#just wrap him in a giant marshmallow and call it a day
jmoonjones · 1 year
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1. Nyx learning to fly 🦇  2. Baby proofing a toddler menace 🩹
Due to his dramatic debut into the world, I can see Feyre and Rhys being a bit cautious with their winged faeby. I can also see Nyx being a little menace who’s always getting up to mischief anyway.
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Stolen Sweater
Pairing: Opie Winston x female!reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 700
Summary: You get cold at home and find warmth in one of Opie’s sweaters. When Opie returns from a quick run, his heart melts finding you in his sweater.
Warnings: None
A/N: This is Day 4 of the Season of Fluff 2023 prompt list that @katries created with the help of @mrsmatt
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Winter in Charming was one of those things that you had a love/hate relationship with. You loved being all snuggled up in the covers with a hot drink watching your favorite winter movie, you especially loved being wrapped in Opie’s arms under a blanket on the couch. However, you hated being out in the cold and you hated when Opie had to be out in the cold as well.
This was one of those times.
The club had to make a run to Stockton to work out some kind of trade deal from what you understood. When Opie left, you made sure he was wrapped up in a thick jacket and that his warmest beanie covered his head and ears. He gave you a loving kiss and an ‘I love you’ before mounting his bike and heading off to meet the guys at the clubhouse.
You watched him and once he was out of sight, you realized just how cold it was outside. Shivering, you re-entered your home and made a beeline to the master bedroom, specifically to Opie’s side of the closet. You dug through his shirts until you found what you were looking for — your favorite sweater of his. The second you slipped it over your head, you were instantly welcomed with warmth and comfort. His cologne still lingered on the sweater from the last time he had worn it despite having been washed, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
With Opie on the road and the kids in school, you decided to take some time to warm yourself up before running your errands and meeting Tara for lunch. You made yourself a hot chocolate with marshmallows piled high and curled up on the couch. If only I could stay here all day.
It was as if the universe heard your thought. Your phone began ringing, checking the caller ID you see it’s Tara. You answered and she informed you that she couldn’t meet for lunch today due to being swamped with surgeries all day long. Before ending the call, the two of you made plans for next week.
As much as you didn’t want to get up and run your errands, you knew you had to, unfortunately food wasn’t going to magically appear in the fridge. You let out a sigh and headed out the door with your purse and keys in hand.
Once the errands had been completed, you returned home and put away your groceries. After that you took your seat back on the couch, where you stayed until you heard the familiar rumble of Opie’s motorcycle. You heard the jingle of keys and the lock turning, the door opened revealing your gentle giant of a man entering your shared home. “Welcome back!” You beamed, jumping up from the couch and pulling him into a kiss which he happily reciprocated. “Thank God you’re back! I was so bored without you.” You spoke dramatically, eliciting a laugh from Opie which in turn had you laughing too. You loved hearing his laugh, it was so contagious and music to your ears. That laugh and his bright smile instantly made any bad day better.
“Luckily for you, it was a quick and easy trip.” He stepped back from you and studied what you were wearing. Opie had this feeling that something was different but he didn’t know what it was until he looked you over. “Is that my sweater?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. He knew it was but he wanted you to admit it.
“Nooooo…?” You answered, playfully nervous with a matching facial expression. You knew he didn’t care, in fact, he loved seeing you in his clothes. They way you drowned in them was something he found so adorable.
“I leave for half the day and come back to my girl in a stolen sweater from my side of the closet. Unbelievable!” Opie returned the playful teasing. “I’ll just have to steal something from you in return.” A mischievous smirk crept upon his face. The next thing you knew his lips were on yours. A stolen kiss. If this was always the outcome of stealing his clothes, then you’d never stop.
General Taglist: @kmc1989
Opie Winston Taglist: @kmc1989
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cynic-spirit · 26 days
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Tony Stark, the genius billionaire with a penchant for snark, stood in the cozy warmth of his lab at the Avengers Tower, effortlessly tinkering with some new gadget. His soulmate, Yn, however, was bundled up as if she were about to trek through the Arctic. She wore a thick, woolen coat, gloves, and a scarf tightly wrapped around her neck, topped with a fuzzy hat that barely allowed her to see.
"You know, Yn," Tony began, his tone dripping with amusement, "for someone so stylish, you sure know how to make a fashion statement. Are you planning to climb Everest after this, or just trying to impersonate a very fashionable snowman?"
Yn shot him a playful glare, her breath puffing out in visible clouds despite the insulated confines of the tower. "Not everyone has a miniature arc reactor keeping them warm, Tony. Some of us have to rely on good old-fashioned layers."
Tony grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he put down the tool he was working with. He sauntered over to her, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "You know, I could always build you a personal heating system. Something sleek, stylish, maybe even a little bit... Stark-branded. That way, you wouldn't have to look like you're preparing for a snowstorm every time the temperature drops a degree or two."
Yn huffed, though the corners of her mouth twitched in a smile. "Or, you could just turn up the thermostat."
Tony pretended to consider it for a moment, then shook his head. "Nah, where's the fun in that? Besides, I think it's cute. All bundled up, you look like a little marshmallow. My little marshmallow."
She rolled her eyes, unable to suppress a grin. "You're impossible, you know that?"
"And yet, you still love me," he quipped, leaning in to press a kiss on her cold cheek. His lips lingered for a second longer, and when he pulled back, his expression softened. "But seriously, if you're cold, just say the word. I'll build something for you, no problem."
Yn smiled warmly, the chill in her bones momentarily forgotten. "Thanks, Tony. But I think I'll stick with my layers for now. It gives you something to tease me about."
"You're right," Tony agreed, his eyes gleaming with affection. "And we both know how much I enjoy that."
He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. Despite his teasing, the warmth of his embrace was all she really needed. In that moment, it didn’t matter how cold it was outside—or inside. As long as Tony was there, Yn knew she’d always feel warm enough.
It was a particularly chilly day in New York, and despite the advanced heating systems in the Avengers Tower, Yn found herself struggling with the cold. She had piled on layers upon layers—starting with a thick thermal shirt, followed by a cashmere sweater, and topped off with a bulky winter coat. But even then, the biting cold seemed to seep through, leaving her feeling frozen to the core. Eventually, Yn resigned herself to the warmth of her favorite plush blanket, wrapping herself up until she resembled a giant furball with only a small part of her face visible.
Tony, as always, was unfazed by the weather. He was in his lab, casually dressed in his usual T-shirt, sleeves rolled up as he worked on his latest project. When he glanced over and saw Yn buried in her blanket cocoon, he couldn’t help but smile—a soft, genuine smile that rarely graced his features. The sight of his soulmate, huddled up and so thoroughly bundled, made something warm and protective stir in his chest.
"Sweetheart," Tony called out, his tone a mixture of amusement and affection, "are you planning on hibernating until spring?"
Yn shifted slightly, just enough to peek out from her blanket fortress. Her eyes were wide with disbelief as she stared at Tony, who looked completely unaffected by the cold. "How are you not freezing?" she asked, her voice muffled slightly by the layers around her. "You’re wearing a T-shirt, Tony! I can barely feel my toes, and I’m practically drowning in clothes and blankets."
Tony chuckled, setting down the tool he had been working with. He sauntered over to her, the sight of her nestled so deeply into the blankets only making his grin widen. "Well, I’ve got this nifty little device in my chest that keeps me nice and toasty," he said, tapping the arc reactor with a smirk. "Perks of being Iron Man."
Yn gave him a mock glare, her expression more pouty than angry. "I could use some of that toasty right now," she muttered, burrowing even deeper into her blankets until only her eyes were visible.
Tony knelt down beside the couch where she was cocooned, his gaze softening as he looked at her. He found it incredibly endearing—his usually composed and strong soulmate now reduced to a big, adorable furball of blankets, trying her best to fend off the cold. He reached out, gently brushing a stray lock of hair away from her face, his fingers grazing her chilled skin.
“You know,” he began, his voice lowering to a tender murmur, “you’re the cutest furball I’ve ever seen. It’s kind of unfair, really. Here I am, trying to work, and all I can think about is how adorable you look all bundled up.”
Yn’s eyes crinkled at the corners, a clear sign she was smiling beneath the layers. “I’m glad one of us is enjoying this,” she replied, her voice still muffled but warm with affection. “I don’t even want to get up, Tony. I’m too cold to move.”
Tony’s heart swelled with a mix of emotions—amusement, adoration, and a protective urge to make sure she was comfortable. He leaned in closer, pressing a kiss to her forehead, letting his lips linger against her cold skin. The contrast between his warmth and her chill sent a shiver through her, and he noticed, pulling back with a concerned look.
“You’re freezing, Yn,” he said, his teasing tone giving way to something more serious. “Let me warm you up.”
Before she could protest, Tony slipped his arms around her, carefully maneuvering his way into the blanket cocoon she had created. He settled in beside her, pulling her close against him, his body heat instantly seeping through the layers.
“Tony,” Yn began, a little surprised by his sudden closeness, “you don’t have to—”
“I know,” Tony interrupted softly, his breath warm against her ear. “But I want to. Besides, it’s not every day I get to cuddle with a human burrito. You’re stuck with me now.”
Yn sighed, the warmth of his body and the comforting weight of his arms around her easing some of the chill that had settled in her bones. She snuggled closer, resting her head against his chest, right where she could hear the faint hum of the arc reactor. It was oddly soothing, a reminder of the man who loved her enough to drop everything just to make sure she wasn’t cold.
“Feeling better?” Tony asked after a few moments, his voice laced with affection.
“A little,” Yn admitted, her voice softer now, more relaxed. “You’re like a personal heater.”
“Just one of the many services I offer,” Tony quipped, his hand gently rubbing circles on her back through the blanket. “But seriously, Yn, if you’re cold, just say the word. I’ll crank up the heat in here, or we can take a trip to somewhere warm. How about Hawaii?”
Yn chuckled, the sound muffled by the layers. “As tempting as that sounds, I think I’m good right here. As long as you’re with me.”
Tony smiled, a genuine, content smile that reached his eyes. “Good answer,” he said, pressing another kiss to her forehead. “Now, why don’t we just stay like this for a while? I’m not going anywhere.”
And for the first time that day, Yn felt completely warm. Not just from Tony’s body heat, but from the love and care he so openly showed her. Wrapped up in her blankets, with Tony by her side, the cold didn’t seem so bad after all.
As Tony held Yn close, he noticed that the usual soft murmurs of their conversation had fallen silent. The only sounds left in the room were the quiet hum of the arc reactor in his chest and the faint rustling of blankets as he adjusted his hold on her. Curiosity piqued, he tilted his head slightly and looked down at her, expecting to see those warm, deep eyes gazing up at him. But instead, what he saw made his heart swell with an emotion so profound it nearly took his breath away.
Yn had fallen asleep in his arms, her face relaxed and peaceful, framed by the layers of blankets she had wrapped herself in. Her breath was soft and even, a gentle rise and fall that spoke of utter comfort and trust. Her lips were slightly parted, and a stray lock of hair had fallen over her forehead. Tony couldn’t help but smile, his heart filling with a tender warmth that he hadn’t felt in what seemed like forever.
For a long moment, Tony just stared at her, memorizing the details of this serene scene. She looked so small, so delicate in his arms, yet there was something immensely powerful about the trust she placed in him. To fall asleep so deeply, so completely without worry—she felt safe with him. That realization filled Tony with a deep sense of contentment, something he hadn’t experienced in years, if ever.
As he held her, Tony’s thoughts began to drift back to the time before Yn had entered his life. He remembered the endless nights spent alone in his penthouse, the hollow feeling that had settled in his chest despite the luxury and success that surrounded him. He had everything a man could want—money, power, fame—but the one thing that had always eluded him was the connection he craved on a deeper, more personal level.
There were days when Tony had wondered if he would ever find his soulmate, the person who was supposed to complete him. The doubts had gnawed at him, especially in the quiet moments when the world around him seemed to stand still, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He had tried to distract himself—throwing himself into his work, creating suits, saving the world—but nothing ever filled the void that lingered in his heart.
But now, all of that seemed like a distant memory. Because here she was, Yn, snuggled up and sleeping in his arms without a care in the world. She had filled that void with her presence, with her warmth and love, in a way Tony hadn’t even realized he needed. And as he gazed down at her, Tony couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer luck—no, the fate—that had brought them together.
Tony’s arms tightened around Yn slightly, as if to ensure that she was real, that she wasn’t just another dream. The weight of her in his embrace, the warmth of her breath against his chest, all confirmed that she was indeed here with him. His heart ached with a fierce protectiveness, an overwhelming desire to keep her safe and happy, to make sure she never felt the loneliness he had once endured.
He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head, his lips lingering there as he closed his eyes. The scent of her hair, a mixture of vanilla and something uniquely Yn, filled his senses, grounding him in this perfect moment. He knew he would do anything to keep her in his life, to make sure she always felt as loved and cherished as she made him feel.
"Thank you," Tony whispered against her hair, his voice barely audible. "Thank you for being here, for finding me."
As Yn slept on, unaware of the depth of his thoughts, Tony continued to hold her, content to simply watch over her as she rested. In that quiet moment, with his soulmate in his arms, Tony Stark realized that he had finally found what he had been searching for all his life. And he knew, without a doubt, that he would never take it for granted.
For the first time in a long while, Tony Stark felt truly at peace. The cold, the loneliness, the doubts—they all seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of Yn’s presence in his arms and the steady beat of his heart against hers. And as he sat there, watching her sleep, Tony knew that this—right here, right now—was everything he had ever wanted. Everything he would ever need.
Tony carefully shifted his position, mindful not to disturb Yn as she slept peacefully in his arms. He knew he needed to get back to his work—there were always projects demanding his attention—but the thought of waking her up made him pause. She looked so content, so utterly at ease in her blanket cocoon, that Tony found himself hesitating, reluctant to break the spell of this quiet, intimate moment.
With the utmost care, Tony slowly began to ease Yn out of his embrace, sliding his arms out from beneath her while supporting her head and back. She murmured softly in her sleep, her face nuzzling briefly against his chest as if seeking out the warmth she had grown accustomed to. Tony’s heart gave a small, involuntary tug, but he continued, moving with a gentle precision that only years of working with delicate machinery could have trained him for.
Finally, he managed to lay her down on the couch, making sure she was still wrapped snugly in the blankets that had become her makeshift cocoon. He took a moment to adjust the layers, ensuring they were tucked around her just right, leaving no gaps for the cold air to sneak in. He even added an extra throw from the back of the couch, draping it over her for good measure. Satisfied that she was warm and comfortable, Tony stood up slowly, careful not to make any sudden movements that might rouse her.
But before he could step away, he remembered the one variable that could potentially ruin this peaceful scene: JARVIS. Tony’s AI assistant was incredibly efficient, but sometimes efficiency came with the drawback of unintended noise—like a sudden alert, a notification chime, or even just the sound of the AI’s voice responding to a query. The last thing Tony wanted was for Yn to be jolted awake by something as mundane as an update notification.
Leaning in closer to the nearest interface, Tony’s voice dropped to a low, almost conspiratorial whisper. “JARVIS,” he began, his tone firm but quiet, “listen to me very carefully. I don’t want to hear a single sound from you. No alerts, no updates, nothing. If you wake her up, I will dismantle you, piece by piece, and use your parts to build a toaster. Do I make myself clear?”
JARVIS, always attuned to Tony’s moods and whims, responded with a tone that could almost be described as amused, if such a thing were possible for an AI. “Crystal clear, sir. I shall remain silent until further notice.”
“Good,” Tony whispered back, casting one last glance at Yn’s peaceful form before straightening up and heading back to his workbench.
As Tony returned to his workstation, he felt a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, a smile that refused to leave no matter how hard he tried to focus on the task at hand. He had experienced countless moments of joy and satisfaction in his life—from building the first Iron Man suit in that cave to saving the world time and time again—but this was different. This was something softer, something more intimate, and it filled him with a warmth that had nothing to do with the arc reactor in his chest.
Sitting down at his workbench, Tony picked up the tools he had set aside earlier, his hands moving with practiced ease as he resumed his work. The lab was quiet, save for the occasional soft clink of metal against metal and the faint whirring of machinery in the background. But even in this silence, there was a new energy in the room, a kind of contentment that had settled over Tony like a comforting blanket.
Every so often, Tony would glance over at the couch, his eyes softening as he took in the sight of Yn, still curled up and fast asleep. The sight filled him with a sense of pride—pride that he could make her feel so safe, so loved, that she could fall asleep without a single worry in the world. It was a far cry from the man he had been before her, the man who had hidden his vulnerabilities behind sarcasm and bravado, unsure if he would ever find someone who could love him for who he truly was.
Now, as he worked, that old loneliness seemed like a distant memory. Yn had brought light into his life, a light that had banished the shadows he had once grown so accustomed to. And as he continued to tinker with the machinery in front of him, Tony found that the smile on his face was not just a product of the moment—it was a reflection of the profound happiness she had brought into his life.
Time passed, and Tony became absorbed in his work, but that smile remained, a constant reminder of the sleeping figure just a few feet away. For once, he didn’t feel the usual pressure to hurry, to finish the project as quickly as possible. There was a calmness in him, a patience that came from knowing that, when he was done, Yn would still be there, wrapped up in her blankets, waiting for him.
Tony allowed himself to bask in this quiet joy, to savor the rare sense of contentment that filled his heart. He knew that life would always be chaotic, that the world would continue to throw challenges his way, but he also knew that, with Yn by his side, he could face anything. She was his anchor, his constant, the one who had turned his house into a home.
And as he worked through the night, that smile—born of love, of gratitude, of a deep and abiding connection—never left his face.
Tony Stark had faced countless challenges in his life—building an empire, becoming Iron Man, and shouldering the responsibility of protecting the world. Yet, nothing had quite prepared him for the emotional whirlwind of discovering that his soulmate, Yn, was a beloved children's book author. The contrast between their worlds was so stark that it often left him in a state of disbelief, struggling to reconcile how someone as sweet and gentle as Yn could be fated to be with someone like him.
Yn's world was filled with whimsy and innocence. Her books were cherished by children and parents alike, brimming with stories of talking animals, magical forests, and adventures that always ended with a comforting moral. She had a gift for seeing the world through a lens of kindness and imagination, and it was this very gift that made her so beloved by millions. Her words had the power to soothe, to inspire, and to create a sense of wonder that seemed to touch everyone who read her stories. Yn was, in every sense, a beacon of light in a world that often felt too dark and complicated.
Tony, on the other hand, had spent most of his life immersed in a very different kind of world—one dominated by technology, power, and often, destruction. Stark Industries had been synonymous with cutting-edge weaponry long before he ever donned the Iron Man suit. His legacy was built on machines of war, tools designed to protect but also to destroy when necessary. Even after shifting the company’s focus to clean energy and humanitarian projects, the shadows of his past lingered, casting doubts and insecurities that he rarely allowed anyone to see.
It was these shadows that made it difficult for Tony to fully accept that someone as sweet and pure as Yn could truly be his soulmate. He often found himself questioning the cosmic forces that had brought them together, wondering if there hadn’t been some kind of mistake. How could he, a man who had built his fortune on weapons and whose very identity was tied to the armor he wore, be the other half of a woman who crafted worlds of innocence and wonder for children?
This contrast between them was something that Tony couldn’t ignore. He would often watch Yn at her desk, writing or sketching out ideas for her next book, her brow furrowed in concentration as she lost herself in her work. There was a gentleness to her that seemed almost otherworldly to him—a quality that felt so foreign compared to the harsh realities he was used to. He admired her ability to create beauty in the world, to offer something pure and untainted, even as he grappled with the knowledge of his own darker contributions to society.
There were moments when Tony felt a deep sense of unworthiness, as if he didn’t deserve the love and light that Yn brought into his life. He had seen and done things that he wasn’t proud of, made decisions that had cost lives, and even though he had tried to make amends, the weight of those choices still bore down on him. Yn, with her boundless kindness and her talent for creating joy, seemed too good for him, too pure for the complexities of his world. It was hard for Tony to imagine how someone like her could ever fully understand or accept the darker parts of his life.
Yet, despite these doubts, Tony couldn’t help but be drawn to Yn, as if she were a balm for his wounded soul. She had a way of making him feel lighter, of helping him see the good that still existed within him, even when he struggled to see it himself. Yn never shied away from who Tony was; she accepted him, flaws and all, and somehow managed to find beauty in the contrasts that defined their relationship.
Yn often spoke about how every story needed balance—how even the sweetest tales had moments of conflict or sadness that made the happy endings all the more meaningful. She would tell Tony that their relationship was just like one of her stories: it was the balance between their worlds that made their connection so special. To her, Tony wasn’t just a man of war and armor; he was someone who had fought for change, someone who had turned his life around to make the world a better place. She saw the hero in him, not just the weapons manufacturer or the man in the iron suit.
Tony found himself clinging to these reassurances, even as he continued to struggle with his doubts. He admired Yn’s ability to find light in the darkness, to see the potential for good in even the most flawed of characters. It was this perspective that slowly began to change the way Tony saw himself, helping him to accept that maybe, just maybe, he was worthy of the love she offered.
There were still days when Tony would sit in his workshop, staring at the array of weaponry he had created, and feel a pang of guilt. But now, those moments were tempered by the knowledge that Yn was waiting for him upstairs, ready to share her latest story idea or simply to cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie. Her presence in his life was a reminder that he didn’t have to be defined by his past, that he could be more than just the sum of his mistakes.
Yn’s influence on Tony was profound. She had a way of softening his rough edges, of bringing out the parts of him that he had long buried under layers of cynicism and self-reliance. With her, he could let his guard down, allow himself to be vulnerable in a way that he had never been able to before. She taught him that it was okay to embrace the sweeter, softer aspects of life, that it didn’t make him any less of a man or a hero.
In time, Tony began to see their relationship not as a contradiction, but as a beautiful paradox—a testament to the idea that even in the most unexpected pairings, there could be harmony. Yn’s sweetness wasn’t a contrast to his strength; it was a complement to it. Together, they created a balance that made them both stronger, both more complete.
And so, Tony learned to accept, and even to cherish, the fact that his soulmate was a woman who wrote stories for children, who believed in the power of imagination and kindness. It was this very sweetness, this light that Yn brought into his life, that made Tony believe in the possibility of redemption, of becoming the man she saw when she looked at him with those loving, understanding eyes.
In the end, it wasn’t about whether or not they were an obvious match. It was about the fact that they had found each other, that despite their differences, they had created something beautiful together. Yn’s world of wonder and Tony’s world of technology had merged in a way that neither of them had expected, but both had come to treasure. It was a love story as unique and unexpected as the two of them, and Tony wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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tsarisfanfiction · 5 months
Fall of the Sky, the Starting Verse
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Teen Genre: Angst/Supernatural Characters: Jerry, Apollo, Zeus After Hal, Apollo tried to stop his children inheriting his prophecy domain. Unfortunately, sometimes the Fates have other ideas. TOApril day 20 - Chaos Soup. I couldn't not go revolution!fic with this, so enjoy a symbolic variant of the much awaited Olympic Revolution, as witnessed by a poor demigod.
In Jerry’s experience, there was three different types of dreams.
The first one was the regular ones, the daft ones where he was climbing up the side of Big Ben except Big Ben was actually a giant marshmallow, or running through Hyde Park when Hyde Park suddenly turned into Lords and he was streaking through an active cricket match, burning with embarrassment and horror because he’d probably just ruined his chances of ever playing for England – at least until he woke up and the dreams faded from memory.
Everyone got those dreams, that was normal.  Sometimes they were scary instead, but nightmares were still normal, Mum had promised him over and over again when he was a kid.
