#keep up the great stuff Stef
tennis-kittens · 2 years
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Laver cup 2022 • Tsitsipas vs. Tiafoe • Matteo's reactions
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emphasisonthehomo · 2 years
Hey, I know you asked for asks about trans Danny (and I love your universe so much, don't get me wrong), but I was wondering have you ever considered trans Steve? He'd have had the rare opportunity to 'start over' when he's send away from HI, maybe he took the chance to transition? On the other hand, trans folks were banned from the military back then and we all know how the Navy made Steve the man he is. What path d'you think he could have taken if he was trans? Or would/could he have cheated his way into the Navy anyway? I'm curious but I know this is not your playground so feel free to ignore. Thx.
Oh darling, anything to do with transing a character’s gender is my playground, thank you so much for this question.
TW: for general discussion of dysphoria, this gets pretty heavy emotionally. And also personal, lmao.
I have spent a lot of time thinking about trans!Steve, and what I think a transgender narrative for him would look like. And this is any flavor of trans tbh, be that telling the story of Stephanie McGarrett, Steven McGarrett, Stef McGarrett, etc.  
For all intents and purposes, Steve was raised by the navy. It’s a very intrinsic part of his character. For me it’s up there w/ Danny being from New Jersey. You can’t not make Danny a Jersey boy, just like you can’t not make Steve a SEAL. I’ve spoken a little bit about this being why I find it difficult to put Steve into different careers here, and I think it applies to this as well.
And you’re right re: being trans in the US military. There’s a long and complicated history of it either being banned or restricted, and it technically only became ‘legal’ in 2021. Even if I wrote a trans!Steve as a modern au like trans!Danno is, he would be unable to be out of the closet and be in the Navy. I don't think he'd be able to cheat his way in either, that's a pretty big To Do.
I do think he’d still have joined the navy, even if he was trans. I think he’d just have been in the closet about it. And it’s for this reason that imho trans!Steve would be one of those people who doesn’t come out and transition until they’re in their 40s or something. It would be the story of DEADNAME McGarrett going to Annapolis, becoming a SEAL, being the Navy’s Finest, Creating Five-0 and then much later, deciding to come out. Like post season 10 timeline coming out, I think.
Because Steve keeps a lot of his feelings crammed up inside his head and heart, and he stews over stuff, and he’s not emotionally open. He just isn’t. The Military Fucked Steve Up. John McGarrett, whether he meant to or not, Fucked Steve Up. All of the other shit's that's happened, has Fucked Steve Up. Steve opens up more over the progression of the show, especially w/ Danny, but he’s still an emotionally constipated nutcase in many ways.
Is this a story I’d ever write? No. There are a few reasons for that, and the main ones stem from my own Gender Experience™ and shit. It’s the same reason why Trans!Danno takes place when Danny’s in his 30s and has pretty much already transitioned socially/medically/etc. The story of Danny’s coming out and transition is glossed over, because if I delve into the depression and dysphoria aspect too deeply, I’m gonna start drinking too much again. Being closeted sucks, dysphoria sucks, the internalized self-loathing and shame sucks, and it is euheuheuheuheuheuh DEEPLY triggering for me.
Trans!Danno takes place after most, if not all of that, for Danny. Danny’s got the surgeries he wanted, he’s on T, he looks in the mirror and likes what he sees, he’s doing GREAT. Does he still have issues and insecurities? Well yes, because he’s human. But I am uninterested in writing about the emotionally darker and more upsetting aspects of trying to come out and transition, because I do this for fun and I don’t wanna bum myself out.
The story of Steve/Stephanie/Stef McGarrett, coming out and transitioning at the age of like 45/50 would be deeply sad in many ways. It’d be steeped in internalized transphobia, self-loathing, dysphoria, etc. Especially when you take into consideration Steve’s character and how he Deals with things emotionally. It’d also be a story of joy, of self-actualization, and all those other good things.
Are those stories meaningful and important? Absolutely. Would I personally write it? No. Because the journey to get to that joy would trigger the shit out of me. Is that everyone’s gender experience? Also no, but it’s mine and that’s the lens I’m approaching stuff from.
Excellent question! Thank you so much.
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littleragondin · 1 year
I have been tagged by @sparklyeyedhimbo thank you!
rules: name seven comfort films you love, and then tag seven people
- The Lord of the Ring Trilogy
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That one's an easy one. For a very long time, it was just the movie(s) I watched the most often across a year. I fell in love with The Fellowship of the Ring when I saw it at 10 in theatre, and I never came back. I know them by heart (both in French and English), and at this point putting them on just feels like coming home. It's the friendships, the hope through darkness, the love overcoming for me.
- Pride (2014)
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This one's based on a true story, it's beautiful and touching and has a fantastic soundtrack of course. I watch it when I want an uplifting story but I still need to cry (usually the Bread and Roses scene or Joe and Stef sharing the bed does it, but if not? I always cry at the end), and it makes me feel better about what we can do together. I also really like the friendships in that movie, somehow they make me miss having that irl the most.
- Constantine
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You know how they say the music you listen at 14/15 shapes your music tastes for life? That was the movie version for me. I was 15 when I saw it, and listen. Hear me out. Between Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, and Tilda Swinton (especially looking like this) ... well. I was very into it ok. I also love horror and supernatural so you know. I love the story, there is a really good sibling relationship (if sad), it has angels and demons and cross engraved bullets... it's an easy go-to when I want some action and fantastical stuffs.
- 8 Femmes
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It's a French jukebox musical about a murder, with a women-only cast for 99% of the movie. What not to love?? It's camp, the actresses are fantastic (it's an all star cast), I love the 50s feel of the whole thing, the songs are great, the characters are color coded ... I somehow always feel lighter after seeing this one, and find myself singing along all the time. (also come on, who wouldn't want to see Fanny Ardant and Catherine Deneuve make out in skirt suits?)
- Ai no Kotodama (2007)
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Ootani and Tachibana have been together since high school, now in college they live together, installed in a comfortable routine until a high school classmate reappears in their life and things... become complicated. This one is just… warm, and simple, and quiet. It's just a slice of life, the conflicts can be a little silly but some feel more grounded, there is a clear and sweet happy end, it always warms me up. I've seen it for the first time 13 years ago and I still think about it regularly. Also the two songs are great and still on my playlists, and the fashion now feels delightfully out of date (Ootani's hair hello <3).
- Big Eden
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I watched this one for the first time at a moment in my life where i was very lonely. I picked it up because I had seen some gifs on tumblr, I knew it had a happy ending, and I was starting to want to watch more story with adults. There are so many things to love in that beautiful movie, but usually I put it on for the warmth and acceptance of the community, for "Thing is, Pike, we want things to be nice for you, too, buddy." and the whole "Did we teach you shame?" speech and "I was just hoping you'd let yourself be found this time. I was hoping you'd let us find you. But you keep wandering and we can't." and just... yeah. This one is a comfort still when I feel lonely, or lost, removed from the people I love.
- Coraline
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I was already a huge fan of the book and of Henry Selick's work when my dad took me to see it for my 18th birthday. It's a beautiful movie, visually, with an incredible score (by Bruno Coulais), and a very strong adaptation of the novel imo. It's a little creepy, but the good guys win at the end, I love Coraline as a character, and as I said it's just SO pretty to look at? I never get bored by it.
If you're into it and no one asked you yet, I'll tag @scienceoftheidiot @benkaaoi @howdydowdy @troubled-mind @gillianthecat @heretherebedork and @sauvechouris !
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theultrablog · 5 months
Pulp Storytime #11: No Drought About It!
The flood would wreck the city… But it could bury Lala’s secret!
Las Vegas Nevada, America. Florence Zee is just stepping off stage at the Apache Club to adequate, confused applause. She and the Melodears put on a great performance, but as an Australian torch singer, she’s not hitting the country-western staples the crowd is expecting. Across the street, inspector Omour M’Tombe is working security at the Frontier Lounge. Some crossed wires led to Senegal’s greatest detective being hired for security, keeping people away from millionaire Buchanan “Buck” Seersroe, and protecting his prized possession: the golden spike that united the transcontinental railroad. The elderly inspector immediately noticed a pair of grifters trying to open the display case, strongly but firmly rejecting them from the premises. [Oddly, I had three players drop out of the game the day of! The initial quartet was the butler Aldous protecting the spike, with the gentleman thief Simon trying to steal it, and Florence, who allegedly made deals with devils, being protested by Sister Ynez. Instead, we had two player characters with jealousy as their main trouble, which led to an amazing adventure by itself.] Anyway... Gulia “La La” Santinella is in town, and like Florence, is an attractive foreign woman who wants Seersroes's money for her artistic endeavors. Santinella pushes past Florence’s roadie François, talks a bit of trash, and discovers Buck’s location. The two race upstairs…but are interrupted by the HellDorado Wild West parade*, celebrating 30 years of Vegas history.
A few raindrops fall, but the fiery Italian stuntwoman La La isn’t going to let that or some parading horses stop her. She vaults across the street, dodging, ducking and rolling through the front door of the Frontier. Then, to help her chances, she tells M’Tombe thah François and Florence want all of Buck's money and shouldn’t be let upstairs. (Technically true, and utterly hilarious when, a few minutes later, the detective decodes the deception.) Upstairs, the group’s industrialist frenemy Mack Silver is pitching Buck on an airport. Santinella proposes a series of movies, cheapo westerns shot in Italy. Downstairs, François simply picks up the elderly detective and puts him on the other side of the velvet rope. Florence wants an American record contract, Santinella thinks she has a winner, and Buck is mad that the detective let all these dummies in here. Still, if they do Buck a favor, he’ll consider their plans. See, there’s this girl, Sara, who works as a waitress sometimes, and he’s sweet on her. Weirdly, she was speaking some Italian to some guys at the train station yesterday, but assuming that’s nothing, she would make a great Mrs. Seersroe. It’s a simple plan: find the girl, give her the love notes, report back. And she lives either at the shanty town here in Vegas, or up near Boulder City. Of course, it’s not simple for Giula. The employee photo of Sara looks identical to her childhood friend Stefani Narzoli…member of AISE. Sweet Sara is a spy for Mussolini! François impresses the detective with his tracking skills. Even as the rain is pouring down in sheets, he manages to find the guy she was shacking up with. The fella says she packed up her stuff and left a few hours ago; she was doing some part-time work up at Hoover Dam. Do you think she’s coming back? Santinella drives like a maniac, covering the nearly 40 miles of muddy terrain in under an hour. Florence is suspicious, able to pry out that Sara is an Italian friend… but not much else. A quick stop in Boulder City finds Stef’s new digs. With no “security specialists” in the group, François simply removes the hinges from the door. The spy had been here, but she took all her stuff, including some ammunition she stored in the floorboards. (The group was delayed as François kept trying to get the door reattached discreetly, before being reminded that she had already cleared out the place and wasn’t going to notice any intrusion!) --- Florence was able to charm their way past the Hoover security gates, but Santinella’s ‘confused Italian’ act revealed that Stef Narzoli had associates among the staff. The group took the elevator down, before discovering the sabotage, and took a painter’s scaffold the rest of the way to the giant turbine room. François dealt with the explosives, slowly dissembling all the detonators. Lala was caught away from the group, unable to explain why she was there without giving away her old buddy. Florence and the inspector found the spy, and accomplice “Lewis”, and got into a pitched gun battle. The Italian agent had a briefcase with dam plans, handcuffed to her arm. When the fight turned against her, she fled...
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mayasdeluca · 6 months
I love how we’re all thinking it’ll be Carina in the hospital for the big crossover ep, but lol I think we’re all a little delulu. Sadly, like Grey’s, S19 has never made an effort with Carina outside of being Maya’s love interest. On Grey’s she was just comedic relief, a plot device for Arizona and Andrew.
I’m all for our theory to be right, that’s she’s giving birth, but I seriously doubt it. It’ll be Andy because the theme seems to be ‘look at how great of a Captain Andy is’ this season. I don’t mind her much, she can be funny, but she’s going to be insufferable this season. I can feel it. Or it’ll be Travis. I doubt it’s Theo. Literally no one cares about him.
The pessimistic in me thinks that the whole IVF stuff is going to get dropped. They’ll maybe mention it a few more times but it’ll be left open ended. The focus is going to be on working through the adoption and adjusting to having a sudden baby and they’ll have carina either no longer want it or choose to delay it. I’m hoping ima thousand percent wrong. That’ll be Marina angst this season. Which kinda boring, but as long as they don’t fight for multiple episodes again. Maybe we’ll get cute arguments like them arguing over what’s an acceptable amount of money to spend on baby clothes. Carina would hands down buy Liam designer onesies. However, I’m not opposed to them switching the script and seeing a pregnant Maya. Only because I think Danielle in a baby bump suit would be freaking adorable. I mean stef too but Dani will break my brain.
showrunners tend to stick to what they know: Liam’s bio family is going to rock the boat. Maybe one of the bio grandma shows up wanting custody. I forgot what was said about the bio dad if at all. Predictable and boring, but it plays into the drama they’re going for. I’m curious about what the Maya centric ep will be about. Her dad and upbringing again or something else? What other drama could she possible have? Could she be hiding something? Hate to think after last season she’d go back to keeping things from carina.
But who the hell knows. With what Danielle said in her live, anything can happen. if we’re gonna see badass Carina I think it’ll be dealing with the baby’s bio fam and legal proceedings. Unless she’s saving people’s lives outside the hospital again.
I hope we get a rated m scene from them. That shower scene has kept us feed but we’d like some more please. don’t let it be wasted on Travis being a ho again or Sullivan/Ross, respectfully.
Side note: They’re gonna be moms and I love that for them but I hope all new fics aren’t baby centric fics. Kids are awful and I say that lovingly. 😂
Yeah we're always hopeful that Carina is involved in some big way (like the clinic doxxing storyline but that ended up just focusing on Bailey and even Addison) and it usually doesn't happen. It probably does have to do with Andy since Jaina mentioned it but we now know Carina is going to appear on Grey's this season, so who knows.
It would be a shame if they just leave the IVF/pregnancy stuff open ended when they could at least have it lead to something in the season finale, but we'll see how they do it. I think it would be incredibly lazy and disappointing if they go the whole 'bio family comes to cause trouble' route considering they just did that not too long ago with Pru and Bailey/Ben. And with a shortened season as is, that feels even less necessary. I think it's probably now going to lean more towards them not necessarily agreeing on how to parent in certain situations so I guess they're going to bump heads a little in that sense but hopefully it's nothing too crazy since this is supposed to be a happy time for them.
I'm very curious what the heavy Maya episode could be about too. I would lean towards it being Mason related since that's something that hasn't been addressed in some time and they could do a lot with still or maybe it's Maya's mom coming back. It feels like it has to be family related because I can't see it being any kind of drama with work or Carina or anything like that.
