#just a silly little doodle i made in class
risingsunresistance · 2 years
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examine the potato
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I’m sad, I’ve had a bunch of fun cool ideas sitting in the back of my head since like new years which I wanted to use for rare pair week, but like life has been kicking my ass so I didn’t have time to even start anything and now it’s over :( guess they will just keep living in my head until next year
#this is if I’m also not dying next year… which is unlikely#don’t do what I do. don’t work full time and do school full time. especially when you’re doing a dual graduate degree program. I’m in hell#brain screams#it especially makes me sad cause when I started writing fics in the summer it made me SO happy to be writing again!!!#especially about sailor moon!!! one of my special intrests and fav shows of all time!! it makes my brain SO HAPPY!!!#as I keep telling myself - just cause I don’t make these things now doesn’t mean I can do them in the future. my ideas will still be there#I can write the fics I want and finish the YouRube videos I’ve started. I can make silly little doodles and comics and short animations#I can take my Venus plus on hikes and exploring and to wonderful places!! we can go to museums and cafes and concerts!!#we can go to the ocean and climb mountains and get lost in the forest and get muddy and wet and cold and sit by campfires and climb on logs#I can take my not fully fleshed out idea of using her and my other plushes to make a sort of live action stop motion skit video!!#I want to be creative and free and have fun and live my life and pursue my passions!!#but rn… all i do is work. work and homework and class and homework. until I’m so fatigued I can’t walk and I can’t sleep and I can’t think#to be real watching the anime and having the codename: sailor v and stars arc of the manga is like one of the few things getting me through#when I’m so tired I can’t think I have those as comforts so I’m not sitting on the couch wanting to die#I find so much comfort in existing in the space of this fictional universe and I draw strength from the characters#like sailor moon helping me get through some of the hardest fucking shit I’ve ever done in my life. and helping me remember to love myself#also lowkey helping me fight off my depression and ed and substance abuse issues#I just both get so much joy and comfort from this space but also I feel I owe it so much gratitude for kinda helping me from crumbling#I want to also contribute to this space cause it gives me joy to do so and cause i want to give back and contribute to others joy as well#like it’s a combo of I love this and want to and also as a form of gratitude i want to and also to help others experience joy I want to#but… I don’t have the time or energy now. and if my life keeps going on like this. will I ever? I’ve never let myself slow down.#idk if I ever will :( oh well
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naenaex0xx · 2 months
maybe I should learn how to draw a silly little guy so I can respond to asks with a silly little guy
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piccolos-bigtoe · 3 months
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Kind of a half hearted Engi doodle,,, coz I’m in a half hearted sort of mood, and sorta jus trying stuff out rn, and I mostly just wanted to draw his side profile. I drew a whole body but I don’t like it that much,, I think he’d keep a silly little comb over but looking at it now I think I wish I made him bawld…. Whateva I’ll just draw him bald and better next time I surpose. I don’t draw guitars ever either…
Ime will be honest I do not want to go back to my classes tomorrow, it will be nice to be back on a schedule though. I’ve been kind of off this entire week coz I’m jus lonely, and I find when school works not distracting me I think about it more obvi. I’m not here to vent tho I just like to ramble, and I’m here to post OLD MEN. Okay I’m going to sleep now goodnight everypony
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night-raven-tattler · 6 months
Love beyond spoken words - part 1
Summary: Everyone has a way of saying "I love you" without using those three words.
Characters: Ace, Jack, Azul × GN!Reader (separate, romantic)
Other parts of the series: Jamil, Rook, Idia, Sebek
Warnings: food mention (Jack's part)
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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You had no idea how Ace was able to maintain an average of 80 for his grades, because it never seemed like he was paying attention in class
Even when he was hunched down over his notebook as if he was writing down notes, he still gave you the impression he was not listening to the lecture
...because he wasn't, really
A folded piece of paper fell on your textbook from the direction of the seat next to you, and if the red heart doodled on it was any hint towards who the sender was, you knew he wouldn't allow you to pay any more attention to the rest of the lecture
You unfolded the piece of paper, and the words written on it brought a small smile to your face
"Hey hot stuff, wanna ditch Deuce and Grim for a lunch date? □yes or □yes"
You decided to tease him a little, so you drew a third square with a "no" written next to it and crossed it, then you folded the piece of paper and tossed it in his direction
And watched how his confident smirk turned into an offended frown in less than a second
He scribbled down something and threw the piece of paper towards you once again, huffing just so he caught your attention enough to look at him and see how hard he was trying to act hurt
"Come on! I even called you 'hot stuff' and everything!"
You couldn't deny that the whole situation made your heart skip a few beats
Your banter was no secret to anyone: all of your friends knew you and Ace loved to push each other's buttons in an endless silly game of cat and mouse
Yet the written notes kind of made the whole situation have an intimate note to it
It was a game just for the two of you, only for your eyes to see, antitipation and excitement building up as both of you slowly added to your secret conversations
"So you call me 'hot stuff' only when you want me to do something?"
You scribbled back and threw the paper at him and watched how his eyes widened as they followed the words on the paper, and a bit of pink dusted his cheeks as well
He hesistated before he wrote down a reply, and he slid the unfolded piece of paper towards you
"I won't admit anything on paper so you have no physical proof you can show off to the others."
You turned towards him and rolled your eyes, showing him exactly what you thought of his reply
But then, he signed to you to turn the piece of paper around
And, as you did, you discovered another message from him
"I wouldn't mind telling you exactly what I think about your looks if you say yes to that lunch date."
You waited a few minutes before writing down on the piece of paper, letting Ace grow a bit anxious and impatient from your lack of response
He watched as you folded the piece of paper and placed it gently on his slightly open palm
And he had to hold himself back from fist bumping the air when he unfolded the piece of paper, revealing how you crossed out your previous "no" answer and marked the other two "yes"s instead
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Jack had a hard time expressing his more sentimental feelings outwardly, and you assured him that you still knew he cared about you
While he was not a poet or a novelist, he still wanted to learn how to express his care for you better
And one day, an idea finally came to him as he watched a few students exchange notes during class...
It all started when he ran to you during P.E. and silently handed you a water bottle before going back to where he came from
On the water bottle, you noticed a small sticky note, slightly wet from the condensation on the cold bottle, and the note had a message written on it
"Remember to drink water. I don't want to see you dehydrated."
You quickly looked for Jack in the small crowd of students, and when you finally spotted him, you noticed how he was trying to look everywhere but at you, while rocking a cute blush on his face and neck
One day, you forgot your notebook in the library, but luckily your knight in fluffy armor retrieved it for you
As you took it from his hands, you noticed the sticky note on it, but before you could ask anything about it, he walked away
"We have a test next Wednesday. If you need help with studying, you can ask me for help."
Jack was sweet enough for you to buy you lunch while you saved two seats for the two of you somewhere in a more secluded corner of the cafeteria
He returned to you with his lunch and your own - a whole grain bread sandwitch and a bag of assorted nuts
And the usual note you've started to get used to
"You look tired. Hope you regain some of your energy with this."
You looked up to him, who was trying to pick between looking at you and looking away from you
You smiled sweetly at him, unwrapping your lunch and starting to eat and chat, and Jack appreciated not bringing up his new habit right away
As much as he denied it, Jack liked to be admired and felt a sense of pride whenever you watched him outrun his track and field clubmates whenever you dropped by
His speed and stamina was something he obtained from his own efforts, but he couldn't help but wonder how much of the motivation he carried with himself daily was multiplied by your influence
Jack discovered he became more and more determined every day: to become stronger, to become a better student, to show you that you always have him to rely on in times of need
You waited until the club took a break to approach Jack; you handed him a towel and he mumbled a thanks before dabbing it on his sweaty face and neck
You also handed him a sports drink as you praised him for his hard work
The bottle was unexpected, but what surprised him more was the sticky note he noticed as he took the bottle from your hands
Even though the note was slightly wet from his sweaty palms and condensation, the message it sent was clear
"I'm very proud of you. Keep going! I believe in you!"
He shily reached his hand towards you and took a hold of your hand as his tail wagged happily, occasionally brushing your legs
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The contract on the desk in the Lounge's VIP room was unlike any Azul has previously seen
The paper was slightly wrinkled, the whole thing was handwritten, and the hearts at the corner of the paper were not part of any contract etiquette he was familiar with
Amongst the sea (pun not intended) of probably misused legalese he didn't quite know himself and a bunch of sentences written in overly pompous formulations vaguely resembling formal speech, a certain phrase caught his attention
"The contractee will be able to exchange 10 minute break times with any desired act of affection from the contractor, as long as the contractee provides proof of fulfilling the required terms."
The contractee being him, and the contractor being you, of course
Azul's face turned pink, and a small smirk appeared on his face
Even when you were away from him, you still dedicated time to make sure he was taking care of himself in the silliest of ways
Your little unprompted attempt at playing his own game was amusing, and his mind raced with all the ways he could take advantage of the terms you presented him with...
That's why you were summoned to him VIP room a day later
"I'm quite interested in your offer. However, I think we should discuss the terms of the contract further before we sign it."
