#keven church
carpe-astra · 2 years
Six Degrees of Keven Church
The Docks: A boat owned by Charles Crumby
Keven Church ::so, there's a boat. a rickety fishing boat. slightly green. or it would be if the paint wasnt chipping off. the name of the boat…who remembers? maybe something like Pearl's Promise. or Jack's Grundle. it's not like the fisherman who owns it is around enough these days to care as it sways back and forth innocuously in its docking station. or whatever REAL sailor's call it. especially late at night ::
Spektor Iocaine ‡There is a boat, and there is a woman, and the night is still fairly young as the woman made her way along the pier with quiet steps drowned by the susurrus murmur of waves. She had watched from nearly the moment the sun had sunk below the horizon, waiting to see if there would be any change. Not that there had been, which had prompted her to near the little boat and climb aboard. If he was there, perfect. If not, she could snoop.‡
Keven Church ::inside isn't much different. loose papers that don't actually say anything. some weathered maps of land, sea, and stars. a few odds and ends that an old man might collect. you know, just to remember the good old days. but nothing too personal. otherwise, a clean interior. but empty of any living thing. or unliving… near the helm, there is a sort of old radio set up::
Spektor Iocaine ‡Finding little that could be deemed useful, Spektor set everything back to rights as she had found it, reluctant to leave much evidence of her being there at all. Eventually finding herself near the radio, which goes through a short inspection. Then she clicks it on, hovering at the volume button to turn it down immediately if it was violently loud. A lesson learned from Lemaigne's vehicles.‡
Keven Church :: there is nothing at first. then static. it crackles softly, alive on some other end in the unknown oblivion. then the static ends::
Spektor Iocaine ‡She had never interacted that much with Keven - if at all really - but there had always been the thought that he was much more clever than he let on. Had to be, if he had avoided being snagged by the Tremere for so long.‡ Mr. Church? I'd like a moment of your time, if that's you.
Keven Church :: more static….:: ::then finally……………a heavy breath:: Who d'a feck are ye? An' what are y'doin in m'feckin' boat? ::he sounds a bit drunk. just slightly tipsy::
Spektor Iocaine ‡Maybe he was thinking over whether or not to answer. Or there was no one at all. She hoped it was the former, but she wouldn't have been surprised if it was the latter. Just when she was just about to give up, the heavy breath put her back into focus.‡ You may not remember, but my name is Spektor Iocaine. I work with Miss Kára and Mr. Bellerose. And I am on your boat because I have been trying to find you, in order to discuss a few matters.
Keven Church :: she would have heard his laugh if he'd bothered to press the button when he did so. but people dont do that when theyre genuinely laughing at something they find surprising. or stupid. unless they're fucking anime villains or something:: Yer f'rgettin' someone. ::fingers snap:: Dat blonde lass widda pinched face. Cunt. Ye work widdem blood pricks too. Bloody blood pricks. ::a brief awkward pause before:: Feck off. ::is added on at the very end. just in case she doesnt get the hint::
Spektor Iocaine ‡She doesn't deign to respond to the first part, instead settling back to relax while they spoke. The blood pricks were the important part here, at any rate.‡ There are a great number of things I'd prefer to be doing with my time right now, Mr. Church, but unfortunately, 'fucking off' is not one of the options I get to have. ‡A pause, considering her words before continuing.‡ I can understand your reluctance to even speak with us given what you know. But I can explain if you're willing to listen.
Keven Church Boo feckin' hoo. ::is the muttering response to her clever comment about having more important things to do. it tells him 1) he's not a significant pawn in whatever her gang's agenda is, and 2) she thinks by making him believe he's not a significant pawn that he's safe from whatever intentions she has toward approaching him tonight. mother fuckers:: Explaaaaaiiiiin. I'll be fartin inna wind while ye do. ::silence. her turn to speak::
Spektor Iocaine ‡She couldn't help but to smile.‡ Despite our working relationship with the blood pricks, we have no intentions on turning you over to them, first and foremost. Secondly, we only have a working relationship with them due to a circumstance in which their Scourge was held in the basement of Embraced for quite some time, being… questioned. ‡Adding inflection and tone to indicate the questioning hadn't been the most gentle.‡ Because of that, it seemed prudent to create that working relationship, rather than allow him to try and hunt us. ‡Straight and honest with the man, rather than trying to lead him around with her words. She presumed he might appreciate the clarity more.‡
Keven Church ::as one who is hunted by a Scourge, the very same Scourge in fact, certainly he can understand the need to work things out in a civil manner. desperate measures and all that. there's a long, presumably pondering silence without any static at all. just Spektor standing or sitting or leaning all alone with her side of the radio, waiting::
::then, once again:: Ye still dealin' widda't spooksy magic cunt?
Spektor Iocaine ‡She's taken to sitting, perhaps in some rickety old chair that Keven himself had sat in a time or two. Comfortable with the silence, though her thoughts wander. Parsing through everything she's said thus far, and hoping it would be enough. His final question is what made her realize why Dixie had liked him so much.‡ We are. But I do not think it will be much longer, in truth. We've already begun to corner her.
Keven Church ::this time he does deliberately laugh into the radio. just one, simple:: HAH. ::a few clicks:: Good luck widda't. Hells ye needs me fer den?
Spektor Iocaine ‡Kára had never made her privy to the why but Spektor had her own theories. Most of them were likely ones that Keven would laugh at, just has he had just now.‡ It is my belief that Miss Kára has seen you to be instrumental in one of her visions, in handling the Tremere and neutering them, if not removing their influence entirely. And frankly, you being receptive to showing up when we ask does a great deal in the face of a Scourge who was incapable of finding you in the first place. No?
Keven Church ::there's a very loud:: PBBBBBBBT! ::a grown ass man blowing a raspberry:: Aye. Ye gots a point. Fer a dumb hoor. Ah'll….t'ink 'bout it. Jus' keep yer crazy cunt blondes off'a me.
Spektor Iocaine ‡It's rather loud in the otherwise silent area, but she lets him get it out of his sytem. Her lips curl in, before releasing them.‡ I do try. And that's all I ask for now, Mr. Church. Is that you at least think about it. Perhaps you could stop in sometime as well, and I will make the promise that no one of ours will stop you if you decide to leave. I'll do my best about the blondes, as well.
Keven Church ::there's another breath. then the static ends. for good this time. Spektor has been dismissed in as much a way as the salty dhampir can achieve::
Spektor Iocaine ‡She lingered for some time, just in case, listening to the lap of waves against the hull of the boat as it drifted. When the static doesn't return for a time, she concludes it over. Only hoping she had said enough of the right things to bring him around for whatever real purpose the Elder Gangrel needed him for. Spektor set the chair back right, clicked the radio off, and then departed from the boat to make her way towards Embraced for the evening, and update Kára.‡
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aidansanomalies · 3 years
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Luis Pier Pub
On November 11th 1985, store owner Jackson Hargreeves reported a group of vandals to have trespassed on his bar. His neighbors say to have seen 3 men walk into the front door and smash its window in, allowing themselves into the property. This was believed to have happened at around 3 in the morning. 
Taken place in a rural port of Maryland, the initial news spread like wildfire. The concerned citizens took to the street and made an attempt to see what happened to the storefront. As the crowd of people grew, Hargreeves finally arrived to see the wreckage. The door had been smashed in as mentioned previously, but the inside of the bar was the most concerning content of it all.
The image attached above is footage of the bar in 1928 and was one of the only surviving footage of its existence. Inside, tables and chairs were flipped on their head, the white paint had been torn cleanly off in multiple places. Scuff and burn marks littered the once pristine walls. The infamous blood that had dripped from the ceiling left a pretty terrifying scene. One eye witness said at the time;
“...Everyone walked in and it was as if a rabid animal had destroyed everything. Maybe even a pack… At that moment we were more worried about how Jackson would cover the repairs lost than any money he may have lost at the till.” (Cara Genny, 1985. A neighboring business owner. Taken from WSD Newscast November 14; The Overview )
The police had arrived at the scene a few hours prior. To sum up their investigation, after they received a call about an alleged break-in they arrived at the wreckage too late. At first, they had suspected whoever had done this was under the influence of substances. Scouting and making their way up to the second-floor storage room. Amongst the broken and scattered cardboard lay three men later identified as Carlos Vasques, Kevin Sells, and Garrett Sells. The victims were identified later by the clothes they were wearing by a close family who had called them in as missing a month prior. 
Their deaths were caused by violent cuts and lacerations to their spines, heads, torsos, and more. Every single inch of their skin had been cut and peeled open as if someone had attempted to skin them and never finished the job. 
