#just constantly fucking up and making things worse for the person they're supposed to be helping
blackhholes · 6 months
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Teen Wolf as Arthurian Characters
Derek Hale as Merlin
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active-mind-15 · 3 months
Let's talk about Murasakibara as the youngest sibling
As we all know, Murasakibara canonically has four older siblings in the series, making him the fifth and youngest child in his family. So, as a fellow youngest child of my own family, I wanted to explore some headcanons/general observations I have in the context of him being the youngest child. I'll try not to project too hard but I make no promises. 🫶🏿
He is HEAVILY doted on. I think we can all agree on this because it's pretty obvious in the series that he is spoiled (I mean this both endearingly and derogatorily). That mindset probably came from all of his siblings taking care of things for him. But the downside to too much doting is that, outside of basketball, Murasakibara is not intrinsically motivated to do anything unless he gets a reward for it such as pocket money or sweets. I'm guessing the reason why he has such a sweet tooth in the first place is because his siblings would constantly bribe him with sweets to get him to do something. Fast-forward to Teiko, and he became a person who essentially wouldn't do anything they're asked unless they had sweets for him. Akashi is kinda guilty of fueling Murasakibara's sweet tooth with how often he shares sweets and snacks with him, but that was also their way of bonding. Himuro is worse, though. He will just straight-up be like "Atsushi, if you do this thing for me I will give you sweets." He's not even remotely ashamed about it.
He has a very set-in-stone hierarchy in his house. This would explain why he's so used to falling in line within the context of the basketball club. As the youngest, he has to obey his siblings and parents. This is why when he believes someone has authority over him, he follows them without question. But I'm sure that made him build up resentment, especially as a teenager. As a former teen myself, I hated being told what to do. So I'm sure Murasakibara lashing out at Akashi in 3rd year could be a result of pent-up frustration. When his skills drastically blossomed and he saw the power he held over Akashi in that regard, he decided to use it as a gambling chip to win his independence from the team, but it backfired.
He is not used to taking accountability because he has never been expected to be the "mature" one in his house. This frequently comes with the territory of being the youngest child. If you act out, it's often your older siblings that take the heat for your behavior because the older children are supposed to "know better". If two children are playing rough inside the house and break something, the older child is punished more because they were supposed to be the one to tell the younger child that playing rough inside wasn't a good idea. (It's a fucked up way of thinking but I've seen parents use this excuse to avoid holding themselves responsible for not raising their children correctly.) That being said, with four older siblings, I would expect that whatever trouble Murasakibara would get in would be pretty minimized in comparison to his siblings. Their parents would probably be so busy interrogating Murasakibara's siblings about why they weren't watching him or why nobody told Murasakibara not to do XYZ that by the time the attention trickles down to Murasakibara, his siblings have already gotten most of the flack for shit they didn't even do. Judging from the Replace Plus chapters, it seems like to make up for that, his siblings have taken up parental roles of their own to ensure that Murasakibara gets disciplined. In one of the chapters, Murasakibara mentioned that he had a fight with one of his older brothers. So, as punishment, his older sister took away his allowance. Clearly, his siblings do hold enough authority to make decisions like that regarding punishments. But I'm sure Murasakibara would then turn around and try to get his parents to overturn it (and maybe it works sometimes). This is why even after having that fallout with Akashi, they go back to their normal dynamic, but Murasakibara never truly apologized. Not as far as the viewers/readers are aware. So there always was that unsettling air hanging around the two of them even in high school. Things were never properly resolved for them. Not until much later.
I feel like he's a total snitch in his house. Younger siblings tend to be. Either to relish in their older siblings getting in trouble with their parents or because they have it so ingrained into them to be truthful that they just naturally don't lie. I remember in the OVA 41.5, Murasakibara instantly tattled on Aomine and Haizaki to Midorima when they were stuffing their dirty t-shirts into a locker and Midorima was wondering why the locker room smelled terrible. It didn't even seem malicious, Murasakibara was just objectively giving Midorima the answer he wanted. So I'm sure there have been times when Murasakibara has snitched on his older siblings when his parents interrogated him.
I feel like him being the youngest also plays into Murasakibara's fashion sense and how it's more 'juvenile' compared to the rest of the Teiko gang (I know Kise is also the youngest in his family but he's a model so his fashion sense is a direct result of being in that line of work). If you've ever seen official art of Murasakibara, a lot of his outfits are very cutesy. Overalls, baggy hoodies with cute characters on them, fuzzy boots, hats, and sweaters...he clearly embodies the lifestyle of the youngest child. He prioritizes comfort over everything, and it shows in what he wears.
Even the nicknames he gives to others and his way of speaking are very reflective of the youngest child. Shortening everyone's names and adding -chin to the end of it is probably something he does with his siblings at home (and maybe vice versa). And his way of speaking is very languid and carefree. He tends to drawl out his words very slowly, like he's in no rush to finish his sentence. And people could probably use this as evidence that he may be dull intellect-wise, but he's actually pretty intelligent and has gotten good grades when he applies himself, emphasis on applies himself. The problem is that he just doesn't give a fuck, so he doesn't try as hard in a lot of things even though he has potential. Someone usually has to push him to try, which circles back to my first point about him practically having to be bribed to do anything that's not related to basketball.
Overall, I think most of the negative traits that Murasakibara has in regard to youngest child syndrome will be things he grows out of as he gets older. I don't think my youngest child syndrome was ever as severe as Murasakibara's but I do relate to being doted on, having people constantly looking out for me, and not being used to taking care of others. I could be stubborn in my own right sometimes, on occasion even rude where I shouldn't have been, and my teen years were pretty rocky all the way through as I was figuring myself out. It took a lot of self-reflection for me to see that I had to change and in my latter teen years, I actively worked on my personality and my behavior. I also learned how to be more considerate of others and to step into the role of taking care of my friends and other family members. I still enjoy the perks of being the youngest in my family such as never having to worry about bringing my wallet out if I'm with my older siblings, but I still did take the time to mature and become an adult I'd be proud of. Eventually, I believe Murasakibara will lay that groundwork himself and become much more mature as time goes on post-canon. He'll learn to become a better friend and a better person, and he'll learn how to put the utmost effort into his passions. But at the same time, I still think he'll be the adorable slow-acting giant we've all come to know and love.
Anyway, this was my take on Murasakibara as the youngest child. Hope you enjoyed it!
