#jk there's a lot more going on but ya know
general-cyno · 1 year
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That monster is your brother, right?
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chiipay · 18 days
Omg I love your works!!
So basically I really want the 'protecting you' scenarios (like the reader is getting harrassed and our bllk bfs throw a punch) of Rin, Karasu, Nagi and Barou (and anyone else you want!!!) Thank you 🥰🥰
Okay (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ I'm suck at this scenarios so I'll try my best (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
You and Rin are just strolling in the supermarket to pick up some groceries since you kinda ate everything in the fridge as it was for 'emotional food therapy' you said to Rin. He didn't budge about it and just grabbed the back of your shirt and dragged you to the supermarket with him.
The thing happened when he left your side for a minute because his teammates called up on him there and he had to shoved them to the other side because they seem to be bugging you in his eyes.
You were just strolling down to find some ice cream for Rin- bending your body a bit to grab out from the cooler. A whistle from a guy behind you was heard making you shudder and alert of it. You quickly stand up properly and twist your head 90° (jk) to face the guy. You thought about slapping him but you somehow met with an unconvincing entrance of Itoshi Rin already grabbed the collar of the guy shirt-
You quickly step in and drag Rin away from the poor guy who now looks anxious while you mutter a small apology to him somehow you felt bad. As you drag rin away from the scene, Rin looks towards the guy while lifting middle finger to him as he grumbles a lot of curse words making you drag him with you even faster-
"I'm gonna kill you- gonna hunt you- fuck you- kys- go die- commit suicide- don't stare at her- fuck you- fucking disgusting- die die die-" you have to put your hand on rin's mouth so he wouldn't try to curse the poor guy whole generation.
Dang- you just wanted to see karasu at practice today- why is this happening to you..ughhh-
Some guy came up to you while you were navigating about the location karasu gave you. The guy kept bugging you to have a ride with him in his vehicle but even with so many refusal he seems to not be getting a hint. You were thiiiiissssss 🤏 close to hit him with your purse.
" come on, it will be fun-"
He whistles at you making you infuriating even more.
You walk even faster on the sidewalk completely ignoring the guy who kept giving offers to you. You didn't even realize his vehicle stopped as he stepped out of his own vehicle and started to walk up to you.
You noticed the guy a minute later before you started to run for your life while that same guy chased after you. ' OH SH-'
You bumped into some hard chest making you look up instantly and met with the so-called crow head. Karasu smiles cheekily at you and looks at the guy who chased you who's now just standing in front of karasu.
" thanks for assisting her, sure you got some business to do aren't yah? "
Karasu put his hand on the guy's shoulder. You didn't know what was happening due to karasu holding you close to his chest. But you could hear the guy slowly walking away leaving you and karasu alone.
" sorry- yer good? Thought you got lost in the forest for a sec."
" you did a shitty job on sending a location-"
"my bad. Let me treat ya some goods kay?"
You weren't a big fan of football but somehow Nagi managed to drag you into one of his games today. You have lost when he started to give you a puppy eyes look. It was his cheeks you think that your defense got lost there. Bro has chubby cheeks you could not resist.
You sigh deeply as you look towards nagi from your seat. Yeah he's good at playing it- it's not like you are mesmerized by his goal when he trapped the ball perfectly and tricked his ally thinking his going to pass it- yeah you definitely aren't mesmerized by it.
" hi- is this seat taken?" A pair of eyes came into your vision as the guy asked you.
"oh- uh no.." you shake your head a bit. The guy smiles towards the answer and happily sits next to you making you try to distance yourself away for a bit---🤏
"that guy is good right? That number 10, nagi. " The guy leans a bit towards your side making you anxiously getting nervous asf.
" Huh-? O-oh oh yeah number 10? He's very good at trapping.. he's a good player." You nervously laugh a bit. It's kinda funny to talk about your partner to some stranger. You talked to him for a bit while making a conversation about football which you weren't interested in but still managed to answer because Nagi used to ramble it to you. While talking, you didn't notice Nagi sending death glare at the guy you were talking to from afar.
You stop talking for a bit as you look back to the field to seek for Nagi just to find him looking at you while pouting from the very far. You got confused as Nagi lifted his hand and pointed to the seat next to you making you look at the side and see the guy who looked at you too. It took you a second, before you widened the hit as you looked at Nagi again and shook your head lots of times while making an explanation in a sign language.
Nagi looks at you for a bit before returning back to his teammates clearly ignoring your demure. Oh no. Looks like you gotta prepare yourself when you get back home..
" here- try this on." Barou who is lending his jacket to so you could be covered properly.
Barou who would blame the society who can't keep their eyes to themselves. Barou blames his own kind for not being able to keep their hands off someone who's uncomfortable with touching. He's mad for sure. He put his jacket securely around your waist before neatly settling it jacket's hands into a pretty bow.
It wasn't your fault and Barou knows that. Barou almost put up a fight with some guy on the street when the guy started hitting on you.
"...sorry" you mutter in a small voice as Barou leads you to sit on a bench.
"it's not your fault. Don't be sorry." Barou who's treating you carefully not wanting to upset you from what happened earlier. He felt like he was the one who should apologise to you for not being there.
"...i wanna go home.."
" mhm..got it. Want me to carry you? It's already late, no one is here so we can have the night for ourselves." Barou who softens his voice so you wouldn't be scared by him.
"...that would be nice..." He slowly reaches his hands before making it way to your back and under your thighs and lifts it up.
" do you want something along the way? There would be a convenience store nearby." You shook your head and Barou hummed in response. Barou who carries you as you slept peacefully under his care. Barou who would punch the guy that bothered you if he ever saw him again
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triglycercule · 1 month
dusttale canon fics translated!!!
have you ever wanted to know MORE about canon dusttale/murder!sans??? heard that one of dusttale's creators wrote fics but it's in korean and you can't be bothered to translate it??? WELL BOY do i have the solution to you because I TRANSLATED THE FICS!!!
well technically i localized it because the fics straight out of translation were a bit funky and out of context in some parts. also the fics are actually not all that detailed (and idk if this is a good thing) so i added more detail and such but idk if some people would rather just the straight translation no extra flourishes
IN THAT CASE if you just wanna read the straight translation dw! if you go to the og korean version HERE and go to the comments some else will have already done a direct translation
keep in mind i do NOT actually know korean and this entire project was done with the help of google translate (god bless the camera translate feature), some research, and my sheer brainpower. if something is messed up PLEASE lmk
heartfelt message below because this is 1/2 of my thanks for 100 followers gift to the world don't open if you don't wanna read CRINGE (ew,,, APPRECIATION AND FEELINGS??? GROSS!)
when will we get more canon dust content i cry out. the delusional side of me says one day but the realistic side says never
so uhhh i hit 100 followers. WOOO YIPPEE!!! and i just wanna say tysm for following me and liking and reblogging all my posts and all that stuff it GENUINELY means a lot. like fr /srs type of meaning to me. i don't remember how and i don't really know why but the murder time trio genuinely mean so much to me and i'm glad that there are a whole ONE HUNDRED ass people that also like all the ideas and dumb stuff i come up with for them and they liked it enough to follow it. like i can't even come up with 100 people i know irl. i never knew i would actually get people to see the shit i post on here and i remember how actually terrified i was when i tagged one of my posts and it actually got interactions (i'm still scared when i post. not a thing has changed)
but ya! im really glad that there are this many people that actually care about my ideas so that's cool. someday im gonna run out of ideas and panic but that day has yet to come. i guess you could consider this the first half of my 100 followers thankgratulations because i still have my horror sans character analysis that i'm still working on and paused to work on this (a simple side quest this was). if i weren't a LAZY FUCK than maybe i wouldve done a DTIYS or something that people do for big milestones like this but like i said. i'm lazy. call me sans. comic sans
anyways triglycercule OUT! time to delete this account! jk!(fashion au)
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jcollinswrites · 4 days
How the fudge are you writting so fast??? I sit down to write and end up with nothing or reworking plot instead of writing 😭Have any tips you want to share? Perhaps the ingredients to the dark ritual you perform to get the motivation and remain focused 👀👀👀
So, first of all, you'll need half a newborn, shaken, not stirred…
lol jk (don't shake babies)
Believe it or not I'm the same as you, so here are some stuff that helped me tremendously, especially with my squirrel ADHD brain:
NUMBER ONE that I needed 20 years to learn, is that… forget editing, man. You can't edit if there is nothing to edit, so first you have to sit ya ass down and just fuckin' do it. It doesn't matter if it's shit at first. It's called work in progress for a reason. Who cares if it's shit? You can edit it LATER when the whole thing is already done. What you're reading in my game is literally my first draft. Lots of scenes might change later. In fact, I'm already changing scenes in the background, I'm just not always telling you. It doesn't matter. If anyone gives you shit for it, tell them to kindly fuck right off.
Have a plan for the book (written down. Not just in your head). Don't even start writing until you have a plan for the entire book. It doesn't have to be detailed. Mine is just bulletpoints, but you should know which chapter will contain what, including plot points, character development, relationship progress etc, otherwise you'll get lost, especially in a big IF. And then as you get closer to the next chapter, you can work out more details in the plan to help the actual writing.
