#just randomly wanted to mention that bit of irony
quibbs126 · 11 months
I was thinking about Sonic ships just now, and I was thinking about how when I first got into Sonic, when I was around 11, I was a shadamy shipper, I think because I had this weird hatred of Sonic the character, and because I disliked sonamy due to the whole “Amy being a crazy stalker” thing. Don’t really know how Shadow factored into the equation, but also back then I assumed that all couples had to be a guy and a girl, and maybe I just thought that Shadow was the next best option (probably also because old bad fanfiction told me it was better. Didn’t read quality fanfics till I was in high school)
But then nowadays, I personally find myself liking both sonamy and sonadow, but I think Shadow and Amy should just be friends
I just find that ironic
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
oh are we doing fun au night? ok au where the land of jojo's bizarre universe is just like dnd for all the stats and mathy bits. Like they don't have the same races or class or magic or whatever, they all just have a page with all their stats and notable information and everyone has to roll dice for almost everything (except for this where you're so good at doing it there's virtually no way to mess it up, like ringing a doorbell or something) but anyway I just think it'd be funny that Jonathan rolls like a 19 on the killing blow for Dio but because it wasn't a perfect 20 he barely survives. Just a thought
-fanfic author anon
basically the way the AU went was that at birth, every single person in the world has a special set of dice. It's impossible to steal, destroy or lose them, and any attempt to do so will backfire horribly on the person who tries. The stats and modifiers you mentioned are invisible to everyone except the person they belong to, and dice rolls happen whether the person wants it to or not, but most people prefer rolling the dice themselves for some semblance of control
so some possible thoughts:
what if Jonathan did roll a Nat 20 but because of Dio's new Vampiric Modifiers he managed to just barely survive
in turn, during the Stardust fight, Jotaro then manages to just barely defeat Dio as a bit of fun irony
Joseph's That Guy who seems to be perpetually cursed with shitty rolls EXCEPT for when it actually matters and he randomly starts getting back to back Nat 20s
Pucci is arguably even more of a fanatic this time because the Dice are essentially a "physical" manifestation of Fate
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wizfurb · 2 years
BBC Ghosts 04x04 - Robin’s “William”
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Note: Idk if the show has any plans on expanding on some of the past ghosts, but I thought it’d be fun to make up an OC based on one of Robin’s friends he mentions in 04x04. I’m going off the assumption he was just listing them randomly rather than in chronological order necessarily <3 This isn’t like a proper fic (though I may write one someday) but it does run a bit long, buckle in folks :3
Words: 1.5k not a proper fic my ass how did i end up writing this much
William was a Victorian hobbyist palaeontologist/archaeologist who died in 1860 when he was around 30. Darwin’s On The Origins of Species had just come out the year before. And a few years earlier, previously uncategorised fossils had just been formally declared as belonging to another species of human altogether-- Neanderthals. 
William was deeply fascinated by the past. However, because he was raised as a woman in his youth (and a common one at that) he had little formal education in the way of science. Once he set out on his own, under a new/correct identity, he learned everything he could from books, seminars he could sneak into, writing to others in the field and self-funded excavation (nevermind that he had never actually found anything, yet). 
How he died: 
Suffice to say, like much of the scientific world, he became obsessed with the concepts of evolution and ancient hominids. So when he heard a rumor that strange bones had been unearthed at some country estate not too far from him he had to investigate. He begged the owners of Button House for the chance to excavate some of the land. Despite the handsome payment offered, they firmly refused, objecting that they wanted no part in this heathen practise.
But William was determined. He set up camp at the edge of the woods so as to not be seen and began his excavation in secret. Soon he had dug a pit as deep as he was tall, but had little definitive findings to show for it. One day, as he was emerging from the pit after a long dig a loud CRACK filled the air, and his shoulder throbbed. Ironically, the bullet wound probably wouldn’t have killed him, but the fall back into the pit did—his head hitting the ground at just the wrong angle. The perpetrators—hunters who mistook him for an animal, residents finally taking care of the intruder, he did not know—  left him where he died, filling in the pit and absolving themselves. The irony of a fossil hunter being buried was not lost on him.
The in between:
During his afterlife, William had a hard time determining if he was in Heaven or Hell. After the initial freak out about death and the existence of ghosts, William was naturally ecstatic to meet Robin. But he despaired the fact that he couldn't record any of his findings, or prove himself share them with the scientific community 
Still, he takes to interviewing Robin constantly, asking about his life when he was alive, and the developments he saw in death (he had to hold back from overtly examining Robin’s features/body, that would hardly be polite). Robin is initially kind of wary of him. After all it isn't often people sought him out for deep discussions, and William asked so much, Robin “have other things to do you know” (he didn’t, but everyone needs me time, so they find a balance).
He talks a bit about himself too. How he feels about his field, not caring to hide just how much passion he has. He firmly believes in the cause, the value of learning about past peoples and in turn learning about ourselves. He thinks it’s ridiculous that so many people regard evolution and hominid study as a heathen craft, doesn’t understand why religion and science can’t co-exist. 
(Robin doesn’t understand it either but he doesn’t understand a lot of what William says anyway. He talks very quickly and uses big science words. But he comes to like the way he says them, and especially likes that he takes the time to explain).
William asks Robin if his people had any such beliefs, stories to make sense of how the world works. Robin tells him about the moon, of course. He tells him about all the legends he watched his friends immortalise on cave walls. He tells him of the camp fires in the sky, the animal spirits that live inside your chest and thump against your rib cage when you’re scared or excited. William concludes that he doesn’t mind being in purgatory, he’d gladly listen to Robin forever. And not just to study. For all he knows now, William must be the greatest scientist in his field. But more than that he just likes being with Robin. He’s very funny, very intelligent, he doesn’t have the words to communicate it, but he understands more about humanity than scientists ever will. William had lived a solitary life, no friends, just passing colleagues that didn’t even value his work or him half the time. In death he found a kindred spirit.
Nonetheless, William never stops being fascinated with the idea of finding Robin’s bones. When he asks Robin about it, Robin claims “Nothing to find. Animals come eat me. Bear, wolf, bird— I very popular. So popular even family scared to come get me. Till one day I come back and nothing left”.
William is fascinated to learn Robin’s people buried their dead. He will not give up on the hope that Robin’s bones—the very bones that brought William here in the first place—are out there somewhere. He asks Robin if his bones might have any identifying features, like a fracture that might have healed strangely or teeth marks from a bad animal attack. Robin puffs up proudly, says “Me good hunter! Never get hurt like that. Back then, you break bone you usually die, so”. William settles for examining Robin’s teeth, and only gets playfully bitten a few times.
How he got sucked off moved on:
They are friends for years and years and years. For the first time in his life—death— William feels valued as a person, and more fulfilled everyday as student of history. And, though he is confident in himself, Robin, too, appreciates that William values him as an equal, as a human, not some savage half-man. They explore the grounds together, talk about the animals they find, share stories, lay on the grass and stargaze. William teaches Robin about constellations, and Robin is enraptured. Something about seeing shapes, animals, in the sky, trying to make meaning of something so vast and unknowable, it’s familiar. It feels like a piece of home (and gives him an idea).
Like always, it’s sudden. The Button’s are having work done in the gardens again, to put in another fountain or some such, when they find him. The constabulary are called, his bones exhumed and taken away. William should probably be more horrified at seeing his own bones, but he’s mostly just annoyed he can’t interact with his now unearthed notebook. The workers suggest a more thorough search of the area, lest they come across any more surprises and have to halt their work again. And that’s how it happens. 
Meer metres from William’s digsite all those years ago is another, smaller concentration of bones. Some are animal, and some are most definitely not. A worker uses a gloved hand to pick up a very human jaw fragment, the molars a little too big and round and— “Robin!” William shouts. He circles the worker, taking in the teeth at all angles before turning back to his friend, positively shaking with excitement. 
William grips Robin’s jaw (and while Robin makes a surprised grunt, he and William clearly have no hang ups about touch/personal space anymore), quickly but gently prying it open to get a better look. There! The second molar with a large brown crack down the middle, and the chipped canine! Keeping a hand on that familiar jaw, William’s voice is somehow soft and filled with fervour when he says “Robin that’s you. They found you!” and realises “...I almost found you”. 
Robin furrows his heavy brows and looks at the jaw, “Me?”.
William is smiling so hard, his jaw would probably hurt, were he alive. “Yes, you! And look at these-” he points to the pit “-these stone bits! They’re not natural. Someone did bury you, you must have just missed it”. Robin laughs, laughs so hard it catches and brings them both to their knees looking into that godforsaken pit. To think, one of the biggest questions of his afterlife answered, thousands of years later, by some fancy man obsessed with bones. 
Robin pokes William in the chest, where the animal spirits live, and says with a rough fondness “You. You found me”. William’s eyes are as wide and bright as the full moon, and before Robin fully realises what is happening, that brightness encompasses William’s whole body, till all that remains of William is his tattered journal still covered in dirt at the bottom of the pit.
William’s death was the adventure of his life. But for Robin those—what? 30 odd years? were a blink of an eye. He stares at where the light disappears. He almost sighs, but huffs out another laugh instead, and heads inside to tell the others.
Later, when the moon is high and thousands of little campfires sparkle in the sky, Robin picks out a star. And later, much later, 132ish years later, he points at the star and remembers. 
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gumasantan · 1 year
morning forever: a cynonari oneshot
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author's note: hey, hey, hey! i've written another fic that i'm quite satisfied about, and this time, i had to think hard about it! it's a long ass oneshot (~2.6k words) with a mystery (wooo~). this one focuses on cyno and tighnari's relationship so if you're not into those that i've mentioned, please scroll away. from this point on i'm planning to write in different styles. anyway, i hope you enjoy reading this one!
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Therein lies a wooden cabin in the middle of a spruce forest surrounded by lush greens, bountiful patches of colorful plants, and littered with vines ever-growing upon the surface of the manmade structure. With how natural and one-in-nature this living space is, it won’t only attract those who love the sight of the undisturbed land, but it will also reel in those who have a passion in how this massive piece of soil came to be and anything of it.
A setting like that does not stand remarkable among many people apart from a few, considering how far they will have to be away from any signs of human activity.
The irrelevance one can feel in the presence of intimidation made real when one realizes how much the trees tower over their figure, it really makes you feel small. Inevitably, a description of such a place will conceive stories that will imply a ‘magical’ environment that lives within the forest, which is a bunch of mysticism nonsense obviously.
However, some will persist living here otherwise.
“I mean do you believe in all of that stuff? People randomly disappearing, seeing a creature, shadows in the distance or anything of the sort…what was that other one again? Something about time that those who come here find odd?”
The peaceful and quiet air filling the cabin is interrupted by a somewhat relaxed voice. 
“I’m just concerned about you, Nari.”
As replied with someone with a worried and serious tone.
Oh, the irony.
“Oh please, Cyno. Not me. We’ve been inhabiting our house here for how many years now, five? Six? Whatever it is, we know for a fact that we need someone to maintain this place we’ve always considered our true home, yes?” He tries to hide his annoyance.
“I know. I can handle being by myself just fine and I know I’ll be a maid of this house. I’m not stupidly worried about you like somehow I know the world is going to end later and I want you here by my side before the meteor hits us or something like that.” He replies back, attempting to justify that his worry goes deeper than what his boyfriend have said.
“That’s the spirit, Cyno! Thank you for clearing that up!”
He approaches his man with a hug, pleasantness floating in the air around them as Cyno hugs him back with a bit of relief not from his attempt at reassurance, but from his unexpected optimism.
“It’s just…there’s something else with the stories they tell. Irks me in the wrong places, you know? Or not…” He whispers into his long ears as they both hug his worries away.
His boyfriend then pulls away from the hug and holds his shoulders, making sure that he looks straight at him, like those types of scenes in the plays they have seen in the bazaar.
“Tell me truthfully, Cyno. Do you believe in them?” He asks confrontationally as he looks at him straight in the eyes.
He shakes his head once presented with the question.
“Are you sure? No traces of doubt left within you?” As he forces the issue in order to get it out of his system, and making sure of his feelings so that nothing may be misconstrued.
“Yes, none of it, Nari.” He finally replies as he achingly looks away from him when he let the last words slip past his lips. He glances at the clock on the top of the wall right in front of them:
Tighnari lets go of his shoulders with leniency expressed on his face.
“Besides, regardless if they’re true or not, I don’t think I should let those possibly false stories stand in the way of my own research. My love for my work is just as great as my love for you, and you’re not immature enough to ask anything like ‘Work or me?’ anyway, which is a great privilege by the way, with how much you’ve reassured me about it. Thank you for that, my love, really…” As he looks back at his love with a smile forming on his lips.
