#it's the perfect multitasking hobby though
aidenlydia · 17 days
was just wondering how you chose if/when Riley wears his mask. Most of your pieces have the mask lifted off only his mouth but some have it dully on or fully off. I was wondering if there was a specific reason for that or just what you think looks good?
It's a mix of reasons.
The first is pretty simple: I like drawing expressions, faces and most importantly, intimacy. That's why my Ghost rarely ever wears glasses and usually has his mask lifted. It not only shows his vulnerability with MacTavish, but also allows them to kiss, have direct eye contact and be skin to skin. Speaking of, painting realistic skin is very satisfying to me and covering it up with cloth kills me a little. Same with drawing ears, I sacrificed so many good ears in favor of that mask..
Second, I get bored easily. Drawing the same mask/glasses/headset/jacket combo over and over again without any human features burns me out. I knew immediately I needed a face design and different outfits for Ghost, despite really loving his whole look and actually preferring him all covered up. Unfortunately that just isn't in the cards for me, so I switch between fully masked, half masked, bare faced and medical mask to keep him fresh and interesting for myself. Even his body type changes, he goes from twink to more sturdy builds depending on how bored I am with it.
(MacTavish is less of a problem but I do switch it up by changing his clothes, having him be shirtless or fluctuate his muscle mass.)
To put it into a bit more perspective: my art process is jumping between countless WIPs in various stages of completion and artstyles until something happens to get finished eventually - my SoapGhost WIP folder alone is currently at 339 pieces - and if a painting takes me longer than a day to complete, chances are I'll drop it and pick it back up again in anywhere between a week or a year (it's a miracle I get anything done at all).
So I'll do whatever it takes to actually help me continue drawing and manage my constant burnout. Being chronically ill and creative is the worst combo, I think about completely quitting art every other day :')
And third, well. Sometimes it really is simply about which one looks better.
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Ghost x Wife!Reader
Ghost watches you put your makeup on in the morning.
SFW, Extreme Fluff, Light Angst, Light Hurt/Comfort, Intimacy, Softness, Makeup, Pre-Established Relationship, Slight Self-Indulgent, Ghost and Reader are In Love, Drabble
WC: 1k~
Another drabble, just because I'm writing fluff for a different WIP and I'm trying to work out some kinks. Also, I think Ghost needs some more peaceful content every now and again from me, I be making him unhappy as hell in my other stuff.
"You're staring again."
Simon blinks, that familiar silk-soaked voice of yours pulling him back into the morning. He sits up from where he'd still been lying in bed, the covers sprawled across him as though he'd just woken up from a battle deep within his sleep. It's had him moving rather sluggishly since waking, though that had been no complaint by any means.
It only meant he had an excuse to spend some more time with you before work; and right now, you'd been doing a hobby of yours he's come to really enjoy watching.
You stand firmly in front of the dresser on your side of the bed, irises glued to your mirror, and a deadly grip on your liquid black eyeliner. Your eyes had been the last part of your look needing to be completed, and you'd be dammed if you fucked it up now.
You bring the pen to the corner of your eye, with the kind of precision Simon has only seen outdone by the steadiest hands belonging only to his well-trained comrades. And even then you gave them a run for their money.
With the spiritual guidance of a painter, you gently line the ink to your skin, curving it back and forth from below your brow to back towards your eyelid, until you've outlined a sharp winged look at the corners of your eyes, filling them in.
They look perfect once complete. Though, when you stare at yourself in the mirror a few seconds too long, you frown, dissatisfied.
You lift your hand up and start using your pinkie nail to scrap the parts of eyeliner you'd begun to hate. Your attention remains here primarily, though you've never had issues multitasking.
"Still staring, Si'," you comment, having felt his gaze on you since you first put your foundation on. It's hard not to notice his eyes on you, given the weight that often came with them. A weight you'd happily hold.
"Wha', I can't enjoy the view?" He jokes, no doubt feeling just a bit more awake when he sees it's made you smile.
You look down at Simon, finally setting all your makeup back down on the dresser, wide-eyed with genuine concern, "Do I look OK?"
A small, crooked smile forms on his tattered lips as he chuckles to himself. Yes, you already knew what he was going to say, or what he wanted to say: you don't need the makeup. You could have your face completely done up or covered in mud, he would still love you. He would always love you.
Though he knew now, that's not the answer you were looking for. It took a while for him to understand that; he'd yet to understand the craftsmanship that truly came with applying makeup. However, seeing how happy you looked at the end of every makeup session all but spelled out the answer you'd really been looking for.
It wasn't about looking pretty or hiding, or even due to some superficial beliefs about womanhood or whatnot. You just really liked to do your makeup. And Simon just really loves to see you happy.
If this was something that made you smile, then it would always be a welcome thing to have around.
Simon sits up on the bed, letting his sturdy legs swing over the edge and his feet touch the soft carpet below. He reaches out and takes your hand, pulling you in so he could take a closer look at your work, the man still trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.
Once comfortably boxed in by both his legs and arms, you let out a happy sigh, your gaze at eye level with him even as he still sat. Up close, with the dawn's light gently painting over his scarred skin, drawn by years of old stories he's only scarcely shared word of, he looked rather shy.
Every so often, when you traced over his skin while lying in bed, he'd oblige you with a story -- some heart-wrenching tale that only made you feel that much more endeared by him.
Sometimes he joked about wanting to wear makeup himself and cover all these ghastly sights on him. That way he didn't feel so vulnerable when your eyes would see them in all its miserable glory.
But you do what you have done since seeing them. You bring your touch to his skin, letting your fingers trace his scars' outlines and grooves, mending past traumas with your present-day love.
You look at Simon patiently, resting your hands against his broad shoulders. "Did the eyeliner fuck up the whole look?" You ask.
Simon's dark eyes bounce about your face, taking in the blush, the lipstick, the glitter and highlight, your brows, and then your eyes... His gaze sits still there, and any longer and you just might have started to feel yourself lean in.
"Hold on," his voice booms out suddenly, before he's brought his thumb to the corner of your cheek. A small bit of your mascara had dotted you, though he made sure to be as careful as possible with removing it for you. He hadn't wanted to mess up your hard work. "There you go."
He lowers his hand, taking another look at you. His expression softens, a smile forming. "Beautiful."
You smile, and it's everything and more he needed to start his day off with. Simon takes your hands, before pulling you even closer, until he's felt your lips take his sweetly.
It had been his favorite thing to start his mornings out like this, with just being able to hold you close to him, the sensation feeling as necessary as oxygen itself most days. When he'd kiss you, he only made up for that need by stealing your own breath away, his lips wrapped with yours like a sincere promise.
You cup your hands over his face, kissing him as you've felt his strong arms begin to wrap around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. It squeezes the air from you and makes you laugh in his arms, as you pull back from your kiss.
That's when your eyes go wide and you start to giggle. "Oops."
Your lipstick was now completely smeared over the man's mouth, rubbing off on his chin as though you'd just given him a newly colored five-o'clock shadow.
Immediately, Simon knows what's been done, as you're a repeat offender of this. He gives you a quizzical look and smirks. "How do I look?" He asks.
You lean back in, letting your lips feather over his.
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rainderthesomeone · 7 months
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Meet the Blu team.
this is a list of the headcannons I have for Blu team.
the main head cannon is that there all biological clones of RED team thanks to red Medic taking samples of all there blood and discarding the genetic improperly.
Blu team personality’s
Blue scout is aware that he’s a clone. Makes fun of Red team for having debt due to the phd’s and for dealing with their taxes.
Blue Demo Man is a multitasker that can only multitask. Doesn’t like doing one thing at a time. Does most of the errands. Likes fast food and thinks homemade meals take too long.
Blue Sniper is as mentally unstable as Red sniper, but Red sniper knows how to keep his cool to a degree, Blu sniper dose not, he tends to lash out on the nearest object or person when angered, hates red sniper with a burning passion and throws hissy fits from time to time, tries to prove hes better in everyway compared to red sniper, go's out of his way to hunt red sniper during battle.
Blue Spy is miserable because he has over 50 allergies to think about and he struggles with enjoying things because almost everything reminds him of them. Because of this he dedicates his life to making others as miserable as he is.
Blue engineer has average smarts, meaning that he struggles to do his complicated tasks on the job. So he barely tries, making most people think he’s a lovable but empty-headed idiot who lucks out on the job.
Blue Pyro can speak and its not a pleasent voice, has a channel on Man-Tube (which is mann cos tv channel where they advertise stuff somehow blu pyro got a hold of his own station on there) where he talks about different kinds of games, from board-games that have extremely convoluted mechanics to the deer kind of game. He probably has a megaphone for his to yell out of, but he forgets to bring it 80% of the time, is a graffiti artist and vandalizes reds base everytime he gets.
Blue Heavy misunderstands a lot of words when said aloud. For example, when someone calls the Administrator a bitch, he thinks that the Administrator is a witch making death potions. He also likes Rams because he thinks that all they do is ram into things. He brings Trail mix wherever he goes. Blue Demo Man likes this, Blue Spy hates it.
I’ve already said stuff about Blue Scout, but I have more. He’s the source of Blue Team’s absurd amount of stolen IDs because he know they are clones that can’t buy their own things. Everyone else just thinks this is a hobby of his.
Blu Medic, is the calmest collected mind on his team, he is pretty sane and stable, hes cold and calculated though but has a soft spot for Blu Engineer, do to this calm and sane demeanor hes a pacifist and dose not fight instead he hides behind his team, do to being so peaceful hes a target for red medic who wants to study him and know why he looks like him.
Blu Soldier, hes the complete opposite of red soldier, he still has that drill sergeant personality but has normal smarts and battle filed smarts, making him the automatic leader of blu team, mostly due to him being the perfected clone blutarch and his scientists wanted.
When Blu team came out of there tubes and we’re fully developed, blutarchs head scientist told them all that they were found on the streets and or came from really horrid backgrounds and are being given a second chance at life by serving blutarch, pretty much there brainwashed into believing that, so much that a good majority of them praise Blutarch and are extremely loyal to him, only one that isn’t is Blu Engineer.
All of Blu team went under extreme training and mental exercises, most of the mental exercises were abusive and extremely brain damaging, which is why Blu heavy is not that bright, again this was all brainwashing.
The head scientist was tasked with overseeing there development and correcting them if needed, they wanted them to be complete opposites of the Red team and wanted them to be the perfect war machines, so keeping them in line was important.
Which means making examples out of some of them.
also credit gos to my friend for all of these ideas without them I would have no clue with what to do for some of them.
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nerdynuala · 11 months
I don't know if you accept requests like this, but could I ask for hange hcs as a regular student? I would like to know their routine and hobbies!
