#just screaming in the tumblr void
hypnoticmoth · 4 months
It's 4:20am, and i can't sleep because my brain is too hyped by the finale and no one i know watches the show, so i am screaming in a void AAAAA
It also just make me want a RP friend to share stories and hcs with hhhhhhhh
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soyochii · 9 months
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Grown adults but also Highschool bullies fr
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thepartyishere · 2 months
screaming into the void about this and shoot me if I end up being wrong but Steven Lim getting so much hate for the Watcher news dosen't sit right with me. watcher has 25 employees, he's surely not wholly to blame and being dogpiled by the internet must suck. this is a decision they all made as a company
dont get me wrong watcher is making a horrible mistake to move and paywall their content but it feels wrong for everyone to be saying such mean stuff soley about steven lim
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hellneedsaruler · 10 months
There’s just something about how by the end for Arthur to play the role he needed to play , be the once and future king who would unite Albion and rule justly, he had to learn to be gentle to be softer and kinder and more compassionate .
And he had to learn it from Merlin . The person who in order to become Arthur’s protector had to learn to be Ruthless . He had to be cold blooded , merciless and vicious to keep Arthur safe .
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px-px-pc · 3 months
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thelurk3r · 9 months
we need more weird were-animals. Heck maybe not even just animals. Guy who turns into a fucked up plant humanoid at night.
werewolves are cool but like. We need more variety.
werehuman. They turn into a human but one that looks different enough to not look like them.
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officialbananabro · 10 months
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a departure from my usual endeavours but I had a brief bandersnatch phase a while back and NEVER POSTED THIS??? anyways let me throw some colin at you
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I have a personal gripe where game Devs/authors make a character who's usually quite monstrous the only aroace character. Feels weird. Actually aroace people I've met are like Wendy from down the street who rocks a two piece better than your wife DANIEL.
God forbid a conventionally attractive character is aroace! Whatever shall we do!
Side note this also thrives into my HATE towards people making the only deformed characters the villains or like they're just plain unlovable.
I know asexuality and aromanticism is very complicated and there are so many nuances and I'm not saying they are not lovable people, they are very lovable people and are amazing friends! It's just in media they are presented so...wrong.
Can someone who's aroace throw their two cents into this? Put their hat into the ring?
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kaarijatits · 29 days
I hadn't paid attention to this before, but even the art posts in the fandom with more notes are mainly from the likes and not from reblogs... how is it possible that there're 100 rb and 400 likes or 50 rb and 200 likes, insane
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unsettlingcreature · 1 year
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lowvintagesims · 9 months
i’m so serious when i say i don’t understand how people come up with OCs or stories
i always see those posts like “can’t sleep at night bc i lay awake thinking about my little guys” or “i want to read stories about my OCs but then i remember i’m the only one who can write stories about my OCs” and i want to relate to them bc it seem so fun
i’ve made an intentional effort for such a long time. like i try to create backstories for my sims but i can’t even give them a name that resonates with me. they’re just pretty little people i spin around in CAS and that’s it. i’ve tried to find inspiration from real life, my own personality, fiction, etc. but nothing sticks
i feel like that’s one reason that my edits are so stale, i just don’t feel anything for the sims beyond thinking they look nice.
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So… this is not Harry Potter related (sorry!) but I just need to scream into the void. If you don’t want to read about the weird anomaly in my sexuality, no hard feelings, just keep scrolling.
For context: I identify as demisexual and have experienced attraction to both men and women, in the context of like sharing a deep emotional bond.
But every once in a great while there’s someone, a complete stranger, who for absolutely no reason at all my brain just says yes. Like tonight I was walking home, minding my own business and this man had the audacity to be kneeling in his garden with his shirt off and my brain was like, ‘yes. Shoulders, curly man-bun, spine, waist. Gardening, taking care of plants. That is an attractive human.’ And I just. What the heck? I was so surprised and taken aback that I like called a friend to talk through it. It has been nearly a year since my brain did this with a stranger and I wrote it off as an anomaly then because it had been literal years since there was a stranger that my brain was like, ‘yah. That’s an attractive human.’ before that.
And I just. Any other demisexual people out there experience this? Have I been misidentifying myself for the past like decade? Like there was no part of me that wanted to act on that attraction but it was very much there. Fricken gardener.
Please send help.
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demodraws0606 · 10 months
I really apologize for the two rapid Whit post back to back but I just got the zoomies and hyperfixating on Whit really bad and found a kind of small detail that I will overanalize for as long as I can.
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Look other colors were also tied to the characters in a lore way so it wouldn't be out of pocket for this to be little cheeky foreshadowing.
Like, no one else use the specific word boring/boredom for their dislike of colors ??? And the word boredom is everywhere in the mysterious text ???
It's been a rough day guys, I see Whit everywhere and I don't know if it's on purpose or I've just spent too long thinking about him so I associate everything to him.
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hellneedsaruler · 2 years
Random woman: *literally screaming bloody murder*
Merlin , who just wants to spend the day strolling through the woods with his husband: that’s a BIRD
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px-px-pc · 2 months
I love feeling smart, especially in math(≧◡≦)
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voidsentprinces · 5 months
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Good to find a fellow gatekept person that is experiencing the same kind of constraints as I am on this here corner of the internet. We shall both be frustrated, if not apathetically exasperated by the situation together then. 👊While also enjoying FFXIV, of course.
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