#its not always like this like this is peak crunch time
dykedragons · 2 years
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ive done an insane amount of stuff in the last week. goodness gracious. all these high-effort tasks that ive been doing all day, in a row!!!!!!!! and i still have 2 days of assignments left but at least theyre just writing and editing and can be done in just one big sitting each...
i textured, added materials, lighted and rendered the room (first 3 images) in ONE DAY. i was up until 6 am. and that was after UV unwrapping every object for like 3 days straight.
the Fatalis drawing was done in 2 days. the Daydream sculpt was done in 4 days. this is a cry for help lmfao
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katz-chow · 8 months
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part 1 | part 2
ghost distribution system when you're walking from your parking space to the apartment building you live in before hearing small animal whimpers. the snow continues to plow through the city as you pull your scarf closer to you. the sounds echo again and you pause in your steps, awaiting for the source to make the whimpers again.
your feet step closer amidst the snow, it crunching underneath your heavy boots. the sound got less frequent as you turned the corner and peaked behind the parked car. to your surprise, a bundle of brown fur was curled up and snowed on. you gasp and reach down while unfurling your scarf to cover the bundle. as you did, the wind picked up and, from what you notice, is a tiny kitten.
you hurry up the stairs and into your apartment, quickly wrapping more blankets around your new furry friend. you turn on the heat, then a warm bath, then put your towel in the dryer to warm up. the little meows starts to continue again and you coo at it while dialing a number.
the kitten kicked the shallow water in your tub as you massage its soft fur. you giggle and it meows back in response. the knock on your front door startles you but you knew who it was.
you opened the door is a broad man who pushes past you, eyes fixed on your ceiling and a shopping bag in his hand.
"simon, i'm so glad you're here, i..." you turn to him after locking your door and see him reach up, batteries in one hand and the lid to your smoke detectors in his other. "oh, thank you..."
he mumbles as he continues to change them, "the beeping... it's uh...annoying..."
you smile and tap him on his shoulder as you walk to get your towel from the dryer. he follows behind and bangs the lid of your washer close, it's always slightly open.
you feel him close behind you again when you go to the bathroom, humming a familiar song as you walk in. the kitten walked around the warm water and mews at you and simon pokes his head over your shoulder. "is this why you called?"
you nod and bend over to pick up the tiny furball into the warmed towel as you dry..."can you check if it's a boy or a girl?"
he moves a bit, struggling to not bump into various corners in the small bathroom. he picks up the kitten by its scruff and you panic, cupping your hands underneath it to prevent it from falling. after a bit, he finally answers you, "dunno what i'm looking at."
you giggle and take the sopping wet kitten into your hand and continue to dry it, switching from the warm setting on your hair dryer and the towel.
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"you think we should take it to the vet?" you ask him as he orders takeout on your phone. you look over at him, your fingers gently petting the kitten that's curled up on your chest, no longer damp and cold but warm and sleepy.
he nods, a bit distracted as he scrolled through what drink to get. "are we sharing custody?"
"like a divorced couple?" you ask him through a silly smile.
that gets a chuckle out of him and he elbows you softly. "we're not divorced."
"well we're not married either. we're not even dating..." you mumble the last part, a bit of hurt runs through your chest as you remind yourself. it was a thought that popped up late last week when he went home after installing your new dryer in your apartment.
after that, it plagues your mind every time you find him helping you or staring close to you. it sounds cheesy but you’ve thought of asking him “what are we?” a few times.
he noticed your silence and meets it with his own. you refuse to look at him, instead focusing on the purring cat on your chest. unbeknownst to you, simon meets your silence with confusion. “yes we are…?”
you snap your eyes at him, brows furrowed. “you never asked me!”
“i changed your smoke alarms…and your tires…” he begins, looking at your weirdly. you don’t get it, mostly because you can only see his eyes and a little under it.
you stare at him, he stares at you. then you begin, “but you didn’t ask…”
he looks at you, confused and kind of amused. he gives you a huff of playfulness and responds, “can i date you” can i marry you?
“yeah i guess…” you tease as you lean over and tap your shoulder against his.
he rolls his eyes and goes back to inputting his credit card into your phone to order food. “just for that i canceled your drink”
“asshole!” you hit him on the shoulder push him away from you, which he plays along and falls to the other side of the sofa.
a silence falls over the two of you once again, this time comfortable and a bit bashful as the two of you, mostly you, begin to process what just happened.
“what’re you gonna name….it” he breaks the silence, remembering that he really doesn’t know if it’s a boy or a girl yet. “what about snow…gender neutral?”
“cheesy name…alex”
“you’re impossible”
you laugh and he can tell you know he’s not serious, which is good. he’s always worried about pushing too many buttons, making you so upset that you leave. not right now though, his body relaxes.
“fucking hate that…”
“toaster it is!”
"bloody hell..." the kitten paws at his outreach hand.
master list | letter box | main directory
stop by the letter box!
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Yandere Baki Short Stories:
Moth Man
Pickle from Baki
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An alternate universe in which Pickle is moth man! Kind of like a 1900s farm house vibe? A short horror short.
@thepastelspace and I had a discussion of mothman pickle and it just took off from there. So without further ado…
Moth man Pickle x Afab reader
Creak! Snap!
(Your name) shot up from her bed with a loud gasp. Her head darted towards the window in fright. What on earth was that sound?
She jumped up from the bed, her sheets discarded on the cold, wooden floor. The young woman flipping on the lamp beside her bed.
(Your name) hesitantly opened the window and peaked her head out. She didn’t see anything…
And that’s when she heard a commotion from her barn. The chickens clucks were as loud as screams.
She quickly snatched up her oil lantern and a shot gun. She hoped it wasn’t those damn coyotes again.
She slipped her slippers on her feet and threw a shawl over her white nightgown to try to shield herself from the chilly night air. The lace offered little protection from the elements but at least the wool shawl would keep her warm.
(Your name) swiftly made her way down the steps and put the door. Her lantern held ahead of her as her eyes wildly searched for what was had terrorized her chickens.
(Your name) kept the shot gun held close to her as she trembled. Ever since her Pa passed away, she had to take over as the ‘man’ of the ranch. And it was miserable being a lone woman who ran a farm alone.
She was always harassed by the local ranchers and stared at like a piece of meat. She always felt like a lamb ready for slaughter every time she went into town to sell her goods. (Your name) hated the fact that she was born a woman at times, but Pa said she was tough.
She was a tough young woman who could hold her own. She didn’t need a husband quite her and especially not one with lecherous eyes.
(Your name) continued her way towards her barn. Her blood running cold at the large trail of crimson that lead into the entrance to her barn. A few pieces of sheet metal were gone from her roof as well… what on earth could be big enough to ding up her barn like this?
(Your name) loaded the shot gun with a loud click, her hand steadying the lantern on the side of the gun. She swallowed the lump in her throat and slowly trudged forward.
And that’s when she saw it. A large eldritch feature covered in black fur sat hunched over, its large black wings were folded over its whole body. It was some sort of large moth…
(Your name) gulped and walked forward, her eyes wide when her foot crunched on a piece of wood. The sound alerted the creature that now sat up on its haunches.
Its head hit the rafters of her small barn as it towered over her helpless frame. A chirping noise escaped its lips, heavy footsteps heard as it moved towards her.
She fell back into the dirt in fright but held the shotgun firm in her hand. The cool metal brought her back down to earth as the creature stalked forward. The oil lamp revealed a monstrous face that was slightly human with blood red eyes. Two antennas flicked back and forth. The right one missing half of its length but it didn’t take away from the spectacle in front of her… this monster was proof that the supernatural existed…
The creature tilted its head off to the side at the sight of her. Another chirp spilled from its lips. What on earth was it? A moth? A man? A moth man?
She slowly lowered her gun as the creature admired the light from her lamp. The bullet wounds on it were now visible under the warm light. It was injured… no, he was injured.
(Your name) lowered the gun and pulled off her shawl. The creature tilted its head at her in curiosity, but it made no move to stop her. The creature froze when her hands brushed against its fluffy fur, its antennas now stood at attention.
“It’s okay…” (your name) whispered softly in hopes the creature understood her. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
She slowly wrapped the shawl around the moth man’s wounds to try to staunch the bleeding. She was fascinated that it bled red just like her…
(Your name) quickly turned her head away once she noticed she could see its privates… or more like his privates. Now she felt dirty and cold.
The creature turned his head as he watched her pick up the lamp. His big eyes followed the light in interest. It seemed that even though he was part man, he still had moth like tendencies.
(Your name) noticed the mason jars of pickles were broken open, the pickles missing. It’s seems her moth companion really liked pickles…
“Pickle. Your name is now Pickle.” Pickle happily chirped at her, his antennas flicked back and forth excitedly. (Your name) put her fingers up to her lips to hide her smile. It seems her companion was happy to have a name. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
(Your name) woke up to the feeling of something hot and fluffy beside her. Wait… fluffy?
The young woman shot up from the bed to see Pickle halfway draped over her body body. His fluffy face buried in her stomach while soft snores left his lips.
(Your name) looked at her bedroom window that was wide open, her curtains torn to shreds from her eldritch companion. It seems he wanted to be with her.
(Your name) ran her fingers through his black curls, Pickle now wide awake with starstruck eyes.
“Good morning-“ a squeak escaped his mouth, Pickle leaned forward to press his cheek against hers to nuzzle her. His chest vibrated with loud purrs. It seemed Pickle really liked her…
(Your name) giggled when his antennas and black fluff tickled her face. He was so soft…
After awhile of petting him, she rose up from the bed and began to get around to feed her chickens. She was an hour late for collecting eggs and feeding them so hopefully her broody hens wouldn’t be upset with her.
She made her way down the steps with Pickle in tow. The creature held onto the back of her shirt with affection, his red eyes admired her like she was a star. A light.
(Your name) made it to the barn with a smile, only for her face to go completely pale. All of her chickens were slaughtered… their bones, blood, and feather were mixed together in the glass remnants of the pickle jars…
She turned her head to look at Pickle who only flashed her a toothy grin. His sharp teeth telling her everything she needed to know… Pickle was a predator. A monster.
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hollyhomburg · 10 months
Before I Leave You (Pt.64)
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(Sneek Peek)(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: “Take your time, it’s not like I’m dying over here or anything.” “Shut up Jimin you are not going to die.”
Tags: Angst, Blood, Gore, Maiming, violent acts described perpetrated by loved ones, near death experiences, near death experiences, No one dies, Jimin does not die, Hurt with just a little comfort.
W/c: 7.0k
A/N: I'm sorry that this chapter will be a little shorter than usual after such a long weight but i literally could not finish the second half of it in time. i've been going through a rough patch™ which is why recently the updates have been 3 weeks apart instead of just 2 like usual. idk when that will change, this might just be the new reality for me 😭 when i tell you the end of this chapter has a fucking twist to it that i love, you're not prepared!
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
Chapter 64 Sneak Peak: Pawn and King
The fog covers everything like a balmy damp shadow, the snow going straight to sublimation. Pockets of old streetlamp lights punctuate the darkness. But through it there are husks of metal rising like soldiers. The sky orange behind them from the distant lights of the city,
Jin’s car is there. Hobi spots it. Its blue paint stands out through the overlap of grey brush as his headlights roll over it. And then further in the darkness maybe 50 feet away, Jimin's car. Shiny and black like the husk of an insect.
You're about a mile away from where they must be doing demolition. A singular crane and floodlights shine, casting everything, the river, and this building into a grey-slanted light.
You pull around in the yard in front of the largest and most intact building. You leave the keys in it. Tumbling out the second it glides to a stop.
“Stay here.” You say, but Hobi gets out anyway. He hasn’t noticed the gun tucked into your waistband until now. It makes his pulse tick higher when you take it out. He stares at it.
"Hobi," he looks up at your face, and you flick the safety off. "Sink or swim?"
His hand finds yours. "Swim."
You shake your head like you're angry with yourself, not him. squeezing it once then letting it go. You don’t waste another second arguing. "Stay behind me."
