nice, for a change
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tinybro · 9 months
jasico server was chatting about the cupid scene and jason getting nico's memories blasted straight into his brain and how jason being shot with one of cupid's arrows while with nico and this was just never brought up in canon again and now i'm thinking like...what if that's just how cupid's arrows work? not by magically manifesting love for someone out of nothing, but by giving someone the perspective that'd make them fall in love naturally? jason gets a front row seat to nico's memories and instantly understands him intimately and can trust him completely without any doubt or suspicion
so what if jason, after slowly realizing he's totally in love with nico, just thought back to the arrow incident and it made him second-guess everything? because maybe he's only feeling this way because cupid hit him with an arrow with only nico was around and it's no different than any other god messing with his love life
#i live for anything that drags out the pining/pre-relationship period as long as possible okay#give me the drama of jason frustrated about constantly being manipulated by gods#in love with nico but convinced it's just cupid fucking with him and not wanting nico to get dragged into it#maybe telling nico eventually because he's having trouble hiding his feelings and he doesn't wanna hurt nico by confusing him#which is of course an emotional rollercoaster for nico#hearing jason say he's in love with him only to then immediately hear that it's just godly fuckery#nico agreeing to help jason find cupid to get it reversed because he knows how much it sucks having feelings for someone unwillingly#and he doesn't want jason stuck mooning over someone like him just because he was unkucky enough to be with nico for the cupid incident#whole quest in which nico develops feelings in return and angsts because he's sure jason only feels that way because of the arrow#maybe a slip-up in the middle somewhere with nico accidentally revealing he likes jason back before backpedaling wildly#so now jason has hope despite himself because he'd never really thought it was possible anyway given nico's feelings for percy#and he doesn't like being manipulated by gods but he doesn't mind the idea of being in love with nico#and what if he just gave up on the hunt for cupid entirely and let it happen#while nico feels guilty since clearly it's just cupid arrow magic fucking with jason and he's enabling it#and then of course when they finally find cupid he explains how his arrows work and that he can't just FORCE someone to be in love#no more than hera could with jason and piper by fucking with their memories to push them together#cupid's methods are just way more effective#my tag babble ended up longer than the actual post oh my god#pjo#jasico#my dumb headcanons
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drizztdohurtin · 3 months
Rolan Heacanons: Pregnancy
pairing: Rolan x afab!reader (use of she/her pronouns)
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Content includes: angst, some fluff, and slight references to NSFW
Suggested pre-reads: tielfing hcs | deciding to start a family with Rolan
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01. Pregnancy
at first, the new smell of your pheromones only woke his body up a little bit - almost like a small rush of adrenaline - but as it continued to intensify, so did his senses, inciting alertness within him
by the time your pregnancy was confirmed by a cleric, his body had become so well attuned to yours that he almost always knew what you needed
it was more of instinct than anything - he'd be going about his day and suddenly get the idea to bring you some water and a snack and make sure you were comfortable
despite everything that had led up to you finally being pregnant, he was still scared
despite how he had thought about it for so long, telling you that he was ready for a baby only once he truly knew that he wanted to start a family
despite how he had become so keen to give you a baby during the months you two tried to conceive almost every single night - desperate to give you what you desired
despite how he had become upset every time he sensed your period approaching, the familiar twang of guilt in his chest never failing to strike him
despite it all, he was scared - worried - once your pregnancy was confirmed
he began to think about all of the things that had always held him back from having children in the first place
his fear of not being able to bond with his child
his fear of the harassment his child could face
his fear that you, the person he loved more than anything, would experience the pain of having to watch your child go through such things
and he hoped to the Gods that he hadn't done something he would end up regretting
he tries every day to force his mind to be different; he hopes, sometimes even prays, to the Gods that he will be able to bond with his baby, and that he won't let either of you down
every time a new milestone happens, when you enter a new trimester or start getting new symptoms, or when your baby finally starts kicking, almost all he can feel is anxiety - and he figured there had to be something wrong with him
despite the hours he spent next to you at night, his forehead and palm pressed against your growing bump as you slept, waiting and hoping to finally feel the things he knew he was supposed to
despite the hours he spent awake at night while you slept, watching to make sure you didn't turn too far onto your stomach or back in your sleep - sometimes falling asleep on accident and shooting awake with fear as his hands desperately felt for you
despite the way his entire body would become overwhelmed with love and adoration every time he saw you, your growing belly as evidence of his love for you - of your love for him - for everyone to see
he figured he was defective - that he didn't deserve to be a father, especially not the father of your child