Carlos Vasques was a carpenter, aged 34 and unmarried. He had been living two towns over in Colter, Maryland. He had no previous criminal record and was described by his sister as;
“A live-in guy… An honest helper you’d know from church. Someone who cared and loved his community.” (Selena Vasques, 1985. Taken from the BayTimes November 14th Printing) 
Kevin and Garrett Sells were of a similar age to Vasques, both around their early to mid-thirties. Brothers also living in Colter but had no apparent connection to Vasques besides going to the same school though in different years. Only Keven Sells had a previous criminal record, stemming from outstanding traffic violations. Both lived and worked for Ruby Realtors as agents for the area. They were described by Garrett’s wife as;
“The happiest salesmen… Always a duo, always hanging out. They were inseparable, and with how well Amy (Kevin’s wife) and I got along we were all the best of friends. I can’t imagine a world where they would even think to rob anyone.” (Tiffany Sells, 1985. Taken from the WSD Newscast Interview “Tiffany Sells Speaks Out.”)
How the three came to break into Hargreeves’ bar that night continues to be a mystery, and their death has been ruled as accidental. The root was theorized to have been a wild animal who had taken up living in the storage area upstairs. Jackson Hargreeves has said to this point;
“There is no way some fox or rodent or– or anything could have been up there without me knowing. Just that night before closing I had done inventory up there, not a sight of anything ****ing out of place. We just don’t… get stuff like this here. We are a fine and upstanding establishment.” (Jackson Hargreeves, 1985. Taken from the BayTimes November 14th Printing.)
Since this incident, the bar has closed. At first, it closed for a year. Rebranding to Jackson’s Hideaway, before ultimately closing six months later. 
My Theory
This case being semi-recent in history, I had to take this more seriously than I normally would have to. It is important to take into account the fact that while this event has come to pass in the eyes of the media, there are still recent loved ones of the victims still out there and likely still grieving. Please keep this in mind before commenting on any theories you may have under this post. 
This being said, nobody had reported any animals in the area for years. This town is so populated for the area, (3,000 citizens plus) in a concentrated area it isn’t like any other animal besides some deer or mice to find their way into a place right on the bayside. Bears aren’t native to this area. Normally the concern would be on snakes or raccoons, but with the damage and the weight of items thrown it shows it to be something more. 
One plausible theory is the grounds that the bar had been built on were haunted. While Maryland had been colonized, a local tribe had been kicked from their main base camp in that very spot. Immediately after the bar had been torn down, human remains were found buried under many feet of dirt, along with 8 arrowheads, 3 animal pelts, and a few other miscellaneous items yet to be identified. This land has now been reclaimed and turned into a small museum dedicated to the tribe that once sat. 
The bar had never been advertised to be haunted, but as one past patron put it;
“Sometimes as I sat there eating, the paint on the walls would crack and peel up… I thought it was the drink talking until I saw two men at the bar watching the same wall tear itself to pieces… The bartender eventually came out and claimed faulty pipes… A day later the wall looked like it had never been red to start with. Someone had painted it blue. The walls never stayed the same color… but never closed for repair or to be painted. They just… never repainted them.” (Jeremy Hodge, 1985. Taken from WSD Newscast November 14; The Overview.)
Another such account from a separate woman reads,
“It was known for the wall thing. We called it the art studio– my friends and I. It was never creepy, just weird and funny. Stella (A friend) always said they must have an indecisive owner that just burned both ends of the candle after work. A masterpiece never finished.” (Vanessa Douglass, 1985. Taken from WSD Newscast November 14; The Overview.)
18 others have gone on record since corroborating this fact.
As always please contact me if you find evidence of more reports or know someone close to the case, any extra information would be greatly appreciated!
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petalsmooth · 4 years
Warning: Very bitter & cycnical tirade ahead
Riverdale tidbits:
Jughead, despite being cheated on, lied to and treated like dirt by Archie and Betty somehow ends up apologizing to them or “understanding” what happened and forgiving them because they are just too awesome to hate and we the audience should get in line and accept that because the only character we don’t hate tells us to.
Archie and Betty resume their inappropriate “friendship” while Jughead and Veronica just say awshucks...well there is nothing we can do about it. Core four Forever!
Betty and Jughead don’t break up because she cheated on him with his best friend, the guy she swore up and down didn’t lust after, but because they somehow can’t handle a long distance relationship despite handling everything else.
Archie continues to have meaningless relationships while casually low key stalking Betty waiting for another vulnerable moment so he can finally “seal the deal” and add her to his notches.
Veronica and Betty continue on as “besties” even though never speak and Betty unapologetically made out with her boyfriend.
Bonus tidbits! Keven continues to be snide, pretentious and complete waste of space. 
Josie returns to RIverdale and resumes the role of bed warmer for Archie because Betty and Veronica are being difficult and refusing to indulge him.
The minority characters get one episode to themselves so the writers can pat themselves on the back and celebrate how they care about diversity then ship them back to backburner.
Cheryl continues to care more about her dead brother than the supposed love of her life in Toni.
Bonus Flash forward tidbit! Two plausible scenarios: Either Betty is pregnant but we don’t know who the father is! Or on eve of wedding to Jughead sleeps with Archie and drama! at wedding as Archie runs into the church as about to exchange vows. This will show how edgy RIverdale is because never ever has been done before....
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dorasireland · 8 years
where holy men once carved in rock the sacred place of Glendalough by Dora Meulman Via Flickr: Beautiful Co Wicklow Ireland.
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officialleehadan · 6 years
Experienced Home-Buying
“It’s charming!”
“It’s probably haunted and we’re all going to die.” Keven eyed the old building with an experienced but very skeptical eye. “And I’m pretty sure there are termites in the woodwork. If I had to pick between the two, I would rather take the ghosts.”
His realtor sighed glumly. Amy was sweet. Really too sweet for her job, and honest to boot. So when he told her he wanted something to fix up, she was thrilled. Finally a client she didn’t have to hide the issues from.
Of course, he was also a licensed contractor and did good business renovating houses for a living. He knew EXACTLY how much it would really take to fix things up.
“Let’s go inside,” she said gamely, and Keven had to give her credit for sticking it out. He wasn’t easy to talk around. “I know this is a gut-job, but the original features of the house are beautiful.”
It was true. Keven admired the windows as he walked in. Some wise soul managed to board them up, and that had saved the intricate glass work that looked like it belonged in a church. The crown molding was original too, and the fireplace was magnificent.
Unfortunately, the rest of the house showed three hundred years of wear and tear and bad attempts to keep it up to date.
“How much for this place?” He asked finally after examining the place thoroughly and considering what it would take to bring it into the twenty-first century. “Remember I’m gonna have to go through the historical society and probably a pile of city permits too.”
It was useful that Amy worked through the bank and was able to promise far more than a regular realtor, and Keven knew it was far better to get something for the property than to have to tear it down.
A glimmer of light caught his eye and Kevin turned in time to see a bit of mist vanish up the stairs, quick as a cat.
He joked about it being haunted. Now he wasn’t so sure it was a joke.
“Who owned this place originally?” He asked, even as footsteps echoed down the empty hall. “I mean, it’s three hundred ears old. Do we know who built it?”
“It was a wedding gift for one Elizabeth Mallory from her new husband,” Amy supplied. She was getting very pale. Kevin supposed she was more bothered by the ghosts than he was. “She died suddenly of heart failure the night after her wedding. Her husband never remarried and lived here until his death at eighty-seven.”
“Any other residents?”
“Plenty, but there always seems to be a lot of accidents. Tragedy, that kind of thing.”
Poor Amy. She really hated having to tell him the house was cursed, but Keven liked her more for telling him the truth.
Keven caught a glimpse of a sad-looking young man with a noose around his neck, and sighed.
He hadn’t planned on buying a haunted house but, well, he liked horror movies and this house definitely needed some fixing. Maybe the residents would be happier if it was cleaned up.
“I can show you another house...” Amy was already heading for the door, but Keven stopped her.
“Show me the rest,” he said thoughtfully. “But so far... I think this might be it.”
The sad young man smiled, and vanished, and Keven thought that maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
This Old House:
White Roses and Deck Railings
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Zyva and Zavisz Czarniek, Agents of the Judge and Knight
"We offer wealth, security, and eternal life... for just a small price up-front.”
A Lendian official of the Church of the Triumvirate, Ziemovit Czarniek, decided he wanted children. As he preferred the company of men, he decided against the traditional biological method but his particular self-importance convinced him that typical adoption wasn't to his taste - instead, he decided he would use his wealth and influence to buy some children. He found a couple who unexpectedly had twins and offered a sum of money to take custody of the children, and they accepted.
The twins were aware of their birth parents, but otherwise were raised as full members of House Czarniek, trained to serve the Church. Zyva became a priest of the Judge, trained to resolve legal and business disputes as well as received some magical training; Zavisz followed the Knight, training for combat and to serve as a shield for church officials. Once their training was complete, the two were often assigned on the same tasks - Zyva sent to investigate, with Zavisz serving as her bodyguard.
