#just trying to find time to write something everyday is going to be the biggest thing
clubforfrogs · 3 months
Also a request...!!! M so excited!!
Sirius black x reader snape
Basically snake's younger sister, is constantly bullied by the marauders, cuz of snape yk yk, especially on her make up preferable her foundation, after lots of teasing and bullying, she lashes out on sirius n removes her makeup to show a huge scar imprinted on her face. Cuz of her family issues n stuff. I leave how sirius reacts and their bonding up to you.
French love from dxb, Mon cherie
Um hello?! You’re literally the sweetest🫶🫶. I also love this request so much, so I hope I did it justice. I came up with this little blurb- I really hope you like it!
I’m currently working on a Sirius ask and a little James blurb- so keep on the look out for those.
Of All People - Sirius Black x Reader
~ 1.7k words
Now let’s be clear, you loved your brother, but some deep, shameful part of you resented him for the attention he attracted. Your parents had instilled posh pureblood ideologies into your heads from young ages. Luckily, you were able to see through their bullshit. Severus wasn’t so lucky. 
He brought that thinking into Hogwarts, and was ecstatic when both you and him were sorted into Slytherin, where he took no time at all befriending other air headed Slytherins who thought the same. This, along with the simple fact of his existence, brought the full wrath of the marauders down on your brother, which also trickled down to you. 
The marauders would endlessly bully and tease your brother. Being the dimwit he was, he always decides to try and fight back, ultimately failing every time. They would cast small hexes on you in the hallways, just constant, small annoyances. Eventually, it seemed as though Snape wasn’t enough of a challenge for the marauders, which caused them to turn fully to you. Now you were the one getting harassed. Constant jabs at the way you looked, filth about you thinking the same way as Severus, and the never ending comments about the amount of foundation you wore. What kind of guy even noticed that stuff? 
To be quite frank, it sucked. You were stuck with a shitty brother whom you loved, and a group of boys who bullied you for that very reason. It was exhausting, which meant that you valued every moment you could find yourself at peace- like right now. You were sitting underneath a tree near Black Lake. It was the first of the warmer days at Hogwarts, so you blended in with the multitudes of students soaking up the sun. You hoped this blending would be enough to allow you some quality time away from the marauders.
You leaned back your head against the bark of the tree. There was a gentle wind blowing across your face, a gentle buzz of voices coming from the other students outside, and a heavy liquid falling down your face. Wait… what? You opened your eyes quickly and rubbed at your face. It felt as though sticky black tar had been dumped on your head.
Though the substance made it hard to see, you could hear the roaring laughter of James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius. “What the hell? What is your issue? You couldn’t leave it for one day?” You questioned. You had cleared the goo enough clear your eyesight, and could see the amused faces of the boys. Sirius had the biggest grin stretching across his face, “Aw, we wouldn’t do that to you. You simply look too adorable with black sludge covering your face. Honestly, it looks better than that makeup you cake on everyday.” 
You could punch him for the look on his face. You had already been having a crappy day, as your parents had sent you a letter reminding you that the summer holiday was approaching, and they expected you to not forget your manners like you seem so inclined to do. 
Basically, if you didn’t listen to every word they said, you were going to “get straightened out” like your mother always said. The letter was fresh in your mind, and with it, a need to punch something. Luckily for you, there were four perfect targets standing right in front of you. 
You took a step towards James, the closest of them to you. He looked slightly confused, but taunted you nevertheless, “You coming in for a kiss? Sorry, I don’t French with snakes.” That was all you needed. You reared back your fist, and punched James Potter square in the gut. He doubled over in pain, and you swear you’ve never felt so much joy. Peter and Remus rushed over to him right away. Sirius looked at you in shock and took you by the shoulders. “You’re such a bitch! I knew all of the Snapes were the same. Just leave Hogwarts! We don’t need another bunch of rancid, pureblood twats spitting nonsense around here!” He was screaming in your face, and everything about what he was saying infuriated you. 
“Excuse me? Have you ever thought of asking about what I believe instead of assuming I’m just like my brother? I don’t believe in any of that shit! And what’s even worse, I have to suffer the consequences of being a half decent person all the time!” Sirius looked confused at your last sentence, so you rolled your eyes and casted a simple spell to clean the liquid off of your face, along with the thick layer of foundation you had applied that morning. Underneath, a giant scar cut along your cheek. It was relatively new, so the skin around it was red and puckered.
Sirius sucked in a quick breath. The other marauders had stopped cooing over James, and looked to you with shocked expressions. “Oh Merlin, I’m so sorry-“ you cut Sirius off. “Just stop, I thought you of all people would know what I was going through, but I guess not.” You started walking away, but when you heard the footsteps of Sirius behind you, you sped up to a run.
The footsteps behind you also increased in their pace, and a large hand grasped your wrist. You turned to look at Sirius. Tears had started forming in your eyes, but you wiped them away in futile the hope that would stop Sirius from seeing them. Sirius didn’t speak right away, instead he chose to study your face. You squirmed, under his scrutiny, you just felt ugly. Your red rimmed eyes, stuffy nose, and large scar now visible. You were heavily considering bolting away again until he spoke up, “I’m sorry. I- I never even considered that you might not be like your family. And you’re right, out of anyone, I should have been the one to give you the benefit of the doubt.” You looked back up at him, his eyes seemed genuinely apologetic, but that didn’t mean you were letting him off the hook just yet. 
“Yeah, you should be sorry. You and your cronies have been ruining my life here at Hogwarts. My one escape from my family. And you’ve been taking the absolute piss out of my brother. I know how he is, but he’s still my brother. Talk to me again when you show me you want to change.” With that, you pulled your wrist from his grip and walked back to your dorm. You really wanted to give him a second chance, partly because you had been harboring a small crush on him since first year. But before you could even let yourself consider that, he had to prove that he wanted to change. You sat in your dorm thinking about that very scenario, wishing, hoping, praying, that he would make the effort.
And in the next few weeks, he did. There were certainly the occasional taunts thrown towards your brother in the halls, but you supposed you could live with that. There were no more cruel pranks aimed towards you or Severus, and Sirius had even made James, Peter, and Remus write out apology notes and deliver them to you personally. You had probably gotten way too much enjoyment out of that one.
As you ate in the Great Hall, surrounded by a few acquaintances, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Behind you was a nervous looking Sirius. “Would you like to come over and eat with us? I swear, no bad intentions. We really want to get to know you.” His voice was much smaller than you had ever heard it. You weighed your options back and forth, but with the genuine effort he had been putting into righting his wrongs, there was no way you could deny him. “I would be delighted to.”
His face lit up at that, and you could see his confidence instantly repair itself. He led you over to where he and the other marauders sat, guiding you by placing his hand on the small of your back. The simple act caused your face to redden, but if he noticed, he didn’t say anything. Once you sat down at the table, everything was surprisingly normal. The other boys made one more quick apology each, but then the conversation quickly migrated to more light hearted topics.
“Okay, James,” it was hard to speak through your laughter, “You went up to this fifty year old dude, and insisted he was your mom?” The entire table burst out in laughter. “It was an intense game of truth or dare, I had ten galleons riding on it!” Remus smirked at him, “Yeah, but you still ended up losing,” he then looked to you, “You want to know why, Y/n?” You looked at him nodding, as you heard Peter groan, “Don’t do this mate.” Remus only spared him a glance as he launched back into his story, “So the truth or dare game was down to just Peter and James, and neither of them would back out. That’s when Sirius came out with this absolutely vile looking plate of chicken. It was cold, half raw, and definitely spoiled. We dared James and Peter to eat it for the win. James backed out immediately, but Peter ate it and puked for weeks.”
You had been drinking pumpkin juice as Remus told his story. But once he reached the part where Peter at the chicken, you lost it. Laughter spilled from your lips, and juice came up out of your nose. This only made the laughter at the table increase ten fold. You realized that you were receiving from worried glances from the students around you, but the laughter clouded your mind and you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You finally managed to calm yourself, and Sirius handed you a napkin of while wiping away a tear. You wiped away the juice, and caught sight of the watch on your wrist as you did so.
“Shit, I was supposed to be working on a Potions paper due tomorrow! I’ve gotta be off, this was lovely though!” You hugged Peter who sat right next to you, the boy looked a bit shocked, but satisfied nonetheless. You saw the pouty look emerge in Sirius’ eyes, so you leaned across the table and pecked him on the cheek. His face immediately blossomed into a lovely pink hue as the boys shouted out variations of, “You’re in!” “When’s the wedding?” and “Can I be the best man?” You smiled as you walked away from them, hoping that you’d be invited to sit with them again tomorrow.
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xanasaurusrex · 6 months
I was wondering if you would write Clarisse larue x daughter of Hecate headcannons??
⇢ ˗ˏˋ clarisse la rue x hecate!daughter ࿐ྂ
a/n: okay so there is a full fledged fic coming of this but i just thought this would be cute for some general clarisse x hecate!daughter!reader content bc i love writing headcanons
okay so first thing's first, this pairing is the definition of opposite's attract
clarisse is just such an intense person, and hecate kiddos are like, famously chill
you probably fell for clarisse first, from afar, because hecate kids and ares kids don't generally run in the same circles
like there's no bad blood or anything, they just aren't very alike so they don't usually hangout
once clarisse did notice you, the two of you started hanging out pretty frequently
there was a period where you both had heart eyes whenever you were near each other, but were both convinced that the other would never like one, and so you were both just practically prancing around each other, doing your best to hide your feelings
(and not really succeeding)
this period was pretty much hell for all of your friends
because the two of you would rave to your mutual friends when the other wasn't there about how much you like each other, and they would just have to sit there and internally scream and hope that you two get together soon
you probably found out when someone accidentally let it slip that you two like each other
after a very long, heartfelt conversation, the two of you were officially dating!
now for the dynamic of your relationship!
clarisse is extremely protective over you
if anyone even looks at you wrong, she's there defending you
you find this really romantic, but sometimes it can get overwhelming because you don't love confrontation, and she does, so sometimes you just want her to leave the situation alone
she can usually tell when you're in this mood, so the two of you just leave the situation before clarisse can get more heated
you're one of the only people that can really calm clarisse down
as previously aforementioned, she's a very intense person, and gets really intense emotions that she doesn't really know how to deal with them, which is something you can help with
just being in your presence calms clarisse down
going back to the protectiveness thing randomly, clarisse always makes sure that hecate cabin is on the same team as ares cabin, and even though everyone knows it's so she can protect you, everyone pretends they don't know
hecate kids obviously participate in capture the flag but they're not the most helpful
so you're not all that bothered when clarisse takes you to a nice, safe place in the woods where she hunts around you to make sure that nobody gets close to you
one time someone from the blue team managed to snag you as a prisoner for the red team, and when clarisse found out she went on a literal rampage
chiron had to step in and tell clarisse to calm down
when blue team finally released you, clarisse just held onto your hand with a really angry look on her face
when you two were alone she finally expressed how nervous she'd been
another big thing to mention: you are clarisse's biggest weakness
she loves and cares about you so much, and as much as she tries to hide it, she kinda can't, so she knows that if anyone were ever trying to get to her, they would go to you first, and she really hates that
there was a time in the beginning of your relationship when clarisse tried to break it off, saying that it wouldn't be safe
and you reminded her that you are also a demigod, and just existing as a demigod isn't safe, so she'd better just get over it
she did, and now the two of you are still together and happy!