If you don't feel like writing a scene, then don't write it. Leave a placeholder word there (I use 'mandarin' because that word likely won't come up anywhere else in the text), and instantly move on to another scene that you have inspiration for. Later, you can just search for 'mandarin' and add the scene when you feel like it. If you accidentally come across any MANDARINs in my game, that's the reason lol.
If you are writing an IF, it helps to start simple. Write the story until a choice comes up, then write the title of the choices, and continue ONLY with the route you feel the most inspired for atm (use mandarin for the rest). Don't let your momentum die by getting bogged down in choices. That's why I have so many greyed out choices when I start a new origin or chapter. I just write write write until the end of the chapter, THEN I go back to whatever choice is the simplest to add, and put the variations in the already-existing text if needed. Repeat until all the choices are written and coded in. This way, the text might feel more organic too, because you already have a pre-written skeleton that you can just add variations in.
Keep notes. It helps to have them on paper, next to you, so f.ex. when you make 9 different deities to choose from, you don't have to go back to the beginning of the chapter every single time to look up which deities those were and what they mean, you can simply turn your head to the side lol.
Take regular breaks. Exercise, stretch. Keep a daily schedule. Eat and drink enough. Try to keep a good health. Your brain won't work if it's starved.
Know yourself and your habits, and be honest with yourself. I know of myself that once I start working on the big plot points, I won't have any motivation to come back to the beginning again. That's why I'm writing all the origin stories first, because I know that if I start going into chapter 2, I definitely won't feel like coming back to start yet another route from the very beginning. So if you don't feel like doing something, then just… don't do it. Or do it simpler. Do it smarter. Trick that asshole brain into cooperating.
Last but not least, guys, 90% of my motivation COMES FROM YOU! Your engagement, your messages, your feedback, every little interaction is what keeps me going! So write me! I will answer! (if you aren't a dick). Literally, about anything. Even if it's just "hey I really liked this small detail here", that will already make my day, seriously. I LOVE talking about my work, and I'm pretty sure every author is like that, so keep engaging with writers, because that's 90% of the reason when a novel gets finished! I'm writing for YOU! Your enjoyment, your fun, because I love telling stories, but those stories don't mean anything if no one is reading them.
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mommahughes19-23 · 2 months
imma tattoo artist - Q.H
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@tattoosbymorgs : did some tattoos and then took my best friend to see my man play his favorite game..
tagged : @yfriend @_quinnhughes
location : VAN
_eliaspettersson : dude that dragon is SICK and I wish I didn't hate needles ...
luca.fantilli : next time I see you I wanna get my tiny love dinosaur
↪ tattoosbymorgs : make it happen lu - you know where I am, bring ya self
bboeser : I WANT YOUR JACKET. give it here!!!!
jackhughes : oh. wow. this is neat.
lhughes_06 : I think your friend is confused as to who's jersey she should wear ..
trevorzegras : wow... thats legit my bestest lil cousin ever PLEASE TATTOO ME ASAP
↪ tattoosbymorgs : first off im 2 years older than you, second off no, I saw you cheat on me with your other artist.❌
bradytkachuk : dang Quinn, talented and pretty, she's a keeper.
↪ tattoosbymorgs : what is that even supposed to mean?
↪ bradytkachuk : just that youre more skilled than young Quinten will ever be
↪ ehtkachuk : BRADY leave her alone
icole28 : best frienddddddd
lindholmelias : my two best friends ugh
elblue6 : so talented! love you sweetie.
dakotajoshua8 : will u ever tattoo me?
↪ tattoosbymorgs : probably not because you didn't say please
_tylermyers_ : well even tho you didn't wear any canucks gear I guess its fine... 🆘
yfriend : the best time ever!!!!!!!!!! @j.tmiller9 MORE FIGHTSSS
emmamatthews : you crazy girl!! miss you!😜
austonmatthews : any luck convincing Quinn to let you tattoo him?
↪ tattoosbymorgs : you know the answer is still no.... why do you have to be so mean to me
lelexdemko : sweetie that is stunning! cant wait to see you next season!!😘
_quinnhughes : i smile just for you baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😁😁😁😁😁
↪ tattoosbymorgs : I love you so much omg 💕💕💕💕💕
nilshoglander : this is a lot of pda idk if I can handle it👀
j,tmiller9 : I wanna get a tattoo by you ☺️
↪ tattoosbymorgs : NO. jk if you bring your children I might reconsider 😏
tdemko30 : @_quinnhughes get my number #35 tattooed on you 😁
↪ _quinnhughes : not going to happen bud
ehtkachuk : STUNNING MOMMAAA ❤️❤️❤️❤️
colecaufield : 🙈
_alexturcotte : 🥴
A.N : HIIIIII - long note bc some stuff happened and idk it got me thinking.
ok so this is basically me just ranting about tattoo related things :)
This girl is (obviously) an actual tattoo artist who does real business and I am a HUGEEEEE believer in giving credit where it is due.... so I believe her name is Mar, ALL WORKS OF ART ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL WORKS OF MAR DO NOT STEAL OR CREDIT AS YOUR OWN. below you can find a link to her Pinterest where I am sure you could research more to find her other socials.
even if you dont want to know more about her work I encourage you to just look at some of it regardless because (again im not a tattoo artist just a girl with a few tattoos and an obsession) I believe she is mainly a fine line style artist and while being an artist of any capacity takes talent fine line is its own art. I know she also does some capacity of portrait work (I haven't seen any people just a few pet ones) and those are also a tremendously precise skill set. all in all I just think that people should appreciate the time, work, and effort these artist put into their work.
anywho I just wanted to say I would be honored for her to tattoo me.
tagged : @quinnylouhughesx43 @skylershines @jacktoria4ever @bunbunbl0gs @63kaprizov
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partytillicry · 2 months
EJ x sick listener || GN reader
TW’s: mention of throwing up but other that, none!! fluff <3
AN: im sick rn and i need some comfort 😢 also im trying to get more fanfics out there, soz that i only have one 😖
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EJ is always such a sweetheart oh my gosh
he’s a demon so he can’t get human sickness and trust me, this man is alllll over you
since he’s one of the mansions medics and has a pretty good medical background, he’s immediately there for you
“ugh babe i feel so sick”
“hold on love, i know what you need”
he knows whats wrong with you before you do
you are not allowed to go anywhere but he will let you get up to stretch every once in a while
he will make you soup. don’t wanna eat it? he’ll shove it down ur throat
jk but he loves you and just really wants you to eat, even if you know you’ll throw up
if you do throw up, he right there for you. rubbing your back the whole time
if you have a strong hatred for throwing up, he’s absolutely wrapped around you
“i know you don’t like it but you’ll fell better.”
“its okay darling, i know i know”
cuddles to the damn MAX
wherever and whenever you want him, he’ll go /nsi
quite literally your servant till your back to health. he just loves you so much and can’t handle seeing you like that
even the few days after ur sickness has left, he’s making sure your okay
lots of i love you’s and im here’s
he gives you his hoodie and shirt
“bubba, im cold”
immediately stripped
he really wants to kiss you the whole time but knows is for the best if he doesn’t. plus you have a hunch that he’ll get sick even though you know he cant
thank you for reading and i promise i will try and get on a schedule 🙏 i need a bit of time tho!! love ya <3 have a good day/night
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redsaurrce · 1 year
LOVE SHOT - DOSE 4 <no, not Shin-won too>
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synopsis 💉 Where jk becomes the part of an experiment where he wasn't supposed to take the love shot but ends up taking it in high dose and gets obsessed with yn by mistake
pairing 💉 YANDERE Scientist!jeon jungkook ft. Jimin x Scientist!fem reader
genre 💉 scientist!au , smut (minors DNI)
word count 💉 2,644
warnings 💉 kissing, profanity, jungkook is needy AF(as always), cock warming, unhealthy obsession, hella possesive, boobsucking, jungkook realizes something, what the hell jimin?
taglist 💉 @aajjks @effielumiere @dearsullix @canarystwin @yourslut16 @imwithurmother @perfectlyfangirling @pnibts @bloodline1632 @hopeonysus @roundedreluv12 @jub-jub @maqsxi @kooscameras @jungkooksleftbigtoe13 @thatblena @yawnyanii @viridiphile @milkxgukk @outro-kook @puppiliciouslove @mata0-0mata @pk-jimin @jungchanie @ziraspells @twisted-loved @lunaofsun @inlovewithallmusic @sassyfoxunknown @teugiie @hsaranghoe @jjhmk @mryuyux @xxoverthinkerxx @fandems @hollyverday @ohmygodddsblog @fly-on-the-wall @lookformyvoice @slutforwwh @shakashakaa @meikoo @emochicksasukeee @dearly-somber
@mymomsaid-no @madnesstaking0ver @miyoung23 @outofst1le @jiminstreble @kanvis @k3lynn @imagine-this-motherfucker @dontcallmeelle @jkbabiey @1-in-abillion @bangmechanpls @uarmyhore @devils-blackrose @hrndez2008 @azur3s @erennjim @cherryunie @vynmin @fragmentof-indifference
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You paced around your room waiting for Shin-won's call. With passing days, you saw less and less hope in the antidote when you noticed hardly any changes in Jungkook, rather he has grown a lot more fiesty, asking you to warm up his cock because "it hurts Y/N, can you please help me out?" Or let him suck on your boobs "to calm his racing mind and let him sleep soundly".
