#keep in mind this is just my Word doc where I keep the writing prompt meme answers
whimsymanaged · 8 months
FirstPrince Falling in Love 100 Different Ways (4/100)
OKAY, SO. What's different about this one is that I really want to expand it into a oneshot or a multichap? Super open to any ideas or things you'd want to see if this becomes a thing.
It's not actually nsfw but like, there are some nsfw words in it so I'm putting it below the cut.
“Precome already? Doesn’t seem likely.”
Henry clicks out of the Google Doc so vigorously that he almost bruises his finger. His heart is absolutely jackhammering as he whips around to face the owner of the drawling American accent. He’s sure his face is flaming red. “I beg your pardon. I believe I was minding my own business.”
“Oh, I don’t have that problem,” the ridiculously attractive man says, sliding into the empty seat beside Henry as if they know each other. Henry’s rendered momentarily speechless by the man’s inky black curls, ethereal eyelashes, and bright, open expression. That, and the fact that he’s just read the very explicit smut Henry was writing over his shoulder. The man points at Henry’s screen even though the smut is now thankfully out of view. “I’m just saying, if you’re trying to make it realistic…”
“Well, seeing as it’s a story set in the omegaverse where human males can go into heat, I don’t think that’s quite necessary.” Oh, God. Henry doesn’t know why he offered up that information, but the man’s face positively lights up.
“Hell, yeah! Sign me up for A/B/O fic.” The man sticks his hand out eagerly. “I’m Alex.”
“Henry.” Henry shakes Alex’s hand, his brain struggling to keep up. What on Earth is happening right now? “It’s, er, not a fic, actually. I’m writing a novel.”
Alex leans closer, eyes wide. “You’re gonna bring the omegaverse mainstream? Nice. Can I help?”
Henry blinks. “Help?”
“I write, too,” Alex says as if that explains everything. He scoots in so close that his jean-clad thigh presses against Henry’s. Christ, Henry has completely lost control of the situation. “I just hit a million words on AO3. I have, like, an average of 1k kudos per fic. I’m good, I promise.”
“That’s all very impressive, but why do you want to write with me? We just met two minutes ago,” Henry points out weakly. He feels like he should lean away from Alex, but unfortunately, he doesn’t want to. Not only does Alex smell amazing, but his thigh feels strong and warm against Henry’s, and honestly, Henry can’t be blamed for feeling this desperate when he’s just spent the past hour writing smut, alright? If anything, this is probably a side effect of the content that's been filling his brain.
“Because I stood behind you for, like, five minutes reading, and your writing’s amazing,” Alex says, then adds, “Aside from the whole premature precome thing, obviously.”
“Right. Well…” Henry’s caught between mortification and indignation. He can either end this conversation right now or invite the beautiful man to keep talking to him. 
The decision really doesn’t take more than a split second of thought.
Henry navigates back to the Google doc, letting it fill the screen in all its incredibly horny glory. He spots at least three instances of “cock,” two of “moaned,” and one of “thick blurt of precome appearing on the tip,” and he forces himself to jut his chin out and meet Alex’s eyes.
“Thoughts?” Henry prompts.
Alex’s grin as he reaches for the keyboard is absolutely wicked.
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queseraone · 5 months
Talk shop Tuesday: how many and which fics do have planned or have started writing? Talk about them. 🤭
Omg you brat 🙈💗
So I am, of course, insane, and have a Google Doc to keep myself organized (suddenly wondering why I didn't make a Google Sheet... a change may be in order!)
Anyway, so I have "in-progress," "ideas," "abandoned?" and "completed" lists (and then I link to each of the docs within the doc, because I like organization, okay?). I also have a list of lyrics/title ideas and "homeless pieces of writing" (where I copy and paste things that didn't quite fit into a particular fic) in here as well. It's like my own little master list.
Still along for the insanity ride? I swear there's a method to my madness.
I consider a fic in-progress if I've actually started writing it (as in, I have written actual sentences/paragraphs for it, not just jotted down a few bullet points), so here is that list:
6x06 post-ep fic (Tim's Version - hope to have this done in the next few days, if the muse cooperates)
a very (very) bare bones start to a car accident angst-fest
a beachy AU that may and may not happen
an outsider POV fic I started during Chenford Week last year and am on the fence on finishing (it's sooooo random and and feels kind of pointless, but I love outsider POV fics)
a continuation of our 5x08 spec fic collab (because girl, we cannot leave it like that)
On the ideas front (this includes both ideas with tons of notes/plans, and ones with two bullet points and a prayer):
a smutty reunion of sorts...
a sort of enemies-to-lovers AU (Lucy is either a reporter or a screenwriter... or both?, Tim is a cop)
a what-if sort of scenario - what if Lucy and Emmett dated longer (or got back together) - aka how Tim realizes he's in love with her and makes his move
Contractor Tim AU (iykyk - this is basically born out of my desire to not waste the 10K+ words I started for Linstead - we shall see if I'm able to reimagine it for Chenford)
a collab with you that I think would be so much fun (the experience and the actual fic itself), so I really hope we can make that happen together
a Wildest Dreams-inspired collab with @makeitastrength that'll hopefully be a hiatus project
a little thing that's basically me bashing the go-to jealousy trope and coming at it from a totally different (fluffy) angle
an inkling of an idea to go back and dive deeper into various conversations between Tim and Angela over the years (including scenes we saw on the show and scenes we didn't)
And, for fun, a list of ideas I've abandoned (maybe temporarily, maybe forever):
a heartbreaker where Kojo dies - but also included a trip down memory lane at some moments in his/their life so it wasn't pure sadness (full disclosure, this was basically my personal therapy after my dog died a few weeks ago. I am so sorry Kojo, I promise I'm your number one cheerleader)
a fun group/couples game night (the result of me misreading a prompt that said "it's a fight, couples fight" and then the idea of the couples battling it out took over my mind... 😅)
I feel like I'm missing a few more, but this is already the longest, most insane response ever... and if you made it to the end? Congratulations/I'm sorry.
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It's Showtime! - July 2024 Devlog
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Howdy! Cobalt here, and wow, July really went by quick for me. Luckily, I also got a good amount of things done! In fact, I did a lot of things I've been holding off on for a while. Sorry the dev log is late,despite knowing I should, I didn't make notes on what I did this month nor did I start it earlier… Then I had a really bad time with my body (just cramps, dw!) the last few days of the month which made it hard to write. I swear I'll develop better habits for this as it goes on.
when it comes to programming, I've gotten a few minor things going on. I have a cut scene manager script now that keeps track of various things, including which cut scenes have already played but also which cut scenes you've seen between save files and stuff. This way it can make any cut scene you've already seen in any of your playthroughs skippable. I haven't actually gotten the skipping script to work yet nor stuff like triggering the cut scenes, but I'll need more placeholder sort of things to work on that stuff. The inventory also reorganizes itself after you use an item to make sure empty slots are at the bottom and filled ones are on the top. A lot, I mean a lot, of writing has been done this month. On Focuswriter [the program I use for all my writing] I hit the longest writing streak I ever had, 63 days in a row of meeting my daily goal [which is 500 words]! My in-depth/in-game writing doc has 16,783 words right now and my game design document [which contains the story summary] 20,764 words. [It actually shrank a bit because I made the story summary of chapter 1 like an actual summary, instead of being far too in-depth on a lot of parts. But that's still an improvement even if it seems weird on the word counts.] I've done a lot of writing out the story beats I've had in my head for a while but haven’t inserted it into my documents yet. I wanna focus on doing stuff like writing out the ending and more general story beats since I don't really want to go too far into development without way more of the story taken out of my mind and actually written down somewhere. Despite how excited I am to show more to the public. Since we will not be releasing It's Showtime through the chapters, I'm gonna try to make development less chapter focused, I don’t know how we’ll be releasing it, complete or in some other parts… But we’re not really far enough into development to be thinking of that yet. Luckily, I can say confidently I'm delighted with the speed of development so far. It's not much by most standards but for two queers making their first game of this scale while also balancing learning adult stuff, we've done way more than I thought we would so far! In terms of art, there's been both a lot done and not a lot. We've been doing a bit of concept art, getting references done, and speculating on things. But the place where the most progress has been made technically wasn't actually for the project itself… See, this month I think I finally started to really get the hang of blender. I finished a model for a friend of mine of their version of Evan from the Bendy Novels. It's fully rigged and I'm really happy with it. I'm also almost done with two other big models I'm making of someone's Bendy au designs and I'm sure when you guys see them, it'll make you excited for what the models in Showtime will look like. In general, I think I've finally found a workflow I'm happy with, and that allows me to make models both quickly but also to a quality I'm very happy with. I imagine very soon I'll be doing the first true collections of models for Showtime, whether they'll be the ones seen in the final release I don't know. But the practice alone will surely teach me a lot more about Blender.
