#james x ken
forasecondtherewedwon · 3 months
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Masters of the Air - "Part Two"
(yeah, I'm still making these. no, I'm not making them in order.)
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Mutual pining (May 12th)
Word count: 700
Sirius screams into his pillow. James startles, knocking the pot of ink on the desk all over his admittedly horrible essay. 
“Godric! What the hell?” James and Sirius are the only ones in their dorm room and Sirius has apparently gone crazy.
“Why won’t he talk to me?” Sirius asks, throwing the pillow on the floor. “Why won’t he just talk to me?”
“Remus literally talks to you all the time,” James says, and he doesn’t need to ask who Sirius is referring to because who else would it be? “And pick up that pillow. This room barely fits all of us when it is tidy.”
“But no, he doesn’t. James, he doesn’t. Not about the things that matter, anyway.” Sirius doesn’t say anything about the pillow but he does pick it up.
“What are the things that matter, again?” James asks, turning his chair around to look at Sirius. 
Sirius blinks. “I just mean that–”
“What is the last thing you two talked about?”
“How peeling an orange is the epitome of love, apparently,” Sirius says. And he doesn’t even say it to be funny. He’s completely earnest.
James truly cannot believe that Remus and Sirius don’t know that they’re already dating. “You talked about– how did that conversation start?”
“I’m not really sure. But, see? I want to talk to Remus about things that matter. And things that don’t matter, as well, like love oranges. It was a really lovely conversation, James. Easy flowing and funny and–”
“Love oranges are funny?”
“Well, Remus is funny, so yeah.”
James nods. He doesn’t want to point out the obvious and tell Sirius to just ask Remus to marry him already if only to see how long it takes Sirius to figure out that Remus is obsessed with him as well.
“Can you help me make a list?”
“Sure,” James says. He tilts his head. “Of what?”
“Of like, conversation starters.”
“You need conversation prompts to talk with Remus?” James raises an eyebrow. Remus and Sirius literally don’t shut up.
“I need conversation prompts to talk about deep things with Remus.”
James starts laughing, and he can’t stop. “Deep things?”
“Oh, fuck off.”
Remus doesn’t sleep well the week before the full moon. James doesn’t sleep well, ever. They snuck out into the Forbidden Forest after Remus broke more quills than James could justify during their late-night library study session. 
“What do you think my animagus would be?” Remus asks as they are walking. “And don’t say a wolf because I will gouge your eyes out.”
James laughs. “I wasn’t going to. An eagle.”
“That’s cool.”
James shrugs. “You’re cool. It makes sense.”
“Sometimes I feel that it’s unfair to Sirius that I like him,” Remus says, and James knows that is what Remus wanted to say in the first place. “That’s a stupid thing to say. I’m sorry.”
James flicks Remus’ head. “Don’t apologize, you twat.”
Remus smiles. “You’re the twat.”
“And it is a stupid thing to say. How is it unfair?”
“You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t. At all.” James shakes his head. He hates that Remus thinks that. If only he could put his two friends in a room and force them to say these things to each other. “Sirius is lucky that you like him. I wish you liked me instead. Screw that guy, come make out with me.”
Remus laughs. “I would totally make out with you. But the heart wants what it wants." Remus pauses. "The heart is a bitch.”
“Is it the hair?” James asks. “I can totally grow my hair out if you want. Did you know my dad has this whole hair business empire thing? And if it’s the eyes there are spells for that! It definitely isn't the music talent, right? He’s the worst person in the choir. And I’m better at Quidditch.”
Remus whistles. “You really are the whole package, Jamie.”
“Damn right!”
“It's the Sirius,” Remus says, then he groans. “Wow. That’s humiliating. I can’t believe I actually said that.”
James pats Remus’ back. “It happens in the best of families, I’m afraid.” Remus chuckles and James really hopes Remus and Sirius figure it out soon.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 1 month
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This is how I imagine every ship with James Potter included
Like yeah let's be real he's hot but his partners are always like jaw dropping gorgus (I spelt that incorrectly for comedic effect)
And he's just like 😍 and then someone will be like "what on earth do you see that goofy ass dude" and his partner will be like "he makes me laugh 🤷"
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witchb1tches · 10 months
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Rest In Peace 🤝 I'm Just Ken
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moondustinfj · 10 months
Barty Crouch Jr.
