#just let people have they’re headcanons and don’t interact if you don’t agree like
acearchivist359 · 1 year
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bi/ace solidarity but they’re in love with each other
ft. a bonus trans flag dean because i saw a bunch of people on twitter arguing about headcanoning dean as trans while i was working on these and the trans dean antis annoyed me so
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hazbinhappy · 6 months
hi, there! i hope that you are doing well and that you are having a lovely day. ♡ i really enjoy your writing, and i thought that i might request some general (romantic) headcanons for vox?
i really love him, and i think it would be very sweet and interesting to see how he might feel and interact with someone (the reader) he has genuine feelings for?
i understand that this man is a villain and well.. it’s vox - however, it would make me so happy to see him painted in a softer light. some people may enjoy darker themes, but, for me, it’s really upsetting to read sometimes.
i don’t really want him written as non-canon compliant because i still want it to feel like him.. but maybe, this could be the one person he has this soft spot for? like.. i want to see this man IN LOVE 😭💗
as for the reader, they’re gender-neutral but with feminine leaning presentation? and maybe, they’re also an angel and have this really sweet demeanor? maybe i’m just projecting. but i love the grumpy/sunshine dynamic.
and of course, thank you for listening to my request/ramble. if you can’t get to mine or it takes a while, that’s okay and no pressure !!
A/N: I know you wanted an Angel reader but I just couldn’t find a reason for an Angel to be in Hell so I made them a really sweet demon and they have a somewhat ethereal look, like they don’t look like they belong in Hell! Also don’t worry I get your feeling with Vox idk why I like him in a softer light maybe because I think he’s a loser too sorry
So for general Vox romance I look back to when he was alive!
I know he upgrades his body to whatever is modern (imagine a hologram Vox that’d be funny), but there are just some things from your past that stick to your core you know?
So I think he died in the 50s? I don’t know, but we know that he definitely had a box TV as a head at one point and we all know that has existed for like forever
I think he’d have the mindset that he has to be the “man”/”wear the pants” in the relationship instead of being equal
It would take a bit of arguing to get to a standpoint to where you’re equal (moreso you guys agree on receiving equal treatment and love, but you’ll take turns with responsibilities though to be honest that man is busy so sorry for the massive homework load you have if you don’t hire a cleaner)
I think he’d actually start off with a mask of sweetness trying to impress you, but he then lets it down and starts to seem more genuine with his affections
He starts off with generalized gifts at calculated times and it moves to more personalized gifts at random times
He does watch you through the cameras, love the common thought
Though I don’t think he’ll stalk you unless he’s bored or worried; he usually uses it to keep up with you occasionally
He’s not big on PDA unless there is paparazzi, but he doesn’t mind cuddling in private (though it is a bit tough because he is has a TV head, please become an android bro don’t you have the technology-)
His love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service! Help the dude out and inflate his ego! Easy win for this dude
If we want to be specific on looks: he was attracted to how you looked so out of place. He actually thought you were a fallen angel until you just explain that you were just an sinner who had a more innocent look (I think the look would be due to you potentially tricking people in life)
He initially seeked to take advantage, but he didn’t and saw you as an ally even if you didn’t have any or many souls
The lighter colors bounce off of his darker scheme nicely
TDLR: I think it’d take a lot of communication and trial and error to get him to a nice balance, he’s not romantic publicly, and he likes how you look so out of place it fits the public image of wanting to be trustworthy
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
helloo!! i saw that your requests were open and wokred up the coruage to send in a request :] i rarely see chris mclean x readers (despite him being a fan favorite, methinks) and i kinda wanted to see if you could write hcs of him x a young nibling!reader who participates in tdi? (nibling is the gender neutral term for niece/nephew - since i want a nonbinary/gn reader :])
basically having to do with anything; basic interaction between reader and chris, his reaction or what he'd do if reader got hurt, etc. ty!! :]
Hello there!! Thank you so much for the request, it turned out a lot more wholesome than I expected! And yeahh I agree with you there that there isn’t a lot of Chris McLean content despite the large number of people appearing to like him in the fandom which hurtss ;A; but nonetheless! I hope this makes an enjoyable read, and that you feel more welcomed to send in future requests <3
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Ever since you were younger, you always had a strong bond with your uncle, and were always excited whenever he came over.
However, there was never a time where you went over to his place, since he was always busy.
Up until this summer, where Chris got the job hosting a brand new reality show where teenagers would compete in challenges in hopes to win a large amount of money.
After talking with your parents, your uncle was ecstatic to announce that you were going to spend the holidays with him on the show.
It felt like preparing for a sleepover! You had to pack everything you’d need for the two months: your pyjamas, your toothbrush, a variety of clothes, your portable movie player, (naturally) some movies and your mountie stuffed bear.
“Be careful when you get there, (Y/N)! My brother always had a bit of crazy in him.” Your mother advised, kissing you goodbye and watching you get on the boat for Camp Wawanakwa.
“Uncle Chris!” You called out to him, seeing him wave at you from the dock. Frantically, you wave back.
“(Y/N), welcome!” He ebulliently greeted you, helping you out of the boat. Once you got on the same ground as him, you share a hug before he walks you down the island, rolling your suitcase for you.
“Are they recording yet?” You asked, looking around. It’s so big!
“Not yet, we will be in fifteen minutes!”
“Is this...where we’re staying?” You didn’t want to be rude, but the island wasn’t as tropical or as vibrant as Chris made out to be.
“Nope! It’s where they’re staying.” He laughed, referring to the teenagers,“We’ll be staying at my crib that’s just around the corner.”
Upon learning that Chris McLean was an uncle, the campers were keen on leaving a good impression on you, especially since what you thought of them actually did play a role on their chances in the competition.
It goes without saying, there were some foul people that painfully obviously wanted to use this kin as a tool for themselves. Exhibit A:
“Hey kiiiid.” Heather came over to you during her free period. The smile she had on her face was too kind to be true. You’re also sure she forgot your name,“Really cute pair of overalls you’ve-“
You pause your movie,“What do you need?”
Ah, cut to the chase,“Listen. You know all the challenges that Chris has in store for us, right?”
“Mhmm! Gross stuff.” 
She leans on your chair, intrigued,“What do you want in exchange of helping me win immunity?”
This was precious. She’s asking you for help. You place a finger to your chin, thinking carefully,“Hmm... A pony!”
Her nose wrinkles,“Ah...not that.”
“But that’s the only thing I don’t have yet...” you whine. So much for negotiation!
“Why not something more realistic? Like...” she struggled to think of something appealing to give you from her conditions,“Ugh you know what, forget it. Just forget it.”
Good riddance! Let’s look at an example where a camper was in your favour.
It was dinner time and the contestants were stuck eating their questionable sloop.
Using Chris’ pointed attention on Chef, you snuck out into the mess hall and crawled under the table of the Screaming Gophers.
“Psst. Leshawna.” You tugged at her shirt from underneath.
“(Y/N)?” She keeps her voice low, peering down at you,“What are you doing there, baby?” Leshawna was always so nice to you- and not because she wanted an advantage, but because that’s who she is.
That’s why you decided to do this for her,“I wanted to give you some of what we’re having.” You place a wrapped up burger and an ice cream tub on her lap, resulting her to internally squeal and cover her face’s lower half in joy.
“For me?! Oh, you’re an angel... Thank you, sweetie!” She gushes, squeezing your cheeks, amazingly attaining a low voice.
