#just let me rewrite hoo already
thaliasthunder · 2 years
instead of a completely random girl created out of absolutely nothing u know who piper should've ended up with??? nyssa. a daughter of aphrodite w a daughter of hephaestus???? the symbolism?? both head consealors of their cabins?? the parallels of silena and beckendorf??? and that would've been an opportunity to deepen nyssa's character instead of just being leo's sister??? also piper & leo would've been not only besties but officially family??? the wasted material to possibly work with in writing????
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ladyantiheroine · 11 months
The Things I Do For Gotham
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Summary: When Nightwing finds himself in a bind, he makes Harley an offer she can't refuse.
Pairing: Nightwing x Harley Quinn
Requested by @exhausted-electron (and me)
Tags: Riding, vaginal sex, bondage
Author's Note: Rewriting The Scene™ from Batman and Harley Quinn to make it more consensual (and smuttier).
"I know, I know, freakin' stupid. Bringing him back to my place."
Nightwing's eyes fluttered open as a female voice stirred him from his sleep. His mind was foggy and his whole body ached. The memories of what happened came back to him slowly. He tracked down Harley Quinn. They got into a scuffle in the alleyway. And then...
God damn Joker venom, he thought.
"But what was I supposed to do? I couldn't just let him go."
Nightwing's vision adjusted to the light. He was in a bedroom. A cheap, decrepit one. He tried to move, but his arms and legs were bound. He glanced down and saw thick rolls of duct tape binding his ankles and wrists to the bedpost, leaving him spread-eagle on the dirty mattress.
Harley was pacing the room, still dressed in her uniform from Super Babes.
"He knows the secret location of my hidey-hole," Harley continued to talk to herself. "He'd blab to Batman for sure. Could've just killed him, dumbass!"
She stood with her back to him.
"Nah, I'm not a criminal anymore," Harley said, softer this time. "Plus, he's kind of too cute to kill."
Nightwing tried to ignore the way those last words made his face flush and tried to pull himself from his restraints. Whatever tape Harley used, it was fucking unbreakable.
“Anyway, maybe I should help out,” Harley continued. “Sounds like Ivy could be in some serious trouble—”
The wooden bedpost groaned against Nightwing’s pulls. Harley heard it and glanced over her shoulder.
“Don’t bother yellin’ for help,” she said. “This dump is condemned. Nobody in the whole building but us, Nightwig.”
Nightwing stopped struggling and glared at her.
“Wing,” he said.
“It’s Night-Wing.”
“Really?” Harley raised an eyebrow. “Heh, guess I was thinking of that goofy mullet you used to have. Yeesh, that was like a whole decade of bad hair days.”
“Sticks and stones, lady,” Nightwing quipped. “I’ve taken trash talk from bigger criminals than you.”
“Criminals?!” Harley snapped. “If you haven’t noticed, I went straight. I’m a freakin’ waitress already.”
“Oh golly, that’s right,” Nightwing said, his words dripping with sarcasm. “I stand corrected.”
Harley fumed and stomped over to her desk. She grabbed a tall stack of papers and brought them over to Nightwing.
“Check this out, smart guy,” she said. “My pile of rejection letters. Evidently, the Mayo Clinic’s got some dumb policy of not hiring former costumed supervillains.” She sifted through the stack on her arms. “Just like every other hospital in the world.”
Nightwing opened his mouth to retort but then closed it. She had a point.
“There are…other jobs…” was all he could muster.
“Oh, sure,” Harley said. “I got a ton of offers.” She fished one document from the pile and read from it. “We’ve got a very special role for you in Bad Girls After Dark.” She found another one. “And you gotta love this one. ‘A tasteful pictorial to be shot in Thailand for legal reasons.”
Nightwing listened and, he had to admit, he felt for her. Harley used to be one of the most brilliant psychiatrists in Gotham, but then threw it all away to follow some asshole who saw her as a pawn more than a person. Now, she had to serve beers to more assholes just to pay rent.
God, he actually felt sorry for Harley Freaking Quinn.
“You say I’m a criminal,” Harley said. “They saw I’m a hoo-re.” She threw the stack down, papers flying across the floor. “Well, I’m sick of other people telling me what I am.”
A cold, heavy silence filled the room. Nightwing felt something he didn’t expect to ever feel for Harley Quinn: He wanted to comfort her. Tell her it would be fine, even though she’d tell him he was full of shit.
"Whateva," Harley said. She flicked her eyes over to him and smirked. "Gotta say, you gave me a heck of a workout."
Nighting tried to fight the red threatening to fill his face.
"Got me all sweat-stinky," she said. Harley sniffed her armpit. "Phew! Definitely could use a shower."
Then, she unzipped the front of her dress and stepped out. Nightwing stomach bolted. He knew Harley wasn't shy about that stuff, but it still threw him off guard.
Nightwing always knew Harley was attractive. Most female villains in Gotham were. But Harley in particular caught his eyes. He had the thought more than once that if he met Harley in some other circumstances, if she was some civilian girl he met at a bar, he would have let her take him home for some fun.
Now, he had a schoolboy crush on the girl that knocked his head in.
Meanwhile, Harley started talking to herself again. She stripped down to a white bra and panties and sauntered to the closet.
"I think better when I don't reek," she said. "Still gotta figure out what to do about Nightwig over there."
Harley began sifting through her closet. Nightwing was did-eyed and he felt a hot bulge form in his suit. No, this was insane. Harley was a criminal. A criminal who knocked him out and tied him off. This was not the time for his body to be playing tricks on him.
Maybe it was the Joker venom, maybe he'd been knocked too many times in the head, maybe it was the infuriating boner burning between his legs.
But Nightwing had an idea.
"Hey, Nightwing," Harley said, plucking a dress from her closet. "Is it true you used to be Robin?" She glanced at him with a smirk. "Huh, ain't that a kick in the pants? Little Boy Wonda all grown up."
Fuck it. It was now or never.
"Harley," Nightwing said. "About Poison Ivy..."
"I said I'm not interested."
"I know, but listen." He sucked in and released a breath. "What if I could...incentivize you?"
"Incentivize me?" Harley said. "How you reckon?"
"I'll admit, I don't know if I can help your..." He glanced around the crumbling room. "...situation. But Ivy is your friend, and that should be enough for us to put aside our differences just this once. And if you need a little something more to sweeten the pot..." He bit his lip. "Maybe there's something I can offer you...right now."
Harley was smart. It took only a second for her to connect the dots. Her mouth made an "O" shape and she raised an eyebrow.
"Really?" she said. Her eyes trailed down his body. "You're offering me a ride for my help?"
"If that's what it takes," Nightwing said.
Harley twisted her red lips in consideration. She dropped the dress she was holding on the back of a chair and sauntered over. She clasped a hand on top of his knee, and smoothed her hand down his thigh.
Nightwing visibly shivered. His cheeks were burning hot and his boner wasn't much better. Harley's long nail sent a tease of pain through the fabric of his suit.
Her hands spider-crawled down his inner thighs and clasped his junk. Nightwing hissed, from pain or pleasure he couldn't tell.
"Seem awfully excited," Harley teased. She leaned her face close to his. "Are you sure this is for me, or for you?"
Nightwing whimpered. He didn't even remember why he was doing this anymore. He just wanted Harley to touch him more and more and more...
"Are you interested or not?" he asked.
Harley fingered Nightwing's crotch as he thought. Her fingers traced his length over the fabric and Nightwing had to clench his jaw to keep himself from moaning.
"I think you've got a deal, Nightbutt," she said. She crawled onto the bed and straddled him. "Just one condition—the restraints stay on."
Nightwing's cock was screaming beneath her. He wanted to touch her, but he felt no desire to rip the tape binding his limbs.
"Whatever you say," he said.
A wicked smile crossed Harley's face. She trailed her fingers down Nighting's torso, sending an electric shiver through him.
"Question, Wig," she said. "Do you have a spare suit?"
The question threw him off a moment.
"Uh, yeah," he said. "Batman and I both have spare suits in the Batmobile. What do as—"
Before he could finish, Harley crawled onto the bed and straddled him. She pulled something out of the bedside drawer and flipped it open to reveal a switchblade.
"Harley," Nightwing yelped. "What the fu—"
Harley pulled the fabric of Nightwing's suit down at the crotch, and with one slash of the knife, she tore through it. A ripped hole in the suit revealed his boxers and his erection sprang out.
"Boy Wonder grown up indeed," she purred. She cut open his boxers and an icy breeze hit Nightwing's burning cock.
Harley shut the switchblade and tossed it on the floor. Then, she hooked her thumbs into the side of her panties and slowly pulled them down. Nightwing started drooling as he caught a glimpse of her wet, bare pussy.
"You're a pretty little doll," Harley said, tossing her underwear aside. "I always kind of hoped I'd get a chance to taste ya."
Nightwing gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing.
"Same to you," he said.
Harley smirked. She gathered Nightwing's dick in her hand and slowly started stroking it.
Nightwing lost it. He released a long, shuddering moan and jerked his hips up. Harley smirked in amusement.
"What's wrong, baby?" she cooed. "Wet me for me, already?"
"Fuck...fuck...fuck," he moaned. "Harley...."
"I gotta..."
"You gotta what? Use your words, baby."
"Please...please fuck me..."
Harley gave him an evil smile.
"So no more," she said.
She lifted herself up and slowly lowered herself onto Dick's cock. God, she was tight and wet and steaming hot. Nightwing hissed between his teeth, his body clenching and pulling against the duct tape.
“Mmmmm, that’s good,” Harley purred, licking her lips. “You’re wasting this good body of yours on fightin’, tush.”
She began swerving her hips, slowly, savoring each wave of pleasure. Nightwing’s brain turned to soup and his hips bucked to meet hers. He was sweating buckets under his suit.
The more he whimpered, the harder Harley went. She relished hearing Batman's sidekick turn into a blubbering mess beneath her. She sunk her nails into his shoulders and fucked him deeper into the mattress. The bed frame sang under their weight.
"Fuck, Harley..." Nightwing groaned. "I...I'm..."
Harley covered his mouth with her hand.
"Uh-uh," she said. She was out of breath and her voice was a sultry wisp. "Me first, baby bird."
She jerked her hips, faster, more viciously. Harley tipped her head back, her pigtails falling down her back as an orgasm crawled up her body.
"Good boy," she breathed as she came down from her climax.
Then, she dropped her head and started railing him harder into the bed. She wanted to see Boy Wonder come undone beneath her, reduce him to a puddle.
And he did. Nightwing's hips bucked and his moans grew louder and more desperate and when he came he arched his neck backward in a hungry groan.
Harley slowed to stop until every drop of Nightwing was gone. He was a sweaty mess beneath her, red in the face, and not quite believing what had just happened.
Harley took a deep breath and grabbed his chin.
"You're cute when you cum," she said with a smirk.
She pulled herself off of Nightwing, leaving his abused cock cold and limp. She slipped off the bed and picked up the switchblade off the floor.
"Deal's a deal, nightbutt," she said.
She cut the duct tape binding Nightwing's body and he threw his feet over the edge of the bed.
"So, you'll help Batman and I find Ivy?"
Harley shrugged as she opened the drawer of her desk.
"Sure," she said. "I got nothin' better to do tonight."
She dropped the switchblade into the drawer and closed it. She sauntered over to Nightwing and looked him up and down.
"Sorry about the Joker venom," she said. "And the tape. And the suit. And the...well, you get it."
Nightwing shrugged.
"Can't say I wouldn't do the same if I were you," he said.
Then, he leaned forward and pressed his forehead against her stomach. Harley chuckled and pet her fingers into his inky black hair.
"All goes well," she said. "Let's celebrate at your place next time, eh?"
Nightwing grinned into her stomach.
"You've got a deal."
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nyanashima · 2 years
The Brothers with an MC who has OCD
INCREDIBLY self-indulgent as I haven't seen many OCD MC posts, and I needed some blorbo comfort.
Since OCD is often misrepresented in media, feel free to write in with other obsessions/etc if you feel so inclined. I'll try my best to write about them in another post :)
Content warnings: contamination triggers, symmetry/perfection obsessions, self-destructive compulsions. Stay safe y'all <3
Please let me know if I missed any triggers in the tags!
He already knows.
Lucifer read up on you before you came. He knows what you struggle with and how it affects you, at least to some degree. He has to do Diavolo proud, and that includes staying on top of the exchange student’s wellbeing.
It's through living with you that really helps Lucifer get a better understanding of your triggers. After all, you can only get so much from reading the DSM-5
He sees you erase and rewrite your notes in class, over and over, until you’re completely behind on the lecture. He hovers silently in the doorway to the kitchen, watching you arrange the dishes symmetrically in the cupboard
He notices your hands, dry and cracked and sometimes bleeding from washing and sanitizing. He sees your midnight laundry runs after Mammon makes himself at home in your room, and how the bleach wipes disappear much faster than they did before. Lucifer watches your breathing quicken for all the wrong reasons when Asmo hangs off your arm.
He feels bad. It’s not like he can comfort you, with him being emotionally constipated and all. So he does the next best thing: problem solve.
Lucifer calls you to his study one night. You poke your head in, anticipating some sort of punishment— instead, he invites you to sit down for an honest conversation.
He doesn’t pry. As a private person, he understands keeping your emotions guarded. He does, however, make it clear he sees the toll they're taking on you.