They serve as a single 'character' in tactical combat, but they have some diverging skills and character choices otherwise split between the two.
Background (Zyva): Judge-Priest - Trained in combat magic, magical investigation, and negotiating terms for contracts or arrangements between the church and outsiders the church employs. Skills: Contract Negotiation, Arcana, Light Magic Trick: Prayer of Healing - Zyva can reliably succeed when using Light Magic to heal and remove conditions. Wealth: Rich (2)
Background (Zavisz): Knight-Enforcer - Trained in martial combat, and serving as a bodyguard. Skills: Martial Prowess, Intimidation Trick: Smite Good - Zavisz can reliably succeed in a martial struggle by channeling Shadow Magic into his weapon. Wealth: Rich (2)
Origin: Adopted Scions - House Czarniek has a long tradition of having training in Shadow Magic and involvement with the Church of the Three. Skills: Shadow Magic Complication: Scions of House Czarniek - A long-standing involvement in church politics means that the twins are valid targets for internal power struggles or petty revenge. Origin Advance: Smooth Patter (from the Face mini-kit) - Being raised in a noble house makes them used to high-stakes social situations and winning people over. Origin Feat: Reliable - Having intense lessons and repeated drills means these noble children can avoid wasting energy on failed attacks.
Personalize: Skill (Zyva): Persuasion - In addition to her technical knowledge of church contracts, Zyva also has a strong personality and is skilled at persuasion. Complication (Zavisz): Touched by an Angel - Zavisz was once granted the position of an honour guard for the angel Złota, who despite her status was of an age with the rather handsome knight and they both caught feelings. Several rendezvous have occurred since, which both parties want to keep secret to avoid complications from others in the church.
Kit and Advances: Kit: The Spy - agents of the Judge use their position to gather information, and Zyva is talented at that. Advance: Expensive Tastes - However she is overly given to impulsive purchases.
Gear: Incense, vestments, symbol of office with the Judge, romance novels (Zyva); sword and shield, armour, golden coin keepsake necklace (Zavisz).
Relationships: Ally: Złota, while maintaining their secret, can use her influence or magical prowess to aid Zavisz. Neutral: "Knight" Nichol Calvare, a former mercenary that has been knighted by the church as part of a deal with the Former Kingdom of Avor. He has been assigned to several of the same missions as the twins, and despite a rivalry would have a vested interest in helping them. Enemy: Magda and Keven Vielisłav, members of a rival noble house to the Czarnieks who both hold petty grudges against Ziemovit for different personal reasons. They would assist the twins in an effort to earn influence over them or to weaken Ziemovit's position.
Motivation: To Serve the Three - Zyva and Zavisz are devoted to House and church, engaging in artefact retrieval and magical investigation missions for the church and representing their house.
Tactical Combat: Basic Attacks: Zavisz uses his blade for melee attacks, while Zyva conjures a ray of light for ranged attacks. Class: Buddies - they fight as a unit, with Zyva serving as the 'main' and Zavisz serving as the 'buddy'. Role: Leader - Zyva uses her healing magic to support both Zavisz and others they fight beside such as Knight Calvare. Feat: Bread and Butter (Team Attack) - Fighting together is second nature to them, and they can pull off a paired strike given any opening.
(These two are originally from the MTG Ravnica setting which is why their actions for the church are so Orzhov)
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fandomoniumflurry · 5 years
Reckless Abandon NINE tribute
Millie and Castiel 8x23 Sacrifice
Song: Heaven
Taggers: @hunterswearingplaid @becs-bunker @keepcalmimthecupcake  @fangirl-moment-x @a-fan-fighting-for-equality @50shadesofsubtext  @winchester-lover999  @feelinrosier Taglist is open!
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“I’ll go.” Millie offered, stepping out of what seemed like nowhere. “You stay here with Sam, I’ll go with Cas.” Her brothers looked at her, concern in their eyes but they didn’t argue with her. They had been working on making her feel more needed, letting her feel stronger and less useless. So after a moment of looking between each other, both brothers nodded. 
“Be careful, Mills. Call if you need us. And don’t forget your angel blade and--” Dean began but Millie cut her little brother off with a laugh and a wave of her hand. 
“Who’s the elder here?” Her features softened before she rested her hands on his forearms. “I’ll be fine. Just take care of our baby brother.” Dean nodded and hugged her before she pulled back and smiled up at him. “This time tomorrow hopefully we’ll be living in a world without the supernatural.” She couldn’t say one way or another if she believed that this would work or not but they had to try. She hugged Sam before grabbing a few things from the trunk and then turning to the waiting angel. She nodded and with a simple touch, Sam and Dean were standing alone. 
Kevin was a nice enough kid, a little crazy and a side of snarky but what Winchester adoptee wasn’t. Today Castiel only seemed to make the boy more cranky. “Cas.” Millie said the angel’s name timidly when he seemed to get hiffy with the young prophet. But Keven was the one who decided he’d get mouthy with the celestial being. The blonde jumped when Castiel lifted the boy and slammed him into a wall. “Castiel!” She yelled this time, moving forward to rest a hand on the angel’s shoulder. 
Castiel eased only slightly, his eyes locked on the young prophet. “Now, are you clear as to the task before you?” Once the boy nodded, Cas let go and stepped back to be at Millie’s side. “Then do it. Let’s go.” With a rush, once again Castiel transported the two of them away. She had to say this matter of fact domineering Cas was always her favorite and she would be lying if she said it wasn’t hot. Hopefully these thoughts weren’t too loud but she blushed anyway. This was not the time for crushes on angels. 
“Cas, come on! Talk first, stab later.” Millie moved to stand between the two angels. Soft hazel eyes then turned to the cupid. “Please.” It sounded pitiful but they were desperate. 
“You think you can fix it?” Gail’s gaze turned to Cas who had barely relaxed the tension from his body.
“In time, yes.” He nodded and Millie kept her eye on the woman, unsure of which way this could go. Thankfully, she had nothing to worry about because the cupid reached out her hand. 
“Take it then.” Cas did what he had to but Millie didn’t have to watch. She praised the ringing of her phone that took her attention away from the two angels. 
“What do you mean you can’t find it, Kevin?” Millie tried not to seem agitated as the prophet explained what he had read so far. “That’s impossible. Read harder.” 
“I can only read so hard without having my head explode, Millicent!” Kevin snapped, causing Millie to pause and her face fell black. Her mouth opened to respond but the flap of wings jolted her back to Cas who drew his blade once again. 
Naomi’s words were the last thing they expected. Cas didn’t seem convinced but Millie wasn’t so sure. Why would the angel need to lie at this point? What was the end game here? She got back on the phone with Kevin. “Is she lying?” She asked him and Kevin didn’t know. “Find out.” She hung up before turning to Cas. “Take me back to my brothers. Now!” The angel made no argument, simply brought her back to the abandoned church. 
Dean was still sitting out at the Impala and he stood when Millie ran to him in a panic. She explained as quickly as she could, though it was hard to keep her anxiety from slurring her words. 
“Dean. Millie.” Dean didn’t turn to Cas, simply rushed off to stop Sam.
“Go with him, Millie!” Dean pointed to the angel before moving frantically toward the old church. 
“Dean!” The blonde called out his name in an attempt to argue. 
“Go! I got Sam.” Dean’s voice was firm and if she wasn’t just as worried about Castiel and his suicide mission as she was her little brother, she would have fought it harder. 
When she turned to look at Cas, his features seemed worried and scared. She smiled softly and stepped closer, resting her hands on his chest after fixing his tie. “It will be ok, Castiel.” She always had a special gift to calm everyone around her. Perhaps it was her motherly instinct and her sweet disposition but it was no different this time. His head nodded, his hands coming to rest on top of hers. And just like that they were gone. 
This was the first time ever being in Heaven. It was nothing like she had expected to be honest. The pure white room around them did make sense but it looked too...ordinary. Of course, she had never expected to see a dead angel the moment she got into Heaven’s office. Cas was rigid realizing his mistake and all hope washed out of him. Millie frowned but then screamed out his name when she caught sight of the scribe behind them. She wasn’t quick enough, not that she could do anything to stop an angel. 
He had the angel blade to Cas’s throat and that was the only reason she allowed the man to walk back with him and strap him into a chair. Millies  heart broke for Castiel whose blue eyes were dull and defeated. He still had a little fight left in him but it was nothing to Metatron. 
“Stop!” Millie dared to cry out, moving closer, only stopping when the scribe put the blade back to the angel’s neck. “What’s your plan here, Metatron?” 
As a response, the scribe cut into Cas’s throat, grace escaping as blood trickled down his neck. A tear slid down Millie’s cheek and she wished she could do something without Cas ending up dead or worse. So she held her ground and Metatron grinned before explaining the spell he had been planning this whole time. The hope Millie had that everything would work out was gone, her brothers unable to close hell without Sam’s death and the closing of Heaven being a hoax that may be the death of herself and Castiel. 
