strawberriandromeda · 7 months
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stardustvalentine · 3 months
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pride kyouhaba!! 🏳️‍🌈
as i sketched this, the kids im nannying came up w elaborate backstories for them unprompted?? kyoutani’s name is john and his dog just died. yahaba’s name is michael and he was raised on a farm so he’s been through animal death and is like “i can fix him.” they are still in love ofc because “yeah sure it’s pride month” (direct quote)
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(^^ the sketch that inspired their made-up backstories) (another child quote as i was drawing kyoutani: “why does he look like that? is he depressed? 🤨”)
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rubysundaey · 5 months
I was going to just be like “I just come up with silly ideas and draw them” but I feel like that’s far too vague of an answer, so here’s something a little less vague :3
Whenever I design a character, I usually just start out with a very basic character trait or two I want to incorporate somehow (extra limbs, fish tail, wacky face, etc) and start sketching out the character from the head down (though I do do legs first before arms just because I think it’s easier). Then, once I reach the body, I start looking around for clothing ideas! I usually use pinterest (it might be filled with stolen art and ai generated garbage but if you know where to look, you’ll eventually just get shown photos of clothes and accessories), specifically my pinterest board filled with clothing and accessory inspiration, and pick a few items I think look nice :3 (if you really want to be fancy, you can arrange the things you pick in a moodboard, but either way is perfectly fine!) then I just. Let my brain go off! I usually listen to music whilst I draw, so sometimes that gives me inspiration too. Sometimes i’ll add extra accessories to the character’s hair or head after i’ve already finished their design, sometimes i’ll color in the sketch before I move to the lineart, but for the most part, after I pick a few character traits and items, I just let my brain come up with whatever it thinks will look good. TV screen for a face? Sure! Shiny ears? Of course! Tail bracelets? Sure, why not!
Really, at the end of the day, most of my character design process just comes down to whatever I think looks neat :3 Just make whatever you think looks neat and have fun!! :D
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lunyrbug · 2 years
pov i'm talking about michael jackson to you
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
The newest Tumblr inside joke was to reply to any and all tutorials or guides with “OP thinks they‘re Jichael”. 
I don’t know who Jichael is.
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nyastyaraspurrtina · 7 months
this made me cackle in the middle of a grocery store btw so true
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LMAOOOOOO glad i can make you laugh 🫡
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blues824 · 1 year
Hello! May I request twst wonderland first years or dorm leaders reacting to a kokushibo(demon slayer) yuu?
Feel free to skip if you like.
Have a nice day/night!
Gender-neutral reader with the Housewardens. Jichael Mackson is totally going to be the rip-off version of Michael Jackson from here on out. 
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Riddle Rosehearts
He was honestly so relieved to see another rule-follower, but you were more severe than he was. You learned all 810 rules in the span of an hour, and you have threatened students with a fight when they broke them. You weren’t exactly loud about it, though. Instead, you just launched yourself at them.
Your eyes are definitely what he noticed at first, then the katana that was sheathed in its saya at your hip. You were not one to joke around, and neither was he. You both saw eye-to-eyes when it came to the rules, and you made sure that everyone followed them. It had gotten to the point where they were begging him to call you off before you left them with a black eye and a few cracked teeth.
Then there was your loyalty to not just him, but also the Queen of Hearts. Ever since being teleported to this world, you have found it hard to control yourself. It was because of him that you were able to find faith in humanity once again, and so you calmed down a bit. You hadn’t eaten anybody yet, just tackled them like a football player.
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Leona Kingscholar
About as opposite as you could get at this point, because he disregards the rules. Because of your strength as a demon, you have the power to pick him up and hoist him over your shoulder as you drag him to class. His attendance record has improved drastically because of your efforts, so it counts for something.
He wasn’t exactly creeped out about your appearance. He honestly thought you were probably a spider or insect beast-person, but came to find out that you are a demon. He was rightfully wary of you, as he didn’t know much. However you explained that you had control over your urges and that if you wanted to eat him, you would have already.
You were quiet, compared to all of the other students, so he found himself able to nap around you once you got closer. You at some point swore your loyalty to him, so you were with him all of the time. You acted as a rather unorthodox knight/guard, and you became close with Ruggie because of it.
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Azul Ashengrotto
You scared him, to say the least. It wasn’t your eyes, though. He has seen much weirder and scarier creatures in the ocean. It was your ability to turn him, Jade, and Floyd into diced fish within seconds because of your power as a demon. He had no idea what an ‘Uppermoon’ was, but the fact that you were #1 definitely did not slip his mind.
Because of your desire to follow the rules, you offered to act as a bouncer to the Mostro Lounge as long as you were compensated properly. He thought you wanted a human to eat, but you were just trying to make that bank. He agreed once the misunderstanding was cleared up, and damage costs were decreased because now there was someone to escort disruptive customers to the exit. 
