wahooitsamee · 2 months
Saw this
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Made me think of you
aww! i’m honoured. 🥹🥹
funnily enough, this is actually my profile picture on quite a few of my socials.
i love wigglers. i just think they’re neat! little wiggly worm guys.
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shukakumoodboard · 6 months
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anon i hope you are able to find this because you asked my original blog and i’m trying to stealthily migrate so my irls can't find me dkgjhfkjl
answers below the cut <3
would you like some fandomy thoughts?
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s) [which ofc im answering for gaalee]
the discord i'm in for it is the highlight of my day and forms approximately 65% of my social life! who knew you could hyperfixate on some gay ninjas and as a result, end up visiting people irl and getting christmas cards and making incredible friends all over the world? pretty sure i have standing invites to homes in at least 3 different countries rn. incredible
fic quality is fuckin'. superior. and i'm not saying that because i write, i'm saying that as a reader. it's a smallish fandom and yet there's folks who can write full-length novels like @sagemoderocklee and @the-moss-project, people who can write every possible trope and au greyson's georg @ghoste-catte and @urieskooki and so many others i couldn't list them all. it's beyond obvious that the authors who write the gaalees are SO passionate about them. writers i lov you evryday
seguing from that into art!?!? pleas i have a dragon hoard of fanart only for my fics and there's over 100 pieces. A HUNDRED ARE TIOYU GIKISDINDIGME. giving u all a kissy rn. also the way i can get on discord and get immediately smacked in the face with bespoke paneenis liike every day help. gheelpp don't look at me. i will save my money and commission every one of u if its the last htign i do
2. a headcanon you weren’t sure about at first but have come to like!
oho! ready for this one? i was initially not super on board with hairy!lee. what was i on actually. me, a Wrong, and now i will purposefully include it in every fic as a sign of penance for my sins
3. answered!
4. say something nice about a ship you don’t ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual’s OTP, etc)
those who know me know that i strictly see leesaku as a brOTP, like those dudes are buddies to me. but that being said, i think leesaku as a romantic pairing is far healthier for sakura than her canon partner. lee is capable of so much love and forgiveness and they do parallel each other so much as the like... "underdog"/non-gifted member of their respective teams. she deserves love and support and understanding and lee would be genuinely ideal for it.
5. something you see in fics a lot and love
sunans (and team gai) being multilingual. oml one of my fave headcanons. you cannot tell me these different countries with different isolated villages are all casually speaking the same language when in big chunks of nart they didn't even like. get along properly. i loooove the concept of a shinobi common tongue and regional languages. further on that same thing, given team gai is pretty chinese-coded, i think it makes sense that they'd also be speaking another langauge, whether taught by gai or just because of their own independent histories or whatever. @sagemoderocklee has some truly stunning worldbuilding and it where i got my love for this hc from <3
6. something you see in art a lot and love
ok joking aside i refuse to believe gaara made it past like 5'3" that man did not sleep for his whole adolescence. conversely lee was probably on the Optimum Macros and that healthy eating would 100% contribute to maximum height gains etc. that man deserves to be 6 feet tall, that's my opinion and im right
thank you so much for the opportunity to gush about my blorbos <3
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lunarthefrieschild · 11 months
I love you, you beautiful :]💖
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
Kinda wished they got Danny Devito instead of Pratt.
That would be so fuckin funny holy shit
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secattention · 3 months
Never Forget What These Parasites Did & Said...
''Those Damn Antivaxxers! They Should Have ALL Died by Now''
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foreverxdaydreaming · 3 months
Hi! Have you changed your @? What was it before??
Yes, I did! I changed it within the last month or so; former url was taeilmeyourw1sh. My icon hasn't changed though, if that helps any.
May you have a lovely day/weekend ahead, nonny ♡
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bitterkarella · 11 months
Midnight Pals: The Big Fight
Stephen King: Submitted for the approval of the Midnight society i c- Elon Musk: [rising from bushes] eyy stephano king Musk: eyy you hear i fighta zuck? dissa tima for real Musk: dissa time i no maka da bullshit Musk: 100% you can trusta me dissa time Musk: dissa time i mean it
Musk: dissa time i tella my mom 'eyyy shaduppayouface, you no tella me what to do!' Musk: pretty cool, ey? King: Musk: yes yes Musk: i AMA da pretty cool
Musk: ey stephano king issa pretty cool i fighta da zuck ey? King: well sometimes my boy joe has disagreements with his little friends at school Joe Hill: dad, i'm not a baby anymore King: hush joe King: you'll always be my special little guy no matter how big you are Hill: daaad
King: sometimes my boy joe has disagreements with his little friends at school King: and i tell him what i'll tell you King: violence is never the answer Musk: King: have you tried just sitting down with this zuck boy and talking out your differences?