“So what? Take his halo and then what? You sit up here like God?” 
Metatron healed the cut on Castiel’s neck and looked down at the former angel with a grin, one that made the Winchester ill. “Live this new life to the fullest, Castiel. Fall in love, get married, make babies!” His attention turned to Millie with a wickedness gleaming in his eyes. “And when you die, and come to Heaven, find me and tell me your story.” His existence made her skin crawl and she had enough of his false sincerity and care. She charged him but he didn’t seem fazed. “Now go!” The room was flooded with light and the two were tossed from Heaven. 
The world was dark as the Winchester and the newly human Castiel landed amongst brush and leaves on the side of the road, nearly hitting a bus stop. The man was the first to rise to his feet, staring above as if in a shattered and shocked trance. Millie groaned as she stood to her feet, dusting herself off and internally cursing Metatron. She looked at Cas in confusion until finally her eyes turned to wear he was staring off at. 
Her eyes widened and she turned to get a better look. “Falling stars?” 
“Angels.” Was the only word that left Cas’s chapped lips. She looked up at him, her heart splitting open with guilt and sorrow. She could see it in the former angel’s eyes that he was close to falling apart. He had lost his home, pushed off the edge of the world without a parachute. Broken trust, shattered dreams and complete loneliness. No grace, no wings, and Heaven didn’t want him.
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the-sun-is-yellow · 7 years
It's hard to chose which I like better overall because I actually really like the movie and the TV show (although neither stick to the books at all, they're so far away from it, so many unnecessary plotlines, why??).
CLARY: I definitely like Lily Collins more as Clary. Kat seems like a nice person, but I think her acting needs some work, she's often not very convincing. It may come with time though. Apart from the hair colour, Lily just embodied the character so much better, although she still annoys me, but I feel like Clary annoys everyone. 
JACE: Jamie would be my first choice for Jace, but Dom's acting certainly got better as the series moved on, so he's not too bad. I feel like Jace doesn't actually get very much screen-time in the TV show, maybe because Malec is the main couple right now, but Jamie really had Jace's snark and overall demeanour down, as well as the total 180 he does in his moods with Clary, much more than Dom does. I'm excited to see how that changes when (SPOILER) the whole incest thing stops being a thing. 
SIMON: I can't chose either actor for Simon because I love them both. Robert maybe had the character down a little better, but I do love them both. They're cute and they actually look kinda similar when they have the glasses on. I like Alberto's vampire portrayal better I think. 
ALEC: Okay, everyone's always mean to Kevin, and yeah he was kinda old to be Alec, but I actually really liked his portrayal, and he's such a sweetie. Malec wasn't going to be a big thing in the movie, because it was based on the first book, where Malec was basically non-existent. However, I must say, I love Matt so much, and he portrays Alec better than I thought anyone ever could. He's like my fave human whoops. But yeah, I love both these boys, I just think Matt is a better Alec simply due to age. His chemistry with Harry is great, in a way that Keven and Godfrey didn't have. 
MAGNUS: Magnus was also cast kinda old in the movie, and I love Harry's portrayal, so I definitely prefer the TV show casting there. Some of the effects were better in the movie in terms of his magic, and I like his cat eyes in the movie, so there's that, but overall, Harry wins. He has the charm and the flirting but also the care for Alec, and Clary as well. Also I love the initial Malec meeting in the movie and the TV show, always makes me laugh. I'm glad their story is getting more developed than it did in the movie and even the books, where they always took backseat to Clace, and even other couples as they started appearing later books. All that freaking gay erasure, am I right?
ISABELLE: I actually completely forgot what the Isabelle in the movie even looked like, showing how great her impression on me was (not very great at all). Em is great as Izzy, really has the sass and the flair, though her accent isn't amazing, but obviously that’s not her fault, and I feel like it’s getting better, particularly in season 2. A great choice for Izzy I think, and the family likeness in the Lightwoods is great (except Max, lol why is everyone else in the family clearly not white, but Max is the whitest kid I've ever seen, terrible casting).
VALENTINE: Valentine annoyed me in both movie and TV show bc HE'S SUPPOSED TO HAVE LIKE LONG HAIR. Idk why it bothers me so much, but it does, like wtf why is he bald in the TV show. No thanks??? I just don't think either characterisation of him did his villainous nature justice. Valentine is this sick, insane, twisted character, and it’s just not really shown. I get that maybe it would be too much for the rating of the show/movie to show the true extent of this horribleness, or maybe that’s to come when (SPOILER) our good friend Sebastian shows up, but like who knows, I just don’t really like it. 
SIDE CHARACTERS: Jocelyn doesn't bother me, she's not that key, tho (SPOILER) why did they kill her off in the TV show? Like no? Her and Luke get married? I need Jem to be there so he can steal Church? Luke is fine in both, I hadn't realised it was the actual love of my life Aiden Turner in the movie tho. I think I like Luke better in the TV show, he had more room for character development, and the image in my head of what he looked like has changed thanks to Isaiah. Maryse Lightwood casting is good, really looks like Alec and Izzy. (Are there more side characters I have forgotten? idk? idc? it’s 3am?) 
TV SHOW EXCLUSIVE/I FORGOT IF THEY’RE IN THE MOVIE: I can't really remember Raphael from the movie, but the TV show portrayal is great, got the snark down, though I'm worried they're going to make him straight? He’s having some weird moments with Izzy (SPOILER) with the whole Yin Fen plotline (also yeah that sucks, I hate it, wtf no, where did it come from it’s basically ruined their chance to make a Clockwork Angel series bc you’ve taken Jem’s plotline?) Like no, he's canonically gay, right? But yeah, A* casting, good job on that, he looks just like I imagined, though I feel like he's older than he's meant to be in the books.  Maia is cool, I want more of her storyline. Camille is just how I imagined. I can't even remember if those two were in the movie lol.
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years
04/29/2017 DAB Transcript
Judges 9:22-10:18 ~ Luke 24:13-53 ~ Psalm 100:1-5 ~ Proverbs 14:11-12
Today is the 29th day of April.  Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible.  I'm Brian.  It's wonderful to be here with you today as we together close down another of the weeks. Man, we’re closing down this month. Just about already through the month of April.  Hard to believe but true.  So we’re going to pick back up with the story not so much of Gideon because Gideon has died, but Abimelech, his son.  We read all this yesterday.  He assassinated his brothers, has become kind of a leader and we’ll just kind of move further into that story.  We’re reading from The Voice this week which is today and we’ll do something else tomorrow, which will be next week, but for today Judges chapter 9, verse 22 through 10:18.
Father, thank you for another week in your word.  We just concluded the gospel of Luke and in it we get to experience once again your resurrection and victory that you then bestowed upon us. You won the prize and then gave it to us and told us to just share it with everyone else in the whole world, that this is good news that everything has changed now, that there is forgiveness for our sins and restoration within us to God.  This is the best news ever.  So we rejoice in this good news because it has not only changed our lives now, it has changed our existence forever.  So we thank you, Jesus.  Our lives without you would be lost, just completely lost.  But you came and you found us and we are found.  So we worship you and adore you and we seal this week in your name and we look forward to all that comes next, next week, all that you will say and do in our lives certainly through your word, but through the power of your Holy Spirit's guidance.  Every day is a new day and every week is a new week and every week we get to choose how we’re going to behave, whether we’re going to believe you and live into this restoration that you offer or whether it is going to be the ebb and flow, the kind of stuff that we’re experiencing in the book of judges, the kind of stuff we’ve experienced many times in our own lives.  You’ve always been there saying choose life, that's really all you’ve got to do.  Choose life. Follow me.  I’ll lead you into all truth.  So we accept.  Come Holy Spirit, we pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.  
Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website.  It's home base.  It's where you find out what is going on around here.  We’ve been mentioning that we’re going to go back to this land of the Bible.  So all this stuff that is happening in Judges, that is happening in the city of Shechem, so much in the Bible happens in and around Shechem.  Like in the mountain of blessing and cursing, it is right there. Shechem is kind of like right between them.  We kind of get into some of that area.  There is just not a day that goes by that we’re not reading of a place that we try to go. We try to go to all the different regions and see all the different geography changes that happen in such a small area and experience it all.  So we’ll be going back to the land of the Bible and immerse ourselves in the stories of the scriptures in February 2018.  So February 19th through March 4th will be the next time that we’ll go and you are invited.  You can find out more about the trip, all the details about it at www.DailyAudioBible.com.  Just kind of scroll down and look for the little banner that says Israel 2018 and you’ll find what you’re looking for, all of the details.  We will look forward to seeing you soon.  