You were in a complex situation and you had no one to turn to except Shin-won who was working as a team. You had a long talk with Shin-won over call while Jungkook was asleep in the early morning.
You knew that if someone else got to know about Jungkook's situation, there will be unnecessary ruckus among your collegues, not to mention about the people who are waiting for you to mess up and seize the chance to drag you down, there were just too many hungry eyes looking out for your experiment to fail.
When you told Shin-won about Jungkook's health without going into the explicit details, he said that he had a good friend in States who is also a pharmaceutical scientist.
He said he'll try to reach her and then call you back. And right now you were waiting for that call.
The ring of your phone distracted you from your worries, "Hey! Did you contact her?"
"Uh-huh! I told ya she'll help us no matter what! Also she told me that she needs to check Jungkook herself."
"Herself? You mean she'll come here?" You asked him.
"Yep! She said she'll take the earliest flight and will be here tonight. I'll come over to your house with her." He answered.
"Okay that's great then, escort her safely from the airport."
You had briefed to Jungkook about Shin-won and his friend coming over tonight to discuss about the solution for the love shot. Although Jungkook felt a little bit dissapointed that soon his reason to stay with you will be over, he still had to act happy for it.
When you opened the door, you greeted Shin-won and his said friend with a huge smile. "Hi, I'm Shin-won's friend Sucrose, you must be Y/N, nice to meet you." She forwarded her hand for a handshake and you returned the friendly gesture, "Yes I am and this here, is Jungkook, Sucrose come inside."
"I've heard everything from Shin-won and I will help you guys. From what I have gathered is that the suggested antidote didn't work on Jungkook? Am I right?" Sucrose asked as she took a seat on your couch.
"Yes you are." You answered.
"It was triple the safe limit?" She asked again to make sure.
"Yes, that's correct." You said.
"Alright I get it now, we need one more person to test the triple limit on." She suggested.
"WHAT??? Sucrose, we can't risk another person." Shin-won was bewildered.
She looked at him, "I'm not saying this for fun, it's been only few minutes since I'm here yet I can strongly feel how much Jungkook is trying to maintain his composure." She licked her lips and further added, "We need one more person so that I can confirm whether Jungkook is immune to the antidote or not, in that case we need to make a new antidote for him. There are many more possibilities and the only way to confirm it.. is to create another subject. You know the rule right? The more number, the less will be the error."
Jungkook sighed, "Y/N keeps chanting that all the time."
"Well, you're right Sucrose, I won't lie by saying that I have not thought about that but I just can't think of risking one more person." You said. "But if that's the only hope for us then, we need someone descreet. I can't imagine what will be the public reaction once they know about this, just the thought of it makes me shiver." You said anxiously.
"Then.. it has to be someone among ourselves, Shin-won, what do you say?" Sucrose raised her eyebrows.
"Huh? What??" He was caught off guard, "You want to test it on me? Me??" He asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah why? And the person you will see will be Y/N." She said in a straightforward tone.
"Wait! wait! wait!" Jungkook stood up all of a sudden, "Y/N is already busy with me, how can she handle one more? I'm against it! If that's our only way out, why don't you be the person he sees first, Miss Sucrose?"
"I very well might be that person Mr. Jungkook but I can't be by his side for I have to be busy with the experiments. As a scientist, we need to take risks and sacrifices many times, especially the scientists of your and my kind." She sighed, "What do you think Y/N, I assume Mr. Jungkook will listen to you and your junior Shin-won will listen to you as well."
You let out a deep sigh, all sorts of possibilities started flooding your mind. What if Shin-won ends the same as Jungkook? Ugh! You don't even want to picture all the things you do with Jungkook to do with him. It feels so wrong yet you are practically left with no other choice.
"Okay, I'll do it." You said with a frown.
"Are you serious Y/N??? What are you thinking???" Jungkook's insides were boiling at your response, no way in hell was he sharing you with anyone.
"Y/N, why are you agreeing to this?" Shin-won asked you in disbelief.
"Calm down you both. I have a reason to agree to this and at times like this, we must act professionally so I expect nothing from you except to sail through this till the end. Sucrose, will you start with your experiment?" You asked.
She nodded and turned towards Shin-won, "Shin-won, did you bring the shots?"
"Shots?- Ah you told me to bring it over with me because you had this plan from the start?" He asked her.
"Of course, now give them to me and Y/N.. I heard you have a laboratory in your house, do you have the necessary equipments?" She asked you.
Goodness! Shin-won really loves to boast how your house has a lab room, doesn't he?
"Yes, I do." You said while side-eyeing Shin-won while he awkwardly chuckled.
"Okay then please lead the way." She said.
You attached the wire chords to Shin-won's scalp and plugged in the monitor while Sucrose put on a mask and prepered the doses, she followed the exact same steps as Shin-won had with Jungkook.
When she injected the third dose, she silently gestured for you to come and stand in front of him. "Open your eyes Shin-won." You said and he slowly opened his eyes.
He blinked for a few seconds and took a good look at your face while Jungkook stood near the monitor noting down the records of the graph pattern.
Shoot! There it was! The loud shrill noise from the monitor and just like Jungkook, Shin-won's body temperature started to rise which soon followed with him blacking out.
The next morning Shin-won had regained his consciousness while you and Jungkook looked out for him. "Hey! Are you feeling okay?" You asked.
Jungkook helped him sit up and handed him a glass of water, "Yes I am.. so.. how long was I lying here for?"
"7 hours!" Jungkook immediately answered with his arms folded.
Shin-won frowned, "Just 7? What happened to the 18 hour duration? It's even lesser than half of Jungkook's duration."
"I know right, seems like you had a good night's sleep." Sucrose said as she came with a syringe. "Now that you are awake, I need your blood for the sample." She said as she rolled up his sleeve and took out blood from him.
"So, how are you feeling? Attracted to.. Y/N?" Even though Jungkook hated every single word that came out of his mouth, he still couldn't resist the curiousity.
Shin-won gulped as he looked at you, he hissed a bit. "Why? Is anything wrong?" You asked him.
"Y/N, why are you standing so close to Jungkook?" He said with a slight frown.
Jungkook's eyes went wide and he closed his fist involuntarily from anger.
You blinked, "what?"
Shin-won then closed his eyes and touched his forehead, "Y/N, I feel hot, can you please come and touch me?"
Jungkook's fist was throbbing from how tight it was fisted, he was ready to throw punches right then and there.
Meanwhile you sensed something was wrong, you narrowed your eyes, "Nice acting Shin-won. Stop faking it already." You said with arms folding up.
He tsked, "Doggone it!"
"What? You were faking it?" Jungkook frowned in confusion.
"Ugh yes, c'mon y/n i was about to have some fun." Shin-won pouted.
"You think this is funny?" Jungkook stepped ahead with the question.
"Ok fine i was gonna give up anyway by looking at that mad fist." He pointed towards Jungkook's hand.
Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Good decision."
You nodded to yourself while thinking about the antidote's reaction period, "Hmm.. it takes minimum of 4 hours and maximum 12 hours for the antidote to remove loveshot's symptoms, i assume in your case it has already worked?"
Jungkook who was listening to you turned towards Shin-won, "You really dont feel anything for y/n?"
He chuckled, "I don't."
Jungkook felt so relieved at his words, lord he was really pissed.
Sucrose fixed her glasses and said, "Now now i need Jungkook and Shin-won to come with me to our lab's korean branch, Y/N.. would you like to assist as well?"
"Ah.. you mean the lab you were working in States has a branch in korea as well?" You asked her with raised eyebrows.
"Yes! Its the Minerva Laboratories. Have you heard of it?" Sucrose asked enthusiastically.
Minerva.. MINERVA!?? ofcourse you've heard of it.
"Uh yes i have. Um.. well i think I'll pass, you both should go with Sucrose." You told them.
"Why won't you come along with us?" Shin-won asked.
"I.. I have some work to catch up on. I'll know the results afterwards, okay?" You said concealing the truth.
Jungkook gritted his teeth, "Y/n, we need to talk." He said that and grabbed your wrist and walked over to the balcony.
"Y/N, are you trying to avoid me?" He said after he let go off your wrist. Even though what he said was partially true, you knew better than anyone else about Jungkook's emotional swings- they were unpredictable nowadays.
You gulped, "Ningguang.. she works there. I- i just don't want to bump into her at all, i dont want to get reminded about Jimin.. so.. so i just want to stay away from everyone and everything that'll remind me of him."
Oh boy! Jungkook felt apologetic for misunderstanding you.. and at the same time his chest was swelling up from happiness.. you really wanted to stay away from Jimin? He loved how loyal you were to him.