Tighnari had to admit that, hinting at the insecurity he had when faced with a situation like this. Always being stuck at a crossroads between his Cyno and his work at many points in their relationship. Yet, his sweetheart’s maturity have always prevailed. It has never come to a point where he invalidates his passion, and have even always encouraged him to keep pursuing it.
Cyno looks away from the clock and back at him, feeling warmth and fuzziness forming in his chest as they make him return the smile back.
“Let me just say that I don’t want to not talk about this. In fact, I do, and I’m willing to reassure you over and over again! It just didn’t stop me from being all exhausted about it…”
As he maintains his smile while sitting down on the stool beside the wooden counter, folding his arms as he lets his head down, wanting to rest himself for a short while.
Cyno approaches and hugs him around his waist gently from behind, looking to absorb and share some of that emotional fatigue that he’s sure that Tighnari is feeling.
Those types of choices weren’t easy.
He rests his head beside Tighnari’s, rousing some heartfelt intimacy between them.
“I’m sorry for being such a pain in the bottom to deal with, love. I know I’d let my worries take over me for a while. Trust me that this time is truly me you’re talking to right now, alright?”
“As if you’re not such a worrywart everytime we’re together, silly.”
Tighnari giggles.
Cyno giggles back.
He’s right, damn you.
“Here, how about this: Let me tell you a joke. What did the father told his son when returned to his home after buying out milk?” As he says looking at him. He looks to the clock as he waits for his answer, or rather, an attempt at an answer:
Ah, here we go again…
“What, Cyno?” Tighnari turns his face to that lovely face that made him fall in love hard to the side that was inches away from him as he prepares to keep himself from cringing laughing…
“Nothing. Why? Because the dad never came back. It was one of those running jokes that always implied abandonment issues.” As he said it with the…
…Straightest. Face. Ever.
What followed suit was something unexpected. His boyfriend has never laughed at one of his jokes since they were together…except now. He watches in surprise as Tighnari turns his face away from him and proceeds to laugh. Is it an honest laugh because it was genuinely funny? Or was it a mocking one because it was so bad it’s funny? For Cyno, either way was good enough for him.
Because he managed to be funny and make him laugh.
Cyno hugs Tighnari tighter than before and kisses on Tighnari’s cheek even as his lips would shape into a smile as his love kept on laughing.
I swear to God, don’t their bodies ache from positioning theirselves like this?
Cyno’s music in the room starts to settle as Tighnari’s lets his laugh fall silent. He couldn’t laugh for much longer: It was hurting his muscles and he had to catch his own breath before Cyno indirectly kills him from suffocation.
They let the laughs die down as they silently enjoyed their close presence together.
“So, tell me Cyno, why don’t you want me to go?” His boyfriend asks.
Cyno faces him with a bewildered look in his face. Still locking his arms around Tighnari’s waist, he wonders what made him ask that kind of question.
“I know you never really believed in those stories in the first place. I know you’re smarter than that, and I know you know it too. Can you confirm in your own feelings that maybe you’re just urging me to not perform my work?” He asked an attacking question, but relaxed in its delivery.
“What are you asking, Nari? It’s just the stories and nothing else…”
Cyno answers as he felt a bit of confusion in Tighnari’s tone of questioning.
“Are you sure, Cyno? Head of the disciplinary division of the Academy, are you sure?” As he continues to press, wanting to confirm his suspicion about him since he brought up his concerns.
Cyno’s reply would be the dead air between them, as he sighs and looks back at the clock he’s been staring at all along. Tighnari follows suit as he watches his gaze:
“I…don’t want you to go.” He finally admits, as his hug would only grow tight and tighter by the minute. He still hadn’t let go of him actually.
“I am that selfish. I really don’t want you to go. I’ve experienced what it’s like to be left by you, and I’ll admit that I don’t want that to happen again.” He reiterates as he closes his eyes, anticipating some of his boyfriend’s sharp comments that he might throw at him.
“I see.” Was all that Tighnari could say.
“You value your work very much, and I appreciate that. My work in the academy is something you know I value highly as well! But yours…” Cyno trails as he tries to keep his voice from trembling. He feels the wetness around his eyes.
“…We both don’t know when I’ll come back.”
Tighnari finishes Cyno’s sentence with a blank look on his face.
Admittedly, his past researches had made him unsure of the longevity of his time away from him. It took him two months for his first, six months for his second, three months for his third, and a year for his fourth! And those are only selected from many! His research is seriously taking lifetimes away from him.
He feels his shoulder shaking and moving, hearing muffled sobbing and sniffing, while he looks straight, towards nothingness.
As the motion on his shoulders gets weaker and weaker made him irresolute, an undecided Tighnari asks his Akasha terminal of the date:
12:52 - Sunday, December 29
He sighs as he realizes what this day means. However, he doesn’t want to tell him, it would stress him even further, and considering how stressed he is right now, it won’t help the situation.
After a little while, the sniffs continued to stop. The wet feeling he had on his shoulders stopped flowing. Slight dampness poured over Tighnari’s clothes.
“You—you claim to say that I…am just as important as your work, right?” Cyno pleads with his boyfriend as let his defenses down and allowed his heart to speak.
“So, stay with me! Don’t go, just this once…”
Cyno is at his most vulnerable now.
He pulled away from Tighnari and waited for his reply.
Just please, stay.
“Cyno…” Tighnari spoke.
“You are the love of my life, and I love you…”
As he stands up from the stool and faces Cyno, paying attention to his eyes that has swelled from crying before, and may swell again.
“BUT WHAT?!” Cyno shouts at him instinctively.
Tighnari was stunned in silence and started acting with hesitation in every little movement he makes: From where to put his hands to how he should stand. Those feet seem to be dancing.
“I have to do this. I really have to do this, Cyno. You know this has been my entire life…I can’t stop now.”
As Tighnari sighs, realizing the things that he had said, how bitter it would be not just for Cyno but for him as well. Even so, he clings to that little hope that Cyno may come to understand his reasons, like back then before.
There’s no turning back.
“Then GO!” Cyno shouts back at him.
Truth be told, it hurts for him to say that. For such a stoic man to become an emotional mess from a few spoken words is something that he is still getting used to. Tighnari has done that to him, and he didn’t regret any bit of it, but he didn’t expect that he will do it again in this manner.
“Get OUT OF HERE!” He continues to shout as he gestures to the camp and research equipment that Tighnari has prepared.
He turns back as he cannot bear to look at Tighnari anymore.
Never before has been his voice be full of emotions. He had always reserved himself just so he could successfully avoid letting anyone see any possible vulnerabilities he might’ve had, except for his boyfriend. Even then, it had never grown to this magnitude.
“I’ve…I’ve given up! I can do everything yet it absolutely won’t go in my favor…”
Cyno appeared to be beaten by Tighnari’s insistence.
“I’m sorry, Cyno.”
Was all Tighnari could say as he witnessed his boyfriend’s anger.
Cyno mustered all of his emotional stability just so he could only look at Tighnari: Speechless and full of guilt. He never meant to lash out at him like that, but his patience has run out.
Especially not how many times he’d tried before.
Tighnari walked towards Cyno to hug him, regardless if it means anything or not. To see Cyno like this, it was appalling, and he knows full well that it’s his fault. With how long they’ve been together, he somehow hopes that this would not affect their relationship more than it has to.
Cyno sees Tighnari going towards him, expecting a hug like he’d always give, but his expression gave that careless look. Instead, he only seemed to care about the time as he looked at the clock:
Cyno realizes what’s about to happen.
And as he thought of it, he feels his vision getting blurry; darkness enveloping his peripheral vision. A sudden rush of weakness spread throughout his body; especially his legs that are draining from energy that allowed him to move. But now, he doubts if he can even stand for any longer.
“Cyno, what’s wrong?” Tighnari asks him with a curious look, anxiety infecting his tone of voice.
It’s too late…
Cyno tries to speak but to no avail, even just as Tighnari is attempting to support him, he is losing his posture. The muddiness of his head is starting to get heavy and he starts hyperventilating as he tries to get ahold of himself. The panic is setting in.
It was the last thing he ever heard from him before pure black took over.
A sudden loud gasp was heard in a bedroom.
The man looked shocked as if he’s had a horrific nightmare. With widened eyes and alert senses, he attempts to recover his distraught state of mind and troubled breathing. His distress prompting him to carefully examine his area to make sure that he’s not in any danger.
After a short while, he manages to compose himself towards a state of normalcy. He’s calmed down at the moment. He finds out that he was sleeping in the cabin. His figure being more relaxed as he grasps this reality. He quickly looks to the empty space on the bed in his right.
Oh, I’m back here again.
He gets his Akasha he removed prior on the drawer without looking as if it's déjà vu, and asks it about the time and date:
8:50 - Saturday, December 28
A voice was heard followed by the creaking of a door.
“Cyno, what happened? I heard a loud noise coming from here…”
It’s him.
The man with foxlike ears stared at Cyno with a curious expression.
Cyno inhales and exhales to release any traces of edginess he had experienced waking up.
“It’s fine, Nari. It’s nothing really…” Cyno answers assuredly.
Oh, darling. We’re back here again.
“Well, you better get up! I’ve prepared you breakfast on the counter. Oh, and after that, help me pack my belongings, alright? I know it’s still in midnight but I have a lot of things to carry, okay love?”
Tighnari asks cheerfully.
Cyno would just keep staring back at Tighnari with an innocent look on his gaze.
Tighnari asks once more.
Do I have to subject myself through all of this again?
Whatever I do, it’s always the same outcome.
We couldn’t even celebrate your birthday this time properly.
It seems so never-ending.
How much long should I be stuck like this?
What’s the meaning of all of it?
“Yes, my Nari. I will help you.”
He answers back with a smile on his face.
His boyfriend would give the largest smile he has ever given him, as a 'thank you' for reflecting his upbeat confidence in helping him with his errand at later midnight.
Hey, that’s the first time since you smiled that big!
“Alright, alright! Well, what are you waiting for? Come with me at the counter and eat before the food gets cold. I’ll give you a kiss after!”
Tighnari remarks as he goes to the living room, leaving Cyno alone.
I never quite realized how much time I’ve been given with Tighnari this way.
Cyno closes his eyes, trying to fathom that sweet but cruel manner of having his time with him.
But is it worth it if he chooses to leave him in the end?
The pain of having to beg for him to stay.
The pain of bearing his priorities for work over me.
He sighs.
“I wish it was morning forever…”
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matan4il · 1 year
Sooooooo from someone who spends too much time researching name meanings before naming their characters to someone who knows too much about names (jk, you can never know too much, I just thought using superlatives would be fun, and yes, I know "too x" isn't even a superlative, just let me have this 🤣):
Thoughts on the naming of 911 characters? And skdhflsdhf if you wanna add some shippy thoughts to it, go ahead😂💕
LOL Hon, can I just mention how much I love that we have in common the whole spending too much time researching name meanings before naming a character thing? XD And you know you can always consult me whenever you want to! My brain is full of redundant information and someone should take advantage of that!
I wanted to do this properly, so I ended up making a whole goddamn post about name meanings for 911 characters, including a few gifs. Sorry that means it took me a bit longer to reply, and thank you so much for your patience! xoxox
My thoughts on these name choices by 911, wow... OK, so can I mention that the most heartbreaking one to me is the naming of Daniel? As you can see in the post, Daniel means "God judges me" which is basically a sentiment expressed by religious Jews, an accepting of God's judgment and an expression of trying to do right in his eyes. But when someone passes away, in Judaism we say, "Baruch dayan ha'emet," meaning 'blessed is the judge of truth' to express an acceptance of this fate, too. Considering how young Daniel was when he passed away, the choice for his name just sends a shiver down my spine.
Evan meaning 'God has graced' gets to me, we just have the irony of this boy who grew up feeling like he was nothing in the present, that he could only hope to be someone in the future (as he tells Maddie in 405), this boy who was only brought into the world for God's grace to be directed towards saving his older brother, and he doesn't see, he doesn't realize just how much grace there is in his own existence! Once again, breaking my heart...
Another one that gets to me is Eddie's name meaning 'rich protection', when he's a dad who has dedicated himself to protecting his son and doing everything in his power to making Christopher's life as good as it can be, sparing no expenses on it, working twice as hard to be able to take good care of him, all while barely spending any money on himself (as his bedroom shows in 204). I also really like that he and his dad Ramon share the 'mund' part in their original Germanic names, meaning 'protection.' They are both devoted father, looking to protect their kids! They just go about doing it in very different ways...
