#keep cool about and go back to work day in day out in the midst of
lafortis · 2 years
not to doxx myself but cops killed a black guy in the venue not twenty fucking minutes after I left for the night. our sales guy was literally right there, about halfway up a scissor lift that was less than twenty feet from where they shot him. how am I supposed to, I dunno, just keep doing what I'm doing? we've had to put 10x10 black carpet over the spot where he probably nearly bled out before later being pronounced dead in hospital. he had a gun in his waistband apparently, but he was apparently running scared behind our stage with his hands up when they shot him twice in the leg from range (sure ok a little excessive but fine I can see an argument maybe in the hypothetical world where I don't hate cops) and then came up and put one in his shoulder from less than ten feet. like what the fuck man. maybe I'll delete this in the morning cus that's an eyewitness account that could be pertinent to the SIU investigation (altho it's not mine and idk how that works or anything) or whatever but this is tumblr anyway so kinda who gives a shit.
Buddy's little brother died last night too. what the fuck man. I knew him, we worked together once or twice. He was a good kid. Fuck man
Just like... Fuck, y'know?
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alexanderwales · 2 months
A fantasy worldbuilding idea on what to do with making humans special:
Humans have comparatively insane endurance. Most other species are like cats, spending only 4-6 hours a day "active", which includes time spent playing, working, eating, and interacting with others. The remaining 18-20 hours are spent sleeping or in light rest. Humans putting in eight hours of work every day seems insane, and it seems even more insane when they realize that there's an additional eight hours of cooking, eating, socialization, and play. Human armies aren't feared because they have powerful warriors, they're feared because they can do a fifteen mile march in a day. Humans don't produce the best goods, but because they work so many more hours in a day, they can produce a lot more.
There are a few consequences of this. For one, most of the fantasy races will tend to stay pretty close to their homes, given that travel takes time. If they do travel, that travel has to be in the form of either swiftly moving places in a limited time (e.g. with horses) or a form of travel that allows them to be in "light rest" mode (e.g. lazing about in a wagon). The elves might have grand ships that allow six different shifts of elven sailors, because that's the only way they can keep up with a human navy, and this would obviously have all kinds of cool downstream implications.
In a city that's not dominated by humans, you might either get a "high intensity" four hour block where all business gets done, or alternately, depending on physiology, you might have elven shopkeepers sleeping on their feet, only stirring when someone comes in with some business, and of course there's a limit on how many customers an elf could handle in a day, and some etiquette about not entering a shop unless it's going to be worth the elf's limited time.
I'm continually picturing my cats, who actually do sleep or rest for about twenty hours out of the day. They have a way of lifting their head to see whether a noise or vibration warrants their attention, then settling back down with a huff when it turned out to be a noisy human. This is, in my mind, very close to being elf behavior already.
But if all fantasy races are going to have limited endurance, then I do think it's important to have it be implemented in different ways depending on the species. Here are some ideas:
Elves are like cats, lazing about, extremely fast and agile in their high-power moments, but mostly yawning and stretching, conserving energy for the times of need.
Dwarves have a more strict and structured four hour stretch, which cannot be broken up. Once they're roused for the day, that's it, they have to make the most of it, and this is one of the reason that they disdain delays, dithering, and other things that don't make productive use of their precious four hours.
Orcs go through a personality shift when they're in "waking mode", and while they never actually sleep, a dormant orc is physically smaller, listless, and difficult to engage in conversation. In a first contact scenario, it might be possible to regard these as two separate species, or to imagine that one "form" is male and the other female.
Gnomes have relatively rapid alternating cycles of sleep and wake, with their four hours of activity stretched across the day in half-hour chunks. Gnomes workmen often fall asleep in the middle of crafting, then lift their heads from their benches and continue on as though they had only been asleep for seconds rather than several hours. (For this reason, gnomes often have fire-stoppers built into their homes and workplaces that will quench their flames if they nod off in the midst of work. It also limits their ability to work with flame in general.)
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littlenahsstuff · 2 months
When will my life begin-pt. 1
Chloe Charming x Red x f!reader
Synopsis- you are Rapunzel’s daughter but don’t know it because Mother Gothel survived and took you too. You possess similar powers to your real mother but they don’t work as well. Red and Chloe are visiting wonderland for the first time since the time travel and Red is nervous. She decides to take Chloe her new girlfriend to a mysterious tower from her childhood and they meet you.
Warnings: not proofread, angst, mentions of abusive parents, anxiety, fluff, slower burn, you just meet so no relationships until at least part two.
Almost 3.5k words
I really hope you enjoy!
You awoke in your cramped tower, another lonely day. Mother says you can’t leave, you mustn’t. Evil people will hurt you just like your real parents. “You are weak and helpless and they’ll eat you,” is repeated daily.
You have a special gift; you can bring life and healing when singing. Mother loves your tricks but they are somewhat rare and you have a hard time making it actually work. She gets so mad at you, she says harsh punishment is the way to make it work. So far you still screw up.
She barely leaves you alone, the only time you can relax is when she takes her daily naps. Her “Beauty sleep”. Or when she goes on supply runs. You only ever let your thoughts drift then. To that one time you saw a flash of red outside. You were only 13 then and it’s been years but you always did wonder who it was.
Red was beyond nervous, Chloe a little too. She had to be strong for her new girlfriend, however. Red was dealing with healing from the trauma still and this visit was making her sick. She knows her mother is better but the whole time travel being dangerous thing has her waiting for the other ball to drop.
“It’ll be alright, promise Heart,” Chloe said it, trying to soothe her. She holds her hand whilst keeping the other on the steering wheel.
When they get there it’s a lot less gloomy than it was originally and the kingdom sits in the midst of a massive ring of roses. Red holds a smeck of comfort that the change brought her home some real peace, but the gnawing feeling never ceases.
“Yeah… I know” Red sighs. “I feel as if-“
“This is just a facade?” Chloe interrupts. “I realize how scary this is; I, myself, worry something went wrong but for now we have to play the part. It’s okay to be scared. You grew up with the most terrifying women I’ve ever seen.
They got to the entrance.
“Well… let’s face this then.” Red decides. She gets out and waits before entering.
Queen Bridget stands ready to greet her daughter, coming in for a bear hug. At least this time both her and Chloe are squished. She still flinched a little but was quickly soothed by a comforting tap on her wrist from Chloe.
“It’s good to see you… Mom,” for the first time.
“It’s so good to see you too my muffin cake!” Reds mom squeals. She starts to see more similarities to Pink haired Bridget by the second and she’s still weary, but relieved.
They pull away and Queen Bridget turns to Chloe.
“Oh where are my manners?! Chloe it is so wonderful to see you here again!” Bridget smiles. Not sickenly to Red’s mild shock.
Chloe glances at her girlfriend and they both smile too and shrug.
“Glad to be back too” Chloe replies with a chuckle. Time travel is weird.
“Now as much as I want to talk your ears off you girls must want to settle in first! I’ll have the Tweedle brothers carry your stuff to your room so you can unpack. Now… I wanna hear about any cute dates later but I understand. I’ll wait dears,” she actually GIGGLES and walks away. Not without giving a little squeeze to Reds shoulder.
They both stand there a little awkwardly and Red exhales, feeling like she can fully breathe again. She feels like she needs to get out when an idea pops into her head.
“Hey wanna go see something cool?” Red says excitedly. Chloe nods and red grabs her hand to drag her back out into the wonder woods they passed through on the way there.
“Where are we going?” Chloe whispers when they hit a particularly thick part of the forest.
“I would go into these woods a couple of times when I was younger… around the third time I came across a massively tall tower. I heard pretty singing. I sadly had to leave but when I came back for the seventh time I heard it again. I never really figured out what or who it was but maybe we’ll see if we go again.
And so they trekked further into the heavily wooded area for a few minutes until finally there was a small clearing with a large tower.
Just by luck did they happen to hear a soft melody coming from it. There was clearly someone home and Red couldn’t not pass up the chance to figure it out once and for all. She used to think about this for years after her last encounter.
“Oh no…” Chloe whispers and whips her head, “I know that look. We are not about to do what I think you’re thinking.” Chow huffs
With a role of her eyes, Red replies hushed, “Fine, just me then. I’m gonna figure it out.” She jumps up on the viney stone and finds it stable. She starts climbing and soon after Chloe groans and follows her.
“Does it have to be this high?” Chloe whimpers, daring not to look down. Red is already far enough up that she doesn’t hear her.
You finish sweeping when you hear climbing you don’t think much of it, it’s just your mother. You still tense but remain sweeping. You should’ve finished awhile ago, but you enjoyed the free will of being able to daydream while she was on a trip a little too much. You hear footsteps hit the floor and try and finish up faster.
“I’m sorry mother I’ll be better next time, let me finish first!” You hurry out. When there’s a second pair of feet hitting the ground you focus on the window. Two girls stand there.
You drop the broom and scramble back, falling on your back and hitting the wall.
“I- I- who are you?” You question breathlessly.
Red and Chloe both share another look.
“We aren’t here to hurt you!” Chloe hurried out. Red nods and slowly steps forward.
“No, we just heard the singing and wanted to check it out. Are you up here alone? How do you even get down every day?” She questions and you still cower but decide to answer them.
“I’m not supposed to speak to others. Mother will be furious, I- who are you?” You repeat.
“This is Red and I’m Chloe.” The blue haired one speaks. “I am from Auredon, Cinderellasburg specifically and Red is from here in Wonderland. Do you know why you are in this tower?” It’s almost too much but you answer honestly for fear of angering them.
“My parents were killed when I was a baby and my Mother took me here for my protection. This place is called wonderland?” You question. If you are gonna be killed maybe you can learn some stuff. Although, these ladies seem harmless enough and quite pretty. Nothing like the grotesque monsters your mother warned you of.
“Yes, you don’t know?” Red says, you shake your head. Your curiosity is quickly getting the better of you now.
“Please don’t lie what’s it really like out there?” You softly question.
“Well… there a kingdom just past these woods. my castle, oh by the way I’m the princess” Red casually throws in there making your jaw drop “but it’s very…. Beautiful.” She goes for. “There are roses everywhere now.” She adds.
“Oh… your majesty” you bow. You read a book once with a king in it and you knew you were supposed to bow.
“It’s only majesty for kings and queens, it’s- you know what that doesn’t matter you don’t have to be so formal, I am also a princess as well. Again though you don’t have to be so formal.” Chloe urges. You are completely awestruck by the fact that two very lovely princesses happen to be your first real life interaction besides your mother.
“Well… thank you Chloe and Red. I am still honored to be in your presences. Tell me, are these kingdoms violent at all?” You interrogate farther.
“Not too much honestly, like the occasional violent coup but day to day life can be lovely,” Chloe replies. Red looks to be deep in thought.
“So your mother locked you in here? That’s… that’s crazy” she realizes. Then her face lits up.
“Chloe, a quick word in the corner.” The two huddle leaving you to finally pick yourself up from the floor and dust off.
“Are you thinking what im thinking?” Red asks. Chloe bites her lip.
“Unfortunately. This poor girl needs our help. I can’t help but feel she looks familiar somehow.” Chloe frets. She thinks you are beautiful truly, but she can’t figure out for the life of her who you remind her of.
“Okay well I think we need to convince her to leave-
“I’ll do it.” You say, causing them to jump up from the huddle. “You two are loud by the way and this room is pretty small,” you giggle. It feels good, you don’t know the last time you’ve laughed. They both blush.
“That easy?” Red questions and Chloe slaps her lightly.
“What she means to say is, we understand how terrifying this could be and that we are glad you are allowing us to help you.
“I’ve wanted to leave everyday, my mother isn’t even my real mother and yeah, I’m terrified. You two are living proof it’s okay out there.
“So how does your mother get down?” Red asks.
“The vines”, you shudder at realization you will have to climb down. Chloe seems to have an equal reaction.
“Well let’s go get you somewhere less cagey.” Red smirks.
After a very fear filled climb down your bare feet touched the hard ground. The gravel admittedly hurts your sheltered feet and you wince.
“What’s wrong?” Chloe notices.
“Oh, I guess I’m not used to standing on such rocky ground.” You admit shyly and wince again when you take another step.
Red hums.
“Wait a sec.” She starts taking off her boots and hands them to you.
“thank you! I’m sorry if I’m a little slow with all this.” You relent, still very great full.
“Don’t be.” Red smirks.
Chloe turns to her, “is you giving people shoes a habit now?” She snorts.
Red rolls her eyes. You finish putting the boots on and get a little nervous.
“We better go, mother could be back any second.” You say.
“Alright then, let’s go” Red leads.
The walk is so terrifying every sound muffled from your time up high is so much louder. Each cherp, squeak, and buzz makes you jumpier.
It’s all worth it though when you see the red castle.
It’s the grandest thing you’ve ever seen, lit up (it’s now darker outside) and the roses are so stunning and fragrant you want to cry. And you do.
“Hey,” Red says. They both come closer.
“I’m fine it’s just so pretty.” You sob.
“If you think this is pretty wait till you see my room. It’s so cool” Red says excitedly and leads for you and Chloe to follow again.
Reds castle looks so much brighter than she remembers. It’s so well lit she can actually see the high ceilings now.
“Right this way, I need to check in with my Mom… she’ll know what to do.” Red decides. It feels so weird asking her mom for help.
The lounge room is very ornate and there is satin cushioning and mahogany wood everywhere. Reds mom is setting out some tea and snacks, enough that they are clearly for the girls too.
Red clears her throat, “mom I have someone I need you to meet.” She says. Bridget looks up and immediately drops the teapot.
“Oh my,” she tsks, “very sorry dear I just thought you were someone I knew. You look so much like her. Um who are you? It was now that both Red and Chloe shamefully realized they didn’t ask for your name. They were so focused on getting you out they didn’t even find out who you were.
“Y/n your majesty.” You curtsy. The queen inhales sharply.
“You don’t have to be so formal but uh… You wouldn’t happen to have hair that glows when you sing would you?” she questions. You are immediately scrambling to figure out how she possibly knew that.
“That’d be a coincidence, we found her in a tower. She’s like repunzel!” Chloe adds and then immediately gasps. Chloe feels so stupid for not putting two and two together. Meanwhile both you and Red are clueless of what’s happening.
You squeamishly give a “yes”.
“Oh you look just like her.” Chloe realizes.
You want to curl up in a ball. This is already so overwhelming.
“Like whom?” Red nods her head in confusion.