despite his fears, every day he vowed to do his best to take care of you, appreciating his lineage (for the first time in years) for giving him the ability to always be tuned into your needs
despite his fears, he still cared deeply for the health of his little love in your belly
he attends every single appointment with you, worrying the entire day that the cleric will give bad news
and when they tell him that both mother and baby are perfect, he makes them triple-check before he's rid of his worries
pregnancy is already difficult, but there's an added layer to it when a non-tiefling is carrying a tiefling's child
this is something you both knew before deciding to conceive, and it was just another reason he had been apprehensive about starting a family with you
but you would do anything to have his babies - knowing your pregnancy might be harder than normal didn't deter you in the slightest
and thankfully, it wasn't any more uncomfortable or painful than any other pregnancy would be, it's just that your body is constantly compensating for the fact that your child's body temperature is higher than yours
this means you're burning calories at a much higher rate than normal - causing you to have to eat and sleep more often
by the time you're 6-7 months in, you're sleeping at least 12 hours per day
because all of your energy goes into growing your baby, you're left to feel rather lethargic every day, unable to do many of your normal tasks and hobbies
he'd often apologize to you, feeling remorseful for the state he's put you in, sorry that you can't get up and do many of the things you used to
and of course, without fail, you always remind him there's no reason to be sorry, there's nothing you'd rather be doing than growing and protecting his baby - even if it meant that you'd always be tired and hungry
and you'd often try to apologize, too, feeling sorry that so many responsibilities had fallen onto him given your state
but he'd barely let you get a word past "I'm sorry" out, never wanting to hear the mother of his child thinking she had anything to apologize for
Rolan keeps track of your sleeping and eating patterns, often being the one to cook for you and wake you up to eat, especially once you get to the point where doing it yourself becomes too much of a task
the safety, comfort, and health of you and his baby take precedence over any of his responsibilities as the master of Ramazith's Tower
so he ends up being very glad he took on a few apprentices before your pregnancy, as he can redirect much of his lower-level work at the tower to them, allowing him to focus on caring for you
He prefers to always be near you while you sleep, which at first is easy enough because you just sleep at night time with him
but eventually, you start having to sleep during the day too, and he has a hard time concentrating on his work in his office when you're sleeping somewhere else in the tower
so one day he buys you a comfortable chaise for his office, and that becomes your daytime nap spot
he tries to get you up and moving every day, but on the days it actually works, he really likes taking you into town for fresh air
he'd probably ask some customers or colleagues for recommendations on baby/maternity shops in the city that he can take you to
he'd be noticeably protective over you - another effect that your pheromones had on him
not in the sense that he's puffing his chest out and flaring his nostrils whenever someone so much as looks at you
he just wants to keep you and his baby safe and comfortable - and he's more confrontational when he needs to be
he understands you might not have the energy to stand up for yourself, so he will step up for you without a second thought
if you tell him you don't want people to touch your stomach, he's more than alright being the "asshole" to step between you and the stranger and tell them not to touch you (lowkey doesn't want anyone else touching your belly either)
any threats to your comfort are taken just as seriously as threats to your safety
Rolan is obsessed with your belly throughout the pregnancy
he loves your pregnant body so much, he embraces every single thing about it
he also just loves touching your body and holding you close
(it probably does get him riled up, but that's another post for another time)
he'll run a bath for the two of you every night so that he can hold you and relax with you - the bath itself offering the added bonus of relieving some of your daily aches and pains
there would be a few moments throughout your pregnancy where he'd sincerely thank you for carrying his child
he'd see the way your body had to change and grow, and the aches that accompanied it, he'd see the pains of false-labor contractions, the headaches, and how you'd become a little weaker due to how much you had to sleep each day
he'd thank you for the sacrifices you made, and he'd just hope that he was doing enough in return
once you finally go into labor, he'd be far more calm than most would expect him to be
like, yeah, he's scared to hell and back about it, internally
but he wasn't the one doing the scary part - you were - and he intended to be everything you needed him to be
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kaiiscottage · 3 months
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Some Matakara’s from before he got horribly traumatized <3
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xecutivecucumber · 3 months
A thought or two about our current Fandom discussion
*spoilers under the cut*
I have been a Tech lives believer since about an hour after I saw him fall. I also very strongly believe that Tech is CX-2 (I am aware of what Jennifer Corbett said today about CX-2 being a new character, but Tech being presented as CX-2 can be considered as a new character)
I've seen people say they don't want him to be Tech because they don't want to see Tech like that. Totally valid. Not everyone wants to bathe in angst like I do.