And of course there's an interaction between their names. While Buck has trouble seeing his own grace, and is reckless and de-values his own life, Eddie is also protective of him, doing everything he can to make it clear to Buck that he is not expandable, and that there is no one Eddie trusts in the world more than him. Their love story is coded into their names, for heaven's sake!
Athena's name meaning might be unknown, but the connection between her and the Greek goddess of just, brave, smart war always got to me! Athena is opposed in Greek mythology to Ares, the god of bloodthirsty, treacherous, destructive war. It's just so fitting for a character whose whole essence is to be a warrior for good. And in that instance, the show even made explicit reference to this, saying Beatrice didn't choose her daughter's name randomly.
I like that when David was brought specifically to be Michael's love interest, he's given a name that is the ultimate one for lovers. David (spelled in Hebrew דוד) comes from the Hebrew word 'beloved' (pronounced 'dod' and also spelled in Hebrew דוד). Not only is that a very fitting meaning, but in the biblical book The Song of Songs, you'll find the verse, "Ani le'dodi ve'dodi li" which means "I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me," considered by many people familiar with the biblical text to be the ultimate expression of a lovers' bond there. That THIS is the name chosen for the character brought in to be a part of the first proper mlm couple 911 has featured makes me happier than I can explain!
I can talk about other notable choices (naming probably the biggest villains on the show with names that refer to 'peace' or imply it by meaning 'dove'), but I don't wanna overburden this post. I do think some of the names, when the origin is unknown / uncertain, and when some have very little connection (if any) to their characters, are a reminder that TV show writers don't always do the research. Sometimes they just like a name! Or select one randomly! Or have personal associations that play into choosing a name, that have nothing to do with the "official" name meaning. In other words, we (as fic writers) allowed to ignore this, too. ;) I personally like having intention behind my character's name, as an extra layer of meaning, but it is 100000% okay not to pay it any attention! *hugs*
Hope you have a wonderful day! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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tagfer · 2 years
I would love to see the nerd essay on why you hate Nuzlockes :)
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well, if it's requested...
this is ABSOLUTELY a "just me" thing but like. if there's something I don't particularly care for but am mostly ambivalent about, and that thing becomes unavoidably popular, I'm going to fucking loathe it. this is unfortunately my nature and it's the reason behind why I hate many of the things I do. (well, not exclusively for this reason. but still.)
and that's where nuzlockes come in. while there's absolutely nothing inherently wrong with em, they've been an absolute plague of the pkmn fandom for over a decade. since they hit the scene, they've been unavoidable.
at first it started with a comic. and people wanted to do it too, and make their own comic. which was fine. but soon, doing just a normal comic wasn't enough, because there were so many people doing comics that comics had to start being ~unique~ (this usually ended up being grimdark without any irony). I even vividly remember one that, for whatever reason, had a fucking sex scene. off-screen. played off as half-humorous. while the pokemon watched. now i do think sex scenes can be good, but it's a comic about playing pokemon.
on the record, i never ever looked anything up about nuzlockes. this shit was just endemic to the places i hung out, as it is was to the fandom in general. apparently part of being into nuzlockes is having to talk about nuzlockes. which is how liking stuff usually works, but it's inconveniencing ME, so I don't like it.
in the places I hung out at the time, there was this whole "pokebro" culture on nuzlockes too. a good chunk of people played nuzlockes cuz it made you "bond" with your pokemon more. they added a rule, that you had to nickname your nuzlocke mons, y'know, to make their possible death "more impactful" or something. now I'm all for personifying bits of data. so fucking guilty here too. but c'mon. it didn't help that these people dialed the drama about it up to ten, too, holding memorials for their fallen mons and such.
i actually tried a nuzlocke at this time, cuz "maybe I'm just being a hater" and it was very much not fun for me. first of all, in contrast to the "pokebro" people above, knowing that these mons could be only temporary, i "bonded" with them less. Also, even with the best strategy and well balanced team, RNG could at any time randomly punish me, and the only way to avoid that is grind n overlevel til everything is a curbstomp. Neither of those sound like good times!
at this point, there was a vibe around the entire fandom that, well, if you're replaying a pokemon game and you're not doing a nuzlocke, well it just wasn't as Good as a nuzlocke. even if you were doing something different like a mystery egg run, or a solo run, or whatever, it was inferior. god forbid you play normally, what are you, some sort of coward?
now all of this was like late 4th gen / early 5th gen. so streaming was a niche hobby at the time. but then Twitch came to town and streaming became an actual thing. and for the people who were just playing the game (instead of shiny hunting or wifi battles or whatever), they were literally all doing nuzlockes. I've basically stopped going on twitch but up until the day I did, that was always a problem. you literally could not find someone playing the game normally. and god forbid, other types of playthroughs? unthinkable.
remember before how i mentioned when everyone was doing a comic, people tried to get unique about it? happened here too. well EVERYONE'S watched a nuzlocke, so how about a ~randomizer nuzlocke~? or, now with 6th gen here, they absolutely lost their shit. not even nuzlockes anymore, they were wonderlockes! oh that's not creative enough anymore, so now we're doing wedlockes! because what nuzlockes need is forced heterosexuality. fuck it let's throw them together we're doing wonder wedlockes! we can't just have a few arbitrary rules, we need a whole book of them.
again, there's nothing inherently wrong with any ot this. but i think it's incredibly dumb. y'all's can make up rules about how you need randomly obtained wondertrade zigzagoons and ralts from fans of known pedophile thekingnappy, and how they have to be heterosexually paired off, and how if one dies the other does too for some reason, but you can't use any of that brain power to think of literally any other way to play?
and this is about when I dropped out from the Pokemon fandom to my own little corner of shiny giveaway blogs before my computer died and i had to stop doing that as well. and i absolutely refuse to interact with the general pokemon fandom these days because it is just absolutely insufferable. and I'm happier as such.
but I know Nuzlockes are still unbearably prevalent. there are people out there who have huge fanbases and make profits off of doing nuzlocke videos. and because it's by far the most popular way to play Pokemon beyond just playing it normally, there are many people who don't even know that there are sooo many other ways to possibly play! and the cycle remains unbroken and the loop will continue
i am a spiteful little beast tho. a while back (8-10 yrs ago) i was working on a custom Emerald romhack and I put a few notably difficult battles early on to literally prevent the romhack from being nuzlocked. never finished it, unfortunately, but que sera sera! wish I had. that'd have been amazing. I'd even put up a sign saying fuck nuzlockes if I were to finish it. LOL
ghrrrrhhhhghhhhh I've had that brewing for such a long time it was good to get out
(yes, I know it's Not That Deep, but don't pretend like accidentally stepping into a murky puddle in your favorite shoes wouldn't put a damper on your day.)
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perhapssomething · 2 years
Naruto Fic Rec List
Some little shit I enjoyed - not all of them but some that come to mind
The ways of him who holds the blade by Dissenter; Not Rated
In the quiet hours between midnight and dawn, who's to know or care if Senju Tobirama is sharing drinks with ghosts.
(Beautifully written characters, all of them - a perfect insight on the hearts and minds of the Founders)
Snow Storms & Snake Wine by writer168; Rated Teen And Up Audiences
Four strangers get trapped in a cabin, and it's the start of something beautiful.
(Unexpected hilarity and wholesome in its own special way, made me laugh my fucking ass off)
no time for survival by sazzafraz; Rated Mature
A 'What If' starting from the premise of Itachi's apparent demise at the hands of a rebel group attempting to overthrow the established shinobi system. Sasuke is quickly blackmailed into joining and thrust into a world of politics and hard choices, only to discover that his world is made of many threads and choices he could have never foreseen. Featuring the authors love of world building, deeply maladjusted protagonists and politics.
(Sasuke has so much potential - fics like this show it)
How To Save The World With No One Even Realizing by IncompleteSentanc (Erava); Rated Teen And Up Audiences
Minato knows at the beginning of the week that it's going to be a hellish one. Mostly because it starts with the kidnapping of one of his two remaining students, only a year after they'd lost the first one. He just doesn't realize at the time that it's not going to be a hellish week - it's going to be hell for quite a bit longer than that.
It all starts with Rin's kidnapping, and her subsequent rescue at the hands of a mysteriously appearing, monstrously strong, murderously violent woman.
A woman with cotton candy pink hair.
It only devolves from there.
(I'm laughing obnoxiously just thinking of this one, absolute gem that it is - all you could want in a fix-it story)
How To Survive The Weirdest Experience Of Your Life by IncompleteSentanc (Erava); Rated Teen And Up Audiences
Obito has lived through the single weirdest experience of his life. Not many could say that they'd gotten crushed by a boulder, had half their body replaced by creepy alien flesh, was promptly held captive for a year by a supposed-to-be-dead Madara Uchiha, was saved by a randomly raiding pack of supervillains, then promptly killed by them, fixed up again, then dumped in a forest, and finally, FINALLY, returned home again.
His life has gotten pretty weird. But he's home, he has his family, and he has hope that someday soon he'll be able to say he didn't just survive the experience - but that he also come out of it pretty okay.
(Sequel to How To Save The World)
(As mentioned, sequel to the above story, the chaotic and beautiful thing that we all need)
(Force) Trick or Treat by Hiruma_Musouka, squidspawn; Rated General Audiences
Uchiha Tajima has developed a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy regarding his sons' social lives since Madara and Izuna met the Senju family. This is because whenever Izuna tells him things, he generally regrets asking. (Or: The only thing more ridiculous than Uchiha and Senju in proximity to one another are Uchiha and Senju in proximity to Halloween parties.) "
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle by blackkat ; Rated Teen And Up Audiences
Obito snatches up the abandoned bottle, jogs three steps, and hurls it with all the force he can manage at the back of the white-haired litterer’s head, snarling, “Hey, asshole! It’s called recycling!”
(I've re-read this more times than I can count)
Let Us Live by TakaGang; Rated General Audiences
Uncle Naruto thinks smiles will fix everything even if they're forced. Her mother dusts the cabinets like she wants to break them, and refuses to answer the questions that burn on Sarada's tongue. Her father is a mystery and an absence everyone tiptoes around.
AU. Sarada is an Uchiha in every aspect.
(Beautiful and heartbreaking - the dramatic irony burns)
Why we build the wall by Dissenter; Not Rated
A Kiri nin gets trapped in a cave with a Konoha nin near Kannabi bridge. Some things are inevitable. Or the AU where Kakashi is born in Kiri but still somehow ends up as team seven's teacher.
(I have no words for how amazing this one is)
Gem of the Eddy by beetlebee; Rated Teen And Up Audiences
"The fall of Uzushio collapsed our economy, our protections. You might think I'm being rosy, but they really cared about us. And they knew how to party. You know they had a seal that could swap body parts? Wildest night of my life,” the boatman’s eyes go distant for a long moment, “...but you kids are too young to hear about that.
“Anyway,” he continues, “our economy’s been a shambles since; maybe gets going for a year or two before it collapses again. No security of stability, so assholes like Gato think they can waltz in here and take charge. Boy, he'd be singing a different tune if the Uzumaki were still around." 
Sakura’s eyes widen a bit at that, and even Sasuke looks up. Naruto opens his mouth to say something, but Kakashi puts a firm hand on his shoulder.
“What an… illuminating piece of history,” says Kakashi, “Thank you for sharing.”
(Kiri may have won the battle, but not the war. The island of Uzushio might not be as dead as previously believed. 
All Kakashi knows now is that he really should have refused that mission to Wave.
An island lives, people change, foxes laugh, and Team Seven goes on a wild journey!)
(aaaaaaaaaa perfection)
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druigswhores · 3 years
something more
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(originally posted by alpha-bug)
summary: where pietro confesses his feelings to you without actually confessing them to you, through a necklace. inspired by this prompt list.
content warning: pietro maximoff x fem!reader (i’ll try to write more gender neutral fics in the future!) obviously set in a world where he survives and civil war doesn’t happen. (friends to lovers, mutual pining and pietro being a sap.)
note: okay so this is my first fic in a while so i’m sorry if this sucks </3 i want to write more pietro/peter fics so please send requests ! (also lemme know if you can guess the movie bucky was confused about !)
"You're staring." Wanda points out, idly watching the older twin stare at the person who clouded his thoughts, not that Wanda needed to read his mind to know that.
"Don't you have something better to do?" Pietro scoffed, unwillingly looking away to glance at his sister. She chuckled, turning away from her brother to check on the pot on the stove, before continuing to chop the vegetables scattered on the chopping board.
