#its a situation that no matter what.. youre gonna hurt a bit! or a lot!
s0urte3th · 1 year
i wish it were that easy, or a situation like that, but its not
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mothwingwritings · 8 months
F!Reader X Ren Hana
Hello everyone!!! Back at it again with a new Boyfriend To Death fic ❤
I know what you might be saying. “Wow another BTD fic based around a collar, real original Moth” BUT in my defense I actually wrote this one before the story I wrote for Strade. My brain barfed this out a few months ago (when I finished playing through Ren’s route for the first time) but I wanted to make something Christmas-esque because it was December, so Strade’s story came out first.
Regardless, I had a lot of fun writing both, so I hope you enjoy them too! ❤
Though there is nothing overtly sexual in this, due to the subject nature of this fic this story is 18+ ONLY please!!!
Warnings: imprisonment, abuse (physical and mental), reader has some extreme Stockholm syndrome going on, incredibly unhealthy relationship, biting, blood, reader gets hurt, mentions of sex, I guess maybe petplay potentially??? (what with the collar and all).
Thank you for reading!
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“Okay… You promise you’ll be a good girl, right? No funny business?”
Despite being perched on soft carpet, your legs ached from kneeling on them for the past half hour. You kept your back pin straight and your shoulders even, your hands neatly folded in your lap. His voice was cheery as he spoke down to you, playful even, but you knew Ren well enough to know that these next moments were crucial. With him, even the most benign moments could turn at the drop of a hat.
“I promise Ren. I’ll be good.”
Your voice was soft as you responded to him, big doe eyes looking up at the beastkin in expectation. Your promise wasn’t a lie- you always intended to be good for him, striving to do so even when the situation made that nearly impossible. You bit your bottom lip apprehensively, a slight shiver wracking Ren’s body when you did so. He was watching you just as closely as you were him, drinking in your form, honing in on each and every move of your body and change of expression. 
He smiled at you, that sad half smile he always got when he was grappling with his inner emotions. “I know you will. You are always good for me… To me…” He hesitated for a moment, staring with trepidation at the key that lay in his hand. It was no bigger than his pinky, but seemed to weigh him down regardless.
“I’m just, um, nervous I guess. But I’m not sure why? It’s not like taking it off is gonna change anything,” Though he laughed to dispel the tension, it had the opposite effect, his nerves palpable as he fidgeted where he stood.
For a moment you thought he was going to go back on his word. Tell you to forget about it and toss the shock collar’s key aside, leaving you stuck in it for another day. Part of you wondered if that would even matter. Ren was right, nothing truly would change, collar or not.
… But still, you couldn’t help but hope. That cruel, nagging feeling swelled up in your heart, making your breath hitch in anticipation. Your heart beat like a drum in your chest and sweat slicked your brow as you watched him nervously turn the key around in his palm, your fate in his hands as he mulled the decision over.
It had been months now that the collar had been around your neck, heavy and overbearing, a constant, torturous reminder of your new life. He had only allowed it to come off in brief intervals when you showered or when you slept so that you could find some comfort as you laid next to him, caged in by his embrace. Otherwise it wrapped around your neck like a noose, and even though these days its intended purpose was hardly necessary, Ren kept it firmly in place. He was too afraid to keep it off you for long, worried that given the choice you would abandon him too.
But you wouldn’t. For better or worse, whatever twisted feelings Ren had harbored for you, you now shared for him-all of his ardent affections reciprocated. Deep inside you knew this all was wrong, and it would be a blatant lie if you said you no longer felt any fear or sadness over all that had transpired (all that continues to transpire) while he held you in captivity. Even so, none of that dulled the fact that at this point you craved his touch, yearned for his smile, and wanted nothing more than his companionship and love to get you through the lonely struggle life had become.
After spending months with him as your only companion, you had grown to care deeply for Ren. Though the experience was often terrifying and confusing, you had learned to place your trust in him as he watched over you the past half year, relying on him for all your needs and necessities. The more time you spent together, the more you learned about him. And the more you learned, the more you began to open up to him. 
After a certain point, love began to blossom.
That feeling flourished within, growing so unruly that even his moments of torment and cruelty were accepted with open arms. It took you awhile to realize it, but you now understand that everything Ren does he does for your benefit. Whether he was treating you like a princess or teaching you a harsh lesson, Ren did everything in his power to make sure you were cared for, protected, and aware. Life wasn’t always fair and kind, it was better to be taught that at the hands of someone who loved you then to experience it unexpectedly out in the wild.
Looking back on it now, you were a fool not to appreciate him sooner. All the fussing and fighting you did when he first brought you home seemed completely ridiculous now. He took you in, let you live in a nice home, prepared you home cooked meals every day, and lavished you in affection even when you were being stubborn and didn’t deserve it.
For all that he is and all that he has done for you- the good and bad alike- he deserved nothing but your wholehearted devotion in return. Thinking about the past made you cringe but you refused to let yourself get caught up in it, doing your best every day to be good for him and make up for your prior indiscretions. He loved you with all that he is, poured his soul into caring for you and keeping you content. No past lover had ever treated you with the loyalty or attention that Ren had, and you were thankful for that.
 His happiness had become your happiness. To risk the life you had built together by taking advantage of his kindness was unthinkable.
But even with your steadfast dedication to him, he still continued to mull over this decision with a deep scowl plastered on his face. An ache blossomed in your chest. Surely he had to realize by now that he was just as precious to you as you were to him? You pouted a bit as you watched him agonize over the situation, your heart hurting to see him have such a lack of faith in your bond.
“… Ren?”                                                                                    
Your questioning voice caught his attention, dragging his focus away from the key he was clutching in his sweaty grip. The moment you had grabbed his attention, you slowly began scooting closer to him, your knees itching as they scratched against the fibers of the fancy carpet. Once you neared him, you raised your hands till they cupped his, gently enveloping his shaky fist in your warm hold. You pulled his hand towards your mouth, delicately kissing each of his fingers as you stared up into his eyes.
“If you don’t want to take it off, you don’t have to,” you smiled at him genuinely, your lips lingering on his thumb before you pulled away. You felt a shiver pass through him as his eyes grew hazy, boring into yours with growing intensity, “I can tell it’s making you uncomfortable, so it’s OK. I am not upset, we can keep it on another day-“
Your eyes widened at the assuredness in his voice, all previous concern nonexistent. “No… It’s time to take it off. It’s only getting in the way at this point. Just… Gimme a second, OK?”
He positioned himself behind you, nervous hands fumbling as he worked to remove the collar. After several seconds of poking and prodding, a loud ‘click’ came from the back of your neck followed by a small thud as the heavy collar fell from your body, colliding with the carpeted floor.
Your hand’s shot up to touch your exposed skin, a shiver coursing through you as the cold air hit your sweaty flesh. Tears began to well in your eyes as the realization donned on you. You were free. You had been a good girl for Ren and he rewarded you for it, just like you knew he would.
“W-well,” you heard Ren stutter above you, clearly a bit nervous about what may happen next, “What do you think? How does it feel?”
“It feels amazing,” your voice warbled as you still got used to the sensation. Its absence was foreign and exciting and you couldn’t help but break out in a huge, elated grin. “Thank you Ren. Thank you so much.”
He lowered himself in front of you, crouching on his knees. “Can I see?” A hint of worry still remained in his timid voice, fearful that you may still end up rejecting him.
You looked to him with a smile and nodded, baring your neck for him to witness. “Of course! I probably look a little bit different without it on, huh?”
“Pretty…” His voice was breathless as he dragged his fingers gingerly across the freed skin of your neck. His pupils dilating slightly as he felt you shudder under his touch. “So, so pretty… But also, a little barren, don’t you think?”
Your breath caught at the insinuation, a small wave of panic causing your body to tense. Did he regret his decision after all? Was he going to put the collar back on? You had told him it was fine if he decided that, and you weren’t someone who went back on their word, but at the same time… that was before you experienced it. Now that you realized how good it felt without that horrible, weighty reminder clinging to your skin, you dreaded the thought of it attached to your body once more.
An airy chuckle fell from his lips as he noted your reaction. He leaned in closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek as he brought his mouth close to your ear.
“Don’t worry pumpkin, I’m not going to put it back on. But I do hate the idea of you walking around without something on your body to signify that you’re mine, you know?” His caress traveled from your cheek, his right hand snaking around your head to cradle it, pulling you closer to him. His free hand wrapped around your waist, which kept you flush against him.
“I want to give you something better than that collar,” his voice had become strained, lithe fingers curling up to entangle in your hair, tugging roughly on the strands at the base of your neck. “I want you to have something personal, something that will look perfect on you.”
Without another word, he latched himself to your neck. Not in a kiss, but a harsh, powerful bite.
You gasped as his sharp incisors dug themselves into your flesh, a wave of pain causing tears to flood your eyes. You pressed your fists against his chest, biting down on your trembling bottom lip in an effort to hold back your cries.
Warm blood trickled from the wound as he detached himself, a vibrant trail snaking from the puncture wound to slither down your neck. His tongue stopped it before it hit your collar bone, leaving a wet, sloppy streak across your neck as he licked up the mess.
“This is much better, right?” He asked tentatively, his fingers traveling down to trace the wound he had inflicted. Blood coated his fingertips as he ran them over the injury, his breath hitching as he smeared you with crimson, “prettier… you are so pretty, (name)…”
“T-thank you Ren,” you flinched at the movement of his fingers, shuddering as he pressed down on the open wound, “It’s much better.”
“Hmmm,” he hummed, pivoting your head slightly so that he could nuzzle into the unmarred side, “but it’s not perfect yet, there needs to be more.”
Another abrupt bite sunk into your flesh. This time you couldn’t help but cry out, blubbery whimpers tumbling from your quivering lips. You felt Ren shiver against you, your reactions eliciting an excited moan from him that was muffled by your flesh in his jaw. The hold his teeth had on you eventually yielded, but the assault of his mouth did not. Feverish kisses pressed against the new wound, his tongue lapping at the blood as it muscled its way across the puncture. You whined at the sensation, waves of pain emanating from the weeping, gory wounds as he continued to aggravate them.
When he finally pulled away tears had already begun to fall freely down your cheeks. Though he had given your neck a much needed break, you were given no time to collect yourself as he proceeded in pressing his lips firmly to yours. The taste of copper flooded your tongue as he deepened the kiss, forcibly pushing himself against you until you had no choice but to lean backwards, your back falling flat against the floor as he crawled overtop you.
He placed his hands on either side of you, his legs straddling your hips as he sat himself atop you. You were effectively caged in when his lips parted from your own, and though his face was obscured in shadows, you could clearly see a swath of your blood spread across his mouth. It perfectly complimented the animalistic hunger in his eyes, his mischievous fox like features seeming far more sinister than normal as he leered down at you.
If you didn’t know any better, you would fear he was going to eat you alive.
“I want to mark you in all kinds of ways, (Name),” His tongue darting out to swipe across his bottom lip, a sliver of pink peeking through the red, “I want to mark you to show you how much I love you. I want you to be able to look at every inch of your body and be reminded of me. That way even if we get separated, you won’t be lonely. You’ll have a constant reminder of how much I love you.”
A serene smile spread across his face as he looked at you, the vibrancy of his blush nearly matching the blood that coated his mouth and chin. He shifted a bit above you, the feel of his hardening cock unmistakable as it pressed against your pelvis.
“I love you,” his voice wavered as he leaned closer towards you, unsteady breaths fanning your face as his lovesick eyes drank you in. His lips were teasingly close to yours as he continued to smile down at you, a small, happy laugh tumbling from his lips as his tail began to swish behind him in excitement.
“I’m so glad I made you mine.”