You head off following the disturbed dust, Hobi trailing behind. Ducking from pocket of light to pocket of light.
He always wondered what happened to the gun you’d pointed at him that night you’d run away. That train ticket that still burns a hole in his pocket, a distraction maybe. He's spent the last few months fixating on it- and you of course too. Too fixated to notice the small things that he sees plainly right now. There are facts here that Hobi has not noticed.
The way you hold the gun is not practiced; and why should it be the only one who knows how to handle guns in the pack is Jimin? But the way you walk; completely silent as you transfer your weight from one foot to the other, is heartbreakingly familiar. Hobi knows how and why you've learned to move quietly.
It's almost a dance; the way you glide across the floor. The gun is an extension of your arms, like a dancer's ballet fingers. Spreading and flaying like a wing. Pinky to trigger and index finger along the barrel.
Hobi had always assumed that it belonged to Jimin. Hobi had almost forgotten about it. It was almost 6 months ago now, wasn’t it? there are some things that you never forget, and trauma makes his bones quiet. He's not as good at walking silently as you are- but if the crunch of his red Converse against the gravel bothers you, you do not have a tell.
Hobi feels like he should have asked more questions about it at the time, but now he just bites his lip and stays quiet. You'd promised. You'll tell him in time. Hobi trusts you.
That's the worst thing, isn't it? That Hobi trusts you. You've known he shouldn't since you picked up Jin's call.
Jimin is easy to find if only because he’s sitting in one of those puddles of light, leaning up against one of the containers on the ground floor. Alone. You let out a quiet whimper when you see him. You and Hobi pause in the doorway and Your hand on the gun goes slack
“Minnie!” you forget the gun and run to him, tucking it back into your waistband and falling to your knees at his side. Fingers finding water-dark fabric. Not water- blood.
Hobi stays there, his pulse thudding through his ears, an odd sort of peace to him as he takes in the details. The blood that pools dark on the dusty floor, bubbling. Jimin’s half covered with dust himself. Something wooden and red in his lap. The little bit of blood that’s dripped down his shoulder gathering there. There is a dragged-through patch of dirt a few feet away, more blood, a puddle of it. Jin is nowhere to be found.
Minnie’s eyelashes flutter. “Alpha-” you say. Almost sobbing in relief that he's alive. Alive you can handle. Alive you can work with. You bend down, getting your hand on his cheek.
“Hey pup” he murmurs, he laughs a little, half delirious with pain. He flinches like making the sound hurts him. “You came to the party" he coughs, "did you bring Tae?”
You pull back to look at him. “Tae?”
Jimin grins, eyes fluttering closed, pretty face tipped up against the light. His lips have blood on him- and it looks like a disturbing imitation of Tae’s lipstick. The shadows she leaves on your mouth, on his.
“Yeah- wanna tell her I love her. Wanna tell her that I’m sorry. Could you-" jimin's coughs overtake him, and fresh blood drips down the tips of his fingers, finding home in the soil below.
"Could you tell her for me?”
Coming Saturday December 9th at 5pm EST (Time Zone Adjustments Below)
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sleepy-platonic-yan · 9 months
(Platonic) Yandere Spirits + Teenage Reader.
Hello This Is My First Post. I Hope You Can Enjoy This And The Rest My Blog Will Have To Offer. Please Forgive Any Grammatical Errors.
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Reader is gn, but the ghosts refer to them as their son—————
You and your mother had moved into a new house. After the tragic death of your brother and father, the house held way too many memories that made it so even walking down the hall could leave you sobbing.
Your mother wanted to really get away from it all, to go out in the country side and ‘blend with nature’, but that was not unexpected of her, she’s always been distant and ready to abandon things at a moments notice for work or her own personal desires. She would have put you and your brother up for adoption if it weren’t for your dad.
but at the end of the day all this really meant for you was that you have to do school online now cause mom bought a farm house in the middle of nowhere.
she made sure you were fine with it which was a bit unexpected, and at the time you really were! It’s just, the house was built in the Victorian era and had seen years of use, hundreds of families and many deaths. And although the house has had new things added like heating and hot water, the house freaked you out still is all.
As you pulled up to the house, its tall figure landing ominously against the moon in the sky, the house looks like it belongs in a horror movie. The large willow tree beside the house with a rope swing that sways in the wind making a ‘creeeek’ every once in a while doesn’t help either. You suck in a breath and don’t open your door, but your mother either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care about your fear as she opens her door.
she goes to the back of the car and opens the trunk before shouting “(Readers name) get out of the car and carry your luggage! I ain’t carrying all of this” you mumble an affirmative and open your door. You keep an eyes on the swing, making a note of how it seems to have stopped for an odd amount of time before getting back into swinging ‘wind must be different over there?..’ you think.
you grab your one duffel bag and a few of moms bags before heading to the front door with her. The gravel path to the front door makes crunching noises with each step, making you hyper aware of how loud you’ve been since the second you got here. You shake your head, it’s fine. This is your house. ‘Is it tho?..’
As your mother grabs her key from her purse, you her a weird ‘crunch’ behind you, like the sound of something starting to walk up the path. You whip around but no one’s there. Damn, barely five minutes here and your already paranoid. Your mother opens the door and you walk in.
as you step in, you step into what seems to be the family room, wood floors throughout the house or as far as you can see. The room has a white couch with soft pink flowers as the pattern and white wood legs. That pattern stays with all the furniture in the family room. There is also a old-ish tv.
“hey mom, do you know why the previous owners left their stuff” you ask a bit suspicious, a huge house with good looking furniture selling for a absurdly low price yet it was on the market for months. There’s gotta be something off.
your mom shrugs and tells you it must just be because they don’t need them. You decide to just go with that. Yeah, they just didn’t need them. You and your mother walk around the first floor of the house a bit before ascending the stairs. The stairs are creaky and give a bit to much for your liking with each step. Again your mother doesn’t mind.
as you get to the next floor, it seems most of the rooms are old bedrooms. Your mother immediately goes to the master bedroom with a small yell of “just take any room, I don’t care”
as you look at the hall full of rooms, non seem particularly interesting or safe. You know you have to pick one tho so you peak in each.
Each room contains different items, but each have a painting of a different person. The only one the not have a creepy painting is one of the smallest, with no windows and the bare minimum items.
you end up picking the one that doesn’t have much furniture other then a bed and a desk. The desk is creaky and wobbles at the slightest push. As you toss your duffel bag on the bed the bed creaks loudly as well. You don’t mind, it’s better than being watched by a bunch of most likely dead guys.
You also don’t have much that you brought, so you don’t need much room. You lay down on the bed. This is fine, your just being paranoid.
as you sit down on the bed, or it’s yours now you suppose, you grab your phone from your jacket pocket. As you turn it on you are blinded for a minute by how bright it is, turning down the brightness, you quickly put in your passcode and flip to discord.
as you open up a group chat between you and a bunch of your friends, you begin to talk to them. You talk for a few hours, even hoping on call and showing them your room (they agree it has a creepy vibe to it), you finally say you have to go to sleep at around 3 am.
you remove the blanket that came from the house as you fear it could be moldy, so you’d prefer to just wash it. You take the duffel bag off the bed and open it, grabbing a blanket. The blanket that came with the house is admittedly much better, your blanket is thin and warm with a few holes. But never the less you turn off the lights and hurry back over the bed.
you realize a bit to late you didn’t change clothes, but in all honesty you don’t want to change in this house.
as you lay back on the bed with a creak, you can’t help but think you see things moving around in the darkness.
you wake up pretty late in the day. It’s summer break so you don’t have school, or else you would have never stayed up that late. As you sit up you notice oddly enough you’re covered in both blankets, not just yours. You could have sworn you just wore yours but but, uh you must have put it on in the middle of the night!
yeah, that’s what you did. You probably got cold, and put the thicker blanket on for warmth, and if you don’t remember it that’s fine.
As you sit up you notice something on your desk, a piece of paper with a cup of water. As you stand you walk over to the note, it’s from your mom
hey (reader’s nickname), I got a urgent call from work and i need to get back to the office by next week, and I have to leave now to make it. I know I said I work on line these days but they really need me. I know you’ll understand, your nearly a adult you can handle yourself for a few weeks, when I get home I’ll spend lots of time with you.
There’s money attached to the back of the note, and I put all our food from the car in the kitchen.
love - mom
You sigh. it’s always been like this. Seems no matter where you guys live, mom will never be home. You know she works hard but it feels she doesn’t see you as a priority.
although in the back of your mind you recognize the writing looks different then her writing, and she always signs off with her real name and not ‘mom’
As turn the paper around you see that yes, there is money, and it is way too much. 500 bucks. You blink. What. You shake your head, you are not using all of that. You remove the money from the paper and throw the letter in the trash.
For some reason you have a gut feeling not to leave your room. Something feels wrong with this house and it’s even worse with no one else here. You grab your phone again and hop on discord, as you talk to your friends you let them know where you live.
Turns out some friends you met online live real close to you, and they’re cool to come over tomorrow to hang out and keep you company till your mom gets home. You just have to survive today and tonight.
After your friends have to go you’re left sitting on your bed with nothing to do, so you remove the bigger blanket again and decide ‘hey, best way to lose time is to sleep!’ After a bit you slip into unconsciousness.
//change of POV//
as the many pairs of eyes watched their sons eyes close, they can’t help but coo
their sons ‘Mom’ is not fit clearly, so they had to step up. And so far they’ve been doing great, their lovely son is even gonna bring friends over to meet them!
their son is adorable. And all theirs
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azulsluver · 1 year
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tw. yandere, implied past-noncon, reader almost dies of hypothermia, implied sharing/poly(?), breaking bones, not an expert on frozen limbs.
even the snow brings you back to him.
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It was his idea to leave you stranded in nothing but a winter coat and thick pants with boots. As cruel the punishment you knew Ivan didn’t want you completely dead. Your pleas for him not to leave you out there in the cold, the wind dangerously picks up the snow to fall on your pathetic head.
Left outside of the backyard of his large estate, with the windows and doors shut with a lock, you can only stare endlessly into the void. Ivan had left you attached to the bars of one of the gates, like some undesirable dog.
Your teeth gnaws and clatter against each other, face heating up to keep the blood flowing through your cheeks. It’s not long hopefully, maybe it’ll be soon for him to return. It wasn’t like you wanted to anger him, Ivan just doesn’t respect your boundaries. And you can’t stand it when he’s clinging to your side whenever you’re at reach, arms bulking and tight from all of those clothes. Makes you remember he’s a man who won’t have any problem snapping you in half.
The sky was still bleached in a gray-ish blue tone, staring up at the sky with no sign of life or birds passing by. Your nose is runny and your lungs are having trouble breathing warmer air, 40 minutes have passed and nothing.
How loose was the leash?
Fingers nearly numb thread carefully at the leash, you can’t really feel the leather unless you applied enough pressure. A ping of hope flares in your stomach, as your fingers curl around the old leash in a tug, a slight stretch to its polish can be seen. You kept pulling until the damn thing snapped, your body tumbling backwards down the pile of snow. It hurt still. Letting out quick huffs you scramble to foot quickly, unlocking the gate with feverish force.
It creaks loudly as you throw it open, boots crunching down the snow as you forced your body to move forward through the challenging wind. There’s fear rumbling in your chest, fear of what might happen if you gotten caught. You’d rather die in the snow than find out.
You didn’t have a plan on where you were going, you never ventured out this far from outside the yard. That’s the least of your problems at the moment, all you can think of is getting away from that place. Not his hands on you, or how the servants looked the other way to your cries. Not Ivan’s fake sense of coos in your ears, not his hands ripping the roots of your scalp.
A grunt leaves your mouth as you trip down a steep hill, bracing yourself by cowering your head and arms against your body. Snow engulfs your face, not melting as it stings your skin. You’re not sure how long you’ve been running, but your legs are screaming and burning for you to stop, any more movement had caused you to become delirious, the cold catching up quickly. Your throat feels clogged with how intoxicated the air was, getting harder to breath as you rolled over to your back. The right side of your ankle twisted, bruised with blotches that’ll appear any moment.
