#killing men left right and centre
catofoldstones · 7 months
Here’s to mutual who told me to read Alayne I from the pre-released chapters because-
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iamnotoriginalphil · 7 months
Her Girl (Melissa Schemmenti x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: Sometimes you have to calm Melissa down, and sometimes you get more than you bargained for when you do.
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: anger, gross men, mentioned violence
“And so all I had to say to him was glitter was for special occasions. To which he told me anything could be a special occasion which really made me reevaluate some things,” you said to the camera crew, brushing some of the green glitter off your hands, “an ordinary day could be a special occasion and maybe we should celebrate-”
A teacher rushed past you, throwing a scared glance back over their shoulder. You watched them go before you began to hear the shouting that was coming from down the hall. One voice, in particular, was very familiar.
“Would you excuse me for a moment?” you said to the camera crew, before following the sounds of conflict.
Bursting into the staff room you found most of the teachers pushed to the outer edges, looking inwards at the centre of the room. Melissa had the neck of a poor teacher’s shirt clutched in her fist, the other brandishing a plastic knife close enough to his eye to cause concern. The murder in her own eyes was also a concern. He was trying to cower away from her but her grip was strong and her anger unstoppable.
“What’s going on?” you whispered to Janine.
“I think he said something she didn’t like,” she whispered back, “she keeps calling him a pig.”
“Are you going to intervene?” Gregory asked, leaning over to you.
At some point in the last three years you’d been teaching at Abbott you’d become the designated person to calm Melissa down. It had started with small things like noticing when the vein beginning to throb in her temple or the way her gaze turned sharp when Janine began to talk. You would usher from the room or distract her until that anger was forgotten. Now, whenever it looked like she was going to kill someone, you were sought out to stop it on school property.
And no one knew why you were the only one that could calm her down. Yourself included.
“You’re pathetic,” Melissa shouted, “you can’t say shit like that. Not about her.”
“I suppose I have to, don’t I?” you sighed.
You stepped into the no man’s land left from the teachers trying to keep out of the way of Melissa’s rage while still watching the fight. There was a sharp intake of breath from behind. You ignored it, pausing at your friend’s shoulder.
“Hey Mel,” you said, keeping your voice light, letting her know you were there without sneaking up on her, “what’s going on?”
“This piece of shit has been running his mouth,” she replied, the knife coming dangerously close to his eye.
“And you’re planning on stabbing him in the eye?” you asked.
“I’m planning on teaching him he can’t say shit like that,” she said.
You eased your way around her until you were able to see her face. You reached up, curling your fingers around her wrist, the one holding the knife, holding it in case a sudden move took his eye out. His gaze flicked down to you then back to the knife, turning cross eyed as he tried to keep it in sight.
“I’m not sure this is the best way of doing that,” you said to her.
She looked to you, those green eyes flashing with an anger that was far beyond what you were used to. If anyone but Melissa had looked at you like that you would have flinched back, but you knew Melissa. You trusted Melissa. She would never hurt you.
“Tell her what you said,” she demanded of the man.
You looked to him, still held in a death grip. He whimpered at the knife wavering in front of his face.
“I was just voicing my admiration for you-“
“Don’t you dare lie right to my face,” Melissa growled before looking back to you, “he said that he’s fantasised about bending you over your desk and that your mouth looks perfect for blowjobs.”
“Ew,” you said looking back at him, sweeping your eyes over his trembling body, “gross.”
“And so I have to take his tongue so he never says it again” she said.
He whimpered again. You sighed, leaning towards Melissa, lowering your voice.
“There are witnesses. Ava is filming. Think this through, Mel. There’s enough evidence for them to take you down if you do anything right now.”
She huffed, eyes finding your face. She allowed her hand to be lowered by the hold you still had on her wrist. You were soft as you plucked the knife out of her hand. She shoved the man back before releasing him, watching him trip over his own feet to sprawl on the ground. You didn’t even bother sparing him a glance before stepping in front of Melissa properly.
“Come on,” you said, keeping your voice low enough that she was the only one who’d hear, “he’s not worth criminal charges.”
The growl low in her throat shouldn’t have done something to you but an angry Melissa had an appeal that was hard to understand. She was staring at you, clearly thinking it over. Your thumb brushed against her pulse point, feeling it beating hard under your touch. She jerked out of your hold.
“Fine,” she ground out.
“Now let’s leave that creep to…” You glanced over your shoulder at him, nose wrinkling at the spreading wet patch, “find new trousers.���
She strode out of the room, other teachers scattering to give her a clear walkway. You followed in her wake, ignoring the whispers that sprung up behind you. Half running, you trailed her into her classroom, watching her hands clenching into fists.
“Don’t.” She spun on you, “he was outta line.”
“Sure, but he’s hardly the first guy who’s said something gross about me and he’s not going to be last. At least he didn’t come up to me and say it to my face expecting me to jump into bed with him like it’s some kind of compliment,” you said, “c’mon Mel, you know what guys are like.”
“He has no right to say that stuff about you,” she growled.
A slow smile began to stretch over your face. Her scowl deepened.
“Were you defending my honour?” you asked.
She mumbled something under her breath.
“Melissa Schemmenti, you were totally defending my honour,” you laughed.
“He doesn’t get to talk about you like that,” she said.
“Mel, it’s fine,” you reassured.
“No it’s not,” she snapped.
“Why not?” you asked.
“Because you’re my girl.”
Her outburst wasn’t expected by either of you. She blinked, taking a step back as your mouth fell open, watching her. Your heart thudded against your ribs and for the first time with her uncertainty filled your veins.
“What?” Your voice came out in a whisper.
She sighed, looking less than pleased at the situation she’d found herself in.
“Look, everyone here knows your my girl. They know not to talk about you like that,” she said.
“Okay can we cycle back to the bit about me being your girl,” you said, “what?”
She rolled her eyes before both of her hands cupped your cheeks and pulled you in. Lips pressed together, stealing your breath, making your skin tingle with electricity. Your hands found a home on her hips, pulling her closer as she nipped at your bottom lip. Her fingers slid into your hair as she drew back.
“Sweetheart, you’re the only one who didn’t know you were my girl,” she said, “why do you think I let you talk me out of most of my revenge plans? It’s not because I don’t wanna do them.”
“Have I been your girlfriend this entire time without knowing it?” you asked.
“Course not, hon,” she said, “but you will be.”
“I’m so confused,” you said, “can we got back to the bit where you kiss me again?”
She chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, fingers lingering on your jaw. The anger had been replaced with something softer, the kind of look that you were more used to seeing directed your way from her. You melted under her touch.
“Look, I had a plan that involved inviting you over and cooking. That human skid mark ruined it but he should have known better. I’m the only one who gets to think those things about you,” she said.
“You think those things about me?” you asked.
Her eyes darted to the side.
“What sort of things do you think?” you asked, tugging on her hips until she was flush against you.
“I might have thought about pinning you to my kitchen counter and eating something…” Her gaze swept down your body, making heat bloom within you, “sweet.”
“You better be planning on following through with those thoughts,” you murmured, “otherwise I’ll be very disappointed.”
“I don’t want to disappoint you,” she whispered, lips pulling up into a smile.
“Then I guess I am your girl.”
You kissed her, deep and longing. Her tongue swept in, sending your thoughts spiralling until there was nothing but her. She seemed to delight in the way you moaned into her mouth, fingers tightening in your hair.
“Alright,” she mumbled against your lips, “tonight. My place. Now get outta here before I do something stupid like bending you over my desk.”
“Now who’s outta line,” you laughed.
She swatted at your ass as you walked out of her classroom. You threw a smile over your shoulder at her, only to find a soft smile already on hers. Your heart fluttered at the sight, your dreams seeming to have come true on a random Thursday.
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museumofferedophelia · 10 months
Think of all the little girls in African and middle eastern countries who are pinned down while their genitals are horrifically cut open and mutilated without any sort of pain killer. Were they mutilated because they liked painting their nails and wearing dresses?
Think of all the little girls in developing nations who are told that they are being sent to work as a maid, only to find out that their parents were tricked, and they are now being prostituted at a brothel. Were they sentenced to a life of sexual abuse because they liked wearing makeup and having long hair?
Think of all the girls and women in Nepal and India who are forced into menstrual huts when they have their periods. Think of the girls who are left exposed in these huts and are raped by strange men, or else die from exposure to extreme heat, cold and flooding. Did they die because “skirt go spinny,” or because they liked playing the female avatar in video games?
Think of all the little girls in Africa who have just started developing breast buds, and their panicked mothers, aunts, and grandmothers feeling as though they must flatten their breasts with an iron in order to prevent them from being raped or married off as child brides. Were their bodies stunted because they liked playing with dolls rather than trucks?
Think of all the girls and women who become pregnant through rape, or else are impoverished, homeless, disabled, or not physically or mentally healthy enough to have a child. Are they denied control over their bodies because they look or act a certain way? Or was it by virtue of having a female body and genitalia?
Think of all the girls and women in countries ruled by Sharia law and militant Islam, who are denied an education, and routinely killed for trying to go to school. Were they murdered for opting into womanhood as some indefinable, mysterious, unknowable essence? 
This is why I vehemently disagree with the notion of "centring transwomen" in discussions of the systemic abuse that women suffer, both presently and historically. The majority of violence, abuse and oppression inflicted upon women on a global scale is SEX BASED, not gender based. It isn’t because they’ve chosen to present as a woman, it is because they ARE women. And if people would step outside of their privilege and view things on an international scale, they would clearly see that.
Being a woman isn’t a costume, it’s a life sentence. Trans rights should be discussed separate to women's rights.
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ellieluvr420 · 3 months
Change (Abby Anderson x reader)
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They had her, the love of your life, they had her and they were going to die for it.
Your actions weren't even conscious anymore, acting only on instinct, adrenaline-fuelled rage that drove you to the point of insanity. There was nothing in your way because anything that tried to stop you was slaughtered, infected dropping left right and centre until the horde that they had lured to you was laying in a pile behind you. Your clothes drenched in blood, slowly drying and staining your skin until a new layer covers it as the next wave flies at you.
People this time, but it made no difference to you. The only person your mind could register was her, so when the sharp edge of your axe dug into the poor man's neck that made the mistake of running at you, the squelching feeling only made you more exhilarated. You rip the axe out of his neck and the splatter of blood that paints you and the floor tastes as sweet as honey to you. Two men go down as your gun fires twice.
You keep walking, your pace never slowing, and as two more soldiers walk in front of you with their hands up a sick smile plasters itself onto your face as you dig the axe into one's abdomen as you shoot the other straight in the throat. Their time to surrender was over, they made their bed and now they can lay in it for all eternity.
The closer you get to her the stronger you feel as you leave a trail of bodies behind you, your path stained red. You swap from your handgun and axe to your assault rifle as you see a large swarm of soldiers running at you. When you had stumbled across the gun hiding from other passers by you felt like you had won the lottery and as the melody of screams fills your ears while you watch them drop to the ground like flies, you only felt luckier. You had never been violent, you were forced into training to be a soldier but now you understood how it feels, the bloodlust, you would never stop. Not when you've got her back, not ever, anyone that isn't her would die if they crossed your path from now. You would never lose her again and if your soul had to wither away for that to happen you would give it up in a second.
The thundering bangs of bullet after bullet leaving the chamber of your gun made you dizzy, faint almost, the power surging through you was enough to make you feel like you weren't human. A whole wave of soldiers down, just like that. Commotion sounds from behind you and without even glancing backwards you light a molotov that you had been saving for an occasion like this and chuck it behind you. There's that melody again, the harmony of shrieks and cries for help, the smell of burning flesh invades your nostrils and to you it smells like a freshly baked cake. They shouldn't have taken her but they learned their lesson too late.
