#just how buck said that everyone expects him to be just normal
buckera · 9 months
I still hope they're not serious about it and buck will have his wake up moment because otherwise it's just lazy writing. oh he's too much? the woman flees him? she doesn't get him but he jumps into the relationship anyway? yeah we've been here before. the "she sees more in me than I see in myself" just put the final nail in the coffin for me (excuse the pun) because even if i give her the benefit of the doubt with how insensitive she was about his death, that's just crazy. they barely know each other and there was no indication that she "sees" him at all. also he was already at a point where he doesn't need that. it drives me insane I'm sorry for the rant <3
mm yeah, I do think it fits in with the whole 'Buck died and now he doesn't know how to live' thing cuz the season started with him looking for the answer to the meaning of life and being at ease and finding happiness and then midseason he just went and fucking died lmao
that was his arc in the season, basically him growing up and learning what he wants in life — which could be a great tie in with Eddie's incredulous face when Buck said that Natalia sees him better than anyone and the way Eddie's arc throughout the season was being pushed to date and be something that he isn't to be happy by the standards of others, when he was happy as is, already.
and yeah, I know I'm delusional but you can pry 'buddie was gonna go semi-canon in s6' out of my cold dead hands cuz it makes sense to set it up like this and even the fact that they are both falling into old patterns, because this is exactly the problem they should be addressing next season (which... well, that's one thing I don't actually have hopes for rip)
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sparklefics · 1 year
Losing you
Bucky & avenger!reader
WC: 1,185
Summary: a near death experience puts things in perspective.
Warnings: near death experience (not detailed tho), mentions of injury and blood. Language!
I wrote a thing!! It’s been months since I’ve been inspired/ had time to write. Here’s a little angsty fluff.
Gif not mine.
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Since you joined the team you’ve gotten along with everyone. Missions are successful at least 90 percent of the time.
For the last nine months you’ve been partnering up with Bucky. He’s damn good at his job and you get along just fine, at least when you’re on the field.
Off the field is an entirely different story.
It’s not so much that you don’t get along, it’s just you don’t hang out outside of work. The only time you ‘hang out’ is during training.
You wouldn’t consider him a friend— at least not like Sam is. Bucky is merely your teammate, your partner.
Normally Bucky is cool, calm and collected until the day you get hurt in the field.
“Star, come in.” Bucky speaks through the comms but is only met with silence so he tries again. “Agent Star, come in!”
Star is the code name Sam gave you when you joined his crusade as Captain America. He liked to joke around about his Stars and Stripes and the Sentinel of Liberty, respectively you, Joaquin and Bucky.
Bucky turns back to the last checkpoint and his body goes rigid as he takes in the scene before him. There you are laying on a puddle of blood—yours, he realizes.
He doesn’t take the time to over analyze what went down, all he cares about right now is getting you to safety.
It’s scary to put so much on someone. To let them be your everything, he hadn’t realized that was what had happened. To him you were just his partner.
Until he almost lost you.
That’s when he realized what’s really at stake here. Not only your life, but his happiness.
Three days, that’s how long it takes for you to wake up.
“Ow. That hurt.” You groan and hear Sam chuckle, when you bat your eyes open you see Bucky storming out of the room.
“That’s not funny, Star.” Sam says. “You scared us. How come you didn’t call for backup?”
“How long was I out?”
“Three days. And yes, he was here the whole time, barely got him to eat and shower.”
“Where’s Stripes?” You deflect and ask about Joaquin.
“Coffee run.” Sam stares towards the doorway and sighs. “Buck was the one that found you.”
“Hmm. I think he might be mad at me— you know for almost dying.”
“He’s entitled to that, you’re his partner after all.”
Bucky never comes back to the med bay. In fact you don’t see him for weeks, until you’ve been given the all clear to go back out on the field.
You approach him silently at the gym while he’s pummeling a punching bag. Three bags already discarded after he ripped them open.
“Hey Liberty!”
“Don’t call me that. You know I fucking hate it.”
“Are you still mad at me?”
“Who said I was?” He turns around and you’re not ready for that tender look he gives you. A mixture of guilt that you almost died on his watch and something else you can’t pinpoint and it almost makes you think that he might actually care.
As scary as it was, almost dying put so much in perspective for you. First thing’s first, before you passed out on the field your very last thought was Bucky’s smile. That was strange…yes, he’s your partner but you were about to die and your last thought was of him not begging for help just one last smile of Bucky’s.
Secondly, it felt so off and hurtful seeing him walk out as soon as you woke up. You didn’t know why it hurt but the fact that it did meant that you wanted him there when you woke up. Or at least you expected him to be there, he is your partner after all.
You almost lost everything.
You almost lost him.
It’s infuriating how he managed to become something more than just your partner without you even realizing it. Though all your anger dissipates with the look he gives you. None of it matters when he’s looking at you and touching you so delicately.
Bucky traces a finger ever so delicately over the still fading bruise on your cheek bone.
You hadn’t realized he’d been standing so close to you. Or why the disheveled look he’s got going on looks so good on him. Has he ever looked better? Yes, but today he looks kinda hot and vulnerable, in a way that you just wanna comfort him, run your hands through his hair, cuddle the shit out of him.
Out of nowhere you grab his face and kiss him— on the lips!
“You can’t blame me for that. I almost died.”
You murmured against his lips. And to your surprise he doesn’t pull back, instead he deepens the kiss.
“Shut up, I'm still mad at you.” He mumbles against your lips.
“Ha!” You pull back just enough to slap a hand on his chest. “I knew it! You are mad at me!”
Bucky pulls you right back to his arms and rests his forehead on yours. “I’m just…I can’t lose anyone else. Do you understand?”
You nod.
“I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at myself. You got hurt out there, I should’ve—”
You pull back to look him in the eyes, “James Buchanan Barnes it is not your fault I got hurt. I should’ve called for backup, it’s not your responsibility to keep me safe.”
“Yes it is. You’re my partner.”
“You say that like it means something else. What are you really trying to say, Sarge?”
As if the kiss you two shared hadn’t made it clear this certainly would.
“Star, you are everything to me.”
And your anger makes an appearance again, you pull away from him. “I’m finding that a little hard to believe, cause since I woke up all you’ve done is avoid me.”
“I’m just— seeing you there in a puddle of blood it fucked me up.”
“Waking up and seeing my partner walking out on me fucked me up. You were the last thing on my mind before I passed out. I was trying to call for— I was going to call for you when I blacked out. Then I wake up and see you walk out the door and never come back.”
This isn’t how Bucky pictured this moment. It should’ve gone like in the movies. You both admit your feelings, kiss and voila: happy ending. Not you angry at him, with unshed tears in your eyes.
“I’m sorry I’m an idiot that can’t handle his own feelings. But I love you. I need you to know that. I love you.” He squeezes your hands.
“That’s the thing Bubba, I love you too. So don’t you dare walk out on me ever again.”
You pull him in for a hug and you climb on him like a koala, arms around his shoulders and legs around his torso. He tells you he loves you again and assures you that he’s not going anywhere without you. “Well then, take me to my room. You owe me three weeks worth of cuddles.”
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billthedrake · 3 months
Previous chapters here: https://www.gaydemon.com/stories/Training_the_Sales_Guy_42206.html
I was supposed to be the one training my co-worker Carson, but the next business trip was more the other way around.
"The Dream Team is back," he said when I showed up at the gate area of the airport. Carson always got there early, and I always cut it close. He looked like a million bucks, in his slim-cut suit and neatly trimmed hair cut and beard. I knew things were just a sex-buddy dynamic between us, and that we were coworkers first. And Carson Wells had a bro-ish personality that was good in small doses but got on my nerves sometimes. But if the dude was gay I'd probably be getting more than a little crushed out on him.
"You probably say that to the other account execs," I teased as I took a sip of coffee.
Maybe that was a pissy thing to say and Carson would read some jealousy into it. But he just smiled back and laughed. "I forgot how cranky you are in the morning, Boss."
Those baby blues and that flirty disposition was making me wonder how good I was at maintaining my defenses and boundaries.
"It's why I'm single, Wells." I figured some self-deprecating humor would help.
"I doubt that," he said with surprising sincerity. "You just got off your game, Boss. When was the last time you went on a date?"
Maybe Carson had an ulterior motive for asking. A way of saying that nothing romantic or permanent was going to develop between us. But his tone was natural, on the level. I realized that he probably talks this way to his bro buddies in the office, and this was his way of including me in that work-friend category.
I sat down next to him. "About two months ago. When was your last date, Wells?"
He flashed his pearly white smile. "Had two last week, Boss. Different chicks.... it's a lot of effort, but I enjoy the hunt, you know?"
"I get that," I said. I'd been like that when I was in my 20s. But after the divorce, I'd had fun with more casual sex but found the process of using apps a fucking chore.
As we drifted into small talk, and then lined up to board the flight, a deep part of me hoped Carson wasn't so successful at his dating that he'd cut me off entirely. Then another part of me hoped for that very thing.
We were all business that day. Carson was particularly focused on our presentation. He was normally in the zone on our sales calls, but that day he was nervous I could tell. It was a huge prospective client, and it would mean a fat commission for Wells. It was getting to him.
I pulled him aside during a quick break an hour and a half in. "Relax, buddy," I said. "We got this."
I could see the tension in his handsome face. "Yeah?" Not believing me but appreciative of my forced confidence.
I shrugged. "It's a like a date. You can't want her too much, or it's all fucked up."
Hell, I didn't know how straight guys dated, but the advice seemed to work. "Yeah," he said.
We did good but not great. It might not matter, depending on what the company wanted. I wasn't going to sweat it. We'd come in and done our part. The rest was out of our hands.
And Carson was back in fine form over the dinner. We'd taken a number of the contacts out to a nice steak restaurant, and Wells was in classic sales guy mode. Chatty but not too chatty, able to engage with everyone at the table, comfortable in mixing business with pleasure.
And he was in a good mood after, as we got back to our hotel.
"Wanna come to my room, Boss?" he asked.
I wasn't expecting this. It had been a long day. And if it had been anyone other than Carson I might have even begged off getting my cock sucked.
"Sounds great, Wells," I said.
We wheeled our luggage to the elevator, and I think we both had smirks on our faces as we rode up.
"I guess we're getting more comfortable with this," Carson said, speaking the very thought I was thinking.
I nodded. "If you ever don't feel comfortable, Carson, please let me know." I'd gone too far in this affair to be safe from HR consequences, but at least I wanted to give Carson an out any time he felt like it.
He laughed. I expected him to make a crack about uptight Bill, but instead he said, "It's crazy. I knew I liked sucking dick, but you got me into the other stuff, Boss... I even watch the videos you sent."
Indeed I'd discovered a new Pornhub guy with a very minimal gag reflex and no inhibitions about working the one he had.
I was getting turned on, surprisingly by Carson's candor as much as anything. "Well it's really hot to experience your skills," I said, my voice almost cracking into a whisper.
The elevator dinged and we wheeled our bags down the hall. Carson tapped his key card and we entered.
"Um, Carson... can I ask you something?" I started. "What makes you like it?" I'd been afraid to ask. Afraid I'd spook this straight guy with a major bi streak.
He'd clearly been asking himself the same question. "I dunno, Boss... it's just... when you use my throat, it's like I'm not the one who needs dick, you're just feeding it to me."
I didn't quite follow. "You afraid of being gay, Carson?"
He nodded. "Yeah. I mean, I'm not gay, thought maybe you don't believe me."
"I believe you," I replied. "But it doesn't matter if I do."
He took that in. "Yeah. I guess having a cock in my mouth always feels like the last thing I should be doing, and the taboo of it gets me off."
"The forbidden fruit thing is hot for me too," I said.
Carson's blue eyes twinkled in amusement. "Fuck yeah it is, Boss." He pulled out his phone and wallet and set them on the table. "I think the fact you're a fag..." he stopped himself. "Sorry boss... but I think that when your cock is in my mouth and it takes me to this fucked up place."
I didn't know what to make of it. But I was getting head from Carson more than I ever dreamed of, so I decided not to get pissed off. "Please don't get therapy, Carson," I joked. "At least not anytime soon."
That made the guy laugh. He's so fucking sexy when he laughs. "Don't worry, Boss."
With that he knelt down in front of me. I was already hard and Carson's touch at my crotch made me harder. He teased and massaged my ridge in my suit pants, then pulled my zipper down.
"OK if we start with some old-fashioned head?" he asked.
"Yeah," I croaked. "More than OK." I'd been enjoying the more extreme throat training lately, but a standard Carson Wells BJ was always gonna get me off big.
He licked my dick up and down, before pulling back. "You mad at me for what I said?" he asked.
I nodded. "A little, yeah." I figured I should be honest. "But I'm not gonna stay mad at you, Carson. Just don't call me that again. You can think it or whatever."