He offers treatment— if you’re unmedicated, would you like to see someone for the anxiety? Would you benefit from therapy? He’d be happy to accompany you to the human world for your appointments, if that’s what you need.
Of course, lecturing his brothers about their behaviour is always on the table.
If none of those sound right, he finds himself staring at his gloves. He offers to update your wardrobe to something that better suits your needs— your jacket buttoning in the middle rather than off to one side, gloves to avoid direct touch, you name it. It’s yours.
“I want to help you, MC. Not out of pity, I simply don’t want to see a loved one in pain. Tell me what you need, and you’ll get it— you have my word.”
Hoo boy.
Yeah, you’re gonna have to tell him, or ask Lucifer to tell him for you.
He’s a tactile guy. He’s always dragging you by the arm, yanking your jacket, ruffling your hair, and Devil knows what else.
Once you tell him, you’re probably gonna have to explain it a bit. It’s been a while since he’s paid attention to human emotions lol.
After that, he’s fantastic– well, he tries. Old habits die hard.
He recoils like he just touched a hot stove the second his fingers brush your skin. He always follows it up with a “Shit– sorry.”
If you’re particular about how you keep your room, again, he tries not to touch anything impulse control strikes again.
He will get it eventually, but for the first little while it’s probably best to hang out in his room.
If you don’t want the others to know, he’ll be even more protective than before when they get touchy. It’s hard to bite his tongue, but he’ll play it off like his usual possessiveness. He’s surprisingly good at keeping it a secret.
If you’re fine with them knowing, he will NOT hesitate to give them an earful. You’re his human, and nobody touches you unless you say it’s okay!
Doesn’t really understand the symmetry or perfection stuff, but hey, everyone’s different. He’ll wait for you if you have to bump your other shoulder against the doorframe until it’s even.
Overall very supportive. A little confused, but he’s got the spirit.
“…Huh. Well, as yer first, it’s still my job to take care of ya. That means this, too– so don’t think The Great Mammon’s gonna let it bother ya again, y’hear?”
Picks up on it a little, but doesn’t quite connect the dots
Not super familiar with human mental illnesses… He’d notice some of your unusual behaviours, but assume they’re just quirks.
Somehow fails to realize some of his quirks are because he’s neurodivergent too (it’s okay buddy we’ve all been there)
TOTALLY understands when you tell him. Well, kind of. At first he thinks you just don’t want him touching you, but after you explain it he’ll rant with you for hours. It’s not the same as the existential dread that comes from lending someone a pencil, but he gets being particular and nervous about your stuff.
He’ll get a special blanket for you to sit on while gaming in his room, only for your ass and therefore your germs. Will get you your own controller for the same reason (and maybe a matching one for himself teehee). No one else is allowed to touch your stuff, not even him— he’ll pick them up with gloves or a Kleenex if he needs to move them, even when you’re not around.
I don’t really have much more to say about him? Just tell him what you need him to do and he’ll do it without hesitation. Super respectful and understanding.
“Y’know… You don’t have to feel bad about it, okay? You’ll always be my Henry, so as long as we can still play games and stuff, I’m happy. And even if we can’t! I’ll do what I can to make you more comfortable, so you can always hide out in here if outside becomes too much… AARAARRUGHGHHUG DSJVNALVBSLKJN WHAT AM I SAYING that was so cringe forget I said anything ok bye”
Surprisingly, he doesn’t diagnose you the second you fall through the portal.
Instead, he watches you go about your day, and notices something’s off. Then he researches.
And then he does tests.
Not exactly the most empathetic guy, considering the fact that he, y’know, tortured people. So at first he’s not opposed to giving you a spit wash. He wants to see how you’ll react, and how much you can take.
Once you get closer, he catches on and starts acting according to what he thinks you need.
He’ll set cutlery aside for you when he does the dishes, he’ll leave your laundry alone when you forget it in the dryer (but nag you to come get it so he can swap out his clothes), et cetera.
If you open up to him about it, his curious nature takes hold. Hope you’re ready for an interrogation interview, because he’s got LOTS of questions.
Lets you vent to him and will bitch in return. He’s neurodivergent as fuck so likelihood is he gets irked by the same stuff
“MC, I’ve lived with my brothers for millennia. If you think some odd habits are going to bother me, you’re sorely mistaken. All that matters is that you’re happy. If you ever need anything, please come to me first. I’ll do everything in my power to help.”
Doesn’t really get it, but he’ll go along and be respectful.
He’ll have a hard time not getting touchy at first, but like Mammon, he jerks away and apologizes once he catches himself.
Kicks himself every time because consent is suuuuper important to him (same with the other bros but. Y’know). Learns to keep his hands to himself pretty quick
Gives you tons of lotions, salves, and moisturizers to keep your hands in good shape if they get dry from washing
Will modify your spa days to make them more comfortable for you
Interrogates you about your clothing needs.
What textures work best for you?
Are there any patterns or cuts you can’t wear, or any you prefer?
Tell him everything. He’ll keep it in mind when dressing you up
Will not hesitate to tear someone to shreds if they say anything rude to you. He can pinpoint someone’s biggest insecurities in two seconds flat, and he will.
He might not understand, but that doesn’t stop him from loving and protecting you fiercely and unconditionally.
“Oh, hon, why didn’t you say so before! I’ll try to keep my hands to myself from now on. It’ll be hard, though, considering just how cute you are~!”
This boy…
He loves his family. We know this.
Beel’s devoted quite a bit of time to learning about how his brothers’ brains work. He’s probably one of the most prepared and mindful of the bunch.
When you tell him, he accepts it without question.
He’ll prod for more information, if you’re willing to share, but gets it if you don’t wanna talk about it. If you do, he’ll listen for hours.
Loves to learn about you, period. OCD can be such a complex and significant piece of someone’s feelings and behaviour, so while he doesn’t like the parts that upset you, he’ll take in any information you give. He remembers every single word and puts it all to use. Just wants you to feel more at ease
Examples of things I think he’d do:
Put the dishes away symmetrically when it’s his turn to wash them, and push them into place if he notices they’ve shifted
Put takeout onto a clean plate for you so you don’t have to touch the container
If he sees any of your things laying about the house, he’ll use the dog poop maneuver to pick it up with a plastic bag and stick it in your room so no one else touches it
He’s just. Really thoughtful. And he loves you so much
“Alright, I think I get it. That must be hard. I’m here if you need to talk, okay?”
Doesn’t really notice lol. Unless you’re recoiling every time he goes to touch you, he’s clueless
Familiar with human mental illness, but may need a refresher. It’s been a while since he’s seen a human, or, y’know, been allowed outside
Will IMMEDIATELY stop touching you as soon as you set your boundaries. Belphie is very good at breaking habits and doesn’t really rely on one specific way of showing affection, so it is what it is
He’s bummed if you can’t nap with him, of course. It doesn’t take him long to find a workaround, though— he gives you two stuffed animals. You cuddle one until it smells like you, then give it to him and take the other one. He snuggles the first until it loses its “MC smell,” washes it, and gives it back to you. You give him the second one, and the cycle continues
Can’t really empathize, but he can offer a shoulder to cry on and a “that sucks” when you need it. Great listener until he falls asleep lmao
Belphie isn’t considerate in the way Beel is, but he’s still considerate. The difference is energy, really— he can’t really put in much effort, but he does remember what your triggers are and to be respectful. So while he won’t reorganize any shelves for you, he’ll remind his brothers of little things to make your life easier.
“Damn that’s crazy. Anyway”
“Oh, okay. That kind of makes sense. Is there… anything you want me to do?”
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
idk if you already guessed it but thomas is my favorite ttcc character (totally did not draw like 15 drawings of him) and mmm uhmmm uhm what is your opinion on the good ol' ottoman?
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I AM FINALLY GETTING TO THIS ASK. LET THE AUTISM BEGIN. THIS GUY BEEN ROTATING IN MY HEAD. MAYBE NOT THE WHOLE TIME BUT HOO BOY HE TAKES OVER SOMETIMES. AND U ALREADY KNOW I LIKE THIS GUY TOO. YOU AND ME. THE THOMAS WARRIORS. I MAY NOT SHOW IT A LOT BUT I CARE THOMAS A LOT. This is gonna be all over the place you will get lost here but come onto my mental illness adventure with me once more. I thought I had little to say but you opened an dven bigger tism adhd gate
I love Thomas our man SO MUCH he's literally like my second favorite blorbo in Toontown after Cathal that I can lore think about (BC HR joined Mt TTCC blorbo beasts list except he doesn't really have lore oops) I mean he's even on my phone case now, too, with other things that are important to me and he DESERVES IT
I really liked and cared about him before BUT!! this update and being able to finally see him in game myself after missing the other events... It is VERY VERY NICE and it made me like Thomas even MOREEEE
OK NOW TO ANSWER LIKE. THE OPINION QUESTION MORE DIRECTLY. He's a really fun character and as a duo with Robert he works rather well. He's ways in the background, overshadowed by his brother...(Who kind of needs him sometimes since the start of the company and YKNOW the literal guy he uh. Stands on to be level with the other Cogs. Like these guys need each other and I can elaborate on that more later) Working quietly. And yet he's quite the talker when he opens up and gets the chance to!! He's like me and a lot of people I know (I sure relate to him in this regard lol I literally state I ramble a lot in MY BIO and I DO) - more quiet and reserved people, sometimes seen as lonely... But with many things on mind, just waiting for the right people to trust to share these things with. Genuine trust or just comfort in a given situation... It's whatever but it's does also tie to another thing I wanna talk about later....or now actually
I know they state he is not befriending the Toons in the podcast - but with the way he speaks with us and his literal actions - it speaks louder than that and I think we should be allowed to make the interpretation that he is slowly gaining our trust. And I think it's a very interesting concept that the literal brother of the man behind this evil company that goes against the toons... Is befriending them. ( and literally your comic) the potential here is insane and it's more interesting than just yeah he stays true to his word he doesn't like you
It's clear that he does care - but it's true he's a very caring person in general. (then again a part of it is letting people step over him...literally. And he's aware of it and he dislikes it! Another thing I can relate to and speak from the heart about. But there's things I don't relate to and of course relatability is not all the reason why I like him... But it is a big part of it. Sorry not sorry I will project onto this man later) he does show he cares by literally closing the elevator and lying to save us from being seen... And waiting it out till the air is clear to let us in. Where he as always chats with us. Yeah they did say he just kinda puts up with it and since there's people to talk to he does ramble but... Some of the stories he tells are personal and he is aware of it. He did save you that one time and he did offer those cookies to you as well.. Even if you can't eat them. That's not even giving out the past items like some extra stock laying around he needs to get rid of...
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(also I need to see if anyone reciphered those papers, already I love solving ciphers. It's an easy ceasar cipher yeah but having to rewrite this shit is that goofy fun part I did it with the papers at chips place... Idk if these r available somewhere.)
And the sweater?? Also very personal!! And like more story based as there's technically just one but ofc there's multiple players but in this case you can imagine yourself going there alone to speak with him each time as an individual... Like....the story about the extra stuff doesn't apply here this is personal.
But it is true he probably.. Does want to get rid of it. He makes a gift from the heart and it goes under appreciated. Unwanted...yeah I wouldn't want to see it either. But someone else may want it so yknow... Cutely gives it to the toons.
Like come on you can't tell me this guy isn't trusting these toons slightly, or, story wise, the toon/toons who come see him each April toons. Of course the recent one is the freshest in my mind and I only experienced the precious ones through reading the dialogue... I may miss some details of things he rambled about... But I genuinely believe with each visit he grows to trust the toons more and oh boy that could be interesting conflict... Who knows it could be brought up later with whatever board boy HQ is gonna be...plearse let us see Robert too I'm gonna implode
Anyways BACK ONTO THOMAS. I love this guy he's really nice I'd love to just sit in a room with him and exist together and sloy dwelve into back and forth rambling about stuff and I'd totally hype up his knitting... I just AURGHH. He had things going for him and these expectations... That he didn't met up to. But his brother had a plan and Thomas being well... Thomas. Not the leader type - he followed along... Because it was the best for him as who he is even if his parents wanted him to do other things
Despite the two (Him and Robert ofc) not exactly agreeing on things alwyad there's still care between them as brothers... They really are a duo!! Even if the topic is uh. A really corrupt capitalist robot company... And with Robert being preeeetty much very much so an asshole it's still just. Aurgh. Fun. Love the dynamic. Robert could just be an ass but he still cares about Thomas by some regard... I think about the time he watered Bubby for Thomas despite his hatred for the plant a lot okay
Thomas and Robert are already the most like, lore full characters (or Cogs specifically) other than some mgrs now and Atticus and Redd - but there's still so much like... Of an mysterious aura about them. We only hear about their lives and never see it... Robert we see in action in the comics - but we see him ONCE in game in a CUTSCENE MOST PEOPLE SKIP... Thomas we see in the background of the comics only speaking like... Once, I believe?? Even if he's there he's really easy to just... Not even notice. But he appears ingame and speaks DIRECTLY TO YOU. SEVERAL TIMES. for ALMOST HALF AN HOUR STRAIGHT...and he tells you a lot about his and by extentions Robert's personal life - something the comics can't tell you, and surely not the short cutscene with Robert during the directors fight
Like... They have the most lore but a lot of things are still unclear and it makes people want more answers and ponder more and it's BRILLIANT. I love it. I mean... I could rant about how a lot of info is hardly accessible in TTCC as a genuine criticism of how the game and lore is handled... But that's maybe for another day. BACK TO THOMAS SO LIKE ANYWAY- Thank you for canon aro ace character who states his opinions directly and is not forced to do it... And for fans being respectful about his identity for the most part as I can see and not... Forcing him to be romantic for ships. I avoid the fandom, mostly, specifically for reasons like this and because people scare me... So. I don't know how it really is. But an issue with aro ace characters is that even if we have a Canon one often fans will make them involved in romance for stupid ships anyway, absolutely erasing their identity. And then they bring up the "SOME AROSPEC/ASPEC PEOPLE DO DATE"... But they do this for all characters and ignore the chunk of people who don't, who just want to see themselves represented in media...im very tired of this being taken away from us as... Yknow. An aroace person myself. Thank you thomas for your swag.