You push forward further and further until you reach the building you knew they were keeping her in. She's yours and she'll be with you soon. "I'll be there soon baby." You mutter to yourself as you change the magazine of your gun to a fresh one before slamming it into the glass of the locked doors, another barrier between you and her demolished. You're barely through the shattered door when you hear the footsteps of countless soldiers running to their deaths. You imagine some of them being sure this would be the mission that set them apart, that made them a hero, and then you imagine their families being informed that the fucking idiot got themself killed because they underestimated you. You're a different person to who you were when you were a part of the WLF and Abby is too and they were too stupid to see that when they took her from you.
You both made the plan to run and you weren't prepared to give up the dream any time soon. You were leaving and she was leaving with you, even if you had to kill every member of the WLF and reduce their bases to rubble, so be it. They chose this. The thundering footsteps got closer as you took cover behind a wall and raised your gun, ready for the first wave. The continuous thud that accompanied the firing of your bullets was music to your ears and as the hallway goes quiet you advance further. A shriek fills your ears and your blood runs cold because even in a state of distress you'd recognise her voice anywhere. You're so close.
You follow the sound until you're outside the room you know she's being held in. You sling your gun over your shoulder and brandish your axe as if it's made bespoke for your hand. You slam the door open and before even looking at the love of your life you bring the axe down into Isaac's head, over and over again until he's unrecognisable. You stand from his lifeless form, breathing heavy and eyes crazed before they soften as you make eye contact with her. She's here, really here and you could feel her soft skin caressing yours as you undid her binds and gave her your handgun. "Ready babe?"
"Let's go." You raise your gun once again as the crashing of soldiers coming straight at you sends shockwaves through your body. The more blood you spilled in your escape, the more you wanted to stay to spill more but Abby's hand gently pulling you toward the gate that let you run to your fantasy rips you away from the carnage you had left in your trail.
You had wanted to leave to find peace but this feeling had a funny way of changing you.
If blood wasn't spilling, you would never be at peace. Abby watched you change right in front of her eyes, you became a blood-thirsty monster and all she wanted to do was help you get your fill. You left for peace and peace for you both ended up being bringing death and destruction to whatever crossed your path. Darkness overtook you both and you revelled in it.
Bloodlust had transformed you into angels of death, falling further from grace with every body that dropped before you.
erm idk i needed some female rage vibes rn and instead i came out with something minorly psychopathic, akneewayz
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need to be in the middle of a ghost and soap sandwich 🤤
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I actually couldn’t help myself 🥲 i had to write a lil somethin for this, like omg
Dark!ghost x reader x Dark!Soap
CW: kidnapping
The first emotion that hits you when see their watchful eyes leering out of the shadows comes as a surprise. You don’t feel the fear first, or the heart grinding intimidation that follows, your first feeling is of relief.
You come from a long line of terrible men that work in the dark. Ever a servant of them, the runt and the youngest of the family, you know what happens when they’re made to be targets. You don’t see the enemy coming, instead you stand having a conversation, going about your day like always - until the moment comes when your skull shatters into tiny pieces and your blood sprays out like a high pressure sprinkler jet.
No one ever sees their assassins coming.
Therefore you decide that you’re safe in the knowledge that the men that are slowly and purposefully striding towards the patio aren’t here to kill you. Though your ease recedes the moment you wonder what they could want from someone like you.
Your throat clenched. You forgot that you could scream.
You have no connections to any of your family’s dealings and you’re not particularly well liked either. If they were to hold you for ransom you’d only end up dead…or maybe they didn’t know that yet, you thought chillingly.
The men’s massive frames were close to looming over you now. You could feel the weight of their shadows crushing you as they rose over your feet and slowly swallowed the light over your body. One wore a skull mask and the other had his face bear, his expression set in a hauntingly icy scowl. It’s enough to wring a chill out of you, working it’s way up and down your spine like a jolt of electricity. Your whole body was wired when they come to a stop in front of you.
“Wh- what do you want?” You whispered, staring between the two sets of narrowed eyes.
Neither of them said anything to begin with. They shared a brief look toward each other before locking their eyes on you again. The one with his face uncovered smiled, it didn’t reach his frosty blue eyes.
“Why’re you askin’?” He chuckled. “Will you give us what we want if we tell you?”
His words form an icicle in your chest. It rips through your insides and stabs at your lungs. The way he said that, the way he leered at you as he said it… maybe they were going to kill you. Though not until they had their fun.
Your lip wobbled and the slow tremors that had been wracking your body had descended into full blown shakes. It was if a hurricane had broken out between you all, as if their shadows had swallowed up all the warmth left in the world.
“Poor thing,” the masked man cooed, clicking his tongue patronisingly. “You’re shaking hard, sweetheart.”
“That’s right…shaking like a little scared kitten,” the other chimes.
They both have accents. They’re not from around your parts.
You widen your eyes, taking a step back as they start to move in closer. Their strides far outmatch yours. The dance between you all is short and your faltering steps take you straight back into the wall. Your chest is struggling to keep up with your tiny breaths.
“Please what?” The masked man asks, leaning his forearm on the wall above you.
You shudder underneath him.
“Don’t…Don’t hurt me.”
The unmasked man comes to your side and drags you toward his chest, you were powerless to stop him. It was like your body had cemented itself into place like a statue, unable to move yourself and only able to be manipulated. The man’s body was hard, it wasn’t just the extensive body armour he wore, his arms were solid across your centre.
“We’re only here right now because we don’t want to hurt you, isn’t that right Ghost?”
‘Ghost’ pushes himself off the wall and turns to face you again. Now that his friend has you pinned up against him, you’re powerless to stop him gripping your chin. The rough material of his ripped up gloves catches on your soft skin.
“Mm, that’s right. Terrible shame to ruin somethin’ so pretty. Look at you.”
He tilts your chin up at the last second, forcing you to look directly into the depthless oceans that are boring holes into you. You feel the man behind you start to raise his arm, ever so slowly he snakes his hand up your front and comes to a stop at your collarbone. I’m only a few seconds he’s gripping your neck, breath hot at your ear.
“Of course we can always follow through with our original orders…we can still kill you,” he says, a smile playing in the undertones of his whisper. “Or…you could come with us. Let us take you somewhere nice and safe, be our little plaything if you fancy.”
Ghost holds your gaze the entire time that his friend speaks, there’s a glint in his eyes that’s unmistakable. You can tell he’s grinning like a poltergeist as he continues to loom over you, trailing his fingers down your face and arms and hair and anywhere he cares to really.
You can’t give them an answer. Your lips are closed tight, you feel like you’re underwater. If you were to open your mouth you felt like you might drown.
“C’mon, sweetheart,” Ghost croons. “We’ll take care of you. You can trust us.”
It’s too much. They’re both pressed up against you too hard, their breaths are so hot and jagged with menace, and their looming statures make you feel like a mouse. You feel yourself sob and try to breathe despite yourself.
“Don’t cry, pretty thing. Just say yes and we can go somewhere nice and cosy. We can leave all this unpleasantness behind, yeah? Doesn’t that sound good?”
Your mouth falls open, a silent scream billowing forth. It sounds like a last dying breath. Soaps hand clamps over your lips like a gag, his heavy tuts are echoing in your ears soon after.
“Now that won’t do,” Ghost chides. “That won’t do at all.”
He draws a knife from one of his many pockets, a long one. It gleams in the moonlight and reflects into your eyes, forcing you to squint even as you shy from it. As if you had anywhere to go. You were stuck to his friend like a rat in a glue trap.
Ghost took his knife and brandished it in front of you, allowing you to get a feel for it’s size, it was about the length of your forearm. It could have killed you in seconds. All of a sudden your pulse quickened and you felt your vision go hazy.
He let the knife drop to his side and took your chin in his other hand again. His pupils were wide as he looked down at you. The wolf had caught his prey, he didn’t need to play with you any longer now. This was the moment. Would he kill you or spare you?
“We’ll only ask once more, sweetheart. Do you wanna come with us or would you like us to follow our orders?” He asked, voice raspy with anticipation.
“I’ll take my hand away now,” Soap said. “If you try to scream we’ll assume you choose the latter option.”
All at once your mouth is free again, and before you can even think to process what’s been said you find words are spilling out of your lips unbidden.
“I’ll c-come with you. Just don’t hurt me please, I’ll come. Just- j- please…” you whine, your breaths finally cutting off your last sentence.
Both men unclench their muscles, Ghosts shoulders roll down and his eyes upturn with joy. The knife in his left hand disappears into his jacket once more and he takes a step back, allowing you a little breathing room even if you were still pressed up against the Scotsman.
“Don’t you worry, we won’t hurt you,” the other man soothes. “No one’s gonna hurt you ever again, darlin’. Right, Ghost?”
“Right. It’s just like Soap says, we’ll take you somewhere nice. You can stop shaking now. Just listen to us and do as we say and you won’t worry about anything ever again.”
As reassuring as he’s pretending to be you can see right through the facade. Though you’re powerless to do anything against them. And so you gently nod and glue your eyes to the ground, putting one foot in front of the other as the now named Soap motions for you to get walking.
Each step feels like a nail, every little scrape of your feet on the tiles is like a hammer against coffin wood. You can’t help the tears from flowing.
“It’s ok, sweetheart. You’re ok,” Ghost whispers, reaching over and wiping at your tears. “You’re ours now.”
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sunandsstars · 1 year
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Recom!Miles x Na’vi!Reader x Spider (Platonic)
Summary: Spider finally had enough of Quaritch’s oggling and decided to help encourage his advances towards the reader, he has a ship, and he’s determined to let it sail. Warnings: Brief mentions of abandonment/murder/existential crisis, Swearing Word count: 1.8k
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It was different, being accepted into Na’vi society. He was so used to being the bad buy, the killer among men, yet now he’s just..him. After becoming a recom he felt as if he did not belong, a human mind in an aliens body is something he had to get used to. He definitely had a lot of existential crisis up until now.
The last fight he had with Jake Sully in the reefs left him severely wounded and he had to retreat back to base to seek help, his men where gone and his morale was becoming low. Luckily his son, Spider, decided to join him. His reasoning was that while the Sully’s where kind to him growing up (especially kiri who he will miss dearly) he cant ignore the fact they never went after him when he got kidnapped by the RDA, he cant ignore how Neytiri was so willing to kill him after he showed the family nothing but loyalty and he cant ignore how he felt as if he never belonged with them as human. 
So there they are, holed up in the Tawkami Clan, learning their way of life and becoming part of the people.
Surprisingly they where quick to welcome them in despite them not having a good history with men kind, Spider said they where a peaceful clan with a persistent quest for knowledge and lore keeping, they were studious and make it their mission to preserve Eywa’s ecosystem. ‘So they wanted to study me, the human turned Na’vi, how could I say no to being the centre of their learning’
Quaritch was certainly liking the attention from the people, back at base he was oggled at yes, but for different reasons. Usually the looks he received where ones of admiration for his effort in the war all those years ago, or was disgust for his newly blue tinted skin. In Greenhome it was of great wonder, oh how her yellow eyes looked into his in fascination while talking about his past planet Earth, how she spoke about the plants and the forests of Pandora with great love, how-
‘’Hey man, you good?’’
Spider waved a hand in front of his face and looked around to see what could be stealing the man’s attention, once his sights fell on the beautifal Na’vi woman picking some fruit not that far away he smirked cheekily. ‘’You know you could always go and talk to her right? She wont bite’’. Quaritch blinked and scowled, grabbing his son into a headlock and rubbing his knuckles along his head at lightning speed. Spider laughed loudly and struggled in his fathers hold, wriggling and shouting for help, and when help did come the blue mans grip became limp embarrassingly fast.