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redhoodkisser · 6 days
jason and dick who helps the reader w a bad relationship w food (hurt/comfort pls)
note ; note at the top this time because i've actually never written hurt/comfort before so i apologize if its terrible
food for thought
content warnings ; reader is suggested to have ed, it will be discussed in both character parts
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jason todd
Jason notices a pattern with you and food. Now, don't get him wrong, he doesn't mind if you're a picky eater or not, what matters to him is that he knows you've eaten. But, he's always observed the way you were when there was food served to you. To him, it looked like.. you were struggling to eat? He doesn't know exactly, but he's going to get to the bottom of this. He's not gonna continue watching you starve yourself.
He catches you in the living room, so he settles down right next to you on the couch. He looks at you and squints his eyes at you. You were doing your work on your laptop, but when you realised he was staring at you, your typing slowed down and.. stopped altogether.
“Is.. everything alright, Jason?” You ask in a confused tone and expression on your face. Oh, but, you knew you shouldn't have asked that. That's the exact face he makes when he's about to interrogate you about a certain topic. So, you let out a sigh and immediately surrender. Shutting your laptop and putting it aside, you cross your arms against your chest.
“What is it this time?" Your tone was slightly irritated this time.
“I just had a question about you." He let out a small sigh, ”uh, do you have any.. problems with food? It's because I notice you struggling a bit when it comes to food, I just wanna know if everything's okay, baby. And, that if I can do anything to help. That's all I wanted ask.” He placed his hand on your shoulder, gently rubbing it back and forth.
You hated discussing this topic a lot during your teen years and you still do now. It made your blood boil every single damn time someone asked. “It doesn't matter, alright? I'm fine with food, I've always been!" You raise your voice a little bit, telling a small lie. He frowns slightly, “hey, now, when have you ever lied to me about these types of situations?–” “Because they're not just a situation, okay?!” You're now fully shouting at him.
He raises his hands in surrender, “okay, okay, sweets, I'm sorry. But, I just.. I just wanted to try and help. But, I don't know how I'm able to help if you're gonna be stubborn like this.” Tears were slowly building up in your eyes. “Oh, come on, don't cry. I'm sorry, okay? Come here.” You immediately went and wrapped your arms around him tightly, sobbing your heart out in his chest.
His hands were slowly patting your back, rubbing it back and forth a few times as he let you cry it all out. Once she had properly calmed herself down after letting it all out, she took a deep breath in. “I have an eating disorder. And, it's really hard to deal with it. It started all the way from secondary school, I just.. thought I wasn't pretty enough. Every time I ate, I would watch out for how many calories I ate in a day, even counting it all. I just.. wanted to be pretty like everyone else.”
He stared at you for a few seconds before moving his hands up to cup your face. “Babe, do you know how.. how perfect you are to me? I know I can't change your mind on this, but I can and want to try and help you with your eating disorder. I wanna help, 'kay sweets?" He plants a kiss on your cheek.
“..Okay, Jason.” You let out a small chuckle.
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dick grayson
Dick's already discussed this matter with you a couple of times, but he still worries for you, you know? So, this is why he sat you down to talk to you about this.
His hands were entwined with yours, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand. “What's going on in that pretty head of yours, mm?” He asked, teasing you a bit. “Nothing's going on, Dick." You tried to reassure him, but he wasn't taking it.
“I'm not convinced, come on, tell me what's wrong. Lay it on me, babe.” He also tried to convince you to tell him what was wrong, but you weren't budging at all “I know it's difficult to discuss this so many times, but I just wanna make sure you're okay. I just.. need to know you're okay at all times. Look, if you aren't gonna tell me, it's okay. But, I just want you to know, I'm here for you.” And, with a little push from his words, you let out a sigh.
“Okay, okay. I guess.. it has gotten a bit worse lately. I dunno, okay? I just.. really think I should lay off the food for a bit. I don't want to eat that many calories a day, and I want to go on this die–” Before you could even finish the word, he immediately pressed a finger on your lips, shaking his head.
“No, no, and no. You are not going on that diet again, you hear me? It's bad for you! Don't you remember the amount of times you've fainted? Because you only had a salad in the mornings only, which I'll remind you, is not healthy.” He let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. He wasn't mad or upset, just a bit disappointed you were gonna take on this diet again without telling him.
He looked back at you again, “babe, I.. I wanna help. Please, tell me how I can help. I don't want to see you putting yourself through that.. nonsense of a diet.” You let out a shaky sigh. “It's not easy, okay? It's never been easy!” You didn't even realize it, but tears were streaming down your face. Dick pulled you for a hug, gently rubbing your back in circles and whispering words of comfort in your ear.
Once you had let it all out, he spoke, “I.. I don't fully understand how this works. You know, eating disorders. I've never experienced it, and I want to guide you through this. I know it won't go away, but if I can just help.. it's all I need to see you okay. Alright?" He says as he plants a kiss on your forehead, pushing away stray hairs sticking to your wet cheeks.
You nod, wiping your tears in the process. “..Thank you, Dick.” You thank him, sniffling. “Of course, babe, you know I'd do anything for you.” He smiles brightly at you, causing you to smile as well.
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another note ; hii i know i said this was supposed to be out on the weekend but i had some personal issues to attend to :') sorry to anon who had to wait almost(?) a week for this, but i hope you enjoy it regardless<3
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jongbross · 1 year
reckless behavior (park chanyeol x reader)
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pairing: park chanyeol x reader
word count: 1388
genre: mature
warnings: suggestive themes, mention of sex, falling in love
a/n: inspired on pillow talk by zayn malik <3
relationships are complicated. 
the whole thing about having feelings, about dealing with them while also dealing with someone else’s. the idea of getting attached to a person and being so careful not to hurt them but not knowing if they would ever be careful to not hurt you too - and then the heartbreak when either they leave or you had to leave…
ugh, it’s just too much. having a relationship as in actually being a couple is too much. but it also sucks to not have someone to satisfy your needs when you need to, when you want to; your own hand and toys are fun and do the job most days, but nothing compares to having a human being beside you - or on top of you, or beneath you, or whatever position two people can imagine. nothing compares to the feeling of being pleased by someone else.
so, what to do? the definition of friends with benefits sounds kinda fun but it has its issues too, because someone always catches feelings towards the other one and yes, sometimes it’s all a fairytale and the couple realize they have always loved each other and suddenly they’re so happy they drunkenly hooked up one night. but sometimes it’s hell on earth, as the person who caught feelings confesses to the other one and they don’t feel the same and suddenly everything is ruined, they don’t have a booty call anymore and they probably won’t stay friends as it’s way too awkward to face your friend after seeing them naked and knowing they love you.
so truly, what to do?
the only answer chanyeol came up with was finding someone he absolutely did not know. someone he knew nothing about, a mere acquaintance. he didn’t care about their story, where they came from, if they had any pets when they were little or which was their happiest memory. chanyeol just wanted someone to please and to get pleased by them. simple, pure lust and desire.
he searched for a bit, meeting friends of friends countless times at parties or whatever. he didn’t like to be so shallow as to only look for someone pretty, someone he immediately felt attracted to - but that was the only way, right? that was the only thing that mattered.
that’s how he found you. sitting on a corner at a christmas dinner jongdae held with his wife, having small talk with people whenever they tried to, a polite smile on your lips even though your eyes gave away how annoyed you truly were.
that’s how he got curious about you. chanyeol asked jongdae about you, learning your name and that he had met you through his wife, maybe you had worked with her? studied with her? chanyeol couldn’t quite remember. jongdae told him that you were nice, and that you were single. thank god jongdae was kinda nosy, he gave all the information the youngest needed to approach you that day.
that’s how you ended up knocking on his studio door late at night, now. chanyeol had asked if he could go to your place, have a night off with you - which of course would turn into sex -, but you chose to meet him instead. he received you with a soft spot on the couch of the studio, a blanket ready for you in case you got cold and lots of take out food. “i was gonna take it with me to your place, but we can eat here too”, he had said.
“we’re gonna make a mess, probably.”
“we’re gonna make a mess anyway, darling”, chanyeol said with a smirk.
he was a nice guy, you found out as soon as you agreed to the whole “strangers with benefits” thing the two of you had going on. he always made sure that you were comfortable with the whole situation, and never ever did something against your will. if anything, he was actually a gentleman, even going as far as breaking his own rules and knowing a little bit about you - i mean, otherwise, how could he ever have picked your favorite take out if he didn’t know shit about you?
you grinned to yourself as chanyeol sat beside you on the couch, big hands quickly working on undoing the food boxes and serving a bit for you and a lot for him. he probably hasn’t eat it the whole day, you thought, and didn’t need verbal confirmation of your assumption as you heard his stomach growling before he took the first bite of his food. chanyeol had a problem with taking care of himself whenever he was working hard on something, you could clearly see; it was a habit that you could only try to break it for him if he’d let you into his life.
which he didn’t, and which you didn’t want to.
quickly, eating turned into small talk - about what every button on the huge desk in front of the two of you did and about how you found a new route to his studio on waze -, small talk turned into something a little more intimate as he got closer and closer to you on the couch, and “something a little more intimate” turned into a whole makeout session once you were finished eating.
chanyeol’s lips were all over you suddenly, kissing your exposed throat and brushing against your jaw. his hands flew to your waist, grabbing your flesh and pulling you so close to him that for a second you questioned if he wanted the two of you to become one - thought quickly sat aside as he kissed you hard, giving everything he got. you moaned against his lips as his hand left your waist and started to caress your thigh, a weak spot you had that he always made sure to use against you.
“come here”, he whispered once he broke the kiss, skillfully pulling you to his lap.
you straddled him, mind clouded with lust as you didn’t give yourself time to adjust and just attacked his neck, feeling your whole body shake when you heard his beautiful moan for the first time that night. his hands traveled to your waist once against, pulling you down so you could feel how hard you were getting him, how turned on he was for you. 
you were so lost in the need to please him that you couldn’t help but groan when he pulled your hair strongly, forcing you to look at him. “why didn’t you let me go to your place?”, chanyeol asked, voice raspy and low. “i wanted to have you all spread out on your bed for me.”
“cause last time you went there, my neighbor complained to me about how loud we were for a whole week straight”, you smirked.
chanyeol chuckled, pulling your face down to his so he could speak against your lips. “good thing these walls are soundproofed then, i want you screaming tonight.”
the moan you let out for him was sinful, but quickly muffled by the way he once again kissed you. 
you could hear his heartbeat, loud and clear against his chest while he tried to catch up his breath. his skin smelled like a perfect mix of sweat and his cologne, with a little bit of your own lotion as he held you so close. you closed your eyes, enjoying the quiet and rare moment - part of you didn’t want to let go, but that was against your rules; you couldn’t allow yourself to want to be that way with him, you couldn’t let the need of aftercare and coziness ruin what you had with him.
so you tried to get up, gently pushing yourself up and off his arms. but you see, the strangest thing was he didn’t let you. chanyeol held you tighter, right hand coming up to the back of your neck to push you down to his chest again. he even went as far as laying his lips against your hair.
“it’s okay”, he murmured, like he could see exactly what was going inside your mind. “this… this is nice. i mean… h-how was your day?”
park chanyeol did a lot of things throughout his life, but the most reckless one, by far, was allowing himself to break some of his rules just for you.
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ashisill · 1 year
The Jake fic is taking longer than I thought. So here’s a blurb to hold you guys over. Soft Jake should be out by the end of the week.