You were both amused and surprised by how professionally Azul was playing along your silly little game, but you remembered he was in Octavinelle for a reason: he liked being entertained
And you had fun while drafting the contract, so you supposed your idea was entertaining enough
Still, you were happy he was so eager to indulge you
Game or no game, you were still determined to sign a contract with favorable enough terms
"What did you have in mind?"
"Well, I'd like to propose a better way of defining the affection I'd be receiving, and I would also like to suggest offering different rewards for different timestamps."
Azul anticipated your stubbornness to influence you heavily in the negotiation, yet he didn't quite imagine the extent of your determination to have him rest
You did not even allow Azul to reduce the break time anywhere under 10 minutes
The terms you settled on were simple: 10 minutes for physical affection outside of kisses, 20 minutes for kisses anywhere outside the face, and 30 minutes for a kiss anywhere on his face
And when the piece of paper finally had both of your signatures on it, you stamped the paper with a kiss before handing it to Azul, whose face turned red at the gesture
You never expected Azul to take the contract as seriously as he did; you received at least one message a day of him telling you he was taking a break to drink some water and relax his hands
You didn't plan of breaching the contract either: you always did everything your greedy little octopus asked for
You got to spoil your boyfriend while he finally had a convincing enough reason to take a break: it was a win-win in your book
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vividvivy · 2 months
Heya^^ could we get some romantic headcanons about kaiser, shidou and isagi having a artist/painter prodigy s/o?
Of course you can exclude anyone if it's too much! Anyways I hope you'll have a wonderful day or night and don't forget to hydrate^^
Notes: Hellooo! First request, I'm so happy oh my gosh. I had some trouble so I'll do the rest in separate parts, hope you don't mind!! 41°C here it's so hot omg. You stay safe and hydrated too!! Also sorry it's messy, I'm still trying to improve and I hope you'll like this! 😭
Pairing: Isagi Yoichi x Reader
Type: Headcanons
Genre: Fluff, Romance
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Isagi Yoichi with an Art Prodigy S/O ♡︎
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He leaves you for the damn ball.
Would be the most understanding and considerate among the three. I'm not sure if Yoichi will actually understand, but he's still super supportive and would listen to you and assist you when you need any help or company.
Dates with him are so cozy and peaceful.
He'd stay in an art studio or any room at all and sketch and paint with you all day long. 
I think he'd be the type to try and draw you flowers or try to make you (+ him TOGETHER!!)
He'd be over the moon if you agreed to craft anything matching him. Something simple like paper rings, matching pins or brooches, and drawings of each other!!
Would put a drawing you made or a printed pic of you in his clear case.
His phone would be you-themed. Just you, him and your work.
Bonus: If you met as schoolmates or before Blue Lock, he'd try to make small silly doodles for you in class, and if you handed him any doodles, he'd sometimes cut them and place them in his ID case or hang them in his locker and use some of them as bookmarks.
Takes you shopping (would definitely randomly buy Art supplies that caught his eye and give them to you) or anywhere at all!!
His favourite place to stay would probably be in a café or restaurant that isn't too fancy, just somewhere with cute, homey vibes and a picturesque view.
He's TRYING to keep up with you when you invite him to paint together.. (Keyword: He's trying his best.) It definitely isn't the best thing out there but A for effort.
Tbh he always improves so quickly it's scary and makes you envious and proud sometimes..
If it bothers you and he notices, he'd act more clueless on purpose and would let you just guide him??
Made a little scrapbook dedicated to the 2 of u <3
He really REAAALLY admires you and your work.
In his eyes, you and your work are the best there are aside from soccer and being the best striker there is. He could stare at your papers and canvases hung up or scattered all day, admiring each stroke and line, even the finest ones, and looking at each shaded and highlighted area in awe.
His deep blue eyes shine so brightly when they meet your paintings and illustrations, yet no other sea of stars could replicate the shine seen in his gaze when completely in awe.  In awe of you.
When you're experiencing any artblocks or frustrations regarding it, he'd be your number one helper.
If it's a better environment and inspiration you need, he'd immediately try to take you places and show you works that you've made before for more inspo. Would try taking you to a soccer field or any open area outdoors too.
Barely knows what he's doing but he's got the spirit guys!!
During hard times, he'd be the first to go by your side and help you.
Would try to be the one to pull you out when all the stress and expectations swallow you whole (Again he's TRYING but all his attempts are most likely clumsy and slightly flawed..)
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blue-jisungs · 11 months
song inspo. daydreamin’ by ariana grande
a/n. i actually ro wanted to write this ever since i saw soobin lipsyncing this song on that one radio show <\\3 also experienced with the lil layout gif thingy ++ blond soob !!!!!!!!
oh and it’s my first post for the july jam session event so enjoy!! check it out to see what’s going on teehee
summary. soobin walked in and simply caught your attention… you would have never guessed how it would end
warnings. cursing + reader is kind of awkward but it’s cute tho <\3
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you were sitting in your class, the professor being more boring than usual. it was nearly 20 minutes past 8am when the door slammed open and someone walked in, grey hoodie thrown over his blond hair. he walked hesitantly, long legs making small steps.
your eyes lingered on him, you couldn’t help but admit that he caught your attention.
“sorry for being late, the traffic…” the stranger spoke out, awkward smile plastering on his plush lips. your heart skipped a beat upon that sight.
“alright, soobin. just sit somewhere” the professor let out a disappointed sigh. soobin. what a cute name.
before you realised, he caught you staring. eyes growing wide, he smiled cutely which resulted in his dimples showing. could this guy be any cuter?!
he sat next to you, a bit awkward and stealing glances at you every once in a while.
after the class finished, soobin grabbed his bag and left the room hurriedly. he didn’t notice his pencil case falling out.
you picked it up and left a scoff, amused by the bunny shaped case. what a guy. you’ll give it back to him on the nearest occasion.
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you haven’t seen soobin for the next day too. which didn’t mean you haven’t thought about him. it was crazy how a guy that you sat next to during one lesson had you so whipped.
resting your chin on your palm you were deep in thought, daydreaming about him. it was weird, you knew but he was so cute! you couldn’t help it. his awkwardness made him even more adorable, constantly on your mind. you recalled the way he walked, a little stiff but sweet in a way.
playing with the bunny pencil case with your free hand you huffed. suddenly you heard someone’s shushed whispers.
“–insane?! i tell you, you are. go see a doctor!”
you turned around slightly and noticed… soobin. he was talking with a friend of his. soobin’s ebony eyes were sparking with mischief, a silly smile blooming on his face.
“i’m literally not! and don’t look at me like that!” he huffed, soft lips forming into a pout. he crossed his arms and looked away from his friend, eyes meeting yours.
you quickly turned around and hid the pencil case. you still need to give it back to him.
a smile crept on your face. the way he talked was so cute, too.
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you walked to the library, passing soobin in the hallway. he was too good looking for his own good… and you still had to return the bunny case he lost.
finally finding a place to occupy you sighed, taking out your stuff. putting your headphones in and shuffling a random song you failed to hear approaching footsteps.
a sigh left your mouth when you finally sat down, with your chin in the plan of your hand. you noticed the small bunny doodles you made on a exercise sheet and just shook your head.
suddenly you felt an arm on your shoulder.
letting out a surprising yelp, you turned around only to meet soobin’s heart warming grin.
you took out your headphones, the random ariana grande’s song that played going quiet.
“hi” you smiled back, unable to look away from his dimples.
“i uh… i noticed you have my pencil case”
your smile dropped, eyes widening in realisation. fuck. shit. you look like a weirdo now.
you started rummaging through your bag in order to find it, your own belongings almost flying in the air everywhere.
“i… uh… sorry! i promise it’s not what it looks like! you dropped it and– and i wanted to give it to you, i swear but you just… i just… didnt–” you rambled nervously. soobin laughed.
your heart skipped a beat upon hearing that angelic sound and that’s when you saw the bunny pencil case at the bottom of your bag.
“i was too shy” you added quietly, wanting to hand him back his property. mentally you already said goodbye to any chances with him and only daydreaming about what ifs but soobin was already sitting down next to you.
“i understand, truly. i was a little bit pissed because my friends wouldn’t lend me any pens so for the past few days i wasn’t taking notes…” he hummed hesitantly, his large hand brushing ever so slightly against yours when he grabbed the bunny case from your hands “… so would you mind lending me your notes? we can grab, uh, coffee too… if you’d like”
“no! i mean yes! i mean, uh… fuck” you let out a sigh, blood hitting your cheeks from embarrassment. soobin just smiled wildly, amused “i meant it as in no, i wouldn’t mind and yes, i’d love to. grab coffee, with you”
“it’s a date then. shall we go?” he asked, tilting his head.
“o-oh. now? sure” you nodded and before you walked away, stunned, soobin reminded you about your belongings laying on the floor. he helped you pick them up too, stealing glances at your cutely flushed face.