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at www.DailyAudioBible.com.  There is a link.  It's on the home page.  Thank you.  Thank you for your partnership.  If you're using the Daily Audio Bible App, you can press the More button in the lower right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today.  I'm Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
Hello.  This is Walta from Charlotte.  I'm a burning bush that will not be devoured for the glory of our God and King.  I hope you guys can hear me.  I'm driving home from work and I listen to requests on my way home.  I heard I think Mark calling from Pennsylvania and I just want you to know I prayed for that baby.  I'm praying for healing in the name of Jesus.  I believe that God is capable.  He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above your expectations, so we’re going to believe the voice of truth, God who is the creator.  And also another brother called I think from Pennsylvania as well and he talked about us giving back to the community and supporting the DAB.  Your call is definitely God.  I believe that it was God influenced because I’ve been feeling the same way.  I’ve been feeling like calling in to say something as well and I know a lot of us go to church and we give our tithes and offerings at church, but allow God to lead you as to how you’re going to distribute whatever offerings you have to share because the DAB is totally worth it.  This is definitely good soil and so I usually don’t do it every month for DAB, but I think I will start doing that instead of just sporadically. Thank you for sharing.  God bless.  
Good day.  It's Kathleen M. from Toowoomba, Queensland Australia.  How's it all going?  Brian, Jill, it's good to be still listening and listening to it all and I'm still praying along, but I need some prayer for myself today.  I’ve got a bit of infection on my arm and I'm shivering and my grains are up, I'm quite sore.  I don’t know if it is the infection or not and I know if I reach out for prayer, __ and I’ll be healed and set free.  Bless you all and thank you.  Thank you for __ and praying.  Bye.  
Hi, my name is Marlene.  I am a first-time caller from Colorado and probably about an 8 or 9-year listener.  My late husband introduced me to this and he's been gone about 5 years now.  Eternally grateful for this and the format and just being able to stay connected to the Bible, so thanks to the Hardin family for that, first off.  But I do have a request today.  My son Nate has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.  He’ll be having (excuse me) his second MRI today.  He's only 23 years old.  It's not considered aggressive at this time, but apparently things will change in the next several years, so prayers for him as he continues to follow and try to walk with God through this.  He is pretty young.  I also have a son that we just found out is going to be stationed in South Korea, so prayers for him as well too, and I really would like to finish up with a praise. My daughter will be graduating from college this May, so that is a big praise.  I’ve been able to get all three of my kiddos through college after the death of my husband, so that is pretty exciting.  So praise to Jesus and thank you for this format.  
Yeah, this is Miguel from California calling for Kevin from California.  Hello Dabalonian and fellow Californian. Brother, I'm just calling to continue to pray for you and pray for your story.  I want to share with you the prayer that has come to mind for me as I prayed for you.  It's actually a scripture that is out of Matthew 9. It says no one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment for the patch turns away from the garment and a worse tear is made.  Neither is new wine put into an old wineskin.  If it is, the skin bursts and the wine spills and the skins are destroyed. But new wine is put into fresh wineskins so both are preserved.  And I realize this is a different context.  This is talking about old and new covenant, but I think about you and your relationship with your boys and this is the prayer that is not for a patching up, for a whole new, fresh relationship to be made and it is made possible by Jesus and in prayer. So join with me in prayer, Kevin and all you, family.  Father, I do ask for a new relationship for Kevin and his boys, for Levi and for Tekoa. Forgive me if the third's boy name doesn’t come to mind at the moment, but Father, I do ask for this new relationship for them.  God, all things are possible in Jesus’ name and I ask for this to be made new in Jesus’ name and for the glory of God, to the glory of your story, Jesus, may this be possible.  We ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.  
Hi family.  It's Shannon from Texas and I just wanted to call and agree with Sheila from Texas about the marriages this week.  I’ve been fasting.  Well, I try to live what I call a fasted lifestyle, but I am agreeing for marriages. The woman who called, her husband's name is Mike, she said he worships money and some other things, I’ve definitely been praying for you.  Been there, done that.  God can definitely do a work for you.  In my case, I didn’t stay, but that can be a blessing all in itself.  Sometimes we need to get away from abusive situations, but that is a personal issue, so I'm definitely lifting you up and also Keven, the father of Levi, Moses and Tekoa, for reconciliation for your children.  I'm believing with you for that and for your finances.  And also for Josiah, the little boy Josiah, I'm continuing to lift him up.  Love you guys.  Bye-bye.
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greyreign · 6 years
The Season Finale is here! Hosts Shaka Smith, TK Trinidad, Nakia Monet and Raquel Harris are joined by actor Sean Blakemore (Phillip DeMars). They break down the Basie and Bishop standoff, Grace’s paternity reveal, Jacob and Kerissa’s reconciliation and the Bishop’s heart attack scare that has caused the family to begin healing their rifts to come together for a potential face off with the Harmony of Hope Church in Season 4. The Greenleaf family, which runs sprawling Memphis megachurch Calvary Fellowship World Ministries, appears to be a loving and caring clan. Beneath the surface, though, exists scandalous secrets and lies. Greed, adultery and sibling rivalry are among the issues that threaten to test the family's faith and tear the group apart. The scandalous happenings are uncovered by Grace, the estranged daughter of church leader Bishop James Greenleaf, when she returns home after a 20-year absence. Oprah Winfrey has a regular role on the show as Mavis, Grace's aunt. Make sure to subscribe to AfterBuzz! - http://youtube.com/afterbuzztv HELPFUL LINKS: Website - http://afterbuzztv.com Apple Podcasts - https://ift.tt/1oPDN6B Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/afterbuzztv Like us on Facebook - https://ift.tt/2GMc8SQ See on us Instagram - https://ift.tt/1nTv3G5 Merch - https://ift.tt/23ZFJdV ABOUT AFTERBUZZ TV: Created by Emmy winner Maria Menounos & producer Keven Undergaro, AfterBuzz TV is the digital broadcast network dedicated to producing live and on-demand after-shows, news and coverage for nearly every TV show featuring expert recaps & interviews with cast & crew.Sean Blakemore guests on Greenleaf Season 3 Episode 13 Review & After Show https://youtu.be/TTuQGMQX_Ns
0 notes
carpe-astra · 2 years
Keven Church
  -there's nothing special about tonight. except a slightly drunken vampirate who'd taken an impulsive sip from a pothead earlier. he's currently wandering the streets of the Red Light district....very close to straddling the border between there and the Northern Slums. the sweaty armpit of the city shared by hookers and crackheads  - D-d-demons arra gals best friend. Oi. Oi.   -he sings lazily beneath his breath  -
  -In the midst of a red lit cityscape, the glint of blue is bizarre and out of place but it doesn't last for very long at all. More bizarre perhaps, is the figure that comes into perfect stride beside the drunken dhampir, matching him step for step in silence.  -
Keven Church
    -he fucking screams  -
  -As his scream rings against dirty brick walls, a gloved hand reaches out to clamp over his mouth and muffle the noise. It was likely no one would pay any attention, but there was always a slim risk. The figure pushed at him, trying to force him down into the darker shadows of an alley they were passing, free hand up to put a finger over the snarling wolf's maw of their mask.  -
Keven Church
  -he easily smacks her hand away after they've been swallowed by darkness. drunken, yes. intoxicated by dirty blood, also yes. instinctively unable to protect himself from a small shadowy sneaky lurking freak? never. he takes a quick few steps back in a swaying blur. closer to the harsh line drawn by shadows of an alleyway and the light from a buzzing street lamp. one toe crosses that line as he glares hotly  - Piss off, cunt.
  -Once they're in the allyeway, they stop moving even as he continues. They put their hands up, displaying they aren't holding anything. Moving slowly to grasp the mask, and pull it free. The distortion at the edges of their frame resolve firmly back into reality, and the strange shape of their body becomes more feminine under the long red coat. The mask dangles by their fingers, as the woman shakes out long blonde hair.  -
Alicia Montgomery
I have news for you, and an offer.
Keven Church
  -oh he's holding something already. an empty   tle of dark rum and a toothed combat knife. not yet pointing it at the figure...at her...but staring intently. and just...waiting  - Hah! Knew it.   -NOW he points the knife at her, recognizing that little cherubic face  - Cheap trick frem a cheap whore. Whatcha want? T'a Lasombra's pompous head onna pretty platter?
Alicia Montgomery
I always knew you were smarter than you pretended to be.   -There was a certain intelligence to coming up with all his colorful insults, that if applied elsewhere, would have reaped a great deal. Her attention flickers once to the knife, then dismisses it entirely by fixing on his weathered features.  - I want a great deal more than that. And I have been thinking to myself as of late, just whom might else share a common vision - or might, if that vision was explained.   -The woman's eyes, once upon a time, a dull and empty blue, now fairly glowed with a feverish zealotry.  - You have a problem. And I have a way to fix it.
  -She took a step forward, leaning towards him.  - A way where you won't have to ever run again.