Hi! It's been a while since my last headcanons but heck I find it fun and relaxing to make them up so I'm more than willing to give Student Hange a try ^^
Sooo here we go! I'm gonna go through the stages of students hahah from elementary school up to university.
Elementary School Hange
- messy kid, always manages to spill ink on themself and somehow get paint and dirt all over their clothes.
- literally so excited the first day of elementary school! While there were other kids crying or being shy, Hange was literally jumping up and down, thrilled by the new environment and looking forward to finally learn good stuff.
- the worst at music and singing, and also a really bad actor in school plays. Hange may lack the talent, but not the enthusiasm.
- very quick to learn, thinking outside the box and helping other kids out.
- Loves science but contrary to what people might expect, their favorite class is P.E. they just have too much energy. Loves dodgeball, swimming and baseball.
Middle School Hange
- at this stage, Hange is the typical student that appears as lazy and not interested in class but has actually the top marks.
- a bit challenging to authority. Hange does not lack respect, but treats professors as if they were friends. Also, gives respect only if given respect. Don't mess around with this kid.
- They literally can be chatting with their neighbor, doodling on their notebook, staring out the window, be half asleep and a large etcetera, but each time they're asked what the professor was talking about, they know everythint about it and even extend that information.
- Favorite class now is science and in their free time they investigate about chemistry. Cannot wait to take chemistry in high school.
High school Hange
- Nailing multitasking since a very young age definitely shows now: they can sit through the first lesson absorbing the information like a sponge, while doing the homework for the next class (that they should've done the day before)
- Literally the kid you see doing last minute homework even on the bus. Everything is done last minute but they manage to get everything right and perfect.
- Gets frequently asked by classmates what their method for studying is. Literally does not know. "I dunno man, I just re-read the chapter and the notes I managed to scribble in class lol"
- Needless to say, doctor's handwriting. Sometimes they cannot even read their own notes. Their professors complain all the time and one of them even refused to correct their test if they didn't write it with decent handwriting.
- Neither popular nor a nerd. Literally in between, gets along with basically anyone and can adapt to different groups. Levi calls them "chied of the nerds" all the time though. He sometimes even jokes saying "one nerd to rule them all" because Hange is literally the only extroverted nerd and they all basically worship them.
- Favorite class is chemistry by now. Shows up first and arrives late to the next class because they get entertained by chatting with the professor about chemistry stuff.
- Takes latin as an extra-curricular class.
University Hange
- Studies at night. If they don't have classes in the morning, literally sleeps until noon and studies during all night.
- Has dog ears on each and every book they own. The insides of the covers all full of messy doodles and scribbles.
- Sometimes, when studying directly from the book, will underline different types of information with different colors. Other times will just underline with a pencil and circle words with too much force and leaving the mark on like five pages underneath. Either way can study confortably.
- Coffee addict. By the fourth class in the day, they've had 5 cups already.
- Asks tons of questions. Loves debates. Will participate in everything and loves sharing their opinion on basically any topic.
There! I tried to keep it general, I hope it is what you were looking for, but feel free to ask more of them <3
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Choi Ji Ung (P1Harmony) - Kinky* Tarot Reading
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck: Spiritsong Tarot
Spread: Kinky* Reading
Turn On
Dirtiest Secret*
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Choi Ji Ung
Stage Name: Jiung
Group: P1Harmony
DOB: 07.10.2001
Sun Sign: Libra
Chinese Sign: Metal Snake
Life Path Number: 3
Masterpost: P1Harmony
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
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Choi Ji Ung
Jiung (P1Harmony)
Deck: Spiritsong Tarot
Spread: Kinky*
Position - 6 of Shells (Cups)
Jiung is clearly an innocent and pure soul. There’s nothing like power play for him, his relationships are characterised by the union of souls, perfect symbiosis and harmony in between two best friends. Even his lover is his bestie, they thrive when they are together and share everyday life in joy and happiness.
Libido - X The Wheel of Fortune
Jiung is young and all possibilities are open for him. He’s got youthful energy, high drive and he’s curious and ready to learn. He’s able to adapt easily and multitask. He’s the type of a guy who can be the sweetest baby in public and the most daring explorer at night. He remains playful and carefree, though. His passion is in a way pure and innocent, still rough on the edges and not really under his full control.
Turn On - 5 of Crystals (Pentacles)
Jiung is likely to fall in love with someone persistent and ready to face challenges, someone with a strong personality. They can even be older than him or they are mature at a young age. They probably have been through some difficult times in life, they might be sensitive when it comes to finances. They are not the reckless spending types and they might even criticise Jiung if he spends too much on fashion for example.
Kink - 6 of Crystals (Pentacles)
Jiung isn’t that much of a kinky type. He’s generous with his affection and attention to his lover, he feels deep gratitude to them for loving him. All he wants is to create a harmonious couple with good synergy and balance. As mentioned before, he’s got a lot of energy and therefore he can go all night every night.
Dirtiest Secret* - 5 of Acorns (Wands)
Jiung might enjoy play-fights with his lover. As much as he pursues complete harmony, occasional tension in dispute and adrenaline rush are likely to spice the routine up. He’s not likely to fight to the bone, he only wants to build up the heated atmosphere and what he’s truly looking for is peace making.
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rosey100 · 9 months
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Zoe Marie Z
16 years old - 27 years old (in Wild Violet au)
July 20
Personality :
Preppy,Confident,Vibrant, Smart, Multitasking Architect
Zoe Marie Z is the first born daughter of Jimmy Z Sr. and Koki Alanna Bammir. She was a Pop up baby around the time JZ and Koki's engagement tho Koki was 2-3 months pregnant when they realized that, by the time (about 6 months pregnant later after the wedding)their were more happier when their daughter Zoe was born. Needless to say Zoe has a great relationship with her family and her friends, she has a vibe that said "A ray of sunshine" and "positivity all year round". Zoe mostly takes alot from her mother basically her hard working will-power and can-do attitude, she (along with the rest of Z siblings) love video games plays a marathons on a Friday night when given the change and TRUST ME THEY DO IT. She always wants to be an architect when she was little girl, she really looks up to her parents and they definitely support her like they do with the other Z siblings. Zoe is also always the first person to know something about anything,anywhere or anyone if there's holding a secret, if they're gonna be a good or bad surprise or if a "person" seeing a "girl"( Lucky for anyone she holds a secret down, secret come out naturally). Zoe is second to breaking up a fight between Jimmy Sr. and Carly at most in the family and sometimes they tag one or the other when needed, though they don't get in fight between whoever get in it with Koki ( she can be scary and intimidate). Also she great at gymnastics and investing like her mom of course. She is an excellent at mathematics and her planning skills are on point (as long as their someone helping in when needed).
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Jimmy "JJ" Z Jr.
12 years old - 17 to 18 in Wild Violet au
May 19
Personality :
Introvert,Calm,Honest,Generous Skater Boy
Jimmy Z Jr. is the first born son of Jimmy Z Sr. and Koki Alanna Bammir. Jimmy Jr. or mostly JJ for short is almost the perfect picture of his father in every way beside him having bit a feisty side from his mom when needed. JJ is a kinda a chill person to be around for most people can tell you from friends point of view though he not popular but he the most well know though he not the most social person but he cool and he also the ability to know when to be honest(he can be brutally honest but doesn't go they mostly not to be mean). He's really good at sports basketball,football,track even at best but he favorite is skateboarding the most. JJ is also a great guitar player basically bass guitar, he even fluent Latin, Sweden and Swahili. Besides JJ one of the sweetest people you can meet, he'll give up the shirt off his back when he needs to,just don't get the wrong thing, him being mad is a challenging understatement if you mess with him shame on you he won't try and let the truth pop but mess with his family,friends or anyone he loves(you're lucky if live standing then ending up in the wall)but JJ knows how to deal with different situations and if trouble he can always get help from the people who he loves to be there.
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Mazzi Elizabeth Z
10 years old - 15 years old in Wild Violet au
September 18
Personality :
Energetic, Clever, Optimistic, Talented Cheerleader
Mazzi Elizabeth Z is the second daughter of Jimmy Z Sr. and Koki Alanna Bammir. Mazzi is the family's Happy go lucky kid and like Zoe she's a sunshiny peach at best. She can be a positive ball of sunshine and always try to put a smile on anyone's face. Maz is also very talented, like her siblings she mostly good at piano,acting and baking like her dad as it is both their hobby that and , she even won honor roll a few times and always looked forward to new stuff. You may think she more full of herself but that way far from the truth, she's really a motivator like that small voice in your head that putting you to do something you wanted the most and just she has a big heart. She more clever and capable of being a detective with her question solving and really good looks at details to close a cold case early. Mazzi is hyperactive and the most energetic girl she can always found doing her a hobbies she found taking a nap on somewhere comfy (for Koki, she know that if Jimmy can pass down to their's kids is sleeping/naps).
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Carly Jimena Z
9 years old - 14 years old in Wild Violet au
April 30
Personality :
Bashful,Soft-spoken,Understanding,Helpful Writer
Carly Jimena Z is the third daughter of Jimmy Z Sr. and Koki Alanna Bammir. Carly here was NCU baby ,at birth she come to early then most babies and had some problems wish a has her to go deaf 50%, but she come out Ok spite of that before she has a hearing aid by the time she was a year. She's also one of those types of kids who stays close to they're mom/dad in the store, as shy as she is basically her nature. Her kindness really knows no bounce, but don't be fool Carly has a wild side on her when anger. She has a excellent writing skills she can make a novel with no hesitation for a imagination she has on her and can also paint as well come up with good music lyrics with a stroke of a finger and it's her favorite hobby. Carly and her JJ are almost alike if she wasn't coming up with excuses not to stand up for herself but JJ knows as does everyone else that she more soft naturally when she not fighting for her family as she is very protective when she to be (and trust she has her motives).
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Lila Ann and Liam Quincy Z
2 years old - 5 years old in Wild Violet au
June 6
Personality :
Quiet,Fearful,Sweet-hearted,Rambunctious (Lila)
Loud,Active,Daring,Willing (Liam)
Lila and Liam are the youngest of Jimmy Z Sr. and Koki Alanna Bammir. Lila and Liam can be nothing opposite people, one can be sweet as a lamb while the other can destroy the house if chance given. They would surprise twin to everyone thinking there was one baby girl til birth come a baby boy 13 minutes later, but the twins were showered with love from their family. Liam is an adventurous child since he could crawl making the house more "Liam proof", Lila is a sweet like a sugar cookie she can almost do nothing wrong (but like Liam she can get in trouble too)that the best way to describe them. They mostly seen tagging along together with Lila making sure Liam doesn't hurt himself or others,sometimes one would be with JJ or Mazzi and the other with Zoe or Carly. Liam is most likely the pranker in the family beside Koki where Halloween and April Fool's day is more their holiday and Lila loves bats like almost obsess with them she also has a stuffed bat named Bitie. Even though they have ups and downs they always have each other's backs at the end.
🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇
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9w1ft · 3 months
Hi, this isn't really a Kaylor ask but as someone who has been following your blog for a long time, I was wondering if you could give me any advice about work-life balance?
Not just work and life, but also a wide variety of things — health, fitness, hobbies, social life, personality improvement, etc.
It feels like whenever I try to focus on one aspect of my life, I end up neglecting the others and so I'm always returning to square and moving very slowly ahead. But I'm also not good at multitasking or routines. Am I the only adult who's not able to get their life together even though it shouldn't be that hard? :(
hey! oh wow last night i was having dinner with a preschool mom friend of mine and we were talking about how hard this is!
i definitely don’t have a complete answer for you because i’m an entire work in progress 😭 and also everyone is gonna be a little different based on personality and life situation, but, here are some things that have worked for me. maybe something resonates for you!
i think one reason why i adopted the tea habit for me—aside from wanting to clean out my cabinets— was because i wanted to have a small victory for myself each morning. with habit building, some people will drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, or do a quick breathing exercise while still in bed… sometimes people do mantras or self affirmations. in essence, it’s something that you can set yourself up to complete with very minimal effort, and that will help you start off your day with a small sense of accomplishment. i’m a simple person… when i feel productive at the start of my day, im more likely to have a productive rest of the day 😆 and i can trick myself to feel productive simply by pressing a button on a tea kettle first thing every morning!!
alright, so, as for balance.. i think it’s important to recognize that work-life balance is less about achieving a perfect balance but more about getting better at knowing when you should prioritize something and then tipping the balance board in that direction with intention, maybe loosening your grip on other things that command your attention, or even streamlining them temporarily to make leaning into the one thing easier.
i’ll give an example i read about somewhere. i think for a lot of people, the holidays can be a stressful time. especially if you’re running a household or doing some amount of activities for other people, prepping and shopping and planning and getting ready for events or parties or gift giving can put a huge weight on resources and you might find yourself neglecting daily household tasks like dishwashing or laundry or self care. even if you arent the head of a home, it’s a stressful time of year and the stress can put a damper on your mood! one strategy i read about that i partially tried this holiday season was to temporarily change parts of your house and life into holiday mode: pack away all but one set of dishes and silverware, pack away or push aside your wardrobe and pick out five outfits that you’ll wear for the next few months, and streamline your daily beauty process (some examples are, cutting your hair short or getting a perm or treatment, putting all your skincare and makeup away and just using an all-in-one cleanser/moisturizer and like, one palette of makeup etc etc). basically the person was saying, it’s good to be mindful of the season that you are in and transform your space into battle mode when you need to. by taking away many of the options and streamlining the decision making process, it helps you focus more on getting through whatever it is you need to get through with. what i did was the dishes thing. i packed away everything but a single set of dishes for the family and went through december and january like that. the benefit is that it lowers the hurdle of dishwashing giving it a cap of about 15 minutes, whereas the stresses of the holidays often lead to reaching for another dish and another and another, just because you have them, in lieu of tending to the sink, and before you know it you have an hours long task. i’ve actually kept a lot of dishes stored away still because of how much easier this is 😆
in terms of work, i’m not sure your age or occupation but in case you’re in a 9-to-5 type situation i think it’s important to remember that most people are simply not paying attention to you. everyone is first and foremost focused on themselves. it’s a simple thing but i think it’s hard to remember. especially if you are a hard worker that naturally wants to do the best job that you can. it’s okay not to get it perfect. in fact, the most successful people, i think, are great at giving 80 or 70% consistently and quickly, in contrast to someone who gives 110% but sometimes burns out or often takes forever to make a decision.
there’s a japanese phrase called “saba yomi” which literally means “read the mackerel” and nowadays it is used to describe the act of estimating numbers in one’s favor (for example saying you are 25 when you’re actually 28). but it originally comes from the work of commercial fishers that pull in huge nets of mackerel, and how they report their numbers. in the olden days, refrigeration technology was not where it is today, and when there are hundreds or thousand of fish in a haul, you simply couldn’t take the time to count every fish in the net, take out the similar looking fish, etc, to get an accurate count, because the longer you take, the worse the taste of the fish would get. in other words, oftentimes, accuracy sacrifices quality.
when you can put down the armor and realize that not many people are paying attention to you granularly, i think it’s easier to let go of a need to get every detail of work perfect. and ironically in some ways, this can make you better at your job.
i think a common thread to everything i wrote is the idea of checking in with yourself and talking with yourself about what situation you’re in and how you’re going to approach it. this week work is gonna be busy so i’m just gonna wear these clothes and just do this hairstyle and power through, and this way i won’t have to have a huge pile of laundry and a messy bathroom to get through at the end of it. or, today im feeling like i’ve got a cold coming on so im just going to give 80% effort today and give myself a quiet moment later on in the day to relax. or, im not going to get everything right for awhile but ill do something simple each morning that i know i can do, and congratulate myself for it right away.
i hope there was something in here that helps… at any rate, be kind to yourself!! every day is a miracle in its own way.
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sakuramidnight15 · 2 years
-TW MC Information-
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[Gacha Club Mod Ver. Below]
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Character Bio
Name: Mireille Blanchefleur
(Japanese: ミレイユブランシュフルール)
Romaji: Mireiyu Buranshufurūru
Quote: "The way you wanted to know what life is... Is through by the experience...? Was Lilith even right, was she though...?"
V/A: Hisako Kanemoto (Japanese)
Alexis Tipton (English)
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Birthday: February 23
Star Sign: Pisces
Eye Color: Snowflake White (Original Eye Color)
Abyssal Black (???)
Hair Color: Light Chocolate Brown (Previous Before Trauma)
Marshmallow White (Current After Trauma)
Height: 172 cm
Race: Human???
Homeland: New York City
Family: Édouard Shirai (Uncle Father)-(Left the Family)-(Deceased)
Artha Shirai (Aunt Mother)-(Left the Family)-(Deceased)
Theo Shirai (Older Half-Cousin Brother)-(Left the Family)-(Disappeared)
Caddaric Blanchefleur (Biological Father)-(Haven't Met Yet)
Labanya Blanchefleur (Biological Mother)-(Haven't Met Yet)
Lolia Shirai (Grandmother)-(Left the Family)-(Met only once)
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Ramshackle
School Year: First (Was graduated from highschool and is a college student but about to graduate soon)
Class: 1-A
Student no. 13
Occupation: Mireille and Grim (One Student)
Writer (In secret)
Song-writer (In secret)
Aesthetic Artist (In secret)
Club: N/A
Best Subject: History, Literature, P.E. and Math
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Favorite Color: Blue, White, Black and Grey
Favorite Food: Fried Chicken, Rice, Street Food, Noodles, Desserts (Not too sweet), Dark Chocolate (Healthy and Bitter), Spicy Food, Coffee, Asian Food (Mostly), Sushi (Mostly with Wasabi), Chips,
Least Favorite Food: Unflavored Food, Purple Mushrooms, Anything that looks disgusting, Stale Food, Anything too Sweet, Cake with too much Frosting, Green Bell Peppers, 
Likes: Lilith's Comfort, Positivity, Her mentality/insanity stabled, Anime and Games, Death Metal Music, Black-styled Clothing (In various styles, mostly more cool and less cute), Writing, Gaining artistic ideas, Anything that is aesthetics styled, Food, Sleeping, Novels, Quiet Time, Taking a break, Music (Various, mostly rock and metal), Hoping to control her emotions (Mostly), Revenge/Karma (Mostly in secret), Furry Animals,
Dislikes: Traumatic Issues (Mostly- that would involve child neglect and abuse), Losing control on her sanity, Her 'Perfect Family', Messed-up society and people, Abused Authority, Fake People, Discovering Hidden Secrets (Mostly, either dark or not), Loudness, Losing Sleep, Too Much Cuteness (Mostly thanks to her trauma), Rule Abuse, Not controlling her emotions (Mostly), The Past (Mostly), Her Past Two Ex Lovers, Bullied, Mocked (Mostly for her appearance before),
Hobbies: Writing, Poetry, Making Songs (In secret), Cooking, Napping/Sleeping, Cunning-like planning (Mostly), Foiling her Opponents Plans, Art in Aesthetic styled or not (I'm secret), Babysitting her siblings, Singing (Mostly but in secret), Multitasking, Reading Novels, Anime and Video Games (In secret), Cosplaying (In secret),
Talents: High IQ, Fast Memorization, Selective Memories, Outsmarting someone, Physical Self-defense, Weaponry Attacks, Slight Girl-Boss, Manipulation, Lilith's Assistance, Lying, ???,
Miri or Mirie (From her family and friends)
My Dear and Mire (From Lilith)
Blanchefleur-san (From Others)
Miss Blanchefleur (From Crowley and the Staff Members)
Henchmen (From Grim)
Mrs. Blanchefleur (From Riddle)
Omnivore or Bunny (From Leona)
Mrs. Siren (From Azul)
Mrs. Pearlie (From Floyd)
Beautiful Potato (From Vil)
Belle escroc and Madame Ange ("Meaning: Beautiful Trickster and Madame Angel" From Rook)
Man of Child and Angel Child (From Malleus)
Human (From Sebek)
Other Nicknames:
Little Crybaby and Baby Bunny (Insulted nickname)
Lilith's Friend (???)
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Mireille has a semi-tall and slender female body build which it looks a little bit on the average and a bit curvy. In the past as a young child to teen (morefully 15), she originally has light chocolate brown colored hair, but after experiencing heavy inflicting trauma, it has caused her hair to turn into marshmallow white colored permanently in the aftermath, with additional she has very long and curly hair due to being styled from time to time. She has snowflake white colored eyes which the whole eye ball can turn into abyssal black which the trigger of it remains unknown. Mireille is a beautiful young woman with rather an odd yet silent behavior.
Personality: To start it all off, Mireille seems to have a very difficult childhood which she never ever mentioned it, it would explain her current silent behavior. Needless to say, as a toddler to four year old, she never had any happy memories with her 'family'... Or that what she calls it. She barely have any good memories from it... Her family was known to be 'The Perfect Family'... But that's only for an outside appearance towards others, the inside in this 'perfection' is what Mireille called 'memories'.
Her 'mother' would neglect her own presence whenever she's there, and would often yell at her at whatsoever and would return to drink alcohol in the kitchen when Mireille goes back upstairs. Her 'father' never even bothered her and also ignored her, in fact she ended hearing him with someone else in an old bedroom with someone else, which it wasn't her 'mother'... And last, her 'older-brother' was stone cold and would often walk passed by her to create smoke in the air in his room... As for herself, she stayed in her bedroom alone, crying which is what her family members called her.