As for other things… Ink Demonth is happening again and this time, I would love to create something for each prompt. They probably won't be posted daily, or in order, but still, I'd love for me and my partner to make something for each prompt within the month. Specifically related to Encore! and such. It'd be a good way to keep the blog alive and to stir up more attention on It's Showtime! This isn't a promise we will, but I thought I'd mention our hopes for Ink Demonth. Overall, I'd just advise all of you to be on the lookout for things going on with this game. I've got a lot of little plans for it that are almost ready to be put into motion and I'm super excited to show you guys more as things go on. Once again sorry it was late, but I hope this update was exciting! See you guys next month!
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thearcanecat · 4 months
where do you get your writing inspiration?
I’m just going to ramble and I hope I answer your question at some point, oh mysterious anon.
Being in fandom has helped a lot. Reading other people’s fics is useful for characterization. Just having more content to pull from or seeing characters in new situations. Posts on here also give me ideas. Like someone wondered what Holloway was up to during the apotheosis and now I have a whole fic outlined for that. Seeing other people be excited about the same things or starting conversations with people just keeps those ideas in my mind. Also, fanfiction authors posting their work helped me with my confidence. It took me months to work up the courage to post my first fic, but I was so inspired by what everyone else was writing I wanted to join in.
I also think if scenarios in my head before I go to sleep. This is the time to throw all the terrible ideas at the wall and see what sticks. Things blatantly out if characters, everyone dies for no reason, plots that make no sense. Then I see what had potential and work from there. I have lost sleep doing this though, so be warned. Sometimes I need to make myself stop on a school night.
Writing to write. This is advice I got from my dad which is basically: writing will get more ideas flowing than trying to plan every minute detail. Just starting a story and seeing where it goes is so much more productive than a beat by beat outline. Outlines and plans are very helpful, but I often get lost in them and then never write anything. Putting pen to paper and spewing out words, even if they will need some heavy editing later, gives me something concrete to work from, rather than a nebulous idea in my mind.
I use writing prompts if I have no ideas. This list has a lot. They are more for practice than anything I actually post. Usually they help me out if a slump. I also scribble down any random ideas I gave at the top of my work in progress doc (It’s titled Misc Fics), so whenever I open it up I have something to ponder.
Talking to people also helps. I usually do this with my parents. Side note: my mom keeps thinking Duke’s name is Dean because of Holloweane. Having someone else to bounce ideas off of is so helpful. As much time as I spend thinking about my favorite characters, an outside voice brings so many new ideas I never would have come up with on my own.
I hope this was helpful on some way.
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thatdammchickennugget · 5 months
hiiii!! This might be a stupid question but can you explain how to write headcanons?? i'm new on tumblr and to writing and after seeing your headcanons for the slytherins i wanted to try it myself but struggling with where to start. you don't have to answer this if it's a weird request i love your blog!!!!💚💚💚
omg hey!! I feel so honoured you came to me with this!! I feel like I'm also pretty new to writing headcanons so I don't know how much help I can be tbh, but I understand feeling overwhelmed at first (I did too) and I'll do my best.
So, I guess I have three different methods I use to approach writing headcanons and I'll try to explain each of them.
Question Method
This is what I personally find the easiest. I usually do this when I write headcanons for multiple characters and not just one. Basically, if I have a concept in mind I want to write for (for example I'm going to use my headcanons of the slytherin boys in the atla universe), I try to come up with about 3-5 questions and use them as a guideline.
For the atla post those questions were something like this:
What nation would they belong to and what element would they bend?
Do they have a subbending style and how do they utilize it?
What is their fighting style? (defensive/offensive, reckless/cautious,...)
Are they spiritual? How do they interact with the spiritualistic elements of the universe?
What nation to their beliefs align with? On which side of the war would they fight?
Then I go either character by character or by question, coming up with some notes for each. For examply, for Mattheo my notes looked something like this:
firebending (passionate, ambitous, unpredictability)
manipulation, using other's emotions as his own offence, dark bending techniques
offensive, using other's weaknesses to his advantage
not very spiritual but likely to use spiritualistic elements to influence his own gain
fire nation, power and dominance
After I have notes for every character and every question I just have to write them out into full sentences and try to connect the character's traits to the things I want to say.
Prompt Method
When I have a specific prompt for a situation for one character, like for example this request I got for Mattheo with a pregnant reader, I usually find myself having at least one or two ideas that I want to include.
For this one, it was that I wanted to include him getting super protective, him being afraid of not being a good father and him making it his friends problem as well.
So first, I try to write out these ideas roughly (not caring about writing full sentences yet). Then I try to come up with some things to try and connect them to each other, filling in the space between them.
When you have a couple bullet points with the rough ideas of what you want to write for it, you can start writing them out into full sentences. Most of the time I will add more things while I do this because I will think off other little details I want to include.
Word Vomit Method
Sorry, I don't know what else to call this one. This one I think is the most fun to do, especially if you do it with a friend and both of you just go wild on a shared doc.
Basically, you just decide on an idea to go with, like for the example I'm going to use here me and my friend decided on "slytherin boys halloween/fall headcanons".
We then put the names off the characters and just start writing whatever comes to mind, no matter how silly or weird it is and not even thinking about if you'll actually include it later or not. If you're doing it with a friend it's really fun to add and comment on each other's ideas and most of the time it ends up in even more random ideas.
When you're done with this, you can take a look through and decide what to keep, what to adjust and what to get rid off, and then start to just write them out nicely.
This is what me and my friend's doc looks like at the moment (not finished yet):
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Okay I just noticed this got a little longer than I wanted it to be, sorry. I hope there's at least one helpful thing for you in here! 💕
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Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Kara x Lee
Prompt: Bruises
WC: 500
TWs: mentions of ab*se, self-h*rm, bruises, etc.
Ever since she had gotten back from New Caprica Lee could tell Kara was different. He didn't know what had happened to her there but he knew something had at least, something that had changed her.
She never talked about it and while he couldn't blame her, he wished she would. That she would open up about it because maybe it would lessen the pain. But he knew that wasn't how Kara worked. She faced her problems and pain alone, she always did her best to make sure to not put them on others, or make them anyone else's problem too.
The first week after she had come back had been the worst. She had been the most different and far off, hard to reach. And he couldn't ignore the bruises.
Someone had hurt her. Abused her. And it pissed him off. He knew it hadn't been Sam but sometimes a part of him had wished it was so she'd have an excuse to leave him and Lee could finally have her, since she had chosen to run instead when he had offered her the idea to finally be together.
There weren't a lot, but it was enough, especially if you looked closely. Especially if you knew Kara like he did. She never let people hurt her, if she could help it. So seeing her as beat up as she was was concerning, to know someone had worn her down enough to the point where she just took the abuse rather than tried to fight it. Where that was the easier option.
And while the injuries were clearly from abuse of some sort he couldn't help but to wonder if any were self inflicted. If she had tried to escape whatever hell she had faced there by attempting to die. If it had been bad enough he knew she probably had. If her spirit had gotten broken beyond repair.
He knew it had because otherwise she would have been making jokes about it after day one. To make light of it, to cope, because that's what she typically did.