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Sooo.. How about some headcanons and personal things and me projecting because MOST HCS ARE JUST THAT!!!
Okay hey did you know I work with plants too? Yeah. (VERY SHITTY) agriculture school goer here.. Florist specifically.. Yeah I have no life plans for this but that's personal. Oh hey that sounds like someone I know. (also being around plants a lot makes me think abt thomas bc of association... And bc I'm spaces out 24/7 very likely thinking about my hyperfixation and the lore anyway to escape the moment. Uh I have problems OK?) Anyways...
Before I get to general projection stuff I wanna say my hcs!!
I think he sometimes carries gardening tools in his pockets and forgets about them. I do that. Forgets whole sharp gardening shears and then he needs to take out a pencil for someone, and instead he whips out something use able as a weapon. FUN!
I am not sure if it's stayed what his first knitting was ever... But whether or not this was his first or later knitting project doesn't matter - but I like to think that he knitted pot decorations for his plants!! Little pot sweaters, maybe!! Wouldn't even overheat the plants (some plants have veeery specific requirements but his ficuses should be fine) , I think, they don't give off heat for the sweater to insulate anyway, so it would really be just decorational....
And again, if the Cogs had cats I think he'd be a cat dad.
And now. The personal projection observation part... A reason why I think I like him so much is because I relate to him AND Robert. As someone who is a... Well. The anger issue filled, family failure shorter and younger sibling in my family... I can see myself in that. Some parts of the story really hit home... I'm not gonna get too personal here, but my relationship with my brother is... Rocky...been getting better though. He's very successful and I haven't done much in my life. He's the leader role. On the other hand, the dynamic here for Thomas and Robert is swapped... Thomas could've followed the success his parents set him up for, but he followed the lead of his brother instead - who his parents didn't see as good enough.
It's very different things, yes, but the things that are similar are what brings it a bit closer... Even if some things don't align well I can feel my heart sink when Thomas talks about it because. Ahaha yeah that ties to some of my biggest worries in life and it relates to me being the loser child in the family whoops
And just.. I AM. GOIGN TO EXPLODE. FUNNY HAHA CHAIR AND STEPPING STOOL THING ROBOTS. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME. I AM GOING TO EXPLODE AGAIN. I CARE THESE BEASTS I MUCH. I THINK THIS COVERS MOST OF IT. OTHERWISE I'D REPEAT MYSELF. THERE'S PROBABLY MORE I'LL REMEMBER LATER BUT THIS IS IT FOR NOW. Thank you for giving me a place to ramble about whatever in regards to a character somewhere that isn't... Me talking to myself on my Discord server on a Toontown channel dedicated to myself only. Hope ANY OF U FOUND THIS ENTERTAINING TO READ. Even if I'm. Probably.... Wrong on some things but that's okay if anyone mean to me I explode them too ok
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I care the him
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doevademe · 2 years
Now that I think about it. What would it be like? A PJO and HoO series in 2022 ? (cause let's be honest, the premise I'm gonna propose would never happen in the 2000s) the difference being that Nico is closer to Percy's age, he's still saved by him, still falls for him, gets to know each other better and become friends, Percy gets to realise he's attracted to boys too (specifically one devoted and sarcastic friend of his), Nico learns that even if Percy's brave and loyal (and dreamy) he's not perfect but still loves him with all his shortcomings, I imagine that here Nico deals better with Bianca's death, he's overall less traumatized than canon because this time around he's older and has a true friend in Percy (not that guilt filled bond they got in canon) he's still angry and sad and grieving but he's not alone in that, instead of this turning them against each other like attended in canon, it unites them and .... I'm rambling and saying too much on your own blog, but I really love your work and your vision of the characters so i really want your input on this, of you will 😅
I think what I amtrying to say is, I want to know what a relationship between Percy and Nico would look like if Nico was put in Annabeth's place as love interest? I don't like percabeth's dynamic, seems a good one between best friends but not as a couple, too mean spirited, whereas with Percico I think would be softer, cuter, fluffier even. Percy is caring and Nico loving and would actually blossom quicker I think than percabeth and putting them through Bianca's death, the great prophecy, Percy's disappearence, Tartarus ..etc would come up even angstier and heartwrecking! Do you see the missed opportunities, the potential, it just.....why isn't THAT the canon 😭 and I m sorry I ended up writing more 🙊
I hope you don't mind me saving your first ask (the prompt) for later, as I need to do some thinking and rereading for that one.
Like, I'm of two minds when it comes to Percy and Nico's canon relationship. On the one hand, I love how tempestous and filled with emotion it is. The reason it was so easy for Riordan to write Nico's feelings for Percy is because their relationship has always been portrayed as them being there for each other. When Nico is in danger, it is always Percy who worries and goes after him, and when Percy needs help, it's Nico who leaves everything behind for him. Their relationship is just perfect as is, except for the fact that it can't be romantic unless it's unrequited. Having them closer in age for me changes nothing, because what makes them work as a couple is not impeded by their age difference, but rather by authorial intent.
Nico is a plot device for Riordan. He knows or finds out about things because there needs to be someone to tell Percy, and Chiron, Annabeth, and the Olympians are perfectly happy keeping quiet. He gave Nico all the cool powers so he could gather info for Percy, and a penchant to help him when he needs it most, and then told everyone that it was just because he had a passing fancy on Percy and that his true love is the guy he never mentioned or noticed until the last book. That's a cop-out if I've ever seen one.
The issue with that intent is that Percy and Nico's interactions are just interesting to read and enjoyable. They talk and the scene becomes just about them. Annabeth and Rachel (Percy's actual love interests) stop existing for a while in BotL because Nico needs to talk about belonging. They can have a talk where the world is at stake, where they scare campers for fun, or where they talk about christmas gift shopping and it's the most enrapturing thing ever.
I mean, I already wrote a whole fic about rewriting PJO and HOO with Nico as Percy's love interest, so I think that answers your question of how I would do it, but writing them as a couple far earlier in the story requires more thought, because quite frankly, Nico and Percy are full of flaws and could easily make each other worse because of them. Nico expects Percy to read him like a book while also trying to keep his feelings hidden from him, and Percy expects Nico to just tell him stuff without having to ask and refuses to see hints. A healthy version of Percico while they are young can exist, and they'd be really happy, but it requires a lot of communication and maybe outside help.
That would make for a fantastic story in itself, because a Percy that loves Nico from the start would definitely get together with him as early as Battle of the Labyrinth, but to maintain that relationship and keep it healthy? They'd both have to grow a ton, and that's conflict, which makes for a good story.
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oogaboogaspookyman · 1 year
Stuck inside a fake cartridge of a game that can't exist
Waiting for someone to play my thrilling game!
*hoo boy*
(do you know what it's like to see the world spin around you)
(over and over again, until you puke, and then start over from scratch like it's nothing)
Fun is infinite!
Said the Majin himself!
Fun is infinite!
None can compare!
*hoo BOY*
(fun is infinite!)
(said the Majin himself!)
None can compare for i am the only true game master in the room!
*THE GUY!!!*
i cAn't wAit
t0 tAke y0u h0me
thEre's s0 mUch t0 sh0w y0u
afTEr ALl
whAt aRE frIEnDs f0r?
I have been waiting for so long
*who the FUCK*
(for so long)
There's so much to show you, look at us now...
All grown up, up!
There's so much to show you, after everything in the past...
It's been so long since i had tortured a soul in the old fashioned way
Do you have any idea how long we were gone?
*LORD X??*
*IT'S LORD X!!!*
Fun is infini-i-ite!
None can compa-a-are!
Listen to the Maji-i-in!
Hey there pal!
Hey there!
We meet again!
Once again!
Do you know my name?
'Course you do!
'Course you do!
It's just me, everybody's favorite!
The blue blur!
It's just everybody's favorite!
It's just me!
Good ol' me!
Let's play a game
You can choose your favorite thing
This cliche never dies
You can't run and you can't hide
Let your spirit leave your body
I will take you to my
And i'll leave you without word
Hide and seek!
Can't you see?
Boyfriend is nothing for me
You're the one i'm looking for
Through the screen i can see more
Play the notes
It's so fun
Sonic loves to see you run
From a fate you won't escape
This isn't over just yet!
This is so far from done!
It's not over just yet, friend!
I really hope you did enjoy the expirience, player!
There is way more coming your way!
This isn't over just yet!
This is so far from done!
It's not over just yet, friend!
I really hope you liked the expirience, expect more coming!
But for now, stay hyped my friend!
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Okay listen
Yes this is the “longass post” I mentioned in my previous Tratie HoO post hgjkfsh I decided to publish it and see what y’alls think!
Anyway, I saw this post, like...a week ago?? And all of a sudden, everything related to the HoO series that I’ve held back just came charging full-force. So I’m here to grace y’alls with my ideas and thoughts about HoO.
Honestly, if I talked abt everything that went off-kilter in that series, we’d be here all day, so I’ll just stick to the mere basic point that was also the basis of my HoO conceptual rewrite idea, and that point is...
Percabeth shouldn’t have been a part of the Seven.
Yeah yeah, half of you guys must be throwing stones at me, the other half is probably nodding in agreement. But seriously, Percabeth already had their time to shine--they had an entire five hecking books, they ( and their characterizations ) definitely do not need another five more, yeesh! I love Percy and all, but pls, five more books in which his and Annabeth’s and their relationship’s character were diminished? Yeah, no thanks. 
I love Percabeth, but in HoO, they became so...bland??? Idk how to properly explain it, but I didn’t like what happened to their character arcs at all lmaoo
But then, I got an idea: what if, instead of Percabeth, it was TRATIE who was a part of the Seven, instead? 
Now this idea was inspired both from the post mentioned above plus another post that talked abt Tratie as a part of the Seven in a bit more detail, which I cannot find no matter how many times I scoured the rr-crit tag ( smh, if anyone else knows of this post, pls lmk and link it, I’m sorry 😭 )
And yeah, I know a lot of ppl have been hopping on the ‘Nico & Reyna as part of the Seven’ train when it comes to making HoO rewrites, but see, hear me out, just think about the potential of Travis Stoll and Katie Gardner--two children of minor gods--getting their spotlight in a series of their own ( plus more indirect spotlight on the minor gods in question ) plus a slowburn ( kinda ) relationship?? Heck, I already have some ideas for this, that I’ll jot down below the cut along with some conceptual ideas about the rewrite. If any of y’alls end up reading this whole post, can you...just, idk, lmk whether it’s a solid plan and if I should actually take it forward and plan on writing it? Bc I’m being rlly indecisive rn ahaha 😅
So. Tratie instead of Percabeth. Let’s take a closer look at the potential:
Honestly, I hate to admit it, but Percabeth didn’t do much to the plot as a whole, so it wouldn’t make much of a difference if they’re taken out. Though there are some things they did to move the plot forward, although little, and that’s what I’ll touch on before I discuss Tratie in general:
( oh yeah, disclaimer: I read the HoO series about five years ago?? I’m trying ( key word: trying lmao ) to reread the series currently, but it’s just not sticking lmfao. Probably the main reason why I wanna rewrite it so badly, other than the two posts that boosted my inspo )
--> THE ATHENA PARTHENOS: Annabeth went on a solo quest in MoA to track down the Athena Parthenos bc it was crucial to sealing the rift between Greek and Roman. BUT, any other demigod could go on that same quest instead of her. Like Piper, whose mother had told her that she was essential to sealing the rift but never ended up doing anything for it bc RR just...flopped idk; or someone like Leo who has similar abilities as Annabeth and would be able to outsmart Arachne in a similar fashion as well; or even Reyna could come earlier than she did in the series and work with the Seven or some of them to track down the statue? Idk, there are lots of options, tbh, there’s honestly not that much relevance to Annabeth being the daughter of Athena so she has to track down the Athena Parthenos. I mean, sure there was the Arachne ordeal, but other than that, nothing major rlly happens
Percy, himself, didn’t rlly...do much for the entire series, other than fight. I mean, there were some minor aspects of HoO where his powers or relations to other characters vibed well, so we’ll check those out:
--> KANSAS: In MoA, Jason and Percy fought each other bc they were forced to. That could easily happen even without Percy. Instead, of Percy, it could be Hazel and Jason fighting each other due to their connections as the Big Three children being taken advantage of. It could be sort of like a mirage of Thalia and Percy’s fight back in TTC. Plus, again, it gives way for more bonding and discussion after between two other characters that never got much interaction time together in canon
--> KYM AND POLYBOTES: okay this is the scene that takes place in BoO where Percy and Jason face off against Kym and Polybotes. But, Percy...does literally nothing here other than get poisoned lmao. It was Jason who did the heavy-lifting bc Percy got a t a d bit arrogant, thinking he was invincible underwater. So honestly, you could take out Percy and replace him with another member of the Seven (who would seem reasonable, in the context, so no Piper or Annabeth or Leo, etc bc none of them can survive even a minute under the water and doesn’t have a way like Jason to breathe). Tbvh, I can see Frank and Jason go together to face Kym and Polybotes. Frank can shapeshift into a sea-creature while Jason can use his ventus vacuum thingie, so it all works out, and nothing too drastic is changed! 