He at once took you in a hug catching you off guard, "I knew it, you wouldn't betray me, you wouldn't break your promise." He breathed in the crook of your neck as he snuggled further in the hug.
You blinked rapidly with guilt once again stirring up in your heart, oh how you wish you could turn back time and stop all of this from happening!
You sighed, "Now that you know.. you all should hurry up and go."
Jungkook hummed in your hug.
Jungkook and Shin-won sat outside the lab since morning.. and it was evening right now, naturally Jungkook was growing reckless, just how long will he stay here? Any place without you feels like absolute hell to him.
He wants to go back home, to you.. because you were his home, you were the person who brings peace to his mind, you were the one he would call his, you were the one he belonged to.
His thoughts were interrupted once Sucrose swung open the door, "guys, here's the report and my conclusion at the bottom.. i hope this will help you guys work things out." She said with a hint of worry on her face.
Shin-won took the two reports from her hands and Jungkook looked over the details beside him.
"What?!" Shin-won couldn't believe the conclusion he just read.
"The dose works perfectly fine, no issues found.
1. Mr. S has shown no abrupt signs and the antidote has worked well. Mr. S has likely shown infatuation towards Ms. Y but it can be interpreted that way due to high dose of loveshot.
Antidote has ceased the symptoms.
2. Mr. J has shown strong infatuation towards Ms. Y with the antidote failing to cease the symptoms even after 5 days of taking the antidote twice.
Mr. J has strong feelings towards Ms. Y and the dose has likely caused the dormant feelings to display.
It can thus be concluded that the dose has amplified the feelings therefore sticking to it's main objective of- "even if there's slightly any love/infatuation, the loveshot will trigger those particular emotions."
Shin-won's face grew pale, "Jungkook, what does all of this mean? You like Y/N.. no.. you more than just like her, don't you?"
Jungkook bit his lower lip, "I guess so."
Shin-won shook his head, "Why didnt you say so when i was injecting the shot? Why didn’t you tell me?"
Jungkook sighed, "I was afraid that you might slip it up to Y/n before i even had a chance.. tell me, would you not tell her?"
Shin-won blinked, "um.. i- i think?"
Jungkook scoffed, "look at this kid." He playfully smacked Shin-won's head, "Now that we know, i just wanna go home and take some rest. You should go to your home as well and we'll rack our brains tomorrow."
"Wait! What's the rush? You are dying to see Y/n.. aren't you?" He wriggled his eyebrows, "stop with that, fine.. yes, i am dying to meet her, happy?"
"Dont tell me you're obsessed with her." He said nonchalantly while keeping the reports inside his bag.
It seems like Jungkook has finally realized the feelings which had stayed dormant towards you, now that he thinks about it.. Jungkook indeed used to look out for you everytime even before the loveshot came in the scenario.
He was interested in everything you did, he noticed even the smallest of details about you that might go unnoticed by everyone else. He was always curious about you.
Upon not hearing any answer, Shin-won finally looked up from his bag towards Jungkook, he blinked, he wished to hear a no from Jungkook, he really did.. so he asked again, "Are... you.. obsessed with her?"
Jungkook's face morphed in a twisted look, "I need some time to think about it."
With that said, he walked away leaving Shin-won behind.
Jungkook was trying to add things up, the more he thought about this.. the more he felt ridiculous about himself.
Was it really not the loveshot that caused him to be so attached to you? Was he always like this? Jungkook ran his hand through hair, he just can't believe it.
He thought he loved you.. he loves you, he's sure of it, but.. "ugh! I need to see her right now." He drove his car as fast as he could.
When he reached your apartment, to his surprise the door was unlocked.
"Y/n?" He called out your name. He didn't hear you answer so he went inside and searched every room.
Did you go outside? He hurriedly dialed your number, he heard your mobile ring in the next room but you weren't there. Where could you have gone without your phone? Did you forget to take it? Or has something happened to you?
Just as Jungkook was stepping out of the main door, he received a notification.
"Whose number is this?" He looked at the unknown number in frustration from not finding you.
He clicked on the message.
xxx-xxx-912 : hey man, it's me! Jimin.
xxx-xxx-912 : you wanted the update right, here you go!
And there lied an image attachment of Jimin and you making out.
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*clears throat* ehe what's going on!? 👀
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mariii1 · 1 year
( ʃƪ˘ﻬ˘)(˘ ε˘ʃƪ) What's your sexuality (like)? 18+ (´ε` )♡
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..........sooo i need to get out of the pattern of making time based promises, I've lied every damn time 😭😭 We'll see when the next pac will come out since im probably gonna do a lot more choices. Let me know if this resonated!
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1. There might be something taboo you're holding back. You might not have delved a lot into your sexuality which isn't inherently bad but there might be a specific part you feel ashamed about. For some you this is about a fetish or your orientation for others its just shame that comes from purity culture/r@pe culture. To get rid of this is different for most, for a lot of you time and gaining more experience in life in general will help you feel more comfotable and for others you may need to take a more active role in getting rid of your conditioning. Y'all might be like me where your into our want to get into fetishgear like latex and maybe want to learn bondage but you may feel isolated in who to talk to and where to go. Getting past these anxious thoughts and actually doing your research is what's gonna help you, you might be procrastinating on this because of your own internal conflict.
2. Lord have mercy...You DO NOT want a romantic relationship or a family 😭😭 its coming through stroonnggly. I think some of y'all could be aro and don't know it. People might've told you you're cold hearted or weird for not wanting to date. For some this is toxic because you don't communicate that you don't want romance to people, which ya needa start if you don't. Yeah some of you in this group might have problems being honest either with yourself or other people. There may be pressure to fit in when there's no real harm if you don't, in this case at least. A lot of you don't believe in traditional relationships or just have no desire for romance. A lot of you are planning to be childless when you're older and if you're thinking about getting sterilized, it might be something to start thinking about seriously.
3. Oooohhh someone KNOWS fr what they want. You have this huge boundary and expectations of what you want and this couod for anything: hooking up, sex with a partner, casual dating, etc. Because of this though you might not have been in a relationship for a very long time. You're very headstrong about this and want a fair and equal relationship. I'm specifically getting a lot of femmes in this pile who are fed up with cis men. I don't have any other comments for you, you seem set in this mindset and if its working for you, great! 👍🏽
4. Me 😜 JK tbh i might be your type for some of y'all the same way I think Che Guevara is finee😩 I'm also getting hopeless romantic from this pile but ive never seen that stereotype as something positive and I feel like in this case you guys pine after people a lot but don't try to make any moves. I feel like you could have multiple crushes currently ir multiple ppl u got ur eye on but you haven't even said hi or anything to them yet. As a fellow introvert and someone who's just starting to try to make friends I get it, but it's time to get out of this mindset and just make the first move even if ppl don't like you or they don't turn out as great as you thought.
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Rainbow divider @enchanthings
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not-goldy · 14 days
let's also dead the narrative that jk wanted to see jm but he couldn't. If jk really wanted to spend time with jm he could have just called him or texted him, over a year has passed and some are still going with the "poor jk look at him doing wlives and asking about jm, he really misses jm a lot". jk can hang out with tae and his friends without needing to do a wlive or that anon who is ready to fight with jm for not giving jk enough attention, i know it's a joke but why is it always jm fault, why blame jm when he's so busy with his first album. again i repeat if jk wanted to see jm he could have just called him, and we all know jm would have made time to see him. now you will tell me how do you know they didn't do that, well i'm not the one who is still with poor jk and his wlives
Poor Jk 😔
Can't even want this man in peace🤧🤣
A. No one said he couldn't, everyone saying JIMIN SAID NO TO HIS ADVANCES. Period. Emphasis on his advances and yes he took it public to force JMs hands in the situation a manipulative move I know but a boys gotta do what a boys gotta do ya know??
He's not sorry. Nor am I.
And please speak to your client my client is ready to go down to the pits of hell to get his attention. Don't play with him.
He couldn't would imply Jungkook was the busy one no? But Jimin was the busy one. And was he busy? Was he busy though cos I could have sworn he was Face timing Tae and Jungkook treats him better than Tae so..... he's unhinged for that shit 🥴
To make things worse he don packed his things to live with his producers now that's enough to fuck a man up. Explain this to me cos I have him down for abandoning his matrimonial home and bed. That's 6 counts and counting.
And I don't know what you fuming for dude made time for Jungkook and ended up in Sapporo days before enlisting.
They had already filmed the show earlier and could have ended it there and yet they both decided to reshoot again with Jungkook all over Jimin.
Jimin went out if his way to give Jungkook what he wanted. Dude got what he wanted so it's neither here nor there if you think he didn't try as much to be with him.
Whoever needed to go to the other went to the other. It's giving admission of guilt your honor.
Now I'm gathering receipts in wait for your response cos I'm ready to fight you on this one and I'm not joking 🤺
Ohhh you are dead wrong for that Tae comment.
Need I remind you, Tae isn't the biggest supporter of your client's career. But guess who is??
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Look at him, eyes poised for admiration lips ready to adore your client and ravage him. Don't get me started on the perked nipples. A soft pad for your client to rest his head on. Put some respect on him.
