#keep getting put with someone who finds fault in every thing I do
Falling in Reverse (Dazai Osamu x Reader) Part Two
I meant to write more of this like...two years ago? My bad. I hope you enjoy despite that! <3 -
This is fine.
You kept on thinking it as you sat there, trying to pay attention.
You told yourself to stop it. Stop nitpicking, finding fault with every little thing and refusing to live in the moment for a solitary fucking second. You could feel your fingers twitching with desperation to check your messages, and nearly sit on your hands in an effort to stop yourself. You poured your focus into acting normal instead, nodding in the right places, making encouraging noises, keeping your facial expression open and inviting instead of sliding into boredom or irritation…
It's a fucking lot of work.
The guy – his name was Ken-something, he said what it was when you sat down but the bar was kind of loud and the chance to get him to repeat it somehow slipped past you – was good-looking enough but he wasn’t especially interesting to talk to, and he kept looking around the bar like he was expecting something. He asked the basic questions, but you got the feeling he wasn’t really listening when you answered. The only time he did seem intrigued was when you mentioned your job. You kept it vague, since the Armed Detective Agency wasn’t popular with some people, and he’d lost interest when you clarified it was just a desk job.
“So you don’t get to get out much?” he asked, with a lopsided smirk like he’d made some hilarious sexual innuendo you hadn’t got yet.
“Oh, you know, I run errands sometimes.” You replied, pretending to think hard about the response. It's actually true – Ranpo had you bringing him so many snacks it’s like he thought you were the goddamn Easter Bunny, yet you could never quite bring yourself to say ‘no’ to him. “Thrilling stuff, I know.”
 “That’s too bad. Maybe you need someone to show you some thrills, you know?”
A smirk accompanied that, and you dutifully waited for the butterflies in your stomach, or a flicker of intrigue, or something, but your ardour remained stubbornly cool. Frustration bubbled inside you, and you took a big gulp of your drink. It was like you were jamming keys you knew fit into the ignition of a car, but every time you turned it, the engine would not turn on, no matter how much you tried to will it to life.
But going home would feel like quitting. Like admitting defeat. Like you're really saying: I'm so obsessed with my co-worker who is both terrible and far too good for me that I can't give anyone else a chance. Sad, huh?
“Excuse me for a sec,” you said instead, flashing a smile you didn’t feel, rising to your feet. “I’ll be right back.”
He waved a hand in acknowledgement, and you could tell he was watching you as you headed for the ladies’ room, the heat of it making you strangely uneasy, knowing his eyes were going down your body, cataloguing. For sure he was looking at your ass in the dress.
The ladies’ room was blessedly quiet, and you splashed some water on your face, staring down your reflection, hands braced either side of the sink.
What am I doing here? You thought, and sighed.
It’s just a lacklustre date. You’ve gone on them before and usually put no further thought into them once you took off your makeup and outfit and slipped into bed. There are millions of people in the world, the odds of being instantly compatible with someone seemed like a rare enough thing not to take too personally.
But looking at yourself in your red dress, your hair washed and makeup still nice (if getting slightly smudgy – most of your lipgloss had already transferred to the rim of your glass), you didn’t feel like some kind of sexy badass like you’d been going for.
You just felt kind of stupid, to be honest.
You really thought you did something, didn’t you? A nasty inner voice sneered at you. You thought this was like a movie where you could put on a slutty dress, have an amazing date with a cute guy and magically cure your shitty life? You thought this would fix anything?
You hated that the bitchy voice was right.
“You stupid bitch.” You muttered out loud, your reflection mouthing the words back at you, and you shook your head and exited the toilets before somebody walked in on the stranger talking to herself.
Perhaps the drinks are hitting you a little harder than you thought, because a vague fuzz of light-headedness descended on you as you walked towards your booth, and you decided that you liked it. It took the edge of your self-consciousness and made you forget how this wasn’t the kind of dress you usually wore, or that you were going on a stupid date to get over your feelings for a co-worker who was literally a hazard to one’s health.
But then, just as you got back to your seat, younearly tripped over yourself in shock when you got to the booth and the back of the seated man’s head was definitely not the man you’d come into the bar with.
You’d know those fluffy brown locks anywhere.
“Dazai, what the fuck?!“ you said, then remembered to lower your voice into a hiss, anger coming to you in a sharp burst, like opening a bottle that’s been shaken up first. “You can’t just come in here and- “
Dazai turned his head and your ranting abruptly halted. His face was devoid of its usual playful smirk and the sparkle of mischief in his eyes, eyes that looked brown but when the light hit them just right, they got this golden sheen that looked just like honey…
You were distracted for a second, and Dazai’s voice cut through the fog.
“I don’t have time to explain, we have to move now.”
Something in his voice froze your anger – it had dropped an octave from his usual light-hearted, teasing tone he often adopted to annoy Kunikida or trick Atsushi into doing something for him. No, Dazai wasn’t playing around, and your stomach dropped when you caught the look on his face.
More questions teemed on your tongue, but he was standing up, up, out of the seat and away from the little booth, grabbing your arm as he rushed by. Your half-finished drink lay abandoned and unpaid for – you knew Dazai had a habit of dine and dashing and apparently he was putting it to good use now.
He dragged you through the kitchen, so quickly that the yells of surprise from the cooks were already far behind you as he opened the door to the back of the bar and you’d stepped into the cool outside air. Dazai didn’t pause in his stride or let go of your arm and you realised to your chagrin that you’d left your jacket behind in the booth. You could only hope some kind soul would hand it in to the place to hold onto, though they might not feel like returning it since you’d just disappeared without paying for your drink.
“Dazai, slow down-" you said, doing your damndest to keep up with him – you’re not exactly dressed for running. “What’s going on?”
“Your date isn’t just your average Joe, I’m afraid.” Dazai replied, grimly, apparently deciding that telling you something was more practical than refusing to go into detail and risking a mutiny. “I’m not sure where you found this guy, but he’s there to try and pump information about the Armed Detective Agency from you.”
Your stomach twisted unpleasantly – you barely had time to register the chilly sting of disappointment, like cool air from a fast moving vehicle whipping by you.
“What the fuck – how could you possibly know that?” you spluttered, before another, unwelcome possibility struck you. “Were you… following me?!”
“Of course I was.” He said, in a voice that sounded a bit more like his usual one – that annoying, teasy, I-know-something-you-don’t-know tone that usually got him slapped upside the head by Kunikida.
Your indignant squawk was cut off when he wrenched at your arm and suddenly, you’d stopped running and were enveloped in cool darkness. He’d found some kind of little snicket that somebody passing at a reasonable pace would probably have missed. You’re not surprised that Dazai was well-acquainted with hidden away little spots like that.
“Dazai-" you said again, frustrated and slightly out of breath – why was he stopping?
“Ssh.” He said.
In the distance you could hear the screeching of a car – no, more than one car – and an even more distant wailing of sirens. His arms caged you in and he was staring over his shoulder intently, like a fox that has heard the baying of the hounds.
“No doubt the Port Mafia’s goons are out looking for their little friend now.” He muttered, more to himself than you. It was like he’d forgotten you were there. “It’s for the best if this doesn’t get traced back to the Armed Detective Agency.”
Your mouth felt dry suddenly, noting the calculating look in Dazai’s eyes and unease crawled up your back. It’s so easy to forget that Dazai used to be one of them, that he knew the way they think and that he’s capable of switching back into that mode with frightening ease. Just because you’re co-workers didn’t mean you knew much about him, and you’re being made painfully aware of that fact right now.
“Dazai…just what did you do?” you asked, and you couldn’t hide the faint hitch in your voice.
Did he drag the guy outside and kill him? Was that why the police sirens were coming closer? If you pulled back the front of his coat right now, would his immaculate white shirt be splattered with still-wet blood? Does he think you told the guy something valuable? You didn’t think Dazai would hurt you – but you couldn’t be completely, one-hundred percent sure.
What did you really know about Osamu Dazai?
“Don’t worry. The Port Mafia don’t take kindly when you mess with one of their own,” Dazai said, seemingly able to discern your mounting fears with a glance, perhaps the look in your eyes or the tremor when you spoke gave you away. “He’ll live, but he’ll think twice before he tries using someone from the Agency like that.”
Thank god for that. You think – not that you would have lost too much sleep over one ex-Port Mafia member, but the thought of being stuck in a tiny space with a man who had just recently murdered someone wasn’t exactly the kind of exciting activity you’d hoped for tonight.
“So, we should get out of here,” you said, swallowing. “While they’re still swarming the bar.”
“Not yet. They’ll be looking for people running for public transport.” Dazai replied, his voice so certain that you didn’t question him further – why would you? This was all new territory for you, whereas Dazai had been doing this kind of thing since he was fifteen.
“So then what-?”
But you both fell silent as you heard something else – voices, drawing closer. Dazai swore softly under his breath, and he leaned in a little closer to you like he was trying to shield you from view with his body. You could feel yourself starting to sweat from the intensity of it, fighting back a grimace as you felt a trickle of it sliding down the length of your upper arm. Fuck.
"I'm sorry," Dazai said, after a beat, when the voices had drawn so close that you swore any second - any second! – they were going to find you and maybe kill you, your heart pounding so loudly in your ears.
 And Dazai truly sounded regretful - he really was a good actor.
 “I'm going to have to kiss you."
He didn't give you pause to process his words, which came to you as if from far away, floating to your ears, because the next thing you knew, long slender fingers were cupping your jaw, turning your face and his mouth was sliding over yours.
Most first kisses are awkward, fumbling affairs. Getting used to someone else's rhythm, trying not to do something awkward and mood-killing like clash teeth or bite the other person's tongue can slow things down, cause a few seconds where the spell is broken.
Kissing Dazai - or rather, being kissed by him, was nothing like that.
He kissed you like he'd been given a guide. Like he knew you, intrinsically and deeply, and knew the inner workings of your mind and mouth better than you did. One hand stayed cradling your jaw, the other one slid down, and his long, elegant fingers wrapped around your waist, pulling you in until you were pressed flush against him. It didn’t escape your notice that his crotch was also touching you and you were decidedly grateful his mouth was firmly joined with yours, or you might have actually whimpered out loud.
How often had you dreamed of this? Your nights had been full of sordid little fantasies of Dazai, of dropping your guard and confessing to him, and then, in your mind, he’d smile and tell you he’d always known, before he kissed you. Or depending on how raunchy you were feeling, other times you’d picture him just sweeping everything off your desk in a dramatic gesture and fucking you right then and there on the desk?
And all of it had seemed so stupid and pathetic than you’d be stinging with shame after your late-night fantasies reached their climax, lusting so hard over someone who probably barely noticed you were present in the room. Falling for Dazai’s looks was one thing, but you saw what he was like on a day-to-day basis, how he was lazy and unprofessional and sometimes kind of an asshole. But cold logic would not touch your yearning.
And now, in this cold, cramped little forgotten pocket of Yokohama, Dazai was putting your daydreams to shame. Your lips tingled as if you’d kissed something with a high voltage, heat surging along your bloodstream. Dazai’s touch was gentle but firm and the way he tilted his head, angling yours at his preference, sent a thrill chasing down your spine.
The voices were now right across from you, within arm’s reach, but Dazai felt you stiffen in fear and simply deepened the kiss, holding you tightly to him.
“Nevermind. Nobody’s here ‘cept some lovebirds.” A man’s rough voice said and it sounded so close, you could practically smell him, but you forced yourself to tune him out like someone deep in the throes of passion would, to sink into the sensation of Dazai’s hands on you, his tongue slipping into your mouth, the pleasant scent of him, sort of like freshly-cut wood and whisky.
“Come on, let’s go this way, they probably took the subway.”
The footsteps go the opposite direction, you hear one of the Port Mafia grunts swearing as he walks through a puddle, and the fear pricking you recedes. Dazai had one eye open, scanning behind you, before he finally breaks the kiss and pulled back. You felt bereft, but you were also seized by the abrupt urge to laugh at the sparkly smudge of gloss on the corner of his mouth.
“Nicely done,” Dazai remarked, his eyes cutting down at you, and his lips curved in a smirk. “Almost like it was real.”
“Yeah,” you replied, trying to sound ironic, but you sounded far too breathy to be sufficiently aloof. “Almost.”
Dazai’s hand had not left your waist yet and he stepped out of the hiding place, pulling you after him.