There’s probably a couple more of little scenes where Percabeth was mostly significant in some way to the series, but let’s be very honest...there weren’t a lot of them. So long story short: if you want to, you can easily take out Percy and Annabeth from the series and replace them with another pair and it wouldn’t be the end of the world, lmao.
Now onto Tratie ideas in relation to if they were a part of the Seven instead. Here are some bullet-points of some ideas that I thought of:
It could be a lovely parallel, where when Jason woke up, all he could remember was Thalia, so when Travis wakes up, all he remembers is Connor, his younger brother. I think it would be nice bc it shows that not everything has to be romantically coded like how Percy only remembered Annabeth in canon. It would emphasize Travis and Connor’s sibling bond more so, and I can just imagine Connor giving Travis reuniting noogies and trying not to burst into tears in MoA, and Travis whispers something like “you’re here” and the floodgates open, and it’s just crying and hugging and the like 😭😭
Katie is a daughter of Demeter, so she would have a somewhat connection with the Earth aka Gaea, hence there is now a plausible reason why Gaea would want to spill her blood to rise. Also, when the time comes to defeat her, instead of charm-speaking her to sleep or whatnot, Katie could be a significant crux to the primordial’s defeat bc her powers tie in with the land/earth, so she could use her powers to forcibly push Gaea back into the earth.
 Instead of them going to Tartarus, they end up going to Cupid (so some other pair will fall into Tartarus instead), and instead of a stupid forced outing, Cupid takes one look at them, senses their underlying emotional tension and goes “oh boy, yeah, you two have a lot to talk about” and actually (tries to) help guide the two into confessing the feelings they’d hidden, instead of being a little shit like in canon. Plus I just adore the idea of Travis calling Katie “flower” after they get together, and Katie calling him “key” not just bc he steals stuff but also bc he’s like the key to her heart and all that sappy bs, I literally love them sm 🥺 literally such wonderful nickname opportunities that have a deeper meaning
Travis and Jason might have a subtle rivalry, but unlike Percy and Jason’s weird ‘I’m stronger than you’ thing, it could be bc Jason felt a bit jealous of how everyone was looking for Travis, including his sister, while no one pulled much of an effort to look for him? It’d give an opportunity for them to talk things out and end up growing closer after talking
Juno/Hera saw Travis’s need, his desire, to redeem the Hermes name and as a result, used that fire to kickstart her plan by plopping him in Camp Jupiter while Jason got switched to CHB. Hence there is now a reasonable concept as to why the switch happened, because honestly, the whole Percy-Jason switch didn’t make all that sense bc Jason, yes I can sort of understand why he got switched, but Percy?? There was literally no solid reason that was explained as to why he was chosen to be switched lmao. But with Travis, Juno/Hera takes pity on him and uses this as an opportunity for him to bring glory to the Hermes name after the Titan War
I have a ton more ideas for the rewrite as a whole tbvh. Stuff relating to ways Gaea could actually be defeated, more on Octavian’s backstory and why he hates the Greeks so much, and other tiny scenes between the demigods that could bring about more characterization and details to their arcs.
The only problem is...with the way this is going in my head, I think things might end up diverging more or less from canon as the series progresses? Like there will obv be the canon scenes, but there might also be non-canon scenes that might change the series plot a little bit?? And idk how many of y’alls will appreciate that lmao ghjksfgh but I have started writing it. It’s a super long process lmfao, so idk when I’ll publish it (probably on Ao3, if I do), but I just wanted to let y’alls know bc a lot of you guys liked my first post abt this and I saw your lovely tags and it made me super happy and honestly, those tags are the reason why I even started writing this in the first place! So thank you guys so so much for the positive feedback!
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Hoo boy okay so normally I would just gush in the tags about how a given scenario would play out with each of the OC F/O's it applies to, but that last one basically boiled down to me n' one F/O spoiling another F/O silly again. And as much as I like doing that, I recognize that it's probably more relatable to have your F/O's be the ones (relentlessly!) spoiling you, so in light of that...
Grab 2 F/O's who are affectionate, doting, optionally polyamorous, maybe a little stubborn, and so touch-starved they can barely contain themselves, and 1 totally exhausted and equally touch-starved S/I, all fresh from some physically strenuous activity, and meet me below the cut.
Sorry I've been away for a couple days. This took several hours to write, and I obviously had to take breaks, but this is easily the longest and most detailed imagine I've ever written, so much so that I actually threw it under a readmore for once. It's that long.
Disclaimer: This is very much gonna be a 'let yourself collapse in a heap and leave everything in your F/O's' very needy hands' type of scenario. I tend to avoid getting explicit to keep things comfy for me, but that aside this is a very physically intimate, completely over-the-top 2-on-1 care session. This sorta thing might be overwhelming by its nature alone (which is why I tend to prefer being the one doing the caring), so heads up if that's not your cup of tea.
F/O's are occasionally labeled "(A)" and "(B)" to make it easier to keep track of which F/O is currently holding you. Yeah.
One last thing: If anyone reads this and happens to prefer teaming up with an F/O to spoil another F/O as I would, there's a good chance I'll eventually rewrite this from that perspective too, but since this took a really long time to write this it might be a bit. I'll resume my regular selfship content in the mean time.
Whoa there,
you almost collapse from exhaustion,
but your F/O's each grab one of your arms and catch you.
You're already red from nearly overheating, so you somewhat hope they don't notice how red you just turned from both of them grabbing you at once...
...And they're both even redder now they totally noticed.
Did I mention all three of you are unbelievably touch-starved after... whatever physically strenuous thing you all just did together?
Now that they've made physical contact with you, it's all over.
They're gonna be all over you for the rest of the night...
Using the hands that are not currently supporting your weight,
they play rock-paper-scissors for the privilege of bridal carrying you home,
where they will no doubt spend the next several hours spoiling the living daylights out of you.
You're too tired to protest that perhaps they might also be physically exhausted and in need of care,
but they look so happy right now,
so you'll let them have this one.
...It seems their little competition has resulted in a stalemate after several identical attempts.
They both look at you with pretty eyes, each practically pleading with you to pick them please...
You pick the F/O you'd like to carry you (A),
but before the other one (B) can look too dejected,
you promise them as consolation that they get their pick for tonight's spooning positions.
They perk right back up.
Hey, it's only fair.
...With that, your feet touch ground for the last time tonight, as one F/O (B) lets go,
and you fall into the waiting arms of the other F/O (A), who promptly scoops you up and holds you close.
Your sweaty clothes are a little sticky,
but your F/O smells so good up close,
and you have a feeling you won't be wearing them much longer...
When you get home,
your F/O's look so pleased with themselves,
as if they've just won the grand prize in some contest,
and you're the trophy they're bringing home.
They carry you straight into the bathroom,
nearly forgetting to close the front door behind them in their urgency to touch more of you.
The F/O not currently holding you (B) shucks off their own clothes and begins undressing you.
Once the've taken off all they can access, the other F/O (A) begrudgingly hands you over to them and slips off the rest of your clothes before finally disrobing themself.
The skin-on-skin contact causes both of you to exhale deeply,
and you shiver a little,
and take a deep breath of this F/O's scent too.
They both smell so good its not fair...
...Meanwhile the two of them are trying not to freak out because you also smell very good, and none of you are currently wearing clothes.
Of course none of you are willing to admit this,
at least partially because you're all very sweaty,
and each of you probably thinks they smell not-so-great after that physically strenuous thing you all just got back from.
But the long, sensual shower you're all about to take together will fix that,
and make you all smell even better.
The first F/O (A) is looking a little lonely over there,
so the F/O currently holding you (B) slips you back into their arms,
and you experience the head rush of skin-on-skin contact all over again with them (A),
while the recently-S/I-bereft F/O (B) turns on the water, adjusting it to just the right temperature,
then steps in first.
Your current holder (A) hands you off again.
This is going to be a running theme tonight...
...The water feels soft and rhythmic as it falls on your skin.
This is probably because your seemingly insatiable touch starvation has rendered you hyper sensitive,
almost unbearably so.
And its about to get worse in the best possible way...
The other F/O (A) steps in after the two of you, and grabs your preferred body wash.
They squirt some on their hands,
and a little directly onto you for good measure,
then glide their slippery hands up and down your every curve and contour.
Chills follow their hands along your spine,
and spread to your limbs as they lather and caress you.
You wriggle from the overwhelming sensation,
but the F/O carrying you (B) holds firm,
rendering you weightlessly helpless against the former F/O's (A) slippery ministrations,
until its their turn to dote on you.
They return you to the other F/O's (A) soapy arms,
and whisper "Close your eyes, Love."
When you do, you smell your favorite shampoo fragrance mingling softly with the scent of your preferred body wash,
and you know what's coming next...
Your eyes roll back behind your eyelids as their hands fold gently into your hair...
massage your scalp...
slip behind your ears...
and ever-so-lightly scratch the back of your neck...
This time you stay perfectly still,
all but immobilized by the stimulation,
but chills run down your spine and through your limbs regardless.
You feel the soft, rhythmic pulse of the water grow slightly stronger as your F/O (B) grabs the shower hose and begins rinsing the lather from your hair,
then gradually works their way down, moving slow and close along the rest of you,
and lingering just a little longer on the sensitive places where the water pressure makes you gasp...
Meanwhile the F/O holding you (A) is paying extra close attention to which of your muscles tense as they adjust their grip...
They'll make mental note of that for a little bit later...
When you open your eyes,
you see both your F/O's' faces deeply flushed,
and not just from the shower...
Your face probably has a similar glow, judging by their lovestruck expressions...
...You know they're not even close to done with you,
but you insist on giving them just a little attention,
before their relentless affection renders you too drowsy to move or think coherently...
You reach for the shampoo from your F/O (B)...
Surely they won't mind if they end up smelling like you...
...They bow their head...
and with the support of the other F/O (A),
you do your best to send them to their own little slice of heaven,
even if it's only a fraction of what you felt at their touch...
The soft whimpers the strokes of your fingers elicit from them suggest otherwise, however...
...You take up the spray hose,
and rinse the lather down their back.
They visibly shiver.
The F/O holding you (A) is getting understandably weak in the knees from watching the act of intimacy you just committed, and knowing it's their turn next...
They hand you off and eagerly bow their head in anticipation.
A few sweet moments later, both your F/O's are somehow even redder than before,
but they're just getting started...
You'd think they'd get tired of holding you by this point...
...Well maybe that's a little true.
Rather than drying you off as expected,
the F/O you've most recently doted on (A) begins to fill the soaking tub.
You're gonna turn into S/I-flavored pudding at this rate...
...They've got you right where they want you...
...The F/O carrying (B) you slides you into the tub, easing you gingerly into to the steamy water...
Your limbs, already slack from the suspended body soaping you recently received, go completely limp and float weightlessly,
your head, just above the water level, rests languidly against the smooth sloped porcelain of the tub's inclined surface.
Your eyes however, unlike your limbs, are ever-so-heavy...
Each time they close...
It gets harder and harder to open them again...
Through increasingly hazy glimpses,
you see your F/O's towel off...
and change into loose, comfy clothes...
Then the heat goes to your head...
your eyes stay closed...
and things get a little fuzzy...
You feel yourself drifting in and out...
No thoughts...
Just the smell of your just-washed hair...
the muffled sounds of your F/O's doing something in the other room...
their periodic footfalls and adoring sighs as they come check on you, and linger to admire you, respectively...
The room growing suddenly darker, then a faint glow behind your eyelids...
Until at last you are roused from your steamy reverie,
by your F/O (B) gathering and tying back your hair.
When you open your eyes,
you see the room lit with several candles,
and the other F/O (A) wheeling in a small cart with a covered tray.
You cannot be serious...
...They lift the cover to reveal one of your favorite home-cooked meals.
It smells good...
...Your mouth falls open in disbelief,
and is promptly met with a forkful of food from the F/O who has just finished with your hair (B).
Your surprise is rather instantly dispelled by how amazing it tastes,
and you don't exactly have the strength to feed yourself right now,
so you cave,
gulp down your mouthful,
lick the fork clean,
and without any further hesitation,
open wide for another bite.
Your F/O's are all but beaming at your unexpectedly easy cooperation.
They certainly don't keep you waiting,
feeding you forkful after heaping forkful of the home-cooked meal so good you can practically taste the love they put in.
You savor every last bite.
When you're finished with dinner,
and maybe a couple deserts,
The F/O who was feeding you (B) wipes your face clean with a napkin,
then the other F/O (A) slips behind you and hovers a sleep mask over your eyes.
You nod in consent and close them,
then feel the soft silk submerge you in pleasantly warm darkness.
You feel both of your F/O's hoist your limp body from the now lukewarm bath water,
and set you down on a familiar surface...