"Don't you?" She simply asked, humming to the song playing out loud from her phone, Pietro's eyes were drawn back to you.
You were explaining the plot of a movie to Bucky who stared at the screen in pure confusion. "I don't get it? He killed her but he loved her?" Bucky asked you, in response you shook your head exasperated. "You saw her give birth right after, how could she be dead if she was naming her kids Buck?" You asked, glancing up when you heard the footsteps of someone approaching you.
"You're not replacing me with this old man, right?" Pietro teased, moving to sit next to you, reclining back on the couch, arm around your waist. You rolled your eyes at what he said, automatically leaning into him as the three of you continued to watch the movie playing on the big screen in front of you. The two of you barely noticed when Bucky decided to leave, too caught up with one another to bother caring about what's going on in your surroundings. You pushed him away from you when he tried to steal the m&ms you were currently snacking on only for him to pour most of the packet into his mouth.
"You disgust me Maximoff." You scoffed, biting back the smile forcing its way up. "And you love it Prinţesă." Pietro retorts, his eyes meeting yours. You opened your mouth to say something but nothing could come to mind, it was common for Pietro to randomly call you nicknames but that doesn't mean you were used to it, especially when he'd use pet-names.
Your friendship with Pietro came as a surprise to the rest of the Avengers years ago due to the differences in your personality but if you asked any of them what they thought about your friendship now they'd complain about how clueless the two of you are to the other person's feelings.
Somehow in the chaos that the two of you called your 'friendship', the line between platonic feelings and romantic feelings blurred. Pietro isn't the type of guy to steer away from romance but this situation was entirely different to anything he experienced. He cant just tell his closest friend that he loved you, he couldn't tell you how when he holds you in his arms it pains him to let go. How could he tell you that? After everything that happened to him in the past, the wall he built around his emotions to protect himself began to crumble and you were the cause of it. Pietro always struggled to talk about his feelings, his past. He felt the urge to protect himself and his twin from anything that could hurt them, he didn't want to make the same mistake again.
The unintentional movie night led to the two of you continuing to hanging out in Pietro's room hours later. It was your nightly ritual to watch an episode or two of a show that Pietro usually wouldn't want to watch before the two of you go to bed. Pietro was in the far end of his room, fumbling with something in the palm of his hand while you sat comfortably in the middle of his bed, head resting on one of his pillows as you set up the show on the laptop.
"For someone as quick as you, you sure are taking your sweet time doing whatever it is you're doing."
Pietro glanced back at you in surprise, almost like he forgot what he was supposed to be doing, too busy staring at the dainty chain tangled in the palm of his hands, with a small engagement ring at the end, in place of a pendant capturing all of Pietro's attention. It was fit for a petite woman. The silver was slightly scratched. Two slightly larger silver stones surrounded a slightly larger stone, although quite dull at first glance the engraving on the inside showed was still noticeable.
"I'm in no rush, dragoste mea." He chuckles, shoving the necklace into his pocket before moving to take his shirt off to put on a different one while continuing to speak. Your eyes followed his movements, subtly admiring his body as his muscles unintentionally flexed which resulted in you feeling your cheeks heat up, quickly looking away to not get caught checking out one of your best friends.
"You know I still don't know how I feel about Vision hanging around my sister." Pietro confesses, his overprotectiveness towards his younger sister evident as he continues to replay what occurred during dinner hours ago, Wanda confessing she wouldn't mind moving to a rural neighbourhood with Vision instead of staying at the Avengers Headquarters.
"People can't control who they fall in love with Pietro." You sighed tiredly not realising the irony behind your words, it wasn't the first time Pietro mentioned his hesitation towards the Android.
"People can't, robots can." He scoffed, walking to the dresser to put away his shirt, now wearing a pale blue shirt instead of the charcoal grey T-shirt he was previously wearing.
He moved to the bed, sitting beside you before shifting around to get comfortable. Your hand reaches out to the laptop to begin the episode only for Pietro's hand to place his above yours, stopping you.
"Since we're on this subject..." he paused to pull the necklace from his pockets before holding the necklace out towards you, letting the ring dangle from the chain between the two of you, twisting and turning because of the sudden movements.
You glanced at Pietro in confusion, eyebrows furrowed. He then pulls the hand that was covered by his own and turning it so your palm faced upwards, dropping the necklace in your hand. You held the necklace between your fingers, admiring the gems on the ring before noticing the engraving etched on the inside of the engagement band.
"I+O?" You read out the engraving in confusion, eyes meeting Pietro's soft gaze. He paused for a bit, struggling to put together a sentence that wouldn't cause the wall he created to completely collapse.
"Irina and Oleg, my parents. This was my mother's engagement ring. It was apart of the few belongings they've managed to find after what happened." He gently takes the necklace from you, signalling you to turn away from him so he can put it around your neck. Gently pushing all your hair to the side you felt goosebumps rise wherever Pietro's fingers grazed on your skin, the familiar heat rising in your cheeks once again.
You were secretly relieved that he couldn't see your reaction, the unspoken tension between the two of you currently was unbearable. You looked down at the ring, twirling it around with ur fingers while Pietro continued to speak.
"We decided that Wanda should keep our father's ring since he barely acknowledged me as his son, let alone a person." Pietro chuckles dryly.
Pietro turns you to face him, palm resting on your left cheek. "It looks good on you Draga Mea." He compliments you, eyes glancing down to your lips ever so often. "Why did you decide to give it to me?" You whispered, struggling to find your own voice.
Pietro's mouth curved into a smile, his thumb gently stroking your face
"Can't you tell?" He asked.
"Hmmm i think I'm going to have to hear you say it." You teased, smiling up at him, arms sliding around his neck pulling him closer towards you. He rolled his eyes feigning annoyance before telling you what you wanted to hear.
The next morning Wanda lightly knocked on her brother's door, wondering why he wasn't at breakfast. Waiting a couple moments for a response Wanda slowly opened the door only to be met with with the two of you lying in bed in each other’s arms,  the laptop ended up at the edge of the bed as you completely forgot about it after the events of last night. Pietro had his arms tightly wrapped around your waist while your head rested on his chest, the two of you smiling contently.
"They're good for each-other." Wanda whispers to her partner who stood beside her.
"They are indeed."
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rottingflovver · 4 years
Random relationship (and just general stuff) headcanons for the ADA squad!!
Atsushi Nakajima 🐯
Soft boi
Smells like strawberries and vanilla
Don't question me on this, he just does
Also probably adores eating strawberries and vanilla, alongside ice cream and anything sweet really, but like, in moderation (it's gotta be a soft food tho)
He also likes fruits and veggies
A healthy boi
His ideal date would be sightseeing, just walking around town with his s/o and admiring the scenery
Would try to be really cheesy and say something like "you're prettier than any location we've been to" but he'd get too embarrassed halfway through so it would just come out as a stammering mess
He's adorable tho, you love him
When sleeping, if you sleep in one bed, he'd legit be like a big cat (no pun intended)
He'd be so warm, and his arms would be wrapped around you in a soft embrace
Prone to having nightmares so please comfort him
Ozamu Dazai 💀
The literal opposite of a soft boi
What I mean by this is that he's a straight up f-boy
Don't @ me, it's official; he's left every woman he's ever been with crying
But don't worry, once he gets attached to you, he'd be all giddy and happy whenever you even exist around him
My dude adores coffee (+ alcohol!)
Doesn't really eat much (please force him to eat more) but he's a sucker for sweets (I feel like he'd be really picky tho, like "no this brand of chocolate is absolute garbage I only eat the finest *insert niche brand literally no one has EVER heard of*"
We love him for it
He'd also really be into salty snacks, anything that has a crunch to it really
Did I mention that he smells like washed out Cologne mixed with his natural scent (+ the most recent way he tried to commit not-living)
His ideal date would be a coffee-date
He knows it's not much but that's where he feels the most relaxed and happy, so he wants you to experience that with him as well
Unlike Atsushi, this boy can FLIRT
Expect a cheesy remark every few seconds
It comes to the point where it's actually kinda annoying
Once you start firing it back at him (it's gotta be something sincere tho) he'd be flustered and kinda flabbergasted
Is also prone to nightmares, but don't expect to see this side of him unless he REALLY really trusts you
Kunikida Doppo 📚
Stoic boi
Idk how to explain this but I feel like the 🗿 emoji really represents him
Also he smells the most normal out of everyone ㅡ literally just some kinda nice perfume and neutral, washed out shampoo (by neutral I mean that you can't really identify what it is, but it's nice)
I feel like he'd be warm
Like not to Atsushi's level, but he'd be a good heat provider if it ever gets windy or rainy
Not to mention how comforting his hugs are, although, extremely awkward (he's so inexperienced with them Lord help him)
Also a sucker for coffee but that's because it's the only thing keeping him sane (and awake, Kunikida go to bed challenge)
He's a really good cook
Like it surprises you how many dishes he actually knows how to make, given how much time his work occupies
He's also more like your dad (or even mom tbh) than your boyfriend, because he's always nagging cuz of some idealistic criteria you failed to meet (ie. "cLeAn YoUr RoOm")
That's why his preference for dates are dates that don't even feel like them
It's literally just everyday activities
Going shopping together? Sure, he's down, gotta get it done anyway and it's nice to have company. You want him to teach you how to make a certain dish? Geez, finally, it's about time you start doing that yourself. You wanna join on a mission? That's a bit too dangerous, but you can meet him afterwards
Like do you get what I'm saying
It's so obvious you two have a thing for each other but he's just so damn dense and yet somehow gets super flustered at the same time
Compliment him on something he's insecure about and he'll be a mess for like 10 whole minutes (by this I mean he genuinely won't be able to utter a word)
Akiko Yosano 🦋
She listens to girl in red
Okay maybe not, but she definitely stans Dreamcatcher
I'll stop you get the point
Her favorite LOONA solo is Heart Attack
(That was the last one I swear)
But fr tho, she looks and acts scary but she's a whole sweetheart
Kind of cold but it's okay you can warm her up (melts if you do that)
Really scared of letting people get too close to her, but if you keep insisting and being nice to her she'll have to accept your love
ALSO fond of coffee (seriously what's with these people) and a mediocre cook (she's trying ok)
Will always be down to try and make something with you, whatever the dish may be
Smells like oranges and roses (not mixed, obvi on different days it's a different vibe)
Also sometimes has a lingering aftertaste of blood due to her job at the ADA and you're kinda just like 😶 about it because?? Do you tell her?? Does she know?? What do you do???
Hint: you should definitely tell her tho
Although she doesn't force you to carry everything around like she forces everyone else to, because you're special ✨
That would also be your assumption on what her favorite date is, but she can actually be pretty romantic!
Don't expect anything grandeur tho, it's just a fancy dinner date at a restaurant
Poor bb has been planning and saving up for this for months now so please appreciate it
She sleeps like a rock
She's just straight, like a soldier
Oh the irony
But I feel like if you were to hug her she'd instantly melt into your embrace
Is ALSO prone to nightmares (seriously what's with these people) but she doesn't wanna bother you with them
Edogawa Ranpo 👓
Praise him
He has a praise kink
So please praise him
He's surprisingly soft
Maybe it's all the sweets he eats, but he's both soft to hug and soft personality wise
Oh yeah did I mention he emits an aura of candy
Like he walks into the room and you don't even have to look to know that it's him, cuz it'll just smell like sweets all of a sudden
Speaking of, he really adores them
To the point where you'll have to force him to eat something healthy from time to time as well, I mean, seriously, that much sugar CANNOT be good for you
If you give him some homemade baked goods (ei. cupcakes, brownies, cake, ect.) listen he will LITERALLY lose it
You're his angel now
No not even that, you're a GODDESS/GOD to him
(Yes he's that dramatic)
He likes taking you to see detective movies with him where he figures out the killer in the first 3 minutes
Also he gets lost so gosh darn easily; never ever let him out of your sight or he'll just be gone forever
Other than that, he lets you organize and plan the dates, cuz he thinks you could do a way better job at being romantic than he ever could
He's really okay with anything you wanna do ㅡ he's just happy to be with you
(Just don't take him to someplace where he can't eat candy)
Force him to eat spicy food and he's breaking up with you nckdndjc
When sleeping together, he's sprawled out across the mattress
In many ways he's just a big teddy bear, you can climb on top of him and sleep there and he'll just be chill with it
These next few ⬇ are only friendship hcs bc a sis doesn't wanna go to jail
Kenji Miyazawa 🐄
Baby boy, baby
Listen I can't explain it but he smells like grass and that fresh air country smell
Like you just know he does
LOVES getting head-pats
Loves giving them too!!