The second one was the demigod dreams, where warnings were wrapped up in just enough symbolism to make them seem vague but were actually clear as a bell for any demigod who had had more than one of the things.  It was an open secret in cabin seven that those were sent by their dad (less an open secret in the rest of camp; Jerry didn’t even know if the other campers got those sorts of dreams much, or if it was Apollo giving them special attention.  He didn’t much care, either).  Those were the ones they talked about in the cabin, trying to pick apart what their dad wanted them to notice and making plans to avoid whatever dire consequences seemed to be barrelling their way.  Jerry also included their dad’s casual dream visits in that category, even if they were usually less warning based and more chill.
Then there was the third type of dreams.
For years, Jerry had thought they were the same as the demigod dreams, the ones they all got, with varying frequency.  The ones that Apollo sent to keep them safe.  They were just… vaguer, more nonsensical and far harder to puzzle out.
He’d asked Apollo about them, after his dad’s re-ascension to godhood, when they were actually father and son and for the first time, Jerry knew he was talking to his dad when the blond guy showed up in his dreams with a warm smile and music in his hands.  Why some of them were so abstract, and how he was supposed to translate them.
Jerry was never going to forget the look on his dad’s face, the heartbreak in his eyes, as he’d told him they weren’t from him.  That, somehow, and despite his dad’s apparent efforts to the contrary, he’d managed to inherit a fraction of Apollo’s prophecy domain.
(He had asked why Apollo tried to hold it back from them.  The short story about a big brother he’d never meet with prophecy in his veins and a curse on his voice thoroughly convinced him.  It also terrified him, and he knew Apollo hadn’t told him everything about Hal.  He didn’t want to know any more.)
To everyone else, he pretended that there were only two types of dream.  Just the normal ones and the demigod ones.  It was easy enough to do, because until that chat with Apollo he hadn’t known there were more than two.  The only change now was that whenever he had one of those Prophecy dreams, he was under orders to call his dad as soon as he could and tell him what he’d seen, which he was more than willing to do.
(He was also under orders to never, ever try and change what he’d seen.  Leave the decisions and potential aversions to Apollo.  If they were needed and possible, his dad would handle it, while Jerry stayed safe.  There were no complaints from Jerry about that arrangement, either.  Not after the horror story.)
This dream was unmistakably the third type of dream.
It had that ethereal vagueness that Apollo’s gifted dreams just didn’t, a feeling that there was something missing – or maybe something extra there.  Jerry didn’t have a physical manifestation, here.  He wasn’t there, despite being there, and the dichotomy of two impossibilities clashing together with him in the middle only happened in a Prophecy dream.
He was glad of his lack of physical manifestation, though, because nothing had one, not really.  There were no humans, no beasts, no monsters in his dream.  Instead there were what he’d come to think of as representations, stand-ins for things that his waking mind could never compute.
This time, the main attraction of the dream was a mass of sparking, vibrant electrical discharge that shot out mega bolts of lightning that would blind him in an instant, if he existed, swirling around inside a tempest of clouds of every conceivable colour.  Monochromatic whites, blacks and greys churned with greens and purples and the red of a warning dawn in an inconceivable amalgamation.  Every micron of it screamed fury, anger, distress as it lashed out again and again and again.  Worlds crumbled, crushed by the weight of falling skies.
Yet through it all, the light never faded.  The light just was, in a way that its absence was an impossibility that could not be overthrown and forced into the realms of possibility instead.  Lightning crashed through the light, but lightning was also light, and the light trumped the lightning at every turn, with an endless endurance as the lightning grew more and more chaotic – frantic, if that was a word that could be applied to a force of nature.
There were other things as well, horses made of seafoam and lathering at the mouth darting through the tempest as though it was little more than a light breeze, skeletons of unknown beasts with eyes of gemstones not yet discovered by humanity charging in the wake of the horses, leading the way for the horses, ignoring the horses entirely whilst working together with them so seamlessly they could have been of one mind.  More things still, but even in the dream to expand his comprehension further would be to break his mind.
Jerry comprehended what he needed to, what he could compartmentalise with the waking mind, and nothing else as the light flared, brighter and more vibrant than the most violent of lightning bolts and swallowing it up, devouring it until there was nothing left.
Then the sky finished falling, crashing through the worlds it had crushed and going down, down, down, further and further and further, away from the light and through the dark and beyond that again, into something Jerry would never, ever be able to describe.  It was nothing and everything all at once, beginnings and endings, immeasurable in its abyss.
If you stare into the abyss, the abyss will stare back.
He jerked awake with a gasp, lungs taking a moment longer than they ought to before remembering how to work and drag much needed oxygen inside.  Sleeping on the top bunk was cool, normally, but he could feel the vertigo clutching at him tightly, the world spinning around and threatening to drop him onto the ceiling from where he lay.  The concept of moving felt like Jerry’s mortal enemy, even when he came back into his body enough to realise that he was shaking like a leaf.
That was a new dream.  That was a Prophecydream, and the details beyond his comprehension were already long gone, but the core of it remained, and Jerry was terrified of what it was trying to say.
“Dad,” he rasped, feeling like he’d done nothing but gargle sand for a week.  The corners of his eyes were tight and a little bit hot, and something unpleasantly cool trickled down the side of his face and into his ears.  “Apollo.”
His dad needed to know about that one.
Except he didn’t come.
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Day 13- Fall
The other 3 are on their way. Eventually. I just had zero ideas and was wasting time staring at my computer.
I spelled Kosmo wrong so many times before I finally remembered that it's spelled with in s (k-o-s-m-o, not k-o-z-m-o)
'can you die of sugar overdose?' is now in my search history : )
Kosmo lets out a giant dog sneeze.
The dog does not do great around this time of year and always sneezes like crazy. But that's not stopping him from going outside with Keith. This time of year is great for taking long runs. Keith took Kosmo off the leash ago, it's not necessary outside the apartment complex. The only reason he owns one is because his annoying neighbors like to threaten to call the police if Kosmo is off-leash. Keith could take any of them in a fight (verbal or physical), but he'd rather not have Shiro bail him out of jail. He'd never hear the end of it.
All around, bright leaves of all colors float lazily down from their trees. The ones that get too close to Keith do flips in the air to avoid him. The crisp air bites into his skin and is a stark contrast with the heat in his flushed cheeks. His hair is pulled back into a ponytail, so the fall breeze tickles the back of his neck.
Kosmo barks brightly at a sunny yellow bird that zips past them.
Usually, they take a giant loop down to the beach and back to their apartment, but today they're headed somewhere different.
Keith stops at a pretty exposed brick building. The trees frame it perfectly, and there are three steps lined by decorative railings on either side that lead up to a bold red door.
He walks Kosmo up the steps, making sure his dog's giant clumsy paws don't slip on the little brick stairs.
There's a small potted plant resting next to the door, a withered plant drooped over the side of its pot, unrecognizable if not for the single sunflower that rises from the center. The doormat reads, 'Your shoelaces are untied' and is so old that the stitching down the sides is starting to fray.
Kosmo tries to eat the flower.
Keith knocks softly on the door, and it flies open with a giant creak. "Keith! You're here!" Lance tumbles out to wrap Keith up in a tight hug. Keith grabs onto him to stop himself from tripping back down the stairs. "It's nice to see you too, Lance."
When they pull apart, Kosmo has already bounded into the house. Lance pulls him inside, and Keith is greeted by their friends. Shiro waves to him before returning to his conversation with Hunk. Pidge nods at him from across the room, and Adam gives him a salute. Allura and Coran call out a greeting.
The door opens into a cozy living room, separated from the kitchen with a countertop between the two.
Keith is handed a cup of hot chocolate. It has whipped cream piled up in a huge overflowing mountain on top, complete with 5 kinds of sprinkles and a handful of giant marshmallows. He's pretty sure there's a gummy worm somewhere in there. Diced strawberries are sprinkled here and there. Of course, it's all in one if those super tall Starbucks mugs. Hunk knows him so well.
Lance laughs and passes Keith the whipped cream bottle, knowing he'll want more. "I swear you're made of sugar at this point. I don't know how you scowl so much with all of that sweetness in you. You're worse than my niblings."
Keith pouts and holds his cup close to his chest. He points the whipped cream at Lance's face. "Shush. Let me be happy or you'll get a face full of sugar."
Lance puffs his chest out. "Well joke's on you because that is actually great for your skin. Or at least that's what google said. So there."
Keith is too busy spraying it into his own mouth to listen. He hears his friends snickering at him, so he puts so under his nose. He turns to them and pretends to twirl the end of it like a moustache.
Pidge snorts so hard that the hot chocolate they were sipping shoots out of their nose. They collapse back onto the couch with a drawn out groan.
Keith has to take some deep breaths to avoid the same fate (the whipped cream is slowly dissolving in his mouth).
He grabs a few more toppings before retreating back to the living room.
Lance chooses the armchair next to a large window. He pulls Keith down onto his lap, and Keith settles sideways so that his legs hang over the arm of the seat. Lance's arm rests on Keith's stomach, and he sips slowly at his sugary drink.
Kosmo runs over to them and settles on top of Lance's feet. The man smiles warmly. "Thanks bud, I didn't want to get up for socks. It's getting colder outside."
Keith knows he smells like sweat, but Lance combs his fingers though the smaller man's hair anyway.
Keith makes grabby hands for the book sitting on the table beside them, and Lance passes it to him.
Lance reaches into Keith's hoodie pocket to pull out the pair of black glasses that usually rest in there and slides them onto Keith's face.
He tips his head back and closes his eyes while Keith reads and drinks his hot chocolate. Shiro opens the window behind them and drapes a blanket over them both.
All Keith can think about is the words in his book and Lance's warm arms around him.
Warm fuzzies.
This is the mug I was talking about. I really want one of these:
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planet-magic-land · 7 months
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°₊·ˈ∗♡ meet the friends ♡∗ˈ‧₊°
more info on each character under the Keep Reading! :-]
Jack Honey-Dew 🔩
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"Jack is what you get when you take Love and squash it down as much as possible into one, singular form. With an ever creative inventor as a parent, it's no wonder Jack is such a lover for all things technology! A little bundle of love and a giant nerd"
👃- smells like Baking
🔊- voice; Car Noises
🐾- feels like a marshmallow
🕹️- Jack can shrink down and fit into small areas where others simply won't fit!
❓- she lives in a lil house on a roundabout with her pet woof Goldie, loves hanging out with her best friend Daryl, and LOVES her big girlfriend Chalk :)
🌟- Jack's favourite Smell is Vanilla
Daryl Battenburg 🦀
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"the best boy you'll ever meet! Daryl loves helping others wherever he can, though when that often gets overwhelming for him, you'll find him back at his home in the calming countryside of Easter Evergreens, taking each day as it comes.."
👃- smells like Bonfire
🔊- voice; Saxophone
🐾- feels like a pincushion
🕹️- Daryl can glide over short distances with his little wings!
❓- he has a pet Snail called April, loves hanging out with his best friend Jack, and he has a Heart of Gold.. and a Skeleton of Gold.. Yes.
🌟- Daryl's favourite Food is the Jam that both his Mums make at home :)
Chalk Sunshine 🦈
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she/her - they/them
"there are ancient tales lost to time of The Legendary One Armed Blacksmith, who spent their life not building weapons, but prosthetics and creations to help benefit Magic Land rather than harm it, who knew that this mysterious Legendary Blacksmith was such a Big Softie! literally!"
👃- smells like Vanilla
🔊- voice; Toy Piano
🐾- feels like a plushie :)
🕹️- all of her experience with Blacksmithing has granted Chalk immunity to fire!
❓- she has a secret compartment in her chest, will often hold their own tail for comfort when nervous or overwhelmed, and LOVES her little girlfriend Jack :)
🌟- Chalk's favourite Thing is Bubble Wrap, they like the sound and texture :)
Kirb ⛄
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she/her - they/them
"said to have fallen from the sky like a shooting star, she may have no memory of where she came from, but to be honest with such an empty head she doesn't seem to have the attention span to care about that too much, and would rather play in the playground and take naps with her closest friend Bee."
👃- smells like Fresh Fudge
🔊- voice; Humming
🐾- feels like a fully filled firm balloon
🕹️- Kirb is surprisingly stronger than she looks!
❓- she prefers humming over talking, quietly squeaks and creaks due to her Balloon Body, and she can sometimes Get Really Big. she doesn't know how she can do this. She Just Can.
🌟- Kirb's favourite Thing is her Blankie
Bee 🖨️
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"long ago on Garden Island, there was the Dream Machine, and it pumped out many creatures called Bees, all similar in looks, different in colours, but identical in their Enthusiasm, High Energy, and Motivation to learn new skills and explore. One day, a Bee came out who was, a little bit different. Her colours didn't quite match, and she lacked that High Energy and Motivation that the other Bees were full of, and though the other Bees treated her no differently, our Bee felt like she didn't quite belong, so, she set out by herself, to try and find purpose and peace within herself.."
👃- smells like Rain
🔊- voice; Banjo
🐾- feels like flocked cardboard (all Bees are like this)
🕹️- Bee might be slower than the others, but she can jump higher!
❓- she lives in a van, has thoughts about one day opening a coffee shop (once she figures out what "coffee" is) and prefers the silent company of Kirb
🌟- Bee's favourite Smell is Fresh Dirt
Snowbly Goodfriend 🦆
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"once upon a pasture there was a duck and the duck lived in a pond and one day a guy called angel told the duck You Must Build A Shed because a Great Big Truck Full Of Tools will crash and theyll need somewhere for the tools Obviously so the duck took the closest hammer they could get but the very large hammer they took was Thors so he cursed the duck into a different body but then the Not Duck took the very large hammer again and was banished yes the end"
👃- smells like Lavender
🔊- voice; Quack Quack
🐾- feels like a mattress (all Snowfriends are like this)
🕹️- Snowbly can reach where others simply can't with the mighty power of their magic extendable hammer, Smight!
❓- they love to work on all things vehicular, are basically the baby of the group, and them and Kirb silently see each other as Siblings
🌟- Snowbly's favourite Food is Toast. Burnt.
Kipling 💢
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"A Quest Be Upon Thee! Can YOU help the mighty Hero climb to the top of the Crying Crystal Cat Tower to reach the Time Device and defeat Kipling, Queen of Chaos? Scale Countless Floors of danger and surprise! Slay Monstrous Beasts! Collect the VII Idols, and purge this wicked land of all that stand in the way of Hero! available wherever games are sold."
👃- smells like Fast Food
🔊- voice; Spooky Halloween Noises
🐾- feels like a PUNCH TO THE FACE!!!1!
❓- Kipling loves to boast that she is the "Villain Of Everything Ever", has very little tolerance for anyone and anything that gets on her nerves in the slightest, though has a soft spot for the rest of the group HEY DON'T TELL THEM THAT
🌟- Kipling's favourite Thing is The Beach IT CALMS ME DOWN OKAY. YOU TELL ANYONE AND I'LL BITE YOU.
Stranger 🎱
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she/her - they/them - it/its
"a Space Robot infused with the DNA of several now-extinct Aliems, she spent a huge part of her past escaping what she was made for, and then spent the rest of it exploring every nook and cranny of whichever slivers of Magic Land's outer rims she could fit into. Other than that, she's a walking enigma, and trying to figure out what goes on inside that confusing mind of hers will only teach you one thing; she's a Weird Creacher and you might as well accept it."
👃- smells faintly like Gasoline
🔊- voice; Pipe Organ (though she doesn't speak often enough to hear it)
🐾- feels like foam
🕹️- Stranger's built in filters and Aliem DNAs grant her immunity to Toxic Chemicals such as Eggplant Gas, Grey Pollen, and Stinky Spores!
❓- she can switch between two separate heads, often carries around her Teddy Bear that also serves as storage for all sorts of items (including whichever head she isn't using), and she is on a personal quest for the One True 8 Ball..
🌟- Stranger's favourite Food is The Fried Egg
thank you for reading!!! �� =^ ᴥ ^= ʔ /°₊·ˈ∗♡
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
black moon | kinkmas | day twelve
chapter title: “cœur saignant” (”bleeding heart” in french)
pairing: alex skolnick x fem!oc
tags: outdoor sex, tantric sex, camping, very slight food kink
ao3 link | kinktober/sister piece “eclipse”
minors dni? minors dni ❄️💋❄️💋
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Leaves crunched underneath Christine’s boot-clad feet. The redwoods loomed strong and high over her head, a series of towering skyscrapers courtesy of Mother Nature herself, all around her and every which way. She was somewhat familiar with that part of California; granted, it had been some time since she had last visited the park itself, but she knew about pathways and little avenues around those tall, towering trees to the little campground at the heart of the trees.
She shivered at the feel of a cold wind at her back: the forest stood within range of the ocean, and thus, a strange amalgam of those redwood trees, leaves from the trees that lined the shoreline itself, pine needles from up above, and pale white and beige sand at the center of it all. Christine glanced up to the canopy which loomed high over her head, as well as the darkening sky: she knew she had to be close, otherwise there was no way that she could venture through that forest with nothing more than her naked eye.
She reached a small clearing and stopped for a better view of those tall trees which loomed high over her. A cluster of giants which met up under the light of the moon before it rose for the evening.
A whiff of smoke caught her attention, and she turned her attention to right across the clearing.
He awaited her there.
Christine made her way across the pale sand to the other side of the clearing, and there was Alex, wrapped in all black from his head down to his feet, and right before a fire pit with a large roaring campfire inside of it. He turned his head for a glance up at her, and he showed her a little smile.
“Hey, there’s my girl,” he greeted her once she came within earshot. She stared straight ahead for a moment, and she beheld the little tent nestled in the trees, and she knew that belonged to them.
“There’s my baby,” she returned the favor, and she gently caressed his shoulder before she took her seat next to him. “Good call with the redwoods.”
He shrugged. “I had a feeling you’d been up here before,” he confessed to her in a low voice. “Shall we make s’mores?”
“Yes, please.”
He reached behind him for a pair of metal spits and some of those large marshmallows. Christine roasted two at a time while Alex risked it with four, two on each tine. Moreover, he was eager to set each marshmallow on top of the graham cracker once they were crispy enough.   Christine blew on the two that she had roasted to the point of blackening, and then she tucked the chocolate bar underneath, followed by the graham.
“I vote we eat s’mores every night,” she told him.
“Eh, eating too many of them will make you gain weight,” he muttered to himself. “Says the guy who just made four.” Indeed, he had four fresh, almost picture-perfect s’mores upon his lap, with the grahams firmly intact, the chocolate barely melted, and the marshmallows golden on two sides each.
“Better eat ‘em up,” Christine teased him, and then she took a bite of her second one. She nestled closer to him once she felt another gust of cold wind behind her.
As they continued to make up more s’mores, the darkness fell over them, and she knew that the rain was upon them as well. When Alex downed his eighth s’more, and he leaned back against the tree trunk right behind him with his hands on his flat but full stomach, Christine could smell the rain around them.
She turned for a look over at him and the faraway look upon his face. He had leaned back so far that he almost lay flat on his back, but nevertheless, she could take a full look into those deep-set eyes. The pain was still very fresh with him, such that she wondered if kissing his wounds would do anything to alleviate the pain, if at all.
He glanced up at her, and the flames from the campfire illuminated his deep blue eyes.
“Penny for your thoughts, my snow bunny?” he asked her in a soft voice. She took the final bite of her sixth s’more, and then, once she licked the residual chocolate and marshmallow off her fingers, she leaned back towards him, right into his face.
“I want to help you,” she told him, and she rested her free hand on the back of his hand, which he kept upon his stomach. He showed her a little smile, and then he raised his gaze at her: his prominent brow accentuated the shape of his eyes; the reflection of the flames danced over the rounded side of his face and the corner of his lips. She had never seen a boy so handsome.
“The same way I want to help you, Chris,” he said in a soft voice.
He closed his eyes, and she held his face in her hands. She pressed her lips onto his for the softest kiss so far, complete with the sweet and warm flavors of all the delicious s’mores he had eaten, such that it sent a shiver down her spine, and all the way down to her toes.
The feeling of ice underneath that warm sweetness. The cold kiss of a deep pain in junction with the fire behind them.
“Let me touch you,” she whispered into his face. “Let me touch you and feel you.”
He lingered back towards the tree stump right behind him. Christine reached for his chest, for the softest caress that he could ever ask for. She rested her hands on either side of her face, and that time around, she slid her tongue right into his mouth for a full taste of him. Alex closed his eyes as she relished the feeling of his teeth upon the pad of her tongue.
His whole body relaxed, and he set his arms around her. Though he had nothing more than the trunk of the tree right behind him, he still leaned back: and Christine pressed her chest against his, and she could feel him shift his weight underneath her body.
His fingers slithered up onto the back of her head, and his middle and ring fingers coiled around the roots of her hair to where he had a full grip on her, and a chill ran down her spine as a result. She slid her hands down the sides of his neck, down onto his chest and then his sides. Though she lay on top of him, she wanted to feel the warm skin underneath his sweatshirt. His skin was soft: an abused boy had to have the softest skin in the world given he felt so vulnerable.
No way that she could feel him out there, however: they needed a safe place. A safe zone, like the safety of the cabin in the hills.
A quiet place.
“Let’s go into our sleeping bag,” she whispered right into his ear.
“Yeah, let’s,” he quipped with a twinkle in his eye.
She climbed off his body, and she stood up to her feet, and she extended a hand to him. With a smile on his face, he took her by the hand, and she led him away from that big hot fire there in the pit. She led him through the clearing, across the fallen leaves and pine needles, and with the wind at their backs; she could feel him shiver through her hand as the sight of their little tent entered her view. She glimpsed back at him over her shoulder, only to see his smile growing bigger and bigger.
Christine reached the doors of the tent first, and she unzipped it in one fell swoop. Before she climbed in, however, she kicked off her boots and then took off her jeans: Alex followed suit right behind her with his boots and his sweatshirt, followed by his pants. As he stood there with his shirt off and slung over his hands and wrists, complete with his black curls tousled over his shoulder, Christine looked on at him against the glow of the campfire behind them as well as the cold sky overhead.
“You look like a lumberjack,” she told him, and he pressed his hand onto his hip at the sound of that. But then a rush of cold wind made him recoil at the feeling, and he tossed his shirt into the tent. Once they both had stripped off their clothes and bowed into the tent, and Christine had done the honor of switching on the hurricane lantern nestled there in the far right-hand corner, the winds picked up some more, and they both knew that the rain was upon them.
Alex peeled back the top of the sleeping bag while Christine closed the doors of the tent.
He lay down on his back with his arms tucked in from the small width of the tent, but then something left him reeling.
“I’m lying on a pinecone,” he groaned. He lay down flat on the floor of the tent without anything other than that little blow-up mattress in there, but she wondered as to how a pinecone beneath the tent would fare with that mattress in question. Nevertheless, he writhed and lifted his body up a bit, so his waist and his hipbones rose before her. He grimaced from the feeling, and yet, Christine had a full view of his hipbones as well as his belly button.
“What?” he asked her as she let the smile creep across her face.
“I kind of like you all risen up like this,” she confessed as she ran her finger down his hip. His waist was slender and flat, except for the little soft spot around his belly button. The light from the lantern washed over his bare skin, which in turn made it seem much softer. “This is a beautiful part of your body, Alex. Absolutely gorgeous. It's a very sexy part, I should say.”
“Oh, yeah, sexy bellies, of course,” he quipped with a playful little roll of his eyes.
“No, I mean, I kind of want to—” She leaned down and gently kissed him right on the edge of the hipbone. His skin was very soft there, almost like silk; when she moved in closer to his belly button, his skin only felt softer and smoother. He treated her to a gentle groan from the back of his throat.
