#jefferson you're okay so far
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Jefferson here dropping straight bangers of common sense and truth.
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sooperstarx · 2 months
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HAMILTON OFFICE JOB AU???? YESSIR! (this chapter isn't done but this is what I've done so far!)
Spilled Coffee.
Chapter One
Cool air accompanied the dim lighting of the bathroom. The mirror was dirty, it's usually shiny surface smeared with dust and unknown grime. Alexander Hamilton was fixing his dark hair, which had been forced into a slickback. He patted down any unruly strands with his wetted hands. He let out a long sigh. It was supposed to be summer, yet the weather seemed no hotter than winter. The office had been remarkably chilly the past week or so, and it seemed especially so this particular morning. A regular Monday. Once satisfied with his appearance, which he always fussed over, Alexander left the solidarity of the bathroom and entered the busy workspace. It was a little warmer, due to the congregation of fussing people, all bunched up and chatting. He made an effort to fix his tie and he pulled it a little tighter. Alex pushed his way through workers carrying briefcases and coffees. He was making for the coffee machine himself, in dire need of both some energy and some heat. He eagerly anticipated the tender, comforting embrace of the beverage. He eyed what looked like a squabble over scattered papers, noting a tall man he recognised as Thomas Jefferson being heatedly berated by Angelica (who he realised then he didn't know the surname of), a fiery young woman with a quick wit and sharp tongue.
Alexander opted to stay out of it. Finally reaching his destination, Alexander grabbed a precariously stacked paper cup and thrust it under the coffee machine. The bitter yet inviting scent of coffee met his nose. He hummed in hushed satisfaction as the paper cup was filled, and then he lifted it, wincing slightly at the heat through the paper against his palm. Alex decided it would be best to get back to his cubicle- and quickly. He spun on the heel of his leather shoe, quickly setting off.
Almost immediately after taking his first brief stride, he collided with something. No. Someone. Alexander grunted at the impact, and the cup of coffee slipped from his grip, spilling it's contents wherever it happened to land. He stumbled back, finally getting a look at who he'd spilled his drink all over.
A tall woman, nearly as tall as Alexander, was trembling as scalding coffee dripped from her hands. Papers she must've been holding were now abandoned on the floor, soaked in the reminders of Alexander's drink. She let out a high-pitched squeal of discomfort, pressing her knees together in a navy pencil skirt. She shook her hands in an attempt to rid them of the burning sensation. Alexander, still in a state of shock, let his gaze fall to her face. Wide, glittering doe eyes looked back at his, a warm and inviting shade of brown he could get lost in. Her pink lips were parted as they shivered. Her whole face was framed like a work of art by long strands of brunette hair, falling past her shoulders, the ends dripping with coffee. Soon, any delicateness or vulnerability in her gaze disappeared, and the woman scowled. She wiped her reddened hands against her skirt, clearing her throat as she straightened out.
"Watch where you're going! Those were important papers, you fool." Even when seething with anger, Alexander found her voice like honey. But he soon snapped out of it, and he stuttered out,
"I'm so sorry. Are you okay? That was hot coffee." His response was met with an aloof head tilt and scoff.
"No! You burned my damn hands and ruined my skirt all in one. Way to go."
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punkflower11 · 1 year
Choose Your Own Adventure: Miles Morales - Part 4
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"So, Hobie," Jefferson addresses the teen. "How are your parents?"
Miles whisked the fingers of his fork round his bowl, half-hardheartedly scooping grains of rice from the side of the dish. Currently wedged between his parents and fake Boyfriend, Miles sat present at the doom's day dinner. So far, the two parties seemed to be cooperating, but Miles knew better than to mix water with electricity and hope for the best.
"Great Chief, cemetery’s real comfy this time 'round year."
Sensitive topic right off the bat and Hobie was already pulling no punches. As a suffocating silence followed, Miles felt himself shift uncomfortably in his seat.
"Oh." Jefferson blinks. Then, "Sorry to hear that." Help.
Wasn't this was painfully awkward. Miles fixed his gaze on his table knife and began to silently contemplate the cons of ending it all.
"'S'fine mate." and it was, until Jefferson decided that Miles still hadn't suffered enough.
"Where do you live then?" What was this, twenty questions?
"Around." Hey, it could have been worse. Thankfully Hobie didn't seem too irritated by the inquiry. He could have instead gone What are you, a cop? in which, Jefferson would have to regretfully inform Hobie that he was in fact, a cop.
Oh god. Miles hadn't even thought of that. If Hobie knew that he was having dinner with a cop he would definitely flip his shit. No amount of damage control could save Miles from the ticking time bomb.
Yeah, he's screwed.
"Around where?"
Okay, was this guy for real?
"Dad, don’t."
"Why not? It's an important question." Rio cuts in.
"It's just, how is this even relevant?"
"Nah, s'alright." Hobie shrugs. "I live in and out of my brother's flat." Well Halle-fucking-lujah. Somebody give this man a medal. Savior of the stupid and very very unfortunate (See: Miles).
"And he's okay with all..." Jefferson gestures vaguely at Hobie's attire. "This?"
"'Course mate. Why wouldn't 'e be?"
"No reason, just-"
"Just what?"
"So Hobie," Rio swoops in, saving her husband. "Where did you meet Miles?"
Yes Miles, who is smiling sweetly at Hobie. Called it.
"Alchemax, uh we-" Miles begins to cough violently.
"…during a field trip."
"You and Miles are in the same class?" Miles' sees his Mom's eyebrows jump. Hobie scoffs.
"What, never seen a tall person before?" For that he kicks Hobie underneath the table. Hard.
"No. I was, ah, interning." Jefferson nods his head in pleasant surprise.
"That’s nice," He says. "Good to see you're focused on the future." He looks to Miles, who is trying his hardest not to roll his eyes.
"Are you in a gang?" Rio asks abruptly.
"What? No he’s not! Woman who do you think he is?"
"To be fair love, if I was I then probably wouldn’t tell you." Hobie points out.
"Not helping Hobie." Surrendering, the other picks up his spoon.
"What about a band? You look like you're in a band."
"Sometimes." Hobie replies thoughtfully through a mouth full of food.
"Oh? What do you play?"
Midway through a drumstick, Miles chokes.
"…but usually guitar." Smooth recovery.
"Edgy. I played trombone in high school."
Satisfied, Rio then turns to Jefferson.
"How was work today?"
"Slow. There was a chase on 49th, but it ended pretty quick."
And just because the universe was a fucking jerk:
"Hold on," Oh no.
"You're a cop?" Shit.
"Yeah, didn't Miles tell you?" Double Shit.
Any hope that the two would get along had quickly been eradicated. The only thing that Hobie hated more than a corrupt government were the people running the corrupt government. No way in hell was he was letting this go.
Astonished, Hobie looked at the man in disbelief. Before he could start on the other, Miles took action.
Okay, time to diffuse this conversation.
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celesticnova · 3 months
Started a LiS fic called Hollow Glow. I have so many LiS fic ideas I want to write, so please let me know if this is one I should continue. If you'd rather read the first chapter here, it's below the cut.
Max Caulfield knew she was a bad person.
It was a fact about herself she hated, but as she didn't bother to make changes, she had no room to complain. Good people didn't pressure their parents into buying hundreds of dollars worth of instant film, or threaten a girl for throwing a roll of toilet paper at their head. Yet Max had done both and more since the start of her tenure at Blackwell. Somehow, the once mousy little girl had become the queen bee of her high school, having other popular girls like Victoria Chase eating out of the palm of her hand.
If she had to pick a day where it all started, it would be the last time she saw her friend Chloe Price. It had been such a special day—They had one last pirate adventure together, only for William and Joyce to walk through the door of the Price household right as they'd uncovered their old time capsule. The four of them had reminisced over Joyce's world-famous salmon surprise, and Max had left with a swollen heart and a promise that they'd be Max and Chloe forever.
Some friend Max had been, utterly failing to keep that promise. Two years later, Chloe had been severely injured in a car accident, and Max still hadn't seen her since that day. A couple of postcards and empty texts were all she had to give for her “BFF.”
It was a lesson she'd learned from her own cowardice—Friendship is fleeting. If she wanted her future friendships to last, she needed to be someone important. And she was. Max was the most important girl at Blackwell, and soon she'd cement that status with her win in the Everyday Heroes contest. She'd get to go to San Francisco with her hero, Mark Jefferson, and show off her photography in an elite art gallery. Her life was about to change for the better.
All that meant now wasn't the time to risk her connections or her status. So when Victoria Chase took a video of Kate Marsh getting black out drunk and kissing half the male population of Blackwell at a Vortex Club party, Max hadn't protested. When Victoria had posted the video online the next morning, Max hadn't protested. When poor Kate became the most ostracized individual at Blackwell to the point her once daily ritual of playing beautiful violin music in her dorm came to a halt… Max hadn't protested.
That was the real reason Max was a bad person. As the queen bee, she could have ordered Victoria to take down that video and save Kate so much grief. But she remained silent, all because she wanted to appear cool and aloof to her friends. Her silence was as damning as it was pathetic.
At the very least, she'd kept her own participation in the harassment to a minimum, and that had kept It from getting too far out of control. But with another Vortex Club party tonight, she knew anything could happen. Especially with Nathan acting so weird.
As though summoned by her thoughts, Max's phone buzzed with a text from Nathan.
Nathan: Yo Max. Youll be at the end of the world party rite?
Of course she would. That was where Mr. Jefferson would announce her victory. She'd told Nathan this many times, but he still kept asking. Max sighed and put her phone back in her pocket without answering.
It was louder than she’d intended, causing the girl next to her on the lawn in front of Blackwell to look up from her own phone with a frown. “You okay, Max?”
Max put on her most convincing smile. “Just thinking about tonight. It’s going to be crazy.”
“Oh, totes.” Victoria grinned. “You're gonna win the Everyday Heroes contest for sure.”
Victoria was one of the best photographers Max knew, so that was enough to make her smile genuine. “If I do somehow lose, it'd better be to you. I won't accept it otherwise.”
Victoria giggled. “Don't worry, girl! You won't lose, not even to me.”
“I know.” It wasn't just bluster backing her words. Mr. Jefferson had been visibly impressed when seeing her picture. She'd been up by the lighthouse during the golden hour when a squirrel ran by. Seeing the opportunity, Max had coaxed it over with a nut. Her other hand had held her camera balanced against her leg, taking the shot of the little critter reaching out for the treat in Max's palm with the sunset behind it. Honestly, it might have been the best photo Max ever took.
One more night, Max thought. After the contest results are announced, I'll ask Victoria to take the video down. Surely she'll be in such a good mood that she won't mind.
The thought made her gut twist. Once again, she was pushing it off. Just like she kept pushing off her visit to Chloe. After all this time, did Chloe even want to see her?
Max's thoughts were interrupted by a scream. Whirling around, she saw Dana Ward staring up at the roof of the Prescott Dormitories, eyes wide and a hand over her mouth. Confused, Max followed her gaze, only for her heart to stop at what she saw.
Kate was standing there, precariously close to the ledge with a look on her face that seemed grim even from Max's position. There was no question of what she was about to do. What Max had helped push her toward.
Max's body was moving before her mind could catch up. Nothing else mattered in that moment, she could not let Kate fall. This was her fucking fault, all because she was too cruel and too cowardly to do the right thing.
Before she knew it, Max had slammed the doors of the dormitory open, flinging herself toward the stairs and taking them two at a time. Not enough. It wasn't enough, dammit! Kate was going to jump any second!
A burning sensation in Max's lungs told her she had stopped breathing. She forced herself to take deep gulps even as her head swam. Passing out before she even reached Kate would be the worst possible outcome.
Before she knew it, Max had made it to the roof. Kate was still there, standing on the edge with her back to Max. The sound of the door opening was enough for her to turn around, eyes widening when she saw who had come up to stop her. Standing there, silhouetted by the setting sun, she looked like a real life angel.
She also looked furious. “What are you doing here, Max!?” she yelled. “Did you want to get a closer look before I jump?”
The air Max had fought to gain seemed to escape her in a rush. “N-No! Kate, please don't do this.”
“Like you care,” she spat. “You didn't care when everyone in the school laughed over my video. You just laughed alongside them!”
“No!” Max felt her heart constrict and clenched her fist in front of it. “I'm sorry, I should've spoken up, but I never laughed at you!”
She dared to take a step forward, only for Kate to step back to nearly dangle off the ledge. Max's heart stopped beating for a few moments.
“Don't move!” Kate shouted. “If you do, I'll jump!”