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sky-fire-forever · 9 months
Ya'll need to learn to love more than one character. Like someone loving a certain character does not take away your ability to love a different character or even their ability to love a different character
Izzy's my favorite character, yeah. But why are people assuming I hate Ed?? I fucking love Ed. I adore him so much. He's so baby girl. He tries so hard to be good and a lot of his worse actions are fuelled by his self-hatred and loss. He's fascinating to me and I want to study him like a bug. The way he distances himself from his cruelty ("technically the fire killed those guys") and how he presents himself differently to different people (the party boy to Jack, the sensitive sap with Stede, the ruthless captain to Izzy) are both things that I fucking love analyzing and talk about to my partner constantly. I love how hard he tries to be a good person! I love how he is slowly learning how to care about people on their terms instead of his own. I love his growth and how much he WANTS to grow
You know who else I love? Stede! His compassion and care for the people around him is so touching and I love that he takes so much pleasure in the little things. I love how we've watched his confidence build since the first episode, where he was constantly panicked and nervous, to a capable captain who still loves his crew but will defend himself and won't take as much shit from people like Nigel. He'll defend his crew instead of hiding like a coward. I love how he delights in details like fancy wardrobes and a cursed suit because he takes pleasure in small things like that! In marmalade and puzzle chests. He's a sweetheart and he rejects the idea that he has to be cruel to be capable
Oluwande was my favorite character when I first watched season one (though I dislike a lot of his season two writing because it feels like they dumbed him down) because he's kind and very intelligent. He cares a lot for the crew and he's extremely capable while also being a little goofy and being soooo bad at addressing his feelings. I love that he was so obviously in love with Jim, but had that first instinct of denying it if questioned because that's so often how crushes work! His little "What? No! Shut up!" When the chief pointed out his feelings for Jim still makes me giggle. He's a little awkward, but he's sweet and he's supportive. He also can be a little shit when he wants to be, like when he basically made Jim confront their past because he was petty about them not telling him about it. He's always got people's backs and there's a reason he was chosen to be the captain during the Izzy mutiny.
Jim is a character who means SO much to me as a trans person. Their arc is so special to me and they're also just... so fucking cool. I love their journey of figuring out who they're supposed to be versus who they WANT to be. Their struggle with what's expected of them and them wondering if they even want what they thought they wanted is so touching. Them defending Izzy is actually so great to me because it shows their loyalty and their need to defend their family. It didn't have to be Izzy, it could be any member of the crew and they would have their back. Because that's what family means to them. "Our dick" says a lot about them, as does their little "He was your friend" line. Jim cares about people even when they're quiter and more closed off. Hell, they stabbed a man in the first episode for insulting Frenchie and they didn't even talk yet! Them being the one to tell the Pinocchio story to Fang was so great because it shows just how soft they really are and want to be.
Speaking of, I also adore Fang so so so much. He's such a sweetheart and he's sensitive and he cares so, so much about his friends. He's a big softie and I wanna hug him. I bet he gives such great hugs. As soon as he's given the allowance to be soft, he takes it. He misses his dog that Ed forced him to kill (which I feel like no one talks about?) and gets blushy and giggly about Lucius finding him attractive. He's just!! So fantastic
I wish we knew more about Ivan because I love him and I have so much fun imagining stuff about him. Like how I hc him as a trans woman
Archie as a character is so fun and I wish wish wish we got more of her because I fucking LOVE everything about her. She's so fun to watch and I want to know how she gets along with Oluwande and I want to see her interact with the rest of the crew so badly. The way she fell in love with Jim because of their hope makes me CRY. I love that she kisses Jim while they're covered in blood and there's a rotten leg like a foot away and she doesn't care. I love her energy and her excitement and every scene with her just makes me grin like an idiot. I'm still so mad about the season being cut because I feel like we could have gotten more scenes with her
Roach is fucking great. My partner and I will quote "meat is meat" at each other constantly. He's so ridiculous and I love him. I love how obsessed with Zheng's soup he is. I love his bitchy "how am I supposed to cook here?" when Stede moves them to live under a bridge. I love how chill he is and the faces he makes when he's reacting to things. He's so funny and I love him
Frenchie is my fucking beloved. His mind box is something I think about so often. How he doesn't want to think about all that has happened to him, but doesn't. How hurt he is. How he fucking deserves every bit of becoming captain of his own ship. The fact that he sings and plays an instrument (I do not know what specific instrument he plays. Is it a ukulele?) and sings about how they're all gonna die with a grin on his face. He's a dork and I love how he hides Izzy at great risk to himself because he cares about his family as much as Jim does. The way he expdcts Ed to kill him and basically offers to do it for him just to get it over with (if I'm remembering correctly). I love his superstition and how he believes it's supported by fact! I think his superstitious beliefs are so, so interesting and I want to know where he learned them.
Wee John is so fucking great. How long has he been doing drag? What happened to his mother with whom he used to make dresses? I need to know! I love that he just wants to set things on fire all the time. I love his line about "I'd love to be stabbed by Jim". I love all of him! He's such a fun character
I love Lucius and how trauma genuinely changes him. He's a bitch and he's petty and he loves gossip. He's the first person to insert himself into a shitty breakup, helping both Stede and Ed at different points. Him keeping Jim's sex a secret and him helping both Stede and Ed is so interesting to me! He's a supportive friend and he's a slut (affectionate) and he's a bitch (affectionate) and everything about him makes me obsessed. I like that Stede has to talk to him about opening up about his trauma! I like that Lucius genuinely loves Pete and how his trauma has made him more bitter. I love how he's still the first person to call bullshit on Ed.
Black Pete actually used to annoy me, but he's grown on me. I love that he's such a dork who struggles with insecurity to the point of making shit up about himself. I love how much he loves Lucius! I fucking adore his one-liners and his delivery of them. He's so fucking funny
I could spend fucking hours talking about Mary Bonnet. I love her so much. Everything about her makes me feral. How she refuses to take Stede's bullshit. Her paintings! Her relationship with Doug that seems so fucking sweet. I love this woman. Please bring Mary back. Please. I'm begging
Buttons is Buttons. Everything about him is fucking fantastic and I want to chew on him like a chew toy
Me enjoying a certain character does not take away from my absolute love of other characters. I tend to talk about Izzy most because I find active displays of tragedy more interesting and Izzy and Ed are the most outwardly angsty characters (which is also why I'm usually talking about Kraken Era Ed when I discuss him). They outwardly express more dramatic feelings rather than characters like Stede or Frenchie who bury a lot of those feelings or express them in different ways. Izzy is from the dramatic genre and I love dramas. Comedy writing is not my specialty
But I can recognize that while I think about other characters a lot, I don't talk about them as often. So expect more metas and discussion of more characters in the future (hopefully. I just write things as I think of them and them to my queue tbh)
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pizzaboat · 5 months
Might as well make a list of fun (sad/horrific) things to explore. Headcanons for the motivation I have to write with. Like a reminder list.