"Yeah," he sighed. He was genuinely contrite. He seemed to be taking in my cock with his hungry eyes, examining my length and girth.
Then, slowly he opened his mouth and descended on me.
"Oh fuck!" I hissed. Carson's mouth felt great. I knew I'd spend the next day wondering if these blowjobs were keeping me from finding a boyfriend, even a casual one. Carson Wells had gone from top 5 in his oral skills to top cocksucker in my life experience, period. The best I'd ever have, I knew.
I looked down as he blew me. His hunky body in his navy suit, head bobbing up and down. I could hear the spit and the suction around my prick and the rhythmic soft moans from this throat. He was working himself deeper on my pole, working up to a deep throat. Not fast but steady, knowing what he was doing. He was getting me to that place, fast, that build up of pleasure, and then it was like his mouth and throat was gonna milk the load out of my balls.
Only he pulled off instantly and gripped the base of my prick, pinching it slightly. "Goddamn, you're worked up tonight, Boss."
"Jesus, Wells," I exclaimed.
My excitement made him smile. "See? Sometimes it's better not to have to go all hardcore and shit." He let go of my dong and started tonguing the bottom half of the shaft. With anyone else, it might look slutty, but I knew Carson was mostly trying to let me enjoy this without blowing too soon. It worked, sort of.
There was a clear excitement for him, too, as he looked up at me, hands on his trousers, gym-toned chest showing between the spread lapels of his coat. Unlike me, he wasn't wearing a tie but instead rocking that more millennial business-bro look. It suited him.
"Thanks for letting me initiate this, Boss," he said softly. "I don't know if I'd like it the other way."
In my head our affair wasn't one-way, but I knew what Carson meant. "You do a lot for me, Wells... I want you comfortable with it."
He nodded. He reached down and fiddled with his zipper and belt. Often he didn't like jerking, and I think he was shy of letting me see his dick. But Carson was pulling it out now and wrapping his fist around it just as he leaned back forward.
"MMMmmh," he moaned around my prick as he swallowed me. He'd gotten warmed up already so now was just a skilled, silky deep throating. Up and down, six, seven inches at a time. Almost bouncing. Carson was driving his blowjob but he was abusing his throat all on his own. Deep throating me, faster and faster, till he was spearing his gullet with rhythmic gutteral sounds.
"God yes," I hissed. Watching him do a sword swallowing thing like a pro.
I heard the gurgle of a gag on one down stroke then that familiar mucusy slickness on my meat, dripping out of Carson's mouth and onto my balls. That did it for me.
"Shit!" I muttered. And I was cumming down Wells' throat.
He slowed his mouth strokes just enough to be able to swallow my semen comfortably. And as he rode out the aftershocks of my orgasm, he stroked himself to completion.
Carson finally pulled back, a flush look of sexual satisfaction on his face, which must have matched mine.
"Thanks you, Wells.... you outdid yourself." I wanted to give him every compliment I could.
He smirked. "Yeah, I've been wanting to try that, Boss." He looked down at his hand. It was covered in his own jizz. Carson shoots a lot. He got up off his knees, holding his hand out to keep the dripping load from getting on his suit. I'd have to get mine cleaned, but it would be worth it.
He wiped off then offered me the Kleenex box. I used a couple to handle the spit and throat slime. There were some cum dribbles too but Carson took care of most of those. I tucked back in and sighed.
"We good, Wells?" I asked.
His green eyes met mine. "Yeah, we're good."
I wanted to kiss him bad. But that wasn't in the cards. So I grabbed my luggage and gave Carson one last nod before walking out of his room and over to mine.
As I got ready for bed, I thought over the evening. Sometimes I had real misgivings about fooling around with my straight-ish coworker. But that night I had none. The sex was hot as hell.
"You up?" came the text bright and early the next morning.
I was up, but barely. It was pretty early. "Yes. Still on East Coast time."
"Can I come by?"
My morning wood throbbed. "Sure."
Fuck, this was too easy. Wells was going to make me look forward to business travel all right.
I wasn't decent when he showed up a minute later. But that didn't matter. Carson had on only a pair of gym shorts and athletic shirt. The shorts didn't hide a thick boner.
"Hey," he said, morning voice making him sound deeper.
I ushered him in. "Hey," I laughed. It was a little absurd how carried away we were getting. But Carson's body was looking really fucking good in those clothes.
"I was jerking off and I thought the hair of the dog might be in order."
I smiled. I was now self conscious that Carson noticed the boner in my underwear. "I'm surprised I have anything left in the tanks after last night. You drained me, buddy."
Wells had a slightly nervous look on his face now. "You not up for it?" he asked.
"I'm very up for it," I replied.
I took the initiative and peeled down my briefs. By now Wells had seen my cock a lot but I wasn't sure how often I was completely naked.
The man's eyes were pretty much on my dick though, till he took them away and looked back up at me. "You OK if we try something new, Boss?"
"After last night... you can try out as much as you want," I said.
He grinned and peeled off his shirt. I'd never have a body that could compete with his, but that was OK. "I've been watching some videos. I guess they give me ideas."
My heart was pounding now. I wasn't expecting a two-fer on this trip. So it was a nice surprise. Particularly as Carson slid down his gym shorts. He was hard and I could see his dick still was covered in a lot of lube. I wondered how long the guy had been jerking off that morning.
My own bone twitched as I watched my coworker lie down on his back, settling in on the unmade bed, till his head lay just past the edge. I didn't need a diagram to know what he had in mind. I stepped up, hands on my hips and positioned my cock above his face.
Wasting no time, Carson leaned up, attacking my nuts with his tongue before I angled my prick to let him lick that. As he did, he jerked his cock, not fast, just enough to prime the pump during this foreplay ritual.
"Fuck, Boss, you have a great cock," he hissed. Hearing that was enough to make me spurt some precum on his chin and neck. Carson could tasted it was he licked his way to the head.
I swiveled my hips back to give him access. That tongue laved all around my head, slobbering it down. Carson wasn't shy about extra spit with me now and excess saliva dripped down his face.
"God fucking damn, Wells," I hissed as I watched the lewd sight.
He muttered something then more spit ran out just before he swallowed me.
The trick of being an oral top, particularly for the more extreme sucking, is knowing when you can take charge. Carson was ready. I reached down and pressed against his shoulder. To steady him but also to let him know I was coming in.
Wells grunted along my cock but was ready. I steadily speared his throat, from the inner part to the deeper reaches. He quickly stopped jerking and I realized it was to keep from coming. Wells was loving this shit.
I pulled back and thrust in again. And again. Wells' throat was snug and wet and alive. I don't know why we hadn't done this before, but we were doing it now.
I heard his soft grunts and felt his excitement as I steadily fucked his throat. Taking my hands off his shoulder, I leaned forward. That meant I couldn't watch his face and throat as easily, but the better thrusting angle made it worth while.
I just went for it. Not super rough, but steady firm thrusts deep into Carson's gullet in rapid succession. Figured I could stir the pot and see if I could get some nice slime.
It took a half minute, a half minute of watching Carson's dick jerk in excitement before I heard and felt it.
I stopped and withdrew. To give Wells a break and check in on him, but also to see that trophy. That milky mucus was thick around my bone but I didn't realize just how much there was until I pulled out completely and watched thick river of slime run down his handsome face.
"Fuck!" he gasped, chest rising and falling as he caught his breath.
"You OK, Wells?" I asked.
He was beet red and not opening his eyes but he grunted a yes. "Go for it, Boss."
I got back in place. Entry was easier this time. And as I fucked his face I heard the sloppy wet sloshing.
"Gonna cum..." I said.
That was the cue. He grabbed his own dick and jerked in rapid strokes.
We came together. My dick pumping its morning load straight into his guts as his own fired out. Like I say, Carson's a gusher, and I enjoyed watching several streaks of thick cum land on his muscular body.
I knew I had to give him a break now, and fast. I wasn't rough, but quickly I pulled out.
He sucked in some air while I went to get a washcloth for him. He seemed grateful for it and as he sat up he wiped his face down.
"Damn, Boss, you're hardcore."
I nodded. "I got news for you Wells, you're pretty hardcore yourself."
He finished wiping off and I took the cloth from him. It was only then that we felt self conscious being fully naked with one another.
Carson looked at the clock. "Well, I'm not getting my morning workout in, I guess," he said, acknowledging the time. We had about a half hour before we had to leave to the airport. "But fuck I was horny."
I gave a nod and watched Carson find his clothes.
"You're getting really good at this, Carson," I said. Not just complimenting him, but acknowledging that he was taking the throat abuse like a pro.
He pulled on his T shirt and flashed a grin. "I am, aren't I?"
"You doing anyone else?" I asked. I don't know why I did, but curiosity got the best of me.
He seemed offended though. "Would it bother you if I did?" he asked.
I shook my head and gave the best contrite expression I could. "Not at all. You're your own man, Wells. Just curious was all."
That seemed to put him at ease, but his voice was still quiet. "You're the only dude I suck, Boss."
"Cool," I said. I gave a pause. "I know this arrangement is weird as fuck, Wells. But anytime you offer head, I'm not gonna turn you down."
He liked that. "You'll find a boyfriend to focus on, Boss," he said. He'd bene thinking about that. "In the meantime, let's just have fun, OK?"
Dude actually fist bumped me on the way out of my hotel room.
Carson upgraded on the flight back, while I stayed in coach. I was glad not to have to make small talk. Still, I felt a strange elation when I got the news on my work phone as we landed. The decision was fast. We'd won the prospect as a client.
Carson was waiting for me at the gate in the terminal. "The Dream Team did it!" he growled, pulling me into a bear hug.
I hugged him back. "You're buying me drinks with that commission money, Wells."
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 6 months
Marriage of Convenience Chapter 3
Summary:  Y/N’s father is gone, and he leaves it all to her.  But in 1880s Oregon, she can’t own land without a husband.  Under the threat of it all being taken away by a land hungry Sheriff, what’s a girl to do with no prospects?  Maybe one of the cowboys on the farm can help…
Warnings: smut, slight physical violence
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By the time they reached home it was past nightfall.  The men all came out of their quarters behind the main house to greet them and congratulate them, before everyone helped put the wagon and horses away then went back to bed.  Even on celebratory days the farm kept running.
It was getting late into the night as Y/N helped Bucky move his few things into her room.  She was folding some of his shirts and putting them in the dresser drawers when he came back from the washroom.  As she loaded the last of his clothes into the bottom drawer she looked at him and almost gasped.  He was in his underwear, which she expected, but his top half was still naked as he straightened out the nightshirt in his hands.  He caught sight of her ogling him and his signature smirk spread on his lips.
“Like what you see?” Bucky teased her as he finally fixed his nightshirt and slipped it over his head.
Y/N cleared her throat and looked away, grabbing her night clothes and scurrying past him to the washroom.  “I’ll just be a moment,” she said under her breath before shutting the door.  She could hear Bucky chuckle on the other side and then the rustling of sheets as he settled onto the bed.  She took some deep breaths, trying to calm her thundering heart.  Bucky was tall, and she had assumed he was strong, you had to be working on a farm.  She had just never fully realized how big he would be.  His torso kept flashing in her mind as she took off her dress and got into her nightgown, which she was now realizing as she looked at herself in the mirror was a little sheer, showing the outline of her breasts in the light.  She huffed a sharp breath as she finished getting ready for bed and opened the door.
Bucky was sitting on the bed, reading one of the books she had on her nightstand as he was waiting for her.  “Which side do you normally sleep on?” he asked, before taking a look at her.  When he did his eyes bulged at her nightgown.  Y/N tried to discreetly cover her chest as she approached the bed.
“This side,” she gestured to the side that was already open.  She quickly got into bed and covered herself with her blankets, laying stiffly on her side facing away from Bucky.  “Goodnight, Bucky.”
Bucky sat silently for a moment before shifting himself so he was under the blankets as well.  He sidled up close to her and reached a hand out to caress her arm.  “Y/N, you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” Y/N said briskly as she tried to even out her breathing.  She was very nervous.  Sleeping next to a man, a very attractive man, that she had just seen half naked was making her feel a strange twisting in her nether regions that she wasn’t familiar with.
Bucky hummed, then pulled at her arm to make her turn towards him.  She didn’t fight it and laid on her back, keeping her eyes closed and head turned away from him.  “Okay, then why won’t you look at me?” he chuckled.
“I’m just tired, Buck.  It was a long day of traveling,” she muttered.
Bucky scoffed.  “Sure…so your husband doesn’t get a goodnight kiss?”
Y/N peeked one eye open at him.  He had a mischievous grin on his face, his nose scrunching as he nuzzled her shoulder next to him.  She couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled from her throat, snickering at his childish antics.
“What is with you and all this kissing?” she tried to tease him, although she really wanted to kiss him again.
“Oh come on,” Bucky laughed, sounding not the slightest bit fooled by her complaint.  “You know you like it.”