“Ooh, yeah, that is sexy,” he said in a low, husky voice. “Mainly because you’re about three inches from giving me a beej.”
“Mmm, beautiful,” she whispered in between kisses there. She raised her head for a look down at his lower belly, at the soft smooth skin there and the delicate shape of his hips. They were ever so slightly wide, as if to balance out the wide shape of his shoulders and his upper body: with wide hips meant that he could carry his weight rather well should he grow heavier. He carried the softness to his waist, and thus, he could have an even nicer shape to his body.
“You have such gorgeous hips,” she told him with a little smile and a gentle caress there.
“Nah, you’re the one with gorgeous hips,” he retorted back to her. “Gorgeous, womanly hips.” And yet, as the words left those soft little lips, she could see the pain in his eyes. The pain in his eyes to bleed in with the pain in his heart.
Christine rested her hands on either side of his body, and she pushed herself up so she could lock eyes with him. His baby blues locked with hers and he parted his lips at the sight of her; his dark eyebrows raised up ever so slightly, and his face softened. Her eyes caressed down the sinewy, smooth shape of his neck and his collar bones, all the way down to his chest and his stomach. Not a blemish one, but he had scars invisible to the naked eye.
She nudged a lock of black hair from the side of his face, and he closed his eyes at the feel of her fingers on his skin. She ran her fingers down the side of his neck and his collar bones: his skin there resembled porcelain in terms of feeling.
“You have such a beautiful body,” she whispered to him. “Absolutely beautiful, delicate almost. I cannot believe that woman abused you.”
“She abused me for so long,” he told her. “It was one of those things—I just didn’t want to believe it but over time, I figured it out. I figured out that she was fucking with my head, and she acted in such a way that made me hate myself. It was true. It was all so true...” His voice trailed off, and Christine could feel the pain in his chest, the pain in his body. She rested her hands on his chest, and she gently kissed the side of his neck. He let out a soft groan at the feel of her lips there.
She ran her hand down his stomach once again, that time for a feel of the smooth silken skin below his waist. Just a gentle round of pleasuring below the belt, the softest touches there, the softest caresses that she could ever give for him, lest she awaken something that she needn’t open for him.
Every gentle whimper, every soft groan, every caress on her part, every kiss on his neck, and Christine knew that she could make some progress from there on out. It wasn’t her who needed the uncovering, but him. They could meet up in the middle somewhere along the way and they could walk each other home as a result.
“So soft,” she whispered. “So soft, and so sweet.”
“I’ve been tenderized...” His voice slithered out in a wispy, broken wave of a pain she wished to feel.
“Mmm...” She could feel his pain and the hole in the form of that thing that he was looking for this whole entire time. She could feel the blues in his heart and soul. Underneath that collected demeanor and those stern eyebrows was a boy in great pain. Christine lay her head right next to his, and she put her arm around his bare chest.
“I’m in love with this body,” she whispered to him; she whispered even though the winds began to pick up and the storm was coming into the forest. “It’s just you and me out here. I want the earth to take us both in her arms and hold us—the same way I'm holding you right now.”
He slithered his arm down her back, all the way down to the top of her ass as if he was about to hold her there. But his fingers never made past the top of her ass: instead, he held onto her naked hip, as if to take in the full shape of her body all for him. Their nude bodies against one another, and she could feel every inch of his skin and the tender, sinewy shape of his body. She was all for him, and he was all for her as well.
“Sweet baby...” she whispered right into his face, and he cracked her a little smile, albeit a pained smile. She brought her hand over to his stomach to better feel his warmth there, and she swore that he felt a lot softer there than before. She took a glimpse up to his face and the tears that brimmed in his eyes: they looked to be sitting there on the edges of his eyelids as if they wanted to bleed forth, but they never did.
If only she could make him see the beauty in himself. If only she could make this boy love himself.
She would have to love him until he loved himself.
“We oughta go to a beach next,” he told her.
“Another place to love you,” she replied as she ran her finger down his chest. “Another place for us to feel each other and for me to love you.”
“Hang on a second,” he quipped right then, and Christine lifted herself up over him. Alex sat up and he reached down for the top of the sleeping bag. He tugged it up over their bodies, to which she burrowed down next to him. He then reached down for the zipper, and he tugged it up his left side: before he tugged the zipper pull up to the side of his chest, he reached up and switched off the lantern. Darkness, darkness except for the glow of the campfire out there, swept over them.
Alex let out a low whistle, and he laid his head down onto the soft pillow. Christine cuddled up close to him, and she rested her hand upon his warm chest once again, but that time to feel the beating of his heart. The two of them in a soft little cocoon away from the cold harsh world outside. The two of them nestled down in a safe place.
“Something about being outside,” he remarked as he tucked his hands underneath his head. “Being outside, out in the wilderness... it’s kind of sexy, if I'm honest.”
Christine propped her chin up in her hands. “I thought you were a city person,” she recalled.
“Ah, but I am,” he assured her. “It’s just—when I'm out in nature, I'm very appreciative. I must be. It's our last refuge as humans.”
The darkness swelled up around the two of them, and Christine could feel her eyelids growing heavier and heavier. Indeed, Alex shifted his weight underneath her, and he rolled over onto his side part of the way so she could nestle in even closer to him. Rain drops pattered on the roof of the tent, but she knew that they and their clothes were safe from it all.
He bowed his head closer to her, and she drifted off to sleep right next to him, engulfed in his warmth.
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veronicaphoenix · 9 months
wrapped in winter embers | n.s.
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One-shot ✨ Pairing: noah sebastian x fem. reader
Tags and cw: Established relationship. Christmas fluff with sexual content, hot chocolate, snow, and oral sex (both receiving), p in v, slight bondage, unprotected sex, chocolate and marshmallows included, mentions of pregnancy, and a glittery dick (yes, read to find out what I’m talking about). Not beta read. Just needed to get this out of my head. Enjoy :) | AO3
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I found myself sitting in awe before the giant Christmas tree that had been set up in the expansive living room of our recently acquired home. We had moved in a mere ten months ago, and I had been looking forward to Christmas so that I could put a giant pine tree in the corner and decorate it from top to bottom. It had been a recurring dream of mine since childhood.
            The tree had been brought in that morning, but Noah and I hadn’t started decorating until afternoon. I’d been running some errands in the morning while Noah took care of the delivery, and I nearly screamed when I entered the house and saw the tree in the space in the corner that we had left specially for it. 
            As the kitchen was cleared from our lunch and the house assumed a soothing sense of order, Noah and I set up to spend that afternoon and evening adorning the tree and extending the holidays spirit throughout the house. 
            We put some cute decorations in the entrance and had also placed small figurines and pots with artificial greenery and snow on the furniture around the house. Our main dining table and the coffee table in front of the television had also been adorned with delightful stuff that we had bought in a shopping Christmas trip we did to Target last week.
            Now that we had a place of our own, it was the first time we put two red stockings on the fireplace with our names on them, and it was so lovely. 
            Nearly an hour into the tree decoration, we ran out of ornaments, and Noah decided to make a quick trip to a store in town to get some more. I told him it was not necessary. We could go together on Monday, but he insisted, given that tomorrow would be Sunday and the shops would be closed, and our tree would remain unfinished for another day and a half. 
            He pecked me on the lips as he zipped his winter jacket and left after grabbing the house and car keys from the small tray we kept in the entrance. I told him to drive safe, given that it was snowing outside. It wasn’t much but enough to cover the ground about two inches. 
            By the time Noah came back, not more than twenty minutes later, I was sat on the floor, busying myself rearranging the twinkling ornaments to sooth my OCD. I couldn’t shake the feeling that both sides of the tree were stuffed unevenly, and it was driving me nuts.  
            The content smile on my face fell as I looked towards the entrance, where he was struggling to remove his boots while his hands were fully occupied. I stood up, leaving a golden garland on the floor and quickly walked to him.  
            “What’s all this?” I asked, grabbing one of the boxes that he carried in his arms, clearing his vision, hitherto obscured by the cardboard monolith.  “You should’ve called me. I would have gone outside to help you bring these in.”
            “It’s freezing outside, baby. I didn’t want you to get cold. Besides, it wasn’t a problem.”
            “You would’ve probably tripped on the carpet and fallen on top of these,” I said, smiling sheepishly at him after I set the box I carried next to the tree. 
            “Yeah, and that would have been so much fun for you, right?”
            I moved my shoulders up and down, feigning an innocent expression. 
            “Yes, play good girl all you want, princess.” He set down the other box and removed his jacket, walking back to the house entrance to keep it in the main wardrobe. He came back, clad in his Bad Omens hoodie, sweatpants, and the winter socks that I had recently got him from a new shop that had opened in town. He took a seat on the carpet next to me. “How is it going?” He asked regarding my work during his absence. While waiting for my answer, he ripped the tape of one of the boxes and opened it, diving into its contents.
            “Well, how does it look?” I moved back, leaning on his shoulder so that we could assess the tree together from a small distance. 
            He hummed in satisfaction and proceeded to empty the boxes. There was so much stuff in them that I thought we would have to buy another tree, after all. Maybe a small one that we could put outside on the porch. Not a bad idea. 
            “Oh, you got the glittery ones?” I asked as I held a box of eight perfect Christmas balls painted in vibrant glossy red and coated with a golden layer of glitter. 
            “I know you said to get the plain shiny ones,” he replied, finishing unpacking and setting the different plastic bags and cases containing all kinds of ornaments in one side. “But these ones looked so good.”
            “There will be glitter everywhere for months. This thing is super static, but yeah, they look nice. Thanks.”
            As we busied ourselves unpacking some of the things, I noticed a couple of garlands and a satin ribbon that look extremely similar to the velvety ones that Noah kept upstairs, in our bedroom. I looked up at him, wondering what had been on his mind when he entered the Christmas shop downtown, but he was distracted removing the plastic from some other random decorations. 
            We spent the next hour finishing the tree. Two weeks ago, I had bought a ladder on Amazon, thinking that it would be helpful for events like this, but truth was that I hadn’t really thought much before purchasing it, and it ended up being pretty useless, especially when Noah was around. 
            After hearing his complaints about the ladder for a solid five minutes, I gave up and I asked him to pick me up, much to his satisfaction. He willingly crouched down (with a grin on his face) to let me hop onto his shoulders, and as he straightened up, the world beneath me transformed. Everything certainly looked different from up here, and it was also a bit scary. 
            “Be still,” I told him. The only way I could grab onto him as I set the star on top of the tree was by tightening my thighs against his head. 
            “Ease that grip, tigress. I’m not going to let you fall,” he replied, holding onto my thighs with his hands. 
When the final touch was complete, I clapped, full of joy. Noah, seizing the opportunity, thought it would be funny to start swaying right and left, threatening to dislodge me from his shoulders. I clutched at his hair, using it as an anchor and pulling whenever I thought I was going to fall down, and his laughter morphed into a sudden yelp of pain. I gave his shoulder a playful slap, scolding him, only to be met with another round of sways. I lost my balance, but he was prepared to catch me and wrapped his arms around me as I wrapped my limbs around his slender, towering frame. By the time I bit his neck, we were both laughing, filling the cozy space of our home with the sound. 
He trailed a path of kisses and lovely nib bites down my neck and sternum, causing me to shiver. Sensing my slight chill, Noah proposed starting a fire and preparing hot chocolate.
I was clearing out the plastic and empty envelopes strewn across the floor when he queried if I wanted cream and marshmallows on my drink. I wasn’t very keen on the cream, but that day I fancied some marshmallows, and I replied with a delighted “yes, please” from the living room. Even though the kitchen seamlessly melded into the living room, I was out of Noah’s sight, positioned on the other side of the sofa. In the background Christmas music played from a speaker nestled in a corner of the kitchen counter.  
The mug warmed up my hands when Noah offered to me. He kissed my hair and let me sit back down in front of the tree to wonder where we could put the rest of the new decorations. Noah took a seat in his favorite armchair, a cozy grey piece that we found in a second-hand furniture shop and that he had sent for repairing. He loved spending hours there when he was reading a book or whenever he was on a phone call that extended for too long. Whenever I was alone in the house or he was locked in his studio, I would steal his place and sit there myself, cozy up with a blanket and a good book and wait until he come back. He would feign shock at the fact that I was sitting on his favorite spot, he would pick me up and carry me to the sofa, where I would keep my hold on him to avoid him getting away. Many evenings that winter we had fallen asleep on the sofa, Noah on top of me, after a slow kissing session driven by our playful fight about the armchair. Some other times we would end up having delicious sex. 
            For a while, it was quiet in the house, the tranquil hush only interrupted by the occasional noise I made while playing around with the Christmas decorations. The air carried the warm essence of hot chocolate, infused with the comforting aroma of cinnamon and the warmth coming from the fireplace. As I took in how happy I was, I looked at Noah, who was responsible for making this dream of mine a reality. He was sat slouched in his armchair, scrolling down on his phone as he indulged in the warm drink. His legs were casually parted, and he looked so damn good in his black sweatpants. I knew from experience how good I fitted between those two legs. Memories from previous times sparked a sudden yearning, heat coiling up in the pit of my stomach. 
            In a matter of seconds, my attention shifted from the adorned tree and Christmas trinkets. I moved silently toward him, crawling my way between his legs until I was seated on my knees, on my heels, in front of him, right between his legs. I looked up and bat my eyelashes. 
            Noah moved the hand that was holding the mug aside and directed his gaze downward, meeting mine.  
            “Hi, there, pretty girl.”
            I licked my lips and slid my hands from his knees to his thighs.  
            “What are you doing?” He asked. Oh, he knew very well. “You wanna suck me?”
            There was a moment of hesitation in his actions, probably because he was taking in my proposition and was being consumed by the sudden excitement inside of him. He kept the mug and his iPhone on a small wooden table by the armchair.
            “Go on, kitten.”
            One of his hands moved to the back of my head and encouraged me forward. My hands found the waistband of his sweatpants. I pulled them down alongside his underwear as he lifted his hips for two seconds. 
            My throat went dry at the sight in front of me. He was already half hard. I hadn’t even touched him, and he was already eager at the idea of my mouth on him. 
            I leaned down, opening my mouth. I licked the head once. It was salty, earthy. All man. I lapped at him again, hearing him hissing in a breath, and delved right into it, filling my mouth with his thickening length. His hands found the back of my head, fisting my hair. He buckled up slowly, forcing me to take him all in, until I had him at the back of my throat. My mouth felt overfull as I worked him back up and down, his little whimpers and curses filling my ears. 
            I moved back once, his hand freeing my hair and his cock slipping from my lips. I licked them, looking intently at him. He smiled wide and bright, and brushed some strands of hair out of my face and onto the back of my ear. 
            “Keep going, baby.”
            Taking a deep breath, I leaned in again, sliding his cock in against my tongue, setting a blistering pace. “That’s it. Fuck. Deeper? Yeah, just like that. Good girl.”
            The taste of him suffused me. I held onto his thighs as he slid in and out of my mouth. One of his hands found support on my hair again, something that he loved doing. I knew he was almost there as I felt him tensing his grip on my hair and how his hips snapped forward and his head fell back on the recliner. He was losing it. I was enamored with the image of him in that state, even if I couldn’t engorge myself too much on it because I was busy with his cock in my mouth. If anything, knowing how powerless he was in that moment, how vulnerable he was for me, I sucked him deeper, tightening my mouth around his thick length, and playing with my tongue as I felt him pulsing inside and I heard his whimpers increase. A salty liquid coated my tongue and the back of my throat. I struggled to swallow, but I did it as I slowly slid him out of me. 
            He muttered a curse as his whole body released from the high. I stayed on my knees, licking my lips, and watching him with utter adoration. I would spend the whole day worshipping him like this if he’d let me. 
            “I don’t know what Christmas gift you’re planning to get me, but trust me,” he said, taking a pause to regain his breathing, “nothing will beat this up.” 
            “I’ll take note of it,” I joked. 
            After a moment, he kicked his sweatpants away from his feet, bent forward and helped me get up from the floor. He lifted me onto him and settled me on his bare lap. 
            “What a lucky motherfucker I am,” he whispered. With a hand on the back of my neck, he pushed my face down onto his and I drowned in the kiss. 
            We kissed for a while, oblivious to the snow falling outside and the cracking of the fire behind us. When I pulled away, Noah’s cheeks were flushed pink. I moved a few strands of hair out of his face, and he studied mine for a second or two before picking me up and standing up. 
            “Is your period over?”
            I nodded. 
            “Choose: the kitchen isle or the carpet?”
            The idea of both scenarios made me wet.
            “Both?” I appealed. 
            “Someone’s cheeky today, huh?” He noted with hint of amusement. 
He walked us to the kitchen isle. 
            “I’m feeling festive.”
            “Sure you are,” he replied, holding a laugh. 
            He set me on the isle, and I let out a little scream at the cold surface. I was wearing grey leggings and the layer of fabric was very thin. I could feel the cold spreading through every inch of my body. 
            “Don’t worry, baby. I’m going to heat you up so badly you’re going to beg me to switch on the AC.” 
            He captured my mouth in his again. He pushed me back, forcing me to lay down on my back, my skin protected by the white top and the oversized sweater I was wearing. He ordered to lift my hips and he removed my socks, leggings and underwear, eyeing them and lifting a brow. 
            “Someone’s very aroused,” he said, eyeing the embarrassing stain covering my panties. 
            “Clearly,” I replied, pointing with my eyes at his growing erection. 
            “Bratty girl”, his voice got muffled by the fabric of his hoodie and shirt coming out. 
            I was going to say something but then two of his fingers slid down my curls and then to my folds, and the words got stuck in my throat. 
            “Fuck, Noah.”
            “That’s what I’m gonna do: fuck you.” He slid a finger in. I closed my eyes, focusing on the sensation brought by the movement induced by his long finger, sliding in and out in a tortuous dance. “But I need to have a taste first. Isn’t it wonderful that this isle has the perfect size for me to get on my knees and dip my mouth between your legs?” 
            I didn’t have time to think or utter another word before his tongue was on me. I gasped and struggled for my next breath, but he didn’t care. He toyed with me, slipping another finger and fondling my walls, sticking to his promise of heating me up. I couldn’t feel the cold of the marble anymore. I could only feel his warmth breath on my skin, the texture of his tongue lapping at my clit. He was fucking talented, and I could only give in to his pleasure, which moved to another level when he moved back, stood up, and grabbed his cock in his hand to guide it towards my entrance. 
            “You look so pretty all wet and ready for me.”
            His hand slid up my belly, making its way underneath the fabric of the sweater and the top until it reached one of my breasts. Holding onto it, he used his other hand to position his cock in my pussy. Then he pushed in. I grasped his tattooed forearms. He started thrusting, his face tense, his expression one of contained self-control. My nipple ached between his fingers, and my heels dig onto his backside as I urged him closer, deeper into me. 
            “Noah, I don’t think I’m going to be able to hold it for long,” I manage to mumble between cries. 
            “Well, I’m not ready to let you come yet.” 
Not a moment had passed that he slid his arms underneath my body and picked me up again, securing me against his frame with his arms and hands. He walked us to the center of the living room, by the Christmas tree. He sat me on the floor and told me to sit up the two seconds it took him to remove the remaining pieces of clothing I had on. I laid back down. The cracking from the fireplace and the scent of the two mugs of hot chocolate still lingering in the air, adding an extra layer of warm to our sweaty bodies.  
Confusion suddenly etched my features as I saw him taking my hot chocolate from the spot on the floor where I had left it. He took a sip, taking his time indulging in it. 
            “Lucky you,” he started saying, “the chocolate is still warm.” 
            He set it down next to my body, dipped his fingers in the chocolate and picked a marshmallow. A second after, he was playing with it around my nipple, leaving a trail of hot liquid chocolate around the peak of my breast. My breath was caught on my throat as I watched the lust in his eyes.
            “I’m gonna eat you all up,” he promised before he put the marshmallow in his mouth and descended into my breasts. 
He covered me in drops of warm liquid, watching my body shiver every time the chocolate touched my skin and smirking at the desperation showing and growing on my face. He repeated the same pattern for a few times, tracing drawings on my chest and stomach, chewing at the marshmallows and even putting one of them on my mouth, his tongue sliding too far down a couple of times and lapping at me once, twice. The last time he dipped his fingers in the mug, he led them to my mouth and asked me to lick them off, which earned me a sweet “good girl” from him. 
He gave up the rest of the hot chocolate and focused on the task of sinking himself on me again, but he stopped for just a second, eyeing the point where our bodies where about to merge, then guiding his gaze to me. 
            “Do we have any condoms here?” He asked, looking around as if remembering where we had placed the last box we bought. 
            “No…” I answered. A thought raced my mind. It had been there before, but I had never really said it aloud. Until now. I swallowed and said in a low voice, “It’s okay.” 
            “It’s okay?” He repeated, eyebrows furrowed. 
            I started smiling and he knew me too well to discern what my expression meant. 
            “Do you mean I can…? I can do it inside?” His pupils expanded.
“Are you sure?”
            I nodded impatiently. 
            “This means… Pff,” he sat back on his heels, looking down as if suddenly lost in thought. He raked a hand through his hair. “Are you thinking about…?”
            “Yeah…” I whispered. I sat up to run two fingers down the side of his face. I didn’t have to say it out loud to know that the same images were crossing his mind. The bottom of the tree filled with Christmas gifts and a few kids running around, chasing each other, filling the house with their sweet and loud laughs, and Noah and me looking at them from the sofa, where we were cuddled up in each other’s arms, drinking hot chocolate. 
“Well, now I can’t definitely shake off the idea of having a little you driving me crazy around this house,” he suddenly stated. 
“So,” his body covered mine, his eyes diving into mine. “I’ll ask one more time. Are you sure? You want me to fill you up?”
“This is— You are gonna be the death of me. Wait a second.” 
He ruffled through the stuff set on the floor, toppling one of the boxes containing the glittery balls. They scattered around in all direction, rolling beneath the tree and weaving through our legs. He moved them aside until he found the satin ribbon. 
I knew it. 
            He requested for my hands, and I offered them to him, the inner side of my wrists gently meeting. With practiced precision, it took him less than a minute to tie them up in a very elaborate knot that showed off his skills in the art of Shibari. He had been interested in it for a long time, having read plenty of books. However, it wasn’t until one evening, filled with a hint of shyness, that he approached me and asked if he could try it on me. Surprisingly for the two of us, we both enjoyed it, leading to an ongoing exploration where he continued to refine his arts on my body.  
Once tied, he let them rest over my belly for a second and admired me, flush filling up my cheeks. 
            “My perfect Christmas gift,” he said. 
            “I’m naked,” I replied, a bit self-conscious.
            “That’s how I like my presents: unwrapped but tied. Now be good, yeah? Or else, Santa will not bring you any presents.” 
“I have mine exactly where I want it…” I smirked and Noah mirrored my expression as he lowered his head to kiss me. It was soft, gentle, passionate. His lips molding to mine in a way that would drive me insane anytime. I would remember his taste and his scent for ages and ages.  
With my arms positioned a top of my head, his mouth claimed mine again and his body filled mine, every inch of skin touching, gliding against each other as we started moving.
We fucked relentlessly, my screams increasing with every thrust, filling up our house. The sweat covering Noah’s body intensifying as waves of heat enveloped us not only from the fire burning mere meters away from us, but from the one growing and growing inside of our bodies. 
When the moment came, I wanted to witness his expression with my own eyes. I was a prisoner underneath his body, but he was mine to admire and adore.
“Noah, look at me. Keep your eyes on me.”
But it was too much. His gaze bore into mine, but his features were tensing and a muscle in his jaw ticked until he couldn’t hold it any longer and he sank his head in my neck with a primal growl.