Max lifted her hands with her palms out. “O-Okay. I'm staying right here. Listen, Kate—”
“No!” If looks could kill, Max would be a smear on the floor. “You were there! You could've helped me! You could've stopped this at any time. But you didn't. I wasn't worth your time.”
Each accusation stung with brutal honesty, and tears began to stream down Max's face. “I know. You're right, Kate. I'm a terrible person, and I understand if you never forgive me. But you're better than I am, and you'll get through this!”
“How!?” For all the pain behind the question, Max could tell it was genuine. “My mom already thinks I've fallen to Satan. Maybe she's right.”
“You were drunk! We all do stupid shit when we’ve had too much to drink.”
It was the wrong thing to say. Kate clenched her fists, but Max could still see them shaking. “I had a single sip of red wine! That's it!” She sobbed. “But I don't remember anything after that. Just a bright room, a soft voice… and a pinch in my neck.”
Max's blood ran cold. She knew what that meant, but she didn't want to believe it. Her lips formed the question regardless. “Were you… drugged?”
Kate hugged herself, tears streaming down her face. “I don't know… but it doesn't matter anymore. I can't wipe my video off the internet, but I can give them something new to gossip about.” She waved an arm toward the crowd below. The commotion had gathered what looked like over half the student body, all staring up at them with bated breath. Fuck, Kate was right, this was a show to them.
There wasn't any time. While Kate glanced at the students below, Max stepped forward, praying the other girl wouldn't notice. “I'll have Victoria take down the video! Everyone will forget!”
Max froze as Kate turned back to her. “They'll never forget. I bet half of them have copies saved for their own amusement. Well, let's see if they'll enjoy it now.”
At that moment, Max knew she couldn't convince Kate. No matter what she said, it would sound empty from her mouth. That was the consequence of her actions. There was only one way to save Kate now.
“Does anyone down there look like they want you to jump?” Her ploy worked, getting Kate to turn her back on Max. In that instant, Max threw herself forward, hand reaching for the girl who deserved so much better.
Kate noticed. She turned around with wide eyes, only to take an immediate step back over the void. A strangled shout escaped Max when she began to plummet, echoed by the kids below.
Still, Max moved. Her upper body hanging over the edge, stomach and legs pressed against the cold stone of the roof as her only support, she grasped Kate’s arm with one hand and her closest hand with the other, her grip surely tight enough to hurt. The halt in momentum made Kate's shoulder pop, but Max would consider it a win if she got out of this with just a dislocated shoulder.
For a moment, Kate swung there, seemingly in shock that she hadn't hit the ground. Then, she looked up, eyes wide as saucers meeting Max's own.
“What are you doing!? Let go of me!”
“No!” Max planted her feet against the ground and dug her heels in as best she could. Already, she could feel herself sliding forward. “I'm sorry, Kate. I wish I knew what to say, but I can't let you die!”
“Why!?” The demand was more sob than word.
Max could feel her grip slipping. She gasped and tightened it, digging nails into Kate's skin. “Kate… I wish I was more like you. You're kind to everyone you meet, even the bullies. Your violin playing is beautiful, and you have real respect for your religion instead of just using it as a moral clutch. You're beautiful, and smart, and… so much better than me. I know you'll do amazing things someday, you just have to live!”
“Max…” Kate's voice was soft. “I'm so sorry. You have to let go or you'll fall too. I'm… glad you told me that. I can go peacefully now. Thank you.”
No, no! Max refused to let this happen. Shaking her head, she pulled with renewed fury, finally managing to lift her arms and bring Kate closer.
“I've got you!” Max was finally able to get a grip on Kate's shirt, heaving her up and over the roof to safety. “I've—”
She shouldn't have let her guard down. With all her focus on pulling Kate up, she hadn't paid any attention to her own precarious position. The same force that pulled Kate up worked against Max, pulling her forward until her legs flipped over the rampart. Before Max even realized what was happening, she was in the air, plummeting toward the hard ground below.
A chorus of screams rose from the students below, but none were louder than Kate's. At the last moment, Max looked up to see the sheer horror on Kate's face. A small, nonsensical part of Max wondered if Kate saw an equal amount of terror on hers.
Dead. She was dead. Time seemed to slow as she fell, her mind so overcome with despair that she almost couldn’t think. Everything she had worked for her whole life—all of it had amounted to nothing. Max found herself wishing she had made so many different decisions. To stay a shy hipster nerd, to never lose touch with Chloe, to be there for Kate when she needed a friend. Wrong choice after wrong choice had led Max here, to die young and be forgotten. It wasn’t fucking fair!
Later, she would learn how miraculous her survival was. Her legs would take the brunt of the impact, shattering to the point she could never walk again. But she would live, against all odds. She would be granted the second chance she didn’t deserve.
Max didn’t know that now. Her death seemed all but certain. Tears trailing down her cheeks, heart feeling like it had already stopped, Max squeezed her eyes shut and waited for oblivion. Wanting her last thoughts to be pleasant ones, she pictured a young girl with strawberry blonde hair. Her best friend, her captain. If they ever met again, Max swore she would be a better friend.
Darkness claimed her.
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night-spectrum · 1 year
Thinking about my spidersona:
Small angst; small suggested smut at the end; mostly fluff and comfort. TW: Mention of death, depression, healthy issues, and isolation.
Wish my computer could work so I could draw my Spidersona...😩
🕸 Spidersona, who was bitten by a funnel web spider (💀) and is still traumatized. She takes appointments with Spider-Therapist every Thursday. Spider-Cat helps her copes with stressful memories.
🕸 Spidersona, who's Caribbean and wears traditional superhero suit. Bright madras tissues wrapped around her head and hips and Creole earrings (hoop earrings).
🕸 Spidersona, who was the only Spider-Girl in Nouveau Fort in Martinique (don't look for it, I made it up, but it's based on Fort-de-France) until a certain Miguel "Fat Ass" O'Hara came to enroll her.
🕸 Spidersona, whose best person is clearly Pavitr because we support cultural representation, and obviously because he's the most adorable boy I've ever seen. ❤️ Besides, they usually chat about new clothes they like to embellish their suit and wardrobe.
They even have Indian nickname for each other : Pavitr is Munna (used for pretty and gentle boy), and Spidersona is Choti (used for girls and means small) based on this.
🕸 Spidersona, who loves dancing with Gwen late at night in her home. Spidersona shows Gwen how to move her butt like there's no tomorrow, and Gwen gives her tips to achieve a boneless split. There're also countless sleepovers and "Girls Talk" about boys, which is pretty much awkward at first, but they both like gossiping.
🕸 Spidersona, who has the fattest crush on Hobart "Hobie" Brown, 'cause let's be honest who wouldn't. Always avoiding him when he comes her way. Obviously, Hobie notices, and he thinks she doesn't like him or his style makes her feel uneasy.
🕸 Spidersona eventually confesses that she likes him :
"That's why you've been dodging me, luv?" Hobie rhetorically asks her, his full lips stretching into a genuine smile.
She feels her face heating up and her hands becoming sweaty. "Yeah, but I don't expect anything y'know. Just wanted to tell you..."
Hobie leans forward, and she presses her lips together, gazing down because she never noticed how interesting the ground could be. She feels his breath on her neck, and she shivers when his lips plant on her cheeks fondly.
"You're too cute, luv."
From that day, he's always close to her. His arm rests on her shoulders, and he's never too far when they're fighting anomalies. They both rely on each other when something goes wrong.
🕸 Spidersona, who curses in Creole when she's pissed.
"Wow! Wow! Okay, okay, we got it. That's enough bad words for today, luv." Hobie covers her lips and drags her out to cool down a bit.
Peter B. covers Mayday's ears, though he doesn't understand a thing he knows what she's saying isn't lovely.
🕸 Spidersona, who has arachnophobia, watches Penni petting her spider with disgust (don't get me wrong, her spider is adorable, but I don't want it near me). Miles makes fun of her and eventually chases her with random spider he finds around through the lobby.
🕸 Spidersona, who slips in Hobie's universe to spend some time together. She watches him play guitar on his bed and turns red when he hands her his instrument and sits behind her, his fingers brushing hers as he teaches her how to play.
🕸 Spidersona, who brings Martinican food to Mrs. Morales when she comes to visit Miles. Rio observes her chat with her son from afar along with Jefferson.
"She looks nice," Rio says after a while, still looking at them, "and she calls me 'Mrs. Morales." Her lips turning upward.
"Yeah, definitely Caribbean. Besides, I love these." Jefferson says, grabbing a slice of butter bread she made with her mom, accompanied by communion chocolate.
Spidersona and Miles look at their feet awkwardly, feeling Miles' parents' gaze on them.
"'M sorry 'bout my parents, they're... protective."
"Yeah, don't mention it. My mom does this, too."
🕸 Spidersona, who invites everyone one in her universe in Nouveau Fort. The tropical climate welcomes them fiercely, and everyone change to wear swimsuit. Peter B. applies sunscreen on Mayday and himself and lays down on a towel.
🕸 Hobie and Pavitr bury Miles in the sand, mermaid body in process as Spidersona and Gwen take Mayday to a swimming lesson, her Spider-Man rubber ring assisting her.
"Damn Gwen, you're red as hell." Spidersona hands her Peter's sunscreen, snorting.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny."
🕸 After 3 weeks and still no news from her, Hobie and Pavitr head to her universe. When they slip into her bedroom through the window, they find her in her bed, barely breathing. Pavitr rushes to her, worry in his eyes as he brushes her now sunken cheeks. She hardly opens her eyes, dried tears staining her face.
🕸 Hobie takes her face in his hand, caressing her cheekbones slowly before kneeling to be face level with her. He takes her blanket off her, and it pains them to see how much weight she lost. They can clearly see her ribcage under her skin.
As they discuss what to do, they hear her mother's voice in the living room. She sounds exhausted, her voice quavering.
"I don't know what to do, mom. She hasn't eat anything in days and she keeps losing weight. The doctor said we should bring her to the hospital because of her iron deficiency and underweight. Otherwise, her anemia might come back and-" her voice cracks, as she can't handle her overwhelming emotions. The phone slips from her grasp as she falls on her knees.
🕸 Hobie grabs her without hesitation and opens a portal, quickly followed by Pavitr. He mumbles apologies when she groans pain. When they arrive, Hobie pushes open the medical department's door with his foot. Spider Meds are quick to take care of her, using advanced medical tech.
🕸 Spidersona, who wakes up after 2 weeks, looking less of a momified monk. She sees a red-haired baby lying down on her belly. She recognizes Mayday, and Peter B. reaches out, his hand caressing her head.
"We missed you." He says genuinely, worry fading away and replaced by a look parents would give to their child after they injured themselves.
🕸 Spidersona, who just cries. Her pain and grief pouring out of her chest and she can't help it. Peter B. hugs her tightly, kissing her forehead.
🕸 Miles appears and stands still when he views the scene, his brain analyzing everything. He comes close, taking her hand in his, squeezing it kindly. When Peter lets go of you, Miles replaces him.
🕸 Spidersona, who after she calmed down, thanks them and asks where the others are, only to find out that they are on a mission.
🕸 Spidersona, who is surprised to see Spider-Man Noir paying her a visit, flower is his hands.
"Everyone's been worried about you." Miles explains, her hands still in his. "When Hobie and Pav came back with you almost dead, we freaked out."
"Jessica even talk to your mother so she wouldn't pass out when she found out you disappeared." Adds Spider-Man Noir.
She is grateful but also a bit ashamed she worried everyone.
"So... what happened?" Peter B. asks cautiously.
She looks up to him and tries to suppress the tears, creating in the corner of her eyes.
🕸 Spidersona, who wasn't fast enough to save her uncle Henry and faced the reality of the world.
Though everybody can relate, Miles feels like he knows exactly what she feels. He remembers when he found out that Uncle Aaron was the Prowler, the look in his eyes when he discovered Miles was Spider-Man. His hand slipping from his as he exhaled his last breath.
🕸 Spidersona, who spends her day with Miles since Peter went home to put Mayday in bed. She eats empanadas Miles brought for her.
"My mom made them for you. When I told her you were hospitalized, she wouldn't stop asking about you. Besides, since we didn't know when you would wake up, she made some every day." Miles scratches the back of his head; cheeks and ears red. He knew his mom liked you, maybe too much for his liking.
"Well, please, thanks her for me. This is delicious. My taste buds are dancing hard right now." She giggles, making Miles smile.
🕸 Spidersona, who eventually encounters Jessica and Miguel. She thanks the pregnant woman, hugging her slightly, knowing she's not a big fan. To her surprise, she rubs her back and smiles.