But she instead stayed quiet about it and Kara never stayed quiet. She was brash and loud and hated keeping to herself. She always spoke her mind.
She wasn't just staying silent. She was hiding too, and that was even more concerning. She was locking herself away, refusing to talk to anyone and almost seeming scared whenever someone tried to approach her. That was the biggest difference. Kara Thrace never showed fear, but now it seemed to be the only emotion she had left.
Lee knew the physical bruises would go away sooner or later, but the internal ones wouldn't. Those were the ones he was most concerned about.
And while she was avoiding everyone he knew he would have to be the one person to try and heal her wounds. And maybe, if he was lucky, she'd let him.
Maybe he could fix her bruises, once and for all.
A little ficlet/quintuple drabble I wrote. Inspired by the word bruises. I feel like this could be a good intro to a longer fic or oneshot. Maybe one day I will add to it. For now though it'll just remain as this as I'm challenging myself to write more drabbles/ficlets because even my one shots usually end up being at least 2k words. I have been physically incapable of writing anything short for Kara and Lee thus far and I'm wanting to change that so this is one of my first attempts. I have another I posted in a Tumblr community and another that is in my Google docs. But that's only 3 (around 1500 words) out of around the total 170,000 words I have written for this pair/fandom. That says a lot haha. I have a tendency to overcomplicate things or at least struggle to write any simple and more vague one shots so I am forcing myself to do exactly that at least a little bit more. So far I like the results and hope I can keep coming up with good ones. I will be posting this on AO3 as well within the next day or so just y'all are aware haha. Feel free to let me know your thoughts too :)
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garbinge · 1 month
Hey!!! I've read a couple of your fics recently (mainly twisters) and I'm in love with ur writing and all so I was wondering if you could share any tips on writing? I'm trying to get into it but I've been struggling a lot especially with writing some twisters stuff so if you could share any tips I'd appreciate it. Thanks so much 🤍🤍
First, thank you so much! Really appreciate your kind words! <3 As for writing tips, I feel like I'm just bopping along looking at other writers like HOW are you doing this?? writing these AMAZING things???? A lot of imposter syndrome if you will lol. But here's somethings I do below the cut...
I rewatch shows like crazy. Its because I enjoy it but also because it helps sparks some ideas for me. And I think that's the first step for me the ideas. With that, I really enjoy thinking about my ideas, so like if the smallest thought pops in my head with a character I'll think about it whenever I can. Honestly, its also an anxiety thing for me, its something to keep my brain occupied when I don't want to overthink. (For context I have OCD and things can be hard on my brain so I try and fill void with fic thoughts). But by thinking things through I feel like I start to filter through things and get some solid ideas. I started a doc that holds a lot of those ideas, because I don't want to forget them or forget where I landed with them and when I'm in the mood to write, I'll jump into that doc and see what pops out to me. Okay, now to the nitty gritty, when I actually write, I try and just get out the parts that feel easy, that might be jumping around timeline wise or "scene" wise but usually when I get out the part that's "easy" it makes the other parts easier to piece together. For me, it's usually dialogue because that's what my favorite stuff is lol. And then I go back and try and fill in some descriptions and actions. Sometimes I'll even think through backstory and character traits before I get into writing which also helps me get in the mind/feel of a story and character. Besides all of that, I utilize a lot of amazing resources. I google a lot lol. Reddit a lot too. Reading threads on the most random things lol. But also some other resources here on tumblr, I'll link them below. @creativepromptsforwriting has AWESOME resources. Their how to write list is amazing as well as their prompt lists. @saraswritingtipps also has some great posts that I've saved to refer back to when writing. I also read a lot from people that inspire me as well! Here are some writers that I think have really amazing writing styles and skills, they might even have different tips themselves but being inspired is a great first step! @drabbles-mc @narcolini @ashlingiswriting @iraot @yourwonkywriter @hausofmamadas and theres a bunch more that you can find reblogged on my blog! Overall, my best advice can be just put some stuff on paper! My first go at writing was not what it was now, and I'm sure I'll say the same in few months! As you keep doing you keep evolving! You got this!! Hope to read your stuff someday :)
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coldercreation · 2 years
Would you mind posting an update on what snippets are in the works rn?<33 Like which are indefinitely on hold, which prompts (or like how many) you’re working on etc? Can’t wait for the next one!
Ohh hmm, let’s see!
I have a bunch of unfinished things floating about, I tend to start new ones whenever I’m stuck writing something or just get a brief idea in my head. Usually, whenever I get a prompt, I write down whatever comes to mind for that. These unfinished docs I have are anything between like a single sentence to a few thousand words.
These are all WIPs and I keep adding stuff whenever the inspiration strikes, and basically everything I write has been inspired by a bunch of different prompts! 
In no particular order:
The Sad!Kitty story.
A very AU version where Isac's meeting Lit for the first time, out on a night out. He’s just on a demon rampage bc he wants to have sex for the first time lmao this prompt was so creative and funny, love it<3
Nathan trying to celebrate an achievement only to feel dismayed bc his mum is… his mum (she’s happy for him but Nathan still ends up feeling like it isn’t a big deal after all. Too many feels to explain here lol). He protest-buys himself a chocolate cupcake and sticks a candle in it. It’s more of a feel-good one than it sounds here.
Pretty early on into their relationship, Kit comes home from work to find Nat in pre-heat and starting to nest. I have posted a text conversation from the beginning of this snippet.
Alpha!Nat AU: “Ok if you’re doing AUs, how about some twists: Nat growing up in a pack w the boys, as an alpha, with no og hurt background? What would he be like? What would the pack and the dynamic be like? Maybe his first rut w them? (—)”
Literally just a couple of lines of Nat being all blushy and thinking how Kit is so handsome, and then saying it out loud when called out for staring. 
Lizzy snippet, just them hanging out when they were still just getting to know each other. I have posted bits of this at some point too.
Nat being a good boi and doing more kneeling, but also finally getting to satisfy his curiosity for using his mouth. 
Lithan, basically the As just getting handsy with a sleepy Nat. I should start a sleepy boys being filthy soft on the couch -series at this rate hahhaah
Litzy meeting Sammy for the first time
Izzy having a panic attack over uncertainty with his birth control :( This one is just a few lines and I don’t like writing it bc I hate feeling Isac like that. The prompt asked for Isac having something rough happen & how he'd react, and I figured it’d be a good way to explore his issues with this topic. It was not a good idea I hate it why did I think I should scare him with one of his biggest fears horrible let my bunny be happy!!! 
Link visiting Nathan’s family
Link visiting Liam and Kit’s home town/families. <-This doc basically only has this one line. 
Izzy coaxing Nat into wearing some pretty underwear because he knows the As would pass out. Nat’s not personally that into wearing anything like that but he’s not against it and finds out that he’s very much into the reaction he gets lmao
More stuff with Nat’s friends
Some less specific angsty Nat snippets/notes
A filthy prompt-fill for the filthyspicy anon who wanted some spicy free use Nat. Anon you are filthy and I love you hahaha<3 
Liam getting teamed up on by everyone else until he’s all whiny and babie and loved to death. Or well, it’s mainly Kizzy bullying him while Nat is being v helpful and a good boy, and doing what he’s told to keep wriggly Liam in place. Heavily based on a prompt as well.
Izzy’s heat/preheat/nesting/instinct stuff, nothing specific in this yet, I just want to write more about it at some point
Haven’t started this but I do want to write more about the Lizzy dynamic where Isac/his O is the more dominant all the way through
Ohh and I have a couple of lines of some more Lucy and Nat just hanging out but I don’t know what to write for it so it’s just… there.
I have some more but these were the ones I could easily see just by opening my docs.
SO uh yeah. I keep trying hahahah I’m just having a hard time completing things :’) These are all technically actively in the works, so nothing is on hold, but my 'actively' has been a bit ehhh xx
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banannabethchase · 2 years
After Mox is injured during the Hangman match, Wheeler has to use to use some of the powers he's hidden for years. He's not able to hide it from Mox, though, and the reaction is far from what he expected.