He's so confused when it comes to city stuff, so he'd much rather chill with you somewhere on a grass field
Expect to play a lot of tag and hide n seek with him!! It'll be extra fun if he drags Kyouka and Atsushi with him as well
Sometimes he'll randomly drop a country fact that seems so obscure to you (think; that one time he mentioned they just throw criminals off a cliff) and you'll just stare at him like; 👁 👄 👁
He loves to eat
Literally anything
"I love cows but I love eating them too"
He mentioned before that he shouldn't eat a lot cuz he has no power when full but you can't just??let him starve??
Give him an apple and water and he'll be fine
Introduce him to arcades and he'll get hooked in a matter of seconds
Kyouka Izumi 🌺
baby girl, baby
Loves to go sightseeing like Atsushi
Kind of stoic in the beginning but as she slowly warms up to you she'll be smiling all the time
Brings out Demon Snow to protect you if a leaf falls a little too threateningly
Cdndjdj no but fr ㅡ she never really had friends that accepted her and wanted to spend time with her so she really doesn't want anything to happen to you
You have to remind her that she's just a kid; she should be allowed to relax and enjoy the moment for a bit
Smells like flowers and death
The death part of it fades away with time
Spends a lot of time with Atsushi!! Meaning you will spend a lot of time with Atsushi as well
If you don't like him I'm sorry but you two just can't be friends
She has no idea what counts as friend activities and what doesn't so expect her to either: a) not propose anything, or b) propose totally obscure stuff
But if something cute catches her attention she'll make an attempt to guide you to it
Like if she thinks you two should eat ice cream she'll stare at a nearby ice cream shop intensely
Sadly missing Junichiro and Fukuzawa cuz I just don't know enough about them 😔 we sad
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mrsgreenworld · 4 years
Sen Çal Kapımı Episode 17 aka Expect The Unexpected
I know I have been quite slow with the reviews lately. I guess real life just got busier and messier. But my thoughts are always with the show, with our two crazy lovesick kids. I make sure to watch each new episode live, keep up with new fragmans.
I remember before episode 17 aired, after having seen the fragmans, I was ready for another filler episode. I was also a bit frustrated that instead of moving the storyline forward they decided to randomly throw in the pregnancy scare trope. However, the writers managed to surprise me with the episode that I hadn't expected much from. I also believe we might have got a bit of foreshadowing as well as an important catalyst to finally move the story forward.
But let's discuss all the good and bad in detail.
The things I loved/liked:
☑️ how balanced this episode was: the transition from the lighter and funnier first part to a more loaded second half with some longing between Edser, completely unexpected turn of events at the party and finally - that gut-wrenching final scene; everything was done at the right pace, at least it felt that way to me; they didn't drag on the pregnancy misunderstanding, it was resolved in one day which I was more than happy with (it could've lasted for days 😬);
☑️ Serkan: my baby is back where he belongs - among all the things I loved about the episode 🥰❤️
honestly, Serkan and his response to the whole situation was one of the main highlights for me - it was hilarious, it was adorable, it was sweet, it was loving;
I have already mentioned before that I absolutely love how attuned to Eda Serkan is; this episode wasn't an exception; do you remember the moment he realised something was up? it literally took a comment from Leyla to Eda about tea and our boy's eyebrows immediately furrowed in confusion and suspicion; and when he came up to Eda to tell her they would work together and asked if that was okay - of course he noticed how Eda's face changed before she left for the bathroom; and a concerned hubby that he is he asked Leyla what was wrong and then instructed her to keep tabs on Eda - swoon 🥰😍
that phone call to the family doctor and his face when he heard the doctor mention pregnancy - 🤣🤣🤣🤣
and then his comment about Ebola completely cracked me up - he's such a hypochondriac 👀😬🙈😂
his bathroom meltdown - comedy GOLD! Kerem was spectacular in that scene, his facial expressions as well as that "NE???!!!" - worthy of a standing ovation 👏👏👏 and it proves what a great actor he is in both funny comedy moments and loaded dramatic scenes; it gets me rolling on the floor when he juggles all sorts of facial expressions and I drown in my own tears when he cries;
then there were tiny adorable moments that, I think, really spoke volumes yet again what sort of person Serkan is - kind and caring, someone who loves deeply; when he told Eda not to sit down so fast, when he asked if she was hungry, tried to make her sit down, was worried that she was cold, took unhealthy snacks from her and got her fruit and nuts instead, was making sure she was comfortable, kept glancing at her stomach - all that was a sneak peek at what Serkan Bolat will be as a father; he will be such a mother hen and when Eda is actually pregnant I swear he will be the one more hormonal 🤣😂😆
I loved that he shared his suspicions with Engin;
his reaction when the misunderstanding got cleared up - I was rolling on the floor 🤣🤣
and while he was relieved it didn't look bad on him; it wasn't a type of relief when a person doesn't really want kids or doesn't want them with this particular person and thinks "oh, that was close!"; I am sure when it comes to Eda Serkan wants to make their own football team of Mini-Bolats; he wants this woman to have his children - I believe it without a shadow of doubt; however, I am also sure that, given the current situation Serkan and Eda are in, Serkan wouldn't want to tie Eda to himself like that;
the party - when he saw Eda in the dress he had bought for her 🔥🔥🔥🔥; I am sure he was useless in the conversations he was trying to make because his focus was entirely on Eda, he was following her every move with hungry eyes; damn, Sir! at least try to be a little more discreet 😏🥵
I loved how he asked Eda point blank if she had chosen the dress on purpose - he wasn't even trying to hide how affected he was;
and finally - of course there was that final scene with Serkan when he completely LOST IT; honestly, watching him break down like that - gave me chills;
we had never seen him like that; it's a well-known and established fact what kind of a person Serkan Bolat is - he's a control freak who can and is good at keeping his emotions in check, he doesn't express his feelings easily or even at all that's why he comes off as a cold and emotionless robot; so can you imagine how bad the situation has to be for him to lose it like that and not in the privacy of his home, where he's alone, but in the office, with all his employees and friends as witnesses?
the situation is really Serkan's worst nightmare due to the number of reasons:
1 - Serkan is a control freak (as I have already mentioned many times) and being in a situation where he cannot control something is hard for him psychologically;
2 - Serkan is a perfectionist and perfectionism often stems from the fear of making mistakes because a person was raised this way, wasn't allowed to make any mistakes as a child; we have even heard it from Serkan himself in one of the conversations with his father - he grew up thinking he had no right for mistakes, thinking that he must have done something wrong for his parents to just send him away;
3 - the cruel irony of this situation being so similar to what had happened to Eda's parents;
of course no one died but it could have happened; then Serkan would have turned into his father (in his own mind and eyes); it's just like Eda's parents all over again; can you imagine what kind of thoughts were going through his head? how he's cursed or something, that he really doesn't deserve Eda, that his family taints everything it touches... 😭💔
Kerem's acting in the last scene was truly one of his best and strongest Serkan moments👏👏👏👏;
☑️ Eda: one of my absolute favourite things about our girl is that she keeps her word; there are not many people who do this in life (while I myself try to keep my promises I, unfortunately, often fail);
I was so proud that, no matter what's going on between herself and Serkan, Eda didn't refuse to help Aydan and promised that they would work on her phobia together;
I also loved Eda's idea with the virtual tour around London - very creative and thoughtful way to help Aydan get out of the house without actually leaving the house because baby steps, this cannot be rushed, this type of problems don't go away at the snap of our fingers;
while I find it a bit strange that Eda volunteered to babysit a random couple's child (me and Serkan both, he also said that he doesn't understand Eda 🙈😆) it's another great manifestation to the type of a person she is - kind, loving, generous, ready to help even complete strangers; moreover, the whole situation with the baby allowed us to sneak a peek at Eda as a mother;
and speaking of that scene where Serkan said he didn't understand Eda and wanted to know why she would agree to help people she didn't know - I freaking LOVED how unapologetic she was when she said it's who she is; so he either accepts her for who she is (the way she accepted him) or he can be on his merry way; that's such a joy to watch - a woman who's not sorry for who she is, who loves and respects herself and demands the same respect in return 👏👏👏💞💞💞;
finally, there was the final scene but before that there was also a small moment after the roof had collapsed, when they were still at that house - everybody had left and Eda asked Serkan if there was something she could do, if he wanted to be left alone; she gave him what he wanted and needed in that moment;
but the next day, in the office, after having witnessed his breakdown Eda shows her unwavering belief in Serkan; I loved how she was able to put aside her hurt, maybe to an extent even her pride, and come to him; how she didn't back down and in that moment refused to leave him alone because she knew that wasn't what he needed, he needed her; and she was there, she was there when it mattered;
☑️ Edser: these two idiots are broken up but I swear they couldn't look or act more married; that's basically what we got in this episode - a flashforward of sorts where Edser are married with a kid and expecting another one;
however, this episode also provided us with some longing and lots of UST at that party;
and again there were subtle nods to them being soulmates, which manifested itself in how attuned to each other they were (Serkan with the pregnancy, Eda at the end of the episode) and also the parallel scene at the very beginning with both of them boxing - the same choice of activity to take their minds off of each other (it was also hot as hell 🔥🔥🔥🥵);
yes, Aydan made it into this category!😱😲
but the writers had really been doing a good job with her and actually showed character growth;
at the beginning of the episode when Eda confronted Aydan about what she had overheard Aydan tried to make something up and said how it was her who had convinced Serkan that they were wrong for each other; what I really enjoyed in that moment was how uncomfortable Aydan looked while saying all those things; it was basically written on her face that what she was saying wasn't true, that wasn't how she felt, she understood that it would hurt Eda to hear that and she didn't want that; it's such a stark contrast to Aydan from episode 11; does anyone remember episode 11? well, I do, perfectly well; I was ENRAGED; Aydan back then said how Eda was not the right match for her son, she was cruel and she didn't even give a flying flip that her words were hurtful for Eda;
it was also nice to see how humbled Aydan was while receiving Eda's help;
☑️ Engin: basically the fact that he continues being the best best friend ever and his reaction to Eda's possible pregnancy - PRICELESS!🤣🤣🤣
I think Engin is the second (after Eda) and the last person who can get away with pulling Serkan Bolat by his cheeks 🙈😆😂
I also really enjoyed Engin's dig at Serkan's character and how he hoped his nephew/niece wouldn't take after Serkan 🤣🤣🤣;
The things I didn't like / was annoyed with:
❎ Efe: oh, he's one bad motherfucker!😠😡🤬😤
from pretty much openly threatening to teach Serkan a lesson to actually fucking up those blueprints and setting Serkan up - THE *UCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?
it was clear from the phone call with his secret partner that he hadn't planned for it to go like that but still his intentions had clearly been far from good and he deserves whatever is coming his way; like Serkan Bolat coming for his head and ending his career 🙄😎;
❎ Pırıl and Engin: the whole jealousy thing was so far-fetched and tiring to watch; to me Pırıl seemed a bit too territorial, it's quite obvious that Engin had only eyes for her; Engin was too oblivious and honestly I feel bad for him because the writers turn him into a bigger idiot (when it comes to women) with each new episode;
❎ Selin: the same thing over and over again, in each new episode she's unbearable; she just walks around with bitch face, complains about everything and everyone but ultimately serves zero purpose;
this character is so focused on herself that she didn't even seem bothered by her conversation with Efe where he basically threatened Serkan; there was a poor attempt with that "should I be worried?" but it was enough for Efe to just smile at her and she let it slide 🤦🤷;
in that scene at the office with Ceren and Ferit the behaviour she demonstrated was the one of a pre-schooler or maybe immature teenager but definitely not of a grown-up woman;
❎ Ceren and Ferit: while they started out really well, I enjoyed their first meeting, then it got weird and their interactions became awfully uneven; Ceren is really overdoing this hot and cold thing;
while I liked how Ceren stood up for herself after Selin's outburst, I think all of that should have been said to Selin's face, not Ferit's.
And that's pretty much it! Finally!🥳🥳🥳
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P.S. Wanted to post my episode 18 review today as well, before episode 19 airs, but it's still not ready, need to cut down some stuff cause it's turning into a freaking monster 🤦😱
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13 and River Song
While it won't happen, it is fun to think of all the ways 13 can finally meet her wife in various iterations. I want River and 13 to meet, but I also don't because they wrapped up River's story so well and I don't want to poke more holes in her existing plot line. If she comes back I want it to be a Post-Library River but that is too much of a game changer to be a 1 or 2 part episode that would have to be a major season long plot point of how she gets out of the Library.