“Well, there was a princess named Rapunzel locked in a tower by an old hag, she would use the girls powers to rejuvenate herself. She originally pretended to be her mother. Her now husband Eugene found her and allowed her to see floating lanterns that appeared on her birthday. Turns out the whole kingdom was setting them off for her. They thought mother Gothel turned to dust but she reappeared and in turn stole her baby. They had no idea where she went and searched the lands. She wasn’t ever found…. Until maybe now?” The queen finished the tale, hope growing on her face by the second. Both you and Red were utterly gobsmacked.
They all turned to you only for you to get extremely lightheaded from the attention and the fact that other than the lanterns, the story completely paralleled yours. You didn’t even know when your birthday was. Your thoughts wage a war and you feel as if your legs are giving out.
Before you hit the floor Chloe catches you.
“Oh rabbits,” The queen exclaims. “You girls be a dear and make sure are guest is alright. I believe I really do have to make a phone call now.” She turns to you, who is still conscious but out of it. “Sweets, I promise you are safe now. This castle is heavily guarded. No one gets in that wasn’t supposed to and while you are technically free to leave at any moment I believe you understand you have to stay for a little bit longer.” She hums and turns shaking her head in disbelief as she heads to the phone in her room.
“I-I” you stutter. The two others give a concerned look.
“Hey it’s gonna be fine, even if you aren’t the lost princess we can keep you save. We promise,” Chloe soothes, Red is now hunched down to your levels.
“Promise” she agrees with a curt nod. You take a deep breath, it comes in more broken but it helps ever so slightly.
“Thank you, thank you both!” You exclaim, wrapping them in some sort of embrace, you don’t know what it’s called though.
“Ha no problem maybe-princess,” Red jokes. She earns a glare from Chloe.
“So if I my parents are alive, am I gonna meet them?” You question in disbelief. This feels like a scary dream.
Red bites her lip before replying, “Well I’m assuming that’s what the call was for, she is most likely calling them now.” You are more confused.
“How will they hear her voice from all the way from the castle?”
“There are these machines that let you call from any land so long as the other has one too” Chloe responds, sharing yet ANOTHER look with Red.
“Sheesh, you need to get out more” Red tries to lighten the situation and to be fair it makes you laugh a little.
“RED” Chloe scolds.
“She laughed!”
“It’s okay, I’d rather joke about it than have it still happen” you add but now they both look sad for you again.
“Do you think they still want me? Like what if they have other children and don’t need me as a child anymore. And I’m not really a child at all, I don’t know how old I am yet but I seem far too big to be one.” You start picking at your nails in worry.
Red sighs, “I know what it’s like to have to worry whether someone likes you or not. Trust everything will work out.” She says.
“From what I heard they never stopped looking for you. They did have another child but they actually did kinda do the lantern thing every year. It’s just that they didn’t understand you were sent to wonderland. The whole time they’ve been looking elsewhere but I know for a fact they never fully stopped and that shows they will want you.” Ella offers. You just nod softly, the fear was still there, but if it’s true then it makes you feel a little better. They were good at that. You think you’d want to be their friends. Best friends even someday if you still manage to hang out.
Before the awkward tension breaks naturally the Red queen burst through the door with two others. They also look like royalty to you but that’s not what makes your chest pound. They woman looks so painstakingly like you it makes Chloe curse herself for not getting it immediately. You all stand up, Red and Chloe help you first. And you all how your head.
The woman nearly runs to you and pulls you into another embrace of sorts. This time it’s a little tighter.
“Oh my, you’re really her aren’t you, you’re my baby girl!” She gasps. You blush and stand there terribly awkward. Red can feel your uneasiness from next to you so she coughs in attempt to break Queen Rapunzel from her stupor. It works.
“I- you’re my real mom?” You question.
She pulls apart just enough to put one hand on your cheek and another on your shoulder.
“I know for sure, yes. You are everything I dreamed you to be, my beautiful baby girl. Oh you must have so many questions.” She says. She smiles like the sun and has tears pooling in her eyes. She’s dress so elegantly in purple, but she’s shaking quite a bit.
“I’m here, you’re here” you say. Rapunzel turns to the man.
“Eugene Flynn Fitzgerald Ryder, come over here this instance,” she beckons and slowly a man steps forward. You notice you have his eyes and hair color. You’ve never had a dad before, it’s almost too much. He certainly doesn’t seem like he’s an evil man.
“That’s really her my little buttercup?” He says and when he gets a good look at your face he breaks into the loudest sobs you have ever heard in your life. You honestly don’t know what to do but stand there. You are also overcome with emotion but this is quickly becoming too much for you. He steps forward again.
“Bathroom!” You exclaim and haste fully walk past them and into the halls where you start running.
“Flynn give her some time,” Rapunzel sighs.
“We‘ll make sure she’s safe,” Chloe interrupted, grabbing Red to follow you.
After a couple turns they hear sobbing down an otherwise empty hallway. You sit there with your head tucked into your knees gasping for breath. They slowly walk up to you.
“It’s a lot, I know” Red sighs. “Meeting your mo- family for the first time. You start thinking of what can go wrong when you don’t know them and they don’t really know the real you. It’s hard.” She pauses, “but take it slow. I promise that they are also overwhelmed too. But after not getting any affection your whole life it seems like even the tiniest bit is too much.”
“If you want, we will stay with you as much as allowed. I know we just met but it seems like maybe you trust us the most and that’s precious, the trust,” Chloe states. Her eyes are truthful and earnest. Red shares that earnesty.
“I- supposed if it’s alright. I would never want to impose and you’ve done so much for me. This is all just- well you said it” you gesture to Red.
“We’ll be here.” They both say in unison and it makes all three of you giggle. Maybe your new life won’t be so bad. At least not if they’re in it. Your worry is replaced with a similar fluttery feeling but you don’t know exactly what it is.
This is your happy beginning. Your life has finally begun.
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ghostface-knight · 9 months
i'd like to present my concept of nightmare time episodes where every (or almost every) person is played by the same person, inspired by jaime lyn beatty in daddy. here are some ideas:
peter spankoffski is done being at the bottom of the hatchetfield high food chain, and so he seeks out help to become cooler. he comes across ethan green, who, having just been left by his girlfriend lex, decides, "what the hell, i'll mentor this kid on being cool". when ted spankoffski learns that his little brother is hanging out with "that no-good ethan green", he confronts pete about it, perhaps a little too harshly. his intentions are good, but when has anything ever gone the way he meant? ted, like everybody in town, knows about ethan's reputation, and he thinks he'll be a bad influence on pete. he knows that, if anyone can, pete can make it out of hatchetfield, and he doesn't want ethan screwing that up. so he confronts him, and one thing leads to another, and eventually pete storms out in anger. ted knows if he goes after pete immediately, he'll only make things worse, so he decides he'll let him have his moment of teenage rebellion and then reconcile with him after. a few hours later, ted spankoffski, now drinking his problems away, is approached by a mysterious man who has somehow gotten into ted's apartment. wilbur cross, as he introduces himself, half-convinces and half-mind controls ted into believing that ethan is responsible for this, and the only way to protect pete is to kill ethan. he storms into ethan's tiny basement apartment, wielding his now shattered bottle of booze, and prepared to rip him limb from limb with his new super-powered companion. ethan can hold his own, though, and the brawl is a tough match. eventually, though, ethan manages to get the remaining shard of the bottle and shove it straight through ted's chest. as this happens, pete comes out of ethan's bathroom, revealing that he'd gone to ethan for comfort after his fight with ted. ted bleeds out on ethan's floor as pete holds him.
ruth fleming has graduated high school, and she's lucky enough to find a super chill job as a farmhand on the farm of emma perkins. one day, as they do their usual work (which isn't much, to be honest), they are approached by linda monroe, who is all but seething. she's goes on about how drugs are evil and she will not raise her children in a town where such depravity is taking place. they threaten her off the property, and they think that'll be over and done with. it's not like they've never had to deal with moralistic creeps like her before, and they've always come out the other side. linda comes back the next day with a petition signed by just about every member of the hatchetfield boating society. yeah whatever, perky's buds is not going to be dismantled by some stupid rich people who think they have more power than they do. in the midst of this, they've recently recieved a new client: 17 year old hannah foster. a quiet kid from hatchetfield high, who seems to have joined the smoke club as a way to make some friends. emma and ruth don't think much of it -- neither of them have any qualms about selling to teenagers, and business is business. however, hannah keeps coming back for more and more, and ruth starts to wonder if there's something else going on. back in the linda plot, linda has taken to bringing people out to the farm to protest. each day she (or, more accurately, the people she's hired) come with more and more people holding cardboard signs and chanting. it's really starting to get on emma's nerves. one day, while hannah is picking up her purchase, linda, surrounded by a mob of angry parents and hatchetfield adults, returns. suddenly, linda no longer seems like a nuisance, but a legitimate threat. her followers carry weapons and the menacing smile on her face tells emma and ruth that she isn't messing around. as the mob breaks through the door of the farm house, emma and ruth urge hannah to look for shelter. hannah refuses though, and emma swears her eyes begin to gleam almost inhumanly. the mob makes it to them, and are suddenly thrown back by a wave of psychic energy so powerful it shatters the walls of the house. hannah's new powers (on account of the weed) leave emma, ruth, and herself standing unharmed in the middle of a surrounding pile of groaning, injured people.
i have a few other concepts, but this is getting super long so i better leave it here for now lmao
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baldurs-simp · 11 months
Un-Holy (Astarion x Aasimar!Reader)
Summary: Your heritage comes out in the midst of a battle, leaving you to confess your past to Astarion, whom you have developed a strong relationship with.
Warnings: strong language, mild spoilers, aasimar!reader, fluff, written at the spur of the moment while slightly tired, a bunch of rambling in the beginning but shit goes down later on
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You have gone years without a fight until you woke up on the Mind Flayer ship with a tadpole behind your eye. Now, you cannot go a day without fighting for your survival after the ship crashed somewhere near Baldur’s Gate. You are not alone in the fight, however, having met some companions along the way who all share the same affliction you do; the threat of becoming a Mind Flayer.
The first you met was a Gith, Lae’zel, on the ship before it fell, then a Cleric of Shar, Shadowheart. The two don’t see eye to eye, but they keep the peace well enough to not cause a fight within the camp at night. Then you meet the rogue, Astarion, whom you later find out is a vampire after he tried to drink your blood in your sleep. How he’s able to walk in the sun without burning to a crisp is a mystery to everyone, but you think you could be because of the tadpole lurking around in his head. Or perhaps it is the work of the Guardian that visits you in your dreams.
Then you met the wizard from Waterdeep stuck in his portal, Gale. He has his issues. An orb sits in his chest, waiting to explode if it is not sated with magical-infused objects. You normally allow him to consume items that would otherwise be of no use to you. Items that grant you spells that you can already cast. Items useless to you, but not to Gale. 
Wyll you had met after defeating a group of goblins that tried to enter the Emerald grove. Meeting him spurred your quest to help the Tieflings being kicked out by the druids. You plan on clearing the way for them, getting rid of goblins that might attack them west of the Blighted Village. Wyll had his quest to hunt down a devil, whom you found, Karlach. 
Karlach is nothing like what Wyll had described and they finally came to a consensus to not kill each other. The tiefling that fought in the Blood Wars was only enlisted against her will. And she now joins your party in search of a cure for the Mind Flayer tadpoles.
You feel as if you know everyone in your party, and know somewhat about their past from what they shared with you after bunking down for nights while on the road. Yet, they don’t know a thing about your past. They don’t know who you truly are, or what you really are. But sometimes you think it’s for the better.
Battling the Hobgoblin leader, Dror Ragzlin proves to be a difficult fight. With the majority of your companions looking rough and the fight still raging on, you can’t help the necrotic energy bubbling up inside of you. You have to let it out. 
Planting your feet firmly into the ground beneath you, you let out a fierce cry as ghostly skeletal wings sprout out from your back. A necrotic shroud falls over you, turning foes close to you around in fear. Your eyes turn into black pools as your gaze falls on Ragzlin, letting him know that he is your target. 
The fight is quickly won after that and you drop your celestial facade, helping up Gale and healing him of his wounds. “Well, I didn’t know we had an Aasimar in our party,” Shadowheart mentions, causing you to turn your head towards her and see that everyone else stands behind her, staring at you in awe and curiosity. 
“Let’s just find Halsin and get out of here,” you quickly say, walking past them without so much as making eye contact with them. 
“Woah, woah, we’re not gonna talk about how fucking cool that was?” Karlach mentions as the party follows you, stepping over goblin corpses as you briskly walk toward the exit. 
“There’s nothing to talk about so let’s not mention it. This is just something I can do just as you can go into a rage,” you say over your shoulder, pushing the heavy oak door open, shoving the piercing gazes you feel on your back from your companions. You sigh, knowing that they will pester you if you don’t tell them what they want to hear. “Look, it's a long story, okay. I come from a celestial background. It’s no different than Lae’zel coming from a Githyanki background. We all come from somewhere and none of us has pestered anyone about it, so why should it be different with me?” you question, turning around to face them. So, can we please leave it at that, find the druid, and get out of this place?”
From the tone of your voice, they can tell that your heritage is a sensitive topic. And they know you’re right. Everyone has their past and they are free to disclose as much as they want. It prevents tension from rising in camp. So, they suck it up, leaving your story to their imagination. Until you’re comfortable telling them.
Astarion, on the other hand, is not one to let things go. He thinks that he deserves to hear your story after he told you what happened to him and how he became a vampire spawn. Not to mention that you and him have become somewhat close. After all, you do allow him to feed off of you at night when he needs to. That creates quite a bond if he must say so himself. 
As night draws near, everyone tends to themself to rest after a long day of slaying foes in the desecrated temple of Selune. You keep to yourself, not wanting to be involved in conversation as you fear that someone will bring up what happened to you in the fight. It’s a conversation you don’t wish to have. 
You sit by the edge of the lake, looking up at the stars, lost in thought and memory. You don’t even hear the footsteps approaching you from behind as you stare at the twinkling lights illuminating the sky. 
“There you are,” Astarion’s voice calls, pulling you out of your thoughts and back down to earth as he sits beside you on the ground. “I had thought that perhaps you had flown off.”
