#its just sad :(
yaboi8i · 5 months
Misato and Shinji's relationship is probably my favorite in all of Eva and it is not talked about enough.
It's so fascinating, heartwarming and tragic. She gave him a surrogate mother figure who made him feel like family for the first time in his life and she got someone who loved her as more than an object. They were so close to helping eachother through the things that absolutely plauged their lives with this surrogate family relationship and it is utterly tragic how it all came crashing down because they didn't know how to navigate themselves through the horrible circumstances they were in at the end. God I wish more people talked about them without mischaracterizing them or boiling them down to memes. It pisses me off so much when that's the only thing people talk about with them.
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pstelwitchcraft · 3 months
Listen, I am happy to see Brennan take the DM seat, and I hope I've understood this incorrectly and we'll still get the main cast, but after seeing that guest list I believe there is simply no way they could fit all 8 main campaign characters + all of these people (amazing ppl by the way, truly nothing but love for them) at the table. And idk... I've started to get disappointed. Bc the thing is I love these characters, I love the Bells Hells, I love Sam's new character he JUST introduced, I love having Dorian with us again and cannot wait to see him deal with the repercussions of Cyrus' death. I love the Imogen and Laudna drama. I love whatever Fearne and Ashton got going on, I love Orym and his weird fey pact. I LOVE them.
And just... recently, I cannot shake the feeling that this is not their campaign. We JUST got them back from the Crownkeepers special episode. Before that, they've gotten separated for a pretty extensive period of time on opposite sides of Exandria. FCG just DIED. Yes, they have communication issues but I feel like that has to do, also, with the fact that every time it seems like they're finding some sort of groove, something like this happens. I get wanting to do something different and a trip to the past before Aeor collapsed IS really exciting, but it straight up feels lame and like they're trying to shove as many people into the table as possible when a major arc like this doesn't have the presence of the LITERAL main characters without them at least being separated again.
Also, don't think I don't see the bias from ya'll. Aabria had ONE episode that was significantly more important and related to the actual plot of the campaign and ya'll were clawing at her neck saying "this should have been a one shot!!!". If Brennan gets 3 freaking special calamity episodes only slightly related to the main plot and ya'll don't let out a peep I am literally fighting you in a parking lot. If this pans out the way I think it will then this absolutely should not be in the main campaign and could stand alone just like Calamity. I could totally be wrong, and I hope I am and they somehow found a way to fit 15 people at the table, but right now it's not looking too good and I cannot understate how sad I am. We just got them back! I want to meet Braius! 😫 Please, PLEASE, let them have their proper moment for us to know him 🙏
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grechsblog · 23 days
sometimes i wonder if its truly hunger that siffrin experiences.
sometimes i wonder if hes ever been hungry at all...
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divine0rdainment · 2 months
Adam: Pfffft! What? Do you have a crush on me or something?
Lucifer: *Looks panicked* No!!! Hahahah! Hah no! No way hah! *Nervous laughter while blushing*
Adam: *looses his smile* Why the fuck not!? I'm tall! I'm hot! I'm powerful! I am CLEARLY better in bed then your ex! Fall in love with me already!!!
Lucifer: W-why would you want that?
Adam: *Now blushing* C-cuz maybe I'd return the feelings if you did! N-not that I like you now, b-but I could come to if you fell first!!!
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maybebi47 · 8 months
man everytime i get mad at kristen for something i remember that i have done that exact thing before
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kidrunaway · 24 days
When little nightmares 3 and reanimal was announced, my immediate reaction to it was "omg! I can't wait to see the crossovers people will draw and talk about!"
But instead, I see people fighting about which game is better and put it up to competition for absolutely no reason. You guys begged for little nightmares 3 and now that we're getting it, you guys are pissed?
"Its not made by the same company wah wah I expected mono wah wah" mono is stuck in a loop. And just because it's not made by the same company doesn't mean you can't give it a chance.
And no this post doesn't exclude you mfs saying that reanimal is ln3/similar to ln3. That's stupid. Tarsier studios has a specific art style and has BEEN creating video games like this, not everything they produce is little nightmares.
It’s like wondering why an artist is still using an art style and drawing the same genre of character but not making art for the franchise they used to
I better see more crossovers of ln3 and reanimal. No debate on which ones better.
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mushr0oms-and-m0ss · 11 months
Alright, fess up, who made Sky mad?
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Reblogs are appreciated!
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i got so caught up in the euphoria of creating a detailed and super cool world that i completely forgot the story has a horrid fucking ending. (i just wrote the end and i'm sad)
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zorossugarmama · 3 months
It's a habit of the heart to always write something sad, or gruesome, maybe even a little traumatizing-- in this case all three. So here it is:
Cregan Stark x Jacaerys Velaryon on AO3
The Hearth In Which He Once Sat
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ninelivesastrology · 3 months
tw: abuse, alcohol, drugs
My abuser was so deep in alcohol addiction that he would never buy water or groceries and you would never know this unless you lived with him. The water one throws me because I guess it would allow him to get drunk faster. He would barely eat, too. I would ask him, "Hey, can we go get a pack of water?" (and the grocery store was right next to his neighborhood) and he would blatantly refuse. It would be so hot in his house, too, I genuinely think he withheld basic human needs to keep me disoriented and weak so I wouldn't leave. It was the craziest things he said no to. The most reasonable things.
