#karin is in novel but that's not the same
claire-starsword · 2 years
Shining Force Country Guide Translation - Part 4
The usual pie chart legend:
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Population: 130 inhabitants GNP: 2300 gold
Species Ratio:
The Pao tribe itself has only 130 people, but as they often take visitors on the ride as well, the population tends to fluctuate. Most are humans, as Pao citizens are racially homogeneous. ____
The transport revolution attained by the people of the plains
The Pao plains are around 1500 meters above sea level. This vast area that makes up the majority of the northern region of West Rune is entirely territory of the nomadic people of Pao. Around 2500 years ago, there was a massive immigration from East Rune, going from island to island of the Uranbatol archipelago. This group arrived all the way to these great plains after many generations, and their population slowly increased as well. It eventually divided into several tribes (still sharing the same ethnic identity) that would gather than split up again and again through their nomadic lifestyle, until an influential tribe emerged in the southeast around 2000 years ago, and got the others under their control (with an hereditary line of succession).
Paopigs were wild creatures living in the region, but being naturally calm animals, they were incredibly well suited for the nomads. They live off mostly of raising the paopigs as livestock, making dairy products out of their milk, and other specialties such as woolen goods made from paopig hair. These woolen goods in particular are valuable enough to gather merchants from other countries all year around, fighting for the chance to buy them. They mostly use the bartering system, with little interest to adopt any foreign currency.
It can be said that the adventurous and pioneer spirit of the Pao people is what made it possible to establish a nation in this region. As they continued to live reliant on the paopigs, they developed a strong faith on them as holy beasts, and thus do not eat their meat. Around 150 years ago they found by chance a huge engine in ruins of the previous civilization, and built the Pao Train. It brought a huge upheaval in their economy when it comes to the circulation of goods, and their culture has been modernizing as well. Besides that, the Pao Train also brought an energy revolution, as they began successfully using paopig excrement as fuel for it. Currently, Pao welcome a time of great changes.
-At a glance, it looks like a mere village. However, this is how Pao looks like while the Pao Train is stopped. A kilogram of paopig excrement fuels the train to run approximately 20 kilometers. The Pao Train is 300 meters long.
-The paopig's cry is surprisingly beautiful. It is comparable to the sound of a sitar (an octave higher to be precise). Such heartrending echoes deeply move the hearts of travelers around.
I'm very shaky on my translation of this caption. It mentions an instrument called カラッコ (karakko), and I could not find translation anywhere, so it might be made up? But since I was unsure I just brought up the sitar it is compared to right after.
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Population: 300 inhabitants GNP: 5600 gold
Species ratio:
Waral is built atop a small island. The 50% percent of "other" species here are all merpeople. While they do not show up in the game, plenty of merman live there as well. ___
The ocean people who lost themselves in the mermaid paradise
A small island country north of the Lunatic Ocean. It has the hot and humid climate of tropical rainforests, and the coast is rich in resources. At the southern coast of the island, there is an encounter of warm currents flowing north and cold currents flowing south, called "The Sea God's Cauldron", famous for the frequent shipwrecks it causes. Around 150 years ago, a fishing ship from Rindo suffered such an accident and drifted to Waral, founding the country. Back then, Rindo was still a fishing country, and their main fishing spot was the "Mermaid's Roundtable", a wide shallow beach west of Waral.
The stranded people thus settled in the island, and eventually the fishing spot to the west became their alone, as Rindo shifted to merchant activities. Even now fishing is their main activity, with 70 percent of the population working on it, and the remaining part being mostly shipbuilders and the merpeople who already lived in the region.
Back when the country was founded, coexisting with the merpeople was a huge social issue for the small island. However, Harengett Splasher II of the royal family married a mermaid, reaching a compromise between both parties this way, and it stays to this day. Some historians criticize this as a marriage of convenience.
The country was born out of an unfortunate accident, yet supported by the warm climate and its plentiful resources, the citizens are distinct for their endless cheerfulness. Its GNP of 5600 gold is third place in Rune, after Rindo. In recent years it has also been planning to expand its tourism business, as its strategic positioning right between the west and east parts of the continent makes it a country that cannot be ignored.
-It's an unusually small island, yet it is blessed with warm climate and plentiful resources. Because of this, it might be the greatest place to live in all of Rune. Its main activity is fishing, but just setting up nets is enough to catch plenty of fish, so people don't work much.
-Described by the king himself as a tropical paradise, life in Waral is full of pleasures. Swimming in the ocean, fishing, gathering shellfish and the like in the beach, there are plenty of ways to kill time. Even so, some who are still bored have began to venture into the tourism business as a hobby.
The weird royal guy name was unfortunately left for me to romanize. I have no clue if his first name means anything, but his last name, チャップチャップ, is literally "chopchop", but given that it is close to チャップン, the onomatopoeia for splashing, I feel that's what they were going for.
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Population: 40 inhabitants GNP: 1700 gold
Species ratio:
Much like Manarina, Rudo doesn't look anything like a country. As said in game, it is in fact just a village. The species distribution is very balanced, excluding centaurs. Perhaps they have all gathered together because of the dragon gods. ___
The mountain village of the dragon gods' faith, declining in population
The west side of the Dragonia mountain mass is extremely steep, and this natural barrier forms an unusually long and narrow coastline between mountains and the Cypro Ocean. The village of Rudo is in this northwestern area of East Rune.
Around 300 years ago, to protect the dragon gods who were on the verge of extinction, the royals of Guardiana proposed that each country sent some settlers there, and thus the village was born. At first they succeeded in their conservation efforts, but then reached a dead end, and in recent years there has been a sharp increase in the number of people leaving the village and spreading the view that the dragon gods are over.
To show how complicated this tendency has become, the village currently only has about 40 people. It is also said that they are all children under the age of 11. The adults seem to have moved to some other village north of Prompt. The dragon god faith the adults had converted into was still deeply rooted in the hearts of the children, and some sociologists think of this village's separation as a sort of religious schism. The children, following a girl named Karin as their leader, have developed small scale agriculture and fishing, restoring the self-sufficient activities the village had sustained so far. Besides that, they have also gone past their original boundaries, advancing halfway up the Dragonia mountains and hunting there.
Before the schism the village had a prosperous fishing industry in the calm waters of the Cypro Ocean, as the gulf surrounded by sandbanks on its north and south made for a good fishing spot thanks to the ocean currents. Some think the place could recover economically fairly easily if the population problem was solved.
-Rudo village is blessed with a surrounding environment of plains and the ocean. It is hard to believe that the place is suffering from a decline in population. Going east from there, there's Dragonia, where the remaining dragon gods live.
-Since there are so many children younger than 10 gathered together,  the village is really lively. They aren't playing around, being pretty busy each with their own tasks (such as taking turns to cook or doing the laundry). Despite that, the whole village has the feel of being their playground.
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yurimother · 1 year
New 'I'm in Love with the Villainess' Trailer Announces October 2 Premier, New Cast and Theme Revealed
On August 10, a second promotional video for the upcoming television anime adaptation of isekai Yuri series I'm in Love with the Villainess (Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou) was released. The trailer unveiled the series' October 2 premiere date and previewed the opening theme song, "Raise Y/Our Hands!!."