Keven Church
  -he squints at her. 99.99% sure she's just trying to use him for some sexy evil villain plot before deciding he's just dead weight. they always do  - Oi.   -he wiggles the knife at her as she leans closer like a tamarin monkey in its cage looking for a stray french fry to snatch  - Back up. Yer rubbin' t'at stench o' desperation on me.   -his green eyes turn a bit more serious  - Feck ye know about me runnin?
Alicia Montgomery
  -She stopped in place, studying him. Unable to help herself as she took another step in. Extending a single hand towards him.  - I know a great deal. I was there for it, in the beginning. I saw, no, I still see how you twist and turn yourself to keep a step ahead. The others, they don't really understand what that means. But I do. Running to survive. What if I told you that you could stop running. You could put down roots wherever you wanted. Be with someone, or not. All because the Tremere were no more?
Keven Church
Ohhhhh boo. Kiss me arse. Ye talk like a goddamned Bond villain.   -he glowers, jabbing his knife toward her outreached hand just to get his point across that his personal space is not to be crossed. even if he is humoring her for a moment  - So yer big bad plan is t'a take down t'e Giant Ginger an' his magic army? How?
Alicia Montgomery
  -The swipe of the blade nearly goes unnoticed, but the fact he wouldn't take her hand went entirely noticed. Her fingers curl, arm drawing back in to herself.  - I plan to take them all down.   -Bright and burning, before a pause and an abrupt switch. Growing cool and distant.  - What have you heard on the streets about the Kindred community as of late, Keven Church?
Keven Church
Some gettin' burned. Some endin' up on milk cartons. Oldies turnin' tits up.   -he spits to the side  - Fuck 'em.
  -he definitely doesnt like the way she uses his full name. feels a bit too invasive. like a bad doctor getting a little too personal in their rectal exam  -
Alicia Montgomery
Exactly.   -There's a note of pride in her voice. For herself? For him perhaps, for noticing.  - My work. What do you think?   -She hooked the mask to a loop on her coat, reaching out to the grungy wall beside her to knock against it absently.  - I've taken all that a step further even. Experimenting.   -The others had found that safehouse of Nathaniel's, and the bunker beneath. She hadn't expected them to put so many clues together, or for them to dig so deeply into the website to realize the address was real. Or to find the records of what she had been doing. It had to have been Andrew.  Something cold squeezed in her chest, but she gave a rusty laugh.  - Admittedly, it looked dicey in the beginning, but I've been able to take away the... disease that makes them Kindred.
Can you imagine what that might mean for you? And people like you? Like me?
Keven Church
  -he laughs, and not in a fun "ha-ha you're so cute" kinda way  - I t'ink yer feckin' mad.   -he listens, for whatever reason. instead of booking it--cause the devil knows she couldnt keep up if he was quick about it--he hears her out. and just gives her a wtf look  - Sounds stupid. Ye t'ink I'm stupid?
Alicia Montgomery
Why? Why do I sound mad? Why does it sound stupid? Because if I were you, I'd be leaping for the opportunity to make the Tremere human.
Keven Church
Aye. If it works.
If yer not just tryna set me up.
If t'is ain't a trap fer yer favorite wankers I be around at t'at lil club house.
Alicia Montgomery
It does work. If you don't truly don't believe me, ask Dixie. Or better yet, ask Isaac. I tested it directly on Dixie and they've seen the evidence in the video files they managed to dig up.   -Gleaming eyes soaked the sight of the drunken dhampir in.  - I need a partner in this endeavor. One with your skills. Someone who can go in and out of places I cannot, and who can get information I cannot. In exchange, I protect you from the Tremere, and resolve the problem for you entirely by turning Konstantin and his Scourge, human. No powers, no anything. No need for you to run.
Keven Church
  -he squints again. his look of judgmental contemplation lasts a little longer than last time. then he waggles his dagger once more  - How I know yer not just gonna off me after all'a t'is?
Alicia Montgomery
You are not a Kindred, so I have no qualm with you to begin with. But if you have some way of guaranteeing I hold true to my word, I will do it.   -For the second time, she finally looks at the dagger.  -
Keven Church
Hmm. Aye.   -he gestures for her to stick out her hand like before  - Make yer promise.
Alicia Montgomery
  -She extends her hand out to him silently.  -
Keven Church
  -he cuts, no hesitation. a quick, deep cut right across the palm. unless she has some magic to heal it later, its gonna fucking hurt to use it. but he doesnt care  - Sigillum.   -a streak of red passes through his eyes and settles in his pupils for half a second as his own magic, fueled by Vitae, is used to begin a binding spell with her own blood  - Now. Say it. Say what yer gonna promise me.
Alicia Montgomery
  -It's familiar, like when she'd bonded herself with the Tremere. The cut burns, nerves gone numb until she couldn't even flex her fingers had she wanted to. Blood quickly pools, staining the leather of her gloves, dripping between the creases of her fingers and splattering the ground between them. Despite the deep ache, she doesn't flinch. This is nothing in comparison to what she had already suffered. Then she echoes his words to make her promise.  - I will not kill you after everything.
Keven Church
An' yer lil magic trick works. It'll turn em human.   -he says it like he wants her to repeat his words  -
Alicia Montgomery
  -She smiles, a pretty expression with a touch of smugness.  - I also promise that my serum makes Kindred human, and that I will use it on the Tremere.
Keven Church
  -he still doesnt fully believe her on that. at the very least, he doesnt have as much confidence that it'll be as effective as she seems to think it'll be. but...she makes her promise  - Sigillum. Verbum.   -a white hot thread of magic weaves in and out of her wound on the hand, disappearing beneath the leather glove a few times as it metaphorically stitches the oath into her very flesh. doesnt close the cut of course. but with a blip of red, she can feel her own words settle into her bones as the spell is sealed  -
Ye even t'ink bout goin back on t'at promise, yer arm will rot off.   -he smirks. just slightly before it falls  - Sounds familiar...
Alicia Montgomery
  -This draws a hiss from her, taking the stitching of her words into her skin with heat and magick. At the end, she cups her hand, cradling it shut to stem the flow of blood.  - I won't go back on that promise. But remember Keven Church. There is no where you can hide from me. I can be far worse than what you're running from right now. But so long as you do not betray me, and you help me, you'll get what you want.   -Then she frowned.  - Familiar how?