When I told him he was an alcoholic, he lied to his friends and told them that I said they were alcoholics. I don't think they would have anymore than 2 regular beers or whatever (because I didn't really pay attention to them, always on my phone). But I would find multiple IPA cans in his bathroom trash (because he would get drunk in the shower) and seeing him snort meth off his bar fifteen minutes before his friends came over. And it's like... I was powerless and scared shitless with no way to leave. I remember I would just leave the room out of fear he would force me into doing it. I didn't even know who to tell and I knew no one would believe me because he was a functioning addict. And on top of that, he would go through my phone so it's like I never wanted to say anything that would put me in danger.
Like a part of the reason I think he flipped his shit over me leaving (after he told me to leave) was because he knew I witnessed him doing hard drugs and admitted to doing hard drugs to me and that I was ratted on about going through his computer. Just being in a house with an alcoholic that has access to a gun is dangerous, but it's way more dangerous when they're mixing substances. Even worse when they have depraved secrets. Like sometimes I think about the insane amount of flashdrives he had and when I asked him why he had so many, he said they were for movies he was downloading and that was close to the truth...
Nobody needs over 20 flashdrives... It seems to be common sense, but at the time, it wasn't and I feel so dumb sometimes. Maybe you need that many if you're trying to hide something and keep it off your computer so you can dispose of them.
Of course, he had to smear me and stalk me to protect his "Nice Guy" image like... It just makes sense more than it ever did.
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gachapains · 3 months
The fact that the FPE is $150 is indeed wild, I was too scared to say anything on Twitter but here feels a little safer;
The fact that I bought nosebleed tickets for the Clancy tour and could barely afford those to begin with (I'm still paying them off, thank the lord for payment plans) and the FPE tickets are MORE than I paid for my ticket it's just.... Sad? Is it really cool that we're getting a traveling exhibit for the US and UK tour, yes, is it expensive because it's a traveling exhibit, yes, but the fact that Columbus and Melbourne (?) got to see it FOR FREE!? That's wild.
Anyway wah wah I'm poor I can cry about it all day. I would go if I was in the tax bracket to be able to go but I just can't.... Regardless I'm still gunna see the tour and have a great time. I'm just sad I'm gunna be missing out on a huge chunk of band history and nostalgia :(
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fairycosmos · 2 years
its really crazy to think about how capitalism relies on ableism being so deeply ingrained into everything and everyone. like obviously we're all subconsciously raised to believe our level of conventional success and monetary productivity is directly linked to our worth as human beings and it's hard to contend with that alone right. so i can't image how it feels for disabled people who may not be able to work or who may have additional needs having to deal with that message permeating their entire lives. i don't know. it's such an obvious truth about the world we live in but i feel like it's not recognised enough. every time we're told to find pride in grinding and hustling we're teaching ourselves (and others) to find shame in just existing
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illusioncanthurtme · 8 months
Ai bootlickers need to go back to preschool, or kindergarten, and they need to be handed some construction paper, and some elmer's glue, and some fucking crayons, and figure out what it feels like to fucking make something. I'm so sick and tired of hearing from people who have no clue what it means, or what it feels like, to be creative.
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byleranalysis · 2 years
I cannot wait to rub your face in the fact that you’ll be wrong about Byler becoming canon in ST5.
Not to mention all the people who will come for you on Twitter for being a manipulative twat with poor analytic skills. You will never live it down.
And any reviews you write someday as a “film major” will be haunted by this ghost. Because we’ll all be there to remind you what an absolute failure you were at understanding the fundamental storyline of even one TV show.
I’m already laughing at you in advance, when all your left with is FanFiction and tears. Toodles.
imagine writing this and thinking I will be the one shitting, crying, and throwing up if my ship doesn’t occur…
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ellewelle · 1 year
The traumatized depressed gay murder muffins
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sir3n-s · 1 year
Robin didn't cry when she had to tell the Harringtons that their son was dead. She didn't cry when they asked her to make a speech at his funeral because she was his best friend. 
Robin didn't cry when they lowered him into the ground. She didn't cry when she held Dustin while he cried. She didn't cry when she comforted the rest of the group. She didn't cry when she saw his parents fake crying over their son. 
Robin didn't cry as she went home and went to her room. She didn't shed a tear when she finally opened the box of some of Steve's belongings that she kept. 
Robin didn't cry as she took out Steve's favorite sweater and put it on. She didn't cry as she laid in her bed. She didn't cry as she remember how Steve got the sweater, the thrifting incident when she forced Steve to go thrifting with her and she saw the bright yellow sweater and bought it for him. She didn't cry as she remembered Steve buying her lunch after shopping and them laughing until they couldn't breathe and their stomachs hurt. 
Not until that moment did Robin cry. She sobbed into the emptiness of her room, the emptiness that her best friend, her platonic soulmate, could only fill. 
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