It's padded with gel-filled cushions,
and draped in a fluffy terry-cloth sheet.
You sigh deeply...
They've been waiting all day for this...
You'd be lying if you said you weren't too...
...You feel your neck being propped up with a small cushion...
Your limbs being spread into an accessible position...
the featherlight touch of a cloth hand towel wicking away any remaining bath water...
And then,
you smell your favorite oil or lotion warming in your F/O's' hands.
You take a deep, deep breath...
and submit to the most meticulous,
totally relentless,
incomprehensibly thorough full-body deep tissue massage from both of your F/O's simultaneously.
Every facet and crevice coated to a slippery sheen...
Every sore muscle, knot, or sensitive spot they noticed earlier flushed, kneaded, and assuaged with perfect depth of pressure...
Every joint and vital point stretched and stimulated until pain gives way to pleasure,
then a calm so deep you barely notice when they turn you over to do it all over again...
Your mind and body at total ease...
Both only aware of your F/O's' touch,
and you're positively swimming in it...
The care with which they dress you for bed...
The slippery soft texture of your pajamas sliding onto your limbs...
The weightlessness of being carried to bed, like levitating,
and the weight of your weighted heating blanket enveloping you completely...
Your F/O's surrounding you in the promised F/O's (B) desired spooning positions...
(Bet it was totally worth it...)
...Leaving you with just enough consciousness to receive their worship in one last bedtime ritual:
Goodnight kisses...
"Deep breath in, Love," one F/O (A) whispers...
Your breaths are already pretty slow and deep at this point,
but you breathe from your diaphragm,
inhale through your nose,
and hold it, in baited anticipation...
"You are cherished," the other F/O (B) whispers in your other ear.
You shiver.
"And all the way out," the first F/O (A) whispers.
You exhale through your mouth,
then your F/O (A) kisses you so deeply,
it takes your breath away...
Their lips taste tangy, like candied fruit...
..."And in," whispers the other F/O (B).
You inhale.
"You are safe," whispers the first (A).
You shiver again,
this time it spreads through your whole body.
"And out," whispers the other (B).
You exhale,
Then taste the other F/O's kiss.
It's sweet, like honey.
It mingles with the first's taste.
..."You are ours," they whisper in stereo.
Your hair stands on end.
"And you're mine," you whisper back, without hesitation.
You feel them each grab one of your hands,
and they both cuddle up to you close.
You give each of their hands a gentle squeeze,
let out a deep, contented sigh that makes both of them shiver,
and dissolve into blissful oblivion in your lovers' secure embrace...
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greypoth0ts · 3 years
it was a pretty long day
Characters: Ushijima(who else) hehe
Note: Yes I am projecting again - these days I just want to dance to LANY with the person I love. :')
It was a pretty long day - you're so worn out from work.
Work was tough, your line of work has always been tough. Not only do you nurture kids, you nurture kids with special needs. On top of teaching, you deal with emotions, tantrums & melt downs. Good days are good. Bad days.. they'll take a toll on you.
Today was tougher on a different level. Chaos in the class. Kids screaming their head off, dealing with meltdown and toileting. Refusing to cooperate, didn't want to do their work. By 3pm you were already flat out exhausted. You just really wanted to call it a day.
You know that days like these are normal. Sometimes you take it in your stride. Sometimes you just let it weigh you down. Today.. today you finished work with anxiety and it almost went onto a full blown panic attack.
"goodbye! see you tomorrow!" you said to your colleagues. Getting out of work on time. Today was just too much to put up with.
Stepping out of school gates, you felt faint. Sick to your stomach even. You tried your best not to throw up. You kept walking until you reached your train station.
"I am leaving workplace now, going to reach home in 30 mins babe." you texted Ushy. It was a Tuesday. So Ushy does not have practice on Tuesdays. He's home, waiting for you to have dinner with him.
"ok babe, waiting for you. I made some steak. Safe journey home. :)" - Ushy replied your text almost immediately.
"I'm not feeling too good, I think work was too much today. I feel like I'm going to throw up" - you replied to Ushy.
You haven't had a panic attack in awhile now. It's been years. You've kept it controlled all these years and also, Ushy played a big part in keeping it controlled. He recognises the signs and immediately helps you to snap out of it when he sees it. He tries to never let you slip into it.
You try to hold it together, your stomach in knots. You really want to throw up but you don't want to be judged. You try to find one thing to focus on. But you just can't keep your focus. You keep walking, walking and walking. It's like even though your body wants to just sprawl on public floor, your muscle memory just kept bringing you through to the train station.
Ushy kept calling. But you left your phone on silent. You were too focused on trying to suppress the attack anyway. There was no way you would be able to string your words even if you picked up the phone.
Ushy at home - worried sick. He's seen you spiral before, it's not a pretty sight. It's a sight that he hates because he is so helpless. He hates seeing you in pain, even if you get a paper cut, he makes a big hoo ha about the small wound. Thats what you love about him. He cares, and he cares so deeply. Hence he made it a point to himself to learn your first signs of panic and stop it just in time before you spiral.
He's considering to come find you and meet you half way. He would've hated if anything happened to you. But he kept his cool. He knew that the best bet is to stay home, to wait for you. He kept pacing up and down the house, he kept calling you. He is imagining the worst scenarios in his head and was on the verge of tears. But Ushijima never gives up, he just kept calling in hopes that you will pick up soon.
You survived the walk to the train station in a piece. Now the peak hour crowed made it worst. Whatever you want to let out is already at the tip. You stopped in your tracks.
Closed your eyes, took a deep breath..... steadied yourself.. and entered the train.
"keep it together, keep it together, am not going to puke in the train" - you thought to yourself repeatedly in the train.
You clench your fist so hard they leave a mark. You were bursting in cold sweat. You tried to keep your focus but you couldn't.
As soon as you turn into your house - you see Ushy at the door, walking towards your direction. Even before you could greet him, you threw up all over the floor. And as he inches closer - you reached out your hand to him, in a way to stop him from coming closer because the vomit will get all over him.
But Ushy didn't give a shit. The person he loved the most was suffering, he wanted to be there to hold you no matter the circumstances.
And you did exactly what you didn't want to - you threw up on Ushy.
"it's okay love, I'm here now. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. Take all the time you need to puke, once you're done, we'll get you cleaned up." - Ushijima reassured you, with his hands on your back, patting you, hoping you feel better.
You couldn't even bring yourself to say sorry. You didn't even get a chance to. You're bent over, puking your guts out. Ushy could only pat your back and look on helplessly.
Once you're done, he took your bag, swung it on his back and princess carried you into the house. You felt better after puking your guts out but you were still in a daze.
He removed his shirt(cos you puked on him), revealing his perfectly chiseled abs. Ah, what a sight.
He then placed you gently on the sofa, went to the kitchen to take some anti nausea meds along with warm water in a flask. Bringing along some warm towels at the same time and cleaned you up.
"I'm sorry Ushy - you must be hungry and tired. But I've burdened you." - you trembled as you said this. Tears rolling down your cheeks.
You felt bad. On the day that Ushy could rest, he had to take care of you.
Gently, Ushy wiped away your tears and held you close to his chest.
"that's what I vowed to do for you - when I married you. was it not clear in my wedding vows? maybe I should rewrite to make it clearer for you." - his voice low, almost with no emotions.
You cackled. But Ushy was serious about this though. He does not understand why you're upset when you are not the issue. However, he fully understood that you had no control over your panic attacks and when he asked for your hand in marriage, he has vowed fiercely to love you and take care of you, whatever comes.
You couldn't help but feel like you're the luckiest girl to be loved by the Ushijima Wakatoshi. The ace of Japan, where he has all the girls swooning over him but he only has eyes for you. And here you are, lying on his chest. Sharing a home with him, and what a privilege it is to be loved by him.
"I am sorry - I will do better next time. I wasn't there to stop your panic attack this time round, but I will do my best.. to never let it happen again." - this took you by surprise. Why is he blaming himself over something the both of you have no control over?
You gently placed your hands on his face, thumbs circling his cheeks. "this was not your fault at all, please don't apologise. You've done so much for me. And I haven't had an attack in awhile now. Do you know why? It's all thanks to you. You always manage to detect it before I spiral. I can function almost at 90% because of you, Ushijima. Please don't ever think that you're not doing enough." - you assured him.
He nodded and kissed your forehead.
"you know what will make it all better?" - you asked Ushy.
He raised an eyebrow - "what is it, y/n? tell me and I will get it done."
"Put on my favourite album from LANY, let's dim the lights and slow dance.. it'll make me feel 100% better in no time."
"consider it done" - Ushy replied firmly.
He wasted no time in getting it done. Ushy dimmed the lights, lighted up your favourite scent of candle & put the music on.
"may I?" as he extended his arms.
"I would love to." you held onto his arms, standing up.
He held you close, your head on his chest. Feeling safe, secure and loved.
Enjoying this special moment that you both share. A love so deep.. the ocean is jealous.
reblogs & likes welcome! requests open :)
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Hello! Can I make a little request, please? How would Dain react to his s/o over working themselves and being exhausted, because his s/o thinks that if they don’t work hard all the time then they aren’t good enough for the things they have in life. I started my finals, haven't slept for ~2 days and I'm pretty sure I developed caffeine intolerance🤪
Btw your writing is amazing and almost always calms me down whenever I experience anxiety. And coincidentally I study to become a medic and it's easier for me to find myself in your ocs and enjoy the story! Keep up the good work and don't forget to take a break whenever you feel overwhelmed!✨
Ok so Dainsleif priority request,,
This ask actually made me tear up uhh this was sweet as hell and I really appreciate your kind words. I hope you're able to rest soon! And very good luck to you for your finals! <3
I'm really glad my writing can help, especially in such a personal way. I'm pretty much the doctor friend of my friend group so I relate to medic characters a lot, hence why I write them so often haha (,: Much love to you~! I hope you enjoy.
Tags: gn!readerxDainsleif, fluff, just general overworking of oneself, Soft Dain Content:tm:
-Hoo boy, him too. He’s immortal and sometimes simply unaware of mortal limits at times.. He won’t notice right away because he does the same thing. Once it gets to the eyebags or sluggish movements though, he’s become almost too aware. A worrier through and through.
Dainsleif’s been watching you for a while now, you can feel his gaze on your form as you scribbled notes on some form or another for the Adventurers’ Guild. How long had it been since he entered the small office in your home and took up residence on your couch? Twenty minutes? Thirty? Eh you lasted long enough. Setting your quill into the ink pot you lift your head to meet his starry gaze, he's not even trying to hide his stare. Typical behaviour.
"Can I help you?"
"You last slept approximately forty six hours ago. You have not stopped for a break since nine am when you got more coffee. Your hands are shaking and you had to rewrite your signature three times just now." You blinked at him, he didn't blink back. His hands clasped, chin resting on them as he stared. It took a solid moment for his words to register in your sleep-addled brain. "You're overworking yourself, again." Dainsleif points out as he leans back against the couch, hands dropping to his lap.
"I wish I had your ability to keep track of time." You huff, stretching your back and arms as you look away from him, checking the clock in the room for the time. It was well into the afternoon now. But still, so much work to be done for the Guild. "I'm fine, Dain. Don't you have an Abyss something or another to track down?" He narrows his eyes at your comment and you know better than to continue teasing him when he was this worried.
"Fine? Ah so sleep deprivation counts as fine these days among mortals, interesting." He stands from the couch, arms crossing over his chest as he approaches your desk. Before you can pick up your quill to resume your work, he's leaning against your desk, toying with some item or another. "Take a break with me then. Late lunch." He's giving you that look where he already knows what you're going to say and you lean on your elbow, looking up at him.
"Dainsleif. You know I can't do that, my love. I have all this work to do still, I owe it to the Guild to be hardworking." You gesture to the paperwork on your desk but he makes no attempt to glance at the stacks of papers. You are the most reliable guild member, that much is simply a fact. He knows it, you know it, the guild in pretty much every nation knows it. But at what cost, Dainsleif wonders. He adjusts his position, pulling himself up on your desk instead, essentially getting in your way. Unfortunately he's being too uncharacteristically cute to complain.
"I know that you feel like you don't deserve to take a break, but you do. You're more than good enough without working yourself to the brink." Dainsleif reaches out, gloved hand gently gripping your jaw. His stature makes it awkward, but he manages to lean down and plant a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth. "Come, my beloved. The paperwork will still be here at a later time." He lets go of your face, sliding off of your desk. He instead holds a hand out to you, waiting as you look between it and the paperwork. Eventually though, you concede, taking his hand and allowing him to pull you up.
"You're lucky that you're pretty, Dain." He merely smiles at your teasing lilt, bringing your hand up so he could press a kiss to the back of it. He's won today and as far as Dainsleif is aware, that's all that matters for the time being. Lucky indeed, but not for your reasons, no. Dainsleif feels lucky to have you at all, diligent and kind. His chest is warm as he holds your hand in his and he knows how far he'd go to make sure you stay safe. Even if it means keeping you safe from your habits.