“Stay close to me,” he instructed, his voice husky. “We’re not out of danger yet.”
You nodded and wiped your mouth on the back of the wrist.
With Dazai, danger was a given. You just hoped you’d come out of it in one piece – in more ways than one. But your voice was steady as you answered;
“Then let’s go.”
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agitatedwarmachine · 1 year
honestly, itll be a miracle i don't walk out today
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ladyymiisa · 3 months
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summary: your loving boyfriend who spoils you rotten!
tags: hawks x fem!reader, barista!reader, fem pronouns used for reader, fluff
author’s note: hi sexies!!! i literally can’t stop thinking about hawks spoiling his gf god i want him so bad
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it’s no secret that hawks is rich. being a hero has not only given him popularity but also a paycheque that would make anyone’s eyes pop out if they saw the numbers on it. like, this man’s credit card is black. that’s how rich he is. and you’d think he’d try to display it, right? maybe by driving a really expensive car, like a ferrari or something, or by only wearing designer clothes.
haha, wrong.
for as wealthy as he is, hawks rarely spoils himself. perhaps he feels selfish to have all of this, despite how hard he’s worked for it. he tells himself that it’s because he’s too busy to actually relish in everything that he owns, that he has more important matters to focus on, but a part of him knows that they’re just excuses to make up for how hung up he is on the past.
the past of his criminal, alcoholic father and emotionally distant mother, the past of his abuse and how neglected he was. because of it, he can’t bring himself to actually enjoy the things others would kill for.
at least until he meets you.
he meets you and suddenly he finds a new purpose for his money, other than keeping it in his bank account to collect dust.
to spoil you, of course!
to me, hawks is more of a giver rather than a receiver and i will die on this hill. he loves to pamper you, shower you in the most expensive gifts known to man and take you on the fanciest dates. from designer shoes to jewellery that would cost you three years worth of rent, this man makes it his life mission to ensure that you only get the best of the best.
and at first, it all seems like too much. you’re just an ordinary civilian working as a barista, nothing special. you don’t consider yourself someone worthy of being hawks’ object of affection, but hawks, sorry, keigo makes sure to put a stop to those silly thoughts immediately. besides the expensive gifts, he also shows you daily just how much you mean to him, which is more precious than any pair of diamond earrings he could ever gift you.
for as busy as he is, keigo never leaves you hanging, no matter how busy he is.
showing up on your balcony late at night with a bouquet of your favourite flowers in hand if he isn’t able to visit you during your day shift, or washing the dishes for you if you’re too tired are some of the ways in which he shows his love.
and you grow greedy because of it. everything be damned, you slowly turn into a spoiled princess and it’s all his fault.
do you feel guilty about it? maybe just a little. but only because you no longer shy away from asking keigo to buy you stuff.
oh, look! a perfume you’ve been eyeing for a while just became available online? all you have to do is bat your eyelashes prettily at him and next thing you know you have a small package waiting by your doorstep the following day.
your favourite makeup brand dropped a new collection? surely he won’t mind if you get every product available.
hm? you’re still working at that coffee shop? well, not anymore! keigo can’t possibly have his pretty baby working herself to death when he’s right there to ensure that you’re living as comfortably as possible. after all, there’s no need for you to work! your rent is taken care of by him and his credit card is basically yours, so don’t worry your pretty head about such silly things! he’s got you covered.
but in the end, it’s not those gifts that make you fall asleep with a smile on your face at night. it’s his love that has your heart fluttering inside your chest whenever he gives you that boyish grin of his, it’s his love that leaves your cheeks feeling sore after he says such a horrible joke that you can’t help but laugh at. and keigo makes sure to shower you in his love every single day. he is a pretty generous man after all.
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demilypyro · 5 months
I have a long history of self-hatred.
Hating myself is what used to drive me. The only thing on my mind was... fixing myself somehow. Finding a way to not be so hateable anymore.... And I've found that that was wrong. Because every time I failed, every time I made a mistake, lost a friend, said the wrong thing, I would just hate myself more. And I've found that while regretting your mistakes can put you back on the right path, hating yourself for them keeps you exactly where you are. I couldn't move forward, because I didn't think I deserved to.
Something happened recently that shocked me. A let's player I'd always admired got cancelled. I'd looked up to this person for years, I admired their work ethic, their personable vibe, and especially their ability to keep their nose clean. One reason to hate myself was because I couldn't stay away from controversy as well as this person could... so much for that, right? I've gotten a lot of shit flung at me, but at least I've never trended on twitter... But in a way, that opened a new door for me. It's like they were dragged down to my level. If even that person I admired had such big flaws, maybe having flaws wasn't a reason to hate myself. And if I got so much out of content by a flawed person, maybe what I do can still be worth something even if it's made by a flawed person like me.
At risk of getting even more corny, I recently played Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth on stream, and I cried through the ending. But maybe not on the scenes other people were crying over. What had me crying, spoilers, was the scene at the end where main character Ichiban.... forgives his villain. This is a man who has wronged him, a man who set basically all the events of the story in motion, a man who caused Ichiban and a lot of other people in the story a lot of pain and suffering... but Ichiban just doesn't hate him. The thesis of the game seems to be that no matter what you've done, no matter how far you fall, you can always start over and do better next time. And that's what I cried over. If Ichiban could forgive someone this horrible, someone whose mistakes are gargantuan next to mine, then surely he'd forgive me too. And if he could forgive me, then surely I must have something to offer. I felt like he was encouraging me in my efforts to be better.
So I'm trying to be kinder to myself. I can't fix my mistakes, and I can't get rid of all my faults, but I can dust myself off and try to do better next time, and not hate myself when I fail. I can hold fast in the belief that I'm doing the best I can, and that I'll be forgiven by people who recognize my effort. I can believe that being flawed is not the same as being worthless.
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sturniozo · 8 months
Can you make a fic of Nate and y/n having an argument because he thought she was flirting with their rivals captain and she says I bet he fucks better and before he can show her who does they are interrupted but the door opening and they have to wait on a long car ride home until they get dropped off at his house and he shows her who fucks better (idk if this made any sense kinda rushed.) 🙏
Nathan Doe x Reader
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The crowd cheers from the bleachers as the home team scores another point. People standing and jumping as the shout and cheer. I bite my lip and smile, staring at my boyfriend as he skates on the ice.
I see him smile back at me through his helmet, waving his hand at me. I wave back before quickly putting my hand back down.
Once the game is over, I head through the crowd of people to find Nate. I stop at the door to the locker room, waiting for him to exit. A few of his teammates leave first, smiling at me as they walk past. It’s a usual routine, me waiting for him after every game.
As I wait someone unfamiliar walks past, going the opposite direction as everyone else. He turns around and looks back at me. He smiles and points at me. “I saw you, in the bleachers. Front row.” He says.
“Yeah, I was watching my boyfriend.” I tell him.
“Is your boyfriend on my team or the home team?” He asks.
“Home team.”
“Is he captain, I’m caption. My names Jake, yours?” Jake puts his hand on the wall by my head.
Before I can speak, we’re interrupted. “Her name is Y/n.” Nate says. He walks over to me and takes my hand. “She’s my girlfriend.”
Jake steps back and smiles. “Ah, okay then. I guess I’ll go.”
“Sounds good to me.” Nate says and Jake leaves. Nate turns to me, glaring. “I’m gone for five minutes and you cling to someone else?”
My jaw drops. “I was not clinging to him!”
“You could have fooled me, you were all over him.”
“I was not!”
“He was all over you.”
“That’s not the same thing!”
“You didn’t push him away.”
“So it’s my fault? He was just being nice.”
“He was flirting with you!”
“Nate, I’d rather not do this here.” I say as I start to walk away.
Nate grips my hand tightly, keeping me from walking away from him. “Would you rather be with him? What, does he fuck better than me?”
“I bet he does.” I laugh.
Without a second thought Nate pushes me through the door of the empty locker room, pressing me against the wall. His hands grip my hips tightly as his lips slam against mine. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, and my hands tangle themselves in his hair.
Nate’s tongue slips into my mouth as his hands travel under my shirt. His hands cup my breasts and squeeze lightly as his hips grind into me. I let out a soft moan into his mouth and Nate takes that as the go ahead. He begins to slip my shirt up.
The door opens and one of Nate’s teammates barges in. His face immediately goes red. “I- I think I left my phone in here…” he says.
Nate sets me down steps away from me. “We were just leaving.” He says. He takes my hand and we leave the locker room.
Nates quiet as we walk to his car. He opens the passenger door for me. Even when he’s pissed he’s still a gentleman. He closes the door once I’m in and gets into the drivers side.
The ride back to his house was agonizing. Part of me believes he’s doing it on purpose. Hitting every red light and waiting longer at each stop sign.
I clench my legs together, trying to stop the heat rising in me. I stare at Nate as he clenches his jaw, his knuckles white from how tightly he’s gripping the steering wheel.
After what felt like hours, we finally pull into his driveway. I unbuckle my seatbelt quickly and get out of his car. Nate grabs my hand and pulls me into his house. He rushes up the stairs and yanks me to the bed, slamming the bedroom door behind him.
I sit up on the bed as Nate quickly slams his lips to mine. I pulls him as close as he can possibly be to me. I keep my hands on his shoulders as he crawls over me. He sits up over me. “I’m gonna show you who fucks better.” He says as he takes off his shirt and throws it across the room.
“Nate-“ I start to say but his lips clash against mine once again. My hands travel over his firm biceps and trail over his shoulder blades. His hands rush under my shirt and squeeze my boobs.
I tug on his sweats, begging him to take them off. I whine and paw at his bulge. “You’re so needy. I haven’t even touched you yet.” Nate whispers in my ear before kissing my neck.
“Nate, please.” I beg.
“Use your words baby.” He whispers between kisses.
“Nate, fuck me, please!” I beg.
Nate smirks and lifts my shirt over my head, discarding it on the floor. His lips latch against my skin as his hands fiddle with my jeans. He lays kisses over chest and down my stomach before reaching my jeans. He undoes the button and in zips them. I lift my hips up and let Nate slide my pants down.
He kisses my core from over my panties, trailing his finger up and down. “Nate!” I whine. “Please, just do something!”
Nate places one last kiss on my core before lifting his head up. “Be patient.” He tells me. I let out a soft whine and Nate shuts me up my pressing his lips to mine again.
I grind my hips against his for some friction. His bulge presses against my core and I let out another moan into his lips. He pulls away and pulls down his sweats. His bulge is even more prominent in his boxers.
I reach out to touch him but he pins my wrists above my head. “Not yet, baby.” He says.
I whine again and Nate smirks. He lets go of my wrists and trails kisses back down to my panties. He slides them to the side and presses a kiss to my clit. I gasp and my hands cling to his hair. Nate smiles and licks a stride up my core. He pads his tongue up and down my slit over and over before moving up and sucking on my clit.
Nate’s head dips up and lets go of my panties. He hooks his fingers through the sides of my panties and pulls them down. He throws them across the room before dipping down once again to lick another stride down my slit.
His tongue licks up and down my folds, stopping at my hole to push his tongue deep inside me, causing me to let out a loud moan and tug in his hair.
Nate chuckles, the air tickling my core causing me to shiver. His lips move to my click to suck on it once again while he slips two fingers inside of me. He pumps and curls the two fingers while his tongue flicks and swirls and sucks on my clit.
I moan loudly and pull on his hair, causing him to laugh against me again. He pulls his fingers out and pulls his head up just as I was about to release.
“Nate-“ I whine out. Nate presses his lips against mine before I can say anymore.
He pulls away. “Who’s fucking you better?“ he asks.
“You are.” I reply.
Nate smiles and pulls down his boxers. His cock springs free and slaps against his stomach. He pumps it a few times with his hand before leaning down, his chest almost pressed against mine, his head in the crook of my neck as he slips into me.
I moan out loudly from the sheer size of him inside of me. Nate groans in my ear and lifts up, a hand on either side of my head as he looks into my eyes. He drags his hips away from me, pulling out to the tip before slamming into me harshly.
I wrap my leg around his waist, and he uses one hand to steady my leg while to other stays on the side of my head. His hips continue to slowly pull away before slamming into me harshly.
Nate picks up his pace, pulling out of me and slamming back into me in a quick pace. I moan loudly as I grip onto his arm, leaving marks with my nails.
“Who. Fucks. You. Better?” Nate asks, each word between another thrust into me.