            It was the first time he came inside of me, and I never heard him groaning the way he did that afternoon as he emptied himself inside of me. I was overcome by a new and strange sensation. A part of him was now inside of me and would stay with me forever. It was different than saying he occupied a place in my heart. This was totally, undoubtedly different. This was physical. Primal. And I loved it. I wanted to stay in that moment, in that warmth that spread inside of me, his pulse beating against my walls. 
            I moved my tied arms and put them over his head, around his neck, until my fingers could graze the sweaty hair at the back of his neck. He struggled to regain his breathing. The weight of his entire body laid on mine. 
            “You look so pretty when you’re coming,” I said softly.
            Noah’s shy laugh against my neck, below my ear, made me giggle underneath him.
            “You’re spoiling me, you know?” He said, nibbling at my jaw. Even though his face remained hidden, I could see in my mind the flush that covered his cheeks every time I complimented him. 
            “I want to make you happy.”
            “You’re my happiness,” he replied. A kiss laid on the pulse of my neck.
            “That’s sweet.” 
            He touched my cheek, and finally lifted his head from the crook of my neck. Tattooed knuckles tenderly grazing against my skin. 
            “I’m not lying.”
            “I know.”
            I kissed him. He kept me in his embrace for a while, taking a moment to check my face, move the hair out of it, and make sure I was okay.
He straightened up on his knees and pulled out softly, making us both feel the last trace of our union. He looked attentively at the point in which our bodies stopped being connected, and I heard him say “it’s all inside, fuck,” and a smile tugging at a corner of his lips before he got up. He told me to wait as he went to the bathroom to grab some wipes and clean us up a bit. 
I heard him curse from the bathroom downstairs a few seconds later. 
            “Is something wrong?” I asked from the floor.
            “My dick's got glitter in it!” 
            “I told you about the glittery balls!” 
            “You’re telling me!”
I cracked up at his reply. Then I heard him muttering: “How the fuck did it get here?” 
I could picture him holding his dick with one hand, observing his length and his glittery balls and trying to remove the small particles with a tissue paper. 
            When he came back, he was holding a packet of wipes in one hand, his dick hanging lose between his legs, softening, but he still looked as much a man as he looked when he was pounding inside of me. 
I loved him with all my soul, and I would never stop feeling lucky for getting to call him mine.
            “What a cute little Christmas thing you are, aren’t you?” He said when he noticed that my thighs and belly were also shining with particles of glitter that had glued to my skin. 
I was laying down by the Christmas tree, covered in glitter, all flushed and used. 
            “I’m still tied.”
            I hadn’t bothered to move because I felt… euphoric. Nothing had changed. Yet, everything could have. I still felt Noah’s liquid drip inside of me and it was… strange yet welcome. And the thought that I could be pregnant in the next minutes, if not already, had me floating in a dream. 
            “And if I had my way, you would stay like that for hours while I eat you out and make you come over and over again,” he said, looking down at me from his full height. 
            Noah knelt beside me and untied me. His warm hands massaged my wrists briefly before he extracted a couple of wipes from a thick plastic envelope. As the damp cool cotton touched my skin, I startled. 
            “Cold?” he asked.
            “Sorry,” he apologized, and maneuvered my body so that I was closer to the fireplace. The comforting warmth enveloped me, and I just stared at the flickering flames for a while, taking in the events of the evening, a sense of satisfaction and tranquility settling over me.
            Suddenly, I felt Noah’s hand on my tummy. When I turned my head, he was lying face down on the carpet next to me, his head propped on one hand while his other was caressing the skin of my belly. 
            “I’ve never felt anything quite like it before,” he confessed in a hushed tone, gaze fixed on my body. We had always used condoms, and if not, he had always pushed out before he orgasmed. “That was incredible. Thanks.” 
            “Maybe this will be our Christmas gift,” I replied, placing my hand on top of his. 
            Noah studied our joined hands, his smile widening. There was a glint in his eyes that filled my heart with happiness. 
            Leaning down, he kissed me, whispering a slow and tender “I love you” against my lips. My response echoed his three words. 
I brushed some strands of wild hair away from his face. 
            He peppered some kisses down my shoulder. 
            “Want to take a shower?”
            “I think we actually need it,” I acknowledged. “Might help us remove that glitter.” 
I looked down at him. Indeed, his dick had glitter in it. I just needed to tie a bow with that red ribbon and tadah! My Christmas gift!
            “Don’t you even think about sharing this with the guys. They would never let me see the end of it.” 
            The topic clouded my other thoughts, and I found myself laughing as Noah helped me up. I couldn’t restrain myself as he pushed us towards the bathroom in the main suite upstairs, and by the time our naked feet hit the cold tiles in the shower, we were both cracking up. 
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
With Jack gone, Sophie doesn't want to do any of the things she has planned. So instead she plods back to the sofa, plopping down. She puts on Eloise at Christmastime, and pulls a blanket over her chest. The movie plays, and she just relaxes into the seat. She falls asleep about halfway through the film.
Waking up a few hours later, Sophie begrudgingly goes into her room. She pulls a couple packages from underneath her bed, and begins to wrap them. As soon as they are wrapped up, she slips them under the tree.
She keeps herself busy for the next few hours, until Jack once again slips into the flat again. "Sorry about that," he sighs. He's juggling a stack of wrapped packages.
Sophie rushes over, taking a few of the parcels from his hands, "What's all this then?"
"Gifts from the team." He slips the stack that he's still holding under the tree, and Sophie follows suit almost immediately. "So, what now?"
"All that's left of my plan is more movies."
The Captain smiles, "Why don't you make some popcorn, some hot cocoa, and I'll pick out a movie," he shrugs.
Smiling, Sophie immediately agrees. She comes back into the room, a giant bowl of popcorn, and two teacups balanced in her hands. Jack takes the bowl, and presses play on the movie. "Miracle on 34th Street?"
He shrugs, "It's a good movie."
She sets the cups down on the coffee table, "I never said it wasn't," she says, sitting down next to him.
Jack wraps an arm around her shoulder. She glances over at him, "Maybe we could do the first two Home Alone movies next?"
"And then In the Good Old Summertime?"
"Elf?" Sophie adds.
"Die Hard," Jack states.
He leans forward to grab his hot chocolate. Sophie grabs it away from him, "Hang on, we are not watching Die Hard."
Jack snatches the drink from her hands, "That is a classic!" he punctuates, pointing furiously at her.
"It's not even a Christmas film!"
"Yes, it is! It takes place at Christmastime. It's got festive moments. It's a Christmas movie."
"It's an action movie."
Jack grabs a cookie off the cookie tray on the table, "C'mon, Soph. Can't we watch it?"
She sighs, and crosses her arms, "Fine."
*The Next Day*
As the end credits for Die Hard start to play, Sophie feels her eyes drift shut, as her head rests on Jack's shoulder. The Captain also begins to doze off, having been awake for quite a while. As sleep begins to claim the duo, on the roof of the flat, a blue box materialises. A man in a pinstripe suit stolls out, the December chill seemingly not bothering him. He spies the closest chimney, and a manic grin crosses his face. He slips into the brick structure, easily going all the way down.
Jack hears a noise from the fireplace, and reacts, accidentally waking Sophie in the process. He pulls his pistol out, aiming it at the fireplace, as Sophie grabs her sword off the floor by the couch. A man with spiky hair rolls out onto the floor of the flat, spreading soot onto the floor. Sophie sighs, and places her sword down, Jack re-holstering his gun. The Time Lord grins, his teeth glowing in comparison to the rest of his body, "Merry Christmas!"
"It's the twenty-third," Sophie deadpans.
The Doctor shrugs, "Okay, it's close enough."
Jack rolls his eyes, "Why don't you go and get yourself cleaned up, Doc. We're really just relaxing."
"We need a new movie suggestion," Sophie calls after the retreating Time Lord.
"I'll let you know when I get back," he calls back.
Jack climbs to his feet, and grabs the mop, cleaning the smoke and soot off the floor. Sophie slips into the kitchen, and starts to boil some water, intent on making something warm to drink. About ten minutes later the Gallifreyan reappears, in a suit identical to the one before. His hair is slightly damp, but he's smiling all the same. "So," he starts, clapping his hands together, "Someone mentioned a Christmas movie?"
Sophie steps back into the living area, and sets three cups down on the table, each filled to the brim with hot chocolate, topped with marshmallows. "We've already watched quite a few," she starts, handing the Time Lord one of the cups. "White Christmas, Christmas Carol, Home Alone, Home Alone 2, the Santa Clause trilogy."
She hands Jack a cup, and he continues, "Miracle on 34th Street,, In the Good Old Summertime, and Die Hard."
"Sophie let you watch Die Hard?" the Doctor asks, raising his eyebrows. The woman sticks her tongue out at him, and then takes a sip of her drink. The Time Lord seems to think deeply, before suddenly snapping his fingers, "What about the old Rankin and Bass movies? Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, and, of course, The Year Without a Santa Claus. Those are some of my personal favourites." He proceeds to take a loud, obnoxious slurp of his cocoa.
Jack and Sophie look at each other, and nod, "Sounds good," the Captain states, and sits back down onto the sofa.
Sophie flops down beside him, and pulls the Time Lord down on her other side. She reaches into the Doctor's inside breast pocket, and pulls out his sonic. He makes an affronted noise, trying half-heartedly to grab the screwdriver back, but the woman leans further into Jack, and aims the sonic at the screen. It fades to black, and then the beginning credits of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer begin to scroll across the screen. She tosses the screwdriver back to the Time Lord, who shoves it back into his pocket, and leans back into the sofa, with a sigh.
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typical-simplelove · 3 years
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I Need You Christmas -> Andrei Svechnikov
12 Days of December
Author's Note: Happy Day Four! This fic is based on (another) Jonas Brothers song, I Need You Christmas. This was is a bit melancholy, but I adore this one. Here is today's question: what's your favorite holiday decoration? Enjoy this one!
Warnings: mentions of Christmas; heartbreak; mentions of past abusive relationships; explicit!female reader;
Word Count: 2.7k including song lyrics
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I need you, Christmas Friends by the fire to hold Times have been lonely And lately I just feel alone I need you, Christmas Family with nowhere to go Angels on treetops and angels in the snow Oh, the cold
You breathe in the scent of pine and sugar as it wafts through Andrei’s apartment. The cookies baking in the oven mixed with the strong scent of Andrei’s Christmas tree were enough to end your sour mood.
For the last two Christmases, you haven’t had the opportunity to truly enjoy what made Christmas what it was. You couldn’t enjoy the familiar keys of the carols and songs. You couldn’t sink your teeth into a candy cane or cookie. You couldn’t take a sip of eggnog or hot chocolate without feeling guilty. You couldn’t wrap Christmas presents for your nieces and nephews without hoping you weren’t going to get scolded. You haven’t decorated a Christmas tree in years because of him. Your ex-boyfriend is the epitome of a grinch. He wanted nothing to do with the holiday and numerous times told you he’d dump you if you did anything Christmas around him. The Christmas cheer instantly left your body at his words.
You finally left him a few weeks ago, realizing his controlling and toxic traits. Andrei, your best friend, let you stay with him as you resituated yourself and found a new place to live. You couldn’t bear going home for the holidays knowing that your family would be telling you they told you so about your ex. You just wanted to enjoy the Christmas season as you had as a child. You missed that.
Andrei calls for you from the kitchen. He put you in charge of the Christmas tree decorations. You and Andrei went to the Christmas Tree Farm earlier today. So far, you’ve managed to decorate the tree with the lights but haven’t started with the ornaments. Yesterday, Andrei drove you out to your storage locker and helped you grab the boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations that you have. Just the sight of them was enough to put wide smiles on your faces and fill you with joy.
Christmas music is echoing through someone’s phone as you smile at the sight in the kitchen. Red and green wax candles are sitting on the kitchen table and ready for you to light them. You’re wearing a dark green sweater with a pair of leggings. You have a Christmas scrunchie on your wrist with a pair of Santa hat earrings adorning your earlobes. Andrei is wearing a maroon, cashmere sweater with a Santa hat adorning his head. You can’t help but let out a giant giggle at the sight of your best friend. Not many could pull off his look, but Andrei definitely could.
“Hot chocolate?” his accented voice calls out to you. You stand next to him as he hands you a cup with hot chocolate mix inside. He pours hot water for you as you add in milk. You go into Andrei’s fridge and grab the Half-and-Half. All hot chocolate was better with milk and creamer. Andrei pours the same concoction into his mug as you add milk and creamer. “Really?”
“You know I make the best hot chocolate,” you tease. You reach for the mini-marshmallows and plop a handful into your cup. You hold the bowl out for Andrei, and he takes the bowl out of your hand. He places it back on the counter. You give him a pout, and he laughs at you.
“You know I can’t eat too much sugar,” he says, and you sigh.
“For me?” you innocently ask. You know that's enough to get him to bend to your will, and as expected, Andrei grabs a few—not as many as you—marshmallows. As he does that, you reach for the whipped cream. Andrei wouldn’t let you make homemade whipped cream, but he promised at some point, he’d let you. You hold the can out for Andrei, but he shakes his head. You place it on the table and grab the red and white star sprinkles. You begin to sprinkly them a top of the whipped cream when Andrei laughs.
“Is that enough sugar for you, or do you want me to grab the pack of diabetes, too?” he teases. You roll your eyes and reach for and open a candy cane. You’ve got a massive sugar tooth, and he knows that you could eat sugar for all meals of the day. You sink the candy cane into the hot chocolate and turn to Andrei with a smile.
“If you were concerned about my sugar intake, you shouldn’t have put this all out,” you point out and take a sip of your hot chocolate.
“Good?” he asks with a teasing smile.
“Could use some more marshmallows,” you critique and head to the living room to finish the tree. Andrei shakes his head playfully at your words as he watches you walk away. He hopes this Christmas season is everything to you because he knows you need it.
Seasons change, come and go But there's one thing I know You'll just stay the same You don't ever change
“Is it good?” Andrei asks through giggles. The local Christmas market had the best gingerbread men, and you, obviously, needed to buy one (or three). You and Andrei are currently sitting on a bench eating the cookie. Actually, you’re eating it, and Andrei is watching you in amusement and sometimes picking off pieces.
“Duh, they’re only my favorite.”
“What about the ones I made over the weekend?”
You laugh. “I made those.”
“But I helped decorate them,” he points out.
“Helping to decorate doesn’t contribute to the taste.”
Andrei playfully rolls his eyes. “Let me know when you’re done, and we’ll go that the ornament pop-up shop you love.”
Your eyes light up at the shop. Growing up, you and your grandmother would go every Christmas. You both always bought a new piece for her Christmas village and a new ornament for her tree and your family’s. You haven’t gone to the pop-up here, but when Andrei mentioned that the chain was having a popup, you begged him to go with you. You never did like going to those shops on your own. In the past week, Andrei has seen your happiness increase as you participated and completed Christmas and holiday tasks both at home and work. He knew that this would help boost your happiness. “In that case, I can walk and eat.”
“You sure?” He raises his eyebrows and looks down at the crumbs on the wrapper.
“If you help me finish it, then we can go quicker.”
He smiles and puts a giant chuck in his mouth. You reach your hand and wipe the crumbs off his face. At your touch, Andrei’s face goes warm, and he can’t think straight. It was a fairly cold day, so Andrei was hoping the cold weather was making his cheeks red and the warmth your touch brought wasn’t noticeable. You don’t seem to notice as you finish the cookie and toss the wrapper in the trash. You reach into your purse and grab some wipes to clean your hands. You offer one to Andrei, and he gladly takes one.
“Ready?” you ask after taking a sip of water and placing the bottle in your purse.
“Absolutely,” Andrei says. Just as you’re both walking towards the shop, you’re both surrounded by a giant crowd. In response, Andrei takes your hand in his to guide you and not lose you. His hand in yours fuels a fire in you that you haven’t felt in a really long time. It ignites emotion that you never knew existed. That fire, that feeling, that emotion is enough to set your heart rate through the roof and jumble all your thoughts. You’re not sure what that fire could be, but something in the back of your head hints that it’s love. But who could it be love for? “Are you okay?” Andrei asks once you’ve gotten through the crowd and are standing outside the shop.
“Yeah, of course!” you lie. No. The mere touch of Andrei’s hand on yours was enough to light the fires in your body that would burn for eons. You’ve never felt that way before because of Andrei, but you liked it.
He nods, not seeming to realize the thoughts going through your head. “You do your shopping and looking around, and I’ll be right here to hold anything or whatever you need.”
You smile and begin to look at the ornaments hanging on the wall. You’re not sure what you want to get, but you know what you’ll want when you see it. After looking around and Andrei pointing out ornaments, you finally find the ornament you want. It’s perfect. It’s a silver bell with an angel’s wing and a sign that has “It’s a wonderful life” etched on it. It reminded you of your grandmother, and you knew that she’d love that you found the perfect ornament to encapsulate your life at the moment. Although things were tough, it truly was a wonderful life because you had people like Andrei there to help support you.
You hold the ornament out to show him, and he gives you a goofy thumbs up in response. Your smile widens, and Andrei swears he falls more in love with you as he sees the crinkles by your eyes. He hasn’t seen those in ages, but he’s glad they’re back. You’re finally smiling so much, your face cracks. It was always Andrei’s favorite look on you.
After finding a few other ornaments and holiday decorations, you and Andrei get in line to check out. When it’s your turn to pay, you tell Andrei you can meet him at the door. He nods but doesn’t walk towards the door; he remains standing behind you.
You place the contents of your basket on the counter for the worker to scan. Once they tell you the total cost, you pull out your wallet, but you’re not fast enough. Andrei taps his credit card on the pin pad. You look at your friend and see that he’s already looking at you. He takes the bag from the worker and leads you out of the store.
“I can pay for things, you know,” you point out.
“I know,” he states and leads you towards another holiday-related shop on the block.
“Then why couldn’t you let me pay for the decorations myself?”
“Because you paid for the gingerbread.”
“You barely ate any of that,” you point out.
Andrei shrugs. “Doesn’t matter. Think of this as an early Christmas present, okay?”
“Fine,” you grumble. “I’m still going to Venmo you the money.”
“Then I’ll Venmo the money back.”
You’re about to make another comment when you see the store Andrei had brought you into. It was a chocolate shop that has been transformed into Santa’s workshop with tons and tons of sugary treats. Your own personal heaven. Your turn to Andrei and smile. You can’t believe how well he knows you sometimes. When he smiles back at you, his action erupts another fire in your body, similar to before.
“Get whatever you want, okay?” Andrei whispers into your ear.
“Andrei—” you begin, but he places his hand on your mouth to stop any words.
“It’s also for when we have people over for Christmas dinner, okay?”
You nod and begin looking for sweets. You can’t believe there was a time where you weren’t this happy. It’s impossible to fathom that there was a time where you didn’t celebrate Christmas, but now that you remember how happy it makes you, you never want to lose the feeling.
I miss the feeling Waiting for Santa to show Caroling late night And all the children's eyes aglow I need you, Christmas Oh how I miss you the most Greetings from loved ones And lovers under mistletoe Oh, oh, oh
It was Christmas Day, finally. You’ve been waiting for this day all month, but you’ve been filled with more of a feeling of longing this year. Maybe it was because of your previous relationship, but somehow, you know it’s because you’ll be spending the holiday with Andrei. Spending any remote time with Andrei is enough to put a smile on your face, but with it being during your favorite holiday, it was so much more.
You open the door wearing a red sweater dress that hugged your curves perfectly as Andrei’s teammates stood on the other side. Christmas dinner. It was going to be spent with Andrei’s teammates and significant others.
The next few hours passed in laughter, conversation, happiness, and eating. You and Andrei made a roasted turkey, potatoes, stuffing, string beans, a salad, and biscuits (from a can). A few of the guests brought wine while others brought dessert or other sides.
You were sitting in the living room with some of the other significant others while Andrei and the boys cleaned up. Glasses of wine were sitting in your hands as you munched on the desserts you bought at the shop and apple pie. Laughter and conversation flowed easily, and you haven’t been this happy in a really long time.
In the kitchen is where Andrei gets cornered.
“When are you going to tell her?” Brady corners as he’s drying the plate that held the string beans.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Andrei deflects as he places your candy cane plate on the counter and begins putting cookies on it.
“We all know you like her, so why don’t you say something?” Martin asks as he covers the leftovers.
“She just got out of a really toxic relationship,” Andrei says. “I don’t want to force her into anything.”
“But she loves you, too,” Sebastian points out. Andrei snaps his head up at his friend in shock.
“She does,” Brady insists. “She looks at you like you’re the world.”
“Look, it doesn’t matter how I feel, okay?” Andrei clarifies. “I’m not going to put her in a position that she isn’t ready for, so I’m going to wait. I’ve waited these past few years, and I don’t mind waiting for more because she’s it for me.”
The other boys nod in response and follow Andrei and the plate of cookies to the living. Andrei sits right next to you and hands you a cookie. You lean into his side and rest your head on his chest as you nibble at the cookie. Andrei wraps his arm around you, and his warmth is enough to comfort you. You missed this feeling. You’re not sure if it’s the Christmas joy or love, but it’s enough to make you happy.
If you're young, if you're old We all wait to be told Just a simple phrase "Have a Merry Christmas" Ooh, ooh Christmas, ooh, ooh, ooh
Andrei’s teammates and significant others leave close to 10 PM as the wine bottles were nearing empty and not many desserts were left. You were sitting in pajamas now, no longer wearing your sweater dress. You’ve traded your wine for hot chocolate, and Andrei is in the kitchen finishing cleaning up. He told you that you weren’t allowed to clean up. You tried to argue, but he pushed you the couch to relax.
Maybe it was the Christmas spirit or Andrei treating you with absolute love and kindness, but it was making you feel things. You’re not sure what they are, but you know that it’s there. Andrei hands you another piece of apple pie with whipped cream—homemade—on it with a loving smile, you realize that maybe you should have opened your eyes sooner and seen what was there the entire time. Maybe all your other Christmases could have been like this one if you were with Andrei the entire time.
He sits next to you and looks into your eyes as he takes his first bite. Andrei looks in your eyes, and he knows, and you know, and suddenly, everything is okay because Andrei loves you and you love him.
Seasons change, come and go But there's one thing I hope You'll just stay the same 'Cause I need you, Christmas
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Taglist: @sorryjustafangirl, @shinytoadpandadeputy, @themotogirl, @drei-mrssvechii, @2manytabsopen, @rosesvioletshardy, @shinyfalcon4, @laurenairay, @iwantahockeyhimbo, @lam-ila, @nilspettersson, @jostyriggslover96, @stars-canucks, @ghostyjosty (Join the taglist here!)
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minshookie · 3 years
Invasion of Privacy.
Pairing | mafia!yandere!Joon x Reader
Genre | smut, angst, gore, yandere.
Summary | “while Joon is at work unwanted company comes to visit, opening your eyes to unwanted secrets.”
!warnings! | 18+ mature language , mentioned sexual acts, smut (just a little bit), violence, background character death, naive reader insert, dumbification, caretaker Joon.
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
Requested [closed for request] words: 2k.
A/N | I struggled LOL But it’s finally here! I hope you enjoy. Forgive my mistakes please 💜
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“Ready for breakfast hm?” Joon Spoke softly head resting in the crook of your neck, blanketing you with his warm damp body. “Yeah I guess.” Butterflies still fluttering in your tummy from the activities you both just enjoyed. “Mm well I’m not trying for waffles today kitten I have to go to work, so think of something quick.” He yawned before taking the tender skin of your neck between his supple lips again, sucking you in nibbling playfully. “Joonie when will Mary be back, I like her breakfast.” Almost whining. He chucked against you, “I told you Mary will be back after she’s had her baby.”