Hopefully they do get their 10 pm sex scene like every other couple I assume will. You know Sullivan and Ross will get at least one so it's only right Marina do too. And I'm sure there will still be some kidless fics out there but you may have to look a little harder once this storyline plays out. 😂
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The Sisters of Dorley AU/Glow, Worm crossover OC I made up because I wanted there to be somebody going through vampirization with Stef; this was originally going to be Adam but I think an OC might work better:
Content warning for messed up relationships, weird gender stuff, creepy vampire stuff, mention of murder, nonconsensual/dubiously consensual sex with a huge age gap, and some slightly kinky injury/gore stuff:
Her name is Ruth. She's an example of a type you see at the graduate school: people who were raised very religious and molded into right-wing authoritarian follower personality types, and for whom joining Dorley and then the graduate school was just switching allegiance to new cults.
Ruth's egg self spent the first eighteen years of his life basically totally dominated by his very religious mother (Ruth thinks of her pre-Dorley self as a boy and uses he/him pronouns for him). They had a kind of Carrie/Margaret White dynamic but a lot less stereotypically abusive, it was more like... Ruth's boy self was very introverted, did not make friends easily, was probably super-unpopular and a bullied kid at school, and his mother was basically the only person who was close to him, and he was a very docile and submissive person; he was very close to his mother, he loved her, and he was pretty much putty in her hands.
Ruth's mother was very pro-life, so of course Ruth's boy self was too. While attending St. Almsworthy he joined a campus pro-life activist group, went to a rally, and got in a physical fight with a female counter-protestor. That was what made somebody at Dorley decide he was Dorley material.
Ruth was class of 2019; same class as Fay, the year before Stef's group. Ruth's sponsor was a woman named Pamela. Pamela is from one of Dorley's first graduating classes, she's in her sixties, easily old enough to be Ruth's grandmother (Ruth would have been 19-23ish when she went into the basement).
Ruth and Pamela had a great relationship, in a kind of really messed up way. Ruth isn't a Takes Ideas Seriously type; her boy self was a right-wing religious weirdo because his mother was a right-wing religious weirdo so that was a way he could express his love for her. All Pamela had to do was insert herself into the space in his mind that his mother previously occupied and he 1) basically fell in love with her, 2) was complete putty. Also, Ruth's boy self was basically cis-by-default autismgender, so the force-fem thing was not particularly difficult or traumatizing to her. She threw herself into feminization with something approaching Viky/Stef level enthusiasm, not as a trans thing but as an expression of her love for her sponsor. Ruth's main feeling about the feminization is that she's glad the hormonal changes weakened her sex drive and made her more demisexual (Ruth's mother's version of Christianity was pretty sex negative, Ruth's boy self experienced his normal vanilla heterosexual male sexuality as a moral injury).
Also it helped that Ruth is somebody who tends to get along better with people who are, like, two or three times her age than with her own peer group. She is definitely the kind of neurodivergent person who got called an "old soul" when she was a kid. Part of it is she got a lot of her socialization from her mother, and her mother had her late in life (got pregnant in her forties). Part of it is invisible disabilities; even as a child she had a somatic experience a bit like an old person, she's basically always had low energy and an aching back and joints and stuff; to her other young people tend to seem hyper, hard to keep up with (Pamela and Ruth empathized with aspects of each other's somatic experience, they'd massage each other's aching backs and joints and stuff). Pamela was really good at playing a gentle affectionate substitute mother role for Ruth, and that was pretty much all she needed to do to have Ruth eating out of her hand. So to an extent Ruth and Pamela got along really well not despite their huge age gap but because of it.
Pamela let Ruth choose her own name. Some of the girls in her class gently teased Ruth for choosing a grandma name. Ruth liked the name because she thought it sounded humble, and also because Pamela told her she'd read on a baby name site that in Hebrew it means something like "friend," and Ruth liked that.
Pretty much the only part of the basement experience that was hard for Ruth was the sexuality adjustment sessions. Pamela being old wasn't a problem; Ruth thought Pamela was beautiful; she was tall and slender and had long grey hair that would fall beautifully when she let it down... But it was hard for Ruth (she'd have trouble articulating why in an alexithymia way). The first session Ruth got really overwhelmed and started saying the Hail Mary (the "blessed art thou among women..." prayer) and that made Pamela so uncomfortable she stopped and said she simply wasn't going to do this to somebody who was so clearly having a really bad time. Immediately after that Pamela spent a long time comforting Ruth and telling her they had months, Ruth could take her time. It took about a month from there to get to the point where Ruth could bring herself to complete the act with Pamela. When they got to that point they actually did have some sex that was enjoyable for Ruth; Ruth basically was in love with Pamela at this point and Pamela was gentle and trying pretty hard to make it a mutually pleasurable experience. Pamela is, so far, the only person Ruth has ever had sex with.
Between having a really old sponsor and her own natural inclinations, Ruth is really old-fashioned for Dorley, which means she's the kind of person who will do stuff like deliberately curate her media consumption to be properly "feminine," and avoid movies, games, etc. that she thinks are too male-coded.
Side note: despite being in "the bad old days" Pamela's own basement experience was actually relatively non-abusive; she was trans-adjacent enough that she didn't experience the feminization thing as traumatizing, and she mostly just did whatever her captors wanted her to do, thus they didn't hurt her. More-or-less the only abuse she suffered (aside from, you know, the inherent abusiveness of the whole thing) was as a consequence of showing solidarity with other inmates who fought back more and acting as an advocate for them. Pamela is maybe a somewhat similar personality type to Ruth (though a bit more assertive and principled), which might be one reason they got along really well.
Ruth and Stef got the helicopter ride to the graduate school together. They've been told they're lucky; it's unusual that two graduate school girls get to go through second transition together and support each other. It's happened before, but not many times. In a normal year the graduate school only gets one new girl, or none. It makes the second transition a lonelier experience than the first for most of them. Stef maybe knew what was going to happen going in, but Ruth had no idea about the vampire thing until Elle met her at the graduate school and told her about it.
To prove that the vampire thing wasn't a joke, Elle destroyed a concrete column with her fists, and then stabbed herself in the stomach and made Ruth watch the wound heal. She let Ruth examine the wound while it was healing, even let her to put her fingers inside it and feel around to be sure it was real. She said that didn't hurt her much; her pain thresholds are set at levels appropriate for the resilience of her body. It was a weirdly intimate experience!
Elle told her "When your second transition is finished, you'll be about as strong and resilient as I am." And she'd encouraged Ruth and Stef to ask questions.
Ruth asked, "Will I have a sponsor? Like at Dorley?"
Elle smiled a little and said, "Well, I will be your sire, which is something a little like a sponsor. But I have other duties, and won't be able to give you much intensive attention for a while. We... take a more 'it takes a village' approach here. In one sense you will have no sponsor here, and in another sense everyone here will be your sponsor. There aren't very many of us - Dorley is big compared to our institution! - and everyone here knows who you are, and that you're new. You will receive education and instruction from others according to their specialities and responsibilities, and Headmistress Sylvia will have authority over you on a day to day basis. If you have a question or a concern or a problem or a need, I encourage you to simply go to any of your Sisters. I think you'll find that we are an institution very full of love, where everyone will support you in the way a Sister should. I have tried very hard to make it so, and I think I have succeeded. For anything major, Headmistress Sylvia will be the person you should go to. And I think you may be able to look to Stefanie as a kind of older sister? She seems to have a talent for that role in contexts like this."
Ruth had a concern.
After the second transition... Would she be repelled by crosses? Would she be unable to enter a church? Would the blood and body of Christ offered in communion burn her mouth? Would holy water burn her? Would she be unable to pray? Would she be unable to speak the name of Jesus Christ?
Elle explained how the 'vampires are repelled by crosses' thing works; mostly it doesn't work that way, occasionally in the hands of a special kind of person a symbol like a cross can have the power to harm vampires, but it isn't anything inherent in the cross, it's more like the cross acts as a prosthetic for channeling a sort of psionic attack, or something like that. Annaliese was there, and Elle prompted her to describe her experience in the Russian revolution, when a Soviet soldier had held one of her previous masters off with a Red Star, and driven him to his knees and made him bleed by quoting Marx and Lenin at him.
Elle said, "Sometimes it does happen that a vampire will become repelled by crosses, unable to enter churches, and the like. Older vampires often have that disability. But it's not anything inherent to those things. It's... self-hatred. They've internalized human prejudices about themselves. They've internalized the idea that they're unholy, unclean, inherently bad, inherently deserving of exclusion, that God has stopped loving them. So symbols of God's love hurt them. But there's no reason for that to happen to you." And Elle walked over to where Ruth was sitting, asked permission to put a hand on her shoulder, and when it was granted did so and squeezed a little to make her feel the contact, and said, "Just remember that God loves you."
Elle assumed Stef would be the "older sister" in the relationship, but actually if anything Ruth seems to be coasting through her second transition more smoothly.
Part of it is that being human wasn't painful to Stef in the way it was to Ruth. Ruth physically feels better than she can ever remember feeling in her life! Her back and limbs and joints don't ache anymore! Her stomach doesn't hurt anymore! She has so much energy now! Annaliese told her she wasn't very healthy when she was human; Annaliese could smell that. Is this what normal young people feel like most of the time? It's wonderful!
Ruth gravitates toward socializing a lot with the old girls, the ones who mostly look like twenty-somethings but are actually in their forties, fifties, and sometimes even sixties. And she gets along well with Annaliese. Ruth and Annaliese don't talk very much, but they like to sit together knitting (a hobby and skill Ruth picked up from Pamela), not talking much but passively enjoying each other's proximity, sometimes passing materials and tools to each other while communicating more with gestures than words. Annaliese once told her it reminded her of when she was human; her human self was non-verbal and used to communicate with people by pointing and other gestures.
Ruth talks to Pamela over the phone often. The cover story most of the human Dorley girls have been given is that Ruth has been given normal employment with the human world side of Elle's business, so she's allowed to do that. There's a girl there to act as a minder to make sure Ruth doesn't say anything that might hint at the vampire thing, but she gets to talk to Pamela. Some of the old girls know Pamela, and wish they could still talk to her too. They're not allowed to, because their voices might give away that something strange is happening; they don't sound like the old women they really are, they still have the voices of the young women they were when they did their second transition. That's kind of sad, Ruth sympathizes with them. It makes her kind of glad she didn't make any close friends her own age when she was at Dorley.
The main discomfort Ruth has with the graduate school so far is... they're so free about sex! They do... things with each other that Ruth very firmly has not participated in. It's another point where Ruth relates better to the old girls; they say when they were young there used to be more discretion about that kind of thing in the graduate school, and a lot of them are not fully comfortable with the new way of doing things. Thankfully, everybody is polite and kind and understanding about her not wanting to... do certain things. There are other girls who aren't interested in such things, and everybody's fine with them not being interested. There doesn't seem to be anything like the sexuality adjustment sessions here, which is nice!
The others have been forbidden by Elle and Headmistress Sylvia to tell Ruth this, but... the graduate school does have its own equivalent of that, in a way. You have to participate in a... There's a clinical-sounding term for it, a "type 3 field extraction," but it's a euphemism for killing a human by drinking up their blood. Usually the victim is a wash-out from Dorley. Elle makes everyone do it at least once sooner or later. Most of them are mentally wincing in empathy with how Ruth and Stef are going to react to learning about this. Some of the girls take it in stride. Some even enjoy it, find it cathartic. Some of them even develop a taste for the kill. Elle has uses for those. But they don't think Ruth and Stef are going to be like that. They seem really nice! More like the ones who are horrified when they learn about it, and shiver with revulsion and cry and need comfort after they've done it, and probably are only able to do it because of Elle's brainwashing.
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The Goonies: The Characters
No matter how good a story is, how great the cinematography, or how subversive the genre-usage, a movie cannot stand without use of characters.
Characters are perhaps the most vital element of any story ever told.  An interesting plot helps a movie greatly, but without a use of compelling characters, it falls flat on an audience who doesn’t care about the well-being of the people pushing the story forward.  Viewers need flawed, interesting people, moving the story and trying to overcome conflict, in order for a movie to feel satisfying.
Or, they can have a bunch of bickering children stumbling and screaming their way through caves, led by Head Goonie: Michael “Mikey” Walsh.
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Only Sane Man Mikey is the glue of the group, bringing the Goonies together in an adventure, instead of just a bunch of kids hanging out in someone’s living room.  He’s got the initiative, he’s the Determinator, and the Leader, and also, surprisingly, the Heart, in a rare combination.  He’s the one jumping at the call, the Kid Hero armed with the Rousing Speeches in his desperate attempt to save the Goondocks.  It would have been easy to make Mikey the most boring of the bunch, but he’s not, if anything, he’s the most interesting.  He’s certainly the most inspiring.
Mikey is the driving force of the entire story.  Despite the fact that he was reluctant to let his friends in the attic in the first place, once he’s there, he’s instantly pushing for his end goal.  As much as Data is the inventor of the group, when you get right down to it, Mikey is probably the smartest of the bunch.  It’s Mikey who figures out where they need to go, Mikey who leads the Goonies through the tunnels, Mikey who convinces them to persevere, to not ride up Troy’s bucket, to leave Willy’s private stash alone.
He’s dedicated to the point of almost insanity at times, judging from how Brand has to pull him back from going back after the treasure when the cave collapses.  He’s also very interested in One-Eyed Willy himself, and acts like he knows him, or understands him, anyway.
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“One-Eyed Willy. Hello. I’m Mike Walsh, you’ve been expecting me. Haven’t you? Well, I made it. I beat you. I got here in once piece. So far. So, that’s why they call you One-Eyed Willy. One-Eyed Willy. We had a lot in common, huh, Willy? You know something Willy? You were the first Goonie.”
Apparently, Mikey sees a little bit of himself in this pirate, perhaps as a fellow leader or adventurer, or even a fellow outsider.
Like I said, Mikey could have been the blandest character in the bunch: just filling in as ‘the leader’ of the group, but instead, he’s as quirky as they come.
Despite the fact that this is an ensemble film, with every character sharing about the same amount of screentime, Mikey is clearly the protagonist, no questions asked.  He is the character with the goal here, and as much as it benefits everyone else, it’s clearly his mission, his quest.  The others are just along for the ride.  Mikey is the character the audience is meant to identify with the most: he gets the most insightful dialogue and we as viewers identify more strongly with him as a character.  
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Although he’s one of the last characters introduced to the audience, it’s very clear right away who the story is about based simply on the Protagonist Problem: basically, do they have one?  And while it’s clear that the other Goonies aren’t happy about moving away, none of them are taking it as hard as Mikey is.  He is, immediately, the character with a Problem, and he’s also the only one to jump at a solution.
He’s the idealist.  He’s cool under pressure (for the most part).  He easily takes charge, despite his tamer personality in comparison with the others, even over the older kids, and he’s nice to boot.  His goals are easily defined, he’s active, going after his goals and overcoming obstacles, he seems to be the perfect protagonist, if it wasn’t for one thing…
Mikey never really changes.