Josh is a girl dad
Jake is a boy dad
Josh is the one who’s fixing her hair for pre school. “Do we want pig tails or buns?” Turning on the curling iron, and making sure she knows not to touch it. “Its hot don’t touch” he’d say pointing at it. She’d nod her head as she watched her dad put her hair into pigtails. Josh is the one to apologize when he pulls her hair to hard “I’m sorry baby did it hurt?”. He would get it to perfection. Putting colorful little hair ties around them, or clip on charms to make her feel pretty. “Okay princess all done”. She’d smile in the mirror at her hair, and twirl it a bit at the ends. She stands up being careful not to touch the curling iron, and hugs her dad. Thanking him for making her look like princess. He’d smile from ear and ear, and place a kiss on her forehead. “Your welcome little darling”. He always makes sure she knows how much he loves her before dropping her off at preschool. “Do you know how much I love you?”. She would stretch her arms out as far as she could “this much?”. He’d agree with her, and gives her hugs and kisses before he walks her into school. Sometimes she gets teary eyed before he leaves, but she always comes home with fun little stories to tell him. And he’ll listen to every single word as he cooks her dinner for the night. Josh always makes bath time fun and relaxing for her. Once a week he’ll set a theme for her, or let her have extra toys, or if she’s had a “long day” he’ll message her scalp while he washes her hair. Which always makes her doze off in his hands. Right after bath time he lays her down in her “big girl bed”, but somehow she always finds her way back to his bed. Even though it may cause him less sleep he’ll never complain. She’ll find a home in his arms, and they’ll both drift off to sleep for the night. When she’s older, and gets her first period he’ll already be prepared. Giving her the option between pads or tampons, and teaching her the difference. Making sure to give her ibuprofen, and a heating pad for her cramps. He’s extremely understanding when she snaps at him. He never really loses his temper at her, and always gives her space.
Jake is the one to make sure there always a guitar laying out for him. One day he bought him one of those mini guitars. It ended up broke when he pulled the strings to hard. Jake just laughed it off, and took it to his office to fix it. When he’s old enough he’ll quiz him over music. Covering the screen in the car, and saying “what’s this song? Correct now who sings it?” He’ll teach him to be a gentleman. “You do not speak to your mother or any woman that way. Do you understand?” He will explain to him the importance of respect, and though he might not understand it now. It will become a part of him as he grows. Jake tries his hardest not to lose him temper, but sometimes it’s bound to happen. He’ll realized he messed up, and his son will began to tear up. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to lose my temper with you. It’s just frustrating when you don’t listen. We can fix it together okay” When the time comes to teach him about the birds and the bees. A lot of parents get weird about having this talk, and leave out important things. Not Jake he told him everything he needed to know. When he hits high school, and starts trying to sneak around Jake knows. “I was your age once too. You don’t have to sneak around. I know your going to do it regardless if I say no. So I’m not gonna try to stop you just be safe” Jake makes sure he knows if he’s ever in a situation to call him. No matter what he’ll always pick him up. He’s pounded into his head to never get behind the wheel intoxicated. The day a girl breaks his heart for the first time. He’ll come from school and immediately head for his room. Jake will give him his space for a while, but he didn’t come out all afternoon he went to check on him. He’ll tell him about a girl he loved, and how she loved another. Jake will understand, and tell him how he got over his heart breaks. His son will tear up, and Jake will tell him that it’s okay to cry. Jake will hug him, and wipe his tears. When he gets his first girlfriend Jake makes sure he’s treating her right. When he tells Jake she had a bad day he tell his son to buy her some flowers. He learned everything he knows from his dad, and Jake was always more than happy to teach him.
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if we're talking about fob songs and sorry it's locked, may I suggest "American beauty/American Psycho"
specifically the lines
"I think I fell in love again, maybe I just took too much cough medicine"
"us we were pity sex, nothing more and nothing less"
and "all those dirty thoughts of me, they were never yours to keep"
ooooooooooooo so trueeee, it works for so much of S,IL honestly, like there are some lines that work for Jay and Tim, some for Jay and Alex in uni, some for Jay and Alex during MH, like. Perfect
little lyric analysis thingy under the thingy bobber
"I think I fell in love again, Maybe I just took too much cough medicine" Like, this one feels like Jay and Tim, specifically how I first planned to write them getting together which was gonna take a lot longer, because Jay was basically gonna go the Alex route and refuse to believe he liked Tim (tho not because he didn't wanna be gay, just because he still felt really fucking hurt by everything that happened with Alex) like, he was gonna make all sorts of ridiculous excuses for ages about why he couldn't possibly like Tim in that way. And I did kinda keep that in a little bit in chapter 3 of S,IL i think, just not to the same extent as i had it in the original plan.
The idea of Jay blaming medicine for his feelings towards Tim could be so interesting though, especially with the whole thing about Tim sharing his meds with Jay after they ran into the Operator in entry 72 and Jay had his seizure. Like, idk it feels like the kinda straws Jay would grasp at (especially since he seems to resistant to getting professional help for anything) as another excuse he'd use to avoid going to the doctors to get medication of his own.
"I'm the best worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet, The best worst thing" This line is definitely Jay and Alex in uni, it just is. They are both the best worst things that have happened to each other. Nearly all their problems stem from each other and their relationships over the years, whether that's platonic or sexual or whatever. And like, yeah Alex would probably have ended up getting tangled up with the Operator no matter what, but I do feel like everything would have been different (in S,IL as well as the canon) if he and Jay hadn't been as close as they were/known each other. because without Jay rediscovering the tapes Alex gave him, the MH youtube channel wouldn't have happened and Jay would most likely have just gone on with his life none the wiser, same with Tim. Brian would probably have been the only one still in at least a similar situation.
Also "best worst thing" is a weirdly nice descriptor, it scratches my brain a lot. And "best worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet" is perfect for main series Jaylex because like, the best worst thing that will ever happen to Jay? Dying in Alex's arms (cos that's what i wanna happen in S,IL. I want Jay to die in Alex's arms with Alex crying and telling him he loves him)
"You take the full, full truth, then you pour some out" is just chapter 3 of If It Ain't Broken lol. Like, literally this is what happens in that Chapter (which i should be uploading tomorrow? Maybe tonight but most likely tomorrow). Jay talks to his friends and only really tells them half of the truth and keeps the rest for himself so that he doesn't look like a bad person. its great. he's such a little bastard man and I love him. "And as we're drifting off to sleep, All those dirty thoughts of me, They were never yours to keep" Just like Alex in general wasn't Jay's to keep, especially not after what I have planned for chapter 6 :DDDD but like, to me this feels like it just kinda ties in with all of the stuff Jay and Alex avoided. Like, they never fucked in a bed, Jay never slept over after they hooked up, Alex never used sweet pet names with Jay unless it's during aftercare where he can pass it off as 'just being a good dom' and not have to own his words etc. Like, idk why that lyric just feels like the same kinda thing as all those.
"Us, we were pity sex, nothing more and nothing less" is Alex downplaying everything that happened in chapter 1 of S,IL. Like, you now in chapter 2 where he tells Jay he only called him baby and stuff like that because he was pretending he was Amy? That. It's Alex pretending that them sleeping together again, in a bed this time, and Jay staying there overnight didn't mean anything when really they did. They meant a whole lot to him, but then he realised it had been a bad idea because it'd make Jay get attached to him again and make Jay even more dead set on finding out what's going on, so he had to scramble for something to drive Jay away all over again.
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gingersforeverbox · 1 year
May I ask for silco and Viktor with a lover who has a glass eye? And maybe it's a bit magical so in tense moments or just for the creep of it, the glass eye will sometimes suddenly move towards something/someone if that makes sense? Thanks!
Howdy my dear, thank you so much for the request and I am so sorry for such a ridiculously late reply! I hope you find this somewhere!
A/N: None that I am aware of! Just some good ol' fluff!
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Viktor and Silco (Separately) if they had a partner with a magic glass eye:
Viktor is a curious person at heart, so naturally when y’all first meet, he would wonder why you have such a fascinating eye. However, he would not ask you outright about it until much later into knowing you in fear of being rude. 
After wading the waters of close friendship, he finally yet politely asked what happened to warrant you needing such a beautiful eye (after specifying that both eyes are gorgeous to him, but he already knew about the origins of your organic one).
Regardless of your story, he will listen attentively, offering his hand if you ever feel like you need him throughout the ordeal. He will be nothing but reassuring and insist that if it is too painful a story to tell, don’t worry about telling it. He would much rather live in curiosity than cause you pain from said curiosity.
I'm not gonna lie to you, he will spend hours looking at your eyes if you let him. Yes, even when he should be working, which is saying a lot, and Jayce thanks you for managing to pull Vik away from work for a minute when you come to the lab.
He may not be an artist by trade, but he will always compare your eyes to the most beautiful of things in the world around him. Your eye is blue? The boundless skies that share the same color make him think about how free he feels around you. Brown? He lives on coffee and he is reminded who he lives for with every sip. Gold? He pictures golden halos that would hang from your head to match your spirit and body. Grey? Thunder storms have no might like you when you are passionate about something. No matter what color, he will always find something that reminds him of you when he sees the color around him.
As someone with a disability, he would be understanding that it can be frustrating sometimes and would do what he can to make it easier for you, whether thats having cleaner on hand or at his apartment for you or an ice/ heating pack for when your socket gets irritated. 
When it comes to your eye moving, he would get a little freaked out the first time it happened because he thought something was wrong and you were hurting. As you explained to him the situation, he is more relaxed about it, but he tries to learn situationally when it happens that way he knows what’s going on. For example: If you’re anxious when it happens, he will try to help you relax if he can. 
Now if you do it for humor, he will be a little cautious because he doesnt want you to cause yourself any unnecessary discomfort, however, if someone is being rude to you he is 100% on board with you using it to freak them out.
The bottom line is that he loves you for you, and this includes your beautiful eyes.
As a man with an unordinary eye himself, I feel that it goes without saying that he would be the most empathetic of the two due to personal experience. He would also find your prosthetic to be fascinating, magic or not. He would enjoy seeing the details in the iris and would insist on eye contact so he can find these details while talking (but lets face it, its kind of intimidating to have that much eye-contact with the Eye of Zaun).
He has a business to run and a city-state to liberate, so he would not hesitate or beat around the bush to ask about the origins of this magic eye and how it came to be in your possession. He would also determine if your eye’s magic could be used to his advantage. Could it be used for espionage? Was it just a simple prosthetic? How could this play into his favor?
If it were a sadder story, he would quietly sympathize with you, but would not let that be known until he knew he could trust you. If it were a simpler story, he would nod and change the subject likely back to business at hand.
As time crawled on and as you proved your loyalty not only to him but to Zaun, he would open up more to you. After a while of seeing you as a “very close individual” (aka he caught feelings), he would tell you the story behind his own eye. Depending on your reaction, he may tell you about other aspects of his past if it means that he can get closer to you.
He would absolutely pamper you with the best medicine money could buy. If it were an emergency, he would even see Singed for you about getting you help. Nothing is too high a cost for his lovely. I’m not saying he would use this as a way of showing his love and affection for you and as a way to win you over, but yes I am. This man has very few morals left and subtle manipulation is basic affection to him. I do genuinely think he would love you though, he just has an odd way of showing it.
If your eye moved after him thinking it was stationary the entire time would definitely throw him off. Since he happens to wear some emotions on his face rather openly, he would furrow his brow in confusion before continuing the conversation. Towards the end he would question you about it. If its a situation where it only happens when you’re feeling a certine way, he would file that away for later uses, whether thats just looking out for your wellness or as an indicator of mood. If you do it for fun, he would kinda just go “ah,” and leave you to it. If it made you happy then so be it.
This man will absolutely adore your eyes, even if he isn't as romantic about it. He secretly loves that he found someone with something in common with him. He would do anything for Zaun, but most importantly, he would do anything for you.