Me like 2 weeks ago: I hate writing noncanonical supernatural elements I suck at it and it's the worst I'll never do it again.
Me today: ?????!!!!?!?!???
Title from Sub-Radio's "King Of My Heart", which is so poppy and delightful it makes me happy dance. Prompt from @sarahcakes613 "Demon gf who makes people make a pact for every little thing." I - it technically works? The prompt ended up flipflopping a little weirdly, but I think I made it work.
Mini Playlist: King Of My Heart - Sub-Radio Like an Animal - The Donnas Motivate - Little Mix Animal - The Cab
Wheeler fidgets as he watches Mox in medical, getting checked out all over. He keeps asking, “What happened?” He looks panicked.
Wheeler thinks back to the ring, where he leaned in and did what he always said he never would.
“You can walk out of this ring,” Wheeler had said, using a muscle he hasn’t touched in years, stretching something he’d hoped to keep locked away.
“I can walk out of the ring,” Mox said, leaning on Wheeler. And he did. He walked out the ring.
But not because he really could.
Because Wheeler used his power on him.
They make it back to the hotel he’s sharing with Mox, and he’s able to stand now, for real. Without any outside force compelling him to do so. His eyes have cleared, his body more steady. It’s a sprain, somewhere in his knee, but it should heel soon, Doc had said.
“Babe, I’m fine,” Mox says, collapsing into bed with a smile. He looks cozy and calm in his sweatpants and hoodie, but it took a hell of a lot of help from Wheeler to get him showered and changed back in the arena. “I can, like, feel your stress. Come sit.”
Wheeler knows Mox can’t know what he’s done. No human would ever imagine this to be the reality of, well, everything, because demons are phenomenal at PR and, also, mindwipe powers. And verbal subconscious insistence, which is what Wheeler had done earlier that day.
Mox sits up, staring. “Did I say something when we were out there? Was I a dick?” He stares at Wheeler, concern in his eyes.
“I have to tell you something,” Wheeler says. He sits on the edge of Mox’s bed, but he can’t make himself meet Mox’s eyes.
“What’s up?” Wheeler can feel the way Mox’s eyes burn into the side of his face. “Hey, Wheels.” He puts a finger under Wheeler’s chin, turning his head so Wheeler has to look at him. It hurts. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
He has to say it, doesn’t he. “I’m a demon.”
Mox’s face collapses into a laugh. “Oh. Cute. Seriously, what’s going on.”
“I told you!” Wheeler says. “I’m a demon. I’ve been manipulating all of you.” He steps away from Mox’s touch. “I’ve been lying.”
“Wait, hold up.” Mox waves off Wheeler’s words. He gets closer to Wheeler, leg stretched out behind Wheeler’s back. “Are you alright? Like, are you okay right now?”
“I would be,” Wheeler grumbles, “if you believed me.”
Mox studies his face in that way of his, eyes locked and loaded, parsing through every thought that’s ever passed through Wheeler’s mind. “What the hell are you talking about, kid?”
It takes over an hour to convince him. Mox keeps interrupting, of course, to check if Wheeler’s having some sort of mental break or something, and he’s not. He’s just trying really hard to tell the man he loves that he himself isn’t a man at all, and Mox is convinced he’s lost his mind.
“A demon, though?” Mox asks. “You? Really? Come on. I’d guess that of, like, Bryan, or maybe MJF. But you?” He cups Wheeler’s cheek in his hand. “You’re the sweetest on the whole roster.”
“Demons can be good! We just have to work at it,” Wheeler replies, and he realizes very quickly that folding his arms across his body and pouting probably isn’t making his point. “You know how you got out of that ring today?”
“With your help, and Paul’s.”
Wheeler shook his head. “What did I say to you, right before you stood up?”
Mox frowns, searching. “Um. You told me…you said I could walk out of the ring.”
“And did it feel like how I normally talk?” Wheeler asks. He hates doing this. He hates having to sit here and watch someone learn that he’s been a fraud his whole life. He’s only done this once before. It was a mistake.
Mox’s face practically clouds over, and Wheeler knows that look. Mox is getting it. “It wasn’t,” he mutters. “I – I’d fallen over before that.”
Wheeler nods. “Your leg wasn’t working.”
Mox stares at him, comprehending, finally. “You made me walk out of there.”
Wheeler nods. “I did.” He waits for the inevitable. He waits for the reaction he’s gotten in the past.
He doesn’t get it.
“Holy shit, can we try that in bed?” Mox asks, looking positively gleeful. “I love that.”
“You what?!”
“You, making me do whatever you want…” He spaces out, clearly watching some vision of Wheeler he’s never seen before. “Oh, I like that.”
“Mox!” Wheeler has to straight up snap at him to get his head back on straight. “What – you like that I’m a demon?”
“I like you,” Mox says, shrugging. “And if you’re a demon and you can, like, get into my head during sex or, fuck, even matches! That just turns this to eleven, baby. I’ve got so many ideas.”
Wheeler flops back onto the bed, careful to miss Mox’s knee. “All this time,” he grumbles, “and you’ve just got a demon kink.”
“I’ve got a you kink,” Mox clarifies. “The fact that you’ve got demon powers or whatever just sweetens the deal.”
Wheeler rolls himself off the bed and onto the floor, where he lays, silent, for at least a full rerun of CSI that Mox talks through.
“Hey,” Mox says, striding into the kitchen like he hadn’t just gotten his knee taken out by an angry cowboy the previous week, “I got an idea.”
Wheeler pauses. “An idea?”
“Yeah, don’t look so shocked.” He reaches for the fridge and pulls out the gallon of milk, drinking straight from the container. Wheeler rolls his eyes as Mox wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “We could, like, add your weird voice power to do stuff around the house. Make things more fun.”
“Is that the only way I’ll be able to convince you to stop using bleach on every surface?”
“Screw you, it’s a good cleaning method.”
“It smells bad.”
“It’s clean,” Mox argues, kissing Wheeler’s nose. “The goal is clean, not lemon scented.”
“We could do both – anyway, that’s not the point.” Wheeler turns back to him. The dishes from his breakfast can wait. “So your only reaction to me being a demon is to get horny and household about it?”
Mox considers, then nods. “Yeah. Knee’s ready for vigorous activity, if you want to try it out.”
“You are incorrigible.”
“Yeah, and you love it.”
“I do,” Wheeler relents, “but still. You don’t even know how my powers work. I could be convincing you to be with me this whole time. You might not like me at all.”
To Wheeler’s surprise, Mox laughs. “I can tell the difference from the way you talk normally and the way you spoke that other time. Come on, I can prove it.”
He considers it. Technically, he’s not doing anything wrong if Mox is asking for it, right?
“Fine,” Wheeler says. In his normal voice, he says, “Put the dishes in the dishwasher.”
“Nah.” Mox grins at him.
Wheeler rolls his shoulders, puts some power behind it. “Put the dishes in the dishwasher.”
Mox’s eyes glaze over a little, a dopey smile playing on his lips. “Sure, baby.” And he does it. Without an ounce of complaining, he does it. Wheeler’s not sure if he needs to stop or tell Mox to do something else. He may continue to put dishes in the dishwasher until there’s no more room.
Mox puts the last from the sink in the washer, puts in the soap, and closes the washer. Wheeler watches his face, and it’s like he can see a veil removed as Mox comes back to his sense. “Whoa.”
“I know,” Wheeler says, wincing. “I’m sorry. It takes all your autonomy away.”
“No the fuck it doesn’t,” Mox says, looking positively giddy. “I knew what I was doing. I just…I wanted to do it.” He licks his lips, moving into Wheeler’s space. “I wanted to do what you wanted me to do.”
Wheeler huffs as Mox goes for his neck. “I should have known you’d be into this.”
“You shoulda,” Mox confirms. “Big ol’ monster fucker, me.”