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Sure, he throws away his inhaler by the end, which could be interpreted as symbolic of development, but honestly, Mikey is very much the same kid at the end of the film that he was at the beginning.  Same personality, same worldview…even the same goals, which is another big protagonist no-no.
Most great protagonists have goals that change from beginning to end of the film, as a sign of their own developing character, but Mikey never does.  Instead, he ends the film getting exactly what he initially set out to get: enough money to save the Goondocks.  Sure, he has the relatively minor goal along the way of ‘staying alive’, but in the grand scheme of narrative stakes, to Mikey, clearly the treasure is all that matters.
The question is…is this a bad thing?
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The thing is, Mikey is only one in a group of seven main characters, and while some of them have more screen time than others, when you come down to it, that’s a lot of characters to balance, meaning a lot of dialogue split up, and a lot of audience focus divided.  In other words: Mikey doesn’t get development because he doesn’t have time.  There’s just too much going on for the audience to stack character growth on top of it.
While there’s not nearly enough time from a script perspective, there’s also just no time from a linear perspective, either.
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The story of The Goonies takes place around, give or take, a day, and while there are a few stories where development is done over that time, (Such as 12 Angry Men, actually) the fact is, twenty four hours is a really short period of time to change who you are as a person, or even change your goals.  It’s very difficult to cram in the story, the characters, and everything else in such a short time span, and heap a deep, meaningful character arc on top of it.  There’s just no time.
So, does that damage the film?
Not really.  Like I said in the genre article, The Goonies is a roller-coaster adventure of a film, without much in breaks.  There’s a lot going on all at the same time, and honestly, in order to keep the pace up, it’s for the betterment of the film that they didn’t try to cram Mikey’s character development within.
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To be fair, it’s not as though he doesn’t change at all.  But he changes about as much as the rest of the cast do, in very similar ways: kind of like his brother.
Brandon “Brand” Walsh fills out the other side of the sibling dynamic between himself and Mikey, the older brother who gets annoyed with him, but is also supposed to be taking care of him.  As much as he starts out the film looking like he’s at least trying to be an Aloof Big Brother, when the chips are down, his Big Brother Instinct comes out, protecting Mikey from actual danger.  Beginning the film as somewhat of a Butt-Monkey, ending up Hoisted by his Own Petard in the form of his exercise equipment, at first, Brand looks like he’s not really going to be terribly involved in Mikey’s Goonie adventure.
In the end, though, Brand turns out to be One of the Kids.  But for careful viewers, that’s not really a surprise.
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Even Brand’s first scene, where he interacts with Mikey, it’s pretty clear that although there’s a bickering dynamic between them, there’s also sympathy and affection.  Brand knows that Mikey doesn’t want to leave, he understands and he tells him so.  He hugs him and brings him inside when Mr. Perkins comes by with the papers to sign over the house.  And sure, Brand bullies him a little and shoves him around and Mikey repays the favor by tying him to a chair with his own exercise equipment and running off, but that’s typical sibling stuff, as anyone with siblings can tell you.
Although Brand does initially try to ‘take charge’ and occasionally gives the marching orders, in the end, he leaves most of the leading to Mikey, which is a little strange.  Once or twice he takes over, and is the most protective of the group, but while he may do most of the ‘planning’ here, he lets Mikey’s goals and priorities take center stage for a while.
Brand’s other chief ‘item of note’ concerning characterization is, of course, his relationship with Andy.
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It’s mentioned fairly early on into the film that Brand is supposed to go out with her, and we see her once or twice, but it isn’t until she and Stef show up to check on Brand that we get to see any of that relationship.  It’s sweet enough, aside from them constantly choosing the wrong time and place to attempt a first kiss, with Brand taking a side-role of protector for Andy specifically, again, showcasing that defensive side that comes in handy for the rest of the group from time to time.
But there’s more to the Goonies than the Walsh kids.
Probably the most recognizable of the characters from The Goonies is Lawrence “Chunk” Cohen.
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Chunk has most of the most memorable lines and scenes in the film, elevating himself in pop culture beyond simply the ‘Fat Comic Relief’ and klutzy, cowardly character that the movie seems to be pigeonholing him into at first.  See, even though Mikey’s the one with the goal and character arc concerning the treasure, Chunk’s character arc revolves around the Fratellis.
Of all the Goonies, Chunk is the first one to get involved in the story.  He is the first character we see indirectly interact with the villains of the story, when he spots the car chase, and by the end of the film, he is the character that has interacted with them the most, being drug around, interrogated, and locked up by them as a result of being left behind by the rest.  Fittingly, his arc has very little to do with One Eyed Willy, and everything to do with the criminal family that he happens to fall into, to the point where they’re almost his arch-nemeses instead of the rest of the Goonies.
While an initial viewing could give viewers a very basic impression of Chunk as just the ‘token fat kid’ of the group, the fact is, he is one of the only characters who gets any real growth.
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Chunk is established almost right away as the Boy Who Cried Wolf, a teller of tall-tales that have rendered him completely unbelievable to his friends and the local police force.  By the time he has an actual story to tell, nobody around him is ready to buy it, and honestly, it’s hard to blame them.  Some of his stories do sound ridiculous, and even the one that he’s telling now about the Fratellis would be hard to believe, if the audience didn’t know for certain that he was telling the truth.  Of course, although he is able to feel vindicated when the Goonies discover he’s telling the truth, his tendencies to exaggerate backfire on him spectacularly when the police don’t believe he’s in trouble, and he’s left on his own.
Well, not quite on his own, but more on that in a minute.
Chunk primarily holds up the B-plot of the film on the villain’s side, arriving at the end to play hero and bail the rest of the Goonies out, proving to them, and then the rest of the authorities at the end, that this time, he was right, and proving his bravery after an entire film of attempting to chicken out.  But as impressive as his last-minute heroism is, Chunk isn’t in this alone.
Despite being separated from the group fairly early on, sparing them from his complaints, hunger, and clumsiness, Chunk finds another ally in Sloth, the Fratellis’ brother, and befriends him, forming the ‘Brains’ to Sloth’s brawn, coming in to save the day and even adopting him at the end of the film.
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Chunk is the most memorable Goonie, not just for the Hawaiian shirt and plaid-pants combo that he’s rocking, but because he has a lot of very memorable and iconic scenes, possessing a pretty unforgettable (and loud!) personality and an arc: from zero to hero, when nobody, not even his fellow Goonies, expected it, complaining through the entire early adventure, and overall displaying an overwhelming desire to Not Be Here, making it all the more impressive when he goes after them with Sloth to rescue them.
But there’s more to the Goonies than just the leader and the breakout role.
Clark “Mouth” Devereaux is not the easiest kid to get along with.  A Deadpan Snarker Jerk with a Heart of Gold, Mouth is the member of the cast with potentially the most Meaningful Name: he never shuts up.  A classic case of ‘With Friends Like These…’, Mouth comes across like the most antagonistic character in the film other than the actual villains at times, abrasive and loud, bullying the rest of the group and picking fights with Stef.
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Unfortunately, Mouth’s…mouth, can get him into trouble.  Quite often, in fact, like when he can’t let well enough alone and ends up getting threatened with having his tongue cut out.
With that said, though, Mouth does have his uses, and they’re not all to do with smuggling treasure in his most distinctive trait.
Fittingly, language is where he comes in handy: he’s the only one who can read (and speak) Spanish, leaving him as the obvious choice to translate the map, and also to translate the Walsh’s housekeeper’s exclamations that the treasure is not entirely lost.  Without him, the treasure hunt is impossible.
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Mouth may want the treasure as badly as the rest of them do, but he is far less idealistic than Mikey is about it.  He’s the last of the kids to believe Mikey in the beginning, and while it can be chalked up to his overall personality, there is a dash or two of Hidden Depths implied about him, notably in the wishing-well sequence:
“Yeah, but you know what? This one, this one right here. This was my dream, my wish. And it didn’t come true. So I’m taking it back. I’m taking them all back.”
Armed with a comb and occasionally appearing as though he’s deliberately striking a pose in order to look cool, Mouth is actually one of the first to start falling apart when their lives are in danger, crying and panicking with the best of them.  (Again, he’s only thirteen.)
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Despite having the loudest personality, Mouth is content to let Mikey lead the group, hanging back and picking on all of them, but by no means not one of them.
There is, of course, one more thing of note about Mouth as a character, and that is his dynamic with Stef.  The pair carry a belligerent tension, bickering and snapping at each other throughout most of the film before demonstrating genuine affection towards each other (with a deleted scene referenced involving Stef promising to keep Mouth alive when they get pushed off the plank).  It’s a hint at something going on between them for sure, but it’s also a fairly good example of Mouth’s relationships with everybody: he’s a lot more bark than bite, irritating and loud for sure, but a loyal friend who’s more than ready to help you look for treasure, even if he doesn’t 100% believe in it at first.
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Like the rest, he doesn’t change a whole lot from beginning to end, with the adventure perhaps simply knocking some of his cockiness away and even leaving him a little nicer, but again, just like Mikey, it’s hard to say: this is all over the course of one, very exciting day.  More on that later, though.
After all, Mouth’s hardly the last Goonie of the bunch.
Richard “Data” Wang is the inventor of all things Awesome but Impractical, falling somewhere between Bungled Inventor and Gadgeteer Genius.  The Smart Guy, Data is good with his Homemade Inventions for sure, but there’s a bit more to him than that.
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While the other Goonies (especially Chunk and Mouth) can best be remembered for being annoying or clumsy, or dropping things, or talking too much or too loudly, or setting off booby traps, Data is actually pretty even-keel.  He’s excitable, and he really doesn’t want to move to Detroit, but overall, he’s fairly content to be the least talkative Goonie, letting his Dynamic Entries speak for themselves.
He’s a smart kid, and he actually is the only one who one-ups the Fratellis at any time, using his inventions to trip them up and hurt them, after the same inventions saved his life earlier.  Data certainly does have a flair for the dramatic (best seen when telling Mikey that he won’t be taken alive) and is an energetic kid, proving himself as reckless as the rest, but he has a good head on his shoulders.  He’s the one who discovers the counterfeit machine, and it’s fairly safe to say that without him and his Slick Shoes, the Goonies probably wouldn’t have made it out alive.
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Like the others, Data doesn’t change much – in fact, he probably changes the least.  This could be due to the fact that again, this is all over the course of roughly 24 hours, but it’s also possibly just a side-effect of being the most even-keeled of the bunch: he’s quieter, and therefore, we hear less from him, meaning we see less of his flaws.  Still though, Data’s a solid character, hugely entertaining, likeable, and memorable.
Now for the other outliers:
Andrea “Andy” Carmichael begins the story as first The Cheerleader and Dude Magnet, and then The Load.  Clearly not used to this style of Goonie Adventure, Andy kind of becomes a Hysterical Woman throughout a good portion of the journey, needing to be comforted a few times in order to keep her head.  It’s hard to blame her: between the skeletons, the guns, and getting locked in a tunnel is pretty frightening, but Andy doesn’t do a whole lot (especially early on, during her Heroic BSoD) and manages to not retain much of a personality throughout most of the film, chiefly appearing at first to serve as a token female character and to be in love with Brand.
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But there is more to her than that.  
Even early on, Andy demonstrates a little more backbone when she elbows Troy in the lip and ditches him to go find Brand, and although she initially just follows the Goonies to hang out with Brand (and then to escape the Fratellis), she ends up becoming one of them when she makes the choice to stay instead of riding up the wishing well, sending up his letterman jacket instead.  It’s a big step for her, a demonstration of her true alliances (a deleted scene was to include her being sworn in as an official Goonie at this point, actually), and sets her up for the rest of the film as being more ready and willing to actively participate in the adventure.
Near the end, Andy has to come through to save everyone, as she’s the only one who can play the piano even a little bit, and it falls on her to play the bone organ in order to get them away from the Fratellis and towards the treasure.
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Andy actually has some more growth than a few of the others: she steadies out and truly does change, becoming a true Goonie by the end of the film, proving herself more capable than when she began.  Although she doesn’t seem to have a stake in the treasure, she’s just as determined by the end to get it, and celebrates with the rest of them by the end.
In a way, she shares that with the other Goonie outlier: Stef.
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Stephanie “Stef” Steinbrenner doesn’t really seem to serve a whole lot of purpose within the story besides being another girl Goonie so there isn’t just one.  She’s a friend of Andy’s, the Tomboy to her Girly Girl, who splits off to join her to find Brand and then ends up swept along with the rest of the adventure, and there doesn’t seem to be much more to her than that.  She’s a Sarcastic Devotee, who feels Surrounded by Idiots: she trades snark with the best of them and tends to feel (rightfully so) that the people she’s around aren’t exactly geniuses.  She’s loyal though, and sticks by Andy and the other Goonies until the end, proving just as determined to get to the treasure and get out alive as the others.
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Stef serves as a reality check, another cynic who’s just as frightened as the rest of them, like Andy, without a stake in the final treasure, and while she’s never officially branded a Goonie, the implication by the end is clear.  She sort of takes on a belligerent ‘big sister’ role throughout most of the film, and although she doesn’t have much of an arc, she is entertaining to watch, which honestly sums up the entire cast pretty well.
The characters of The Goonies do not exactly ‘grow’.  There are small things: Andy’s growing courage, Chunk being finally right, Mikey’s growth as a leader, Data’s inventions being useful, Mouth taking some of his snarky edge off, and Brand being a better big brother, but honestly, these are very minor things in the grand scheme of the story.
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The characters in The Goonies are not deep, whether it’s the actual Goonies themselves or the villainous Fratellis, who are mostly characterized by striking a balance between being comedic and being a genuine threat.  There are no huge life-lessons being learned by these people, and they aren’t really doing a lot of growing so much as they are running for their lives.
In a film that is essentially a ‘roller coaster’, The Goonies is not designed to have seven major characters with fulfilling character arcs: like I said before, there’s simply no time.  It’d bog the story down for each character to have a moment of growth, to change significantly from beginning to end.  In this case, the best thing about the characters is actually their consistency from beginning to end: there’s little change, and as a result, the audience never has to recalibrate to something else going on within the story.
In other films, this would be a huge problem.
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A feature-length film where there is no discernible character change is typically not a good call, but in this case, it works for multiple reasons.  The story is too fast paced and focused on too much to allow for consistent breaks in plot that allow for character moments, and with the extremely short timespan, a big change would actually come across as forced and unrealistic.  The characters are children forced into a tight spot, where their chief concern is their own lives.  There simply isn’t the option open for development.
However, where the film lacks on ‘growth’ of characters, it makes up for in everything else.
The chief purpose of a character is to be there for the audience to like, to be invested in.  There are actually plenty of films where characters don’t change a lot, classic movies that are well-liked because the characters, although unchanging, are hugely entertaining and interesting.  Films like Back to the Future or Ferris Bueller’s Day Off don’t suffer from characters who don’t do any changing due to the fact that the main characters are fun to watch and have the audience’s attention and interest.
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Which is just what The Goonies does.