"Wormtail, I need somebody with brains, somebody whose loyalty has never been wavered, and you, unfortunately, fulfill neither requirement" -Voldemort to Peter
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"I was under my father's control, I was forced to wear an invisibilty cloak day and night. I was always with the house elf. She was my keeper and care taker, she pitied me"
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"Should have spent a bit more time at home with his family, shouldn't he? Ought to have left the office early once in a while...got to know his son" - Sirius Black, about Barty's father
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"Father I didn't! I didn't, I swear it, Father..
Don't send me there, don't let him! I'm your son! I'm your son!"
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"Who put your name in the Goblet of Fire, under the name of a different school? I did. Who frightened off every person who i thought might try to hurt you or prevent you from winning the tournament? I did. Who nudged Hagrid into showing you the dragons? I did. Who helped you to see the only way you could beat the dragon? I did"
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"Mad, am i?"
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emmedoesntdomath · 10 months
james, facedown on the table: I’m so stupid 
sirius, laughing at him: yes, yes you are-
regulus, from across the room: no 
james, sitting up and clearing his throat: you know, I suddenly feel better. the world is such a beautiful place. I’m doing great, actually. 
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supercap2319 · 6 months
"This is so weird. And embarrassing." Y/N said.
Y/N and Sky used the Stone of Memories from the Royal Archives at Alfea, and accidentally ended up in the past. Specifically, the time at Alfea when Andreas and Silva were teenagers themselves, and the headmistress was named Mavilla.
It was weird seeing Alfea college for Fairies like this. Seeing a young Ben Harvey, Ms. Dowling. Even Rosalind. Y/N and Sky pretended to be students at Alfea. Attending the school dance as they watched Silva and Andreas sneak off, and in a cruel twist of fate, they watched them kiss.
"You're embarrassed? What about me? Watching my dad and Silva kissing behind the stone wall. This is our make-out spot. Now, I have to find out my dad and Silva did things there too?"
"I think we need a new make-out spot." Y/N jokes.
"We should go. This is so disgusting." Sky grimaced.
"I always knew they were more than best friends." Y/N giggled as Silva and Andreas broke apart and looked at them. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
"Making out." Y/N grabbed Sky and kissed him on the lips.
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respectthepetty · 3 months
Like good for homeboy already being honest in the light by telling Wela who his mom is and all.
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But having the boys stuck between the pink and the approaching blinding light of love is a lot for episode three, no?!
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And what is going on with Seiji and Ken?! Because the incoming blinding bisexual light better mean I'm getting POLY with Japan!
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Oh! And who the hell does James like?!
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Cheewin, you better answer for these colors, sir!
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trashbag-baby666 · 1 month
Oh, Baby!-Firehouse au
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Summary: Curt and John are on call during the full moon…their calls are deemed to be more crazy, including them carrying out three different women in labor at once. (Loosely based on an episode of 9-1-1)
WC: 2, 245
C/W: birthing
MOTA Masterlist!
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"I told you there is no way the full moon has anything to do with the kind of calls we get tonight." Benny grumbled bent down in front of the truck inspecting the skunk leftovers. 
"Speak for yourself DeMarco, but you're telling me it doesn't seem kinda crazy that we coincidentally hit two fuckin’ skunks on just this last call!" Curt was about the most superstitious one in the house. Although he just blamed it on his Irish heritage. He barely allowed them to make spaghetti, because that would always warrant a call, don't say it's quiet because then they'll get a hail storm of calls, he even went as far as carrying the same routine of laying in bed for 15 minutes then going to sleep. Because if he laid down and went to bed right away there most certainly would be a call.
"Counter argument, we were driving on a back road there was sure to be skunk. But maybe you wouldn't know the difference between a skunk and a raccoon, New York." 
"Shut your fuckin' yapper, Benny." Curt pulled on a pair of the rubber gloves pulling out an unfortunate piece of skunk out of the grill.
"You guys aren't making probie do this?" Ham walked over ,the smell considerably stinking up the house so he came to complain.
"No, I'm not gonna make Brady dig skunk out of the grill. Now you on the other hand...Your mamaw used to make you shoot squirrels for dinner. Why don't you come and dig out Mr Skunky?" Benny held the tail portion and began to chase the lenghty blonde with it. 
Curt took this as his opportunity to get out of there and not have to help him dig out skunk. 
Alas, another call and John could feel his sinuses swell the moment they walked into the yoga studio. The overwhelming scent of far too many incense tickled his nose causing him to sneeze.
"Bless you, cap." Dougie walked beside him carrying the backboard. Apparently some lady was stuck in a yoga position. 
"I'm Firefighter Captain John Egan, can you show us to where she is?" He held his hand out to shake the instructor's hand.