Also there was no reason for you to be sneaky: Chris would’ve allowed you to treat your favourites overtly if it meant hostility could grow among them. You knew that- you just enjoyed feeling like a spy.
Which would have consequences for getting your forehead grazed and knee scraped later: like any kid, you wanted to explore around your new environment; not during the day when everyone would be awake, that’s no fun, but when the sky was mixed with tangerines and blueberries.
You made sure Chris was still sleeping, for no adventure could be fun if someone knew exactly where you were going.
Putting on your wellington boots, you left through the back door of his mansion and embarked into the woods, humming, singing, throwing your stuffed bear in the air and catching it as it came back down.
All was going well, until a sudden blast of an air horn terrified you out of your skin. With the ground shaking, you lose balance and fall into a pile of leaves. To your horror, you discover your stuffed bear not landing with you, but rolling off the hill.
Urgently, you leap to your feet and was smart enough to know you were approaching the edge- a wrongly timed tree root thought differently, leading you to roll too. Bluntly.
For what felt like ages, you finally came to be stationary and in dizzy vision, you saw your intact teddy bear in front of you.
You would’ve cheered, but your suspiciously wet forehead contracted your arm, seeing the freshly imprinted red on your palm reminding your consciousness of a similar sensation on your knee,“Ohhh that’s not good...”
“Hey Chef... Do you know where (Y/N) is?”
“(Y/N)? I thought you had ‘em.”
Chris’ instinctive worry quickly morphed into nonchalance once he heard your tale, but was still willing to bandage you,“You had me all worried just for that to be the case?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“Did you have fun?” He asked, cleaning your knee.
“I did.”
“Then you’re spared. You gotta be more careful though. If it was anything more serious, your parents will never let you into my hands again.”
Really? Over this?,“Ohhh, but I’m fine! I’m still alive, aren’t I?”
“Haha, you’re lucky you’re not my child.” He joked in response,“Alsoooo, while we’re on the topic of home, they called.” He walks over to his drawer and extracts a dreadfully familiar booklet, smirking at you,“Looks like someone forgot to pack their summer homework.”
You groaned,“Nooo... Why did you show me that? I thought I was on holiday, aren’t I meant to relax?”
Chris chuckled, shrugging,“Education is the scam of the century, (Y/N)! You’ll get used to it.”
“No faiiiir. I’m a kid! I should get to be on holiday forever!” You protested.
“Shouldn’t we all? Sadly, it’s one of those yucky things of life.” He wears a mocking melancholic look.
You blow a raspberry,“More like the yuckiest! Why does school have to exist in the first place? It’s sooo boring!”
“We can all agree with you there, my dear child,” He rubs your head in pity.
You tittered,“You’re the coolest, uncle Chris! If I said that back home, mom wouldn’t let me watch tv for the rest of the day.”
He laughs with you,“She was never the fun one in the family.” He goes serious,“Don’t tell her I said that, or else you won’t be the only one with an injury.”
“Got it!”
After Chris was done patching you up, you take the booklet outside, sulkily murmuring,“Nghh... I don’t wanna do this...”
Courtney happened to be nearby when she heard your dilemma,“Hey (Y- What happened to you? Are you alright?” Her concern real.
“I’m fine...”
“Aw! Poor thing. You can’t do homework when you’re unwell! Want me to help you?” She offered...to do algebra?
“Sure! It’s one of my best suits, especially as a CIT!” She enthusiastically seizes your booklet from your hand and immediately starts answering the first page. You watch in bewilderment.
She’s so smart...! Like a robot!
“(Y/N)? Any camper you want to give invincibility to tonight?” Your uncle asked with a smile.
“Uh... I really like Gwen, but I also like Leshawna...” you sheepishly selected.
Keeping his smile, he turned to said campers and threw both of them a marshmallow.
“That’s my buddy!” Leshawna cheered.
“Thanks (Y/N)!” Gwen’s sweet smile tainted ruthlessly to Heather.
It was funny seeing Heather get annoyed.
After the week’s elimination ceremony, you gave Chris a toothy grin,“Unnnncle, wanna play uno with me?”
“You bet I do! Wanna invite Chef?” He asked, taking your hand.
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katealpha · 4 months
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Hot Take
I ship Raya and Sisu over Raya and Namaari. Here’s why!
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• The biggest reason. Sisu has an adorable, scrimblo human form that she can change into at will. Raya’s got the best of both worlds.
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•Sisu and Raya would be around each other much more often, depending on what you’d have Sisu doing after the events of the movie. In my headcanon, Sisu went right to Heart after helping relieve Kumandra, and effectively became Raya’s roommate. Namaari on the other hand is a princess of another land and having her own responsibilities, may not have as much time for Raya.
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• Sisu has nowhere near as much negative baggage as Namaari. Namaari is partially the reason why the Druun returned to Kumandra, and half of the reason why they were nearly screwed forever, with six years in between these two events of the two hating one another’s guts. Personally I’m not too sure what kind of romantic relationship could spawn out of those events. In Sisu’s case, Raya spent a quarter of her life trying to find her, and all her life fascinated and revering her. When she’s woken up, Sisu isn’t exactly what Raya had in mind, but she’s still the first positive social interaction Raya’s had in literal years.
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• Sisu’s presence in her life made Raya a better person. The other biggest reason for me is that Sisu simply completes Raya in a way I feel like Namaari doesn’t. In the movie Raya distrusts everyone around her to an almost absurd degree. While her worry is understandable, Sisu is able to get Raya to lighten up and give people a chance after she had previously stated that she’d completely lost her hope in humanity. Sisu’s positive influence eventually got Raya to find hope that her father’s dream could become a reality, and she ended up adopting Sisu’s more forgiving attitude, and let go of the hatred she had for Namaari and her people.
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•Losing Sisu sent Raya into a frenzy. While losing her father seemed to have traumatized her deeply, losing Sisu to that very preventable accident Namaari caused made Raya nearly kill for revenge. I think that says something about how deeply she felt about Sisu despite only knowing her for a few days at most.
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•Her own death and the consequences of being revived can serve as something Raya and Sisu can overcome as a couple. Some people were bothered by how Sisu dying and coming back didn’t seem to have any consequences. I agree with this sentiment, which is why in my headcanon, Sisu is not only severely traumatized by the event, but has a chronic pain in her heart where the arrow hit her. This in my headcanon is the catalyst for Raya and Sisu forming a much closer bond. Trauma is something Raya knows all too well, and her having to help Sisu overcome it like the dragon once did with her, I feel can not just be very wholesome, but lead to bigger things.
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•I just think Raya getting together with the titular “Last Dragon” is just a neat idea. Heroes falling in love with the things they’re sent to find on their quest is one of those tropes I really like, especially when that love is reciprocated, and Sisu is a character that very much represents the love that Raya loses and gains back over the course of the movie.
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So that’s that. Personally I’d love to see more Raya X Sisu arts, as well as an official ship name like Rayaari. I don’t have anything against Rayaari, on that note. Raya getting with Sisu is just my own preference, and there are plenty of reasons why Raya and Namaari can work.
So what shall we call this ship? Risu? Saya? Raysu? Siya? Definitely let me know what you think of this.
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
gareth emerson headcanons
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gareth emerson x fem!reader. some headcanons are nsfw so this is 18+ (minors do not interact. go elsewhere. now.)
word count: 798
warnings: swearing, sexual scenarios, fluff
a/n: i have been on an unbelievable gareth kick lately. i kid you not, i want to throw up because he's so cute. it’s infuriating. <33
-i have been convinced by the rest of the void that gareth has sisters and i haven’t been the same since. in my head, there are two, and they’re younger, and he’s this sweet ass older brother.