Main cast members Yuu Serizawa (Rae) and Karin Nanami (Claire) perform the opening theme, as well as the ending theme "O.C. Optimum Combination."
The trailer also announced new cast member joining Serizawa and Nanami, as follows:
KENN - Rod Bauer
Daisuke Namikawa - Thane Bauer
Youko Hikasa - Yu Bauer
New visuals were also uploaded to the series website along with the trailer.
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Previously announced cast includes Aimi, Ikumi Hasegawa, Sara Matsumoto, and Minami Kurisaka. The anime is created at Platinum Vision and directed by Hideaki Oba (Love of Kill). Additional crew includes:
Ayumu Hisao - Script Composer
Youko Satou - Character Designer
Hijime Takakuwa - Sound Director
Noriyuki Asakura and Usagi to Uma - Music Composers
Yachi Kiyotaka - Art Director
Yamagami Aiko - Color Designer
Sato Yoko and Kobayashi Toshimitsu - Animation Directors
I'm in Love with the Villainess is based on the series of the same name by Inori. Originally released as a webnovel on Shousetsuka ni Naro in 2018, the series was picked up by BL Bunko for digital publishing. It ran for five volumes, concluding in 2021. Hanagata illustrates the light novels.
A manga adaptation of I'm in Love with the Villainess began serialization in Comic Yuri Hime! in June of 2020. Aonoshimo illustrates the manga adaptation. Seven Seas licenses the manga, light novels, and the spin-off series She's So Cheeky for a Commoner in English.
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I'm in Love with the Villainess is a popular series, especially with overseas consumers. It has been praised for its world building, characters, and emphasis on explicitly discussing LGBTQ+ identity and life.
The anime is set to premiere on October 2, 2023 and stream in internationally on Crunchyroll.
Source: I'm in Love with the Villainess Anime Official Website
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willescrisis · 6 months
Wille's Crisis : an essay about Kris (1934) and Young Royals (2021)
While watching Young Royals’ third season, I couldn’t get Karin Boye’s novel Kris out of my head.  As a fan of Young Royals that feels very chill and very normal about it, I have hence written a five page brain-dump on how Malin Forst and Wilhelm’s characters and worlds are intertwined.  (Small disclamers : I’m quoting Amanda Doxtater’s 2020 english translation of the novel and I’m french-canadian, so english is my second language.)
Who is Karin Boye ? 
Karin Boye (1900-1940) was a leading figure in Swedish modernist literature and poetry. In 1920, at the age of 20, she studied one year in Stockholm to become a primary school teacher and after graduation, continued teaching, writing, militant engagement and several years of study in related fields. Among all of her works, the most explicitly autobiographical is her autofictive novel Kris (1934).  This powerful novel explores the homosexuality and crisis of religious faith of a young woman named Malin Forst.
Malin Forst & Wilhelm
During her studies in teaching, Karin’s 20-years-old alter-ego Malin goes through an existential crisis. She feels completely paralyzed by her guilt due to her selfish inaction in the face of universal suffering, her lack of trust in institutions (educational, medical, etc.) and, worst of all, her doubts about her relationship with God. Kris also deals with Malin’s relationship to her own sexuality with the meeting of a classmate, Siv, to whom she will become passionately obsessed without ever talking to her.
We meet 16-years-old Wilhelm as a first year student at Hillerska. His failures as a royal figure and his complicated relationships to his loved ones make him feel powerless and guilty. He is thrown off balance by his doubts of the monarchic system, but most importantly, by his doubts of his life’s role model, Erik. Young Royals also deals with Wilhelm’s relationship to his own sexuality with the meeting of a classmate, Simon… Are we seeing the parallels here ?
While Malin’s torments lead her to shut down, Wilhelm screams. But both feel paralysed and don’t know how to exist out of the system they grew up in. And it’s the meeting of a same-sex student that leads them to a freer path.
« I want to see Siv. I want to be where Siv is. » 
Previously, Malin considered the fusion of the will of the human with the will of God to be the most important of aspirations. Without this reference point, she has no will nor desire… until she meets another student, Siv. Her simple presence rekindles for the first time in the novel a desire, burning and forbidden: “I want to see Siv. I want to be where Siv is.” … And here is how this whole essay has come to exist. While watching season three, I joked endearingly with my friends about the way that Wille’s only hobby is to be with Simon, but I felt sad for him. Until I understood he’s on the first part of his self-discovery journey. His first true desire that stems from inside of him and wasn’t imposed by the system is “I want to see Simon. I want to be where Simon is.” 
Interestingly enough, Siv and Simon both become a new manifestation of something that Malin and Wilhelm have lost. We, the reader, meet Malin when she is ‘grieving’ her old relationship to God and deconstructing her understanding of God as a single entity. Amazed by Siv’s ‘perfection’, Malin raises her to a kind of divine position with great powers.  Wilhelm, for his part, feels at home with Simon because of the way he makes Wilhelm’s entire being comes alive, weightless and playful… A feeling of joy, innocence and safety he’s only ever felt with Erik before. 
Anxious and desperate, Malin and Wilhelm are latching to their comfort person, making them their whole word in a way that has to change for them to grow up. After realizing Siv’s feeling for a fellow male classmate, Malin is shaken : “Only now could she see that she had embarken upon the false path of mistaking a person for what is highest and most beautiful.” Not only does this quote mirror Wilhelm letting go of his idealised conception of Erik, it is also mirrorring his realisation that Simon is not a perfectly stable and unbreakable anchor on which he can blindly rely on : “I have to take responsibilities for my own problem. I can’t drag him down with me.”
Don’t give it a name
An important part of Malin’s journey is relinquishing the power she gives to words, especially regarding God and her sexuality.  Throughout the novel, she refuses to name the emotion she feels for Siv. On the day of her meeting with Siv, Malin thinks:   “You, lips, I implore you to clamp so hard upon the unsayable, that not a word slips out to assert its malicious pettiness and obfuscation ! Be still, thoughts, don’t interrupt, for you have no idea what this is ! (...) Don’t give it a name, let it be just as it is, here in my blood and my eyes, life and sap ! The wonder of new creation need not be named.” 
Wilhelm’s complicated relationship to words is shown in the way that he shouts his love for Simon from every rooftop, but does not wish to label his sexual orientation. In season three, he says the word queer for the first time and his voice is seeped with discomfort. He is not claiming this word as part of his identity and rather feels constricted by it, probably in the same way that every other label put on him has made him suffocate.
Furthermore, both Malin and Wilhelm wish to express themselves and experience the world, not through the restrictive lens of language, but through the sensory world. In Kris, after seeing Siv for the first time, Malin’s five senses awaken. A dialogue takes place between the sense of sight and hearing, reminding me of the way that Wilhelm and Simon’s intimacy is developped through the gentle touch of noses, the sounds of breathing, the glow of golden light and fingers lingering slightly above the other’s body… ‘Sight’ says “I’m confused. I no longer know whether I am sight or not. I envelop things and follow them as if I were touch, I hold my breath in quiet anticipation as if I were hearing, I breathe in, like one intoxicated, as if I were smell, and I drink in long, deep, draughts as if I were taste. (...) Could I be standing at threshold of some new creation ?” To which ‘hearing’ responds “ (...) Admit it - isn’t  revelation through the senses at the same time the revelation of what lies beyond the senses, of what creates the senses, of the limitless feelings of eternal love ? (...)” 
