#jily proposal
tinyluminaryzombie · 3 months
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For @mppmaraudergirl's Alight With Happiness Fest 2024, Day 1: The Big Moments
Scenes From a Proposal, 974 words
"Lily knew that if James proposed, he'd do it like this. In their home, with the help of their family, after a great day."
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athenasparrow · 1 year
No. 29 - Dream | Jily Microfic
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We're getting down to the last few @jilymicrofics
Read on AO3 | 625 words
James had dreamed about spending forever with Lily for a long time. Longer than he’d ever admitted to anyone, but was about to bare to Lily herself.
He didn’t think he’d ever been quite so nervous before. Definitely more nervous than when he became Head Boy and walked into a room of Prefects, expecting them to laugh; more nervous than when he’d played his first Quidditch match and more nervous than when he’d confessed to Lily had he loved her.
Because this was permanent. 
The ring and unsaid blessing his mother had given him months prior weighed heavy in his pocked. 
He was surprised Lily hadn’t called him out on all his fidgeting yet. Or his odd refusal to walk on her left hand side, lest she feel the box in his pocket and figure him out.
Or maybe he’d just been too involved in his thoughts to notice, he mused, as he caught Lily giving him a side glance.
But they were here. It was time.
“We’re here,” James announced, halting his steps and opening the gate. The cottage was nestled in a colourful garden full of flowers, butterflies and hummingbirds. Ivy had climbed up the side of the house and over the roof, creating a soft charm and blending into the greenery of the garden. The front door was a cheerful shade of yellow, flanked by delicate lanterns that would illuminate the entrance at night. The windows were framed by white wooden shutters, each adorned with a tulip shaped cutout, a whimsical tie to the garden below.
“This is the cottage I was admiring,” Lily said slowly, running her fingertips along the wooden gate as she swept her gaze around them.
“Yeah,” James said, his hand leaping to ruffle his hair, Lily’s gaze following it.
“James, are you okay?” Lily asked, frowning up at him “I don’t really understand–
“Wait, please?” James pleaded.
Lily must have picked up on just how nervous he was, because she fell silent instead of teasing him like she normally might.
“I fell in love with you at fifteen,” James blurted out, before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to steady his voice. 
He felt small hands reach for his larger ones and her cool touch calmed him.
“I’ve loved you for so long,” James continued, his hazel eyes seeking her emerald ones so he might take strength from her. “And recently I’ve had this dream and I want to share it with you.”
Lily nodded, her eyes searching his, but her voice silent, like she knew he had more to say.
“I’ve had this dream,” James continued, “of us in a living room, with dinner going in the kitchen and laughter in the house and a toddler flying around on a broomstick.” 
He felt Lily’s hands squeeze tight around his and heard her shaky intake of breath.
And when he pulled himself away from thoughts of his dream to meet her eyes once again, he found them wet.
He let out a breathless laugh.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Lily” he confessed, the words tumbling out of him “I’ve been sure about you for a long time. I want to know if you can imagine this dream too. Will you marry me?”
Lily’s lips crashed onto his with a fierceness that caught him off guard. He felt the warmth from her lips chase away the icy chill of his nerves. The initial shock that she’d said yes wore off and James felt his heart might fill and burst from all the love he felt as he kissed her back. 
“Just to be clear,” he said between kisses ‘Was that–
“Yes,” Lily responded, “Of course it was a yes James.”
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Wowowow, your background James kneeling before Lily !? It’s so amazing? (That’s not a question, just some online shouting into nothing!) it needed out, xx
@practicecourts Thank you so much, that’s the Jily proposal scene from We Can Be Heroes by @0kat0 who is hugely talented!!
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uncertainwallflower · 2 months
DEAD SKIN CELLS For @jilymicrofics April 2024. Prompts: fireworks, fete, enchantment, rational. Words: 157.
In her heart? Fireworks. A fête of light, rushing light, colour flooding her mind and blurring her thoughts, merging and spitting and frothing up like laughter in her throat. At her neck was James, his mouth grinning as he urged her to yes, yes, say yes, his fingertips at her nape and on her shoulder blades, thumbs palpitating, front pressed to hers, trapping her mind in this bright enchantment, this happy slither. Irrational and ridiculous and overflowing with mirth and youth and bodies with hearts beating and lungs breathing and lips that could kiss.
Their laughter settled in the gaps of the floorboards and the cracks in the plaster. The dead skin cells of their young love would remain for years, caked. Befuddled by euphoria, sparkling water in the veins, they giggled as small children do and kissed and laughed and watched the dust motes dance and they were young and they were cotton and in love.