-when his sisters see you with a braid in your hair when you're over one day, they want you to teach them how to do that. you’re more than happy to agree, but whisper to them, "maybe your brother will let you practice on his hair." it only makes the best sense, since you won’t always be there to help them. they are more than thrilled with the idea.
-gareth sees the three of you conspiring in the living room. “are you plotting my murder with a couple of children?” you burst out laughing and they patter over to reveal their master plan to him. “oh, she said that did she?” his eyes find yous over the top of their heads. “yeah, okay. you can practice on me whenever you want.”
-he swears constantly in front of them too, but will always turn around with a hurried, “don’t repeat that. you heard nothing. nothing, i tell you.”
-can and will fall asleep anywhere. if you're the one driving, gareth is going to sleep. do not count on having conversation with him, because he's already sliding down in the passenger seat, taking a little nap. it doesn’t matter if it’s the shittiest road known to man. he’s gonna sleep. one day you caught him slipping a small pillow in your glove compartment, and when you questioned his action, he shushed you and said, "for my naps. duh."
-pizza fiend. loves that shit. wants it way too often. you’re sitting on the couch with him and look over, asking “what do you want for dinner, baby?” and he turns his head, curls swaying, this dumb ass grin on his face. “we could go get pizza, baby.”
-if you shift because your back is tense, or your hip is starting to hurt, or your shoulder, anything--he's on it. "what’s wrong, princess? somethin’ hurtin'? want me to rub it?" he doesn't like for you to be in pain in any way.
-sometimes he forgets it's okay to buy himself something or do something for his own pleasure. whenever he's got extra cash, he wants to buy his siblings something, or even you, or just make sure he's got some money saved. so when there's a new album out, or a pin in the fifty cent bin at the record store that he likes, you have to remind him that it's okay to get himself something too.
-one time you had a slip-up, and called him "gare bear," but he liked it. you'd just gotten to his house, and let yourself in. "where's my gare bear?" you'd said, calling out since he wasn't in the living room, not really thinking about your words. like that, he appeared, poking his head out down the hall, smile on his face, cheeks pinked. "did you just call me 'gare bear'? holy shit, you're so in love with me." and he'd practically cackled.
-but the next time to called for him, asking, "gareth? can you bring me my notebook?" he'd shown up, notebook in hand, and pouted at you. "what happened to 'gare bear,' huh?"
-gareth can be a fucking tease sometimes. he'll slide up behind you and start rubbing his hands up and down your sides, your hips, start pressing hot kisses to your neck, tongue meeting your skin every few seconds. or maybe you're in bed, lying on your back reading, and he shows up, straddles your thighs, and starts doing the same thing. touching you. kissing wherever there is skin exposed. and then he'll leave. he'll hop up and go back to whatever he was doing. leaving you there, a smile on his face and lips all swollen from loving on you.
-his resting face tends to make him look like a grump. he once told you that people used to pick on him for looking so mean all the time, but you fixed that. you’d squished your hands against his cheeks, proclaiming, “you’re my grump.”
-likes to be told he’s pretty. you were the first person who said so, and he blushes every time you point it out. because he is so so pretty. maybe he picks you up for school. “mornin’ pretty boy.” he’s smiling and stifling a giggle. maybe he’s sitting on the couch and you’re running your hands up his tummy, his thighs, and he shivers. “feel good, pretty boy?” he groans. “y—yeah, yeah. shit.” and he slaps his hand against the armrest, finding it hard to believe that the nickname makes him feel so loved and so hot all over at once.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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julietasgf · 2 months
since you already talked about marcus, asking about sejanus :)
re: ask game
hi backpacks, thank you for the ask!!! <33 (and sorry for taking so long, I needed to freak out abt the olympics before 😭). but let's go:
My first impression: "huh? a district person on the capitol? that's new.... I think I've never seen this before in the saga.... that's so interesting what the hell. he seems like a sweet boy, but let's see why he's hanging out with coriolanus."
My impression now: defending sejanus on tumblr is not enough, I need a gun. he became my favorite character in tbosas and probably is on my top 3 of the hunger games franchise. he changed the chemistry of my brain and I love him very much.
Favorite thing about that character: I really like how suzanne collins made it so clear how sejanus was just a teenager. he's so young, and he's a genuine kind soul. he was just a sweet boy from highschool and not only I think it's adorable seeing how youthful he is, but it makes everything that happens to him hurt even more and be more impactful.
Least favorite thing: look. I know sejanus was in a very bad situation, and that in his place, coriolanus was probably the only thing near to being treated with dignity and he clinged to it. however it bothered me how sejanus was so genuinely hyping him up in D12. and yes, even though I agree that he didn't know 100% to which extent coriolanus was evil, he did hear some of his takes on the games on the academy, and he did hear coriolanus saying some very evil things and went "lalala I'm not hearing it-". it makes me crazy that he slanders his father while hanging out with someone so alike strabo
Favorite line/scene: "I don’t care what you say. You’ve no right to starve people, to punish them for no reason. No right to take away their life and freedom. Those are things everyone is born with, and they’re not yours for the taking."
Favorite interaction that character has with another: his scenes with maude ivory and his little interactions with the covey are everything to me and I hold these close to my heart.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: lucy gray!!! without thinking twice. I'm a platonic bairdplinth at heart, and I would've loved seeing more of them together without some blonde people around side eyes coriolanus
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: historia reiss from attack on titan
A headcanon about that character: sejanus, just like his father (even tho his father got it more), got hearing loss. strabo didn't make him use ear protection when he was a child learning to shoot. also, this is random, but I like to imagine he got a collection of plushies in his bedroom.
A song that reminds of that character: i know the end by phoebe bridgers
An unpopular opinion about that character: this doesn't apply just to him, it applies to the plinths in general, but I really think people take coriolanus' words (you know, coriolanus, very much bitter that a district family has so much more money than him, and that a lot of times refers to district people as animals and savages and etc) too much to heart regarding the privilege the plinths have in the capitol. I'm not saying they aren't privileged, but I see some people going to say that sejanus should've pulled a plutarch and went into politics, when I hardly think he would be able to survive a year in a political landscape in the capitol because the system simply wouldn't let him do it lol. the plinths already need an INSANE amount of money to be able to live like "equals" in the capitol, and that while always giving and giving and giving to the capitol to compensate their presence. tl:dr; I think coriolanus overestimates too much the privilege and power that money brings to sejanus, because in the end, sejanus is still district, and in the end, that's what prevails and sends sejanus to his death.
Favorite picture: I don't go for the movie cast for imagining the characters :') however, here I give you a little sejanus sketch just because:
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shrinkthisviolet · 5 months
5+ headcanons for an AU where Barry actually manages to tell Iris he's in love with her the night of the particle accelerator like he intended (right before getting struck by lightning, he's so bad at timing)
He really is, poor guy 😭
He works up the courage for months…and when she says, “There is nothing that I want more than for you to find the right person who loves and adores you for the amazing guy that you are”, he replies, “what if I already have? Iris…I…I love you.” “Aww, Barry, I lo—” “No. Not like that. Well, I mean…yes, like that, but also…not like that.” And he launches into a confession much like the one from 1x9 (without mentions of Eddie because ofc at this point, neither of them has interacted meaningfully with him). Before Iris can respond, someone steals her laptop, they chase after the thief, and Eddie beats them to it.