It was meant to be a joke and you know that. But it does not make you laugh or smile. Instead, you sigh heavily and glance down at your feet. “If only. Unfortunately, my wings are incapable of flight,” you state, looking back up at the water lapping at the shore. “They never used to be, you know. Gods, I used to be so fast, flying between clouds like a blur. Now, I can remember what it’s like,” you say, smiling to yourself as you recall a memory of being in the sky. 
Astarion has his eyes fixed on your face, taking in your smile, something that rarely comes across your face since he’s met you. “What happened?” he asks, tentatively and in a whisper. 
“I fell in love with someone I wasn’t supposed to,” you say, shaking your head in shame. “I fell in love with a devil. He was charming and cunning and I was cast out from my people because of it only to find out that he was toying with me because he wanted to see me stripped of my radiant power. He wanted to see me fall,” you explain, turning to meet Astarion’s gaze finally. “There is no pride in being a Fallen. Only shame.”
He understands now. If anyone, he knows all about shame and it explains more than you know to him why you never told anyone what you are. He wants to reach out and touch you, lay a hand on your wrist as a way to tell you that you are not alone in this. But he doesn’t know if you will allow him to touch you. He knows that if the roles were switched and he told you in extensive detail what Cazador had done to him, he might not know what to do with a friendly touch. 
“I wandered around on my own, living off the land, too ashamed to show my face to others, fearing that they would know what I had done and how far I had fallen from grace,” you say, looking back out to the lake. “I was on my own for so long, until I was taken by those Mind Flayers. It seems fitting now, being a Fallen Aasimar with a tadpole behind my eye.”
“You are not alone in this, you know,” he simply says, leaning slightly forward so that he can hold your gaze. “No matter how far you have fallen from grace, you are not alone, little angel.”
You chuckle at his words, your shoulders relaxing as you shift in your seated position. “I’m glad to have met you, Astarion. I only wish that we had met sooner,” you say, smiling sweetly at him as you cross your legs under you. “Perhaps things would have been better.”
Astarion laughs, throwing his head back slightly as he follows your gaze out to the water. “I do not think you would have liked me all that much. I would most likely have led you like a lamb to the slaughter for Cazador to feast on. And he would have reveled in the taste of your blood,” he says, a low growl in his voice at the mention of your blood. 
You two had talked about what the others might taste like to him, talking - theoretically - how different people’s blood would taste like. You’re sure that yours must taste different than those he had bitten in battle for a bit of extra strength. 
“And I would have tried to kill you if you did,” you tease him, looking at him, your eyes meeting his and you two stare into each other’s eyes. 
“May I see them?” he asks, his eyes shifting to your back.
You know he means to see your wings, even in their dismal state. You feel comfortable showing them to him just as he had felt comfortable telling you that he is a vampire. Giving a small nod, you close your eyes to focus on conjuring your spectral wings, revealing their skeletal form with minimal feathers covering parts of them, some looking as though they are ready to fall off. 
His mouth falls slightly open as he stares at them, shifting himself on the sand of the shore so that he can kneel behind you. You can almost feel his breath on your next as he shifts closer, his fingers reaching out to touch the exposed bone. 
A breath catches in your throat, your head perking up as a shiver runs through your spine, making your wings slightly perk up. Your heart skips a beat, something you’re sure Astarion can hear, and you turn your head slightly over your shoulder to look at him.
You don’t have the heart to tell him that his actions are considered something intimate between your people. Taking another’s wings is something only lovers do. You’ve never had anyone touch them, even when they are in their original, glorious form.
You close your eyes at the sensation, taking in it because you are not sure when you will experience it again. When you feel Astarion moving away, you look at him again and smile. “Thank you. For letting me myself around you,” you whisper, standing up off the ground and dusting off the sand from your hands and legs. 
“No. I think I should be the one thanking you for trusting me,” he speaks, standing up with you as he gazes at your features illuminated in the moonlight. Gods, he wishes he could see you in your full glory. He knows you’re still holding back what you could be. Still, he thinks it could be absolutely glorious to see you as the angel you truly are.
You bid him good night and walk to return to your tent. As you leave him, he casts his eyes to the ground to spot a black feather that has fallen from your wings. He bends down to pick it up, twirling it in his finger as she smiles to himself. 
He’s going to keep this feather so he remembers this moment forever. 
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callsignfate · 9 months
Hi I have a request (if you don't like it that's fine), let's say fem reader works with Valeria and reader have a big crush on her leader. One day Valeria has a meeting with another cartel leader ,but he didn't want to make business with her, he wanted to kill her. Reader was outside the office but when she heard the fight she wanted to help so she covered Valeria with her body and reader got shot ( not bad ,let's say leg or arm). So Valeria was so mad at her bc she actually care about the reader. It can be a little angst with them saying what they feel (no need to be super romantic...but still 😆) and ofcourse fluff at the end. Sorry if it's chaotic, English is not my first language 😭 if you do this I'll be so happy but if you decide it's a thrash I'll understand 😆😆😆😆 thank you
Seeing Red
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Day Twelve of Writemas/Birthday post
If you want to see the scheduled posts go here If you want to see more posts like this go here
Okay so I saw this and I immediately wanted to write and post this so todays post that was supposed to be posted today will be posted as tomorrows post! Thank you Anon for this request and never apologize for your English's skills they are really good for how terribly hard (and stupid) it is to learn English. I was born in the United States and I still personally struggle with so much! This was such a cool Idea!
TW: Mention of injury, blood, guns, gun shots, needles, medications. If I've missed any let me know!
Valeria was an attractive woman, and she knew it. She rarely had eyes for anyone, that was until she found you in the midst of her cartel pyramid.
She was aware of your attraction to her. She observed your eyes scanning her body and face whenever she was around, how your breaths would become heavier when she ordered you around, and how desperate you were to listen, to be perfect for her.
She adored this, and you. Although she never showed it directly to you, she would inquire with the people closest to her about your whereabouts, how you were doing, and if they could give you a better position—something closer to her.
She knew you would never betray her; she could see it in your eyes, hear it in your voice when you always responded with a quick "Yes ma'am." She made it believable that you had climbed ranks yourself; your skills weren't mediocre by any means. In her mind, this justified her desire to keep you close, to keep an eye on you.
So, when the day to meet another cartel leader arrived, she ordered you to stand outside her office, keeping anyone else out and keeping him in.
And that's exactly what you did. Standing like a soldier guarding a base, you stood there for an hour, listening to the muffled conversation that slowly became heated. The harsh, angry words of Valeria were muffled through the door before the man's voice erupted into an angry yell. Awkwardly hovering your hand over the doorknob, you pushed the door open to see Valeria's eyes locked on the man who held the cold steel pointed at her.
She didn't even glance your way, and Valeria's eyes didn't waver—there wasn't a hint of fear in her gaze. Without thinking, you pushed the man away from her. His anger flared, and a loud bang rang through the room. Another two men, whom you usually worked with, rushed in. Your eyes frantically searched Valeria's body as your hands patted over her gear and arms, only stopping when her face looked... bewildered.
The two men had the cartel leader pinned on the ground as they handcuffed and gagged him. Your eyes only glanced back at them once before you started shaking Valeria's shoulders, asking if she was okay, where she was shot.
A painful burn slowly faded into your mind, and your focus flickered to your hand as you pushed it against the pain that was getting worse. The adrenaline faded quickly, and your trembling hand moved into your line of sight, stained a deep red.
"Oh." A strange calmness settled over you as you stared at the blood on your hand, the pain registering more profoundly. The gravity of the situation hit you, and you felt the room spinning. Valeria finally shifted her gaze from the restrained cartel leader to you, her expression a mix of surprise and concern.
"Let me see." She hissed out with a level of anger in her tone that almost made you flinch backwards, Her hands moved quickly to move your gear, before she groaned and started taking it off quickly to get a better look.
"Damn it," Valeria muttered under her breath, more to herself than to you. "It doesn't look too deep, but we need to get this patched up."
Despite the urgency, there was a gentle touch in her hands as she started to apply pressure to the wound. The makeshift bandage she fashioned from a torn piece of fabric was surprisingly efficient, considering the circumstances. "I've patched up my own wounds before, let's go." Valeria added before she began moving you out of her now busy office, her mind racing as she led you to a room that only had one large table in the middle and fluffy lather chair's around it. "Sit. Now." She ordered out, you looked at the chair as she moved to open a small closet that was tucked away in the order. "I don't want to bleed all over the chair, it could make a mess." You murmured out quietly, her head whipped around with a glare that felt like daggers, without another word you sat down, her head giving you a brief nod before she went back to searching for the medical supplies in the closet.
Valeria swiftly grabbed a medical kit from the closet with a small sigh of relief, her hands moved with practiced efficiency. The atmosphere in the room was tense, but there was an odd sense of trust between you and Valeria, an unspoken understanding.
She cleaned the wound meticulously, her movements precise. The pain was sharper now as she probed around, but you held back any sounds of discomfort. Valeria didn't seem to appreciate the stoicism.
As she finished applying a more secure dressing, she met your eyes with a disapproving and concerned glare. "What in the hell were you thinking rushing in to take the shot, I had it."
You met her gaze evenly, a sense of defiance flickering in your eyes. "You were in danger. I couldn't just stand there."
A mixture of irritation and something else danced across Valeria's expression. "You think I can't handle myself?"
"It's not about that," you replied, choosing your words carefully. "It's about having each other's backs. We're a team, Ma'am."
Her eyes softened, the harsh edge momentarily giving way to a more contemplative look. "A team, huh?"
"Yeah, a team," you huffed.
She sighed, glancing away for a moment before refocusing on you. "Well, next time, let me do my job. I can't afford to lose you."
Your mind stuttered as you heard her last word, you? Did you hear that correctly? You tried to blink away your pleasantly surprised expression at her words.
"Just me?" You asked with the smallest of smile pulling at your lips as Valeria pushed her hand out at you with two small medications in her palm.
"Alright, don't get all mushy on me," Valeria retorted, almost avoiding your question. She handed you the medications, a clear attempt to steer the conversation away from the momentary vulnerability.
You took the medications, suppressing a chuckle at her deflection. "Thank you."
"Yea, just take those, and no running into gunfire without a plan next time," she said, resuming her typical authoritative tone, "I care about you too much to let you just get shot, understood?"
You nodded, a genuine smile playing on your lips. "Understood, Ma'am. I'll leave the heroics to you.. maybe"
Valeria's stern expression softened for a moment, a rare hint of warmth in her eyes. "Good. Now get some rest. We both have jobs to do."
As you left her makeshift medical room, you couldn't help but feel a subtle shift in your dynamic with Valeria. It was as if the unspoken bond had solidified, creating a connection that went beyond the professional.
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Simon Aumar Courting Headcanons
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Fandom: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
He's just a pathetic little guy, and you like that in a man.
Truly, he tried to "impress you with some magic" the first time you met and he was such a spectacular failure, it was almost charming.
Cute as he accidentally sent himself flying upward in a panic, hitting a tree limb and knocking himself unconscious.
He was not awake to witness your laughing as Holga carried his limp, dirt covered body back to the horses.
Also very charming that he outright asked your permission to court you, with a bundle of wildflowers her spent an hour rooting through for the nicest ones.
He always makes sure to ride or walk beside you so you can talk while journeying.
Is the one to ask you to "officially" join their adventuring party because of your "indispensable skillset we have been utterly lacking"
Not to say this all went smoothly, "cute klutz" can go so far but his pessimism towards everything can grate on your nerves horribly at times. Especially when you try to talk him up and tell him otherwise and he shoots you down on everything.
He is also a pushover and despite complaining about the group making him pay for a round of drinks or dinner, he doesn't actually try to stop it.
Sometimes you'll lightly wack him upside the head for that, and then he wont stop quietly complaining how you wounded him
He is ecstatic and flabbergasted when you actually agree to him courting you, he's not sure what to do. Never thought he'd get this far.
He asks Doric what to do, or more, what he did wrong when attempting to court her.
Edgin unhelpfully praises him during that, telling him to "Learn from you failures, or you'll never stop failing.
"It'll never work out, they're too cool for you." - Holga
"Thank you all for your utter confidence in me, good pep talk from my closest friends."
"We're your only friends."
Simon definitely grows on you though, he's enjoyable to be around for the most part, rather sensible, and rather cute when he smiles as something actually goes right for once.
He truly tries his best while courting you, attempting (failing) to be romantic, showing you he would be a good partner, absolutely floored when you return some of those actions with your own.
He is your personal hype man. Talks you up to anyone there to listen, how good you are in battle, in your skillset, and anything else even if you're really not.
He's a wizard, wizard's are very squishy, and he all but swoons when you protect him in the midst of battle. Successfully hits his target while fully distracted watching at you.
Very flustered and keeps asking the others "You saw that right? They were protecting me, you saw that? What do you think it means?"
"Aren't you already courting?"
Ever the gentleman and will offer you his supplies while camping, from his food to his cloak if you're cold, while he is visibly freezing and already singed the edges with a warming spell.
Instead you offer to cuddle him by the fire *that Holga started* and he's sure the blood rushing to his face will keep him plenty warm, thank you.
Extremely faithful and only has eyes for you, Doric says it's gross and asks how you can stand it. Edgin helps him write a song for you.
He tries to serenade you with it, and it is. Horrid. Clenching your teeth listening to him until he realizes how bad this is going and stops. You try to tell him it wasn't that bad but the chorus of your friends chiming in with their honest reviews-
One day you tell him "I think this courtship is going well." and he falls off the rock he was sitting next to you on.
Love is not mentioning that as you offer him a hand back up. He is feeling GREAT the rest of the day.
"Alright loverboy, calm down." - Holga
He trips and falls on his face.
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rrenzwrld · 7 months
secreto de amor XI
chapter 11! read chapter 10 here
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ever since jean came home you thought things would go back to normal and your feelings you thought you had for connie would subside. but they didn’t. in fact, it seemed as if they got stronger in the midst of his absence around the house because he wasn’t coming around as often as he was before. you didn’t know what changed on his end but today would be the first time you cared enough to find out.
“hey,” jean looked up from his laptop as you walked into his room.
“hey, what’s wrong?”
“did you and connie like…fall out or something? he doesn’t come over like that anymore.”
“no we’re still cool, we just haven’t been talking as much. i hope he’s okay though, why?”
“just wondering, bye.” you left before he could ask you anything else. you had work later on that day but all you could think about was connie. it was like something in you ached for him and his presence and you hated it. you haven’t felt this way about anyone since your ex and you saw how that turned out.
but then you remembered you still had his number so you texted him and got a response immediately.