🕸 Spidersona, who turns to Miguel reluctantly and apologizes for being off without warning. He brushes her off, as usual, talking about how it was her canon event. Gee thanks.
🕸 Spidersona, who hears familiar voices. She turns around, and there they are : Gwen, Hobie and Pavitr. She launches herself on them, arms fully extended. Pav sees her first and rushes toward her. They both collide, their hands grasping any pieces of clothes, hugging like the world would disappear.
"I missed you so much, Choti." Pav cries, his hands hold her tightly. "You almost gave a heart attack. Don't do this ever again, please. I love you."
And she cries again, hearing her best friend voice trembling.
"I'm so sorry, Munna. I promise. I love you so much, too."
Gwen joins in, her lips quivering, and they open their arms for her to come.
🕸 Spidersona, who wipes her face after a while, then proceeds to notice Hobie, who stayed back. Pav hugs her one last time, then leaves with Gwen. She approaches Hobie, not sure why she feels so nervous all of a sudden.
🕸 Spidersona, who follows Hobie to his universe, their pinky intertwined. When they are both alone in his room, he smashes his lips against hers.
🕸 Spidersona, who feels like a tsunami washed over her: emotions and feelings blending in her core. It's slow at first but quickly bursts into a wildfire when she feels his body against her. It feels strange, and she's a bit insecure, but Hobie reassures her. It's overwhelming.
"Are you okay, luv?" He asks, his voice barely above a whisper, like she'll shatter if he's too loud.
"Yeah. I am."
🕸 Spidersona, who slowly moves on, enjoys her life with those who remain and never forgets those who left.
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dozing-composing · 11 months
Hiya! I absolutely love your Venture Bros headcanons, it's great seeing writers for the fandom, and I was wondering if mayhaps you could write some Jefferson Twilight x reader hcs?
Y'all Are So Sweet, Omg. Thank You So Much!!! I Really Can't Say How Much I Appreciate Everyone For Enjoying My Content. You Guys Got Me Smiling And Kicking My Feet! ❤︎ Jefferson Twilight Really Is An Underrated Character, I Love Him So Much. Hope You Enjoy!
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✦ Okay, so, I think he'd be the type to joke around. Like a lot. For example, say you both are at one of Orpheus's gatherings. He will have you cracking up by mocking his friend and making little witty remarks. ✦ Speaking of witty remarks, he can be VERY sassy. Imagine him with his hand on his hip and wagging his finger going, "Oh no you didn't!" ✦ Nonetheless! He is full of passion, and can make you weak to your knees. ✦ He'd mimic the same tropes he's seen in movies or TV. It's raining? He lifts part of his coat for you to stay dry under. Got a new outfit? He just looks at you in awe. ✦ The BEST hype man. Ever. He'll be cheering you on for anything. Even if you're doing something simple like drinking water. ⤷ "YES! YEAAAH! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT BABY!" ✦ He's your greatest support, your rock. He's always looking out for you. If you need space, he'll give it to you. If you're feeling down, he's telling you how much he loves you and how proud he is of how far you've come. ✦ He'd get one of his magic buddies to make you a protection charm or spell. Not that he couldn't protect you himself, it's just.... he's not magic. Well, he doesn't have the same abilities his friends do. ✦ Bringing in my next point, he's a tad jealous of his friends for having sorcery abilities. He thinks about it so much that he gets a little insecure about himself. Add you to the picture and he gets panicky. There's a lot of "what if" questions. He just wants you safe and protected at all times. Chase those thoughts away for him and let him know that he's all you need! ✦ He would give you the fangs he harvested. You find it weird and disgusting at first, but it's his way of showing that he's constantly thinking about you. ✦ He would also take you out for night drives in the Blood Vessel. It doesn't make a difference if you both have a conversation or if you both ride in silence, he'll cherish every second of it. ✦ I also like to think he has insomnia. At least a touch of it. When he sees your sleeping form, however, it brings a new peace about him. If he can't sleep, he's still going to hold you and rest his eyes.
Overall, He Is Husband Material. Peak Male Performance. I Am Not Biased.
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bookloover35 · 1 year
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Jefferson X fem reader- Wedding day.
Yns Pov :
Okay, everything will be fine, just breathe and take it easy.
Why am I nervous?
Today I will marry the man I love.
So why am I nervous?
Grace: Momma, Is everything okay?
I turned to her and hugged her.
I can't lie to her, I'm a little nervous because it feels like I'm replecing her real mother.
Grace calls me mom, it feels a little strange.
I remember the day she asked me if she could call me mom.
She quickly noticed that I was starting to overthink and hugged me and said.
Grace: I want to call you mom, because I see you as my mom and because I love you.
Back to the present.
Yn: I'm okay sweetie just a little nervous and can't shake the feeling that I'm replecing your mom.
Grace: You don't papa loves you and so do I and it's okay to be nervous and you're not alone in being nervous.
Yn: What do you mean?
Grace: Papa, is also nervous he is pacing back and forth he wants everything to go well today.
Okay, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who's nervous.
Grace: Papa really loves you.
Yn: And I really love him, and I love you very much.
Timeskip Jefferson Pov:
Okay today it happens today I will have the great honor to marry my dearest Yn.
I don't understand why I'm nervous.
All I want is for everything to go well today and I'm worried about Yn.
She thinks she is replacing Grace's mother.
But she doesn't Grace's mom died years ago and I'm a hundred percent sure Grace's mom sent Yn to us.
To make us smile again and make us feel loved again.
Knock Knock
Grace: Papa it's time now.
Yns Pov:
Okay so far the wedding is going perfectly.
And now it's time for us to say our vows.
We had decided to have a very small wedding with just the three of us and a priest.
We had also decided to have the wedding close to our home by the river.
Grace is our flower girl and she is so beautiful.
Jefferson and I almost started to cry when we saw each other.
I held one of his hands and began to read my vow.
Yn: Jefferson when you found me I wanted nothing to do with love.
I thought love wasn't for me.
But oh how wrong I was.
You made me believe in love again and I fell for you very quickly.
I love you and I love Grace like she was my real daughter.
I promise to be a good wife and mother to grace, love you both more than anything else in life.
I felt a small tear run down my cheek and Jefferson's thumb wiped it away and gave me a kiss on the cheek then it was his turn to read his vow.
Jefferson: Yn, you always say I saved you.
But it was you who saved me.
When we lost Grace's mother, I strongly believed that I would never fall in love again.
But then I met you.
I strongly believe that Grace's mother sent you to us to love me and to love and care for Grace.
I promise to always show you my gratitude and how much I love you.
Because you are the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to bed.
Priest: The rings.
We put the rings on each other's fingers and then the priest said.
The priest: Now you are husband and wife you can kiss the bride.
The kiss was absolutely fantastic, it felt like several fireworks and I felt freedom.
Finally we are husband and wife.
I can't wait to see all our future adventures with our little family.
Who knows, the next adventure might be a new little family member.
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1 and 6. Time for violence
the character everyone gets wrong
Hope you're ready for these hot takes to have nothing to do with Spider-Man - I really think Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett are the only ones who've gotten Aziraphale right so far - and even they're a little inconsistent. Fic tends to not make him enough of a bastard to be worth knowing.
(That's also true of Peter Parker. Oops. I made it about Spider-Man.)
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
So I used to be big into Hamilton fandom as a kid, like, the miku-binder kind, where you're just writing original queer-youth fiction but naming the characters after slaveowners so people will read it. And I'm really very okay with the concept of queer kids projecting hard onto aggressively straight media in the absence of real representation. But I find a lot of Hamilton fandom in particular to be tone-deaf and counterproductive. Fuck's sake, don't waste your time shipping Thomas Jefferson with anybody.
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treatian · 2 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Hadestown
Chapter 17: The First Deal
"So…what do we do now?" Orpheus asked, looking over at him from across the room, roses at his feet that he could swear were already beginning to decay now that the music had stopped.
Now he did what he absolutely hated to do unless under the rarest of circumstances. Service before the time of payment. Usually, he didn't loan his help out in advance unless there was some sort of benefit in it for him. It was payment in advance or due at the time the deal was struck, but rarely afterward like this for obvious reasons. But this…this would be a special case. In order to do what needed to be done, the order that would best suit the situation was one that best suited Orpheus and, hopefully, Jefferson. Besides, eager as the boy was, determined as he seemed to be to rescue his dear Eurydice, he didn't doubt that he would deliver on the promises that he made. And this plan, as long as he could remain unselfish, could work.
"Now you strike a deal with Hades."
"But I already did that. I failed."
"A new one," he corrected. "A better one than you did before. Better for him at least."
"Do you really think that Hades will go for that again?"
"Oh, most certainly. People are creatures of habit; Hades will know this. If you failed once, it'll be likely that you'll fail again. Besides, I've seen the creature that he sends after the girl when he's hunting her. You won't get far from here unless Hades gives you his blessing and allows you to go."
"You've seen the…you've seen Eurydice!" the boy suddenly realized, leaning forward as if in anticipation of his confirmation.
"Who do you think summoned me to this world weeks ago?"
"Summoned you? You're…you're not dead either…" the boy realized. "That's why you wanted to know about getting back! That's why you asked me about-"
"Well, apparently, you were not the only one talking to the Seer about how to be free of here. Eurydice summoned me here. When you both get back to the land of the living, after you've given my message to my friend, you can summon me home again, and once I've seen your end was upheld, I'll release you both from my debt."
"Both of us?"
"Your payment is a special delivery. Hers is undoing what she's done and summoning me home, safely."
There it was. His way out. The thing that he was banking on. He didn't care that magic and deals didn't work that way. He didn't care that he needed Eurydice to agree to this deal in order for magic to bind her to it, or that there were vaults all over the place and he hadn't specified where they should summon him too. It didn't matter whichever world they summoned him to just so long as he was out of this world, he could make damn near anything work! He just had to get out of this place. And get the hat to Jefferson. And get Neal back to Henry and propose to Belle and get the kids to their happily ever after…
He had a lot to do. And all of it hinged on this boy. A boy who was currently sitting across from him questioning his encounter with his dead girlfriend, unaware that he had moved on. If convincing him that Eurydice bore a debt to him was how he had to do this, then so be it.
"What did she look like? Was she okay? Was she hurt? Did she say anything?"
"Our time was short," he excused quickly. "Hades was on her heels. This was weeks ago, he'll have found her by now. Which means your only chance at getting her out is making that deal."
"But…I just don't understand how he'd go for it. That deal was to keep Eurydice if I failed. I failed, and he's kept her. Why would he make a deal for something he already has?"
"Because you are going to 'up the ante," as they say."
Orpheus gave a small nod and sat forward with interest. "Tell me what to do."
Those were some of his favorite words. Though he suspected, when he was done, Orpheus might just hate them.
"You will make this deal most profitable for him while making it hardest on yourself. Hades enjoys having all the cards in his hands, so you'll give him every ace you've got. You'll go to him again; you'll ask to repeat the test, but this time Hades can keep his map. You'll do it from memory. You do remember the way out, don't you?"
"Mostly. Yes. Yes, I think I can do it."
"Confidence, boy. This is a test of confidence. Start to have some in yourself, and you'll succeed."
"I always thought it was a test of trust," Orpheus interpreted as if they were sitting in a philosophy class. "Did I trust Eurydice to follow me home?"
"And so it was…last time. How did that experiment end? Did your beloved follow you home?"
"Yes, until I doomed her."
"And do you have any reason now to believe that she wouldn't do the same again?"
"No. We love each other. She followed me once, she'll do it again."
"Good. So then all you need is the confidence to know you are going the right way and doing the right thing for everyone involved."
"So…I tell him I'm willing to do this without the map. You think that'll be enough?"
"Oh, certainly not. We're upping the ante and doubling down. This time, if you fail, it won't be just Eurydice who will be on the line; it'll be your soul too."
"My soul?!"
"Of course, after how your mother aided in Persephone's escape, I imagine he'll be thrilled with the chance to add you to his collection."
"So if I fail-"
"You will spend an eternity in this place. Likely not alongside dear Eurydice, Hades won't be that kind. But at least you'll get your wish. What was it you said? 'Any realm Eurydice is in is the realm you need to be in.'"
Orpheus give a swift but heavy nod, one that told him he didn't disagree with what he'd said earlier but also didn't take it lightly anymore. It was time to put his money where his mouth was. Either he was willing to do this entirely, or not at all. And the Orpheus that he knew from the stories had always been willing to give all…which was why this next piece was so essential.
"There's one more thing that you'll offer," he informed him, drawing the boy's attention back to him. Oh, it hurt even his heart to think of it, given what he'd seen him do, but that was why he knew that Hades would go for it above all. "You're going to make a down payment."