They both go back to the station, and Barry goes back to his lab—Iris insists on going with him, but Eddie wants her to give a report, and Barry can’t stick around to wait with sensitive evidence he needs to process. He promises Iris they’ll talk later, and she reluctantly agrees. And then he gets struck by lightning for 9 months
So…naturally, with Barry’s confession hanging over her, Iris never dates Eddie. Maybe she goes on one date with him, but she doesn’t want to start anything serious until/unless she talks to Barry. She knows people think she’s crazy for still hoping he’ll wake up, but…she’s always believed in the impossible, ever since she and Barry were 11. So she and Eddie are good friends, and he understands when she explains her situation. “He’s a lucky guy, your Barry.” “Yeah, well…I’m lucky too. To have him.”
Iris and Barry talk about things properly when he wakes up, and they agree to date. Barry’s emotional appeal to Joe also goes much better because…now the only secret he’s keeping from Iris is this Flash thing, which he doesn’t want to keep. He even gets upset at the idea that Iris somehow needs more protection than him—Iris, who’s a skilled marksman and boxer, the latter of which she does even better than him? Iris, who’s a force to be reckoned with even without powers? Idk if Joe agrees, but either way, Barry finds this all ridiculous and tells her. This also strengthens their relationship…and Iris writes about the Streak and ignores Barry’s whining about the name (tho she changes it when he comes up with “the Flash”)
With Iris now spending a lot of time at STAR Labs, becoming almost a part of the Team (Eowells doesn’t like having her there (considers her a distraction to Barry) and it shows…neither does Caitlin, but she’s at least warming up to Iris)…she notices some odd things, particularly about Eowells. Her investigation begins much sooner…maybe she’s even the one who discovers Ronnie is alive, and Caitlin warms up to her significantly when Iris a) tells her, and b) supports her through realizing Ronnie isn’t the same. She’d probably even realize Hartley’s deal and try to help him…for her trouble, she nearly ends up on the wrong side of his gauntlets (but Hartley won’t admit, he’s touched by her compassion and genuine attempt to help. He just doesn’t entirely trust her, since by all appearances, she’s backing up Eowells)
This AU has the waterfront kiss! But since they’re already dating, it’s one of those “in case I never see you again” “don’t you dare say that, Bartholomew. You come back to me, you hear me?” “As fast as I can, Iris.” Isn’t that much more romantic than cheating 🥰
Things kick into high gear after that. Iris discovers more suspicious details that aren’t lining up, she tries to tell Barry, he insists it’s probably nothing. The scales haven’t yet fallen from his eyes—he gets agitated when Iris insists for too long, so she stops insisting to him. Eddie meanwhile lets slip about him and Joe investigating Eowells, and Iris teases them about not having an “in” until they ask her to help. It’s nice to be asked and appreciated, she thinks, and agrees, though makes them promise not to tell Barry about her involvement
Beyond that, I’m not totally sure—maybe they catch him earlier, maybe not…maybe Eddie still has to die, and Iris is still devastated because she and Eddie were close friends.
send me an au and i’ll share 5+ headcanons about it!
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ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB HEADCANONS] - touring with seb
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pov: seb invited you to do the world tour with him
warnings: none that i can think off
type: wholesome / fluff
member: sebastian moy
reblogs and likes are very appreciated!
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Seb invited you (lucky) to the nsb world tour
To me, Seb is pretty much the guy to invite you over and literally says it again and again
Like.. i could imagine seb saying « OMG!!!! Y/N’S IS TOURING WITH US!! »
And then be like « i have to be extra sexy for them… Oh wait, i already am 😏»
The boys would be tired of him saying it
They be like « ok, we get it! Ur s/o is coming with us! 🙄 »
But don’t worry, they’re just jealous because they can’t bring their own s/o too :((
No because Seb would be the guy to ‘manipulate’ (not manipulate, but like… try to have his way?) manager ty to bring you over 😭
« Ty, if you let me bring y/n over, i’ll do the house cleaning all alone for 2 months straight. And i’ll stop annoying you with my screams »
Ty agreed bc DID YOU SEE THE HOUSE THEY HAVE??? The thing is a castle
The boys are living our fantaisies 😂😭😔
Anyways, so ty agreed and Seb was super happy
He was smiling so hard
Don’t worry, seb is ok, he’s just a bit excited to tour with you
Anyways, now that we know the background and all, we can start the hc :)
He would be the type to bring you IN the concert
Like the boys are singing and he just bring you like they weren’t singing the most saddest song
« make some noise for y/n!!! »
He would also try to make you jealous by interacting with stars
he loves the stars
And he also loves you
So, why not combine the two together ?
We already know how Seb is flirting with the stars, so imagine when he’s doing on purpose to be extra flirty and all
Moy love making us delulu
And we love it too, we can’t really disagree tbh
Anyways, he would also dedicates songs for you
Like he would sing random songs (not that nsb created) and just be like « yo this one’s for my partner »
Yes because your relationships with you would be public
And you can’t really says no to that, bc if we look into his sc story, he’s very… let’s say, he’s not really discreet to hide his ‘best friend’ (i think her name is Gaia but I’m not 100% sure, so I’m sorry if i got it wrong 😭)
Sebastian is just the type of guy who’ll expose you and post majority about you
So he’ll probably post a lot about you in his stories (ig, snapchat…)
If you know the songs they’re singing, he would invite you to sing with them
And he would also dance with you
Seb’s a funny guy to vibe around
Like he’s the best friend i would like to have because he’s like so cool and fun
I mean if i could have the whole group as best friends, i wouldn’t be mad 🫣
Also, also!!! He’ll dance and talk with you during the meet and greet.. he’ll even introduce you to the stars
« Yeah, this is my partner! Isn’t they so cute? »
Btw, he loves pda.
« Wdym ‘stop holding my hand’ ? Baby, i don’t want you to lost you »
This is only an excuse, he just loves holding your hands
Plus it’s a bonus if he do it in front of the stars so they can film it and he can see more fan edit, of you and him, on TikTok
« Let them watch. We’re good, right? »
Why did i imagine Seb dancing and then falling 💀
« Oh man, i just fell in love with y/n all over again »
I’m sorry 😭
Anyways, the stars would love you more than him (don’t tell him though)
We love you Seb <3
When he would sign stars’ papers and all, he would give you a signature of him
« you’ll be able to tell people you met THE sebastian moy »
« Wdym you don’t want it? You’re having the signature of THE Sebastian moy for free!! Isn’t that amazing??? »
He’s so funny and cute, like give him all the support you can
Our youngest member can sing, can dance, he’s good in everything, like give him some credits and tell him how great he is doing because he may forget it with all the stress and pression he can have on his shoulders
Seb moy, we are proud of you <33
At the end of the concert, he’ll serenade you
Like he did with the star when the boys all serenade them while singing their songs
Ofc, it’ll only be Seb who’ll serenade you
And instead of giving you only one rose, he’ll give you the whole bouquet like-
Anyways, yeah he’ll even sing you a song (99% chance it’s a the weeknd’s song)
To conclude this hc, seb would be like one of the coolest guy to tour with
he would do stupid dances just to make you smile or laugh
Hold your hand
Give you some kisses here and there…
We love a man who doesn’t mind embarrassing themselves to make their s/o laugh or smile
That’s it for this hc, please have fun touring with Seb!! (You’re so lucky if you were or are able to live this)
Taglist (open! Send an ask if you want to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
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roberrtphilip · 20 days
hmm okay so i’m watching your beloved film (‼️PAUSE FOR EXCITEMENT‼️) and when sam goes to get robert to tell him it’s time to go, they’re walking down the hall and sam says “so after a whole day of that, you still want to get engaged?” (i know it’s superfluous to quote this movie TO YOU. but bare with me) sam’s line kind of gave me the impression that she has her own qualms about marriage/true love. so my QUESTION is: do you have any headcanons about her past and/or her personal life? or at the very least just any headcanons about her friendship with robert :))
alsooooo…. if she DOES have these suspected qualms…. does seeing robert & giselle be so happy give her any hope? 🥹
Okay !!! I’m finally going to answer this !!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry it’s taken me so long, I so desperately wanted to but then I’d get home from work and lose all motivation (despite having an answer !!!) But ! I’m here now !!! and it’s my day off !! so let’s dive in~
to start, I don’t really have a lot of like. solo headcanons for Sam, but I do think about her relationship with Robert quite a bit! also, to answer your first question, I do headcanon that she’s married! to a man named Eric, because well. Yeah. it’s very corny, I know, but I couldn’t think of anything better, and now he’s just stuck with that name 😩
but yeah because of that, I don’t think she’s got any issues with marriage or love or anything, I think she just really likes giving Robert a hard time. I think they’re pretty close, and she’s one of the few people that knows a bit about his history with his ex-wife, and they have a good “Teasing Each Other Relentlessly” kind of dynamic.