clarisse tries to pretend like she has some independence from you, but everyone knows that she doesn't
clarisse gets even more irritable during the winter months because she can't see you everyday like she can during the summer when you're both at camp
clarisse is a year rounder camper, but you aren't, so she always tries to get you to come back for weekends and school breaks
you're always giving clarisse different crystals to help with different things
one of the first things you gave her was a rose quartz necklace, and she practically never takes it off
she rarely ever takes it out from under her shirt because again, she's paranoid about the whole thing of you being her biggest weakness
but it's always there, and she sometimes can be seen holding tightly to it when in tense situations and/or nervous about something
she thinks of it as somewhat of a tether to your love
which sounds cheesy, so don't ever tell anyone clarisse told you that
or else
(she says jokingly)
clarisse is a very touchy partner
she likes to act like she isn't, because she's all tough or whatever
and wanting to be hugged and cuddled every once in a while means that she isn't tough apparently
you've told her a million times this isn't true, but she doesn't believe you
sometimes the two of you will cuddle in front of the campfire, and clarisse is always hesitant because there's so many people around, but all you have to do is bat your eyelashes (and occasionally make grabby hands if she's feeling more stubborn) and then she's there, cuddling with you
when the two of you are alone though... oh my god she will not stop touching you
if you like get up to go to the bathroom she starts complaining immediately about how the two of you were all warm and comfortable and then you had to go and ruin it
she shuts up when you come back though
when you brought clarisse home to meet your mortal parent... let's just say it was an entertaining day
clarisse likes to present herself as a very put together person, and that not much can shake her
but oh dear gods
you're sure that you've never seen her look more nervous than on the way to your mortal parent's house
like sweating and stammering and acting soooo nervous
she wants to make a really good impression, but kinda believes that she can't
it doesn't help that you kiss her in front of your front door to help calm her down, and THAT'S when your parent opens the door
she actually does end up making a good impression, but she still leaves thinking it went horribly
it probably would take a lot of convincing for clarisse to introduce you to her mom, if she ever does, because the two of them aren't on the best terms
basically, the two of you are so freaking in love it kinda disgusts your friends, but it's better now than it was when the two of you were pretending you didn't like each other
thank you so much for reading! there wasn't a lot in this abt the hecate!daughter thing it was basically just dating clarisse headcanons so i apologize for that but i am open to doing a part 2!
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golbrocklovely · 11 months
dating colby headcannon
requested by anonymous: Could you possible write a dating Colby headcannon with the reader? Thank uuu
A/N: even tho i'm not taking requests, i figured i can do this real quick since it's a headcannon and i'm in the middle of finishing up the next chapter of the chosen daughter. so hopefully this holds yall over a bit longer while i finish that up :) and this is all gender neutral so anyone can read it ! lmk what you think and hope you enjoy.
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let's start with how you two met: i think you being a friend of a friend would be how it all starts.
maybe this friend in common gets invited to a party that snc are at, and you tag along. you get introduced to colby, and yall hit it off.
colby is very much into vibes and how well he meshes with another person. so for him to be interested, he has to like being around you. that man does not waste his time around people he doesn't care about.
and i think with colby, things would start off PAINSTAKINGLY SLOW. if you're into a slow burn… that's what your life will be like lol
colby hasn't dated in a long time, it's been almost exclusively hook ups and situationships. so i think the beginning stages will be a bit rough (in more ways than one *wink wink nudge nudge*). i think it would take a long time before anything major happened, just because he's not used to being vulnerable with someone.
that being said, i can see him hooking up with you once or twice before anything serious even remotely starts, since that's his usual go-to method. that doesn't have to be all the way - it could be like making out in the club or in a house party bathroom. a little hidden, a bit secretive, but that makes it all the more fun. it's exciting because he makes you feel like you are the sun in his galaxy, even if it's just for a few minutes. that's how intense he can be.
and maybe you realize, "oh shit i got feelings for him…. will this ever turn into something more?" and that's when you start hanging out with him more, or at least making plans to.
and i think as time goes on, he grows attached to you (because he is a clingy person, respectfully). and he enjoys the parts of his day when he gets to see you. and that's when he starts to feel the sparks. but knowing him, he probably won't act on them for a while.
but slowly, you two get really close, and eventually try to start something. once he can feel his walls crumble, and yours are also down, that's when yall truly start to have a wonderful relationship.
so as for dating him, what do i think that would be like?
colby is very busy guy, no surprising to anyone. so it's hard for yall to hang out as often as you want to (which would be like everyday if you could, and same goes for him).
but colby finds ways of seeing you or talking to you at least once a day.
even if it's just to check in on you, or ask you about your day. colby also likes to tell you about the stuff he was up to, give you little heads up on new projects before anyone else. but only when he knows they're happening bc he doesn't like talking about things that might not happen. very earth sign of him lol
i don't see him sending 'good morning' messages, but i could see him sending 'goodnight' ones. definitely with a black heart emoji somewhere thrown in there.
oooh, pet names. i'm seeing him using baby, babe, darling, sweetheart, love, and possibly honey. especially when he's drunk, he's extra affectionate.
when he goes on investigations, he comes back and HAS to tell you everything. he also loves being around you after because you make him feel so comfortable and at home. and he needs that after being paranormally hungover.
if you go with him on trips… omg, he will be protective. for sure. checking in on how you're feeling every couple minutes.
and if you get really scared, he's ready to send you home. he doesn't want to see you hurt or terrified at all. so sometimes he isn't the most favorable towards you going with him (unless you insist).
yall's biggest past time together: cuddling.
that man needs cuddles, AT LEAST, once a day. otherwise, he will be whiny lol (he might not show it at first, but once he's comfortable, he's gonna be a baby about cuddles, guarantee).
he needs to be touching you at all times, whether out in public or not. he doesn't seem like a crazy PDA type, so nothing too ~sexual~, but he will be holding your hand every chance he gets.
unless, of course, he's feeling a bit frisky… then you run the chance of having to go home early or finding a private area to have your fun sksks
i see him being the type to wrap his arms around you from behind, pulling you tight against him. especially if you're waiting in like a long line or something. he just wants you in his arms whenever he can.
like i mentioned before, he is a very busy man. so i see him doing a lot of at home dates. making pizzas together (or just dinners in general), setting up little pillow forts for movie nights, cute vibes all around. omg and of course - LOTS of camping outside and staring at the stars and talking for hours. that's 1000% for sure.
and maybe if you're the type that likes hiking, maybe you guys would go hiking together.
but i do see him also taking you out to exclusive clubs, bars, and restaurants since he has the hookup and the following to get into places that are new.
emotionally, i think you two would be so deeply into each other. i think being understanding and just getting one another is something major he wants in a relationship. so i think always being open and honest would be the main center point of your relationship.
he wants no drama, and wants love to come easy. and most likely you feel the same way, which is why you guys mesh well together.
physically… i mean, cmon. look at the material lol
he's definitely wants to make sure your needs are met. he's a people pleaser after all. and if you're his person, he's making sure you're pleased.
he's a very giving lover, is all i'm gonna say ;)
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flowerandblood · 3 months
Exactly one year ago I posted my first chapter of the My Best Friend series. Nowadays I think it's something awful and I don't even try to edit it because I'd have to write everything from scratch, but I've left it for people who feel attached to the story. I remember getting about six likes and one comment on the first day and that huuuuge interest made me eager to create chapter 2 and then all the others.
I remember the excitement with which I waited and then replied to comments, not believing that people were actually waiting for the next chapter. At the time I was literally not following anyone, which was good because I wasn't comparing myself to anyone.
Eventually I felt I was ready to try writing other series and a few were successful enough that I decided to stay here permanently and create because it made me happy. Up to that point, everyone had been very kind to me and I started following more and more blogs, wanting to feel part of the fandom, to make friends with everyone. Now I know that was the biggest mistake I made.
Seeing things that didn't interest me, fanfic's whose way of writing couldn't draw me in, I felt frustrated, while at the same time fearing that if I stopped following someone, that person would see it as an affront. At the same time, The Impossible Choice, my biggest project until The Fall from the Heavens (which I'm currently editing and re-editing, while inserting on AO3), began to be written.
Just when I thought I had reached the pinnacle of my abilities (which wasn't true), I also started to clash with anonymous hate messages, probably the worst of which were those vilifying me and my husband, and those regarding my one-shot with Micheal Gavey. I know now that taking it personally and getting involved was my big mistake, and the fandom was shaken by drama that got out of hand.
I was a few steps away from deleting my blog at the time, but my husband talked me out of the idea (thankfully, as my stories aren't saved anywhere else − I'm only now moving them to AO3).
That's when I first realised that some people here I don't even like, and they probably don't like me. I wondered, why are we following each other then? Why are we pretending to have any courtesy? It was only later that I realised that to be considered someone's friend, you have to reblog their work and preferably agree with them even when they write hurtful things.
Since I've depleted my circle of those I follow to about 20 people, since I've blocked dozens of people and tags, there's been blissful silence (with the exceptions of when I write about behaviour in the fandom that I find toxic and someone accuses me of causing drama, but I'm used to it now). I've also never written happier than I do now.
Ideas come to me on their own, I don't feel uptight about what other big people will think of me, whether they reblog it, approve of it or not. I don't give a shit and life is beautiful! Although I can be emotionally unstable, I'm only 70 people short of crossing the next milestone of 3,000 followers, and that's BIG for me. It amuses me that I keep getting messages that someone is going to block me or stop following me, and you guys keep coming. It's gratifying.
I'm going to keep writing for you guys, and I'm sure during season two you'll also see my posts describing my impressions after the episodes in which I hope to involve my husband. I'll also keep you updated here on how I'm doing with my book I'm creating in my private life.
Ange. I know that sometimes I'm fucked up, but I want you to know that you've made this place so much more bearable for me that I can't imagine it without you. What I appreciate most about you is that you can talk and discuss, that you always try to understand the other side, that you are empathetic, warm and kind. I feel that, like friends in everyday life, we can also tell each other about things we disagree about, and there are not many people like that here.
On top of that, you are very talented and your stories are always a pleasure to read, even when they are short, you are able to build the plot and atmosphere perfectly, something I have always admired. Thank you for every kind word and understanding.
I still remember your first message to me via ask, referring to the fact that I didn't want to write a pairing with a mermaid because someone else was writing about it at the same time. My heart melted then, it was so nice!
Liz, Queen of Angst! Your calmness and composure puts me in awe. You're disgustingly talented when it comes to writing and you have a super-sweet personality. When you started following me I began to squirm with delight, and when you started reblogging my stuff? My goodness!!!
You've been engaging and reblogging my stories for as long as I can remember. Always involved, your thoughts make me smile. Thank you for being with me for so long!
You've been here with me since the dawn of time. You know that I love you. Your support from the very beginning really makes me feel like I have a friend here.
I am so proud of you! I remember your asks when I wrote Glass Cuts Deepest, your illustrations for me and your uncertainty about whether you should start writing yourself. I'm so happy for you and that you are so successful! You deserved it.
@black-dread & @aegonx
You are my favourite gif makers. Your work always leaves me in awe, you are amazing! I know how much work you put into it and somehow you make even the worst lit scenes look wonderful!