‘’And just what do you think you’re doing to him hm?’’ ___ pried the boy gently from Quaritch’s arms and placed him on the floor to run around ‘’hurting children is not something we take lightly you know’’
Well shit.
The recom felt his face flush a cute lilac shade, it spread from his nose and across his cheeks, even going to the tip of his pointed ears. How did he become so weak in the presence of a lady? The old Quaritch would have never blushed at the sight of one. But then again he isn’t the man he once was. If ___ noticed the fluster of his face she didn’t mention it, instead she grabbed the hand that was rested on his lap, intertwined their fingers and pulled him towards the fruit she was picking. 
‘’Come, I will show you how to pick yovo fruit’’ she spoke in English. Spider has been a fantastic teacher.
If the purple on his face could become any darker, it certainly has. Her hand was so warm and small…
Spider could only follow and wiggle his brows to the man discreetly. He is determined to get this ship going.
Standing at the base of the large bush ___ started to show him how to pick the berry’s, ‘’they are delicate and must be handled with care, you must not squeeze them too hard when picking’’ she picked a couple of them into her hand, threw some into the basket with the rest and gave some to both boys. Spider lifted his exopack and quickly devoured them, sliding the mask back on and chewing loudly ‘’these are good’’ he stated matter of factly with a mouthful. The outside of his lips turning purple from the pigment.
___ giggled at his antics and looked to see Quaritch’s reaction, he rolled his eyes at the boy and slowly munched on a berry. Once deemed not poisonous (he has trust issues ok) he threw the rest into his mouth. ‘’Yea, these are fucking fantastic’’ the woman could only smile in glee, happy to share more of her planet with him.
That smile..it sent his heart beating incredibly fast. He was falling in love and he knew it. How couldn’t he? When she was just so gentle and sweet with his son, when she was one of the first to help them get comfortable within the clan. He needed to invite her out, fast. He wasn’t the only one with eyes on her. He mused, eyes glancing at a small group of hunters around a fire, some of which turned their heads away quickly as they got caught.
‘’I was uh wondering’’ he coughed. This is gonna be a pain in the ass.
‘’would you like to come out with me tonight?’’ Spider swallowed the last of the fruit and blinked up at his father, smiling wide. Finally. It’s not like he’s been waiting for months.
___ blinked in surprise, not expecting this sudden offer. She wondered if he was finally asking her to be mates. Could you blame her?  A 9 ft 5’’ Na’vi warrior, recently accepted as part of the clan and was a fantastic hunter. And those muscles…
Eywa give her strength.
Her tail swished in gradual hope ‘’yes. Of course I would Miles’’ she grinned, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth in sweet shyness, the same purplish hue coating the recoms cheeks starting to spread across hers. 
Quaritch let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Fuck, why was it so hard to ask for one simple thing. Never in his life has he felt like this, not with previous hookups, not with past girlfriends and certainly not with Paz – the deceased mother of his son.
‘’alright sweetness, meet me here tonight, after eclipse’’ ___ could only swish her tail at the nickname and nodded oh so cutely. Picking up her basket she patted Spider on the head and bid them a good rest of the evening, needing to go back to her chores. 
Miles Quaritch, former human, now Na’vi, was the ultimate womaniser. He puffed his chest out and smirked to himself. He deserved a pat on the back.
Like two peas in a pod, Miles Socorro read his mind and pat his lower back (the only part the poor kid could reach)
‘’well done dad, well done’’
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The sun hid behind the planet known as Polyphemus and casted darkness, but Pandora never truly sleeps.
Two blue figures where seen jumping across branches and leaping from root to root, the bioluminescent glow of the moon never ceased to fascinate the man who has never known fresh air and real plants. He looked around in awe at his surroundings and himself, lifting his hands in front of his face and taking note of all the little white dots speckled across his skin. 
___laughed joyfully and turned around ‘’Miles come’’ she beckoned him to carry on, wanting them to get to their destination as soon as possible. The recom dropped his hands and sprinted to catch up with the female, her being much more experienced with the terrain and therefore had the upper hand in their little race. 
On the way they both came across fan lizards and proceeded to disturb them, watching the light of the animal as they flew cross their faces and up into the air. Giggles sounded out throughout the forest, joyful laughs and quick inhales of breath as they finally arrived to where ___ wanted to take them. 
The tree of voices.
Both slowly crept towards the sacred space, their steps leaving glowing footprints in the grass. The tree shone beautiful pinks and purples as the hanging branches swayed ever so softly in the wind, it wasn’t the only thing that took his breath away.
There she stood, with the biggest grin on her face, eyes twinkling in the light of their surroundings and tail swinging happily. She moved to the centre of the tree ‘’this is Ultral Aymokriyä, the tree of voices’’ she whispered softly, ‘’you are a man now Miles, one of the people, you are able to hear our ancestors’’ she grabbed his hand and brought him closer to a cluster of hanging branches and connected her queue to them, inhaling as the voices of the past filled her ears.
Quaritch followed her actions and his pupils dilated at the newfound sounds, he never really believed in Eywa before, taking it up as some sort of false goddess. But this, this proves whatever he thought was wrong. ‘’They live. Within Eywa’’ the woman facing him sensed a change of air and looked up as atokirina fell slowly to land on their shoulders. She gasped and disconnected her queue, never has she thought that the great mother would bless them both tonight.
This is a sign.
Miles looked towards the atokirina and then to the love of his life and decided that she was the one for him. He walked closer to her until they where chest to chest and grabbed her face in his overly large palms ‘’___. Now that I am one of the people I am able to choose a mate’’ he felt her tense under his touch and looked straight into her eyes to look for any uncertainty ‘’you have helped me and my son in a time of need, despite us being humans, you have seen past our faults and accepted us into your arms with love’’. ___ started to tear up, not expecting this heartfelt speech.
And in such good Na’vi, thank you Spider.
‘’___.. oel ngati kameie”
The woman suddenly took his face into her own palms and connected their lips, it was soft and sweet. Both leaving them breathless and wanting more.
“Ma Miles, I see you’’
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Just couple of bushes away, a little boy with blue stripes was caught lurking, watching the two blue aliens as they confessed their everlasting love. He held his breath and lifted his mask, wiping a singular tear from his eye.
His ship has finally sailed.
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sosa2imagines · 1 month
Right back at ya.
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Warnings- Jealousy, gun violence, pole dancing.
The bass thumps through the club, vibrating the floor beneath your feet. You and Lloyd had been enjoying the night, drinks flowing and conversation easy. But a woman, all slinky dress and heavy perfume, had set her sights on Lloyd, and he, in a playful attempt to make you jealous, wasn't exactly discouraging her advances.
A smirk plays on your lips. You weren't threatened, not one bit. In fact, you were mildly amused. Taking a confident stride, you reach for Lloyd's half-finished scotch, downing it in one smooth gulp. “Someone needs a dance partner…” you declare, your voice husky from the drink. The woman looks at you with a scowl, you ignore her.
You go to the bathroom, you did manage to find a pair of scissors. Cutting your dress on each side, like slits.
Lloyd watches, a flicker of surprise in his eyes, as you head towards the centre of the dance floor. The music shifts. The familiar pop beat washes over you, and you move with it.
‘Here we are, a careful distance Here's my heart, what's left of it In this town, I used to listen Once, Once, Yeah’
Your confidence takes centre stage. You glide across the floor, your body moving in perfect rhythm with the music. As the first verse plays, you execute a series of basic steps like grapevines, hip rolls, and isolations, showcasing your control and fluidity.
‘I had hope, blind faith Had as much as you can take’
The chorus hits, and you gracefully ascend the nearby pole, the smooth metal cool against your skin. Your movements become more sensual, your legs wrapping around the pole as you perform a slow spin, your eyes holding Lloyd's gaze with a playful intensity. Because of the cut, your thighs are on display.
‘Ashes burn the morning after Only know I'm here to stay I was so, I let you see me That was dumb, but that's OK Tripping down to your place What is love anyway’
You continue your ascent, showcasing your strength and agility by twirling around the pole gracefully, your body forming a perfect line against the pole. As you descend in a controlled slide, your eyes lock with Lloyd's, a silent challenge in their depths.
‘Who or whatever you do Don't let anyone love you Touch them where it hurts And then you'll leave’
The final chorus explodes, and you erupt into a flurry of impressive moves. You spin, you dip, you showcase intricate footwork around the pole, your confidence radiating outwards. The entire club is captivated, their gazes drawn to your captivating performance.
Lloyd, his earlier amusement fading, watches you with a mixture of awe and something akin to possessiveness. The other woman is forgotten, a mere afterthought in the face of your captivating display. He can't tear his eyes away, his gaze tracking your every move, a silent apology forming in his eyes.
‘I'm only gonna let you kill me once I'm only gonna let you kill me then some I'm only gonna let you kill me Once, Once, Once, yeah’
As the song reaches its climax, you descend from the pole, the crowd erupting in cheers and whistles. A line of guys gathers around you, mesmerized by your seductive performance.
Despite the numerous men surrounding you, you weren't scared. In fact you were waiting for the sound, that is sheer music to your ears.
As one of the guy, was about to approach you, the sound of gunshots suddenly cuts off the applause and cheering from the crowd. The guy who was about to approach you is startled and backs away, clearly scared. The sound of the shot causes a bit of chaos and commotion in the room, breaking up the previously euphoric atmosphere. And you smile.
Lloyd, was the one who fired the shot, silently threatening the guys, who were approaching you to stay away. In a silent but powerful display of his protection and jealousy, he ensures that no one can encroach on you or try to take you away. It was a subtle yet powerful display of his love and possessiveness.
You return to Lloyd, a playful smile on your lips. “Ready for a real dance partner?” you ask, extending your hand.
Lloyd takes it, his own smile sheepish. “Absolutely,” he says, his voice low with a hint of something more. The playful competition is over, replaced by a renewed appreciation for the woman who had just set the dance floor on fire.
His woman.
The night, once threatened by a bit of childish jealousy, now held the promise of something far more captivating.
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TAGLIST- @imyourbratzdoll @nekoannie-chan @blackhawkfanatic @ordelixx @sapphirebarnes @differenttyphoonwerewolf @vicmc624 @thezombieprostitute @emerald-writes @winterslove1917
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coochiequeens · 7 months
Russia gave her a harsher sentence for placing stickers in a grocery store then they do men who kill women.
17 Nov 2023
Russian artist Alexandra Skochilenko has been sentenced to jail for seven years after being found guilty of spreading “false information” about the Russian military by replacing a handful of supermarket price tags with messages criticising the war in Ukraine.
The 33-year-old, known as Sasha, is one of thousands of Russians to be detained, fined or jailed for speaking out against Moscow’s invasion of its neighbour amid an escalating crackdown on free speech and opposition to President Vladimir Putin.
Skochilenko was arrested in her native St Petersburg in April 2022, after an elderly customer at the supermarket found the slogans on the price tags and notified the police.
“The Russian army bombed an arts school in Mariupol. Some 400 people were hiding in it from the shelling,” one read, in reference to Russia’s brutal siege of the southern Ukrainian city. Another said, “Russian conscripts are being sent to Ukraine. Lives of our children are the price of this war.”
Judge Oksana Demiasheva delivered the verdict on Thursday hours after Skochilenko, who has a congenital heart defect and coeliac disease, had made a final statement to the court, asking for compassion and to be set free.
As well as the prison term, the artist was banned from using the internet for three years.
Skochilenko, wearing a colourful T-shirt decorated with a large red heart, reacted with shock to the sentence, covering her face and wiping away tears.
Supporters shouted “shame” and “we’re with you Sasha”, the AFP news agency reported.
Skochilenko’s lawyers left without giving any comment.
Skochilenko’s arrest came about a month after authorities adopted a law effectively criminalising any public expression about the war that deviated from the Kremlin’s official line.