This kept about forever for Mireille or so as she thought... Till one evening around midnight, she heard an argument between her 'father' and grandmother in a room, it was something about... 'Infertile, A long-lasting affair, Stolen from birth...' Mireille didn't understand after listening to it in secret. A week passed after that... Till it came. A silhouette of her 'mother' came in her room, fed some liquid till she passed out... The next thing is the sound of... 'Screaming and Stabbing..' Till then she was now in one of the orphanage's vacant bedrooms.
It was only the first thing of her trauma that inflicted within her which it purely infected her sanity and mental health. But after entering high-school at age fifteen, things got a lot worse and at the brink has caused her hair turned white permanently... With additional of meeting Lilith one evening to heal her in the aftermath.
The current Mireille we're now seeing is a young beautiful college student, and is about to graduate soon and then become an adult as well. After meeting Lilith, she's now gained rather a silent yet odd behavior but tends to be a bit shy, and isn't very talkative towards other people she sees and is very distance. It would have been the cause of her traumatic events that inflicted on her heavily and effectively.
If you do get close to her for the move, she's very friendly and sweet after meeting you with her. Mireille holds a very kind nature within herself that matches her new appearance and style, despite what she she to go through in the past. Aside from that, she can be viewed as a big sister-figure towards anyone either you get than her or not. She's also calm, collective and also patience towards you if you get close to her and gained her trust in you.
Do really be beware of what's hidden in Mireille's personality beneath it despite her appearance has changed and also after meeting Lilith. Mireille tends to be cautious and also wears rather a very hard mask thanks to her heavy traumatic events in her past. But if you get in her badside and do something that involves almost anything or not. Do expect a dark side of her once her sanity drops to zero, either you're spared or not. Mireille won't feel sorry for you, either with reason or not. She'll shot you back with words that might effect you in the end.
After entering to a bizarre world... But oh, what an beautiful yet odd young woman, who have quite a background...
-The name 'Mireille' is means wonderful; peace; propserous; admire. While her surname 'Blanchefleur' means "white flower", also (Blanziflor, Flanziflor, Welsh: Blodyngwyn) is a female given name popular in the High Middle Ages.
-She's based on 'Crybaby' from Melanie Martinez Album: 'Crybaby'.
-She's likes animals and bugs, which that includes dangerous ones or not. It appears that she likes white animals and bugs the most.
-Mireille knows how to make anything either aesthetic styled or not. Which it includes her favorite hobbies and occupations.
-She's a pure closet otaku, she spends her weekends being as a typical otaku additional of loving cosplaying.
-She does not trust Crowley and doesn't seem to like of returning to highschool like NRC thanked to her experience trauma in highschool after her family issues. So it might take some time to her to get along with the students despite the fact she's older than them or not.
-As mentioned, she's experienced child neglected and was being criticism by her 'family'. But after her 'mother' had drugged her and passed out, she stayed in an orphanage but didn't get adopted as she grew old enough to take care of herself. But it didn't end as she entered more traumatic events such as bullying and various. Due to her being a crybaby and weird.
-She's apparently stolen from birth, she hasn't met her real parents who have been looking for her for almost years.
-She has two ex boyfriends, the first one who she never got tested right till she showed him who she's messing with and the second one didn't take a serious relationship with her and left her. So in the aftermath, she spending her time single.
-It lasted about a semester for her till her hair turned white one after getting kidnapped by a doctor and took her to an asylum. Lucky she managed to escape by poisoning his food. Afterwards cost her sanity to lower completely along with her brown hair turning white permanently. After heading home, she met Lilith who helped her heal as time passes. Although she's no longer considered as a human after those events now... Kinda has a dark secret.
-Mireille considered Lilith her only friend. Whom she's the only one who can see and hear her only. To others, it like they are seeing a worse version of a ghost if they see her for a second.
-Her voice sounds pretty meek and timid but the tone and attitude changes whenever something happens, which it can affect her sanity. Which is why I chose Hisako Kanemoto as her japanese voice actor and Alexis Tipton as her english voice actor.
-She absolutely hates cuteness and pop styled thanks to her trauma events. She likes death metal, black clothing in various styles. Mireille also likes stringed guitar music songs as well.
-Has very complicated issues of remembering her past. Can barely make anything out of it.
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dcrkfcngs · 28 days
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status: active, open for plotting
full name: adil kashgari
nicknames: dill, addy, didi
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bi-curious
aesthetics: soft girl, cottage core, femme fatel
age: 29
date of birth: october 12 1994
zodiac sign: scorpio
residence: a house in a affluent neighborhood in shanghai
occupation: famous traditional dancer during the night, day care worker in the morning
faceclaim: dilraba dilmurat
height: 169cm
build: slim with slight curves
eyes: brown, though when the perfect amount of light hits them, they will look hazel
hair: brown, often styled pinned straight or depending on the outfit it may be curled
piercings: ears
tattoos: line art of flowers running along her ribs
other distinguishing features: dimples
style: elegant, preppy & casual
traits: charitable, confident, loving, open minded, generous, caring, hard-working
labels / tropes: the motherly figure
physical health: starts off her day with pilates
likes: dancing, gardens, traveling, shopping, reading, incense, making desserts
dislikes: bugs, the cold, smoking, cheaters, puking, thunder storms
fears: bugs
phobias: astraphobia, atelophobia,
hobbies: flower pressing, sowing, painting, baking
skills: baking, charm, basic first aid, good listener, leadership, multitasking, making friends
pet peeves: exaggerators, loud gum, chewing, unnecessary, awkward, silences
mother: dafne kashgari
father: ruben kashgari
siblings: none
spouse / lover: none
pets: button, a shorthaired calico cat
notable close relatives: open
best friend: open
crushing on: open
ice cream flavour: salted caramel
time of the day / night: evening, sunset
weather: sunny
breakfast food: blueberry pancakes with strawberry drizzle
dinner food: ground turkey and tofu scramble with veggies, salt, and pepper fish
colours: white, flush, baby bottle blue
songs: dernière danse - indila
bio page
adil was raised in family that spared no expense when it came to her. each hobby she was interested in, her parents let her run loose. often spending her afternoons after school in painting classes, along with cooking and baking. her favorite thing to do at the ripe age of ten , was making her parents smile as she talked about her after school adventures. it was while she and her mom passed a dancing studio that she could feel the excitement pumping in her chest. making sure that her mom would sign her up for classes before they even had the chance to step away.
as adil became consistent with going to her dance classes. her teachers would often bring it to her mother‘s attention that she had an extreme talent. it was while showing her mother that dancing wouldn’t bring down her grades that her mother agreed to let her audition for a prominent dance school. at the beginning of her middle school years. she was accepted and spent the rest of her school years boarding there. when she graduated it was no surprise that multiple theaters wanted to have her working for them. with the high of graduating high school, she began working at her theater as a child dance tutor. it was in this moment that she realized she loved taking care of kids.
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What a relationship with the Turtles is like: (SFW, Bayverse, fem reader)
• honestly he's such a gentleman
• he's all about being dignified and mature, so he treats you how he thinks a lady should be treated, and much more
• like any of them, he is protective of you, but knows you're trustworthy. He's not insecure about your relationship and seldom has any doubts of your devotion. Confidence is key; a skill he developed from years of being leader.
• he respects you so much. He makes you feel strong in your own ways and definitely brings out the best in you. On the flip side, you've made him realize that he needs to learn to be a bit more vulnerable when it's appropriate.
• treats you gingerly but doesn't let you become complacent. He won't try to budge your limits, but he'll slowly and surely encourage you toward them, eventually either breaking through or getting there. He worked subtly to coax you out of your comfort zone as your metaphorical shell when you first got together.
• also treats you gingerly, physically—he has refinement and self control, so he's not afraid of accidentally harming you as Mikey or Raph would. When he hugs you, it's always gentle and soft, and his muscular arms seem to hold you so well.
• sometimes you may see him as being stern with you, but it's always coming from a place of love and admiration. He wouldn't give you a challenge he didn't think you could handle.
• as you indulge in his activities and hobbies of his such as training, meditating, etc, he takes interest in your hobbies too. He'll set aside time to do things you love with you, but still keeps his routine.
• unfortunately is a little emotionally constipated; doesn't always express how he feels if he's unsure. But will come to you if he's really floundering and confide in you, and Splinter as well.
• really, he wants to see you grow as a person, and he wants to be the one to facilitate that. Perhaps he'll learn to be more open about his feelings with your help, too.
• you two sometimes bicker a bit about his lack of communication, because even though he's used to being mediator, relationships and new priorities (you and your wants and needs) are a new thing, so he needs time to adjust to the new lifestyle.
• no matter what though he can't imagine life without you now that he has you in it.
• he makes it out to you like he's sure that he'll always be there to defend you, but secretly thinks about situations where he wouldn't be quite often. He didn't voice his concern to you and instead masks his desire to teach you to fight to the best of your ability as just a way to get exercise and fit in, but it's more than just an activity to him; your ability to hold your own when it comes down to it is incredibly important to him.
• Donnie needs to have someone he can be on the same wavelength with. Because so much of his time is consumed by his hobbies and activities, he loves for you to join him in his research and studies and occasionally to shadow him as he works on gadgets and such.
• is very attentive and is always keen to ask you questions. There's always something new to learn about a person, so although he loves it when you show interest in his things, he is keen on learning more about what makes you, you.
• a lot of late nights in his lab with him. He's a bit manic some nights about his research, so he stays up late, late into the night, sometimes becoming so distracted that he doesn't notice you falling asleep. He always silently kicks himself for letting himself get that consumed by his work and would gently pick you up, carrying you back to bed.
• the way he shows affection is by talking and getting to know you more. He's a major multitasker, so sometimes he'll have you sitting in his lap, him asking you things, all the while working on something.
• if it's important, he sometimes gets a little too distracted by his work. This has caused a couple of small squabbles, but it's imperative that you understand his devotion to his work as much as you.
• is also a sucker for sharing music, so he sets up playlists of his ever-changing list of favorite songs all the time.
• at times you get a bit confused at how little he'll talk about himself, because he'll just keep asking you questions about yourself rather than talk about his own stuff. As soon as you get that boat sailing, though, he can't shut up about his joys and interests, and his real self really shines through in those moments. He really is adorable when he gets into a topic he loves.
• can be a little insecure about your relationship at times; he's a bit of a worrywart so he has to be reminded by you that your relationship is amazing and he's perfect. He gives you a firm hug, resting his head on your shoulder and thanking you.