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“–y/n? she’s gone. like gone gone” beomgyu sighed, snapping his fingers in front of your face. you blinked slowly, looking confused at soobin. he just smiled tenderly “oh, not anymore. welcome back i guess”
“what were you…?” soobin hummed. he knew it well: the way you rested your chin on the plan of your hand, faint smile on your lips. he knew but still…
“daydreamin’” you giggled “about you… you… and only you”
“you’re so gross. get a room!” beomgyu pushed you slightly – but not with too much force – causing you to plop onto your boyfriend’s lap. soobin chuckled and wrapped his arms around you, placing a tender kiss on the crown of your head.
txt masterlist | event masterlist
taglist.  @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @elviransworld  ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @mirxzii ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang
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dlysthings · 2 months
Little crush pt.2
Here you can find pt.1
This is something i don't hink is that good, but i want tolearn how to write so hopefully its not that bad.
That evening Daryl couldn’t fall asleep. Shuffling around in his bed, tossing and turning. He was still thinking of the feeling of your hand on his. Your touch so gentle on his hand. Daryl was hopping you will touch him like that again, someday. Though that was only a dream. You didn’t mean too. Probably not even remembering. For you that was something normal. Nothing special. He wasn’t special.
He needed to understand that. Shouldn’t get his hopes up for nothing. And hopes for what? He was sure you will never look at him again. The smile and the squeeze of his hand was just out of gratuity. No other reason.
But he couldn’t help it, he longed to feel your touch again. The warmth of your skin against his. To affectionately brush your hand through his hair, moving a loose strand of his hair. And God, if you kissed him? He would be a goner. Your soft lips slotting against his and pouring pure affection.
But him? He didn’t know how to properly kiss. He would probably do something wrong and repel you. And the touches? How was he supposed to return them? No doubt his hand is gonna shake, his body buzzing with nerves.
Why is he even thinking about that? There was no way chance of this becoming a reality. Thinking about it was gonna make him feel even more miserable than he already was. No chance she will ever think of ya like that, ya idiot…
Eventually after many hours of tossing and turning, restless sleep found him. His dreams full of a lovely girl with a breath-taking smile and gorgeous eyes.
The next day Daryl was sitting in class, bored as usual. The teacher obviously didn’t know how to deal with the teenagers sitting in front of him. Just standing in front of the class, talking just loud enough for the person in front of him to hear. That’s why Daryl didn’t like school. Total loss of time. It’s not like he was learning anything.
However, that was the only place he could see you almost every day. And he needed that. You were the light that was keeping him in line. He didn’t want to get into trouble, just for you to know that whatever bad things you were thinking about him were true.
Today you were sitting next to him again, in a cute, light pink dress. A matching color bow was in your hair, making you look beautiful. Daryl looked at you again, but found you already looking at him. A small smile grazing your face. He looked away, crimson painting his cheeks. Why were you looking at him? Was he looking that bad?
He looked at himself. A white thank top, thin jeans from washing them so many times he couldn’t count, beat up shoes that were about ready to just fall apart and leave him barefoot. He looked like a joke next to you. You belonged with some well put guy, living in a nice neighborhood. Not some trailer park white trash like ya, dumbass.
Risking another glance at you, he saw your gaze on him again. With your warm smile and adoring eyes. That look made him feel warm from the inside out. Like someone lit a fire inside his core, the warmth going to every part of his body. He liked that. He wanted you to keep looking at him and at the same time to stop. He didn’t want you to know how much he was enjoying it and the traitorous color of hi cheeks was doing exactly that.
That evening Daryl was trying to write an essay for one of his classes. He didn’t like going to school, but wanted to graduate. That was the only way he could find a good job later in life.
Alas his head was empty. He didn’t know what to write, just mindlessly doodling something in his notebook. But it wasn’t mindless, he knew what he was writing. Silly combinations of your names together. He has heard of the girls in his school making combinations of a couple’s names together. It sounded silly, even childish, but for him it felt like something intimate.
It was useless. It’s not like you were together, but it filled a hole in his chest he didn’t know needed filling until he did. Every single one of his notebooks was filled with these. Every combination of your names together he could think of, written in his handwriting.
 He wondered how will they look like if written with your handwriting? Neat and cute? Or you also had a messy handwriting? Will he feel the same way he felt like when he heard his name come out of your mouth for the first time? So sweet. Till then he didn’t know his name could sound like that.
I hope she says it more. That was the last thing he thought before falling asleep with his notebook open on his chest, the combinations of your names on display.
AN: If you have an idea on how this can continue please coment it!
Taglist: @marvelcasey05
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aweina · 10 months
ᰔ. boyfriend material : miles morales.
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miles would help you create a signature, especially if you’re not well versed in calligraphy. the both of you would spend hours just figuring out what suits you. and whenever miles does them, they look perfect — leaving you struggling to make it look identical. he’s patient and a little bit amused of your lack of penmanship when it came to your own signature. at the end, miles came up with a very simple one for you because you cannot make it look as pretty when he does it. “hey it’s fine, at least it’s not ugly anymor — ow! hey, i was just teasing.”
speaking of signatures, miles has one of your name every time he does graffiti art. compared to his other portraits and simply tying their names along their faces — the design of your name has remained unchanged and distinguishable from the rest. during class, he would doodle your name and face when his mind drifted towards you (which was all the time). he would create calligraphy art that perfectly matched you, furiously scribbling at the bad ones with thick led and crumple the paper and toss it to the trash. miles would be absolutely flustered when you see your portrait in admiration, brushing off his racing heartbeat to answer your questions about the piece itself. “you love it? oh shit, thank god. wha — nothing, it’s nothing.”
if you asked, miles would guide your hand while making graffiti art. it’s not usually how he would teach you how to do art but hey, any excuse to be closer to you. he tries to play off the closed distance but inside, he’s an absolute wreck and it’s pretty much shown through his quivering hands and dilated eyes. miles is choked up every time he explains how to do certain art techniques and ends up stopping mid sentence to study your focused face. you are his muse after all. “sorry you’re just … really pretty.”
he loves to pass notes during class as well. miles just doodles you from his seat since the teacher separated the both of you (disrupting class? never heard of it. he took the blame for you though — got detention for it). each doodle is a different pose everyday, some are very silly and some made you look like an absolute doll. they always had some little cute messages or just a bunch of hearts and thought bubbles hovering your head. you save all his small doodles in a scrapbook that the both of you started together — alongside the polaroid photos you took together on his apartment rooftop and the random notes you guys wrote when one of you kept the book for the day. “heh.. i really like you too. oh? i’m just responding to what you said … in the book.”
miles has this full pack of name tags and blank stickers to his disposal. when he’s spider-man, he plasters them on the usual criminals that he would pass by during his patrols with written quirky quips that made you instantly recognize that it was from the hero himself. well, he does that with you too. since miles is very light on his feet and can go unnoticed with his invisibility, he would gently pat a name tag and other customized stickers on you throughout the school day. it’s not until your friends point it out with an amused snicker or when you find it clinging on your arm or back — a warm smile instantly grows on your face. they either go like ‘hello my name is the most beautiful girl ever’ or ‘miles morales was here’. you always looked forward to what he had to say everyday, but damn, how did he even get it on you in the first place? “that’s a secret, it would just ruin the fun if i told you, wouldn’t it?”
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© aweina : please do not copy, repost, or modify any of my content.
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lilpuppyvamp · 20 days
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Authors Note: This is my first time writing! I made it for fun so sorry if it isn't perfect 😖
Warning(s): Sam cusses like once lol
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It was friday, and even though it was only 2nd period, the day had been extremely stressful. First, you didn’t hear your alarm go off, so you had less than 10 minutes to get ready and leave. Then, you spilled water on your shirt on the way to 1st period, and by the time you cleaned up yourself and the floor, the bell had rang and you were late. Finally, by the time you got to class, you realized there was a test, a test you didn’t study for. So here you are in 2nd period: Stressed, tired, annoyed, and upset. Fortunately though, your friend Sam was in that class to cheer you up. As usual, he wasn’t doing any work, just leaned back in his chair and reading a new comic he bought at Frog’s Comic Shop.
“You know, I’d allow you to borrow any of my comics if you were ever interested in reading them.” Sam looks at you, smiling and closing his comic book to pay attention to you. “Mhm..” You reply, mustering up a smile and a slight nod. You weren’t really in the mood for conversation. You were nervous. In the privacy of your home, you usually regressed to combat stress, and it was always voluntary. So when you felt yourself slipping, you were confused and nervous. You had never regressed involuntarily before, and what made it worse was that it was in front of Sam. What would he think? Would he make fun of you? These thoughts were running around your mind when you finally hear a familiar voice snap you out of it. “Hey… is everything ok?” Sam speaks up, tilting his head that has a concerned expression on it. He rests his hand on your back and leans in a little closer. “Just… stressful day… n… noth…” You try to speak, but everytime you do your voice starts slipping into your little voice. You try to stop it but your brain does it anyway. You regressed. He giggles at you. “Are you regressing?” He asks, his contaigious smile flashing his teeth at you. Your eyes grow wide. He knows what age regression is? He tells by your facial expression that you are and laughs. “I do that shit all the time!” He admits. You just look at him im awe, some because of his response, some because toddler brain. He grabs your hand and holds it. “Hey… you can regress in front of me… its okay.” He tells you, his voice gentle.