"Yeah, just this way, I will tell you that the yoga class is for women over 26 weeks pregnant and I tell them not to overexert themselves." She held open the curtain into the yoga studio revealing the woman stuck in what looked to be a nearly impossible looking pose. Her leg up into the air, her chest on the ground and her arms laid out behind her.
"The locust pose," Curt spoke with a bit of too much excitement in his voice. The two side eyed him at the random information drop, "What, Kenny drags me to yoga class with him?"
John shook his head and nudged Dougie, walking over to the lady. Alright can I have you guys step away from her, so we can get in there?" he got on his knees next to her.
"Uh, it hurts so bad," The lady whimpered and John couldn't even imagine bearing the pain that she was in right now. it's something he always thought about on calls, "Is the baby okay? Please tell me my baby's okay!"
"Okay, we're gonna check your baby right now, ma'am, I'm gonna touch your stomach." John put two fingers onto the woman's stomach feeling for abdomen trauma, "Okay, no abdominal trauma."
"Vitals seem normal, fetal heart beat is normal." Dougie held the stethoscope to her stomach for a moment listening. 
"Good, amazing."
"Is the baby fine?" the lady's voice panicked as she let out another groan of pain. 
"Your baby is fine," John assured her, getting down on his elbows to talk to her.
"He's not even mine, I'm a surrogate."
"Well you outta charge them for this," John sighed, they paid their surrogate for Flynn very kindly and he sure would want to compensate her if she had been in a situation like that. "Can you tell me where you're feeling any pain? is it localized? in your arms, back, legs?"
"Arms and legs but it's the worst in my butt and down my thigh and calf." 
"Look, I think you slipped a disc." John sat up back onto his knees, " we're gonna need to get her on her side, very carefully. Support her head, Dougie. We're coming towards you."
John instructed them as they began to move her onto her side a woman across the room let out a loud pained groan. She was on her knees rocking back and forth, her face scrunched up. This is what John really didn't want to do, deliver a baby tonight. 
"Alright I'm gonna take care of that, you take care of this." Since it was a full moon shift they were being spaced out and it was just the three of them. John took his gloves off and swapped them for a new pair walking over to the other woman. 
"I think I'm having contractions ." The woman's forehead was covered in beads of sweat and her teeth clenched. 
"Alright, how far along are you ma'am?" John knelt in front of her. 
"38 weeks. alright just keep breathing with your contractions, what's your name?" 
"Okay, Curt, get some water for Sarah." John pointed to him and the instructor quickly fetched him a water bottle. It's times like these that John really would surprise everyone with how calm and collected he could be on a call. 
"Okay, I think this is Braxton Hicks, it's a type of soft labor. your contractions will go away once we get you hydrated and relaxed. Curt handed John the bottle of water and he unscrewed the cap and handed it to her, "Sip on this."
Pure terror ran through John's body as the terrifying sound of another woman's water breaking.
"Oh god," She looked panicked, her hands going to her stomach. 
"Curt," John cleared his throat.
"Yup I'm already on it, dispatch, requesting additional paramedics to 263 Casper and Main. Possible spinal disc herniation needs transport to hospital immediately." Curt spoke into his radio and helped the lady onto the floor. John rushing to his side, 
"Have you done this before, cap?" he raised his eyebrows, his eyes a little wide in panic.
"Uh, no but I've seen Kenny do it." 
"Okay, I'm gonna." Curt pulled out his phone and John nodded. 
"Okay, your contractions just started so I think we can get you to a hospital." John rested her hand on the lady's shoulder.
"No this is my fourth kid, it's coming." She growled at him, deservingly. 
"Okay, we need towels! I need towels." John began to look around as another woman brought over a stack of towels. "Curt, how we doin'?"
"Just got him on the line," he came back over to them. 
"Hey, Kenny, I hope you can help me out here." 
"Anytime, Bucky, alright how far are her contractions apart?"
"Cap, her contractions are three minutes apart. I don't think this is in soft labor..." Dougie spoke from across the room sitting with Sarah still. 
"Uhm, alright, well ma'am you're having this baby we won't be able to get you to the hospital. Transportation is too risky right now, but you're in good hands." He nodded to her, whipping over his shoulder as another woman's water broke. 
"Kenny we got a third, can you walk us through this. I've only watched you do it." John felt his stomach turning with his own anxiety about all the bodily fluids and umbilical cords. He shuddered metaphorically because he couldn't be scared in front of these women. 