But I believe that Tech being CX-2 is going to create the most compelling story and create the most conflict.
I could go on about the reasons, and maybe I will one day. But I want to share the most devastating one that came to me today.
If Tech is CX-2, that means Echo left his brother behind, left for dead, to be tortured and used against their brothers.
Just like he was.
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blackashbluephoenix · 7 months
Had this idea but it doesn't fit into either of my WIPs so I'm giving it to the community.
Harvey and Mike are driving. They're bantering lightly, Mike had a case file in his lap. There's light music on in the background. Mike feels safe in the front seat- he always does when Harvey's driving. Anyone else, he fidgits nervously, squirms. The longer the ride, the worse it gets. But Harvey has both hands on the wheel, hovers a mile or two under the speed limit. He focuses on the road. Mike knows he'd never let anything happen to him.
They drive up past an accident with all the stops- flashing lights, police sirens, an ambulance. The car is on fire, there are bodies being pulled from the wreck.
Before they can get close enough to see any details though, Harvey reaches over and turns Mike's face to him. They've slowed to a crawl now because of traffic passing the accident, there's no danger in taking one hand off the wheel.
"Look at me, sweetheart." He orders softly. "Just keep looking at me."
Harvey doesn't try to restart the banter. He doesn't try to smile or pretend it's not bad. But he can put on a poker face for Mike's sake. He can look stoic, in control. He can breathe normally. He can use the word sweetheart, a word he normally only whispers to him in moments when they are alone and at their most intimate.
"Just look at me, sweetheart."
Because one real glimpse of that accident and that image will be burned permanently into Mike's beautiful mind. Having a memory like his is both a blessing and a curse, as Harvey has come to find out. And right now, if he lets Mike look at that, if he allows that image into Mike's mind... It will torment him. It will creep into thoughts when they're at work, at home. It will etch itself into his nightmares, add itself to what Mike imagines his parents' last moments were like. He won't be able to comfortably get into a car for weeks, will worry when Harvey steps foot in one, even if they're both in the backseat and Ray is the one driving.
"Just keep looking at me. Don't think about anything else."
He pulls the car into a lane away from the accident as soon as he can, creating some distance and removing some of the morbid temptation to look as he does so. Mike's not the eager to please puppy he once was, but he obeys this particular order even after Harvey drops his hand. He nods, ducks his head slightly. He can't quite look at Harvey's eyes, but he can still focus on the rest of him. As long as he's looking at Harvey, his mind is protected from whatever else he might see right now.
They're both quiet when the traffic lets up. Harvey puts both hands back on the wheel. Drops his speed limit down to five miles below, moves to the slow lane. Tries to ignore the way Mike is white knuckling the armrest or the way he wants to take his hand. Touch would help right now, certainly, but not if it compromises his driving abilities.
They pull into a gas station about an hour from the city. Harvey wouldn't have stopped- he wants to take Mike straight home- but the gas light is on. When he puts the car in park, Mike takes a long deep breath as though he's been holding onto it for far too long.
"We'll be home soon." Harvey says softly. He reaches over, brushes his fingers over the back of Mike's neck. Relishes in the way Mike instantly leans into him, even if the angle is awkward because of the console between them.