Nails dig into the soft yet solid snow, out of frustration your hands clench tightly. You didn’t want to die, if anything it should’ve been a cool death not dying from hypothermia. The cold doesn’t let you cry, your tears would be swallowed and dried as quick as it came. Oddly enough, you’re starting to miss your bed. Comfy, fluffy with fur that always felt warm.
“That looks like a face of regret. Are you done throwing a tantrum little one?”
It’s sick, his voice makes your heart drop to your stomach as you force yourself to focus on him. Half of his body is present, peaking near the cliff as he slightly bends to muse at your unresponding body.
“You didn’t run that far haha, I gave you an hour to flee yet you took the time to catch a cold instead. You weren’t always the brightest.”
In a blink, Ivan is cradling you. You aren’t sure how fast he got down from that cliff , but you couldn’t care, not when his hands slowly heat your cheeks to life.
But Ivan’s touch was never kind, his gloved hands press themselves deep into your skin, feeling the rattle of your teeth chattering together. Your face is shoved against his chest, his scarf heavily smelling of his cologne and a hint of copper.
“Maybe leaving you outside wasn’t the best idea…but that’s ok! I have other ideas on your punishment, this time don’t try running away. I’d hate to have you sick.”
His smile dawned upon you, his cherry attitude was nothing but a tempered time bomb. His hold on you tightens, making your hiss in pain as the sight of his mansion grows closer. Back to that forsaken place.
The roar of the snowy winds was kinder than him.
You solemnly look at the leash that laid on the ground where you left it, curling yourself deeper into Ivan’s hold as he hums a tune. The house itself is warming, making blood flow more easily as you pant greedily at the air.
“Little [Name] is so silly, shivering so cutely. Let me nurse you back to health ja?”
He sings into your ear softly, not noticing you’ve been placed on a bed. Your bed, and your wet clothes soak the sheets. Ivan plants quick kisses on your face, now suddenly hot. Your mind feels a little frazzled, wincing when he unties your boots and rub circles around your ankle. Noticing the bruise that blossomed on your skin, he presses his index finger down while his grip increases in strength.
Twisting it back into place, it leaves you screaming in pain, but your mouth can barely let out any proper sounds due to the throaty cold. Instead sounding like a gurgled mess, choking on spit that stings and coats your throat like acid.
Your pained whimpers don’t go unnoticed as he tsk’d softly, large fingers kneading the flesh, but not in comfort.
“You know, I have been too soft on you. Spoiled little thing, why run from a place that has a roof and feeds you everyday. Perhaps I should be more strict with you, Natalia suggest we start with a more proper approach, you must depend on us as we need you. So don’t make this harder than it has too.”
The name sends chills down your spine, your limbs try to move but the frost as completely wiped the energy out of you. Your fingers are numb to everything and all it touched, so even when Ivan held them with his. Your ears catching the cracks of bones. Flesh and small muscles fractured as he smiles kindly at you. Like you were beautifully even paralyzed.
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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霊圧 + 淫慾. // spiritual pressure + lust. [twoop x sy]
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𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬. part one 𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆. by sashi-ya 𝐁𝐘𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐘𝐀 | 𝐆𝐈𝐍 | 𝐀𝐈𝐙𝐄𝐍 | 𝐔𝐋𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐀
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tw: NSFW. personal hdcs about his reactions when being caught by you while masturbating. Ulquiorra is slightly different, you teach him what it means to jerk off // wc: ~ 1k // masterlist // tag list: @stygianoir @tealcat001 @dumbbitch223 @bookandyarndragon @ilibili @jin-supremacy01 // colab with @the-witch-of-one-piece
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You either run for your life or be prepared to get fucked, hard. No in between.  You might spill the tea, literally, over the platter that you have carried from the kitchen to his own throne at Las Noches. You never thought Aizen would be the type of man that would succumb to carnal desires to the point of touching himself to get some relief… but even Gods have needs. His cheeks are red, the lock falling over his face a little wet from sweat, he holds a sexy smirk with eyes closed while a hard shaft, slightly purple on the tip, keeps spurting precum. “Oh… Ai-Aizen-sama!” the sound of the porcelain breaking in a million pieces and his sharp pupils fixed on yours. “Dear (Name)… you have two options, and I’m sure you are intelligent enough to choose the correct one…” he mumbles, showing you exactly what it’s best for you… and of course, that is, kneeling down.
There are almost zero things that shame Gin. Jerking off is of course not one of those. However, there is always something that can change us… His silver hair reflects the half moonshine of an eternal night, an almost non-existent breeze of Hueco Mundo kisses his cheeks.
Gin loves to enjoy his own body freely, looking at the endless hills of such dark place to be. His slender, snake like fingers play with his sex. He starts slowly, with a relaxed smile. Whenever he is alone, he allows himself not to smile, not to fake it all. Gin is able to be himself, only, perhaps, during those nights where he misses you, your body, your soul.
“Gin… you didn’t wait for me?” you ask, scaring the argentum haired man, his paler complexion becoming red.
“What? What are you doing here?” he asks, this time, ashamed of being caught in such intimate moment for the very first time in his life.
You walk towards him, dressed in white. No more black shihakusho covering your body. You are one of them, now.  “Life away from you is no life. I see you couldn’t wait for me… I couldn’t either” you smile, so in love with his ice eyes now getting wet from tears and his lips trembling.
You crunch in front of him, a kiss on the tip of his tiny nose and your hands over his. “You won’t need your hands now, use them to touch my body, Gin” “Yes…”
➡ 𝐁𝐘𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐘𝐀 𝐊𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐊𝐈 Soft moans coming from his office, your curiosity winning… but, weren’t you taught the curiosity killed the cat?
Sliding like a snake, slowly and steadily, you peak throw the little indentation of the door. A man so serious that was now lost in the pleasures of lust.
His hand goes up and down, but its his thumb the one who works the hardest over the base of his tip. His hakama is on the floor, his upper part tucked under his chin probably not to stain the black fabric with pre and cum. He is sitting on his big chair, right foot over it, his back against the left armrest. Like a true God indulging in self-love.
His pale chest and belly go up and down as orgasm approaches, his soft whines include words you aren’t sure what they mean… but one thing is for sure, your name is there, and you can’t help but yelp. So amazed you are you end up opening the door. Standing right before him, you bite your lip.
Byakuya’s haste breathing mixing with yours, your mind fogged by need, by your name breathed with such lewdness from him. “You called me, Taicho? I can help you” you whisper, untying your uniform.
He spasms, his eyebrows almost joining in the centre, his blue eyes wide open, his lips too. Byakuya soon nods, absolutely absorbed in pure lust. “Let me finish this for you, Kuchiki Taicho ~”
➡ 𝐔𝐋𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐀 𝐂𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐑 “What’s masturbating, (Name)? I couldn’t find any information in the books of Aizen-sama” the bat boy asks you while sipping his tea. A tea that you were also drinking but that you end up spitting while sitting over his white couch.
The question startled you, but a devilishly smirk soon draws on your face.
“Where did you learn that word, Ulquiorra?” you ask, curious so ready to give him a detailed lesson on what jerking off is. “Nnoitra asked me if I did that thinking of you at night. I told him I didn’t, and then he said I should”
You blink a few times, Nnoitra finally became useful for something. “See… I can show you if you want me to, you can tell me whenever you want me to stop” you inform him, you don’t really want to take advantage of his ignorance in the topic… or maybe you do.
Ulquiorra puts down his cup and stands up, you bite your lips in excitement. For how long you have wanted to touch his pale skin, the bumps of his protruding pelvic bones. You invite him to sit in between your legs, and lay his back against your chest. “For this I will need to untie your pants, is that ok?” you ask.
“Sure, I don’t care about that “decency” humans say they have”  
Freed his sex, you gawk. It’s way bigger than you would have thought for his skinny constitution. “Uh… you are hard already?” you whisper in his ear, your breath playing with the soft black strands of his hair.
“It always happens when you are around… I thought it was normal when you took a liking in certain individuals” he whispers back, his low voice makes you instantly round his sex with your fingers. It’s throbbing and warm, and his tip is also wet.
“It does…? Well, that’s what we call arousal. It happens to me, too. Don’t you feel the need of releasing all that tension?” you ask, as your chin rests on his bony shoulder and you begin to pump his dick, slowly and precisely.
A subtle “ngh”  escapes his black lips, he is clueless but his eyes go from green orbs to total white. You smile, it’s cute the way he squirms to your touch. His round cheek demands to be kissed, and you do.
“Is this- um…mhj… masturbation?” he asks, in between moans. “This is masturbation, yes. You like it? It’s meant to be done by yourself too, give me your hand” you command, placing your palm over his slender fingers.
The cuarta espada allows you to guide him, something it also surprises you. But, Ulquiorra is lost in pleasure, and he is for the very first time experiencing something he can both feel and see, a nihilism crushed by lewdness and need…
“Show me everything, and more. I wanna see…” “This all about feeling, Ulquiorra-sama…”
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smokesandsonatas · 1 year
beelzebub as a dad please!
-Hello! I accidentally deleted the other request like this, when I was trying to combine this and the other one. It's a Papa Beelzebub ask too and his daughter would be like Kanao from Demon Slayer. I'm sorry, and I do want to recover the deleted draft but I don't think Tumblr allows that. Sad. I also tried to imagine Beelzebub's daughter. I created the image. Her name is up to interpretation. -
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The first time he had seen the girl, she was staring into nothingness. Her clothes are torn, she's covered in grime, and her bones are peeking through her skin. Blank, big eyes slowly turned to him when Beelzebub walked to her side.
The demon lord raked his eyes to the ravaged town in from of him. Smoke from the house fire is high up in the air. Bodies lay on the floor, and the smell of blood circles the destroyed town.
Oddly enough, Beelzebub felt...pity for the poor girl. And then he said-
"Come with me."
And the little girl did.
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The Lord of the Flies, and the Young Lady of the Flies.
The name itself sounds scary. Sending fear to whoever hears it.
Everyone said his daughter's existence is a supernatural feat in itself. When Beelzebub's love reaches its peak, he would destroy all he loves. Would that mean that Beelzebub does not love his daughter? No, his love for his daughter remains there. It's just Beelzebub has to monitor himself to not go overboard.
Buddha stares at the girl in front of him. Long dark hair covers half of her face. She wears a dress in the color of black. Gothic, it reminds him of the Western people mourning, from one of his travels.
"Definitely got that from Beelzebub," Buddha mumbled to himself. The little girl is an enigma and the only one who has lived, oddly enough, to stay by the demon god's side.
Although unnerved, Buddha smiled, "Hello, I'm Buddha. Little girl, is your dad not here? I need to talk to him about matters involving the underworld."
The little girl just stared at him. Buddha frowned, just how on earth is Beelzebub raising a child?
Buddha's eyes doubled their size, goodness did the child just speak?
"...is busy in his office," was all she said.
Buddha let out an "Oh, all right." He smiled at her, baring his fangs, "I'll just wait here, tell your dad he-"
"Daughter there you are."
Beelzebub walks to the little girl, gently touching her hair as he looks at her fondly.
Buddha crunched his eyebrows. From the way they dress, they're similar. Their attitudes were almost similar. He narrowed his eyes, observing their faces.
They even look the same!
Is Beelzebub sure this girl is not his biological child?
"Don't hang out with dangerous gods, you might get yourself hurt."
Buddha raised his eyebrow, ready to retaliate.
"I'm not a dangerous god-"
"Don't hang out with gods like Buddha either. You never know what they will do to you. Always be on guard. If you need help, my daughter, call me."
Before Buddha can even reply to Beelzebub's unwanted opinions, both he and his child are gone. Beelzebub did not even give him a courtesy greeting.
"Huh," Buddha scratched his chin, "why does this feel familiar."
Beelzebub is working in his lab as his daughter read books. The silence is enough to let him work in comfort.