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bunkernine · 3 years
ur "didn't need to be 7" theory. pls continue i am now curious
it's not really a theory but I've said it a million times that there's never needed to be a group of 7. ultimately the prophecy only named 2 things, but 5 is a lot more flexible with the other lines.
anyway this opinion has been cultivated over the past few months so there's different variations, but here's my current thoughts on the lines of prophecy:
Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,
7 isn't necessary, so let's say that's 5:
To storm or fire the world must fall.
jason or leo blah blah, this is obvious
An oath to keep with a final breath,
oath/breath reminds me a lot of piper and her charmspeak. this would've been good had this been a promise in tlh... which she makes a couple anyway. plus it adds the possible layer of death to the lost trio which jason and leo already had. never mind the fact that they all died in tlh anyway 💀 (midas and then hera)
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death
doors of death makes the most sense for hazel, considering she's pluto and she was literally dead. 'foes bear arms' reminds me of frank, the mars kid who is the only one who has lasting conflict with a greek (leo) in the series, but also the warring gods in his head!!!! if you want, u can consider franks shape shifting as a connection to monsters. additionally, his stick ties him to doors of death even more so
tbh, i have rewritten hoo a LOT of times in a LOT of ways in my head. i think annabeths quest is AMAZING and i love it a lot, but it's also not related to the great prophecy. (also unrelated but it makes more sense 2 me that reyna had that quest but that's a different post) i think the best way to handle percy/annabeth is by having them be older mentors who then disappear (tartarus) and the 5 need to figure things out on their own.
as a group, these 5 make more sense anyway: piper/leo are greeks, hazel/frank are romans, and jason is stuck in the middle as reluctant leader. there's a million ways those 5 could have conflict (like leaving nico in the jar? pipers reluctant love vs franks reluctant war? jasons loyalty? mom issues? fire vs stick? sammy if u will). there's just so much there ALREADY that when riordan added the other two, he failed to pay attention to what needed attention— the new and very engaging characters!!!!
percy and annabeth would've been great mentors (maybe) who now feel the frustration of luke and recognizing these kids are so young. in the way percy passes the series off to apollo in toa, is how i think hoo should've went. but ah well, i didn't write hoo. there's a million ways to rewrite hoo but i always felt this was a stronger way
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bedlamsbard · 3 years
About 500 words written today -- back to Better in the Morning.  I’ve got some rewrites I need to do on Chapter 7 because, as you might have seen earlier, I realized that I needed to rework my conceptualization of Asgardian cosmology and I need to work that out.  (I have a ~technical scene I wrote in water metaphors, except that’s not how Asgardians think; which means I have to make myself conceptualize this in something Not A Water Metaphor.  Or as was said in tonight’s Sunday Zoom when I was forcing C and M to listen to me think out loud: “Tonight’s topic is TREES, bitches!”  working with Asgardians in the MCU is like playing five-dimensional chess, at least the way I do it.  like, I’m enjoying it, but hoo boy.)  I’m also having a severe anxiety today because...reasons.  So that’s awful.  And woke up very late, which is whatever in summer, but this time of year means that I just don’t get a day.
Snippet from Better in the Morning 8.  (I am two chapters ahead of the last chapter posted.)
“I’m not him, you know,” Loki said.
He kept his voice low and didn’t bother to look at Thor, letting his gaze dart around the passageway instead.  The only good thing about the TVA was that it was difficult to be taken by surprise, since the bland hallways provided no cover at all.  It also meant that there was nowhere to run when you did get cornered, as they had already discovered. Loki hated it immensely.
“Not who?” Thor asked, his voice equally soft.  He was just behind Loki, his blind side to the wall on their right; Loki was feeling peevish enough that he wanted to assume it was because he didn’t trust Loki not to stab him in the back, but the part of his mind that was still mostly rational knew that with only three eyes between them having the one who still had functional peripheral vision in the lead was the smart thing to do.
“Your Loki,” Loki said. “The one you’re so worried about back in your timeline.  I’m not him, any more than you’re Odin’s Thor.”
“That’s different,” Thor said.
Loki shrugged. “No, it isn’t.”
“Yes, it is,” Thor said stubbornly.  “You’re him, you’re just…not there yet.  But you will be.  I’m not that other Thor, even if I could have been.”
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lunapwrites · 2 years
WIP ask game
"Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!"
So I have been tagged by both @wanderingbandurria and @allalrightagain to take part in this. And uh. This is the first time I am realizing that people actually have WIP folders and not just a mish-mash of untitled documents staring them mockingly in the face. But here. Some highlights of things I've actually gone in and named mine:
Herald of Oh No
Holding Back the Fool
19 draft section
This Is Shangri-La
Yummy Yummy: Best Of Compilation
Waiting Room
Remus pre moon anxiety
dora and ted
LTL 17 Take No. 394
The Joker and the Thief
LTL 17 take 3
Penumbral I - New Moon
From the Beginning
put that thing back where it came from or so help me
table talk outtakes
Passing notes
dungbombs and dragons
not to alarm you
hymns with the devil in confessional
all hands
Go Home Remus
Mouth of Ghosts
9 crimes (more exerpts)
State of Love and Trust
rewrite of state from Remus' POV
Moony recounts the boggart class
A Dream
Untitled Document (1-10)
Hoo boy some of this is weird lol. Have at it!!
Most folks I would want to tag in are either already tagged or probably not in a good spot for it now, so just leaving this open. <3 :)
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Hawks X GN Sad Reader Part Ten
A/n: Still sick, so plenty of time to write and think. And I feel like it’s about fucking time I got this out here. Either way, here. I’m tired. Also we have another character making an appearance in this part. Also I’m kind of proud of myself for just sitting down and rewriting all that I had and finishing it. :D
TW: Cursing, very light fluff, very light angst, depression, hospitals, 13+
Please seek professional help if you even suspect that you are suffering from depression. It will be worth it.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 🪶 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The doctor had asked you what was the last thing you remembered. And of course you had lied and said what you had done the week prior. Of course, that had earned you a few more days laying in a hospital bed. Whoo hoo. 
You traced the vein of the red feather as you turned over onto your side, ignoring the soft drip sound that came from the IV. How could you tell the doctor that the last thing you remembered was the railings of a friend house giving out and you falling two stories to hit the ground. ‘It was a miracle you weren’t dead’ was what they all told you. Bullshit. It was dumb luck. Miracles didn’t even exist. 
You removed your hand and watched the red feather give a little twitch, your expression blank. Alrighty then. Did that mean something in particular? You weren’t entirely sure. You sighed and placed the feather under your pillow before rolling onto your back again. You were starting to get stir-crazy and you were sure that the nurses were beginning to notice. You really were trying not to give them any more work than they already had. The last time you had called in a nurse was when you had ripped out your IV after a panic attack. That had been a whole other mess on its own. Which you still felt bad about. You drifted off to sleep once again.
When you awoke you heard two sharp whispering voices.
“I know I know. Just let me check on them. Then you can drag me away again!” That one belonged to Hawks. You were about to peer your eyes open before hearing the second voice. It was unfamiliar and deep. There was a strain and rasp to it that made you wondered what caused it. Some of the rasp was likely natural, but the strain and the rest of it something had caused.
“Why is this random person’s life so important, that you needed to just be here oh so quickly, feathers for brains?” The voice was cruel too. You didn’t like it. Despite the warnings going off in your cloudy head, you opened your eyes and sat up.
“Hawks?” You said softly, causing the hero to spin around to look at you. The other figure put his back to you, a hood covering his head. He obviously didn’t want to see you or be seen by you. Hawks rushed over to you and hesitated a moment before grabbing one of your hands.
“Hey, chickadee. How are you feeling?” You wanted to pull your hand from his. To not be given the false hope that he felt something for you. It had to have been false... right? You shrugged, your eyes flicking over to the other figure that stood in the room. 
“I can feel you looking at me. Plus I can see you in the mirror. Featherbrain, if they figure it out you know what I’m going to have to do. For my safety and the league’s.” The voice sounded. Your eyes roamed the room before landing on the mirror that was mentioned. You could see some raven black hair sticking out from the hood but a mask and sunglasses covered the rest of his face that was visible around the hood. Your forehead wrinkled and you looked to Hawks for explanation. 
“That’s a long story, chickadee. And not one to ever tell. This is just a friend of mine. He was helping me when I felt you touching the feather.” Hawks excused. The man snorted.
“Wow. You really did give them one of your prized feathers. Why can’t I have one, birdie? Don’t like me as much?”
“You know full well where I stand on the emotional scale when it comes to you.” Hawks growled out. You flinched at the sudden tone change. When he spoke to you, his voice was soft and gentle. Even concerned. But when he spoke to the other man, his voice filled with a cold venom. You didn’t like it. It reminded you too much of someone you’d much rather forget.
You pulled your hand from his.
“Sorry.” You said quietly before clearing your voice. “I was just bored. I won’t do it again.” That had the hooded man turned slightly to look at you. His hoodie had a high neck, so none of his skin was exposed and his hands were shoved deep into the pockets. His pants looked like they were stapled together and dark boots adorned his feet. You quickly averted your gaze from him.
“So you’re saying you dragged me here because this... whoever this is, was fucking bored?” The figure asked. You watched Hawks’ wings bristle and spread slightly as he took a step in front of you and the stranger. If this was a friend of his, like the hero had said, then how come they obviously didn’t act like friends?
Hawks didn’t like this. He was with Dabi when he felt your touch. It seemed off. But mainly where you were and had been everytime he had checked on you for the past five days was the main concern. He turned to his companion as they walked down the street, Dabi in his cheap ‘don’t recognize me’ outfit. He was lucky his voice wasn’t caught on the news or anything, otherwise he would have been arrested. Which would have required a large range of explanation on Hawks’ part. Something he could say.
“Hey, can we make a quick stop?” Hawks asked, keeping his voice calm and nonchalant. He watched Dabi’s head turn and knew that the cold eyes were giving him an incredulous look.
“Are you for real? No, we can’t. There’s a contact I have to meet with, and you’re only here to prove that I can trust you enough to take you to the boss.” Hawks tried not to groan. This mission was going far more slowly then he wanted it to. Dabi had to be someone with trust issues that rivaled Keigo’s own. 
“It’ll be quick. And it’s really important.” Hawks replied, stretching out his brilliant wings a little. Dabi lurched away from them. 
“No. After we’re done you’re free to do whatever can crap you want. Until then, deal with it yourself.” Hawks grinned at Dabi and looped his arm in his.
“Deal with it myself, eh? Okay then! Let’s go!” And with that, the winged hero took off with Dabi cursing him out the entire way.
When he did manage to get into your hospital room, he let out a relaxed sigh at you sleeping. He had enough nerves right now, showing a weakness in front of Dabi. But his mind twisted it, saying this would help Dabi to trust him if he had something he could use against Hawks. Not that Hawks would ever allow harm to come to you by the League of Villain’s hands. Not on his watch.
“We’re going to be late for the contact, you twit!” Dabi’s voice came out in a harsh whisper. He seemed to know that you were sleeping too, and was making an effort not to wake you. Hawks doubted it came from a place of kindness though. He figured Dabi just didn’t want to be found out. A valid point considering the profession that the fire quirk user engaged in.
“I know I know. Just let me check on them and then you can drag me away again!” Hawks tried to bargain, trying to hide the concern in his voice. He didn’t like the fact that you were in a hospital. These places always made him a bit antsy.
“Why is this random person’s life so important, that you needed to just be here oh so quickly, feathers for brains?” Dabi replied. Hawks held back a snort. He really wasn’t holding back on show how agitated he was getting with the little pit stop. Or maybe he was still made from Hawks just forcing them to fly away. But before Hawks could respond he heard that musical sleepy voice of yours.
“I’m sorry.” You said again and your fingers twitched, wanting to go retrieve the feather that was still under your pillow. You turned your head as something red moved in your peripheral. The feather floated into your hands and your held onto it, thankful.
“Yeah. I did. And if you have a problem with it, then you can talk to me about it. Not them.” You could easily hear the defensive tone that added a bite to Hawks’ words. But the air suddenly began to heat up. You swallowed uncomfortably, any words you might say stuck in your throat.
“Watch your fucking tone. I don’t need you. Hell, none of us need you. You sought us out, remember? So you don’t get to make demands. Now fucking move before I burn the building to the ground.” At the threat, and one you had a strong feeling wasn’t an empty one, you moved as far as you could from the two men and clutched the feather and covers on your hospital bed. You watched all of Hawks’ visible muscles tense before he slowly took a step away, golden amber eyes trained on the person that had come with him. The room temperature cooled a little, but you could barely notice as the hooded man approached you and caged you in with his arms. 
The smell that surrounded him smelled of nicotine, smoke, and a rotten smell. As if someone had touched a stovetop for a moment too long. You closed your eyes tightly to calm yourself before opening them.
“Listen to me, and listen fucking well. Unless you want to die,” What a funny phrase. Obviously you did. You giggled slightly, causing the man to paused. He straightened up. “Wow, okay then.” He said, confusion lacing in between his words. Hawks let out a sigh.
“Chickadee...” He said gently. You turned your head to look at him.
“Chickadee nothing.” You replied, your voice emotionless. You were tired. You turned your gaze back to the other figure. And you wanted him to leave. “I won’t say anything. As intimidating as you are, I’m really tired.” You said. The hooded man, you were wishing you knew what to call him because referring to him as that was starting to get annoying, crossed his arms over his chest, revealing his hands. Your eyes widened slightly at the staples that held purple scarred skin or something to healthy skin. That was familiar enough to jog your memory of who this was. Before you could say anything, a large wing went in between you and the infamous villain. Why was Hawks with him?