“I am not,” Wheeler says, and he tries to put in a lot of force behind it, “a monster!”
Mox pulls away, grinning. “Aw, no?”
“Monsters have a much harder time pretending to be human for years and fooling everybody around them,” Wheeler argues. “Demons are much better at disguising themselves to live among the mortal.”
Mox leans in, so goddamned close. “Love when you talk demon to me.”
“You are the weirdest person I’ve ever met,” Wheeler says, and he slides his hand up Mox’s body, gently curling it around Mox’s throat. “Tell me what you want from this.”
“Anything,” Mox says. “Legit, just…whatever you want.”
Wheeler sighs. “I could make you sign a pact with me to give me your soul.”
“No!” Wheeler laughs. “You – no. Stop it. This is serious.”
Mox licks his lips. He crowds into Wheeler’s space, presses a leg between his thighs. “Want you to fuck me and tell me what to do during.”
“Using the powers?” Because he has to check. He has to make sure.
“Yes, Jesus, how many times do I gotta tell you?” Mox huffs.
“Be nice,” Wheeler snaps, with just a little power behind it.
Mox’s eyes glaze over, smile on his lips. “Yeah,” he says, sounding far away. “Yeah, like that. Thanks, baby.”
“This is ridiculous,” Wheeler grumbles. “You horny bastard. Tell me exactly what you want.” He puts the power behind it.
“I want you to fuck me against the sink,” Mox says. “I want you to make me beg for it. I wanna beg for it.” He turns his eyes on Wheeler’s, spaced out, but knowing. “I want your cock.”
Wheeler sighs. “Well, since you asked so nicely.”
“I’m so nice,” Mox says, voice a little weird. “You want me nice.”
“I do.” Wheeler thinks for a second. “Hold onto the sink. And don’t move.”
“Okay.” Mox shoots him an absolutely radiant smile before he turns around and grabs the sink. Wheeler had been thinking Mox would face him, but this works.
“I’ll be back in just a second,” Wheeler says. “Don’t move.” He considers. “Um, unless there’s, like, an emergency. Also, you can breathe and body stuff. And if something is wrong or – yeah, just don’t let yourself or anyone else get in danger. Otherwise, stay just like that. You understand?”
Mox doesn’t answer.
“Mox?” Wheeler peeks around him to see Mox with his entire body held stiff. “Oh, shit! Yeah, you can talk, that’s fine.”
“I understand,” Mox says. “Hurry up, though. I can only be nice for so long.”
Wheeler gives him a kiss on the cheek, because Mox is obnoxious and charming all at once, and rushes up the stairs. He grabs lube, and, just for fun, a vibrator, and hustles downstairs. “You good, Mox?”
“Impatient,” Mox says. “Trying to be good.”
“Aw,” Wheeler says. “Not exactly what I meant, but okay.” He fumbles a little, trying to set everything on the counter. He pushes away the clutter, because he has a feeling he might need something to grip onto. “Any reason you want me to fuck you in the kitchen?”
“Never done it before,” Mox answers. “Adds a little spice to it.”
“Oh, because your demon boyfriend fucking you under a weird demon power isn’t spicy enough,” Wheeler grumbles, but he reaches around for Mox’s belt. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want you to fuck me,” Mox all but whines. “I told you already.”
“You’re getting kind of bitchy,” Wheeler says, unbuttoning Mox’s pants. “I don’t remember telling you to be bitchy.”
“Didn’t tell me not to be,” Mox singsongs. “Maybe you should give me a specific instruction.”
“Ugh, fine, be a bitch, whatever,” Wheeler says, getting a hand around Mox’s cock, “but if you’re too mean, I stop.”
Mox whines, hips twitching. “That’s a very fine line for me to tread.”
Wheeler hums a little, hand still as Mox squirms under him. “Better tread lightly, then.” He lets go, drizzles some lube on his hands, and strokes gently. “Don’t move.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“I said you could be a bitch,” Wheeler says, stroking slowly, “not be mean.”
Mox lets out another whine, his knuckles turning white as they grip the edge of the sink. “You’re the one being mean.”
“I’m allowed to be mean,” Wheeler says, finally getting a little fun out of it, “you asked me to make you beg, right?”
“So, this is me, trying to make you beg.” He keeps stroking Mox with the lightest, gentlest grip, being as infuriating as he can muster, all while Mox is making this high pitched whine that makes Wheeler feel a little giddy. “I have an idea.”
“Yeah,” Mox says, “give me anything. Anything you want. Tell me to – ”
“Quit that!” Wheeler says, and he lets go of Mox’s cock, steps away from him.
“No,” Mox says. “What the fuck? You’re the worst.”
“Again, you told me to make you beg,” Wheeler says. “If I say you can move, are you gonna be good?”
“Yeah,” Mox says, “I will.”
“Then, you can turn around and let go of the sink,” Wheeler says, “and that’s it.”
Mox spins so fast it almost makes Wheeler dizzy. “Hi,” he says, little smile playing on his lips. “Fuck me now?”
“You haven’t begged yet,” Wheeler says, “and that was a specific request.” He reaches over, grabs the vibrator. Mox’s eyes get comically wide. “Yeah, I thought you might like this.” Wheeler turns it on. “Any requests?”
Mox closes his eyes, breathes deeply, then looks at Wheeler. “Uh.”
The vibrator’s a little thing, really, and Wheeler knows Mox likes it as sort of an extra while they’re fucking, likes Wheeler to feel it on the outside of him while Mox can feel Wheeler inside him. But he wants Mox to say it.
“Want you in me,” Mox says. “And want that on – anywhere.” He squirms. “Kiss me?”
Wheeler leans in like he’s the one being voice commanded, kissing Mox with the power of the whole world behind him. He drops his hand and lets the vibrator drag along the length of his cock. Mox moans into his mouth, desperate, hands reaching up to grip Wheeler’s hair.
“Like that,” Mox says, “fuck, baby, like that.”
“Good to know. Now you want me inside you, huh?”
“Fuck, yes, oh my god,” Mox throws his head back. “God, you’re the fucking worst. If you don’t get inside me now, I’m going to die, you fucking monster.”
“Demon,” Wheeler replies primly. “I thought I told you not to be mean. Maybe I just walk away.”
Mox’s eyes meet his, and they aren’t as glazed over as they were before. “Don’t you dare,” he says, and it would be a little more intimidating if he wasn’t half pouting. “Come on, please?”
“You called me a monster.”
“It’s a compliment,” Mox snaps, and Wheeler laughs.
“Well, in that case.” Wheeler grabs Mox’s hips and turns him around, pressing up along his back. He shoves down his own sweats to his knees, finally able to admit he’s as impatient about this as Mox is. He slicks up his cock with one hand while teasing Mox with the vibrator. And he’s struck with an idea. He trails it down behind Mox’s balls, holding it right behind them. He starts without the powers, wants to gauge how Mox reacts to it. “Hold the vibrator. Right here.”
“You want the vibrator?”
Mox nods. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Then you have to hold it,” Wheeler says, power behind it.
“I’ll hold it,” Mox says, and he does, taking it from Wheeler’s grip. He shudders, a whole body thing, and Wheeler lets himself admire the masterpiece in front of him, the thumbtack scars, the proof of the way Mox is willing to let his body suffer for his art. It feels like an honor to be the one giving Mox a little pleasure when all others only get to cause pain.
He rubs the head of his cock between Mox’s cheeks, just a little.
“Now, please,” Mox demands.
“Oh, please?” Wheeler asks. “That’s new. Glad to know you can beg. No, Mox, I gotta open you up first.”
And it’s so easy, isn’t it, the way Mox shifts his legs and the vibrator at the same time to accommodate one, two, then three fingers. He takes Wheeler so well, every time. “You’re so good at this,” Wheeler says, watching a little as his fingers disappear into Mox, as Mox pushes back on them. “Tell me how it feels.”
“Not enough,” Mox gasps.
“Turn up the vibrator, then.”