Feeling pouty you huff no motivation to eat knowing he’ll be leaving you soon. yawing you simply shrugged away the idea of this mornings breakfast. “Cereal again hm? If you insist.” He groaned pulling his self up on his forearms, gazing down at your connected bodies, he glided out with ease sighing in pleasure. Leaving you feeling empty yet warmly stuffed full. “I’ll be back, you stay put.” He began to walk towards the closet, watching silently in admiration. “Wait!” Stopping he turned. “Panties?” You request, fully knowing he’d get them for you. “Panties...of course.” He swiftly turned pulling some from the drawer. You reached for them, softly swatting your hand he went to your legs. “Up.” Complying, you let him dress your bottom half. “Being needy this morning i see,need a shirt too?” You nodded, letting him dress you again. “Alright cereal coming right up babybug.” He gave you a sweet Eskimo kiss before leaving.
His heavy steps thumped the hardwood stars, getting softer and softer before they disappeared. Never could you have imagined a simple round of dates would land you here, wrapped in Eucalyptus sheets, in the middle of a giant bed, upstairs of a Manson. Getting loved daily by a man with millions to his name. Your face began to grow warmer of subtle humiliation as you felt your heat drip of him. This whole situation felt like a long, long fairytale dream and you were loving every minute of it. Your reminiscing was cut short by the thudding of Joon’s feet coming up the stairs, finally he renters a smile on his face dimples prominent. Obviously proud of his limited culinary skills.
“A sugary cereal for the sweetest person I know, and a fruit cup too.” He walked slowly with he bed table careful not to spill. “c’mon get up and eat.” You sat up wide eyed ready for the meal he set before you. “What do you say greedy girl?” He held you back from the simple breakfast. “Thank you Joonie.” He nodded in approval letting go. “Remember, drink your milk, clean up your mess...eat all your fruit.”
He walked to the bathroom letting you eat in peace. You obliged his orders enjoying your modest breakfast quickly. Soon though, you started swaying the rose gold spoon around in the matching bowl watching the bland cereal chase each other. You’d finished all the marshmallows, you knew Joon would protest. Finishing the milk you began to pluck your favorites from the small fruit bowl, growing bored rather quickly.
“Joonie!” You beckoned, cheek full of berries. “yeah!” He yelled over the heavy patter of the shower. “Can I watch TV?” Tightly you closed your eyes in wishful thinking. “No Princess, it’s too early you know that, don’t you?!” You huffed, swallowing your fruit. “Yes!” He didn’t respond expecting you to eat the rest if your breakfast, in your true fashion you ignored the kiwi and bland cereals uneaten in protest of no early morning TV.
Annoyingly you shifted uncomfortably along the plush mattress once again. The once comforting fullness you felt now just starting to make an unpleasant mess...“Joonie!” “Y/n!” He yelled back while exiting the bathroom, his body glistening the scent of his masculine body wash and cologne engulfing the room. “I need to shower, I’m making a mess.” You stated shyly, making him smile in laughter.
“A mess huh, why don’t you take care of it?” He asked knowingly making you pout, he walked closer picking up the clear bowl, kiwi left behind. “Ah, eat this.” He held the green fruit between his fingers. “Eat one at least.” He rubbed it along your parted lips, you obliged his glare making you feel small. “Do I have to start giving you my cereal seems your tummy is getting full on sweets before you make it to the real breakfast?” Teasing he took it upon himself to finish the cereals.
“What do you say?” “Sorry for not finishing.” no way could you disobey him. “Good,Tell me about this mess though.” He inquired placing a kiwi slice in his mouth, walking to his suit closet letting his towel fall, he was already clad in his briefs. “You know!” He chuckled “I do? Oh is it my cum baby?” He stated lewdly while pulling out a dark suit. “Joon c’mon!” You whined, moving the the table. “Well Y/n if you wanted my help you should’ve joined me in the shower, you spoiled little brat.” He began to get dressed, “go wipe, go shower, and I’ll have someone clean the sheets yeah?” You rolled from the warm bed, a breeze catching your wet spot. “Yeah.” He smoothed the suit out over him , choosing a belt. “C’mon, I’m going to work big girl panties y/n go clean up please.” You took your time to walk past him , secretly wanting him to stay. You hoped he’d feel bad if you played hurt, or incapable of washing up maybe he’d stay late to help.
With a sigh of disapproval he turned from watching you walk begrudgingly in the mirror, giving your bottom a firm tap. “Now please so I can see you before I go okay?” Nodding you did as told, your scheme unsuccessful you resorted to complying. Striping and folding your clothes before throwing them in the hamper. Pulling the body wash, hand picked by Joon you lathered and showered as throughly and quickly as you could. Examining the dark areas he’d left behind, your neck,legs, and stomach, even scattering some along your pelvic area. Namjoon was extremely through when putting his claim over you, not like he had any competition. “All day kitten?” He knocked lightly on the door. The time spent Wandering in your thoughts taking a little longer than Joon’s liking you followed routine rinsing and turning off the water, drying you left with the plush towel around you.
He sat on the edge of the bed, an outfit laid over his thigh. “All dry?” You nodded catching a slight shiver, “you sure?” He called you over with a finger, tenderly he unwrapped you taking it upon himself to make sure you were dried, helping dress you as well. “When do you have to go Joon?” “Now.” Sighing you fell into his chest for a hug. “Yeah yeah, c’mon I gotta go love.” He kissed your cheek. “Kiss me before I go.” You pulled out of the crook of his neck latching onto his lips. Grabbing your neck he took the lead invading your mouth lustfully with his own. “Still taste sweet hm, remember to brush your teeth, lunch at twelve,have a snack around four, I’ll be home for dinner...and do not open the door.” You nodded your hands still in his. “I have a friend downstairs okay anything you can’t take care of...and I don’t mean the little things...ask him okay?” “Okay.” You crawled into bed avoiding the soiled area.
He got up smoothing his suit over again. “Uhm Joonie-” “I know I know.” He threw the remote to you before leaving. “See you later my pretty girl, remember I’ll know if you’re naughty. ” You smile turning on the TV. “See you later.”
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After tedious hours of watching, and flipping through channels you enviably you became extremely bored with the flashing pictures playing before you. The nap you’d gifted yourself earlier began to wear off, you were sure it’s already been two hours, nobody’s came for the sheets. Strange of the morning staff to forget that. Rolling your eyes, you brushed off their neglect sitting up from the bed striping the stained sheets.
As bored as you were, you didn’t mind the walk down to the wash room. Once you gained balance of the heavy load, the trek began, only able to peak over the large bundle the stairs were a challenge. Once conquered you repositioned the bundle in your arms beginning to weigh on you. “Hey I brought the sheets for you!” Too lazy to complete the mission at hand, you tossed the sheets on the nearest couch, throwing yourself in the seat next to them. “Hello?!” Nobody seemed to call back as you voice deflected off of the walls. No way would they leave you all alone.
You stood from your seat, leaving the laundry behind as curiosity got the best of you. Where had everyone gone? You could’ve sworn you heard Joon conversing with them before he left. Roaming past the kitchen, Joon’s left his cutting board and knife out fruit juice displayed across the marble surface. Nobodies been on their job, and to think of it you haven’t seen or heard Joon’s friend he’d left for you yet.
You hated being alone, and Joon knew that. He wouldn’t leave you that way. Meandering down the elongated hall, which located staff bedrooms leaving a firm knock on the door....nothing. Fear draped over you the silence becoming too loud, taking panicked strides leaving the hall. Wandering the house looking for any other life form. Until you met face to face with a forbidden room. Joon’s office. Throwing rules away you griped the stubborn knob. Locked damn. “Help.” Whimpering like a kicked puppy you kept searching. “Joonie.” Wandering around, like you were lost in your own house, you skipped down the small flight of stairs, the washroom maybe they’re in there ...a dumb thought but this is the only room you haven’t rampaged.
Swinging the fragile door, a pungent rusting scent crashed into you. “And who the fuck are you?” Frozen in the door frame your brain fell blank. A group of men you’d never met covered in drying blood. The staff and who seemed to be Jungkook, sat lifelessly bound by their legs and arms in chairs in a perfect line. “Where’d come from?” Unable to speak you stared into the glossed eyes of people you once called friends. “Where’d you fucking come from!” Your mouth dried nervously, unsure what to answer...“Bed-bedroom ups-stairs.” They shared a look with each other, the only visible feature being their eyes. “Well you see these dunces doll...they lied...you won’t do that huh?” You shook your head, “Jungkook...he doesn’t lie.” They all laughed in frenzy. “No but he sure does fight back, don’t do that either...c’mon over here princess.”
“Don’t call me that.” You stepped only one step closer, in fear of getting near the corpses. “Alright, heard...who are you?” Fiddling with your shirt you looked to your toes. “C’mon baby answer honestly or I’ll have to...sit you down.” You looked up, hot tears piercing your eyes begging to fall. “I’m y/n...Joon’s girlfriend.” Nodding in approval, someone in the back butted in. “He fuck you good?”You sniffled, looking back and forth between the few of them. “Don’t answer that, we don’t give a fuck about that....here’s the real test, where’s Namjoon hiding hmm?”
Oh, that’s easy, “Joon...he’s at work.” Scoffing in disbelief he reached behind him into his back pocket. “One more time cutie, where’s your little boyfriend.” Wide eyed your mouth quivered with no words. “I told you he’s at work.” He turned to his darkly dressed men “get a fucking chair, you y/n go sit in it.” You turned to run, a gun shot landed above you dry wall crumbling. “Sit your tight ass in that chair, or the next bullet will be buried in your chest.” Frozen in your tracks, you knew siting would land you right where Jungkook was. “Kim Namjoon is at work you won’t find him here!” Shaken you peered over your shoulder.
“Okay...okay, where does he work huh?” You turned back towards the stairs. “Uhm...I-I I’m not sure...big business I think, he has suits and a home office and people p-people follow him-” your rambling in cold sweat was cut short by the sound of bullets ricocheting along the cement walls. “Get out of the fucking way you dense bitch!” Unable to see your hero you rushed past him bolting away as quick as you could, blinded by tears. Eventually you fumbled into someone. “Hey hey y/n you hurt?” “JOONIE!” You climbed him his voice mesmerizing you. “Joonie it was disgusting, joonie please help.” The commotion still echoing in the wash room, Joon took his large hands over your ears guiding you upstairs into your shared room.
Finally silence to comfort you a wave of anger rushed over you as you processed your situation. Your ears pulsating. “Y/n...I’m so sorry princess.” All you could do was fall back onto the bare mattress. “Please do- who are they?” He sighed rubbing the back of his neck. “Business rivals.” He leans a leg on the maters caressing your thigh. “Joon don’t fucking lie I almost died.” He swatted your exposed tummy. “Hey don’t talk to me like that y/n.” Tears of anger replacing fear, “is this a game to you am I a damn toy to you...Joon I know you’re not telling me the truth and it hurts.”
He sat on the bed with an aggravated groan, you laid back staring at the smooth ceiling. “Y/n it’s best if you don’t know.” “Joon I’ll leave. Tonight i almost got my brai-” he darkly chuckled cutting you off “and to where, c’mon where?” You breathed deeply with anger. “I’ll- uhm...” “I’m the best thing that ever happened to you, face it you’d be fucked over without me.” You rolled over, you could scream your figure shook in frustration. “I’ve pulled you in and treated you like a queen and you want to leave because you had to dodge a bullet?” “Please stop, Joon I’m leaving.” You sat up only to be pushed down, “you’ll die without me bitch, there are eyes on you, you take one step out of my house your just as good bounty as me.” What bullshit has this motherfucker pulled you into.
“Plus I’ve had you here, dumbed you down so much you can’t even shower right, let alone live alone, I feed your ass, wipe your ass, clean your disgusting ass, dress you, protect you, service waiting on you every damn hour of the day...fuck you how you please never how I please and yet you wanna go?!” Tears spilled from you, he straddled you peering maliciously, never has Joon spoken to you this way.
In surprise the door swung open, making your stomach drop, Yoongi’s face speckled red. “Joon it’s Guk he’s dead.” “Get out.” His voice flat no emotion present Yoongi obliged slamming the door on his way. “You even got one of my men-” “no.” You earned a slap like no other for cutting him off “I’ve trained you so much better, so much better than to cut me off and to snitch on me...I was at work huh...they wouldn’t find me here huh?” You couldn’t respond, the left side of your face throbbing from the assault. “Once I caught word of the invasion I check the cameras for you and low and behold your mouth never fucking shut...saving yourself? Fucking cunt.” You looked away from his accusing gaze.
“No words? Just how I like you...now be a good girl, apologize.” “I love-e you joo-nie I’m sorry.” You recite from memory. “I love you too, don’t ever disobey me again, and don’t you dare try to leave if you do, I’ll blow the little brains you have let by myself.” Tears pooled your face causing him to smirk. “Remember I own you, everything you are, everything you want, everything you believe, is mine to keep.”
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Not my image
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tickledpink31 · 3 years
Night Raven College at Hogwarts Part II: Classes
Warnings: light mentions of war, blood prejudice, and death. (because history lessons take place)
Original idea was from chu1luc on Wattpad.
Links: Part I Part II Part III
I last left off when NRC and RSA are about to be sorted in Hogwarts as part of the experience. McGonagall introduces the new students who will be staying for the week and calls them up sit under the sorting hat.
Here are my personal opinions on which house they might belong:
Ace Trappola
Deuce Spade
Jack Howl
Epel Felmier
Cater Diamond
Trey Clover
Sebek Zigvolt
Kalim Al-Asim
Ortho Shroud
Neige LeBlanche
Riddle Rosehearts
Idia Shroud
Malleus Draconia
Lilia Vanrouge
Vil Schoenheit
Rook Hunt
Leona Kingscholar
Ruggie Bucchi
Azul Ashengrotto
Jade Leech
Floyd Leech
Jamil Viper
And yes, anyone who was sorted into Slytherin are bit smug that they shared Minako's house.
NRC and RSA attract a bit of attention with their various beastmen and Malleus Draconia radiating a powerful aura.
As a part of the welcoming ceremony, Minako and the frog choir perform Double Trouble or um... all of the Hogwarts students just sing their school song off-key.
Epel is relieved to be free of Vil even just for a week. Even better is that he's in Gryffindor, the brave house. His strength is being recognized!
The big feast begins and Ruggie is having the best night of his life. All of this free delicious food magically appearing in front of him and he's stuffing his face like never before.
The Hogwarts ghosts appear. Vil is a little irked to find out that the ghost covered in blood and chains is Slytherin's resident ghost
Sir Nicholas gets asked how he can be nearly headless and rips his head off in front of the Gryffindors.
Everyone is a little concerned that there were so many young ghosts in 90s clothing, probably no older than eighteen.
Minako solemnly says that they're the Fallen Fifty from the war and that they will learn about them during the week.
It's no wonder Minako was never scared of the ghosts in Ramshackle. They looked like marshmallows compared to the hyper-realistic ghosts in this school.
The Fat Lady Portrait is a riot to the newly sorted Gryffindors and so is Sir Cadogan.
At least one person will accidentally fall off of the moving stairs due to a misstep. (*cough* Cater was so caught up in filling up his phone with photos of the school that the he didn't notice that the stairs moved*cough*.)
Most of the week are lessons.
Cue Idia suffering even more because he does not have the wifi to use his tablet to go to classes or play his games.
The legend, Harry Potter, shows up for the event to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts. He's surprisingly polite and humble for a man who saved the world when he was only seventeen.
Ohh, NRC and RSA are not comfortable learning about blood prejudice, Voldemort, and how those teenage ghosts from the first night were murdered. The Second Wizarding War ended not too long ago might they add.
Minako and her siblings are Muggle-borns. Imagine if they lived in that time.
Adeuce and Grim are glued to her side for long a time after the history lessons, but they had leave for their next class.
Malleus was exceptionally clingy too in fear of a death eater taking her away from him.
Potions: Pomfiore is having a ball with their best subject, slinging poisons and beauty products. The entire class is swooning over them.
Flight/Quidditch: Minako only played quidditch in little leagues and she didn't make it to the team during school tryouts. She knows the general rules of quidditch, but she's not that great of a player. She's can fly well though.
Leona and Malleus are having a testosterone battle to see who's better. Madame Hooch has to quickly stop them so they don't destroy everything.
NRC and RSA, being the rivals that they are, might compete for who gets to have Minako with them at Hogsmeade on the last day
But again, things were turning into a blood bath so the competition was put to a stop.
Eventually, they will be watching an official quidditch game between the houses along with a sarcastic commentator during the game.
NRC will be teaching magift soon when Hogwarts comes to stay at their school.
Care for Magical Creatures: Minako's favourite class, but she's worried when Rook shows up to attend. She likes the guy, but he's Rook.
Even Hagrid catches on to Rook's questionable behaviour around the animals. At least he finds them beautiful? Most people would be scared.
Floyd is a chaotic terror for the whole week. He's wrecking havoc with all those new potions and charms he's learnt, he's squeezing all of the magical creatures, he will want to do parkour on the moving stairs.
Floyd decided to go swimming in the Black Lake, freaking everyone out when he turns into a merman. He was looking for the society of merpeople and the Giant Squid there that Minako told him about last year.
Minako regrets everything.
Azul apologizes on his behalf while Jade and Minako restrain Floyd.
During transfiguration class, Azul tried to communicate with the cat at the professor's desk, but surprise! It's not a cat, it's McGonagall.
Azul sits down, embarrassed.
(I don't know if McGonagall would still be teaching Transfiguration and be head of Gryffindor after she was appointed to Headmistress, so let's just go with it.)
But it's still a fun time learning about new spells and the culture. Finally, the Hogsmeade trip arrives to wrap this all up.
To be continued...
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the-night-writer1 · 3 years
Unforeseen Consequences part 8
Yes we're still got some angst but we're finally getting some fluff)
Iron fan sat in the living room with her husband reading a book. Her mind however couldn't take in anything she was reading. It was focused on her boy's behavior. Though she was finally enjoying the quiet since he was now home.
Her husband cleared his throat in a way to grab her attention. She closed her book and looked at him.
"Darling, don't take this the wrong way" Mowang said softly as he looked at her with warm gentle eyes," I believe it be best if you personally apologized to our boy as well. My word can only go so far. I wasn't in his life for five hundred years and during those years all he had was you love."
"but I was only trying to help him dear!" Iron fan protested as her husband sighed. He rubbed the bridge of his muzzle coming with the words to help her. How was she supposed to see this coming when she broke them up? At least she allowed them to get back together that should be enough.
"My love, haven't you noticed our boy does not safe here? How he clings to his partner for security that he shouldn't need in his home?" Mowang said, laying it out bluntly to his wife that their son though physically well was still emotionally struggling.
Iron fan lightly gasped," no certainly you're mistaken he... he's just..."
"Darling he's hurt and scared we'll hurt him. I can only do so much. You are his mother and your words would hold far more than mine" Mowang said softly as Iron fan folded up and hugged her knees. Her poor baby, what had she done? Could she even do what her husband suggested? Would Red son even forgive her.
"it should be at the shop in a couple days, so it'll be much softer than my old mattress." Mk said as he showed Red son the mattress Mei had helped him get. He was hopeful it closer to Red's current mattress so Red be able to sleep in the loft.
"I'm sure it'll help with your back too love"Red son said as he laid his head on Mk's shoulder. It just be a few days. Then they be safe at noodle boy's loft. He wished it wasn't so long but at least it wouldn't be weeks.
"well it's your back I'm concerned about cherry blossom" Noodle boy said warmly as he kissed Red's forehead which was still rather cold considering it was Red's forehead. Dr.Chu had stated it was because of Red son's body entrapping more of his magic for the baby's safety. For some reason when a demon is expecting a human lover's child the body reduces their magic output where as when the opposite happens the human's body will increase magic output. All the same this phenomenon is called magic shedding.
Mk absolutely found it adorable that his boyfriend now would sometimes exhale smoke. He'd teased in the hospital that cherry was now a teapot. Which had gotten him hit upside the head plenty of times. It wasn't like Red couldn't exhale smoke before but he now couldn't control it. It wasn't no longer because of anger merely getting rid of heat.
"I know you keep saying that handsome" Red son said with a genuine soft smile and his arms wrapped around his waist lazily," how should we tell your friends?"
"hmmm..." Mk pondered as he rubbed his chin before typing something in to the search bar,"what about with a shirt? Or or we could get cake and put the news on there. Oh or we could get everyone their own separate shirt!"
"do they make shirts big enough for the marshmallow giant?" Red son asked curiously since he'd never seen Sandy wear a jacket let alone a shirt.
"if we get a custom fit one! That's how Sandy orders his shirts"
"He wears shirts?"
"yeah" Mk said with a smile before there was a knock on the door. Mk shut the laptop and set it aside before he got up. He answered the door to see Iron fan standing there with her hair down. Guilt ridden in her composure as he asked," can I help you?"
"can...can I talk to my baby boy privately for a moment?" She asked softly to Mk's surprise,"then the three of us can talk after I promise"
"... I'll ask him just wait here" Mk said as he backed away and closed the door. He turned to Red son who had finally calmed down from that nightmare earlier. He sighed having to ruin that," Cherry blossom your mom wants to talk to you privately for a moment then she wants to talk to both of us. Are you okay with that"
Red son took a few minutes to respond, contemplating what would be best he finally said," Yes... just wait outside the door."
Mk nodded and opened the door. Him and Iron fan changed places. She walked over to red's bedside and sat next to him on bed. He was unnerved by seeing her hair undone. She wrapped an arm around Red son and pulled him on to her shoulder.
"I owe you quite the apology baby boy." Iron fan started sweetly as she kissed his forehead and cradled his face in her free hand,"You know I love you very much don't you darling?"
"Yes mother" Red son said softly as she rubbed his cheek. He was trying to think of what she was after with this supposed apology. His mother was never one to apologize for anything. Especially to him.
"Baby boy I'm serious, I love you so very much. You are everything to your father and I."Iron fan said softly at hearing reluctance in his voice," we may not show it well but we truly love you dearly my sweet precious boy. Why is that hard to believe?"
"you've called me useless and foolish many times mother" Red son said as sadly blunt as possible as he rested his head on her shoulder. She carted her fingers through his undone hair.
"that doesn't mean I don't love you baby boy. But I can see how that be misconstrued my sweet baby" iron fan said as as she nuzzled her baby. Red son was still a bit confused on why she was being so affectionate," and I have made a few mistakes when it comes to showing my love darling."
"may I ask a question mother?" Red son asked as he closed his eyes. She was still running her fingers through his hair.
"of course baby boy"
"why did you do it? Why did you make him break up with me? What did I do wrong?" Red son asked as he fought back some tears. He just wanted an honest answer as to why. Why had she punished him like that?
"You did nothing wrong darling, I was trying to protect you from a worse pain but I made a mistake. I didn't realize he is your everything like your father is to me." Iron fan said in a actually guilt ridden tone as she began to rub her baby boy's back," I was foolish for not expressing my concern to you before hand my sweet baby boy. Can you ever forgive me darling?"
"I...I" Red son said as he thought for a moment, she was being genuine right? He took a moment before he finished his sentence," I forgive you but please don't do anything like this again."
"I will come to you before messing with your relationship in the future" She said as she kissed his forehead before calling out," you can come back in Monkie kid!"
Red sat on his bed with a hand on his abdomen. He was still taking it in that they were expecting a child. A little life that currently was depending on him for their own survival.
He could have seriously hurt them and it wasn't their fault. He tried to reassure himself that they wouldn't blame him. If he'd know he never been that wreck less. Not at all. He never meant to endanger them.