Kris’s narration drastically changes points of view in unexpected moments, moving from the pov of human characters to the pov of abstract entities. The two most important are BLACK and WHITE, two sources of cosmic powers playing a chess game whose game board is humanity. 
On the one hand, WHITE represents the norm, also illustrated by threats from nature such as stormy and dangerous waters, cold, humidity and darkness, but also under the traits of the dominant society, whose rules and norms protect human beings while maintaining them in a position of submission and obedience.  WHITE uses the anxious desire of his pawns (humans) as a weapon to subject them to the norm. And at first, Wille is WHITE’s perfect pawn : an anxious mess who becomes more and more obediant as season three progresses and whose ‘protectors’ are also the ones leading to his demise. Little (most likely accidental) nods to that parralel : Wille looses to Alexander while playing the white pieces in season two and interrupts his conversation with Simon to scream “The water is cold today !” at his guards on their first date.
One the other hand, BLACK is a chaotic power of life associated with desire, burning fire and passion destabilizing the established order. In the context of Kris, the norm is heterosexuality, while fire is the forbidden desire: homosexuality.  This parallel is evident when Malin describes in this way the physical sensations caused by Siv’s sight: “There was no holy, burning voice within her. All that burned within her was a thirst for the forbidden after a single look cast in that direction”  And based on that, I absolutely refuse to believe that Lisa put the hallway scene after a BONFIRE by accident. 
I also don’t think the placement of the chess game during August’s confession to his friends is a coincidence. First, the board is oriented in a way where August sits at the junction between the black and white pieces, showcasing how the character is in a crucial moment in his journey : will he stay in WHITE’s cruches for ever or will he find the strenght to save himself ? And second, August puts a black king on the edge of the table. Not only does it foreshadow that Kronprins Wille is on his way out, it also indicates that it was a rebel and homosexual ‘power’ that guided him in his quest for self-determination, just as it was for Malin Forst. 
I natt gick Gud under or how to make the lake scene destroy me even more
The poem in prose I natt gick Gud under (Last night God succumbed) stands out from the other chapters of the novel Kris, as it recounts the most decisive transformation of the main character Malin Forst.  BLACK places Malin naked and at peace on the shore of a sea where she throws the words she denies. Finally at a safe distance from WHITE’s icy waters, she liberates herself from her paralysis to embrace her true feelings.
Last night God succumbed. 
Perhaps it was just the hollow shell of name that went under.
But that shell of a name drew with it the power of death. I cast it off. 
I see objects as they are, unwitting of the name attributed to them. I cast off their names. 
I stand utterly new, on the shore of a sea. Conscience is no longer mine. I cast it off.
The will to life has made me naked. The will to life has made me see. I shall meet whatever comes with naked, open eyes. 
Lisa describes the lake scene as almost religious. As he’s swimming naked in the lake, Wilhelm is shedding his crown prince shell. Leaving the waters, he is reborn.  When he is standing on the shore of the lake in his white clothes, Lisa says “that is when Wilhelm grows up.”  And for me, he’s ready to meet whatever comes with naked, open eyes. 
Thank you ! Thank you to whoever read this far. Kris is a very complex book that, despite having read twice, I still don’t fully understand, so if you have anything new to add to this reflection, you are welcome to do so !
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cielooci · 4 months
Hey! If it’s okay, can I request George Karin dating headcanons? Reader also works for Lockwood and co
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what would it be like.. [hc]
to date george casper karim? (as his co-worker)
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PAIRING ⊱ g. karim × reader WARNINGS ⊱ written in second person's pov, l&co headcanons, just pure innocent fluff <3 proofread once NOTES ⊱ of course anon! hopefully i did your request some justice, althooooough i may have focused more on how he treats you as a partner in general. nevertheless, i did include some bits that feature you and him on cases, so i hope they make up for it!
© cielooci does not consent to their work being copied, translated, altered, or used by ai in any way possible
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for starters, george is the type of guy to express his affection quietly.
you wouldn't catch him saying "HEY BABE!" out loud and kissing you all over, nor suddenly showing up with the largest boquet of roses and dropping down one one knee.
instead, you'd catch him silently pass you little notes asking how you are, if you're doing okay, and all that fluffy stuff!
lets you relax against on his shoulder (or head, if you're taller) when you get too tired in the archives, smiling to himself as he tucks a strand behind your ear to admire you better.
he always glances back to make sure you're still following behind him: whether on a case or a simple stroll outside, he'd reach out his hand for yours and clutch it tight.
george thinks flowers are too cliché, so he brings you your favorite sweets, midnight snack, book, or a new disk for you to play on your record player.
if you picked the book, it's totally a poetry novel! he'd tell you to read a page every night, with a little handwritten note on the bottom in case you needed cheering up.
and if you're feeling particularly shaken about a case, he'd offer to let you sleep beside him or sit down beside you, words quieter than a whisper when he asks you if you're okay.
still feeling jumpy? no problem, you're ditching the case and instead spending the day at the archives with him researching or chatting over pizza and coffee.
or spend the day with him trying to teach you how to cook; at the end of the day the kichen is just one big mess of scattered ingredients (same thing if you know how to cook— the two of you probably got into a fun food fight).
oh, and his kisses would be soft, very gentle! cups your face and holds you as if you were the most delicate thing in the world.
george is also the type of guy to bring your knuckle to his face and press his lips on it, eyes filled with the purest adoration and love <3
even though he'd rather stay in the comforts of the sofa or his bedroom, he willingly goes with you for extra training with your rapier whenever you felt a little rusty.
during movie night on the weekend, the two of you would squabble for a good thirty minutes or so on who's picking the movie by who has better taste, though you just end up choosing the "pick for me" button or settling on an animated movie instead like caspee the friendly ghost.
WHICH BY THE WAY, you always love to tease him about, finding it funny that his parents named his middle name after it. he grumbles, throwing a pillow at you that escalates into a pillow fight.
the movie was forgotten.
lastly, he's still snarky and sarcastic even when you're around, although that earns him a smack on the head with a rolled up piece of paper or a push on the shoulder. oof.
it's just so plain in his eyes that he loves you, the look mirroring on yours. how could you not? especially with that small sweet smile that he reserves for when you enter the room, or the laughter that escapes him when you shoot a funny remark or do something incredibly stupid.
he was george. your george.
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POST NOTES ⊱ finally out of my writer's block! it's been a while, hello fellow writers <3 planning to cook up more fics soon, so please keep the requests going!
wanna be the first to know when a fic drops? go here!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ the taglist: @eeechooo
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narutouzumakiarchive · 3 months
i was neutral towards gaanaru because it has like 0 basis but now i dislike it because sasu**** shippers try to push it as the 'better gay ship'. they try too hard to disprove a ship they are not bothered at all since they are 'brothers' and just friends.