@summerposie; @0eessirk8; @melsunshine; @immyowndefender; @bellaisasleep; @kckt88; @thedamewithabook; @happinessinthebeing; @queenofshinigamis; @travelingmypassion; @mefools; @fan-goddess; @toodlesxcuddles; @ammo23; @troublesomesnitch; @mariahossain; @out-of-life; @apothe-roses; @heavenhatesme; @whitearemydarkestnight; @liv-cole; @blackswxnn; @echos-muses; @watercolorskyy; @at-a-rax-ia; @tssf-imagines; @snh96; @hiatuswhore; @exitpursuedbyavulcan; @darylandbethfanforever9; @the-dendrophile-bookdragon; @opheliaas-stuff @zaldritzosrose
Your comments and reblogs make me want to keep writing. You make me laugh, you comfort me and you support me. I know I'm definitely forgetting someone, but I want you to know that I love everyone who comments on my stories and there is nothing better for me than responding to your reactions and questions! I have known some of you for so many months that I truly consider you my good friends!
lottie-blue-star; aveatquevale-; aemondtargaryenwifey marvelescvpe; alphard-hydraes-blog; herejusttostan; li0nn3stuff; alexandrawho; vilmakamunen; angelinap09; theloveablestargirl; rose-blue-19; xxxkat3xxx; flosaureum; mandiiblanche; librawh0re; jasminecosmic99; ivvypg; rojocarnation; killmanduh; tokkiiidoll; wolfdressedinlace; angelofvivianne; nina2697; starwarsgirlsimmer1; katsucker; ipostwhtifeel; aemondsdelight; ilswemoon; tigrigri; pasta-rask; roselibrary; lystargs; gemini-mama; nikstrange; tempo-rary-fix; coffeeobsessedtrencher; gwuinivyre; dreamerbythewayx; diiickbrainn; mothmankit
And everyone else I missed and whose icons I would recognize from afar. I know that you have been with me for many months, often in silence or communicating anonymously. Your silent support and presence is something wonderful for me, knowing that you have been with me for so long and read all my posts!
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catmiemy · 13 days
Another Chance to Live Final Part (Ana Maria Crnogorčević x Reader)
Summary: Ana and you are facing some big changes.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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A/N: I'm actually very proud of myself for finishing this story relatively fast. And it was a lot of fun to write :)
Thank you to everyone that stuck around till the end. I hope you enjoy this last part!
Of course you didn’t just trust your parents to respect the boundaries you had set in place; that had never been their strong suit after all. Once you had successfully weathered the first onslaught of emotions, you thought about it more carefully and together with Ana put a few precautions in place.
For one you informed the staff at Real that none of your family members should be granted access if they came by to see you. A wise decision, as it turned out. Only a few days later your mother showed up, arguing for so long that she had to be escorted off the premises by security personnel.
You also basically moved in with Ana. No one from your family knew where she lived, so they couldn’t just drop by like they could at your apartment. Another good call as you learnt when your neighbors told you that they had almost called the police because a man fitting your father’s description had been standing in front of the house for so long.
All of this made your guilt kick into overdrive and you were grateful for your girlfriend’s support. She never told you what to do, she was even hesitant to tell you what she would do in your place, but Ana was always there to listen and help you keep apart what you truly wanted from what you felt you should do.
While things with your family were at an all time low, you were incredibly happy with Ana, and practically living together was a welcome change in pace. Both of you were committed to making each other smile with small gestures, so your everyday life was filled with much more happiness than ever before. 
Ana loved to start your day off with a big smile by turning your coffee into a small piece of art, constantly trying out new foam designs. And it didn’t matter if they turned out right or not, you appreciated the effort, and attempting to guess what your girlfriend had been going for was half the fun.
You knew Ana felt the same about something you were doing to brighten her day: learning some Swiss German words. Which wasn’t easy because you couldn’t just use any old translator, you had to invest some time to find the correct words. And often times you failed horribly at pronouncing them, making your girlfriend giggle while she was trying to decipher what you were saying. That in turn always got you laughing as well, which made it even harder to pronounce anything properly.  
The biggest laughing fit set off by your Swiss German attempts occurred when you very proudly asked Ana if she could give you a Schmützeli. You didn’t get quite the reaction you hoped for, a kiss; instead your girlfriend was staring at you, and you couldn’t tell if she was amused or annoyed.
“Wait, does it not mean kiss? Did I mess this up? I’m so sorry if I said something offensive,” you apologized frantically, already pulling out your phone to look at your sources again. You had been so sure, you had even double-checked this.
At that point Ana began laughing, so hard that she couldn’t even say anything. Now it was your turn to stare at her, wondering what was so funny. It was a huge relief though; it couldn’t have been anything too bad if your girlfriend found it so amusing.
After a moment you couldn’t help but join the laughter. You didn’t know what you were laughing about, but Ana’s laughter was simply infectious.
Once your girlfriend had calmed down, she explained it to you still a little out of breath, “Okay, so it’s not even really that funny, but Schmützeli isn’t a word you would use with a partner. At least not where I’m from. It’s more for like small kisses between family members or friends. And it just really caught me off guard.”
You silently agreed, this wasn’t really that funny, and you were still a bit confused why it had made your girlfriend laugh so hard. Then again you were always happy to make Ana laugh, so you weren’t going to complain. And you definitely kept using the word again every once in a while because it amused her every time.  
There were other things you did for each other, like Ana playing the guitar for you, sometimes even singing a song you requested, which made you all chocked up whenever she did. Or you taking pictures of small beautiful things you saw in your day to day life to show to your girlfriend in the evening, eager to share the beauty you had encountered with her.
You also did your best to make your everyday life as special as possible, savoring the time you got together. A part of this was ensuring that you weren’t just spending time together by being around each other, but also by doing things and actively spending time together whenever your crazy schedules allowed it. And sometimes even if they didn’t, carving out time when you didn’t necessarily have it.
It was a good thing your personal life brought you so much happiness because the same thing couldn’t be said about your work. To be honest thinking of football as merely that, work, was painful enough by itself. Sure, it was, but it also always had been so much more than just a job.
Sometimes you still debated if you should just retire and try to find something else that would spark some sort of passion again. However, at the end of the day you weren’t ready to give up on what had been your life’s biggest passion so far.
So you resigned yourself to this reality, where the joy you once found in football only showed itself on very rare occasions. And whenever it did, you clung to it with ferocity to tie you over until the next minuscule moment.
Then, completely out of the blue, you got an offer from another team. It hadn’t even crossed your mind to look around for another club; leaving Madrid had never been something you considered. It hadn’t been something you thought you would ever want to do.
But when you were approached by the managers of Tigres Femenil, you realized all of the sudden that it might be exactly what you wanted. It helped that it was the team Jenni was playing for, so you knew if you actually decided to go through with this, you wouldn’t be totally alone on another continent.
That wasn’t the appeal though, that was merely a helpful factor. What really made you want to do it was the fact that it would be your choice, only yours and no one else’s, not your family’s and not your club’s. It would be you deciding what to do with your life, instead of rolling with the punches others kept throwing at you.
Was that a good enough reason to move halfway across the world, though? Especially since there was one obvious reason keeping you in Madrid, Ana. The thought of not seeing her daily was hard to bare. Then again it probably wasn’t healthy that she was the only good thing in your life at the moment, that was too much pressure to place on one person. So perhaps it would be better for your relationship in the long run if you decided to do this?
On the other hand, Mexico was a long way from Madrid. Would Ana be okay with doing long distance or would this be the end of your relationship? Because in that case you wouldn’t do it.
As was in your nature you drove yourself crazy thinking about every possible outcome either of your choices could have. You did your best to not let on that something was bothering you, but Ana must have noticed anyway because she began acting a bit odd herself, switching between being weirdly distant and overly clingy.
You had almost reached the point of finally broaching the subject, when your girlfriend took the first step. In the morning before leaving for your respective training sessions, Ana nervously asked if you could talk later that night. Of course you agreed, thinking that she wanted to ask you what had been on your mind lately.
Consequently you spent the entire day agonizing about how you could put your thoughts and feelings into words. You made countless drafts in your mind, even though you knew that you wouldn’t be able to remember them in the moment. At least they made you feel a bit better prepared.
Ana was back at your apartment before you and she set everything up nicely with candles and flowers she had gotten for you. You appreciated how she went out of her way to make sure you knew everything was okay. Every once in a while you still got in your head, worried that your girlfriend would leave you if you made on small mistake.
Once you had both settled down, Ana took a deep breath, blurting out, “There is something I have to tell you.”
This took you by surprise. You had been under the assumption she had set this all up to get you to talk. And you instantly began wondering what your girlfriend had to tell you. Naturally your first thought was that she might break up with. However, even you had to admit that preparing a romantic candle light dinner would be a very strange move if you wanted to break up with someone.
“Oh, what is it? I actually have something I need to tell you as well,” you replied, trying to keep your worries out of your voice.
“Really?” Ana exclaimed in surprise. This in turn surprised you, you didn’t think you had been doing a good job at keeping your over thinking a secret.
“You can go first,” your girlfriend quickly offered.
Normally you wouldn’t have accepted such an offer, especially not when Ana had been the one to set all this up to talk to you about something. However, something in her tone sounded almost pleading, as if she desperately wanted you to go first. And begging from your girlfriend was something you could never resist.
“Well, I’m guess I’m just going to come out and say it,” you started, taking a deep breath, steeling yourself for whatever might be Ana’s reaction, “I’ve gotten an offer from another club. And I didn’t think it was something I would be interested in, but now that I have it, I realize that I really am. You know how I feel at Real, so this might be my chance to enjoy football again. But then I also don’t want to leave you alone here because I love you and…”
Ana had been listening to you rattling on for a moment, her face unreadable, until she interrupted you sounding oddly excited, “Wait, you’re thinking about leaving Madrid?”
You frowned at her happiness. It was one thing to be excited about something good happening to your partner, but being so happy about them moving away seemed weird to you, and a little painful.
“Wow, no reason to be so happy about getting rid of me,” you mumbled, avoiding your girlfriend’s eyes.
“What? No!” Ana cried out, reaching over to grab your hand. “That’s not what this is about at all. The thing is that I too have gotten offers from other clubs and I didn’t really consider them, but then a few days ago Atleti told me that they wouldn’t renew my contract, so I have no choice but to leave.”
“And I have been feeling so bad about it because just like you said, I didn’t want to leave you behind here either. But if we’re both leaving, it’s a totally different scenario. Sure, long distance is going to suck, but it won’t be forever and at least this way we hopefully both end up in places where we feel happier than at our current clubs.”
Suddenly Ana’s behavior over the last few days made a lot more sense. You had thought she was acting weird because she had picked up on your distress, but really she had been dealing with something herself. Being dropped by yet another team and faced with having to upend her entire life again.
“Ugh, I didn’t think I could hate Atleti more than I already do! How stupid of them to let you go,” you grumbled.
Your girlfriend blinked a couple of times, a smile appearing on her face, “That’s what you’re focusing on right now?”
“Yeah! I’m really annoyed with them! But also…Why didn’t you tell me?”
It wasn’t something you could really complain about since it was very much exactly what you would have done in Ana’s position. Your girlfriend was much better though, when it came to opening up and discussing her struggles. So the fact that she hadn’t told you before didn’t sit right with you.
Ana sighed, rubbing her forehead. “I made up my mind so many times to just come right out and say it, but every time I lost my courage in the last second. Because at it turns out it’s not so easy to tell your girlfriend who you love very much and who has a hard time at work and with her family that you’re moving to another country.”
You understood that, it was the thing you had been worried about, that Ana felt too much pressure to bring joy to your life because so little else did. Under different circumstances this might have been harder to swallow, but in the current situation it actually helped. It left not a single doubt in your mind, that leaving Madrid was the right choice.
“So, what are your options?” You asked to move on the conversation.
“There are different clubs in Switzerland I could go to, but I don’t really see myself doing that. It would be nice to be close to my family and maybe I should do it to help further women’s football in Switzerland, but it feels more like something I should do, not something I want, you know?”
You knew precisely what she meant. In fact for so long you had made all decisions based on exactly that feeling of ‘I should’, so you were happy Ana didn’t plan on making the same mistake. And you tried to show her that by nodding encouragingly.
“However, the other option is pretty far away, so I just want you to know that no decision has been made yet, and I really want to know what you think. Because if long distance on that scale is a deal breaker for you, I won’t do it,” your girlfriend continued.
Again you nodded, hung up on the fact that you had been having exactly the same thoughts. So as far as distance went this would either work out well for the two of you or Ana would really end up on the other side of the world. What even was on the other side of Mexico? You cursed yourself for your geography knowledge that was clearly lacking.