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up-to-some-good · 4 months
Mission Accomplished
Part two to this, but can be read as a standalone. Written for @jilymicrofics February 25 - sentimental
James was going to propose that night. Lily knew it as well as anyone. It was a Wednesday, their usual date night, and James had somehow gotten a reservation at their favourite restaurant despite the owner's firm policy against reservations. It wasn't a special date, not their anniversary or Valentine's or anything, but it was a special place. The restaurant was where their first date had taken place in the summer before seventh year. They didn't go there often, not unless it was a special occasion, so Lily knew that tonight was the night.
For all his scheming and mischief, James Potter was not a subtle man. He had spent the past few weeks having secret meetings with the marauders while she was out. She had once walked in on them, having finished her work early, and the conversation had immediately stopped when she walked in the room. She was also pretty sure James had gone to see her parents the past weekend while she was out with Mary. He had come home in an incredibly good mood and her mom had been in equally good spirits that night when they had their weekly phone call.
She had done her best to help James with his plans, albeit subtly. On her weekly coffee date with Sirius, she had steered him past a jewellery shop and made sure to give details about her ring preferences to him in hopes he'd pass them on. She had lent her camera to Remus when he asked without asking tooany questions, knowing he hated lying and was terrible when put on the spot. She knew the ring was hidden somewhere in the house and that if she tried, she could probably find it, but she hadn't gone looking. She would see it soon.
Lily dressed carefully for their date that evening. It wasn't a formal place, but she took care to wear something nice, knowing there would be pictures. She found herself feeling quite sentimental as they walked to the restaurant hand in hand, remembering there first date like it was yesterday. James had been so nervous, stumbling over his words and fidgeting constantly. It was a far cry from the man walking beside her now, holding her hand loosely and chatting to her with ease, completely confident.
They were seated on the patio, sparkling lights overhead and a cool breeze keeping them comfortable. Lily spied a familiar couple across the street on a bench, conspicuously hiding their faces behind newspapers.
She and James ordered their usual favourites, and she almost forgot what was happening as they fell into comfortable conversation. It was after they ordered dessert that James started fidgeting, cracking his knuckles and messing with his hair. She reached across the table for his hand and gave him a knowing smile. He smiled back easily and scooted his chair back a little.
"You're too smart to not know what's going on tonight," he said. "I have something I want to ask you, if you'll let me."
She nodded, unable to speak as her eyes started to sting with tears.
"Lily," he started. "I think I've loved you since the first time I saw you, back when I was an eleven year old with a head too big for his shoulders and no common sense. It's been an incredible privilege to get to be with you and to fall more in love with you every day. I don't know who I am without you anymore and I don't want to find out."
He moved over to kneel next to their table, holding out a ring to her.
"Lily Evans, will you marry me?"
She leaned forward to cup his cheek.
"Of course I will," she said. "You know that."
There was a camera flashing and applause from the other patrons as James slid the ring onto her finger, but she didn't really care. All she cared about was the man in front of her with his messy hair and crooked glasses, smiling at her like she hung the moon. James Potter. Her fiancé.
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eastwindmlk · 7 months
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It was a cold and snowy New Year's Eve when Lily Evans stormed from the house, crying. She had made the hardest decision of her life. One that might just turn out to be her worst mistake, and now she was fleeing from the consequences. Moments ago, seconds before midnight, James had got down on one knee. Telling her that if he wasn’t going to make it to next year, he wanted to spend this one with her. And he asked her to marry him. Their friends gathered around them, giddy.
No one could have predicted what would happen next. Lily had grown silent, her hands wringing in front of her, trying to find the words before choking out the words, “I’m sorry, but I can't,” before she made for the door. Leaving everyone behind in shock, she could hear them gasp and whisper as she slipped into her shoes. She made it no further than the fence of the front yard, where she watched as people started pouring out of their houses. Walking into the streets to wish their neighbours a happy new year.
The redhead stood there, her tears chilling instantly on her cheeks, shivering. Cringing when a golden light poured from the front door of the house. Shuffling in her dressy shoes, she debated if it might be better for her to leave and give everyone space. Leave James behind and don’t look back. It would be better; it would be easier and safer. But she couldn’t bring herself to take one more step away from the house.
Wrapping her arm around herself, the redhead stood, staring at the sky, contemplating her next step, when she heard a pair of footsteps approach, snow crunching underfoot. The sound crept ever closer and stopped right behind her. A billow of breath, white against the night’s sky, next to her, and a weight on her shoulder was taking away the cold. Pulling the coat closed to trap the last bit of heat it had.