“Great. Let’s just skedaddle then. Come on. I’ll be around later, dove. Stay safe.” Hawks said hurriedly, turning his blond head slightly to make eye contact with you. His eyes begged you not to say anything. You just stared at him before rolling onto your side, feather still in hand.
You didn’t say a goodbye to either of them when they left.
“Tadaima.” Hawks mumbled softly as he entered his home. He let feathers fall to the floor in a large clump before peeling off his jacket and gloves, shirt quickly following. Some different bruises lay scattered over his torso and he kicked off his boots. Heading for the shower, he thought about the look in your eyes when he had made a hurried exit with Dabi. He had seen the recognition flash in your gaze when Dabi had removed his hands from his pockets. The asshole needed to invest in gloves. 
But the confusion and mistrust you had looked at him with had his heart wanting to shatter. But his training wouldn’t let it.
He let the water cascade down his form as he thought. There was going to be questions from you. Questions he couldn’t answer. And he had no idea if Dabi knew you recognized him. He hoped for your sake, the villain didn’t. Kami, this was such a mess. A mess he wasn’t sure he knew how to fix. Damn it.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 🪶 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
A/n: Part ten done! Hope you enjoyed! I don’t know why this chapter is the way it is. Also I want to move the story along, and Hawks relationship with you, but at a realistic pace. But I also rush my way into relationships so the advice I’m having to ask my friends about this is making them think I’m trying to enter a relationship when I’m already in one. So that’s going to require a vague explanation because I don’t want them knowing about me posting bullshit.
Either way, hope you enjoyed, please be safe, check out my A03, and until next time!
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impala666 · 4 years
The One With Mrs. Bing Part One: She’s Back
Here we are. The episode I have been very excited about. Enjoy!
Friends rewrite (masterlist) Last Part (The One With The Monkey Part 4) 
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Last night you had slept on the couch, you just wanted a little bit of your own space. During the night it had been nice, but now you were laying on your stomach with your face buried in your pillow trying to sleep. While you could hear Chandler making breakfast and drinking coffee before he headed off to work. You had to work yourself at the store in a few hours, but you just didn’t want to get up yet. The only thing that was going to help make your day was that you didn’t have that long of a shift anyway. So you’d work for a few hours and then spend many more hours with your friends just hanging out. Finally, you decided that enough was enough and it was time for you to get up and face your day. So rolling onto your back you let out a loud sigh and pushed the blankets off of you before you managed to make it to your feet. “Good morning, sunshine!” Chandler optimistically greeted you. You stopped at the peninsula of the counter and just glared at him, with your hair a big tangled mess which only made him smile more. “What?” He asked you, taking a sip from his coffee cup.
“You’re just being really cheery and I thought that was weird.” You shrugged it off though and entered the kitchen to get your own cup of coffee. 
“Where’s Joey?” Chandler asked.
“Not sure.” You answered honestly. “Probably still sleeping would be my guess.”
“How’s that going? I know you wanted to slow down, is that good?” Your big brother asked, just to check in on you.
“It’s been going great! He’s been surprisingly understanding and incredibly supportive. It’s just nice to have people who support me instead of trying to tear me down.” You smiled as you sat down across from him at the table.
“And you’re always going to from now on. Besides, if anyone knows about leaving home to pursue a career path that doesn’t meet the parents expectations other than you, it would definitely be Joey.” Chandler smiled at you in proudness and supportiveness.
“I know,” you told him with a small smile. For once in your life it was nice to know that if you fell, you had friends there to catch you and help you get back on your feet. You never had that with your parents; you could barely remember your dad before he got a divorce from your mom who was hardly ever home to begin with. All you really ever had was Chandler, at least you had him up until the moment your mom shipped him off to boarding school and then you were basically all alone until now. “And thanks for bringing up the whole disappointed parent thing.” You smiled at him in sarcastic thanks. 
“You are welcome,” Chandler chuckled along with your sarcasm. Then the both of you just continued to talk about your daily lives until Chandler had to go to work and you unfortunately had to start getting ready. 
All of you were finally done with your work day, so all of you went over to Monica and Rachel’s for some dinner all together telling each other about your day, to your surprise Phoebe and Monica had quite an exciting one. They caused a man they thought was attractive to be hit by an ambulance. “There are no conscious men in the city for you two?” Chandler asked, leaning against the couch as he silently judged his friends. 
“He doesn’t have anyone,” Monica defended herself and Phoebe. 
“Yeah. We feel kind of responsible.” Phoebe agreed. 
“I mean,” you started all high pitched, but when you felt Joey put his hand on your waist from behind you, you stopped when you heard him chuckle.
“I can’t believe you said woo-hoo.” Joey added as he kept laughing slightly. “I don’t even say woo-hoo.” 
“Oh! She’s coming up!” Rachel announced to everyone as she grabbed the TV remote and turned the volume up. Everyone else was excited to see who was going to be on the screen, but you and Chandler couldn’t help but make eye contact and roll your eyes. 
“When we come back we’ll be talking about her new book, Euphoria Unbound. The always interesting Nora Tyler Bing. You might want to put the kids to bed for this one.” Jay Leno announced as he lifted up his copy of your mothers latest erotic novels. You couldn’t help but feel sadder and sadder the more he talked about her before they went to commercial. Ross, Monica, and Joey sat next to you with big excited smiles on their faces. Chandler already didn’t want to watch this but when he saw you drooping into the couch and your smile falling into a frown with a sad look on his face, he knew he couldn’t take it any longer. He knew you hadn’t heard from your mother since you moved out because he hadn’t either. 
“We don’t have to watch this.” Chandler decided enough was enough. “Weekend at Bernie’s is on Showtime, HBO, and Cinemax.” He announced the change of TV as he picked up the remote.
“Come on, she’s your guys’s mom.” Joey complained in surprise that neither of you wanted to watch your mom on one of the biggest talk shows in America. The fact that Joey didn’t see why you were upset made you just that much more upset.  
“Exactly. Weekend at Bernie’s! Dead guy getting hit in the groin 20, 30 times!” Chandler tried one last time for the sake of both of you. 
“Guys.” Rachel beamed to you and Chandler. “I love your mom’s books. I cannot get on a plane without one. I mean, this is so cool.” Rachel was practically giddy when she found out that your mom was the author of her favorite novels. 
“You wouldn’t think so if you were 11 years old and all your friends are passing around page 79 of Mistress Bitch.” Chandler relayed. You would have jumped in on the conversation too, because man did you have a million stories, but you just couldn’t think of any. Plus because of recent events you weren’t really in the mood to talk. 
“Yeah, Chandler. I love your mom. I think she's a blast.”  Ross spoke, apparently on the side Rachel was on. That your mother was this fun, wonderful person. 
“Yeah, you say that because she’s not your mom.” You finally mumbled loud enough for all of them to hear you. They all turned to look at you, and for the first time they were seeing how hard this was for you. Ross immediately stopped talking, Monica and Phoebe looked at each other not sure if they should say something, and Joey wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you a little closer to his side. It made you feel slightly better, but you just wanted to run and hide under the covers in Joey’s bed for at least a week. But when the others heard kissing noises, they all turned around to see that Paolo was here and was practically eating Rachel’s face off of her body. 
“When did Rigatoni get back from Rome?” Ross asked, now adding to the sad party you were having. 
“Last night.” Monica answered him.
“Really? So then his plane didn’t explode in a ball of fire?” Ross asked, clearly not jealous at all. “Just a dream I had. But phew.” He thought would be funny to say out loud. 
“Hey! Hey! She’s on!” Apparently Phoebe was also excited about all of this, and Joey left you and was now on the edge of his seat on the couch. 
“Ah! Nora Bing!” Paolo yelled in excitement, much to your dismay as you watched your mom walk onto the screen, waving at the audience on the other side of the camera. 
“Before we get to the book, now what is this about you being arrested in London? What’s that all about?” Jay Leno asked your mother, which had you rolling your eyes at that piece that was news to you. 
“Your mom was arrested?” Phoebe laughed with astonishment. 
“Shh, I’m busy beaming with pride.” Chandler told her, which clearly wasn’t accurate. 
“This is kind of embarrassing, but occasionally, after I’ve been intimate with a man..” your mom started her answer.
“Why would she say that’s embarrassing?” You masked your pain with fake humor. To which everyone ‘shhed’ you. 
“I just get this craving for kung pao chicken.” Your mom proudly answered for everyone. 
“That’s too much information!” Chandler yelled at the TV. 
“So now you’re doing this whole book tour thing. How’s that going?” Leno asked her. 
“Oh, fine. I’m leaving for New York tomorrow, which I hate. But I get to see my kids, who I love.” Your mom smiled proudly, but it was hard to tell from the botox that she had gotten done. But all that you could focus on was the fact that she was coming here. She was coming here, to New York, after everything that had happened, and that was the way you had to find out. You were dying on the inside. But all your friends around you and your boyfriend all awwed for you and your brother. You crossed your arms tighter over your chest, wishing you could be anywhere else right now. 
“Oh, this is how we find out.” Chandler yelled, sounding like he was pissed. “Most mom’s use the phone.” 
“You know, I…”Jay Leno started saying as he got comfortable in his seat. But he also seemed like he didn’t want to offend your mom.“Don’t take this the wrong way, I just don’t see you as a mom somehow. I don’t mean that bad.” 
“Oh, no.” Your mom scoffed while looking at the audience. “I am a fabulous mom. I bought my kids their first condoms.” Half of your friends turned to look at your brother while the other half turned to look at you with your hand over your eyes in embarrassment. You then just decided that you couldn’t handle it anymore and ran out of Monica’s apartment and to yours, and to Joey’s bed so you could hide. You were just glad that you managed to avoid eye contact with all of them. However, Chandler was just standing there completely mortified. 
“And then he burst into flames.” Chandler said to himself as he felt like he was dying on the inside. 
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Shuffle playlist - Rewrite - Part of Your World - Harry Hook x Reader - part 5 - the isle.
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warning: talk of non-con selling of sex in last bit of chapter
(note: (n/n) means = Nick name)
Mal took a heaving breath as she led her scooter towards the edge of the cliff, facing towards the isle of the lost. Harry repositioned behind her, tightening his grip on the cushion below him.
Mal let out a few sputtering sobs and lifted her goggles off the bridge of her nose and placed them on top of her helmet. she swung her backpack off her shoulders and grabbed her spellbook from her bag, hurriedly shifting through the pages to find the correct spell. There it was. “Noble steed/proud and fair/you will take us/anywhere”
The scooter glowed purple for a moment before it went back to normal, and Harry could swear the barrier had shimmered purple as well.
Mal stuffed her book back in her bag and shrugged it back on, turning to Harry while reshifting her goggles back onto her nose “hang tight, and onto me, I know it'll be uncomfortable but I don’t know if this will work, and I still can't swim” Harry sighed and released the cushions, wrapping is arms around Mal's torso and leaning against her.
“okay, hoo” she took a deep breath again, revving the engine of her scooter “please work”
“Mal if this doesn’t work and we die I am going ta kill yeh!” Harry yelped as Mal suddenly swerved to the right towards the steep slope down towards the beach and lead the bike onto the ocean.
The bike hopped on the surface a couple of times before smoothing out, Mal looked over her and Harry's shoulders back to Auradon and let out a breathy laugh, she was free!!!! Free from the pastel dresses, the invading press, the bobby pins, the painful too small at her toe heels, the rules, everything!
She could finally be herself again.
She and Harry let out a gasp as the barrier shimmered over them, the feeling of her magic draining from her was probably the worst feeling she had ever experienced, yet the scooter was still running atop the water. “odd” she muttered to herself, slapping the handle of her scooter as she remembered FGs explanation of good-intentioned magic being allowed to exist behind the border.
And she was doing everybody a favor by going back to the isle, so it had to be good-intentioned…right?
She took a hard right, making Harry yelp, and rolled into the wharf market that was near the Core fours hideout. Harry finally looked around, fixing the black motor helmet over his head as he passed his fellow isle pirates.
Mal suddenly stopped, looking to her left and taking off her goggles, Harry looked away from the market and towards her, raising his brow as she tore down the defiled poster with her and Ben on it and bunched it up, she threw it over her shoulder and replaced her goggles. She drove the scooter down to the next block and parked it in the slot next to the ascending stairs up to the core fours apartment. Harry quickly slid off the back and ripped the helmet from his head, shaking around to get rid of the squished feeling on his ears.
“I’m never doing tha’ again” Harry growled, his icy blue eyes locking with Mals now dull green ones as she passed by him and walked over to the entrance of her apartment. She picked up a rock and chucked it at the yellow sign with the words ‘danger flying rocks’. the sign swung back and the metal fence door lifted up.
Mal glanced back at Harry and gestured to the hideout, inviting him into the safe space. He shook his head and held his hands up, the weight of the helmet in his left hand shifting a bit “nah, I swore never ta step foot in tha’ place, I’ll be at meh apartment for a bit till I go talk ta Uma” Mal tilted her head at him.
“why do you want to talk to Uma?” she asked, leaning over the railing of the steps. Harry gave her a look.
“I need her ta know I haven’t abandoned her” Mal's mouth made an ‘o’ shape as she nodded, realizing what Harry was talking about.
“I get it….sorry, I know I was part of the distraction that prevented Ben from getting more kids off” she sighed, scratching the back of her head. “I've- I wish I could’ve done something more- I-I just” Harry held his hand up again, shaking his head.