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he was coming over after his shift and you hoped you’d be off work by then but then you had to get your thoughts straight because the only reason you were hoping to be off was to see a man. emotions and feelings genuinely scared you.
but unfortunately connie came by while you were finishing your shift at work so you didn’t get to see him. but you didn’t trip over it because you knew you’d see him some other time even if it was months from now until he showed up at your job while you were closing. you didn’t even remember telling him where you worked or what kind of hours you had.
“wassup.” connie walked in greeting you.
“aye man, we closed.” your coworker announced.
“i’m with her..” connie gestured to you, finishing up your task and walking over to him. from connie’s perspective, he didn’t know if you were happy to see him or not because your face was so unreadable.
“how’d you know what time i got off?”
“jean told me. went to see him today, remember?”
“right right, i forgot.”
“forgot? your memory is actually terrible.” he laughed and earned a playful shove from you in response.
“so you gonna introduce us or keep cupcaking in front of us like kids?” you introduced connie to your coworkers and gathered a great response to him collectively. since you’ve been working at your job for a while, your coworkers were like your friends because you talked to them whenever you had the time in between work tasks about whatever and they did the same to you.
when everyone exited the space for the night, you and connie were conversing by your car.
“i’m sorry for being gone for so long. i hope you didn’t think i was ghosting you or anything.”
“i just assumed you were busy anyway, it’s cool.” you lied. it wasn’t all that cool for you but of course you wasn’t gonna mention that to him.
“why do you do that?” he looked at you inquisitively
“do what?”
“brush off how you really feel. because i know it wasn’t cool that i just stopped talking to you like that.”
you debated on whether or not you should’ve told the truth about how you really felt for a change or if the situation was even serious enough.
“you’re right, it wasn’t cool. plus you stopped talking to jean too and
he—“ connie grabbed your hand, holding it softly like a delicate flower and caressing it with his fingertips.
“this isn’t about jean. you know that.” how he was looking at you really didn’t help your feelings outside to either. even in the dark, slightly brightened up by dimly lit street lights in the area, you could follow connie’s hazel eyes as they roamed you.
“then what is it about?” you pulled you hand away.
“you. how you feel.”
“it doesn’t matter. you’re talking to me now, right?”
“then there’s nothing more to discuss. i’m just glad you saw jean today, i’m sure it gave him a peace of mind.”
“i’m glad i saw you today.” if you were a few shades lighter, the blush on your cheek would be more than visible.
“good…you going home right?”
“yeah, i was gonna ask if you wanted to come over my place.” you stared blankly at him.
“for what?”
“i don’t know, just to chill out i guess. i know you’ve never been so…” he was right. you barely went anywhere outside of your own space, let alone another man’s house.
you hummed before answering with words. “sure. i’ll follow you out.” a bright smile appeared on connie’s face which made you begin to wonder if there was a reason why he wanted you to come over.
you followed connie to his apartment, got out and went inside. you didn’t know what to expect but you hadn’t expected it to look so neat. even though it was a smaller space fit just enough for him, he didn’t make it look cluttered at all.
“¿te gusta?” he turned to you but you looked at him with confusion because of the spanish.
“what?” he laughed.
“do you like it?” you nodded.
“yeah. cleaner than i expected.” connie was visibly offended.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” he crossed his arms.
“i expected you to be messy and unorganized. proved me wrong, i guess.” you shrugged.
“you guess…” connie plopped down on his couch and your body moved to follow him. “you’re so nonchalant. like have you ever given a fuck in your entire life?” no one has ever said anything like that to you before. you’re so used to people saying the opposite so this was a new observation.
“i have. and i’m not nonchalant, i just don’t be having a lot to say.” your voice got quiet towards the end of the sentence as you looked down at your hands.
“i understand. you just seem like you don’t really care for a lot of things.”
“i don’t.” you said bluntly
“but you just said you weren’t nonchalant.”
“that’s different.”
“no it’s not.”
“yes it is.”
“well…do you at least care about me?” connie looked at you as if he was making sure you wouldn’t escape his question, using only his eyes.
“in what way?” you met his gaze.
“any way.”
“any way?” you didn’t know if it was you or connie but your bodies were drawn closer to each other to the point where your nose nearly touched his and you could point out every freckle on his face.
“i do…” connie’s hand moved up to gently caress your cheek. without even touching the rest of your body, that one movement shot bolts through you. you haven’t felt anything like that in a long time and you wondered how long it would last. why it was happening.
“really?”his voice adopted a softer tone as his face moved closer to yours. “show me.” as if it was on instinct, your lips moved to connect with connie’s. the kiss felt as magical as your first one was supposed to feel but then you realized that you might actually really love connie. more than you’ve ever really loved any man outside of family. his lips were soft like small peaches on his freckled face and his tongue swiped over yours effortlessly, as if any of this was meant to happen. at the time, neither of you had a care in the world and you wanted this moment to last forever but…nothing lasts forever.
“shit..” you picked up your ringing phone to answer jean. connie watched as you had a small conversation with your brother and hoped that you’d have enough balls to tell him you were staying longer instead of feeling guilty about upsetting him. now that he finally had a taste of you, he wasn’t sure he was willing to let it go.
“i’m gonna go…” a pout formed on connie’s face and you instantly felt bad. “jean was bout to worry himself to death when i didn’t call him when i got off. i’m sorry.” you gathered your things and stood up off the couch, walking towards the door with connie following behind.
“i understand, i’ll see you again tomorrow right?” you weren’t too sure.
“i don’t know, connie…” he grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, gazing at you with pleading eyes.
“please?” you playfully rolled your eyes before standing on the tips of your toes to place a kiss on connie’s cheek.
“you’re such a child.”
“love you too. drive safe, text me.” you nodded before getting in lola and driving off.
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quinloki · 3 months
A little something for @madameredart \o/
I went with a nice quiet moment with Law. It's not much, but I hope you enjoy it 🥰
Summary: He's going to be gone for a while, and there's not much to do, except enjoy the quiet moment before for as long as you possibly can.
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Law snuffed out the last of the campfire before joining you.
The island you’d ended up on was in the midst of autumn, and while the air was crisp, it wasn’t deeply cold. The skies were clear, and the small island didn’t seem to have anyone else on it - save you and the crew.
People had collected into small groups and gone to enjoy different parts of the island. So much time was spent cramped inside the submarine that it was nice to have a little away time from most everyone else. Law had dropped a lot of heavy information onto everyone’s shoulders earlier, that had caused an even greater need to cool off.
He stepped into the small pile of blankets and pillows you’d laid out in the open the field, settling down beside you and leaning back to enjoy the scene. Nothing above you but a clear dark sky, painted beautifully with bright clusters of stars. There was no moon out, but the stars shone so bright collectively, that it was easy enough to see Law and a decent area around you.
“If there’s one thing I don’t like about the Tang,” you hum, smiling up at the stars. “Is that you can’t see this view from beneath the waves.”
“She’s got her own sights to show.” He murmurs and you nod. “But this is beautiful.”
“It’s nice to just… look.” You admit, laying back entirely on the bed of blankets and pillows, taking in the sky. Law’s yellow eyes flicker in the starlight for the briefest second as his eyes move over the horizon before he lays down beside you.
Shifting slightly you nuzzle into him, resting your head on his shoulder. He tucks you into his side snugly, hand on your waist. His fingers flex against your soft skin, and he pulls you tight against his side for a second, hugging you a little as he kisses the side of your head.
“Thank you. Suggesting the shore leave was a wise idea.”
“Mm, well, you’re going to abandon me for a while, aren’t you?” You keep your gaze on the stars but you can feel him flinch. “I get it though. It sucks, but I get it.”
“You… took the news better than I expected.” He admits, mind wandering back to earlier in the day when he’d laid out his plan for everyone.
Tomorrow he would head to Punk Hazard. Tomorrow you and the rest of the crew would leave for Zhou. Tomorrow was a few hours away still, so it was better to enjoy tonight.
The peace. The quiet. The stars.
The warmth.
“There wasn’t anything else to be done.” You sigh, letting yourself sink into him and the blankets as you relax. “Your plan is… I don’t want to say good, good would be us being able to be there for you, but it’s the best chance to be had.”
“Punk Hazard just doesn’t work with you all there.” He sighs as he says it, and you can hear the frustration in his tone. Not at the situation itself, but more at himself for not being able to see whatever perfect solution might exist. “No matter how I tried to look at it.”
“I’d say be careful.” You turn onto your side, arm tucked under his shoulder, and leg draped against his stomach. “But I already know.”
“… Know what?”
“Not even death would stop you from reaching Zhou. Whether it takes months or a couple years.” There’s a soft, sad smile on your face, but nestled into his chest he can’t see it. The hand that traces idle circles against your back is reassuring.
“It’s hard to see the stars like that.” His tone is teasing, but the point is to try and get you to look up, and instead you tuck in a little more snugly.
“It’s not the stars I want to commit to memory.”
“You’ll see me again.”
“I’ll see them tomorrow.”
“So will I.”
“Are you going to say ‘we’ll be looking at the same stars’?” You tease, looking up at him with your sad smile, trying your best to smile warmly.
“… We will be.” He pouts.
“We will.”
Silence falls between the two of you for long moments. Fingers wander over bodies, and small sighs slip into the air in puffs of white as the night grows colder. You cocoon inside the blankets, wrapped within limbs. The warmth and sensation soothes you, sinking into your bones as his steady breath sinks into your neck.
Tomorrow there will be just stars, but for now there’s limbs and lips and warmth as soft kisses bring your heart rate up, and needy tattooed fingers seem desperate to mark the stars into your skin.
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cyxnidx · 10 months
König, ghost,soap x tall!fem reader (who is taller than König) for example, guys wear her sweatshirt, or steal cool clothes from her and forgot to return them, (at home) she comes up to them in a top and asks where her sweatshirt is
or such a case, People find out that König/ghost/soap has a girlfriend, and she is much taller than himself and people make claims to them, but then they become silent when her very tall figure appears behind him and looks at them disapprovingly and asks not to do this again speak.
you can combine it or do it separately
a/n: hehe i adore the first one, so thats what we're going with today :)
content: scenarios of könig, simon, & johnny boy taking ur stuff
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you sigh, finally arriving home after being at work for so long. but its alright, because now you have something to come back to when you get home. now, you have könig. he's home, for the time being, and you plan to take up every moment of it. only, when you come home, you can't find könig. which is fairly odd, because he always waited for you to come home. similarly to a puppy. as you can't find him in the living room, it's not until you make your way from the kitchen and to your room you see the man passed out, sleeping peacefully with soft snores escaping his lips. not only that, but he has a larger hoodie on. a hoodie you find quite familiar. getting a closer look, you turn him to his back gently to admire the hoodie that was currently keeping him warmth. it was one of your favorites, and similarly, you'd sleep in it too. it was only ironic to you that the man who's seemingly brutal and dangerous to others, can be so soft right now. finding comfort in your larger hoodie.
if there was one thing simon adored, it was jewelry. specifically yours. you collect jewelry, wearing it on occasion while he'd typically take it when he isn't deployed. from your rings, to your bracelets and necklaces, he takes it all. particularly your rings and some bracelets. sometimes, you'd be out while he's home and mid conversation you'd notice your watch on his wrist, or a chain bracelet you bought clinging loosely to his wrist. or, at times you'd watch him cook. and in the midst of you admiring him, you end up noticing one of your rings around his finger. or rather, multiple. not only that, but it'd get to the point where he'd take it with him for deployment. if he suddenly gets deployed, he'd take a ring or necklace he adores. and of course, its yours. he'd take it with him, and make it a personal mission to return it to you. no matter the cause or consequence, he'll get it back to you.
soap likes to be warm. in fact, his body runs moreso warm than cold, it seems. and in his constant attempts to stay warm, he'd sometimes end up taking your jogging pants. sometime during the winter when he isn't deployed and instead spending his cold wonderland days with you, he's almost always in your jogging pants. sometimes, you'd wake up from a comfortable, bonding nap with one another and instead of seeing him in his classic black or grey basic jogging pants, it's always your colorful ones. your colorful and animated sleep pants, that you both seem to absolutely adore. sometimes, you'd be watching a movie, a fluffy blanket covering the two of you resulting in you not seeing what he's wearing on his legs - only to feel the familiar fabric of sleep pants you wore some weeks ago. when you ask him about it, he'd tell you it's comfy.
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seenoversundown · 4 months
For Death Or Glory : Chapter Four
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Jake x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: Mentions of Death / Grief, Drinking, Sad / Anxious Themes, Shitty Dates, Potential spoilers for a rom-com that came out in 2006, brief conversation involving sex (very tame if you read fanfic regularly) and a tiny little taste of what's about to happen next week.
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary : Charlotte has the most unfortunate day ahead of her, but remembering fondly on better times helps her make it through. As one would say; the world works in mysterious ways.
Author's Note: I'm going to be so for real with you, I know the premise of this chapter is a bit on the heavier side. BUT- with that said, I did my best to not make it too difficult to read. I hope you enjoy learning a little more about my favorite red-haired beauty. 🧡 (There's very few HEAVY chapters in The Caravel Tavern Series and sadly, Ms Charlotte has at least 2 of them)
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Portland Maine - Donovan Woods "Leave your bags in the car, keep it running, I won't pretend, That I won't miss this."
I never knew what people meant when they said they felt numb until today. It feels like I hardly slept last night, but I did end up lying in bed for a while this morning. After I convinced myself to get up, I reluctantly made some coffee, took a shower, blew out my hair, and made it look presentable again. 
I’m sitting in front of my mirror with all my makeup splayed out in front of me. Carefully clipped my hair back so I didn’t mess up the loose waves I spent time working on. I look at myself, taking a deep breath; my under-eyes are dark from the lack of sleep. God, I don’t want to do this. 
I slowly work through my makeup routine, pausing every so often to fight back the tears that threaten to fall. With every step, I look more and more like a normal person. I set my mascara tube back into its place, taking a second to look at how everything looks. I hold a breath, closing my eyes gently as it leaves my body.   
And then there I stood in my closet, staring at all the options. Choosing an outfit is usually a highlight of my day, but today was certainly not one of those days. I still haven’t said it out loud; it makes it too real. I never thought I would be in a position where I had to mourn a friend, a best friend. My best friend. 