“Too fast?” His voice was quiet, even though it shook her like thunder. Her fingers crumpled the stiff wool of his coat. ”We’re only 18, Jamie. There is a war out there.” Her eyes fixed on the cloudy sky, and the fresh tears felt warm against her skin. “One of us could be gone next week. Do we really need to make it more tragic?”
Listening to the sharp intake of breath, she could tell that he was getting ready to argue. “If I am to die in this war, I would rather die being your husband.” The fierce conviction and the readiness to die chilled her more than the winter night had. “You shouldn’t say things like that.” Her tone was meant to be biting, but she could barely manage a trembling whisper. “I’d rather be ready to face death and be prepared than deny that it is a possible outcome.” His answer made her hiss, a pained sound. The words cutting.
"See, and that is why I can’t. I cannot promise my life to someone who has already forfeited theirs.” Panic raised her voice above its whisper. “I know you believe it is brave and honourable to be willing to lay down your life for the people you care about. But it is not. It is hurtful that you think I want you to die for me." There was silence as she waited for him to ague again, but instead his presence behind her vanished, heavy footfalls leading away from her. Shocked and confused, the redhead turned around to see him vanish back into the house, leaving the door open.
Her hand was clasped over her mouth to muffle the sob that tore from her chest. Her knees were trembling while she took a step towards the door. A feeble attempt to chase after him. One step, another, before the hallway door swung open. James came barrelling down the path towards her, velvet box in hand.
“James,” she cautioned, having the urge to turn back around and face away from him. It was so much easier to reject him when she did not have to look him in the eyes. “No, Lily. Listen to me.” His voice was quiet, but firm. “I am not asking you to marry me, just so I can die.” His hand took hers gently as he pressed the box into her hand. “This is my promise to live for you, not die for you. Take it or leave it.” The burning determination in his eyes made it hard for her to look away.
Swallowing the lump in her throat and clutching onto the box, she nodded. “You better not go back on that promise.” Her throat was still tight as she said that. “Because I plan to have a full life with you.” Her eyes met his with an even look, and she offered the box back to him. Watching him kneel down for her in the snow.
“Lily Evans, would you like to spend the rest of our lives—our full, long lives—together? And haunt a house afterwards too.”
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startanewdream · 2 years
Couples Discount
Someday I'll not be inspired to write Jily fics based on Seinfeld episodes, but this is not the day.
“This is absurd,” a voice declared next to James, and he opened up his eyes, flinching against the bright sun, to see Lily joining him bu the hotel pool and sitting on the nearest chair.
For a moment he lost his focus; Lily in a bikini was not a new sight – they’d been for three days now at this hotel with their friends for a short summer vacation, and none of them had worn anything heavier than shorts –, but sometimes he felt he wouldn’t ever tire of finding her beautiful.
Then he blinked, glad that his sunglasses protected him from his moment of weakness.
“What happened?”
“I went to book a spa for today, but all the single rooms are occupied for today. Now I can only book for a couple, but I’d have to pay double.”
“Mary isn’t free to join you?”
“No, she went with Peter to the village.”
“And Sirius and Remus—”
“They are upstairs, I didn’t want to interrupt them on the last day of vacation.”
“Oh, no. And if anything, they would book for themselves.” James shrugged. “I can go with you.”
“My other option was staying by this pool lazing around all day.”
“So you are between doing nothing or getting a massage?”
He grinned. “Doing nothing was free at least.” Under her guilty gaze, James waved his hand. “I’m joking. If I can’t get a spa, what do I workin for?”
Lily smirked. “Aren’t you a trust fund baby who doesn’t actually need to work?”
“Hey, I study. That takes work.” She shook her head, amused.
They walked inside, crossing the hall of the hotel filled with families and couples until they got to a quieter place; there was soft lounge music playing in the reception of the spa and the air was filled with the smell of incense. James felt a sudden urge to laugh, but Lily poked him in the ribs, winking at him, before approaching the receptionist.
“Hello,” she said brightly. “I’d like to book a spa for two.”
“Of course.” The receptionist typed on her phone. “A couple cancelled a few minutes ago… I can just schedule you for a Golden Two-Hour Session if you want to go in now.”
“That would be perfect,” Lily said. “Right, James?”
He bumped her shoulder playfully. “Better than lazing around the pool, yeah.”
She grinned at him. 
The receptionist sighed. “Let me guess, newlyweds?” 
Lily blinked. “What?”
“You still have that look. It’s so adorable.”
James’ face heated. “Oh, no, no, we are not newlyweds.”
“Oh, you are not a couple?”
James exchanged a look with Lily. “Does it make a difference?”
The receptionist pointed to the board behind her. “Married couples get a 25% discount this summer.”