"Ma'am I have a paramedic on the phone with me right now. His name is Ken Lemmons and he's gonna help us through this." 
"Okay, have her lay against someone with her knees bent in a squatting position.” Kenny instructed and John waved over the instructor to help. 
"They say when a full moon's between the eastern horizon and at its highest point it can induce labor." the instructor smiled, clasping her hands together.
"I told you the full moon brought out the crazy." Curt put his hands up in defense rushing over to the third woman and helping her lay down.
"We can discuss the moon later, Curt. Okay now what, Kenny?"
"If you're not in labor can we please have you exit the space and go into the lobby?" John asked, pointing towards the door, he grabbed his radio, "Dispatch, I have two possibly three women in labor. I need a couple of extra transports to the hospital. 
"Okay, Bucky, I'm gonna need you to have her push, alright?"
"Okay, and we're pushing take a deep breath in," 
"I've done this four times!" The woman snapped at John as she pushed clenched another woman's hand 
"Is the baby crowning, John?" 
"Yes, yes the baby's crowning." He supported the baby's head, "You're doing such a good job right now, ready one, two, three." she let another roaring yell as she pushed again. 
"Do you see the umbilical cord? Make sure it's not wrapped around the baby's neck."
"No, no everythings normal." John felt his stomach beginning to get queasy but he could not do this here. He tries to ignore all the fluids and blood, he thinks he might actually take five showers when they get back to the firehouse. 
"Can someone get you a towel?"
"Curt! I need a towel!" 
He came rushing over with one John snatching it straight out of his hands and putting it on the floor. 
"Okay, are you seeing shoulders?"
"Yeah, yeah."
"Alright, one last big push."
"Ma’am, can you give me one last big push?" John was trying to catch his own breath. If the full moon was anything of good luck he needed it to not pass out. 
She let out an ear piercing, banshee-like scream. The baby fully being born, John catching her in the towel. God, newborns are so ugly... "Congrats, on your baby girl." 
"Curt, do you have the clamp and scissors?"
“Yep,” he turned to hand them to him but he just stared back at him. He was not going to be cutting the cord or else he was going to need an ambulance too. 
“Are you?” Curts eyes narrowed as his glare set in on him, “Why do I have to do it?” “Damnit, just.” in a moment of pure adrenalin he snatched the clamp from him, moving quickly and cut the umbilical cord. Nearly sending himself to the floor but he quickly swaddled the baby in the towel and handed her to the mom. 
“Cap, she’s sayin’ she didn’t feel this way with her last pregnancy!” Dougie called from across the room. John rushed over to see the petite lady.
“Ma’am how tall are you?”
“Four 11.”
“Did your doctor tell you about the size of your baby? Is he big?” “Yeah he’s big.”
“Alright, I think your baby's head is too big for your pelvis, we’re gonna get you to a hospital immediately for an emergency c-section.” Like on time the paramedics arrived and the three felt relieved. 
“Our names are Curtis, Dougie, and John if you wanna…name any of your babies after us.” Dougie removed his gloves picking up the bag.
The first thing John did after they got back to the firehouse, but the second thing was sitting down to call Gale. It was late and part of him felt guilty knowing if he called he would wake him up. But as soon as he was staring at Gale's contact a text came through from him. He hit the callsign with no hesitation bringing the phone to his ear. 
“Hey,” He smiled as soon as Gale picked up, not even giving him a chance to speak. “How’s your full moon shift going? Has curt convinced you you’re going to turn into a werewolf?” he could feel his smile through the phone, he could imagine Gale in his raspberry maroon silk robe. Leaning on the counter maybe? His phone in one hand while he mindlessly fidgeted with something else.
“No, no. But I think Curt might be onto something with the moon…” 
“Don’t count on it.” 
“You’re no fun, you won’t even let me read you your horoscope.” John smiled, running his hands through his hair sitting back in his office chair. 
“So, what’s got you convinced? What crazy thing happened tonight?” 
“Well, we got called to this prenatal yoga studio because this lady was stuck in this pose. But then three ladies ended up in labor, two gave birth.” 
“Oh, so our daughter's birth was too much for you?” Gale laughed at him, a snort coming from his nose.
“Okay, but I was on an adrenaline rush and I almost passed out after cutting the one lady’s cord.” 
“I’m proud of you, John, I haven’t ever delivered a baby before.”
“We had to call Kenny to tell us how to do it.” John snickered his cheesy smile pulling on his face and he realized he might look crazy if any of the guys saw him right now. “You should make him a pie for that, he always brings you pie anyways.” 