• he loves to just relax and be with you. He's the type that is completely content sitting on the bed talking for hours, or maybe even playing a game with you and Mikey. Board games are one of his leisurely pastimes on boring nights.
• is VERY worrisome of your safety. You have to reassure him constantly that you're not going anywhere anytime soon, and that he shouldn't stress himself out thinking about what-ifs. That's just part of who he is, though.
• First of all, Mikey can be a LOT to handle. He's rambunctious, energetic, and honestly, a breath of fresh air from the other three's more or less reserved natures. (Save for Raph's outbursts.)
• Mikey always says what's on his mind whether it's appropriate or inappropriate. He tries to be communicative but sometimes his vocabulary or articulation fails him. It's still very cute, though.
• he REALLY absolutely adores sharing his hobbies with you. Video games, skateboarding, maybe pranking here and there—it excites him greatly to see you trying out his style, and it's hard not to appreciate his openness about his feelings.
• out of the four brothers he's definitely the most emotional, and here and there gets a little insecure if he misunderstands something he sees or something you say. He's not possessive of you, as he loves his brothers and is used to sharing his things, but he sometimes passingly wonders if you wanted one of them more than him.
• it doesn't take much to reassure him though, he's not inconsolable and will quickly move on from whatever was bothering him. He's always eager to resolve whatever's the matter, just not always sure how to.
• two words: eating. contests.
• overall, he's very playful and can be rowdy, which is a change of pace compared to the other 3 on a general basis. Again, except for Raph's outbursts; he's rowdy.
• loves trying out whatever you're obsessed with at the moment. New music? He's ready to listen to ALL of it with you. New hobby? You bet he's going to be there trying it out himself or cheering you on.
• he enjoys wrestling, tickling, and play-fighting, but forgets just how strong he is at times and gets too rough with you, causing a ruckus to break out, Leo or Donnie generally being the ones to call him out. It upsets him a lot to accidentally hurt you; he is unaware of his size compared to your own. He's not above begging for forgiveness.
• his immaturity shows itself in your relationship here and there which is a subject of annoyance on your end, but Mikey isn't too proud to admit what he did and so anything to make it alright with you. Usually either begins or ends with him clinging to you in a hug and getting emotional.
• he may be juvenile sometimes, but in a moment of crisis or when it matters, he's right by your side and ready to protect you. He might not look it, but he knows when it's time to be serious. He is still a skilled fighter, after all.
• Ohhh, head up—you two squabble fairly regularly. Most of the time due to his temperamental issues, him being overly possessive, things like that. You don't get into truly heated arguments, but he can be somewhat petty about it, which is a whole 'nother annoyance of its own.
• but he always apologizes to you, because he loves you and knows he cannot loss you. He's very prideful on the outside but on the inside uncertain of himself, uncertain of your relationship, and uncertain of the situation. He battles with accepting who he is and often wonders if you should even be with him.
• you bring out his secret soft side and make him more comfortable with it, although he won't show it in front of the others very much. He's very touchy-feely and likes to hold you, keep you close, etc.
• he enjoys cooking for you and with you.
• being in a relationship with him is tenacious but sometimes tentative, given how explosive he can be. But in daily life, he's a softie for you, and will participate in your hobbies and interests, even if they're girly or something he isn't exactly interested in. He just wants you to know that you can be yourself around him, because God knows he himself struggled with that at first.
• being in a relationship with Raph is passionate. He knows when to be a gentleman. He may not go overboard like Leo sometimes does, but he treats you like his princess. You're a gift to him.
• like Leo, he also likes to push you, albeit sometimes a too much. Such as, prompting you to lift a weight that's a little to heavy for you. Or accepting challenges for you that you aren't quite ready for. He's trying to show his respect for you and how much he thinks you can take, but he doesn't always know when too much is too much.
• gives you firm pep talks/hypes you up and gets mad when you put yourself down; it legitimately makes him angry when you say something self deprecating or cruel fo yourself. He'll grab ya by the shoulders and give you a shake while telling you how untrue it is.
• he's a gentle giant with you. Unlike Mikey, he's not unaware of his massive body and strength against you, so any movement against you is carefully monitored to make sure you aren't hurt by him.
• overcompensates by treating you like you're made of glass which can be slightly annoying but you still love him anyway because you're his princess, how else is he supposed to treat you??
• he would lay down his life for you in a heartbeat if he had to. (Although this implies that the others somehow wouldn't, he feels particularly strongly about it. He always thinks about how he's going to protect you when the time comes.)
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vulpes-nothus · 2 years
"Just keep practicing!" "With more experience, you'll get better!" "No one is perfect at first, but you'll get better with time!"
These are all just light and love ways to say, "GET GOOD, SCRUB!"
And these are all things I see in posts about DMing/Storytelling/running tabletop games.
I'm fucking tired of it.
Things You Can Do to Run Better Games (that are not running games)
Spoon Excercises
Pulled from tactical training courses, all you really do is take an item (a spoon) identify what it is designed for (scooping and eating food) and come up with a list of 15-20 other uses for a spoon that are NOT it's intended use (not scooping or eating.) For example, here is my spoon list:
Electrical circuit completion
Electrical short
Gear jammer
Blunt weapon
Tiny catapult
Eye patch
Cover for sucking chest wound
Raw scrap metal for welding/forging
Ammunition for slingshot
Ammunition for muzzleloader
Finger splint
Heat conductor
Convex reflector
Reflected light flash signal
Back scratcher
Fishing lure
Door alarm
That list took me about ten minutes to come up with, and spoons are often used since you are encouraged to test your ideas. With practice, you can start playing this game with game material, like coming up with twenty uses for Lay on Hands that is not "heal 1d6 hit points of damage per for every two levels the paladin possesses" or "deal damage to undead creatures."
Trains: creativity, unilateral thinking, rule interpretation
Watching a Show (without watching it)
This one is simple: turn on a show that you have NOT seen before, then fuck off doing other things while it plays in the background. Cook, clean, read, do homework, talk to friends or family, literally anything that is both not paying attention to the show and engages your attention.
Once you get through an episode, listen to the first few minutes of the next one (NOT THE RECAP YOU CHEATERS!) and guess what happened while you were busy. Write it down, then compare your notes to an actual viewing of the episode. The better you get, the more accurate and detailed your notes will be. Bonus points if you get to the point where you can do this with shows you don't speak the language of.
Trains: multitasking, memory, note taking, extrapolation
Consume Non-Fiction
What it says on the tin: read, watch, or listen to info about your real life on your real planet around you. Do research, ask questions, find answers. Branch out into something you know nothing about. Are you a hard historical gamer that bases your campaign in the Holy Roman Empire? Look up something about deep sea amphipods or how computer chips are made. Do you love Tolkien and have memorized the LotR? Try something on knitting or modern Japanese ghost hunters. Are you a stripper that plays Shadowrun on your nights off? I'm not cool enough to advise you, though I might hazard this suggestion: maybe veterinary medicine? The point is, find something you know nothing about, and follow the rabbit hole.
Trains: research skills, broadened knowledge, mental flexibility
Start a Physical Hobby
From something as expensive as a martial arts class or bdsm to something as cheap as hiking or drawing, the best game runners I know have all got something physical that they do for fun. Often more than one thing, but if you don't have any, start with one. I don't really care what it is either. If you have a reason you can't move your (x) find something you can move and use it.
Trains: expectation management, grounded rulings, stamina, patience
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royaletiquette · 3 years
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Okay, bios are finished being updated! Since it's been 5yrs since I touched it much. There’s a lot I don’t know how/where to fit in, but I don’t love overly detailed bios anyways so I’ll deal. it’s lengthy as is.
Also for rules, I added/warned that I’m a lot faster on replies after plotting some because it makes me feel more comfortable in what we’re both shooting for. And that I don’t do one liners I’m sorry, there's zero room for development with them. 
anyways Tldr patch notes under cut lol
Lotta touches/rewriting of their opening paragraphs to make their current day to day more understandable (hopefully). 
General relationships better explained. Their parental issues but still respecting the king and queen. Bit more about Shitsuo, their butler/bodyguard.
Expanded on their differences between how they act among other aristocrats vs people in the city. Hibiko being a perfect little angel in the background to fluff egos, vs learning to speak her true thoughts. Hibiya being able to blend in a lot easier than her, but not knowing how to turn the constant charm off 
Removed hobbies, abilities, inabilities but kept the important traits there.
Also updated that smut-bio a bit lol but not enough to really matter. made hibiko more gay bc i didn’t like how i described her and she’s definitely experimented with other princesses before. 
Likes: Being dressed up, romance, and getting attention. Spending time with friends and being complimented/praised in anyway. Interior design. Waltz, ballet, theater. Helping maids cook (though she's bad at it), reading short stories, poetry, cheesy romance books. Gossiping with whoever will listen. Dislikes: Being told "no." Parties, being surrounded by nobility (men) that are above her. Being publicly drunk or embarrassed. Multitasking. Negative personality traits: Stubborn, naive, gullible and whiny. Unable to laugh at herself. Cowardly and uncreative.  Positive personality traits: Flirtatious, with a mostly positive outlook on life. Confident in what she does and knows when to keep her mouth shut. Can easily remember facts about things and people.
She has come to the understand that marriage is all there is for her to look forward to, but now that she's older, knows there is more to the world. Sooner, hopefully, rather than later, she is going to marry, and knows now may be the only time she can experience people outside of her own frustrating class. The princess is willing to put herself in situations she knows she shouldn’t so she can get those experiences before it’s too out of reach.
Likes: Drinking and partying. Reading romance and novels with heavy stories so he can read them multiple times. Casual conversations and playing piano. Literally anything that would make him look good to the public eye. Dislikes: Public displays of affection. Being teased, children, labor outside of office work. Those that swear, are above him in status, smoke, and are drunk if he isn't drinking as well. Negative personality traits: Stubborn, judgmental, selfish. Can be possessive and self critical. Drinks and becomes lustful when upset. Weak, can neither take nor throw a punch. Positive personality traits: Friendly, welcoming, and ambitious. Loves to entertain company and shower them with attention. Organized, confident and focused.
His parents ran away from their titles when the prince was early into his teenager years, Hibiya deciding to stay behind and having to learn fast the responsibilities they left for him. Immediately, the stress on top of the lose, he was thrown into a deep depression for the rest of teenage years as he readjusted to his new lifestyle. Most of what he knew didn’t usually help, and everything else he had to figure out on his own. People were impatient with him, and he was frustrated easily with everything. Waking up even slowly turned into a hassle, knowing it would only be another stressful day.
After seemingly figuring everything out, there is still a lingering fear of something else happening that he simply wouldn’t know how to take care of. Over the years, he’s now mostly able to control his anxiety, but only with the knowledge of losing his parents and the last of his youth to a complete hell.