“You, god, you Nate!” I scream out.
Nate smirks and lets go of my leg, moving to sit up on his knees, pulling me by my hips and lifting my hips to his. He slips back into me and begins immediately slamming in and out of me at a harsh pace.
“Nate, oh god!” I moan out.
“Just a little longer baby, you can last, can’t you?” Nate teases as he fucks into me.
His hand reaches down to my clit to rubs circles around it. I moan louder as he pumps in and out of me and rubs my clit.
“God, baby I’m so close.” Nate moans.
“Nate, Nate, I’m gonna-“
“Fuck, cum all over me baby.” He says. I oblige without a second thought, cumming all over him as he moans out.
He pumps in and out of me, chasing my high, before pulling out and pumping himself with his hand a few times, cumming on my stomach.
I pant as Nate lays down next to me. He pulls me close to him and kisses the top of my head. “Let me get something to clean you up, baby.” He says and gets up off the bed. He walks to his bathroom and comes back out with a wet, warm wrap. He wipes the cum off my stomach and the wetness between my legs before wiping himself down.
He puts the was in the laundry hamper before laying back down with me on the bed. He pulls me close to his chest and gives me a kiss on the head.
“I wasn’t flirting with him, I swear.” I say after I catch my breath.
“I know.” Nate reply’s
I lift my head up. “Then why were you so mad?”
“He’s the captain of the other team, and he was definitely flirting with you.” Nate kisses me again. “I didn’t want him to take you from me.”
“No one can do that, I love you Nate.”
Nate smiles. He kisses the tip of my nose. “I love you too.”
TAGS: @bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer @meg-sturniolo @sturnioloenthusiast @nickdevora
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lovebugism · 2 years
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☄. *. ⋆ ┄ Feel Good
summary: you don't come. ever. well... not until steve harrington comes along. pairing: steve harrington / f!reader warnings: the longest headcanon ever, talks of shitty boyfriends and masturbation, pure smut 18+ mdni! a/n: if you saw this before the repost... no you didn't. and to the anon that requested this: i hope you like it!
you don't come
this is not an exaggeration
it's purely a statement of fact
because you’ve never ever had an orgasm
not one
not with your fingers, not with a toy, not with a partner, not ever
you get pretty close sometimes
if you're in the right mindset and you have enough time (and a partner who isn't totally focused on their own pleasure
you can actually get really, really close
it’s kinda like climbing a steep mountain and nearly reaching the top
or seeing a glimmer light at the end of the dark tunnel
it always ends the same way, though
you fall from the peak. darkness swallows you whole. the feeling of bliss swells and then disappears entirely.
some of your partners have come up with their own theories
one said you internalized your religious upbringing and turn away from pleasure without thinking
another insisted that it wasn’t their fault they couldn’t make you come because your clit was just too small
the last one told you that you just “needed to love yourself more”
it was exhausting, quite honestly
your partners became your therapist, trying to pry into your mind and diagnose you accordingly
you were an experiment to them
they tried every position and motion to try and get you there, though sometimes it felt like they were only doing it because it felt good for them
some didn’t bother trying at all
they got frustrated with you, called you broken, and left to find someone “normal”
and it fucking sucked
so somewhere down the line, you just started faking it
because that was easier than having those uncomfortable conversations and waiting until they inevitably left you
that ultimately led to you avoiding relationships all together
and then you met steve
and you liked steve
screw that, you liked liked steve
he wasn’t like all the rest of the partners that fucked you over
and for the first time in a long time, you had a really good feeling about the whole thing
but you were terrified of screwing it up
and you were also terrified of lying to him
you were able to avoid it for the most part
that is, until he was about to go down on you for the first time
he’s got you on your back with his head between your legs
you tense when he presses a kiss to your thigh 
“you okay?”
“i don’t come” you blurt
“i don’t know why. i’ve just never been able to. and it’s not because of you, okay? so i don’t want you to think you’re doing something wrong or that i don’t want to do this, because holy shit i wanna do this so bad—”
and you’re just rambling
mostly because you feel like if you keep talking, it’ll keep him from saying something you don’t wanna hear
steve just nods and shoots you a small smile from between your legs
“that’s ok :)”
and you breathe out the biggest sigh of relief
because no one’s ever not made a huge deal about it
“can i still make you feel good?”
you just nod down at him bc you don’t trust your voice to say something intelligible
he gives you head that night and he’s good
he’s great actually
but you don’t come
the sex is even better
he makes an effort to find ways that’ll make it feel better for you
he’ll put pillows beneath your hips and push your legs up towards your chest when he’s on top of you
he’ll tell you all the ways to position yourself when you’re on top of him
with one leg bent and your foot flat on the bed so he’s hitting your sweet spot every time he drills into you
and it’s never about him
it never feels like he’s doing crazy positions to exploit you under the guise of “blowing your mind”
most guys only wanted to get you off so that they could feel like some kind of sex god
but steve genuinely wants you to feel good
and he’s so willing to learn your body to help you feel good
one time he sat himself behind you with his chin hooked over your shoulder
“show me how you do it” he said to you
and you did
but it didn't feel like you were some experiment to him either
it was so fucking hot
he made a show out of it, asking you to tell him everything you were doing to yourself and how it felt
“does that feel good?”
“it feels so good—” you interrupt yourself as your mouth falls open in a silent moan and your legs start to tense up
“oh that’s the spot, huh?”
and he likes to learn about all the times you’ve gotten the closest
even though to you it’s mortifying
you’re red in the face the entire time you tell him the only time you ever thought you might actually come was with the shower head
you get embarrassed and hide your face in his shoulder
he’s just like “no, it’s sexy! we can try that if you want?”
but you’re scared that might be a little too exposing and that there would be way too much pressure on you
as always, he’s the most understanding person on the planet
“that’s okay. we don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do. ever.”
and he makes you feel so safe and cared for 
even when you get defeated
because both of you try so hard but you just can’t get there
and after he’s spent an hour between your legs switching between his fingers and his mouth
you start crying out of pure and utter frustration
“steve stop. just stop. there’s no point. let’s just quit.”
and obv when you tell him to stop he’s gonna stop
but he can tell how sad you are when your back is to him and you're putting your clothes back on
and he tries not to smile when you get all twisted in your bra bc you’re so moody that you don’t put it on the right way
“it’s okay baby, we can keep trying—”
“no, steve, it’s not okay! i just don’t get why i can’t be like normal people!”
“there’s nothing wrong with you, okay? some girls just have a harder time than others. it’s okay to come less than other people”
“less?” you scoff “how about never?”
and he’s still patient with you
even while you’re ranting and getting all angry at him and yourself
“i don’t even know why you still try! it’s never gonna happen, okay? ever. you get that, right? there’s no point in trying. you should just find someone else—”
that’s when he stops you
“okay. that’s enough.”
he walks to you where you’re standing in nothing but your bra and underwear and your jeans that you shoved on but didn't button before you started ranting
“it doesn’t matter if you come or not— well, it does, but that’s not what this is about, okay? it doesn’t have to be about having an orgasm. when i’m with you, it doesn’t feel like i’m trying to accomplish something. it’s just about two people who love each other, spending time together, and feeling good”
“…you love me?”
“…was that not obvious?”
the two of you spend the rest of the night cuddling after that
and he’s adamant about not making it about sex
though he keeps having to apologize for his boner pressing into your back
a few days later he surprises you with a present, all wrapped up in with a pretty bow on top
“is it christmas?” you joke at the reindeer patterned wrapping paper
“sorry. that’s all i could find at the house.”
and it’s this huge fuck off vibrator that you know must’ve costed a fortune
you’re totally flustered when you open it and you have no idea what to do with yourself
but he’s so smiley and tells you that he wants to try it with you
and it’s really fucking good
it makes the already amazing sex that much better
you’re on your sides with him pressed against your back
and he holds it against your clit while he fucks you from behind
(he’s having an even better time too because he can feel the vibrations of it from inside of you)
you get the closest you’ve ever been like that
he watches intently when you press your face into your pillow
“are you close?”
you nod wordlessly
“i think… fuck— i think i might come”
and he starts fucking you harder, finding your spot and hitting it over and over again with the vibe still pressed attentively to your clit
a cry rises in your throat and escapes your mouth
and right when you think you might actually have your first orgasm
it fucking goes away
steve can tell it’s not an exclamation of pleasure, but one of anger
he asks if you wanna keep going
you tell him he can until he comes but that you’re not gonna get there
like a doctor, he prescribes masturbation
and you spend exactly one week using the vibrator by yourself and trying to use it different ways that get you closer and closer
you’re on your back with it pressed into your opening while fiercely rubbing at your clit
and you feel yourself getting closer and closer and closer
it builds in an achingly familiar way
but when the feeling usually starts to ebb, it keeps going
the pleasure crescendos, numbs, and then explodes
having the house to yourself, you don’t bother holding back the noises, the almost painful sounding moans, as they spill from your mouth
the first thing you do when your senses return to you, is call steve
even though it’s 2 a.m.
and when he answers, he’s all groggy with sleep but he’s immediately ecstatic for you
he’s over at your place in ten minutes tops after your promise of recreating it for him
and you’re just absolutely gushing about it and thanking him a ton
because he’s the one who got you the vibrator after all
he wants you to tell him everything so you do
you tell him how you were laying and what you where thinking about
*cough cough* him
and what your fingers were doing and how the real trick was putting the vibe partly inside of you
and you don’t think about how it might make him insecure until the words are spilling from your mouth
because you’ve known guys in the past who get intimidated by dildos and vibrators out of fear that they could never compete with them
steve does express a little bit of that insecurity
he tries to cover it up by joking about how much bigger the toy is than his dick and how pretty soon he’ll be replaced altogether
and he’s laughing but you can tell it isn’t genuine because it doesn’t reach his eyes
so you tell him that you love every single part of him including his dick and that him ‘getting replaced’ is never happening in a million, billion years
when you start trying to get yourself to come again you make sure he’s involved too
both of you are kneeling on your bed and you’re gripping the headboard while he’s fucking into you from behind
one hand is clutching yours and the other is rubbing at your clit
you’ve got the vibrator pressed where you and steve meet
and you can feel him all over you
he’s mouthing at your neck and shoulder
and using his free hand to hold you and tease your nipples
you feel the pleasure start to build and your face scrunches up while you moan
and steve talks you all the way through it
“there you go. you got it— no, don’t tense up, baby, just let it happen... uh-huh, there it is. come for me, baby. come for me.”
and you do
catastrophically so
you tense so hard it almost hurts and you’re shaking like a leaf in his hold
the pleasure is numbing at first before hitting you like a fuck freight train
and you’d be embarrassed about the noises you were making if it didn’t feel so damn good and steve wasn’t praising you the entire way through
“there you go, baby. feels good, huh? you’re so— fuck, you’re getting so tight around me. can barely… holy shit… i can barely fucking move—”
you’re laughing in pure bliss when you feel him coming inside of you
he presses his weight against you and sprinkles wet kisses to your neck, humming praises onto your skin
when you come down and collect your bearings you confess to him, still caught in the post-sex haze, “it didn’t… it didn’t feel like that before…”
“uh-uh. felt, like, a thousand times fucking better… 'cause you were here”
and he gets all sweet and blushy, saying he didn’t really do much
but you tell him that it was all him and that he helped you a ton
that he always helps you
“you’re the best sex i’ve ever had steve harrington, orgasm or not”
and this boy is blushing so hard you can see it in the tips of his ears
both of you are love-drunk and happy and dazed
he spends the rest of the night fucking you into your mattress
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balancethescales · 1 year
thinking about the specific moments where the berzatto family falls in love with sydney (because of course they do, everyone does).
for richie, it takes the end of the beef and right up till the opening of the bear to happen. he is full of contempt and grief when he meets her and all he knows is that when he looks at her face he is afraid. he doesn’t like that feeling. richie is not a man who finds himself fearful a lot, but she is everything he is not and nothing that he is and he hates himself for it. if she is what it means to be passionate, then what is he? is he nothing but an empty shell of mikey, stuck on earth to shake his fist at passing clouds, because how dare they move and continue on like mikey was nothing to them, as if he wasn’t the very point that the earth revolved around? everyone is leaving him behind, and she is proudly leading the pack. it’s not right. but then— he gets it. he talks to garrett and jess and chef terry and he sees sydney in every corner of that restaurant. the fear slowly is replaced with respect as the week goes on and he realizes that just because she’s good doesn’t mean she’s out to get him. that’s the berzatto upbringing in him doing the talking, but it doesn’t have to, because shes a berzatto now, maybe not officially (not yet, but mark his words, she will be) but she is, and that’s not how she does things. so, he lets her lead them into the future to something good and different and better.