“Okay, so, the other option is Tigres Femenil. Jenni’s team in Mexico,” your girlfriend rushed out, her eyes flicking between you and the table, as if Ana was torn between wanting to study every miniscule reaction you might show, while also trying to avoid jus tthat.
This had to be a joke! Ana probably learnt about your offer from then and decided to play a prank on you. Maybe Jenni had heard about it and told your girlfriend to do this, that would be a Jenni thing to do.
Except not really, though. Your older friend was known for playing pranks and amusing herself at the expense of others, but there was a clear line that she never crossed. And playing with someone’s heart and feelings was on the “don’t”-side of that line.
“I’m sorry! Like I said I haven’t decided yet and if it’s too far then I’ll go to Switzerland. I’m sure that will be great,” Ana apologized frantically. 
“No, wait, that’s not why I reacted like this. The thing is my offer is also from Tigres Femenil, so it just seems a bit unbelievable? People don’t get this lucky in real life,” you explained, disbelief still coloring your tone and set firmly on your face.
“You’re joking right?” Your girlfriend inquired, apparently also having some issues fully accepting this miraculous coincidence as true.
“No, I’m not. They offered me a one year contract with the option for additional years if I like it there and fit well into the team.” Hopefully the added details would make it easier for Ana to believe this was actually happening.
After that the two of you stayed silent for a while, your hearts and minds needed some time to let themselves open up and accept that you were getting much more than you ever hoped for.
You reached that conclusion almost at the same time, huge grins spreading across both of your faces and then there was nothing holding you back anymore. Ana jumped up from her chair first and you swiftly followed suit.
Mere seconds later you basically jumped into your girlfriend’s arms, thinking in the back of your mind that this was exactly how you would celebrate a goal if you would play for the same time. Your heart jumped happily when you realized that you might get a chance to do precisely that next season.
“I’m so happy!” Ana squealed into your ear and you echoed that sentiment.
Moving abroad and playing for another team had sounded excited, but doing so with your girlfriend? That seemed more like a dream than anything else.
Ana and you stayed wrapped up in each other’s arms for a good while, just basking in the happiness. It was a welcome change from the usual reasons you spent so long in each other’s embrace. Normally you did so because one of you, more often than not you, was sad and needed comfort. Now there was not an ounce of sadness present, the air was electrified by excitement and the possibility of everything that was to come.
Of course you didn’t decide that night to accept the transfer, not legally at least, but emotionally you definitely did. Still, like the reasonable adults you were, you thought it through, gathered some more information before officially making the choice you had already made the moment you learnt both of you could go to Mexico together.
You called Jenni together to tell her the good news and she was overjoyed. Although if the amount of teasing you had to endure during one measly phone call was anything to go by, you were going to have to put up with a lot next year. You didn’t mind, though. Also you were aware that Ana would put a stop to it if she thought it was getting out of hand. You could as well, Jenni would listen if you seriously told her to stop, but you knew yourself well enough to know that you wouldn’t.
After that Ana and you focused on wrapping up everything in Madrid, sorting out your apartments and such. There was one particular subject you avoided like the plague, your family. You couldn’t leave for Mexico without at least telling them and try one more time, but you also weren’t ready to face them again in the slightest.
Finally you reached a point in time where you could no longer postpone it. Your girlfriend offered multiple times to go with you, but you declined every time, much to Ana’s chagrin. In the end she decided that she would at least drive you and wait for you in a nearby parking lot. You gladly accepted that suggestion.
“And please leave if it gets too much, yeah? Or call me and I will come get you,” Ana reminded you resolutely, still reluctant to let go of your hand.
“Don’t worry, tesoro, I’ll be fine. I don’t think much will come off today, but I just have to try one more time before we leave,” you explained. And it was true; you didn’t have high hopes for your conversation with your family. But even so you ended up being disappointed.
It started with a very frosty greeting, your father leading you into the living room where the rest of your family was sitting. You had chosen that day specifically because you had thought no one else would be over, but apparently you were out of luck. All of your aunts and uncles were assembled, staring at you disapprovingly.
You swallowed roughly, wetting your lips nervously when it became apparent that you would have to lead this conversation. This had been expected, you had even practiced a bit at home with Ana, but now in the moment your mind felt terrifyingly blank. With everyone glaring at you the only thing you could think of was to apologize. And that was the one thing you remembered you didn’t want to do.
“Did you just come here to stare at us?” Your mother questioned unfriendly.  
“No, I…This isn’t so easy. You’re making this really hard for me,” you muttered
“We’re making it hard for you? Do you have any idea what you’ve done to us? Just completely cutting us out of your life because of some random girl you met a few months ago,” your mother accused you.
The guilt and self-doubt threatened to consume you, but you tried to focus on your anger instead. At least the anger would allow you to say what needed to be said, even if you couldn’t lay it out as calmly and clearly as you wanted.
“See, this is what I mean. Everything is always my fault and you never listen to what I have to say,” you defended yourself. “And Ana isn’t just some random girl. I can’t stand that you talk like this about someone I love, someone who I’m pretty sure is the love of my life.”
Your family exchanged meaningful glances, the sentiment on their faces clear as day; they thought you were being ridiculous or childish or dramatic. Three adjectives they loved using to describe you.
“You’re getting too emotional again, niña, that has always been your problem. How do you expect us to take you serious like this? And think about this, you say we’re always acting as if you’re the problem, but in reality it’s you doing that. You always blame everything on us, your horrible family. Poor you with parents, aunts and uncles that support you!”
Condescension was something you were used to, and it had always made you feel very tiny and incredibly mad at the same time. You were an adult for crying out loud, not a little kid. And still in that moment you felt exactly like that.
“Fine, you know what, I can see that this is totally pointless! I don’t even know why I thought I should try again. So I’m just going to tell you the one thing you need to know; once this season is over I’ll go to Mexico to play there. So I guess, see you never?” You yelled, turning around and stomping out of your childhood home, without giving your family any chance to reply. What was the point?
Tears were already streaming down your face as you ran down the street to where Ana was waiting. Your girlfriend saw you coming; she had been keeping an eye out for you practically from the moment you had kissed her goodbye.
When she saw you rushing towards her, Ana’s heart broke. She had hoped this would go better, but your demeanor and the fact that you were back so soon told her everything she needed to know.
Ana quickly clambered out of the car to meet you with open arms. You fell into them, allowing yourself a moment to completely lean into your girlfriend and absorb some strength from her. Not too long though, you didn’t want to risk anyone catching up with you.
“Come on, let’s go,” you requested, already moving to the passenger’s side.
The drive home was mostly silent, your girlfriend held your hand whenever she didn’t need both of them to drive, and only asked you in the very beginning if you were ready to talk. You just shook your head in response. First you would have some more crying to do, before you could even hope to use words.
And you did exactly that, once again safely tucked away in your girlfriend’s arms. You couldn’t wait to get to a point in your life where you didn’t need so much comfort anymore.
“How are you feeling?” Ana prompted once she noticed you were ready to talk. She had seen you biting your cheek, contemplating how to start the conversation and decided to help you out with questions.
“I didn’t have much hope to begin with, but apparently I still had some that could be crushed. And also…,” you stopped, uncertain if you should continue. It felt like you kept bringing up the same things; shouldn’t you get over them at some point?
There was nothing but love and concern on your girlfriend’s face. You didn’t have to worry about her judging you, this was a safe space.
“I’m so annoyed with myself. I couldn’t even say much before I ran away. I can just hear them calling me a dramatic little girl who runs away as soon as things get though”, you gritted out.
Ana tensed at your harsh words towards yourself and she forced herself to count to three before answering, not wanting to sound too intense. There was however nothing she could do about the emotions lingering in her voice.
“Please stop listening to their voices in your head. I don’t think removing yourself from a bad situation is running away, that’s a smart move really. You need to take care of yourself.”
You nodded thoughtfully, “You know I’ve been thinking about that and realized I often put their needs and wants over mine. But I guess putting others first only works if they do the same. Otherwise if I always put them first, but they never put me first, I’m just always going to end up last, right? I think that’s what’s been happening all my life and I’m done with it!”
“Absolutely! If anything your parents should be putting you, their child, first. That’s what my mom said when I talked about it with her. She also said some other things, but I’m not sure if you want to hear them or if it’ll just make you sad.”
Ana studied you carefully, every sign of pain embedded in your body hurting her as well. She hated how that you had to deal with this, so the last thing she wanted to do was to add any pain to it.
“No, please, tell me. I think it will be helpful, hearing what an actual good parent thinks about all of this,” you requested.
You had only met Ana’s parents twice before, but they had been everything you wanted your own family to be. They were excited to see their daughter, but expressed that without making her feel guilty for not being around more. And they had welcomed you with open arms, clearly very pleased that Ana had found a special someone to share her life with.
“She also said that nothing makes her happier than seeing us, her kids, living our best life. Not some life my parents pictured for us, but the life we choose. She can’t really understand why so many people try to force their kids to be something they’re not. According to her slowly getting to meet your children’s truest self is one of the biggest joys of them growing up.”
Your eyes filled with tears again causing your girlfriend distress. You had been sitting opposite each other, hands intertwined in between you, but now Ana pulled you into her embrace again.
“See, I knew I shouldn’t have said anything,” your girlfriend cried out.
You shook your head, “I wanted to hear that, I needed to hear that. It makes me feel less unreasonable and ungrateful.”
Ana gently kissed the top of your head, rubbing comforting circles on your back. “You’re anything but, you’re absolutely amazing.”
The longer you were with your girlfriend and the more she told you things like these, the easier it became to believe them. It wasn’t easy or natural yet, but you found yourself questioning your old beliefs much more often.
You didn’t speak more about it that evening, indulging in some self care instead. However, a few days later you recognized that it was still bothering you. There was no way you would try again, but it also didn’t feel right to shut the door to your family completely.
Surprisingly when you brought it up to Ana, one day after training when you were cuddling on the couch, you practically on top of your girlfriend, she informed you that she had been thinking about that as well.
“How about you set up an email account just for them? This way you can check it every once in a while when you feel up to it, or I can even check it if you prefer. That would allow them to contact you if they have a change of heart, but you aren’t constantly bombarded with unwanted messages.”
A huge weight was lifted from your heart when you heard this suggestion. That was precisely what you wanted, some small gap left open, but nothing that would affect you in your everyday life. The last thing you wanted was to constantly get attacked by hurtful messages.
You placed a few kisses everywhere on your girlfriend’s face, uttering one word between each kiss,”You. Are. The. Best. Girlfriend. In. The. World. And. I. Love. You. So. Much.”
Ana happily accepted your kisses. “So, no second thoughts about moving to Mexico?” She inquired cautiously.
“Not a single one, I’m so excited for it, and I won’t let my family ruin it. Plus it would be the same if I stayed here. If anything being not only in another country, but on another continent might actually be good for me.”
“Good, because I’m very excited about it,” your girlfriend announced with a big smile.
“Me too,” you agreed.
In fact you couldn’t wait to start that adventure with Ana. You had never allowed yourself to be an adventurous person, telling yourself, or really being told by your family, that you were anything but.
However, now you realized that you did have an adventurous streak and it was high time you used it. For too long you had lived the life everyone else wanted you to live, but now you were getting another chance at life, at the life you truly wanted.
You didn't even wait until you moved to Mexico. A few days before leaving, you dragged Ana to a hairdresser, stating that both of you should change up your look to start over fresh.
What you didn't expect though, was for your girlfriend to decide she wanted to color her hair pink. You had thought about something more along the lines of cutting your hair a little shorter.
But then Ana announced with a big grin that she was going pink, and you made a split second decision, telling the hairdresser to whip up some purple hair dye for you.