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thanks for the interest, love you too ♥
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bytheangell · 3 years
Happy day-after-Friday, friends! because apparently i have lost all concept of time to the point where I can’t remember my one weekly life update ramble. 
ANYWAY, it was a pretty decent week! I picked up yet another new hobby because apparently I need to try something new once a week (we’ll pretend it’s a burst of curiosity and creativity and not a slight existential crisis), so now I have origami paper to play around with while I listen to audiobooks! I’m also trying very hard to actually improve at the ukulele which is slow, but steady, progress! My tiny hands are not naturally inclined to any sort of stretching for chords or holding down strings, but I really do have a lot of fun learning it and messing around and that’s what counts! 
I finished reading The Library at Mount Char, which Alberto recommended at one of the online cons a little while back, and it was SUCH A GOOD DECISION. I really enjoyed it, the plot was really interesting and definitely different from anything I’ve read recently, which was a nice change. I’m currently starting In Cold Blood now that Alberto has Rosende Reads back up and running for the year, so we’ll see how well I manage juggling book club books with some personal ones I want to get through the rest of the year. Listening to audiobooks is definitely helping me get through more books, since I can multitask it with doing my makeup or eating or driving so I should be good. 
I’m also getting back into my writing groove! I managed to write at least a little bit every day this past week, sometimes a decent amount and sometimes just a couple hundred words, but I’m falling back into some good patterns. The 500-word prompts from @thehuntersmoondiscord and weekly coda fics for @malecdiscordserver‘s weekly SH rewatch definitely help, since it gives me something new to dabble in while working on wrapping up some older WIPs I’ve started and just need the motivation/inspiration to finish! 
That’s pretty much been my week. Trying to strike that perfect balance between work and picking up extra shifts and having days off and enough free time that I’m not too worn out to do the things I want to be doing. Definitely a work in progress. I hope you’re all doing really well, though! And that you’re staying safe and happy and healthy and making time for the things you love <3 As always, my ask and messages are always open to chat about SH/TSC, or music, or life in general, or just to scream into the void at me! <3 
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redscharms · 4 years
Idk if this has been asked already? But can you pretty please do a soulmate reading for our worldwide handsome boy Jin?? Totally feel free to ignore this if you have already!!😂😂
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My dear Anons! Thank you for your requests and being so patient with me.  So here’s the soulmate reading for the Worldwide Handsome Boy Jin ♥️
BTS Tarot reading
Kim Seok-jin soulmate reading
A very creative person, probably involved in arts and also singing
I’ve done this reading three times and each time it’s the same thing
Someone artistic and pretty wealthy
And can I just share with you how happy I am to see my little oracle working!
I pulled two cards and they were Imagination and Abundance
I’m just so happy to see them align so well at the end of the reading with the overall energy
It seems they are very similar to him in some aspects
There’s this feeling of mutual understanding
It’s like their presence calms the other
They seem to be very creative and there’s some amount of adorable goofiness to them
Very gentle yet have a very mature outlook on the world
They have such a peaceful energy
But I also sense something troubling them
Can’t pinpoint exactly what it is
But they are very accomplished in life
The Queen of Pentacles came up twice
And there’s also the World card too
I feel like.. they might be constantly working and having troubles balancing their work and their private life
It’s like they’re constantly moving and it also feels like they would like a very traditional family but they simply can’t force themselves to change their way of living
They constantly seek new projects, new skills, new opportunities
It’s like on papers they are this perfect for marriage person
But in reality they’re mostly focused on their job and hobbies
So that’s what creates that slight unbalance in their life
They can’t set up their priorities because they want it all but haven’t yet figured it out how to multitask
I love their energy though
And I feel like they have such a pretty smile too
Warm and endearing
I don’t know much about Jin’s character but it seems this is what makes him gravitate towards this person
Their calming and bright aura
This is so sweet
Also with the Lovers it’s definitely a very strong emotional connection
But it also feels like it will take them some time to built a relationship
The road is long but the journey to the destination is very pleasant
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websmyle2021 · 3 years
Let’s Make Friends Online
Communication is the process to exchange the information by speaking or writing or through any other medium. It is simply the act of transferring information from one place to other. It can also be from one person to other; again from a group of people to other. Communication include senders, receivers and most importantly a message that is transferred. Those people are considered as good communicators, who listen carefully, speak or write accurately and transfers the message in accurate manner.
Communication is fundamental to the existence and survival of human as well as to an organization. It’s the process of sharing information, views and ideas etc. among people to reach a common understanding. It is essential for the quick and effective performance of people. Be it formal or informal communication, it is helpful in transferring information.
In ancient days people used to visit to any public gathering, functions, parties etc. where they meet new people. As per the advancement of technology several other mediums have come up to provide us the opportunity to chat with online friends without going anywhere. According to changing time the priority of people have changed. From their busy schedule people hardly find any time to travel to different places to encounter new people. Now-a-days mostly on holidays people have been able to get in touch with their friends and relatives. Friendship can become a source of support and provide emotional benefits even though the friends will never meet in person. In this innovation driven world, it can be very difficult to make new friends. Back before when there was no internet, individuals would need to meet people by going to different places. Now, with the emergence of online assistance, you can get in touch with significant number of people at the same time. Several online platforms have emerged now. People are showing huge interest in registering themselves in several platforms for free.
By the help of these online platforms, people have been much benefited. These platforms have superior security features. It enable us to get to know many people. Be it our known ones or new ones it provides the scope to chat with online friends all-round the globe. Online interacting platforms have several benefits that make them immensely popular in a short span of time. Mostly in online platforms our conversations are optimized in nature. It helps us to enhance the efficiency. We needn’t visit to any place. Within blink of an eye we can send message as well as connect to people from all over the world. These online platforms have made our life quite interesting. By keeping the popularity of these applications as well as its huge number of users; many companies have come forward with their applications providing some unique features. Using online chats people can boost their confidence, find people with similar choice and can also get connected to people who are far away from their places. Mostly youths and children have been able to get attached with these applications so easily. Online chatting can boost the confidence as well as self-esteem of individuals. Although it should only be seen as a tried and tested solution, chatting with strangers can give people a boost of their confidence. Even a stranger; who hardly know you can bring a smile on your face. Online chatting is becoming increasingly common, as some people like to sit back and relax at home rather to go out and meet. Several social networking sites have come up with the idea that allow users to interact about specific things like hobbies, area of interests etc. These can lead to new information, perspectives and knowledge on a given topic of interest. We can say that these types of chatting forums are used as learning things, where people can get advice as well as suggestions from people all around the places and chat with online friends. While we meet someone and we don’t like his/her company it can be difficult sometimes to go out from that place. But in case of online sites, if someone feels uncomfortable chatting with a person, it is very easy to leave. One most important utility of online chat can be to stay in touch with friends and family, who live far away or may be overseas. People can chat for hours without fearing about the bill.
Online chatting enhances the ability to meet new people easily. Online chatting gives people the freedom to talk to strangers without sharing personal information, appearance or location. One can complete other tasks also while chatting over internet. Take for example: one can read books, send emails or have a conversation with someone in the room while chatting. Because you can multitask while chatting on internet, it can become easier to lose track of time. You can end up chatting with online friends for duration, than you intended to. Mostly chat rooms are a fun way to friends and those people having familiar interests. In this universe, none is perfect, but some people have imperfections that they just cannot overcome. Low self-esteem is extremely difficult to get over, especially in today’s society. People having low self-esteem feel like they are being attacked from all directions. Luckily, online chats have made it possible for those people to meet others dealing with similar issues. Just the mere fact that you can interact to someone who is going through the same things in life can help.
Throughout life, people learn how to socialize. They learn how to interact with others on all levels. However, socialization is not all about interacting with others. It is also about learning how to behave in a way that is considered as acceptable. Some people failed to learn what it takes to be accepted in today’s society. Fortunately, it’s never too late. Improving your socialization skills may be as easy as joining an online chat room.  Here you will be able to learn more about yourself. There is none to judge you, so you can be yourself. 
Lastly, we can say communication learning process begins at a very young age. Some people learn it quite easily but some find it very difficult and fail to learn throughout their life regarding how to effectively communicate with people. Well, online chatting rooms are great platforms for learning how to communicate and chat with online friends. In fact, you can meet and talk with people from all over the world.
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coastalhorrors · 4 years
I Want To Believe (In Us)
For @oumasaiexchange s Autumn Exchange, written for recipient number 1!!
Prompt: Drama! I like angst with a happy ending. I adore bittersweet content in fanfics. And as art, I like anything with really pastel colors and cute things.
Word count: 4,924
Summary: Shuichi Saihara wasn't too keen on summoning the undead this late at night, especially when the temperature outside his beaten down Subaru Legacy had just gotten down to below freezing. 
Shuichi Saihara wasn't too keen on summoning the undead this late at night, especially when the temperature outside his beaten down Subaru Legacy had just gotten down to below freezing. 
The car itself rattled with each labored breath it took attempting to keep its inhabitants warm, and dust had started to pile up on the far reaches of the dashboard, but it was in better shape now than when Shuichi had gotten it. 
He had bought his car earlier that year from one of his Uncle's coworkers and had spent nearly half that amount of time trying to repair it. When he had gotten the car its seats were worn and stained with who knows what, and both the tail lights were out. There were also multiple dents on the trunk and on its sides, and upon seeing it Shuichi had realized why he had gotten the car so cheap. He had managed to fix the taillights and sanitize the inside, but from various investigations and some dubious late-night research, he figured those dents were just there to stay. 
He sighed as another sneeze sounded out from beside him and more dust scattered itself around them. 
"You're going to catch some sort of disease if you keep digging through the library's collection of occult tomes," Shuichi said, laying his headache-ridden skull back on the headrest. 'The black plague is back you know, and you're not immune."
He could practically hear the sly smile creeping its way onto Kokichi*s face.
"Aw, is my Shumai worried about me? Oh! Maybe he's just jealous that I'll find evidence of the supernatural before him, the Super High School Level Detective of all people!" He giggled mockingly, a childish lilt to his voice.
"Hardly," Shuichi replied wryly, gazing down drowsily at the dim blue light of the clock. 
11:47 P.M.
Thirteen more minutes.
Then Kokichi would try to summon whatever demonic creature he found this week in one of his many forums, historical books, or maybe even a newspaper, ultimately failing, and Shuichi could drive them back to the dorms so that he could watch more of the X-Files until he fell asleep. 
That had been their routine since about halfway through their first year at Hope's Peak Academy. Shuichi remembered the day when the infamous Kokichi Ouma had come to his dorm room one night, loud, out of rhythm knocking interrupting the peaceful quite Shuichi had become accustomed to throughout his small-time staying there. He had said he needed a ride somewhere and that he wasn't taking his chances with the questionable form of art that was public transportation. 