for sugar, it’s instant. she was born to a mother who is triggered by her very existence, and it has hurt her all her life. she is full of love and the one person she wants to give it to the most doesn’t want any part of it. she was born to give but is surrounded by those who are afraid to even take it, to reach out their hand and meet her in the middle. and if they cant take then they themselves have nothing to give, so she gets used to being the one who has to force feed her love down their throats, because if no one does, if no one shows them that they are worthy of good things, then they will crumble (“if i just talked to him more—” “no, nat—” “if i had just—” “it’s not your fault, honey. it’s never been.”). but when she meets sydney, it’s like looking into a mirror. she sees her bright eyes and soft smiles and careful but strong hands and instantly recognizes her for what she is: a giver. and sugars heart swells with even more love than she thought possible, because finally, she’s not alone— there is someone else there to slowly, albeit subconsciously, take care of her crumbling family, to show them that despite what their mother may have taught them, its okay to not be okay (she tries her best not to cry when syd asks her if shes okay, but she does. and syd doesnt grab her face or yell at her or call her stupid. she makes her a meal. and sugar cries some more).
for cicero, the love isn’t instant, and it’s not even entirely love. she is strong and she is assertive, but that also makes her naive and a very expensive risk. she makes him curious for what’s to come, intrigued by the way she doesn’t back down from carmy whose voice so often mimics the berzattos that came before him (“you’re better than this, kid.” “i don’t know what i am.” “whatever it is, it’s not this.”). she's self assured and knows her place in the establishment and is unafraid to let people know it. it’s a refreshing change of pace from mikey, who often resorted to intimidation to get his way, or carmy, who’s anxiety envelopes him and distracts him from what’s right there in front of him. but she is not them. she is focused and on track and is willing to put in the work to get what she wants. he doesn’t visit the bear often, only drops by once in a while to deliver bad news or to fulfill a favour or to just enjoy some good food, but when he does, she is always there, dedicated to ensuring that carmy and michaels, and now, her dream stays alive. she is good for his family, and he trusts her to keep the berzatto spirit alive.
for michelle, it’s quite simple. she always looked out for carmy, their little bear, so when she meets her it’s a family thanksgiving party at the bear and syd stumbles out of the kitchen, obviously frazzled and a little sweaty (“carmy, im not ready, i didn’t even change yet and the turk—” “don’t worry, tina will take care of it, you look great, they’ll love you, they just really wanted to meet you—”), but she’s smiling. she’s a little awkward when she introduces herself, and michelle finds herself endeared by her nervous ramble (“it’s, uh, really nice to meet you guys. sorry, i didn’t know that i was going to be pulled out of the kitchen so soon. uh, im sydney. yeah, i guess carmy already told you guys, huh? um. im sorry, how are you related to the family again? i mean, i dont want to offend but it’s just. uh. well, you guys are just very... normal?”) and she’ll laugh and look at stanley and the two of them will think to themselves, good job carmy, she’s a good one, before telling syd something dumb and nonsensical about a genetic mutation and richie interrupts to tell michelle it’s not a genetic mutation it’s called being boring and syd will laugh and michelle will too, truly happy that their little bear found someone normal, a breath of fresh air within the smoke of their family.
for donna, it’s weird. it’s tense. they don’t meet for a long time. they don’t meet at the bear when it first opens and not at the bear even when it has found it’s footing, but by chance. they are somewhere mundane (a grocery store, a park, or maybe just the street) and there is no other family member around when syd meets the berzatto matriarch. she only knows what donna looks like from photos at sugars house because carmys apartment is devoid of any actual sentiment (although that has begun to change since she made him get an actual dresser and he dedicated one of the drawers to her stuff). she calls out to her by her name, and donna turns around startled. she doesn’t recognize syd, of course, who introduces herself and informs her of who she is to the family. when donna smiles it’s not a real one, and syd knows this, but it doesn’t deter her. she tells donna that her kids love her (“even after everything, nat?” “she’s our mother. its all that we can do.”) and that her kids are great (“carmy, you are not broken.” “im a little broken.” “no, listen to me, the fact that you are still here, means something. its something.”) and that there will always be a table for her at the bear (“chef, someones calling in for a reso for 1 but we’re all full up… except for—“ “yo, dont finish that sentence. table 7 for ms. berzatto is an indefinite booking. is that understood?” “yes, chef”). donnas smile fades and her chest fills with anger but just as she’s about to explode in typical berzatto fashion syd interrupts her. she has faced the bear many a time before and has handled herself with grace and dignity everytime, so this is no different. she smiles brightly and thanks donna for listening to her and hopes she considers coming in, because she’d really like to cook for her. she looks like she needs a good meal. she deserves one. she turns and walks away. donnas stomach growls. that night, table 7 is occupied for the first time since the bear opened its doors.
and carmy? well, there isn’t an exact moment. its a culmination of awkward partnership (“i don’t want to be shitty.” “okay, then dont be.”) and flawless teamwork (“the menu needs—” “already on it, chef.”) and nights unwinding at the bar down the street (“of course you drink an old fashioned.” “what’s that supposed to mean?” “nothing, it’s just very… tortured-chef-from-the-slums-of-chicago of you”) and spontaneous phone calls just to hear the others voice (“why are you whispering?” “i… don’t know. my dads home. its a habit.” “you’re 27.” “and you’re white, you wouldn’t get it.”) till they’re just inseparable (“cousin, wheres carmy?” “with syd, duh.” “why'd i even ask?”). and then, sydney and carmen become something else. something tender and sweet and terrifying and beautiful all mixed together into… something. there’s no word for what they have. but it feels so right; to the guests who taste their food and recognize that the hands who put it together are full of love and care; to the staff at the bear who see the unspoken communication, the lingering touches, and their soft eyes that seem to always be on the other; to the berzatto family who notice that carmy looks a little brighter, and shakes a little less. yes, its love, but its so much more. it’s syd and carmy. it always has been, and always will be.
(“can i ask you something? something corny and lame and gross?” “always.” “when did you, like, know?” “know what?” “like, when did you know that you loved me? like, not as a chef or a friend, but as... y'know.” “that’s very middle school of you to ask.” “shut up, i did warn you.” “…” “so?” “its, uh, i don’t, i don’t know.” “well, that’s rude.” “no, i mean, i can’t say its one moment because... it was all of them. together. like, one moment you’re staging and then everything happened and, and, keeps happening but the next thing i knew you were there and you always were there and i just knew that i never wanted you to not be there.” “that’s…. really, really, disgusting, and frankly, a little unprofessional.” “oh, fuck off.” “no, like, i knew you were obsessed with me, but wow, that is a whole new other level.” “fuck you, get off of me, don’t touch me.” “no no no, please—” “i let you into my family—” “let me?” “into my restaurant—” “i think you mean OUR restaurant—” “only for you to humiliate me in my own bed? how dare you.” “…are you sulking?” “…” “…carmy?” “syd?” “me too.” “…heard, chef. now come back here.”)
(and it’s unspoken, but everyone knows that michael would’ve loved her too. i mean, she’s sydney fucking adamu, she conquered the bear. how could anyone not love her?)
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moonchild033 · 27 days
Astro Observations -3 ✨
Here we go with Part-3!!! 😍🤩
(These observations are based on the whole sign system, sidereal charts and all obs are subject to change with other aspects in the chart, so don't conclude anything with a single placement) ❤
Note: All obs here are for D1 chart if I didn't mention the chart name specifically, for divisional charts I've given 'in D4, D9' specification. 💛
Mercury Mahadasha (Major planetary period)- Everybody talking about having relationships during Venus Mahadasha but Mercury mahadasha and having mercury-venus conjunction or mercury-rahu conjunction in chart leads to multiple relationships and heartbreaks 😭😐
Ketu Mahadasha- At the end of 7 years, you'll be a whole different person lmaooo, truly more humbled than saturn mahadasha imo. 🙃😂
Mars-Mercury conjunction in D4 chart- Endless cycle of buying and selling lands/any properties. You'll benefit from this but the pattern of buying and then selling can be seen frequently. 😄😇
Mars-Rahu conjunction - Your own perfectionist tendencies will cause restlessness to you and those around you. If one of your parents has this, good luck, they might be finding faults on every little thing you do. 😬☹
Sun-Ketu conjunction - If you rush through things, it would not end up good for you, slow and steady wins the race is the lesson you would be forced to learn. 🤧
Water risings - Keep some secrets to yourself, showing 100% authenticity will only bring controversies to you. You'll see that ppl who appeared non-judgemental will start distancing themselves or grow judgemental towards you once you spill all the tea. It's because most ppl with this rising can have some WTF kinda secrets 😶
Venus-Ketu conjunction - If you like Electrical, Electronics related subjects, feel free to pursue that, you'll shine like the brightest star. 🤩
Aries moons (Esp. Aswini moons)- Golden child vibes. Your siblings can be more chaotic than you. You could be someone who lives by the rules set by your parents until you become independent. More like, this is not a placement of rebellious or chaotic children, they don't even talk back to their parents sometimes.☺
Mars/Sun/Jupiter in conjunction with 1H lord- This is funny but you'll get a second chance or a time period to escape from your mistakes. Watch out! They won't get caught/framed or struck in any problem that easily.🤫
Venus-Rahu conjunction - Burnt or blackened skin somewhere (house placement can tell the possible body part) and sensitive skin can also be an issue.😷
If Venus placement is present after Jupiter's placement- please save some money for retirement age. These people can have good earnings but fail to save for later. Ex. Jupiter in Gemini and Venus in Leo, Venus is present AFTER Jupiter. 💯
Mars-Ketu conjunction in Women - Very sharp tongue and cordial relationship with your spouse could be affected because of this. The catch is the effects are reduced when the spouse's profession is in healthcare, law or if he's spiritually inclined.💛
Rahu & Saturn Mahadasha- Individuals undergoing these dashas respectively should NOT marry each other during this time. Rahu MD person may feel pulled down by Saturn MD person as their inclinations will be different.😌
Taurus risings in D9= Never breaks their promises. They would be putting their heart and soul to maintain their word and can be burdened with loads of family responsibilities solely resting on their shoulders. They can be the ONLY breadwinners in the family or the one who earns more.🖤
Placements who change their jobs/source of income frequently:
Mercury in 2H/Taurus
Mercury in conjunction with 2H lord
2H & 3H lord in conjunction
Venus/Jupiter/2H lord in Gemini
(This can also mean that they like to explore and get bored of monotonous works or have too many interests/talents and end up being confused in what to choose, so they jump from one to another)💯👀
Let's Learn and Grow Together! 💋💅
With Love-Yashi ❤⚡
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Masterlist 💖
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aemonds-sapphire · 2 years
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Summary: Aemond fucks you a little too hard… and it doesn’t go unnoticed.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: Comic relief. Aemond being Aemond. Aegon being Aegon and having a deathwish.
Word count: 1k
“We ought to be on our way.”
You glanced lovingly at your husband who had been fixing his hair and attire, expertly getting rid of every and any proof of his earlier endeavour with you.
“Must we go?”
He arched an eyebrow at you. “We must.”
Ever dutiful.
Sighing heavily, you threw your legs over the edge of the bed, suddenly feeling a faint sting in your inner thigh as cramps spread throughout your legs.
You took a mental note to never let Aemond fuck you ever again before a royal feast.
He came to stand before you, extending his hand with a devious smile tugging at his lips. “Shall we, lady wife?”
The discomfort only increased as you reading yourself to stand on your feet.
He eyed you intensely, taking a hold of your arm as you slumped against the mattress. “Are you well?”
“I think I’ve strained something…”
You rubbed at your inner thigh before realising the pain extended to your groin as well.
Aemond crouched at your feet, his eye widening slightly. “Was it my doing?”
Ah. The male ego.
“I suppose,” you nearly chuckled. “You might have overdone it this time, lord husband.”
He placed both hands on your thighs. “I would usually apologise, but considering the circumstances, I’ll take it as a compliment.”
You huffed in forced annoyance as he planted a kiss atop your knee through your dress.