Besides they've always been like this, basking silently in each other's presence. Ah, Beelzebub must control his love lest he kill the young lady of the flies.
"Papa," the little girl said. "Look," she held up the book, The Adventures of Mr. B! Then pointed to the protagonist smiling triumphantly, "This character looks like Mr. Buddha."
Beelzebub blinked and went to his daughter's side. Hmmm, the character resembles him. It does look like Buddha, the bright, shining, and happy-go-lucky god.
For some reason, the lord of the Flies doesn't like the feeling of uneasiness bubbling through him. He doesn't like how Buddha is being all his happy self around his daughter, doesn't like his presence, and he doesn't like the way the book his daughter is reading is about heroes based on Buddha's image.
Beelzebub frowned.
He needs to throw the book out.
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burr-ell · 6 months
With respect to the previous reblog—I sped up almost all of the Otohan combat to 1.5 and only put it back to normal when Sam started FCG's last turn. And it's not that I can't be invested in climactic combat or even really difficult climactic combat! I watched the fights with Ripley, Thordak, Raishan, Vecna, the Iron Shepherds, Uk'otoa, and Vespin Chloras, some of them multiple times, and I was invested the entire way through.
But here's the thing: I do not currently play DnD, and prior to watching CR I knew very little about the mechanics. I learned with the cast as I was watching C1, and as the show went on I paid more and more attention because I could see how the mechanics of combat interacted with the story. When there's a moment where the crunch of combat powerfully reflects a character's arc? That hits, even as someone with little personal knowledge of the PHB. I am not, however, invested in just watching three hours of combat for its own sake...and Otohan's build feels like combat for its own sake.
Obviously the cast is really invested in the story; it's their characters and they're the ones making the choices and rolling the dice. They've been doing this together for over a decade, and they're really impressed by the raw power of Otohan's build. But as a viewer? This simply is not fun to watch. I mean, there are some great moments for the Hells—all of Orym's nat 20s, Fearne using the power of Rau'shan and deliberately casting Blight through touch, Chetney's last words—but I don't know anything about Otohan. I don't know why she's here. I don't know what her motives are. I don't know why exactly she's so OP—"Legend of the Peaks" is just set dressing to me because none of the characters care about the Apex War and Matt has never forced the issue.
Like, sure, they're an exaltant Ruidusborn, but...okay? Why do they get legendary actions and resistances? Where'd their goofyass lil Lands End backpack even come from? Why are they here? No one can do a swagless villain monologue like Ludinus; no one can evade child support like Liliana. But who cares about Otohan, as a character and not just the scary hero-killer? That role in the story could be occupied by any well-built level 20 melee combatant and the narrative wouldn't miss anything.
Without all of the necessary development to get me invested, this just seems like she's OP just to make her "hardcore" or whatever—and Matt's never made a villain like that, so I know this could have been portrayed better and simply wasn't. As it stands, she's had more presence in the stupid Moon Moms fanon (which seems to have been found dead on Ruidus anyway) than she has in the actual canon of the show. I'm always happy when a villain dies, but in this case, it's just good riddance.
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dragunflies · 4 months
⤯ 𝐈𝐧 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 ->
Ellie Williams X Fem Reader
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omg, my first fic, eek! so scared lowk but I have so much saved in my docs that I need to spill soon. Ok, love ya, lmk what u think, constructive crit is welcomed per usual <3 ⚢
  It was a cool mid Autumn morning. You sat there with the open window breezing against your flushed face and loose hair. It was an empty one-bedroom house, the cold air accompanied by the hollow walls made it eerie but relaxing. Wearing simply a baggy t-shirt and underwear you rose from the nest of a bed that formed while you slept. Although you snore, you sleep like a baby. With a head full of messy dark brown hair, a quick finger comb through your hair evens out the texture and density to some extent. Rolling out of bed, you crack your back, letting out a groan of relief, slowly easing your way out of your cozy bed. Come the fall time, the need for patrol hits its peak, most infected don’t stay out in the cold, so they tend to be the most active at the cusp of autumn.
As your eyes adjust to the light from the outside, so do your ears, the muttering of Jackson echoed through the neighborhood and led into your home. You reach for the hairbrush next to your bedside and try your best to aggressively claw out the knots left.
While you brushed and brushed your long hair, you heard the voices becoming more distinct. One specific member of the town, Ellie, became particularly known very quickly and very shortly. Her voice was raspy and stuck out quickly from the crowd; you could pinpoint it was her instantly. Not only did she just arrive a few years prior, but she was quick. With a quick tongue and a quicker fist, no one fucked with her. She was like a chihuahua, all bark and bite. Intimidating, but intriguing and sometimes weird to look at for too long. But oh did she piss you off, getting cocky and assertive in the smallest of tasks. She always insists on signing the postbooks, never shares her rations, and complains about hypothermia despite only wearing thin canvas sneakers. 
God was she the fucking worst.
Hearing all the commotion outside, you persist, throwing on a pair of jeans, a belt, and a long-sleeved black top, rolling up the sleeves to your elbows. As you get to the door, you swing on a pair of your best and only boots and slide into a pocket-ridden jacket. You searched for your lighter and handgun, striking the white lighter to double-check its usage. You then make your way out of the suburban make-shift home and easily make your way to Jackson, the city you grew up in. 
The leaves crunched below your boots as you made your way to the town center, where the majority of the town gathered that morning for the patrol assignments. Looking around you see familiar face after face, lining the circle surrounding Maria and the handful of men who surrounded her. Fortunately, you missed the entire meeting, but unfortunately as you have zero idea what the fuck you’re assigned to do. Surprisingly, Maria didn’t call you out like she usually does, by now she would've had your neck for being this casually late to a meeting like this, especially such an important one- 
“Y/n.” Maria states assertively, the loud chatting turning to a shushed mumble.
You look around trying to avoid the piercing eye contact but falling back into her stone-cold stare, it went right through you, sending shivers and goosebumps.
“Yes, ma’am?” You ask, never using such proper language when addressing someone, ever in your life, you shuttle at the look Maria gave.
Her boot steps sounded louder than they ever did before.
“This is the 5th time this month.” She barked, the surrounding crowd turning away and quickly sharing chatter with their cliques. 
“Yeah, I know, just trust me, I was in a rush, I didn’t even put my hair up,” You say, placing your hands in your pockets in the hope of hiding your anxious picking.
“I watch you stroll into the center all relaxed, you seem in no way of a rush,” Maria stated, her voice lowering as she raised a single eyebrow.
“Okay and?” Y/n mumbles, “Guarantee it wasn’t anything important.” 
She lowered her eyebrow, crossed her arms, and raised her head abruptly, “You missed patrols, you were assigned the post north-east of Kelly,” Maria’s lips curled, looking y/n up and down as she walked away to her office building, “better get packing, that’s nothing important, right?”. You could hear the smile form on Maria’s lips as she walked away.
Are you fucking kidding me? Kelly, the farthest post owned by Jackson, all because you missed one meeting? Not even just the Kelly outpost, the farthest fucking post all the way up in the peaks- oh my fucking god. 
Growing up in Jackson, you were trained for all different kinds of situations. Though you weren’t born here, it was where you learned everything you know now. Combat, shooting, hunting, gathering, and all the basics. Yeah, you weren’t always at the top of your class in everything, but you were a damn good aid. Knowing each medicine by its prefix or suffix, biology, and medicine is where you shine. Yeah, not combat, but you can survive, that’s all that matters. 
“Who am I posted with?” Y/n called out, a scoff leaving your voice as you exhaled, her eyes closed hoping for a big group where she could simply sit back and watch.
With Maria’s back still turned, she answered with a pause. “Williams, she has the experience you don’t, trust me, you won't be that screwed.” 
You stood there waiting for more people to be announced on your patrol. Nope, just Ellie. Fucking. Williams. 
With a groan of dissatisfaction, you turned around, looking through the crowds of people, with everyone holding warm mugs and staying clumped together, it was hard to find that short mother-fucker. You still couldn’t believe it, peering between each conversation, trying to find the auburn-headed girl. She was so obviously loud this morning, how could you not find her now, when you actually needed to get ahold of her. 
Suddenly, after walking around town center for a minute, you overhear a group of chatter, 
“I can’t believe Maria would pair you two up like that,” One voice echoed down an alley.
“I know- like out of all of us standing there, she picks y/n.” Another states.
“I’m fucked.” Says another. 
That was the voice. The raspy and obvious voice stood out so quickly to your ears.
You followed the group of voices, walking down a strip of self-owned stores, the in-between of the two buildings had voices spilling out of it. You walked closer, and upon turning into the alleyway,
There she was.
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nqmonarch · 4 months
Dream AU Part 2
Characters: Lynx, Serval, and momentary appearance by Gepard (a very short guest appearance)
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/nqmonarch/746989980179660800/dream-au-brainrot?source=share
Night began to fall on Jarilo-VI and you had lost feeling in all of your body. You figured if you could die in your dreams then you'd already be dead, but you'd been wandering for what seemed like forever... Until you finally saw another sign of human life, fire. You walked toward the fire like it was your last hope, yet couldn't help but freeze when you saw the figure by it.
Lynx was bundled up nicely, blonde hair peaking out of her hat, and food in her hand. From what you know Lynx she was rather introverted, and although you were sure that she was kind you couldn't help but feel some trepidation in approaching her. As if that one action would lead to her despising you forever.
The snow crunched under your feet as you approached, "Excuse me?" You called out and you noticed her slowly turn over to her, she was languid in her movements.
She looked at you quizzically, "...Can I help you?"
You perked up at her words, nodding, as you took a few steps closer, "I was wondering if I could stay warm by your fire? I've been wandering out here for a while."
"Hm...? Yeah, sure," She then turned her head away from you and turned back to staring at the sky.
As you sat next to the fire, basking in the warmth of it you followed her line of sight and, an aurora, how beautiful. You didn't bother to make conversation, knowing it wasn't something Lynx typically did with people, and instead admired the lights. The warmth was nice but it felt burning against your frozen skin. Lynx at times snuck glances at you, curious about exactly what kind of person would be outside of Belobog seemingly unprepared for its cold and harsh climate.
You raised your hand to the sky, tracing the patterns the aurora left behind. The gleaming lights resembled a whale, and the moment you thought that they shifted a bit and filled out the form of the whale you were imagining.
"What are you doing out here?" Lynx's words were blunt and quick to the point, not wanting to spend any time doing small talk.
You let out a small hum, "This and that, it just happened. Y'know?" She looked at you a bit exasperated but didn't push any further.
The silence between you two was comfortable and as stars began to take the sky, she began to point of some constellations. Despite your odd appearance you felt strangely familiar leaving Lynx to feel at ease with you, to the point of offering you a place to sleep which you gladly accepted. You'd slept before in dreams, it was always an interesting sensation, oftentimes you'd experience memories of previous dreams.
That night though you just dreamed of staring at at many teal pools with marble looking stone as their outline. Trees with leaves of gold and amber watched over the pools, and you were dimly aware of a presence behind you. It was better to reminisce upon the good times of that place than the bad ones, so you remained there spending hours just watching how the water moves.
You woke up still in the chilly landscape of Jarilo-VI. Lynx had offered to return back to Belobog and give you an impromptu tour. It was partially out of her worry for the strange person that appeared in the snow and partially out of curiosity. She was even willing to reach out to her brother to see if he knew who you were.
The city was warmer than you expected, the heaters keeping it the temperature of a warm spring day. The type of spring day that was best suited by the occasional breeze, and a sky with a few clouds. Belobog though was no stranger to such winds, except each gust of wind that hit you brought in cold air from the outside immediately removing any concern you had of how warm the town was.
Lynx had, first, deciding to bring you over to Serval's workshop as she had to catch up with Serval anyway. Neverwinter workshop was a quaint place, whose only sound was that of clocks ticking. Their were small trinkets laid upon the counter when you walked in and their were so many different inventions being showcased you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Until your intention was drawn to the woman in the middle.