TW I suppose
Eda has C-PTSD from all the shit that's happened to her, and maybe BPD too
She still struggles with depression after the show. Her life just doesn't suck half as bad anymore
Massive SI pre-ending that got worse in the time skip
All she has is nightmares, she doesn't dream (that's basically canon)
She's always tired and fluctuates between insomnia and extreme exhaustion that makes it hard to keep her eyes open.
She has had so many panic attacks. Eda is pretty prone to them. She's actually quite an anxious person
What Gwen did for all those years was abuse. Like, emotionally that would fuck anyone up. Same with Lilith
Eda forgives easily in perspective to the crime done to her because she's terrified of being alone. She doesn't see anyone putting in the work to actually make things right with her and stay with her because she's so "difficult to love" so she leaves the door open to her heart constantly
Having detachable limbs has saved her from her mother's "cures" more than once
She's had so many horrible exs, and she chose to date some of them to feel something other than alone and numb. Eda thought she really deserved it with some of them
Eda has spent so long not crying or getting angry when she really wants to, so when she can cry or be angry, it surprises her
She's touch starved and gets separation anxiety from her family now
Eda doesn't feel pain the same anymore. Her threshold is so high that she could break a rib or have internal bleeding and not notice. Really not notice. That's not a curse thing, that's her body adapting to agony for decades
She flinches at loud noises behind her. She flinches during arguments with people. She's on the offence so she doesn't have to be on the defence and Raine points that last bit out to her because they're determined to show her she's safe with them
Eda will start crying over something and not be able to stop. She's super emotionally disregulated
Eda can't sleep for the longest time after the events of the show without being held. Doesn't matter who. She has to hold or be held and not be alone.
Raine spends a lot of nights spooning and doing protective cuddles because Eda falls asleep the fastest that way, and they're worried about her sleeping
Making money was hard at multiple points in her life, even with the door, so she was used to skipping meals to let King, and then Luz, eat and she doesn't see anything wrong with skipping multiple meals in a row. Raine, Lilith, everyone is so concerned, and Raine has to insist that she's maybe making the curse worse this way from the stress of starvation
Raine gently pulls Eda aside to talk about what she tried to do in the woods that day and they check to see if she still feels the same and Eda starts crying. Not because she is, but because she's overwhelmed
Eda always feels overwhelmed
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apostateoverrubies · 1 year
The way Christians seem to think that we have to love God because He sacrificed Jesus for us is just comical to me now for many reasons.
First of all, I think the only way to appreciate this sacrifice is to not only ignore the fact that He has consistently done more harm than good but also the fact that He could've prevented us from becoming these inherently sinful beings.
Like, even the free will argument falls apart when you realise God could've told Adam and Eve outright that they'd bring sin into the world and everything would get so shitty that God would have to destroy it all.
What makes it worse was that the fucking snake, the only inherently evil thing on Earth at that point, was more honest than God Himself.
Also very interesting that the snake is barely punished. Like, it loses its limbs but snakes are vibing and it is a reminder that God, who is supposedly the centre of morality, constantly lets immoral people get away with shit with little to no punishment if he's not outright rewarding them.
Also, when we rightfully compare God to an abusive person, Christians would claim that He isn't because "aN AbUsIvE pErSoN wOuLd NeVeR".
They would totally do that if they're willing to. And even if they don't partake in something so drastic, it serves the same purpose. Abusers don't want their victims to leave.
And part of making sure victims stay is to make it seem like they're doing so much to them, even outright portraying themselves as heroes to their victims. Basically, manipulating them.
And I cannot stress enough how making Jesus die on the cross was unnecessary. Like, God is supposed to be this all-powerful and all-knowing being. Yet He couldn't come up with anything better?
It's also hard to see it as a sacrifice at all when Jesus just comes back just fine anyway and the only people who truly suffered were his followers, his worldly family and himself.
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chaotic-saturne · 1 year
Just watched good omens season 2 so here are our thoughts :
- don't like the Aziraphale slander, let characters be ✨flawed✨ and not perfect little beans
- not really fond of the fan theory that Metatron did put smth in Aziraphale's drinking cuz it would miss on the whole Aziraphale' struggle with his morality and basically religious trauma, AND the fact that Metatron clearly pushed him into it, Aziraphale has lots of issues with the statue quo and authority figures, so Metatron clearly coming in right after Crowley left (I'd think he likely saw them kissed, or at least see Aziraphale emotionally distressed) so Aziraphale has no time to think, Aziraphale clearly hesitates but Metatron pushes and pushes again
- love (tho emotionally destroyed us as well) the scene in which Aziraphale is waiting for Crowley to bring him to hell because he lied, as if lying is worse than killing CHILDREN because it's god' ineffable plan, this whole scene really shows the lack of understanding of humankind from angels and God AND how authoritarian god actually is, which is why when Crowley says in the last episode they're toxic, it really hits on point, how cult-ish it almost looks and how it destroys your own morality, how Crowley who is a demon is supposed to be bad but is doing good things and angels are supposed to be good and do constantly bad things, and how Crowley is "bad" only cuz he asked questions (it also makes us wonder, are all demons stereotypes bad or are some shut down/pressured into acting bad? Like the angels can be shut down/pressured into not thinking too much?)