1. A 1-shot episode with younger River where 13 has to preserve the timeline by not letting River realize that she is the Doctor as that ruins Husbands of River Song with not knowing the faces. Must end in 13 and River having to get married for plot reasons so that 'You know who you remind me off? My second wife' applies neatly. Convenient for plot purposes, sad for the Doctor because then she just loses River all over again
2. Can't happen now because Graham and Ryan left, but it would have been so nice for Graham and 13 to have some nice comforting widower/widow conversations. She's been a widow(er) for over a century now and could give Graham some great advice (or maybe not because 13 is a mess). Great heartfelt moment if the Fam and 13 run into any version of River and whether 13 talks to River or not, Graham understanding that 13 needs a moment after seeing her Dead Wife and pulls the youngins away to give 13 some privacy cause they don't know what's going on cause only Graham knows River exists.
3. While it would be nice if the Fam knew that the Doc is married and is not surprised when River eventually shows up, that one does seem a bit unrealistic to me, as none of the Doctors really bring up past anyone cause they are all dead and that is V sad.
4. The Peak Comedy of none of the Fam knowing who tf River when she just randomly shows up will always be the best. And the various versions of it:
A) River shows up to steal the TARDIS, either with some of the Fam/just Yaz and maybe the new dude Dan(?) are in the TARDIS without 13. She is able to fly the TARDIS and Yaz tries to stop her bc she's a cop and this crazy lady just walked in here and is trying to fly the TARDIS. Meanwhile River is just completely/mostly ignoring them and/or laughing at them trying to stop her. 13 comes in and companions think 13 will be pissed because someone is stealing her ship!! But 13 is just like Yay!! I caught you again!! And 13 and River are just flirting like normal while the others are just like Doc??? Explain??? 13 is just "Oh don't worry this is Prof. River Song" with nothing else until the companions are like "ok so why is she stealing the TARDIS and why are you okay with that and also WHY are you flirting with her?" or River just rolls her eyes and is like "I'm her wife"
B) 13 and companions for some reason need River's help with something so they go to get her from wherever in the time stream. When getting her, 13 just says they need River's help. When asked who River is, all that is given is variations of her different titles, aka she is Prof./Doctor River Song, she is an archeologist, she's a time traveler like me, she's a thief/criminal/assassin with no mention of who River is TO the Doctor. So the companions just see 13 working with someone who by all accounts they know so far is the opposite of what the Doctor will tolerate (guns, not listening to the Doctor's plans, not in general nice to the enemies from the start) and they are just like why are we even trusting her. 13 is just saying trust River because you trust me, without any good reason. Until all the way at the end 13 and River finally either kiss or make some reference to their marriage and when the Fam explodes on them they are like "oh yea we are married did we forget to mention that"
(All this stems from reading this beauty: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24480577)
C) The times when they all just happen to bump into River and 13 is just (probably badly) flirting with her and companions are very confused because 13 doesn't flirt? But 13 is being very familiar with someone they have never seen before. Someone is like "are you going to introduce us?" and 13 just casually drops "Oh yea this is my wife River" and completely ignores the fallout
5. Those fics with the Chameleon Arch are great, where for once neither River nor the Doctor know who each other is, so they fall in love with each other all on their own outside of their epic star struck flipped timestream love story. The 'second wife' comment can stem from this, and 13 doesn't see the irony of this until the whole situation is over.
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Clone Wars     Shadow      Warriors
            Seas 4
Oh    this-   just    screams      edgy        ...   Whelp
So is Jar      Jar an     adult,       now,?            (Asking because before his    characteri         zation was force of nature to child
Now he    seems to have his own    personality.
Which is fine   if you want to change some details for the sake of a    better story,      (Or to simply      explore         a new       angle,).    Aesthetic
     Just.            need to make sure I’m holding them to the right standard,
   That-         was    relatively     adult,
 Aight        .           .       Well-
    Did they just call Jar Jar     away from      Cou-ncil-
    .         I mean they are clearly    trying       which          is   some thing       I do       give credit   for-
   Though                The             Tone              Is            Robot-                 Ic-
       (Though that might be int-         entional since it seems to be hinting that this lady is practicing some kind of         mind tricks on him
   (Aka, he’s doing it         under           tox, because we don’t do suspension of choice in     dra-         mat         ic       Me-     -dia,
Screw my own   accou-   -ntability     -      See that was the correct   -amount of   emotion-
.        Okay        -         Right-
  Sus-       (pic)
    No one noticed the obvious people right there?
  Like not even      Mr. sus         there?
[or are they just so    kind that it’s like   oh yeah we were just talking hate speech     but go right ahead?
  Yeah    some shit is definitely going on,
   For sake of argument*     sake, i’m just going to assume that his reaction to      toxic    behavior
*Account     ability-
 Any way
  I’m still      going to try,
  Despite  you clearly saying you want understood
   Because assumed authority        - and assuming you know better than a person about themselves
     Is totally ok-
     - In this         society
-[Cries        in       sad    “accountability,”     -of-      war,        ]
  In-    flue-     n      -c      e
 Still an  adult-
 Imagine    it was just a normal necklace     and he pulled that shit-
[Ok for the sake of argument I’m going to assume the necklace is symbolism for toxic influence,
  Being around it         enabling]
  It-         -       His voice voice dropped like         - 6 octaves
     Also I swear if they try to   excuse him      for his actions-
    Mind over matter     -Okay, so they’re not excusing him for his   -actions,
   Me-          an         -       OK so it’s not naturally evil it    just comes down to the users      so that dude was still totally responsible,
  Didn’t    change    - much
    -     Ha-Ha
  Actual     gas     -lighting”
    Also     persuade,            -             Okay,     good not excusing him       from his actions,      -      Thing
The   gaslighting goes deep      -      Also isn’t the Darkside supposed to be      negative over involvement?      -       Aight-         -       -           A-lone
  Oh yeah that’s a great idea let’s just let the  dude that just got gaslighted and completely fell forward go back into the person who did it,
    (This Jedi Council is fucking                  brilliant)
     Gas-       Light-         Ing
(Note;      Confronting the gas lighter is never the way       to do it       (Inter-             Gen-)          (Excluding accountability of the abuser     (Gen-break           Venting Pro-      Ced- u        re)
 [as you’re usually too angry     to let them get a word in edgewise        And remain;           in control)
  With inter- gen productivity,         They are possibly given       five warnings before         Being          Kick        ed-]
   For the sake of argu-       ment as well       as simplicity-
    We’re stick       -ing with        bas-         ic-
    If someone’s acting toxic        with you, you         reflect and you don’t have to         hang out with anyone         you don’t want to,
   This dude      is very clearly making it obvious that    he’s willing to listen to this person,
 And, enabling
See he’s gaslighting him again      because   he thinks he can get away with it,
With no   accoun-       tability-
 (Or the small bit      this society      believes      in     which is    jail,”
 Is he a     Gungan      Jedi?
  You Don’t  
(The repeated Gaslighter      who has shown multiple times to be     toxic,       Was toxic,    (And prepared to use any means to      subvert the         will? 
Prize  for the  most   in  competent      Je      di
 Like,        Serious-         (Really had to put those two    accoun  t-      ability- cells      to good -    use-”
(For   matting       issue-)
  The writer just saving us the effort of him coming downstairs -all feckin- weird, and the   obvious    “should’ve seen that coming,     “
   ?             ha-ha
Oh yeah       no the creepy magical stuff wasn’t enough of a      fecking clue in-
  He   snapped out of that quick-
  Like didn’t even need a      reverse- mind trick
   Good for      him-
   And - actual-     nar-    rative-        -
   Wreck-ing      -house
       Okay, but how do you think this is going to look to the general public like two Jedi,( very good at persuasion -    mind tricks’ -just showed up, now they’re leader and said Jedi are wreck-ing one of their minster’s houses-  
     One who could’ve     feign-           ed lack of support for the        war
     Like if this is a     set up-  
 the chips-      are about to fall,
Okay, seriously how obviously evil,    was this person?
Like we have a weird creepy room,     The robots apparently hanging from the    chandelier    (eck)         And      the knife
   Like if this person      ever-       went-   through a checkpoint
   Also,        Oh-
   (That     really        does not      look good,)
   Yeah,       she clearly has    medical experience,
 (Also yeah    that’s really going to make it    better-”
 Oh yeah the    senator was      seen trying to clean up the      evidence-
    Well the Jedi ran out     full sword’s- a blazing
    (Instead of you know the       Senator chasing after him,         While the peacekeeper stayed behind and tried to        tend to the person,]
   Great     -        -       Or    Not-
Well- tensions    just got raised,
 Ai.     Ght, 
(Okay, no way he’s totally not dead      but sure-)
   That-       sucks-          -         Un-     Con-cious
    That-   doesn’t tell me anything else-
   Like;        Critical      condition?
   Li-terally       no one else?
    (Like don’t get me wrong I’ve been a pretty big Jar-jar fan ever since the change-)
   But really, the Senator, the person that spends the most time away from your - planet
   That’s the person,     they trust the most?
Oh yeah just put on the deadly leaders hat-
   The rese-mblance-
   Not really?
   I mean all humans technically    look the same-
 Pretty sure Jar jar is a lot      scrawn-         thin        -er
    Also if they’re not going to listen to him as him       they’re not going to listen to him      as he pretends to be their (dead) leader
Also, please don’t go with the      liar revealed plot,
    Yeah no, they have completely different kind of light.   tones,
     The face structure-
    Co-mpletely         different-
   OK yeah I’m just gonna go over the fact, that as previously state,  I am not a huge fan of the liar revealed plot-
    -or lying
  (No because it’s- unrealistic-    - or there’s anything wrong with it
  -people do lie
     -maybe because of how overdone and             poorly done it’s been,
             -With the liar getting off Scott free without any                  weight
               But I really don’t like this               plot-
-And    the   skip    button    maybe   used     ad-     nausuem-   -
       [Well- shit       [for reference; I was using the skip button ad nausuem when I randomly stopped at the part      with    Greivous
        Things just got a whole lot worse]
         [Tumblr             Refresh]       -
   Any        Way,
   Aww,     That’s kind of nice the    friendship and reliance       the dude has on      Other-        Half            -         Yes        ‘Boss       Leoni’        when someone gets         tox         you leave-        - In a      - relation          ship-  
      Also yeah he’s definitely not       ‘Boss         Leoni’            -            He would’ve stayed and tried to take the    tox
 (Aka Jar-jar is less ena-     bling, les-        tox-     And     Doesn’t       Take        It        For          Much        More.            Than            He            Has               To,
        (He’s   les   -s
      Dyfun.  -c)
       Good            Job     -     Also - yeah   how’d you manage that         -         That-
Didn’t get   car   ried up the chain of   com-     mand-        -            Then again Gri-   evous has shown to be a pretty   shit boss.     -      So I can’t blame these guys    for being like yeah compl-      ete stranger     I will totally      take a nap       -right    ,now-         -      You        kinda      have      sticks-        -    [The rain is   really    nice,]
[is this the first time we’ve seen them use active     particle effects      for the camera?
  Either way       it’s really        nice            -
electric     sticks,
That makes   sense
[- bet     ter      for      Figh     t-      In-       g-
Stop one     1v1     -ing-        It
   Again this is what happens when you 1v1 it    and    don’t assume accountability-     - -   
 [Don’t fight a metal cyborg with metal sticks when you’re not prepared to take it, full way,)
  [I feel like this is supposed to be some    big build up but they only shared like one scene where dude was completely silent,]
    Die to take someone out with you
   Are   they actually going to kill off      grievous because this isn’t look-ing    too    - good      -         Shit-
 Dude-      is still not dead-       -       How?        -          Whelp-           -          Oh,    hey      where the fuck    did you come      from,
 I-           Ack.      Br-u-      Tal
 -       Un         -         M           -              Plan-
“ damn it        he messed up the       script-,           -Pal   - patine
    Prison   break-
   Also yeah     that’s probably like        a vacation    for him-
 Given     how toxic these assholes     are           -            Ex- change           -           Damn             Ship      per-
      Also screw the 150 or how many other                 sena   -tors        -       Only     Amidala           -      matters          -          A-       ight-     -      Also, dude knows where everyone’s      lair,      Is,
 Like he pissed off Grievous with    -his
 Now he’s just chilling in this      dude’s    sipping earl gray       Or-      Some        Shit-
 Getting a little    ahead of yourself     episode-       -       O k
   Hearing this,  Skywalker doesn’t immediately run back      shout        -ing      nope-        - -       Because, to my knowledge the speaking at      room volume,
  Not    whispering        and the distance        isn’t enough to      -explain it             -            Ai          -   -           Wel-             -      There goes one        min-ion-             -             Droids are apparently    expensive enough to      chastise    Grievous          over-
  But sen-tient - beings are        a dime’     a ‘dozen-
    (Also    gaslighter’s.     don’t give a shit about        you     dear,       God,
  The Painful     dramatic-        irony-
 *tra-      gic-      Wh-      -Oa
 Ai     -     Ri-
  Wh-     -elp,
   You know if it wasn’t for the exposure     earl-        ier   
I would assume they would think that the Jedi was just killing all their Im-por-        tant- elected officials
    He’s right.    -         But dude- that’s pretty      ham fisted-
   I mean-
  How many episodes          (and       possibly        seasons-)      do we have to            go-            - -     Anakin-       is a dick    to lanterns-       -        Also the random theme of the     bots-      coming out of nowhere-    continues-       -     St     -op-          -        Wh-       elp-
    ?         (He          live?)