Unfortunately, accidents happen, and generally speaking, I handle those well. I am not doing well in this specific instance, but she would want me to go stun at her service. The thought makes me laugh, even in the midst of the saddest time. 
I can hear her in my head, yelling, “Lottie! If you don’t wear a bomb pantsuit, I’ll haunt your ass!” I let out a small laugh at the thought. She always has a way of doing that. I pull out some tapered black pants, a black cotton T-shirt, and a blazer, I feel like she’d be happy with this, I think to myself as I put on the gold necklace she bought me.  
Checking myself one more time in the mirror, “Okay, I think I’m ready,” I mumble to myself. I grab my bag and my keys and head out. 
The drive feels surreal. It’s something that nobody is ever prepared for, and as much as I know that, I really thought I would be better at this. Trying to focus on anything besides the situation, I have the music turned up insanely loud, the window is cracked for fresh air, and I’m sipping on the coffee I brought. I enjoy the scenery as best as I can, trying to find the silver lining on this day. Thankfully, the weather isn’t terrible today, so there’s… something. I just embrace the feeling of the sun on my skin with the cool autumn breeze. 
I pull into the parking lot, shut off my car, and just stare at the building with others dressed in all black wandering in. I take a minute to just sit here, mentally preparing myself for the service. I won’t pretend that I won’t miss her, but in my head, she’s never really gone. She would be yelling, ‘Your ass is stuck with me for life.’  I let out a small laugh at the thought. 
I look up at the sky as I walk towards the door, “You’re lucky I love you so much,” I whisper to myself, and her, before grabbing the door handle to the funeral hall.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
3 Months Ago..
I carefully walk back into my living room, handing one wine glass over to her. She quickly cheers my glass as I go to sit down. I take a little sip before setting it on a coaster. 
“What are we cheers-ing?” 
“Actually getting to hang out, for once!” 
Truth be told, I can be a pain in the ass to plan time with. I spend a lot of my time working and ignoring my personal life. Not the healthiest habit, now is it Char?  
“I’m the worst. I’m sorry,” I cringe as I pull up Netflix. 
She laughs loudly, something I’ve always loved about her, “at least you’re self-aware.” 
“I’m choosing to pretend you didn’t agree,” I scroll over to our favorite movie, “shall we?” 
I don’t know why we became so attached to John Tucker Must Die, but now it’s almost a tradition to watch it if we have a night together. Maybe it’s because we both have had our fair share of terrible men in our lives or because we have bonded over the hatred of a single person. Regardless, we make it a point to always watch it when we have the chance. 
“So, are you still seeing that one dude?” She asks, a half smirk on her face. 
I can’t tell her fast enough, “Oh GOD, no. Never again.”
“He seemed a bit.. boring.”
“He had ZERO personality. About as exciting as the fourteen tan suits that he owns,” I feel a little bad making fun of him, but my god, he was dreadful. 
“He was also mid in bed.. and that’s giving him credit.” I shrug, taking a sip of my drink to hide my smile. 
We both laugh until tears are falling down our faces. 
“I’m sorry!” I giggle, “But you shouldn’t start things you can��t finish.” Covering my mouth because I also can’t believe I said that. 
“Amen, girl!” 
We’ve spent most of our adult lives confiding in each other about everything. Every new job, family drama, bad date. We both know the ins and outs of each other’s sex lives because sometimes it’s so humorous that you have to tell someone. 
The two of us have been close since we met at our first job in high school. Dairy Queen wasn’t the most exciting place to work, especially during summer break, because you just can’t get the smell of melted ice cream out of your clothes. After countless shifts working together, we bonded and inevitably started talking outside of work. Realizing quickly that we were incredibly different, but it also made it fun. I kept her focused when it was busy, and she helped me to loosen up when we weren’t on the clock. 
“Have you tried just meeting someone organically? Or are you ‘too busy’ ?” She says the second half in a mocking tone. 
I roll my eyes quickly, “My job just takes up a lot of time, so dating apps seem to be easiest.” 
“I know you’re going to hate this, but,” she starts, “it’s just a job, babe. You’re allowed to take time for yourself or, in this case, to find someone.” 
“No, I know.. I just-” 
She cuts me off, “There’s no ‘I just’ anymore, girl. You’ll burn yourself out on this job if you don’t make time for yourself.” 
I put both of my hands up to surrender, “Okay, you’re right.” We both sink back into the couch and giggle through the rest of this ridiculous movie. 
Cassie is a free spirit, something I wish I could learn to be. She always had a positive approach to things, not in the sickeningly sweet way, either; just genuinely, she saw the good in the world. She did not care about other people’s opinions; she wore whatever she wanted, followed her dreams, and did whatever she wanted. 
It was always funny to me when we were out in public together. Her outfits were always fun and colorful, and she wasn’t afraid to try new things. Then there’s me, borderline-looking professional at any given point. I love neutrals and looking put together. Maybe it was just to give the front that I knew what I was doing, but nonetheless, I enjoyed a pantsuit. People would always watch her. She’s beautiful, to be fair, but how she carries herself is incredible.
She is really the only person I consistently keep up with. We text each other from the moment we wake up until someone passes out, usually waking up to a bunch of things unread from the early hours of the morning. Nothing would stop us from staying close, though, not even going to different colleges, having entirely different careers, or living two hours apart. 
Watching Kate throw cake at John will never not make us hard-laugh; he deserved every ounce of it. Both of us are kicking our feet over Scott, coming around to be her lab partner again, and calling her perfect. Ugh, he’s an angel. 
“Y’know, Lottie,” she giggles, “Maybe you just need to find a Scott of your own.”
Sitting up from my corner of the couch, “What do you mean?”
“Well, let’s be honest here. You always go for the John type.. Maybe you need a Scott.” 
I can’t deny that I tend to go for that type, but I have my reasons. Because you’re a bit neurotic..? Excuse me? I just know what I like and don’t like. 
“You’re not wrong.”
“Just give it a try,” her voice changing into a more empathetic tone, “Stop thinking yourself out of happiness for once.” Her hand landed on mine, giving it a double pat before looking back up at me. 
“Alright, alright.” I can’t deny that she could be onto something. I’m just bad at accepting change. “If I run into someone who is giving ‘Scott’ vibes, I will give it a shot. But I’m not making any promises that it’ll work.” 
She lets out a feral squeal, “Oh my god, I can see it now! Some kind-hearted, nerdy, long-haired man just sweeping you off your feet!” She falls over dramatically with her hand on her forehead, like a Victorian woman in a silk robe falling onto velvet sofas. We fall into a fit of giggles as she tells me her entire vision of what my life could become. 
“You just deserve a man who’s as much of a hopeless romantic as you are,” she says through a laugh. 
“Hey now! Just because I read romance doesn’t mean that I’m a hopeless romantic.”
“Lottie, I don’t know who you’re trying to convince here.” 
I hate it when she’s right. I do have a soft spot for romantic things. Something about finding the right person at the right time, just feels like it only happens in books or movies. Meeting the love of your life by chance feels so foreign in our time, because everything is through dating apps and the internet. 
“I just don’t think I’ll find a man who compares to any of the love interests in my books, you know? I have to stay realistic, Cass.” 
She rolls her eyes at me, “I’m sure one exists out there. You just need to open your eyes more. Stop dating Finance Bros,” she barks out a laugh, “They are definitely not written by women nor do they know how to treat one.” 
“Ugh.. I know you’re right,” I confess, “I don’t even know how to meet people organically.” Dramatically throwing myself back onto the couch, covering my eyes with my hands. 
“We will get you all dolled up and hit the Old Port one of these weekends,” she pulls me back up, “I’m sure we can find you a man in one of those bars. You’re too sexy– there’s no chance you won’t catch a few looks.”
My face hot instantly at her compliment, “As long as you approve of him, I’ll do it. That’s the agreement from now on.” She sticks her hand out, taking mine and rapidly shaking it. 
“Yes, yes, yes! This is what I’ve been dreaming of!” she hollers through my apartment, “I get to turn my shy little Lottie into someones WIFE!”  
We’re a few glasses of wine deep at this point. 
“So I went on a date with this guy,” Cassie starts, struggling to hold in her laugh, “I wish I could explain to you how bad.” 
“Oh god, PLEASE.” 
“The first red flag that I so nicely ignored was that he didn’t even dress cute! He wore sweatpants, girl,” both of us borderline screaming at the statement. 
“Also, his name is Jeff,” she cringes. “I feel like I should have KNOWN.” 
I finally cave, “What actually happened on the date?” 
“Literally nothing. He only like half listened to me, we went to a bar with TVs and he was fully focused on whatever sport was on.” Rolling her eyes as she tells me. 
“That’s SO annoying!”
She took a sip of her wine and swallowed it quickly, “HONESTLY— I even had the girls out, trying to look a little cuter than normal.”
“Well, that’s terrible that it didn’t work out. I’m sure you looked way too hot for him anyway.” She literally looks hot all the time, he’s a fool to not notice that. 
Her hand flew up to cover her mouth, “Oh girl, I still invited him back.”
“CASS-“ I scream. 
“Hey— sometimes you just need to get laid!” She says matter of factly. 
“I guess I can’t argue that.. he couldn’t have been very good?” 
“Oh god- he literally didn’t even try to take control. A whole pillow princess if I’ve ever met one.” 
I can’t stop the scream that escapes me, making her laugh with me. 
After she comes to, “It’s okay, at least I know my way around. Still managed to get off even if it was looking like I had a small window before it was done.” 
“How fast did he leave after?” I have to ask. 
“Oh, he ran out of there. Definitely is just looking to get his dick sucked, nothing serious.” 
“Well, for your sake, hopefully, it was worth it.” 
After a few more hours, we fell asleep on my couch. It was a pretty typical situation for us. We just get so caught up in giggling and being around each other that we lose track of the time. We would always take advantage of the times we get to actually hang out since they were becoming less frequent. 
We spent the morning sipping coffee together before she needed to head back home. She pulled me into a hug, swaying me back and forth for a minute before getting into her car. 
“I love you, Lottie!” 
“I love you too,” I tell her, “Let me know when you make it home, okay?” ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
The sun feels good on my skin; I’ve been sitting in my car with the door open for 20 minutes. The slight breeze made it so it wasn’t too warm, just baking in the sun. Her service was beautiful, and the room was full of people there to celebrate how wonderful of a person she was. I couldn’t have asked for anything better except to have her here instead. 
Decompressing before I decide what to do next since I’m already in the city She would tell me to do some retail therapy to get my mind off of it, which is honestly sounding pretty good right now. She was always good at talking me down when I got into my head about something. Even if it was just trying to make me laugh because she knew that I was being dramatic about whatever it was. 
 I grab my phone out of my bag to see if I can convince myself to spend some money irrationally for a small dose of serotonin. 
Jacob: Hi there. I have been trying to get through this paperwork and I think I’m just lost on what I need to be doing. I don’t know if you are nearby and want to stop in or you can literally just call me that’s also fine. I just don’t want to mess things up again. Let me know whichever works for you.
I mull over the options of working right now or shopping; unfortunately, I know what my body is going to end up doing. I can’t not help him, especially since he was so nice to me about the whole thing anyway. I swipe out of my texts, pulling up maps and typing in the address. 
Even just driving through Portland felt weird now. It was always the two of us; C2 is what we call ourselves. Even if she always called me ‘Lottie,’ leaving people confused most of the time. She lived nearby, so the biggest reason for me to come here was her. We would usually end up ordering takeout and camping out on her couch, but on the rare occasion, we would go to the Old Port for drinks. Never remembering much past midnight though, I can’t imagine how ridiculous we looked. I really hope nobody ever saw us.
I park down the street from the bar, giving myself a minute to mentally prepare. The clock in my car shows 3:15 pm; this shouldn’t take too long. Hopefully, I can get home before it’s too dark. I open my bag, seeing the ‘in memoriam of Cassandra..’ sticking out. I pull it out, looking at the photo of her on the front. 
“You look good, Cass,” my throat tight as I whisper it into the quiet of my car, “I miss you so much.” I take a deep breath, fighting the urge to cry again. Get it together; you need to be professional. 
I set it down on the passenger seat, not wanting it to get crumpled up in my bag. I grab my phone and start walking to the bar. I really hope it’s quiet in there since it’s so early in the afternoon. The quicker I help him, the sooner I can get out of this city. 
I pull open the door to the bar, but only a few people are scattered throughout. Perfect, this should be smooth sailing. I walk towards the bar as Jacob turns around, pulls out his phone, and then disappears behind the bar quickly. It’s hard to deny that he’s a handsome guy, but it still catches me off guard that he is the owner of this place. 
“I didn’t think I would see you today,” is all I can really hear as he drops down, aside from the sounds of rustling paperwork. I can hear the vague sounds of his mumbling, but nothing is clear. I set my bag on the barstool next to me, deciding to not sit down just in case it’s a quick question. He stands back up, his eyes finding mine. He’s quiet for a moment, what feels like forever, as his face falters and his eyes scan all over me. Don’t ask me, don’t ask me, don’t ask me.  Watching as his eyebrows pulled together, I knew exactly what was about to happen. 
He asked me that godforsaken question, “Are you okay?” in his soft, raspy voice. Shit.  It felt like a punch to the gut, leaving me winded. I’ve avoided the question for two weeks because I knew the moment someone asked, it wouldn’t go over well. I really can’t even fault him for asking. If anything, it’s sweet that he noticed that something was off.
I breathe in slowly, feeling the prick of tears in my eyes again. Trying to muster up everything in me to answer confidently. For the love of God, don’t cry. 
“Um,” my shaky breath comes out as my voice fails me. Yeah, I’m fine,” I say, barely above a whisper. No, I’m not. Who am I kidding? My heart pounds in my chest despite feeling like it’s shattered. The silence between us felt like forever until I heard a door opening.
We both look over quickly, seeing Josh come around the corner before Jacob comes out from behind the bar. Grabbing my bag and placing his hand on my back, he guides me towards his office. He lets me into the small room first and sets my bag on the chair before turning to me. Oh no. The way his eyes are full of worry as they meet mine; I pull my hands up to hide my face, unprepared for my emotions to betray me. 
A sob escapes me, louder than I would have liked. My chest aches. The sound of the door shutting was immediately drowned out by the feeling of his arms pulling me into him, his hand holding my head gently against him before he whispered the words that I knew would haunt me. 
“Oh, honey.” 