Long blonde hair with a blue streak and an outfit like a rockstar. "Serval!" You called out almost instinctively smiling.
"You know her?" Lynx asked, of course most people in Belobog did but given your strange behavior, outfit, and where you'd appeared Lynx thought you may've been one of those people who were rumored to come from the sky. Although, she supposed that must just be a myth, she had hoped it was true.
"Who doesn't?" You replied. Serval was a character that didn't get enough screentime or love in your humble opinion. She was a kickass older sister who was willing to stand up for what she believed to be right! And she was also just... so cool!
Even though it was a dream it couldn't hurt to get her autograph right? You skipped over to the rockstar and now, at a closer distance, were truly able to admire her teal blue eyes which were framed perfectly by her long lashes. She was simply breath taking. You were more than lucky to have already met such beautiful characters! Nanook, Lynx, and now Serval! It was a shame your memories of their looks would become slightly blurry once you woke up, the game didn't give them their full justice.
"Can I have your autograph?" You practically begged, excitement seeping into your voice and making it higher. The only problem was you didn't have any paper.
Serval smiled at you-- she smiled at you! You could die happy now. "Of course," and she said yes, you truly were beyond blessed man you'd have to hear her sing another time but... you probably had to wake up soon it felt like you'd been dreaming for a while. Serval cocked her head toward Lynx, "You make a new friend Lynxy?"
Lynx stepped forward to the two of you, some snow on her jacket still melting, "Not really, it's... complicated." She looked at you, as if expecting you to explain.
You perked up about to begin explaining the story of how the two of you met, but then the door opened and a cool low voice called out, "Serval, you need to-- Lynx?" The third and final Landau walked through the door, Gepard was even more beautiful in person as well.
Man, you got to meet all three of the Landaus! Wasn't that lucky? Due to their different jobs they didn't meet together all that much, you remembered. A sharp piercing noise, your alarm, split through your brain, talk about bad timing. Just when you got to meet Gepard, plus you didn't even get your autograph yet!
"Sorry, I have to head out now," You quickly interrupted thinking it would be impolite to leave, even if they were just part of your dream, without saying goodbye. And with that you returned to the waking, much more warm, world. Your blankets were pretty comfortable, you really didn't want to leave them.
Lynx had turned over to look at you, confused at your words and whether or not you were a wanted criminal, but when she did so all she saw was nothing. And when Serval and Gepard also saw the person in front of them disappear in the blink of their eye they were both stumped.
ugh I wanna write more Nanook they're so like babygirl in this AU will prob mention them in part 3 but it'll be like their POV not them and reader meeting again
I love that Serval, Lynx, and Gepard are all like cat related names lol
sorry for the wait i wanna start writing this one original book i have so i can put it into a competition so i've been focusing on that
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sakkiichi · 1 year
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Because good things take time and it’s not too late for happy birthdays.
ft. Albedo x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, birthday special, reader is an amateur painter.
this is just something spontaneous that I came up with… I just… kinda gave free reign to whatever flashed through my mind once I was before the blank document, parting from a very vague idea I had haha.
if you enjoy this, reblogs and comments help more than likes !
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Autumn’s cold always arrived early in Dragonspine.
The faraway rays of a molten copper halo fuse with the peaks outlined on the horizon.
Magic is the word you’d use to describe such scenery; seconds that seemed to both be suspended in the helpless passage of time, and slip between your fingers; like golden sand inside an hourglass too small to savor every snapshot brought by the incandescence of crepuscular skies.
On instances like this, you wished your painting skills were better; if only to capture the glow of early dreams threaded through the asters of twilight.
For now, however, this will have to do.
Why did you wait until so late for this, you are unsure.
True, wishing a happy birthday to someone as the clock strikes twelve is not an uncommon occurrence.
And you’re kind of doing just that, more or less.
Well, it’s usually when the special day starts that calls are made, starlit whispers are uttered between lovers, and secret kisses are exchanged.
So you can’t help but wonder… is it too late?
For this? Or to back out now?
A sigh escapes your chapped lips, into the dimness of dusk, the stillness of frozen peaks, the stars.
Your gaze is drawn to the easel you’ve set before you, fingertips delicately trailing over the four-point asteroids decorating a heaven made of brushstrokes.
Gold pinpricks, almost aglow beneath the darkening penombre of sundown, over a backdrop of ultramarines and indigoes, akin to sunlight over the depth of a frozen sea; a mirror image of the sky now hovering over snowy plains.
Looking up, you find a firmament of constellations. Stories, sketched in the silver flames of light years away suns, above an infinity of obscurity.
Those tales, however, had a tendency for lighting up paths that fell victim to the constant fluttering snowflakes.
“Hello, dearest.” A voice, smooth, liquid dawnlight over dewed cecilia petals, greets. “Am I late?”
The sound of crunching snow fills the fire-lit silence, the torches from his camp casting him in tepid hues.
“Albedo!” You call him, turning around.
And when you do, you swear he alone outshines every galaxy you could ever dream of rendering on canvas.
Tendrils of midnight sun and honeycomb seem to meld together in the blonde locks framing the alchemist’s porcelain-like face. Spotless, argent light from distant stars kisses his skin, fading into flecks of sparkling acacia blossoms to halo his gaze.
Summer skies.
That’s the image his eyes always evoked: clear skies, endlessly blue, over meadows to lie on, the low grass soft beneath your forms, as hands entwined and fingers pointed above, determining the shapes of the occasional cottony clouds.
What a paradox, how someone who spent his days surrounded by ice could make sparks ignite in your heart, cheeks heating up like the embers that remained after the coziness of a homey hearth.
“Is there anything you needed my help with, love?” He asks, gloved hand running its thumb over the back of yours.
Your gaze flits from your intertwined hands to his smiling lips, taking in his features in full.
“Not exactly your help.” You offer, your own lips a moon shaped brushstroke of vermillion. “I just… would like you to see something.” Your hand squeezes his, as you swing your linked hands between the both of you. “It’s your special day today, after all, isn’t it?”
Your rhetoric is met by the alchemist’s windened gaze, followed by one of his subtle smiles.
Tugging him along, you guide him to the candle lit spot where your easel is propped up.
Why are you feeling nervous all of a sudden? You internally chide yourself, biting the inside of your cheek.
Relaxing your shoulders, you turn to face your lover, gaze averted when you mumble:
“It’s not much but…” You scuff one of your boots on the dirtied snow. “I just… I remembered your painting, ‘You and I’ and… well… you know… I…” Your lids close, your nose scrunched up in that way he always found utterly endearing. “I wanted to make a painting for you too!” You finally sputter, stepping aside so he can see your masterpiece.
From that moment on, Albedo would forever believe no starry night could ever come close to capture the sheer magic of your art.
Gilded speckles abound in your make-believe heavens, each of them a shade slightly different than the previous one. They rest against a backdrop of cyans, accentuated in baby blue around your handmade constellations, the piece’s finale, a violet horizon. Outlined against it, two figures seem to dance, their happy ending created by them, rather than foretold by the celestial bodies staring in envy at a proximity that doesn’t burn, but warms and completes.
“I know it’s not the best but-“
“It’s perfect.” Is the kreideprinz’s awestruck answer, as his svelte hands hover over the frame. “You’re perfect, [Y/n].” He blurts, still staring at your work.
Then, he meets your eyes again. Your face is in his tender hold, a fleeting frosted kiss landing on your lips.
“I love it.” He assures. ‘I love you.’ His dilated pupils confess.
“‘From me to you’. Its title.” Your hand reaches up, resting on top of his. “You know… I hope you didn’t think I had forgotten about today… I just… kinda wanted this to be your last memory of your day.”
With that, both your gazes fuse in a watercolor of each other’s lips, of the anticipation of feeling them against your own.
“Happy birthday, Bedo.” You utter, before leaning in.
And then, the night, the snow, the starshine, all fade away, in a myriad of rose colored frenzied blazes. Your hands lost in the ash blonde strands at his nape; his, pulling you closer by the waist. Your kiss is a nebula of pulsating light, undimmed by even the most ruthless blizzards, lighting up the ebony of the pines obscuring the moonlight. Frozen air is exhausted in your lungs, but you don’t care right now, not when you’re kissing your prince charming under the lights of an aurora that’s still hours away.
A few moments pass, with the stars orbiting marking the approach of midnight.
A snow-kissed breeze caresses both your faces when you part, causing a shiver to rake through your body.
Your prince’s arms wrap around you.
When you look at him, matching chuckles fill the night air.
Moments like this were worth waiting all day for.
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maxipad031 · 2 years
hey girl! i loveee ur account! can we get a best friends to lovers fic please? Shuri and reader are like 20, and reader realises she isn’t straight because she starts crushing on Shuri.<33
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i like you silly
synopsis: fluffy and short fic where you start to realise your growing crush on your best friend, shuri. you don’t know where she stands, but she soon lets you know and you begin to understand yourself more.
contains: shuri x black reader, cute crushing, fluff, brief sadness, make out session, best friend to lovers x
and thank you smmm!🥰
novacane by frank ocean blasted in your sony headphones as you bopped your head continuously to the beat, your hand moving rapidly as you scribbled down equations for your calculus homework. it was literally due the next day and you'd forgotten all about it until your friend reminded you like 30 minutes ago through a lengthy text explaining how she lost it. your room was flipping messy, clothes on the floor, on the bed, heaped upon your vanity chair. the curtains were basically closed but there was a peak of natural light as your purple LED lights dominated the room, making it glow a soft lilac. something about purple just put you in a focusing mood, so yes your room had to be covered in it. just as the song was about to change, it stopped abruptly, and you shifted your gaze over to your phone, confused. sighing, you realised a call was coming through and when you saw who it was, your heart leaped in your chest.
my shuri <3
was displayed on the rectangular screen and you hurriedly fumbled everything away to pick up your phone to answer, crunching the papers under your weight in the process. as you clicked the bright green phone button, her breath taking voice came through into your headphones, loud as fuck.
"y/n, are you busy?" she asked softly, waiting patiently for your reply. you glanced at the phone, your homework underneath you and your phone again, "nope!" you answered, maybe way too excitedly.
"ah perfect, can you meet me at café moon in 10?"
"of course shuri, ill be there." you assured, packing away all your papers and into their designated folders, "is everything okay though?" you asked, realising its unusual behaviour for shuri to be calling you randomly since she's always busy with her tech projects.
"oh yeah, i just want to see you, make sure you're okay." she replied, her voice laced with some kind of additive that made you want to hear it all the time.
"okay, see you hunnie buns." she didn't reply straight away, but you cut off the call as you didn't want to hear her reply to your bold action anyways. well, to be honest, it wasn't even that weird because in your....friendship, you called each other lots of things like bae, darling, love, honey. it didn't really mean anything....or so you thought. you disconnected your headset and slipped it off, resting it on your oak desk as you attempted to make your dorm room look at least a little presentable, just in case you both came back here. shuri was used to your room being a mess though, she always says "it adds to your character, " with that silly, cute eye smile she does that makes you want to just give her pecks all over her face.
your mind often wavered like this and at first it was just subtle, cute scenarios you'd imagine before going to bed, but now it's just full blown delusion, things that would never happen between the two of you; i'll leave that up to your imagination.
you'd always identified as a straight individual since all you did were date boys in high school, but after meeting shuri, all of that went straight out the window and you've only been able to look at her: everyone else is blotted out with a black marker pen. she's in the centre of your thoughts, running around in your head rent free. you'd never really had close friends, so you orignally thought it was your clinginess that made you so drawn to her, constantly wanting to be around her at all times. however lately, it didn't make sense that you'd been feeling this way for this long, almost two years now. you usually lost interest in other friends you had but this was different, it was so clear now,
you fucking liked her.
it was a hard pill to swallow, the fact you were probably bisexual...or a lesbian? actually no, because you genuinely had feelings for the guys you dated, so you're probably bi...you think? whatever, labels confuse you and you don't care about them. right now, you're shurisexual and that's all that matters.
you sat up on your bed to look in the illuminating mirror as you ruffled your tangled curls, to the left, to the right, just everywhere until it looked nice and presentable. you were already wearing a large purple hoodie, so you just replaced your booty shorts with baggy ripped jeans. quite motivated to look nice, you picked up your makeup pouch from the vanity table and began to touch up your face, only a little concealer and lip gloss. once that was done, you cleaned your room further, stuffing your disorganized clothes deep inside your closet and kicking any loose objects under the double bed. with a deep sigh, you grabbed your phone and the keys from the drawer before heading out, making sure to lock your door securely. you walked quickly past all the loud kids occupying the dorm hallway, and rushed down the spiral stairs to basically sprint outside. as there were no cars coming at that moment, you crossed the quite busy road and ran down to the café shuri had told you to meet her at.
by the time you arrived, you were huffing and puffing as you tried to catch your breath. you had no idea why you ran but it was probably due to the fact you were so eager to see your best friend again after like two days. the cafe’s large glass windows exposed it’s interior. it wasn’t that busy and looked calm as always, everyone minding their own business studying or talking. as you grabbed the door handle, you eyes flickered to a familiar presence . it was shuri, sitting on a high chair that was facing the window, which faced the street, and seemingly engrossed in something on her phone as she scrolled. you walked in and the bell above the shop door rung at your arrival as shuri’s head whipped in your direction. you adjusted your hair behind your ear shyly and watched as she flashed you a bright smile while you walked over towards her.