King: i just don't see why you have to fight Musk: you shadda you face stephano king! Musk: you notta the mama of me! Barker: yeah so speaking of Barker: what kind of approval are you seeking here anyway Poe: clive Barker: like do you want steve to be your dad or your son or what
Musk: i donta need stephano kings approval! Musk: i gotta da approval offa my son! Musk's Secret Child Roleplay Twitter Account: Datsa right! I lova my cool dad! Musk: watch, he saya it again as i drinka dis cuppa water!
Elon Musk: eyy itsa me your funny pal elon! gonna fight da zuck, pow pow! big laughs! eyyy! Mark Zuckerberg: [flat, robotic intonation] gaze into my eyes, elon musk, and know the form of your destruction Musk: Zuckerberg: [flat, robotic intonation] make peace with your god
Zuckerberg: [flat, robotic intonation] men know me by many names, but to you i appear in the form of Shiva the Destroyer, know me by my garlands of skull & serpent. i ride a pale horse this day, elon musk Musk: Musk: [grabbing leg] ey! ey! charlie horse! Musk: time out! time out!
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felixfeliccis · 11 months
Hey! I really like your comics!
I’d like to ask you a question if you’re willing to answer. It’s just curiosity.
Why is it so anxiety inducing to go into the wrong (in your case womens) bathroom? As a cis woman I have walked into the mens room both on purpose (emergency has no laws) and by mistake. I didn’t exactly feel anything about that other than “oopsie” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Bathrooms seems to be a common stressor among trans people and I can’t say I completely understand. Perhaps I’m an outlier among cis people too.
I hope I don’t belittle your experience I’m just trying to understand.
I thinks itsa mental thing? For me at least. I just don wanna go to a place that's made for women I think. Like since I now know that I'm a guy I want to go where other men do. Does that makes sense? I dunno, I'm not very good at explaining things sorry ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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mochiwrites · 4 months
Itsa me brontosaurus anon! I know I said no happy endings, but rules were made to be broken i guess.
Also an exercise in me finding something mentioned one time and just running with it. You said his blood smells super sweet so I think it gives mumbo some kind of vampire sugar high.
Mumbo left the door open as he ran, flinging himself onto the porch. He took a deep breath, two, three, but the cold night air mingled with the blood stuck to his tongue, flavoring each inhale with the too-sweet smell. That was Grian’s blood, blood he had promised himself he would never know the taste of. He could feel it beneath his skin, surging through his organs, apple-red and caramel-sweet, like magnesium thrown into a fire that had smoldered to ashes hours ago. Grian— why did he do that? Did Mumbo not make it clear that he didn’t want his blood? Why did he do that?! He sunk to the floor, back against the wall, trying to make sense of it all, but his brain was buzzing. Not with exhaustion like it had been, it was less like radio static, more of a busy intersection, thoughts crossing over each other faster than he could really interpret them. It was like he could hear each individual leaf on the forest floor as it shifted in the wind, the crack of a branch above the canopy, curious footsteps approaching his porch. Mumbo gasped as something shifted closer to the light seeping from his open door, quickly summoning shadows to cover any signs of life from the manor—
Darkness. Complete darkness. The moon still shone above, but it fell on deaf ground. No light from the porch, no light from the stars reflected off the still, ink-dark trees; in fact, the only thing still visible was one very disconcerted deer, glowing in the moonlight, alone in a world of darkness. It let out a frightened hiss before stumbling across the shadowed forest.
Mumbo forcibly withdrew the illusion, breathing heavily, heart racing. That was… unexpected. He could imagine overshooting his spell in panic, but that was far, far more than he could dismiss as panic. What happened? Blood gave him a magic boost, but it wasn’t usually so volatile. Already, he could feel the power waning, feeling his thoughts slow to a reasonable pace. Magnesium in a fire, then, burning bright enough to blind for just a moment. Odd.
