#jazz talks
daddywright · 9 days
if you ever see a reply to your comment on one of my fics a million years after you left it i am SORRY but i do want you to know i appreciate it... i'm just slow ;w;
if i HAVEN'T responded to your comment yet and it's been longer than six months just know i appreciate it and i might be too ashamed to say so directly LMAO
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apprenticeofdoyle · 8 months
BALLS deep in dunmeshi rn.... monsterfuckers lend me your aid. please send me all you have and I mean that seriously I need fic/art immediately
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jazzyvlogs · 10 months
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Feels kinda wrong to kick him while he's already down.
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solid-snaked · 4 months
Are you doing alright? It's been awhile since you've posted anything.
oh, thanks for asking. if you mean my writing, then I did have to take a break for a while for life stuff! This spring was really wild (in good and bad ways), but I'm hoping to have more spoons for it this summer. 💜
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reigenhasadhd · 5 months
seeing my friends get into mp100 because of me is always so great! i love hearing them say, "omg, you were so right, this is so good" because it feels like getting a gold star sticker. like, yes, thank you so much for giving it a shot and experiencing something so great! :D
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rossamundpike · 7 months
my psychiatrist doesn't like that i have a disability, she's denying me an official diagnose, even if i have been treated for OCD, depression, anxiety and some other stuff since 2015... i don't know what the fuck with that bitch, i'm upset and sad, i went to my regular check up yesterday and she didn't even ask me if i was taking my meds, or how i was doing... she knows due to AuDHD (even if she wants to ignore it) i can't face authority and i'm highly sensitive so if she doesn't ask me something i won't say it because i feel rejected and that terrifies me...
so basically i'm feeling like shit and i need my certificate and she won't give it to me... kudos to the public health system in Chile...
the worst is i read some reviews of her in her private practice and she's the nicest and most empathic doctor they've ever seen, which makes me feel more like shit because if i'd have 100 bucks i could pay her and be treated like a human being... wow...
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headsincloud9 · 1 year
hi x
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Oh my god Sammi lovelie that picture 😂🤣
Hey girl how you??
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hiveraurora · 8 months
I'm going to be sick.. it's been like 2nor 3 years since the last time emotional distress just straight up made me vomit
It's probably not gonna happen now either
But the feeling is there
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regonold · 6 months
Danny gets deaged and heads to Gotham to find jazz at collage there's only one problem he knows where the collage is just now where jazz's class is
Enter one bruce wayne who genuinely just so happened to be there (he's pulling a brucie wayme stunt) seeing a small kid looking around worried so what does the serial adopter do? Well he goes up to the kid of course crouching down to ask if he's ok whats his name wheres his parents or siblings?
Now jazz, jazz all but raised danny she protected him from a young age and helped him with anything he needed and durimg her time at collage she had worried for him, with the amount of bull her parents spouted she wouldn't be surprised if danny up and left
So imagine her surprise when she spotted her baby brother de aged talking to some stranger and at that moment every instinct flared and she remembered every warning she read or heard about Gotham and she acted
Danny was just looking for his sister when some guy crouched down to talk with him after asking some questions danny heard a sound he was familiar with jazz running
Bruce really wasn't expecting to be kicked for trying to help a kid
Artistic representation of jazz kicking bruce\/
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 261
“So is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child or…” 
“I mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Superman…” 
“No you’re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batman’s bat-ears and he’s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-” 
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apprenticeofdoyle · 8 months
*blows a kiss in the air* I hope every writer looking for an artist partner and every artist looking for a writing partner finds their creative soulmate... *blows another* and that they connect and go insane together and bring beautiful things into the world
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jazzyvlogs · 10 months
Reasons I wouldn't survive left 4 dead 2
I have not one but two bad knees
I can't run
one of my legs is noticablely longer then the other and makes me violently limp.
Can't even leave my bed what makes you think I'm going out to find food? Does door dash work in the zombie apocalypse?
incredibly dumb
Very low iq
Laughs very loud when nervous
Can't take anything seriously
Would try and fuck hunter.
Would try and fuck smoker
Would try and fuck charger
Did I mention trying to fuck hunter?
Doesn't know what leg day is
Would chug pills
Too many shots of adrenaline
Attention span of a gold fish.
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x Dc AU: Jason and Jazz have been dating for a while and... Danny presumes that because he knows about Jason being Red Hood that Jason knows about Phantom. 
Danny got a text randomly in the afternoon from Jazz’s boyfriend. Which was inherently a strange experience considering Jason was typically dead asleep in the afternoon from all his ‘evening shifts’ and Jazz was in class. Stranger, the message just asked if Danny would be free to meet up today for a short chat. Jason doesn’t reply to Danny’s response of “Anything for my sister’s BOO <3.” 
Normally, Jason would start launching into a rant about Danny’s coffee choice being too like his little brother’s when they met at cafes- right now Jason looks deadly serious. 
“Look. I’ll cut to the chase of it all. I want to ask Jazz to marry me and well, your folks are shitty but it feels weird to not ask for permission.” 
“So do I have permission?” Jason asks, a bit of a glare and Danny can see the RedHood’s famous attitude peeking out with the abundance of anxiety Jason must be feeling. 
“I mean, Yeah! She loves you and I know she’s been subliminally messaging you to find your balls and ask her already.” Danny rolls his eyes and laughs. His brother-in-law to be sure was a strange guy, but he liked him all the more because of it. 
Jason sighs in relief and his normal literature nerd, easy going and plucky ‘cool guy’ attitude comes back. They start chatting about the ring he bought for her, how they’re probably going to have to do a small wedding with his family members to appease his grandpa figure. Its all very cute and optimistic. 