“Oh.” James frowned. “I guess—”
“What my husband meant,” Lily said suddenly, taking James’ hand between her, “is that we’ve been married for some time now. So we aren’t newlyweds, though, of course, we are as in love as when we first married, right, James?”
She was looking at him with a smile that didn’t match her wide-open eyes, urging him to say something.
"25%!" she mouthed to him.
“Ah—of course, my dear.” He touched the tip of her nose, making her blink. “Sometimes it feels like we haven’t been married for more than a few minutes.”
Lily rolled her eyes at him, but James turned innocently to the receptionist.
“So, can we start? My dear wife needs to relax.”
“Sure, I will just need your names and room number.”
“201,” James answered at the same time that Lily said, “232.”
They glanced at each other. “201,” Lily agreed amiably. “I’d forgotten we’d needed to change the room.” She winked conspiratorially to the receptionist. “We needed a more private room.”
“Oh, yeah, my wife can’t keep it down,” James agreed at once, earning him a glare from Lily that he answered with a smirk, and an embarrassed laugh from the receptionist.
“Okay… Names?”
“James and Lily Potter,” she said, just as the door behind them was open.
“James and Lily Potter?” They turned at once, and there it was Bertha Jorkins, a woman they’d shared classes with a few years ago, and, as far as James knew, the most gossiper woman ever. “You two got married?”
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bluebedo · 2 years
I’m Going To Marry That Girl
James plans to marry Lily Evans, he's always wanted it, and now that he's actually doing it it seems to have turned everything upside down for Sirius. Luckily, he'll always have Remus no matter what happens with James, and that thought alone comforts him.
Words: 5.5k oneshot
TW(s): None
Ships: Jily, wolfstar if you squint.
[Just a cute little proposal fic of James being a simp, Sirius being conflicted, Remus being northern, and Peter and Lily being... there.]
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ess-presso · 1 year
(i saw a post with this tag game that said anyone can do it so i’m doing it)
Three Ships : Jegulus , Wolfstar , Dorlene ( Another Three ( I love them all so so much ) : Jily , Pandaphilius , Rosekiller )
First Ship Ever : seddie ( that’s sam x freddie from iCarly . my enemies to lovers thing has been going for ages)
Last Song : … ready for it ? (by taylor swift)
Last Movie : The Proposal
Currently Reading : Fic Wise , I’m reading of memories & milk thievery by moonymoment & fake pretend by suhtmuikkis (both are fucking FABULOUS) . Book Wise - The Great Gatsby & The Handmaid’s Tale (alevels are a bitch) . And I’m writing chapter three of ‘something in the orange’ , & several scenes from ‘give me back my girlhood’ have also been written (lmao haven’t even opened the doa doc in 2023 , but I WILL do it soon)
Currently Consuming : guarana (this slaps so hard ) , then my can of apple sumol , then probably monster. then maybe water. then monster munch.
Currently Craving : a mr whippys. i want one so so bad.
I’m tagging : @godsofwoes @thebibutterflyao3 @im-still-tryin-to-find-it (pls know that you don’t have to do it i am simply throwing caution to the wind because the guarana is pumping me up n shit)
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aithusarosekiller · 5 months
There's so much jegulily that starts with jily and then they go 'I kinda like Reg' and then they get with him too
But I propose the better version of that plot line:
It starts with stargazer being the cutest couple in the school and then:
James: *trips over shoelaces across the courtyard and embarrasses himself*
Lily: ...babe, I think I might be attracted to that absolute idiot
Reg: thank fuck you said that, I thought I was going mad
Lily: you too?
Reg: yeah :/
James: *completely clueless in the distance*
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mppmaraudergirl · 2 months
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a masterlist post
(this list is in no particular order, just subject to tumblr's horrible search function. big thanks to everyone who contributed to the jily love!)