“heyy ma, how is my darling.” she greeted, wrapping her long arm around your torso as you hugged each other. her embrace was comforting, you never wanted to let go. unfortunately, you had to depart from her and when you did, you sat down on the high chair next her.
“shuri, you forgot about me for two days, huh.” you scolded jokingly, as you crossed your arms and fake pouted.
“you know that’s not the case y/n.” she laughed at your fake act, taking a sip of coffee that she just ordered, “do you want anything to eat or drink?” she asked in a caring manner as her hands nestled in her lap.
“nah i’m alright, thanks though.” you played with the hem of your hoodie subtly as you grew nervous under her gaze. this was such an unusual feeling, you were normally the one making people shy, not the other way around. she nodded and rested her elbows on the shelf-like table before you both. she stared outside for a minute, her sharp jawline flexing as her eyes travelled. she has recently cut her curly hair and it was shaved at the sides, leaving the top sitting nicely and dropping over her forehead. the day she sent you that selfie pic of her freshly-cut hair, a tear ran down your leg; it was so attractive on her and she definitely knew it. you were beginning to understand that you didn’t wanna be her, you wanted to be with her. she wore a purple tracksuit this day, kimoyo beads wrapped around her slender wrists and her sunglasses propped up the middle of her forehead. she clicked her tongue softly and spun the chair around to face you,
“i have something to say.” she announced. your heart jumped and skipped and hopped before falling back down into your ass. you knew she wasn’t going to say what you thought she was going to say, but it was nerve wracking nontheless.
“go on.” you said, eyes wide open in anticipation.
“i’m going back to wakanda in two weeks.” shuri replied, playing with her glowing kimoyo beads as her eyes darted around the small cafe, avoiding your eye contact.
“wait what, why?!” the corner of your lip twitched with disappointment.
“my brothers funeral, i must be there.” she said, smiling weakly as an emotion of sadness washed over her eyes simultaneously. seeing her grieve for her brother broke your heart into a million pieces and you wanted to do nothing but comfort her. you slowly reached over her lap to cup her cold hands in yours. you massaged it lightly as you looked up at her, “that’s totally fine shuri, i’ll be here waiting for you.” shuri shifted her gaze to you and you swear for a split second it was a look that said, “i love you so much,” but it also might’ve been your imagination. she gave you another hug, squeezing you so tight, you had to tap her shoulder for her to soften up a little, “you don’t know how much i appreciate you y/n.” she sniffed a bit as she pulled away from you, holding her head up ever so lightly so stop any welling tears from escaping.
“hey, why don’t we go back to mine.” you suggested, pulling her up off the high chair. seeing her upset broke you and you wanted to cheer her up as soon as possible. shuri grabbed her now cold-coffee with her free hand and nodded her head as she obliged. you both stood up to leave and you led her out of the shop. the sun was blazing above and you instantly regretted wearing a big hoodie. shuri seemed to notice your discomfort as you constantly pulled at the neck of the clothing,
“you should come to wakanda, you’d die if you wore something like that outside.” she commented picking up the pace to walk beside you, her infamous eye smile displaying itself and making you melt as you stared at her.
you chuckled before replying, “take me then, i’ve always wanted to go.” you unintentionally held her hand as you crossed the road together. shuri paused and stared down at the interconnection of your hands; she didn’t pull away but held on tighter instead. you didn’t even notice the small act of affection as you scanned the road, careful you both didn’t get hit.
“alright.” shuri whispered under her breath, seriously contemplating to take you with her.
“how dare you plus five me, what the fuck!” you yelled, as shuri aggressively put down a blue +5 card. you two had resorted to playing uno flip and right now, she had you fucked up. she’d never played it until now but boy did she pick up the game fast, she even knew tactics to stop you from winning.
“sorry but i’m not letting you win.” shuri smirked as she watched you reluctantly pick up five cards from the deck when you previously had two cards left. the game resumed and you stared menacingly at her, your competitive side really coming out. shuri had four cards left whilst you ended up with seven from picking some up. she put some reverses, which skipped your turn, but just before she put down the second to last card, you yelled out UNO before she could realise and you cackled maniacally, picking up two cards to give to her. shuri quickly realised her mistake and shook her head, “you didn’t even tell me i had to say uno when i had one card left.”
“yes i did? that’s the point of the game.” you arched your eyebrow.
“you didn’t.”
“wanna fight?” you asked jokingly, putting your cards to the side and pretending to pack up your thick hair.
“like you’d win.” shuri rolled her eyes and cuffed up her sleeves as she put her cards to the side as well.
full on ready to actually wrestle with her, you leaped from your side on the bed to hers and she surprisingly caught you, flipping you over and laughing as she pretended to punch you,
“please please please, let me live, oh mighty black panther please!” you closed your eyes as if you were scared, rubbing your hands together as a sign of mercy. you were the only one here in america that knew she was the black panther by accident, and you’d sworn to never tell a soul.
after you heard nothing, you opened your eyes to peek and saw her doing a funny face. you both then bust out laughing at your silly behavior, forgetting that she was still on top of you. your laughing started to die down before you suddenly realised the position you were both in and instantly start to panic. her face was literally inches away from yours, as her minty breath tickled your nose. completely rapt, you didn’t know what to do so you just lifted your hands up to hold the sides of her small waist. she felt the sudden touch, and looked down at you, also realising how close in proximity you were to each other. you could do nothing but stare at her lips, perfectly two toned, glistening from the lip vaseline she always uses, and slightly parted. the urge to kiss her was so strong and nearly overtook you but your mind started to ramble and it unfortunately transferred into words out loud,
“shuri, i’m so sorry, i know this is probably the last thing you want to hear right now, but i like you, i really do, i’ve been liking you since i met you, i just didn’t know how to say it, i’m sorry, you probably don’t even feel the same way, but i just felt like i needed to-”
it seemed like shuri had the same thing in mind as your words were interrupted, by the feeling of her soft lips placed upon yours, maybe as a way to indirectly tell you to shut up. your eyes were wide open from shock but you shut them and kissed her back with a more needy approach. it felt like you were in another realm entirely, just you and her, together, nothing else mattered. your lips moved in sync as you held onto her waist tighter, liking the way her body felt on top yours. before you could slip some tongue in, she pulled away licking her lips as her eyes danced around the room, seemingly embarrassed by what just occurred. she gently climbed off of you and sat up, packing away the uno cards. you held yourself upright with your elbows watching her contently.
she didn’t reply, focused on tidying up the bed.
“shuri!” you held your hand to stop her from her actions and she stared at you blankly before grabbing the sides of your face and pulling you into another kiss.
what in the world was happening right now.
her hands were enveloped in your brown locks and you pulled her closer, putting your hands on her shoulders to deepen the intimate kiss that was being shared by the two of you. shuri seemed like she wanted this for a long time, but so did you and you were going to make every second count. she was the first to slip her tongue in your mouth and you eagerly welcomed it. her muscular arms wrapped around your waist and propped you up onto her lap impatiently. you’d previously taken your hoodie off when you two came back and so you were left in a white tank top. her large hands rubbed against your chest area unintentionally and that riled you up even further. the kiss got hungrier, deeper as you snaked your hands around her neck, fingers laced in her tight coils as you devoured each other.
honestly, if this carried on, it was going to lead to something else and you didn’t think you were fully ready for that right now especially if shuri didn’t feel as deeply for you as well, so you hesitantly parted your lips away from shuri’s, leaving a string of saliva connecting the two of you. shuri breathed heavily as she looked up at you through her chocolate orbs, her lips having grown in size from the fervent make out session. you adjusted your top that had rode up from the touching and carefully got down from shuri’s lap,
“i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable, i don’t know what came of over me, i understand if you don’t like me anymore i’m sorry-” shuri blabbered, worried to death that she’d made you feel weird, hence why you stopped.
“no shuri, that was amazing, of course i like you silly, i just told you a whole essay about it.” you giggled, placing your forehead on hers lovingly, “i stopped because i just have a question to ask you.” you said mysteriously, as you sat up against the headboard of your double bed.
“go ahead,” shuri urged you to continue as she followed you, also moving so her back was against the headboard.
“do you want to be my girlfriend?” you inquired bluntly. you didn’t think you’d ever say that to anyone but surprise surprise, here you were.
“i thought you’d never ask.” shuri hugged you for the 30th time that day and you hugged her back, filled with absolute bliss. you were so certain she’d reject you but her feelings for you might’ve been even stronger than yours for her; no that’s impossible. you couldn’t wait for what’s the future held for you two as well as how your relationship would work out. however, not everything was all roses and daisies as you remembered that’s she’s eventually going to leave you soon.
“wait shuri, aren’t you leaving, i’m not going to be able to see you.” you pouted, holding her hands as your head was down in woe.
“well, you said you wanted to come, didn’t you, i can definitely organize that.” shuri replied, lifting your chin up to look at her.
“what!? you don’t mean it...i can go to wakanda?! oh my god, no fucking way, i’ve always wanted to go! shuri, i could literally buy you a lamborghini right now.” you yelled out, full of excitement as you jumped off the bed and ran laps around your small dorm room screaming your head off like a lunatic, almost tripping on the loose objects all over the floor.
shuri laughed wholeheartedly at your thrilled uproar, loving how gorgeous you looked when you were happy. this was going to be a great few weeks for you two.
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ramenthroughthe6 · 3 months
Our Life: The Jeremy King 'DLC'
Step 2: Intro
Note: I hope you folks enjoy! I am more than willing to accept constructive feedback via ask box! I'm hoping to activate and AO3 account soon so I can post this on there too! In the meantime ENJOY!!
As the sand crunched beneath his feet, the frail looking boy, who was anything but, stomped away in a flurry. His bright-green bowl cut swayed in the ocean breeze, as he got smaller, and smaller, and smaller, into the distance. 
> You stayed standing. 
> You slumped to your knees
It all happened so fast. You looked to Cove, then to Derek, then back into the center, where the mean kid once was. 
You hoped to never see him again. Whatever wind you had under your sails that day was instantly swept away by an unruly tide of a boy. Cove was the first to say anything, 
“Are you alright?”
> You weren’t alright and you told him so
> You said you were alright, you lied
> You said you were alright and you meant it 
Cove still frowned slightly at your response. Just giving a small “okay.” 
“I know what’ll make us feel better,” Derek’s sudden voice made you turn to his direction, watching as his eyes darted to the cut fruit bouquet in your hand then back to you, “We could eat the fruit now!”
Before you could even utter a yes or no response, Cove had already plucked a melon skewer from the parchment wrapped, food-safe foam in your hand.