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prettyyoungandbored · 2 years
Becoming Mrs. Wayne [The Dark Knight] Thirteen
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: Demetria Gallagher knew her cozy life would change the second she became engaged to Bruce Wayne. But what she doesn’t know is she’s getting more than what she agreed to. (I am trash at summaries.)
Warnings: Panic attack symptoms. Angst. Everyone’s fucked up. Well, almost everyone.
Taglist: dragonballluver, disgraceful-marvel-trash, barikawho, claudiahxrdy , @christianbalefanatic, @librarianafterdark​,  @rosegxoxo​, @lilizia​, @t0uch-starved-h0e​, @barikawho​
Author’s Note: I apologize for the long wait. 
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Never in a million years did Demetria ever think she would wind up in this situation.
She stared at the suitcase, rubbing her chest and silently begging her body to give her a break tonight. She cursed herself for not locking Bruce out of his own room and instead choosing one of the guest rooms. 
A million different scenarios played in her head. All contained the same concerns, Bruce, her mom and brother’s safety, and her own safety. 
He should’ve ran after her and promised her everything was ok even though she knew it wouldn’t be. But he didn’t. He left her and her overwhelmed state to fend for themselves. 
“Care for some company?” 
Demetria turned her head to see Rachel poking her head in, a sympathetic smile on her face. She nodded her head as the brunette closed the door behind her. 
“What’s on your mind?” she asked.
Demetria snorted. “That’s a loaded question.”
“I’ve got all night.” She eyed the suitcase. “I don’t know your timeline though.” 
“A moment of weakness. No matter how many times I try, I can’t seem to go through with it.” She glanced up at Rachel. “You’re the sane one in this situation. What should I do?” 
Rachel cracked a tiny smile. “What do you want to do?” 
“I want him to realize he’s not doing anyone any favors by revealing himself, but you and I both know he’s not going to listen either one of us.” 
“He’s stubborn that way.” 
Demetria eyed her engagement ring, twisting it. “Makes me question a lot of things.” 
“Such as?” 
Tears began to pool in Demetria’s eyes as she realized what it was she was about to say. It was the question that plagued her mind throughout their relationship and into their engagement, but had continuously pushed back as far as she could. 
“Why ask me to marry him?” she finally said. 
Rachel folded her arms across her chest. “There’s something you need to know. Long before you came, Bruce wanted him and I to be together.”
Demetria couldn’t move. A calm confession had managed to knock the absolute shit out of her.
“I told him I couldn’t because of Batman, but that when the city no longer needed him that maybe we could,” Rachel continued. 
Demetria blinked and somewhere in the silence that fell between the two women, realized it was her turn to say something and that Rachel had been waiting on baited breath for some sort of reaction. 
So, she started with a deep breath. “Wow, ok. This…explains a lot.” She glanced up. “I’m not mad. Not that I would have any right to be. I just…I’m processing a lot of information right now and I...” 
Maybe this why Bruce went after her. She was Harvey’s best friend and he must’ve assumed something romantic was going on. Maybe that was why he went to lengths to keep their relationship quiet. Maybe he wanted to show-
“Its been over since he met you,” Rachel said. “After that lunch, he asked me about you. I told him you were off limits. I said that if he messed with you, Harvey would ruin him. That’s how he figured out you were at Harvey’s fundraiser. He came for you.” 
She ran her hand through her hair. “How do I not know he wasn’t with me to try to-.” 
“I told him I was in love with Harvey and that nothing was gonna change my mind and that if that was a problem, he needed to deal with it alone without hurting you.” She paused, smiling a bit. “Then he said he was outside your apartment, making sure you were ok. I realized he took time out of his Batman patrol to check in on you. He also said that if I ever hurt you he’d let me kill him myself.” 
A tiny smile played out on Demetria’s lips. “Time to make good on your promise then,” she said, motioning to the door. 
“He loves you so much that losing you scares him an when he’s scared, he pushes away,” Rachel assured. “He knows you can do better. But I know you’re exactly what he needs.” 
Demetria opened her mouth when Rachel cut her off again. “If he goes through with it, I will take care of you and your family’s protection. I know a lot of people who owe me favors. Just promise me you won’t leave him. You’re his one hope for a normal life.” 
Demetria shut her eyes, letting the tears fall. “Ok.” 
Rachel put a gentle hand on Demetria’s forearm. “Go to him, ok?” 
She went to leave when Demetria said, “Rachel?”
The brunette turned to see Demetria smiling at her. “Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around her. “If Harvey hurts you, just know I’ll murder him.” 
Rachel laughed. “I’ll hold to you it.” 
After wiping her tears, Demetria made her way to their bedroom where Bruce stood, looking out the window. 
The sound of the door closing behind her grabbed his attention. He turned to her, their eyes meeting for a moment before she made her way to her nightstand. 
Her throat started locking in when she grabbed her medicine and opened the cap. She popped the pill in her mouth and made her way to the bathroom, filling up a crystal glass with water from the sink and then taking a large sip. 
Setting the glass back down, she closed the bathroom door and went back to her nightstand where she pulled out her notebook and a pen. 
“Ok, I need you to tell me what areas need to be cleared out in this apartment so Alfred and I can take care of it,” she said. 
Bruce just stared at her. Demetria exhaled softly. “Babe, we have so many goddamn rooms and only so little time so please, for once tonight, help me out here.” 
“What’re you doing?” he asked. 
“What does it look like I’m doing?” She looked down at the notebook. “Ok, so guest room four is clear. I know that after-.” 
Bruce then took the notebook and pen from her, throwing it off to the side. He gently grabbed her forearms. “I need you to leave in the morning.” 
“I don’t want you here while this goes down.” 
She tilted her head, glaring at him. “So now I’m being considered?” 
His face softened. “What?”
“Why didn’t you consider me in this decision?”
“I told you I did.”
“Don’t lie to me. Why didn’t you consider me in this decision?”
“You considered what you were gonna do with me. What you didn’t consider is how this would impact me.”
“Rachel knows people who are gonna protect you.”
“Lawyers can protect in a court. What about outside of that?”
She took another step. “What about my mom and my brother? You don’t think people are gonna come after them?”
The silence was deafening.
“There are a lot of people who want to kill you for what you’ve done,” she went on. “A handful of those people think that killing you won’t be enough and that’s when they’ll come after everyone associated with you.”
“You don’t think I didn’t think about that?” Bruce retorted. “You don’t think that haunts me?” 
“I don’t because you won’t talk to me!” she told him. “You just keep pushing me away.”
She wiped the tears away. “You want to make this easy on me? Tell me you don’t love me. Say it and I’ll go. I’ll leave and when I’m asked why, I’ll tell them you said it.” 
Bruce’s blank expression made her wonder if he was contemplating. She pulled her lips back, nodding her head. “Go ahead. Say it. Say it.”
Bruce took a step forward to her. She didn’t move. “Say it, Bruce.” 
He held her face in his hands as she closed her eyes, mentally preparing herself to lose him, her whole heart. The world, the future she had romanticized because of him, ready to leave in flash. 
“I love you, Demetria.” 
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silviafae · 29 days
You've gotta stop, hun. I'm sorry you got involved with DoL at its literal conception and were young enough that it did your mental state substantial harm. I'm not of the opinion that all sexual material should be kept away from anyone under 18, but 9 years old is just insane to me and I don't think anyone in their right mind would allow such a thing if they found out; particularly because 9-year-olds aren't likely to have the freedom and open dialogue with safe adults required to prevent things like porn addiction. Genuinely, that sucks, and I know there's nothing that can be done to fix it now.
That said, it's no one else's fault unless someone knew about your age and deliberately got you into the game. Then it would solely be their fault. Your understanding of porn and sex in general seems to have been skewed by your negative experience, but attacking the game and the people who play it isn't helping. This fandom really can be wonderful and wholesome; I can't tell you how many people (myself included) found it therapeutic after their own negative experiences because it deals with hypersexuality, a common result of such experiences, and being able to take back control. The fandom can also be very toxic at times. I don't want you to get dogpiled. Please back off for the sake of your own mental health and wellbeing and focus on healing instead. No matter the situation, thinking about something that hurt you so much is never good for you.
On the other hand, the people in the DoL fandom don't need it either. There are a lot of heavier mental-health-related things here you don't understand yet (I'm referring to your posts here; not your age) and that's okay. You don't have to understand them; you can live and let live here and safely assume that the 18+ y/o people playing this game have their own agency and can decide what's right for them. What someone else does in their free time does you no harm, so please do not harm them.
I say again: Please stop with the discourse and focus on your happiness. People are going to defend the things that help them heal from their traumas to hell and back, so you're really whacking a bee hive doing this.
I appreciate your kindness, and I understand where you’re coming from.
Honestly I was gonna write something long but new meds are kicking my ass, so all I’m going to say is, you guys should probably find new media, I don’t hate the players, moreso the game and its writers, and I know I can’t shut down the whole fandom. Also i know ive made the fandom hate me now, but it would be super cool if you labeled all DoL content mature and didn’t make crossposts with other fandoms, because thats how I found it.
I’ll back off a bit and shift to making fun of other dark content (like the fic about gojo and a lesbian) but I will respond to my inbox.
Thank you for your kindness, I hope you evenually heal from what happened to you, and censor shit
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1-up-chump · 2 years
mortal kombat MK 3 roster SFW general HC
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Cyrax is a sweetheart and pretty moderate with showing affection, Although he won't go father than a hug and a kiss. He tries to keep you at a distance with the lin kuei and his more personal business, but regardless of what happens he's still going to love you. And when he inevitably becomes a cyborg, loving you will never be reprogrammed out.
Cyrax prefers quality time than gifts, time being a precious thing, he would rather spend it with someone he cares about deeply. He enjoys conversation even if neither of you have to say much, the little things matter to cyrax and especially after becoming a cyborg
Cyrax would sacrifice a lot of things but for you especially, netherrealm would freeze over before he'd allow you to get hurt, much less suffer a fate similar to his.
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Sektor is a bit stiff with showing affection but the smallest gestures with him mean a lot. He's always been loyal to the lin kuei, not even you could change that. However he's softer on you than others, it may not seem like much, but it matters.
Like cyrax, quality time is his preferred way of showing affection, maybe even the only way. But to him time is even more precious, and spending it with you is his greatest gift.
Sektor may be conflicted when you get hurt, preferring that you could handle yourself. Perhaps even try to get you to eventually become a cyborg like himself so you both can work together and be of superior physical capability. But even if you refuse, sektor might actually fight his reprogramming for the first time if he's ever sent to harm you.
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Oh he will not shut up about you, kabal will brag about you and not afraid to get a little handsy in public. You do the same to him however is a different story and he'll get all flustered.
Kabal will give you any kind of expensive thing, mostly out of "societal expectation" of whats the best way to win your heart. But really he likes to just do things for you, hold your hand, even talk with you. Really kabal is kinda insecure of a dude (i mean his face literally got messed up bad) so he might try to overcompensate but once you reassure him, he's very sweet.
Kabal is dead serious if anyone threatens or harms his darling. They'll be dead before they even realize it, before you probably even register you were ever in danger in the first place.
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(Ok im gonna admit, he's my least fave mk character EVER but I'll try to write him good)
Stryker is a bit of a serious kinda guy so when it comes to relationships, he's gonna be a bit stiff with PDA but not so stiff you can't do something simple like hand holding and kissing. Private is a different story he's more lax but kinda traditional in the sense that, he's more likely to take the lead in certain romantic situations like opening the door for you or carrying you bridal style. Although he's not gonna complain too much if you insist on doing all that too.
The most you're gonna get in ways of gifts is flowers, maybe a cute bracelet he saw that he knew you'd like. Its not that he doesn't want to, he just thinks spending time with someone and doing things with them is more important than material. To Stryker, material things is just the icing on a cake, too much and its just a tub of frosting.