Ooooohh now you are triggering me
Did you not hear what Jimin said? Exhibit B paragraph C, and I quote, AND THATS WHY I CAME TO YOU. end quote.
Crowd can disperse now.
If Jimin went to him to make up for not being available how dare you pin this on Jungkook.
I'll have you know, coming on live is the final arsenal the 5 stages of grief dude was left with no choice.
Stage one. Never let Jimin leave your sight cos apparenrly if he goes it's hard to get him again.
2. Sneak into his room at night and stay there till he calls security. This one is not a joke.
3. If he is staying with his friends while working on his project post aggressive thirst traps online to lure him out.
4. Call security on him. Have him arrested and then go and bail him out.
5. Start a live and flash your chest and when he appears in the comments bombard him with requests
What more do you want from my client??
Your honor I want the death penalty for this Anon.
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luffyvace · 10 months
Zoro x male reader headcanons
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from my list on my profile :)
btw keep in mind there will be no ‘dom’ in this relationship for these headcanons. i have nothing against it as long as it’s still sfw so don’t be afraid to request that :).
zoro wouldn’t stand for a weak s/o
he doesn’t wanna have to worry for you
so if your weak he’ll make you train with him
and if your not ‘great! let’s spar!’
it doesn’t matter if you use swords or a weapons at all
yall gon spar.
y’all prob fight even more than him and sanji at this point
but not actually angry fight—spar fight
he’ll even teach you his no swords style if he has to 😭
also he’s not a huge cuddle bug or anything but he’s always warm
he’ll grunt if you snuggle up to him for warmth but won’t move you or anything
another thing—he always has your back
especially in fights
not really in petty arguments with other people tho
he might join in on it but not on your side
just to tease you
but you know he means no harm
except for with ero cook
then he’ll team up with you
zoros love languages are quality time and acts of service for sure
zoros quality time looks like working out together,
trying to understand whatever hobbies you like
drinking contests
sitting in solidarity silence
and his acts of service is
saving your butt in battle
going shopping together
any little favor you need really
if your carrying something heavy and almost drop it he’s got you
he shows he cares in little ways like that
zoro is the one to tell it like it is in the straw hats
like he did when usopp left
and he won’t be afraid to call you out on your crap if your wrong
hes not trying to alienate your or something
he just wants you to realize what your doing and change to be a better person
youll have to stop him from getting into trouble btw
like the time he almost shanked charlos
and you always makes sure he doesn’t get lost :)
may or may not come of with nick names for you depending on what you look like/do a lot
like with sanji and ero cook
but they’re less insulting
if your a more excitable person he won’t mind same with being a chill person
hes indifferent about a lot of things
hes chill with 90% personalities and 100% of looks
the 10% of personality he doesn’t like is sanji’s
apologies to sanji kinnies :)
you and zoro kinda always end up going wherever the other goes
like y’all are always together but like not on purpose
it’s cute to robin and nami
zoro would open up to you about his past a good amount of months into the relationship
but it won’t be at random
itll probably happen after you open up to him about yours
then he starts thinkin
’should i tell him?’
he decides he’ll take the opportunity when it comes to him
it was a much needed conversation that let him get a lot off his chest
especially about kuina
he never directly told anyone about who she was
he always just says i promised someone
or his childhood friend
but he never went into depth
which is just even more confirmation that he really loves and trusts you
communication with him is actually pretty good
some topics might get skimped though
if he does something you don’t like subconsciously
dont hesitate to come to him about it
it won’t offend him
he’s a tough cookie anyways he’ll be alright
plus he’s all about betterment
so he’s open to criticism as longs as your being genuine and not sarcastic
he’s also most likely to take it if it’s from you
yall trust each other with y’all lives 100% on another note
if you wanna go on dates?
ya mean drinking contests?
nahh jk
but it won’t be anything sappy because he refuses to take any advice from love cook
just chillin somewhere peaceful on an island
hopefully you have navigation skills or at least not his sense of direction so y’all don’t get lost 😭
don’t let him lead btw
he’ll try to and insist he knows where he’s going
no he dont
stop him
you have to be stern or he’s going his way
hes kinda stubborn
you love that part of him too tho
i’m proud with the way these came out!
i hope any guy that reads this enjoys because there is 100% a lack of male content- so here you are! :)
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codename-adler · 3 months
i neeeeeeeeed to know more abt your trojan ocs anytime you wanna share
heehee i got a special pookie for ya jo 🫶 (trojans ocs roster here)
06: Mateo Solano (22) USC Trojans Goalkeeper
here comes theeeeee... Bitch™
don't got a gif for him sorry
i also now realize i accidently gave him Seth's number... wow. but believe me, Mateo's sm worse. i love mi princesita Seth. i don't even like Mateo. (jk. but like, he sucks a whole lot before he gets his redemption arc. interpret that however you want.)
he's one of the seniors of the team, he's 5'9 and fucking bitter about it, he studies Spanish because he is a lazy mf who has no plan but to go Pro (fortunately he will)
106% fuckboi energy fr he's insufferable
at the start of the new season (when Jean joins) he is still crabby about Laila having rejected him when he asked her out after their loss to the Foxes (in my universe/wip, Lailalvarez are not together yet bc i want to explore their relationship from the beginnings :) )
Mateo isn't really interested in Laila anyway, though, and he doesn't know why 1) it still stings and 2) he even asked in the first place (perhaps because they are the golden goalie duo of USC, perhaps because she is better than him and has broken records, perhaps because of something else...)
he's also such a bitchy asshole to Jean, because Jean is a beast on the court and Mateo is jealous
he's single and a v because he is waiting for marriage and the right girl (siiiiiiiiike!) (still fuckboi aura tho he's that extra)
comes from a very religious household and he is a practicing believer
he doesn't really have any friends on the team (sad) because he is so prickly and bitchy, but everyone is still kind and open to him because he is very reliable on the court, in the goal, and he does not second-guess or question authority, he's very good at following orders and instructions, always aiming for the best
and though it's good for everyone that he stays in goal because of his problematic attitude that would get the Trojans carded if their opponents heard him talk, the power of bitch he possesses is also a great asset, as he easily makes any enemy player lose their temper with his saccharine remarks paired with a Colgate smile
now! the plot twist!
Mateo is what you would get if internalized homophobia + comphet had two legs and an attitude problem
he is as homophobic as Seth and Aaron were, and even more if I dare say, and though he's never outwardly a hater and never uses slurs (at least he holds back on that for Jesus), he's such a bitch about homosexuality... it makes him so angry and queasy, he'll be rude af to you, he'll leave the room fuming, not participate in conversations, that kind of thing. he tries very hard to forget about Jeremy, to overlook it, and he's not like Lucas, questioning Jeremy's decision because of his sexuality, but it's so much better when Jeremy is single... (ik how this sounds, but believe me when i say he does not have a repressed crush on Jeremy, or Jean. that's just his Exy inferiority complex.)
thing is, it becomes incredibly difficult for him to ignore all of that gayness when Laila and Alvarez get together (oh), when Levi suddenly drops Angie to get closer with their assistant coach, when Jeremy clearly has a huge thing for Jean, the Drivers come out with their own gay thang, when Coach Rhemann himself gets his shit together with his long-lost broody ex... Mateo is literally surrounded by homos.
and sure, the wlw stuff never really bothered him, didn't get the appeal (and why do you think Mateo!!!), but with almost all of his authority figures dabbling in the gay, Mateo is kind of a caged animal, and he's bound to lose control and do some very stupid things, like start fights, get benched, punch a wall or 2...
oh, and there's Yanko too.
infuriating ginger man that won't leave him the fuck alone. mountain man of steal who is somehow always right, and chill. the designated Mateo-handler, apparently, because Jeremy had to delegate that hot potato to someone with less... undesirable traits to Mateo (i'm not sure yet how the rest of the team handles his outbursts bc he's not open about why he has them, not very vocal, but there's definitely a specific thing wrong at play here whenever they happen, and maybe Jeremy has an inkling, idk, tbd)
so it really comes out of NOWHERE. nobody, NOBODY has a fucking clue. least of all Mateo. then suddenly Yanko has had enough and pushes Mateo into a wall, and kisses him, very publicly, and Mateo kisses back.
there's a whole lot that goes on behind the scenes before that first fiery PDA, and after that it all goes downhill for a while before balance is found again. anyhoo. enemies-to-lovers ftw ✊
Mateo's family is very loving and supporting of him btw <3
and that's all for now for the resident pendejo of the Trojans, Mateo Solano 👿
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monsterblogging · 5 months
Fuck JKR: How To Create A Harry Potter-Esque Aesthetic Without Any Harry Potter In It
So I saw a few posts from people mentioning that a reason people might be into Harry Potter is because of the aesthetic or atmosphere, and ya know what? I can't even argue that, because if there's one thing about HP, it's that it Sure Does Have Aesthetic And Atmosphere.
So! I'm gonna tell you how to STEAL ITS LOOK! Because:
JK Rowling considers ANY support of her work to be support of her politics.
Fan content/fan merch is still free advertisement for Rowling's work. YOU might not choose to give her money, but you can't be sure you won't pull people into the fandom who will.