"A down payment…to Hades?! But Sir, I have nothing. Nothing but the clothes on my back, the air in my lungs, the song in my head, and-"
The abrupt stop told him that he'd realized exactly what he was about to be asked to do.
The lyre he'd so recently slung back over his shoulder, he reached behind to touch it.
"But Sir…my father gave it to me. It's all I have left of my parents. It's…it's my song."
A memory returned to him as he watched the boy idly stroke the lyre, a memory of a portal threatening to swallow him and his son whole and the impression of his dagger safely anchoring him to his fate. His mistake. His greatest regret. Up until this moment, he had not considered himself similar to Orpheus in the least. Now he suspected they had more in common than he thought.
"Yes," he admitted. "It is all that and more. But is it worth more than the world, as you claim Eurydice is? What is it worth to you next to Eurydice?"
"Nothing," the boy responded sadly. "Nothing at all next to Eurydice, but…without it-"
"Without it, you will still have her. Without it, life as you know it will change. You'll become a baker or a teacher, you'll make a new way in a new world with Eurydice in a place where Hades can't find you. I recommend the Realm of Untold Stories or wherever Persephone found refuge. You'll have other trials, other tribulations…but you'll have each other. And the knowledge that you fulfilled your purpose, that you were once the man who brought spring back to the world. And you'll rest in that greatness and never live to regret it."
Orpheus eyed him suspiciously from where he sat. "You speak from experience."
"On the contrary. I speak from a lack of experience," he corrected. "I speak to you now as someone who once chose the lyre over Eurydice. That path isn't worth it. This one might be."
Orpheus let out a heavy sigh and nodded. His fingers curled over the desk he sat on so that his knuckles turned white. It was only then that he realized there was a drumming he could hear, one he hadn't heard since being in this realm, at least not as vibrantly as he did now. It was the steady thrum of the boy's heartbeat. Steady…no nerves. No anxiety. Just peace.
"It's just a lyre," the boy finally stated. "It's just a thing. I can get a new one. But Eurydice, she'll never be duplicated, and I can't ever replace her. We'll do what you ask."
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wyverber · 2 years
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It's beautiful. Lol.
It also took a while to make it but I think it's special so U guys get a big ass Headcanon about everything my mind made up so far so, yeah thank you <3
Creepypsasta Headcanon special
An Mansion would be to big. Listen Slenderman is old and he lived alone for many years, so when you live alone you don't need a big fat Mansion. And Mansions are near the city? So a nice Manor is enough.
The Manor is also not rlly that deep into the woods cus well in the Underworld there's not rlly a reason to hide especially for the one and only Slenderman. Like yes a 30 min walk into the woods and you're there.
Well- now there's only one Question left. Who lives in there because there is surely not enough space or the will from slender to have all the pastas in there.
Dr. Smiley and Ej because of their medical education or experience. Sally because the Man of the house likes Children and has a weak spot for her and Toby. Ben because he is somewhat of an internet source.
That's it, the others live near the Manor in an apartment like Jane or in some cabinet in the woods. LJ as an example lives in whole as house near the forest.
So now that we had the residents as a topic, let's move on to their Headcanons shall we?
Jeff the killer
Listen he lives in an Apartment with his brother- wich causes some issues but that's for another post.
Jeff has an Eating disorder. He was chubby as an Child and teenager (one of the reasons why he got bullied) and his Father would never stop saying something about his weight. He stopped eating right. That was years ago- after he stumbled across Slender who'd helped him, he has a somewhat okay relationship with food.
Not only has he an ED but he is just so focused on everything else he forgets to drink or eat (one reason why he doesn't live alone)
Sassy bitch- but the more sass the better. When he likes you he's a pain in the ass, like you wished he would hate you and stop with the stupid comments.
He's okay- with Liu, he actually hated living with his brother, but only because of Sully and Liu is overprotective so yeah pretty annoying in the eyes of the crusty chicken Killer.
Bye the way Jeff LOVEEES Chicken 🐓 like damn these thighs rawr.
Thigh guy, even tho he can't say no to fine ass (on the chicken or on the reader no one knows)
Dragon ball fan. There I said it. I needed too
Bisexual, and is actually better giving head then eating u out. Lol
Can't cook, and doesn't rlly know how to learn it.
Rlly bad at loosing. Will have an Aggressive behaviour towards the person whom had beaten him? Was that correct English? Idc.
Switch but more on the Dom side.
Its funny how I mix these, but he has a pet snake named Jefferson the third.
Eyeless Jack
Has Georgian roots. Because I had the feelin' moved as a teenager to the USA and still speaks English with an Accent.
Silent man, sometimes even quieter than Slender. He just likes to observe his surroundings and when your talking you can't really do that can you?
But he is also just introverted and has slot of trust issues like everyone else in 2022
He somewhat lives with Slender- but actually his working place is just ins Slendermans basement. He just overworks himself so he sleeps in his office alot when he sleeps (I don't think demon really NEED so much sleep like a human. So it's easy to stay up a week even if it's tiring.
Plays Chello
That's it- I. I don't have so many headcanons for him rn. Sry:/
Listen I was a simp back in 2017-19 I have sooooooo many
Chainsmoker ofc, what shocking news right?... No ( both Masky and Tim)
Tim tried to hit himself (Masky) cus he wakes up at random location. And he just a normal life.
Masky loves to mess with Tim in every way possible. Like I said he will go to sleep at random locations, will when some girl is flirting with him stalk and creep Tf out of her and just come out in the worst situations possible.
But they both like Apple pie 🥧 caugh basic bitch caugh
Alabama. Just Alabama idk what city cus lol do I look like I'm from the US? But he's givin' me the Alabama vibes.
Homophobic ass fuck. Sorry- He is just Straight. I don't see him gay. Neither, not Tim or Masky. Tim is tolerant but Masky will Beat you. I'm sorry.
Domestic. Tim loves it and so does Masky.
Masky love a good little House wife. One who doesn't complain about anything. One whom he can Manhandle how he desires.
Tim just likes submissive Women. (I'm so sorrrrryyyyyy but it's just my headcanon so yeah, still sorry)
Tim is Vanilla in bed. Just kinda rough
Well thank u guys for your support and everything I'm done for now.
See ya later or not lmao ;)
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astralaffairs · 4 years
think of it as like an au or something, but I'm just curious to see how president thom would react to seeing someone forcing themselves on mc at like a state dinner if they're not together, i feel like he'd try to stand up for her but also it'd be kinda sus of the president standing up for some press figure who's been talking shit abt him
i love this concept omg. i got an ask similar to this a while back, so i’ve been sitting on a lot of ideas for it. tbh thomas would hardly be able to restrain himself from fucking throttling whoever’s harassing mc, but he isn’t gonna refrain from stepping in. anyway, his standing up for her then makes the media hail him as a feminist icon for like the next 3 weeks
this broke my heart to write tho lowkey </3
"You're… you're Y/N L/N, aren't you? With the Washington Post?"
Y/N had been sour all night. Her feet were cramping in her heels, the tag on her dress was starting to itch, and worst of all, her editor had forced her to take the invite Alex had extended her to the state dinner. She’d had no plans of interacting with the Jefferson administration — in fact, her plan had been to stay as far from them as possible so that she could focus on work, but she mentioned the state dinner offhandedly to a coworker, another had overheard, and the next thing she knew, her boss had found out.
Moreover, she was fairly certain that Thom– no, President Jefferson had only invited Alex to antagonize him, so it was no wonder he didn’t want to go. However, when he gave her the invite, she protested that, since it wasn’t addressed to her, she couldn’t go, and she certainly couldn’t go without him, but both Alex and her editor had insisted it’d be fine. There would be enough people present that she’d slip under the radar, so what was the harm?
And slip under the radar she did. As Vice President and Second Lady, James and Dolley were unattainable company for the evening; they were busy with the heads of PACs, with senators, with members of the State Department. The latter group included Lafayette — he’d been promoted not long after President Jefferson took office, which ruled him, too, out of her options for who she could hang out with. He was off wooing foreign diplomats.
So, there she was, standing alone at the side of the room with her expensive champagne (there was an open bar, thank god) and the small-but-growing pile of business cards she’d collected throughout the night.
At least, she was alone until the anonymous man in question approached her. She turned to him with her eyebrows raised.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m Y/N,” she said, surprised that she’d been recognized. “I’m not with the Post, anymore, though.”
“Of course. My mistake,” he apologized, and when he extended to her a hand to shake, she stuffed her newly-acquired business cards back into her purse “I’m Richard Lestrade. I work in the Department of Defense.”
“Nice to meet you.” She had little interest in chatting with him, but she politely shook his hand. “What can I do for you?”
He laughed softly, but it made Y/N raise an eyebrow. “I don’t have some kind of agenda. I just recognized you from your time as a news analyst and thought I’d come introduce myself.”
“Of course.”
She only responded so as to placate him, and she thought that how curt her reply was would deter him from trying to strike up a conversation. She met his eyes with an expectant eyebrow raised as she took another sip from her champagne.
“So how’d you get an invite here tonight?” he asked after a moment. “I mean, I was invited because I work for him, working on naval strategy and all, so it’s just a perk of the job, but I’m surprised to see you. With how much you’ve done to keep President Jefferson from being elected, I wouldn’t think you’d end up on the guest list for state dinners.”
She shrugged. “Alexander Hamilton invited me, actually.”
“Secretary Hamilton was invited? Really?” At that, the disbelief in Richard’s expression was almost patronizing. “Wow, I didn’t hear that he and President Jefferson had buried the hatchet. I always thought they were rivals, or even enemies.”
“Oh, make no mistake, they hate each other,” she said coolly.
“So why would Secretary Hamilton be invited?”
“So Jefferson could rub it in his face that he won the election.” She shrugged, turning back to face the room before them, but Richard seemed surprised.
“No, no, he wouldn’t be that petty,” he scoffed, but his tone was condescending, as though her theory had absolutely no foundation. “He’s the president. I think he has higher priorities than antagonizing someone who’s old news.”
Y/N resisted rolling her eyes at his calling Alex ‘old news,’ as though Richard was somehow a higher calibre of invitee to the state dinner. “You underestimate how catty politicians are. Jefferson included.”
“President Jefferson,” he corrected her, and she gave him a sidelong glance, eyeing him warily.
“But anyway, I suppose I’m glad President Jefferson invited Hamilton, if it means you’re here, too.”  Richard raised his glass to her as though in tribute, and she was sure the smile she offered him came off as more of a grimace. She had little appreciation for his heavy-handed advance.
“That’s nice of you to say,” she replied mildly before draining the remainder of her glass. She turned to him with a nonchalant, nearly-blank expression. “And as great as it’s been to meet you, I think I have to run. I’m heading out soon and need to say a few goodbyes.” Truthfully, she had no intention of leaving. Her editor would have her head if he found out she cut bait so early in the night, and if she fled before Jefferson addressed the entire room, she wouldn’t be able to provide her boss with the synopsis of the presidential address. She only wanted to leave that conversation.
“You’re leaving so early? Why’s that?”
She shrugged. “I suppose the Jefferson Administration isn’t really my scene. I’ll see you around, Mr. Lestrade.”
“Please, it’s Richard,” he corrected her. “But you should stay longer. If you leave now, you’ll miss President Jefferson’s address.”
What was it with this guy and using Jefferson’s full title? “Please, consider for a moment that missing it may be entirely the point,” she said dryly, and Richard gave a light laugh.
“Oh, please. I’m sure that even a democrat like you can appreciate a good speech.” ‘Even a democrat like her’? What was that supposed to mean? “As a journalist, this should be right up your alley.”
“I’m sure I’ll be able to find the transcript online in a few hours. I’ll survive.”
“It’ll have a much greater impact in person,” he countered, and she sighed. “So, please, stay. Can I get you a drink? What are you drinking?”
“Thanks, but I’m okay,” she said. As though she was about to let a man she’d met only minutes before handle her drink. That would be a recipe for disaster. “I really should get going.”
“No, wait,” he protested, and when she began walking away from him anyway, he caught her by the arm, pulled her back. She turned back to him with an expectant expression, trying to quell the anger building in her chest. “You can’t leave yet; dinner hasn’t even been served.”
“I can fend for myself on that front,” she assured him, and although her teeth were clenched, she plastered on a smile. “So if you’d kindly let go of my arm, I’m going to be on my way.”