I've always disliked gaanaru simply because it's boring and the passion and romance lies in Naruto and Sasuke. I also have an innate repulsion to the "safe and healthy" wholesome uwu gay ships that fandoms try to prop up in opposition to dynamics that they perceive as more toxic. But don't worry. Even the SS fans that pretend to care about Gaanaru and think they should have more content can't be bothered to actually make more content outside of isolated performative posts comparing it to Naruto and Sasuke. [See example below: Only one Gaanaru post outside of SS content and they had to mention SNS]
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Them pretending Naruto and Sasuke are brothers and latching onto other ships to discredit SNS and beat the homophobic allegations is just overcompensation. I mean, I would overcompensate too if I shipped a character who was defined by love with someone who couldn't even explicitly be tied to the sharingan transformation that signals said character's love — though I wouldn't have such terrible taste to begin with.
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They try to disprove narusasu in that manner because they need fanfics and official fanart and novels that Kishimoto didn't write to even attempt to justify their pairing while Narusasu has the the text and classic mutual romantic coding. Naruto individuates Sasuke outside of Team 7 and Sasuke individuates Naruto outside of Team 7. They have a unique and valuable relationship.
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And ultimately, Sakura herself was envious of Naruto and Sasuke's dynamic (note the close up on Naruto's face after Sakura's statement). If Sakura herself wanted to do the things Naruto did for Sasuke and wanted Sasuke to feel for her the same way he did for Naruto in a romantic context, why would narusasu fans not ship them?
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Like Kishimoto intentionally framed their battle in the most romantic way ever. Imagine if right before Sasuke and Deidara battled or something, Karin looked at Sasuke dismally, confessed her love and said "I wish you could do Y for me to prove that you love me" and then Sasuke disregarded her and went to do that for Deidara instead. Kishimoto would never do that, not just because Sasuke and Deidara dont have the established emotional connection necessary for such a scene, but also because it would impart an obvious romantic subtext that people would recognize as such if it happened in any other show.
And if Naruto and Sasuke are just friends then they need to take it up with Sasuke who kept affinity testing (despite Naruto understating his feelings and calling him a "friend") and asking Naruto to define friendship... only being fully satisfied after Naruto moved outside of concrete labels like friend and instead identified pain as the reason for his affection and devotion. [The Naruto fandom is seriously something else honestly like the repeated "what are we" conversation even after Naruto gave him an answer would be a done deal anywhere else.]
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profiterole-reads · 9 months
2023 Favourites
In no particular order. This is content I've read and watched in 2023, not necessarily content released in 2023.
1. Notorious Sorcerer by Davinia Evans: fantasy with some m/m. The protagonist travels to other planes for alchemical ingredients and ends up having to learn greater workings. I love the Byzantine vibe of the worldbuilding.
2. The Daughters of Izdihar by Hadeer Elsbai: fantasy with some f/f. Two women, a waterweaver and an earthweaver, join a women's rights movement. I love the Egyptian-inspired worldbuilding.
3. Reforged by Seth Haddon: m/m fantasy. This King/Paladin novel has a surprising plot. The magic system is very original as well, I especially like the music part of it.
4. The Buried and the Bound by Rochelle Hassan: urban fantasy with some m/m (YA). The hedgewitch protecting the town teams up with a boy cursed to forget his true love and another one trapped as a bondservant.
5. [Spanish] Lazos de Sangre by LR Jeffers: m/m urban fantasy (erotica). This is a series about werewolves and big cat shifters, usually angsty and hot.
6. [French] Meute by Karine Rennberg: urban fantasy with some m/m + another protagonist is aroace and uses sign language. This is a novel about building your own werewolf pack. I think this is my first time encountering 2nd-person narration in French and it works surprisingly well.
7. Cascade by Rachel A. Rosen: science fantasy with mlm and wlw protagonists + no romance. An ecological disaster has freed magic. In Canada, the Party works with a wizard in order to try and save humanity. I love the intricacies of the plot, which skilfully mixes politics, science and magic.
8. Ocean's Echo by Everina Maxwell: m/m science fiction. Telepathy, my favourite trope, done by one of my fave authors! It was even better than I expected.
9. The Deep Sky by Yume Kitasei: science fiction/murder mystery with several non-binary major characters. 80 people from all around the world embark on a one-way interstellar voyage. As they're all required to get pregnant, they're obviously afab, but several are non-binary, with mentions of a trans man.
10. Forget Me Not by Alyson Derrick: f/f romance (YA). This is a very romantic novel about two girls dating in secret until one gets amnesia. I enjoy this trope a lot.
TV shows
1. Good Omens: fantasy with queer protagonists + some f/f. I love the book and I love the adaptation. Season 2 is original content, but it's faithful to the spirit of the novel.
2. Shadow and Bone: fantasy with some m/m (YA). This successfully mixes the Shadow and Bone trilogy (that I haven't read) and the Six of Crows duology (that I have read and enjoyed).
3. Warrior Nun: fantasy with some f/f. Nuns literally fight against demons.
4. The Power: superpower fiction with some f/f + a trans woman and an intersex man. Teenage girls start developing an electrical superpower, which makes them safer from men.
5. Nü Er Hong: GL wuxia. This c-drama is a quick watch, with 27 episodes of 2 minutes. I love that these short webdramas always have more or less the same actresses.
6. The Devil Judge: dystopia/thriller with BL vibes. This k-drama has a tight plot and fascinating characters. There's a girl in a wheelchair and the rep is well done.
7. Naughty Babe: BL romance/murder (attempt) mystery. This Thai drama is the sequel to Cutie Pie, except that they switched up the main pairing and the secondary pairing. I think it's possible to watch it on its own.
8. Wedding Plan: BL + GL romcom. This Thai drama has mlm-wlw solidarity, which I hope to see more of in the future. There are also cameos from the BL couples from Love in the Air.
9. Oh! My Assistant: BL romcom. This hilarious k-drama is about a het porn webtoon creator and his assistant. Despite this topic, the drama is not explicit.
10. Welcome to the Lesbian Bar: GL contemporary fiction. This k-drama is a quick watch, with 5 episodes of 6 minutes. In each episode, 2 customers come have a drink and chat with the owner.
1. Barbie: fantasy that is so gender! This was such a big surprise coming from Hollywood.
2. Nimona: fantasy with a protagonist who is a trans/enby allegory + some m/m (YA). I haven't read the graphic novel, so this was more depressing than I expected (it deals a lot with discrimination), but still an excellent movie.
3. Wingwomen (Voleuses in the original French): action movie with a sapphic protagonist + f/f vibes between the other two. I love heist movies all about women.
4. Kill Bok-soon: action movie with some f/f. This Korean movie has interesting cinematography. Note that it's very violent, though.
5. Red, White & Royal Blue: m/m romcom. I love the book and I love the adaptation.
6. Anything's Possible: m/f romance with a trans female protagonist (YA). This is a very positive movie, about love, art and nature.