Everyone can find a Goonie to relate to: the leaders, the loudmouths, the geniuses, the attention-seekers, everyone has a place here, and even adults who have hopefully grown out of some of the more immature kid-like behavior, there’s still the glimmer of familiarity in these kids.  Like I mentioned before, we relate to these kids, and we want to see them win.
The Goonies as a story is designed to have simple, relatable characters for the audience to remember, and if that’s the goal, then it works perfectly.  There are no deep characters with complex motivations here, and that’s a good thing: it fits the tone of the film consistently and coherently.  Every character here is likeable in some way, memorable, for sure, and sticks with an audience enough that the audience wants to stick with them too, and wants them to succeed.
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In the end, the characters of The Goonies make you care about them, make you root for them.  They carry the story and do it all in a way that’s plenty of fun to watch, and when it comes down to it: that’s exactly what characters should do.
Whether you like or hate them, a character is there to make you care, and The Goonies certainly do their job.  They leave a strong impact, and as a result, we remember these characters and their quirks long after the movie is over for a reason.
Join me next time where we’ll be looking at the 80s cultural impact on the creation of The Goonies.  Thank you so much for reading, and I hope to see you in the next article.
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joviewinchester · 4 years
25 Days of Christmas Special!
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Oh my god. He’s so pretty. I need help. My mom literally told me I’m gonna end up marrying a criminal one day and I was like. Oh. Thanks, mom. We have good times. Like if I shift to the Vampire Diaries you best bet I am going to marry a criminal but like here, eh. Maybe. I’m probably on the FBI watchlist at this point. Side note, I love Caroline but she’s getting hard core dissed in this thing so like I guess that’s a warning. Also sorry that this one is a day late. I had writers block.
3.) Secret Santa
“Why did you invite him?” Caroline asked Y/N quietly.
“I don’t know why it’s such a big deal to you. He was literally trapped alone in a prison world for years of his life. He hasn’t had any pleasant Christmases.”
“Oh, I don’t know why I’d be upset that you brought a sociopath that murdered his entire family.”
“Yeah. I don’t know why you’d be upset either but we’re all here for secret Santa, so I guess you’ll just have to deal with it.” Y/N sassed.
“Yeah. Merry freaking Christmas. I have a sociopath and Damon Salvatore in our house. Our house Y/N. Ours.”
“You really shouldn’t be upset. I’m pretty sure l am the only person in this house right now who hasn’t killed someone. Also, you literally look like you want to murder me right now, so you and Kai have more in common than I thought.” Y/N said. She patted her older sister on the back before leaving the kitchen where Caroline insisted on a sidebar.
As Y/N walked into the sitting room, she heard Caroline groan in frustration.
“You do know that more than half of the room heard that conversation, right?” Damon asked as Y/N sat in between him and Kai.
“Yep. Do I care? No.”
“I think you’ve been hanging around those two too much, Y/N.” Bonnie said gesturing towards Damon and Kai.
“That hurts Bon Bon. It hurts.” Damon said sarcastically placing his hand over his chest. Bonnie smiled but rolled her eyes.
“Well, now you made Caroline into the Grinch, so hopefully she doesn’t take it out on the rest of us.” Elena said.
“I heard that!” Caroline yelled from the kitchen. They all laughed under their breath. Seconds later Caroline came out of the kitchen carrying cookies, a light scowl planted on her face. It soon turned into a fake smile, you know one of those scary Caroline fake smiles.
“Hmm. I’m fine. I’m totally fine. This’ll be the best secret Santa ever. Who knows? Might even top Friendsgiving where Jo almost died on the couch. Such low expectations to meet. It has to be better, right? Right?”
“Okay. Okay. Let’s just put down the hot tray of cookies. That’s it.” Stefan said patting her on the shoulder.
Caroline let out a sigh, trying to calm herself. “So, let’s get started.”
The tension in the air was thick. Kai hadn’t said a word. Every time Y/N looked over he was on Twitter. At one point she almost laughed because she saw him looking at Ralph Macchio’s Twitter.
“Okay so, everyone knows how this works right? Give the person’s name you drew last week the gift. It’s simple seriously. If you don’t know how this works you’re an idiot.” Caroline said.
“Okay. So, the passive aggressive attitude hasn’t passed has it?” Y/N asked.
Caroline rolled her eyes. “Let’s just get this over with. Also, I’d appreciate if you found somewhere else to stay at tonight.”
“Rude. Yo, Damon, can I stay in one of the spare bedrooms tonight?”
“Sure. Problem solved blondie.” He said addressing Caroline in her least favorite way. She scoffed.
“I don’t get a say? It’s my house too.” Stefan chimed in.
“Do you have something to say to me there, Stef?” Y/N asked.
“No, I would just like for my brother to console me before having someone spend the night in my house.”
“Our house Stefan. Ours.”
“Oh lovely. Just what we need! Another sibling feud!” Elena exlclaimed.
“Okay, you know what? I’m just gonna go. I don’t want in the middle of this whatsoever. Elena, are you coming?” Bonnie asked.
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” She said following Bonnie out the door.
“Great! Look what you did, Y/N!”
“What I did?! You’re the one that’s being a bitch!”
“You did not just go there!”
“I’m the oldest one Stefan! I make the decisions!”
“Well you sure don’t act like it, Damon!”
The arguments overlapped as Kai stood in the corner observing.
“Heh. Just how Christmas was at my house.” Kai smirked to himself.
Kai didn’t quite catch what was said that caused it to happen, but Y/N punched Caroline in the face.
She gasped popping her broken nose back in place. “Jerk!” She exclaimed.
“Bitch!” Y/N said back. She flipped her off and ran upstairs. Minutes later she came back down carrying a bag of essentials. “Have fun telling mom why I’m not home by curfew, you dumbass! Come on, Kai.”
He chuckled to himself a bit, then followed her. Not long after, they had arrived at Kai’s apartment.
“You coming in or what? You’re staying here now right?” He asked.
“I was just gonna like sleep in my car, but since your offering…”
“You’re welcome anytime your sister’s being stuck up and bitchy.”
“Oh so literally 24/7? Thanks.” She joked.
“Sorry you had to listen to that.” She muttered as they entered the building.
“Eh. I’m used to it.”
They entered his apartment. Y/N threw her stuff beside the couch. There was an awkward moment of silence before Kai broke it.
“I’m hungry. Are you hungry?”
“Yeah. You wanna go to the Grill or something?”
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
They drove to the Grill and entered to see Damon at the bar drinking whiskey. What else was new?
“Stef kick you out of the house?” Y/N joked.
“Oh ha ha, Y/N. No, I just don’t want to deal with his bullshit. Well, would you look at that? You brought the psychopath with you.”
“Sociopath.” Kai corrected. The door swung open revealing Bonnie and Elena.
“Wow. We all try to avoid each other and end up in the same place.” Elena said.
“Well, merry freaking Christmas and a happy new year. My sister hates me. It’s 7:00 pm and I’m drinking. And I haven’t even stabbed anyone with a candy cane yet. I’ve always wanted to do that.” She mumbled the last sentence to herself. She downed a shot.
“Also you aren’t even 21 and are drinking in a public place.” Elena added. Y/N glared at her.
“You know, I’m starting to worry about your violent tendencies.” Bonnie stated.
“I think it suits her.” Damon smirked.
“I definitely agree with Damon for once in my life. It’s hot.”
Y/N elbowed Kai in the ribs.
“Ow. Why didn’t he get elbowed?” Kai complained.
“He wasn’t flirting with me.”
Y/N ordered some chicken strips and French fries from Matt.
“You’re such a child.” Damon said. “Oh I’m sorry I would rather eat chicken strips than a salad or a blood bag. I’m not a vampire or a real adult, Damon. You should know that by now.”
“Oh yeah. I forgot in the midst of everything. Merry Christmas, Kai.” Y/N handed him a Walkman and a cassette. “I made you a mixtape. I understand if you don’t like use it or anything but…”
“No, Y/N, I like it. Thanks…Wow. Ugh, I’m having that mushy feeling again. Gross. Feelings are hard.”
Bonnie and Elena gave each other a look. “Damon, let’s go play pool or something.” Bonnie said. Her and Elena forced him to get up.
Once they got over to the pool table, Damon glared at them. “No. No. No. We were doing damage control. Are you two seriously going to let your best friend fall in love with him?”
“Look, this could potentially make him less of a threat. Wouldn’t you like to let the issue fix itself for once? Kai has feelings now. He is in love with her. We keep it that way, he might not go on another murderous rampage.”
“How did you say that so nonchalantly? He has feelings because he literally killed his brother.” Damon said gesturing toward him.
“Oh god. They’re making out. That is literally disgusting. How are you all okay with this?”
“I don’t want to do something for once. I agree with Elena. Let the problem fix itself.” Bonnie said.
“You know what? Fine. I won’t interfere. I’ll just be watching. I’ll l be waiting because sooner or later this is going to bite you both in the ass, just like when she was with Kol. The cycle is repeating, and I’m not helping this time when you just ‘leave it alone’”
Damon left, and Bonnie and Elena both shrugged and started playing pool. “Merry Christmas Elena.” “Merry Christmas Bonnie.”
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One thing that needs to change after olympic break is Ruthy minutes. She was the best player when Candace, Allie and Stef were out and for her to only get 4 minutes is just horrible. I think minute management as a whole needs to improve. Ruthy and Allie need to play more, Sloot, Allie and Stef need to play more together, players need to be sat when they're not playing well and players need to play 25+ minutes when they're playing well
yeah, like, I know it's hard to get her too many minutes when stef is having a good night offensively, but ruthy seems to be the last choice big now and it seems like a mistake. idk, it's not like charles is a good match up for her but she could definitely go toe to toe with plaisance or gustafson! there's not a very good reason that astou should be getting more minutes than her unless astou is able to come in and exploit a specific matchup (which she sometimes can, just not tonight). and to be honest, z hasn't been great this year. she misses so many layups that we all know ruthy would...not. if she was playing like she did last season before her injury then i would understand it cutting into ruthy's time. but she's been pretty rough!
with the way she played when stef and candace were out, I thought ruthy earned more minutes than she's been getting.
part of the reason the minutes aren't working imo is because unless there's foul trouble he often takes too long to make subs. they started that third quarter TERRIBLY and he still didn't make a sub until like 6 minutes in! and it was allie and then he played her pretty much the entire rest of the game without much of a break. she was excellent today and yet the only reason she made it above 25 minutes (i think she had 28?) was because she played all of ot. and she was gassed at the end because of the way he works those minutes
i know it's not as simple as saying to just sub at the 3 or 4 minute mark, but when you have no flow to start, it's better to start subbing early so starters can get rest when they're not producing anyway, and then you can see if anyone off the bench can get something going. it's not anything crazy, that's just like normal basketball stuff? and it gives you the chance to put your starters back in down the stretch without them being exhausted OR you have the chance to give those productive bench players a couple minutes rest before putting them back in to close out if you want. keeping the starters in so long means that they overcommit and have fewer options later in the game, or everyone is too tired!
it's like sometimes they're only using the bench players as placeholders until the starters can get their breath back, not using them as actual players who bring their own skills and be productive. tonight was one of the first times I actually felt like they played allie appropriately and not as a placeholder for diamond/kah. and they still stopped running plays for her down the stretch.
also only vaguely related, but i thought of it when you said we need more stef-sloot-Q combo minutes. the sloot and stef pick and roll worked SO well tonight and they need to use both that and the stef and allie pick and roll way more. surefire plays to get the offense rolling. especially when stef and allie are both hot at the same time like today
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angesaurus · 4 years
What is the floating thing you talk about doing?
A few people have questioned this so I’m including them and then two pictures.
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@stef-eee @atreegrowsintx @zerocarb
Floating is when you lay in water that is filled with like 1200 pounds of epsom salt and you quite quite literally float on top of the water. You won’t drown, you won’t sink. The salt holds you up the entire time. And you just lay there. It is GLORIOUS. Many float spas have pods that you lay in that are scary looking (they remind me of coffins honestly) but MY float spa is more like a big bathtub! And it’s private - you’re in a room alone and the tank is in the room with you. It has a shower door and it doesn’t feel claustrophobic. You climb in and then lay in the tub. You can keep the lights off, dim the lights, have colored lights. You can do silence or spa music (or your own music but really you should do music without words). Basically total sensory deprivation if you want. That’s how I like it. Some people fall asleep (I never have, I tend to meditate). It is AMAZING.
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And the benefits on your mind and skin is great too. I personally think it does great stuff to my hair too. You shower before, shower after, and the whole thing is totally filtered through and cleaned so it’s not gross. My place is super amazing and awesome about cleansliness etc. it’s recommended you do it naked (I do) but some people wear their bathing suit. I also use ear plugs because my ears don’t like getting water in them and they have a pillow thing you can use to keep your neck straight which I also use.
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It is one of the few things that helps me with my anxiety. I love it so much!!
Also @stef-eee I like root beer floats too so I’m totally okay with that 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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lgcyonghwa · 4 years
happy anniversary!
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warning: this post is LONG AF! next year i am so not gonna do this - will make a graphic or something instead - because i legit typed for hours. don’t feel obligated to read the whole thing - feel free to scroll down to the sections where you are mentioned. 
holy ravioli, i can’t believe legacy is turning one! the last year was chaotic for me real life wise and legacy provided a great place to escape and enjoy writing with my friends. i chatted with so many of you wonderful people and have no doubt i’ll be missing some on this list. if i happen to skip you by accident, just know i love you anyway.
both of my muses went through a lot. yonghwa i’ve had since the very beginning and his journey did turn out differently than i expected. i created him to be perfect on the outside, slowly rotting on the inside. he has a lot of insecurities that he refuse to acknowledge and a crippling greed for money...to the point i legit created a list of free stuff available at legacy and still track his earning. he ended up not deteriorating horribly as i expected due to having an overwhelmingly strong support system. dang it, y’all, i wanted to fuck up my character. 
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as for daehyung, he’s proven to be the ticking time bomb comedic relief asshole that everyone can’t help but respect for not having his ass kicked out of the company already love - he’ll continue to be a pest and harass people that he find fancy in. career wise, i am surprised he is doing so well despite hating the world and most of the people in it. guess deep down inside he actually cares about acting and finds joy in it. one day, hopefully, he’ll be singing his own ost. 
i would like to thank our cute sara, who played yonghwa’s brother @lgcyoon​ and currently plays @lgcseojin and @lgchana​~ sara was one of the first people i plotted with at legacy and i really enjoyed the friendship between seojin & yonghwa. seojin was an adorable tsundere pupper and yonghwa is over-affectionate and secretly appreciated. they had their ups and downs and in season 2 of the future dreams, that really came out. i am glad they were able to work through their issues and i think that is why their friendship feels so believable to him. seojin also had a part in daehyung’s life...can we get that communal shower yet, buddy? yoon, though you are too busy to play him now, will always be yonghwa’s doting older brother. i don’t think i’ll put up that wanted connection again because yoon is so perfect and yonghwa already latched onto him with both legs and arms. 
second up, i gotta thank my girl gabby for always being there. @lgcparkdohyun and yonghwa’s brotherly bond is incredibly strong and in fact, one of my best plots to date. we’ve essentially plotted them out from diaper days and they are as close as two guys could be without screwing each other, really. we’ve also been here since the beginning together and high fives man, our boys technically both made it. 