And that's how the two of your started off your new life, one of you pink haired and the other one purple. You loved the way it looked and couldn't care less when pretty much the first thing out of Jenni's mouth when she picked you up from the airport was, "Where are you two going? A five year old's birthday party?"
"Shut up, Jenni, you're just jealous of us," Ana retorted.
Jenni rolled her eyes, "Maybe, but I get a feeling you're going to help me get over that by annoying me with your lovey-doveyness."
"Absolutely," you agreed, pulling your girlfriend against yourself and kissing her passionately.
"Fine! I'll stop if you stop!" Jenni exclaimed, grabbing one hand from the both of you and marching you towards the exit. "Bienvenida a México, chicas!"
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venomous-qwille · 4 months
how did u get so good at writing? i envy ur ability to write so well so i do wonder wut u have done to improve urself to reach this point (aka writing better than most non-fanfic authors ive ever read) ofc improvement comes with time and practice, but im just curious as to wut things youve done specifically
Ahh that's very kind of you! I'm so happy you have been enjoying my work!
Honestly before writing gitm I hadn't written anything at all in about twelve years, though I have been working on other narrative-lead projects (I do a lot of worldbuilding for d&d and other stuff). For me, the biggest thing is just reading lots from lots of different genres, finding stuff I like and then trying to reverse engineer it and figure out why I like it. It doesn't just have to be reading either, but watching films, plays, animation, standup. I consume a lot of poetry too. Go out and find art that moves you and then try to absorb it via osmosis. The other thing is: do stuff. If you ever get an opportunity to go out and try something new, do it. Real human experiences are the lifeblood of interesting fiction. Pay close attention to the funny interactions you have with people, the strange things that you see and sensations that come from everyday life. I think that including all those real lived experiences is what really makes writing come alive, certainly that's what I enjoy reading most. Human experiences resonate with people, so I try to wrap all my interactions, all my characters and all my descriptions up in things I have personally experienced. Obviously, this gets easier as you get older, as you have more stuff to draw from ^^ Honestly I think people enjoy gitm so much because it is something I love writing, and that comes across in the work. If I had changed the story to make it shorter, or more fast burn, or something more in line with what I thought people wanted to see, the writing wouldn't be as strong, because my heart wouldn't be in it to the same extent. I am writing gitm for me, it is the story I always wanted to read but wouldn't exist unless I did it myself. Writing is like cooking, people can always taste the love.
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byizoyas · 10 months
Heya! I hope your having a good day/night!!
I saw your requests were open and I was hoping to request a fic with either alhaitham, childe or beidou with their workout! I’m just so in love with the three of them and if I ever saw them working out I think I’d pass out on the spot (//∇//)
Thank you so much and I hope this is an enjoyable request for you to write 💗💗💗
genshin impact ; requests
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2023/byizoyas. — pls do not plagiarize or repost and claim as yours ! thank you very much
✘ sfw. you witness his workout sessions ✘ alhaitham x gn!reader
a/n. - at first i rlly wanted to write all three of them but in the end i was so invested in alhaitham’s i figured id just post that short drabble w only him. i also took some freedom with the end lol; hope it’ll suit you and sorry for the late writing<3 (also i don’t have the exact vocabulary for working out so I did my best and hope it’ll still be understandable ckwkdj)
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you’ve been going at the gym for a while now. you were not the most regular person in this but you were trying real hard.
and at this point, you felt new every single time you stepped inside and saw them all greeting each other and training together while you, were all alone.
you only just understood how the treadmill was working after struggling for a while with all the buttons when you heard a friendly voice from behind you.
‘you’re back.’ he said calmly.
you turned around quite surprised that anyone would recognize you since you weren’t coming in here everyday and certainly not on the same time of the day.
‘um yeah’ you only said before realizing the man talking to you was one of the coaches in here.
alhaitham. his name was written on a small piece of paper sticked to his shirt that quite felt too tight for that muscular torso of his.
‘i saw you struggling with the machine and thought i could help you but it seems you got it now.’ he said, turning his back on you to go back to whatever business he probably had to deal with.
‘thanks ! i’ll ask for help directly next time.’ you added, waving goodbye despite him not going really far.
the room wasn’t the biggest so he was still in your eyesight. and as time passed you caught yourself looking in his direction several times.
he was indeed pretty attractive even when he was just standing nearby the door, organizing some files.
10pm the clock was displaying. the gym was closing around 11 pm but it was pretty rare to find people exercising that late at night.
perhaps he felt comfortable enough with so few people working out because he left the counter and put on his own headphones as he walked towards the rowing machine. and of course, it had to be right in front of you so you found it even harder to look away.
alhaitham was a professional, he probably trained everyday and was used to such basic exercises yet you, found it extremely fascinating how easy it was for him to drag the handle.
his arms muscles contracting now and then pretty quickly and the few sighs he subconsciously let out as he kept on pulling the handle towards him, working out both his legs and arms made the whole scene much more attractive.
you found it quite hard to focus on something else now but he quickly switched to another exercise, laying on the floor ready to do a few push ups.
one. two. three. you started to count them. he wasn’t fast but he was certainly feeling his own efforts as he gritted his teeth.
‘alhaitham. i’m leaving. you’re closing alone tonight. will it be okay ?’ someone asked; most likely his colleague that was already wearing casual clothes.
alhaitham got up, and took off his headphones. ‘sure. see you tomorrow.’ the man left and with that he took a glance at the clock and then at you.
he chuckled while walking towards you and only at the moment he stood in front of you, did you realize how you were the only one left in here. ‘staying pretty late tonight do you ?’ he gulped just as he was trying to regain his composure and control over his breathing.
‘i didn’t realize how late it was.’ you only found to say. of course you weren’t going to admit that you lost yourself while observing his every move for about 15 minutes.
little did you know, he noticed your insistent gaze but he did not say anything about it. he turned off the machine you were using. ‘well we’re both done for today.’
you headed towards the restroom to change to your clothes and put your sports pants on your bag.
‘oh!’ you shouted when bumping into alhaitham again right after coming out of the room. ‘you scared the shit out of me sorry for screaming’ you chuckled to yourself, finding yourself so silly.
but since there were only the two of you now alhaitham only apologized, stating how he should have been careful.
you both went towards the door, turning off all the lights behind you.
alhaitham closed the door and turned to you, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket. ‘will you come working out tomorrow ?’
you smiled before admitting how you were not so fond of working out. and before you gave a second thought to what you were about to say, it simply slipped out of your mouth.
‘but maybe if a pretty, good coach helps me i’ll like it more.’
right as you started to cringe at your own comment, alhaitham let out the most beautiful laugh you’ve ever heard.
‘i’ll work harder to convince you to drop by more often then.’
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vqnrouged · 21 days
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↳ 1.1k words
↳ romantic . ݁₊ ⊹ .
↳ content | headcanons + short scenario
↳ happy late birthday mitsuri kanroji! i love her so much. sorry that this isn’t a twst post, i’m still having trouble finding motivation to write my requests. so please enjoy this mitsuri post while i try to get myself together 😭
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❀ ˖° | you and mitsuri are what some of her fellow demon slayers like to call “a match made in heaven”, the two of you are the best example of a healthy and loving relationship they’ve ever witnessed. there’s never a moment where the two of you aren’t seen together and smiling like idiots, it’s truly the sweetest thing.
❀ ˖° | she simply adores it when she opens up her bento box and sees that you packed one of your desserts for her, it makes her day! sometimes being a slayer can be hard on the mind or the body, so a sweet treat is always a nice mood booster whenever she’s feeling exhausted. especially because she thinks of you back at her estate waiting for her, it makes her that much eager to get the job done and get back home and in your arms!
❀ ˖° | oh and if you put notes in her lunch, you better prepare yourself for a lot of cuddles. it makes her so happy to read the notes you write her everyday, especially since you sign off with a heart!
❀ ˖° | she is always your taste tester. mitsuri is never unwilling to try something new, and your lovely baking is no exception to this. since she’s your biggest fan and your biggest supporter, she gives you constructive criticism on your experimental desserts, even with as bad as she feels about saying something mean about the food you baked. but you’re there to assure her that it doesn’t hurt your feelings and her criticism helps make your desserts better.
❀ ˖° | she won’t admit it herself, but she compliments you like crazy whenever someone asks about one of the pastries you made her. for example, once rengoku asked about the chocolate chip cookies she kept getting in her lunches along with the notes signed with hearts that she always squealed in joy at and she exploded with compliments. oh this pastry? it’s my partners baking! aren’t they so amazing? oh, i love them so much!
❀ ˖° | she will melt if you make her favorite desserts just for her, and i mean melt! food is the way into this woman’s heart and just the thought of you putting so much love and attention into making something only she’s allowed to eat makes her heart soar.
❀ ˖° | y’know how obanai and mitsuri have a diner when they’re reincarnated? yeah, that’s you and her except the two of you co-own a bakery with your five kids occasionally being cute little helpers. not only that, but your bakery would especially be known for it’s generous sweets. the chocolate chip cookies you sell are just about the size of your oldest daughters head! it was your wife’s suggestion to make the size of your baked goods larger than the average so that they could be easily shared amongst friends, family, or even lovers. she was always thinking of others, no wonder you fell for her.
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the skies were a brilliant blue this afternoon, a perfect day for your bakery to be open. many people young and old would be flooding in to celebrate the weekend or simply grab a quick bite before going about their day, many times it had you wondering what exactly their lives were like. was that woman who just came in getting a few treats for her children? or was the kind man that was polite to your wife at the register getting his own spouses favorite pastry? it was truly a mystery.
your wife often thought on the idea too, after all she was the one who was more often than not the one working at the register while you worked your magic in the kitchen. the people she met while she worked were quite… eccentric, to say the least. mitsuri means that in the best way possible, if there weren’t interesting people life would be rather boring, wouldn’t it? and just as those people, there were eccentric moments too.
now was one of those moments, a pair of teenagers had just come through the door wearing awkward smiles and speaking with stutters. mitsuri glanced down at the two’s arms, seeing them loosely and shyly entangled together gave her enough clues to give her an idea of what their situation was. a first date, she thought, it had to be. but her thoughts were interrupted by one of the kids telling their date to pick a seat while they ordered their treats as they walked up to the register.
the teenager was quite polite, using please and thank you as they asked her to explain some of the pastries to them. however, when it came time for them to pay for their treats a problem arose.
“damn it, i left my card at home! what am i gonna do now?”
mitsuri looked between the sullen teenager in front of her and their date that sat in the window seat, the dates hands twiddled back n’ forth as they admired the view outside. they were nervous too. it reminded her of how she was when the two of you first began dating, the both of you were so awkward and didn’t know what to say to each other. all she knew was that you had stolen her heart and she was just so nervous she would make you dislike her somehow, but after going on so many more dates and getting to know and love you, that initial awkwardness felt like it had passed by so quickly. now, she couldn’t help but gently smile at the memory.
mitsuri glanced back one last time at the window before looking directly at the kid in front of her, still with her sugary sweet grin. “don’t worry, sweetie. it’s on the house!”
the kid looked up from their empty wallet with wide eyes, the corner of their mouth slightly twitching up from the sheer kindness of the lady at the register. “really?”
mitsuri’s smile continued to shine as she reassured them, quickly tapping away at her screen to get them their treats for free. “really. now, let me bag these up for you and your date!” then she made a hasty sprint to the back to grab a few paper bags, giving you a small grin along with a giggle out of pure joy over the hopefully future couple.
you smiled to yourself as you glanced back at the dough in your hands, your wife’s excitement over something so small was so adorable. she always found a way to make the day seem so much brighter with the interactions she had with the people around her and the way she loved you. there is nothing in the world you would trade mitsuri kanroji for, absolutely nothing.