With a whine, Mox does as Wheeler commanded, and that full body shudder hits again. “Oh, Christ fucking god, Wheeler, if you don’t get in me right now...”
“I am in you.”
“You know what I mean,” Mox growls, and it’s close enough to begging that Wheeler relents.
The first slide into Mox’s body feels like coming home, and Mox reaches a hand back to grab at Wheeler’s hip. “Fuckin’ finally,” Mox says on an exhale. “Come on, start moving. You’re takin’ too long.”
“I – what – turn up the vibrator again, you insufferable motherfucker,” Wheeler grumbles. Mox does so, and, fuck, it hits Wheeler like a train. He can feel everything, he supposes, more than a human, but this is a whole new level: the vibrator, the way Mox eggs him on, the way he can really slam into Mox’s body from this angle. He lets himself get a little distracted, loses track of time and space and sense. He feels drunk with it, obsessed, and he bites at Mox’s neck a little too hard, with the wrong teeth. He tastes pennies.
“Shit,” he says, pulling back. “Mox, I’m sorry, I –”
“Again,” Mox says, “oh, fuck, yes. Do that again.”
“You and your stupid pain kink,” Wheeler mutters, but he relents, pressing another biting kiss to Mox’s neck, a little more controlled this time, sure to leave a mark but no punctures. Mox grinds down onto his cock, twisting.
“Close,” Mox says, voice hardly more than a whisper. “Wanna – wanna come, please, wanna come.”
“Turn the vibrator as high as it’ll go,” Wheeler commands. “And hold on onto the sink again.”
Wheeler practically sees stars and the vibrator goes full blast, and he thrusts into Mox. He wraps an arm around his waist for leverage. “Good?” he asks Mox. “Tell me what you want.”
“Harder,” Mox whines. “Don’t stop until – until you come inside me.”
Wheeler’s the one whining at that, and he follows Mox’s demands. He wraps a hand around Mox’s cock and it’s seconds, really, that Mox is coming all over himself and Wheeler’s hand. He’s shaking.
“You can move the vibrator,” Wheeler says, chasing his own orgasm.
“No,” Mox says. “K-keeping it – until you – ” He cuts himself off with something akin to a wail.
Wheeler ramps up the pace until he’s coming hard, teeth sunk into the back of Mox’s neck. Mox slumps over the sink, dropping his hand. When he gets a little more sense back in his body, Wheeler eases the vibrator out of Mox’s hand, turns it off.
“Okay, breaking the control,” Wheeler mumbles, lips against Mox’s back. “Formally rescinding all verbal subconscious insistence. Not sure what I have to do to make sure it’s gone.”
“It’s gone,” Mox says. “Oh, fuck.”
Wheeler pulls back a little, pulls off his shirt to clean Mox up a little. “Are you okay?”
Mox is quiet as he pulls himself full to standing, and a wave of anxiety crashes over Wheeler. He shouldn’t have allowed this. He should have stopped it.
The wave disappears when he sees the grin on Mox’s face and in his clear eyes. “Oh, fuck, so much better than okay.” He laughs, rubs a hand over his head. “We’re gonna have so much fun with that power of yours and those, uh,” he touches gingerly at the bruises along his neck, “are those demon teeth?”
Wheeler grimaces. “They are.”
“Hot,” Mox says, nodding. “Yeah, break those out whenever you want, baby.” He takes the t-shirt from Wheeler’s hands, wipes off his body and hands where Wheeler missed. “Not sure how I feel about the kitchen bit, though. Worked in the moment but…” He trails off, gesturing to the mess they made across a few cabinets and in the sink. Mox pulls up his jeans, but skips the belt. “We’re gonna have to bleach this shit down,” Mox says, hands on hips, frowning.
Wheeler groans. “Not the fucking bleach again.”
“Gotta,” Mox says, with his best imitation of a pout.
“Fine,” Wheeler decides, “but we’re making a deal.”
Mox lights up. “Like a sexy demon deal?”
“No, fuck, fine! We’ll do – every time I agree to your bleach-related cleaning requests, I get a kiss.”
Mox nods. “I can work with that.” He leans in, kissing Wheeler gently.
“What was that for?”
“Prepayment,” Mox says, giddy. “This’ll be fun.”
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voidthewanderer · 8 months
Do you have any writing tips? I feel so stupid. I've only written couple of one shots, and I'm planning on writing chapters, too. I just... Can't seem to write more than 2k at a time.
I am not articulate as I'd like to be and I just feel so stupid. 😭😭😭😭
I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm probably not the best person to ask this, as I just... write. I don't worry about if someone's going to shit on me for having "too many descriptors" or "telling and not showing" or anything like that.
I also want you to bear in mind that I was reading Stephen King books by the time I was like six. I was on a higher reading and writing comprehension level than my classmates at a very early age, which probably did help me when I actually got into creative writing. (Please also note that I am not saying this to say that I’m smarter than other people, just that I read higher reading levels at a very early age)
If found that the things that help me best, outside of just write and read a lot:
Plot: Plotting doesn’t have to be big fancy brainstorm trees or essentially writing the entire story without actually writing it. It could even just be a simple flow of start -> rise -> climax -> fall -> end. And then you do small flesh outing from there. I personally do these I notebooks rather than on the computer.
Draft: I only do an editing draft; essentially just a first draft that I work on in Google Docs when I’m on the go. I ignore vocal quirks for when characters are talking, spelling and grammatical errors, don’t worry about the word count. I just write until I feel like it’s at a good point to stop. There’s no need to worry about over or under writing details because you’ll edit that stuff later.
Edit: I probably do editing a bit differently than everybody else does, because I have dedicated word documents for my stories rather than solely using Google Docs. I open the browser window side by side with the document that has the final write up, this way I also have easy access to go to old writings for character vocal quirks, websites to help with descriptors and actions, and overall just getting to reread over the work and make the changes I want. Add and remove content.
Proofread: REREAD YOUR WORK. Do this MANY times. Yes, you will get sick of it. But, if you’re anything like me, you will kick yourself if you find spelling and grammar mistakes that slipped through the cracks.
I wouldn’t worry about the word count or anything of that sort. Sometimes, you can get exactly what you want or need to get out in 1k words, and sometimes you need 5k. Length is hand in hand with the flow of a piece. If you read my story, Mnemonic Impressions, you can see that it’s stagnant after a certain point rather than flow. Whereas if you read Addicted, it has a flow. It’s all about how long you want to take to get to the ultimate climax of the story.
Something else that may help is when you see writing prompts? Even if you don’t actively take requests, just grab one that interests you and write! It’s a good exercise to get into the flow of writing.
You’re not stupid for not feeling like you know what to say or not being able to write over a certain amount of words. Writing is hard! Writing is very hard. I can tell you that I haven’t actually updated Mnemonic Impressions in nearly two years now because I’m stuck and don’t really know where to go next.
I know it sounds bullshit, but you sometimes just gotta keep your nose to the grindstone and keep pushing. If you gotta take a break every 2k words and then come back, do that! It’s all a matter of finding what works the best for you!
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Hi! so I have some questions based on operating a blog (i’m new and i have no clue what to do… sorry)
what would you recommend putting on a pinned post? how do you put links of other posts (like stories/hcs/etc) onto another post like for a master list? when you start a post for hcs/oneshots do you do it in drafts or on another app and copy and paste it? i’m sorry if this is a lot to ask :,)
Also! i love your blog sm! your writing is so good!!
Hello there! No apologies necessary! Happy to answer any and all questions about this sort of thing 🙂
I'll answer your questions in reverse order. So, starting with drafting posts... I personally have always used Word or Pages when I write (and I was cool with using Google Docs in college as well). And honestly, I would recommend others do the same, mainly to avoid issues with Tumblr drafts not always saving properly. There is no worse feeling than losing all your hard work and not being able to recover it! Tumblr's post editor is just, not the greatest, to put it politely. It's glitchy, difficult to format certain things, and way too easy to mess something up or accidentally delete it altogether. For peace of mind, draft your stuff in a more reliable app and then copy over when you're ready to actually post.