He swallowed a mouthful of blood-laced spit, watching intently as his shadow vibrated at the edges. A small test, he raised a hand, pulling threads of moonlight together, this time fully conscious of the way his magic tugged at the light, like a bear trying to tie a squirrel’s shoelaces. He forced himself to focus on the light, weaving the illusion, but with a feeling like a pipe bursting under too much pressure, the poor thing exploded, dousing the forest in a second of blinding light. Interesting. He’d have to try this some other time, he’d— no, no he wouldn’t try it again, that was Grian’s blood, he was never supposed to have tried it in the first place, and oh no no no he was still inside, Mumbo just left him there—
One deep breath. Two. Three. Ignore the caramel-apple taste still lingering in the back of his throat. He pushed himself off the wall, making sure to close the door behind him as he went inside.
“Grian? Are you okay?” He deliberately slowed his pace, trying to keep any anger out of his voice. He stopped by the bathroom to grab an antibacterial wipe (oh, that was going to sting, wasn’t it) and cautiously nosed his way into the library.
Grian was still where Mumbo left him, sitting oddly still next to the overturned chair. He didn’t react as Mumbo sat down next to him, staring past the fireplace at nothing.
No answer.
“Grian, I’m going to touch your hand, ok?”
Mumbo waited a second for any objection before gently taking Grian’s hand from the floor. It twitched a little, curling around his. Grian opened his mouth, a strangled little noise escaping before he gave up, collapsing onto Mumbo’s shoulder. Mumbo dropped Grian’s hand, instead wrapping the man in a hug.
“I’m sorry,” Grian whispered.
Mumbo rubbed a circle into Grian’s shoulder with his thumb. “It’s okay. It’s okay, you’re okay…”
Grian hiccuped loudly into his neck. “I just, I wanted— I didn’t want to be so…” another sob wracked him, another croaking inhale. “I don’t want to be useless anymore.”
Mumbo’s grip turned vice-like fore a moment, before moving his hold to see Grian’s face. “What?”
Grian’s gaze drifted to the floor, something angry in them. “I’m still useless, aren’t I? I can hardly think straight right now. My brain’s full of cotton balls and my eyes can’t focus on a page, I don’t think I could hold a pen to write, but my blood—you can use my blood, I can help like that—“
“Grian, you are not useless. You are worth so much more than just eyes and hands and blood. you’re my best friend, and I can’t let you talk about my best friend that way.”
Grian stared at him a moment. Then, he burst into laughter. A small chuckle at first then a real, unstoppable laugh that managed to get Mumbo laughing too. “What? What’s funny?”
Grian’s laugh quieted, but his voice was still tinged with some kind of inexplicable mirth. “I don’t— I don’t know. I think we both need to get some sleep. Can we maybe talk about this in the morning?”
Mumbo smiled. Honestly, with the effect of Grian’s blood wearing off already, that didn’t sound half bad. “You promise?”
Grian stuck out his pinky finger, his face now serious, at odds with the childish gesture. “Promise.”
They shook. “Oh, I almost forgot,” Mumbo reached into his pocket for the antibacterial wipe. “Let me see your lip.”
Grian opened his mouth slightly, brushing the spot with the pads of his fingers, frowning when they came away tinged with red. Mumbo unwrapped the wipe, holding Grian in place with a thumb on his chin. Grian hissed through his teeth as Mumbo whispered apologies, cleaning the small cuts. He paused, considering, before tilting Grian’s chin down to press a kiss to his forehead.
“All done. Let’s get to bed, huh?”
“You first.”
“I said let’s, didn’t I?”
And then they cuddle for like 16 hours and mumbo wakes up and panics because how on earth was he so bold last night.
Cya next time!
WAHHHHH THEY 🥹🥹🥹 I love them so much. I'm so head empty but WAHHHH!!!! I love the peek into mumbo's head and his reaction to what happened <333 and them just agreeing to both sleep and talk in the morning ;A;
god that morning conversation... I can see it being SUCH a mess. oh grian beloved, you traumatized little guy :D
I love this, once again <333
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mysteriouswolf · 1 month
itsa you, Mysterious!
I'm gonna ask you some questions. you! are free to answer all of these questions, or some (or none, but I don't think that's gonna happen). if you don't want to answer a question, that's okay! all I ask is that you put something like n/a where the answer to that question would be :)
idk if I've asked you this, but what's ur favorite life series?