AO3 collection here
Day One - The Big Moments
Good Chaos by @flowerpottlady
Wedding day fanart by @elleest
The Wedding Day by @mppmaraudergirl
The Big Little Moments by @annabtg
Disheartened by @chierafied
Incipience by @abihastastybeans
Querencia by @thelighthousestale
Scenes from a Proposal by @tinyluminaryzombie
Proposal artwork by @constancezin
The Big Moments by @charmsandtealeaves
First dance artwork by @daiziesssart
Day Two - The Little Doe-mestic Moments
James' Man-Cold by @nena-96
Filled to the Brim by @mppmaraudergirl
Indulgence by @abihastastybeans
The Big Little Moments by @annabtg
Good Chaos by @flowerpottlady
Inadequate by @chierafied
Querencia by @thelighthousestale
joy by @myuntoldstory
Missed Spot artwork by @constancezin
Little domestic moment by @charmsandtealeaves
Her Favorite Regular by @arianatwycross
Day Three - Thrice Defied
Patronus artwork by @elleest
Insolence by @abihastastybeans
Good Chaos by @flowerpottlady
Querencia by @thelighthousestale
Overcoming Obstacles by @charmsandtealeaves
Proud by @chierafied
Thrice Defied artwork by @constancezin
to have and to hold and to fight like hell by @kay-elle-cee
Day Four - Our Little Family
Querencia by @thelighthousestale
Revolted by @chierafied
Juvenescence by @abihastastybeans
Good Chaos by @flowerpottlady
Overprotective James artwork by @constancezin
Day Five - Celebrations & Victories
Satisfied by @chierafied
Ebullience by @abihastastybeans
Querencia by @thelighthousestale
To All the Kudos I'll Leave You Next by @wearingaberetinparis
Happy 64th artwork by @constancezin
Additional fics:
Several fics/days included on this masterlist by @practicecourts
Another @wearingaberetinparis fic sequel: My Baby's Fit like a Daydream
Please consider showing some love to these lovely people by reading, commenting, and reblogging their contributions to the jily fandom!
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months
Ayyy new intro and masterlist!
Name: We're gonna go with Cas. Haha, get it? Like, My-CAStles-crumbling? Yeah.
Age: Younger than Taylor Swift, older than Conan Gray. That's all you get <3
Pronouns: They/them/she (But at this point I mean if you use he I honestly don't care.)
queer/demi/pan/I don't even know. Married.
Fandoms: Marauders with a side of drarry.
Ships: Jegulus, Jegulily, wolfstar, rosekiller, pandalily, dorlene, drarry.
Music: Taylor Swift, Conan Gray, Olivia Rodrigo
Writing: I love writing microfics, and my requests are open! I just don't write explicit (hahaha that changed) or xReader.
Fic List:
Note- I am writing all fic ratings. If you are a minor, please take heed.
My Fics:
Clandestine - Rated M - jegulus, background wolfstar - unfinished but currently 32k words - AU-everyone lives/nobody dies/no Voldemort - mostly Regulus's POV as he attends Hogwarts - Trans reggie
Long Story Short - Rated M - dorlene, wolfstar, jegulus, background rosekiller and pandalily - completed - 152k - AU-everyone lives/nobody dies/no Voldemort - A longfic with a long explanation? Basically how hurt/comfort leads to the three main pairings.
Three Hundred Takeout Coffees Later - Rated M - wolfstar - completed - 4.5k - AU-coffee shop/muggle - fluff, love, healing
The Plan - Rated G - wolfstar - completed - 1k - AU-everyone lives/nobody dies/no Voldemort - Wolfstar proposal
Of Firewhiskey and Stupid Speeches - Rated T - drarry - completed - 1.5k - Eighth Year - Hurt/comfort - Pre-Slash
Bad Press - Rated T - drarry - completed - 1k - Eighth year - mostly fluff
Stuck - Rated T - drarry - completed - 2k - Eighth year - hurt/comfort
You Asked For It - Rated G - completed - 1.5k - Marauders friendship mostly - Pre-Wolfstar - Sirius and James and nerf guns
The Deeply Threatening Physical Attributes of Werewolves - Rated T - Marauders friendship with some wolfstar - completed - 1k - James, Peter, and Sirius making Remus laugh
Slow Hands - Rated E - wolfstar - completed - 5k - Sirius realizing he loves Remus, smut ensues.
Whoops. - Rated T - jegulus - completed - 2k - AU-University/Muggle - Regulus is a TA for Professor Monty Potter. What happens when he goes to the Potter Christmas Party?
Mistletoe - Rated G - Jegulus - completed - 1k - James has a plan to finally kiss Regulus.
Warmth - Rated G - Jegulus - completed - 1k - Holiday fluff
Noises - Rated E - Jegulus - completed - 2k - it's just smut, guys
Fic Recs: (All of these are completed)
☆ = has at least some smut , 💔 = MCD, major triggers, or some sort of warning
I'm not putting anything that's pure smut...some of my real-life friends follow me so I don't think I'd live it down. If you want pure smut recs and are over 18, message me.