7. Fanfic: m/m romance with a trans male protagonist (YA). This Polish movie is sometimes dark, sometimes fun.
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twinnedpeaks · 9 months
ok it’s time for elvira’s yearly reading wrap up! best and worst of 2023:
the cabin at the end of the world, paul tremblay - disappointing. could have been so good but, alas, was not.
the silent patient, alex michaelides - quite possibly my least favourite of the year. people were telling me how shocking it was and how it had a huge plottwist. this plottwist was predictable from PAGE ONE. please.
the grimoire of grave fates - i remember nothing except being bored.
hide, keirsten white - i hate when horror is bad <3
filth, irvine welsh - okok my second attempt at reading irvine welsh. i liked parts of this book but not enough to even slightly enjoy it as a whole.
finnegans wake, james joyce - i wasn’t sure whether this should go in best or worst honestly. such a huge phenomenon, purely because it’s “unreadable”. i still don’t know how to feel.
12 bytes, jeanette winterson - miss winterson can do no wrong in my eyes. brilliant reflections on technology, written beautifully.
new animal, ella baxter - just SUCH a good time!! great novel on grief and sexuality.
the gilded wolves, roshani chokshi - i’m very picky about my fantasy books, but i fell in love with this trilogy so fast. the characters are incredible and diverse, and finding a canonically autistic character meant a lot to me.
tripping arcadia, kit mayquist - creepy, gorgeous, has not left my mind. i can’t even explain it, it is just an Experience. Go read it.
how to sell a haunted house, grady hendrix - FUN HORROR!! HAUNTED HOUSE!! EVIL PUPPET!!
when we lost our heads, heather o’neill - lesbian marie antoinette historical fiction? yes.
no longer human, osamu dazai - gorgeous tale of existence and misery. loved loved this one.
i who have never known men, jacqueline harpman - heartbreaking and real. one of those books i think everyone should read.
patricia wants to cuddle, samantha allen - lesbians and furry little monsters. weird as fuck and so funny.
penance, eliza clark - reflections on true crime and the rivalries between teenage girls. gruesome and fascinating.
not forever but for now, chuck palahniuk - MY MAN RETURNED!!!! and i am so goddamn grateful. nauseating but stunning. masterpiece as always.
house of hunger, alexis henderson - gothic vampire novel with a touch of haunted house story and eerie lesbians.
sign here, claudia lux - one of the funniest books i’ve read in a LONG time. selling your soul to the devil is basically the same as working for capitalist organizations.
the child thief, gerald brom - HORRIFYING version of peter pan. brom always makes me utterly nauseous and i am ovsessed with him in every way.
the girls, emma cline - 60’s cult vibes, true crime, just a solid piece of literature.
angels before man, rafael nicolas - basically gay bible. 10/10.
silver under nightfall, rin chupeco - poly queer vampires. gritty gore. amazing world building. cannot WAIT for the sequel.
none shall sleep, ellie marney - me? enjoying crime fiction from someone other than karin slaughter or tana french? it IS, apparently, possible.
house of leaves, mark z danielewski - IT IS ABOUT! THE! SYMBOLISM! I WANT TO YELL.
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mangasstuffcomics · 10 months
This thread has be done Uchiha apologists and sasuke fans are just the lack of reading comprehension first all there's only one potion of authority in the village and that's hokage what did the Uchiha clan lack that other clans had
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I'm sorry to tell this but the Uchiha clan isn't a race it's family who founder is the older brother of the founder senju clan there part of the same family
Even if the Uchiha clan was race tobirama would be same race as them
Not mention what tobirama stated about Uchiha clan and the curse of hatred is a fact its canon in the naruto manga
First time the curse of hatred was mentioned by obito Uchiha a curse that has followed the Uchiha for generations
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Just ignore what tobirama actually said about Uchiha clan that no clan feels deeper love that's Uchiha not even the senju its simple when a Uchiha loses that love its replaced by a deeper Hate that changes them simple.
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Madara litteraly used some tobirama own words while talking to obito your deep love into a equally profound hatred come on people
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Madara totally wasn't selfish like when he attacked the village with the nine tails putting multiple people in danger including his own clan so you say he left because he was worried about people yet put them in danger please
He also put the words of dead man izuna over the wellbeing of the entire clan forcing them to fight in a losing war to point where Uchiha clan members decided to join forces with the senju
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Get it through your minds nobody wanted madara as hokage the Uchiha clan hated him to point of claming that madara killed izuna for him eyes tobirama was right
You people need the read the databook madara was not only Uchiha to ever be a traitor village unfortunately there madara sympthiers during tobirama rain there was Uchiha setsuna snd some others who planned coup against village and tried to overthrow tobirama they failed tobirama manged to deal with them without getting rid of the entire clan (looking at you danzo)
This orchimaru statement where people look at one part of the statement and ignore the other part of the statement the village didn't Uchiha clan because they where police force they disliked them because they where arrogant and conceited they let the authority and power they had get to there heads and where being a holes to people
If the Uchiha clan acted like decent people instead being conceited and arrogant towards the people around them then village would like them
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And here's the thing madara attack on village happened 60 something years it happened do recently that are people in village that where still alive when it happened this is a recent wound and the person who happened to attack the village was Uchiha
If madara didn't leave the village and attack with nine tails then village wouldn't distrust they Uchiha if obito madara student didn't attack village and work with yashiro Uchiha clan the coup leaders and fan the flamesof said of coup read itachi shinden novel obito wanted the Uchiha clan gone
The people responsible for the Uchiha clan downfall are madara obito and danzo
To believe that sasuke was right in trying to destroy konoha and commit genocide against innocent people and his academy classmates due to the actions of one person is ridiculous
Sasuke was cleariy ooking for justice when he hurt karin he was clearing looking for justice when he tried to kill sakura when 3 years ago he not only called sakura a previous corpse and begged naruto to save her but thought team 7 as his family he tired to kill someone he thought of a family member not to long ago
Not only that but he has indra soul influencing him yes his soul not just chakra it was confirmed by naruto databook 4
Making him the hokage would have just made alot of the Uchiha clan upset because again they didn't want madara
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Sasuke was infact cursed whether you like or not Sasuke was about to become a dictator then end the manga to claim that Sasuke wasn't in darkness just shows your lack of reading comprehension
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ichinoue · 1 year
What are your opinion on isshimasa and ichiruki parallels? They're panels are framed the exact same and it's crazy because isshin and masaki are of course a canon ship. I don't know what to think anymore 😭
I've also seen claims that orihime is like masaki but I don't see how. Masaki is pretty happy go lucky like orihime but is overall a goofy tease who likes to laugh and tease isshin. Orihime isn't like that and doesn't really do that with ichigo, and her dynamic with ichigo is way different from isshin and masakis.
Also the Ray of light thing?? Masaki being like the sun and kubo saying rukia is ichigos Ray of light? I saw on twitter and man I genuinely don't know what to think anymore 🙈 I love ichihime but upon discovering this I don't know how to proceed, what do u think?? I don't like ichiruki, but these parallels are questionable 😭
I mean, saying "I don't know what to think anymore 😭" would maybe be an understandable sentiment if Bleach were still ongoing and the endgame couples were still undetermined but...they're not lol. The manga is finished, their marriages and children have been cemented in canon, and Kubo has confirmed in so many different ways that IR was never intended as romantic and that he planned on having Ichigo's son meet Rukia's daughter in the final chapter since chapter one.