Human rights group Memorial – now banned in Russia – said police spent 10 days interrogating supermarket staff and inspecting security camera footage before arresting the artist.
“They sometimes give less for murder than for five price tags in a supermarket,” Boris Vishnevsky, a politician linked to the opposition Yabloko party, told AFP.
“Hopefully, someday, the pendulum will turn the other way.”
Skochilenko was accused of committing what the state prosecutor described as a serious crime out of “political hatred” towards Russia. He had asked for her to be jailed for eight years.
Skochilenko admitted to swapping the tags but denied that the text written on them was false. She said she was a pacifist who valued human life above all else.
“How weak is our prosecutor’s faith in our state and society if he thinks our statehood and public safety can be ruined by five little pieces of paper?” she said in court.
“Everyone sees and knows that you are not judging a terrorist. You’re not trying an extremist. You’re not even trying a political activist. You’re judging a pacifist,” she said.
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Skochilenko’s friends and supporters said the verdict was a disgrace [Olga Maltseva/AFP]
Amnesty International condemned the verdict.
“Her persecution has become synonymous with the absurdly cruel oppression faced by Russians openly opposing their country’s criminal war,” it said in a statement.
Memorial has designated Skochilenko a political prisoner and has launched a campaign calling for her release.
She has already been in detention for nearly 19 months, meaning that her overall term will be reduced by more than two years, since every day served in a pre-trial detention centre counts as 1.5 days of time served in a regular penal colony.
But she has struggled in custody due to pre-existing health conditions, and her need for a gluten-free diet, according to her lawyers and her partner.
According to OVD-Info, a prominent rights group that monitors political arrests and provides legal aid, a total of 19,834 Russians have been arrested between February 24 2022, when Russia began its invasion, and late October 2023 for speaking out or demonstrating against the war.
Also on Thursday, opposition politician Vladimir Milov was convicted in absentia of spreading false information about the army and sentenced to eight years. Milov, who was once Russia’s deputy energy minister and is now an ally of imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny, has left the country.
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Warnings: guns, violence, alcohol, drunkness, blood, knives, allusion to slavery
Summary: you had spent your entire life running, from corellia, from your family, from the empire and now from bounty hunters. But when one man sees how you care for his child, what is he going to do with himself, especially as he finds himself falling for you
Wordcount: 3.9k
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Daiyu was the worst planet you’d ever been on and it wasn't for the lack of nightlife or for the lack of interesting jobs but because of its weather. With a dark black hood over your head, hands pressed into the pockets as you walked through the crowded cities, you scanned the area for anyone with a bounty puck.
This time 6 years ago, you were one of the most celebrated people in the entire galaxy. You had people fawning over you left right and centre, you had more medals than you could possibly want and you had everything. Or so you thought.
You tried not to think about that time of your life too often and on a planet like this, you didn't have to think about much about anything for too long of a time. It was easier to sit there in one of the bars, a drink in your hand as you drowned in the neon lights and the large crowds that swarmed the city.
However, the planet required you to constantly be looking over your shoulder, always watching out for the next person who was going to try and attack you, whether it be imperial sympathisers, random drunken men with no impulse control or bounty hunters.
You had spent your entire 20s saving the galaxy, joining in on the rebellion and whilst your brother and your best friends got to sit pretty in their Jedi training camps or their coruscant apartments or their thrones, you were stuck living day by day, hiding from bounty hunters.
There was no way to determine when you changed from the hero to the girl being hunted down by Bounty Hunters every other week but you assumed it had something to do with Lady Proxima, a tall white grindalid who looked after you - more like worked to the core - after your parents death.
She was the one who had set the bounty after you nearly eighteen months ago now and though you wished you could escape it, you had no regrets for trying to kill her - the act that landed you with a bounty in the first place.
In the distance, you spotted the nearby nightclub and cantina and it wasnt hard to distinguish its flashing lights from the dark dreary weather on Daiyu. You looked around, pulling the hood off your head as you took shelter under the opening to a loud nightclub. You looked around before stepping inside, entering the world of drugs and mayhem and forgetting.
Hesitantly at first, you pushed your way through the mass of people that had grouped in the middle, dancing along with the live band in the corner. You pushed past a human and a zabrak making out in front of the bar as you tried to make it to the alcohol as fast as possible.
You pulled a chair back at the bar, your jacket now draped over your lap as you called out to the twi’lek at the bar to bring you a drink. In a few seconds, she placed the drink on the bar in front of you, waiting for you to slide a handful of credits across the smooth surface before walking away.
You reach for the shot glass on the table, swirling it around for a second before pulling it to your lips and downing the glass in one fluid motion, throwing your head back before putting the glass back down on the table.
The burning feeling was present in the back of your throat, causing your nose to scrunch up in a mix of disgust and euphoria as you allowed the drink to overwhelm your senses. You opened your eyes, pushing your lips together as you looked at the bartender again, hand raised to signal her over.
Before she made it over to you, another man slid up next to you. He was a slimy man with greasy blonde hair that was sticking to his temple and the way that he looked at you, almost like a stick of meat, made you sick to your stomach.
“You want to buy some death sticks?” He questioned, his voice hoarse like he'd been smoking them all morning - and it wasn't even 12 o’clock yet, not like you’d be able to tell that with the dreary grey weather on the planet.
You had dealt with your fair share of assholes at bars - actually, you had dealt with your fair share of assholes in general - but today you were not in the headspace to fight with him.
It had been nine years since the day that you had lost your best friend, a memory that you didn't want to spend too much time thinking about. All you wanted to do was drown in your liquor and forget about the troubles of the world, to just watch it spin around you.
“She doesn't want to do that,” a deep voice said and you felt chills run down your spine at the sound of it. There was something about this low, almost modulated voice that drew you to him and slowly, you turned around to see a man standing there.
He was tall and still but the most recognisable feature was that he was covered in armour. It was glistening, multi-coloured in the club's neon lights and there was no expression in his body language and you couldn’t see his face to determine what he was thinking either.
You took a deep breath in, eyes narrowing on the man. You two were looking at each other - or at least you assumed he was looking at you - and neither was moving. The man trying to sell you death sticks just rolled his eyes, standing up and tucking his seat in before stumbling towards the group of people to sell too.
You hadn’t realised that you’d been staring at the man for too long, an uncomfortable amount of time really, but when you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, you looked away from his visor and back at the new shot on the bar in front of you, “I don’t need to be saved,”
He didn't make a noise, just reaching into his pocket and before you could panic and imagine him pulling out a blaster and shooting you point blank, he pulled out a holo-puck and you couldn’t figure out which scenario was worse. You stared at your face as it spun around on top of the holo-puck, your name plastered at the top of it.
Your eyes trailed from the puck to him and he hasn't moved a muscle. There was something uncovering about the man and you couldn’t tell whether it was the fact that you couldn’t see his face and recognise any emotions, or if it was his regular demeanour.
“I guess this means you’re not going to buy me a drink,” you teased, standing up from your seat at the bar. Now standing up, you realised how tall he was, towering over you as you tried to find an escape plan.
He didn't laugh at the joke and you assumed his face was as emotionless as his body as he stated, “I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold,” The modulator made his voice deep, the sound reverberating through your body.
Your breath hitched in your throat because although you should be scared of this emotionless bounty hunter who was probably here to kill you, you werent. There was something about him that you couldn’t put your finger on that made you feel intimidated yet secure.
“What does cold entail?” You questioned, hoping the slight fear bubbling up wasn't too obvious in your voice.
He tilted his head to the side slightly. Nobody had ever asked him that before and if Din was being honest, you weren’t like any bounty he had hunted down before. One, you were definitely the most beautiful bounty he had ever encountered. And two, you were the most calm; everyone else would either be running or begging at this point but you were doing neither, just staring him down like you could see through the visor.
“Carbonate,” he stated, his voice cold.
You felt a shiver run up your spine at the word, and not the good kind of shiver. There weren't many things that scared you in this universe, maker, you’d even encountered Darth Vader himself bur carbonate, that was what scared you. You’d seen someone you cared dearly about be stuck in there for half a year and you’d seen what it could do.
He noticed your shift in demeanour at that movement. Whilst your face didn't react to the words, he could see the flash of fear in your eyes, a small crease appearing between your brows.
“Well then Mr Mandalorian, I think I might have outstayed my welcome,” you stated and before he could respond to what you said or even comprehend it, you were ducking down under his clas arm the knife which appeared in your hand dragging along a slit between the pieces.
He swore under his breath, eyes scanning the room before seeing someone with a similar hood to yours running out of the door into the pouring rain and when you made the mistake of turning back round, hood falling from your head, his eyes met yours and he started running through the crowd.
Din shook his head as he pushed through the high and intoxicated people of the planet, knocking one or two of the down as he tried to make it up for the maker forsaken club.
When he got outside, the rain hitting his armour, he scanned the area for you but he had no idea where you went. He shook his head, unsure how he could’ve lost you.
The sound of a vendor yelling and a crate of fruit falling to the floor in a near alleyway was a telltale sign of escape and he decided to hitch his bets and chase down that way and lucky for him, the maker was on his side today as he saw you running round the corner, wet from the rain.
He chased after you, feet carrying him as fast as he could as he raced around the unfamiliar streets of Daiyu. He didn't know why you were being hunted but he didn’t care, as long as it gave him enough money for petrol and food for him and Grogu.
You looked behind you, swearing out loud as you trod in a puddle, broken shoes filling with water. You kept going despite the pain in your legs and the burning in your lungs. You’d be damned if you survived Darth Vader himself but a Mandalorian took you out.
Stopping round a corner, your hands on your legs as you caught your breath, you thought you’d be okay and you were. You found the best way out but then you saw a group of men shooting at this round ball.
You watched as they laughed to themselves, shooting at this thing that you suddenly recognised as a pram. That’s when you spotted a small green alien sitting behind the pedestal, looking up at you.
Every instinct told you that you had to keep running from that Mandalorian bounty hunter that was pretty ready to ‘take you in cold’ but your morals told you that you had to save the little baby from whatever these rogue gang members wanted from him.
You sighed, shaking your head as you pulled your blaster out, closing one of your eyes as you shot one of the three men in the head, killing him instantly. The next shot hit the second man in the stomach and he doubled over, hands on his stomach as the other man searched for where the gunshot came from.
He let out a yell as he noticed you, the two men shooting at you and you managed to take them both down before rushing down and grabbing the child. He was small and green and as you held him in your arms, he reached out for you with little green hands.
“What’s your name, little one?” You asked, watching as he grasped one of your fingers with his little hand. He just babbled and you assumed that he was too small to answer you so you smiled, giving him your name.
When you heard more yelling and blaster fire, you assumed that there were more gang members and you hid behind a wall, hearing them yelling about finding the child.
“They're talking about you kiddo?” You questioned, voice quiet so that they didn’t hear you. He cooed, a mischievous smile on his face and you assumed it was him.
You didn't know what to do, just waiting and looking around and hoping that they had passed. You had also managed to escape the Mandalorian that was after you and as soon as you got this kid back to his family, you were going to get off of this planet and find the next hiding spot, maybe .
That's when you heard more blaster fire and the body of one of the gang members fell down at your feet as you shielded the child from its view.
You assumed that they were all dead when it went quiet and you stepped out hesitatingly, blaster in one hand and the child in your other. He cooed, smiling up at you as you looked around, “Listen, don’t be worried, i'm going to find your parents,”
You felt a presence behind you and froze up, turning around and looking up at The Mandalorian who had been hunting you down earlier. He was wet from the rain as well and when he noticed that you had a little child in your arms, he tilted his head in confusion.