💔All The Young Dudes - Rated M - wolfstar and jily - 526k - Canon compliant - Necessary read as a part of the fandom, a masterpiece
💔☆ Show Me Everything I Missed - no rating, but I'd give it E - wolfstar - completed - 153k- AU - Remus and Sirius working through trauma - So many trigger warnings, but I really liked it
☆ Sweater Weather - Rated E - wolfstar - 156k - AU - Okay I think hockey is stupid but when these boys play it <3
just lovers (like we were supposed to be) - Rated M - jegulus, background wolfstar, dorlene, and marylily - 321k - AU- no voldemort - fake dating trope - literally perfection
lessen my load - Rated T - wolfstar, dorlene, jily - 73k - AU- Muggle - one of my comfort fics
☆The PB to my J - rated E - wolfstar, background jily - 63k - AU-textfic - we love a good text fic
Across the Hall - rated T - wolfstar, background jily - 41k - AU-textfic - This made me kick and scream and giggle
quite like us - Rated T - jegulus, background wolfstar - 67k - AU-textfic - I just...it's wonderful, perfect, lovely
Best Friend's Brother - Rated M - jegulus and wolfstar - 330k - AU-muggle - such twists and turns I love them
☆ The Barista, the Burglar, and the Sofa - Rated E - wolfstar, background jily- 21k - AU-Muggle/Coffee shop - I just love the concept of this one
my almost lover - Rated T - jegulus - 28k - AU-no voldemort - miscommunication trope
Blue Sheets - Rated T - drarry - 4k - fluff/drunk Harry is an idiot
☆Falling for a Golden Boy - Rated E - drarry - 45k - eighth year- guys it's the weirdest concept but Harry and Draco as characters from Hercules works, okay?
Potter - Rated T - drarry - 9k - Eighth year - Draco's friends make fun of him and it gets adorably out of hand
touch starved - Rated M - jegulus - 4k - soft boys
Inevitable - Rated T - drarry - 11k - Draco and Harry make a "if we're not married by the rime we're 40" pact
💔Like Real People Do - rated T - wolfstar - 37k - AU-coffee shop/muggle - Sirius raises Harry and meets Remus in a coffee shop
☆💔Let's Play Pretend - rated E - wolfstar - 70k - AU-muggle - Sirius raises Harry, Remus raises Teddy, fake dating
Remus Lupin is the Number One James Potter Cosplayer - Rated T - wolfstar - 8k - AU-Muggle - miscommunication trope
This took me an hour and a half...someone please use it lol
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tiredofthehumanlife · 3 months
Give Harry Potter prophecic dreams
It's comedy gold imagine parenting jegulus or Jily or jegugily or single dad James WHATEVER they're sitting at the table and they go
"hey Harry bear how'd you sleep? Have any cool dreams?" Expecting like a polar bear on a skateboard and they get
"yeah the neighbors dog died." In like the cutest seven-year old voice as he eats his breakfast and they're like 🙂 wat and then like four days later the neighbors dog ends up dead and theyre like did our 7 year old kill the neighbors' dog right guys it's funny this is a good idea I think
Or it could be sweet yk like
"yeah dada married papa😐" and James is like ' I havent proposed yet how did he know?' and Regulus is like 'no more romcoms before bed.' yk or whatever
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kay-elle-cee · 4 months
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In Search of Something More || Read Chapter 1 on Ao3 A Jily Regency AU || 5.7K Words || Rated M || Playlist
In the sunlit garden of her sister’s home, Lord Potter had promised Lily a life of her own design, with minimal expectations—her presence at community events, companionship, and an heir. As the two stumble into the routine of marriage and work to make a life together at Stinchcombe Hall, unsolicited feelings provoke each to start wondering if this is merely a marriage…or if it could be something more.
A continuation of this Jilytober entry.
Chapter 1: Man and Wife
“Lily, please hear me when I say that you don’t owe me anything at all. What I said in the garden that day of our first meeting, it wasn’t just words, or some sort of ploy. I proposed the marriage because it seemed unconscionable to not.” Lily glances at him quickly before averting her gaze out the window once more, and he watches as the flush on her neck and cheeks deepen. “Then it appears as though I’ve married an uncommonly kind man.” It’s James’ turn to flush now, and he feels the heat in his cheeks as her assessment of his character. It strokes his ego in only the way a compliment from a pretty woman can, and he loses the battle of appearing collected as he runs a hand through his hair. The motion draws her eyes to him once more. “Not uncommonly kind,” he fights half-heartedly with a smile. His chest warms when the corners of her lips pull up to match.
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florenceafternoon · 6 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
Another one because I'm on summer break and spend my days reading about how it's them in every universe. Like the last one, this post is for AU fic recs but I made this post for fics set in the canon universe.
For reference, anything in italics is taken from the summaries on ao3.
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At The Beginning by @inthe-afterglows
Historical AU in which "Lily's life is changed forever when she takes a morning stroll through the woods and ends up in 1745 - two hundred years in the past."