one of my favorite bits of that first Sam/Robert interaction is that, after she says that line you quoted, she kinda playfully hits his arm and smirks, and it’s just !!! very cute and silly, and I think a very good display of their friendship. and their second interaction is so great, too. when Robert says, “please don’t tell me Mrs. Banks is already here” and Sam’s just, “Mrs. Banks already here !” and when he asks, “perfect, how long they been here?” she laughs and says, “do you really wanna know?” and and ANNNND when Robert tells her to help Giselle and she’s just, “what do you want me to do 🤨🤨🤨🤨” and then she whisper-yells “she has NO driver’s license, NO passport !!!” like soifjsoidfjdijsfjdojfsojds sorry I’m just quoting their scenes and not saying anything new but my point is THEY’RE FUNNY. and I’m very sad they don’t have More scenes together.
but, yeah, okay so I think Sam was basically like. Robert’s only friend outside of Nancy, and later, Giselle and Edward. like he has acquaintances, for sure, but I think Sam’s the only person he considered a Close Friend. I actually have this cute headcanon that, when Robert had to fill out an emergency contact form for Morgan, he’d put himself and then Sam (if he had to put another number, that is) because she was the only person he knew and trusted at the time 🤧
she’s pretty awkward around babies/kids though. there were times where Robert would have to bring Morgan to the office with him, and sometimes he’d ask like, “can you watch her while I go to my meeting, please, please, please?” and Sam just sighs, and agrees, but the whole time her and Morgan are just. staring at each other awkwardly. Sam asks how she’s liking the weather, and Morgan’s just 👶❓ but they both survive the hour !
because they’ve known each other for roughly five years, Sam can read him pretty well, so when he comes in with Giselle and disaster strikes the office, she’s very ??? and she’s even more ???????????? when he comes back the following Monday and is like. so unbelievably happy. and at first she thinks “oh, right ! you must’ve proposed to Nancy!!” but then Robert says, “oh, haha, no, we broke up actually !” with a grin and leaves her absolutely stunned.
and, I think I’ve mentioned before but, Robert kind of keeps Giselle a secret from the office, just for a little while because he doesn’t want any of his coworkers to be rude to her, but the second Sam learns they’re dating, she assumes the worst. and she��s not trying to be rude/mean, but she definitely thinks Giselle is just a strange (very, very strange) rebound to get over Nancy. but seeing Robert so … so happy, it kind of makes her realize, okay, maybe this is real. I guess… 😒 but she’s still a bit hesitant around Giselle for a little while (she did almost swallow Sam’s fish, after all!!)
eventually, though, she gets to know Giselle, because she’s always popping in to say hi, and she asks what everyone’s favorite baked goods are, then brings them the next day, and well. how can Sam hate a person like that ?? I like to think she gets to a point where she’s asking how Robert ever landed a woman like her, which just makes him roll his eyes (but internally, he’s like “I literally ask myself that question every day”)
aaaaand she happily attended their wedding reception, and poked fun at Robert later for being suuuuuuch a good dancer, and sooooo Sappy and Romantic~
in short, they’re besties, your honor 🫡
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yeets-ix · 11 months
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First up, the flirty gender pilled ocelot with the gay little gun tricks!
Slinger Headcanons:
they're genderfluid and transfem (partly because I thought she was a girl when Mimic first shapeshifted into her.) This also means shipping them with Tangle is still yuri (important.) I dub her they/she + "gun" as a neopronoun for fun. Also let her wear whatever clothes they want.
She's also Mexican/Central American! Very clear accent, occasionally splices Spanish words into their dialogue, much like Tangle’s now-agreed-upon Italian. Says “Vamos!”, “Dios mio!” and “Que?” a lot. Also insults Badniks and other opponents in Spanish.
Pansexual apocalypse, easily INTENSELY flustered, they had a stupid celebrity crush on Sonic before the betrayal/actually meeting anyone. (Old idea I’m keeping alive, heck, maybe have another sub-AU for that.) Then in her “survivor” timeline, she finally meets Tangle and the epic 100k idiots to lovers slowburn yuri is real.
They’re EXTREME ADHD. She juggles, she keeps at least two fidget spinners on hand always, she needs to toss and twirl things or he’ll explode. She and Whisper and Tangle stim together a lot.
Backstory! The “mysterious past” reference doesn’t exist if I don’t look at it, so she and Claire were actually sibling-dynamic friends as far back as Slinger can remember, having grown up together in a jungle treehouse village. (Definitely didn’t come up with that just because ocelots and howler monkeys live in the same place, haha.) Things happened in the Forces war, next thing you know they both met Smithy (and soon after Whisper) and were inducted into the mercenary found family.
THEY’RE A CAT. Younger than Big and wayyyy more impulsive than Blaze, they do MANY MANY CAT THINGS. They have whiskers, they’re a liquid, they lick themself clean, they act like it’s daytime when it’s pitch black out, they miiiiiight have eaten a couple of mice, they purr when rubbed, all of it. This is also how you tell her apart from Duo, who is a fake cat and clueless to cat behavior.
Slinger, past and present, is still super cool and suave in battle, but a complete and utter LOSER in casual times, more than Claire, more than Whisper, they're such a fucking girlfail
They were definitely the “kid” of the team, moreso even than Whisper. They pulled pranks, did stupid stunts, and worried Claire and Smithy sick. In the timeline where they survived, they were VERY okay on their own! So utterly okay!
AU-Specific Headcanons:
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They were never “shut-in” as the Guardian Angel - they still tried their best to act cool and suave, in spite of the anxiety below. They completely hid their appearance beneath masks and hoods, but still taunted and quipped at their adversaries and would sometimes talk rather openly to Resistance members lucky enough to interact with them long enough, though still never giving any context to who she was or what her deal was - or a clear view of his real face.