“So what if I do?” Y/N said, defiantly closing her eyes again.  
Bucky scooted closer to her, pressing his body right up next to her side.  He nuzzled the area of her collar bone this time, his nose tracing along the dip in her throat to her cheek and giving it a featherlight kiss.  Y/N tried to keep her breathing calm, one of her hands grasping the blanket that was now barely covering her chest and the other fisting the pillow under her head.  
“So if you like it, why are you fighting it?” he whispered near her ear, making her shiver.
“Because I’m afraid,” Y/N whispered back, keeping her eyes shut tight.
Bucky recoiled at that word.  “Afraid?  Of me?” he sounded like she’d wounded him.
“No!” Y/N bolted up and out of the bed.  Bucky watched her with furrowed brows, sitting up quickly.  She paced along the foot of the bed.  “I’m afraid of me.”
“Okay?” Bucky tried to urge her on.
“I’m going to speak frankly because I don’t know what I’m feeling,” she prefaced her words as she glanced at him.  He nodded as he watched her.  “You’re very handsome.”
“Yes, we established that,” he smiled.
“Stop smiling like that!” Y/N huffed.
“Like what?” 
“Just shut up!”  Bucky clamped his lips together, trying not to laugh again at her.  “I saw you half naked.”  She kept pacing as she worked through the feelings that were holding tension in her body.  “You keep wanting to kiss me, and I like doing it.  I enjoy it.”  Bucky’s face was pure amusement as she swept her hands through her hair.  “And I’m feeling this weird, like a fluttering?  In my stomach, but not my stomach.”  Bucky’s eyes flashed with recognition as he looked away.  Y/N suddenly stopped in her tracks.  “Do you know what I’m feeling?”  Bucky nodded but didn’t look at her.  “Bucky, come on, I didn’t learn anything from my father.  My mother died when I was young.  I don’t know what’s going on.  Please tell me?” she pleaded with him, rounding to his side of the bed and sitting down in front of him.
Bucky gulped and cleared his throat before glancing up at her.  “It’s perfectly normal, Y/N.”
“Then why do you look embarrassed?” 
“Not embarrassed, just…I don’t know how to explain it without, uh, showing you?” Bucky said hesitantly.
“Okay, then show me,” Y/N said in a determined tone.
“Well, I don’t know if you’re ready for that.  You don’t seem to fully know what “marriage duties” are,” his eyes narrowed at her.
“I–” she paused, realizing she didn’t know.  She hung her head in her hands with a groan.  “God, I don’t know anything.”
“Y/N, it’s okay,” Bucky reached out and squeezed her knee.  “Nobody taught you.  I can teach you, I just don’t know how, exactly.”
“Can you…can you try?” Y/N asked.  “I’m going to have to learn it anyway.”
“True,” he agreed.  “Well, how about I just say it tonight, then show you some stuff later.  Does that sound okay?”
“Yes,” she agreed, getting herself comfortable as she listened to him carefully.
Bucky told her.  Everything.  He stuttered a lot and his cheeks were constantly pink as he blushed through the conversation, but he told her.  By the end of it Y/N’s eyes were comically wide and her mouth was slack as she stared at the bed spread.
“What the hell?” she whispered.  
Bucky laughed at her reaction.  “I know, it sounds ridiculous.  But it’s honestly quite nice when you’re doing it, and doing it right.”
“It feels good?” Y/N asked him, her eyes searching his face.
“Oh yes,” Bucky briefly closed his eyes and nodded.
“Huh,” Y/N said as she processed all the information.  “So what I’m feeling is some kind of reaction to wanting…that?  How would I know if I’ve never done it before?”
“It’s just nature, sweetheart,” Bucky shrugged.  “I don’t know how to explain it.”
“Will it go away?” she asked, suddenly looking scared.
“Yeah, eventually it’ll die down if you don’t do anything about it.  Though you might get frustrated,” Bucky said like it was the most normal thing in the world.  
“What do you mean, ‘do something about it’?” she asked.  Bucky stared at her for a moment, glancing down her body and back up again as he contemplated what to say or do about that question.
“I can show you that some other time,” he settled on that as an answer.
Y/N felt frustrated by that answer, her eyebrows furrowing again and her eyes suddenly feeling hot.  Don’t cry, she scolded herself internally.  But his reluctance in not fully telling her the truth or being willing to show her was making her feel small.  She nodded in defeat and stood from the bed, walking towards the door to leave the room.
“Wait, where are you going?” Bucky asked, getting up from the bed.
“I just need some air,” Y/N mumbled.  As she reached for the door Bucky came up behind her and held his hand against the door before she could try to open it.  His body was right behind hers, pushing her against the door.  Y/N could feel the heat radiating off of him as his hand slid from the door down to the door knob that her hand was gripping.  He pulled her hand off and then turned her around to face him.  His eyes were hooded as he looked at her, the blue almost encompassed by his pupils.  Y/N’s breathing was heavier as she looked up at him.  
“I can make it go away,” Bucky whispered lowly, his voice sounding huskier than normal.  “Do you trust me?”  Y/N nodded quickly, feeling like her knees were going to give out at any moment from his intense stare.  “I need to hear it, sweetheart.”
“Yes,” she whispered.
Bucky nodded, his eyes flicking from her eyes to her lips.  He slowly leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips.  Y/N leaned into it with him, moving her lips with his and winding her arms around his neck.  Bucky suddenly scooped her up, making both of her legs straddle his sides and moving back towards the bed.  Y/N let out a surprised sound as he lifted her then felt herself being laid against the blankets.  Bucky kept kissing her as he got settled between her legs, pushing her thighs apart then sliding a hand up to her core.  
He pulled away when he was close to it and looked down then back at her face.  “I’m going to take these off, okay?”  He gestured towards her underwear.  Y/N inhaled sharply but nodded.  Bucky carefully pulled off the fabric covering her and lifted the nightgown higher so he could see her.  He let out a shuddering breath when his eyes landed on her private area.  “Okay, I’m going to come down here,” he slid himself further down the bed and onto his stomach, his face coming dangerously close to her core.  “It’s probably going to feel strange at first, and if I do something you’re not liking or comfortable with, you just tap my head, okay?”
Y/N nodded again, her wide eyes watching him closely.  Bucky looked back down at her and dipped his head in between her legs.  His breath on her made her shiver, and then she felt his tongue lick at her slit.  Y/N gasped, her legs trembling at the feeling.  Bucky did it again but a little deeper.  He kept licking her like he was exploring her, his hands keeping her legs apart as they kneaded her thighs periodically.  He then used the tip of his tongue and flicked something that had her arching her back and letting out a moan.
“Oh god, what was that?” Y/N whispered, her hands fisting the blankets beneath her.
“Does it feel good?” Bucky groaned against her, kissing her thighs.  He broadened his tongue and licked a long line from near her butt up to that point again, the tip of his tongue flicking it at the last second.
“Yyyeesss,” Y/N groaned back at him.
Bucky hummed as he dove back into the area, the vibration making her mouth drop open wide.  He started to lick and suck at different parts of her like a starved man.  Y/N’s hips bucked involuntarily as he kept flicking that spot with his tongue, then he moved down a little bit to her opening.  He licked it and then she felt his finger start prodding around.
“Just relax, sweetheart,” he mumbled against her leg.  He went back up to the special spot again and lapped at it as his finger started to push into her.  She had been oozing some type of liquid as he sucked on her so his finger slid in pretty easily.  She breathed deeply as it filled her.
“Ooooohh,” she moaned.  She followed her body’s instincts as her hands reached towards her breasts, massaging them and then rubbing over her nipples lightly.
“That’s right, sweetheart,” Bucky watched her, his hips thrusting towards the bed.  “Just do whatever feels right.”
He then started to slip another finger into her entrance.  Y/N could feel something tightening inside of her as he thrust his fingers in and out while sucking and licking on that spot.
“Bucky…oh god, something’s happ–ah,” Y/N whimpered as the tightening and the fluttering intensified.
“Let it happen, Y/N,” he mumbled before continuing.
A few moments later and then the feeling made her feel like she was floating.  “Buck…I…AH!”  Y/N yelled as the feeling finally burst, sending her into a full body convulsion.  Her hands gripped at his hair as her thighs clamped against his head.  Her back arched and her head threw itself back into the bed.  Her vision went white for a second behind her tightly shut eyes.  She could vaguely hear Bucky moan loudly as he licked up a spurt of more of that liquid coming from her.  The euphoria washed over her in waves then started to recede, leaving her trembling as she relaxed.  Her hands and legs loosened around Bucky as she panted for breath.  
He languidly licked at her for another minute before looking up at her.  As she peered down at him with tired eyes she saw the lower half of his face covered in whatever liquid it was that came from her.  He wiped some of it away before lifting himself up and hovering over her again.  Bucky leaned down and kissed her, making her taste the liquid on his mouth.
“You taste amazing, sweetheart,” he whispered.  “How did that feel?”
“It…” Y/N didn’t know how to describe it.  Sensational?  Otherworldly?  “Euphoric,” she sighed, a content smile on her lips, her eyes roaming his face.  He smiled widely, wiping away the sheen of sweat near her hairline.  
“Good,” he said simply.  Y/N felt something hard against her core just then, looking down and noticing the straining of his underwear.  “Oh, don’t worry about me, sweetheart, I’ll be okay,” Bucky quickly reassured her.
“Are you sure?” she asked, feeling bad now that she knew what it was and how he was feeling.  “I could try–”
“No, no, tonight was for you,” Bucky shook his head, adjusting himself away so she wouldn’t feel him against her.  “Let’s get you cleaned up and get some sleep.”
Y/N let Bucky clean her and shimmy her underwear back on as she lay there.  All the strength in her body seemed depleted after what had just happened.  
As Bucky slid back into bed next to her and pulled her against him so her back was against his front, she yawned and sighed again.  “What was that feeling called again?”
“An orgasm,” Bucky yawned, nuzzling his face into her hair.
“...wanna do it again,” Y/N mumbled as she drifted off to sleep, Bucky’s chest rumbling as he laughed behind her.
**picture is from Pinterest, A.I. generated, so no known "artist" or "creator"**
@wintrsoldrluvr @vicmc624 @itvy5601 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73
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karenandhenwillson · 3 months
About Coming Out
I've seen some discussion about "how disrespectful and misogynistic it was of Buck to come out at his sister's wedding". And at first I laughed about that take, but after some consideration, I became pretty sad. Because I feel this is one of the most queerphobic takes I've seen in this whole fandom discourse taking place since May.
What does this take imply about being queer and coming out? It tells us that coming out is a big thing. Something that you need to do with great care and put a lot of attention to, that you need to expect everyone else to put a lot of attention to. But not because people might react poorly and it's a decision a queer person needs to make carefully for their own safety's sake (which is the very reality for most queer people in any given situation) and instead because everyone else has the right to make a big deal about it and demand to talk about it and fully concentrate on it no matter what else is going on.
Coming out should not be big thing. It should not even be necessary.
That it is necessary to tell people "hey, you know, I'm not straight" or "hey, you know, I'm not cis" or any other thing people assume about others is a problem of our society. We are living in a heteronormative world. People complain about children being exposed to queer themes, but at the same time the toddlers in the sandpit--one a boy the other a girl--getting along great for the afternoon they are playing together, are called boyfriend and girlfriend. And then they are teased about their "crushes" (at least as long as it's a crush of the oposite gender, of course. In any other case they just really close friends and isn't nice to see such close friendships?).
No one should assume about any real person they see on the street, or in class, or at work, or on the news, or on TV what or who they are. But in the end all of us, the queer community just as much as everyone else, assume about people they don't know that they are straight and cis. Or they assume just by their appearances that they are decidedly not straight or not cis. (I just recently saw a meme: A picture of Christina Aguilera on a stage, and a comment beneath about "the horrors of men dressing as women" or something along those lines. That’s sad for so many reasons, but I think it very much showed the mindset of many people about how their perception is more important than anything else.)
It shouldn't matter. But sadly, it does. We live in a society where I was nervous at 16 when I told my mom "I like girls more than boys at the moment" because I had a horrible crush on a girl in my class when she asked me about dating boys (to then be told by my mother that it was a phase and would go away eventually. I haven't told her yet that it wasn't a phase but that I do use another label now). We live in a society where I used a friend's struggle with her family concerning her girlfriend to very carefully see how my dad would react to me talking about this at 21 and then blurted out "I know how my friend feels because Mom was horrible when I told her I'm bi" (to then break down in tears when my dad just shrugged, said I hadn't told him anything new about myself or my mom and if my friend and her girlfriend needed any help).
I wish we lived in a world where sitting at a café with a relatively new friend and just mentioning "this woman I once dated" without it interrupting the conversation at all was normal. And where it is just as normal that this friend shared a little while later "that's why I mostly dated women before meeting my husband" again without it interrupting our conversation in any way. Our hug when we said goodbye might have been a little bit longer and a little bit tighter than is usual, but other than that it was not a big deal coming out to each other at all. I, for my part, didn't even think about it being a big thing because I feel comfortable and secure with this friend.