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@𝐯𝐪𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐞𝐝 ☁︎
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writers-potion · 26 days
howdyyy, currently writing a romance fic and I’m having some major issues here.
how would you write a romance between an autistic character and an OCD character??
i’ve done some research and turns out the autistic character would most likely show affection by gift giving (not one for physical affection).
i don’t know too much about the character with OCD (i’ve done research and I have the disorder myself). they’re really affectionate, like a total shoulder to lean on, yet afraid of actually letting someone in because they’ve been left behind by people in their life.
as of now I just have a few nerdy dates they’ve went on, with the OCD character enjoying it and falling in love but trying to distance themself.
ty for all you do <3 i need ur wisdom!!
Autistic x OCD Character Romance
Hi! Thank you for the ask 🙂
A few notes before I start
I understand that the symptoms of autism and OCD vary, and the things I suggest here won’t apply to everyone!
Since both the OCD and autistic character will have their own quirks, letting the romance work will be a matter of how they would suit, given their personalities and dating styles. 
Autistic Character in a Relationship
Their need for solitude would be real. For them, the time they spend with the other will be included in their “social quota” for the day, and they won’t be too open to meeting the other’s friends and family over the weekend. 
An all-encompassing interest may be their only true form of relaxation. An OCD character will understand the feeling of an act being a necessity – this can be a common ground they find comforting.
Their honesty can help the OCD character be more open about their thoughts. Autistic characters have difficulty lying or understanding “white lies”, unintentionally forcing the OCD character to own up to their compulsive/obsessive thoughts. The OCD character may actually find this liberating. On the other hand, it can be frustrating at times. 
They may not be able to talk about feelings in their inner world. This can be a huge barrier, and the autistic character may obsessively talk about their all-encompassing interest rather than sticking to an important conversation. This might be something the OCD character can understand better than others.
They’ll show love through practical acts, like silently holding the OCD character’s hand when they’re trying to wash it for the nth time, or tidy up for them when they know it’s stressing the OCD character out. 
They often camouflage their true selves for the sake of survival. Camouflaging who you are can lead to exhaustion, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and not feeling in touch with the authentic self. 
OCD Character in a Relationship
Since the OCD character has repetitive, intrusive thoughts they don’t want, they’ll often feel anxious and distressed. Think of their mind as a computer monitor where you simply cannot close the tabs you hate seeing. Everyday things will be stressful, so they might be more prone to being snappy/irritable on bad days.
They may be overwhelmed with their obsessive/compulsive thoughts while dating. The autistic character might not necessarily realize this (since they are slow to pick up on nonverbal cues), and they can spend time comfortably distracted in their own thoughts. 
The Key is Communication
The biggest challenge with such a relationship is that it’s going to be more difficult for both characters to understand what the other is feeling. 
If they’re to have a stable relationship, they’ll have to learn to (1) be honest with themselves (2) learn how to communicate their thoughts/feelings in a way that the other can comprehend. 
OCD symptoms will become worse when your character is undergoing times of transition and change. Autistic characters will also fare badly under stress and won’t be open to an eye-to-eye conversation. Thus, the two of them learning each other’s “stress points” and the signs they display under stress would be crucial. 
Since change is challenging for both of them, show how they try to be least intrusive and take things slow. 
Establish Common Ground
Since an autistic character and OCD character are more caught up in their own thoughts than neurotypical people, show how their inner world is penetrated by the thoughts about the other character.
It’ll help to have a common interest they can talk hours and hours about.
Have them bond over the fact that they both have difficulty trying to explain themselves to neurotypical people. 
You can:
Include scenes where the character decides that the stress of confronting their authentic self/their fears is worth being with the other.
Have the OCD character meet the people around the autistic character, trying to understand the person. The autistic character may 
Have scenes where one/two of them are just too tired for the patient understanding the other needs. Show how they take a break, then come back for a calmer conversation.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
💎For early access to my content,  become a Writing Wizard 
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strawbrygashez · 17 days
A few random Horrid Henry hcs :3
Warning tho I haven’t seen every single episode yet (I’m working on it) so maybe some don’t make sense or whatever 🤷‍♀️
•Henry and Ralph share new bands/music they find all the time. They trade cds or just listen to music they wanna share with the other, together! Music is one of the biggest things they bond over. Henry was particularly excited to find out someone liked the same type of music as him because alternative music is one of his special interests. He could talk about his favorite bands for hours!!!
•Henry has sensory issues. They even say two of them in the theme song, brushing his hair and washing his face. Yeah, yeah u can say it’s just cuz he’s a kid but whatever.
With the hair brushing thing in particular, I think that’s why his hair is always drawn as wavy/messy. His parents ended up just mostly giving up on trying to get him to brush his hair because it would usually end up with him getting overwhelmed and angry. So now they usually only ask him to when they are going somewhere ‘nice’. That or Henry barely brushes it every day and they just give up and say it’s good enough.
•The sweater Henry always wears is his favorite sensory wise. Yes, I know it’s just cartoon logic that he wears the same clothes everyday but again, I don’t care. I think he’d even learn how to sow a little to fix up any really bad rips in it. Knowing his mom, she probably would try to get rid of it and tell him he has other clothes he needs to wear but that causes like, the biggest breakdown ever with Henry so she gives in and lets him keep it.
•For some reason I see Henry liking to wear TONS of bracelets. Maybe to fidget with or just cuz he likes the look or feel of them. Some would be ones he made and others would be stuff like band or tv show merch. I also see him liking fingerless gloves.
•In his teen years I see him messing around with hair dye a lot. Some looks were better than others. Sometimes he would let his roots grow out for months or a year and other times would dye his hair like.. every other week. He dyed Ralph’s hair black a couple times. (💔rip book emo Ralph)
•The more fantasy type things that are shown in the show are just Henrys imagination (for the most part I guess). Like the cat controlling day and night and him turning into animals when he gets extremely frustrated.
•Can barely sit ‘right’ to save his life. I know this in particular wasn’t shown in the show from what I’ve seen but I feel like when he’s genuinely just upset and not angry, he curls up into a ball and hides somewhere small :,/
•He’s very smart! Not just when it comes to plans. I feel like once he gets older, I could see him expressing himself very poetically in writing. I think he has a lot he’s kept inside and would word it all very nicely in writing.
I mostly think this because of a clip I saw where he was trying to explain to Peter how nothing in life is fair. Like yes some of what he was complaining during it was ‘normal’ stuff kids don’t like but I think it’s much more impactful because he’s clearly undiagnosed with something. Things that are ‘little’ to most people like going to school, eating certain things, and etc are worse for him but almost no one will take him seriously. Life isn’t fair for him at all since no one will genuinely listen to him, he has to find his own ways to cope or get over whatever life throws at him which is a lot for a kid.
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joyinunderland · 7 days
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Aziraphale’s personality type -MBTI
Ok, so, I just had a thought.
You know MBTI personalities, right? On Pdb it is said that Aziraphale is an ISFJ, but I don’t completely agree with that, and I was wondering what you guys think.
My take on this is that he’s an INFJ (chatGPT thinks the same, but anyway), but I’m still not entirely sure.
First of all, just remember that for INFJ we have Ni-Fe-Ti-Se, while for ISFJ we have Si-Fe-Ti-Ne. This means that the biggest difference between these two types can be found in the dominant function, which is introverted intuition for INFJ and introverted sensing for ISFJ. But what does this mean? Basically, INFJs are better at seeing the bigger picture, while ISFJs are better at noticing the little details. For beginners in the field of MBTI, the difference can be reduced to intuition vs sensation.
As for personal experience, I believe INFJs are more prone to forgiving others because they put themselves completely in the other person’s shoes; while ISFJs’ kind of forgiveness seems to come more from the way they observe from the outside the other person. So, I would say they have a different kind of empathy: the former more overwhelming and personal, the latter more “rational” and detached.
Now, I don’t think I will be able to come to an actual conclusion before seeing season 3. Mostly because we still have to see, in my opinion, the real personality traits of this character. What I mean is, Aziraphale has been through a lot of religious trauma, so it’s difficult to understand whether his choices come from that or from his actual personality. We can only guess and speculate and try to find patterns.
As an INFJ, I personally see a lot of myself in him. I just rewatched the scene of the Church in London, 1941. We all remember Aziraphale’s reaction to realising that Crowley had protected the books for him. Usually, the angel is the one taking care of others without expecting anything in return, no one ever thinks of doing something for him and he doesn’t even expect anything. But in that moment he realised that the demon did care about him. For the first time in ages, Aziraphale probably felt seen, understood, cared for, with such a simple yet important action. Well, that’s how basically every single INFJ feels everyday: always caring for others, no one notices what you do, no one thanks you, no one does anything for you. But then, you find that one person that is different, and damn, that person can really change your life.
But let’s go back to facts. We know for a fact that Aziraphale always has a plan, but he waits because he knows that Crowley will come to his rescue. We also know that the angel strongly believes that things can be changed and that he in particular can change them. He has a strong sense of faith and hope, and I don’t mean religious faith, we know he’s been losing that for a while now, but he has faith in humanity, in people, in himself and in Crowley. He has hope that Heaven will be a better place. I personally see all of these characteristics as a show more of an Ni function rather than an Si: he’s more concentrated on the future possibility rather than the present reality.
But again, I won’t be able to tell for sure until season 3 is released, I have to understand what drives him, I have to see all the actual motivations that have led him to the choice he made and, mostly, I have to see who he will become, ‘cause only after he’s healed from his religious trauma he’ll be 100% himself.
Good, if you’ve read all of this long analysis (which took me like an hour to write), GOOD JOB, get a cookie, you deserve it.
Let me know what you think, I am really curious and I’ve always wanted to know what the fandom thinks about this.
Lots of love!
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ultralightpoe · 2 years
Simplicity of Winds - Daemon Targaryen
Authors note: I hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for requesting! MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN AND I LOVE RECIEVING THEM so feel free to send some in. (Especially for Aemond)
Warnings: SMUT, a lil angst but not a lot 
Word Count: 1485
Description:  REQUEST -  Hello! Could you write something about Daemon Targaryen x Fem!Reader? Friends to Lovers. Daemon is very sweet with the reader and he feels insecure about his feelings for her. When he thinks he's going to lose her, he confesses and they end up giving in to passion (very sweet). I think this is not very Daemon, but I always wanted to read a soft smut with him. Thanks in advance ✨
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                  You watch him from afar, just as you always did, watching the former heir of the king stand on a cliff and look out into the waters surrounding. His hair had been dreadful when he came back from the war, tangled and unkept. 
             You remember a time when he would never let his hair get that bad, a time where you would see him everyday. Smiles and conversation had never been hard for you when you were around him. You had considered him a best friend at one point, but you would never admit to loving him the way you did. He had been perfect back then. 
                Not a hair tangled or out of place, charming and cocky all in a smooth manner, he could have you blushing in a mere moment while leaving you laughing the next. He had also been a Targayren.
               You knew better than to fall hopelessly in love with him, you knew their ways and manners. But you did it anyway, because you were a fool. 
               You had been such a big fool you hadn’t seen your biggest opponent for his affection, although it should have been obvious. His niece. The poor girl was ages behind him, a mere 10 years younger than you, but she was Targaryen and this was their tradition. Not to mention she was beautiful in a vicious type of manner.
            Then there was his wife. A female mature and strong. Brilliant in all things, especially hunting from what you have heard. 
             But, even with those two in his life, you had fooled yourself. Make yourself believe that he loved you the same way you loved him. 
           The last night you ever spoke to Daemon Targaryen he was planning on asking his brother for his niece's hand in marriage. 
             You had found him with the intent of implying a courtship, feeling bold for your ladies talked you up. That all shattered right in front of you, you had excused yourself on the pretense of illness and never looked back. 