Chapter Three
Next Chapter
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Hellooo, can I ask for a fic where Y/N wakes up sitting in a chair, blindfolded and tied, before feeling Hanma/Kisaki's familiar fingers in her thighs and hearing, "remember, you asked for this little princess."
Y/N's thighs clench once she recalled a discussion she had a week ago with her lover about wanting to be fucked in a room full of delinquents from their gang.
It can either be Hanma or Kisaki (somthin bout them wanting to please the reader n also let everyone know that shes his) 😭✋fulfilling the reader's exhibitionism fantasy, idkk this might be a bit too much. I hope you take this up and enjoy working on it loll thanks!
This is a Hanma prompt. He's too devious >:)
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Keeps On Giving: Hanma Shuji x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.3k
tw: smut, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, Hanma being Hanma
"Wakey, wakey."
A cool washcloth is passed over your face, and with a jolt, you come to. You can't see anything. And when you try to move your fingers to remove whatever was obscuring your vision, you find they're tied quite tight.
But you can hear. And the shifting of clothing and soft breathing isn't just from one person. From what you can gather as you try to decipher your predicament, you're around a group.
"Remember," you hear someone familiar whisper in your ear. "You asked for this, little princess." A hand shifts over your clothed pussy, and they're long... just like Hanma's.
"H-Hanma?" you breathe, but no one answers you. A kiss is tapped to the left corner of your lips, but nothing else is said. Panic floods your veins. You could be wrong. You could be completely wrong and in the midst of a rival gang looking to get their revenge. Before you can scream, you're moved off of the chair and placed stomach down, hands tied behind your back and legs propping you up.
Face down, ass up.
You whimper as fingers skim over your backside, making goosebumps surface in their wake. "It's a free show. But if you feel inclined to tip... Who am I to stop you?" The person chuckles, and you'd know Hanma's laughter anywhere. It's the signature of his manic style of behavior, and just unhinged enough to ease your fears. But then... why were you here in front of a bunch of--
"Deepest, darkest desires..."
"I don't have any."
"There's no way."
"Well... there is one. But promise not to tell anyone."
The conversation comes back to you clear as day. And now, like Hanma said earlier, you were getting what you asked for.
Your underwear is snipped off, the fabric leaving your backside chilly as your shirt is pushed up around your shoulders. You must've been in the throes of a truly deep sleep to not notice your boyfriend tying you up and shifting you around.
But you're not deterred. This is a fantasy come true. Hanma's skinny fingers dip into your warm cunt and stay there for a brief second, letting you adjust to the feeling of someone inside of you. You moan, and someone in the crowd stifles a resounding gasp of pleasure.
That. That's what you're after.
You buck your hips to urge Shuji on, but he only pulls his fingers out of you. "You're so wet," he grumbles. Soft panting can be heard above the sound of Hanma humming as he sucks his fingers clean, each one popping free with a loud smack. "Tastes just as good as I thought you would." His fingers - just the middle and ring finger - return to your cunt, sinking all the way in before thrusting onc against your g-spot. If you could, you'd arch your back and whine with delight, but you can only do one of those at the moment.
"That's it," Shuji whispers, tapping against your G-spot again. "Go ahead and fuck my fingers, baby girl. Show 'em how you do it for me." You obey, letting your hips roll back and forth as Shuji holds his hand still. You fuck yourself without inhibition, clenching your wet cunt around his digits before raising back up to do it all over again.
Someone is getting off on this. You can hear him - or them - whimpering at the sight of your pretty cunt squeezing around Shuji's finger, at the sight of your cream on his hand, at the sight of your submissiveness.
"They all want what they can't have," Shuji reminds you, leaning over your frame and driving his fingers in time with your rocking motions. "It's a shame, isn't it?" You nod, and Shuji smoothes a hand over your hair. "Such a shame."
This can only go on for so long, however. It's sinful, but Shuji can't wait for you to squirt. So he helps you along since you can't touch yourself. When his fingers come down on your clit, you groan so loud the building nearly shakes with the force of it. And Shuji looks around the room with a searing gaze, daring any man to meet it. But they're all looking at you, at your body, at the way you respond to his touch. It's just too delicious.
When you shudder, Shuji speeds up his fingers, rubbing your gummy spot with every single ounce of care that he can. "Oh, shit!" The stream comes in short bursts, coating Shuji's wrist and hand in a clear fluid. The grunting of someone in the crowd makes you cum even harder, and you grip your hands so tight you feel they might fall off.
"Goddamn," Shuji laughs, shaking his hand free. It isn't long before you feel the prominent head of your boyfriend's dick press against your fluttering hole. "We're going to take it nice and slow. I'm going to ease you open, inch by inch."
Punishment. A twinge of excitement rolls down your spine as Shuji presses his tip into you, then pulls out. "Nice and easy," he repeats, slipping back inside of you a little more, then pulling out. With each stroke, the growl of pleasure gets louder, and the more Shuji groans, the more you tremble with pleasure.
"Fuck me," you beg, chanting it low and soft as he continues his punishment. "Please, Shuji."
"I hear you," Shuji replies sweetly. "You're almost ready."
"Shuji--Shuji, please, I--"
"Patience." Another inch, another moment to wait.
"Almost there, baby. Shh..." A hand comes down on your mouth with the tenderness of a father shushing his child, but then Shuji bends over you, still repeating his torturous game. "Hush. Take this dick you've been begging for silently. Show these boys how good little sluts take it, hmm?"
"Yes, daddy," you breathe, and Shuji hums.
"Good girl." It's a never-ending cycle, and your mouth wishes it could express how fucked out you feel, but his directions were to be silent. So you obey. Without warning, you feel Shuji's balls press against your cunt. "Brace yourself," is the only warning you get before Shuji begins to pound your drenched pussy into the next dimension.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."
It's merciless, but it's good, and you feel your body surrender completely to whatever Shuji wants. More men are cumming now, especially when Shuji whispers filthy things in your ear loud enough for the closest to hear.
"Pussy's been waiting all week for me," he hisses. "She's talking back to me - I can feel it."
You let out a broken cry, trying to grasp any thread of sanity you can find, but you lose the war against any and all logic. You can only repeat his name as you cum, and you go deaf to the rest of the world, feeling only Shuji's hands on your breasts and his cock drilling into your cunt.
"Oh," Shuji gasps, tweaking your nipples roughly. "Oh, shit, that's it." And then he's cumming, dumping spurts of cum in your already waiting cunt as if there were no tomorrow. He remains inside of you for a while, cock twitching and throbbing endlessly.
You're not sure how you missed it, but when you recover from your inevitable climax, you hear nothing except Hanma's heavy breathing.
Everyone seems to be gone except the two of you.
"Are they gone?" you breathe, and Shuji pats your ass tenderly.
"Where did they go so quickly? How--"
"I told them if they stayed a second longer after I came that I'd beat them to death. Aftercare is just for the two of us, not those fuckers." There's a moment's pause, then, "Are you satisfied, baby? Was that good for you?"
"Of course," you murmur, and Shuji leans over you again, kissing your cheek. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat."
"Sounds like a reward if they win their fights." You chuckle as Shuji undoes your ties gingerly. "I'll let them know. But for now..." You're turned onto your back, and the blindfold is removed. "You need some cleanup and some sleep."
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harleyquilt · 3 months
Touken age gap hc (Kingneki × tg!Touka) 
Notes: Touka is 18 in this scenario. This is also an au of sorts, with some details being canon compliant, and others going off-canon. Main focus here is to make a scenario for the ship, so don't sweat the small stuff. Been a while since I've seen this hc so I thought I'd feed myself.
Touka meets Kaneki after he proclaims himself the One-Eyed King and is introduced to him through Yomo. She's unimpressed, seeing how miserable he looks – his face gaunt, his body much smaller compared to other ghouls, and more concerningly, there is a distinct hollowness in his eyes. It is an emptiness that Touka decides is unfitting for the leader of ghoulkind, a title Touka immediately thought was obnoxious. 
That is until she sees him in combat. She joins Yomo, who joins Kaneki, in fending off some CCG investigators in the city, and it is then that she sees him unleash his kagune. The dense, dark tendrils slay the investigators with ease, blocking attacks and lashing back with twice the power of any regular rinkaku. Distracted, she's almost shot by a hidden Dove, but Kaneki, catching sight of him, shoves Touka out of the way and blocks the attack. Touka shakes away her surprise and shoots a finishing blow, killing the investigator. Kaneki thanks her and moves on, and Touka finds herself looking at him for a little too long…
A few days later, she's making coffee for Yomo, but when she enters his room, she sees that Kaneki is also there, discussing logistics. She gives Yomo his coffee and just as she turns to leave, Kaneki calls her name and praises her for her work in battle. She tries to come off as uninterested, but her heart flutters still. Something about his smile feels incredibly sincere to her…
The next day, she makes coffee for Kaneki. She struggles to suppress her immense embarrassment when she offers him the cup, insisting that she made this because he took a blow for her. He's touched, truly, and again, his smiles leaves her feeling warm and giddy. She curses under her breath and storms out, much to Kaneki's confusion. 
They start to talk more – not often, with how busy Kaneki is, but whenever they come across one another, they chat briefly. Every now and again, she even makes him coffee, and it seems to surprise him every time. Touka, meanwhile, tries to convince herself that she is merely being polite, that he's too soft with all of his subordinates, that she doesn't see him as anything more than a wannabe-leader…
One day, Kaneki and the others ready themselves to head out, having heard some alarming intel. Touka begins to prepare herself too, but, to her dismay, Kaneki orders her to stay. She demands a reason from him and Kaneki claims it's to keep her safe, telling her nothing more. Confused and angry, she follows them in secret, wanting to prove herself in some way. They must see her as weak, if they're keeping her in onr place. It's an insulting thought, one that spurs on her disobedience. Having followed behind, they eventually come across her brother, Ayato, being held hostage by Akira Mado. She's readying his, along with a few others, executions.
To keep things brief, Touka loses her cool and goes straight for the kill. As strong as she is, Akira has more experience, and is quick to strike Touka right in her abdomen. Kaneki and the others react swiftly, reaching Touka and holding off Akira and her team long enough to retrieve the Kirishima siblings and the other hostages. There are minimal losses. Touka is mostly ok, but with the food shortage, her healing is slow and painful. 
She's tended to by Yomo and Banjou, though she still needs time and rest to heal fully. Ayato, in the midst of the battle, is also wounded, and as much as it pains her, they'll have to wait a little longer for their reunion. Kaneki decides to visit once the others leave, entering her room with an apologetic expression. Touka stops him, telling him Yomo has already scolded her enough, and Kaneki sits by her bed, assuring her that it is his responsibility to keep her safe. She mutters that she doesn't need him to stay safe, and Kaneki is quiet for a moment, his eyes downcast. 
He then asks to see her wound. She's taken aback, at first, but eventually nods, pulling her shirt away from her bandaged stomach. Avoiding his eyes, she can't tell what expression he's making, but she does feel his fingers lightly touch the edge of the bandage – now red with blood. Now watching him, she can see that he looks pained, unusually so. He apologises again, confessing that, for a moment, he was worried that he was too late. She's confused, and without thinking, she scoffs and asks why he would care. Concerned, he meets her eyes, placing a hand over hers. He then tells her "I'd be sad if you died, Touka-chan." It's a simple, innocent statement, yet it reduces her to a squirmish mess. She pulls her hand away and thanks him, Kaneki leaving soon after reminding her to rely on him if she needs anything.
And that's when Touka begins to wonder…does she have feelings for him?
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sebstanaddict · 11 days
Capturing Chemistry
Part 2
Sebastian Stan x Reader One Shot
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Summary: Reader is a photographer booked to shoot Sebastian for a magazine spread when during the shoot Sebastian keeps flirting with her. He ended up asking her out and they had a nice first date. What happens after that? Will they continue their relationship or was it just one nice date?
Pairings : Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader
Warning : none
Word count : 5k words
A/N : No drama, no angst, just pure fluff and joy for those who have enough drama in their lives ;)
Read the 1st Part here : Capturing Chemistry - Part 1
Read more Sebastian one shots here : The Stan and Barnes Oddyssey
Brooklyn, New York
New York was in the midst of its early autumn bloom, the crisp air carrying the scent of fallen leaves and the hum of city life. The trees that lined the streets in Y/n's neighborhood had begun to turn shades of burnt orange and gold, casting an ethereal glow over the bustling sidewalks. Each morning, sunlight filtered through her apartment's large windows, painting the hardwood floors in warm amber hues.
True to his word, Sebastian called Y/n the very next day, catching her just as she was finishing her morning coffee by the window. The first few seconds were sweetly awkward, with both of them adjusting to this new chapter in their lives. But soon enough, the conversation unfolded naturally, like they'd been talking for years.
After a week of calls and texting back and forth, Sebastian finally asked Y/n on their second date. This time, it was more relaxed - he asked to meet at the local café she'd mentioned loving. Y/n found herself nervous again, though she couldn't quite figure out why. They'd already shared a perfect first date, yet something about seeing him again brought a flutter of excitement that she couldn't shake.
When she arrived at the café, Sebastian was already waiting for her, leaning casually against the wall, sunglasses on, looking effortlessly cool in his leather jacket. When he spotted her, his face lit up with a smile that made her heart skip a beat.
"Y/n!" he called, stepping toward her and immediately wrapping her in a warm hug. She melted into the embrace, comforted by the familiar scent of his cologne. It was the kind of hug that made her feel like she was exactly where she was supposed to be.
"Hey, you," she replied, her voice soft as she pulled back slightly to look at him. "I'm excited you chose this place."
"I figured it was only right," he said with a grin, motioning toward the café. "Plus, you talked it up so much, I had to see what the fuss was about."
They walked inside and found a small, cozy corner table by the window. The café was charming, filled with the aroma of fresh coffee and pastries. Light music played softly in the background, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Sebastian pulled out a chair for her before sitting across from her. "Alright, so what's the must-try here?" he asked, looking over the menu.
Y/n glanced at the menu and smiled. "You can't go wrong with their cinnamon rolls. And the caramel latte? To die for."
Sebastian raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Cinnamon rolls and a caramel latte, huh? I trust your judgment."
After placing their order, they fell back into their easy rhythm, chatting about work and laughing over shared stories. But Y/n kept sneaking glances at Sebastian, wondering how he'd take her recommendations.
When the food and drinks arrived, Sebastian took his first sip of the caramel latte, his eyes widening in surprise. "Okay," he said, licking a bit of foam off his lip. "You weren't kidding - this is amazing!"