So I don't really get where any anxiety over future outcomes would be coming from, you know what I mean?? It's like fearing that IH won't happen when it's already happened lol
I get what IR's are saying about Isshin holding Masaki under his arm being similar to Ichigo holding Rukia under his arm (even though he also held his sisters the same way), but to me, when Isshin is holding Masaki and says to her "I'm here to protect you", he's promising that for life. Which is very different from what Ichigo did. Ichigo hurls Rukia into Renji's arms two seconds after saving her and tells Renji it's Renji's job to protect her. He literally throws her into the arms of her future husband. While Masaki was already in the arms of her future husband. So that's where the parallel falls flat for me.
And unlike Isshin did for Masaki, Ichigo never made a vow of protection with (一護) mamoru, meaning “to protect" which is the kanji in Ichigo's namesake, to Rukia. In fact, the kanji used when he saved Rukia is the same kanji used when he saved KENPACHI of all people lmao
But you know who he did make that vow for (and then rose up from the dead still chanting that very vow of protection)? Orihime. I talked about that here, and this is the post referenced.
Also, if we're talking parallels, I think the stronger case to be made here is for Ryuuken->Massaki<-->Isshin resembling Ishida->Orihime<-->Ichigo, but I digress.
Anyway, I disagree about Orihime and Masaki not being similar. We only got to see a small glimpse of Masaki's personality, but from what we did see, she resembles Orihime in both looks and personality (and if we're talking about comparisons here, she certainly resembles her personality and looks-wise more than she does Rukia). Her mannerisms, her joyfulness, her nervous little "eheh" laugh and talking about food stood out to me right away as being very Orihime-esque.
Not to mention, there's literally a part in the WDKALY novel where Karin comments that Orihime reminds her of Masaki, and that's why Yuzu likes being around her:
"As time went by, Keigo, Mizuiro and Uryuu also returned home, only the Kurosaki siblings and Orihime were left in the room. When Uryuu left Orihime also tried to leave, “I’ll finish this up later at home……”, however Yuzu held her back saying she wanted to help a little more.
Now, Yuzu was standing alongside Orihime in the kitchen, seeming to enjoy herself as they prepared dinner. Ichigo and Karin continued sewing the embroidery on the floor whilst also absentmindedly listening in. Karin took over the task of adding the final touches Orihime was doing earlier with the golden thread.
“Yuzu, seems like she having fun huh”
Karin spoke at a volume that only Ichigo could hear.
“Oh yeah……it feels like she’s more high-spirited than usual”
“……That girl, she behaves as if she were a mother, she should take it easy and let others help her instead of doing everything herself don’t you think? So that’s why, I think she’s very happy whenever​ Orihime chan comes around.”
Continuous cheerful laughter coming from the other two could be heard.
“……how about you?”
“Me? As for me……well, I’m also happy……because, Orihime chan, she reminds me of mother……just a little”
Karin’s hands stopped moving, she looked up at the portrait fixed on the wall. At the center of the oversized poster, there is a portrait of their late mother Masaki laughing brightly." (Source)
So, clearly Kubo wanted that comparison to be noted.
You also mention how Masaki has a goofy personality (which...Orihime is clearly very goofy as well lol) and that Orihime never teases Ichigo but she literally has...?? Especially once she started to become more comfortable with him. Notably teasing him about not getting any of her bread in the final arc.
But I think it's important to note that I believe Kubo wanted Orihime to be similar to Masaski, but not exactly the same. She is her own character, after all.
And the ray of light thing...Rukia has always been represented by the moon in canon. So...this just sounds like a lot of IR projection at this point tbh lol. Again, if we're going to take what Kubo said in interviews into account, then it would be impossible not to consider that he's said he always planned on Ichigo and Rukia marrying and having children with other people.
If he wanted to fulfill some parallel where Ichigo and Rukia fall in love and get married like Isshin and Masaki did, he would have done it. There was...literally nothing stopping him if that's the route he wanted to take lol. He just had no intention of doing so. Instead, he wanted Bleach to end with each of their kids meeting. To come full circle with "death and the strawberry."
But honestly like, if you're confused about how to proceed now, my advice would be to just ship whatever you want lol. You don't have to ship the pairings that are canon, ship the ones that you personally like!
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kwonzoshi · 5 months
Here is my Day 3 contribution, not gonna lie, I struggled with this so.... I hope you guys like it. Prompt: 'Literature'.
It was killing him. As dramatic as that sounds his heart felt like it was ripping in two. Simon didn’t want to talk to him, he didn’t want to talk to his parents, his brother was dead… and to top it all off, Simon went on a date with some idiot named Marcus. Freaking karaoke… he thought to himself, scoffing. It seemed that the only person desperate to talk to Wilhelm was August and that was the last person he wanted to deal with. On cue his phone vibrated in his pocket. He snapped it open to yet another message from his second cousin.
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He rolled his eyes, ignoring him once again and immediately texting Felice.
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He made his way into the classroom, apologizing to the teacher for being late. She explained that they were separating in groups of 4 and creating a presentation based on the book that was chosen. He glanced at the table and there was only one left, “Crisis” by Karin Boye. Wilhelm takes the book and immediately scans the room, trying to see who the other three in his group are. He freezes as he notices that Simon is holding the same small pink book. He clears his throat and looks around to find that Sara and Henry do as well. 
The teacher instructs the class to go to a study room to begin working on the project. He turns and quickly exits the room, making his way to the library, not sparing a glance back. As soon as he sits, he pulls out his phone:
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He begins to bite his thumbnail as Simon and Henry walk into the room, sitting in two of the three empty chairs at the table. Simon sat across from him, making it difficult to look at anything but his beautiful face and those deep brown eyes. It took a moment for Wilhelm to notice, but Simon had his laptop already out and was furiously typing.
“Karin Boye,” Simon started reading off the screen, “was born in the year 1900. Crisis is an autobiographical novel about 20-year-old Malin Frost, who studies to become a teacher in the 1920s in Stockholm. She goes through a deep religious crisis, while at the same time she develops feelings for a fellow student, which awakens a need to find her own truth beyond all fixed ideals.” As Simon finished he looked up and into Wilhelm's eyes. Simon could have been speaking a foreign language for all Wilhelm knew. He didn’t absorb a single word that came out of that pretty mouth. All he could think of was how he wished he could kiss those pretty lips. He wanted so badly to kiss him. Just one more time.
“What?” Henry said, interrupting Wilhelm's thoughts, “So it’s about God or something? I only picked it because it was the shortest… I don’t know about you guys” he said, looking at Wilhelm.
“It was the only one she had left,” he responded, forcing himself to chuckle like that simple fact didn’t have his stomach tied into a million knots. 
“So, um” Simon started, ignoring their conversation, “how are we going to divide this up?”
“I’m not speaking during the presentation,” Wilhelm said a little too quickly, “You guys can do that.”