Or an Outlander / Anastasia AU
Love, love love! Do yourself a favour and listen to Timeless when reading this. I can not express with words how much I loved this one
Faint Hearts and Fair Ladies by @thejilyship
Historical AU where "Sir Lupin heroically gets the royal family out of a castle under siege. Now the three royals and their knight find themselves running for their lives through the forest. James and Lily's tenuous relationship will be tested, as secrets come out and emotions run high." 
Or a Robin Hood AU in which they strive to do better
It's got a well-rounded plot and great world-building with incredible characterisations. The interpersonal communication between James and Lily does a great job of acknowledging how James, while being physically present was emotionally absent. The author explores his grief and makes it a point to note that while it explains his behaviour, it doesn’t excuse it. Despite this, through it all, I was rooting for them. Also, the relationship between the Black brothers was so well written. All of the side characters felt valuable to the story and were dynamic. Overall a really good read! Shout out to big brother Harry and baby Gracie ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Fighting the Odds also by @/thejilyship
Hunger Games AU
In which Moody as Haymitch Abernathy is the greatest casting of all time.
certain sharp things by @thequibblah
Historical AU in which "all the other customary marks on James’s body have been made either aboard his ship, his fear abated by cheap spirits, or in foreign ports. But this, they all said, this, his promotion to captain, this deserves ink from the Portsmouth tattooist’s hand."
Or a tattoo shop AU but make it Regency
holy the air, the water, and the fire; also by @/thequibblah
Avatar AU set against a regency backdrop.
Emphasis on the tag "Big-time Matchmaker Euphemia Potter"
An Alliance with an Earl by fluffernutter8 (on ao3)
Regency AU. "Years after she initially rejected his proposal, Lily Evans finds herself in a situation where James Potter, Earl of Gryffindor, can be of help."
In which Frank Longbottom, accidental matchmaker, is grateful for his very nice bottle of brandy
AO3 is Down by @annabtg
AO3 Status: Delayed emails have been sent out and the Archive is back! Thank you so much to our sysadmin james_ for interrupting his sleep to work on and monitor the situation.
Inspired by this very real Tweet, an alternate universe where the sysadmin is James Potter, and Lily Evans is his supervisor who had to drag him out of bed so he could resolve the problem.
The fact that this came on my dash when archive last crashed -
Golden Love by GwenMontrose (on ao3)
Olympics AU. "Paris 2024. Lily Evans, English tennis star, is ready to face the highest challenge of her career and finally fulfil the dream of winning a gold medal at her first Olympics. Now, if only a certain handsome swimmer wasn't set on wreaking havoc in her life, everything would be very much smoother..."
all the time in the world by @eemolu
Uni AU. "Three seconds. That was how long Lily let herself consider the thought of it, before she pushed it away and forced herself to think of something, anything else. One, there was his mouth, obviously, his lips and how they were slightly chapped and definitely capable of driving her mad by the words that came out of them so she could only imagine what else they could do. Two, his shoulders were broad and he insisted on wearing those stupid threadbare T-shirts so she could see the planes of his chest move beneath them when he laughed or stretched or did anything at all, because apparently she was dealing with some kind of Greek marble statue. Three, his hands, and there was no justification she could give to herself for why they transfixed her that couldn’t be seen with one look at them. And that was three, and she was done."
To quote the notes "james potter is hot and I am looking respectfully."
can you play me a melody by @/ eemoul
Modern (band) AU. James sat in the backseat and tried not to stare. This girl was beautiful. The red hair, the green eyes she’d narrowed at him in the rearview mirror. Not to mention the music she was playing, old folk songs he hadn’t heard since he was a child, and louder than he was used to. People usually turned it down so they could talk about James, and who they knew who loved him, and how he should be living his life better. This girl simply drove, and was beautiful.
I'll be cleaning up bottles with you by k_tron (on ao3)
Muggle modern AU where getting drunk at a new years eve party leads to voicing repressed emotions
fainting for you by dhpanya10 (on ao3)
Modern muggle AU. A meet-ugly in which “you just fainted right in front of me please you need to drink more in this heatwave, and oh wow, it turns out you’re also unfairly pretty/handsome when you aren’t passing out on me”
Namecheck for a Bet by MyThirdGuess (on ao3)
‘So, I know that there are many fans out there wondering, and speculating, where the name of my album came from. I feel like I owe them an explanation, especially considering it just won an award.
‘Gryffindor was the name of my house at the boarding school I attended, and I lost a bet when I was sixteen that if I ever released an album, I would show true house pride and name it after Gryffindor.