When did you start watching HC, and what season of Life did you start on?
are you into EPIC the musical?
what is your opinion on red velvet cake? I made some today and it looked rly good and also we made cream cheese frosting but the frosting had about a zillion tons of powdered sugar and it looked like my phone and I had done crack together
what is your time zone, if youre amicable to sharing
are you a blob shaped person, a person shaped blob, or a blob shaped blob? (person shaped people do exist, but you and I are Tumblr users. we're not without the blob)
Also do you think I'm a blob shaped person, person shaped blob, or blob shaped blob.
what is your favorite way to eat chicken (if you eat chicken)
do you wear glasses
what is your favorite school subject. opinion on science
what is your favorite time o' day
what is your favorite music album
favorite way to consume potats.
one of your favorite fanfics (if you read fics)
are your nails painted? if so what colors? (my left pointer, middle, and ring fingers are silver. all my other fingers are normal)
did you know that you're loved?
did you know that your hair and nails seem to grow after you die because the rest of your body is decaying faster?
what is your favorite animal?
my brain is currently a string of "chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken" and now it's "chicken chicken chicken chicken" but in Halsey's voice. and also there's a different radio station that's just repeating the last refrain of Guilty As Sin? doesn't go very well with the "chicken chicken chicken CHICKEN"
as I am currently falling asleep on my phone, it is time for me to go to bed
I leave you with one last thing
You are. my fire--
no seriously tho
you're awesome. don't let anyone tell you different :)
signing into orbit,
Royal :)
(I wrote this all last night and apparently never pressed the ask button lol)
(also you so know that later at some point you're getting a random list of questions too)
Fav. life series: Definitely Double Life- I'm a Grian main, and usually with life series I also watch Scar, Pearl, Scott, Joel, and now Gem. But I absolutely ADORE literally every pair in that series. I mean, the divorce quartet, Desert Duo, The Ranchers, Boat Boys, SO MUCH ICONIC STUFF HAPPENED THERE AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
When did you start watching Hermitcraft? I started watching it at the beginning of season six, watching Grian!! Hermitcraft was the first ever minecraft stuff I ever watched on YT acutally- and I've watched the life series since the very beginning as well.
EPIC the musical? RAHHHH I WILL LISTEN TO IT I PROMISE AKFNEANUIJ. My friends keep begging me and I WILL I just haven't had the time yet- I'm a major Greek mytholgy nerd tho so I will probably like it lol
Red Velvet cake? Uhm- I wouldn't suggest doing crack with your phone, but yeah it's okay. It just tastes the same as chocolate to me, and chocolate's my favorite so I guess it's also my favorite...? I've only had it like twice. Also, I don't like frosting/icing cause Bad Texture™
Time Zone? My time zone is EST :P
I am a person shaped blob. I am not a person. Just blob in a skin suit.
You are also person shaped blob. But like, leaning more on the blob side than person-looking side.
Fav. way to eat chicken? CHIVETTA'S (I love chicken sm)
Glasses? Yea, I do wear glasses! Rn they're blue and black. Fun fact, my eyesight is so bad that I'm *technically* legally blind.
Fav. subject? ELA
Opinion on Science? I enjoy science a lot- espcically doing labs and expirments. And space and rocks. But not like. most of earth science. like weather and plate tectonics and junk. that's boring. I LOVE bio though.
Fav. time of day? Nighttime. Like, right around 10pm-2am specifically. It's so pretty outside, and it's cool out during the summer
Fav. music album? Okay this is hard I CANT CHOOSE JUST ONE- probably the Lemon Boy album by Cavetown, Paramore. By Paramore. (I don't understand why bands name albums after themselves) and rn I've been listening to the album Grief Chapter by Mother Mother until I suck every single bit of dopamine out of it.
Potats? Potats. Love them so much. Best food. So many amazing creations. Probably mashed potats, but I love baked potats too--
Fav. Fanfics? That's also so hard man- my favorite used to be like this Divergent High School AU that was never finished but I would check back every day when I was in 7th grade because I loved it so much, but currently it's either @insomnya777's bfop au or Leave Me Be which was a Grian fanfic THAT WAS SO SAD AND ANGSTY on wattpad (look I started reading fanfic there and its got good stories. dont come at me. i love ao3 too) by Hollie_is_cool
Nails painted? I used to get my nails painted a lot but I would always pick the polish off the day after so I stopped
Did you know that you're loved? I actually think I do. I still struggle with believing it sometimes, but yeah. Yeah, I do. And it's amazing <3
I...also did not know that. That's weird. But also cool.