He also made a point to say that Shuichi was the only classmate he knew with a car, which was utter nonsense if you asked him. Mondo in the class three years above them had a motorcycle and made sure everyone knew it, and Kazuichi from the class above them was a mechanic for Pete's sake. Even Miu and Kaito owned their own trucks and Kirumi had a motorcycle she cherished dearly. 
Shuichi recalled brushing it off, Kokichi did enjoy his lies after all. And he didn’t mind going out that night, especially since he meant to go out anyway and grab some snacks for his study session with Kaito, Maki, and Kaede the next day. Which, coincidentally, he ended up almost missing because of how late he slept in. 
They ended up staying out until about 3:00 A.M. that night. Kokichi had said it was a stakeout for something Shuichi wouldn't understand, which was probably true considering to him it was a complete waste of time since the only memorable thing that happened that night was a particularly loud owl cooing from somewhere in the trees nearby.
And yet Kokichi came back a few days later with another reason to take Shuichi out into a field in the middle of nowhere, where the stars above shone brighter than any street lamp, and the tranquility was omnipotent. 
Shuichi had figured out where he was driving them to a few days in. It was a small field brimming with red and purple wildflowers in the spring and summer, near an old farm where a nice lady lived with her sheep and chickens. She had apparently inherited it from her grandfather who had been missing for years, it had made front-page news about two years ago. 
There was a shuffling from beside him, and when Shuichi looked over Kokichi seemed to be going through some sort of hastily written notes. Then he remembered what Kokichi's handwriting looked like and determined that it was probably actually pretty thorough, just too messy to read at a glance. He didn’t bother trying to read it, and he honestly wasn’t too interested in what it was pertaining, only because he knew even if Kokichi did try to explain it to him without lying through the whole thing he still wouldn’t understand why it was so important. 
The only words he was able to glean from his momentary glance were the title headers that contained such words as 'continued from page two','very dangerous', and 'what to do if…'.  He had no clue what Kokichi was trying to accomplish, or if he'd even succeed, he only knew that this was one of the things he openly took seriously. At least in Shuichi’s eyes, he didn’t know what the rest of his classmates saw. 
He was pulled out of his thoughts when the passenger's side door opened. "Well Shuichi, wish me luck in not getting my head completely obliterated by a demonic entity!" The smaller boy chirped, exiting the vehicle and trekking through the snowy field, occasionally sidestepping a slippery patch of ice hidden in the weeds. Shuichi watched the other boy for a while, followed him with dull golden eyes, how Kokichi gazed up at the stars for an answer to his question, whatever that was, how he scrutinized each star falling upon his gaze, always searching for something, even in the dead of winter. 
And yet Shuichi still couldn't figure the other boy out.
He didn't understand what was so important about this field if there even was anything really important about this field. He figured Kokichi probably wasn't above lying about taking Shuichi out someplace in the middle of nowhere. 
He'd have to keep going on these escapades with him to find out what was so important with this place.
Apparently, there wasn't anything important about the field. And if there had been, then Kokichi had completely blown it off. 
It was late December when Kokichi decided to take a look down in Hope's Peak Academy's basement. Which, granted was better than driving icy roads at the midnight hour, but at least in his car Shuichi had heating. 
The basement was dark and dank, smelling of dust and mold, and Shuichi got the distinct feeling that if he touched one of the walls on accident, he'd catch some sort of wicked disease. Kokichi, naturally, thought it was just right.
"You know Shuichi, this would be the perfect place to summon an unholy monstrosity," Kokichi said, walking beside him, flashlight in hand, round eyes glancing about the large room. "I wouldn't be surprised if there was a dead body hidden somewhere down here either." 
"Kokichi why are we down here? Don't you have anything better to do? Like studying for that physics exam maybe?" Shuichi said, ignoring the other boy’s previous statements, he had long gotten used to Kokichi's ramblings by now. He twisted his flashlight towards his right, coming across nothing but a slate grey wall and empty space. 
Kokichi gave him a wild look, violet eyes and bright white teeth gleaming from his light. "Oh Shuichi my beloved, when will you learn," he tsked. "I never study for those stupid things, we get them like every week, and as long as you pay attention in class, you're good enough." 
"You don't pay attention though," Shuichi said doubtfully, peering at him through his peripherals. "Earlier today you got into an argument with Rantaro in the middle of class." 
Kokichi grinned, "Oh you've got it all wrong! I'm a master at multitasking, a leader such as myself would no doubt be able to know what's going on in class whilst debating with my lab partner about whether or not contacting aliens is unethical!" 
Shuichi rolled his eyes back into his head, he should've expected an answer like that. 
"Ew, what's that creepy look on your face for?" He heard Kokichi say disgustedly. 
Shuichi hummed questioningly in response, somewhat quirking a brow, as his gaze fell back to Kokichi.
"You got an ugly smile on your face, you look like a sadist or something," Kokichi said, pointing his lithe fingers towards Shuichi's face. And to his shock, Shuichi realized he had let a small smirk cross his features. Unconsciously he took a small step back and raised his hands in defense. 
"O-oh it's nothing, I just remembered something funny from earlier," He said, hoping he successfully blew Kokichi's question off. 
He leered at Shuichi for a moment before something caught his eye ahead of them and he jumped forward. 
He sighed in relief, then paused abruptly. Why was he relieved? He had nothing to hide, so why was he so nervous under Kokichi's glare? Why did he feel so guilty all of a sudden? 
He eyed Kokichi, who had gotten a good few meters away by then, as he crouched down to pick at something on the ground. He was like a child, Shuichi thought, a really disturbing child, and he found himself wanting to let another smile crawl onto his face. 
He determined that Kokichi was way too charming for his own good. 
As the sun set on a snowy evening a few weeks after their basement escapade, Kokichi found himself back in the same boat. Not that he'd ever left, bugging Shuichi had been a hobby of his since late October. 
He sighed wearily and rested his head against the desk in his dorm. He had ended up pulling another all-nighter preparing for tonight’s investigation. They would be going down to the basement again, this time looking for a special type of worm Kokichi had heard about in a podcast. The midnight worm, as they were called, were bloodsuckers and could leap up to seven feet, maybe higher, and he wasn’t passing up the chance to possibly find such a rare specimen. 
Shuichi didn’t know that of course. Kokichi made sure he always goes into their little adventures blind. He liked watching the detective piece together the clues he was given, it was fascinating, especially for a runagate like him. The puzzled looks, the tentative movements, it was all just like sweet cream, and Kokichi was the cat lapping it up. 
His favorite was when Kokichi had planned a particularly difficult puzzle and Shuichi got fidgety. He bore witness to nose scrunching, nail-biting, clothes tugging, and the like. It made him extremely pleased to know that he’s stumped his starcrossed rival. 
Shuichi never learned of what those investigations were about, Kokichi never told him. And he could see how crazy it made the detective, not knowing just what he had gotten himself into. Which was the best part, Shuichi wasn’t entitled to come with Kokichi anymore, now that they had moved indoors for the deep winter. He could easily say no and reject coming with, and yet he just kept doing it. 
This also made Kokichi happy to see, as he had piqued the interest of Shuichi so much so that he just couldn’t say no. 
This was Kokichi's most nefarious plot yet. 
He'd keep coming up with these inspections, keep traveling from basement, to field, to the coast to wherever, as long as Shuichi came with him, until… well. He hadn’t figured that part out yet. He only knew that whatever it was going to lead to, it would be amazingly entertaining. 
Kokichi smiled to himself as he gathered up his notes on the midnight worms. He hadn’t had this much fun in a long time.
The corridors were quiet as he made his way down to Shuichi’s room, stark white walls clashing with the dark wood. Finally, he stood in front of the door of his acquaintance. His friend? His colleague. Though that still didn’t seem right as he knocked quickly on the door. A pattern Shuichi had no doubt gotten used to. 
There was a sound like someone had just set something down and some slight curious mumbling from inside when the door swung open. 
"Hello, there Mr. Detective! I’ve finally come to murder you in cold blood!" He lilted, stretching out the 'hello' for effect. 
The boy in front of him didn’t look fazed in the slightest, in fact, he looked almost expectant. 
"There you are, I was starting to worry if I had gotten my timing wrong," Shuichi said, clearly relieved. 
Kokichi grinned, "Aw, were you worried about little old me? Don’t worry, I’m always at your door on Thursday evenings, rain or shine!"
"Its Wednesday."
He shrugged, "Tomato, Tomahto. Ready to get moving? We don’t have all night."
Shuichi gave him a long look before blinking, coming back to his senses. "Yeah definitely, just let me grab my bag quick." He turned around, rummaging behind his door. He returned after a few seconds and gave Kokichi a courteous nod. 
He started forward, not looking back to see if Shuichi was following him, because he always was. 
"So what are we looking for today?" Shuichi asked. His footsteps were even, but Kokichi could feel the expectancy radiating off him. It made his smile return, even brighter this time.
"Oh you know I can’t tell you that, it’d be no fun that way. You are a detective after all." He called, looking over his shoulder. He saw Shuichi blow a small breath out of his mouth. He was glad to know the other boy was still interested. 
That was Kokichi's last thought before they descended the staircase into the basement. 
Shuichi had a problem. Quite a big one in fact. It had kept him up night after night, and the worst thing about was he couldn't even do anything about it. 
He was falling in love with Kokichi Ouma. Except there was something wrong with that sentiment, it being that he really couldn't fully say that he was in love. 
He had seen firsthand how people act when they're in love, he knew the consequences of it.
And Shuichi was terrified. 
He had seen relationships fall apart, sometimes while he studied at his Uncle's detective agency, and other times just out in the world. 
He remembered one time when he was younger and still lived with his parents, his mother had taken him out Christmas shopping. They were almost finished and were about to check out when an older guy, a high schooler he had assumed at the time, started shrieking about his girlfriend breaking his heart. And Shuichi was not too keen on replicating that.
Not that he ever thought he'd go on an angry rampage in a craft store decorated to the brim with wreaths and poinsettias, he liked to think he had much more self-control than that. 
No, Shuichi knew he couldn't deal with the aftermath of heartbreak, especially his very first one. It was common knowledge that high school relationships rarely ever last, and if they did, they developed into cruel, twisted and spiteful ones after a good while. And just thinking about the thought that he may never recover from a heartbreak that bad kept him up at night. 
Even more so now that there was a person he liked. Not loved. Definitely, totally not loved, he was way too young for that. 