“I was hoping to get to know you, actually.” He released her, but her immediately marching off toward the center of the room caught him off guard. “No, wait!” She stifled a groan when she heard him hurrying after her, and as he came to a stop in front of her, blocking her path, she narrowed her eyes. “Come on, Y/N. Come sit down with me and some of my friends; it’ll be a nice time, okay? I’m a nice guy.” He wore a hopeful smile, apparently convinced of his words as she folded her arms.
“I’m sure you are, but I need to get back to my table to retrieve my coat,” she said apologetically. Her anger didn’t show on her face, thankfully. “So I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
“Oh, sure you can; you’re just being stubborn,” he insisted. He took a step forward toward Y/N, and she took a step back. “Now, I know we’re from opposite parties, and all, but I’ve been a fan of your reporting for a long time, and I’d really appreciate it if you just came and sat down with us for a few minutes. You and I have a lot in common. I have a feeling we’d hit it off.”
The coy smile he wore made her want to grimace, and when he added a wink, she did grimace, visibly. “This is nice and all, but I’m not really interested.”
“Sure, because you don’t know me yet,” Richard countered, and he took another step toward her, grabbing her by the elbow as he came to stand next to her. Y/N could feel her heart pounding as he forcibly turned her, pointed out his table. “Let’s go. We’re sitting right over there.”
“No, really, I’d rather not,” she repeated, and as she tried to pull her arm away from his grip, he pulled her toward him with an arm around her waist — it was then she realized she couldn’t do nearly anything about it without making a scene. And given her history, a scene was the last thing she wanted. “Please let go of me.”
“You don’t have to stay long; I’m not asking much.” It was then that he began leading her toward the table, and as she stumbled alongside him, panic was rising in her chest. She was looking around for some way out, some familiar face — Dolley, Lafayette, someone — but nobody appeared. “Just have a seat. Let me get you a drink.”
And there he was, repeating his offer. No matter who it was, the insistence on drinking with her would make her wary, but this man already had worry building in her throat, so the feeling only compounded with his words. “I don’t want to come with you. Get your hands off of me.” He didn’t stop, though, and she finally had to dig in her heels, trying to pull back from him. She knew he was stronger than her, but her resistance to him dragging her along certainly grabbed his attention. Richard frowned.
“Oh, come on, don’t be such a–”
“‘M fairly sure I heard her tellin’ you to let go of her.” The voice was stern, and it made both her and Richard freeze, and for entirely different reasons. Y/N would’ve been able to recognize it anywhere, the southern drawl, the lazy enunciation, and her pulse was then spiking for an entirely different reason. Richard turned immediately toward the sound, releasing her, but Y/N stayed put.
“Mr. President,” Richard said breathlessly, his eyes wide. “It’s an honor to meet you; I–”
“What’s your name?”
“Richard Lestrade, sir.” He sounded excited to have courted Jefferson’s attention, apparently oblivious to the undertone of anger in his voice. Y/N recognized it clearly, though, too clearly, and it made her sick to her stomach. She resented the familiarity.
“D’you work here, Mr. Lestrade?”
“I work for the Department of Defense, sir. I’m a naval strategist. Graduated top of my class from the US Naval Academy; I actually helped plan the–”
“I don’t remember askin’ for your resume.” Then, the annoyance Jefferson exuded was clear, unmistakable in his snarky interjection. Y/N had to purse her lips to keep herself from laughing, especially as she glanced over at Richard and found him pale as a ghost.
“Of course not, sir. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t think I’m the one you should be apologizin’ to, now,” Jefferson said frankly, and Y/N didn’t see him watching her until she reluctantly turned, glancing between him and Lestrade. “Ms. Y/N L/N, correct?” he asked, and she nearly winced.
“Yes, that’s me.” Her strained smile was fooling nobody, but when he saw it, Jefferson’s composure didn’t waver.
“Did I hear you tellin’ Mr. Lestrade not to touch you?”
When he addressed her, she forced herself to shake her nerves, he jumbled emotions, off for the time being, and she pushed her shoulders back, presenting a front of confidence.
“You did, as a matter of fact.” She looked up tentatively to meet his eyes — and she immediately wished she hadn’t. While his expression exuded nonchalance, his casual authority over the situation, she knew him well enough to recognize the concern in his eyes: his forehead was creased almost imperceptibly, one eyebrow was quirked up, and one corner of his mouth twitched down. Her jaw tensed as she swallowed her heartache.
She was grateful that he then turned back to Richard. “Care to explain yourself, Mr. Lestrade?”
The interaction had stirred a bit of a crowd around them by then; the others in their immediate vicinity had ended their conversations at once upon hearing the confrontation, but the hush seemed to be spreading further across the room, and Richard was glancing left and right as he gaped at Jefferson. “Oh, no, it was just a misunderstanding. Look–”
“I’m not sure it was,” Jefferson cut him off, and his tone was biting. “Forgive me if this is too presumptuous, but I don’t think there’s anything unclear about a woman tellin’ you to take your hands off of her.”
“We were just chatting.”
“That wasn’t what it looked like,” Jefferson said, folding his arms. “From where I was standin’, it seemed like you grabbed a woman against her will, and you refused to let go. ‘S that accurate, Ms. L/N?”
She wished desperately that he’d stop addressing her. Her throat went dry as he all but admitted he’d been watching her, and she could only nod, unable to find her voice. Thankfully, he took that as enough of an answer.
“I never meant to hurt Y/N, sir. Honestly, I’m so sorry if I did–” Richard turned to Y/N. “I’m so sorry if I hurt you, but my intention wasn’t–”
“You blatantly ignored me telling you to stop,” she said. His speaking to Y/N once again made her blood boil, and she couldn’t help but snap at him, despite how lightly she felt herself to be treading in present company. “Don’t pretend like this was some unfortunate accident.”
Lestrade went from gaping at Jefferson to gaping at her, then. “I… I’m sorry, again, but come on, you know I was just trying to be friendly,” he defended, and she rolled her eyes, getting tired of his excuse. The edge of aggression in his tone made her take a wary step away from him, though. “I invited you to–”
“You said you work for the Department of Defense, correct?” Jefferson cut him off, diverting his attention from Y/N, and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, silently thanking him for bailing her out.
“Yes, sir.” Lestrade offered a weak smile, but his fear was obvious in how he was holding himself. Jefferson regarded him with an air of disgust, looking him up and down.
“Well, you don’t anymore.” Y/N’s eyes widened at the declaration, but President Jefferson paid her no mind. “ I’ll be in touch with your supervisor to have you dismissed.”
“What?” Lestrade asked, “but, sir, that’s my job. I need to–”
“Not anymore, it isn’t.” President Jefferson’s words were firm. “Now, please, I’d like to ask you to leave now so it isn’t necessary for me to have you shown out with a security detail.”
Lestrade froze, and for a moment, Y/N expected him to protest, but when he saw all the people around them watching him, anticipating his next move, he turned on his heel, flushing bright red, and started toward the exit. Y/N and Jefferson were both scowling as they watched him leave.
However, it wasn’t long before Jefferson turned to Y/N, although she hadn’t turned back to face him.
“Are you alright, Ms. L/N?” he asked mildly, and she was sure her surprise pertaining to the whole situation was written across her face when she met his gaze. She nodded hesitantly. “I’d appreciate hearin’ you say it.”
“I’m just fine,” she assured him, voice shaky, and his tense shoulders relaxed, although he didn’t look fully convinced. “But thanks for your concern, really, Thom– sorry, Secretary– I mean, President Jefferson.”
She saw the corners of his lips twitch up when she almost called him Thomas.
"Of course. Let me know if there's anything I can do." His words were wary, careful not to cross any lines or to impose upon her, but she smiled.
"I think that firing Mr. Lestrade on sight was quite enough," she said, and when a grin split Thomas’s– President Jefferson's worried expression, her stomach turned; her smile was strained. Everything about him felt too familiar, painfully familiar.
"Fair enough,” he acquiesced. At how ill-at-ease she appeared, though, his smile wavered. “Hope I didn't go overboard."
She shrugged. "He deserved it."
Thomas Jefferson laughed, and the sound was as warm as she remembered it being. She hadn’t heard it in person in nearly three years, and for her to have come across him so suddenly, it was jarring. She was quite sure she was going to be sick.
“I s’pose you’re right.” By then, those around them had begun to disperse, so after glancing left and right, he took a step closer to her, furrowed his brow, and every muscle in her body tensed. Yet, she didn’t move away. His voice was soft, gentle when he asked. “You sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine,” she insisted, swallowing hard. “Don’t you have some politicians to get back to?”
He pursed his lips, and she was sure the tense grief in her expression wasn’t hidden as well as she’d have liked it to be. “I guess so,” he finally said, but he didn’t move, looking her over, and his voice was quiet when he said, “‘S good to see you, though. You look good.”
“Yeah, you too,” was all she could manage in response. He gave her a sad smile, nodded, and the silence between them stretched on Just as she thought he was about to turn, head back to where he’d been previously, he stopped himself.
“Will I see you around?”
The hope in his voice made her throat tighten, and she took a deep, shaky breath. She shook her head, and her voice nearly broke when she answered, “I don’t think you will.”
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Brave Heart: Chapter One
Attack on Titan
Rating: Mature
Warnings: sexual themes, death, gore, mature themes, extreme violence, body horror, blood, weapons, major character death, age-gap relationship
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2 Years Later, Year 847
Wiping the beads of sweat from her brow with the back of her hand, Vera let out a sigh of exhaustion and relief when the whistle blew, signalling the end of her workday; the end of her last workday in the factory she had been metaphorically chained to for the past two years.
After the events of the fall of wall Maria, the remaining survivors took refuge behind wall Rose. Rations and space were limited and thus, everyone—not just those who had been in Shiganshina that fateful day—suffered as a result.
Vera had lost everything and everyone that mattered to her that day, and still, things had been far from looking up anytime soon. Mere days after finding asylum alongside the other survivors, Vera was approached by a group of men who claimed to know her father.
That was when Vera learned the truth about Mattias Kline. Her father had apparently been a man with many debts. Debts that fell onto Vera's shoulders now that Mattias was dead with no other known living relatives. Thus, Vera was forced to work off the debt in a factory manufacturing omni-directional mobility gear; gear that she had never heard of, or even knew the purpose of, until she saw them up close and recognized them as the contraptions she had seen around the waists of the uniformed men and women when she was 13.
Since then, Vera had learned a lot. Much more than she ever thought possible. She learned that the monsters from that day were called Titans (she had seen the word before in her book but, until that day, had never known what it was), she learned that the walls had originally been built to protect humanity from said Titans, and she learned that her father had hidden so many things about the world from her that it now seemed as if she was living in an alternate dimension.
For the longest time, Vera tried to convince herself that her father had lied to protect her. Then, in 846, twenty percent of the population was sent to their deaths to fight the Titans. Things got worse and worse and worse before they ever started getting even the slightest bit better. During that time, while Vera worked day-in and day-out creating ODM gear, her hands forming calluses and her mind forming horrid memories, she grew to resent her father.
Vera resented Mattias for not preparing her for the world, resented him for accumulating debt that was now making her life a living hell, and, most of all, resented him for dying and leaving her all alone. In her mind, if he hadn't had so many debts, maybe he wouldn't have had to work so much, and then maybe he would have been home on that day. Maybe he could have taken Vera by the hand and led the both of them to safety. Maybe she would be spending her days now enjoying her life instead of sweating inside a dark factory that reminded her too much of the house she grew up in.
But now it didn't matter anymore. After two years of working in that damn factory, only able to keep enough from each week's earnings to feed herself, she had paid off her father's debts.
Standing up, Vera looked to the corner of the large warehouse-type building at the small window that she would stare up at during her days working, and smiled to herself; and for the first time in a long time, her smile wasn't forced. For years she had arrived at work before the sun rose and left after it had set. Now, she would be getting to set foot outside during the daylight.
"You're actually heading home on time for once? No overtime?" The older gentleman, Jefferson, who had worked alongside Vera for the past two years watched as she packed up. "You feeling okay?"
Vera beamed. "I'm feeling great."
"Where are you going?"
"Home," Vera answered. "I'm done. Today was my last day. My debts are paid, I'm free, and I'm going home."
"What are you going to do now?"
Vera shook her head. "I . . . I have no idea." She paused briefly. "Have a good day, Jefferson. It was nice working with you."
Turning on her heel, Vera began to walk away from her station for the very last time. Suddenly, Jefferson called after her. "Hey," he shouted, catching her attention. "The word of the day. You didn't tell me what it was this morning."
Vera chuckled, searching her mind for a word that matched how she was feeling right then. "Miraculous." She finally decided.
Jefferson nodded. "Use it in a sentence."