Now it was your time to start bartering and you stepped back, holding the child closer to your chest, “Listen, take me in warm, I don’t care, just let me find this kid's parents,” you said.
Din felt his heart pounding in his chest as he watched you, an insanely beautiful bounty, holding his child to your chest protectively. There was something weird about the feeling bubbling up in his chest, one that he’d never felt before.
The child reached his little arms out, giggling to himself as he tried to reach for Din and you looked at it confused, “He’s mine,” he stated, a small bit of emotion evident in his voice.
Your brows furrowed as you looked down at him, the child cooing in your arms as you placed him back down in his slightly battered cot. He used the controls, going back over to Din and looking up at him.
“You’re an awful parent, leaving him here alone,” you said, your blaster still in your hand. You
Din smiled to himself under the helmet, glad that you couldn’t see his amused reaction to your comment, “I didn’t, he must have escaped my ship,” he stated, that cold tone to his voice.
You sighed, looking up at him. You brushed your wet hair from your face, only now realising that you were still standing in the rain, “You gonna take me in warm Mr Mandalorian?” You asked, hands held out in surrender.
He cocked his head to the side and you definitely recognised that movement as confusion, “You’re just giving up like that?” He questioned.
You shrugged your shoulders, “I’m not going to be able to convince you to let me go,” you stated and he nodded, reaching into his back pocket, eyes narrowed and focused on her; he didn’t understand why she was just letting him take her away.
He had his hands on the restraints, about to put them on her when more gang members sped around the corner, looking around for the two of them - and by that, they were looking for Din and Grogu.
The Mandalorians head was spinning with the events of the days and his oddly submissive bounty and as he looked at the people who were hunting down the child and trying to kill him, he knew he had to make a rash decision that any other day he would scold himself for.
He turned to you, pushing your hands down and putting the restraints back onto his belt, “Can you shoot?” He asked, his voice still cold but now you could sense a bit of fear in it. It was strange, how you could feel this emotionless man opening up to you little by little but you could.
“Can I shoot?” You teased, repeating the question back at him before pursing your lips together and nodding, “Of course I can,”
Din nodded, looking down at you just as the gang members looked into the alleyway, one of them exclaiming that they had found the child and you wondered what was so interesting and lucrative about this kid that this many people were ready to die for.
He looked back at you, taking a few steps forward, “Stay in front of the kid okay,” he stated and you nodded, watching as he began shooting at them.
You looked back at the child who put the lid over his pram and you turned back and started shooting, the sound of blaster fire echoing through the alleyway.
This morning when you woke up in tha5 small, damp hostel, this wasn’t how you expected the day to go. You would never have imagined that you would be standing in the pouring rain, fighting alongside the man who was trying to take you in as a bounty so that you could protect his son.
You slid down, the rain making the cobblestone pavement wet as you slid under the man's legs, slicing through his thighs with your knife and watching as he collapsed down, your knife jamming into the back of his neck. You pulled it out with a grunt, wiping the blade on your trousers before grabbing your blaster and shooting the man behind you.
Din watched in awe, he shouldn’t feel this way towards anyone, especially not towards a bounty but the second that he had laid eyes on you in the cantina bar, he knew there was something special about you and now, as you stabbed men to protect his son, he shouldn’t have felt as turned on as he did.
You turned around, spinning on the heel of your foot as you shot another one, watching him fall down with a scream. It was the last man and as you took a deep breath, pushing your wet hair out of your face and looking at the Mandalorian, you smiled.
He watched as you stepped over the myriad of bodies on the floor, using the pad of your thumb to wipe some of the blood that had splattered on your chin away and you walked up to the cot, watching as the child opened the lid.
He chuckled at the sight of you and you smiled back at him before looking up at the Mandalorian. Your smile fell as your eyes landed on his helmet, unable to see what he was thinking and he was glad you couldn’t see underneath because he was sure that from the heat on his cheeks, he was blushing like a schoolboy.
There was an awkward silence that fell as you looked around at the bodies that littered the floor of the alleyway and you held your hands out again, “Take me in warm?” You questioned.
You could hear the faint sound of his breath hitching in his throat through the modulator as he pushed your hands away. He watched as your brows pulled together, a deep crease appearing between them as you looked up at him, "They won't be needed,"
You chuckled, a slight smile tugging at the corner of your lips, "You might be the nicest bounty hunter I've ever encountered," you stated and Din knew that if you could see under his helmet, you'd have teased him for the way his cheeks were bright red as he looked at you.
Being in his mid thirties, he had spent the best part of twenty years hidden under the helmet and away from the world and with his helmet on, he could be as expressive as he wanted, a superpower that was working overtime right now.
"Lets go," he said, keeping his head held high as the child followed in the hovering pram next to him.
You had so many questions that were trying to bubble up to the surface but you pushed them away, not wanting to agrivate the man who was being so kind to you whilst holding your life in his hands.
Some people looked at you as you walked alongside him and now you wondered if the attention was from the gunfire earlier or from the large Mandalorian you were walking with.
You looked up at him, continuing to walk. You’d only encountered one mandalorian before and he had been a bounty hunter too but you knew that’s not all they ever did. The one you were walking with now hadnt told you his name unlike the last one and this one was a lot more quiet and reserved.
There were so many questions swimming in your head and it made you dizzy as you wondered what this man wanted and why he was being so kind. Why did he have a kid? Why was he green? Was the Mandalorian green? What was your bounty for? What did he want?
“You okay?” He asked, his voice snapping you out of your thoughts and that’s when you’d realsied you’d stopped and had been staring at him for at least thirty seconds. He had his head cocked to the side, one hand on his hip as he stopped as well a few feet in front of you.
He was waiting for your answer and you nodded, a smile appearing on your face to try and be polite as you started walking again, “Just got lost in thought, its been a long day,” you stated, tryin to make your excuse sound plausible. You couldn’t just explain that you’d been staring at him.
Din hummed in response, continuing to walk alongside you, guiding you in right direction towards a ship that you recognised as a razor crest. You walked towards it, one hand brushing over the cold and slightly wet metal of the ship as you looked back at him, eyes wide, “You have a Razor Crest?”
He nodded, walking over to you, “Let’s go,” he said and your face dropped as you watched him walk up the ramp, remembering that you were just a bounty to him like you’d already forgotten that.
He didnt notice and just watched as you walked up the ramp as well, looking around at the room and watching as he picked up the child and placed him on the floor. The little child giggled, running in the direction of the cockpit and you just watched, as smile on your face.
Din looked back at you, his heart skipping a beat as he saw the smile on your face and when you made eye contact - or he made eye contact with you - he gestured to the cockpit, “You probably want to come sit down, we’re going to jump into hyperspace soon,” he explained.
You nodded, muttering a thank you as you squeezed past him into the cockpit, seeing the child having already strapped himself into the seat behind the pilots seat. Din came in, his hand brushing against the child’s head which made him laugh, before he sat down in the pilots seat.
You strapped yourself in, eyes focused on the front window as you felt that familiar presssure of hyperspace, watching the blue lights in the distance get closer, laughing you three into an unknown destination to you. But you were so ready for it.
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So this is the first chapter of the bounty x bounty hunter series and I hope you enjoyed it, I really love the concept and can't wait to expand on it. If you liked it, I would love to hear any feedback. Also, I am going to be opening a taglist so if you want to be added, just send an ask or comment on here, I don't mind. Hope you enjoyed it :)
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blackswaneuroparedux · 10 months
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The badge was meant to be a flaming ‘Excalibur’ - recalling the Lewes bomb that contained both plastic explosive and inflammable thermite with time pencils. I knew that, but most of us called the stylised badge a ‘winged dagger’ and it made a better title for a book than ‘Flaming Sword’ ‘Who Dares Wins’ etc. the sword looks more like a commando knife and was certainly not meant to be a ‘Sword of Damocles’.
Roy Farran, ‘Winged Dagger’ (1948)
The badge of the Special Air Service was created by Corporal Bob Tait in October 1941, who would survive the war and die in retirement in 1975.
Robert ‘Bob’ Duncan Tait was a founding member of ‘L Detachment’, later the SAS, and is credited with the design of the most coveted military badge in the world: the SAS winged dagger. Tait was part of 11 Commando before he was invited to join L Detachment under the direction of Col. Stirling while fighting in North Africa in World War Two.
He survived the regiment’s first disastrous operation: a parachute drop in support of the Operation Crusader offensive in Libya in November 1941. It proved to be an unmitigated disaster when 22 men out of 60 were either killed or captured by the Germans.
The second was far more successful and saw Bob Tait as one of five commandos who snuck into a German aerodrome deep behind enemy lines and laid explosives that destroyed 37 aircraft. The raid secured the future of the SAS as it convinced military chiefs a specially trained unit that could operate behind enemy lines was needed.
In between the raids, the members of the newly formed unit held an informal competition to design the insignia for the regiment. Tait’s design of King Arthur’s Excalibur sword - not a dagger as commonly thought - with light blue wings either side of it was voted the best by the rest of the men and is the cap badge still in use today.
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The SAS insignia represents King Arthur’s flaming sword Excalibur - not the dagger as it came to seen as.  Indeed the name ‘the Winged Dagger’ appears to have first been published in a SHAEF communique of 1944 which was then quoted in the Sunday Times and Observer newspapers.
Having already been awarded a Military Cross and Bar with the 3rd Hussars, Roy Farran joined 2nd SAS in 1943. Although not serving with the Regiment when the insignia were developed, his book, ‘Winged Dagger’ was truly the first book to shed light on the SAS when it was published in 1948. The image of the ‘winged dagger’ stuck in the public consciousness.
Early examples were made up by Cairo tailors and many variants can be seen.
By March 1944, the 1st and 2nd SAS Regiments returned to the United Kingdom and joined a newly formed SAS Brigade, a component of 1st Airborne Corps, commanded by Lieutenant General Frederick ‘Boy’ Browning, with Brigadier Roderick McLeod in charge of the SAS.  Many more badges would be required, and it was essential that a standardised design was agreed upon - see top right.
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In March 1951 the Malayan Scouts adopted the maroon beret and the badge of the Special Air Service and this was worn by the members of 21 SAS who formed the new B Squadron - see centre left. The instruction that brought the Malayan Scouts into the British Army Order of Battle as 22 SAS Regiment dates from 16th July 1952.
The central badge was worn by 21 SAS on the right arm when it was formed in 1947. At that stage they wore the Mars and Minerva cap badge of the Artists Rifles on their maroon berets which was of similar design. However, in 1956, these were swapped, and the design of the beret badge was published in that year (rather curiously on a crudely cut out backing)
The 1956 badge was worn throughout the 1960s - see bottom left. But this had become somewhat anaemic by the early 1980s. The current pattern is shown bottom right.
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layce2015 · 7 months
John Wick (John Wick x Female!Reader)
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Chapter 5: Paris
First Chapter
JW 4 Masterlist
(A/N: wanted to say there is a bit of smut in this chapter. You have been warned.)
"You are a child of the Belarus...an orphan of our tribe..." Katia said as a couple of men walk in, carrying a bar that was holding a cauldron filled with hot liquid metal. "You are bound to us as we are to you...in this life and the next." Katia said as they set the cauldron on a pedestal then John places his left arm close to the markings on the side where it was red hot and Katia did the same on the other side of the cauldron with her left arm.
"Your blood...is my blood." Katia said. "Your pain...is my pain." John recites. "Your life...is my life." Katia said and both of them places their forearms close to the marking and shoved them against it, burning the mark on their flesh. They pull their arms back and then they were handed a shot glass of a drink.
"Welcome back, Jardani." Katia said and they down their shot then the priest pours the vodka over their burn marks then another shot. "The Ruska Roma will support your challenge. Who will be your Second?" Katia asked him.