I wish we lived in a world where coming out wasn't even necessary.
I wish we lived in a world where others wouldn't make assumptions based on what others look like under their closes, or about who they love, or about who they find attractive, or about who they fuck. Where people wouldn't judge how people style themselves and how they look and what the scale might show about their weight. I wish we lived in a world where none of that mattered. I wish we lived in a world where a man showing up with a boyfriend or showing up single to any event would be as much talked about as a man showing up with a girlfriend: that there would be no talk about it at all.
We don't live in such a world. And when I look at people saying Buck was disrespectful and misogynistic (really, what??? Are people once more just throwing around random words to see which of them will stick?) by coming out at his sister's wedding, I know my nieces and nephews and probably even my grand-nieces and grand-nephews won't ever experience such a world. Because instead of working to normalize being queer, people are doing exactly the opposite. (And then of course the anti-queer laws we are seeing pop up again at the moment, but that's another topic.)
All that despite 9-1-1 showing us at least a glimpse of that world I wish we could live in.
We saw Buck struggle with some internalized homophobia, of course. Because I think that's exactly what his nervousness during the first date and his panic when Eddie showed up was about. We know that Buck isn't homophobic in the slightest. We have seen him interact with enough queer people in the course of the show to know that about him. But clearly, there was a tiny voice in his head--and I'd bet money it sounded very much like Margaret Buckley's voice--telling him it was shameful to date a man. He worked through it very quickly and I think that's a testament of how much he did work through the bullshit his parents planted in his head in therapy. And it might also be a sign of how much he really likes Tommy and wants to be with him that he managed to work through that hateful voice in his head in just a couple of days.
But then we also saw that coming out is very much not a big deal at all at the wedding. I fully believe Buck knew about the soot on his face (Come on guys, he's been a firefighter for over seven years. He worked in a forest fire at least once. Buck knows exactly how soot travels and how difficult it is to get rid of it again.) He chose to have the soot all over his face to show everyone how he had greeted Tommy. He dragged Tommy into the room holding his hand. He took that slight breath to prepare himself for any reaction and then beamed over his whole face. There was no spoken announcement, but it could still not have been louder. I'm sure, if everything had gone according to plan (and Tommy hadn't been stuck fighting a fire) there wouldn't have been any big announcement then either. They'd just have danced among all the other couples dancing at the wedding and let everyone else make their assumptions about it.
And everyone else just reacted like I wish it would always go: They smiled, happy to see Buck happy, and turned back to the main event. No one talked about Buck and Tommy. No one asked Buck and Tommy any questions. No one turned to Buck and said "But you've always liked women!" or asked "Were you hurt by a woman? Is that the reason you are turning to men now?" or accused "You should have told us an age ago! Why didn't you tell us? How dare you not to tell us!".
It was such a fucking beautiful coming-out scene. Because it was full of acceptance and support. And at the same time, it also showed that coming out really isn't a big thing. It showed to beautifully that it doesn't matter who he loves or who he dates.
Buck coming out to the rest of his friends and family was not noteworthy at all among all the events of that day. Because he's found great friends and a great family in LA and all that matters for them is that he is happy with the person he is dating.
So, I would like to ask those people who say that Buck should have gone around and come out to everyone before the wedding because doing it the way he did was stealing his sister's big day (and why only his sisters, anyway? Why not also Chimney's big day?) something: If Buck had brought a new girlfriend, should he have gone around to everyone to inform them about that first? Maddie knew about Tommy, I think Chimney might have known before getting sick. Aren't those the two important people on that day and the only ones who need to know, at least that he was bringing a date?
And also: Should have Hen and Karen gone around to all the guests who don't know them and come out to them? Which includes the Buckley parents. If Josh brought a date, should he have gone to everyone and inform them first about bringing a man as his date? Or to take his one ridiculous step further: Should have Athena and Bobby gone around to everyone who doesn't know them closely to tell them they are an interracial couple? (Because there are people who would still find that scandalous and could have made a scene! No matter that they are currently attending the wedding of another interracial couple.) Why have these couples the right to assume that no one will talk about their relationship when the focus should be on the bride and groom, but Buck and Tommy don't have that right? Just because it's new for Buck? Rally?
(And I'm aware that the people who I'm asking this question probably quit reading this text after the first 100 words or so. They probably didn't get 1.7k words into my essay to get to these questions. And that might just be another problem in this fandom discourse: Certain people are just not open to take the time and energy to openly and honestly deal with opinions that don't agree with their own opinion. Because that could mean having to change their own opinion, right?)
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doeeyeseddie · 6 months
pia!!! for the writing prompts: 22 cancelling their schedule just to spend time with them, if that sparks anything! <3
hi nina!!! it took a while but then it sparked something indeed, thanks for sending the prompt <3
hearts will hold
3.1k, [read on ao3]
“Hey,” Eddie says when Buck opens the door, casual, like Buck should’ve expected him. Which he did not. 
“Uh, h-hey,” he says. “Didn’t you say you had plans today?”
“Canceled them,” Eddie says easily, pushing past Buck into his loft. “I’d rather be here anyway.”
“Eddie, I–“ Buck closes the door and turns to watch Eddie rummage through his fridge, emerging with two bottles of beer. “What do you mean, you canceled them? Didn’t you have a date?”
Eddie shrugs, opening the balcony door one handed while holding the beers in the other. Buck has no choice but to follow him out there, still confused. 
This morning after work, he asked Eddie if he was busy this afternoon, and Eddie said he was gonna see Marisol. It’s not unusual lately, that Eddie can’t hang out with Buck because he’s got plans with his girlfriend. Which is normal and to be expected, but also fucking sucks because, well – Buck has horrible timing and realized some things too late.
“You can’t cancel on your girlfriend for me,” he says guiltily, but takes the beer Eddie offers him anyway.
“Of course I can, you’re my best friend. It just felt like I’d brushed you off too many times lately, and I don’t wanna do that.”
“It’s fine,” Buck says, but he’s not sure how convincing he sounds. 
“I don’t want you to feel like you’re not a priority,” Eddie continues like Buck didn’t say anything, and Buck has to close his eyes briefly. Being bulldozed by Eddie’s love and care has gotten so much harder since he’s had his realization. “Because you are. So shut up and let me hang out with you, okay?”
Buck laughs a little. “Okay, okay. I’m glad you’re here.”
“So I didn’t interrupt any plans?”
“Nah,” Buck shrugs. “Was gonna go for a run or something later, but that’s it.”
He swallows down the self-deprecating “Don’t have anyone to make plans with,” before he can say it (he knows it’s not entirely true, but Maddie is so preoccupied with her own family, and everyone else has their own thing going on too, he doesn’t want to bother them), but Eddie hears it anyway, of course.
“I’m surprised you’re not at Bobby and Athena’s right now, making sure they’re recuperating.”
“I’m going there tomorrow,” Buck admits sheepishly, but Eddie looks more pleased than anything else.
“Good,” he says. “And you should come over for dinner this week, you know Christopher can’t go a week without seeing you.”
“You don’t have to make sure I’m…entertained, or whatever,” Buck mutters. “I can take care of myself.”
“I know you can,” Eddie says. “It’s just– you seem a little off, lately. Since the cruise thing, or maybe the breakup. I don’t know, but I worry about you.”
“I’m fine,” Buck says again. “You don’t have to cancel on your girlfriend to check on me.”
“That’s not– Buck, I want to hang out with you. I’d like it if you talked to me about what’s going on with you, but I want to spend time with you regardless of that. I didn’t come over here to check on you, or to interrogate you.”
“Okay,” Buck says quietly. “Okay. Sorry, I don’t know why I’m so touchy today.”
But he does know – he’s tired and grouchy and a little bit heartbroken, and it apparently makes him snippy.
“It’s okay,” Eddie says. “Do you wanna talk about the breakup?”
“Not really.” Buck takes a sip of his beer. “There’s not that much to say anyway. It just became obvious eventually that we didn’t have much in common. Besides the death thing, I guess.”
They’re back in comfortable territory after that, talking the same way they always do, and Buck finally relaxes. He worries about seeming anything less than normal lately, scared to be caught out, unsure about what is his normal around Eddie. Looking back, it seems to him like he’s never been really normal about him at all, but it’s different when he knows.
He’s clearly not doing the best job, because Eddie noticed that he’s been acting strange, but not the worst either, because at least he can’t tell why. And Eddie’s acting the same, so everything is fine.
The next time Buck asks Eddie to hang out, he suggests taking Christopher to California Science Center together that weekend, and Eddie says yes after only a second of hesitation.
“They’ve got a special exhibit on Da Vinci right now,” he says. “It’s supposed to be really cool.”
“You had me at ‘California Science Center’,” Eddie says with a smile, and Buck grins back, already excited to tell Christopher.
“This is so much better than going shopping,” Christopher breathes a few days later, staring up at a model of da Vinci’s Flying Bicycle.
“What do you mean?” Buck asks. “Were you supposed to go shopping today?”
“Yeah, Dad said we need to get me new jeans and shoes,” Chris says distractedly. “And I think Marisol was supposed to come for dinner. But we can do that another time, I like you better anyway.”
Buck doesn’t say anything, because he doesn’t know what to say, to any of the things Chris has just told him. Should he encourage him to make more of an effort with his dad’s girlfriend? But Eddie has never mentioned Chris being anything but nice to her, so it sounds like things are fine – and Buck can’t make him like her more than he does.
And– Eddie canceled his plans for him again? It makes warmth spread in his chest, a pleased little creature stretching in there. As a best friend, he should probably tell Eddie to prioritize his girlfriend, but he already knows he won’t do that. Maybe that makes him a terrible person, but it’s not like he’s telling Eddie to pick him over her. Eddie’s doing that all by himself, and Buck is selfish enough to let him.
A week later, Buck wakes up in the bunkroom with a sore throat and a headache at the tail end of their shift.
When he stumbles up to the loft, Hen only gives him one glance before coming over to worriedly press the back of her hand to his forehead.
“Yeah, you’re definitely coming down with something,” she announces, and Bobby steps around the kitchen counter, a frown on his face.
“Don’t worry about finishing up the shift, Buck,” he says. “Should I get someone to drive you home?”
“I’m okay,” Buck mutters. “Well, n-not okay, but– I can drive myself home.”
“What’s going on?” Eddie asks, coming up the stairs. He pauses at the top, taking in the scene, then rushes to Buck’s side. “Buck? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Buck says, but his voice sounds a bit croaky. “Just think I’m getting sick.”
Eddie presses his hand to his forehead too, then nods grimly. “I’ll drive you home.”
“No, seriously, I’m okay to drive,” Buck says. “I promise. I’ll drive carefully and text you when I’ve made it home and everything.”
Chimney appears in the loft next and they do the whole spiel again, until finally, the others agree to let him drive home by himself. Buck would never go so far as to endanger anyone else, even to avoid bothering his friends, and they all know it.
“Tell us if you need anything,” Hen says. “Anything at all.”
“Food, entertainment, meds, we’ll bring you anything,” Chimney adds. “And text your sister, she’ll want to know.”
“I’ll take you off the next shift, too,” Bobby says, gently steering him towards the stairs with a hand on his shoulder. “Rest, okay? We don’t want you to overexert yourself. And get well soon.”
Eddie accompanies him all the way to his jeep, his arm steady and warm whenever it brushes against Buck’s, and leans against the car while Buck climbs in.
“I’ll drop by later with some stuff,” he says. It’s not a question, but Buck tries anyway.
“You don’t have to,” he says. “I have food at home, I’ll probably just lay in bed and sleep or watch TV until I feel better. I don’t want you to catch anything.”
Eddie gives him a look. “I’ll see you later, Buck,” he says, and pointedly closes the car door.
Buck grins, helpless against it, and starts the jeep.
At home, he texts the group chat that he made it, Maddie that he’s a little under the weather but that she shouldn’t worry and that he has everything he needs, then changes into sweats and a hoodie and collapses into bed.
When he wakes up, it’s to the smell of food and soft clattering sounds from the kitchen. The red numbers on his alarm clock tell him it’s afternoon already, so he slept a good few hours despite the sleep he already got on shift. He sits up, sneezes three times in a row, and by the time he’s blinked away the sleep, Eddie is standing at the top of the stairs, holding a mug.
“Drink this,” he says, handing Buck the mug. “How’re you feeling?”
Buck makes a noncommittal sound and takes a sip of the tea. The truth is that he’s really feeling sick now, stuffy nose, full body shivers, and still that annoying headache.
“Hm,” Eddie makes, touching Buck’s forehead again. “Sorry, bud, I know this sucks.”
Buck closes his eyes. “Kinda, yeah.”