- was destroyed by the fact that Crowley opened up to Aziraphale on his feelings to end up being emotionally so fucking hurt to the point of putting his GLASSES ON WHICH HE NEVER DOES BEFORE INSIDE AZIRAPHALE'S BOOKSHOP
- love the lesbians, so glad Nina was able to break up and so glad they opened up with Crowley on how THEY also play with human lives as if it's funny and/or entertaining and not considering humans' relations and feelings which is in fact a replica of their own relationship to each other (also as a way to not emotionally open up to the other)
- the way God is treated in the show really keeps reminding us of the way God is shown in Angels before Man by Rafael Nicolás (really recommend ! especially if you're a queer with religious trauma)
- happy for Belzebub and Gabriel tho'
- glad to have wheelchair disabled representation, as a wheelchair user as well ☺️
- loved the tension between Michael and Uriel (they should angrily smooch)
- love the fact that both Crowley and Aziraphale use god' imagery to do good when it was not god' intention to do good, the whole morality thing is even furthermore questioned there (let there be the light by Crowley episode 1 and the whole situation with Job)
- Crowley has religious trauma but acknowledge it and Aziraphale don't
- Mr Fell, i don't know i just feel like his name being FELL when trying to pass as human, is kinda funny and ironic and maybe means something more
- Aziraphale being a landlord is UGH SIGH BIG SIGH, however that he is bad at it is actually good and it just furthers (along with his capitalist bullshit ranting when in Scotland) him wanting to follow the statue quo and what authority portrays as good even within the human morality is, well, it says a lot
- Aziraphale wanting to be saved by Crowley cuz 1/maybe it means in his thinking that it means Crowley can be saved/redeemed 2/Aziraphale likes being saved, taken care of 3/Aziraphale kinda puts his authoritative issues (trusting someone too much bc they have an authoritative power over him) on Crowley those moments cuz Crowley is the one deciding and taking control, but at the same time they are on equal foot and everything so it may mess up Aziraphale furthermore into his own personal dilemna
Here's for now, thank you for reading 😭
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sonicattos · 10 months
Ok I apologize for how long this is but I read your post about npd and I have some thoughts I want to share. First, yeah that screenshot is gross and ableist. With ya on that. Making fun of someone for having a disorder is wrong, full stop. Also, I agree that it's wrong to call someone narcissistic just because they're abusive. Not all abusers are narcissists and vice versa.
HOWEVER. Many of the symptoms of clinical narcissism relate to how people interact with others. And the reason they are regarded as "symptoms" is because truly narcissistic folks relate to others in an abusive way. If people with narcissism did not typically display abusive and/or manipulative behavior they would have nothing to be diagnosed with.
I'm a victim of abuse by a narcissistic person. (Notice I don't say they have NPD. I'm not "armchair diagnosing for sympathy" here.) That person was not simply abusive for no reason. They were abusive BECAUSE they had narcissistic traits such as having little regard for others. I genuinely fail to see how saying this would be hateful or ableist. I can tell that you feel very passionate about this, but as someone who has been on the receiving end of abuse by a narcissistic person, I feel that your post is implying that this kind of abuse doesn't exist, or worse, that people who say they have suffered it are making it up. I know there are a LOT of people who throw around the term narcissist and don't know what they're talking about. But there are also people who truly have been abused by narcissists. And they're not lying for attention.
Don't feel pressured to respond and I apologize for the wall of text. I just have strong feelings about the subject and wanted to share.
1) please don’t take words from my mouth. i never. EVER. said that the abused are making up being abused. i come from a very abusive household that i STILL live in. my mom and my sister used to fucking beat me. i was starved. i was denied any medical help for illness. im isolated. i was groomed into believing that i was more mature than i was and wasn’t treated with the care a child could have. i was and still am constantly told how useless i am and how my mental/physical issues are my fault. my parents never cared and only did things that benefit themselves. i would never deny that someone could hurt someone and i never had. jesus fucking christ.
2) i study psychology. i know i can’t just prove that by saying it but you have to take my word for it i genuinely look deep into this stuff, as it’s a special interest of mine. you come from a place of ignorance of the situation as a whole. never call someone with “narcissistic traits” (aka abusive traits) a narcissist. it’s a medical term. again. call it what it is: abuse. there are other ways to describe that abuse than labeling it as such. narcissism is supposed to be a neutral term to describe traits of npd, not how someone is acting.
3) no. you don’t have to be abusive to be diagnosed with npd. there are many symptoms and tendencies that come with the disorder and it’s also a spectrum just like any other disorder.
npd describes a disorder of someone who has an inflated self-importance. besides putting others down to lift themselves up, they can also try to lift themselves up in a way that’s unrealistic or may seem “prideful”, try getting other’s attention by doing something good or dramatic. narcissism comes from a place of abuse from their elders, either emotional neglect or lack of teaching of responsibility. it affects those who lack empathy or even other mental illness’, which again, doesn’t mean you are an abuser or a bad person.
how would they get diagnosed? perhaps they’re hurting themselves. maybe they have constant breakdowns for not getting attention. etc. a dramatic event of abuse doesn’t have to happen for a psychologist to figure out someone has npd.
4) the entire point of the post is to tell fucking people to stop using a word that they learned on the internet and didn’t look up what it meant maybe besides the fucking saneist articles vilifying narcissistic people instead of educating one what the disorder actually is.
people with npd deserve sympathy as much as any other person. they deserve help and awareness as well. narcissism isn’t a word to pass around like table salt. it’s a real thing that people suffer with. they’re hurt. they believe if they don’t do something that they’re not worth anything. yes a lot of them become abusers because people who are abusive have most likely been abused. but not every person who’s been abused is abusive.
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popawritter12 · 10 months
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"More than 100"
Yandere! Caitlyn Kiramman headcanons
ΣFirst impression
It's quite simpler; You moved to Piltover or you already lived there, and joined Caitlyn and Vi in keeping the peace in Piltover, whether for money or personal reasons.
ΣFall in love
At first, depending on your attitude, you can get along better with Vi or Caitlyin, and if in the end you end up getting along better with Vi or her, it is the closeness they can have that determines their transformation into a Yandere. . .
ΣBeginning of "Yanderism"
He starts being jealous of Vi or Jayce, although she denies it, it's true. And he starts trying to flirt with you, but it doesn't go very well...
Although it depends on whether or not you reciprocate their hints because of how confusing they can be.
ΣFirst murder
It's accidental, believe it or not.
I see that at first, when she kills someone she considered "dangerous" to you or someone else, she panics, a lot.
Then she denies that she did it with bad intentions, she tries to convince herself that she did the right thing, and refuses to accept anything else.
ΣRelationship or kidnapping
After other "accidental deaths" of "dangerous people", she ends up declaring her love for you, so one of two things happens;
-You accept; Good thing, now you can at least keep your partner more "calm", who is slowly beginning to let himself be consumed by the unhealthy idea that it is right to protect you at all costs.
-You do not accept; No, you're not going to reject her. She won't let you do it. Her mind will end up breaking, she is no longer Caitlyin, now she is just a woman who is capable of anything to have you in her arms. She will kill anyone who tries to keep them away, and she will lock you up if necessary.