Vera thought for a moment before a knowing grin spread across her features. "You asked me what I was going to do now," she said. "I'm going to be miraculous."
Jefferson smiled wide in response. "Best of luck, Miss Kline."
Climbing the stairs out of the factory basement and into the lobby, Vera stopped in her tracks when she passed a shipment of freshly assembled and tested ODM ready to be sent out to the soldiers of the Military Police, the Garrison, and the Survey Corps.
Vera had spent so much time assembling and testing ODM gear that she knew it like the back of her hand by now. One day, as she held the gear in her hands, she swore to herself that after her last day, the next time she set her sights on the gear would be when she was wearing it.
Stories surrounding the bravery of the soldiers spread like wildfire after the Colossal and Armoured Titans attacked. It was hard not to dream about being heroic like them, so Vera wasn't alone in her fantasies about being brave and making a difference in the world.
Vera's decision to join the cadets, however, was one rooted in something more than a sense of heroics. A few days after she arrived behind wall Rose, she spotted a notice hanging from one of the buildings. The notice was covered with the faces of fallen soldiers who hadn't been identified yet. Among the many faces, Vera recognized the woman who had stopped on the rooftops to try and help her. Even though it was impossible to know for sure, Vera felt responsible for her death. Maybe if she hadn't stopped to help the small, helpless girl, she would still be alive.
Vera's mind was filled with 'maybes'. Maybe if things had been different, her mom wouldn't have died. Maybe her dad wouldn't have died. Maybe that nameless woman wouldn't have died.
Vera felt cursed. Everyone around her died and somehow she continued to make it out alive, time after time. So, she decided that she would use whatever it was she possessed—whether it be dumb luck or something else—that allowed her to survive for good. If people around her kept dying then she would spend the rest of her life trying to make up for that; trying to make the world a little safer and hopefully save lives in the process.
It wasn't about heroics or personal gain and glory. Vera's decision to join the cadets was about what she owed to the world. Now that she could choose what to do with her life, she was going to make it mean something. Now all she had to do was follow through. Easier said than done, but nothing was going to stop Vera from deciding her future; deciding what purpose her life would serve.
Maybe she could make a difference.
Pushing open the factory doors and stepping out into the light, Vera drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Next, she stripped out of her grease-covered factory jumpsuit to reveal her clothes underneath and tossed it into the nearest trashcan. Never again did she want to wear or even look at that damn jumpsuit.
Standing in place for a few minutes, Vera took the time to fully appreciate that, for the first time in her life, she could go wherever and do whatever she wanted. For the first time, she was free.
Arms spread wide, she let the rays of sunlight shine down on her face and smiled wide. "Miraculous," she whispered to herself before making her way through the streets back to her house.
The shack that Vera called home was no bigger than the one she grew up in with her father, and the only reason she could stay there was because the older lady who owned it had taken pity on her and allowed her to stay there instead of tearing it down to make room for a newer building. Nevertheless, Vera kept up with upkeep as best she could. She never covered the windows, allowing light to spill through during the day. She cleaned and repaired issues as they arose. It wasn't much, but it was all she had.
That night, however, would be her last in that home. In the morning, she would be leaving to join the cadets. And from there, her fate would be in the hands of those who knew more and had more experience than her.
Settling into bed that night, Vera pulled her blanket over her body and retrieved the book that she had salvaged from her old home. Now, Vera could read the entire thing. She could pronounce every word and knew what it all meant.
Flipping open the book to her favourite page, the place held by the family photo her father had been gripping while he drew his final breath, she read her favourite line.
'The miraculous walls that surround us, protecting us from the Titans and countless other dangers that lurk beyond them, were built by the brave men and women who had the initiative and courage to build a future for generations to come.'
Vera smiled softly to herself before settling in for the night. In the morning, she would begin the first day of the rest of her life.
Despite going to sleep rather early, as opposed to late at night when she got home after working overtime, Vera only managed to get a couple of hours of sleep. As soon as the sun began to peek over the top of the walls and light flooded into the streets, she jumped out of bed, packed up all of her belongings once again, and got ready to leave.
The morning sun only shone brightly for an hour or so before dark gray clouds began to drift in and rain began to fall. Throwing on her old, two-sizes-too-big raincoat, Vera tossed the bag of her belongings over her shoulder, left what little money she had remaining on the table as a pathetic gesture of kindness for the lady who had given her shelter during her time behind wall Rose, and headed out into the downpour.
The walk through the town wasn't too bad, but as soon as the buildings began to stagger more and there was less cover from the elements, the cold, harsh wind and pellets of rain made the trek a rather uncomfortable one.
After hours of walking through the brutal weather, Vera arrived at the recruitment station that resided on the outside of wall Sina. If it weren't for her raincoat, she would have been soaked to the bone. The thin jacket did little to stop the cold, however, and thus Vera was a shivering mess as she approached the Garrison soldier who was stationed at the recruitment tent.
The man on the other side of the flimsy table looked less than pleased to be outside on such a horrid day. And on top of that, it was probably a slow day for recruits, so he was also bored out of his mind. When Vera approached, he barely spared her a second glance.
"Can I help you?" the man asked, his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the small girl before him.
"I want to be a cadet," Vera had to shout a little to be heard over the sound of the rain pelting the top of the tent that kept the soldier dry but offered little protection for her.
The man eyed her up and down and scoffed, clearly thinking it was some sort of joke. "How old are you, kid?"
"I'm fifteen."
The man's eyes grew wide. "Fifteen? You look ten at most."
"I'm just small."
"Yeah, you could say that again. Listen, kid . . . the cadets is no joke. You don't look like you could last a day."
"I'll never know unless I try."
The man clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "I'm not in the business of sending little girls to their deaths. Trust me, kid, you'd be better off doing . . . oh, I don't know . . . anything else."
"I don't want to do anything else!" Vera's voice rose as the desperation inside of her began to bubble up into anger. "Please! Sir, this is what I'm meant to do! I know it! So, please, just give me a chance! Please!"
"What is going on here?"
Both Vera and the soldier froze in place at the sudden booming voice that had interrupted their disagreement. Lifting her hood a little so she could see who had interjected, Vera felt her breath catch in her throat when she looked up to see ten or so men and women on horseback stopped along the road leading through wall Sina and into the inner district.
Each and every one of the soldiers had a green cloak draped over their shoulders, the thick fabric displaying the sigil of the Survey Corps.
Immediately, the soldier across from Vera stood to his feet and saluted the man who had spoken up. "My apologies, Commander Erwin. It was nothing. I'm sorry to have disrupted you."
Erwin, the man at the front of the group with short blonde hair, thick brown eyebrows, and an expression that made it hard not to tremble in his very presence, turned to look at Vera. "Is everything okay, Miss?"
Vera wasn't sure whether she was permitted to speak to the commander of the Survey Corps, but when he nodded his head at her, prompting her to respond, she looked toward the soldier across from her. "Well, um . . . I want to be a cadet, Sir."
Erwin's gaze shifted back to the soldier. "And the problem is?"
The soldier began to fiddle with his hands, unsure what to say. "Well, Sir, it's just that . . . well, look at her. Scrawny, weak. She'll end up as Titan food in no time."
"I see." Erwin hummed before turning back to Vera once more. "Do you understand what signing up to be a cadet means?"
Vera nodded. "Yes, Sir."
"You understand that you'll probably die once you graduate and officially join one of the three regiments? That is, if tragedy doesn't befall you before then."
Vera was slightly taken aback by the blunt question, but she had always known that by signing up to be a cadet, she was greatly increasing her chances of dying an early and most gruesome death. "Yes, Sir," she answered with as much gusto as she could muster. "I just want a chance to prove myself, Sir. I know I don't look like much, but I'm a hard worker and a fast learner. I'm willing to bruise and bleed for the prosperity of humanity."
Vera wasn't sure whether her eyes had been playing tricks on her or not, or if the rain had skewed her vision for a moment, but she swore she saw the ghost of a smile play at the corners of the commander's mouth. "Seems like one hell of a cadet recruit to me." Erwin looked to the soldier from atop his horse and gave a stern nod. "We aren't in the business of turning away able bodies, Soldier," he told the man. "Deciding who is or isn't a useful warrior in the making is not in your job description. Sign the girl up and send her on her way."
With that, Erwin kicked his horse into motion once more and he and his fellow soldiers continued on their way. The soldier across from Vera saluted once more and Vera did her best to copy his actions, one hand curled into her chest and the other behind her back.
"Thank you, Commander Erwin, Sir," Vera called after her saviour; the man who had rescued her dream from being destroyed before it had even begun.
As the Survey Corps soldiers passed, Vera locked eyes with a man with short black hair, an undercut, and a glare that could kill a Titan. She had no idea who he was, but the way his eyes burnt holes through her made her believe he was someone incredibly important. Someone who saw himself miles above the dirty, sickly-looking girl below him.
Vera just gave a curt nod in response, acknowledging his attention, before turning back to the soldier inside the recruitment tent.
"Name?" The soldier settled back into his chair, resigning himself to having to sign Vera up no matter how much he disagreed with it.
"Vera Kline."
"I told you. Fifteen."
He huffed. "Do you have any form of identification?"
Reaching into her bag, Vera pulled out a thin card and handed it over. "Only my employee card from the factory I worked at. Is this okay?"
The man looked the card over quickly before grabbing a form from a pile beside him and began filling it out. "Yeah, it'll do."
After finishing out the paperwork, the soldier handed Vera back her employee card. Before he signed off on the form, however, he paused and looked up at Vera. "You're sure you wanna do this? I've watched countless friends die, ripped apart while they kicked and screamed bloody murder. It's not for the faint of heart."
Vera straightened herself the best she could and nodded. "Nothing I haven't already seen before." She pointed to the blank line that needed the soldier's signature and pulled her lips into a tight, thin line. "Death isn't scary for someone who doesn't have anything to live for."
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whatdidimissjm · 4 years
not sure if you're still accepting requests but may i ask for “don’t move. i’m going to get your bath ready” jamilton with thomas' dumb ass moving anyway
I am always accepting requests! :) And I looooved writing this one! It took me like forever, but now it´s done and I hope you´ll like it!
Promp list
Felt the Shame Rise in Me
“Alex, I´m so dizzy.”, Thomas mumbles, as soon as his boyfriend enters the room.
He looks up at him with glassy eyes, a thin layer of sweat covering his fever-flushed face. Alex puts the bag with the groceries down on the table and walks over to him, gently cupping his face and brushing his hair back, so that it isn´t sticking to his forehead anymore. Thomas´ eyes flutter shut as he leans into the touch, letting out a soft sigh. The heat that´s radiating from Thomas´ skin is concerning and the fact that Thomas doesn´t even try to hide how bad he feels, worries Alex even more. A shudder passes through Thomas´ body and he lets out a soft whimper, trying to wrap the blanket tighter around himself.
“I´m so cold.”
“Would you like to take a bath?”, Alex asks, and he can see Thomas´ eyes lighting up.
“Yes, please.”
He tries to sit up, but Alex places a steadying hand on his chest, gently holding him down.
“Don´t move. I´m going to get your bath ready and then I´ll get you.”
Alex expects Thomas to protest, but instead he just nods, sinking back down onto the couch, his eyes fluttering shut. For a moment, Alex just watches him, before he presses a quick kiss to his forehead and stands up and walks over to the bathroom. He turns on the tap and waits a bit, before he adds one of the bath-bombs he knows Thomas likes. He watches the water change colour, his thoughts spinning around his worry for Thomas and he almost doesn´t hear the soft thud from outside the bathroom. Alex turns the water off and listens from a moment, but doesn´t hear anything. Just as he is about to turn the water on again, a pained moan sounds through the flat, that causes him to jump up and hurry toward the living room.
His voice is shaking, and he feels like his heart is going to leap out of his chest. Another quiet moan comes from behind the couch and Alex braces himself for what he is going to find. Thomas is half lying, half sitting between the couch and the coffee table, one hand grabbing at the couch, trying to pull himself up. His face is a pained grimace, and the hand that isn´t holding onto the couch is pressed again his forehead, where blood is running out between his fingers and down his hand and face. For a second, Alex can´t form one coherent though, because that can´t be happening. Thomas should be on the couch, safe and sound, and not bleeding all over the floor. Waking up from his stupor, Alex drops to the ground next to is boyfriend and pulls him into a sitting position.
“Thomas what the hell happened?”
There is a panicked edge to his voice, but Thomas doesn´t seem to notice. The fact that he doesn´t react to his question either, makes Alex´s worry just grow more, and he grabs Thomas´ hand, trying to pry it away to see how deep the cut is. Thomas struggles against him, a pained whimper escaping his lips.