You laughed at his antics, “Hey, I didn’t say we could eat it!” 
“My dad’s the one who paid for it,” Cove shrugged before polishing off his skewer in one bite, letting some of the melon juice drip down his chin. Ew.
It felt like you were dazed in the hours that had gone by: one minute you were chatting with your friends on the freshly heated sand of the ocean-front park, the first signs of summer break veering its head. The next you watched them dart away as your sister, Elizabeth, came to confront you about the family’s missing summer snack, now plucked clean and barren like a shrub in the fall. Before long you found yourself chatting on the phone, absent-minded and distant as you chatted with with your cousin, Lee, on the phone.
“I met a mean kid today.”
“Really?” Lee immediately peaked up with interest, “What happened?”
“I dunno. I have no clue were he came from, but it sounds like he’ll be in town for a while which sucks. He’s got this bowl cut and this big ugly frown and he’s always yelling.” You felt like you could go on forever about how much you disliked Jeremy.
“I don’t think I wanna meet him.”
“I wish I never did,” You joked, “hopefully we won’t have to cross paths again.”
That was the worst thing you could’ve said  
That evening Cove, in his upset, joined you in your room by coming in through the window. His parents seemed to be on the road to reconciliation and it was hard for him to deal with the change. But you were there for him, you were always there for him. And Cove was always there for you. Even when his mom came into town the next day, you stuck around til the bitter end to ensure he felt safe talking to his family about how he felt. 
A few more languid days passed into June. Ma sat flipping through a catalogue, legs crossed and back leaned against the couch, while Mom sat curled up with a lap blanket despite the incoming afternoon sun. Breakfast had been finished ages ago, being marked by Elizabeth’s exit; she had friends to see that day, you supposed. You spent time in the living room with your moms waiting for Cove to stop by on his almost daily visits. 
But a shouting broke up the peace. 
It didn’t sound like the type of hollering you’d hear in a fight. It was more frantic. A plea. It was so familiar it scratched at a part of your brain, but you couldn’t remember what.
Mom, being nosy like she was, immediately threw off her lap-blanket, put on her slip-on shoes at the entryway, and peered out the door. The shouting only got louder. Ma would later follow suit, trying to peak behind her wife’s shoulders. Curiosity got the better of you, and you too would slip between you mothers, muttering and ‘excuse me’ as you stared at the long stretch of empty street filled only with indiscernible shouts. You looked either which way for the culprit disturbing Sunset Bird’s early afternoon serenity. You caught a glimpse of Mr. Holden, Kyra, and Cove doing the same as your family. 
“What’s going on out here?” Mr. Holden asked as he took the initiative to approach your house. Moms must have felt more comfortable at his presence too, as the three of you spilled out of the doorway to join the Holdens and Kyra in the middle of the street. Before Ma could answer, another call ran out, albeit much closer. 
“Where are ya, kiddo?!”
Your family looked over at the Holdens before searching the street for the calling family, and in that time you caught Cove’s eyes. This is exactly what you felt like when you first met him; the shouting for him to come out, the moments where it felt like Mr. Holden was ready to thrown in the towel on searching for his son, finding him behind the hill. Cove gave you a knowing look. He’d thought the same.
You followed your family in the pursuit of the voices, before coming to a sudden halt, nearly bumping into your Ma’s backside. Along the shore, cutting through the park, were a man and woman.
The man’s beacon of orange hair shown like the falling sun over the ocean at the end of the day. His pale skin didn’t help the contrast either. Next to him, a taller woman, looking equally as frantic, her choppy, dark-green pixie cut took up splashes of ocean mist as it whipped backwards.
“Hey!” Mr. Holden’s yell seemed to bounce off the pavement in an echo. It stopped both people in their marching tracks through the warm, off-white sand, “Need some help?!”
For a moment they seemed to look at each other, as if confirming the validity of the offered aid, before jogging nearly in tandem to meet the sets of families. 
“Oh thank goodness! People!” The green-haired lady smiled almost in immediate relief. “Our son is missing- he ran off and we can’t seem to find him.” 
“Thats just terrible, we’re so sorry,” Ma offered a sympathetic look, “What’s he look like? Maybe we can still spot him before it gets too late.”
“He’s short, with light green hair, he’s got on a white shirt with multi-colored stripes, and-“
“Glasses,” the woman’s much meeker partner spoke up. Instantly their words rung in you, a flash in your mind of the memory of that rotten boy.
“He’s got a bowl cut?” You said so out loud, though accidentally.
“Yes! That’s him! Have you seen him?” The woman’s eyes seemed to be filled with hope, only to look even more downcast when you shook your head ‘no’. It looked like she was about to cry.
“Oh my god I feel awful. We’ll help you find him Mrs….” Kyra paused for her to fill out the rest of the sentence, pushing the people along with a twirl of her wrist.
“King. I’m Jennifer and this is my husband, Jackson.” The two extended their hands, shaking them with each of the parents, before pausing to give a friendly wave to you and cove. Cove offered a pleasant, yet retained, wave back to the couple.
> you returned the gesture
> you remained as you were
Mr. Holden placed his hands firmly on his hips, 
“You remember which direction he ran off in?”
“It was away from my sister’s house,” Jennifer answered unsure, pointing in the direction of the row of houses and shrubbery past the playground, “but he probably wandered away from there, too.” Beside her Mr. King rang his hands around each other nervously.
“Okay. Then I suppose we can split up and start there.” Mom waved everyone over in that direction and the group soon followed. 
Kyra and Mom split together, Mr. Holden and Ma, and naturally, you and Cove. Everyone seemed to shout for Jeremy at every corner, and it was starting to get late. The early afternoon sun had rolled over the sky, as shadows began deepen and elongate. Mrs. King was verging on hysteric tears when the reached the coastline edged with nothing but rock and dense palm trees. There was no where else he could’ve gone. 
“Oh my god…my baby ran off….” Mrs. King started up with another bout of tears, her husband following as he tried to comfort his wife.
“There there, Jen.. We’ll just have to call the police next.” As you watched the scene helplessly and with concern, as did the rest of your family and neighbors, when the foliage gave way to rustling. It snapped everyones attention towards the source of the sound almost immediately: Cove was trying to make his way inside.
“Bud,” before Mr. Holden could barely do what was considered reprimanding his son, Cove was fully submerged in the miniature jungle, crunching around a bit before a familiar, and unhappy, shout of ‘hey’ was heard.
“I found him!” Before Jeremy could raise more of a fuss about Cove revealing his secret hiding space, Mr. And Mrs. King came barreling into the palm foliage through the opening Cove left. Though it was hard to see through the dense and shaded plant-life, it was clear Jeremy’s parents were heartily sobbing in a joyous reunion with their son. Cove popped out of the bush, taking a stance by your side, so he could let the Kings exit. Despite likely being 11 or 12, Jeremy was still small enough to be held by his mother. Which would be easier if he wasn’t writhing like a carp on land. 
“Thank you so so so much for helping us find our Jerebear.” Mrs. King tried to nuzzle her cheek into her son’s poofy bowl cut, only to be rejected as he continued to squirm.
“No! Let me go!” Jeremy emphasized every word as he continued to pout over being discovered.
“Seriously, you all have no idea how much this means to us,” Mrs. King attempted to hand her squirming son over to her husband who looked not at all prepared to hold the little hell ball that was his own child, “can we get you folks breakfast? Our treat of course.” 
“Oh! That sounds fun!” Kyra piped up for the rest of the group, miscellaneous agreements arising here and there.
“Perfect! My sister should have no complaints if we use the house for a little brunch soon. It’d be nice to make some friends while we’re out here, huh, honey?” Mrs. King asked the question to her inattentive husband, who was much too preoccupied trying to get Jeremy to hold his hands still while rocking him side to side. Jeremy didn’t seem all too pleased at the idea, but Mr. King gave an enthusiastic nod. Before leaving, Mrs. King got the contact information for Mr. Holden and Kyra, as well as your house phone, before sweeping her son in her arms once again. “Thank you folks a million times over! Say ‘bye’ to your friends, Jeremy.” Rather than doing that, he stuck his tongue out at you over his mother’s shoulder before giving up and being whisked away. 
‘This was absolutely the start of the most obnoxious summer you’d ever have’, was your first and only thought as you watched the family walk away into the darkening orange sky. 
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dionte-goethe · 5 months
So I posted that bingcheng fic right? And it's getting quite a bit of attention, which I love and appreciate, and is also dragging me deeper into the brainrot. So in honor of getting dragged in, I thought of two potential stories I probably won't write (at least until my normal life is not entering the pre-con-crunch season)
LBH Shixiong and JC Shidi
Lotus Pier
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Binghe and his mother are servants of YMJ. JC is very friendly with them- and when WWX arrives, LBH comforts JC about his dog, (and the first time his mother slaps him because crying so loud wasn't going to change anything.) LBH starts training after his mother's death. He starts at a low level and late, progresses quickly, but hides it. He likes JC training him and its better to be underestimated. LBH isn't selected to join in Cloud Recesses. He's told to run during the Wen invasion by JC, but instead he hides, ambushes, and disguises himself as a Wen and steals JC away when they catch him...
Qing Jing Peak
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As a show of goodwill, some of the Immortal Peaks are supposed to take disciples from mortal sects. SQQ ends up drawn to and choosing JC. The decision is an "honor" but JC thinks it might also just be because JFM had given up on him. SQQ tells him to keep his distance from the second youngest disciple- a little beast. (But JC has always like animals, anyway.) NYY ends up getting JC's help after some particularly bad bullying, and eventually JC learns LBH sleeps in the woodshed and invites him to his own room and bed. He used to share with WWX, and WWX would crawl into JC's bed after bad nightmares, so it was the same as that, right? LBH is fascinated by this little heir/shidi, and JC causes much less trouble for him than NYY. (He causes more trouble in puberty, but that isn't JC's fault.) When the Immortal Alliance Conference happens, JC takes a blow for LBH that gives him Without a Cure. Thankfully there are those flowers, but when the flowers don't cure it, LBH thinks dual cultivation might. (He might have other reasons, too) JC appears to be recovering, but he should help some of the other disciples- it's too bad his demon blood awakens...
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puppetkisser · 1 year
Found family
Desc: Reader comes across a puppy on a mission, and they can’t bare to leave it there
Fluff, no smut
Simon Riley x reader if you squint really hard, shut your eyes and pretend. The vision was there I promise.
Warnings: animal cruelty (not by the readers or 141s hands, just the puppy’s backstory)
It was meant to be a straightforward mission — a task of infiltrating an enemy facility to gather critical intelligence on their current leadership. Our objective was clear: get in, retrieve the information, and make a swift exit without leaving a trace. The enemy's base of operations lay hidden amidst the unforgiving snowy peaks of Russia, creating an intimidating barrier around the city.
Our team touched down in an abandoned factory located on the western outskirts of the city, a safe starting point for our covert operation. From there, we needed to reach our secondary destination, where we'd secure a crucial vehicle for our infiltration. Time was of the essence; every second counted, and we had to avoid detection at all costs.
As we trekked through the biting cold, the desolate landscape seemed to echo with the harsh rumbling of the wind, and the crunching sounds of our boots against the snow. The icy air cut through our clothing, making it feel like there was no room in our lungs for air. Despite the freezing temperatures, we found some relief with the hot packs we were provided, clutching them tightly in our pockets, desperately trying to preserve warmth.
The surroundings seemed lifeless, except for the occasional snowflake that danced in the wind. The vastness of the snowy expanse felt both awe-inspiring and perilous. The mission had us on edge, our senses heightened, and our nerves taut like strings of a finely tuned instrument. We kept glancing over our shoulders to look for any movement or sound, but the area appeared devoid of life, which seemed even more eerie than before. A lone bird flew overhead, its long, slender feathers trailing in the wind, as if it knew what we were here for.
"I've had my share of cold missions, but Russia always manages to freeze my britches just a tad more," Price grumbled, rubbing his gloved hands together.