Few days later, John and (y/n) walk out to an open area between two buildings, the Eiffel Tower off in the distance against the foggy sky. They walk up to a table where there were a few guards, the Marquis, the Harbinger, Caine and Winston stand by a table.
John takes off his suit jacket then reveals the Crest on his arm to the Harbinger. He nods in approval and John rolls his sleeves up and the Marquis takes a chair across from one side. The table had twelve cards face down on both sides of the table.
John, after putting his jacket back on, takes the seat across from the Marquis and (y/n) walks over to Winston, who gestures for her to take the seat he was leaning against. "Under the Old Laws, only one can survive. Do you both understand that?" The Harbinger asked and both John and Marquis nod.
"Very good. Rules. The Challenged chooses first. Time?" Harbinger asked. "Sunrise." Marquis replied and he flips a card, revealing an number 8 on it. "Now." John said and he flips his card over, revealing a 3. "Sunrise." Harbinger confirmed. "Location?" Harbinger asked. 
"You come here thinking there is a way out of this world for you, Mr Wick? There is not." Marquis said then he reaches out to one of the cards. "Le Centre Pompidou." Marquis said and he flips the card, revealing a 4. "Sacré Coeur." John said and he flips one of his cards, revealing a 10.
"Sacré Coeur." Harbinger confirmed. "Weapons?" 
"If you win, The Table will honor its word. You will have your freedom. But you won't take it." Marquis said and (y/n) balls up her fist, she really didn't like the Marquis very much. The arrogance and the smarmy attitude he oozed out.
"Blades." Marquis said as he flips another card, a 14. "Pistols." John said and he flips another card, a 23. "Dueling pistols. Thirty paces. In the event that both parties survive, each will approach the other at increments of ten paces until only one remains. Rules of engagement." The Harbinger said. "No quarter." John replied.
"You know why you won't take your freedom? Because this is who you are, who you've always been. You are a killer. An orphan we plucked from the street and honed into a knife. And it is the killing that gives you purpose. A man without purpose...is nothing." Marquis taunts to John before he addresses The Harbinger. "No quarter." He said.
"No quarter. If there is nothing else, gentlemen, I will see.." the Harbinger started to say but Marquis speaks up. "A nomination." He said and John looks over at Harbinger, who also seemed surprised by this, then he looks over at John. "It is his right. Do you have a name?" Harbinger asked Marquis. "Caine." Marquis said as he nods over to Caine, who was sitting a chair off the to the side and didn't look very happy about being nominated.
"So be it. Sunrise, Sacré Coeur. Dueling pistols, no quarter. Should Mr Wick be victorious, he will be free of any and all obligation to The High Table, and his Second will be reinstated as the manager of the rebuilt New York Continental." The Harbinger said and John and (y/n) look over at Winston, who shrugs slightly.
"Should the Marquis Vincent Bisset de Gramont be victorious..." the Harbinger started to say and Marquis speaks over him. "John Wick will be dead. As will his Second and his wife." Marquis said and (y/n) fidgets in her chair at this. "Just so. Now, if there is nothing more, gentlemen, I will see you at sunrise. Failure to meet at the appointed hour will result in forfeiture and immediate execution." Harbinger said and he walks away.
John stands up from his chair and he starts to walk away as (y/n) gets up from her chair and comes up next to him. "There is no John out there. No happy husband with a normal life." Marquis said, shaking his head slightly, as John and (y/n) stop and turn to him. "There's only John Wick, the killer." Marquis sneered. "And he's going to kill you." John said and he and (y/n) walk away and Winston catches up to them.
"Your hotel?" (Y/n) asked Winston. "Yes." Winston said, like it was obvious. "You always have an angle, don't you?" John asked him. "Doesn't everyone?" Winston asked. "Let's find safe harbor before it starts." He said as he hands John a piece of paper. "There's something I need to do first." John said. "Sooner rather than later." Winston said and he, John and (y/n) part ways.
"What do you need to do?" (Y/n) asked John as they walk off. "It's more a what you need to do. Something that you should've done months ago." John said and (y/n) furrows her brow in confusion at him.
John leads her to a church with high ceilings and several candles surrounding the area. They come up to the alter and John opens a box and pulls out a long thin candle. He hands it to (y/n), who accepts it, and then John places his hand over hers and guided her hand to a lite candle. They lite the little candle then he guides her hand over to unlite candle to light it.
(Y/n) takes in a deep breath then pulls the thin candle towards her and she blows out the flame and sets it aside. She looks down and John places his right arm around her waist as a tear runs down her face. She sighs a bit then wipes away the tears and looks up for a moment before she leans her head against John's shoulder.
He places a small kiss on the top of her head and the two stand there for a moment before they turn around, only to see Caine sitting one of the chairs. They walk over to the chairs across the aisle of chairs Caine was sitting in and they take a couple of chairs.
"Caine." John greets. "John. Mrs Wick." Caine greets back. "Saying goodbye?" 
"Saying hello." (Y/n) said as she thinks of Helen. "You think your sister can hear you?" Caine asked her. "No." (Y/n) replied. "Then why bother?" He asked her. "Maybe I'm wrong." (Y/n) said, shrugging. "The dead are gone. Only the living matter." Caine said and he pulls out a pocket watch and opens it, revealing a picture of a young girl.
"After my daughter was born...I wanted to leave this life. I thought I did." Caine said. "But you didn't." John said. "We're damned...you and I, John." Caine said. "On that we agree." John said and Caine closes his watch. "My daughter's not. If it's between you and her...you're going to die." Caine said. "Maybe not." John said and Caine smirks.
"I missed you, John. It's so good to sit with a friend. And I wish I met you, Mrs Wick, under different circumstances. You seem like a good woman." Caine said. "And you seem like a good man." (Y/n) tells him and John turns to Caine. "I'll see you tomorrow." John tells him and he and (y/n) get up and walk out of the church.
(Y/n) was sitting on the edge bed of their hotel room, the day's event playing through her head. She tried not to show it but she was beyond terrified.
On the one hand, John will win the duel and both him and her will get to go back a day try to live their normal lives. Sure it'll take her a bit to get back into living a normal life after these last few months but she had faith she'll overcome this and live that happy life she had dreamed of when she first married John.
But on the other hand, John could die and then she'd be killed afterwards. In a blink of an eye, their lives will be gone.
She sighs and runs her hands over her face until she hears the bathroom door opens a door footsteps approaching. She looks up and sees John walking into the room. "You okay?" He asked her, concerned, once he saw the look on her face. "Honestly, John....not really." She said and John lowers his eyes to floor and nods, slightly.
"I know you've told me to not worry and that you forgiven me but I am still sorry for everything." He said and she nods then she looks over at him. "John..." she said and he turns his head to her, she stares at him then leans in and kisses him. He kisses her back and he cups her face in his hands and she places her hands on his neck.
They break the kiss for a moment then she leans in and kisses him again and pushes him, slowly, back on the bed and gets on top of him. He lays down on the bed and places his hands on her hips as he continues to kiss her, passionately.
They stop to kiss to catch their breathes and they look deeply into each other’s eyes before (y/n) speaks up. "Make love to me, please." She pleads, in a soft whisper, and John pushes back a strand of her hair behind her ear as he stares into her eyes.
"Are you sure?" He asked her and she nods. "If this is our last night together, I want to spend one more time with you. To touch you one more time, to feel you one more time, to love you." She said and now it was his turn to lean his head up to her and capture her lips with his.
He sits up, (y/n) straddling his lap, as they continue to kiss, passionately, and she wraps her arms around his neck, her fingers start to run through his hair. They take off their jackets and their shirts before their hands started roaming each other, fingertips touching each other's soft skin. They stop kissing to catch their breathes again then they get up out of the bed and started to discard the rest of their clothing. 
Next thing (y/n) knew, she was laying on her back on the soft, satin sheets of the bed and John on top of her. They stare into each other’s eyes again before John slides into her, she gasps then lets out a moan at the feeling of being filled as he grunts then leans into kiss her. He gives her a moment to adjust before he starts moving his hips.
And the couple started showing each other how much they loved one another. Their hands on every part they could reach, fingers digging into the flesh to leave marks, the sounds of slapping skin and heavy pants from the couple echoed the room with the occasional screams of curses and their names leaving from the others mouth.
Eventually, (y/n) comes undone and screams John's name as he soon follows after her, grunting out her name. He stills then lays on top of her and she wraps her arms around his neck and buries her face into his shoulder as he buries his face in hers. The two of them catching their breathes after the intense orgasm they experienced.
"I love you." John whispers to her, in between breathes. "I love you too." (Y/n) whispered back and John gets off of her and lays down next to her. She then cuddles up to him and the two lay their in bed for a moment, just basking in the afterglow of their love making. After about a few hours of resting and sleeping, the alarm on John's watch goes off which meant it was time for them to get up and head out.
After getting dressed and ready, John and (y/n) walk along the streets of Paris and down a set of steps to a caged door, where various homeless people surround the entrance. John walks up to the entrance of the door and hands the paper, Winston handed him, to the homeless man that was guarding the door. The paper held a symbol and the man looks at it then begins to unlock the door.
John and (y/n) enter and make their way into a subway where a radio was playing music and there were several statues and artwork on the side. They sit down on a bench for a few moments before a train pulls up to them.
It stops and the couple get up as the door of the train cart opens and The Bowery King and Winston walk out of it. The Bowery King, holding a couple of suits. "Bonjour, Monsieur Wick and Madame Wick. And welcome to La Resistance." The Bowery King greets and John goes to shake his hand.
"A little far from home, aren't you?" John asked him as they shake hands then (y/n) shakes Bowery King's hand then he places a kiss on the back of her hand. "Well, your little act of uncivil disobedience inspired me, John. I'm branching out, spreading my wings." The Bowery King replied as the train leaves.
"How goes the Grand Farewell Tour?" The Bowery King asked him. "Coming to an end." John replied. "So it seems. So it seems. Forty-two regular, wasn't it?" The Bowery King asked then he holds up a suit. "It's Kevlar, front to back. The latest in ballistic chic. Appropriate for all formal occasions. Weddings, funerals, High Table duels. After all, a man has to look his best when it's time to get married. Or buried." The Bowery King said as he hands the suit to John.
"And of course, for the lovely lady..." the Bowery King said and he holds up the second suit that looked similar to John's suit but of course smaller. "I, of course, had one made for you as well, Mrs Wick." He said as he hands the suit to her and she takes it.
All right, now. For all you bopper out there in the City of Lights, for all you street people with an ear for the action, to all my loyal listeners who know the beat of the street, tonight is your chance to make some beautiful music.
I've been asked to relay a special request from a secret admirer. It seems there's a couple of thorns in our little slice of paradise.
A wicked man and woman from the Big Apple is making a beeline to our sacred heart. We are putting the call out to deliver your hardest beats to this man and woman in black.
If you want the prize, you must finish before sunrise. This golden oldie, and I do mean golden hit, goes out to you, Mr and Mrs Wick. And remember, there is nowhere to run.
John and (y/n) had finished getting suited up when they heard the broadcast. (Y/n) gives a nervous look to the radio then at John. "And so it begins." Winston said as he holds up a goblet of wine.
"We're going to need a couple of guns." John said as he and (y/n) walk up to Winston and The Bowery King, who was sitting and drinking from his glass of wine. "I thought you'd never ask." The Bowery King said as he sets his glass down then opens up a case that held two guns and some ammo.
"Nine-millimeter Pit Viper." The Bowery King said. "How'd you get these?" John asked him as he and (y/n) take the guns. "I know a guy who knows a guy who shot a guy." The Bowery King replied as John and (y/n) check the gun. "Twenty-one round capacity magazine with a built-in compensator for virtually no muzzle flip. Fiber-optic front sight, ambidextrous safeties, flared magwell for faster reloads, two-pound extreme trigger, and for those more, how shall we say, intimate encounters, these Vipers have ferocious fucking fangs." The Bowery King explained as John and (y/n) look over the guns and see how they felt in their hands then John nods at The Bowery King.