  Good           Play-
       Oh, yeah,       He’s alive we’re not going to bring that up in any      mention-able way?
    Wh     e     l-      p
     Oh           -     That was   -nice-
   You deceived everyone and lied to all          our people,  you’ll make a great      leader,
   Or a great council/    committee leader considering that they do have an open position          ,            Best
I like that they had one bad ass fall and had it replace-d by Dooku being particularly bad-ass       -          In his      place-
In the trade off near the end really speaks to the     frag-ility of war
   I thought-
   It was pretty al-right    Though it really did seem like     - they were trying to build up to something but the structure unfortunately        just didn’t support it,
   Which is unfortunate because they do seem like      bits- that could’ve been nice
   Like Jar-jar being a constant       peacekeeper-
   The underwater        nations-
     Wars be-           tween          - Those               Dude’s
   And that    general guy      -        Who seems to be like he was supposed to be this     - really big deal
 [probably intended to do something      massive in the previous       arcs,]
    But, here,    all he did was that one scene,
    [Would’ve worked better if he was like this Re-       Public Gen-       Er          Al-
    To the      shark guy-
     And Akbar,
     Was just like the resident         enforcer-
     Or something to do with the       prince
    I think it would’ve really worked better with the concept of        ‘being taken’        under,               As well that possibly being a good contrast between     Jar Jar         binks          And        Char-        If Jar- jar got promoted-        With Char being eager at first but then realizing he just         can’t-          And Jar- Jar being reluctant at first but realizing he      can-
   [Note; assumed authority is bad,         Just- some people are better at using it for venting         than others)
   Nope boomers vs throw-         it-back, boom-
     And it really did feel like this episode       -should’ve been the split one 
   Nearing the end- it started to feel like the 1st-       part of a second ep-
    Which is fine
    Just cut-        of-
   Episode all around being al-right, with just several parts that didn’t make quite sense including the emphasis on the general for that one scene,
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dead-fandom-society · 4 years
Contrary to popular belief, Gregory House is not an INTJ, Here’s Why: An Analysis.
I spewed this out at 1AM, so apologies for any mistakes. I’ve been thinking about his character for a while, and I finally got around to actually doing somewhat of an analysis.
TLDR: House’s cognitive functions show him to be more likely an ENTP than an INTJ.
We all know and love (or possibly hate, I don’t know) the 8-season medical drama, House MD, which follows the manic and drug addicted physician, Gregory House, and his unconventionally brilliant methods for chasing zebras while circling the drain. House is meant to be portrayed as a modern day, medical version of Sherlock Holmes— he is a prickly and arrogant genius with a penchant for solving puzzles. The personality type of Sherlock Holmes has been long debated as whether he is a judger or a perceiver, as has the personality type of House, one incarnation of the infamous mastermind Holmes. In this essay, I will analyze the personality type of Gregory House and outline reasons supporting the fact that he is not the type that he is widely regarded as.
First and foremost, House is a genius. Due to stereotypes surrounding the INTJ type, any character in the media who is portrayed as being smart, antisocial, and logical is most of the time typed automatically— and incorrectly— as an INTJ. Two examples would be obviously Holmes, and the subject of this essay, House. Due to House’s mastermind personality and quick, logical thinking, he is often dubbed an INTJ, akin to Holmes (the irony in this is that Holmes isn’t even an INTJ, he’s closer to an INTP, but that’s not the point here). There are many misconceptions due to simply the fact that he is smart and good at solving puzzles. This essay is going to focus on typing more than stereotyping to get a better look at the truth.
On the topic of his type, House is definitely an intuitive (N) and a thinker (T). He likes to come up with possibilities more than focusing on what’s right in front of him and concrete, hence why he works in such a specialized field of medicine. Usually, if a person has a high fever and a sore throat, the typical doctor will immediately think strep or tonsillitis. The typical doctor will think common, simple possibilities, whereas House immediately jumps to the rarest conditions he can think of. This is akin to the dominant Ne function, also known as Extroverted Intuition. We see in nearly every episode that House likes to brainstorm, usually using a whiteboard, about possibilities. He likes to share his ideas with others before eventually coming to an epiphany. His final diagnosis usually comes to him randomly, after the thought is set off like in a “lightbulb” moment. His ideas are spontaneous and often outlandish.
The hunch that House’s dominant cognitive function is Ne is also supported by the methods he uses to diagnose and treat patients. Firstly, he often comes up with extremely creative and inventive ideas to diagnose a disease after nothing else has worked. Instead of using the conventional MRI or blood test, House will often experiment on the patient by pushing their body to a limit in some way, elaborately tricking them, etc. in order to find the underlying condition. When he is faced with a roadblock, he is creative in finding his way around it. He is impulsive and his methods are often outlandish, which also supports the fact that he is a perceiver and not a judger. Judgers typically like to plan things out, while perceivers are spontaneous and are more prone to act on impulse.
Another fact about his character that leads to the selection of Ne for his dominant function lies in the fact that he is an extrovert. Contrary to popular belief due to his misanthropic outlook and general distaste when it comes to interacting with people, House thrives when he is with company. His character needs it, which is part of the reason why he needs his team. He needs someone to bounce his ideas off of, which is why when his team isn’t around, he is often seen consulting Wilson or Cuddy to simply share his ideas with them and look for feedback, which indicates dominant Ne. Bouncing his ideas off of people for feedback is crucial to his method, and he wouldn’t be able to solve his puzzles as effectively without it. He is at his peak when he is with company. He needs company, and he needs someone to bounce ideas off of, which is characteristic of extroverted intuition. Not to mention, he will talk to anyone that is around him if he’s not alone—he’s not shy, to say the least. Although his character dislikes people and is constantly shown to think they are all “idiots,” he thrives when with company. He is often mistaken for an introvert due to his distaste for people, but his “introversion” is rooted in his past and current problems that resulted in major trust issues. He is antisocial because he is depressed and traumatized, not because he necessarily does better alone. If it weren’t for his past, he would be seen as a more typical extrovert. Being antisocial doesn’t necessarily equate with being an introvert.
Let’s talk stereotypes for a bit. House is prone to arguments, there’s no doubt about that. He often says whatever is on his mind to whoever will listen, simply for shock value and effect in a conversation. This is stereotypical to dissenter/debater types like ENTP. When he does argue with someone, he is quick to his point and logical, and he often uses creative metaphors to support his points— another characteristic of dominant Ne that is often seen in ENTP.
As mentioned before, House is also a thinker. This is obvious. He never acts based on his feelings, and in fact, he is often shown to not care for feelings at all. He acts purely on logic— while it is impulsive, it is based on facts that he knows rather than “gut” feelings. He always has an explainable reason behind his outlandish methods, which supports the fact that he is clear-cut facts over feelings— a reason why there is the recurring inner conflict with his character and religion. House has to find a rational explanation for everything, and when he does, it is clear that he did not take his feelings into account when formulating the aforementioned explanations. He always has a reason that he can back up. His secondary function is most likely Ti, introverted thinking.
His logical thinking and search for truth is also crucial to him solving his medical “puzzles,” and unlike in an INTJ, is often the second step to his method. In introverted intuitive types like INTJ, the subject looks at the main problem before brainstorming solutions, whereas extroverted intuitive types like ENTP brainstorm a bunch of possibilities for what the problem could be before coming up with reasoning and solutions for them. Think of a tree: an INTJ (dominant Ni, secondary Te) starts with the big picture, the trunk of the tree, and works upwards brainstorming other ideas that eventually branch out into possible solutions. An ENTP (dominant Ne, secondary Ti), however, starts with the branches and works their way towards the trunk. This is seen in House— he starts with a bunch of ideas and then narrows them down to one solution as he discovers more information.
House’s tertiary function is Fe, extroverted feeling. Tertiary Fe is the function that allows its user to connect with others and be able to read them, in a sense. Tertiary Fe often includes “social strategizing,” which can be summed up as the ability to “read” a social situation, understand how others feel, and use it to an advantage. Once again, although he exhibits antisocial tendencies, House is very good at reading people, and he is very persuasive when need be. House does this with his patients. He picks up on small clues about a person— whether it be the way they move their fingers, or they way they do their hair— and uses it to sum up the patient’s entire life and motives. Once he has assumed enough about a person, he uses what he has picked up about their lifestyle to aid in his diagnosis, and to manipulate them. House has demonstrated multiple times that by using his knowledge of the patient’s lifestyle, he can conclude things about their personalities and motives, and he can often pick up on their feelings towards a certain situation and use those feelings to persuade and manipulate the patient into a treatment that they initially refused.
Lastly, is the inferior function, which in House’s case, would be Si (introverted sensing). In a subject with dominant Ne, inferior Si manifests itself as resistance to conformity, which is something that we definitely see in good old Dr. House. His inferior introverted sensing prevents him from being satisfied with obeying rules, as we see a lot in his unconventional methods that often land him in trouble with the hospital’s administration, or even the law. House’s Si never developed fully, which leaves him with the refusal of settling down and obeying societal norms or set rules. He just doesn’t care, and often questions or argues the reasoning behind the rules that keep him from doing whatever. Subjects with inferior Si often are eccentric in their ways of life, as is House. He has trouble with rules and set boundaries, and he would rather do whatever the fuck he wants, and while being aware of the rules, he simply disregards them in favor of his own interests. He is also incredibly reckless and has no regard for possible consequences he may end up facing. He is also never seen doing anything that doesn’t interest him, and he tends to only focus on things that he is passionate about.
In conclusion, although Dr. Gregory House is often typed as an INTJ due to his knack for solving puzzles, his character is much deeper than that and his type ends up aligning more with that of an ENTP. I’ll leave this open to discussion: what do you, my imaginary followers, think about his type?
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orlissa · 4 years
Shadow of Night Read Along: Chapter 16
Matthew and Diana spend the weekend speculating about their baby—she thinks it’s a boy, he is adamant it’s a girl. However, he is dead set on that they should go back to the present as soon as possible because of the baby, but Diana informs him that they can’t until she learns to use proper spellcraft—at the end, the conversation turns into a heated argument, highlighting their fears. On Monday, the School of Night makes a visit at the Hart and Crown, while Matthew returns from the city with gifts—books—and a new beard. Henry is worried that a few books won’t keep Diana occupied and happy, so she’ll need some other activity—so he suggests that Diana is introduced to Mary Sidney, the Countess of Pembroke. It is soon decided that Diana will be escorted to Baynard’s Castle to meet the countess. On the day of the visit, they walk through the city, with Diana noting every little detail. Matthew warns her not to go alone beyond a certain point, which she takes seriously. At the castle, they meet Nicholas Hillard, the painter. Finally, they meet Mary Sidney, who warmly welcomes Diana. They talk about Mary’s family and current events, but soon Diana zones out, focusing on Mary’s intricately embroidered shoes—the patterns of which she accidentally brings to life. Mary is shocked, and although it turns out she knows of creatures—Matthew point blank asks for her help in finding a witch—she is in denial, and adamant to treat witchcraft as a fable, and asks everyone not to mention magic. Still, she reassures them that she’ll keep Diana’s secret, but advises that no-one else in London is told that she is a witch. Diana, Matthew, and Henry leave, Matthew promising Mary that they will not bother her again. That night, Mary’s messengers deliver a note to Diana. Mary invites her over on Thursday, while also enclosing a part of a Psalm, proclaiming Diana a trusted friend. However, Diana later notes that Mary sent the whole Psalm, and that the ending is a warning that they are being watched. Noting that she is missing some basic items, and that she needs to find a tutor as soon as possible, Diana decides to go shopping—to be seen.
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I find it equally intriguing and cute that Matthew seems so set on having daughters.