@lgcxcharlie is yonghwa’s supportive girlfriend and she is so adorable. a much needed ray of light in his life. funny thing is that they met a long time ago, via bread. did charlie know that she’ll end up getting a boyfriend out of her kind bread donation? see, this is what happens when you feed a hungry cat - he’ll keep following you for more. now you are just going to have to keep him~
for my beloved rose who plays @lgcjude, @lgcjina and @lgcwon, i love youuu. with them on tour together and sharing a room, i hope jude is not annoyed yet by the fact yonghwa keeps on climbing into his bed. as for jina - hello, fellow season one winner, high fives. they might have to keep some distance due to opposite gender, but at least they’ll always have that respect for each other. now won, sorry, the devil is never letting you gooooooo. he’ll continue to harass you for years to come. 
@lgcseolmi​ + @lgcichika​ & @lgckit​ - my typo queen nam~ we haven’t known each other for very long but damn did you rise quickly on my favoritism list. i love you lots, even though you are a dork who can’t spell anything right! :3c we’ve threaded already with the girls and now i am waiting for the new baby boy!
my al is the best person for cat gifs ever. every so often, i’d get a cute gif and feel my happiness grow. in fact, like we talked before, you send me so many cat pics that i believe you are a cat and will treat you like one. pet pet pet pet! @lgcinsoo​ and @lgcyue​ are both great babies, but you know i have bias towards our insoo. he is such a kind, loving puppy and both of my characters appreciate him. one more obviously than the other. 
em, how the hell do you post so fast even though you got three characters? also, how on the earth have we managed to talk so long without doing a single thread together? oh wait, shoot, it is me isn’t it? @lgcaaron​ is still waiting on his starter and my ass typed this long af thank you note instead of that hohoho-
i still have so many boys i want to interact with for the project origin group but those i’ve already had a chance to thread with, i’ve all loved. our @lgcxpv​ is a wild child but so precious in yonghwa’s eyes. we’ll always have their shower scene to reflect back on. also, your precious max is one of dae’s only semi-acknowledged friends. our @lgcxhaneul​ is the sweet mandu that will keep on getting squished by his loving hyung. we love @lgcseul​ who deserves all the hugs and @lgcminjun​, who will definitely become one of yonghwa’s favorites. @lgcjiho​ & @lgcharu​ are both soft cute boys that i am still planning on hitting up more.
though we’ve only had one thread, i strangely really enjoyed the interaction between yonghwa and @lgceunho​. i feel like they still have more to explore and hopefully will find themselves together in a future event!
also jia, we’ve been around since the very beginning too. i miss writing together. @lgchyunjin​ should come and love on yonghwa more. ; v ; we are the early day boys ya knowwwww. i enjoyed chatting with you on twitter, can always count on you to be around liking people’s posts to show support. 
lately, i’ve also gotten to plot with @lgcsubin​, who is a sensitive boy with depth. i love his character and i hope to write more with you, nic! also, thanks for being around and asking what’s wrong whenever people are upset. i think it is so precious.
stef, i am so glad you joined legacy and see, it is fun, right? daehyung will continue to bully @lgcxjunghwan​ but he does it in an affectionate way, alright? love to lulu ( @lgcminseok​) & simone (@lgctee​) for always being there to chat about stuff~
jen, thanks for teaching me how to gif. i’ve enjoyed our chats via discord and we should do it again sometimes KEKEKEKEKE @lgcxjinah​ and @lgcxjongsuk​ both have their places on my character’s heart - i love them both!
here, i just want to acknowledge some of the people that dropped but still had a huge impact on yonghwa’s life. i don’t know how many of y’all will remember them, but back in the day, yonghwa had a best friend called kiyoung and a crush on yujin. when those two dropped at the same time, oh, that was a huge blow. thank them both for being a part of his life. also, jane was a heavy loss for me because i adore her quirkiness. bobby come back, you can blame it all on me. 
lastly, i want to thank all of the mods for their hard working maintaining the rp! thanks so much, legacy wouldn’t be fun without you! 
for the head admins, i have a few extra blurbs because we’ve been together for a whole year. for our admin l, you’ve worked hard. it is not easy to run events and i feel like i’ve definitely pushed you with some difficult questions before. i am glad we are friends and get to chat often about random tidbits. i am also happy you are taking time for yourself and taking care of real life concerns. your wellness is always the priority! character wise, i have a feeling @lgcmiso​ and daehyung will actually get along well~ 
marie because i can’t even remember what is your official admin letter OTL i just remember you as the mother of merlin and writer of @lgcxking​. it is not like i don’t like jin, but that king is the one i had the most threads with. i really love yonghwa and king interaction because in a place where everyone must be civil and friendly, their hate for each other is so damn refreshing. i still think five years from now on they’ll be friends, but not before trying to claw out each other’s eyeballs first over their smutty fanfics. sorry for keep harassing hyuncheol and calling him papi, please continue to feed me merlin content. he is the best boy. 
FINALLY admin g our grace you are so awesome. i can always count on you to hear me bitch for the two minutes before my angy fade and for last minute cramming. on the week before date lottery is due and i am wailing pathetically for my points, grace is always here to pull through! @lgchanbyul​ and yonghwa as on screen couple is actually pretty adorbs. also @lgcjaesun​, thanks for dealing with daehyung as a dorm mate. the devil is gone now but his influence will always be there
i have so many more people i want to mention but only so much time. just know i appreciate everyone. thanks for a great year, hopefully there’ll be many more!
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coneygoil · 5 years
The Home We Built Together, part 32
Two young Vikings. An arranged marriage. Hiccup always wanted to win the girl of his dreams, but not like this. Now he and Astrid must learn to live together and maybe one day, learn to love…
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9| Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31 | Interlude 
Writer’s note: This chapter felt like it took me forever! My creative inspiration went AWOL for a while and when it finally came back, it couldn't make up it's mind what it wanted to do. But, it's all good now. Big thank you to my lovely friend, Stef @chiefhiccstrid for reading over it when I wasn't feeling very confident about my writing! <3
The cove had become like a second home to them. Its seclusion made it homey and cozy and the perfect place to be. Even Toothless seemed to enjoy being there when he wasn’t chomping at the bit to go flying. The dragon looked forward to them visiting every day. He’d leave a wet, slobbery lick across Hiccup’s cheek. Astrid would laugh at her husband’s gross predicament and hand him the rag she usually carried now just for the occasion. Toothless knew better than to slobber on her. He’d nudge her with his nose, and she���d distribute scratches in his favorite spots. She’d catch out of the corner of her eye how Hiccup would watch them with a content little smile on his face.
When they weren’t flying or exploring, they hung around the cove playing with Toothless or doing weapons training or just lounging around. Toothless’ soft, warm belly was the perfect place to laze about watching the sky. Sometimes Astrid found herself lying on the ground with her head resting in Hiccup’s lap. She liked watching him from this angle – from any angle, really. She traced his jawline with her gaze, wondering if one day it’d be shaped differently. Everyone may look at him like he was a puny little twig, but Hiccup still had years to grow into a man. Astrid knew he wouldn’t stay like this -- just as she wouldn’t either. She wondered how he would change over the next few years. Would she even recognize the boy she married five years from now?
Astrid reached up, sweeping his long bangs aside. Her fingers lingered at his temple. “Looks like your hair needs a trim.”
Hiccup playfully flicked a strand of her bangs. “But I’m trying to adopt the broody warrior look you have going on.”
Astrid sat up, yanking the dagger from her boot. “I can cut it right here if you keep talking.”
“Okay, okay!” Hiccup held up his hands in defense as he got to his feet to put some distance between them. He gestured to her as he spoke to Toothless, “Such aggression in this one.”
Astrid glared and shook her head wearing a tiny smirk. She’d never bantered back and forth with anyone before. She’d watched the twins shoot back and forth all her life and couldn’t grasp why the silly ribbing they gave each other could be remotely fun. Now she knew.
Hopping up, Astrid nabbed her ax leaning against a boulder. “Going into the woods to work out.” She brushed by Hiccup, combing her fingers through his hair as she passed. He had the softest hair she’d ever seen on a Viking. Her fingers longed to dive into it. “Be back soon.”
He bid her bye. Astrid caught a glimpse of Toothless getting up, stretching like a lazy house cat as she jogged away. She’d probably come back to him and Hiccup wrestling or playing fetch.
Astrid climbed out the cove, ax strapped to her back—the trees unaware of their oncoming assault. Flinging her ax was invigorating. The thin coat of sweat that’d build up on her brow. The way her muscles opened, making her body feel lighter. Energized. She loved her workouts.
The ax sliced into the tree trunk with a satisfying split. Astrid jogged over and yanked it from the target, wood splinters spiking out from the trunk. A few more throws then she’d head back—
Astrid suddenly froze. Voices echoing in the distance caught her attention. She listened carefully, and within seconds recognized who the voices belonged to. Icy cold ran through her veins.
Oh no. Oh gods, NO!
She rushed toward the cove, ax firm in her grip. If it came down to protecting her husband and his dragon, she’d use it. The voices grew louder as she quickly approached, her fears confirmed. There were others in the cove with Hiccup and Toothless!
She slid through the narrow opening of the cove’s rocky lip. Pausing behind one of the boulders jutting up, she assessed the situation. Hiccup was atop Toothless, the dragon in a crouched, defensive position. Standing around them were the four other teens.
“You can control a Night Fury?” Tuffnut said in amazement. “What are you, some kind of wizard?”
“No, Tuff. I’m not a wizard. And I don’t control Toothless.”
Snotlout chortled in his obnoxious way. “Toothless! Haha-- that’s a dumb name!”
Toothless snarled directly at Snotlout, making him jump back with a shriek. The rest of the teens threw up their weapons. “I wouldn’t insult my dragon if I were you, Snotlout.”
Astrid took that as her cue to intervene. The situation could escalate and get out of control in an instant. Toothless could fire in defense or one of the teens could lash out. Either way, someone could get hurt or killed. She sprang down into the cove, her ax at the ready as she quickly approached the stand-off.
“If any of you so much as think about telling anyone about this, I will split you in half!”
“Woah! Woah! Astrid!” Hiccup’s alarmed cry rang through the cove.
“Astrid, you know about this!?” Fishlegs exclaimed.
“Astrid’s a co-conspirator!” Ruffnut blurted, looking ridiculously proud.
“Awesome!” Tuffnut high-fived his sister. “This keeps getting better and better!”
“Everybody!” Hiccup yelled above the cacophony. The other teens snapped their attention back to him, surprised by his outburst. “Let’s discuss this calmly. Why are you guys out here? How did you find us?”
“In the Great Hall a few days ago,” Fishlegs began to explain, “Bucket was talking about seeing a black dragon flying along the shore closer to this side of the island.”
“We were supposed to find the black dragon!” Snotlout whined, flinging his hands up in the air. “Not you!”
“No one believed Bucket because he was the only one who saw it and y’know, it’s Bucket,” Fishlegs went on. “But I had my suspicions that the black dragon could be a Night Fury.”
Tuffnut jabbed both index fingers towards Toothless. “And we were right!”
Fishlegs threw Tuffnut an incredulous look, touching his fingertips to his chest. “I was right. Wait--” His eyes suddenly averted to the ground, deep in thought then snapped back up. “Hiccup, is this the dragon you--?”
“Shot down a couple months ago and no one believed me?” Hiccup finished, patting Toothless on the head. “The one and only.”
“Whoa! This has got to be a kind of gift from the gods,” Ruffnut concluded. “How’re you controlling it?”
Hiccup rolled his eyes. “Again, I’m not controlling Toothless. I made friends with him. Trained him. Dragons aren’t the vicious killing machines we thought they were.”
Fishlegs gestured to Toothless. “But what if this one is an exception?”
“I thought the same thing at first, but he’s not,” Astrid finally chimed in, lowering her ax slightly. “We’ve trained the arena dragons as well and have had encounters with dragons in the wild. Hiccup saw passed the stereotype of what we thought dragons were and figured out how to train them.” Her sharp gaze softened as she glanced at Hiccup with admiration. “It took someone extraordinary to do that.”
Hiccup held her gaze, an adorable lop-sided smile gracing his lips. Astrid’s chest fluttered as her defensive position was momentarily forgotten.
“Can we have a dragon too?” Tuffnut blurted out. “Are there any Night Furies left? They cause maximum destruction and I want one!”
“You guys want your own dragon?” Hiccup asked, bewildered.
“Why not!?” Ruffnut retorted, “Riding a dragon would be be much cooler than killing one.”
Tuffnut pumped his fists above his head. “Yeah, ‘cause they destroy stuff!”
Astrid stepped between the teens and Toothless. “Wait! We’re not using dragons to destroy stuff. We’re trying to stop that from happening.”
“Oh,” the twins said in unison, hanging their heads. Ruffnut shrugged. “Riding one is still cooler than killing one, I guess.”
“Dragons are amazing creatures,” Fishlegs expressed. He touched his index fingers together, sheepishly. “I’ve actually been fascinated with them for a long time.”
Snotlout groaned as the twins threw him a bored look. “We know, Fishface. It’s not like your nerdy dragon obsession is a secret.”
Fishlegs’ eyes lit up. “But guys, listen! With dragons, we could cut the time of travel to almost nothing compared to using boats. Dragons could do the heavy labor that would take a dozen men to do. There’s all kinds of benefits to using dragons.”
“That’s well and good, Fishlegs,” Hiccup said, hopping off Toothless and giving his dragon a reassuring pat, “but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. No one on Berk knows about this but us, and quite frankly, I’m in a bit of shock that you guys are taking it so well. But that doesn’t mean all of Berk will. Berk needs to make peace with the dragons first before we could ever move on to utilizing them.
“I want to make peace between Berk and the dragons.” Hiccup stood beside Astrid, gently clasping her shoulder. “Astrid is with me, but are you guys with me too?”
“We definitely are!” Ruffnut answered with an enthusiastic YEAH from her brother as they banged helmets.
Fishlegs whimpered, eyeing Toothless cautiously. “As terrifying as this Night Fury is staring at me, I’m in.”
Every eye fell on Snotlout, who had shrunk back behind the group. “Snotlout?”
Snotlout’s eyes darted across the group as everybody watched him. A growl tore from his chest and he crossed his arms. “Fine! I’m in too.”
Astrid swung her ax over her shoulder, casually stepping up to Snotlout. “Good, because I would have had to kill you if you weren’t.” She leaned in close to him. “Remember, I still can if you get loose lips.”
“You wouldn’t,” Snotlout challenged, eyebrows pulling together.