"How close can you get us to the church?" John asked and The Bowery King does the cross gesture. "Amen." (Y/n) remarkes as the Bowery King smiles.
The Bowery King leads, John, Winston and (y/n) to a different tunnel, this time a water tunnel with a small boat. "Here we are, gentlemen and lady. Your ride." The Bowery King said as he gestures to the boat.
After getting in the boat, the Bowery King drives it as John and (y/n) sit next to each other on the side of the boat while Winston sits in the back. "When I advised you not to dip your pinky back into this pond, I didn't think I'd get wet." Winston said and he glances over at John, who looks down in guilt.
"It'll all be over after today." John assures him. "When I was burying Charon, I was torn about what to put on his gravestone. A few words to sum up an entire life?" Winston said. "Long live the King! Had mine made years ago." The Bowery King said and (y/n) smiles. "Of course you did." (Y/n) said. "Modest." Winston said. "Prophetic." The Bowery King chuckles.
"What did you decide?" John asked Winston. "Friend." Winston replied. "That's what he was above all else. A friend." Winston said as the Bowery King comes upon the location and stops. "Au revoir et bonne chasse, Monsieur and Madame Wick." The Bowery King said as he turns and holds a hand out and John takes it and shakes it. "Thank you, King." John said then (y/n) shakes the Bowery King's hand.
"Johnathan. (Y/n)." Winston said. "Winston." John and (y/n) said. "Sunrise is at 6:03. Don't be late for all our sakes, hmm?" Winston said and John nods then gets out of the boat, turns and holds his hand out to (y/n). She takes it and he helps her out of the boat and she looks up at John, her heart feeling heavy.
"Loving husband." (Y/n) said, Winston and Bowery King look up at her and John stares at her. "That's what should be on yours. John. Loving husband." She added and John looks into her eyes and the corners of his lips twitch up and she gives him a quick smile. ​​"(y/n). Faithful wife should be yours." John tells her and she let's out a small laugh and smiles.
Winston nods at this as the couple head over to the door and enter it, which had stairs that lead out to the streets of Paris.
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metalomagnetic · 9 months
I was curious to know why do you think that in canon, why did dumbledore not fight for Sirius to get a trial, despite knowing him in school. I’ve seen many people bash dumbledore for this reason but I thought that he was simply convinced that Sirius had changed sides
I think that's not Albus' as a character fault, but JKR not planning ahead. That mistake was an oversight of JK, really.
That being said, to make it make sense, I think (and write) Sirius was very badly behaved- he was a bit cruel, a bit of a bully, a wild card, came from Black family, probably used some questionable spells now and again or said something bigoted without realising (as anyone raised in a bigoted family would do, even unconsciously); I think he did some bad stuff before his arrest, he annoyed some Order Members etc, so when he was caught amongst dead muggles and with a finger left of Pettigrew, and Sirius was laughing his head off and then admitting it's his fault....really, why wouldn't Dumbledore think Sirius changed sides and went back to his family? Especially since Bellatrix was arrested a few days later, confirmed as a devout Death Eater, and Regulus was mysteriously 'missing' and his other cousin married to another Death Eater.
I like to think Dumbledore would have wanted a trial for him and all the other men that didn't get one, but these were troubled times, martial law was probably in place, huge changes were being made in the Ministry- the aftermath of a war is rarely about justice. It's about cleaning up the mess, fast, and in real life many men like Sirius ended up in prison.
So yes, it probably made sense to Dumbledore- Sirius had an upbringing and behaviours that hinted at a possibility of betrayal, and Sirius laughing over corpses didn't much help. It seemed obvious, so they went with it.
Same for Aurors not checking his wand for spells- it seemed he did it, he confessed, why bother? It was chaos, the very next morning after V's death, and they were arresting suspected Death Eater left, right and centre, so no need to investigate a 'sure case'. Like I said, it happens very often in really life, after an abrupt change of regime or civil war etc.
On top of it, Dumbledore is neither an Auror, nor a Minister- this was the Ministry's job, not Dumbledore's, and they failed spectacularly. Maybe he did ask, maybe he enquired about Sirius and Barty Crouch or Fudge or anyone else said that he confessed (which Sirius sort of did, saying it was his fault, that he got them killed, etc. He kept saying that even to Harry in book 3, making all of us reader believe he truly was a killer, the vague way in which he was speaking. Again, this is bad writing by JK, to get some drama in with the ol' miscommunication trope).
So that's how I try to make it work. It's one thing to view Albus as a flawed character, as a manipulator, but quite another to look at that man and believe he willingly threw Sirius in Azkaban (as if he had that power) just so he can 'steal' Harry away from him.
Hell, maybe he even asked Remus 'do you think this is likely?' and Remus would have said yes. Of course it was Sirius, because James made him Secret Keeper, because they were besties; who else could it have been? Silly little Peter? No way, he was not skilled enough, and James wouldn't have trusted Peter with the Secret over Sirius.
I don't think Dumbledore was too close with these kiddos, really. It's more questionable to me that Remus never thought to question what he heard, because, unlike Dumbledore, he knew Sirius, knew this was the boy that wanted to risk his life to become an animagus just so he could keep him company; he knew how tight Sirius and James were.
Alas, it seems even for Remus, Sirius betrayal seemed a likely story, and this must be because Sirius was going around acting like a menace, way before he was arrested.
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mocknerd · 9 months
So my idea of a crossover between Death Note and Durarara!! would be to have Mikado find the Death Note.
A lot of people think Izaya would be the Light Yagami figure, but Izaya isn't the master manipulator genius type that a lot of people think he is. Yes, he can and will manipulate and he is certainly bright, but not in some grandiose, "I have everything set up and planned" sort of way. He likes to have the image of that, but it's not who he is. He prefers the randomness of it all. He loves humans, and therefore treats them like the Sims left on free will, with the occasional little tweak on his part. On that same note, Izaya wouldn't kill random people. He could care less if some people get hurt by his actions, or if they decide to kill each other, but killing is not his forte. The only exceptions to his style are those he dislikes (eg. Shizuo, Saika, maybe Celty) and the odd jobs that require him to take such actions in order for him to get paid (eg. the Amphisbaena arc). In these cases, his actions are more direct and involved, with him at the centre of the danger, which may involve the death of a person.
So instead I see him playing as a Ryuk figure to a much more naive and increasingly unpredictable Mikado. Watching to alleviate boredom, and occasionally poking in to get the ball rolling more.
Mikado with a Death Note is a much more interesting concept, because I can see him actually using it, granted with some hesitation from the start. While Izaya may get rid of any non human characters he considers in the way of his love for humanity (would it work on a demon sword?), Mikado would start using it in his reach for an extraordinary life. And we've seen how far he can push for that in the last arc.
I can see him finding it in the park, in the Mika Harima arc. While I considered giving it to him later, I think right from the start could help him settle into the idea of murder for the right reasons. Of course he wouldn't use it right away. Either he considers it a prank, or sees it as wrong to just test it out and kill a random person, or even just wish death upon them. He would feel tempted when he thinks Seiji and Namie killed Mika, but until he has all the evidence, he would resist.
In the Saika arc, the urge would grow stronger, but of course nobody knows who the actual Slasher is, so he has no way of confirming the books abilities by killing them. Takashit would be a good contender, but there is no final push moment there that could lead him to it.
I think the best contender for the first victims would be Horada and his group, right at the end of the Yellow Scarves arc. After chasing Anri (I know its anime only, but lets include it) and getting Masaomi severely injured, I can see Mikado asking who did this to them, and writing his name down in a sort of silent fury. It's not until the news confirms that Horada and his group were found after dying of heart attacks, when the horror of what he had done sinks in for Mikado. He would quickly hide the Death Note, vowing to not use it again, and won't touch it for a while, at least until the Akane arc.
During this time, I can see Izaya being curious as to the cause of these men dying in such a way at the exact same time. So he might investigate it.
On top of that, I can see the Death Note once belonging to Celty in this universe. She is a sort of grim reaper after all, so if she's lost her head, it's not far fetched to believe, that other aspects of her roll were lost too. Maybe Nebula and Yagiri pharmaceuticals had it, but saw no use for it, and threw it away. Maybe after seeing Horada's death on the news, Celty realises what's happened, remembers her Death Note, and rushes to try and find it before anything else happens.
Perhaps Izaya notices this and decides to try and find it himself. And this is what leads to him finding out it's Mikado who has it, at about the same time Aoba offers to help purge the Dollars. Izaya doesn't really do anything about it, and instead decides to watch how things go. And to prolong it a little, he decides to keep Mikado's secret identity as this universes "Kira" safe.
And of course, after being given the idea to "purge" the Dollars by Aoba, Mikado then begins to consider using the Death Note to do so. His next group of victims are the ones who kidnapped Chikage's girlfriend. And from there, he starts killing anyone in the Dollars who misbehaves. This goes hand in hand with his hope for the Dollars to become like an urban legend. Whether or not he sticks to the murder as a last resort, or he just ignores Aoba as an option I have left undecided. I say this as if I'm gonna write the full thing.
1. Mikado kills the guy who attacks Shinra. Izaya, for once, takes a disliking to his actions, because he wanted to make the guy suffer more for what he did. He doesn't specify why though. Mikado, maybe getting a little more unhinged and tactical at this point, warns Izaya that he himself has hinted at causing problems in the Dollars, and that it would be a lot easier if he wasn't around to do that anymore. Izaya has a rare moment "oh fuck, what have I done, oh fuck, this kid might kill me."
From there I don't know fully how things would go. But I do have some vague ideas for big dramatic moments and how other characters might fit into this. Some of them may be illogical and not add up, but I just think they would be cool ideas:
Can't decide if Aoba: knows about the death note, and is in a similar position; doesn't know, but is part of a growing follower base for this universes "Kira" because it's shown to benefit him in some way; or just straight up dies quickly because of endangering Anri.
Assume that Mikado has a way to ensure nobody else gets ahold of the Death Note, because if either of these guys decide they have had enough and steal it for themselves, that would just be boring.
3. Shizuo gets killed because of acting up one too many times and negatively impacting the Dollars image. Yes there is irony in that.
2. Mikado is definitely posting as "Kira" on the Dollars site, confirming why he killed certain people and ensuring the rest of the Dollars stay in line.
It also emphasises how it might be giving Mikado too much of an ego with how much power it is giving him over some of the most notorious people of Ikebukuro, further cementing the Dollars into the history of the city.
It also gives further fuel to Celty finding her Death Note.
5. The van gang could give some funny references, but they are also there to find the killer. Because they are ruining what was once a decent community.
4. Vorona wants to find and kill "Kira", because if they can kill anyone, including Shizuo, then surely they are a worthy opponent. She also has the added benefit of having a fake name.
Other "Kira" hunters might include: Simon, Akane, Masaomi and the Awakusu.
But those are all my ideas for it. They sort of came to me a while back when someone in the fandom was talking about Death Note. Can't remember who, or what about, but I finally got to have my chance to talk about it.
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aussiepineapple1st · 11 months
My Heart
Words: 1,297 Contains: Blood, Death, Drawings of both, Whump.
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Pulling himself to a kneeling position, Chris looks over to Leon peeling himself off the ground in the near distance, they had just taken out Heisenberg. Thanks to Ethan's help.