Gaz, ever the wit, chimed in with a smirk, "That's why they call it Mother Russia, sir. She embraces you with a chilly hug and never lets go."
trying to keep up the team's spirit, Soap added, "Well, as long as she doesn't squeeze too tight, I think we'll manage just fine."
I managed to sneak in a snicker from under my scarf despite the circumstances. "I'll be sure to remind Mother Russia of that when we're out of here in one piece," I said, trying to lighten the mood.
Price cracked a half-smile, ''Keep your wit sharp. It might just save your hide out here."
Ghost, who had been unusually quiet, spoke up in his low, gravelly voice, "I'd say keeping our eyes sharp is more critical right now. Let's stay focused you boys. We have a mission to complete."As we stealthily entered the warehouse, an eerie chill ran down my spine. The vast space looked empty, but an inexplicable sense of unease lingered, as if we were being watched from the shadows. Glancing at my teammates, their expressions mirrored my own uncertainty.
Summoning my training, I retrieved my scanner equipment, the faint glow of the display illuminating the darkness. With cautious steps, I scanned the floor for any hidden threats, every nerve on high alert. The silence weighed heavily, broken only by the faint hum of the equipment.
As the scanner swept across the floor, my heart raced, half-expecting to detect signs of recent activity. But to my relief, the results came back negative. It seemed we were alone, but the unsettling feeling persisted, like an invisible presence lurking just out of sight.
Captain Price's low voice cut through the silence, "Stay sharp, Something doesn't feel right."
Gaz nodded, his eyes darting around, "Agreed. Keep your guard up."
We continued scanning the floor for further clues. As expected, the room was empty, although it did give off a slight metallic scent, almost reminiscent of old blood. My stomach churned nervously, my pulse speeding. As much as we wanted to take this easy, we had to be thorough, otherwise the intel would prove worthless, allowing the enemies to slip away. We could risk everything on success; otherwise, failure loomed large, the consequence of failure being death and destruction at the hands of the Russian government.
"This place is huge." Soap muttered, taking in the size of the warehouse.
"Yes. But it isn't empty," I replied, scanning the area.
My scanner gave another ping, indicating something in particular had caught my attention. A single small door had been left slightly ajar, and beyond that was the unknown.
"I'm gonna go check it out.." I prepared a flashbang grenade to use as cover should the need arise, in case we stumbled upon hostile personnel. I moved towards the door as the others followed behind me, weapons drawn. Once we reached the door, I carefully opened it wider, just enough for him to peek inside.. hundreds of dog kennels lined the walls of the warehouse, with several pairs of cages lining the walls opposite, each filled with different varieties of huskies. Some dogs looked relatively well trained, while others were barely recognizable as such.
"Fuckin 'ell..." Ghost breathed, looking horrified at the sheer numbers of dogs in these cages.
Gaz nodded grimly, "It's gotta be some sort of a cruel dog training compound.."
"No shit." Price nodded, frowning deeply.
As far as I could tell, there weren't any signs that someone had gone into the warehouse recently, not even footprints.
We shuffled inside, slowly entering the building, careful to remain as silent as possible. The dogs continued to watch us suspiciously, occasionally wagging their tails or barking viciously in greeting. My eyes darted quickly from side to side, ready for anything, but none appeared to pose any threat. We approached the first cage to investigate further, and froze in place as soon as we spotted the occupant.
He sat in the corner, an empty food bowl sat at the opposite end of the cage, a small bowl of water next to it.. he looked to be only 5 or 6 weeks old, a small husky. Possibly the runt of the litter judging by the scrawny physique. The poor thing didn't appear to have the energy to bark.
"They're training them from pups.." Ghost pointed out
"This 's fuckin sick.." Soap whispered, looking down at the small, helpless creature with compassion and revulsion.
There wasn't any question about it; I was leaving with this puppy. This was my own side mission..
"Keep going, I'm gonna stay back here and try to get more information on this compound" I ordered, my voice calm, although deep inside, I felt sick at my guts. "I'll catch up"
The others agreed with varying degrees of reluctance, but I waved them off with a quick "Go". It wouldn't do good to let the others see my anxiety, so I tried to push the emotions aside.
As everyone took off into the next building, I approached the puppy in the cage, crouching down as I extended my hand toward him. He whimpered, turning his head away as if he were afraid to approach me, which I couldn't blame him for.
With a soft grunt of effort, I lifted the cage open and scooped the little dog into my arms. His fur was damp with perspiration, his breathing labored as he struggled to regain his strength.
"Shhh, it's okay... I gotcha" I whispered soothingly, petting his head with my hand. "Just relax for now. You're alright."
After some time, he finally seemed to gain the ability to breathe properly again. He sniffed my jacket curiously, then looked into my eyes, clearly still distrustful of me after the things he must've endured. A yawn escape his lips as fatigue overwhelmed his body. With infinite care, I gently placed wrapped him in a spare piece of clothing, hoping to prevent the poor thing from catching a cold. I wrapped another cloth around him, nestling a heat pack in the cloth.
"You'll warm up quickly. You'll be just fine" I murmured, smiling at him.
As I stroked his fur lovingly before tucking him in my vest and securing him, making sure he could breath, but he wouldn't be seen, the puppy nuzzled against my collar bone sleepily, obviously exhausted. I stood up and began walking out, my heart heavy, thinking about how I had failed to rescue all these dogs. But hopefully when we got back someone would care enough to help.
Back outside, I caught up to the team, having lost track of them in the maze of concrete buildings for a bit, but fortunately spotted them standing by the entrance of yet another warehouse. I motioned them over as I headed towards them.
"Anything?" Price asked as I approached.
After regrouping we got on with the rest of the mission, gathering the necessary intel and moving into action to get the fuck out. I could feel the puppy breathing against me, and I held my breath with anticipation. As the team prepared to make an exit, I glanced down and spotted the tiny animal sleeping against me..
We hopped into the getaway car, heading back toward the base. I turned on the radio, hoping to hear news regarding the mission and whether or not we had found anything useful to report..
The ride home was long but uneventful. The sky gradually darkened, and with it, the city lights lit up as the moon rose high in the sky. I was seated between Ghost and soap, and I couldn't stop myself from stealing glances at my new friend who lay peacefully asleep..
"You're kiddin me lass.. You're really taking him home?" Soap asked
"please don't tell anyone.." I said softly, "I don't think he'd survive if i let him.."
Ghost gave me a sympathetic look, but thankfully didn't press the issue further.
Once we reached the base, the rest of the team dispersed. As usual, I stayed behind to collect my supplies, and once I arrived at my quarters, I removed the dog from my vest, placing him gently onto my bed. I brushed the strands of fur back, letting out a sigh of contentment.
This went on for a few days, I had kept the puppy hidden, he still lacked a name however..
In my quarters I tossed a tennis ball at the wall, the puppy darted after it instantly, he carried it in his mouth proudly and trotted back to me so i could throw it again. He dropped the ball and barked pretty loudly, causing a few heads to turn in the hall..
Ghost knocked on the door.
"Who is it?"
"Is' Ghost"
"Yeah, come in." I hummed, he opened the door and stepped inside, Soap following behind.
Ghost glanced around the room, his eyes finally landing on the playful scene between me and the puppy. The little husky was now bouncing around, excitedly wagging his tail, clearly enjoying the game of fetch. Ghost's stern expression softened slightly as he observed the heartwarming sight.
"Seems like you've made a new friend," he remarked, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips.
I looked at Ghost, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension. "Yeah, he sort of found me," I replied, trying to downplay the significance of the encounter.
"He's adorable," Soap chimed in, entering the room fully and kneeling down to pet the puppy. The little husky nuzzled against Soap's hand, his tail wagging even faster.
"He sure is," I agreed, unable to hide the affection in my voice.
Ghost glanced at me with a knowing look. "You've been keeping him hidden, haven't you?" he asked, his voice gentle.
I hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I didn't want to cause any distractions during the mission. But... I couldn't leave him there, you know?"
Ghost nodded understandingly. "I get it."
Soap looked between Ghost and me, realizing the significance of the situation. "So, what's the plan now? You can't keep him hidden forever," he said.
"I know," I replied, my heart heavy with the realization. "I've been thinking about that. Maybe I can find a way to take him home with me once the mission is over."
Ghost sat next to me, the tall man towering over me, His hand snaked over my shoulder, keeping me close.
"Whats is' name?"
"Doesn't have one.."
Ghost's stoic expression softened as he gazed down at the puppy nestled in my arms. His eyes, usually sharp and focused, held a glimmer of warmth as he observed the tiny creature.
"Doesn't have one, huh?" Ghost repeated, his gravelly voice tinged with curiosity.
I nodded, a touch of sadness in my eyes. "Yeah, I found him in that warehouse, and he was all alone. I don't think anyone bothered to give him a name," I explained.
Ghost leaned in slightly, reaching out to gently stroke the puppy's soft fur. The little husky looked up at him, his eyes full of trust, despite everything he had been through.
"Well, he's not alone anymore," Ghost remarked, a faint hint of a smile forming on his lips.
I couldn't help but smile at Ghost's words. It was true; the puppy and I had formed an unexpected bond amidst the chaos of the mission. He had become my loyal companion, and I had become his protector.
Ghost's eyes met mine, and for a moment, there was unspoken understanding between us. He knew the significance of this little life, and he knew that I would do everything in my power to ensure his safety.
"I guess it's time we change that," Ghost said, breaking the silence. "How about 'Scout'? Seems fitting for a little traveler like him."
"Scout," I repeated, the name rolling off my tongue. It felt right, a perfect representation of the puppy's adventurous spirit and his role in our story. "I like it. Scout it is."
As the days passed, Scout's presence within Team 141 became more apparent. His playful antics and affectionate nature had a way of melting the ice around even the most hardened soldiers. Everyone but Price knew about him..
One afternoon, as we returned from a particularly intense mission, Scout excitedly bounded toward us having escaped my quarters, his tail wagging furiously. He had a keen sense of recognizing the sound of our approach, and he always greeted us with enthusiasm, as if celebrating our safe return. It was as though he understood the significance of every mission and appreciated our commitment to each other's safety.
As we entered the base, Scout followed closely, as he always did, earning smiles and affectionate pats from the team members. I couldn't help but worry about what Captain Price might say when he discovered our little secret.
However, my concerns weren't soon put to rest. As we reached the common area, Captain Price was there, deep in conversation with Ghost. Scout, seemingly unaware of the captain's authority, stopped at his feet. his tail still wagging but his demeanor more cautious.
Captain Price looked down, his eyes falling on Scout, who stood there with a mix of curiosity and wariness. Price's brow furrowed for a moment, but to my surprise, his expression softened as he observed the little husky.
"What's this, then?" Price inquired, his tone not quite as stern as I had anticipated.
I stepped forward, bracing myself to explain. "Uh, sir, this is Scout," I said, gesturing to the puppy. "I found him during our last mission. He was alone in an abandoned facility, and... well, I couldn't leave him there."
Price nodded, his gaze still fixed on Scout. "I see," he said, and to my surprise, there was a hint of a smile on his lips. "He's a tough little thing, isn't he?"
"Yes, sir," I replied, relieved that Price didn't seem overly upset. "He's proven to be quite resourceful and loyal."
Price glanced at Ghost and then back at Scout. "Well, we could all use a little lift now and then," he admitted, surprising us all with his acceptance of our furry friend.
Scout, sensing the change in atmosphere, seemed to be excited, pawing at prices legs as he scratched behind his ear
" I suppose we could use a morale booster," Price said, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Just make sure he doesn't get in the way during missions."
I couldn't believe my ears. Captain Price, was surprisingly okay with having a puppy on the team.
"Don't worry, sir. He won't be a burden," I assured him gratefully. "He's smart and well-trained."
Price nodded, then turned back to Ghost. "Keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't chew on anything he shouldn't," he said, only half-joking
That was it then.. Scout was part of 141... I smiled, relieved that things were going smoothly...
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