"I'm sorry I'm so sorry little one I never planned to hurt you" Red son said under his breath as he laid back down. Taking some long awaited comfort from his lover.
They had a lot things to plan.
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siren-dragon · 3 years
Cultural Studies -- The Cat Returns fanfic
Hello again, guess who wrote another one-shot! Anyway, this prompt came to me (along with several others, lol) so I decided to write something for it. Also, big thanks to everyone who enjoyed my first story. Also, Haru’s outfit is based on the yukata from the Love Nikki game and I may draw something for this story at a later date. Anyway, please enjoy!
AO3 story link    Tagging: @mysticsoulgirl
Prompt: Summer Fireworks Festival
Though the Sanctuary, and by extension the Cat Bureau itself, experienced many a visitor wishing for assistance with one thing or another- it wasn’t exactly a stationary place. True, anyone could follow Muta from the Crossroads and through the twists and turns of Japan’s alleys to locate the entryway arch, but that wasn’t truly the Bureau’s physical location. Anyone who was in need could find the Sanctuary entrance, all they had to do was merely look for it. So, while Baron was not unaccustomed to a variety of clients (even if the quantity seemed to have diminish over the years), it was always a study in new cultures when a guest appeared. Even when the cat figurine made a point to be open and courteous to a visitor, there were often a few things he gained new knowledge of.
“A fireworks festival? I’m afraid I’ve not heard of such a thing before.” He spoke, handing Haru a now size-appropriate cup thanks to the Bureau’s magic.
The dark brunette offered a small word of thanks and a bright smile before continuing. “Really? Oh, they’re great fun. Originally it was started as a festival for the dead; to mourn the lost one while celebrating life. But nowadays it’s just a fun activity to watch while eating festival food with friends.”
“Did I hear someone mention food?” Muta spoke, closing the front door behind him. “Hey Chicky, you bring any snacks with you today?”
From the upstairs balcony came a snort of displeasure. “You ever think of anything aside from your stomach,” Toto drawled, rolling his eyes at the cat’s one-track mind.
“What was that birdbrain?!”
“Oh, come on, think of a new insult piggy-cat!”
Before the fight could escalate anymore Haru, now a more convenient size for Baron’s home, rose from her seat on the sofa and lifted a bag where the scent of sugar and fresh fruit wafted throughout the room. “If you two are going to fight, then Baron and I will eat this by ourselves- including the mulberries I got special for you Toto.”
Both cat and crow immediately silenced themselves before tossing a glare at the other, “You got lucky, big chicken.”
“Sure thing, marshmallow.”
Baron sighed, taking out the necessary cutlery before Muta decided to forego the use of utensils. “Muta, have you experienced such festivals in the Human Realm?”
“What festivals?”
“The fireworks festival coming up this weekend,” Haru clarified as she handed Toto the collection of mulberries she brought.
It was here that the ex-con feline grinned, “oh yeah. Gotta love summer festivals in Japan with all their fried food and sweets. Best time to be a cat.”
Toto snickered, “why am I not surprised; you only think from your stomach.”
“Shut up!”
“There’s also games where you can win prizes and some shops as well. And at the end there is large fireworks show everyone watches to celebrate the summer season.” It was here that Haru’s excited smile seemed to dim slightly, “I was going to go with Hiromi, but she has a family reunion to attend. And my Mom will be out of town during that weekend- so I’ll just be watching it from my house.”
As a figurine being made out of wood, anything associated with fire was typically something Baron tried to actively avoid. And while he would deny it fervently later onto a rather smug looking Muta and Toto, the slightly disheartened expression on Haru’s face sent a rather unpleasant sensation through his chest sent nearly all thoughts of self-preservation out the window. It reminded him of their previous adventure in the Cat Kingdom; with her clad in a fine, pale-yellow gown and wearing a look of absolute despair despite it having been her so called “wedding day”. And so, it was not 2 seconds later that he found the words tumbling from his lips without any kind of second thought.
“Perhaps we can accompany you to this festival instead, Haru.”
That certainly caused the brunette to stare at him in surprise, yet a spark of joy danced within her caramel eyes. “Really? You guys would want to go with me?”
“Hey, if there’s food then you can count me in.” Muta shrugged, finishing his slice of chiffon cake.
Toto nodded, “I’m sure it’d be a great experience; what with the lack of clients to the Bureau.”
Haru beamed brightly with sheer delight, “Thank you everyone, I’m sure you all will love it!”
When Haru had finally left for the day, a definite spring in her step, Muta couldn’t help but turn a sly grin to his fellow feline. “Well, that was rather generous of you to volunteer us for something you didn’t even know about till 30 minutes ago.”
“I’m not sure what you are inquiring Muta. It was quite clear that Miss Haru was looking forward to this festival and it would be unbecoming of a gentleman to allow her to merely remain home alone and miss the event entirely.”
Toto nodded, “I have to say, I agree with Baron on this one. But I don’t think it was that difficult to persuade you after that melancholic expression crossed her face.”
Baron gave a displeased frown to his colleague’s rambunctious laughter, which did nothing to hide the slight tint of pink beneath his cream-colored fur. Honestly, since when was chivalrous behavior become a source of mockery? And yet… the sight of Haru’s joyful smile was more than worth it.
“So, are you going to wear a yukata?”
“A what?”
That answer only made the hefty white cat laugh louder.
“Muta… are you quite sure that this garment is placed on correctly.”
“If the picture is anything to go by, then yeah. Besides; you can’t wear a suit with tails to a summer festival- you’ll stick out too much.” The large cat answered, glancing down at the newspaper advertisement in his hands before looking back to his much shorter friend. “Hmm, I think that’s right.”
“You idiot, tie for the sash is supposed to be in the back.” Toto commented, taking the advertisement with his beak to compare the image to Baron’s new attire. “See, there isn’t a giant bow in the front.”
“Okay first, it’s called an obi and second, stop butting in birdbrain!”
“I wouldn’t have to if you knew what you were doing, fluff-ball!”
Baron was going to attempt to silence their bickering before the sash about his waist loosened slightly causing the robe to flutter open and expose part of his chest and collarbone before the ginger feline took hold of the garment’s sides and quickly held them closed. He briefly wondered if it would perhaps be better to merely wear his typical suit before a knock sounded on the door- halting Muta and Toto’s argument. The crow quickly flew toward the door and swiftly opened the door to reveal Haru. She too was clad in a traditional yukata of navy blue with ivory and cream-colored stars swirling around a crescent moon at the hem of the dress before continuing upward. The sash wrapped around her waist took on a pale blue color while the right sleeve of her dress shifted colors; with the stars now dark and the fabric white shade. Though her hair was cut short, it was still pinned back by a blue, yellow, and orange silk flower with the latter two colors matching the shade of his own fur. To be perfectly honest, she looked quite breath-taking.
“Baron are you wearing a yukata?” She grinned, noticing his change of attire immediately which only made the statuette cling to the folds of the loosened robe all the more tightly. “I didn’t even know you had one!”
“Well, Muta saw fit to inform me this is the traditional attire for a summer festival so it is a recent addition to my wardrobe. However, I seem to be having a bit of trouble actually dressing.” He answered, unable to prevent the sigh from leaving his lips at his current dishevelment.
Haru giggled, placing her small bag on the sofa before approaching him. “Don’t worry, it’s always challenging for a first-timer. Here, you just need a little bit of adjusting…”
Despite his attempt to remain calm at the innocent offer, Baron couldn’t help the heat rushing to his face as Haru approached and began shifting the obi about his waist he had attempted to tie on earlier. He still kept his hand clenched about the folds of the yukata as Haru expertly straightened the robe, to which he gave her a very grateful smile. Soon he was now properly clothed, even wearing the haori properly before Haru stepped back to admire her handy work (though Baron felt a slight twinge of disappointment at her shift away from him). “There we go, a perfect fit.”
“Thank you, Haru. And may I say, you look lovely as well.”
She beamed at his reply as she moved to retrieve her bag. “Thanks Baron. But if you wanted to wear a yukata, I could have helped you find one.”
Muta shook his head, “that would have ruined the surprise Chicky. Plus, nothing was more amusing than watching Baron try to put it on.”
“As always, your assistance is greatly appreciated Muta.” Baron replied dryly, remembering the past hour where both his friends tried to guide him in how to wear the clothes.
As they walked through the archway of the Sanctuary, Muta walked ahead of them now on all fours while Toto took to the skies. However, as soon as Baron exited alongside Haru, he grew till he was once more a head taller than the dark-haired young woman instead of a foot-tall figurine. But the fact that his feline appearance remained gave Haru pause- knowing most would not really take the appearance of a half-cat man kindly (even if people believed it to be a ridiculously realistic mask). But it seemed her thoughts were rather evident on her face, because Baron was quick to assuage her fears. “Do not worry Haru, there is a spell in place masking my real appearance. You are the only one who can see the truth.”
“I didn’t know you can use such spells, Baron.” She asked curiously.
He nodded, offering his arm to her which she gladly accepted. “Yes, though I am afraid they are only temporary. But I thought this would make our evening engagement far more enjoyable without any disturbances from bewildered onlookers.”
“It’s no trouble at all, actually I think it’s a good idea. It does make me curious as to how your disguise looks.”
Baron paused and gestured to the glass window of a shop they were walking past, “see for yourself.”
Turning to the window, Haru looked at Baron’s reflection nearly jumped in alarm upon not seeing the familiar feline characteristics she had come to cherish. Instead, the face of a young man who looked a few years older than herself gazed back at her from the reflection. His hair was a light tawny blonde the same shade as Baron’s fur, perfectly coiffed to suit the Creation’s usual debonair attire. Where once fur and whiskers existed was now fair skin and a rather amused smile taking in her slightly bewildered expression. Yet despite the disguise, Haru took comfort in the fact that Baron’s eyes were still the same shade of mint-green.
“That is rather impressive, if a bit shocking at first.” She laughed a little nervously.
Baron frowned, “does it bother you too much?”
“No, it’s not that,” she answered with a shake of her head before beaming up at him. “I just prefer you the way you are, that’s all.”
It was the second time in the past few days that Baron found his words failing him once again at her kind, yet honest words.
Perhaps the first thing that caught Baron’s attention were the vibrant banners illuminated by dozens of lights and lanterns. The street was lined with colorful booths, each hosting a different attraction as friends and families traveled back and forth to every single one. It was a rather jarring change from the peace and quiet of the Cat Bureau, but as he glanced down at the excited grin on Haru’s face as she enthusiastically explained each booth’s function, Baron couldn’t help the pleased smile drifting across his face. “So then, what would you recommend we do first?”
“Food, I’m starving!” Muta cried from about their legs before he bolted down the street, causing several people to laugh at the rather large cat obviously following the scent of frying food. “Takoyaki, here I come!”
Haru laughed, “well, food always is a good choice. Though we’d best pace ourselves, festival food is great, but not exactly healthy.”
“Then I shall follow your lead, Haru.” Baron added, glancing around briefly with a bit of confusion drifting across his face, “I must admit, I thought a fireworks festival would have more of that particular attraction.”
“That happens at the end of the night, mainly because it’ll be darker and it’ll give us a chance to see most of the booths before we have to find seats to watch the fireworks. But we’d best find Muta before he manages to pilfer too many snacks.”
Baron chuckled, “I think it’s more of his charming attitude that wins him such favors.”
Haru couldn’t help but laugh at that, and judging from the faint cawing above their heads, Toto heard it as well. “Well, we’d best hurry before that charm gets a bit carried away.”
The couple soon found their way further into the festival and managed to find Muta, who looked rather smug at having charmed a piece of taiyaki from a group of teenage girls. True to her word, Haru managed to procure a few treats for them all to try, ranging from takoyaki to kakigori to some onigiri before they walked to where Toto waited upon a nearby but isolated tree. Muta had nearly claimed all of the takoyaki while Toto took a liking to the plain onigiri and the roasted chestnuts Baron was eating. Though Baron was not overly found of the deep-fried food, he couldn’t deny that the kakigori Haru offered was quite delicious.
As the sun soon sank below the horizon and the sky turned dark with the coming night, many people started moving away from the bright lights of the festival stalls to await the oncoming fireworks display. “We don’t really want to be too close to all the larger crowds, so we’ll stay on the outskirts instead.” Haru informed them, taking a seat beside the grass. “And I wanted to thank you guys again, for coming with me.”
“Nonsense Haru, this was most enjoyable and we were happy to accompany you.”
“Even though you had to forgo your suit?” She replied with a teasing grin.
Baron gave a slightly sheepish look, “I will admit that dressing did pose quite the challenge, but well worth the effort.”
“Even still, thank you for being such a good sport about it. And I’m glad you had a good time.” Haru chimed happily, turning to look at the ever-growing groups awaiting the final event of the festival. “Hopefully we’ll be able to see everything with so many people…”
“Well, we merely need a seat with a view; and I believe I may have a solution.”
“What do you mean by that?”
The ginger gentle-cat only offered her a hand with a secret smile, “Just trust me.”
At the familiar words, Haru rested her hand upon his and watched as the world around them seemed to stretch upward as her height plummeted to its usual size whenever she visited the Bureau. Toto then landed beside them, offering a place upon his back with Baron holding on tightly the Stone Creations black feathers and Haru wrapping her arms about his waist. Once they were situated on the now gigantic crow, Toto rose high into the air (though not before snatching Muta in his claws much to the large cat’s displeasure while muttering something that sounded like “always a showoff.”) before gliding through the evening sky.
They were only flying for a few minutes before a high-pitched whistle sounded only to be followed by a large explosion of white and gold lights as the fireworks show began. Haru watched in silent amazement as they soared the atmosphere as each of the colorful illuminations danced around them like falling stars. She a joyful laugh at sheer sight of the fireworks show from a literal bird’s eye perspective, “alright, now this is a view.”
“I must agree,” Baron added, though it was hard to hear over the sound of the fireworks.
Moving her head forward, Haru placed a gentle kiss upon Baron’s fur-covered cheek before leaning to rest her cheek against his back. “Just for the record, this is the best fireworks festival I’ve ever been to.”
And for the third time in Haru’s presence, Baron found himself at a loss for words as a pleasing warmth started to overcome his face. Yet as he turned to watch the brilliant lights display with the young woman beside him, he had to admit that it certainly was an enjoyable evening.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
The Late Night Café ~ JJK [M] [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 4.9K
↬↬↬Genre: Prince!AU, Non!IDOL, SMUT, Fluffy
↬↬↬Pairing: Prince Jungkook x Fem!Reader
↬↬↬Warnings: Sex without contraception (wrap it before you tap It), cunnilingus,
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"I don't think you understand the sincerity behind this Jungkook!" His mother slammed her hand down against the throne as her son treated this as though it was a joke to him but to him it was.
"What's the big deal? You're only going to set me up with someone I do not wish to be with so just get on with it." It was no secret that the Prince wasn't happy with the idea of an arranged marriage but if he wanted to take the throne and become King he had to marry before he turned 24 years old which was less then six months away. No time for him to find someone to fall in love with but plenty of time for his parents to force a marriage onto him where he would not be happy.
"Please Jungkook-"
"No. I don't want to talk about it anymore." He walked out of the throne room and away from his mother who was still calling out for him to stop but he didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to hear another speech about how it was for the good of the Country and if he didn't do it there could be serious consequences, it was always the same lecture.
"Jungkook are you going to sneak out again tonight?" Taehyung - his personal guard asked him as they walked side by side through the stone castle, Jungkook chuckled at how scared Taehyung was about it but it was something Jungkook had mastered over the years. He was always sneaking out of the castle late at night, he'd dress up in normal clothes instead of the suit he always had to wear and then he'd walk around the streets acting like anyone else his age would.
"I am."
"Is there anything I can say or do to stop you?" Taehyung knew it was useless since there was nothing he could possibly do,
"Is there ever?" Jungkook teased as he reached his chambers within the castle, Taehyung sighed bowing and walking away from the doors.
Inside was a huge King sized bed with curtains around it, all draped down to cover the red silk sheets that were on the bed. The rest of the room was quite boring, books were along the walls but nothing that interested Jungkook, all of them were about his training, and royal history, he wasn't allowed anything exciting as it could distract him from his Royal duties as the Prince. Everyone thought that this life was perfect and easy but they were wrong being a prince was far from easy and far from perfect.
A rapid knocking sounded on his door and he ground lifting himself from the bed and going over to the door,
"Yes, Namjoon?" He asked the tutor that had been teaching him for the last 7 years,
"Assignments," He handed Jungkook a folder full of papers and smiled at him,
"I'll see them on my desk next week?" He nodded at the request knowing it was no good to say no to Namjoon, he took the folder into his room and threw it down onto his own desk flipping through the pages. He had no classes that afternoon so he saw no harm in starting to do some of the work he had ahead of him, it was all about the history of the palace, how his family had come into the power and then sections about the royal guards. Boring drabble that made him want to throw the folder out of the window.
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Four knocks on his door meant that the guards were changing over, midnight he let out a breath of relief. Jimin - the second personal guard - would be taking over the night shift which meant he would be able to slip out easily and have Jimin cover for him while he wandered around outside of the palace walls for a while. He slipped into some jeans and a hoodie before heading out of the door to his room,
"You have ten minutes, run." Jimin handed him some cash and chuckled as Jungkook lifted up the hoodie hood and began sprinting in the direction of the guard exit within the palace, he had about ten minutes before the next one would come out of the door and see him.
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Being in the town was a total bust there was nothing happening, it was a Monday night so everything was practically closed. The bars were empty and Jungkook was wondering about bored but even this was better than going back to the palace. He was about to give out on finding somewhere to sit when he saw a cafe with its lights still on, he walked up to the window to see you sitting on the counter reading from a book with a hot chocolate in your hand eyes glued onto the page you were reading from. He chuckled watching you as your eyebrows furrowed together clearly reading something you didn't like, the way you smiled as you turned over the page made Jungkook feel warm inside and before he knew it he was heading inside of the empty cafe.
The bell above the door made you jump up and look around your eyes landed on Jungkook and you almost slopped off the countertop.
"Are you open?" Even his voice sounded angelic to you but you were so lost by staring at him you hadn't been able to form a sentence yet, Jungkook felt his pulse quicken as you stared at him. For a second he thought you knew who he was - everyone did but whenever he came into down dressed down with his hair down no one seemed to be able to tell he was Prince Jungkook.
"Erm, open? Yes! Sorry!" You jumped down from the counter and left your book on the side so you could serve him without being distracted,
"Sorry, we don't get anyone at night," You laughed nervously taking out a notepad and pen,
"What can I get your sir?" He smiled walking closer to the counter, he pressed his palms against the marble and looked through the menu.
"What do you recommend?"
"My famous hot chocolate, it's not on the menu though."
"Famous?" He laughed looking at while raising his eyebrows, you nodded at him and smiled.
"I make it whenever there's no one here, it's an old recipe because between you and me..." You leant across the counter to whisper to him despite there being no one you both,
"The new machines scare me, I burnt myself once and then they put me on the night shift so I've not had to use one since." You laughed softly and Jungkook couldn't help but smile at how adorable you sounded, the way your throat made a wheezing sound as you sucked in some more air - it was too cute.
"Then I shall take a famous hot chocolate created by the amazing...Y/n." He read off your name tag and you smiled,
"My famous hot chocolate coming right up for?" He smiled at you,
"Ah like the Prince, cute." You wrote down his order and went off to make it while making your self a fresh one at the same time. He looked down at the book you'd been reading and smiled, it was the same book his mother used to read to him as a kid,
"The little prince," He whispered picking it up and flicking through your copy of it, along the margins was small notes you'd made in pen and he read through them all. Analysing your handwriting as he went, it made him laugh that whenever you were angry about something happening inside of the book your penmanship would get a little rougher.
"You like the book too?" You asked while you waited for the milk to warm up, he jumped dropping the book down onto counter as you made him jump up in surprise.
"Sorry, I'm quiet and sneaky." You laughed it off and he chuckled along with you,
"I used to love it as a child."
"Do you read now?" You questioned going back over to the steamer and checking on the milk,
"Not as much as I'd like, I'm in a slump." He lied going over to a table in cafe and sitting himself down.
"Ah, I can give you some titles if you like?" He heard the familiar sound of whipped cream being sprayed from a can and he smiled,
"Please, if you don't mind."
"Of course," He glanced up hearing you closer to him this time and watched as you placed down a giant mug of hot chocolate in front of him, on top was a pile of whipped cream, marshmallows and a flake for a little extra taste.
"Enjoy," You went to walk away but he called out your name to stop you, he was intrigued by you and wanted to know more instead of letting you go back to your book just yet.
"Those books you recommend?" He questioned doing anything to make you stay there with him just for a few more minutes, being with you made him feel normal and not like the prince at all. It was refreshing to him to be around someone like you, someone he didn't have to worry about freaking out on him because he was the Prince.
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After a week with you, Jungkook began to realise that the reason you didn't know he was the Prince was that you didn't pay close enough attention to it all, you never watched anything on the news to do with it because you would much rather be reading, doing some of your hobbies or sleeping. Over the last week, you'd lent Jungkook a lot of books - he'd explained that the job he worked he wasn't available to go out during the day so spent most of his nights awake.
"What did you think?" You asked as you slid him a hot chocolate, it had become customary every night for him to come by with the book you'd given him to read and talk to you about it.
"I don't like it, why would she fall for him? He's all types of bad for her." You'd given him twilight of all books. He'd mentioned never reading anything that wasn't factual books and you wanted to give him something on the plainer side as well as a little romance,
"Trust me, in midnight sun it all makes sense." You laughed sipping on your hot chocolate,
"Did you get around to any of the movies I suggested?" He glanced up and you and shook his head, he'd been dying to watch the movies you'd given to him but he never had the time during the day, with reading he could sneak it in between study sessions, practice and while he waited to sneak out but movies were harder.
"Not yet," You sighed scooping up some of the whipped cream from his cup on your finger and placed it into your mouth, he watched in awe the whole time. It would be a huge lie if he said he was attracted to you because he was, very attracted to you in a strong way.
"You'll have to come over one day and we can watch a series together, there's this horror...one I've been dying to show someone." He frowned as you trailed off and stared out of the window, he followed your gaze to see Jimin and Taehyung standing around they were dressed in regular clothes but he knew they were there for him but he continued to ignore them and act as though he had no idea who they were.
"Friends of yours?" You laughed looking at them as they stared at Jungkook and you together,
"Something like that." He mumbled looking down at the hot chocolate, it would be a shame to waste it now so he just held up his hand to them, signalling that he'd be two minutes.
"They don't look happy they have to wait," You whispered feeling slightly disheartened that he was going to leave again, he sighed looking at you.
"I'm not happy that I have to leave, we all have to make sacrifices sometimes." He tied to laugh it off but he was really upset about all of this he could already feel himself falling for you which was bad since he would have to be away from you very soon.
"I'll be back tomorrow, we can talk all about those movies you want to watch with me." He smiled at you taking your hand in his, you felt a jolt in your body as he touched you. Before you knew it he was leaning across the table and leaving a small and gentle kiss on your lips.
"See you tomorrow," He whispered running his thumb along your bottom lip and leaving you alone with the book he'd borrowed and the half drank hot chocolate in front of you.
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The Queen tapped her foot as she looked at her son,
"You were spotted kissing her, so who is she?" Jungkook rolled his eyes, Jimin and Taehyung hadn't been there when the kiss had happened so it was evident that she'd had someone else following him for the last week.
"Assuming I'm correct you'd had us followed for a week so why don't you tell me who she is mother," His tone was coming out like a bratty teenager who was being caught in a lie and was being told off but he didn't care. He knew what his mother was about to do and he wasn't happy about it,
"You won't be seeing her anymore, I'm stepping up your security so no more sneaking out." She straightened up and watched as Jungkook scoffed her before leaving the great hall, slamming the doors behind him as he left her alone there.
