momosilliness · 28 days
not eating anything all day so i have enough cals to bake brownies w my girlfriend<33
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ghostingal0ng · 6 months
3/18/24 daily journal
* good morning all ^_^ 106.6 today.. i know its just water weight, but im still feeling a bit discouraged. gonna stay strong though, goal today is 1050 !!
* bfast 🍌🍐🥰
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have been totally craving pb and banana toast for a few days, so... ^_^ ate it! + my green juice :-)
* going to help my sister with some stuff around her house !! we took a snack break heheh
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* dinner was chicken noodle soup. my dad makes really good soup :-)
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* all i wanted with the rest of my calories was a yogurt bowl . i even stayed up late waiting for my parents to go to bed so i could make it . only to find that MY FREAKING YOGURT HAS GONE BAD !! im so upset! i ended up flipping out and having turkey and cottage cheese . for "protein" or whatever. as if i give a shit . and it was gross. 0 stars !!!
* going to bed ... maybe ill watch a movie or something :/ ive never been more disappointed in my ENTIRE LIFE !!!
* 268 + 216 + 433 + 133 = 1050 . whatever -_-
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eggsaladnightmares · 2 years
I know I promised my body a protein shake before skating but I’m running short on time so this fudgsicle is gonna have to do
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desire-for-thinner · 1 month
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w1nterbunnie · 2 months
i have two sides (junkorexia/orthorexia)
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parasuicidaldoll · 1 year
ate 3 double stuffed oreos. 2 without the filling so thats about 150 calories. ate a ninja turtle ice cream. 80 calories. boba. 400 (there was a lot of sugar). total: 630 calories. talk about junkorexia lmfao.
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ararexic · 6 months
legit running on a chocolate chip cookie and almond granola bar peak junkorexia
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fairytasmagoria · 2 months
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tryinggggggggg · 1 month
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chocolate: 480kcal coke zero: 2kcal
i dont even wanna know my macros
the junkorexia is showing
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hannahnobanana · 1 year
I went from restricting, working out, and orthorexia, to binging, purging, and junkorexia
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bitchcake · 1 year
junkorexia orthorexia drunkorexia.. what next…
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signeficunt · 7 months
finding out what junkorexia is was the biggest mistake of my life
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girrldiariess · 8 months
I’m grateful to finally be breaking through my “junkorexia,” have been avoiding so many binges recently and it’s felt great
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dietcokedemise · 2 years
confessions of a junkorexic
march 16, 2023 | entry #5
ughhhhhhh…i f*cked up today :( everything was going perfectly fine until i stayed in the kitchen too late and before i knew it i had downed two huge bowls of cereal 😭 my max intake for today was supposed to be 800 cals (it should be noted i was already at 811 cals before the cereal binge fiasco) buuuut after i scarfed down two bowls of reese’s puffs my intake quickly shot up to almost 1,600 cals (double of what it was supposed to be)—junkorexia strikes again! (really living up to my journal title) i felt like absolute sh*t immediately after…but it was delicious going down 💀 *sigh* i couldn’t even make it a full five days w/o binging :/ IS AN OUNCE OF SELF CONTROL TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR UNIVERSE?! i ended up purging it by jump roping for like an hour immediately after :/ i managed to burn off most of the binge before i started to feel too sick to function so i guess the mission was semi accomplished? what’s worse is that even after all of this sh*t i still want to eat more food ☹️ …now that i think about it…i did skip out on taking my appetite suppressants today…fml
and on that note, i’m going to bed—ciao! <3
food log
fast (0 cals)
fast (0 cals)
baked flounder (96 cals)
butter noodles (305 cals)
broccoli (30 cals)
breadstick (190 cals)
12 oz diet coke (0 cals)
fiber gummies (30 cals)
vanilla protein shake (160 cals)
two bowls of cereal (760 cals)
daily stats
cw : 201.4 lbs (91.3 kgs) [3-15-23]
bmi : 38
cal intake : 1,571
cals burned : 635
net cals : 936
steps : 3,217
hours fasted : 16 hrs
days binge free : 0 (relapse)
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lainhasissues · 1 year
intake today because junkorexia is a bitch:
- 2 wise chips (240)
- chicken noodle soup (120)
- chicken bouillon (20)
- 3 eggs (240)
total: 620
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mushyshroomventing · 1 year
sucks so much the guilt is palpable
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