“I know, lemme say this from (y/n)s perspective because from mine I would just blame yeh fully” Mal let out a little snort, if anything her and Harry's distaste of each other hadn’t changed in the last 6 months, which was nice. “yeh were under a lot of stress, and it’s not yer job ta make sure Ben follows through on his promise to bring more vks over” Mal shook her head, pushing up on her toes and pouting at Harry.
“but I could have helped with moving it further along, it was my fault that he kept blowing you and (y/n) off on those meetings for the vks, I could have…I don’t know made him think we were having a date in his office and then you two just make him sit through the meeting or something” Mal sighed, leaning her cheek on her hand.
Harry shrugged again, looking down the alley “aye possibly, I’ll be back at meh apartment if yeh need meh, Jay will know where it is” Mal quirked her brow again.
“huh?” Harry smirked up at Mal, rolling his eyes.
“did yeh really think those three would jus’ leave ye ‘ere? and yeh know once (y/n) finds out I’m ‘ere too she’ll drag me off by meh ear” Mal rolled her eyes.
“I guess….though I was kinda betting on someone coming over and taking me back, I’m really just here to get away from it all” Harry nodded at that.
“aye, once we crossed the barrier yeh regretted this a bit didn’t yeh?” Mal nodded a bit.
“…yeah, that feeling of magic being drained from me it was just….made everything come back, now I remember why we all wanted to leave so bad….I guess the stress from Auradon made this place seem a lot better than it was” Mal sighed, looking up to the dark grey sky.
Harry nodded again and started to back away “aye, when the rest of em get here, just tell (y/n) I’m at meh apartment and Jay can lead ‘er there” Mal waved him off and watched him disappear into the dark alleys towards the wharf. She tapped her heel against the steel stairs nervously as he left her sight.
God, she hoped Hook wouldn’t find out about Harry’s presence on the isle.
She couldn’t bear to hear those sounds again.
You sighed as you leaned back in the cushioned chair in Ben's office, watching him quickly write down on the papers for cotillion. You had bust into his office about an hour ago, waiting until he finally talked about his fight with Mal. He stopped, looking up at you through his lashes before sighing and leaning back against his chair. “I really screwed up didn’t I” he finally muttered, crossing his arms and looking up at the ceiling.
“yep” you popped your lips, smirking as he groaned and rubbed his face in stress.
“but she lied to me! She lied about everything and thought she could get away with it! And-and” you rose your brow as he looked back to you. “-god I was just so angry at her for doing that but then….god I fucking compared her to Audrey” you blinked at that.
“you-I-wow Ben, that’s….alright then” you chuckled, pinching your nose and standing from your chair, walking over to bens desk and leaning on it “alright imma say it straight, and before you ask, I’m from a world where yall are a movie remember?” Ben nodded, slightly confused at the last part, leaning back slightly as (y/n)s disappointed look turned to a glare. “you are valid to be mad at Mal for lying to you about using her magic, you are valid to be mad at her for doing that. But you have to understand, she.is.not.you. she is not Evie, she is not Audrey, and she is not from here.
She is from the isle, where EVERYTHING was different for her, there were no rules, there was no press, there was no dress code, there was no nothing, she could just do whatever she wanted. Going from that, to having a billion rules and demands from everyone, is extremely stressful”
Ben tried to speak up but you silenced him with a glare “you may say ‘but I never asked her to be anything other than herself’ you never told her that, when she started to try being the perfect Auradon girl, you never told her that you liked it, you never told her you didn’t like it, you just let her keep going, which in her head translated it as ‘oh he likes me better this way, I’ll keep going’ I know you have that stained glass window with her in her full isle style self, but that window would have been helpful two months ago when all this shit started. She's having an identity crisis Ben, she needs support and guidance, now I don’t mean she needs her hand held, she needs someone to say that she's doing the right thing, that she's not screwing anything up.
she needed someone to say that she didn’t have to change because she was already perfect, yes, her attitude and shit needed work but as a whole? She was fine, she didn’t need to change the way she spoke, or walked, or dressed, or smiled. She just needs to learn that it's okay not to be okay, and to ask for help. She JUST learned that she wasn’t the only person in the world 6 months ago, and now she needs to learn that it's okay that she's not doing okay.
And you haven’t helped her with that, you have just stood by and acted like nothing was wrong, and that’s what is wrong Ben, you live in this world of lollipops and sunshine, that you don’t see what’s two inches in front of you! And that’s not a bad thing, I love that you’re an optimist, but when It comes to not seeing that something is wrong with your friends, that’s when it becomes a problem.” You sighed, leaning back and cracking your neck.
“again, I will say you being mad at Mal for lying to you about using her magic and…lying to you about how she was doing is completely valid. but you again have to understand, her entire existence, up until 6 months ago, was pleasing her mother.
and when her mother was turned into a mini dragon, her people-pleasing tendencies turned to you, and what she thought would please you most. And that would be a perfect Auradon girl. That’s why she did all that, because she thought you would prefer her that way instead of her actual self. On both sides of your argument, you both are in the wrong, and you both are in the right, but because you both lack communication between the two of you”
you held up your hand again as Ben tried to speak “neither of you truly talk to each other, yes you talk, but not really, you never asked about her boundaries, she never asked you about what you wanted, both of you suffered because you just won't talk to each other like that, you need to talk to each other and find out what is going on with the other to find balance in your relationship. Ben, you can't just rely on the other to come forward, you both have to if you see a problem in the relationship.
And the problem with yours is that you don’t know how to look past the surface and see beneath anything, and Mal doesn’t know how to ask for help. I’m not saying your shallow, I’m saying you’ve lived in a world of everything is perfect and nothing is ever wrong; so it's hard for you to realize that someone is having a hard time, and Mal has lived in a world where asking for help meant weakness or even worse death.” Ben paled at that
“so both of you have to teach the other about yourselves, Mal can teach you how to look beneath the front mask of people and see their true selves and intentions, and you can teach mal to soften up and learn that asking for help is not a bad thing anymore”
You sat back down in your chair and crossed your arms, waiting for Ben’s response as he just stared at you “I know, that was one big ol’ rant but it needed to be said” you laughed, cracking your neck and sighing “I haven’t talked that much in….never” Ben rolled his eyes and leaned forward on his hands.
“I need to talk to her” you nodded, shifting in your chair.
“what you need is to take your relationship slower Ben, it's only been six months, don’t you think that’s a little fast? especially for Mal who’s never done anything like this before? Something like cotillion and her being introduced as Lady of the court would be something that happened in a year, not six months. I think it would be better to celebrate the half-year of the vks being here than all that.” Ben paused for a moment, then groaned, flopping back in his chair.
“I’m an idiot” He muttered, you snorted and rolled your eyes “of course she's not ready for all this….I really should have paid attention to her more instead of just assuming that she was okay with everything changing so fast” he sighed, glancing back at you. You nodded to him, letting him know he was on the right track.
The two of you sat up as the door to Ben’s office opened suddenly and Evie stepped in, knocking rapidly on Ben’s door. “Evie!” Ben sighed, letting a smile bloom on his face. “come in” she quickly stepped into the room and closed the door. She let out a shuddering sigh and looked from you to Ben. You sighed, closing your eyes, right you had forgotten about Mal going back.
“Mal’s gone back to the isle” Evie's voice wavered, looking down at the floor as she quickly walked over to Ben and handed him a note. Before he could read it she said his name, and handed him the golden class ring Ben had given Mal during the coronation.
He stared at it for a few moments before hurriedly unfolding the note and reading it, his eyes shining as his shoulders dropped as he read the note. “this-this is my fault! She had been under so much pressure lately and I-I was the last straw….I shouldn’t have yelled at her like that” he bit his lip, a few tears trailing down his cheeks and hitting the top of his desk “she wasn’t even doing anything bad with her magic she was just taking a few shortcuts….I have to go to the isle and get her back myself! It's dangerous over there and she could get hurt…I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to her” he turned to the window, peering out the side where he could see the edge of the ocean.
“Ben you’ll never find her! The isle is huge and she has a million hiding places!” Evie sighed, rubbing her arms as she thought about what she was about to do “you have to take me with you” Ben turned around, looking at Evie with wide eyes.
“I can't let you do that” he muttered, his shoulders dropping “I don’t want anything happening to you” Evie shook her head defiantly.
“I’m going, you don’t even know how to get from the entrance to the market, you need someone who knows the isle sand from stone…and I can't leave her there either, there's no doubt she’s made some enemies over there that are just waiting for a moment to strike, and without her mother's protection…even if it was lousy protection, she could get seriously hurt, or even worse killed…” Ben turned pale again, he didn’t want to think about that. “and she's my best friend Ben, I won't just leave her….and we’ll bring the boys too, because there's safety in numbers and I’m betting none of us are popular over there right now” Evie sighed, rubbing the back of her neck, she stopped, watching as Gil entered the room quickly and slammed the door behind him “Gil?” he looked to you, his face place and his body shaking.
“Gil what's wrong?” you asked, standing up quickly and walking over to him “you look like you’ve seen a ghost” he let out a small whimper and handed you a piece of paper from Harry's journal. “what-“ you felt your world stop.
-Gil, I’m sorry, but I’m going back to the isle with Mal, I’m not planning on staying but I need to make a point to beasty boy. I'll stay out of sight I promise.
Harry had gone back to the isle with Mal “he what?!” you half screeched, almost stumbling back into the seats in front of Bens desk if it wasn’t for Gils hands on your shoulders
“(y/n)” Evie gasped, rushing over to you and wrapping her arm around your torso “what’s-oh no” she read the note, her face forming into a look of horror “Harry’s gone back to the isle too” she muttered, covering her mouth with a gasp. Ben furrowed his brows in confusion.
“why-you sound like it's even worse that he went back?” he asked, walking over to the three of you and glancing at the paper.
“because it is” Evie looked up at Ben “Harrys had it a lot worse than Mal, his- his father” you felt a cold chill rush over your skin and you broke from Gil and Evie's grip.
“his father what?” you snapped, the vks flinching from your dark tone. “tell me.”
“his-his dad um…he sold him when he didn’t have money” Gil muttered, his face turning green from the memories.
“or just didn’t feel like spending money” Evie snapped, hand clenching so hard you would hear her knuckles crack.
“…sold him?” Ben asked naively, Evie and Gil looked at him with sad eyes.
“he sold him to others to have….sex with” Gil paused between his words, they were almost too hard to get out “when he bought his rum or whatever he felt like drinking, I don’t remember how long it was happening but if Hook finds out Harry is on the isle….we might not ever see Harry again” you and Ben looked at each other and nodded.
“then it's settled” Ben clenched his fist around Mal's note and his ring, watching you as you grit your teeth and your eyes turn dark “we head to the isle as soon as possible, we can't risk anything happening to Harry or Mal” the three of you nodded and rushed out of Bens office to collect Carlos and Jay.
‘oh Harry’ you felt tears burn in your eyes as you burst into your dorm room and grabbed a change of clothes that suit the isle ‘why didn’t you tell me’ you stopped, seeing a large piece of paper from Harry's journal sitting on your desk. You quickly walked over and grabbed it, unfold it, and start to read.
-to my dear (n/n)
I’m sorry, but I’m going back to the isle. No, we aren’t breaking up, this has nothing to do with you, I’m making a point to Ben.
I know he and the others will stop at nothing to get Mal back from the isle and I needed to make sure Ben would see the isle for what it really is. A place where no child should be and hopefully, he will get a move on for the vk transfer thing.
I also needed to see Uma and my sisters; they need to know I haven’t abandoned them. I know you’ll be coming with Ben and the others to get me, I do not doubt that, so I’ll see you soon.
I know the dangers of me being here, and I’m sorry I never told you about my history with my dad, but I’m sure Evie and Gil filled you in on it. I’m planning to stay out of sight and away from him and anyone who might tell him about me being here.
I promise when we are back in Auradon I’ll tell you everything about my life on the isle, you deserve to know.
I love you; I know I have never said that, but I’m sure of it now, and I wanted to say it just in case.
You let out a low sob and collapsed against your desk, holding the now crumpled note against your chest “Harry” you chocked out, feeling droplets of tears hit your hand. “you stupid fucking idiot”
“I love you too”
-end of part 5-
Here it is! Part 5! I hope I made bens side of the argument…better while also still being like “yeah both are wrong both are right in it, but Mal was really having a hard time and ben needs to slow the fuck down” because MAL IS NOT READY FOR ANY OF THE DATING SHIT SHE IS DOING IN D2, COTILLION SHOULD HAVE WAITED FOR AT LEAST ONE YEAR INTO THEIR RELATIONSHIP NOT 6 MONTHS! Anyway, I also hope Mal and Harry's talk at the beginning was also…nice? That’s the best word I can think of right now but I hope im making Mal an actual likable character instead of….ya know *gestures to d2/3* that. Im trying to actually develop her d1 character into something more instead of just making a whole new one each “movie”
And yes, James is just as Bad in this as he was in the OG part of your world, and don’t worry, he does get his ass kicked by reader.
Thank you for reading!
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​
@lunanight2012​ @daughter-of-the-stars11​
@musicarose​ @remembered-license​
@random-thoughts-003​ @verboetoperee​
@imtryingthisout​ @rintheemolion​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​
and now the rewrite taglist because im sorry i forgot about yall lol
@thesailbells​ @beccad10x​ 
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