Stryker is absolutely not gonna let you get hurt on his watch. If you're not the fighting type or not fit to, he wants you out of harmful situations asap no questions asked. But if you can hold your own, he's still going to be a bit more protective than necessary bc he can't afford to lose you, Stryker doesn't believe he could ever emotionally recover from that.
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Oh he's such a gentleman with you, he's simple with public affection but in private he's very romantic and heartfelt. He takes the relationship seriously.
Any gift he gives you is gonna be handmade, from jewelry to food, its all made with love. But he shows his love in many ways equally mostly with relaxing in silence at night, star gazing with you is his favorite moment.
Hell hath no fury than nightwolf seeing you get hurt. The greater the injury, the greater the pain inflicted on whoever is unfortunate enough to get an axe to the head, And a spirit animal biting their guts out
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Sindel shows affection in that regal sort of way, nothing too intimate but probably more intimate than kitana would be comfortable with. Needless to say, sindel is gonna treat you good. Even when corrupted by dark magic she still is generous to you, of course by the twist of said magic she expects you to not mind being the "submissive" one in the relationship from time to time. She's a queen and expects to be treated as such either way.
Lavish, rare and expensive gifts are to be expected. Both received and delivered, but if you're with sindel your status should make it relatively easy for you to find something sindel would like. Sindel is a words of affirmation kind of woman, she loves to give praise and hear it back. Sindel loves to remind you how much she loves you, but she won't shy away from getting physical if her words alone aren't enough. Just a fair warning, sindel likes to "squeeze" a lot
It should be obvious that it's a bad idea to mess with sindel, let alone hurt her lover. Sindel isn't afraid to personally get her hands dirty to "make an example" out of someone. Fortunately you've learned to pack a few spare earplugs in such a case even if the poor victim is far away from you. Sindel's scream can carry sound even from far distances
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Sheeva is sort of like goro when showing affection, but not as "show offey". Like she just appreciates your presence more than anything, but doesn't shy away from declaring her love.
Her gifts come in the form of armor, something to protect you, but also act as a show of love and devotion. Strong armor that won't break so easily. Sheeva also likes to "play wrestle" with you from time to time, take that as you will.
Sheeva would rather take someone who can defend themselves physically, however appreciates other forms of strength as well. But regardless, if you're hurt badly, sheeva is gonna skin alive whoever hurt you and wear them as a mini coat
Smoke/tomas vrbada
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Tomas is a sweetheart and knows the danger of showing affection and others potentially using this knowledge for malicious purposes. Despite that he tries to get away with lowkey hand holding and kissing you in the shadows as much as possible.
Tomas is a kind of homemade gifts kind of guy. Whether that be origami or he makes you a homecooked meal, its from the heart. But he's very smooth yet humble about it. The only lavish gift he'll give is a beautiful wedding ring later down the relationship.
Despite the terrible fate he ends up having, no amount of reprogramming will remove his love for you. Fighting within an inch of his soul to keep you from harms way, even from himself. You'll always be able to snap him out of whatever evil thing the lin kuei did to reprogram his mind, body, and to a degree his soul.
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(So sorry motaro enjoyers this was the best gif i could find)
Everyone doesn't know whether or not to be shocked that someone was crazy enough to be in a relationship with motaro, or that motaro even has a relationship in the first place. But regardless, the Centaurian carries you around like royalty.
Don't expect much in the way of gifts, but motaro's love language is fighting or hunting alongside you. He might even show off a bit and prance around with pride if you're impressed.
Even if you suck at fighting, motaro may be highly annoyed trying to protect you all the time. But he will always make sure no one would even lay a finger on your head, at least while still intact and not crushed to death.
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currantlee · 1 year
A Few Words on Unsolicited Criticism
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Came across this and yeah... I wanna talk about it. (I know not reblogging is kinda rude, but I don't want any harrassment directed towards this person, and the best way to contribute to that is by not disclosing their identity. It doesn't matter for the point I'm gonna make anyway)
The mindset I can see in the post screenshotted above is, in my opinion, an extremely damaging one - both for the people receiving unsolicited criticism from people like this, as well as for these self-proclaimed critics themselves. How do I know? Well, because I used to be one of these kinds of people, and I'm so glad I got over that, both for the people I have hurt with this kind of behavior (if any of you are reading this, I'm still sorry) and those I would potentially have hurt if I kept going like this, as well as for my own wellbeing.
You see, this "criticism is always valid"-attitude stems from one mindset in my opinion (and that is if I'm being nice and disregard the entitlement-option): the mentality that everyone is (and should be) always trying to improve - which is not a great mentality to have, both for the people you are criticizing and your own work (if you engage in creative endeavours), as it can lead to perfectionism, which can, in turn, damage your ability to create.
The truth is, whether people are actively trying to improve or not is situational. You do not know what another person is going through or why they are even creating. They could be trying to improve their skills, but they could also be creating to vent. Or, you know, purely to have fun, see their ideas come to life or to distract themselves from the stress that is everyday life - which also constantly pushes us to get better. There are lots of reasons to create, and not everyone is trying to get better at all times - and that is completely valid! It doesn't make one any less of an artist, a writer, a videograph, ... if they're not actively trying to improve!
Also, for all you creatives out there: I don't actually think you should take criticism from anyone. First of all, not everyone is actually qualified to give constructive criticism which is a skillset of its own (though I do want to point out that pretty much everyone can point out things and / or make suggestions regarding your work, which can also be extremely helpful), and secondly, there is no ultimate recipe for helpful criticism. It varies from person to person. Some are better off taking criticism from people they're close with (for example folks with trust issues), while others fare better taking criticism from people they barely know (for example folks who persue a creative career and are working with / for people they barely know). Some are better off with criticism that includes a lot of jokes (for example folks who love to have fun while editing and can laugh about themselves without feeling bad), while others fare better with kindly worded criticism (for example folks who are currently working on self-esteem-issues).
Last but not least, I wanna talk about "don't like (it), don't read (it)" (and its variations such as "don't like, don't watch") a bit.
Fanwork is free entertainment, meaning no one wastes any money on it. Yes, there are some people who are actively trying to improve their skills, but a lot of us are just trying to have fun. Unless a fanwork (usually a fanfic or ongoing AUs) is held up like the second coming of Jesus by (parts of) a fandom (and therefore has a big impact) and / or taken very serious by its creator and / or the criticism is tied into the discussion of a bigger topic, for example pretty much every -ism-issue (including in fandom itself), queerphobia or misogny, meaning that the discussion revolves more around these issues than the actual work itself, unsolicited criticism is not only unwanted, but unnecessary. "Dont like (it), don't read (it)" also ties into audience entitlement, meaning the attitude that everything must be made for everyone (think: Penjamin Shapiebro reacting to the Barbie Movie) which is especially common in people that are privileged and don't acknowledge it, when the reality is that you can never please everyone. Therefore not every creative work can or must be made for everyone. If you don't like a work, more often than not it's not because that work is actually bad, but because it's just not for you. That's what "don't like it, don't read it" means: it's okay to dislike something and move on from it, even if it's for no obvious reason. It's a statement that's both empowering to creators and to audiences if you take like this.
In other words: the only thing in this conversation that's "idiotic" in my opinion is unsolicited criticism because it usually helps absolutely no one.
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I hate TikTok so much you have no idea how much I hate it they hear one little thing out of context and then they suddenly say it’s canon hurting like half of there own community because they hate queer black people for some god awful reason I don’t even know about the micro aggressions or the fact that people think HOBIE x miles is a proship I will say this once and I will say this again I will LIGIT clear everything on hobie having a canon age because he does not. And I’m tired of people on TikTok and anywhere else saying the same thing and I might change this into my second acc just for flowerpunk and I’ll actually put my name but I’m not gonna cause I don’t wanna have this turn into a big thing if they do confirm he’s over 18 but anyways I’m going to give all my points cause I think people see something and they automatically think it’s true
To the people saying he's 19/20 that was a director talking about his concept design and could be more based on the comics it's safe to assume that Sense another director said it's up for interpretation and Gwen said he's about her and miles age then he's most likely a teen below 18 and was aged Down for the movie and it's kinda obvious because he hangs around the teen squad don't litsen to the misinformation everyone is sayin as well as the clip that people are talking about is completely out of context and so I need you to all stop it!! I’m not even an adult and I despise pro shipping it’s one of the things that triggers me into things it’s weird and it’s weird your putting a silly ship into this horrible topic so many think it’s ok to put in because the age is unconfirmed half of you people just don’t like queer black people and I am one so for the love of god stop calling people proshippers when they view hobie as a kid!!!
Phil Lord who's also a director said it's up to interpretation/headcanon plus even likened him to Sex pistols who started off young. Alsp like I said the whole Gwen and Hobie implied/jokes about being together thing would be weird as f https://twitter.com/sillyabtspiders/status/1666405777009958913?t=ct4kf0PoYIeUHwsP3tsHDQ&s=19
Of course there’s the other video but again that is concept hobie and prowler hobie not even the hobie we See as well as HOBIE is Most likely aged down and based off teen hobie stop bringing it up because it doesn’t matter!!! I’m literally so upset with being called a proshipper and such and it’s actually really stupid that I have to fight on this because everyone other ship is fine except when there both black and queer it’s weird to how much people care and I’m so tired I’m so very tired of it. I literally cannot take it anymore it’s weird you people are just as weird I’m just so upset right now and by the way I’m writing you probably have already seen me post a bit on my main but it’s embarrassing how you all cling to one thing
I feel great comfurt in this ship I do with a lot of dynamics and I don’t even ship punkflower hard I just think it’s cute but the way you people look at soemthing and think “wow proshipper” is insane because eTHATS NOT WHAT IT IS IM SORRY ITS NOT IT MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED and I can’t tell if it’s cause I’m getting hyper fixated on this or what but I hate when this happens because wir causes so many people stress for no reason but your stupidity
Unless every single director comes out and says that HOBIE is older than 18 and not with Gwen and miles I will delete this and actually admit to it ok I’m not unreasonable I’m angry but that wouldn’t make sense because why would they tease romantic relationship as well as having hobie be with the minor coded charachters all the time
IM SO SORRY IF YOUR STRESSED BY THIS BECAUSE IM THE SAME I JUST FEEL LIKE WE WILL NEVER WIN and it’s so AKWARD I seriously hope that this whole situation gets cleared up and people will be able to ship and have there family dynamics and I’m sorry for anyone who doesn’t wanna see discourse just wanted to finally clear everything up because I know it stresses me out so I can’t imagine how other people feel
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84reedsy · 8 months
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The Mentorship
Characters: Curt Hennig/FemOC , eventual Scott Hall/FemOC
Parts 1 of ? (Parts not chapters, parts length varies)
Word Count: 5326
Warnings/Considerations: Smut, Age Gap, Power Dynamics, Dirty Talk, swearing
Curt knew he shouldn’t have said anything. He should have let that voice in his head stay quiet and buried. He'd hoped that it wouldn’t make things weird, that they had become close enough friends that it would be able to withstand his honesty. But this was supposed to be a professional relationship. He’d agree to mentor the green rookie at Russo’s request. He couldn’t help but feel like no matter how he spun his opinion, he might be taking advantage of the situation.
Brinkley seemed to have taken it in stride just as he'd told her to do. She followed his advice on everything else, he shouldn't have been surprised that she did so here. She was smart; smart enough to know that Curt knew more about this business than she probably ever could. He trusted her. If he didn't he would never have been so direct.
He could tell as they went through the motions of working out that she was distracted. It could have been a number of things, but he was pretty sure their earlier conversation was the cause.
The Conversation:
“You know, your situation worries me sometimes,” Curt said as he set a plate of egg whites and grilled chicken in front of her.