The bell rings and it’s now free period. “Do you have anywhere to go?” Sam asks, picking up his stuff and throwing his backpack on. “Nuh uh.” You reply, also picking up your stuff. “Then you should hang out with me, I’ll take care of you.” He takes your hand and leads you out of the classroom. He takes you out to the courtyard and you both sit under a tree. It’s spring in Santa Carla, so it’s very bright and sunny outside. Sam reaches in his bag and pulls out a pink marker. He always had different stationary stuff in his bag to doodle with in class instead of pay attention. “Gimmie your arm cutie.” He uses a petname on you and you cant help but smile and giggle at him. You give him your arm and he starts to draw on it. He draws hearts, stars, and, of course, the superman symbol. You watch him, kicking your legs and mindlessly chewing on your thumb. You quietly babble and giggle to yourself, to nothing and everything at all. Sam stops and looks up at you, giggling with you. “How old are you silly?” He asks, taking the thumb out of your mouth. “Uhhh…” You reply, smiling and shrugging your shoulders. He giggles are your response. “Well you're definitely too little to be at such a grown up school!” He teases, making you just giggle more. “Someone got attacked by the giggle monster today didn’t they?” he coos at you. ”Nuh uh!!” You protest, but your uncontrollable giggling just proves his point. He goes back to drawing on your arm until you slowly unregress. It’s about 5 minutes until next period.
“Hey, sam… thank you…” You tell him. He stops drawing on you and looks up, realizing you aren’t regressed anymore. “Of course! I would want someone else to do the same if I regressed at school!” He replies, smiling and putting up the marker, your arm now covered in drawings. “So… you regress?” You ask. “Yeah, for fun, but I’ve never accidentally regressed like you just did.” You both stand up and gather your things. “Well, if you ever did I’d take care of you.” You smile at him, hearing the bell ring.
“Thank you, cutie.”
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pineappleciders · 10 months
hello hello hello hi!!!! seeing ur writing rq's are open could I request mari, basil, sunny, and hero with an s/o whos gotta stay in the hospital for a week?? It'd be cool since I had to stay in the hospital for a week diagnosed w a life long illness and . none of my friends visited 😭 have a wonderful silly day!!!!
MARI, BASIL, HERO, and SUNNY with an S/O who's been hospitalized
A/N: HELLO!! i hope you are doing well, being in the hospital SUCKS and i'm so sorry that nobody visited😭😭i hope everything gets better for you, plz stay safe❤️
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she hates it when you aren't doing well,, she'll visit you every day and stay for as long as she can
she'll bring you fresh flowers every time and will always talk w you about anything and everything. she'll tell you how your friends have been and about the grade she got on her quiz ... literally anything in hopes of distracting both you and her of your state
i think she likes to sew so she'll sew you a little blanket or even a plushie to keep you comfort
gets a little upset whenever she has to leave the room ... she's fighting tooth and nail with the doctors to let her in
bakes cookies for you and u two eat them together . honestly if she had it her way you'd be completely under her care but,,, sigghh,,, she supposes that the doctors know what's best.... smh
if you're feeling well enough to eat she'll always help you do so. even if you insist that you can do it by yourself . she's almost like an over-doting mother in some ways
WILL sing/hum you lullabies when you're tired. you cannot refuse. she will also tuck you in and kiss your forehead . just for good measure
he can't help but worry . he's honestly pretty anxious knowing you're not doing well but he doesn't show it in front of you ,, he doesn't want to stress you out even more
he'll send you cards every single day that he can't make it in person ,, they have little doodles on them and you can tell they're made with love
he brings you potted plants and tells you all about them. he hopes that it helps you get your mind off of everything for awhile !!
"this is an echinacea, or the coneflower! it's been used for antibiotic and medicinal treatment for centuries. it symbolizes healing and strength. here, it's for you."
he'll hold you hand and you can't help but notice how nervous he gets when doctors come in ... he really doesn't want to leave but he understands
he tries to comfort you during uncomfortable times ... like when you have to get your blood drawn or having to take medicine. he'll smile and tell you that he's proud and that he'll get you ice cream when you're out if you follow the doctor's instructions
he's always talking about what you two are gonna do together when you get out of the hospital,, like going to a carnival and getting ice cream and how excited HECTOR will be to see you again
he doesn't like seeing you unwell but he tries to stay positive and make the best of it!!!
brings you anything you might need from home. drawing materials? plushies? electronics? your favorite blanket? he has it all
he likes to eat meals with you in your room and just talk about everything. he'll tell you about how everyone misses you and he'll lowkey be trying not to cry in front of you
he wants to cook for you SO BAD but the hospital always has meals set up for you already :( so instead he'll bring you little snacks like cookies throughout the day
doesn't want to leave the room at all,,, he'll bring in a laptop and do his classes online and everything
worried very easily,, always warns you to take it easy and slow down if you're getting up or something. he doesn't mean to be overbearing— he just really wants you to be careful!!
he HATES it god :(( he absolutely hates it when you're sick and hospitalized,, he already hates hospitals so he just. is Not Having a good time
but he doesn't want to make it more stressful for you so he tries his best to be there for you
admittedly might spend more less time with you in the hospital just because he can't stand it. but he tries his best to not be selfish and spend time with you when he can
he's a little embarrassed about it but he'll draw pictures of you and give them to you,, don't talk about it too much or show anyone though, he'll never forgive you
encourages you to take your medicine and eat well,, he's not as overwhelming as MARI or HERO but he still cares a lot, just has a different way of showing it
he'll rant about his interests and stuff that's been going on recently to distract you from everything.. he might get a little bit distracted and rant for the entire night so be sure to tell him when you've had enough
may or may not fall asleep with his head on your bed,,, or your lap,,,, holding your hand,,, mayhaps,,,,,
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moonsidesong · 10 months
If you don't mind me asking what's the uhh. origin of agent fwee
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if i recall correctly i think she technically started as an inside joke of my sister and i saying "agent 3" in like, a silly babyish voice?? but in 2018 (about a month or so before i made 14 crush) i made these little joke doodles of agent 3 during class.
she wasn't at all tied to 14 crush until someone had a silly idea that just. happened to line up almost exactly with fwee as a concept, so i brought her up and showed my followers the art above.
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people liked her a lot so i ended up keeping her as part of this semi-canon state where i think she exists in the 14 crush universe but she'd never have a real tangible role in the blog (maybe she wouldve had a cameo at some point if it kept going, who knows)
she got a lot of fanart with different designs attached (since the original drawing of her was just agent 3's octo expansion look with a silly face and red ink) so i decided i should give her her own (rather simple and easy to draw) design in 2019 (lifting the color scheme directly from Strange Klug from puyo puyo lol)
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and thats where she's at now! just a silly gal who is either just a weird teenager or an immortal all powerful being or anything in between. up to you.
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(her birthday art from 2019, 2020, and 2021 respectively. looks like i missed last year... sorry fwee)
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itsmattchou · 11 months
cause you make it better !
pairing: zb1 maknae line x gn!reader warnings: yujin + reader are in highschool, yujin and gunwooks sections are a little longer for some odd reason, cursing, english isn't my first language!!!, i guess that was it genre: fluff synopsis: reverse icks with the zb1 boys. notes: WEEKLY UPLOADS YEAHH🔥🔥 the crowd goes wild fr. part 1 is cute but hyung line version🤭🤭 feeding y'alls deluluness fr STAY TUNED
shen quanrui the two of you are on a date in the city. eating ice cream, doing some shopping- ricky insisted on spoiling you- and then just wandering through the streets talking about whatever comes to mind. while walking ricky noticed that your shoelaces became untied, he told you to stop for a second and kneeled down to tie them for you. that alone let your breath hitch, but when he looked up and had THAT look on his face? your heartbeat skipped several beats.
him tying your shoelaces and looking up at you.
kim gyuvin silly boyfriend here. he wanted to take you out on a fancy dinner date and really wanted you two to dress up fancy as if you were going to a fucking wedding or something. you were getting ready in the bathroom as gyuvin called out for you, his voice desperate. you found him in your bedroom, a tie in his hand and a big pout on his lips. "i may or may not need you to help me with the tie, y/n..." you really couldn't contain a smile at that sight.
him not being able to tie his tie alone and you helping him.
park gunwook gunwook took you to the cinema to watch a movie you wanted to watch since the first trailer dropped. he insisted on driving you back home after the movie ended and as a thank you for the wonderful date, you gave him a little suprise hug. mind you- you haven't been dating for that long (2 months) and weren't big on pda yet and you weren't sure if gunwook would mind or not. but by the way his heartbeat sped up the second your arms wrapped around his torso and your head hit his chest, or by the way his face was flushed bright red when you pulled away, he probably didn't mind it that much.
you hugging him and hearing his heartbeat speed up.
han yujin he may be your boyfriend, but first and foremost he's still your best friend. his company makes everything better; even the most dreadful and boring math class becomes bearable thanks to him. it was the last period of the day and yujin has claimed your non dominant hand while you were busy taking your (and yujins…) notes. a weird feeling on your hand however made you stop in your tracks; yujin was doodling a bunch of hearts onto your skin. he shot you his cute, innocent signature smile once he realized you were watching him.
him drawing onto the back of your hand.