Astrid’s eyes narrowed. “Try me, Jorgensen.”
Hiccup gently pulled her back by the waist. “Nobody is killing anyone.” He swiveled around, silently asking them to gather around him. “It’s of the utmost importance that you guys keep this a secret. If word gets out that there’s a Night Fury on the island, Toothless will be hunted down and killed. We could all be exiled or executed for treason.”
“Way to put a damper on the cool, blowing-up-stuff part of this,” Tuffnut groused, throwing his head back dramatically.
“Are you guys with us?”
Astrid couldn’t help the smile that bloomed as she heard a resounding yes (though Snotlout was the least enthusiastic). In such a short time, the other teens had gone from bullying and shunning Hiccup to accepting him and following his lead. Astrid could see more and more the influence Hiccup could have. How his persuasion could turn people down a better path. She wondered if he’d had it in him the whole time. All he needed was something to draw out the hidden potential. She knew that something was Toothless.
“Which dragon would you give Snotlout?”
“Definitely the Monstrous Nightmare.”
“You’d give Snotlout the most dangerous dragon on our team?”
“He’s not so dangerous, are you, big guy?” Hiccup patted the Monstrous Nightmare between the nostrils. The dark orange dragon snorted in agreement. “Besides, I think he’d keep Snotlout’s enormous ego in check.”
Astrid snorted. She didn’t think that was possible, but-- “It’d be a miracle if someone could.”
The evening before when the other teens had discovered their secret, Astrid had been wary of letting them return to the village. Her and Hiccup had privately discussed trust among the group. She knew the others weren’t going to intentionally rat them out (though she was still on the fence with Snotlout), but what if they accidentally let it slip? Fishlegs was known for cracking under pressure. The twins would probably lose all sense and try to ride a dragon during lessons.
“It’s a risk we’re going to have to take,” Hiccup replied.
They agreed on introducing the teens properly to the arena dragons, which was also a huge risk but one that they needed to take to move forward.
“What about the others?” Astrid asked, flinging a fish to the left Zippleback head, the other head snapping to try and snatch it first.
“The twins would get the Zippleback. You probably need two people to fly it.”
“Can you imagine the twins on the back of a dragon? They’ll probably take turns trying to knock each other off.”
“That wouldn’t surprise me. That leaves the Gronckle with Fishlegs.”
“And I get my girl.” Astrid hugged Stormfly’s horn as the Nadder squawked happily. “Do you think we’ll be able to really put together a team of dragon riders?”
Astrid knew it had to of crossed Hiccup’s mind before. Vikings and dragons could be an unstoppable force if united. Not that they wanted to go out conquering or anything – there was no need in spreading conflict – but Berk did have enemies besides dragons. A team of dragon riders could play a vital part in pacify the enemy.
“I hope so. One day. We could be Berk’s first line of defense if any enemies attack, whether that be people or dragons. I don’t want another war, but if it were to happen, we’d have that security.”
Though there was a collective need for peace throughout the village, fighting kept blood pumping through Vikings’ veins. Would Berkians know how to act if they didn’t have to swing an ax or a sword? Would she know how to act without the conflict? Maybe dragons would be the answer to that urge.
“We’re here!” Ruffnut announced in a sing-sang voice.
Hiccup and Astrid turned to see the other teens waiting at the barred door of the arena’s mouth.
“It’s way too early in the morning,” Snotlout grumbled, rubbing the heels of his hands into his eye sockets.
Fishlegs whimpered and cringed back at the sight of the dragons staring at them from the arena floor…free from their cages. “Why are the dragons already out?”
Hiccup walked toward the lever to open the bars. “We couldn’t have a proper introduction through cage doors, now could we?”
The bars raised and the others strolled in, the twins up front while Fishlegs and Snotlout hung back hesitantly. This was it. No turning back.
“Welcome to how to train your dragon!”
Tags: @martabm90​ @chiefhiccstrid @drchee5e @celtictreemuffin @hey-its-laura-again
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ubernoxa · 5 years
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The Dare: A Guns N’ Roses FanFic
Chapter 23: You’re an Idiot
Taglist @queen-crue @gingerspicetalks
It was a long night to say the least, and Duff counted himself lucky that Delilah, despite her inebriated state, was currently talking to Mags trying to calm her down. It was actually more of Mags talking and Delilah just sitting there listening to her saying I’m sorry or you’re fine every once and a while. Duff wondered how much of what Mags was saying Delilah actually understood in his inebriated state. It was still a sweet notion none the less.
Duff sat in the living room bored out of his damn mind trying to pass the time. He wondered if Axl was right, maybe Mags was more trouble than she was worth. It was only a matter of time until he fell asleep on the couch.
He awoke to giggling coming from the kitchen. From the sun, it must have been no later than 1 in the afternoon. It was then he noticed the blanket that was placed on top of him and the pillow that had fallen on the floor. There was a glass of water and a banana to eat on the side table. He smiled at the thought of Delilah.
“Yeah, but I really think I need to get a job,” Delilah sighed as she leaned against the fridge.
“You don’t need a job, you’re fine. Plus you take care of the guys which is technically a full time job,” Mags sweetly replied.
“Maaags, I’m leaching off of everyone. I don’t pay for the food,” Delilah sighed as she pulled something out of the oven. They had spent the past couple hours preparing and cooking chicken.
“Who made the guys’ banner,” Mags crosses her arms absolutely done with Del’s stubbornness.
“Me,” Delilah sighed as she answered Mag’s question knowing all too well that she was only helping Mag’s point.
“Who did Axl ask to make their posters for the next gig?”
Delilah groaned at Mag’s question, refusing to answer it.
“Morning bitches,” Duff turned around to see an unfamiliar face enter Mag’s apartment.
“Your brother’s band made a trash magazine and Heads up blondie is up,” she said before tossing the magazine towards Mags and slamming the doors closed.
“Morning blondie,” Delilah yelled across the apartment before turning her attention towards the magazine.
“How did they get this printed so fast?” Delilah quickly pulled her attention to the magazine.
By now Duff had lazily walked into the kitchen, the promise of food filling his nose.
“Awww that’s a cute photo,” Mags pointed to a picture of Delilah and Duff.
“You look good in my sunglasses,” Duff wrapped his arms around Delilah as he spoke.
“Can I have this magazine when you’re done with it?” Duff asked as they continued to look through the others. He loved the picture of him and Delilah. It was the one where she was sticking her tongue out at him before yesterday’s show. Delilah continued to point out and compliment Duff in every photo she could find of him. It was a classic game of where’s Waldo for the girl, but instead of Waldo she was searching for a blonde giraffe.
“Hey bitch, can I have this?” Mags telled making Delilah jump.
“Yeah, I’m done with it,” a voice from behind a closed door yelled back.
“Yeah, be my guest,” Mags said bringing her attention back to the food that was now cooling down.
“Hey, I left some food on the counter for you,” Mags yelled across the apartment to her roommate.
“Thanks bitch,” her roommate sung before Duff and Delilah followed Mags out of the apartment.
“Bitch?” Duff whispered to Delilah earning a shrug from the girl.
“Thats all they call each other. To be honest I don’t know her actual name,” Delilah tried to hide a giggle as Duff wrapped his arm around Delilah’s waist guiding her out of the apartment.
Izzy took another sip from his bottle as he stared out the window.
“Where’s the food?” Izzy looked over towards Steven who was currently lying on his stomach on the ground.
Why? Who the fuck know? He was probably just hungry.
“You have definitely gotten used to Del, cooking for you every morning.......There’re coming,” Izzy pointed towards Duff, Delilah, and Mags as they walked into the shitty apartment.
“You were waiting for them? I’m glad I’m not the only one who was hungry as hell!” Steven exclaimed now sitting up.
“I’m not hungry, just need to talk to Duff about some stuff,” his words were sharper than he expected.
“Dude chill, is everything alright between you and Duff? I know things were tense with Axl, but if you need help or someone to talk to,” Izzy looked back towards Steven who now had Stef draped all over him.
“Yeah, yeah. We are fine. Just need to have a music talk with him. I have a couple rhythm things I want to talk to him about,” Izzy watched Steven as he spoke. Steven’s puppy dog smile slowly changed to a frown. He was the fucking drummer, why wouldn’t he be involved in rhythm conversations. Was he not good enough for them?
“I want him to try a weird bass line, and if he’s down, we will bring you in. I just don’t want to waste you time,” Izzy purposefully changed his tone as he spoke to the drummer. He didn’t mean to make him feel irrelevant. Izzy didn’t want to be like Axl, not in the slightest.
“Cool, I’m excited to hear it if it works out,” Steven cheerful demeanor returned.
Duff and Izzy locked eyes the moment he walked into the small apartment.
“I brought food!” Mags cheered as she walked into the guy’s apartment. It was a peace offering for what happened last night. Part of her was worried her brother would never talk to her again, but he smiled when she saw him.
“Thank god!” He cheered before grabbing the dish from his sister and bringing it into the kitchen.
“Hey, it’s gotta be warmed,” Delilah said running after Steven to make sure he doesn’t eat it cold. Her and Mags spent way to much time making it for him to eat it cold.
Izzy and Duff remained frozen, eyes locked.
“What?” Duff sent Izzy a confused look as he began to go to Delilah in the kitchen. Was he annoyed with how he spent the night at Delilah? Honestly it was only one night? Or was he more mad that he was hanging around Mags?
“My room, now,” Duff rolled his eyes at Izzy’s tone and followed him to his and Axl’s shared room.
Izzy slammed the door behind Duff as he entered.
“What the hell is your problem? Is this because I spent the night at Del’s? Oh great so you are on the same page as Axl about hanging with Mags. She is my girlfriend’s roommate. Kinda hard to stay away from her, plus Axl is being a big fucking hypocrite,” Duff made sure to keep his voice quiet as he talked to Izzy. The last he wanted was for Delilah, Mags, or Steven to hear him.
“Give me back the damn pills,” Izzy’s voice matched Duff, but he practically snapped as he spoke.
“You wanna ask why? How about why the fuck are you giving Del drugs?” Izzy had to be careful with every word he spoke. He never took Duff for an idiot, hell sometimes he thought that Duff might have had the best wits out of all of them. Right now he was being stupider than Axl.
Duff couldn’t help, but laugh at Izzy. “Seriously, this is what this is all about? It’s about drugs? Izzy you telling someone not to do drugs is the biggest pile of bullshit that I have ever heard!”
“I’m mad that you’re fucking up Delilah’s life even more,” Izzy stood up and got up in Duff’s face as he spoke, his voice barely louder than a whisper.
Duff froze for a second when he heard Izzy say ‘even more’.
“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!” Duff threw his arms up in the air and walked across the room.
“You think you’re helping her? Those pills are to help with your damn anxiety. I gave them to you so you could be not shit faced when we are in front of a crowd. Not for your girlfriend to get high off of,” Izzy sat back down on his poor excuse of a mattress.
“She was getting overwhelmed. So I gave her one, it’s not like I gave her coke or something worse! She needed the edge taken off. She has been off lately. I just wanted her to be happy,” Izzy was shocked in his band mates change in demeanor. He wasn’t mad, he sounded desperate.
“Her and I went to the bathroom to talk. She was off and she wouldn’t tell me what is wrong. I offered for us to head out and leave but she kept saying everything was fine. It wasn’t, so I gave her a pill. I watched her the entire night and she didn’t have a bad reaction. She was in a good mood again,” Duff was siting on Axl’s bed as he spoke. He rested his elbows on his thighs and buried his face in his hands.
Fuck, was all Izzy could think.
“She probably feeling guilty about some of the people she left behind,” Izzy took out a cigaret and offered one to Duff who quickly took it.
“I think she’s mad at me because we haven’t had sex,” Duff shrugged.
Izzy looked at Duff as if he had three heads. How fucking stupid could he be.
“Dude, you’re a fucking idiot,” Izzy replied, only seconds later he had to dodge a pair of Axl’s dirty underwear.
“Well we got interrupted only a couple hours before the party,” Duff shrugged again carefully watching Izzy incase he decided to throw Axl’s boxers back at him.
“I might be one of the only single guy who lives in this apartment, but she started acting weird after that photographer brought up her full name. Did you know that was her full name?”
Izzy’s tone was more blunt than it should have been, but he didn’t care.
“No, and I hate how you’re always fucking right,” Duff took another drag of his cigaret. Now that he thought about it, Delilah didn’t like how he brought up the fact that her name was a biblical one.
Izzy let a laugh escape him.
“She needs you, not the drugs,” Izzy added.
“How do you know about this shit? Like you said, you’re single,” Duff’s comment earned a laugh from Izzy.
“There are more types of relationships than dating,” Izzy admitted.
“Izzy! Our fucking pictures are in the magazine!” Axl was estatic as he flew the door open.
Axl immediately ran over towards Izzy to show him all the photos.
“These look sick,” Izzy’s eyes scanned the pages of the trash magazine.
“Apparently Del’s roommate saw this while on the strip this afternoon. She bought it and thought we might want to see it. It may be a local magazine, but we still made it. Look!” Axl then pointed at various pictures of the band.
“When you’re done with it, I’m cutting out that pic of Del and I. I’m gonna put it in my case,” Izzy smiles to Duff as he spoke. He hoped that the two would survive the road ahead.
“As long as I get this one,” Axl said pointing to a picture of just himself, laughter quickly erupting from the room.
“Food is ready,” Delilah popped her head into the room and smiled at the guys freaking out about the pictures.
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companionjones · 5 years
Love In The City
Pairings: Seth Meyers x Stefon, Leslie Jones x Colin Jost
Fandom: Saturday Night Live
Summary: Some friends go out for drinks, but a conflict erupts.
Warnings: Curses, Leslie Jones, many sexual references
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    “Jeez, it’s almost been an hour. Where are they?” Michael Che questioned Amy Poehler.
    She shrugged, “Who knows? Maybe they finally killed each other.”
    “Oh, shut up you sensual snow storm on Christmas day,” Leslie Jones complimented Colin Jost as the two of them entered the bar.
    Che commented upon spotting the couple, “Nope. Haven’t killed each other yet. S’up, Colin?” he greeted his friend.
    “S’up, Che?” Colin returned, using the same tone that Michael did. Which, let’s just say, wasn’t Colin’s usual style.
    Michael put a stop to it. “No. No. Stop that now.”
    Colin winced, “Yeah, sorry.”
    Leslie and Colin took their seats at the table Amy and Michael were at.
    “Sorry we’re late, guys.” Leslie explained, “We were busy doing some paddy whack.” She smirked at her partner.
    Colin cleared his throat and tried to hide his blush. “Come on, Leslie. They don’t need to know about that.”
    Leslie smacked her lips. “Oh baby, you know Mama’s just excited. She wants the whole world to know that we do the do, you white, sexy version of Urkel.”
    More to himself than anyone else, Colin mumbled, “Why Urkel?”
    Amy Poehler decided to change the subject. “So Leslie, how are you doing since you left SNL?”