Brinkley grabbed the pepper and shook vigorously.
“My situation?” She took a bite, but looked at him confused, “What situation?”
“Well,” Curt swallowed a bite, knowing that once he said anything, he couldn’t take it back, “Being a virgin, its gonna put a target on your back,” he glanced at her to gauge her reaction. She was clearly caught off guard, shifting uncomfortably on the barstool. He stood across the counter from her, assessing her as he went.
“I knew I should have never brought that up,” Brinkley mumbled, pushing her food around her plate.
“I’m not judging you,” He tried to smooth that over, “I’m just saying if anyone finds out…it’s gonna become some thing the guys glom on to,”
“So I won’t tell anyone,” She shrugged, it seemed simple enough, “Unless you tell them, how would they know?” She’d admitted that in confidence to Curt as someone she trusted. She almost felt like he was throwing it back in her face.
“They might not and I would never do that to you,” he said firmly, “But…you just never know and some guys back there are perverts who live for sniffing that stuff out.”
Brinkley was uncomfortable now, trying not to openly fidget too much, “Well, not much I can do about it now,”
“Well…” Curt took a bite, trying to maintain his cool composure, “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” He chewed his food, waiting for her response, but she had none. She just looked at him in a daze of mild shock, “Why don’t you let me be your first?”
Brinkley was sure she heard him wrong. Was he really suggesting this?
“You…you want to be my first?” She repeated what she heard, her fork still now as she sat in disbelief.
“Hear me out,” he laid his own down and leaned his hands against the counter, “Say it happens randomly with some guy out on the road. It’ll be just another notch in his belt…I’d hate for you to have an experience with someone who may not care one way or the other about how you feel. Or to make you some kind of conquest and then hurt you…” He watched her intently, she didn’t blink as he spoke, “At least here, its someone that does care about you, has your interests at heart, someone who wants to make it a positive experience,”
“Does he? Or does he just want to fuck me because his wife is out of town,” Brinkley didn’t know where her animosity came from, but she bit her lip immediately after.
Curt looked at her sternly, “I have never once crossed the line with you before. I’ve taken a lot of my time to train you up. Hell, you’re probably my closest friend now, I feel like we have trust, respect, hell, even some level of love for one another. Am I wrong?”
Brinkley felt like shrinking back. What he said was true. She cared about him deeply enough to call it love, platonic, but still love. It still felt like he was trying to use that against her.
“Sorry…but shouldn’t I be suspicious of a guy trying to use friendship to get in my pants?” She turned his lesson around on him. Though she seemed to be arguing against it, the prospect made sense and was becoming more enticing as she thought about it.
“I guess you should,” Curt picked his fork back up and stabbed a piece of chicken, this was not how he’d planned on this going, “I guess you have been listening to me after all,” he offered her a smirk, hoping to unruffle her feathers.
“Can I have some time to think about it?” she asked after a few silent and tense seconds. Curt looked at her, pausing mid-chew. He waited several moments to analyze her question.
“You want to think about it?” He chewed again, slowly,
Brinkley nodded, shifting again in her seat.
“Sure,” Curt felt a weight lift from his shoulders a bit, “Think about it all you want. No pressure.” He could have sighed in relief, “Now, back to road time. Gonna have a lot of late nights in cars with a bunch of stinking guys driving to the next town…”
Present Time:
Brinkley felt off no matter how much she tried to shake it. It had been hours since their talk this morning and nothing else about their interactions had been out of the ordinary. They’d watched tape, gone on a run and now were finishing another round in his gym. Had she been more experienced (or had any at all) she would have recognized her distraction as the calling card of curious desire. She would have known that Curt's suggestion had made her horny. She would have expected a tingle between her legs, not an all encompassing haze that consumed her every thought..
At 20 she was not as seasoned in the realm of sex as her friends back home were. While they were busy chasing boys, she was busy trying to work her way through the ranks of the wrestling team in high school. She’d learned as she went with a regional promotion until she was signed by WCW. She had learned so much more under Curt’s tutelage. But all that work had left her with ignorance about other experiences.
Curt knew. As he spotted her at the squat bar, he knew exactly what her problem was. The hot-blooded male inside of him wanted to relieve her, but his mind knew better. He couldn’t just do that to Brinkley, not after the friendship and trust they'd built. And after all…this was partially another lesson and one she would need to learn with the way she looked and the sausage fest that professional wrestling was.
She was struggling with weight that she'd lifted without issue before. Brinkley was frustrated by this as she watched herself in the mirror lower and lift the barbell that rested on her shoulders. She saw Curt's reflection, too. He followed her movements in case she needed saving.
Curt was very good looking…. She had to admit. He was extremely well built and was very handsome, especially when he smiled. She could do much, much worse. There were a few times she’d caught herself staring at him when he was walking around shirtless. And in his wrestling gear, it was hard not to at least glance at the bulge the spandex couldn’t hide, but rather accentuated.
And what he'd said was a very real possibility. Her virginity wouldn't last forever and what if it was with someone who would quickly be a mistake? What if it was with someone who at the very least didn't care about her.
Curt cared about her. He treated her with respect and admiration and was disciplined in his training with her. His proposition might have been out of line with any other business. But professional wrestling was not any ordinary industry.
She was winded as she stood straight again, struggling on the last set. Curt could see the distance in her stare but only through the reflection of the mirror they both faced. He gently laid his hands on her sides, bracing her ribs gently. She jolted slightly at his touch, feeling her cheeks burn. She was grateful her face, already red from the exertion, hid this.
Curt felt badly immediately at her reaction, but did not remove his hands. He leaned forward, his lips near her ear as his gaze caught hers in the reflection.
“I won't ever touch you like that if you don't want me to,” he tried to reassure her.
Brinkley, still trying to catch her breath, swallowed a few gulps of air before nodding in affirmation. His low voice and soft, gentle tone did not help to calm her racing pulse.
“Do you trust me?” He asked at an even lower register, his hands still resting on her torso.
She hesitated less time, nodding and uttering a breathy “Yes,”
“Good, now give me 8 more,” he left his hands where they were to help her find the strength to muscle out another set. “That's it…push, push, push…” he encouraged her.
As she showered, Brinkley's mind was still abstracted by curious thoughts. The more she thought about it, the fewer reasons against what he suggested were manifesting. She startled herself realizing she'd been soaping between her legs longer than necessary after being lost in thought.
“He'd be careful…he knows I don't know much about this. He'd teach me how to do stuff without making me feel stupid…” she blushed as she ran a comb through her wet hair. She assumed sucking a dick wouldn't be inherently complicated, but she was intimidated by the prospect. Except with Curt. He'd be patient and hopefully not judgemental. At least he wouldn't express it.
She couldn't say a random one off guy would be as kind.
Brinkley realized she’d made her decision as she pulled on the shortest, tightest bike shorts she had. Initially she wore them for how strong they made her thighs look and how much it made her backside pop. With her squats, it looked even better. As she fiddled with other clothes, she paused thinking about how she might look to him. She wanted to turn him on. She wanted to be provocative. She wanted him to be aroused for his own sake and not just because he was doing something for her.
She shoved her sports bra back into the drawer and pulled on a white, ribbed tank top. It was not short but it was tight. She looked at her reflection in her room mirror now, appreciating that her workout regimen had aided more than just her backside, the front had benefited, too. Her tits had perked up slightly and were firmer. Perhaps later she'd realize arousal had a hand in how her body was presenting at this point, but for now it just bolstered her confidence.
She gasped a little as she lightly pinched and tugged at her nipples, hoping for them to be as pronounced as possible against the thin poor coverage of the top she wore.
As she left her room to grab a post workout snack, she tried to relax her posture as much as she could to look natural. The house was still and barely lit, she felt as if she was sneaking around, doing something scandalous. Catching her reflection as she passed one of the large windows, she realized why. She was walking around his house nearly naked.
Curt's shower was cold, ice cold. It refreshed him to a degree and barely kept his erection from swelling to a painful or obvious state. But he would have to accept half mast. He cursed bringing up the subject. He'd had no issues maintaining respectful thoughts before. He blamed it on an unintended fever dream for the idea even being in his head at all.
He had to maintain, it wouldn't be weird if he didn't make it weird. He slipped on tight boxer briefs and a pair of loose shorts, it was about all he had at this point to combat his bodily autonomy.
As he walked in the kitchen, only the dim under cabinet lighting illuminated the space. The rest of the house was dark and quiet. The light was more than adequate though to see Brinkley on her tiptoes reaching into a high cabinet for a box of cereal.
Immediately he wished he had just rubbed one out in the shower, that might have subdued the situation, but one glance at her ass in those sad excuse for shorts made his member pulse. The curve of her breasts in her tight shirt was also a welcome visual. Damn his dreams.
“Want a bowl?” She glanced over at movement from the corner of her eye. She turned back to the center island counter before looking at him. She felt a surge of confidence as his eyes were glued to her chest. His longer than acceptable gaze almost made her shiver. He definitely noticed.
Curt felt his mouth go a little dry. Why was she even wearing a shirt, her tits were basically out. Little was left to the imagination anyway. If she wasn't interested and was still doing this, then she was a definite tease who was quickly going to find herself in trouble in this industry.
“Nah, just gonna grab an orange,” he reached into the fruit bowl on the counter, looking at her eyes this time to see if he could read any wordless intent. He peeled and began to eat the fruit as she fixed her bowl, meticulous about returning each item. He was entertained as he watched her move about. Her hips swayed a little more, he thought. If she was trying to exude sexual confidence, she was going about it the right way.
They ate at the counter mostly in silence as normal. She asked him a few mundane questions here and there to break up the silence so it didn't get too thick.
“Movie?” She asked as she finished rinsing her dish and Curt discarded his trash.
“Sure, I get to pick this time…no Sixteen Candles bullshit,” He scoffed. She pouted walking ahead of him and he had to use every ounce of himself not to smack her ass.
“Hey, that's a good movie…it just happens to be about high school,” she defended her movie preferences, “I don't have to watch a testosterone fest to be entertained,”
“Excuse me, what business are you in?” He chided her. He looked over the movies in the cabinet not sure what he was looking for until one jumped out at him, “Have you seen ‘Eyes Wide Shut’?”
“No, just a couple trailers…. wasn’t that just in the theater?” Brinkley lounged in the corner seat of the large, plush sectional.
“I got connections, girl,” he put the movie in and grabbed the remote. With it he dimmed the lights considerably and began the movie, “What the hell do you think you're doing, you know that's my spot,” he jerked his thumb backwards for her to move.
Brinkley rolled her eyes, challenging him for a few seconds before she lifted her legs straight up in the air. He tried to avert his eyes, but he peeked how the shorts tightened across her pussy.
“There,” she motioned for him to sit.
He scoffed, shaking his head, but flopping down anyway. He tried not to chuckle as she laid her legs across his splayed lap.
Curt had plenty of opportunities to let his eyes wander over her. Her eyes were glued to the screen, especially during the sexier scenes. He could tell when she was hot and bothered as her breathing became more shallow and her body fidgeted. He'd rested his arms across her legs, one hand rested on her shin, the other he'd moved to her thigh over the course of the movie. He wondered if she was distracted enough to not notice if he slipped his finger past the pitiful barrier of fabric and probed her innocent pussy.
He stifled a groan at that thought as his cock tried to surge to life. He took a couple of deep, quiet breaths. Her legs moving against him subtly didn't help.
He noticed her fidgeting had moved her closer and closer to him. He only lounged more, letting her squirm to her heart's desire. She was horny, getting more aroused by the second. She wanted something, she just didn't know what yet. She was about to learn, Curt thought. And he was going to teach her.