“I’ll get the girls to help me. But I just wanted to hear your voice, I miss you.”
“I’ll see ya in the morning Johnny, love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Oh and don’t let the Curt wolf bite!” 
Taglist: @austeenbootler @coastiewife465 @slowsweetlove @executethyself35 @storysimp
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James and Lily as Barbie and Ken in their skating outfits save me
save me Lily and James as Barbie and Ken in their skating outfits
Sirius can be Allen as a treat
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listed chronologically - to be updated as I write more!
'The Seraphim' - Crew Introduction
-> friends - the crew enjoy a night out after a long day of training.
-> red. - kit and bucky spend their first night together, but it becomes clear they're not quite after the same thing.
-> kinship - bucky finds his expectations dashed in the aftermath of his night with kit
-> charm - douglass attempts to help maisie come out of her shell
-> undress - macon is surprised to learn that his fellow prisoner yara katz is more than the sullen facade she appears to be.
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hisakirambles · 12 days
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✨ IT’S SHOWTIME!! The grand performance of the Fool and his wonderful and beautiful accomplice is here to steal the spotlight! ✨
My main piece done for the HSR OC x Canon Collab, “One Night in Penacony” on Instagram!
Just two partners in crime and love having fun together in Penacony~
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ha1taniwh0re · 1 year
World vs smartest characters from my masterlist fandoms
Bsd-Ranpo (my opinion/google)
Ynm-William James Moriarty (my opinion)
Sote-Ferid (google/my opinion)
Dl-Reiji Sakamaki(my opinion/google)
Naruto-Shikamaru Nara(google)
Tokyo rev-Kisaki(google)
Tokyo ghoul-Kaneki Ken(google)
Black butler-Undertaker(my opinion)
(some of them are just my opinion some are from google)
(@yune1337 it's a month from when you told me the idea but i did it thanks for idea<3)
Let's say that they need to rob the bank. First of all we have 2 vampires, 1 ghoul, 1 ninja, 2 smart ass criminas, 1 hell smart detective and 1 angel of death.
Reiji and William would be the ones that stay at safe place and control everything from there, tell others when police is on there way, hack everything....
Ferid , Kaneki and Undertaker are the hide bitches who get out when police get to bank so they can kill them. Undertaker would get there lifes, Ferid would drink there blood and Kaneki would eat them so no bodys to be worried about.
Shikamaru is the one who drives. He stays in van and wait for others to finish work because everything is boring for him, but if one police get away from Ferid and Kaneki Shikamaru would use his shadow power and than call for Ferid or Kaneki to finish the man.
Kisaki is the one who takes money you know. He is in bank and get them money.
And the last one is Ranpo our detective. When police arrive in the morning at bank Ranpo is the one who hides evidence if somebody left them by accident.
I would love to see if you agree with me<333
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starkcontrasts · 2 years
going feral over these pictures ken duken posted of andreas, sky, and silva with the caption "let's face it danny griffin your dads are #nutters"
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HIS TAGS ABSOLUTELY SENT ME THO #saulandandreas #parents #badboy #goodboy #mommyanddaddy 😉🙈🤙🔥😘
also this one:
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this one makes me think either andreas is sending the pic to sky showing his best fuckboy face like "yeah don't come home son silva and i finally reconciled *wink wink*" and saul's just not about it like "it's gonna take more than that before i let him in my bed again" OR this pic is after sky did smth questionable and andreas is the approving father while silva is the disapproving dad
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darkimpala1897 · 3 months
So I posted this fic yesterday!
And someone in the comments asked for a guide of who is inside who Lmfao sounds dirty, so I decided to post it here, so when I do more parts to this AU. This can be used as a cheat sheet.
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The man that our boy John "Bucky" Egan is inside or inhabiting Lmfao
1. Full name Phoenix Callum Butler nee Roberts
2. Naturally blond
3. He was born in Fort Wayne Indiana nowhere near Phoenix Arizona.
4. He's a gymnast and classically trained ballerina
5. Married
6. Can actually sing which makes Bucky happy.
7. He can also play the guitar.
8. British-American, the accent is still slightly freaking out Bucky.
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The man that Gale "Buck" Clevens is inhabiting slash took over.
1. Full name Dallas Gareth Butler, which yes Buck finds absolutely ridiculous.
2. His dark hair is natural.
3. He was born in Raleigh North Carolina nowhere near Dallas Texas, and Buck is pretty sure the guy has never been to Dallas.