“Well, if you’re feeling up to it, I’ve got some chicken soup on the stove that should be ready soon. You can eat some of it and rest on the couch?”
“I’ll come downstairs in a bit,” Buck says, breathing in the steam rising up from the mug. “Need to wake up a little.”
“Sure,” Eddie says, his hand twitching towards Buck but falling back to his side before it makes contact. “Take your time.”
Buck drinks the tea in bed, then goes to the bathroom before he slowly heads downstairs. His head is pounding now, and sudden moves make it worse.
Eddie meets him at the foot of the stairs, brow creased.
“Come on, sit down,” he says gently, ushering Buck over to the couch and spreading his fuzzy blanket over his legs once he’s sitting. “Are you warm enough?”
Buck smiles a little. “Yeah, stop fussing. You’re such a dad.”
Eddie shrugs, but he’s smiling too. “Can’t help it.”
He gets Buck a bowl of steaming chicken soup and then sits down next to him with a paper bag full of meds.
Buck gives him a bemused look. “Did you do anything today that wasn’t for me?”
“I had the time,” Eddie shrugs. “Christopher had plans for after school anyway, he’s not gonna be home until after dinner.”
“And you didn’t want to use the time to make plans with Marisol?” Buck asks, focusing on his soup instead of on Eddie. He doesn’t want to keep bringing her up, but he feels like one of them has to, or he’s gonna go crazy.
“She gets it,” Eddie says nonchalantly, like he’s not implying that he canceled on her again.
“But…,” Buck forces himself to keep going, “are things still going well with her?”
“There’s nothing wrong,” Eddie says, a little hesitant now. “I’m just also not sure it’s right? She’s nice, and fun, and I like hanging out with her, but…I guess I just– she’s kind of further down on my list than a girlfriend should be.” He shakes his head, then shakes the paper bag in his hand. “Anyway, time to take these.”
So Buck focuses on taking his meds and finishing the soup, rather than the fact that his heart is beating a staccato rhythm against his sternum.  It probably doesn’t mean anything. Even if Marisol isn’t the one for Eddie, doesn’t mean he’d consider Buck instead.
And he loves being Eddie’s best friend. He’s so fucking lucky that Eddie picked him to be such a big part of his life. If that’s all it’s ever gonna be, Buck’s gonna find a way to live with it.
It’s just also gonna be hard as fuck, because Eddie is the kind of friend who, when Buck gets sleepy, maneuvers him down onto the couch but doesn’t get up to make room, and instead lets Buck rest his head on his lap.
He runs a gentle hand through Buck’s hair, massaging his throbbing head carefully, and Buck feels his eyes sting.
“Thank you,” he whispers, “for being here.”
Eddie smiles down at him, eyes warm. “Anytime.”
Buck holds his gaze for a few long seconds, watching as Eddie’s smile slips a little and he blinks rapidly a few times before he catches himself again.
“You okay?” he asks. “If you have to go–”
“No,” Eddie says, clearing his throat. His fingers resume their movement against Buck’s scalp. “No, I’m good. Right where I’m supposed to be.”
When Buck wrestles his tired eyes back open a few minutes later, Eddie’s not looking at him anymore. He’s staring off into the middle distance, deep in thought.
Eddie is at Buck’s loft every day for the three days he wrestles his stupid cold. It’s usually just an hour or two, but it makes the entire ordeal much less terrible. After that, Buck returns to work and his regular daily life, spending at least two nights a week at the Diaz house, meeting Maddie for lunch or coffee and helping her and Chim with wedding planning wherever he can.
Everything is completely normal, until it’s not.
On a completely normal Wednesday, on the way back to the station after a completely normal call, Hen turns to Eddie with sparkling eyes and asks, “So how are things with Marisol? You haven’t mentioned her in a while.”
“Um,” Eddie says, looking caught out. He picks at some invisible lint on his pants and says, so quiet they can barely hear it through the headset, “We actually broke up a while back.”
“What?” Hen, Chimney and Bobby ask at the time, covering the fact that Buck can’t say anything at all.
“What happened?” Hen asks.
“I just realized it wasn’t gonna work,” Eddie shrugs. He’s still looking at his knees, alternating with Buck’s like they always do when they’re crammed into the engine, rather than any of them, and his face is getting more and more flushed. “That…I wanted something different.”
He lifts his head just enough to sneak a glance at Buck, who only notices because he’s still staring so intently. Their eyes meet and Buck feels frozen in the moment, caught in his hope and the paralyzing fear that he’s wrong and would ruin everything if he were to ask Eddie.
Then Eddie jerks his head away and Buck sucks in a breath like he’s been suffocating.
“Well, good on you for realizing,” Chimney says, and Eddie looks up to shoot him a crooked grin. His face is still pink.
“I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for eventually,” Bobby adds, and Eddie looks down again, but not fast enough that Buck can’t see the little smile that’s on his face now.
“Yeah,” Eddie says. “I think so too.”
His knee presses against Buck’s a little harder, and stays there.
For the rest of the shift, Buck feels jittery and nervous. Eddie doesn’t approach him so he doesn’t either, but he can’t stop staring at him.
Eddie seems pretty normal, just doing his job and shooting the shit with Hen and Chimney like always, but every time he catches Buck staring, he gives him this small smile that’s just different enough from his normal smiles that Buck’s heart keeps skipping beats. This really can’t be healthy.
After the end of their shift, while Buck’s fighting to button his shirt up with shaky fingers, Eddie steps close to him and says, “Come home with me.”
Buck shivers, goosebumps erupting all over his skin, and misses his buttonhole again when he nods jerkily. “Yeah, sure, of course.”
Eddie’s definitely smirking now but his ears and cheeks are pink again, so at least Buck isn’t alone with his flaming face.
They take separate cars so Eddie makes it before Buck, and when Buck finally unlocks the front door, Eddie is nervously pacing the length of his living room.
He spins around to face Buck with slightly wild eyes, then crosses the room in three big strides, coming to a stop right in front of him.
“Tell me if I’m reading this wrong,” he says, and then his hands are on Buck’s face, warm and gentle and safe.
Buck catches on a second before their lips meet, his own hands latching onto the back of Eddie’s shirt. It makes Eddie smile, and that makes their first kiss a slightly off-center, dry press of lips.
But then Buck spreads his hands out on Eddie’s back, pulling him closer, and Eddie uses his hold on his face to tilt his head just so, and suddenly it’s perfect.
“Not reading it wrong,” Buck breathes against Eddie’s lips what could be hours or minutes later, and Eddie laughs a little, tucking his face into Buck’s neck.
“I was really scared,” he admits, and Buck squeezes him, presses a kiss to the shell of his ear and the side of his head.
“Me too, I was so scared I got it wrong. That my hope was, like, making things seem a certain way–”
Eddie runs a hand through his hair, looking up so he can meet Buck’s eye.
“I didn’t even get it,” he says, disbelief coloring his words. “I was already so deep– When you were sick, I told you I was right where I wanted to be. And that was true in a way I didn’t even– I wasn’t aware of just how much I literally always want to be where you are. And then that made me realize some other things, and put them into perspective, so I talked to Marisol–”
“You can tell me about her later,” Buck interrupts, and Eddie laughs.
“Okay. Let me just– I love you. That’s what I realized. I’m in love with you, and have been for god knows how long.”
Buck kisses him, slow and mostly chaste, but he’s still breathless when he pulls back again.
“I love you, too,” he says, touching Eddie’s warm cheek with gentle fingers and watching the way his eyelashes flutter. “I’ll tell you the rest of it later, too. For now, can we just – do this?”
Eddie grins, then tilts his head to press a kiss to Buck’s palm. “Let’s move to the couch first, but then – yeah, we definitely can.”
Buck would follow Eddie anywhere, so the couch is honestly his easiest exercise. And with the prospect of kissing the love of his life on it? He can’t get there fast enough.
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myimaginarywonderland · 5 months
I truly think some of you don't understand relationships.
In the first stage of getting to know each other there will be awkwardness. There will be instances where you aren't maybe sure how comfortable you are with certain things, where you will be hesitating on how to act around friends especially if you are in the same friend group because you don't want someone to feel bad.
There will be times where you can't fully meet each others expectations because you maybe have issues with somethings that you haven't talked about you or are not quiet comfortable with something your partner wants but don't want to overstep.
There will be times where you rush things because someone makes you feel so good that you forget that you wanted to take things slow. There will be times when you can't be there for each other because you have a life outside of the relationship and need to fit said relationship into your life, make place for it.
There will be times when people might tease your relationship especially if it's friends of your partner that maybe aren't things you expect because you don't quiet know each others friends or how to interact with them.
The beginning of a relationship is all about figuring out how and where you fit in each other lives. What is okay and what isn't.
It will never fully be 100% smooth because that is just not real life.
But so far we have already seen Buck coming out, going out of his way to meet Tommy, reaching out himself after their failed first date and inviting Tommy into his life. We have seen Buck being comfortable with him in his space, we have seen Buck wanting to spend as much time as possible with Tommy.
And we have seen Tommy reassuring Buck, giving Buck the space to figure himself out, waiting for Buck to reach out because he knows it's Buck's step to take. We have seen Tommy show up for Buck, we have seen Tommy be there even when it conflicted with other things in his life because Tommy really likes Buck. And Buck really likes Tommy.
And that's what a good relationship is about. It's two people meeting each other, clicking and deciding to give it a chance. It's two people putting in the effort to be there, to fit into each others life while trying to understand, to get to know one another.
And if you can not see the beauty of a relationship like this progressing I am truly sorry that you are missing out on such a beautiful storyline that is clearly done with the outmost care of everyone involved because for once a showrunner just wants us to have a normal middle aged gay couple that is having the normal trouble of a relationship.
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tenisperfection · 12 days
This is likely controversial but said without malice or an intention to start discourse, but I don't think Gerrard butting up against Buck this season or Buck being the one who's most affected necessarily means that they are trying to "white savior" the story line. Hen and Chim have dealt with Gerrard before and yes, it's going to hit them pretty hard that he's back in the place of Bobby, who's family. But them knowing how fucked up and rotten this man is means something.
I'm a queer woc and I can't tell you the number of times I've run into authority figures like Gerrard and how I know what to expect from men like him. It sucks, and the fact that I am used to it does not make it okay, of course it doesn't. In the context of 911, it does not mean the show should normalize the experiences of Hen and Chim just because they've faced him before. But the story line here, at least what we know of it now, does not seem to be "Buck is the only one who is affected by Gerrard and everyone else is unfazed". We already know from Aisha's interview that Hen is wary of his return and will lay low until she can address this. We've seen a bit of Chim's reaction to facing Gerrard again, which could point to how his demeanor around Gerrard this season would be. I don't know what Eddie would do here but Ryan at least seems to think that Gerrard should fuck around with Eddie and find out.
But this is new for Buck, who is just recently out as a bisexual man, and who has never had homophobia directed against him. He's also worked primarily under a man who is his father figure for a lot of his adult life, so of course he's going to be pretty affected. Yes, he is a white man and has had and will have privileges that Hen and Chim and Eddie would never do. But I feel like some reactions to the previews of this story line have conveniently brushed past Buck's bisexuality and how him going up against a bigoted authority figure for the first time in his life could also mean that this is a story of a straight white man discriminating against someone from a marginalized group. Intersectionality colors all of this but this is a show that in its eighth season is looking to re-introduce conflict through a familiar figure but told in a different context. I'd be pissed if they completely sideline the characters of color here in favor of Buck, but him being the most affected here is not automatically a red flag for me.
I'm not defending Tim here, who I wouldn't trust as far as I can throw him especially in how he treats his characters of color, and I'm not saying that Hen, a black lesbian who has faced bigotry all her life from men like Gerrard is somehow less worthy of being the hero of this arc and wherever they're going with it. But Buck facing up against Gerrard cannot just be reduced to the white savior trope when y'all know that there's additional context behind it. Also, maybe we should hold our horses till we see the entire story before we start throwing up arms about it, yeah?
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testingthewatersss · 9 months
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Spy General Wintersolider context warnings, nothing too extreme. Bucky Barnes x F Reader Chapter 1 3765 words Fluff, barely angst. 18+ MDNI  Steve hadn't meant to spy on you and Barnes. Not exactly, anyway.
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“So are you going to do anything?”
Steve chews his lower lip, eyes flicking between the view of the room, and Natasha, who is clearly waiting for his response.
He paws at his jaw when she sighs, nodding towards the scene they’ve both been watching for a good ten minutes.
Bucky is perched on the edge of the couch, anxiously wringing his flesh hand in his metal one, gaze focused intently on the floor.
“Like what?” he asks at last, “He-”
“You’re his friend” she replies, “He’s clearly not doin’ well-”
“so how do I help him, Nat? I’m open to suggestions here”
There’s a strained desperation in his tone. It pairs well with the helpless look on his face.
The woman decides to pity him with a smile before she shrugs.