Standing to his feet with a slight stumble he walks over to help Ethan to his own. "You did good, Ethan. Now you should get out of here, my squad are currently looking for Miranda." He looks over his shoulder hearing Leon approach. "I suggest you meet up with them in the town's centre. We will meet up with you in a moment." Ethan gives Chris a firm nod as he looks to Leon now taking his place on Chris' right side. "I'll meet you there." Ethan cements, turning to run out of the area to meet with the Hound Wolf Squad.
Leon watches Ethan leave as Chris turns to look at the mess of flesh and metal they had just taken down. He walks over to the flesh head, half melded with gears and what appeared to be a metal sheet. "You turned into one ugly fucker.." He said to himself as he walks around to see the full monstrosity.
Leon was still making sure Ethan was fine until he left his sight. Turning as he speaks. "Do you think he'll be alright getting back? I'm sure there are lots of those Lycan's aro-" Leon was cut off when he turned around to be face to face with a woman, her body clad in black robes. Out of instinct he pulls his gun from it's holster on his right thigh and shoots at her side.
Hearing the shot fired, Chris turns towards Leon seeing as he is thrown backwards. Black ichor rising from the snow and yellow grass covered ground, black trees made of the same ichor rise from the ground. Chris being thrown into the air by one of them as Leon scrambles to his feet. "Freeze!" Leon says aiming his handgun towards her, he sees Chris fall to the ground  not able to go help as he turns his attention back onto Miranda. The thing is they have no clue how they can stop her, Leon knew their weapons did nothing to her, but his gun was all he had on him. Miranda continued to walk towards Leon, ignoring his warnings to stop. He shoots two rounds into her chest but she only gives him a smile, Leon stepping backwards into some of the ichor that covered most of the ground. Chris runs up behind Miranda, a knife held in his hand as he stabs down towards her back. She turns around, knocking the knife from his hand a stream of black rope coming out of the ground and wrapping around his neck and wrists. It pulls him to his knees, his palms flat on the ground as he tries his best to pull his neck away. The more he would pull the tighter around his neck it would become. "You are interfering too much with my plans, Redfield. You can't stop me from bringing back my Eva, no matter how many of your men I kill and no matter how many of my achievements you destroy." She looks down at Chris, her nose turned up seeing herself as superior. "Chris! Let go of him!" Leon shouts from behind Miranda, still standing in the ichor she had backed him into. He couldn't move his feet, it had a hold of him as well. There wasn't much they could do against her, the only thing they could do it continue to fill her with bullets which seemed to not do much at all. Miranda turns around to Leon, seeing the worried look in his eyes she turns to look back to Chris in front of her. Chris looks from Leon to the ground, his teeth clenched and eyes squinting. "Oh? I see.." She smiled, reaching down to grab Chris' chin, angling his head to look up at her. "You seem to want to keep me from getting my daughter, how about I make a deal?" She says delicately squatting down in front of Chris.
"You leave me alone to get my daughter back, and I leave something you love alone?"
Chris stays silent, his mouth going to speak, letting out a choked cough first before shaking his head as best he could. "Never.." Miranda just hums and stands up, still looking down at the man on his knees in front of her.
With one slight wave of her hand the ropes around his neck and wrists retract into the ground, only to have one of the trees rise up from the ground right under Chris. It punches into his gut, forcing him into the air once again, landing on his back winding him. Leon instinctively went to run towards him, forgetting his feet had been cemented into the ichor he was in. Miranda had also disappeared. She was just in front of Chris a second ago.
Looking around Leon tries to get his sights on her, seeing Chris rolling to his side and pulling himself up to his hands and knees, his right hand coming up to press against the left side of his stomach. Chris, from his position on the ground, looks up towards Leon just in time to see the ichor moving in front of him. Not knowing Leon couldn't move, Chris shouts to him. "MOVE!"
Just as he shouts a figure bursts from the ichor, the arm punching through Leon's chest. The black drips from the figures face, showing it to be Miranda, a smile on her face as she looks into Leon's wide eyes. "LEON!" Chris let's out a guttural cry as he watches Miranda pull her hand from Leon's chest, in her hand she held his heart.
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Leon was standing for hardly 3 seconds before he falls straight on his back, Chris' blood runs cold seeing his husband drop. Miranda looking over to Chris as she tosses Leon's heart over her shoulder. She then turns into crows and flies away, Chris crawling before trying to get to his feet. Running a few steps he then makes it to Leon's side, dropping to his knees once more as the black ichor soaks into the ground under them.
"Leon?" There really was no use in calling his name, the life was gone from his eyes and blood ran from each side of his mouth. It was just habit to ask for Leon to respond.
Trembling hands reach out to Leon's face, tears already falling from Chris' eyes, he knew he was already dead. There was no way he could have stopped this from happening and he hated that, he felt weak and powerless against this enemy. Chris didn't know what to do, a choked sob leaves his chest as he looks over Leon's corpse, the colour very quickly draining from his face in Chris' hands.
"I'm sorry.. I... Don't know how to stop her..." Chris sobbed.
Chris needed to get Leon back, the gravity of the situation hadn't quite hit him yet. "I'll get you back to the others and.." Chris started to scoop Leon up into his arms, Leon's heart on the ground had sent a sharp pain to Chris' gut. Leon's heart.
All the strength had suddenly left Chris' legs and he could only lift Leon's back and legs, Chris' lips quivering as he looked down to Leon's limp body in his arms. It had now become reality in his mind. Leon was gone. His husband was dead in his arms and he was sitting in this plot of land all alone.
Chris could only lean his head back, facing the sky a he lets out a blood curdling scream, filled with many emotions of pain, sorrow, anger and regret.
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🏷️: @maehemthemisfit @growingupnrealizing @starcrossedreaders @greywardensaywhat
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censoring noah's name is truly pathetic, get a life.
At the very least 40,000 Palestinians have been slaughtered by isr*el, it's been well documented. I've seen pictures of children with their brains hanging out of their heads, I've seen pictures of men, women and children murdered in ways that I'll never forget by the IOF.
Over a million Palestinians are now suffering from starvation because isr*eli people are stopping aid from entering. I have seen pictures of skeletal babies, and it's horrifying.
It's been very well documented by none other than the fucking IOF that they have raped men, women and children, one soldier even bragging about raping a child. They've tortured men, women and children, stolen from families, looted dead bodies, we've recently seen mass graves having been unearth where hundreds of Palestinian bodies have been found, either headless, bound, obvious signs of torture etc.
We've now seen countless isr*eli officials talk, on camera, about wanting to expand their settlement into Gaza and the West Bank. We see this genocide for what it is; they want the land and they will kill & ethnically cleanse the area to get it. This was never about hostages (fyi, over 700,000 Palestinians, since the 40s, have been kidnapped by isr*el, but fuck those hostages I guess).
But you know, I'm censoring that little cunts name & I'm the one that needs to get a life? How about stop worshipping celebs? I have a life because I don't worship celebs & hang on their every word & feel the need to defend them left, right and centre. I do my own research & I think for myself. Try it sometime?
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fairyqueentitana · 1 year
Let's talk about TVD
For those who don't know TVD is the shortened name for the series known as The Vampire Diaries, the story centres around a girl by the name of Elena Gilbert after the tragic death of her parents.
Elena survives the accident that took her parents' lives and is preparing for her first day of school at the beginning of the series. Now, this all seems nice and mundane until the story progresses and she is dragged into the world of vampires, witches and werewolves, did I mention that she is a doppelganger and the most essential ingredient in a ritual that she has to die in. Yeah so not how she saw her life going.
To make matters worse she gets trapped in a love triangle between her boyfriend Stefan and his brother Damon. Right now that you are all caught up let's jump in.
While the show is quite popular and people celebrate the final victories of Elena and her friends I have an issue with multiple things.
Several Characters in this show are SA'ed one way or another and everyone acts like it's okay. When we are introduced to the Salvatore brothers the reason we are given for their feud is a woman. Not just any woman their sire and the 2nd doppelganger Katerina Petrova aka Katherine Pierce. She moves into their home and flirts with both men while compelling them to keep the relationship a secret from the other brother. While Damon was okay with her vampirism, Stefan was not he was horrified and did not want to be intimate with her anymore. What does Katherine do? Compel him to be fine with it and then continues to be intimate with him. Guys that isn't normal she should have stopped what she did was wrong. The second example is Damon Salvatore who I have to wonder if he is a serial offender what he did to Caroline was awful and nobody really told him off about it he even became best friends with her mother! Then he proceeds to do this with Andy Starr and admits that he was taught to do this by his mentor a female vampire by the name of Sage. He never apologises for these things. Others who come to mind are Klaus, Kol and Lucien however I can't confirm these so they are off the hook.
Elena Gilbert is either Toxic/narcissistic as hell. While at the beginning of the show, we see her as a mourning and afraid girl who is protective of her family which is not really who she is. She uses her friends to their own detriment not caring about the consequences until they really affect her. When she finds out about what Damon was doing to Caroline she scolded him briefly and moved on from the matter then after Caroline is changed she seems to completely forget why Caroline doesn't like Damon and even starts to treat him better than her friend. Another thing Bonnie Bennett has died countless times to protect and help Elena always at her own determent. When Bonnie dies she cries when she finds out it can kill Bonnie she cries but she does not learn from this at all, may I remind yall Bonnie's grams died doing something for ELENA. Then when it comes to not making enemies this girl just makes things worse for herself I mean yes Rebekah was the villain in her book but she had a chance to earn respect and Rebekah's trust what does this girl do stabs her in the back literally then pouts and cries when Rebekah runs her off of a bride when she in her infinite wisdom would not have been in that situation if she had left the woman alone. The situation with the cure as well pissed me off as they knew the consequences of killing an original and chose to kill Kol committing mass genocide and leaving Klaus with his brother's corpse. We all know they could have incapacitated him instead or like any wise person wait on Klaus. Elena is everyone's focus and they constantly sacrifice for her and she does not ever decide to do something smart about it to have a peaceful life. That bothers me.
Caroline and Bonnie Deserved Better. Let's start with our dear Bennett witch, Bonnie Shelia Bennett is a year younger than Elena and so far has died more times than anyone in the show. She never gets a happy ending at all Luka was not on her side and dies, Ben kidnaps her, Jeremy cheats on her and eventually dies, Kai is infatuated with her but tries to kill her, Kol and her would have been fun but it never came to pass and Enzo is killed by Stefan. In addition to it, all her family literally has bad luck with doppelgangers, Amara ran off with Qetsiyah's fiance, Katherine sold out Emily and got her burned at the stake and Elena was the reason Bonnie's mum lost her magic and became a vampire, Shelia died and Bonnie well you get my point. Everything was for Elena and Bonnie lost everything so many times. Now unto Caroline, she has been compelled, raped, taken advantage of, killed and turned without her consent, hated by her parents, and tortured by one of them. And before Klaus, she was of the opinion that every guy she was interested in preferred Elena. And sometimes Elena made things worse. She had a crush on Stefan he turned her down for the copy of his ex/rapist. She likes Matt that's cool and all but he still loves and will always choose Elena. He even looks to her for guidance/approval when it comes to his relationship with the blonde. And Tyler is an idiot who is situationally in love with caroline. The only man that really and truly wanted her honestly she could not be with cause he was Elena's enemy. And she only tells him on the condition he leaves town, not for her sake but everyone else's. When she finally gets Stefan he dies on the same day they get married. Caroline and Bonnie never get their happy-ending relationships because both of them lose the men they love every time. In addition, I would like to point out that they sacrificed so much and hardly got anything from it. Moving on from their love lives when someone turns off their humanity a lot of the things they say are honest to a point. I firmly believe a lot of the misery Elena put the both through without her humanity was the deeply buried thoughts the girl had. There is so much more I want to touch on but I'll leave these three points for now. Please note that I will be doing another relationship dive on TVD and the next show getting talked about will be either MLB, H2O just add water or Teen Wolf.
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