4. He's a journalist which Buck finds interesting.
5. He's married to the guy Bucky is inhabiting.
6. Collects Elvis stuff.
7. Has a pet tarantula which Buck has yet to figure the name out.
8. American, according to everyone he sounds like Elvis.
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The man that Harry Crosby is inhabiting.
1. Full name Anthony John Booth, which Croz doesn't mind except the middle and last name.
2. He looks pretty much the same which he's thankful for, he just looks slightly younger which nobody really notices.
3. He was born in Lincoln Illinois which the irony is hilarious.
4. Photographer for the same newspaper that Buck works for.
5. Dating the guy Bubbles is inhabiting for like seven years.
6. He is in fact realted to John Wilkes Booth in this timeline, as Crosby says he can't escape the lookalike contest. Manhunt reference.
7. Collects stamps, which Crosby doesn't understand either.
8. Irish-American, the accent throws him off sometimes.
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The man that Everett Ernest Blakely is inhabiting.
1. Full name David Jonas Sheilds, one of the most normal name in the group.
2. He looks pretty much the same except his hair is slightly shorter.
3. Born in Tampa Florida.
4. He's a therapist, and because of this Blakely has started nitpicking everyone.
5. Has a pet crab, which is friends with Bucks tarantula. Everyone makes fun of Blakely for the crab joking he has crabs.
6. American, no accent but he is the honorary Curt translator.
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The man that John Brady is inhabiting.
1. Full name Benjamin John Sutton.
2. He looks pretty much the same, maybe a little younger.
3. Born in San Francisco California
4. Fashion designer which was obvious to Brady almost immediately, because he got jump scared by one of the mans mannequins.
5. Steals mannequins from department stores.
6.The most fashionable one in the group, which he doesn't do on purpose.
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The man that Howard "Hambone" Hamilton is inhabiting.
1. Jordan Claire Washington, or Claire which Hambone hates but he's getting use to it.
2. He looks pretty much the same except the brown hair and lip ring he has going on.
3. Born in Washington state.
4. Tattoo artist which took Hambone awhile to figure out, he thought he was an artist at first.
5. Engaged to the man Douglass is inhabiting.
6. He uses the guy Ken is inhabiting as his human test subject for tattoos.
7. Dresses like the poster boy of every early 2000s emo band.
8. British-American, the accent is a little worse then Buckys.
9. Collects cat statutes and sea shells.
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The man that Bernard "Benny" DeMarco is inhabiting.
1. Full name Adam Campbell Long, the last name makes everyone giggle.
2. Looks exactly the same.
3. Born in Albany New York.
4. Bartender at a strip club, which DeMarco finds hilarious mostly because of his last name.
5. Can make a killer margarita.
6. Has OCD which drives DeMarco insane.
7. American, with a slight New York accent.
8. Owns a husky named Meatball, which makes DeMarco so happy that Meatball and him are together in every timeline.
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The man James Douglass is inhabiting.
1. Full name Elliott Edward Parker
2. Looks pretty much the same, the only thing that's missing is his hair which Douglass complains about on a daily basis.
3. Born in Saint Louis Missouri.
4. Stripper Cop at the same strip club that DeMarco works at as a bartender, Douglass finds it fucking hilarious he loves this timeline version of him.
5. Engaged to the man Hambone is inhabiting.
6. Douglass wouldn't stop taking off his clothes once he figured out his profession of choice, he also gave Blakely a lap dance which Hambone dared him to.
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The man John B. "Jack" Kidd is inhabiting.
1. Full name Ashley Edward Johnson, which Kidd hates with a passion.
2. Born in Salt Lake City Utah.
3. Fifth grade science teacher, which makes so much sense to Kidd because he already deals with children in the 40s, so why not modern day.
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The man Kenneth "Ken" Lemmons is inhabiting.
1. Full name Samuel Kai Lawson, which Ken finds kickass.
2. Born in Grand Rapids Michigan.
3. He owns his own mechanic shop.
4. His tattoos and ear piercing were all done by the man Hambone is inhabiting, who uses him as a test subject. Even after Hambone took over, Ken let him practice on him.
5. He's been dating the man Rosie is inhabiting for two years.
6. Owns a cat named Fleas, which Ken finds kinda of insulting to the cat.
I've hit the ten picture limit, but part two to this chaos will be posted shortly!
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arte-mis-t · 2 years
Andreas: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Farah: No.
Saul: Mistlefoe!
Farah: Saul, please, stop encouraging him
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