She's pretty good: she's affectionate, kind, and the relationship they can form is quite nice if you don't resist her in any way.
ΣMarriage and family
I don't think she will opt for marriage head-on: she will take her time, and in fact I think she will choose to wait for you to do it before she takes the reins and proposes to you.
But, if we talk about when she has you kidnapped, we can say that she will already think that you are married, she will hate every moment in which you refuse to call her or address her as your wife.
Yes, I'm not saying many, but sooner than later she will encourage you to start a family between the two of you.
ΣBad ending
Suppose that apart from her kidnapping you, she resorts to treating you nice and like her husband, but you resist and treat her like shit --- I mean EXTREME shit ----, she will slowly look for other options: Torture? Abuse? Stockholm syndrome? She is already investigating all the ways to subdue you. Worst case scenario... she'll resort to drugging you. And I mean she will use the most exacting drugs to slowly make you believe that she is your lifelong fucking girlfriend and that you are destined to meet in this life, and the next, and the others to come.
Reasons to be a Yandere:
-The loss of the most important people in her life such as her parents can make her think that you are the only thing she has as "Yanderism" develops.
-As sheriff, she constantly worries and watches over the lives and safety of other people. What if she has a favorite when it comes to thinking about someone's safety?
-She lives in constant fear that Jinx or some crazy person --- preferably from Zaun --- will harm you or seek to do something worse to you, She is too afraid that you will get hurt!
-She tends to mistrust the people around her, so if she develops complete trust in you, you will be special in many ways.
〜(^∇^〜)〜(^∇^〜)〜(^∇^〜) 〜(^∇^〜)
Extra things:
-She's not much for physical contact, she's more for words of confirmation and affectionate nicknames when they're alone.
-She likes cooking, so we can say that if you have... B̶a̶d̶ b̶e̶h̶a̶v̶i̶o̶r̶ she can resort to... u̶s̶e̶ d̶r̶u̶g̶s̶ i̶n̶ y̶o̶u̶
-In case the kidnapping takes place, you will most likely stay in a room a̶ l̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ a̶w̶a̶y̶ a̶n̶d̶ h̶i̶d̶e̶n̶ from people.
-O̶r̶ u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶g̶r̶o̶u̶n̶d̶
-Not to flatter o̶r̶ s̶c̶a̶r̶e̶ you, but she has a "special place" in one of her rooms where there is a little-a lot of information about you.
A̶c̶t̶u̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ i̶s̶ f̶u̶l̶l̶ o̶f̶ i̶m̶a̶g̶e̶s̶ a̶n̶d̶ p̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ i̶n̶f̶o̶r̶m̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ o̶f̶ y̶o̶u̶, y̶o̶u̶r̶ f̶a̶m̶i̶l̶y̶ a̶n̶d̶ f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶s̶
Another update!
The truth is, I liked this Caitlyn Yandere, so well, I'll see how I continue updating.
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marcusrobertobaq · 8 months
Comparing Gavin to Hank's hostility towards androids reason is just dumb imo. Hank doesn't like humans and want 'em to learn a lesson, that's why he switches sides. Even in hostile ending dude expected deviants to be different and better than humans (selfish, brutal, ruthless) - so they can teach humans the damn lesson. He ain't afraid of being replaced by androids, he's pissed at androids cuz he think they're the reason his son is dead - and he also got no respect for people replacing other people with androids in personal relationships.
Gavin ain't got this factor, there's no reason for him to come to like androids only to hate 'em even more esp with this whole sentience thing. He pretty much got an issue with obedience and authority, esp regarding to androids (who are supposed to obey), but it's in general - it becomes easier to get when u get he was written as lieutenant, this rank got a weight to it - it's a management role often being the head of a team.
These characters are 2 sides of the same coin, tho.
They got similar mindset: dehumanizing who they ain't consider a real human - criminals, suspects, victims they thought was deserved. Androids just happen to be everything at the same time 🤣
What does it mean? Means in a interrogation room Hank gonna threat the mf and just give up (idk bout his old days tho), Gavin would just wait for things to get difficult so he can beat the shit out the mf. I believe if he went to interrogate Shaolin a "Under Arrest" 2.0 would happen - and the way mfs are so casual i doubt would be the first time they do something like that.
But Gavin seems to be against the idea of scratching people's back - should be one of the reasons he doesn't like Hank. Dude exchange favors, is a lazy mf and still think he got some kinda authority in there just cuz Jeffrey do what he can to keep him in there.
These 2 bitches are similar but would fight against each other if they could.
If we take the gallery seriously Hank is the one that climbs the steps to leadership making connections and contacts even outside the police or with low rank criminals, people he considers inside "everybody is doing what they need to get by, as long as they didn't hurt anyone i don't bother 'em". Man, even Connor calls Hank corrupt in cut dialogues. Gavin climbs it trynna show he can handle everything alone and be at the helm by saying "i'm the boss here" and start giving orders. He would shit on people like Gary and Pedro. "everybody is doing what the-"? Fuck this.
Lt Anderson and Lt Curtis Blake are 2 different types of lieutenant. In the final game happen to Hank be Gavin's superior which makes things far worse for the mf. While Gavin will bow down eventually some force is necessary - like pointing a gun at him or punching his nose, but he won't shut up.
In the police brutality metaphor made by Cage, both gonna treat androids like just another perp (like Hank with Rupert in The Nest), but Gavin gonna feel some pleasure in forcing mfs on the car hood while sayin' some fucked up shit (like that cut dialogue implies). Ain't only about androids but especially about androids, Gavin is worse imo cuz he waits for the moment where he can finally use brute force - even better if justifiable. Hank is just tired of all this bullshit, but if things are personal...damn, this mf gonna def snap and totally against the police - cuz he just doesn't give a fuck for all this anymore, but Gavin does. Gavin already snap constantly cuz he can't shut up and stop trynna show who's boss - fuck, must be the reason he got a scar in his damn nose. If he got an opportunity he gonna get physical to show who's boss. He's ambitious, mf wanna get to the top and have power over all situations he can and esp put people back in 'em place.
Androids just happen to have less paper work related to losing your badge for misconduct.
U can find these type of characters in lotta games where we got police "satirization". It's classic asshole cop, most of 'em are corrupt btw.