Everyone should create more things that aren't tied to corporate-owned IP, period.
So. Most things in these films have an aged, antique look. You'll see a lot of brown hues, both on sets and on people's clothes. There's a lot of near-blacks (especially charcoals and walnuts) and lighter grays on the sets, especially from the third film onwards. (Wood is more often than not stained dark, while lighter hues are often provided by bricks or plaster.) The last two films use a lot of stormy blues and grays. Prisoner of Azkaban also emphasizes contrast between tones, which heightens a sense of texture. True black also appears throughout the films, such as on students' uniforms and many Death Eaters' outfits, and on the chairs in Malfoy Manor. White appears occasionally, especially on Hedwig, students' shirts, or during winter scenes, but pure white isn't otherwise really common. Paper or parchment is usually warm beige. There's also a lot of silver, gold, and brass, often appearing on things like dishware, tools, trinkets, Christmas baubles, and so forth. Bronze also comes up occasionally.
Reds, yellows, blues, and greens are pretty common throughout the films, even outside of Hogwarts, though you'll see just about every color somewhere. For example, orange is often found around the Weasleys, and orange, maroon, and purple feature in the divination classroom. Teal features prominently in Grimmauld Place (contrasted with saffron yellows).
Most colors aren't really super bright; a lot of the time they look a little faded, or like they're colored with natural dyes. If you use medieval illustrations to source your colors, or aim for earth tones and jewel tones, you'll be about right for a lot of what you see in the films. Bright colors are pretty rare; some of the brights we do see are in Honeydukes, Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes, and certain magical effects, such as Floo fire.
A lot of light is provided by candles, torches, or fireplaces, which cast a warm yellow/orange light. Moonlight is represented by blue light in the first and second films. Blue light is also used for the Goblet of Fire and the penseive.
Another thing you gotta have in there is clutter. It should look kinda antique and give off a kind of magical or mystical atmosphere. Think books, storage jars, orreries, crystal balls, old lamps, antique clocks, vintage glassware, antique mirrors, old teapots, and little metal trinkets. (If you're trying to decorate a physical room, your stuff doesn't have to actually be antique, of course; antique-styled is fine.)
Texture is also very important, which can be represented with full or top grain leather book covers, stone walls, dents and scratches, cracks, embellishments, and embossing. Additionally, all damage and wear gives a sense of oldness to things. Stains and variegated colors also add interest. (If you're decorating a physical space, you might look into aging/distressing/antiquing techniques.)
If you want a space to look cozy, you don't really want bare or blank walls. Shelves, paintings, tapestries, and wallpaper can all help with that. Again, use brown, rather than black. Warm, yellow lighting will also help. If you lean toward blacks and cool lighting, you're going to have a colder-looking space.
Fashion in the wizarding world is extremely all over the place, ranging from stereotypical fantasy witch and wizard clothing, to pretty normal vintage clothing, to some wacky vintage-inspired looks, to the kind of fashion that would be put under the cozycore umbrella, to ordinary modern clothing. One thing that's absent is subculture fashion as we know it. (Bellatrix Lestrange does look kinda goth, but it's less a subculture thing, and more a "yeah we're putting our bad guys in fancy black stuff" thing.)
If you're trying to lean into the whole quirky/eccentric/old-fashioned kinda thing, you'll want to pass over the more modern and obviously synthetic type stuff. Also, patterns, textured fabrics, knits, mixed colors, lace, and other embellishments can add interest to outfits.
Architecture is also all over the place. Hogwarts is pretty medieval, while places like Diagon Alley give more Victorian vibe. The main thing is looking old fashioned and quaint.
To try and summarize all of that:
Browns. Lots and lots and lots of browns. Blacks and grays, too. Contrast between light and dark browns and blacks/grays.
More beige and gray than pure white; more charcoal gray and dark walnut brown than true black.
Among other colors, mostly earth tones and jewel tones. Very limited brights.
Polished metal and glass also add shininess.
Old-fashioned. Vintage. Antique.
Clutter, texture, patterns, variegation. Minimalist/clean aesthetic avoided.
Aged and distressed.
Lighting often yellow/orange due to coming from fire. Blue/teal light often coming from moonlight and certain magical light sources.
Now, here are some things we actually don't see. I'm not mentioning them to discourage you from using them if they're what you really want, but to inform you about them so you can consider whether they might throw off the vibe for you:
Green/purple/black combos.
Purple/silver/black combos. Pink/purple/teal combos.
Pink/black combos.
Orange/black combos.
Green/orange/purple combos.
Red/black combos.
Basically a lot of combos commonly associated with Halloween, witches, or vampires.
Big raw crystals. We see crystal balls now and then, but that's it.
Other natural items used as decorations - feathers, pinecones, sticks, etc. The one exception I can think of are the shells embedded in the walls of Shell Cottage.
Crushed velvet. Lots of fantasy uses this, HP films don't.
If you need inspiration, go look up medieval and renaissance diagrams and illustrations of stuff like the four elements, the zodiac, the solar system, and all that. Go look up alchemical symbols and emblems. Search up pre-WWII vintage ephemera. Go look up Victorian clipart. Look up stuff like botanical, zoological, and astronomical books and art from the 17th-19th centuries. Look up vintage wallpaper and fabric patterns. Look at vintage-style crafts. Research period architecture and fashion. Research European heraldry.
If you're wondering what exactly you're going to design around without Hogwarts and the Four Houses, here are some suggestions:
The four classical elements (earth, air, fire, and water)
The four seasons
Card suits - Tarot, French, whatever you want
Holidays - Halloween, Christmas, whatever
Fairy tales
Mythical creatures
Any other animals you like
Your own original worldbuilding
So yeah, there ya go. You don't need to keep participating in HP to indulge in the aesthetic.
[NOTICE: Anybody who clowns on this post by making this about them and their childhood, patting themselves on the back about their chosen means of "ethical" participation, praising the fandom, or adding any other form of irrelevant bullshit is getting blocked. Also, I don't want to hear about PJO or Earthsea again for the millionth time, either.]
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marengogo · 18 days
Are You Sure?! - #3: Jungkook Is My Chef - Jin, 2020
Neva Play - by Megan Thee Stallion feat. RM 
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Hello sassy Gurls, Bois and Enbys, how y’all do~ing?
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Told ya I was gonna use this gif a lot, this is basically me, for real - for real! Hope you are enjoying Neva Play by Megan Thee Stallion feat. RM, and I also hope you get to feel relaxed at some point in your day/week/life, which by the way, I have been feeling for the past 5 days and let me tell you relaxing was a very old feeling I hadn’t felt in such a long-ass time that I am frankly shocked and I am loving it. You know, that feeling where I can finally feel myself completely, talk to those I want to talk when I want to, and go about my day with absolutely no hurry:
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Revolutionary! Staycations are where it’s at. If you haven’t tried it, I highly advise it.
Staying at home and only leaving the house for more relaxing activities got me thinking about a lot of things, one of these things being JK & Domesticity. As we all know or not my Twin-flame is not big on travelling, to be precise, he hates walking. He is the type of guy who would rather stay at home and cook you a very exquisite meal accompanied with the perfect drink he is a proper Earth sign he is a Staycation Connoisseur; what did you think he had all those mattresses for?! Duh. Another thing he’s not big on is doing things he doesn’t want to, and/or doesn’t like, add that to travelling and you have the perfect How to Turn-Off JK Package 😬.
But people the members at some point figured out a way to get around this particular aversions of his, being was bribery 😌, which would usually go “If you come with me to X, you’ll get to do Y”. Now, that was for 17 years old JK, who was extremely bad with the aforementioned, but let me tell you about 27 year old JK, you still might have to bribe him to a certain extent, but the acceptance rate is much easier; the growth is 👌🏾. However, you know who actually even doesn’t have to bribe a 27 year old JK? Literally, this person just has to ask? If anything JK has been the one trying to bribe this person for a good year 😬… Yeah! You guessed it, this guy 👇🏾
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I don’t want to call my Twin-Flame a simp, cause he can definitely stand on business, but sometimes bro 🙄… 😩… anyways I’ll let him off for today. I’ll let him off because in all honesty, I am very impressed, and somewhat touched, by the level of attention he’s been bestowing JM during each episode, but real talk, he's been at it for years now, particularly when it comes to food, which is one of JK’s biggest loves so big it could compete with JM and also just so happens to be something that JM seems to be … somewhat selective about. 
The first time I clued in on this was during this live:
During this live, JM just so casually informed JK that the champagne they were being served was the only champagne he could drink, and you could literally see JK’s eyes and brain making notes. Not sure why JK had to know that bit of information, but sure, okay 🙄… this was November 2021. Fast forward to October 2022, almost a whole year later, during this live: 
Our Party-Party-Yeah Unit gets together and JK prepares champagne for everyone, except JM, at which Tae tries to make JM drink, which he refuses, and Hobi tries to understand why he is not drinking it, at which JM explains:
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JK kept silent the whole while drinking and eating as one does when food is your passion, cause he knew better, in fact, he knew so much better that going back to 2021, during JM’s birthday live in October, even before the “Champagne Live”, he casually gifted JM a bottle of joy and 3 bottles of water of course, because even though JM asked for 1, you never know when you might need more water, you know?! 🤡 (Also, I’ll have you know that, personally, I am team JK Prepared That BD Cake, but as always, to each their own beliefs). 