Fav. animal? WOLFIESSSSSS or FOXIESSSSS!!! Wolves because they're just silly lil guys like foxes but they also represent my personality a lot- and I'm not talking lone wolf. I'm talking about the way wolves actually act. How wolves are pack animals, and need to be looked after but also care for their packs so so much, and have lifelong partners. How wolves are incredibly intelligent and are protective of the ones they love, and how they feel lost when they're alone. It is not a wolf's natural state to be alone.
hehe I love how you do the signing into orbit thing it's genuinely so cool akrgjirsdh- also, I want you to know that you're so fucking incredible too, Royal, and I hope you know that you're loved so much too- I was so excited to get home today so I could type a proper response to this lol I love your random questions and just genuine care and love for the people you know. It's amazing :3333
ALSO SIDE NOTE OUR SCHOOL DID THAT TOO WITH THE LIL PLASTIC DUCKS BEFORE??? BUT IN THE CHORUS ROOM?? And our chorus teacher did a complete 180 and made them his lol
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wahooitsamee · 2 months
If you're invisible and close your eyes do you see through your eyelids
…huh. 🤔🤔🤔
i just woke up and this has baffled me a little. 😵‍💫 i’m leaning towards no, but if you did see through your eyelids, it would be super inconvenient. i think. no more sleep for you.
invisibility would be an inconvenience anyway, right? if i was a superhero and my power was being invisible, i’d be pretty annoyed.
um.. does that answer the question? 😅
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glcive · 5 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog !
ooh tysm mandy!!
i have naturally curly hair but i straighten it to save time (i dont have a diffusser sobs)
im part italian (itsa me, mario)
on the topic of mario im very good at mario kart challenge me if you fucking dare >:)
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aqg-arts · 9 months
I always like to play a game of 'who does this character remind you of' by myself at 12.30 pm on a Sunday night @ 69 Avenue, Joe Mamma's Street, so why not on here? Ima give y'all 5 characters from Warframe and then who they remind me of. But before you see my answers, write down your own in the comments or what not.
Sounds fun?
Good. Gooooodddd.
Ok, 5 characters, letsa go!
1. Teshin
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2. Umbra
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3. Lotus/Natah/Margulis or however the fuck you spell her name
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4. Nef Anyo
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5. Daddy- I mean Hunhow
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Ok, AQG stupidity below :3
1. Daveed Giggs.
Ha, you thought I would make a Joe Mamma's joke, but no, itsa me, AQG BEING A FUCKIN GENUINE SMART ASS WOOOOOOO
Anyway, Tehsin would slay in Hamilton, don't @ me.
2. Brittany Spears
Tortured artist.
3. Bell, but she has Stockholm Syndrome
Need I say more?
4. Mr Orange president
Loves money, extremely manipulative; capitalism.
5. Mr Bill Nye, the science guy!
Treasure to humanity (to me at least), good father to Natah and Erra + Shadow Stalker has a good and healthy relationship with him.
Stay tuned for the next edition of:
jk, it's actually an acronym called:
(Who does this character remind you of?).
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davejade-daily · 8 months
welcome to davejade daily!!
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we post content of jade, dave and the relationship davejade. not necessarily daily, as we have lives, but we will be posting original art, edits and writing. we will also reblog relevant art, fics and writing, because other people are also making awesome dave, jade and/or davejade content that deserves attention too!! if you see a like from us, chances are, you are in the queue! hooray!!
this blog is run by @crookedgrifter and @ardentastronomer!! check us out if you want :D
taglist and such under the cut
#mod harley <- this is the tag crookedgrifter (griff) will be posting from.
#mod strider <- itsa me, ardentastronomer
#davejade <- for any post about them
#davejade art <- any of our davejade art
#davejade fic <- any little stories we write :D
romantic content will be tagged as #davejade art/fic <3, platonic content will be #davejade art/fic <> and any ambiguous content will just be #davejade.
#jade art
#dave art
#not davejade
#nonsense <- for silly things!!
#art reblog
#fic reblog
#answered <- ask tag
#au tag <- for our various au rambles and doodles!!
#requests <- for any art requests we receive!