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mylarena · 1 year
i dont see enough soulmate aus so. inspired by this post by @hyperfixationwizard, soulmate au where drawings and ink on skin show up on ur soulmates skin (not scars bc there would be so fucking much going on with that and im not gonna write abt itdgthfgh)
anyways. soap has always love doodling- with anything. pencil, pen, crayon, marker, whatever he could get his hands on. he’d doodle on anything and everything. the walls (when he was a kid, mainly), paper, cardboard, desks in school, napkins... but by far, his favorite was to draw on his own skin. the thought of his work showing up on someone else, someone he was practically made for and they for him- something that they could share, something that they could keep secret and hold close to their chests- it was enough to make him giddy.
so, he doodled. a pretty flower he saw on his walk to school, curling around his wrist. a bird perched on the bench across from him at the park, taking flight on the back of his hand. the stray cat that hung out on his porch, draped across his thigh. sometimes if he didnt have a notebook with him, messy schematics and notes for devices- no, ma, thats not an explosive, he swears- scrawled on his forearm.
he never sees anything from his soulmate- he checks every single day for any new marks, any words, but he never finds any. still, he keeps drawing. it doesnt usually get to him, the fact that his soulmate doesnt give him responses, but sometimes he cant help but think too much. he wonders if his soulmate likes the drawings, which leads to the thought of them not liking them, or finding them annoying, or if they think theyre bad.
one day, he caves under his thoughts and writes his first question to his soulmate, right under a bundle of primroses- “do you want me to stop?”
he waits anxiously for hours, not knowing if he’ll be able to feel the reply, or if he has to look for it, or if there even will be one-
then he feels it- a sort of pins-and-needles sensation on his left arm. he frantically rolls up his sleeve and his eyes are immediately drawn to the letters that appear on his skin. once the writing stops, he stares with wide eyes at the single word left behind- shaky, smudged, and a bit runny in some spots-
and so he doesnt stop.
he keeps drawing, slowly moving from small little doodles of primroses on his arms and songbirds on his hands to sprawling meadows that wrap around his forearms and ravens spreading their wings across his thighs. sometimes he adds words- always short encouragements, positive quotes, or funny thoughts he has. he never gets responses, but he knows that his soulmate is still around by the occasional ink smudge that appears. anytime one appears, he incorporates them into a drawing. sometimes its a silly little doodle, and other times he spends hours creating beautiful, complex landscapes centered around them.
for years, his soulmate holds their silence. soap doesnt mind. he knows that they appreciate his art and words. at least, thats the thought he holds onto. he never holds it against his soulmate- the whole not-responding thing. hes well aware that he can be a lot to handle; hes heard it constantly from the majority of the people in his life. he just hopes that maybe his soulmate can tolerate him more than most.
he was 14 when things changed.
he had gotten home from school, completely ignoring his parents in the kitchen and opting to power walk to his room. it had been a shitty day; he had overslept and missed the bus, causing him to be late to class, and then some dickwads from the year above him decided that he was a good target to snag lunch money from, (really? stealing a kids lunch money? why would they pick something so fucking cliche? god, get some fresh material,) and to top it all off he got a shit grade on his book report.
as usual, his solution to a bad mood is to draw, get his emotions out on a page instead of letting them linger in his mind. unlike usual, though, he decides to bypass his notebook and instead grabs a pen, chooses a clear spot on his arm.
it took a while, but he finally ran out of steam to continue- it had been nearly two hours since he began. he was about to walk over to his bed and flop face down into his pillow when he felt it- the pins-and-needles of words being written that he had only felt once before. his eyes zeroed in on his arm, right under the drawing he had finished.
“two goldfish are in a tank. one turns to the other and asks, ‘do you know how to drive this thing?’”
soap snorts, more due to the situation than the shitty joke itself- and rushes to grab his pen again. no chance he was letting this opportunity slip by.
“why was the strawberry crying?”
“because he was in a jam.”
and so the night continued like that- they exchanged shitty jokes back and forth for hours that night, up until soap was called for dinner.
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onelocket · 11 months
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eyes on the board, milaya Fyodor D. x reader
prompting guide -- Suddenly, your vision comes to reality when you could only see him smiling at you across the classroom. “Focus.” He words out.
involves -- high school au, not 100% proofread
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Afternoon classes were already done and dusted. Your sleepy eyes nagged you the whole last three periods of subjects as you forced yourself to keep it rolling, determined to finish today to just jump right to bed and shove your tired body in a warm blanket.
The mere thought of hugging a soft mattress as it releases said exhaustion away sounded and even felt comforting right now.
Ah, how your mind would love to doze off in a state of dopiness — away from responsibilities, away from life…
So why were you here instead?
“... Jeez..” You sigh, noise hardly distant from an escaping breath. As you tap your fingernails onto your wooden desk, your eyes deny to blink — afraid they'd fall defeat into a slumber in front of class.
Turns out, your little daydream just now was just a daydream.
In reality you still had this last class to sort out — which was mordantly the one you had the least interest in.
But at the same time, how could you skip class? This was the last above all your previous ones today; plus, you weren't going to be sure when your teacher would suddenly say this random lesson will be part of the upcoming exams, so you needed to attend. Even if you were painfully lacking the needed sleep.
“(Name),” The classmate next to your seat suddenly murmured, head turned to you with an on edge smile as if your solemnness affected her greater than it would to you. “If you’re planning to sleep, go ditch class by faking to use the bathroom or something…” she said, clearly irritated.
You let out an inaudible grunt at the displeasing behavior, placing both of your arms on your empty desk. Normally would you have your notebook out, but you were too tired to even write a word in such sheets.
“How does it bother you?” You whisper back, almost equally to even more pissed.
“Because we’re next to each other.” She clicks her tongue to, tapping her pen rather aggressively; yet effortlessly also being able to keep its quiet to avoid the teachers head turning.
And you swore even a simple yawn could get the teacher pointing at the said student. Not even a pen could counter it?
“And?” You nearly snarled, arms crossing each other even pressed against the desk. “It’ll rag attention!” She exclaimed loudly with her leaning to you — which ultimately grabs the class.
“Excuse me?” The teacher was quick to press on, head already turned to the class. “What will ‘rag’ attention, exactly?” They add with a rather rough tone before turning their whole body to the front, making the atmosphere drop.
Not that this teacher is rude, they were just… uncomfortable to see when mad.
“Ah- teacher..” Your classmate gasped out, her grip on the pen tightening as it deemed noticeable in your view.
But before you just sit there dumbfoundedly and admit what you knew she'd blurt to the whole class, you pick up a plan.
Leaning down a little to your desks shelf, you made sure to be slow with your moments as you grab a small purple notebook. Such notebook wasn't for this class — rather one where you draw mindless, silly doodles and write pent up rants to in school. But that won't be a problem.
If she was going to blame you, might as well pack up a lie to reduce twice a scolding in your ears.
With the corner of your eye did you notice your classmate progressively get provoked, practically growling at this point as you blench at the thought. She exclaims as she slaps her hand on the desk, “Teacher, this person beside me was about to fall asleep! In your own class.”
And while it did get you stares, you force your head to stay up and confident as you extend your fingers to let the other page of your notebook fall down, making sure it was on the ‘right’ page. “I have no idea what she’s talking about.”
It was filled with words you were so sure belonged to another topic and another subject, but nobody would know that.
“You— you were literally about to rest your head on your arms.” She says, in disbelief.
And you fight back with a tilt of your head, “I was grabbing this notebook, didn’t you see?”
“…You two, stop fighting.” Your teacher dismissed, a tired sigh trying to ease the stress; although failing as they raise their voice for all to hear, “Did any of you two see (Name) and are able to confirm their claim?” finishing before nodding their head at your classmate. “Or maybe hers.”
Silence suddenly dulled to reek the tension in your classroom. Your other hidden fist on your lap clenches itself as you hold back an annoyed noise, praying your gaze isn’t caught a glare. Even though it deliberately is one.
You didn’t exactly think anyone would vouch for you, nor would you think anyone would back up her claim. So you just sat there irritated, as so did she, her grip on her own pen in at threaten to snap it in half.
Besides, who would even want to stare at you in such hour? This was the last class of today, and everyone must be dying to call it quits and do their own thing just as you want to, right? Neither did you see yourself as one worthy to be the center of attention.
As your mind runs it’s words around with your expression painfully trying to be blank, a student who was sat on the first few rows of the class was looking intently at you.
More than the rest ever cared to.
Strands of his black hair would fall on his face as he makes a subtle tilt, eyes obscure.
They looked as tired as yours, but with how he was such a smart prodigy it’d be unlikely that his look of debility was out of need to sleep as well.
The more he stared at you in such way, the more did students pick up on it. A few swiftly nudged their friends to realize the situation, and without you even knowing, the tension grew heavier.
“Is nobody going to speak?” The teacher slits through the silence like a knife, “Then, with the lack of evidence in you twos contrasting stories- I’ll take the both of you to the office to properly sort this out.” already demanding a situation you loathed to deal with right now — that visible in your eyes the second you hear those words.
But before you nor your classmate could talk to bicker,
“I saw, teacher. (Name) was simply unhurried with their actions.” a heavy Russian accent counters through.