Brinkley feigned discomfort once her hip was perched against his thigh. She propped herself up, looking at Curt in his relaxed posture.
“Do you mind? I'm not comfortable.” She said, vaguely.
Curt shrugged, having no idea what she intended to do, but knowing an incredibly spicy scene was coming up and he wanted her attention on it.
“Do what you need,” he said as nonchalantly as possible. With that her hip slid further, positioning her between his splayed legs. She nestled into his lap and leaned against him, humming when she was satisfied with her placement. Curt wanted to curse out loud. There would be no hiding any sexual response the way she was against him. On the plus side, every part of her was in reach to be toyed with, teased. But he tried to control himself, he told her he'd never touch her like that if she didn't want him to, if she didn't ask.
He should resist until she told him, regardless of how much of a minx she was trying to be. He wasn't in the locker room, dubious consent wasn't enough here.
Brinkley didn't realize she was holding her breath as Tom Cruise walked through a house full of masked people fucking in every corner of the mansion. She tried to let it out subtly, but she had put herself into a difficult situation.
“I want you to…” she mumbled barely above a whisper.
Curt could feel her every movement. He heard her voice, but not the words.
“What's that?” He responded. His cock twitched as her ass pressed into him more.
“I want you to touch me…like that,” she referenced his statement earlier, her voice still barely above a mumble.
“Are you sure?” He asked for confirmation, but one hand had slid around to her front grasping one of her breasts. He felt her shudder, but she nodded quickly, exhaling shakily as he squeezed.
He pushed her down on her back, laying on his side next to her. His hand snaked under her shirt, running his rough, manly palms over her achingly hard nipples.
Brinkley felt a heat rushing through her entire body. She whimpered at his touch and wanted more, unsure of how to ask for it.
Curt kissed her harshly, he tried his best not to be too rough, but he was going to be firm. They were not making love. They were going to fuck. He’d told her that initially and he'd meant it. He knew this was still cheating and he knew his wife would disapprove.
He knew he'd feel guilt, mostly because he knew Lennie trusted Brinkley and had been unwaveringly cool about the whole mentorship…. But she wasn't here right now; Brinkley was.
She kissed him back, but let him dictate it. His tongue slipped over hers as she moaned into his mouth. Her hands gripped his biceps, unsure of what to touch, but wanting to touch all of him. She tasted the faint citrus still on his lips and tongue, sweeting the act.
Curt pushed her shirt up to her neck exposing her tits. He was anxious to suckle one of her taut nipples, but he dropped his kiss to her neck first. He nipped and licked, feeling her squirm almost uncontrollably. He chuckled, realizing he found a sweet spot, continuing while his hand slid down her stomach.
Brinkley tensed as she felt his fingers breach the waistband. She resisted, nearly clamping her thighs together.
Curt understood her apprehension, but did not halt to it. He softened his kiss on her neck, lowering to her collarbone, and slowing his hand’s descent. He circled his tongue around her peaked nipple, before his lips began sucking slowly and with increasing pressure.
Brinkley could not help squirming. While she had cum on her own before, the heat that was building was different. She felt unprepared for the intensity that was threatening in her core.
Distracted by the attention on her tits, Curt's hand had snuck lower and he slid a finger into the crest of her slit. Her hips jolted as his fingertip grazed her sensitive clit. She was already soaked
“You're so wet, little girl…” Curt nearly growled. He could imagine sinking his girth into her already this primed.
“Curt…” she whimpered, stopping herself from asking him to pause. He looked down at her now, her face flushed from pleasure.
He waited only a moment for her to make a request before sliding his finger back up and down over her nub. She arched off the couch, her breath caught in her throat, but no word of ceasing left her lips. Holding his gaze while he touched her just amplified the intensity of the moment.
She willed herself to not make a vocal fool of herself, her hands now balled into fists, each palm grasping the fabric of the cushion.
“Cum for me…” he spoke in a low demand. Her hips moved along with the pace of his massaging.
“Curt…. I'm gonna c-” she started, but was immediately speechless when he slid his finger lower and sank it into her aching, timid entrance. He pumped his finger into the tightening contractions of her sex, smirking as she bit her lip to keep from screaming out. She was adorable when she came, her face scrunched slightly, surprised by the strength of an orgasm given by another person.
His finger soaked now as well, he had to wonder if the cushions would horde her scent and get him in trouble if anyone noticed.
At this moment he didn't care.
Already shirtless. He maneuvered his shorts off before slipping her shirt completely off now. He worked on her tight shorts, but she silently took over the task when he struggled. She quickly worked them off, her eyes glazed but trained in his heavy, thick shaft that he was stroking as he watched her pussy uncover.
She kept her thighs pressed together, nervous at first.
“It's not that big, baby girl,” he tried to soothe her, but had to stifle a laugh at the unconvinced look she gave him.
“Its…it looks really big,” she gnawed her lip, having trouble taking her eyes off of it. He enjoyed the visual attention and the praise. He stopped stroking and let it rest against her hip, slid his hand over her thigh and worked her thighs open.
“Oh I'm gonna stretch that pussy out…but it's not that long,” he knew he was fibbing to her a bit. Every woman he'd known said girth over length, but he wanted her to relax and enjoy it as much as possible. He had no idea who she might fuck in the future…there were a few better cocks in the locker room. Not that he'd been looking but over the years it was inevitable to see some.
“Don't you want…” she started, seeming to bite her tongue.
“What baby?” He pet her thigh, but moved himself between her legs now. She tensed again, but he didn't stop moving towards what his cock was throbbing for.
“Don't guys like it to be sucked?” She murmured out as her legs obediently opened and bent at his physical suggestion.
“Ha…yeah, we do. But if I don't fuck you soon, my dick is gonna explode,” He bit his lip groaning as he looked down to the pink wetness that beckoned him, “I know I said one time…. But if you want to try that, we can mess around one more time okay? Then I'll get a chance to taste that sweet pussy…” he offered and she nodded exuberantly. He knew at this moment that stopping was going to be an issue for them both, but he was nowhere near that bridge now so he was not going to worry about crossing it.
He kneeled between her open legs and gripped her hips, pulling her to rest her ass on his thighs. She was propped up on her elbows, her eyes locked on his cock as he slid it up and down her slit. She twitched, gasping as he smacked the tip against her clit not having much time to recover before his swollen glans slipped into her. Seeing his girth sink into her at the same time feeling its unfamiliar stretch rendered her speechless. Her breath hitched as she acclimated to the intensity of being filled completely.
She yelped a little when Curt bucked his hips slightly. She was mesmerized by the tuft of blonde hair on his pelvis as it brushed against her clit. Her breathing was still labored, but regular as he bucked again, pushing her back as he leaned his body over hers. One hand snaked behind her head and gripped her hair, tilting her head upwards as he started thrusting his hips slowly, but with force.
She nearly pulled him back in every time he slipped his shaft out of her. He nipped and bit at her exposed neck as he dissolved his restraint and his pumping hips became more unhinged.
Brinkley could hardly process all these new sensations she was feeling, but realized her legs moved instinctively to let him plunge deeper. The sound of his cock driving into her cunt filled her ears only broken up by Curt's hoarse grunts and dirty talk.
Everytime he praised her pussy, a fresh wave of wetness would coat his balls as he would bury himself in her.
“Fuck…I didn't know you'd be this good, baby,” he admitted, quickening his thrusts to keep her from responding. His mind was filling with devious plans. Imagining fucking her over the kitchen counter while his wife slept a few rooms away, too many scenarios in the gym to mention. Fuck, he was imagining secretly fingering her with other guys around. His kinks were floating dangerously close to the surface, forcing their way out.
“Call Me daddy,” he thrusted slower, but harder as she looked up at him with a mixture of pleasure and surprise on her face. He could feel her sex trembling around his invading cock and was close to another climax, “Tell daddy you want to cum,”
Brinkly felt a tingle surge through her whole body. She'd never thought the idea was hot, that was until she had a man thrusting inside of her and demanding she do so. Now it felt like there was nothing hotter…
“Daddy, please make me cum,” she didn't hesitate any longer.
Curt felt his loins flare as he fucked her harder, faster. She came quickly, her fingernails digging deeply into the couch. He wished they were scratching down his back… but no marks…that was one of his rules.
“Fuck, Daddy…I'm cumming again…” she whimpered, surprising Curt with how quickly she was climaxing.
“Good girl…” he praised her, “That's Daddy's good girl,” he never had anyone play into this kink before and it was hotter than he had even anticipated. He cupped her face with one hand and slipped his thumb between her lips and she obediently suckled it. His jaw lay slack, lost in the pleasure of the sex and the experience.
“Daddy's turn to cum…Be a good girl and cum with Daddy,” he leaned down and harshly whispered. His hot breath rushed over her ear and her body responded. Her thighs gripped his waist tightly as he thrusted deeper and deeper.
Brinkly felt his already full cock stretch her more as her sex spasmed again. She screamed out this time, a moment later feeling a warm surge flood her cunt. Curt's hips stilled, thrusting in paused, disjointed movements.
Curt kept himself buried to hilt as much as possible, letting her pussy milk every drop of his cum. Reality was already trying to invade its way in, reminding him swiftly of what he'd said and that maybe he had just ruined this mentorship. A quick fuck would have been one thing, but of course he had to take it too far. And to make matters worse he was remembering that he'd already broken his one-time only rule.
Brinkley tried to catch her breath, processing every thing that had just happened, slowly floating back to reality, still feeling the slight pulsing of his girth inside of her. She unclenched the cushions and slid her arms around his back. She was not feeling amorous, she knew full well that this was not the place for some confession of unrequited love; that didn't exist here, not in that way. But she could feel him tense a little, and as close friends, she wanted to comfort him if he was feeling awkward or uncomfortable.
“I…,” Curt started, anxious to break the silence, “I did tell you I was snipped, right?” He had little brain power at the moment to remember if she knew about his vasectomy. He could imagine she might otherwise be a little worried about the egregious level of cum he'd just dumped inside of her.
Brinkley emitted a short, airy laugh.
“Yes, you told me,” she relieved him of that worry. She reluctantly loosened her legs from around his waist and he slowly withdrew from her. It was almost poetic that the credits were rolling across the television screen.
“You should go clean up,” he playfully slapped her thigh, “it's late,” he laughed a little when she looked confused, “you're gonna have a little bit of a mess to take care of,” he motioned between her thighs.
“Oh,” she felt stupid for a moment before nodding and slipping off the couch with her clothes in hand, trying to hold on to his sexual deposit.
Brinkley was shocked by what was left inside of her and of her own reflection in the bathroom. Her chest was flushed, her breasts swollen and her face looked…different. She couldn't place it, but she looked different. She felt different. She was happy though, she had let Curt be her first.
He was right, any other guy probably wouldn't have cared enough to make sure she enjoyed the experience and the connection wouldn't have been there. It would have likely been forgettable or even regrettable, but this wasn't. She felt sorry for all her friends who's first times had been unremarkable. Who's attitudes about sex were dismissive. She couldn’t imagine looking back at what had just happened in a negative light. But she had to wonder how serious he was about another tryst. Were they just dirty words in the moment, or did he mean them?
Curt waited for her in the hallway as she came out of the bathroom, the same skimpy outfit was all that covered her. He pulled her into a gentle hug, his hands rubbing slowly along her back. He didn’t say anything. Brinkley felt warmth in his embrace, her arms wrapped around his shoulders.
He parted after a few minutes, kissing her cheek, “Night Brinkley,” he said as he parted, heading for his room.
“Goodnight, Hennig,” She smiled to herself as he departed, heading for her own room. She was still feeling giddy as she closed her eyes, wondering what steamy dreams may lay in wait on the other side of consciousness.