“I don’t know” she says honestly, “I don’t really know him- but, I can tell you a bit about normal behaviour, Cap’ and that—“
She nods over to where the man remains unnervingly still in the adjacent room,
“-That, isn’t it.”
Steve knows that, so he nods, gritting his teeth as he tries to decide what, if any, action to take.
Barnes struggling is something that everyone has expected. It’s been less than two months since they’d gotten him away from HYDRA, and he’d been there for the better part of a century, so really, him having problems adjusting to a life where he’s not being tortured 24/7 is more than understandable.
That doesn’t make witnessing with it any easier, though.
The former soldier has kept to himself, for the most part. He’s still a fraction too close to being a cornered stray for majority of the towers inhabitants to risk interacting with him too heavily, and with how strained things still are with Tony, even Steve has been staying away from him.
Although, saying that, it had been Tony who had quietly taken Steve aside at lunch, to tell him about the way that his oldest friend was acting strangely in the common room.
“I’m goin’ out for the night anyway” he’d said, disinterested, “but you might want to check in on the kid. He doesn’t look right.”
A quick “Thanks, Tony” had been all he’d offered in response.
“Maybe we should just give him some space” Natasha suggests, “He’s not actually doin’ anything-”
“Exactly, Nat” Steve says, “I don’t think he’s even blinked in the past five minutes.”
She turns back to the small, remotely activated two way mirror they’ve been watching through, leaving the man by her side to stew in his concern.
“Hey, Buck!” a cheery voice says suddenly, making both the viewers heads snap up, “You doin’ alright?”
“Is that Y/N?” Steve asks urgently, as the side door to the room swings shut.“Jesus christ-”
Natasha hushes him, watching the interaction curiously;
“Nat-“ he insists, “She’s great, y’know I think she’s great, but she’s— she’s a little, lively— she’s Tony’s sister, and we both know tact ain’t a Stark trait—“
“Shut up” she hisses, nodding back towards where the young brunette is now pacing round to where Barnes is still staring straight a head, “I’m tryin’ to listen”
He exhales, frustrated, but then, just before he can start talking again, Y/N does something that silences him instantly.
She crouches, a few feet away from Bucky’s legs, and reaches out, placing a tentative hand over both of his.
To Steve’s enormous surprise, all the man does in response, is blink at her.
“Hey” Y/N soothes, tone much softer than it had been before, “You feelin’ okay?”
There’s a beat of silence, where the former solider seems to register her presence for the first time.
He tilts his head, eyes staying trained on her face now, as his vibranium fingers curl into a fist, and his flesh ones, turn over, to hold onto the hand she’s offered him;
“My…my head hurts..” he admits, so quietly that Steve and Natasha both have to strain themselves to hear it, “I was lookin’ for you, I— I didn’t know where you’d be”
Steve’s jaw goes slack as Y/N brings her free palm up, to press it against the other mans brow.
“I was in the labs, sweetheart” she replies, “FRIDAY could’ve told ya’ that, if you’d have asked.”
She brings his knuckles up, pecking a kiss against the skin as she lowers her other hand from his head, to his lap.
“‘m sorry” he replies, “I-I didn’t- I… I guess I forgot..”
The nervous waiver in his tone is enough to make Steve swell protectively. He hasn’t seen the man this vulnerable since they were children, and he doesn’t know enough about Y/N to trust her intentions—
“It’s alright” she soothes, smiling, “just, try and remember next time, okay? if you want to find anybody, you can just ask, she’s real good at that”
He nods in response, although it looks like the action pains him.
Y/N notices that, too. She lowers their tangled fingers back to his legs, releasing him, before reaching up to stroke her thumb across his temple.
The action is so gentle, that Steve feels his eyes flicking over to Natasha, he’s only half surprised to see her still watching, totally unfazed by the affectionate display.
“Is it just your head botherin’ you?”
Bucky looks at her for a moment, before dropping his gaze.
“No” he tells her quietly, “I…I feel like shit, doll.”
She laughs at that, leaning forward to press a chaste kiss against the corner of his lips.
“Why don’t you get settled on there?” she suggests, standing, “I’ll make us some drinks, grab a blanket, you look like you could do with a few hours sleep”
Steve notes how Bucky is moving for the first time since he’s been watching. He’s tilting his head up, clearly tracking the way Y/N is moving, pacing around the furniture, towards the small kitchenette that’s nestled in the corner of the suite.
“D-don’t you have to meet your brother, or-”
“Tony’s got a date with some shareholders tonight” she replies, flicking on a machine that starts to fill the two waiting mugs with steaming liquid, “I was supposed to go, too- but he offered to take one for the team, as long as I promised to use my night off wisely.”
She’s ducked out of view, now. And Steve is blinking wildly, pulse racing as he tries to make sense of everything he’s watching unfold.
“I think curlin’ up with a handsome super-soldier definitely counts as wise.”
Bucky even manages a scoff at that. He tries to smile, too, as she reappears in front of him, holding a thick blanket she’s grabbed from a chest that’s disguised as a bench beneath the bay window.
“You don’t look very comfortable” she notes, passing him the cover, “Lie down, sweetheart”
He flushes scarlet, before reaching out for her hand, again.
The action is so hopeful, so innocent and gentle that she can’t help but sigh, ignoring the waiting drinks to refocus all of her attention on the man now clutching her fingers.
“I’ll be right back” she promises, “How longs it been since you’ve gotten any rest, huh?”
When Bucky looks back up, eyes wide behind his hair, Steve thinks he’s looks an awful lot like he did as a child, when they’d both gotten caught doing something wrong and he’d known that he was about to be scolded. It hurts his heart, especially when he thinks about how much time has past between then and now, and how much more scared he looks now, even though he’s a fully grown man.
“I’m not sure” he confesses, “I— I try, doll I- I swear-”
She nods, cutting him off.
“Have you eaten anythin’ today?” she asks next, voice soft and non-judgemental.
He shakes his head a fraction, not bothering to explain his lack of appetite. He knows she already knows.
“That’ll be why you feel so awful” she says, “You’re human, serum or not, you can’t just run off adrenaline indefinitely.”
He doesn’t argue. He stays quiet as she kisses his hand, again, before nodding towards the couch he’s sitting on.
“Lie down, sweetheart” she repeats, “I’ll get the drinks, and then I’ll be right back. I promise.”
It takes him a second, but eventually, he does what she’s asked him to.
As she lets his hand go, Steve finds himself squinting in disbelief.
Natasha looks intrigued, more than anything else, he thinks that’s fair, since spying on people is something he’s sure she’s had more practice at than him.
“Here” they hear Y/N say, “It’s hot, Buck— be careful.”
“It’s good” the other man counters, budging up so that she can slip in against his flank, “Thank you, doll— for- for all this, I— I don’t know what I’d do without ya”
“You don’t have to worry ‘bout that” she replies calmly, “I’m not goin’ anywhere”
There’s a strange weight in her words that takes both Natasha and Steve by surprise. For the first time since Y/N’s arrival in the room, the red-heads expression has shifted from interested to genuinely shocked.
Bucky, on the other hand, doesn’t seem taken aback by the love behind her tone, infact, all they see him do, is snuggle closer into her side, and then, press a kiss against her brow.
Y/N laughs at that, before reaching up with the hand not holding her mug, to guide his face down, so that she can press their lips together.
Steve is blushing then. It strikes him instantly how wrong it is to be watching the pair this way, when they clearly think they’re being given the luxury of privacy.
It feels horrible. Guilt is well and truly settled in his core, he nudges Natasha and mouths out ‘let’s go” so obviously that she roles her eyes at him.
She doesn’t fight though. With one last glance at where the couple are now cuddled up on the couch, between a thick blanket, kissing and laughing like teenagers, she follows him out into the hallway.
“Jesus christ” Steve says, the second they stop, “what was that?”
“I think” The woman chuckles, “That’s proof that even after being brainwashed for the last hundred years, your old pal, still has more game than you-”
“Very funny, Nat” Steve mutters, “I’m being serious-”
“-So am I-” she counters, “-I think it’s pretty obvious what that was”
“But they-”
“-are both consenting adults, Steve” she says, “and since Y/N will probably try and kill us if she finds out we’ve spent the past 10 minutes watching her through this mirror, I’d say we forget all about what we saw”
He gawks at her for a minute, before realising that she’s right. Y/N has a temper to rival her brothers, and, despite the fact that their intentions had been pure, the invasion of privacy isn’t something he’s likely be able to talk his way out of.
Eventually, he nods.
“Yeah…” he agrees, “Yeah, you’re right, Nat but.. this, this is Bucky, I mean- he, he nearly put himself through a wall when I pat him on the back the other day, and now he’s-”
“Curling up with Tony’s little sister like a lap dog” she says bluntly.
That sounds so ridiculous that Steve finds himself sighing. It only takes him half a heart-beat for Tony to enter his mind.
Suddenly, he’s panicked.
“Oh, oh god, Tony”
Natasha rolls her eyes.
“He tried to kill him— He’s still-”
“-in his defence, Barnes did assassinate his pare-”
“Nat” Steve bursts, not caring for the humour in her tone, “if he finds out-”
“Y/N will deal with it” the red head says calmly, “I for one, am not going to get in-between any family drama those two could cook up”
That sounds fair, it’s not settling his nerves, though.
Eventually the woman takes pity on him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder
“Look” she exhales, “I’ve known Y/N a long time, she’s good, she’s really, good— okay? and from what you say, Barnes is a pretty okay guy, too?”
He nods, barely looking at her.
“So” she says, “I say, we leave them alone. If this becomes anythin’ that Tony finds out about, then we’ll deal with it, but until that happens, there’s no sense in interfering, not when they’re clearly trying to keep things quiet.”
She meets his eyes until he folds, gulping and nodding again.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re right.”
With another brief exchange, they part ways. Both agreeing to meet up later that night to go through some paper work for a job they’d be working on that weekend.
It’s dark when they both perch themselves at a desk in one of the studies, and it’s even darker when they sign the final document, having gone through every sentence, making sure it lines up with the tactical plans they’d drawn up that morning.
They’re about to split, and turn in for the night, when they hear a door opening down the hall.
Their eyes meet, and Steve knows she’s come to the same, split second conclusion as he has.
“Tony’s back” he says, hoping, praying, that he’s wrong about where the sound has come from.
Instead of a verbal reply, Natasha walks quickly in the direction of the mirror they’d been spying through earlier.
“Maybe they’ve moved?” he says following her, “or maybe that’s not-”
“Shit” she hisses, nodding to where the couple are still curled up together across the couch, “He’s-“
Steve’s about to cut her off in a panic, when they see the billionaire enter the room through the same door that Y/N had used the last time they were watching.
There’s a horrible silence as both of them survey the scene, weighing up what they should do.
It feels awfully like they’re about to see something terrible unfold. Steve is about to launch himself through the hidden entrance, when Tony does something that makes him have to hold onto the wall for support.
The man looks at where his sister, and Barnes are sleeping, before reaching down, to grab the blanket that has slipped to around their waists, and then, he pulls it up, silently tucking it in around both of their bodies.
Natasha is slack-jawed as they watch him leave, without as much as a word to anybody.
Minutes pass, and Steve is still just blinking dumbly.
“Well shit” Nat says, almost laughing, “Guess we don’t have to worry ‘bout Tony.”
The next day, Steve is partially convinced that everything he’d witnessed had been some kind of strange dream.
Infact, if it hadn’t been for Natasha sniggering at his vacant expression from behind her coffee, he’d have sworn it had been a delusion.
They’re both sat at the kitchen bar when Y/N comes in, wearing clean work-out clothes, hair tied back into a pony tail.
She beams at Nat, and then at Steve before making a bee-line for the espresso machine behind them.
“Mornin’ ” Romanoff greets, “Sleep well?”
Steve widens his eyes, as the younger woman nods, making a quiet noise in the base of her throat.
“Well enough” she replies, flicking some switches and arranging her mug, “You?”
Natasha nods pleasantly as Bucky wonders into the room.
He looks good, Steve notes. He looks much better than he has for the rest of the week.
“Coffee, Buck?” Y/N asks, already turning away from him, to grab an extra cup.
“Please, darlin’…” he says, coming to a slow stop by Steve’s side, “..Black -“
“-two sugars” she finishes with a scoff, “It’s the same every day, I think I’ve got it memorised.”
He doesn’t reply, but Steve tilts his head as he catches him grinning at the counter.
“Thank you” he mumbles, as she passes him his mug, before turning to finish making her own.
“You’re quiet today, Cap?” she notes, when she’s done, “you feelin’ alright?”
Steve feels his cheeks burning red as all eyes land on him.
Even Bucky is watching him curiously.
“Fine” he says, aiming for calm, “Just, thinkin’-”
“Don’t do that” Y/N mock scolds, “you might hurt yourself.”