You find your hand slipping away from its contact on your notebook as you mouth out a gasp, eyes blinking their way to look back up at the male you hear speaking.
Though, your shock would fall into one out of relief once seeing who it was.
“Oh. Is that so…” Your teacher formed, seemingly not taken in yet by the affirm. “Mhm.” Your boyfriend — Fyodor, nods to, head turning to your teacher. “I felt something on my back, so I turned my head around to also brush my hair out of the way in case such so was the source of the itchy feeling.”
“I saw (Name) as I turned, and they were simply grabbing their notebook as she seemed to be talking to them. (Name) wasn't replying to them at all.”
What is he even saying…?
And how did it look so easy? For him to say all those things so suddenly? It's like he planned them out.
The words he explained was clearly, to you, a blatant lie. Yet you found your heart instead captivated at his effort. His voice was so soft and soothing, that accent pretty much grasping your wariness to a trash bin.
Not only did it loop you around — so did it do the same to your other classmates. Though… perhaps in a different way.
You could practically feel the weight of such uncomfortable tension swim back to a lower ground, yet rather than sparkling eyes you could only see looks out of one; or rather many, intimidated.
His voice perhaps did sound a little rougher, however you were unable to pick up on it right away since how long have you wanted to hear his voice since this period started.
But it shouldn’t really be that contrasting to hear him like that. Or perhaps it the unique accent that still threw them off-guard... it's been so long since Dostoevsky got his scholarship to your school, yet its as if their fright wouldn't agree to it.
You almost found yourself special for being the only one so accepting of him without any lie of emotion hidden within.
“Very well..” The teacher says, struggling to hide its reluctance before they cleared their throat; “I’ll still need to talk to you about this manner,” staring at your classmate before turning back to you — “but (Name), there’s no need to join the conversation unless there is something you’d like to be shared. In such case however, it’d be nice to say it now.”
“What the.. why just me?” Your classmate pressed, frustration clear in her face yet stayed sat on her desk. “Dostoevsky here hinted that you initiated the conversation.” The teacher replied, voice stern at her.
“… Please, teacher. There’s little to no reason to be so formal at your student. You call your other students by their first name, aren’t I right?” Fyodor spoke again, tilting his head a little to the teacher.
You see it visibly take the older person off-guard, as if Fyodor was some villain to be locked up to. Was it the voice.. no, you shouldn’t always think about his voice- well, as much as you personally liked hearing it. Was your teacher also still so intimidated?
But still… why react so violently? You couldn’t help but think, the palm of a hand resting on your chin as you watched the conversation, ignoring your angry classmate.
“Why.. well, sorry Fyodor. I'm just extremely stressed.” They make up with, which was honestly horrible. To who falls for that reeks with naivety — Even you knew your boyfriend would laugh at that reply.
But you also knew he wouldn’t show it, remaining polite to the teacher as he simply nodded it out, leaving the classroom quiet again.
As if you thought things were forming into a better shape, that decision made todays period even worse.
You softly grunt, and albeit you were safe from the scolding, you still technically got one right now. Without Fyodor in class, worser things would’ve happened. And your mind didn’t want to comprehend it.
Your eyes narrow as your head came back to the blackboard, your teachers continuation of blabber slowly turning muffled in your ears as you stared at your boyfriend. Though your teacher took quite the awkward approach with continuing the lesson, you had to admit.
Setting aside the thought, your head started to drown in your back and forth questions as you pondered on how to thank Fyodor later. Speaking like that and spewing out a lie so quickly must’ve been so difficult to find reason to actually act on.
It being ‘hard’ wouldn’t really match the description — you’ve seen your lover do and speak many things you knew yourself would never lift a finger to, so now only made you wonder why he did it.
Of course, it could just be out of love for you, but to have Fyodor keen onto a simple motivation as that sounded off. To lie in front of the class without even being sure that it’d work? What if another student was watching you and counterattacked his lie with a fact..
Suddenly, your vision comes to reality when you could only see him looking at you across the classroom.
“Focus.” He words out, his purple eyes boring into yours.
But for some reason, you didn’t find it intimidating. They felt… concerned for you.
No- concerned would be an overstatement. It would be.
Yet you can’t push back the thought of him worried for you either.
You smile at him, head tilting a little to your palm. You reply back with your own mouth forming a silent word, “Sorry.” earning a small smile from him before he turns his head to the board, your head jolting to follow it.
You still failed to actually understand a word of what your teacher meant, but to see your loving boyfriend, Fyodor, all so focused and noting down with such effortless charm kept you glued to the front of the class.
To see Fyodor was all there mostly was to it, who you didn’t share a lot of subject periods with. Even if you had the most valid reason to skip this class, you'd stay just to see his back even if what came with it was… oh, right — thousands of words and whatnot in front of the board you had yet to note down.
“…How annoying.” You grumble quietly, placing your arm down as your other hand held onto your pen, tip aimed at the paper. You lied earlier to get away from punishment, so you now had to act like it. You had to have your eyes on the board,
Your body jolts at the sudden call, head immediately tilting up to see the man you love to be in front of you. He was smiling softly with his hands on your desk, an expression you'd melt for over and over again.
“…Um, y-yeah Fyodor?” You reply, a sheepish smile on your face. “I’m sorry. I zoned out a little.”
Before you even knew it, classes were over. Perhaps it was the sudden attack of motivation that made time feel quick, but in the end you were glad all's done.
And luckily did you not have to deal with a trip to the office unlike some unlucky girl.. really, what was her problem?
“Are you that tired?” He sighed out, tapping a finger on your desk. “Class is over. You’re not in charge of cleaning today, correct?”
“Yeah.” You reply, your shamefaced smile turning into a calmer one now.
Actually, since you did think about it, perhaps now would be a good time to thank him. Not like it’d be appropriate to say thank you tomorrow when he clearly helped you out today.
“Actually, Fedya..” So you whisper, hoping nobody heard your nickname for him in wishes not to embarrass him. “May we walk home together today?” You engage to, hoping that time to properly thank him.
“Of course, (Name).” He replied, a finger brushing your hair off your face with that same smile. “Grab your stuff now, we can’t stay in this classroom forever while they clean.”
“Oh- right!” You heaved out, head immediately down to look at your notebook. Quickly did you do as told, practically sliding your bag to your shoulder as you stood up, Fyodor beside you silently.
You didn’t have time to put your notebook inside, so you just held onto it as you two exited the room. He didn’t seem to mind either — although you two end up sharing a hand in hand as you walked the corridors, not that secretive of the relationship, however not so loud about it either.
Simple public display of affections like these in school warmed your heart, and you hoped his did too.
As you two walk with a comforting silence shared, a loud, masculine voice rings through the hallway as sounds of shoes clicked closer and closer to you two. And of course, it’d be nobody else than..
“Ah, Nikolai.” Fyodor greeted with a tiny tilt of his head before tilting it back with a smile. “What brings?”
“Mmhm, hi- I need to borrow you for a second.” Nikolai replied rather excitedly as if holding back his impatience, his larger hands immediately flying up to hold one of your boyfriends.
You take the hint and let go of Fyodor’s hand, to which, you see the same hand twitch in reply, but nonetheless find nothing else to take notice of.
“Oh! Right, (Name)!” Nikolai suddenly says with the surprise evident in his voice, as if he didn’t see you. Well, you knew that’s not exactly what he’d think of, but still.. he’s rather, jumpy about something, isn’t he?
“Y-yes Nikolai?” You reply hurriedly, a smile covering your confusion as you press your notebook closer to your chest.
“May I borrow your lovely boyfriend for a sec? Pretty please?” He scoots closer to you as he spoke, beseech and solicit tones apparent in his voice. You let out a fake, helpless sigh, shrugging a little. “Not my choice to make. It’s his.”
“Aw. You know he barely says no to you.” He sighed with a small pout as if defeated. “My chances are less now..” He sulked out whilst you and Fyodor find each other chuckling, Fyodor talking back however. “Please. If it’s so important that it made you run to us, where’s the room to decline?”
“Aha- I knew that'd get you!” Nikolai applauds to with a galvanizing turn of his head to your lover, a smirk crystal-clear of mischief, but you did not dare to question. Besides, you knew this man for his tease and joke, and you presumed Fyodor did too. Well, they are close after all.
“Come, come; it won't take you long~” The taller boy releases his grip on Fyodor's hand, a calm expression on said guy as if he was used to that cheeky look on Nikolai's face with that gesturing motion to follow him. Fyodor gave a nod to Nikolai as he hummed, however turning his head to you.
“Milaya. If it's about what I did earlier, then don't wait for me. There is no need,” Fyodor tells you, leaning in to press a soft kiss on the edge of your lip.
The second his lips met your skin felt like you reading his cute little love letters to you — short, sweet and anticipatingly taunting. Taunting to your poor little heart as it easily flusters from it.
You give your lover a quiet laugh as he leans back, Nikolai staring at you two without a word, just a smile you couldn't read.
You wanted to say something, but would it really be fine to flirt in front of his best friend? Said dude would name you two as cheesy love doves, you knew.