“Should I kiss it better?”
Tempting, but time was of the essence.
“Help me up,” you said, brushing a stray strand of silver hair behind his ear.
Aemond rose to his feet and grabbed both your arms. With little to no effort, he brought you up to stand in front of him.
A jab of soreness dug into your muscles and you couldn’t hold back a hiss.
Your husband planted a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Should I carry you?”
You glanced back at him only to find a playful smile on his face. “Aemond Targaryen, you will do no such thing. Just help me get to the dining hall.”
Aemond wrapped one arm around your waist. “Are you certain?”
You offered him a weak smile. “I’m sure it will pass.”
It did not pass.
In fact, you could feel the throb intensifying with each step along the loomy halls of the Red Keep. Aemond made sure you were close enough so he could check on you periodically. Your sudden ailment turned the heads of many Kingsguard that would occasionally offer help.
Aemond would have none of it, of course. He’d sooner have you use him as clutch.
Which was precisely what you were doing.
“We will never try that position ever again,” you hissed through gritted teeth, clasping his arm with increased strength.
He patted your hand softly. “If memory serves me right, you were the one who suggested it.”
“Be it as it may…”
Your voice died in your throat as the two of you approached the large dining hall, the sound of cheerful music and indistinguishable voices filling your ears.
Even though you struggled down the stairs, you put on a wide smile in the hopes it would be enough to hide the discomfort.
“You are going to scare someone off,” Aemond whispered in your ear teasingly.
Your smile promptly dropped and you cleared your throat. “This is all your fault.”
He didn’t contest your accusation.
“If I stand here without moving, no one will notice.”
“Yes, I am sure that will not raise suspicions when the time comes to sit at the table, lady wife,” he said, sarcasm laced with amusement dripping from his voice.
A servant came before you, holding a platter with several cups of wine. “May I tempt you, my prince? My lady?”
You immediately snatched one in your hand, knowing that alcohol might ease the throbbing in your inner thigh.
Desperate for some relief, you downed most of the liquid, earning a surprised look from Aemond. “You’d do well to go easy on that. We do not need a second Aegon amongst us.”
You blinked at him. “This is all your fault.”
“I heard you the first time,” he nodded, lips curling upwards.
People from all over the Seven Kingdoms swarmed the large hall, making it nearly impossible to walk through without bumping into a few guests.
Your limping might have gone unnoticed by those around you, but the sudden wave of relief was cut short when you spotted Aegon heading your way.
He had definitely emptied a fair share of cups of wine already. You gathered it from all over-the-top excitement and overjoy from spotting his younger brother.
“Why are you walking like that?” he then nudged you in the side playfully.
“Sword practice yesterday,” Aemond said immediately.
“I tripped on my way here,” you blurted out simultaneously, earning a stare from Aegon.
His eyes hopped from you to Aemond in silence and you then saw a knowing smile appear on his lips.
“I see,” Aegon lifted his cup, drinking the liquid inside all at once. “Didn’t know you had it in you, little brother.”
Aemond shot him a death glare. “Whatever that means.”
Aegon rolled his eyes and chuckled, his breath reeking of wine. “Please… sword practice…” he said as he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
You felt Aemond tense under your touch. “Must you be so vulgar?”
“I am sure my sister-in-law agrees with me,” he said with a shrug, before stealing another cup from a passing servant. “How’s my brother’s sword?”
You choked on your own saliva and Aegon quickly passed you his own cup of wine.
“Aegon,” Aemond said as a warning, taking a few steps towards him.
After a few hasty gulps, you were able to breathe once more. “Let’s go, Aemond…”
Your husband took the cup from your hand and shoved it into his brother’s chest until he grabbed it.
Their relationship was rocky to say the least. Aemond extended the bare minimum amount of respect as he possibly could to Aegon.
Aegon frowned. “You’re so frigid, little brother.”
His voice faded away as Aemond walked you through a few guests, greeting the ones you knew and smiling at the ones you didn’t.
Soon after, you walked right into Queen Alicent “Oh, dear… why are you limping?” her voice was filled with worry as her features twisted in concern as she took you in her arms, her warmth filling your entire body.
“Sword practice yesterday,” you said with a forced smile.
“She tripped on her way here,” Aemond said.
She looked taken aback for a moment. “What?”
You were about to change the topic when you felt a heavy hand on your shoulder.
“Seems like Aemond went too hard on her with his sword, mother.”
You watched as Aemond’s lips pursed into a thin line. If looks could kill, you were dead sure Aegon Targaryen would get buried several feet beneath the Red Keep in an instant.
“Aemond!” Alicent gasped, cluthing her pearl necklace. “I warned you not to do so.”
A pang of cold sweat ran through you as your heart dropped to your stomach. Had she caught on to Aegon’s innuendo?
Alicent wrapped one arm around you protectively. “You are a seasoned swordsman, but she isn’t. You must not be so demanding.”
“Of course, mother.”
Your heart soared once again with relief and you sank into Alicent’s embrace.
“I reckon she is getting the hang of it,” Aegon grinned, taking another sip from his cup. “Wouldn’t you agree, brother?”
“I reckon you should keep your mouth shut, brother,” Aemond said abruptly.
“Honestly, Aegon, do tear yourself from that cup of wine,” she scolded in a low voice before turning to you. “Should I fetch a maester?”
“Oh! No, no,” you quickly said, forcing yet another smile. “I’m already feeling much better, thank you, your grace.”
You were wholeheartedly grateful for Alicent’s caring and nurturing nature and, truth be told, you did feel some of the throbbing pain ease.
Aemond came to join your side once again, pushing Aegon’s hand off your shoulder.
Otto Hightower appeared out of nowhere, jolting you as he towered over you. He offered a curt smile and nod before bending to whisper something in his daughter’s ear.
Alicent’s face deepened with worry once again. “Should I go and be by his side?”
Otto shook his head. “No need. He just needs some rest.”
The effect those words had on the two siblings was immediate: Aegon’s face dropped into a faint frown as he exchanged glances with Aemond.
Her body was suddenly tense against yours, but she merely nodded. The king’s health had been declining rapidly, causing him to miss out of most of the events he’d once took joy in organising.
“Are you well, my dear?” Otto was back to his usual pleasing demeanour as he looked at you.
You nodded sweetly, but Aegon was apparently bent on antagonising you. “Aemond hurt her with his sword.”
The older man arched an eyebrow at your husband. How come?”
You could tell Aemond was close to lunging at his brother and mustered all of his will-power to prevent that from happening.
“It’s nothing. It happens,” you chuckled through the tension that had settled.
“We should get her a maester,” Alicent said, her eyes roaming across the vast hall.
“Lighten up, brother,” Aegon cheered with another sip as Aemond’s face twisted into a menacing scowl. “We are merely concerned for your wife.”
Otto brought his hands up into a series of small claps of approval. “Good, good. Family stands together.”
You wished you could vanish into a hole in the ground and disappear, but before you could entertain that idea, Grand Maester Maester was spotted in the crowd and Aegon rushed to summon him.
By the time the old man managed to join your side, you immediately regretted ever joining your husband in this feast.
“Please… there is no need for this,” you said as you began to panic.
“Aemond hurt her with his sword…” Aegon feigned concern before wiggling his eyebrows.
Maester Mellos was perceptive enough to gather the implication in his words, promptly clearing his throat.
Alicent came to that same realisation next as she sighed heavily, glaring disapprovingly at Aegon. “Oh… you imbecile…”
You felt heat take over your body from the embarrassed.
And in no time, Aemond was on Aegon, gripping the back of his neck with bone-cracking force and hissing at him. “I’ve had enough of you.”
“Let go of me!” he tried to jerk away, but Aemond’s grip didn’t ease.
“Stop it. Both of you,” came Otto’s authoritarian voice, effectively tearing both siblings away from each other.
Maester Mellos seemed suddenly out of place as he approached you. “If there is anything I can do to help, let me know, my lady. I have some oils that… are quite effective… in…” he fell silent, avoiding Queen Alicent and Otto’s inquisitive stare.
Aemond took you in his arm once more as you growled at him absolutely mortified. “This is all your fault.”
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libraryofgage · 1 year
Mermaid/Pirate Steddie Two
Part One
Have I already posted something today? Yes, yes I have but also I finally got through my block on this one hfjdks
I'll be working on Addams Family Steddie next but idk when that part might be coming out lol
anyway, as always, if you see any typos no you didn't ;)
Steve has taken over Eddie's large porcelain bathtub after it was moved to the main room of the captain's cabin. Steve is lounging in it now, a week into being on Eddie's ship, with his tail draped over the edge so he can submerge his head and breathe through his gills. It's infinitely more comfortable, even with the seaweed still wrapped along the length of his tail and reminding him of its presence with every twitch.
He sighs, bubbles rising from his gills in the "I'm beyond bored" pattern that Robin would light up at seeing. But she's not here, so Steve is left to once again turn Eddie's bat ring over in his hands, fingers brushing along the wings.
Eddie had shown him a drawing of an actual bat, and Steve still thinks they're freaks of nature. But he finds the ring itself a little endearing if only because it was Eddie's ring willingly given.
He smiles softly, the gesture only dampened by the sharp jab of worry over his guppies and Robin. They're probably losing their scales with worry themselves, scouring the sea and putting themselves at risk of being seen in their hunt for him. Steve can't even fault them, either; he would do the exact same thing if Robin or any of his guppies had been captured like that. He has done the exact same thing.
Steve sighs again, this time the bubble pattern expressing exhaustion and "What the fuck am I supposed to do now?" He kind of misses having someone who actually understands what his bubble patterns mean, but he knows it wouldn't be fair to get frustrated with anyone for their inability to gain meaning from bubbles floating toward the surface.
He thinks, maybe, the worst part is being confined to the tub. Sure, it's infinitely better than the fucking bucket from the other ship, but Steve is still getting restless. He's like a guppy that's watching its siblings swim but still doesn't have the tail strength to swim itself. He feels trapped and has way too much energy with nowhere to spend it.
Steve hasn't mentioned this to Eddie, though. He'd been planning to, of course. In fact, he intended to tell Eddie that morning, but then they'd docked at some port city and Eddie had run off with the promise of being back soon. Steve had tried not to feel a little abandoned, left by himself with fucking nothing to do while Eddie prances around on land.
Before he can get too far into this line of thought (he's about three minutes from convincing himself that, really, Eddie shouldn't have left and could probably be taught the basics of bubble patterns as punishment), Eddie practically barrels into the room, vibrating with something Steve only recognizes as excitement when he sees Eddie's grin.
Steve surfaces, pushing his hair out of his eyes and leaning on the edge of the tub, twitching his tail slightly and exercising incredible control to keep from preening when Eddie's gaze lingers on it. "What happened?" he asks, slipping the bat ring onto his thumb, the only finger it fits.
Eddie drops to his knees, scooting closer to the tub until their noses are almost brushing. "I've got a surprise for you, sweetheart," he says, voice light and eager.
"Where is it?" Steve asks, returning Eddie's smile.
"It's on the deck! Do you trust me?"
For a brief moment, Steve thinks Eddie is about to throw him back into the ocean. Which, like, wouldn't be a bad thing, but Steve would be incredibly offended by the suddenness and wonder if he'd been imagining the draw between them.
But he's sure Eddie wouldn't do something like that without asking first, so he tucks it away as something only slightly possible. Steve nods and pulls back, bracing his hands on the edge of the tub before pushing himself up. He perches on the edge, his balance a little unsteady as he looks at Eddie.
Thankfully, Eddie catches on quickly. He scrambles to his feet and scoops Steve off the edge of the tub, one arm under his tail and the other wrapped around Steve's back. Steve holds onto Eddie's neck, still a little paranoid about being dropped despite Eddie's prior insistence that he wouldn't let anything happen to Steve.
"I think you're gonna love it," Eddie says, his voice soft and his breath warm against Steve's cheek.
Steve gets the urge to ask again, but he holds back as Eddie carries him up to the deck. The sky is covered in clouds, keeping the sun from blinding him when they emerge from the stairs. The deck is concerningly large for such a small crew, and Gareth is currently lounging against the mast, a hat pulled low over his eyes as he sleeps.
He's not very attention-grabbing, though. Not when there's a large...contraption in the middle of the deck. It has four wheels and is shaped like a boat, big enough for Steve to sit comfortably without his tail draping over the edge. There are cranks of some kind on the inside of the boat, and Steve realizes it's filled with water as Eddie carries him closer.