Links... The one thing I'll say in Tumblr's defense is it does have a fairly easy way to link to other posts.* You don't need to know html or coding or anything. I'll explain as a step-by-step:
Copy the url of the post you want to link to. Best way is to click the three dots in the top right corner of the post and then "Copy Link." You can do this part on mobile or a web browser.
Create or edit the post you want to contain the link. Highlight the words you want (ex: Read here!) and a little bar of options will pop up (below the color options on mobile, above the highlighted words on the web). Click the symbol that looks like a chain, then paste the url you previously copied into the designated area. That's it!
For a post with multiple links (like a masterlist), you need to do it on a web browser. Keep the post you're creating up on one browser tab, and then open additional tabs to grab the links to your other posts for copying.
And then one note of caution (because even though it's easy, it's not perfect lol): If you edit a post with links it in, like changing the wording or moving things around, the links will sometimes "break." So I usually open two tabs, one with the post in its original format, and one where I'm editing it, and I can grab from the original if I accidentally mess it up.
*These instructions are for adding links in a post. If you want to set up links in your blog's bio/description section (like in mine), then you do need to use some basic html codes. I referenced this post when I set mine up.
And then finally, pinned posts... this is really up to you. Personally, I think you can't go wrong with some kind of a masterlist, or a "welcome" type post that includes a link to a masterlist. As a reader, whenever I find a new writer I like, I want to be able to see their bibliography, to see a list of all the other stories and things they've created. It helps me get to know them, their style, their fandom preferences, etc. And if I ever lose it or want to go back to it later, it's easy enough to just pull up their blog without having to scroll or search their whole posting history.
But it really depends on what you want visitors to your blog (and yourself!) to see first. Is there an issue/take/sentiment you're especially passionate about? Pin it. Are you running some kind of a game or focusing your writing on a particular prompt list? Pin it. Is there one story you are really proud of? Pin it. And the best part, you can change your mind and pin something else later. I currently have pinned an "I'm back!" post after I went MIA for a bit last year, because idk, I figured that was important for people to see. But I'm probably going to change it back to my masterlist now that it's been a while and I miss seeing that dumb meme I edited for it 😂
I hope I answered your questions and explained everything well! Again, happy to answer anything along these lines! I know starting out can be overwhelming, but a lot of it becomes second nature the more you play around and take note of what other blogs are doing. Then your focus can be on just having fun with your writing!
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jimmymcgools · 2 years
How do you structure out your work? How in advance do you plan everything out? Do you have any examples? If you’d feel comfortable sharing I would love to see them…
Also thanks for all your hard work. I look forward to reading your stuff every week. It keeps me sane
thank you so much!! 💖
this got long, so here's a cut:
it's funny, i often say i don't really outline, but i think that's a lie these days. i instinctively say it because "outline" to me always implies something a lot stricter than what i do -- for eg, i have some friends who really swear by the snowflake method of outlining, or friends who write out all the beats for every scene, and i don't go into that much detail.
but i do plan and try to structure things, so i should stop kidding myself 😂
i'm happy to share some examples! i'll try to explain the thought process. i think sometimes (especially in online writing communities) there might be a drive to outline/plan your work in a way that's subconsciously intended for others' consumption, too, instead of just a mess of prompts intended for your own brain. my notes always remind me of the bigger idea behind them, so on their own they might be a bit underwhelming (and riddled with typos or missing words)
i'll pull up my google docs and see what i can dig up!
this is a very funny first thing to have written in my chapter document:
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then i started writing the first chapter and throwing little ideas of fun/potential things at the end, which is a kind of outlining for me:
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little conversation snippets or the ideas of characters to bring in (i didn't end up using erin!)
or character motivations:
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all these hang out at the bottom of my document (i have a chaotic mind) while i write out the full chapter above, and then i delete the chapter and leave only the random notes behind.
so it's like, potential pieces of upcoming plot that i slowly group together.
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i promise i'm not editing these ahahaha. funny how much later that launch idea ended up happening!
so early on in terms of planning, i have these hopeful ideas of a meeting with marie, a meeting with skyler, kim becoming a lawyer again. and i add more thoughts to them.
i didn't write it down anywhere, but it started to feel clear that the moment of choice/launch for kim would be a good end to the first act of a story, so i started building to that.
heading into the 2nd act, i had this:
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because this was the Big Law Case act and i was really worried about sticking to the weekly updates with so much research, i ended up doing a little more planning.
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pretty close to what ended up happening!
and those chapter notes come from ideas that originally floated as loose sentences at the bottom of my document. i usually read through them all before i start a new chapter and pluck anything out that i want to use, even if it's just a reminder, or seeding something.
between writing acts 1 and 2, i changed my sense i where i wanted the story to go, which ended up with me settling on kim going to colorado.
it was such a choice for me as a writer that i decided to make it kim's choice, too.
big choices always feel like good act-ending moments for me, so i knew i wanted that to happen near the end of this trial arc. and knowing that helped me build the chapters leading up to it -- ie, it's motivated in part by missing jimmy, so i decided to hold jimmy out of the story and make us all feel how kim feels. it's a choice about finding a home, so i started to fold in thematic stuff about kim's home/s over her life.
in terms of bigger structural things, i always find "rising tension/falling tension" hard to grasp and like to think of things in terms of characters emotions -- which are motivated by that plot tension, but just feel way more tangible for me. so each act/arc feels like one emotional journey for the character, with a beginning/middle/end.
kim stripped herself of choices so both arcs so far have been her making choices -- first to become a lawyer again, and do good, and do risky things.
and then the second choice is the choice to really be with jimmy as well, as much as she can, as close to him as she can. i think that could only happen after she's made and explored the first choice.
i hope that made sense!! if you have more questions i'm happy to answer them <3
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vore-scientist · 2 years
I still haven’t finished reading everything you wrote on the mystical forest, but I love the concept and will surely read everything you create on it.
As for my question, I just arrived at the part where Sophia’s brother learned she is most likely going to be the next ruler over the forest and I got thinking. If she gets to be the next ruler I would believe she would end up giving some freedoms to Yonah when it happens on the distant future, one of which being able to take vacations from his evil wizard job so he could leave the forest once in a while.
And that got me to another little devious thought of Yonah going in one of such vacations on the far away future and encountering some of the thief’s he previously ate on his journey, which would lead to them thinking he wanted another taste, before he explained he wouldn’t eat anyone when he wasn’t on his “evil wizard” role, also, they would be way older and wiser as to not spread word of the giant and how he would let them scape to others. Yonah might even find some who would agree to giving another taste or even to be a little snack in exchange of a healing potion or something.
Anyways, this is just me getting too exited over this story and creating some fics on my head, but would love to see this in your wetting if you ever feel like it! I just love the way you write.
Also, it really is comical that Sophia has a higher body count than Yonah on writing, when we know it’s actually the opposite. It just is really funny in my head.
AHHHHH IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY YOU ARE LOVING MY STORIES!!! Warms my heart. makes it all worth it. By the way: you are free to write fanfiction. You would not be the first one to do so. toss in your own OCs even, my world is a sandbox for anyone to play in. dig holes, build castles, make mud. Or just keep tossing out the ideas to me. i never tire of hearing them, though as a grad student i have little time to write >.<
So! about King Sophia: I actually wrote a post-main storyline short so unless i failed to properly tag that, you'll read it eventually. Also i need to find the post but i KNOW i posted Yonah's contract with king ben. idk why i cant find it. here's the google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LBv5yCWyIanLrWLrUgWQUfa2kXLzdM8P/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106643572354206944350&rtpof=true&sd=true
As the contract states: Yonah's "employment" ends with either his death or king ben's. You can guess which condition is met XD in that INSTANT yonah's tether to the tower is gone, he is no longer contractually obligated to be the evil giant/wizard.
He becomes sophia's second in command and chief royal wizard.