So you simply nod before giving a small wave, Nikolai taking that sign as to grab Fyodor's hand and walk the opposite direction of the hallway. Fyodor turns around as he walked, replying to you with a small smile before he completely allows the well-known school clown to take him away, leaving you stood there.
“...He knows what he's doing.” You finally sigh out with your stiff shoulders relaxing, to which you actually never realized of them being that way. That kiss, albeit sweet, told you a lot, you knew your lover knew this mark.
So rather than leaving as he 'claims' he wanted you to do, you find your heel turning around and almost scurrying somewhere else — where, might that be?
Why, another classroom.
It was still in the same floor, only difference is that this was an old club room which was now empty; given how no new club proposition took this space.
Of course, it was advised by the teachers not to use this room so often. While it was open, it's not a free space for 'you folks'. You still couldn't help but giggle at the remembrance of that one teacher calling you and the students such a term, especially with his accent. Ridiculous, you thought.
But this was also the only room you can go to. Those who were in charge of cleaning must still be doing their task.
You almost lazily sit on the chair which was already set up, desk to accompany it. Somebody must've also broken the rule of not hanging out here, yet that doesn't bother you right now. Putting your bag to the side of the chair, you put down your purple notebook on the wooden desk as you pout, staring at the empty cover.
“Telling me not to wait for you... am I not your partner to have the right?” You ask, pretending as if the notebook was him. Well, the purple hue did match his eyes. And he didn't deserve the light scolding, so you just threw it on some inanimate object.
Sliding your arm down on the desk did your hand swing around on the opposite side, your cheek leans down to press on the crook of your elbow as you yawn quietly, eyes still on the cover.
But the sight of something green catches your eye.
A little brighter because of the afternoon light shining through those open windows, but definitely green nonetheless. And it was none other than the blackboard in front of the classroom — a few walks away from you.
“Mm, what would've happened if I still had the energy to focus earlier?” You mutter to yourself, eyes focused on the dry paint. “I mean.. would I have heard him back up for me? That was still really kind of him.”
Yet the lack of people in the room left you to simply stare. The longer you stared, the more your eyes wanted to tease you too — as if replaying a sight of your teacher nudging nonsense and writing so loudly on the board. But of course, since you weren't focusing half of the lesson, you couldn't remember what was actually written on it.
You probably should head home by now... but you also couldn't shake off the thought of walking home with Fyodor. Of course were there some days you two have to leave alone, but that kiss really got you clingy.
“I knew you'd be here.” Suddenly, a soft, almost gentle voice whispers behind you, as if behind your ear.
You immediately turn your head at this — eyes a little wide before you took realization to who it was. Thankfully, it was just Fyodor.
Your head makes a quick turn, seeing his bag already beside yours and classroom doors suddenly shut. You didn't even hear noise shuffle around... how did he get here so quietly? Alas, he ends up grabbing a seat to sit in front of you as you just watch, lifting your head up.
“And how would you know? You probably checked every classroom in this floor.” You joke out, smiling at your lover as he returns it. “If that's how you'd like to put it.” He replied, leaning in. “Really, did you want to walk home with me that eagerly?”
“Well, you know I always do.” You say as you push your seat away, earning you enough space to stand up. Before he makes the move you knew he'd do, you slide your notebook swiftly on the shelf under the desk, not wanting him to see the little doodles of his back that you drew to find some solace in these sleepy classes.
“I apologize then, milaya.” Fyodor whispers, his eyes following your move as you find yourself sitting on the desk, in front of him. A chuckle leaves his lips as he tilts his head, however not muttering a word as you shift around, making sure your legs didn't hit him.
“Yeah, do apologize.” You sigh out, although intent lighthearted and playful as you lean in, pressing your fingers on his silky black hair. You take his loving gaze as consent as you play with his hair, both of you exchanging a warm smile.
“But do enlighten me, (Name). Just what was on your notebook?”
“Oh. I didn't think you'd ask...” A peachy paint on your cheeks as your eyebrows furrow.
You weren't mad of course, and to be fair — if the positions would switch, you'd ask the same thing. Fyodor hums, “That notebook must be important, right? If you do not wish to tell, that is fine as well.”
“Ah, not exactly.” You pucker your lips to for a fleeting moment, keeping your affectionate stare. You twirl a strand of his hair, tilting your head. “It's just a little embarrassing. I wouldn't call it some sort of sketching notebook, but it's just mostly filled with drawings of your back.”
“Why my back, milaya?”
“Because that's all I see in class.” You pout out.
“...Adorable.” He replied with a sweeter smile, as if holding back a giggle. “Come here,” Fyodor coos, his hands meeting your hips to slowly, almost a little too slowly guide you to fall down on the desk to sit on his lap.
You comply, however a little startled at first. You never took him to be the kind to want public displays of affection.. neither did you ask about it though, so maybe you were wrong?
“If you be good next time and focus in class, I'll let you borrow me from my studying to be your reference as much as you'd like.” Fyodor whispers with his one hand meeting your cheek, caressing it lightly.
“Really?” You ask a bit excitedly, hands pressed on his shoulders. He had to admit to himself, the sight was really adorable. Some of your hair fell on your face, and you held onto him like you two weren't inside a classroom. “I said only if you're good.” He tuts.
“You tease.” You huff out, cheeks puffing a little to decorate. Fyodor hummed, “You accept every last one of it though, don't you?” resulting in you rolling your eyes and lean in to press a kiss on his lips.
The seconds feel like minutes as your lips met, Fyodor moving his hands to carefully wrap on your waist as the afternoon sky radiates on each of yours skin, eyes shut and simply indulging in the moment.
Yet to surprise, it is you who pulls away first.
You take this moment to stay where you're positioned at and look down at his face, which had a very soft, subtle light of red. You found it endearing. Perhaps your actions also moved his heart more than you'd assume.
You wanted to say something, but before you could even voice out a word from your open lips — he surprises you with a lean in, peppering kisses all over your cheeks. It made you dumbfounded for a good moment, the blush on your face never failing to escape now as you press your own hand on his cheek, softly giggling like his lips tickle.
“Hey... what are you doing, Fedya?” You coo, soft exhales leaving you at the feeling of amenity from his kisses. Barely does he initiate it, which led you to easily melt whenever he does. You could feel his lips meet a smile as he kept kissing your soft skin, “I wasn't done kissing you yet.” to which only caught you to melt even more.
“You really don't have to try being this cute, don't you...” You mutter out before silently sitting there on his lap, closing your eyes while you drink in his love.
Eventually did you wrap your hands around his neck, allowing him more room for you to kiss as a sight suddenly clicks to you.
The corner of your eye would catch the girl who tried to wreck chaos to you earlier, seemingly walking after a trip to the office. You couldn't catch her expression, but you just knew she was pissed.
Minutes had already passed since the allotted school dismissal anyway. Not many students were around anymore. She could've left school early if she just didn't bother with your own issue.
You didn't want to stop his kisses, but seeing her made you had to with a gentle pat. He takes the note and stops, however still holding you.
“What's wrong?” Fyodor asks, earning a turn of your head. “Oh... just saw 'her'. She still really annoys me.” You grunt out quietly like an angry kid, looking down as he finds it cute with a laugh.
At least, you would've thought so.
“Did she irritate you that much? My, sweet milaya — I say you should give her less weight she might feel on her shoulders.” Fyodor suddenly remarks, making you feel a little puzzled. Why was your own boyfriend on her side?
Your eyebrows furrow, “Hey, if you thought your guessing lie was wrong, you were right you know? She talked to me first.” backing up your situation with a frown. Your head moves to look at him as he smiled, one hand petting your soft hair. “It wasn't a guess, milaya. I knew she likely talked to you first.”
“Huh.. how come?” You question, “Do you know her?” a bit of jealousy seeping in your head.
The look you briefly had on was cute. It made him even more satisfied.
“No. The only thing I know about her is that I set up a few things throughout her day today, just to make her all irritated and get her angry at the smallest of things. An example answered my bet in luck by you feeling sleepy this afternoon.”
“..Wait- Fedya, what?” You mutter through a confused expression, “You... why did you do all of that?”
“Mm, don't worry. They were all harmless, and she's physically untouched by such schemes.” Fyodor explains further as if you asked him to, tilting his own head a little. “And I did that... because I wanted your embrace, milaya.”
Your embrace? But he's already getting it right now.
“Am I not giving you such so?” You end up asking, fingers tapping on his shoulder. “And besides, isn't us holding hands already an embrace? As you take me home?”
“My. I foresaw a lot of things, but not your endless questions.” He sighed out, one hand grabbing onto one of your own to press a gentle, almost teasing kiss that led your shoulders to shiver. “I'll be honest with you, do you think we truly get enough time for ourselves when we walk home?”
“When we...” You trail out, your own head following to find an answer to his question.
While it is true you two hold hands throughout the walk, and how you'd give him puppy-like kisses as he leaves you to your doorstep like the gentleman he is — Fyodor is kind of right. He doesn't always get to hang out at your home due to his studying, and you both barely show this much affection in school; now being an only exception.
Wait... now being an only exception. So did that mean he planned all of he said just to get you cradling yourself on him?