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thereisnolumos · 10 months
If I could rewrite harry potter series: Neville so should have been the third member of the golden trio and Draco the unofficial fourth member that goes through a redemption arc and becomes the fourth one by the end of book 6th and all of 7th. Harry should have gotten with Luna, I'm fine with Dramione canonically because it makes more sense writing wise than dumb ron( I would love drarry, but that would be a up hill battle) Ron should be the school bully that gets worse and worse. Or just not exist period. All houses should have been part of the D.A. Slytherin house over all redemption arc because they're kids/tweens/teenagers! Plus over all that's just a better strategy war wise. Ginny gets a girlfriend/boyfriend and gets over crush over Harry over all.
I like your version❤️
If I was writing the rewrite style fanfic, first and foremost I’d start with Sirius raising Harry. Will never get over how many plot holes are in his entire character arc, especially getting wrongfully imprisoned WHEN THEY HAVE MIND READING AND TRUTH POTION
Anyway, Sirius is raising Harry, and, because their parents were in the Order together and the trauma is so similar for Sirius and Augusta in their losses, Harry and Neville grow up together, besties forever, soul brothers, the whole thing. They even celebrate birthdays together, having them one right after the other (it’s my dear headcanon that they were born a minute apart, but it so happened that the day was new when Harry was born)
They meet Hermione on the train, when she volunteers to help find Trevor (Trevor is the beloved Disney-style comic relief sidekick, I’m telling you). Without needing to hold onto Ron, Harry doesn’t brush her off immediately as annoying, Neville is incapable of being such an asshole on principal, but they don’t become instant friends, because Harry and Neville do have the mentality of “we don’t need anyone knew”, being slightly (a lot😂) codependent from having each other constantly near their entire lives. I’d leave them becoming friends after the troll attack, because she was their all alone because of Ron’s assholish remarks after she genuinely tried to help him. So I’d leave this canon moment, but have Harry and Neville be completely disgusted with Ron over what he said about her, especially Harry because Remus was a big part of his life (I’m not really a Wolfstar shipper, though I don’t have anything against them, but in my fic they wouldn’t be together, and there would be an exploration of their mutual hurt over the other one believing each were a traitor. But he’d still be an uncle Moony, as it was supposed to be), so someone shaming the person for having knowledge and HELPING??? Harry would be enraged
They also both would already know Draco, having grown up in the same world, and most likely in similar circles. To me, Sirius was against pureblood mania, not against the social circles and connections and all that. And because all three Harry, Neville and Draco belong to the same circles, they’d know each other and I imagine them mostly like frenemies, growing from enemies to friends more and more with years.
Slytherins would absolutely be a more flashed out characters, not just cardboard “bad guys”, and some of them would be in DA (so it wouldn’t be called DA, because Sirius that didn’t go to Azkaban would see right through Dumbledore and how he tried to orchestrate Harry’s life despite having no right to do so, and he’ll be damned if he’d let Harry be at all enamored by this manipulative old fuck). I would also add muggleborns bringing in muggle weapons into the discussion because “I see your bombarda and I raise you my bazooka😈”. I’d want to explore how both worlds can benefit from inventions of the other one (not just in weaponry)
Also, I don’t remember right now the name of the person who first brought up this au here on Tumblr, but I would absolutely include Cassius Warrington being chosen as Hogwarts champion in Triwizard Tournament. Because I can’t stop thinking about THE POTENTIAL and all the possibilities of this for years, ever since I first saw it
It would absolutely be Dramione and Hansy. Dramione is just incomparable and beyond everything else, Hansy is my most beloved Harry ship, I absolutely adore them. But I would explore all the shades of Harry-disastrous bisexual-Potter too😏
I haven’t decided who’d I pair Neville with though. I don’t like his ship with Luna (in my mind Luna and Blaise belong to each other, I have no idea how it started, but once it did -it never stopped), so she’s not an option.
Maybe I should write this😅 Scenes from this fic have been living in my head rent-free for half a year by now, if not longer…
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etherealspacejelly · 6 days
I suppose it’s only customary, you let me rant about dyslexia, so is there anything you’d like to rant to me about? :D
idk if this is really what you're after but. im just kinda having a difficult time lately
ill put it under a cut so you can choose whether to read it or not, i wont be offended if you dont. its a pretty big trauma dump so dont put yourself through it if you're not up to it
finding out i have chronic pain has kinda turned my whole life upside down and im struggling to come to terms with it. realising that for most people it doesnt hurt just to walk for more than 10 minutes really sucks. thats so unfair. i cant go anywhere or do anything without being in pain and its fucking exhausting. and on top of that i have autism and adhd, and pain makes my sensory issues and executive dysfunction worse, so its even harder to do things
ive been held to such a high standard my whole life and been made to feel like im not good enough but im literally fighting against my own body and mind to do anything at all. i had to get good grades in school and help take care of my sister and provide for all of my dads emotional needs because he doesnt have any friends and help out around the house, all while i was sharing a bedroom with my kid sister as a TEENAGER which meant no privacy or alone time ever but im not allowed to complain about any of that because my mother is a single mum of three working part time, and my older brother is disabled.
BUT IM DISABLED TOO AND HAVE BEEN THIS WHOLE TIME and did i get any accomodations??? no. so i just had to over compensate for all of that to the point where i feel like im constantly performing my own personality all the time. and i dont know how to ask for help because i never learned how to do that and i was praised for being independent and never asking for anything. so my whole personality is "person who never asks for anything ever" which fucks up all my relationships. but whatever, at least i was easy to raise and a pleasure to have in class
i have literally been pushing through mental and physical pain my whole life thinking everyone else was doing the same thing but they're not. and that recontextualises a lot of stuff that has happened to me and explains why i feel a lot more traumatised than i 'should be', because having people dismiss and ignore your pain is fucking traumatic and thats been happening to me for 21 years.
sorry for all of that i just. needed to get it all off my chest. its been swirling around in my head for weeks.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
As someone who ships leon and ashley and enjoys reading/consuming taboo topics and relationships in fiction including incestuous ones, it's so funny to me that I don't see eagleone that way at ALL. theyre one of the relationships i purely enjoy for being a cute wholesome romance and who i want to see thriving and happy (albeit i enjoy the tragic love angle too--) and yet they have a sizable age difference and a "power dynamic" (??????) so it's a "proship"... honestly outside of them both having a daddy kink i really dont want to see that with them!!! Its just not what I'm here for. Im here for that in OTHER ships and this was supposed to be my one good one and this is what happens. Lol.