‘If you think that’s good, just wait. I lost another bet a year later that I would namecheck four people if I ever won an award. So, James, Sirius, Remus, Peter… this is your namecheck.’
barry, bond, and the blues by @oyprongs
"He and his friends beeline for the rock section, which is strategically placed up front, directly in her eye line. She gets a closer look at him, this way. Messy hair, a strand or two curling behind his specs. The lean shoulders of a boy still in the midst of filling out his frame. Long fingers flicking through the bin of records, the light snick sound filtering through the hum of the fan blowing by her ear."
As someone currently on summer holidays, the vibes in this are immaculate. I recommend listening to Jackie and Wilson while reading this.
Polaroid Muse by DeepWatersWaiting (on ao3)
Modern AU. "At a party with Sirius' art friends, James finds himself unexpectedly becoming the subject of someone's polaroid camera."
Because english literature student james potter is everything
Accidental Reindeer by AidanChase (on ao3)
Lily's holiday plans are cancelled, but luckily -- or unluckily -- her least favourite coursemate from university has invited her to his parent's home in the countryside. He just neglected to mention is parents' grand Christmas gala is actually an ugly jumper party.
Just Pretend by sunshinemarauder (on ao3)
Fame AU. In "Five times actors Lily Evans and James Potter kissed for the cameras, and one time it was unmistakably on purpose."
Andrew Garfield Would Never by Yerawizardbec (on ao3)
“Actually, that's where you're wrong McKinnon, from my extensive field research into the male species, I have concluded that Andrew Garfield would never treat you that badly,” Hestia declared, semi-seriously.
“Oh my god, you're so right, Andrew Garfield would never,”
3 Godrics Row also by @/ Yerawizardbec
Legal AU, written by an actual solicitor - Lily Evans was described by the Legal 500 as 'a breath of fresh air’ and ‘the future of the family bar’ but that didn't matter as she stumbled through the front doors of the Court, 30 minutes later than she had anticipated to. After a stressful, horrendous day, Lily finds herself in a bar with a handsome stranger; she hadn't planned on ever seeing him again, but then he pops up in the last place she ever expected to see him, and she can't help but admit, she might just be falling for James Potter, but does she know who he really is?
PHENOMENAL. I am in desperate need of more jily legal AUs so if anyone has any recs, please share
Two Blind Dates by @moonawrites
Lily has had her fair share of good dates, bad dates, dead boring and dead-end dates. But she has never, in all her life, been on a date and had him say, “This might sound insane, but I think you’re my best mate’s soulmate.”
A Happy Accident by @chierafied
James could never have imagined what a little slip of a tongue during a TV show interview might lead to...
The Wedding Ring by @mppmaraudergirl
What is undeniably worse than attending your sister's wedding looking as desolate and forgotten as a wilted houseplant?
Drunkenly ringing your ex-boyfriend and asking him to be your date.
Or a fake-dating AU in which Petunia is Bridezilla
A classic idiots in love
Mixed Impressions (requires an ao3 account) by @charmingwillow
Modern AU. The first time James Potter met Lily Evans he decked her with a day old, soggy waffle. Things don't go well from there... until they do.
TW: grieving parents
Don't ask me how this works but it's like a slice-of-life but with angst (the ambivalence I know).
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shivstar · 6 months
Throwing out a wish that someone who is a decent author (cause I am not) will write a story about James and Sirius finally getting their head out of their arses and getting together.
But the main thing I want is - Lily, Remus (and Regulus too if you please,) are so so jealous of these two.
Because Remus had been mooning over Sirius ( I do not subscribe to wolfstar but still feel that Remus is that wet sock of a guy who will feel attracted to the leather wearing god that is Sirius Black even though James Potter is the one who treated him the best. We do not get to chose who we crush on. So there is that.)
And Remus was okay in his silent pinning as long as Sirius didn't get what he wanted and that is James Potter. But now he has to be the audience of James finally pulling it together.
Lily because in all the fics featuring Marauders I have read, whether it being Jily or Jegulus or Prongsfoot or general fics of that era, every time it is James Potter proposing to her and her turning her nose up and declining him then we see that James is all grown up miraculously at least as far as she is concerned and they live happily ever after.
So, I wish just one fic where by the time she comes around, James is over her and they just past by because there was no time where they both had feelings for each other. Now, Lily is left with her feelings for James but James is now pinning for his bestie.
And Regulus because all the jegulus fictions have made me want a fic where reality is shown. Regulus left crying angry tears that not only Sirius got the best friend one could ever have but a best boyfriend too...
Ahhh. Why do we need to show that all the love interest skirt away as soon as the main pairing get together.
Let Lily, Remus spew years in their unrequited feelings. Let them be sad and not being able to get over it for once while James and Sirius are none the wiser and are living blissfully in their own little world....
This is the picture perfect story for me.....
The happily ever after
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