The aura surrounding you was an unnerving calmness, and it really worked for your position. You honestly were annoyed by the contracts that were being made, and the line for you was crossed when Ace, Deuce, and Grim were all under them when they had an unfair chance. You held your sword to the cecaelia’s neck. The tweels weren’t even able to help because of how quickly you pinned them down.
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Kalim Al-Asim
The only problem he had was how you were so quiet. He wanted to know more about you, so he liked to ask you questions as you answered them with barely enough words. You appreciated his efforts, as you can’t remember the last time someone really cared about you… not since your brother or even your spouse from however many years ago.
He’s definitely a bit more fun than you were, as you want to stick to the rules and he didn’t mind bending them. It was his spontaneous idea of hosting a dad joke session that actually managed to put a smile on your face. They were just so horribly bad that you couldn’t help but smirk at one of them. Kalim let out a loud cheer as he hugged you and in a sing-song voice stated that he made you smile. 
This guy does not pick up on why so many people are scared of you. You smile as you shrug, telling him that you had no idea what it could be, knowing full well that people were afraid of your ability to wield your katana as well as you being a demon. It might be true that you hadn’t eaten anybody yet, heavy emphasis on the yet, but you were still a killer who had the blood of thousands, if not millions, on your hands. But Kalim didn’t need to know that.
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Vil Schoenheit
Your eyes are definitely the first thing he notices, as well as your rather unique way of dressing. It kind of looked like a more traditional and… vintage?... version of the Pomefiore dorm uniforms. However, he does not judge a book by its cover, so he does ask you about yourself whenever you come to Pomefiore for something.
He tends to follow the rules, as it means that everything falls into a routine and nothing is left up to chance. You also follow the rules, but to a much more hardcore degree. You’ve tackled and fought people who dare go against the rules of the Fairest Queen’s Dorm and against Vil. He has had to tell you a few times to reel back in the aggression, but he understood that your training under Jichael Mackson caused you to be like this.
Honestly, as long as you don’t kill or eat anybody, you’re alright in his book. He enjoyed your company, as you were a good person to rant to because you listened. You’ve gotten to the point where threats alone are enough to strike fear in anyone, which is more than the actor can say for himself. You were in a position of power, which intrigued Vil because not anyone could do that in such a short amount of time.
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Idia Shroud
You reminded him of a character from ‘Help! Jichael Mackson turned my sister into a demon and now I have to find a cure for her!’ Excuse him if he gets really shy around you because now one of his favorite demons was right in front of him… in the flesh. He thought you never would have noticed him, but it would be hard to not meet someone as extroverted as his younger brother, Ortho.
Yeah, the younger Shroud brother had walked up to you and scanned you, and you were very weirded out. However, it started a rather pleasant conversation between the two of you. You eventually saw Idia’s tablet, and you asked what it was. The cyborg explained that Idia had social anxiety, and you nodded before moving on with your day.
Anyways, when you both finally meet in-person for the first time, you thank him for creating such a person as Ortho, as he was the first true, respectable friend that you had made in your brief amount of time in Twisted Wonderland. Congratulations, the older Shroud brother is now passed out as his hair is burning bright pink. 
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Malleus Draconia
Well, you both bonded over the fact that many people are afraid of you two. The only difference is that you wanted them to fear you, Malleus did not. During your walks underneath the moonlight, he asked about your story. He was not afraid of you, so you decided to spill the tea. You told him about your rank in your former master’s army, and how you were the strongest. The fae prince was so intrigued that he clung onto each word you uttered.
The pain you must have suffered not only in your human life but also your afterlife is incomprehensible. You told him about your brother and how envious you were of him, but he still cared for you anyways. Then seeing him pass away in front of you was absolutely heartbreaking and kind of Ctrl+Alt+deleted your emotions.
You became very loyal to Malleus, but not as bad as the others. You were someone he could confide in, while you tackled anyone who dared bring him harm. You’ve even thrown hands with Sebek for annoying you and you won that battle, and that made him erupt in pure, uninterrupted laughter. The way you were able to keep a dead-straight face after just made him, Lilia, and Silver continue laughing.