The laughter he hears at his side makes his jaw drop open.
Bucky’s genuine chuckling is something that is so familiar that it takes him a minute to remember why it’s surprising to him at all.
Y/N just smiles, turning away again as Tony walks in.
He’s apparently ignorant to the way the atmosphere changes when he appears, he paws at his goatie before pressing a kiss against his sister’s head, and nudging her out of the way of the coffee.
“How was dinner?” she asks absentmindedly, “Get the answer you wanted?”
“The answer we wanted”
“The answer we wanted” she agrees.
“Sure I did” Tony chirps, merrily adding milk to his coffee, “What about you, did you have a successful night in?”
Steve feels his breath catching in his throat in the beat it takes Y/N to answer.
“Sure I did” she says, rummaging around by the stove.
“Did you get up to much?” Natasha asks, tone almost smug.
Steve thinks about kicking her under the bar, but he decides that’s probably more noticeable than the line of questioning she’s pursuing.
Plus, she’d definitely break his nose.
“No” Y/N admits, cracking eggs into a bowl, “I said it was successful, not productive.”
Bucky chuckles at that, though the sound is significantly more tempered than it had been before Tony’s entrance.
Natasha turns to stare at him for a moment, and Steve can’t help but clear his throat.
“To be honest” The younger Stark sighs, whisking her mix now, “I turned in pretty early, but I guess I was tireder than I’d thought”
“You’ve been burnin’ yourself out in the labs” Tony agrees, tone softer than before, “I keep tellin’ ya-”
“You can’t say shit about spendin’ too much time in the labs” she cuts in, “Do ya’ll want blueberries in these?”
Steve blinks confused as she gestures to the food she’s preparing.
“Pancakes?” Natasha asks, “Or muffins?”
“ Pancakes, Nat- it’s nine thirty in the morning.”
“Like that matters” Tony mutters dryly, before ducking away from the wooden spoon she goes to swat him with, “Okay-O- Okay!”
“Okay, what?” she laughs, easing up “am I adding the berries or not?”
“Yeah” Nat answers before Tony opens his mouth, “Blueberry sounds good”
Satisfied, Y/N turns her back on the others, and sets about preparing the food.
“You don’t have to do that, y’know” Steve says, “Cook for us, I mean”
“I know” she chirps pleasantly, still not facing him.
“She’s practicing her house wife skills, aren’t ya’, Stark?” Natasha teases, flicking him a glance that he takes to mean she knows exactly what she’s doing.
“I think that’d be called ‘home making’” Y/N replies, cool as ever, arranging a pan, “and, what, would make ya’ think I need practice?”
Her gaze is almost smug as she turns it onto the redhead. Who suddenly looks as though she’s been caught.
“You’re going to burn those, for a start” Tony interjects, nudging her out of the way to fuss over the stove, “why do I even bother, huh? I keep the refrigerator stocked with pre-made, over-processed junk specifically so we don’t need to coo-”
“I don’t think eatin’ the chemicals in that stuff all the time is a good-”
“I don’t think” he chuckles, “that we can say anythin’ about the damage chemicals can do to someone”
She flicks the two super soliders a courteous look, before laughing along with her brother, shaking her head and passing him a spatula.
“We” she says, “had nothin’ to do with that. I for one would’ve drawn the line at human experimentation.”
Tony shrugs.
“I’d have probably drawn the line at the flyin’ car”
She laughs again, and Steve can’t help but notice the way even Bucky is grinning at the siblings interaction.
“Either way” Y/N agrees, “I don’t want to consume something with that many E numbers in more than 8 times per week, thank you very much.”
“8?” Nat asks, “Why draw the line that far down?”
She shrugs, pulling out a bottle of syrup, and grabbing the plates, seemingly pleased with the way that her brother has taken over the responsibility of cooking.
“Because even though it’s bad for me, I can’t pretend I don’t enjoy it.”
Tony snorts, and she tilts her head at the way Steve is watching her.
He suddenly feels the need to get to know her better. He’d never payed her much attention, really, outside of the fact that she was a genius, with an arrogance to rival her brothers, her working for SHEILD as an agent had never filled him with a desire to interact with her much, even though she was nothing but outwardly pleasant towards him.
“He’s thinking” Y/N says, in response to Tony questioning the blonde man’s gawking, “He’s been doin’ a lot of it this mornin’”
“You wanna be careful with that” he says, “You might-”
“Hurt myself.” Steve cuts in, rolling his eyes, “I’ve heard.”
The duo laugh together again, before returning their joint attention to the breakfast they’re preparing.
It all seems strangely domestic, especially with the playful bickering and the way that Tony keeps nudging his sisters’ side.
Even Bucky seems relatively settled, even if he does shift uncomfortably in his seat when Y/N passes him a plate.
“I’m eatin’ in the lab” Tony announces, when he clicks onto the man’s reluctance.
Barnes’ cheeks are very red. He looks as though he might object, but before he gets the chance, the older Stark meets his eyes;
“You’re fine.” he says, in a tone that brokers no discussion.
Y/N pecks her brothers cheek, before either he can continue or Bucky could think of a way to respond.
The affectionate act seems to snap the awkwardness of the atmosphere. Tony, paws at his goatie, beaming at the woman, before telling her that he’ll be ready to go over their plans by noon.
She agrees, eagerly, before sitting herself at the bar, opposite the others, directly across from the former solider, who still looks more than a little uncertain.
“Eat” she murmurs, before grabbing her mug, “anyone doin’ anythin’ fun today?”
Her question draws a scoff from Natasha, who reminds her about the briefing she is also supposed to be attending.
“We went over the papers last night.” Steve tells her, “We, uh— didn’t make any tactical changes-”
“Did you get all this done before, or after you decided to spy on us?”
Bucky swallows. Looking at her, before averting his attention very deliberately back on his meal.
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[ x ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
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charkyzombicorn · 3 months
It was a stupid thing to forget. Usopp knew that. It was a monumentally stupid thing to forget, but he had.
Luffy and him were skimming the ocean a bit away from the ship, because wind was strong so Sunny was moving fast and scaring the fish. It was normal, Usopp was always dragging one of the crew around while he swam because people just couldn't swim as fast as him. Then he saw a bigger fish a bit deeper down. He told the human on his back "Wait here, I'll be back in a sec" and bucked away and into the ocean in less than a second, diving deeper and deeper after that huge fish - it was bigger than he thought, and further down. Usopp wrestled with the fish he could barely get his arms around for a second before giving up and forming himself fully into a seal to bite at the fish until it stopped moving. He changed his upper half back to grab the fish again before looking up to swim back, expecting to see kicking human legs just under the surface, like he did every time he left Nami from where he was carrying her for a second.
But Luffy was gone. Because Luffy can't swim.
Usopp took way too long looking for that bright red cartigan, and swimming them both back to the ship so Luffy could get the water beaten out of his chest. Usopp distanced himself once he saw Luffy breathing again, because he didn't think someone that almost drowned their partner and captain should eat and chat with everyone else like nothing happened.
So he took Franky's watch, took his dinner plate and went up to camp in the crow's nest.
Then Luffy came up, filling the room with noise before he even got the trapdoor open, ignoring how Usopp was sitting on the floor under one of the windows, wallowing, immediately sitting so close next to him that their shoulders touched and going on about a joke Brook told him that he forgot half of on the walk from the galley to there, as if he hadn't almost died because of Usopp, completely ignoring the slight rasp his voice still had from all the coughing as he rambled on and on.
"I didn't mean to." Usopp blurted, and Luffy stopped talking so suddenly it made the room feel empty. "I forgot you couldn't swim."
Luffy stared blankly at him for a second before snorting. "Usopp's a little dumb, huh?" He said, and from anyone else it would be an insult.
"I guess I am." The sniper responded.
"I haven't been able to swim in twelve years." His captain told him, and Usopp said nothing. "You've never seen me swim." Not entirely true, in Usopp's dreams where he grows old with Luffy, they always swim side-by-side. He supposed in hindsight that that couldn't actually happen.
But Usopp the liar nodded anyway, and Luffy was quiet again for another minute.
"You wouldn't have liked how I swam. Shanks always said I looked stupid." Luffy said finally, and Usopp looked up at him for the first time that conversation. "Gramps didn't teach me the kitty puddle or anything, just threw me in the water every time I beached myself until I learned to keep my head above water. I basically just flailed around."
Usopp leaned his head to clunk into Luffy's next to him. "I wish I could have seen."
"I could flail around on the floor?"
"Pfft-- No. I think I'm good for now."
Luffy leaned a little more into Usopp - head to head, shoulder to shoulder, knee to knee. "I won't ever be able to swim, you know. Even if I want to and you want me to. I can't."
Usopp knew, objectively, that that was true. It still made him sad that some of his favorite dreams would never come true.
"Does Usopp need someone that swims?"
Of course he didn't. Maybe. Possibly.
"No." Usopp said with the same confidence he used for any lie he told.
Luffy leaned even harder on Usopp, until he ws halfway in his lap. "Then I'm happy." He said, always eager to believe Usopp.
Usopp sat in the quiet of the crow's nest while Luffy drifted off on his shoulder, and wondered.
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missmagooglie · 1 year
The promo for next week is what made it clear that Buck is regressing regressing. All that bullshit he's suggesting to Chim? All those proposals that Bobby (correctly) said were just a list of potential calls?
That's Season 1 Buck talking. That's Early Abby Days, pre She Needs You To Step Inside With Her Buck who wants love and romance but doesn't know what it's supposed to look like. That's a version of Buck who isn't ready for something quite so grown up.
Our Buck, Season 6 Buck, knows better than that. He knows Chimney and he knows Maddie and if he stopped and thought about it for half a second he would realize that a big showy proposal isn't right for them. He'd realize that the right approach is something more personal, more intimate. It's Chimney sitting Maddie down and saying, 'we both know there are plenty of reasons we "should" get married, but let me take a minute to make sure you understand the reasons I want to marry you', and giving Maddie space to express all the reasons she's hesitant rather than putting her on the spot with something public that pressures her into saying yes without a conversation.
Buck's been different since the lightning strike, sure. It was a big event, it had a profound psychological effect. But I think the bigger issue here is that Buck has been growing and changing and maturing for the past 6 seasons and he hasn't had a chance yet to properly acknowledge that to himself and update his self-concept. I think the reason we're seeing Buck regress so hard is because he's consciously trying to act like "the same old Buck", but his understanding of "what it means to be Buck" hasn't kept up with the growth he's been doing.
At the gravesite, Buck says he feels like Natalia "really sees him" - which, let's be real, is an insane thing to say about a person you've just met on a good day. And he's saying it to Eddie, who the writers have made abundantly clear is the one person who most sees Buck and understands him and has seen his growth and his insecurities even when others don't.
But the thing I think Buck is getting from Natalia is actually the opposite of what Buck thinks he's getting from her. When Buck says "she sees me", he means "She only sees this me. She doesn't know the man who died, just the man who woke up again."
And while there is some value in that, mostly in allowing himself to be his "now" self without worrying about how it might or might not align with his past self, I think Buck also needs someone who can help him understand that those two versions of himself are closer to each other than he thinks. And the version of himself he's trying to be for the sake of everyone else (ie "the same old Buck") is not the version of him that his loved ones lost at the top of that ladder.
The lightning strike changed Buck - after all, how could it not? And Buck, being someone who is so used to being left behind, is naturally worried that changing who he is will cause the people he loves to leave. But that isn't something Buck needs to be afraid of, because he's been changing for a long time now and he has people who love every version of him, and will continue to love every version that comes next.
And I keep thinking about that choice to have Christopher fall asleep on the couch just like Buck did, the way it puts Christopher and Buck in the same category for Eddie - that category of "family" and "home". Because Christopher is changing too. He's growing up. The man he is going to slowly become is not the same person as the boy he is now, and it is understood that while some of that growth might be painful it is normal and natural and to be expected. And there is not a single direction in which Christopher could grow that would make Eddie love him even a little bit less.
When Buck realizes that Eddie loves him the same way? That there is no version of Buck that Eddie will not love with his whole heart? And when he doesn't just realize it, but actually believes it?
That's the endgame, baby.
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yeastinfectionvale · 6 months
Uccio rested his hand on Bez's thigh, palm flat against his skin, fingers slipping under the hem of his shorts.
His fingertips were soft compared to the rest of his palm that was littered with blisters. Something in Bez's mind screamed that this was wrong, so very wrong. He shouldn't be beneath Uccio like this, their faces inches apart, breathing in each others air. He shouldn't be this vulnerable with Valentino's right hand man.
Every second spent with Uccio's thigh between his legs felt like a betrayal. Uccio's face against Bez's neck felt like they mutually were betraying Vale, but god Bez couldn't bring himself to rationalise anything at that moment.