“Let me get a look at it, please.”
Alex doesn´t know if the desperation in his voice gets through to Thomas, or if the other man is simply too weak to resist more, but he manages to pull the hand away. He can barely see the cut because of all the blood, but Alex has a feeling that this isn´t something that he can handle on his own at home. He allows Thomas to press his hands against the injury once more and jumps up. Thomas´ head snaps up immediately, his eyes widening in panic.
“Where´re you going?”, he asks, his words slurring together.
“I´m calling an ambulance.”
For a moment Alex thinks Thomas will protest, but then his shoulders slump and Alex lets out a shaky breath of relief. He doesn´t think he could have handled arguing with Thomas about whether he needs to go to the hospital or not, without having a panic attack. The call is mercifully short, and after that he doesn´t feel as out of control as before anymore. He unlocks the front door and goes to the bathroom to grab a towel and their first aid kit, before he returns to Thomas, who blinks up at him with tired eyes as he hears him approach.
“Help will be here in a few minutes.”, he informs him, gently switching out Thomas´ hands for the towel. He opens the first aid kit and takes out a bandage, carefully wrapping it around Thomas´ head, hoping that this will stop the bleeding. Once he is done, he leans back, regarding Thomas with a frown. “And now tell me, what were you thinking? I told you not to move!”
“I don´t know.”, Thomas mutters, his voice muffled and weak.
Alex lets out a sigh and sinks down next to him on the floor, carefully wrapping his arm around Thomas´ back. Thomas sags against him, letting out a shuddering breath and Alex holds him tighter, not intending to let go of him anytime soon.
“I´m sorry.”
Alex swallows a few times, before he is able to answer without letting Thomas know that he is almost crying.
“Yeah, well, that´s what you get for not listening to me.”
Thomas lets out something like a chuckle, weakly reaching for Alexander´s hand. Alex holds onto his hand, feeling the rapid heartbeat fluttering underneath his fingers, letting him know that Thomas is here and alive, even though there is blood everywhere. He pulls Thomas even closer, leaning his head against the side of his head, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down, because Thomas needs him right now and the worst thing would be to panic. A shudder passes through Thomas and he slumps even more against Alex.
“I´m cold and my head hurts.”, he mumbles, sounding like he is close to tears.
“The ambulance should be here any second.”, Alex promises.
He twists around to pull the blanket from the couch, gently wrapping it around Thomas´ shivering form, not caring that he will probably get blood on it. Just as Alex is about to call 911 again, because surely, they must have forgotten about them, there is a knock on the door and a moment later two EMTs are standing in their living room. The sight is so bizarre that Alex almost feels like laughing, weren´t it for Thomas still shivering in his arms.
“Good evening.”, one of them says, putting down her equipment bag in the couch and kneels down on the floor next to them. “I´m Nicole Breuers and that´s my partner Karl Davidson. What´s your name?”
“Thomas Jefferson.”, Alex provides, and Nicole nods and writes it down.
“Can you tell me what happened?”
Thomas shrugs, holding on even tighter to Alex´s hand. It´s the only sign of strength he shows, other than that his body is limp and feels like dead weight on top of Alex.
“I was dizzy, and I think I tried to get up and fell.”
“He has been running a fever those past days.”, Alex chimes in.
“Were you with him when he fell?”
Alex shakes his head, feeling shame and regret rising in him. Maybe if he hadn´t left him alone, this wouldn´t have happened and Thomas would be alright right now.
“No, I was in the bathroom.”, he answers, his voice tight.
Nicole nods again, typing something on her tablet, before he looks up again.
“Thomas, does anything else hurt, other than your head?”
Thomas shrugs, dropping his gaze.
“I- I don´t know.”
“Okay, that´s alright. Does your neck hurt? Or your hands or back?”
“I don´t think so. Maybe my neck a bit? I´m sorry.”
Alex´s heart breaks at how lost and scared his boyfriend sounds, but the woman gives Thomas a reassuring smile and Alex feels himself relaxing the tiniest bit. They know what they are doing. Thomas will be fine. Everything will be fine.
“That´s alright. Now please move your hands and legs a bit, so that I can cross that off my list as well.”
Thomas nods and does as he´s told. She asks him a few other questions that Alex tries to answer when Thomas seems lost and then after a few minutes she is finally finished.
“We are gonna put a brace around your neck, just in case you hurt it during your fall.”, Nicole explains. “It will stop you from moving your head around, so that you don´t injure yourself more.”
Alex feels his insides going cold at that. He hadn´t even thought about the possibility that Thomas could be hurt even worse. The shock must be showing on his face, because Nicole gives him a reassuring smile.
“It´s a standard procedure. It doesn´t look like his neck is hurt, but better be safe than sorry.”
Alex nods numbly, and reluctantly lets go of Thomas, when the two paramedics put the brace around Thomas´ neck. He watches them lift him onto the lowered stretcher and feels his knees give in at the realisation that Thomas is so badly hurt that they need to take him to the hospital. He stumbles back, glad to be able to sit down. He feels a bit lightheaded and for a second he buries his face in his hands, taking a few deep breaths.
“Can I come to the hospital with you?”
He hates how desperate his voice sounds, but there is nothing he can do. When the paramedics nod, he lets out a breath of relief and gets up, grabbing his phone, wallet, keys, and a jacket and follows them outside. His legs still feel a wobbly and he is glad when he gets to sit down again. On the way to the hospital, Alex doesn´t intend to take his eyes off of Thomas once, far too worried that there is some kind of injury that they have overlooked.
“Do you have someone to call?”, Nicole asks after some time. “You will have to wait outside while they treat him. Maybe you can get someone to wait with you.”
He tears his eyes away from Thomas, looking over at Nicole.
“Yeah, yeah.”, he takes a deep breath, giving the woman a small smile that he hopes is convincing. “I will call someone when we´re there.”
“That´s good.”
They arrive at the hospital a few minutes later and Alex gets told to stay in the waiting area, while they take Thomas away to get treated and that someone will get him as soon as he can see Thomas. After just standing there for a moment, not knowing what to do, he finally has the mental capacity to sit down in one of the chairs. He takes a few deep breaths, before he takes out his phone, remembering what the paramedic has told him. He is a bit shocked when he sees the red smudges of blood all over the screen and for a moment, he just stares at it, before he opens his contact list.
“Alex?”, James asks, when he answers the phone.
As soon as he hears his friend´s voice, he can´t keep himself from crying anymore, a soft sob escaping him.
“Oh my god, Alex what happened?”
“Thomas… he, I don´t know… he hit his head and there was so much blood. Everywhere. And now we´re in the hospital and they took him away and-”
He is rambling and doesn´t seem to be able to form a single coherent thought.
“Okay, hey, calm down. Where are you?”
“New York Community Hospital.”, Alex sniffles.
“Good. That´s good. Do you need me to come?”
Alex closes his eyes for a moment, taking a deep calming breath.
“No. I´ll be fine and there´s no use for the both of us to be here, just… just stay on the phone with me please.”
“Of course. Tell me what happened?”
“I… I don´t really know. Thomas is sick so I wanted to make him a bath and then I heard a weird noise and went looking for him and he was on the ground and bleeding and James I was so scared and… and what if I hadn´t heard him? What if-“
“Hey.”, James says softly, and Alex stops, holding his breath. “No what if´s. You found him and that´s all that´s important, alright? Are you sure you don´t want me to come? I can be there in like half an hour.”
Alex shakes his head, letting out the breath he was holding.
“No, I´m fine. Really. This helps.”, he hesitates a moment. “You help. Just… just keep talking to me, alright?”
And James does just that. Alex had always thought he is good with words, but the way James manages to talk him down is incredibly impressive, especially because Alex knows that James must be worried about Thomas as well.
Alex doesn´t know how much time passes, until someone asks for the family of Thomas Jefferson, but he is out of his seat in an instant. He promises James to text him as soon as he knows more and ends the call, walking over to the doctor.
“How is he?”, Alex asks impatiently, without waiting for the doctor to say anything first. “Can I see him?”
“Good evening. I´m Doctor Lewis and I have been Mister Jefferson´s attending doctor. I guess you are Mister Hamilton?”
“Yes, I´m his boyfriend. Is he alright?”
Alex doesn´t even try to appear patient, because if she isn´t going to tell him what´s going on soon, he might actually go insane.
“Yes. He will be fine. We gave him something for his fever and the pain, and the headwound needed nine stitches. He is showing signs of a mild concussion, but there are no other injuries, so he should be fine with a few days of rest.”
Alex lets out a relieved sigh, almost all of the anxiety falling off him. Thomas will be fine.
“Can I see him?”, he asks again, and the doctor nods.
“Of course. If you´d follow me.”
She starts walking down the hallway and Alex follows her, already dreading the answer to his next question. He doesn´t know what he will do, if she tells him that they have to keep Thomas for the night, doesn´t think that he could bear to go back to their flat alone.
“Is he okay to go home?”
Doctor Lewis turns around to him, giving him a reassuring smile.
“Yes, under the condition that he will not be alone and that you bring him back if his condition gets worse.”
Alex lets out a relieved breath and nods, thinking to himself that he probably won´t ever leave Thomas alone again.
“Yes, yes of course.”
They come to a stop in front of a door and Doctor Lewis gives him a smile.
“I will be back in a bit with the forms you have to fill out, but you can go in. He has been asking for you the whole time.”
Alex nods and thanks the doctor again, before he opens the door and slips in. Thomas turns his head at the noise of the door, giving his boyfriend a reluctant smile. There is a bandage around his head and Alex is glad to see that some of the colour has returned to his face, but the dark stains of blood on his shirt still make him pause. They are a far too real reminder of all that has happened today. When Alex doesn´t make a move to walk over to the bed, Thomas holds out a hand for him and after another moment of hesitation, he takes a few steps forward. He takes Thomas´ hand, the one without the IV in it, and allows him to pull him down so that he is sitting on the bed.
“Hey.”, Thomas whispers, his voice exhausted, but he doesn´t seem to be in pain anymore. Probably thanks to the painkillers.
“Hey.”, Alex echoes, and suddenly he feels like crying again.
He closes his eyes for a moment and takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. When he opens his eyes again, there is a small smile on his face.
“The doctor told me you kept asking for me.”
Alex had meant for it to sound mocking, but instead there is only fondness in his voice.
“I didn´t want you to be alone.”
At Thomas´ words Alex feels his throat tightening, but he doesn´t allow himself to give into his emotions.
“You are the one hurt, genius.”
Thomas is about to respond, when the door opens once more, and Doctor Lewis enters. She runs them through everything once more and has them sign Thomas´ release papers and then they are sitting in a taxi on their way home. Thomas is leaning heavily against Alex once more, but this time it´s reassuring, instead of concerning. He sends a quick text to James, letting him know that Thomas is alright and that they are on their way home.
As soon as they enter their flat, Alex spots the dark stains of blood in the living room and he feels a shudder running through his body. He quickly guides Thomas into the bedroom, deciding that he will deal with all of this tomorrow. After he has made sure that Thomas is sitting on the bed and not intending to get up, he turns to their wardrobe and takes out fresh pyjamas for both of them. Alex helps Thomas putting his on, even though he insists that he could do it alone too, before he quickly slips into his own.
“Let´s get you into bed.”
Thomas lets out a content sigh and allows Alex to guide him under the blanket and tuck him in. Alex pulls the curtains closed and turns off the light, before he joins him in bed. For a moment they just lay next to each other in silence, but then Thomas shifts around, so that he is looking at Alex.
“I´m sorry.”, he mumbles, a single tear running down his cheek.
Alex reaches out for him and gently brushes it away, before he leans in and presses a soft kiss to his lips.
“Next time you listen, when I tell you to do something.”
Thomas chuckles softly and nods, curling up in Alex´s arms.
“I will.”
Alex pulls Thomas closer and presses a kiss to his head, mumbling a soft “good night” into his hair. While Thomas falls asleep, Alex watches him, not yet ready to take his eyes off him.
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measuringbliss · 3 years
Just as with Disco Elysium, here's my Life is Strange "how much I'd like to f*ck/date the guys" tier list. Please note I haven't played LiS2 lol I'll stay vague about True Colors but I *will* spoil LiS & LiS BtS.
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Let's go in order, shall we?
Skip Matthews: Skip is THE guy I thirsted on, in Before the Storm. I was still high on that Will Graham thirst and this guy right here didn't nothing to quell my thirst. He has everything: the uniform, the hair, beard, posture, pathetic vibes... he even does nice music! And he's one of the few adults who's really chill with Chloe. Damn. I love him.