Keven Church
Jus somet'in I heard.   -he whistles, finally taking that one step back. fully into the cheap street light  - Seeya 'round. Partner.   -then he's gone in a flash of vampiric speed. using a little extra Vitae to keep the exit clean  -
Alicia Montgomery
  -Her expression grows reserved, slotting the mask back into place. Lingering there in the alleyway until several minutes had passed, and Keven was long gone. Then she stepped closer to one of the brick walls, tracing a glyph onto the ruddy stone, lines glowing with arcane blue light. When the light faded, left behind was a doorway she stepped into, then it closed behind her. Only a brick wall remaining.  -
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themomsandthecity · 6 years
Maria Menounos Shares Breathtaking Photos of Her Big Greek Wedding: 'Truly a Magical Fairytale'
Maria Menounos tied the knot in Kalamata, Greece on Saturday — and if the pictures are anything to go by, she had a celebration for the ages. The TV personality, 40, is sharing all the glamorous behind-the-scenes moments from her festive second ceremony with Keven Undergaro, 50, whom she initially wed last year in a surprise wedding during Fox’s New Year’s Eve broadcast. On Instagram, Menounos posted a picture of the happy couple cutting open a massive, berry-covered cake. “Truly a magical fairytale,” she wrote. In other photos in her slideshow post, Menounos showed off her lemon-filled decor, complete with a scrumptious yellow cake with a multi-color top layer, cheerful lemon centerpieces, yellow plants, yellow-hued drinks and pastries. View this post on Instagram Truly a magical fairytale. Huge Thanks to @catering.dipnosofistirion @dimitrisskarmoutsos for the most amazing food and for making every dream come true. Everything I had hoped for you took to a level I couldn’t even imagine. Thank you to both Dimitris! #mariaandkevensbigfatgreekwedding A post shared by MARIA MENOUNOS (@mariamenounos) on Oct 7, 2018 at 10:18am PDT //www.instagram.com/embed.js RELATED: Maria Menounos’ Wedding Dress Revealed! See the Romantic Gown Covered with Hand-Painted Flowers “I literally did not expect what I just walked into,” she said on her Instagram Story. “I said I wanted some lemons on the tables. I didn’t mean put lemon trees everywhere. This is insane.” In fact, the wedding — for which she used the hashtag #mariaandkevensbigfatgreekwedding — was decked out with 1,500 lemons! View this post on Instagram We had the most beautiful flowers last night. Thank you @studio7flowers for everything you did to make our night so special! A post shared by MARIA MENOUNOS (@mariamenounos) on Oct 7, 2018 at 4:39am PDT //www.instagram.com/embed.js Naming the people who made her special day possible, she added in a post, “Huge Thanks to @catering.dipnosofistirion @dimitrisskarmoutsos for the most amazing food and for making every dream come true. Everything I had hoped for you took to a level I couldn’t even imagine. Thank you to both Dimitris!” On her Instagram Story, Menounos kept fans in the loop as she got ready for the big day. In her veil, she said, “My cousin Nikki let us use her apartment. Literally Nikki there were about 1,000 people in your house, I just want you to know. Literally 1,000 people. I love you. Thank you.” RELATED VIDEO: Newlywed Maria Menounos Reveals She Is Considering Surrogacy to Start a Family In another video, her family sang as Menounos held her veil. “Very homey,” she said. “We’re very chill here.” Menounos also provided a peek at her major entrance as she and Undergaro arrived at the church in a carriage surrounded by a swarm of people, and she later shared the joyful dancing at the ceremony. Following the wedding, she reminisced on her Instagram Story with friends. “Literally the most delicious food I’ve ever eaten in my life,” she gushed. “Wasn’t the cheese pie the best?” View this post on Instagram First fitting in LA for @mariamenounos . Συγχαρητήρια! Our warmest wishes to @mariamenounos and @undergaro for a lifetime of love and happiness! Maria is wearing Celia Kritharioti off the shoulder wedding creation made from silk organza with hand-painted flowers and veil made from silk tulle. #CeliaKritharioti #MariaMenounos #JustSayiDo #MariaandKeven #mariaandkevensbigfatgreekwedding A post shared by Celia Kritharioti (@celiakritharioti) on Oct 6, 2018 at 7:41am PDT //www.instagram.com/embed.js Before the wedding, she took a moment to reflect on Instagram. “I’ve been planning this for maybe a month but really been planning this for a long time in my heart because I always wanted to return to Greece and do our wedding here,” she said. “Greece means so much to us and our village and our roots and I’m so beyond thankful to all of our friends who put this together.” RELATED: We Tried It: Maria Menounos’s Fave Workout Pure Barre View this post on Instagram Thoughts…#mariaandkevensbigfatgreekwedding A post shared by MARIA MENOUNOS (@mariamenounos) on Oct 6, 2018 at 4:47am PDT //www.instagram.com/embed.js “Honestly I feel like the luckiest girl in the world,” she continued. “I have the best husband, I have the best family, nothing is without its problems and nothing’s perfect but I am so blessed and so so happy today that we get to do this amazing wedding in this beautiful village that I want to move to although I think Keven may divorce me and that would kind of suck.” For Menounos’ first wedding, the bride wore a Pronovias strapless lace “Randala”-designed gown with a matching lace detachable coat, while Undergaro opted for a Ralph Lauren tux. The two exchanged their own vows with rings by Jean Doussett while their parents, including Menounos’ mom, Litsa, who is battling stage-4 brain cancer, watched nearby. “I really truly believe that it’s taken us this long because of the pressures of putting a wedding together,” Menounos, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor in summer 2017, told PEOPLE at the time. “I’ve always wanted it to be super intimate and even though this is the opposite, we can only invite our immediate family, so the pressure of who to invite is gone. This was just so perfect.” http://bit.ly/2CuWx8i
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newyorktheater · 6 years
Lincoln Center’s sumptuous fourth Broadway revival of “My Fair Lady,” the supremely tuneful and witty 1956 Lerner and Lowe musical adapted from George Bernard Shaw’s pointed 1913 play “Pygmalion,” features a revelation and a looming question for those who know the musical. The revelation is Lauren Ambrose as Eliza Doolittle, and the question is: Does the story still work if we see no romantic feelings develop between Eliza and Henry Higgins, her bullying speech teacher?
Lauren Ambrose
Lauren Ambrose and Harry Hadden Paton
Harry Hadden-Paton as Henry Higgins
Norbert Leo Butz as Alfred Doolittle
Jordan Donica as Freddy Eynsford-Hill
Harry Hadden-Paton, Lauren Ambrose, and Allan Corduner in “The Rain in Spain”
Lauren Ambrose as Eliza and Diana Rigg as Mrs. Higgins
Norbert Leo Butz as Alfred Doolittle in ���Get Me To the Church on Time”
Ambrose, still best known as the oddball art student daughter in the HBO series Six Feet Under, turns out to have a beautiful soprano voice. She also starts off as an impressively off-putting Eliza, a lowborn feral street vendor with a grimy basket of flowers whose dense Cockney bleating and sniveling manner grate on highborn Higgins (Harry Hadden-Paton,) who happens to encounter her outside the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. Under Higgins’ tutelage, Eliza slowly and magnificently blossoms into a graceful, intelligent and independent woman. There is no question that at first Higgins has no interest in her, as a woman or even as a human being; he actively disdains her. He simply wants to win a bet he made with fellow linguist Pickering (Allan Corduner) that, merely by teaching her proper English pronunciation, he can pass off “this draggle-tailed guttersnipe” as a duchess at the Embassy Ball in six months’ time. It’s a nice touch that during their tutoring sessions, Higgins wears a white lab coat, as if he’s the scientist and she’s his experiment. What happens in many productions of “My Fair Lady” is that Eliza grows fond of Higgins:
I’ll never know what made it so exciting; why all at once my heart took flight. I only know when he began to dance with me, I could have danced, danced, danced all night
And, although it takes longer and it’s against his nature, Higgins grows fond of Eliza:
I was serenely independent and content before we met; surely I could always be that way again— and yet I’ve grown accustomed to her looks; accustomed to her voice: accustomed to her face.
And then this usually leads to an ambiguous ending, which offers the audience hope that perhaps they will get together.
However, in this production directed by Bartlett Sher, a wordless action makes the ending unambiguous – they will not get together – and, despite the lyrics to “I Could Have Danced All Night” and “I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face,” the actors make clear all along that there’s no amorous spark between them.
This might baffle or irk some devotees of this Golden Age musical, but it’s important to note that Alan Jay Lerner’s book and lyrics changed Shaw’s original intent. The playwright explicitly abhorred the notion that Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle would become romantically inclined. “Eliza has no use for the foolish romantic tradition that all women love to be mastered…,” wrote Shaw, a socialist and a pioneering advocate for women’s equality, in an epilogue to the published play, explaining at great length what happens to Eliza in the years after the play ends. And Henry Higgins, the “confirmed bachelor” of Shaw’s imagination, seems too immature to be able to love anybody.
So Sher’s adjustment is not an act of revisionism but of restoration, which happens to fit the values of a 2018 New York audience more comfortably than the original adaptation from the 1950s. Shaw’s pointed comments on class and gender are now brought more to the fore. It registers when Eliza says things like: “The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she is treated.”
However one judges the director’s unfamiliar shift in the inner life of the characters, his treatment of the outer life of the musical is familiar from his previous acclaimed Lincoln Center revivals of “South Pacific” and “The King and I.” Sher’s “My Fair Lady” is an elaborate affair, featuring several stellar performances, all 15 memorable songs lavishly backed by a 28-piece orchestra, and a lush design by his usual collaborators, especially scenic designer Michael Yeargan and costume designer Catherine Zuber. Zuber is likely up for her 16th Tony nomination for outfits that are not only lovely and period-perfect; they also often clarify the moment and enhance the tone. I’ve already mentioned the white coat. When Higgins brings Eliza to Ascot to test-run her newfound upper class manner, she is saddled with a fashionable ridiculously unwieldy hat that looks in danger of toppling to the ground, and bringing her with it.
Yeargan’s sets, which effortlessly roll off and on the immense stage of the Vivian Beaumont, can take your breath away. Sometimes, though, they take up all the oxygen. Higgins’ mansion is solid, wood-lined, book-lined, two-tiered, awesome. It’s also on a turntable that rotates to reveal other rooms besides the study in Higgins mansion, which Eliza walks through as she’s singing; admittedly impressive, this didn’t especially add anything – yes, we figured the mansion had more than one room.
Similarly, Christopher Gatelli’s choreography is lively throughout, as it was in Sher’s “King and I” and in “Newsies,” which won Gatelli a Tony. But then there’s the number, “Get me to The Church on Time,” in which Eliza’s father Alfred P. Doolittle (the always reliable Norbert Leo Butz) has turned against his will from low class loafer to respectable member of the middle class, celebrates before his girlfriend is forcing him to marry her the next day. Among the high-kicking ensemble of drunken rowdy celebrants are a music hall full of can-can girls, most of them bearded men in drag. I mean…..what?
I suspect these occasional excesses are intended to bypass our cultural cerebrum to massage our theatrical limbic system, or even burrow into our Broadway brain stem.