I also did a funny comic with King Sophia once: LINK
i hecking LOVE your idea however yonah is an ASS and he WILL eat thieves again even if he's not an "evil giant" anymore he loved being evil and being evil suits him so he keeps some of those tendencies. Though he wouldnt eat every thief he meets again, and writing a story where he meets a previous thief and doesnt eat them again would be very fun too! I copy and pasted your idea into my MW idea/prompts google document.
[also just so you know, according to AO3, and keep in mind I have not posted all of MW to AO3 bc i just... missed some... i gotta fix that... but according to AO3 there are 215,577 words and 34 stories (with many of the thief stories being counted as one story with many chapters...) so yeah not surprised you havent read ALL OF IT]
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Bro so I'm. I wanna start my own like, fanfic, and I have a proper idea for it and everything, but it's been so long since I've been in the undertale au Fandom, and I lowkey have no idea where to start on them?? Like. I wanna add swapfell and fellswap, but what's the difference?? What names do I give them?? Do you have any advice for me?
Good question! Feel free to PM me if you’d like to talk more about writing or just want someone to bounce ideas off of. You can do it here or on my main: @evil-dad-evil​ .
So. My advice is to start reading as much fanfic about your characters as you can bear. This will help you get character ideas. It may also help with name ideas- if you don’t like the popular names, someone out there may have something you like. And, of course, once you get a general idea of characterization, you can name them yourselves!
Unfortunately, I’m not very much into Swapfell nor Fellswap, so I can’t help you much there. There’s also a lot of AUs that go in to both of those AUs, such as color schemes (like Swapfell Gold, Swapfell Indigo, etc), so it’s best to read up on em if you want them in your fic.
Tumblr, of course, is a good place for imagines, drabbles, one shots, and multi chapter fics alike. However, for multi chapters and longer pieces, Archive of our Own is a good place to go.
Now, for the writing itself. Depending on how you write (I personally use Google Docs), you can do various writing exercises, such as Run On Writing and go from there. Run On Writing is where you take a prompt and you do not stop writing for a various amount of time, say, 5 minutes. You do not go back and edit, you type the first word that comes to mind the entire time. Don’t worry about spelling, don’t worry about grammar, don’t worry about punctuation. Once that time is up, if anything is useful, keep it. Copy and paste at the end of your document and fit it in later. Everything else, delete.
I hope this helps! As I said before, don’t be afraid to PM me. This goes for everyone. I might not always have advice, but I love having brainstorm sessions.
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vinmauro · 2 years
1, 4, 7 & 15 for the ask game!
hi blake!! thank you for asking 💛
Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
okay one thing to know about me is that i am constantly thinking about my fics. at least, currently that's how i am. like i get bits of dialogue in my head that I'll repeat and add in like what they would look like, how the tone would be, so i can transfer it into words later. like currently i'm writing a 10 things i hate about you au where i'm changing things from the movie to make it more in character despite the au and modern setting, so i spent a good chunk of work thinking about the next scene. and what they would say, how the pov character is feeling, etc. so yeah i am just always fucking thinking about my fics. like if anyone ever wants to bother me in dms, asks, or if we're moots i have discord, like expect to have me talk about my fics. tho i do know that my main ship right now is not for everyone and i do apologize for my brain rot. i do talk about them a lot.
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
i swear they choose me. i have like an embarrassingly large number of unfinished wips that i want to go back to but i also don't know how much i like them. so i'm always thinking about how i want to rewrite them or something. but i end up writing something else. but sometimes i plan things. like i have outlines for fics that i want to write about when i have the muse for it. like the steve fic i want to write so fucking bad. it's there, it's outlined. i just don't have the ability to split my mind from my current projects. which is also why i am trying to finish through my works right now so i can do more. but also i like prompts and i need to get more into finding some bc the edancy week helped me choose like 5 fics i wanna write. one of the more than others.
7. How do you choose which fics to write?
oKAY it is edancy so if you don't like Eddie and Nancy in a romantic sense, even in a romcom, i'm sorry.
Unfortunately, Nancy was learning she couldn't ignore Eddie. Not when she wanted to. It was particularly hard when he decided to sit in front of her during their shared detention. He had drawn a smiley face on his hand, moving his thumb up and down so it would act as a mouth. As if his hand was talking. Then he would hold up little notes with his other hand to act as dialogue. She had to bite down on her lip to keep from laughing too hard. It was so ridiculous. It shouldn't have been funny in the first place and yet, there she was, fighting the urge to laugh.
15. What’s your favorite time to write?
my sweet spot is 2 am to 4 am. sometimes if i go past 4 am I'll write some really unhinged shit but then i reread it later and i have to fix a lot of mistakes. like trying to find a snippet in my doc led to me fixing shit. also i love writing at work. i usually have to beef it up when i'm at home but it passes the time when it's fucking slow.
still answering!
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thomine · 1 year
Tumblr media
Basic Stats
pairing: tighnari x reader
time: a month?
drafts: 2??
total word count: around 4k
deviation: 4.5/5
*deviation from original is on a scale of 1-5, 1 being there was no change and 5 being it was completely changed.
it’s hard to define where this fic came from. i tore the fic’s format from a wip, grafting it to the roots of this fic.
the format came from an abandoned social media au (smau). i wasn’t sure of the pairing and even more uncertain about the central message, so i chucked my progress aside (consisting of 6 chapters, 2 written parts).
one of the written parts was tighnari and reader calling each other at night. i quite like the vibe it gave. tighnari was grumpy from a rough day at work but calls anyways because reader frantically messaged him in the afternoon after an Event.
it was sweet, sentimental, and what made me think maybe tighnari should be the main lead instead whatever pair i had in mind, which caused me to abandoned it (lol). it was tough letting this written part go.
fast forward, i came home late from a farewell party. i had this all-consuming melancholy knowing that my friends were going to be different the next time i see them. they're going to meet with new people, have new experiences, and so will i. it's all exciting but it's separate.
instead of sleeping, i did what any normal person would do. i let my thoughts wander, then challenged it by thinking of a different perspective.
this conversation with myself inspired me to capture the same sentiments in a story. reader who held my perspective talking to someone who held the other. tighnari was the best fit for the story.
picking tighnari reminded me of my abandoned wip, and merging its format with the idea resulted in REACHING OUT.
because of this (which isn’t strange in my process of writing as i love to mix-and-march), it’s quite hard to quantify the statistics. where is the original? was it the night i came home from the party, or was it the abandoned wip? it wasn’t just the format that the new fic inherited: it also inherited the flow. from where can we separate the two? perhaps, like the process of grafting, it isn’t supposed to be separated.
so i’ll be seeing it as one wip instead of a merger of 2.
if that’s the case, then even though i wrote the fic overnight, the fic was technically a month-long work.
i wasn’t keeping track for drafts, but i only restarted the opening twice. the rest were paragraphs separated while writing, which i don’t quite consider a draft (more like killed darlings).
if i were to compare the final with the draft i had the night after the party, the deviation would probably be a 2. i tweaked tighnari’s argument the next morning since it didn’t reach a depth i wanted, and i added tantalus’s tale to further emphasis his point on looking at the future even though the suffering you’re going through is horrible.
if i were to compare it with the written part of the smau, its deviation would be a 4. although the format and flow is the same, many things are different.
first, tighnari was meant to be a prompter for reader to think about the past. in REACHING OUT, tighnari is meant to prompt reader about their relationship. although reader sought tighnari's advice for both versions, reader's intentions are different. in the older version, reader excludes tighnari from the situation, seeing his advice as a third party and neutral comment. in REACHING OUT, reader is reaching out (pun intended) to tighnari to know his honest thoughts.
overall, i like this story! i hope you enjoyed it too. i'm not too sure how i'd talk about the specifics (like, do i show the google doc and give in-line commentary? but my process is messy so i would need to create a whole new doc which is troublesome...) but i was thinking perhaps it is best to leave the fic as it is so that readers can take away things without my commentary on each line affecting how they view the fic, hehe.
thank you for reading!
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