#ms pain(t) monday
we do take requests of content (fic, art, edits) relevant to this blog (homestuck, jade harley, dave strider, davejade in both platonic and romantic forms, and any of our aus). we will fulfill these requests if and when we can. please be patient. we will not do suggestive or NSFW work.
i, mod harley, aka griff, am an enjoyer of jade harley and classpecting (prospit dreaming prince of void, sagittarius, sagittanius). i am a hobbyist artist, and i have been a homestuck for a year now. i discovered it through chrisrin's awesome art, and have not left since. i convert oxygen into carbon dioxide!! woo!! and so do you!!! i am a little bit silly and i am Totally Normal about jade. and davejade. aa/mod strider is my moirail!! :D
hi. im mod strider, aka aa (because my url doesnt nickname nicely. lookin at you). i also convert oxygen in to carbon dioxide (hey you stole my joke) and am an obsessive theorist. im a derse dreaming knight of light and a virgo/virpia. my fellow mod and moirail gave me the homestuck virus and now theres no hope for me. its terminal. my main hobby is being an internet hermit and multifandom mess, but i also enjoy drawing silly little guys and procrastinating my piano practice by playing taylor swiffer on guitar
thank you and have a good day!!
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godofmagnets · 8 months
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
The rules are: Answer the 15 questions and tag 15 of your mutuals.
love these. you all get to learn nothing new about me tagged by @rockman-x
Are you named after anyone?
depends. are you?
2. When was the last time you cried?
like. last night. this morning. in the shower. 2 seconds ago. right now.
3. Do you have kids?
in spirit i am the adoptive father of 4
4. What sports do you play/have played?
basketball. still upset i have to miss my team's game this weekend bc i have an exam on monday.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
sorry, never heard of it
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
the fact they are a person
7. What's your eye color?
č̵̛̛̀̆̓̒̔̏̈͗̌̈́̕͜͝͝͠ỡ̴͓̰̘͙̫̳̓̔̏͂̑̐̿̏̊̇̓͗͊͌̈́̎̍̑̒̉̐͂̏́̈̿̃̅̏̓͛̍̀͑͌͘͘̚̚͜͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͝n̷̡̢̢̨̨̛̲̬̹̯̙͔̫͇̯̩̱̞̞͇̜̟͖͍̟͕͕͓͎̥̫̝̪͖̓̈́̏͌͊͐͗͑́̊̀͋͑̀̅̓̀̈́͊́́̐̐̾͂͋̆͊̔̽̾̃̂́̓̍̄̈́̒̀̾̀̔͘͜͝͠͝͝͝ͅt̵̛̛̮̩̦̗̻̦̻̟̩̘́̎̀́̊̈́̈́̃̾̆̇͑͑̔͂̇̋̎̈́̾͊̐̂͊͑̋͘͠͠͝e̴͈̼͎̓̎̎̿́̌͋͒̅̿̔̎̒̋̐̑̐̋̿̀͑́̋͘̚̕͝n̷̡̡̡̧̧̢̛̞̯̠͚͔͖̹͍̣͕̙͉͚̼̯͕̩̳͈̰͍͖͈̥̫̲̖̼̰͎̬͇̻̟͓̎̂͋̉̈̊͑͑̊̈́̔́͌̏̓̑͜͝͠t̶̡̧̙͇̞̲̩̬̻̘̤̱̫̺͍͙̫͚̘̳̤̼͓͕̞͚̲͆́̾̃͒̓̎̏̈̓̈́̽͛̐̾̑͗͆̈͂͂͒͌̿̈́̌̀̑͗̏̓̌̂̑̽̓̌́̎͊͗́̑̑̄́͆̉̕̚ͅͅͅ ̷̢̛̼͚͚̹̞̙̳̤̗͈̻̥̞͔̲̮͙̹̖̺͍͚͙͔͙̠͍̝̣͇̱͎̘̙̝̪͓͚̣̼̼͕͂̓̏̿̍̈́́͗̌̄͆̔͋̊̅̅̿͌́̈͌̄͛̀́͂̀̽̋̐́̌̊͆̏̒̓̕͘̕͝͝r̵̡̢̗̹̘̯̹̲̣̣͙̝͔̱̜̟̰̖̤̫̩̖̞̳̽̎̾̅̾̎́̌͑̂̒̒̍̊́́̎̓́͊͊̔̔̽̽̽̿͗̕͘͘͝͝ͅȇ̵̢̡̛̺̳̙͔͓̬̼̱̱̰̯̩̞̹̥͓̟̜̖̞̣͎͎͎̱͜ͅm̴̤̮̗̞̀̽̾̓͌̇̈̐͆̒̄͆͗ơ̸̧̨̨͚͕̩͕̙̪͍͖̣͔͓͔̙̺̳̯̰̭̯̟̭̞̥̦̹̙͚̑͒͊̓́̉̃̔̃͛̀̑͒͑͐̊͂̓̀̄̎̊̉̾̓͗̂̇́̔̆̈̋̌̓͋̈́̽͗̓̚̚͝͝͝͝v̵̨̲̦͕̳̞̰̬̥̞̪̤̬̝̠͙̮͙͓̣͉͙͓͕͉͌̆̇̉̂̏͛͌̃̚ë̷̢̧̛̦̥͇̜͔̟̰̣̱̜̙̯̺͔̺̺̪̝͚͓̜̮̼̻̬̖̻͎͍̪̓͛̂̅̏ͅͅḑ̸̢̢̧̡̳̞̮̜̟̤̟̜̱͓̦̠͖̘͙̲̥̱̯̗̠̭͖̼̟̟̼͖͕̘͕̤̲̜̗̖͍̭̬͐̇͑̊͜͜͜͝
8. Scary movies or Happy endings
9. Any talents?
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
sleeping, eating, minecraft (listening to music, writing, drawing)
12. Do you have any pets?
like 50 million but mainly 4 cats, 2 birds, a lizard, a giant tortoise, a dog
13. How tall are you?
larger than a baby but smaller than a temple