"What is this?" Steve asks, trying not to grimace at the discomfort of his scales beginning to dry out. They're starting to feel tight and itchy, a sensation he really hates, like they're going to split apart at any second.
Eddie grins wider and carefully sets Steve into the water, making sure he doesn't bump the tail or the seaweed wraps. He points at the crank to Steve's left and says, "That will make the back wheels turn. If you crank forward, you'll go forward, and back will make you go backward." He then points to the other crank by Steve's right. "This one controls the front wheels. Forward will make them turn left, and backward will make them turn right. You should be able to move around the deck with this."
Steve stares at the cranks for a moment before glancing up at Eddie. When he receives an encouraging nod in response, he slowly turns the left crank forward, lighting up when the boat does, in fact, move forward a few inches.
He's so overwhelmed with joy that he can't help the notes bubbling in his throat, rising and rising until he can't hold them back anymore. Steve doesn't even think before singing, a wordless tune that conveys just how truly happy he is, one that would leave Robin flabbergasted because she's never heard this tune before.
Because this tune is for courting gifts. Like, really fucking fantastic courting gifts. The kind of gifts that blow everything else clear out of the water and leave a merperson dazed and bubbly and floating without any direction from sheer happiness, bubbles bursting through their gills in joyous patterns.
Steve has never sung this tune before, but he's not at all surprised that Eddie is the person who managed to coax it out of him.
Eddie knew the boat would be a good idea, but now he's thinking it was the best idea he's ever had and ever will. Even after hours have passed, after Steve has watched the sun drop below the water and asked Eddie to carry him back to the cabin, complaining about his arms being sore from turning cranks, Eddie is still reeling.
He's never heard a more beautiful sound. Eddie keeps replaying the tune Steve sang in his head, frustrated with his inability to recreate it just right and too flustered to ask Steve to sing it again. Because he gets the feeling it was special, something that Steve can't just do at the drop of a hat, but something he did because of Eddie.
Eddie twists his fingers in the sheet covering him, turning his head to glance at the tub where Steve is leaning against the edge. His eyes are closed, but Eddie knows he isn't sleeping yet. Steve submerges his head when he sleeps.
"Hey, Stevie," Eddie whispers, almost like he doesn't want Steve to hear so the comfortable silence continues.
Steve hears him anyway, of course, the flare of fin along the edge of his ear twitching slightly. He tilts his head a bit more, squishing his cheek against his arm, and somewhat lazily says, "Yeah, Eddie?"
Eddie turns onto his side, meeting Steve's gaze. "How'd you become a caretaker?" he asks. It's not the question he actually wants to ask; he wants to ask Steve to sing again, to let him drift to sleep to beautiful notes and lingering melodies.
He watches as Steve tenses slightly before forcing himself to relax. He takes a deep breath, his gills fluttering slightly before slowly exhaling. "A while ago, my pod had an...altercation with a pod from the southern seas. They kidnapped one of the guppies, Will, and the other guppies decided to rescue him. They snuck off one night and I followed them when I discovered what happened and..."
Steve trails off, frowning as he tilts his head to look at the small window, staring at the moon through the glass. "Well, long story short, there were lots of fights, our pod lost its previous caretaker, and we gained a new guppy the southern pod had captured. After everything, I couldn't let the guppies out of my sight, and they kept coming to me and Robin whenever they had problems. So, eventually, I just convinced Robin to be my partner and raise the guppies."
There's a lot going unsaid in that explanation, but Eddie knows better than to pry right now. Steve will tell him when he wants, and if he never wants to, that's fine, too. Eddie won't fault him for that. "Did you have a job before that?" he asks.
Steve hums softly, still beautiful and soft, but not at all the melody Eddie really wants to hear. "I used to scout for the pod," he says, "I would swim ahead and make sure an area was safe or find spots to rest when the pod traveled. When we stopped for long periods, I'd help gather food for the pod."
"You like caring for the guppies more," Eddie says, and it's not at all a question.
"Yeah," Steve replies, a soft smile tugging at his lips. "The guppies are great."
"Tell me about them."
"Well, first is Dustin. He's a little sea urchin, always talking back and getting into trouble, but he's sweet. Will is usually pretty quiet, but he's got a great imagination. Mike always hangs around Will, and he's kind of a squid, but he's going through an awkward growth phase. Lucas is the most active of them, and he likes to shadow the scouters when he can. Erica is his little sister, and she doesn't let the others get away with anything. Max is daring and brash, she tends to dive head-first into stuff, but she's also really protective. El is quiet like Will, but she's really smart and really caring. They're such a handful. Robin and I never have a dull day."
His voice is trailing off toward the end, and Eddie knows he's just moments from falling asleep. "I'd like to meet them someday," Eddie says, his voice softer than before, the words spoken more to himself than Steve.
Of course, that doesn't stop Steve from hearing him anyway. He hums again, this one quieter, and groggily mumbles, "Of course you will, Eddie. That's part of the courting."
And then, like he hasn't essentially rocked Eddie's entire world, Steve slips down in the tub. He submerges his head in the water, and Eddie can hear the quiet murmur of bubbles rising to the surface and popping as Steve breathes.
Eddie stays frozen for a few minutes, staring at the tub, and suddenly wondering if, maybe, somebody somewhere happened to write a merperson courtship manual.
Tag List (there's still room, so let me know if you'd like to be added!)
@mugloversonly, @raisedbylibrarians, @thegirlwiththelibrarybag, @savory-babby, @vankaar, @beckkthewreck, @itcanbepalped, @imfinereallyy, @finntheehumaneater, @mightbeasleep, @weekend-dreamer7
@whenindoubtb72, @troublemaker2azz, @just-a-tiny-void, @upallnightogetloki, @mxmakessense
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fairykingjing · 25 days
Trafalgar Law X F Reader - Do Barmaids Belong with Pirates?
Here's that Law fic I promised, got another Zoro one coming later this week! Enjoy friends!
Summary: It’s the morning after a night of fun with a pirate captain who frequented the bar you work at. Only you realize you’re still on his submarine, and they already left town.
Warnings: morning after sex fic, both reader and Trafalgar Law are drugged with an aphrodisiac, intimacy is implied to have happened but nothing explicit is stated, angst, fluff at the end
WC: 1841
You wake up with a groan, your head pounding from one too many drinks last night. You expect to see sunlight streaming through a window, but you find yourself in a cool, dark room. There’s a chill in the air as you realize you don’t have your clothes on. You get up and fumble for a light switch, just to see that you are still on the Polar Tang, and metal walls surround you. Memories of last night come flooding back, and you recall some of what happened.
Trafalgar Law and his crew had come by your bar again, ready to unwind with a round of drinks. Every time he visited your island, you felt his eyes staring at you wherever you went, but you never tried to say anything. A pirate captain of his caliber was not someone you wanted to mess with. His crew had been goading him into asking you out, apparently he had a thing for you, not that you ever would have known. He was a very attractive man, but a barmaid from a small island had no business being with a man like him. Still, you were friendly with him and his crew, a little flirty even, and after your shift ended they invited you to join them.
Someone had shoved a drink in both yours and Law’s hands, and you both downed them without question. That’s where everything gets fuzzy. You remember feeling heated, and you could no longer keep your eyes off Law. He was feeling the same. You recalled walking back towards his submarine, and after that it goes a bit blank. You scrunch your face in concentration, trying to remember any small detail, but you can’t. It’s at this point you see that your clothes are in a pile on the floor and you scramble to put them on. You put two and two together and figure that the two of you must have had sex, and he just left you to find your own way off his ship. Pulling the door open, you make your way towards the closest sound of voices.
As you step out into what appears to be the control room, you feel all eyes shoot to you, and a collective “oh shit” is shared among the crew.
“D-does Law know you’re here?” someone asked.
“I… I don’t really know,” you answered. “I don’t even know what happened last night after I boarded the sub. Everything’s foggy.”
“Well we better find out quickly, because we left port over an hour ago!” they exclaimed.
“What!?” you shouted.
Suddenly a strong presence was felt, and you turned timidly to see that Trafalgar Law had entered the room. “What’s with all the commotion?” he demanded. He scanned the room, eyes landing on you and widening in realization. You were still on his ship. He had meant to wake you up when he did, but he had an urgent matter to attend to, and he completely forgot you were there.
“Shit,” he groaned. “This cannot be happening right now.” He walked over to you and pulled you aside. “Look, I don’t know what happened last night, but I suspect someone on my crew used a lust potion on us. I’m sorry, but we’re on a tight schedule to get somewhere so we can’t turn around to drop you off. You’ll have to stay on board until we can get to another island and book you passage back to your home.”
“Uh, okay, that’s fine… I guess…” you said quietly. You were too flustered to argue or demand he take you back now. And what’s this about a lust potion? How long would you be stuck on his ship?
“Since this is mine and my crew’s fault, we’ll provide room and board, and we’ll figure out passage back to your island when we can,” he explained.
You could only nod your head before he whipped around to his crew and began scolding them. “Who the hell put a lust potion in our drinks last night?” he demanded.
“I-it was me, c-captain.,” someone stammered. “But we all had the idea! We know you’ve had your eyes on her for a while now but you refused to say anything to her. S-so we decided to take matters into our own hands.”
“Did any of you stop to consider whether or not my feelings were reciprocated?” Law sighed, rubbing his temples. “Or did you just assume she felt the same way.”
The same way? So he does have feelings for me, you thought to yourself.
“I.. well, she was being pretty flirty with you, so we assumed she did,” someone else answered.
“She’s a barmaid! It’s her job to be flirty! Especially with pirate captains who might have a lot of money,” Law explained.
You were left standing there awkwardly, not sure if you should leave the room or not. It seemed clear that Law did at one point express feelings for you. And while it was true that you were flirty with all the men at the bar (you had to make a living somehow, can they blame you?) you always felt it was different with Law. Still, you weren’t dumb enough to think there was anything special going on. Every interaction was a transaction, and you knew it. Or at least you thought you did. If Law had feelings for you, should you say something?
You cleared your throat and eyes turned to you again, and it was almost like Law forgot you were there a second time. “Fuck, sorry,” Law said quickly. “Bepo will get you set up with somewhere to sleep, and find you a change of clothes.” With that he quickly stormed out of the room, and you were left standing there awkwardly again.
“Sorry about all this,” the Mink you would come to know as Bepo spoke up. “C’mon, let’s get your stuff sorted out.” The two of you left the control room, down a long hallway as he pushed open the door to a small room with a bed in the corner. It wasn’t much, but it would do. “This is just a spare room, but it should suit your needs for now. There’s a change of clothes on the bed, but they might not fit you.”
“That’s okay, I can make do,” you assured. Stepping into the room, you quickly shut the door and peeled yesterdays clothes off. A shower would have been nice, but given the circumstances you won’t complain. You put on the spare clothes, just a plain gray shirt and some long black pants, but they fit you well enough. As you exited the room, you saw that Bepo was waiting for you.
“How about I give you a quick tour of the sub?” he offered. “Then we can get some food.”
“Sounds good to me!” you agreed. He led you along the sub, pointing out areas you could go, and the ones you were strictly to avoid.
“This is Captain Law’s office. Definitely don’t want to go in there,” he cautioned. “Honestly, it might be best if you just avoid him for now.”
“Yeah, he seems like he could use some space…” you nodded in agreement. As you turned to walk away, the door to Law’s office swung open and he stepped out. You squeaked and shrunk back, not wanting to be near him until you had sorted out your feelings, and not sure if he was still pissed off from earlier.
“Ah, there you are, would you mind stepping into my office for a chat?” he asked calmly. You nodded, and stepped into his office nervously. He called out a thanks to Bepo and shut the door, strolling over to his desk. He motioned for you to sit in the chair opposite him, and feeling as though you had no choice, you sat. Taking in your surroundings, you noticed his office was immaculately kept, neat stacks of papers in piles around the room, and several filing cabinets with a variety of labels, several indicating they contained medical records of his crew. “Now, to discuss a plan for getting you back to-”
“Do you like me?” you blurted out. Your face flushed in embarrassment as you realized what you just said.
“Why would you ask me that?” Law questioned. “We really need to get back to-”
“Just answer the damn question, Law,” you demanded. “Please. I know what I heard...”