“Wasn’t Sara in our group too?” Henry asked, brows furrowing. 
“Yea," Simon answered, “she, uh, left her notebook in her room. She’ll be right here.”
“Yeah, okay,” Henry responded, rising to his feet as he ran his hands through his hair. “Well, in that case, I’m gonna go and get some coffee.” He quickly left, leaving Wilhelm and Simon briefly frozen in place.
We’re finally alone, Wilhelm thought to himself. There was something he needed to ask Simon, but he wasn’t even sure how to. He remembered Felice’s words from the day before, about being direct. He looked around, licking his lips nervously. He decided to just… say it.
He looked into Simon’s eyes again and almost chickened out, but he needed to do this. For his own sanity. “Why did you say you didn’t know Marcus?” he asked. His heart was beating a mile a minute in his chest, though he tried to hide it. 
“I said I did.” Simon said simply, eyes never leaving his.
“But not that you hang out,” Wilhelm rashly retorted. Simon’s eyes dropped for a moment before locking back into his. Wilhelm continued, “If there’s something going on between you, just tell me.” 
Simon sighed, “Okay… we’re hanging out.” Those three words hurt so much more than he expected. He thought he wanted to know... that he had to know. Now he wasn't so sure. Wilhelm’s heart was no longer racing, it was vibrating. He sighed as he shifted his gaze from Simon’s, nervously licking his lips again and glancing around the room.
“Okay,” he muttered, feeling defeated. So much for fate, he thought to himself as he grabbed his pen and began to take notes on god knows what. “That wasn’t so difficult,” Wilhelm continued, sparing Simon a quick glance and praying that his emotions would remain in check. They fell into a tense and uncomfortable silence and the only sound was that of Wilhelm's pen as he scribbled notes.
Simon took a long deep breath, “We’re not together,” he quietly revealed. 
Wilhelm’s head shot up, eyes searching Simon’s face. What did he just say?! He thought, his emotions doing a 180. At this point his heart was doing back flips in his chest and the knots in his stomach were twisting and turning.
“It’s really none of your business…” Simon continued, “but we’re not.” 
For a moment, everything became still, but before Wilhelm could say anything, Henry came back and loudly placed his mug on the table. He turned to face Henry and was too focused on answering his questions to notice that Simon was still staring at him, with nothing but adoration in his eyes. 
Later that evening:
Wilhelm sat at his desk trying, and failing miserably, to do his homework. He decided to update Felice on the situation. 
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He spent the next few hours on the phone with Felice, talking about the brief, yet emotional, conversation he had with Simon, the book and how it paralleled real life, and his broken heart that was surely going to be the cause of his death.
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claire-starsword · 5 months
Bloodline of the Sacred Dragons - Chapter 3-3
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The rear of the Pao Train had a small deck, for embarking and disembarking and connecting to the other cars.
Deep in the night while everyone slept soundly, Camallia stood there alone.
As her hair blew away freely with the wind coming from both sides of the train, she enjoyed the scenery of the mountains surrounding the Pao Plains. They were like a pitch-black painting, moving as quietly as the stars in the sky. No matter how unchanging they looked, they were slowly but surely being passed by.
She hadn't started this journey for sightseeing.
Camallia berated herself.
Karin and Karna, and Bleu. She had no intention to meet people like them at the start. That wasn't the reason she had come to this land, was it? Those thoughts had her shaken. Because she also had the feeling deep in her heart that she had met just who she had to meet there. One day, liking it or not, she would find out which one of those thoughts was right. Though she didn't yet know when that day would come…
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It's easy to drown in your own thoughts. And also, to tear them apart.
With a small noise, the door opened. Someone came by.
"…There you are."
Karin closed the door behind her.
"Do you need anything from me…?"
Camallia asked her amicably, showing a calm smile under the moonlight.
Karin didn't answer right away.
"It is very late already," Camallia warned her, ignoring how the same could be said for herself.
"I do want something…" Karin finally said after a good time, "I have a request. Don't take Bleu with you."
Her words came out like a dam had burst.
"Why is that?" Camallia asked back politely, watching Karin's face as she spoke so directly.
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"He wants to go to Parmecia with you, but as long as you have the Manual you don't need him. We can just give it to you."
"Is that so?" Camallia played dumb. "Would it really be wise to give away his precious Manual to someone else? And then, what would I do about the Dragon Blood Crystal seal? Also, his people are waiting for him in Parmecia. Those are reasons enough for him to come, no? The only reason for him to stay back is some meager, selfish fear surrounding the Manual, and that's it. More importantly, Bleu himself decided to go, so no one should be able to stop him."
"Why." She answered sharply to Karin's shout.
"Don't take Bleu away!!"
"What a weird thing to say. When have I taken Bleu away, and from who? Sure, he — Sacred Dragons are interesting. Yes, they are perfect, beautiful, and noble creatures. A simple human can't compare to them. So I want to be with him just a little longer. I want to watch up close how he feels, how he thinks. Those are my upfront intentions right now."
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"I want to be by his side, too. I want him with me forever."
"Like a pet? Sacred Dragons aren't the kind of creature for that."
"No! Of course that's not what I mean!"
"No, I'm right. Sacred Dragons don't exist for your entertainment."
Karin couldn't find the words against Camallia's scathing criticism.
"He's not yours."
"And not yours either. What are you to Bleu, anyway? A mother? Sister? Or maybe, a lover…?"
Camallia knew she was tormenting her, but even so, she couldn't stop herself from asking.
"…A friend. Yes, a precious friend."
Maybe Karin didn't know yet what name to put to her feelings. Maybe humans were coward and weak creatures.
"Yes. Of course. There shouldn't be any romantic feelings between different species after all. I shouldn't fuss over what you two look like together. As a human, it doesn't concern me."
To Camallia, that was a terrible thing to say. Was there any bond more powerful and mysterious than love in this world? Someone had been asking that kind of question to the stars and wind countless times until just now.
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It suddenly occurred to Camallia that she might have had some Sacred Dragon blood mixed in herself. The memories of healing Bleu's wounds came back vividly in her mind.
"Protecting someone and setting someone free are not the same thing. All you're doing is tempting him to run away."
"Wrong. Bleu is bewitched by that Manual. And you drove him to that."
"Oh my, really? I shouldn't have that kind of power. But, if he's really obsessed with the Manual, then I want to see with my own eyes what he'll do when everything is over…"
Camallia began to walk away, stopping by Karin's side as she had her head down.
"They grow up fast, don't they?" She whispered in Karin's ear, and passed her by.
Pushing the door open, Camallia entered back in the train. Closing the door, the darkness of the night and Karin within it both disappeared from her sight.
>To next part
Translation notes:
I hope the feeling came across through the translation so far, but to spell it out: Camallia usual has the most formal speech out of all characters. The moment Karin start shouting at her here, she basically drops it altogether. She's in no way rude, but far more casual and assertive.
Camallia's little monologue about love is about romantic feelings specifically, she uses the same wording as Karin does right before, I just felt it would sound very clunky in that line.