This may help explain why, despite the director’s intellectual commitment to keep the relationship unromantic, Sher cast as Higgins an actor who on the surface seems to be more of a match for Ambrose’s Eliza than 48-year-old Rex Harrison was to 20-year-old Julie Andrews when the original production of My Fair Lady opened on Broadway. Harry Hadden-Paton is not only close in age to Lauren Ambrose; he is actually three years younger than she is.
Luckily, audience members at “My Fair Lady” have more straightforward outlets for any romantic yearnings. This includes stand-out Jordan Donica as Freddy, who we’re meant to see as a more apt match for Eliza; he is certainly swoon-worthy when he sings the outright romantic ballad “On the Street Where You Live.”
And then there’s Dame Diana Rigg as Mrs. Higgins, Henry’s mother, who is on a whole other level of swoon-worthy. She not only lands every one of her witty lines with seeming ease. Her very presence romantically evokes different memories for different generations — the impossibly mod spy Emma Peel from “The Avengers,” the scheming Lady Olenna Tyrell from “Game of Thrones,” or even, on stage in London, a certain Cockney flower girl who becomes a lady.
My Fair Lady Lincoln Center’s Vivian Beaumont Theater Book by Alan Jay Lerner; Music by Frederick Loewe; Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner; Adapted from “Pygmalion” by: George Bernard Shaw; Original musical arrangements by Robert Russell Bennett and Phil Lang; Dance arrangements by Trude Rittmann; Musical Director: Ted Sperling Directed by Bartlett Sher; Choreographed by Christopher Gattelli Scenic Design by Michael Yeargan; Costume Design by Catherine Zuber; Lighting Design by Donald Holder; Sound Design by Marc Salzberg; Hair and Wig Design by Tom Watson Cast Lauren Ambrose, Harry Hadden-Paton, Norbert Leo Butz, Diana Rigg, Allan Corduner, Jordan Donica, Linda Mugleston, Manu Narayan, Cameron Adams, Shereen Ahmed, Kerstin Anderson, Heather Botts, John Treacy Egan, Rebecca Eichenberger, SuEllen Estey, Christopher Faison, Steven Trumon Gray, Adam Grupper, Michael Halling, Joe Hart, Sasha Hutchings, Kate Marilley, Liz McCartney, Justin Lee Miller, Rommel Pierre O’Choa, Keven Quillon, JoAnna Rhinehart, Tony Roach, Lance Roberts, Blair Ross, Christine Cornish Smith, Paul Slade Smith, Samantha Sturm, Matt Wall, Michael Williams, Minami Yusui and Lee Zarret Runtime 2 hrs. and 55 min including one intermission
My Fair Lady Review: Unromantic Eliza in Lavish Revival Lincoln Center’s sumptuous fourth Broadway revival of “My Fair Lady,” the supremely tuneful and witty 1956 Lerner and Lowe musical adapted from George Bernard Shaw’s pointed 1913 play “Pygmalion,” features a revelation and a looming question for those who know the musical.
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carpe-astra · 2 years
Storm Character Write Ups
Key characters for Storm:
-Konstantin Hauser: 5th generation Methuselah, Tremere Prince, he rules the domain of Kragmont city (in the southern region of the Northern Continent on Hellifyno), recently kidnapped Kara, then spoke with Embraced vampires and gave Kara back if they promised a future favor and also hunted down an individual known as Keven Church
-Lukas Jager: 8th generation, Tremere Scourge, previously hunting Keven. Loyal only to Konstantin. Does not get along with others. Sounds German. Always lurking nearby…watching Embraced from afar.
-Keven Church: 16th generation, mysterious Dhampir, escaped to Hellifyno to get away from Lukas, but now finds himself in the middle of an even bigger mess. Didn’t know the Embraced vampires were given the task to hunt him down (has had a run in with them before, seemed friendly enough towards them) but then Liliana had to open her big fat mouth and he ran off, current whereabouts unknown
-Vanya Berkova: Garou from the Shadow Lord Tribe, also part of a camp within the Tribe known as Lightbringers; see above description, also likes Isaac, but is stuck in an arranged marriage to a mage named Vlad -Count Vladislav Bludov: a powerful fire mage from the Society of Leopold (vampire slayers). is allied with the Berkovas through marriage (with Vanya). Has ventured to Hellifyno to investigate an Antitribu problem
-Berkovas: family of Garou from the Shadow Lord Tribe, also part of a particular camp within the Tribe known as Lightbringers; very gothic, nobility, espionage warrior vibes, whatever that means; kinda sus tbh; they want to train their Kinfolk in magic with the help of the Society of Leopold, and maybe want some rare artifacts. Tentatively allied with the vampires of Embraced through Vanya’s involvement and a promise by Val that they will help protect their Kinfolk
-Kára Eriksdottir: 5th generation Methuselah, Noiad bloodline, Gangrel clan, divine visions from northern lights, turned Knox into a vampire a long time ago, was recently held hostage by the Tremere Prince (Konstantin) who wanted to use her visions to fight his own enemies–they seem to have a history
-Knox T. Wilder: 6th generation, Gangrel clan, Noiad bloodline, Kara’s Childe, cowboy vampire vibes, died at the Alamo lul, turned Tapsa and Harvey into vampires recently, can shift into a bison type monster-beast thing. Likes Spektor
-Harvey Reyes: Noiad bloodline; Gangrel clan; 7th generation; an underground street fighter for money, eventually worked his way to the circuits on Hellifyno. Ended up being beaten to death one night. When left for dead, Knox offered him a second chance and turned him
-Sofiya Berkova: 12th generation, creepy blood mage vampire, seems to work for the Tremere/Konstantin; attacked the Embraced vampires in an ambush set up by Alicia and the Tremere (before the Tremere and Val became allies), turned out to be Vanya's long lost Kinfolk sister, not much else is known at the moment (Vanya thought she was dead all this time. omg wow)
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greyreign · 6 years
AFTERBUZZ TV -- Greenleaf edition, is a weekly "after show" for fans of Greenleaf. In this episode host Shaka Strong, TK Trinidad, and Nakia Monet break down episode 9. The Greenleaf family, which runs sprawling Memphis megachurch Calvary Fellowship World Ministries, appears to be a loving and caring clan. Beneath the surface, though, exists scandalous secrets and lies. Greed, adultery and sibling rivalry are among the issues that threaten to test the family's faith and tear the group apart. The scandalous happenings are uncovered by Grace, the estranged daughter of church leader Bishop James Greenleaf, when she returns home after a 20-year absence. Oprah Winfrey has a regular role on the show as Mavis, Grace's aunt. Make sure to subscribe to AfterBuzz! - http://youtube.com/afterbuzztv HELPFUL LINKS: Website - http://afterbuzztv.com Apple Podcasts - https://ift.tt/1oPDN6B Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/afterbuzztv Like us on Facebook - https://ift.tt/2GMc8SQ See on us Instagram - https://ift.tt/1nTv3G5 Merch - https://ift.tt/23ZFJdV ABOUT AFTERBUZZ TV: Created by Emmy winner Maria Menounos & producer Keven Undergaro, AfterBuzz TV is the digital broadcast network dedicated to producing live and on-demand after-shows, news and coverage for nearly every TV show featuring expert recaps & interviews with cast & crew.Greenleaf Season 3 Episode 9 Review & After Show https://youtu.be/u6IdAhOt5Jo
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greyreign · 6 years
On Tonight's episode Grace is on another mission, Bishop is not seeing clear, Zora turned the big 18 and ready to run away, Charity finally leaves her bed and Jacob kisses Tasha! WHAT!!!!!! Nakia Monet and Shaka Smith host! The Greenleaf family, which runs sprawling Memphis megachurch Calvary Fellowship World Ministries, appears to be a loving and caring clan. Beneath the surface, though, exists scandalous secrets and lies. Greed, adultery and sibling rivalry are among the issues that threaten to test the family's faith and tear the group apart. The scandalous happenings are uncovered by Grace, the estranged daughter of church leader Bishop James Greenleaf, when she returns home after a 20-year absence. Oprah Winfrey has a regular role on the show as Mavis, Grace's aunt. Make sure to subscribe to AfterBuzz! - http://youtube.com/afterbuzztv HELPFUL LINKS: Website - http://afterbuzztv.com Apple Podcasts - https://ift.tt/1oPDN6B Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/afterbuzztv Like us on Facebook - https://ift.tt/2GMc8SQ See on us Instagram - https://ift.tt/1nTv3G5 Merch - https://ift.tt/23ZFJdV ABOUT AFTERBUZZ TV: Created by Emmy winner Maria Menounos & producer Keven Undergaro, AfterBuzz TV is the digital broadcast network dedicated to producing live and on-demand after-shows, news and coverage for nearly every TV show featuring expert recaps & interviews with cast & crew.Greenleaf Season 3 Episode 7 Review & After Show https://youtu.be/AwB8gtMlDVc
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