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penny-anna · 1 year
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elementalalien27 · 12 days
Dude this ain’t Michael Jackson, this is Jichael Mackson 💀
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nightwhispcrs · 1 year
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his arm was twitching before as slept , fingers flexing uncomfortably . jack woke to find them balled into a fist , nails digging into the skin of his palm . a heavy sensation sat on his chest ; at first he thought michael had fallen alseep on him at some point in the night , but when he glanced over he saw that his boyfriend was not touching him at all . as he tried to let out a sigh to regain focus , jack discovered he couldn't really breathe . assuming some part of his body had just been in the wrong position during his unconcious state , jack rolled to his side and slid out of bed . he sat up on the edge of the mattress and rubbed his face with his palms , but nothing felt right . / closed starter for @rainbowmuses ( jichael )
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simandthedimbulbv2-0 · 10 months
the lifetime achievement award duo???? thank you
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Dr. Herbert E. Lipzditsch & Maxine Jichael
Lore: Dr. Lipzditsch used to be a famed plastic surgeon, but he disappeared out of the blue one day for unknown reasons. Rumours swirled about the incident — there had been an accident — Lipzditsch lost his medical license — the mafia, or aliens were involved— but progress was never made towards finding the truth, and eventually the whole thing blew over. Meanwhile, Dr. Lipzditsch was far away, starting a new life and a new career as a small town mortician. Though at first he did his duty making the corpses look peaceful and presentable, Lipzditsch’s curiosity got the better of him and he began researching more in-depth ways of giving them the appearance of life… or more than that, even. Eventually, a team of agents tracked him to his new location, and though initially cornered, Lipzditsch became delighted when it turned out the men were there with a request… a request that involved the recently deceased pop idol, Maxine Jichael. Maxine was a talented singer-songwriter who flew to the top of the charts soon after she began her career. Known for being as humble as she was creative, she quickly gained an extremely dedicated fan base who hung on her every breath. Even after they stopped. During a live show, a terrible accident occurred and Maxine was horrifically crushed by a falling piece of stage equipment. The audience, and indeed the world was inconsolable. But Maxine was far too valuable to be laid to rest quite yet, and her record company was happy to provide a certain ex—plastic surgeon plenty of resources if it meant getting their star back from the grave.
Herbert E. Lipzditsch
Herb’s two songs are Modify and Lifetime Achievement Award, the former of which is set during his time as a plastic surgeon.
Herb is one of three characters within this universe that have a greenish tint to their skin, the others being his cousin Oliver Stuf (of Market Land) and the unrelated travelling children’s entertainer Bartholomew Zew (of Gadzooks, Pumpkin Pie, The Saga of You: Confused Destroyer of Worlds, The Ultimate Showdown, Jaws, etc).
Herb is named for Herbert West (the lead character of the film Re-Animator) and Ernest Menville (the tritagonist of the film Death Becomes Her). He’s also somewhat based on J.S. Steinman (from Bioshock). ‘Lipzditsch’ was me trying to cram as many consonants as i could into one German-sounding name for the fun of it. If you’re wondering, it’s pronounced ‘lips stitch’ (with a slight z to the ‘s’)
like many of these characters, Lipzditsch is the ‘affably evil’ variety of mad doctor; he’s a genuinely friendly sort of person, but his sense of ethics and morality leave much to be desired.
His cohort of sinister nurses are the CEOR staff, a number of record execs who follow him around and hold things for him while he does the real work. Their uniform looks something like a cross between a business suit and scrubs.
Maxine Jichael
Poor Maxine doesn't come back quite right and has to be reanimated several times; she is the source of the freaky laboured breathing in LTAA.
Moves stiffly and sluggishly like a zombie most of the time.
Her most devastating fatal injuries were to her hands and throat, hence the emphasis on them.
Based on a combination of the two artists mentioned in the song, Katy Perry and Michael Jackson.
in case it isn’t obvious, Maxine’s name is derived from a spoonerism of Michael Jackson (‘Jichael Mackson’). Accordingly, her last name rhymes with Michael, if the spelling is throwing you off.
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awacatin · 2 years
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S2 Jichael
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stardustvalentine · 1 month
context: one time while nannying, i was doodling kyouhaba. the kids grew enamored with the characters, named them “john” (kyoutani) and “michael” (yahaba), and ever since then, whenever i had my sketchbook, they told me things happening in john+michaels lives. this has resulted in a three-chapter comic series written by two children and illustrated by me⁉️
we didn’t illustrate the first chapter, but the summary is: john/kyoutani’s dog died and since michael lived on a farm, he came up to him & they talked abt it. ANYWAY:
The Jichael Comic
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additional jichael facts the kids made up:
- they both work at starbucks
- the ring was worth $5 and was one of those cheap plastic ones from a vending machine
- john (kyou) likes galaxies and michael (haba) likes aliens??? oops they plagiarized another ship 🫢
- they live in either canada, china, or america (but only if they’re both part german??) but the kids couldn’t decide
- john owns a truck
- they adopt a grotesquely ugly baby
- they have a golden retriever named biscuit!
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anyway, this is definitely one of the weirdest things i’ve illustrated but. i felt that the internet needed to see it too
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rubysundaey · 7 months
hi jicarl
that’s not even right fish
it’s jichael, not jicarl
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Fucked up in the brib listening to Jichael Mackson
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There’s a J. Crew in my local mall and every time i pass by it, without fail, i think “omg……. Jichael Crew”
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