He frowned, clearly you were not willing to back down from this. Figuring truth was the best option, he answered. “Yes, I’ve found myself drawn to you. Every time my crew and I visit the island, I can’t help but go to the bar you work at. Something about you catches my eye. Does that answer your question?” Now his own face is flushing. He certainly didn’t want to say any of this stuff to you, despite its truth, but he was between a rock and a hard place with nowhere else to go.
“Y-yes, it does,” you reply. “Why did you never tell me?
“Because what would a barmaid want with a pirate?” he answers dryly. “Besides, you have plenty of men who come and go, you can always find someone else.”
“Oh…” you said softly. “I never wanted to tell you anything either, because what would a pirate want with a barmaid? You have plenty of other islands to go to, you can always find someone else.” You looked down at your feet, wishing you were anywhere but here.
“You’re right,” he murmured. “I could find someone else. But I don’t want someone else.” He stood up now, walking out from behind the desk and over to you. You stood up too, looking up at him nervously.
“W-who do you want then?” you whispered. You swallowed thickly, anticipating his response. You wouldn’t believe it until you heard it from his mouth.
“You, obviously,” he chuckled. He brought his hand up to softly caress your cheek, and before you could say anything else he pulled you in for a soft kiss. You were surprised, you never would have expected this, but you quickly reciprocated the kiss, deepening it. Moments later, you heard cheers coming from the doorway to his office, and you both pulled back with a startled laugh.
“I guess this saves you the trouble of telling your crew?” you offered.
“Yeah, I guess that’s one way to look at it.” he sighed. He would have to have a talk with his crew later about the importance of privacy. But that could wait.
“So, about that passage back to my island…” you began. “Is it too late to change my mind?”
“Of course not,” Law reassured. “I think it’ll be nice having you on the sub.”
“It sure will!” Bepo cheered. He ran in to pull the two of you into a big bear hug. You let out a squeal at the surprise hug, but you smiled big. You thought barmaids didn’t belong with pirates, but maybe this once, she could.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Labor Simulator
A sequel to Period Simulator *
Summary: Malleus/Crewel/Crowley/Rook/Vil/Idia x gn! Reader. The boys try a labor simulator.
Requested by @stygianoir and @ase-kjaere
3k follower Masterlist
* it was given a community label by the idiot Tumblr gods, and I don't know how to fight it. Just know, it's not a mature fic
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When you come in with the machine, he looks up from whatever it is he's doing, and fixes you with a death glare.
He didn't even try the period simulator, why would he try labor simulator?
Get the fuck out. He has to think about this relationship. Don't worry he won't actually break up with you over this. He just wants you to feel bad
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Look, you know labor is worse than cramps. But after he was such a champ with the period simulator, you think everything will be fine.
And you easily forget he's still a hot headed youth, not that much older than you, so you don't think much of it when he takes it from you, and puts it on immediately, telling you to do your worst.
You think you're the one who put him through this. But honestly, you're completely innocent. He's a silly, silly guy. With a big ego, and something to prove. Not to you, don't worry it's not your fault.
And he starts out fine. But by the end of it all, he's crying. Your cool, collected boyfriend is crying. So you turn it off, and hold him the way he holds you when you're sad. In the end, you end up feeding a part of him he didn't realize was starving.
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Unlike Crowley, he might actually break up with you. He is not going to go through hours of "contractions", sweat through his makeup, and sob and scream like a baby just because you thought it might be funny.
The only way to save your relationship is to toss the machine to the side, and be like, "JK lol ha ha I would never have meant it literally :)"
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As we previously discussed, he bought it himself, and pulled it out seconds after you took the period simulator off.
Why are you like this? Seriously, babe, you don't need to experience every aspect of life to appreciate true beauty! Ok. Ok fine.
So you put it on him, and start to do different levels to simulate different parts of labor. Only, just like before, he wants to roleplay. He'll grab your hand and hiss at you to be his breathing coach.
Things that'll happen while he makes you continue the exercise- he'll name your imaginary children (he's having triplets), he'll decide what school they are going to, he'll pause the simulation and teach you how to be a better breathing coach, he'll teach you how to give him an epidural (do not give it to him!), he'll teach you how to help deliver triplets, he'll try to teach you how to do a C section
Stop him, for the love of God, stop him. You'll have to literally fight him, but if you don't, he's putting a scalpel in your hand….
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It was his idea! Human birth is fascinating to someone who came from an egg!
But, again, he comes up on the tragedy of the machine bursting into flames once he comes into contact with it. So, again, he finds a potion that would simulate-
Sebek kicks the potion out of his hands. He's been waiting for this ever since the previous incident, and he will not, I repeat, he will not allow his lord to put himself through an artificial human pregnancy!!!!!!!!
You'll have two faes angrily trying to get you to help them. On the one hand, one is your boyfriend, and you want to do whatever it takes to make him happy. On the other hand, the other is Sebek.
Choose wisely.
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He totally didn't cry on the period simulator. And he totally didn't delete the footage in Ortho's data bank, and he totally didn't also wipe his memory of the moment. He'd delete your memories of it too if he could, he's looking into how to do it.
So if you challenge him, and tell him about a labor simulator, he's going to do it! By the sevens, he is going to succeed!
Cries immediately. You only have it at pain level three, and he's already backing out. Ortho says you should keep it going because it would be good for him to learn not to do things he isn't capable of. Idia will once again be deleting Ortho's memory files.
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I feel a bit silly writing this because I’m sure other people must have but I’ve not seen anything about it
(SPOILERS - I’ll also tag)
I really love how we see Coriolanus’s character descent into who he becomes through each of his kills
His first kill is Bobbin. It was self-defence, kill-or-be-killed. If he hadn’t done it, he probably would have been killed himself, but this sticks with him. Coriolanus is horrified when he realises he took someone’s life. He thinks about it for a long time.
His next kill is Mayfair Lipp, the mayor’s daughter. It’s not self-defence, but he sees it that way. In a way, he’s got a point. She would have reported him, and he would have been hanged. So would Lucy Gray, so he shot her. This time, however, he had a choice. Maybe not much choice, but it was there. He chose to shoot her, but it doesn’t affect him anywhere near as much as Bobbin’s death
The third is the hardest. He doesn’t pull the trigger or tie the noose, but he might as well have. He betrays Sejanus. Sejanus who loves him like a brother. Sejanus who he has known since they were children. He made the decision in a moment and he questions himself afterwards, but he still made that choice. He reasons to himself internally that it was necessary and Sejanus was bound to get himself in trouble, anyway, right? Right? So it’s okay. But it’s not okay. The blood is on his hands and he keeps thinking of the moments they spent together before the betrayal. He benefits from his death and is rewarded for his loyalty. How ironic
Next is Lucy Gray. Possibly. For argument’s sake, let’s say he did kill her. He calls out for her, his gun slung over his shoulder. He realises how she might be scared, the gun sending the wrong message… but he doesn’t put it back. He brings it with him, not to use it, he tells himself. He would never use it, definitely not. He just… wants to talk some sense into her. As soon as the snake bites him, he abandons all pretence. Even though he admitted moments ago he understood why she would be scared, now she’s the enemy. Now she has to pay. How dare she. Not even an hour ago, he had plans to run away with her. He claimed he loved her. They were going to be together. Now, he’s chasing her through the trees with a gun in his hands and he’s screaming for her to show herself. He shoots a lot. When he thinks he finally got her, he’s pleased. It was her own fault, he tells himself, for the snake trick. Even afterwards, when he finds out that the snake wasn’t venomous - which Lucy Gray definitely would have known and therefore was only intended to slow him down - he doesn’t have a single moment of regret. The only thing he regrets is falling for her in the first place and he swears he’ll never do it again. His heart is stone. Frozen like snow.
Finally, his last kill (before the ones that take place once this book ends) is Dean Highbottom. This is the first kill that is not made in a split-second. This is premeditated. He carefully adds just enough rat poison to the morphling, sure to wear gloves, and sets his plan in motion. He has every opportunity to change his mind, to not resort to violent means. Not only does he not regret it, he feels proud. Excited, even. He hopes Dean Highbottom will know it was him that killed him
By the epilogue, Snow has gotten over (or buried deep enough) what guilt he had over Sejanus enough to use the Plinths’ grief to his advantage without any conflicting feelings. He’s convinced himself Lucy Gray was the villain who played him, when she was just a sixteen-year-old girl who was forced into a terrible situation. As we know, he goes on to directly and indirectly kill thousands between TBOSAS and THG, too many. I doubt he remembers most of them, just nameless, faceless children. He doesn’t care anymore, not like he did the first time
The whole world is his Arena. Snow lands on top until it melts
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mlmxreader · 4 months
You're The Only Hell Your Mama Ever Raised | Dean Winchester x m!reader [NSFW/MDNI]
↳ ❝ You're The Only Hell Your Mama Ever Raised, Warrant with dean Winchester please? ❞
: ̗̀➛ After ten years of living with Bobby, you decided to join the Winchester brothers with hunting; four years later, things between you and Dean start to get a little more complicated than just hunting partners.
trigger warnings: ̗̀➛ alcohol consumption, praise kink, swearing, blowjobs, cum swallowing
↳ word count: 1545
It was such a vivid memory that you could hear Bobby talking in the twilight hours of the night, hushed tone and grumbling with every other sentence, almost as if he had ever regretted taking you under his wing the same way that Rufus had; they were the closest thing that you had to parents, and with Rufus halfway across the country working on a case, it was down to Bobby to keep an eye on you.
But you couldn’t tell who he was talking to, you couldn’t hear who was on the other send of that fucking phone, but you figured that it was likely to be either Rufus or John Winchester - an old friend of his who had a little bit of trouble with his own boys, the youngest of which was the same age as you. 
“It’s time that boy was shippin’ out,” Bobby grumbled, and you knew without seeing him that he was shaking his head and stressing himself out. “And I mean come hell or high water. He’s old enough now, he should be in his own home with a good damn job. Not still bouncing between my place and Rufus’ place… set him up with Dean and Sam? Are you stupid? He isn’t a hunter!”
You waited for the inevitable as you scratched the side of your neck and chewed at the inside of your lip, not really sure how to react to such a suggestion yourself; you had known Dean and Sam since you were kids, but it was different now you were all grown up.
You hadn’t seen them for years, and there was no doubt in your mind that they had changed a lot more than you ever did.
“He smokes and spits and drinks and fights, sure,” Bobby scoffed. “But that’s on me - I let him get away with it and don’t tell him off properly… yeah, no, no, his friends do all look like trouble - but I wouldn’t expect anythin’ less… no, he sleeps pretty much all day and he’s never around at night - you’d think he was a vamp til you saw his teeth… I just… where’s the boy I used to cuddle? He was so little, and such a nice kid… where’d I go wrong?”
You wanted to go down and reassure him that it wasn’t his fault how you turned out; Bobby and Rufus did everything for you, they never gave up on you no matter what you were like.
You could understand why he was so frustrated, but you didn’t want him to sit there blaming himself at all. So, you crept down to where he was in the kitchen, and waited for him to hang up before you hugged him tightly and shook your head.
“You didn’t go wrong with me anywhere, Bobby,” you murmured to him. “You and Rufus are the best dads a guy could ask for.”
Bobby sighed heavily, although he couldn’t help but to hug you back as he frowned. “Ten good years you’ve been with me, kid - and it’s like suddenly I don’t know you no more.”
You pulled away and cleared your throat, nodding slowly. “I’ll go find the Winchester boys. They’ll put me on the right track, don’t worry.”
Four years, you had been on the road with Sam and Dean, now; you checked in with Bobby and Rufus  as often as you could and went to visit whenever you got the chance, but you were happy with the boys in all honesty.
But it was a slow night tonight, on the way to the next town hoping that there would be a case, you and Dean were forced to share a room, as there were only two left in the motel and Sam was… preoccupied with someone who worked at a local pub. 
“You’re not the only hell Bobby ever raised, y’know,” Dean chuckled, shaknig his head as he took a long swig from his bottle of beer.
You shrugged as you hummed softly, nursing your glass of vodka as if it would last all night. “Yeah, Rufus tried to tell me that - but you know me, I only ever do things that my way… and to think, Bobby thought I was a good boy just goin’ through some phase.”
He grinned, doing his best not to laugh as he quirked a brow. “You? Good?”
“You can’t say much anyway,” you mused. “You’re the only hell your mama ever raised.”