She wouldn’t use the same Wispon as canon Whisper - a gigantic rifle just isn’t their style. Instead, she’s gotten a lot better at physical combat to compensate for it - she managed to teach herself to Spin Attack, and can even do a crazy "Panjandrum" move where they fire their laser guns wildly while rolling. They’re decently fast now, but not as fast as any “speedster” character - think more like Amy, Tails, or heck, a realistic interpretation of the Forces Avatar.
They talk to their Wisps a lot. She constantly feels alone and doesn't want to be, and forever thanks Smithy for giving them a way to always talk to their companions somehow. She needs people to talk to, she really does, heck, give her a bit of a Yakko Warner complex if you want. Fortunately, Tangle logically helps with that a lot.
They FIRMLY saw Mimic as a father figure, and are FUCKING PISSED at him for stabbing and discarding everything they had. Him fucking around IMMEDIATELY cuts off Slinger's silly goofy mode and activates IMMA FIRIN MA LAZAH mode.
In Slinger’s timeline, Mimic’s Duo disguise was the feminine-androgynous “Duo the Hound,” using Whisper as the basis. Slinger got to pistol-whip him repeatedly and then dump him into the sea, don’t worry.
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Tangle in this timeline is… girl-leaning panromantic. Blaze cemented her queer awakening, but Slinger, whose gender is fucked as hell, is the one she fell for hard. Slinger would get VERY worried about whether she feels the same towards them or not, but it doesn't matter what's in their legs or their head to Tangle - they're Slinger.
Slinger’s love language turns out to be the same as Tangle’s - doing stupid and dangerous things to impress her crushes. Ultimately Jewel and Lanolin have to LOUDLY tell them that they’re in love with each other and should kiss and go out on a date before they both get themselves killed beating around the bush. (That, or they just full-on kiss at the conclusion of Urban Warfare or even the Metal Virus, considering Slinger is much more open.)
Slinger is just as willing and encouraging to talk to Tangle about her fears as vice versa, in a direct manner at least. It is not “moon gets hurt and sun comforts her,” they’re kinda both cloud-obscured suns who goof off but also traumadump to each other.
Slinger can cook and prepare Mexican cuisine just fine. Them trying to cook anything else results in a kitchen-sized laser explosion (don't even ask how.) Their food living together basically amounts to alternating Mexican and Italian with Tangle occasionally baking something she found online in between.
Tangle comforts or supports Slinger whenever they have gender issues, she figured out they were genderfluid basically the moment they got the chance to try new clothes. Slinger silently, awkwardly asked her if she could try on a really twirly dress and she was just so understanding and said they looked absolutely beautiful and AGHHHHHHHHHHHH and now it’s their girly comfort outfit.
tangle is significantly taller than slinger. height difference. (slinger is significantly taller than sonic though lol, big tangle supremacy)
Slinger and Tangle cuddle super tight and warm and fall asleep together BOTH PURRING do you get my vision
Big headcanon posts for the other Cutters and their sub-AUs coming at some point.
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kitty-ception · 1 month
A warm welcome to my page under the cut! :)
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Let’s start things off with a simple introduction:
Who am I? My name is Everest! However, you can also call me by my username. I don’t mind ^^
Sexuality? I am asexual! Inappropriate posts and comments make me very uncomfortable, so please be respectful! Unfortunately, I am aware this is the internet, so not everyone will abide by my boundaries, but let’s try to at least keep it mostly PG here.
Pronouns? I go by factory settings, so she/her please! Honestly, I can go by any, but this is the one that I’m more used to hearing lol X3
What will I be posting?
Mostly fandom content or fanart! The fandom I’ll be mainly posting about is Invader Zim, which is my current interest. Unfortunately, this may change at any moment. For now, all you’ll be hearing from me is them while this obsession lasts!
Oc/Self insert drawings or textposts! Cringe culture is dead, so why not insert myself into my current interests? We’re all weirdos one way or another. Just a warning: All of my self insert and canon interactions are all COMPLETELY PLATONIC!! (There is only one exception to this, and it is Sebastian from Stardew Valley. What can I say? He’s great.)
Writing prompts/ideas! My brain comes up with lots of scenarios, but I myself can’t write. Feel free to use any of mine as inspiration! I’d be honored.
Random thoughts/updates in my life! Of course you’re going to see these, because what is a blog page without a “OMG I SCREWED UP SO BAD THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING!” scattered here and there?
Reposts/Reblogs! Sometimes I’ll see a really good artwork my friends made or someone making a headcanon for a character in a fandom I like. Naturally, I’m gonna show it on my page because “HOW HAVE I NOT THOUGHT OF THAT CONCEPT EARLIER???”
What is your opinion on [ship]?
Honestly, I would say, “Cringe culture is dead, why shouldn’t we let people do what they love as long as they’re not hurting anybody?” but I know people witch-hunt others if they see something they don’t agree with.
So, I guess I have to put my opinion out there, so the right people can stay, and others can find a better blog to go to. Stay safe out there.
Let’s start with the fandom I’m in right now: Invader Zim.
Just a disclaimer! I view most of the main characters in this show as children! If you create or consume content that contains inappropriate material with these characters aged up or not, it is safe to say this is not the page for you. Please find another one to go to. (Also, the fact that you have to age up characters to do anything with them is pretty self explanatory.)
[ZaDr]: Mostly neutral, but partial to liking it. Sue me, I think it’s cute. Well, actually, don’t sue me. I can definitely see it, and I don’t mind having it on my feed if it’s appropriate. (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[TaGr]: Completely neutral. I can see it happening, but I have no opinion on it. It’s just girlbosses in love. As long as it is appropriate, I have no issues with it. (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[ZaGr]: Mostly neutral, leaning towards dislike. I personally cannot see this happening at all. I do think it’s really funny that Zim and Dib’s rivalry went so far that Zim started dating Gaz. Imagine your worst enemy dating your sister - I would never recover. Good luck, Dib! (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[TaZr]: Neutral, slightly dislike. I will admit, having to hide your relationship from the irken government does sound pretty cool. However, Tak absolutely hates Zim’s guts, and vice versa, so I don’t see it happening anytime soon. (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[TaDr]: Mostly dislike. I know that in the show, Dib did try asking Tak out, but it just doesn’t seem like the right match. Tak was only using Dib for information, and Dib depended on her for being one of the only ones to believe him. Sounds pretty toxic to me. But hey, maybe in the future they’ll chill out, and perhaps it’ll work then? (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[RaPr]: Neutral. I think it’s alright. Pretty amusing to have a militaristic-centered government being run by two dumb gay aliens. I think everyone on the Massive would know they were somewhat in a relationship, because these guys are not subtle in the least. (View disclaimer above for character ships.)
Any other ship I didn’t list: Same rules apply for both characters I view as children and characters that are viewed as adults or young adults. If it’s not inappropriate or illegal, then it is fine in my eyes. Just don’t be weird and only ship them to sexualize them. That’s real uncomfortable.
Well, that’s about it folks!
Anything else that I have missed, or if I have gotten any information wrong, please do reach out to me either in private messages or in my asks. They’re always open, and I will try to respond as quickly as possible.
Thanks for visiting my page, and reading so far! Keep yourself safe and be respectful on the internet! :)
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warrioreowynofrohan · 2 years
Hi! I’m a relatively new follower and I just started going through your posts. I just wanted to say that I love your takes on Tolkien’s work. They sum everything up really nicely and you seem to really try to take both sides into consideration. I love the academic but down to earth feel of your writing, and I always learn something new whenever I read! I don’t know if you’re accepting requests, but I saw your amazing “Feanorian Counternarratives,” and I was wondering if you have any ideas about Caranthir? If you are not accepting requests, are too busy with your polls, or simply don’t feel like answering, I completely understand. I just wanted you to know that I really like your work! Have a nice day ❤️ - @arinele
Oh my goodness, thank you so much! That’s very kind! 💕 I’ve loved seeing your tags!