“Love it! She mentioned your grandpa’s rose garden before and that’ll be perfect for human family events before the big ceremony.” 
“Big Ceremony?” Jason sounds unsure of where the conversation is going. 
“Yeah, you know. Plus now that I’m thinking about it, it’s probably for the best that you asked me, the observants would totally turn this into like, an interdimensional faux pa or something if I don’t give them a heads up.” Danny laughs at the idea of it causing an incident, but he can see Jason straighten his shoulders and his eyes attempt to pierce through him. 
“Danny. What the fuck are you talking about?” Jason looks more pissed than he looks concerned, and Danny is just confused. 
“Cause... You Know.” 
“If you don’t give me a real answer I’m going to-” At least Jason was taking deep breaths. 
“Hey man, chill out! I guess Jazz keeps it on the DL but my night shift has-” 
“Night shift? You’re an engineer.” Jason cuts him off and the fact sounds accusatory. 
“And I’m the Ghost King? You knew this?” Danny relents, he hated saying it out loud cause it sounded lame, but he’s not sure why Jason is so up in arms all of a sudden. Jason looked like he might have an aneurysm and Danny knows his expression is declaring Jason is the biggest Dumbass in the world. 
“Danny ...what the fuck are you trying to say to me right now?” 
“That you and Jazz have to have a royal wedding in the Infinite Realms or my counsel and advisors will throw an absolute fit.” 
Jason doesn’t reply so Danny decides to add “You know, ‘cause my title translates to the Family’s royal lineage and if you marry Jazz you’ll become a Prince. I guess you don’t technically have to have a big wedding but if you don’t it’ll just mean shit loads of paperwork and a huge fucking headache on my end. Which I can survive but... I’m sensing that you’re frustrated. Let’s call Jazz.” 
“Let’s do that.” Jason sounds like he’s being strangled. Danny thinks it’s a bit dramatic but is excited to help Jazz wedding plan. 
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queenofthequillandink · 10 months
Steph's new roommate's little brother was absolutely a meta.
The two of them weren't really trying particularly hard to hide it, but they weren't mentioning it either, so Steph just... followed their lead. Especially because Jazz, while a little neurotic, was a pretty good roommate and new some truly innovative things to make in the microwave with whatever was in their dorm fridge.
But anyway, back to the meta thing. Steph could totally back it up.
Jazz was from the Midwest somewhere, one of the "I" states. (Indiana? Illinois? Iowa? Steph could never keep them straight.) From the way Jazz talked about her parents and the things she said to Danny, Steph could tell that the Fentons still lived there and Danny with them. Yet at least four nights out of seven, without fail, Steph would come home from a long night studying or vigilante-ing to find Danny in their dorm room, usually passed out on the futon. As though Gotham wasn't halfway across the country from Indiana or Illinois or Iowa.
"Our parents are pretty loud," Jazz explained with a quiet grimace, the first time it happened. "Like 'keep you awake at all hours of the night' loud. I told Danny he could sleep here when he needs to, is that okay? Tucker's parents are great, but they'll kick him out eventually."
"As a sleep-deprived college kid, I wholeheartedly support sleeping wherever you can get it," Steph whispered back. "As long as he doesn't eat my half of the food, I'm not gonna tattle to the RA."
"Thank you thank you thank you!" Jazz squealed, flapping her hands. Steph darted a glance at the teenager passed out on their futon, but he didn't even twitch. "Oh, don't worry, you have to be loud enough to wake the dead to get Danny up," Jazz said with a smirk.
"Alright. Makes things easier, I suppose," Steph said with a shrug, moving to sling her backpack onto her bunk. "He gonna be here in the morning?"
Jazz narrowed her eyes as though Elder Sister Glare could penetrate dreams. Hell, maybe it could. "He'll be at school before you wake up, if he knows what's good for him."
School. Which should be halfway across the country. Sure. Well, Steph could recognize a topic that Simply Wasn't Spoken About and unlike the rest of the Bats, she actually respected her roommate's personal privacy. "Cool."
So. Definitely a meta. Teleportation, maybe? Or superspeed or flying, she supposed. Whatever it was, the kid was clearly only using it to get a good night's rest in a safe space, so it wasn't really Steph's business.
At least neither of them had noticed she was a vigilante. It was an impressive secret to keep in such close quarters, if Steph did say so herself.
Jazz had clocked that Stephanie was Spoiler in a week and a half. And it only took her that long because she was distracted by orientation. The girl wasn't exactly subtle. Especially not with her injuries. Jazz had three years of experience watching someone come home injured and try to hide it, and while she was better than Danny, it still wasn't good enough.
Still, Steph wasn't making a big deal of Danny portalling into their dorm half of every week. And, like she had with Danny, Jazz wanted Steph to trust her enough to tell her herself.
And if this meant that Jazz spent a good portion of her first semester figuring out the rest of the Bats' identities based on Steph's friends and acquaintances, well. That was between her and Steph's scary-but-sweet girlfriend who read her like a book as soon as their eyes met.
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rossamundpike · 1 year
my Psychologist applied me the Rorschach Test, when she was telling me about what some images were about, she said X image was about sexuality... guess what I had said about it? it was something like 'it looks like a forest, a really nice forest, it looks quiet and beautiful, it doesn't look scary, it's a forest i would like to walk through, i like it...'
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headsincloud9 · 1 year
hi bb, hope you're well, ily here's a flower :3
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Awww Sami you are the sweetest bean ever ily. Thank you for the flower🌻
I'm feeling better. And I am doing better!!!
How is your day going?
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