As such I try to just not care when people accuse eagleone shippers of being weird because Im like... well I suppose I AM...... but it is really unfair for the majority of vanilla ones. Honestly I don't think the antis are secret shippers or secret incestuous shippers (...okay maybe like one or two--) I think they just have a "NOTP" or are scared of how much they relate to ashley as you say and are just making excuses for why they hate seeing fanart of them and blocking people who ship them. I notice this in other fandoms where people will say two characters are "sibling coded" and its just their way of saying they don't ship them. It's really weird frankly and they're basically ignoring canon to write worse fanfiction but that's just how it is these days.
personally, it actually blows me away that people think of Leon and Ashley as being "age gap" at all.
in modern day 2023, Leon is 46. Ashley is 39.
that feels really fucking normal to me in terms of ages for a couple LMAO if any of these dumbasses met a couple like that irl out in the wild today, no one would bat an eye. but that would require these people actually leaving the house, so.
the whole "power imbalance" thing is completely disingenuous, too, because people only look at it in the context of the events of the actual game and then pretend like that's going to be the norm for them forever and not, you know, a very unique, atypical, and extreme situation they're in.
but if anyone were to think about it a little bit as opposed to not at all, they'd realize that their power dynamic would shift once they got home, and then shift again once Ashley's dad is out of office -- and when the power dynamic is constantly changing, that's not exactly imbalanced, is it?
Leon has all of the power during the events of RE4make, and Ashley is wholly dependent on him. yes. that's true.
but once they're out of that combat situation and they're back home in DC, Ashley has literally all of the power in the world over him. she outranks him socially, and she theoretically has the power to make his life complete hell in terms of his career if she were to whisper in her dad's ear the right way.
but the title of "president" is a very temporary one, and once those very short few years are over...? neither Ashley nor Leon are in a position to hold any power over each other at all anymore. they just become two regular-ass people trying to fit into each other's lives.
the whole idea behind "Ashley is completely dependent on Leon in RE4make, which means she will always be completely dependent on him" isn't just based on a faulty premise -- it's also really sexist and gross and reduces Ashley to something less than human, because it assumes that she's incapable of autonomous thought.
and it's really funny how it's only the people who hate the ship that actually are problematic in their thought process. they project their internalized misogyny and sexual insecurities onto us.
I am pretty much as deep in the middle of eagleone fandom as a person can possibly be, and I have never known a single one of you fuckers to ship this ship because you have an age gap kink or because you get off on the power dynamics. the only time power dynamics get brought up is when we make knight/queen comparisons -- which actually gives Ashley the greater portion of power.
I mean, yeah, there is the whole thing where a lot of the fandom also is of a mind that there are some daddy issue kinks at play in the ship, but --
I don't wanna hear shit from people about us enjoying daddy kink between Leon and Ashley when literally the entire fucking RE fandom is out here posting pics of shirtless Leon mods and writing the word "DADDY" in giant fucking text at the bottom of the post. goddamn hypocrites.
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acoralcoffeelover · 21 days
So here we go...
So I started college this past week and it's been not great. I had an asthma attack so bad I had to be put into the hospital during the first week but worse than that I'm ugly. I know that sounds childish but let me explain cuz you don't understand how desperately I wish I was pretty. Ever since I got to college everyone and everything tells me I'm ugly. Now I know I'm not much to look at but it's like everything wants to keep reminding me. My roommate and her sibling are beautiful and every time we do anything boys come up and ask for their numbers or they'll always just constantly be talking about a different guy they're talking too. And apparently everyone hated my afro or apparently it looked bad because now my hair is in slick puffs and everyone seems to be fucking sighing in relief. I hate being here honestly it's been 1 week. Like ik I'm weird but omg I don't wanna be here anymore. I just wanna feel like a person but I've never felt more alien-like. Even the things I like make me weird like wtf is wrong with me?!?! Plus there’s this thing called the ‘freshman 15’. Apparently, during your freshman year, you're supposed to gain 15 lbs. I refuse! I lost so much this past year, I can't go back. I. Won't. Go. Back. So now I start my journey to become beautiful! Not only am I going to beat that 15 but I’m going to lose so much I’ll be completely unrecognizable. I'm going to make a plan to make myself into the perfect girl, I’ll learn how to do my makeup better and I'll get better at dressing myself. I feel a little bad though because I went through so much to get cleared and be deemed as recovered. But that doesn't matter, I'm gonna run with this relapse and finally fix myself even if it kills me. No more games time to be serious! Thus starts my journey.
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dragynkeep · 1 year
The worse thing to constantly think about TWDG is that characters consistency are shit when they're not Clem. Kenny has a very strong character when it comes to people he loves (will always cry when he leave for Clem and AJ to live) but he's...a lot, Lily remained strong even when losing her father and pulled through for everyone....but she would willingly mutilate a child, so much of their personalities are weird af and I wish Telltale was a bit more consistent with them
I don't think it's much a consistency issue as it is just missing the middle man, and also the two examples being wholely unlikeable outside of S1. But what gets me is that the way they're treated by the actual writers and story.
Both are unlikeable, but Kenny is constantly fucking babied by the narrative and the fandom, to the point where you're constantly expected to side with him and the arguable best endings are his. He either is treated as this dad figure that Clementine can't bear to leave, or he's the hero who, despite all his flaws, sacrificed his own safety so that Clementine and AJ had somewhere to live peacefully.
Compare that to the alone ending, where it's heavily pushed that Clementine is now forever changed and it's sad to survive on her own, which it is. Or the Jane endings were Clementine is either shown to be a heartless survivor like Jane, or her trust in new people is misplaced because they end up bad.
Nevermind that Kenny is abusive, racist, stupid and just downright hostile in S2, I hated every second he was on screen because he didn't need to be there. His arc was done! He learned to forgive the boy who got his family killed and sacrificed himself so that Ben didn't have to feel pain! It was good!
And I'm sorry, but Lilly was nowhere near as bad as Kenny in S1. The worst thing she did was shoot Carley/Doug after snapping, and if we're supposed to ignore Kenny wanting to abandon Ben to die in Episode 4, far more painfully I might add, then I'm sure the game can push us to be understanding to this.
Except oh wait, S4 brought her back and after Episode 2, just made her into Evil Woman who mutilates kids. I didn't even mind Lily being an antagonist at first, Episode 2 did great imo in fleshing her out through her relationship to Clementine, giving her a good characteristic that made Lilly more nuanced.