Once again, Deborah Harkness seems a bit off with how far along Diana is: pregnancy is calculated not from the time of conception, but from the first day of the last period. Therefore at this point Diana is about five weeks along, so Matthew’s six weeks deadline would only give her a week.
I love that Walter is still keeping Kit in line. I’m looking forward to how they are going to show that in the show.
Diana gets a new commonplace book, which she presumably uses, but it’s hardly mentioned again. I wonder where did it end up?
Matthew gets Diana books. He knows how to woo a lady.
In the year of 2020, there is a certain kind of irony in the lads being afraid that Diana will be “prone to idleness and melancholy” if she doesn’t go out.
I love, love, love seeing Matthew and Diana being happy and playful and fluffy.
Re-reading these chapters, it’s so obvious now how Matthew is worried about Father Hubbard finding them.
I freaking love that the de Clermonts just randomly commission famous painters.
The countess has Diana sit by the window, so Hillard can work—the sneaky little one. It’s not because he is working on Mary’s portrait, but because he’s already preparing for Diana’s.
I’m equally in love and frustrated by those dropped half-sentences when Deborah Harkness implies some big past event, like Matthew and Mary’s “shared history.”
It’s a lovely moment when Mary asks about children, and Matthew’s gaze settles on Diana for a moment.
I find it just a bit curious whenever Diana’s age comes up in the past, because I’m like 95% sure that she is taken for younger than what she is, simply because the lifestyle changes over the centuries.
Matthew says “your God” when he talks to Mary—so apparently he sees the Catholic and the Protestant God as distinct entities.
Matthew asking Diana is she wants takeout is precious.
Favorite quotes
[After he gives Diana the prayer book] “It’s exactly the kind of book a respectable married lady would own,” Matthew said with a grin. He lowered his voice conspiratorially. “That should satisfy your desire to keep up appearances. But don’t worry. The next one isn’t respectable at all.”
Matthew took an interminable time sipping his wine and questioning me in Latin about my morning. His expression was devilish. “If you’re trying to infuriate me, you’re succeeding!” I told him after a particularly convoluted question. “Refero mihi in latine, quaeso,” Matthew said in a professional tone. When I threw a hunk of bread at him, he laughed and ducked.
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randomvarious · 4 years
Tassilli Players - “Sensi” Lead With the Bass II Song released in 1995. Compilation released in 1996. Dub / Downtempo
From AllMusic:
Tassilli Players worked on an open-house philosophy, with a floating pool of musicians centred around Dave Hake (ex-Cosmics; Harare Dread). Hake came from Coventry, England, where his contemporaries included the 2-Tone ska bands the Specials and Selecter. He later relocated to Manchester where he discovered Coxsone Dodd’s Studio One label, which became a major influence on the performer’s aspirations. He embarked on a period of self-discovery, including a spell in a Kibbutz, a sojourn with a Bedouin in the Sinai Desert, a hasty retreat from war-torn Israel and a tranquil period of rejuvenation in Ireland. It was the latter visit that inspired the concept of the Tassilli Players. In London he became involved with Zion Train, who produced his series of experimental dub albums. The players also featured on a series of dub compilations, including Dubhead and Lead With The Bass. In addition to his own Tassilli Players projects, Hake forged a strong relationship with Zion Train and joined Chris ‘Forkebeard’ Hetter as part of the band’s distinctive brass section. The duo were recognized for their contribution to the archetypal Homegrown Fantasy, which demonstrated their talents on ‘Dance Of Life’ and a version of the Gladiators’ ‘Get Ready’. By 1996 the duo continued to pursue Tassilli projects alongside a continuous touring schedule. The Players were also recruited to provide the captivating horn riff on Morcheeba’s reggae-styled ‘Friction’, featured on the acclaimed Big Calm.
A key fact that that bio fails to mention is that the Tassilli Players essentially were Zion Train. Well, to be more specific, all of the Tassillis were also in Zion Train, making up like half of the latter’s roster at one point. So, consider the Tassillis as an offshoot of Zion Train.
But also don’t, because while everyone who was a Tassilli Player was also in Zion Train, Zion Train was a fucking insane group. I mean, they made dub, which is a downtempo, spiritual, spaced-out, marijuana-infused genre of music, but they also made absolutely ridiculous, high-BPM, dub-laced, ravey dance music, too, and they put the slow dub songs next to the dance tracks without a single hint of irony.
Just click on random timestamps within Zion Train’s 1995 album, Homegrown Fantasy. It defies logic that it even exists. When I found this album, I had to look at Discogs to make sure that the dance tracks weren’t randomly sprinkled in remixes by dance artists who weren’t in the group. And they’re not. This whole album, all one hour and fifty two minutes of it, is somehow made entirely by Zion Train. 
What the fuck.
So in that same year that Zion Train released Homegrown Fantasy, the Tassilli Players released their own debut album, The Wonderful World of Weed In Dub, which was pure, relaxational, good vibes dub, with a spacious, minimalist touch. Each track’s title was named after different marijuana types and strains, and leading off the album was a song called “Sensi,” which is short for sensimilla. The following year, the label that released the album, Universal Egg, included “Sensi” on a label sampler called Lead With the Bass II.
And true to that compilation’s title, “Sensi” is a song that does indeed lead with the bass, but does so from behind. As a trial in unpredictable, dicking-around-styled dub, the bass melody is this song’s only near-perpetual constant piece. Everything else seems to ebb and flow, and outside of a subtle and low, wobbly, motoring rumble in the distance, every sound manages to play on top of that bass melody. 
But the song’s also quite a tease, too, with a rich, flooding, soul-stirring organ melody that only appears once towards the beginning and never returns. You wait with anticipation for it to come back and it just doesn’t. It’s like some sort of sick joke. Instead, with your ears all perked up and wanting for that sweet release to surely grace the track at least one more time, the band’s leader, Dave Hake, decides to unveil his abnormal love for sharp, high-treble, 80s drum machine presets as he cobbles together a series of slow and varied, dubbed-out, echoing snare rhythms to play in tandem with a jingling hi-hat. You can just picture the sheepish grin on Hake’s face as this track plays. “Oh, you wanted more of that climactic part that’s awesome that I wrote in there at the beginning? Uhh, uhh, I forgot how to do it again...I can’t remember. Sorry!” This is like the equivalent of going to a restaurant and being served the dessert first. It’s just not right and I don’t appreciate it one bit, Dave. 
Some unpredictable mid-90s UK dub, courtesy of an offshoot group of Zion Train, a band who, at the time, made sensational dub tunes and also cringeworthy dance tracks that had dub elements. nickyoung.jpeg.
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pvssipower · 4 years
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( naomi scott, 20, she/her ) class is in session for DREW MONROE. the student file says they’re a VAMPIRE belonging to house FLARION and currently a TENTH year. we see here they are UNDISCIPLINED and DESTRUCTIVE, but they’re also PERCEPTIVE and STRAIGHTFORWARD. we wish them good luck in the new school year, where they’ll learn POTIONS/ALCHEMY AND TRANSFIGURATION.
background ( tw for death, murder, kidnapping, cults, dissociative identity disorder. )
joseph and rebekah monroe met in arcanas and even were some of the school’s sweethearts. they graduated, got married, achieved a bunch of prestige and money both in the magical world as well as the human and had a beautiful daughter which they named: DREW. 
except-- all of this is true, up to the part where they had her. 
for what is worth. drew thinks she was born into this family, but she doesn’t know the reality that when she was a child-- the people who claimed to be her parents actually murdered her biological one and kidnapped her to raise and shape her as their own. 
[ this was literally done out of spite in some bigger plot the monroes had against drew’s bio fam, don’t fucking @ me ] 
being raised by the monroes wasn’t the best-- while they gave her what she needed. they were really strict and cold. it didn’t help that growing up drew was prone to outbursts ( that sometimes would end up in setting things on fire ) and was rather rebellious and mischiveous from a young age. there was no way for drew to know what was real and what was not, she was raised as a vampire and a monroe. arcanas was never in the picture as they decided to homeschool her, she didn’t even know about the school’s existence until she was around 13 when her parents put their bigger plan in motion. 
they left her alone for days and when they came back... they were worse than before. in their little time away they had turned off their humanity and done fuck knows what with a bunch of other alumni/followers. the first thirteen years of drew’s life-- from the moment she was kidnapped to the way she was raised and kept in the dark about everything else-- was the first step. now the second step would commence; she’d get introduced to the life they wanted for her. to the cult ( because lbr, they were a cult ) they had built over the years. and when she was old enough, the third step would be done: kill her to stop the aging and force her to shut down her humanity. 
so how does the school come in? 
WELL, someone had already tipped in that the monroes were fucking crazy. so one night, they came in to try and retrieve the child to bring her in to a safe haven. of course, dear ol’ joseph and rebekah didn’t go down without a fight. ( second set of parents killed in front of her salad, let’s go ) haha.. jk... unless. 
shout big fucking out for jude montague who protected her through this rough night and pulled the 13 year old kid from getting caught in the crossfire that was the monroes vs arcanas. it was him who brought her in and walked her through her first arcanas breaths.  mind you, drew was hella shook, especially as once she arrived in the middle of the third year-- news have spread like wildfire.  the girl with the parents that went cucko. that made choices on their own. they were evil-- and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, did it? it didn’t help that because of the sudden change, drew kept mostly to herself... surely, this didn’t last for too long. 
an opportunist. really, she noticed how much shit was smeared all over her name she said ‘gotta use this for something.’ the chaotic bitch that somehow doesn’t always get suspended.. or arrested. down with anything. will randomly burst in your room at 3am. party hard. probably tells first graders to grab another bus for the lols. ( it only actually happened once, okay? the rest are rumors. ) a bit of a fuckgirl, listen-- idk what happened here. i said you’re gay, and she said okay, but i’m also this. speaking of: she’s rather friendly even if there are people who still think she’s a blood thirsty ( haha irony ) psycho who will snap at any moment. she has friends, for the most part, either because they noticed she wasn’t as bad, were too naive to notice, or wanted to see her snap. by the way, surprisingly, she’s not really into throwing hands and tries to ignore or walk away instead. BUT. 
that brings us to.... 
i did say people started noticing she wasn’t some psycho... haha, well, the opinions are still mixed. and certain incident didn’t help her care, at all. three years ago, she was at a party when some bitch from lumina that liked to shade her was too much and drew killed her...... sike. okay, she didn’t, but she did plummet her down  in a totally not sexy way, and wouldn’t have stopped if some of her friends hadn’t pulled her away.  to the surprise and dismay to some, she didn’t get expelled. but the stigma came back again. like i’ve mentioned, it happened three years ago-- we don’t like to talk about that. especially because... drew doesn’t remember.  she would’ve thought this was the alcohol, but this hasn’t been the only time it’s happened. while it’s not always-- she seems to forget pieces of time, and it’s been freaking her out. it also doesn’t help that she’s slowly starting to become paranoid because of this. but in this house we don’t acknowledge stuff so haha guess she’s ignoring that shit :))) 
in a few words to that one: i’m going for some dr. jekyll/mr. hyde kind of thing here. 
while her name is drew, and i have been refering to her as that so far-- she’s mostly known as MONROE and gets called by that. ( to the point that if she gets drew she might go ??’?¿¿¿?¿’¿ who -- unless you’re special. ) do people even know her name is drew??? we just don’t know.. 
someone: who the fuck is drew? drew: some bitch, idk. 
because, lo and behold, she has a nickname, surprise, surprise. some other incident ( yeah, this bitch has many ) and that’s no other than PIG SHITTER. it started because of some story about pigs and her making a typo. so yeah, pig shitter somehow stuck and hey, guess what? she got on the fucking train. opportunist. 
TLDR: chaotic neutral vamp/fire hoe with a side of mr. hyde.  goes by monroe or pig shitter to 99% of the school population. some people think she’s bad kind of crazy, some others good kind. really good at potions and transfiguration tbh. has probably never had good romantic relationship yeet. 
how did your muse become their species? were they born or made?
- she was born.
at what age did your muse join arcanas?
- recruited at 13. 
was your muse recruited or did they enroll on their own accord?
- recruited.  what would your muse do if they found out that the zanzara orb was stolen from the armory?
- become the “.....anyway” meme. 
like this post if you want to plot with this bitch. we can go from 0 to 10 real quick. 
-the lumina bitch she plummeted down in a totally non sexy way.  -flings pls. ( i do want the homoerotic sexual tension. fight me. ) -S Q U A D. - enemies. -frienemies.  -someone she got lost with in a pig farm. idk.  -this is my crack character anything goes. 
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