I do have some thoughts on Caranthir, though, fair warning, they’re not especially complimentary. They’re pretty headcanon-heavy, since we only get tidbits on him.
Character Thoughts - Caranthir
From what we see of Caranthir, the thing that stands out to me most is his disdainful behaviour towards anyone who isn’t (entirely) Noldor. It comes out in practically every instance we see of him in The Silmarillion. I wouldn’t guess that this is unique to Caranthir among the Fëanoreans (we get similar cultural chauvinism from Fëanor in his “in huts on the beaches you would be dwelling still” line to Olwë, and all the sons of Fëanor are described as “haughty and fell”), but he seems to have a more than usual lack of tact about it; he’s described as “the harshest and most quick to anger” among the sons of Fëanor
First there’s his words to Angrod (“Let not the sons of Finarfin run hither and thither with their tales to this Dark Elf in his caves!…let them not so swiftly forget that their father is a lord of the Noldor, though their mother be of other kin”….wow, on top of everything else, way to remind them that you murdered their mother’s people). It’s telling that this is in no way a small incident - it’s the moment that prompts Maedhros moving the Fëanoreans to East Beleriand, and the memory and resentment of it is what prompts Angrod to spill the beans to Thingol about the Kinslaying. Caranthir can do a lot of damage with a few words!
His lack of tact towards the dwarves doesn’t have similar impact - because of pragmatism on both sides and also, I expect, because, though the dwarves are proud, they aren’t especially vain, and being insulted for their looks bothers them a lot less than many other things would.
His interactions with Haleth and the Haladin are interesting. At first his people “pay little heed to them,” which is a marked contrast not only to Finrod’s instant befriending of the Edain, but to Fingolfin’s rapid endeavours to build relations and an alliance. After he rescues the Haladin from the Orcs he “sees, over late, what valour there was in the Edain”, and invites them to live further north in his land. The Haladin are currently in the southern woods of Thargelion. Now, this can be taken either of two ways. Option one, he’s inviting them to live closer to the main settlement of his people, near Lake Helevorn, for more effective mutual defence. Option two, he’s inviting them to live closer to the front lines because he’s seen that they’re good warriors and he wants them between Angband and the bulk of his people. I tend to lean towards the latter; Haleth’s choices certainly indicate she mistrusts him.
And if we do go with the latter, it creates some very interesting headcanons for me in the latter part of the story, where we see less of Caranthir individually. If Caranthir is (“over late”) seeing the military value of the Edain and trying to recruit them, and he failed, then he could be expected to particularly resent that the Haladin end up settling next to Thingol (who doesn’t even like them!) and agreeing to protect his borders, and resent Finrod for negotiating it. This would give him a reason to largely have fellow-feeling with Celegorm and Curufin after the events of Leithian, and accept whatever account they gave of their dealings with Nargothrond and Doriath and their grievances.
Even more, this also adds extra, painful irony to the Nirnaeth, when Caranthir again attempts to make an alliance with Men and it goes terribly wrong. It does stand out that the men who ally with Caranthir turn traitor while those who ally with Maedhros stay loyal - Caranthir has a record of alienating people whether he’s trying to or not, he lacks tact, and it’s not hard to see him saying some things that suggest that the Easterlings are being recruited as cannon fodder. It is, at any rate, my headcanon that Caranthir’s personality has a not-inconsiderable role in why it is the Easterlings aligned with him who change sides. And I like the way it bookends the first real appearance of Caranthir as an individual character, when his words throw a rock into both intra-Noldor and Noldor-Sindar relations.
The combination of bitterness in general around Uldor’s betrayal, bitterness about Doriath due to the aforementioned, and combined bitterness about Doriathrin non-participation in the Nirnaeth, all in addition to the matter of the Silmaril, would give him plenty of reason to be favourable towards the Second Kinslaying.
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fangirlshrewt97 · 2 years
RRR Fandom Boost Bingo
Hello lovelies!
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Like I recently said, I’ve been in this fandom for 7 months and they have been an absolute blast. But because I’ve been around so long, I have noticed that we have had a few friends fade away, even as we welcome so many new ones. 
I have also noticed that we are not responding or commenting as much as we used to back then, and hey, I get it. Real life is a LOT. 
I came across this challenge initially proposed by @thehighfiveproject, aimed at boosting fandom interaction. They did such a great job, and I was very impressed with their challenge, so I just tweaked it a little to suit our little fandom a bit more. But major credit for the idea/the bingo square prompts and descriptions goes to them only. Here is the link to the original card that I adapted!
I am a firm believer that fandoms live and die by how much people interact with each other, and are assured they’re not shouting into an empty void. So I thought this challenge would be a low-key game we could share to shower the fanwork creators with more love. 
That being said, what are the things you need to know?
- No sign-ups, if you want to play, just download a copy of the image and play along
- For each task that you accomplish, “cover” that space like in Bingo (I use MS Paint to place a shape over the square)
- The challenge runs from February 1st to February 15th, two whole weeks to spread the love!
- You can fill one square, or all of them. If you do fill all 9 tasks, then I will write something for you (min 300 words, no NSFW; I can’t guarantee a turn around time, but will definitely answer all of them)
So what do each of the tasks consist of?
- ‘leave kudos/likes on 3 fanworks’
This is the easiest one! Just go out and find 3 fanworks you like and leave a kudos or a like on it. It’s a small gesture but it makes a creator know that someone actually interacted with their work.
- ‘reblog an art post’
Find any art post you like and share it! Here’s the catch: you need to interact with it a little. When you reblog/retweet, please tell the creator what you thought about the piece – you can add some tags, or reply to the post, or quote-retweet or add a comment, or anything! A simple “I love this!” is nice but some details are even better (“your linework is so good!” or “that shade of blue is perfect”). 
- ‘message a fandom creator’
‘Creator’ here can mean anyone who makes *anything* to do with fandom: art, edits, fic, meta, hoodies or dolls – if they’ve made anything, they’re a creator, and now’s your chance to let them know they’re appreciated. Send a message  letting them know that you enjoyed their work!
- ‘reblog an edit/meta post’
Same as the above, but for edits/meta posts! Edits can include a gif set, or a set of screencaps, or even a fanvid. And, again, some simple tags/replies are needed. “I love that song choice!” for a vid or “great coloring!” on a gifset can let people know their work is being appreciated.
Otherwise, reblog a meta post. Meta posts are those three sentence headcanons to an essay-length dissection of why Character X is the absolute best character. It’s even better if you respond to the meta, whether that’s agreeing or (respectfully!) adding your own thoughts, but sharing it is the main thing here.
- ‘reblog a fic post’
Same as the above, but for fic! Again, tags/replies/comments are needed, preferably with a little detail. You don’t need to be super eloquent or leave a detailed review (although if you have time/energy, that would be appreciated!); a tag as simple as “that was really cute” or “great characterization!” will do. 
- ‘comment on a fanfic/ comment on a fanart’
Find a fic and a fanart, and leave a comment. That’s it! Again, no need to leave a novel-length comment (unless you’re inspired!) – a sentence or two is all we’re asking for this square to be considered complete. This is a great opportunity to let a writer know how their piece made you feel, or what section you particularly liked.