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So let’s keep fast-forwarding. We are now in 2023 and from America to Korea to Japan, Airplane pat.2 style, this is JK:
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So my question here is: Does this look like the type of knowledge that a person who rarely sees someone would be in possession of? Imagine getting to seldomly meet someone and all you do is ask them about their dietary requirements, just so you can meet them again briefly and … recite said requirements to them? Not when they have the same inside jokes, the same taste, and, out of all the members, they seem to be very invested in couple-matching clothing like heavily?
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Doesn’t it make more sense for this to perhaps be the result of continuous exposure to a certain behaviour/situation? JM often eats spicy things, hence he likes spicy things. JM likes this particular combination of flavours, so I think he will like this kimbap, also this sukiyaki and that ramen, etc etc etc. I’ve cooked so many things with pink sausage for JM, I was way shocked when he said it was ham! … All I am saying is that if JK didn’t budge when Tae couldn’t tell the difference between ham and pink sausage, but was hella shocked when JM couldn’t, he must have his reasons to assume that JM ought to have known. 
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Y’all think I’m reaching about JK being very knowledgeable about JM’s nutrition facts? Understandable … but my husband 💅🏾 if you are new to my blog, Jin is my husband 🤡 seems to have thought the same thing as me shocker all the way back in 2020 as shown by this Festa profile that he filled while “pretending” to be JM:
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This profile lives rent free in my head, and to this day, I’d like to ask my husband what was the reason? He was able to come up with very abstract, and profound, associations for all the members, except JK, his was very concrete and oddly specific; don’t you think? Cause you know what? If you think about it a little harder, you can be cuties, next-chair-soul-mates, god-like, aegyo-buddies, and best friends at a distance. But a chef? You gotta be physically present to cook and feed someone... and I’ll leave that at that. Very specific I tell you. Very specific.
This was literally all I think he truly wanted: a staycation with JM. 
All JK wanted was to “have a drink with JM”, most likely because he thought he couldn’t ask for more during their busy schedules. BTW, how mad is it to tell your mate that you are going to a whole other country to have a drink with someone? Though he does strike me to be the type of guy who gets you in for one drink and makes you stay for eggs, jussayin’ …
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This was supposed to be just one trip. Once again, JK had tried all year to get some alone time with JM, so if one trip was all he got, to make the memories he might have felt he needed to get by in case they didn’t get to enlist together which they didn’t know during they would have during the NY trip: THEN SO BE IT. After all he had settled for a drink, one trip? Now that's luxury!
NY - JM was kijul most of the time so, out-of-the-blue-cheese, caretaker was added as a job description. BUT not to fret … they got to go on another trip. Hell yeah!
JEJU - Last minute change: They ended up becoming hosts, which hey, they were great hosts! The guest had fun and the hosts were delighted. Win-win.
SAPPORO - … I wouldn’t be surprised if JK stopped by a trusted shaman before the trip, in order to learn preventive measures 🤡 not all shamans are evil y’all …. 
Winter. Snow. Reminiscing: Perfection 👌🏾. 
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I think he would have been ready to Taekwondoo anyone who dared to come between Him and his JM Time. TBH I would have been ready to fight as well, I am his Twin-Flame after all and all I really ever want is for him to have what he wants. ALWAYS. I honestly truly want him to be happy, as much as possible, which, on this Sapporo trip, he seems to be a lot, by the looks of it particularly when all he wants is a drink in good company.
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To conclude, the way I am looking forward, but also not, to episode 7 and 8 y’all can’t even begin to understand 🤡. JK’s excitement, romantic spirit, and clinginess levels are off the roof bro, so I’m a bit, on my toes he a simp he a simp he a simp. One thing I will also have to say tho, which I am fairly glad about, is that both JM & JK have finally learned how to be ready for the presence of a camera; kudos to you bros! 🤡
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Always respectfully yours 🫰🏾💜,
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ranhaitanisgf · 11 months
Congrats on 2k followers 🎉🎉🎉 may i pls request "boy next door" & "in another life" with baji. ty for ur hard work and if u do accept this ask ^^
— baji keisuke // boy next door // in another life
[𖤐] hey anon!! what is wrong with you !!! it's so sad !! omg !!! lawl jk, im sry im getting to this sooooooosososo late! i hope you enjoy all the same my lovely ! <3
wc: 1.4k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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it all seemed like yesterday. 
you had been behind the apartment complex you live in, plastic bags in hand as you kneeled down and took out multiple cans of cat food. the five cats in front of you meowed with glee, eager for you to open the tins. some of the younger one’s paws went up onto your knees, though it wasn’t enough to sway your balance from where you were kneeling. 
“yes yes, i know! just give me oneee second, and i’ll have these open and you guys can gobble them all up!” you giggled, pulling open the tabs on the cans and setting them down on the ground. as soon as you set one down, the cats would immediately flock to it, eating ferociously and almost fighting each other. 
“woahhh, let’s calm down guys…” as soon as they started fighting, you pulled some away to their own can of food, and once they were all eating, it was smooth sailing from there. 
sitting on the ground, you smiled as you watched the cats gobbling up the food. you obviously couldn’t take them all in, especially since the apartment complex doesn’t allow pets, so this was the most you could do. it hurt your heart that you couldn’t give them a place to live, but the best you could do was give them a nice meal. you had even picked up a second part-time job so that you could afford to buy the expensive cat food. 
“peke j! where are ya?!” you heard a deep voice call out. looking up, you noticed a boy with long black hair walk into the quiet area, a look of worry on his face. 
the black cat who had been happily eating suddenly looked up from his food, then immediately started bounding towards the boy, jumping into his arms with a happy meow. 
“this is where you’ve been? jeez, you had me worried…” if the boy saw you, he didn’t say anything. you smiled a bit at the situation; you supposed that the black cat had just been looking for an extra meal, which you guessed was understandable. 
“oi, i’m talkin’ to you.” looking up, you saw the black haired boy standing above you, his cat purring softly in his arms. “do you feed these cats?” he asked. the question caught you a bit off guard; you weren’t sure what you were expecting him to ask, but you’d expected him to be mad given his tone of voice. 
“every day?” 
“i see…cool! i’m baji keisuke, and this little troublemaker right here is peke j. he acts like i don’t feed him, but i swear i do.” baji grinned at you, kneeling next to you to watch the cats, a goofy grin on his face. you were very surprised now, since you had expected him to be a bit standoffish. you suppose that’s what you got for judging based on a cover. 
“what’s your name?” 
from then on, you and baji just got closer and closer. you eventually learned that the two of you lived in the same complex, and you actually lived right next door to each other. because of this, you both began to hang out a lot; you would go feed the cats behind the building together, you would walk to the convenience store together, and baji would even come to pick you up from your part-time job if it got out late. 
“i can’t have you walking home at night, (y/n).” he would say. 
it had been a little bit scary when he first picked you up on his motorcycle, but you learned to love it. it was exhilarating, and it was even more so when you were with baji. 
you would hold on tight around his waist as he sped down empty streets, yelling his head off about who knows what. despite the fact he was going fast, you trusted him and knew it would be alright if you were with him. 
the two of you would also walk to and from school, sharing the umbrella you would bring when it rained, (he was always woefully prepared for the weather) and stopping by convenience stores to get snacks for the walk home. when he started slicking back his hair and wearing thick glasses, you made fun of him non-stop, but also offered to tutor him in his studies. you two would spend hours in his room; he was usually halfway asleep until you woke him up with a flick to the forehead. in return for the help, he would bake something for you, (“i told you, it’s from my mom! i didn’t make them!!!”). 
then, he introduced you to his new friend, chifuyu, and the three of you became your own trio. you eventually met the rest of his friends; they were all in a gang called the tokyo manji gang, which sounded a little scary to you at first, but when you met them all, any worries you had before were washed away. you weren’t officially part of it, (baji refused to let you join, since he would say, “how would i be able to face your family if something happened to you?”) but you would attend a lot of meetings, showing up with baji and joking around with him. 
it was all perfect, until it wasn’t. 
you had noticed that he didn’t talk to you as much, and that he seemed to be avoiding you, which was a pretty hard task considering the two of you lived right next to each other. you would show up at his door, and he would tell you to go away. for weeks, this went on, until you finally listened. 
had he gotten tired of you? 
the last time you had even spoken with him was three weeks ago when you had found peke j. lurking around in the back on the complex again. the conversation had been short and curt. 
“hey, i found peke j-”
“wait, keisuke, can we just talk-?” slam!
it wasn’t until chifuyu showed up at your door that you were able to see him again. 
“(y/n)-chan…i’m so sorry…”
you didn’t even want to think about the worst conclusion when you had seen his red-rimmed eyes, but when he brought you to the morgue in the hospital, you knew what had happened. you saw baji’s mother sitting on a chair in the corner of the room, an empty look in her eyes as she stared at the table in the middle of the room. 
when the doctor pulled the sheet down, chifuyu had to hold you up to keep you from collapsing. 