    “Oh, I’m doing great, Amy. I have this new audio series coming out with John Cena.”
    Michael nodded, “Yeah, I heard about that. What’s it about?”
    “I’m telling you, gorgeous,” a new voice entered the bar. “This place has everything: hobos, orphans, that fitted sheet you just can’t get to stay on your bed.”
    The strange man’s husband, Seth Meyers reasoned, “Okay, we can go there later tonight. But let’s just hang out with our friends for now.”
    Stefon agreed, “Sure, but we have to get there soon, they close as soon as their owner, Sarah Silverman’s vagina, gets arrested. And, trust me, it’s coming.”
    Meyers nodded vaguely to respond to his husband while they took their seats. “Hey guys, hey Amy,” he addressed the others at the table, “How’s everyone been?”
    They all gave their answers, then everyone ordered.
    “So,” began Amy, “Stefon, I heard you’re getting back into writing. Any projects yet?”
    “No,” was Seth’s immediate, dismissive answer.
    Stefon contradicted, “Yes, actually.”
    “Oh,” Michael tried to encourage, “What is it?”
    “You don’t want to know,” warned Seth.
    The former tourism correspondent replied, “It’s this flick about two step-brothers trying to find their way as they moved to the city together.”
    Michael endorsed, “That doesn’t sound bad at all. Seth, why are you so stressed about that?”
    The late night show host bluntly answered, “It’s a porno,” just before taking a sip from his coffee.
    Amy and Michael voiced their sudden distaste.
    “Well,” encouraged Leslie, almost pervertedly, “Don’t stop there.”
    Colin hesitantly agreed, “Yeah. I’d like to know how fast it goes from that to...porn.”
    Jones turned her head to Jost. “Shut up,” she instructed without batting an eye.
    “Oh, thank God,” Amy sighed, “Food’s here.”
    The six ate in silence for a minute or two before conversation started up again. Luckily, the atmosphere wasn’t as hostile as it had been before.
    “Remember that, Che?” Colin laughed, “It smelled so bad!”
    Michael chuckled, “You don’t have to remind me. I felt bad for Aidy and Kate. They were the one’s holding it.”
    Everyone had stories to tell.
    Amy, for instance, couldn’t catch her breath at one point because she was laughing too hard. “And...and Lorne hadn’t even shown up yet, but we were all losing it because of that stupid newscaster skit.”
    “We didn’t even end up doing it!” exclaimed Seth in a fit of laughter.
    Meanwhile, as everyone else was giggling, Leslie leaned over to Stefon. “I hate when they start talking like this. It’s like they all have some sort of bond because they were all anchors on Weekend Update.”
    “I know,” Stefon rolled his eyes, “You should see Seth when we get home. He brings up things that are wildly different from the actual subject of the conversation.”
    Leslie nodded, “I get what you’re saying. You know what? We don’t need this. You know any good clubs near here?”
    “I know plenty,” assured Stefon.
    The two got up to leave.
    “Whoa, wait. Where are you guys going?” questioned Colin.
    Stefon answered enthusiastically, “We’ve had enough of your bullshit!”
    “What?” Seth disputed.
    Michael bewilderedly repeated, “Bullshit?”
    “Yeah!” Articulated Leslie, “If you ‘Weekend Update’-ers want to keep carrying on like good ol’ pals, that’s fine with us. We’ll be out actually enjoying ourselves. I am a strong, independent, fine black woman. I do not need to take this!”
    Stefon exclaimed, “Yeah!” as if every word Leslie said applied to him.
    The two outlandish characters left the bar.
    “Oh no,” Colin worriedly voiced.
    Seth sighed. He was used to that particular situation. “Come on, let’s go after them.”
    “What? No,” disagreed Amy, “They freaked out for no reason. They’re in the wrong here.”
Both Colin and Seth got out of their seats--much to Amy and Michael’s surprise.
    Jost swallowed, “I don’t know...Were we too rude? Should we have included them more?”
    Seth put his arm on Colin’s shoulder to try and council the man. “Hey. We don’t worry about that stuff now. What we do now is we go after them.”
    Colin nodded, “Okay.”
    “Why?” wondered a confused Michael Che. “Why would you go after them? Come to think of it, why even be in a relationship with them in the first place?”
    Colin Jost was suddenly protective of his girlfriend, “Listen, Che--”
    “Whoa there,” Seth almost had to hold Colin back. “Sorry guys, but we have to go. Let’s do this again.” Meyers paid for everyone, then he and Jost were out of there.
    Out on the street, Jost turned to the more experienced man when it came to dating crazy people. “How the hell are going to find them? Do you have any ideas where Leslie and Stefon would go?”
    “Hang on.” Seth stopped to think. “Let’s see. Stef was pissed, and when he’s pissed he wants to dance...He was in a tequila and Pepsi Fire mood...We’re on 43rd and 6th...Duck!”
    Colin immediately plunged his whole body downward. “What?! Why?!”
    “No, ‘Duck!’ The club. I know where they are.” Seth hailed a cab.
    Ten minutes later, Seth and Colin pulled Stefon and Leslie out of the EDM club.
    “Okay, okay! We’re out. What do you boys want?” Stefon took a sip from a drink of his own invention.
    Leslie was less compliant. “Get your hands of me,” she ordered.
    Colin backed off.
    “Look, guys. We’re sorry,” conceded Seth.
    Stefon played dumb. “Sorry about what?”
    Again, Seth sighed, “Sorry about ignoring you at the bar.”
    “Oh, you did?” tested Stefon, “I didn’t notice.”
    Seth chuckled, “You didn’t?”
    Stefon barely took a break from his drink. “Nope.”
    “Not at all?” teased Seth.
    The club-goer shook his head, but he was trying to hide a smile.
    Seth scoffed tauntingly, “Yeah, right,” before moving to kiss his husband.
    Colin looked to Leslie.
    She wasn’t taking it. “Nope. Don’t even try that stuff with me.” Leslie started walking away.
    Colin went after her again. “Leslie! I’m sorry.”
    “Mmhm, sure you are,” was Leslie’s sarcastic response.
    Colin sighed, “I am! You know I could never consciously make you feel like that.”
    Leslie just eyed the man.
    “Hey, I am sorry. That’s just how I am sometimes...You know me, baby. I’m forgetful.” Colin decided to push his luck with the nickname.
    Fortunately, it made Leslie smile, “Yeah I know, you pineberry covered in white chocolate that I’m gonna eat for dinner.”
    Inwardly, Colin sighed, happy he was back in his girlfriend’s good graces. “Good. Now how about we go back to my place and we make an Oreo with your thighs and my head.”
    “Oo, Colin. I’m rubbing off on you, aren’t I?”
    He just smirked, “I hope you will be later tonight.”
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I also would love a comment if you have the time. If you would like to read more, I have more fics about SNL over on my page. You should go check it out. Also, REQUESTS ARE OPEN. I take requests for one-shots, drabbles, multi-chapters, headcannons and preferences. No smut, please. I write for a variety of fandoms. If you’re wondering if I write for a specific fandom, please ask me. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you.<3
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draconic-asterism · 4 years
Wake-Up Call: Dark Fire AU (1973 words) by hawk_hacks Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magical Twins, Original Work Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Lilyana Abelard, Oliver Valiente, Rhett Valiente, Sophia Otomo, Stephanie Warmwood, Adalia Abelard (mentioned) Summary: Lilyana wakes up in a strange place and makes some unexpected friends.
TW: Near-death experience, blood Author’s Notes: Other than minor grammatical changes here and there this fic is basically a first draft. Meaning it might be a complete mess. Read at your own risk. (it’s also on ao3 if you’re more comfortable reading it there, that’s where the first link goes)
Lilyana’s fingers desperately dug into the Earth. Her entire body felt like it was on fire and at this point, she wouldn’t be surprised if it actually was. The pain was paralyzing. It seemed the harder Lilyana tried to breathe the more her throat constricted itself.
Despite it, all Lilyana’s mind shifted elsewhere, Where’s Adalia? The question played over and over again in her mind. She had to get up. She had to find her sister. She had to-
Searing pain shot through Lilyana’s head. Groaning, she clenched her blurry eyes shut. I’m going to die here, she thought distantly as her consciousness slipped away. Breath slowing to an oddly soothing rhythm. 
Goodnight Adalia.
“Rhett! Rhett get over here, someone’s hurt!”
- “Did we really have to bring her in the house?”
“She was dying!”
“Yeah, but we could have helped her die less outside. Now I’m going to have to clean up all this weirdly colored blood-”
Lilyana shot up with a gasp. Almost immediately she hit her head and was sent back down with a groan.
“Ow-!” an unfamiliar voice exclaimed, “Are- are you alright? You just ran into me pretty hard.”
Cautiously, Lilyana opened her eyes. Looking down at her was a human boy that was presumably at least a year or two younger than she was. His olive-green eyes were filled with worry. 
Again he spoke up, “Are you alright?”. Lilyana hesitated to answer. 
Am I alright?
Then it hit her that she was most definitely not alright.
“Where’s Adalia?!” Lilyana shot up once more but was stopped by the stabbing feeling that shot through her abdomen. A hand gently pushed her back down. 
“Be careful!” the boy warned her “If you’re not you’ll open your wound and it’ll start bleeding again.”
“Yeah and there’s already enough that needs to be cleaned up as it is,” a different human spoke up. Lilyana shifted to see him standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. He was wearing a dark orange jacket with a lighter shirt, “Try not to ruin the couch even more.”
The younger boy gave the other a glare before turning back to Lily, “If you don’t mind me asking- who’s Adalia? You said that name a lot when we were bringing you back here.”
“She’s.. my sister” Lilyana admitted quietly “I- we came to Earth so I could tell her something important-” 
The book.
Lilyana’s eyes darted around the room she was in. There wasn’t that much to see but it was clear that the book wasn’t there. Which means-
Oh no no no no no nonononononononononononononononononononononon-
“Hey hey! It’s alright!” Lilyana jumped as there was suddenly a hand on her own, “I’m sure your sister is fine. She’s probably looking for you right now!” She hadn’t realized how heavily she had begun to breathe. 
The human in the doorway spoke up again, “I hope she figures out you’re here soon so you can stop being our problem.”
“Rhett!” the boy next to Lilyana shouted, “Be nice!”
“Don’t worry it’s ok!” Lilyana said quickly before the two could start arguing “It’s probably a bit much to have a stranger in your house bleeding all over the place just.. Please stop yelling.”
“Sorry” the boy apologized, his hand still on Lily’s “the yelling probably isn’t helping with your stress either.”
“Like I said, it’s ok- um” the sentence caught in Lilyana’s throat.
“Oh right! I haven’t even introduced myself yet” the boy said, “I’m Oliver, and the person over there is my brother Rhett.”
Lily gave a small smile, “Well nice to meet you Oliver. I’m Lilyana.”
“Lilyana.. that’s a nice name” Oliver said, returning with his own smile. It was enough to ease Lilyana for a moment despite everything. It was nice to have someone smile at her for once, It’s been so long..
“Oh! She’s awake. Why didn’t either of you come tell me?” the now third unfamiliar voice made Lilyana tense. Something about the human’s tone brought back her unease. 
“Well, I figured she’d need some time to recover before she had you poking and prodding at her” Rhett said with a scoff. The new human rolled her eyes.
“Honestly Rhett, as one of the only people here with vaguely comprehensive medical knowledge it’s kind of important for me to be ‘poking and prodding at her’” the human retorted. 
“That’s Sophie,” Oliver said offhandedly as the two others began to bicker in the doorway “she’s really smart and super into studying- stuff. I don’t actually know what she studies” he admitted. 
Lilyana eyed the two humans wearily. She could feel her head start to spin, “Is there anyone else here I need to know about?” she asked. 
“Well there’s-”
“Can’t you two go five seconds without having some kind of argument?” Lilyana swallowed a groan at the sound of a fourth new voice. Though usually she wouldn’t mind meeting so many new people, it was draining enough on top of everything else she was worried about.
Like Adalia.
“That’s Stef, another friend of mine” Oliver explained “Don’t worry about meeting anyone else. There’s no one else here right now” he added quickly.
Lilyana sighed in relief. At this point, she wasn’t sure if she could handle being introduced to anyone else.
“I’m done having this conversation Rhett because I don’t know if you remember but there’s someone injured on the couch that I need to check up on” Sophie deadpanned before walking over to Lily and Oliver. The boy scooted over so that she could have access to Lily.
“Sorry if Rhett has been rude to you at all,” Sophie apologized as she kneeled down “It’s nothing personal. He’s like that with everyone.”
Now that she was closer Lilyana could see that Sophie’s eyes were two different colors. With her right being a silver color and her left being brown. Lilyana raised an eyebrow, Wonder what that’s about.
“She can understand English right Oliver?” Sophie’s question snapped Lilyana back to attention. 
“Oh, yeah! She’s been through a lot though so she’s still pretty confused. Her name is Lilyana by the way” Oliver explained. 
“I was just wondering because she was looking at me like I asked her what the sky tastes like,” Sophie said. 
Lilyana winced “Sorry, I have a lot on my mind.”
Sophie simply nodded as she moved Lilyana’s arm and lifted up her shirt. It took all the willpower in the world not to squirm. Lilyana looked down to see bandage wrapped around her midsection. The thing was nearly cyan-blue with how much blood had bled through. She swallowed roughly as Sophie put her hand on the bandage.
“How has your side been feeling?” the human asked. 
Admittedly Lilyana hadn’t been thinking much of her injury, but now that the other mentioned it the thing ached with a dull throb, “It hurts a bit” Lilyana said.
Sophie frowned, moving her hand and putting Lily’s shirt back down, “How much is a bit? I need something more specific than that” she said, “can you give me a number out of ten?”
“Uh- out of ten?” Lilyana asked.
“Do you not know what numbers are?” Sophie asked, suddenly leaning in with curious eyes. 
Lilyana sunk back a bit on the couch, “I know what numbers are, it's just- we have different numbers from humans. I haven’t had the time to learn them yet.”
“Well, in that case, could you hold up the number of fingers instead? That should still translate roughly as the same thing” Sophie asked. 
After a moment Lilyana held up four fingers. Sophie nodded. 
“I’d say a four on the pain scale is pretty good all things considered,” the human said “Though it would probably be a good idea to give you a fresh set of bandages before I leave you to rest again. Oliver, can you help me sit her up?”
“Sure!” Oliver said, standing up. Together the two slowly helped Lilyana get upright.
“Do you think you could hold up your shirt for me?” Sophie asked. Lilyana simply nodded, doing what the other asked. She wasn’t too keen on seeing the damage that had been done to her. Seeing the floor covered with her blood was enough to make her feel sick. 
Now that she was up Lilyana realized that Rhett and Stef were gone. A small bit of relief washed over her. Though she didn’t know the other much Lily was sure Rhett wouldn’t be pleased with Sophie changing her bandages like this. Lilyana wasn’t exactly pleased with it either, I really wish she didn’t have to do this-
“So Lilyana” Oliver said suddenly “What’s your sister like?”