He nodded, pursing his lips slightly as he struggled to hold back the laugh. “Maybe so, but at least I didn’t try and pretend to be good.”
You shook your head as you licked your lips, quirking a brow. “Remember when your dad used to dump you at Bobby’s and we’d sneak out all the time?”
“Yeah, ‘cause you were always doing it so I went along - it was only fair,” he pointed out. “But you know how it went down when Dad found out I snuck out… wouldn’t let me have no fun.”
“Don’t worry,” you told him. “Two more years to make it sixteen, then you’ll see - we’ll both have changed our ways.”
Dean put his beer bottle down, crossing the room as he raked his eyes over you, swallowing thickly before dropping to his knees between your legs. “Well, if we only got two more years to make some trouble… why don’t we raise a little hell ourselves?”
You started to chew at the inside of your lip, breath hitching in your throat as you looked down at him and noticed that sparkle in his green eyes; you nodded, which only earned you a playful smack to the side of the knee. 
“C’mon, be a good boy and don’t act coy,” Dean told you softly. “Tell me.”
You nodded again, clearing your throat and almost gulping. “I’m sure we can raise a little hell.”
Slowly, he ran his hands up your legs, settling his fingers between them so that he could feel the outline of your cock; gently and carefully, he started to palm it through the dense and coarse fabric. “This okay?”
You stifled a moan as you nodded. “Y-yessir.”
He grinned. “I like that. You want me to keep goin’?”
You couldn’t even stifle your moan anymore, letting it out with a shuddering breath as you raised your hips a little and practically squeaked out for his touch; Dean helped you slowly, pulling your jeans and boxers down to your ankles before wrapping his hand around your cock and giving it a few firm pumps.
With great control, Dean slowly licked a stripe from the base to the tip and hummed softly.
“Don’t stop,” you groaned out softly, and when he finally took you into his mouth, you felt like that was it.
Fuck raising hell, you never wanted the sensation to end; his mouth was so warm and wet, his tongue worked you so expertly and when he used one hand to massage your balls and the other to wrap around your cock and stroke it - fuck.
You didn’t want anything else in the world. Your hand managed to find its way into his hair, tugging at the short brown strands softly as you tilted your head back and stared at the ceiling for a moment before closing your eyes tightly shut.
Letting yourself drown in the feeling of his mouth around you. The soft sounds of his mouth as he took every inch of you one bit at a time; his eyes closed as he focused on nothing but making sure that you felt as good as possible.
Even the soft little moans he made around your cock only spurred you on more and more as your breathing grew more ragged and harsh by the second, doing your best not to buck your hips and fuck his mouth as hard and fast as you could.
But fuck, when he started to twist his hand a little bit, you were nearly completely over the fucking edge.
Dean’s movements picked up as he realised how close you were getting, almost desperate to taste your cum in his mouth; his spit and your precum mixing so that his mouth squelched a little around you; you could already feel it coming, your toes beginning to curl in your shoes as you heard him gag and grunt around you.
Your grip on his hair grew tighter as you gently bucked your hips against him, needing nothing more than to know what it felt like to cum in that pretty and smart mouth of his. You buckled, thighs shaking as you yanked at his hair one last time and, without warning, finally came.
To his credit, Dean didn’t stop, still sucking and licking your cock until it was perfectly clean, a long trail of spit from his mouth when he pulled away at last, looking up at you with a massive fucking grin.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, wiping sweat from your forehead as you realised just how fucking weak you were from your own orgasm. “You weren’t kidding about raising hell, huh?”
Dean shook his head as he laughed softly. “Nope… but if you wanna, we can keep goin’, maybe see just how far we can get until the morning.”
if you made it to the end of this fic and you enjoyed it, then please, if you have any cash to spare even if it's £1, then please consider making a donation to help Tahani to save her family. Please, every little contribution does genuinely help!
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1-ker0sene-1 · 7 months
i’m the era of disabled!reader, would you write something for reader who has epilepsy? 🥺 can’t find any fics in my chosen fandom with epileptic reader (or oc) and it makes me sad 🥺
{I hope you don't mind me pairing with Simon on this one ♥️ I hope you enjoy! And please if I get anything wrong lemme know! I'm more than willing to come back and edit!}
CW: improper seizure safety (not by you or Simon), epilepsy seizure description
In full honesty, Simon didn't know if he could do it in the beginning of your relationship. He didn't think he could handle your seizures.. Of course now- having been properly educated about it. He would absolutely scold himself for thinking that, you just need a little bit of help sometimes. You aren't a damn charity case and he hates when people treat you like it. You deserve to be comfortable and safe, not pitied and prodded at. Not only is he your partner and best friend, Simon has become your biggest advocate. Of support for your condition, but also your independence.
One of the first things you both sat down and talked about when getting serious, was seizure safety. Simon needed to know how to help, at least as much as he possibly could without hurting you. He also learned throughout this, that not all seizures are the same. Sometimes you're just.. Absent, with a flutter of your eyes or a quiet mumble as your gaze flickers to nowhere. You just seem lost for a couple minutes. Other times it's the seizures everyone thinks of, where you stiffen, twitch and seize, sometimes even falling to the floor. How can he help? He's a little stressed when learning that there's not much he can do but carefully maneuver you into a recovery position, put something under your head, and just be there for you.
Simon won't ever forget your scariest seizure, you two were just shopping. Simple. He left your side for forty-eight seconds. Exactly forty-eight, he remembers. He just went to grab something you forgot in a different aisle. Picking up a box of chicken stock for dinner, he hears the slam of your body hitting the floor. He remembers the feeling of his stomach twisting into knots, dropping the container and making a run back to your aisle when he hears someone call out.
It's not you calling, you're far into the seizing, a citizen found you before Simon did. Now it's not the bastards fault, this stranger didn't know how to help you, so in the panic the man was holding your shoulders down trying to still you. Simons hackles raise, words ripped from the masked mans throat instantly.
"Off her- NOW."
Simon didn't think, he just moved, his big meaty hand grabbed the man by the back of the neck and threw him away from you. He's honestly been nicer to enemy soldiers. He didn't even spare the stranger another glance, falling hard to his knees next to you.
" 'm right here baby.. Right here.."
He rips the balaclava off his head, definitely taking a tuff of hair from his scalp. Not that he would notice right now. Simon carefully lifted your head just to slip it under, the softer fabric better than the hard floor. Stroking your hair away from your face, he doesn't hold you down- but his hands are close to you, resting featherlight on your cheek.
"You're safe doll.. I'm right here.. it'll pass."
He murmurs to you, unsure if you're hearing, but either way he keeps talking you through. Now, his arms gently hook under your leg, being as gentle as he can- his hands position you to your recovery position and on your side. Fishing out his phone quickly, he's already got the timer going. Less than five minutes. Please be less than five minutes.
"I have you sweetheart.."
Simon is right by you, watching your every movement closely. He's shoved away any items, just you and him on the floor.
"Should we call an ambulance?"
A stranger asks, Simon shakes his head. Never taking his eyes off you. You just had to go through it. If it's not a long one you should recover alright.
"I have her. Just stay back and move on-"
He snaps, he's stressed, he knows they're just concerned but he doesn't want anyone fucking with you right now. Simons eyes light up as the seizing calms, under two minutes, you're coming back to him. He finally lets out the massive breath he's been holding in. His thumb caresses your cheek.
"You're alright.. there you are.. you're okay."
Simon curls himself closer to you, stroking your cheek as your eyes slowly start adjusting back. You're foggy, confused, he's holding you a little closer and whispering softly.
"it's Simon, love.. Your Simons right here. You're right here.. we're in the store baby."
Now that you were coming back from it, Simon slips himself behind you as he moves you to lay against his chest. It's a while before you're able to be moved, waiting until you're fully alert again, he's taking it slow carrying you back to the car and getting you home. The rest of the week is spent easing you through the recovery. Low lights, he knows your head is aching. Lots. Absolutely lots of sweet talking. His strong girl.. he calls you. Making sure you take your meds on time and get plenty of rest.
"I'm sorry Si.. I didn't mean to scare you.."
You mumble, in bed together. Simon is sat up against the headboard, holding you close on his lap. His hand strokes locks of your hair, shaking his head sternly.
"Don't be apologizin' for anything. Didn't do a damn thing wrong-"
His hand slips to hold your chin, making you lock eyes with him.
"Hear me? Nothin'. I got you.. I'll always have my girl."
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emxisms · 3 months
Can you do the Sinclair brothers, thomas, Bubba, brahms, Billy loomis, and stu matcher with a s/o that is the illuminati? They make deals with people and if they break it they kill them? So they basically are a killer too. (Make sure to take care of yourself)
Hi my love! Yes ofcourse I can! I hope you're doing well, make sure to take care too. Xoxo 💋
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𝕾𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖝 𝕴𝖑𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖎 𝕸𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Warnings: Harsh language, mentions of killing (duh), references to inappropriate acts
𝔅𝔬 𝔖𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔯
At first, he was definitely alarmed. You know, nobody would really trust it at first. Especially Bo. He doesn't trust anyone, really. Not even his own twin.
When he finds out you kill people aswell, he would ease into the thought of you helping 'decorate' Ambrose.
"What, so, you basically do deals with the devil and shit?" "Um, sort of.. in a way.." "Shit, and I thought you couldn't get any hotter."
He would beg you to let him help kill the sons of bitches who break their end of the deal. Then proceeds to get angry at you when you refuse.
𝔙𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔖𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔯
Definitely shocked. Who knew someone so sweet was capable of something so harsh? You would never lay a finger on him, but to hear this news.. lord have mercy.
Is always worried about you when you go on trips. The last thing he wants is for you to get hurt when dealing with 'business.'
*Baby promise me you'll be careful, okay?* he signs, "I don't know what's careful about murder, but I promise."
𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔰 ℌ𝔢𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔱
Lord does he freak out. You're telling him your job is to make awful deals and.. if they mess up, you have to put yourself in danger?! No thank you.
When you reassure him that you're okay, and safe, he'll calm down a bit more. He just wants you safe all the time. He hates having you around his home because of how dangerous it is, but love is one hell of a drug.
Huffs and grunts at you when you get mad at him for not being careful while 'hunting' knowing damn well you do the same on your business trips. He's a sassy man at heart. But he still loves you, ofcourse.
𝔅𝔲𝔟𝔟𝔞 𝔖𝔞𝔴𝔶𝔢𝔯
Wants you to teach him some moves. He's open to learning a few things. If he has to kill, he wants to do it in style.
Is really excited about it at first, but the more he thinks about it, realization hits in. You could get hurt doing this. He doesn't like it anymore.
After some reassurance and cuddles later, he's calmed down and is okay with it. As long as his love is okay, he's okay.
𝔅𝔯𝔞𝔥𝔪𝔰 ℌ𝔢𝔢𝔩𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔢
Oh, no.. No, no no..
You're putting yourself in risk?! EVERY DAY?!?!... Brahms doesn't like this news. Not one bit.
He will whine and beg you to stay home and will beg to maybe even... come with you? He wants to keep you safe. You're his one and true love, he wouldn't dare lose you.
If you get hurt taking care of business, he will definitely feel like it's his fault. Why would he allow you to go out and work knowing the harm it can cause?!
𝔅𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔶 𝔏𝔬𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔰
"Well damn mama, I didn't know you had it in 'ya."
Thinks you are so incredibly hot. 10x more than he did before. He wants to see you in action, he'd definitely get a kick out of it.
If you come home from a 'mission' and you're covered in blood.. you'd best believe he's pouncing on you immediately.
𝔖𝔱𝔲 𝔐𝔞𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔯
At first, he gives you more of a confused look when you drop the info on him, and then of ofcourse he'll stick out his tongue and do that crazed giggle of his. He doesn't believe you for one second.
That is until he sees the look on your face. You are dead serious about this.
"Oh.." he stops and thinks.. "OH!!" "Oh?.."
"Ohh~.." he grins. "You're a killer too, aren't 'ya!?" He's going to be teasing you about this for weeks, maybe even months.
Asks if you're interested in helping him and Billy with some tasks. He'll be sad if you say no, but he gets it.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
I apologize for not doing requests!! I have been incredibly busy with my personal life, and being honest.. I forgot I had tumblr installed.
I will do my best to get to your requests as soon as I can!
Requests ~ ☑️
↳ read my pinned post for further information! xx
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