- ‘make a rec post’
This is a chance to tell your fandom friends about something they need to see. You can rec a fic, an artist, an author  – any kind of fandom thing that you want to make sure people see. This doesn’t have to be long or complicated, but feel free to go into as much detail as you want! Just make your own post on Tumblr and give that thing you loved a little fanfare.
- And lastly, this one is optional, but I think it would be cute. ‘RRR Fandom Appreciation’. Just make a post and say in a few words something you really enjoy about this fandom in particular. Be it hyping up the friends you’ve made, or any aspect of the fandom you want to share your love for.
Ultimately the challenge’s main purpose is to get people talking to each other. 
Hope you give it a try!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Monarch Anon: Something I wanted to add. The reason I've ask is because I've been seeing this argument since Tears of the Kingdom got released. Fans believe that the game (and the previous other games) give a pro-monarchist/imperialism message. They also think that Zelda bringing back the monarch system is stupid because they blame that system for her not awaking her powers, or that Hyrule survived a century without it so there's no point to bring it back
Another thing: People used the Yiga's existence as a justification as the ultimate proof that Hyrule Monarchy is bad/untrustworthy because they've been around for 10,000 years. (Basically like 'if they royals are good why is the Yiga still around huh?!"). Like I'm sure that the Yiga seen in BotW/TotK are not the same people as their founders 10k years earlier. I'm willing to believe when they first formed, the Yiga were prolly the equivalent of a civil rights group wanting legit respect. Fans need to realize that 10,000 is a long time. Long enough for a group's ideals to get twisted. I headcanon that when the Royals & Sheikah did reconcile, some sane Yiga members probably rejoined Hyrule, while the more bitter members remained and became the clan we see them now
And thats it...Sorry bringing this onto you. I've been wanting to express this for a while but I do not want to post it publicly out of fear of being attacked/blocked and accused of being pro-monarchist.
Sounds like these people would blend in well with the Star Wars fandom in the whole “I Take This Fictional Media Way Too Freaking Seriously and I’m Gonna Make that Everyone’s Problem.” 🙄 There’s a reason I don’t interact with the SW fandom. Let them block you, lovely, then you don’t have to deal with them. 👍🏻
Anyway, yes, 10K years is an insanely long time. Just look at our own history. People really don’t appreciate how much time Nintendo puts between games and eras, Hyrule is older than this planet I think LOL. Either that or their years are super short 😂 I agree with your idea about the Yiga - had a legit reason to be upset initially, but the millennia corrupted it and the initial reason for it is long since resolved. They’re just insane cultists now.
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neerons · 1 year
(Anon here who asked the previous question)
I definitely should've worded the platonic poly relationship better. When I said that, I meant from Yuzuru's perspective. I've seen some people say that it's a polyamorous relationship but Yuzu made is clear that he cares for them in a platonic familial way, not in a romantic way with either of them. Which if that's a headcanon to some people, more power to them but as you said, Kei and MC are a couple and Yuzu is there because he cares for them as if they were family, not romantic partners. I think it has more to do with the writing and how advertised it was for Kei's story because I did not see them as a love triangle/poly relationship when it's clear how Yuzu feels about them. Hope that clears that up.
Ooh okay I get it now! Of course I agree with what you said. I don’t see their relationship as a polyamorous one at all either, so it can’t even be platonic in my opinion. I don’t understand how people could interpret it as such after reading the stories. Although I could understand if it was said as a joke considering Kei often teases Yuzuru and makes his interactions sound romantic which grosses Yuzu out haha. I always thought their sort of weirdly romantic moments were funny, but I didn’t take them seriously. I think if people do take this seriously, it could be due to the fact that polyamorous relationships are becoming more known, especially they’re being talked about more in Western countries (sort of) so people tend to rename things according to new definitions, which in this case doesn’t work at all. Yuzuru is friends with them, and Kei and MC are in love. Yuzu and MC have different roles in Kei’s life. I’ve actually never even thought about a polyamorous relationship happening between these three, it’s just not how it was supposed to be interpreted I think. I actually think defining it as polyamorous makes it incorrect or more complicated than how it actually is.
This is only my own speculation, but being around multiple fandoms made me realize that fans also really like to assume characters’ sexuality, identity, etc… when these things are not clearly stated canonically, often to fit their own desires or to relate more to the characters. I think this could be what’s happening there too, if it’s an actual serious idea from the fandom. There’s nothing wrong with them having a good old familial/friendship bond and I definitely prefer that idea. It just sounds more right to me to be honest. I can’t picture any of them accepting to be part of a polyamorous relationship, but it could be possible maybe in an otona love story.
Since this story is also made in Japan and by Japanese writers, I don’t think they would explore the same themes as, let’s say, European writers. I don’t think themes such as polyamorous relationships would be explored in L365, or at least in MK. They like love triangles and reverse harem plots with the jealousy that fuels the story because the point of these otome games is to make the MC, as in the reader, feel special and desired (romantically and/or sexually). I know there are a lot of people now who are in a polyamorous relationship, but who knows if that’s what Japanese people are into? I personally don’t think so, in general at least. They need to make sure their stories sell well, so I don’t think writing about a relationship like that would be beneficial to them if it won’t appeal to their primary, most influencial audience. And considering Yuzu’s, Kei’s, Kazuomi’s and the MC’s moments in the stories, I thought it was pretty clear they were very close, like a family, even without Yuzuru having to actually mention it
Thank you again ❤️
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getosugurusbangs · 9 months
what about gojo for your ask game?
My first impression
i don’t really know exactly what my most genuine first impression of gojo was, but the impression i had of him for a while (before actually getting into jjk) was just: flamboyant, pretty boy, (obviously) very powerful, and had some sort of gay romance going on
My impression now
Favorite thing about that character
IDK… i mean it’s gojo. how could i pick a favorite thing about him. his design is great, he’s silly and goofy and deeply sad and who doesn’t like that!
Least favorite thing
i don’t think i really have a least favorite thing about him.. i’d have to really think to come up with something, at least. my least favorite thing about him really is just people in the fandom and the various ways they view and act about him lol
Favorite line/scene
i do love the airport scene ngl… the way he goes from “i hope this is a dream” to “now i’m hoping this isn’t a dream..”? hey what the hell man. but i do also love that one juju stroll, you know the one. “formation b” “megumi-chan has violin practice with me”
Favorite interaction that character has with another
help i can barely think of anything 💀 uhh i do like the entire scene where riko, kuroi and the boys are all meeting each other for the first time. idk, i don’t really have any favorite interaction with him as far as i know
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
NOBARA!! i neeeed to see them interact more omg
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
vash the stampede from trigun! they’re both silly yet profoundly sad, and they both have homoerotic relationships with big booby men who’re associated with various religions
A headcanon about that character
i do love the autistic gojo headcanon ngl… there’s something about it…
A song that reminds of that character
mad iqs, and razzmatazz, both songs by i don’t know how but they found me
An unpopular opinion about that character
i honestly don’t think i really have any… i think most of my opinions on him aren’t particularly unpopular (doesn’t mean they’re popular either, it’s just i’ve heard a couple other people fully agree)
Favorite picture
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my collection :)
(ALSO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS 😭😭 answering more simple stuff takes me forever, let alone stuff like this… also i thought i’d have better answers to most of these but apparently i don’t??)
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