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ihopesocomic · 1 year
That low-empathy anon made me see red a little because like. As an autistic person with low empathy towards people, like really low at times, I'm gonna hope they aren't thinking this about like, other autistic people with such a thing, or adhd folks who have low empathy (Heck, my sister does too). Not to go on a tangent but Storm having low empathy made me so happy, because sometimes I never notice other people's feelings. I'm also a lot of an ass ngl, I have a really hard time being considering of people's feelings, or even feeling what I think I'm supposed to feel in situations. If you told me why am I not crying at a family member's death when other people are I'd be bothered af because wow thanks, but that doesn't make me a .... psychopath. Wow, and you're talking about being ableist, anon. There are actual psychopathic people that exist I am SO TIRED of people throwing that around and I don't even have psychopathy =3=)
Nobody deserves less kindness just because they don't process/notice others emotions the way 'normal' empathetic people do. Nor are those that question said low empathy obligated to be close to us. All we ask is to like, understand it and be patient. The complete lack of empathy towards us that struggle with it don't help one bit. Ironic even.
It makes Hope's patience and willing to banter with Storm's lack of said empathy when we saw it nice to see because I'd give for someone like that. It's upsetting yeah, but nobody with low-empathy is gonna like, secretly hurt you or something or think less of you deep down for thinking differently than us. Storm was really upfront about how she didn't get why Hope would want to live in a situation like that, and Hope gave back her piece on the matter. Hope was willing to talk to Storm about the whole pride thing. Even if it made things a little complicated and awkward given their upbringings (and Storms past experience with them as seen in the recent PMV especially, man I'd love to see that talked about eventually), Hope was willing to discuss it nonetheless. And didn't think any less of Storm afterwards.
I'd even say I have higher empathy for fictional characters than people, because I've connected with them better than actual people, and they don't question my empathy problems and blah blah, I'm rambling rn, but funny how the brain work.
@ That anon, please understand that Low empathy havers don't want to hurt you just because we don't get certain things, and we will not call you ableist if we did hurt you, that has nothing to do with our struggle with empathy, you definitely didn't make yourself look better asking that, and nobody will take being called a psychopath lightly regardless of their empathy level. So I can't say as a low-empathy haver that you are on our good graces with that ask. But please, do your research, ask folks with low empathy what it's like so that you can get different viewpoints, it's a lot more complicated than you made it sound anon, and preferably next time, do not villianize us and deem us as secretly evil or something like that after you do so. x.x
All of this. Thank you, anon, and I'm very sorry that you and others here had to be exposed to that last anon's bulllshit. Normally, we might have deleted an ask like that but sometimes this kind of stuff needs to be called out.
Oh, and if the last anon is reading this: I'm just gonna come out and say you were being ableist. Don't really care if you're disabled or not. How dare you come onto this blog and insult an entire group of real people over fictional lions. The hell is wrong with you? We're not changing our comic to be as vindictive and mean-spirited as My Pride was: deal with it. It's also real funny how the initial criticism of the comic was that it's "too much like My Pride" and now we have to read garbage about how we need more ableism "because well that's why My Pride was entertaining for me" because the comic is heading in its own direction now. Because that's 100% what this is all about. As I've said before: I'm done being nice to people who simply view our comic as the best of a bad situation because it's highly unlikely My Pride will continue. If you like My Pride for its rampant ableism and trivialising oppression for plot beats: re-watch it to your heart's content. Because we refuse to accommodate this kind of mindset and have our comic fill that weird void for you.
If anybody here thinks this kind of talk is remotely OK because "Storm and Hope's relationship doesn't have enough drama for me because they don't trade enough insults over their respective disabilities": piss off. Our comic isn't for you. - RJ
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
Crow I'm freaking out
It's August 1st and my first ritual (and first concert literally ever) is in 29 days. I'm practicly VIBRATING I'm so excited but I'm also stupid nervous. I have breezy clothes, ear plugs, tickets ready to be downloaded, I'm good on that, I'm just so worried with this being my first concert I'm going to forget something or mess something up? I wanted to draw all the ghouls and give them to them but found out they weren't doing a meet and greet when I bought the tickets so that's some anxiety I don't have to worry about but I seen someone said they accept stuff at the merch booth?? I didn't even know merch booths was a thing really
Sorry for spamming you a bit, you're just my favorite ghost blogger and I know you've been to a ritual before and could get advice on anything I'm forgetting 😅 thank you <3
okay first things first; you are NOT alone in feeling nervous, let me start with that. ive been to many a concert, and for some reason this one's making me quite anxious too (mines on the 12th! ahh!)! but listen, ghost as your first concert? that is GREAT choice
some things to consider; look up your venue's policy on bags, what can you bring/not bring? some venues have weird things on there, so you might want to double check that. for example, someone in front of me had to throw away their chain from their wallet, couldn't wear it in. only bring it what you really need. last time i only brought my id, credit card, car keys (JUST the car key, my other keys were IN the car lol) and your phone (where i presume your ticket will also be). i recommend pockets when you can, a small back without too many pockets for quick check-in as you go through security. for your sake and theirs!
if you're gonna be in direct sun; SUNSCREEN. PLS. FOR THE LOVE OF SATAN. protecting your skin is super important.
ear plugs are IMPORTANT TOO! im glad you have them. you will absolutely be able to hear everything, dont fret about that.
i might also recommend sturdy/closed toed/comfy shoes. its so easy to get your feet stepped on accidentally for whatever reason , no matter if youre in the pit or have a seat. and you dont want your feet to hurt halfway through either
i also wouldnt bother with complicated accessories or things that are easily lost/pulled (i.e. long necklaces, dangly earrings, lots of rings), they just become a hassle. to me, anyway.
as far as the drawings go, i havent heard about being able to gift anything via the merch table (usually theyre situated by the entrance to the venue where they sell all the cool stuff!). lots of people test their luck by throwing shit on stage at the end of the show but, personally, im not the biggest fan of doing that. also i cant throw for shit lol. i know a lot of people are sad about the no papa meet and greet. i wish the ghouls still participated in those like they used to way back when, but once cardi came about i believe that stopped.
bottom line is, dress comfy and have a good time! let me know if you have any more specific questions
also your FAV ghost blog?? lksjdfdslk i dont know how to respond to that ahhh
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royalelusts · 1 year
i love the teenage m! reader hcs you wrote for obey me! could you write some hcs with the same prompt but different characters? have a nice day!!
im glad you enjoyed reading them! i had fun writing it! i hope you enjoy this one too.
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✰ mammon
⚬ When i tell you he was annoyed
⚬ Not only does he have to watch the exchange student
⚬ The exchange student is a random teenage boy
⚬ Not to mention a human
⚬ What was lucifer thinking??
⚬ But his annoyance didn’t last long
⚬ This brought opportunity!
⚬ He could plan out so many schemes using you
⚬…was his first initial thought process
⚬ How was he supposed to know you were going to get this close to his heart?!
⚬ Oh well now you have big brother mammon in your life
⚬ He definitely still pulls you into his schemes
⚬ Well he tries to
⚬ He’ll come up to you all excited telling you his next plan
⚬ Only for you to look him dead in his face and say “that is the stupidest shit i've heard all day”
⚬ >:/
⚬ Well damn you couldve just said you didnt like it and kept it moving
⚬ But it does pull him out of a lot of dumb things so its technically a win
⚬ Oh do you remember that one devilgram story where mammon left for a while?
⚬ When he came back to see how concerned you were he lowkey felt bad
⚬ Like wow i really left my partner in crime
⚬ He is your number one supporter
⚬ You got a 54 on a test?
⚬ Hell yeah lets go celebrate
⚬ He’s like one of those moms who complain about you telling him about a project at the last minute but then breaks their back to help you finish it
⚬ When you came back to the house of lamentation after chapter 16 he was the first one you talked to
⚬ More like clung to but whatever
⚬ Tbh he was the one that convinced you to come back
⚬ “Even if you’re obnoxious sometimes you’re my responsibility. I got you.”
✰ leviathan
⚬ To be honest when you first met leviathan you were kinda excited
⚬ One of the pins on his shirt (vest? jacket?? cloak???) was from an anime you liked
⚬ It was just a bit of normalcy considering the whole situation
⚬ Then he called you a normie…
⚬ “At least im not a shut in”
⚬ …
⚬ that lowkey hurt his feelings :/
⚬ There was so much tension between both of you
⚬ It was unbearable for everyone
⚬ This also made it difficult when you needed to borrow his vinyl
⚬ And when he wouldnt let you in his room?
⚬ You did the most logical thing in the world obviously
⚬ “It doesn’t matter. TSL sucks anyway.”
⚬ Mammon had to drag you away before things got too heated
⚬ After the whole tsl fiasco the tension dialed down
⚬ The hatred turned into competitive energy :D
⚬ By default you are now Henry
⚬ Sorry there isn’t any room for arguments
⚬ Levi now indulges in all of your interest
⚬ You even got him interested in some of them
⚬ he keeps a lookout for exclusive items to get you
⚬ Why shouldnt you have the best items???
⚬ Late night binges and game nights!!!
⚬ Lucifer has scold you many times about staying up for diavolo knows how long
⚬ But why would you listen to an old man like him anyway?
⚬ You had mentioned that you’ve never been to a convention before and levi was appalled
⚬ He now takes you to all of them with full cosplay if you want
⚬ Lets just say everyone wants to be you two
⚬ Moral of the story y’all are besties now
✰ belphegor
⚬ “You’re bullshitting me right? I risked my life to get that stupid vinyl from Levi to get up here only to find some random guy locked away?”
⚬ …huh
⚬ The person that’s going to let him out was a human?
⚬ Not to mention a teenage boy at that
⚬ Well we cant be picky
⚬ Assumed you were gonna be easy to manipulate
⚬ …key word assumed
⚬ “Even if you are a human you’re locked up for a reason right?”
⚬ No matter how much he tried he couldn’t convince you to help him
⚬ Wanted to slam his head into the wall with the headache you were giving him
⚬ Somehow you left agreeing to get the rest of the pacts
⚬ (you vaguely remembered seeing a picture of him and beel happy together so you caved)
⚬ Throughout the process though you would manage to slip past lucifer to visit the attic
⚬ You would tell belphie about the crazy adventures you’ve been through since arriving
⚬ As obnoxious as you were he did find the stories of his twin enduring
⚬ Anyway to the attic events
⚬ “See i knew there was reason your ass was locked up”
⚬ When he went in for the “hug” you socked him straight in his jaw and booked it down the stairs
⚬ *cue cat and mouse chase music*
⚬ After that things were….mhm
⚬ You refused to stay at the hall of lamentation for a while
⚬ Even when you were convinced to come back you were obviously tense around them
⚬ The first time you spoke to belphegor again was when he caught you late at night in the kitchen
⚬ He apologized but didnt blame you if you didnt want to be around them
⚬ “Its not everyday i get strangled by a guy i saved”
⚬ You both chuckled
⚬ Building trust was an extremely long process and you made belphegor work for it
⚬ Oh but when things do get better though??
⚬ Y’all can shit talk everyone for hours
⚬ Its how you two bond <3
⚬ You thought the dissing was limited to the privacy of your rooms?
⚬ You my little friend are sadly mistaken
⚬ There are codenames for people if you’re talking in public
⚬ No one is safe
⚬ Oh and if said person/demon/angel does something around you two?
⚬ Sending a single look across the room will say everything you need to
⚬ You’re now an honorary member of the anti-lucifer league
⚬ You found out that belphegor has the comfiest bed out of everyone
⚬ So now that’s where you take majority of your naps
⚬ Though if you lay down before him he will not hesitate to fall on top of you
⚬ No use complaining young human
⚬ This is your fate now
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