             That had been years ago, when you left him on that cliff with the wind in his hair and a fire in his eyes, walking away with tears burning your own. 
              You hadn’t seen him since, doing your best to avoid him any chance you got. The first few weeks were tough, once the man figured out you were avoiding him he became hellbent on finding out why. But then your father took you home, and Daemon became just a memory.
Until now. 
                 Your father had sent you back in order to meet suitors from all over the land, and though you hoped Daemon would not be in Kings landing your prayers were unanswered by the sight of him landing his dragon on the first night. 
               You had kept to yourself since then, that had been a week ago. You spent the days listening to suitors and the nights eating in your chambers alone. The man could not break your heart if he did not know you were there. 
                  You watched from afar, trying to figure out how to get into the castle without him noticing you, as he stood in front of your only option inside. Maybe you could wait him out, he’ll get bored of looking at the ocean and leave, and you wouldn’t have to hide behind a stone wall-
            “Are you really going to make me wait all night?” Your heart drops at the sound of his voice, of course he was meeting someone here, of course he had lovers. You held your breath, listening for the person he was waiting for. “Are you seriously going to make me drag you out from behind that wall?”
            The realization that he knew you were there settles in, along with a thick wave of embarrassment heating your cheeks.  Your feet don’t move an inch and yet your entire body is begging to go near him. 
             “Y/n.” He calls again, this time stronger and firmer. You finally give in and slowly turn the corner of the wall, keeping your hand on it at all times. “Is this what we’ve come to? You hiding from me and ignoring me?”
              “I simply did not want to intrude on your even-” The lie comes out smooth but Daemon is far too quick to argue. 
“I haven’t seen you in years.”
“I was with my father, Daemon. At home.”
            “This is your home, this has always been your home so don’t sit there and tell me that you wanted to go to that wretched land your father calls home because that isn’t true.” He snaps, walking towards you after giving up when he realized you would not be coming closer yourself. “What did I do wrong?”
“You did nothing wrong-”
                  “Please. Stop. Lying.” His voice is hoarse, and one of his hands slams on the stone wall behind you to stop you from escaping, leaning down to make you look at him. “I haven’t seen you in so long, you’ve…….you’ve cursed me.”
“I assure you I would never-”
              “Then can I not stop thinking about you? Why do you plague my mind every second of the day and dance in my dreams every night. Why have I been asking everyone I possibly could on your whereabouts. Why have you abandoned me so?” 
“I did not abando-”
               “Then I find out, through Alicent fucking Hightower, that you are coming here to meet suitors and I fly out here only to be met with silence-”
              “I am here to meet suitors, Daemon.” 
               “And you do not consider me well enough to court you then?”
              “I need an actual candidate. Someone who will want me!” 
            “Please, please please PLEASE TELL ME WHERE YOU WOULD GET IT IN YOUR HEAD I DON’T WANT YOU!” He yells, both hands now on the stone behind you as he fully cages you in, a desperate look to his eyes while your heartbeat starts to fight against your chest. 
             “Last I heard you were going to ask for Rhaenyras hand-”
            “You mean when I was still a prince? Looking to help my niece acquire the throne?” 
               “We both know that there was more to it than that-”
            “Maybe there was. Maybe I was trying to make you jealous.” He admits, forehead against yours. “Maybe I was scared that you would never see me as anything more than a drunken secondborn-”
                  “Allow me to court you…… or….or at least allow me the honor of meeting you as a suitor. I’ll walk into that hall and do anything you’d like. Please Y/n.” He begs, taking a step back before getting to his knees. 
           “What does it matter Daemon? You could simply ask the king for him to allow you my hand-”
            “I would never trap you like that, I want you. I want you to choose me and not hate me for it.”
           “Then yes.”
           “Yes I can meet you as a suitor?”
             “Yes I will marry you.” The answer shocks you both, but your next move shocks you more. Reaching down to grab the sides of his face and drag him to stand up from his knees, pulling him into you for a kiss. 
               He stills for a moment before giving in, hands wrapping around your waist as he gently lifts you to his height, using the wall behind you as leverage,  his lips softly moving against your own. 
              You’re the one that reaches down to pull your skirts up, allowing him a moment of shock at your boldness. “Take me. Take me against the wind.”
              And so he does, wrapping your thighs around his waist as he undoes his own pants and thrusts into you as slowly as possible. He takes pleasure in the way you whine in pain, arms wrapping around him for comfort, gripping his hair. 
              “I’m sorry it hurts.” He whispers, holding you up and pressing your foreheads together as the sun begins to set. “If I could ease the pain I would”
               “Move Daemon.” You groan, allowing him to thrust softly, keeping a hand on you at all times while you moan in pleasure. He gasps against your neck at his own pleasure, muttering praises as he speeds up. But he wasn’t getting everything he wanted.
              Within moments he has you both laid out on the grass, him above you as he moves faster and faster and faster, but with this position he gets full eye contact. 
              He watches you come undone, bouncing with each thrust he gives, moaning at the feeling as he comes undone as well, muttering more praises in high velaryon. 
               “I will offer my hand tomorrow, and we will be wed on dragonstone, where I will take you against the wind any moment you would like.” He whispers, rubbing your cheek. “So long as you never run from me again. I cannot survive it.”
(I reallyyyyyyy hope you like it. I had no clue how to make him soft in smut ) 
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 10 months
Tf2 beach day
TF2 Mercs At The Beach!
Thanks for the ask, Anon! I hope you like this, I love writing these guys in normal everyday situations. Buckle up for a long one!
Okay, so firstly, I can't tell whether it would be funny or deeply terrifying to see a group of nine grown men pull up at the beach. But for the sake of this it's going to be funny.
So one day, all these clowns pile into a van and drive down the road to the nearest beach. And once they get there, it's a mess. Much like when they went to the amusement park (haha old fic plug in >:D), everyone's running in different directions and doing different things.
Engie, Pyro, and Soldier are off finding a place in the sand to start building sandcastles.
Scout is the only one who's running to the water immediately.
Demo and Sniper are on their way to a silent and shady part of the beach to sleep for a bit.
Spy, Heavy, and Medic are setting up towels and umbrellas on the beach.
Even though everyone wants to do different things, Engie asks the others to come join them and do a sandcastle contest!
Demo is actually really good at building sandcastles and building something simple, decorated with some rocks.
Engie, of course, wins the contest. He manages to build a castle with a fully functional draw bridge, a moat, and even tiny little sand people.
Heavy doesn't follow the idea of making a sandcastle at all. He starts making sand food.
Medic comes in third place, which he may or may not be a little bitter about. But others are quick to remind him he made a sculpture of a bird and not a castle. He still thinks his was best.
Scout and Pyro ended up teaming with each other to build the biggest sandcastle out of everyone. It's very messy, and half of it is falling apart (Scouts half), but they both had fun building it and don't really care about the contest by the end.
Sniper acts like he doesn't care. He rolls his eyes and huffs something about this being stupid. Builds a really beautiful sandcastle with sea glass and sand dollars. Like insanely good. He gets second!
Spy doesn't care. He hates the feeling of wet sand and hates the idea of getting dirty and wet. Doesn't participate.
The soldier is making an American flag sculpture in the sand. The stars are made out of the prettiest rocks he could find. He uses drift wood for the red stripes and leaves the sand plain for the white stripes. It's beautiful!
It's time for these guys to go swimming!
Demo and Sniper are good swimmers but are insanely nervous about the currents and wildlife. So they tend to stay in clear and hip deep water.
Engie, Heavy, and Pyro stay near each other near the tide pools! Looking around at all the small animals, Pyro loves looking for hermit crabs. Engie gets so freaked out when he turns around for a minute and looks back to see Pyro with a starfish stuck to their mask. Heavy is also content with just looking at all the cute little creatures that are living in the water.
Medic, Soldier, Scout, and Spy are all in an insane cluster fuck right now. Medic is trying to lifeguard, Soldier can't swim and is drowning in about two inches of water, Scout pushed Spy into the water, and now Spy is trying to drown Scout. Medic finally just pulls all of them out of the water yelling various threats of their organs being removed and swapped with various other things being thrown out as he walks them back to the beach. They seemed to behave a lot better with each other after that.
Due to the swimming fiasco, the team decide to relax on the beach and do some other activities.
Demo, Heavy, and Pyro strike up a bonfire and start to tell stories to each other.
Medic is reading a book he brought and is watching over the others. He is eventually persuaded to play beach volleyball with the other.
After they convince Medic, Engie, Sniper, and Scout start playing a couple of rounds of volleyball. (Medic and Engie v Sniper and Scout) Medic and Engie sweep.
After Scout gets tired of losing, he finds Soldier and asks if he wants to play Frisbee, and they entertain themselves with that for an hour or two.
Spy ends up falling asleep on the beach away from the sight of others (or so he thought, he woke up buried in the sand an hour later, all thanks to Scout).
Eventually, everyone shows up at the bonfire that Demo, Heavy, and Pyro set up. Solider finds a public grill and starts grilling up hotdogs, hamburgers, and steaks. Medic is begging everyone to at least drink one water. Everyone starts talking about various things, and they all enjoy the last of the night until they all pile into the car and head home.
Can you tell I don't go to the beach much 😭
I hope you like this. It felt like this took me years to write, but it was worth it!
I'm praying this isn't ass. New fics are coming soon as I start getting fall themed ideas >:)
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enid-rhees · 10 months
Can you write some Carl x reader w/adhd (platonic ofc) hdcns pls? 🫶
i love Carl so fucking much . i don’t talk about him a lot on here besides in my stories but i fucking love that dude to death. Carl has such a special place in my heart like that is my boy !!!! he just means sm to me :((
warnings: none!
A/N: hope you all enjoy! requests are open! if you’d like to request, just read pinned for rules!
Carl is your bestest friend of all time. the bestest of all best friends
you met at the quarry and had instantly become bffs
he noticed the little things, like you losing focus really fast or fidgeting with your fingers constantly
when he questioned you abt it, you outright told him you had adhd
he wasn’t quite sure what that meant at first but you explained it to him
and this boy was the most understanding person ever
through the course of living at the farm, to the prison, road to terminus etc etc you get the point
he started to take mental notes of the things you struggled with
motivation, focus, mostly those two
especially when you finally got to Alexandria
when you started to get assigned chores and shifts, you struggled to keep up with them
you were frustrated with yourself
but Carl noticed immediately and didn’t waste a second in offering to help you
everyday when you were assigned your chores, Carl look over them with you and help you make a plan
it always included a few breaks to avoid you getting burnt out quickly
he’s by your side the entire time you’re on a run
one time, he found a little squishy toy in an abandoned store and gave it to you
“i found this! you could use it as a fidget toy when you’re trying to focus! :)”
i love carl so much i’m so
OKAY hear me out on this one
you love the fabric of his sheriff hat
like there’s something abt the fabric that you love
so if you don’t have your fidgets with you
he takes off the hat for you and lets you use it as a fidget
carl is the biggest y/n defender
if someone gets frustrated at you for messing up on a run oooo boy
he will yell at anyone more than half your age if they get mad at you
you are his best friend and he will protect u no matter what like
if you have any hyperfixations BEST BELIEVE he will listen to you rant for hours about it and can never get tired of it
seeing u so happy over it makes HIM happy
he’ll do anything to try and find anything of your hpfx
“carl where are you going?”
“this store might have the thing y/n really likes i want to find it for them”
i love Carl so much guys
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Welcome to Stitched's first Kinktober! I'm very excited to share what's in my drafts as I am very proud of myself for once. Chapters will be posted midday (BST) everyday, chapters that have been missed thanks to Tumblr will be posted today as soon as I can. If you can’t wait go to my Wattpad or AO3. Here's a run down of what to expect in this book:
Day 1: Master’s Whore (Creampie Kink)
Summary: Vincent Phantomhive fucks his maid just a room over from his 'happy' family.