Uccio's hand had slipped under Bez's waistband, clutching his dick, causing Bez to throw his head back with a groan. Bez bucked his hips up, Uccio pulling his shorts down to join his own trousers on the floor. Uccio's hand went back on Bez, guiding him to grind on his thigh while he jerked himself off.
They continued like that, the silence filled only by pornographic moans. Uccio came first, covering Bez's stomach like a Jackson Pollock. Bez panted, close himself, for a second Uccio's face morphed into a familiar face. Bez shook his head, it was normal that he was thinking of Celin. They had just had lunch together. He looked down at his stomach and scrunched his eyes as he came, dripping down Uccio's thigh and his leg.
He wanted this, he wanted to be touched like this. He wanted sweaty palms on his bare hips, didn't he?
"Nobody can know this. Nobody." Uccio said, pulling his trousers up and grabbing his iPad. Bez pulled the sheets over himself in a half-assed attempt to retain some dignity. What the fuck was he thinking? This was not going to end well. Uccio stood up, throwing a towelette in Bez's direction. The yellow cloth landed at his feet as the door clicked shut. The weight of everything hit Bez all at once, leaving him sitting there staring at the Valentino Rossi themed towel he was cleaning himself off with.
This continued for what felt like years. Hidden from view. Quick fucks behind closed doors and nothing else. Bez knew if he was going to a proper relationship, it wasn't with Uccio. He didn't want to be hidden anymore. Bez hated waiting in alleyways just got a kiss that felt like a punch to the mouth. He wanted soft, he wanted picnics on the beach. He didn't want to be fucked over Vale's telemetry sheets from his WEC runs. Uccio would disappear as soon as he was done, leaving Bez to clean himself up and pick up the pieces of his heart.
Slowly Bez pulled away, no longer showing up behind doors waiting for a kiss. Uccio would expect to see him in their usual spots, shirt off and hand down his trousers. But instead, Bez was training or with another academy member, blowing Uccio off.
Uccio at first assumed that Bez was just being a brat. But seeing him blow off a quick fuck for a what? A gossip session with Celin and Pecco? That sent him off the deep end. Uccio waited for everyone to finish their biking session on the tracks of the ranch.
Drink bottles in hand, Uccio marched over with determination. He thrusted two bottles to Luca and Franky, turning to look at Bez. "You can ride a bike and pretend that everything is normal but you will never be normal. Not because you're the one who let me fuck you." He scoffed, ignoring how silent everything had become. "You dirty-" he didn't finish his sentence, Mig's fist colliding with his face. He clutched his face, turning to go back to his room as everything turned their attention to Bez.
Bez stood still, ghostly white as Luca tried to wrap an arm around his shoulders. Bez flug his arm off, running away from them all. "Marco-" Celin reached out, trying to stop him to no avail.
From afar, Valentino watched the whole affair. Shocked, hurt and worried.
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deluweil · 5 months
Based on the shows history with Eddie, I’m not expecting the Abuela and Shannon pop ups to do anything more then propel him into the find new wife for himself and new mother for Chris mission successful. Especially with Edy still on set and them almost being done with the season. Why bother going for a better story when a lazy makes no sense hetero story will do just fine. It’s their specialty when it comes to Eddie after all. Plus They already got that extra queer rep with Buck and Tommy 🙃
Yeah, *sigh* I feel the same on the Eddie front.
God forbid the talent that is Ryan will get a worthy story when we get two white dudes getting the interesting storylines.
I mean, much as love Buck being thrown into curious situations, I am getting tired of the storylines Eddie keep getting, because that's always more of the same, and that's exhausting.
If they weren't going to invest in his story they could have tied him to the first gf he had - being the serial monogamist that he is - and have his storyline revolve around domestic problems, new babies and managing that with work - at least we'd be clear of what his essence is aside from loving Buck like they've been married and intimate for years.
They had that queer rep with Henren and David and Michael - which WAS a great rep and such a well written relationship! I miss them and Michael's interactions with Bobby are sorely missing as well.
I don't think that Buck's storyline is as happy and healthy as ppl make it to be, Tommy literally left him for feeling uncomfortable and fibbing in front of his best friend because he's newly minted out of the closet and maybe he wanted to figure this out by himself first before sharing it with the people closest to him?
Tommy had no right to get upset, and if he wasn't sure of them, he shouldn't have agreed to go to that wedding with Buck, he should have said that he understands where Buck is coming from and to take this slow and that there is no pressure - and maybe keep this friendly until they figure out what they want to be together.
Buck, it felt to me, that has done what he did, the chasing that he said he wouldn't do, because in a certain way he is still in a place where he pleases people even though it is his journey to make and no one should push him to get to that finish line as fast as possible.
Like I said before this is more of the same, Buck does this chasing because like Taylor said, and not in a kind way mind you, that he can't stand not being liked by everyone.
Eddie nudging him to call tommy wasn't exactly the best thing either, because would Buck have still done it if he wasn't told to?
A lot of things don't sit well with me in this story, I've made journeys with my friends when they first came out, one as early as the seventh grade, it is not something that becomes normal immediately, I also saw after the fact what happened when one is shoved out of the closet to his family and friends by force. And how my best friend still bears the guilt of being gay almost 20+years later because that's not how he was raised, and his father didn't accept him, and his first serious boyfriend was a demanding asshole.
He didn't seem like this to us, he was friendly and seemed like a really good guy, but neither one of us knew what really happened there until my friend opened up about it years later.
So when I say Buck's story feels rushed, I talk from experience.
So maybe we have queer rep (which we had before only it wasn't bi) but it doesn't feel like quite there to me, maybe it's the flawed writing, maybe that's the way it was intended to be told to get to some kind of turning point and epiphanies, who knows? I've learned not to expect higher purpose from this show.
I will tell you that though, if the whole Eddie story is to push him to somehow marry M I will retire from this show, I mean that is the laziest form of writing there is, and makes this show completely unwatchable for me, because there is no way we were dragged 7 seasons just so that Eddie can force marry some lukewarm LI out of the need to follow the traditional hetero normative need he was raised into.
Especially since originally Eddie was the one who was supposed to be the coming out story, it would be disappointing on so many levels and I'm not even touching buddie here.
Ryan deserves better than to end with that kind of crappy story-telling.
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YEAH! Finally some TWATYTK asks (this is next up on my 'chapters I need to finish' list)
30 for ⚡️:
“That’s because this is the best trip of my life,” Buck informs him.
Eddie grins. “So far.”
Buck likes the sound of that. 
“So far.”
And as they start talking about all of it, all the things they’re going to do, they start including that second kid. Inadvertently, at first. But nevertheless. 
“There’s always Disneyworld. Like Florida,” Buck mentions, talking about future vacations.
“Oh, but that sucks with a baby,” Eddie shakes his head. 
“True,” Buck frowns. “Disneyworld, in several years?”
“But then will Chris be too old?”
“Are we assuming Chris will age out of wanting to have fun, Eddie? Because if so, I didn’t get the memo.”
“You’re right,” Eddie says. “So we just wait until he’s old enough for it to be bearable.”
“Wait, what? I thought you just said he’d be too old?” 
“I didn’t mean Chris,” Eddie says. “I meant… You know, the other kid.”
“You said he,” Buck points out.
“Oh, did I?” Eddie frowns. 
“You’re just banking on that, huh?” Buck smirks.
“Well, uh…” Eddie shrugs.
33 for 🧟‍♀️:
“So it’s someone else.”
“Lot’s of action in Sunport lately,” Hen mumbles.
Not that she’s not… Well, obviously she’s glad to have Athena, May, and Harry back in town. They’ve been friends for years. She thought about Athena and wondered what had happened to her. Having answers, having her here? It’s good. And, of course, she thrilled for Buck. Kid hadn’t stopped fretting over his sister for months, and she understands why. Plus, having a nurse around can only help them. Really, having Maddie around is a blessing. She has no idea about Eddie. He seems fine. She likes his kid. More importantly, Denny likes his kid. But she’s not really expecting him to be around for long.
So it’s not that Hen isn’t glad for all the action in Sunport lately. But how many visitors can be good, honest, helpful people before the opposite type shows up? Hen is full of worry. 
“So what do we do?” Chimney asks. “We can’t just ignore it.”
“No, but we don’t want to go running after shadows in the middle of the night, either,” Bobby says. “That’s an easy way to get hurt.”
“I agree,” Hen says. “We’re not risking anyone.”
“No,” Bobby agrees. “We aren’t.”
“We can take turns watching from the roof?” Athena suggests. “Extra precaution? Until the morning.”
33 for 🔼:
By the time Buck recertifies for active duty, he and Shannon are basically back to normal. Or, well, a new normal. Because what was ever normal for them, really? The point is, they had a long, awkward conversation, and they’re firmly just friends. Which Buck is really glad and somewhat surprised about. He did not think Eddie would want them being friends and he definitely would have defaulted to whatever Eddie wanted of him. But Eddie was insistent. 
“I don’t want either of you avoiding each other because of me,” he’d said. “Seriously.”
So they talked. Acknowledged a mutual attraction they aren’t going to act on. For so many obvious reasons. And they moved on. 
Apparently, they’ve moved on so effectively, that here Shannon is. In Bobby and Athena’s house. At a surprise party for Buck. That she helped his sister and Athena pull together. Kind of crazy, if he’s being honest. 
He’s riding a pretty significant high, though, so he doesn’t think too much about it. He passed. He cleared. He’s going back to work. It’s all he can think about. Being back where he belongs. Maybe if his head was clearer, he’d think about how wild it is that Shannon is here for him tonight. In a room of people who know Eddie, love Eddie, and know some of what’s going on between them, when he knows how insecure she was about that when they started talking. He might think it’s insane she even wants to help throw a party for him at all. But all he can do, tonight, is bask in his own joy. 
He’s hugging everyone. Eddie. Bobby.
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morithanz · 2 years
yandere!oc x babysitter!reader
a/n- trying out writing for fun :) will be publishing a part ii. soon
disclaimer- gn!reader, oc and babysitter are both of age, lowercase intended, type of mental illness implied
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you ring the doorbell of one of the most beautiful houses you've seen in your lifetime. the door opens almost immediately, they must have been waiting for you.. the woman who opens the door has a small and hesitant smile on her face. she welcomes you inside, where you are met with, who you assume, is her spouse. she introduces herself as 'mrs. dupont'. the gossip which spread about this family when they moved in was never-ending. everyone said that they were the wealthiest household in the neighborhood.
and why were you, a broke college student, at their doorstep?
for a baby-sitting job, of course! you had been browsing the internet on how to make a quick buck when you came across an ad for this specific family. they needed a baby-sitter for their son. you weren’t good with kids, per-say; but what could go wrong? you just had to watch over a child for a few hours..
mr. dupont called for their darling boy to come downstairs to meet the new baby-sitter. they wrote in the ad that their son was a teenager, so you expected to see a boy around 13-14 years of age but were surprised when a guy who looked to be around your age glided down the stunning stone staircase. he quickly moved to his mother’s side, refusing to meet your gaze. he stood there, fidgeting with his long, slender, fingers. mrs. dupont apologized profusely for not mentioning the actual age of her son, she still seemed nervous and uncertain about the whole situation. the couple try to explain to you that their son wasn’t exactly.. normal.. which is why he needed someone to watch over him while they were gone. to say you were spooked by this sentence, would be an understatement. still, they took off, leaving you alone with the brunette-headed boy.
you both stand together in silence, before you break it by introducing yourself as ‘[name]’, encouraging him to do the same. he slowly spoke up, “dion..” an odd name, you thought to yourself. whatever, you just had to get through 2 hours.. then his parents would be back. he quietly walked back towards the staircase, making an attempt to escape this awkward situation. but you stopped him, asking him whether he had already had dinner. he turned back and for whatever reason, looked like he was on fire. his pale face looked to be the brightest shade of pink you’ve ever seen. “... you okay, man?” you were genuinely weirded out by this freak. 
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eddiegettingshot · 1 month
stepping into the threesome sandbox for a second. they find out about Eddie and those rich parents and everyone expects Buck to be extremely abnormal about it, but he's actually... normal? he's like I'm very happy for you Eddie! you deserve to have fun and experience! and Eddie is like awww thank you you Buck
cut to Buck screaming crying throwing up trying to get into a relationship (or maybe he's still with Tommy but who cares about him?) just for the sole purpose of inviting Eddie to be their third
YAY EDDIE AND THE RICH PARENTS WE JUST MADE UP. seriously they are so so good to him i think and eddie just gets to show up and have a good time and even Perform A Service and it’s like. well i think it completely throws a wrench in buck’s Image of Eddie in his mind but like you said maybe he’s like woohoo eddie is. having threesomes every other friday. it’s literally on his calendar. plus he has a mustache. this is so awesome for my best friend eddie. Wonder what they get up to. can’t be that crazy right. so buck starts contemplating whether yes stupid tommy would be down for inviting eddie into their thing. and this is how the worst threesome in the entire world can win.
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