"Thank you." Mike says quietly. He seems a little better now. Okay until Harvey can get him home at least. He can spoil him when they're there- Order a pizza with stuffed crust, crack open one of those cheap beers Mike likes for some reason. Maybe tuck him into one of Harvey's hoodies before he pulls Mike down onto to his chest and they settle in on the couch with a wide selection of movies. He'll hold him a little bit tighter and speak just a little softer. Maybe it will be enough to keep the nightmares away.
For now he just kisses Mike's hand, then his temple before he gets out to pump gas. Smiles in relief when Mike eventually gets out and wanders into the gas station, returning with a highly disproportionate amount of junk food to the time they have left on this trip.
He'll be okay. Harvey will make sure of it.
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good-beanswrites · 11 months
I talked about my Milgram actors theory earlier, but @amugoffandoms reminded me I also have a little emotional support au version of the idea I’ve been meaning to chat about! It's actually not a typical actors au -- the canon events still happen, but are staged by the in-universe Milgram organization.
(Edit, now with a fic!)
Just like in canon, the organization has a mysterious/supernatural ability to identify and track down ten specific people at their breaking point. In this au, though, it's ten people who could have committed crimes soon. They discreetly reach out to these individuals, requesting for them to be actors in their experiment. They say there will be someone playing a prison guard, and explain the premise. With a bit of coaxing or bribing for a few, they all accept.
Milgram ensures these newfound “prisoners” don’t need to change many details about their lives – the less lies to keep track of, the easier it would be for these ordinary people to pull off such an extensive con. 
Some of them are exactly as they were right before their murders, such as Yuno, Fuuta, Muu, and Kotoko. Haruka, his sister, and Amane did go through traumatic abuse, but it was Milgram that pulled them out of the situation before they resorted to murder. Mikoto is/has been aware of his alters for a while at this point.
Some of the others are taken from their lives after things that could have ended fatally turned out alright: Shidou’s family got into an accident but all recovered; Milgram picked up on his private realization that he would have done anything to save them, were the damage worse. Mahiru and Kazui’s partners attempted/considered suicide, but did not succeed. In Mahiru’s case, they reached a friendship despite breaking up. I still don’t know enough about Kazui’s wife, but I like to think they’re pretty separate now. 
The ten prisoners weren’t allowed to meet beforehand, but they individually collaborated with the Milgram team to write the lyrics for their t1 songs and film their videos. I'll mention more about the other actors later, but the filming process is a lot of fun. Though the topics confront them with some unsavory thoughts about themselves, it's a good time singing and acting and getting the giggles on set and everything.
Milgram pulls Es from wherever they were for whatever reason, wipes their memory, and drops them into the prison. The prisoners are unaware that Es didn't come willingly, as they all did.
Once the experiment begins, everyone’s interactions that we’ve seen to this point are genuine. The prisoners get to know each other, while they come to terms with the fact that themselves and these others all had murderous potential. Their personalities, behaviors, and stories from their lives are all true. In the interrogations, they speak honestly to Es about their values and choices. The only faked things are the actual references to the murders, and the “invisible force” that they pretend to hit when acting in violence. Mikoto is instructed to use a bit of violence during his interrogation, though Kotoko sneaking in wasn’t scripted – she genuinely had her concerns about his character and acted accordingly. 
While Es sleeps after T1, the prisoners are treated the same regardless of verdict. They provide the team with their genuine thoughts about one another to decide what the staged incidents should be. Kotoko doesn’t actually hate the guilty prisoners, but she recognizes she would’ve wanted to take justice into her own hands in a real situation. Amane is very upset but Es' verdict, but the team helps her dramatize her transformation a bit. Haruka and Muu genuinely get that close. Yuno does wish to be left alone.
They film their second trial videos, now allowed to be around the other prisoners as they do so. They also invite people in their life to come in and play their victims. Yes, it’s just as awkward as it sounds. This is where the prisoners do their real reflection – they think about Es’ verdict for them and what they could have been capable of. There’s a bit of relief from both parties knowing that things will turn out alright now that Milgram intervened (ironic, I know, but this is my fix-it hehe). Shidou’s kids are excited to be filmed, not really understanding the context. Haruka once again works with an actor playing his younger self, a bit put off by how similar they look and the memories he bring back. Haruka’s mother, Rei, and Amane’s cult members (if they appear) are some of the only characters played by strangers, though they do look strikingly similar to the real people. Fuuta’s victim is also played by a stranger. Things are still tense with Hinako, but she agrees to appear. 