Vincent Phantomhive x Fem! Maid! Reader (Fic)
Day 2: Making Porn With The Number One Pro Hero (Amateur Porn)
Summary: You had a sex dream about your boyfriend, the Number One Hero, All Might wants to make that fantasy a reality after you punch another All Might slut in the face.
All Might x Younger Fem! Pro-Hero! Reader (Fic)
Day 3:  Being FWB With Ramona Flowers (Casual Sex)
Summary: Imagine being FWB with Ramona Flowers.
Ramona Flowers x GN! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 4:  Before Her Show (Behind The Scenes Fucking / Affair)
Summary: Imagine secretly banging the World's biggest singer.
Envy Adams x Scott's Sibling! GN! Reader (Imagine)
Day 5:  Mommy’s Sweet Praises (Praise Kink)
Imagine Layla El Faouly with a major Praise kink.
Layla El Faouly x GN! Reader (Imagine)
Day 6: In The Dark Of The Night (Demon Fucking)
Summary: After arriving at and joining a Covent you so didn't want to join, Valak takes an unusual liking to you.
Valak x Nun! Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 7: Just For Research (First Time)
Summary: When Rick discovers his top student is a virgin, he knows he must change that so she can write her paper on human pheromones.
Rick Sanchez x College Student! GN! Reader (Fic)
Day 8: Inappropriate Workplace Behaviour (Office Sex / Boss x Employee)
Summary: Lord Death can't stop jacking off to his decades younger secretary.
Lord Death x Younger! Secretary! Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 9:  Naughty Girls Are Punished (Spanking)
Summary: Georgia decides to teach her mischievous girlfriend a lesson.
Dom! Georgia Miller x Fem! Reader (Imagine)
Day 10:  Hot Ice (Temperature Play)
Summary: Nadia has always liked ice. It was always nice to crunch down on after a cigarette and you liked how cold it made her mouth feels. So by accident one nice, it joins you two in the bedroom.
Nadia Vulvokov x Fem! Reader (Imagine)
Day 11:  Revenge, You Thought (Bondage)
Summary: John enjoys teaching his naughty little thing a lesson and you enjoy learning it.
John Brown x Fem! Reader (Imagine)
Day 12: Car Hookups (Car sex)
Summary: You and Oboro regularly meet up late in his car for sex.
College AU! Oboro Shirakumo x GN! Reader (Imagine)
Day 13: Pegging L Would Include… (Pegging)
Summary: You manage to convince L to part take in a kink you've been wanting to try out.
L x GN! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 14: Wet Fucking (Shower / Tub sex)
Summary: Whilst the Handler is away, you and Lila decide to make good use of the beautiful bathtub in the hotel.
Lila Pitts x Fem! Reader (Imagine)
Day 15:  Insatiable Needs (Marathon sex)
Summary: When Steve is unable to satisfy his new wife's insatiable needs, he calls a friend.
Estefania x Fem! Reader (Imagine)
Day 16: Mommy’s Baby (Lactation)
Summary: Carol's duty as a mother is to make sure her baby is always well feed. She's your Mommy now so she must make sure your well fed.
Carol from Cobweb x Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 17: Bruno Needs A Spanking (Orgasm Denial)
Summary: Denying Bruno Madrigal an orgasm includes…
Bruno Madrigal x GN! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 18:  Slowly Stripping (Exhibition)
Summary: Julieta can't help but find something so hot about being fully nude in front of her lover.
Julieta Madrigal x GN! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 19: Choking and Gasping (Breath Play)
Summary: Morpheus discovers he loves the sound of hearing you struggle to breathe.
Dream x GN! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 20: Edge You To Death (Edging)
Summary: Undertaker enjoys ruining your orgasms.
Undertaker x Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 21: (Nun Fucking)
Summary: Sister Irene teaches you a holy lesson.
Sister Irene x Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 22: Only Good Girls Get To Cum (Mirror Sex)
Summary: Ming forces you to watch yourself fall apart from just her fingers, just so you know how much of and dirty girl you are.
Ming Lee x Fem! Reader (Imagine)
Day 23: Pegging Fantasy (Pegging)
Summary: Jaime tells you his biggest sex fantasy and you make it your mission to make it happen.
Jamie Reyes x Fem! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 24: Green Mommy (Monster Fucking)
Summary: Your girlfriend's new power has made your sex life a whole lot more interesting.
Jennifer Walters x Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 25: Papa’s Pet (Public Sex)
Summary: Dr Brenner will absolutely use you teach someone a lesson about the consequences of trying to steal what belongs to him.
Dr Martin Brenner x Fem! Reader (featuring 001?) (Fic)
Day 26: Blindfolding The Snake (Blindfold Sex)
Summary: You blindfold your good boy and reward him for all his hard work.
Servant! Snake x Master! Fem! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 27: Othello’s Experiment (Pregnancy / Breeding Kink)
Summary: Othello's newest obsession is pregnancy and all the symptoms that come with it. You've so generously agreed to help him in his little experiment for his research.
Othello x Fem! Human! Reader (Imagine)
Day 28: (Threesome)
Summary: Nemuri, your girlfriend, is shocked to hear about a filthy fantasy you've been thinking about. But still, she's more than willing to help her lover made said fantasy come true.
Midnight x Mt Lady x Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 29: (Vouyerism)
Summary: Gabe has been watching you for a while now and has finally decided it time to come out and introduce himself.
Gabe x GN! Reader (Imagine)
Day 30: (Size Kink)
Summary: Nana is big and buff for a woman. She is quite used to hearing negative things about her muscly figure. The first thing she's ever received a compliment about her body was when you, her young girlfriend and successor's older sister, make a comment on how sexually aroused you are by her big muscles and all the filthy things you imagine she could to do to you with them.
Nana Shimura x All Might's Sister! Younger! Fem! Reader (Fic)
Which ones are you the most excited for?
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Mr Evershed x student!reader - live your youth
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Hi would you write number 66 on the 2024 prompts with Mr evershed x student!reader? - @rogerssssssss��
66: “Why do you insist on breaking all the rules?”
Running through the hallways, you wore a large grin on your face, gripping a doorframe so you could swing yourself around the corner before running down the next one.
“(Y/N)!” Mrs Carp yelled.
She was some distance behind you, unable to keep up, and you knew somewhere else there was another teacher trying to find you.
You ran straight towards the fire exit, pushing the bar to open the door, making your way outside.
You slowly your run into a jog, and you looked at the trophy that you had managed to take and grinned even more.
You spent ages trying to find the perfect place to put it, but you found it, and you placed it there, just in view of anybody who walked past and smirked at your handy work.
Hearing your name being shouted, you turned around, backing up a few steps before spinning around, nearly crashing into Mrs Carter and Mr Evershed.
“Nice to see you’re still in spirit.” Mrs Carter sighed.
“Never out of spirit miss, just thought I’d add some new decorations to the school.”
You side stepped around her and carried on walking backwards.
“Gotta run, but I’ll catch you tomorrow!”
Mrs Carter sighed.
“My office!”
“I’ll be there tomorrow! Got places to be and all of that!” 
Mr Evershed did try to catch you, but he failed, and you were gone from sight before he could even say anything about it.
You behaviour never changed, you were always up to something, finding some way to break the rules, trying to break as many in one day.
You spent a lot of time in resolve or detention, and Mr Evershed there was sure that since he started working there that there wasn’t a whole week combined where you weren’t on report.
As he listened to the chatter on the radio, he sighed heavily as he walked into the canteen.
“(Y/N) that’s enough!” He snapped out.
You looked at him from the table you were stood on, and you tossed a bag of crisps at him.
“You seem hungry.”
“I’m not hungry, I’m cross because everyday there seems to be something new with you, let’s go, my office.”
You smirked a little, jumping on a different table.
“Or what?”
“Or you can find yourself suspended.”
“Oo scary, suspension, I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing outside of school, that’s not going to stop much.”
He pointed to the door, and you gave a small bow to the students who laughed and clapped, and you jumped down, heading towards the door.
Hands in your pockets, you hummed happily to yourself, making your way to the office and stood behind a chair.
Mr Evershed sat down, placing a file on the table.
“You have the biggest folder here compared to any other student, yours is bigger than most of the students combined.”
“No, it’s not. It’s disruptive and honestly it’s concerning to see how relaxed you are about ruining your own education.”
You shrugged a bit, sitting down in the chair.
“Did you know that most of the students in this school don’t eat lunch.”
He blinked a little confused.
“What does that have to do with your behaviour?”
“Well, everybody is entitled to food, yet you’re here charging them for it, and if they can’t afford it they can’t it. So what if I’m handing food about, I paid for it, I don’t need it.”
“You were stood on a table throwing it.”
“I threw it at you, I nicely handed it to other people. I just happened to enjoy standing on things.”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I’ve had enough of your behaviour, at this rate you’re going to find yourself stuck, not going very far in life and you’ll be wondering why you wasted so many years being childish.”
“My mother said you should speak with anger, you should try that sometime.”
“(Y/N)!” He snapped.
You looked at him, smiling a little and he sighed.
“Do you think this is funny? Do you think it’s going to be funny when I call your parents? When you get suspended or expelled?”
“I think it’ll be hilarious.” You grinned.
Taking a deep breath, he got up, walking around to sit on the edge of the desk as he looked at you.
“Your lack of concern for your own future worry’s me, your behaviour worry’s me.”
“I’m just a nuisance, I’m not hurting anybody. Plus if you must know sir, I have some decent grades.”
“And you’ll think this behaviour will be tolerated in a work place?”
You half shrugged, leaning back in your chair as you looked up at him.
“Probably not, but I’ll grow up by then.”
“Why do you insist on breaking all the rules?”
You grinned a little.
“We’re kids sir, kids should be having fun, living life in their youth before we have to grow up and be boring, shoving us into little rooms, forcing us to take work outside of home, which by the way most jobs won’t make you do, it takes out time to be kids away from us.”
Mr Evershed furrowed his brows a little.
“People grow up too fast, I don’t want to look back later in life and see I didn’t do anything fun.”
“So, this is your way of trying to solve that?”
“Some rules are made to be broken.”
He shook his head.
“They’re made to be followed (Y/N).”
“If everybody followed the rules, I think that would be a boring world, we’d all be the same, there’d be no difference between me, you and the next person.”
He crossed his arms, raising a brow in question.
“What exactly is the difference between us here?”
“You’ve lived by the rules your whole life, I break them, you tell me. Who seems happier here?”
You grinned at him, and tried to look unimpressed but all he did was chuckle a little, shaking his head.
“All of this is just so you can live in your youth?”
“Maybe I’ll be embarrassed when I’m an adult looking back, but right now, I’m having the time of my life.”
“And that’s unfortunately going to land you in detention.”
You shrugged a little.
“Might as well go all in right?”
You stood up, and you walking over to his desk, flicking through your folder as he tried to take it back from you.
You ducked under his arm, read it aloud.
“Seriously? We’ve just talked about this.”
You ducked again, stepped around the table and you grinned from ear to ear, holding it up.
“Being the same as everyone is boring.”
With that, you tossed the file aside and jumped around the table as he went to get it and you were out of the room laughing loudly.
Yes, he was furious with you, but it did make him relieved to know that you weren’t just acting out for a serious reason.
You were just doing what kids did best, you were doing what any other teenager probably would’ve bern doing if the school rules weren’t in place.
It didn’t mean he wasn’t going to give you detention, of course he would, but it meant he knew that you meant no harm on anybody, which made things just a little better.
But of course you couldn’t go the afternoon without causing trouble, and he sighed as he heard your name over the radio and got up.
Maybe one day you could get through just a single day without trouble, today definitely wasn’t that day
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