Lily gave him a grateful look, “Adalia is- something” she said with a nervous chuckle “A bit aggressive and stubborn sometimes, but she means well.”
Sophie scoffed, “She sounds like Rhett”. Lilyana tensed as she felt the human begin to peel the bandages off, Adalia. Keep talking about Adalia.
“Trust me, Rhett is tame compared to how she can get,” Lilyana said “But I still love her. Like I said she means well. She’s just a bit misguided.”
It’s more than a bit.
“I’m sure she’s great!” Oliver assured her “Does she look like you?”
Lilyana shivered as her wound was exposed to the cold air.
Keep talking about Adalia. 
“Kind of. She has this long, messy blond bush on her head that she calls hair” Lilyana joked “I’ve been told before that we have the same eyes. Don’t really know how true that is but I like to believe it.”
Oliver laughed “Do you think we’d ever be able to meet her?” he asked. Lilyana frowned.
She very well knew the answer to that question.
“Maybe” Lilyana shrugged, trying not to think about the fresh bandages that were being wrapped around her “I’m sure she would like all of you.”
“And done. That should be good for now” Sophie said as she gave Lily’s side a pat. The other was quick to put her shirt back down with a sigh. 
“Now I’m admittedly tempted to ask what exactly you are with the cyan-colored blood and gills but I’d rather not have Rhett materialize out of thin air to yell at me,” Sophie said with a completely straight face “So I’ll leave you to rest for now.”
Lilyana’s eyes widened at the mention of her gills. I guess it makes sense that she would know. Still the idea that Sophie did made her uneasy. Everything about the human seemed to carry an unsettling feeling beneath the surface, though Lily couldn’t quite pinpoint why. 
“I’ll stay with her in case she needs anything,” Oliver said before turning to Lilyana “Unless you need some space right now, which I’d understand!”
Please don’t leave me alone with my thoughts.
“No, you can stay! I don’t mind the company” Lilyana said quickly.
“Call me back if anything happens Oliver” and with that Sophie was gone. 
“I guess it’s just us now. Do you need help laying back down?” Oliver asked. 
Lilyana shook her head, “No I think I got it” carefully she brought her legs back onto the couch and she began to ease down. Oliver sat down on the floor next to her before perking up.
“Do you need anything? Like food or water? In all this chaos I forgot to ask” Oliver said sheepishly. 
In all honesty part of Lilyana was starving, but she shook her head again, “I’m fine. I think getting some more rest would probably be the best right now.” She closed her eyes.
“Oh ok, I’ll be quiet then.”
With that, the room fell into silence.
Adalia’s still out there.
Does she know yet?
Has she read the book?
Does she even have it?
What will she do when she finds out?
Will she regret killing me?
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preface2adreamplay · 5 years
Under Your Spell (Part 10) - Ashes On My Shoes
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Summary: A Jared Padalecki/OFC fiction.
Stef is a musician, recently gone solo. Happy with her life as a forever single person until Jared makes it his mission to get close to her. (For the purpose of this fiction, I have liberated some lyrics from various artists and their videos. This is fiction, with real people mentioned.)
Chapter warnings: Flirting, swearing. 
Chapter WC: 2,458
The night of the Texas show was here. Stef was always nervous for every gig, why wouldn’t she be? There were a hundred and one ways that things could go sideways. Most of them had already happened during her career. But Jared would be at this show. He had text her to say he was incoming, ’With the boys.’ She assumed Jensen would be joining him. 
The bus was parked up next to the venue, the first of bands that were playing with them had started their set. Stef was already dressed for the stage, usually she kept it simple enough but tonight she made a special effort to be a little more flamboyant. Claire had helped her put together this flowing ensemble. A dress with a plunging neckline that just about reached to her navel, long sleeves and a train of black and silver material that followed her around as she walked. It was a flirty, Morticia Addams inspired dress with a slit up the front that came up to her knees. When she moved it dragged behind her, showing off her long legs. 
The legs that Jared had kissed and ran his fingers up and down teasingly the last time they were together. He said he loved her legs. She loved them when they were wrapped around his waist.
‘Focus, Stef.’ she scolded herself in the hand held mirror she used to put on her make up. 
Just then her tour manager pulled open the door, shouting ‘you decent?’
‘Yeah, come on in,’ Stef had one more coat of mascara to do and she was done.
‘Wow, you look great. You going on a date afterwards?’ Jeff was cool, he was a friend from years back, from the beginning. Always a good guy to have with you on tour. You needed a snack at 3am, he got it. You needed a replacement guitar string before you ran on stage, he had it ready. 
Jeff carried on with his checklist, talking to himself more than to her.
‘Your stuff is on stage, the band are hanging in the waiting room. You staying on the bus?’ 
‘Nah, I’m going to go in now.’
‘Just so you know there are some fans at the gate, waiting for you.’
There were always a few people hanging around the venue before her shows. The first time she got off a bus with people shouting her name was definitely one of the highlights of the business for her. They were the reason why she still did shows. Her fans were always hungry for more music.
Recognising a few of the faces in the crowd, Stef hung with them for a few minutes.
They were complimentary about her ‘new style,’ asking if it was for the new album.
She agreed, butterflies nesting in her stomach again at the thought that she had made this effort just for Jared. What had become of her?
Smiling and doing her best poses with the fans, she waved them goodbye. Promising to give them a shoutout from the stage.
The venue was packed. Though she put that down to the most excellent support acts that were with her. Slipping into the backstage area through the rear entrance, she noticed her band mates were rowdy. 
‘What is it about the Texas crowds that get you guys so wound up?’ She laughed, watching the empty mini bottles of Jager tumble down from their ludicrous game of dominoes. 
‘What is it about Texas that’s got you looking like that?’ Evan queried, the boys wolf whistled. 
‘Settle down.’ She scolded. Forever the mother. These guys had been around nearly as long as Jeff. She found them all adorable and annoying, referring to them as her ‘hairy ass babies.’
Curing her nerves with two glasses of whiskey, she saw the second support act coming backstage, sweaty and loud. 
They’d be up next. 
Jeff appeared again, ‘Hey Stef, c’mere.’ 
‘Your friends just arrived,’ he said in a hushed tone, nodding his head towards Jared and Jensen. Misha stepped out from behind the two taller men and waved energetically. ‘Hey!’ he called across the corridor at her.
Stef ushered them into the room. Giving Jensen and Jared a hug and a kiss on both cheeks. Jared was smiling from ear to ear, but said nothing.
‘Hey hot momma,’ Jensen tried to keep a straight face, glancing at Jared. ‘Can’t wait for the show. We brought this idiot, he loves your music too.’
‘I’m a new fan.’ Misha pulled her into a tight hug. ‘Not as big a fan as Jared, but I still love your stuff.’ 
Misha seemed to be a guy you could instantly like. Stef patted him on the back, letting him know that the hug was done. 
’Sorry, I’m excited to meet you. Jared talks about you non stop.’
‘Do I?’ Jared was looking at Stef, taking her in, his eyes pausing on all the right places of the dress. 
‘You do, actually.’ Jensen clapped his friend on the back. ‘Come on, let’s get ready for this show then.’ He gave Misha a playful push out the door and threw Jared a look that said ‘hurry up.’
When they had disappeared, Jeff pointing the way up to the box Stef had booked for them, Jared was still standing over her. ‘You look beautiful.’
She could feel herself getting a little bashful. ‘Thank you,’ she replied, deciding it was best to just say it rather than pass it off as ‘this old thing?’
‘Good luck, I can’t wait to see you play.’ He leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the lips. That surprised her, she didn’t think he wanted to advertise that they were somewhat ‘together.’ 
‘I can’t wait to play for you.’ Stef smiled, giving his chin a little tug. 
‘You got about five minutes,’ Jeff came back and took Jared by the arm, leading him out of the door. 
With the lights glaring into her face, she could never see the crowd. That often helped with her nerves. Being up there made her feel so vulnerable, that was why she loved doing it so much. It was like therapy, pouring her heart out into the songs and letting them take over. The crowd were waiting impatiently when the lights went down. It was her cue to walk on stage. The guys were at their instruments, playing the intro to the new single. Stef reached the mic as the beat kicked in, her words flowing easily. Everything sounded right. In the moment, she forgot everyone around her. Forgot about Jared sitting forward in his seat taking in the show, watching her move with the music, doubled over when the high notes required it. 
There was little time to chat between songs, Stef preferred it that way. It was easier to just get on with it. 
She hated the ‘hey there..*insert city* you’re the best.’
Halfway through the set, she thanked the crowd for coming out, introduced the band and pulled out her acoustic guitar. 
‘This isn’t usual for me, I like to kick it full steam ahead for you guys. But, someone recently sang this song to me and it revived some old feelings. Despair and lost love. Sounds good, right?’ The crowd whooped and cheered.
‘Ok, cool.’ Stef started right into the song, keeping the pace that Jared had set when he sang it to her on the floor of Jensen’s cabin the night they first made love. 
Burning soft skin of two
Trying hard to let go of you
Hoping it will do
Pulled right out from underneath you
She heard the crowd singing it along with her, her breath caught in her throat when she finished the song, pushing her guitar aside and holding up her hands in thanks to the fans. 
‘You know what, I don’t usually say this, but y’all ARE the fuckin’ best.’ 
Backstage, everyone was in high spirits. The whiskey was flowing and Stef was so buzzed. Misha was taking pictures of the band, wanting her to strike some ridiculous poses with Jensen and Jared.
Several of the shots made it on to instagram. Jared and ‘the boys,’ each posted a picture with Stef, exclaiming about how great the show had been and how excited they were to be invited backstage.
Stef even posted one with Misha, Jensen and Jared holding her up as she lay across them. There were so many comments on it, she just didn’t have the energy to read them.
Back on the bus, the guys were continuing their little party in the ‘living area’ behind the driver. Jared had come back with Stef to have a chat before they had to go.
Checking that no one was watching, Stef pulled him halfway into her tiny bunk, there was no way the both of them would fit in there but they managed to squeeze in, legs dangling out from behind the curtain. Giggling like teenagers, they made out for a while. Jared punctuating each kiss with how much he enjoyed the show. Eventually, after several phone calls from an increasingly pissed Jensen, Jared took his leave. Kissing her wrist to her shoulder and then giving her several kisses that made her head spin, he left. 
‘Stefanie’s got a boyfriend!’ One of the guys stuck his head out through the sliding door of the living area, he was so drunk he could barely stand. 
‘Shut the fuck up,’ Stef threw a pair of his balled up socks at him. ‘And clean up after your-damn-selves.’ 
The next day they were playing a much smaller venue, but the crowds were still coming out, thankfully.
Stef had taken a moment to look at her tagged posts on social media. There were a few great shots taken the night before, she was incredibly grateful her tits didn’t pop out of her dress. 
‘Wow, you know J2?’ ‘OMG Jensen’ ‘OMG Jared’. Was how most of the comments were going. Several were suggesting she was fucking one of them, or all three.
‘She sucks, her music sucks and she’s ugly.’ Charming. Stef often deleted the nasty ones, coz who wants to see them, right? 
There were more followers on all platforms, that was nice. More people to hear the music, she supposed.
Her heart skipped a beat on seeing a post on insta from Jared. It was a picture of them striking a ridiculous pose, his arm around her waist. They were doing their best blue steel. The second was a shot of him, Jensen and Misha heads together at the show and the third was Stef on stage, she couldn’t recall what part of the night it was. 
‘If anyone gets a chance to see this girl live, go see her. You rocked us last night, Stef. So proud of you.’ Several love hearts.
Misha commented, ‘get your hands off my girl, Jared.’
Jared: ‘And how long do you know her that you think you can lay claim?’
Jensen posted several laughing emojis, ‘as MJ said boys, ‘the girl is mine.’
Stef liked each of the comments. Adding her own ‘I’d take all three of you, no problem.’ To which Jared added a sad face and a broken heart. 
Her phone began vibrating, the long stream of comments disappearing. Oscar’s name was flashing on screen.
‘Hello, Oscar.’ Her voice was a little husky from the night before.
‘There she is. I see your show was well received last night.’
‘Oh?’ She feigned ignorance. 
‘There is a write up about it already, some fans of Supernatural are getting quite excited about it. You wouldn’t happen to know anyone from the show would you?’
She heard Oscar sighing down the phone where there would usually be laughter.
‘You better not be messing around with a married man, Effie.’
‘Why would that be any of your fucking business, Oscar?’
‘I thought as much, you won’t deny it either. I noticed something about you when you came down for Dar’s party.’
‘You noticed what?’
‘Well, don’t get me wrong you are always lovely but you were simply glowing when you arrived at the airport.’
‘Oh shut up, you’re so full of crap.’
‘Am I?’
She supposed he wasn’t. But again, she didn’t want to tell him he was right. 
‘Yeah, your silence speaks volumes.’
‘I’m a big girl, Oscar. I look out for myself. Always have.’
The last two words stung him and she knew it. He shifted in his chair, she heard him clear his throat the way he always did, before he wanted to launch into a speech about how she was getting herself into trouble.
’Before you start, because I know what you’re going to say!’ She warned, hearing him start to tell her to watch herself.
‘I appreciate your concern, but I’m not getting myself into anything I haven’t thought about for many sleepless nights. We have...an agreement.’
Oscar scoffed, ‘so you’re fucking a married man. That’s fine is it?’
‘It is for us, Oscar. Please don’t judge me.’
‘I can’t not judge you. What’s with you lately? You’re not really acting like yourself.’
‘Hey, you told me I needed to loosen up a bit.’
‘Loosening up a little means go out with your friends more and have some fun. Not start a relationship with a married guy. A famous married one at that. Jesus, Stef, you have to be more careful.’
‘Oscar, I appreciate the concern.’
‘That’s it? No fighting back?’
‘I don’t want to fight, not with you. I can’t fight with you anymore.’
Oscar was sighing again. ‘Promise me, you’ll be sensible. I can’t stand seeing you broken hearted.’
‘Oh don’t start that shit again, please.’ Stef buried her face in the crook of her arm, laying across her bunk. 
‘I mean it, Stefanie. Don’t do that to yourself, you’re worth more than that. You’re more than a mistress.’
‘I know that. And as I said, it works for both of us right now.’
‘Yeah, yeah sure. You frustrate me so much, you know that?’
‘I do. It’s why you love me though.’ 
Perhaps she had chosen the wrong words, his voice which had been pleading was now just sad.
‘Fuck sakes. I’m shaking my head right now, but you can’t see me.’
Stef bit her nails, ‘yeah but I can imagine it, vividly. You still got that nice head of hair?’
‘Yep, I’m shaving it off as soon as this movie is done.’
‘I hate your bald head.’ Stef complained.
‘I am doing it just to annoy you, and I will be sending pictures.’
‘Ugh, delete me from your life please.’
‘Never,’ he smiled a little, ‘I gotta go.’
‘Later Oscar.’
‘Goodbye, love.’
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