Y/n grinned, pleased. "I told you. Best caramel latte in New York."
Sebastian reached for a piece of the cinnamon roll next, savoring the warm, gooey sweetness. "Wow," he said, shaking his head. "You've officially earned the title of best café guide. This is insane!"
Y/n laughed, feeling a sense of pride in her choices. "Glad I could impress you with my taste in pastries."
Sebastian leaned back, taking in the cozy atmosphere of the café. "Honestly, this place is perfect. I can see why you love it here - great food, relaxed vibe. You've got good taste, Y/n."
The compliment caught her off guard, making her cheeks flush. "Thanks. I'm just glad you like it."
"I love it," Sebastian said with a warm smile, his voice sincere. "This was a great idea."
Y/n felt her heart flutter at the way he said it, the warmth in his gaze making her feel like she'd just done something extraordinary. She hadn't expected him to be so genuinely excited about something as simple as a café, but that was what she loved about him - his ability to find joy in the little things.
They continued their conversation and it flowed easily, as it always did with him. But this time, something felt different - a deeper connection, an unspoken understanding that seemed to linger between them.
At one point, Y/n noticed Sebastian staring at her, a soft smile on his lips. She felt her cheeks flush under his gaze.
"What?" she asked, her voice teasing, though her heart raced at the intensity of his look.
"Nothing," Sebastian replied, his tone gentle. "I just... I don't know. I'm just really glad we met."
Y/n felt her heart swell at his words. She smiled, lowering her gaze to her coffee cup, trying to hide the sudden wave of emotion that washed over her. "I'm glad too," she said softly.
Sebastian leaned in slightly, his voice sincere. "I mean it, Y/n. I've been on sets all over the world, met all kinds of people... but with you, it's different. I feel like I can actually be myself."
His honesty took her by surprise. She wasn't used to hearing such raw vulnerability, especially not from someone as high-profile as him. But there was something so genuine about the way he said it, like he wasn't trying to impress her - he just wanted her to know how he felt.
Y/n reached across the table and placed her hand over his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I feel the same way, Sebastian. You're... well, you're different too. In a good way."
For a moment, they just sat there, their hands intertwined, a quiet understanding passing between them.
After a while, Sebastian leaned back, his smile returning. "Okay, but we've got to settle something once and for all," he said, his tone playful again. "Best 80s movie: Back to The Future or The Goonies?"
Y/n laughed, relieved that the lightheartedness was back. "That's not even fair!" she protested. "They're both classics. But... if I had to choose, I'd say The Goonies."
Sebastian feigned a shock, placing a hand dramatically over his heart. "The Goonies? Over Back to The Future? I don't know if I can recover from this betrayal."
Y/n grinned, leaning forward with a challenging look in her eyes. "Well, what about you, Mr. Movie Buff? What's your choice?"
"Back to The Future, obviously," Sebastian replied with a smirk. "There's just something about that movie. Time travel, adventure, a killer soundtrack. It's unbeatable."
Y/n couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, fine. I change my answer. Back To The Future is better."
Sebastian's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Great! I knew you would!"
And she couldn't help but laugh again at his antics.
They spent the next hour eating and talking, never running out of things to say. Y/n found herself laughing more than she had in a long time. Sebastian had a way of making her feel completely at ease, like she could be her true self around him.
"So, you've got two dogs, right? I've been meaning to ask about them." Sebastian leaned back in his chair, looking at Y/n with genuine interest. "
Y/n's face lit up, the mention of her pets bringing an immediate smile. "Yeah, two. Luna and Bear. They're both rescues. One's a mutt, and the other's a terrier mix. They're a handful, but I wouldn't trade them for the world."
Sebastian nodded, clearly intrigued. "I love dogs. Always wanted one, but with my schedule, it just didn't seem fair to the animal. I'd probably never be around enough."
"I get that," Y/n replied, her tone understanding. "It's tough, but I try to make it work. They've really helped me stay grounded. After a long day, there's nothing like coming home to those wagging tails."
Sebastian smiled warmly. "I can imagine. Maybe one day, when things settle down a bit, I could get a dog."
"You should," Y/n said, eyes sparkling. "It's like having an endless source of love and entertainment."
They shared a laugh before the conversation naturally drifted into their experiences growing up.
"So, you're an only child, right?" Y/n asked, taking a sip of her coffee, her gaze curious.
Sebastian nodded. "Yeah, it was just me, my mom, and my grandmother growing up. My dad left when I was really young. My mom... she's incredible, honestly. She raised me on her own until she remarried when I was a teenager. My stepdad was great - really helped me out when I needed it. But both my dad and stepdad have both passed away now."
Y/n softened, her eyes filling with empathy. "I'm sorry, Seb. That must've been hard."
"It was," Sebastian admitted, his voice a little quieter. "But my mom's still here. She lives in New York, so I try to see her when I can. She's... tough. A real fighter, you know? She's one of those people who just doesn't quit, no matter what life throws at her."
Y/n smiled gently, clearly touched by how much he admired his mother. "She sounds amazing. You must be really close."
"We are," Sebastian said with a nod. "She's always been there for me, through everything. Even when I started acting, she was the one who suggested it."
"That's awesome." Y/n asked, leaning in with interest.
Sebastian chuckled. "She helped me get my first job, playing as an extra in this Michael Haneke movie when I was 12. But I hated it. I didn't like how long it took for them to finally shoot my scene."
She laughed. "Seriously?"
"Yeah. I told her I didn't want to do acting anymore and she didn't push it. It wasn't until several years later that I fell in love with acting and she as well as my stepdad supported me, and well.. here I am."
"I love that," Y/n said, her gaze softening. "I'm really close to my family too. I've got an older brother who thinks he's the boss of me half the time. And my parents... they're still very much in my life."
"Sounds like a good dynamic," Sebastian remarked, genuinely interested. "Your brother sounds fun."
"He's... a character, that's for sure," Y/n laughed. "But he's a good guy. Always looking out for me. And my parents, they're the kind of people who still worry about whether I'm eating enough and getting enough sleep."
"That's sweet," Sebastian said with a smile. "They must really love having you close by."
"They do," Y/n replied. "New York's always been home for us. I mean, I've thought about leaving once or twice, but this city... it's hard to stay away."
Sebastian leaned back in his chair, a knowing smile crossing his face. "I get that. New York just... gets under your skin, doesn't it? There's nowhere else quite like it."
"Exactly," Y/n said, her eyes brightening. "I've traveled a bit for work, but every time I leave, I'm always itching to come back. There's just something about this place—whether it's the people, the energy, or even just the noise. It's chaotic, but it's home."
Sebastian nodded in agreement. "That's what I love about it too. I moved here when I was young, and I've been hooked ever since. There's just this raw energy, like anything can happen here."
"I know, right?" Y/n said, her excitement matching his. "It's like... you walk down the street, and you never know what you're going to see. There's always something happening, some new corner to discover. It keeps you on your toes."
"And yet," Sebastian added, "there are those moments when you find these little pockets of peace in the city. Like this café, or a quiet park tucked away somewhere. It's nice to know you can still find that calm when you need it."
Y/n smiled, feeling a deeper connection forming between them as they bonded over their shared love for New York. "Yeah, it's like the city gives you what you need when you need it."
Sebastian gazed at her, a soft smile on his face. "I like that. You've got a way of looking at things, Y/n, that's... refreshing."
Y/n blushed slightly at the compliment but smiled in return. "Thanks, Sebastian. You're not too bad yourself."
As their conversation continued, they talked more about their favorite places in the city—their favorite restaurants, parks, even quiet streets where they'd go to clear their heads. It was as if each new story they shared revealed another layer of who they were, deepening their connection with every word.
"So, what's next on our New York adventure list?" Y/n asked teasingly, raising an eyebrow.
Sebastian chuckled. "How about we check out the dog park next time? I'd love to meet your furry friends."
Y/n grinned. "Oh, they'd love that. Just be warned, they'll probably try to win you over with their puppy eyes."
"I'm already a goner," Sebastian said with a wink, making her laugh. "But seriously, I'd love to meet them."
"You will," Y/n promised, her heart feeling warm at the thought of him bonding with her dogs. "I have a feeling they'll love you."
"I hope so," Sebastian said, his smile soft and genuine. "Because I'm starting to really love all of this."
The words lingered between them, heavier than casual conversation but filled with the kind of sincerity that made Y/n's heart flutter. She looked at him, seeing the genuine warmth in his eyes, and knew that this wasn't just another date. It was the start of something real, something that felt like it could last.
"Well," Y/n said, her voice soft but teasing, "I guess I'll have to keep planning these perfect dates, then."
Sebastian smiled, his gaze steady and full of affection. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
As they finished their meal, Sebastian glanced out the window, the sun beginning to set over the city. "It's a beautiful night," he said, looking back at her with a warm smile. "How about we go for a walk?"
Y/n nodded, her heart fluttering at the thought of spending more time with him. "I'd love that."
They left the café and began walking through the streets of New York, the city buzzing with life around them. The air was crisp, and the sky was painted in hues of pink and orange as the sun dipped below the skyline.
Sebastian's hand brushed against hers as they walked, and after a moment, he gently took her hand in his, their fingers intertwining. Y/n felt a surge of warmth at the contact, her heart racing as they walked side by side, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment.
"So," Sebastian said after a while, his voice soft. "If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?"
Y/n thought for a moment, then smiled. "I've always wanted to live by the ocean. Somewhere peaceful, where I can hear the waves every morning. What about you?"
Sebastian nodded, a dreamy look in his eyes. "Same. Maybe a little beach house somewhere quiet. But I'd still need to be close enough to a big city - New York has kind of stolen my heart."
Y/n laughed, feeling that same pull toward the city. "Yeah, there's something about New York. It's chaotic, but it feels like home."
They continued walking, the conversation turning to their favorite travel spots, dream vacations, and places they wanted to visit. Y/n found herself hanging on every word he said, captivated by the way he spoke with such passion and excitement.
Eventually, they reached a small park, the trees swaying gently in the evening breeze. Sebastian led her to a bench near a fountain, and they sat down, the city lights twinkling around them like stars.
For a moment, they sat in comfortable silence, the sounds of the city fading into the background as they simply enjoyed each other's presence.
"I know it's still early," Sebastian said after a while, his voice low. "But... I really like spending time with you, Y/n. I don't want this to end."
Y/n's heart fluttered at his words. She turned to face him, her eyes locking with his. "I don't want it to end either," she whispered.
Sebastian smiled, his eyes soft and full of emotion. He reached up, gently brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "You're something special, you know that?"
Y/n felt her breath catch in her throat. She could see the sincerity in his eyes, the warmth in his smile. And in that moment, she knew she felt the same way about him.
"I'm glad I met you," she said softly, her heart full.
Sebastian leaned in, his forehead gently resting against hers. "Me too."
They stayed like that for a while, their hands intertwined, their hearts full of possibility.
And in that quiet moment, with the city bustling around them and the night sky overhead, they both knew that this was only the beginning of something truly special.
It was a bright Saturday afternoon when Sebastian and Y/n met up for their third date. This time, the plan was simple but exciting—he was finally going to meet her dogs. They had decided to take them to the local dog park, a peaceful little corner of the city where they could let loose and enjoy the day.
Y/n arrived first, her two dogs, Luna and Bear, tugging eagerly at their leashes. As soon as Sebastian approached, she waved, a bright smile on her face. Her dogs, sensing someone new, started wagging their tails wildly.
"There they are!" Sebastian grinned, crouching down immediately to greet them. "Hey, buddies!"
"They're super friendly," Y/n assured him, though it was clear from how eagerly the dogs were trying to lick Sebastian's face that they didn't need much coaxing.
"I can see that!" Sebastian laughed, giving both dogs a good scratch behind the ears. "Hey, you two. Ready to make me your favorite human today?"
Y/n laughed, watching him interact with Luna and Bear. "I think you've already won them over."
He looked up at her, his grin widening. "Good to know. Now I just need to keep winning you over."
"You're doing a pretty good job at that too," she teased.
He laughed, standing back up as they made their way further into the park. Sebastian was relaxed, wearing a simple white t-shirt and jeans, his hair slightly tousled from the wind. He looked effortlessly handsome, and Y/n couldn't help but admire him as they walked together and finally reached the middle of the park.
"Ready to let them loose?" she asked, her eyes glinting with excitement.
"Let's do it," Sebastianagreed.
As soon as the leashes were unclipped, the dogs bolted into the park, chasing each other and weaving through the trees. Sebastian and Y/n found a comfortable bench where they could watch them play, the sounds of joyful barking filling the air.
"They're amazing," Sebastian said, his eyes following the dogs. "I can see why you love them so much."
"They're my babies," Y/n replied, her voice soft with affection. "They've been with me through a lot."
Sebastian looked at her, his gaze filled with warmth. "I get that. I can tell they're a huge part of your life."
"They are," Y/n said, nodding. "They've been a constant in all the chaos."
"Tell me, what's the story behind them? How'd they come into your life?" Sebastian asked.
"Oh, well," Y/n began, glancing at the two energetic dogs, "Luna came first. I adopted her from a shelter about three years ago. She was this tiny, scared puppy, but we bonded instantly. Then a year later, I found Bear - also a rescue. He's a bit of a troublemaker, but he's got the biggest heart."
Sebastian smiled warmly. "I love that. Rescuing dogs is such a special thing. I've always wanted a pet, but with all the traveling, it's hard to commit."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, surprised. "You? Never had a pet?"
He shrugged sheepishly. "Not as an adult. I had a cat when I was a kid but it was more my stepdad's cat, you know. I think I've been too scared I wouldn't have enough time to take care of one properly, with all the traveling and work and everything."
She nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. But, you know, dogs are pretty adaptable. And you're here in New York most of the time, right? You could totally have a dog."
Sebastian smiled, clearly considering it. "Maybe one day. If I had someone to share the responsibility with..."
He looked at her meaningfully, and Y/n felt a flutter in her chest. She laughed to ease the tension, nudging him lightly with her shoulder. "Well, Luna and Bear are available for adoption if you're interested."
"Tempting," he grinned, his eyes softening as he watched the dogs play. "But I'd probably be more interested in their owner."
Y/n rolled her eyes but couldn't stop the smile from spreading across her face. "Smooth."
He laughed and they continued to watch as the dogs chased after each other and played with the other dogs around them. It was a beautiful day—perfect for being outdoors, surrounded by people and animals, and the easygoing energy between Y/n and Sebastian was undeniable.