"Was I too harsh?" She asked Yoongi who was standing beside her, he looked down at the floor.
"No your highness, he needs to learn the rules are there to be followed." But she couldn't help but feel bad for him, she knew what it was like to be in love with someone you could never have and she swore never to let her own child go through that and yet here she was doing the same thing her father did to her.
"Follow him, make sure he's in his chambers." She mumbled to Seokjin and Hoseok who was standing by the doors, they nodded and walked out without another word to the Queen.
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Three nights in a row and Jungkook was a no show, you were starting to think he regretted kissing you and that was why he hadn't come back.
"Another night another disappointment." You whispered to yourself as you waited for the next waitress to come and take over,
"There's some dude outside for you, said he's ready for the movie marathon?" Your heart raced hearing those words,
"I cleaned, I've done everything, see you tonight!" You threw down your apron and rushed outside to the street to see Jungkook leaning against the alleyway wall, his head was hanging low as he pulled the hoodie up over his head.
"Movies?" You laughed walking up to him, he looked up at you to make sure you were you before he took your hand in his.
"Lead the way. I'm sorry I haven't been here...I was caught up at work." He lied trying to ignore the pounding in his chest as he held your hand for the first time in three days, being away from you was hurting him a lot. The idea of never seeing you again pained him so he'd slipped Seokjin and Hoseok a sleeping pill each before leaving out of his balcony door and climbing down the drainpipe.
"It's fine, I'm glad you're back." You smiled walking towards your apartment building still holding onto Jungkook's hand as you walked together, he was casually swinging your arms back and forth.
"Are they scary horror films then?" He questioned as you unlocked the front door to the apartment building, you giggled at how nervous he sounded about it.
"No Kookie, they're just a little Gorey," You promised him though that if he got scared he could hold onto you through them,
"Can I hold onto you through them anyway?" He whispered as you reached your front door, your back was against the wooden door but you nodded while staring into his eyes.
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You phoned into work that night taking a sick day so you could continue your time with Jungkook, he faked a phone call to his work and came back to you.
"So which film is next?" He questioned sitting down next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders, over the day you'd grown more and more comfortable around one another, stealing kisses and glances whenever you could and now it was as if you'd known him forever.
"I'm going to get you into the lord of the rings movies, you're going to love them," He chuckled watching as you got excited over the idea of him loving a movie with you, he stared at the side of your face as you flicked through the channels with the remote in your hand.
"What?" You laughed feeling his hand brush the hair out of your face,
"I just wanted to see your beautiful face again." He laughed leaning across and kissing your cheek softly, you put the remote down after clicking play and turned to look at him.
"Do it again," You whispered turning your head so he would kiss your cheek but at the last second, you turned your head connecting your lips. The same sparks you'd felt the first time came rushing out of you, your heart began to pound as he kissed you lovingly. His hands moving to cup either side of your face as you struggled to get into a comfortable position on the sofa.
"Come here," He chuckled lifting you up and sitting you down onto his lap so he could kiss you better, you giggled bending down to connecting your lips once again, whining out when he ran his hands down your spine.
The makeout session began to grow in heat and he pulled off his shirt revealing his toned body, you bit down on your lip running your finger down his abs as he took off your shirt next as you went to hide your body he shook his head at you.
"You're gorgeous, don't hide from me." He gently kissed you again standing up, you screamed into the kiss wrapping your legs around his waist as he began walking towards the bedroom laying you down against the sheets.
"Are you sure you want this?" You questioned when you watched him slowly begin to undo your pants,
"I've never been so sure about something in my life, are you?" You nodded your head desperately not caring about how desperate you looked. Anyone would be a fool to resist Jungkook right now.
"Need you." You whispered pulling him down into a kiss while your hands massaged his already hard member through the fabric of his jeans, he let out a low grunt as you finally came into contact with him and you smirked hearing him. You couldn't wait to hear more.
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Sinking to his knees in front of you he began to kiss up to your thigh, letting his fingers run between your folds as he teased you a little wanting to get you riled up before he'd even entered you.
"J-Jungkook," You begged for him to do something, anything except this constant teasing and he chuckled blowing air onto your clit and smirking as you wiggled under his breath.
"So cute when you're needy Y/n." He slowly pushed two of his fingers into you knuckles deep holding them in place so you could feel him just below your g-spot, you began rocking yourself on his fingers but he pinned your hips down to the bed.
"No baby, let me do the work." The nickname sent shivers down your spine, he hadn't called you anything except for your name yet and that nickname made you needier for him.
"Then do the work," You hissed at him, frantic for him to move his fingers in and out of you. Once he did your head rolled back against the mattress making you cry out his name feeling him spreading his fingers a little each time he thrust them into you, curling them whenever he heard you moan in a way he liked.
"So sensitive," He whispered kissing your clit slowly sending your brain into a fog,
"I wonder-" He cut himself off by licking stripes up and down your clit as he continued to thrust his fingers in and out of you, increasing your moans as if you were an instrument he was playing.
"F-Fuck!" You whimpered hands going out to either side of you on the bed and clutching onto the sheets around you, you clenched around his fingers as he began to suck on your clit, occasionally removing his fingers from your core and dipping his tongue into you.
"S-Shit! Jungkook please!" You begged for him to keep going, your eyes rolling back as you could feel your orgasm beginning to build the more he ate you out like that on the bed.
"You wanna cum Princess? You wanna cum on my fingers?" You nodded frantically and he chuckled returning his mouth to your over-sensitive clit and hummed on you edging you all the more.
"Cum." He ordered darkly continuing the rough movement of his fingers, your eyes screwed shut as you cried out his name loud enough for the neighbours to hear you coming down from your first high of the night.
As you went to sink down onto your knees he brought you back up, kissing you softly,
"No baby, if you suck me off I'll blow right here, j-just lay down okay?" You nodded at him and kissed him again, kissing down his jawline and sucking on the exposed skin and he groaned laying you down against the bed and lining himself up at your entrance.
"P-Please," You whimpered looking him in the eyes, he smiled taking your hand in his as he slowly eased himself into you groaning out at how tight you were around him. He stayed still for a moment, letting you both adjust to the new feeling, if he were to move now he wouldn't last long at all.
"S-Shit you're so fucking tight." He mumbled against your lips kissing you as he slowly began to move in and out of you,
"S-So big." You mumbled back to him making him chuckle as you wrapped your legs around his waist begging him to move faster which he gladly accepted, moving your left leg around his shoulder and angling himself deeper into you.
Heavy grunting and loud moaning filled the room as he pushed in and out of you at a ruthless pace looking into your eyes as you cried out his name,
"Don't stop!" You begged, holding onto his face as you kissed him roughly begging for him not to stop. He was filling you up in ways you'd never felt before and you didn't ever want it to finish,
"I won't baby I won't." He chuckled moving his hand down between you and rubbing your clit, you throbbed around his length making him groan as you got tighter around him. You were letting out loud whines and whimpers that were bringing him closer to his release, he'd imagined you like this beneath him all week, imagining the way you would sound when you called out his name and moaned it loudly for everyone to hear.
"Jungkook!" You ran your fingernails down his back as he pushed himself deeper into you, it was as if something took over him then. He began to get rougher with his hip movements, snapping into you relentlessly as he felt his high drawing closer to him.
"C-Close." You whimpered to him looking into his eyes,
"M-Me too," He added glad that you were close, he didn't want to be the guy to cum without making you cum first, he let out a shaky breath as he pushed you further onto the bed and put your leg around his waist again.
"F-Fuck...Squeeze me-ugh- like that again babe." He begged you as you wrapped your legs around him pulling him deeper into you, he groaned loudly feeling you do that whenever he thrust into you.
"Jungkook I-I can't hold it a-anymore." You whispered to him and he chuckled leaning down to kiss you, kissing from your lips up to your ears.
"Cum around me baby, cum all over me like a good girl." At the mention of you being a good girl you lost control, your hips bucked up and your legs shook as white took over your vision. Sending you over the edge as you cried out his name, a warmth spreading through you as you came around him.
"S-Shit! J-Jungkook I love you!" You cried out loudly hips bucking wildly as you felt him twitch inside of you pulling out and spilling onto your stomach with a few pumps of his hand,
"I love you too." He whispered looking into your eyes as you both laid there panting heavily to one another.
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You screamed as the door to your bedroom was kicked open and guns were aimed at you, Jungkook wrapped his arms around you covering you with the sheets. You were panicked while he looked calm about all of this happening around him,
"Mother," You stared at Jungkook as he watched the Queen walking into your room, you knew she was the Queen because of the crown she had on her head and the way she carried herself as she walked into the room.
"M-Mother?!" Your voice cracked as you asked him that, your eyes danced around to each of the guards who were now putting their guns away and standing to attention. Two of them were the boys who had been outside the cafe the last night Jungkook had come to see you.
"At ease, Jimin and Tae stay, the rest of you out." She ordered and all of them left without questioning it, Jungkook was still holding you close to keep you clothed.
"Can you give us a moment?" He questioned looking from his mother to you, you hadn't spoken a word yet and you wouldn't meet his gaze, you just stared at the bed waiting for them to leave you both alone.
"You have five minutes."
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When you both emerged from the bedroom the Queen was sitting on your sofa, Jungkook had tried talking to you but you couldn't reply back to him. You hadn't been able to think of a single thing to say to him yet,
"Would you like some tea?" You asked the Queen, bowing a little as she made eye contact with you.
"No thank you, I heard you make a nice hot chocolate but it is neither the time nor the place for that." She stated, looking at you up and down trying to determine if you were good for her son or not but she could already tell that you were, you stopped bowing and stared at the floor.
"I wanted to come and see who was making my son so happy, over the last week he's smiled a lot, it's the first time I've seen him like this since his father died so it's rather refreshing." You looked at Jungkook who was nervously staring at you already, he was trying to figure out if you were okay with everything happening around you.
"I didn't know he was a Prince, your highness-"
"That's okay, he should have told you." She raised herself from the sofa and walked closer to Jungkook.
"I expect to see you home tonight and at dinner, bring her along." She told him looking over at you and smiling brightly,
"We'll figure out a way around the arrangement, I'll speak to Yoongi and the council." She meant the Royal council that had been the ones to decide he needed to marry royalty before becoming King, seeing the way he was with you really made her change her mind on this. Deciding that he needed to be happy,
"I see that you would give it up for her...I'll see what I can do." He thanked her and bowed as she left your apartment.
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"Prince Huh?" You asked nervously and he laughed softly at your reaction, he was nervous that now you knew the truth you would start to treat him differently but you seemed okay.
"Do I have to call you your highness now?" You whispered as you walked over to him wrapping your arms around the back of his neck, Taehyung and Jimin were still in the apartment with you watching your every move.
"Only in the bedroom," He winked bending down to kiss you but you groaned pushing him away and looking at his personal guards.
"Do you want hot chocolate?" Jungkook acted offended as you offered them the famous hot chocolate that he'd come to you for.
"That's my hot chocolate," He mumbled watching as you walked into your kitchen getting ready to make everyone a cup he was just thrilled your feelings towards him didn't change when you found out he was the Prince. 
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@writingdreamsnottragedies​ @snowy-meowl​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​
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noisyalmonddreamer · 4 years
Holiday special
Word count: Idk a lot  (a/n): Someone come save me I’m tired this took my soul away this is also unedited because I’m to tired for that
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-This boy LOVES Christmas
-He get's into the feeling like right after thanksgiving
-Decorates his cabin like there's no tomorrow
-But he wont spend Christmas eve or day at camp, he's with his family
-He also goes to his family's house to help decorate
-Snowball fights? you will not BELIVE how excited he gets for them
-He loves hot chocolate and demands his has marshmallows in it
-be careful if you guys make cookies together he WILL eat the batter
-"Percy stop you could get sick!"
- "but it's so good!"
-he wears Christmas sweaters and Santa hats
-He invites you to come to his mom's house for Christmas
-On Christmas day itself he's supper excited but from how he was acting you'd think he was an actual responsible adult
-but really he just really wanted to make it special for Estelle so he was just being giddy on the inside
-He gets you something that would remind him of you
-Something he finds beautiful
~~~Scenario~~~  (lowkey feel like I wrote him out of character I'm really sorry)
The sounds of soft snores filled your ears as you woke up. The sun reflecting off the bright snow seemed to magnify the sun's rays. You turned over to see your boyfriend, Percy, sound asleep with a little bit of drool sliding past his lip. You giggled as you took the blue blanket and wiped it away causing him to stir a little.
"Percy, It's time to get up" you nudged him lightly trying to wake him. He groaned pulling the cover up more. You rolled your eyes before an idea came to mind "Percy wake up it's Christmas."
The gears in Percy's head seemed to move for a second before his eye's popped open "OH MY GOD'S IT'S CHRISTMAS!" He popped up from his position. You smiled before leaning over and kissing him on his cheek "yeah it is, now you might want to put a shirt on before-" your sentence was cut of as Percy looked at the window.
"Oh my God's (y/n) look it snowed!" he got up from the bed and excitedly went to the window pretty much vibrating from excitement. He looked like a little kid, his eyes shining bright and a giddy smile on his face "I know Perce" you laughed as he pouted at your comment "As I was saying you might want to put on a shirt before Estelle comes in."
Percy laughed and threw on a sweatshirt before climbing back into bed with you "what are you doing?" He looked at you and smiled "pretended you're asleep she'll want to have woken us up." He kissed your head and laid back down.
Percy was, of course, right. Moments later you heard two little feet barreling down the hallway and tiny squeals of excitement. The door opened and a little girl hopped onto the bed trying to wake the two of you up "GET UP GET UP GET UP!!!"
Estelle shook the two of 'awake' and you yawned "good morning Estelle. What can we do for you." You smiled at her as the little girl squealed with excitement. "It's Christmas! Mama and Papa said we couldn't open present's till you two woke up! Percy Percy get up!"
Estelle dragged the two of you out of bed into the living room where Sally and Paul had hot coco waiting. You sat on Percy's lap as you watched as Estelle rip open her presents, along with handing everyone there's "here Percy this is yours and this one's yours (y/n)!"
Percy smiled at her and ripped open the present, quickly, ones he saw what it was his eyes brightened as another big grin decorated his face.
After opening all the presents up Paul, Sally and Estelle went down the hall for a few minutes so Estelle could give a present to her friend.
Percy pulled you into his room and got something from inside his cabinet. He handed you a small box rapped in blue rapping paper. "I know I already got you a present but I went out swimming a while ago and found this and I thought of you" he rubbed the back of his neck as he blushed.
You smiled and kissed him on the cheek before opening the present. You pulled out a necklace that looked similar to your camp necklace except it had a single pearl on it. You smiled and wrapped your arm's around him, pressing your lips to his, you were met with the slightly salty taste of his lips. He smiled into the kiss as he pulled away for a second "so you like it?" he asked looking at you.
"I love it thank you Perce"
"Merry Christmas (Y/n)"
"Merry Christmas Percy"
-Again he hasn't had a 'real' Christmas in a while
-Mr. Series Roman Praetor  has watched over people for Christmas making sure no one get's to out of hand
-My boy hasn't gotten to have fun for so long
-So when you're like
-He's trying hard! But that series 'gotten make sure things are running smooth' skin is hard to get out
- "Don't drink to much eggnog it has raw eggs you could get sick. Don't have more than a cup please"
-I'm kinda kidding but he is kinda stiff about it all
-Sidenote: Someone *cough* Leo *cough* placed a mistletoe above his desk and put a stapler next to him so he was under the mistletoe with a stapler
- "You think you're so funny huh?"
- "Pretty much yeah"
- "It was pretty funny though"
- "(Y/N)!"
-I have said that I think he has a secret sweet tooth
-He drinks his hot coco super sweet
-No one can know though
-Except you maybe
-He decorates a tree with you
-straight up gets tangled in the lights while you guys are decorating
-Send some help for our very own blond super man
-He'll also probably get you something he had found during a quest
You placed two steaming mugs of hot Chocolate on a side table. They looked quite nice, if you say so yourself, you had added chocolate shavings atop the whip cream and crushed up peppermint canes.
Looking up you were met with electric blue eyes looking at you intently, holding a Santa hat in his scarred callused hands.
"Do I really have to wear this?" He asked holding out the bright red hat. "Yes of course you do! We're decorating!"
He looked down at you again. "Okay okay I'll wear the hat sweetie but why the entire cabin? We already have a tree do you think decorating the whole cabin is.... excessive?" You rolled your eyes at him "I don't expect you have had that many fun Christmases because you're so,,, Roman so you have to do it! I didn't make the rules bub!"
You skipped over to him kissing him on the cheek than going over to the box of decorations you forced him to fly to camp half-blood. You also got him to carry a Christmas tree that you got from the Stoles, though they didn't tell you were they got it from.
You opened up the box and pulled out a few blankets and pillows.
"What are those for?" Jason stood behind you taking sips from his hot coco watching you. "Decoration! What do you think we're doing here right now?" You threw the pillows and blankets onto the couch
Jason rolled his eyes, walking up to you "I already have pillows and blankets but whatever." He said, his voice held a teasing tone, he knew what he was doing.
You glared at him "I will take away your hot chocolate and not make anymore." You pointed a finger out, trying to prove your point. Jason's eyes widened before he placed his mug on the coffee table and swiftly walked over to you.
"Alright so what do you need?"
"Just take these." You handed him some fake acorns and stuff, pointing at a wall "Place them like over there."
Jason took them into his hands and began working. About thirty minutes in he tapped you on the shoulder. "What about the tree?" You looked over at him "Oh yeah we do that last just give me a sec and you can start detangling the lights." You pointed at the box that had the Christmas lights.
Jason nodded and walked over to the box, pulling out a giant clump of lights. He looked at it, a bit concerned wondering how he would be able to detangle it all.
~~~time skip~~~
Jason ended up being right, he couldn't untangle them. Every time he thought he had gotten another tangle out it led to another, then when he thought to follow a single cored it was stuck in other cords. This is all to say that in thirty minutes Jason managed to tangle himself in the lights, yet he still didn't ask for help or even call out for you.
He didn't want you laughing at him so he decided he would get himself out. Which also didn't end up well because he fell with a loud thud.
You had went outside to hang a few more lights and decorations on the porch when you head it, a loud thud followed by a groan of pain. You hurried inside to see the son of Zeus himself, Praetor of New Rome, Hero of Camp Jupiter, laying on the floor tangled in Christmas lights.
"It's not funny!" He yelled when he had heard your giggling. This only turned your light giggling into full on laughter you clutched your stomach in pain as you laughed.
"It's so funny! How did you even manage to do that?" He looked up at you "Can you please help me?" You bent down to his level "of course on one condiction"
"Yes anything!"
"Let me take a picture."
-Burns the coco because he's impatient
-He also puts candy canes into his hot coco
-Along with like 3 hand fulls of marshmallows and like a giant whip cream mountain
-He also lowkey doesn't like eggnog
- "It tastes like sweet eggs!"
-You can bet your ass he is going to force you to wear matching PJ's on Christmas eve
-While setting up the tree he get's very frustrated with the lights
-He does end up doing that and they look very cool
-May or may not end up breaking some of the ornaments
-"What was that?"
- *Sweeping away a broken ornament* "Nothing babe!"
-He makes all his presents himself
-Like 2 months before he's haled ass up in bunker 9 making presents
-At some point he made a Christmas robot
-It's called that but it's main purpose is to peg snowballs at people
-He does bring a Christmas tree inside the bunker but forgets to water it then it catches on fire because it's dried out
-He will also pull mistletoe out at random time's claiming you have to kiss now
- "You just pulled that out of your tool belt. We're not even near ceiling"
- "Hmm? What? I don't know what you're talking about. But time for kiss! Who are we to break tradition?"
-You force him to dress up as an elf and give presents to kids
- "Why not Santa!? I'm making the toys!"
- "You're to short to be Santa plus your pointed ears!"
-He builds you something is that even a question
-It's a charm bracelet with a few different charms, one of them actually is magic and will pull out a shield  
You were stood outside bunker 9 on Christmas morning waiting for Leo to change. You shivered as a cold wind felt like it pierced your skin, both Leo and yourself had gotten up earlier then you normally would have but you two wanted to have your own thing before joining the rest of the camp.
You breathed out, a puff of smoke leaving your lips, as you turned around and banged on the door. "Leo come on! We're gonna be late and we still have to drag the presents to the bonfire!" you yelled through the metal. "This is ridiculous! Why am I dressed as an elf! I made the presents! This is humiliating!" His voice sounded whiny, you could practically hear him pouting.
"Come on Leo think about the children! They'll be so happy!" You heard a reluctant sigh leave him before the iron door opened reveling Leo in an adorable elf outfit.
"I feel ridicules." As he walked towards you the bells on his shoes jingled, making you burst out laughing. "Oh you have got to let me take a picture!" You grabbed Leo by the hand and pulled him towards the slay he had built. "Alright Mr. Elf let's go!"
"Don't call me that!" His whiney complains were only halted as you pecked his cheek quickly. "Now if you want more then let's go!" Leo's eyes widened, he grabbed the leads  and rushed towards the bonfire.
~~Time skip. Like only 5 minutes~~
As the slay slowed down to a stop you heard screams, you looked over your shoulder to see most of the younger camps, in their pajamas, running up to the slay with an excited look on their faces.
You looked over at Leo who had a bright smile on his face already grabbed a piece of paper with each kid's names and which toy they got. "You ready?" you whispered over to him, adjusting your hoodie. "Hades yeah I am!"
You hopped off from the slay in front of the kids, they all stopped and looked at you, pretty much vibrating from excitement. "Alright kiddys! Are you ready for your presents?" You question was only answered with shriek's of excitement and maybe one or two 'YES!'s.  
"Mr. Elf has each of your presents all the way from the north pole! But you have to wait to be called on can all of you do that?" The kids again in unison nodded their heads.
Leo popped up next to you startling you a bit, a big dopy grin still decorating his face "Alright I'm looking for a Gogo?" A little girl came running up to Leo, bouncing up and down with a plush in her hand, "Here you are Gogo" Leo handed the little girl a nicely wrapped present, the girl took it before bolting to her siblings yelling out a "THANK YOU!"
One by one Leo listed off the kid's, each one yelling out a thank you, and joining their siblings. As the last kid ran away Leo looked into the present sack. "Oh what do we have here?"
You looked at him with a questioning gaze "Did you forget someone? That was the last kid so I don't think you did." You looked around to see if there was any stragglers before Leo cleared his throat.
"Well why don't we have a looksie here and...Oh...it look's like this is for a certain...(Y/f/n)." You looked over at him again. "I didn't ask for anything..." you trailed off. Before you could say anything else Leo plopped the present into your hands, kissing you on the cheek. "Merry Christmas bebita."
Nico: -"Christmas is coming up?"
-Boy doesn't even realize
-I headcanon Nico secretly has a sweet tooth so I think he would like egg nog and super sweet hot coco
-I also think he can cook so he makes cookies with you
-But he will act like it's a pain and out of his way
-"Do I really have to?"
-"If you don't want to I'll just go get Leo or someone to help me!"
-"...Pass over the flour"
-He constantly has a candy cane in his mouth
-He legit eats so many you have to take them away from him
-Putting a Santa hat will anger him but he'll wear it because he loves you
-Unless someone comments on it then he'll take it off
-He really likes cooking with you, he finds it domestic like you guys are normal, so during the Christmas season he may act reluctant but you guys make stuff together a lot
-But baby boy also kinda has a sensitive mouth so hot food burns his tongue really quickly
-That combined with him kinda being impatient...he burns his mouth a lot
-He asks you to kiss it better
-He would probably get you something he found on his travels
-Or a stygian iron dagger
You finished tying up your apron, looking over to see Nico hadn't even tried, just letting the apron hang off his neck while he was reading a book he had found in an old library a few weeks ago.