“i wish you were here again, keisuke.” you whispered into the wind, the tears on your cheeks being dried by the cold wind. you opened two cans of soda, putting one in front of you and putting one of the grave in front of you. 
you hadn’t opened the paper in your hands yet; you were too scared to read it. what if he’d said how much he hated you? you don’t think you could handle that. 
it was something that chifuyu had given you, telling you that keisuke had wanted you to read it. 
after a few silent minutes, you put down the can of soda. with shaky fingers, you opened the small notes, your eyes already welling up with tears. 
i’m sorry that i’ve been ignoring you the past couple of weeks. trust me when i say that it hasn’t been easy for me to do, but it was necessary. i guess if you’re reading this then it means i’m gone, which kinda sucks ‘cause that means i can’t confess to you in person like i wanted to. i like you, a lot. i love you. ever since that day i saw you with the cats, i think you put a spell on me or something. jesus, this is corny. my chest feels weird when i’m around you, but in a good way. i don’t really know what else to say, but i hope you can forgive me. i’m sorry. will you keep feeding the cats behind the complex? i’ll be watching. 
“yeah, i will…” you spoke in between sobs. it felt like your heart had been broken into a million little pieces, if it hadn’t been ripped apart enough already. 
“please come back, keisuke…i don’t want to have to wait until the next life…”
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Homage vs. Copying
So I'm not feeling super great these days, but I still dip into Jikook spaces for a quick hit of lovely serotonin and to check up on my friends. Alas, I see some folks raging in the tags that JK is stealing Jimin's original concepts because he's too stupid or lazy to come up with his own... I'm not having flashbacks to BTS' plagiarism scandal, I'm not. I have thoughts--and lots of photo examples--about this topic, under the cut. Let's get into it--and keep it civil, too.
First off--let's just establish that folks have the right to use the Jikook tag to both celebrate and critique Jikook and the fandom around Jikook. People get to write about what they want on their blogs. They get to rant, so long as no one is using hate speech and slurs. (The minute I see that shit, I quietly report.)
Clearly, folks who are angry at Jungkook (or Jimin) come into the Jikook tag because they want attention from Jikookers, and the best use of my time and energy is to self-police and block them. That way I am not infringing on their right to scream into the wind all they like, but I also don't have to hear the noise.
Second off, unless JK called any of us up and said: "Hey, guess what? After 10 years of evidence to the contrary, suddenly I'm incapable of original thought, so I just take advantage of Jiminie-hyung, whom I keep calling out and hyping up and praising and asking to spend time with and traveling with and whose style I also match in my personal life!" maaaaybe we give the benefit of the doubt, and at least entertain the possibility that Jungkook is expressing visual alignment with Jimin because he can't just openly claim him in other ways?
Like, I'm not saying that IS what's going on, because Jungkook doesn't call me up and tell me his thoughts, either. It's fine; I'm not mad. He doesn't even text Jin back. I am just saying we should maybe sit with the idea for a bit and really marinate on what that might mean for a queer couple.
(Or we could just take in things without pronouncing any opinions yet--ya know, until we get more data around Jungkook's choices and how Jimin feels about it.)
It's fine not to assume the similarities are romantic gestures; but it's also fine not to assume the worst--that JK is siphoning off Jimin like a leech. Jungkook was consulted by the Seven stylist and he got to be creative director for his Vogue shoot; he also had some say in his music videos and performance stages. He is making choices deliberately, and it makes no sense to me that he would choose to openly copy a bandmate out of laziness. He has a professional reputation to consider.
Rather, I think this is one of the few places where he has artistic license to tether a thread between him and Jimin. I think he's paying homage.
(Side note: In film and photography, an homage is an imitation of another work. At first glance, it may seem like an homage is a rip-off or a lesser copy, but it actually pays tribute to and honors the source work. Homage is a great way to use other filmmakers' styles and content to crystallize your unique voice as a filmmaker.)
So that's my currently theory about what's going on.
Yet, honestly? None of us really know WHY there's so much similarity in their looks these days. The similarities are now stacking up so much as to be undeniable, though.
Personally, I'm leaning to this being a celebration of the fact that Jikook have always shared similar tastes; it's one of the many ways they click. Jikook know that. The stylists know that. So yeah, when JK gets a chance to observe and emulate (and expound upon) Jimin's style, he does. Because Jimin is one of the coolest people in the world to him. So he shows this in his own creative work and in his own personal wardrobe.
Here's why I hold that opinion at the moment:
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Could this all be the stylists choosing to recycle looks or throw bread crumbs to Jikookers? I guess.
Could this be Jungkook just borrowing from Jimin as a shortcut? I'm not sharing his brainwaves, so I can't tell you there's zero possibility.
But what seems more likely is that of all the artists in the world, Jimin is the one Jungkook has always kept his eyes on. Out of love and respect, not malice and opportunism.
Like with the 1108 and 13 numbers that THEY keep inserting into their own communications, these similarities in style is also an emerging pattern.
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If you feel protective of Jimin, I understand why you'd be wary of so much similarity. But consider what we know of both Jimin and Jungkook over the past 10 years...
While neither of these human beings are perfect (and they will continue to make mistakes), they clearly love each other. And you don't steal from the people you love. But you do honor how amazing they are whenever you get the chance.
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So maybe let's just hear JK out on this?
Okay, that's all the energy I have for this topic. I got deadlines and health tests to power through over the next few weeks. If you comment with your own ideas, that's cool--but please keep it respectful of Jikook and each other. I don't want to banhammer anyone but I will.
Love, Roo
PS Even if I'm not around much, you can be sure I'll buy and stream 3D, and I encourage you guys to give it a chance too! <3
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kitofawriter · 2 months
LMK season 5 episodes 7-8 spoilers below the cut!!
Gonna finish the season today! I will never skip this intro BTW
“M-m-m-m-monkey king?!?”
Scooby doo doors!!
Giggly MK
Mo in the chest!
“I can feel it in my monkey bones!”
Tang has pretty eyes!!
They all do the Tang impression!! Even Mo!
Tang without glasses look weird
“And ignoring the terrible impression” “ya nailed it MK”
“Big giant world ending consequences baby steps”
Creepy eye
Baby MK!!!
Also MK backstory?! Now?!
“Where are his parents?” Pigsy fed him so he’s pigsys now (that how it works with cats so it can work with random children as well)
“MK’s not a name” yes it is Tang!
“It’s short for…”
“The first season of my discontent”
Lots of good quotes in this one.
Creepy LBD!! Bringing back all MK’s trauma!
Oh! Oh! They’re all living through their memories!! “Stop! Don’t make me do this!” If LBD is MK’s biggest trauma moment does that mean killing Mac is SWK’s?!?
Mac busted him out!!
“Fun memory?” “…no…”
“Kinda waisted my whole ‘sacrifice’ thing Wukong” nobody asked you to do that Mac. They were all very upset.
Pigsy immediately saving Tang! Now somebody save Sandy because he doesn’t deserve to relive his trauma.
Mo was remembering the ginseng fruit episode.
Mo saved Sandy!
MK is not having a good time.
MK backstory!!!!
If anybody (Nüwa) insists MK has to sacrifice himself they’ll have to answer to like, two very angry monkeys, a guy with scrawny ankles, a dragon, a dude who’s only scary when his family is threatened, and a pig who will stop at nothing to keep MK safe. Good luck.
Everyone being so willing to jump in to save MK!!
I am not okay, but team hug!!
*scoops Mac up too* “woah”
MK, maybe like, talk to someone about this?
Seasons 1-4: SWK doesn’t communicate well season 5: MK learned not to talk about his problems (JK he’s been bottling it up since season one. Holding too much of those breadstick shoulders of his)
Ooooh, that black and white moment at the end was nice!
I’m gonna need some nice chill “team gets downtime and therapy” fics after this season. I can tell.
Episode 8!!
Is there a SWK saying “kid” counter for this season? Cause he’s saying it A LOT.
SWK walking through the fillet spell to fight Li Jing for MK!!!!!
“He is not the enemy” “he sure seems like it”
Nezha is the best
“Did you just teleport?” “Okay, did anyone else know that he could do that?” Mei and Pigsy are getting some funny dialogue together this season.
Pigsy hugs!
Spooky dude shows up! Why don’t we sacrifice him instead?!
“Hey, monkey king, who is this guy?” “I…have no idea.”
“Or like your ex best friend” Mac: o.o
Monkey MK!!!!
Also this dude is both amusing and very OP
“I’m not a MONSTER!” You kinda are dude.
Ooooh! Foil to MK’s “you like it” moment.
Lots less commentary because I’m really focused on the episode.
“Leave the world a little better than you found it, right?” Ouch. As a critical role fan this has a double ouch.
Someone needs to talk to like 90% of this cast about self sacrificing tendencies. It’s not healthy.
The voice acting this season is GUT WRENCHINGLY good.
Two more episodes to go! I am not ready!
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