"Do you come here often?" Sebastian asked, glancing around the park.
"Yeah, I try to bring them at least once a week," she replied. "It's a great way to let them burn off all that extra energy. Plus, I love being here—it's relaxing."
He nodded, his eyes following Luna as she chased a ball another dog owner had thrown. "I can see why. It's nice to just slow down and enjoy the little things, you know?"
"Exactly," Y/n agreed. "It's a nice break from the chaos of the city."
They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, watching the dogs play. She couldn't help but smile at how naturally everything felt—being here with him, enjoying the day, not feeling the pressure of anything other than just being present. She really loved it, the comfort and simplicity of it all and hoped that she could have many more days like this with him.
After spending a few hours at the park, Y/n suggested they head back to her place to cook dinner. They stopped by the grocery store on the way, picking up fresh ingredients for their favorite - Italian.
As they walked into Y/n's apartment, Sebastian glanced around, taking in the cozy, inviting space. The walls were adorned with framed photos - some of landscapes, others of candid moments - and there were plants on nearly every windowsill. The scent of vanilla and something floral lingered in the air, making the whole place feel welcoming.
"This is... really nice," Sebastian said, his voice genuine. "It feels like you - inviting, calm, but full of life."
"Thank you," she replied, feeling a little shy under his gaze. "I wanted it to be a place where I could just relax and feel comfortable, you know?"
"I can tell," he said, running his hand along the back of her couch as he walked through the living room. "It's exactly the kind of place I could see myself unwinding after a long day. Very 'you.'"
Y/n smiled, watching him take in her space. It was the first time he'd been over, and his words made her feel proud of the home she had created for herself.
"So," Sebastian clapped his hands together, snapping back to the present. "Let's get cooking. What's first?"
She laughed, pulling out the ingredients from the grocery bags. "We're making fresh pasta, so we should start with the dough."
"Oh, I'm all in," Sebastian said enthusiastically, rolling up his sleeves. "But fair warning, I'm not the world's best chef."
"I'll guide you through it," she reassured him with a laugh.
"Perfect. You'll have to teach me how to make it taste as good as it looks," Sebastian quipped, grabbing an apron from her and tying it around his waist.
They got to work in the kitchen, the air filled with the delicious smell of garlic and fresh herbs as they prepared the meal together. Sebastian insisted on taking charge of the pasta dough while Y/n worked on the sauce. It was a natural rhythm, the two of them moving around the kitchen as if they'd done this a thousand times before.
"You know," Sebastian said as he kneaded the dough, his hands covered in flour, "I've always wanted to be the kind of guy who cooks with his girlfriend. This feels... pretty perfect."
Y/n smiled at his words, glancing over at him. "You're doing a pretty good job so far. Maybe you should cook for me more often."
"Oh, I will," he promised, looking up with a playful grin. "But only if you agree to be my sous-chef."
"Deal," she laughed, stirring the sauce on the stove.
They worked together in harmony, occasionally stealing glances at each other, laughing when the flour got everywhere, and enjoying the simplicity of the moment. It was easy, effortless, and exactly how it should be. Y/n gave him little instructions here and there, teasing him every time he tried to sneak a taste of the sauce before it was ready.
"Hey, it's called quality control," he said defensively, holding up the spoon.
Y/n laughed, shaking her head. "If you say so."
As the food cooked, their conversation flowed effortlessly. They talked about everything - from their favorite books to the dream vacations they wanted to take. Every time Sebastian smiled at her, she felt a flutter in her chest, the chemistry between them undeniable.
Eventually, they sat down at the small table in her living room, the scent of garlic and basil filling the air. They toasted with wine, their laughter filling the room as they dug into the meal they'd prepared together.
"This is amazing," he said between bites. "I don't think I can go back to regular pasta after this."
Y/n smirked. "See? You just needed the right teacher."
"I think it's more that I had the right cooking partner," he replied, his eyes soft as he looked at her, making her heart flutter.
They spent the next hour talking, laughing, and sharing stories about their families. There was a warmth between them, an undeniable chemistry that neither could ignore.
As the evening wore on and they finished the last of the wine, Sebastian glanced over at Y/n with a soft smile. "You know... I could get used to this. Being here with you."
Her heart skipped a beat at his words, the sincerity in his voice making everything feel even more real. "I could get used to it too," she replied softly, feeling the weight of the moment.
They lingered there for a while longer before Y/n stood, wanting to clear the dishes. But before she started picking up the plates, Sebastian gently caught her wrist, pulling her gently towards him.
"Come here," he said, his voice low but filled with affection.
She turned, meeting his gaze, and in the soft light of her apartment, everything seemed to shift. Slowly, Sebastian stood up and pulled her closer. His thumb brushing against her cheek softly. His beautiful ocean blue eyes gazed at her with love and darkened with something else, something that made the butterflies fly around wildly in her stomach. Finally, he leaned in, closing the space between them, his lips brushing hers in a kiss that felt both gentle and electric.
Her heart soared as his lips touched hers. He placed his hand behind her head and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss, making her feel like she was on cloud nine.
The night passed in a blur of soft kisses and whispered words. The anticipation that had built up between them over the past few weeks finally came to a head, and as they fell into bed together, everything else faded away. There was no rush, no urgency—just the two of them, exploring this new level of closeness.
They didn't need words as they moved together, letting the connection between them speak volumes. And when it was over, they lay tangled in each other's arms, the room filled with the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains.
Sebastian pressed a kiss to her forehead, his arms wrapped securely around her. "That was..."
"Perfect" they chorused and chuckled as she rested her head against his chest.
They lay there in comfortable silence, their breathing slowing as they drifted off to sleep, feeling closer than ever before.
The next morning, the sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Y/n stirred first, her body nestled against Sebastian's, their limbs tangled beneath the soft sheets. For a moment, she just lay there, listening to the quiet, peaceful breathing of the man beside her.
When Sebastian finally woke up, he blinked slowly, a sleepy smile spreading across his face as he saw her. "Morning," he murmured, his voice husky from sleep.
"Morning," Y/n whispered back, feeling her heart swell at the sight of him lying next to her.
He reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face. "How'd you sleep?"
"Perfectly," she said with a soft smile. "You?"
"Best night ever," he replied, his eyes twinkling with affection.
They stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other, savoring the quiet intimacy of the moment. There was no rush, no need to be anywhere else. Everything just felt... right.
"I could wake up like this every day," Sebastian said, his voice sincere.
Y/n smiled, feeling the same. "Me too."
It wasn't long until they were joined by Luna and Bear, padding over to the bed and nudging them for attention, Y/n laughed softly. "Looks like someone else wants to join the cuddle session."
Sebastian chuckled, reaching out to scratch one of the dogs behind the ears. "I think I'm okay with that."
They spent the rest of the morning lounging in bed, sipping coffee, and talking about everything and nothing, the dogs curled up at their feet. It was the kind of perfect morning that made Y/n feel like she had found something special - something she never wanted to let go of. There was something about waking up next to each other that made everything feel right, like they were exactly where they were supposed to be. And as Sebastian wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer, somehow she knew he felt the same.
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bitacrytic · 4 months
To be honest Bita, I think the show could have done a bit more with Joe being forced to work as a stand in again. Like linger a few times more on his hesitation to get back in the industry. A few people in the tags have also pointed out that there's a very lack of struggle of Joe in his new body.
What do you think?
Here I am with another unpopular opinion again, but hey. 🤷🏿‍♀️
I don't mind that he didn't struggle with being in a new body. I like that he sat in that hospital, realised that he was in a new body and adapted.
Joe adapts.
Have we seen him struggle with making any decision?
He wanted a guy who would only top so Joe agreed to bottom.
He found out the man of his dreams, the king of his nights, the seed of his soul, was in love with someone else and he immediately made up his mind to break up.
He woke up tied up and he decided to seduce his way out of that problem.
All those things sound unconnected until you realise that this man is a problem solver. He's only ever had himself to rely on. He's never had the luxury of sitting around and waiting for solutions. He sees a problem, finds the root and solution.
The very day that Joe found out he was blacklisted, he made up his mind to get that shady job. Because as far as he was concerned, Wut didn't have a better solution. He wasn't going to sit around and wait till something else showed up.
Now, it's a huge leap from solving mundane problems to just accepting that you're in a stranger's body.
But what else would he do?
I suppose the story could have had him kick up a fuss at the hospital till they put him in a mental ward. But I quite like that our protagonist, for once, used a cool head.
I have no issues with that at all.
Plus, I'm pretty sure he was too grateful to have a loving mother to be too freaked out about everything else.
As for going back to work, I ABSOLUTELY agree!
I wish we'd had at least an episode or two where he got to fucking breathe. I didn't like that he had to go back into the lion's den so soon.
I especially HATE that he's Tong's stand in again. So soon. I hate it.
Going back so soon is making me feel like Ming's grovelling will not last as long as we want it to. Pushing him back into Ming's or it was not what I envisioned for ep05. At least not until the preview clips started dropping.
I wish we'd had more time to explore Joe OUTSIDE of being a stand in.
As for looking for struggle in Joe's new body. Why? Why would anybody want this?
He's spent his first life in loneliness. He's come back to a loving mother who is sick and debt-ladden.
Why do we wish for more trouble internally when we know that so much is already going to happen externally?
Especially if the show is going to focus on Ming being a demon, do we really want Joe having mental breakdowns and identity crises in the midst of all that?
Please, it's a no for me.
I'd like him to have sexy struggles like the hot maniac who's obsessed with him.
But please keep any other emotional trauma avenues away from my baby. Thank you.
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mickimomo · 2 years
Attuma with the babies - part 1
Listen. I just know Attuma is an extremely involved and supportive husband when it comes to raising his and Okoye's kids.
So just come with me as I write out a few thoughts.
This is based in The Sun & The Sky AU. 💓
My thoughts:
The first time Attuma held the twins, he cried. They were so small and precious. From the moment he saw them, he knew that he'd destroy any and every threat that dared to trouble them. Okoye was given many soft kisses and praises for bringing their kids into the world too. Gentle massages, careful assistance with bathing, and homemade meals. You know, all the good stuff. Anything to help her as she healed and rested. Gotta make sure his sun is shining too. 😌
Anytime their babies would cry, he'd sprint to the scene to hold them and soothe them. Okoye is often impressed by how in tune he is with the twins. Sometimes it seems like he's able to sense their distress before they make an audible cry. Even in the midst of his slumber, he'll wake up and go check on their two bundles of joy.
Whenever Okoye has to breastfeed them, he's there helping and being supportive. Whether he's rubbing her back. Holding her so that she's able to rest in his arms. Or feeding her because she's a bit hungry and her arms are full. He read a lot of books while she was pregnant, so he's constantly rubbing her down with salves he read about to make sure she's never sore after breastfeeding and that she's eating properly to keep producing milk.
And as Okoye begins to observe the changes to her body, postpartum, Attuma is always boosting her head up. She doesn't even get a chance to think any less of herself. He's always praising her, drowning her in love, and gifting her things so that she knows she's just as special as their babies. He'll take care of the kids, so that she can go train a little or have some alone time. He'll even plan little picnic dates for them in the living room, while the twins are sleeping, so the romance stays alive. 🥺 He'll bring her home flowers and a baked treat, every time he comes home from patrolling. Eager to relieve her of any stress, she may be feeling from taking care of the twins all day by herself.
Whenever Okoye is napping, he's always walking around with the babies wrapped securely to his torso. Ever since Aneka showed him how to wrap the babies securely and wear them- he saw it while out and wished to learn- he does it as often as he can. He's a proud father. The twins are his pride and the fruits of his love. Why wouldn't he keep them close?
Everyone finds it cute. Such a large and intimidating man wearing two little babies.
Yes, Aneka and Namora take pictures and send them to Okoye. Shuri has been working on building a super cool stroller to earn the title of Auntie of the Year. It's a hard competition with RiRi in the lab. To their dismay, Oni manages to one up them by giving Attuma more patterned wraps made with a longer and stretchier cloth. (Attuma will carry his babies until they are 4. And even then. He'd just move on to piggyback rides. 😭 He feels that they are safer when they are close. 🥺 But he has to get more creative as he and Okoye's family grows. Imagine him with 12 kids wrapped around him. 💀 Jk. 12 kids is my running joke. It does not have to be canon.)
"Man- I know we didn't just get one upped by a piece of fabric." RiRi scowled as Oni and Attuma talked.
Namora was proud of her wife, shooting a small glare at RiRi. "You did. Accept it."
"Those praises do not fall on you. You're just as crappy of an aunt as us." RiRi huffed before laughing when Namora gently nudged her and rolled her eyes.
"He's a simple man." Shuri groaned. "I should have listened to K'uk'ulkan."
"He'll come around." Aneka gently pet them on the back. "You're crazy if you think he's only having two kids with udade. Your inventions will come in handy eventually."
"She is right." Namora hummed. "We all aspire to have big families."
The funny thing about Attuma wearing the twins is that they are so small that they're both able to be strapped to the front of his chest. As they get older, the less chaotic of the twins get to chill in the front. (They don't try to grab ingredients or kick things while he'd cooking. Safety first people.) It's okay. He often gives his toddler on his back pieces of cut fruit to keep their spirits lifted and help them feel involved.
Okoye is always amused to see him talking to the twins while cooking and running errands, even though they're tiny and unable to process what he's saying.
"We are making K'iin food. K'iin means sun." He whispered. "K'iin is your mother. Na' is how you say mother." He'd remind them. "We must make sure she stays bright and healthy." He'd say as he chopped up some ingredients. "So we are making her soup to help her heal, because having two babies took a toll on her. She needs lots of food and rest so that she can continue to be the best mother she already is to both of you." He smiled behind his rebreather. "We will start by cutting up these carrots-"
"Ah." One of the babies would sound out.
"-Yes." He'd grin before pressing a soft kiss into the infant's head. "And we'll add onions, peppers, and chicken. Na' like corn, so we have to add it too."
Sometimes he'll sing to them in mayan. It's not a tune that's laced with strong suggestions like the one he'd drown his enemies with. It's often a song his mother would hum to him when he was small. Something he was happy to pass down to his own children.
And that concludes Part 1. ♡
p.s. I feel like the first set of twins would be identical boys. And they'd end up being mama boys (in a healthy way), because Attuma raised them to respect women. 😤 So, yeah.
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