“...Are you kidding me?” You end up sighing with an amused smile, Fyodor seemingly glad as he also had one smile of a similar nature. You shake your head, squeezing his hand before letting go of it. “All of that, just for us to end up like this?”
“You'll embarrass me if I say so.” He cooed like a sad boy, you laughing as pink switched your peach. “You're smart, Fyodor, but this is proof that too much smarts can be a little too much.”
The two of you were met in a brief silence as you simply stare at him, your intertwined hands staying as so.
You could stay in this moment forever.
“Y'know.. you don't have to plan around if you just want my embrace.” You start whispering, scooting closer to his lap so both of your chests touched. “I know we can't always show this much affection in school, but you involved a random classmate.” Rather than an explanation did your words sound like a scolding, as if Fyodor didn't know that.
He hummed, “Wasn't my only idea, milaya. Nikolai had a part in planning this too,” smirking a little but kept his expression hidden by guiding your head down to his shoulder, allowing him to press his lips on the side of your head.
You comply to his touch, securing your arms better so you were now leaning on your.. new pillow. You couldn't see his face this way, but it was fine.
“And I bet him calling you earlier was a plan to make me feel touch-starved.” You mumble.
“But doesn't this repay it, (Name)? Or is it lacking for you?” Fyodor teased, his voice making sure that you knew. “Oh, whatever. Just ask next time when you want my embrace.”
Silence met your words at first, the soft wind adding more comfort to the secret little situation you two got going on right now.
Fyodor knew you two should really get going by now, but with a simple glance by the school gate with the help of the window beside you two, as long as the guard was still on his phone, perhaps Fyodor can keep indulging himself in your warm touch that he'd been needy for too long.
A soft chuckle amuses itself as he simply replied, “Okay.” leaving the afternoon colors do all the talk for now as he softly squeezes your body, placing another kiss on your hair.
And just like that, you really couldn't get your focus to have your eyes on the board now.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
It's Not the Weed | Jesse Pinkman x gn!reader
Anonymous asked: Sure okay
Can I request a friends to lovers type of thing for Jesse Pinkman x gn!reader? They’re both idiots in love with each other and maybe out on a night drive idk and one thing leads to another etc.
summary: you and Jesse have had crushes on each other since your years back in secondary school, but in a parked car smoking joints, it seems like the perfect time to confess.
tws: drug use, smoking, swearing
The love of your life was sat beside you in the car, music making everything around you shake and thud as you kicked your feet up onto the dashboard and leaned back, closing your eyes as you did your best not to look at him; Jesse was rolling the next joint already, hardly able to keep his eyes off of you. The music and the weed couldn't keep his attention away from you, the starry night outside couldn't either; a rural spot in the middle of nowhere, a long drive out of the suburbs where he lived, nothing but the desert to gaze out at. It was beautiful, really. Still couldn't stop him from looking at you, though.
Tilting his head to the side, Jesse handed you the joint and watched as you lit it up, the orange flame illuminating your features so well that for a second he knew that you looked absolutely divine, holy; it made him rub his eyes as he wondered whether or not he was dreaming. Such sweet and holy dreams weren't yet to come, though, but he hoped that they would. Jesse really hoped that they would. He had had his eye on you for a while, ever since you were in secondary school together; ever since you decided to sit next to him in Mister White's class, sat at the back together doodling and listening to music with earphones that didn't quite work right. He thought you were cool, but he didn't dare to approach you when you were eating lunch with your friends.
You ran with a crowd different to him back then, yet every day after school, you always went over his house; you helped him with homework, you sat around and played video games and watched shitty horror films about masked serial killers that were more silly than a group of clowns. Even on weekends, you would go out together and sit on a damp fields and smoke weed and drink beer, hidden away from everybody else; your head would end up on his shoulder and your arms wrapped around one of his, his baggy and oversized hoodie draped over you like a blanket.
Pulled from his thoughts, Jesse dared to look at you again; his gaze softening as be swallowed thickly, tilting his head to the side and trying not to giggle when your fingers graced his as you passed him the joint. You grabbed the bottle of Lucozade from between your ankles, cracking it open and taking a long swig as you hummed softly and relaxed a little more.
"Y'know," you mused softly. "I always did think you were kinda hot."
It felt like the sky had come crashing down, shakily reaching for the Lucozade bottle so that he could take a swig but immediately choking on it as his eyes welled up with tears; it didn't feel real. Jesse was sure that he misheard you, but when you tapped him on the shoulder, he swallowed thickly.
"Did you hear what I said?" You spoke so slowly, like every word had a golden meaning. "Jess?"
"Uh, no," he breathed out, shaking his head and shivering a little. He turned on the car's heaters.
"I said, I always thought you were kinda hot," you fucking grinned as the words left your mouth, and suddenly the weed didn't matter and the fact that it was only you and him meant everthing in the world.
Jesse took another few drags, then handed the joint back to you. His mouth felt dry and his heart was pounding. He thought his hands were shaking but that could have just been the weed, a fuzzy feeling surrounding him as he grinned and shook his head. "Nah, that's just the weed talking, yo."
"It's really not," you scoffed, shaking your head and licking your lips. Your mouth was starting to feel dry, and your stomach was starting to feel empty as a giggle left you; one that forced you to close your eyes as the giddiness ripped through you for a moment.
It really wasn't. The weed had nothing to do with it, in truth; you always thought he was kind of hot. Ever since you sat down with him in Mister White's class all those years ago; how he smiled always made you feel like you couldn't breathe for a second, how he laughed always made you feel sort of giddy and made your face feel hot to the touch. You missed the times when you would play video games together and fight dirty, pushing and shoving one another until you were sitting on his lap and trying to block the screen just so you could win. You missed the nights when you would smoke together on the fields, and when he would freak out when you took him to supposedly haunted places, promising to protect him. As you grew together, your attraction to him only grew, and as you looked at him now, you knew it wasn't just the weed. Maybe the weed made you a little braver, maybe it made you a little more confident, but it didn't change how you felt.
The joint was finished, smoked down to the roach and thrown out of the window when Jesse moved his seat back, the metal nearly grinding as he swallowed thickly and ran his tongue along the roof of his mouth, frowning at how fucking dry it felt. "It's just the weed."
"It's not," you insisted, daring to awkwardly climb over so that you could straddle his waist, hoping that the gear stick wouldn't dig into your knee as you put your hands on the seat either side of his head, glaring down at him. "Jesse Bruce Pinkman... this isn't just the fucking weed speaking."
'Sex is Muss' by Feuerschwanz was playing and you couldn't help but to wriggle around a little, almost trying to dance to it as you grinned and bit at the inside of your lip; but Jesse was too stunned to speak, those bright blue eyes focused entirely on you as he reached out and put his hands on your thighs, swallowing thickly as he didn't dare to take his eyes from you. Not this time. He did his best to focus on the lyrics, focus on the song as best as he could, but it wasn't exactly helping as it made the entire car vibrate.
Das ist kein normales Liebeslied, (denn Sex is Muss!) sondern ein Triebeslied, (denn Sex is Muss!) ein ganz besonders liebes Lied, (denn Sex is Muss!) eine Ode an den Liebestrieb, die Katz und der Kater, die Kuh und der Stier. Ente und Erpel, welch lüstern Getier. Maja und Willi, Struppi und Tim, Heidi und Peter, ergibt doch voll Sinn? Der Topf und der Deckel, der Arsch und der Eimer, die Faust und das Auge, alleine bleibt keiner. Alle Welt tut es, so war's immer schon. Selbst Vögel vögeln, frag mich nicht warum.
"I wanna kiss you."
"Then do it," you nodded, and when he leaned up a little, capturing your lips with the most soft and quick of kisses, you couldn't help but to laugh. "Is that all you got?"
"I wanna take things slow," he told you. "If... if this isn't just the weed talking, I wanna... y'know, do things right."
"I can do that," you licked your lips, your gaze going down to his lips for a moment. "Do you, uh, do you remember when you caught me snogging Nia at Theo's house party?"
Jesse nodded. "Yeah."
"Would it be too forward to say I wanna do that with you now?" You asked, and when Jesse agreed, you leaned down, capturing his lips so gently.
One hand went to his jaw, as you tried not to laugh when he put one hand at the back of your neck, the other gripping your shirt so tightly that his knuckles went pale as he kept you so close; the feeling of your lips on his made him more dizzy than any drug could, and when you slipped your tongue into his mouth, his breath felt like it had been drawn from him and given to you. He thought he had been blessed more than he could say, more than he wanted to admit, and when you pulled away, all that left him was a soft whimper.
"Was that okay?"
"Yeah," Jesse nodded again, licking his lips and savouring the way yours tasted. The mix of weed and Lucozade. But then you made a move to get off of his lap, and Jesse gently tugged at your shirt. "Can you stay like this?"
You grinned. "Sure - if you give me a cigarette."
He fumbled around until he found the packet, and pressed it into your hands. "You're somethin' else, (y/n)."
But the smile on his face, the giddiness in those eyes that wasn't just from how high he was, it was all too much to ignore, and you dared to laugh softly as you lit up two cigarettes and gave him one. It really wasn't just the weed.
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