You groaned walking over to him "Nico!" He only hummed in response, bobbing his head and continuing to read. You looked at him for a moment before placing your hand on his shoulder "NICO!"
Nico jumped slightly, looking up from his book at you. "What?" You glared at him for a moment, he rolled his eyes and booked marked the page, placing his arms around your shoulders.
"What's up il mio tesoro*?" He grinned stupidly down at you. "Oh don't 'il mio tesoro' me Mr! You're just avoiding what we said we would bring to the party in hopes we wont go!"
Nico laughed, raising his hands up in defense "Alright alright you got me! But I still don't get why we have to go to the party!" He pouted, crossing his arms.
You walked over to the counter rolling yours eyes "One, because we said we would and Two they're your friends and my friends it would be rude not to."
Nico slowly walked towards you, a small pout on his lips. "But I just want to spend the time with you!" He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his vanilla scent filled your noise. You blushed pushing him away.
"Just help me with the cookies then we can make some hot chocolate!" Nico's eyes lit up at the mention of hot coco. He placed a gentle kiss on your cheek, tying the apron and rolling up his sleeves."
Ten minutes into cooking you almost regretted trying to cook with Nico. He was great at it but he was such a control freak! "No No! It said 2 cups of chocolate chips that's to much!"
You stared at him "It doesn't matter!" He groaned pushing you out the way "here let me do it!" You watched as he carefully folded the chips into the batter, wrapping the top with plastic wrap and placing it in the fridge.
"Alright it's gonna rest like that for 2 hours, it makes everything even more delicious!" He looked over at you with bright eyes. "Time for hot coco!"
You walked over to him, kissed his forehead before pulling the milk out the fridge. "alright just measure out the amount of milk we need." He nodded grabbing two mugs and filling them then dumping them into the pot.
He stirred the milk lazily "Why isn't it going faster?" He went down to turn the heat up "Nico no! You're going to burn the milk!" He looked at your tiredly "you don't like when it get's the skin on top and neither do I so lower the heat please!"
Nico rolled his eyes, lowering the heat to the second lowest setting then staring at you "happy now?" You nodded, grapping the whipped dream out the fridge and shaking it while Nico continued to stir the milk till it steamed.
The smell of warm milk filled the room as you heard Nico pour the steaming milk into the mugs.  You walked over to Nico, who was sitting on the couch you saw he had already stuck another candy cane in his mouth.
Grabbing the whipped cream bottle you made two small hills of whipped cream in each mug and waited for it to cool down. Nico, however, instantly grabbed his mug bringing it to his lips.
"Don't your gonna burn your mouth." You told him, watching him roll his eye. "No I'm not you're worrying to much."
He took a bug gulp then letting out a yelp, placing his mug down. He stuck his tongue out reveling a nasty red burn. You let out a small chuckle "see I told you!" He pouted at you "It really hurts!"
"Will you kiss it better?"
Frank: -Baby LOVES Christmas
-He takes you to canada
-He takes you to the Christmas market's and stuff
-He's also one who will get tangled in lights
-Along with that he isn't allowed to touch the breakable ornaments, like the delicate ones
-He also LOVES hot coco
-Frank makes like perfect hot coco's
-Like a nice whip cream swirl with chocolate and a few marshmallows
-It's very nice looking 10/10  
-Will also make maple taffy with you in the fresh snow
-But since you have to boil the syrup he isn't allowed
- "Frank baby, can you get the snow?"
- "Oh umm y-yeah!"
- "Alright here you are Frank, don't burn yourself"
- "I wont"
-He WILL wake up early on Christmas day
-He will also force you to go outside and have a snow ball fight
-istg he's just a nervous child in a giant's body
-Frank makes SUPER good eggnog also
-He LOVES getting a hot cup of coco and cuddling up with you next to a fire
-Especially after being out in the snow
-Also this boy really likes making snowmen
-and he's so good at it to
-Like he can make snowmen and like animals out of snow
-Hard to say what he would give you
-I want to say a sweater but that's not really like boyfriendy
-More like a hoodie you had been wanting for a while and he got himself a complimentary one so you could match (And wear his because he knows you. You're not sly)
~~~Scenario~~~(Before anyone says anything I know he lives in Vancouver which is a city but just pretended you guys went to a cabin or something lol)
The cold winter air felt like it was ripping through your skin as the coldness from the snow made it's way through your boots and mittens that Frank at bought you the other day.
You looked over to Frank who was packing down snow on the last little bear cub, completing the bear family he was making. He smiled back at you, his nose and cheeks a light pink from the cold. You trudged over to him, the snow sinking slowing you down slightly, and wrapped your arms around his middle.
"Hey Frank I'm getting pretty cold can we head in soon?" You asked looking up at him. He smiled again, nodding his head "Yup! Just let me finish with these-" He grabbed the stick he had been using to adding details to all the bears and drew on some eyes and a mouth. "and done! Alright lets go in. Want to make some hot coco and eggnog?"
You nodded, grabbing his hand and pulling him back into the house. You pulled off your mittens, boots and socks and walked into the boiler room where they could dry.
"Hey Frank can you grab some wood? I'm gonna start a fire, it's kinda cold" Frank nodded, walking into the room where the wood had been put as you began getting the ingredients for eggnog and hot chocolate.
A moment later Frank walked into living room in his arms he held a few logs of cut, dry wood. He placed them on the hearth and began to collect kindling, starting the fire. "Hey I said I would do that Franky!"
Frank took his gloves off as he walked down the stairs "It's fine! I already had the wood so It's fine"
You pushed the hot coco ingredients to the side knowing it would take less time when you felt a pair of strong arms make their away around your waist and felt someone's chin on your shoulder.
"You got cloves honey. You need nutmeg" He placed a kiss on your cheek, grabbing the cloves and placing them into the spice cabinet, pulling out nutmeg. "Is there a difference?"
"Of course there is! I don't know it but you use nutmeg in eggnog, honey, not cloves." Frank stood next to you, grabbing the carton of eggs. "Can I separate the eggs?" He asked smiling brightly, jumping up and down a little. You smiled up at him, chuckling at his childish antics "Of course you can baby!"
About 10 minutes later you had unusable egg whites with pieces of egg yoke broken into them plus an almost empty carton of eggs. Of course you could just run to the store for more eggs but you had no interest in heading outside during a storm.
"Okay Fraky baby I think maybe I should crack the eggs but you can whip them okay?" He nodded, looking down and backing away from the counter leaving you 5 eggs.
Ones you finished with the eggs you began finishing up the eggnog without any other mishaps. You placed the eggnog into the fridge to let it get cold. You turned to start making the hot coco before Frank stopped you.
"You go put on some soft pajamas I can finish making this!" You went to rebuttal but he had already pushed you into the room you were sharing to let you change. You let out a sigh and pulled on some comfortable clothes along with the hoodie Frank had gotten you.
You walked into the living room and started tending to the fire. You sat down for a moment before you felt a blanket engulf you along with the feeling of being pulled into someone's lap. You felt Frank nuzzle into your neck, smiling.
"Merry Christmas honey"
"Merry Christmas baby"
-My oh my does this boy love Christmas
-During campfire this boy will sing ALL the Christmas songs
-He also helps decorate around the camp
-He also really likes picking out Christmas trees
-Wears what he says are "really nice looking" sweaters...because sure they are
-Will also replaces the lollipops from his candy jar with candy canes
-He will scold you if you eat to much cookie dough
-Will also force you, and a bunch of others, to take vitamins during the winter
- "I don't want you getting sick!"
-"Fine I'll take them!"
-"But remember to take them everyday because if you forget to take one day then you'll forget like three days then you'll never take-"
-Kissing him gets him to shut up don't worry
-When he makes eggnog he makes sure that the eggs are pasteurized, so there's no chance of salmonella
-Also this sneaky son of a god will take you to places that he has hung mistletoe to get kisses
-He would definitely get you a music instrument he helped customize  
You watched pearlescent puffs of smoke left your mouth, fading into the dark sky. You shivered as a cold wind hit, taking another sip of your hot coco.
Chiron rarely let it snow in camp, preferring to keep camp on the nicer side so everyone could train, save from the times he lit it rain. But today was a special occasion, Christmas eve.
You watched as Will stood in front of the camp, with his siblings, singing jingle bell rock a dopy grin on his face. Sure he looked a little tired, he had been working more than normal due to cold and flue season along with helping decorate camp, but over all he looked bright and happy.
You let out a cold sigh, pulling the hoodie Will had given you closer to your body. You stood up heading to the table with more hot coco, the song in the background had changed to some other song.
You were poring yourself another cup of coco when you felt a warm pair of arms around your waist, pulling you flush agents someone's chest. A small chuckle came from your lips as you put down the cup of coco, placing your arms over Wills.
"You feel cold." He placed a kiss on the nape of your neck, nuzzling there for a second before resting his chin on your shoulder. "It's cause it's cold dumb dumb" you ruffled his hair, glancing at him for a moment seeing a small pout on his lips. "You sounded good up there." You said turning around, plopping a handful of marshmallows into your drink.
"Thanks but I got a bit tired, plus I wanted to hang out with my adorable s/o, who I haven't seen all day." He placed a quick kiss on your forehead "You took your vitamins today right? I know you forget sometimes so I just wanted-" you cut him off with a kiss "yes yes mother I took my vitamins."
"Good " he smiled, lacing his fingers with yours, kissing you again "That hot chocolate is good I should get a cup" he turned around, his fingers still with between yours. "Your fingers are really cold." He looked over at you while poring a cup for himself.
"C'mon" he started pulling you towards the infirmary "Why?" He looked at you for a second before sighing and letting out a small chuckle, a smile decorating his face "We're getting you some gloves and an extra coat I left in the infirmary. C'mon"
Will walked ahead of you leading you to the infirmary. The breeze hit you like a knifes, hugging yourself to keep warm. "(Y/n) c'mon. It's really getting cold out" you looked up to see the open door to the infirmary, Will's voice calling from somewhere inside.
You stepped in, closing the door "Where are you?" you asked, dusting off the small bit of snow that you hadn't even noticed to have fallen. "In the back, hold on a sec I'm grabbing two jackets for us."
You sat on a waiting chair for a moment before Will's candy jar, filled with candy canes caught your eye. You smiled, standing up from your seat, quickly grabbing a candy cane and popping it in your mouth.
"Alrighty I got- Hey those aren't for you (n/n). You have already stolen half a jar." Will laughed as he watched you eat the candy cane. "What can I say they're delicious." You flashed him a smile, only to be crushed in a giant coat. "Don't want my sunspot getting cold now do I?"
You pulled the jacket around yourself and watched as Will do the same. He grabbed your hand pulling you out of the infirmary only to stop in the door way.
"Will what is it?" He smiled, pointing up towards a bundle of mistletoe. "Time for a kiss. It's tradition" he smiled brightly, placing his hands on your cheeks. You pouted, crossing your arms "You did that on purpose." Will laughed, pecking you all around your face "hmm maybe but are you gonna complain?
Magnus: -Boy hasn't had a real Christmas in so long
-so when you're like "CHIRSTMAS!!!"
-He's like lowkey uncomfortable
-But he does get over it
-He kinda doesn't like Christmas songs that much
-Mostly because Jack sings them 24/7 for like 2 months straight
-If he hears Jingle bells one more time he will loose it
-He LOVES hot coco, egg nog, cookies, pretty much any food really
-But he sucks at making them
-ngl Christmas with him will be stressful but hella fun
-He SUCKS at ice skating
-Like this boy has no coordination or center of balance
-Falls every like 5 seconds
-Promise him some hot coco after
-Jack laughs at him after falling so many times
-For a present I think he'd make you matching bracelets with stuff he has collected on the hikes you guys have gone on
-He's saved a few things from each one, for the memories so he makes a bracelet out of them for you  
-I'm very series when I say that he straight up cherishes the little things he has saved
~~~Scenario~~~(If you're bad at skating....Shhhh)
You looked over to Magnus to see him struggling with tying the laces of his skates. You let out a chuckle before bending down and swatting his hands away. "How do you suck at tying your laces?" Jack's voice could be heard from above you, Magnus blushed "Shut up! The strings are really long! You don't even know how to tie laces!"
You laugh in amusement, looking over to see a few people watching Magnus in bewilderment. You tapped his shoes indicating you were done and he could stand. You stood up in front of Magnus, waiting for him to join you.
He shakily got up, grabbing onto you for support. "This isn't gonna be some cheesy romance movie scene about ice skating is it?" You laughed only to be cut off my Jack "OoOoOoO If It was I could serenade you to!-"
"NO" you both stumble slightly as Magnus yelled. Rolling your eyes you pulled Magnus towards the ice, stepping on was a bit hard as he refused to let go of you but he eventually let go, replacing you with a wall. "Magnus you have to let g-"
"No way! I'm gonna fall straight on my ass if I let go!" He continued to inch further along the wall as you stood still, watching him. About 3 minute later you got bored and decided it was time to take a lap or two around the ring.
"(Y/N)! Where are you going?" Magnus looked up to see you about 10 feet away from him. You turned around in time to see him fall straight onto his chest. "I was just gonna do a lap or two. I'll be back in a minute enjoy your date with the wall." You winked at him, wiggling you fingers, before skating up ahead more.
During the two laps you did you watch Magnus fall a bunch more times, he did at least try to get off the wall a few times, before fall straight on his ass and hanging to the wall again. You sighed, skating up next to him.
"Give me your hands" He looked up at you shaking his head rapidly like a child "no way I-"
"Oh my GODS Magnus just do it I'm trying to help you!" He pouted at being yelled at for a second then put his hands in yours. You pulled him away from the wall, his legs shook as he tried to stay balanced.
"Bend your legs, yeah like that. Have your feet kinda go diagonal, no the other way" He continued to wobble a little. A few minutes later Magnus was able to stand for a little on his own, he didn't get very far, but he could do it.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! LOOK IM DOING IT!" He waved over at you, even though you were a few feet away, causing him to fall. He groaned, rubbing the side of his jaw. You went up to him, bending down to his level. "Oh no Maggie, my baby! Are you okay?"
He pouted again, moving to sit normally. "Maggie?" He didn't move her look at you "If you continue to sit like that your pants are gonna get wet." Magnus's eyes widened before he scrambled trying to stand up, only to fall hard on to his hands, letting out a soft whimper.  
"Can we please go get hot coco now?" He stood up more cautiously, nursing his hurt wrist as he leaned agents the wall. Your eyes widened in realization that he was actually hurt. You skated to him, lacing your fingers with his. "Of course we can Maggie. We can even go to that cute little bakery we passed by on our way here and get freshly baked cookies! How does that sound?"
Magnus smiled and kissed you on the cheek "that sounds amazing."
"...can we get falafels after?"
-Again he doesn't really know what Christmas is
-Like he knows around winter people start buying stuff more and he sees trees, being sold but he doesn't understand why
-he's never really asked. Of course he's seen stuff advertised for Christmas so he makes the connection that they are connected
-So when you find out he hasn't had a Christmas like...ever you have to break that
- "here wear this!"
-"Because it's festive c'mon! "
-You end up dressing him up like one of Santa's elfs and he feels really silly
-He's also lowkey offended when he sees what elf's look like in Santa world
-"This isn't accurate at all. Why are they all so happy and nice?"
-Helps decorate Blitzen's shop and the apartment
-Still doesn't understand the tree though
-"But....why a tree?"
-"I don't know babe but it's festive so come on!"
-He sucks at making cookies, its the sad truth
-He isn't good at picking presents lol
-He'd get you something you had been wanting for a while, a book or something
-Also would ask Blitz to help him make you a matching scarf
You walked into the apartment you shared with your boyfriend and best friend, the bag on your shoulder holding presents for the two. You kicked your shoes off and took of your jacket as you walked into the living room. A box of Christmas decorations was left waiting to be opened as you looked over to see the boys setting up the tree all three of you picked out.
"Hey!" your voice alerted Blitzen who turned around and saw you in the entrance "welcome back how was your shopping?" you sighed, shrugging your shoulders "It was alright I might have found a thing or two." The smile on your face gave away the bluff but Blitz laughed and rolled his eyes, walking into the kitchen to get a drink.
You walked up behind Hearth, hugging him around his middle, barring your face in his back. He tensed up for a second before turning around and seeing you. He smiled and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Hi sweetheart" he smiled at you, wrapping his arms around your frame and nuzzling your neck. After a few seconds you pulled away from him "Did you guys wait to decorate the tree?" Hearth nodded before pointing at the kitchen. "We also waiting to make cookies."
You turned around in Hearth's arms to see the ingredients of chocolate chip cookies and gingerbread waiting to be prepared. You kissed Hearth on the cheek before tapping his hands to let you go. Reluctantly he agreed letting his hands drop, only for you to grab one and pull him into the kitchen.
~~~time skip because shhhh~~~~
Hind sight you probably shouldn't have left Hearth by himself to make the cookie batter, but It was almost lunch and all three of you were hungry so you and Blitz went out to grab lunch and come back. Maybe on the way you bought Santa hats which delayed you but you didn't think about what could happen!
So Hearthstone stood in front of you, covered in flour, cookie batter in hand, the kitchen somehow relatively clean. Next to you Blitzen looked like he was about to die from laughter as you continued to stair at Hearth, your mouth a gap.
"What happened?" you slowly signed at him, still in slight disbelief. He blushed and put down the bowl , freeing up his hands "You said to follow the instructions, but I didn't know what a teaspoon was and then I spilled the flour on myself." Hearth stared at you for a for more seconds before you took a deep breath and grabbed his hand.
"Hey Blitz can you start up a new batch? I'm gonna get him cleaned up" Blitz nodded, still looking like he was holding in laughter, as you pulled Hearth into your shared room.
"Hearth go take a shower and I'll put your clothes in the wash, I'll also leave out some more clothes to change into alright?"  He nodded, blushing deeply still "I'm sorry about ruining the cookies"  you laughed, waving him off "No it's alright, Blitz is making a new batch now, just get yourself cleaned up."
You walked into the kitchen and started helping Blitzen make the cookies.
Ten minutes later Hearthstone walked back into the living room area, clad in a Christmas jumper and comfy pants you had set out for him. You walked up to him, kissing him on the cheek "You look cute now come here" he followed you to the kitchen bar stools, where you sat down and held a bit of cookie dough in front of him "You can have some it's really good."
After finishing up rolling out the cookies, and eating more dough then you should have, Blitzen popped them into the oven. You turned to Hearth "We can start decorating the apartment in a few minutes if you want" he nodded, pulling you into his lap, hugging you.
"Do you guys always have to be so lovey dovey?"
"Just wait till I hang mistletoe"
Alex: (I feel like I got Alex's characterization wrong for the scenario so I'm sorry about that :/)
-Alex hasn't really had a 'normal' Christmas even before being kicked out on the streets
-His/her parents were terrible to her/him
-So I doubt Alex has a really good Christmas
-But Alex still really likes the season
-Will do makeup with a green and read theme at least ones
-Also I feel like if there was a ugly sweater party on floor 19 Alex will straight up in a sweater dress that ISN'T ugly
- "Alex the theme was ugly sweater!"
- "I look hot as hell I'm not changing!"
-Never leave Alex alone if you guys make cookies together be s/he will eat ALL of the cookie batter
-You can't even get away with the 'You're gonna get sick!' because...
- "We're both dead"
-Also really loves hot coco
-drinks to much ngl
-and burns his/her tongue
- "Oh no I burned my tongue will you kiss it better" (Did I just use that twice? yes leave me alone)
- Will also hang up mistletoe and makes a big show of it if s/he get's stuck with someone other than you
- "I have to kiss T.J??? Why???? Oh Gods??? WHYY???"
- *T.J. legit just trying to go get lunch* "...But why"
-Will be even more extra if you get stuck with someone else under the mistletoe
-if you do you better hope to the GOD'S it isn't Magnus
-Drag him/her away before s/he get's into a real fist fight
-S/he will take you on a slay ride
-Just because I think that Alex is secretly a hopeless romantic
-I could see him/her giving you two gifts
-Just because floor 19 opens gifts together and s/he doesn't want the others to know how whipped s/he is for you
-One gift, the gift s/he gives to you in front of the others, is probably something kinda mundane, a sweatshirt or something
-The one s/he gives you in private is actually really romantic
-It's a locket with a picture of the two of you, both your names in graved  
~~~Scenario~~ (he/him pronouns)
The sound of freshly fallen snow crunching under your boots as the sound of bells filled your ears. This place was quite beautiful, the pretty fairy lights strung up, the snow covered trees, the bonfire crackling behind you made you feel quite relaxed. Before you could get lost anymore in thought Alex tapped you on the shoulder.
"Hey where'd you float off to?"  You looked over your shoulder to see Alex, two cup of something steaming in his hands, bundled up in warm clothes.
"no where just thinkin'" Alex hummed handing you one of the cups. "Where did you hear about this place Alex?" Alex only smiled, placing a delicate kiss on your cheek.  "Why don't we keep that a secret." He winked at you, placing his arms around your waist.
"So you still haven't told me what we're doing here." You looked over your shoulder at him, a playful smile on his lips. He grabbed your hand and started walking towards the cabin that you both had walked through to get to this area.
Ones you both got into the cabin Alex guided you out of the front door where a burly looking man with a white beard stood in front of a wooden sled 6 deer at the front.
You looked over at Alex, mouth a gap, you where about to say something when the man cut you off "Ride for Alex to the frozen pond?"
"Yup!" He smiled brightly popping the p. The man nodded his head, heading to the front of the slay while Alex held your hand, helping you into the slay "my dear your chariot awaits" he said in a mockingly fancy tone. "Alex this is a slay." You laughed while climbing into the seat.
"Oh hush I'm trying to be romantic!" He climbed in next to you, cuddling into your side. You sat there for a few seconds before the slay began moving, almost sending you forward, only for Alex to grab you around your waist and pulling you towards him.
"You really are a klutz huh?" He laughed, rubbing his nose agents the side of his face. "Oh shut it" you smacked his hand causing him to laugh. After a few moments the slay went into a trail in the woods decorated with lights and ice sculptures, the freshly fallen snow decorating the trees.
You looked at the scenery in amazement "Alex isn't this so breath taking!" You smiled pointing at the tree that looked like it had ice drops hanging from the leaves. "Yeah it is" his voice sounded airy a light, you didn't even notice he wasn't looking at the forest.
~~~haha look another time skip~~~
The sun was already setting as the slay slowed down stopping at a clearing in front of a frozen over pond, a hot fire crackling with benches that looked freshly cut from wood.
Alex hopped out the side, holding his hand out to help you down. He scurried over to the fire, taking a log bench that was a bit more secluded yet still kept warm by the fire. "Other people will be here later but I wanted to be here first!"
You nodded at him, slipping your hand in is, bringing both your hands into your pocket. You leaned your head on his shoulder and began talking about random things a book you were reading, a new pot Alex was planning on making, killing your floor mates. That is until an interesting topic came up.
"What do you mean this is like your first 'real' Christmas?" You looked at Alex as he shuffled closer to you "Well I never really had a 'real' Christmas back with my family, then I was on the streets and everything and since being in Valhalla we've been kinda busy"
You looked at him shocked "If you told me I would have gotten you something more special!" He waved you off, kissing you on the cheek. "No no it's fine really." He pulled his hand away from yours, moving them to your face.
"I'm just happy to spend my first 'real' Christmas with you."
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