The team helps the prisoners fake injuries with lots bandages and slings. Then they wake Es. The same is repeated for T2/T3.
Now, I’ve played out a few different paths depending on my angst tolerance at the moment – sometimes Es goes through with the third trial verdicts and is forced to watch the executions (not realizing they're cleverly staged). Sometimes they refuse, finding a way to stop the whole experiment. Sometimes the prisoners realize that Es has been an unwilling participant, and bring the experiment to a stop themselves. Sometimes someone jams a wrench in the mv machine and try to blow it up in order for everything to end before final verdicts.
Because of limited details, the ending can play out however one wants. But my go-to is that Es wake up sometime afterwards in a clean facility filled with scientists. They’re brought to an interrogation room – this time on the other side of the questioning. They’re asked about their motivations, actions, emotions, choices, verdicts (or the reason they rebelled at the very end). A few doors down, the prisoners are being asked similar questions of self-reflection and morality. 
Es demands to know what’s going on, while the team tries to assure them that the prisoners are all fine. Es doesn’t buy this, though. They know what kind of mind games the experiment has tried to pull, and can’t tell what’s truth or lie anymore. Things get heated as they demand to see the prisoners. Meanwhile, the prisoners are getting worked up asking about Es. If they haven't already, this is when they learn that Es was an actual prisoner there the whole time. The last time they were together the situation was very intense, and they’re all incredibly worried about them. 
In the end, they manage to break out of their rooms and reunite in the middle of the facility, and Es is shocked. All ten are alive and well, even those they may have seen die. No eyes or limbs are missing. They’re all laughing and getting along, no matter what kinds of fights they got into between trials. Even more shocking is when the victims join them later – also all alive and happy. 
The ending has a bit of unavoidable angst since Es would be pretty fucked up by the whole experiment. They’d struggle with trust issues and knowing what’s reality. However, it’s still an overwhelmingly happy ending. They get to befriend the prisoners and their families outside of the painful context they met in. Regretting their ignorance of the situation, the prisoners decide to make up for lost time and spend a lot of positive, quality time with Es. The kids are finally allowed to play, and the they finally let the adults act a bit protective over them. This is when the found family completely kicks in lol. Es gets to sleep easy knowing they are all alive and happy, they receive all their memories again, and they get to return home to their own family.
I added it to a reblog but editing with @/qrevo's tags because this is what I was looking for but couldn't quite pin down to make it healing for Es too:
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#milgram#haruka sakurai#yuno kashiki#fuuta kajiyama#muu kusunoki#shidou kirisaki#mahiru shiina#kazui mukuhara#amane momose#mikoto kayano#kotoko yuzuriha#es#its not 'the prisoners leave milgram and get therapy' its 'milgram itself is the therapy for the prisoners'#i know the typical actors au would be more of a fix-it but i liked still having a small taste of the canon drama and interactions#its also nice to relate to es' relief -- after ive gone through the angst of canon its nice to imagine everything is okay#so in the au they also go through the angst of canon only to be relieved finding out it was fake and everyone is okay#it also keeps the prisoners lives/personalities the same!#as fun as it is to see actors aus give them whole new personalities offscreen im incredibly attached to these characters and this let me#keep them exactly the same lmao#on days i need the most fluff i picture the prisoners all together filming the t2 mvs -- getting giggly and silly on set#making bloopers and cheering each other on and interacting happily with their 'victims'#when i want intense but good emotions i love thinking of that reunion scene. es exclaiming that fuutas eye is okay and theyre all alright#lots of hugs and tears#(the only details i cant quite work out is how jackalope can talk in this fairly-realistic setting asdfd#that and the undercover mv wouldnt make any sense because es wouldnt have filmed it but ah well)#anyway if anyone has any thoughts or anything lmk! ive been really vibin with this au#analysis/thoughts#lights camera sing your sins
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leona-draws · 1 year
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“Kraang, devourers of stars”
From @ashwii celestial!au
I blacked out and then this existed 🙃 [ID in alt text]
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luckycharms1701 · 5 months
a wild masterpost appears
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it's me! lucky. hello. 🍀
AO3 ~~~ writing ~~~ theories and headcanons bayverse mating season
18+ only please
got asked about this, so: if you see any of my posts and it inspires you to add to it, please do so! i always love to see other people’s thoughts!