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sasukeless · 4 months
Regarding your post about sasuke mischaracterization and ships I have to agree with everything you said. When I see sns fans fighting s4susakus I can’t help but think how ironic it is sns fans act superior and call the sasuke in r3tsuden ooc when they give him the same personality but with naruto and think that’s not ooc too why is it so difficult to ship a ship and keep them in-character
simple, because they don’t like how naruto and sasuke’s dynamic is actually in canon. ss/sk/sns all want sasuke to act differently because his personality doesn’t fit what they want for their favorite characters so it’s either change sasuke’s personality (which leads to also change naruto’s and sakura’s and karin’s) or just go ship something else and make sasuke the toxic ex (many of such cases)
there’s also people thinking that by swapping their personalities/roles you make the ship more “equal” / “mutual” otherwise their relationship is toxic or unhealthy because tjey view ships through real life relationships which is ? because they are fictional characters. and also w sns they are already equals, being equals is not about that
the funniest thing of sns fighting with ss is when they say retsuden is filler and not canon (true) but then also use quotes from novels and sp fillers as well to make points so it’s like 🥸. go do whatever but if you’re gonna be the same as ss you don’t have a leg to stand when complaining about them in my eyes sorry
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theheirofthesharingan · 7 months
hey! naruto ask - 18, 20, 24 :]
18. Do you like canon ships?
Uh, no. There was no buildup for them and these relationships weren't the focus of the narrative for the longest time, then suddenly ending is all about it. I'd have liked if Hinata was more developed and Sakura wasn't so obsessed with him. And Sasuke actually felt something positive for her. I don't mind the novels if they fill the space that manga leaves, but the only content you'll find for SS comes from novels.
20. Fav. no canon ship?
I don't really pay much attention to the shipping, but if I have to choose any, it'll be Kakashi and Itachi. It's probably because they're both quite same. And there's a lot of potential to explore whether as a ship or as a platonic pairing that could be explored. Another one I like is Sasuke and Juugo and Sasuke and Karin. They both loved him, stood by his side, and protected him. Juugo would go out of his way to shield Sasuke.
24. Team 7 fav. moments?
There are many.
- The entire Land of the Waves arc showcases the slow buildup of their bonding. Kakashi going from "you're all idiots" to "I'll protect you at all costs" is so precious.
- Sasuke joining the battle. I love Naruto's reaction the most. While everyone else berates Sasuke, Sakura is too shocked, Naruto is the only one who looks happy that Sasuke is finally back.
- When they seal Kaguya. The ultimate team work with Kakashi in the picture as well. And his 'I love you, guys.'
- Team 7 trying to see Kakashi's face. It's a filler episode only, but for once they acted like buddies. And Sasuke's smile in the episode is just so.. pure.
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justsasuke · 1 year
Team Taka nighttime habits/routines
(no one asked but I did it anyway series pt. 4 | pt. 3 here)
Night Yoga and stretching to maintain flexibility.
religious brusher of his teeth, is dead set on keeping them Shiny™ 
Only rinses his face with water, but has amazing skin.
He does moisturize though because looking dewy is a priority.
Usually plans to watch TV until he sleeps but ends up falling asleep before turning the TV on.
randomly gets up at exactly at midnight to eat food.
10 step Korean face care (I headcanon that she used to have bad acne so skincare is extra important to her)
long bath with bath salts, ofc
Wears cozy pajama sets
settles down on the couch to drink a huge mug of tea and eat a snack while reading a book--probably a heist/thriller novel with a heavy dose of mystery. 
after reading for way too long she’ll drink more tea, check her planner for the next day and then brush her teeth while listening to music 
goes to bed while diffusing some sort of relaxing essential oil.
does some sort of exercise like boxing (he'll do this earlier in the evening as to not interfere with his sleep schedule).
Takes a loooong shower and then finishes the rest of his evening routine shirtless with a towel around his neck
Brushes his teeth while catching up on texts in the group chat
Then goes and sits outside to stare up at the stars as a sort of meditation. On starless nights he'll stare up at the sky.
Usually burns candles in his room/around the house until right before he goes to bed.
Never sets an alarm but always wakes up at the same time every morning
doesn't like to watch TV at night because it doesn't help him feel relaxed.
Used to have a bad habit of working right up until it was bedtime but stopped after Team Taka came into his life.
Walks in the evening. When it's rainy he'll sit by a window and stare
Long showers where he'll just stand under the shower head with his eyes closed
Has a very simple 3 step skincare routine
Does a lot of stretching because he's usually sore from training
Doesn't watch TV at night either but sometimes watches movies if he's with friends and always falls asleep halfway through.
If he gets hungry he'll make an unreasonable large onigiri and eat it while drinking mugi cha (Barley tea)
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stopthebig3 · 1 year
New peak stupid, ss want Sakura novel to be drawn and are spamming Jumps twitter for it. That's the same novel Sakura confirms Sasuke keeps rejecting her but she'll keep harassing him for as long as it takes (her literal thoughts are 'Ill keep on confessing as many times as it takes') while shes beating an enemy senseless, since that reminded her of Sasuke some how. Can't believe ss makes fake posts that Karin wanted to drug and grape Sasuke when their Kween has lines like this, projection much?
SS think any behavior from Sakura is acceptable. A lot of crazy stans are hypocrites and hate on characters for behavior they accept from their fave. SS also love Retsuden even the panel where Sakura is fangirling over Sasuke's hotness while looking like she is taking the most constipated shit of her life. Profound.
Sakura could punch Sasuke like that villain until he agrees to have sex with her and Sakura stans would probably think she is being a girlboss and showing Sasuke, an emotionally inept jerk what he actually needs.
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Many argue that Sakura should end up with Naruto due to his consistent kindness towards her, but they overlook the fact that Sakura's feelings for him are not as deep. It's unrealistic to expect her to simply erase her affection for Sasuke. Genuine love cannot be switched off at a moment's notice. Consider the emotions of this fictional character. Love doesn't just fade away when someone expresses care or affection towards you.Many argue that Sakura should end up with Naruto due to his consistent kindness towards her, but they overlook the fact that Sakura's feelings for him are not as deep. It's unrealistic to expect her to simply erase her affection for Sasuke. Genuine love cannot be switched off at a moment's notice. Consider the emotions of this fictional character. Love doesn't just fade away when someone expresses care or affection towards you.
Love can develop over time as you get to know someone, or it can happen instantly with a strong feeling of connection.
Naruto's love for Sakura was unrequited, proving that being the main character doesn't guarantee getting the girl. However, he ultimately found someone who genuinely loved him, even after getting hit in the face. Additionally, he starred in a movie and a novel, although the storyline of the movie didn't entirely make sense.
If someone has treated you well for many years and loves you, but you don't feel the same way, it's important to prioritize your own feelings. Oftentimes, people overlook Sakura's emotions in favour of focusing on others. If Sasuke didn't love her, Sakura would understand and move forward because Sasuke is not the type to be manipulated into anything. He is entitled to his own feelings, just like Karin, who loved Sasuke but didn't receive the same feelings in return. It's okay to acknowledge that just because someone loves you, you're not obligated to reciprocate those feelings.
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