Charles Eriksen: Obviousy physically, he's my thing (what a surprise). Apparently his wife is dead and he became an alcoholic? Yeah it only adds to the whole thing. (You all know by now that I'm a lost cause lmao)
Diego Morales: Have you *seen* him?
Brody Holloway: Oh a bear journalist with glasses, what's not to like? Apparently he's even a nice guy!
Frank: Listen at this point if you're still surprised, there's nothing I can do for you. He's not relationship material but. He can get it.
Gabe Chen: COME. ON. What a stud. Everybody loves him and that's for a reason. He's charming as hell and absolutely hot. He's also a nerd, and we love nerds in this house.
Jacob Hackerman: That gay guy from LiS2 I know of because he's the gay guy you can't date. He's cute!
Mac: Is he a jealous pathetic fuck? Yes. That's my brand. Well I could do without the jealous part, but he's insecure. I can fix him. Or make him worse. He's an awful guy, but he's nothing compared to...
Mark Jefferson: Ooh boy. Yeah he's an evil guy, yeah he's probably terrible in bed and wouldn't shut up about art nouveau and whatnot, but I'm weak. I'm just a sl*t, folks.
Pike: It's the dad energy. He's Hopper but thinner (*sad*) but he still has that dad energy. I'm weak.
Ryan: THE MOMENT MY EYES FELL UPON HIM, I KNEW I HAD TO DATE HIM. Damn. Just. Damn. His role in the storyline is *chef's kiss*. He's also much more present that Steph imo, like Steph is "around you" and Ryan is "next to you" if you know what I mean? I dunno. Damn he's great. (ALSO THAT SCENE IN CHAPTER 2 IS BEAUTIFUL, COME ON)
Chloe's dad: He's a nice dad.
Justin Williams: He's just chilling, he's nice, that's a goal right there. 100% would date. He's so chill. Very lovable character. I can't do my loving of the character enough justice. He's chilling when everyone else is either hyper or an ass.
Esteban Diaz: Oh another dad! He seems nice. Hope nothing bad happens to him.
Joey Peterson: He's beautiful but he's also one of the few characters that really look dateable. He's husband material, not just f*ck buddy material. I've got a ring for you, sir.
Nathan Price: Listen we all know Nathan is awful and IRL I'd absolutely steer away from that kind of person, but it's a videogame and I can!!!! Fix him!!!!
The bouncer from BtS: Not only can he protect you with his muscles, but he's genuinely a fun guy from what little screentime he has. It helps that Chloe's backtalk mechanic is so silly it makes him immediately endearing.
Warren: Haters gonna hate but I actually decided to date him with Max in LiS1. Okay here's the thing: I feel like dating Chloe comes with a lot of baggage. She can be annoying as fuck at some points in the game, and I understand it, I really do, I see where she's coming from and I absolutely cried in the DLC of BtS, but she's still A LOT to deal with. Meanwhile Warren is just generally supportive of Max, even though she's kind of an ass to him lmao. The narrative pushes Chloe/Max as far more canon than Warren/Max, and the Warren/Max romance feels like their kiss in EP5 is just something Max does to make him happy in this apocalypse, even though she doesn't really love him. It's clear she doesn't have the same relationship with him as with Chloe. But in the end, I've fallen for the nerdy nice guy (and not "nice guy" like someone else in this list...)
The rest of them: Eww. Though I have to say I quite appreciate the theatre teacher. The play part in BtS felt awfully close to home, in both the best ways and the worst ways. I've rarely felt so conflicted on a piece of media hahahaha
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jefferoni-quotes · 4 years
I'm having a pretty hard time rn (my grandpa passed away two days ago and my best friend and me had a major fall out the day before) so.. could you maybe give me some fluff? I don't care who about, I just need something nice and sweet -
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First of all, anon, I'm so sorry about your grandpa! I hope you're okay, if not feel free to message me!
Take this short, fluffy Jamilton which had been sitting in my drafts for months. Thanks for making me finish this!
a copier room for two
Jamilton, 973 words
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tw for anxiety
Full fic under the cut!
Jefferson grabs Alexander by the arm and tugs him down the hall. The office is long empty, the employees filed home hours previous. A rumble of thunder breaks the unpleasant silence, and Hamilton lets out a pathetic whimper, suppressing the overwhelming urge to curl up into a ball. 
Jefferson is still pulling, less harsh and more caring with a focused expression plastered over his features. If he weren't so utterly caught in the net of fear, Alexander would've taken a moment to admire him. 
They turn a corner, a left he notes and then a door is thrown open with urgency. Another loud clap of thunder and a strike of lightning has involuntary tears tracking down Hamilton's cheeks. A choked sob comes from one of them, and it takes Alexander a second to realise it was him. He's guided by a strong hand into the room, a printer room, how classy he thinks. 
The door shuts and a light flickers on, suddenly the storm is nonexistent. Standing before him is a tired looking Thomas Jefferson. His usual arrogant smirk is replaced with a sad looking frown, his forehead wrinkles with the expression. He looks old. Well, not old. But older than he is. As far as Alexander knows, Jefferson is thirty-five, a full four years older than Hamilton, but he could easily pass for his mid-forties. 
Jefferson opens his mouth to speak, and that familiar sultry drawl does not escape. The accent itself is the same, but his tone has changed dramatically. His voice is quieter, lighter. He sounds more friendly, approachable and in a way… shy? It's an emotion he wasn't aware the ignorant jerk possessed, but it was a breath of fresh air. 
"This is the only soundproof room on this floor," Jefferson breathes, stepping away from the door, releasing the handle.
Alexander sighs. That's how he can no longer hear the crash of thunder. There aren't any windows either, so he's safe from seeing any of the storm too. Then he raises a questioning eyebrow. "How do you know that?"
He examines with intent as Jefferson's face lights up red, all the way up to his ears. The blush isn't as noticeable as it would be, and he susses the man must be grateful for his darker skin hiding his fluster. "Unimportant," he mutters and turns back to the door. "Would you like me to leave?"
Alexander blinks a few times. Despite being unable to see or hear the storm, he knows it's out there. And he really doesn't want to be alone. "Stay? Just until it's gone?" He musters the willpower to ask for help, and it doesn't feel good. Not until Jefferson lets go of the handle again and nods, his hands dropping to his sides like he doesn't know what to do with them.
With a moment of silence washing over them, Alexander sinks to the floor, tugging his knees up to his chest. The tears haven't ceased in their tirade of running down his face, and he sniffs as he realises this fact. His - admittedly hot - political rival has seen him at his lowest point. Great.
He doesn't notice Jefferson sitting down next to him until a thumb graces just below his eye and wipes a bitter tear away. He flinches and the hand is gone. He looks over, Jefferson automatically glances away. This is a side he's never seen of the man. This shy, bashful, quiet man is such a difference to the cocky piece of shit Alexander knows. 
They sit in silence for a minute longer, enjoying the feeling of not arguing. Alexander has calmed down significantly when Jefferson speaks.
"When I have panic attacks I come in here." He says with a simple shrug, but his eyes shine with fear and regret as soon as the words pass his lips.
"What?" Alexander asks, exasperated. He takes big gasping breaths.
"You asked me how I know this room is soundproof," Thomas (when did Jefferson become Thomas?) reminds him. "Well, I come in here when I'm having a panic attack, or I need to cry or whatever." The man looks away, averting his eyes from a confused Alexander. 
"What? When you need to…?" Alexander's voice wavers with the effort to hold himself together, for his and Thomas' sake.
Thomas catches his bottom lip between his teeth, rolls it back and forth as he considers his words. "Cry, or I'm panicking. Usually twice a week at least."
"When was the last time-?" Alexander asks, throat thick. It feels as though he's the cause of this.
"Yesterday-" Thomas announces, "you called me a pathetic disgrace to the earth," he adds, glancing off. The storm may have stopped by now, and yet neither dare move. 
Alexander caught his bottom lip between his teeth, rolled it back and forth nervously before letting it go. "I'm- sorry about that. You're… you're not that bad actually."
Thomas scoffs. "No, Hamilton. I am that bad."
Shaking his head, Alexander cuts in. "You're not. You wouldn't have helped me if you were."
Thomas snorts out a soft laugh and drops his head to Alex's shoulder absent-mindedly, not thinking about his actions. "You're not so bad yourself, Hamilton."
"Alexander," he corrects, threading his fingers through Thomas' curls. They spring - much to Alex's delight - to the touch. Not only that, but Thomas makes no objections, merely leans closer to Alexander.
"You're not so bad, Alexander," he repeats, name changed to fit better. It brings a gentle smile to Alex's face, and in this moment he's completely forgotten where they are. In his mind, they're no longer huddled in a cramped printer room, there is no storm outside and Thomas hasn't just opened up about his anxiety to him. No, it's just him and Thomas in their own little world together.
And it's perfect for now.
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S2 E10: Hunted
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Oooh more psychic kids at last
Okay normally I like the soundtrack but I do hate "White Rabbit" by the Jefferson Airplanes, mainly bc I heard the worst fucking cover of it live every Saturday at a former job for way too long and that ruined the original for me.
Fucking rip Scotty, we barely knew ya
Thank god they actually finished Sam and Dean's conversation and didn't just leave it at the fade to black
John told Dean that he had to save Sam, possibly by killing him, and Dean said "got it. Die for Sam." John "that's not what I -" Dean, making a deal "Too late, I'm dying for Sammy"
Snrk this isn't strictly relevant to the episode but I paused the episode just as Dean made a great face and I wanted to share
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Sammy isnt the only one who can do a good bitchface lmao
Wait where did Sam get this address. We're missing a scene here, guys. Hello????
God honestly forget the Winchesters I want a show about Ellen, okay, I love her so much
...is that "Supermassive Black Hole" playing in the background??? What the fuck - I know it wasn't specifically written for Twilight but it's so synonymous with that movie now that it is REALLY throwing me for a loop
Why does Scotty's bookshelf have the same spread as my grandfather's tho
Yeah that collage in the closet is fucking terrifying thanks
AVA!! man Ava is so cute. Shame what happens to her in the season finale, she deserved better.
Jdhsjjsjs don't be so quick to dismiss Sam as nuts for having visions when you were JUST trying to convince him you weren't nuts for having visions make up your mind Ava lmao
What was even the point of that stunt, honestly
Dean why are you basically trying to be a peeping tom on your brother
Oh fucking Gordon goddamnit. I still don't like that he's still the only non-white hunter on this show and he's an asshole, that's so skeevy on so many levels.
Why does Gordon assume the psychics aren't human like... thus far we have no proof that it's not just a latent ability in humans, they haven't found out about the demon blood yet
I thought Ellen didn't like Gordon so how did he find out about Sam's visions - 'cause you know she would string Ash up by his toes if he blabbed, especially to someone she didn't trust
Oh fuck off, John wishes he was a tenth of the man Dean is. Dean's an ass sometimes but he's not a coward, outright abusive, or just a fucking awful POS like John.
Nice cello line going as Sam makes his way into the house, very reminiscent of Jaws and Hall of the Mountain King
The smoking boot is a nice touch lmao
Jfc Sam fight back a little
Yeah like that
On the one hand the smart move would have been to take out Gordon. On the other hand, I'm glad he didn't bc that would add a whole 'nother level to the skeeviness.
Could they at least have pretended to untie some knots instead of Jensen Ackles literally flipping the rope off his wrist bc it was just laid overtop
...yeeaaahhhhhh calling the cops on Gordon, a black man, with two guns in his hands.... that's as good as a death sentence, Sam. You're a prick. And the only reason he isn't shot on sight by them is because this is a TV show. Like I know we're supposed to be happy about Gordon getting arrested but this is a very bad look considering the relationship between the police and black people IRL. And not just now in 2020 - since the beginning of police forces.
Wow so Sam's face instantly healed and they're not gonna mention that huh
Amsterdam is a bold choice considering you hate flying, Dean
"The only thing we get is bad luck" pffft isn't the 'cursed with bad luck' episode coming up soon, too
"I don't believe in that destiny crap" also a good tagline for this show
I'll be honest i was expecting Ava's fiance to be on the ceiling, I forgot that he was just fucking... Slasher'd in bed
"Hunted" final thoughts: I'm not going to reiterate what I already said about Gordon because I feel it's redundant.
I like that they're trying to push the psychic kids plot forward more, but this overarching plot remains badly paced and often comes across like the writers forget about it for several episodes in a row and then suddenly go "oh wait shit right, Sam has visions! Let's play with that again!"
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