14. Favorite subject in school
15. Dream Job?
first i wanted to be an astronaut now i want to be a sea slug
@taran-wanderer @hyperexplosion @supermonkeyball @thecommunityoftrustworthysinks @team-rnjr @kattitude130 @itsa-me-leaf @protomans-scarf @anonmonitor @yilleypi @reploidbuddy @goldenhydreigon47 and anyone else go wild <3
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wulvert · 1 year
tw for: discussion of suicide (about avery) nd questions about avery's mental state i guess? if ur uncomfortable with answering the questions here for any reason pls for the love of god do NOT answer. or delete the ask nd i can resend it without this part. theres a marker for when i stop talking about it!
i am. so deeply concerned about avery's mental state. the repeated showcases of such severe self hatred to the point of suicidal ideation is so so worrying i want her 2 be happy. i like exploring nd expanding on it when i write her though!!! complex characters my beloved. was avery. always in this mental state before being turned? or was it. becoming a vampire that triggered it. or did becoming a vampire just like. make what she already had worse? i am. very worried for her
(discussion of suicidal topic end)
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also. how did scarlet know where avery lives. did she like. ask trisha nd trisha asked her dad/rummaged through his files? asked kelly?
ok yeah tw: implied suicidal ideation pretty much what lesbian_1sm said:
right so she's def never been this low b4- but she's definitely overall throughout her life been pretty empty, she's never had any control of her own life, its all been what her parents want for her & her brothers- becoming a vampire's the worst possible scenario for her, she under 0 circumstances can fulfill her parents wants in any way whatsoever. so that sucks, cuz she's dedicated every waking moment of her life to that. she's raised to think vampires existing is morally wrong- so she feels guilty for not being dead but she also, honestly doesn't want to die, she's never rly got to live 4 herself but it seems like the only thing ethical thing she can do. so she hates herself a lot, but she also hates herself for not hating herself more. rip. she is gonna latch onto any "excuse" for her to not turn herself in, she just needs some outside thing to justify it to herself with. she genuinely thinks kelly would just kill her no questions asked if she told him even though theyve been friends for like. a gazillion years.
she'll be okay though i think becoming a vampires necessary for her to get better in the long run otherwise she'd stick to that murder grindset for the rest of time
I THINK SHE'S JUST LIKE THAT NOW. shes not used to people anymore. a spam call is a huge event for her- she has to make them stay to talk for a minute.
she probably asked around, i think vampire hunters like to impose so a few people probably know where she lives- & scarlet probably just said she wanted to check up on her after hearing about the disruption - her desperate intensity probably made ppl think they were close friends (not out of character for avery not to let her friends know where she lives, so whatever) so they unquestioningly gave it to her.
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