REQUESTS: open requests in queue: 9
please read this before you ask!
Request Rules:
feral about the turtles so that's what i'll write- specifically bayverse and rise but will almost certainly add more as i get farther into turtle hell
please specify if you have a preference for iteration or writing vs. headcanons, otherwise i will pick one
i will write: reader x turtle (f!reader or gn!reader), fluff, a little smut, headcanons and theories... pretty much anything that's not on the no-no list
the no-no list: tcest, underage/noncon, self harm, crossovers, unhappy endings
angst: i will write angst, but i won't write heavy angst. if you're not sure, go ahead and send it in and i'll let you know if it's something i'll write or not.
i'm always available to talk!
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Current Projects:
I've Got Sunshine on a Cloudy Day: Rise Mikey: AO3: Chapter 16
Spotlight: Rise Leo wants your attention
Upcoming Projects:
Cowboy AU: Rise Leo: Working Title: The Future is Comin’ On
Theory: Bay Raph’s position in the family
Theory: Bay Mikey vs. Rise Mikey
Hatefucking: Rise Donnie
Dancing: Rise Leo
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elitadream · 9 months
Hey do you want another angsty scenario? Mario and Luigi get called off to another adventure while Peach stays back and watches the kingdom....except the brothers just don't come back. She sends out search parties, contacts other kingdoms, nothing. Did they die? Did they go back to Brooklyn? Did Mario abandon her for someone else? It keeps her up for weeks, months and absolutely wrecks her.
Omg... ;_;
I can picture what such an ending would be like. Months after having chosen to stay in the Mushroom Kingdom to start a new life there, the brothers would one day hear of a strange surge of energy being spotted near the oustkirts of the realm, causing a mild fright to the local fauna. Curious, they would decide to go and investigate.
"Are you sure you don't need me to accompany you?" Peach would ask, casting Mario an insistent glance.
"Not to worry, Princess! I'll watch over him," Luigi would chime in with a wink, ruffling his brother's hair on his way and hefting their toolbag over his shoulder. Mario would mutely follow, his gait however slightly more hesitant than usual.
"Be safe!" The Princess would call after them, feeling inexplicably unnerved at the sight of them leaving.
Mario would stop at the door, pausing to give her a reassuring smile. His deep blue eyes shimmering in the morning sun, his expression one of tender affection and gentle regard.
"We'll be back before you know it, I promise."
And with a small parting nod, he would turn and exit the front gate.
...That would be the last time Peach ever saw him.
No one had believed the magic portal would ever return. But it had. And with its final, abrupt vanishing, it had taken everything from her. 🥀
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i want to see every single one of them get possessed by dominox so we know what vision they would have in this scenario. and then i want them to all snap out of it and be absolutely fine.
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non-un-topo · 1 year
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Axis | bluetigerlilies
Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020)
Rating: M
Words: 29,671
Relationships: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Andy | Andromache of Scythia & Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani & Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Nicky | Nicolò di Genova & Quynh | Noriko
Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, POV Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Team as Family, Flashbacks, Memories, Tense Switching, it's deliberate don't worry, Post-iron maiden, Animal Death, Grief/Mourning, Liminal Space, Mythology References, Mild Sexual Content, Angst, Catharsis, Horror, Nicky + horror. So nice I did it thrice., Pathetic fallacy
Andromache whispers into the silence, “You don’t remember, do you?” Nicolò is still looking at Yusuf as his mind begins to take him back. It’s the feelings first. The shift in gravity, then the all-encompassing bitter cold. No deck beneath his feet, no tether to hold. A great nothingness for eternity. He flexes his toes against the wood floor. Solid, still, stagnant. “No,” he says.
Decades into their relentless search for Quỳnh and shortly following a disastrous event that threatened their numbers, Andromache, Nicolò, and Yusuf rest in Iceland where the seasons seem to be moving backwards and forwards at once.
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