But the way that Kokichi always had a puzzle for him, always made sure to keep some sense of mystery going, absolutely captivated him, and he was met with the mental image of a certain infamous mastermind playing a game of cat and mouse with a familiar detective. 
And his heart ached every time Kokichi brought him out somewhere now, as he watched violet eyes sparkle with delight at stumping him. He noticed that when the other boy was particularly excited for something, he'd twirl his hair around his finger ever so often. Which made his heart swell with something, all because Kokichi actually cared. He had spent numerous days, weeks even, of his life researching things for Shuichi to help him 'discover', and the thought that someone was there for him, and thought about him so often drove him insane. 
But high school relationships never last. It's not love. It's just some silly game they played. Nothing more. This was never going to go anywhere, so why even bother right? There'd be someone else when he was older, more mature. 
Shuichi was not going to ask Kokichi out, no matter how much he wanted to. Because as long as he kept reminding himself of that one simple fact that has so far been proven true and just, it would all be okay in the end. 
At least he hoped so anyway. 
Kokichi was suffering. 
Valentine’s day was just around the corner, and he was choking on hearts of red and pink, all because he went and started liking some stupid detective. A very handsome stupid detective. A handsome, and capable, but nevertheless foolish detective. 
He had done everything in his power to make Shuichi see him in that way, but it still hasn't worked, and he was starting to get frustrated. 
Kokichi had created case after case, researched day and night for something, anything to get Shuichi interested in him. And to a degree, it had worked. Now, they were what most people would safely call 'friends'. And that was well and good, but just friends, the thought of nothing more ever happening between them, made his stomach fall through the floor all the way to some sort of afterlife. 
But he couldn't stop trying. There was no harm in trying, only progress. At least that's what Rantaro and Miu would tell him when he lamented to them about his failing love life. That, and some other, less motivational words.
There was nothing left to do except suck it up, do some more exploration into things that might pique the other’s interest even more so than he had already accomplished, and continue with his plan. 
Kokichi was either doomed to fail or gain a mediocre at best win. 
Shuichi couldn't do this anymore. It was time to throw in the towel.
He couldn't take the late nights with Kokichi, the unnoticed glances he threw the other boy. The teasing was unbearable as well, he found it impossible not to be flustered around the other boy, and Kokichi would always respond with some snarky comment like, for example, accusing Shuichi of having a crush on him. 
Which really wasn't very nice at all, specifically because of the way Kokichi would stare at him when he asked the question. Like he was actually expecting some sort of answer. 
It made Shuichi's gut turn. Because really what was he supposed to say? 'Actually, you know what, I do like you Kokichi, a lot.' What kind of sadistic person would do that to themselves? People with a crush on a short, immature, liar that's who.  
No, he was done with it. He had to end it now or else it would never happen. 
Shuichi had planned it all in his head. Each step in a specific fashion, planned carefully so that he'd have the best results. Which really would just be Kokichi not calling him out on the spot. 
Yet as he walked down the hall towards Kokichi's room, he felt his legs moving at an unearthly slow pace. He had to convince himself multiple times that it would be okay, that he could do this, and he wouldn't disintegrate while in the middle of speaking.
Because it was either this or more useless pining after a foolish dream.
As he arrived at the door, Shuichi realized he was shaking the tiniest bit and had to will himself to raise his hand towards the door. His fist clenched so hard, he wouldn't be surprised if he drew blood soon. Then the door swung open, and Kokichi Ouma stood in front of him, eyes wide and brows raised. 
"Oh hey Shuichi," he chirped pleasantly. "Are you stalking me now? Because you know, standing outside someone’s door is kinda creepy."
Shuichi felt his face heat up as he stumbled back a step. No doubt his face was as red as the wildflowers just starting to grow in the gardens outside. 
He quickly realized his fist was still raised and shot it down beside him. 
"Well, no actually, um, I have-" he started but was interrupted by the boy in front of him. 
"Whatever, anyways Shuichi we're going out tonight!" Kokichi exclaimed happily, grinning from ear to ear. Except something seemed off.
Something he couldn’t quite pinpoint.
"Yup! Remember that old field we went to a few months back? The one by the spooky old murder barn? We're going back there tonight!"
Shuichi did remember that field. And that barn in fact, though he didn’t recall any homicides occurring near it. "You mean you’re going to make me drive you out there again?" Shuichi asked, knowing the answer already as Kokichi nodded his head casually. "Look, Kokichi, I would really love to drive you there but-"
"Great! It's a date then! I'll see you tonight Shuichi!" He said, leaning forward and dragging out Shuichi’s name in a way that made his heart leap.
And just like that, there was a door back in his face as Kokichi closed it on him.
He stood there for a few moments, unsure of what to do next. His choice of words and use of 'date' made his voice catch in his throat, but ultimately he decided it was just a coincidence. 
He decided to go along with Kokichi that night, and he’d tell him there that they couldn’t continue these late-night shenanigans. 
Tonight would be the last time. 
The air was cool with an early spring breeze when they arrived at the grassy meadow. It was nearly dark when the two left the dorms, so Kokichi had made sure to pack some flashlights. He laid down a small linen blanket he'd also made sure to bring over the fresh grass, they were going to be here a while he figured, so why not be comfortable? 
Shuichi stood awkwardly at the edge of the blanket, eyeing Kokichi wearily as he relaxed down onto it. "What’s that look for Shuichi?" He asked in a way that hopefully resembled his usual tone and hid the nervousness he was feeling. "If I was less humble I'd say you look a bit flustered."
He swore he saw Shuichi’s face turn pinker than usual, but he blamed it on the lack of light. Kokichi did, however, watch as the detective shifted his weight, clearly on the fence about something, before settling onto the blanket next to him. 
Kokichi looked up into the night, staring into the vastness of the universe. They had traveled far enough from the cramped urban cityscape to be able to see a majority of the stars that covered the sky like a curtain. It was one of the reasons he enjoyed coming out here so much. That and watching for otherworldly spaceships. 
Though that’s not why he brought Shuichi out here, at least not this time. Kokichi was going to confess. He was tired of waiting and of feeling his heart sink into what seemed like a black hole of hopeless aching. He didn’t care if he got rejected anymore, he just wanted it out. 
He took a deep breath and shoved his anxiousness into the corner of his mind. "You know why I brought you out here, right Shuichi?"
Shuichi turned to him, the hands on his chest fidgeting in habit, and an eyebrow quirked in intrigue. "If I was to give a wild guess, I'd assume you took me out here to look for extraterrestrials again?"
Kokichi smiled, he had figured that one out months ago, back when freezing snow still coated the ground in layers.
He was about to speak when Shuichi interrupted him. "Do you really believe in all that stuff? The aliens, the shapeshifting wolves, all the things you brought me with you to find?"
He turned to the other boy, eyes wide in shock, he hadn’t planned for a question like that, especially having been already busy with his own agenda. 
"I…Want to believe in them." Kokichi responded, surprising himself with such an honest answer. "It's more fun that way. There are so many boring things in the world. Stuff like that… Like spaceships and vampires and teeny leprechauns, it all just makes life so much more interesting you know? Just like…"
He paused, clamping his eyes shut tight in preparation for what he was about to say. It was now or never.
"Shuichi, you’re really smart you know?" Kokichi began, sitting up from the blanket, "like crazy smart, and so tolerant of everyone, even if they start wearing your patience thin. I could never do that. I think it's really admirable of you."
He felt Shuichi shift beside him and nearly combusted on the spot when he spoke. "Are you alright Kokichi? You’re not acting like yourself, do you want water? Or do we need to get back to the dorms?"
He winced, opening his eyes back up but looking to the left to avoid the others' intense gaze. "That too. You’re so kind. Too kind if you ask me, especially towards people like me who don’t deserve it."
"Kokichi-, "Shuichi started, but he had to keep going, or else he would never get it out. 
"Listen, I know it doesn’t make sense, and I know you’re going to hate me afterward but…" He sucked in a breath, "But I like you Shuichi. Like, I really like you. And I know you don’t like me that way, or else I would have known by now, but I physically can’t keep it in anymore Shuichi, if I did, I'd probably die on the spot. That’s… That’s why I brought you here…" Kokichi said the last words slowly, absorbing in sections what he'd just said. 
Now Shuichi would scream at him and tell him he’s worthless and foolish for somehow falling for him, and Kokichi would be able to go on with his life and finally get over this. He could deal with the hateful stares and glances in the hallways, as long as the truth was out.
He flinched slightly when he felt a warm hand wrap itself around his arm. "Look at me Kokichi," he heard Shuichi say in a soft voice that made Kokichis heart yearn. "Please?" 
Slowly, he turned back towards Shuichi. His face shone dimly in the moonlight, but still, his golden eyes stared through him fiercely, picking every bit of him apart. He didn’t seem angry, however, but he still couldn’t figure out exactly what Shuichi was feeling. 
Then, in a nearly inaudible voice said, "I like you too, Kokichi."
It took him a moment to figure out just what Shuichi had meant, but when he did, his heart jumped into his throat. 
"What?" He managed to choke out between nervous breaths. Shuichi really couldn’t be serious.
"I said-" he paused, seemingly trying to gather his words. "I said that I really like you too. I was just… Scared, I guess." He quieted again after that.
He was serious.
Kokichi made a small 'O' with his mouth and looked down at the blanket. Shuichi’s hand was still clasped around his arm. He could definitely guess what he was afraid of. Rejection, heartbreak, falling out of love. The like. 
"Well," Kokichi started. "We can always deal with that later, down the line when we get to it." He said, looking back up at Shuichi when something caught his eye. 
He gasped, "Look Shuichi, a shooting star!" Kokichi said, a childish tone returning to his voice. 
"That’s a plane, not a shooting star," Shuichi stated after looking up, clearly still a bit apprehensive from their conversation. 
"That doesn’t mean you can’t wish on it though." He said in a sing-song voice, he was tired of their serious discussion. Kokichi saw Shuichi glance back up at the plane. It was small compared to the open sky. He smiled. 
Kokichi stood then, brushing off Shuichi’s hand and stretching his arms and legs when he caught the look Shuichi gave him. 
"What are you doing?"
"I think, dear Shuichi, that we deserve a treat. Ice cream sounds good right now. And maybe some fries." Kokichi responded. Truthfully told, he had forgotten to eat all day due to his restlessness. 
Shuichi smiled up at him, and Kokichi saw him take a breath.  Yeah, that sounds nice. We should get going before it gets too late and nothing's open though." He stood and cautiously, reached out his hand towards the other boy. 
Kokichi took it. 
They walked back to Shuichi’s old car in comfortable silence. It was new, and it made Kokichi shiver at the thought of it, but it was welcomed. 
Right then Kokichi decided they could deal with their anxieties later. Right now, he just wanted to enjoy Shuichi’s company. 
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