Until they just gave up and most of the fandom decided she was EvilTM. Kenny is good ol Uncle Kenny who might have said slurs and beat a kid half to death, but Lilly is pure EvilTM.
The way this series treated these two characters make me wanna cry.
Kenny apologists do NOT interact, I will pour cement in your water pipes.
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beevean · 1 year
Hey it’s so called this morning’s anon back with more things to say I suppose…
I supposed I wanted to elaborate on some things, I know you said you didn’t wanna start discourse but I really wanted to elaborate on what I meant by that proshipping comment. The term proship, from what I heard, has gone from let people ship what they want and if you don’t like don’t look to… This person is a disgustingly vile subhuman and their death should be celebrated.
Funnily enough I openly ship problematic stuff, but I constantly over complicate things to prove that I’m still better than ‘those guys’, to say that I have morality and ‘they’ don’t… But it’s so fucking exhausted. My life wasn’t good and moral and pure so why does my art have to be?
I’m sick of fearing I’ll have someone genuinely threaten my life because I cope differently than them. Ironically I used to get mad when people say it was their coping mechanism, calling it a shitty excuse to be a whatever [You can insert all kinds of fun and degrading terms there] and yet… I was doing the same thing.
So yeah… I don’t like everything but I’m realizing that everything has its place and if that makes me a proshipper then fuck it I guess I’m a proshipper
[After reading all those kind messages I wanted some way to reveal myself because surprise you actually know who I am! But I wasn’t sure how to do that without outing myself so openly… I read your Hevor fic and told you about it on Discord, it’s the only thing we ever discussed. So yeah if you manage to figure me out based on that alone then congratulations! Purity culture is ruining my life so bad I can’t even say my own name! ;3]
fdjskfksdngksjdhk talk about efficient secret codes lmao. Yes I understand now 😄
That's pretty much what happened. "Proship" started as a countermovement to the "anti" culture budding around 2016 who were all like "Sheith is actually incest because they're like brothers and that's gross guys!!!!", and at first it meant simply "ship and let ship", but then it got twisted into meaning "someone who enjoys problematic ships/ships with incest, pedophilia and/or abuse", which inevitably leads to "this person has Something Wrong with them and they're a Bad Person who Hurts people like me with their Degenerate Art! Pedo alert pedo alert! PUNISHMENT FOR A THOUSAND YEARS".
The problem is that "enjoys" means a lot of things :^) there is a difference between "aww they're so cute <3", "welp this is a kink now", and "wow this would be incredibly fucked up but I am intrigued to explore this story". But nuance is not allowed, apparently.
(fun fact: I don't really go through proship blogs because I swear they all ship sibling incest. I hate sibling ships lmao, especially when they're wholesome. But of course they're all in the "will accept anything" community, after being pretty much shunned and painted as horrible abusers who deserve to be hurt and worse - and just because I don't want to see those ships, that doesn't mean I think they're bad people who condone real-life abuse. So yeah, proship is not about having all the grossest ships in the world, you can be exclusively into the most vanilla M/F ships ever and still think "yo do what you want I'll respect you from a distance")
I also hear similar stories like yours, of people who twist themselves into pretending to be antis and be morally "purer" than others when in private they were doing the same things they were insulting others for, just with tons of shame and denial. Not judging you and I'm happy when people realize that this behavior is harmful, definitely more than being into the Problematic lol... I'm just disappointed and frustrated that the internet culture has come to this. I reiterate my points about surrounding yourself with friends who don't make you feel like you have to walk on eggshells.
Also real talk: you don't really have to psychoanalyze yourself. Maybe your tastes are tied to an easily identifiable reason, or maybe they aren't or the reason goes too deep to explore without outside help. In any case, it doesn't matter. You don't have to justify yourself in any way, let alone showing to everyone the "I'm Coping With Trauma" badge in the hopes they will forgive you - because it doesn't work. It's never about the mental health of victims, it's about "i feel icky and i don't want to :("
Disgust is not harm. You (general) have every right to be disgusted by something - I myself am not above it :P But it's not a personal attack against you, and it's your responsibility to walk away and coping with your feelings in private.
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titleknown · 2 years
...I could probably hyper-intelectualize it, but ultimately on an emotional level I feel really sick of threads like this and with similar sentiments because I'm really sick of people taking leftism's promise of a better; freer world for everyone and strangling it.
Like, it feels like the argument is "it's either put a resource bottleneck on science; technology; art and even the food you like even worse than under capitalism, or we keep doing child slavery and sweatshops and imperialism. Those are your only two choices"
And when you rankle at what would be lost due to the resource bottleneck, they say "Well, that's just capitalist alienation talking, what you like now is just a substitute for what you'd have under our system,"
As if fucking whittling and potlucks are a one-to-one substitute for video games or online conversation. As if any tool or artistic medium they don't personally get any use-value or joy out of is just a toy for spoiled Westerners.
I do not see how people who've seen artforms constantly wither and end up in a state of near death due to resource starvation think of that sort of resource bottleneck as liberatory; whether it be the independent websites after everyone lost their disposable income post-'08 crash and everyone fucking flocked to smartphones and social media, practical effects after CGI steamrollered them, 2d animation after CGI also steamrollered them, or basically any genre that fell out of fashion that's near and dear to you.
Whether it's a capitalist world and its money or an ecosocialist world and its resource caps, bottlenecks that starve creation will always still fucking suck! And I'm so fucking sick of being force fed that they don't, or that they're inevitable because apparently horizontal moves in how we do things can't exist!
And then whenever somebody tries to come up with other choices, or even just a means of preventing the losses they speak of in the transition to a more just world; they find another way to say that not only are those other choices bad, but trying to come up with them is a selfish brat who's just going to create more child slavery and sweatshops and imperialism!
See also: Any fucking conversation on here ever about any fucking emergent technology ever.
Like, this is a post off the cuff, from the gut, take it as you will, but it's just fucking exhausting in a time where everything's going to shit that a lot of people professing the one ideology that's supposed to give hope are going "No actually, things need to be shit in our ideal world for true justice too" and following with "Well, I'm fine with it, if you're not, then you're just a selfish baby"
And it makes this broken; shitty world feel that much more hopeless, because you're stuck between the "resource bottleneck" and "Child slavery, sweatshops and imperialism" sides, both have a vision of your world getting smaller and more constrained, and you get the feeling that your life in the future is going to suck no matter what!
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